#and it’s the same thing if you ship him w eliza
sushisocks · 6 months
since sean was the first to die(rip king😔), we never rly saw him deal w the death of the other members. how do you think a situation like that would go and who's death would impact him the most?
Oooh boy, what a great question!! 
So, I do think Sean would feel obligated to keep things light, but we also KNOW that he’s the one that likes to remember people and talk about the ones he cared for. I can 100% see him being the main push for letting people feel grief in a safe manner; Sean would be the one sitting at the campfire telling funny and heartwarming stories about the dead person, and encouraging other people to open up and share stories too.
At the same time, I 100% see him being weighed down HEAVY by certain deaths in private. If he survived past Arthur’s death, for example, that would absolutely rock his world. Same with Lenny’s death; if not from a shipping perspective, simply because Lenny is the youngest gun, is smart, and a friend of Sean’s. I think that would put some things in perspective for him real quick, and internally he’d be having a REAL bad time. Thing is, Sean isn’t really one to show a whole lot of negativity, so I don’t think this would be apparent to anyone who didn’t know how to look for it.
Additionally, I do genuinely think both Kieran and Molly’s deaths would hit him HARD. I’ve talked with several friends now about how Sean, Molly, and Kieran do all three have a connection with Ireland, and probably did feel a faint sense of kinship over it. Molly feeling unsafe and more alone after both Sean and Kieran dying right after one another makes a world of sense, even if she wasn’t really close to either of them, simply because of what they represent to one another. I can imagine her death hitting Sean in a similar way, and Kieran’s death would also absolutely sour certain things for him – ESPECIALLY since if you get all their possible interactions over the course of Horseshoe & Clemens Point, the two DO actually develop a repertoire between one another. 
Hosea’s death is a rough one, I think. Sean and Hosea’s relationship is of great interest to me, because there’s a LOT of conflict there, and Hosea is definitely among the– Less kind gang members, to Sean. Still though, Sean does clearly have some regard for Hosea as a wiser older man, as shown by him actually asking Hosea about their situation, clearly seeking advice and/or comfort regarding it. In large part I think Hosea’s death would be somewhat overshadowed by Lenny’s, to Sean at least, but there would very much be a sense of… Indignation, maybe? The context of this being one of the founding members of the gang, Dutch’s partner in crime, this voice of authority, now dead for what? 
Sean, at his core, is a people person. There’s no way any of the deaths wouldn’t leave an impression.
One thing I can then see happening is… A sort of disillusionment for Sean, when it comes to Dutch & the gang? Imagine all these rapid rate deaths of people you care about, and when you look to your leader he doesn’t really… Do or say anything? About it?? 
I think, similarly to my reasoning as to why I think Sean would’ve sided with Arthur in the end had he gotten that far, Sean isn’t as fully sold on every aspect of Dutch’s talk nor as fully invested as Arthur and John are (with their specific daddy issues lmfao). That WOULD allow Sean to grow more critical, and as more people die, I can imagine us actually getting to see Sean possibly become more– Well, for a lack of a better word, more Arthur-like. “He’s just a younger version of you” and all that, here’s Sean at around the same age Arthur was when he lost Eliza and Isaac, watching people that matter to him die through a failure of leadership, if you will. It makes sense to me that Sean would start harboring a similar sense of anger, that would probably start grounding him a bit more. 
This is all obviously assuming that Sean survives and everything happens the exact same way, which, as I’ve talked about before, I think is extremely unlikely! But it’s an interesting thought experiment for sure!!
Thank you so much for this question!! I enjoyed writing this a lot, and Sean’s potential journey in the story when surviving his scripted death has always been a point of deep fascination to me, so I LOVE getting to think abt stuff like this!!!
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eunchancorner · 2 years
Honestly Genocide is my favorite character now :)) I loved the Erasermic family thing! I hope you’re having a great start to your week. For this one I was thinking that you could pick whatever ship (romantic or platonic) you wanna use for it (: Maybe Person A gets caught doing something really cute/ out of character and it Person B wants to help them feel less embarrassed. Ex: caught playing with stuffed animals or having a solo dance party or whatever. Lysm! -Olive
I’m gonna use this as an opportunity to say I think Ojiro watches a lot of Hamilton like me and loves singing along but he’s super embarrassed about it, and I had to spin a wheel to see who’d find out.
  Ler Izuku, Lee Ojiro
Warning: none lol
Word count: 1072
”Let me tell you what I wish I’d known, when I was young and dreamed of glory. You have no control, who lives, who dies, who tells your story…”
Izuku followed the music through the halls, listening closely to the voice he couldn’t recognize singing along. He had heard the same kind of music for a few days now, always from the same part of the dorms, and today he was finally going to find out who was the huge, apparent Hamilton fan.
”Who lives, who dies, who tells your story…”
He snuck around, for fear of his singing friend hearing him, being careful to be as quiet as possible, which also helped him try to determine who’s voice he was hearing. Though it was still difficult as he approached the door slowly.
“Every other founding father’s story gets told, every other founding father gets to grow old…”
He came up to the knob, starting to recognize the voice a bit better, slowly he turned it as he heard the music grow, his brain starting to register where he was as he opened the door, his eyes widening as he saw who was singing, just as a slow, sweet ”Eliza….” rang out in the room.
“I put myself back in the narrative,” Ojiro sang out, small tears of emotion in his eyes, fully immersed in his imaginary role, not noticing the greenette.
“I stop wasting time on tears, I live another fifty years, it’s not enough…”
”Eliza…” Izuku mouthed with the song.
“I interview every soldier that fought by your side…”
”She tells our story…”
“I try to make sense of your thousands of pages of writings, you really do write like you’re running out of ti- IZUKU!!” he screeched as he noticed the greenette, quickly wiping the budding tears from his eyes as he went to pause the music.
“W-wait Ojiro, that was amazing!” Deku quickly assured him, the compliment causing Ojiro to stop in his tracks. He noticed the small blush on his face. He could tell compliments still embarrassed the heck out of him.
“Y-you really think so…?” the tailed blonde asked nervously.
“Yea, of course I do, you’re an awesome singer!”
“Heh, that might have just been my voice blending with the singer’s…”
“Even so, it was still really cool how you know the song well enough to time it perfectly!”
“I-it’s not like it’s some sort of video game challenge…”
“Still! Now I kinda wanna hear you sing, just you, without any music.”
This got Ojiro to cover his face with his hands, his tail thumping on the ground. The compliments made him so happy but so flustered and he just couldn’t bring himself to let Izuku see his blushing face.
Izuku smiled a little at him, before poking him in the side, meaning to get his attention and flinching when Ojiro squealed and his arm shot down to his side. It took him a couple of seconds to register what he just saw.
“Ojiro, are you…”
“Are you ticklish?”
“Aww, you don’t have to lie, Oji! It’s ok, most of us are, and something tells me you have a cute tickle laugh~” Deku cooed, giggling slightly as he saw the signs of a wobbly smile forming under Ojiro’s hands. He raised his hands and curled them into claws just as Ojiro dared to peek at him, earning a nervous squeal that the greenette thought was adorable. He noticed how his tail floof poofed up, and it gave him an idea.
He suddenly pounced on the nervous blonde, earning a sudden excited squeal. He quickly straddled him and pulled the hands away from Oji’s face, silently admiring the quickly growing blush, the wobbly smile, the wide, bright eyes. He could also hear Ojiro’s tail thumping quietly behind him, which only fueled his theory.
“Alright, Ojiro, we’re gonna play a game!” the announced, smiling widely down at the pinned boy.
“W-whaht game…?” he mumbled, a short giggle escaping him.
“We’re gonna see where your tail wants me to tickle you!”
“Wh-wh-what- EE!” he squeaked as Midoriya’s hands curled into claws and hovered over his body, the thumping growing louder and faster.
“Ooo, I think this might work! Hmm… let’s see, does your tail want me to tickle… your sides?” the greenette teased, wiggling his hands over Ojiro’s sides and smirking as the thudding sped up again.
“Hmm… or maybe your ribs?”
Thump thump thump thump
“Ooo, or, maybe your hips…”
“Or maybe your little tummy tum tum?”
“Oh, your tail really likes that idea! What do you think, Oji? Should I tickle your little tummy?” Izuku teased, his hands hovering dangerously close to said spot. Ojiro giggled and covered his face, trying desperately to still his tail.
“Hmmm… let’s see…” suddenly hands were digging into Ojiro’s belly, fingers kneading and squishing the soft skin there, causing the blonde to buck and squirm, laughter flowing from him in waves as his tail wagged violently.
“NAhahahaha nahat thehehere!! Nahat my behehelly!” he pleaded, pushing at Izuku’s hands half-heartedly.
“Oh yes, your belly, your tickle-tickle-ticklish little belly! And… hmmm” he smirked as he got an idea from the music that still played in the background, a more upbeat song after the playlist had looped. 
“I am not throwing away my, shot! I am not throwing away my, shot!” he belted out along with the phone in the background.
“Whahat are youhu dohohohoing?!”
“Sing with me, Oji! I’ma get a scholarship to King’s College! I probably shouldn’t brag but dag, I amaze and astonish! Come on!!”
“Nohohoho plehehease!! I cahahan’t! Tohohoo ehebarrassihihihing!”
“Then I guess I'll just have to tickle you until you do!” he said, squishing at the small bit of pudge just under his belly button, causing him to squeal.
“EEEHEhehehehe okahahay! Ihi’ll do ihihihit!” he gave in, giggling as the tickling stopped and the phantom sensations danced across his belly, Izuku’s singing causing him to giggle louder.
“Only nineteen but my mind is older!”
“Every word and every disadvantage I’ve learned to manage, I don’t have a gun to brandish, I walk these streets famished!” Ojiro began to sing along with him, their voices creating a beautiful duet.
Together they sang the rest of the song, Izuku collapsing onto Ojiro at the end in a giggling fit.
“Ohoho, and one more thing, Ojiro.”
“Don’t be embarrassed by the pure quality that is your singing!”
That went a little off track but I think I fixed it! Also Ojiro’s fave song is Who Lives Who Dies Who Tells Your Story prove me wrong
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h-x-l-p-l-e-s-s · 3 years
ABC Fanfic Challenge
C - Christmas
(Written 12/24/2020 - 12/25/2020)
Wow, I ship something straight? That’s odd. Anywhohow, I hope you enjoy this small thing I typed up at 12 in the morning! :)
Word Count: 2k (16 Pages on Google Docs)
Warning: Profanity, Drinking
Pairing: Alexander Hamilton x Elizabeth Schuyler
This year was going to be perfect, unlike last year. Memories of the pie splattering in Alex’s face scarred him mentally, damn it, Jefferson.
“Cake’s done, Lasagna’s done, the sides are done. Everything, when it comes to food, is done.” Alex thought to himself. He put a checkmark on a piece of paper. Next to the checkmark was the word, “Food ‘n Shit.”
Alex walked to the living room and turned on the TV, “Now, I need to find a Christmas movie.” While he looked for one, he took a look at the tree. “Damn, that’s bright.”
He found a Christmas movie on Disney+ and checked, “Fun Shit” off of his list.
He heard his doorbell chime, indicating that someone arrived early.
“Coming!” Alex yelled as he ran towards the front door, sliding on his tile flooring with socks on. He opened the door to see three gay people.
“Bonjour, Mon Ami!” Lafayette hugged him with one hand, he held a small box in his other hand.
“Evening, Herc, Laf, and John!” Alex let them inside and pointed towards the Christmas tree.
“I’m sure you’re not too surprised to see us here this early.” John let out a small giggle after he said that. “So, your girl isn’t here yet?”
“J-John! Sh-she’s n-not my girl!” Lafayette and Hercules laughed while Alex stuttered that.
“You don’t even know which girl he was referring to, man.” Hercules grabbed control of his laughing to say that, Alex’s face was as red as hell’s fire.
“Can we watch Nikocado Avocado?” John asked, making everyone laugh.
“There’s no time to mess around, everyone else should be arriving before I know it. I need to make sure everything’s correct.” Alex ran up the stairs, making sure it was all decorated to his liking.
He checked “Decorations Bitch” off of his list. He locked his bedroom door and turned on each light upstairs.
He checked every single room to make sure everything was perfect. His stress disappeared after that.
He walked downstairs and fell on the floor in exhaustion. “He’s dead.” John sighed, watching Nikocado Avocado on Alex’s TV.
“Ah, yes. I just love watching staged failing marriages on Christmas Day.” The doorbell chimed about thirty seconds after Alex sarcastically mumbled that.
“Dance, King! Dance!” Lafayette and Hercules screamed at the same time Alex opened the door.
“Nice to know the others are here.” Burr grinned. He was with Washington and his girlfriend, Theodosia.
“I would stay away from them if I were you, come in.” Alex moved out of the way to let them enter.
“Merry Christmas, Lex!” Theodosia hugged Alex. “I see your girlfriend isn’t here yet.”
“S-she’s. N-not. My. G-g-girl-f-fr-” Alex stuttered, a bit more nervous than before.
“You’re a mess, Alex,” Washington whispered as he walked towards the boys in the living room. Theodosia followed.
“Why do you seem so tense?” Burr asked while pulling Alex towards the kitchen.
“I... I’m just kind of stressed about making this year perfect.” Burr raised an eyebrow after hearing Alex say that. “Anything else? Are you stressed about asking Eliza out?”
“W-who told you I was asking her out today?!” Alex whispered loudly. Burr smirked naughtily and left Alex alone in the kitchen.
Time had passed, everyone was in the living room playing Monopoly. Alex was left in the kitchen, silently downing a bottle of wine.
“Fuck this shit!” Lafayette yelled. Alex assumed he was arrested again. “This game is rigged.”
“Okay, Lex. In five minutes you’re gonna get up, down a bottle of water, and walk in the living room.” He thought to himself.
Five minutes had passed, he looked towards the living room to see everyone having a great time. “Alright, you’re gonna walk towards the living room and sit next to… John or Lizzy.” He did just that.
“Hi, Alex!” Eliza and Peggy waved at him, he waved back.
“Now that he’s here, can we play something less rigged?” Lafayette groaned, moving a bit closer to Hercules so Alex could sit next to John.
“Alex, can you tell Laf that if he manages to go to jail three times in one game, he needs to own his goddamn mistake instead of whining like a baby?!” Jefferson yelled.
“Alex, can you tell Thomas that if I managed to pull three “Go Directly to Jail” cards, that someone had to rig it somehow!” Lafayette yelled as a comeback.
“Laf, no one would waste their time to make this game unfair for you.” Angelica stood up and walked towards him, making him intimidated.
“Angel, leave Laf alo-” Hercules walked in front of her, but was pushed to the side by Maria.
Before Alex knew it, everyone began to argue over a game of Monopoly. Alex slid off the couch onto the floor, covered his head, and tried to ignore it. That’s a new one.
The person who’s most likely to start a whole war on Twitter was trying to avoid this catastrophe.
No one included Alex into the argument for ten minutes, after that, James said, “Laf, do you think Alex would sabotage the game to make you out of anyone else pissed?”
“Alex, did you sabotage the ga-” Lafayette began to ask until Jefferson cut him off by saying, “He would sabotage me, not you.”
Alex became a bit nervous. “I didn’t ‘sabotage’ anythi-” He tried to say but Lafayette and Hercules interrupted him. “I’m calling bullshit!”
Just like that, everyone was yelling again. This time, they were yelling at Alex. Some people were attacking him, some were defending him.
“You’re being suspicious, Alex. If you-” Hercules snarled. “Are we all arguing over a freaking board game?!” Maria yelled as a response.
“No, we’re arguing over Alex finding it funny to sabotage one of his closest friends!” Hercules seemed a bit less friendly. He seemed like he actually would kill you if you looked at him the wrong way.
“He didn’t sabotage shit! Laf’s luck is just fucked!” John screamed, covering Eliza’s ears.
“It’s kind of like how Alex sabotaged us in history!” Jefferson laughed.
“Y’all remember that shit?” Jefferson looked at Lafayette, Hercules, and Madison. “When he taught us misinformation so we could fail?” Washington looked at Alexander in shock after Jefferson said that.
Everyone began to scream at Alex, some upset, some a bit upset but not as much. It was official, this Christmas was R-U-I-N-E-D, maybe a bit worse than last year.
Alex, not being able to take unnecessary feedback anymore, ran upstairs to his room and drank a bottle of wine that was in his closet.
He wrapped himself in a blanket, turned off his lights, and drank one bottle after the next. Waiting for this day to end, waiting for everyone to leave.
He allowed the red liquid to slide down his throat, each drop making him a bit comfortable.
He heard a faint knock on the door. “Alex, are you in there?” A precious voice whispered. “There’s no one else with me.”
He set his bottle next to his bed and unlocked his door.
“Everyone’s downstairs, they change the argument every fifteen minutes. Do you want to come downstairs?” Eliza asked.
“N-no.” Alex wanted to say more but struggled to get it out. After he responded, he shut the door on Eliza.
“Do you want me to comfort you?” Eliza asked. White light shined in her eyes as Alex opened his door again.
“If you want to turn your light off again, you can.” After Eliza said that, she set her backpack near Alex’s bed. The light remained on.
“Okay then. Are you a coffee, tea, or hot cocoa connoisseur?” She asked, no answer. “Are you okay?”
Alex slid the bottles of wine under his bed and sat near Eliza. “Hot chocolate, I guess.”
“Okay!” She took a hot chocolate maker out from her backpack, making Alex a bit confused. “I’m like Dora the Explorer, I can fit anything into my backpack.”
“They’re just unfair,” Alex mumbled. He set his head on Eliza’s shoulder and closed his eyes. “It’s genuinely not my fault Laf’s luck is trash. It’s not my fault they failed history. It’s n-not my faul-”
“So the world’s unfair, just keep them locked downstairs.” Eliza cuddled with him.
“In here it’s beautiful.” Eliza grabbed a few blankets, tossing them over Alex’s window.
“Wh-what’s the point of doing tha-” Eliza shoved a chocolate bar down his throat to make him shut up.
She turned off the light, Alex opened his eyes to glow-in-the-dark blankets all over his room.
“W-woah.” He let out a small mumble. Eliza jumped towards her backpack to get marshmallows.
“Want some?” Alexander nodded as a response.
She put four large marshmallows in Alex’s cup, and four in hers.
“Liz, I’m sorry. I know Christmas is your favorite holiday and I fu- messed it up again. Maybe next year, it should just be at John’s house without me. Wasn’t it better in 2018 without me? Didn’t everything go as planned?” Alexander’s eyes began to flood.
“Believe me, it was boring without you. Plus, it was Laf and Thomas who started it, not you.”
Alex drank his hot chocolate swiftly. He then reached under his bed and grabbed a bottle of wine. As he drank it, Eliza felt a bit troubled. Alex used to struggle with a drinking problem before he met Lafayette, Hercules, and John.
He still drinks now and then, but not as much as before. The way he devoured two bottles of wine in thirty minutes was concerning.
“Alexander.” Eliza’s stern tone was enough to send chills down anyone’s spine, even Washington’s. “Put the bottle down, please.”
Scared, Alexander followed her orders. She grabbed two boxes, one box was wrapped with pastel blue wrapping paper. The other was wrapped with a bloodshot shade of red wrapping paper.
“I believe this one’s for you!” Eliza lost her stern tone and replaced it with a loving one. She handed Alex the blue box.
“It’s your Christmas gift from me.” Alex shook it a bit to get a hint of what was inside. “Before you open it, can you do me a favor?” He nodded.
“Don’t go crazy with it.” Alex smiled a bit as he tore it open with no care in the world. Inside he saw a bunch of $100 bills.
“It’s about twenty-five grand.” Alex’s eyes were watery, he hugged Eliza. “What the heck?” He whispered in her ears.
“Pegs has been telling me about how stressed you are at work, and how your bills are rising so… every month until next year I’ll be giving you twenty-five grand.”
“But why? Isn’t it too much?” Alex gave half of it to Eliza, but she declined the offer.
“It’s fine. I wouldn’t have given it to you if it wasn’t fine. Also…” Eliza grabbed a piece of paper from her pocket. “...mind reading this out loud?”
Alex grabbed the paper. It was as straight as Eliza’s hair, surprisingly. It was a fine cream color.
“Will you date me?” Alex read, crying even more. “Holy…” He failed to express how he actually felt.
“Yes! Oh my goodness, yes!” He jumped on Eliza in excitement.
“U-um, what did you give me for Christmas anyway?” Eliza asked, not trying to be too noisy.
“Pegs said you wanted nail polish and hair dye so… surprise.” Eliza let out a squeal and jumped on Alex. “Merry Christmas, Liz.”
They looked outside to see the whole neighborhood, each house decorated with green, red, and white LED lights.
“This is such a step up from last year.”
(Sorry about the lack of storyline! I needed to get this out on Christmas day so… yeah! Merry Christmas everyone! :D)
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kindredspiritdiana · 5 years
try to understand this situation from Diana’s pov
How should I start by saying this? the last episode sucked. 
It’s amazing how close Jerry & Diana got within the span of 3 episodes. Last week, the episode left us shippers so happy we completely forgot that nothing good ever lasts. It’s like I’m watching a different version of Game of Thrones (only one character died and nobody is trying to kill each other).
This week, it was Dianne’s falling out, along with the tragic end to a romantical tale of two young lovers, Diana and Jerry. 
It’s unbelievable how quickly that ship hit the rocks and sunk down to the bottom of the Atlantic ocean (Avonlea is situated on Prince Edward Island).
This subject is so touchy, I’m sure it’s gonna piss some people off. Sorry in advance.
Diana’s character development did not take a tumble. We are all forgetting a few important facts about her.
She is only 16 years old. 
She is still afraid of her parents’ decisions. She doesn’t like to test their patience either. 
She genuinely likes Jerry and is attracted to him (Dalila Bela confirmed). 
Only inside her head, Diana is listening to like 3 different voices telling her what to do and how to live her life.
“It’s your life, enjoy it. every opportunity is an adventure, blah blah blah.” - Anne
“Your life doesn’t have to mirror the life your parents have.” - Aunt Jo
“you mustn't associate yourself with the likes of those people.” - Eliza Barry
It was ballsy enough for her to KISS JERRY in ep 6. Kisses between teenagers at that age were not common, especially for the Dianas of the world.
Girls like Diana would wait until their marriage. They wouldn’t walk home alone with a boy, unchaperoned.
Touching (skinship) would only occur at a ball while dancing. (half of the things she and Jerry do, are like scenarios from a fanfic, an alternate universe.)
Diana and Jerry are so advanced for the time they’re living in, that some of the writing doesn’t even sound realistic.
Again, Diana is still afraid of her parents, no matter what says, or what she makes us believe. Her mother can be scary when she wants to be. Her father just stares disapprovingly at almost everything, because he doesn’t want to anger his wife. Her sister snoops around her room and always eavesdrop. 
It’s no wonder Diana wants a breather. Her life has been planned out for her all her life, and she’s just about ready to combust. She has some freedom in Avonlea even though her parents are around. She gets to hang out with her best friend (who let's face it, is not a lady.) She gets to learn, and she gets to spend her free time with a handsome boy who speaks the same language as her. It’s the most stimulation that girl has gotten in months. Once she’s in Paris at “finishing” boarding school (they didn’t mention boarding school, but seriously where is she gonna live?) she will not be able to experience any of this for a long time.
Diana is trying to live her life to the fullest in just the short amount of time she’s got left, and yeah, she is subconsciously trying to ruin her relationship with Jerry. Up until now, Diana never said anything against him ever, never insulted him. (okay that one time when he came to say hello in front of Anne, Diana was super rude, but that’s because she wasn’t sure of her feelings towards Jerry.)
She isn’t trying to be mean, but she’s kind of realized they don’t have all that much in common. They’ve kissed. Twice. So all that’s left in this secret rendezvous romance is sex, which will never happen (the writers can’t let us be that happy, also it’s a show w/ a teenage/family audience.) 
Diana wasn’t thinking straight, she’s also going through her last years of puberty, and is curious about intimate relations. That’s why she keeps insinuating kisses into their secret meetings. She should’ve told Jerry about her leaving to Paris, but I don’t think she wanted to. She was afraid he was going to get angry and ignore her altogether. I believe somewhere in her heart, she was just afraid of his reaction. She wants to be with him, but what’s the point in hanging out with a girl who is gonna move to a different country soon right after?
I’m glad there isn’t too much hate towards her. Diana she is so sweet and so kind, Anne wouldn’t have become friends with her, if she wasn't. Diana did what all of us still do, she made a mistake in leading Jerry on, knowing very well that their romance would have to end because she was being sent away. But she followed her heart (hormones) instead of listening to reason. 
Hopefully, Jerry approaches Diana in the next episode, I know he’s hurting, but he needs to talk to her. We still don’t know if HE KNOWS that she’s leaving.
I hope he will show her his anger and not be afraid to be honest with her. Because it doesn’t help that he’s afraid to say anything around her. He needs to show her he’s still a person who matters and his feelings aren’t some sort of game for her. 
crossing my fingers this past week for some good content next episode, only thing is that means Shirbert might fight, while Derry reconciles. We can’t have both couples running off into the sunset together. 
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goodnightt-moonn · 4 years
Alrighty kids! Ya boi just saw Hamilton in Toronto and here are some of my thoughts:
(warning this is gonna be Long also don’t read if you don’t want spoilers)
this is the set. it’s v funky.
Tumblr media
okay first of all the ensemble is amazinG they’re all so coordinated and just. y’all best be drinking your appreciate the ensemble juice
the lighting is just. so on point there’s so many lightning fast cues it’s incredible
in My Shot at the end of burrs paragraph when he yells “shot!” everyone takes a shot and it’s great
also on another shot they all pretend to shoot a basketball
king george just keeps. thrusting his pelvis though out the entirety of You’ll Be Back and it’s hilarious
mulligan is literally the best flower girl ever
for the rewind thing in Satisfied i’m p sure the rewind is prerecorded and they literally start doing choreo backwards and then while angelica sings Satisfied, everyone moves through almost the exact same choreo as Helpless
at the beginning of The Story Of Tonight - Reprise when burr sings, laurens and lafayette are just. Groping Him and mulligan is twirking in front of him
when burr says “smile more” near the end of Story Of Tonight - Reprise he hands hamilton a drink and hamilton downs the whole thing after the song
in Guns and Ships lafayette literally LEAPS off a fuckign table while rapping the fastest verse and just. h o w.
also in Guns and Ships when washington sends hamilton the letter he hands it to lafayette who passes it along all the way up the stairs, across the top balcony, and back down to hamilton and it looks so cool
at the beginning of Yorktown someone plays air drums and they’re EXACTLY on point with the sound it’s insane
in What Comes Next when the king says the word “blue” all the lights on him turn blue and he lets out this little gasp that’s so adorable
Jefferson keeps flapping his coattails around dramatically and it’s Iconic
the literal room where it happens is made by a rectangle of light that hamilton, jefferson, and madison are inside of and most of the lighting in that scene is square-based
when burr quotes lines from The Room Where It Happens in Obedient Servant he is lit up in that exact same rectangle of light and the lighting and choreo mimicks that from the Room Where It Happens. just. the syMBOLISM
king george stays onstage after I Know Him and kinda just sits at the edge of stage right vibing for all of Addams Administration
in Addams Administration, hamilton literally drops a massive book from the top balcony at the end and it’s great
during We Know, the entire ensemble is spread around the stage and they stare dead at hamilton. maria is there too right on the lower level as if sad he’s in the same room as the confrontation. eliza is on the balcony in the corner. she’s the only person not looking at hamilton and instead she’s seen reading her pages of letters
the lighting in Hurricane is super cool, it’s like this spinning blueish circle around hamilton like a hurricane
in Reynolds Pamphlet, king george is alone on the balcony just watching everything happen and while everyone else dies a perfectly choreographed dance he just does his own funky little dance up there until eventually coming down
in Reynolds Pamphlet when they say “have you read this???” at the end they say it right to the conductor who pulls out a copy and holds it up (while still conducting the band)
eliza gives this little cry right when philip dies and it just. thanks i didn’t need my heart anywayS
alrighty, that’s all the stuff that stood out to me that i could remember but if you have any questions or want to talk abt it pm me ^-^
also!! i may or may not have audioed the performance so if you’re interested in trading pm me :))
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the-13th-battalion · 5 years
Highlights from Hamilton!
The rush I got hearing the opening notes mmmm
Hamilton was Very Smol and Burr was Very Tol. It was gr e a t. Made their dynamic 10000x better.
John Laurens
"And Peggy!" She was so exasperated it was hilarious
Hamilton trying his best to get to Samuel Seabury and Burr attempting to hold this tiny ball of fury back. And then Hamilton finally got close and CLIMBED UP on the box with Sam and honestly their whole interaction was GREAT. I honestly thought Burr was going to lift Hamilton off the box. I was kind of disappointed he didn't.
King George hadn't even started singing yet- he was BARELY on stage - and people were already laughing. Myself included.
The entirety of Satisfied GOSH how did they do that so well ALSO Angelica is a queen
Wait For It gave me chills
EVERYONE ATTACK!!!!! RETREeeEeEEaaaAAat!!!!! A TT A CK !!! RETREEEAAAT !!!!!!! wHAT are YoU dOinG lEe gEt BAcK On YOur FEeT!!! bUt tHeRE's sO MAnY oF THem!! i'M SORRY is tHiS NOt yOUR spEED???!!???!!!!
Ten Duel Commandments was Very Good. It's one of my favorites so I was happy to see it come to life!
Did I mention I love Laurens and Lafayette??
Honestly everything from Guns and Ships to Non-Stop was a m a z i n g. So intense. Kind of sad. Sometimes adorable. It was all wonderful.
Hamilton learning about Laurens’ death was?? so sad??? My heart
I cried a little during Dear Theodosia, not gonna lie. Mostly because I love the end bit ahhhh
What’d I Miss was as perfect as I was expecting.
Honestly Jefferson deserves his own bullet point here.
I like him better than Daveed Diggs
Every single Cabinet Battle was hilarious and very well done.
Eliza beat boxing while Philip sings his poem omigosh
I...wanna be....in the roooommm where it happens..
Ok seriously though Burr during The Room Where It Happens was BRILLIANT. His vocals gave me serious chills.
There are so many things I love in Act 2 WHAT
*Burr slips out of a dark corner* ...It must be nice..it must be niiice...to have Washington on your side. *is friends with Jefferson in .2 seconds and harmonizing with him*
Hurricane was chilling and beautiful
NEVER GONNA BE PRESIDENT NOW *everyone is climbing on furniture and dancing, Jefferson starts throwing Reynolds Pamphlets everywhere, King George emerges and dances with everyone and NO ONE CARES*
The way Eliza sang I hope that you b u rn
What do you mean Philip dies what kind of sick au is that ahahaha ahah ha haha ahhhhhhh
Hamilton reaching to comfort Eliza and her immediately ripping her hand away and holding it still in the air yes you know what part I’m talking about
At the end of It’s Quiet Uptown, when Eliza takes Hamilton’s hand, and while everyone is singing “forgiveness” and so on, Hamilton looks at her and you can see him talking and she looks ahead still but you can just tell she’s listening and understanding and sdskdksdksdksdks
Everything literally everything in World Was Wide Enough and Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story was BEAUTIFUL
Ok that was a lot longer than I thought it would be! This is what I can think of now... I'll add another highlight if I think of it. In summary, Hamilton was super fun!
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Hey there! First of all, your philly pics are dope. never stop w those. secondly, you’ll probably have already received at least 10 iterations of this ask, but as I can’t find one in your ask tag I guess I’ll just go along and message you. Three (or five, or whatever, you decide) favorite ships and why? I adore angst and I’m super 👀 to know your list
The….problem is that I don’t technically have singular ships I like? Both because I’m an avowed rarepair and multi-shipper and because I tend to have specific character dynamics I like, and then hone in those dynamics in the things I watch like a Type™-seeking missile.
So with that in mind:
1. I’m Just A Girl, Standing In Front Of A Monster, Asking It To Love Her (Because I Am Also Monstrous)
The Ur-ship. My One True Love. Every single story where there is a girl on the fringes of her world and a decidedly non-human thing that loves her, I am there. With bells on. Possibly also carrying sparklers and singing “Can’t Take My Eyes Off You.” I’m very near unreasonable when it comes to this trope, and my ability to determine objective quality and respond appropriately takes a sharpish nosedive as soon as you introduce it.
It comes in lots of different flavors, from the original (Beauty and the Beast, Tam Lin, even Bluebeard, though that’s a different ending) to the Gothic (Jane Eyre and Rochester were the only goths at their respective high schools and bonded over reading Anne Rice, fight me) to the supernatural (Dracula, Phantom of the Opera, our post-modern vampire craze) and all the way up to filmic (Edward Scissorhands, The Shape of Water, The Ghost and Mrs. Muir). I can opine at great length as to the many and varied reasons we continue to tell these stories, but honestly? I just love them. 
Examples: I’ve already brought up a lot of my favorites, so I’m going to leave you with a scene that was deeply formative and refuses to be sorted into any other category. You know in Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest, when after a whole movie of back-and-forth seduction, Elizabeth kisses Jack Sparrow and at the same moment, chains him to the mast with the intent to leave him for dead? 
He grins and hisses, “Pirate,” like he’s glad about it, that’s she’s a monster like him, and short of the scene in The Shape of Water where Eliza talks about how The Asset doesn’t see her as deficient……that’s the most clear and straightforward expression of what I’m talking about here.
2. Signs He Likes You More Than The Disembodied Ideal You Represent, Page Seven
Listen. Catholicism and the medieval High Romance of the chivalric code got me when I was positively formative, I’m always going to be weak for loving a person who is also some shining ideal that you hope to attain but can never touch. (Bonus points if you can and even do attain it, but don’t realize that, because self-loathing.) There’s just something about the King and the Knight, the Queen and Thief, the Saint and Sinner, the Devil and Johnny the Angel that’s always going to get me exactly where I live.  
I also love it because of the way one character’s relationship to the person can be complicated by the ideal; the more the lover has to grapple with their concept of chivalry, the kingdom, morality, heaven or hell, the more interesting the relationship itself gets. And c’mon, who doesn’t want to make out with the embodied concept of morality?
Examples: Arthur/Guinevere/Lancelot (and its various permutations), Mordred/Galahad, Han/Leia, T’Challa/W’Kabi, Cyrano/Christian/Roxane, also Eleanor/Michael from The Good Place has found its way to this and it’s personally devastating to me sorry
3. Defying Gravity Explanation
The thing about emotions is that they are terrible, and complicated, and no language humanity has managed to invent encompasses them completely. Consequently, I’m a sucker for a dynamic that simply defies any attempt to inscribe it with words, and so can only be shown through the gestures and unspoken intimacy of the people who are part of it. Siblings that overshoot the reasonable ambit of brotherly love, friends whose investment in one another’s lives is weird when considered from the outside, enemies who “hate” each other but mostly “think about each other all the time and remember one another’s birthdays and maybe sometimes sit on the edge of a roof somewhere and talk about personal philosophies and then lay awake that night thinking about kissing each other.” That’s the kind of stuff I mean. 
I do not think that each of us only gets One Person (that’s ridiculous) but I understand the appeal. And intimacy so profound it overwhelms language, and becomes something unique to the people inside it? I love that, as a concept, as a story.
And of course, just. Truly, uniquely, devastatingly epic amounts of pining. No matter what.
Examples: T’Challa/Erik, Luke/Leia, Anakin/Obi-wan, Rei/Tak, etc.
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goddess-aelin · 5 years
5x12 and 5x13 rewatch
-“I’m not a child anymore, I’m a commander” you are 12!!
-oct*via telling bellamy that it’s his fault? What a surprise!
-e*ho, R*ven, and Shaw literally are trying to kidnap Madi? I would’ve reacted the same way bitch
-“Safe to say she’s not up for mother of the year” GOD SHUT THE FUCK UP R*ven! Shut up!!!! You’re trying to kidnap her daughter! Actually she is up for mother of the year because guess what! She’s trying to keep her daughter safe. Also she was thrust into this position and never asked for it? What the actual fuxk
-clarke is literally the most selfless person. She saved ec fucking hos life after she tried to kill her. Fuck e*ho, fuck sp*cekru, fuck this season
-Vinson is so gross!
-bellamy literally willed Gaia back to life, what an icon. I’m still mad at him tho
-e*ho is NASTY. Becoming a trainer, you would know bitch!!! “Correction person” fuck you! She’s the reason you’re alive- more than once!! Fuck You fuck you fuck you
-“he survived your betrayal in polis” you mean AFTER HE FUCKING BETRAYED HER!? What kind of fucking backwards logic are these writers smoking? I don’t ducking understand
-I thought love was weakness. Isn’t that what the commanders tell you? “All but one” PLEASE. Till the day she died, L*xa truly believed love was weakness so can we stop spewing bullshit
-wow, comparing bellarkes love to cl*xas? But they’re platonic! Cmon!!
-honestly tho what puts w*nkru apart from the prisoners on eligius? They both have mass murderers. They both want the same thing. Imo, Octavia is just as bad. So what makes that side the right one?
-“I loved her so much” please!!! You knew her for 3 months tops, hated her about 2 of them, and was leary of her the rest of the time. So please stop glorifying something that isn’t as epic as you claim
-huh how is r*ven flying the transport ship to save Shaw different from clarke protecting her daughter? I’m legitimately confused as to these moral high grounds the writers keep finding that shouldn’t be there
-so murphy getting shot in the gorge? That’s entirely on Murphy. Not on clarke? I don’t understand how they can blame that on her like wtf??
-I’m also confused about this stupid fucking b*cho look at the end? I know bob is an amazing actor. And I know in the script that was supposed to be a reassuring look to her but he looks like he hates her. So mr Morley, what were you actually trying to convey?
-the reason why I have such a huge problem with the flame is that everyone looks at her like she’s a god. It’s an AI! Not some mythical thing
-this is so fucking dumb. Bellamy would never bow to a commander. So. Dumb.
-diyoza is literally the only sensible character, other than clarke.
-r*ven is literally flying the ducking ship to bomb her friends??? She has absolutely no moral high ground over clarke whatsoever.
-they tried to make e*ho look epic and guess what! didn’t work! I still hate her! And she’s a bitch!
-the destruction of the valley is no ones fault but mccrearys
-“so much she left me to die in a fighting pit” you legit put her child in danger. You betrayed her first
-anyway, that look on bellamys face? That’s love bitch
-honestly I don’t like the “I can’t do that again” scene. I just...after everything. They need a good talk first
-ok that “I’ll meet you on the bridge” scene is cute af
- take that bindi off of your head! Ugh!!
-oh god. The soft little “hey”
-FUCK THAT ENDING SCENE IS SO GOOD. Bob, Eliza, Chris, and Shannon should be incredibly proud of it. Chris’ acting was amazing. Bob and Eliza barely said two words yet they conveyed incredible emotion. Shannon’s introduction was inconic
Conclusion: the last few minutes made the episode worth it but honestly, I do not like. This, by far, was the weakest and dumbest finale and season. I did not like most of the characters and their logic made zero sense. I’m really hoping s6 turns completely and has the characters talk because they need that. I know from the trailers that everyone is going to be shitting on clarke though. And I do not approve. She made some mistakes, sure. But she did all of those after she was not included, pushed to the side, and disregarded. Her friends betrayed her first. I would not have reacted any differently, especially since a child is involved.
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turbohell · 6 years
thank god someone else dislikes DEH! and Next to Normal portrays mental illness so much better! also Come From Away deserved to win best musical way more them DEH.
Ikr!! In my opinion, Great Comet totally should’ve won. (Come From Away is absolutely amazing, it’s just Great Comet has a special place in my heart)
D/EH,,, has issues. Evan is a bad person, and they never really address this?? Making mistakes is so much different from being a bad person, and having a flawed character is great!! But Evan lies to everyone. He uses Connor’s suicide for his benefit, and then proceeds to lie about it and earn fame from it and everything. This would be great if Evan got what he deserved,, and like,,, the musical at least talked about how bad his actions were? but when he tells the Murphys, they don’t publicly shame him or anything? And later on, Zoe thanks Evan for helping her through her brothers death??
It just doesn’t make sense. Even if he couldn’t let the truth out during the first meeting when Jared tells him to go “Yeah” and “uh-uh,” he definitely should’ve done it after. He’s honestly such a bad person and I hate how the show is passed off as good mental illness representation when it’s… not. (Also Connor is abusive. He’s a drug user and a bad person as well. Sure, he too has mental health problems, but that doesn’t excuse his actions. Another reason D/EH is bad representation is because the two characters with mental illnesses are just… bad people. I’d be so much less pissed off if at least one of them was good and it was more like some people w mental illnesses are good and others are bad, just like neurotypical people! But that’s not what’s happening.)
Not to mention the entire tree bros ship? It’s so toxic? You’re shipping an abusive brother with a person that benefitted off their suicide? It really doesn’t make sense and it’s super problematic.
Not to mention, there’s so much better mental illness representation on Broadway. There’s N2N, which is absolutely amazing because it’s actually an accurate representation of good people that have mental illnesses and it’s good portrayal?? Obviously Diana is at the serious side of the spectrum, but I honestly believe that going for the serious side of the spectrum first makes sense. It shows that even though she’s struggling with psychosis and bipolar disorder, she’s still a good person. (I haven’t listened to this show a lot, but I love what I’ve heard)
That’s not what Dear E/van Hansen does at all. Instead, it’s this entire thing where Evan makes a bunch of mistakes, is a BAD PERSON that uses another kid’s SUICIDE to his benefit and the audience just soaks him up as an “uwu pure anxiety boy” (and don’t tell me a part of this isn’t because Evan is a white dude) and I absolutely despise it. If the theme was to not make a spectacle out of a suicide, it was done really badly because Evan never gets what’s coming for him?? (Plus Heathers portrays that theme so much better) and if the theme was hope, which people with depression like Connor or anxiety like Evan need, then that was portrayed horribly too. Sure, you can cite the song “You Will Be Found” but that’s end of first act, and everything goes downhill from there. There’s really no message of hope from D/EH.
Besides, if you’re looking for a message of hope along with mental illness representation? GREAT COMET OF 1812.
Pierre is depressed in Great Comet. Hell, he’s even suicidal. (Pierre) and then he proceeds to almost get himself killed (The Duel) before realizing that he doesn’t want to die like that (Dust and Ashes) followed by his realization that there could be more to life (Pierre and Natasha) and then realizing that it’s pretty nice to be alive (Great Comet of 1812). ITS SO MUCH BETTER. Pierre makes mistakes, has character flaws, but he also learns and grows and it’s a much better musical. Same with Natasha: her arc is there’s so much to life (No One Else) followed by a sense of abandonment and loneliness (Sunday Morning) and then falling for the wrong person (Natasha Lost in the Off-Broadway, or The Ball) and then pushing the people who love her away (Natasha and Sonya) making an attempt on her life, (Natasha Very Ill) before she finds comfort and friendship again (Pierre and Natasha.) There’s so much to identify with over the course of the show, and the development and recovery of the characters shows that it will get better.
Not to mention the diversity. The DE/H cast is well,,, yeah. There’s a black person. Now, Great Comet? It had:-the first time two black people were the male and female lead (Denée Benton and Oak Onaodowan) -the first Indian actress in a main role in a long time. (At the time she was on as Natasha, she was the ONLY south Asian actress on broadway. She’s Eliza on the Hamilton tour right now)-Nick Choksi as Dolokhov-the colorblind casting in this show is magnificent. The role of Natasha on this show was originated by Pippa Soo, a half Chinese actress. Natasha was then played by a white person, an Indian person, and a black person.
Honestly, giving the roles of white af Russian aristocrats to so many different people of different races and ethnicities is so incredibly important and a step in the right direction. (And before someone jumps on me for this- I understand the need for stories about people of color. I’m just applauding this show for the diversity they had.)
Yes, they made a mistake by attempting to replace Oak with Mandy Patinkin, and it was handled badly. I just don’t think that we should insult this show while letting D/EH slide.
Plus, the source material for Great Comet was excessively straight, but Marya and Hélène make out, and Anatole and Dolokhov kiss. While it’s not the best representation, they basically confirm that both Anatole and Hélène are bi. (And there’s def some polyamory mixed in there) and that Marya and Dolokhov are a at least a little gay. Which is a lot more than D/EH does.
Besides, the music in DE/H is bland and repetitive and there’s no fucking way it deserved best score even if we ignore all the BS in the plot. (Waving Through a Window sounds exactly like “The Wizard and I”)
This ended up being longer than I intended. I’m just going to wrap it up.
Honestly, I think that the fact that both Falsettos (nobody get me started on Falsettos) and Great Comet were robbed at the Tony’s is just an illustration of a bigger problem. Dear E/van Hansen did not deserve to win, and nobody can change my mind on that one.
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dsghnzda · 3 years
you must consider that if I don’t get what I want
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0 notes
unusual-ly · 6 years
Ok so I saw the new Disney Channel movie ZOMBIES and like yea it’s another overdone Romeo and Juilet-style plot but I still ended up loving it and now I have some Thoughts I wanna get out
The characters are fun (hey guess what all the zombies are now my children I love them) and it has some awesome songs and even more awesome choreography (Someday and BAMM are my favs tbh). I like the style of it with all the direct-to-camera stuff from Zed and Addison and the set and costume designs are cool, especially all the juxtaposition between the human and zombie sides of Seabrook (this ended up getting really long so it’s going under a read more)
Now with all that out of the way, here’s some ideas and headcanons and stuff:
- Bonzo is autistic and is a Very Good Boy I love him so much - they didn’t get nearly enough screen time together but Bonzo/Bree is a Good And Pure Ship - seriously Bree loves being a flyer in the cheer squad and Bonzo loves giving people hugs imagine every time they see each other Bree runs up to Bonzo and he just scoops her up, swings her round then flings her into the air high enough that she can get in at least three flips and catches her perfectly like they’d be adorable fight me - pretty sure he called her “graceful” in Zombie-tongue at that one part of Fired Up - he’d write her songs and make her flowers out of apple peel and paint frickin murals of her jesus christ - so Zed and Bonzo both get human girlfriends, where’s Eliza’s human girlfriend who she spends way too long denying she has a crush on before she finally admits it and they start dating??? - “I totally accept that humans can be cool now and I fully support both of you dating humans but I just personally don’t think I could like a human that w-” *gets distracted watching this one girl from the computer club walking past and waving at her* “…” *shakes head* “Sorry, where was I?” “In denial” - Zed and Bonzo probably try so many ridiculous ways to set them up, fail every time, then realise they ended up getting together completely naturally on their own while they were off acting like spies or something - Eliza’s girlfriend becomes friends with Addison and Bree - every time she says something cute to/about Eliza, Eliza just bluescreens because ???? being liked???? is so???? weird?????? how do you handle this????? - give her a moment - despite the fact they can hang out together in public now, Zed and Addison still like to hide away in the zombie safe room a lot - and dance together - because that’s adorable - I mean no-one even uses it as a zombie safe room anymore so they might as well - Addison and Bree teach Zoey every single one of their cheer routines - Bonzo is actually really close to Zoey too, he’s basically her unofficial stand-in big brother - sometimes when Bonzo and Eliza come over to hang out with Zed, Bonzo disappears and they find him in Zoey’s room having a tea party with her - like just imagine him, this obnoxiously tall zombie dude, sitting in a super tiny chair at a super tiny table holding a super tiny plastic cup of imaginary tea with his pinky out - he’s having the time of his life - Eliza just looking between the boys like “this little girl has way too much power over you two” - once again, she’s in denial because she’s exactly the same when it comes to Zoey - I love this movie way more than I thought I would - that’s a lie I knew I would love it - but i still think the Romeo and Juliet plot is way overdone like how dare you keep making me like things that use it Disney?????? - one more thing, I frickin love the coach - he’s doing his best all he wants is a stable job and a cat and a gym membership - help him
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universal-kitty · 6 years
F/O Father’s Day
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   So... Today is Father’s Day. Family related holidays abound...! But that’s not what Imma be focusing on, of course! This is a self-ship blog and I do self-shippy things on here. So I figured...why not do something for today?
   Just for today! You can send an ask to any F/Os of mine who are dads! Whether it’s just their kid, adopted, or biologically ours.... Everyone is gonna be welcome.
   Oh, and you can ask the kids too, of course! We’ll make it a party~
   With that said, let’s talk about fathers!
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   No biological kids of our own, but since Oli considers Allen and Mathieu his sons... Well, who am I to argue that~?
   We’re currently dating, but not married.
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   Xion and Roxas are both our friends and the rebellious kiddos we try to keep in line. We also have a daughter named Xahira.
   Dating, not married, but considering it. Quite a few talks have spawned up, at this point.
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   He has his daughter, Angel. Later on in their AU (i.e. not OT3 w/ Nisha), we have a daughter named Carina. (Named after a constellation.)
   It’s a fling that got out of hand. Are we even dating??? I sure don’t fuckin’ know.
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   We have two, fraternal twins. Hitomi is our daughter and Haruo is our son. By the time of their birth, we’re engaged.
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   Two fraternal twins as well! Sayuri, our girl, and Akihiro, our son. Both of which who have some fox-genes in them.
   We’ve long since been married before the birth of those two.
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   I have 4 kids with Kururu, but only in my own Keronian AU. Kurara is our oldest (a boy), with his younger siblings, Kitete (girl), Kufufu (boy), and Hyaruru (girl).
   Dating, but... Marriage? Should we?? Maybe.
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   We have a son and a daughter together, eldest to youngest in that order. Our son is named Pike and his younger sister is named Eliza.
   Married before we had ‘em and even stronger with them!
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   We have no kids of our own (lots of worries to go through before we get there!) but for now, we still look over Jataro Kemuri, of the “Warriors of Hope.” We also watch over the other warriors from time to time, but Jataro is the only one we’ve adopted, officially. As well as the fact he can handle Nagito better than the others can, as they sometimes still try to push him around.
   Dating, but not married, at this current point in time.
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   ...Eh? It seems a young girl has come from the future...? And claims to be the daughter of Prompto and I?!?       .....Y’all better start asking her some questions, cause I’m just as confused as you probably are.
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   In their AU together, Rhys is not only crowned father of many little dragons, but he also ends up an actual father in the future! Her name is Vela (named from the same constellation as Carina, actually!!); please give her a warm welcome~!
   (Dating for sure with the dragons, but actually unsure on Vela...)
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   We have a single daughter together named Sync! She’s a skeleton-shinigami mashup and we love her dearly~
   Engaged to be married, but haven’t tied that knot officially yet.
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   In the future, we have a child together~! Skyler is their name, and though you’ll hear they/them more than most, she/her is okay, too.
   Dating, with plans to hopefully get married someday.
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   We have no biological children as of yet (nor are we quite sure how the process would even go; Titan being and all), but I consider Gamora, Nebula, and the other Children of Thanos as my own.
   Dating as well as considered Thanos’ “pet”. It amuses me, personally.
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   Though we have no children of our own... Oh, c’mon; practically all of class 1-A is our kids! Specifically Deku, though. As inheritor for One for All, he’s definitely someone to fuss over.
   Currently just dating, with no real plans for the future yet.
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   Two kids! The eldest a girl, Vita. Then her little brother, Kane. We’ve been married for some time before they arrived.
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lafislife · 7 years
TWOM Chapter 2: A kindness of the heart
Alexander Hamilton always thought he was going to be someone one day. He was ambitious, hard working and smart, and did not mind demonstrating it every time he had the chance.
Now he is trapped in the middle of civil war, and all his dreams crumble to the ground, the future he had carefully planned disappearing before his very eyes.
But he survives. He always does. And maybe something better can come out of this.
Time: Modern Civil War AU.
(T/W): Pain, wound, maybe some soft insults.
(A/N): Second chapter! There will be lots of characters coming, I promise.
I still haven’t decided on ships yet, so I accept your ideas on it. To be honest, this is quite self indulgent, and I find it probable that I may write characters, well, out of character. I am sorry if I do so.
Again, I need to clarify that my first language isn’t english, so I will probably fuck up a lot. Please view my mistakes with indulgence, and correct them whenever you feel like doing so.
Peggy did make a mean soup. She also cooks a lot of other dishes that taste fantastic. How she does so, when even the basics were considered luxuries, escapes Alexander completely.
Breakfast was homemade bread and eggs, and Alexander almost moans at how good it tasted. He was used to cold, canned food until now, but even if he wasn’t, it would have tasted heavenly.
Peggy smiles so brightly Alexander is afraid he is going to be blinded. “I am glad you like it so much. I would offer you another serving, but G says you should take it slow.”
“G?” Alexander asks, raising an eyebrow, and Peggy laughs at his expression.
“Washington. We call him that. Not in front of him, though, so don’t rat us out!” she smirks, and Alexander risks a laugh. The pain on his ribs is still present, but way more bearable than the day before. “Also, it is only fair. He keeps calling me Maggie instead of Peggy, and I am starting to think he is doing it on purpose”
Alexander laughs even more at that, and this time it does hurt. He does not mind as much as he did yesterday. “I was just about to ask you who Maggie was and why had you replaced them in the kitchen”
“Hey! I do make great bread, so you should be thankful it was me. I hear Maggie is a terrible cook.” she fake-scoffs, feigning being upset.
“Fair enough” Alex smiles, and Peggy seems satisfied enough with that answer, so she drops the subject. “So you are also a Schuyler. I am guessing you are both sisters.”
“In fact there are three of us. You still haven’t met Angelica, and I doubt you will until nighttime. She went to hunt with Herc last night and both came back drained” Peggy explained.
“They went to hunt? What exactly?”
“Oh, right, sorry. You surely know how dangerous it is to go out during the day,” Peggy starts explaining, but Alexander knows that reality too well. Not only you are more visible to the military patrols that are allowed to shoot first and ask questions later without much repercussion, the crossfire between bandits and the military makes it almost impossible to move around the city safely. “So we take turns going out during the night. There are still some places that have supplies left, and a few others you can trade whatever you have on excess”
Alex frowns. “That still seems dangerous. Is it worth the risk?”
“At least until we can make a bigger and safer farm, yes, it is. We do produce a foul moonshine, and we are lucky barter prices for it are high enough for us to buy food and other supplies”. Peggy shrugs. “I even enjoy it a little. The hunt, I mean. Some places are really safe to be, and it feels nice going out after a few days locked up inside”
Alexander sighs. Nobody should be reduced to live behind locked doors, afraid to go out. He felt like a caged animal most of the time. “I hope I’ll recover soon. I would gladly help you hunt, I owe you guys too mu-”
“You don’t owe us anything” Peggy drily cuts him off. “I understand how you feel, but in times like these we need to help each other out. I am sure you would have done the same for any one of us” She says, and her smile is almost sad.
“It is hard to find people with such kind hearts, even in peaceful times” Alexander smiles. He feels warm inside, something he hadn’t felt since the war broke out. “I didn’t think it was possible nowadays”.
Peggy smiles back, leaning a little bit over the bed, sitting on the very edge of the chair. “You would be surprised. I am actually happy Herc found you. It is always nice to meet new people”.
“I don’t think he feels the same way. He has a huge bruise because of me” Alexander says sheepishly, casting his eyes down to look at his hands, still feeling guilty about the punch he threw at Mulligan.
“That little bruise?” Peggy scoffs, and Alexander is surprised to find Peggy faking annoyance. “He actually seems proud of it, so I think he owes you.”
Alexander can’t help but laugh again at her antics, and when a coughing fit stops him, Peggy is there offering him a cup of water.  Alexander gladly takes it, downing its contents in four big gulps. When she takes the cup out of his hands, he is still smiling.
“Good” she says when he is done drinking it, setting the cup back on the nightstand. “A smile looks far better on you than those awful puppy eyes”
If Alexander felt lucky to be found by these amazing people before, now he is feeling blessed.
Peggy left behind her a book for him to read. It was not his favourite genre, but he prefered it to the monotonous solitude of the room. Alexander had the pleasure to be in Peggy’s company for just one hour, while they broke their fasts, but he already felt comfortable around her. She seemed cheerful and positive, and that was something much needed in times like this.
Lunch was not a thing here. In fact, eating two meals a day was a luxury they were allowing themselves because they had plenty to spare, but they usually ate once a day. Alexander did not mind, he was used to a meal every other day, so this was still improvement.
He had managed to doze off for a few hours, book resting over his lap. He felt bad barely leaving the bed, but in his state, he would be more of an inconvenience if he actually got his wound open while trying to be of some help.
He was finishing a chapter of Peggy’s book when he heard a knock to the door. He sets the book aside and sits himself higher on the bed. “Yes?”
There are two sets of footsteps entering the room. Of their owners, Alexander only recognizes one: Elizabeth Schuyler. The other one is a slightly older woman, with hair wild around her face, some of it tied in a small bun behind her. She has high cheekbones, and her dark skin glows dimly under the ceiling light.
“We’ve come to check on you” says Eliza, making her way to the bed.
“Oh. Is it time for a change of bandages?” he asks, and Eliza nods at him while the other woman comes near the bed, eyes not leaving him. Alexander would never admit he feels a little bit intimidated by her. “I…I believe we hadn’t have the pleasure” He ventures, “Alexander Hamilton”.
“I know. Everybody here knows” she says jokingly, a smart smile adorning her face. “Angelica Schuyler. I am glad to see you are doing well”.
“We both are” he says, and she lets out a small chuckle that has Alexander wondering how it is possible that three sisters are so uniquely charming in their own ways. “So is anyone coming to change the bandages?”
Angelica raises an eyebrow and glances at her sister before looking at him. “No. We are going to. To be more precise, Eliza is going to, I am going to check if everything seems fine”.
“Oh?” Alexander says, and when he turns to Eliza, he can see she’s purposely looking elsewhere, occupied with the new dressings. “So you were the one that bandaged me? Why didn’t you say so yesterday? ”
Eliza blushes. “It seemed a bit arrogant? You had already thanked me. Even if it wasn’t directly.” she says as she rolls the bandages and prepares the cotton balls she is going to use to clean the wound.
Alexander smiles tenderly at her. He was going to thank her again, albeit later, when her sister wasn’t freeing his chest from his previous cast. When Angelica finishes getting rid of the previous dressing, she has him roll to the side so she can inspect the wound closely.
“It’s seems to be doing great. This is the finest stitch work I have ever done, too” she says and bot Alexander and Eliza share an amused look. “Good news, you’ll be up in no time. Bad news, disinfecting the wound is still going to hurt as hell” she says as she takes the peroxide from Eliza’s hand.
“It’s okay. Mind telling me about the wound?”
“A gunshot to the side” Angelica says, matter-of-factly.
Alexander scoffs, almost offended with such an obvious answer. “I figured as much, yes. I was expecting detailsssss” he finds himself hissing as the embedded cotton touches his skin, hands closing into tight fists, as the burning sensation begins to spread through his ribcage.
“You were lucky, actually. The bullet barely grazed your side. It made you lose quite a bit of blood, but it’s not that serious. I wonder why you were so weak when Herc found you. You didn’t even come around for half a day since he brought you here”. Angelica says as she cleans the wound. Alexander knows the exact answer to that question.
“I may or may not have not eaten for two days when I was shot. Maybe that helped?” he says, and both sisters stop to look at him. He almost laughs at how differently they show concern: Angelica is looking at him scornfully, like a mother about to scold his child, while Eliza’s eyes are filled with worried compassion.
“You know, you could have chosen just one. Bleed to death or starve to death. Both seems a bit extreme” Angelica finally speaks, as she finishes cleaning the wound. She discards the used cotton ball in a plastic bag by her feet.
“Ah, dear sister, didn’t you hear? He likes ‘stepping up the game’” Elizabeth says, eyes never leaving the bandages with which she is enveloping Alexander’s chest. “I think his next challenge is surviving a winter night outdoors while shirtless”. Angelica gives her a confused look, smiling a bit.
“That is actually a great idea” Alexander says, and Eliza rolls her eyes jokingly. The wound still burns where the disinfectant hit, but he is glad to know he is going to get better soon enough. “Thanks. To…both of you. I’ll gladly make it up to you as soon as I am able to”.
Angelica’s eyes soften a little bit with that. “I am sure there’ll be plenty of opportunities for you to demonstrate how daring you can be.” she says, and there’s a hint of sarcasm in her voice. “But you should rest for now.” she says, her eyes staying on his a bit longer than appropriate. “I have to check the furnace now. John says he can’t figure out what is wrong with it. Are you okay finishing up?” she asks her sister.
Eliza nods at her, and with that, Angelica turns around a leaves the room. Alexander’s eyes follow her, then stay on the doorway when she is out of sight, watching the decayed green-and-gold pattern of the corridor’s wallpaper. Eliza and him remain in a comfortable silence while she bandages him, tying the cast softly over his shoulder.
“I still think you should have told me. I would have thanked you better, if that makes any sense” Alexander breaks the silence as he rests his back against the pillow once more.
“It does, but I don’t think you have to be so thankful about it. Angelica is the one who made most of the work, and in any case, any of us would have done the same. I don’t think you need to feel so grateful ab-” she says, but stops when she hears Alexander softly laughing.
“I am sorry” he says, and is quick to add, “It is fun to me that your sister said the same thing to me this morning. You do really take after one another after all”.
“We try to do our best” she says, the smile on her lips sincere, hands placing everything she used back in the first aid kit box. “Dinner will be served soon. I’ll be sure to send someone to bring you a bite”
When the door opens again, he is surprised to see Mulligan with a small tray in his hands. He seems tired.
“Rough hunting?” Alexander asks, and Hercules watches him skeptically, “Oh. Peggy told me about it.” he adds quickly.
“I see” he says, helping Alexander set it on his lap. “No, it was actually quite a peaceful night. I just couldn’t sleep much” he explains, and Alex nods at him, not really sure what to say next.
“Maybe you should take the night to try and catch on some sleep” he suggests, and Mulligan shrugs at him, shaking his head from side to side as if he is considering the idea.
“I may do so, yes” he finally says, scratching the back of his neck. Alexander , so he drops it at that and starts eating his meal.
Alexander is not fond of silence, so a few second into his meal he begins to talk again. “So… how’s life?” he says, and he immediately wants to punch himself in the face for being so painfully awkward.
“Hard, as for anybody around here. We are luckier than many though.”
Alexander wonders what to ask next, eating his meal slowly in the meantime. “What did you do before the war?”
“I worked as a tailor. I did designs for mass-produced clothing brands, but I always prefered the process of actually making my own clothes” he says, a smile ghosting over his lips, his eyes unfocused as he relaxes back on the chair. “I was about to start my own brand when war broke” he finishes, letting his head fall a little.
“That’s a shame” he says, and he searches for something, anything he can say about that. “But you can probably get back into it when war stops”
“If it stops” Mulligan’s answer is dry, resentful.
“No, when it stops” Alexander insists. Hercules wants to push it further, but something in Alexander’s eyes tells him he is not a guy that gives up easily, not even petty arguments like this one, so he decides against it.
Instead, he asks “What about you? What did you do before the war started?”
“I was double majoring in college. Nothing as impressive as starting my own company, like you, but…” he trails off and finishes with a small shrug of his shoulders.
“Double majoring is incredible impressing, I don’t know what you are talking about. Such a shame you had to stop studying because of this whole mess” he says, and Alexander shrugs again, nonchalantly. “So what were your majors?”
“Law and economics. Pretty related to each other, if you ask me, so it wasn’t as hard as it sounds” Alexander plays a little bit with his food before he speaks again “Final weeks were hellish, though”
Mulligan’s smile is amused, and he lets Alexander finish his meal before talking again. “How are you feeling? I heard Angelica saying she had to check up on you earlier.”
“Apparently I am doing fine. A graze against the ribs. I guess it��ll take one or two days more before I get back on my feet” he smiles, and he lifts the tray so Hercules can bring it back to the kitchen. “Thanks for the meal”
Hercules’ goodbye is a small, unsure nod, and his face seems deep in thought when he turns to close the door behind him. For a heartbeat, it seemed he wanted to  say something, ask something. Alex is confused, but decides against worrying about it too much. Instead, he grabs Peggy’s book and resumes his reading.
When the door opens again, after half an hour and without a knock, Alex is surprised. He is even more surprised when he sees Mulligan, scratching the back of his neck, brow frowning a little bit. Hercules isn’t looking at him, instead fixing his eyes on the ground and resting his body against the doorframe.
He seemed even more distressed now than when he left the room a few minutes ago.
“Mulligan?” Alexander calls him after what feels like a thousand seconds, and Hercules looks up at him, eyes showing concern. “Did something happen?” Alex inquires, hoping to make Hercules talk.
“There wasn’t anyone else, right?” he asks all of a sudden, and Alexander could tell the thought was bugging him, even though he could not understand the question.
“Excuse me?”
“With you, the other night. There was no friend, or mate, you were with? I did not see anybody else but-” he sighs, interrupting himself, apparently frustrated. Alexander was confused. He could tell, whatever this was, was really bothering Mulligan, even if he seemed quite collected before.
Realization hit Alexander like a brick thrown to the face. He was worried someone was left behind.
“No, I was alone” he concedes with a reassuring smile, and he can see Mulligan’s shoulders actually relax: he has been tense the whole time, even when they were making pleasant conversation. Alexander feels bad he could not reassure him earlier.“Last mate died a while back to the same sniper that got me, actually”.
“Oh.” Hercules’ answer is plain, and he remains in a deep, thoughtful silence, eyes still not meeting his. “I am sad you had to go through that” he finally mutters, lowering his head a little bit, and the neck scratching this time is more out of shame than nervousness.
“It’s fine, really. I did not know him that much, and you know to expect this things in the middle of war”
“Does not make it fucking okay, though” he said, harsh, and Alexander wondered if he had said the wrong thing. Mulligan sighed, “I am sorry, I did not mean to take it on you. This thing…this… war takes the worst of us out. We already lost…” Hercules’ answer trails off and he seemed distressed, almost saddened. When he doesn’t pick up where he left, Alexander is quick to fill the uncomfortable silence.
“No problem” Alexander answers, clearing his throat. He is silent for a few seconds, deep in thought, until he speaks again, the idea in his head finally taking the shape of words, “If it serves of any consolation, I think that what you did with me proves quite the opposite in your case. All of you. You showed me kindness I did not expect to find in times like this.”
Mulligan’s head and eyes rise at this, watching him carefully, as if he is trying to see through Alexander’s obvious lie. Instead, he is met with sincere eyes and a honest smile and he sighs, defeated, running a hand through his hair. “Thanks” he says, “it has been bugging me off since you came back. Angelica and I checked the place last night, but couldn’t find anyone, but I still wasn’t sure”
“You even went back and checked the place, and you are still saying this war takes the worst of you?”
Mulligan’s shy but sincere smile is all Alexander needs for an answer.
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jornami · 7 years
A Winter’s Ball
A/N: I! Love! This! Request! I’m super excited about this if you couldn’t tell by my overuse of exclamation points! This is my first hamiltime request! :O Sorry to the anon who requested this. They asked me to make it “really angst but with lots of fluff.” .....sorry, dearest, this is straight angst.
Request: may i request an alexander x female! schuyler sisters reader where the reader is the 4th schuyler sister. out of her, angelica, and eliza - reader connects the most with alexander at the winters ball. after the ball and many letters being exchanged, angelica and reader go to london where angelica gets married and reader has a better education. upon reader's return, she sees that alex and eliza are engaged and alex never mentioned it in his letters!! pls make it rly angsty but w/a lot o fluff
Warnings: angst, historical inaccuracies
Masterlist | Request!
Tagged: @angerybisexual @linmanuclmiranda @always-blame-jefferson @ahhhhamilton @hxmiltonmusicxl @sunriseovertheroomwhereithappens (I’m tagging my hamfam because why not?)
“I am so excited!” your sister, Eliza, squealed.
“Eliza, there’s a winter ball every year and the same thing occurs every time,” you groaned. “Father’s coworkers’ sons try to sweep us off our feet and fail miserably.”
“Y/N is right, love,” Angelica chimed in.
“Thank you, Angelica for being the voice of reason,” you said and smiled at your older sister.
“I have a feeling it will different this year,” Eliza said hopefully.
“You and me both,” you mumbled under your breath.
“Now, my dears, you know the rules,” your father warned.
“Yes, father,” you spoke up. “always smile and never turn down a dance. May we go now?”
“Yes,” your father huffed.
Eliza and Peggy squeaked and ran up the stairs of the mansion where the ball was being held. You simply giggled at their cuteness and linked arms with Angelica.
“They are so adorable and naive,” you said to Angelica.
“They are young and optimistic,” Angelica corrected you and smiled, “you should try it sometimes. After all, you are only 20 years of age.”
“But my mind is older,” you shot back.
“Be quiet silly girl and try to enjoy yourself!” Angelica said and dragged you up the staircase.
Maybe she was right and you would enjoy the ball, or maybe it would just like every other ball you had been to in your life. You’d just have to wait and see what the night had in store.
You and Eliza were sitting alone at a table in the corner because your two other sisters left to do other things. Peggy was off dancing with some guy named John Laurens, and Angelica was arguing with Thomas Jefferson about women’s rights. You were watching men spin floozies around the dance floor when you saw him. He walked in with George Washington who was a close friend of your father’s. He was so handsome and you knew he was going to be snatched up fast.
“I will be back, darling!” you told Eliza as you shot up from your seat and rushed over to Angelica.
“Angelica!’ you said and tugged on her sleeve.
“I’m busy, Y/N,” she whispered to you and turned back to talk to Jefferson.
You couldn’t wait for her to finish talking to him. Angelica could argue for hours; it was her specialty.
“Mr. Jefferson,” you said and curtsied. “may I steal my sister for a quick second?”
“Only because you asked so nicely, and because your sister is giving me a headache.” he said.
“This is not over, Jefferson!” Angelica yelled after Jefferson, and turned back to face you with an annoyed look on her face. “What is it Y/N?”
“Look,” you said and pointed to the handsome fellow you saw earlier.
“He’s dashing!” she smiled.
“That boy is mine,” you told her, getting slightly possessive.
“Noted,” she smiled. “so you interrupted my intellectual debate with Mr. Jefferson to tell me about a cute boy?”
“Angelica, will you please talk to him for me?” you asked sheepishly.
“What happened to being fearless and too good for guys your age?” Angelica asked sarcastically.
“Angelica!” you whined.
“Fine!” she gave in and walked over to the man.
You intently watched them engaged in conversation. You watched your sister grab his arm and you immediately knew you were through. Then he looked back at you with a smile and you felt like you were going to faint. Angelica lead him over to you.
“Oh dear god, this is actually happening,” you thought.
He was right in front of you and you felt your heart speed up.
“Y/N Schuyler, it’s a pleasure to meet you,” you said and curtsied.
“Schuyler?” the man sounded confused.
“My sister,” Angelica told him.
“Thank you for all your service,” you said.
“If it takes fighting a war for us to meet it will have been worth it,” he smiled and kissed your hand.
“I’ll leave you to it!” Angelica clapped her hands and walked away.
“Well, Ms. Schuyler,” the man began, “may I have this dance?”
“I’d love to Mr.—what’s your name?” you queried.
“Alexander Hamilton,” he told you.
“Well, Mr. Hamilton, I’d love to,” you smiled.
You took his hand and the rest was history.
Over the next year you and Alexander became the best of friends. Though he never officially courted you, he knew you were meant to be so he went to the jeweler's downtown and bought you a ring. Your whole family loved Alexander, Peggy and Eliza confided in him while Angelica tested his knowledge. It would be like marrying into the family he never had. His plan was to take you to dinner and pop the question until he saw a letter from you sitting on his bookcase.
My Dearest Alexander,
I have some news that I cannot tell you to your face, for I might start crying if I do. By the time you read this, Angelica and I will be on a ship to London. I am off to get my education and Angelica has found a wealthy husband who will keep her in comfort for all her days. He is not a lot of fun, but there’s no one who could match you for turn of phrase. My Alexander, please do not forget to write.
Forever yours,
Y/N Schuyler
Alexander’s heart shattered when he read your letter. Your beautiful handwriting was soon faded from his tears. He wanted to go back downtown and return the ring he had bought for you, but something was telling him to keep it. Perhaps one day you would return to his arms and he could propose to you. He put the ring in his drawer and took out his quill that would be his only way to communicate with you for two years.
Throughout the next two years you got your education and wrote hundreds of letters to Alexander. However, something started to change after you finished college; Alexander stopped writing to you as much. When he did write to you, the letters no longer ended with “forever yours” or “your affectionate A. Hamilton.” The letters were simply signed, “adieu.” After weeks of not receiving any letters you decided to write him one.
My dearest Alexander,
Hello, Alexander. I am writing you to tell you that I have graduated college and that I shall be returning home soon! I cannot wait to see you again after all these years.
Your loving,
       Y/N Schuyler
P.S. I noticed you have not been writing to me as often as you were. Is something wrong?
When Alexander read your letter he panicked. How was he supposed to tell the love of his life that he was engaged to her sister? After hours of racking his brain on how to tell you, he finally decided that not telling you would be the best idea. Him and Eliza made a promise that neither of them would tell you about their engagement. The guilt ate them alive, but they kept reminding themselves that they were sparing your feelings. From that point on, they only wrote letters to Angelica.
My darling Angelica,
Sister, I have great news! Alexander has proposed to me! Isn’t that great? He makes me so happy that I feel like I could die. Enough about me, I heard through the grapevine that you and Y/N are returning home soon. I'm overjoyed, it's been far too long!
                 Until then,
                          Elizabeth Schuyler
P.S. I ask you to please refrain from telling Y/N about Alexander’s proposal. I wish to tell her myself.
Angelica clutched the letter to her chest; she felt terrible. Out of all her sisters, she was the closest to you. You two never kept secrets from each other.
“Hey, Angelica!” you bounced into her room and she quickly shoved the letter into her desk drawer. “What were you reading?”
“Nothing,” she said quickly, too quickly.
“Angelica,” you said in a serious tone. “We don’t keep secrets, remember?”
“It was a letter from one of John’s associates,” she lied, “nothing to worry your pretty little head about.”
“Whatever you say,” you sang and walked out of her room.
Angelica sighed in relief, no matter how much she loved you she couldn’t betray her other sister’s trust.
Two weeks later you were on a ship back home. You hated ships because you always got seasick, but you were overwhelmed with thoughts of home and Alexander that you didn’t get sick once. As the ship pulled into the harbor, you starting bouncing up and down.
“Be careful, Y/N,” Angelica giggled at your cuteness. “you wouldn’t want to bounce yourself overboard.”
You chuckled and grabbed her hand; leading her off the ship and into the carriage waiting for you two.
“I can’t help it, Angelica,” you said with a sigh, “I can’t wait to see father, Peggy, Eliza, and most importantly, my Alexander.”
Angelica’s smile faded as she remember that he was no longer your Alexander; he was Eliza’s Alexander.
“What’s the matter, sister?” you cocked your eyebrow and tilted your head to the side.
“Nothing, darling,” she put on a fake smile.
You knew she was lying, but you dismissed it. You just grabbed her hand and dreamily looked out of the window of the carriage.
“It won’t be long now,” you thought.
As the carriage pulled in front of your estate, you saw your family and Alexander waiting outside. The carriage hadn’t even stop good and you were already trying to get out.
“Y/N, wait until it stops,” Angelica scolded and you sat back in your seat until the carriage came to a halt.
It stopped and you jumped out and ran over to your family.
“Peggy, Eliza!” you squealed as you pulled them into a big hug.
“Y/N!” they said in unison.
You three hugged for what felt like forever until your father spoke up, “No hug for me?”
You chuckled and wrapped your arms around him, “I missed you so much, pop.”
“I missed you too, my dear,” he said sincerely.
You felt someone tap your shoulder, and you spun around you see Alexander.
“God, how I’ve missed you,” you said against his warm skin.
“And I you,” he said and squeezed you a little tighter.
“We have a lot of catching up to do,” you said, slightly suggestive.
You placed a simply kiss on his cheek and pulled out of the hug. Both him and Eliza looked like they had seen a ghost.
“What’s your damage?” you asked them.
They turned and looked at each other like they were hiding something.
“Nothing,” Eliza finally spoke up. “let’s go, Martha baked a cake for your and Angelica’s return!”
Eliza was notorious for changing the subject when she didn’t want to talk about something. You should’ve asked her again, but against better judgment, you let her drag you up the stairs that led to the front door of your house.
Later on that evening, when you, your family, and Alexander sat down for dinner you saw it. “It” being a massive ring on Eliza’s dainty finger.
“Eliza! What kind of sister doesn’t tell her sister she’s engaged?” you exclaimed, pointing to the ring. “So, who’s the lucky fellow?”
Eliza just looked at you with wide eyes then darted her eyes to Alexander.
“What is it with you two!” you shouted, causing your father to flinch. “What are you two hiding?”
Alexander took Eliza’s hand in his and it all became clear to you. How could they?
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transplutonium · 7 years
Batfam Meets Hamilton
hello naughty children its hc time
everyone’s trying to figure out who’s who at first
NO ONE wants to be Jefferson (hoo boi) (this causes an all out WAR)
“im not jefferson, YOURE jefferson damIAN” “TODD HOW D A R E YOU”
Dick pins Damian down as Philip right away
(smol baby who just wanted to live up to his father’s image, got hurt trying to defend his lineage)
Damian doesnt wanna be the Baby
Dick is easily Lafayette. No One argues w that
Stop me if this doesn’t sound like him but: Started off young (very young), passionate about a cause/ideal, helps others out out of empathy
also a Cutie Ambitious Loser aw
“Timmy you’re aaron burr” “bitch i saved bruce. i was right! I DIDNT GO BATSHIT CRAZY AT THE END OF MY CARRIER or did i”
“..sure ya did kid” ((cue tims SCREAMING))
On the topic of tim and jason: everyone thinks Tim Knows It all. False. Tim is utterly hopeless (haha ge  t it) when it comes to history 
….to everyones surprise (it really shouldn’t have)(maybe not to bruce or alfred),,,,,,JASON IS THE HISTORY NERD KNOW IT ALL
its terrible 
they all dont Get A Break
tim: why cant i be john laurens. WHY NOT-
(oh so tim can yell the same thing more than 28 times but you give ME shit for it….i see how it is)
Bruce is hamilton. pretty open and shut case tbh
and if bruce is hamilton…..
George Washington very much suites alfred
THE BATGIRLS! ARE! THE SCHUYLER SISTERS! (minus the whole in love w hamilton thing ew gross)
Babs is angelica (responsible adult mom, caring, but also has passion and is determined), Steph is eliza (excited, knows more and does more than people thinks she does) and Cass is peggy (quiet, an absolute sweetheart, catious, blurry past)
I forgot the name of the badass woman in the cabinet battles but thats Harper fam
“dont be a hamilton” becomes a house meme/Thing
bruce is lowkey SEETHING he KNOWS that hes “is” hamilton
he cant say anything tho bc that only Confirms things
Dick cant sing for SHIT but he tries. at the top of his lungs
Jason and cass can sing like angels
and thats how the batfam find out abt jason and his Singing (cass is careful and also doesnt really like singing that much)
Stephanie….can rap. ish
TIM DOES KING GEORGE. HE PUTS HIS ALL INTO IT TO but he does it Rarely so its always quiet somethin when he does
he also…is really good at singing the soft songs….like its quiet uptown
he also has wait for it nailed (no ones crying. nope. jason doesnt have to step out of the room for a bit. naah)
tim…is confused and Understands their reactions at the same time. like “yeah this relates to me but do you really have to cry for me?”
he emotionally detaches/distances himself from Hamilton bc he knows the moment he starts Feeling and Thinking and Empathizing…his mental stability will come crashing down (the repression is REAL)
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zagenta · 7 years
I don't mean to be annoying, but what's wrong with liking Hamilton? you don't have to answer btw I understand if you don't want to I just want to know why
It’s… complicated… I don’t even know if I should be the one to explain it. Keep in mind that at any explanation I personally give on the situation is essentially going to be far too forgiving and apologist bc I rly like the musical. Just.. Yeah anyone reading this just keep in mind that I’m inevitably going to fall in favor w the show despite its flaws bc I suck
Anyways for anyone that doesn’t just take the show as a popular thing at face value & therefore popular = good, It’s somewhat controversial bc ppl laud it as this super diverse show full of Pee Oh Cees & but there’s also been some fair critique of the show’s possibly anti-black elements b/c it treats white racist slaveowners as cool hip guys you’d wanna spit bars with.
To be fair, the show is critical of the characters/historical figures but I can understand this criticism bc it only seems to be critical up to a point? Like. Sure Hamilton is a dick for cheating on his wife and TJ is called out for being a demon but it still glosses over some of the more unpleasant & ngl sometimes downright despicable elements of the characters/historical figures, PARTICULARLY the ones we’re supposed to root for such as Hamilton, Eliza, Mulligan, Laurens, Washington, etc.
And perhaps more worryingly although Lin claims the intent is to “put PoC back into American history” (im paraphrasing), the show erases instances we actually do appear in history, such as Mulligan’s slave Cato. Or making a kind of tacky jab at Jefferson abt Sally Hemings—which to be fair that entire song is supposed to have this dissonance between the cheery tune and how messed up TJ actually was, but it’s still… weird.
Tbh I think this was inevitably going to happen bc musicals abt revolution are rly popular but always end up being reproductions of the status quo bc the majority of ppl who support & can afford to see shows on Broadway are rich & white, they don’t want anything too challenging to their worldview.
Also Lin’s not black, he’s Puerto Rican so he has a somewhat tenuous claim to the history he’s trying to reclaim in the first place, other minorities are definitely affected by America’s racism & history but this specific part of history addresses white owners of black slaves.
And he’s using rap a historically & largely black genre to tell the story, too. I mean, there’s overlap between the experiences of the Latinx/Chicanx community and the black community, but they’re not the same. & it doesn’t really have to do with “ownership” of a genre either, but the reception to Hamilton is super off-putting bc a Latinx guy is getting all this praise from rich white ppl while they don’t give a crap abt the rest of the genre. They don’t even get all the homages in Lin’s music. (If you need proof, literally any post by a basic white person talking abt how the rap they like is abt cabinet battles unlike that “other rap” about bitches and money).
(Sidenote: I know a lot of ppl have developed negative feelings towards the musical & while that’s fair I literally give 0 fucks abt white ppl’s opinions on the show. It’s important to listen to criticism from black people definitely but they fail to treat it like the complex phenomenon it is. Too often they have annoying self-righteous superiority complexes bc they think they’re better than the nasty Pee Oh Cees who just don’t get it man.)
Tbh I’m personally unsurprised that the first real hip hop musical to be a big hit is about the whitest thing ever (remember, musicals have to hit that perfect balance of revolutionary and complacent).
Also there’s the problem with fandom too… Like… People have rightly gone “what the everloving fuck” at the realization that there’s a Hamilton fandom at all & I mean that’s completely fair. I personally don’t see a problem with like… Drawing a pretty fanart of scene you like or of Daveed in his Rad Velvet Maroon Suit, but ham fandom is just descending into this huge pile of wtf bc people ship and fangirl and look up weird minutiae abt American history to justify their headcanons and it’s just bizzaro. Also thank god it’s relatively died down bc early on it was just the biggest cesspool of disgusting racism and fetishization & apologism in the world.
“Why do you still like it, Janelle?” Because I love suffering
Now some people just like the musical for its catchiness and artistry and are rightly weirded out by the hardcore fan community, and honestly I’d recommend that approach bc ngl I’m never ever going to forgive myself for being convinced that TJ & JMads were totally a Thing™
But I like both. Honestly I like them for almost entirely different reasons. Honestly at this point if I didn’t think Hamilton was literally a Masterpiece™ I would probably end up hating it just bc there was so much discourse surrounding its hype, but I think it’s just a tribute to how catchy the songs are and how talented the cast is and just the combination of everything that I still love the show despite its problems. I know it’s not great of me but I know pretty much everyone is an apologist of something they like despite its Problems.
& the fandom in my experience is a fascinating phenomenon to me personally bc in my headspace it’s practically this entirely different entity to the musical itself? Like a lot of people think it’s cringey & it definitely is but the entire reason I still am engaged is bc I found my niche of practically a handful of close knit mutuals and Only care about Their Content, except for like… The occasional drawing. Bc our personal niche is so detached from the reality of the show or the history that it’s practically original content & has lead to some rly creative works that are much less Problematic Musical abt Demon Men but with Catchy Songs and much more along the lines of Intriguing Character Studies on the Themes of Parenting, LGBT+ Experiences & Relationships, PoC’s experiences,( and also lots and lots of self-destructive behavior)
I think Hamilton is a very interesting phenomenon. In my personal opinion even in this somewhat glorification, I’m glad Hamilton is getting people interested in history, even if people are way too excited abt it and tread the demon father’s like they were Fun Quirky Guys. I understand the horrifying response to everyones giddiness, but I don’t think it’s wrong to be excited abt history/interested in history even if it verges into dark territory, heck, learning abt history in its entirety important so we don’t glamorize the terribleness that is the past. That’s why posts abt Hamilton’s bisexuality doesn’t matter bc he was a slave owner rub me the wrong way—I mean he definitely isn’t someone we should treat as the pinnacle of ideal representation, but we should also acknowledge the totality of him as a person.
Also the show a good stepping stone that will hopefully lead to more hip hop musicals in the future. I know it being a “baby step” is a rly lame-ass excuse for why the show is good but it’s making me hopeful for the future.
Sorry abt how long this was.
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