#and hes not exempt
some dean fans need to accept that dean winchester isn't perfect, he's done bad things, just like the majority of supernatural characters
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shelfperson · 4 months
okay but WHYYY is no one talking about louis and daniel WHYYYYYYYYYY is no one talking about the greatest grandpa4grandpa relationship known to man and i don’t even mean romantically i mean in the most basic human platonic level their relationship is FASCINATING.
like louis SAUGHT HIM OUT after FIFTY YEARS he FOUND HIS BOY, this horrible infant who DID NOT UNDERSTAND A THING HE TOLD HIM, who saw his raw, decades-old pain and wanted in on it, AND HE GOES BACK FOR HIM BECAUSE HE KNOWS HE’S CHANGED. he can understand now. he can help him find the truth.
and like, they’re both absolutely terrified by each other because they’re both uniquely skilled at getting under each other’s skin and finding that truth (and also because… louis could just up and eat daniel anytime but shhhh…) and it’s because they UNDERSTAND EACH OTHER. louis’s interviewing daniel as much as daniel’s interviewing him, just. pulling teeth from each other’s head, trying to pull out all the rot with such violence and cruelty (from both of them!! daniel is a cockwallop!!) but they want to help each other they CARE ABOUT EACH OTHER.
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(the gifs are from @loumands account btw. great work my guy)
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spacerockband · 2 years
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i voted for reigen
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andtheirmoonlight · 1 year
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spite-and-waffles · 2 years
Bruce, picking up a stray: "He reminds me of me!" :333
Bruce, a couple of years later: "Why is he such a stubborn, self-destructive drama queen??" >((
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shrub-jay · 7 months
Wes Weston: IRS.
Wes Weston is used to billionaires having sketchy finances. An offshore account here, and offshore account there-- A second home in a tax haven. He's never seen books like Wayne Enterprise's before.
"What even is BASE jumping? Why do they have a whole Applied Sciences department with only one guy working in it?" Wesley Weston had questions for Bruce Wayne. Questions he would get answered, if the billionaire was ever actually in his office. This was why he found himself rumbling up to the Wayne's well manicured, monoculture lawn in an only slightly questionable Uber.
"Wes Weston, IRS," he whispers, practicing under his breath before knocking on the door. "Wes Weston. IRS," he says more confidently, fumbling to get his badge out of his pocket. The door swung open, and he jumped. Goddamn rich people with their motion detecting doorbells.
"Dick Grayson, Blüdhaven P.D."
Wes Weston stood back from his cork board as rain pelted his hotel room window.
"Holy ghost. Bruce Wayne is the fucking Batman."
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fujii-draws · 22 days
I think there’s something extremely entertaining abt two kids who aren’t child prodigies, but infact;
-Constantly cheating death over and over again, even when they should’ve absolutely perished ages ago.
-Continue their streak through gaining the Grim Reaper as their father, who keeps cheating them out of death even more as atonement for trying to kill/harm them once himself.
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<<< Simultaneously the luckiest and unluckiest god damn teens/young adults
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kagooleo · 7 months
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to an aura guardian, island guide, a loyal mentor and protector who remains true 🌊
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ep2nd · 4 months
I'm gonna be real
I feel like Hypnos is an amazing dad, Hades Game, Percy Jackson, whatever
Also that the Oneroi are his sons just makes sense
In that sense...
Hypnos be like to his twin, Pwease don't kill my baby I know it's you job but I love em 🥺,
Like he has so many immortal children it's so hard for him to imagine his kids dieing, like he'd put them in a coma to save em or something
I feel like if they do die, or close to death, he may turn them into Oneroi, is that possible??, so he can always be with them
Man can go visit his kids in their DREAMS, Zeus got nothing on him, buddy would be visiting his kids probably to spite him, we all know that one myth
Last note, I feel like Phobetor, God of Nightmares and son of Hypnos, wouldn't give his siblings nightmares, and only them, gives everyone else nightmares too
Hypnos family is probably the only good functional loving family tell me I'm wrong
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cynomain69 · 2 years
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✨Can I Offer You An Akademiya Romance In These Trying Times✨
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fist-of-vengeance · 3 months
thinking about how essentially every relationship john locke formed in the early seasons of lost has completely disintegrated by the time of his death.
of course there's his relationship with jack, which starts tense but manageable and culminates in jack pointing a gun at john's head and pulling the trigger. but even his smaller, less narratively prominent relationships either implode or drift apart. he bonds with walt in season one but then walt leaves the island, which is itself a severing of their bond since it was mainly based on being the only two people who wanted to stay. still, he goes and visits walt off the island so this is probably john's most successful relationship. I dont think i need to explain how he fucked up with boone, "the sacrifice that the island demanded." charlie viewed john as a mentor and claimed to trust him more than anyone on the island, but after the events of fire and water, that trust is destroyed and charlie despises him. at the same time we get john bonding with claire and having a pseudo-paternal dynamic with her, but their closeness basically drops off the face of the earth as he gets less and less involved with the other survivors.
his arc in the series is essentially a gradual distancing from everyone around him. it starts when he abandons hunting (providing for the others) in favor of trying to get the hatch open (it's extremely clear his primary motive isn't any survival applications but getting answers to the mystery). when they do open the hatch, he spends more and more time inside, underground, cut off from other people. he spends more and more time interacting with ben, a human mystery box that he's obsessed with cracking even if it gets him killed. he follows the proverbial white rabbit deeper down the hole and leaves his connection to humanity behind. the island and its mysteries become more important to john than anything or anyone else.
then in season three we get him claiming to go undercover with the others only to unceremoniously tell sawyer that he's actually going to join them. and it doesn't feel shocking, it feels inevitable. because john has spent the entire series becoming less and less connected with the people he arrived with. in that sense he actually makes a fascinating foil to juliet, who is introduced as one of the others and yet never really fits, she's increasingly sympathetic and kind in a way the rest of them aren't, her redemption arc feels so natural that she actually starts referring to her old people as "the others" like she's been one of the crash survivors from the beginning. her and john basically have inverse arcs, which is probably accidental but very neat.
in season five john tries to convince everyone to go back to the island, and fails spectacularly. and of course he does, because he was so consumed by obsession that he stopped maintaining his relationships, and in many cases actively alienated people (this is also basically what happened with helen) and now he can't wrap his head around why they're all so hostile to him. i am forever obsessed with the scene where he confronts kate and she brutally calls him out for wanting to return to the island because he doesn't love anyone. it actually struck me on rewatch how well the two of them got along in season one, and how badly their relationship has degraded by this point. john repeatedly casts aside interpersonal relationships in favor of his obsession with destiny, so when said destiny actually involves persuading the people he once shunned, he's at a loss. this is because john treats purpose as a supplement for connection, destiny as an alternative to love.
as an aside, this aspect of john's character kinda ties into my opinion that several lost characters can be read as allegorically neurdivergent under a certain lens. i know this was absolutely not intended, but as an adhd former gifted kid who struggles socially, there is something uncomfortably familiar about a character who allows their relationships to burn around them because of a single-minded obsession, especially as a result of being promised the fickle status of "special."
tl/dr: john locke is a doomed idiot and i love him
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writer-room · 1 year
Lloyd’s the kind of person to be completely silent while everyone is horribly singing Bohemian Rhapsody only to belt out the line “I sometimes wish I’d never been born at all” in perfect pitch and then fall dead silent again as he went back to like, reading a book or something. send post
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originalaccountname · 4 months
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Dazai you weird little gremlin of a teenager, what possessed you to say that to the same boy you joked(?) about having a crush on literally hours ago and right before attempting to claim your prize of making him obey one (1) command like a dog no matter what it is. Do you even hear yourself.
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dashakasatkina · 8 months
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Pathetic, every single one of them.
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risingsunfish · 1 year
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dang ol' FEH dragging me out of retirement for one last dumb Splatoon crossover with these guys
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insinirate · 5 months
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this is the current state
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