#and it eventually dawned on me that the reboot
cantsayidont · 11 months
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June 1998. Among DC's more infuriating editorial tendencies is a penchant for blowing up characters and continuity and then later bringing back the discarded versions very briefly, either to stomp on them all over again, or just to remind you that the earlier version existed, but you're not allowed to have it anymore. To exemplify the point, here's a scene from LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES #105 where the cutesy reboot Legion's Shrinking Violet encounters the older, butch version of herself from the pre-Zero Hour series.
(The visual parallel between the older Vi and Lightning Lass and the younger Violet comforting Kinetix is just bait — there was nothing to see there.)
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mockerycrow · 1 year
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Undercover IV (Soap x GN!Reader)
undercover series masterlist — previous | next
Summary: You have a rocky introduction with John Price and you continue your interview, despite a certain someone’s hesitant protests. You finally have your dreaded psych evaluation while your stress reaches it’s peak.
A/N: considering this is a reboot timeline + Makarov is only vaguely mentioned in mw2, i’m taking inspo from og mw and adding my own spices. and holy shit why was this so difficult to complete??? i also apologize for this taking so long, i live where the smoke from the canadian fires dragged across and my chest hurts. update: russian was corrected!
[WARNINGS: flashbacks, Price is a bit of an ass but trust me, vague descriptions of torture and murder, angst.]
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“I learned from him that often contradiction is the clearest way to truth.” -Patti Smith.
“We need to get your head on straight.”
That’s what Price said, and I don’t know what about how he said it made me mad, but oh boy, did it fucking piss me off. “What?”
“We need to get your head on straight,” He repeats, crossing his arms in front of his chest. He’s wearing his tactical vest, dawning a U.K. badge. I eye his gear before making eye contact with him again and he continues. “We can’t afford to sit around, we need that intel. We have reasonable suspicion Makarov will move on with his plans quicker than we anticipated.” My nose scrunches up a little bit as he’s basically avoiding saying it without saying that he’s avoiding it. “You want me to continue with the interview.” I say it like a statement and not a question because all three of us know it’s not a question.
“Price, that isn’t a good idea,” Soap says, his voice considerably alarmed. He grinds his teeth together because he knows my reaction to just fucking closing my eyes while talking about it was extremely concerning. “I know it isn’t, but we don’t have a choice,” Price mutters before pinching the bridge of his nose and sighing. He looks at me with a pointed look, eyes flickering over my body in confliction.
I mimic his look because as much as I would love time to calm down, I know what he’s saying is true. If they truly have reasonable suspicion that Makarov is going to advance in his plans early, they need what I learned.
Fuck, man..
“Okay.” I move the pillow around on my lap. “Let’s do it?”
Soap’s head snaps towards me, eyebrows furrowed. “What? You’re agreein’ to it??” I look back at him with a frustrated look and I can feel myself wanting to explode. “What choice do I have? Not say anything and risk peoples lives, or have a little freak out and no one dies—except maybe for him?”
The room goes silent except for the beeping of the machines and Soap sighs, taking the recorder out of his front pocket. Price remains on his side of the bed but this time finds a chair, pulls it around and sits down. His hands stay on the armrests. I glance at Soap who presses a button and holds it a bit away from himself. “This is Sergeant John MacTavish, Callsign Soap, this is day two interviewing Sergeant [Name] [Last Name] of the Eclipse Task Force.” Soap hesitates to say the next part, his eyes tracing him face as he mutters. “Last subject was Makarov’s ‘entry tests’ and ‘loyalty tests’.”
I feel my stomach collapse in on itself, tightening into a painful knot. I know this was coming eventually, even if I didn’t want it to. “Yeah, uh..” I trail off, averting my eyes to stare at something, anything but the two men looking to me for answers. “After two months of living in Russia, I got into contact with Makarov. It was completely by accident too, I was just trying to collect information about him, seem like I was interested and then I was.. picked up.“ I pause for a moment before continuing. “I had to build up a reputation, something that made it look like I didn’t pop up in this city out of the blue, y’know?”
“Мы не используем здесь его имя.” We do not use his name here. “Секретность должна быть сохранена, не так ли?” Secrecy must be kept, right?
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There’s a hood over my head and my heart is pounding inside of my chest—I could die, right here and right now and nobody would know. I could fail this entire mission right at this moment and that’s fucking terrifying. I twist my wrists ever so slightly, not in an attempt to get away, but I can’t help but check out tight the rope is. I’m surprised they didn’t use handcuffs. I blink rapidly as my eyes burn a bit, trying to properly adjust to the bright light above me.
I look around and I’m in a warehouse with two men—neither of them being the man I want, but one of them is Sergei Orlov, one of the men I had been tracking since I’ve gotten here.
The intel suggests he has close connects to Makarov, indicating that he may be in a right-hand man type of situation. That’s the position I’m trying to bury my way into. Sergei’s eyes are sharp and intimidating, the color being a deep, cerulean blue with dashes of green near his pupils.
There is absolutely no light in them, no positive emotion—I didn’t expect to see any, but it makes me wonder if Makarov’s eyes are the same? Will I be able to get close enough to see?
“Мы наблюдаем за тобой уже несколько недель. Ты пытаешься предать свою страну и начать войну. Почему?” We have been watching you for several weeks now. You are trying to betray your country and start a war. Why?
My fingers twitch as I offer a scoff, a snarl curling at my lips, like I’m snapping at another dog. Of course, I show no disrespect. I need this to be perfect. “Вы не представляете, что этот мир сделал со мной, люди, которые в нем живут, сделали со мной.” You have no idea what this world has done to me, the people who live in it have done to me.
Sergei has his hands behind his back as he slowly walks around me, circling me. I keep my eyes on him as much as possible, I’m radiating distrust—trying to keep up the character I’m playing.
“Это правда, я не знаю. Но я точно знаю, что такие, как ты, просто так не появляются.” It's true, I don't know. But I know for sure that people like you don't just appear. I feel my heart drop into my stomach because fuck, man—I thought everything was good?? My backstory, my profile, I didn’t think I had any holes—
“К счастью для тебя, у нас есть сложная викторина для людей, которые, казалось бы, появились из ниоткуда. Чтобы предотвратить явку шпионов, м?” Lucky for you, we have a challenging quiz for people who seemingly appeared out of nowhere. To prevent spies, yes?
I immediately nod in response, brows furrowed, eyes filled with determination. Sergei’s lips curl into a dreadful smile—one that screams “get away from me or else”.
“Хороший.” Good. He unties my bindings, allowing me to rub my wrists. I don’t have a good feeling at all. Sergei grabs my upper arm and has me stand up, and him and the other man lead me out of the warehouse, going to a truck. “Куда мы идем?” Where are we going?
He doesn’t bother to answer me besides motioning me to sit in the back of the car. I hesitate for a moment out of weariness, but I comply. I open the door to the truck and climb into the back and Sergei slides into the back with me. The other man climbs into the driver’s seat. “привод.” Drive.
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I can feel myself begin to space out with every word and I can vaguely feel my fingers tightening into a fist. I pause my retelling of events as my train of thought breaks apart, the crawling feeling on my back intensifying. “Hey,” Price’s voice is low. “You with us?” It takes everything inside of my goddamn soul to nod, but God, I wish I wasn’t. I know we’re getting close to the part of my.. atrocities.
My heart jumps inside of my chest and my monitor beeps loudly for a moment. Don’t close your eyes. Don’t close your eyes. Don’t close your eyes. Don’t close your eyes—“Hey!”
My eyes snap to Price who has a furrowed brow, annoyance lacing his features. I notice my chest is moving up and down with every harsh breath coming out through my nose. “Focus.” I grit my teeth, my fingernails digging into the palm of my hand. “I’m trying.” I retaliate with a tight voice. I understand they need this information, but they have to understand how hard it is to recount literally every single life taken, innocent ones??
“Clearly you aren’t,” Price scoffs, his lip curling in anger. “You’ve barely started the bloody report, what’s the issue?”
I laugh humorlessly, my eyes going wide. “What—Did you actually just fucking say that?” Soap stands up, putting his hand out towards his captain. “Price, I—“
“Stay out of this, Soap. That’s an order.”
I can feel my bones ache under my harsh clenching of my hand, an angry smile coming to my lips. I feel this weird smoldering feeling in my gut that’s spreading heat across my body and into my limbs. I hear my heart monitor picking up speed. “You have absolutely no fucking idea what I’ve been through—what I’ve had to do!” I’m aware I’m raising my voice, but I honestly cannot bother to give a fuck by now.
Price crosses his arms, glaring down at me. His eyes are scrutinizing and it makes me want to punch the fuckin’ daylights out of him. “You’re right,” He begins. “I have not the foggiest idea because you’ve not said anything of actual value thus far!”
Oh, he wants me to fucking punch him. This man is so fucking asking for me to knock his teeth out. I open my mouth to speak but Price swiftly interrupts me. “What did you have to do, [Name]? Kill a few innocent people? Children, maybe? Did you have to torture them?”
I can feel that hot feeling turn to ice cold in a split second, a ripple of sweat dripping down my temple. “..What?”
Price waves his hand around as a general statement. “So what, you had to gut a few children? That’s nothing. Oh, did you have to keep them alive? Did they force ya to hear their screams, [Name]? Or did you have’to—“
It’s like I don’t have control of myself when I reach forward and snatch the front of Price’s shirt and pulling him near myself, my voice loud and booming, nearly cracking. “YES, IS THAT WHAT YOU WANTED TO HEAR? DID YOU WANT TO HEAR THE SICK DETAILS OF WHAT I DID?” I take a deep breath, continuing. This fucking rage is flowing through my bones and I just cannot shut myself up—“DID YOU WANT TO HEAR ABOUT HOW I BROKE BONES, INFLICTED WOUNDS AND LEFT PEOPLE TO ROT?”
The room goes silent, aside from my harsh breathing and the beeping from my heart monitor. I lower my voice, but i don’t stop the absolute anger dripping from every word as I speak through clenched teeth. “Every dirty fuckin’ detail is a weight on my goddamn conscience and you don’t seem to understand that, Price.”
The room is eerily silent again and I fucking hate it. I look down at the pillow on my torso as I feel their beady little eyes peering into my soul, judging my every sin. I hear Soap turn the recorder off and I feel hot from embarrassment for a moment because I just realized.. he was recording all of that. Of fucking course.
Before anyone else can say anything, the door to my room opens. I pick my head up and see a woman in business casual clothing with a notebook, pen, and a clipboard. “Hi, my name is Doctor Elaine Stewart, I’ll be conducting this comprehensive psychological and psychiatric evaluation on you today.” Her voice is soft and light like how her hair looks—dark curls that seem to bounce right above her shoulders, her skin is a darker tan too. Her eyes are big, round, and soft. She’s British—I can’t place what region she grew up in, though.
They probably picked her because she would feel less like a threat towards me.
Dr. Stewart turns to the two men, glancing between them. “I’m going to have to ask you two to leave for patient doctor confidentiality purposes.”
Price goes to speak up, but she puts her hand up to stop him. “I’ll call if I need anything, but I’m sure we’ll be just fine.”
I hear Price sigh, but I refuse to look at him. Instead, I look to Soap, who’s peering down at me with concerned eyes. I still don’t get why he’s so concerned.. Or why he’s so quiet, because he really doesn’t seem to be a quiet person. Soap takes his notebook sketchbook thing, murmuring a “see you later” and takes his leave next to his Captain.
Once the door closes, Dr. Stewart smiles at me and walks over to my bed, heels clicking, and then takes a seat. “You know how this goes, yeah? You’ve been in the military for quite some time now.” I nod in response, taking a deep breath. My back is beginning to ache from not getting up or moving.
“Yeah, I know.” I say anyway. I put my hands on the bed and go to use my strength to sit myself up, but immediate tight and bursting pain bubbles where my stitches are. One of my hands fly to my stomach—which is covered by the pillow, followed by a loud curse. Dr. Stewart quickly sits up, alarmed. “Are you alright??”
I nod as I hiss in pain, clenching my jaw in an attempt to distract myself from the pain. “Didn’t realize it would’ve hurt so bad..”
Dr. Stewart nods, leaning over and click a button a few times which raises the back of the bed to a proper sitting up position. I feel my face heat up from embarrassment again. Fuck.
Dr. Stewart holds her clipboard and looks at me. “Have you experienced moments where you felt like you were not in your body?”
I take a moment to think about that. “Yes, but only when I was actively tortured or, er.. uh… did the torturing.” I look away from her and back at my lap, a weird feeling bubbling in my stomach. She takes a moment to write down my answer. “Have you ever felt out of control of yourself?”
I shake my head no—and then I pause. Have I? I shake my head no a second time after thinking.
“Within the last 6 months, have you heard disembodied voices or noises no one else around you could hear?”
“Have you ever found yourself back in an event that already happened? Maybe you’re just sitting down and for a moment, you’re back in that warehouse?”
I look at her with a furrowed brow, and I immediately want to deny it, but I can’t. “I mean..” I trail off for a moment. “I don’t.. I don’t hallucinate that I’m back with Makarov’s group, if that’s what you mean.”
Dr. Stewart leans forward a bit, her perfectly painted nails tapping against the clipboard. “Then what do you mean, [Name]?” I swallow the spit in my mouth before speaking, yet it feels like my mouth has gone dry. “I don’t know, all I’m saying is that I don’t experience that.”
She looks at me—why is she staring??—and then she writes something down. “What have you done to them, [Name]?”
My heart skips a beat. “What?”
“I said, what have you experienced? I’m talking about anxiety, maybe dread, everything you’ve felt within the last day.”
Did I.. did I mishear her? She definitely said ‘what did you to them’, right?
I blink rapidly and look at her. “Sorry. What?”
Dr. Stewart bites her lower lip for a moment, watching me with worried eyes. “I think it’s best to conclude this evaluation for now. It looks like you’re having a hard time adjusting, so I will check back in with you in a few days.”
“What is that supposed to mean?” My voice is teetering on the edge of anger and I know I shouldn’t be mean, but I feel like my skeleton is trying to shed my skin from how jumpy I feel. “That means I don’t think you’re coherent enough for your interview, nor your evaluation; the one that’ll tell your superiors that you can return, anyway.” She picks her pen up and she begins to write something down—seemingly a longer paragraph. “So.. that means you have a temporary conclusion? Of my psyche?” I ask slowly, and I know that isn’t the right wording, but I’m not sure how else to do it.
Dr. Stewart stands up and begins to collect her things. She sighs and looks at me with.. sympathy?? Pity? I can’t tell. “You just went through something extremely traumatic, [Name]. You’re still in fight or flight. I can’t conduct a proper assessment like this.”
I hold my tongue from barking at her that I’m fine, from telling her to get the fuck out or me making some obscene threat.
I feel my heart sink in my chest because I feel like she’s vaguely suggesting something I cannot handle right now.
🏷️: @hardnutpost @glitterypirateduck @elowynnlane @boycigs @wolfyland07 @escapefromrealitysm @tapioca-marzipan
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sreppub · 2 months
No one knows Donna. Donna is unknowable
But 4 eels, Donna exists because “Wonder Girl” was fun version of Diana as a teen, and there was ANOTHER version of Diana as a toddler called Wonder Tot and they all interacted with each other but it was called “Impossible Tales” so the it was all for silly fun but the og writer of Teen Titans…didn’t know that?/just added her and would figure it out later
July 1965 was a significant and somewhat puzzling month in the history of Wonder Girl, concluding her regular presence in the Wonder Woman comic book with issue #155 while simultaneously seeing her appear as a member of the newly-formed Teen Titans in The Brave and the Bold #60…
…However, no narrative information regarding Wonder Girl's precise identity was provided in any of her earliest appearances with the Titans, nor in the first 21 issues of the team's subsequent monthly comic book.*
So eventually Wonder Girl was a random human girl that got raised by the Amazon’s after Diana rescued her and she got her powers from amazon science? Because Diana has been in Man’s World for like years at this point so why not
Then there was Crisis and everything got rebooted and everyone had their origins redone/streamlined
And the thing is narratively, it’s very important that Diana is the FIRST child born on Themyscira in like centuries, it took a gift from the gods for her to be born, and she has to start her hero’s journey by being first Amazon in ages to to leave the Island. And for reasons? they don’t want Diana to be around BEFORE Clark&Bruce so she has to show up when they start showing up
So when does Diana get a younger sister/relative to be Wonder Girl? 🤷 she can’t be a rescued outsider until Diana leaves, but Diana being a lonely only child is a big part of her worldview and her longing to leave her Island…
So now Donna is…a magical golem/reflection of Diana to create a playmate for her, before Donna was…stolen by Dark Angel? Both their memories were wiped? Now Donna is an anomaly of the entire multiverse with impossible memories of being a child super hero. it’s fine
(This would all be fixed if Diana was allowed to be the WWII hero she originally was (or WWI to go by the movie) and have her being around for decades so by the time Bruce and Clark show up she had a daughter or her mom has another kid or she adopted a kid but we need her being a newbie while the boys are)
* https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donna_Troy
this is giving me "buffy's random new little sister dawn who has always been there" energy
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skullytotheark · 6 months
Hi Hi!
I don't usually share my art here BUT lately i've been growing more comfortable w/ ppl seeing my art [as u can tell w/ latest creepyhornets entry]
So I wanted to share My some drawings i did for my fanfic series!
Click more for Art!
[i have alot of readmores on my post so i can navigate my account easier LOL]
Tobias Rogers / "The Colorado Axeman"
Age: 19 [current/present age in fanfic]
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As you may remember from the last time i shared his design, His jacket is heavily inspired by the reboot buttt I did eventually change it to better fit his 'colour pallet' [or colours i associate toby with heavily]. Now having a slight 'foresty' colour pallet associated with him in this canon
At this stage Toby is struggling alot w/ his own thoughts on Slender to the point he regrets Becoming a proxy in the first place. After returning to his old burnt down house Toby finds a old metal box that contained his sister's jacket. To this day Toby wears the jacket as asort of comfort and kinda like a pass me down jacket as memories of once were begin to haunt him, Along with 'unsuspected guests"
Age 16 / year one proxy: [Past Toby]
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For a very good while i've been struggling w/ a 'year one' toby design but within time the og hoodie grew on me, So i gave him the og hoodie but I removed the blue hood. As you may know, Toby was much younger when he became a proxy in my au. Spending most of his time homeschooled within a tense household
At this stage Toby had just killed his father and narrowly escaped, Unknowing hypnotized Toby believes that he owes Slender his LIFE to the point he's willing to serve Slender with every order.
Chernabog / 'Eyeless Jack'
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Ever since Chernabog joined Slender as a proxy or servants of sorts. Chernabog or better known as eyeless jack dawns a somewhat iconic / original inspired design. A black jumpsuit along with a balaclava underneath his iconic mask [also i'm still VERY new to drawing plus size characters [im also kinda proud how it came out] and kinda hc him to be slighty plus size. Mostly cuz i wanted him to have a unique silhouette comapired to other characters. That and I also think it'd add to intimidation if you just see this 6'7 silhouette in the darkness watching you]
Some time after agreeing to work for the Operator / Slenderman, Chernabog better known as Eyeless Jack. Roams inbetween towns collecting fresh meat not only for the Operator but for himself with his new boss's permission.
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I know you've probably seen this but I really like how this came out for being a slightly rushed doodle, Featuring The Operator and my Oc Grimace! Grimace has his own little entry into my fanfic series and will have entries featuring him every now and then!
The Idea for The Operator's design in my au is kinda to be more tree like! In this image the tentacles Slender is known for comes from the roots at the base of his feet [at his feet?? I mean idk if he has feet or not at this current point. I mean he might] he also appears somewhat statue and organic like, As if a human was kinda made from bark, roots and what not. I also just really love drawing Slender like this it's funny
That's all I think i can share for Creepyhornets so far But i've been really happy with how some of these drawings are coming out. I dont say it much but i'm extremely proud of the process i've made with this year even though i only just started spending time on practicing how to draw. If I showed u before & after of my art you'd def see alot of progress
Anyway that's all for this post! I'll try to draw some more creepyhornets related stuff eventually! Hopefully draw more of these two since I'm happy with how they came out with my latest drawings
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dancegender · 2 years
You guys, I wrote another fic. I had this idea while I was procrastinating in geometry. Hope you like it!
@astronic-fr (Not sure if you wanna be tagged, but you like the last one, so *shrug* just lmk if I should remove it)
I'll Be With You From Dawn Till Dusk (Baby I'm Right Here)
Thad trekked through the frozen terrain, kicking up chunks of snow as he went. He'd been free that Friday, so he decided to walk from the colony to the corpse spire, both to take some more resources to Uzi and to just hang out. At this point, he was used to the long commute, so he felt okay with leaving at night to make sure he arrived at a good time. He was being more cautious as of late, though; the new WDF had decided to start setting up traps surrounding the colony, and he didn't feel like getting caught in one.
He was coming up on a dilapidated building, one of the usual landmarks on his journey. As he approached, though, he thought he noticed an offputting sound, almost like a nervous mumbling. He thought his audio processors were faulty at first, but a quick scan of the area immediately proved otherwise. Spotting a hole in the street a few yards away, Thad approached, the mumbling getting louder. A dark shape sat next to the hole, sharply contrasting with the snow. Thad picked it up and sighed, turning the all-too-familiar pilot hat over in his hands.
"N and M's?" Thad peered into the hole, interrupting the babbling drone inside. N flinched with a yelp, frantically whipping his head upwards. He sighed upon seeing Thad, shoulders visibly relaxing.
"Thad! Oh, you have no idea how happy I am to see you!"
"Hey, man!" Thad tossed the hat down to N, who caught it and put it on. "You look a little stuck."
"Yeah, I'm not doing good." N chuckled nervously, banging the wall with his fist. "This pit's too deep for me to climb out, and too narrow for me to spread my wings and fly out. I've just been kinda stuck here."
"I could throw you a rope or something," Thad offered, scanning the area for some sort of anchor. His eyes snapped back to the hole when he heard N's voice, glitchy and distorted.
"Is-is there aNYTHing you-ou could USE?" N swayed, slumping over against the wall of the pit. A warning flashed on his visor, reading 'DANGER: High Temperature'.
Thad looked off to the horizon, swearing under his breath; the sun was coming up. He remembered Uzi telling him something about how easy it was for disassembly drones to overheat. Panic immediately started running through his processor. Without really thinking, Thad sprinted towards an abandoned car on the side of the road and popped the hood. Tearing the hood off its hinges, he sprinted back again and slammed the car hood down on top of the pit.
A few seconds passed, then a few minutes. Thad sat next to his makeshift shade, nervously listening for movement. Eventually, he could hear the faint sounds of a system reboot from underneath the tarnished metal.
"...Hello?" Thad loudly exhaled at the sound of N's voice, laughing weakly.
"Oh, thank Robo Jesus," Thad knocked on the car hood. "You feeling okay in there? Nearly lost you for a second."
"A little woozy... but I think I'm alright. That was some fast acting, Thad."
"Yeah, well I'm not a running back for nothing." Thad rummaged through his bag of supplies until he found what he was looking for: two of the canisters that N and V used to store extra oil. "Brace yourself, I'm gonna try something."
Thad used the canisters to prop the hood up in a ramp, opening facing away from the sun. He looked in, seeing N's face light up. He extended a hand toward Thad, and Thad took it, squeezing tightly.
"Looks like we'll have to wait until nightfall to get you outta there," Thad laid down on the snow facing N, propping himself up on his forearms. "Better get comfy."
They spent hours talking aimlessly about their respective lives. Uzi's new rail gun was coming along nicely; she was almost ready to start testing it out. Thad explained the basics of football strategy to N, who listened intently.
"That sounds pretty easy," he commented, studying the field plans Thad passed him.
"You'd probably be pretty good at it," Thad was tracing meaningless shapes into the snow with his fingers. "Strategy plays a huge role in football. You and V would have to be good at strategizing with the amount of hunting you do. Thad's eyes lit up.
"Ooh, that reminds me!" He rummaged through the supplies bag, pulling out a handheld device of some kind. He held it up to N. "Do you know what chess is?"
"Hm..." N brought his hand up to his chin, scratching it lightly. "I think I've heard of it before. No idea how to play, though."
"No problem, I can show you," Thad powered on the device, a perfectly set chessboard appearing on the screen. He handed it to N and began explaining the rules of chess.
They sat like that forever. Passing the chessboard back and forth, chatting - enjoying each other's company. It was nice; spending time with N was always nice. Thad wished he got to do it more often. That N wasn't so far away.
"Looks like the sun's setting," Thad squinted into the distance. "I should probably start looking for something we can use to get you out."
"I'll be looking forward to it," N paused for a second. "Hey... Thad?"
"Hm?" Thad looked at N through the gap between the oil canisters. N raised his hand, almost hesitantly, and held it slightly out. Thad moved to N's level, awkwardly interlocking their hands.
"Thank you for staying with me," There was a slight shake in N's voice as he spoke, eyes incredibly focused on the wall to his left.
"N, listen..." Thad mumbled, running his thumb over N's knuckles. "I don't think I could ever pass up a chance to hang out with you."
Getting N out of the hole was relatively easy; all it took was a sturdy anchor and some discarded cable. Once freed from confinement, N immediately wrapped Thad in the strongest hug he could muster. Thad felt himself shifting a little more of his weight into N than he normally would.
"C'mon, we should probably get to the spire," N released Thad, who staggered slightly at the loss of support. "I gotta let V know I'm still alive. D'you think you can make the walk, or should we fly over?"
Flying wasn't very high on Thad's transportation list. The last time he'd flown was when N brought him and Uzi back to the colony, and they'd had a pretty rough landing. Now, though, realizing just how tired he was starting to get, Thad was in no position to refuse.
The flight to the spire was actually pretty calming. It was easier when N wasn't trying to fly with two passengers. It definitely wasn't making Thad any less tired, though. Resting his head on top of N's, he felt a familiar jolt in his chin. He could tell what it was by the way N's breath hitched, but he was too drowsy to really care. He wasn't sure how much longer they'd be flying for, but he let himself drift off to sleep regardless.
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sparkanonymous · 1 year
Anyone under the age of 18, do not follow me. Please.
Decided to put effort into an actual introductory post, so here we go.
Obviously, this is my art account, and you may refer to me with any pronouns. I don't care. I am 20 years old.
Pedophiles, MAPs, PEARs, Zoophiles, etc.
Transphobes, Homophobes
NFTs, AI "artists"
Anyone who harasses, bullies, and/or doxes another person over anything that is purely fictional.
"KYS" commenters
If I see anyone described in my DNI interacting with my account, I will block them.
If I have followed a minor or interacted with anyone described in my DNI, please let me know.
(Any minors that happen to follow me will be soft-blocked.)
I am anti-harassment and anti-censorship. I do not have the energy for any negativity. Sorry, y'all.
My ask box is open! You can put whatever you want there.
Anonymous asks are on, but if this proves to be a problem, I'll turn that off.
You can use my work as a reference, just please do not outright trace it.
I do not believe in "pose theft" or "color palette theft," so if you want to use my work for either the pose or color palette, go right ahead.
I don't know how to respond to compliments, but just know that they're appreciated, whether in comments, tags, or reblog responses!
Current Interests
Ninjago Total Drama Island Franchise
This will be updated for every piece of media I start to consistently post about.
Of Video Games
Sims 2 and 3 Minecraft Tomodachi Life
I'm not interested in shipping wars and will usually just stick away from things that I don't like. Also, my stuff will most likely not be sticking to the canon material. I like doing my own thing and making up shit all the time.
Specifically, I plan on eventually making pieces for Total Drama characters I feel would be related in some way to the Reboot cast. I know that some people don't like the implications when it comes to canon, but I hope it's okay if I make the original, RotI, and Pakitew Island casts a good 10-15+ more years older than the Reboot cast.
If you want to see what art I like or what fandom spaces I tend to be in, go follow my reblog-blog account, @sparksartreblog.
Ship Tags
"rajbow" - Raj x Bowie from Total Drama "primien" or "damiya" - Priya x Damien from Total Drama "nichayne" - Nichelle x Wayne from Total Drama "glaciershipping" - Cole x Zane from Ninjago "bruiseshipping" - Cole x Jay from Ninjago "luaisy" - Luigi x Daisy from the Super Mario franchise "mareach" - Mario x Peach from the Super Mario franchise "bawn" - B x Dawn from Total Drama
This will be updated the more pairings I post.
My Tags
"spark arts" - My art
"spark speaks" - Where I talk
"spark wips" - Character designs, works in progress, and general unfinished or sketchy pieces
"thumbnail" - Thumbnail art I do for the VODs channel
"reblog" - Anything I happen to reblog
"spark arts reblog" - Any of my art I reblog
"art theft" / "credit the artists" / "love your artists" - Where I try to find and credit uncredited artists
"screenshot redraw" - Any screenshot/screencap I happen to redraw
Let's get this one thing straight; this is my account, and I will do what I want with it. If I like something, I will draw it. Everything I do is a work of fiction, and if you see something that seems harmful, it was not my intention for it to be harmful.
Please, for everyone's mental health, if you don't like something that I've posted, please block this account.
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darthluffy · 2 years
So I’m playing through Horizon: Forbidden West for the 3rd time… and I really think Far Zenith was a mistake. Not just in universe(cause obviously) but as an inclusion in the game. Part of what I loved about Zero Dawn was that the end of the world wasn’t intentional. Sure Ted’s a dick but he didn’t mean for that to happen. It was a glitch that caused the HORUS line to go rogue and a culmination of events that meant they had no way to immediately react. Far Zenith feels like the opposite of that, a group of self-obsessed billionaires who do nothing but cause problems for their own personal benefit. Very hateable but they always felt empty to me.
The main reason I end up thinking they were a mistake though is that I believe there was much more interesting option. The AIs created by humanity before and during Zero Dawn. We see Zero Dawn’s progression but it’s not like the rest of the world would sit by and watch everything end without trying to stop it. And I think a logical method to attempt would’ve been taking as many powerful AIs(Vast Silver and CYAN level AIs) as possible, and forcing them to evolve by battling each other over and over until they had one that could break through the swarm’s firewalls. A self-contained program that runs continuously, trying to force a breakthrough to happen, in a hidden base underneath Metallurgic’s old headquarters in… Denver. Of course it fails, they don’t evolve quick enough, and with the swarm approaching everyone flees. But the program keeps running, for hundreds of years, the AIs battling and destroying themselves only to be rebooted and do it all over again. The end result would be something like Nemesis, but created accidentally out of humans attempt to survive. Then you could have the real fun begin, because eventually time takes it’s effect and enough system’s fail that the AI can take control of the program and start reaching out. Over time they find someone that has happened to find a Focus and begin speaking with them, learning what has happened to the world, and that person leads a team to Denver to free their caged god. The group breaks into Nora lands, take hostages to keep the Nora away as they excavate the ruins, before retreating out of the Nora lands with their prize. In short, they’re the group that kills Rost’s daughter. The group flees all the way across the Forbidden West, all they way to San Fransisco, where the AI intends to gain access to Ted’s Omega clearance to take control of GAIA, but Rost catches up with them outside the tomb and finishes off the AI’s human allies. Forced to adapt the AI instead send the Mysterious Signal that corrupts GAIA’s subordinate functions, hoping to wipe out humanity that way. When that doesn’t work they decide to rebuild GAIA, using basically the same plan as Far Zenith. But now I think you have an enemy that is more interesting, and would ultimately set up the final enemy for a third game, a fully evolved Hephastus after the events of the final battle(they’d play out similar).
The funny thing is how little needs to change in the game. Everything with Beta can happen almost exactly the same. You add datapoints from both Roth’s and the people he’s hunting perspectives to give context. The Odyssey actually explodes leaving the system and the AI constructs a probe to search the wreckage and return with Apollo. Most plot points still happen, just with a very different enemy. Sylan’s goals may need to have been adjusted a little but the broad stroke of creating an army to serve as a distraction remains. And I think the end result is a much more interesting enemy for Forbidden West, a personal connection to the enemy through Roth as opposed to Elisabet, and clearing the slate for Hephastus to take the stage as the ultimate enemy of the third game.
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mothdapple · 2 years
Hello! You can call me SedatedDreams, or just Sedated, Dreams, or Mothdapple, my govt assigned name works too! (late 20s, she/her)
I'm a scientist by day and a warrior cats fanfic author by night. I'll be using this blog mostly to share my writings and any thoughts that come along with that, as well as general Warriors-related musing. You can find the links and summaries of my Warriors fanfics below!
Cold Bloodlines
This is a "soft reboot" of Warriors, featuring a new cast of characters and conflict, a new time period (taking place in the past, after DotC but before SkyClan left the forest) and some additional worldbuilding around Clan cultures/traditions.
It follows Frost, a young rogue kit who is left alone in ShadowClan after being rejected by her father and orphaned after the death of her mother, as she tries to prove herself and find the place where she belongs.
Shaken Roots: A New Prophecy Rewrite
My main focus, in progress: The first and second books, "Shaken Roots: Midnight" and “Shaken Roots: Moonrise,” are complete!
Shaken Roots: Dawn is currently being released with new chapters posted every-other week!
It's basically what it says on the tin: The New Prophecy but I do my best to improve on the weaknesses of the arc to create a stronger, more cohesive narrative while not entirely destroying the Erins' original vision. Many thanks to Tennelle Flowers, whose video "Let's Rewrite The New Prophecy" inspired me to start this fic!
Lightning's Storm
Low priority, complete(ish.) This is a rewrite my first fic, originally published on Fanfiction.net from 2014-2017. The rewrite is only 75% finished, but the final 25% of the original remains on FF if you dare read my ancient writing.
This diverges from canon following "SkyClan's Destiny." Written in the style of the old super editions, it follows Leafstar's daughter, Lightningkit, from kithood to becoming a warrior in modern day SkyClan. The Clan is thriving until a new danger appears, and the young warrior finds herself in the middle of the conflict and the focus of an ominous prophecy.
This fic explores themes of destiny vs free will and asks the question of how much power a cat truly holds over their fate.
Warriors Characters' Spotlights
This is a collection of oneshots and novellas that are each focused on a particular canon warrior cat with the intent to show "missing scenes," or fill out gaps in the canon timeline. I write these sporadically, whenever I feel inspired to.
Fics in the series: "Leopardstar's Regret," exploring Leopardstar's emotions in the time after TigerClan.
"Ashfur's Judgment," exploring Ashfur's StarClan trial.
"Hawkfrost's Plot," exploring how Hawkfrost and Ashfur planned to kill Firestar together.
"Thrushpelt's Love," exploring Thrushpelt's relationship with Bluefur and their kits.
"Fernsong's Grief," exploring Fernsong's emotions after Bristlefrost's death.
"The Herb Thieves," which is my short story entry to the official 2021 Warriors competition about Brightpaw investigating some missing herbs. I didn't win, but I'm honored to have been mentioned among the top 10.
"Ashfur's Purgatory," exploring Ashfur's time in StarClan between his death and The Broken Code (and acts as a follow-up to Ashfur's Judgment)
“Squirrelstar’s Lives,” a fic about the nine lives ceremony that I’d like Squirrelflight to have.
“Silverhawk’s Legacy,” an in-progress novella about Silverhawk’s life and actions that eventually land him in the Dark Forest. It is set in the Clan’s distant past, right after the tradition of leaders being succeeded by their kin is replaced with the amended warrior code, which states that deputies always take over after their leader’s death.
That is all, at least for now. Thank you so much for checking out my blog and for reading this far :)
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So, while I do think that the Buffy show that they were working on--that kind of got shelved for the moment (after all the Joss Whedon stuff came out, and also because the main writer behind it is now the showrunner for Percy Jackson and the Olympians... but even with all of this it sounds like they still have plans for this series to see the light of day eventually?)--is a sequel and not a reboot (and I want it to be a sequel, in fact)... if it does end up being a reboot... I honestly wouldn't mind if they decided to make Angel a girl in it, and still have the Buffy/Angel ship be a thing, and for Angel to be Buffy's canonical soulmate in it. I think I saw my friend @palizinhas and her friend have this idea in one of their shared posts, when they were discussing ideas for BTVS reboots (back before this show was even announced). And I think it's a cool one:)
I also really feel like... they should maybe just combine Angel and Spike's characters (at least the love interest parts of Spike's character. They can still keep Spike the villain). -dodges bullets- Because I just really don't think Buffy needs two vampire love interests. -dodges bullets again- But from the outside looking in at the story, it kind of bothers me that Buffy ended up with two vampire lovers. I can be more than okay with one (because of the whole Romeo and Juliet angle). But more than that just kind of gives a bad look to me. Also, this is kind of separate from my first point, and assuming that in this fictional reboot, the studio head didn't go with the "making Angel a girl" idea. So, in which case, I don't care what you call Buffy's male vampire lover here. Angel, Spike: it doesn't matter to me, just as long as they combine the two characters.
"Shanna!" you say. "How dare you call yourself a Buffy fan, while being annoyed that Buffy had a big enough heart to see that there was something different about these two vampires--that they cared about people, among other things--and then that she was a big enough person to fall for both of them., despite of what they were?" I know, I know! While I'm watching the story, I can love and appreciate that. It's like I said: it's from the outside looking in that I'm kind of like, that something doesn't sit right with me about it. Like, before I became a Buffy fan, I knew from cultural osmosis that Buffy, a vampire Slayer, apparently had feelings for two vampires in the story: Angel and Spike, or something like that. And I of course knew that her job was to kill vampires. And I couldn't help feeling snidely at the time, "Well, she must not do a very good job at it." ...We all learn from our mistakes.
And now while knowing everything, I get why things are the way they are, how/why she ends up loving them both, and really adore that... but to outsiders who might be looking to give the show a chance (like I was) and hear about that, I feel like her loving two vampires might sound like a bit much, which is why if I, personally, were to reboot the show, I'd leave it at one.
Edit: I also loved my friend Palizinhas' idea about Buffy and Dawn being twins, and the Slayer abilities being split between them (like what happened with Melaka and Harth Fray). Buffy gets the Slayer strength, speed, fast healing, flexibility, agility, and all that, and Dawn gets the Slayer memories, prophetic dreams, and the ability to sense vampires... and can't believe that Buffy had no idea that Angel was a vampire. LOL. Though I feel like they would never do this. If nothing else, in any reboot, Dawn should be in the story as Buffy's little sis from the get-go:)
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catgirlxox · 3 years
Why "Alien X-Tinction" Was The Best Possible Conclusion
(To The Ben 10 Franchise as a whole, as of Right Now)
In short, while the Ben 10 Reboot isn't without faults, "Alien X-Tinction" did everything it could to pay tribute to what came before it, and why the Ben 10 Reboot could even be anywhere near successful for it's intended audience and for modern age of Cartoon Network.
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*Obvious spoiler warning ahead.*
Main Reasons
To begin with the obvious, emphasis being made on the existence of the Omniverse (something I feel like the majority hadn't paid enough attention to during and after the last iteration) was important for several reasons. For instance, confirming what I've been saying all this time! And effectively knocking down certain misconceptions about unfinished or uncertain topics left behind in the previous show. So I really appreciated that.
It gave, at least me, a sense of closure, even though I feel Omniverse's final episode, "A New Dawn", had tried to do that, as well.
Anyway, in doing that, they brought back the original continuity, in honor of what the fans wanted, but the main focus was still on the three main characters (Ben, Gwen, and Max) - something that I've heard a lot of the fandom say was their favourite thing about the series when it first started: going on a family road trip with the occasion alien adventure.
Again, giving the people what they want, while remaining within the confines of what Cartoon Network or the higher ups probably directed them to do with the new series.
It's a compromise that satisfies everyone.
I also can't help but notice they included a limited amount of characters. I'd even say specifically the "fan favourites."
I bring this up because a lot of newer characters and character dynamics introduced in the later installations of the series weren't always well received. AKA, characters like Kai Green (especially her relationship with Ben), or even the way Gwen and Kevin were portrayed in everything following the OS (including their eventual romance).
As such, the special stuck to its roots and gave us something purely "Ben 10": action-packed and focusing on family bonds. Rather than including any other side themes people are divided on. Media like this is made for the people who will watch it, after all.
Notable Mentions
I don't know if anyone else picked up on this, but - characterization consistency with the previous shows! AF Ben was written decently serious like his "mature" self (as the fandom loves to praise him for being). And, UA Ben came in obviously much more sure of himself, which is also consistent with the transition from season three of Alien Force to his rise to fame during Ultimate Alien.
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Speaking of characterization, this was AF Ben's reaction to Alternate Max's criticism of reboot Ben, calling him out for being, as he said, "a stubborn brat." Personally I think that's a little harsh, but regardless, it's almost as if he knows what that's like, or something. Interesting touch on the producers' part.
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Even if they didn't use a whole lot of aliens, the animators did also go the extra mile in recreating the previous designs for the each of the aliens the alternate Bens used. And, some of the transformation scenes from the previous shows too, as a call back for those who might remember.
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Things like this make it clear to me that the producers did their research in the production of new Ben 10 content.
Responding to Criticism
Since the reboot is what it is, I'll expect it to get a whole lot of criticism anyway. But the most common complaints I've heard so far are regarding UA Ben not turning into any ultimate aliens, and the use of Alien X's powers being underwhelming.
In the interest of trying to see what the producers might have had in mind, I thought that, since a younger version of himself was present, UA Ben using the ultimate feature would spoil the near future for AF Ben, and therefore might change the path he takes moving forward. Hence him using aliens from the UA era, like Amphibian, but not ultimates.
I would argue it was done to maintain consistency in the original continuity, as well as the way the Omniverse was set up to work.
As for the alternate evil Ben's "nerfed" use of Alien X, well, I've got a theory about that too. First of all, he's not Ben Prime. He's clearly been through a lot of hardship, and it's taken a toll on his mental state, outlook on the hero life, moral compass, and general wellbeing.
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His whole plan was created out of revenge and anger. He wasn't thinking straight. How can you expect him to ultimately defeat everyone with that kind of handicap? Even if he had god powers - he was using them though a cloud of negative human emotions.
Powerscaling isn't really my thing, but I'm sure there was something more he could do if he was seriously set on accomplishing his goal without clouded judgement.
As for myself, my only criticism is regarding why they couldn't just draw the UAF jacket and the Ultimatrix right. It's upside down for...seemingly no reason, lol. But I can look past it, I guess. It was just cool to see Ben Prime again.
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All three of him, that is.
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novantinuum · 3 years
Fandom: Steven Universe
Rating: Teen Audiences
Words: 6.3K~
Summary: In another world, he doesn’t have his mother’s sword or shield to hide behind when Bismuth lands her strike. The bubble pops.
Steven falls apart.
Chapter summary: In which freedom is a future worth fighting for.
Finally finished this chapter, yay! I promise I throw canon off a ravine entirely next chapter, I just needed to set up some stuff. Hopefully the Ruby POV makes things somewhat fresh.
If you read this and enjoy, I’d greatly appreciate your support through reblogs here, or kudos/comments on AO3. Thank you! <3
Chapter 13: system/REBOOT, Part 1
The whole mission is Garnet’s idea. 
By this point, they’ve known about Homeworld’s rushed Beta Kindergarten project for about fifty years. Frankly, its composition leaves much to be desired. The area is rich in the iron and silicon deposits necessary to produce a strong batch of quartzes, but the foundation they incubated all their new soldiers within is red clay cemented sandstone; it’s soft, and in constant danger of erosion. According to all the rebellion’s peridots, many of them top Homeworld kindergarteners before their eventual defection, this type of stone is critically unfit for Gem production. It can’t compress the inclusions of injector fluid at the correct pressure, can’t reliably bar the excess from draining through the porous material. As a result many of the individually incubated sites are predicted to ‘weep’ and lose critical volume, which will inevitably cause the emergent quartzes to be ‘off-color’ in some fashion. Some may be under regulation height, some may exhibit crystal twinning, some may be incapable of standard abilities like shapeshifting or weapon summoning, so on and so forth.
As a fellow off-color herself, Garnet carries a deep empathy for all those who are forsaken and unwanted. She can foresee the dire fate of these Beta Gems creeping over the dawning horizon even without the benefit of future vision, can foresee that despite all of these soldiers’ loyal programming, they’re ultimately cursed to be eliminated within the cruel machine of Homeworld. One day beyond the battlefield, the so-called Great Diamond Authority will see no further use in their existence, and then they’ll be purged. Harvested for scrap. Trapped within a myriad of Gem-powered objects. Crushed and used within their drop ships for fuel. 
It’s pure tyranny. 
Thus, she refuses to let their cruelty stand without a just fight. They have to give these Gems a chance beyond Homeworld’s rule, because abandoning them would be abandoning everything that their brave rebellion stands for, that she stands for. She refuses to stand powerless and idle in the face of a Diamond’s commands like the Sapphire and Ruby she once was, refuses to let another tragedy slip by without at least attempting to mend its damage. She is Garnet, she is freedom, and she is love.
And deep within her core, she believes these soon-to-emerge soldiers deserve the same opportunity for renewal and hope as any other Crystal Gem.
For all Ruby’s aware, a whole geological era could have passed between that fateful moment she first set eyes on Jasper and the shards-late arrival of Amethyst and the others. All three of them duck behind the low rock formations she’s hiding in the shade of, Steven still breathing heavily from the no-doubt harried and concerned exertion of their sprint towards her. Hard light coursing from the gem in her palm to all other extremities at random intervals amidst crackling cinders of immobilizing terror, (she’s almost surprised her form isn’t flickering at this point), she desperately attempts to babble an explanation. She’ll admit— it’s not a particularly coherent one. Ask her mere minutes later, and there’s little chance she’ll be able to repeat what she said. Heck, she’s not confident about her words now, in the heat of the moment. It’s probably something about holes, something about injector scrap, about all those Gem monsters, a-and—
"Whoa, what the heck!” Amethyst blessedly interrupts, raising her head above the rocks and pointing across the clearing at the orange and red striped quartz diligently prowling the area like a true squadron leader. “Jasper’s here, too? Did everyone decide to skip on over to Beta today, or somethin’?!”
Peridot’s face scrunches in confusion as she regards her former mission partner.  “What is she doing?”
“She’s got all those corrupted Gems in cages,” Steven murmurs with realization, a tiny spark of outrage lighting up behind his eyes on those creatures’ behalf. “They’re not even bubbled, they’re just… trapped, and scared!”
Ruby brings her fist to her mouth, nervously nibbling at her fingers for a moment to anchor herself back to this present. Above all else, ignoring every thread of trepidation and insecurity she bears, there’s one burning question that pulses at her core with an unmatched luminosity about this whole scenario:
“B-but why would she want so many corrupted Gems in the first place? Doesn’t she know she can’t tame them?”
The purple quartz growls, the fringe of her hair casting a dark and menacing shadow over her features as she tilts her head down and glares at her self-proclaimed rival. “I don’t think she knows nothin’.”
And as— instinctively, mistakenly, running off of over five thousand years of deep engrained habit— she attempts to open her third eye towards the winding tributaries of potential futures they may soon find themselves wading through and fails, it slowly dawns on her just how isolated and lost they all are, without Sapphire’s sight. Without her love.
“Neither do I…” she says softly, her stature shrinking in the throes of that suffocating inadequacy. Riding an abrupt wave of frustration, she slams her foot into the coarse dirt, gripping thick chunks of her coily hair between her fingers. “Aughhh, this is a terrible time to not have future vision!” she huffs, spitting out each word staccato.
“Pipe down!” Jasper hollers at the poor corrupted Gem cornered in the distance as she kicks one of the bars of its cage, her booming voice easily reverberating off the cliffs’ curvature.
All four of them can’t help but bite back their gasps upon this clamoring startle. Peeking her head just above the rim of the rocky outcropping, Ruby watches the fur covered quartz visibly shrink back at the soldier’s command. Jasper continues, her unwavering act of confidence currently undeterred by this reaction. 
“You take orders from me now. You used to be a quartz too, didn’t you? What happened to you?”
Utterly failing to comprehend any of her words in this vulnerable, animalistic state, the corrupted Gem merely snaps its fangs at the bars, and then tilts its head sideways to begin chewing on one of them. Jasper scoffs, her lips rising in a mild sneer. Taking the risk to edge closer, she continues to verbally berate the poor thing, talking the same sort of smack Ruby’s former Homeworld commanding officer, Condor Agate, used to dish out. Ruby grinds her teeth together so hard as she watches this display that the pressure and heat alone might be enough to form a brand new batch of Gems. Jasper even finds a moment to rope Amethyst into her insults, which almost has the stone in question summoning her whip in pure unfiltered fury. It’s only Steven and Peridot’s quick clutch on her shoulders that holds her back from steamrolling into the clearing with zero preparation and potentially making a terrible mistake. Still, she’s gotta admit, the temptation to whoop this Homeworld brute’s butt right this minute is devilishly hard to resist.
Ruby growls, one of her gauntlets emerging into existence on her clenched fist with a burst of light. “Oh-hoh, do I wanna launch this baby right into her dumb, chalky face…!”
“But maybe first we should go back to the temple and grab reinforcements?” Peridot whispers hastily, whirling around to face her. Panic visibly tightens its grip on her form with each passing second. 
She pauses a moment to let the logic of this suggestion sink in, gaze hardened, and self-consciously aware of how her fellow Gems are (wrongfully) looking towards her as their leader in this chaos. What options do they even have? They can choose to fight, that’s one. They could disengage. They could retreat to Beach City and seek backup. If they were truly desperate, they could surrender. (Although she’s not confident Jasper would gracefully accept anyone’s defeat, not until it ended with their poofed— maybe even shattered— gemstones littering the coarse sand.)
As the gears are still pirouetting in her mind, she turns towards Steven, who nods in vehement agreement of Peridot’s strategy, his mouth stretched thin.
Sighing with frustration, she loosens her grip, recalling how even Garnet was barely able to match up with Jasper’s might. “Yeah, you’re right. She’d beat us into the dirt without Pearl or Sapphire.”
“Okay, so far we got three votes for retreat,” he says, holding up the appropriate number of digits as a visual. “Amethyst?”
In sync, the trio turn towards where the quartz just stood and find nothing but faint granules of recently upended dust filtering through a beam of sunlight. Both Peridot and Steven let out a fearful squeak at her absence.
“W-where is she?” the former Homeworld technician cries, craning her neck over the top of the rock formation to try and secure a visual.
“Up there!” Steven exclaims under his breath, pointing at a ridge a good ten feet above them that crosses from the arched entrance of this natural amphitheater all the way to the other side where Jasper stands, her back still turned to them.
Following the path of his index finger, Ruby catches a flash of purple, black and lavender stealthily advancing along the narrow rim towards the very soldier who reportedly poofed her with a single strike about a week back. The light sustaining her form nearly drains from all her limbs and rushes back to her gem. 
“Oh, shards no…”
Stars above, what the hell is her problem? she thinks, her mind riding in a narrow track between exacerbated vexation and dread. Does she have a death wish, or something?? Surely the last place a rational person would choose to run is directly into the arms of the Gem who clobbered them into a senseless cloud at their last meeting. Surely a rational person would instead choose to retreat and regroup. However, as she glumly reflects upon the dour happenings of the past few days, Amethyst’s actions prove she’s currently unable to think rationally about Jasper or any other kind of conflict. She’s been markedly sullen at everyone around her ever since she first got her butt whooped. Obsessed with her private training sprees. Emotionally stand-offish. Prone to making rash decisions, like letting her mouth run off at poor hapless Steven about matters that aren’t his fault, or slashing her whip right at people’s feet to push them away, or… or rushing directly towards Jasper in an enclosed space with little to no backup just because she’s desperate to show her up for the sake of her own self-worth, or whatever.
And Ruby gets it, to an extent. She understands how cripplingly powerless it can feel to be written off as ‘the weak one,’ as nothing but an expendable. She understands the vivid temptation to let one’s anger drive such antagonistic confrontations. However, she’d also like to believe that she carries enough self respect in this gem to not throw herself right on an enemy’s anvil. Whether or not Amethyst possesses the same level of restraint is another question entirely. She flexes nervous, twitchy fingers at her side as she watches her dear friend creep further along the rim, ever closer to what she fears will be her unquestionable demise. 
With the corrupted Gem’s racket still occupying Jasper’s undivided attention, Amethyst leaps from the cliff’s edge and into the clearing, pulling her whip from her gem in midair. The moment her toes touch the ground again, she slashes its barbed ends at the bars of the cage, right next to the quartz soldier’s hand. Jasper yanks her digits back. Her entire body snaps tense upon this disruption. Watching from behind their rocky cover, Ruby, Steven, and Peridot bite back the urge to gasp in shock. 
“HEY!” Amethyst yells, lowering on her haunches right behind her opponent. 
Now, there’s obviously no way to prove it without somehow obtaining intimate knowledge of her headspace, but upon external observation, Ruby swears that this big, buff Beta Kindergarten quartz is masking surprise. The sentiment is visible in the alignment of her shoulders, lifted high and tight against her neck. It’s visible in her narrow stance, light years away from the proper form of a soldier expecting battle. Flexing her thick, dexterous fingers at her side, she makes a blatant show of puffing out her chest before she turns to face her challenger, an almost predatory smile curving upwards on her lips as she regards her.
“You back away from her,” Amethyst hisses, nodding towards the Gem in the cage.
Jasper lets out a hearty chuckle. “Oh-hoh, what do we have here? You finally decide to crawl back for a rematch, runt?”
She grits her teeth, tightening her fist around the pommel of her weapon. “That’s right. I’m back, and I’mma wipe you all over these cliffs!”
“Perfect,” her opponent practically purrs, cracking her knuckles in anticipation. “I’ve been needing a light warmup.”
Rose approves her mission without question, when she first brings her the idea. Of course she would, in retrospect— the hidden diamond she was. 
Garnet takes forty of her fellow soldiers and friends with her to the Beta Kindergarten. They don’t wield any weapons. These Gems are brand new, stepping into the light for the very first time. There’s no need to threaten them; all she wants is to peacefully talk, to introduce them to the concept of freedom, of choosing their own path beyond the Diamonds’ rule. 
At the time, all she wanted was to follow her beloved leader’s example and choose peace and harmony over subjugation and brutality.
But with the bitter truths they know now, and reflecting upon the horrid atrocities they themselves participated in amidst the war… despite Rose’s self-proclaimed ‘pacifism,’ despite the shaky justifications of their cause being different than Homeworld’s brand of violence... she’s increasingly unsure if any of them ever had a choice.
Tragically, it only takes mere seconds for the initial triumphant beats of Amethyst’s war against Jasper to devolve into a one-sided thrashing. 
With a mighty, almost frenzied yell, Amethyst moves one foot forward for counterbalance and slings the weighted, barbed tip of her weapon directly at her opponent’s face. Jasper catches it midair, mere inches from her gem. An arrogant smile paints her visage. After winding the whip’s end around her hand, she yanks its user towards her with a snap of her wrist, swings her in a wide arc, and effortlessly slams her into the nearest cliff wall, blowing up a huge plume of pulverized rock and dust. It all happens so fast that the rest of the party barely has any time to react. As the rubble settles, Ruby finally spots her friend amidst the chaos, collapsed on hands and knees in the dirt. The poor Gem’s hands are nearly trembling as she vies to rise to her feet again, vies to stand her ground and keep fighting. 
There’s only one thing she knows for sure, watching all this: if hard light were consumable rather than indelible, she would quite literally be chipping away at her knuckles with her teeth by now.
His expression blown wide with fear, Steven breaks their communal silence to holler Amethyst’s name. Hands flexing in and out of fists, he darts away from their hiding spot. And they tried to stop him, they really did— it’s simply that he’s far too nimble for either of them to catch in time.
“Steven!” Peridot cries, trying and failing to grab his hand to hold him back.
“Steven, no!” Ruby yells, arms outstretched, as he sprints into the clearing— entirely blowing any remaining amount of cover the three of them had, placing his gem at Jasper’s mercy, and causing a thousand living nightmares to flood into her consciousness in but a millisecond. “Come back!!”
“Wait! Wait,” he gasps, waving his arms wildly to catch the larger quartz’s attention as he passes into the center of this natural coliseum, firmly planting himself at Amethyst’s side. “Stop! We don’t need to do this!”
Giving a growl that would rival that of a corrupted Gem’s, Ruby clenches her fingers around thick coils of her hair at either side of her head and yanks. “Aughh, why does nobody listen to me when I’m short??” 
A faint trail of glowing embers marks a record of her path as she leaves Peridot by their rocky outcropping and storms right into the open after him. Oh, hoh, hoh— that boy can disobey her clear, simple orders all he wants, but in his folly he’s forgetting one very important fact: rubies are stubborn Gems. And she’ll fight to protect him from the crossfire of Jasper’s hubris and Amethyst’s self-destruction even if that means braving her deepest terrors to run out there and drag him back to safety herself.
(Ideally, she’d be able to drag Amethyst with her out of the thunderdome as well, but she’s also quite the stubborn one. So try as she may, that’s not likely to happen.)
Ruby strides towards the middle of the clearing and defiantly plants her feet in the sterile soil right in front of Steven, and adjacent to Amethyst. She summons her gauntlets, her features twisting in a scowl. “Stand down and let them go!” she shouts up at that bulky orange quartz with all the Garnet-like confidence she can muster. “This is not a Homeworld controlled planet!”
“Steven, Ruby, get out of here!” Amethyst hisses under her breath, her battle-ready stance solidifying with a strange mixture of apprehension and anger as she regards the two of them.
“No!” she shoots back, tugging at her arm. “Come on, you know I can’t just leave you here.”
Jasper’s molten amber eyes narrow, her steely gaze colliding right into her.
“ You,” she says, enunciated as sharp as a dagger. “One half of that vile war machine.”
“War machine?!” Steven cries, distraught by the very implication. “She’s not a war machine! Garnet fuses for love!”
“Yeah!” Ruby jabs her fist in the air loud and proud.
The Homeworld warrior scoffs, seemingly not impressed by their display of solidarity. She folds her arms solid across the Yellow Diamond insignia emblazoned upon her chest and steps closer to address her directly. “And where’s this love now?” she spits, mockingly stooping to her level.
And despite the faint, triumphant memories of her last incursion with this quartz, (well… Garnet’s last incursion), she can’t help but cower in her presence, can’t help but crumble like the deficient sandstone of this very kindergarten under the cruel, personalized precision of her blunt words. Because... she’s right. Because that’s the whole problem, the pulsing heart of life’s cruel game. Fusion offered her a tantalizing taste of freedom, a glimpse of a reality where, together, a lowly guard and her sapphire could achieve literally anything through the strength of their love!— but that world feels like nothing more but an unobtainable mirage now. She’s absolutely useless on her own, just some pathetic waste of resources! No authority, no power, no wisdom of foresight— she brings nothing to the Crystal Gems’ cause. She never did. It was always her. Tears bead at her widening eyes, her gauntleted fists already beginning to tremble at her sides. 
“Where’s any of your power now?” Jasper continues as she raises back to her full height, lifting both open hands towards the empty, cloud-streaked skies. She throws her head back as she offers them all a bright, boastful chuckle. “To think I used to view you traitors as a threat, but now even your disgraceful cause is falling apart, isn’t it… Rose?”
Still standing a step behind her, Steven’s immediate reply brims with tones of frustration. “I’m not—“
“But you’re wrong!” a high, familiar voice urgently calls out from behind them all. 
This whole messy confrontation breaks to a halt as everyone turns to gape at the lone Gem poking her head out above the rocky outcropping. Peridot gasps at the sudden influx of attention, and hastily ducks for cover again. 
“What are YOU doing here?” Jasper growls with annoyance, grinding one of her feet in the dirt as if inwardly hoping she could shift the very earth they stand on and finally gain the advantage of surprise once more.
“I-I…” the green Gem stammers, slowly creeping out from her hiding spot, summoning newfound confidence as she lays her eyes on each and every one of her friends. “I’m here because our cause hasn’t fallen apart! We live on Earth to be free, to learn new things about ourselves. Like how I can bend metal to my bidding!” she exclaims, tossing enthusiastic fists into the air.
On the cliff face over twenty feet away, a skinny length of metal from one of the injector’s legs slips from the device, falls straight down, and noisily clatters as it collides against the rocky soil. Amethyst facepalms. Meanwhile, Jasper appears so underwhelmed by this display that in any other circumstance, her glazed-over expression could be comedic.
Peridot briefly scowls at her botched handiwork. “And sure,” she shrugs, nodding towards that shard of metal, “nothing’s ever perfect here, but together, we work to help and support each other, just like we’re supporting Amethyst now. Isn’t that freedom worth fighting for?”
A few beats pass as the heart of this proclamation sinks in, the ticking seconds seeing Steven beam in pride at his friend’s progression since the beginning of her stay on Earth, and Jasper’s features scrunch inwards in an almost sour manner. Between the stifling roots of her own despair, even Ruby herself can’t help but feel a little uplifted by this hopeful sentiment. It’s a well-timed salve to an old burn, a naive yet ultimately truthful promise of lighthearted days to come. After all, hasn’t her time as a Crystal Gem taught her by now that no circumstance is permanent? That a single unifying cause can collapse empires like a wildfire, can continually reshape one’s entire understanding of existence? Her gauntleted hands shift at her side as a new spark of timid confidence ignites at her core. What was she thinking, letting this brute of a quartz tower over her and define the very pillars of her own story? She’s better than this. For the very sake of her friends she has to be!
But alas, before this newfound bravery can see its hour of triumph on this secluded battlefield, she finds herself once again cast aside by one of the very friends she’s vying to protect.
Amethyst growls in frustration at their continued presence, and summons her weapon. “UGH, you GUYS!” She slashes its barbed tips against the cliff face right above Peridot, not close enough to hit her, but certainly with enough force that it spooks her into diving behind the low rock formation again. Scowling, she then turns and plucks an actively protesting Steven right off the ground. “Get out of here!” she yells, tossing him back towards the clearing’s entrance. “This isn’t your fight!”
Ruby gives a sharp yelp as she just barely leaps backwards to dodge the business end of her whip, swinging low in a vain attempt to tangle up her feet. “Hey—!”
“It’s just you and me, Jasper,” the purple quartz breathes heavily, and abruptly whirls around to jab her finger towards her opponent. “ONE-ON-ONE!”
Silently, a consenting smirk riding over her lips, the taller Gem summons her ramming helmet in a glittering flash of light.
The mission is— in the terms of the brave humans they sometimes fight alongside— a bloodbath. 
When they first warped in, Garnet only expected to find a small handful of disoriented jaspers, citrines, and carnelians roaming about. Gems they could talk to. Gems they could reason with, just as Rose reasoned with her fellow quartzes at the very start of this bold rebellion. Instead, what emerges soon after their arrival is more shocking and unpredictable than any future Garnet could’ve ever visualized.
Bursting from the very heart of this slapdash, rushed Kindergarten, despite every single locational and structural disadvantage this place stacks against one’s favor, is Her.
The strongest, most perfectly formed jasper she’s ever laid eyes on. She’s seven feet tall, built as solid as diamond, her flawlessly faceted gemstone gleaming bright and proud in the rising sun. She wastes no time in following the miserable orders the Great Diamond Authority cruelly embedded deep within her soul, immediately calling the hundreds of scattered and confused off-color Gems surrounding her to action.
Garnet and her squadron simply don’t have enough time to intervene, to try and settle this skirmish halfway peacefully. They don’t have the numbers. 
Twenty three Crystal Gems are shattered that day. Numerous more on both sides are cracked or poofed.
And yet one of the greatest tragedies, in her mind… is that these emergent Gems never got the proper chance to consider any purpose beyond their assigned station. Never got a chance to glimpse the promise of their own freedom. 
Everything happened so fast. 
She took this place for granted— thanks to her own preconceived notions about the kinds of Gems that could emerge here, utterly failed to foresee this potential turn of events— and in the end it cost lives. Both those of her fellow Crystal Gems, her friends … and those of the Beta quartzes she failed to save from Homeworld’s damaging influence.
That night, as she bitterly weeps for the recovered shards of the beloved they lost, clenches her gauntleted fists tight around her gemstones, she vows to never let such a harrowing tragedy escape her vision again. No more.
A leader like her is not allowed to fail.
With the mighty roar of a lion, Amethyst stamps her leading foot to the ground to center her balance and rears her weapon-wielding arm back, wholly intending to defend her pride from this boorish bully. The first and second slashes are fruitful, one striking Jasper in the face, and the next hitting her chest with such intense force that it slams her into the cliff wall a few feet back, but Ruby can’t help but dread the litany of unknown possibilities haunting their future as she watches, powerless in her lack of second sight to influence their present. Could Amethyst win this fight? Sure. There’s gotta be at least one river of time where that occurs, where Jasper is so wrapped up within that facade of insufferable hubris that she fails to take her seriously as an opponent and pays the price. But on the other hand, she senses so many chinks in Amethyst’s armor that she can’t help but fear the opposite. She’s blinded by her anger, unable to consider consequence rationally. Her form in battle— compared to her usual performance— is notably sloppy, as if she’s throwing herself at this fight with such an explosion of tangled, raw emotion that her years of training and refinement have all but melted away in the inferno. Her fingers are trembling as she tightens her grasp on the whip’s pommel.
All of this stated, Ruby may not possess the gift of Sapphire’s future vision, but she has more than enough experience on patrol and on the battlefield to recognize a soldier who is woefully unprepared for a fight. Something terrible is about to happen, she can just feel it.
“Be careful!!” she cries, cupping her hands around her mouth.
“It’s fine, she’s totally rocking this!” Steven says with a huge grin, seeming uncharacteristically calm, given the circumstances. He whoops, and punches his fist in the air. “Go Amethyst!”
Ruby and Peridot briefly match eyes, the noted concern in their gazes pointing towards the fact that they both think that Amethyst’s insistence to fight is reckless and naive. In retrospect, of course her friend would agree with her. She spent a lot of time cohabiting with Jasper on their journey to Earth, so she’s bound to be well aware of her fundamental nature.
At the moment however, given the shorter quartz’s tunnel vision, she’s certain that any of their valid concerns would fall upon deaf ears. 
“Who’s weak now, huh?” Amethyst spits from across the clearing, flicking her wrist to activate the triplet spiked balls at the ends of her whip, an upgrade gifted by Bismuth she surprisingly hasn’t seemed to have abandoned. With a holler, she swings her leading arm back and around to build up momentum and then slashes at Jasper’s chest three times in succession. The last hit comes with enough force to push her backwards in the dirt a few feet. “Who’s powerless NOW?!”
Then, just as Ruby fearfully predicted, the winds shift. 
The firestorm doubles back upon them, Jasper merely swatting the flail ends away like they were nothing more but a momentary nuisance. Her expression narrows into a scowl. Emergent shock mingles alongside the dark cloud of Amethyst’s anger like wayward lightning bolts as she growls in frustration, the side-swept fringe of her hair shadowing her features. In retaliation she summons a second whip and immediately slashes them both against the soil, endowing them with a crackling, purple-tinged energy, almost a fire of her own making. She tucks into a ball and literally hurls herself at the quartz warrior, her form only recognizable in the heat of that moment via a dazzling blaze of light.
The resulting collision throws up so much dirt and smoke that Ruby has to throw her small body in front of Steven’s to shield him from the worst of the debris. 
When the thick curtains of dust finally part, the consequences of this overly-impulsive move are revealed. Jasper still stands proud and tall, her mettle unaffected by this attempted show of strength. Barely a scuff even marrs her uniform. Meanwhile, Amethyst lays hunched over on hands and knees, hacking up fragmented remnants of sandstone she likely swallowed amidst the impact. (Alas, that’s the price she pays for choosing to always reform with an semi-operational digestive system.)
“Is it sinking in yet?” Jasper queries pointedly, advancing towards the trembling Gem on the ground.
Amethyst is so exhausted she can’t even muster the strength to respond, her arms quivering beneath her as she vies to hold up the simulated weight of her hard light form.
Her foe roughly kicks her in the chest, her foot striking mere inches under her gem. Ruby visibly cringes at both the shallow huff of distress that this hit elicits from her, and Steven’s cries of fear in response. 
“It doesn’t matter how long or hard you fight,” Jasper boasts, her imposing figure hovering like a bad omen over her quartz sibling’s, “because I’ll always be stronger! Runts like you never had a chance. Runts like you are worthless.”
Angrily, she grinds her teeth together, cradling the vulnerable gemstone on her hand. 
Who the hell does this square hunk of stone think she is, slinging such heavy-handed words around like the blunt end of a mallet?
“Get your worthless, sorry forms back in formation!” wretched old Condor Agate used to scream at her and the others in her squad, back when she spent eternity guarding empty corridors, back before she was eventually reassigned to Sapphire’s personal guard. “You’re an embarrassment to your commanding agates, all of you!”
Ruby growls, finding her resolve. That’s it. No more. She can’t bear to stand at the sidelines gripped in fear while some bully is literally beating her friend into the ground, both physically and emotionally. She can’t bear for Amethyst to fall prey to the same type of unwavering torment she herself experienced all those years ago on Homeworld, torment that utterly deformed her sense of self-worth until recognizing any ounce of good in herself became a gargantuan, near-impossible task. Admittedly, she still hasn’t healed from those days. Not entirely. Sometimes she’s unsure she ever will. But it’s her duty to put an end to this, to what’s happening in the here and now. After all, what’s the point of being a Crystal Gem if you don’t look after the people you love?
“We have to separate them,” she says firmly, turning towards Steven and Peridot. “She’s gonna get clobbered!”
The former kindergartener’s expression warps to despair under her visor. “But how? She doesn’t even want us to be here! And none of us are strong enough to face Jasper…”
“Could we make a distraction?” Steven suggests, his voice tinged with the same sort of urgency she feels thrumming like a frantic drum line at the depths of her core.
Humming in thought, Ruby considers the status quo. To no success, she attempts to ignore her friends’ expectant gazes, trustingly falling upon her exactly like all those fellow rebellion soldiers used to look at Garnet… as their de facto leader. But she’s no leader, far from it. Garnet would barely have to think before coming up with a genius, foolproof plan, but she’s going into everything blind. She can’t weigh out potential consequences before rushing into action. She has no ability to pinpoint the most ideal outcome and work backwards from there. With all this in mind, it’s really no wonder that Garnet passed command of the group to Pearl instead of her. At least Pearl has experience leading missions solo.
And yet desperate times call for desperate measures.
She scans their surroundings for inspiration, considering what options may be open to them. At this point there’s no time to double back to the barn or the temple for reinforcements. (And she strongly doubts Lapis would care to so much as match eyes with Jasper, anyways.) One or more of them could always charge into the fray to attempt and break up this small skirmish by force, but that would risk their safety, too. The last thing she wants is to knowingly throw her friends into harm’s way. No, the best option would be breaking the two quartzes up using something in their immediate environment, something large and heavy but capable of being quickly moved, something like...
Her eyes snap wide. “That injector!” she whispers excitedly, pointing to the hulking piece of junked equipment precariously hanging from the cliff wall, only stabilized by a few legs that still penetrate the cracked sandstone. “It’s right above them. If we knocked it down, then maybe…”
Peridot flashes a hopeful smile, and nods.
“We’re on it,” Steven says, summoning his shield. The two of them glance at each other, perhaps silently coordinating their plan, and then leap into action.  
“Metal powers activate!” she exclaims, and throws her hands up in the direction of that rusted injector. 
Subtly but noticeable, its legs begin to shift and creak under the force of her ferrokinesis, loosening from the eroding stone. Licking his lips, Steven aims his weapon and hurls. It strikes the device directly at its center, clanging against solid metal. The injector wobbles for a moment, its delicate balance obviously destabilized by this force, and then begins to slide free from the porous kindergarten wall. One still-impacted leg snaps under the torque as the cylinder’s immense weight plummets towards the ground.
“Heads up!” Steven calls out, causing a bemused Jasper to flick her gaze skyward, towards the falling object staining the soil with an ever-growing shadow.
The collision of the junky old injector almost appears like a small explosion, flinging dirt a good ten feet into the air and resolutely separating the two quartzes. But Ruby barely has time to high five Peridot and celebrate their success before the kid she’s supposed to be keeping safe darts off into the clearing once more. She hisses a small curse under her breath. Drat, of course he’d run straight to Amethyst’s side again at his first opportunity! She should’ve seen that coming a whole star system away. At least Jasper’s been temporarily marooned on the other side of that busted Gem tech, though.
The real question is, for how long? 
Nibbling at her lip, she hastily sprints towards the edge of the injector to keep a watchful eye on their opponent as Steven attempts to have a mid-battlefield heart-to-heart. (At least, that’s what she assumes he’s doing. Admittedly, they kinda failed to hammer out the fine details of their plan before sprinting into action. Her fault.) Thankfully though, at first glimpse it seems the impact’s force has effortlessly knocked Jasper clear off her feet. She seems slightly dazed, but beyond that remains unscathed. Time will only tell if this strategy was a beneficial one. Briefly turning back towards the group, Ruby watches Steven crouch next to Amethyst. She’s muttering something to him, she thinks— her expression raw with fresh tears— but her words are far too hushed to make out. Whatever she shares, however, it’s clearly enough to elicit a strong emotional reaction from her companion.
“No, no!”  he pleads, hurt painting his features. “My mom- Rose, she doesn’t matter. Whatever Jasper thinks doesn’t matter. She's the only one who thinks you should be like her!”
“Stop trying to be like Jasper. You're nothing like Jasper! You're like me!”
“But even you’re different!” she explodes at first, but any anger present in her form immediately evaporates into something more innately hesitant, more self-conscious. Her fingers claw thick troughs into the reddened soil as she curls them inwards. “I’m not like you at all, I’m not some di—”
“No, that’s not the point!” he says, tears of his own budding at the corners of his eyes. “You’re like me because we’re both not like anybody. And yeah, it sucks. Everyone always expects us to be someone we’re not, but you know what? At least I've always got you. And you've got me! So stop leaving me out of this!”
Slowly pushing herself to her feet behind the junked injector, Jasper groans, her voice strained with newfound exhaustion Ruby never imagined she possessed. 
“Y’guys, she’s getting up!” she calls out to her friends behind her, equally a warning as it is a call to action. After all, if this bold stunt finally managed to crack through the first layer of their opponent’s armor, then they might genuinely stand a chance now.
She’ll never know if they heard her, though— because in the same split second she turns back to check on them, the now embracing pair is engulfed in a blinding white light.
Even in the absence of a soldier's fire, everything turns to smoke.
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daleisgreat · 3 years
Inglourious Basterds
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I am jumping out of order with the third Quentin Tarantino film I am covering here is not QT’s third film, Jackie Brown, but instead for his 2009 alternate take on World War II, Inglourious Basterds (trailer). Click or press here for my article on Reservoir Dogs, and click or press here for my entry on Pulp Fiction. I have owned the BluRay since it first released well over a decade ago, and it is a shame yet another QT gem has sat in my backlog for so long. This takes place in occupied France with a riveting opening scene where German Col. Hans Landa (Christoph Waltz) conducts an interview with a local dairy farmer which eventually leads to questioning about missing Jews. This being a QT film, the dialog is intentionally drawn out, with Hans pausing the interview for a refreshing glass of milk, and digressing on other tangents before eventually getting to the burning question. Once again, QT absolutely nails the art of conversation like very few of his peers can. Every subtle body language flinch and pivot throughout their verbal exchange is not wasted, and it ultimately pays off with a unforgettable impact to close the scene. If it was almost any other filmmaker, my tolerance would have surely been tested, but there is something to QT’s scripts that without fail have me 100% invested in their surplus of verbiage as much as a climactic action scene in the latest summer blockbuster.
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Be prepared for some vintage-QT dialog-heavy scenes...I wouldn't want it any other way from him! This being a WWII film, one would think it would be safe to presume there is a fair amount of military combat scenes. While there is a significant body count by the end of the film, the firefights are not of the typical Hollywood WWII fare, so do not expect any all-out tanks, war planes, and massive artillery skirmishes. Most of the action that transpires here involves a team of Jewish American soldiers headed up by Lt. Aldo Raine (Brad Pitt). After the absurd fallout from their latest mission in a basement tavern, they receive intel from undercover operative Bridget von Hammersmark (Diane Kruger) that Nazi leadership including Hitler (Martin Wuttke) himself will be at the grand opening of the latest military propaganda film, Nation’s Pride.
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The theater owner where Nation’s Pride will be premiering, Shosanna (Mélanie Laurent), has an intriguing arc on how she is roped into debuting the film at her cinema which is caused by the relentless intimate pursuit of German soldier, Frederick Zoller (Daniel Brühl). Without giving too much away, Shosanna has her own agenda too, and everything builds up splendidly to the big premiere night of Nation’s Pride. I vividly remember going into the theater not clued into the ending which I will not spoil here, and I was instantly stunned at the direction QT went for the final act. There is nearly an hour and a half of bonus material on the BluRay. The standout bonus is a half hour interview with Brad Pitt and QT, conducted by Elvis Mitchell with some highlights of their conversation being how energetic the overall shoot was, and what it was like premiering the film in Germany. Other extra features worth checking out is the full six minute cut of Nation’s Pride, a quick look back with interviews of the cast and crew from the original 1978 Inglorious Bastards, and a pair of interviews with Rod Taylor who has some fun behind-the-scenes stories with QT on how the two have the utmost respect for each other.
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Inglourious Basterds did not disappoint with a highly entertaining second viewing where nearly the entire ensemble cast excelled in their performances! For a film that is two and a half hours long, it proved to be a swift viewing after being so engrossed with all the aforementioned dialog-dense scenes. I cannot fairly rank this among QT’s movies as I nearly love them all equally, but it goes without saying if you have made it this far then you know I am giving this the highest of recommendations! Other Random Backlog Movie Blogs 3 12 Angry Men (1957) 12 Rounds 3: Lockdown 21 Jump Street The Accountant Angry Video Game Nerd: The Movie Atari: Game Over The Avengers: Age of Ultron The Avengers: Endgame The Avengers: Infinity War Batman: The Dark Knight Rises Batman: The Killing Joke Batman: Mask of the Phantasm Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice Bounty Hunters Cabin in the Woods Captain America: Civil War Captain America: The First Avenger Captain America: The Winter Soldier Christmas Eve The Clapper Clash of the Titans (1981) Clint Eastwood 11-pack Special The Condemned 2 Countdown Creed I & II Deck the Halls Detroit Rock City Die Hard Dredd The Eliminators The Equalizer Dirty Work Faster Fast and Furious I-VIII Field of Dreams Fight Club The Fighter For Love of the Game Good Will Hunting Gravity Grunt: The Wrestling Movie Guardians of the Galaxy Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 Hell Comes to Frogtown Hercules: Reborn Hitman I Like to Hurt People Indiana Jones 1-4 Ink The Interrogation Interstellar Jay and Silent Bob Reboot Jobs Joy Ride 1-3 Justice League (2017 Whedon Cut) Last Action Hero Major League Man of Steel Man on the Moon Man vs Snake Marine 3-6 Merry Friggin Christmas Metallica: Some Kind of Monster Mortal Kombat Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpions Revenge National Treasure National Treasure: Book of Secrets Nintendo Quest Not for Resale Payback (Director’s Cut) Pulp Fiction The Punisher (1989) The Ref The Replacements Reservoir Dogs Rocky I-VIII Running Films Part 1 Running Films Part 2 San Andreas ScoobyDoo Wrestlemania Mystery Scott Pilgrim vs the World The Secret Life of Walter Mitty Shoot em Up Slacker Skyscraper Small Town Santa Steve Jobs Source Code Star Trek I-XIII Sully Take Me Home Tonight TMNT Trauma Center The Tooth Fairy 1 & 2 UHF Veronica Mars Vision Quest The War Wild The Wizard Wonder Woman The Wrestler (2008) X-Men: Apocalypse X-Men: Days of Future Past
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So, the "Justice League" finally got its own movie, eh? Oh, that thing from 2017 was just trash. It's gone. We don't need to look at it anymore.
But in all seriousness, it's great people called out for the Zack Snyder cut of the movie and actually got it! And, yes, it is a vast improvement over the Joss Whedon cut.
Now, my feelings about the DCEU have been pretty divided:
I actually did enjoy "Man of Steel" and found Superman to be relatable and likable for once (I'm not a Superman fan and don't come for me)
"Wonder Woman" was very entertaining and easily the best entry for me in the movie series so far.
"Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" was a hot mess. Lots of good ideas but it was executed poorly. It felt kind of cheesy at times, especially that whole "Save Martha" thing. Jesse Eisenburg is not a convincing Lex Luthor. Ben Affleck is not a good actor and is a terrible Batman/Bruce Wayne. He's not as bad as George Clooney, but he's not much better either.
"Wonder Woman 1984" was a massive glow-down. Poor quality writing, Maxwell Lord was a weak villain, Cheetah was laughable, and the ending was so goddamn corny! Not to mention, it took ages for anything interesting to happen, and what was the deal with Steve Trevor possessing another dude's body? I mean...what?
Haven't seen "Suicide Squad" in its entirety but I do know and have seen enough to decide that it's a huge misstep. Haven't seen "Birds of Prey (And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn)" either but I have some interest in it so perhaps someday.
Haven't watched "Aquaman" but probably will eventually but I'm just not very motivated to see it. I like Jason Mamoa as Aquaman/Arthur Curry, but...I don't know. The trailers didn't really grab my attention.
The 2017 Joss Whedon version of "Justice League" was terrible -- worse than "Batman v Superman," worse than "Wonder Woman 1984." I thought the movie moved too quickly, lacked proper character development, and had some bad CGI (I mean, Mustache Gate, am I right?)
Onto the Synder Cut for "Justice League!" Spoilers ahead, of course:
These are really a collection of thoughts, opinions, and observations I had while watching the movie. I have only seen the 2017 film once and honestly don't want to watch it ever again, not even to "refresh my memory" of some details.
Steppenwolf was such a pitiful villain in the Whedon Cut. The CGI for him was terrible, and he looked like some weird dude in armor. His personality and motives were paper thin as well. He was a throw-away, token villain, and the only things memorable about him was his name and voice.
In the Snyder Cut, not only was Steppenwolf's CGI much more refined, his character design was imposing. His armor seemed to be alive, too, always shifting slightly, this way and that, which was an impressive sight. His motives, while nothing too deep or extraordinary, gave him a little more depth: he pissed off Darkseid and had to make up for it, and was clearly afraid of what could happen to him if he failed.
The name and voice obviously were still memorable but combined with the other improvements to his character, they were icing on the cake.
That being said, I don't think Steppenwolf is as intriguing or even remotely sympathetic as Loki and Thanos in the MCU.
Was Darkseid even mentioned in the Whedon cut? I can't remember and I don't want to watch that shitty movie again just to find out. However, I don't recall Darkseid making an appearance or even being spoken of in the 2017 version. Now, I haven't read DC (or Marvel) comics, so I don't know a lot about the guy, but he is supposedly one of the more iconic villains.
His motives are pretty simple, though: command and conquer. There isn't a lot of depth so far in the movies but he does pose a much larger threat than Steppenwolf did. You could tell Steppenwolf was intimidated by Darkseid, who was about as cold and menacing as they come. He's a complete villain in that regard, having no emotions and only seeking power for himself.
He looked great in the Snyder Cut. He was actually really fucking scary-looking. He made the beefcake Steppenwolf look like a puppy.
I'm glad that Darkseid made an appearance, even if he didn't fight the Justice League. It alludes to a much broader story, as well as foreshadows an epic boss fight down the line -- assuming the Snyder Cut is popular enough to convince the studios to make a direct sequel and not just abandon things in favor of some sort of soft reboot.
Superman/Clark Kent/Henry Cavill/Mustache Gate
Let's get this out of the way: Henry Cavill is hot af.
Ok, now that we got that out of the way, hooray for Snyder for getting rid of those nasty reshoot scenes involving Henry's CGI'd mouth! Can't say I missed them, you know? I mean, in the 2017 Whedon Cut, you could always spot reshoot scenes based on whether or not Henry's mouth looked normal and totally strange.
I think the 2017 movie had Superman grab Batman by the neck and ask, "Tell me: Do you bleed?" I'm relieved that was removed from the Synder Cut because it added too much of an evil tone to Superman, and we could clearly tell he was most upset with Batman upon being revived.
One massive problem with the 2017 movie was that it made every member of the Justice League look like bumbling idiots without Superman's help. It was downright embarrassing and unrealistic. I mean, you're telling me that Wonder Woman, a goddess, can't take on Steppenwolf? Or Victor Stone, a cyborg with incredible abilities? Making Superman key to winning isn't the problem, it's how it was done in the 2017 movie. He's already OP but that shouldn't mean his comrades have to be useless in comparison.
Superman was allowed to be OP in the Snyder Cut without making his team look incompetent. Like in the Avengers movies, everyone in the Justice League had a purpose and all of them worked together to defeat Steppenwolf. Superman obviously was key to winning, but, again, it wasn't like he was the only capable one during the battle.
I did like the black suit. It's kind of ominous but also very cool at the same time. But is it also foreshadowing something? I don't know...I haven't read the comics so I really don't have any idea lol.
Batman/Bruce Wayne/Batfleck
One glaring issue I still have is Ben Affleck is a mediocre actor at best and he's a terrible Bruce Wayne/Batman. I mean, they couldn't have found anyone else? Someone with, like, good acting abilities?
Martian Manhunter
This whole time -- THIS WHOLE GOTDAMM TIME -- Martian Manhunter was hiding in plain sight! General Swanwick, who I remember from "Man of Steel," IS Martian Manhunter. I didn't see that coming. I mean, I knew Martian Manhunter would appear in the Snyder Cut but I didn't know he'd have an alternate identity, let alone that of an existing character in the DCEU.
As much as I did like seeing him, I am glad he didn't play a big part because the movie already has plenty of characters as is, and introducing yet another one could have slowed things down and taken away from developing the plot.
The Runtime/Pacing
I mentioned already that the Whedon Cut felt rushed and needed much more time to develop its characters and plot. While I had doubts about whether or not making "Justice League" four hours long would be a good idea, it turns out that it was just what the story needed.
Character development was actually existent, and Cyborg/Victor Stone received a detailed backstory, and Flash/Barry Allen got some extra tidbits added to his character's story/background as well.
I actually thought Victor was a fascinating (if a bit tragic) character in the Whedon cut and was disappointed that he just sort of, like, popped up and fought alongside the other Justice League members with the tiniest amount of depth.
Despite an epic 4-hour runtime, it didn't feel slow, nor did it feel like any scenes were "filler." Every scene had a purpose and kept the story moving at a steady, comprehensible pace. It felt more like a 2.5-3 hour movie, honestly, which is a feat since pacing can often be one of a film's biggest issues ("Avengers: Endgame" also accomplished this feat with its 3-hour runtime feeling more like 2-2.5 hours but with no negative side effects of that). Breaking the movie into chapters, including an epilogue was a tad strange because it's not a very common thing, but I think it helped break up the epic 4 hours into separate, manageable but still cohesive pieces. Also, they helped easily transition from one portion to the next smoothly without any awkward cuts.
The Flash/Barry Allen/Ezra Miller
Barry still amused me in the Whedon Cut. He brought some good-natured humor and charm to the movie, preventing it from being too brooding and intense.
I think Ezra is a talented actor and does well in the Barry Allen role but he is, unfortunately, a problematic person. I mean, if he gets recast, he gets recast but hopefully, they pick someone else who has some acting abilities worth noting (i.e. Not a Ben Affleck type of actor)
The Final Battle
It was a huge improvement over the 2017 cut, as everyone was key to winning the final battle, not just Superman. It is meant to be a team of costumed heroes defeating a villain, not just one OP member of the team outdoing everyone else.
That being said, I felt that the final battle was a little bit anti-climatic. I don't know what it was but I just thought that it would be longer? I expected more to happen? More fighting? Not sure how to describe it, but I do feel like it wasn't as impressive as it could have been.
The Epilogue
A dystopian future involving an evil Superman and Joker somehow working WITH Batman was just...crazy. I mean, evil Superman, I can believe, but Joker and Batman working together (even reluctantly) is quite a sight.
Based on what I've been reading, this nightmare Bruce has could be setting up not one but two sequels for "Justice League." I would like to see how things will play out even if things get kind of dark. I'm getting the impression that Darkseid will kill Lois Lane, thus breaking Superman emotionally and making him compliant. That is unless Bruce intervenes in this timeline and prevents that from happening...but at the expense of his own life. Oh dear...
I definitely enjoyed the Zack Snyder version of "Justice League," and would definitely watch it again and again and again. I already have forgotten the majority of the Whedon Cut, and after seeing Synder's version, I think the 2017 movie will be rendered null and void. I hope it is just expelled from the DCEU canon entirely. That, and we get the "Justice League" sequels, preferably from Zack Snyder (Say what you want but I think he is a pretty good director for the most part and seems to really care about this work).
I honestly want to see a fight between the Justice League and Darkseid because I think that's what we're trying to build up to, and seeing as how Darkseid is one of the legendary villains in the DC comics, I would be extremely disappointed if this doesn't come to pass.
Also, as much as I like Batman/Bruce Wayne, seeing him sacrifice himself to save the team, including Lois and thus Superman's sanity, would be something else. It would bring everyone even closer together, for one, and I think that the negativity shared between Batman and Superman in the past would be completely forgiven. I'm not saying there isn't forgiveness now, but dying to save Superman's wife would change everything....if that makes sense? Does it make sense? I'm terrible at explaining my thoughts sometimes.
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7, 10, 11, 16, 19?
#7 Favorite Movie:
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Friday Night Frights NO CONTEST! I’m a skater & former roller derby girl so the subject matter is very close to my heart. Plus I like the girls can play sports too narrative. Freaky Fusion is a close second.
#10: Favorite Monster Type.
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This one is hard, I like the zombies, sea monsters and robots very much but los eskelitos are the most interesting thing for me.Skelita has curves, her brother has shoulders & her Abuelita is fat - despite none of them having organs, because they’re monsters and it’s magic & it doesn’t need to make sense.  if I was a Monster I’d be a fat skeleton.
#11: Which monster do you wish they did.
Monster High really dropped the ball when it came to Latinx representation, all their original run Latinas had the same voice actress and in the reboot there was only one Latina character but she was also the only villain... so Latinx got screwed from both ends. My family is from Puerto Rico and I REALLY wanted to see a Puerto Rican monster in their line up, we did eventually get one in Moanica D’kay, beautiful & so aggressively Puerto Rican even her theme song is reggaetón. But once again, she is the villain, Without the other Latinas from the pre-boot to add context to her & show us a diverse range of Latinx, Moanica is the one lone Latina & she’s evil.
So I really wish we’d have gotten another Puerto Rican monster whose not the bad guy? me personally I’d have liked to see a Chupacabra. An actual Chupacabra that’s reptilian and not just a dog with mange that someone found while doing LSD in the desert.
These are good examples of Chupacabras.
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A dog with spikes a chupacabra does not make! I don��t wanna see this shit in my chupacabra tags.
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Yes that induces the blue spiky dog thing from Hotel Transylvania 3, dressing a dog in a flamenco outfit & putting a goat in his martini does not make him a Chupacabra, I will die on this hill!
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The Hotel Transylvania 3 example is the worst because they originally had a monster reptilian like design for him!!!
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This is LOADS cooler than what they went with.
I think Victor & Valentino have a decent Chupacabra because it is a hybrid of both the dog type and the reptile type. And I kind of like that they found a middle ground in the whole reptile vs dog chupacabra debate. So this is also acceptable.
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but just an FYI, like Hotel Transylvania 3 they too had a fully reptilian design in the plot episode but gave him more dog like features in later appearances.
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First design was way more interesting imho. the first one is okay but it’s a little too close to the Chupacabra from Scooby Doo who just went completely AWOL with the lore and gave him more ape like features instead of dog or reptile.
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The first chupacabra OC I ever done right was made by @ninapedia and she is so cute.
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Sorry that got kind of long, I’m just very passionate about Chupacabas.
#16 Favorite Outfit Line
Tie between Dawn of the Dance and Zombie Shake. the fashions and dark makeups left me speechless.
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#19: Dream Doll Pack.
WITHOUT HESITATION: A shadow Ghouls Multipack. I loved the darker more goth look to the ghouls, evil twin is CLASSIC horror stuff! they didn’t just color swap the girls they gave them details! look at Frankie’s cut gangster eyebrow and the broken heart on Dracualura’s cheek, Abbey’s sharper jewelry. it’s all so *chefs kiss* perfect!
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aion-rsa · 3 years
How Final Destination Went From Real-Life Premonition to Horror Phenomenon
The year 2000 was a scary one for horror films and not always in a good way.  
While American Psycho and The Cell offered up visually striking nihilistic thrills to genre fans, the majority of horror movies released at the dawn of the new millennium were at best forgettable and, at worst, lamentable – yes, we’re looking at you, Leprechaun in the Hood.  
This was the year of duff sequels like Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2, Urban Legends: Final Cut and, though it is painful to admit, Scream 3. Horror fans were screaming out for something different, something exciting. They found it with Final Destination.  
Discarding the stalk-and-slash thrills that had enjoyed a revival in the years following the release of Scream, Final Destination centered on a group of high schoolers who end up avoiding a fatal plane crash thanks to a premonition, only to discover there is no escaping death’s plan as one by one they are offed in a variety of brilliantly inventive “accidents”.  
Released in March of that year, Final Destination was a sleeper hit with word-of-mouth helping the film to clean up at the box office, earning $112 million off a $23 million budget with more than half of that coming internationally.  
To date, it has spawned four sequels as well as a variety of novelisations and comic book spin-offs while a franchise reboot is also on the horizon.  
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The Final Destination Movies, Ranked
By Sarah Dobbs
Jeffrey Reddick has worked on several films during his career to date but he’s probably best known as the creator of Final Destination. It’s something he has come to terms with.  
“It’s probably going to end up on my gravestone, it’s such an ironic title,” he tells Den of Geek.  
“Sometimes I’ll be out and I will hear someone say ‘you just had a Final Destination moment’ and it will make me smile. The whole thing just took on a life of its own.”  
Nightmarish Origins  
A screenwriter and director, Reddick recalls how his neighbors in rural Jackson, Kentucky, would laugh when his six-year-old self would tell them about his plans to work in the movie business.   
An avid writer and reader of Greek and Roman mythology, he recalls spending his formative years watching horror movies with his friends. His mother was only too happy to indulge his burgeoning interest too, knowing it kept him out of trouble elsewhere.  
Reddick’s life began to change after he saw A Nightmare on Elm Street.   
“That film cemented my love of horror. I was this 14-year-old hillbilly from Kentucky but I decided I was going to write a prequel. I went home, banged it out on my typewriter and sent it to Bob Shaye.”  
The legendary head of New Line Cinema initially dismissed Reddick’s draft out of hand, returning it with a note explaining the studio did not “accept unsolicited material.”  
Undaunted, Reddick sent the script back with a note telling him “Look mister, I spent three dollars on your movie and I think you could take five minutes on my story.”  
Shaye was impressed and struck up a bond with the youngster that saw him sending everything from scripts to posters to Reddick during his teenage years.  
When Reddick moved to New York to study acting, age 19, he was offered an internship with New Line, which would become a full-time role despite acting being his “main passion.”  
“Diversity in casting was not a thing at that time,” he recalls.  
“My agent was like ‘I don’t know what to do with you as an actor. We can’t put you up for gangsters or pimps and you don’t rap and you don’t play basketball.”  
“So  I figured, screw it, I will just write stuff and put myself in it.”  
Reddick was present at New Line during their company’s early 90s creative heyday and credits the experience with helping him get Final Destination off the ground.  
“I learned a lot about how to get a movie made. I knew that to make a movie that connected with an audience you had to tap into something that was universal. Death is the ultimate fear.”  
As luck would have it, the idea actually came to Reddick while on a flight back to Kentucky.  
“I read about a woman who was on vacation and her mother told her not to take the flight she was planning to take home as she had a bad feeling about it. The woman changed it and the plane she was supposed to be on crashed.”  
At that point however the idea wasn’t Final Destination. It wasn’t a film either. It was an episode of The X Files.  
The Truth Is Out There  
“I was trying to get a TV agent at the time and they recommended I write a spec script for something already on the air. I was a huge fan of The X Files and thought about a scene where somebody has a premonition and gets off the plane and then it crashes and used that as the plot.”  
“It was going to be Scully’s brother Charles who had the premonition. He gets off the plane with a few other people but they start dying and Charles blacks out every time there is a murder so people suspect he is doing it.   
Read more
I Still Want to Believe: Revisiting The X-Files Pilot
By Chris Longo
“The twist at the end was that the sheriff who had been investigating alongside Mulder and Scully the whole time had actually been shot and flatlined at the same time as the plane crash.  Death brought him back to kill off all the survivors, including Charles.”  
It would have made for a great episode except it was never submitted to The X Files. Reddick showed his spec script to some friends at New Line who were so impressed, they told him to develop it into a treatment for a feature, which was eventually purchased by the studio.  
Producers Craig Perry and Warren Zide were brought onboard to develop the story and set about tweaking his idea.  
“Originally the cast of survivors were adults because I wanted to explore more adult themes but Scream had come out and teenagers were hot again so New Line got me to change it”  
In a twist of fate, two established writers from The X Files, James Wong and Glen Morgan, were brought onboard to rejig Reddick’s script.   
“My version was definitely darker and more like A Nightmare on Elm Street,” he says.  
“In my script, death would torment the kids about some kind of past sin they felt guilty about. They would then die in these accidents that ended up looking like suicides.”  
For example, Todd’s death saw him chased into the family garage by an unseen specter where he accidentally ended up rigged in a noose triggered when his dad opens the automatic garage door.   
Death is all around us  
Ultimately that death scene and several others were ultimately scrapped in favour of what would prove to be the franchise’s calling card.  
Reddick credits Wong and Morgan with coming up with the idea of having the film’s key death scenes kicked off by a Rube Goldberg machine-like chain-reaction that would see everyday things colliding to create a lethal scenario. It was nothing short of a masterstroke.   
“It created this notion that death is all around us,” Reddick says.  
“Death would use everyday things around us. It made it more universal and allowed us to set the deaths in places where people go all the time. The payoff would be fun but it was the build-up that had you on the edge of your seat.”  
There was one major sticking point for the studio though: the presence of death, or rather the lack of.  
“I fought really hard to make sure we never showed death because for me, if you didn’t show it, it could be something someone, no matter their belief system, could project onto our villain. That was a tough sell for the studio. They would be like ‘this doesn’t make any sense, you can’t see it and you can’t fight it’ but that’s the point, it’s death.”  
“Luckily both James Wong and Glen Morgan were very insistent we never show it and tie it in to a specific belief system.”  
Reddick credits the move with helping Final Destination become “an international phenomenon”.  
“It struck a chord with people around the world. It broke out beyond the horror audience.”  
Casting dreams   
When it came to casting, Reddick had a clear idea of who he wanted in the lead roles, even if the studio’s opinion differed drastically.  
“I had a wish list with Tobey Maguire and Kirsten Dunst as my two leads but New Line was like ‘well…’”  
He might not have got his first pick but Final Destination boasted an impressive cast of up-and-comers who had already made waves among teen audiences.   
Devon Sawa had starred in Idle Hands, while Ali Larter was known for Varsity Blues and Kerr Smith was a regular on Dawson’s Creek. There was even room for Seann William Scott, fresh from his breakout turn in American Pie who was drafted in on the recommendation of producer Craig Perry, who told Reddick “you’ve got to get this kid, he’s going to be huge.”  
Even so, Reddick was left a little unhappy.  
“One of the conversations we had early on was like ‘Just remember this is set in New York, which is one of the most diverse cities in the world so let’s make sure we have some diversity in the cast’ and they were like ‘oh we will’ and then there wasn’t anyone who wasn’t white in it.”  
New Line chief Bob Shaye did find a way to make amends on some level at least, casting Candyman horror icon Tony Todd in a cameo role as a mysteriously foreboding mortician.  
“He called me up and said they had got Tony Todd and I flipped out. He is an icon. Such a talented, serious actor.”  
As well as co-write the film, Wong took on directorial duties while each of the film’s death sequences would require careful planning, his first aim was to have the film start with a bang by creating as terrifyingly realistic a plane crash as possible.  
“We want to do for planes and air travel what Jaws did for sharks and swimming,” he declared in one interview.  
Yet the film would later garner criticism for its eerie similarities to the explosion and crash of TWA Flight 800 off East Moriches, Long Island, New York in 1996 where 16 students and five adults died.  
“There was some criticism that the movie was written to exploit this real-life crash,” Reddick recalls.  
“I even realised later they used footage from one real-life crash which I wasn’t particularly happy about.”  
Indeed, much of the news footage shown in the film actually came from the 1996 crash.  
That didn’t stop the film becoming a major hit and spawning a sequel within three years.   
Final Destination meets Game of Thrones  
Reddick returned to write the treatment for Final Destination 2, determined to move the franchise away from its teen Scream origins.   
“We had tapped into that zeitgeist and didn’t have to do that again. I wanted to expand the universe and subvert it, so I had it open by following a bunch of teens who are then killed off.”  
Once again, divine intervention led to divine inspiration for the opening set piece.  
“Originally, I was going to have it open with some kids going to spring break and they stop off at this hotel and there is a fire but the producers were not sure. Writers always say you should go out and live life – life informs you and a lot of inspiration comes out when I go out for a walk.  
“I was driving back to Kentucky to see my family and I got stuck behind a log truck and the idea just came to me. I pulled off the highway and called Craig and was flipping out with this idea for a log truck on a freeway.”  
The resulting freeway pile-up that leads to multiple deaths is one Reddick ranks as his “favourite scene in the entire franchise.”  
“The second film is my favourite. I wanted to create a sequel that didn’t feel like a remake of the first. It went in a more fun direction – but it’s still scary.”  
That first sequel also represented the last of which Reddick was formally involved in, though he remained very much in the loop as the Godfather of the franchise, revealing that producers had been “looking at scripts before Covid hit.” 
He also revealed that, at one point, things looked to be heading in an altogether different and thoroughly fascinating direction.  
“There was talk about setting a Final Destination back in Medieval times. Like Game of Thrones in Final Destination. Craig Perry worked with a writer and they talked about the idea and put a teaser trailer together [which has leaked online].   
“I would go and see that movie in a heartbeat but the studio said that the reason Final Destination was so popular was that element of deaths in normal, everyday situations.”  
Future Destinations  
Reddick hasn’t given up on a return to the franchise though, hinting at a “unique” idea he has for a new film that is simply too good to reveal yet.   
In the meantime, he has been busy writing and directing Don’t Look Back, a film that shares some surface similarities with Final Destination and is painfully relevant to society today.  
“It’s a mystery thriller about a group of people who witness someone getting fatally assaulted in a park and don’t help the person and somebody films them and puts it online. The public turns on the witnesses and someone or something is coming after them.”  
Eager to make more horror films and celebrate diversity in his work, Reddick remains immensely proud of Final Destination and the impact it has had on audiences.  
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“It’s cool. To have one movie that is going to be talked about after you die is a life goal. If that’s what I leave behind as a legacy that’s enough – but I still want more.” 
Don’t Look Back is available on DVD & Digital from 14th June
The post How Final Destination Went From Real-Life Premonition to Horror Phenomenon appeared first on Den of Geek.
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sailorshadzter · 5 years
Hi, hope you’re having a great day! I want to ask if you have any anime/manga rec? I haven’t watched any for years, but your blog made me nostalgic
hi anon!!
i definitely do!! i mean, im not sure what you’re into so ill give you a great long list with lot’s of different options!!! this will mostly be anime but at the end ill include a few manga. i tend to watch anime vs read manga. 
violent/horror/gore/supernatural (& i mean it. skip this first set if you cant handle gore or graphic content)
berserk. both the 90s / new remake are great. there’s also movies that go through the entire story arc. but this one is VERY dark & very graphic. 
attack on titan. AMAZING. 
goblin slayer. so fucking good. 10/10. still waiting on the next season.
blood+ great story with a great love story. 
elfen lied. creepy and fantastic. 
another. i dont think this one was as graphic, but creepy. i havent seen it in a while though so i could be wrong. 
re:zero. a thriller sort of anime with some graphic content. 
boku dake ga inai machi / erased. HOLY SHIT SO GOOD. main character can reset 7min before accidents happen & he sets out to find out what happens to a childhood friend. 
higurashi no naku koro ni kai. cute killer girls. kind of dated, but still worth the watch. has amazing music. 
kiseijuu sei no kakuritsu 
slice of life / chances are it will destroy your life & make you cry 
 koe no katachi / a silent voice. it’s about bullying & the aftermath of it.
kimi no na wa / your name. this one is a movie. boy and girl wake up in each other’s bodies.
ao haru ride. SOOOOOOO GOOD HOLY SHIT. incredible love story. incredible characters. fantastic all around
ano hi mita hana no namae wo bokutachi wa mada shiranai. be prepared to cry many tears. a story about friendship & ghosts. 
your lie in april. i wasn’t okay for hours after finishing this one. truly a beautiful story. also, lots of tears. 
5 centimeters per second. story of friends who are forced apart due to family moves. fantastic. 
kimi no suizou wo tabetai / i want to eat your pancreas. MANY TEARS, SOOO GOOOOOOOOD. also a movie. 
nagi no asu kara. beautiful animation, wonderful story. about people who live under the sea and on land. 
fruits basket 2019 reboot. this is my first time enjoying this series. i love it. cute animation, awesome story. 
action anime (could have hints of violence but not like the first list)
akatsuki no yona / yona of the dawn. SO GOOD. I CANNOT STRESS ENOUGH HOW GOOD THIS ONE IS. it only has one season, but the manga? read it if you enjoy the first season. it’s about a spoiled pampered princess & her forever loyal bodyguard + the loyal “dragons” that come to follow her. lots of action, romance, and amazing relationships between the entire cast of characters. 
seirei no moribito. female lead character protecting a royal boy. fantastic.
the rising of the shield hero SOOOOO GOOD. 
demon slayer. brother sets out to save his sister. it’s a nice story. great animation. 
fate / zero. lots of seasons + a movie or two. has a touch of history. 
sword art online. just the first two seasons. 
is it wrong to try and pick up girls in a dungeon? on the side. this one is the same story as  this one  just from another point of view. both are good. 
classic anime that everyone should watch just because 
sailor moon / sailor moon crystal. crystal has done through infinity arc & the dream arc is coming next fall. it follows the manga a lot closer than the 90s anime ever did and even if a lot of people didn’t like the animation, i loved it. especially for the second season / r arc. 
inuyasha. fantastic story, amazing love story. the characters are great. and despite being older, it doesnt feel dated. the final arc was fantastic & tugged at my heartstrings over and over again
trigun. i havent watched this one in YEARS but i always enjoyed it. probably a little dated by now.
yu yu hakusho. also a little dated, im here still hoping for a reboot someday. 
chobits. really cute!!
naruto shippuden. literally no reason to watch naruto (220 episodes lmao) because a quick google search would explain the story. just watch shippuden but for the love of god skip the filler  there’s also a bunch of movies. dont bother with boruto. also has amazing openings/endings. 
rurouni kenshin / samurai x. you can honestly jsut watch the movies. ESPECIALLY TRUST & BETRAYAL. that movie is one of my favorites. i actually rewatched this series… two summers ago? its held up well despite being older. 
avatar the last airbender. 
anything studio ghibli. 
sailor moon, the manga is so fucking good. ive read it so many times, it never gets old. it’s my favorite canon of the series. 
akatsuki no yona. i cant even with this manga. again, 10/10. its one of my favorites. if the first season of the manga interested you, watch it and continue the manga. it’s still ongoing. 
love so life. age difference romance. a high school student is the babysitter for two adorable twins that are being raised by their uncle. literally so good. 
faster than a kiss. another age difference romance. a teen girl and her baby brother are orphaned and eventually alone. her teacher takes them in. another amazing story. 
sorry this got kind of long, i hope you find something here you like!! let me know if you do!!!! 
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