#and it's just a PAINFUL realization to all of them that Danny had been YOUNG when he died
luffyrose · 2 years
"My Grave" - DC x DP
I had this thought and it has refused to leave my brain but I wish to sleep so I'm giving it to all of you. Go ham.
After many many bad things happen, Danny hides himself away. The only people he has left are the ghosts and his siblings (Dan and Dani). So when he ends up meeting heroes, that heaviness and sadness in his heart lessened. He loves being around them.
One day when they need information on his past for whatever reason, he is hesitant. So he takes them to his old house, which had been basically closed off from ever being touched due to both the portal and general danger it was, and he shows them the portal. The magic users are horrified.
And when someone asks what it is, Danny instinctively replies. He had meant to tell them it was the portal to the infinite realms. Or something like that at least. He'd never meant to say;
"My grave."
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letoasai · 1 month
Will work for food ~ Part 4 (1/2)
Part 3 -- Master List
Danny’s hubris was coming back to bite him. It had been so funny when Nightwing–Dick–had invited him to the next family dinner. The next family dinner that happened to be Thanksgiving. Danny hadn’t had a Thanksgiving in a long, long time. He’d been delighted to accept. 
He’d nearly trilled in amusement at the way Tim flushed, kicking Dick under the table in a small attempt to get him to stop talking but the invitation had already been given. 
Danny could practically taste Dick’s glee and Tim’s embarrassment. Emotions weren’t as good as regular food but they were hard to ignore when they grew to a certain level. 
Tim had awkwardly agreed that Danny should come to dinner and Danny accepted, telling Tim to just summon him the usual way. 
It was almost unfair for him to have so much quiet knowledge surrounding their conversations, but it came in handy for the normally closed off vigilantes. Tim knew his family was a lot, and was afraid of overwhelming Danny. Their time together would have to be shared now, but Danny didn’t think that was necessarily true. Tim didn’t want to put Danny on the spot, which was kind.
Tim had always been kind. He didn’t summon Danny for favors or deals but because he could and because he cared. The emotion was so straight forward and genuine that Danny knew he was being rather selfish with it. It had been so long since he had someone new, and living, in his life. 
He lived a long life, and he would just live longer. As a halfa, and a powerful one at that, his life tap danced a precarious line. His living half would always mirror his dead half, and it had taken him some years to work out that his Phantom form could change based on his perception of himself. 
He’d spent so long thinking he might never age, that he’d stayed small for years. Barely looking older than fourteen as he’d headed for his twentieth birthday. It was then he discovered that with enough practice he could alter his Phantom hazmat suit. It was redesigned, changing as he had. He’d mentally grown over the years, his title of King only adding to his development. 
When he changed his ghostly appearance, he realized he could age to match how he felt. He could finally look like the young adult he was. That had had side effects on his living half. The growth spurts had been nearly painful, but within six months he’d change from a young teen to a young adult. 
It had been exciting, but excruciating enough that he hadn’t wanted to change his appearance so abruptly again. Changes would be slower next time, but he was unsure if he could go backwards in his living appearance.
All the same, at least he looked more like an adult. He could live as much as he was able. 
His identity reveal with his parents hadn’t exactly gone badly, but it hadn’t gone well either. Jack and Maddie had tried to accept him, but they simply couldn’t. They couldn’t look at him, and while he didn’t end up on their laboratory table, they simply pretended he didn’t exist. It hurt at the time, but he still had his sister. He had Sam and Tucker and Ellie and Val. 
Danny had moved out and for several years had pretended to be normal. It had been nice, until it had gotten boring. Danny split his time between the living and the dead, taking his role as king more seriously in the Infinite Realm over time. It got harder for him to return as his friends aged and he stayed the same. Ellie understood better how he felt, but her wanderlust kept her moving. 
He checked in often over the years, but he’d still be both delighted, and devastated the day Jazz strolled into his lair with a smile and a hello. She looked younger than she’d been in decades and Danny had clung to her and sobbed. She was here! Safe! It was wonderful. She was dead. Jazz had been old and had left behind children and grandchildren. That didn't make it easier on either of them, but they had each other.
Tucker had been next and he was torn between just hanging out in the Infinite Realm or being reincarnated again. For ages, he and Danny had just hung out and caught up, right back to being the best of friends. 
Val had followed some years later, but she had been preparing for this more than the rest of them. Her ghostly form had returned to her the Red Huntress moniker and she couldn’t be more thrilled. She wasted no time traveling with Ellie. 
Sam was the one Danny hadn’t yet been reunited with in the Infinite Realm. She was pushing a hundred, and had become the reigning ‘grandma Ida’ figure in the lives of her grandchildren and great grandchildren. Danny envied her for that. She was so supportive when their parents hadn’t been for them. 
Danny drifted off in his thoughts as he pondered his next dinner date. He was excited for a home cooked meal, but he was quietly thrilled to spend more time with Tim. He’d been neglecting a part of himself since Jazz had died and it showed. His sister was terribly excited he’d made a new friend after so long. 
When he felt the pull of a summons, Danny listened carefully, relieved to hear Tim’s voice. He’d been getting anxious just waiting around and the day had finally come. He pulled himself from the portal, turning from Phantom to Danny and tugging nervously at his sweater. He didn’t really have many nice or formal human clothes since everything in the Infinite Realm was often done in his royal regalia. 
He’d tried to look nice though. Dora had braided his hair for him in some intricate pattern and his normal NASA hoodie had been traded out for a new black hoodie gifted to him by Sam. It was over top a navy blue sweater. He probably didn’t need both but he liked to have the option of a hood. 
He wore his nicer pair of jeans and sneakers too. Honestly, if he was going to be spending time in a living dimension again, he was going to need to go shopping. 
Danny opted to appear just outside the structure he was summoned from. It felt more polite somehow to knock on the manor’s door. Sam would have loved this place. 
It only took seconds but Tim pulled the door open swiftly, he was nearly out of breath but he smiled bashfully when he greeted Danny. 
“Hey Danny.” 
“Hey,” Danny said with an awkward smile. “Thought i’d..uh, politely knock?” He shoved his hands in his pockets. He somewhat noticed that his normal clothes weren't hanging off him the way they had been. At least he’d been putting on a little weight having lunches with Tim.
Tim returned his smile and gestured for him to come in. “And it was thoughtful.” 
Tim looked nice, the way he always did. His button down looked brand new and someone had obviously ironed his pants and he didn’t wear shoes, just dark socks. It was the kind of casual touch that proved he lived there. 
“I’m sorry.” Danny muttered, voice his usual low cadence. He didn’t like using his aura or ‘kingly voice’ around people when he didn’t have to. He had nothing to prove. “I know it’s a holiday but i don’t really have much in the way of living human clothes anymore.” 
“Hey. No.” Tim said immediately, head whipping around to look at Danny again. “Absolutely no one in this house is worried about that. If you are, i have an entire closet you can pick through to find something else but it’s not necessary. The only thing we requested was you. You look great.” 
Danny rubbed his arm and despite his unease, smiled. It was almost funny the way Tim tracked the movement with his eyes. His feelings on the matter were genuine. Danny’s attire didn’t matter to him. “If you’re sure. I didn’t want to come off as ungrateful when you’ve invited me into your home.” 
“Impossible.” Tim said, stepping further inside with Danny beside him. “I assure you, once the pictures have been taken, everyone will be throwing the dress clothes to the side.” 
“Master Timothy.” An older man was approaching from the dining room. “I trust you haven’t been rude to our guest.” 
“Wouldn’t dream of it, Alfred.” Tim smiled, entering into some kind of familiar song and dance. “He usually likes to keep his outer jacket so i didn’t ask to take it to hang up for him." 
It made Danny smile when he’d connected the pieces. He’d heard a few stories about Alfred over the last few months. Most of them from Tim himself but Dick had happily told a couple. The man took his job very seriously. It almost reminded him of Fright Knight. 
“Um..” Danny mumbled, sounding like he didn’t know where to start. Did he introduce himself? He’d gotten better at these kinds of things when ghosts were involved. The living almost baffled him now. 
Tim took over. “Danny his is Alfred, technically he’s the butler and caretaker of Wayne Manor, but his real job is caretaker and grandfather to every brat that lives here who doesn’t deserve him.” 
That had the corners of Danny’s lips tipping up even as Alfred quirked a brow at the rather bold comment. 
“Alfred, this is my friend Danny. This will be his first Thanksgiving in many years.” 
Alfred offered a polite bow, a bend at his waist that looked beautifully formal. “We’re so pleased you could join us, Your Majesty.” 
“Oh no. Danny. Danny’s fine.” He didn’t miss the way Tim raised a brow, but Danny wasn’t surprised. It might have been the first time Tim had seen Danny anything close to flustered. “The Majesty thing is kind of stuffy and this is your home that i was invited into.” 
“If you insist, Master Daniel. I hope you have come hungry.” 
Danny knew his smile was weak. “Starving. Tim and Dick both promised this would be the meal of my life. Unlife?” He shook his head and cleared his throat. “And if you don’t mind, i have a little trauma with the name Daniel. I’d really prefer Danny or Phantom if you’d rather.” 
Tim’s eyes narrowed briefly and Danny knew he was already organizing dozens of questions. Now however, wasn’t the time to ask them. That didn’t mean he wasn’t making several mental notes. 
Alfred also also caught the quiver in his tone and didn’t press the matter if the shift in his emotions were anything to go off of. “Master Danny is it.” Alfred continued seamlessly, voice pleasant. “We’re truly happy to have you. I have been asking about your attendance at dinner for some time.” 
Tim sighed loudly, a touch more dramatic than usual but Danny was happy to see Tim someplace he could be so informal. “Okay, that was my bad. I was having fun going out with you and any dinner here you attended would suddenly be a family dinner.” 
“Everyone is curious?” Danny assumed. 
“Now Master Timothy, it is impolite to keep your guest hovering around the door. Dinner is nearly ready.” Alfred said. “Please be the proper host.” 
“Yes, Alfred.” 
Danny fiddled with the sleeve of his hoodie briefly. “I’d…offer to help but i’m a disaster in the kitchen. At least i was. I’m also afraid of reanimating food during the cooking process so i think i’ll stay well out of the way.” 
Alfred looked faintly surprised but he focused on the first part of the sentence. “It was still very kind of you to offer. I have everything well in hand.” 
Tim turned to look at Danny. “I know you’ve explained this to me before, but it’s crazy that you had to fight your food.” Saying that Danny had ‘explained’ that was over stating things, and they both knew it. Danny had said the only foods he didn’t like were the ones that bit back and Tim had taken him at his word. 
“It can be a problem.” Danny mused. He’d always been useless in the kitchen but after he’d moved out of his parents home, it became a chore he didn’t care for. His ectoplasm was so strong and it was bound to affect his environment over time. “You know, that might be why i stopped bothering to eat for a while. It’s not instantaneous or anything but long term exposure around me would reanimate whatever’s in the fridge.”
“Well, that’s one mystery solved.” Tim said, linking his arms with Danny’s to lead him to one of the more casual livingrooms at Alfred’s insistence. 
“Maybe?” Danny offered, distracted by looking around the manor. It was like a blast to his past only more. It was greater than the house Sam had grown up in, and far more tasteful than anything Vlad had. 
It was downright artistic. He’d seen enough ghostly lairs to see old mixing in with modern. The Wayne manor was stunning. 
The manor was equal parts old glamour and modern relic that was lovingly cared for by the occupants that lived there. The brilliant chandeliers and the beautifully carved staircase were more than simply eye-catching. The artwork was actually pleasing.
“You okay?” Tim asked quietly, biting at his lip worriedly. He was anxious as if afraid something about the manor had upset him. His phone was in his hand and Danny could tell he was texting one handed. Tucker could do similar feats. 
“I’m fine. I was looking at the pictures.” He nodded his head to where many framed photographs were displayed.  
“We’re glad you liked them!” Dick all but materialized by their sides and Danny couldn’t help but laugh. He was so light on his feet. “Tim took those!” 
Danny’s brows shot up in surprise. “Really?” 
Dick hummed his affirmative. “Yep, he’s a for real photographer.” 
Tim’s ears went pink. “It’s just a hobby.” 
Danny wandered closer to one of the frames, pulling Tim along with him by their linked arms. He smiled at the aerial view of Gotham. It was beautiful. “You have a lot of talent.” 
“Uh, yes. Thanks.” Tim muttered, throwing a scowl at his older brother who grinned, completely unrepentant. Not for the first time, Danny was reminded of Ellie whenever Dick was around. He cared so deeply, but that didn’t stop him from being a mischievous little imp. 
“I’d love to see more.” Danny said. “After dinner maybe?”
There was a light to Tim’s eyes at the notion. Danny wondered if it was less a hobby and something a little closer to a living obsession. Those were probably good to nurture. “If you want. Bruce has hung up a bunch of them but i have, you know, a portfolio.” 
“I’d love to see.” Danny repeated quietly. 
Dick glanced between them, his own mirth so obvious that Danny didn’t need empathy to feel it. “C’mon you two. It won’t be long before dinner’s ready and we still need to take the customary pictures.” 
“Pictures?” Danny repeated, realizing that Tim hadn’t answered him before. 
Tim nodded and gestured for Danny to follow him and Dick. “Thanksgiving is technically in two days, but we’ll be out patrolling then so we celebrate early.” 
“Our family’s kind of well known though.” Dick offered. 
Danny snorted. “The joys of a double life.” 
“Exactly.” Tim said. “We’ll take pictures tonight and each of us will post a couple on the right day to give ourselves alibi’s. It’s fairly simple.” 
Danny would have loved to have had the luxury back in the day. It was hard living with some of your biggest critics. “How much of your family will be coming?” 
“Most of it.” Dick said. 
“Probably.” Tim echoed, still looking a little worried about how the evening would go. Danny had seen many of Tim’s siblings and met a few of them. He wasn’t really worried, but was charmed that Tim was. 
Tim wanted the dinner to go seamlessly. Danny hoped he could help that along without his Fenton luck getting in the way.
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kizzer55555 · 4 months
Super Dead Soulmates
In this universe, any injury or scar you sustain appears on your soulmate. However, for as long as he could remember, Danny never gained an injury that wasn’t his own. When he was very young, his parents would always say that he was just a late bloomer and perhaps his soulmate was a few years younger than he was and thus, just wasn’t born yet. As Danny grew older, they got more absorbed in their work and just seemed to forget about the whole ordeal. Danny never asked them about it again, afraid they might think a ghost had ‘cursed’ him or something. It was hard enough to hide the lack of additional scars at school. Luckily, most people don’t get injured very often so it was easy enough to play off some of his injuries as that from a soulmate. The only ones who knew the truth were his sister and his best friends. Danny was just convinced that he didn’t have a soulmate and had accepted that fact, even if it hurt. Then the accident happened and for once, he was thankful his soulmate wouldn’t have to feel his pain. And even more so when he started to fight the other ghosts daily. Danny was content to live like this, but with more ghost fights, his injuries started piling up. Danny excused them saying that they were from his soulmate. It didn’t completely get rid of the scrutiny but most people bought it. Afterall, how else would puny Fenton get those kinds of bruises? So for a while, that excuse worked…until someone realized that Danny and Phantom’s injuries linked up (I vote Wes). Now normally, the natural conclusion would be that Danny and Phantom were the same person. But due to the fact that one of them was dead and the other clearly alive, everyone gained a new theory…that Phantom was Danny’s soulmate. It would explain the recent injuries as Phantom was often seen fighting other ghosts. And to be honest, this was the perfect cover. It’s not like Danny had an actual soulmate who might show up and this added another layer of protection against people thinking he and Phantom were the same person. So Danny remained silent and let the rumors grow. Sure people now thought he and Phantom were dating but that was fiiiiiinnnneee. (But BOY was that an awkward conversation with his parents). 
And then Kon was born.
As a clone, all he knew from the outside was implanted into his mind. He knew the color of the sky, the sound of music, academic equations and a lot of common knowledge such as soulmates. He knew that injuries were shared between a bonded pair and that everyone had a soulmate. But he was different. He wasn't born a baby and grew up alongside another person. He wasn’t even real according to some people. Yet one day, he noticed bruises lining his arms, he was confused. He should have had impenetrable skin like Superman. As far as he could remember, his skin had never been pierced before. And it’s not like he fought a godlike being that day. He shouldn’t have any injuries. Kon decided to ignore them but the injuries kept showing up. It got so bad that his team started to notice and sat him down asking if everything was alright with his powers or if he was exposed to kryptonite somehow. So, very confused, Kon had explained that the injuries just kept showing up. It was only after his team gave him a curious look and explained the concepts of soulmates did everything click with him. Sure, Kon knew about soulmates but surely that couldn't be what this was! He was a clone! He shouldn’t have a soulmate. It was impossible! But after a few more days of observation and a bit of testing, everyone determined that this was, in fact, a soulmate bond. 
To say Kon was ecstatic was an understatement. Actually, it was a mix of excitement, nervousness, worry, and joy all rolled into one. He was elated at the idea that he had someone meant for him. Someone who would accept all of him. Kon had looked at the others and there had always been a slight jealousy when he saw a paper cut bloom on their fingers or see them rub a bruised knee fondly. 
But more than anything. He was happy because this was proof that he was real. Afterall, a soulmate wouldn’t match with him unless his soul was equal to theirs. His body almost melted with relief at that realization. A weight off his shoulders he never fully grasped was still there. 
Of course there was the worry of why exactly his soulmate had so many injuries. For a hero, it was obvious they would get injured (although they tried to have as much protective padding as possible to limit that possibility. But some injuries still got through.) Yet the amount of injuries Kon’s soulmate sustained were far more than that (because Danny lacked proper padding  and didn’t think he had to worry about a soulmate. Most injuries looked worse than they were anyways due to his fast healing). And on the contrary, Kon’s skin was perfectly clear. With his kryptonian biology, even if he got hurt, it never left a mark. So all the injuries and bruises sustained on him were purely from his soulmate. And there was enough for two people. On the bright side, it helped with his cover, on the downside, Kon started to worry about his soulmate. (Meanwhile, Danny didn’t notice a difference. Sure, sometimes he would feel a temporary ache or sharp pain but no mark was left so he just assumed the pain was sore muscles from a previous battle or that one of his rogues were hitting harder than he thought.) 
As for Kon, he and his team used every resource at their disposal to try and track down Kon’s soulmate. They did this for every member of the team as hero soulmates were in more danger than most but they paid special attention to Kon’s soulmate due to the rapid accumulation of injuries. 
Kon would fantasize on what his soulmate would be like. Would they be tall? Short? They would probably be able to fight. Boy or girl? It doesn't really matter. Kon knew opposite gender soulmates were more common but he wouldn’t mind a guy either. His days were filled with dreams of a mystery person. Someone he could hold in his arms and protect. Who would comfort him after patrols and who he could introduce to his friends. 
After a while, Tim finally found a lead. Some doctor records of a boy in a small town called Amity. Apparently he was prescribed pain medicine to help with ‘soulmate injuries’. The lost of injuries were extensive and after looking at some pictures, they realized that his scars and Kon’s scars lined up. A perfect match. So it wasn’t long before they made a quick road trip to Amity. 
This place was already on the Justice League radar. It was a town that appears to have a permanent portal to the afterlife and was attacked often. (Which might explain why Kon’s soulmate was so injured). The Justice League had not interfered yet because the town had a local hero as well. Someone who seemed good at his job and who Tim was even thinking of recruiting. So this was a good opportunity to hit two birds with one stone. Afterall, not much was known about this mysterious Phantom other than he dedicated his afterlife to protecting this one town. Once they got to Amity they would probably need to check in with Phantom before anything. And despite his impatience with finding the person who might be his soulmate, even Kon was excited to meet this hero. Apparently Phantom had vast experience but also a major power set. He might gain another flying buddy or someone he could wrestle with without worrying about his strength. Afterall, Phantom also supposedly had super strength and even if he didn’t, it’s not like you can kill a ghost. Yet no matter how hard they looked, they couldn’t find him. It was only by coincidence that they stumbled upon Danny instead and his group of friends. 
The first time Kon saw Danny, it was like coming home. He wanted to do nothing more than rush to his soulmate and hug him and vow to always keep him safe. He wanted to prove that he would be the best soulmate ever and he wanted to know everything there was to know about him. He was practically vibrating where he stood in his civilian disguise and it was only his friends that held him back from flying over and surprising the poor boy.
But before he could do anything, a ghost attacked. Kon barely had enough time to grab his friends and dodge when some kind of glowing creature crashed into a building. And while normally he would immediately find somewhere to change, Kon’s first instinct was to check on his soulmate, only to see the two people he assumed to be the boy’s friends but no sign of Danny. Frantically looking around, he didn’t notice the glowing creature behind him (was that a dragon?) but before it could reach him, another glowing figure intercepted the attack. They looked almost ethereal with white hair softly floating in the air and a suit that hugged his muscled form tightly. The figure turned around and gave a sheepish smile towards Kon. “You ok?”
And it felt like for the second time that day, Kon was rendered breathless. 
Someone was protecting him.
Someone was protecting him?
Yet it felt…nice. Warm.
Before Kon could gather his thoughts though the battle picked up in earnest. He and his team found cover and changed into their suits. When they came to help, the person Kon assumed to be Phantom looked surprised at their sudden appearance but it wasn’t long before he and everyone else started working together. Unfortunately, actually fighting the ghost seemed to be impossible. Whenever they got close, their hits just passed right through so Phantom quickly regulated them on defense and citizen protection duty. Occasionally getting a hit in when the creature was tangible. Watching Phantom fight was something. Kon could understand why he was elected to join their team. He had this sort of grace and power that couldn’t be explained in words but was clearly from the experience of many battles.
Despite not being able to do much, fighting with Phantom was fun. They seemed to be completely in sync and it wasn’t long before Kon started to enjoy his loud commentary and puns as the two ghosts fought.
However, one particularly hard hit made it so that the dragon’s claws grazed his chest. Leaving three shallow gashes, but Phantom took the close proximity that attack gave him and sucked the creature into…a soup thermos?
But Kon wasn’t focused on that. He was wholly focused on the stinging pain suddenly coming from his chest, underneath his untouched uniform that clearly had not been hit. Kon didn’t know how to process what was happening. Everything suddenly became louder and he vaguely tried to move but it was like his mind became mush as he tried to process what that meant. He managed to get away for a bit and undid his shit, looking down to see three shallow scratches along his chest. Scratches that perfectly mirrored Phantom. In the corner of his eye, Kon saw a head of black hair and witnessed as Danny reunited with his two friends he had been separated from in the chaos. And as Danny twisted to hug them, his shirt flipped up enough to see another identical 3 scratches along the boy's stomach. Perfectly mirroring Phantoms. 
It was only later that Kon and his team did some more research on the town and it’s ghosts and learned the unofficial secret that Phantom and Danny were dating. That Phantom had Likely come back from the afterlife to protect the town his soulmate lived in. On the bright side, at least now he could confirm Danny really was his soulmate. And he knew where all those injuries were coming from.
Kon had found his soulmate.
Correction, he found his soumates
And they were already bonded to each other.
….so where did that leave him?
There are now two options. 
1: Kon decided that he just needs to woo both his soulmates and starts doing so both as Superboy and as Conner. Danny is very confused who these people are (because as far as he knows, he doesn’t have a soulmate, and since Kon doesn’t visibly show injury, there is no sign (unless Danny somehow injures himself in a place that is visible but he’s been trying to avoid that to make everyone worry less.)). Kon goes all out. He gets flowers, chocolates, writes poetry (whether good or not doesn’t matter) starts wooing Phantom in hero form, showing off his strength and skill whenever possible. (And unfortunately, also his dork side when he isn’t paying attention while flying) Asking to hang out, insist on paying for everything. Danny sees this tall Hunk who is paying attention to him and he doesn’t know what to do. And there are TWO OF THEM! (Also, in this version it might be funny if people suspect Danny and Phantom are dating but don’t know for sure and since they are never around each other, people might assume they just don’t know. So Sam, Tucker, and Jazz are all for Danny possibly starting a relationship with Kon along with Kon’s team who are cheering them on and trying to help the poor clone boy who has no experience with romance. Meanwhile literally everyone else in the town who likes Phantom is trying to run interference and get Danny and their hero together. 
2: The angst option. Kon decides that the fact that he has two soulmates who are together is likely a result of him being a clone. It’s not that he had someone waiting for him (how could he think someone was waiting their whole life just for him? How stupid was he?!) Kon had just hijacked a different bond. So he tries to stay away. Unfortunately, Tim had talked with Phantom while Kon was out of it so now they have started to team up. This makes avoiding him very difficult as he keeps running into Phantom. Moreover, he runs into Danny because they need him for the ghost hunting equipment. And slowly but surely, Kon falls in love with ‘both’ his soulmates but doesn’t want to get ‘between’ them. And Danny wants to know why one of his new teammates is avoiding him.
#Dpxdc#dcxdp#Kizzer55555 ideas#Super dead soulmates au#Danny x Kon#Danny x Conner#Kon is having an identity crisis and Danny helps but then makes it worse.#At one point Danny might figure out clones and decide to have ‘Phantom’ and ‘Danny’ in the same place. Kon sees this and almost combusts.#Kon’s team are the ultimate wingman’s/wingwoman.#Tim is deep diving into research and planning dates. He has a board covered with red string on how to make this work.#It’s scaring some people.#I don’t know if this is young Justice or teen titans so I was vague while writing it. Choose whichever team you like best!#All I know is that this is the version of Kon with all of Superman’s powers. I want him and Danny to have flying races.#Danny is oblivious.#Kon is in permanent gay panic mode.#Kon gets super protective of both Danny and Phantom.#At some point Phantom comes into contact with blood blossoms so that’s going to be fun. :)#The reason They talk to Danny is because he’s Phantom’s ‘supplier’ for Ghost hunting equipment.#Secret third option: they find Phantom first and bring him to the team and Kon thinks he’s his soulmate after seeing matching injuries and#gets closer to him as a friend but doesn’t know how to breach the subject. Then they go to a ‘supplier’ for Ghost equipment that Phantom#Trusts and meet Danny. And then something happens where they see how ‘Danny’ and ‘Phantom’ are ‘soulmates’.#Then you can deviate to the angst version or wooing version.
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starwrighter · 2 years
surprise! I'm alive :D
Chucking out one of my prompts anyone can take this.
Prompt starts with the whole idea that everyone believes that ghost are malevolent, non sentient beings that aren't capable of feeling pain. Amity parkers believe that, the Fenton's and the GIW "proved" that and the ghosts that escape the portal have caused so much mindless damage that it just further cements the idea that ghosts aren't sentient.
But during one of Phantom's ghost fights The Fenton parents realize Phantom is a bit different than the ghosts he fights. They finally decide to observe Phantom more carefully after this (they're still shooting at him just watching him a bit first)
During this observation period they notice it's not just phantom's rapid power growth that's different about him. It's everything he does! He's proven to be more intelligent than the other ghosts, having managed to steal and operate Fenton tech despite the fact he doesn't appear to have powers like technus.
He has body language?! Subtle body language that isn't destructive or angry! He fidgets when he's nervous, smiles and is more talkative and expressive when he's excited or happy. He shows emotion more humanly than any of the other ghosts showing emotion that wouldn't benefit him in the moment. Now the Fenton's wanted to brush this off as clear ghost manipulation at it's finest but in the most recent ghost attack gave a preposterous theory a leg to stand on.
They had been shouting their usual threat's of tearing the ecto scum apart molocule by molecule. Most of the ghost ignored them, fixated on the destruction they were causing but Phantom hesitated, the GAV cameras catching a look on Phantom's face that would be game changing.
Genuine fear. It was not the robotic mimicry of human emotion they were used to. The emotion they got was that of a being that fully understood what was going to happen to it and had the capability to be afraid.
They compile all the footage of past ghost fights and ghost sightings and come to the horrifying conclusion that phantom is a sentient ghost who could feel pain.
They're horrified that they've been hurting this little boy (because that's what phantom is) who's just trying to help and didn't understand why the other ghosts lacked the empathy he had. As for Phantom's crimes they finally had a reason for them. He's a scared child , loney and confused with everyone around him trying to hurt him even though he was trying to protect people; of course he would act out!
The Fenton's show their undeniable proof to the GIW and within a week a law is passed stating that phantom is the only sentient ghost and it's illegal to harm him.
Danny is very confused to say the least, especially when everyone starts treating him like a little kid (Danny either looks young for his age or the accident happened earlier whatever causes more angst) The worst part is they don't believe him when he tells them some other ghosts are sentient no matter what he says! They just give him this sad look and nod or try to comfort him by telling him he wasn't evil like the other ghosts. The other ghosts like the thought of being able to get away with crimes without being charged so they don't even try to prove their sentience if anything they try to disprove theirs and prove Danny's.
Bonus Dp x Dc crossover:
The justice league is called about Phantom's situation Amity Parker's demanding that phantom be taken somewhere safe where he can be a regular (but spooky) child. Double points if the heroes don't believe any ghost but Phantom are sentient.
Regular ghosts are too spooky for humans to believe they're sentient but Danny's halfa status makes him look more human and genuine (Vlad is not a true halfa you can fight me on that >:c) the other ghosts ramp up their acting skills so they can crime without consequence as "non sentient beings"
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flamingpudding · 1 year
Fictober23 Prompt: 6 - "I can't wait for you."
Fandom: DPxDC
Rating: T
Warnings: Mentions of blood and injury
Danny stared at the stars above his head, sitting on top of Fenton Works. Even after a week his arm still tingled with phantom pains from his accident. In his left hand was a dagger he hadn't looked at in years now. Was it 6 or 7 years? Danny couldn't really remember. He had been too young when he had made his first decision for himself only.
The fingertips of his right hand traced imaginary patterns over the blade as his eyes searched out different constellations in the night sky. 7 years ago, he would have never imagined for himself a future where he was allowed to follow his own dreams. A week ago he had talked about his dream of becoming an astronaut, exploring the vast space that existed just outside of their own stratosphere.
Now after that the lab accident he had he felt like another dream had gotten shattered by the wheels of fate. It wasn't even his past life from before the Fentons that shattered these dreams, in the way he had feared in the first couple of years after coming to live with them. It where times like these when he would dug out the dagger to take it with him to see the stars.
His eyes turned from the stars to the blade in his hand.
It was a special blade his biological mother had ordered when she learned about having twins. The blade itself was only one half. The flat surface of the handle and the blade on one side while the other appeared like a high quality blade and greatly decorated handle, spoke of the missing part. His dagger was only half of a dagger, the other half was with his twin.
This was the only thing he had taken with him when he had left at the tender age of 5 or was it six? His memory was blurry and back then celebrating your birthday wasn't as big of a deal as it was in the life he had gained with Fentons.
At times Danny wondered why he had been the only one to see it. His twin had gone through the same teachings, the same lessons, the same training, the same mission. Yet Danny had been the only one who saw the way their grandfather really was. The manipulation, the gaslighting, the brainwashing. Danny had seen it all and realized it pretty soon and when he had talked with his twin about it?
He had hit a wall. Grandfather knows what he's doing. Stop imagining things, Danyal.
"I can't wait for you. Damian, if you can't see what I do, then I can no longer stay here and wait."
These were the last words he had said to his twin after another argument about their grandfather gaslighting them about a mission result. It was right there and then that Danny decided he needed to leave and that he did.
Somehow, as a five years old he had managed to get all the way to America before they found him again. And when he refused to come back they, his grandfather's mans, attacked without remorse. After all it was better to get rid of loose ends than to let them frail your masterpiece.
But ending up near death in the middle of a forest where the Fentons happen to be camping was his luck back then. They probably thought that he wouldn't make it, that Danny wouldn't have the will to continue barely breathing in his own pool of blood but Danny proved them wrong. He did have the will and he had continued crawling until Jazz had found him.
That was how his life had changed the first time. The Fentons took him in, allowed him to dream and to build a future and family of his own. Now this lap accident was making changes to his life again and Danny couldn't help but think back to his previous life. "I wonder if Damian finally saw what I did or if he still is under grandfather's influence…"
Months later Danny was introduced to an apparent family friend of his parents. One Danny felt was too much of a fruitloop and gave him concerning flashbacks to his grandfather but was still easier to deal with. But following all the incidence of conflicts with the fruitloop was also a moment to which said fruitloop somehow convinced his parents to let him drag Danny to a Gala.
Danny hadn't paid any attention to the guests of this gala, no he had taken the first chance he got to escape the way Sam had advised him before to do, and fled to a balcony. Breathing in the clear night air Danny loosened the tie he was made to wear. He did not notice the soft click of the balcony door behind him.
"Danyal." Danny whirled around and pulled out a hidden blade he kept on his person more out of habit than anything else. He hadn't heard his name spoken like that in years, even the fruitloop and a more American dialect when it came to saying his name.
He froze at the mirror image with green eyes that stood before him. That couldn't be could it?
"Damian?" The other teen nodded and Danny only relaxed his stance ever so slightly. His shoulders were still tense and he was still ready to spring into action or use his ghost powers to escape if needed.
Neither of them spoke a word as they took in each other's appearance and Danny hid a small chuckle as his twin clicked his tongue at his defensive stance, crossing his arms.
"I see, you still have that half of a dagger mother had made for us."
"The only thing I took with me when I left."
His twin clicked his tongue once more before reaching into a hidden pocket and pulling out the other half of that dagger. Showing that he also had kept his half of it throughout all these years.
"There is no longer a need for you to wait, Danyal."
Danny blinked and completely dropped his defensive stance, hearing the unspoken words. He let a small smile tuck his lips upwards. It appears that there was a lot he had to catch up on with his twin.
"I never waited to begin with Damian. I ghosted you right after." He chuckled lightly, knowing his brother wouldn't understand until later.
"Don't lie, Danyal. You took your half of the dagger with you." His brother frowned before smirking at him. "You said you couldn't wait anymore but taking it with you was clearly telling me that you would still do so anyway."
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wolfjackle-creates · 8 months
Bring Me Home Arc 3 Part 1
Happy WIP Wednesday! So last week, we had a tie between Bring Me Home and Answer My Call. The tie breaker didn't come in until Monday after I'd already finished the entire Bring Me Home chapter and half the Answer My Call one.
So y'all will be getting two fic upates today then I'm going to sleep. I'm tired after a full day of work with a call out. XP
If you want a say in next week's update, vote in the poll!
Welcome to Arc 3 of Bring Me Home! 🎉🎉🎉
Story Summary: Danny's parents find out his secret. It doesn't go well. But he's not alone. His friend Tim Drake, better known as Red Robin, and the Young Justice will not let him suffer.
Word Count: 1.7k
Warnings: fanon-typical violence. This is my dissection fic, but I don't think I crossed the line into graphic. Let me know if you disagree.
Arc 1: AO3
Arc 2: First, Last
Danny waved goodbye to Sam and Tucker as he made his way home from school. They had a long weekend and he planned to fall into bed and take a long nap. And then maybe grab some midnight tacos as Phantom for dinner.
He hummed as he thought about how awesome those tacos would taste when reached his home. Still lost in his daydreams, he unlocked the door and pushed it open.
Only for electric pain to shoot up his arm. Danny screamed, paralyzed to the spot. He tried to pull his hand back, but something held him in place. He fell to his knees, arm still held out and radiating pain through the rest of his body.
“What? Danny!”
“M-mom?” he forced out between cries. “Hurts!”
He could feel his transformation tugging on his core and he tried to force it back.
“Jack! Quick, it’s Danny!”
“Please,” begged Danny. Even kneeling was getting to be too much. Blackness was threatening the edges of his vision so he closed his eyes. He had to keep from transforming. He had to.
He didn’t even have the breath to scream anymore.
He heard his dad’s voice. There was a flash of light. And then nothing.
The first thing Danny was aware of was that everything hurt. His muscles were aching and his right arm was practically numb. The next thing he noticed was that he way lying on something hard. He tried to roll over, only to realize he was strapped down. And not just at his wrists and ankles, but also at his waist and neck.
His eyes flew open in shock and he yelled in panic. Had Vlad gotten him?
“It’s awake, Mads!”
Orange filled his vision as his dad leaned over him.
“D-dad?” asked Danny. He felt his core humming in his chest. His core, not his heart. He twisted his head just enough to see a black jumpsuit.
He was Phantom. His parents knew.
His dad’s face contorted with anger, an expression he’d never once seen there before. “Don’t you dare call me that, impostor! What have you done with my son?”
“Dad, it’s me. I swear. I—I can explain.” He tugged on his restraints, trying to phase through them. Only to scream as the anti-ghost shielding shocked him.
His mom’s steps echoed from out of sight. “You aren’t escaping us that easily, ghost,” she spat the last word. “How long have you been possessing Danny?” She finally came into view, goggles blocking her eyes and her mouth hard.
“I’m not possessing him, I am Danny!”
She sneered. “Jack, now.”
“Release our son!” shouted his father. Then he pulled out a spray can and held down the nozzle.
Danny saw the mist approach him and scrunched his eyes closed as he turned his head to avoid the spray. But of course it was impossible. He whimpered as it settled on him, tiny pinpricks of burning. As he lay there, the feeling grew more and more intense until he couldn’t help but cry out.
And that’s when he breathed it in.
It was all agony, inside and out. The mist settled in his lungs, pure fire trying to melt core.
With a flash of light, he was Danny Fenton again. His heart beat in his chest and his lungs screamed for oxygen. The pain didn’t go away, but it lessened. Danny gasped in deep breaths, his limbs shaking in their restraints as he tried to push through the pain.
“Did it work?” asked his dad.
Fingers brushed his hair off his forehead. “Sweetie? Are you back with us?”
Danny opened his eyes, tears gathering and looked up at the face of his mother.
Her expression turned from hope to hatred so fast he thought he was dreaming. “Green eyes, Jack. The ghost is just trying to trick us.”
“The ghost repellent has never failed before. How are you surviving, ghost?”
Danny screwed his eyes shut so he wouldn’t have to see his parents’ faces. “It’s me, I promise. It’s me. I’m alive. I’m alive.”
“Stop lying!” screamed his mom.
Then he felt a sharp pain in his side, followed by a wave of agony. He felt like he was being electrocuted again. In defense, he transformed back into Phantom—his ghost form was so much more durable.
But the pain only got worse. He screamed. His wail was crawling its way up his throat, only to fizzle out into a wave of electricity when it hit the anti-ghost restraint strapped around his neck.
“Loud, isn’t it?” asked his father.
“Let’s shut it up, Jack,” said his mother.
“No, no please. It’s me, Danny!”
They ignored him, though. The pain stopped just long enough for him to gasp in a few breaths. Then piece of metal was being fixed under his jaw and over his mouth. His head was yanked up so it could be strapped in the back. Danny tried to yell into the muzzle, but it muffled all sound.
After that, he lost track of what they did. So many inventions were taken out, used, and discarded. Anything to destroy the ghost part of him or force him out of his living body.
He wished he could obey. That he could just be their son again and not Phantom. But he’d learned many times over the last three years that it was impossible. He was both Danny Fenton and Danny Phantom and spitting himself apart would only ever lead to destruction.
He didn’t know how many times he was forced into a transformation as his body tried to choose the form more resistant to the torture. It didn’t seem to matter, though, if he was Fenton or Phantom. His parents would check his eyes or use the ghost tracker and then the next wave of pain would wash over him.
Eventually, however, even his parents ran out of inventions to use.
“This isn’t working, Jackie.”
“What if we can’t force it out, Mads? What next?”
“We’ll cut it out. You know we’ve long hypothesized about the existence of a ghost heart. What better way to test our hypothesis than cutting the parasite out of our own son?”
Danny’s eyes flew open and he tugged with aching muscles, twisting as much as he was able. His muffled protests were ignored just as much as his words had been.
“Where do you think it’s hiding its heart?” asked his dad.
“We’ll use the Fenton Scanner to find the areas of densest ectoplasm concentration and search each of them.”
His mom stalked out of sight and Danny could hear her rummaging through various bins and cabinets looking for the scanner.
His dad, however, stared down at him, eyes hidden behind his goggles and his mouth in an uncharacteristic frown. “If you’re still in there, Danno, we’re gonna get rid of it. We’ll free you, son.”
Danny wanted to tell him he wasn’t trapped, to say again that he was himself, whatever he looked like. But all he could do was whimper and blink away the tears.
Then mom was back, a small scanner in her hand. She pointed it at Danny and he tensed, expecting more pain.
But he felt nothing. Soon enough, the device beeped and she waved over his dad.
“Look at this, sweetie. It’s working better than I expected. Only two main areas of ectoplasm concentration: his brain and his chest.”
“That’s awfully close to his heart, Mads. I don’t know if we can remove it without hurting Danny.”
“If we don’t remove it, he’ll be dead anyway!” Her last word caught on a sob.
Danny was crying in earnest now, too. This couldn’t be real. It just couldn’t. How long would it take anyone to even notice? Jazz was away at college, Tucker had plans with his parents all night, Sam was trying to get along with her parents to get out of a rich-person function later in the month, and he and Tim didn’t have a check-in until Sunday.
Could he survive his parents for two whole days until then?
He forced his eyes open to see his parents hugging. All he wanted was to be between them, caught up in their embrace. But instead he was strapped down to a hard, cold table.
They separated.
“Hold him still, Jack,” said his mom.
So Danny did the opposite. He ignored the ache of his muscles, the way they protested, to twist and yank and move as much as he could.
But his father’s hands were big and he was strong and Danny was tired. When his dad spread his hands over his shoulders and pressed, Danny couldn’t fight back. Above him stood his mom, holding a scalpel that glowed green.
Danny closed his eyes tightly when he saw her lower the blade. He couldn’t watch this. Then agony as it sliced through his skin.
Danny screamed into the muzzle. The pain was so intense that he could focus on nothing else. He didn’t know if his parents were talking to each other. He didn’t know what they were finding inside of him.
Instinct forced him to hide his core, to push it smaller and disguise it. But he knew that nothing would stop his parents forever.
He had no way to judge the passage of time. It felt like an eternity; it felt like a second.
Then the hands on him ripped away suddenly and new shouts, new voices, rang out in the lab.
Danny blinked his eyes open to see Sam and Tucker above him. Sam was paler than he’d ever seen her and Tucker didn’t look any better. He tried to talk to them, but the muzzle still covered his face.
Sam turned her head away and shouted, “Kon!”
A moment later, Superboy was landing next to her, his face grim. Then Danny’s restraints, muzzle included, fell to pieces. He was free.
He pushed himself up, needing to see, only to cry in pain and fall back down when the cuts on his chest protested the movement.
Sam and Tucker shouted at him, told him to stay still. Their words were fuzzy and hard to focus on. Everything was hard to focus on. But in the brief moment of time he’d been able to see more than the ceiling above him, he saw Tim in full Red Robin get up using his staff to keep his parents away.
Tim was here. And the world went black.
I no longer tag, but if you want notifications when I update, check out the Subscription Post.
After about 40k of writing, we're finally back to the scene that started it all! Only now with 4x the number of Young Justice on hand. About three years have passed between Arc 2 and Arc 3, so they've all gotten quite close. There's group chats. So many group chats. Danny's met more members of the Young Justice (and I may write a few of those meetings in the future which is 80% why I decided to make this a series rather than a single work on AO3).
But on the rescue team we've only got Red Robin, Superboy, Wonder Girl, and Impulse.
I'm about a third of the way through with major edits for Arc 2. So I'll probably start cross posting to AO3 quite soon! Main changes are in what Tim tells Bruce about where he is and what he's up to.
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A Rising Phantom
Summary: danny died, and no one knows. He is a full ghost, and only thanks to his dual obsessions can he “live” a normal life and pretend that nothing happened.
I aim to make this a multichaptered fic! Hopefully, the first fic I post on AO3!
no one knows! AU
full ghost! danny
eventual everlasting trio
dual obsessions inspired by this post, which are protection (Phantom) and space (Fenton)
my own headcanon: danny's death is inevitable, a single point in time that cannot be avoided or changed.
Danny died on a Saturday.
He was too young to have been left alone; any other house would’ve be fine, but everyone in that town knew, even then, that the Fentons' house was to be avoided by a wide berth.
His parents had rushed out in a frustrated fit, leaving him and Jazz by themselves for the weekend, just like so many before. They were always an afterthought to their parents, long before he was 14.
Danny didn’t intend to go down to the lab that night. But Jazz was out with her friend Kyle, and he was bored. And something down there called to him, though he didn’t know it.
He didn’t know that forces beyond his comprehension were leading to this point, this singularity.
If Danny had known the fate in store for him, he would have begged his parents for them to stay that night, or take him with them. But he didn't know, he couldn't have known... because that's how it was always going to be.
He didn’t know that a man with a clock in his chest, who changed between ages in the blink of an eye, was watching as he walked down those lonely steps.
He didn’t know, as he pulled on a white hazmat suit hand-sewn just for him, far too flimsy for what it was meant to protect him against, that a sentient dimension was pushing against the veil, straining for him.
He didn’t know, as he stepped through the gaping metal maw, that it had already called his name, and death had claimed it.
And afterwards, while he curled up on the cold basement floor, clutching his chest for a pulse, he still did not know that even if he had known... he would have had no choice but to do the same.
Danny died when he turned the portal on, alone in his parents’ lab.
Standing inside, fifty million Watts of electricity coursed from his palm to his heart, searing its path into his skin. It had no exit route. It cooked him from the inside, lighting all of his nerves on fire, and doused him in an infinite realm’s worth of dimensional energy. After what seemed like hours of screaming, panicking, burning- he somehow managed to crawl out of the portal.
He died then, lying flat in front of the machine that ended him, as the intense pain faded into a dull throb that replaced the beating that used to be in his chest.
And as he sat up, feeling both sore and feather-light, he looked down upon his body, and realized that he had died that day, and he was not coming back.
Danny panicked. And he did the only thing he could do. He decided to run away, afraid of what he was, confused and scared and feeling very not himself.
But the main anxiety that drove him to hide his accident was a rather juvenile one.
…He was afraid that his parents would be upset that he had gone into the lab without their permission.
He had messed with their stuff, and turned something on… something he definitely shouldn’t have.
He had just opened a portal to a realm full of the very things that kept him from sleeping at night, of “unfeeling monsters” that his parents had drilled into him about for years.
A portal to ghosts… that were now free to come through.
That thought made something inside him solidify, and a low hum began to emanate from him as he worried about his family. About the ghosts and the portal and how they were going to manage without him…
He couldn’t just leave like this. Not when he was responsible. He couldn’t let a whole realm of monsters hurt his family. At that thought, dread filled him, and that same something inside his chest ached.
But it occurred to him that he still had to leave. Not just at the thought of his parents stumbling in on his body.
No, it was about him. For he was one of them now, wasn’t he? A ghost. And he was a monster now, too. Despite not feeling like one. Despite knowing that there was clearly something wrong with what he had been told and what he knew was intimately true of himself in this new form.
But something inside him whispered at him that he couldn’t take the chance, if he did turn into a monster. He couldn’t let himself hurt his family.
So with fears on his back and a tingle fading from his fingertips, Danny pulled himself up onto unsteady feet. He took his body outside, to the woods where no one would know. And he buried it, alone, surrounded by trees and the sky.
He sat there, at his fresh grave, and cried.
Holding his arms around himself tight, he mourned the loss of warmth, of blood pumping and his heartbeat, so loud in its absence.
Surrounded by nothing but silence, he mourned that he’d never made close friends, nor really had the chance.
Looking up at the stars, he mourned that he could never fulfill his dream of being an astronaut.
He mourned for himself because no one else could.
And as his last cry petered off into the night, the sun broke the horizon.
A different something tugged at his chest, and he let it pull without resistance, worn ragged as he was.
And he was grateful he did. For a soothing light washed over him and transformed him into something similar, but not quite as he was Before.
But he felt warmth, and he felt a pseudo-beat in his chest, sluggish as it was. And suddenly he realized that although he was dead, he was alive in a different way.
He was still there.
He didn’t have to give up on life.
He was not going to be a monster.
Danny walked back home. He washed the dirt away from under his fingernails. He swept the lab until it looked like no one had been there. Minus the massive swirling vortex.
And when Jazz got home from her sleepover, Danny hugged her with a smile.
He was going to be fine.
They would all be fine, he would make sure of it.
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aph-mable · 2 years
Dp x MHA prompt/story; ghostly child.
Okay so this idea been turning in my head for most of the day so I'm going to try to write this, anyone is free to add to it too.
Main plot is this; Danny is on the run from the GIW, being injured enough to cause him to de-age to around 6-7 years old. Same power strength and mind, but suffering from pretty bad injuries such as dissection, and having a lightning scar on his arm from the accident, others are from dealing with the other ghosts.
Danny does try to survive by himself, mainly useing the tricks and abilities he learned from his rouges, mostly doing the bare minimum to get by like steal food and clothes, sometimes kick bad guys to the curb but mostly keeps to himself.
He is in the MHA because during his escape he ended up creating a portal, while doing so he was begging for safety and to finally be accepted, the infinite realms awnsered by placing him a universe of heros, though it takes Danny some time to realize that.
Now with that established time to try and start the story, (though writing this while a bit tired)
Danny's bare feet echoed as he ran through the rain storm, it made his body shiver yet he kept pushing through as his medical gown was almost causing him to trip due to it being a size a bit to big.
Yet it didn't matter to the young boy as he ran through the dark streets and alleyways, the pitch blackness of the night helped cover his tracks as he pushed his body forward.
All Danny knew was he needed to run, get away from the men in snow white suits, or else his blood will be splattered again.
No, no, that can't happen again, they had already cut Danny's body over a thousand times that he worried if there was anything human left of him.
His hair was already permanently white, his eyes now a sickly green that shined like spot lights in the dark, he even lost the real need to breath which was the only reason he hasn't collapsed yet.
The sickly young boy only stopped running when he slammed into a trash can, causing him to fall over and cry out in pain as his hands and knees bleed out a toxic red and green.
Painful sobs escaped his mouth as he culled up behind a dumpster, useing what little shelter from the pouring rain.
Finally unable to go any further Danny passes out, coughing now and then as he falls into a restless sleep.
The sounds of birds chipping and passing by cars woke up Danny as the sunrise peeked though the clouds.
Rubbing his eyes and sticking to the shadows Danny crawled from his hiding spot to see where he even was, everything felt so much bigger then they used to be and it was kind of scary.
When Danny peeked around the corner what he saw made his eyes widen.
People and humanoid creatures walked the streets, drove in cars, and chatted away like there wasn't a problem in the world, living their lives without a care around them.
How long was Danny locked up? How far has the world move on that both human amd supernaturals could live together without fear? Would he be accepted for once or rejected again and hunted?
Too many questions filled the young halfa's mind, he needed to get away from the crowds and find some where safe, after all the Guys In White was most likely still looking for him.
Backing away further into the shadows Danny took twisting turns and back paths just to try and stay hidden. Ducking behind whatever he could find like a scared beast whenever a loud or sudden noise happened.
After hours of wondering the streets a painful growl came from Danny's stomach, reminding him that he was still human enough to need food, real food, not just literal trash.
Grumbling Danny went looking for an out of way convince store or small food shop, knowing full well he will have to steal from it. He would possibly go to a bigger food chain that wouldn't care as much about a few missing items, but Danny was still scared of being seen by too many people.
Finally finding a shop that was out of the way and didn't seem to have even a customer inside it Danny took his chance.
Pulling at his core and useing what energy he had, turned himself invisible and intangible as he walked right through the door.
Moving quickly he grabbed what his tiny arms could hold, which was a water bottle and twi pre made sandwiches.
Looking at the check out counter he could see a very tired looking young lady with stripes and long fangs, looking close to a wearcat, bored out of her mind. Werid words and colorful posters sounded her like some kind of ads.
Seeing he wasn't noticed yet Danny bolted for the door.
His invisibility slipped just as he passed the store clerk, leaving her only a sight of a small white haired boy in a werid gown phasing though the doors. It took only a second to make her realize he was running with unpaid store items.
Danny could hear distant yelling as he booked it back to the darkness of the alleyways, catching a few other people's attention but escaping.
Once sure no one was chasing him, Danny wolfed down his sandwiches and downed the water. Ancients, he hadn't even eaten or even got a proper drink like that in ages, tye most he gotten was the bare minimum to keep him alive.
Now a bit more fulied and a clearer mind Danny was planning his next move, which was finding a place to well, live in. A place to hide away from and maybe make his new haunt if it stays a good spot.
As he dusted himself off a near by broken mirror caught his eye. Moving forward Danny could see himself for the first time in a long while... it was a bit distressing.
Standing in the reflection was a young boy no older then 7, with snow white hair that was long and tangled with ectoplasm abd blood, wearing an oversized medical gown that was torn at the bottom, showing his recent knee injuries and barely hiding his lightning scar and others. Lime green eyes stared back at him as tears were rolling down his crumb covered face.
Not wanting to look at the monster in the mirror any longer, Danny matched forward in hopes to find an abounded building close by so he wouldn't have to pass out on the streets again.
An unknown amount of weeks passed by, during that time Danny had found an old shack not to far off from a small stream and bridge.
From there he stole the odd blanket or clothing that were left in the wind to dry, making a nest withing the rotting boards. Danny manged to get his hands on a few shirts and shorts that would fit his smaller body better, yet kept the bloodied hospital gown, mostly as a way to cover up a big hole in the wall.
During his raids to get resources Danny did get spotted many more times, especially when trying to snach food, but so far hasn't been chased further then a block or two.
Danny had quickly found out two major factors of this new place; firstly he couldn't read anything, everything looked like werid squiggles and lines, that might be due to him not being good at reading in the first place or the fact he only knew how to read/write ghost since that's what he did to pass the time. Secondly was there were heros and villains, and he wasn't sure who he was more scared of.
Heros were easy to spot since they wore costumes and announced themselves, villains were more subtle most of the time until they start causing trouble.
Danny had a few run in with the latter, mostly just jerks who think a kid would be an easy target. They were proven wrong quickly when Danny knocked them out by barely trying and dragging them to what he thought was a police station.
Heros were much more tricky, Danny mainly blots whenever he sees any, same with police in person, because what if they worked with the GIW? What would happen if they find out Danny was nothing but an abomination, a crime against life and death.
He wasn't going to risk it.
Yet unaware to Danny due to his adventures he had been spotted multiple times by civilian and a few heros too, one or two may have caught a picture of him back when he was still in his medical gown. And with him naturally running whenever a hero was spotted things were getting suspicious.
Heros and officers were alerted to the presents of a young boy who's case was looking scarily similar to another.
Which lead to Danny's main problem now...
He keeps getting chased by heroes!
Danny mostly avoids them by phasing thorough buildings but it was getting annoying. He started to use his intangiblity, floating, and ice abilities more, he didn't use his ecto blasts since he didn't want to cause that much harm. So far he's been stalked and chased by a werid guy made out of wood, a cowboy, and a rabbit lady just this week! That's not counting the police trying to corner him.
The only ones now that weren't giving him any trouble were normal people and the odd villan.
All Danny wanted to do is eat a good sandwich and maybe relax a bit.
Going to stop here for tonight but might add more later, any suggestions on how to make this story better is appreciated too.
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gilbirda · 9 months
Friendly neighborhood vigilante. Chapter 21
BatmanxDP crossover. JasonxJazz
[Read on AO3] [Read on FF.net]
Based on this post
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“I’m so sorry.”
“I’m fine.”
“Your ankle is twisted.”
“Is not that bad,” Jazz said for the tenth time. And it really wasn’t, she had worse before, and it would be healed in a few days, tops. She wasn’t in top condition since she had to share her last dose of ectoplasm with him; but that didn’t mean she would let a sprained ankle bother her so easily.
“Are you sure you are okay? Jason is an absolute unit.”
“What? You know it’s true!”
Dick nodded at Tim. “I almost broke my back trying to carry him piggyback once.”
“Really?” Jazz looked up from where Alfred was kneeling with the first aid supplies. She had already tried to insist she could deal with it herself and had been ignored twice. “Are there photos of that?”
“Sadly, no.”
“Aren’t you supposed to be on my side?”
Jazz turned to smile at her boyfriend, not-that-secretly enjoying his slightly pink cheeks.
Everyone turned to look at Alfred when he hummed. The butler was frowning, eyes fixed on Jazz’s right foot — not in her red and swollen ankle he was about to bandage, but on one of her toes. It was crooked and stood out next to the other perfectly aligned ones.
Oh. Right.
“What happened?”
Jazz felt a bit crowded when the siblings leaned in to see her foot. She could feel their eyes scrutinizing her feet, and she never felt more self conscious before. She could have painted her toenails, at least, but she didn’t find time to do so before the dinner.
“I broke my toe a long time ago.”
Dick wore what she had come to understand was his “that’s nice” smile. She had seen him use it many times during gymnastics class, when he definitely had some comments to say but bit his tongue and said “that’s nice” instead. He had used it with her a few times, but she didn’t hold it against him.
“It didn’t heal fine.” Tim beat him to the comment. Jazz expected it, and sighed.
She gathered her thoughts as Alfred carefully twisted her foot this and that way, not upsetting her injured ankle.
“I was… eight? Ten? I think I was ten years old. I ran upstairs a bit too fast and stumbled with the last step and broke it.” She fixed her eyes on her feet when she continued: “I thought — It was just one toe. I thought I could power through and it would heal on its own.”
Someone tensed. From the corner of her eye she saw Bruce shuffle closer. She didn’t miss his troubled eyes as she ranted about her childhood back at the dinner table.
“Your parents didn’t take you to the hospital?” He asked, trying very hard to mask his horror and disappointment. Cute, but unnecessary.
“They would have, if I had told them.” Why did she get weirdly defensive, even after all these years? “But I knew I couldn’t afford the hassle of getting a toe splint and the bed rest. Danny — We had to eat. The house wouldn’t run by itself.”
Jazz had time to reflect and address how unfair it was for her to assume that role so young. She didn’t help either, trying so hard to be treated like an adult and shoehorning herself into the parenting position; but her parents gave up control to her too easily and faster than what should have been legal.
“So you walked around with a broken toe? For months?”
She didn’t look at Jason, but nodded in response. Memories of the pain coming back to her mind. It hurt so much. It really, really hurt, but she just couldn’t give up. Giving up meant not eating. Meant her grades slipping and having the school call her parents. Meant worrying Danny.
“At the time I was dealing with a lot of pain. It wasn’t until we discovered the long lasting effects of ecto contamination that we realized that the pain Danny and I experienced for the best part of our childhood and adolescence was the ectoplasm changing us from the inside out. I thought it was just growing pains. So I just… ignored it all and moved on.”
It truly was how she lived her life, huh? Ignore the pain and power through. That’s how she dealt with things when she was a kid, how she did during highschool. How she managed to just adapt and give up her dreams so she could become Danny’s pillar and support during the preparation to be King. How she came out in one piece after fighting at his side for so long.
She had always been such a hypocrite — advocating for staying in touch with your inner child, to address mental health, while ignoring her own. Nagging and pushing Danny to not let things accumulate and talk about them with her or with his friends.
And when it was about her? Power through. Ignore. She would have time to work through it later.
A soft touch on her shoulder brought her back to the moment. She breathed out slowly, looking into the eyes of the one person she knew would poke her until she admitted she wasn’t as fine as she thought, and sit with her as she worked through her thoughts.
“I’m okay.” She told Jason with a little smile.
And truly, she was.
Someone cleared their throat, and Jazz jumped, feeling her cheeks burn. Oh, Ancients. She hoped she hadn’t been staring at his eyes for too long.
By the quiet snickers and how the group that had formed around her dispersed, she assumed she did. How embarrassing!
“In any case,” she tried to get back some of her dignity, “that’s the story why the toe looks weird. It healed wrong but,” she shrugged, not really wanting to dwell on that.
“Well,” Alfred continued after a brief tense silence, “we may not have recent pictures of Jason at hand, but I know where the old albums are stored. If you want to see.”
Old albums? As in, Jason when he was a kid?
Jazz perked up at the thought — he must have been such a cute kid! — but looked to check on him if it was okay. Jason was very private and he didn’t talk much about his days at the Manor.
He looked… relaxed? He was lifting an eyebrow and looking at Bruce with a little smile. “I didn’t know you kept the pictures.”
The other man looked a bit tense. “I keep all the pictures of my kids.”
“Awww,” Stephanie leaned over where she was resting over Tim and Bernard’s laps on the other sofa, arching her back to look at Bruce upside down. “Even mine?”
“You are not one of my children, as you like to remind me every day.” Bruce said with a tired sigh, but that made it obvious he was joking.
“Damn right.”
Jazz giggled, a numbing cream Alfred was applying on her ankle tickling her a little. She stayed put as he bandaged her ankle with practiced moves, with just enough compression to support her injured ankle but not enough to cut her blood flow. Jason mentioned that Alfred usually patched them up after patrol.
“Thank you.” She said to the butler when he was done, a conversation about “baby pictures” and half hearted threats flowing around the room.
Alfred smiled at her, softly patted her foot and then gathered the first aid kit stuff and left quietly.
“Picture time!”
Jazz had little time to prepare before Dick dropped a thick album on her lap and sat down on her free side, opening the album on the first page.
The pictures were old and some were shaky and off-focus. They had this homey feeling that reminded her of the days before her parents became obsessed with the portal and family time took a backseat in their lives.
They watched her thumb through the pages and answered questions about the pictures — mostly Bruce, Dick and Alfred — and tried to not crowd her too much. Jason kept himself distanced from the situation, maybe to give her space too, maybe to be able to watch her react to the stories and the pictures of a faraway past. Jazz was polite and showed genuine interest, laughing at the memories with the rest of the group.
Soon they got to the pictures that featured the second addition to the family. Everyone breathed in relief when any reaction from the estranged family member was overshadowed by their guest’s high-pitched squeal.
“So cute!” She murmured, hand hovering over a picture with a much younger Jason covered in bandaids and glaring daggers at the camera.
“It was shortly after he arrived at the manor,” Alfred supplied the information, “and young master Jason didn’t like posing for pictures.”
Her cheeks colored pink, eyes fixed on the picture of a frowning child with curly hair. They watched in silence as she went through the pictures of her boyfriend, wondering what she was thinking. Back then Jason was a completely different person, did she notice the differences? Did she mourn the kid that he was? The man he could have been?
Jazz turned the page and a pile of pictures slid down the album. Jason was the fastest, picking up everything before it hit the floor.
They were Batman and Robin pictures.
“Oh shit,” Tim grumbled, trying to reach for the pictures, “forgot those were there.”
Jason moved his hand, and the pictures, out of his reach.
“I thought I told you to remove them, Master Timothy.” Alfred’s disappointment was perceptible, but his worried glances at Jason’s face minimized the impact.
Everyone held their breath as the man looked at the pictures, smiled, and showed the one at the top of the pile to everybody.
“I forgot how ugly the old uniform was.”
Jazz yanked the picture from his hand and held it close to her chest. “Don’t say that!” She reached for the rest of the pictures. “I liked it.”
“But that’s because you were a groupie.”
“You were a Robin fan?” Bernard jumped at the opportunity to keep the mood light.
“A me fan!” Dick smirked, flipping his hair like a diva. “Our dearest Jasmine was the club president for years!”
“Just two.” She grumbled, face red as a tomato. “And yes, I may or may not have been a Nightwing fan —”
“But you said—”
“I know what I said!” Jazz huffed, keeping her eyes on the pictures. The Robin in those pictures was Dick, given the wavy hair parted on the side. And the giant smile on his face, showing his dimples. “This is so embarrassing.”
“And yet you keep looking.” Did Jason focus on messing with her to ignore everything else? He was as calm and collected as he had been during the whole evening.
“Robin pictures have always been very difficult to come by. Good quality ones, at least.”
Tim smirked, pleased. “Some of my best work, if I do say so myself.”
“These are yours?”
“Yep,” he popped the ‘p’, “although I didn’t catch Dick until his last few months as Robin.”
Jazz hummed in response, eyes still focused on the pictures. “The resemblance is uncanny.” She murmured.
“Danny, my brother.” She smiled up at Dick. “He dressed up as Robin one Halloween. Costume was really good, my parents bought the good quality stuff.” She chuckled. “I threw the biggest fit ever — Danny didn’t even like Robin! He thought he was lame and not as cool as Superman. But it was what my parents got him and everyone at school told him he could pass as the real thing; and well, he caved and didn’t give it to me.”
“You wanted to be Robin?” Dick asked, amused.
“Yeah! I was sooo mad. ‘Girls can’t be Robin, Jazzypants’” She scoffed. “Of course my parents weren’t helpful.”
Stephanie hollered, not looking up from her phone screen. “Yeah, girls can’t be Robin. That’s absurd.”
“In the end I went as Wonder Woman, since I didn’t have time to get another costume.”
“You don’t like Wonder Woman?” Jason asked her.
“No, I like her just fine. It’s just—” she sighed, leaning on the backrest of the sofa, gathering her thoughts. “Robin, for me, was more than a celebrity. I was… Growing up, I felt so helpless. Everyday I ended up exhausted and wondering when it would end, counting the days until I turned eighteen and I could take my little brother and leave that house. I think —” her voice got tight for a moment, but she cleared her throat fast, “ — I think that I was a huge fan because Robin was such a capable hero while being a kid like me. If he could do so many amazing things then I could, too.”
Jazz was suddenly pulled into a muscular chest, arms squeezing her so hard she was about to beg for mercy when Dick finally let her go. “That was so nice to hear, my dear number one fan.”
She chuckled, unsure of what to say, feeling everyone’s eyes on her person after such an embarrassing speech. She patted the man’s forearms a few times before moving out of the hug.
“I don’t think I’ve ever shown you guys a picture of my brother. The one with the costume should be somewhere in my childhood house — I remember taking pictures that day — but, here.”
She pulled her phone out and went to the gallery app, quickly finding a selfie of her with Danny. It was at the Nasty Burger and was a bit old, about a year old, but it was safe to show it. No Realms business.
“Tim, he could be your clone.” Bernard murmured, eyes on Jazz’s phone.
Jazz giggled. “Doubt so. We would know”
“What?” She answered Tim, a nervous smile on her lips. The other narrowed his eyes, pondering her words, but let it go.
“I can see what you mean about the resemblance,” Dick moved on, “and I’m sure you could have passed as Batgirl, with the red hair. Babs’ is a bit darker, but it’s close enough.”
“I thought about it the next year but Danny said he was ‘too old for trick or treating’ and I also didn’t see the point of spending money on an expensive costume and, well, life happened.” She sighed, going back to the pictures, maybe looking for one of Batgirl. “I should have insisted, who knows. Is in the past now.”
“I mean, if you want the suit, it’s in the basement.”
She gave Dick a look, raising an eyebrow. “No, thank you.”
Dick opened his mouth to insist but he choked with the words, watching Jazz pick the next picture on the pile, showing a much younger Robin. It was Jason, of course, who was pictured running and flying around Gotham’s rooftops.
Everyone watched Jason. Jason watched Jazz.
“You look weird without the white streak,” she smiled up at him, lifting a picture where the kid wearing the bright colored uniform was clear and in frame, placing it next to his scowling face. “Yeah, I think I like you more with the punk hairstyle.”
“It’s a death souvenir.” He said, trying to act nonchalant, but everyone noticed the slight tension in his jaw as he watched her reactions.
“Oh I know. I knew it wasn't dyed since that day in the elevator.” At his incredulous look she added: “I told you. I know death, buddy.”
He rolled his eyes, but picked up the pile of Robin pictures in her hands. Eyes somewhat distant, the now young man went through the pictures without really stopping at any of them.
"These are really good." He commented.
"Thanks…" All Tim got in response was a grunt.
Jazz leaned in to look at the pictures too, one of her hands softly placed on his without drawing attention to the gesture. Jason didn't comment on it either, choosing to continue looking at the pictures.
"Hm." He finally said. "The short pants were a mistake."
Bruce exhaled slowly, realizing he had been holding his breath. Jason looked calm enough, even after everything that happened. Was this a sign that things were going to get better?
“If you hated them so much then you should have changed them,” Jazz’s voice lacked actual bite, and her glare was playful.
“Didn’t have enough time to change anything.” He stopped at a picture where the little kid looked more adolescent. Maybe it was taken the year of his passing. “And I knew Dickolas would flip if I changed the outfit. He hated me—”
“I didn’t—!” Everyone jumped at Dick’s outburst. He shrunk in his seat. “I didn’t hate you,” he started again, softer, “I was mad at Bruce. I shouldn’t have misplaced my anger like that.”
Jason considered his brother for a few seconds, ignoring everyone’s stares, and nodded. Without any other comment, he turned towards his girlfriend and asked:
“What did you think about the second Robin? Wasn’t he also a child hero?”
Bruce didn’t know what hurt more; that he spoke of that child like he was a stranger, or that “hero” was obviously not Jason’s first choice of words.
Jazz snorted and looked down at the picture of a serious-looking fifteen year old Jason Todd wearing the Robin costume.
“I hated him.” She answered in the middle of a tense silence. “He wasn’t as funny.”
Bernard was the first one to break into incredulous giggles, shortly followed by Stephanie. The rest watched in horror, waiting for the trainwreck to happen, unsure what to do at their guest’s statement.
Jason blinked once, twice, and joined the laughter as he grasped Jazz’s face with one hand, squishing her cheeks.
“You are weird.”
“And I’m right. You weren’t as funny.” Her words were almost incomprehensible since she couldn’t move her jaw.
“What are you talking about? I’m hilarious.” He leaned in, pulling her towards him so their faces were very close. His smile wasn’t kind but the corner of his lip twitched with amusement. “You love my death puns.”
Jazz rolled her eyes. “I’ve heard every death joke under the Sun. You are not special.” She said as best as she could articulate.
Everyone saw the young man’s eyes travel down her face to her lips, and what was once a tense silence became charged with the obvious attraction between the couple. If there was ever a doubt they cared for each other, it was gone now.
But instead of kissing, he let her go and leaned back to his lounging position. Jazz chuckled and let her body fall so she could let her head rest on his shoulder. She picked up the picture, admired it for a few seconds and gave it back to Dick to put it with the others in the pile.
“Thanks for showing me these,” she gestured at the album. Whatever else she was going to say was drowned by a big yawn she hid behind her hand.
“I think—”
“You guys could stay the night.” Bruce interrupted Jason. He smiled nervously. “I mean, it’s late and,” he vaguely gestured towards Jazz’s bandaged foot. “Alfred could give you a lift tomorrow.”
It was easy to see through the attempt, even for those that knew Bruce the least.
“Everything is as you left it. Your room—”
“Are you fucking serious?”
“Or I can prepare a guest room immediately.” Alfred manifested out of thin air, having left during the picture time to tend to his duties.
Jazz looked up at her boyfriend’s face, worried. She picked his hand but stayed leaning on his side, maybe hoping her weight kept him grounded. Jason was very tense, and she could feel his breaths grow quicker and shallow.
“You can show me your room another day.” She muttered, unsure if it was the correct thing to say.
He looked down at her eyes, searching for something. Exactly what he wanted, she didn’t know; but Jazz held his gaze with determination, letting him know she would follow his lead with whatever option he chose. If he really didn’t want to stay, she was fine with riding back to their apartment with her injured foot.
Jason clicked his tongue and breathed deeply once. “My old room is fine. Just for tonight.”
Goodbyes were brief and hasty, the mood ruined after the uncomfortable exchange. Tim left with Bernard and Stephanie, since the couple was giving her a ride home, and Dick decided to stay the night as well. Duke made a tactical escape to his room with barely saying good night. Cass disappeared for a moment and came back wearing her pajamas, picking up Jazz’ bag and discarded shoe to bring back to Jason’s old room, leaving a spare pajama set for Jazz on the bed by Alfred’s orders.
Bruce watched all happen from his loveseat with a worried face. He glanced at Damian as he passed by with Titus behind him, both coming back from the dog's last walk of the day.
“They are staying the night?” His son asked when he approached, watching Jason pick up the young woman in his arms.
The older man smiled at her blushed face and embarrassed antics at being carried like a princess. “It seems so.”
Damian considered the situation and nodded, his thoughts concealed. Bruce was positive his youngest’s opinion of the new addition to the family changed during the evening; but he didn’t know how Damian felt regarding having Jason back. His son didn’t deal well with change, even less when it was regarding family dynamics, and he was worried about the whole situation.
For the moment everything seemed okay — Damian nodded again and went upstairs to his room without asking anything else.
And so, Bruce was left alone with Alfred.
“I like her.”
The butler hummed at his master’s words. “Shall I prepare a new suit, Master Bruce?”
That finally made the man laugh. “She’s not a vigilante, Alfred.” He said when he calmed down. “I wouldn’t drag her deeper into this life than she already is.”
Alfred gave Bruce a look, lifting one thin eyebrow, like he knew better but was biting his tongue.
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Schrodinger's Human: The Star Child
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Halfa's aren't natural by any stretch of the imagination and they certainly were never supposed to come into existence. Yes, you could come come back as a zombie or a revenant, maybe even return as good as new or the complete opposite, but never truly return so... cleanly split.
Despite being the balance of both the living and the dead, Danny Phantom was never truly supposed to come to pass and was a happy accident, a one in an extremely rare umpteenth chance, rather than Danny Fenton dying in the unfortunate lab accident like in all the other timelines and multiverse.
Despite the truly miraculous odds of his survival, the young Halfling realized something was wrong somehow, when he awoke in the hospital. At first he thought it was because of the lab accident causing the scarring on his body and face that made people look away, but that wasn't it. It has been months and yet nobody looks his way.
Not once since the accident has his parents, sister, or his friends (or anyone, really) have looked him in the eyes. He just suspected that they must've felt guilty for getting him hurt...but then even his rouges seem to have always averted their gaze when they fight, so what gives!? Was the damage that severe? He likes to think he healed up pretty nicely with just a few prominent scars.
As Phantom, they weren't even visible! Then one day, he snapped after a particularly rough fight and demanded an answer, pinning the ghost and demanding, screaming, that they look him in his watery eyes.
"We can't! We physically can't look at you without adverting our gaze. Even the humans you call friends and family are unable to so much as look at you. We don't know why!"
It made Danny stop and think. Did...did he get a meta gene awoken from the lab accident? For his sanity, he deduces that it was some form of attention repellant power, that had to be it...right? After confronting his friends and family, they told them the same thing. At least the explanation was there. It made the pain bearable when he was around them.
Then the fight with Pariah Dark happened and everything went down hill from there (he just didn't know it yet).
It made Danny glad that the Ghost King couldn't see him properly (he stuck to the side with the eye patch) and continued his assault on the blind spots with gusto. It took a while but he eventually felled Dark and took the title of King of the Infinite Realms, much to his shock.
With the Ring of Rage and Crown in his possession, he returned to Amity Park exhausted, muttering to himself a desire before he let sleep take over.
"̸̙͐M̷̫̕a̶̯͗ỳ̸̲b̶̙͆e̵̳͋ ̸̹͆n̴̗̏ó̴͙w̸̖͂ ̵̢̀a̶̳͛ş̷̈́ ̴̡̒Ķ̵̊î̷̝n̸̻͌ĝ̷͕,̴̤̈́ ̵͓͗I̴͇͌ ̵̙͑c̸̣̀á̴̮n̷͕͝ ̴̫͐ơ̸̱r̷̮̆d̵̜͗e̷̲̊r̶̞͐ ̸̘̉g̵̖̈́h̵̝͊o̶̦̓s̷͎͂ț̷̂s̶̢̐ ̶̰̚t̵̠̐ỏ̵̺ ̷̘͋g̸̩̕o̷͉͝ ̵̣͋b̶̮͋ā̵̩c̸̨͆ǩ̵͍ ̴͙͘t̴͈͛ǫ̶͊ ̷͇̓ṱ̸̚h̴̞̀e̸̱͋ ̸͖͋R̸̲̀ë̸̪́ả̷̺l̸̙͝m̷̡͘s̶̢͒.̴̮̓.̵̤́.̸͖̈́ȁ̵̡t̸̖͂ ̵̺͐l̵̙͐e̴̢͘a̴͙͆s̶̼̔t̶̢̔ ̷̭̑ú̸͇n̸̗͗ť̷͖ǐ̷͜l̸͇̄ ̸̛̬I̶̺̾ ̶͔͂c̷̫̿a̸̟͊n̶̺̓ ̴̻͝f̶̦̒i̴̥͗ň̶̡i̸̡̊s̷̗̄h̶͖͐ ̵̝̒a̵̧̓ĺ̷̮l̷͍͐ ̶̤͠m̵̲̆y̷͎̐ ̸͙͌s̷̘͛c̵̯͋ḣ̵̖o̴͔͂o̶̫͝l̶͕͛ī̴̼n̴̝͋g̵͝ͅ ̷̨̿f̵̤͆ì̸͈r̸̥̆s̸̠̎ť̶̞,̶̧̑ ̸͈̅i̵̠͌n̴̻̉c̵̩̈́l̷̳͌ǘ̷̲d̵̟͂ĩ̸̳n̴͓͌g̴̪̈́ ̸̲̈c̸̗̿o̶̪͆l̴̤͋l̵̹͋ë̶͍́ä̸̼́g̷̼̑ủ̶̝e̷̩̿.̶͕̂.̸͈̾.̵͖͂I̴̞̽ ̵̣͘w̴̙͝i̵̯̚s̸̼̈h̸̦̉ ̸̟̓t̶̡͒h̵̨͊á̷̖t̵̛͕ ̷̨̿ĩ̴̡t̵̳̐.̷̫̄.̷͙̔.̶͎̃w̶̲͊a̶̳͝s̶̨̋ ̷̫̓t̴̜́h̵̢͌a̵̗͌ṯ̷̾.̵̠̕.̶̤́.̷͓̍ḛ̷̈́a̵̙͘s̷̭̔y̴͈͂.̵͉͂"̴̼̍
(Maybe now as King, I can order ghosts to go back to the Realms...at least until I can finish all my schooling first, including colleague...Yeah right...I wish that it...was that...easy.)
And like a true wish upon a star, it overidded all logic in the universe to the Boy King's whimsy. The ghosts left over night and all natural portals sealed themselves shut with no means to open themselves back up anytime soon.
And across the planet it vanished as well, stray pools of fermented ectoplasm, medicines that used it and even machinery powered by the stuff went missing, with the exception of the Fenton Ghost Zone Portal, that sealed it self with no means for anything to enter or exit.
The young Boy King's actions were far from subtle.
Many are now without their precious magic, Gods have llst their powers, the Speed Force had been stripped away, and Lanterns across all the emotional spectrum found themselves on their homeworlds with rings that failed to respond, their lights snuffed out. Two birds are now sound asleep, unable to open their eyes.
But before Nabu had been pulled out of his Helmet, he told his wearer one cruical message.
"The Source has been sealed away by a being powerful enough to possess all Sapient life in Multiverse, The Anti Life Equation has been unleashed."
#dc x dp#dp x dc#dp x dc crossover#dp x dc prompt#Anti Life Equation!Danny#Danny: Can't I catch a break!? 😔#Infinite Realms: Sure thing Short King#The Infinite Realms is the Source#Everyone who uses Divine/Otherworldly power: WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!?#Nobody can look at the Anti Life Equation so that means nobody can look at Danny and now he has depression#Obtaining the Ring and Crown has elevated his powers to bend the sentience of both the Mortal/Spiritual planes#The Leauge memebers are freaking out because they think it's Darkseid#While Darkseid thinks the Earthlings may have discovered it and is preparing to invade#Jason and Damian are in comas because the Ectoplasm in their bodies was ripped out by the wish#Ras al Ghul and many of his ninja has been bathing in sewage for so long that it sent them to the Realms and is executed for cheating death#When the Leauge eventually finds out about Phantom they're gonna demand he fix everything#Bruce wants his boys back and will probably threaten if nobody gags him first#Danny will be beyond pissed because he has struggled to keep Amity Park safe for years and got zero help from the “Heroes”#Only for them to barge in and start chastising him#He's gonna fix the issues first and then beat them into paste for their lack of empathy and ban them from Amity Park#It's like they forgot that he didn't know he some unstoppable force and is actually a teenager who needed so much help#Darkseid shows up in the middle of the fight and Danny erases him and every evil being on Apocalypse with a snap of his fingers
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hugsandchaos · 8 months
Friendship Is Haunting
Prologue Part Two
2,543 words
When Danny started to come around, he was surprised to notice that he was laying on the unmistakable feeling of wood. His head was spinning and sore, but he didn’t think he was anywhere near a wooden floor when he passed out. He also felt something small under him. It wasn’t enough to cause real discomfort, but a small part of him couldn’t help but wonder what it was. His eyelids felt a little heavy, but he had little trouble opening them. To his surprise, there was no light above him. No lampposts, no blinding lights for cutting him open, no regular ceiling light, not even the stars were visible. For a second, Danny thought his eyes weren’t actually open, but then he noticed that there was actually light in the room. It was weak, but enough for him to see the overhead lamp that was indeed there, just turned off, and the small shadow it cast. This definitely wasn’t where he was last. In fact, if the little light he had indicated anything, then he was in someone’s house.
The possible scenarios of why he was in a stranger’s house and what would happen was like a firework setting off in his mind, but they had one thing in common. They all led to him getting hurt. Danny could feel his heart pick up for a second and moved his arms. He tried to push himself up, but a sharp pain shot through his right side. The young halfa cried out in pain and briefly froze, aside from his right arm instinctively lifting up to grab at the site and his eyes squeezing shut. For some reason, probably out of a growing habit, he resisted actually grabbing it. He opened his eyes again and glanced down at the site. He really wished he hadn’t. Two deep cuts trailed diagonally from the bottom of his ribcage down to his right side, just above his waist. A mixture of blood and ectoplasm spilled through the open wound and was already starting to seep into his hazmat suit. The hazmat suit was pretty torn at the wound, but Danny could see some of the swelling and quickly placed his right hand onto the wound to apply pressure. He groaned again as doing so made it sting even more, but it had to be done. He didn’t know how long he’d been out, but he had to fix this as soon as he could. Before it got any worse. Danny gathered up his energy and started moving again. His body felt slightly heavier as he tried to get up, and the sight of a stool made him stop almost immediately. That’s when he realized that it wasn’t a floor he was sitting on, it was a table.
Regardless of this, the new task of fixing up his wound was more important. Danny looked next to him and swung his legs to the side. Surprisingly, he could almost touch the floor already. That made standing up a bit easier when he nudged himself to plant his feet down. His legs were pretty sore, either with exhaustion or the scrapes and bruises he definitely had, likely both. The halfa could still stand, though. Thanks to the multiple fights he’s been in and gym class, he was a bit used to walking with aching legs. Danny firmly placed his left hand on the table and used it for support as his stood up. He stumbled a little bit, but quickly regained himself. Now that he was standing, he could see the room a bit easier.
The table was in the middle of the room, and the little light had been from the moon outside the window. For some reason, the sky wasn’t black. It was purple. Danny looked at it confused. How was this possible? Why was the sky purple? He shook his head to keep himself from getting distracted by the baffling sight. He turned to his left and saw a doorway leading to another room. There weren’t any drawers or anything in this room to hide a first aid kit, so he began to walk towards the next room. Blood and ectoplasm dripped once or twice onto the carpet as he walked. His hand covered the majority of the injury and putting pressure helped, but it would only work for a short while. He had to find supplies to fix it in that time or things would get even worse for him. Danny’s legs had small explosions of pain every time he took a step and put his full weight on one of them, but he still managed even with the slight limp. He grabbed onto the doorway when he got close enough and gripped it incase he suddenly stumbled. He pulled it a little to lessen the pressure on his legs, then scanned the next room.
There was a window letting some light into the very dim room, and it was enough for him to notice that the room took a turn to the right. Danny also thought he could make out the shape of a small side table and a flashlight on top of it. He slowly released his grip on the doorframe as he walked towards it. Once he crossed the room, he picked up the flashlight with his left hand. Danny fumbled with it for a moment with his one free hand to find the switch, but once he did, he had to squint a little bit because the light that came from it was much brighter than the dark his eyes had been very slowly adapting to. Now that he had a better source of light, the young halfa shone it across the room. There was a red, green, and yellow carpet right next to him and a brown couch next to the side table. The opposite wall was decorated with framed pictures, but he didn’t take the time to look at them and completely missed how there were p instead of humans.
On the other side of the room, there were two doorframes. One in the wall opposite of him and another in the left wall. Considering he had to fix the wound as soon as he could, he began trying to run over to the other side of the room. Danny only managed a rushed limp, however, but it was enough to quickly cross the room. He peered into the room on the left first, and was very pleased to see that it was a bathroom. Bathrooms typically had first aid kits, which was exactly what he needed right now. When he placed his left hand on the doorframe, he could feel something on the opposite wall. He thought it was a light switch and felt around it until his hand brushed up against it and turned the light on. He walked inside and grabbed onto the counter for support. He slowly lowered himself down and put the flashlight on the counter so he could use that hand to open the cabinets. Once they were open, Danny looked inside. By now, he could feel the blood and ectoplasm starting to clot. Luckily, he spotted the familiar red and white box with the cross and practically snatched it out.
He placed it next to himself and opened it. One of the first things Danny noticed was the writing. It looked off. He picked up one of the smaller boxes inside and held it closer to his face to read it.”What?” He asked himself. The writing looked like something a doctor would practically scribble something onto a note and hand it to him or his parents to take to get a prescription, and the workers would somehow know what the writing meant and get it. He turned it this way and that to see if he could find an English translation, but couldn’t. Either way, the shape of the box and the picture that showed the wipe being applied to a wound was convincing enough for him to open it and take out one of the wipes.
The wipe stung a little against the cuts, but Danny managed to prevent himself from stopping until he was sure that the site was clean. After that, he took a good look at it. He remembered the big three things he had to look out for to see if he needed stitches, and he definitely thought that with how deep and long the wound was, he’d need them. Danny double checked the first aid kit. The standard kit didn’t usually have the needle or string necessary for stitches since they were mostly trusted with being done by professionals, but his hope was reignited when he spotted a clear box with a needle and string. Danny quickly grabbed it and opened it. He wasn’t a professional, but he’s seen Frostbite do it many times and even learned from him, so he was positive that he’d at least do good enough for it to work right.
He began the process of stitching his wound together with a groan and a squeamish feeling when the needle entered his skin. Whenever Frostbite did this, Danny would have the option to think about something other than the needle poking into his flesh and string being sewn inside it. He hated thinking about it, and not thinking about it helped a little, but now he had to focus. Danny worked very carefully on the task, remembering all the times he’d practiced on a dummy with Frostbite and the dos and don’ts about it, until he was done. After it was over, he breathed out a sigh of relief and reached for one of the roll of bandages. The bandages were oddly smaller, but still worked. He just had to roll them around himself a few extra times to cover up the wound. Once that was done as well, it felt like a weight was lifted off of Danny’s shoulders as he put it all back into the first aid kit. The sense of urgency was gone, and he could finally calm down. The bathroom was rather small, so he could lean back against the opposite wall he was facing and let his eyes close. He just wanted a few seconds before checking the rest of his tired, aching body for anything else that needed treatment.
The unmistakable sound of a door open sent Danny’s relief out the window. He shot up and turned to the doorframe. He couldn’t see anyone, but it was the direction he had heard the door open from.
“Alright, we’ll go together so you can see for yourself that nothing’s here.” A woman’s voice said, somewhere in the house. Danny’s heartbeat picked up again as he remembered that he was in a stranger’s house, most likely uninvited and going to be arrested if he was seen. Or worse. He reached up and grabbed onto the counter. He pulled himself up as two — no, more — pairs of footsteps began walking into the house. He looked over at the window (which was weird because who has a window in a bathroom?) and practically lunged for it. He nearly tripped over the kit he left on the floor and got the bright idea to take it with him. It was theft, sure, but Danny was hardly thinking about that. Then he heard the footsteps getting closer and lost care for it. He just cared about escaping right now with his safety. He turned back to the window and pushed against it. Surprisingly, it opened easily and he was able to climb through. The ground was very close, so it wasn’t much of a drop, either.
Danny stumbled when he had climbed out, but he caught himself with his hands before he could fall on his face. He pulled himself together and stood up before taking off into a sprint away from the house. It was dark, but somehow not as dark as it was inside. The moon shone down and was able to give him more light, so it was clear to see some ways across the field. Up ahead was the large, bundled up silhouette of a forest. Forests meant bushes and trees. Forests meant places to hide. As he changed his direction slightly, Danny suddenly remembered that he was in his ghost form. The next step he took was more of a leap, and his legs merged into a long, black tail. The exhaustion made it difficult to gain height and keep the speed, but the new pump of adrenaline made it a bit easier to keep going. Fueled by anxiety of what would happen to him if he was caught, the young halfa flew off towards the forest.
A few minutes after he had reached the forest, Danny finally stopped and barely managed to land without falling over himself. Above the trees, the moon and the abnormal purple sky had the canopy illuminated enough for him to tell the difference between one tree and another, but down on the ground, most of the moonlight was obscured by the canopy. He nearly hit several branches during his descent and reverted back to his human form out of exhaustion once he had his feet on the ground. Danny landed with heavy, fast breathing and scanned the area around him for anything or anyone. His eyes were still slowly adapting to the dark, so he couldn’t see very well, but no one was there from what he could tell. Still, the anxiety that someone was there, waiting to pounce, was real enough. He tried taking deep breaths and covered his mouth a little to muffle his breathing to hear his surroundings. There was nothing but the crickets chirping. When an owl let out a “hoot” nearby, it nearby scared his living half dead. He turned his head around to see an owl looking at him. Call him crazy, but he could swear that with the little light there was, he could tell that the owl was confused and curious. Other than that, he was practically alone. No ghosts, no humans.
The young halfa continued trying to take deep breaths to calm down, but it felt as if he couldn’t breathe when he did that. Danny yawned and despised the dry feeling in his mouth and throat. His eyelids were becoming heavier, and so was the rest of his body. He remembered something he had seen under the glimpses of moonlight through the canopy when he looked around and turned to the right.
A cave.
Danny limped the whole way towards it. Every step was tiring and hurt, and with every one he kept telling himself “just one more step” to keep going. He almost tripped over a log he hadn’t noticed, but his reflexes were fast enough that he grabbed onto a nearby tree. He waited a few seconds until the dizziness left to continue walking. Finally, he made it inside. Danny lost his balance sitting down against the cave wall a few steps inside and fell onto his behind, but he got what he wanted in the end. It wasn’t the comfiest in the world, but it wasn’t long before he had fallen asleep.
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mysteriousooze · 2 years
Any Valerie Gray headcanons?
Ohohoho now where did I put that soapbox...
Valerie eventually has to come to terms with her own ghostly nature. She has been imbued and empowered by nanobots and ectoplasm, and even when she isn't using any of it, she is different now
Technus is capable of mind controlling Valerie. Fortunately, he is stupid. He doesn't think to do so for a very long time, and it's obvious the moment he does
They never actually figure out how to prevent technus from controlling her. But thankfully he never gets good at it. Instead, he learns to fear being beaten like a pinata by teenagers
Eventually, the GIW is able to pick Valerie up on their sensors due to her super suit living under her skin
Valerie is not a halfa. She doesn't have ghost powers. To any ecologists, she seems highly contaminated and likely overshadowed.
Any attempt or even success in removing the ectoplasm and nanobots from her system will kill her.
Valerie was that kid who never missed a day of school even if she had the flu and everyone would have been safer if she had stayed home. Being sick just makes her stubbornly determined to persevere.
(Valerie stays home from school the day she realizes the anti-ecto acts apply to herself)
If Valerie were to ever come into contact with blood blossoms, she would feel pain within her entire body, followed by muscle spasms as if being jolted with electricity, and—with prolonged exposure—sores would open on her skin and start leaking ectoplasm.
Blood blossoms alone wouldn't kill her, unlike Danny. But they would weaken her immune system enough that something else likely would.
Valerie eventually develops a sort of sixth sense for electromagnetic fields
If Danny transforms into a human and keeps a lid on his powers, he can hide from the GIWs sensors. Valerie can never hide.
Valerie's eyes are opened to her own behavior toward ghosts after the GIW treat her as subhuman.
It's not Danny who saves her. It's Sam Manson.
Valerie's dad and Sam's parents work with the teen girls as they spearhead the ecto rights movement. Valerie becomes a figurehead. She hates it, but she hates the GIW more
Eventually when Valerie joins team Phantom, she learns that Tucker has been able to track her location using her nanobots this whole time
The more she learns about Danny's weird friends, the more she comes to respect them
Hey friendship with Sam is frightening to behold. The bond over the destruction of their enemies
She doesn't touch romance with a ten-foot pole, and is thankful nobody brings up feelings. Team Phantom have flashes of rage or betrayal or yearning, usually followed by an awkward silence. But mostly it's because they're low-key being hunted by the government
(Publicly, the government isn't hunting them at all. They strike indirectly, or when ghosts can take the blame. They place substitute teachers in Casper High, which is always badly understaffed. It's a strange cold war.)
Valerie never has the problems with controlling her nanobots that Danny did his powers, but sometimes her reflexes get the better of her.
Valerie would rather get angry than cry
She almost shot her dad once when he tried to wake her up from a nightmare. She bawled for two hours while he held her
Valerie sees herself as an adult after becoming a ghost hunter. She occasionally doesn't see Youngblood bc of this
She's honestly such a daddy's girl tho it's kind of embarrassing. If Young blood tried to sneak up on her while she was with him, he would immediately be spotted
Valerie never becomes one of the popular kids again, but rises above it all. She's the kind of powerhouse of a girl that kids part like the red sea to get out of her way
She doesn't become a leader so much as a linchpin of teenage civil disobedience
She knows everyone in Casper High. She has their phone numbers. She has their secrets. And she knows most have been trained with Fenton Blasters and are willing to use them
With a single mass text that the GIW is cornering Phantom, a flood of teenagers takes to the streets for their hero
Valerie isn't the leader of a teenage militia. But isn't not NOT a leader iykyk
Valerie eventually develops an affinity for controlling technology
Technus decides that she is his daughter
It's like a much less dangerous version of the relationship between Danny and Vlad
He still wants to take over the world but also considers himself to be a good father who does not fight his daughter
Team Phantom can recruit him as an ally
As an unrepentant daddy's girl, Valerie is filled with unquenchable rage at the presumption of this undead weirdo
Technus might have tried challenging Valerie's dad if team Phantom didn't keep gaslighting him that he couldn't tell humans apart "omg Technus that's not even her dad. He has a completely different eye color"
Valerie accidentally activates the nanobots inside of Jazz. They can't do all of the things that Valerie's does, but between the two of them, they figure out how to strengthen her, as well as make her immune to overshadowing
Nanobot buddies:)
Tucker is a mite envious
Dani is the little sister Valerie always yearned for; she feels like a partner in crime and like her baby girl all at once.
Jazz is the big sister she never wanted
Danny will never feel like a brother tho lol
Valerie and Danny have solidarity in helping each other avoid therapy with Jazz
All of their parents (except her own dad) trust Valerie implicitly for some reason. "Well if Valerie's there then whatever you're doing is okay" kind of deal
It baffles, outrages, and amuses the trio, bc Valerie is just as bad if not worse
Valerie is a force of nature
Valerie will continue to hone her ghost hunting abilities. Not bc she hates ghosts; to protect the ghosts closest to her heart
Bc Vlad Masters is the real monster, and he is escalating. Someday, someone will have to put him down. And he's already in her sights.
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tearsofcaravel · 1 year
Chemistry: Part 2
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Jake x Danny x (F) Reader
Word Count: 4.9k
Warnings: 18+, mostly smut, Drinking, Language, SMUT, (M) oral, dirty talk, Jake/Danny together w/ (F) reader, (m&f) masterbation
Summary: You talked to Jake about what has been on your mind. Now it’s time to see what will become of this.
Part 1
Danny’s POV
“Where did Jake and y/n run off to?” Josh called out from across the bar.
“They’ve been gone for a bit. I dunno, I’ll try and find them.” you called back. Hoping you didn’t sound too eager.
You searched around the bar and outside with no such luck. The only place left for them to be was the bus. You knocked a few times, no answer and you could hear the faint sound of voices from inside. So someone was inside, surely it was them. You waited a few more moments before opening the door. You called out for them. Still no answer back. You made your way to about the middle of the bus before you realized you were intruding on an intimate moment.
“Danny… fuckfuck..” you swore you heard your name. You were clearly imagining things. You turned to head back inside of the bar.
You stopped dead in your tracks when you heard, “I want Danny’s cock inside of me please, I need it.” Surely your mind was playing a cruel trick on you. It was Jake’s voice and he was screaming. More importantly screaming your name. He was moaning and begging for you. You almost couldn’t make out what he had said. You were certain that you weren’t imagining this now.
You knew it was wrong to stay, but your feet didn’t move an inch towards the exit. Instead of moving further away, you inched your way closer.
The more you heard him call out your name, among the many other lewd sounds, the more you were unable to ignore your growing hard on. It was almost painful how hard you were growing over this. You couldn’t take it any longer. You slowly slid your hand into your pants, just palming yourself over your boxers for some relief. You could tell that Jake was close to his end and you were compelled to meet him there. You pulled out your leaking cock, it was throbbing at this point. You let a bead of spit fall from your mouth to your cock. You wasted no time pumping yourself furiously. You let out a few breathy whines before bringing your other hand to your mouth so as to quiet yourself.
You heard him call out a few more times and that was it. You could see just around the corner of the room and Jake was exploding all over himself. At that sight you did the same. Bursting right there into your own hand, hardly able to contain your own moans.
You watched as y/n licked him clean and you wished that it was you tasting him. You saw him teary eyed and glowing as he came down from his high.
Once you came down from your own high, you cleaned yourself up quickly so you wouldn’t be caught. You buckle your pants and quietly, but swiftly make your way out of the bus and back into the bar.
“Did you find them? Danny, hello?”
“Hm, uh what?” you blinked out of your haze.
“I asked if you found y/n and Jake?” Josh asked.
“Oh yeah sorry sorry, they were on the bus, uh occupied.” you finally stuttered out.
“You alright man? You look a bit flushed?” Josh quizzed.
“Yeah, I’m good, just had a lot to drink I guess.”
“Well Danny boy the night is still young,” Sammy said walking up behind you.
You knew the only thing that would be on your mind for the rest of the night would be what you witnessed in the bus.
Jake’s POV
You were in such a state of bliss that you honestly forgot where you were. You finally mustered up the strength to peel your eyes open. Y/N is on top of you, eye level, with a gleam of joy in her eyes. “Jakey, Jakey baby you still with me?” you hardly heard her say. You just nodded. “Was that okay?” she asked. “That was better than okay baby, that was exquisite.” she smiled down at you, kissing your lips softly, you tasted yourself on her lips.
“We should probably clean up a little and head back in. They’ll be looking for us soon if they aren’t already.” she said. You peeled yourselves from the soaked sheets, pulled on your clothes and straightened up a bit.
Your legs were wobbly, you knew the guys would just think you had too much to drink though. You finally both made your way back inside of the bar. Your eyes immediately catch Sam and Josh’s. “Where the hell have you guys been?” Sam slurred out. “Oh we just went out for some air.” you said back.
You searched the room until your eyes landed on a certain curly haired man, only to find his eyes already on you. He shot you a devilish smirk and you instinctively blushed. If only he knew the way you had just used his name. You noticed he seemed a bit flushed himself, ‘huh he must’ve had too much to drink’ you thought to yourself.
You all spent the rest of the night sharing stories and drinking way too much. You all passed out the second you made it to the bus. Only to be woken shortly after. You were in the new city for your show the next day. You had made it to the hotel where you would be spending the next few nights. Everyone unloaded their bags and slowly made it to their rooms.
You were more than thrilled with your decision to have finally brought this up. Obviously a great decision on your part. Jake was thrilled with it as well, he simply needed your guidance. He would have never brought it up on his own.
As Jake came to his finish you could have sworn that you heard something behind you. But you were more than focused on his pleasure, so you just put the thought out of your mind. You don’t think that Jake has ever had such an intense orgasm. It was like he was sent into another world.
You pulled yourselves together and made your way into the bar. Jake had a new glow about him. While Jake’s attention was immediately pulled to Josh and Sammy, your eyes caught Danny’s. He was fixated on you and Jake both, he seemed flustered. He shot you a grin and a wink. You blushed at him thinking to yourself, ‘If only he knew what just transpired in the bus thanks to him’, but of course to your knowledge he did not have a clue. You turned away to see Jake searching for Danny through the crowd. You see Jake blush as his eyes meet Danny’s and Danny shoots him a bashful grin. It’s almost as if he knew, but surely not.
You woke up the next morning in Jake’s arms. He had an early morning, well more like a long day of preparations before the show tonight.
You stayed in bed while he got up and got ready to head out. You heard him meet Danny right outside of your door. You knew Danny would be waiting to walk down with him, per usual. This was one of the things that made you pick up on these feelings between the boys.
You would spend most of the day in bed recovering from the night before until the show later tonight. You slept the day away until your phone rang later that afternoon. Jake’s name flashing over your screen, you groaned as you rolled over to answer.
“Hello?” you groaned into the phone.
“Hey baby, still in bed I see.”
“You have no proof of that,” you scoffed at him.
“Right, I know your sleepy voice when I hear it. Anyways, did you want me to pick you up before soundcheck?” he laughed into the phone.
“Shit is it that late already? Yes I do want you to, I’m getting up now.” you said as you rolled out of bed.
“Okay babe, we will be there soon, love you.”
He hung up before you could ask who “we” was, but you had a pretty good idea.
You showered and got ready for your evening. You heard your room door open, “We’re here babe you ready?”
You peeked out of the bathroom to see Jake and Danny standing shoulder to shoulder. You should have known that’s who “we” was. You couldn’t help but wonder if Jake had brought anything up to him. You never really got to have a discussion about it seeing as how last night's events transpired so quickly. “Yeah yeah I’m ready, here I come!”
“Hi y/n don’t you look lovely,” Danny said winking at you.
“She does, doesn't she,” Jake offered back, more towards Danny than you.
You couldn’t help but blush at these comments coming from them both. Especially knowing how Jake felt and how you were almost certain Danny felt too. You wrapped your arms around Jake, giving him a peck on the lips. Giving Danny a wink.
You made the short drive to the venue. They started the soundcheck while you hung out in Jake’s dressing room.
Since you had some time on your hands you started going over last night's turn of events through your mind. You thought about after said events and were brought back to one specific memory. When you walked back into the bar Danny’s eyes were immediately on both you and Jake. He looked quite flustered and you could’ve sworn you saw him blush. He just looked like he knew, but how could he? You then remembered how you could’ve sworn that you heard someone in the bus with you. You pushed these thoughts from your mind. Sound check was coming to an end. You and Jake would definitely be having a conversation tonight, but not until after the show.
Danny’s POV
As soon as Jake and y/n walked through the door of the bar your eyes were trained on them. You just couldn’t take your eyes away. Definitely not after what you just witnessed. Your mind was running wild with these thoughts and questions.
“Was this the first time?”
“Has this been going on?”
“Did he feel the same way about you that you did him?”
You woke up the next morning and got ready for your busy day of preparations. You almost wondered if you had dreamed up all of last night's events.
You waited outside of Jake and Y/N’s room. When he emerged you plastered a wide grin on your face, “Morning Jake.”
“Morning Danny,” he smiled back at you.
You headed down and made the short drive to the venue. The whole way there you made small talk. You were dying to bring up your feelings or something pertaining to what you witnessed last night. You laughed at some joke he made and patted his leg, you let it linger there for a bit longer than normal this time. You saw him glance down at your hand on his thigh and blush before you moved it away.
Later that afternoon he asked if you wanted to ride back to the hotel with him to get Y/N. You agreed, possibly a bit too eagerly. When you met Y/N in their hotel room you noticed the look she gave to you and Jake. Y/N looked you up and down in a seductive way, which you returned. It was as if she knew that you knew. Surely not though…right?
You went on that night and could feel the energy between you and Jake like never before. Throughout the show he shot you little smirks and winks. You both played like never before. You came off stage filled with emotion and energy. You went straight to your dressing room. You needed to release this energy. You didn’t even take the time to catch your breath before you pulled down your pants. You sprawled out onto your couch to reveal your throbbing cock. You slowly started to give yourself the relief you so desperately craved. The only thing going through your mind was Jake. The clear image of y/n making a mess of him. You could hear him so clearly calling out, begging for you to be inside of him. You began calling out to him in the same manner that you had found him just a few nights ago. In your rush to release this energy you forgot to lock the door.
Jake POV
You opened your hotel room door to find Danny waiting for you. He always did, but something about this time was different. He gave you a bashful smile. You got into the car and started your busy day. You noticed at one point on the ride he patted your thigh after a joke you had cracked and let his hand linger there. It made your blood go straight to your dick, you wanted him to keep it there. If you were being honest with yourself you wanted him to do much more than that to you. You almost whined when he pulled away.
Later that day it was time to pick up Y/N and you asked Danny to go with you. Truthfully, you just wanted more alone time with him. Thankfully he happily agreed. Y/n gave you a knowing look when you and Danny walked through the door of the hotel room. You made it back to the venue without exploding.
That night you and Danny had some wild chemistry on stage. Nothing that anyone else could notice of course, but something about this performance was different from the rest. You got off of stage that night filled with lust and hunger, something had shifted inside of you.
You headed straight for the dressing rooms, but not your own. It must have been the adrenaline coursing through your veins. Your legs were moving faster than your mind could keep up with. You didn’t even bother knocking, you burst into Danny’s room.
He called out your name, your eyes met his for just a moment before running straight to his groin, realizing just what you walked in on. He was sprawled out like a god. His hand wrapped around himself, pumping at a fast pace. Your eyes almost bulged out of your skull seeing the size of him.
You had caught him in this sinful act and couldn’t bring yourself to peel your eyes away. He didn’t stop his actions, he only slowed down his pace. He held his eye contact with you. Before you realized what you were doing, you slid inside and shut the door behind you.
You were suddenly nervous and Danny must have picked up on it. He used his free hand to gently pat the open space on the couch next to him, gesturing you to sit next to him. He was silent for a few moments giving you time to settle your nerves and realize what you were doing.
“So, you want me inside of you?” Danny was the first to speak.
“W-What?” your eyes widened.
“I may have heard something on the bus,” Danny said bashfully now.
You didn’t say anything. You just reached into your pants to get some relief. You were leaking and throbbing from the sight of him. You stroked yourself through your pants as you watched him pleasure himself.
“Let me see you,” Danny growled at you.
You took out your cock for him to see. This time his eyes got wide at the sight of you. You pulled your pants all the way down, you were now completely naked and on display for him. You began stroking yourself faster now, matching his quickening pace.
You were craving his touch. It was almost as if he had read your mind. He brought up his free hand and let a string of spit fall to his palm. Danny’s confidence almost surprised you as he swatted your hand away and replaced it with his own. His large calloused hand wrapped around your length as if it was made for it. You watched in awe as he jerked the both of you.
“Oh fuck Danny, you feel so good.” you moaned out to him.
Hearing you talk like that to him must have struck something inside of him. He stopped his movements which caused you to whine at the loss of contact. He pulled you onto his lap to straddle him, the sound of your sweat coated skin slapping together echoing through the room. You met his eyes again, but this time they were filled with something new, something dark. He looked like he wanted to devour you.
You had one hand on his bare chest, his skin hot to the touch. You brought your other hand to his face, cupping it and pulling him into a soft kiss. Tasting him for the first time. His lips were soft and inviting. You swiped your tongue over his plump lips, wanting to be invited in. He opened his mouth just enough to let your tongue in. Your tongues swirled around, the kiss became deep and hunger filled. Your lips and teeth mashing together now. Your hands made their way to his long curly hair. His hands were roaming all over your body, exploring you, taking in every inch. They were running up and down your bare back. His fingers began kneading into your skin. You ran your hands from his face down his chest until you reached both of your throbbing cocks. They were practically begging for attention. You let a string of spit land onto them both. You lined them up together and began stroking them. The new feeling was erotic. It was like nothing you had felt before. Danny’s hips began bucking up into your hand at their own will, adding more friction between you.
“I..fuck...I need to taste you,” Danny struggled to say.
“Please,” was all you managed to squeak out.
You peeled yourself from him and moved yourself to the spot beside him. You laid yourself out on display for him to take in. He licked his way from your neck to your cock, stopping to nibble at the sensitive skin along the way. You both became noticeably nervous.
“Uh I’ve never done this..” you whispered to him.
“Me neither, we can slow down or stop if you want?” Danny said, clearly panicking at your response.
“I want to keep going, I’ve wanted this for so long.” you said with more confidence now.
“I’ve wanted you for so long,” and with that he resumed what he started by placing little kisses up and down your length. He brought your leaking tip to his mouth and swirled his tongue around. You hissed at the sudden contact of his mouth on you.
You were shocked as you felt yourself slide to the back of his throat. He took you entirely down his throat. Pleasure was taking over all of your senses. Your mind was fogged with no other thoughts but Danny.
This was better than anything you had imagined, and you had imagined this scenario many times.
Something was definitely different with Jake and Danny’s chemistry this time. They played their hearts out. It was mesmerizing to watch, especially knowing what you did. When the show came to its end you made your way back to Jake’s dressing room. You had been going over what you would say when he came back. You knew he wanted to talk about it, but had no idea what to say. You sat patiently waiting for him to enter the room. You had been going over what you would say when he came back.
You had been so distracted with what you would say to him that you hadn’t realized just how long he had been gone. You went searching for him, neither Josh or Sam had seen him. Then it dawned on you, Danny was nowhere to be found either. You walked to Danny’s dressing room and knocked on the door. No one answered, but you definitely heard someone inside. You turned the handle and peeped inside. You opened the door to find Jake naked and sprawled out on the couch and a naked Danny on his knees in front of him. Neither of them had heard you enter. The room was filled with the sounds of Jake’s strained moans and Danny’s slurping. Jake’s head was thrown back in pleasure and his hands were intertwined in Danny’s curls. His hips were bucking up as Danny was taking him entirely down his throat. You watched shamelessly as Danny pleasured him, his own hips rutting begging for release. Jake looked like he was teetering on the edge of his release, barely holding on.
You slid the rest of the way inside and shut the door behind you. You were not going to miss seeing this. It was as if your feet were glued to the floor. You simply leaned against the door in awe. The sounds that Danny was pulling from him was music to your ears.
“God Danny don’t s-stop, oh fuck fuuuck I’m cumming,” Jake stuttered out, squeezing his eyes tightly closed as his face contorted in pleasure. Danny groaned around him as Jake coated his throat with his cum, savoring every drop. He worked him through the rest of his high and you couldn’t help as you let an audible groan slip past your lips. Jake’s eyes shot open and Danny turned around eyes wide. They both blushed with embarrassment. They both looked like deer in the headlights.
“Well don’t stop on my account,” you said trying to calm their nerves.
“I think our girl wants a show,” Danny smirked, eyeing you up and down.
“Then let’s give her what she wants,” Jake said, causing you to blush and your panties to become soaked.
‘Our girl’, that phrase made you weak in the knees. You had been mostly thinking about Jake and Danny together, but you couldn’t deny the thought of the three of you had crossed your mind. You had come to your own ending more than once at the thought of them both having their way with you.
Danny POV
Jake brought you from your knees and onto the couch. He crawled onto your lap straddling you, grinding your cocks together.
“I cannot believe this is finally happening,” you said as Jake trailed his way down your stomach. You shivered at the feeling of his teeth sinking into your flesh. He started to jerk you and place kisses up and down your length. Teasing you in all of the right ways.
He looked angelic like this, just like you had pictured him so many times. The real thing was so much better. You were thanking your lucky stars that you walked onto that bus a few nights ago.
You watched as y/n sunk into a chair across the room giving her a perfect view of the performance, and slid her hand into her pants. Your eyes moved between her and Jake . You were trying to not even blink in fear of missing a moment. You could tell that y/n was doing the same.
“Do you like being watched Jakey? Are you enjoying the attention?” You knew that Jake enjoyed putting on a show for the both of you. He answered by taking you all the way down his throat. Your eyes rolled back into your head in bliss.
“Oh fuck, you love to put on a show, just like I knew you would,” you moaned to him, which in turn made him hum around you. He liked being praised and guided through this. Any bit of nerves you had melted away and you were full of confidence.
“You’re so good at this baby, you look so pretty with your mouth full. Doesn’t he look so pretty y/n?” She groaned at your words. You could hear the sounds of her slick as she plunged two fingers in and out of her cunt. The room was full of the three of you gasping and panting. “He would look even prettier with you fucking his face. He’s taking you so well, I think he could take a little more, don’t you Danny?”
Jake pulled off of you with a ‘pop’ noise and made his way down to a place that no one had ever been. Well, you had been yourself a few times imagining that it was him instead. He kissed his way down before circling your hole with his tongue. He slowly licked at you, but only for a moment before he was devouring you. He was lapping you up like a starved man. He came up to your lips, “Taste yourself, you taste so sweet.”
You swirled your tongues around each other, you took in every sweet drop.
“Will you fuck my face now?” Jake said to you with eyes blown with lust.
“You don’t have to ask me twice.” You pushed him down and let him get comfortable, not wanting to push him too far being that this was the first time either of you had done this. He took you in his mouth again easing his way down your cock. Once you thought he was comfortable enough you wasted no time tangling your hands in his hair and pushing down on his head. Your fingers laced in his hair and you were practically screaming for him. He held onto your thighs to keep himself grounded. The lewd sounds coming from Jake were glorious, he was gagging and slurping. You could see tears spilling from the corners of his eyes. You turned your attention back to Y/n, sprawled out watching the events unravel right before her eyes. She looked like she was in a trance, she looked beautiful, you could see her slick running down her thighs. You could tell she was close to her end.
“Y/n, I’m so close, please cum with me.” and your words were her undoing. She came violently soaking everything around her.
“Jake, oh ffuck baby I’m cumming, oh fuck,” His throat constricted you in just the right way and you exploded down his throat and he drank every drop.
You all looked completely fucked out, each of your eyes droopy and glazed over.
You pulled Jake up beside you and he laid his head on your chest, you gestured for Y/n to join you. She sunk down on the couch on the other side of you mimicking Jake putting her head on your chest. The room smelled of delicious sex, you were all radiating a flaming body heat. Y/n placed a gentle kiss on your bare chest. She then sat up and placed a kiss on both your and Jake’s cheeks.
“Did our girl enjoy the show?” you said to her.
She ran her fingers through her folds collecting her cum. She brought one finger to your mouth and the other one to Jake’s. You both eagerly accepted and tasted her sweetness.
“Does that answer your question?”
“I think we will take that as a yes,” you said to her.
Tonight had taken a completely unexpected turn. The two people that you cared about most in the world were laying naked on top of you. You could just feel all of your adoration of each other seeping out. You wanted this to last forever. Your mind was far too cloudy to think any deeper.
You were pulled from this haze when Y/n sat up, “So, I guess we have some things to talk about now.”
You and Jake both nodded in agreement with her when you heard a knock at your door.
“Danny? Are you in there?” It was Sam’s voice. “We can’t find Jake or Y/n anywhere, we’re ready to head to the bar, can you help us look for them?”
“Yeah yeah sure I’ll be right out, I’m sure they just went out for some air while they waited on the rest of us to be ready.”
“Well…I suppose the three of us should clean up and head out with everyone else.” Y/n said.
“Uh yeah, we have been in here for a while.” Jake finally chimed in.
“Sooo, maybe this is a talk to be had tomorrow since we don’t have any plans. Let’s all go out and enjoy our night together and process this all.” Y/n always knew what to say. Even though there was no awkward tension in this moment like you all secretly feared that there would be.
This was blooming into so much more than you could’ve expected.
To Be Continued...
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charcoalhawk · 2 years
No Safe Harbor
He’s not surprised that his parents haven’t realized that he hasn’t been home in over a week, after almost seventeen years the pain of being forgotten barely registers.
This is my Truce gift to @lemon-snake, sorry about the wait and I hope you enjoy!
I ended up using two of your prompts: Danny discovering Vlad bugs his house and Vlad showing up to Danny’s parent teacher conference because Maddie and Jack are busy.
There is ectoplasm on the dining room table. There is, in fact, a lot of shit on the dining room table that should not be on the dining room table.
Danny carefully skirts around the edge of the kitchen towards the fridge, but once he gets closer he can see that the fridge is bolted shut. So he’s either going to have to pull from his stash of food hidden in his closet, or eat fast food for the next few days.
If Jazz was still living here she probably would have already gotten into a shouting match, she was always a lot more proactive about calling out their parents when they pulled shit like this.
But Jazz is off at college, finally able to enjoy being a young adult and dealing with boring normal human problems. She had asked Danny to keep her in the loop with what was happening at home, and to tell her if their parents got sucked down another research hole and he needed her to remind them to take care of Danny and themselves.
He had mostly held to that promise, but as the months passed it was just easier to stay with Tucker or Sam for a few days when his parents lost themselves to their research.
This is the first time Danny has been home all week, he was able to sneak over to stay at Tucker’s for a few days but after the second time he was caught brushing his teeth there in the morning he decided it was better to just sleep in The Zone.
“Oh hey Danno!” The front of his dad’s jumpsuit is rumpled like he’s been wearing the same one for multiple days, “sorry but the fridge is out of commission for a few days, we’ll order pizza tonight. You must’ve had a lot of homework these past few days, we’ve barely seen you!”
He’s not surprised that his parents haven’t realized that he hasn’t been home in over a week, after almost seventeen years the pain of being forgotten barely registers.
What is going to be painful is this.
“I-“ ancients Danny hates having to do this, “there’s a parent-teacher conference tonight, Mr. Lancer asked me to remind you guys about it because apparently you didn’t answer his email about attending.”
“Why would Mr. Lancer have you doing that Danny?” His mom sounded genuinely confused, reaching up to push back some hair that had come out from her hood and smearing ectoplasm after her. “It was just a general email letting all the parents know, there was no need to reply because we weren’t planning on going. Your grades are doing great, and you would have already come to us if something was wrong.”
Danny feels his stomach drop, and it takes considerably more will then he would like to stop himself from stomping out of the room right there.
Because that hadn’t been a general email. Mr. Lancer had kept him after class today to ask him to remind his parents about the meeting tonight, and judging by his barely suppressed frown it wasn’t going to be a pleasant meeting.
“No actually, Mr. Lancer apparently really wants to sit down with you guys about some things, he said he mentioned in the email some of his concerns?”
Danny takes another glance at the clock on the wall, 4:45pm, his parents are almost twenty minutes late.
He’s left at least ten texts to each of them asking where the hell they are, but knowing them their phones are either dead or buried under a bunch of junk in their lab.
Mr. Lancer also takes a glance at the clock, and with a sigh begins to pack up the remaining papers from previous classes.
“I’m sorry for keeping you so late Danny, I’ll email your parents tonight and hopefully we can reschedule. Do you need a ride home?”
“No Mr. Lancer, I’m fine. Actually I was wondering if-“
His question is interrupted with a series or rapid knocks on the classroom door, and Danny foolishly hopes in that moment that his parents simply hadn’t responded to his texts because they had been busy driving, before it opens to reveal Vlad-fucking-Masters.
“Oh I’m so terribly sorry for being late,” Vlad gives his best normal human smile, “I had to practically run to get here and I was so worried about young Daniel here that I-“
“Mr. Masters,” Mr. Lancer’s face scrunches like he can’t decide whether to smile or grimace, “as nice as a surprise this is, I’m afraid this is a confidential meeting between myself and Danny’s guardians, now if you have concerns I’m sure we could find the time to sit down another day and discuss them in detail.”
“Oh I completely understand,” a wide smile, “but you see I’m actually here as a trusted adult for young Daniel here. Maddie and I decided it would be wise to have someone who lived closer by to be written down as an emergency contact in case either of the children needed it.
Like today, poor Madeline called me explaining that she had almost forgotten about this event, but due to an experiment at home would be unable to attend. And so she called and luckily I was visiting Amity this week and rushed over.”
Mr. Lancer seriously looks like he’s about to call bullshit, but a last glance at the clock has him slumping with defeat.
“Well, seeing as you were so kind as to actually show up, I think I could discuss some of my concerns here, Danny you’re welcome to leave-“
“Oh no Mr. Lancer,” Danny so wishes one of his powers was the ability to set things on fire with a glare, “if it's ok with you I’ll stay. I’d like to hear what good ol’ uncle Vlad has to say.”
It’s a rare night where the school is mostly empty, any after school activities had been canceled so that the conferences could be held, and now at almost six pm the entire school is abandoned.
Danny is able to keep quiet until they are out of sight of the school, but once he’s sure Mr. Lancer can’t see them; he surges to grab Vlad and hoist him up by his stupid suit, and in moments they are both transformed and hovering miles above the town.
“What the fuck are you doing here!”
Vlad gives him the look you would give a particularly stupid child, and given that Danny has spent more than enough time with Vlad over the past two years, he is unfortunately very familiar with that particular look.
With a casual swat he sends Danny flying back and moves to adjust his now missing tie.
“I am just trying to help you Daniel!”
“Oh bullshit. You couldn’t give less of a damn about my education, and you especially had no right to show up to a meeting like this. And what is up with that guardian crap? You know mom would never have put you down as an emergency contact.”
“Ah yes, I may have been stretching that a bit, but you see I am in fact listed as an emergency contact for you and Jazz when she was a minor. Jack,” and Vlad spits the name like it was an infectious disease, “was so kind as to add me when I expressed my concerns about it.”
And doesn’t that just make Danny’s blood boil. But regardless of his dad being way too damn forgiving, there’s something much more important he needs to know.
“You know what, I don’t even really care about that right now, what I do care about is,” He shoos his hand like he’s trying to chase off an annoying fly, ”how the hell did you know all that shit! I most certainly didn’t tell you, mom would rather shoot you then tell you something was wrong, and even dad isn’t that trusting.”
“Oh,” and now that it’s just them Vlad’s smile has become a thing of nightmares, “I have my ways Daniel.”
“What? Do you just always have a duplicate hanging around our house? You fucking creep.”
“Please, I’m too important to waste my valuable time with something that barbaric and simple.”
“What then? Spies, bugs- I swear to the crown if you have my house bugged Plasmius I’ll wring you by your stupid cape-“
“And what if I do!”
Where previously Vlad had looked smug and aloof, his gaze is now blazing focused, something that makes Danny’s skin crawl.
“You have not stayed in that house for over a week, Daniel! You barely stay more than a few hours and in the past three months you’ve been sleeping ancients know where in the Zone! You are constantly burdening you friends by forcing them to house you-“
“I’m not making them do anything!”
“I do understand not wanting to be in that house.” And here Vlad almost looks sad, “The mess, the weapons crawling out of every corner, being forced to live in the place you died. It can not be healthy for a young man. Regardless, that house is too dangerous, one wrong move and our, your secret will be discovered. And you know your parents, they will not take this kindly.”
“Oh fuck off! You don’t actually give a shit about me, you only care because it would put you in danger, and the fact that I’d rather stay anywhere that isn’t with you.”
“My home is open to you, and your mother and sister should they ever need it. I do care, little badger, don’t ignore an offer for help because you are too prideful and arrogant to accept it.”
This argument isn’t getting Danny anywhere, and he has one more question before he’s going to blast Plasmius in his stupid face.
“We’ll see how much you’re laughing when I tell Mom and Dad that you lied and said they called you about the meeting, when Mr. Lancer doesn’t follow up there are bound to be questions. How do you think mom will respond to knowing that you're spying on us?”
“Oh but that’s not what happened at all!” He’s right back to being smug, almost seeming to settle down in an invisible chair. “If your parents ask,” and here he looks doubtful, “you are going to tell them that you texted dear old uncle Vlad to come once you realized your parents accidentally forgot about the meeting.”
“And why the hell would I do that?”
“Because, the alternative is me going right now and possessing them both to make them think they called me, and we both know how tampering with memories can, ah, potentially harm an individual.”
Danny remembers, a few months after gaining his powers, overshadowing Mr. Lancer to make him think he had given Danny an extension on an essay he hadn’t bothered to finish.
Was it a frivolous use of his powers? Yes? Did he really care at the time? No.
He had thought everything had been fine, until a few days later when Mr. Lancer collapsed in class. Later it was reported that Mr. Lancer had suffered a brain bleed due to an unknown injury. There had been no physical evidence of anything having happened to him, but it hadn’t taken long for whispers of a ghost attack to start circulating.
After that Danny had been very careful to never overshadow someone, he had never been sure that what he had done was what had caused the injury, but he had wanted to be safe rather than sorry.
The threat finally forces the fight to leave him, and with one last venomous glare Danny leaves. Vlad doesn’t chase him, but Danny knows it’s because he’s already lost the battle for today.
“Oh Danny! We were wondering where you were, you said you were going to help with the lab this weekend.”
“I ah- was actually at the school.”
“The school- oh fudge the parent-teacher conference! Danno I’m so sorry we just got wrapped up in this experiment, I’ll go email Mr. Lancer right now and apologize, do you know when he would be willing to reschedule?”
“Uh, actually Vlad showed up for the meeting, apparently he’s listed as an emergency contact and uh, when I realized that you guys might have forgotten I reached out to him and luckily he was in Amity.”
“Oh good ol Vladdie! I’m so glad he convinced me to add him as a contact, he really is so kind.”
His mom’s face puckered like she had been force-fed an entire orchard of lemons.
“Yes, he does have his moments…”
As he’s lying in his room later that night his eyes catch a glimmer from the corner of the room up on his bookshelf.
After a second of deliberation he moves, reaching out to just barely snag the small object as it seemed to skitter away.
Holding it up the object at first seems incomprehensible, but after a minute Danny realizes with growing dread that what he has in his hand is a tiny camera with a microphone attached.
Without a second thought he crushes the device, if Vlad planted one he likely has at least a dozen if not more.
And its without a doubt the frootloop’s handiwork, no other ghost would bother with something like this, and the GIW doesn’t have access to enough ectoplasm to make devices capable of intangibility.
But what can he do about the rest? Vlad would expect him to destroy one if he found it, but then he would just set up more in new locations. At least if he knows where they all are he can know where to avoid.
Grinding the remains of the machine in his palm he slips intangibly down to the basement, glancing briefly at his parents who are both passed out over various diagrams and half formed weapons.
Looks like he’s going to be spending a lot more nights in the Zone.
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disneyfan1955 · 1 year
Floyd and Janice love child OC
Her name is technically Poppy, technically Alice.
This is because during the long break, the muppets took from each other, the band also temporarily went their separate ways to tie up some loose ends. Janice went to her estranged sister's house where she found out she was pregnant.
Janice didn't find out she was pregnant until she was halfway through the second trimester.
Janice, while never even thought of having a child, was excited to be a mother. Sadly, during this time, due to some struggles, Floyd was experiencing some personal issues in which he needed time, and Janice couldn't get in contact to tell him.
She figured he'd be happy with having a little her and him running around.
Janice's sister (whom I named Susan) had several doubts about Janice's capabilities of being a responsible mother. Susan took it upon herself to basically be Janice's guardian. This was the beginning of her and Janice's relationship becoming tense.
On April 20, Janice delivered a healthy little girl. She was born with thick bright red hair, like Floyd, so she named her Poppy. Susan couldn't stand that name and complained heavily that she was setting Poppy up for failure saying that Poppy would never get a job with that name and would be picked on for her name. This greatly annoyed Janice, but she ignored her sister and stuck to Poppy.
Janice loved Poppy more than anything and immediately began making plans to join back up with the band. She couldn't wait for her daughter to experience life on the road. Susan, however, was incredibly against it, saying that the road is no place to raise a child.
Poppy slept in Janice's room, and in the dark of night, when Poppy couldn't sleep, Janice would sing to her. Poppy's favorites were Danny's Song, Black Bird, and Can You Picture That. Those were the best times that both Janice and Poppy remember.
One day while Janice went out to get some groceries to make homemade baby food (Janice didn't trust the name brands to give Poppy the nutrients she needed). Susan took Poppy to a doctor that Janice did not approve of (Janice sought a more holistic medical path for Poppy).
When Janice found out, let's just say there are extremely rare times she has been angry, and people know it, this was one of those moments. She finally snapped and yelled at Susan for overstepping her bounds. Susan yelled back that Janice had no idea what she was doing and accused her of not knowing what to do if Poppy got hurt or sick.
That is when they heard a crash and the sound of falling. They both rushed and saw Poppy at the bottom of the stairs. They both rushed, and Janice took Poppy in her arms to comfort her. However, Poppy reached towards Susan and called her Mama. Janice was so shocked and hurt that she didn't even feel Susan take Poppy out of her arms.
A couple of days after the incident, Janice realized that Susan would be a better guardian for Poppy. It was decided that Janice would send money and letters to Poppy and that Susan would write back every single update of Poppy's life.
Janice decided not to tell Floyd not to keep him in the dark, but because of the hurt, it would be to tell the man she loves that they have a child that wouldn't be raised by them. Also, maybe a little because of a bit of selfishness that talking out loud about her child would be too painful.
Janice left and rejoined the band and would send letters daily and monthly payments to go towards Poppy. Janice would receive responses once a week about Poppy's development and the little things she had done.
After Janice left, music was no longer allowed in the house because Susan didn't want Poppy to become like her parents. She changed Poppy's name to Alice and turned herself from Aunt Susan to Mom. She also erased Janice from Poppy's life. All of the letters Janice sent to Poppy were never read and hidden away. She didn't even tell Poppy that she had a sister named Janice.
Poppy being as young as she was, couldn't understand why all the pretty sounds were gone and why her mommy wouldn't sing to her anymore, and why they wouldn't cuddle anymore. She also couldn't understand why she was put into this pillow that was barred up so she couldn't move around. She also didn't understand why she wasn't Poppy anymore.
Eventually, this music free, restrained, no sleep, no cuddling life became normal. Despite everything, Alice loved her 'mom' and always strived to impress her. Whenever things got hard, she would remember back to when her mom would sing to her. She doesn't exactly remember the songs, but she remembers the warm fuzzy feeling of being loved.
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basiccortez · 2 years
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Me and Your Ghost ➢word count: 4.5k ➢warnings: smut, mentions of suicide, unhealthy coping habits, mentions of past character death, excessive drinking, hacking ➢ || Ghost masterlist || S&S masterlist || playlist ||
THIS IS AN AU. A complete work of fiction. Nothing in here is a reflection of how the boys act or how they are. It is purely an act of fiction.
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“Fuck christ- you feel so good!” The brunette, who he had yet to learn the name of, moaned as he fucked her against the door of his private room. 
He took a swig from his bottle of tequila, pressing his fingers to either side of her jaw and squeezing. She took the hint, opening her mouth and taking as much as she could of the tequila he spit into her mouth. She swallowed whatever landed between her lips, the rest spilling down her chin. 
Sam realized the bottle was empty the second he went to take another swig, and groaned in frustration. He pulled out of the girl, and tucked himself back into his jeans, moving her to sit on the couch before heading for the door. He turned back for a moment, muttering an order for her to stay where she was before closing the door behind himself.
He made his way to the bar, tapping on the bottle as he reached the bar, signalling the bartender to replace his empty bottle with a fresh one. Most if not all the bartenders at the club had caught on to Sam’s antics these past years that they knew all the cues from him. The two switched bottles, nodding at each other before Sam turned around, bumping into a short redhead, his eyes immediately drinking her in as she apologized for not watching where she was going. 
Within minutes Sam was leading her back to his private room. He took a long pull of the tequila as the girls eyed each other from across the room, and he ignored them both, sitting down on the couch and shimmying his pants down just enough for him to pull his still hard cock out before spreading his legs. He turned to the girl he had previously been fucking against the door, “Suck.”
She blushed a deep crimson before moving to kneel in between his knees and took his dick in her mouth, her tongue circling the tip. Sam sucked in a harsh breath, one of his hands gathering her hair to hold it back from her face. 
“Good girl,” Sam muttered and then looked over at the redhead he had pulled in from the bar. He lifted his finger, motioning for her to come closer. Once she was in reach, he lifted his hand to wrap around her throat, pulling her down far enough to whisper in her ear, “Ride my thigh for me won’t you sweetheart.”
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Six years ago, Cambridge MA…
Sam sighed, taking in the familiar sight of the busy college campus. He had been counting down the days until he could come back to Cambridge. He missed the crisp, sweet smelling fall air. Even though he had only spent a year here, Cambridge felt more like home than Nashville ever could. Danny’s eyes were elsewhere, falling on the young freshman girls that walked past them. Each of them would shyly look at him, and Danny would send them a smirk, making them giggle and blush. 
“Don’t you just love fall semester?” Sam said, “The trees changing, the cool air-” 
“The fresh girls,” Danny cut him off. Sam rolled his eyes, “Hey, not all of us are super nerds, okay. We need a little extra. . . one on one.” 
“I’m excited for the girls too, but I’m excited about being away from everything,” Sam sighed, running his hands through his long hair. 
The stress of the family business had hit him hard this past summer. After having that taste of normalcy being able to go to college, Sam had longed for the day his parents would drop him off in Cambridge, however, he didn’t expect the near assassination of his parents to happen right in front of his eyes. His parents almost forbid him from going back to MIT, primarily for his own safety. But Sam had threatened to hurt himself if he didn’t. Mrs. Kiszka couldn’t bear to look at the pain in her son’s face as he held the gun to his head. They reluctantly agreed to let him go back, only if Daniel went with him.
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Sam wasn’t sure what time he had gotten home, or how he had gotten home for that matter. All he knew was that it was late, and he was drunk. It had been Sam’s recurring theme for the past three years; wake up late, stare at the computer screen, go to the club, get drunk and fuck someone. Except Sam had forgotten that he usually ended up crying or throwing up on himself in the middle of all that. Danny was the one who always made sure Sam had gotten home safely and was asleep on his side when he was too far gone to care about himself. 
Sam had somehow managed to get himself home safe and sound. Danny had only woken up when he heard the loud giggles and Sam was trying to shush the females he had brought home with him. Danny wasn’t surprised when he walked into Sam’s bedroom the next morning, seeing him shirtless with two naked girls on either side of him. Danny walked right over to the curtains, pulling them open, letting the sunlight hit all three drunk humans. 
“Ah, what the fuck, Daniel,” Sam groaned, covering his eyes with his hand. 
“You’ve got work to do,” Danny said, and looked at the two girls in his bed, “Get the fuck out.” 
“You can’t talk to us like that,” One of the girl’s said to Danny. Danny looked her up and down, staring at her naked body, and then looked at Sam. 
“Since when are you into plastic surgery and fake tits?” 
“Hey!” She scoffed, feeling offended by his words, “You gonna let him talk about us like that?” 
Sam looked at his best friend and then to the girls on either side of him, “You heard him, get the fuck out.” 
Both the girls mumbled under their breaths as they gathered their clothes and walked out of Sam’s room, slamming the door shut. Danny waited a second before speaking up, looking over to see his best friend already laying back down, his head underneath his pillow. Danny rolled his eyes, and walked over, grabbing the pillow. 
“Dude, what the fuck!” 
“No, you what the fuck! I thought you were done with this . . . playboy party shit?” 
“I agreed to stop day drinking, I never said I was gonna stop partying.” Sam mumbled, “We all grieve differently, okay. Josh buries himself in work, you bury knives in people’s chests, and I bury my cock into whores.” 
Danny crossed his arms over his chest, “We’ve talked about this Sam, it’s been three-” 
“I fucking know how long it’s been!” Sam yelled, and ran his hands through his hair, “It’s been three years since Jake, but six years since her. I just. . . I need more time.” 
Danny frowned looking at his friend. A lot has changed in Sam over the past six years, not only physically but emotionally as well. Sam wasn’t the same baby faced, long flowy hair, care free person he once was. Sam’s smile wasn’t as bright as it used to be, and his eyes didn’t get that twinkle anymore. His eyes were cold and dark, much like Jake’s were before he found the love of his life. Sam had gone into survival mode, numbing himself with drugs and alcohol so he didn’t have to face the monsters of the day. The second the buzz was gone, the moment everything around him came flooding back in. Danny knew people healed in different ways and it wasn’t always linear, but he was tired of watching his friend destroy himself. 
“Well, burying yourself in a new whore every night isn’t going to help you heal. If anything it’ll probably just give you gonorrhea.” Danny sighed, and ran a hand through his hair, “Get yourself cleaned up. Josh wants to meet with us about something. Be in the office in half an hour.” 
Sam nodded and watched as his best friend left his bedroom. Sam flopped back down on his bed and looked over at his bedside table. The picture of him, Danny, and the woman he loved sat on his bedside table. Sam picked up the frame and gently ran his fingers over the dusty glass. Her smile looked just as bright and warm in pictures as it did in real life. Sam looked at himself in the reflection in the glass, and frowned, setting it back down on the table, and pulling himself out of bed.
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Six Years ago, Ireland…
Y/N followed her father and brother through the hallway, interrupting any chance the two of them had of starting up a conversation, even going as far as wriggling her way between the two of them as they walked into her fathers office. Galen was growing annoyed by her constant interruptions, almost as if she had tattooed the words to the college brochure on her eyelids. She was much like her mother in this way, pushing and pushing until she got her way. 
“Please dad! I can’t keep doing school online, I want the full experience. I want to go to class, hang out in the library to do my homework,” She slumped onto the chair across from him at his desk, “I want to make friends.”
Galen watched as his daughter impatiently waited for his response, picking at her nails as she held her laptop over her legs. He knew she probably already had the dorm room application open, as well as everything else she could use as a bargaining chip to convince him to let her go, but the look on her was enough for him to cave, as per usual when it came to his precious little girl. 
She was always his soft spot, his kryptonite, which was part of the reason he didn’t want her going across the ocean. Not many outside of their family knew she existed for the simple reason that she could be used against Galen so easily. The moment she was placed in his arms twenty some years ago, he knew there wasn’t a single thing in the world he wouldn’t do to make her smile. It had terrified Galen how easily he was willing to lie down and take a bullet for her, but if it meant not seeing her in pain, it was worth it. 
“Fine,” He sighed, watching as her eyes immediately lit up, “but Cillian is going with you to move you into your dorm.”
Her grin was wider than he had ever seen it, her head nodded ferociously as her gaze flipped between her father and her brother, “Deal!”
“And you have to bring two guards of my choosing.”
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“So I need to call… everybody apparently,” Josh mumbled, shuffling around the papers on the dining room table, once again on whether to hire live entertainment, or to just have a playlist. He was exhausted, overworking himself in a desperate attempt to distract himself from the overwhelming emotions that had plagued his life in the past few years. He was in charge now, he had to be strong for his family, for his business, for himself, or he would crumble, and he would not recover. 
It was times like these he wished he still had Jake around, to ask him for advice, for his guidance on what he should do. Even though Josh had handled the promotional side of the business for years, it was always nice to have someone to decide on final things for him. Josh also missed Jake’s wife, knowing that all of this would’ve been done and handled if she was still here. She always ran a tight ship, knowing exactly what needed to be done and when and how much it was going to cost. Josh had been struggling to get the speakeasy open that she had been working on before her untimely death. 
This ball Josh had been planning was something Jake actually had in the works years before when he was set to marry the Santiago daughter. He knew that he would need to do something to bring all the mafia members together and do a show of dominance, making it known that the Kiszkas were untouchable now. Josh had been putting it off for awhile, trying to get a handle on the day to day things before he took on a task like this. But his father was pushing him to do something. They were sitting idle, not in danger but not comfortable either. It was time for them to show the mafia world that the Kiszkas hadn’t died with Jake that day, that they were still there and alive. 
Danny wandered into the room with a stack of files, immediately laying his eyes on Josh, who looked like he was about to punch a hole in the wall. Danny had moved from just being head of security to also helping out with promotional duties. Sam was no less than useless at this point in time, so the Kiszka mafia really fell onto Josh and Danny’s shoulders. Danny walked over to where Josh was standing, peeking down at the messily written notes in front of him. 
“I think we should do live music, better atmosphere.” Danny said with a shrug, earning a sigh from Josh, who quickly picked up his pencil and crossed out the playlist option, “Preferably strings. You know those old time mafia men are going to want something classical being played while they drink their whisky from the 1800s.” 
“Thanks Dan.” Josh muttered, sliding his chair out from the table and turned to face Danny. 
“I saw these on the ‘to do’ pile, figured I could find some of these fuckers to send invites too. I’m not as savvy with the whole tech shit like Sam is, but I can do what I can. We should probably start sending them out if we want replies before the fundraiser happens,” He said with a chuckle, handing the folders and a small pile of invites to Josh, who cracked a small smile.
“I’ll get Sam to do the rest of it, he needs to do something besides stare at the security footage and sleep. Besides, it’ll be like finding a needle in a haystack with some of them,” Josh said, standing from his chair and stretching away the ache that had settled deep in his bones from sitting for too long.
“Or going to the club, sometimes it’s like he spends more time there than he does at home. Not sure when the last time he’s detoxed either,” Danny agreed, Sam’s habits as of late were a bigger issue than anyone wanted to admit. He had shut himself off from everyone, the only emotion he openly shared was lust, and that was reserved for the ‘catch of the night’ as Danny had begun to call them. He drank till he was numb, and ruminated in it until Danny or Josh forced him to go home, take a shower, and go to sleep.
If he wasn’t at the club, he was burrowed in his office, all the lights turned off as he sat in his chair, wrapped in a robe that Josh and Danny were convinced he hadn’t cleaned since the first time he put it on after Jake's death. He just sat and watched the security footage of the mansion, looking for ghosts that weren’t there, threats that lurked in the dark, but there were none. The Kiszkas had basically been silent since they buried the two lovers three years ago. 
Since the shift in power from both the Kiszkas and the Santiagos, nothing had really happened on either side of the world. It was like everyone was waiting for the moment either one of them would fall. The Santiagos were admired for their strength, Paulo was praised for how well he handled taking over the family when Rafael stepped down. Josh had also received praise for stepping up and successfully completing the gun deal with Paulo. The Kiszka and Santiago mafias were now one of the biggest and most powerful families in the world, but they sat in silence, reeling from the deaths that brought them their power. 
Josh walked into the office first, taking in the sight of his little brother passed out with his head resting on his desk. He shook his head as he continued on walking to the kitchen. He smiled at Emile as she was already brewing a pot of coffee and making the extremely hungover boy something to eat. Josh had been thankful that Emile decided to stay around after everything. Their mother couldn’t handle staying in the states for very long after they buried Jake. Sam needed the love of a mother, but Mrs. Kiszka was simply incapable of doing that. Instead, Emile stepped up, washing the vomit off his clothes, and picking him up from his own puddle of urine. She loved him like a son, and it showed in the way she was putting up with his antics. She knew that his heart was broken, she had seen this happen before. 
Danny looked again at the list of names Josh had scribbled down. Most of them didn’t sound familiar, being Mafia families from around the US, Europe and South America. One name in particular stood out to him, as his breath caught in his throat. He ran his fingers across the dried ink, looking around the office, before folding the file and walking briskly out of the room. Danny ran up to his room, and shut the door, locking it. He sat on his bed, and pulled the file open. He picked up the black and white mugshot in his hand, her smile was still bright and warm even in a picture. 
“That fucking clover. . .” 
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Y/N’s eyes were wide as she took in the sight of the buildings around her, so vastly different from the large open fields she was used to. This would be the first time she had gone to the states without her father by her side. The first time she would be able to explore by herself. Usually coming to the States was strictly for business, and she didn’t dare go anywhere that wasn’t with her father or a handful of guards by her side. She was so zoned out that she didn’t even realize the car had stopped, only refocassing when Cillian blocked the view from her window, opening the door for her.
She took the hand he had outstretched for her, sliding out of the car and taking a step forward, once again looking around at the buildings, and the students bustling around the dorm buildings, many doing the very same thing she was there to do. She could also spot the guards that were around, trying hard to blend into the surroundings, but was useless against her watchful eye. She rolled her eyes before grabbing her purse and putting it on her shoulder. 
Cillian watched as she gawked at the sheer amount of people around her, until her gaze locked on a tall brunette standing across the quad with someone he could only assume was his friend. It was now Cillian’s turn to roll his eyes at his little sister, watching as the brunette man sent her a smile and she turned almost as red as her hair. 
Cillian walked up to his little sister, snapping his fingers in front of her face a couple times, “You’re here for an education, not to have fun.” His tone pulled her attention back to him, noting the way he attempted to remain hard in the face, despite the mild taunting undertone in his statement.
She watched as Cillian turned back to the car, reaching into the trunk, “Is there a reason I can’t do both?” She had a smug smirk on her face as Cillian pulled a bag from the trunk, tossing it at her, “Besides… only the good die young, right?”
Her eyes drifted back to the tall boy across the quad, and much to her surprise, she caught his gaze. A blush crept over her cheeks, causing him to smile as she bowed her head to look at the man that was helping her unpack the trunk. 
Danny had followed his friend’s gaze, seeing him smile shyly at his shoes, before peering back up at the girl who was talking to a boy next to her. Sam was determined at that moment to get to know her. He put the pamphlet back down on the table and fixed his flannel, taking a step forward, only to be stopped by Danny’s hand on his chest. Sam scoffed and looked at his friend who just shook his head. 
“You know Sam,” Danny said, pulling Sam from his daze, “there are better looking women than a redhead. You know what they say about them right?”
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Sam’s eyes were straining as he watched the bright computer screens in his dark office. After Jake’s death, Josh had moved into his office, leaving Sam alone in the other one. Danny hardly had a need for an office, so he rarely came into Sam’s. Sam had monitors set up all around him with various camera shots from different locations throughout the city and even the world. With just a simple click of a key Sam could look at the stock houses in Argentina, or the clubs in Paris, or the old mills in Kansas. 
Sam looked over his shoulder, before hitting a key and turning all the cameras to various areas of the MIT campus. He would occasionally flip the screens to look over the areas he once roamed in search for that familiar red hair and green eyes. He’d recognize her anywhere if she would just show her pretty face. Instead, it was just random college students milling around, drinking in the front yard of Frat Houses, running naked across central campus. 
“You know, in most law cases this would be considered stalking,” Josh said leaning up against the door. Sam quickly shut the screens down and went back to looking at Kiszka Enterprises property, “Don’t need to hide from me, baby brother. I know you’ve been watching that campus for years. Wouldn’t she have graduated by now?” 
“Not if she's working on her masters. . .” Sam mumbled, “She said she wanted to get her doctorate in computer programming. So she’d still be there. . . if she’s even alive.” 
Josh sighed and sat down in a chair across from Sam. No one had really ever talked about how this life affected Sam. Sam was the baby of the family, the most sheltered from everything and he liked that. Josh had slowly seen the bright light slip from his brother’s eyes over the past couple years. Nothing made him smile, nothing made him happy. He was obsessive over finding this old ghost, and it had only gotten worse since Jake’s passing. Jake could keep Sam busy enough so that he didn’t have time to sit and stare at security footage all day, but Josh was a different leader than Jake. 
“I think she’s still alive,” Josh said. 
“What makes you say that?” Sam asked him. 
“Don’t you think if a student showed up dead on MIT’s campus, it would’ve been a headline somewhere? You would’ve seen it Sam, you would know.” 
“Okay, and if she is alive. . . she might not even remember me. I mean, I was there one day and being dragged onto a plane, drugged out of my mind, the next,” Sam explained. Josh could remember that because he was the one that pressed the needle with anesthetic into his brother’s neck so they could get him on the plane back to Nashville easier. 
“I’m sorry I did that Sam,” Josh said, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly. Sam just shrugged in acknowledgment, “You two were pulled apart Sam, that doesn’t mean she just forgot about you, she probably did the same thing as you for a long time.” Josh stood from his chair, walking towards the door of Sam’s office before turning his head back to his little brother, “Who knows, maybe she’s been watching you this entire time and you’ve just been to blind to see it.”
Sam rolled his eyes, letting out a small scoff at the implication, “I highly doubt that.”
“Do me a favor, find these old bastards,” Josh said, tossing down a list of names in front of him.
Sam nodded and Josh patted his shoulder on his way out, shutting the door behind him and leaving Sam once again in the darkness of his office, the only light coming from the monitors. He fell back into his usual activity, staring at the screens, flipping through security feed, which now included the feed for the fundraiser location. Sam turned to one of his screens, pulling open an old coding document that he had been working on as far back as when he was at MIT. He started it just before the start of his third year in school.
He skimmed through it, easily identifying lines that he had written, and finding spots where she had taken over, correcting his errors, or making improvements to the code he had already written. By the time he reached the last few lines of code, he noticed his mouse twitching, scrolling back up without his input. 
It was only after he stopped trying to fight with his mouse, that his eyes caught the inconsistency on the screen. Sam had opened the document since his time in MIT, but he never really added much, and what he did add was without fault, a conscious improvement to the work he had started years prior, but there was one line that stuck out from the rest, a simple line of code placed in exactly the wrong spot. His hand touched the mouse once again, hovering over the line.
Then it all blacked out.
His room was flooded in darkness for a split second before being engulfed in a dull green light, the code suddenly spreading over every monitor he owned, and at the end, he watched as the line of code corrected itself. Sam’s jaw dropped as he looked around his office, his mind freezing for a split second. He had never had a breach in his security like this, he wasn’t even sure what to really do. Instead, he stared at the caret as it blinked for a few seconds before dropping to a new line.
[I’ve been waiting years for you to notice that error ☘]
Sam frantically reached for his keyboard, but by the time his fingers brushed the keys, his screen blacked out once again, coming back as the security footage he had pulled up beforehand. He opened the document once again, seeing the corrected line, but no additional text, and no evidence on his computer that anyone else had access to his system. Sam took a couple deep breaths, trying to wrap his mind around what had just happened. 
Someone or something had breached his system, and there was only one thing on his mind. Sam shut down his systems, leaning back in his chair, watching as everything shut down. He looked around his office, his brown eyes landing on the half bottle of tequila on his desk. He stood up, and picked up the bottle, dropping it in the trash before walking out of his office.
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Note: blame it on the vibes, or whatever or the fact that I have finally finished this fucking series. but its back and if you saw me post this before. . . you didn't. but let me get one hate anon/hate post, ONE, and this will be taken down. I have a ZERO TOLERANCE for hate
taglist: @myownparadise96 @gretavanbitches @jakeyboiiiiiii @mywaygvf @maverick-rose @oldermensimp @baguettejuliette @josh-iamyour-mama @weightofdreamz @gabs-gvf @callmebymym @st4rdust-ch0rds @lvnterninthenight @writingcold @caravelsparrow @kissthekiszka @allieboop @strugglingtodoshit @peacfulfuckinarmy @tlexx
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