#and just left it there for us to find when we went outside after he'd gone
ineffablefool · 1 year
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This connection is supposed to be symmetrical.
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marvel-ouss · 2 months
You're Not Sorry
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Dad!Charles Leclerc x Mom!Reader
pov: Charles goes to support his cousin in Naples and sees someone he hasn't seen in a long time along with a younger version of himself.
warning: miscommunication, pregnancy, the italics are Charles pov, some swear words, mentions of cheating, mentions of eating
type: angst with happy ending
note: this picture did something to me, I swear I saw Charles talking to his younger self! I almost cried...
It's Jules' 6th birthday today and I promised him that we'd go to the Karting race that is gonna happen in the Naples circuit.
We arrived around 11am so he could greet everyone.
"Hello birthday boy, how are you doing?" Martin asked Jules, he was the first person I met when I first came to Naples. When Martin noticed I was pregnant and I told him it was a boy he said that the first thing he'd do when the child was big enough was take him karting on the circuit he worked. 5 years later Martin kept his promise and now Jules karts regularly.
"I'm good, uncle Matt. I'm really exited to watch the race." Jules said jumping from excitement.
"One day we'll take you to a f1 race, now go join your friends, I need to talk with your mommy" Jules gets out happy with the silent promise. "Have you seen him?"
"Good morning to you too Martin, I'm great and you?"
"Sorry, I'm good. Now answer me" I could tell he was nervous I just didn't know the reason.
"Seen who? Martin are you sure you are okay?"
"Charles." I haven't heard that name in so long. "Giuseppe told us earlier that a f1 drivers was gonna be here I didn't really care but then I remembered Jules so I asked if anyone knew who it was and they told me we had a section booked for the Leclerc family"
"So you are telling me that you were told Charles was gonna be here and told my child to go outside where he his most likely to be seen?" I asked already leaving the stall we were at.
Arriving outside I couldn't find Jules. Martin and I looked at each other and we started looking for Jules.
"Jules where are you?" I screamed hoping for him to hear me “Jules!” I kept screaming, I was scared, what if someone took him? Jules’ the only thing I have left.
"That's her, that's my mommy!" I hear Jules' voice and see him along with the only person I hopped not to see today.
I was in Naples to support my cousin during the karting Championship. When I arrived I greeted as many people as I could and took as much pictures and gave as many autographs as possible. I was walking around when I saw a little boy that reminded me of myself during my early karting days. I looked around to see if there was any adult, maybe a mother or a father, looking for the child, but didn’t see any.
“Hello young man, what are you doing here alone?” I ask the little boy. As I approached I could tell he was crying.
“Can you help me find my mother? I don’t want to be alone forever. My mum can’t be alone, she’ll miss me.” He said with a broken voice.
“Of course, come on let’s look around to see if we can find her. My name is Charles, do you want to tell me your name?” I held his hand and walked around.
“My name is Jules Leclerc but my mommy calls me gioia mia” I couldn’t say a word. Leclerc? How is it possible? A Leclerc that we don’t know about? Maybe it’s just a coincidence, there must be other Leclerc’s out there.
“Jules, where are you? Jules!” I heard a woman’s voice screaming, we went in the direction of the voice.
A woman came into view, I knew her from somewhere. When she turned around I could tell it was y/n. We started dating 8 years ago. But eventually broke up 3 years after. I had just started my F1 career and I'll admit that I started ignoring her and focusing more in my future. So I wasn't surprised when one day I woke up and she wasn't there.
I tried contacting her but it was already too late, I had fucked it up really bad.
“That’s her, that’s my mommy!” Jules said letting go of my hand and running in her direction.
I saw Jules running in my direction and opened my arms. “Gioia mia, don’t ever do that to mommy again, I thought I lost you forever baby”
“I’m sorry mommy, I was with the older boys but they had to go, I looked for you in the stall but you weren’t there anymore.”
“I’m so sorry baby, I was already looking for you. I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay mommy. Look I made a new friend. His name is Charles.” Jules turned do Charles who was a bit far from us “And Charles, meet my mommy.”
I couldn’t face Charles. I knew we had to talk but I wasn’t ready for it all. At this point Jules must have introduced himself and I know my child well enough so I bet he said his name was Jules Leclerc, he’s always super proud to say his first and last name. I think Jules is too young to connect the dots, he knows my last name is not Leclerc.
I remember the fist time we watched f1 together he noticed and told me that there was Ferrari driver had the same last name as him. Little does he know.
He probably didn’t realise that he was in the presence of THE Charles Leclerc who also happened to be his father.
“Hi Charles, thanks for helping him find me.” A said dryly without making eye contact.
“Hello y/n, haven’t seen you in a long time. How have you been?” Really? How have I been? He's joking right? First ignores my existence, now is talking to me like nothing has ever happened?
“I’m going. How is f1 being to you?” No, you don't care y/n! What are you doing?
Charles widened his eyes. “It’s going, Ferrari’s not at it’s best but we’ll get there”
“Mommy? He’s Charles Leclerc?” Jules asked confused.
“Yes gioia mia, he’s the f1 driver you talked about the other day”
“Cha, we share the same last name!” He said very enthusiastic.
“Oui mon petit, it seems so” I lift my head to look at Charles but he’s already looking me dead in the soul. I’m fucked.
“Let’s go Jules, let’s look for your uncle Martin he’s very worried as well. Say bye to Charles.”
“Bye Cha.” Jules goes in his direction to give him a hug. Charles gets down so he can hug Jules properly and whispers something in his ear.
“Goodbye Charles.” I say already turning around.
“At least this time she said a proper goodbye." Hypocrite! I can't believe my ears, that bastard... Never mind y/n, he's not worth a scene in front of Jules.
The day went by really fast and I didn’t see any of the Leclerc’s throughout the day. Jules had a lot of fun and really enjoyed the day with the other boys. Some of them even took him for a lap around the circuit.
It was 7:30pm when we decided it was time to go.
“Mom do you think I’ll meet other f1 drivers when we go watch one of the races?”
“I don’t know baby, probably. I know some of them, if we find them I’ll introduce them to you, deal?”
“Deal” he said closing the subject and starting to ramble about his day.
I was putting Jules in his car chair when I heard someone calling my name do I closed the door and turned around.
“Y/n, I was looking for you.” Charles was in front of me breathless so I assume he ran on his way here. “We need to talk. I didn’t wanna do it earlier because Jules was there and I didn’t wanna make a scene. But you can’t deny that he’s my child, he looks just like me.” He said all in one breath.
“I won’t deny it, I knew it when I left. Well, that was one of the reasons I left. I wasn't gonna bring I child into your life for you to ignore the both of us, so I figured that leaving was more fitting.” Charles started laughing.
“ Are you kidding me y/n? I would have died for the two of you if you had tol-“ “Really Charles? Are you kidding me? You treated me like shit the last months we were together! You wouldn't even acknowledge my existence!
“Y/n, you could have told me, we would find a way! Instead you left me in the middle of the night!”
“Don't say you were alone when you had another girl!” “I had what? Well that’s news! I didn’t know that.” Charles interrupted me shocked.
“You weren’t?” “No I wasn’t!”
“Charles you were never home, I didn’t know were you were, I needed you when I discovered!”
“I was focused in my job! I didn't even had time for you how was I supposed to be with another woman?”
“You put your job in front of everything else. I waited for you every single night! The night I discovered I was pregnant I had everything planned to tell you, but when you arrived home you just brushed me off! I needed you for fuck sake” I started crying and he hugged me.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry baby" He kept repeating those words like a mantra.
I heard the car door and soon after felt Jules’ arms wrapped around my leg. “Mommy are you okay?”
“Yes baby, everything’s alright. Sorry for keeping you waiting.” I held Jules and put him back in the car and turned to Charles. “Give me your phone please” he said, so I gave him my phone. He dialed his current phone number and gave me back my phone. “Send me a massage se we can talk better and figure things out okay?”
“Yeah, ciao Cha.” I said going to the drivers seat and making my way home.
I put Jules to bed then headed to the kitchen to get my phone and called Charles.
“Hello?” I said when noticed he had answered the phone.
“Y/n? Are you okay?" No, I'm not. For 5 years I thought he stopped caring because he was with someone else. At this point I have no idea what's worse. being cheated on or being left behind because of work
“Hi Cha. I don’t know. At the moment I have a lot on my mind and I don’t know how to process everything.” I said still a little overwhelmed.
“How's Jules?”
“Just put him to bed, he was worried, he never saw me crying.”
“I wanted him to meet my family. You should be there too, my mom and brothers miss you.”
“How? I left you and they miss me?” I said on the verge of tears.
“They know it was my fault. I said you left because I got too occupied with work to pay attention to you and you were done with it. My mom almost killed me that day.”
“Poor Pascale you always gave them the worse time.” Now I was crying.
“I've said it a hundred times and I'll say one thousand more times, I'm so sorry mon amour. I didn't know how to deal with everythin. I'm so so sorry”
“Do you think Pascale still likes me?”
“Of course she does she never stopped loving you, but she likes you ever more now that you gave her her so desired first grandchild” The line went silent after what he said. He accepted Jules so easily. "Why Jules? And why did you keep the Leclerc?"
"His name is Jules Pierre Hervé Leclerc. I gave him the names of important people to you. I didn't know if you were gonna meet him someday so I wanted do keep a part of you in him. It was a shock when I figured out but it was a result of our love. You are the love of my life. Even after all this years I still feel that love for you. I couldn't think of another name that would suit him as good as that one."
After that Charles hung up the phone. I knew he had a lot on his mind so I didn't insist on calling him. We both fucked up in this situation, I shouldn't have left, and he should have known that his profissional self stays in the headquarter.
When he's ready to talk he'll call me. The next morning I woke up and made breakfast for me and Jules. I was on my way to wake up Jules when my phone started ringing.
"Y/n, what's your address?"
"Hi Charles, good morning for you too" what's with the going straight to the point and not even asking how the person's doing? First Martin, now Charles, who's next? Jules?
"Sorry, got too exited. I bought gifts for Jules. Where can I meet you?"
"You can come to my house I'll send you the address. Did you have breakfast?"
"No, not yet"
"Good you'll have it with us and we'll tell Jules" I said hanging up the phone and continuing with Jules' routine.
A few minutes later Charles was knocking on my door. Jules was in the living room playing with his toy cars.
"Good morning mon amour." Charles said kissing my cheek and giving me a hug.
"Good morning Cha, you can come in" I said giving him space to come inside.
"Bonjour mon petit. What're you doing?" Charles asked Jules while sitting on the couch.
"Chaaa" Jules screamed getting up and hugging Charles.
"I'm gonna set the table. I'll call you when everything's ready" I said going to the kitchen.
They stayed in the living room until I called for the two of them.
We starting eating our breakfast.
"Jules we have something to tell you." I said when I finished my breakfast
Jules moved all his attention to me.
"You know, when I was younger I met your dad. And I think it's time for you to meet him as well."
Jules look at me and Charles, back and forth.
"Mommy, is Cha my dad? Is that what you were trying to tell me?" Jules said with his eyebrows frowned, due do confusion.
Me and Charles stayed silent for a little bit and I just nodded for Jules to know that was exactly what I was trying to tell him. Both of us fearing his reaction. We where still in silence when Jules got up from his chair and made is way towards Charles.
"I forgive you for not being here. I love you daddy. Now we can be a family." He said hugging Charles.
Jules was such an intelligent child. I didn't want to tell him the whole thing so we just said that Cha was busy but what mattered was his presence now.
We started doing, as Jules called them, "Fam Time" once a week. Charles would sleep the night to spend more time with Jules, we would go to races. Jules met all the drivers as he wished. We were happy once again.
I'M BACK GUYS! Probably not for long hihi
I hope you like this new story. Feedback is always welcome.
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fandoms-x-reader · 3 months
Requested By: @obeymelya
Summary: The brothers' reactions when they get jealous of another demon approaching you or talking to you.
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Lucifer didn’t like wearing his emotions on his sleeve. He enjoyed appearing indifferent or unphased. No one could use his emotions against him if they didn’t know what he was feeling. And it helped keep him in a position of power. It made him seem like he had no weaknesses.
Yet, when it came to you, Lucifer had a hard time controlling his emotions. When you complimented him, he did his best to remain straight-faced, but sometimes his body betrayed him - his cheeks turning pink despite his internal protests.
When you danced with him at the various parties Diavolo threw, he couldn’t help but pull you close, his pride taking over as he was suddenly driven to show the rest of the Devildom - the rest of the world - that you were his.
But the emotion Lucifer struggled with more than anything was jealousy. He did his best to not act jealous when it came to his brothers. They were idiots around you sometimes, but they were harmless. They would never push past a boundary.
It was other demons that he couldn’t trust. Demons who would look at you like a walking meal, or talk about you in vulgar ways behind your back. Those were the demons that elicited this emotion out of Lucifer.
So, when he saw you talking to one of these lower-level demons in the RAD hallway, Lucifer nearly lost it. 
He was in a meeting with Diavolo that had run a bit long. He'd asked you to wait for him after school so that he could walk you back to the House of Lamentation. He had grown to love your talks as the two of you walked home together and more often than not opted to take you home rather than one of his brothers.
You had been waiting in the hallway outside one of the classrooms when a demon approached you. You recognized them as one of your classmates from your potions class so you didn’t think anything of it when he started talking to you.
It was a polite conversation at first, simply talking about the class. Things began to get weird when he asked if he could walk you home. You explained that you were waiting for Lucifer, but he didn’t back down. He continued to try to persuade you to leave with him despite your protests.
When Lucifer came out of the meeting with Diavolo he immediately went to find you. He stopped in his tracks when he saw the demon talking to you. At first, he wondered if you had been flirting back, but when he saw how uncomfortable you were, he became angry.
Lucifer took a deep breath before walking up to the two of you. You smiled when you saw him approaching, feeling much more relaxed with him there. You were concerned the demon would try something if you were left alone with him for much longer.
“Oh, Lucifer. How was your meeting?” the demon asked, immediately changing his attitude. Lucifer repressed a growl as he took his hand in yours. His eyes were practically glowing from the anger within as he glared at the demon. 
His presence was so intimidating that the demon cowered and walked away before Lucifer could even get a word out.
You looked at Lucifer, seeing a new side of him, and he told you, “We should head home.” You didn’t argue, not wanting to make him even more mad. 
But you noticed the way he gripped your hand tightly, walking closer to you than normal. He looked at every demon the two of you passed with more suspicion, daring them to make a move on you right now. He was one flirtatious comment away from snapping. 
When you got to the House of Lamentation, Lucifer released your hand, but you followed him to his room. He allowed you to enter as he rubbed his temples. He knew he had let his emotions get the better of him. He knew that his jealousy was apparent, but what else was he supposed to do? He couldn’t just stand there as that demon tried to pursue you. 
You had never seen Lucifer jealous before, so it took you a moment to figure out what exactly was going on. But, once you understood, you couldn’t help but smile at the eldest demon. He was jealous - over you. A simple human.
“Lucifer?” you asked. He didn’t reply but turned to face you. “Nothing is going on between me and that demon, you know,” you added. Lucifer simply nodded his head in response, but his shoulders visibly relaxed. 
You walked up and placed a kiss on Lucifer’s cheek and he immediately leaned into the touch. “Thanks for walking me home,” you said.
Lucifer hesitated for a moment before saying, “I would prefer if I was the only one who walked you home from now on.”
You nodded your head before telling him, “I’d love that.”
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Mammon tended to act like he didn’t care even if he did. Even if every inch of his body was screaming at him to tell you how he felt, he couldn’t convince his mouth to speak the truth.
Instead, he would deny every accusation made about his feelings for you. He couldn’t let others know how deep they ran, so he would deflect by telling them he didn’t care about you.
If that didn’t work, he would move on to speaking about you or to you condescendingly. He would make it known that you were nothing but a fragile human. Nothing more than an assignment from Lucifer. He was forced to protect you because of his brother’s superiority. That’s all.
That’s the truth he had been trying to convince himself of for a while now. He had said it to himself many times over.
Whenever he caught himself staring at you while you were taking notes in class. Whenever he found himself heading to your room, wanting to be around you. Whenever his emotions were screaming at him to finally confess his love for you.
He did everything he could to pretend his feelings weren’t there. But eventually, he couldn’t deny them any longer. He had fallen for you. Plain and simple. But, that didn’t mean he had to tell you, right?
He would let his emotions show through simple actions. If you wanted something he would find a way to get the Grimm to buy it for you. If his brothers were acting lovey-dovey and getting too close to you, he would find a way to intercept.
You never thought too much about it. After all, for every kind thing he did for you, he countered with a rude comment. You could never tell exactly what Mammon was thinking.
When he invited you to the casino with him, you thought nothing strange of it. He had asked you to go many times before. He told you once before it was because he was being forced to keep an eye on you.
He wanted to go out, but he couldn’t leave you by yourself which led him to invite you out so that he could do both.
You watched for a while, following Mammon around as he played at each table. He did everything he could to win as much money as possible. You thought it was because he was the Avatar of Greed; and, while part of that was true, a lot of it was because he wanted to show off in front of you.
Eventually, you got thirsty and decided you wanted a drink from the bar. You told Mammon and he agreed to let you go. He was in the middle of the round though so he didn’t go with you.
You reached the bar and ordered what you wanted, sitting down as you waited for them to make it.
While you were seated at the bar, a particularly forward demon decided to sit next to you. He smiled at you and you gave him a polite smile before returning your attention to the bartender. The demon was tenacious in trying to get you to talk to him. And, when he decided you weren’t paying him the proper attention, he placed his hand on your thigh.
 Mammon finally won the round and he immediately began scanning the area for you. Shouldn’t you have been back by now? He wanted you to see his win.
His eyes made their way to the bar and when he saw the scene in front of him, he all but lost his mind. The dealer cashed out his winnings and he immediately came storming toward the bar. 
His mind was clouded with anger as the image of the demon’s hand on your thigh was seared into his brain. 
As he finally reached you, he grabbed the demon’s hand and threw it off your leg before telling you, “We’re leaving.”  You had never seen Mammon so forceful with words. He was gentle with you as he pulled you out of the chair, but the anger was radiating off of him.
You tried to ask him what was wrong on the way home, but he wasn’t having it. He stayed silent as you walked, doing whatever he could to control his sin that was slowly but surely taking over his body.
When it came to you he was selfish. He didn’t want to share you with anyone - not his brothers, and certainly not some lower-level demon. 
When you finally reached the House of Lamentation, Mammon led you to your room, closing the door behind the two of you.
He placed his lips on yours, not caring what emotions he conveyed as he desperately tried to erase the image of the other demon from his mind. 
When you pulled away for a breath of air, Mammon stated, “You’re my human.” If it was coming from someone else, you wouldn’t agree with the idea of ‘belonging’ to anyone. But when Mammon said it, you knew it wasn’t coming from a place of malice, but a place of love.
You gently placed your hand on his cheek, looking into his eyes before telling him, “I’m yours.”
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Levi was the Avatar of Envy and as such, it was never a good idea to make him jealous. He would completely lose control, his demon form taking over. And, when he was riled up like this, he didn’t care who stood in his path.
Because of the danger of him losing control, Levi usually had a pretty good grasp on his jealousy. He knew how to contain it - how to maintain it. It was rare for him to get so jealous that he would completely snap.
But you invoked his jealousy like no one ever had before. The slightest interaction could send him reeling to his room as he tried to calm himself down. It could be something as innocent as watching a movie with one of his brothers, it didn’t matter. 
Levi didn’t want to share. You had shown him more kindness than anyone else ever had. You had bonded with him over anime and manga. And he didn’t want to risk losing that because his brothers were more forward than he was.
Therefore, when Levi came into the living room to see Belphie in your lap cuddled up against you, Levi lost his mind.
You were reading a book, barely paying any attention to the sleeping demon, but Levi’s focus was on him. It was on the way his arms wrapped around your waist and the way he had a smile on his face.
Everything about it drove Levi crazy. He tried to remain calm, to push the intrusive thoughts out of his mind. But, another look at Belphie’s face sent him over the edge.
He wasn’t thinking when he spoke the words. It was just a natural reaction.
“O fiend of water, creature of jealousy…In the name of Leviathan, I command you. Come forth, Lotan!”
In a matter of seconds, the entire living room was flooded with water as the giant sea serpent appeared. You and Belphie struggled to get out of the water, your book destroyed and his nap long-forgotten.
Lucifer appeared moments later, taking care of the situation. When he managed to get things under control, he turned towards Levi with a very angry expression before demanding he come with him.
Lucifer lectured Levi for hours in his bedroom, and you waited outside in the hall for him to be done. You had seen Levi looking at you and Belphie enraged, moments before he summoned Lotan.
The last time you had seen Levi so mad was when you beat him at the TSL tournament, so you knew that it wasn’t just anger he was feeling - it was jealousy. And given the circumstances, it wasn’t hard to figure out why he was jealous.
The door to Lucifer’s bedroom finally opened and Levi came out with a disheartened expression on his face. He froze for a moment when he saw you before closing the door to the room.
“Hey,” you greeted with a small smile. “Hey,” he replied simply, his eyes on the ground. There was a moment of silence before he said, “I’m sorry about summoning Lotan on you and Belphie.”
You stifled a chuckle, still in disbelief that Levi took things that far. “You know, I was just trying to be a good friend by letting him lay on me. That’s all,” you replied.
Levi’s eyes widened a bit as a small blush coated his cheeks. Could you tell that’s what he was jealous about? Did that even matter? You said nothing was going on between you and Belphie!
Levi was a bit flustered at your words so you decided to ask him to play a game with you to which he happily agreed. Even if he couldn’t speak about his feelings as openly as his other brothers, he would express them to you in the time you spent together.
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When Satan first found out the House of Lamentation would be hosting a human exchange student, he wanted absolutely nothing to do with you. You hadn’t done anything to him or said anything he was not particularly fond of. He just believed he had better things to do with his time.
Mammon was already in charge of making sure you didn’t get eaten by demons. And, if the other brothers started growing closer to you, it would make the exchange program look good and in turn, it would make Lucifer look good.
And, that was the last thing Satan wanted to do. He would rather read every spellbook in existence trying to find the perfect curse to cast on Lucifer than take any part in his success.
Satan would spend his time in solitude either in his room or at the library. So, the only interaction he had with you was either in the dining room for meals or at RAD in classes or at lunch. And none of those options gave him the proper time to get to know you.
He could admit that you were incredibly good-looking. He understood his brothers’ attraction to you. But, it would take a lot more than just your appearance for him to be interested in you.
You surprised him one day when he came into the library looking for some isolation only to find you standing there. You were in front of one of the shelves, holding one of his favorite books as you read the summary on the back of it.
He froze in place, unsure what to do. He had never been alone with you before, and no one had ever taken an interest in the house’s library except for him.
You noticed him standing there after a moment and gave him a small smile, “Oh sorry, I was just looking for a book to read. I’ll be out of here in just a few minutes.”
Despite his initial surprise, Satan replied, “That’s one of my favorite books.” You weren’t expecting his response as he usually ignores you in conversations or walks away before you can say anything to him.
You scanned the bookshelf before pulling out another book and handing it to him. “Have you read this one before?” you asked. Satan looked over the title, surprised when he realized he hadn’t read it yet. “I saw you reading a murder mystery the other day at school. This one is like it, but a lot quicker-paced. I thought you might like it,” you continued.
Satan was surprised at your words. You noticed him? Have you been paying attention to him this whole time without him even realizing it? “What other books have you read?” he asked curiously. 
The two of you fell into an easy and long conversation about the different genres you like and your favorite authors. Satan was surprised at how knowledgeable you were and when the conversation finally ended he made it a point to pay more attention to you.
He found himself watching the small things you did when you didn’t realize he was there. And, whenever you were having trouble with a particular subject, he would always volunteer to help you study.
Which is exactly what happened today.
Satan happened to notice you were struggling with the Dead Language Culture class, and honestly, there was no shame in it. He had studied it before and even he was having some trouble. He offered to meet you in the library after classes and you gratefully took him up on his offer.
You had reached the library first and sat at a secluded table. You pulled out your books, waiting for Satan when a demon sat down next to you. “Need some help?” he asked, a devilish smirk on his face.
“Oh, no thank you. I’m actually waiting for someone,” you replied. The demon’s smile only grew as he tucked a stray lock behind your ear, leaning in close. The whole interaction made you uncomfortable.
And, unfortunately for the demon, Satan happened to see the entire thing. His eyes had begun to glow with rage the second he saw the demon talking to you but when he dared to touch you, he was in his full demon form.
The demon went to retract his hand from your hair, but when he did, he felt someone else's hand grab his wrist. The demon let out a small wince from the pressure as Satan stated in a lowly voice, “Touch her again and I’ll rip your hand off.”
The intensity of his words sent a shiver down your spine and sent the demon reeling away. Satan was taking deep breaths trying to calm down and you gently grabbed his hand.
He jumped a bit at the contact but when saw it was you, he began to relax, sitting down next to you. “Thank you,” you told him genuinely. Satan’s eyes met yours as his wrath slowly began to dissipate.
It was in that moment, looking into your eyes that he realized how much trouble he was in. You had a hold on him that he would never be able to break. And if he couldn’t break it, then he would protect it from anyone who tried to get in the way.
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Asmo does not get jealous easily. He’s the Avatar of Lust after all. He had everything he could ever need. He had perfect hair, an amazing fashion sense, and a body that others would kill for.
Others got jealous of Asmo, not the other way around. He’s not even sure if he’s ever truly felt jealousy the way others have.
He knows what it looks like. He’s seen it many times on the faces of others as he chooses someone else to take home that night. He’s seen it in certain actions when someone wants Asmo’s attention, but he’s giving it to another patron of the club.
But, there were too many people who constantly surrounded Asmo, trying to get their piece of him for him to ever really feel jealous.
That was until you came along.
You were the first person Asmo saw whose beauty rivaled his own. Before you, he didn’t think anyone could ever come close to his charming looks. So, when he saw you, he was determined to make a move.
He believed it would be easy, thanks to the power of his sin. He had charmed so many others whether they be demons or humans. He didn’t even think twice about the possibility of his charm not working.
So when things didn’t go his way during the retreat at the Demon Lord’s Castle, it was like a slap in the face. You were only a human - one with no magical abilities whatsoever - and yet he couldn’t seduce you.
After accepting it wasn’t going to work on you, Asmo found it to be a fun challenge. For once he couldn’t take the easy way out, and that made you different from anyone else he ever met.
But it was also frustrating because it put him on the same level as everyone else. To you, there could be no difference between Asmo flirting with you and a lower-level demon flirting with you. And, that worried Asmo.
He was determined to win you over; but, no one had ever chosen him for his personality before. It was always because of his looks and his ability to charm others.
So, when Asmo saw you dancing with a demon at a club he invited you out to, he felt his heart break. You hadn’t meant anything by it. Asmo went to get you and him drinks and ended up taking thirty minutes to talk to the group of demons who were waiting to pounce on him.
You got tired of sitting at the table so you moved to the dance floor. You didn’t even know the demon who was dancing with you, but that normally happened in clubs.
Asmo was not having it though. He immediately stormed to the dance floor, and gently took your hand in his, pulling you into him. “We’re leaving,” he stated. 
He said it in a gentle voice, but you could hear the irritation that was behind it. So, you didn’t argue with him when he led you back to the House of Lamentation. You were sitting with Asmo in his room and he was standing in front of his vanity, looking in the mirror.
“Asmo?” you asked carefully. He hadn’t spoken to you since the two of you left the club. 
“Do you think that demon was more attractive than me?” Asmo asked, looking distraught as he stared at himself in the mirror. You had never seen or heard Asmo question his looks before.
“Of course not,” you replied genuinely. Asmo let out a small sigh before asking, “Then why were you dancing with him?” Realization dawned on you at his question. He was jealous.
You quickly made your way to him, wrapping your arms around him and hugging him from behind. “I’m sorry Asmo, I just got bored at the table. I wasn’t even really trying to dance with him,” you explained.
Asmo leaned into your touch as you added, “You’re the only one I want to dance with.” Asmo spun around at your words, pulling you into a hug. “Do you mean it?” he asked.
You nodded your head and Asmo pulled you even closer. He never had such deep feelings for someone else and to hear you say that made him so happy.
The next time he brought you to a club, he wasn’t leaving your side. He was going to make sure you had the night of your life. And if anyone tried to make a move on either one of you, he would promptly put them in their place.
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When it came down to it, Beel was just a big teddy bear. He seemed big and scary, and when the situation warranted it, he could be. But, in reality, he had a big heart and just wanted to protect everyone. 
He didn’t show his aggressive side too often, and if he did, most of the time it was because he was hungry. It was usually nothing a good meal couldn’t fix. But, if someone decided to mess with anyone Beel considered a friend or family, then they were in big trouble.
Beel had invited you out to a buffet. It was one of his favorite places to go because it had a large variety and quantity of food so Beel usually left there feeling satisfied.
He led you through the various stations, piling his multiple plates up with food. You grabbed what you wanted as well, making sure to ask Beel if there was something you hadn’t heard of before.
The two of you sat down at a nearby table and there wasn’t a whole lot of conversation going on while you ate. Beel usually got too invested in his food to be able to talk properly, but he would usually converse when the two of you were walking home.
Beel was on his third round of food when you had just finished your first. You were already full from the items you got on the first round, but you were craving some dessert.
Beel still had multiple plates of food in front of him, so you decided to grab it on your own rather than wait for him.
You quickly realized that was a mistake though. After grabbing the dessert you wanted, you turned to head back to the table when a couple of demons stood in front of you. You bumped into them by accident because they practically materialized out of thin air and offered a small apology before trying to push past them. They readjusted their positions though, ensuring that you couldn’t.
You looked up at them when you realized what they were doing and one of them asked, “You’re the human exchange student, right?” You nodded your head politely and the other let out a small chuckle before saying, “You know, it’s kind of ironic having a human here at a buffet amongst all of the other things demons eat.”
He spoke menacingly and you took a step backwards as your heart began to race. Surely they wouldn’t attack you in the middle of the restaurant, right?
Beel had finished eating his plates of food and looked up to talk to you but was surprised when he saw that you weren’t there. Had you told him you were getting more food? If so, he didn’t hear it.
Beel’s eyes immediately scanned the area and his eyes filled with anger as he saw the two demons cornering you. He couldn’t see the look of fear in your eyes, but when one of the demons decided to run their hand down your arm, he was sent into a flying rage.
Beel wasn’t only angry but he was jealous. Who did those demons think they were, touching you like that? Only he was allowed to touch you. Just the thought of their hands on you made Beel blackout.
When he woke back up, you were standing in front of him gently dabbing a wet washcloth against his forehead. “Are you hurt?” Beel asked, pulling you into a hug. You shook your head no and pulled back a little.
“I’m sorry…if those demons were friends of yours…I don’t know what came over me,” Beel replied. He was starting to think that maybe you had welcomed the interaction.
You leaned forward and placed a kiss on Beel’s cheek. His eyes went wide as a he blushed slightly. “They definitely weren’t friends of mine. Thank you for protecting me, Beel,” you told him.
Beel kept you close as the two of you walked home, and the normally chatty stroll was pretty quiet and Beel’s mind raced. You noticed he would occasionally rub the arm the demon touched as if he was trying to erase any trace of it.
He was hoping if he did the same motion enough you would never remember the way it felt when the demon did it and only how it felt when Beel touched your arm.
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Belphie did not handle jealousy very well. Being the youngest of the seven demon brothers, Belphie was used to his brothers treating him differently. They would relentlessly tease each other, but when it came to Belphie, they refused to give him the same treatment. 
Sometimes he wished they would include him in their jokes. He didn’t mind them making fun of him or calling him certain names if it made him feel included. But, at the same time, he enjoyed it because it usually meant he got his way.
That was until Belphie dared to defy Lord Diavolo. He was strongly against the exchange program because of everything that happened with Lilith. He was so close to her and he had to watch her die in front of him and he blamed it on humans. 
He didn’t want humans to get close to him or any of his brothers. He didn’t want any of them getting hurt. And, when he brought these concerns to Lucifer, he was locked away in the attic.
Belphie didn’t understand how his brothers had grown so close to a human in his time locked away. But, he had to save them from your grasp. Which is exactly what he did as soon as the attic door was opened.
But, his actions only created a further strain on his relationship with his brothers. They had to watch their precious human die in front of them, and it was only at that moment that Belphie began to realize there was something different about you.
Once he got to talk to his brothers about you, and once he actually got a chance to know you, he realized he had completely misjudged you. You weren’t what he thought you were like at all and you certainly didn’t pose a threat to his brothers.
But the damage had been done. Belphie had already killed you once and he knew that no matter how much of a brave face you put on, the memories of it were traumatizing. So, he was left to watch you from a distance, afraid to get too close no matter how much he wanted to.
He let you initiate conversations and he would wait until you asked him to go on an outing with you. He didn’t want to push your boundaries, so he let you take the lead. He didn’t want to scare you off by coming on too strong.
As previously stated, he was used to things being handed to him. So, fixing the relationship between the two of you was a challenge for Belphie. It was one of the first things he’d ever had to put so much effort into.
But, he believed it was worth it if it meant that he stood a chance with you. He was trying so hard to make you feel comfortable with him and make you see that he had feelings for you.
So, when he walked into the student council meeting room to see you hugging Diavolo, Belphie didn’t know how to react. It was a mix of shock, anger, confusion, and heartbreak. Of course, you would want Diavolo over him. It was always Diavolo.
It was a quick hug, over in a moment and afterward, you all took your seats for the meeting. You greeted Belphie warmly but when he gave you a cold response, you remained silent.
He didn’t say anything for the rest of the time there. And when the meeting was over he was gone before you even had a chance to speak to him.
When you got back to the House of Lamentation, you immediately went to the room and knocked on the door. You were worried about Belphie. Despite your history, you felt like you connected with him the best and you weren’t sure what you had done to make him so angry at you.
“Belphie?” you called out and a few moments later the door opened to reveal a very angry-looking Avatar of Sloth. “What?” he asked.
“Are you okay?” you asked him, your eyebrows furrowing slightly. “I’m fine,” he replied simply. “It’s just you seem like you're mad at me,” you continued and Belphie let out a frustrated sigh. “So what if I am? Go cry about it to Diavolo,” he stated.
You were taken aback by his harsh response but you questioned why he would even mention Diavolo. Then you realized. Belphie saw you hugging Diavolo and he must think the two of you were together.
You took in a deep breath as you prepared yourself to tell Belphie the truth. “I lost a family member up in the human world. Diavolo was breaking the news to me - that’s why he hugged me,” you explained avoiding Belphie’s gaze. 
Belphie’s eyes widened at your words and he realized how much a jerk he had just been. He no longer cared about you taking the initiative, he just needed to apologize.
Which he did by quickly pulling you into his arms. You tensed up for a moment, surprised by the contact but relaxed for a moment, hugging him back.
Belphie was amazed at how good it felt to hold you like this and he was intent to do it more often. He silently scolded himself for nearly messing things up with you.
From now on if Belphie was jealous, he would show it by holding you close or putting an arm around you.
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vivwritesfics · 10 months
No Need To Ask
Chapter Seventeen - Alone Together
The Norris' were a notorious crime family in the UK. One of many. With Norris, the head of the family, running operations with his son, Lando, they work to keep Y/N Norris, Norris' daughter protected. Life in a crime family wasn't something they wanted for her.
But with tension with one of the Spanish crime families rise, Norris and his now deceased wife come up with only one plan, offer their daughter to the Sainz's or risk an all out war.
Warnings: 18+ ONLY! Smut! Blowjob! Breeding Kink!
2K words
Series Masterlist
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For the first three days that they were in the cabin, Y/N cleaned obsessively. She cleaned the bathroom cleaned the kitchen and the bedroom, anything to take her mind off of just how terrified she was.
Carlos worked at the old laptop. There was an encrypted chat that the heads of families used to communicate. Every day Lando asked on the chat how Y/N was doing and Carlos always answered. On the outside she was fine, but he knew that wasn’t what lay beneath.
After three days, the two of them began to get antsy. Being cooped up in this tiny safehouse was incredibly uncomfortable. They both wanted to get outside, but it was far too risky.
After three days, Y/N and Carlos found themselves seeking comfort. Comfort that came from each other.
When Carlos wasn't at the old laptop he was in the kitchen, tapping his short nails against the wood of the table. He'd done it so much that he'd left marks in the wood, four little crescents carved out of it.
He was stressed, that much was clear.
There wasn't a lot to do in the cabin, not once Y/N had finished cleaning. She was bored, and she was running out of clothes.
"Do you think we'd be able to find a shop somewhere?" She asked as she walked into the kitchen. They didn't have a lot, and there was certainly no variety. Just tins of spaghetti.
Carlos shrugged his shoulders. "I'll have to when we began running out of food. Why, do you need something?" He asked as she leaned against the table.
She grabbed the hem of the shirt she was wearing. His shirt. But then she shook her head. Although no words had been said, Carlos understood completely.
He waited until she'd fallen asleep. Carlos had cooked them dinner and Y/N had showered. He then held her in bed as she fell into a fitful sleep.
Carlos grabbed a cap and sunglasses. The sun was beginning to set as he placed them on the bridge of his nose, but he had to be as inconspicuous as possible. The sweats and grey shirts were certainly helping.
Carlos walked out of the cabin, locking the door behind him. He peered through the window before he went, making sure Y/N was still asleep. When he confirmed that she was, he began walking, through the woods and towards the nearest little town.
Ever vigilant, Carlos listened to every little noise. He made sure he was completely alone as he walked through the trees, and then made sure he was aware of everyone around him once he was in the town.
Carlos was an incredibly recognisable man. But, at the edge of his territory, he was around people that were unaware of the power be had in their country.
He shopped, buying a range of things. From ingredients for dishes more exciting than spaghetti and clothes.
He didn't know Y/Ns size, having not been a very good husband thus far, but he still tried to shop for her. He bought her vest tops, cardigans, shorts and sweat. Everything she needed to be comfortable.
He went to one more shop, one that sold more recreational items. Carlos perused the shelves, but he didn't take too long, desperate to get back to the safety of the cabin.
Y/N woke up, cold and alone. Carlos wasn't in the bed beside her, he wasn't at the desk or in the bathroom. He certainly wasn't in the kitchen either.
"Carlos?" She called as she gripped the blankets.
The door clicked!, unlocking. Y/N could do nothing but watch, her heart beating, fists clenching the blanket as the door to the cabin opened.
A sigh escaped her lips as her husband stepped through the door, carrier bags on his arms. He dropped them and quickly turned to lock the door behind him.
Carlos pulled hid sunglasses from his face and his hat from his head. He looked at Y/N as he began rummaging through the first carrier bag. "Querida, you're awake," he said as he pulled out clothes.
Women's clothes. Woman's clothes for Y/N. She watched him as he put then away in the wardrobe, hanging them up alongside his own clothes. She had several thoughts swirling around in her head, unable to grasp onto a single one as she saw the garments.
Like, how his pet name for her had become almost sincere, no longer sarcastic. Like, how he'd noticed how much she wanted something of her own to wear and had put his life in danger to get it for her.
After the clothes were away, Carlos pulled two more things from the bag and presented them to Y/N.
Two books sat stacked in his hands. "I would have found you a chess set if I could have," he said as Y/N grabbed the first books.
The covers were beautiful, and she knew they couldn't have been cheap. One book, the one Y/N held in her hands, was in English, the other in Spanish.
There was no way Y/N would have been able to express her gratitude. She placed the book down and stood from the bed, throwing her arms around him. "Thank you," she whispered, her head against his chest.
Carlos hesitantly wrapped his arms around her. "I know I haven't been good to you," he said. "And I never expect you to forgive me for it."
She just continued to hold him. She couldn't deny it, couldn't think of words to comfort him, either. She squeeze and released, climbing back under the covers of the bed.
Y/N stayed up to begin the English book. Carlos stripped down to his underwear and climbed under the sheets. He wrapped one arm around her, pulling her in to rest against his shoulder as she read.
In their currently predicament, it was hard to find sleep. Bur Y/N and Carlos found themselves waking up at any odd hour of the night, hearts beating erratically as they looked around with panic.
They were rarely awake at the same time, one making sure the other was asleep. Sometimes she woke up to Carlos standing at the window, staring out at the world beyond the cabin.
On the fourth day, the two of them found themselves wanting each other. It was lonely and everything had changed. The only constant was each other.
Carlos sat at the kitchen table. He’d spent the morning trying to find the whereabouts of his mother and sister, as well as gathering as many of his men as he could. But it was hard. It was frustrating.
Dressed in her new clothes, Y/N approached him. She could see the frustration written on his face, and it probably would have been better to stay away, but she just couldn’t. She walked over and got onto her knees in front of him, hands settling on his thighs.
“What are you doing, Querida?” He asked as he stared down at her, subconsciously tensing his thighs under her touch.
Y/N let her fingers dancing across his sweats, dancing up towards his lap. But she didn’t let herself go that far. “I wanted to thank you,” she said. “You went out and bought me clothes and books, and I wanted to thank you.”
Carlos said nothing as she grabbed the drawstrings holding his sweats closed. She pulled on the strings, loosening them. From there it was easy enough to free him from his confines.
He was hard, painfully so. Y/N swiped her thumb across his tip, gathering the precum. She lifted her thumb to her mouth and licked it off.
Hissing, Carlos bucked his hips up.
When you've never done something like this before, it was easy to become anxious. She kept herself close to him as she moved her hand up and down, gripping him. She kept her eyes on him as she moved her lips closer and took him into her mouth.
Carlos set out a shuddering breath, head thrown back. "That's it," he breathed as she started moving. Slowly she moved herself up and down his shaft, trying her best to suck at the same time.
It wasn't the easiest thing to accomplish on her first try. It was easy to tell it was her first go of it, too. But Carlos was loving every second. He hesitantly moved his hand to her head, not pushing, just holding. "You're doing great," he reassured when she looked up at him.
That sight there was nearly enough to make him explode.
His grip on her hair tightened as he gently pulled her up. It stung, but Y/N endured it. No, not endured. Loved it. She loved it when he gripped her hair and pulled her to her feet. She loved the display of dominance he showed.
"Go to the bed, querida," he said as Y/N pulled up, dusting off her knees. He moved his hands from the top of her head, running his fingers along her jaw. "You're beautiful," he said as he pulled her closer.
She didn't see anything back, just kissed him. Although things had improved between her and Carlos, she wasn't quite there yet. But she was willing to give it a try.
Carlos pulled away, sitting back in his chair. He gave her one single look and she went to the bedroom, pulling off her top and laying on the bed. It was the way Carlos looked at her, a reminder of the power he had. But it didn't scare her. For the first time she found herself willing to obey him.
It didn't make her look weak, she realised as she laid on the bed. Listening to him didn't make her the weak, docile little wife that she maybe once was. Her listening to him wasn't an admittance of submission.
Carlos leaned against the doorframe as he looked at her, at the way she kept her hands laced together over her stomach. He smiled, but Y/N didn't see it. She was staring at the window, so Carlos stared out of the window, too.
There was nothing there. Thank god. He'd been ever vigilant since they'd arrived at the cabin, always keeping watching. Watching for anybody trying to kill him and watching his wife too. Since her safety was the most important thing.
Carlos strode over, stripping himself as he did so. His clothes littered the floor as he strode over to the bed and climbed on top of it, climbed on top of her. He grabbed her shorts and wiggled them down her lips, tongue between his teeth as he did so.
He settled over her, holding himself as he lined himself up. But, as he did, Carlos looked at her, looked into her eyes. "I want you to carry my son," he said suddenly, taking Y/N by surprise. "I want you to next boss of the Sainz family, after myself."
Y/N breathed deep and nodded her head almost desperately. She kept her eyes on him as he gently pushed forward, entering her.
It was a far cry from the first time they had ever had sex, from the night of their wedding. If she could have, she would have replaced that memory with one of these.
Carlos thrust into her, his jaw tensed as his hips snapped forward. He let out grunts and Y/N let out cries, but she couldn't stop thinking of their first time, and how much she wished this was it. Even though they were hiding away in the Sainz safehouse, it was still better than their first time together.
Although she was enjoying it, Y/N's mind was elsewhere. She let Carlos mindlessly hump her, finishing inside of her before too long. But that was fine, she could finish herself off when she was in a better frame of mind. The sex was still good, she just wasn't in the zone. But she still moaned and whined as Carlos pushed her towards the edge.
As soon as he was done, Carlos pulled out and grabbed his pillow from the top of the bed. He placed it under her hips and leaned forward to kiss her head.
Carlos walked out of the bedroom, heading back to the kitchen to start on dinner.
Taglist (open): @multi-universe21 @formulas-bitch @gills-lounge @weasleyswizarding-wheezes @carlossainzwho @f1lov3r @samaib11 @charli123456789 @queenofmanydreams @ironmaiden1313 @vellicora @glitterf1 @80sloverry @lightdragonrayne @moonayu @bellsalabanccini @topguncultleader @handsupforamiracle @cmleitora @ashy-kit @jenniferrvsesi @barcelonaloverf1life @sbella13 @nicolettecallednikki @darleneslane @thehufflepuffavenger1 @champagneproblems17 @aespie @yukheizcigarettes @rewmuslupin @hollie911 @ashy-kit @ririgy @stqrgir1 @zaynzierulez @minkyungseokie @rafaaoli @carolinesainz @ashies-ln4op81aa23 @measimp @mizelophsun11 @eviethetheatrefreak @andydrysdalerogers @formulaal @graciewrote @biancathecool
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atimeofyourlife · 10 months
Sharing a night in a shitty apartment
written for @steddieholidaydrabbles prompt: only one bed | rating: t | wc: 756 | tags: pre-steddie Steve offered to let Eddie stay at his place in the aftermath of Vecna. But forgets to mention its a shitty apartment with only one bed.
For the first time since moving, Steve was thankful that the communal areas of the apartment block were poorly lit. It was something that he, and his neighbors, had raised to the landlord multiple times, but it never got fixed. But now, the darkness gave the perfect cover for him to smuggle Eddie into his apartment, for a place to lay low until Dr Owens and his band of government goons swept into town to clean up the mess caused by the Upside Down. Something that didn't help, was that they were both injured and he had a fourth floor walk up.
He fumbled for his keys to unlock the door, and they both made their way in to collapse on the couch, not even caring that they hadn't changed since coming out of the Upside Down. When Steve could think a little more clearly, he would be happy that he had an old and ugly couch that he kept covered with a blanket.
"I don't want to sound ungrateful or anything, it's really cool of you to let me stay with you. But when you said I could hide out at your place, I thought you meant Loch Nora. Not this... cozy set up you have with far too many fucking stairs." Eddie said after he'd had a chance to catch his breath.
"My parents sold up the place in Loch Nora, five, six months ago. And didn't extend an offer for me to move with them. This is what I could get on short notice, and on my Family Video salary." Steve explained.
"Shit, your parents suck." Eddie replied, stretching out. "Any chance of a shower, I feel gross after a week on the run."
"Yeah. Bathroom's over there, the door on the left. Just try not to take too long, the hot water is temperamental, and I need to shower off the Upside Down too."
"I get it, dude. I live in a trailer. Sometimes we're lucky if we get five minutes before the hot water shuts off." Eddie said, pulling himself to his feet. "At least the bats didn't get me as much as they could have."
"Let me just wash the dirt off my hands, and I'll find you a towel and some clothes." Steve went into the bathroom first, spending much longer than usual scrubbing his hands clean. Once he was done, he pulled a towel out of the closet. "Feel free to use any of the soap and shampoo and conditioner. I'll leave some clothes outside for you. Just don't lock the door, it sticks."
Steve went into his bedroom, pulling out sweatpants, t-shirts, and underwear for each of them. He knocked on the bathroom door as the shower cut out. "Eddie, I've got some clothes for you."
A few seconds later, the door opened and Eddie stuck his hand out. "Thanks Harrington."
Once Eddie was done with the bathroom, Steve took his chance to shower off the Upside Down. He then gathered their clothes, towels, and the blanket off the couch into a pile, ready to take to the laundromat. Or burn, maybe.
He found Eddie in the bedroom, trying to look like he hadn't just been snooping.
"I think I'm going to turn in. The most sleep I've got this week was in an armchair in the Wheeler's basement. I doubt you feel much better." Steve said as he pulled back the covers on his bed.
"Yeah. Um, do you have a spare pillow and blanket or something? I can go set up on the couch." Eddie offered, looking uncomfortable.
"Oh, shit. No, you're not sleeping on the couch. It's way too small and uncomfortable. We can share the bed, as long as you don't steal the covers." Steve replied, patting the space next to him.
Eddie looked at him hesitantly for a long moment, before climbing in next to Steve.
The next morning, Steve woke to Eddie practically on top of him. Something about the weight was calming to him, holding off the state of panic he usually found himself in for weeks after an encounter with the Upside Down. And he'd slept much better too, the nightmares that he always got in the aftermath not making their appearance yet. He knew they should get up, to be ready to regroup and face whatever happened next. But he felt too at peace to let the world bother him in the moment. So, instead, he snuggled deeper into Eddie's embrace, and allowed himself to doze back off.
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kairiscorner · 1 year
question of the day: who would fall the hardest if they ever fell in love?
well... i've got 4 candidates in mind, and i think... (1/4)
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miles g. morales — guilty of falling hard for you.
summary: miles morales always struck you as an apathetic guy, one who wouldn't particularly take relationships too seriously; until you both fell for each other, you realized... he did indeed fall for you, but he fell hard, way, way too hard for you. pairing: miles 42 x gn!reader genre: fluff !!
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miles g. morales was, to you, such a cold, apathetic guy who always looked calm and composed in everything he did. he seemed like a guy that, you believed, wouldn't care too much if he was in a relationship–that he would put himself before his significant other; though you didn't have any evidence to back it up, save for how distant he seemed to you at first. but oh, were you wrong.
miles g. morales wasn't really all that insensitive as you thought when you got to know him, in fact–he was more sensitive to your thoughts, needs, and wants more than any other boy had ever been for you. it took a while, but the longer you spent around him, the more obvious was the fact that he truly, truly cared about you, from the bottom of his heart.
miles g. morales was the boy who'd stay after class, waiting for your class to finish so he could meet up with you and just be around you. ask him to explain why he's always risking his ass getting scolded for loitering outside your classroom, he can't give you one straight answer. "we had free time", "i had no where else to go", "i... left a pencil in that classroom. yeah."
miles g. morales would never admit to your face that he does indeed stare at you sometimes when you're not looking. whenever he sits close to you in class, be it behind, next to, or diagonally across to you–he always finds every angle of you to be a perfect angle to stare at and admire. don't be mad that he's looking, though, he can't help himself; you're way too mesmerizing for him to handle.
miles g. morales whose sketchpad gradually became a book full of... you in it. it started off as simple, small doodles of you; little cartoony you's that he found adorable and kept drawing when he wasn't focusing on anything else. but as time went by, he found himself focusing on you and your features more and more, almost as if he couldn't rip his gaze away from you.
miles g. morales had also noticed that whenever you speak, he hangs on to every word you say. he thought it would've creeped you out at first, how he can remember all the little details you'd tell him when you're telling him about something that happened in your day or how he remembers all the names of your pets, friends, favorite restaurants, favorite bands and artists–he hangs on to every word you utter, and he can't help it; your voice is just too tantalizingly sweet and attractive that he can't not listen to every word you speak.
miles g. morales was the boy who would use his intimidating appearance to his advantage and defend you against assholes who wouldn't take 'no' from you for an answer. he'd stare them down and glare at them, remind them for you that you said 'no', and if they didn't get the message the first time... they'll have to get through him to get to you. "i'm not gonna back down just because they're bigger than me, because i don't fear them. i don't fear them because, for all their brawn, they sure don't have any brains. and whatever happens after, i'll make sure you don't get in trouble; i'll shoulder the fault. i'd do this for you, every time."
miles g. morales would never wish to get in trouble or have beef with anyone else, but if it was you that others were bothering, then he'd willingly do everything he can to keep you safe and unbothered. he doesn't care what happens to him, so long as you stay safe, so long as it isn't your face being beaten in. you insist he shouldn't do these things for you, but... he can't help it. to picture you in danger makes his heart feel heavy; to get rid of that heaviness, he does these things for you, because he... he loves you.
miles g. morales doesn't dream at night, or at least didn't dream for a long while–or maybe he did and just forgets what he dreamt of the previous night–but when you two became much closer friends, he began to see glimpses and images of you in his dreams. in his wildest dreams, he was able to tell you in all kinds of scenarios that he felt weird around you–a good kind of weird. he'd feel a kind of warmth in his chest, accompanied by the pitter-pattering of his heart when your eyes lock with his, and he feels this urge in the corners of his lips to smile widely when you smile up at him. and, he'd never tell you this, but... in those dreams, he'd tell you how he really feels, and you'd teach him how to handle those feelings by placing your hands on either sides of his cheeks and pulling him close to your face–your nose feeling so soft against his own when your noses brush together–and with the feeling of your hot breath against his own lips... he wakes up.
miles g. morales wakes up to the reality that you probably only see him as a very good friend, a friend you used to think wouldn't care about those who love him but was proven very, very wrong. the friendship bracelet you made for him sits there by his nightstand, next to a cutely frame photo of the two of you at your birthday party. you designed that photo frame for him, and despite how a guy like him probably wouldn't care for cute things... he finds comfort and solace in a bit of cuteness in his life; he just wishes he could express that to you, you, who is cuteness personified. he wears that friendship bracelet every day–and wears it proudly. he doesn't hide it under his sleeve nor tuck it away when you're not looking; he's always got it on and shows it off by just having it on him. he loves having mementos of you on him, it gives him a feeling he hasn't had in a long time... and he hopes that, by some miracle, you'd feel that feeling for him, too.
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tags !! @ii01vq @luvstarrstruck @maxoloqy @k4tsu3 @solecitoszn @toneystank-3000 @popeheywardssecretgf @lovefrominaya @onginlove @meowmoraless @euphovlq @anikaluv @conitagray @q2ie @zalayni
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star1ight0 · 5 months
Tenya Iida x Reader "Hi".. "High."
I have unhealthy coping mechanisms and crave comfort. So here we are. Yet again. As always requests are open and be mindful and respectful when making them
TW: CBD, insomnia, prescription meds
Help is always available call 988 if you are in an immediate crisis. You are not alone and there are people who care.
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Your quirk allows you to analyze any given situation finding the most likely outcome along with alternatives of how it could play out, it gets harder to control the longer it's used, longer usage makes it inaccurate. Also make you glow, like a colored aura off of you.
Tenya being both your class rep and your boyfriend was a strange combination at times. He was never one to let you off the hook just because you were his partner but every so often so long as it wasn't that big of a deal he'd left a few things slide so long as it didn't affect you school work. His kindness had its limits and the line became ever so more clear when you began sleeping through classes and skipping over training sessions. He expressed his worries which you quickly brushed off.
Walking over your lock box you grabbed your medicine and weed off your desk and putting your phone on DND and into your pocket, you made your way to the rooftop of the dorms. You could feel the overwhelmingness of the thoughts you pushed away, pull their way to the front of your mind. You could feel your body glow and your head spin.
Placing a pill in your mouth swallowing it followed by an inhale of your pen. You felt the glow lighten and your chest fell into a more steady rhythm. You stayed outside for a few hours a mix of breathing exercises and weed along with long with star gazing. Just as almost all of the worry left the glow of your quirk fading the door opened. You shot up looking behind you exhaling and couching, it was Tenya.
"What are you doing." He said walking towards you trying to take your lifeline away. "Back off " you spat pulling your arm away. You felt your mind race and breathing quicken. You placed the pen between your lips inhaling, before feeling a hand over your mouth. "Tenya please stop" you said, your voice small. You felt your quirk take hold making your head pound with thoughts. "Talk to me love, what's going on? I- i know I might not be the ideal person but I'm still your boyfriend"
He placed himself behind you on the rooftop pulling you onto him. "Please love, talk to me" you felt all the worry in his voice and it only made your mind race more. You felt your breathing become erratic and your chest felt heavy. "Breathe, in.. hold.. out" he must have spent 20 minutes guiding your breathing before you felt your eyes got heavy and the world around you darkened. "Don't let go"
When you woke up you were in your dorm Tenya next to you still asleep. The memories of the previous night came back and you felt your cheeks get warm. You snuggled your way into his arms putting your face in his chest as he slowly woke up wrapping his arms around you. "talk to me, please"
And for some reason that was your breaking point. It sent into a sobbing mess confiding in him about everything, and how the only thing that seemed to help calm your mind wasn't just your medicine anymore. He sat and listened the whole time keeping his gaze on you even as yours fell, trying to avoid his eyes. Still a sobbing shaking mess your body started to glow and your chest tightened once more. This time Tenya cupped your face in his hands kissing your forehead. After a few minutes he managed to calm you down the glow of your quirk slowly fading. "Talk to me when things get like this, please. You're never a bother to me my love" he said his voice was soft and full of care and love. He convinced you to give up what little weed you had left under the condition you went to your doctor for a different prescription.
This was short I'm lazy and overwhelmed so sorry
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joeys-babe · 9 months
Joey B Blurbs: Strawberry Acai
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Summary: Joe gets you back after all of those pranks you pulled on him. It doesn't end in his favor though…
Warnings: None, fluff, unserious/funny, pranks
Pairing: Joe Burrow x reader
Imagine universe: Into The Mystic
*December 27th, 2023 - 21 weeks pregnant*
You and Joe sat on the couch, unwinding after a long day of Christmas festivities in Athens at his parent's house.
Tyson and Miles slept in the car the entire ride home, so when you two arrived, Joe carried them upstairs and put them in their beds.
Before you guys left Robin and Jimmy’s, you had put the boys’s pajamas on, already expecting them to crash in the car.
Now, Joe loved his family, don't get me wrong, but usually after a get-together with them, he wouldn't want to be around a lot of people for at least a whole day.
In other words, he'd keep his circle limited to you, Tyson, and Miles.
Currently, Joe was cuddled up to you while talking to the baby in your stomach.
Joe was adamant that his baby girl would know her father's voice as soon as she met the outside world.
You loved being a third wheel in their conversations, finding the way Joe’s tone went up an octave while talking in a baby voice to be cute.
But unbeknownst to you, Joe was planning something not-so-innocent.
He had a prank up his sleeve.
Joe was fed up with being on the receiving end of all your little pranks, and now it was his turn to be the prankster.
A few minutes ago, when Joe was “using the bathroom” he was actually on DoorDash ordering your favorite Starbucks drink.
But it was for himself.
That was the prank.
Joe was proud of himself for already having your go-to order memorized because it came in handy today.
Baby girl’s conversation with her daddy was interrupted by a slight knock on the door.
Joe had specified not ringing the doorbell because there were sleeping kids.
You watched him stand up and walk to the door. Joe seemed calm, cool, and collected while you were slightly worried about who or what was knocking on your door at nine o'clock at night.
When Joe opened the door he took a few steps onto the porch and bent over to pick something up.
He walked back into the house, shut the door, and pulled the bag out from behind his back to reveal that it was Starbucks.
“Joey! Did you get me a refresher?” - you grinned
Joe pulled the drink out of the bag and sat back down in his spot next to you on the couch.
Without saying a word Joe moved the cup to his lips and took a slow sip.
You laughed when you saw his face contort slightly, Strawberry Acai refreshers can be sour sometimes.
“Can I have it now?” - you
Joe shook his head no and continued drinking. He tried and failed to not make a face at the sourness.
Now that 1/4 of the venti cup was empty, you realized what he was doing.
With a longing glance, side-eye style, Joe took in your slightly sad expression.
Fuck, he made his pregnant wife sad.
“Wait, shit, I'm sorry. Here, you can have it. I was just trying to prank you, not make you sad.” - Joe
He handed you the drink and you apprehensively took a small sip, trying to mess with him.
“Mama… I’m sorry. I'll order another one if you want. Want a cake pop? Or two?” - Joe
You giggled as you watched him frantically get on his phone to find the DoorDash app.
“Babe, I’m okay. Just this drink is fine.” - you
“Are you sure? I can order another one!” - Joe
“Joe, it's fine, I promise. Was this your way of getting back at me?” - you laughed
“Yes, but I failed miserably. You have too big of an effect on me for me to prank you.” - Joe
His comment made you smile and cuddle back up to him, your head leaning into his shoulder as his hand found its place on your bump.
“I think we should leave the pranking in this marriage up to me...” - you
“Hell, that's for sure.” - Joe scoffed before laughing
You spent the rest of the night cuddled up with Joe as you sipped on your refresher.
The next morning, you'd wake up alone because Joe was working out in the home gym.
You immediately went downstairs to start breakfast for your three boys and yourself, and your heart warmed when you saw what was on the counter.
It was a small bouquet of different colored tulips, a venti refresher, and a cookie already out of the package sitting on the paper.
There was also a small note next to it and a grin spread across your face when you read it.
Sorry again for that prank, Mama. I hope the baby is craving a chocolate chip cookie this morning, and I also hope this makes for a good apology.
Love you, Joe.
You let out a content sigh as you reached for the cookie and took a bite, running your hand over your bump as you did so.
“You’ve got one good daddy, princess.” - you
Authors note: Definitely not the end of the prank saga. 😏
Request for this fic;
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Hope you enjoyed! 💕
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ham-st4r · 2 years
𝓛𝓪𝓾𝓷𝓭𝓻𝔂 𝓭𝓪𝔂 - 𝓛. 𝓗𝓮𝓮𝓼𝓮𝓾𝓷𝓰
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🧺Pairing: heeseung + female reader🧺
Warnings: male masturbation, cursing, dirty talk, cum eating.
Genre: smut, roommates, smut without plot. Not happy with the way this turned out :/
Summary: it wasn’t every day you caught your roommate pleasuring himself, and well, the sight wasn’t exactly easy to look away from, not to say he wanted you to anyway.
Number of words: 1.9k
Find your way around!
Hi, thank you so much for showing interest in my works. I’ve already surpassed 500 likes! Also, I decided to write smut instead of fluff this time. I hope it turned out okay, enjoy!
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There are a million ways your day could have gone, but somehow out of all those ways, it ended with you standing outside your roommate's door with his cum stained underwear in the palm of your hand.
You're probably wondering what the fuck, right?
Yeah, I know me too, so let's take it from the tippy top,
shall we?
Before the incident…
You had gotten home a bit earlier than usual it was a slow day at the sandwich shop you worked at, and your manager let you take an early leave.
Normally you would have stayed the entire shift, but then you remembered you had some chores to get done, so you took him up on his offer.
After walking the short distance to your shared apartment, you unlocked the door and immediately hung up your coat, and took your shoes off.
You decided to go ahead and get started with the laundry first so you could relax a bit while the clothes were washing. After gathering up all your items, you headed towards your roommate's door. It wasn't unusual that you'd wash his clothes as well. You both took turns with things like laundry, washing dishes, and cleaning up.
It was just an unspoken thing you and him started when you first moved in together.
Carrying the clothes basket on your hip, you knocked softly on his door, looking up confused as you heard a tiny creak and saw the door swinging open.
You could have sworn the door was closed.
It wasn't
And you definitely were not expecting to see what you saw.
Heeseung, your roommate, took this perfect opportunity to relieve himself of some pent-up frustration, and what better way to do that than by giving himself a much-needed orgasm? He'd been too busy with his studies and a part-time job that he didn't have much time to get around like he used to, but finally, he had some free time, and luckily, you were at work for another two hours, so he had the apartment all to himself.
At first, he hated the idea of sharing an apartment cause. Obviously, he wanted to be able to do whatever he wanted freely without having to consider anyone else, but that all quickly went out the window when he saw you.
He remembered the day you moved in with him like it was yesterday. It was nearly ninety degrees outside, and you were wearing the shortest of shorts and a white top that was see-through, and since you were sweating while struggling to move all your stuff in, the thin material clung to your body, showing every last dip and curve which left nothing to his wild imagination.
Of course, being the gentleman he is, he helped you with your boxes, and he also shamelessly eyed you up and down the whole time.
It was probably all in his head, but every time you went to grab more stuff from the trunk of your car, it was as if you were intentionally sticking your ass out just for him.
And god, just the thought of you could have him riled up in seconds, but in his defense, he hadn't had any in months.
As soon as he found out it was you he'd be sharing a living space with, he was happy, to say the least, because who wouldn't want to share an apartment with the hottest girl to walk the earth? To him, anyways.
Since that day, not a second went by, where he didn't think about how cute you looked in your pajama set or how amazing you looked in the morning and especially right before work when you tied your hair in a messy bun. That look was definitely his favorite.
When he caught a glimpse of you leaving for work today, it was impossible for him to contain all the lewd thoughts he had about you, the things he would give to have your soft tiny hands around his cock and to feel your sweet pussy sucking him into your wet walls.
And right now was no different as he stripped himself down to nothing but his grey boxers and relaxed in his gaming chair, palming over his tent that had formed just from thinking of you.
Before he met you, he'd pull up some random adult videos on his computer, but since he laid eyes on you, literally no girl had his interest, and with his vivid imagination, it didn't take long for him to fantasize about you being the one palming him over his underwear right now.
He teasingly rubbed his tip through the thin material, and a wet patch had already soiled the front of the fabric. From the first touch, he knew he wasn't going to last long. He impatiently pulled his hard dick out from the little hole in front of his boxers and stroked himself up and down slowly.
"Shit, that feels so good," he groaned at the contact, resting his head on his chair.
He focused on the tip with his left hand and used the other to massage his entire shaft twisting his wrist every now and then, abdomen tensing from the overwhelming stimulation.
He heard a quiet noise in the distance, but he paid no mind to it. You weren't coming home for hours, so he figured it was just something outside and continued to stroke his hard thick length.
But when he heard a loud gasp and the sound of something hitting the floor, that's when he stopped and opened his eyes to be met with a very wide-eyed you standing in his doorway.
You were too shocked to even move, let alone speak. How could you when you just caught your roommate jerking off with his door open? And on top of that, you kinda liked what you saw even though it was so wrong to think like that.
But now that your brain had fully registered just how wrong it was to watch him masturbating, you quickly covered your eyes, but only after staring for nearly a whole minute.
"I-I'm sorry I-I was just doing some laundry a-and you know uhh, never mind, I'll just come back later!" you laughed in the most awkward way possible, but before you could turn on your heels and leave him to his business. He spoke to you and stopped you right in your tracks.
"Or you could stay," He chuckled. "and isn't it a little bit too late for that? I mean, you've already seen everything," he looked down at his lap, grunting softly when he took his hard cock in his hand once again, pumping it very, very slowly.
Yeah, sure, it was too fucking late, but that didn't mean you had to stand there and watch that extremely beautiful sight any longer.
You felt like a creep.
But how the fuck was he so unfazed by you catching him in such a compromising position?
Why wasn't he yelling at you to get out?
And more importantly, why was he smirking when he saw you?
Truth be told, he really didn't mind you watching him get himself off. If anything, he was flattered, besides it's not like you were spying, so why not give you a little show to add even more excitement to his current situation.
"You must have liked what you saw, no? because it sure took you long enough to cover your eyes" he sunk his teeth into his bottom lip, and there's no denying his dick got impossibly hard ever since you walked in. You'd think it would have been the opposite, but no, it wasn't. He was enjoying every last second of this.
Of course, you liked what you saw. How could you not drool at the sight of your very hot sexy beautiful handsome stunning gorgeous roommate pleasuring himself?
Still, you lied.
"N-no," you stuttered out.
"Oh? Well, maybe you should look again just to be sure, yeah?" he cocked his head to the side with a teasing smile on his face running his fingers along his shaft.
You were ashamed of how fast you dropped your hands from covering your eyes, but he was offering, so you couldn't say no, could you? I mean, maybe, but wouldn't that be rude?
Since you weren't a rude person, you accepted his suggestion, And it was just as surprising as the first time. You knew he was big cause you may or may not have eyed his print one too many times when he casually walked around in grey sweats, but to see it on full display like this was absolutely breathtaking.
He put one hand behind his head, smirking while he watched your eyes become darker with lust the longer you stared. "So? Is it still a no?"
What kind of fucking question is that? It was never a no, to begin with, and you were pretty sure he knew that. Any woman or man would be crazy not to appreciate such a beautiful cock.
"Y-yeah, I mean, no," You stammered over your words, clearly not able to coherently respond because you were too focused on what he was doing to himself. He just smiled at the effect has was having on you. "I like it," you clarified for him. He nearly let out a moan when the words breathlessly fell from your lips. His cock involuntarily twitched in his palm at the sound of your shy tone.
"Yeah?" He asked and added just a little bit of urgency to the movement of his hand. He was desperately trying to hold off cause there was no way he was going to put on a short show, not when he had such a beautiful audience.
You nodded and discreetly rubbed your thighs together from the almost painful throbbing between them.
"Stay" he ran his thumb over his slit spreading the precum on his shaft while watching every last expression you made. "Watch me cum for you," he said with a shaky breath.
You accidentally moaned, and as fast as your hands flew to your mouth, it was far too late to cover it up. He had already heard it loud and clear.
"Fuck y/n," he moaned, and he literally never moaned, but something about the way you were watching him had him so riled up that he was doing things he'd never do, such as using his free hand to flick over his hardened nipples. "You like watching your roommate touch himself? He teased. "Hmm?" Does this get you off?" He grunted and fastened his pace, quickly getting impatient, but he couldn't control himself when it came to you.
You could only watch in silence save the sticky sounds of his palm colliding with his wet base and breathy moans.
His toes curled into the carpet beneath his feet, Head falling back, and his eyes rolling in the back of his head. "Oh god, fuck, y/n, you're gonna make me fucking cum” he moaned out, and it was the hottest thing ever to hear him moaning your name so breathless and whiny.
This time you didn't even try to hold back your whimpers and moans. You couldn't help but imagine how good he'd feel inside of you.
A gush of wetness stained your panties at the thought, but you couldn't care less; besides, you were doing the laundry later anyway.
Your eyes were glued to him, tightly gripping his cock while he jerked himself off, faster and faster, quickly nearing his end. Unfiltered moans slipped past his lips as the first rope of hot cum spilled from his red tip. "Y/n, look at me, please look at me," his voice sounded so whiny and desperate. He hunched forward as more long strings of cum stained his carpet chair and boxers, but he couldn't be bothered with that right now.
You locked eyes with him fulfilling his request with your bottom lip caught between your teeth. He looked even sexier, like this all sweaty chest heaving up and down and his face twisted in nothing but pure pleasure.
"Shit, that felt so fucking good" he let out a breathy chuckle, eyes still very much hazy and filled with lust while he rubbed out the rest of his high.
He dipped his two middle fingers in the puddle of cum on his stomach and held them to his mouth, using the tip of his tongue to clean his digits of his release, something else he had never done before, but he was so glad that he did when he saw how you bit your lip in the most suggestive manner ever and rubbed your thighs together.
He leaned back, catching his breath. Your eyes raked over his Adam's apple as he gulped.
A few beats of silence passed, before he stood up, letting his underwear fall at his ankles, He stepped out of them and made his way over to you.
You used every ounce of strength not to look down, but you failed so miserably.
"Sorry to keep you from your laundry," he whispered, and you felt his warm heavy breath fan across your face making you shiver as he handed you his underwear with a smirk on his face while purposely brushing his hand against yours.
You stood in place, frozen outside of his room. Even after he shut his door, you still didn't move one inch.
So yeah, that's basically the story of how you ended up with your roommate's cum stained underwear in your hand.
Pretty cool, right?
Well, one thing you knew for sure was after that, you were going to be doing something, but it definitely wasn't going to be the laundry.
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songmingisthighs · 2 months
introduction pt. i | pt. ii | pt. iii
<< previous | m.list | next >>
ch. lvi - book shaped safe
ghost!yeosang × reader
genre : ghost!au
rating, warning : mature; crude jokes and filthy language
wc : 1.5 k
buy me coffee ?
a connection once had, broken with the expectation that the ending is final. but life has an odd proclivity of making attachments from detachments. in the end, we don't know what we lost until we look at what we have
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It was obvious that Wooyoung didn't want to waste his time helping Mingi but because he would be helping Yeosang's parents in extension, he decided that he needed the brownie points. Sorry, he meant that he needed to be helpful to people he cared about. So begrudgingly, Wooyoung used the card Mingi hid in the shoe rack outside to get in.
The place was just the same as when Yeosang was living there. Of course, he only said so because he forgot he had only been there once when Yeosang invited his friends over to celebrate he (and Mingi) moving in. Wooyoung completely missed the subtle proof of life, or more life, in the apartment.
"Where's the damn thing?" Wooyoung muttered, looking over the dining table and other surfaces in the common area but he couldn't find any box, big or small. It wasn't until he passed Yeosang's room that he noticed a box on his desk, in front of Yeosang's giant computer screen. "Stupid Mingi," Wooyoung grumbled but still walked into Yeosang's room to retrieve the box.
Mingi's instruction was clear, he wasn't supposed to open the box but of course, Wooyoung being Wooyoung, the curiosity got the best of him and he just had to take a peek.
Just as he was about to lift the box, the computer turned on and Wooyoung's gaze immediately shifted to the now functioning screen in confusion. "What the fuck?" he muttered to himself.
At first, the screen turned on and showed a blank black screen save for a single pulsing line and then a text showed up as the line moved from left to right.
'Wooyoung, help me.'
Wooyoung's eyes widened and he took a step back, creeped out at the sudden appearance of the text. "Shit, what the hell?" he gasped just as the words disappeared and another one was retyped. 'Wooyoung, I'm scared, help.' it said. "This is a prank, right? This is a prank," he muttered, trying to convince himself that Mingi had lured him in just to mess with him for whatever reason he might have. "Sick ass fucker thinking he can mess with me, well he's a fucking idiot," he muttered and moved to grab the box from the desk but as he was being distracted, the lights were turned off and the door was slammed shut, causing Wooyoung to yelp loudly. "What the hell!?" The sound didn't only surprise Wooyoung but it made him scared because he was the only person in the apartment. Or so he thought because had he gone into Mingi's room, he'd seen you, Hongjoong, Yunho, and Jongho hiding until Hongjoong quietly got out to slam the door.
The first thing Wooyoung thought to do was to try to open the door by rattling the handle and pushing the door open but it wouldn't budge (courtesy of the four people behind the door).
Goosebumps stood from the back of Wooyoung's neck down his back and Wooyoung felt like the room went cold at the sound of his best friend's voice calling out for him after not hearing it for over a month. Slowly, Wooyoung turned around and when he got a good look of the monitor, his knees buckled and he fell onto the floor as his jaw unhinged but no sound came out.
"Wooyoung help me, help me please," Yeosang pleaded.
The screen showed Yeosang's face up close and he was looking at Wooyoung dead in the eyes with a pleading gaze. "Wooyoung, I thought we were friends," Yeosang spoke in a tone that made Wooyoung's stomach flip. The words circled his brain and penetrated deeply, causing nothing but paralyzing fear. "Wooyoung, were we not friends? What happened?" Yeosang called again.
Perhaps the guilt had eaten through Wooyoung so much so that the next thing he knew, he was openly sobbing with his hands clutching his ears to block any sound (in this case, Yeosang's voice) from passing through. He didn't know until that moment that he was holding onto so much stress from holding onto so many secrets that he simply broke open like a coconut. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry Yeosang, I really am. I didn't mean to cover up Ryu Seungyeon when we were in middle school but she blackmailed me into making a cover story. She had told me she wanted to get (y/n) in trouble but she didn't expect for you to get hurt, believe me! And- a-and y-you, I don't know why but you just HAD to snoop into the past and jeopardize everything! You almost got me in trouble and I just had to stop you! You should've fought me back, you should've not let me drag you to that alley! How was I supposed to know that you'd fall and that you got hurt? Huh? You were the one who went to the gym and all, why did you fall when I pushed you? I should've stayed and helped, I definitely should've, but I didn't want you to keep looking into the past! But you can't blame me on your accident! You can't! I heard about the diagnosis, I heard about you being electrocuted and that's not me, that wasn't me! I'm innocent, I just didn't want things in the past to be revealed. If anything, I'm the victim here! You people had it out for me! You and (y/n) and everyone else, and fucking Ryu Seungyeon. Out of all the things I did though, I did not regret getting (y/n) kicked out because she would've made my life an absolute living hell, especially with grandma. You need to see it from my perspective, you need to understand what I needed and why I needed them. You were caught in the crossfire before but this one, the one you looked into yourself, you butted into issues that didn't concern you and you got yourself hurt. You got yourself hurt and I hated to have been the one to witness it all. We're friends, Yeosang, and we still are. But I can't let you out me so why do you have to go this far?"
Yeosang, still staring Wooyoung down, watched as his friend was reduced to a bumbling mess. The more Wooyoung confessed, the angrier Yeosang became. The betrayal, the hurt, the realization, it was almost all too much for him but he had a role to play so he remained quiet, allowing Wooyoung to simply have the stage as if that was not the default setting with him during their whole friendship. But a little bit closer to that surface, there was concern and sadness over the fact that his friend of over a decade had been holding something that big for so long. The secrets, while horrible, must have not been easy to handle. And not just about his involvement in the incidents but also whatever secret about himself.
In a flash, Wooyoung went from sobbing and screeching to falling out into the living area. The impact was so sudden that it took a moment for Wooyoung to realized that he was released from the room. Dazed and still confused, Wooyoung blinked and sat up, staring at the now black screen in Yeosang's room, expecting Yeosang's face to pop up again but the more he waited, the more anxiety built up inside him. "Fuck this," he huffed in one shaky exhale and he immediately dashed out of the apartment, completely missing the figures emerging from their hiding spots.
Once again, Yeosang popped up on the computer screen, this time looking less sombre and more neutral. "Did we do it? Did you record everything?" He asked, eyeing the figures that were standing outside the room. Yunho walked in and grabbed the box Wooyoung had forgotten to bring, showing Yeosang the recording device they had hidden. He gave him a tight-lipped smile and answered him, "Yup, we got it." While he was glad to hear that Wooyoung's confession was recorded, Yeosang was still in anguish about what he heard Wooyoung say.
At the same time, you stood still in the middle of the living room, glaring at the door with shaky hands and teeth grinding. You had had a feeling that Wooyoung was part of the problem but to hear everything and to hear how he basically used you as a shield just so he could save his own ass was infuriating. It made you feel worthless, unimportant, and sadly, very aware of the reality of how you had always been viewed by your family.
"(y/n)? What's wrong?" Hongjoong asked, catching Jongho's attention who rushed to your side. "(y/n), are you okay?" Jongho asked, adding to Hongjoong's sentiment. You looked up at both of them, trying to formulate a response. Any kind of response. But what you could muster was simply the will to move your body away from them and rush to Mingi's room, locking the door behind you and slid down to the cold wooden floor, gasping for air as the intensity sunk in.
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tothosewholisten · 1 month
Forever Healed | TUA insert
Chapter: 09
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I went downstairs to see two of my estranged roommates, Allison and Luther with somber looks on their faces. I was about to speak up but stopped once I saw who they were looking at. It was Grace, who no longer moved or sang or comforted us.
She was dead, and I know robots aren’t alive but this felt like another death I'd have to witness.
“The two guys last night, the ones with the mask, did this to her,” Allison said to Luther. The two didn't look up to see me, both were in their heads at the death of their mother.
Grace was sitting in the painting room chair, the space we kids dubbed as her bedroom because she didn’t sleep or have one of her own. The only thing that was missing from her was her signature smile and her normal pale arm. Instead, her arm was sliced open by what looked like a knife and oozed out wires of all different colors.
I don’t remember the two gunmen carrying knives last night but who knows they could've gotten crafty. But It's sad to think If she was a real person, I would’ve been able to save her.
I made my presence known by stomping my shoe and moving closer to the pair. Allison's eyes slightly lit up once she saw me. “You’re okay!” She sighed happily.
“Why wouldn’t I be?” I giggled with my arms open as she ran over to embrace me. Luther did not move from Grace's body though, his face was cold and distant. I didn't want to ask but I started to think, what happened last night?
“Oh god, have you seen Mom yet?” She whispered. “This has to do with Five somehow. I mean they were looking for him..”
I frowned. “I haven't seen him or Klaus in some time now and I'm starting to get nervous.”
Allison reassures me that they'll turn up but she turns back to Luther who has something to say. “I know I was arguing to turn Grace off, but it doesn't make seeing her like this any easier.”
“Poor Diego.” I blurt out. “This is gonna be so hard for him.” I couldn’t see eye to eye with him, like ever. But I did see him a bit differently after yesterday.
“Yeah, it's hard on all of us.” He says while walking out of Grace's room.
“Hey, wait,” I called out to Luther before he left. The giant man turns to look at me, uncertainly. “I know it was you last night, the one who saved me. I just want to say thank you for pulling that guy away from me.”
“You’ve saved me in my lifetime more times than I can count. I can tell something is off about you guys today and I don’t think I was awake to hear it but. I just wanted to say thanks.” I smile at him.
“But anyways you guys should talk. I'm going to go look for Klaus.” I shoot Allison one more goodbye before heading out.
“I'm glad you're okay, Y/n” I hear one of them mutter as I leave.
“Klaus?” I yell all around the mansion. By now I've checked all his normal spots. His room, my room, Ben’s room, the kitchen, Reginald’s bar, all the bathrooms and all the random nooks and crannies we'd hide in as children with Ben.
Ben.. to think I've been so preoccupied these past days to think about him. And I think about him all the time. He'd know where Klaus was instantly, he was just that type of person.
I go back upstairs to my room to change before heading outside. To check Klaus's frequent spots around town.
First, the alley where he'd buy drugs and all kinds of things. It was dingy and dark but I'd find him here a lot back when I was younger. I left the mansion but never left him. Even let him crash with me at my ex's house whenever he needed to, which my ex was never happy about. We found happiness in walking the streets and laughing with each other till sunrise.
But it wasn't always good, sometimes I'd catch him in a rough spot due to drugs and he'd push me away. I never stopped trying, I would never give up on him and he wouldn't if i was in his spot.
Next was my actual apartment. I hadn't been back in forever, maybe he got tired of the academy and came here? But my apartment was small and didn't have many places for him to hide, it was clear he wasn't there either.
The last place I could think of was a park we used to go to as kids. There'd be days when Reginald was less diligent about watching us, and after dark all of us kids would escape to come here. And have at least a few hours of solace before returning to hell.
I took a seat against a large tree that blocked the sunlight from shining in the park. He wasn't anywhere I'd known he would be. I thought he wouldn't leave town without telling me, but I'm not even sure. I let out small huffs of frustration as I buried my head in my hands.
Suddenly there were more tears on my head than there were in my eyes. I sniffle while looking up. The once-cloudy sky has turned into pouring rain and I'm outside without an umbrella.
“Are we ready to go?” Asked Klaus.
The three of us, Klaus, Ben and I decided we were leaving for the park. After a particularly hard day and mission, it was clear I needed out. Ben asked everyone if they wanted to go, but they all looked at each other then us and snickered.
They told us we should go just the two of us. We actually were about to leave, but Klaus was the only one stupid enough to join us. Just kidding.
The sky was clear this day but dark, meaning it was a clear indication that it was time. Diego and Allison told us they'd distract Reginald if he asked anything. We knew we couldn't go out the front door, instead we went out my window.
Klaus was the first one to jump down; he insisted that he was the bravest out of all of us. And Ben slowly followed after him.
That left me in the window, looking down at the very tall jump I'd have to land. I shook my head at the two. “Why couldn't we have left down Five's window? There are actual steps there!” I whisper yell.
Klaus chuckles. “We're already here, just jump!”
I know when jumping from a high distance without a cushion landing spot, it would help if you didn't look down. But my eyes were glued to the ground anyway. I would be fine if I jumped, any scars would go away but just the thought of it made me shake.
“Unless you're a chicken! That's okay, me and Benny will go without you.” He yells.
“Keep your voice down,” Ben says, elbowing him in the stomach. “Ow!” Klaus cries. Ben looks up at me. “But he's got the right idea! You'll be okay just jump.” He says stuffing his hands in his black jacket.
“Just go without me! I'll go to bed.” I reply, trying to smile at the pair.
“Y/n, listen to me. You'll be okay, jump and..” I didn't hear the last part of what he said.
“What??!” I yell.
“He said he's gonna catch you!” Klaus snickers. “Shut up Klaus,” Ben whispers back. “I will though, if I have to!”
I sigh not wanting to ruin their fun, I'm the one who wanted to go out anyway. “Okay, I'll jump.”
I take a small running start before leaping out of my large window. The wind in my hair felt great, it made me feel like I was almost flying. Until I looked down at the floor I was about to land on. I closed my eyes as I was about to scream and go head-first into the ground. But as I opened my eyes I saw that the cement never smacked me in the face. Instead, I land on someone else.
Ben tried his best but he is still a boy. He held his arms open but it ended with him knocking into the cement and me gripping onto his black hoodie for dear life. I quickly get off him and pull him to his feet as Klaus hollers in laughter at us.
Once he got up I could tell that Ben's head looked a little bruised as well as his hands. I placed my hands on his and watched as yellow wisps of light reached all of his bruises. "Thanks." He smiled and I nodded back. I stopped holding his hands when I heard Klaus almost falling back in laughter.
"You guys-" I cut him off before he embarrasses me by kicking him in the shins with all my might. "Not another word," I mutter.
He held onto his legs and whimpered in pain, now it was our turn to laugh at him on the way to the park. I did eventually heal him that day but seeing him embarrassed was too funny to see go away. We did this several more times, just the three of us. And honestly, it was probably more fun than the whole group.
I laugh underneath the now suddenly wilting tree at the thought, but it slowly turns into sobs. I don't have Ben anymore but I've somewhat come to understand that, but now I lost Klaus too. And Vanya is gone, I'm truly all alone. I sit there for what I think is hours, thinking back. Until the constant pour turns into drizzling and I stand up to go back to the academy. Maybe take a bath.
I slowly made it to a crosswalk so lost in thought that I didn't even see that it said I can go. But I am brought back to reality by the sound of a honking car. Some dick in a van was honking his horn at me?
What I did to piss this guy off I do not know, this was above even a catcall. He was demanding I move. Deciding to ignore the shithead I start to cross the road, until he almost runs me over.
“There's a crosswalk sign, do you see that?” I yell at the van. But the ugly vehicle would not stop honking at me, after being soaked in the rain I'm starting to lose my sanity. So I walked over to the van, thinking I was going to lay into this man and give him all the rage I'd been feeling. And maybe kick his car a few times.
I look at the man's window to see it's not a man at all. It's a boy? I know this shithead. “Five? Why are you honking at me!” I scream at the pubescent boy.
“Get in.” He yells back.
The two of us sat in silence for a while. I watched this fake teenager drive around and honk at people who were being stupid like a full-grown adult.
“Why are you here?” I ask, feeling uncomfortable in my wet clothes. “I'm looking for someone, I saw you walking.” He mutters.
“Oh okay..” I pause.
“I was calling your name before I started honking at you. You should really look where you're going.”
“I was fine. Aren't you the one who tried to run me over?”
“I have a question. Where'd you steal this van?”
“I didn't steal it, I borrowed it from a man in an alley.” he insisted. “Very likely story Five,” I remark back.
“I'm going to give it back. whenever I'm done with it.
“Okay new question, how do you know how to drive?”
“I can do everything.”
I scoff. “Yeah okay.”
“Well, I have a question for you. Why are you walking alone without an umbrella?”
“Just for shits and giggles, I'm looking for Klaus, have you seen him?”
“Can't say that I have. Where do you want me to drop you off?” He says while taking a familiar path that will lead us back to the academy.
I turn to look at him with my eyebrows furrowed. “Can't I stay? Join you on your spy missions?” Five looks at me, clearly not keeping his eyes on the road. Almost in shock about me wanting to stay with him. To break the silence I force a cough. “I mean I don't know what else to do right now. I can leave If I'm cramping your style.”
“Okay” is all he says while turning in the opposite direction from the mansion. “Well, that means we are going to find someone.”
“Who?” I ask.
“You'll see,” Five tells me.
Five parked us in another familiar part of town, where Klaus, him and I were not even a day or two ago. “Oh no, Five we're gonna terrorize these people again?” I said while looking around.
“No, we're just going after the main man. I need more answers.” Five peers out the side window to look at a different busy street.
“You really think he's going to give you more information if you just barge into his office again?”
He turns back to me. “We're not going in, we're going to him.”
“Oh my god..”
Five explains that he plans to corner the man in his own car after he comes back from whatever hobby he does while out of the office. I try to tell him that this plan is going to go wrong but of course he doesn't listen. He reached into his glove compartment and grabbed a small pocket knife, and I'm sure he didn't just grab it to look cool.
“You told me you're going to ask for more information, Five,” I questioned while reaching for the knife.
He grabs the weapon back and holds it higher in the air. “Let's see where the night takes us.”
Five blinks him and I next to a tree, like the one I was at earlier. The tree faces a blue car that must've belonged to the guy whose name slipped my mind.
Not long after he walks toward us, with a tiny puppy in hand. He looked almost unrecognizable out of his lab coat, but not in a good way. His clothes reminded me of a jogging outfit they also matched his blue car.
He opens the car and places his puppy into the back seat then he starts to get into the car himself. Before he can sit down Five pulls me with him when he blinks into the car. Sitting me down in the backseat with the puppy who surprisingly is not barking at me yet.
Five blinks into the front seat, but the man doesn't even notice him. Only flinching back when Five lunges at him with his pocket knife.
“Oh, Jesus!” He cries out. Five doesn't even give him another moment to think before going straight into grilling. “One chance. That's all you got. One chance to tell me exactly what's going on in that lab.” He yells, putting the knife up to the man's throat.
So much for the peaceful approach. The man moves his eyes towards me for a split second and then back to the terrifying Five. “I… I manufacture prosthetic devices for fake patients. I bill the insurance companies and then sell them for cash on the black market.” He stutters.
“including eyeballs?” Five asked.
The man gulps. “Yeah, they're my biggest seller. I mean they sell like hotcakes. I--I've got a list, a waiting list, probably twenty buyers.”
“So the serial number, my uh, brother gave you..” He finishes my sentence. “Could've already been bought. Yes, off– off the books.” He says.
Five huffs like he's a chain smoker and starts to get more tense, letting the knife get centimeters away from the man's skin.
“I needed that list, Lance. Names and numbers, and I need it now!” Five screeches.
I take my eyes off them to turn to the dog that's nearing closer to me. At first, I tried to keep my distance but this puppy insisted on getting close. Which shouldn't be a big problem. It's a small dog, but something was off. I'm squeezing myself practically against the door to get away from this dog but he keeps getting closer. I close my eyes and I'm back to that day so many years ago.
I'm not there anymore, it's time for me to move on but I can't. My hands start to shake and my body runs cold. I couldn't help but think that this dog knew what I did to the other, way back when and wanted to take revenge.
While taking deep breaths I turned my head slowly to get a better look at the pup.. this dog wasn't going to hurt me, it didn't know what I did, and I was okay. So why do I feel like this?
“I don't have it. I mean, not on me. The only copy is in my safe at the lab.” Lance's words break my deep breaths and I try once again to focus on their conversation. This is for Five, as well as saving the world. Letting my depressing nature go is what I need to do now.
“Well, you start the car, then.” Five whispers. “Cause we're going on a field trip.” He slowly takes the knife off Lance's throat.
“O-Okay...” Lance tries to put himself back together at least enough to put his seatbelt on.
Lance drives us back to the MeriTech headquarters which is also where Five’s van is. I'm the first to hop out of the car with Five and Lance a few steps behind me.
But I stopped in place once I saw dark smoke coming from the building. “Something’s wrong,” I told five. But he never stopped walking, and without a second thought, he rushed over to the fire. “Five wait!” I called out while chasing him down. Leaving Lance to his own devices.
The angry flames weren’t just in one room, it had spread throughout every single room in the building making it impossible to go inside. Five stopped at the entrance of the building when I caught up with him. We both stared at the building on fire.
“Get down!” I screamed over the sound of burning rooms as I tackled him to the ground. The flames rose from not just the building but towards us, causing an explosion of fire that could’ve killed him.
He wailed out at the sudden burst, but safely hit the ground. Me on the other hand, I was covered in marks. But thankfully my clothes were no longer wet, just slowly catching on fire. I dragged him out of the way more towards the street as I heard sirens in the distance.
“We need to move now,” I stress to Five but he doesn’t reply back. His eyes never break from the fire. “I know, I know but let’s go,” I say again hoping he would budge this time. But he didn't, so I grabbed him and pulled him back over to the van.
Once we get to the van without Lance, it is clear that whoever had lit the building on fire knew we were there. And I knew that because the front window was fogged with a message.
It read. “Your brother says hi.. brother? Which one.” I say out loud while thinking. Five finally started to move from his motionless state when I looked over at him. But he wouldn't be any help right now. The look on his face and the dullness in his eyes was a look I've seen on many people's faces before.
But then it hit me. “Klaus.”
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alientee · 10 months
To Live Mauga x reader
I wrote this after reading a agnst Mauga fic it made me sad so I changed my past idea from slice of life to a fluffy moments with taking care of Mauga (gender neutral reader)
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You didn’t ask Mauga a lot about his past, but you know it made him into the man he is today. As long as you’ve known him, he’s always had a carefree outlook on life. You’ve seen him angry, happy, horny, and even embarrassed.
But you had never seen him sad; nothing could wipe the usual smirk off his handsome face. To have a face of complete shock or dread was not something you were used to seeing. Mauga, the unshakable mountain of a man, was trembling, and you didn’t know what to do.
He came home distressed, covered in bandages. He took one look at you and instantly went to the bedroom, cooping himself up without saying a word. You made your way to the room to see the man you loved on the bed, slightly curled up, as if it would hide him from the world.
You went over to him and put your arms around him. He didn’t say anything; he didn’t even move. But somehow, you knew he didn’t want words; he just needed you. You continued to hold him, rocking him back and forth. And after an hour of that, he finally spoke.
“I almost died today." Your blood ran cold. Those are genuinely the last words you ever wanted to hear from him. You knew working for Talon would come with trouble, but being prepared for it was a whole different issue. You didn’t speak, deciding to wait and see if he’d continue.
“We had a mission to capture this dude. He owed Doom first a lot of cash. I should’ve known it would be bullshit when he sent the whole team. The guy we were chasing had us trapped like rats, trying to pick us off one by one. He had a lot of goons, too, until we finally caught up with him. The place was already torn down and still coming down on top of us. That asshole knew he couldn’t make it out, so he set himself off.”
You look at him, confused. “Set himself off?” Mauga nodded.
“He had bombs on his body, saying he wouldn’t give doom shit. He said he reached his goal, and he'd die knowing he did it with no regrets. I knew he was crazy, but I didn’t think he’d off himself before we could even capture him.”
Mauga leaned his head onto yours; he stayed quiet for a moment before placing his face on your shoulder.
“The whole building was coming down, and because I was the tank, I took the blunt hit off it. I was trapped behind the ceiling debris that fell. The whole building was falling apart; shit was on fire, and I was trapped. I thought I wasn’t gonna get out. When more of the ceiling fell on top of me, it broke open the floor. I fell through, but I had a chance. I had to crawl most of the way and use my guns to break whatever was blocking me off. I reached dead end after dead end, and I didn’t think I could get out. Shit was falling down on me, and I could barely breathe, and by the time I made it somewhere else, I thought it was another dead end until I dug through the debris and made it outside.”
You hugged him tighter, kissing his face all over. He had bruises all over his face. You kissed each of them softly, giving him an Eskimo kiss.
“I’m so glad you made it out, darling. I don’t know what I would have done if I’d lost you. My poor baby."
Mauga leaned into your touch, snuggling closer to your warmth. He kisses your cheek, finding his way back to your neck.
“Wanna know the most fucked up part when I got out. They were flying away, and the only reason they came back was because Sigma saw me and started waving, and Sombra came to look. They left me for dead, and I’m not even fucking surprised.”
You scowled “I’m not surprised either; I really wish you never joined Talon in the first place, but I know that as a mercenary, you have to do what you need to.”
He nodded while kissing your shoulder. He pulled you into his chest, and you rubbed your fingers over his bandaged arms.
“For the first time in a long time, I was afraid of dying. I promised myself after the heart surgery I’d live every day like it was my last; I just never thought that day would come as quickly as that. I was actually fucking scared of dying. I didn’t want to die that way, trapped and alone."
You held him tighter, and if you felt your shoulder getting wet, you didn’t say anything about it.
“I thought about you, how I couldn’t leave you, and how I had to get back to you. All I wanted to do was get back to the one person who gave a damn about me.”
“And you did. I’m so proud of you, my love.” You run your fingers through his hair and console him. "You're so strong. I know I worry about you a lot when you go on missions, but I never doubted that you would always come back to me."
You both hold each other while sharing sweet kisses and longing looks. Putting your foreheads against one another, Mauga squeezes your hips, bringing you closer.
“How about we take a bath together? I could look at your wounds, and after that, I’ll warm up dinner for you.”
Mauga nods, kissing your lips softly. “I’d love that, baby."
You got to the bathroom and ran the bath water. You can hear Mauga behind you getting undressed. You turn around and help him take off his wraps. He runs his hands through your hair, kissing your forehead as you slowly remove his bandages.
You couldn’t help but flinch at some of his wounds. You lift his hands, kissing each one of his knuckles. “Let’s get you cleaned up.”
You both stepped in the tub, but this time you got behind him. You take the shampoo and conditioner and start with his hair. He growled when you scrubbed his scalp; he always loved it when you played in his hair.
He growled and leaned his head back. As you rinsed his hair out, he leaned into you, kissing your jaw and neck. You softly push him away. “Let me wash your back.” He turned back around, letting you wash him.
“Wanna wash all of me?” You roll your eyes at him while he snickers.
“I’m not washing your butt, you dork," he playfully splashes you, causing water to get in your face and all over the floor.
After you both finish up, you dry off his hair, then clean and rewrap his wounds. He holds your waist the whole time, not giving you much room to move. “Do they hurt really bad?”
He gives you a pout, nodding his head. "Yup, kiss em for me?” You laughed at his foolishness. “You know what? Yes, I will.”
You lean in, kissing every one of his bandaged wounds. Mauga runs his fingers through your hair. He brings your face up to his, bringing you into a slow, passionate kiss. Your tongues caress each other, and his hands cover your face while rubbing your temples.
You lean back and kiss his chest, where his two hearts would be. “Let me warm your food up, then we could watch a movie."
He nodded. You both headed downstairs, and while you got his food ready, Mauga didn’t let you go. You are used to him being affectionate, but not this clingy. You didn’t mind, though he almost lost his life. You almost lost him. No matter how long it took, you’d be by his side, spoiling him until he was comfortable.
“Common Mauga I promised you cuddles and a movie."
And that’s how you both ended the night, cuddled up in each other's arms, sharing kisses and light touches. Mauga hands never left you. He nuzzled himself into your chest, and you played in his hair. Laughing at his cute antics.
“Gimmie kiss,” you lean down, kissing his lips.
"Another.” You start laughing; the sight of the giant man pouting and giving you puppy dog eyes was so adorable.
When you kiss him again, Mauga bites your bottom lip, sucking on it. Once he lets you go, you can’t help but ask something that’s been on your mind.
“You’re not going back to them, are you?”
“Don’t know"
You sighed, not really liking the answer, but not questioning it.
“Just know you don’t need them to make a living."
He looks up at you, kissing your nose.
“I know; all I need is you."
And after that, you couldn’t help but give Mauga all the kisses he wanted.
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yazthebookish · 8 months
House of Flame and Shadow
Prologue and Chapter 1 reading updates
(Warning: spoilers below!!)
Prologue (Lidia's POV)
Morven and Einar are pieces of shit.
I guess Cormac is gone for good 💔
At least we got some descriptions of how some of the other Asteri look like. It still bothers me Rigelus chose the form of a 17-year-old boy. Ugh what a creep.
"Quinlan and Athalar are mates. She will return to this world because of that bond. And when she does, she will go straight to him."
"Athalar and Baxian dangled unconscious from the ceiling, their torsos patchworks of scars and burns. And their backs..."
The Asteri better start counting their fucking days.
"Lidia couldn't look at the third figure hanging between them. Couldn't get a breath down near him."
"Baxian still hung unconscious. Pollux had beaten him into a bloody pulp last night after severing his and Athalar's wings with a blunt-toothed saw. The Helhound didn't so much as stir."
Pollux I hope you'll burn in the deepest pit of Hell and get to have the worst death in the history of SJM character deaths.
"They'd never spoken mind-to-mind outside of their dreaming, but she'd been trying since he'd arrived here. Again and again, she'd cast her mind toward his. Only silence answered."
This sounds a whole lot like a Daemati. Like I'm still not sure if she is but it seems like it.
Chapter 1 (Bryce's POV)
"The darkness seemed inherent to the three people standing across from her: a petite female in gray silk, and two winged males clad in black scalelike armor, one of them-the beautiful, powerful male in the center of the trio— literally rippling with shadows and stars. Rhysand, he'd called himself. The one who looked so much like Ruhn."
Let's fucking gooooo!!
"You said your name is Bryce Quinlan. That you come from another world —Midgard." Rhysand murmured to the winged male beside him. Translating, perhaps.
Yes Rhys show us how useful your Duolingo lessons were.
Rhys seems to be agitated about her.
Master of spinning bullshit, indeed. "So maybe I'm here for that. Maybe the sword sensed that dagger and ... brought me to it." Silence. Then the silent, hazel-eyed warrior laughed quietly. How had he understood without Rhysand translating? Unless he could simply read her body language, her tone, her scent—The warrior spoke with a low voice that skittered down her spine. Rhysand glanced at him with raised brows, then translated for Bryce with equal menace, "You're lying."
Bryce, honey, that's the Spymaster of the Night Court.
"I just watched my mate and my brother get captured by a group of intergalactic parasites," she snarled. "I have no interest in doing anything except finding a way to help them." Rhysand looked to the warrior, who nodded, not taking his gaze off Bryce for so much as a blink. "Well," Rhysand said to Bryce, crossing his muscled arms. "That's true, at least."
Not Azriel functioning as Rhysand's personal lie detector. Impressive though.
" I do not pry where I am not willingly invited." Bryce lurched back in the chair, nearly knocking it over at the smooth male voice in her mind. Rhysand's voice. But she answered, thanking Luna for keeping her own voice cool and collected, "Code of mind-speaking ethics?"
"So this is it, then. This is where we-the Midgard Fae— originated. My ancestors left this world and went to Midgard. .. and we forgot where we came from."
The theory I had since before even HOSAB came out is finally confirmed. I mean it was semi-confirmed in HOSAB but some readers still debated it.
The corner of Rhysand's mouth curled upward. "We will not torture it from you, nor will I pry it from your mind. If you choose not to talk, it is indeed your choice. Precisely as it will be my choice to keep you down here until you decide otherwise."
Bryce couldn't stop herself from coolly surveying the room, her attention lingering on the grate and the hissing that drifted up from it. "'ll be sure to recommend it to my friends as a vacation spot."
Of course Rhys has to pull the "choice" speech whenever he can 🤣 also, BRYCE LOL!!!
"You haven't seen it in fifteen thousand years, or spoken this language in nearly as long-which lines up pertectly with the timeline of the Starborn Fae arriving in Midgard."
So they exist in the same timeline then but Midgard happens to be more advanced.
"It is in our history, Rhysand," Amren said gravely. "But the Asteri were not known by that name. Here, they were called the Daglan."
Asteri are the Daglan, we guessed as much in HOSAB but that's another theory confirmed now!
"Azriel, without Rhysand to translate, watched in silence. Bryce could have sworn shadows wreathed him, like Ruhn's, yet... wilder. The way Cormac's had been."
Ruhn's darkness seemed more similar to Rhys, but Cormac was close to what we know of Shadowsingers. But if Shadows are an Avallen Fae's gifts then how is Azriel one? We're told Shadowsingers are not specific to any courts but there are no Shadowsinger Fae in Midgard than Avallen Fae. But Azriel has a unique way with his shadows (given that magic is more powerful in Prythian.
"The Veritas orb?" Amren said, and Azriel lifted an eyebrow.
Oh damn.
Rhysand mastered himself, a cool mask sliding into place. "You live in such a world." It wasn't entirely a question. But Bryce nodded. "Yes." "And they want to bring all of that ... here." "Yes." Rhysand stared ahead. Thinking it through. Azriel just kept his eyes on the space where the orb had displayed the utter destruction of her world. Dreading-and yet calculating. She'd seen that look before on Hunt's face. A warrior's mind at work.
She showed them the destruction and all the weapons the Asteri have. She even showed them Rigelus. Rhys, Azriel, and even Amren seem at a loss for words.
Bryce examined the silver bean that lay smooth and gleaming in her hand. Amren said without looking at her, "You swallow it, and it will translate our mother tongue for you. Allow you to speak it, too." "Fancy," Bryce murmured.
Of course they have a pill for translating any language and here we've been pondering about how they would communicate.
Amen turned to Rhysand and said in that new, strange language -their language: "The glowing letters inked on her back... they're the same as those in the Book of Breathings."
Oooooh Leshon Hakodesh 👀
Then Azriel said in a soft, lethal voice, "Explain or you die."
Holy hell that's hot—I mean—Azriel that's not a way to treat a woman chill the fuck out.
And we got to the end. This is what SJM only had available on her website. 4 more days until I get the full book and continue then 🤩!!
Also, Azriel's shadows seem to be around and thriving after all 😌 I recall being told they're gone for good based on HOSAB's ending, not that I took it seriously Lol.
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mysteryshoptls · 10 months
SSR Ace Trappola - Playful Dress Vignette
"I can take my chances as they come"
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[Heartslabyul Dorm – Ace's Room]
Ace: I thought Riddle-ryōchō had gotten a bit more lenient, but obviously not.
Ace: "A student's main duty is his schoolwork! To abandon that is completely inexcusable!"
Ace: …Can't believe he'd say something like that, he's more stubborn than anything!
Ace: Man, after I got all excited with planning the outing. Thanks to someone it all went sour.
Deuce: When you say someone… Are you talking about me?
Ace: Who else? What kind of complete bonehead goes and snitches to the Housewarden like that?
Deuce: But- but, we're supposed to tell either the Housewarden or a Professor if we have to be absent…
Deuce: And besides, now that you mention it, it's definitely not a good thing to skip class.
Ace: What do you mean, "now that you mention it"…? Did you think up 'til getting yelled at by the Housewarden that skipping class was okay!?
Ace: So that's, why you just ran to the Housewarden so brazenly… Ugh.
Ace: Why'd I even try to invite someone this stupid in the first place…?
Deuce: Ah!! …Not very honor student of me to shout like that. …I'm gonna go cool off outside.
[door clicks open… slams shut]
Ace: Wh… What's with that guy, why's he the one getting upset!? That really grinds my gears.
Ace: Ughh, I can't deal with this anymore. I gotta finish packing before he gets back.
Ace: I have my phone charger, tissues, breath mints…
Ace: And I guess… I don't need my wallet. They said it's all free, so.
Ace: Last but not least, I definitely can't forget my Playful Land ticket!
Ace: …This should be enough. If I bring too much stuff, it'll just get in the way when I'm trying to have fun.
Ace: All that's left to do is to wake up before the sun rises and get to where we're all meeting, but…
Ace: Now that the Housewarden knows that I'm planning on skipping class, he'll definitely be on the lookout.
Ace: I thought it'd be pretty easy to slip out if I had spent the night at Ramshackle…
Ace: But if I do anything stupid now, it'll be off with all our heads, even [Yuu] and Grim's.
Ace: I already told [Yuu] and Grim not to invite anyone… I can't be the one to screw this up.
Ace: I've finished packing for tomorrow, so… Guess I'll check out possible escape routes!
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[Heartslabyul Dorm – Hallway]
Heartslabyul Student A: Hey man, did you hear? Sounds like the Housewarden's in a rage because of Ace.
Heartslabyul Student B: Again~? That first year never learns, huh. So, what's it about this time?
Heartslabyul Student C: I mean… I don't really know all the details. But let's make sure not to set him off any further…
[rabble, rabble]
Ace: Looks like my upperclassmen heard what happened. At least they don't know about Playful Land…
Ace: I bet there'd be a few guys that would turn me in on a dime just to save their own skin, too.
Ace: It'd be bad if they see I'm missing in the morning, so I think I'll treat my roommates to some juice to keep them quiet.
Ace: Man… It's not something I usually notice, but it looks like a bunch of the guys in the dorm use this corridor a lot.
Ace: There's a slim chance that someone might wake up early and see me, so… I guess I'll try to find another route.
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[Heartslabyul Dorm – Kitchen]
Ace: Hmmm. Looks like the kitchen doesn’t get much traffic…
Ace: Nice. Looks like this is the best way out!
Ace: If I go outside from that door there… I don't think anyone will notice right?
Ace: It's just dumb just following orders because the Housewarden said no, or just letting him chew me out just for skipping one day of class.
Ace: I ain't a blockhead like some people. I'm way better.
Ace: There's no point to anything if you miss out just 'cause you're trying to follow the rules. I'm gonna make sure I can take my chances as they come.
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[Playful Land - Catch The Star]
―After the Playful Stage Show
Fellow: See now, it's on the horizon: the ride that Grim-kun has been so excited for!!
Vil: Even after all that dancing in the show… This little potato is still rife with energy.
Ace: Huh, you tired already, Vil-senpai?
Vil: Who do you think you're talking to? Seems to me like this little potato has no manners.
Ace: It's not as bad as Expedition Whale, but looks like it's pretty popular regardless. There's a really long line.
Jack: Hm…? But that's…
Grim: Yo, Fellow. I said I wanted to ride on a trapeze swing.
1. This is a bit different… 2. Rather than a swing, it looks more like an umbrella
Fellow: Oh no, this is it, without a doubt. This is our very popular attraction, The "Parasol Swing."
Ace: The swing portion looks like an umbrella, but it's definitely flying through the sky. But why's it shaped like an umbrella?
Jack: Wasn't there that one scene in Wish Upon a Star where the wooden puppet's teacher hung onto a carriage with an umbrella?
Jack: In the book I read, that teacher was a cricket with enough guts to weather both the swaying of the carriage and the dust it kicked up.
Fellow: What vast knowledge you possess! Did you hear, Gidel, his quick and easy explanation!
Gidel: … [nods]
Vil: Ah yes, I do recall seeing some gentlemanly-looking cricket plushes in the shop.
Vil: That must have been the wooden puppet's teacher you mentioned.
Jack: Huh, so they had some plushes of the wooden puppet's teacher? My younger brother and sister both read the book too, so maybe that'd be a good souvenir for them.
Ace: Cool. They got plushes of the cricket from Wish Upon a Star here too, huh~
1. I'm curious what kind of cricket it is. 2. I want to see the plushes.
Ace: Same. Looks like we still got time before it's our turn, so let's go check it out.
Jack: What do you mean, check it out…? If we jump out of line, we'll lose our spot.
Ace: Well yeah, that's if we all go… But as long as one person stays in line, we should be fine, right?
Ace: Soooo… Please and thank you, Vil-senpai! Can you hold the line for us!?
Jack: What!?  You're seriously just asking an upperclassman to wait in line for you?
Ace: But like, Vil-senpai sounded like he was tired after that stage show.
Ace: We're still at the back of the line, and it's pretty shady here, so you won't have to worry about sunburn, and it looks like the flower beds have a lip that you can sit on, too…
Ace: Looks like it's the perfect place to take a break, don'tcha think? I'll make sure to grab you something to drink while we go check out the shops, too!
Fellow: Fahaha! What a thoughtful little student.
Vil: You really are a smooth-talker.
Vil: You're quick on your feet only in specific situations, or rather, you don't show your hand. It's good that you follow your convictions, but…
Vil: Although Trey followed after you in the end, the fact that you still went to slip out of your dorm even after Riddle was on high alert shows just how duplicitous you are.
Vil: I'm so thankful that Pomefiore didn't get anyone as rambunctious as you.
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[Playful Land – Gentle Square]
Grim: That trapeze swing was so fuuun~!
Ace: Yeah, it was a little more thrilling than it looked. And we were able to figure out why it looked like umbrellas by checking out the shop beforehand, too, so that was good.
Ace: Jack and Vil-senpai went off to look at something else, so what should we do?
Grim: Hey, that's the Friendly Fox and the Gentle Cat over there!
Ace: Oh, you're right. They didn't show up to the stage show earlier, so I thought they didn't have live mascots here.
1. I want to see them up close! 2. I want to take a picture with them.
Ace: Ehhh~ Seriously? I got no interest in that whatsoever. You don't care about mascots either, right, Grim?
Grim: I read somewhere that when ya come to an amusement park, ya gotta take a picture with the mascots! I'll do it too!
Ace: Pass. I'm gonna go get in line for the roller coaster again. You guys can do it yourselves.
Guest A: I never thought I'd be able to take a picture with the Friendly Fox and Gentle Cat. This'll make a great memory.
Guest B: Hey, let's upload it to Magicam right away. It's proof that we came to Playful Land!
Ace: Hold on, wait a moment…
Ace: It might be better to upload a picture with those specific mascots to brag to everyone about how I got to come to this amusement park!
1. So that means… 2. Does that mean…?
Ace: Change of plans. It won't take too long to just take one photo, so let's get to it.
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Ace: Woah, the Fox and Cat are coming our way. Eh!?
Friendly Fox: ~♪
Ace: Why's he spreading his arms out wide…? Feels like he's tryin' to be real welcoming.
Gentle Cat: !!
Ace: He's pointing at us, shaking his hips, and swinging his arms left and right… Ah.
Ace: Wait, did you see the stage show earlier? You tryin' to let us know how good we did?
Grim: The Fox and Cat are both nodding their heads. Guess they got an eye for awesomeness!
Ace: Looks like. Up close, this Fox's got real round eyes. He's got a super sincere face, like he could never tell a lie.
Ace: The Cat's real fluffy looking and is constantly smiling. He looks completely harmless and kind.
Ace: Basically, both look like real cool dudes!
Ace: …Hm? Now the Fox and Cat are dancing.
Grim: Oh hey, that's the dance we did earlier on the Playful Stage! Rave-up, up, dum-dee-dum… ♪
Ace: Those too look happy now that Grim started dancing, now… What, they want us to do it too!?
1. Rave-up! Up! ♪ 2. That's a little embarrassing…
Puppet: Dear Guests, You Look Spectacular! I'll Take A Picture Of You In A Rave-Up Pose!
Ace: Hrrrm, at this point, it'd be lame to act embarrassed, so… Guess I just gotta strike that pose, then.
Ace: Mmkay, can you take a pic with my phone?
Puppet: Understood, I Shall Take Your Phone. Alright, Everyone, Strike A Pose… Here We Go. Say Cheese!
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[Playful Land – Bazaar]
Ace: Playful Land's exploding everywhere, and I've been hearing a lot of super sketch noises for a while now…
Ace: But at this rate, we should be able to make it to Crane Port somehow, right?
Ace: Even a boring island like this feels like a sight for sore eyes after a terrifying ordeal like that.
Trey: Seriously, yeah. We're all back home safe thanks to you guys, Ace.
Cater: Yup, yup. Although guess it's a bit uncool of Cay-kun to have to be saves by our juniors~
Ace: Heheh. But c'mon, the only reason we were even able to last that long is all thanks to you guys~
Ace: Oh, yeah. Get a load of this, guys. Something amazing happened a bit ago…
Ace: I even got some praise from Leona-senpai.
Trey: From Leona? Wow, that's unbelievable. Never thought I'd see the say where he'd praise someone so sincerely.
Ace: Right!? Well, I'm a little hesitant to say his praise was sincere, but…
Ace: When I told him how I magically tossed my foxtail souvenir so the puppets would go after it,
Ace: He said… "Sounds like those puppets were more like puppies, huh. How kind of you to toss 'em a bone."
Ace: That's basically his way of showing appreciation, right? …But now that I'm putting it in words, I'm starting to doubt it.
Cater: Yeah, yeah, I totes think he was praising you ☆ You got Floyd-kun saying good things about you, too.
Ace: Huh, Floyd-senpai!?
Trey: Yeah, he said something like… "I didn't have a lick of hope in 'em, but they actually took much longer to get turned into puppets than I thought."
Ace: That doesn't sound like praise to me at all? But I guess that's better than him saying he'd squeeze me…
Ace: Uh, so~ There's something I want to ask…
Ace: If we told him about how I totally had a hand in helping dismantle the evil Playful Land…
Ace: Do you think even Riddle-ryōchō would praise me and say I did a good job…?
Trey/Cater: Nope. / No way.
Ace: Tch, didn't think that'd work.
Trey: Maybe if we had been able to get back before dark, we would have been able to figure out some kid of excuse, but…
Trey: We've been gone pretty much all the night without any kind of notice. I can definitely already see Riddle's face red with rage.
Cater: Yup. I think we all gotta make sure to prepare for the worst…
Ace: Siiigh… I'm way too exhausted from putting in all that work, so it's gonna be a pain to deal with the Housewarden's anger, too...
???: How can you sound so miserable when we're finally able to make it back to campus?
Ace: Ah, Vil-senpai! Did you come here to praise me, too?
Vil: Absolutely not. It looked like the silver-tongued Ace might actually be in distress, so I came to impart some advice.
Ace: Wait, does that mean… You know some way to calm Riddle-ryōchō down!? Please, tell me!
Vil: It's nothing too difficult. The proper solution in these sorts of situations is to…
Vil: Your penchant for making excuses will only irritate Riddle further.
Vil: The best way to receive his forgiveness is to take his ire directly.
Ace: EEEHH!?
Trey: True, Ace has a quick wit and is pretty clever… But I'm pretty sure our best bet this time would be to be honestly apologetic.
Cater: I bet Riddle-kun was super worried about us too~ When we get back, we should all three of us apologize to him together.
Vil: See, third years are fully capable of understanding. Ace, you should also gracefully accept defeat.
Trey: When you deflate like that, it's like all that energy you were bouncing around with since last night was a mirage or something.
Ace: Urgh… But we went through so much. I ain't gonna let it end on a sour note.
Ace: If that's the case, then I'm gonna totally brag about how much fun I had on the attractions and on the stage!
Cater: Ace-chan is really...
Trey: Yeah, he really is stubborn.
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Requested by Anonymous.
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americas-ass-writing · 5 months
Drunken Nights
Steve Rogers
Words: 1.6k
Summary: A bet has unforeseen consequences that drive Bucky Barnes insane.
Warnings: drinking, violence, swearing, mention of abortion rights, this is such a crack fic I'm sorry, reader insert mention at the end
Author's Note: This is my second entry for @stargazingfangirl18 and @labella420 Cum Together: A Community Revival Extravaganza I used the prompt: "You are such a fucking menace.” and kinda sneaked it in because I've been sitting on this fic for at least a year 😅 The idea sparked because @rogerswifesblog and me had a conversation about this 🤭
Divider by @saradika-graphics
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It started out as a joke. It started with the Avengers discussing what kind of drunk Steve would be. Tony firmly believed he would be embarrassing, he would spill all the secrets he kept. Natasha thought he would pass out after two drinks. Clint was adamant that Steve would be a very touchy drunk. Thor believed that his friend would be as normal as ever. And Bruce honestly didn't have an opinion but after some pressing said Steve would be a dance machine when drunk. After a while Sam and Bucky were pulled into the discussion. As his best friends they had to know but they didn't. Bucky saw him drunk once, in the 40s, before the serum. And Steve honestly was just paranoid his mom would find out they drank a whole bottle of gin.
Steve was so annoyed with the topic and bets about his drunken state that he didn't say anything for the entire two hours this was passionately discussed. But he did agree on testing the theory. He hasn't been drunk since that one time Bucky mentioned and he was honestly intrigued. He had so many things he wanted to forget, even if it was for just a few hours. An empty brain for once, wouldn't that be nice?
Which is what brought him here. An Avengers party organised by Tony with a shit ton of guests. Three bottles of Asgardian liquor in front of him and his friends staring. The first bottle left a slight buzz. Steve could feel the effects of the alcohol but his brain was still functioning normal. The second bottle made him forget his worries. He had an easy smile on his face as his friends all surrounded him. The third bottle? He took along after his friends got distracted. They left him alone for a few moments too long. The senator he was verbally fighting before stood at the bar alone and Bucky's brain brought back an alarming feeling he hadn't had for a long time. "Fuck... We gotta find Steve!" He said, his voice panicked as he looked at the group of Avengers.
It was a quick search but they were fairly sure Steve wasn't here anymore. "Friday?" Tony's voice quibbed, all of the others’ eyes were on the brown haired man. "Captain Rogers has left the building with a tall male, identified as Jason Smith, bodyguard of senator Ernst, about five minutes ago." The AIs voice gave back, without even being asked the question.
"Told you he'd be very touchy." Clint says with a shrug and a grin. Natasha rolled her eyes at that but didn't seem that bothered. "No... No no no." Bucky rubbed a hand over his face. "fucking hell. He's gonna start a fight. He probably went outside with the bodyguard to start a fight in an alleyway." He grumbles. This couldn't be happening to him. Weren't all those years he had to pull Steve's asthmatic ass out of fights enough?
"Are we talking about the same Steve Rogers? He has a stick so far up his ass he even shook Rosses hand with a smile on his face." Tony quibbed. "He's just reverting to the idiot that couldn't stand back from a fight. I'm telling you." Bucky gave back, throwing his hands up in the air. "No way. Capsicle wouldn't. Even when shit faced drunk he's too righteous." Tony crossed his arms.
"Boys... I really hate to interrupt your little banter here but Smith is back... And... He doesn't look like he had a fun time with Steve." Natasha quirked an eyebrow as she took in the senators bodyguard. Bloody nose, already forming bruise under his eye and a limp in his step that hasn't been there before. "Fuck" both brunettes let out at the same time.
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"Hey Captain. Maybe you wanna lay off the liquor?" the tall man's voice interrupted Steve's rant about abortion rights. "Leave this discussion with senator Ernst for another time huh? We don't wanna run into any problems do we?" Steve's eyes took in the man in front of him. He's a professional sure but Steve had fought fucking aliens before. "Wanna take this outside?" It slipped out before he could even think about it. The bodyguard laughed, one hand landing on Steve's shoulder as if it was a joke. Funny banter. But Steve was serious. He was in the middle of telling senator asshat why abortion rights are important. Why women deserve the option to be safe and protected and to choose for their own bodies. Why his fucking religion has nothing to do with an uterus. And this guy has the nerve to think Steve's invitation for a fight is a joke? "I'm serious. Let's take this outside. If I win, senator a... Ernst changes his vote." Steve's voice was dangerous. If Smith hadn't seen him down two and a half bottles of liquor he'd believe he was sober. "Captain... By all means I'm working. I can't just go outside and start a fight over silly little matters." That got Steve's blood boiling. Of course that guy was also stupid. "Ah yes of course..." Steve gave back dryly. His hand moves to shove the senator next to them just a nodge. "And now? Now you gotta do your job and protect senator asshat. I can do so much worse than that." His blue eyes flickered, a smirk on his lips. Just a few minutes later Steve had handed Smiths ass to himself in an alleyway close by.
While Smith stomped off, fuming, Steve downed the rest of the bottle and threw it into a bin. He's drunk, he starts fights but he'll still recycle. Taking a deep breath he looks back to the tower. He couldn't be bothered to go back there. Maybe he could go for a walk? Maybe he could let out all this pent up anger and frustration and do something good with it. This is New York. There were enough criminals for him to use as punching bags right?
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"Captain Rogers. Can you please give us a statement as to how you took down this robbery all by yourself?" The blonde in front of him asked, holding the mic a bit too close to his face. He still pleasantly smiled. "Oh uh... I was just in the area and saw it happen... So I swooped in?" He explains, that stupid smile still on his face. As the women asks the next question he just starts to giggle. He runs a hand through his hair. "Sorry... Sorry... It's a serious topic but man Bucky is gonna be so mad at me" he giggles again.
"Damn right I will." Bucky mutters at his phone. There had been several reports of Captain America stopping crime in the last hour and every time one of the team got just a little closer to Steve's apparent location he somehow ended up in a different part of Manhattan. Bucky doesn't even want to know how many fights Steve had started tonight. Never again, he swears. Never again he'll let him get drunk.
After another hour Bucky finally had the blonde in front of him. He was yet again sucked into an interview and passionately ranted about how racism and Nazis suck when Bucky managed to approach. His arms were crossed, his face was stern.
"I think it's important that we show racists... Oh my gosh Bucky is gonna be so mad at me... Uh that we show racists that they're not welcome." Steve says before his eyes find his friend. "Shit." He curses, eyes wide before he runs off. Bucky lets out a sigh and follows him.
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To everyone's surprise Natasha managed to lure Steve back to the tower just two hours after Bucky had initially found him. She sets him up with the hangover necessities and leaves him to sleep the alcohol off. Tomorrow would be a big day of fixing whatever mess Steve got into. But that never came. Surprising to everyone Steve did a damn good job and the only 'scandal' that came off this was him saying shit on national TV. Which quickly became a meme.
"I don't regret it. And to be fair this is all of your fault. You wanted to see me drunk and then you invited senator Ernst? You know I hate that guy." Steve said, his arms crossed, his face pouty like a toddler. "Steve you can't just... You ran off and fought people on the street!" Bucky threw his hands in the air. "You shoved the senator so his bodyguard would fight you!" He adds, hoping his friend would see how crazy this was. "I'd do it again." Steve mumbles and looks away from his friends. Bucky lets out an exasperated sigh. "You are such a fucking menace.” He mutters to his best friend who proudly smiles, before addressing the group. “We can never let him get drunk again."
"I don't know, jelly shot Cap seems to be very effective. Maybe we should get him drunk before the next hydra base raid." Tony shrugs, clearly amused by the situation. "No!" Bucky groans. "No. No. No." His frustration is filling the room.
"We can be lucky that this is all he got into. Now let's stop whatever this is and get brunch." Clint suggests, sunglasses on his face, clearly hungover. Steve is very thankful for that. 'Yes Clint. Let's stop this, get brunch and I'll buy you 5 packs of premium coffee beans.' he thinks to himself. Just a few minutes longer and he'd spill what else he got into last night. And he doesn't need the jokes. He doesn't need the judgement. And he certainly doesn't want to share the cute tattoo artist with them -just yet.
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theredharpy · 1 year
Cuts & Bruises || Ghost x Reader
What happens when Y/N overhears an argument and checks up on Ghost.
• fluff • slow burn • romance • swearing • no mention of Readers gender ( Y/N )
Second part:
"Fucking stupid fucking prick! What the fuck was that!." A roar echoed down the hallway, the voice was filled with emotion, rage and anger.
Y/N lifted their head up from their desk, deciding to quickly get some field notes written down for the upcoming mission, the blaring noise of their headphones still screamed out as they pulled it away from their ear, startled by the sudden wave of noise and change in atmosphere.
Y/N pulled themselves away from the desk, using their arm to push the door to their room slightly open and peering around to see what was happening.
"Simon, calm down!"
Price yelled back marching behind him, he sounded strained, out of breath.
"The hell happened.." Y/N mumbled to themselves as their brows furrowed, tension always put them on edge and high alert, especially when it came to L.T, over the past year they'd grown close.
it sometimes felt like Ghost purposely went to them to seek comfort in the moments his mind was overwhelming him, his scarred memories haunted him, they never left.
This wasn't the first argument Y/N had overheard between the Captain and Ghost.
"I need you to piss off Price, get the fuck off my back." Ghost turned around the corner and glanced over his head towards Price, his breathing was laboured, he was trembling, his mannerisms had become stiffened.
"Leave him Captain." Y/N opened the door some more with their hand as they leaned over the chair, looking cautiously between both Price and Ghost who continued to walk away from the Captian, but not before giving Y/N a quick glance over.
They didn't near to hear it, but it was Ghosts way of saying thanks, Y/N had picked up on his body language, his way of communicating, when he didn't want to talk just as much as he had picked up on theirs, probably why they worked so well together on the field.
"He's on thin fuckin Ice." Price bitterly spoke back, his eyes drilling into Y/N's "this isn't your problem to deal with."
Y/N shrugged their shoulders as they pushed themselves from the chair they'd sat on.
"I never said it's my problem Captain, but we all know that going after him like this is going to solve nothing."
Price scoffed as he slapped both his hands against his legs in defeat.
" He needs to get his head out of his arse by tomorrow and back in the game." As he looked over to Y/N, giving them an all too knowing look.
Go sort him out.
Y/N knew that they couldn't just leave Ghost to his own devices especially with the anger they saw reflected back in his eyes, Y/N knew it must've been something bad to have caused that type of emotion to overwhelm him, especially after getting to know him.
Ghost can easily come across as cold, closed off and condescending at times, he lacked patience with outsiders, he had no room for making new friendships and he purposely avoided people outside of mission briefings or training.
Sure he went to the pub with Soap on the rare occasion but other than that he mostly stuck to himself, upon the exception of Y/N joining 141, their stay was only supposed to be temporary until the mission was completed, but it was fair to say that both Y/N and the group of 141 had become close, they'd been accepted, not just by Price, or Soap, Or Gaz or anyone else for that matter, the person that stuck out the most was Ghost, to everyone's surprise he'd actually started to open up to them.
Funnily enough Y/N had come to know the Lieutenant that well, they knew exactly where he'd be.
Soap had already told them on a few occasions if Ghost vanished for a while it was usually best to just leave him be, but if it was urgent he told them where to find him.
But more than once when Y/N was feeling overwhelmed and needed air, they'd also caught Ghost sitting in the same area.
The lieutenant always managed to convince Y/N to air their problems but he never really quite did the same.
Walking through one of the exist doors leading outside, it was already evening as dusk began to settle into the sky, the stars making their presence known.
It was the orange glow of his cigarette that gave him away, sitting himself down on one of the benches that where littered around the perimeter of the base, a string of smoke trailing up into the nights sky.
Y/N paused for a second taking a deep breath before making their way over towards him, not knowing what kind of reaction to expect from him right now, but try none the less.
"Got a spare one." Asking calmly, the crunch of sand and grass ruined their attempted at a more silent approach.
Ghost shifted his attention from the dense forest that surrounded the base, looking at Y/N from the corner of his eye, he simply rolled his eyes and fumbled with one of pockets on his jeans, a crumbled up packet of cigarettes where tossed Y/N's way before resetting his gaze on the forest once again.
Y/N pulled out a cigarette and lifted it to their lips before grabbing out the lighter Ghost always stuffed into the box, shifting their weight down next to him they sat in silence for a moment, the sound of crickets filled the night air.
Y/N lit the cigarette in their mouth, inhaling the thick smoke before taking a long drawn out exhale.
"I don't need babysittin." Ghost spoke aloud, breaking the silence, his mask had been rolled up slightly above his nose.
Y/N glanced up towards him as he leaned backwards, taking another drag of his cigarette.
They looked at the features of his face, deep scar that trailed his sharp stubbled jawline, until catching his gaze.
"I'm not babysitting you.." Y/N could feel their cheeks slightly burning from his fixated gaze.
"I just wanted to make sure you're okay."
Breaking eye contact as they mumbled their last words.
"I'm fine." He sharply responded, taking the cigarette away from his mouth for a second.
"Didn't sound fine to me."
Ghost didn't respond to their comment, deciding to stay silent.
Y/N's eyes trailed towards his hands catching the fact he wasn't wearing his gloves, noticing something on the Lieutenant's knuckles they peered closer.
"What the hell did you do?" Placing their own cigarette back in their mouth, Y/N without thinking grabbed a hold of his hand and bringing it closer towards them to be able to inspect it better considering they where now sat in the dark.
Surprisingly Ghost didn't retract his hand, if anything the moment his worn hands where grasped by Y/N's he felt warmth, their touch was so gentle as they inspected the deep cuts that trailed along his knuckles.
"I just had enough bullshit for one day." Ghost turned to look at Y/N, he couldn't be angry with them, there was no need to, but at the same time he wouldn't normally let anyone be around him during this time, not even Soap, he dealt with things his own way, away from everyone. "Had enough of Price's bullshit especially.."
"I get that." Y/N said softly.
"Don't wanna know what the other guy looks like." They said jokingly as they lifted their head looking back towards the exist door and then back to Ghost a concerned look settled in their eyes.
"Has a bloody big hole through it."
Y/N and Ghost both scoffed at his words, Y/N knew what that meant, they'd caught Ghost once before punching a hole straight through one of the reck room's tables when he had a previous disagreement with Price.
Suddenly a sharp whilste coming from the base both caught their attention as they turned to look at who it was.
Soap was stood by the door, "You guys need anything out there! It's cold as a witches tit out here."
Y/N placed their cigarette to one side, clearing their throat and shouting back.
"A medical pack and some tea would be great thanks!"
Soap glanced over to Ghost who simply gave him a nod, "On it." He bellowed back before walking back inside the building.
"You patchin me up." Ghost sarcasticlly said as he finished his cigarette, throwing the butt away into the darkness beyond his vision.
"Well if I don't do it, you won't do it and if you don't do it, then it'll get all nasty and infected and you're too stubborn to admit that it'll get infected until your sodding hand falls off..." Y/N looked at him with a blank expression on their face.
"So yes I'm pAtChinG yOu uP."
Ghost couldn't help but find their words amusing, that and the attempt to copy his voice, his lips gave away a faint smile.
Soap approached the two with flasks filled with tea and a small green medical bag that he placed down besides Y/N, giving one flask to Ghost.
"So L.T, got your own nurse now I see." He cocked and eyebrow looking down at Ghosts hand and then back up at him.
"Go eat some shortbreads Soap." Y/N stuck their tongue out at the Sargent, picking up the medical bag and taking out what they needed.
"Okay I'm off then." Soap laughed taking the hint, "don't catch a cold out here guys."
"We won't." Both Y/N and Ghost replied back at the same time.
Y/N looked up at Ghost for a second.
"You gonna let me clean up your hand or are you going to be a grumpy old git about it."
Ghost simply waved his hand at them in response, once again going mute, Y/N opened up a medical wipe, gently wiping the damaged area of skin, noticing his hand was still bleeding as they placed their fingers under his palm to move his hand.
"You don't have to be so careful with me." Ghost softly spoke, catching them off guard at it words.
"I'm not going to bloody manhandle you now am I." Switching out the medical wipe for a bandage they opened it up and thought about how they where going to place it.
"You're too gentle with me." He scoffed, but his words held more meaning as he continued to watch them tend to him.
Y/N was so caught up in trying to make sure the injured area was patched up correctly they didn't even realise the words that fell from their mouth.
"You're not gentle with yourself, someone has to be."
Ghost couldn't help but feel those words cut into him, which made him realise, every time he's been at his worst, Y/N has always said the right thing to calm him down or back him up, they weren't afraid of him in any way, if anything Ghost realised in that moment that Y/N had been rescuing him in the madness and chaos of it all.
"Why would you do that."
Y/N shifted themselves on the bench, they knew that this might be the only chance to talk to him like this, to air everything out, their was a sensation of adrenaline and anxiety that now flowed through them.
"Because I actually give a shit about you, that's why." Y/N huffed, letting go of his hand that was finally clean and patched up. "I am sorry that everything falls on you, I get it, everyone looks at you to make the call, but it's you that gets the hit if it goes sideways."
Ghost couldn't speak, he couldn't find the words that he needed to but everything they said hit him hard, aside from Soap and maybe on the odd occasion Price understanding what also fell upon him, hearing it come from Y/N really hit him.
"I don't want you to ever get hurt." Ghost's hand crept back up towards their own, his fingers wrapped around theirs and held on.
"L.T I--" Y/N had to catch themselves, they could feel Ghost's hazel eyes staring down towards them. "I will never get hurt you know that."
"You better not." He moved himself closer towards them, watching intensely as Y/N finally got the courage to look up at him, he could only see himself reflected back in their eyes, the white piercing dots of starlight danced around in their vision, this is what he wanted, all this time, every mission, every briefing, he wasn't looking at anyone else, he was looking for Y/N always.
He would purposely look out for them on missions, making sure he had their back, that they where safe, unharmed.
"Because I need you Y/N."
// side note: I thought of writing this last night and decided to actually go ahead with it.
Also shortbread is Scottish shortbread which is 10/10
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