#and if you don't then get one soley for this game
pokecraftking · 1 year
Oh my god Tears of the Kingdom might just be my new favorite game of all time...
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dsaf-confessions · 7 months
yeah, im sorry this is so long. its not meant against you, mod, respect ya for all that you have to put up with here... yeah.
i think a lot of the people coming on here to complain about other peoples opinions need to take a deep breath. you don't have to agree with them. but bashing people in the tags, anonymously sending in that someone's opinion on a fucking rpg maker game that, at its core, is a massive shitpost.
suicide jokes, especially when you dont know the person saying it at all, are not funny. if it isnt a joke and youre really about to kill yourself over a fun little tumblr blog, get help. seriously. i hope you get better and feel okay one day.
somebody who probably lives 12 to 24 hours away from you, by plane, saying they self-ship or ship an oc with a character you find irredeemable is not the end of the fucking world. sure, you may see it as weird, but at the end of the day a surprising amount of this fandom is around about 13, and thats what 13 year olds do. no shade to yall. those of you that i know are great.
i myself am a minor, i only got into the games, and months later, the fandom around my 15th birthday. its easier than some of you want to admit to stay away from the parts of the fandom that arent child appropriate. i dont mean the drugs. drugs arent anyone-appropriate. theyre fucking illegal. shoving an eggplant up someones urethra is also totally outlandish and sounds like it was written by a 5th grader
lets all respect each other for a bit. nobody fucking deserved to get the colossal amounts of anon hate that ive seen soley because of a harmless opinion.
to the adults here who churn out high-quality comics and fics and ask blogs, that i so joyously read, hell yeah! keep doing that, do what you want with it.
to the children, and by that i mean minors okay we are in fact legally considered children, you keep it up too. keep up your ask blogs and fics and fanart and shit that is sometimes so high-quality i assume youre fucking 30 until i check your bio.
yall, collectively, need to learn that at the end of the day people are gonna do what they want with these characters. it doesnt matter if someone draws henry miller in fucking cat ears because hes a fictional guy. have you seen what they do to steve raglan out there, man? its a fucking warzone but instead of explosives everyones firing out furry edits! it doesnt matter if someone ships something you dont like. im not a proshipper, theres lines i personally refuse to cross, but can i do anything about the people who do? no. ive come to terms with that.
ship your weird rarepair who never met in canon. draw your genderswap fanart. make your au askblog. write that fic you think wont be good enough. someone, somewhere, probably loves what youre creating.
the anons here saying shit like "oh im gonna kms over this" and "thats a fucking weird character to like", yall are the same. im sure you arent all vanilla ice-cream on a summers day level basic. youve got your unusual headcanons too.
we really have to let the minors in this fandom be. they arent going anywhere, myself included, because they dont want to. you cant force people out. so be fucking nice instead of making someone feel ashamed because they make jake a she/they or whatever.
holy fuckin shit that is. long. i am so sorry mod. if its too long you dont have to post it lmao
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fairytale-poll · 7 months
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Propaganda Under the Cut:
So glad you asked! So basically the plot of this show is that the main character (Sora) runs away to join this huge performing circus (Think something on the lines of Cirque du Solei) and the plot has to do with Sora growing her skills as a great acrobatic performer. In one episode we get to see the circus' rendition of "The Little Mermaid" story. She spends a majority of the episode trying to improve her performance as despite how good she is, Sora is basically just copying the former performer who originally took the mermaid's role in years prior before they decided to do their Little Mermaid performance again. She uses her interpretation of that mermaid rather than her own. Why do I think Sora should win? Honestly I don't. I know there are WAY better Little Mermaid interpretations out there. However I think the idea of the Mermaid story here is a creative one! I love how the costumes look and It's a pretty cool idea to merge acrobatics with a underwater act.
During her story quest, she directs and ends up taking part in a play called "the little oceanid" (oceanids are water spirits in game) about an oceanid that becomes a human and falls in love. When the oceanid tells her love about her true nature, the plays villain overhears and turns people against her by blaming her for the drought the village is suffering. It ends with her sacrificing herself. Technically Furina only shows up to sing the ending song because the lead actress' chronic illness acts up, but the play itself can be interpreted as a metaphor for Furina's life, the suffering she endures and sacrifices she makes. The song is good. Furthermore, Furina and all the people in her country are oceanids that were turned human by their former god, and doomed by the heavens to dissolve in a flood. Fortunately they are saved from this fate.
She dressed as a mermaid once in episode 61 and just looks really really cool
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writers-potion · 6 months
i am writing a story where fairies and humans historically have been at odds, and in present day, the only remaining fairies have all been enslaved by the nobility of the kingdom. these fairies are forced to "bless" the nobility and their families with elemental magic, with each fairy having dominion over a different element. appearance wise, the fairies all look like ethereal children, and they also behave similarly to children (loving games, loving stories, being petulant, etc). i want the reader to be sympathetic to the fairies and for it to be clear that they are being mistreated and deserve better. however i also want these fairies to have qualities about them that make them almost eldritch. the fairies are immortal but they can only keep their immortality if human babies/children are sacrificed to them, which the nobility does in order to keep the magic they have stolen alive. however im stumped as to what it means to sacrifice a baby/child to them. the only image that comes to mind is to make the fairies almost gollum lotr-esque and have them eat the babies/children but i also wonder if theres a better alternative
Just to wrap my mind around your worldbuilding and answer your questions more specifically, I am going to assume:
By being "enslaved", the fairies aren't allowed to use magic as they wish, limited to using magic that is of use to humans - perhaps by placing magical cuffs on them/some curse, etc.
This "sacrifice" of children is done by the nobility soley for the purpose of the fairies' sustanance, almost like feeding cattle so that they can be further exploited
While the nobility are capable of keeping fairies docile using sheer physical prowess, they still hold fear-induced respect(?) trust(?) in them deep down.
That said (I hope I understood your worldbuilding correctly, btw!), here are some suggestions:
In order to keep blessing the nobility, the fairies need to "unbless" children to keep the elements in balance. When a child sacrifice stands before them, they place their hand on the head of the child and sort of "suck" the life out of them to maintain their power.
Instead of eating the children directly, the sacrifice fairies need can be a little indirect, for example: they need to drink a bowl of infant blood every month/a special potion brewed from the bones of young children, etc. The nobility makes other servants prepare these 'special meals' which will then be served.
The fairies, in order to 'consume' the children, need to unleash their full form/power. The nobility constructs a cage/prison where they leave the fairy with the child sacrifice, then collect the remains after. (in this way, if you don't want to constantly describe gore, you can choose to just describe the before/after from the POV of someone on the outside)
The fairies need to draw power from the specific element they have power over. Each fairy is fed a different body part of the child, or the fairies take away one aspect of the child (sight, speech, body heat, the water their bodies, etc.) one by one until there's practically nothing left.
Maybe the fairies don't eat the children voluntarily at all. Although they're immortal, they've lost their will to keep living but the nobility starves them to an almost-mad state and feeds them children occasionally, which then they gobble up senselessly.
In order to stay immortal, the fairies "steal" time from other living beings. Thus when babies are sacrificed to them through some ritual, they grow old very quickly to the point that they die. The fairies get to live a bit longer, the child's lifespan added onto theirs.
Also, you might want to think about:
Why children? What do children/babies have that other human sacrifices don't? Is it their purity? Innocence? Or do the nobility take children from poor families just because it's easy for them?
What do the fairies need/crave? Do they need human blood, like vampire do, or is it the "life force" within humans?
Think about the tone of your story. Do you need horror/gore or mystery or tragedy?
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lunarleonardo · 3 months
hihi!!! :D fanfic author to another fanfic author hehe
i’ve read all of your drv3 fanfics and they are very intriguing, in canon characterizations, plot driven stories that make me very happy to read and look forward for more! (abso love trans shuichi hc too aaa)
i was wondering if you make pre-planned outlines for your fanfics or do you go straight into writing and planning it as you go? i’m struggling in finding a fitting method myself to write my fanfics because i often jump straight into writing, but that got me stumped in my writings at times. asking for advice because i really love your compelling writing style but you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to :D!
First of all... Hi! :D Thank you so much!! I do my best <3 💕
Second... Oh boy, I sure do have a process xD (this might be a long post but I like yapping and overexplaining so bear with me qwq)
if you don't want to read it all though, the shorter answer is: Kind of? I don't fully plan it out, but I don't always totally wing it. I take notes and I build off of important scenes, and then I jump in and hope for the best lol
When I first decide I want to write something with intent to post it, I create a document soley for *notes*. Theres a few things I note before and when writing.
1. I replay/rewatch the canon game and take notes on everything I possibly can. For example! I'm replaying DRV3 chapter 5 (cus i, unfortunately, had an idea q_q). I note down what I see as important or what really stands out to me :) Hell, sometimes I'll even "transcript" down canon dialogue! For example, this is what some of my notes look like (ss1 is taken from my drv3 c5 notes, ss2 is taken from my blue eyes notes):
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2. Little things matter. When starting my notes, I often write down the date I started and the basic synopsis of what the story will be about. I try to think of a name for the fic later because my #1 weakness is naming things >.> ... But also! Writing down the important details of your story is suuuper helpful, because you don't want to lose track of stuff like that!! It can prevent accidental retconning, unnecessary repetitions, and stuff like that 'cause i ran out of examples... Oh well. Here's a screenshot of the start of my notes for Motive 5 (⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)
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3. Believe it or not... i don't always plan ahead. I write a lot of my fics with one or more certain scenes in mind, and then I blink and there's suddenly a 7k word document in front of me and Oh Fuck I accidentally made a whole fanfic on that one idea. It happens more than you'd think. Using Motive 5 as an example again, there were a few scenes I had in mind when I was first writing! I don't remember what order they came to me in, but a few significant ones I fell asleep to was Shuichi losing his hand, Hajime and Maki facing off, Nagito and Shuichi meeting after the Coffin Puzzle, and the aftermath of Shuichi's "punishment" (PS. did you know he was originally gonna be tortured with sound? then i wanted to hang him from the ceiling periodically, but i gave that up for the "detention" theme.) this one is getting long but when it comes to planning, I always build off of important scenes in my mind. "How can I make this happen?" "What do I do to make this/these character(s) react like this?" or, my favorite... "What can I do to totally fuck up these sad gay losers?"
You mentioned you get stumped writing sometimes, and THAT'S OKAY. i do too. Chapter 8 of Fever Frost was a whole ordeal because I realized "wait. Kokichi would never confess his feelings first in this situation??!!!" While planning ahead may certainly help save you from some of those moments, they won't stop it entirely. It does feel really refreshing when you manage to skirt your way around the issue, so really what can you do ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
So yeah, I do kind of plan ahead. I plan MOST of the plot (I didn't even know I was gonna kill someone in Fever Frost at first >.>) and then as you write, stuff tends to tie together and build from there. In my experience, 70% of writing is just "shit kinda happens" xD
This is just how I do it, and it's okay if it doesn't work for you. I'm just the kind of person that will replay an entire game to write a fanfiction (⁠─⁠.⁠─⁠|⁠|⁠)I hope this could help a little, though! Good luck on your fics! :3💕
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wulfums · 4 months
🐵 you and allan!!
What was it like to introduce each other to your respective families and friends? Did they support you right from the start or were they a little wary, at first?
Well I don't usually give my S/Is family and I know 0 things abt Allan's family so!
Whatwulf is actually in a friendgroup that consists of Smormu, Mr Boss and Shrimp (They all met at the same transmasc meetup group), and Mr Boss is the one who introduced Whatwulf to Allan. So Whatwulf is like. Aware of the other Smiley Friends. But didn't know much about them until he started dating Allan and ended up being around the others more by result.
Whatwulf straight up Hated Pim for a while soley based on the fact he thought he was British. They eventually have an episode where Whatwulf is told that he's not and Whatwulf is like "OHHHH. That's good, otherwise I was gonna drown you here at the beach. *laugh track*"
I feel like Whatwulf and Charlie would get along alright. But also I think Charlie straight up does not understand why anyone would Want to be dating Allan but whatever. Whatwulf generally avoids argument and doesn't care about trying to be right. He's also kind of dumb as shit sometimes so you can say an idea and he'll be like "Oh yeah sure!" So Charlies like " Wow. Finally someone who understands my ideas." meanwhile Whatwulf just doesnt think its worth it to start conflict with this guy.
Whatwulf probably encounters Glep the most out of the group besides his boyfriend, since both Glep and Allan are at the office most of the time. I think they get along well! Allan will refuse to play video games with both of them at once because they WILL gang up on him and they WILL button mash to victory even if it's not a Real Straegy You Cant Do That. Whatwulf will Jokingly lean into him and Glep being Playfully Rude to Allan in ways like that but has a pretty hard line of when he stops. Glep does not. Somth Allan appareciates is Whatwulf knowing when he's genuinely getting upset or annoyed based on small things. Whatwulf can only do this with Allan (Autism to Autism communication)
The only one in Whatwulf's group that Allan gets along w/ is, obviously, Mr Boss. He has no interest in talking to Shrimp or Smormu.
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I beg of you I need more Eldritch horror x Hades it’s stuck in my head. Pleased I bev of you
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Damn y'all be fans of the eldritch simping huh. WELL ON WE ROLL THEN;
Hades x Eldritch!Reader, Part Two:
You can't be there all the time, he understands, it's not like he's swimming in free time himself.
You're part of such a vastness that this dinky little solar system is only smidgen of your realm. Sometimes when he's talking to you he can tell that, while you're listening and responding perfectly, you attention is focused on something literal lightyears away.
It takes some frank communication to get the point across that he's Not A Fan of being ignored (and genuinely was kind of hurt at first, he thought you were getting bored of him and was trying so hard to bridge the sudden distance) but it wasn't until you offered to show him what you were looking at that he realised you weren't ignoring him at all.
"You, uh, wanna take me somewhere?" Hades was, admittedly, thrown entirely off his game by the affermative hum through his bones as he ignored the latest round of paperwork.
All your meet ups and encounters had been soley either on Earth or telepathic, with Hades more than happy to astral project while his body was safe in the Underworld.
Gods don't need air or gravity, but a certain amount of atmospheric pressure and warmth is certainly appreciated. You laugh gently in his mind and sooth down the edges of his flame, promising to provide that much and more. If he was willing of course.
It's with only slight apprehension that he shrugs and quips a yes.
He'll later describe the feeling of being pulled through the fabric of space as if being inside a bubble made of concrete silence that travelled at four times the speed of sound. It is with frankly heroic effort that he does not loose his lunch even as you pet and hold him in one great betentacled arm - your own body being the concrete shield from the radiation and debris of the universe.
He's not much one for sentimentality but seeing Earth and everything he has ever known zoom out to a dust mote in the darkness put him about a bit. He's unusually quiet during the journey despite gradually losing his death grip on your arm.
You don't think of time in terms of hours or minutes and Hades has no fucking clue how far Earth has gone around the sun before you 'stop' and gently rumble for him to open his eyes.
When Hades was a baby, Rhea used to sneak out with him, hold him up and point out the stars. Even when heavily pregnant with Poseidon, they would be hiding out there away from Kronos, quiet and wondrous for hours at a time. Hades can barely remember the feeling of being safe and warm under a jewelled sky.
It's absolutely blown away by the majesty of what you've brought him to.
The nebula swirls around you both like an ocean fused with a sunset, in every colour imaginable. He gawps at the sheer breadth of the clouds in every direction, so much larger even than you, a black mass against the glory of the stellar nursery.
You gently nudge him out of your grip. He yelps and scrambles before realising he's floating, then chuckles incredulously as he spins in place, wreathed in smoke and his own fire.
You giggle and poke him so he spins faster. He laughs and tries to slap you back with a "Hey! No fair sweetums!"
You guide his gaze over to an area chock full of glowing light. It's clouds are blazing electric blue, and the newborn stars within are twinkling as they stabilize. You wrap him up again as you purr that he reminds you of them and there's no force in this universe that can stop the blush that rises in him from that statement.
It feels like you spend forever there amongst the light of newborn space, gently cruising amongst the mass. Hades feels the stress of existence slip further and further back towards Earth, a peace unlike anything since he was a child taking over.
Soon, you promise, you'll take him to see a supernova. A stars death is just a spectacular as it's birth, after all.
He snuggles down harder and struggles not to fall asleep, your subsonic voice rattling through him in a way that others would call him crazy for finding comforting. The freezing cold of space feels like a balm on his constantly overheated skin. The pressure of your touch under his hands like silky steel.
Absolutely. He's definitely doing this again. Thanks Babe, he needed this.
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bumblebugwrites · 8 months
and since i know exactly zero people asked, here's an entire post on how stick season belongs to my district 7 kids and my district 7 kids alone.
starting off strong with joanna mason who frankly could have been noah kahan's sole muse in writing this shit. who will never not be the first person i think of when listenting to "orange juice," if not soley for the lyric "it made you a stranger/ it filled you with anger." the song, to its credit is largely about sobriety, but also so much so about the manner in which a person is changed by the consequences of their own actions, which here is the car crash. still, i can't help but think of the way it mirrors her situation entirely, having contributed to the deaths of anyone she held dear through speaking out and refusing the captiol's wishes. on top of that, we are left with this character who has likely grown to resent the place from which she came for what it has come to represent.
i truly feel that i probably don't even need to connect the dots between joanna and "northern attitude," but for shits and giggles, "if i get too close/ and i'm not how you hoped/ forgive my northern attitude/ oh, i was raised out in the cold." nothing, in my mind, truly captures the division we feel between katniss and joanna in catching fire like these lyrics here. and sure, joanna was never the biggest fan of the other girl, but we do eventually see a friendship of sorts, both clouded and grounded in the two womens' mutual respect for one anothers' detatched aspects, far less warm than say peeta, or finnick.
finally, "the view between villages," which, as one of the only victors we see from 7, is such a gut-wrenching song when thought of with joanna in mind. "a minute from home, but i feel so far from it." this for the woman taken from her family to play in the games, only to return, likely traumatized, with her perspective on her district ultimatley changed and forever altered by the death of cede family at the hands of the capitol. "it's all washin' over me, i'm angry again/ the things that i lost here, the people i knew." again, this sentiment of frustration at returning home and the memories it brings about. and then of course, the obvious allusion made by the literal view between villages, a perfect means of capturing joanna's new life as a victor, pulled between the capitol and her home that no longer feels like it once did.
moving on to treech (or at least the version we see in the movie) who i think is probably best represented by "halloween." i find that i can often etch out meaning in every lyric of this song when it comes to him and specifically his relationship with lamina and the way it seems to haunt him after her death and even before. early in the song we get the lyric "i worry for you, you worry for me," which i feel really digs into their initial and even lingering dynamic: the way treech moves to protect her when shots are fired at the zoo and the obvious attachment she feels for him in return. then we have "the wreckage of you i no longer reside in/ the bridges have long since been burnt." here i have to imagine the wreckage as a sort of symbolic stand in for the state lamina is in throughout the lead up to the games, with the burned bridges obviously being when he turns his back on her. "it's not halloween, but the ghost you dressed up as/ sure knows how to haunt." i have to imagine treech spends the remainder of the games, and his life sort of haunted by what took place the day coral and mizzen killed lamina, we can see it on his face, this sort of all consuming guilt, but then that lyric is followed with "it's an ode to the hole that i/ found myself stuck in/ a song for the grave that i dug," and this is really the nail in the coffin for me, as suddenly this feels like the perfect song to capture the sort of complex grief he may have felt, mourning her loss, regretting the betrayal, and ultimately laying some of the blame on himself.
now this one i feel hinges a bit more on my own personal headcannons, but i see so much of "paul revere" in treech as well. we have this kid here who does his best to sort of distance himself from the one thing tying him to his home, likely for better odds of survival, but it still feels a bit like a betrayal of his district. i think symbolically, the home represented by the song here has to be taken as representing lamina, because i cannot imagine treech would fight so hard to win the games, even leaving his own district partner if it wasn't out of sheer desperation to return. still, a lot of the imagery here certainly conjures the 7 i see when i picture the district, sort of rural and cold, with mentions of the mountains we know 7 would have (being around the washington area). but in this case i'm looking specifically at the lyrics "and when they ask me who i am/ i'll say, "i'm not from around here"," which for me conjures the moment treech abandons lamina during the arena tour and the way it represents a sort of abandonment of his previous identity in favor of survival. there's also "it's typical, i fear/ folks just disappear," which i think can be read both as the way people would likely disappear from 7 over the years due to the games, but also the way that even if they returned, it was changed.
finally, my beautiful girl, lamina, who, more than any other song on the album, captures the essence of "come over". this connection also moves a bit into my own personal headcannons for lamina and specifically her relationship with treech, but even outside of that, the song's very first lyrics resonant so deeply with her situation: "i'm in the business of losing your interest/ and i turn a profit each time that we speak," mirroring the way treech pulls away, leaving her before the games have even begun. also, we have the lyric "so when they mention the sad/ kid in the sad house on balch street/ you won't have to guess who they're speaking about," which for this girl who i think we can assume has always been a sort of gentle force makes so much sense. now we kind of get into opinions of mine, but i've always imagined treech and lamina as maybe childhood friends or cousins, with lamina being a bit better off, and therefore treech spending a good deal of time at her house when they were young (in my mind it also sort of contributes to the way the betrayal went down with lamina, who lead a somewhat easier life growing up having a lower inclination towards survival and treech having a bit of stored up resentment for the conditions he was raised in in contrast with hers). that's why for me the idea of this song is so strongly tied to lamina, beckoning him to come over, to stay the night, to take comfort in the safety of her home (tbh i might write a oneshot about this). also, the lyrics "i know that it ain't much/ i know that it ain't cool/ oh, you don't have to tell/ the other kids at school." i can totally see treech as a kid being a bit embarrased of this companion who can barely stand her own ground and lamina who knows this giving him what she can anyways because that is the kind of person she is.
also, last one i promise, but "you're gonna go far," which for me also conjures pre-games treech and lamina and the way that he likely had this idea that she would make something of her life before everything went to hell. and even outside of that, lamina to me, will always represent the lyric "you're the greatest thing we've lost," with her unabashed kindness and bravery and the way district 7 probably mourned for the quiet girl with the red hair who always had the power to do more.
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popculturebuffet · 21 days
Labor Day Striketacular II: The Jefferson's Florence's Union
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Hello all you happy people and happy labor day.
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A time to relax, celebrate all your hard work and
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It's also time for what's become a yearly tradition: our labor day striketacular, a look at strike themed episoders.. and once again there's a labor despute going on this time with both the animation and video game voice actors rightfully going on strike. Given teh head of amazon games actually said "there's no acting in games anyway" despite you know, several of the parent companies hottest shows coming from gaming and runnin ga game company, it feels like this might not settle.
So to stand in solidarity have something that's neither a video game nor animation, but still gets across the spirit that unionns are necessary and those against them generally just don't really give a shit about the worker and want to bust them soley for their own sake.
Thus we're back with the Jefferson's, Kev's faviorite sitcom. And I happily endulge as... I get it
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I GET it. And i'm glad he did as not only was this a decent, if uneven episode, we'll get to that, and it's fun to see sitcoms take on strikes, it also let me know you can watch this episode and many more for FREE
Yup whole episode right there and that channel the norman lear effect is slowly uploading pretty much all of his shows. You want to see all in the family? have some good times? finally watch facts of life or the original one day at a time? (Though do yourself a favor and check out the netflix reboot, his final live action sitcom, it's fucking great). IT's all here and it's all damn good and i'm so happy it's being shared. So join me under the cut as we move on up once again and as George flip flops on unions a few times and makes an ass of himself.. so about what you'd expect out of Jeffersons about unions really but still not bad.
We open with Louise , the head out of the house making some peeking duck when her maid, Florence wants her to leave. She wants her out of the house and to go see a movie, a charming sounding slasher. I mean I would but I get that's not WHeezie's thing so she sticks around long enough to see who Flo is waiting for: A fellow maid. As the name suggests Florence is trying to get a union started in their building, having been drafted as possible leader by a local unionizer.
I like this opening because while Flo and WHeezie are really just as much best friends as maid and employer, that line of one writing the others checks is always going to be there and Flo can't guarantee Wheezie will be on her side.
Wheezie is of course for two reasons: She's a saint and she was a maid. She knows how hard it is and the episode firmly shows WHY the maids are unionizing: their bosses treat them like furniture dressing them (The maid who showed up is dressed in a sterotypical maid's uniform and one at the full meeting later complaints about being dressed to match the tacky furniture), exerting control over them and not giving them paid vacation. Wheezie goes on at length about an awful boss who always complaind any time she so much as talked and she coudln't leave because of the bills. It's a nice reminder Wheezie.. hasn't forgotten where she came from. That of the two jeffersons she's the groudned one remembering how hard it was to get here and thus helping prop others up.
Naturally.. George is the perfect counterpoint to this, a nice conflict I love being brought up: that just because you struggled to get where you are or had a hard life.. dosen't mean you actually care about the people still on the ground trying to move on up like you did. We see it on the right all the time and if you wanted to avoid me being political why the hell did you read this far in a review of a norman lear show? You've got fucks like vp canditate jd vance writing an entire novel to paint the place he came from as a place populated by simple hillfolk who don't know better. The truth is it's up to those who have power or have gained it to help, to remember their empathy and where they came from or where they may never have been.
George however is a king sized ass with no empathy to him, so when he finds wheezie with flo's friend who works for the owner of the buildling (the one in the maid outfit) and the union's organizer who smells peeking duck a mile away and is shocked Wheezie isn't a maid herself , he's an ass. Granted the union rep insults him, but that's a natural response to being around george for more than a minute.
George not supporting unions though makes sense: it's a character trait of Geroge's i've seen that for the most part, he's ditched his past, tries to leave it behind. He's proud of how far he's come and will fucking wreck you if your a racist piece of a shit, easily. But he's also argoant, in love with his money, and has to be reminded where he started some of the time. It's why I like the character: he's hard to watch sometims, but like Archie Bunker, his direct foil, he's a flawed man shaped by how he grew up who badly needs to grow as a person and sometimes just.. might not. This is an issue he dosen't agree with as he thinks Flo does little work, hates her on sight and only hired her on Wheezie's urging. Of course he's not going to like something she supports and Flo isn't helping win him over.
Granted he takes it too far... assuming because it's partly his house he can block a meeting from being held there, and flip flopping when the other maid mentions who she works for.. then flip flopping again when the building owners goon shows up to say the man's disgust and george, to suck up, agrees and refuses.
So rather than... just ignore george and have the meeting anyway as it's her house and he can sleep outside it for the night if he wants to mak ea dael of it and is being an unresonable ass, or point out "I was a maid too ya dick"... WHeezie... tricks him to go out with their rich neighbor who shows up in his underwear in the intro for some reason
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But dosen't show up in the episode otherwise, while she sneaks the maids in. And this part of the ep feels.. weak. While I do think Wheezie prefers to just work AROUND george, and he wasn't listening to reason.. I don't see her as backing down this easily nor letting his nonsense ensue. Granted I also have only seen about 5 episodes of the show, so I could be entirely wrong. Or she could simply not want George to make a giant scene which.. fair.
So after a few natural "oh no he wont' leave and their hear early" shenanigans we get the Maid's meeting which I do enjoy as they talk about just how.. inhumanly their treated. The dress thing from earlier, one marking the scotch bottle "Good thing I drink burbon", as well as Florence struggling to get them to make actual demands.. and then getting to them and their all.. fair: Sick leave, vacation pay, a raise. All stuff people should have in general and shouldn't need a union to get.
Naturally this quickly goes to shit as OF COURSE George comes home. And OF COURSE the guy who owns the building who i'm not giving the dignity of learning his name as h'es both your standard white guy and a giant asshole, shows up. And this part does work better as it shows WHY it can often be hard to argue with management and why you need an intermediary like a unionn, something hard and in place... because this fuckers first instict is to try to get names and faces, with most hiding it. And while ti's played slightly as a gag... it's also a very real peril. Florence's Friend from earlier is horrified when she exits the bathroom to find the guy there and is forced to go with him: she has kids to support. All they want is basic rights and this fucker wants to threaten their livelihoods. It's why I don't care to remember what his name is: there's a thousand employers like him who will gladly bust a union simply to save a penny. It's why the AI fight is so vital: bosses genuinely WANT to replace actors and creators with ai because it's cheaper and can't be let to do that. Unions are important because sometimes it's the only voice the worker has.
And that's driven home as Florence TRIES to be civil. She dosen't like the guy.. but asks him to simply just listen. And his repsonse? "Why would I do that?" It's simple, and punches you in the throat. It's why this episode mostly works for me: the two union busting assholes we see are over the top enough to fit this breed of dick... but still restrained enough to be a boss you could have. The kind who dosne't care about you and will gladly fire you for trying to make your life better for asking for the bare minimum.
When wheezie gently presses it he says "tha'ts the problem with you people". And unfortunately for him he pressed the "you people" button
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So George steps in and shows his inner noblilitY: he may be a dick.. but NO ONE is a dick to his wife. His maid yes, he says it himself. Florence is less than surprised. But Wheezie for all he tries to walk over her... is the one thing you cannot fuck with and expect to get away. He then boldly lets the union use his place and when that's too big one of his shops and when mr white antagonist tries to use the fact he owns the leases to both, George beats him with simple logic: he pays his rent on time for both. He has nothing to fear. And yeaht he guy could use shady tactics, but that just gives George ammo for a lawsuit (Which George can more than afford) or to go to the press. George is a hero
Sadly.. this episode messes itself up with a button. Geroge backtracks and we end on him calming that was a tiny man pretending ot be him. I get needing to end on a gag and it is in character.. but it kinda removes the punch a bit to have george try to walk it back. Realistic yes, really fitting with the episode.. no.
So this episode is decent having some solid jokes, fun george antics and a great message.. but it's muted a bit. While there being no clear ending to the union, if Flo's friend will stay in it, or even stay employed works, Norman Lear was ace at sometimes not giving the cleanest resolution, I feel Florence kinda fades into the background in the second half, being more passive until the asshole arrives and then saying nothing. It feels like the big defense speech SHOULD'VE been hers. This episode was solid getting across the issue without offering an easy solution but COULD have been so much stronger. Thanks for reading
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heartsick-honeybee · 1 year
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Okay. Now I'm fucking mad.
But since you keep blocking me let me just air this out.
You can call me immature all you want but let's get some things straight
First off I never said a fucking word to you or about you before you blocked me. And then you unblock me to send me this crap and block me again, okay
Second off, she NEVER ONCE USED YOUR NAME. You made a PUBLIC POST with her name on it. And EVEN when she DEFENDED herself she STILL didn't use your name.
In addition as far as your very public "server" comment. Yeah, pretty sure you mean me. And again. I didn't say any names. Presuming I meant you kind of seems like guilt to me. Particular as I in fact didn't SOLEY mean you.
That day YOU weren't the one the initial Convo was even about.
That's guilt.
But I digress.
You tell me not to insinuate something and on the same breathe apparently are going to start a war because she defended herself WITHOUT even using your name? That's fucking cute.
Oh and it's also cute how you wrote me but not her.
Let's get this straight.
She is the nicest fucking person I've met in my life.
She is sweet and kind and mild and just doesn't have it to stand up for herself the way is needed here.
I, on the other hand am not. I have no such reservations. I'm a bitch. You chose the wrong one of us to write. ESPECIALLY before blocking because I'm going to say my fucking piece and if you would rather have it public than private than then be my fucking guest.
"I'm going to screenshot this for my benefit"
But not actually have that conversation? Just so you can show people you wrote me for the clout and woah is me? Clout this.
Words can be misread, actions aren't misread.
I saw that post and that person said nothing that wasn't kind about EITHER if you. You did not have to start shit.
Especially something about her not supporting other writers? That's funny considering you blocked her first.
As far as you not reading her shit that's also funny since you had it bookmarkes on A03 before she came to Tumblr.
The fact you'd blatantly have 1500+ followers and use your popularity with them to publically post lies against someone who's new here to the point she's being bullied off the site is absolute fucking bullshit.
"You're misreading my tone. I'm offended you'd insinuate "
And to someone who won't defend themselves?! That post she put is hardly even a defense. And the fact you can publically post WITH HER NAME trying to play the victim and talking shit and yet start shit over what little she did to defend herself, absolutely fuck you.
Yes you're right, I am 32. I am too old for this shit. I am too old for assholes like you who think growing-up means condoning 16yr old level bullying without saying a word because apparently being an adult means ignoring it.
Absolutely not. Being an adult means you shouldn't fucking be doing it and I am SURELY going to call you out on your shit if you think it's so cute to play these games.
You really wanted to say something, you want to write me, you write me and we talk inbox. You wanted to be a coward and get your little bit in and block me, don't blame me for everyone seeing your dirty laundry, this is what you wanted.
Here's a new thought. Instead of lying to your fans to play the victim here why don't you tell them the truth.
All of this started before she ever said a single word to or about you.
But you don't want to include that part do you Finnie?
New Edit:
I took this down because Finnie talked to me personally and asked if we could mutually let this drop, and we agreed. Despite the fact I only posted this one thing and they, throughout the time made SEVERAL harmful post even publically calling us names and acting like WE bullied YOU, But hey, we agreed anyway. And this post has been taken down for a few weeks and no further have been made... Only for them to talk shit non-stop this entire fucking time.
I am sick of this.
I am absolutely sick of your gaslighting victim playing lying bullshit.
You're such a goddamned narcissist.
You and your little circlejerk of friends that claim youd "NEVER BULLY ANYONE" even while you're blatantly making public posts calling someone a vile cunt is ridiculous. You can keep patting eachother in the back with your fucking pity party bullshit.
You literally bullied her into deleting her account.
And yes, telling harmful lies about how someone is "being mean to you for no reason" after you blatantly outted their name publically for no other reason than YOUR OWN GODDAMNED PARANOIA is shit.
Because you DECIDED that some fucking rando no one ever heard of literally copy pasting on AO3 MUST mean YOU.
What the ABSOLUTE fuck is wrong with you?!
And no, I'm not down to play with this.
If you're reading this and your first thoughts are
"Omg it's so childish to speak up, being an adult is accepting bullying" then you can absolutely suck my dick and choke on it.
Your mentality is the problem with the world.
Being an adult is knowing when to speak up against injustice.
And anyone who's ignorant enough to think I'm full of shit for no other reason than I am angry and speaking crass need to revaluate their life and values..
Yes I am mad. Someone should be.
If you're stupid enough to believe a narcissist because they're playing stupid and throwing a tantrum, do PLEASE block me. The fact the majority of you people automatically took their side without even ASKING Caesaria a goddamned word despite having supposedly been fans says enough to me.
You don't care what the truth is, CLEARLY, or your have gone out of your way to talk to HER and get both sides.
You made up your mind from the first moment because you have bias towards a narcissistic disgusting excuse for an individual who's playing you all like a flute.
Or for a few of you who commented on this, because you're the same type of person and condemning them while doing the same shit makes you look bad, right?
Fuck. You.
On the bright side since Caesaria deleted her account, I can finally speak my mind. She didn't want to cause more uproar.
I on the other hand am sick of seeing this one sided bullshit.
Yes. Of course you privately inboxed us privately asking us to delete our side meanwhile being very vocal on your end to make everything completely one sided. You must manipulate people a lot, huh?
I would love to note.
In the original post I didn't talk shit.. I didn't do anything but state the facts.
Now? Now yeah, I'm being a cunt. After all, you publically called me one in your post I may as well make SOMETHING you said have a shred of truth, right? You're fucking welcome. 🩷
Oh and one more thing.
"inb4" the whole "you're making enemies" thing...
Any person who is such a terrible human being as to be a part of this crap is NO ONE I'd ever want to associate with at my WORST of days.
All I'm doing is causing a group of gross people out themselves upfront.
Getting rid of shitty people in mass is much less problematic than ending up dealing with them individually in the long run anyway.
Good riddance.
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rat-woman876 · 1 year
Pile bunker.
(Also this is MR BUBBLES V1, A AC based on Bioshock's Big Daddy)
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Its a AC6 weapon and dear god is it my favorite one
Just as a idea its so aggressive, so low tech in comparison to basically everything else.
I mean its a SPIKE with a small exspolsive (to a AC) behind it, its so simple in comparison to the pulse blade which is basically a laser sword tuned to a specific frequency which helps it beat pulse armor, or hell its even simpler then BIG CHAINSAW.
Its also so aggressive in its idea, it literally says it gores other ACs and probably whoever is inside, the sound it makes is so just mean, it snaps and almost has a bark to it, its unbelievably large in comparison to other melee weapons despite just being a big spike.
Also the sparks that fly off of it and whatever you nailed with it sell the idea of "goring" a machine, when I hit a MT with it the poor thing gets FLUNG multiple meters before it exspoleds due to its systems being a wreck, when it hits a AC theres this CRUNCH that sounds like it about killed the AC and its pilot in one hit.
I wouldn't even say it "Overheats" thats more or less the term the game uses for it, the animation suggests more a "pulling back" like a crossbow almost, the massive machinery around it exists soley to add even more violence behind it, also the charge attack animation and sound, how it pulls back even more and LITERALLY exspoldes forward and its so violent and heavey it seems like your AC is barely able to keep the thing under control, hell the motion is basically a spiked uppercut which is probably the most optimal way to use it, or punching down to keep as steady as possible and to hit as much as possible.
And sure other melees feel nice to use but I don't want nice, I want heavy, mean, I want my weapon to sound like not even my AC can handle its power, its the "I wanna break shit" weapon, the "you fucked around time to find out" weapon, its the Pilebunker, its the thing permanently attached to the left arm of ALL my ACs.
Its my favorite weapon.
That is all. Stay safe.
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birlwrites · 1 year
This is probably a strange ask but how is it would you see the characters of different aus interacting with each other.
I do not remember much of stga (looking at the bookmark notes mine is just arsonist reg and lily kills Voldemort) but Regulus and lachrimae would be the most divided of all of them based soley on stances of the war, maybe, i need to reread it to get a better understanding.
Career Goals is a slightly more violent version of atfhv, but they would maybe compare plans if their brains would go the trust the alternate you route rather than kill them.
Stga! Reg having killed barty and seeing every other Regulus be best friends with him would be a bit awkward.
I feel like many if not all of the Evan variants would be incredibly intrigued by the whole thing and (hopefully) one of them would give Regulus a hug.
there was a period of time when i was talking with an anon about what would happen if various stga characters and ttdl characters met - unfortunately i don't think i tagged those posts with anything to help find them again later ajflskghkjf, maybe i'll go do that when i feel like procrastinating on other things
ok UPDATE i did it just now actually, this type of post will now be tagged #fic interactions!
lachrimae regulus would probably face a lot of sideeye from stga regulus and tyrant regulus in particular, as they're the most 'SOLVE YOUR PROBLEMS BEFORE THEY SOLVE YOU' - i think ttdl regulus would also be on board the 'you have literally so much power why aren't you uSING IT' train but with a muted sense of 'yeah i see the chess game he is playing here and i would not want to play it either'
tyrant regulus and ttdl regulus have the same goal but are going about it in wILDLY different ways, ttdl regulus is playing 5d chess along the lines of what lachrimae regulus is doing and tyrant regulus is in solidarity with stga regulus's 'uhhh well voldemort said some shit to me and i didn't like his tone so i'm going to piss him off in front of everyone and also dive into literally every fight headfirst' approach
i feel like every evan at this meetup would be equally distressed for very different reasons afjslkghsjfd, ttdl evan is worried about every other regulus's safety (ttdl regulus suddenly looks like the cautious one, except for lachrimae regulus who has different problems), lachrimae evan thinks literally every other regulus is going to make a wrong move and get himself killed horribly, stga evan just is confused by everything, tyrant evan actually isn't particularly concerned because he knows regulus is capable of committing murder in self defense :) he'll be okay :)
(which makes every other evan, except stga evan who's still confused, EVEN MORE CONCERNED)
stga regulus is very very uncomfortable looking at all these bartys and evans afjslgkhskjghdjkf, lachrimae regulus and evan hold hands and stga regulus and evan look at each other like 😰 and the ttdl and tyrant reguluses and evans are in absolute shock over this public, obvious, non-painkiller-induced display of affection
ttdl regulus, a bit offended: the other houses were never in question
tyrant regulus: *nodding*
lachrimae regulus very quietly: the hat thought about ravenclaw
ttdl regulus, now very offended: so you decided to spend seven years with the house of RECKLESS BONEHEADS?
literally every barty: *snickering*
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skaruresonic · 9 months
The ultimate thing that plagued fandom is how Sonic's personality outside attitude wasn't cared for since day 1. The heavy US marketing 1991-4 is the only thing the fandom and general public truly cared
Even after 1995 marketing stopped the rivalry, game forums and reviewers still tacked the "Sega does what Nintendon't" slogan till 2008 at least!
It doesn't help how it took till 1995 for manual lore to properly be translated. Even then, no one read it, so they just assumed the only serious Sonic is Satam. It didn't help how the 1995-97 period was devoid of legit games for Saturn, a game collection being done because even in Japan general audiences barely remembered him
So with Saturn's failure everyone was salty to find Sonic changed for Adventure, and disrupted US/UK alt media for a true canon. While Adventure had its newfound fans, older ones were bitter because it did not fit their misinterpretation. Then SA2 was the last 1st party game Sonic had, and both older fans and reviewers truly soured view of him
The advent of 2000s fancomics and fan parodies were rife with extreme bias. Sonic himself was used as a speaking piece to diss later characters, to perpetuate the outdated Nintendo rivalry, to in short, be a dick and shape opinion, as well as encourage a heavy anti Sega mentality, while also treating fans like they know better. Sonic Retro and Cult were infamous for the toxicity
It's also why I can't fault 06 soley for rep at the time, reviewers and fans were shitting on anything not Genesis. Spinoff 2D titles were just ignored, Shadow 05 failed for rep despite it literally answering the fandom's yearning for guns, and everyone acted like Sonic wasn't himself anymore, despite Sonic Team's continuity despite being light was stable
The toxicity is so bad Sega supported it for the Sonic 4 campaign, even the incorrect mistranslation of "Needlemouse". I'm honestly glad the game failed for rep, it'd be disastrous if fans got verified thinking they can shape everything
I'm not surprised there's a huge pushback of revisting what were once hated games, though it's clear the fandom just took on traits of the previous gen for later games. It's the same shit.
Similarly, it's very clear the fandom doesn't want to evolve gameplay or lore. The amount of finished samey fangames since early 2000s is depressing. More unique ones rarely get out. It's why SAGE started none Sonic entries
Nostalgia of the past gen games also sadly ignores historical and economical context, lending to rose tinting. For every SMB3 on the NES, there were 30 trash NES games no one cared. YouTubers harmed game talk for a decade with the shortsighted ness and bias
Similarly people think all PSX games look like either MegaMan Legends or Crash, with 0 inbetween. It's sad
I feel Sonic discourse represents a core problem with the gaming fandoms: it doesn't matter how talented you are, you all are dissing and ignoring history and context for a cheap nostalgic quip. No wonder 2010s gaming got super nostalgia catering, same with Indie gaming
I'm sorry for potentially Doomposting, but at this point I can't think of any solutions to fix fandom
It's almost hard to believe given the anti-Pontaff sentiment these days, but once upon a time Colors was considered the saving grace of the series because it offered a "return to form" of the Classic formula of Sonic and Tails embarking on an adventure to stop Eggman. You remember? Pepperidge Farm remembers.
I feel like the "Sonic was never good" crowd have some kind of stick up their ass about the 3D games, but they don't want to come out and say as much for whatever reason. They subscribe to the idea that the Genesis games were the only good games, but the fact that they don't like Mania or Superstars either kinda tells me it's not the formula they like, but rather, the time period in which the Genesis games were made. A game that copies and polishes 3/4th of its content from the Classics somehow isn't good enough. It lacks the je ne sais quois of the original, they say, forgetting that the only difference is they aren't kids anymore.
Then ofc you get the real galaxy brains who contend that "Sonic was never good" because Sonic games... are linear... and require skill to build speed, as opposed to simply granting you speed right off the bat... And at some point, listening to them just gives you the creeping suspicion like they've never played a Viddy Game in their life. Somehow non-fans are after all these years still under the impression that Sonic games involve no skill, like it's just "boost to win" until you reach the end, and then they get mad when the game doesn't reward them for playing shittily lol.
It's also why I can't fault 06 soley for rep at the time, reviewers and fans were shitting on anything not Genesis. Spinoff 2D titles were just ignored, Shadow 05 failed for rep despite it literally answering the fandom's yearning for guns, and everyone acted like Sonic wasn't himself anymore, despite Sonic Team's continuity despite being light was stable Oof, I know. Sega really dug themselves a deep hole with the release of '06 and GBA!Sonic 1. Decades on, we still can't escape people saying "Sonic's had a rough transition to 3D," despite the transition occurring 25 years ago... A quarter-freakin'-century.
Also, I remember hearing they gave Shadow a gun because Sega was receiving letters from kids asking to give Sonic a gun. It's worth noting that CoD was really big at the time. ShTH!Sonic is a tad hyperactive, granted, but he's not terribly so to the point of flanderization. Fandoms be exaggerating. --- The advent of 2000s fancomics and fan parodies were rife with extreme bias. Sonic himself was used as a speaking piece to diss later characters, to perpetuate the outdated Nintendo rivalry, to in short, be a dick and shape opinion, as well as encourage a heavy anti Sega mentality, while also treating fans like they know better. Sonic Retro and Cult were infamous for the toxicity
You'd think porting SA2 over to the GameCube and the release of Advance 1 on the GBA would have put the kibosh on that, but old habits die hard, I suppose.
Personally, I don't remember seeing a whole lot of cynical, hardbitten Sonic in fan spaces outside of parody comics like inSONICnia, though it's possible that I just wasn't paying enough attention. What I do remember was seeing a lot of "Sonic's shitty friends." Namely, how there were too many of them, and how often non-fans called for them to die - sometimes going so far as to include Knuckles, Amy, and Tails! Like some people legitimately thought Sonic should have featured just Sonic and Eggman and no one else despite that never being the case since freakin' 1991.
The aughts were weird.
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markrosewater · 2 years
I asked a question earlier in the week about if products will always feel like they are soley focused on Commander and Casual play or if it was a pendulum swinging kind of thing. You response was that you have a play design team to design for other kinds of players. I don't get that answer. I'm talking about how current products feel they are designed with only casual and commander in mind and how products released in the last 6 months having nothing for me because of this focus. And you response is we have a play/design to make sure that doesn't happen. .... But that is literally not how the current products feel even ones that have the current play design team working on them.... So did I not explain my question well enough or is there something I'm not understanding about the answer? I know Play/Design has been a thing for about 8 years now, but these products being released feel like they are designed by people that only play and only care about casual players and commander players they don't FEEL like anyone involved with them care about making fun cards and formats for other players. I KNOW that there is nothing that excites me or interests me or makes me want to buy these products that are currently being release. I don't understand how saying play/design is a thing is an answer to my question.
We’re talking past each other. You’re unhappy because you feel the way you enjoy playing Magic is being overlooked. In asking your question, you overgeneralized the category to “competitive”, so I replied to that larger category.
We spend a lot of time on competitive play and between sanctioned and digital play, a huge amount of competitive games get played. We have a lot of data on it, and, in general, players have been enjoying competitive play.
But none of that means *you*, in particular are enjoying what we’re designing. So, let’s not talk to the larger category. Let’s talk about the specific things you enjoy that have been missing.
What kinds of cards and/or gameplay makes for the Magic you enjoy most? Giving examples of cards/decks from the past would be useful.
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wonderlandhour · 2 months
TWST Characters/OCs as Things I Quote Way Too Often But It's Soley Based on Vibes
Wow, automatic doors, how convenient! - Ash/Yuu
We shot him in the legs because his shield is the size of a dinner plate and hes an idiot - General Lilia
I have god and anime on my side! - Idia probably, if not Ortho
{calls wrong name} [calls a different wrong name again]- Tom Dick Harry! [usually correct name] - one of the teachers, probably Trein
the I Am Not a Person, I'm Three Possums in a Coat song - Chenya/Floyd
Bitch I Mightwing - i think this would be Ace
It's the Quenchiest! - Epel and Deuce are the only ones dumb enough to drink cactus juice. so one of them.
Shut the fuck your mouth you piece of shit! - Riddle if he swore (it's Jamil post blot otherwise, lol)
Barbeque Sauce on my Tiddies - Epel
The Time For Planning is over! It's Time to Bullshit! - Sora
Megan, nO! - Azul
Bada Bibble?! Pff! - Cheka/Ortho
Quint Brand Violin Egg Tarts Soda Marathon - Leona makeing fun of Malleus (who i refuse to believe doesn't have one of those long ass royal names)
No Beta We Die Like Men - Deuce going into Any Fight
I am very small. and have no money. so you can imagine the kind of stress that i am under. - Ortho
There you are darling. I've been looking all over for you. - Malleus
The Entire What's New Scooby Doo Theme Song - Sebek would go HARD on that. others too but mostly Sebek.
What do you have? -a KNIFE! - NO!! - Ash and Grim\
Nyan Cat Song - Once Again Chenya/Floyd.
It was the sword bitchen! - Lilia about his Magearm
Knucles, here's your bitch back - an unconscious silver being delivers back to diasomnia by someone
SaSa LeLe - Ruggie
Welcome To Hell, Bitch - honestly about half the cast . . . but mostly Ace
We Deserve a Soft Epilogue, My Love - Malleus
Pick a God and Pray - Idia playing literally any video game
There's no need to wonder where you god is! cause he's right here. and hes fresh out of mercy. - Lilia's response
a supercomputer. calculating for a thousand years, could not even approach the number of fucks i do not give. - Leona
Oh No He's Hot - Cater literally every day
NO CAPES! - Crewel
And They Were Roommates! - Kalim
Niga Te Boogiboo - Floyd post Stitch Event
- Warning, the More Dirty Ones under the cut -
I got a mortgage, how 'bout fuck bitches get money! - Ruggie
I happen to have a large dick, however i don't have it with me - Namja for sure
what's up sluts, guess who justs got out of prision! - Leona
Big Dick Energy Leads to Big Dick Injury, call 1-800-BIG-DICK - Ace
you haven't seen a pussy since you came out of your mother's vagina, shut the fuck up - Thalia
Hon Hon Hon, Titty Croissant - Epel badly mimicking Rook
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not-a-puzzle · 6 months
Why the "pick-me" insult is sexist and transphobic, and why it needs to stop being tossed around like rice at a wedding.
I can't hide it; I've hated this insult ever since I first heard it come out of a snobby teenage girl's mouth. Something about it fired up my instincts, it got under my skin like salt on a snail's underbelly where it scratched and burned until I had to get myself to address why I hate it so much.
Well first off was the way I first heard it used, in a snobby, holier than thou tone said in a very mean girl type way, y'all know what I'm talking about. The Blaire White type tone. Judgmental, derogatory, like the way Fundamentalist Christians say slurs against trans people.
And that brings me to my next point, the term is undeniably transphobic, or at least, regressive to non-binary expressions of gender. Ya'll might think it's an insult used towards a certain attitude or behavior, but alas, I've seen this term used against tomboys or any girl who doesn't express herself in a hyperfeminine way enough times to know it's really sexism fueling the sheer amount we hear this term flung about now. (And I suspect there's actually a right-wing element to this.)
But on top of that, it runs under the assumption that any thing girls do is soley to catch the attention of men. Wear a crop top? You're doing that for men? Showing your shoulders, OH YOU WHORE! So by assuming a girl is a tomboy or likes video games or whatever that they're just screaming, "OMG BOYZ PICK ME OMG!!" you are making a judgement based off fucking nothing, often by people who do nothing but yell the second they turn on a camera, or want a reason to bully someone, cause a guess life is too boring for y'all if you're not harassing someone at least once a day?
What makes it worse is that most girls aren't super feminine. Lots of girls like things boys like too and vice versa, and yet our society is still so segregated based on gender that we STILL gender things from color to hobbies to clothing. Isn't that so old-fashioned you can smell the rancidity??
And do you ever consider if she's trying to not be like other girls, maybe it has nothing to do with her not liking girls, but with the rapid capitalist fueled consumerism and shallowness and unwritten social rules girls are being brainwashed with. (I mean, look at the 10- and 11-year-olds making a mess of Sephora and tell me that's how girls are meant to act naturally. No, they've been brainwashed by social media, and sadly, they want to grow up far too quickly and don't value their childhood, but rant for another day.)
And to round out this rant, I will say a lot of tomboys are girls on the autism spectrum, thus they may find it easier to befriend guys than girls (at least when they're all young) because guys generally (note I say generally here) are less prone to enforcing unwritten social rules and confusing figurative language than girls are. And guess what? A hallmark autism is a more literal mindset than a social one.
And besides, in the situation that a girl takes on a new way of expressing herself to attract guys, what's actually wrong with that? Don't you know how often I've seen girls dress up and fake act like a guy's jokes are so funny so they can start a relationship? Because someone wants to loved or horny or both. (Which there's nothing wrong with.) So, why is it wrong to use the technique of wanting to attract someone by being interested in things they're interested in? Or worse yet, not running around shouting about how "all men are pigs." So, oh dear, pick me isn't just sexist against women, it's sexist against men, because I also often see it used against women who don't hate all men.
Or say it's an incel type situation, JUST FUCKING CALL HER AN INCEL? WTF is up with gendering our insults. Why do guys and girls need different terms if it's actually the case for showing the same behaviors? Call women simps, call them incels, stop reserving insults for guys until you want to assume a girl is just doing something for guy's attention for which you want to shame her for that aspect. (Because it's wrong to be horny all the sudden? This not only pisses me off, but it also confuses the hell out of me.) But hey, you judgmental bitches out there, maybe she, a girl a woman, LIKES SOMETHING!! OH NO!! How dare she, she's a femiod! (Do I need to point out the last few sentences are sarcasm?)
And remember girls, pick-me is not an insult against loser-type, blaming everyone else for their mistake's behavior like incel is, it's a direct insult against a girl DARING to go against pre-established gender roles. Who are the people actually putting boys and girls in boxes, affirming established gender roles by implying other types of behavior is against the norm? Is it the simple tomboy, or the jerks who continue using this insult without realizing it's an insult created specifically to force traditional femininity upon women instead of letting them be who they are.
(A lot of these "dreaded pick-me's" are probably non-binary too folks.)
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Don't get me wrong, this gif goes both ways. Obviously when girls have been boxed in all their lives, they're gonna get obnoxious about it when they aren't inside the box anymore. Yet, those who fling around the pick-me insult are calling attention to the breaking of gender roles all the more, and in the way that actually enforces them rather than the thing I think "pick-me's" actually do, and that's desperately trying to build a unique personality and find themselves in a world that still limits women so much. Can you blame someone for trying to fight against something, even if they are doing so in a sloppy way?
Well, I'll leave off this long rant post with saying this was inspired when the Misery Machine posted a video of a woman who fucking murdered people, but instead of actually focusing on the crime, they focus on the aspect of her being a pick-me. Why? She was goth. Yup. I bet you're pissed too now. Her being a pick me had nothing to do with being a murderer, so why even bring it up?
I'm not trying to language police, I'm just trying to call out attention to quite frankly might just be a new slur, which people will look back on in shame. There's so much hatred against a lot of today's slang, so why isn't the worst slang getting more hatred than words like gyatt or fantom tax, which are harmless at the end of the day.
My main point, LET PEOPLE ENJOY THINGS and MIND YOUR OWN BUISNESS!!!! Let's be aware of all the little things designed to degrade people and bring them down while the corporations profit off our insecurities they created in us, and we can start by not using insults coined by Grey's Anatomy of all things.
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