#and i can’t stand or walk for longer than 5 minutes. with or without my brace
fingertipsmp3 · 1 year
Me earlier: oh actually I don’t think my PMS has been that bad this time around?? Maybe microgynon is stabilising my mood
Me just now: *reading people’s stories about knee sprains and sobbing from sympathy*
#i had the bright idea to research knee sprains. as if 1) i don’t already know enough (having now experienced FOUR)#and 2) that wouldn’t cause my anxiety to spike through the fucking roof#there was this one man’s story though that got me#he said he went to the urgent care and the doctor was more focused on telling him about how overweight he was than examining his knee#he ended up getting his prescription and going home but then while he was trying to limp around doing his chores he put his weight on his#knee wrong and it TWISTED#and i was reading this going 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 because i know EXACTLY what he means#the pain of a partial knee dislocation is… not something i can explain to anyone who hasn’t experienced it or something similar#it is. gut wrenching. i don’t know how i didn’t throw up any of the times it’s happened to me#what hits you before the actual pain is the Wrongness of it. it feels like you’ve broken yourself. and you feel so so sick#then the pain hits you and all you can do is scream#it’s so horrible. the first time i did it i thought i’d broken my leg. i felt on some intrinsic level that i had damaged myself irrevocably#i saw like weeks or months of hospital stays and rehabilitation in my brain. i thought i was disabled; possibly permanently#then i went to a&e and found out i’d partially dislocated my knee leading to an overextended ligament#and i was back on my feet just over a week later 🙃 but seriously#this time around it’s been 2 weeks and i still can’t straighten my knee while i’m standing up; i can’t put my weight on it#and i can’t stand or walk for longer than 5 minutes. with or without my brace#it’s scary!! like helloooo. i would like to go back to my (extremely physical; i’m talking 7.5 hours a day on my feet) job sooner or later#and i know i’m improving but it really feels like it’s absolutely minute. like. i was going to send my boss an update but then i realised it#would be exactly the same as the one i sent last week. i still get fatigued if i stand for more than a few minutes. i’m still just barely#getting around my house. like…#people keep asking ‘how’s the knee’ every single day and i’m like ‘it’s the fucking SAME’ like use your brain.#it’s not going to fully heal overnight!! it’s not even going to be much different#god i Wish i’d gone to the hospital when i first did this. i wish i knew for certain i hadn’t torn anything#like i don’t think i’d be able to move as well as i can if i had. and i think i’d have a lot more pain#but SERIOUSLY. i know i probably shouldn’t clog up the a&e but is there a way to go to the hospital with a knee sprain after 2 weeks#and be taken seriously. or should i pretend it only just happened.#i don’t think i could pull that off considering there’s only minimal swelling left. but my knee does look fucking bizarre i’ll give it that#okay if i still can’t walk properly in another week i’m showing up at a walk in or somewhere and refusing to leave til someone looks at me#personal
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aoi1dee · 2 months
OLNF Week Day 5: Comfort
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@olnfweek2024 a short fic is below....
He just can’t handle it any more. Looking at himself in the mirror hurts. It feels like every time he looks, he finds a new thing to hate about himself. His acne seems to be getting worse as time goes on, his stupid fucking hair wont cooperate, the way he stands is off, his facial structure is uneven, every. single. thing. He hates himself. And no matter how many people can tell him that he’s perfect the way he is, he’ll never believe it. He believes that they’re just lying to make him feel better. 
He pulls at his yellow hoodie and opens the bathroom door to head downstairs once he believes that he is ready. Alex doesn’t want to go to school today but when does he ever. But today feels worse, especially since he woke up this morning hating himself more than usual. Ma had already left for work before he had even finished getting dressed so he couldn’t talk to her about this. Whenever he has days like this, talking to his Ma always helps him feel a little better. But the house was more empty than usual when he made it down with his bag. There was no reason to stay any longer, he walks out of the house and locks the door behind him.
When he turns around, he sees someone he doesn’t see often in the morning. 
Qiu closes the door behind them, they take a quick glance at Alex but looks back towards their house. Are they ignoring him? Alex twists his lips up into a smile and begins to walk towards Qiu, “Hey.” he greets as he holds the straps on his bag, “You heading to school?” Alex doesn’t want to bother Qiu with his issues but trying to act like his usual self is so much harder today, everything is so difficult. 
But knowing Qiu, they read his mind easily, “What’s wrong?” They look at him straight in the eyes.
At this point, it doesn’t shock Alex, “I’m alright, just tired.” He responds, “Do you wanna walk to school together?” They squint their eyes holding the stare just a little longer. Alex begins to sweat a little.
“...Sure.” They finally answer looking towards the road. Without notice, they begin walking off. Alex didn’t even realize it but when he does they’re already a foot away.
“Wait!!” He runs after them and slows down when he makes it to them, “Is something wrong? You don’t have to walk with me if you don’t want to…” He’s really hoping that they want to… he doesn’t know if he can handle it if he forced Qiu to walk with him. What if they wanted to walk by themself?
They stop to look at Alex straight in the eyes again, “Sorry, I do want to walk with you.” Their eyes lead down to his hoodie. He started pulling at the hoodie again, was there something wrong with it? Was there a stain? Did he look weird? Oh god he probably dropped something on his shirt when he was making himself lunch! That's probably why they were staring. But they would’ve said something by now… they don’t usually keep those things to themself. After staring for what felt like forever, they begin walking again, Alex follows.
They finally made it to school. The entire walk was filled with an extremely awkward silence. Usually when they walk together, Alex talks about random things and Qiu listens. But Alex couldn’t find his wording today so he’s glad that that walk to school was over… 
Before Alex could even say goodbye to head to class, Qiu grabs his hand, “Do you want to hang out after school?” What. Did they seriously just ASK Alex THEMSELF if he wanted to hang out with them??? They never do that anymore!! Wait a minute, they should have ballet today too… Why are they asking him when they obviously have stuff to do?
“But don’t you have ballet practice?” 
“Screw ballet.” They spit out, “So do you want to hang out?” Well that was obvious, they haven’t been the biggest fan of it recently. But why do they want to hang out? After such an awkward walk to school?
“Sure!” Alex grins, “I’m sure my Ma wouldn’t mind.” 
“Does she ever?” Qiu grins back and slides their hand out of his hand when they begin walking to class, “See you later.”
“See you!” The further they walk away the more Alex’s frown becomes more apparent. His feet stay in place though. 
He doesn’t want to go to class. But he doesn’t want to skip…. So why isn’t he moving? He needs to go. Class starts in 1 minute. It's going to take longer than a minute to make it to class. He doesn’t want to go but he needs to. It’s too late already. He’s already late. The bell hasn’t rung and he’s already late. Was there even a point of going to class? He won’t be able to focus anyways. But if he doesn’t go to class he’ll get in trouble. Why wasn’t he walking? What's wrong with him? He needs to go. He needs to-
The bell rings. And his world crashes. 
He can’t take it anymore. His vision starts to blur as the bell continues ringing. Everything swirls together. Sweat starts dripping down his face, his breathing got harder as his mind filled with every single possibility. His body feels heavier as he starts taking steps to the restroom he needs to hide. Is he going to pass out? His Ma would be so disappointed in him. He shouldn’t be doing this. His Ma has much more important things to be doing. Everything seems so loud. Everything hurts. His head hurts, His footsteps, his breathing. Every touch feels like a hit. He opens the bathroom stall and everything fades away.
The bell rings once again. Alex rests his head on his knees, his red earmuffs muffling the sounds of the halls as students share about their day. The school day had ended. It went by faster than he thought it would. He didn’t go to class, he probably passed out from stress that's why the day went by. He doesn’t want to leave. The entire world is looking for him right now.
Knock Knock. Alex hugs himself closer as he looks down at the shoes beyond the door. Those are Qiu’s.
“Alex? Are you in there?” They knock again. He doesn’t want to answer, but it’s Qiu. He promised them that they would hang out.  
Alex uncurls himself from the seat and opens the door, “Hi” 
Qiu frowns immediately, “Seriously, what's wrong? Your Ma got a call from the school saying that you were missing from your classes. Tam and I have been searching for you everywhere…” 
Tears fell down Alex’s face after holding back for so long, “I’m sorry… I-” he stops for a second, “I didn’t mean to worry you guys… I’m okay.”
“No you’re not.” Qiu grabs onto his hands the same way they did this morning, “Stop acting like your problems are a burden to everyone. I tell you my problems… you can tell me yours.” They squeeze his hands, “Let's go home okay?”
Alex’s Ma drives Qiu, Tam, and him back to their houses. Raindrops strike the window covering the view of the neighborhood complimenting Alex’s day. Really shitty. He sits in the middle between his neighbors. They’re both holding his hands. No one was saying anything, the only thing keeping the 4 of them from complete silence was the music playing from the car radio. They make it back to the cul-de-sac and walk into the Morello household. 
“I’m going to cook something up.” His Ma tells the three of them, smiling slightly, “You guys can go upstairs and hang out for a bit.” Immediately the three of them make their way to Alex’s bedroom. Tamarack pushes the door open and they all drop down onto the bed.
Alex holds his face into his hands and sobs, unable to hold the blank stare he has held the entire ride. Qiu wraps their arm around his shoulder and Tam leans against him. The rain continues to hit the window behind them. 
“Alex… what's going on?” Tam sniffles, “You shouldn’t have to be afraid to tell us anything you know?” Tears start rolling down her cheeks, “We care about you just as much as you care about us…” Qiu leans their head against Alex with tears at the corners of their eyes. 
Alex removes his hands from his face and.. everything spills. Every single thought that went through his mind, all of the terrible things that he has been telling himself, everything. Even stuff that wasn’t bothering him today. Why he didn’t go to classes. 
And they listened. They’ve always listened. 
They comforted him. 
(.... this would’ve been so much more if i didn’t say these were supposed to be short fics. Help me)
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phinkslave · 2 months
haii , may I request yandere!sukuna X gender-neutral reader with the prompt 30 and 34 ? :3 -🎀
No Where to go
30. “I’m bigger, faster, stronger, do you really wanna do this right now?”
34. “Watch your tone.”
Okay guys i think im getting the hang of tumblr, once again any feedback is appreciated 💞. btw requests like this is fine ofcc, but i hope that in future requests, if you guys could please be a bit more specific, like idk if you want smut in this fic or not n so on so forgive me 😓💔. but anyway enjoyyy. (this writing stuff is lwk so hard)
warnings: detailed violence, described gore, implied oral sex, (yandere?) sukuna, degrading, language
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Sukuna, The King of Curses, was also known as a heartless king. Mainly known for showing no mercy, killing without a second thought, no remorse or regret ever seen in his eyes. Choosing people to be his slave, choosing people to work for him, to slave around for him. Everyday these people would be killed, no one would be spared. Though y/n changed that.
Today was the day. Today was the selection. Shibuya has been taken over by King Sukuna for about 3 months now, all hope lost. Each week he picks around 50 more people to serve him as he kills them so often. It seems to never be enough, and whatever he wants he gets. The only person to ever be tolerated by him was his loyal dog, Uraume, mainly known to be cooking Sukuna all his meals. She’s also the only one who calls King Sukuna, Master Sukuna. The only one he’ll ever truly trust.
“Do you wish for your death?.” It’s Uraume.
Her voice bringing me out of my thoughts, i quickly look around me seeing everyone in my single filed line has been bowed down as I remain standing. If looks could kill…i’d be dead.
“Forgive me Lady Uraume! I wasn’t thinking.” Quickly getting on the floor to pay my respects. My life is on the line.
“Hmph. You weaklings never do. If it was up to me, I would already have killed you. You’d clearly be of no use.” She continued to walk down your line, carefully observing everyone. Creating different piles, specified of either people of old age or ones who have disabilities. Who knew such a calm tone could make you tremble more than any angry voice could. Oh how I wish I was strong. I hate being weak…. .
After around 10 more minutes, with someone even being yelled at for apparently looking up for only 5 seconds, everyone was ordered to stand and we were being led to a huge building. As we walked, the groups of old people were pleading for their lives as everyone knew what was about to happen to them, i couldn’t help but shut out their depressing cries. This was all too much, we need help. Walking, everyone’s shackles connected to the person in front and the person behind. Controlling our pace, controlling our movement. Surely for how much longer can we really continue without dying? The closer you got to the building, the more you felt the amount of cursed energy pile up. I can’t do this. I would rather die than even enter the cursed energy fully. Not everyone could feel it since most of them are normal people, but us sorcerers, we couldn’t help but tremble. Knowing what was awaiting us.
Approaching a large Hikone, giant double doors opened at once, energy flooding out, as I felt mine somewhat fade. This power? This amount?? How is this possible???
“Attention insects!” Uraumes voice boomed. Sucks she has a hideous personality, she’s actually really pretty. “You are now entering the presence of your Lord. King Sukuna. From here on out, you have no purpose in life. Your only purpose is to serve him, to accommodate all his needs. If he says to bring him an item, you will! If he says to end your life, whether with your bare hands or with a sword provided to you, you will! And with no hesitation. Now, pay your respects!” By the time Uraume was done, i along with everyone else was already on the floor, ‘paying their respects’.
“Look at me.” His voice, caused every single nerve that ran down ur back twitch. Everyone looked up, though no one dared to look into his eyes, some immediately crying and begging for their lives.
I look up. There he is. Some stupid smug grin on his face. He enjoys killing. He enjoys being a monster. He enjoys tormenting the weak.
“All of those who just spoke without my permission. Step up. Now.” Four people slowly stood up, their knees almost giving in. “Are u trying to fool me? Do you think I am some idiot? I have many eyes for fucks sake. Stand up.” Two more people stood, but as much as they tried to stay up, they kept falling.
Before you could even blink, all of their heads popped, their bodies falling on top of the still bowing people. Their blood splattered on your face. No one dared to move, no one dared to speak. I kept my position, wide eyed, feeling the blood droplets going down my cheek. I didn’t dare to lift my hand and wipe it from dripping down my lips.
“Disgusting brats, ruined my scarf. Uraume.”
“Yes Master Sukuna.”
“Get me a new scarf, and..” this time he spoke to us, “…take that side of the room. All you pathetic people. Stand up and follow her now.” They stood up, trembling, lining up behind Uraume. The shackles that once connected you all was suddenly just gone.
A man accidentally fell while standing up.
His head……
Everyone stayed bowing, no one dared to move. it’s been atleast 15 minutes since uraume has left and you just assumed that he was waiting on her to come back. Your back was aching. your wouldn’t risk your life just cuz of some back pain though, your stronger then that.
“Did it go smoothly Uraume?” Sukuna said with no care in his voice. Like he didn’t just murder 6 people in a heartbeat.
In total you would say there was about 37 people. Originally there was around 60 but canceling the elders, and the disabled….as well as the just killed people. Your numbers were going down.
“Yes Master Sukuna. We are checking for every health condition. For only the best possible is worthy to be at your service.” She said bowing to him.
“Good.” and for the first time in what felt forever, he turned his attention back towards you guys. “Stand up.” Everyone doing so as quickly as possible.
“Uruame. My scarf?”
“My apologies Master Sukuna. For i haven’t forgotten but they are making you one as we speak. I couldn’t have just given you an ordinary one, you deserve only the one of a kinds.”
“alright alright….now. Shall we begin.”
“As you wish dear Master.” As she said this, she blew into her hand, forming a long sharp rod of thick ice. Sort of like a katana. “As well known, your lord deserves only the best. We cannot have any of you weak species that aren’t physically appealing, at his service. For those of you who don’t please my master. Your death is awaiting you. Master Sukuna, I await your orders.”
“Everyone stand up straight and look at me.” After not even a few seconds he already pointed at someone, and in the same second his throat was pierced. His gasps for air terrified you all. “Hideous one he was.”
A girl spoke up, “Please, any mercy we beg—!”
Her throat was slit.
“Master Sukuna didn’t give you permission to speak.” Uraume said, venom lacing her tone.
Sukuna chuckled, “it’s a shame, she would have lived.”
The next few minutes were torture. Each second felt like my death was next. For some reason I wasn’t as scared as the other people. Maybe because I had experience with this curse stuff, but it still didn’t make sense. Down to only 6 people now. Geez……he’s picky for someone who can quite literally have anyone he wants.
“Uruame. That’s all. Take them out of my sight and put them to work.” As he said this I looked up, accidentally meeting one of his four eyes, I looked down as soon as I realized. Praying he didn’t notice. “Take them all….and leave them.”
Now. Now you had some fear kicking in. Taking all his cursed energy in again, coming to the understanding of what his true power is once again.
“As you wish. Follow along.” She exited the room. Leaving you and Sukuna alone.
The room was dark, had some bright red ominous glow everywhere. The blood of the now dead bodies making everything darker. You were beneath a set of around 25 stairs, as Sukuna was in a huge throne at the top. Resting comfortably with his head in one of his four arms. You were standing there awkwardly. Standing in silence looking down, unsure of what to do. Dreading each coming second, each coming second facing the possibility of joining your once fellow friends on the floor.
“Why don’t your eyes meet mine as they did before?” He said, trying to imitate a voice of someone who’s actually interested. He’s toying with you. What a pathetic jerk. You immediately remembered, ‘when spoken to answer’, you had about 20 seconds to respond or he’d get upset. You immediately began to think.
“Forgive me my King. For I was not thinking.” Fuck. I just risked my life saying that. Geez i’m so stupid. If Uraume said that made her wanna kill me, why wouldn’t he..
“Well. You better start. This is the only warning you’ll get. Do i make myself clear? What is your name?”
“I understand my King. I am forever grateful. I am only known as the lords slave from here on out my king.” you tested your luck, bowing down.
“Pathetic. Don’t humiliate yourself. it’s pretty obvious you are trying to kiss my ass. i don’t appreciate it. hmmm. If you weren’t so amusing, i would have snapped your neck by now. Look at me.”
You looked up, he had a crazy look in his eyes.
“come up these stairs.”
You had half a minute to think. You could run, and be killed, or you can go up the stairs and be killed. What to do what to do what to do. Fuck, there was no right answer. Even if you ran right now, where would you go? He would catch you before you could even turn around fully……you slowly made your way up the stairs. Finally reaching him, staying a few steps below to stay humbled.
“If you do not listen to my exact orders next time. I will kill you. I said to come up these stairs, or do you have some sort of hearing issue?”
“My apologies…” you mumbled.
“Now tell me, do you feel the fullness of my energy?” He said all proud and cocky.
“I….I do my King.”
“Yet. You still dared to look me in the eyes. Out of the three months I have taken over. You are the only person who has yet to do that. How dare you?” His voice becoming dangerous in his last sentence.
“M-….My king….I am afraid i do not unders-“
He slapped you. He slapped your right cheek. The hit was so hard you felt your right ear begin to ring. You were shocked.
“Hmm..no tears? Tough one huh. The average human specie would have had been knocked out by now.”
Feeling encouraged by his words you stood up, still holding your now red cheek though….”Thank you sincerely my lord. Your words mean a lot.”
“what made you think you could speak?”
Next thing you know, he lifted his index finger and tapped your belly. That simple act causing so much force throughout your body, you fell at the bottom of the stairs. This time, your wrist broke. Sukuna stood up.
“You dare not answer me. You little brat, speak only when spoken to! How do you not know that much. Maybe I should end you. Worthless piece of crap.” Sukuna made his way down the stairs. A little confused himself but he didn’t show it. If you were anyone else by now he would have had them gone, but you. The constant fluctuation of fear and confidence in your eyes made him want to know more about you.
He was making his way down. Fuck! I hate being weak so much. I have no time to think. This is it, i’ll be damned if my last words were me kissing ass to this monster.
“….fuck you…” you said almost non-audible. But of course if anyone could hear that, it would be Sukuna.
He stopped in his tracks. “excuse me..?”
“I said fuck you!” His pace to you became faster, “Your just a sick son of a bi—!”
His hands wrapped around your neck, not letting the full word come out. “Watch your tone. Do you not fear for your life?” He started laughing. “Maybe I will just watch the life leave your body, hmm?” he said smiling, his face extremely close to yours. He then let out an exaggerated sigh, “relax, I’m bigger, faster, stronger, do you really wanna do this right now? For your pathetic state can’t fight me right now. you don’t ever seem to use that tiny brain of yours do you?”
Your hands scratching and slapping any bit of skin it could come in contact with, clearly showing your resistance being futile.
“Though, i can’t kill you yet.” His lands leaving your neck, allowing you to drop and gasp for air like a fish out of water. He looked down at you, “To bad, deal with me longer. I enjoy this. Been a while since someone had the guts to face me.”
He sighed, “I will give you a couple of minutes to rest. Then after that we will spar. If you land one hit on me, i shall let you leave and live as u please. If you can not….lets just say i’ll give you pain. For i don’t know why you think you are so worthy of speaking to me however you like.”
You were just listening as you tried to control your breath. “I refuse to be your play thing. Kill me now.”
He scratched his head, “Well now that that you said that, i don’t wanna kill you.” He boomed laughter, “I really like you, your a few hierarchies below Uraume, but that’s still a lot.” His expression became one of a cold killers all of a sudden. “Now, stand.”
You thought for a second. “My king…if i may….”
“Hmm, all quiet now are we? just a second ago you were using such filthy language. For such a beautiful face like yours, your mouth should know nothing but decency. What is it you please to say?”
“King Sukuna…my wrist is in immense pain, i am at a big enough disadvantage already. For i don’t think it will do me any good sparring with a broken wrist, i need more then a few minutes my king.”
“Fine. As you wish. Heal or don’t, my order of our fight has been decided.”
He stared at you a little longer. He stared at you, making you feel nasty, making you feel gross. He walked up to you and started pushing you down on your knees by your shoulders. You felt his eyes roam your body.
“I will heal your wrist. But first, you need to be punished for that naughty little mouth of yours…”
“Let’s make this quick. Gonna teach you a lesson yeah?”
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aidemint · 1 year
To Break A Habit | Routine Doesn’t Get You Kisses Like These
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Summary: You kinda-actually find out he wasn’t joking about the spider stuff. Okay. But you’re totally cool about it. Totally.
Word Count: 5.1k
Pairing: Hobie Brown/GN!Reader
Notes: 5 minutes of screentime and i’ve already wrote more about this guy in a week than i usually write about anything in three months jesus christ
Masterpost | AO3 |  Part 1 | Part 3
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“40081’s got this hoodoo shit goin’ on.” Hobie sighs as he makes his way down the main hall of Spider-HQ, recounting his mission discoveries from days prior. “Some sort of bad luck spell that’s making the world lose its plot.”
Gwen paces beside him, listening intently. “Sinister Six behind it?” she asks with a frown. “Or do you think it’s something else?”
“Not certain,” Hobie responds with a shrug. “But I’m close to catching the anomaly. Things should reset once it’s out of the fabric.”
“Hope it gets resolved soon.” Gwen sucks in a breath from between her teeth. “Miguel’s not looking too happy these days.”
Oddly enough, the mission so far had been almost deceptively easy—three days into the operation Hobie had already located and shut down a multitude of energy pockets emanating from certain parts of the city. A variant of Mysterio or Osborn was bound to show up soon, as the sites were likely siphoning vitality from the dimension. Now he just needed to gather intel about the effects of the magic while playing the waiting game. Luckily for him, he has a direct source.
“Relax Gwendy, it’ll be fine. I even got in touch with one of the locals for—” Hobie starts assuredly, turning to address his drummer, but pauses and swivels around when she’s noticeably no longer keeping up with his stride.
“You what?” Gwen stands frozen in the middle of the walkway, eyes blown as large as dinner plates with her mouth slightly ajar. She readjusts herself with a shake of her head, though her hands and shoulders remain raised and stiff. “Hobie, please tell me you’re not getting to know a civilian. ”
“Then I won’t tell you that I’m ‘getting to know’ a civilian.” A roll of his shoulder and he’s back walking, half-lidded eyes peering at Gwen when she inevitably joins again, bobbing and weaving through a downcurrent flow of Peter Parkers. “And I won’t tell you that it’s strictly for information about the mission.” A coy smile tugs the edges of Hobie’s lips upward. “Probably.”
Gwen looks just about ready to explode at the last quip. “You just told me— Oh my God, you know that, out of everything, is against protocol. Very against protocol,” she hisses, her voice lowering as her lip curls and she leans further into the privacy of only each others’ company. “What will you do when Miguel finds out?”
“You gotta live freely past the propaganda, Gwendy,” Hobie replies nonchalantly, patting a palm on her shoulder as a point of reassurance. “Just think about it.”
The best Gwen can offer him is a wary glance and a moment of hesitation, but he takes it with a grin anyhow. He’s certain she’ll eventually come around—the extent of their friendship isn’t something so miniscule that a few words of indoctrination would ever be enough to turn her.
It’s a nice notion to have, but he unfortunately doesn’t get much time to dwell on it—suddenly, his watch buzzes with an alert.
Hobie checks the device. “Someone’s ringing me, gotta bounce.” A few taps of an orange screen and a twist of a dial, then a portal opens up just shy of his left arm. “Been fun, Gwendy. Don’t blame me if I come back late.”
No matter how hard she rolls her eyes, Gwen can’t help but give into the smile that creeps onto her lips. “Stay safe, loser,” she responds, bumping her fist against his.
“Safe is practically my middle name.” With that, Hobie ducks into the gateway, and disappears.
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How the fuck do you accuse someone of having spider powers without sounding like you’ve gone insane? Since morning you’ve been stuck in a cycle of decision-making for a seemingly hopeless situation. You thought the hard part was over after seeing the guy in the costume swing away on white silly string, but the mostly sleepless night and brainstorming the resolution to be had was another beast altogether. What doesn’t help much either is the fact your favorite pair of jeans are now stained to shit because an idiot thought it would be a good idea to trickshot a half-full Starbucks drink into a trashcan you were standing right next to.
Oh, New York, how it surprises you each day. You swear you’ve never had bad luck like this in your life—and now you’re twenty minutes late, punching in your timecard and hurrying to tie on an apron.
Even through your shift the anxiety doesn’t go away, despite how you try to ignore it. Nervous energy bleeds into your work, shaking hands spilling and dropping drinks; your preoccupied mind is nowhere near as focused as you need to be for the rush—you remake a drink three times in a row before being on the receiving end of a tired lecture from an angry customer.
“Something on your mind?” one of your coworkers ends up asking after most of the crowd has dissipated. “Or just tired?”
You’re on the verge of bursting into tears actually, but you manage to stifle it with a deep breath in. “A lot of both,” you mumble in response. You can’t tell her about Hobie, and it’d be too winding to describe the entirety of everything. She’s pretty good at giving looks of pity and she’s already shot you one following the complaining customer. Honestly another one is the last thing you want to deal with right now. “Maybe I should’ve just skipped work today.”
“Don’t worry, we all have bad days,” she offers with a consoling pat on the arm. “How about you just calm down for a bit and take your break? I’ll make you your favorite drink and get a bowl started for you.”
The gesture does ease your nerves, even if only by a little. You sigh, shoulders slumping, and give your coworker a grateful smile. Parting ways then, she returns to her station to honor her word and you make your way to the back to punch in the start of your break.
Exhaustion starts to seep in when you catch yourself staring blankly at the time card machine, watching the hands of the clock tick away second by second. There hasn’t been significant progress in terms of settling the whole “Hobie Brown is a superhero” dilemma, you realize, just a lot of pain and aching on your part. Maybe it’s time to put the matter to rest just for a brief half an hour—you’ll pick it up later. There isn’t even a guarantee Hobie will show up to the shop anyhow.
Yeah, you have time.
The chunk sound of the punch machine brings you back to your senses and you put away your slip before making your way back to the front of the house.
“Drink’s ready and bowl’s on the way. You can enjoy that while you wait,” your coworker chirps, sliding a cup to you when you emerge from the back. You’re just about to voice your thanks before she cuts in again, gesturing to a spot just beyond the counter. “Oh, and someone asked for you. He’s right over there.”
Your eye is already twitching before you even look. But you suppose you hate yourself and the world at this point, because you slowly turn to where her hand points regardless and find the one man you just made a pact with yourself to not think about.
Hobie greets you by name and gives you a friendly wave. Out of courtesy, you force yourself to return in, lips pressed together in a tight smile with the short extension of your hand.
“Heard it was your break,” he says, approaching the glass panel between the two of you. “Mind if I intrude?”
Yes! you scream internally. Yes I do mind very much!
“No, it’s alright,” you end up saying to him, staving off a growing impulse to whack yourself upside the head.
“Sick,” is all Hobie replies with before he retreats to a nearby table. “I’ll be waiting here—don’t rush yourself.”
It’s right about now that you’re wishing he wasn’t so nice and you didn’t like him so much so that this process of confrontation would go about smoother. Your gaze lingers on him and you bite in the inside of your cheek as you think about the validity of what you witnessed yesterday.
The option to not tell him and maintain your chances of still potentially becoming friends like normal exists. Dodging the awry reputation that comes with the manic conspiracy theorist persona is always good. You’ll get over it one day, right? Leave the suspicions behind and assume that the image was just a hallucination brought about by stress; convince yourself that Hobie Brown is just your average British punk-rocker.
But you can’t fight the feeling in your gut, how it burns, and suddenly you’re leaning over the counter, over the glass.
This is a bad idea. “Hobie,” you call in his direction.
He looks up. “Yeah?”
Shit, this is a bad idea. “I have something to tell you.”
“It’s… I think it’s a matter best told in just our own company.” You look around apprehensively, a slight crease in your brow. “Mind going somewhere more private?”
Trying your best to ignore the suggestive look your coworker shoots at you from your peripheral, you beckon Hobie to come into the back. Walking through the kitchen, you usher him into the storage pantry and shut the door behind you when you join him.
“I’m guessing we’re not just here to kotch?” Hobie teases with the sideways tilt of his head.
“Unfortunately.” Your gaze lowers to the ground at the admission, fingers finding one another and squeezing. “Been thinking about something for a while.”
Hobie lets the change in the air stew until it thickens before responding. “Ready when you are.” His voice is softer, malleable, lost of all its previous playfulness and replaced with a certain kind of sincerity.
The slightest incline of your chin brings your stare back to him. You wish it served the simple purpose of just admiring the slopes and angles of his face, but your lips part and your curled hand trembles, and it all reminds you of the gnawing insecurity.
“I need you to tell me the truth.” You say it slowly, sincerely, keeping your voice as steady as you can despite the way your heart rate thunders. “Please.”
In your supplication, you aren’t certain how to appraise the extent of your desperation, but Hobie’s gaze does not leave yours. He nods wordlessly, a glint of something in his eye and it looks a lot like deference.
You take it as permission to continue. “When you brought up Parker”—you swallow thickly—“you were talking about something real, weren’t you?”
A beat of silence. There isn’t any external reaction from Hobie, standing as still as he had the moment he stopped in front of you, face lax and hands tucked away in his pockets.
“Ain’t got a Scooby-Doo what you’re talking about,” he says plainly, unfaltering in every word. Even then he doesn’t move, fortress-like in his disposition.
Perhaps he truly doesn’t know what you mean, you think. The chance is present, albeit slim, though present nonetheless—and how tightly you clutch this sliver of hope. But for a moment, in your hesitancy and under Hobie’s untelling stare, doubt creeps in—your palms grow clammy against the material of your pants, sweat assisting the glide of your fingers against one another. Your eyes search those of the man in front of you, wishing his look could change so you could find the courage to ground yourself.
What if you’re wrong? What if it’s all a fallacy, some trick of the light? New York is no stranger to oddities but even this seems too extreme. Coincidental talk of Spider-People leading to an impossible accusation. Fucking Spider-People don’t—shouldn’t—exist. The idea grows more absurd the longer you question it. Peter Parker got the short end of the stick, if there was even a long end in the first place, so what the hell are you doing?
But what if you’re right?
A breath rattles through you. “Hobie.” With a new waver in your voice and a tremble to your hands, you stand unsure of how your conviction bleeds through what you say but you try anyhow. “I know you’re gonna think I’m crazy, but I saw a masked man walking on the side of a building yesterday.” The admission comes quickly, riddled with cracks, but you’re entirely too focused on the followup to care. “After the conversation we had about Spider-People, after the whole thing about superheroes, tell me that it wasn’t you up there. Because I saw your— your fucking pins and I’ve never— God, I don’t even know! I’ve never seen something like this.”
Your fists clench, fingers digging crescent-shaped craters into the flesh of your palms. The marks bite, angry red and stinging—perhaps aching even more the absence of Hobie’s response, the seconds you give him to reply.
“Who are you?” Dry—your throat is so dry. Your voice can’t be anything above a whisper with how hoarse the question comes, flaking away with every shallow breath you take.
Silence blankets the both of you then, soundless space a limbo between comfort and unease. Unsure of what to do with it, what to make of the situation you stand in now, you let it hang listlessly, drawing upon an empty room and an even emptier conversation.
It takes a handful of moments for Hobie to even look like he’s processed all that you’ve said. Under your scrutiny, the smallest movement of his eye is the only discernible change to the testament. Whatever goes on inside his head is a complete mystery to you for the few minutes that elapse before he speaks.
Finally, he shifts in his stance. “You want me to just come out with it, yeah?” he asks, not sounding terribly happy, but not as nonplussed as you expected. He sighs when you nod slowly. “Alright. I’ll start from the top, then.”
He tells you his name is still in fact Hobie Brown, and he was bitten by a radioactive spider three years ago. Formerly a runway model, though not a role model, he’s been protecting the streets of his hometown against the PM. When he’s not playing shows, antagonizing fascists, or staging unpermitted political “action-slash-performance art pieces,” he’s out partying with his friends.
“And don’t call me a hero,” he ends with a frown. “Hate the label. Calling yourself a hero makes you a self-mythologizing, narcissistic autocrat.”
When he stops, you have both hands to your temples, pressing down hard. You can deal with his anti-authority spiel just fine—some part of you even agrees with the sentiment—but there is so much to unpack prior to the statement.
“So you— you have actual spider powers? Oh my God?” you sputter, eyes blown wide in an expression of surprise you’re sure looks exaggeratedly dreadful. “What even— that’s— what even are spider powers?”
“Dunno really.” Hobie gives a shrug. “Enhanced hearing, speed, vision, and sticking to walls are the main perks. Also links up to my—”
“Can you shoot webs out of your butt?” you blurt in a sudden horrible realization.
There’s a few seconds of tense silence before Hobie bursts into laughter, arms crossed around his torso to hold himself, shoulders bunched to his ears. The ring of his joy through the air lifts a weight from it and suddenly the atmosphere doesn’t feel as crushing as before.
Witnessing his state, it doesn’t take long for unease to fade away and for you to start softly chuckling with him.
“You’re so jokes,” Hobie cackles, a hand over his eyes as he leans back. A long, shuddering breath tears through him in his attempt to calm down. “But to answer your question, no I can’t shoot webs out of my arse.”
“Thank God,” you breathe, clutching your heart. “Wouldn’t have looked at you the same if you said you could.”
“I don’t think I can look at you the same after you just asked that.”
“Hey, in my defense it was just to get to know you better.”
“I’m sure that’s all it was.” Hobie gives you a pointed look, but is quick to smile after. “Speaking of which, I came in to ask you something as well.”
“Oh?” You blink. The sudden shift in conversation is unprecedented, taking you slightly by surprise, but suspicion is quick to replace your wonderment when you notice a change in Hobie’s features. A squint narrows your eyes. “What are you plotting?”
“Nothing, it’s just I have an excuse now that you know me better.” He pauses briefly, staring at you for a moment. “I wanted to ask if I could know you a little better.”
Your lips purse in confusion at the phrase, forehead pinching. “But you already know me?” you ask, brow raised. “Don’t tell me you forgot everything already.”
“I didn’t,” Hobie reassures gently. “I was just thinking instead of talking over a counter we could do it over dinner? Maybe a movie, if you have the time?”
A beat passes and suddenly realization sets in, drawing all the air out of you. The smallest groan escapes you as you bury your face in your palms, the skin of your neck and cheeks burning hot. Every inch of you seems more sensitive in your mortification—were you always this close to Hobie, and was his cologne always that strong?
“I’m an idiot,” you whisper from between the gap in your hands. “God, I’m such an idiot.”
Hobie supplies a soft chuckle to ease your embarrassment. “You’re not. It came out pretty corny anyways.”
“I can’t believe I’m getting asked out by a guy with spider powers.”
“Is that a yes or a no?”
You groan again, a tight breath pressed against your fingers. “You are so lucky you’re cute, Hobie Brown.”
It is as endearing as it is exasperating that you can practically hear how big his smile is. “You free tomorrow?”
“Anytime past five,” you reply softly, slowly inching your hands away from your face to peer at him. “Where should I meet you?”
Hobie’s grin tilts sideways at the query, a new sparkle of mischief brightening his eye. “I’ll come pick you up.”
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Dates aren’t exactly a new concept to you—you’ve been on a handful, and they all go about the same. The first time, someone shows up with flowers or a small gift to start the evening right, then you’re whisked away for three hours to some place to hang around and have fun. It’s conventional, it’s safe—sometimes you enjoy the company more than the actual activity, leading to a second or third outing, but there’s nothing too special about the dance you do with routine.
Along this line of reasoning, Hobie crash-landing on your balcony with one of the most ridiculous offers of transportation isn’t exactly the way you imagined your date would start.
“You are not web-swinging me to Manhattan,” you tell him, still inside your apartment, arms crossed and shaking your head vigorously. “I don’t care what you have set up, I’m not gonna risk going splat on the damn concrete.”
“Come on, it’ll be fun,” Hobie pushes playfully. “Promise I won’t drop you.”
You frown, brows furrowing and lips pursing as you glare at him. He returns the look as calm as ever, a slight smile edging the corners of his mouth and stance open in invitation. The way he holds himself has uncertainty creeping to you, forcing out your fervent disagreement in favor of consideration in a rather slick way of persuasion.
Perhaps you should’ve known you wouldn’t win, with the sheer difference in your demeanors. Your staredown continues for a couple of minutes before you sigh, breaking eye contact with a reluctant drop of your chin and a gentle moan of diffidence.
“Can I at least close my eyes?” you mumble, walking out and shutting the balcony door behind you.
“You can do whatever you want,” Hobie replies, sliding on his mask and gloves. “Just hold on tight.”
Stifling a breath when his arm wraps around the small of your back and under your thighs, you cling to his shoulders as he lifts you up and climbs on the railing.
“You ready?” His chest rumbles under your touch when he speaks, and you can only give a small nod in your position, heart pounding against your ribs and face buried deep in the nape of his neck.
Hobie laughs—a deep, warm sound—and then launches off your balcony.
There are no words to truly describe the feeling that swallows you while in freefall. Wind blasts past your ears in violent howls, gravity pulls your figure down but your insides up, and the only thing you have to ground yourself is the feel of Hobie as you clutch him with every bit of strength you possess. Adrenaline thrums through every vein, lighting your nerves on fire and prickling your skin with gooseflesh; even your energy to scream depletes into fueling the rush that floods your senses.
Upon the first pull up, Hobie’s web catching a surface to swing from, your gut lurches and a serrated gasp shudders through you. Your arms pull you impossibly closer to him, fingers clawing to dig deeper into the back of his vest.
“Easy now,” he chuckles, sounding miles away with how loud your heart beats in your ears. “I promised I wasn’t gonna drop you, didn’t I?”
“D-Doesn’t make it better,” you gasp, shivering now that the breeze whips against your back.
“Try to relax—we’ll be there soon.” Though he says it like it’s the easiest thing in the world, it proves contrary to the way his grip tightens around you with the next swing.
Despite how comforting the gesture is, you find that you can’t relax much while still flying through New York a hundred feet in the air.
After what seems like days of travel, Hobie finally lands on solid ground, giving you a moment to catch your breath before setting you down gently. His arms are threaded underneath yours as you try to balance on shaky legs, knees bent and feeling all too much like jelly for your own comfort.
“I feel like a newborn deer,” you sigh, voice trembling from the withdrawal of adrenaline. Jitters quiver your fingers, lightly chatter your teeth, and shake the thin chamber of your chest. “My God, how do you even get used to this?”
“Gotta learn to trust yourself,” Hobie hums smoothly. “First time’s always a tad tricky.”
You only nod, gaze now pinned to the ground as he gradually guides you forward, step by step, until you’re stable enough to slowly walk on your own. From there, the slightest incline of your head brings your attention to a small spread of food and flowers laid out nicely on a patterned blanket. A warmth comes to settle in your core at the sight, softening your eyes and easing the tenseness in your limbs—contentment reaches you and the stress gained from the ride here begins to fade, if only by a little.
“Hobie, this is so sweet,” you coo, pleasure lightening the tone of your voice.
His rings just as sweetly through the evening air. “Good to hear—would’ve been gutted if you didn’t like it.”
You laugh at the response, casting an affectionate glance at him that just grows fonder upon meeting his charming reciprocation. The bend of his brow, the part and curve of his lips, the crinkle of his eye—all of it has you transfixed for a generous moment, barely able to notice the way your navel aches with longing in your stupor.
The feeling persists throughout the evening, present in every winding conversation and instance of quiet shared between the two of you. It’s rather freeing to be unconstrained by the formalities usually held by the label of a first date and to sense such endearment for the whole of it. There is no talking to only talk—every sentiment has meaning, every word punctuated by some semblance of tenderness; there is no awkward atmosphere brought about by nervous tension—you rest comfortably, leaning back on your hands, as does Hobie, elbows on crossed legs, positioned towards you.
Hours pass by easily in the space, kissing the sky with hues of orange and gold and violet as they bid a teary farewell, trails of light following in the wake of their departure. Yawning clouds push to the east, unlined shapes dissipating with the fleeting luster. Soon, the New York city skyline is only a bleak, black horizon that cradles a half-yolked sun just shy of its surface.
Golden rays grace your skin, full and temperate and real. You’re just about to gush to Hobie about how this is your favorite time of the day when you’re stopped by the shallow movement of his arm.
He shifts to pick the carnation laid closest to your hand, snaps off the longer part of its stem, then tucks it delicately behind your ear. Wordlessly, he adjusts the petals, and grins when they seem to his liking.
You’re practically bursting at the seams when he retracts his hand, fingers ghosting the curve of your cheek on their path back. Heat rushes to your neck, white-hot on a quick shot up to heat every inch of your face. The sensation catches your breath, widens your eye, tucks the tip of your bottom lip between your teeth, and all you can do is sit and watch Hobie as he admires you.
There’s a look in his eye that you hope is reflected in yours, how beautiful he is. The warm vermillion hue of the sun hits his complexion and it’s like there’s nothing else in the world to behold but him.
Suddenly you find yourself reaching for the flowers on the blanket, clasping multiple in one hand and halving the stems with the other.
Leaning forward, palms stained with sap, you place the carnations in each of Hobie’s wicks, uncaring of the smell of chlorophyll or the tremble of your fingers. You only return to your seat and wipe your hands when you finish, the expanse of his head dotted in small blooms, all that’s left of the original bouquet messily cut stems and loose leaves.
A breathy laugh escapes you at the sight, light and happy and bright. “You are so pretty, Hobie,” you whisper, your heart swelling with adoration. “And I wanna kiss you so bad right now.”
He smiles. “I’m not going to stop you,” he says, then wraps his arms around you when you crush your lips to his.
You feel you must be drunk on something, but are entirely too far gone to care the slightest bit. Hobie is every bit as soft and warm as you imagined, his hold homely, his scent familiar. Breathing him in, bergamot, plum, and sandalwood filling your lungs, a dreamy sigh stutters out of your nose before you start to move.
The kiss takes on a steady rhythm then, perhaps the easiest thing you’ve had to follow. Each press of your lips against his finds just the right amount of resistance, the feel of his piercing snug as it nudges you in every shift. Your hands find purchase in cupping his face, fingertips smoothing the silver studs that line his ears and thumbs stroking his cheeks.
Hobie’s touch rests just shy of your waist, the bend of his elbows against your ribs, palms flat against your scapula. His chest rises and falls with every breath, a slight hitch in the motion when you crawl to his lap, sitting in the space between his legs.
The two of you share your own pocket of heaven for a minute longer, then with one last kiss, you part. As your eyes flutter open, Hobie slides a hand off your back to thumb your lip, swiping a finger across your bottom one.
You make a questioning noise but remain unmoving as he works, sliding his digit across sensitive skin.
“My lipstick got on you,” he explains when he finishes, showing you black makeup smeared on his thumb. “I liked the look of it, but didn’t know if you did.”
A gentle laugh spouts from you at his kindness. “I’m all for you giving me a makeover next time,” you say with a grin.
Hobie gives a small chuckle back, delight sparkling in his eye. “Good.”
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The afterbuzz of the date still tingles the back of Hobie’s neck even hours later. It’s ten o’clock, the moon at highrise and not a single star in sight in the muddy violet pool that overhangs New York. He’s in the middle of a stakeout, monitoring an energy station reopened as bait for whatever, whoever, might come out in response. The task of fully focusing proves rather hard in the wake of remembering the warmth of you as you held him, the brush of your lips against his, and your small gasps of breath, but he tries anyhow.
Hobie’s just finished shaking off the image of your face in the light of dusk when his watch buzzes. He looks down with a frown, noting the peculiarity of receiving a call this late.
“Gwendy,” he greets, an orange hologram of Stacy appearing with the twist of a dial. “What are you ringing me for?”
“Hey Hobie,” she returns flatly, not providing much else before quickly casting her gaze askance.
From her projection, Hobie can gather that something seems off—Gwen’s stance is completely closed, arms crossed and feet together. What looks like nervousness twists her features, pinches her forehead, pulls her lips tight together. She’s never been good at hiding her emotions, but even this seems exaggerated.
Sobriety seeps into Hobie then, the high of hours ago eroding. “Something wrong?” he asks, voice dropping low.
Gwen pauses, hesitating. “Miguel wants you back at HQ,” is what comes from her after a few seconds. “Now.”
“What about the mission?”
“He just says to leave. There’s been some new intel. That’s all I know.” Gwen swallows thickly, her eyes flickering back to Hobie. “See you soon.”
“Alright, see ya.” The hologram blinks twice, then disappears. Hobie taps on his watch to open a portal back to Earth-928, dubiety sinking its teeth into his thoughts. Miguel was ever the autocrat, so he was never quite fond of the guy, but the way Gwen had come to him—with a fresh feeling that extended beyond terror etched in her expression—that doesn’t sit well. He doesn’t need a spider-sense to recognize that something is amiss.
Somehow, he can’t elude the feeling of dread that creeps to him when he’s swallowed by the vortex.
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May I make a request? How does yandere Ashley Graves react when she finds out that her darling is getting married to someone else? Like an arranged marriage thing.
You may!
TW: Drugging, Kidnapping, Forced Kiss, Yandere themes
Yandere!Ashley Graves x Arranged Marriage Reader
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It wasn’t fair
This wasn’t fair
Ashley thought arranged marriages died with the fucking bubonic plague but nooOooo!
No, no they just had to be a thing still- somehow!
And given her luck, it came for her beloved
First she screamed, then destroyed her and Andrew’s room in her frustrations, and then like most of her fits, had a huge cry within the rubble
But crying wasn’t going to get you back to her
Crying wasn’t going to kill that hussy who took you
Most people would give up, cut their losses and accept that a future with you was not possible
….but Ashley Graves was not most people
You paced around your room- well, technically it wasn’t your room- it was the hotel’s- but still your room regardless.
Your parents had chosen this place to have the wedding, the place having a vast array of rooms beyond the lobby downstairs, most ceremony halls for occasions such as this. Weddings. Your wedding.
The shockwaves hit you all at once again, making you stumble back til you were sitting on your bed. Your hands clutched the sides of your head, only semi aware to not mess up your hair. You were getting married, and to a person you barely knew. It was a struggle to write your vows for this occasion- what were you supposed to say?!
“Hey stranger, we’ve only known each other for three months and I can count the number of dates we’ve had on my hand but- I’m happy to be marrying you! Yaaayyyyyy, this totally won’t backfire!”
You managed to schlop some cheese fest of wedding vows together, best not ruin this for your future partner. Though frazzled, this probably wasn’t what they wanted either. No, this was a decision made by your parents for their benefit- not your own.
You could just walk out. Leave quietly but- no. You can’t do that. You can’t embarrass your future partner like that. They didn’t ask for this. Neither of you did.
Your wallowing was interrupted by a knock to the door, causing you to perk up and look over. The knocking continued, clearly whoever was on the other side was too impatient to wait 5 goddamn minutes. You stood up with a huff, running your hands over your face as you trudged over.
“I’m coming! I’m coming!” The knocking continued, and you almost threw it open- your glare fading as you looked at who it was.
Standing behind the door with a disheveled looking cleaning cart was one of the hotel’s maid staff. The lower half of her face was obscured by what looked like a surgeon’s mask, her black hair spilling over her shoulders as she awkwardly stood with a toilet scrubber.
“Uhh- cleaning?” She waved the scrubber a little, her voice slightly muffled by the mask.
You sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose, “I- Can this wait? I’m still kinda…in here.” You gestured to the room behind you, but the maid took that as a welcome rather than a ‘fuck off’. She pushed the cart past you, nearly running over your feet.
“Nope! Can’t wait at all! You’re the last room on my route and I want my break now!”
You watched as she began working on your room, tossing your things off of your bed without care to half hazardly fold it. With a sigh, you stood back up, checking to see if your shoes were scuffed, “Fine, whatever…I won’t be in here much longer anyways.”
You shut the door, your back to the maid as she worked away. You wanted to be alone, to have some quiet…but she didn’t exactly take the hint.
“You’re….one of the people getting married today?” She inquired, not hard to deduce given your outfit and general lack of pep in your step.
“Yup,” you grimaced, “And I’m so- happy…”
Why bother hiding your disappointment, you didn’t care anymore. You also probably would never see this woman again so who cares if you’re being depressing. Rustling behind you caused you to perk up, and you spotted a glass in the corner of your eye. You turned, outstretched to you was a glass of water.
“Here,” she offered, “Maybe a drink will help.”
You went to take it, before retracting your hand with suspicion. Where did she get that from?
Sensing your hesitance, she sighed, “Relax, it’s not dirty cleaning water or whatever- it’s one of the complimentary bottles.”
Easing your worries, you took the glass and drank. The water was lukewarm, feeling almost thick in your mouth. Warm water sucked, but it was better than nothing. She wasn’t lying, you did feel a bit better….if not tired now.
No longer fueled by dread, the stress from this situation must’ve overtaken you- leaving you drowsy and tired. You set the glass down on the nearest surface, rubbing your eyes with the back of your hands.
“Here,” the maid took your arm and led you to the bed for you to lie down on, “The ceremony’s not for a bit…how about you rest your eyes, and sleep off all this stress.”
Her voice was- comforting almost, lulling you further into sleep as your vision became blurred. Though obscured, you could see the maid looking down at you, removing her mask and brushing her hair back with her hand. Her pink eyes stared directly into yours as she smiled.
“Don’t worry…this’ll all be over soon..”
You don’t know when you came to, but when you did- everything felt worse
Your head hurt, your body hurt- almost like you had been folded in half for a long period of time- your clothes were a mess, and to top it all off
You were on longer in your hotel room
No, no you found yourself in a completely new room- one different to you
You were slouched on what looked to be a bathroom- laundry room combination. In front of you was a shower head with a few products in the small basket suctioned to the grimy wall. Slightly obscured by the wall next to you was a sink with a hose shoved into it, which went beyond your vision allowed you to see.
Looking beside you was a toilet, which you were handcuffed to
Your cuffs jingled as you yanked your hand, attempting to either break the handcuffs or the pipe you were cuffed to. It was rather futile though, as you were still tired from having just woken up.
“Oh, good, you’re awake!”
In a rather cheery tone, you spotted someone walk out from behind the wall- a cheerful smile on her face. The maid from the hotel…except- this wasn’t just a maid…
“Ashley?….” You narrowed your eyes to get a better look.
“Bingo baby!” She shot you a finger gun, crossing closer to your slouched body and kneeling down, “Happy to see me beloved? I’m happy to see youuuu.” She booped your nose, to which you flinched at in response, “You have no idea how much of a pain it was to drag you all the way here.”
You had- so many questions, none of which you could coherently sort through before shouting out, “My wedding!”
“Oh? That,” Ashley glared to the side, “Don’t worry about that silly thing. You didn’t want to get married anyway, you told me yourself.”
She had you there- but you still weren’t too keen on being kidnapped!
“How-“ you shook your head to collect your thoughts, “How long was I out?"
"The dose I gave you shouldn’t have knocked you out for long- I’d sayyyyyyyy, you’d been out for about 24 hours at least.”
24 hours. Oh god.
Your eyes widened as all of this hit you, you- you had to get out of here! Your hand yanked at the cuff, to which Ashley promptly grabbed. Her nails dug into your skin, making you wince.
“Fucking chill okay!” She snapped, “Look- don’t even try getting out. This- this is for your own good.”
She relented her grip, moving her hand from your wrist to interlock her hand with yours. She shifted her stance, now overtop of you. You moved your head back to keep your distance from her lips as they got closer, though the wall behind you limited your escape.
“Relax sweetheart..” she ran her hand down your chest, her eyes as lulling as ever, “You didn’t want to marry that hussy anyways, so why are you fighting this?” Her lips just barely ghosted above your own, “Maybe now….you can marry someone you actually want to? How’s that sound?”
Before you could give your objection to this ceremony, Ashley silence with a kiss. Your protests muffled against her lips, and the wall preventing you from pulling away.
The kiss felt like an eternity, the jingling cuffs eventually stopping and your protests dying down as you relented and returned the kiss. Her lips felt soft, but her teeth were sharp- practically cutting your lip.
She pulled away, a wide grin planted firmly on her face while you remained dazed and confused.
“You may now kiss the bride!” She giggled dopily, pressing her forehead against your own. In unholy matrimony.
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holylulusworld · 6 months
Designed by pain (6)
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Summary: Broken hearts are hard to put back together. 8 years ago, Dean lost something he didn’t even know he had in the first place. Will he get a second chance?
Pairing: former AU!Dean Winchester x fem!Reader
Warnings: angst, language, past break-up, arguments
A/N: This was an alternative idea for the first chapter of my Bucky story: Monster-in-law masterlist. I decided to use it for a story with Dean.
Designed by pain masterlist
Designed by pain (5)
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“Mommy! Mommy!” Your son is out of breath when he runs into your living room. Look what I found!”
He lifts his arms to show you what he’s holding in his hands. Your eyes widen at the sight of the biggest toad you ever saw.
“Oh my God!” You scream, and backpaddle. Michael Joseph proudly grins at you. He tells you he’s going to name him Toadie Mc Toad. “You won’t keep that thing!”
“I like him,” he pouts. “He’s cute. Please let me keep him.” Your son sniffles now. “Please! Please! I’ll take good care of him and feed my new friend daily.”
You sigh. “Michael, we don’t have a place for Toadie to live. The little toad needs more than food. We want him to be happy.”
“But…mommy,” your argument gets interrupted when someone harshly knocks at your door. You hear a commotion and someone muttering incoherent words.
“This is not over,” you point at the toad in your son’s hands. “Don’t drop the poor thing. We don’t need Toadie to walk around the house to scare me.”
“He won’t do such a thing—” Your son pouts and whines. The knocking gets louder, distracting you long enough for your son to kiss the toad.
“Michael! Stop kissing the toad,” you grumble while walking out of the living room. “Coming!” You call for whoever is hammering against your door. “Just a minute.”
Your son follows you hot on your heels. He won’t stop pleading. Michael wants to keep the toad and he’ll do anything to keep the poor creature.
“Wait here, Michael. We will talk about the toad in a minute. Let me answer the door first.”
You look at your son, giving him a stern look as he sits down on the floor to talk to the toad he found in the small garden behind your house.
“Just a minute,” you run your hand over his head. “I’ll be right there, and we can talk about the toad.
Your son nods and turns his attention back toward the toad. You sigh and walk toward the front door. It’s not the best day for an unexpected visitor.
“Hello, what can I do—” your voice fails seeing Dean and his brother stand in front of your door. Sam gives you an apologetic smile and murmurs your name while his brother is less apologetic.
“Hi,” Sam says before Dean can start messing things up. “I know this is sudden, and you didn’t expect us, but Dean couldn’t wait any longer."
“What do you want here, Dean?” You hiss his name. “The deal is sealed. You have no reason to come here and invade my privacy and home!”
“I didn’t invade your home,” Dean bites back. “If you would've told me that I got a kid this reunion could’ve been much more harmonic.”
“I don’t know what you are talking about, Winchester.” You huff. “Now get off my lawn.”
“I won’t leave,” he takes one step closer to you. “I got a kid, and I want to get to know him! You’ve got no right to keep my child from me.”
“He’s my son,” you snap at Dean. “I was the one watching his first steps. I was the one raising him without any help. You’ve got no damn right to come here and demand to see my son.”
“Our son,” Dean raises his voice. “You can’t keep my son away from me?” He sniffs. “Not after I just found out that I’m a father.”
“You’re not a father,” you hiss. “A father would've never left the woman he asked to marry him for his ex or let his mother walk all over me. You made your decision that night, and I made mine on my way to London. Now get out of my sight.”
Sam tries to calm you both. “Y/N, how about you let us in, and we don’t discuss this out here, for everyone to hear.”
“I won’t let you brother inside my home where my son is,” you glare at Sam. He means well, you know that, but you cannot risk letting Dean inside your home. “You will stay out of my house, Winchester!”
“Winchester?” Your son shoves you out of his way to look at Sam and Dean. “You must be DEAN!” He squeals and grins. Your son holds up the toad, telling them to have a look at his new friend. “I found him in the garden!”
“Uh-that’s very cool bud,” Sam says. He crouches down to look at the toad. “I’m not Dean, but his brother Sam.”
Michael jerks his head toward Dean to look your ex-fiancé up and down.
“You look much cooler, Mr. Dean. I like your hair better and you’ve got that cool car.” Your son hums while staring at the car in Dean’s hands for a moment. “Cool.” He pushes the toad in Sam’s hands, ignoring that the tall man scrunches up his nose.
“What?” Sam looks at the toad in his hands. “What do I do with the toad?”
You whimper when your son grabs Dean’s hand. He grins and tells Dean to follow him inside. “I got a cool Impala too, Mr. Dean. I’m going to show it to you.”
“Dean, no,” you can only step aside because your son drags Dean toward the door. He brushes past you, not even sparing you a glance while talking about his favorite car.
“I’m so sorry,” Sam gets back up, still the toad in his hands. “I told him to call or give you the chance to explain things to him before barging into your home. Dean always was a little…”
“Annoying, impulsive, unreliable,” you huff, and cross your arms over your chest. You take several deep breaths and try to calm down to not yell in front of your son. “I can’t believe he just came here, demanding to see my son after he let me down.”
“Y/N, it’s a little more complicated. Maybe we can go inside too,” Sam offers a weak smile. “Dean was an idiot back then, but it wasn’t his fault alone.”
“He comes here, blaming me for not telling him about my son! I gave him a choice and left a message. I wrote that it’s not only the two of us any longer. Did I have to spell it out for him?” You are beyond angry and yell at the wrong brother. “Dean is many things, but not dull.”
"Y/N, he's a man on a mission. He wants to get to know his son."
“He can’t come here and call himself father! Dean is not my son’s father!” You twirl around to storm inside your house. If you must, you’ll drag Dean out of your home.
“That escalated quickly,” Sam runs one hand down his face. He sighs deeply as he walks inside your home, silently closing the door. Sam only hopes you won’t fight in front of your son. “I guess it’s on me to help these two find a way to talk things out without killing each other...”
Part 7
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itshype · 2 years
Please don’t pet me! I am working! (DC x DP)
The Service Animal Cujo notfic that I, personally requested but just like my extremely cringe Batman x Witcher fic, I have to do everything myself. I wrote this but held off during DC x DP week because I’m not participating in that. If I keep writing these, I’ll have to make a masterpost or probably whack them up on Ao3 for archive purposes at some point but for now: Here is the Space Obsessed Danny story and Here is the Kingmaker Danny story! CW for mention of panic attacks in this one!
So! Let’s get going. Danny died. He can’t stop thinking it. He was dead. He’s walking and talking now but he knows deep in his soul that everything’s different now. He was dead and somehow nothing has changed? He feels like something of his journey to hell itself should be visible in his skin – something more than the small exit scar on his left foot. Another dimension was opened through his body and his hairstyle didn’t even shift?
Sam and Tucker are just as freaked out as he is, but they aren’t nearly as frightened. The ghost powers and Halfa stigma won’t come until later, but right now Danny is having difficulty even considering the possibility of leaving the house. With Danny in such bad condition emotionally, there’s no way to cover up what happened, and Jazz takes them all to the hospital.
Now, I know in a lot of fanfics Danny has weird physiology even in human form (lower body temp, slower pulse etc) but I don’t remember any of that being canon so I’m ignoring it. And if it is canon then I am exercising my right to debone the original show like a small chicken and use it to make a flavourful stock.
So, Danny checks out with the doctors except for a weirdly tiny burn but he is having like 5 concurrent panic attacks about everything from “there’s nothing after we die”, “The electricity cooked me”, “Life has no meaning”, maybe even throw in a fun “I came back wrong”.
Hell, maybe he does have weirdly low vitals, but the rapid pulse is countering his slow heartbeat and decreased blood pressure etc. Up to you!
Danny probably ends up being sedated if he can’t calm down but by then there is a different issue. The doctors Fenton have arrived. Now, I think it’s no stretch of the imagination to say that under the wrong circumstances they would dissect Phantom if they got their hands on him but also I know they somewhat care for their children and canon has shown more than once that under good circumstances that they could accept Danny.
When his ghost sense goes off for the first time it’s pretty obvious. He’s in a hospital and instead of a tiny little whisp of silver breath; it’s like a fogbank creeping along a moor, its sea mist rolling in from the horizon of his mouth and whiting out his private hospital room. No one can see two meters in front of their own face, and it takes over a minute to fade. Sam screams out for Danny and tries to grab his hand where she knows it was but can no longer see. Tucker starts at the sound and drops his device, screeching gratingly at the clattering plastic of his PDA hitting linoleum, hard.
When the mist finally evaporates, the Fentons want to take him home immediately and run tests. They think the ghostly influence is ‘obvious’ but the 68-year-old nurse, Beatrice stands like a 5-foot-nothing wall of solid rock and won’t let them touch him. Jazz also angles herself between her parents and the door so if they did somehow manage to get their hands on Danny, they wouldn’t be able to leave without steamrolling her. Then the heartrate monitor goes wild as Danny panics about being a guinea pig for his parents’ less-than-lukewarm lab safety practices and they back off without further interruptions.
That’s the point when it hits them that everything that has happened to Danny is their fault. His accident was because of them, he’s melting down because of them, both of their children genuinely believe that they will hurt Danny just because he’s having weird ghostly side effects to almost dying in a ghost portal. One they built.
It’s a few hours later when they breach the subject of going home, of at the very least making a decision about school even if that decision is to formally take a leave of absence. Sam and Tucker’s parents had made them go home and he’s a lot calmer now but at this stage, his weird ghost powers are causing problems. It seems to the orderlies and nurses that his anxiety is getting worse because he’s turning intangible through cups and cutlery – making it look like he’s shaking so hard he can’t even hold a single cup, and is flat out refusing to eat.  
Even though it’s been less than a day it looks like Danny’s shock is just getting worse. He phases through his bed right as Beatrice and his parents walk through and they think he’s hiding under there out of fear. He tries to explain, confused, and disoriented and deep in denial. Jazz shuts him up. She doesn’t know completely what’s going on, but she knows enough, and she isn’t letting 12 hours of changed behaviour force her to blindly trust her parents.
Beatrice is most concerned. It hasn’t been very long but there’s no reasonable cause for his steep and steady decline. No reason outside of something-something-ghosts.  
That’s when the first few pamphlets come out about therapy animals. They require some time to be trained and the middle of nowhere Amity Park doesn’t exactly have a pool to choose from, but it’s okay to adopt a younger animal and train it themselves.
Danny looks at the pictures of the fluffy bunnies and alert-eared dogs with big, glistening eyes. Then puts them down. There’s no way an animal would be safe in his house.
That’s when the ghosts attack. Danny isn’t the only spectre with a ghost sense and these ghosts are less human due to a lack of ectoplasm. Obviously, the silver fog reappears, and, in his terror, Danny drops to the next floor of the hospital, glitching through his bed and the floor underneath it. He crashes painfully in the middle of the gift shop.
His parents reach the conclusion that due to his extreme ectoplasm contamination; he’s developed a serious allergy to ectoplasmic weaponry, including things like ectoblasts that ghosts have naturally. They’re not…the wrongest that they could be. Unfortunately, they decide that Evil Ghosts TM can sense this weakness and are trying to kill their poor baby boy. Everyone else is freaking out about ghosts being visibly proven but the Fentons knew ghosts were real with zero doubts so they’re rolling with it.
Now, due to the knowledge that he died, Danny is having difficulty worrying about other things like catching up with schoolwork, his weird new allergies/powers or even Dash.
BTW KUDOS to anyone still reading, I know this part was really long, but I really felt like I couldn’t just flim flam over the details of why Danny would need an emotional support/service animal even if it’s fictional.
First day back at school, the Lunch Lady attacks. Danny barely eeks out a win just like in canon.
His parents decide that this is because of the allergies and the ghosts being able to sense Danny’s weakness as I said above. And they take it upon themselves to root out the problem at its source, to find all the ghosts who could hurt their son and imprison them, partly for Danny’s safety and partly for study. Not even they are sure where the divide is between their two loyalties.
So, they look to their now-functioning portal.
Unfortunately, they were massively underprepared, and they don’t come back.
 Jazz sees the locked lab door and leaves them to it, making dinner and making sure Danny knows she wants him to be at school.
He doesn’t go, she lets him not go.
Two days later the boredom is worse than his fear. He goes to school. Danny, Sam and Tucker enter like a single unit. Dash tries some shit and either:
Jazz emerges and smacks his head hard enough he loses vision for several seconds – long enough for her to knee him hard enough to put the continuance of the Baxter lineage into question.
Danny starts panicking again. The teachers always want to side with Dash but him openly attacking a kid who was just in the hospital who doesn’t even lift a finger in defence of himself is beyond the limits of any sane adult’s “boys will be boys”.
Doesn’t really matter, the point is that he’s not looking to fuck around any time soon now that he’s already found out. But he did in fact attack Danny.
Danny goes home. His first attempt at school following his death has failed.
Tucker, separately, goes to a garage sale to buy old electronics to use in his PDA upgrades. He buys a boxful of weird lab equipment that definitely has a microchip or two. When he opens it at Danny’s house as an effort to distract him, a small pink teddy falls out. No one notices it bounce beneath the sofa. Sam or Jazz brings up the support animal idea again but is reminded of the whole “our house is a toxic waste site” thing and backs off.
Weeks pass, Danny develops his ghost powers and Jazz realises their parents are actually missing. She submits a missing person report mentioning the switched-on portal – the lab door was locked from the inside.
So, when Danny wakes up one day and there’s a glowing green dog already with a collar and a toy he thinks “ah yes, a dog that my sibling has procured for me as we discussed many times to help me cope with my own mortality, the near-constant ghost attacks and my parents who vanished.”
So, he puts a leash on Cujo who is happily chewing on his little pink teddy and takes him off to school while Jazz is using her first free period to go bother the local cops about their parents. (Why haven’t they been taken in by child protective services? Either:
Because I said so
Jazz is 18
Jazz used her improbable psychology powers to bamboozle the social worker into leaving)
Everyone at school loves Cujo. He gets all the love and does a very good job of dragging Danny away from ghost attacks (so he can fight them!!)
Jazz doesn’t find out about Cujo until the afternoon but probably lets the whole thing lie because it’s a great solution.
This could go on for some time. Both Danny and Phantom have Cujo but as Phantom Cujo stays in his big form so there’s no connection made. Canon mostly proceeds as normal except the parents aren’t there and there’s no huge issue with Valerie.
Realistically, a fair few high schoolers are probably also on the hunt for a pet ghost dog because if Danny and Danny both have one there must be heaps going around. Danny is also worried about his parents and periodically looks for them but that isn’t the focus of this story so I won’t go into a lot of detail – just clarifying that he’s not a sociopath who finds out his parents are missing and goes “oh ok”.
This could be its own story but let’s get to the DC part now!!
Eventually the Justice League connects the two calls, one about the ghost dog and one about the parents disappearing through a portal. Maybe Valerie complains, or even fanon favourite Wes contacts the authorities about the ghost dog with no official training or certification. Either way the JLA algorithm picks up these two very strange claims from one town and send someone to investigate.
But I mean, parents vanishing from a locked room and a green dog aren’t exactly world ending stuff, so instead of sending an actual busy superhero they send one of the kid heroes.
Now a lot of people will go ahead and put Damian into this. But I don’t really care for him in a dynamic with Danny. But I have another vigilante in mind, one who is less animal crazy, but more dog focused and also has issues with being seen as an actual person.
That's right, it's Conner Kent. And his faithful alien dog Krypto. I've seen a few fics where Danny adopts him, but you know what other family member should think you're an actual person? Your significant other. This could totally be a friendship thing no problem, but I do feel like some versions of canon Connor Kent would get on great with Danny.
Without the looming, repeated threat of vivisection, I think Danny would be a lot more chill about his secret identity and would probably disclose Cujo’s origins to Superboy. Once Connor knows about Cujo (Phantom’s dog) being able to shrink, he can see Danny with the dog once and connect all the necessary dots. Because I stand by the fact that the main reason Danny’s secret ID isn’t discovered more is because there’s no reason for a dead person to have a secret identity but once the concept is introduced then it’s pretty simple. Connor can hang out with Phantom while Phantom does ghost fights because the Kryptonian can’t really contribute but he’s there for moral support.
Eventually, Danny reveals to Connor that he himself was cloned before and talks excitedly about his clone who he considers a cousin. I definitely think without the parents there that Dani would visit more even if she has an obsession with travel, wanderlust or freedom that prevents her from permanently moving in.
This knowledge makes him very upset about how he was treated by his genetic donors, and Connor decides to move in with the Fenton siblings (without really asking the Fenton siblings) and decides that he’ll commute to the watchtower/titans tower/mount justice (depending on which version of canon he’s in sorry I can’t be bothered to figure it out).
Unfortunately, on top of not asking the Fentons, he doesn’t notify or ask anyone in the caped community. So as far as any of them are concerned, Connor went on a minor mission to investigate some missing people and is now himself missing.
Just as a caveat because I don’t feel like getting into an argument today, I used the terms both “service animal” and “emotional support animal” even though in most countries these are not interchangeable legal definitions. I use it in a non-legal way here because emotionally helping Danny – especially when that emotional stress causes physical damage is a service, and also there is the potential for Cujo to help Danny in other physical ways.
Also, there is definitely room here for Dani being buds with Match. I think that'd be neat.
If I could draw, I would make art of Cujo and Krypto being besties but I cannot so just picture it for two seconds. Done? Great, thanks!
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sofasoap · 1 year
Love at first sight - Epilogue
Pairing: Rodolfo “Rudy” Parra x F!reader ( aka Mini MacTavish)
Summary: Two love birds finally got together. To the relief of everyone.
Part I, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4,Part 5,Part 6
Warning: E Rating. Smutty smut. inaccuracies to medical and military related. discussion of injury.
A/N: @siilvan , thank you for being a wonderful Beta-reader *hug* @jynxmirage for giving me daily encouragements of sending me picture of delicious Bayardo De Murguia to keep me going :) Thanks to @okayyadriana  and @saltofmercury helping me with Spanish words :) if there are any mistakes. Please blame me not them.
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You stayed on with the Los Vaqueros In Las Almas after Rudy was cleared to be discharged from the hospital. 
Approaching Price a few days after in private, you were nervous as you put in a request to stay on for a bit longer while the rest of the team moved on to another mission back in Europe soon.
“I know this is a very selfish request, Captain..” You look down at your boot, feeling guilty abandoning your team while they need you. But you can’t walk away from him this time. Rudy still needs you to look after him, or so you try to justify it. More like you need him to heal your guilty conscience. 
Price observed you in silence for a few minutes, brows furrowed. At last he jerks his head towards the outside, indicating to you to follow him. 
The sun is slowly setting, a few soldiers returning from their patrols and training. Everything seems so tranquil and peaceful compared to the near death mission the squad was sent to a few weeks ago.
Taking out a cigar he stashed away in his vest pocket, he lit it up, and took a slow drag before turning to you.
“You've been burying yourself in work non-stop for the last few months Mini. Is this why?” He didn’t point out what exactly he was asking about.
But, you know what he is implying. 
Kicking a bit of dirt on the ground and swiping the little gravel away for no reason, you let out a little grunt, acknowledging his question. 
“Stay as long as you want. You have trained your team well, Dr. MacTavish.” He chuckled as you pouted like a child, he knows you don’t like to address you with the title. “I’m sure they can handle the boys without you.” He pats you on the shoulder. “Take a good break, but I don’t know how much rest you are going to have fussing over him.” 
“I’ll try to behave…” You replied sincerely, finally feeling a bit of weight lift off your shoulders. “Thank you, Captain. It means a lot to me.”
Patting you on the shoulder with a fatherly smile, “Go chase your happiness, Mini. You deserve it.” 
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Leaning back against the wall, you close your eyes and listen to the faint sound of music and singing that could be heard from the mess hall from a distance away, as the Task force and Los Vaqueros soldiers celebrate another successful mission under their belt after months of hard work. 
A shadow appears in front of you. Looking up, you saw Rudy standing in front of you, eyebrows raised, silently asking for permission. 
Patting the ground beside you and inviting him to sit down, you share the brief silence. 
This is probably the only time the two of you have spent time alone in the last few months, without anyone else hovering about. 
To Rudy’s dismay, Alejandro forced his second in command to take an extensive break after his return from hospital.
“Rest. You nearly died in my arms, hermano. I am sure your mother will be happy to have you at home for more than one day in a few weeks.” He commented. Alejandro turned towards you and patted you on the shoulder, “I’ll get Dr. MacTavish here to check up on you, so don’t you worry about your injury.” 
Mama Parra was ecstatic to see you return along with her son. You were quite touched by how the whole family welcomed your return. Camila gave you a knowing look after giving you a hug.
“Thank you for saving my brother. And, please, look after him from now on.” 
The tender look he gives you everytime you go over to change his bandages, and the desire he couldn’t keep hidden sipping through when you glide your hands, deliberately across his well defined ab. You linger your hand around his pelvis area, boldly caressing the slight bit of hair showing above his pants. Oh how his eyes darken as you flash him a sly smile, teasing him. 
If only he wasn’t still recovering from his near fatal wound. If only there weren’t people always out and about in the house.
Both of you would have given in to the desire, right there and then. 
But his mother would always poke her head into the room every time, fussing about and pulling you out to feed you with delicious meals, trying to show you the family photos, and with your rudimentary understanding of Spanish language, along with Rudy and Camila’s translation, Mama Parra loved telling you all the family history and childhood stories of Rudy and his siblings, and all the havoc him and Alejandro caused when they were young. 
You often catch Alejandro looking at the two of you, rolling his eyes while shaking his head, exasperated that the two of you are behaving like love sick puppies yet again. 
“Are you two going to make a move on each other or not?” Alejandro asked you once, when you were dropping off the health assessment reports in his office. “You know there is a betting pool happening amongst the team to see when…”
You ran out of the office in a flash, not even waiting for his sentence to finish, utterly mortified. 
Rudy breaks the silence first as he softly calls out your name. Turning slightly to face him.
“Cariño. Mi vida.” The tips of your ears burn as he addresses you in such an intimate manner. How would it feel if he called out like that when he was buried inside you…? “What are you thinking?” He whispered, his beautiful brown orbs filled with sadness. “Are you… are you thinking of leaving again?” Your heart clenched with pain as he looked at you with the same nervousness and distress you saw the night at the hospital.  You realise the two of you haven’t sat down and discussed the future, where to move on from here. No wonder the poor man is feeling so insecure. 
“Oh love.. no.. no don’t think that.” Gently cupping his face, you pull him down towards you to lean against his forehead. “I am not leaving you. Ever again. No matter what happens. I am sorry I haven’t been clearer.” You apologised as you leaned close to give him a gentle kiss on the cheek. “...well, barring from getting sent out for missions…” You added hastily. 
You feel tension dissipate from him as you give him your words of reassurance. Taking one of his hands, you put it over your heart.
“This will be yours from now on. And this,” You put your hand over his rapid beating heart, “I hope I have the honour for this to be mine.” You drop down to a whisper, suddenly timid. 
“From the moment I laid my eyes on you, I had already devoted my heart to you. I never expected you to return my feelings. I was happy to watch you from afar, assist you whenever I could; seeing that bright smile appear on your face is all that matters to me. I never expected anything in return.”
You were taken aback by his comment. You knew he had feelings for you quite early on, but from the moment you arrived at Las Almas? You didn’t quite expect that. Silently pining for you, doing what he does the best, assisting you in the background. You realise everytime the medical team has requested something, it would be done right away in the next few days. You got a complaint? Rudy would sort it out straight away. 
“All done, as per your request.” You remember his soft smile and his shyness everytime he reported back to you. 
It was all for you. 
“Rudy… oh, Rudy…” You lamented. The guilt is hitting you again.You couldn’t stop the tears streaming down your face now. “I am so sorry… so sorry…”
“Cariño, it’s not your fault. You did what you thought was right at the time, and I don’t blame you for that.” He pulls you into his embrace, kissing you lightly on your head. “I admit, I was quite heartbroken, but I do understand. Duty over heart. And the distance would have made it hard.” Closing his eyes, he chuckled slightly. “I buried myself in work, trying to put it all behind me. That accidental phone call? It reignited my hope. Brought back the ache again.” 
Resting your head in the crook of his neck, you enjoy the closeness, his scent, as he lightly rocks you back and forth to the music in the distance, slowly processing his words. 
“I love you, mi vida. I love you so much.” He whispered into your ears. “You are so beautiful. So strong, so fierce, so loyal…” He pulled himself away slightly to face you as he took in a deep breath.
“Would it be too much to ask, for you to be mine?” He pleaded, desperately searching for an answer in your eyes. 
You wrap your arms around his neck with a soft smile, “You already have my heart,” You whispered as you tipped your head up to give him a gentle kiss on his lips. “And you have my permission to take my body as yours, too.” 
With that reply, he leaned down towards you for another kiss, pouring all his emotion and heart into it. You can feel both of your bodies heating up as you nudge his lips open with your tongue, teasing him.
Abruptly, he pulls you away, panting, and jerks his head towards the main building. “My room. Not here.” That was all he could get out with his mind semi-frazzled from the kiss. You nodded your head frantically as both of you made your way towards the said destination.
As the two of you passed through the mess hall towards the officer’s quarters, you thought you saw Alejandro’s quick wave and smirk. Must be your imagination?
You couldn’t help but circle your arm around his waist as he shakily tried to open the door to his resting quarters. Hands meander around his body, teasing him a little, feeling his broad muscles, his back, and coming to a stop as you palm his semi hard package underneath his trousers. As soon as the door opens, he turns around and pulls you in, and kicks the door closed. You pull him down by his collar for another kiss, desperate to show him how much you want him, to soothe his worries and doubt. 
You push him to sit down on the bed, both of you still catching your breath from the heated kiss and dash.
“Please, mi amor… please, show me how you like it. Where you want me to touch…” He looks up at you, hands roaming up and down your body, voice dropping into a husky and lustful whisper.
You lower yourself to straddle him, feeling his hardness through the fabric. Rolling your hips slightly, you hear his breath catching slightly, holding back a groan. 
You move one of his hands to grab your ass, and the other to slide under your top, towards your breast. “Anywhere you like, love,” You swallow thickly, body filled with want. You want him. Anywhere. Everywhere. “Just show me what your deft fingers can do.” You purred as you looked at him through half hooded eyes. . 
You always wondered what it would feel like to have his hands on you after seeing him playing the guitar that night. The beautiful nimble fingers gliding up and down the fretboard, plucking away on the strings.
Standing up again to let him have better access to your lower region, he fumbles slightly as he unbuttons your pants and glides in between your pants and underwear. You let out an unrestrained moan as you feel his finger skate over your clit, before it reaches your already soaking opening.
“That’s it, my love..more… I want to feel more of you there…” You gasped and demanded as you rolled your hips with his moment. Another finger followed without hesitation, and another, until you feel stretched full of him pumping slowly in and out of you. 
His thumb languidly circles your clit as you dig your nails into his shoulder, back arched and screaming his name, not caring if the whole barracks hears you enjoying the first orgasm your lover has given you.
You look down at him with your watery orbs, breathing still short and fast as you come down from the blissful high he has just given you. He pulled his fingers out of you and slipped them in his mouth.
“I want to taste more of you.” He hummed as he slowly licked his fingers, cleaning up the cum juice you drenched him with. “My mouth against your beautiful soaking wet cunt, making you happy…”
Oh, you have definitely flipped a switch on. Gone is the shy Rudy, now Rodolfo Parra, the same confidence and passion shining through his eyes that you saw from him that night playing his guitar, is requesting to please you once again. Or, is that a thinly veiled demand?
Either way, you welcome the change.
Leaning down to pull him into an open mouthed kiss, you speak against his lips.
“You will have a lot more chances for that later on, my love.” You smirked as you pushed his shoulder, making him fall back onto the bed. You kneel on the bed, legs on each side of his body. “Now, it’s my turn to give you some pleasure, as you have just given me.” You position yourself comfortably sitting on his thighs, before you start to unbutton his shirt. 
Peppering kisses on his chest, your eyes soften as your hand carrases over the healed scar from months ago. That pain in your heart is still as fresh as the day you barely pulled him back from death’s door step.
“Still hurting?” You murmured as you traced your fingers over the most critical spot. “Occasional phantom pain, but I am alright now. Thanks to you.” He reassures you as he runs his hand up and down your arm.
Continuing down his body, your hands shake with excitement like a child opening a present on Christmas day, eager to see what is hiding underneath. 
Your smile broadens as you pull his pants down, his impressive girth finally appearing. You heard him groaning as you gently grabbed his length, pumping it a few times before taking it with your mouth.
Rudy gasps and moans as you work away, teasing him with your tongue, sucking the tip and kneading his balls lightly. He grasps the bed sheet hard as he blabbers away in Spanish, too fast for you to follow. He took you by surprise as he let out an almost half whimper-half sob before you felt the hot cum coating the inside your mouth. You lapped it all up and swallowed keenly as he rode out the rest of his orgasm.
“I… I am sorry, mi amor. I couldn’t hold it in any longer...” He apologised profusely, clearly embarrassed. You climb back up towards him. “I am glad I have that effect on you, Cariño.” You hushed him as you showered him with kisses on his face and patted his chest. 
His eyes glitter as you use the endearment in his mother tongue. “I should feel honoured that I can make you come so quickly. Now,” You stripped the rest of your clothing off. “Show me what you can do with that impressive thing inside me.”
Rudy claimed shyly he isn’t as experienced as you, but oh boy. His attentiveness, his eagerness, how much he wanted to give you a good time, all made up for it. 
His hands couldn’t stop touching you, caressing you as he slowly thrusted in and out of your aching core, stretching it open, making you quiver and moan out no matter what angle and position he went for. As if the two of you were made for each other, meant to be. Your soulmate. 
The two of you finally drifted to sleep, round after round of pleasure and orgasms, with his arm around you, holding you close to his chest. Afraid to let go, afraid for you to disappear again.  
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The whole mess hall erupted into cheers and whistles as both you and Rudy walked in, taking both of you by surprise. 
You hid your face in Rudy’s shoulder, abashed by the sudden attention both of you were getting. 
Rudy, calm as always, ignored all the teases as he gently took your hand, which incited another round of cheers as he led you to the back table where Alejandro and your team was sitting at the moment for breakfast. He sat you down first before murmuring into your ear and pressing a soft kiss to your cheek, heading towards the serving area to grab food for both of you.
“I hope you two had a good time last night.” Alejandro smiled as he pushed the jar of sugar towards you. 
“HOW–” You nearly spilled out the coffee that you were pouring into the mug. 
“Why did you think the officer’s quarters were so quiet last night?” Alejandro smirked with a knowing look. 
Blistering hell, he knew. He ordered people to stay away from the sleeping quarters. You wondered why the usually busy hallway was void of people as the two of you dashed towards his bedroom. 
Another soldier sitting across from you laughed. " Ah, don't be so shy. We were all rooting for you and our Sergeant Major. And, you know what they say?? Tell her, mi hermanos, mi hermanas!!"
“Save a horse, ride a Vaquero!” The whole mess hall shouted in unison. 
You just want to dig a hole in the ground and hide.
“...Captain.” You mumbled at Price. “Have you got Nikolai’s contact? Please ask him to take me away from this horrible embarrassment.” You buried your face in your hands. Now how are you going to face all of them?
“Might be a good idea, so we don’t have to hear your screams every night.” Soap mumbled as he took a sip of his coffee. 
OH great, now your brother is talking about your sex life. Something just snapped inside you. Stuff this. If they are so interested in your life, you might as well…. 
Slamming your mug onto the table, you stood up on the bench, whistling to catch everyone’s attention. 
“Since all of you are so interested in our love life, yes, the Sergeant Major and I finally shagged last night.” You heard your brother spitting out his coffee while Ghost thumped his back, Gaz laughing his head off. “And, ladies, his fingers are just as good, if not better than all of you imagined.” Gasps and giggles could be heard amongst the crowd. Out of the corner of your eyes, Rudy froze mid-motion while picking up some toast from the toaster, soldiers around him slapping his back and elbowing him, teasing him. 
“Mini…” You heard Price trying to interject, but you held out your hand towards your captain, stopping him. 
“Last, but not least, I love him, and he is off the market people! Take this as a warning, no one touches MY MAN!” 
Jumping down from your bench, you walk down the aisle between the refectory tables, as if doing a victory walk between the cheering and clapping soldiers, towards Rudy, who’s now blushing from head to toe, hearing your public declaration. 
“There. I think that will stop anyone from gossiping about us.” You stop in front of your lover, as he leans into the crook of your neck, feeling the heat radiating off his skin.
“Ah, querida… What am I going to do with you.” He asked, followed by a sigh.  
“Well, one thing for sure, you aren’t going to get rid of me, because I am going to stick around for quite a long time.” You replied as you wrapped your arm around his torso.
“Good.” He put his plates down to the side and proceeded to lift you up high. “Because you are mine forever, mi hermosa.” 
“... how much did you bet on them?” 
“A hundred pounds, But that’s because I had insider information.” 
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Tag list:
@jynxmirage, @kaplerrr, @captainpriceslover,@homicidal-slvt,@floral-force,@a-small-writer-in-a-big-world,@iwannabeinthesequalmrghostface,@okayyadriana,@random-thot-generator,@siilvan,@crazymela,@preciouslittlecreature,@glitterypirateduck,@cumikering,@devcica,@nrdmssgs,@random0lover
@nightingal3-tales, @deakyspuff, @abbeyrjm-blog, @alypink,@liyanahelena, @loppyc
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ladykailitha · 1 year
Royal Pain Part 20
Hello, darlings! I hope that cliffhanger didn't leave you hanging for too long.
As promised two villains get vanquished and Wayne is bestest. As always.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19
Stupid, stupid, stupid. Eddie cursed over and over again. He just needed to take a quick piss. He was supposed to just be in and out, but nope.
Motherfucking Seth Davies cornered him in the stall.
“There you are, pretty boy,” Seth purred. “I’ve been looking for you everywhere.” He stroked Eddie’s cheek, but when Eddie flinched away, Seth grabbed his face roughly. “I told you, you are mine. No one else’s.”
Eddie pushed him, but he barely even budged. “Get out of here. You aren’t supposed to be here.”
Seth chuckled darkly. “You see that’s where you’re wrong, princess,” he sneered, pressing their bodies together. “You see this club is exactly five hundred feet from Nightmare Holes. I’ve been coming here for longer than that usurper has.”
Eddie felt a cold sense of dread shudder down his spine. Shit.
“Imagine my surprise when you showed up with the usurper and the little bird with all your little bandmates,” Seth continued. “I knew it was a sign that you were meant to be mine again.”
Eddie tried to push him again. “I’m not anyone’s. I’m not even seeing anyone right now.”
As much as it hurt to say that, it was true. Steve and he hadn’t even gone out on a date yet. Mostly they had hung out, usually with other people there or they were at his tattoo parlor working on the tattoo.
“And it’s going to stay that way, won’t it, peach?” Seth growled.
“Eddie?” Steve called out.
Eddie went to call out, but Seth put his hand over his mouth to silence him.
“Eddie?” Steve called again.
Eddie bit down on Seth’s hand causing him to scream, but he didn’t budge from Eddie’s mouth.
Steve’s eyes narrowed at the stall the cry had come from.
“Hey, just me and the boyfriend having a little fun,” Seth called out. “So if you could give us a minute.”
The door opened and closed and Eddie closed his eyes, tears falling. He couldn’t believe Steve had fallen for that.
Suddenly the door to stall banged down to the ground without its hinges and then was slammed aside. Seth was being pulled off of him and thrown into the basin of the sink.
“What the fuck?” Seth growled, abruptly face to face to the avenging fury of Steve Harrington.
“I told you at Hop’s,” Steve growled, “that you picked the wrong man to target.”
Seth scoffed. “I didn’t think some skinny ass prep could take me.”
Steve shook his head. “I meant Eddie. I would anything to protect him and you are so going to regret this.”
Seth took a swing at Steve, who side stepped it easily. Eddie got out of the stall and came to stand next to Steve.
“I don’t work out as much as I used to,” Steve said, with a raised eyebrow, “now that I’ve been running a tattoo shop full time, but I do enough to keep in shape.”
Steve loosened his shoulders and took a proper swing at Seth. He aimed straight for the guy’s nose. He smirked when he heard the crack.
“The fuck?” Seth screamed. “I think you broke my nose, you fucker!”
“I’m only going to tell you one more time,” Steve warned. “Either get the fuck out or get your ass kicked. Your choice.”
Seth spat out blood from his mouth. “If I can’t have him, no one can.” He pulled out a knife and lunged at Eddie.
Steve grabbed Seth’s extended wrist and twisted it hard. The knife dropped to the ground and Seth tripped over his own feet. He clutched his wrist, screaming as Steve kicked the knife behind him out of reach.
Seth got back to his feet, blood staining the white suit.
“Let it go, man,” Eddie pleaded. “Just walk away and move on with your life.”
“You think he’s going to be any better?” Seth sneered. “It’s all you’re good for slut. To spread your legs for the first pretty boy to bat his eyelashes at you. You deserve to be beaten into submission, because submission is all you’re good for.”
Suddenly Seth was on the floor cradling his jaw.
Steve looked over at Eddie appreciatively. “Wow, baby. That was a good hit.”
Eddie shook his hand. “Fuck, that’s going to sting like a bitch later.”
Seth stared up at Eddie as if he was seeing him for the first time.
Steve gently took his hand. “Let’s go to the bar and get them to call the police and get ice for both our hands.”
Eddie smiled up at Steve. “Sounds like a plan, sweetheart.”
Seth just continued to stare as if his whole world had been yanked out from under him.
“Actually,” Gareth said from the doorway. “I’ve been on with the police this whole time and I filmed it.”
Eddie and Steve turned slowly to see Gareth standing there, his phone in his hands and cheeky grin on his face.
Seth scrambled to stand up, but it was too late. There was knocking on the door with a gruff voice saying it was the police and to open up.
All three of them gave their statements while Seth tried to lie through his teeth that Eddie had sought him out and cornered him in the bathroom. Gareth just calmly showed the officer the video and one glare from the officer shut Seth up for good.
Gareth then pointed to the knife in the corner of the room. “And you can keep the cell phone, boys. I’m due for an upgrade anyway.”
It took barely a half hour and then they were back out with their friends with a story to tell. And ice for both Steve and Eddie’s hands, of course.
Wayne stayed another week to make sure that the DA didn’t do something stupid again. Thankfully, an election had happened since then and a new DA was in there. One that wasn’t so soft on domestic abuse, assault, and attempted murder then the last one was.
And with the video there was no doubt Seth was guilty of all of the above. Plus the judge ruled that the earlier case could be used in court as a pattern of behavior. When Seth’s lawyer got the word about that and that the video wouldn’t be thrown out, he caved.
Seth was forced to plead guilty to all charges and would go away for ten years without the possibility of parole. When faced with the alternative of going to jail for at least twenty years on the attempted murder charge alone, he took the deal.
This is time Eddie was informed of the deal and agreed as long as the cops actually enforced the protection order this time.
As Wayne was getting ready to go back to Hawkins, he stopped by Royal Pain to say goodbye to Steve.
“Steve! Your future uncle-in-law is here!!!” Robin called out.
Steve came running out of the back where he was watching Argyle and Chrissy tattoo the same picture to see who could copy the style the easiest.
“Robin!” he hissed at her as came up to Wayne. “Sorry about her. She’s been calling for wedding bells since day one.”
Wayne chuckled. “That’s alright. But have you got a few minutes. I’d like to take you out to lunch.”
Steve turned to Robin. “When is my next appointment?”
She pulled up the schedule on the computer. “You have a little over an hour.”
He turned back to Wayne. “Is there some place you had in mind or are you up for suggestions?”
Wayne grinned. “Whacha got?”
Steve laughed. “Oh so many...”
“I wanted to thank you for taking care of my boy,” Wayne said once they had ordered at a good sandwich place and were waiting for their food.
Steve blushed. “I’m just grateful I got to him before Seth did any real damage.”
Wayne scoffed. “I think he did plenty.”
Steve nodded, grabbing a hold of this water glass and rubbing the condensation off with his thumb. “Without a doubt, but he threatened to kill Eddie and who knows what his full plan was.” He fought off the shiver that went down his spine at the thought. “I think Eddie will recover from this, not so much if Seth had actually done something.”
Wayne nodded. “I get what you’re saying now. You’re right. So count me as even more grateful than before.”
He rubbed the scruff on hsi chin thoughtfully. “Why didn’t you try and break down the stall door?”
Steve’s head jerked up in surprised. “The hinges were on the outside because it opened toward the sinks instead of inward. Trying to bust it down would have only made things worse.”
Wayne huffed out a laugh. “So you just what? Removed the screws?”
Steve blushed, ducking his head. “Something like that, yeah.”
“I know you two are going slow,” he said, “and I appreciate you letting him go his own speed, but boy, you’ve got to kiss him!”
Steve sputtered. “What now?”
“Look,” Wayne said, leaning forward on the table, “I love my nephew with all my heart, but that boy has a tendency to get lost in his head. And don’t think I didn’t notice you wearing that necklace.”
Steve rubbed the pick around his neck fondly. “I know what it means, him giving this to me. He told me. Not right away, but I know that he gave it to me because he feels the same way about me that I do about him.”
“You in love with Eddie, son?” Wayne asked gently.
Steve pursed his lips and nodded. “Yeah. I really do. But I’m okay going this speed because he’s not the only with hang ups. I had a really bad relationship a few years back that is still effecting everything I do when it comes to relationships. I had a bad tattooing experience where someone tried to sue me and that left me in pieces, too.”
Wayne nodded back. “All right, I can’t say I understand, but you seem to have a good head on your shoulders and I’ve said my piece.” He held up his hands in surrender.
They chatted amicably about their favorite sports teams and Eddie as they ate their lunch.
Wayne paid and they walked out on to the pavement. Wayne called Eddie to pick him up and they continued to chat while they waited.
“Oh come...” Steve said, “you can’t believe they have the team to win it this yea–”
He was spun around and was face to face with the last person on earth he ever expected to see. And really at this point after his dad in his shop, Nancy at the grocery store, and Seth at Hop’s, he really, really should learn by now that the world loves to torment him.
“You absolute fucker!” the man snarled. “How dare you just walk around town like you didn’t ruin my life!”
Wayne immediately got between them. “There is no reason to go around harassing people on the street regardless of what they’ve done.”
The man looked Wayne up and down and scoffed, ignoring him. “I can’t get it covered! I can’t even get it removed because it covers too much of my back! You did this to me, you asshole!”
The man raised his fist to hit Steve, but someone tapped his shoulder. He turned around only to be punched in the nose.
“The fuck!” he screamed.
Steve cocked his head to the side. “Hey-ya, Eds!” he greeted warmly.
Wayne huffed out a laugh. “You always did have perfect timing, boy.”
“Everyone meet Quinn Colburn,” Steve said dryly. “the asshole who kept trying to sue me over a tattoo I did for him. The one the courts kept denying over and over again.”
Eddie grinned. “Ooh...can I hit him again, then?”
Wayne and Steve laughed as Quinn stood there holding his nose.
Quinn spotted Eddie’s tattoos. “I hope you don’t go to this asshole for your tattoos, he’ll fuck up your life.”
Eddie laughed. “Too late, man. I love them!” He pulled off his shirt right there on the street. He tapped his chest. “This was the first one he did for me and I fell in love with his style.”
Quinn’s eyes bulged out his head. “But that’s a small one! He does shit at large tattoos. I even heard that he won’t do them anymore. I wish he had decided to do that before he fucked up mine!”
Eddie turned around slowly. The sword was done, complete with the words scratched out, and most of the right wing was done. “He’s not done yet, but god, I wouldn’t let anyone else touch me after this. He’s my only tattoo artist from now on.”
But that one served to make Quinn angrier. “So what? You can do your friends’ tattoos just fine, but when it comes to strangers, you can’t be assed to do it right?”
“Show them,” Steve bit out. “Go ahead. You think it’s shit, but I never did. Go ahead, show them!”
Quinn turned around and showed Eddie and Wayne his tattoo.
“Wow, babe,” Eddie marveled. “It’s a bit anime, but holy shit that’s wicked cool.”
“You drew that, Stevie?” Wayne asked.
Steve nodded.
“You are very talented man,” Wayne said, with a smile.
Quinn whirled around to face them. “You’re all morons if you think that was good.”
Eddie and Wayne looked at each and shrugged.
“You had your chance to stop him at anytime and didn’t,” Eddie pointed out. “That’s no one’s fault but yours. You can either continue to be bitter or you can move on with your life knowing you have a kick ass tattoo from a kick ass artist. Up to you, man.”
Quinn threw his arms up in the air and stalked off.
Steve turned to Eddie with absolute heart-eyes. “I know it’s not even the same realm as what happened last week, but that’s the second time you’ve come to my rescue. Thank you.”
Eddie blushed. “I couldn’t stand there and let that man continue to harass you.”
“God I love you,” Steve breathed. His eyes went wide when he realized what he’d said.
Eddie grinned. “Right back atcha, big boy.”
Steve blushed a deep red. Eddie grabbed his cheeks and pulled him in for a searing kiss.
He wasn’t sure how long they kissed, but Wayne had to clear his throat a few times to get their attention.
“As happy as I am for you both,” he said with a fond, lop-sided smile, “it is summer out here, and I would really, really like to get out of the heat before I become Kentucky Fried Wayne, please.”
Steve laughed. “I’ll see you tomorrow at the shop?” he whispered into Eddie’s space.
Eddie nodded. “Yeah, baby. I’ll be there.”
Steve watched as Eddie and Wayne walked to Eddie’s van, a goofy grin on his face.
Steve mimed for Gareth to go for help when he opened and closed the door to the bathroom and didn't realize that Gareth had called the police and started filming.
Part 21 Part 22 Part 23 Part 24 Part 25 Part 26 Part 27 Part 28 Epilogue
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @artiststarme @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 @pyrohonk ​ @renaissan-vvitch @goodolefashionedloverboi @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @messrs-weasley @val-from-lawrence @plyerice27 @thedragonsaunt @sapphirecobalt-1 @a-little-unsteddie @i-must-potato @danili666 @carlyv @rozzieroos @wonderland-girl143-blog @itsall-taken @justforthedead89 @emly03 @bookworm0690 @aizawa-emma @redfreckledwolf @thesuninyaface @bookbinderbitch @yikes-a-bee @littlewildflowerkitten @scheodingers-muppet @archermightbegay @hallucinatedjosten @ellietheasexylibrarian @anne-bennett-cosplayer @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @bestwifehaver @xxfiction-is-my-realityxx @oldwitcheshat @nightmareglitter @tinyplanet95 @novelnovella
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callsign-dexter · 8 months
Love Conquers All
Request: Hiiii Sweetheart! 😍 I'm really really sorry for another Antonio imagine and I'd understand if you don't want to do it. I had the idea of being his girl (not a cop tho) and you both love each other with all your heart. But his ex wife comes to the precinct just as you also visit him and she's terrible to you, making you feel not good enough for him. Antonio of course stands up for you but he can't prevent you from leaving, feeling more than terrible. He searches you and finds you at the water and he tells you how much you mean to him and it's just pure love and fluff ❤️
Pairings: Antonio Dawson x Reader
Warnings: fluff, angst, swearing
A/N: so sorry it took forever to get out!!!!
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The sound of Antonio’s alarm had woken you up with a start. You opened your eyes just as he was reach back to grab his phone to turn it off. Once it was off and silence was the only thing heard you turned in his arms and looked at him with a smile. “Good morning, handsome.” You said and he smiled back at you.
“Good morning, beautiful.” He replied back and reached down to kiss you.
“Do we have to get up?” You asked him and he sighed and nodded.
“Sadly, we do.” He said and you groaned and that made him chuckle “Come on sleepy head.” He said and started to get up but you grabbed his arm and pulled him back.
“5 more minutes.” You said already closing your eyes and falling back to sleep and he chuckled and began moving again.
“No can do, sweetheart. I can’t be late or Voight will have my head.” He said and got up the warmth leaving you. You watched him as he got ready to leave and you sat up on your elbows.
“Traitor.” You said and he let out a laugh that made you smile. He walked over to you and kissed you while sitting on the bed.
“Hey, enjoy your day off. You’ve been working too hard lately.” He said and you rolled your eyes but knew it was true.
“Hmpf, fine. I’m staying by the precinct to see you and Jay later on.” You said and he smiled and nodded.
“Sounds wonderful.” He said
“I may even stop by that bakery place that everyone loves so much.” You said and he kissed you once again.
“You know the way to our hearts.” He said as he pulled back from kissing you. “Now I got to go.” He said and stood and then you huffed and laid back down “I love you.” He said and you looked at him.
“I love you too.” You replied and he was out of the room and out the door heading off to the precinct.
It was really a coincidence on how you met him. You met him when you showed up to drop something off to Jay, Jay was your twin brother which made Will your older brother, that he had left at home and begged you to get and bring it to him. You worked for the police department but you worked for the NSA, National Security Agency. Your brothers didn’t like this but they really didn’t have a say in it you were going to do what you wanted to do. You are really respected on the team to the point where you were running some of the cases. You had been on a case that Intelligence was on and it got a little out of hand with some of them, Jay and Antonio, but you and your team got them out safely and when Jay gave you hell for doing something reckless, he finally introduced you to Antonio and the rest was history. 
When you heard the door shut, you sighed and got up. You were already awake and there was no way your body was going to let you sleep in any longer. You usually ran in the morning wanting to keep in top physical condition since you could have a very demanding job so you got changed into your running clothes and walked out and put on your shoes. You grabbed your armband and put your phone in it but not without connecting your Bluetooth headphones to it and starting your workout playlist. You walked out making sure the apartment was locked and took a deep breath and stretched some and then started your run. You didn’t run very long and before you knew it you were back home, you walked in after unlocking the door and got you something to drink. Once you were cooled down then you went and took a hot shower, one that made your worries melt away. After you got out you looked at your phone and noticed that it was already noon and you had decided to go and see your brother and boyfriend. As you got dressed you headed into the kitchen and grabbed something to eat while you looked for your keys and then when you found them you were out the door and getting into your car. You started to all too familiar drive to the precinct. When you got there you found a spot between Jay’s truck and Antonio’s truck. You parked and killed the engine and then got out and started to walk in. When you got to the door and opened it and were about to step in, a female voice called out to you “Hold the door!” it said and you did so since you were raised to do so by your mother. You turned around and looked at who it was and your heart dropped, it was Antonio’s ex-wife, Laura Dawson. You smiled at her but when she saw you, she made a look of disgust “Oh, it’s you. What are you doing here?” She asked.
“I’m here to see my brother, Jay Halstead, and Antonio.” You said you were already feeling yourself go in on yourself, you had some pretty bad relationships and a lot of them talked down to you and made you feel worthless. 
“Well, I’m here to see Antonio too.” She said with a smile like she had won something.
“Oh? What for?” You asked not liking having this conversation with her.
“That is none of your business but if you must know, I’m going to see if he has any plans this evening.” She said and you nodded.
“Well, we do have plans this evening.” You said and she again made a face.
“I can’t believe he left me and then got together with you.” She said and that made your stomach churn. You looked everywhere but her and when you locked eyes with Trudy, she gave you a look saying ‘I don’t like this situation’. 
“Good afternoon, Agent Halstead and Laura.��� She said you smiled at her and she buzzed you up “Jay and Antonio will be happy to see you Y/N.” She said purposely leaving out Laura and that made her eyes roll. You opened the gate and you both ascended upstairs. When you got to the top everyone was still there and when they saw they smiled but it slipped when they saw Laura.
“Y/N? What are you doing here?” Jay asked coming over to you and hugging you and you returned the hug. 
“Hey, bro. I came to see you and Antonio.” You said and released him.
“Antonio is taking care of something with Voight but will be in here soon.” Jay said and then he looked over at Laura and nodded then looked at you as you both had a silent conversation just then Antonio walked out and lit up like a Christmas tree.
“Y/N.” He said and walked over and kissed you and Jay faked gagging but you flipped him off.
“Hey, Babe.” You said almost forgetting Laura was there until she cleared her throat. You both looked at her and she had a grimace on her face.
“Laura, what are you doing here?” Antonio asked
“I wanted to see if you were free tonight.” She said overly sweetly and Antonio sighed.
“No and I never will be for you. I’m with Y/N and we have something already planned out for tonight.” He spoke 
“What made you choose her anyways?” She asked, “She has nothing to offer.” She said and you shrunk back to where Jay was who was trying to comfort you and not get angry but it was not working.
“That is no way to talk to my girlfriend.” Antonio said
“That is no way to talk to my sister.” Jay said at the same time as Antonio spoke. Laura scuffed and rolled her eyes.
“She has everything to offer and she is actually there for me.” Antonio said and she scuffed again and then looked you up and down.
“She’s not even that pretty. You should be with me and not her.” She said and you were sick by this point and just wanted to get at.
“I have to go. Work is calling me.” You lied with ease but everyone knew the reason why. You hugged Jay and then hugged and kissed Antonio. 
“Are we still on for tonight?” He asked and you hesitated.
“No, I think I just want to stay in.” You said and then left without giving him a kiss or saying that you loved him. As you were walking down you could hear Antonio going off and when you got down the stairs Trudy looked at you.
“He loves you.” She said and you looked at her “You’re the only one he wants to be with. Don’t let her get into your mind.” She added and you nodded and then you were quickly walking to your car but quickly by passing it just wanting to get out of there, a spot where Antonio and you had your first date. You don’t know how long you were sitting on the bench with your knees up and letting silent tears fall while looking at the little pond. You had felt your phone vibrating and pulled it out to see who was calling and it was Antonio but you declined it then you saw 5 missed calls from him, 4 from Jay, 2-3 from Hailey and Kim, 4 from Will, 4 from Connor, 4 from Kevin and Adam, 1 from Voight and multiple messages from all of them but you didn’t care. You put your phone away and resumed your position looking at the water.
“Is this seat taken?” A familiar voice, that you knew as Antonio’s, asked but you didn’t say anything “Baby, you have nothing to worry about.” He said but again you didn’t say anything “I love you and only you.” He said and you sniffled.
“You must’ve loved her because you married her.” You said not looking at him.
“But then we divorced and then I found you. My person.” He said and you slowly turned to look at him, seeing him smile softly.
“You really mean that?” You asked in a small voice and he smiled.
“Of course. Now come here.” He said and opened his arms and you undid your position and curled into him as you looked up at him. He wiped your tears away and kissed your forehead and you melted into it. “I’m sorry for the way she talked to you and made you feel, she had no right. You missed me going off on her and her storming off.” He said as you laid her head on your shoulder.
“I heard you going off but I just needed to get out of there.” You said and he nodded.
“We got worried when you weren’t answering our calls. We even roped Will and Connor into calling you.” He said and you smiled. Connor was a good friend of yours, you had actually met before he started working at Med and you considered him a really good friend.
“Sorry.” You said and he chuckled and shook his head.
“I knew where you were.” He said 
“You always know where I am.” You said with a chuckle and a true smile.
“There’s my girl.” He said and kissed your forehead “That just means we’re perfect for each other.” He said “Now are we still on for tonight?” He asked and you nodded.
“Of course, Baby. I never wanted to cancel, she just got to me.” You said 
“You have nothing to worry about. She won’t be bothering either of us anymore.” He said
“What did you do?” You asked looking up at him.
“Nothing serious. Just threatened her with a restraining order.” He said it like it wasn’t a big deal.
“Tonio.” You said and he chuckled.
“What? I’m not going to let her talk to my girl like that.” He said 
“I love you, Tonio.” You said 
“I love you too. How about you let your brothers know you’re safe and then you and I are going out for lunch.” He said
“Don’t you have to work?” You asked 
“Voight gave me some time to find you. So, I have time.” He said you chuckled and then he got up and offered you a hand which you took and you two started towards his truck since you left your car at the precinct. You followed him while you sent everyone a message and then you got into his truck and started off to your favorite place. As he was driving you looked over at him wondering how lucky you got with him. You knew that he wasn't going to go anywhere and he wasn’t going to let you go anytime soon. Why? Because he loved you too much and you loved him too and that is the strongest bond one could ask for. You two are it for each other.
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insidemymind19 · 1 year
How about reader having really really bad morning sickness and he has to leave for tour but he organises charli and Carly to come round for a girls night to cheer you up
Omg I love this thank you for the request I’m slowly working my way through my request thank you all for your patience 🫶
Tw: talks of pregnancy and sickness
From the moment you found out you were pregnant with you and Matty’s first baby you were struck down with horrible morning sickness although calling it ‘morning’ sickness was a bit pointless as it was more like all day sickness getting so bad to the point your boss had given you a few days off work since you couldn’t sit at your desk for longer than 5 minutes. So here you were another day leant over the toilet exhausted, matty watches from the bathroom door his heart breaking at what you have to go through all day knowing in a matter of hours he has to leave for the next leg of tour. Kneeling beside you placing a hand on the small of your back he whispers in your ear “hey angel our girl giving you a rough time again” you nod but say “matty go back to bed you have to leave for tour in a few hours” your voice cracking at the thought of him leaving. He chuckles softly and states “baby you really think I’d be able to sleep whilst your in here on your own you’re mad” making you crack a smile at his sternness, “there she is” “ why don’t you try get a few more hours sleep angel” you nod in agreement standing up to brush your teeth, Mattys hands on your waist guiding you back to bed.
Your awoken by the sound of Matty walking round the room packing (last minute as always) you sit in silence admiring the beautiful shirtless man in front you his curls untamed and product free just the way you like them. Matty, the father of your child the love of your life. He smiles brightly when he notices your staring “morning baby you feeling better now” you nod your head as you do feel a bit better physically but emotionally you’re a wreck. Of course matty can tell he knows your body language better than anyone, he moves so he is back beside you in bed arms wrapped round your trembling body as he reassures you that you’ll be fine and he’ll call, text at every opportunity and you know he’s telling the truth obviously you’ve been doing this for years the pair of you but this time feels different, like you can’t cope without him here, as you vocalise these thoughts his heart breaks into pieces for you. He cooks up a plan in his head to invite Carly and Charli round because not only are they your best friends but they’re also In the exact same situation you are.
As you get ready for the day (as best you can without throwing up) matty texts the girls explaining the situation and asking them to come over later. Obviously they agree charli even offering to stay for a few days so you’re not alone which matty is entirely grateful for.
Then comes the part you’ve been dreading all day matty telling you his lift is here “I’m going to miss you so much” you state tears streaming down your face “I know I’m going to miss you too” matty says sincerely, hands on your waist drawing soft patterns on the side of your stomach bending down to place a kiss on your stomach before returning his lips to yours stating your “I love you’s” before he has to disappear down the stone driveway.
Now a few hours later your sat on your sofa where you have been most of day with one hand on your little bump the other replying to matty telling you their flight has just landed. Your confused when you hear a knock on the door as you’re not expecting anyone, rising slowly from your spot as not to get dizzy you make your way to the front door shocked when you see Charli and Carly stood in front of you with everything you could need for a girls night. “What are you doing here” you exclaim excitedly as you ingulf them in a hug explaining that matty had asked them to come keep you company, you’re overwhelmed by his thoughtfulness.
Your back sat on your spot on the sofa Charli explaining that she’s going to stay for a few days to help you whilst Carly pours you some drinks (non alcoholic of course.) Your evening consists of gossips, laughs talks about the future truly making you feel better.
Once you’re settled in bed you send matty a message as Carly had informed you before she left that they were heading to soundcheck
‘Matty thank you so much truly for that I had no idea how badly I needed it I’m so grateful and I’m so unbelievably in love with you xx’
Got a bit carried away with this. Not even sure if I like it but thank you so much for reading ❤️
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jerzwriter · 6 months
With Warning Part 5: Captain Lahela & a Serving of Common Sense
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Book: Open Heart (Book 2 Timeline) Characters: Tobias Carrick & Casey, Bryce Lahela Rating: Teen Words: 1,800 Series Summary: Found here it changes a little here - both the warnings, and in this part, who it's being delivered to. Chapter Summary: Casey's just returned from her holiday getaway with Tobias, and she's happy to have the apartment to herself... so of course Bryce shows up! An animated conversation with her friend, gives her food for thought. A/N: I'm going in a little different direction... this was supposed to be all about the friends warning Tobias to stay away from Casey - and it started that way - but now, the warnings are changing.
The timing of this story is just after parts two, three, and four of Christmas Through Your Eyes and the Epilogue of that series takes place after this fic. (The chronological list of fics in the "From Here to There" part of their journey. 😊)
With Warning Masterlist Tobias x Casey Masterlist || My Full Masterlist
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The alarm on Casey’s phone blared for the ninth, or maybe it was the tenth time... but it had done the trick. After rubbing the sleep from her eyes, she stumbled to the bathroom with a delirious smile... she hadn’t been dreaming after all. The Christmas trip with Tobias really happened, and as she splashed cold water onto her face, she realized that for the first time since the attack, she had gone for days simply being... happy.
Her friends were already at work, and she relished being home alone. She adored her roommates, but she knew what awaited her. They would have questions. They’d want to see the photos still tucked away in her phone. And she wasn’t naïve; she knew she’d have to face them when they returned home later, but right now, she needed time to process it all herself.
Returning to her room with a piping hot cup of tea, she stared at the unpacked suitcase lying at the foot of her bed and decided reality could wait a bit longer. Hopping back in bed and looking at the photos from her trip sounded far more enjoyable.
She startled when the phone rang, and a photo of her mother appeared. Maybe it was because she wouldn’t be speaking to her face to face, or maybe because her mother hadn’t had a front-row seat to her budding friendship with Tobias, but Casey decided this might just be the test run she needed.
“Hey, Mom!” She gushed. “Yeah, got back late last night.” “Oh, it was wonderful! We ended up going to New York, too... can you believe I lived there for four years and never saw the Rockefeller Center Tree? Finally crossed that off the bucket list!” “No, neither of us were on social media. We wanted to live in the moment... but I’ll get some pictures up soon.” “I am happy, Ma... I haven’t been this happy in some time!”
Her neck twisted toward her bedroom door as she heard a noise in the hall; that’s where she found Bryce standing with a bowl of cereal already in hand. He went to walk off when he saw she was on the phone, but Casey waved him in.
“Mom, I have to go, Bryce is here. But I’ll call you later and fill you in on all the details.... Of course I'll tell Bryce you said hello, Ma. I love you, too!”
He had already settled into the beanbag chair in the corner of her room, a goofy grin on his face as he enjoyed his... well, Elijah’s Captain Crunch. “You didn’t have to hang up on my account,” he said between spoonfuls. “I would have waited.”
“No... just as well,” Casey insisted. “My mom was five minutes away from asking why we didn’t see her when we were in Philly, and I could do without answering that for now.”
“Mmhhm. So, why didn’t you see her?”
“Same reason we didn’t visit Tobias’s family – that’s not what the trip was about. It was just for fun.”
“And was it?” he asked sincerely. “Fun, that is?”
“It was, Bryce!” She answered more quickly and enthusiastically than she had planned. “I can’t believe it, but it truly put me in the holiday spirit. I didn’t see that coming!”
“I think that might have been Tobias’s plan all along,” Bryce winked. “I should thank him because I love seeing you this happy again... it’s legit, right? You know you don’t have to put on an act for me.”
“I know that,” Casey smiled, taking a seat next to her friend on the rug. “I’m not pretending... I honestly am starting to feel alive again.”
Bryce put the nearly empty cereal bowl aside and gave Casey’s hand a squeeze.
“That’s great because I’ve missed you! It was nice of T to take you on this trip.”
“It was,” she grinned, not comprehending why her cheeks became so flushed.
Bryce lifted the bowl again, gathering the tiny bit of milk that remained on his spoon. “You two have gotten really close, huh?”
“Well, it’s not like that,” Casey replied in a defensive tone. “We’re just friends.”
“OK... I didn’t insinuate you were anything more.”
“I know,” she sighed. “I didn’t mean to snap at you. But, most of the time, when I’m good friends with a guy, everyone assumes it’s something more. And it’s kind of stupid, honestly, because I’m bi... so do people assume I'm fucking anyone I’m good friends with?”
Bryce offered an understanding nod. “As someone who identifies as pan, I can say with full authority... yes. Yes, they do. But fuck them.”
“Fuck who?” Casey asked. “All my friends?”
“No!” he laughed, tossing a pillow her way. “Fuck the idiots who think that. Well, don’t fuck them... screw them. No, don’t screw them either... you... you know what I mean!”
“I do,” Casey giggled. “And you’re right, screw them! Tobias and I love spending time together. We make each other laugh; he’s really helped me these past few months.”
“All good things!” Bryce agreed.
“Exactly! But that doesn’t mean we’re more than friends. I mean, sure, we kissed a couple of times...”
Bryce’s eyes opened wide. “Wait... you what?”
“We kissed. But it’s wasn't a big deal! I mean, you know that. We’ve kissed, and we’re just friends, right?”
“I mean... it was a long time ago...”
“I know, but when we kissed... what were we?”
“Right!” she snapped her fingers. “And you didn’t think any more of it, did you?”
“Uh...no... I didn’t. Did you?”
“Of course not! Because it was no big deal... Just like me and Tobias. It’s no big deal because we’re just friends.”
“Uh-huh,” Bryce nodded, noting this was her second declaration in seconds. “If you say so.”
“I do!”
“Good!" Assuming they were moving on, he changed the topic. "So, what city was best? Did DC win, or did Philly?”
“Best city, easy,” she winked. “Philly. But the best Christmas tree... that went to New York. Honestly, New York is so magical at Christmas. We even took a carriage ride through Central Park!”
“That’s so cool! I’ve always wanted to do that!”
“Yeah, I made sure the horse was well cared for first...”
“Of course you did,” he chuckled. “I’d expect nothing less.”  
“I'm so glad I got to share that with T. It was... perfect! It started snowing, and I swear, it felt like we were in a movie! That's when I saw the mistletoe, so... you know... the kiss.”
“So, your first kiss was on the carriage ride?”
“No, that was our second kiss. But it wasn’t a big deal.”
“Uh, huh,” Bryce muttered. “Uhm, Casey have you ever thought...”
“I mean, we only kissed once before that! Last month... outside of the bookstore in Cambridge. And that’s only because I asked him to!”
“You...asked him... to... kiss you?”
“Yes! Because it had been such a long time since I had been kissed... or anything, really...  and I just wanted to know if I could feel something again, you know? But...”
“I know... I know..." Bryce injected. "It didn’t mean anything.”
“EXACTLY! I'm glad we're on the same page!"
Bryce studied Casey carefully, scratching his head.
“So. Why Tobias?”
“If it was just a kiss between friends... meaning nothing... why did you ask him? You could have asked me? Elijah? Jackie... any of the roomies. But you asked... Tobias.”
“Well, he and I kissed before. You know, back when we were dating... but those were very, very different. Totally different kinds of kissing! So, it made sense.”
“But we’ve kissed before, too,” Bryce smirked. “So, why didn’t you ask me?”
Casey returned his smirk with one of her own. “Do you want me to kiss you, Bryce?”
“No,” he snickered. “I’m just trying to understand your thought process in choosing Carrick.”
“I don't know... it just felt right...”
“Two times. It felt right... two times.”
“Yes! But we agreed not to do it again because we don’t want it screwing us up. We’re just friends... it didn’t mean anything!"
“So you've mentioned,” Bryce rubbed his chin. “But, Casey?”
“What if it does?”
Casey turned to him with as much panic if she had been a deer in the wild and Bryce's car was careening toward her on a dark night. “What... what do you mean?”
“I’m just saying... would it be so awful if the kisses meant something?”
“Bryce,” she gasped, lowering her voice even though they were alone. “No... I’m... I’m not ready for anything like that. And, besides... he’s just my friend... there’s nothing more to it.”
“Yes, for the dozenth time. He's just your friend,” he smiled. “Whatever he means to you, that’s for you to figure out... if you want to figure it out at all. I’m just saying, it’s your choice... and if you decide he does mean more, that’s all right, too.”
A slight crinkle appeared on her brow when she turned to Bryce, words she hadn't intended to speak falling from her lips.
“Do you... do you like him?”
“I’m just getting to know the guy... he’s more of your friend than mine. But I have to admit, he’s impressed me. He’s been really good to you, and you appear to make each other happy. Isn’t that what they say it’s all supposed to be about?”
“I... I guess... but we are just friends.”
“And you’re my friend, Casey. So if that’s what you say, I believe you.”
“Thank you,” she smiled in relief.
 “Shit!” Bryce cursed, noticing the time on the clock. “I didn't realize it had gotten so late. I've got to get going; I have a date."
"Oh," Casey grinned. "Care to share the details?"
"Do I know them?"
"No comment."
“Uh-huh,” Casey teased. "I have my ways of finding out, you know! Just like Elijah can find out about his Captain Crunch."
"Are you seriously blackmailing me?"
"No," she shrugged. "I mean, I'm blackmailing you, but just for fun. Your secret is safe with me."
Delighted to see his friend bantering and laughing again, he pulled her into a hug.
“It is great having you back, Case. Promise me you won't go away again.”
“I’ll try not to," she said squeezing him tighter. "I promise.”
“And Case... about Carrick.”
“I know, I know, but listen! Sometimes, you overthink things way too much.  Try not to do that... just... just go where you're happy. That's what it's all supposed to be about.”
“I’ll take that into consideration.”
“That’s all I ask,” Bryce said before heading to the door. “Well, that, and don’t tell Elijah about the Captain Crunch....”
Casey crossed her heart with a grin. “It’s our little secret."
Just one more "warning" left. Thanks to those who are reading!
@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
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gamma-rae-bursts · 2 years
We Found Love Right Where We Are
The 5 times the BAU team had their suspicions and the 1 time you confirmed them.
Pairing: Alex Blake x Fem! Reader
Warnings: slight alcohol consumption, mentions of sex
Genre: Fluffy One-Shot
Word Count: 3500+
A/N: Written for @nightmarish-fae ❤️ my best simping bud that always fuels my obsession with CM ladies. I will also forever stand by the soft Alex Blake headcanon.
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It wasn’t love at first sight. Both you and Alex took your time to acknowledge the feelings you’ve developed for one another, and it took you even longer to admit them.
When she first joined the team, you thought nothing of it, after all why would you. And it wasn’t until months later that you finally admitted to yourself that you had a hopeless crush on the linguist. It was the way she spoke that gave you butterflies, the way she walked with such grace you’ve never seen before, every little detail about her started to seem absolutely perfect. But you didn’t say anything, you didn’t want to risk being rejected but most importantly, ruin the friendship the two of you have formed over the months.
And neither did she. It wasn’t until after one of the frequent movie nights at Alex’s place, when both of you had one too many glasses of wine to keep your mouths shut and you’ve finally admitted how you truly felt.
And it was perfect ever since, the two of you worked together in such harmony, understood one another like nobody else. At the very beginning you and Alex decided not to tell the team, you didn’t want to make it awkward for anyone in case you didn’t work out in the end. And above all, you didn’t want to hear Morgan’s snarky remarks at every point of your workdays. You were happy to keep it as a little secret, you knew how much Alex has valued her privacy as well as separating her personal life from her work life. You just happened to be a part of both.
5. Can’t keep my eyes off of you
You were sat at your desk, desperately trying to get any work done. It was one of the paperwork days for the BAU and as glad as you were that there were no psychopaths running around and murdering people, you couldn’t help but hope for some excitement to be added to your otherwise boring workday.
Your phone buzzed on the desk, driving your attention away from the file you’ve been working on. You saw Alex’s name across your lock screen and couldn’t help the smile that creeped on your face.
Alex: Darling, if you don’t stop looking at me like that every 5 minutes the team will start getting suspicious.
You must admit, it had become increasingly harder and harder to keep your eyes off of the gorgeous linguist, especially when her desk was right across from yours. Alex was completely aware of that, sometimes purposefully leaving extra buttons of her shirt undone, knowing exactly how crazy it drove you during work.
You started typing your message to reply to the older woman when you saw Morgan heading towards your desk.
“What was that about?” the man questioned with a curious smile, slightly raising his eyebrows.
“Huh? What was what about?” you said raising your eyebrows as well. Being surrounded by a team of exceptionally talented profilers had its downsides, being in situations like this must be on the top of the list.
“Oh, come on y/n!” Derek exclaimed “I saw that smile when you looked at your phone, is there anything you’re not telling us about?! Or more like anyone?”
“What no!” you said and nervously chuckled, the way in which Morgan looked at you made all your hopes of seamlessly getting out of this situation disappear, but you didn’t want to give in just yet, not without talking to Alex first. “It was just a cute cat picture my friend sent to me” you said as you stood up from your desk grabbing your mug and started walking towards the coffee machine.
“Mhm, friend…” he added with a chuckle and a shake of his head as you left the bullpen.
4. Clothes
“You look better in my clothes than I do” Alex whispered to you as the two of you exited the elevator and started heading to the bullpen.
“You better hope nobody notices, or it’ll be over for us” you whispered back, slight smirk on your face. You were, in fact, wearing an outfit that majorly consisted of Alex’s clothes, the only item that belonged to you were the shoes, which you have also worn on the previous day. The two of you have gone out on a little date the night before, which didn’t happen frequently considering the unpredictable nature of your jobs. The date has, unsurprisingly, ended in Alex’s apartment where you’ve stayed the night.
“Morning Everyone!” you hear Penelope’s high pitched voice roam through the bullpen as you enter.” Don’t get all too comfortable, we have a case!”
As everyone headed into the conference room Penelope stopped you before you managed to take a single step, with a big smile on her face.
“I know that shirt from somewhere” the eccentric blonde said, giving you that look of ‘I know what you’re up to’.
“What do you mean?”  you replied, trying to keep the expression on your face unchanged, slightly confused as if you had indeed no idea what she was talking about. You put in your best efforts trying to mask the inner panic this interaction has caused.
“I’ve seen Blake wearing it last week, and I know it was this exact shirt because it took me by surprise, it’s not something she would usually wear!” Penelope said, looking straight into your eyes, waiting for you to give in.
“Oh, we might have the same shirts then” you said, trying to mask the anxiety that almost caused you to shake “I guess it’s not as original as I thought it was when I bought it” you finished the sentence with a gentle smile, really hoping Penelope bought the horrible lie you came up with.
The two of you then headed to the conference room together and all you could hope was that Penelope could get the hint and not tell every other agent about the interaction you’ve just had.
3. Date
You didn’t get the chance to go out together often, either because you were away on cases, loaded with paperwork or so exhausted from the workload that all you wanted was to stay in your house. This week was different. There weren’t any cases that would cause you to leave the city and each team member was fully caught up on the paperwork. This was a perfect time for you and Alex to finally spend some quality time together. You knew Penelope planned a girls’ night for the evening, but both of you made up some excuses as to why you couldn’t come.
You told Alex you would pick her up at 5pm. You didn’t plan anything too fancy; you were completely aware this was not Alex’s scene and even less yours. Instead, you decided to take your girlfriend to one of the biggest bookstores in the area. After all she was a linguist with borderline unhealthy obsession about books. But you didn’t mind it at all. You loved how consumed by reading she got every evening; with how much passion she spoke about her favourite authors and how much she knew about every single one. This woman was truly amazing, and you adored every single aspect that made her, her.
“So where are we going?” Alex questioned with a soft smile as she got into your car.
“My word still stands, you’ll find out when we get there” you answered with a smile and pressed a gentle kiss to her cheek, trying to transfer as little of your lip gloss onto her skin as possible.
The drive was peaceful filled with silence between you two, but it wasn’t uncomfortable. Alex was in charge of the music so the whole way there you listened to Beethoven’s symphony no. 5. Her taste in music, although being the complete opposite of yours, was one of the things you adored about the woman.
When you got to the parking lot right across the bookstore you saw the way Alex’s eyes lit up. And this was all you could ever ask for.
“Come on, you can tell me all about your favourite books and authors and I’m paying for all the books you want!” you said with a huge smile that matched the one spread across Alex’s face “And after we go through the whole 3 floors, I’m taking you out for dinner.”
“You’re too sweet to me y/n/n” the brunette said softly, after which she proceeded to leave a gentle yet passionate kiss on your lips “I’m so excited for this!”
As you expected the bookstore was a huge hit. You and Alex spent a little over 3 hours wandering between the bookshelves, stopping at every single one to see what it had to offer. Alex told you a little about every book she picked up, about its origin, the author and how much of a historical impact it had. And you enjoyed every last second of it. There was something so special about seeing her fully in her element, something that made you truly happy.
You left the bookstore with a few books to add to Alex’s ever-growing collection. When you got to the restaurant you picked out, the conversation about books and linguistics continued. That was until you noticed JJ and Penelope heading into the same restaurant you and Alex were sitting in. And it was too late, before you could make up any sort of an escape plan the two women noticed you and your girlfriend. The good thing was that you managed to let go of each other’s hands before either of them noticed.
“Oh my God! y/n! Alex! What are you two doing here!” JJ exclaimed. You could tell from the way she was speaking that she was as least tipsy, borderline drunk. You could only hope that Penelope matched her level.
“You said you were busy and couldn’t make it tonight!” Penelope said with a pout “What the hell is this then!”
“Oh, it’s nothing, me and y/n bumped into each other after we’ve finished running the errands and decided to grab some dinner together” Alex answered. You really hoped the two agents were too drunk to properly put the two and two together.
“Ah, I see! Well, it’s not too late to join the girls’ night now ladies!” Penelope exclaimed “Come on we're going to the club!”
This one was too close.
2. Hickey
“It’s nothing, I burned myself with a curling iron a few days ago” Alex said with a sigh, trying to convince Morgan, silently hoping he wouldn’t make a big deal out of this. Unfortunately for the two of you he didn’t buy the crappy excuse Alex came up with.
“I don’t know Blake, it looks like a hickey to me” you overheard Morgan say with a grin plastered across his face.
The night before was eventful to say the least. You and Alex decided to stay at her apartment, cook dinner together and watch your favourite TV show. It goes without saying that the latter part did not go to plan, which neither of you complained about. You didn’t have time to yourselves for the past three weeks, as there was a case after another during which you were paired in a room with JJ and Alex with Reid. At the time neither of you wanted to risk anybody suspecting something, or even worse, finding out about your relationship. After one too many glasses of wine you could not keep your hands to yourself, ending the evening in Alex’s bedroom. The longing for her touch had become too much at that point. When you woke up in the morning you could see the results of the previous night’s activities on Alex’s neck.
“Looks like our Dr Blake is getting some guys!” Morgan exclaimed grabbing the attention of the team. Garcia and JJ, of course, joined him at the linguist’s desk. You decided to join the group to not seem any more suspicious than you already were, Spencer joined shortly after you. At this points the only team members not gathered around the desk were Rossi and Hotch, both of which were in their offices. You didn’t doubt they too would join the interrogation if they were made aware of it.
“I need to know everything now!” Garcia said staring right into the older woman’s’ soul.
“There is nothing to know Penelope, as I said I burned myself with a curling iron” Alex tried to convince the agents again.
“You know statistically speaking people who have sex on a regular basis are happier than people who don’t. This is due to the release of the hormone oxytocin during orgasms.” Spencer added causing Alex to roll her eyes.
“Come on everyone” you all turned your heads to Hotch, who was standing right outside his office “We have a case.”
Both you and Alex released a sigh of a relief, thanking any higher power for the perfect timing of Hotch’s announcement.
1. Slip up
During the lunch break you, Alex and Spencer decided to head out to a new café that was opened just a little over a week prior. It was conveniently located right outside your workplace.
As each of you ordered your meals, you enjoyed listening to the two of them discussing linguistic concepts you had absolutely no idea about. Over the months you’ve learned a few things from Alex, but you were far from the point where you would be able to join in on their conversation with any of your own input.
The two of them were now discussing human capability of producing sounds, which just happened to be the topic of the conversation you’ve had with the linguist the day before. You’ve always been interested in language, it just so happened that your life led you in the completely opposite direction resulting in you having a wider scientific knowledge rather than anything to do with your lover’s field. Nevertheless, the desire to contribute to the conversation between Alex and Spencer was greater than the embarrassment caused by your limited knowledge on the subject, so you decided to join in.
“And by meaningful sounds you mean, taking English as an example, the letters P and B produce sounds that allow us to form different words, like pat and bat or pet and bet, right?” you said as you looked up at the pair of agents sitting across from you.
“Yes, I would think so” Spencer said, with a confused but impressed look on his face “How did you know that y/n?”
“Well, just like last night Alex said…” you stopped yourself before you could finish the sentence, realising the huge slip up that fell from your lips. Alex looked back at you with eyes wide open.
“Last night?” the boy genius questioned with a raised eyebrow “What were you two doing together last night?”
“y/n stopped at mine last night to pick up some books I’ve talked about before, she said she would like to give them a go” Alex quickly answered Spencer’s question, causing you to silently sigh in relief.
0. Karaoke Night
Late night conversations with Alex weren’t uncommon, the job took its toll on both of you causing occasional insomnia. Other than that, you wanted to spend as much time with your girlfriend as possible, even if it meant sacrificing your sleep for it. You would lie if you said you didn’t enjoy the chats the two of you had, talking about the meaning of life, where your life was heading or the existence itself. You loved hearing Alex elaborate on all of the above, carefully listening to all her thoughts, everything and anything she had to say.
This night was no different, you were snuggled together in your bed, your head resting on the older woman’s chest and her hand making small circles on your back.
“I think I’m ready to tell the team” Alex whispered and placed a gentle kiss on your head. “I want them all to know how happy you make me.”
You raised your head to look her in the eyes “Are you sure honey?” you whispered back.
“Yes, I want everyone to know that you’re my girlfriend, I want to finally be able to hold your hand on our way to the office and show up in one car without being scared someone will suspect something” she said sternly, yet gently and smiled at you.
 You pressed a soft kiss on her lips, but you couldn’t help the smile that creeped onto your face as you did so. “I’d like that too”.
Penelope’s ‘Team Bonding Policy’ included an obligatory monthly night out for the whole of the BAU. This month’s activity took place at the bar frequented by all of you, everyone was enthusiastic about this as it wasn’t too far out of anyone’s comfort zone. What Penelope forgot to mention was that this was a Karaoke Night.
This didn’t stop the team from having fun, Morgan flirting with all the girls by the bar, Penelope and JJ dancing together like there was no tomorrow. Rossi and Hotch were sat together discussing the Italian man’s all previous marriages. Even Spencer found himself someone to impress with his magic tricks. You and Alex were still sat at the table talking about everything and anything. At that point of the evening everyone had had a few drinks, you included. You were by no means drunk, tipsy at most. That’s when you decided that this will be the night the team officially finds out about your relationship.
You leaned closer to your girlfriend, cupping her face in your hands when you pressed a passionate kiss to her lips. Alex sighed in surprise. “I’m going to sing the cheesiest love song for you” you said and quickly ran away from the woman before she could react in any way, leaving her speechless.
A few minutes later you appeared on the stage, holding the microphone. It would be an understatement to say that the agents were surprised to see you there.
The music of ‘Thinking out Loud’ by Ed Sheeran began to play and you started to sing, looking right into the eyes of the love of your life.
When your legs don't work like they used to before And I can't sweep you off of your feet Will your mouth still remember the taste of my love Will your eyes still smile from your cheeks
And darling I will be loving you 'til we're 70 And baby my heart could still fall as hard at 23 And I'm thinking 'bout how people fall in love in mysterious ways Maybe just the touch of a hand Oh me I fall in love with you every single day And I just wanna tell you I am
A soft smile spread across Alex’s face as she looked at you from where the two of you were sitting before. You kept the eye contact as you sang every word, hitting every note of the song perfectly.
So honey now Take me into your loving arms Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars Place your head on my beating heart I'm thinking out loud Maybe we found love right where we are
When my hair's all but gone and my memory fades And the crowds don't remember my name When my hands don't play the strings the same way, mm I know you will still love me the same
'Cause honey your soul can never grow old, it's evergreen Baby your smile's forever in my mind and memory
This was the point where all the agents noticed the non-stopping eye contact you and Alex have shared, the soft smiles you sent her between lines of the song. You didn’t care about the confused looks each and every one of them have sent you, Alex was all that mattered in that moment. The brunette slowly stood up from the table and started heading towards the stage, where you continued singing for her.
But baby now Take me into your loving arms Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars Place your head on my beating heart I'm thinking out loud That maybe we found love right where we are, oh
So baby now Take me into your loving arms Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars Oh darling, place your head on my beating heart I'm thinking out loud That maybe we found love right where we are
What came as an even bigger surprise to everyone was the moment Alex joined you on the stage. Although she didn’t sing with you, you were perfectly content with the turn of events. You wrapped your arm around her waist and pulled and older woman closer to you.
Oh baby, we found love right where we are And we found love right where we are
She didn’t hesitate to kiss you in front of everyone and you immediately reciprocated the gesture. The team started cheering from where they were sat, and you heard Penelope and Morgan yell “I knew it” at the exact same time making both of you giggle into the kiss.
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kayslibrary · 8 months
⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡A night to remember⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡
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A/N~ hiiiiii guys!!!!!!! tis is Moi :) I'm back...I think. I try to incorporate writing into my schedule but I be getting sidetracked with life so it's kinda hard right now BUT I did draft up an apology for you people so hopefully you'll accept it <:) Anywho please enjoy
Ex-flings to something more perhaps? 
Based on the song; A Night to Remember by Laufey and Beabadobee 
Synopsis; y/n and George were flings at one point but, y/n broke things off when she found that both they and George were getting too involved they had a little falling out and were no longer sleeping with each other…UNTIL one night she heard a knock at her door and who was it? George. But why? Maybe he wanted to talk or more than a few words from her…. 
warnings- SMUT eheheh <:))/ reader is afab so just letting you guys know
Swore I'd seen you before 
There was a faint knock at the door, you open it to find the last person in the world you’d see on your doorstep. There were no words spoken for minutes that seemed like years. “George…” you sigh, breaking the silence, he says nothing but his eyes say everything, you step to the side so he can pass through and into your home.
Watched you walk through the door 
You watched, no practically stalked as you watched him make his way around as if he knew the place like the back of his hand. (spoiler; he did) “George” you spoke again, he turned to you without saying a word.
Something in your eye
Reminded me of somebody I used to know
He stares you down ever so slightly, his eyes displaying emotions you’ve come to notice over time, passion….anger…lust. you take the time to zero in on his features. His eyes, nose, lips, oh how you miss kissing them….so plump and soft. You snap out of this trance when you hear the floorboards creak and groan, “What are you-” he cuts you off by kissing you softly. 
You touch my back
I took your hand
“Fuck I've missed you” he groans into your mouth as his arm snakes around your waist. “Me too..me too,” you mutter without a thought. “y/n..can I? I need you so fucking bad” he pleads softly. You trace his hand as you look into his eyes once more “Yes” you confirm, solidifying your fate. 
 Something from your touch felt shockingly familiar
And I'd swore I'd seen you before
Oh, I swore I'd seen you before
You gasp when you feel his hand trail down from your chest to your stomach. his touch felt like sparks and lightening on your skin. “So fucking pretty…all for me” he purred. 
Underneath the sheets, you enchanted me
And whispered sweet nothings in my ear
“That's it..come for me pretty give me what mine” he whispers in your ear as you come for him for the 2nd time that night. “Fuck- fuck” you whine, his hand still working his magic on your clit. “So fucking sensitive” you choke out while grabbing his hand “No no..you can take it, take it for me like a good girl” George mutters “I can’t George please” you whine as he lets up and leans in to kiss you passionately. 
I shivered beneath you
All wrapped up in embers
You both lay in your bed under the blankets, you don't know how you got here but in your bed nonetheless, you shiver against him “Why are you shaking?” he asks, “m’ cold” you stutter in response. Instead of him getting up to turn up the heat, he pulls you closer to him. His hands wrapped around you, your head on his chest his heartbeat singing to you. “Why did you come back” you quipped, “I missed us. I miss being in your presence and you’ve been weighing on my heart.. literally” he jokes which causes you to both chuckle. “There was no us tho..” you lift your head, and he sits up straight to meet your face “I want there to be a ‘us’ if you’ll let me try” he smiles “Let me think about it……” you stand silent for 5 seconds. “We can work towards it George but I wouldn't mind” you propose “Really?” “mhm,” he cracks the largest smile he can muster as he attacks you in a fit of kisses.
⋆˙⟡♡✧˖°It was a night to remember⋆˙⟡♡✧˖°
I hope my apology made it to your heart and made you guys accept it because i really worked hard to draft it up :) no but in all honesty i FUCKIN LOVE THIS SONG anyways see you guys laterr
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Chapter 5 of These Are Not Our Masks!
Leo stands there, limbs posed unnaturally like his joints aren’t working right. His hand is wrapped tight around the hilt of one of his katanas.
“Heyyyy, what’s going on here? This a party? Without me?”
April holds Donnie close, protectively.
“Leo, try to remember. We’re friends! You don’t want to hurt me!”
Leo slowly tilts his head, very close to being too far.
“Friends don’t take things that aren’t theirs.”
“Why do you care about me taking Kendra’s headphones!?” April asks in confusion.
“I wasn’t talking about the headphones.” He hisses, mask aimed in Donnie’s direction.
April’s face pales.
Nothing could have prepared her for just how far gone Leo is. Donnie was still somewhat familiar. She could find traces of him still in there.
There wasn’t anything like that with Leo right now.
“Not. Leo. You’re playing with Artemis! I’m all about the hunt.” He cackles before tossing his katana like a throwing knife.
April has to move away from Donnie to be able to avoid it. The katana sticks into the ground between them.
She stands up to try to defend the both of them.
Leo takes that as a challenge.
He portals behind her, grabbing at her hair poofs tightly. She reaches back to get him to let go but it only results in the poofs getting tugged on. April grunts in pain as her head is pulled back.
“Leo! Let go!”
Leo places his foot square in the middle of her back and pulls again, harder. April shouts in pain this time.
“You need to stop.” Donnie suddenly insists.
Leo tilts his mask down at him again and swiftly kicks April across the room. In his hands remain the yellow hair ties from her poofs that he drops like they’re nothing.
“Finally. Took you longer than I thought for you to try to help your “best” friend. Why are you hesitating, Apollo!? That gets you killed in battle!”
“You’ve gone too far. Even with these masks. What…what is wrong with you?”
Leo hums slightly and suddenly lunges, grabbing at the headphones.
“What’s wrong with me? What’s wrong with you!? Would it kill you to listen!? Maybe you can’t because of these.”
Donnie’s demeanor changes again.
“Please….please, Leo, don’t take the headphones. The voice finally stopped, it was so loud, please, just a few more minutes-!”
“Aw, you need something to drown it out? Why didn’t you say so?” Leo rips them away and screams in Donnie’s ear.
Donnie shouts in pain, tears nearly forming. His pupils slit once more and he snaps his jaw at Leo. The latter moves his hand just enough to avoid it.
“ARTEMIS! I’ll gut you and replace your intestines with 80s technology!”
Leo cackles.
“Go ahead and try, you can’t even handle condiments.” He walks over to where April landed.
She’s against the wall, holding her arm. April wishes she could be brave in this moment but she has no idea what Leo will do to her.
He reaches out to her. She moves her hurt arm away, fearing that he’ll lift her up by it. Leo hesitates for just a moment. It’s long enough for April to see and become a little hopeful
Then Leo slices open a portal under her and she screams as she falls. She lands right in the middle of a holding cell. April groans slightly at the rough landing then realizes there’s something under her.
“What….? Is this a pillow!? You knew you’d get me!?” April shouts.
Leo drops in front of the cell.
“Duh. I knew the moment we got Apollo that you would come to save him first! You wouldn’t know where to find me or Atlas, but Apollo is so predictable. And so are you. Always trying to do what you can’t.”
April glares at him.
“So you planned on my arm too?”
“Stop being a baby. We both know it’s not broken!” Leo grabs the cell bars and leans his masked face in.
“I could change that, if you want!”
April scoots the pillow back.
“Why would I want that!?”
“It could be fun!”
“That is not my idea of fun!”
Leo cackles once again and pulls away.
“Wanna know what I think is fun?”
“Calling my brother!” Leo dangles his phone in front of the bars.
April almost slams her face against the bars to reach for it. Something tumbles out of her pocket when she does and the regret is immediate.
Leo picks her phone off the ground and April looks up him with her jaw on the floor.
“You could have just taken it from me. Why….why did you….?”
“Because. I wanted you to know it was your fault.”
April feels tears pricking at her eyes. She can’t believe how much the mask has warped him. He tricked her, and now Mikey is probably doomed. He won’t see him coming.
She sits back down and curls her knees up to her chest. There’s nothing she can do. April starts quietly crying.
Leo stands and stares for at least several minutes before walking off with the phone. Raph appears through a portal with Foot Recruit who looks worse for wear. Donnie joins the group as well after bringing the tech he was using to a storage room.
Draxum walks in a moment or two later.
“Were your missions successful?”
“I got her phone! Icarus won’t be able to hide for much longer.” Leo waves the phone around.
“We have what we need for me to keep working.” Donnie answers flatly.
“Excellent. Atlas, Foot Recruit, I don’t see the item you were supposed to find.” Draxum states, sounding disappointed already.
“We only found old movie junk-“
“I was distracted from my mission by Atlas! He put me in a car and threatened to crush me!” Foot Recruit shouts, interrupting Raph.
Draxum looks at him.
“Is this true?”
Raph nods.
Draxum approaches him with a stern look on his face. Foot Recruit smirks until he places a hand on Raph’s shoulder and smiles.
“Good work. I was worried you’d be too soft.”
Raph doesn’t react to the praise at all.
“But he threatened me! We’re partners! You should be taking my side!” Foot Recruit insists.
“If you’re my partner, you should be smart enough to realize the gap in power between you and my creations. Consider yourself lucky that he didn’t follow through and try to remember that you’re outnumbered.” Draxum removes his hand.
Foot Recruit stands there, dumbstruck. Leo makes how he plays with his katanas obvious as his mask is aimed in her direction.
“…..Are you saying that they’re free to harm me?” She asks, trying to hide the nervousness in her voice.
“I’m saying that you should realize you can’t stop them from doing so. Artemis, Atlas, come with me. I will prepare Icarus’ mask.” Draxum orders, walking out of sight.
Raph and Leo follow behind.
Foot Recruit glances at Donnie. They’re alone in the room. Uneasy doesn’t have enough weight to it for what she’s feeling. Maybe dread is a better word for it.
“He doesn’t respect you, you know.” Donnie comments.
Foot Recruit crosses her arms.
“Obviously I do! No matter how hard I work, no matter that dedication I put into what I do, no one appreciates it. No one appreciates me. Even if I’m not a mutated for war turtle, I have use!”
“Try being one with several large defects. Despite everything I’m capable of doing, I’m still seen as the one who makes mistakes others have to clean up. I’m the weak one who has to be protected if my technology fails, and everyone expects it to. The source of my DNA has never once told me he was proud, and now I look for those words from people I shouldn’t, making a complete fool of myself.“
Foot Recruit’s eyes widen. It’s not the same situation, but she knows exactly how he feels. It’s surprising that he’s being so open when they’re all supposed to be beasts.
“That’s what I’ve been doing! Our strengths are undermined for nothing. They should be building up their best soldiers, not tearing them down!”
Donnie walks closer.
“I believe I have a way to get Draxum to realize your full potential.”
“You do!? Tell me!”
Donnie smirks widely, too wide. His pupil grows smaller than ever.
“I can simply replace some of your parts. No anesthetic of course, but you’re tough, aren’t you?”
Foot Recruit takes several steps back.
“……I’m going to check on the prisoner.” She feels Donnie’s eyes stay on her as she leaves the room.
April glances up at hearing someone enter. She wipes her eyes under her glasses and glares.
“Ugh. Foot Recruit, I’m not in the mood, can’t you just leave me-“
Foot Recruit grips the bars of the cell tightly.
“We need to fix this. Normally I do not admit mistakes because I don’t make them, but this is one. If these turtles are the ones to take over the world then we are all in danger.”
April perks up slightly.
“Seriously? This isn’t a trick, is it?”
“I would never grovel as a trick!”
April smirks slightly.
“You’re scared of them.”
“No!….Perhaps. The red one almost crushed me in a car!”
“He what!?“
“Finally! Concern! Draxum celebrated it!…..The blue one was right. He is just using me. He doesn’t care what happens as long as the turtles are under him.”
“I’m sorry, Foot Recruit. I kinda got that vibe from your old bosses too.”
Foot Recruit sighs heavily.
“I should have chosen any other of the clans I was accepted to. For now we need to stop your former allies.”
April stands up.
“We have to hurry. If they get Mikey then it’s all over.”
“Why the orange one in particular?” Foot Recruit questions, getting out the keys to unlock the cell.
“You might think he’s all cute and cuddly, because he is, but I’ve also seen him throw Raph for fun and be persuaded to arson over pizza.”
“…..The red one.”
“The orange one. Threw the red one.”
“Mikey can carry all of them on one arm-“
“Quiet down! We don’t need everybody knowing you’re busting me out, Foot Recruit.” April steps out as the door finally opens.
“You may call me Cassandra.”
“I’m going to be honest, I totally forgot that you probably had a real name. How are we getting outta here?”
“I have a portal device. We just need to know where we’re going.”
“Todd’s puppy farm.”
“…..Are you serious?”
“Todd’s got skill, don’t judge.”
Casey rolls her eyes but opens up the portal anyways. They step through together and April runs as fast as she can. The portal closes behind them.
“Mikey! Mikey!! Don’t answer any texts that say they’re from me!”
Puppies run out at her that she has to jump over and dodge.
“April? Foot Recruit!?” Mikey shouts, pointing.
April nearly tackles him in a hug, picking him up and spinning him around.
“It’s okay, she’s on our side! I’m just glad I got here in time. Leo has my phone, he was going to text you from it to find out where you are.”
“Don’t tell me you already did.”
“N-No, but……Donnie could just track my phone.”
“…..Ah crud. Drop your phone! We gotta get you out of here! Leo and Donnie are not messing around!”
“Neither is the red one!” Casey adds.
“Aww, but I love messing!” Leo’s voice calls out.
The three non masked people group together and look around for where he’s going to appear.
He suddenly drops down between April and Mikey. They fall to the ground at the same time.
“Mikey! Run!” April shouts, trying to get up as quickly as possible.
Mikey scrambles, but he’s not fast enough. Leo grabs him and wraps his arms around him tightly.
“Where are you going!? I want some brother bonding time!”
“Leo! Please! Let go!”
“Why? After all, everyone knows I’m your favorite.”
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amethystdreamer114 · 5 months
Spoiler Alert 🚨
If you’re on OUAT season 5 you’re safe. If not, I mean I’d still read it but you’re gonna get spoilers🤣 (it’s worth it though 🤫) Also please forgive me if the storyline isn’t exactly how it was in the show… this is sorta just off the top of my head so there could be some things I’ve forgotten🤣
Okay so I just have this thing- you know that scene in OUAT where Gold has a heart attack and then ends up in the hospital with (spoiler alert ‼️) Zelena? And you know how she sent him into a second heart attack and he ended up intubated?
Alright well here’s my thing.
The series went through that WAYYYYY too fast for my taste so let’s engage in a little “Rumple-Whumple” shall we?
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First let’s think about the parts we *didn’t* see during that episode (Heart of Gold 4/17).
Rumple is in New York after being forced out of Storybrooke by Belle. When we catch up with him, he’s opening the door to his son’s old apartment and he happens to find Robin and his “family” there. With how quickly he has the heart attack and how little it takes to push him to it, we can only assume that he’s been having “build up” symptoms all day.
So what would that look like?
My idea is that he might’ve been up at 3 a.m. the night before with what he deemed “heartburn,” not recognizing the whole bit about his dark deeds poisoning his heart (or in this world, heart attack symptoms.)
Maybe because of that chest tightness and pressure, he didn’t get much sleep and that took away the time he desperately needed to rest.
So by the time the morning comes, he’s still having pains on and off and he feels exhausted. Perhaps he skips out on breakfast because he just doesn’t feel up to even making something simple.
He goes on about his day, walking the streets of New York… loud traffic, too many people, and of course his leg hurting from being without magic to stop it.
Of course he’s got Belle’s voice in his mind- he replays the moment she sent him away over and over and over until he realizes his chest is really starting to hurt.
He makes his way to Bae’s apartment, hoping he can just rest there for a bit before getting back to finding his way back to Storybrooke.
That’s when he finds Robin and the others.
The longer he stands there arguing with Robin, the more he feels lightheaded, the more the room spins, the more his anxiety spikes and the pain in his chest runs rampant…
Then, he blacks out.
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Moving on to the hospital…
When Rumple wakes up, his head hurts from the fall, and his body is sore all over from the heart attack.
Now, he feels even more exhausted and pained, but *vulnerable.*
No one who he can trust is here. He’s lying in a cold hospital room in an uncomfortable bed with stiff blankets and an IV in his arm. He misses Belle now more than ever because he knows if she were there, she’d be by his side, tending to him and making sure he felt cared for and loved.
Alas, he’s here with the Honorable Thief himself, and so he acts big and bad when asking for the magic he needs to get back home.
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While he waits for Robin to get back, he’s alone with his thoughts. He imagines being back home with Belle. He can practically smell her homemade bread he loves so much. He can feel the soft, slightly worn blankets around him. He hears her sweet voice saying she’ll be there in just a minute.
When Robin finally returns, he drinks the potion, thinking he’ll be healed immediately. This is where it gets interesting….
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He realizes nothings changed. He’s still in pain, he’s still tired, he still feels like he’s made of lead and moving is impossible.
Soon enough he’s discovered that Zelena is right in front of him.
He knows she wants to kill him, or worse, use him for something. The more she talks, the more pressure he feels settling in his chest. His heart rate skyrockets and he feels like he can’t breathe… then, those words…
“You failed…oops.”
He can’t take it. The pain, the anxiety, the everything… his heart gives in a second time, leaving the monitor going wild as his vision fades.
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He wakes up stiff, cold and pained once again. He feels the softness of a cool towel on his head and leans into it slightly before realizing it’s not Belle who is tending to him.
Despite how sore he is, he does everything in his power to scoot away from Zelena, but being intubated and weak makes it much harder.
He doesn’t like the feeling of being intubated at all, but there’s nothing he can do. He’s at the mercy of the medical staff and Zelena.
His throat feels sore and scratchy, and he wants nothing more than to be curled up in Belle’s arms, drinking a warm cup of tea.
Sadly, that doesn’t happen. He gets another threat from Zelena- putting him in the position of choosing good or choosing to live without constant pain…
He couldn’t help it. He blinked.
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