#and he’s quieter than my other male coworkers
redbleedingrose · 1 year
You know what I’m thinking about rn? That’s been consuming my thoughts for a while? That maybe one day I’ll write a fanfic for when I have the time?
A co-workers to best friends to lovers trope with Az.
I meannnnn just imagine it
Imagine being Azriel’s best and favorite spy
Imagine coming back every weekend for meetings with him and the other spy’s, imagine drinking together and getting to know each other and playing cards together.
Imagine the cocky smirk he sends you, knowing his cards are better than anyone else’s at the table
Imagine smirking right back, shrugging your shoulders with a smug look across your face
Imagine you constantly beating the “unbeatable” spymaster
Imagine him, and everyone else, being shook as you cackle while sliding all the money towards you
Imagine the shared looks between you during meetings
Looks of exasperation when someone gets really talkative and all you wanna do is sleep
Looks of humor when someone says something out of pocket
Looks of confusion as someone says something questionable
Looks of longing that are missed between you
Imagine the mutual teasing that takes place. Imagine the coworker relationship slipping into a best friendship
Imagine you standing outside of River house for 20 minutes on the balcony, staring in and waiting for Az to notice
Imagine he steps away from everyone and slips onto the balcony
Imagine everyone in the inner circle hearing a teasing laugh as he slides the door shut behind him, “Aren’t you supposed to be spymaster shadowsinger? I’ve been out here for 20 minutes”
Imagine him looking at you, his face set with annoyance, but his hazel eyes flashing with something deeper as he snatches you by the waist and winnows you to his office for a debriefing
Imagine opening up during these debriefs to each other.
Imagine him telling you about his life and his deepest darkest secrets during these debriefs.
Imagine you doing the same
Imagine how it does change things between you.
But not in a bad way.
In a way where you constantly are able to read each other. Are able to pick up on what the other is thinking. It shifts you both into sync.
Imagine his shadows absolutely adoring you
Imagine them playing with your hair during meetings
Or curling around your ankles and wrists whenever you stand near Azriel
Imagine Azriel trying to pull them back but ultimately failing
Because the one place he doesn’t have control of his shadows, is around you
Imagine knowing each other for centuries and missing each other. Right person wrong time vibes.
When you met him, he was windswept with Morr
And then when he realized his feelings for you, but you were in a relationship with someone else
And then you break up with your someone, only to find out that Azriel is somewhat infatuated with Elain
What he doesn’t tell you is that he needed to be thinking about someone else other than you.
Because you had consumed his life. Consumed his every thought. He wasn’t able to concentrate, constantly thinking about what you are doing, how you are doing, how whatever situation he was in would make you laugh, or how you would love this little trinket that he found away on a mission.
And maybe he couldn’t deal with it anymore because you were taken. Because you weren’t his.
You weren’t his to constantly be thinking about.
But gods damnit, did he want you to be
Imagine you being incredibly jealous of Elain. Imagine wishing that you were different. That you were softer, that you were quieter and gentle.
Imagine having to walk away from them several times with your heart entirely too heavy. Imagine going downstairs to the kitchen to drink your sorrows away as the twin wraiths coddle you.
Imagine his jealousy when you start to seek out comfort from another male spy. Imagine the heartbreak he feels when you start to pull away. Imagine the pain he feels when he realizes that you no longer seek him out for comfort after a rough mission, instead electing to go see the other male spy.
Imagine him creating a rule of no coworkers relations because of it
Imagine going on missions together all the time
Imagine the protectiveness he feels towards you. Imagine how it’s been the start of a couple of arguments. Because even though he trusts you, the thought of losing you is something that is unbearable.
Imagine him having to give in because you are his best spy, and the person he trusts most with his life and secrets
Imagine him flying you to wherever your mission is at.
Imagine his shivers as you bury your face into his neck and cling to him as he ascends into new heights
Imagine him playfully loosening his grasp mid flight, even though he would never dream or dropping you, which only makes you scream a scolding at him while clinging to him tighter, clenching at his Illyrian leathers and wrapping your legs tightly around his waist
Imagine the mission going terribly wrong, and having to sleep in a cave while he recovers
Imagine you taking care of him, rubbing salve all over his injured wings while his shadows swirl around you both, hiding you from the rest of the world
Imagine it being freezing cold outside. Imagine the fire not being enough to keep you warm.
Imagine him worrying about your shivering despite his near fatal wounds.
Imagine him pulling you into his arms, and resting your head against his chest and he burrows his face into your hair, allowing for your scent tinged with some sweat to soothe him
Imagine wrapping your arms around his waist and listening to his heartbeat the entire night to make sure it doesn’t stop, sleep escaping you despite the hypnotizing lull
Imagine when he wakes up to find you stroking his hand, tracing the lines of the scars that mar them. And he just watches you, silently wondering what your thinking as his heart starts to race. Imagine you feeling the change in the rythmn to his heart.
Imagine you adjusting to look up at him.
Imagine when you meet his beautiful gaze, something snaps within you both.
And suddenly… you don’t need the fire to keep you warm
All you need is him.
Imagine coming back home from the mission. Imagine the buildup as he leaves you to rest in his room as informs Rhys that he’s gonna need some time off to sort some things out.
Imagine everyone in the inner circle being like, “about time”
“We have been betting for decades on when your dumbass realizes she’s the one”
Imagine the dumb grin that lilts his face as he nods his head in goodbye
Imagine him taking you to this little chateau where you spend a month together on your own, exploring the new dynamic of your relationship
Imagine accepting the bond. And the frenzy that comes afterwards. Imagine him being so happy and content so freely for the first time
Imagine his deep belly laughs at your little jokes. Imagine the smile that constantly tugs at his usual stoic face when he catches the slightest glimpse at you. Imagine his shadows being completely enamored by you, constantly reaching out to tug you into their masters embrace.
Imagine the pure joy, happiness, and contentedness that you both share as mates, wanting nothing more than each other.
Yeah anyway… just thinking about him today
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A Flirt and a Hero?
This is my first fanfic on here and it’s been AWHILE so be gentle with me and let me know if you want more!
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Slight warning!: hint of violence and gross intoxicated men flirting.
You were on your first month or so working at this tavern/inn and it was the busiest time of week, thankfully it was still early and the rush hadn’t come yet. You had gotten used to the brash comments and drunkards of the nightly crowd, getting to know a bit of the regulars and hearing the tales of adventures near and far, though half the time you know most of the stories are a bit stretched to say the least. Although it paid fine and the tips are typically pretty good, given you were a fairly attractive elven woman, it wasn’t too hard to flirt your way into making a few extra coins. Plus you enjoyed a good flirt once and awhile.
As the night was picking up and the crowd was flowing it slowly but surely you saw some familiar faces, some you like and some you frankly wish they’d lose a bar fight and never come back but what can you do, just smile, get the ladies out a bit and work your magic, just another night.
You were bringing out an order along with another barmaid that worked there, cute curvy tiefling girl named Scarlett who had been working there forever apparently. Walking over to her table she took lead and was doing most of the talking, being respectful to her getting her tips you remained on the quieter side of things and spoke when you had to, dropping off the drinks, it was a loud group that you had seen fairly often, Vox Machina is what they called themselves, you yourself hadn’t heard of the group but a few coworkers sure did.
The small male Gnome was flirting up a storm to Scarlett, not that you could blame him, some of the stuff he said was…creative to put it nicely. Though there was a certain half elf man that caught your eye and luckily you had his drink.
“And this is for you handsome.” You said as you sat his ale down on the table, he turned his head to you and gave a smirk followed with a light chuckle “well well if I knew the service would be so charming I would’ve dressed better.” He returned your energy, you knew were going going to have some fun flirting with this one if he keeps it up. “I bet you say that to all the barmaids” you teased as you playfully pouted and walked away from the table with Scarlett. You felt his lingering gaze upon your back and you couldn’t help but have a slight grin on your face.
As you continued to make rounds, refilling tankards and bringing over food you caught the waving of a hand, your eyes followed the arm and saw that same half elf man dressed in black, although he was at a different, smaller table and his friends were scattered about the tavern. You sauntered over towards him with a sweet smile. “Need something?” You ask as you hold the currently empty tray in front of you, flat against your body. “Yes indeed, I need your name, love.” He stated as he leaned onto the table he was sitting at, resting his chin on one hand, the other gesturing for you to join him. You get closer to the end of the table but don’t sit down, you might get in trouble for that given it’s gotten so busy. “My name? How can you ask me that when I don’t know who you are?” You tap his nose with your finger to further the flirtation and he takes your hand gently before you can pull it away and placed his lips on the back of your hand, giving it a kiss. “The name is Vax, now it’s your turn beautiful.” He gave you a wink afterwards.
Even you, who’s heard every line, every flirt and then some felt your cheeks become slightly warmer than before, he was good and he knew it. “Well if you’re gonna kiss me more to get my name, maybe I won’t tell you!” You playfully pulled your hand back and rushed off, gotta leave them wanting more right? Even though you were the one wanting a bit more this time. He, unbeknownst to you, swiftly followed you back to the bar and was sitting down when you turned back to head back out to deliver yet another ale. You stopped, a bit surprised he was so quick to follow.
“Now, aren’t you a naughty one.” He chuckled out as he scanned you from head to toe and back up. Your uniform tight against your body and corset bringing out your curves. “Wait right here and I’ll tell you anything you want.” You say as you pass him, speaking softer so only he would hear. Your free hand brushing some hair as you do so. You deliver the ale to the table and one of the very drunk men grabbed you a little more aggressively than you’d like. “Oh- was there something else you needed?” You asked, trying to pry away from his grasp slightly, it was no use. He pulled you onto his lap and was trying to convince you to come with him for the night.
“C’mon little lady! A pretty thing like you should have fun with someone like me, let me show you a good time!!” He was slurring his words and barely keeping direct eye contact despite you being literally on his lap, you hop up and push away saying “No! Now let go of me!” He had said some less than respectful things to not only you but every waitress in here so he lost the whole ‘politely decline’ privileges. As per usual this didn’t sit well with him or his other wasted buddies at the table. You were backing away as they advanced and soon you felt an arm snake around your waist and pulled you away, as you looked you saw a familiar black garb and saw Vax. “Now I believe this lady and many others have said ‘No’ and I best believe your respect that before you get your ass beaten.”
The men in front of you both laughed. “And what are you gonna do pretty boy?! Hit me?” Vax, who was calm as still water laughed himself a bit and shook his head “Oh no no, you’re mistaken, I can’t be bothered with that, but he will.” He pointed.. above him? Oh right! He has a Goliath friend! From what you saw he was the cheerful one other that the Druid girl, but when you saw him now he looked battle ready, even without a weapon in hand. He threw his fist into his other hand and had a bloodthirsty grin. “Best we go now, love” Vax spoke softly to you as he weaved you both through the crowed just in time for the brawl to break out. You blinked as you watched the main hall get absolutely destroyed by not only the man and Goliath but everyone else who started fighting elsewhere in here.
You looked up at him as he let you go, his hand resting on his hip paired with his grin. “A flirt and a hero I see, what a combo.” You smile and close the distance a bit, your chest touching his. “My name is Y/n, it’s nice to meet you Vax.” His grin grew bigger as you got close. “Trust me, the pleasure is mine. Wanna get out of this place?” You weren’t sure if he meant to have some ‘fun’ or to just flirt more but either way you were game.
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softsky-daily · 6 months
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If you squint really hard you can see the white speck that is the moon.
Positive thing: I actually finished another book within the day, and I made more yummy fried rice.
The book wasn't that good, but still, it's been a very long time since I've just read through books daily like this. I honestly think it might've been high school when I last read so often. College really kept me too busy and my brain too evaporated to focus on recreational reading so it's nice to get back to it.
I was reading in the middle of work since I had finished literally all the tasks I could think of within like 2 hours and my coworker somehow got me to do all the heavy lifting for some books she wanted to move today. I think I'm mostly annoyed because I just can't understand what she's thinking. It's one thing to be given a task by our boss and she's asking for help, I don't mind that so much since I can understand why she's doing it, but as far as I could tell (and after I questioned her and got a response like "I just feel like they'll want us to move it so let's do it before they ask") there was no reason for us to move them now. I hate doing things for no reason and I especially hate doing things for no reason that someone else roped me into doing for them. Waste my time in a way that's logical or fun at least but if it's completely busy work that you want to do but make me do then get outta here.
Ok I just deleted a whole other paragraph complaining about my coworker and now you're seeing this instead. You've been spared a very long and salty ramble.
Anyway, switching gears so I stop getting re-upset about my coworker, I legit still haven't stopped thinking about 逃げ恥. I've tried to keep quieter about it mostly because the level at which I love it so much is embarrassing to admit but also there's hardly an English audience for it? Which makes sense, but I can't even find gifs or whatever of it on Tumblr and I thought they liked dramas on here. It was a huge phenomenon in Japan, so I've mostly been lurking around random Japanese blogs trying to get my fix on the meta response to the show.
I think if I had to put into words the specific things that make it hit for me specifically I'd list it out like this:
The main female lead literally has a grad degree in clinical psychology so she's me fr. Also I think she's really pretty
The main male lead is respectful and grows so much throughout the show it reminds me of how Tumblr people go crazy for that guy in Pride and Prejudice because he cleans up his act. I also think he's really pretty
A lot of the show is actually a social commentary, which I find fascinating especially from a Japanese context
The romantic shenanigans are so good because they're based on playing with social hierarchies which to me is the coolest way to explore relationship dynamics of any kind
It feels comfortable through the very end, with nothing feeling overly contrived or like they were miscommunicating for no reason
Alright I'll stop myself there or this post will be longer than it already is. I gotta get to work tomorrow good night
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For the ask thing, 27, 32 and 35 l. Maybe with tattoos. Maybe?
Thank you!! ❤ Sorry for the wait <3 50 cliché tropes and prompts 27) Help me I’m being hit on at a bar please be my fake boyfriend for a second 32) A soft smile before leaning in for a kiss 35) “Do you trust me?” Read on AO3 (it's too long to post here ;_; fuck tumblr). Sneak peek under the cut:
Rin really wishes he hadn’t gone along with his coworkers’ suggestion to go out for a drink together but, alas, here he is, downing another out of too-many-shots, getting his eardrums blasted with some loud beats to a song he he can’t fully make out over the bass and the noise of his coworkers attempting to yell to each other louder than said music. He’s only 27, so he doesn't really consider himself old quite yet, but he still feels way too old for this. Then again, it had never really been his forté to go clubbing, if he's being completely honest. A coworker named Chiaki turns away from another coworker and towards him instead, then yells something, but Rin can’t hear what she’s trying to say over all the noise. “What?” He yells back, and she moves closer to him. “Want to go next door? To the bar? It’s getting a bit crowded in here,” she yells again, this time nearly directly into his ear. It’s been crowded since before we came, he’s tempted to point out, but he doesn’t. “Sure,” he agrees, and helps them gather the rest of their coworkers before all six of them head out. They go into the bar, and Rin instantly notices how much quieter and less crowded it is, way before he even gets a chance to properly gain any other impression of the place. Then slowly: it’s dark, but lighter than the club. People look older here, too, though not old. There is a gathering of roughly 20 or 30 people dancing in one area, otherwise the rest are scattered around the bar or sitting down around the tables and booths. The music is at an adequate level, one where Rin's actually able to make out words and tunes other than just eardrum-damaging bass.
Working as a hair stylist has its pros and its cons. Rin enjoys the work a lot. He loves the variety of experience he gets, the work flow, his coworkers and most of his customers, and the pay at his current salon is surprisingly also nothing to complain about. However, his job does include having to stand up almost the entire day, and having done so this day - standing up for his entire 9 hours long shift, followed by another hour at the club, he can currently feel the day catching up to him. He decides to stay at the bar, sitting down on a stool just to rest his feet for a little bit, declining several invitations to go dance with his coworkers to regain some sense of feeling in his feet and legs. He orders a yuzu cocktail, and sips it while watching his coworkers on the dancefloor with a smile, his back leaning slightly against the counter of the bar. He manages to finish his drink before his thoughts are interrupted. “Are you here all by yourself?” A male voice asks from beside him. Rin turns around towards the sound, unsure at first if it was really him that was being asked, or if it was someone else. A young man has sat down beside him without him noticing it, and he wonders for a moment how he didn’t - the man is tall, with dark, greasy-looking hair slicked back and distinct features, including a prominent jaw. He appears rather sophisticated, wearing a suit as if he just got out of either some important meeting or a boring office job. “No,” Rin simply says with a polite smile. “That’s too bad,” the man says. “Who are you here with?” “Why do you ask?” Rin doesn’t want to come off as rude, but he also knows from past experience to never indulge strangers in even the vaguest of suspicious questions. People usually only ask others whether they're alone or not if they have some sort of intention to go with that, and Rin doesn't have any interest in whatever intention lies behind this man asking it. “Hey, no need to be cold,” the man chuckles. “Can I buy you a drink?” Rin is about to answer, when a hand is suddenly on his shoulder. He quickly looks up, only to see Makiko, another coworker of his, smile far too widely at him, almost as if it’s a bit forced. “Hey, wanna come dance with us?” she asks, and Rin gets the hint immediately. She’s trying to help him out. “Sure,” Rin smiles back, grateful for the way out. He looks down at the stranger, and, as politely as possible, says: “Thanks for the offer, but I’ll have to say no.” The stranger looks annoyed, but Rin can’t find it in him to care, and allows Makiko to drag him off to the relatively small dancing area. He dances for what feels like hours, but is likely no more than 20 minutes, judging by the few songs that have played in the background. After a close and almost provocative dance with a coworker named Minato to some upbeat pop song, he goes to order another drink for himself, something light this time, just to take off the worst of his thirst. He notices a guy with dark, raven-colored, soft-looking, short hair sitting at the bar. Their eyes meet, and Rin swears he’s never seen eyes so deeply and perfectly blue before. A part of him feels a little speechless for a moment, but he still manages to smile at him. Surprisingly enough, even though the guy doesn’t seem to be the type of person who would smile back, he does. A little smile, but it's still there. He appears quite fascinated with Rin at first glance, but he quickly looks away again. Rin gets his drink, thanks the bartender, downs it, then goes back to the dance floor with a last glance to the stranger with pretty eyes, disappointed not to get to see them again, but just the backside of the guy’s head. Read the rest on AO3.
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swiftful-thinking13 · 3 years
What did your work crush do? Don't leave us hanging🥺🥺
this man ✋🏽😭 okay so last week I shopped around a bit bc I was going to use my employee discount & he noticed and was like “do you want me to hold your stuff?” So he did and then two days ago I was folding pants and he was like “hey is that the shirt you got the other day? It looks great on you! That was a good choice” 😭😭 THEN the following day, some lady yelled at me and I brushed it off bc ya know ✨retail✨ and ten minutes later he pulled me aside and was like “Can we have a chat? Was that the lady who yelled at you? Are you okay?” and proceeded to ask me if I wanted him to talk to her and kick her out of the store LOLOL OH and today I told him I was able to cover his shift bc he asked me if I could and he asked how I like my coffee because he owes me😭 and whenever Taylor comes on in the store he points at me LOL like today cornelia street and paper rings came on and we made eye contact :D also I’m v good at keeping our pant wall nice and neat and every time he compliments it I melt
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echos-newlegs · 3 years
Can I request 8 from the list with Tech?
Stop Thinking
Ahh yes!
Tech x Reader: "No, no- I liked it."
Warnings: slight cursing
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Tech licked his lips. Squinting with furrowed brows as he looked at himself in the mirror. He was feeling self conscious about himself, and it didn't help you and the others decided to head for 79s. A place full of regs.. Normal clones. Perfect clones. Clones you seemed to get along with as well as you got along with him and his brothers.
"Tech, you about ready?" Your voice called from outside the door, and he felt his breath catch. "I uh, yeah, one second." He called back. Running his fingers through his hair one last time. Then slipping out of the fresher. None of you were dressed fancy. You all had your blacks on and lower armor still attached. The others already waiting outside while you stayed back for Tech.
He looked over to you. You were seated on a chair. Fixing your boots, then straightening up when you saw him trail out. "You feeling okay?" You asked. Looking at his slightly distressed form. Hands trembling a bit. "Yeah, I'm fine." You frowned. You knew he wasn't, but you didn't try and press it.
You stood up, looking up to the taller male with a small smile. "Ready then?" He nodded. You opening the door and heading out of the Marauder. Closing the door behind the two of you. He was quieter than normal as the two of you trailing behind his brothers as they bickered and rambled.
You were concerned to say the least. "It's really nice tonight, " you tried to start a conversation and he looked over. Nodding a bit. He was thankful you were trying. His mind was wandering, degrading every little thing about himself. "It really is, the stars are beautifully aligned, too." He commented, and you smiled. Looking up as the five of you went to get a cab.
You and Tech had to take a separate one. The ride was quiet, but it wasn't awkward. You were relaxed and he felt a little better just with you. You never once treated him differently for being defective. You treated him with the same respect you did other clones. If anything, you were a bit nicer to him than most. Always holding conversations, smiling his way, or going out of your way to help him. It always made his day a little brighter. Especially on days like these.
"You gunna dance with me?" You asked as you both approached 79's. You've only danced with him once. It was when you were both pretty buzzed, he was actually drunker than you. Which was a shock, but you never forgot it. It was one of the best nights of your life, and by the way he smiled fondly and his cheeks tinted pink. You were sure he at least remembered a bit of it. "Sure," you giggled a bit at that.
You walked out of the cab. Tech waiting for you to catch up with him. Two of you walking in to see the rest of the gang towards the back where they normally sat. You were going to head back there, but was stopped by the 104th. "Y/n!" Comet and Sinker nearly screamed as they ran over to you. Making you smile and snicker. Giving Tech a small glance as if to say you would join him in a bit. It didn’t take him long to disband from your side and head for the others.
You could practically feel who you assumed was Crosshair glaring daggers into the back of your skull for the five minutes you were talking to the troopers. You were just catching up, it was harmless. Or at least that’s what you thought.
“Sorry, I’m back,” you spoke with a small laugh as you sat at the booth the bad batch took over as theirs. “Welcome!” Wrecker chirped. Shoving you lightly with a snicker, and you snickered back. Eyes moving to Hunter and Crosshairs. “What..?” You spoke with a bit of a frown. “Why were you talking to them?” Cross spat, and you sighed. “Cross, I used to work for the 104th, I’m not about to ignore them. How’d you feel if I got assigned another troop and I just straight up ignored you guys?” You spat back. You noticed Hunters expression changed. He seemed to change his view point on it all, but Crosshair just scoffed.
“We should just enjoy our drinks-“ “Can it, Tech,” Cross sneered, and his eyes moved back to yours. Leaning over the table, but you didn’t back up. “They’re regs, we don’t talk to them, what part of that do you not understand?” It was your turn to lean in now. Furrowing your brow. “What part of you don’t run my life do you not understand?” You snarled. Smacking your hands on the table and standing.
“Wait, where are you going?” Wrecker asked, and you didn’t even turn to answer. “The bar.” Tech sat there and sighed. Head in hands. “They mean no harm and you know it,” “Tech we know as good as you that you feel insecure when she talks with the Regs.” Tech snapped his attention to his brother. Frown forming on his face. Nostrils flaring, “You don’t know bantha shit,” he snapped, and headed off to the bar as well.
It was nights like these he wished he was normal. Kriff, he loved his brothers, but their attitudes were always too stern and glum. He needed change, so he decided to accompany you at the bar with Comet, Sinker, Boost, Wolffe, and a few other troopers.
You noticed him approaching, smiling, but then frowning a bit. “If you came to drag me back to the table I won’t. I’m not letting Crosshairs petty attitude ruin my night.” He shook his head, fingers fiddling with the armor on his thighs. “No, I came to join you, actually.” Your smiled returned. Shoving Comet with a grin. “Move over, Tech sits by me!” Comet grumbled a bit, but did as told. “Yes, Sir,” he spoke and you rolled your eyes with a toothy grin.
“Alright Tech, this is Comet, Sinker, and Boost, that over there is Wolffe.” Everyone but Wolffe waved. “Don’t let him scare you off, he’s actually quite enjoyable.” You informed Tech with a grin. Shooting Wolffe a wink, which made the commander roll his eyes. Lips curled just shy of a smile. “Everyone, this is Tech, a good friend of mine.” He knew it shouldn’t, but you addressing him as a friend and not a coworker made his chest bubble with joy. Smiling as the others waved and welcomed him.
You, Tech, and The Wolfpack all participated in some drinking games with one another. One of them was ‘take a shot each time you could make Wolffe roll his eyes, two if he rolled his head and eyes.’ Though after some time you all moved to a different one since the buzz was hitting and Sinker was singing ‘Sweet Caroline,’ in a near scream.
You were laughing and enjoying yourself, and Tech spent most of the time looking over and studying your face. The way your nose scrunched up when you scolded one of the troopers, jokingly. The way your eyes nearly closed when you were laughing at a joke. Or even just the way your smile never seemed to faulter. This is what he wanted. He wanted an environment like this. One with you happy constantly. Where you weren’t scolding his brothers for something stupid. Or even himself. He began to wonder if you should transfer back to the 104th, or another legion in general.
His thoughts got the best of him again. Zoning out as he played with an empty shot glass on the counter. Coming back to when you nudged his side. “Hm?” “You good, Tech?” You asked, and his eyes widened. Realizing he was zoned out. He nodded, forcing a smile. “Yeah uh, yeah I’m fine. I just uhm.. need some air, is all.” He spoke, turning in the chair and heading off to the doors. You weren’t about to let this slide any longer.
You jumped off your stool, heading for the door with him. Catching it before it closed. The music still able to be heard outside the door once shut. “Hey, what’s wrong?” You asked, watching him turn around with a near hurt expression. “Don’t lie, either, I know you aren’t okay, I’ve been working around you long enough to know that.” You spoke. Approaching him a bit closer. You watched as he caved in. You could see it by the way he seemed to slump forward. His light eyes seeming to shatter. Worrying at his bottom lip.
“Y/n?..” he spoke, and you tilted your head a bit. “What is it, Techy?” You didn’t use that nickname on him much. Mainly only for your ears to hear. You weren’t sure of it at first, but he seemed to take a liking to it. Tech closing his eyes and sighing at the nickname. Then slowly opening them again. “I don’t think you belong with us.” He told you, and you furrowed your brows. He could tell his words hurt you, and he knew they would. “What?” Your voice wavered a bit. “I don’t mean it in anything against you, Kriff. You’re absolutely perfect, but you just seem so much happier with the 104th.” He told you. “I want what’s best for you, and well,” he chuckled, beginning to pace in front of you. “Quite honestly we aren’t the best. We’re stubborn, hard to work with, and quite un-enjoyable half the times.”
You folded your arms over your chest. “And you think the Wolfpack is any better? Did you see Wolffe? His scold is worse than Hunter and Crosshairs combined, and he holds a grudge as long, and if not longer than all of you. Then Sinker? Boost? Comet? For stars sake they’re a handful, they’re crazy, and chaotic, and Tech. What I’m trying to say is every clone unit has its flaws. No matter what. Whether it be the commander, Captain, General, Arc Trooper, whoever. There’s flaws in everyone.” You told him.
He stopped his pacing. Watching you as you told your spew, “and honestly, Tech. You aren’t in the authority to tell me what is good for me. I enjoy you all, even if I disagree with you all at times. I don’t expect a perfect troop. We’re in a war for makers sake,” you spoke, and noticed him shift at the mention of the war. “I enjoy all of you. Tech.. I enjoy you.” His eyes lit up at that. Then he looked back down.
“I’m not like them though, I’m blind, I can’t see without.. Without these,” he tapped his goggles. “I’m tan, sure, but I’m lighter than even my brothers and.. I stand out, and I hate it, y/n,” he rubbed the back of his neck with a sigh. “I feel like I’m not good enough,” your heart shattered into a million tiny pieces at his words. Stepping closer. Pausing when he seemed to tense. Reaching out to place your hands on his shoulders as if to ground him as you looked up to him.
You just stood there, watching his eyes look over yours for a moment. Searching for an answer, like he always was. “Tech, stop thinking.” He furrowed his brow. “You’re overthinking all of this, you’re good enough, in my eyes you are.” You told him. Watching as he seemed to relax under your touch. Hands running up to rest on the sides of his neck. Thumbs rubbing his exposed skin. Making him shudder. “I don’t care if you’re different,or that you need glasses. Tech, you’re absolutely perfect to me. You’re brilliant, handsome, and a fucking badass.” You both snickered at that. Techs fingers tapping at his thighs.
“Thank you,” you smiled and nodded. “‘Course.” The both of you standing there for a second. Taking in the moment and the touch of one another. Then you made a move that you immediately blamed on the booze. Pressing a quick kiss to his lips, and he froze up. Eyes widening. “Sorry I-“ you blurted, taking a step back. Pulling your hands from the base of his neck, but he caught them with his. His hands carefully holding yours. “No no- I liked it,” he assured, and you both smiled. Cheeks tinted pink. “Well..” you hummed, “you still up for that dance?” He chuckled and nodded. “Always.”
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cloverque · 3 years
monochrome (miya atsumu)
黑白 (宮 侑)
your life is like the black and white panels in a manga, until a certain someone dyed his vivid colours into yours
5190 words
past highschool, present post timeskip, nostalgic themes(?), tiny enemies to lovers trope, theme revolves around unconfessed love until years later
a reuploded request from an anon-then-now-my-friend! <3 not edited
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Monochrome. Your life was like the black and white pages in a manga; dull and neutral. There was nothing special about you, for the most part, you were ordinary.
At some point, almost every girl would like a colourful romance. One with blooming roses, scintillating sparkles and handsome young men. Topped off with promises of abiding love and vibrant days filled with never ending mirth.
However, you never pursued it, nor did it find you, and that was alright. Besides, what was the point of heart throbbing ardour if it were all to come to an inevitable end?
With a few clicks, your computer was turned off. You began clearing your desk, sorting out your folders and files when your colleague spun around in their chair.
“Hey, (l/n)-san. Did you hear?” The mousey woman enquired. A small smile was etched across her makeup coated face as she continued. “There’s going to be a dinner function! It’ll be held in the fancy hotel across the building.”
Your coworker across your table stood up to peer pass the desk divider. She chimed in with avidity, “I’m soooo going tonight! I heard the other divisions has a ton of hotties. No way in hell I’m gonna turn down a chance to meet ‘em!”
“Geez, you’re always thinking about men...” The lady beside you sighed, before returning her gaze back to you. “So, wanna go together?”
You shook your head, “Count me out. I already have plans tonight.” As you got up and shifted your handbag, you smiled apologetically. “Let me know if anything interesting happens, though.”
“Oh, okay... See you tomorrow,” she bid you farewell, albeit disappointedly. You nodded and bid the duo the same.
When your back was turned to them, the lady across the divider whispered to the one beside you. You knew what they were prattling about: that you were plain and boring. Wordlessly, you left the room, your heels clacking against the tiles as you made your way to the elevator.
As the double digits on the digital screen changed to singular ones, you closed your eyes.
Truthfully, it would be a lie to say that your life was completely monochrome. It was once colourful, after all, despite being for a short period.
Those days had involved a boy named Miya Atsumu, and he was the one who had brought colour into your high school days.
It all began in a manga shop.
You were in your second year of high school then, and would frequent a manga shop on the way home. It was sandwiched between a decently sized Lawson and an antique shop, on a quieter side of town.
The shop was abundant with not only manga, but also multifarious classics and second hand books. With its reserved location, not many knew of its existence, thus it went unnoticed by hordes of rambunctious manga fanatics.
It was perfect for you; your little safe place. However, you didn’t know that it was also frequented by a particular faux blonde.
You had wandered in with a specific title in mind, looking forward to getting your hands on it the whole day. Meanwhile, the boy’s brain was so preoccupied with volleyball and upcoming matches that he didn’t notice you, in an identical school uniform, lingering in the same section.
And like a sick cliche, your fingers bumped into his.
Withdrawing your hand, you snuck a side glance, only to see a broad chest in your line of sight. You slowly tilted your head to meet his steely gaze. Flinching, you practically whipped around when you realised the boy was towering over you.
“Um, sorry...” You mumbled out whilst backing away.
Atsumu’s brows were scrunched together as he took in your form. He half expected you to latch onto him with your eyes, but you were looking away, at anywhere but him.
Maybe once you got a good look at him, you’d react like all the oestrogen in his life. Squealing his name, asking for his number, all thirsty for his attention.
However, all you did was stand awkwardly, without uttering a single word. The oddity took him aback slightly. Thus, he decided to play with you a bit.
The teen perked his brows slightly before pointing at the manga’s spine. “Don’t cha want this?” He gestured, making you nod. A cruel smirk sneaked up to his handsome face.
You thought he was going to pass it to you. Instead, he slipped it out of the shelf and sauntered away. He slapped a few notes onto the cashier’s counter, making the store owner jump at his boldness. The boy with the undercut swiftly shuffled towards the entrance, his book bag slung over his back with the manga dangling from his long fingers.
Gawking, you watched as the automatic sliding doors opened for him. You wanted to call him back, to demand him to return it to you. But you knew it was impossible. The manga wasn’t yours, after all.
The blonde cocked his back to catch a glimpse of you. Noticing your conflicted expression, a mischievous grin spread across his face. He stuck out his tongue at you, cackling as your eyes widened and your face flushed. Then he left as soon as he came.
Your entire body trembled with embarrassment and humiliation. What just happened...!?
To make your day worst, you later learnt that the manga was the last one in stock. The rest of your day was spent stabbing your food and antagonising your pillow.
The next day, you found him again in the manga shop, but with grey hair. You almost dropped your book bag as you stomped towards him, fuming and ready to pounce on him.
The ash grey haired teen glanced at you with a deadpanned expression as you stopped beside him, shaking with infuriation.
“How could you do that to me yesterday!? You took the last one! The! Last! One!” Your nostrils flared as you exhaled. “Now I have no wait an entire week– And why’s your hair grey now–!?”
Despite your confrontation, the boy remained unfazed as he cocked a dark brow. It took him a few seconds to realise. He glanced up at the ceiling then back at you.
“Sorry, I think you’re mistaken,” he began politely, maintaining a neutral expression. “But the person you’re talking about is probably my obnoxious twin.”
This encounter had ended with a deep bow and a deluge of apologies. Nodding, the more reserved twin gave you a cold ‘ok’ before ambling away.
Since then, you realised that there were two twins in your school: the Miya brothers. The asshole was Atsumu, and the quieter one was Osamu. Or at least, they had seemed that way to you, on account of your personal experiences.
You wondered how you had never noticed them until now, especially when they stood out during assemblies due to their dyed hair. Not to mention their questionable popularity with the girls.
Maybe Osamu was reasonable, but who in the right mind would fall for someone like that blonde jackass Atsumu!?
On one occasion, you were shuffling past the gymnasium for a nurse’s errand when you saw a glimpse of the volleyball club. Bright blonde hair swished past the doors, and you remembered your meeting with the haughty male.
“Nice kill!” A deep voice hollered, followed by the high pitched squeaks of shoes against polished floor. You peeked past the doors, eyes shining with curiosity, when the twins you had met suddenly jumped into the air.
Your eyes were set on Atsumu as he deftly set a volleyball for his brother, who spiked the ball without delay. Sweat glimmered down the faux blonde’s forehead, tracing his jawline before dripping onto the floor. The slap he gave Osamu’s hand reverberated in the gym as they shared matching grins.
Seeing them together really highlighted the fact that they were carbon copies of each other. Your train of thoughts were derailed when a member with dark hair and narrowed eyes pointed in your direction.
Atsumu glanced at you, his smile turned upside down whilst you jolted up. With confident strides, he was in your face in an instant. He gave you a once over before grimacing.
“Get lost.”
Then he slammed the door shut in your face. As you stood frozen in place, unable to register what had happened, Osamu pressed his lips together in a thin line.
“‘Tsumu, that’s no way to treat a lady.”
His golden haired twin simply snorted in response.
Your next encounter with Atsumu took place at the manga shop again. A fight had broken out between the two of you, both unwilling to relent. Gripping the limited edition copy tightly in your hand, you refused to budge.
There were extras, but you had arrived first before the haughty boy and both of you had touched the same copy. Consequently, warring with each other.
Both of you shared exasperated expressions, tugging and pulling desperately for the manga. Neither wanted to throw in the towel. Atsumu was much stronger than you, clearly, his biceps flexing as he clenched his teeth and tried to pry the book from you.
Meanwhile, your two feet were planted firmly in the ground, all your strength poured into rooting yourself into the tiles or risk falling backwards if he were to let go.
However, he would not in a long time.
“Let go, you brat!” He chided, grunting with exasperation. Tugging it back harshly, you almost stumbled.
Growling animalistically, you retorted, “Never!” Then you lunged forward to bite his hand.
The blonde released the manga with a yelp, shoving your face off his hand brutishly. You stumbled back in response, tripping and landing on your bum. A string of saliva dribbled down your lips as you stared up at him, grinning victoriously.
Atsumu glowered, holding his bitten fist with his other hand. A row of teeth had punctured his skin, and you realised there was a little blood. “What the hell is wrong with you!?”
As you stood up and brushed your school skirt, you adjusted your book bag and gripped the manga to your chest. Trembling with anger, you were giddy with pride and sheepishness.
“You slammed a door in my face, asshole!”
Then you rushed past him to pay for your purchase. Atsumu turned to watch you leave, your loafers tapping against the floor softly as you ran off. But when you hopped out of the outlet, you gave him a side glance and stuck out your tongue.
Atsumu recognised the gesture; he pointed a middle finger in return.
Days and weeks went by like that, with Atsumu and you contending against each other to buy the weekly Jump, the first copies of mangas or limited edition prints. It was childish, for two seventeen year olds to tousle with each other.
Atsumu would ruthlessly tug on your hair, screaming bloody murder of your existence and stubbornness. Meanwhile, you resorted to calling him all sorts of colourful words, which would result in the shop owner throwing the two of you out. There was even a time when you both were banned from stepping in until you made up.
It happened eventually, and the two of you would at least communicate with less insults and more civilly. Your peace treaty with him didn’t mean letting him snag first copies of new arrivals, though. But Atsumu and you settled it through more human means, instead of ripping out each other’s hair.
There was one moment in which Atsumu had made your heart beat a little faster, too. It had happened like this: you were found beside the school’s vending machine, crying because you had dropped your shoujo manga in a muddy puddle. It would never have happened if it weren’t for a group of girls that bumped into you on purpose.
Your emotional breakdown ended when Atsumu found you in that pitiful state, squatting by a murky ditch with a floating black and white book. He had stumbled upon you by coincidence, as he was buying a Pocari Sweat.
He recognised your (h/c) locks and your figure even from afar, and when he realised you were crying, he was stumped. Sure, you would cry when he tugged at your hair during fights, but for him to see your tear stained face outside arguments felt weird.
Atsumu remained silent, standing near you as you sniffled. You knew he was standing behind you, you could tell him from the hairdo in the shadow looming over you.
Instead of asking what had happened, his eyes scanned the scene and realised that a limited edition manga was floating in the dark brown puddle. Probably yours, he had thought. He connected the dots instantly. Atsumu may be childish at times, but he wasn’t an imbecile.
The blonde setter knew how much you loved your manga, how brightly you would beam whenever you got your hands on them. For you to ruin it must have felt like a heartbreak, or worse.
“Was that the one we bought two days ago?” He mumbled, and you nodded meekly.
With a soft sigh, he approached the vending machine. After slotting his coins in and pressing a button, a drink dropped to the bottom. He bent down to scoop it out, mumbling as he did so.
“You can borrow mine, if ya want.”
At that moment, your mind went blank. This immature boy was going to lend you his? It wouldn’t be such a big deal if this was anyone else, but this was Miya Atsumu you were talking about.
An insolent big shot who refused to let you win. Someone whose mental age degraded when he fumbled with words to support why he deserved to get the first copy. A selfish guy who never wanted to share.
You glanced up at the teen silently, tears still streaming down your face. He flinched as you croaked, “Miya-kun... Are you sick or something?”
“...Never mind. I think I’ll retract my offer!” He huffed, spinning on his heels as he shuffled away.
Scrambling to your feet, you blurted out, “W-Wait! I was joking, I swear!”
You chased after him, and although he couldn’t hear it, you wished Atsumu wouldn’t be able to hear your heart pounding in your chest.
Inevitably, the blonde twin and you grew closer. Sometimes, you would walk with him to school, though it was more like you were third wheeling with him and his brother. The two of them would converse about volleyball, homework, and even little things like bentos and nonsensical topics.
You grew used to their frivolous antics, and Osamu eventually opened up to you as well. The two of them even let you call them by their first names, especially since referring to both of them as ‘Miya’ was confusing.
Atsumu only learnt of your name when you both exchanged it, and when you told him he could call you by your first name, he chaffed you for the overfamiliarity.
There were days when the blonde and you would visit the manga store together. And in time to come, the teenager grew fond of your ebullient nature towards comics. He would poke fun of you for reading ‘unfeminine’ genres, such as horror and sci-fi. Whenever he found you peeking at boy love books, you never heard the end of it.
At the same time, you began to appreciate him, despite his snide remarks and snarky attitude. There were times when his jokes crossed the line you, making you pout and sometimes cry, but he would apologise through his actions, like gifting you the new arrival of your favourite manga.
It was almost impossible to get him to apologise, due to his pride, but he always made up with you in his own way. And for that, you were grateful.
As months passed and you both became close friends, Atsumu began hanging out with you during school hours. On one occasion, the both of you hid in the rooftop to eat lunch. Osamu wasn’t present due to a cold, so it was just the two of you.
Picking up an octopus shaped wiener, you gave it a half hearted glance before popping it into your mouth. Atsumu was rambling about morning practice, blathering on how pissed he was that his brother wasn’t around to spike his perfect sets.
Suddenly, without thinking, you interrupted. “You know, you’re not a bad guy, Atsumu.”
Your eyes were fixated on his when you blurted out. His cheeks were stuffed with rice as he turned to you, surprised. With a perked brow, he gawked at you like you had grown a second head.
“Wait, are you falling for me already, (y/n)?” His deep, buttery voice was muffled by the contents in his mouth.
You grinned and waggled your brows. “No way, your personality is like sewage water.”
With a giggle, you leaned in to take away the small grain lingering by his lips. Your soft knuckles brushed against the corners of his lips and he swore he had stopped breathing.
Atsumu’s cheeks were dusted pink at your kind yet intimate gesture. Nobody had done that to him before, and he was unsure of what to feel.
Taking notice of his sudden silence, you raised your brows. “Atsumu, are you okay?”
“Haaaah–?! What are you talking about, I’m perfectly fine!” He scrunched his brows together, wrinkling his nose in disgust. Then he turned away, his back facing you as he scarfed down the remains of his lunch.
You tilted your head, unsure of what had happened, but resumed eating too. Truthfully, he was a little abashed. Ever since then, his heart would beat a little faster for you too.
Atsumu’s presence in your previously dull life meant new found colours. Days went by in a blur, with jokes, nonsense and memorable memories. He had snuck into your life when you least expected it, and so did you in his.
You began watching the volleyball team‘s matches. Sitting in the back row, you would cheer for Atsumu in your own special way: inwardly.
You didn’t understand much about the game, but you knew that your blonde friend loved it more than anything else, even his manga. So it must have meant something strongly to him, and as a friend, you had to support him.
The game was moving quickly, a bit too quickly for your taste. You didn’t comprehend what was happening, but at least Inarizaki was winning. The intimidating black screen beside the court flashed with a new digit, eliciting an eruption of cheers from the cheer squad.
“Isn’t he cute? He’s kinda dreamy,” a girl in front of you sighed to her friend, and you perked up instantly. Unconsciously, you began eavesdropping. “I wonder if Atsumu-kun has a girlfriend...”
“Are you kidding? Men that hot are either gay or taken!” Her peer bubbled with conceited giggles.
You wrinkled your nose at the insensitive response, but you mulled over her words. You had never seen Atsumu with a girl before. However, there were instances when you stumbled upon him during a confession. You would hide in a bush or behind a wall, listening curiously as the girl rambled on about how much she loved or admired him.
Without fail, his words would be laced with distaste while turning them down. Usually with harsh responses like ‘you don’t even know me’ or ‘I betcha say that to every guy’. He would even go as far as ripping a love letter to shreds.
They were total knock outs to the girls’ feelings. And as they ran away in tears, you couldn’t help but feel devastated for them. Atsumu sure was a prick at times.
“Him? Having a girlfriend? Never in a million years,” you mumbled under your breath.
Strangely, your chest had tightened a little with the thought.
The game finished shortly and the volleyball team gathered together to thank the watching spectators. Atsumu’s eyes bore holes into the black banner hung over the wall when suddenly, he glanced in your direction.
You flinched under his discerning gaze, stiffening nervously. He didn’t know that you were here until now.
His eyes narrowed a bit before a smirk settled on his sweat stained face. Your face burned, a little too hotly for your liking, and you looked down at your shoes to hide it. Why was he staring at you like that?
The girls in front of your row squealed that he was looking in their direction, but when they called out to him, he looked away. His cold attitude almost made you snigger.
Now that the match was over, you decided it was time to head home. You were ready to descend a flight of stairs when a familiar voice called your name. Spinning around, you came face to face with the handsome blonde, who was wearing a shit-eating grin.
“Didn’t know you came,” he breathed, arms akimbo as you cocked your head.
“Yeah, I wanted to cheer for Osamu.” You gave him a cheeky, lidded eye smile. An irk mark formed on his temple as he chopped your head with his hand.
The two of you went off after that: you teasing him on his missed serve and how his brother had to pick up his slack. Atsumu bared his fangs and fired empty threats and curses, all the while you pulled your bottom eyelid and blew a raspberry mockingly.
A dark haired teen in a jersey with the number ten stood idly by his teammates. Leaning on a railing, he hummed. “Who’s that, Osamu?”
The mentioned twin watched his brother and you with a softened expression. As the two of you fought like cats and dogs, he chuckled. “Someone who can stand Atsumu more than me.”
“Huh... If I didn’t know any better, I’d say they’re in love.”
The Inarizaki volleyball club watched as Atsumu pinched your cheeks and spread them ruthlessly, earning a high pitched whine from you. You resorted to clawing his face and Osamu had to put an end to both of your antics–
The voice on the intercom derailed your train of thought. Getting up, you stumbled out of the train in a daze.
You had unwittingly gone down memory lane, a bit too much. As your heels tapped against the concrete sidewalk, you glanced up at the dark sky twinkling with a streak of stars. Clouds rolled by leisurely, and waning luna peeked from her wispy blanket.
The rest of your high school had gone by in a blur, most of it involving Miya Atsumu. There was one time when you went to an anime and manga convention with him.
You smiled fondly at the distant memory: Atsumu was teary eyed as he shook hands with his favourite mangaka, who was a hunched over man. Out of respect for him, he knelt down, to be the same height, and took a photo with him in that state. You had never imagined a day would come when he would kowtow to someone.
Taking out your phone, you searched up for his social media and tapped on his Twitter account. There were posts after posts of his activity in the MSBY Black Jackals.
A silly selfie with a dog filter made you titter aloud. The comment section was overwhelmed with questions of his next match, his day, relationship status and the like.
Atsumu was an even bigger shot now. He also moved nearer to his volleyball team’s hometown, just to be able to practice longer hours there. He had left his hometown a while ago, and the both of you hadn’t contacted each other for years.
You once had his phone number, until a sneaky crow took off with your old mobile phone. No clue as to why that had happened.
Sighing at the thought, you stepped foot into your destination: a manga shop. The same one you had first met him. It never really changed; faded beige walls and oak wood shelves with blanched posters. Walking back in here only reminded you of how colourful your life had once been.
“Welcome back, (l/n)-san!” greeted the young boy behind the counter. He was the grandson of the shop owner, whose knees had deteriorated over the years.
You glanced in his direction. “How’s business been, kid?” He gave you an ‘ok’ sign and your expression softened. “Hope it’s okay if I take a bit. I finally found some time to shop.”
“Store’s closing in ten. Don’t take too long!” He waved back earnestly and you nodded.
Making your way past the familiar shelves, the clacking of your heels resounded in the almost empty store. Your hair bounced behind you as you tread past the sports manga section, past a tall, blonde.
You had failed to notice the old friend behind the mask. The blonde man glanced up the moment you passed, and his eyes widened in shock.
Without hesitation, you picked up the latest issue of Jump. It had been a while since you read manga, as everyday was swamped with work. Flipping through the black and white pages, your mind drifted to the reality in the panels.
You were oblivious to the male strutting towards you. As he approached, he took in your more adultly figure and attire. You were dressed in a white button up which clung to your chest, and a black pencil skirt that hugged your waist and hips.
You looked ravishing, to say the least, and Atsumu had to swallow the lump in his throat. There was no mistake, the beautiful woman in front of him was you.
He stopped behind you, hands jammed into his jean pockets before pulling down the white mask. The man with a dark cap atop his fluffy blonde locks peered past your smaller form to take in the manga in your hands. With a soft hum, he spoke up.
“Something’s never change, huh?”
You jolted up in surprise and whipped around, only to come face to face with an intimidatingly tall man. He was almost 190cm, perhaps, and was built with muscles that even his clothes couldn’t hide. His broad chest was in your face, and you had to tilt your head back to meet him in the eye.
With a lopsided grin, the man took off his cap. His tousled blonde locks sprang out of their cage, and your eyes widened in recognition while he smirked, “Sup, (y/n). How are ya?”
“Atsumu?!” You gasped, the Jump going slack in your hands as you dropped it. It flopped onto a pile of similar copies whilst said blonde placed a finger over his lips.
“Shh, I’m here on my day off!” He teasingly hushed, and you instantly clamped a hand over your mouth to silence your confused screaming.
Was this for real? How could the boy, who had painted your monochrome life full of colour, be standing right in front of you? Right now and right here?
Your eyes flitted from the pooling chocolate brown in his eyes to his larger stature. Raking his figure with your wide eyes, you came to a conclusion: Atsumu had changed.
You knew that he was more built from his self-centred topless selfies, but seeing him upclose was a whole different experience. He has grown taller too, though he had always loomed over you either way, but it was still a little frightening how much he could grow even after puberty. Meanwhile, his undercut was relatively the same, except his bangs were not pushed back, unlike before when they were swept to the right.
The only thing that had remained unchanged was the playful glint in his orbs and the smug smile tugging on his lips.
“I...Is it really you, ‘Tsumu?” You murmured, albeit teary eyes as you removed your hand from your mouth.
Running his fingers through his golden mane, he chuckled, “Do ya know anyone with these good looks?”
Your eyes narrowed playfully and you pinched his cheeks. Huffing, you told him off, “Stop trying to be so suave, weirdo!”
“Geh– But seriously, I thought you died or something! Ya never responded to my texts,” He spluttered out as you pulled his cheeks harder, and he managed to add, “But lucky me, you’re still kickin’!”
“Wait, you what?” Your lashes fluttered in confusion. You hadn’t gotten a word he had said since the beginning.
“I tried contacting you once in a while, but you never replied.” He blinked, and you looked down at the ground, suddenly embarrassed.
“Ah... My phone was stolen by a crow. And I lost your number...”
“Wait, for real? That sounds like something straight outta a manga!” He chortled as a sheepish smile snuck on your flushed face.
When Atsumu had calmed down, he placed his hands over yours, detaching them from his cheeks. Holding your hands gently, he wore a mask of calm. You were a bit confused by his sudden, gentle gesture. You gave him a questioning look, although your heart was starting to pound uncontrollably behind your ribs.
Squeezing your hand lightly, he began quietly. “(y/n), I know it’s been a long time and all... But I never forgot the times we had together. And, well, I know it’s kinda late, but I liked you.”
A blush crept up on both of your faces as he continued clumsily. “I kinda still do, so, well... If you’d like, we should–“
“Shop’s closing!” Atsumu and you jumped up in surprise. The boy was standing at the end of the section, a look of genuine surprise on his baby face. Glowering, the blonde barked fiercely.
“You ruined it, ya moron!”
The teen flinched before scuttling away. You burst into giggles as the upset athlete scowled. Whipping his head back to you, he scrunched his brows together, exasperated.
“What’s so funny?” He enquired, still wearing a frown.
Breathing shakily, you wiped away a tear in your eye. “You never really changed, Atsumu!” With a lidded eye smile, you grinned at him innocently, heart swelling with nostalgia.
His glare softened at your expression. Shooting a quick glance at the returned boy, who was peeking from the shelves anxiously, he clicked his tongue.
“Let’s ditch this place,” he grunted, taking your hand in his again as he dragged you out of the shop. You stumbled but eventually matched his pace.
With an apologetic glance at the young boy standing in the shop, you turned back to Atsumu. “Still as mean and pushy as always, aren’t cha?”
The faux blonde gave you a side glance, still pulling you along. Eye rolling, he slapped back on his cap and looked ahead, “Shut up.”
Neither Atsumu nor you couldn’t deny that both of your hearts were pounding. The two of you ended up taking a long stroll in your hometown, catching up on the pass few years and more. The night also had ended on a high note.
Once again, Miya Atsumu’s vibrant colours had seeped back into the monochrome panels of your life. Perhaps, this time, a romance would bloom between the two of you.
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killee · 4 years
Why Me?
⌦ pairing: yandere uvogin x reader
⌦ fandom: hunter x hunter (2011)
⌦ word count: 1.4K (1411)
⌦ warning: mentions of blood, violence, yandere themed, like one curse word
⌦ about: you had been staying in a sketchy town nearby Meteor City on the run from your ex. you recently got a job at a café but that might have been the worst decision in your life..
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⌯ Three weeks ago, you successfully got a job position at this fairly new café just about two blocks from your rundown apartment. You had recently run away from your ex-significant other’s house after you found out they were just using you so they could inherit their family’s fortune then planned on killing you. They had to be married to someone to inherit it and for them, you were the perfect person to use since you had no family or close friends. So once they were done with you, you wouldn’t be needed anymore.
⌯ Guess they thought you weren’t as smart as you actually were. Once you found out what they were planning on doing, you quickly took off on the run. Only taking the necessary items you needed and a bit of extra cash and you were off, not wasting any time and going somewhere he wouldn’t look for you. Hell! You honestly didn’t even know where you were going yourself but you just had to get away from them.
⌯ You took several buses and trains and arrived at a ‘sketchy’ area on the outskirts of Meteor City, this place was so low profiled it was too good. You decided it would be a good place to hide since everyone minded their own business and it wasn’t all flashy. A month later, you had got an apartment for a good amount and have been working ever since to get some more money.
⌯ When you heard there was a place, specifically a café, hiring closer to your apartment than your other job you couldn’t pass up on the opportunity. You quickly filled out your resume and did an in-person interview and boom! the job was yours! words couldn’t express how happy you were when you got the call that you were accepted and you could start working soon.
⌯ Now in the present, you were still working there. You loved the job and you got paid quite well; however, you didn’t expect to have a little stalker always watching you at work. You started noticing him after your first week of working as a barista, you weren’t able to wait tables yet so you had to be a barista, and you noticed a quite large male wearing what looked like caveman clothing standing across the street just staring at the café.
⌯ You didn’t really pay attention at first since the café was still basically new in this area so you thought he was waiting for someone or just checking out the place.. until you asked one of your coworkers about the very humongous caveman guy. They said he wasn’t here when you weren’t here so you were now on alert about the guy. You grew more worried as the days flew by and you began wondering if the man was sent by your ex, which caused you to grow more distracted— which lead you to get yelled at by the manager.
⌯ You were stressed and paranoid. Exhausted mentally and physically, it was like psychological torture. You couldn’t do it anymore, you started calling in for work because you were scared of leaving your home. When you did go to work you didn’t walk to work or going back money, but desperately needed the money but you were too scared.
⌯ Today, your manager asked you to stay until closing time since they were short on staff and wait some tables too. You honestly wanted to tell him to go fuck himself but you needed the money so you didn’t object him. You hadn’t seen the man during your shift so it made it a bit easier to accept. You began waiting tables and it was honestly pretty good and easy, really got your mind off the stalker only a few meters away. You were writing down an order when you felt the ground shake a tiny bit, not thinking much of it, you continued taking the order.
⌯ You heard the bell on the door ring which meant someone had come in, you glanced over and had to do a double take. It was the caveman guy. You quickly took down the rest of the order and rushed behind the counter, trying to avoid him as best as you could in this medium sized café. You could feel him starring into your back. You tried so hard not to just break down and cry out for him not to take you back to your ex.
⌯ You did your best to finish up your shift but it was hard when he was watching your every move. You kept on making mistakes and nervously spilling drinks. Your manager finally had enough and began yelling at you once again but more quieter since there were still a few customers inside. All you could do was put your head down and try to contain your tears.
⌯ One minute your manager was telling you off and the next minute you heard ear-piercing pleads and yells. You quickly looked up and saw that the large man had picked up your manager by the top of his head. Your eyes widen and you stumbled back in shock and fear. Your manager tried desperately to get out of the man’s deadly grip but nothing worked. You were too in shock to say anything, the large man then looked at you and.. smiled?
⌯ He began walking outside with your manager still in hand and turned the corner, a second later, you heard a traumatizing scream then silence. The customers that were inside took the time to grab their things and run out the café, never looking back once. Now you were now alone with your other coworker but they were in the back of the building sleeping so they didn’t even know what was going on in the front.
⌯ A large silhouette shadowed over the see through door and it was pushed opened. The male ducked under the door frame and you could see blood all over him. You gulped and rushed to grab whatever you could use as a weapon, you grabbed the empty glass tip bottle and threw it at him. It hit him on the head and shattered but that didn’t seem to stop him from walking closer to you.
⌯ You backed up as far as you could but you knew he could still just reach over the counter and grab you if he wanted to like he did with your boss. Hot tears started running down your cheeks and your breathing became very unstable. You legs felt like they were about to give out so you supported your body on the other counter behind you.
⌯ “P-Please don’t hurt m-me! I don’t k-know what y-you want f-from me!” You sobbed out. He stopped in his tracks and laughed, he placed his hands ontop of the counter in front and looked at you with amusement and contentment. He reached over the counter to assumingly grab you but you cried out and told him ‘no’. He dropped his hand and sighed.
⌯ “Sweetheart, don’t worry. I’m not gonna hurt ya.. I just wanna talk.” When he reached out the second time and was able to grab your shirt collar and pull you towards him. You sniffled and tried to push his hand away but it was useless, he absolutely had no trouble picking up a full grown man just by his head so why would your pushes have an effect on him at all?
⌯ He released your now wrinkled and blood stained collar and brought his hand to your face, you immediately flinched away thinking you were going to get the same treatment as your manager; however, the ginormous man used his thumb to wipe away your tears and hushed you to stop crying. You tried your best to stop but you could only cry softer, luckily, the man seemed to understand you couldn’t immediately stopped crying and he didn’t say anything about it.
⌯ “I know you’re probably upset with me killing your manager but don’t be, he deserved it. I’m here for you and I’ll protect you with my life.. you’re mine now.” You violently shook your head and began beating on his torso with your fists but he only laughed at your non effective hits. “Don’t worry, baby. You may hate me now but you’ll come to love me soon.” He wrapped his arms around your body and kissed the top of your head before resting his head on top of yours.
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28091999 · 3 years
All That Glitters
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Pairing: Yuchan x Fem Reader
Type: One shot, Hybrid AU
Warnings: Mentions of violence, prejudice/discrimination towards another race, swearing
Word count: 7.2k
『 She liked to think work was boring and a place for her to quietly lose her mind, but slowly a cute hybrid boy makes her change her mind 』
This was inspired by a prompt by @hybridfanfiction. Check them out!
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The day had seemed normal enough when she first woke up. There was birds chirping and there was sunlight pooling in through the cracks in her blinds. Nothing she had done that morning seemed to be out of the ordinary, nor did her commute to work; people had crossed roads as carelessly as normal and they also had the same lack of self awareness as normal.
Really, if you have asked her that morning if anything had seemed odd, she would have responded with a bark of laughter and walked away with a shake of her head and a mutter claiming you were crazy. 
However, as soon as she had stepped into the building, she found feel that something was off - more so than usual with an office building. 
Everyone was quiet, eyeing each other with suspicion and slight judgment, their lips pulled into eerily similar straight lines.  
Sitting down, the office chair squeaking under her weight, she swivelled around to face her desk mate: Changseok.
“Hey,” She whispered, though not really making any special effort to keep quiet, “what’s everyone acting so weird for?“ 
Changseok looked over at her, his brown eyes rolling in his skull to look at her blankly. Lips slowly forming a pout, he chewed on the inside of his cheek, shrugging. "Haven’t you heard?” He spoke cryptically and she had half a mind to give up there and then. The last thing she wanted to be doing so early in the morning was play 21 questions. 
“No,” came her blunt response and he leant in, as though he was going to tell her the secret of the century. His eyebrows furrowed, voice even quieter than before, making her strain to hear it.
“There’s a hybrid here now,” He stressed the noun and she blinked, completely blind sighted. However, it wasn’t because of the revelation of the person’s species, but rather his attitude towards them and the way he was saying ‘hybrid’ like it was something dirty. 
Closing her eyes for a few seconds to make sure she didn’t lose her temper, she exhaled - sound almost dulcet had it not been for the glare that pierced through him straight after. “Okay. Is that it?”
Changseok looked confused by her lack of reaction, repeating the word again, assuming that she hadn’t heard him. 
“I heard you the first time. I was just wondering why it was such a big deal,” he moved back to his own space and she thanked every god she could think of. “They’re a hybrid. So what?”
His frown deepened and she could sense how she was going to have to contain an eye roll. It was always nice to find out someone you worked with was a piece of shit. 
“It’s unnatural. They were made in labs so it’s not like they’re actually human,” she stayed silent, strong at him with an expression so cold that she almost wished he froze in front of her face. Upon her lack of a comment, he hurried to try and explain himself - not that he really cared to hear his opinion. “Don’t you think? They’re literally part animal, they’re freaks.”
With a lift of her eyebrows, she turned back to her work and shook her head. “Damn, I’ve always disliked you, but I guess now I have a concrete reason other than your simple idiocy. Never speak to me again.”
Changseok’s mouth opened (more than likely in a weak attempt to defend himself) however, she promptly ignored him and got up, shooting him one last withering look before walking away and to the ground floor of the building to the café.
While she was there, she decided that it would be nice to get to know this new coworker - there was always room in her life for being polite even if there wasn’t much of a chance for it with the people she was around. The intermingling scents of coffee and baked goods lightened her foul mood considerably, eyes grazing over the pastries before deciding that she didn’t want any today. 
Purchasing a cup of coffee and of sweetened tea, she headed back up and began to ask around for the coworker. Everyone she asked gave her an odd look: some of them because she was asking about someone new when she had never cared before, and others because they were a hybrid. Nonetheless, she found out their location and the fact that they were a male.
Eventually she did manage to find him, situated at the further end of the floor with his head down and a hunched back. It wasn’t hard to deduce why, feeling the lingering stares burning into her own back as she walked towards him. 
“Hi,” she greeted, feeling slightly bad when he jumped in surprise, “I’m (y/n). It’s nice to meet you,” pulling up a chair, his expression morphed almost comically. 
He was good looking, she was willing to admit wholeheartedly, with his wide, rounded eyes and softly pursed lips that was complimented nicely by his sharp nose and silky looking brown hair. She was sure that if he wasn’t a hybrid, most people would have the opposite of an aversion towards him. 
His swallow was thick, adam’s apple bobbing with the force of it, his slight body shaky and hands trembling - he seemed more like a newborn child than a fully grown adult. “I’m Yuchan,” he introduced finally, shocking her with how his voice had remained stable. “It’s nice to meet you too.”
The smile that spread across her lips was serenity in its truest form, a feeling of peace washed over her as she moved one sheathed cup towards him. 
“Do you prefer tea or coffee, Yuchan?” His name tasted foreign on her tongue, yet it was light and airy. She could find comfort in saying his name, it seemed. “I didn’t know which one, so you can pick whichever.”
“You didn’t have to,” he lamented, the slightest shade of pink tinged his cheeks a subtle rose.
“I wanted to,” Yuchan’s eyes flickered between the two cups before slowly reaching out to take the one labelled coffee, “good choice.”
“Thank you,” His smile was beautiful and she thought that the gentle simper was much more fitting for his countenance than timidness. “You really didn’t have to.”
She could have echoed her earlier words, told him that it didn’t matter, however, all she could think to do was watch him. It was entrancing really how graceful he was, every movement of his fluid and poised. If she had been ignorant, she would have asked why he was wasting his time in a shitty office job when he was much more talented in other things. 
Instead, she nodded and sipped her own tea before speaking again. “How are you settling in?” It must not have been easy, especially with the blatantly rude behaviour of the other staff as well as tensions across the country from the new laws. 
He shrugged, licking his slightly chapped lips. “I’m doing okay. It’s nice here.”
‘If it’s nice here, what’s horrible?’ She thought, almost looking at him funny. “Do you need any help with anything? I can help you with whatever.”
Yuchan shook his head, nails tapping against the cardboard sleeve around the coffee cup. “Junhee-hyung helped set me set up and taught me how to use everything.”
“You know the boss?” His expression quickly turned worried, more than likely thinking he overstepped a boundary, nonetheless she was faster to speak, “that’s good. It’s nice to have connections in places like this. Junhee is a nice man, I like him.”
His visage melted into one of a relief, chewing the inside of his cheek slowly. “Yeah, Hyung’s really nice and helpful. I’m happy I got a job with him as my boss.”
There was another silence that fell, this time a lot more comfortable than the first. Soft sounds of the clock ticking made her glance down at her watch, realising with great irritation that she needed to start doing work or face getting scolded by the supervisor. “I have to head back to my own desk now, but if you ever need anything, feel free to shout for me.”
Getting out of the seat and putting it away, he waved her off and she felt immediately more energised; enough so that anyone she caught who dared look at Yuchan with even a glimmer of disgust was shot down with a scowl and a silent dare to carry on further. 
Maybe having a new, less annoying coworker would finally make her feel excited to come to work. 
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The next day, she had decided that walking to work would be a lot less stressful and more cleansing to the soul. (It also meant that she wouldn’t have to pay the parking fee but that was only really a bonus.)Walking also meant that she could now head into her favourite bakery - one she hadn’t managed to go into a for a long while due to simply being busy and overrun with work. 
A gentle jingling from above her head signalled her entrance, the pretty cashier behind the till giving her a smile and a nod of acknowledgment. The familiar scent of honey and cinnamon was comforting, enveloping her in warmth and lightening the burden in her chest. Honestly, if she could afford to do something, she would have bought out everything in the quaint and idyllic shop. 
Browsing through the pastries put into baskets and the cakes hidden behind glass, she decided on buying a favourite that always held up to the test of time; chocolate chip cookies. Theirs were always soft and melted in the middle, with chocolate always lingering on the back of your palette for a long while after being consumed. Maybe she was being dramatic, but she considered it a slice of heaven amongst her life of abject sin. 
Thankfully, as they had just opened, there was an abundance of sweet treats and she took great pleasure in filling up a paper bag with 6 of them. However, just as she was about to pay, she remembered Yuchan and figured she may as well get him some too.
Grabbing another bag and three more cookies, she paid swiftly with an expression of gratitude before returning to her trek to the cursed building she was set to be in - which only took her around another 5 minutes.
It was nice to see that even though Changseok was there, he made no move to speak her like normal. 'Good,’ she mused as he avoided eye contact, 'I guess he got the message.’ It was no loss on her end, in fact, she classified it as a win. 
There was a lot less under breath murmurs today, with people only glancing at Yuchan from the corner of their eyes instead of staring at him like a circus attraction. It wasn’t ideal, though it certainly was an improvement.
“Hi again,” she spoke softly, not wanting to scare him like yesterday.
Looking up from the computer screen, wide eyes met hers, softening into crescent moons. “Hi, how are you?”
“I’m good,” she held up the bag of cookies ad shook them with a pleased grin, “the bakery had my favourite cookies. I thought you would like some. They’re really good,” She put the bag beside his hand.
Thumb grazing over the paper bag, his hues roamed over the delicious looking cookies within and his smile widened considerably. “Thank you so much.”
“It’s alright, you don’t have to thank me,” she sat in the empty chair beside him, spinning on it gently by using her feet. “How is it going today? Everything’s okay?”
“Mhm. I haven’t had any issues, I actually just started on a new project,” he found conversation coming easily despite his nervousness. Who wouldn’t be nervous when a pretty girl with a notorious streak for being blunt was speaking to you?
“Really?” She questioned genuinely interested, “what’s it on?” The company they worked for mainly dealt with collaborating with fashion brands and shipping so anything new was always welcomed. 
“Well uh, Hyung asked me if I could help to design a website for one of our new shareholders,” He fiddled with the paper bag, the soft crinkling providing a background noise, “I’m not too sure about where to start if I’m honest.”
“Oh,” She leant closer to look at what he already had, the landing page currently being edited, “do you have a basic template?" 
"Not really, they only gave us a small brief to work from. They said 'make it look like h&m’, which is helpful,” The soft giggle that left her mouth made him pause, fingers stilling in their fidgeting. 
“Clients like that are the worst,” Nodding in agreement, he saw her mouth open to say something more before she also stilled. 
Her eyes closely followed a figure with red hair as she slowly got up, shoving the seat under the chair. “If Kihyun sees me here he’s going to grill me, I’ll see you later, Yuchan,” before he could even say bye, she was already up and running - leaving him alone with his cookies.
His mouth was left wide open, watching her rush away like a thief about to be caught. A few moments later, the head of red hair was in his vision, the man’s smiling face soon following as he greeted Yuchan.
“Morning,” Kihyun spoke, following his gaze and spotting her sitting down in her chair and then looking at his own out of place one. “She was just here, wasn’t she?”
Yuchan pursed his lips, not wanting to speak up in case she got into trouble; she was one of the only ones that made an effort to check up on him after all. Kihyun seemed to notice this and laughed, patting his thigh reassuringly. 
“It’s okay, she won’t get into trouble. I like her so I wouldn’t say anything, we just like to bicker,” Yuchan’s ears perked. He had noticed how people seemed to shrink away whenever she walked by, almost as if they were avoiding her gaze and he never quite understood why. She was always kind to him.
“Who is she?” He couldn’t help but ask, clamping his mouth shut a second later as he realised he might have overstepped a boundary. “Um I- i mean, I know her name but-”
“She’s one of the best IT techs we have. She likes to keep to herself and she’s got an attitude if you piss her off, and considering the assholes we work with, I don’t blame her. If you’re nice to her or joke with her, she’ll return it. You don’t have to worry about it, Yuchan, she seems fond of you,” He flushed upon hearing the pride, cheeks dusting the faintest shade of pink as he nodded and put up head down. 
Out of the corner of his eye, he could make out Kihyun shaking his head and grinning to himself at his bashfulness. Nonetheless, he didn’t notice it too much, lost in his own thoughts. She was fond of him? He mused, absentmindedly click on the screen. 
A small smile made its home on his face, plush lips stretching into a subtle upwards curve. 
Yuchan found he rather liked the idea of her liking him. 
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With every day that passed, he found himself looking forward to her daily check ins. Her smile was pretty and her aura was comforting, like a cup of warm coffee that warmed you from the inside out on cold, frigid days. 
He had been looking around the shops one day, spending his free time poking around instead of being cooped up in his room (and being scolded by his roommate as well as his mother likewise for being antisocial and a neet). The days were turning colder, frostier. With every breath he took he could see his own contribution to the looming clouds above. 
As he walked around, eagle eyed for anything that might have caught his interest (i.e anything shiny) he weaved through the aisles of the old antique shop he had wandered into. The store had the smell of old wood and of slight citrus, a scent that shouldn’t have gone together but it did so beautifully. 
Yuchan hadn’t really been looking to buy anything however, as soon as he has spotted something glinting dutifully under the golden lighting, he had to have a look. Pushing aside the objects in front of it, he grinned broadly to see a beautiful bejewelled keychain. 
It was in the shape of a bird: a peacock if he was recalling correctly. Azure and emerald gems decorated the body of the beard, the eyes of its feathers painstakingly done with brown and yellow. 
Of course he was a sucker for anything cute and sparkly, hence his lack of self restraint as he picked up the keychain, cradling it gently in his hands. It shone with every turn of the head, the black stones used for the bird’s eyes almost lifelike. Though at least he had on justification for this purchase; he was going to give it away. 
Which is where he was currently, sitting in his office chair with a bouncing leg as he bit his lip nervously. She hadn’t come to him all day and he was growing worried that she was getting bored of it - he really hoped that it wasn’t the case. 
Taking another glance over, he swallowed thickly and relaxed as he saw her hunched over her desk, typing furiously on her keyboard before pressing the enter button and glancing at her watch. The time seemed to make her happy as she immediately smiled to herself and shut off her computer, kicking up her bag and throwing it around her shoulders.
For a second he thought she was going to leave there and then, but they were soon proven wrong as she walked towards his direction, a bounce in her step. 
“Hi Yuchan,” she greeted and he returned her jovial simper with a small wave. “What are you doing now?" 
"I’m just finishing up the website. I just need to edit some banners and code and I’ve finished,” Her lips formed a soft 'o’ shape as she sat down beside him, stealing Kihyun’s chair once again. “What are you doing?" 
Her fingers picked at her shirt sleeve as she rocked from side to side on the office chair. "I finished all my work for today. I’m thinking of leaving early, I just need to go to Junhee-ssi and tell him.”
Yuchan’s nervousness immediately skyrocketed and fingers tapped on the table, drumming on it lightly but still loud enough so that it drew her attention. “You okay? You seem anxious, your website is amazing, I promise.”
Finding her reassurance cute, he forced himself to stop messing around with any of his body parts and smiled at her instead. “Thank you. I’m just thinking about something. I appreciate it, I appreciate you,” he added the last part only in his head as he was too much of a coward to actually say them outloud - though judging by her broad and bright smile, she seemed to understand the worldless implications just fine.
A comfortable silence fell over them both, his shoulders slumping as he finally felt comfortable to relax. She slipped her bag off her shoulders and placed it in front of her, rummaging through it before producing a brown paper bag. “I went to the bakery this morning. I saw they had some brownies today and I thought you would like them.”
“You don’t have to always get me something,” She waved off his concerns and he felt his heart flutter in his chest - his cheeks immediately tinging a subtle shade of rose despite himself. “I’m okay with just you." 
"Oh, you’re so adorable, Channie,” She spoke smoothly, like she hadn’t noticed that cute nickname leave her mouth and fluster him beyond belief, “I want to get them for you. Nothing more, nothing less.”
Glancing again at her watch, her lips pursed and she stood up. “I should get going now. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
His mouth opened, hand lifting up to stop her before he let it fall back down to his desk, internally groaning at his cowardice. Instead of getting up and giving the gift to her, he watched her disappear down the stairs, not to be seen until tomorrow.
'Damn it,’ he looked at his bag, deciding to do the next best thing - leave it on her desk. Opening up his bag, he took out the small wrapped box that he had painstakingly covered with sparkly gift wrap. A red glitter box was on top, his reflection staring back at him hundreds of times as he stared hard at it. 
Getting up, he clutched the box tightly in his hands and walked towards her desk, thankful that people had (mostly) given up on staring at him whenever he passed by. As he approached her workspace, Yuchan fell a glare burning into his skin, his saliva thick as he swallowed. He knew quite clearly that it was coming from her seatmate. 
Ignoring it to the best of his abilities, he opened the first drawer to her desk and placed it gently within, giving it a soft pat of reassurance before closing the drawer again. Hopefully she would see it when she came back. 
He straightened up, eyes meeting blank brown hues that seemed to see right into his soul, sending shivers down his spine. Barely managing a smile, he rushed away when he saw Changseok’s scowl deepen. He wasn’t going to stay where he wasn’t wanted. 
Despite this, his cheery mood couldn’t be dampened. He had accomplished his mission even with the few hiccups during the way and that was good enough for him. 
Work tomorrow suddenly didn’t seem so bad. 
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His leg was bouncing again today, though this time for a completely different reason than previously. Yuchan’s gaze was constantly on the door when it wasn’t focused on the screen in front of him. Right now, he couldn’t have cared less about working on a banner for another makeup company, his sole focus being on seeing her reaction to his gift. 
After what felt like an eternity, she finally appeared through the door and his heart felt like it was going to beat straight out of his sternum. Chewing nervously on his bottom lip, he was growing incredibly impatient - Yuchan had half a mind to go over there and open the drawer for her. 
However, his waiting finally paid off when she did open the door, the soft furrow of her brows and pursing of her lips making him bite back a hearty grin. The red bow was removed, placed delicately on the desk as she slid her finger under the folds, pulling the wrapping paper away without ripping it. Then finally, she opened the lid and looked in, pulling out the glittering keychain with the biggest smile he had ever seen on her face.
To a couple of minutes she did nothing more than sit there and admire the gift, her finger tips smoothing over the gems and across the beautiful design of it. That was all he could ask for - to see her smile because of him. Though, it did present another problem for him; he could already feel his crush on her growing tenfold. 
Turning back to his screen, he felt content. As long as she was happy, he was too. His pulse continued to race and thrum, his aura giddy and joy clear enough that even Kihyun gave him a sideways glance from his side. 
“Yuchan!” His heart lurched again in his throat and he sat up straight, watching her come over with her hands covering something in her hand. “You won’t believe what someone gave me, it’s so beautiful.”
She pulled up a chair, stealing it from the row in front without a care and sat down, moving her hand to show him the peacock he had grown very familiar to.
“That is pretty,” he commented, trying to keep his cheeks from turning red and exposing him, “it would look nice on your bag.”
“You think so?” She asked, inspecting it, “I think it’s too nice for that. I might put it with my keys instead.” Pulling her keys from her pocket, he watched her clip it to them, the gems continuing in their glittering. He swore they were shining more in her presence. “I wonder who it was. They didn’t leave a name and I highly doubt it was Changseok.”
'Not with the dirty look he gave me,’ Yuchan thought though did not verbalise, instead only smiling and nodding. “They must like you. It suits you a lot.”
“Oh hush,” she placed a light finger against his lips, “I got you coffee, but I left it at my desk. One second,” she rushed away and he covered his face with his hands, running a hand through his hair. 
The steaming drink was placed at his side, the chair squeaking as she sat back down. He could feel Kihyun’s amusement at his obvious predicament. 'Whatever,’ he huffed, 'let hyung laugh,’ and then he looked up at her again. 
Her features were bright and they were beautiful, accentuated even more by the elation of the gift. Yuchan took one more look at her visage and knew he was smitten: or in other words, he had completely fucked himself over.
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It became almost a tradition, every Thursday he would leave a gift in her top drawer that she would come to find on Friday and guess about. It was the highlight of his entire week and Yuchan couldn’t have cared less about the looks Changseok gave him every time he came to drop one off. 
She pushed open the door again, already excited for what she was going to get. The only thing she wasn’t fond of was the fact that she didn’t know who they were coming from and she couldn’t pay them back. 
Sitting down in her desk, she started up her computer and opened the drawer, overjoyed to see a small rectangular box covered in the same sparkly wrapping paper the others had come in. 
Pulling it out and closing the drawer with her knee, she was just about to unwrap it when she heard a voice speak beside her - one that she hadn’t heard for a while. 
“You know it’s him, right?” She blinked, not expecting to hear Changseok speaking to her after weeks of God given silence. 
“It’s him, that hybrid, he’s the only leaving you all this shit in your drawer,” He spat like he was disgusted to even think of it. Her blood boiled, anger swallowed down as she held the gift in her hands.
“What? Are you talking about Yuchan?" 
"Yes, that disgusting hybrid. He’s been leaving shit for you every thursday,” Her eyes narrowed, beyond giving a fuck about his opinion and of the proper professional conduct. 
“He’s better than you’ll ever be, you piece of shit. What are you doing mad about? The fact that people like Yuchan and not you? Maybe if you weren’t so unlikable, you would have friends too,” About to turn around, she felt her body jerk as he pulled her chair and scowled, obviously offended that she hadn’t given the time of the day. 
“What? You’re defending him? I always knew you were someone who fucked inbred shit like him,” Astounded by the words coming from his mouth, she fell silent for a moment before poison dropped from her words. 
“You’re the worst goddamn kind of person, the type who can’t face the fact that they’re a piece of shit. Yuchan is 1000 times more humane than you’ll ever be,” she stood up, glowering at him with danger setting fires in her eyes. “I told you never to speak to me and you open your mouth to talk shit? I shouldn’t have expected anything else.”
He stood up also, the entire office falling silence as they watched them both. Kihyun got up immediately, knowing it wasn’t going to end well - there had always been tension between them and it all seemed to be bubbling over in one terrible mess.
“Fuck you,” he hissed, “I bet you’ve sucked his dick and that’s why you’re so far up his ass,” she scoffed at his childish response, rolling her eyes.
Changseok seemed to not like that, his hand reaching towards her shoulder to try and coax a reaction from her, however she was faster. 
Within a second, he was clutching his nose, shock clear in his eyes as she clenched her fist, his head snapped back for a moment as the sin of wrath coloured her features. 
Kihyun rushed over, as Changseok moved forward, grabbing his hands as she grit her jaw, teeth grinding against each other with the force she was using to not punch him again.
“Changseok, you pathetic fuck,” she hissed and Kihyun held out his hand, trying to keep the damage at bay. She paid no attention to him, her stare enough to burn through his skin. “It’s so sad watching you show your true colours. Maybe one day someone other than your mother who will love you, though I highly doubt she does either.” She turned on her heel, grabbing her bag and slinging it over her shoulder, her actions reverberating off the walls in the near silent office. “I’m not coming back until he’s out of my fucking face.”
Those were the words that echoed loudly within the four walls, glances exchanged as people looked at each other in disbelief, the door shaking behind her as she slammed it shut.
Changseok shoved away Kihyun, storming towards the bathroom with both a bruised ego and face. 
And it was then that Yuchan finally felt his face burning, his eyes watery as he tried to wipe at his face as inconspicuously as he could. He wasn’t stupid, he had always noticed how Changseok didn’t like him, but he never would have thought he hated him to such an extent over something he had no control over. 
The screen in front of him blurred, the glances and whispers of everyone else making him feel like he was back at his first day, being judged and scrutinised for everything he did. 
Wanting nothing more than to curl up into a ball, he was thankful for Kihyun as he barked at everyone else to carry on working and to stop looking at him. A gentle hand found it’s way on his shoulder, squeezing it comfortingly. 
“I’m sorry, Yuchan. You don’t deserve that.”
He shook his head, blinking away the tears that threatened to fall. “I don’t want her to get into trouble. Especially not over me.”
Kihyun’s eyes were warm, filled with sympathy ss he shook his head. “Don’t worry about it. Changseok started it so he’ll get the most of the punishment. She’ll be okay,” he sniffled, comforted at the thought, “if you want to go home, that’s completely okay. I’ll tell Junhee for you.”
Thanking him quietly, he got up from his seat, swallowing down the bile that threatened to make it way up his throat, his mind weighed down by the thoughts racing through his head. Barely looking anyway apart from straight ahead, he raced out of the building and kept his head down, finally able to wipe his face in peace. At least in the streets of Seoul no one acknowledged each other, too busy caring about themselves to care about him.
The last thing he wanted to do was be the reason that she was fired, though he couldn’t say that the fact she defended him hadn’t left his chest feeling warm and fuzzy. It was just that his feeling of guilt was overpowering it.
He couldn’t imagine coming into work and not seeing her pretty face coming up to him with happiness and a genuine excitement for meeting him. Yuchan didn’t want to imagine it either; she hadn’t even opened the gift he had gotten her this time.
Then, as he was walking, he heard his name being called. First it was very failure, almost a figment of his imagination, before he heard it louder and clearer. 
“Yuchan, wait!” He looked over his shoulder to see one of his seniors running towards him; Yoongi, one of the quieter but well respected higher ups. Yuchan hadn’t really interacted with him before save for the occasional smiles as Kihyun bothered him. 
He paused in his walking, desperately hoping he didn’t look like shit. 
Yoongi rushed up to him, looking slightly out of breath but still coherent enough to talk. “I’m sorry for what happened Yuchan. You shouldn’t have had to hear all that shit coming out of his mouth ”
“It’s o-”
“It’s not,” Yoongi shook his head, “He’s going to get fired and even though (y/n) will get a strike for punching him, she won’t be let go. We should have sacked him a long time ago,” his heart felt a million times lighter hearing that, a smile breaking out on his face and stretching across his cheeks.
Yoongi patted his shoulder. “Keep up the good work. We understand if you want to take a couple of days off. Stay healthy, Yuchan.” Yoongi. walked away again with a dip of his head. 
Even though the feeling of guilt still lingered, he was so much more jovial, now walking home with a skip in his step rather than pulling his feet along behind him. 
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Her empty desk was slowly getting on his nerves. He knew in his heart of hearts that she would be coming back soon and that it just took a while for them to properly clean up all of Changseok’s belongings; he was still impatient. 
Yoongi had said she would be back and he had to believe that it would be soon. 
His headphones were over his ears, a half eaten sandwich in its wrapper on his desk. He didn’t have much of an appetite while at work anymore - subconsciously associating it with her and her presence. It didn’t feel right to eat if she wasn’t at least there or had said hi that day. 
Music played loudly in his ears, focused on completing the banner so he could go home and bury himself under the covers for a weekend. 
As he changed the colour of it, his attention was diverted by a box being set down between his arms. Wrapped in silvery paper and a glittering gold ribbon, it was incredibly reminiscent of his own packaging methods. 
Pulling the headphones around his neck, his breath hitched in his throat as the smile he had come to adore beamed down at him and bathed him in sunshine. He swallowed, words suddenly glued to the tip of his tongue. 
“Hi,” She spoke first, sitting down beside him, “how are you, Chan? Everything’s going good?”
He nodded, wishing he could have said something instead of becoming silent. 
“That’s good,” she mused, “He’s been fired so I’m back. I got a warning though, but that’s whatever." 
"I’m glad you’re back,” he finally vocalised and she grinned, “I missed you.”
A silence followed and he was worried he had overstepped a boundary, rushing to try and rectify it - only to be stopped by her soft giggle.
“You did? That’s cute,” she replied, her finger tapping on the box lightly, “thank you for the gifts by the way. They’re always so beautiful and I really enjoyed getting them.” Even though she only knew it was him because of Changseok opening his mouth, he couldn’t help but still be delighted and slightly embarrassed that he had been found out. 
Slowly, he reached out to slide his finger under the seals, copying her care and delicacy, before pulling the ribbon away and opening it up. Inside was a small rose charm, the rose tinted metal glittering brightly and with the sole purpose of catching his attention.  
“I know it’s not as pretty as everything you got me, but I hope you’ll like it more when you find out the second thing I got you,” he looked back inside the box, visibly confused when there was nothing there. “It’s a date. I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me, Channie.”
He froze up immediately, eyes wide and turning into the size of golf balls as his mind screeched to a hold. Did she seriously just ask him out? The girl he had a crush on for months, asked him out?
If he wasn’t so gobsmacked he would have been mortified at his lack of response, her face dropping almost unnoticeably at his lack of reply. God, could he be anymore of a moron?
“Yes!” The exclamation came way too loudly and he cleared his throat, unable to meet her gaze ad he fiddled with the charm. “Um, yeah. I would really like that.”
“That’s great,” her hand was warm, resting on top of his as she squeezed his gently, “could I have your number then?" 
Fumbling with his phone, it almost slipped through his fingers as he handed it to her and he cursed himself for being such a mess. Thankfully, she seemed to find it endearing, sparkles lighting up her eyes as she saved his number in her phone and sent him a text. "Thank you, baby,” his cheeks flushed an even more vibrant crimson and he was sure he matched Kihyun’s hair by now. 
Even so, the last nail in his coffin had to be the gentle way her hands cupped his face, leaning closer so that her gentle and comforting scent invaded his senses. Her lips were soft against his cheek, the skin tingling even as she moved away - fingers brushing across the side of his face. 
He could only stare owlishly at her retreating figure, all thoughts disappearing. Yuchan could not believe that any of that had happened.
Then, like a bucket of cold water being thrown onto him, he heard Kihyun laughing from beside him, his foot landing on the side of his chair to spin him around. “I can’t believe you got her to ask you out. I never thought I’d see the day, you really are special if she likes you, Yuchan." 
Attempting to cover his face with his hands, Kihyun only continued to find amusement in his shyness, poking his side lightly before turning back to his work - still laughing. Nonetheless, Yuchan couldn’t have cared less. He had a date to worry about now.
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The flavour of coffee and sugar coated his tongue, sweetness spreading across his mouth as he took another sip of his drink in an to attempt to pass the time which seemed to be passing by both incredibly quick and irritatingly slow. 
15 minutes had gone by and he was beginning to think that she had stood him up. That thought alone hurt to have and he could feel his stomach twist the more he lingered on that idea. That was the last thing he wanted to believe - to even consider. She wasn’t the type of person to do that, was she?
Consumed by his own thoughts, he didn’t hear the bell to the shop open and a hurried figure walk in. Only when the chair beside him scraped against the floor and and apologetic face was in front of his visage, did he realise who he was staring at. 
"I’m so sorry, Channie. I got caught up with my roommate, she couldn’t figure out what to get her girlfriend and dragged me into helping her,``she huffed and he found the puff of her cheeks to be adorable, his eyes turning into gentle crescent moons ad he forgot about all the negative emotions had felt just moments ago. 
"It’s okay, it was only 15 minutes, I don’t mind,” He really didn’t mind, not even she was looking so pretty just for him, her countenance as beautiful as ever - if not slightly more so today. “You look really nice today.”
Her eyes roamed over his body, looking over the maroon jacket that he had coupled with a black turtleneck and then back up to his face. “You look extra cute today as well.”
Yuchan swore he was going to become permanently pink faced around her.
Now that she was here, time seemed to fly by, speeding past until she placed her hand over his and suggested they leave the café in favour of walking around the nearby botanical garden. And how could he disagree to walking with pretty flowers and a stunning woman beside him?
Her arm looped around his, content written across her features as she spoke about whatever. Then, she paused for a moment and looked up at him. “Yuchan, can I ask you a personal question?”
“Yeah, sure.”
“Are you a crow hybrid?” He was a little bewildered that she had figured it out; he was sure he had never given any indication towards his species. 
“Mhm. How did you find that out?”
“Well, for one you’re really intelligent and can pick out problems and solutions really quickly. And two, I noticed you really seem to like shiny things and collect them.- all the jewellery you wear is really bright, I think it’s cute,” His smile was broad, hiding his face in her shoulder as she ruffled his hair, smooth in the strands gently between her fingers. 
“Can I ask you a question?”
“Of course.”
“Why did you defend me and risk your job like that?” She stilled for a moment, but she carried on brushing her fingers through the silly black strands. 
“Because I don’t like him and his views. He’s a piece of shit that thinks he can say things like that and get away with it. I would have done it for anyone, but it annoyed me especially because he was saying it about you. You’re so sweet, Yuchannie and he refuses to acknowledge that,” Her voice was soothing and he found himself relaxing against her touch, “and besides. I got to punch him and keep my job, I think it’s a win win situation.”
He laughed, the sound full of mirth and of gratitude. “That’s nice to know,” He remarked teasingly and she pulled him down onto the bench with a finger against her smiling lips. 
Her fingers slipped into her coat pocket, rummaging around for something before she pulled out a small velvet box. The small thing was opened up and within there was a dainty half heart necklace, encrusted with red gems and a single pink one in the middle. 
Without giving him a chance to speak, she unclasped the necklace and gestured for him to lean down, placing it gently around his neck and patting the spot above his heart. She reached under her shirt and pulled out her own identical necklace, the other half of the heart.
“There,” she spoke as she tucked it back under her shirt, “now I can add you to my collection of pretty things." 
Oh god, he thought as he pressed a kiss to her cheek in an attempt to do something with himself, she’s going to make me fall so hard. 
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the-inc-den · 3 years
I Think This Could Be the Start of a New Life (The Inc Den)
A/N: Oh hi 👋🏻. Here’s the first piece I guess. Figured I’d get everyone introduced. I hope you enjoy them because I love everyone dearly. so yeah.
Warnings: None? swearing I guess, but this is SFW
Summary: River would really like to stop being sexiled from their apartment.
Word Count: 4.5K
River was lounging on the couch in the main space of their apartment waiting for their roommate Lacey to come out of the bathroom. Literally lounging as one foot was propped up on the couch while the other stayed on the floor, careful to keep their still shoe wearing foot off the couch lest Nox or Lacey throw a fit. They were scrolling through their phone and half answering texts from their work group chat, Al and Roger debating pop music influences with commentary chimed in from time to time. They tapped their foot to some mental tune they were playing to keep themselves occupied, probably something that was on Drake’s playlist that they’d heard at work. River had to wonder if Nox was in the room and waiting for them to leave before coming out, but they were probably still curled up under Lacey’s bed. River threw their head back and let out a groan as they looked at the clock on their phone, Lacey’d been getting ready for nearly an hour.
“Lace, c’mon, do you want to get to Labyrinth before last call or not?” They called. They hardly remembered why they had agreed to accompany Lacey on her night out, she was just going to meet up with Scott and then sexile River from the apartment. Then River would have to call up Drake or Roger or Al and crash on their couch and they weren’t super keen on doing that tonight, their hips still hurt from the last time they’d had to. Lacey exited the bathroom with her red hair curled and her makeup done to perfection which was really impressive, River just wished it didn’t take an hour to do.
“Please tell me you’re not going out like that?” Lacey pleaded. River looked over their outfit: ripped jeans, Converse that had seen better days if the faded canvas and scuffed bottoms were any indication, and their “River’s Fight School” t-shirt that Lacey had made them after the “worst breakup she’d ever experienced” that had ended with River threatening to kick the ex’s ass. The outfit had been what they’d worn on shift and it’d been fine, mostly because unlike Roger, they never dressed to impress at the shop.
“I am, because may I remind you I’m not keen on impressing anyone. Besides, I wanna sleep comfortably on whatever couch I have to end up crashing on.” River replied with only a dash of bitterness sneaking into their tone. Lacey rolled her eyes and slid her boots on.
“Fine, fine, c’mon,” Lacey said. River stood up and grabbed their jacket off the couch arm.
“Nox, don’t tear the apartment apart!” River shouted into the apartment as they closed the door. Their typical parting words to the shadow monster who lived under Lacey’s bed.
The duo walked to Labyrinth with little fuss, minus Lacey occasionally twirling her hair around her finger. After six years of friendship, River knew that she was nervous about something.
“Are you and Scott okay?” They asked.
“What? Oh! Yeah, totally, work’s just been a pain and I’m… wait what —“
“You’re twirling your hair,” River said, miming the gesture by twisting their bangs out of their face. Lacey looked over at her finger and immediately dropped her hand.
“Damn you Rio,”
“You love me,” they were quick to interject with a smile. Lacey chuckled as they approached the bar. Frankie was standing outside and Lacey smiled up at the rakassha as she entered and River gave a mock salute. “Evenin’ Frankie,” they said and received a nod in response. River walked in and was almost smacked by the noise. Boys Don’t Cry was playing over the speakers as the bar and surrounding tables were crowded. As to be expected on a Friday night.
“Lacey Loo!” A male voice yelled from one of the side tables. Lacey grinned as she turned to greet the voice. Decked in a red plaid shirt and good jeans was Scott, the himbo werewolf boyfriend. He was a good guy, he and River got along when they hung out together, they were just… loud when it came to nightly extracurriculars, and that was before getting into the whole “is a werewolf” thing. River nodded that they were taking their leave as Lacey went over to Scott and they found themselves going to the bar. They waited for the bartender to finish dealing with some newbies as they took their seat in their usual stool. It was a miracle that as busy as the bar was, they managed to snag it. If River didn’t know any better, they might’ve thought that Chrissa was saving it for them. They watched the orc bartender work, she eventually turned around and seemed relieved to see River.
“Finally, someone easy,” she said with a sigh. River chuckled and smiled.
“Hey Chrissa, my usual?” They asked.
“One mildly large glass of Coca Cola, coming up.” She said as she pulled a glass and the soda gun. Chrissa filled it and slid it to River with a smile, garnished with its usual orange umbrella, a mental note to whoever came on shift after Chrissa or simply any passing waiter that River wasn’t drinking. They snuck a glance around the bar, trying to spot if there was anyone they knew hanging around. Other than Scott and Lacey cozied up in the corner, the answer seemed to be a resounding no, not that it wasn’t expected. River sighed and went back to focusing on Chrissa doing her work. They’d always had a fascination with watching the bartender work, it was always interesting, trying to follow Chrissa’s hands move and grab the bottles without thinking too hard about what they were, measuring the liquor with ease that only came from repeated movements and months of training before her first shift. Laurence had hired her after he got tired of working the bar himself, roughly around the same time River and Lacey had started frequenting the place when they first moved to the city.
Chrissa dealt with some customers at the other end of the bar before coming back in front of River.
“How was work by the way?” She asked. River shrugged in response.
“Wasn’t too bad, mostly just stayed in the basement with Drake.” They said, the record shop they worked at had a light dampened basement for those who didn’t do well with sunlight, which included their vampire coworker. River just liked it because it was usually a lot quieter than working the upstairs front counter. Even if Al sometimes sent the most ridiculous requests down to them.
“No wonder you’re so fucking pale,” Chrissa joked as she cleaned glasses. River just rolled their eyes.
“Hey, I’m pale because of a lot of reasons. The basement and Nox are just two of the reasons.” They remarked.
“How is Nox by the way?”
“Good, he’s mostly keeping to himself, deep cleaned the apartment the other day and I didn’t even know he could do that.”  River remarked with a chuckle. Nox didn’t pay rent, but he usually made up for it by keeping the apartment clean when Lacey and them couldn’t. “I think he wrote something about wanting to try manifesting fully again while we were there, but we haven’t been in the apartment at the same time long enough.”
“Scott?” Chrissa asked. River groaned and nodded.
“I swear, it’d be easier if they just moved in together so I could start looking for other roommates, but they’re “still taking it slow”.” River remarked.
“Heads up, someone headed your way,” Chrissa said, her tone of voice taking on a dash of an edge. River furrowed their brow until they turned and saw a purple skinned woman stride toward them with a glint in their eyes that River had a sneaking suspicion they should fear.
“Do you?” River asked with a slight head tilt of confusion
“Yeah, if it were anyone else, I’d say run.”
“But it’s me so…”
“Oh I’m so looking forward to what comes next.” Chirssa said with a laugh as they moved down the bar a bit. The woman who finished coming over made a show of coming next to River without getting into their personal space. River watched them out of the corner of their eye, waiting to see what the play was.
“What’re you drinking sweetie?” The woman asked. She had wavy purple and pink hair with white ox horns that curved just below her chin.
“Just soda, I’m a DD tonight,” River lied. Not about the soda, but about being the DD. Really, they were waiting for the text that said they were out of an apartment tonight, but DD seemed like the safer excuse.
“Ah, the responsible friend, those are always nice to have, I’ve never had the luck,” the woman said with a smile. Her voice sounded like honey and it was pleasant to listen to. But between Chrissa’s warnings and this woman seeming to lay on thick whatever it was they were trying, River let a chuckle escape them. “What?” she asked with a slight tilt of her head.
“You’ve struck out Misae,” Chrissa said, coming back over with a martini glass with pink liquid in it. “You managed to pick the one ace human in the whole establishment.”
“I doubt that,” River remarked, the venn diagram of “ace being” and “human” in this establishment was a thin middle ground, but not one person thin. At least, as far as River knew. Misae however chuckled and smiled.
“Then I’m terribly sorry about all of that,”
“Ah don’t worry about it, you’re still pretty and I like getting hit on by pretty women even if they are trying to mildly charm me.” River said with a grin. “I’m River,” they said, offering their hand.
“Misae as Chirssa mentioned, charmed to meet you River,” She said, shaking hands with a gentle grace. When they released each other's hands, Misae furrowed her brow. “Nothing?” She asked which got another laugh out of River. “Not a thing,” they said.
“Wow…” Misae said with a sigh as she took a sip of her drink. River thought she’d leave and go find another target before a grin came onto her lips. “Would you mind coming and pranking my friends? I’ve got one who needs to be taken down a peg and I think you’ll be my secret weapon.” She asked. River looked over at Chrissa who gave a short nod.
“If it’s who I think it is, they’ll knock him down several pegs.” She said, River turned back to Misae who was still grinning, more conspiratorial than sensual, they snuck a quick glance to where Lacey and Scott were still curled up together before facing Misae again.
“Yeah why not,” they said as they popped off their barstool. Misae giggled and offered her hand, a hand that River took, as she dragged them to a booth tucked into the back of the bar, it was an eight person booth currently filled with three similar looking individuals, in so much as they weren’t human and definitely had demonic lineage. River did their best to not make assumptions, but judging on what Misae had brought them over to achieve, the members of the table were all various forms of incubi. Concubi? Was that the technical term? One on the edge of the seating arrangement was a light blue man with his horns curving up from his forehead and a darker blue coloring on his cheek that River had a hard time telling if it was a blush or makeup.
“Mis, who’s this?” He asked, his voice slightly higher than expected and a curious look on his face.
“This is River, River this is Azzy,” the light blue one who smiled slightly and River was pretty convinced that this was the closest they were going to experience an embarrassed incubus. “Kori,” a maroon inc who seemed to be the eldest of the group as he simply smiled at their appearance. He had long hair tied up in a bun and River felt a little bit more at ease seeing him. “And Joliet,” another maroon skinned being who was grinning, he also had tied up black hair, though he wore jewelry on his horns. “Where’s Rose?” Misae asked as she gestured for River to sit next to Joliet. She sat down next to Azzy across the table and River tried not to feel like they’d been suddenly thrown off the deep end.
“Bathroom.” Azzy said.
“Biblically speaking,” Joliet quickly added. River chuckled a little at the need for clarification. Something told them that for him it was actually necessary. They also suspected he was probably their target.
“Ah, well, that’s chill.”
“Mis what are you planning?” Kori asked with a slight glare directed at his friend. Ah, he was the dad friend.
“Oh nothing, just a lil bit of karmic justice,” Misae said with a grin that was anything but innocent. Joliet leaned over to River and whispered in their ear.
“Blink twice and I’ll get you out of here,” he said with a smirk. River stared at him with a smirk of their own and Joliet broke into a laugh. “Oh they’re good,”
“Seriously Mis, what’s going on?” Kori asked.
“It’s payback for Rose stealing my mark last week.” Misae said.
“And how is this gonna be payback?” Kori asked. “You just put a perfectly beautiful human in front of him, if anything all this is going to do is insure none of us sleep tonight,” he said.
“Oh you’ll see,” Misae said, throwing a wink River’s way. River tried to not blush at being called beautiful and simply kept their game face on.
“What’ll Kor see?” A navy blue inc asked. He wore a grey t-shirt and dark black jeans and River saw the issue. Between golden eyes and a charisma that dripped off of him, even as unaffected as River was, he knew who and what he was and was well aware that manipulating people was second nature. He’d been looking over at Kori before scanning the table and landing on River. “Oh… oh hello,” he said. His voice was warmer than Misae’s was, more a whiskey than a true honey, but it didn’t hit River the way they imagined he intended. “If you’d scootch in sugar,” he said. To play along, River did so, pressing a little closer to Joliet in the process. River snuck a glance at the others who all looked a little nervous, even Misae, but River softly shook their head, hiding it by pushing their bangs off their forehead a bit. “Now, hello. I’m Rosair, you can call me Rose,” he said as he offered his hand to shake. River took it with a smirk of their own.
“Nice to meet you Rose, River,” they said. Rosair took their hand and kissed the back of it and River chuckled. “You do this to all the pretty people who cross your path?” They asked.
“Then I can see why Misae and Chrissa put me up to this,” they said with a chuckle. Rosair furrowed his brow to which River only grinned. “I’m ace Rose, you’re just pretty.” Rosair looked over at Misae who was grinning.
“Payback’s a bitch Rosie,” she said.
“Ah no matter, you’re still here.” he said with a small smirk that seemed to indicate he wasn’t done yet.
“Sure,” River said as they tapped his shoulder. “So, other than trying to pick up people at bars, what do you lot do?” They asked with a tilt of their head. Even Misae looked a little surprised at the question. “What? You think I’m just gonna go back to the bar and go back to sitting alone? C’mon now, you guys are not that dumb.” Joliet broke out of the stunned silence first with a laugh.
“You’ll have to forgive them, they’re very used to transactional interactions and have not quite figured out just normal interactions, I work at a tattoo parlor.” He said with a smile.
“Interesting, Kori?” River asked, glancing a little around Joliet.
“Oh uh, I work at a bakery. Mostly donuts and cake.” He said.
“I’ll definitely have to try it some time, assuming you’re any good,”
“I’m mostly the counter, but Mandy, who actually owns the place, is quite good.” Kori clarified.
“Azzy?” River asked with a raised eyebrow, watching him fight off the dark blue crawling onto his cheeks.
“I work at a thrift shop.”
“I’m a grad student,” Misae said, “mostly focusing on art and culture, and Rosair’s a mooch.”
“I think the technical term is gold digger,” Joliet commented.
“I thought it was drifter,” Kori chimed in.
“None of you are correct, I’m a freelancer.” Rosair said with a roll of his eyes.
“That’s what we said: a freeloader.” Azzy said and River had to quickly get closer to Joliet as Rosair nearly vaulted over the table to get at his friend. River laughed a little and looked over at Rosair for the first time since he sat down.
“What’s your specialty?” They asked leaning on the table and cutting off the others physically a bit, which got a gasp from Joliet.
“Graphic design,” he said.
“You any good?”
“I’ve been told so, but you’re welcome to find out,” he said with a smirk returning. River laughed a little.
“Okay, yeah, I walked into that one,” they said as the giggles subsided.
The conversation continued on like that for a while, giggles and quips and jokes at everyone’s expense. River learned that Kori, Misae, and Azzy had known each other since high school, Joliet wasn’t technically an inc but his dad had been, so his cambion status gave him a weird in when they were in college with the other three, and Rosair had needed people to help pay the rent on his, in Azzy’s words, “fucking massive” apartment which had led to their loose confederation of people. Joliet called them “the Inc Den” which only got a groan out of Kori. They were pleasant and funny, and River tried not to think about how they were the first friends they’d made outside of work in three years.
When Misae had left the table to get drinks, River felt their phone vibrate and they tried not to groan as they fished it out of their pocket.
“Careful sugar,” Rosair said. He’d tucked himself in close next to River even after the rejection and they kept their phone in the pocket next to him.
“Shut up Rose,” they muttered as they clicked it on.
From Lacey Loo: hey…. I’m sorry. Tell drake i’ll pay for his breakfast.
River tried not to slam their head on the table in response. They tried not to think about how normal it was that Lacey didn’t even have to say much for River to get the whole picture. They changed their text channels and started texting Drake.
To Drake-ula: please tell me your couch is open
From Drake-ula: sorry dude, ditto situation
To Drake-ula: a) get some, roger’ll expect a review b) fuck you fine c) please tell me it isn’t roger
From Drake-ula: you think too lowly of me, it isn’t roger. And fuck you too, see you tomorrow.
River went to change chats again when Joliet piped up, “What’s with the angry eyes Riv?” He asked.
“My roommate just sexiled me and my go-to couch did the same.” They said as they pulled up Roger’s contact.
To Roger Snake: please tell me I can crash on a pile of pillows
The lack of instantaneous reply led to River looking at the time. The fact that it was a little after midnight meant Roger wouldn't even be up, the early sleeper he was. “Fuck!” They hissed.
“Aren’t you a little old to get sexiled?” Kori asked.
“Do you want to be in the same apartment as a werewolf having sex when he’s noisy even unshifted?” River asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Fair enough,” Kori said almost immediately. River sighed and tried to think of literally anyone else who might be okay with them crashing. Derek usually didn’t want anyone in his apartment except for holiday dinners, Chasen was out of town, and Al lived with six other people and they usually had people on the couch. They felt bad for Nox, who could technically leave the apartment, didn’t like doing it so they usually just suffered in silence and berated Lacey in the mirror the following morning.
“You could stay with us sugar,” Rosair said. River looked over at him with a look of confused amusement.
“Bet you say that to all the pretty people,”
“Actually we have a “no marks in the apartment” policy,” Azzy said. “It ensures we all sleep and don’t end up in this very situation,” he added.
“Why should I?”
“Because going back to your place means a very vocal werewolf,” Rosair said.
“And we have a pull out couch.” Kori cut in quickly.
“And they think you're cute and the fact that you haven’t run for the hills after nearly two hours with us is a sign they might want to keep you around,” Joliet whispered in River’s ear. Joliet had quickly become a grounding element at the table. He seemed to translate the unspoken wants of everyone with ease of exetend exposure. River tried not to flush a little at the comment.
“Can I convince you all to swear on no funny business?” They asked cautiously.
“Absolutely, just a couch,” Kori said. River looked over at Rosair who chuckled but nodded.
“On my name, there’ll be no funny business, just a couch.” River glanced at Azzy and Misae who nodded in agreement.
“We’re with them.” Misae said. River did a quick pro-con list in their head and sighed.
“Alright, yeah, I’d love it if I could crash on your couch,” they said.  
“Then we should probably get out of here,” Kori remarked. Misae stood up and allowed him and Azzy out of the booth. Rosair did the same for River and Joliet. River quickly realized that other than Azzy and Misae, River was the shortest amongst the group, and even Azzy had his horns for a little bit of extra height. As they started walking for the door, River caught Chrissa’s eye who only slightly furrowed her brow and came a dash closer
“Rio,” she said. The group stopped and River went over to the bar, leaning over on their elbows.
“What’s up?” They asked.
“You’re fully conscious and aware you’re leaving with these people right?” Chrissa asked. River chuckled slightly and nodded.
“Yeah, Drake’s got someone over and Lacey kicked me out, they’re letting me crash on their couch,” River said. They appreciated the check, really, it was out of character for River to leave Labyrinth with anyone other than Lacey, Drake, or even Roger if they managed to catch him early enough.
“Alright, text me in the morning, yeah?” She said, which River nodded without comment. They went back over to the others and they continued their way out of the bar, River saluting Frankie at the door as a symbol that they were leaving willingly. Frankie let out a low growl but nodded as they let Kori lead the group to the apartment.
It wasn’t a far walk from the Labyrinth, probably why they favored it like Lacey and River did, and it was actually surprisingly closer to work than River’s own apartment. Which meant it was in the opposite direction of their apartment making changing before work tomorrow a challenge. Maybe they could? No, no that’d be pushing it. They’d just ask Derek to have a spare set in the back room when they got in. When the group reached the complex, River realized why Rosair had needed help with the rent, it was not an inexpensive building, even if Rosair was as good as he said he was. They all piled into the elevator with Azzy practically leaning on Misae out of exhaustion. Kori was scrolling through his phone while Joliet was fishing out the keys. They reached the sixth floor and wandered down the hall a little before opening the door.
The main space was fairly open, a decent size kitchen off to the right, a television on a stand by far wall in between two doors. There was a small set of stairs that seemed to lead into a small hallway. If River had to guess, they were going to go with the idea that that’s probably where the den’s bedrooms were.
“Bathroom’s the left door, I’ll help with the couch when you come out,” Joliet said. Having been relieved from bed duty, Azzy and Misae wandered their way upstairs. River nodded once and wandered into the bathroom that was quite well furnished for a half bath. They quickly went and splashed some water on their face and came back to Kori and Joliet waiting for them. Joliet had tugged the bed out and it looked really comfy, even by pull out bed standards, as Kori had seemed to stack pillows and extra blankets on the end. Kori then handed over a pair of sweatpants.
“Figured you didn’t want to sleep in jeans,” he said and River couldn’t tell because the apartment was dark, but they could’ve sworn Kori was a little flustered.
“Thanks Kor,” River said with a small smile. Kori nodded and untied his hair as he wandered over to the stairs, shaking it out and running his hand through it. River tried not to be mesmerized by the gesture but based on Joliet’s chuckle they were unsuccessful.
“I’m pretty convinced that’s why he keeps it tied up,” Joliet remarked.
“Probably, he could cause traffic accidents like that.”
“Wait until he reminds you he can be a whore,” Joliet said.
“Huh?” River said with a small flush of pink.
“Kori doesn’t like to advertise he’s an incubus, rather just let people think he’s a slightly tall tiefling. Hell, if he could survive without having to feed, he’d do it. But every once and a while either Misae or Rosair will convince him to dress up and it tends to lead people to have a hard time keeping their hands to themselves.” Joliet said. “But, enough chatter, I’m the door to the right, if you need anything just knock. Most of us don’t get up before noon, but I’m your best bet if you need something in the morning.
“Like a different t-shirt?” River asked.
“Oh yeah, I’ll even loot a pair of underwear if you need it.”
“I don’t think--”
“Don’t worry, Rose won’t notice.” Joliet said with a smirk. River tried not to laugh too loudly at the prospect.
“Thanks Jols,” they said. Joliet grinned and held their arm out, allowing River to come into his side if they wanted to. They did, with ease tucking themselves into his side and receiving a quick squeeze.
“No worries darling, I’ll talk to you tomorrow, yeah?” He said with a smile. River nodded and quickly disappeared back into the bathroom to change into the sweatpants that anyone with eyeballs could tell weren't theirs, but they didn't really mind. They were comfy and that was all that mattered. They tiptoed back out and carefully curled up in the pile of blankets. This.... this was good.
11 notes · View notes
fan-fantasies · 4 years
Christmas Miracle (Kim Hongjoong)
Prompts?: “Come and kiss me baby, we don’t need no mistletoe” -Ariana Grande (Wit it This Christmas)
“The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear.” -Elf
Paring?: hongjoong x reader
warnings?: swearing, situations of drinking, (i think thats it)
A/N: Hey everyone, so i’m pretty nervous to post this, it’s been awhile since i last posted something. I’ve been struggling with some mental health situations which left me unmotivated and overall not myself. So i’m hoping that this turns out as good as i think it is. I write this for an Ateez Winter prompt, I thought why not start of the year with something wholesome? Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy this as much as i enjoyed writing it. <3 Breezy
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Winter was a beautiful season, the snow, the pretty Christmas decorations that seemed to be everywhere you looked. You wouldn’t say that you hated winter, seeing it was the best time of year for hot chocolate in front of a fire or curling up under warm blankets for a movie night in. Though for the love of all things, why did it have to be so cold?! 
The wind blew on your walk to class, after your car neglected to start due to the frigid temperatures, there was no other option but to bundle up and walk the small distance to your university. At least it wasn’t snowing but the dark clouds were telling a different story. What a wonderful day today was going to be. You decided that maybe a warm cup of hot coco would help your day get better, there was a small cafe right by the school that you had never had time to stop before but today seemed to be the day. The cafe was quiet, the soft sound of the radio kept it from being too quiet. At the register was a fairly tall man, dark hair that was pushed to the side so it wouldn't cover his eyes. His name tag read, 'San'. When he saw you he spoke cheerfully, greeting you with a warm smile.
"Good morning! What can I get for you?" He cheerfully asks causing you to cringe a bit. It was too early.
"Hi " you spoke softly, "can I get a medium hot chocolate?” you order now returning a smile. As you prepared to take out your wallet, he stops you.
“It's on the house," he says, "it seems like you need it." His smile never left his face. You honestly couldn't tell if it was fake or if he just loved his job that much.
"Hongjoong, one hot cocoa!" He shouts to his coworker who stood by the machines seemingly already working on it. From where you stood, Hongjoong was shorter than his co-worker, his hair a dark brown and, to be honest, looked soft. You couldn't see his face but you wished you could.
While you wait, San kept a light conversation going, seeing as he had no customers, not like you minded.
"Where are you heading off too?" He asked curiously.
"Well I'm heading to one of my classes at the university. Art history." You tell him honestly.
His eyes light up hearing that class, "Then you likely know Wooyoung!" he exclaims, “He's our roommate."
San motions towards Hongjoong. “Well one of our roommates, we share an apartment with a few friends." San glances in the direction of his coworker who was hard at work.
He spoke quietly, "do you think I could get your number?" You were surprised at how forward he was.
Your expression made him chuckle, "Not for me silly, Joong over there has been sneaking glances at you, and I've seen your eyes wander too," he teases, "he's just a little nervous to get out there." San explained quietly hoping his friend didn't hear the conversation. Typically you weren't one for giving your number out but you had to admit his friend was cute... 
"yeah, give me something to write it down" you say, your cheeks starting to feel warm. The male smiled widely before handing you a piece of receipt paper. You scribbled your number down quickly and handed it to the dark haired boy, who quickly took it and hid it before his friend came over with your drink. Your eyes finally met his, your heart nearly leapt out of your chest. 
His eyes were a dark brown, he was wore large rimmed glassed that only seemed to make him even more adorable if that was physically possible. His hair was parted in the middle, slightly showing off his forehead but it honestly framed his face wonderfully. Your train of thought was broken when you heard San speak up,
“We have to see you again! Now you better go before you’re late for class!” He exclaims which reminded you that, in fact, you had class to get to. 
“Thank you San, thank you Hongjoong.” You spoke quietly with a shy smile before leaving the cafe and heading down the street. Even with the unexpected stop, you were still making great time and were able to make it to class with five minutes to spare. 
“(Y/n)!” You heard the familiar hyper voice yell. You glanced up seeing Wooyoung waving excitedly in your direction. He always acted if you never saw each other. 
“Good morning Woo.” You say with a warm smile. You sat in the seat beside him, as you always did, and he was quick to notice the cup that you had sat down. 
“You stopped at a cafe?” He questioned curiously, he knew you hardly ever stopped. 
“Yeah, my car didn’t start this morning so I had to walk. I decided to stop to get something to warm me up a little.” You say with a chuckle. Your eyes scanned over the cup briefly only for you to now notices the small flower doodles and hearts on the part where they typically wrote the name for the order.
Wooyoung must have also noticed cause he gasped at it, “Awe!” Wooyoung was always so giddy when it come to you, especially if it had to do with you potentially dating. This man was absolutely invested in getting you into a relationship. 
“Did you get the name of the barista?” He questioned trying to get as much information as possible. 
You giggle at his question, “Yeah, I did.” You smile softly, “Also, I’m pretty sure San wanted me to say hi to you.” You say with a smirk. His eyes lit up like a Christmas tree. You had never seen him so happy about something in his life. 
“It was San?!” He nearly shrieked trying to keep his voice down. 
“No, it wasn’t San. Though he was really trying to set one of your friends up with me.” You looked down at your hands shyly. “His name was Hongjoong.” This time Wooyoung couldn’t hold back the squeal that escaped him. 
He prepared to speak but was cut off when the professor began to start speaking. You instantly went into, what you liked to call, note taking mode. This was one of your favorite classes and you found it the most interesting out of all of them, so of course you were going to pay attention. 
Midway through the class you felt Woo gently poke your side, carefully sliding a small note to you. What was this? Eighth grade? 
‘So Hongjoong? ;)’ Was written on the note, you knew telling him about his friends was likely a bad idea… 
‘What about him?’ You wrote back, carefully sliding the note back. You knew Wooyoung was trying to hold back his excitement. 
When the note slide back you weren’t surprised to see what he had written. ‘What do you think of him?” 
You rolled your eyes at this, ‘IDK, he seems nice? I didn’t really get a chance to talk with him.’ You quickly wrote before passing it back, now fully focusing on the professors lecture. Wooyoung must have seen that you wanted to focus, cause he never passed the note back. 
The class went by slowly, though you didn’t really mind. It almost made you forget crappy your day had started out. 
Once the professor dismissed everyone, Wooyoung was at your side talking again. 
“You should come to our Christmas party!” He suggested, “It’s just us, we watch movies and just have a good time. Maybe you can talk to my buddy Hongjoong a little.” He teased with a wink. 
You both exited the classroom, through the hallway windows you could see that snow had indeed begun to fall. 
You groan in discontentment. “Why did my car have to stop working today?” You mumble watching the snow fall from the sky. 
“You can’t walk home in this! You’re going to catch cold.” He says, “I bet one of the guys would bring you home!” He pulls out his cell phone, “San and Hongjoong should be getting out of work soon. They could come pick you up.” He says tapping away at his phone.
“I don’t want to inconvenience them, I’ll just take the bus.” You tell him, he shook his head. Continuing to type away on his phone. 
“Too late, San already agreed. He said him and Hongjoong would pick you up outside the main building in 15 minutes.” Wooyoung giggled, a cute smile on his face.  
“Fine and I’ll think about your offer for the Christmas party.” The both of you hug before parting ways. 
Your walk to the main building was pretty quiet, most students were in their classes only a few stragglers wandered around. Likely, they too, were done with classes or meeting with professors before their final deadlines come up. To be honest, you hadn't thought much about them. 
You glanced out the front door, not daring to go outside unless you needed to. A few cars sat idling in the parking lot, Wooyoung neglected to tell you what type of car they drove. You stood there for a bit, in your back pocket your phone buzzed. A new text message.
You opened it, no name had come up so whoever it was you didn't have their number.
"this is San! " the text started with, "this is Hongjoongs phone so you should save his number." he had said, adding a winky face at the end. "Anyways, we are outside the silver Toyota." you glance out and the car seemed to pull up. Perfect timing you thought to yourself. You held your jacket close as you walked out into the cold, the snow seemed to be falling even more then before. You sped walked to the car, opening the backseat door, you were oddly surprised at how clean it was.
"hey (y/n)!" San enthusiastically says from the passenger seat. Hongjoong also greeted you but in a much quieter fashion.
"hi, I really appreciate you giving me a ride. I probably would have frozen solid if I had to walk." you say with a small laugh.
"I don't mind," Hongjoong spoke softly as he began to pull out of the parking lot. You told him your address and he headed in that direction. San made sure to keep the conversation going, he reminded you so much of Woo.
"How long have you known Wooyoung?" You curiously ask the two males.
"Well, Woo and I went to high school together. then we met this one when we moved in for university." San spoke happily, it was honestly kind of sweet.
 Hongjoong nodded in agreement, "If I would have known you two were so crazy I wouldn't have moved in." He teased with a smirk planted on his face. San gasped trying his best to act offended. This made you giggle, these two were insane, but you loved it.
The drive to your apartment was filled with stories and jokes. Maybe taking Wooyoungs offer would be fun. You thanked them both before exiting the car and heading to your apartment. You took off your coat and shoes before further entering your apartment. Your phone began to vibrate in your back pocket as you headed towards your room.
 The caller ID read, Wooyoung.
You answer. " yes Woo?" you asked enter your room and sitting at your desk.
"how was your ride?" he questioned in a teasing manner. 
You rolled your eyes,"it was great. San told me a lot of stories." you tease back.
Wooyoung was quiet for a few moments. "Nothing new," he calmly says, " Have you thought about the party?" 
" yeah, I've thought about it" you begin.' I think it could be fun... " you nearly dropped your phone at the sound of Woo young's shriek. This man was to excitable..
"the party is next weekend , well, we usually start Friday night but you can come by on Saturday, "he says cheerfully.
"I'll come by on Friday, I'll just crash on your couch or something." you weren't opposed to sleeping on the couch or floor.
"Or maybe you can share a bed with Hongjoong." you could practically hear him smirking but his comment made you blush none the less.
"Shut up Woo, don't make me regret this." 
He chuckled, "I promise you wont, I gotta go I'll see you in class tomorrow." The overly excited man hung up the phone leaving you in silence.
"That guys gonna be the death of me." you mumble to yourself before standing and continuing to do your afternoon routine.
The week passed by in a blur. Other than your work, the party was always on your mind. You weren't typically one for parties but maybe this could be fun.
Woo told you that you would go to his place after your class, his roomie Jongho was going to bring you..
"Are you excited for tonight? " Wooyoung questions as the two of you exited the lecture hall. Even after an exhausting class, he still somehow managed to have so much energy.
"Yes, I'm excited. I’ve never honestly been to any kind of party like this before.” You admit with a small sigh. Wooyoung let out a giggle, he gently grabbed you and continued to walk with you down the corridor. 
“Well then this will be even more fun!” He exclaims, “You’ll love everyone, we can be a little crazy but I think you’ll get along with them. If you don’t, well I’m sure Hongjoong would bring you up to his room where it’s quiet.” He teased as he gently nudged your side. You smiled at his teasing tone but didn’t say anything else. You knew Woo was planning something, you just weren’t sure what it was he was planning. 
As he had said, Jongho was waiting for the both of you in his car. Another figure in the car in the passenger seat. 
“Hey Jongho! Yunho!” Wooyoung exclaims as he gets into the car, you followed suit. “Guys this is (Y/n)! They’re in my art history class.” He says to his friends. The one driving, who you assumed was Jongho gave you a hello, while the other one gave you the brightest smile. 
“Hey there! I’m Yunho!” His energy almost matched Wooyoung’s which honestly kind of scared you but not in a bad way. You giggle at his enthusiasm but didn’t say anything in return. You let the two goofy friends chat about the plans for tonight, while you and Jongho sat in silence listening to them. 
“We have to make one stop before we go back to the apartment.” Jongho says as he pulled into the parking lot of a small store. 
He parked the car, “I’ll be right back.” He says as he exits the car and rushing into the store, likely so his friends wouldn’t do something stupid in his car. You honestly believed that these two would be capable of doing something stupid like that.
The two continued to joke, as if Jongho hadn’t left the car. 
“Come on (Y/n)! Tell him what happened at the cafe.” Wooyoung whined as he playfully nudged you. 
“Wait the cafe where we work?” Yunho questions with the biggest grin on his face. Wooyoung nods his head excitedly. 
“Come on Woo, don’t make me tell him.” You beg looking at your friend who had the biggest shit eating grin. 
“If you don’t, I will.” He teases hoping that his words might honestly push you to tell the story. When you kept your mouth shut he took that as his cue that he would be telling it for you. 
“San was trying to set her up with Hongjoong.” This news made Yunho giggle happily. Did all of his friends really want to set you up with Hongjoong? They hardly knew you. 
Before the story continued, the drivers side door opened and Jongho sat down into his seat. He handed the bag to Yunho who was still giggling like crazy. You would have figured Jongho would have questioned but he just silently began to drive again. This was going to be an interesting night…
You had been at their apartment for about an hour and honestly you were sure that this was just pure chaos. It had started with the nine of you but eventually nine turned to ten and ten turned into eighteen. Someone, who you honestly assumed was San, had invited Changbin, who in turn invited his eight rowdy friends. Put the two groups of friends together to have a purely chaotic party. 
Currently you were all listening to upbeat Christmas music, dancing together like it honestly didn’t matter. Most of you were drinking, leaving poor Jeongin and Jongho out seeing as though they were technically underage but it honestly seemed like they weren’t interested in the booze since you knew if they wanted to drink they could have just asked. 
You weren’t much of a drinker but tonight, you decided to let loose a little, drinking enough just to make your head spin a little. 
A cup in hand you danced and sung along with Han and Wooyoung to the upbeat music, you were all sharing giggles having just a good time. All you wanted to do is dance. Wooyoung continued to glance at Han, you believed they were being sneaky but you could easily see through them. What were they planning?
The more you danced with them, the closer they seemed to get to you, not like you minded. Though Woo was your best friend, you found him attractive anyone with eyes would agree and Han was just as good looking as him. Though you were sure, Woo knew his limits and would make sure nothing happened to you. 
You heard a laugh beside you as you and Wooyoung shouted along to the Christmas song that played. You looked over to see Yeosang and Hyunjin, who seemed really entertained by the show that was being put on. 
“What?!” You shout to them over the loud music, “The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear!” You shout to them only causing them to laugh. 
“Come on Yeosang! Hyunjin! Join us!” You say to them holding out your arm. They only laughed again before walking in the opposite direction. You look at Wooyoung and pout but continued dancing none the less. 
Wooyoung leaned closer, whispering in your ear, “Guess who won’t stop looking at you.” He whispered in a singsong voice. You glanced over your shoulder and sure enough Hongjoong was glancing at you from across the room as he seemed to be in a conversation with Seonghwa and Chris. His averted his gaze back to the two he was talking with. 
“What are you planning Woo?” You question glancing back at your friend who seemed to have a mischievous glint in his eye. 
“Don’t worry too much, me and Han are going to help you.” You wanted to question what he meant but both Woo and Han took your arm leading you to the empty couch to sit. Once you sat down, the music was turned down and everyone seemed to gather around sitting in the empty chairs and the floor. You felt Han place his arm over your shoulder casually, you knew he meant nothing by it. 
“Usually around now we would watch some cheesy Christmas movies, but it seems we have more guests than usual.” San chuckled knowing that this was his doing. The room erupted in chatter about how they really wanted to watch movies. 
“Put on a movie!” Felix shouted from his seat on the floor. The rest of the room agreed. 
San rolled his eyes, “Fine! We watch the same movies every year so thats what we will watch.” Everyone in the room cheered excitedly as Yeosang turned the TV on preparing it for their movie marathon. Wooyoung got up from his seat, leaving you and Han alone on the couch. You suspected this was part of the plan. 
Han leaned closer to you, “Play along, but let me know if you’re uncomfortable.” He whispered in your ear. You honestly thought that while he was enacting this plan with Wooyoung, that he wanted you to be comfortable above all. You nod slightly and lean back against the couch, his arm was still casually thrown over your shoulder though he made sure to sit a bit closer to you. It was at that moment, you knew exactly what they were doing. They were trying to make Hongjoong jealous enough to make a move. You laid your head on Han’s shoulder, playing along with their idea to set you up. You continued to sip at your drink as someone turned off the lights and started the movie. The seat beside you stayed vacant for some time until Wooyoung returned, it was clear though that he didn’t want to take this seat. 
The movie went on, you were likely halfway through the movie when you felt a sickening feeling in your stomach. 
“Woo where’s your bathroom?” You asked quietly not to disturb anyone else. 
He glanced at you, “Down that hallway, the last door on the left. Are you okay?” He questioned, concern in his soft voice. 
“Yeah, I-I just don’t feel too good.” You say honestly before standing from your seat, carefully stepping over everyone on the floor and speed walking down the hallway. You threw the bathroom door open, closing it gently before rushing towards the toilet. Falling to the floor you threw up into the toilet, a few stray tears fell down your cheeks just from the burning in your throat. 
There was a knock on the bathroom door, “(Y/n)?” A voice you weren’t expecting to hear called, you went to answer but instead vomiting again. Through your dry heaves you heard the door slowly open and close gently. There were no words spoken as Hongjoong walked behind you and held you hair away from your face. It was a sweet gesture that would have made your heart skip a beat if you weren’t sitting here vomiting. You felt his other hand gently rub your back in hopes to maybe sooth you. 
When you were sure that the contents of your stomach was empty you sat back against your heels. 
“I-I’m sorry you had to see me like this Hongjoong.” You whisper softly, your throat sore from throwing up. There was long period of silence but it wasn’t an uncomfortable one. 
“Don’t be sorry, it happens.” He speaks softly, his voice calm and soothing. “Let me go get you some water and some mouth wash.” He chuckled softly before quietly leaving the room. 
You stood yourself up, supporting yourself against the counter as your felt light headed. You looked at yourself in the mirror, cheeks flushed from the tears that had fallen from your eyes. You looked like a disheveled mess. 
The bathroom door carefully opened again, Hongjoong entered with a cup of water and what you assumed was a bottle of mouthwash. He carefully handed you the cup, with shaky hands your first sip was to hopefully rinse this awful taste out of your mouth. The rest you carefully drank in hopes to sooth your hurting throat. 
“I’ll leave you to clean yourself up…” Hongjoong trailed as he turned to leave. 
“W-Wait, Hongjoong,” you began, “Will you wait for me outside the door? I’m feeling a bit dizzy.” You tell him.
He glanced back at you, a cute smile on his face. “Of course.” He left the room closing the door behind him. 
You took a few minutes to clean yourself up and be slightly more presentable before you slowly exiting the bathroom. As you had asked, Hongjoong waited for you. He offered you his arm, which you happily accepted. 
“C-Can I sit with you?” You quietly ask as you walked down the hallway together. 
He was quiet, “You don’t want to sit with Wooyoung and Han?” 
You giggled, did the plan actually work. “Why? Are you jealous?” You tease, a noticeable blush appearing on his cheeks. That gave you your answer. He didn’t particularly answer your question but when you got to the living room he brought you to his spot on the floor. You must have been gone for some time cause another movie had begun. Before you knew it, you were snuggling into his side, your eyes becoming heavy as you drifted to sleep. 
When you woke up you were in a completely different room, one you didn’t recognize. You tried to remember what had happened before you fell asleep, you remembered the movie and throwing up in front of Hongjoong. He was likely the reason you were in this bed. A soft snore snapped you from your thoughts, you carefully looked over your shoulder as saw Hongjoong. He was laying on his back, hair disheveled but it was cute. You carefully turn to face him, gently you place your head on his chest cuddling into him. His arm moved, wrapping itself around you holding you close. This felt so right… 
Hongjoong shifted underneath you, you glanced up to his face watching as his eyes flutter open. A blush appeared on his cheeks as he locked eyes with you. 
“Good morning.” You mumble softly a blush also appearing on your cheeks. Your heart was beating a mile a minute as you looked into each other eyes. A mental argument went on inside your head, should you make a move? Or just gaze into his eyes? You had a feeling that he was thinking the same thing. You sat there for what seemed like hours until his hand gently touched your cheek. His thumb gently rubbing against your cheek, the gesture was sweet but it was more than that… You shifted upwards, the both of your lips barely touching. 
“C-Can I kiss you?” He mumbles softly, his eyes never leaving yours. You didn’t answer, instead you leaned up and connected your lips together softly. Neither of you moved until Hongjoong deepened the kiss. His hand gently caressed your cheek as you shared this soft kiss. You pulled away slowly, your eyes locking once again. He sat up, his back now leaning against the headboard pulling you up with him as he once again locked lips with you. The hand on your cheek now rested on the back of your neck deepening the kiss. 
A loud crash caused the both of you to pull away. 
“What was that?” You question. 
Hongjoong sighed softly, “It’s more like who and I know exactly who it is.” He mumbled as he stayed close to you. 
“Sh-Should we go check on them?” You ask not particularly wanting to move from the position you were in. You squealed as he pulled you onto his lap to straddle his hips, his hands rested on your waist and yours wrapped gently around his neck. Your forehead again rested against his, your lips gently brushing against his again. You two would have likely kissed again if Hongjoongs bedroom door didn’t swing open causing the both of you to jump. Wooyoung stood there, the biggest shit eating grin ever imaginable on his face. 
“Wooyoung, get out.” You tell your friend, a threatening look in your eye that clearly sent a message to him cause he quickly shut the door and left you alone.
“That man really knows how to ruin a moment.” You say with a giggle as you looked at a flustered Hongjoong. “I think we should go check on them…” He gave you a nod, gently pecking your lips before you got up from the bed. 
You grabbed his hand gently as you both left his room, fully prepared to be teased by all of his friends. Which you were, though mostly it was his roommates being happy to see him with someone. The other nine boys, who must have crashed in the living room, joined them in being excited. Though Han was with you, saying that he was happy to see the two of you together. It was honestly kinda sweet seeing everyone so happy. 
The rest of the morning was spent eating a sweet breakfast that Wooyoung and Seonghwa made together, apparently this too was a tradition. You all sat around the living room, telling stories, laughing and genuinely enjoying the company of others. You were lucky enough to secure a spot on the couch next to Hongjoong, while San sat on the other side of you. It was nice to be able to cuddle into his side even if you were surrounded by everyone. 
Eventually the conversation seemed to shift into one that you never would have thought, it almost seemed cliche. A game of truth or dare amongst eighteen people. Well this was going to be fun.
They were harmless dares, like asking them to do silly things or things like that. It was honestly just fun amongst friends. Well, till it got to Hongjoong’s turn. 
“Alright Hongjoong, truth or dare?” Felix asked the elder who shifted in his seat. 
“Uh, dare?” He said as more of a question then answering the question. That made you giggle. 
“Well then, we all dare you to give your new girlfriend a big ol’kiss.” Some people in the room whooped and made sounds causing you to blush. He seemed hesitant unsure if you wanted to do this, his gaze locked with yours almost asking you for permission. 
You let out the smallest giggle, “Come and kiss me baby,” you say softly for only him to hear, “we don’t need no mistletoe.” You say in a teasing manner causing him to chuckle as well before leaning in and kisses you sweetly. The room erupted in cheers causing a blush to appear on your cheeks. It was a short but sweet kiss, you were sure neither of you wanted to pull away and likely you wouldn’t have if you weren’t surrounded by friends. 
The game continued on, picking fun at each other and having a good laugh. Before you knew it, everyone was getting ready to leave. Everyone said their goodbyes, Han made sure that he had contact with you cause you were pretty sure you had just made a new best friend. Once the nine boys left, you and the others continued to lounge in the living room. 
“(Y/N)!” Wooyoung shouted from the kitchen,
“What!?” You shout in return from the comfort of the couch as you laid across it with your head on Hongjoong’s lap. 
“Come help me!” You groan at his request before getting up and heading towards the kitchen. The biggest mess you had ever seen, Wooyoung was trying to bake… 
“Wooyoung, what in the world…” you begin, “Are you trying to make pie?” 
The happy boy smiled and nodded, “Yes I wanted apple pie.” He said. 
“We could have gone to the store.” 
He shook his head, “That’s no fun! Now help me, I know you know how to make apple pie.” He said. You rolled your eyes, and join him. 
“We are gonna need a few more hands, or this will take forever.” You tell Wooyoung, his eyes lit up as he rushed to the living room and came back with San and Hongjoong. 
You spent the rest of the afternoon baking with the chaos twins and Hongjoong. It was the most fun baking you had ever had. Once you put the pie in the oven, you set the timer and headed towards the living room. 
A hand grabbed yours, pulling you back, your back came in contact with a firm chest, his firm chest. His arms wrapped around you as he held you close and kissed your head. 
“I’m going to take you out tomorrow.” He says with a smile, “Where ever you want to go, I’ll take you.” He declares as he holds you close. 
“How about a coffee shop.” You say with a smirk causing him to chuckle. 
“Was their teasing not enough?” He questioned. 
You shook your head, “No.” You giggle, you glance up at him, there was a wide smile on his face. 
This was the man of your dreams, he was everything. Maybe he was your Christmas miracle. 
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The Call of the Wild Woman
Just some fluff featuring the green-haired goddess of NXT. 
Pairing: Shotzi Blackheart x OFC
Word count: 2,412
Content advisory: brief sexual references, language
The first time I met Shotzi, I instantly liked her. We shook hands and she gave me this smile that made me feel like I was having a great day, even though there hadn’t been anything exceptional about it to that point. I was a little overwhelmed with all the people I was meeting, trying to get a sense of their look, their personality, their character, but I knew from our introduction that I was going to remember her for years, even if I never saw her again. 
Of course, Shotzi’s a memorable person. Tall, tattooed, pierced and sporting that incredible acid green hair, it would be hard not to remember her. But I felt like I’d remember her vivacious eyes and confident smile just as much as the things that made her stand out from a mile away. My whole first day getting led around the performance center, I found my eyes drawn back to her whenever she appeared. 
I had just been moved to NXT to take over as their chief makeup artist. I’d been working on Raw for close to a year when the position opened up and I’d been so excited and nervous about whether I’d get the job that I felt as if I’d barely slept for two months. My boyfriend and I actually broke up while I was waiting to hear back and I hardly noticed. We’d been struggling since his work had moved him out of state, and things had just sort of ended like a wave washing over a sandcastle. I wasn’t bitter but I was lonely. And that, along with my desire to show that I could run a team in high pressure situations, meant that I threw myself headlong into the new job. I tried to keep some time to see friends but work seemed more rewarding. 
By the time I’d been there a few months, my circle of friends was largely made up of coworkers. There were always birthdays or barbecues or other things going on, and it was fun to be able to dish about work without having to explain a lot of background detail. I was enjoying myself. But, yeah, I was definitely lonely. 
I dropped a couple of hints here and there that I wouldn’t mind being fixed up with any single male friends and a couple of the women made suggestions. A couple of the men did too. But none of it went anywhere. I was too busy and too awkward to make a first move and if any of the suggested bachelors ever thought to check me out on social media, it never resulted in a phone call. 
Shotzi was always one of my favorite models. I loved transforming her from the natural beauty she was to the wild child who appeared on tv every week. And while we’d talk about work, she also had the greatest gifts as a storyteller, and the crazy stories to complement her skills. She’d been raised around bikers and conservative immigrants at the same time. She’d worked as a late night host for a horror movie tv broadcast before she became a wrestler. It was like she’d been born to perform and had found a way to do so while still being herself. 
I found myself sitting at home, always alone, watching the silly and shocking horror movies she’d recommend to me, or tracking down music by bands she’d mention or whose shirts she’d wear. When she’d worked on tv, she’d developed a loyal following of teenage boys and girls who used to do everything from message her begging her to go out with them to sending her love letters and poetry to showing up outside the station in the hopes of meeting her. It sounded both creepy and sad but I sympathized a little with her starry-eyed fans. She was a kind of dazzling whirlwind of a person and, indeed, I was dazzled by her. 
One day, I’d showed up at work after a particularly inauspicious Tinder date. The guy had picked me up for what was supposed to be coffee and a walk but had insisted that we stop by his friend’s place so he could get some pot. The three of us shared a joint and I assumed we were about to leave when another joint appeared. Being a lightweight, I declined but the two of them proceeded to smoke it themselves. Then the friend’s roommate came home from band practice. She pulled out her bong and that was getting passed around while she played us the hour-long piece of meandering prog that they’d created that day. All three of them seemed really entranced by what they could hear in the music, which I was pretty certain they were imagining. 
About an hour later, my date and his friend started playing video games. I quietly tried to suggest that we leave and at least grab that coffee because I was clinging to the hope that maybe the guy, who was way cuter than I’d counted on, might have some redeeming qualities. He assured me we could leave in a minute. He and his friend were completely absorbed in their game, while the roommate randomly started telling me about how her mother had given birth to her at a Grateful Dead concert in the eighties, after following the band on tour for years. She didn’t seem to care much if I responded and would focus entirely on her phone every minute she wasn’t speaking. 
Eventually, the roommate had begun to complain loudly that she was hungry and the guys agreed that we should order pizza. I handed over some money and advised them that I was a vegetarian, only to be surprised by a pizza that arrived looking like it had been fished out of a trash can, topped with pepperoni and cheese. I knew the place they’d ordered from and some quick math in my head made it clear that I had paid for basically all the pizza. They assured me that I could just pull the pepperoni off. 
I was about to leave but my date insisted that we could head out in a few minutes to find me something I might actually want to eat. He was cute enough that I‘d agreed to stay just a little longer. A few more guys showed up to buy pot. Then friends of the roommate‘s had shown up with beer and put the stereo on so loud I thought the ceiling might cave in. I ended up leaving at eleven without even saying goodbye. When I got home, I realized that I‘d lost my house keys and had to ask a neighbor to help me break into my apartment.
I told this story to my coworkers to a chorus of loud “nos'' and peals of laughter. Others shared some bad date stories but this one did seem pretty dire. Everyone commiserated and it did make me feel better, like the night hadn’t been a total washout because I had a good story to tell and, as a couple of the girls pointed out, dates I had in the future were likely to seem pretty good in comparison. 
“You should have taken some of the pot!” Shotzi exclaimed to a round of agreement. 
“I wish I’d thought of that.”
It was a few days later that I was prepping Shotzi’s makeup and I noticed that she was a bit quieter than usual. She wasn’t unfriendly but there was something off. 
“You ok?” I asked quietly, sweeping my brush out to give her the perfect cat’s eye flip. 
“Yeah, I’m great.”
She didn’t sound great, or at least not in the enthusiastic way she usually did. I felt my neck getting tense as I tried to lead the conversation for the first time, knowing I wasn’t nearly as good at it as she was. I didn’t want to push her to tell me what was on her mind and at the same time, I felt like my forced smalltalk was probably grating on her nerves. I wanted to be entertaining but I lacked the stories and the flair. 
Finally, when I announced that I was finished, she stood up just a few inches from me. I expected her to tell me to wish her luck, which I always did, but she didn’t move, her bright eyes focused on mine. 
“Do you want to go out some time this weekend?” She asked. 
“Like, hang out? Sure.”
She shook her head. “No. Do you want to go on a date with me?”
I sucked in a sharp breath, not knowing quite what to say. I fell back on the default. “Um, I don’t actually date women.”
“Oh.” She looked sad for the first time and a little surprised. “I’m sorry, I read some singles wrong. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable or anything.”
“Not at all. I mean, it’s no big deal. I just… you’re gorgeous. I’m just not…”
“It’s fine,” she insisted, extending a hand as if to pat my arm but withdrawing it before she did. “Please, forget I ever said anything.”
Of course, I couldn’t forget that. In fact, I couldn’t even get it out of my head. I’d always dated men. I’d known women who were bisexual and lesbian but none of them had ever expressed an interest in me and I hadn’t found myself attracted to them. But Shotzi was attractive. She was stunning. And the more I thought about that first reaction I’d had to her, the more it seemed similar to the way I’d reacted to men I’d been involved with in the past. I just hadn’t noticed the similarity because she was a woman and I wasn’t into women. 
But maybe I was into one woman. 
She stayed friendly with me, although she didn’t linger as long in the makeup chair regaling me with tales of her rock ‘n’ roll childhood or films that had made her who she was. I hadn’t even realized that she had been lingering before. I just thought we’d been having great conversations. We had been having great conversations. Had I been sending the wrong signals?
I knew that I had marveled at how beautiful and unique she was. I’d gushed, really. But I’d been so floored by her that I felt like I had to let off some steam in the form of compliments or I’d never be able to focus on anything else. That didn’t change after the “asking me out” incident. The fact that I couldn’t release any of my thoughts made it harder to think about anything. I’d see her and I’d spend ten minutes feeling like kind of an idiot, then half an hour thinking about her chatoyant eyes, about the perfect heart shape of her face, or her full lips. 
It was a few weeks later that I caught myself staring at her from the safety of the shadows while she prepared to go out for a match. I’d often stared at her body and I figured that it was because she had the kind of body that every woman wanted to have: perfect curves, toned limbs, smooth skin… Looking at her in that moment, though, I wasn’t so sure about my motives. Was I wishing that I had those taut thighs or was I wishing that I knew what it felt like to drag my lips along them, to feel her shudder at the sensation of my breath on her sensitive flesh? 
Her match was thrilling, as her matches almost always were. She was whipping around the place looking completely out of control, although we all knew she wasn’t. The more danger she put herself in, the more she seemed to glow with internal electricity. It was no wonder that the company was already treating her like a star. You’d have to be dead not to get drawn in by her. But it occurred to me as I watched her that I was more drawn in than others. 
When I saw her come backstage, I retreated to my makeup room and counted down what felt like enough time to allow her to unwind, shower and change before I made my way over to the locker room. 
“Hi there,” I greeted her, a little shyly. 
She glanced up and gave me a big smile while she patted her hair dry. 
“Hey you.”
“So, if the offer is still open, I’d like to say yes.”
She arched her elegant brows and gave me a coy smile. “Now what offer would that be?”
“If you still want to, then, yes, I would like to go on a date with you.”
“Interesting,” she drawled. “What brought about this change of heart?”
“You did.”
She bats her eyes and points theatrically at her chest. “Moi?”
I couldn’t help but smile. The light in her eyes told me she was happy but she still wanted to make me work for it a little. Fair enough.
“Ever since I met you, I’ve found all these things- movies, music, all sorts of stuff- that I just never thought of checking out because I either didn’t know about them or because I just never thought I’d be into them. And the more I think about it, the more I think that I might have made a lot of decisions about what I like just because it was what I saw everyone else doing.”
“Well that’s cool, but I’m not a movie or a book.”
“No. You’re this incredibly cool, funny, exciting, sexy person who I love being around and who has me thinking about all sorts of things I hadn’t considered.”
“Ok. How would you feel about a midnight picnic at an old shack I found near the river?” She grinned. 
“Will you hold my hand if I get scared?”
“I promise.”
I gave a little laugh and stepped closer to her, cupping her cheek in one of my hands and marvelling at how perfectly it fit there. Unable to resist the temptation, I leaned in and pressed my lips softly against hers. And immediately, a delightful shiver ran through every part of my body. 
When we separated, she gave me an almost coquettish smile and laced her arm through mine, steering us out of the locker. 
“You know,” I mused, “you don’t seem really surprised by this.”
“I’m not,” she responded with a wink. “I knew you’d come around.”
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love-imagineitall · 4 years
I feel  like my blog is going to become a Sheamus imagine blog, but you know what I’m totally fine with it :)
Request:  Can I request #30 from the prompt list with sheamus? Its so hard to find sheamus imagines and he is one of my favorite wrestlers from wwe
30.  “Can I kiss you?”
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You’d known Sheamus for quite a while now, but the two of you had never become really good friends. You had been coworkers for so long but it was always been a ‘hi’ in the hallway or a little bit of small talk while you stood in catering, but you had never really gotten to know him any more than what you had seen on TV or what other members of the roster had said about him. As you were talking with the Usos and Naomi you hear a semi-familiar Irish accent behind you, “Hey fellas! Just the two guys I wanted to talk to.” You turn around and you make eye contact with the Celtic Warrior before looking back at Naomi and saying “hey would you come with me I have to go to Sandra and get my new gear.” 
“Uh yeah sure. See you guys later.”
After the two of you get far enough away from the boys Naomi turns to you and asks, “what was that all about you were real quick to get out of there?”
“Oh nothing I just feel so awkward around Sheamus, I mean I’ve been working with him for so long, but we’ve barely ever spoken to each other and I feel like at this point its a little to late to be friends, you know?”
“No I don’t know, but whatever...”
The two of you go pick up your gear from one of the seamstresses at WWE, Sandra, and then you go to Mark Carano’s office waiting to hear what creative has come up with for you all, you had heard that there was going to be something new and exciting coming up, but with WWE you could never be sure.
“Alright and the big thing for the next couple of weeks is the mixed match challenge, so many of you are going to be paired with some of the male superstars.”
He starts to go through the list of who all is going to be paired together, and then he gets to your name, “And lastly (Y/N) you are going to be paired with Sheamus. Alright you guys that’s it for tonight, if you have questions I’ll be here, but otherwise you all are free to go.”
You walk out of his office and Naomi catches up to you laughing. 
“Hey what are you laughing about?”
“Are you kidding me I’m laughing at you, you were literally just saying that you got all awkward around Sheamus and now you have to work with him for the next couple of weeks. Oh this is going to be great!” 
“I hate you”
“Oh you love me!” she retorts and then much quieter, “speak of the devil.”
You turn confused until you see that fire red hair, “Hey (Y/N) just the lady I wanted to see.”
“Hey Sheamus, so I guess were gonna be working together...”
“Yeah we will, but before the show tonight I figured that we should probably get to know each other because I literally know like nothing about ya. You want to grab something to eat?”
“Yeah sure” you say with a smile on your face.
The two of you went to grab food, and that meal seemed to be the quickest hour of your life, because the two of you hit it off so quickly. You began to wonder why the two of you hadn’t become friends years ago.
A couple of hours later the two of you are in the ring against Alicia Fox and Jinder Mahal, and the four of you have such great chemistry in the ring that the match just flies by and both you and the crowd are having so much fun that both are disappointed when its over.
The next few weeks are honestly amazing for you. You’ve been getting to spend so much time that when the end of the MMC comes you are truly disappointed. Of course it doesn’t mean that you can’t hang out with Sheamus anymore, but it does mean that you won’t have an excuse to go over to his hotel room and “talk about the upcoming match and promos,” which is in fact what you are doing when you realize that you were falling for the red head.
You had had a little bit two much to drink and you were in Sheamus’ hotel room laughing over the stupidest things with him when you realized how close the two of your faces were. The two of you looked into each others eyes and you said “I know this is out of the blue, but can I kiss you, I mean I really like you and I’m sorry if this is uncomfortable or makes things wei-” you stop when you are suddenly cut off by the Irishman’s lips on yours. 
“You know I’ve been thinking the same things,” he says to you with a smirk on his lips as well as some of your lipstick.
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thistangledbrain · 3 years
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Ok y’all, I’m sorry I’m having to catch up! We got a new foster in a few days ago - a particularly broken soul - and my mind has been *entirely* on him. But he’s settling in a little now, so here’s the last 3 days in one post ☺️
Autism Acceptance Month
Day 10!
“Sensory Life”
This is sort of hard to describe, but I’ll try! This is different from the next entry about stims, though both are sensory related.
It’s like being on microdosed ‘shrooms *all the time*. If you don’t know what that’s like, I’ll try to describe (this is collaborated with a friend who regularly does this - I don’t...it would probably be far too overwhelming).
Colors are far sharper to me & I emotionally react to them far more than most people. That results in some colors being genuinely offensive - not just “I don’t like that color”, but it will make me intensely angry or physically sick. This makes me curious about chromotherapy, but I haven’t really looked into it that much. My tolerance of certain colors can ebb and flow depending on my emotional state/mindset. (This crap is so sharp, I’m actually getting a twinge of irritation just *thinking* about my most hated colors LOL 😂 🤦🏻‍♀️)
Textures/skin sensations are another big one. (By now you may be asking, how TF did this chick manage Marine Corps training/exercises?!) I guess if you want something bad enough, you can shut down some of the overwhelming aspects of the sensory thing...this ability to disassociate probably isn’t what NT’s would call “healthy”, but it’s quite handy if you’re autistic, and those of us who have been through real trauma seem to be especially skilled with our ability to just shut off all circuits and “embrace the suck”). Like...I’ll nearly panic to get out of a store or something if my underwear starts feeling uncomfortable, but I’ve literally been soaked head to toe, covered in mud and sand in my *everywhere* (and I HATE SAND anywhere but on my feet) AND I pissed myself, because nobody’s gonna stop shooting/training just because you have to go potty 🙄), and I remember literally giving zero fucks about it...so it really is entirely a mindset thing. But let’s talk about when I’m NOT in “Marine mode” (cuz let’s face it, it’s been close to two decades since I got out, and I no longer HAVE to tolerate overwhelming sensations).
Sensory input is just basically dialed to 11 & the knob’s been snapped off. Bright lights, loud discordant noises, too much touching/not touching the right way, things like that. I am particularly sensitive about body hair (my own). I *strongly* prefer to have my head shaved on the back and sides (but I leave the top long). The only time I haven’t done this, was in the Marines (it was considered “eccentric” and not allowed, so they made me grow it out). Even though I leave the main part long, it’s *always* in a bun or ponytail - well, unless I’m super dressed up for something, but even then I prefer some sort of updo. Despite the fact that I like my long hair (well on the top anyway), I can’t *stand* the way it feels on my neck or especially my face - I HATE IT when my hair touches my face. If I wasn’t married...there’s a decent chance I’d just shave it all off and be done with it LOL 😆 My ponytail pulled through the back of a baseball hat is I guess what they’d call my “signature look”.
And you think NT’s have bad misophonia? *I’ve jumped out of a moving vehicle before* to get away from the noise of someone chewing loudly/smacking their lips in the back seat (he was a coworker and punching him in the mouth - which is what I DESPERATELY wanted to do - would have gotten me fired 😕)...but humans eating, or dogs licking their junk, makes me want to crawl out of my own skin. It’s mostly humans though....you have *no idea* the level of self discipline it takes to keep me from either rage crying or actually getting violent around someone smacking their mouth during a meal. I *cannot* be around my husband when he’s eating breakfast cereal even though he’s a very mannered eater - I don’t know why, but it’s *so loud* (and I’m terribly hard of hearing) - it sounds like he’s chewing rocks. It took us years to work this problem out LOL - he thought it was dumb that I had such a deeply emotional reaction. Then he tried to “chew quietly”, which all that did was slow down the rock tumbler inside his mouth 😂...gradually, for everyone’s sanity, we realized that cereal eating should not be done in close proximity to each other lololol....and now, when it’s time for family meals around the table, I’ve learned to either keep the range hood fan going (white noise is definitely my friend), or have the TV on. If it’s just mainly the sound of everyone chewing, I simply won’t eat at the table. I lose my appetite. (And all of my dinner guests/family are very polite diners. It’s MY hangup.) Phone calls are another big one. I could probably come up with several reasons why I hate it...I LOATHE it. This is one sensory hangup some people in my family just refuse to accept. I don’t think they realize I equate unexpected or immediately demanded phone calls to running naked though a mall or getting a root canal. Hissssssssss!! Give me some time to prepare myself for this shit please - you’re actually asking a *lot* from me. (And when I do have a call? Ugh I babble and am so awkward, because I’m so effing uncomfortable, which I also hate.)
But here’s an area where my “sensory overload” serves me very well:
I am usually *intensely* dialed into the energy and body language of an animal, but particularly dogs. I’m *so* sensitive to them, that I often actually can feel things even happening behind my back - can basically sense the energy in the area shift. (Roughly 75% of the time. I’m spacey sometimes too LOL.) The work I do with “behaviorally challenged” dogs is the biggest area where I am *grateful* for my autistic mind. I don’t think I could really do the things I do without it, successfully. (I can do this to a large degree with people as well, as can my youngest son. You cannot lie to that boy about your feelings or mood.)
We all have different levels of sensory sensitivity and different triggers, but every autistic I know has several “sensory hangups”. It often is one of our biggest hurdles to deal with, when it comes to “normal functioning”. So, many of us constantly have headphones (or muffs) on, some of us wear sunglasses *all the time*, etc (I wear a baseball hat - and I genuinely don’t like going anywhere where I have to get dressed up and can’t wear my hat. Been like that since my early teens. That hat shields me from all sorts of real and imagined sensory triggers.) You do what you can to mitigate, you know? But my “microdosing shrooms” and “knob dialed to 11 and snapped off” is really the best way I can summarize. (And that’s not all bad - my trips into a new natural space, like the redwoods, is an absolute *thrill*. I also occasionally love sensory overload - many auties do - like rollercoasters. My youngest son and I can ride till we pass out LOL!) So sensory life is love/hate, really....but I don’t think I’d change much about it.
Except the fucking misophonia. I hate that I go into almost a murderous rage over someone just chewing food loudly 🤦🏻‍♀️ - but seriously. It’s impolite anyway. Don’t do it. 😆
Day 11!
This is one of the biggest areas where neurotypicals struggle to understand us.
We all have stims. Stims are basically any stimulus that brings us joy or comfort. It could be rocking, flapping, walking in tight little circles, clicking your fingernails together, spinning, making weird sounds or whistling, etc. And it’s usually repetitive - that’s the part that gets on people’s nerves.
I’ve found that most *women* hide most of our stims. We only let go and stim our little hearts out when we’re alone. I do that, because some of my stims grate on my husband. Sometimes I don’t WANT to feel “watched” anyway...I’ve noticed males don’t have quite the same issue with that.
I have quiet stims I do to soothe myself, and happy stims. One of my quieter stims when I’m trying to soothe myself (like in public) is clicking my teeth, particularly my right canines. I also have this silicone bite stick I wear around my neck sometimes, that I chew on (my sons like the bite sticks as well). I carry a little bag of fidget toys in my purse, to soothe myself with when I’m stressed. There’s a thing sort of like a fidget cube, a little cowrie shell and twine bracelet that I fiddle with almost like a rosary, a small stuffed axolotyl (her name is Blossom), and a few other toys. My little stash also comes in damn handy when I encounter a bored child LOL!
One of my sons makes funny little sound effects randomly (and he’s grown & still does it). The other used to randomly shriek when he was younger - then he learned how to whistle, so he couldn’t say a whole sentence without punctuating it with little whistles (we actually thought it was adorable).
My favorite stim is putting my headphones on, putting on some favorite music, sitting with my legs crossed, closing my eyes, and rocking. I’m happy to TELL you about this stim, but it’s one I do alone, because I like to get completely lost in it and I can’t do that if I feel I’m being watched...and you’ll damn near give me a heart attack if you touch me while I’m lost in that world. (And boy does it irritate me to get yanked out of that before I’m ready, for some bullshit non emergency reason.) Better to just isolate myself (except my dogs are always with me). Another one I do alone - and I have no idea why i like it so much - is squeaking my bite stick across my teeth. (This one is weird to me because I usually HATE my teeth being touched...yes dentists are a problem.) This one I enjoy doing kind of mindlessly while I read, but damn would it irritate anyone in listening distance LOL...I mean, it would irritate the shit out of ME if someone else was doing it, because *other people’s* repetition, especially if it makes noise, gets on my damned nerves. 🙄 Figures lmao!
Stims can be damaging sometimes, though. Like I used to twist and twirl my hair when I was younger so much that the areas I usually grabbed were frayed and broken (I also chewed my hair sometimes). One stim I cannot break myself of even though sometimes it’ll make me bleed, is chewing the insides of my cheeks or my lips. That’s my most frequent (several times a day) one, and the one that is both gratifying *and* soothing. It’s also the one that’s hardest to suppress.
Some auties are either unaware or literally don’t care how you feel about their stims, but I am and do. I’d like to think I’m pretty “appropriate” *most* of the time with my stims and other people around, except the lip/cheek chewing. If my husband notices I’ve gotten pretty furious about it (even using my hand to push my cheek into optimal biting position), he’ll gently put his hands on mine to bring me back to awareness - if I’m gnawing away, I’m either super stressed or way lost in thought. Either way, I can accidentally hurt myself, so he gently guides me away/distracts me.
Stimming is an important part of Autie life and should not be discouraged unless it hurts Your Pet Autie ™️.
And if you’re looking for a neat gift for an Autie? They actually make stim toy packs. Get them one, they’re fun. ☺️ (Most stim toys are designed to withstand being put in mouths and bitten/chewed, too - LOTS of us have oral fixations.) And hey, even if you’re a NT, try stimming sometime (lots of normal people have stims, they just don’t realize that’s what they are - like nail biting. Bite your nails a lot? Get a bite stick!! God they’re so satisfying!)....
Happy stimming!
Day 12!
“Favorite Autism Charity”
This one is short and easy: ASAN. Autism Self Advocacy Network.
“The Autistic Self Advocacy Network is a nonprofit organization run by and for individuals with autism. According to its mission statement, the Network’s goal is ‘to empower autistic people across the world to take control of our own lives and the future of our common community, and seek to organize the autistic community to ensure our voices are heard in the national conversation about us.’”
Day 13!
Well that’s kinda ambiguous, isn’t it? 😒
I’ll start with this tack:
Being an autistic mom with autistic kids.
I mean for years, none of us KNEW LOL - and maybe that’s what took me so long to get around to pursuing a formal diagnosis for my youngest. To me, for the longest time, he was just sensitive and different like me (same with my oldest, for the most part, but I’m pretty sure that was me buying into the “brilliant people are just fucking weird ok” mindset also), yannow? So it was like, “well mama always told me I’d have one like me & then know what I put her through” 🙄 My oldest got lumped into the “all bright kids are quirky” category - but as I learned about ASD through my youngest and myself, it became damn obvious the oldest was also in our camp. (He’s taken the prelim test now anyway, but is not formally diagnosed.) I genuinely believe that our “shared weirdness” binds us very tightly to each other - and I’m super pleased about that.
It brought a whole new level of understanding and awareness within our little family when we realized it was ASD I guess - and acceptance. (I 100% believe that diagnosis - or even affirmation - is critical to our self acceptance and understanding.) I wouldn’t trade my little family for anything, and consider myself remarkably blessed. I can talk about how complex and brilliant my boys are ALL day (and often do LOL). Hubby is neurodivergent, and can identify with (or at least sympathize with) MANY of our hangups....but he’s “normal” enough that he’s been able to guide us (mostly me) with things like how to use tact (not often a skill we naturally possess lmao). My heart breaks when I read posts by auties whose families either don’t understand or don’t accept them & are constantly trying to basically mute who they are. Auties “live out loud”, and some people find that off putting. I know growing up, I was constantly getting my ass chewed for being “dramatic” or too sensitive, too, so I shut down and hid my sensitivity far, far away. I’m only *lately* (last few years) discarding that silly tough girl mask. (I can still be quite the little wolverine at times, but I’m not afraid to show my soft sensitive actual self anymore...to stay soft in today’s fucked up world takes actual courage - a lot of it - and strength. I was looking at the concept of being “strong” entirely the wrong way.)
I swear my husband has lived with nearly as many phases and facets, as years we’ve been together. Sometimes I ask him if this ever bothers him. He says no, because who I am at my core never changes...and he grins and says “and you damn sure aren’t boring” 😂
But since I’ve known I’m autistic, I’ve given myself more freedom to discover who I am without these socially dictated parameters. And permission to be precisely who I am, without cringing apologies when the real me shines through awkwardly.
And my husband and boys have been there every step of the way, embracing me, as we do with them. ♥️
Yeah. I love my family. We’re some pretty cool people. 😁
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My Heart; My Fierce Defender
Request: “Could you write something about Steve surprising Peggy while at work at the ssr in agent carter. And making the jerks she worked with look bad?”
Thanks for sending a request in. This was delightful to write and I hope you like it!
All requests are open!
Word count: 995
"Defender of the liberty that I idolize, myself more free than anyone, in coming as a friend to offer my services to this intriguing republic, I bring to it only my frankness and my good will; no ambition, no self-interest; in working for my glory, I work for their happiness."
-Marquis de Lafayette
The men behind her laughed, speaking in hushed, secret tones. Peggy sighed, sinking further into her seat, eyes never leaving the paper in front of her.
This day was nothing special. Her fieldwork had been recently completed; another successful mission taking down some New York City thugs and now only paperwork remained before she could mark the case closed. And if her coworkers were making jokes behind her back, then it really was a typical, boring day at the SSR.
Peggy Carter, of course, wasn’t one egotistical enough to assume herself to be the topic of conversation just because people were whispering around her. However, experience suggested that her suspicions were true, and the men were indeed mocking her for her escapade through the back alleyways of New York that had occurred yesterday and ended in her tackling a gunman in front of a sizeable crowd. It could be jokes about her rolling around with a man, despite the fact that he was armed and trying to kill Peggy. Quite possibly, they were teasing the way she sought out public attention for her work, even though no civilians were harmed or even involved during the entirety of her operation. Or maybe it was the simple fact that Peggy had decided to wear pants instead of a dress today as if it weren’t the 1950s, for goodness’ sakes.
Biting back a groan, Peggy rolled her eyes, losing the battle of concentration. She tapped her pen against her desk, mindlessly trying to occupy her thoughts with something other than anger at her counterparts.
Just in time, a welcome surprise strolled through the door, bearing a smile and a paper-sack lunch. Steve Rogers beamed at Peggy, catching her attention immediately. Upon seeing her pained expression, however, his grin faded, the room quieting with the weight of his mere presence.
Rather than leave the moment to fester, Peggy rose quickly, taking her husband by the arm and leading him outside. In the safety of the hallway, Steve loomed over her, cupping her face with his hand, concern wrinkling his brow.
“Are you alright?” he asked softly.
Peggy snorted, shaking her head. “I work with bloody idiots. They wouldn’t know decency if it smacked them upside the head.” She paused, fuming. “And I have half a mind to, anyways.”
“They sound like punks.” Steve glanced back at the door, anger barely suppressed. His lips tightened into a thin line, but Peggy beat him to his next thought.
“You can’t punch away all my problems, Rogers.” The corners of her lips quirked. “No matter how satisfying it would be to watch.”
Steve hummed absently, eyebrows raised quizzically. He raised his arm, showing her what he had brought. 
“I made you lunch.” He supplied helpfully, and she smiled, pushing aside her weariness in gratitude.
“Wonderful, thank you darling. I was hoping we could eat outside, but it’s rained all day, hasn’t it-”
“Actually, let’s eat in the office, Peg.” Steve decided suddenly, and against her protests, barrelled back into the agents’ workspace. Peggy followed reluctantly, trying not to pout in her confusion at the abruptness of his actions and the fact that she again would be disgraced by the presence of her male coworkers.
“Good afternoon, gentlemen.” Steve greeted, voice as cold as ice. The illusion of kindness was a thin veneer; Captain Rogers had emerged from the gentleness of Peggy’s husband. The military coldness and orderly sense of command domineered, and Peggy resigned herself to merely observe, unwanting to intervene with whatever retribution Steve had planned.
Silence returned his declaration, and her husband shook his head. “What, you are gentlemen, aren’t you? Can’t a man join in a friendly conversation?”
One of the quieter men spoke up, someone Peggy knew to be cowardly enough not to ringlead, but still join in on their sport of workplace sexism. “Of course, sir. You’re welcome to talk with us-”
His bumbling was short-lived, as Steve cut him off almost immediately. “And I’m welcome to mock my wife for her accomplishments, is that it? Or were you being critical of everyone here?”
Peggy leaned against her desk, arms folding as she watched her coworkers pale. Steve continued, anger pervading his tone. “As I understand it, Peggy is the most decorated, highest achieving agent here. So what might I say about you, Jackson, if you feel compelled to belittle her while not managing to do half a day’s work otherwise-”
The man spluttered, choking on his words. Yet little could stop Steve, so determined in his frustrations. It was common enough that Peggy would come home each day after work, haggled and worn by her coworkers, and although she fended off their comments, whether by her own retorts or ignoring theirs, the sense of rage and helplessness culminated in Steve. He never doubted that she could hold her own against the personal injustices, but his defense of the woman he loved was a long time coming.
“-so you may wish to keep your mouth shut. I don’t need to show you military records to prove Peggy’s worth, but your complete lack of decency may just motivate me to flash mine to your superiors during a conversation about the future of your careers.” Steve glowered at them, letting the threat linger in the tense air. “I hope I make myself clear.”
Jackson managed a nod, his face a delightful red. The strain in the room crackled, bleeding through to pure embarrassment and shame.
“I suggest you clear out, gentlemen. I would like a private lunch with Captain America, if you don’t mind,” Peggy proposed, breaking the wonderful awkwardness, sharing a long glance with her beloved in brief celebration. 
One by one, the men of the SSR filed out of the room, tails tucked between their legs. Steve leaned over Peggy, kissing her against the upturns of her lips, relishing their victory and the passion with which Peggy rewarded him for his successful efforts and display of love.
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hazybyun · 5 years
Crazy For You [M]- BBH
Summary: He’s your boss. Naturally you’d think it wrong to be having these thoughts. You were in the wrong after all and that was the only reason he had called you to his office...at first it seemed.
Pairing: CEO! Baekhyun x Reader
Genre: oneshot | Smut | angst
Warnings: Explict sexual imagery, explicit language, breath play, degradation, overstimulation, impact play...idk this whole fic is a warning tbh
Rating: NC-17
Word count: 1.8K
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“Miss Kim...” His voice seemed calm, yet also passive aggressive. Your boss lowered his head slightly as he turned away from you letting out a slow, obviously irritated sigh. Of course you would immediately say that the reason for the stocks dropping wasn’t entirely your fault- the cause was falling behind on work due to insomnia and a few dinner plans with an ex that had backfired horribly: resulting in the revelation of his cheating. It was a distraction to say the least, one that had impacted on not only your work but your entire teams...which had therefore effected the companies sales. And so, here you were standing in front of the ceo. He was far much younger than you expected and handsome too; his dark brown hair that seemed to fall perfectly just before his eyes, matching the slightly honey glaze upon his skin something that was extremely distracting during a serious meeting like this especially when he stood in the setting sun, the rays of sunlight seeming to perfectly hit and bounce off his skin.
It was an understatement to say that Mr Byun was goddamn flawless. You cleared your throat slightly, trying your best to stray away from the inappropriate thoughts lingering at the back of your mind “Yes sir..?” You asked in a quieter yet professional voice whilst he took off his suit jacket. Revealing obvious back muscles that fought against the fabric of his shirt- it was almost like he was doing this on purpose. The man slowly turned to you, his gaze locking with yours almost in a challenging light.
Did he bite his lip?? Holy shit, holy fucking shit he did. No matter how subtle it was, your eyes didn’t miss it as he slowly approached you, leaning back against his desk. A soft sigh and chuckle left his lips “You do realise how much of an issue you’ve caused my company...” he stated, looking you up and down. Mr Byun, your boss, the most damn attractive guy you had ever seen, was really checking you out right now. This meeting was supposedly to discuss you possibly losing your job, not an opportunity for the ceo of your company to mentally undress you.
“Sir, I can explain...it really wasn’t intentional I-”
He stopped your rambling by simply holding his hand up to silence you. Perhaps it was the fact you were newly single, perhaps it was the fact that him being able to control you effortlessly with a wave of his hand...your ceo currently was such a turn on. A silence hung in the hair for a brief moment, it was like he was deciding what to do. The male’s dark iris’ never left your figure, he raised his hand once again and beckoned you with one long, delicate finger. And just like that, your legs were moving quickly towards him without even thinking. Your eyes trailing his body, fixating on his soft lips as they slowly pulled back into an amused smirk. “I could fire you, you know. Right now. You’d have to immediately pack your things and leave.” The Male hummed, looking you up and down slowly, taking in every curve.
You nodded slowly and sighed “I know...and I’m really sorry for not being able to keep up with my work Mr Byun.” He immediately shook his head at your words. Was he...really not caring for your apology right now? It was complete surprise as to what he did next, your boss slowly snaked his arm around your small waist and pulled you closer- in between his slightly spread legs.
“Baekhyun. Just Baekhyun.” He mumbled, standing up as he pressed his chest against yours leaning down as he smashed his lips against yours in a heated kiss. It had completely caught you off guard but god were you not complaining. He tasted like strawberry chapstick, the way he moved his lips passionately against yours, gripping your hips tightly “You can’t expect to stand there looking like that princess and not expect me to fucking do something about it.” Baekhyun breathed against your lips, earning a soft whimper in return. He slowly ran his tongue along your bottom lip before slowly slipping it into your mouth. The man who seemed oh so charasmatic and darling during company gathering was like fire- oh so hot as he shoved his tongue down your throat, his hands freely roaming your body.
You let out a soft whine into his mouth, softly tugging on his tie before undoing it, causing the Male to pull away briefly, leaving a trail of saliva running down your chin “Did I give you permission to do that?” He asked, to which you stayed completely silent, shaking your head slowly, earning a small scoff as he lifted you onto the table, his fingers played with the fabric of your skirt whilst a deep chuckle left his throat “You want to stay here..?? Earn it. You pathetic slut.” Baekhyun spat as he ripped the material of your tights pulling them down as he threw your panties to the side.
He was rough, but god how you loved it. Your boss knelt down slightly as he pushed open your legs, slowly beginning to leave kisses up your thighs. This was wrong. So wrong. He was your boss and you were his employee, work place relationships were banned as a starter but you also couldn’t help but remember that Byun Baekhyun was also hard to reach since he always had meetings with superiors during the day...and one of them could walk in any moment to see the purple marks staining your skin and his head between your legs. It was so much of a risk that one noise could spark curiousity of a coworker nextdoor and yet...this singular thought couldnt help but add to the throbbing of your core during the heat of the moment.
You closed your eyes and let out a shaky breath whilst his tongue slowly lapped at your clit, and god was he amazing at it. The way he gripped your thigh with his free hand, the other slowly running along your wetness before he slowly pushed two fingers into your interance, causing you to cover your mouth to prevent the loud moan escaping your lips and being heard by others. Byun Baekhyun was truly incredible, the way he hit all the right spots...it wasn’t long until your thighs was shaking as you hit your climax. His flawless face now soaked. “B-Baek...” You whimpered as he didn’t pull away, your head was spinning now feeling like you were going insane as he slipped his tongue into your enterance and now moved his thumb to slowly rub circles against your clit. It was too much, far too much for you to take in with a clear mindset. Your hands slowly tangled into his hair, gently tugging at it- earning small grunts and groans in response.
The man finally pulled away, his face completely drenched in your fluids. He looked up at you with an amused smirk, slowly standing up. Baekhyun made a motion with his finger, silently ordering you to turn around for him. It was like you didn’t have control over your own body, whatever Mr Byun wanted, Mr Byun had. You weakly turned and bent over the table, supported only just by your shaking and unstable legs that you thought could possibly give way due to overstimulation any second.
He chuckled softly in amusement whilst slowly unzipping his pants “You know princess, you really are something...” he noticed how unstable you were and couldn’t help but laugh as he held his hardened member in his hands, slowly guiding it to your entrance “I love how pathetic you are.” Baekhyun smirked as he slowly pushed into you, a deep groan leaving his lips as it almost matched your lewd one only muffled by biting down on your bottom lip that was sure to be evidently bruised after this. His movements were slow at first as he adjusted to you, but Baekhyun soon began to show just how rough he could be. You whimpered and moaned softly as he relentlessly pounded into you. It wasn’t like anything you had ever done before, he was so rough with his thrusts and yet his hand that rested on your hips was gentle, carefully holding you incase your legs finally gave way.
As Baekhyun continued to pound into you; the room was filled with the sound of skin slapping together loudly and a mix of irregular breathing, soft whimpers, loud moans and deep grunts. You could feel the tight knot forming in your abdomen once again “Baekhyun I-” you mumbled in an almost inaudible voice, rambling on whilst your mouth hung open, completely lost in the heat of the moment. His hand came down with full force on your ass, most likely leaving a bright red handprint as you jolted forward with a small yelp.
He gritted his teeth whilst looking down at you “Hold it.” Baekhyun ordered in a lower and almost more threatening tone. You rested you head on the desk, whining as you tried your best to hold back your climax. Your boss’ voice kept you going, whispering small praises between his deep groans- “Now.” He hummed, giving you permission to have your release as he pulled out, letting out a slightly louder groan as his fluid poured onto the small of your back.
You didn’t dare move as Baekhyun grabbed a few towels from his bathroom cleaning the two of you up. He did up his pants before catching you off guard once again, your breath hitching slightly as your boss pulled you into his lap. Baekhyun’s arms were warm, secure, safe. You nuzzled into his shoulder and smiled a little “That was...” you breathed out, your hot breath hitting his shoulder in waves causing a small puppy-like grin to appear on his lips.
“Insane.” Baekhyun finished as he looked down at you, his hands slowly running through your hair as he spoke in a gentler tone than you had possibly ever heard him use before. The man cleared his throat, a curious glint in his eyes “Hey um, would you like to have coffee with me on your break?” He asked- a hopeful glint in his oh so innocent seeming eyes, to anyone who could see the look on his face right now they would never believe he was the same Byun Baekhyun who moments ago was able to control you with a wave of his hand.
You met his gaze, a small, tired smile upon your face “Would that be okay? I mean...wouldn’t people talk?” Naturally you would worry. What would coworkers think if you returned from your meeting with the Ceo all hot and bothered, your clothes a mess, and then only to see later the two of you on a coffee date? Of course people would talk. But he seemed to be completely unphased by this idea.
Baekhyun chuckled softly and shrugged “Who cares? I’m crazy for you Miss Kim...”
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