#entity writes
an-entity-i-think · 1 year
"I have a secret."
Arthur looks up from a report and glances across the room absentmindedly to Merlin holding a dagger he was polishing in his lap as he watches Arthur with a tilt of his head.
Arthur huffs a laugh, "Is it that you're secretly a girl?"
Merlin's lips tick upward for just a moment before continuing his stare.
Arthur watches him for a few moments, and then puts his quill down.
"You have a secret." Arthur repeats seriously.
Merlin just smiles, a small one, "I have a secret. It's an important one. But I can't tell you the secret. And I can't tell you why I can't tell you."
Arthur squints his eyes as Merlin looks down to keep polishing.
"Are you in danger?"
Merlin pauses to think which makes Arthur clench his fists in worry, not that he'd say that.
"...I suppose," He says slowly, thinking over his words, "But it's to my understanding- at this time at least -that it's no more or less dangerous for me whether you know or not. I do think it may be more dangerous for you if you know though."
Arthur hums and watches Merlin's face but sees nothing but earnestness as they meet eyes across the room.
"And why do you tell me this?"
Merlin just smiles again, but bigger this time, "I've decided I trust you with it. I trusted you before of course," he add hurriedly as if Arthur would ever think otherwise,
"But I just realized that I trust you with this, too. And this is something I've never trusted anyone enough to share it with- before I mean. And if it comes up, well, I'd rather be able to tell you that I can't tell you then to lie to you. So, this is me telling you there's a secret."
Arthur looks thoughtfully before raising one eyebrow along with a ghost of a smirk on his face, "So you have a secret you can't tell me. But you trust me with it. When do I get to hear the secret?"
Merlin leans his head on his hand as he looks sideways at him impishly, "I will tell you no lie if you ask."
Arthur hears the unspoken words bright as day:
I'm not going to say anything by myself cause I don't think it's time yet, but I will tell you the truth regardless if you so choose.
Arthur hums to himself before nodding once and then twice, ignoring the giddiness in his heart.
Picking up his quill again, he says, "You missed a spot," so he can hear his manservant squawk from across the room, "I'm not finished yet, you prat!"
They meet gazes one more time with matching fire in their eyes and grins on their faces before resuming their activities.
It's nice to be trusted.
Magical Reveal Sequel: Here
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Photographs. 13th Doctor x Reader Oneshot
It was a calm day in The TARDIS. The Doctor and her companion were relaxing, for once, in the Library together. She had been reading a book to do some studying up on a species they had recently encountered together. She always had to be doing something. And if she couldn’t run around performing TARDIS maintenance because both her companion and The TARDIS herself protested, then she might as well take the time to study up on species then. Sure she already had most of the facts memorized, but it allowed her to do something while also sitting down and relaxing like her companion had insisted upon.
Speaking of them actually, they had been sitting on the couch in front of the fireplace, opting to go over their photo albums instead of reading. They had told her once that it brought them peace to look at them, as they reminded them of happy memories. Plus it allowed them to rearrange the photos if needed and also to inspect them.
She had taken notice of their activity, and eventually came over to join them in looking at the photos. She listened as they pointed pictures out to her and told her of their memories, how the photo got taken, who they were with at the time (If it wasn’t one of the photos from one of their many adventures.), etc.
Eventually, the one sided conversation had drifted off into silence, as they had gotten lost in memory lane and had simply stopped talking. The Doctor had experience with this before with them, and knew they had simply gotten so caught up in the memories of these photos that they simply forgot to keep talking about them.
She had meant to allow them their moment of silence, she really had. However, The Doctor wasn’t always one for long silences.
“It’s a funny thing. Photographs I mean.” The Doctor’s words seem to bring the companion at her side out of their head as they look up from the photo album in their hands to gaze at The Doctor.
“How are they a funny thing?”
“Well, you humans are always talking about how you wish you could freeze time for a moment just to capture it forever. And yet you never stop to think that you already do that on a daily basis!”
She watched as their head tilted to the side a little as they gave a confused smile. “Sorry Doc, I don't really understand what you mean. I thought you said humans don’t have time abilities or the technology allowing them to do anything with time.”
She shook her head. “No, not like that! I mean photos! The photos that you all take act as frozen moments in time. Physical Memories, if that term helps you understand it more. Like that one!”
She leaned to the side, putting her arm over her companion to point at one of the photos in the book. She watched as they moved their eyes to stare at the photo. They carefully removed it from the book, and held it up to gaze at it better, rubbing their thumb on one of the corners as they did so. The Doctor had asked them once why they did that every time and they had simply shrugged it off and said it was a habit at this point. Which didn’t seem to be a lie as she had noticed them doing that with every photo they held that wasn’t in a frame. Even if the photo wasn’t one of theirs.
The photo in their hand currently however, was one taken of a night sky on the planet of the Nedras. Amazing species, Nedras, space cats that could change their size at will. She had been amused when the two had found one and their companion had promptly named the Nedra “Cat.”
“I see what you mean.” It was their turn to pull The Doctor out of her own head now, as she brought her focus back to the current moment at hand and not the past. Can’t always spend your time looking at the past after all, who knows what could resurface.
“We always talk about freezing time, when the photos we take are physical manifestations of that. Little moments of time, frozen in an image. I never thought of it that way.”
The beeping of the TARDIS disturbed any further musings as The Doctor got up and, after putting the photo back in its place and closing the book, the companion at her side got up as well.
She turned to look at them and smiled as she outstretched her hand, “Well, Ready for another adventure Starshine?”
They gave her a brilliant smile as they proceeded to grab her hand and thread their fingers with hers. “Ready as always my dear Doctor.”
You ran into the TARDIS as quickly as you could as she shut the doors behind you and ran up to the console, quickly trying to take off while the guards pounded on the door. It worked, and as the ship was flying away you let out a sigh of relief as you leaned against one of the pillars.
The sigh ended up turning into a fit of laughter as you fully processed everything that had just happened. You hadn’t even noticed The Doctor’s approach until she placed a hand on your shoulder, accidentally surprising you and making you jump back as you calmed your laughter.
She retracted her hand back quickly. “Sorry! Thought you heard me coming, forgot to ask about that.” She seemed to remember why she came over in the first place as she continued, “Anyways, are you alright darling?”
You nodded as you calmed your brain down and reassured it that no you weren’t in danger, it was just The Doctor. “I’m fine. Just wasn’t expecting the touch is all.”
You noticed how she raised her hand again in a silent question, you thought about it for a moment and then shook your head and she put her hand down. Now was not the best time for touch and you were happy that she respected that.
“Honestly I just can’t believe all that happened. I mean the guards alone were crazy! And that’s not even factoring in the food.”
“Oi! I apologized for that! How was I supposed to know they had started making them sentient?” She started walking away after that, already heading back to the console to start directing the TARDIS to another place.
“Doctor, you’re a time traveler in a time and space ship.”
“Yes and I don’t have every single event memorized!”
“Your rants say otherwise.”
She sent you a look at that. It looked like she was trying to glare at you, but you had been sending her an innocent smile already and it appeared that she was struggling to hold her glare. Eventually she just sighed and moved her eyes back to the console. A silent surrender to your little staring contest.
You started genuinely smiling at that point, walking up to her to brush your hand against hers, silently asking if you could touch her. She took your hand, brushing her thumb against your knuckles. 
You gave her a quick side hug before hopping down the stairs leading to the hallways of the TARDIS. “I’m going to take a quick nap before we go on another adventure. That last one wore me out. I love you Starheart.”
“Oh, that was a new one!”
“Yeah I just came up with it now.”
“I like it.” “Thank you! Now, Goodnight Doctor!” “Night.”
After you had left, The Doctor had noticed a small rectangle on the floor. She walked over to it, and picked it up. The side facing her was a blank white so she flipped it over. It was a photograph. One of you and. . . .Oh.
You must’ve dropped it when you left to head to bed. One of the corners looked a little worn. You had to have held it often. She gently put the photograph in her pocket. She’ll give it back to you when you wake up. Until then, why not hang onto it. It wouldn’t hurt, and it would stop the photo from being damaged in the process. Nothing wrong with what she was doing.
Oh how she would wish she was right when she made that choice. How she would wish she was right.
You woke up suddenly in the dark. Your breathing was heavy. Your eyes were wide. You were trembling. The TARDIS adjusted to you being awake by causing the lights to brighten slightly. Not enough that it would hurt your eyes, but enough that you could see.
You thanked her, and got up and walked to your jacket that was hanging on the back of the chair in your room. You picked up your jacket and started looking through the left pocket. It was empty. You checked your right pocket. Maybe you put it in the other pocket and had forgotten. Nothing there either.
You shoved your hand into your left pocket again, even turning it inside out when it offered the same result. You did the same with your right one. No. No you had to be mistaken. This was just another nightmare. The photograph was safe in your jacket and you were just scaring yourself in your dream.
And yet as time slowly ticked on, reality came crashing through your fragile attempt to calm yourself down. You were completely awake. And your jacket was empty. The photograph was gone.
You dropped your jacket onto the floor. Your hands were shaking now. How long ago did you lose the photo? You had to be far from the planet now. And even if you weren’t it’s not like you’d be able to just waltz on back and painstakingly retrace all your steps.
What if you lost it in The TARDIS? The Doctor had said the ship was pretty infinite. You’d never find your way back to it. If it was even on the ship and not drifting in the void of space or stuck on an alien planet, lost to time.
Oh why hadn’t you checked your jacket before you fell asleep? You always were so careful to make sure it was still there before you took it off! And now the one time you didn’t, you wake up to find it gone. It was just great. The universe was giving you some very great luck right now.
Your hands were shaking now. When did they start shaking? Not the point. Where was that photo? You started rummaging around your room at that point. Decided to see if you had placed it somewhere in there, forgot, and now were gaslighting yourself to make you think you lost it.
It wasn’t too far off from past events so it was a good idea to look. While you frantically searched the room, someone else received a message.
The Doctor peeled off her goggles once she registered the fact that the TARDIS was talking to her. She sounded panicked. The Doctor could barely make out what her ship was trying to tell her.
She could only make out a couple of words. “Panicked. Photograph. Missing.” And what was that last one again? She listened to the words again, and had a sharp inhale when she realized the last word. It was your name.
The TARDIS was trying to tell her something had happened to you. Judging on the other words, you had woken up and found the photograph you had dropped was missing. Now you were panicking.
Why hadn’t she given it to you when she had the chance? Stupid, Stupid Doctor. No, now was not the time for that. Oh where was her coat? She took off her apron and gloves and placed them by the goggles. Then she grabbed her coat once she had found it, and dug through the pockets, letting out an “Aha!” when she found what she was looking for.
She pulled the photo out as she put her coat back on. She tried not to look at it, for the image stirred up too many old memories for her right now. She needed to find you. She didn’t need to stroll through the broken glass that littered her memory lane.
With the photo in her hand, she started walking through the TARDIS halls. She didn’t need the TARDIS to light her way to your room, she had the path memorized already, but she appreciated the gesture anyway.
What she saw when she opened the door to your room nearly broke her hearts. Your room looked like it had been hit with a tornado. Everything was thrown about and disorganized. It was completely unlike you. Sure sometimes your room was a little bit messy when you had gotten so distracted by something you had forgotten to tidy up. But it was never like this.
You were in the middle of the room on the floor. Your back was to her. She didn’t even think you had noticed her coming in. You were focused on searching through the objects that now littered the space.
“Starshine, are you alright?”
You’d heard her. Your head perked up and you turned to look at her. Your eyes were holding unshed tears. Those same eyes zeroed in on the photograph in her hand, and they widened as you quickly snatched it out of her hand. 
You held it in front of you, your thumb rubbing that same worn corner. You were seeming to calm down. She said your name and you seemed to have a reaction to it. Your body had tensed.
She reached her hand out to you, intending to comfort you. To pull you into a hug and keep you there until she got to the root of what was happening here. Those were her intentions, but it was not reality.
You slapped her hand away instead. Her eyes made contact with yours. To her surprise, they were cold. “Don’t. Don’t come in here acting like her. You’re not her!”
She backed away from you. She didn’t know what else to do. You had never spoken to her with such venom in your voice. It wasn’t like you. You seemed to realize what had happened. Your eyes grew wide again as they switched from looking at her to staring at the hand that had slapped her away.
“I. .  . I’m sorry. I’m so sorry!”
 You were growing panicked again. She was about to say something, about to say that it was okay and that you didn’t need to be upset because it was her fault and she should have asked if you wanted to be touched first.
But none of those words made it out of her mouth before you ran past her and out of your room, disappearing into the TARDIS’s hallways. Running from her.
What have you done? The Doctor had come to see you in your time of need, just like she always had, and how had you repaid her? Violence and Venom. What had you been thinking? You hadn’t been thinking. That was the truth wasn’t it? You hadn’t been thinking, and look where it had gotten you.
Eventually, you had to stop running. You leaned against the wall as you took deep breaths. You remembered the photograph in your hand and looked at it, checking for creases. Luckily, it was okay. You stared at the two people in the image.
Both were smiling. You were giving each other bunny ears and the camera had taken the photo in the middle of the both of you laughing. She had just told a really funny joke and you hadn’t been able to hold it in for the shot. That was okay. It was better like this. More realistic.
She would be so disappointed in you now. With what you had just done. She would have been able to hold it together. She wouldn’t have fallen apart after realizing an important photo was missing. Even if it was one of the last things she had of the both of you.
She had been strong, and brave. A bold fire in your life that had inspired you to be better. But she was gone now. Not in the regular sense. If you went back to Earth and visited her house you could still see her. But she wouldn’t remember.
Her grandfather had told you all about it. Not while she was around of course. But he told you what had happened. You’d been careful to never mention The Doctor around her again. But then she got worse. She stopped remembering other things as well. It started with little things. Details of stuff that had been told to her the day before, where she put things. Stuff that wouldn’t be abnormal on its own.
Then she couldn’t remember bigger things. She couldn’t remember watching the stars with her grandad. She couldn’t remember meeting you. She knew she had, she just couldn’t remember how.
You had been devastated the day you visited her house and she hadn’t remembered you. The photo you held was the last one you ever took together. Donna Noble had been a strong force in your life that had inspired you to be a better person. And she was gone.
The TARDIS beeped loudly, startling you out of the depression void that had cloaked your mind. Your head snapped up, revealing the library doors in front of you. Deja vu.
You opened the doors and were greeted by the sight of your photo albums on the couch still. She never put them away. A blanket was draped over the back of the couch. That was new.
You walked over to the couch and grabbed the blanket, wrapping it around your shoulders and legs as you curled up on the couch. You spotted another photo of you and Donna in one of the albums. You picked up the album and started flipping through the photos, finally feeling tears fall out of your eyes.
The Doctor found you sometime later asleep on the couch. She hadn’t meant to stumble upon you. She was just going to do some research and- okay yeah she was looking for you. She couldn’t help it! Yes she knew you were probably going to be safe wandering the TARDIS, it’s not like she would have led you to any dangerous rooms or anything, but you were still a very emotionally distressed human and she was very worried about you!
So when she saw your sleeping form, holding one of your photo albums tightly to your chest and crying, she did what any decent being would. She woke you up.
You hadn’t meant to fall asleep on the couch. But as your adrenaline and high emotions faded and calmed, you realized how exhausted you were. You were just going to lie down for a bit. To relax. Isn’t that everyone’s excuse?
So you had been a bit surprised when you found yourself opening your eyes to the sound of someone calling your name and gently shaking you awake. Your vision was blurry, how long had you been asleep, but you could faintly make out someone in front of you. Blond hair and warm eyes started forming in your vision and you smiled at her with your silly half asleep brain.
“Doctor.” She smiled as well, but it was different than usual. Something in her eyes. Was that. . .worry? Why would she be worried about you? Nothing had happ-
Your brain didn’t feel sleepy anymore as it caught up on memories of a little while ago. You sat up swiftly, grabbing her hand to look at it. She was startled.
“What are you doing?”
You were looking at her hand, and saw where it was faintly red. That redness was your fault. It shouldn’t be there. You moved her hand up and pressed your lips to the mark. She stayed silent after that.
You moved back a bit, removing your lips from her hand, instead, you leaned your head against it as you held it in both of yours.
“I’m so sorry.”
You weren’t looking at her. Your eyes trained on the blanket, mentally tracing the pattern as you silently begged for her forgiveness. But if you weren’t looking at that and were instead looking at her, you would have seen the soft smile on her face as she looked at you.
You felt her other hand on your head, running through your hair a bit as she said. “What do you have to apologize for?”
You looked up at her then, and saw the smile. You were sure your heart melted at the sight. She wasn’t mad at you. She should be. But she wasn’t. You didn’t know how to process that and started blinking back the tears you felt forming until she wiped them away for you.
“I…I hurt you!”
She shook her head. “You only surprised me. I’m not hurt, Love. I promise.”
“Your hand-”
“You didn’t hurt me. You were distressed and running off of high emotions. It was your brain defending yourself! It wasn’t your fault.”
You looked away from her. You wanted to believe her words so much, but the little voice in your head said otherwise. It was loud, drowning out almost everything. 
Until it wasn’t. Now, you could hear her voice. Slowly, so that you could move away if you wanted, she pulled you into a hug. You hugged back. She was speaking to you. You could hear it. But you didn’t feel the vibrations of her voice coming from her neck that you were currently burying your face in. So that left one other option.
“Psychic link?” You thought.
“Yep. Sorry. Would have asked first, but you didn’t seem to be responding otherwise. Are you okay Starshine?”
“. . .No. Not really.”
“Do you want to talk about it?”
“Yeah. I would.”
The two of you continued to talk silently as you held each other in that library. You may not be okay now, but with time, and with her, you would be eventually.
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ejsuperstar · 20 days
Imagine you live in pelican town. The new farmer has been here a couple weeks now and seems to be settling in, except... He's picking the weirdest friend choices. Like sure it's not weird to befriend the local fisherman, especially when he has an interest in fishing himself, but you're pretty sure you've seen him rooting through the Saloon's garbage with the local homeless man. As well, he keeps harassing the poor guy who works at Joja even though you KNOW he doesn't want to be friends with him.
And since you're on the topic of weirdness, isn't it odd he seemingly runs everywhere at a full sprint? Or just... Eats entire raw fish while fishing for "energy reasons"...
Despite all that, it's too early to call him off putting or anything... He has been engaging in town traditions, and he's started helping out with the old community centre. He's probably like the rest of you. Someone with a few quirks, that will fit in with the valley great!
Surely he can't get any weirder... Right?
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 4 months
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Turtle Takedown Teamwork.
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#poorly drawn mdzs#mdzs#wei wuxian#lan wangji#tulu xuanwu#Something about changing the action sequence to something gentle is hilarious to me.#The lesson here is “Be nice to turtles. They are gentle creatures. And many are very endangered.”#don't get me wrong here; I love this scene a lot. LWJ's string technique is one of my favoyrite things.#We do get a fair amount of LWJ fighting but I always loved how the theme of strings comes into play.#There is actually a lot to unpack with LWJ being associate with 'strings'.#The musicianship: Of dedication and rigor in one's practice.#The tension between following along a path or composing your own way forwards (playing what has been written vs composing)#A string is a tightly coiled/taunt entity; The same tension that makes it sing so beautifully can be it's downfall if pushed too hard.#And as a non-musical string - something that binds. Be it to his sect and family or how he binds his fate to WWX -#LWJ cannot exist without his binds. It is not something which ties him down though. It keeps him together.#And he himself *is* a bind. He 'ties wwx down' in ways that are initially negatively viewed ('come to gusu' - feels like: come be trapped)#But later it is shown how (despite being introduced as a free spirit) WWX truly wants to be bound to something and someone.#Marriage is a bind he wants. He wants to be tied and grounded by LWJ.#It's starting to sound like innuendo. Let's call his fondness for being literally tied up smart thematic writing.#Finally. Sex scenes that are important to the plot and characters
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spacedace · 1 month
“Hey, I need to get married for bullshit Infinite Realms reasons, you two in?”
“Tt, of course.”
“Sure thing! Do we need to get going for that like, right now? Or later?”
“Eh, like in a couple of hours? The Observants are demanding some Royal Ball or something and they pulled out some stupid old laws out of their collective asses that if I’m not married by the time it starts they can assign me spouses of their choosing, can you fucking believe that shit?”
“Woah, what the hell? Can they even do that?”
“I was under the impression they were only permitted to observe.”
“Right? It’s total crap, but apparently there’s like this super old law on the books and they didn’t bring it up until now when there’s like no time left to try and force me to marry someone they pick.”
“They are training to gain influence over you?”
“Eh, more like they’re trying to get control of my Dad by way of me. But still fucked as hell.”
“So why do you need to marry both of us? Or do you just need to marry one of us and we should play rock paper scissor for it?”
“Technically I only need to marry one of you, but I don’t want them pulling out any loopholes or something. So, it’d be great if one of you could be my consort for my role as Queen of Mirrors, and one could be my consort for my role as Crown Princess. You two can figure who’s who on that all that, I’m good with whatever.”
“Oooh, can I be consort for the Mirror Court? I can annoy Kon more that way.”
“I am amenable to that. Grandfather will have a fit when he learns that I can cut his access to the Pits off at my discretion and there’s nothing he can do about it.”
“Awesome, okay are you two good for meeting up at like, three? We can pop over to my Lair and get everything sorted out there.”
“Works for me, my only class til this afternoon is at one and the professor already said we’re cutting out early because she has to go out of town this weekend.”
“Four would be more agreeable if possible, I have to take Titus to the vet for his checkup.”
“Okay let’s aim for four then. It’s just signing some paperwork, making some quick blood-slash-ectoplasm pacts and swearing a couple binding oaths… Should only take like five or ten minutes?”
“They’re not gonna make you have a huge royal wedding or anything?”
“Nah. Dad keeps things pretty chill so as long as the paperwork is all in order we’ll be good. Though once Auntie Dorathea finds out she’s absolutely gonna make us have one. She loves planning weddings. Swear its what she makes her hoard out of somehow.”
“So long as we have a say in some of the proceedings I have no issue with that eventuality.”
“Same, it sounds like it’d be a fun way to annoy the Observants even more.”
“Don’t for get all the weirdos trying to be my suitors and all that bullshit.”
“We have an accord then. We can reconvene at the usual place.”
“Awesome, you two are the best! I gotta jet and let everyone know and get the ball rolling on the paperwork stuff. See you guys at four!”
With that, Nomad - Stella Phantom, Crown Princess of the Infinite Realms, Queen of Mirrors, Core of the Speedforce and ghostly hero of the Titans and the Justice League - tore a rip in the fabric of space and time and darted out of the room the same way she came. Through the mind-bending tear in reality the eerie, eye-searing green of the Infinite Realms glowed in all its unsettling glory, Phantom Keep a glittering expanse of night sky made solid in the distance.
Jon waved at her cheerfully as Damian gave a nod of farewell before both silently turned their attention back to their respective tablets as the portal closed behind their friend and teammate and the glimpse of the Ghost Zone disappeared again. Completely unbothered by the conversation just held or the life changing implications that came with them.
Jon was humming as he tapped away at something on the screen before him, Damian propping his head up on his fist in vague boredom as he frowned down at the information he was reading.
The rest of the room Nomad had left behind was caught in a frozen, stunned silence in the wake of the baffling conversation they’d all just been witness to. All eyes in the room darted between Flamebird and Pheonix seated calmly at the end of the table, then to the space where Nomad had disappeared to, back to the young men, and then towards the head of the table where Superman and Batman sat looking bewildered and a bit on the verge of heart attacks.
The short status update meeting was about to become much, much longer it seemed.
Though a lot more entertaining.
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happyheidi · 9 months
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starry-bi-sky · 4 months
more clone^2 memes because i think they're funny
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#dpxdc#dp x dc#dp x dc crossover#dpxdc crossover#dpdc#clone^2#danny fenton is not the ghost king#so canon to clone^2 and clone damian the portal that ends up transporting damian to amity park is left pr ambiguous#so really how he got there could be one of many things whether it be through divine intervention or clockwork's doing or hell#it could've also been quite literally the 1 in 1 millionth chance that a natural portal opened up beneath him and sent him to amity#and was a happy accident#but the idea that the laz pits or another adjacent such entity heard damian wanting an older brother (he meant og damian but oops never-#specified) and then sends him to the one person who could fulfill that wish and make him happy at the same time.#was really funny to me within the context of the lilo and stitch meme. the meme can also be seen the other way around with danny as lilo#and damian as stitch. but danny being stitch was infinitely funnier and ~technically~ more accurate imo#danny technically IS a nice angel but also. he's a developing menace to society (just ask wes) and he's going to make damian one too#danny being from the midwest means he has a midwestern accent and thats not something the bats know how to handle when they finally meet hi#hey look at that! my meme making skills are steadily improving. im no longer making the same joke six different times in different formats#those first two images i made a few days ago the rest i made in the last thirty minutes in a spur of clone^2 induced inspiration#and procrastination of writing the cfau rewrite of the first post. we are 10k words deep folks and just barely got past the 1st gala reunio#dunking on the giw is a god-given right and danny WILL pass it down to damian
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starrrbakerrr · 4 months
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Peeta has said many charming things, but this line always has me giggling and kicking my feet. I don’t understand how Katniss was so strong.
Suzanne really decided to create the perfect man: he can bake and paint, he’s charming but not cocky, and is really kind and caring only to then strip and distort his entire personality, thanks suzanne.
I kinda hate how they changed this in the movie. Even in the paragraphs before this they had this flirty banter that was so so good. The movies erased or changed nearly all of their banter though.
But, anyway - Peeta Mellark is the blueprint that no other book boyfriend has lived up to.
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moonit3 · 5 months
Yandere! Backroom entity, could you make a yandere of any backroom entity or level? Please?
(I've never seen any Yandere backroom fic, maybe you're the first. It can be any entity or you invent your own, it's up to you!)
anons always have the brightest ideas for yandere writings. like would i have thought of audiente something like this? never, so that is why i have to thank this anon to come with this amazing idea.
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➥warnings/notices: yandere, exophilia(?), liminal spaces(?), gn! reader, poisoning, drugs, obsession, acid, blood, reader is chained and cuddled by the entity, fluff(?).
➥ yandere! entity x gn! reader
➥ synopsis: trapped in a world that you don’t understand, you find yourself in a farmhouse in middle of nowhere with the presence of someone you can’t comprehend.
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the recent disappearance of people around the country has raised drastically in the last decade and the government gives he same answer when someone goes missing, ‘there is no trace to lead to an investigation’ and unfortunately, they are right.
none one seems to understand how more than thousands people can simply vanish from existence, almost like they never exist in the first place. it’s creepy, scary and made those who remain become paranoid to even leave their houses, after all, it’s the only place they feel safe. however, they were wrong, this was a false sensation of safety and security. that’s why you have joined the static of the missing people.
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yellow and molded walls that never seems to end, an old moist carpet and those irritable electric sounds that reminds you this isn’t a dream. nah, this the place you’ve been living for the past few days and despite walking for uncountable miles, it appears this place has no ending nor escape that will lead you to freedom, almost like this is a no end labyrinth.
if things couldn’t get worse, the food and almond water (where did those thing come from? you don’t recall it) are almost gone, meaning that you would have to go find more of it throughout the yellows walls or starve to death. yet, you aren’t going to give up that easily. you are going to survive this place and will find a way home to see your family again, but also to tell everyone what happens to those who simply vanished.
walking for even more hours, you find a wooden door. it’s look older than you and there is a unfamiliar smell coming from inside, could it be this path might lead to freedom? carefully, you turn the knob to see what is behind and of course, it’s only show a long hall that lack any source of light inside.
there is no way you are going inside. you are desperate to going home, but this looks like a trap to kill you instead of a ticket to escape this world, so you close the door and step away from it. too scared to be lead to a dead end, probably death. you continue to walk towards the unknown, hoping to find another way out of this.
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okay, maybe getting through that door would be better choice in some possibilities. but you are happier you didn’t as this new place seems to be more safer and nice.
a farmhouse in the middle of the nowhere, surrounded by trees and grass from all sides with a small vegetable garden close to the house. did someone lived here? by the way the interior is decorated and the smell of flowers seems like it, yet no one is there. your only company is the wind.
you should’ve question yourself if the food was safe, maybe someone has poisoned before you arrive, but your stomach beg to devour the mini cake that was set in the table. the taste didn’t really matter as you wanted to stop the feeling of hungry and that what you did, the whole cake was gone in less than minutes and you couldn’t feel guilty because it.
what if someone was waiting to eat it later? oh, your body began to feel heavier. why are your vision becoming blurry? black spots began forming in your vision and it didn’t took much time to you succumb to the weird sensation, making you unconscious as your body hit the floor.
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the smell of baking awakes you. someone is cooking and you are laying down on a bed? your eyes widen noticing it. someone must brought you here and the chain locked on your ankle is a way to proof it.
what? you try to remove the chain away, a failed attempt as the iron is too strong to be destroyed by a weak human like you. also, you immediately give up in trying as there is someone standing in doorframe, watching you.
a tall pitch-black figure stares down at you. its appearance reminds of those weird drawings around the yellow molded walls, warning to those who arrived about the dangerous being that live around in this world. it claws are huge, the emptiness eyes don’t blink and you can hear a soft melody coming from it lips, whatever is this thing, it looks like it will kill you.
“ha ha…” you try to get away from it, pushing yourself against the wall and closing your eyes as a way to pretend this isn’t real, just a mere nightmare that you will wake up soon, but then you feel it claws on your face….is this thing caressing you?
slowly, you open your eyes to find the huge creature kneeling to your height and having it shape claws touching your face in the gentlest way possible, almost like you are made of glass. you can’t tell if this thing is happy, the lack of a mouth makes it emotions almost unreadable, but the human-looking eyes shows kindness and compassion by the scared state you are.
the entity leaves the room for a brief moment before coming back with a piece of a pie and hand it to you, its look delicious and its smell good. the eyes stares at you, waiting for you to do something with the food.
“do you want me to eat it?” the thing nodded at your words, surprising you as he could understand what you are speaking while the non-dangerous anomalies you’ve encountered failed to do so. “okay, thank you for the meal.”
eating a piece of the pie, your eyes sparkled by the taste and you couldn’t help but eat more of it. the entity, in the other hand, watched you devour the food with his eyes gets smaller, analyzing your expressions and happy noises you are making while eating the food it has made for you. being so focused on the meal, you didn’t notice the thing approaching you at first, only feeling its hand touching your shoulder when you have the devour the entire food in minutes.
you can hear purring coming from it despite the lack of mouth, getting closer to your face and patting your head repeatedly.
the humanoid form get closer to you, changing it hand position to your face and making you stare at it. the empty eyes, almost human like, staring deep down at your soul as your head is forced to tilt to the side under it touch.
you can feel something fall over your clothes, its the black stuff that composes the entity’s body, “H-HEY!” you try to remove it away, but the weight of the entity’s body is too heavy to move it as it lay next to you, putting it arms around your body, bringing you to lay down on the bed along with it.
the head of the thing snuggles against your neck, not letting any centimeters separate the two of you as it is trying to remove any distance between your body to it. the entity doesn’t move, it stay still next to you as you try to get away from this place, but for now, you should just take a deserved nap.
closing your eyes, you could feel the entity stare at your with emptiness eyes one last time before your world faded to black. it’s look happy to have you in their arms.
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@moonit3 writings
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3ntity56 · 16 days
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its-your-mind · 3 months
*deep breath in*
the fears 👏 have always 👏 been (in one way or another) 👏 parallel 👏 to 👏 desire 👏
let me explain.
so many of the statements given by actual avatars center around some sort of need that was met by their entity. Lots of them even had a positive relationship with the fear that drove them.
Jane Prentiss is an excellent example - the Corruption has always been about a form of toxic and possessive love, but she personally has a deep desire to be “fully consumed by what loves her,” and finds a perverse joy and relief at allowing herself to be a home
Jude Perry is another - she fucking loved watching people’s lives be utterly destroyed. The Desolation only offered her a power of destruction on a grander scale, and then gave her a more intense rush of joy as she did its work. When she tells Jon that he needs to feed the Eye before it feeds on him, it’s almost as an afterthought; she was happily feeding the Desolation long before it burned her into a new existence.
Simon Fairchild. Every time that old loose bag of bones wanders into the picture, he is having a fucking EXCELLENT time playing with the Vast. He loves showing people their own insignificance, and he loves luring them into situations where he can throw them into the void as he smiles and waves.
Peter Lukas (hell, the whole Lukas family (except Evan. RIP Evan.)) hated. people. all he wanted was for them all to go away, to leave him alone. The Lonely only fulfilled that desire.
Daisy, Trevor, and Julia, all devoted to hunting those things they deemed monstrous.
Melanie, holding tight to that bullet in her leg because on some level, she wanted it. It felt good, it felt right, it felt like it fit right alongside the anger and spite that drove her to success.
Annabelle Cane first encountered the Web when she was a child, running away from home in order to tug on her parents’ heartstrings in just the right way to have them wrapped around her little finger. Later on she volunteered to be the subject of an ESP study. Hell, she’s the one who dangled the “Is it really You that wants this?” question over Jon’s head in S4.
And that brings us to Jon, beloved Jarchivist, the Voice that Opened the Door. Ever since he was a child targeted by the Web, he was looking for answers. He joined the Magnus Institute’s Research Department looking for them, he stalked his coworkers in search for them, he broke into Gertrude’s flat and laptop out of desperation for them. And when he realized that all he had to do was Ask to get truthful answers to his questions? It was only natural for him to jump at that opportunity.
Elias told S3 Jon that he did want this, that he chose it, that at every crossroads he kept pushing onwards, and the inner turmoil that caused was one of the focal points for Jon’s character through the rest of the podcast.
There’s a certain line of thinking in many circles about the power of the Devil: he’s not able to create anything new. All he’s able to do is twist and warp that which was already present, making it something ugly and profane while still maintaining the facade of something desirable.
Jon didn’t choose the Eye. But he did wander into its realm of power, exhibiting exactly the qualities it was most capable of hijacking and warping to its own ends. Jon didn’t choose the Apocalypse. But Jonah picked at him little by little, pointing him towards each Fear individually. Jon didn’t want to release the Fears. But the Web tugged on his strings just so and laid a pretty trail for him to follow until he reached its desired conclusion.
Jon didn’t choose ultimate power, or omniscience, or even his own role as Head Archivist. But he said “yes” to the right (wrong?) orders and kept on pushing for the right (wrong?) answers. He wanted to succeed at the work he had been assigned. He wanted to protect his friends. He wanted to rescue them when they were lost. He wanted to prevent the apocalypse, to save the world. He wanted to know why he was still alive, when so many had died right in front of him.
The Great Wheel of Evil Color that is the Entities might not fit as neatly into categories in this universe - maybe there was no Robert Smirke trying to impose strict categories on emotional experiences, or maybe the ways they manifest in the world has turned on its head (goodness knows many of them have been showcased and blended in some very fun and new and horrifying ways so far) - but their fundamental foundations seem to be the same. Hell, in episode one we learned that there had been enough individual incidents to create a distinction between “dolls, watching” and “dolls, human skin.”
Smirke’s Fourteen isn’t going to be relevant as common parlance, RQ said that already, but I don’t think that means the Fears themselves (and their Dream Logic-based rules) are different - I think it means that the levels of understanding, language used, and personal connections among people “in the know” are going to be entirely unfamiliar
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an-entity-i-think · 1 year
Magic reveal in a terrible situation except whenever it's over and Merlin saved Arthur and the knights hes so tired and upset and angry and overwhelmed and he just sort of turns to denial and
"No." Merlin shakes his head slowly and then more sure.
Everyone looks at him appalled but before Arthur can even open his mouth, he's interrupted by tiny nervous giggles from Merlin rocking back and forth in front of them before stopping abruptly and looking up determinedly.
"No. You all-" he points at the knights (who only flinch a little thank you), "-are you going to pretend you never saw that and then- then!" Merlin says a little hysterically pointing at Arthur now who can't help but take a step back and the look in his eyes.
"You! Are going to wait and then when the time is RIGHT just like I PLANNED I will tell you I have magic! And it will be the perfect moment! And it'll be when I'm ready and I'll tell you everything and it'll be SAFE and and- and you'll be upset but you'll understand and this is just-" Merlin screams a little to himself making everyone's eyes widen.
Merlin looks down with his eyes closed and takes a long breath.
He looks up at them looking like he's about to cry before saying desperately in a small voice, "You guys didn't see anything, right?"
Silence greets him before Gwaine cuts in, in a much less boisterous voice than usual, "I didn't see anything." Looking at the knights beside him, he elbows Elyan in the ribs causing a grunt.
Wincing at the pain, "I don't know what you're talking about." Elyan looks at the others with a very obvious look of 'your turn'.
Percival shrugs solemnly, "I was blinded by the sun."
Leon looks hesitantly over to Arthur before straightening his shoulders, "It must have been a trick of the light."
Merlin's shoulders relax a little as he nods to himself before everyone looks to Arthur.
Arthur looks at his knights and then back to his trembling manservant before looking to the ground and then to the sky.
"We were simply lucky as we always are."
Merlin breaths and everyone ignores the tears falling down his cheek as he turns around.
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You Think You’re A Hero
I have two gay goddess OC’s and I just wrote an unedited oneshot of them. Enjoy. _____________
Azrael senses Serena’s approach before she hears her. She couldn’t deal with this now. She made her choice. She couldn’t back down. She was too far gone. Serena couldn’t save her this time.
“What are you doing dear? Aren’t you tired of all of this?” Serena’s voice is so soothing to Azrael’s troubled soul. Azrael wants to reach out but she can’t. She can’t reach out.
“What are you doing here? I don’t remember inviting you.” The response lacks the bite Azrael wants it to. She wants to push Serena away. She needs to push Serena away.
“Are you here to convince me to stop? To pretend you love me and that everything will be okay if I just take your hand?” Azrael turns to look at Serena, and she feels her resolve start crumbling away. No. She had to stay strong. She couldn’t back down now. She couldn’t.
“I know you're convinced you’re above me. So whatever games you’re going to try won’t work on me.” It’s a lie. Azrael’s lying to herself but she has to lie. She has to keep up this lie to keep Serena safe.
“Dig deep into our past, my love. I’ve never been one for backing down. I’m here to save you and I’ll always be here! Take my hand and let me be your knight in shining armor like in one of those fairy tales.”
Something in Serena’s words makes Azrael snap. She laughs, cold and unforgiving. “You think you’re a hero?! And they’ve told you you are because of course they have! So kind and so graceful! The perfect Goddess! So much better than the Goddess of Death you keep around like a little pet. Why do you let her hang around? Don’t you know the murderers belong down in The Underworld?”
Serena’s warm green eyes softened and Azrael’s grip on her scythe tightened. Don’t. Don’t give her those soft eyes Serena. She’s undeserving of them. She always has been. Don’t crack open her heart like this. Not now.
“You think you’re the villain. But I know you’re not. You never were My Love. They just made you out to be one! You never were The Villain of this story. Under all your angst and anger-”
And this is where Azrael interjected, trying to convince Serena to give up. Because even if Azrael isn’t the villain, Serena most certainly isn’t the hero.
“Is a beating, human heart./Is a dying, broken heart.”
The two fell silent. Processing each other’s words. Azrael scoffed and turned away from Serena, facing the Altar she was standing at. “You act like a hero Serena. But what about that lonely little girl? What about her monsters who prevailed? You never came to save my world when it needed you. What about me huh?”
Serena faltered. Obviously Azrael had hit a nerve. Good.
“I’m sorry you had to go through that Azrael, but it wasn’t my fault! I didn’t know! By the time I found out there was nothing I could have done.”
“Nothing you could have done? You could have stopped our child from being murdered in front of my eyes if only you stopped caring so much for the mortals who don’t give a damn about us!”
“And become like you?! A cold hearted killing machine who does whatever The Heavens tell her?! I’d rather die!” Serena winces at her own words as Azrael turns to look at her. Pain visible in her face.
“That’s not what I meant Azrael. I-”
“Get out.”
Azrael’s words are cold and sharp like the blade of her scythe. Serena reaches out towards her but Azrael slaps her hand away.
“Love you know I didn’t mean that. I came here to help you, just please let me help you!”
“YOU ARE NOT MY HERO!” Azrael’s yell reverberates through the room as Serena steps back in shock. When Azrael speaks again, her voice is quieter. “You don’t know how it felt. What else could you have done in my position than follow orders and be the weapon they raised you to be? They turned me into the villain because there was no other role for me.” “You are not the villain. You used to hold my hand. We were happy once. Don’t you remember?”
Azrael turns away from Serena for the final time. “Just stop. Get out. Sometimes happiness disappears.”
Serena’s gaze is removed from the goddess in the room with her, and she turns to leave. She never stepped into that shrine again.
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pentacentric · 9 days
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whenever i see images from the casino scene in the trap, all i can think of is sam in an 80s-style off-the-shoulder oversized shirt, sitting all sad in his bed, moping and writing in his diary about what a jerk god is and how much he reminds him of his dad and how even the guy that created everything in the universe thinks he's a weirdo freak
so of course i drew it
for reference, angsty, huffy sam in all his teen-fashion glory:
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supernatural 15x09 | the trap
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marlynnofmany · 21 days
Monkey Chase
I stepped off the loading ramp and got a good view of the reason why we’d landed in the wrong part of the spaceport. A giant cargo hauler lay on its side, broken and bent — had a ship crashed into it, or had the engine exploded? I couldn’t tell from here — and large slabs of spaceship insulation gel sprawled everywhere. The hauler’s cargo, clearly. As I watched, three people with a hovercart tried to shove one aside to no effect, and another slab as big as a cross-section from my old apartment on Earth slowly peeled off from inside the remains of the hauler. It hit the ground with the squishiest thud I’d ever heard - the thing was the color of smoke, but dense enough to make the ground vibrate from here.
I whistled, then regretted it when the tentacle alien on the ramp beside me scrunched up at the sound. “Sorry,” I told Mur.
“Ow,” he said, uncurling his blue-black tentacles. “Was that a human swear? It’s sharp.”
“More of a ‘wow-look-at-that’ kind of noise,” I said. “But swearing would sure be appropriate. What a mess.”
“You said it. Glad it’s not our problem.”
Captain Sunlight came down the ramp to join us, regal as ever in the bright yellow scales that had given her the name. “Our client isn’t answering,” she said. “I’ve put in a request at the local medcenter to see if they’ve been injured in this crisis, but haven’t heard back yet. Anyone interested is welcome to join me in walking over to where their ship was meant to be parked.”
Three other crewmates followed her out of the ship: Blip and Blop in their flowiest silks that both matched their fin colors and also showed off their biceps, and Zhee with his purple exoskeleton as shiny as always. They all made quiet noises of dismay at the state of the spaceport.
(Well, Blip and Blop seemed dismayed. Zhee was looking down his nonexistent nose at whoever had been careless enough to cause such a mess.)
Mur waved a tentacle. “Lead the way,” he said to the captain. “Here’s hoping the ship isn’t buried under all that.”
“Yeah, it looks heavy,” I said as we moved out. “I wouldn’t be surprised if a little ship could be crushed under that, especially if it also took damage from whatever kaboom happened in the first place.”
As we got closer, I made several observations in a range of importance. A medical shuttle was zipping off toward the city center while another appeared to be waiting around just in case; the medics were standing there chatting instead of tending to anyone. The gel slabs couldn’t be pushed, though they could be lifted with a big enough gravity platform. There was only one of those here. Cleanup was going to take a while. The slabs covered a large area of ground as well as a couple ship-sized lumps, turning the spaceport into a sea of smoky gray translucent rubber.
A small creature bounced around on it. People were shouting about that.
“What’s going on over there?” I asked.
Captain Sunlight sighed deeply and sped up. “I really hope that’s not our cargo.”
“Our cargo’s an animal?”
“Yes, among other things. I thought I told you, but I guess not; it was a last-minute addition to our load. Someone’s exotic pet.” She looked up at me with concern on her lizardy face. “How are your animal-catching skills?”
“Depends on the animal,” I said, squinting at the fast-moving thing. I was the critter expert on the ship, but I didn’t want to promise anything. “What species is it?”
“I’ll bring up the description in a moment,” Captain Sunlight said. “I think I see our client over there.”
She was right. The slender Frillian with a leash and an exasperated expression did turn out to be the person we’d come to meet, and the various spaceport officials on the scene had no any easy answers about how to catch his pet.
“Normally he comes running for food!” the client exclaimed. “But he’s got plenty to pick from here!” He pointed accusingly at the spill of fruit from a truck smashed open by a slab of gel.
“Oh, like that’s my fault?” said a Heatseeker who was busy gathering fruit. “Half my stock is ruined! Go catch your little menace and stop complaining.”
This led to a rant about how impossible the menace in question was to catch when he didn’t want to be — giving him a bath had to be done by trickery — and he was never going to come down from this playground full of food, and oh the man should have just paid for a transit that allowed him to bring pets.
Zhee muttered agreement at that last, but I don’t think the guy heard him. Spaceport officials offered calming words and a reminder that nets had been sent for.
Captain Sunlight asked one of them, “Is there an animal-handling service anywhere nearby?”
“Nowhere close,” was the answer.
She looked back up at me. “Any bright ideas? Here, I’ll show you the description.”
While she unfolded a screen and brought up the information from this particular courier gig, I watched the jumpy creature carefully. He was close enough for a good look now, since he’d come back to snatch another alien citrus off the ground, making the owner yell after him.
My first thought was “monkey,” followed by “frog.” The animal was long-limbed and green, though with velvety fur instead of an amphibian’s shine, and had a tail that could hold fruit just as well as his hands could. Pointy nose, round ears, and the biggest eyes of anyone here except for Zhee. He could probably see a person sneaking up from behind. He was fast. And he was clearly having a great time jumping from one bouncy surface to another, making chattering noises and spitting citrus peel everywhere.
“It’s called a treeleaper,” Captain Sunlight told me. “Warmblooded, diurnal, omnivorous, and ‘a bit of a troublemaker.’”
Mur snorted. “Sounds like your species,” he told me.
“Just with a tail,” Zhee added.
“I wanted a tail as a kid,” I said absently, thinking hard. I’d just caught sight of a shipful of humans disembarking nearby, on the other side of the biggest pile of gel. They looked like they were in pretty good shape. One was already walking on the gel and laughing about the bounce.
I had an idea. “Excuse me, Captain. I think I see reinforcements,” I said, then ran off toward my unsuspecting kinfolk. When I got close, I took great pleasure in yelling, “Hey humans! Who wants to help me chase a monkey across a trampoline??”
They were all smiles and questions, then when I led the way to where they could see the monkey-frog jumping around with stolen fruit, they volunteered immediately.
“I’ll get the small cargo net!”
“Do you think the big gravity wands will slow it down?”
“Bet you a cleaning shift that I can grab it in a towel.”
“You’re on!”
I told Captain Sunlight that I had successfully recruited some animal-catchers, and she didn’t bat an eye, just suggesting that our crew gather similar tools from our own ship. Zhee and the twins rushed off while Mur stayed to yell suggestions.
The other humans were already venturing into the bounce zone. I hurried to follow, grabbing a fist-sized lime thing from the ground as I did. We made a wide circle before closing in.
The treeleaper saw us coming, of course. Threw a half-eaten fruit at one person and made a rude noise at another, then sprang up to ricochet between surfaces like an unholy pinball.
Thus began a merry chase.
It brought back memories of bouncy houses and birthday parties at the trampoline gym. The gel was tough enough to take an impact without doing more than denting briefly and launching a person hooting into the air, to rebound off another surface and hopefully not smack into anyone else in midair. There were a couple close calls. But that just made everything funnier somehow.
I jumped off one gel wall with and hit another with my shoulder, making the monkey-frog turn a 180 back towards a pair of guys with gravity wands. He tried to spring away to the side, but I threw my lime to bounce off a surface nearby, spooking him enough to change direction yet again. Somebody slid down a gel slab like a rubbery playground slide, yelping as that turned into a wild tumble. The animal didn’t know what to make of all the flailing and laughter. His hesitation was enough for the gravity wands to lift him partway off the gel, then when he stuck a leg out far enough to jump free, he was immediately bagged by a grinning lady with a cargo net.
Everybody cheered.
The treeleaper growled and tried to scramble free, but no luck. Somebody else caught up and helped tie the net off with a scarf. Everyone settled down to minimal bouncing, and many hands worked together to carry the bundle of ropes and disgruntled animal back to solid ground.
“You got him! Is he okay? He didn’t sprain anything in that net, did he? I hope he didn’t eat too much fruit. He’ll do that if given the chance, you know.” The owner was grateful and worried and relieved and talkative.
Eggskin had arrived from our ship with a medical scanner, and thankfully they could put everyone’s mind at ease about the state of our animal cargo. The treeleaper was fine. It had a stomach full of fruit and a bloodstream full of adrenaline, but all it needed was a nice nap in its carrying cage.
I considered asking why it hadn’t been in the carrier before, when the rented shuttle got its windows smashed, but I didn’t.
A small hand patted my back, as far up as it could reach. “Earning your keep once again,” said Captain Sunlight.
I laughed. “That was my pleasure.”
Another human lingering nearby asked, “Is there anything else that needs catching? That was great.”
“Yeah, you should sell tickets to this!” agreed another.
A Frillian in a port uniform said, “No, but thank you.” She paused, then added, “Hm. I wonder if that’s worth suggesting to the owner of all this insulation. It’s useless for its intended purpose now that it’s breached the sanitation shielding.”
I smiled. “It still makes an excellent trampoline even with footprints all over it. Lay those out in an empty field and charge people entrance, and they could make back a decent amount of money. You get plenty humans through this port, right?”
The woman who’d caught the treeleaper said, “We’re here early for a family reunion before the big festival, then there are three or four sporting events in a row. Let us know if that does happen, because we can get you a lot of humans interested in jumping on this stuff.”
I had to leave with the animal cargo back to our courier ship, so I didn’t hear how the rest of the conversation went, but I saw the official bring the representative of the hauling group over to meet the humans. He looked very interested in what the spokesperson had to say.
I grinned at the scene as I walked away: the intense conversation in front of the vast playground of bouncy surfaces. I wondered if we’d get a chance to come back for a visit when they got it set up properly.
The ongoing backstory adventures of the main character from this book. More to come! And I am currently drafting a sequel!
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heartfullofleeches · 2 years
Poor reader definitely kisses the worshipper god on the cheek after. The next day their cockroach filled apartment is a mansion with all owning rights belonging to reader. Do not think about what happend to the landlord.
"Thank you for meeting with me.."
You sit at a booth at your old job; hooded figure across the table. You were taking a little time off from working thanks to their gift. You were able to fix up things in your shitty apartment and do some nice things for yourself. There was still a lot left over all that, but you just weren't ready to do any major changes just yet.
The deity slightly nods their head. "It is I who should be thanking you."
Though they've shown themselves to you before, it's still overwhelming for them to be near you. You look alot happier than the last time they saw you, and it makes them feel warm inside. Despite your happiness being theirs, you feel bad for giving them nothing in return.
"Are you sure there's nothing you want from me?"
"Yes, your well-being is all I care about. To hear that you appreciate what I've done is thanks enough... But if you'd really like to thank me-." Their voice trails off as they think; quickly snapping away from wondering thoughts. No, I'm not worthy anything more. Maybe a word of praise if you're willing? Or..."
You get up from your seat. They make it sound like such a small thing. If they really worship you as much as they seem to, what you do next should be enough to let you sleep at night. You pull back the hood of their jacket and kiss their cheek. It's super warm and has a strange fuzzy feeling like touching the screen of a tv.
"Ah-" The deity breaks out in a full body blush - literally. A darkening of their cheeks that spreads all over in a mix of pink and dark blues. Their human form slips; the left half of their face cast in a vibrant light as the skin unravels. They quickly cover it with their hands; forcing their inner self back in. Its sp hard to focus. Your lips on them - kissing them. They're so soft. They imagine this is what heaven would feel like to those who believe in it. Your eyes had been shut in the brief moment this all occurred.
"Will that do?"
The deity looks at you with a shaky grin. "Aha, yes, that works nicely. Too nice, if I'm allowed to give my thoughts. Please excuse me."
The God stands and leaves the diner, leaving money behind for the bill. You see them hurry across the street still holding their face - almost tripping over a garbage can in the process. You finish up your meal and decide its fine to turn in for the day.
Pulling into your street; your jaw falls flat on the steering well. Your crappy apartment and the buildings around it had been merged into a full acre mansion. You check the street number, but it's the same you've lived at for years. A key fob you don't remember having opens the locked gates and you head inside.
There no doubt in your mind that this was somehow your place of residence as you unlock the door with your old key. All of your old belongings are placed nearly around the general area plus some fine furniture and art pieces to round out the space. You find a note on a table.
"Dearest Grace,
I apologize for the abrupt change in your residency. It appears I am not as in control of my powers as I thought and they acted on my desire to please you. Do not worry about your old neighbors. Their lives have been rewritten elsewhere I imagine and they are well. I hope that it's to your liking.
Forever yours, ☆"
You set the note back on the table. The course of events suddenly had you feeling drained. You lay out on the couch, falling asleep on the most comfortable couch pillow you've ever felt.
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