#and it's supposed to be romantic
HOW ARE YOU @i-drop-level-one-loot hope you're doing well and prioritizing yourself!! Drink water and eat some snacks okay! And good luck with the horror fiction book you are planning I'LL PAY GOOD MONEY FOR THAT DDJDDHDE 🥺💞💞💞
Monster boys/men women anything I'm getting lowkey feral but Into it now HAHAHAA. LIKE LOOK ALL THE POSSIBILITIES! I just imagine an arachnid spider monster (ironically I am scared of them hahahha).
Like despite being scared of actual spiders darling couldn't kill them and just cups them with a glass and gentkyand far away placed them outside. Cue spider coming back but around the gardens or yard chilling andd killing pests, like little guy does this thing out of gratitude for not killing him. AND THEN some phenomenon happened the spider turned human/a bit human like and cue him now trying to woe them and such and trying to maate them Hahaa
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Thank you so much! I've been debating on whether I should post my book on AO3 and open a Patreon, or try to get it actually published ❤️ I still have plenty of time to figure that out, but I'm just excited lol I'm still near the beginning of my novel, but it's just so exciting
And spiders are so cute! Like, that's such a cute idea, that sounds like a fairytale ❤️
Also, unless it's like a DnD Arachne, half man half spider, and is more like a human, he'd probably be a short king, as male spiders can be 3-10x smaller than their mates ❤️
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pluvioseprince · 1 month
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Getting ready
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rotruff · 4 months
wising you a very sleeping on your f/os chest so you can hear their hearbeat or vice versa. wishing you a very instinctively moving towards one another and pulling eachother close and holding on tighter in sleep. wishing you a very one quietly talking to the other who's spouting off sleeptalk-nonsense in loose responses. wishing you a very ignoring blankets in favor of eachothers warmth. wishing you a very kisses to the crown of the forehead and the cheek and the collarbone and the shoulder and the crook of the jaw right where it meets the neck. ok?
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nouverx · 5 months
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Posting those wips in case I never finish them ~
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lesbicastagna · 9 months
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went down a rabbit hole of this subject.
Filippo Lippi, painter and carmelitan friar, and Lucrezia Buti, a nun, meet and fall in love while she poses as model for an altarpiece. Classic.
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october-cryptixx · 7 months
aro/ace themed valentine's day teddy bears ^^ because i just recently found out i might be arospec but also just cuz like..... why not
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mossiistars · 4 months
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a man of his time
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radiance1 · 3 months
"May I help you, mister...?"
Pariah Dark paused, slowly looking the old (by human standards) butler up and down before slowly sheathing his sword and crossing his arms. He looked the butler up and down once more, before glancing at the mansion and back at him.
"May I come in?" The king asked calmly, voice kept carefully lower than he would usually speak with. He was aware that his normal tone of voice was 'loud' in human standards. The butler stared at him for a moment, before slowly stepping to the side. "Of course, sir. Though I am certain I have not yet gotten your name."
He pushed his foot forward, soon passing through the threshold as fire wrapped around his body as he shrunk. Armor being exchanged for more 'comfortable' clothing besides his cape as he stepped through the doorway and grunted. "You may refer to me as War."
The butler nodded, not batting an eye as the sudden shift in clothing or size. "You came at quite the convenient time. Would you like to join us for dinner, sir War?"
Eat mortal food?
"If you would have me and it's no further effort on your part, I could make such an arrangement." He fell in step easily behind the butler, hands folding behind his back in a similar if not a bit more extra way as his cape and hair swayed behind him with his every step.
"I believe I can arrange something to your liking," There was a sliver of mischief in the butler's tone as he led the king to what he assumed to be the dining room. "So far, all of my guests had only good things to say about my hospitality. I do so hope you're among them as well, words of praise from one of your station is quite hard to come by."
"I trust that your hospitality be nothing but kind." The king said, coming to a stop at a door the butler soon held open.
"Please, make yourself comfortable while I go inform those who will join you and make something more..." There was a slight twinkle in the butler's eyes. "Attuned, to your pallet."
The king chuckled. "I look forward to it." Then stepped inside.
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mochiiniko · 1 year
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i am so normal about this movie
edit: this has been getting more attention for some reason and im REALLY confused but im not complaining because this movie means so much to me and im so glad people do too! im looking forward to making more castle in the sky art, as well as ghibli art in general, so in the meantime heres some silly doodles i made of sheeta and pazu :>
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mx-potato · 26 days
yes, i am aroace. yes, that person is hot. no, i did not mean that platonically
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fuumiku · 11 months
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Laios: Dog stan, raised by dogs, attempts to dog behavior at his boyfriend Lycion: Only is in it for the wolfman swag, no dog society rizz, doesn’t understand and doesn’t care
Nothing as fierce as wolf girls when they have creative differences… Can the divide between wolf roleplayer and wolf cosplayer be breached?! Truly the height of narrative themes that laicion offers us
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firelise · 5 months
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Stop feeding that dog. It's just going to keep coming back, expecting more. It just gives her hope. // [News: Baba Shakti today held a public prayer for victims of the ongoing land disputes, advocating that violence is never the answer.]
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bklily · 6 months
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What could possibly defeat them when they're together?
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While the pair is having their bonding moment, Lilia is on the verge of a stress induced heart attack
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an-entity-i-think · 2 years
"I have a secret."
Arthur looks up from a report and glances across the room absentmindedly to Merlin holding a dagger he was polishing in his lap as he watches Arthur with a tilt of his head.
Arthur huffs a laugh, "Is it that you're secretly a girl?"
Merlin's lips tick upward for just a moment before continuing his stare.
Arthur watches him for a few moments, and then puts his quill down.
"You have a secret." Arthur repeats seriously.
Merlin just smiles, a small one, "I have a secret. It's an important one. But I can't tell you the secret. And I can't tell you why I can't tell you."
Arthur squints his eyes as Merlin looks down to keep polishing.
"Are you in danger?"
Merlin pauses to think which makes Arthur clench his fists in worry, not that he'd say that.
"...I suppose," He says slowly, thinking over his words, "But it's to my understanding- at this time at least -that it's no more or less dangerous for me whether you know or not. I do think it may be more dangerous for you if you know though."
Arthur hums and watches Merlin's face but sees nothing but earnestness as they meet eyes across the room.
"And why do you tell me this?"
Merlin just smiles again, but bigger this time, "I've decided I trust you with it. I trusted you before of course," he add hurriedly as if Arthur would ever think otherwise,
"But I just realized that I trust you with this, too. And this is something I've never trusted anyone enough to share it with- before I mean. And if it comes up, well, I'd rather be able to tell you that I can't tell you then to lie to you. So, this is me telling you there's a secret."
Arthur looks thoughtfully before raising one eyebrow along with a ghost of a smirk on his face, "So you have a secret you can't tell me. But you trust me with it. When do I get to hear the secret?"
Merlin leans his head on his hand as he looks sideways at him impishly, "I will tell you no lie if you ask."
Arthur hears the unspoken words bright as day:
I'm not going to say anything by myself cause I don't think it's time yet, but I will tell you the truth regardless if you so choose.
Arthur hums to himself before nodding once and then twice, ignoring the giddiness in his heart.
Picking up his quill again, he says, "You missed a spot," so he can hear his manservant squawk from across the room, "I'm not finished yet, you prat!"
They meet gazes one more time with matching fire in their eyes and grins on their faces before resuming their activities.
It's nice to be trusted.
Magical Reveal Sequel: Here
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daylighteclipsed · 10 months
Honestly, if a fictional relationship doesn’t have some codependency and mutual obsession, what’s the point
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kylacxie · 8 months
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