#and let’s not get it twisted i do love the jedi and the order
underacalicosky · 4 months
I continue to torture myself with fix-it scenarios where Anakin just can't handle seeing Obi-Wan having an emotional meltdown and gives up the dark side as a result. What if Obi-Wan was a wibbly mess on Mustafar?
“Until now, you’ve become the very thing you swore to destroy.”
“Don’t lecture me, Obi-Wan. I see—“
“Lecture you?!” Obi-Wan snaps suddenly, his voice bellowing. “You think I came here to lecture you?”
His sharp tone makes Anakin take a step back. He sucks in a shaky breath and straightens his posture, refusing to be rattled. As he opens his mouth to respond, Obi-Wan continues interrupting him.
“No, Anakin, I lecture you for staying up too late. For not folding your tunics properly.” His voice gets progressively louder and more impatient. “For not getting enough fiber in your diet! I’m not here to lecture you. I was sent here to kill you!” Obi-Wan yells.
Anakin knows it’s the reason why Obi-Wan is here, but to hear him say the words, with such certainty, makes his heart plummet. He’d hoped, with whatever little hope was left, that he wouldn’t have to fight Obi-Wan. His chest aches, knowing that this is how it must end. But he ignores the weakness that still lives in him and draws on the dark side for strength. The Force ripples around them when he pulls on it.
“And kill the rest of myself along with you,” Obi-Wan says furiously. “Part of me has already died.” He fixes Anakin with an intense stare, a seething fire in his eyes.
Taking another deep breath, Anakin narrows his eyes and returns his glare. He’s never seen Obi-Wan angry like this. It frightens him, but he keeps pacing like he's a caged wild animal because he can’t let it show.
“It died when you knelt in front of a Sith lord and proclaimed him your Master!” Obi-Wan’s face twists with uncontrolled and un-Jedi-like rage. “It died knowing that you would trade me for him. Do I mean that little to you?” he demands, spreading his hands and arms out in front of him. “I poured all of myself into training you and raising you and—”
With matching ferocity, Anakin shakes his head. “This isn’t about you!” Anakin yells, pointing at him.
“Of course it’s about me!” Obi-Wan yells back. “Your mother entrusted you to Qui-Gon and he entrusted you to me. Do you know what it was like everyday being scared out of my mind that I would let them down? That I would let you down?”
This is not Obi-Wan. Anakin was prepared for Obi-Wan to use reason. To remain somewhat collected as he projected his disappointment. Perhaps confronting Anakin with all the ways he’s violated the Jedi code, betrayed the Republic and democracy.
Obi-Wan’s skillfully talked circles around politicians, foreign royalty, the Jedi Council and kept his emotions at bay every time.
But this… Anakin is unprepared for this.
“No,” Anakin says with another shake of his head. “No, I made these choices,” he insists.
“Maybe I should’ve left the Order with you. We would’ve found our own way.” Obi-Wan was lost in his own thoughts, his eyes ticking everywhere at once, unable to focus. “And I wouldn’t have had to train you to be a soldier. Wouldn’t have dragged you through a war. Wouldn’t have let Palpatine near you.”
“I never wanted to be a burden!” Anakin cries.
“You weren’t a burden! You were my brother, Anakin! My greatest joy!” Obi-Wan screams. “What could I have done differently to stop this?” Obi-Wan asks, nearly begging.
With his fists balled at his sides, Anakin holds onto the last vestiges of his resolve. He can’t let Obi-Wan break him.
“We can’t change the past,” Anakin says, his voice hollow.
“Did I not love you enough?” Obi-Wan asks sadly, tears streaming down his face.
Instinctively, Anakin reaches for him through their bond, a habit formed from years of training and bickering and teasing and laughing and to his horror, it recoils and his heart shatters.
Squeezing his eyes shut, Anakin stomps his foot. He can’t have both. He can’t embrace the dark side to exploit its unnatural powers and still expect to find comfort in the golden and pure light that tethers him to Obi-Wan.
Anakin Skywalker has made a lot of choices in the last day. And here, he makes another.
With his head hung, he relaxes his hands and releases. The ground beneath them shakes as the dark, consuming anger bleeds from him.
Again he touches their bond, tenderly. Lovingly. Apologetically.
“I can’t change the past, but help me change the future,” Anakin sobs. “Please. We need to save Padmé. And the baby.”
Finally, Obi-Wan blinks as he snaps out of his trance. His eyes lock on Padme’s unmoving form on the ground and Anakin sees the moment that Obi-Wan realizes his renewed purpose.
“Yes. Get her onto the ship,” Obi-Wan says with the authority of a war General. “I’ll make sure 3PO and Artoo are both accounted for and have them help me find the nearest medical facility,” Obi-Wan says.
“If the Republic finds me… after what I’ve done…”
“Then we need to be careful where we go so they won’t find us,” Obi-Wan tells him and glances at Padmé, then back at Anakin before he boards the ship.
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adragonsfriend · 2 months
Young Padawan Commanders: real or Filoni-fever-dream?
Ok genuinely really important question I just thought of that I’ve never seen anyone address.
So nothing I can remember in the prequel trilogy indicates that young Padawans were directly involved in the war. The closest thing I can imagine to evidence of that is that there were some padawans younger than Anakin (like Barriss Offee) at Geonosis, but no one was actually expecting resistance at Geonosis, let alone the slaughter by the droid army. There definitely weren’t any Caleb Dune/Cal Kestis aged kids there.
Question being, was young padawans being made commanders canon to anything before Dave Filoni invented Ahsoka?
Frankly we see a young Padawan once in ROTS and he’s at the temple only fighting because of the clones attacking his home, not out on a battle field (surely we would see some kids die in Order 66 putside the temple if they were with their masters on battlefields?). The prequel trilogy literally treats killing children as the worst possible thing you can do, and having very young commanders just getting casually killed off throughout the war would be such a deeply weird contradiction of the image of Anakin standing over the younglings. “They did nothing to stop kids being soldiers” is one of the arguments that always gets brought up about the Jedi being evil or totally corrupt people unable to recognize that war=1800-bad-for-kids and I just gotta say if that whole genre of evidence was invented by Mr. Anti-Jedi-Vaguery himself… Clone wars is a kids show, even more than the trilogies, so I do understand the need for young protagonists, but to take that storytelling necessity and twist it into evidence against the premises of the prequels is…it’s something alright.
Whoever knows the deep lore please inform me—it can go either way—if there really were young Padawan commanders in the original vision that’s a really strong argument about the systematic power and fear-based, cruel actions by the Senate, I just would love to know
Edit: question answered in several different ways! I will get around to summarizing them at some point.
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reverie-verse · 9 months
Anakin Skywalker x Reader: Crabbiness Equals Love
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Prompt: You’re from Earth, He’s from a Galaxy from far away. You’re sort of a normal person, and he’s a Jedi, that’s tasked with bringing you back to the council. You’ve known him for a few months and you’ve both had a rocky relationship, you’re friendly one minute and arguing the next. But what happens when the two of you are finally forced to work together? Things tend to come to light in odd ways…
Enemies + Friends =Love 🫶🏽🥹😊
Fluff this is definitely fluff😊
Yes I gave you knowledge in fighting because let’s face it, ain’t nobody safe out here in these streets. 😩😬
You have some knowledge in technology of the ship, given that you’re an engineer. 🤷🏽‍♀️ It’s how I developed the story😩
“ Master, we've been stranded out here for two days! Go talk to her.” Ahsoka points out to you, Anakin had his arms crossed, staring off into the distance. Rex tried his best not to laugh, taking it as his cue to visit and speak with Obi Wan.
“ No” Anakin doesn’t budge, instead he sighs a deep sigh.
“Master, can’t you see how hard she’s working over there, tinkering away on the ship. Even R2 is going over there to help her out”Ahsoka tried a different approach, sounds of metal and sparks could be heard, R2 makes his little way across the dirt to get to you.
“ She's fine. She doesn’t need my help.” He continues his long distance staring, his stubbornness at an all time high. Ahsoka groans, throwing her hands up in the air. She turns away from Anakin making her way towards the ship. She could hear you cursing as you were banging on the pieces of the ship. She shook her head figuring she’d have to try to persuade you to speak with him.
“ Y/N?!” She calls out to you.
“ What?!” You replied as you twisted a piece of electrical together.
“What’s going on between the both of you?” Ahsoka lifts her eyebrow up at you, as she peeks into the little hole of which you worked out of.
“ Nothing” You replied, taking to wires and conjoining them, testing out to see if they’d work.
“ Really? Why do I get the feeling it’s not true” Ahsoka says sneakily, trying to get you to explain the situation. Or maybe reveal a detail about the relationship between the two of you.
“ No-Well-No-you know what, I need a power converter. I can’t do this without it, and that means I need to go into the city” You changed the subject avoiding Ahsoka’s statement.
“ Great!-“ Ahsoka smiles “-Anakin will go with you- ANAKIN! You have to go with Y/N to the city!” Ahsoka turns on her heel, making her way out the ship and to her Master. Anakin had moved to stand next to Obi Wan and Rex.
“ No, you go with her” He shakes his head, he refuses to be with you right now.
Obi Wan only smirks before speaking out “ I agree with your padawan, I think you should go with Y/N”
“ I don’t care what my padawan thinks, I’m in charge” He retorts.
“ Yes, while that is true, but I out rank all of you, so you will go with Y/N to the city,” Obi Wan replied as he rested a hand under his chin. You were standing at the end of the ramp. You grit your teeth, clenching your fists. Ahsoka smiles from ear to ear, Rex had to turn away from the scene.
You and Anakin both glared at each other. The word “Fine” left both of your lips roughly, as the irritation builds between the two of you.
“ Get your cloak” Anakin orders.
“ I am getting my cloak-here’s yours asshole” You threw his cloak at his face while you tugged yours on.
Anakin glared at you, catching it with ease shrugging it on. “ What did you just call me?”
“ I called you a-“
“ -Be safe you two! We’ll watch the ship while you’re gone!” Ahsoka interrupted you as she ushered the two of you along. From the looks of it, the two of you walked with a large amount of space between you, neither one of you wanting to be near one another. It was quite amusing to be honest.
Rex shook his head, a smile on his face “ Are you sure you want to send just the two of them? They might end up killing each other.”
“ Captain Rex, the hope is that they won’t kill each other. Maybe by the end of this the two will get along. “ Obi Wan sighs, shaking his head.
The two of you neared the city limits, as the two of you were about to enter, Anakin pulled his hood upon his head shielding his face, causing you to do the same. Both of you instinctively inch closer together, as your eyes surveyed the crowd. “ Stick close and don’t touch anything” Anakin whispers to you.
“ Oh come on, what are you, my gatekeeper? It’s not like I planned to touch everything while in the process of running away.” You replied sarcastically, your eyes landed on a building that looked as if it sold parts. That was the first shop you intended to visit, you began to move in that direction, Anakin hot on your heels, his eyes never drifting from the crowd.
“ No but you aren’t a jedi either, so someone has to watch you” He retorts, as he quickly wraps a hand around your bicep, pulling you back into him, to keep the creature walking past you, from crashing into you. His grip on you wasn’t as hard as you’d expect. He held you firmly but not enough to cause bruising. Interesting. You were less timid from the time you were first introduced to this life. By now you were becoming accustomed to it, the creatures, and the planets. The life of the galaxy.
“ Yeah well, I don’t need a babysitter. And who's to say I won’t become one just to spite you.” You yank your arm out of his grasp opening the door, your eyes looking for the section of materials you need.
“ Y/N that’s not how that works-What is your problem?” Anakin asks as he surveys the shop.
“ My problem? I should be asking you that, you're the one who’s got a stick shoved up his ass twenty-four seven.” You had finally found the piece you were looking for, you grabbed it turning to Anakin to show him the piece that you found. He of course had to make sure it was in good shape and condition before purchasing the item.
“ What’s that supposed to mean?” He asks you in confusion.
“ It means that you’re crabby all the time, at least with me. You're not that way with Ahsoka, Obi Wan or even Rex. Or that Senator woman” You take the item off the counter carrying it in your arms, Anakin takes his leftover credits, placing them in his pocket.
“ That ‘senator woman’ has a name, there’s nothing going on between her and I…-I’m not crabby with you all the time..” He tries to defend, as he ushers you outside, he makes sure to place an arm around your waist, keeping you close. He could feel an uneasy disturbance through the force, someone was here, and he could feel their eyes on you both.
“ Really? Cuuzzz it kinda looks like it- Listen all I’m saying is that ever since you and your space warriors came to earth to take me away on your little spaceship. You were fine but then after that two week grace period you’ve been nothing but crabby-hey!” Anakin pulls you into an alleyway behind a bin, his large hand covers, your mouth, your back pressed tightly to his chest, his side pressed against the wall, shielding you from the creatures who stopped at the alleyway.
“ Which way did they go?” One hisses out.
“ I don’t know, I lost them in the alleyway”
“ She’s with a jedi” Another growls.
“ So, it’s just one jedi against the four of us.-” The other voice chuckled darkly. Anakin’s com link blink, a sound emitted from it. You looked up at him as he looked down at you, he let go of your mouth as the two of you rushed to turn it off. Obi Wan’s voice comes through before you both could get to the button.
“ Anakin, where are you two? I do hope that you aren’t fighting. Ahsoka has finished a portion of Y/N’s work we still need that other piece-”
“ Did you hear that? It sounds like we got company” The group inched further into the alleyway.
“ Anakin? Come in, Anakin?” Obi Wan’s voice grew more irritated by the second.
“ Awe man, does that mean we gotta fight the lizard people?” You looked towards Anakin who was shaking his head at your reluctance.
“ Yeah-” His answer was short as he moved you out of the way, he lifted his wrist to his mouth “Obi Wan I’m a little busy right now, we’ll get there as fast as we can-”. Anakin pulled out his lightsaber, igniting it as the group of four closed on you both. You moved off to the side, your eyes landing on a speeder that remained stationed on the side, the owner nowhere in sight. The group grew closer, lifting their weapons up, pointing at the two of you.
“We take them together-Y/N?!” Anakin calls out to you as you take off running. You threw whatever object you found on the ground at one of the lizard guys. Using him as leverage you knocked the weapon out of the other guy's hand, the three of you now engaged in hand to hand combat. Anakin deflects the shots taking down his enemies. He too, is engaged in hand to hand combat, as he easily takes them down. However one of the enemies pressed a button on their wrist signaling for back up, a much larger group of thugs emerged from the opposite end of the alleyway.
“ Shit there’s more?!-“ As you both fought.
“ What did you expect, for there to be less?!” Anakin yells back as he kicks his opponent back.
“ I don’t know, maybe?!-“ You socked your opponent in the face, as he ducked your eyes landed on a speeder across the way,”- Anakin the speeder!” You yelled as you flipped a guy over, rolling yourself over his body, using his weapon to shoot at the other men.
“ I know-Let’s go!” Anakin twirls his lightsaber blocking off the shots, he slices one weapon in half as he force pushes his enemy away. You took off running for the speeder, Anakin following behind you. The two of you weave through the crowd, getting on just as the owner walked out of a nearby shop. The two of you hopped in starting it right away. Anakin drove the speeder while you sat facing the back of the speeder pointing your weapon at the enemies. As they fired at you both, you fired back at them, Anakin swerved through traffic. He makes a hard turn causing you to slide over, losing your shot.
“ Damnit!-” You shouted as you realigned your targets.
Anakin too busy lost in thought he smashes his foot on the break causing you to yet again lose your shot and slam into the dashboard. “ Anakin?!” You glared at him.
“ You think I’m crabby?!” The vehicle completely stopped in the middle of traffic. Anakin turned to look at you.
“ What?!” You replied in disbelief and shock.
“ Do you?” He insisted.
“ Are you kidding me right now?! We are in the middle of a speed chase and you want to talk about being crabby?!-“ Your grabbed your weapon, fixing yourself back into your position as the other speeders got closer. “-Now’s the time to start moving!”
“ I’m finishing the conversation we had earlier! Answer the question!” Anakin was determined.
“ Are you-Fine-Yes I do! Are you happy now? Will you stop arguing with me and drive?!” You started firing, hitting one of the targets causing them to fall off their speeder and crash into a building. You switch targets aiming for another one, you follow it.
“No I’m not crabby! No, I won't drive, not until we sort this out- together!” He crosses his arms.
You looked away from your target glaring at him “So help me-if you don’t start this damn vehicle-ugh fuck it!” You pull back your weapon slamming your foot down on the gas, Anakin momentarily takes his foot off the break, the two of you once again swerving out of traffic. Half of your body rests on top of him as you move through the current of vehicles, you aim to get the hell out of dodge. Anakin switched seats with you, allowing you to take hold of the driver's seat, and him the passenger. A hand that belonged to Anakin as he gripped onto your shirt holding you in place to keep you from falling out. The two of you shifted from side to side from your aggressive turn. The two of you barely make it out of the city, leaving the thugs behind in the dust so to speak.
The heat of your skin pouring through your shirt, it warmed his hand. For a second Anakin thought of what it might feel like to touch your skin. To feel the heat of it against his. The chemistry between you too was undeniable, the level of comfortability has always been there. For Anakin you were the one person he could be himself around. He could be sad, mad, sweet, humorous, annoying, over confident, and boyish. But you, you were honest, sarcastic, you were hilarious, you were kind and charismatic. You were right though, he was being a dick to you, sort of these past few weeks. When he first met you, you were kind and you offered to help where you could and when you could. He liked that about you-there were a lot of things he liked about you-he just wasn’t ready to admit it-not with so many people around…
By the time you reached the ship, you threw your cloak off and to the side of the ship with Anakin hot on your heels. Ooo you were so mad, you could literally murder him, not really but you wanted him to trip and fall on his stupid pretty face. Ugggghhhh. You grabbed the piece that Anakin helped you buy from the shop getting ready to work on it. Ahsoka, and Rex seemed to find a way to make themselves busy. Obi Wan held an amused smile on his face. “ I take it the two of you are still working on some things”
“ Something like that” Anakin shrugs with a smirk on his face as if he had a plan set in motion. A plan that only he wanted to know, Obi wan shakes his head smiling to himself. The two head to the cockpit with Rex following behind. Ahsoka, joins you in finishing your work with the converter, the ship finally starting up allowing you all to leave the planet.
You were sitting at the table near the kitchen of the ship, you had a cup of water. Your hair pulled out of its tight hold, allowing it to be in its natural state. You had your hands cupped around the cup itself, you stared down into it. Your mind adrift, your thoughts chaotic, you were perplexed, confused, exhausted and attracted to someone who might be attracted to someone else. Anakin was Anakin, you knew that and you knew the type of person he was. Sure the two of you hadn’t always fought, there were times you guys actually got along but right now he was insufferable. Annoying, he got under your skin on purpose, you just know it.
You rubbed your eyes, heaving a sigh, as if on cue Anakin himself walks into space. As if he had known you’d be thinking about him. You stood up taking your cup with you, you walked to the sink pouring it out and washing before setting it back on the rack. You turned to leave the space but not before Anakin reached a hand out grabbing your arm, causing you to stop in your tracks. “ Hey, hold on” He says softly.
“ Why? So you can irritate me some more, no thanks-“You moved to pull your arm out of his grasp.
“No, but I’m tired of arguing,” He admits.
You lift an eyebrow at him “ Really?”
“ Yes..and I’m sorry.” He says, his face contorting into a softer look.
“ For?” You sighed.
“ For my crabbiness” He couldn’t help but smile.
“Anakin.” You groaned.
“ Y/N” He whispered back, the grin never leaving his face, a chuckle rumbles from his chest.
“ That’s not funny,-” You tell him, a small smile of your own fights it’s way into your face.”-But, apology accepted I guess. I’m sorry for calling you crabby.”
“No need to apologize for it, I was an asshole these past couple weeks..” He looks down at the floor before looking back up to you “-As for the senator, it’s complicated.”
“ You were a pain in my ass…But tell me about your situation maybe I can help” Your hip leaned against the counter, your arms crossed. Your heart hammers in your chest at the same time sinking.
“She’s only a few years older than I am, she’s all I’ve ever known, she’s familiar” His hip against the counter matching your body language, Anakin completely faces you, he’s standing a little closer than he was before but not enough to force you to look up at him.
“But I thought Jedi aren’t allowed to fall in love”Your head tilts slightly to the side as you pondered the thought of it, Anakin tried not to follow your head movement, it was cute, your curiosity.
“ Well attachments are forbidden, possession is forbidden, but compassion is unconditional love- also forbidden-but these things…are crucial to a Jedi’s life” He smiles softly.
You squint your eyes at him “ I don’t-are you sure? Cuz I don’t think that’s-what the Jedi meant when they said forbidden..”
“ Y/N” He huffs.
“ Okay cool we’re just gonna ignore the code got it. So I assume that your friendship between the Senator and you has blossomed into-something more?” You gestured to him with your hand.
“ No, not exactly”
“ No? Wait hold on. You just said she was familiar, I’m lost- then who are you talking about?” Your eyebrows creased together.
“ She is familiar as a friend, someone like Obi Wan or Ashoka. I thought that she would mean more to me but then there was you” He whispered gently, he moved from the counter's edge, stepping closer to you, his hands taking hold of your hips pulling you towards him. Chest to chest his head angles downwards, your head cranked up to look at him.
“ Me?” Your eyebrows shoot upwards in surprise.
“ Yes, you. I can breathe when I’m around you, I can think, I can feel the weight of the order and the galaxy lift off my shoulders. You challenge me, you intrigue me, you guide me, you show me how to be better.” he dipped his head closer to yours, nudging his nose with yours. Your body and mind give you away instantly, melting in his hold, it was something you realized you hadn’t felt in a long time. His touch was intoxicating, and to him you were breathtaking. Such a quick switch of emotions, but he was done pushing you away, and you were done with ignoring how you felt about him.
You whispered, sucking in a breath before releasing it, “ I-You-This-Please tell me this isn’t a joke, cuz that would be really mean.”
“ If I was joking I wouldn’t have confessed the way I did. ” He smiles, one hand lifting up to cup your jaw, his thumb grazing against your cheek, he rubs his nose with yours as tilting his head to the opposite side. Within a second his lips were on yours, your hands grip his clothes, the hand around your waist tucks you further into his body, the hand that held your jaw, his long fingers connecting with the back of your head and hair. The two of you twisted in opposite directions, his lips engulfing yours in such a sweet, passionate languid pace though it quickly turned into a frenzy of rushed kisses. He was practically devouring you and you were fighting to keep up with him. You had to pull back needing air, you shook your eye, you needed to calm down for a second.
Anakin smirks, your eyes searching his face, his hair falling out of place, his lips swollen-“Shiiitttt, you’re dangerous-” You admit your chest heaving up and down, causing him to laugh. His hand slips from your neck and cheek moving to join his other hand around your waist.“-No I am serious, no wonder why so many women, and men fall at your feet” You laughed with him. He buries his head in the crook of your neck. Your arms wrapping around him holding him in place.
“ Mmm I don’t know what you’re talking about-” His lips move against your hot skin as he speaks.
Ahsoka steps through the threshold with a grin of her own “ -I take it all is well?” She asks, her voice startling you both, Anakin releases you, the warmth of him slipping away along with him. You lean with your back against the counter, your hands resting on top of it.
“ What, do you want snips?” He huffs as he stood half way in front of you.
“ Oh you know, just checking up on my Master and friend-” Ahsoka smirks as she lifts an eyebrow between the two of you. “-And to tell you both that we are nearing coruscant. Obi Wan wants you both up front.”
“ Thank you!” You tilt your head to the side to look past Anakin, giving her a sweet smile. Ahsoka nods as she walks away from the door moving towards the cockpit. Anakin turned to you causing you to shrug offering him the same smile. “That’s our cue” you push off the counter heading out to the hall.
Anakin follows behind you as he leans close to your ear “This isn’t over” He whispers to you, he kisses your cheek slipping into the cockpit. You rolled your eyes at him, which only made him grin from ear to ear. The two of you take your seats, Obi Wan and Rex piloting, Ahsoka in front of you.
“ Oh good, the two of you are finally getting along.” Obi Wan states. The two of you looking anywhere but at each other, sharing what could only be described as happy and secretly enjoying the new found relationship.
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oceansssblue · 5 months
*barges into your askbox, breaking down the door*
may i request a jedi fem!reader x tech where they are on a mission together after some time, and they get separated from the rest of the group. she fights very well against some opponents but ends up getting just a bit bloody and hurt, mostly due to an aggressive fighting style, that of a warrior. tech notices all the new scars n stuff on her face and forearms and is worried. she insists she's fine and tries to brush it off, even though she doesnt like them and makes her less of a jedi and more of a warrior. he comforts her telling her things like your a great general and you don't have to follow the code perfectly to still be a good jedi. so basically first kiss fluff and comfort, a bit of angst.
sorry it was so long! have a great day/night
I love Tech soo muchhhh 🥹 This was a cute idea, so here it is! Hope you like it.
Next request will feature Commander Mayday I think!
Stay tunned,
WARNINGS: Blood, scars. A sprinkle of angst but mostly fluff and comfort 📩💔💖
"I'll distract them!" your voice shouts loud and clear through the batch's coms frequency.
Tech frowns, dodging a shot and quickly neutralising the droid responsible for it.
"General..." he begins, clearly not happy with the offer, but you cut him of quickly.
"That's an order" you almost bark back to him.
You don't mean to be mean or harsh. But you're in the middle of a battle, there's lifes on danger, and though you know Tech's worried about you, you can't let that distract you. You need to distract your enemies so the Batch can get to their base; so they can get the information needed. Information that will save hundreds of lifes and will be valuable to the Republic. You know Tech will probably have a list of the things that could go wrong with you getting separated from them in his mind; but it's your choice, ultimately. If you die, so be it. You'd do it honorably.
Tech clenches his jaw.
"Yes, General".
You run away, jumping over dozens of droids and never slowing down, your orange lightsaber dancing through their lines, a blur of light in the almost darkness of the arriving night. While you atract the majority of their troops and pull them far away, the Batch advances. You hope you can hold them off til they get what you need.
Time passes, and your enemies seem to close around you. Droids are not the main problem; the natives of Garsa are, riding big felines with sharp teeth that painfully closes around your arms and legs more than once. One of the predators catches your ankle and pulls, dragging you through the dirt; and you can't help the furious, painful scream that leaves your mouth, twisting around quickly and stabbing your lightsaber through his own open mouth. The animal screeches and dies.
When you hear Hunter's voice through your coms again, half an hour later, you're on the verge of falling unconscious. You can barely fight much longer; energy drained even with your extensive Jedi training. You feel blood all over you, mixing with the dirt of the ground you've been rolling in. It tingles painfully, all the open wounds on your body; specially the deep scratches on your face, that tugs with every facial expression and movement.
You must be quite the sight, because when the Batch comes near you, Tech suddenly halts upon seeing you. A second later, they're all standing around you, helping you to get rid of the last enemies and giving you cover while you start your hurried way back to the Marauder.
Once you're safely flying away on the ship, you collapse down onto the floor. Wrecker grabs you before you can really slam down onto it; lowering you gently. Your mind feels dizzy with exhaustion; and you've almost fallen asleep in place when Tech kneels besides you, route already established and on automatic pilot.
His fingers carefully brush your hair away; chocolate brown eyes studying you worriedly.
"Let's get you cleaned up and fixed, General" he whispers, putting your arm over his shoulders and tugging you up to a stand with him.
You grunt in pain and lean most of your weight against him.
"Don't know if I can stay up and conscious through a shower" you mumble tiredly.
Tech starts a slow, careful walk towards the bathroom. The rest of the Batch scatters throughout the ship, tending to their own wounds and exhaustion.
"That is okay" Tech answers, unbothered. "You could stay with your underware on and I could assist you with that, if you would be comfortable with such situation".
You glance at him and inevitably smile. His cheeks are slightly flushed, though he's trying to keep his voice and posture as professional as possible. You know it's a weird situation, and he doesn't want to make you uncomfortable.
Maybe you would be with Hunter or Wrecker or Cross. But you've always felt safe and at ease with Tech specially; and it would be just one soldier helping another. Of sorts.
" 'M okay with that" you give him your permission, and Tech nods quietly.
Once in the bathroom, you hold yourself with a hand against the wall and slowly pull your clothes of. Tech intently stares down at the floor; only risking a quick glance upwards when you let out a small whimper of pain. Your pant's are abandoned on the floor; but your bloody shirt is stuck to a wound on your stomach, and just touching the material of the shirt makes your wound burn.
"Let me" Tech asks, gently, and you push your hands over your head, staying as still as possible while he carefully separates the shirt from your skin and pulls it off of your body.
You sigh in relief and thank him before wobbling into the shower. Tech's hand stabilises you; and he makes sure to catch you whenever you stumble a bit too much for his comfort. You get rid of the dirt and blood, being specially carefull with your injuries; and then gently dry your skin with a towel.
Tech takes a step back –dropplets of water running down his still in place armour–, eyes glancing down at the floor again. You smile with his consideration of your privacy; though the smile dissapears from your face when you take a look at the small mirror in front of you.
The wounds are deep, and they will scar. One crosses over your nose, another cuts vertically through your left eyebrow, and two other big ones slashes your right cheek. Smaller ones go over your lip, though you think those will heal nicely. You open your towel and glance down, analysing. There's more across your body. You...
"Don't look like a jedi" you unconsciously mumble out loud. "More like a warrior".
Tech's eyes meet yours through the reflection of the mirror. He frowns, and you fake a smile while you pull yourself out of your thoughts. You hide under the towel.
"I'm fine".
It's obviously a lie; and Tech has always been intelligent.
His hands hesitantly land on your shoulders; thumbs caressing slowly.
"You're a great general" he tells you, gentle. "This was a suicide mission, and yet we all made it out fairly well, considering the circumstances. You don't have to follow the code perfectly to be a good Jedi. Jedi's use the Force to help people, to bring peace to the galaxy. Isn't that what you do everyday?"
His words make your heart ache. Your eyes fill with tears.
Yeah, you do. Maybe he's right. Maybe you don't have to follow the code literally step by step. Maybe what you're doing is enough. You're only human, after all.
You turn towards Tech. He's tall, and handsome, and polite and gentle, intelligent and caring. You've always liked him. Always felt something towards him, even if you've tried to burry it inside your soul.
Maybe... Your hands tremble as they make their way up to his face; carefully cupping his cheeks. Tech blushes, but he doesn't glance or move away. He's still, breathing heavier, eyes fixed on yours, waiting expectantly. His hands slowly travel down your back to your hips; his back curves down to close the distance between your lips.
You cling to his shoulders, stand on your tiptoes, and kiss him. Your eyes close with a relieved sigh, and you can feel him first tensing, then relaxing, into the kiss too. His lips are soft and his movements meassured and gentle; kissing you like you're the most important thing in the galaxy. You feel warm and safe. Excited and in peace at the same time.
When you separate in order to breathe, he caresses your cheek in wonder and presses his forehead against yours with a happy sigh.
Yeah. Maybe it is okay.
Yoooo I'm on fire everybody! Writing nonestop requests for yall!
Still got a few to go (another Tech, Mayday, Wolffe, Hunter, some non romantic ones...). Be patient, I will get there.
Think this one turned out well.
Stay tunned!
Back to my general masterlist here:
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mara-tevith-solo · 1 year
Fate Thinks She’s Funny
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Screw it, I might make this a series. Part of the One Enchanted Evening fic. Reader here has a recycled OC background I made for the MCU. Essentially came to Earth after Order 66 in the 90′s, was forcibly conscripted in the US Military and she gets tangled up in everything because of the Ancient One, the Jedi inability to not meddle, and Billy. It’s a 43k word fic that is no where near complete and probably will never be
Pairing: Adam Warlock x ex-avenger/guardian! reader
Warnings: Canon levels of violence, love at first sight, prospective death, Adam pulling his punches just for you because he hates the idea of hurting you after 0.001 seconds, reader compares him to a Rancor of all things 
Words: 1.8k+
Rated: 18+ as always
It was the crashing that alerted you initially, pulling you from the half-sleep you had managed to finally fall into. You didn't even bother shutting the door to your apartment behind you as you went to investigate, Groot wrapped around something on fire shooting past without much preamble. You were fully awake before he was out of sight, already trying to calculate his trajectory to be there to stop him. You ran over walkways and tight wires, not truly looking where you were going besides making sure the way was clear, making sure that no one would get hurt from the debris. It barely occurred to you that you were only dressed in one of Stephen's old shirts and a pair of sleeping shorts, your main concern being the citizens, and then the attacker.
A mother and child huddled on main street gave you pause, the mother trying to shelter her screaming child as debris began raining down towards them. Protecting them with the Force was reactionary, no really thought put into it until they were safe and you were on the move again. You skidded to a stop on a catwalk as Kraglin's arrow smacked the man harmlessly across the cheek, making him stop angrily in his tracks "Who threw this thing at me?" He demanded sharply, looking around the rubble he'd created. No one dared to answer him, all of them hiding and fighting to remain silent despite their fear. He looked, disarmed by the fear, choosing to move on "Baby." He chided before continuing on his path.
Landing on the attacker was easy, he was strutting through main street like he owned the place, like he wasn't trying to tear it apart bit by bit. He fell to the ground under you with an annoyed yell, your claws sinking into his shoulders before you were moving off of him, twisting and throwing him over your head and down into the ground with a shout. You didn't wait for the dust to settle to grab him again, hoisting him up to his feet as he tried regaining his barrings. For a moment, one single solitary moment, your eyes met, gold giving way to his pupils as they dilated, his breath stuttering as his golden lips dropped open the barest fraction. There was something star struck in his expression, something you forced yourself to not dwell on as you let go of his tunic just long enough to Spartan Kick him further away from where he'd thrown Nebula. He didn't go far, landing on his back with a forced exhale before he was clambering up to his feet with a bewildered glare "Do that again and I'll be forced to kill you." He was warning you as he shook the dust from his person, not taking his eyes off your form.
"Pity." You huffed, calling my saber, reaching back towards your apartment.
"What's that? What is the purpose of that?" He asked, genuinely curious, tilting his head like a puppy. It genuinely caught you off guard, both the fact that he genuinely didn't know what you were doing, and the fact that he seemed so innocent in that moment. You didn't answer him, instead taking a ready stance as soon as the hilt was in your hand, the familiar hum and yellow hue a comfort. He blinked, taking in your position and your weapon before deciding that you were still intent on being a threat, powering up with a frustrated grunt and a silent snarl, his hands engulfed in blades of light. It was like dancing, fighting with him, meeting him strike for strike even though it didn't feel like his heart was fully in it. He depowered one hand enough to grab your saber hand, immobilizing it no matter how hard you struggled, making you grab his arm that was still powered up, holding it above both of your heads in a struggle of wills. "I do not want to kill you." He admitted with a grunt, trying to break the hold you had on him.
"Not the first time I've heard that." You growled back a little bitterly, straining against him for a moment before you saw an opening and took it. Your forehead collided with his, a resounding crack! echoing through your head and the square as he cried out in pain, stumbling blindly back in retreat. "Fucking hell." You groaned, doubling over as you pressed your freehand to your forehead, trying to sooth the ache that was still blooming there. You could feel the tale tell tickle of a small track of blood dripping down the bridge of your nose, but didn't think much of it as you focused an eye on him, watching him recollect himself with that snarl of his.    
"Are you always this stubborn?!" He asked you indignantly, throwing his hands out with exasperation.
You couldn't stop your expression if you wanted to, open bewilderment taking your face by storm as you just stared at him "You're trying to kill my friends! Of course I'm 'being stubborn'!"
"I just want the squirrel." He rebutted as though it was so simple.
"You can't have our friend! He's not property!"
Before he could say another word, Drax grabbed him and began throwing him around "Pick on someone your own size!"  
You wanted to just hide somewhere as you backed away from the two men, your heart pounding deafeningly in your chest as Drax threw him into the headquarters sign "Y/n!" You could hear Mantis calling desperately from the med center, tears in her voice spurring you into action, ignoring the suddenly very determined man as he lifted himself from the dirt. You had to stop, your eyes glued to the scene, as the man met Drax hit for hit, matching every bit of his strength easily. It made you want to throw up. You watched, helpless, as beams of light came from the man's hands again, Drax barely able to stop them, holding the man at bay with groans of strain. "Y/n! Help!" Mantis wailed again, but you couldn't tear your gaze away as the stranger's power began to whine audibly, getting brighter and brighter until he was blowing Drax back with it.    
As soon as he straddled and began pummeling Drax you were in motion, charging without a thought of your own safety. You dove at the last possible moment, only loosing a cry when your shoulder collided with his ribs, ripping him off of Drax and into the dirt with you. Scrabbling for dominance in the dirt with him, you didn't care to use finesse, or any true skill. He'd already proven that he was ridiculously strong, that you had to fight dirty to get any advantage. You barely paid attention to the darkening of his cheeks and neck as you straddled his waist and tried to punch his lights out, your fist raining punishment into his pretty face over and over again as your other hand kept you anchored to him, fisted tightly into the collar of his tunic. He seemed more concerned with trying to fend off the blows than fight back "ENOUGH!" He roared under you, almost succeeding in turning over under you as he tried to protect himself. You didn't listen to him as you pressed him back down, driving your fist into his sternum as you continued to punch the daylights out of him. "I said," He grabbed you by the thighs, his hands engulfing them by nearly half before he was usurping your position, driving your back into the dirt, his weight pressing down between your legs "enough!" It was only at that moment that he seemed to realize the position he had put you both in, making you feel like you were on fire as he stared down at you with those wide doe eyes that just screamed innocence.
You blinked back up at him, suddenly uncomfortable with the vulnerable position, your grip on his collar almost slackening with the shock that you liked it, until Drax groaned in pain, snapping you back to reality. Your legs tightened around his lower ribs, locking at the ankles behind him as you squeezed for all you were worth, not letting up as he sucked in a panicked, ragged breath. His hands found your thighs again as he sat up, dragging you up with him as you resumed punching and he tried pushing, his fingers digging painfully into your flesh, trying to pry you off before you constricted him to death. In a split second he gave up trying to get you off of him, his hand molding around the column of your throat like it was made to be there, cutting off your own breath as he pressed you back down into the dirt with a heavy glare. You tightened your hold on his ribs defiantly as you tried to pry his hand off, snarling right back up at him as he reared his fist back to finally fight back. A glowing blade erupted from his chest, instantly taking the fight out of him as he incredulously looked from you to it "That... hurts!" He breathed as golden blood dripped from the tip of the blade and down onto your shirt, immediately standing out from the blood sweat and dirt that clung to it.
"What a pity." Nebula growled from behind him as his hand loosened around your throat, allowing you to suck in a greedy lungful of air that had never tasted so sweet. The man looked back down at you as you gulped down ragged breaths past your burning throat, a small trickle of blood dripping past his lips as he grunted in pain. You let him go as soon as the blade retreated, letting him fall to the dust beside you. You couldn't look at him, it hurt to and you couldn't figure out why, why his imminent death was going to bother you. He'd been trying to kill your friends since he'd arrived on Knowhere and yet... "Still alive down there?" Nebula's voice broke you out of your thoughts and slammed you back into the moment as the man continued to suffer quietly beside you.
She was fighting a ghost of a smile as she offered you an arm "He hits like a Rancor." Your voice was still rough as it passed your burning throat, your healing taking its sweet time as you accepted her help to climb to your feet. She just shook her head with amusement before going to Drax, leaving you there. You didn't want to, but you looked down at the man, acknowledging his gaze as he turned onto his back, his eyes begging you for help "I'm sorry, I didn't want it to end like this." The words felt right as they hit the air, your chest aching at the idea that he'd die there. You were quick to turn away from him and limp to the Med Center, your thighs shivering with every step. You didn't want to face his death, didn't want to acknowledge it and you couldn't figure out why.  
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echoedcrosshairs · 1 year
Unseen Scars
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Summary: Female Jedi survived order 66 hides out in the underground of Ord Mantell. Hiding out in Cid's parlor keeping your head down you see Rex's face and get sent backward in time. (Gif by @dreamswithghosts)
Warning: Order 66 Jedi Trauma, Feeling Haunted, Soft Rex, Angsty and Love
Word count: 2.7
(part two)
The costs of war can never be truly accounted for, you spun the disgusting bottom shelf liquid around your glass pondering Master Yoda's saying noting how right it was. Your head swam back to when the order was given, feeling all the death and pain through the force. The betrayal on the deepest level, soldiers we fought beside for years trusted with our lives killing us like discarded bantha fodder. We never saw it coming, we speculated something was coming but we never dreamed that our dearest allies would turn on us. You wondered if anyone had made it and if they too lived like womp rats hiding in darkness.
One must let go of the past to hold on to the future. The saying twisted in your guts like a knife, how does one even move past something like that? How could I even think of the future? Your mind wandered to your closest... friend and confidant then the rage seethed like it normally did when you envision his face knowing it was one of countless who gunned down Jedi. You slammed the drink back. Looking up you saw another hooded stranger walking sitting in the other dark corner. Your mind went blank at this presence, body screaming at you to run... it didn't take long to find out why. Frozen to your seat like the ice of Hoth itself held you down forcing you to watch the scene unfolds. In the commotion your hood most have fallen back, the four men and him stared at you you didn't hear a word that was said before that your ears rang and your mind fell blank. Puzzled looks fell on the four men's faces as he softly said "Commander..." The title use to make your heart flutter everytime he called it out but now it just filled you with terror. Any minute now he was going to shoot, your heart pounded and your feet finally started moving.
Rex fell to unabashedly to his knees for a moment watching you flee from him, she's not dead, the relief flooded him followed by agonizing truth that you were horrified of him, why wouldn't you be? Why didn't you hear that his chip was gone? His hand wiped the revolution that trickled from his eyes. Rex's head was spinning but he pulled himself up one leg at a time. He looked at Echo who was staring at the door before turning to him gripping his shoulder, "We'll find her, Captain."
"Who was that, Rex?" Hunter asked.
"A Jedi," Echo whispered, "a very dear friend of ours."
Hunter waited staring at Rex knowing there was more to the story, "Found her," Tech said interrupting the silence.
"Where is she," Echo said taking the data pad from Tech, "She's on the move-" finally noticing the wetness he wiped from his face.
"Girlfriend, wasn't she?" Tech said filling in the unspoken blanks.
"Soldier's can't have relations with the Jedi-" Rex stated.
"The Republic is gone and to the Empire you are dead," Tech said flatly.
"We have to go, Captain," Echo urged, Rex nodded and the Five of them started running.
What is lost is often found. Ord Mantell had become your darkness, a sliver of peace and privacy in the blossoming chaos of the Empire spreading through out the galaxy. A chance to fade into the shadows as a relic of an era that was over. Now this home had to be abandon just like everything else. Your feet kept running and the hair on back of your neck stood up. You looked back, nearly tripping noticing the four's armor. Commando's, the deadliest troopers, designed differently and raised to endure. They probably have everything mapped out in their hands, it's like shooting a rancor in a cage. Not even with my saber do I stand a chance against four... Although one seems familiar... You looked back noticing the one with a stomp, "Echo... Clone Force 99," you ducked sideways into the nearest building. Crosshair has to be up above some where waiting for his trap to spring.
You cut through the building hopefully buying yourself time to think. Running out of breath you rested for a second against the wall. You mentally listed Hunter's, Tech's and Wrecker's enhancements. Anyone but Wrecker even with his strength I doubt it would be quick... Then again with Crosshairs temperament I doubt he would be either. You hit your head back against the wall before taking off again. Turning your head again you saw Hunter catching up, you stopped for a second using the force to rip a door and shoved it in his direction, but you knew it was to late his hunters sense of smell and hearing... If I could just get to the nightclub... I could use that against him- You're body collided with a solid mass and tumbled back, Echo. You scrambled back to your feet defensively reaching for the lightsaber that was no longer there.
"I'm putting down my blaster," Echo said eyeing you like a rapid animal waiting to lounge, "Commander, you're safe. None of us are going to hurt you nor to turn you in."
"The clones betrayed us," you gritted out slowly backing out of the room.
"Not all of us, Commander," Rex said behind you and his arms come around you. Feeling you thrash against him, "Mesh'la..." he got out pained softly whispering your name, "You're safe," he felt your legs buckle slowly took both of you to the ground holding you against him wrapping his arms around you tighter hearing the sobs start. He gave Echo a weary look as he sat looking at the two of you.
"Commander, I'm glad you made it. Both of you," Echo said taking off his helmet setting it off to the side, "The three of us together again," he added quietly with a small chuckle.
"Say something..." Rex whispered, "anything..."
"Let me go.." as you finished the sentence Rex's arm came off, always the loyal solider following orders. Pathetically you crawled away from both of them curling your knees to your body. You looked at them resting your head on your knee, "Is this some sick trick?" You whispered.
Rex's fingers went to the scar on the side of his head, "It's gone," he paused reaching out his hand, "Ask me again."
Anxiously you took his hand and asked again feeling the truth in the answer and Echo did the same, "The others need to get their chips out but they haven't activated, I promise."
Finally you genuinely looked at Rex, the fine buzzed blonde hair, the poncho hiding his 501st armor and earthy tones eyes staring back at you. You stared at him the red veins in his eyes, you wiped the tears from your own looking up out the windows. There was no imperial ships above waiting because they would have been here by now. Glancing down you found your hand visibly shaking you pulled your arms into your lap handing them. You looked back at Rex as much as you wanted to see him your mind kept slipping backwards seeing the troopers fire at you and the others fleeing. Shutting your eyes you buried your head in your lap.
"So... why are they just sitting there?" Wrecker asked.
"Given the last time she was around regs they tried to terminate her per Order 66," Tech offered, "If she around them when the order was given which I am assuming she was given her behavior."
"Shouldn't we be in there because we're not regs?"
"No, we still have our chips however deviant we are if what Captain Rex says to be true, the three of us are the dangerous ones. I would leave them be."
"Commander..." Rex said softly.
"The war is over, you don't need to call me that," you said lifting your head to your knees. Rex whispered your name softly and you forced yourself to look at him, "What?" you whispered.
"I'm glad you're still here."
You reminded silent for a moment, How do I even answer that? I'm not. "Thank you," you decided to be polite.
"Do you want me to give you two a couple minutes?" Echo asked softly.
No, "Yes," forced its way out through your strained vocals.
Echo looked at Rex hesitantly before prying himself off the hard ground heading outside to meet up with his squad, finding the anxious look on their faces discussing what had compelled Rex to cry given it was next to impossible for a clone. Everyone in the had 501st gossiped about what was going between them but neither of them had every winded any truth to it, Echo aired that curiosity to them which silenced them in understanding.
Rex moved closer to you watching you flinch moving his hands under his poncho watching you tense up as he took it off. He slowly took off his armor laying it to him revealing the plain civvies underneath, "Just me," he whispered watching you relax a bit. He cautiously scoot forward waiting to see if you would move away when you didn't he came a hands width away. He looked at the ponchow with an idea putting it over both of your heads surrounding both of you in completed darkness to keep the reminders of his face at bay but also privacy, "Just us."
"Why did you chase after me?"
"I always protect my Jedi, I'll always protect you."
"Why did you send 99 after me... it was horrifying."
"That wasn't my idea albeit it was a good plan to get around you sensing me if you were distracted," Rex admitted, "It worked in my favor, albeit to well." Weakly Rex let his finger tips touch your knee waiting to see if you'd jerk away but you didn't and he slide his palm on your knee resting it there. He gave it a gentle squeeze, "I'm sorry."
Shakily you put your hand on top of it and squeezed it back. The familiar warmth radiated off him, "Rex," the name rolled from your tongue like a distant pleasant memory, "it's getting hot under here." He laid one hand on top yours and used the other to cast aside the poncho to the ground, "Better" you whispered.
"Do you want me to leave you alone?" it pained him to think about finding you again and losing you again but it comforted him that you had survived. He smiled watching the emotions coast through your face, you'd always been so good at hiding them but now they were as plain to see as the stars in a clear night.
Your mind screamed yes but the familiar warmth in your heart said no. Staring at the scar on his head, you shook your head Rex isn't a threat, Rex isn't a threat, Rex isn't a threat. Your stomach turned but you allowed yourself to reach out to him through the force finding the familiar honesty, courage, loyalty, the secret in his heart that did his best to hide from the outside world was so blatantly on display with his touch. You watch pain on his face slowly relieving.
You felt him slowly weave his fingers through yours, "Is that okay?" he asked.
"I can feel Echo's contentment and laughter from here," you weakly laughed.
"They did speculate about what was going on between us," Rex smiled looking up at Echo laughing in the window giving him a thumbs up hearing him faintly say 'Called it'. Rex groaned still smiling, "Will you allow this humble man to walk you back to the parlor?"
"Yeah... I need a drink... or a dozen," you said prying yourself up with him still holding your hand as he stood up himself temporarily letting go to reaffix his armor and poncho.
"When did you take up drinking?" he asked arching an eyebrow relacing his fingers through yours noting you wouldn't look at him to long but the expression said enough as to why. His thumb traced the reminiscent intimate skin of his love, each swipe solidifying that you were alive and there not just some figment of his imagination holding him to the past, "I've missed you with each breath of life my soul expels."
Your face flames at his words, "When did you become a poet?" you jested.
"To many late nights wondering what happened to you."
Echo rejoined the two of you but everyone else gave you breathing room. Even with his fingers gripping to yours he still brought his other hand across his body holding onto your arm for dear life. You looked up at him almost crying again, even before all of this you never publicly got to walk down the street with him or show any interest in him.
"What is it?" he whispered, "My fabulous hair getting in your eye?" he attempted to crack a joke.
"That was horrible, Captain," Echo chuckled.
You squeezed his hand, "Never got to do this before... walk down the street just as me and you."
"It's a different time," he offered.
"So Comm-" Echo caught the title switching to your name instead, "How long," he said motioning his finger between the two of you."
Rex looked at you a bright scarlet sweeping his face, "Well... somewhere between the whole time and now," he offered.
Echo gave him a flabbergasted look, "What."
"Help?" Rex choked out taking his extra hand off your arm to rub his head awkwardly which got an even more expressive reaction from Echo,
"Tibrin," you offered back smirking at the unspoken about mission.
Echo groaned knowing the answer was going to get him no where. He looked at both of you smiling, "Everything in the galaxy has changed but I'm glad something stayed the same."
"I didn't think it would," Rex said flatly staring at the ground for a couple minutes before looking back up.
You stopped as much as the anxiety about the clones put you on edge, that comment stung worse, "Commander?" he asked staring at you. Even Echo had stopped.
"To love, is to trust. To trust is to believe. Do you believe I would so easily changeable?"
"We change everyday to adapt to this new world. Who we are now is not who we were when we met."
You dropped his hand continued walking, "Cyare," he groaned wrapping his arms around you pulling you to him, "You didn't let me finish. We as people change but in no galaxy, nor time apart nor in death will my heart ever beat for anyone else. Looks at me Mesh'la," Rex swallowed although his mouth and throat were parched, "Let me kiss you to prove it."
You looked up at him, Rex had never been one for public affection even so much as holding his hands behind his back and side stepping if he was even within a foot of you even in moments of privacy outside of a confined bedroom. He peeled his gloves off sticking them in his pocket, "It's only ever been you," he said lightly touching your face with one hand waiting before bringing the other to your face caressing you pull you close to him lowering himself to you waiting and when you didn't move he took your bottom lip between his.
It was like thrusters coming online, an inferno blazing between the both of you. Every feeling of love, pain, lost and aching of the soul. Somewhere in the distant you heard Echo laughing and calling the two of you cute. Your fingers shakily found the side of his feeling the familiar cut of his cheeks and strength of his jaw. Then up to the scar flinching you pulled away. There was a temporary look of disappointment on his face followed by understanding. He grilled your fingers tighter, “I’ll spend the rest of life protecting you from the unseen scars with my love.” Rex pulled you closed, “I love you.”
Maybe a part two?
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lajulie24 · 1 year
Don’t mind me, just watching GIFs of Luke throwing away his lightsaber in ROTJ and reclaiming himself as a Jedi “like my father before me” and thinking about all the things that led him there and all the people who contributed to Luke making that decision. Yes, that decision was incredibly personal and speaks to how Luke has grown throughout the OT, and at the same time Luke himself would likely acknowledge that moment wouldn’t have been possible without everyone who has been a part of his life, who helped him get there. Some of whom he never even knew.
It’s a victory for Padmé Amidala Naberrie, whom Luke never knew but who managed to outmatch Sheev Palpatine so many times through her life, in part by refusing to play his game, which is exactly what Luke did here. Palpatine claims Luke’s faith in his friends is his weakness, but both he and his mother knew that it was a strength. Padmé’s friends (particularly Bail and Obi-Wan) are the reason the twins survived at all, the reason Luke had a sister and friend in Leia to lean on during his journey, the reason Obi-Wan survived long enough to watch over him and introduce him to the Force.
It’s a victory for Shmi Skywalker, whom Luke never knew but who influenced her stepson Owen Lars and her daughter-in-law Beru Whitesun Lars, who in turn helped Luke grow into the person he was. Yes, Anakin turned in part because he feared to lose Padmé the way he’d lost Shmi, just like Luke came close to turning when Vader threatened Leia, but I have to think that part of the reason Luke was able to stop was that he had that foundation of love and stability Owen and Beru had nurtured that made Luke remember who he was.
It’s a victory for the Jedi, whom Palpatine had manipulated and twisted and exhausted through the Clone Wars until by the time they faced genocide at Order 66 they were already a shadow of what they could have been. Luke reclaiming what it means to be a Jedi — and again, refusing to be defined by the structures and traps Palpatine had constructed for his father and for the other Jedi — would not have been possible without Luke being introduced to the Force by Obi-Wan, taught in the Force by Yoda, AND remembering himself through his bonds with other people. The fact that these Jedi who had survived a horrific genocide could still offer that connection, that hope, says that Sheev had not succeeded eliminating their light. Just like Sheev had not succeeded in eliminating the light in Anakin.
It’s a victory for all the beings with whom Luke was connected, because Luke had learned the thing his father struggled so hard to do: he learned to love, to trust, and to let go. At this moment, there was no guarantee Luke was getting out of there alive. In fact, a second later he’s being electrocuted by Palpatine and probably going to die. But like Luke said, Palpatine has already lost. Luke won’t turn to the Dark Side. He’ll keep trusting his friends, and trusting in the light. And everyone who has connected with Luke—Leia, Han, Chewie, Lando, his friends in the Rebellion, everyone — has been changed by that connection in a way that Palpatine can never take away. No matter who survives, that light in some form will survive.
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dailydragon08 · 1 year
Easy Attachment
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Pairing: Luke Skywalker x F!Jedi!Reader
Summary: Luke will forever be grateful he has you by his side as his Jedi academy grows.
Warnings: none, just fluff.
A/N: "Remnants" is a series of one shots in no particular order about the budding relationship between you and Luke as he trains you in the ways of the Force.
Luke watched as Grogu leapt from rock to rock in the lake, the training remote following his every move and shooting little blasts at him. He was getting good at jumping and landing precisely, just as Luke knew he would with some firm, but gentle encouragement.
He sensed a familiar Force signature sidling up behind him and smiled, turning love-drunk eyes to you. You gave him a small smile as you stepped closer and he reached a hand out to rub across your back. You curled into his side, something that was practically instinct at this point, as he slung his arm around your neck to pull you closer. Your fingers weaved into his where they hung lazily off your shoulder as he turned his attention back to the padawan in front of him—but not before leaving a sweet kiss on your forehead.
You leaned your head against his shoulder and he rested his cheek against your hair as Grogu finally had enough of the remote. He narrowed his eyes and lifted his little arms towards it. The remote shook, smoked, and sputtered into the water around him. He turned to coo at his teacher, his dark eyes lighting up and smiling when he noticed you had joined.
“Good!” Luke called out. “Come on back. Your father should be here any minute.”
Luke could sense the youngling’s excitement, as well as the steady, rhythmic flow of your love. Before you could get too far from him to meet Grogu, he squeezed you tightly and planted a soft, lingering kiss on your lips. “I love you,” he breathed while you were still barely a breath apart and sent as big a wave of affection through the Force as he could muster.
You smiled and he had to remind himself to breathe. “I love you, too.”
He couldn’t help the toothy grin that split his face. He would never tire of hearing you say that to him, and gently brushed his thumb against your cheek before reluctantly letting you go. He watched as you made your way towards the water, feeling an overwhelming surge of gratitude. He would thank the galaxy, Force, Maker, anything and everything that he’d found you and you’d chosen him.
Grogu hopped over the last stone and ran to you with a huge smile and open arms as footsteps sounded behind him. “Hello, Din.”
“Hi,” a gruff voice replied. “How’s the kid doing?”
Luke glanced at the Mandolorian. “Very well. But he’s glad you’re here and I’m sure he’ll be glad to take a few days off. Were you two planning to take a trip or will you be staying here?”
“I’m between jobs. So we’ll stay here.” He hesitated. “I’d like to see what he’s been learning if that’s all right.”
“That’s perfectly fine.” Another small smile graced Luke’s lips as he watched you lift Grogu in your arms. The little green toddler nuzzled into your shoulder happily as you cuddled him against you.
“He seems to be getting attached to her,” Din said.
Luke chuckled. “Yes. It’s easy to do with her.” He twisted his wedding band around his finger with his cybernetic, breathing in the calming scent of the bamboo forest and reveling in the feel of you through the Force.
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swift-creates · 5 months
@chrumblr-whumblr day 10: whipping betrayal (alt 5)
wc: 193 | warnings: Force choking | characters: Dick Grayson (pov), Jason Todd, Tim Drake
Mustafar, anybody? Brotherly betrayal, anybody? Revenge of the Sith, anybody?
"Jason, please don't do this." "Don't tell me what or what not to do. I'm done taking orders from you!" Jason's fist tightened, and Tim struggled harder against the invisible grip on his throat. Dick's heart sank.
How did we get here?
"The Dark Side is corrupting you, Jason. You're not thinking clearly." Jason laughed, narrowed eyes a sickly yellow-red instead of the bright, happy blue Dick had always known and loved to see. "No. No, now I see more clearly than I ever have. The Jedi are a bunch of liars, Dick. Bruce is a liar, they're all deceiving you! And this one- This one is helping them spread their blight on the galaxy." His lip twisted as he looked back at Tim, and Dick watched in horror as his frantic movements slowed to a stop. "Let him go. Please." "Join me," Jason said, as if he'd never spoken. "Join me, and together we can rule as brothers. We can overthrow the Emperor. No one will be able to stand against us!" His smile was crazed, and Dick couldn’t believe what he was hearing.
Oh, little Wing.
How did we get here?
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whats your opinion on the UD being frozen as a metaphor for will's childhood and so when it's all released, he'll be free of it and therefore maybe his love for mike is still chaste and childish and that when it's all over he'll have released that love too?
with neither mike nor el or will ending up in a romantic pair at all.
That sounds rather ridiculous, in my opinion, like someone was trying to find a way to justify Will growing out of his love for Mike. If that's the case, then it's also homophobic, as it's very in line with the old standby of "it's just a phase" that gay kids had to grow up hearing.
The Upside Down being frozen in 1983 has been stated to be a significant plot point. While it may have connections to Will's feelings, since it seems to be connected to Will in general, its main purpose is in the central story.
We already know that the Upside Down does not naturally appear as the real world. When Henry was sent to what we are told was Dimension X, it was largely barren of any landmarks, looking much like a violent primordial world. The only signs of life were the small democreatures and the Mindflayer. Assuming Dimension X became the Upside Down, which seems likely since Henry, the Mindflayer, and the democreatures all are found there, then it stands to reason that it can be shaped.
The obvious source of this would be Henry. His first action when he got there was to bend the Mindflayer to his will. However, the problem with that is that he was in there for years before he had any (known) contact with the main world, apparently caused by El getting close to a demogorgon while in the Void. This causes a Gate to open, creating a physical connection between the two worlds on November 6, 1983. Will disappears into the Upside Down that night, and the dimension has appeared as a dark, twisted version of Hawkins forever stuck on that date.
The question we have is why hasn't the Upside Down changed since then? What is responsible for shaping it? If it is Henry, then why would he bother doing so? Why wouldn't he make it look more like the Hawkins he knew from before he ended up with Brenner?
The next suggestion is that Will is responsible. He wanted so badly to go home that the entire dimension shaped itself to be home. That would fit in with the idea that Will was more than just a random victim, that Henry wanted him for something. Unlike other victims of the demogorgon, Will was hunted, but not killed. We've seen enough of these beasts to know they are both mindless animals, but subject to control through the Mindflayer and, subsequently, Henry. We also know Henry can take the powers of his victims ("everything they will ever be"), so it's very possible he wanted to get this power for himself rather than let Will be food for his beasts.
The problem I see, especially with the Reddit community, is that they see Will as an artifact character. There's this idea that the writers just didn't know what to do with him after season 1, and that he's an unimportant character that they're giving side stories to in order to give him something to do. However, Will has always been important, only in a way that they've been saving for a big reveal, with only hints along the way. His love for Mike is part of his individual character arc, but it's not a weakness for him to overcome. Instead, it's being built up as his source of strength. Mike makes him feel like he's better for being different. It would be very bad storytelling to make this something he has to give up.
Will is central to the story in a way they haven't fully revealed. I'm banking on the Upside Down being stuck in time being a result of something he did, albeit unwittingly. Henry is going to want that power for himself, which is why he hasn't killed Will. I'm guessing that Henry will appeal to Will's repressed anger and resentment to recruit him in the same way he tried to recruit El (mirroring Palpatine tempting Luke in Return of the Jedi), but it's Mike and his love that will grant Will the strength to overcome this. At that point, we'll see the dark, twisted Upside Down either be destroyed, revert to its natural state, or become something beautiful as a reflection of Will's emotions.
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jedi-enthusiast · 1 year
I have to ask you, considering my own pro jedi views, why do people think the sith are even better
If the Jedi are miserable without a romantic relationship
Then the sith are downright husks of their former selves
They regularly kill their loved ones in blind anger after all
And don’t get me started on darth marr and malgus they are outliers of the sith empire
Even the malgus was like “ better kill my wife because I would be seen weak if I’m shown to love her and cannot protect her.”, like that’s more toxic
You cannot tell me that the sith are better people if they managed to make an outlier of their order and empire think that
I'm gonna be 100% honest with you, I was half asleep when I read this yesterday and I thought you asked me "why do you think the Sith are better?" and I was so confused. Then I woke up a little more, re-read this, made breakfast, and then promptly forgot about responding 😭
so yeah, sorry for the hold up lmao
To be honest, I think people think this because the Sith are the opposite of the Jedi---so, when people hate the Jedi and make up shit about how they "aren't allowed to have emotions" or whatever, they view the Sith as good and emotionally healthy and happy just because they're the opposite of the Jedi and not really because of anything we're actually shown about the Sith.
They make up a fake version of the Jedi in their heads, using terrible takes and bad-faith arguments and fanon headcanons, then hear "the Sith are opposite of the Jedi" and proceed to make up a fake version of the Sith in their heads, using straight-up delusion and more fanon headcanons, to be "the REAL good guys" in this ridiculous daydream ooc roleplay bullshit they have going on.
I think it's fucking insane, though, considering that literally nothing in canon shows us that---in fact, it's exactly the opposite.
Literally every Sith we're shown, save for like...maybe Palpatine, is fucking miserable. They're hateful and angry and generally have had their lives completely fucked up---they're not happy in the slightest, let alone happier than the Jedi.
And you're absolutely right, Sith are husks of themselves, because that's what the Dark Side does---it twists you and brings out your worst traits and enables your worst impulses until you're nothing but a cold hateful shell of your former self. That's the whole point.
You're also very right about the whole Malgus thing because, if even the Sith outliers are killing their loved ones, I have my doubts about the Sith being happier and/or "being allowed to love while the repressed, cold Jedi are forced to not love anyone" (which is like...the main argument I've seen about this).
I don't have the comic panel on hand, but there's even a comic where some Sith lord (I think it might've been Palpatine) says that there's no place for love/empathy/etc. in a Sith.
Meanwhile we get quote upon quote about how the Jedi are "weak" because of their compassion, how they care for the innocent, how the Jedi will literally put themselves at risk just to help people because that's who the Jedi are, etc. etc.
So yeah, I have no idea where this whole narrative of "the Sith are better than the Jedi/allowed to love while the Jedi aren't/they're happier than the Jedi/etc." has gotten so popular---it's literally all nonsensical bullshit and everyone who genuinely believes this is just fucking delusional at this point.
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marvelstars · 2 months
My love wasn´t enough
I was listening to lacrymosa by evanescence on youtube about Anakin and Padme and this phrase describes both of them as characters as well as a couple on EP III the tragedy of their relationship so beutifully.
Out on your own, cold and alone again Can this be what you really wanted, baby?
This is definitely something Padme would tell Anakin once she died and sees Vader trapped in his darkness, Anakin always described feeling cold when he felt the darkside, so now he isn´t just cold, he is frozen by inaction and by his own actions.
Now that you're gone, feel like myself again Grieving the things I can't repair and willing
This pretty much talks about Anakin´s regret after waking up as Vader, his horrific actions feel like a fevered dream but the consequences are quite real, Padme is dead, the Jedi Order is destroyed and his own body is dependant on the machines the emperor put him to keep his alive, he ownes his life to Palpatine the Sith who groomed/abused him but also saved him, he is all he has left but he has recovered part of his conscience. His old fervor for his Mother, Padme, the Jedi and the Republic now turned into tools to keep the Empire and the Emperor safe, he went from being called "shield of the republic" to be the Empire´s sword/fist, all he has left is a cause but just like himself now it´s twisted and burned, because while he previously believed in justice and peace, now he believes in order to achieve peace sacrificing justice.
Do not you blame it on me and set your guilt free I don't wanna hold you back now
Those are pretty much Padme´s last words to him while they were on Mustafar, she still loves him ,wants to save him from the darkside and Palpatine but she can´t no longer be with him.
can't change who I am, not this time I won't lie to keep you near me And in this short life there's no time to waste on giving up
Anakin no longer can deny what he became, he no longer can lie to hide his fall and so he can´t keep either Padme or Obi-Wan near him, he loses both of them, Padme to death, Obi-Wan to bitterness and hate.
My love wasn't enough
THIS is central to Anakin´s fall, it can´t be understood withput involving his love, as a child he believed if he was good enough, loving enough, he could get other to care, to save his mother, his friends and himself from slavery, he went to the Jedi Temple promising to come back out of love, he trained as a Jedi hoping to get the neccesary skills to save his mother, "but love want´s enough" his mother was brutally killed and he almost fell completely to the darkside that night in his anger.
As a Jedi Knight he tried to keep alive his fellow padawans on Jabiim only to see each and everyone of them die around him, believing even Obi-Wan died with them, he tried to help his fellow soldiers, he failed often, he protected Ahsoka as best as he could, she still had to leave and he felt like he failed to protect her, because he thought it was enough to protect her in the battlefield, only to realize he could not protect her from betrayal or from being abandoned by her family in the Jedi Order and she no longer wanted to listen to him because she felt like she could only depend on herself so she left and he let her because she was probably right, it would be good for her but he keep her lightsabers in the hope someday she came back.
So mere thought of losing Padme and his children, knowing his dreams are not just dreams and they always become true as a sort of ancient curse, that was straw that broke the camel's back in his mind. "My Love won´t save you Padme" (It wasn´t enough, it has never been enough) but Vader thinks, power may be enough, and THIS is his fall, when he stopped to believe his love could not do what power could get done, maybe, with power, then we will have peace and then he can´t take back that decision.
And you can blame it on me and set your guilt free And I don't wanna hold you back now, love
This is Anakin on ROTJ, his last thoughts to Luke, Luke showed him how much love, unlimited love, like the one he used to have for his mother, for Padme, Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, the Jedi could do if one hold onto it, this brought him back, this awoke his old self for the first and last time in twenty years.
" Go my son, leave me here", he can be free of the burden of defeating the Sith, of killing his father or ending the Empire, Anakin will do it for him, because it never should have been Luke´s responsibility, it was Anakin´s and he is going to be gone after that but rejoins Padme in death and Luke(and Leia) can live their own life now.
Just beautiful video all around
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coline7373 · 2 years
Tumblr media
"I think you will be needing this..."
There was a time in fandom where people used to make tons of rec lists of their favorite fics. I discovered a lot of great fics this way! I decided to make my own, to treat my codywan fever.
I hope it helps people discover, or re-discover, some amazing fics.
So! For your reading pleasure, here are some of my favourite codywan fics, out there. They aren't all here, because we have been blessed with a lot of great fics for this ship, but I have definively loved all of those.
Good reading!!!
Canon compliant
illicit affairs
Rex catch Cody and Obi-Wan in flagrante delicto and has a lot of feelings about it. Not positive ones. He feels it threaten his brother's life and... well, he's not wrong is he?
But love, between brothers, between a commander and his general can sometimes stronger than risks or reasons.
Painfull but amazing.
It happens during the war and ends during it too, so you don't know what will ultimately happens in this world. Do they make it? You don't know. I didn't put it in canon divergence because, aside from the fact it's codywan, nothing contradict it being canon compliant.
Canon -or not- is not the point, though. The point is the love story of Cody and Obi-Wan, as seen through Rex's eyes.
But love, between brothers, between a commander and his general can sometimes stronger than risks or reasons.
Painfull but amazing.
an injury to one
deniigiq is one fo those authors whose codywan's I just can't get enough of. That weird assholes hyperarticulate characterisation is just... XD I don't know. I love it!
The troopers make a discovery of the fiscal variety, which causes them to realize that they may have more in common with the jedi than they previously thought.
The Jedi Order is a charitable religious order. Ergo, they aren't getting paid. They get 'some' stipends but with the war, they are quickly reaching the point of untenability. Don't worry, they've got a plan.
It's told mostly from from Fox's POV which I love because 1. I love codywan as told from an outside POV 2. I love Fox.
I just love him. He has so much happening to him. He is so nihilistic, deadpan and done. Yet, he never let it twist him or give up because he love his brothers and won't let them flounders. Also, he may or may not have acquired a crush on that impossible kriffar jedi.
Warning for exploitation, money, off-screen non graphic child death and clone troopers deshumanization. Jedi Order and jedi lineage fuckery. Clone commanders fuckery. Grogu briefly shows up. Fox's buir instincts are now activated. Previously, he was of the opinion jedi could sink or swim on their own not anymore. He got this.
Canon divergence
The Art of Happenstance *
Cody and Obi-Wan co-parent a lightsaber. Force Bond. I think it saves Cody from Order 66? It ends on a cliffhanger but it's hopefull.
Funny and fantastic.
The Clone Wars are the backdrop to a quiet and fragile love between a general and a clone commander.
Listen. Listen. I cannot even begin to tell you how beautifull and delicate their love feels in this fic. It's like picking up a piece of art made out of gossamerish light.
It's poetic. It's splendid. It's quiet, discreet and personnal, like the feelings of these private men. It ties up kind of quickly to give a happy ending despite Order 66 still being carried out, but it's everything that get you there that matters.
The Loneliest Human Boy in the Jedi Temple
Rather than let Boba go to jail, Obi-Wan adopts him.
It's told from Boba POV, which is very interesting. I love TCW period stories featuring Boba!
And it deals with Boba confronting his father's death, being adopted by a jedi to avoid jail despite the fact his father hated jedi, dealing with what's he's done to get revenge on Mace, learning to see maybe the clones as more than things, and starting to accept that if clones are not things, then his father was wrong. What he did was wrong.
Boba has to recon with a thousand things, decide what's moral or what's not and has no one he trusts to guide him without feeling like he's betraying the only parent he has ever loved. At eleven.
Boba's disregard of clones is wrong. But when you look at all he has going on and what handicap he started out with, you cannot help but feel for him.
I feel like Boba is Dudley, the Dursley are Jango, the clones are Harry and I'm Dumbledore in the Dursley's living room at the start of book 6, shaking my head. In the end, you can only pity Boba a bit and love him and be sadden by the damages Jango did to Boba out of selfish, blind love.
No Order 66
These Things Happen
Obi-wan Kenobi keeps promoting Cody because giving him courting gifts as his superior officer would be Wrong. The promotions gets out of hand, and it somehow save the universe.
When Duty is Done - serie
Post-War: settling the matter of Clones Rights, Jedi Order Reforms, Force Philosophy, inter-jedi conflicts that were put off during the war, PTSD, healing, preparing a new planet to become the clones' home, clones culture exploration which is rooted in, but not, mandalorian's culture and, of course, getting together and settling in a relationship for Cody and Obi-Wan.
Loved it!!!! Cody is MVP. Maul is there, with Yaddle, and I'm here for it. Bant, where have you been? Chirrut is my Force Follower idol. Feemor is there as more than a footnote on Qui-Gon's history and it's amazing.
Basically, all the explorations of lives for the clones and jedi and Force Users you could possibly want in a No-Order 66 post-war setting.
Listen. Some works that are the work: Remedial Jedi Theology, Luminous, Prince With a Thousand Enemies, Open Skies ...
This is the one for No-Order 66 post-war Codywan, ex-aequo with sunshine and the shade of poetry.
sunshine and the shade of poetry
I have so much love for this fic.
The war comes to an abrupt end, and everyone around Cody begins the long road to recovery and discovery. Cody, on the other hand, just needs to find a new job. Unfortunately, he has no idea which one to pick.
First, No-Order 66 post-war Codywan is my absolute favorite type of codywan.
Second, everything. But more seriously, Codywan is often written in a such a way that Cody's life revolve around Obi-Wan's life. He settle in the Temple to live with Obi-Wan, he helps Obi-Wan deal with Anakin's meltdown/death/leaving the Order, he takes one of the job the jedi have made for the vode so he can work with Obi-Wan...
Do you see where I am going with this?
It's all about Obi-Wan. And while it can be fun to read if it's not pushed to its absolute, this type of unequal relationship, where one dedicate their entire life to the other, makes my skin crawl. Funnily enough, it's also 80% of the time the POC in that role when it's about an interracial couple. And I just - can't.
Here, Cody is his own person.
He had a life before Obi-Wan, he has one now beside Obi-Wan, and he will have one still, after, independantly from the love of his life. You can love someone as much as the galaxy is wide and still have love for your own separate life, your own friends, your own interests, goals, journey...
Basically, after the war, Cody says fuck it to any kind of military job and set out to 'find himself'. He doesn't know what it will look like and all his brothers mock him gently, and a bit worriedly, as they leave him in the dust by settling into their own civilian lives, since they don't have the same kind of hang-up he does.
But, by the Force, he is going to figures out who he is and what he wants, aside from the jedi, aside from the GAR, aside from even his own brothers, if it kills him. The 'situation' with General Kenobi will just have to wait until then.
Imagine that. Wanting to be sure of who you are, what you want and the kind of life you want before entering a relationship. Wanting to be certain of yourself, first. Especialy in a relationship where you didn't have the same power status before.
An excellent look at Cody, at the commanders, at the clones, at a post-war life in the Republic. Bly, Alpha-17 and Wolffe just shot me through the heart. It is now my headcanon that Bly is short for Butterfly for... reasons.
Find out by reading it.
And as if that wasn't enough, there's a short sequel with Alpha 17 written by deniigiq. It's the gift that keep on giving.
in our hearts some ancient song
Or: Cody finds Fives first. There are galactic consequences.
It was touch and go for a moment but happy endings guys! Thrill and anxiety abounds beforehand. Temple shenanigans. Force's engineering. The chips get activated earlier than canon but they make it through!
Worth a Thousand Words
Lol! Post-War, the clones didn't get much instructions in how to approach someone romantically. Someone suggest Cody try to send a dick pic to Obi-Wan. Somehow, it works, but not the way you expect.
This is so great! I was howling with laughers and cringing in sympathic embarrassement. Poor Cody!
This, too, was a gift
After the Rako Hardeen mission, Obi-Wan suffers a complete nervous breakdown, kills all the Sith in a way he feels violate everything he is and stands for, then fall into a severe depressive fugue.
Meanwhile, the Republic tries to reconstruct. The clones take what is owe to them and try to settle on a new planet, figure out who they are outside the War, serving the Republic and the jedi, while looking for their missing savior.
Obi-Wan is really, really depressed here and dissociated from reality for a while so, beware. Yaddle is MVP. A great look into the clones culture. The Sith problem get resolved pretty quickly. The story is about what come after and how you deal with having done what you had to do in a time of war.
This I Vow
Cody and Obi-Wan gets married for a mission. Somehow, it saves the universe.
Healthy . Adults . Communication. Please and thank you!
When We Were Young
After the war, Cody dedicated himself to his brothers: their rights, their protection, their well-beings, their lives...
He knows Obi-Wan has dedicated himself to the Order, but he hasn't seen him long enough to talk about it.
Thought now they are going on a joint mission once more, maybe that's about to change...
(hit me) with your heart
The one where Cody walks in on Obi-Wan in an intimate situation, and that ends up changing their relationship and the future of the galaxy.
Porn With Plot. Spanking. Kink exploration Safe, Sane and Consensual. It saves most of the galaxy. Rolls with it. Amazing exploration of sexuality and consent. Glimmerglanger doing the Lord's sexy work, as always. The plot is actually there and great!
the turning fork
Anakin doesn't fall, but he and Padme don't keep custody of Luke and Leia. Anakin tries to grapple with the consensual loss of his children while trying to stay in their lives. Meanwhile, someone murders a senator.
Amazing! Fantastic. The feelings... The reflection on choices and morality and parenthood and the choices one made about their lives and the ones they are going to make in the future to live a life they want to live.
Leia has Anakin's bad temper and the Organa love her but are a bit overwhelmed. Luke is his sweet self, being raised by weirdoes assholes Cody & Obi-Wan in space Scottland Stewjon. Yes, Obi-Wan left the Order to raise Luke in peace. He gets Cody as a bonus, since the man is now Luke's dad and Obi-Wan is lucky he's sharing.
A Different Perspective
Obi-Wan, Cody, the war, and a bunch of men and boys who have never gotten to choose things for themselves before, as seen through Dex's eyes.
Guys... Guys... *sob*
Finders Keepers *
Your soulmate finds everything you lose.
Obi-Wan has never had a soulmate of his own to lose things to before. Now, he's picking up things and wonders who they belong to.
Cody’s never been sure if the things he finds belong to his soulmate. If he even has one.
Anakin is contantly losing things but it somehow save the Universe because Padme take good care of them.
Fox and Bly and Bail and Breha and Bant and Kit and Boil and Waxer... all the others are there too.
chronic condition
Post War. Obi-Wan has epilepsy and it's tied to his prescience. Cody want Kix to investigate. Because they are weirdos assholes and he doesn't want to ask Obi-Wan outright. But also because he respects his privacy too much to make him talk about it. You know, they are only boyfriends. Don't won't to push boundaries too much, there. He's not a savage. Lol. Cody, you weirdo....
It was so good. So goooood... There was already the interesting part where clones don't ride into the sunset with jedi. They, too, chafe against their perception of jedi-superiority, so a lot of them choose something different than "move in the Temple and dedicate their lives to their jedi generals and jedi work". Which I love.
But, you know, I think this, it's a more realistic take and a more equal footing, long-term, than the unbalanced "clones devoted to jedi". Also, variety is always a special treat for the reader. At least it is for me. You could gave me a thousand of different headcanons, if it's well done, I'm on board!
And this one... The clones, the brotherhood/friendship amongst clones, Cody's backstory, the jedi, the post-war, the medical investigation, the Force/Jedi Order worldbuilding,.... What can I say? Save for a few fics with some of my NOTP/squicks, everything deniigiq has ever written just delight me and blow me away.
your atomic god *
The code of a clone is a simple thing: you were made to die for the Republic, for the Jedi. Make the most of the time you have before that.
Clone culture: seeded by mandalorian culture, but not the same. Introspection and identities issues: Cody ponders a lot about what it means to be a clone and who he is. Cody is super smart and cares a lot for his brothers. It has shaped my understanding of Cody.
Obi-Wan and Cody fell in love because they have actually a lot in common. Obi-Wan's lightsaber is playing matchmaker. This somehow save the universe.
Wrong Side of the Night
Is there a limit to how many fics by glimmerglanger I can rec?
*check magic eight ball* "My sources say no."
Cody has a very bad day, both he and Obi-Wan choose a less than ideal ways to handle the situation, and they have a long conversation about it the next morning.
Ouch. Like, ouch. Yet. Beware: Unjust treatement of the clones (not by Obi-Wan). Unhealthy emotional response. Impulsively angry sex. Dub-con. As-in, Cody's actions are driven by anger that has overtaken his reason and Obi-Wan's are driven by maladaptative reponse to a lifetime of traumatic environnement.
But, it's codywan, guys. So, once everyone has cooled-off: communication! Care and self-care! Trust! Support!
This fic was particularly impactful for me for personal reasons but I think it's powerfull, full-stop. You can love each other very much and still not act well towards each other. Beware of purity/cancel culture. People are failible and, at some point, they are going to fuck up.
But One: they are both harmed by the action they both perpetrated. No villain and blameless victim here. Two: once they have messed up, they both recognise their own part it it, apologise and commit to corrective actions.
This is what a good relationship look like, even with the slip up. This is what you can trust because of the slip up. They don't have to be perfect with the other all the time, because they know they can get through it and improve. The codywan is strong in this one.
I'm Not Safe Outside Your Arms
This is probably the most anguished fic you can find about a No-Order 66. But it has a happy ending!
Basically, and without spoiling it too much, the jedi do kill Palpatine but Darth Sidious continues to inflict pain, sorrow and suffering on the galaxy from beyond the grave.
Obi-Wan, of course, shoulders the whole of it but so do the vode. You're really horrified for Obi-Wan, but you feel for the 212th attack battalion: brave, strong and loyal to the end.
They should be free, they should be safe, for the first time of their lives. Their brothers are! But they aren't. And they choose it, because some choice, no matter how grim and terrifying, are no choice at all.
But there's light at the end of the tunnel. Everyone love everyone and no one is giving up. Get ready.
There Was Only One Bed
Make Your Bed (Lie in It)
They have to share a sleeping bag for cold weather reasons. Then, they just keep sharing. Yeah, Cody, we're onto you. Go through Order 66 with open-ended fix-it.
room for two
Cody and Obi-Wan are on an undercover mission, and for some reason, they have to pretend to be married. It appears that the pining will increase exponentially for the next week.
Not really a mission fic, since it's all about the trope. But it's there to put a "background" to all the small spaces sharing and there's even a tiny bit of action. It was funny and good and I enjoyed it a lot.
Warning for those who, like me, don't think the Code preclude relationships. Obi-Wan presents it like it does in the fic, but that he chose Cody anyway. I disagree. The problem is not relationship but the kind of relationship and how it impact the choices you make, your work, your committement. My headcanon for jedi/civilian relationship and their consequences/risks/problems is 70% like it is in Remedial Jedi Theology, which I recommend to everyone.
It's alright, it doesn't take off from it. It's mean to be this side of crackish, fun read, which it is, so I don't feel the need to split hair about interpretation of the Code. I just want to mention it for those who feel strongly about it. If it bothers you, you can stop at the end of chapter two. It's still great and can be read as finished at this point.
Obi-Wan goes undercover. Cody takes some calls. These two facts are absolutely not related.
Funny as shit!
First Choice
The AU where the clones get to pick their generals and Obi-Wan is, once again, left feeling unwanted. But is he really?
Warnings: Obi-Wan has Self Esteem Issues. This is still funny and the whole pagentry/tests clones make the jedi go through to pick and choose their general was gold.
The Trouble With Tookas
Never trust somebody a tooka dislikes.
It started with a fanart and end up with tookas as Sith detector. It's great. Sheevie is regretting everything.
*The ones about Cody and Obi-Wan and Obi-Wan's lightsaber
Your Life In My Hands
OR, the one where a lightsaber really is a Jedi's life.
Temporary character's death. Under 5 000 words, but by all that is good and holy, does glimmerglanger make it counts.
Like, damn. Plus, jedi and saber lore. Must Read.
Mission Fic
Standard Operating Procedures
The 212th run into a dark acolyte who curse them with a love spell. Roll with it, it's amazing.
It's actually mission fic, or more like case fic. They are working hard to find out how to break the spell and why some brothers are affected and some are not. It's great!
Mission fic! Yay! Biological warfare, intelligence gathering, city infiltration, plot against jedi, temporary depowerment that won't keep Obi-Wan down, Competent Cody ftw, with art...
This fic has it all!
Obi-Wan fakes his death and Cody works through every stage of grief. He eventually decides that he's going to fuck his way out of the depression pit and finds himself falling in love with this handsome Mandalorian who he just keeps meeting.
Obi-Wan dies and Cody is out of all the fuck to give. First, he spirals. Then, he says screw the universe. He treat himself. He looks for sex. He undermines all the unworthy incompetent natborns officers. He take on Boba's gardienship, who is not in space jail at 11 but was up to this point under Mace's supervision. Ponds is very relieved.
He will crawl out of this depressive hole or die trying.
Smuggled In
NO ORDER 66. But, also Mission Fic. And I think it's more about the Mission than the fact it happens in a No Order 66's world, thought I love it and I'm gratefull for it.
Cody and some of the 212th get captured by smugglers, and nothing is quite what it seems to be.
Hahaha! I love this one! Cody is always blaming the shit that happens to the 212th on Obi-Wan and now the joke is on him because it went completely off the rails pretty early and the jedi is nowhere near where the action is happening. Or, is he?
Hedgehog's Dilemma
Cody is in love with Obi-Wan and determined to court him. Obi-Wan is interested in Cody but not sex. Cody has no idea what to make with that. They try to figure it out.
a lesson in attachment
Obi-Wan has never been enough. It's okay. The Force loves him anyway. And so does Cody.
Touching and, as greyS/Ace myself, it resonated.
A Slow Fall Towards Grace
I cannot even begin to tell you how much this fic touch me. Obi-Wan is an omega, though it's not a traditional depiction of A/B/O.
It keeps screwing him over thorough his life and the sex he ends up having despite himself is not funny. Read the tags. Obi-Wan is ignorant of how much people want him, but considering it's not because he's this bastion of Mary-Sue perfection, but because the alphas around him are knot-heads who excuse their poor behaviors and selfishness with their hormones, it doesn't read that way.
Cody is amazing. Obi-Wan is the Force's chew toy and beloved son at the same time. Loved it.
1861 c.100 s.60
Obi-Wan gets pregnant during the war and decides that the obvious course of action is constant and brazen denial.
Obi-Wan is a weird asshole. Cody is weirder. They are the perfect couple.
Anakin cannot deal with them because the twins came early and he doesn't have the time anymore. Listen, he doesn't even have time for Palpatine anymore...
Lol! Screwing with Sheevie. Clones fuckery. Adorable grumpy she-tubie. Codywan being the perfect assholes we know them to be and furiously in love. All the feels and pettily satisfying.
for every loved child
The one where new father Cody reckons with many of the anxieties and traumas of his past and gets some much delayed comfort.
Or how glimmerglanger managed to make me cry in less than 4 000 words.
It's not so much a mpreg fic, but a new parents fic. A late-night breastfeeding session reveals a lot of buried and current feelings, thoughts and issues. There's much pain, but it's all surrounded by intimacy, love and warmth. It's like hiding under the blanket with your SO and shading cathartic tears. Amazing.
Post-Order 66
I hate Order 66. I don't want to read fics about it. Some authors are just too good, though.
Haunt Me, Then
Fix-It, as much as possible. CC-2224 becomes Cody again and will die trying to make up killing his General and jedi, even if it kills him.
We Build Our Empire From Ruins And Smoke
The Republic is dead and the Empire's throne is empty, and Fox will be damned if he lets anyone claim it.
Basically, post-order 66, the clones come back online and since everything they worked, die for and cared about is dead or gone, the gloves are off.
Come with prequels and sequels, it's actually a whole serie. No dialogue. Anakin is dead. Palpatine dies. Clones-centric.
Not something I agree with irl, because it's when democracy is threaten you should work twice as hard to secure it. But since it's fiction and the general canon sense we get of politicians and regular population confronted with Order 66 is that they either don't care or agree, it's pretty fine with me.
First Sight
For Cody, it's love at first sight. From Kamino to Tatooine, it lives inside him.
A Treatise on Breaking and Repairs
Warning: whumpfest. Great satisfaction at the end, though.
Three years post-Order 66, Obi-Wan get captured by Vader. Rape and torture ensue. The 212th, under the chips' control, are there for it all. In the end, Anakin gets his just dessert. Our boys make free.
But while you can make free from a place, you cannot free yourself from the horrors visited upon your soul that easily.
the boat that would row you back
Or, after Obi-Wan vanish it front of Vader on the Death Star, Vader decides he didn't get the proper fight he deserves and send CC-2224 in the underworld to bring Obi-Wan back.
Of course, nothing is that easy.
The Carbon Cycle
Obi-Wan decide to try to grow flowers on Tatooine to heal himself. CC-2224 is having dreams about the General he supposedly kills. Somehow, it save the both of them.
I'm a whore for dreamsharing fic. I cannot even begin to tell you how much I love it. This fic... this fic is cleansing and healing and touching and beautifull. I loved it!
A Whim, A Desire
OK, this one doesn't hurt. Much.
Three years after Order 66, Vader finds an artifact that allows him to create his perfect dream world within the Force. However, he finds that maintaining this world is impossible without someone living inside it at all times. He throws in everyone he can from his past life, including CC-2224.
Obi-Wan fell asleep on Tatooine and wake up in his dreams in the perfect life.
But illusion is not reality and when the seems of the dream start to show, Cody and Obi-Wan will fight to make their dream a reality.
Both Cody and Obi-Wan think the other is an illusion, and so they are free and honest with each other. What they built is lovely. Vader show up like the Lord of the House but it allows Obi-Wan to play out his fantasies of still being able to talk to Anakin and being part of his life.
It doesn't ends in Yay! We saved the Universe and kills Sidious/Vader. Just - Cody, saving himself and those he can along the way.
Fantasic imaginings. Make you wish it could have happen, if Anakin hadn't ruined everything by becoming Vader. Vader's frustrations of people and things eluding his 'absolute sithly control' is hilarious, sad and the source of endless failures on his part. Thankfully.
diogenes (what makes a man?)
Cody, grappling with identity, purpose and what it means to be a brother.
Cody-centric. From Kamino to Tatooine. Lot of clones. Lot of feels and introspection. Most Dies But Some Lives.
Listen, I'm of the die hard opinion that if Cody's chip fail during the Empire, no matter when or how, he would not rest until he has saved all the brothers he can save. This is the same characterisation here.
|free the hearts and rust the chains|
There aren't many clones left in the Imperial Army. (...) Zhade-Ran doesn't trust her two bunkmates. Although perhaps not for the reasons she should.
I love stories being told from an excellently done OC. Here, we've got two troopers who want to desert and two clones who shake the chips' control after years of being under and deign for the natborns to join them on their way out. Now, all they need to do is find a way to get in touch with the Rebellion.
Loved it!!!!!!!!!!!!
An Elegant Weapon *
Cody is Force Sensitive. Obi-Wan teach him how to fight with a lightsaber. It doesn't save the universe, but at least it saves Cody. It's great! I promise Cody is still Cody and not changed into a zen jedi. He can just... feels the Force.
set the bones straight
Purge Trooper CC-2224 is an extremely efficient jedi killer. He will find them all. All of them. Even the one from his dreams.
Pffffiuuuu. Don't look into this one for Cody's softening influence on CC-2224 or breaking out of the chip's influence by the sheer force of Will and Morality. This is straight-up Purge Trooper. Happy ending, though. Sort of. As much as can be in Post-Order 66.
CC-2224 malfunctions. The Empire tries to wipe him into working order. Cody is not letting them.
Or, Eternal Sunshine of the Reconditioned Mind. *bawl my eyes out* Codyyyy!!!!
|to failure, sweet victor|
The chip malfunction enough for Cody to seek out and join Obi-Wan on Tatooine. The chips function enough for CC-2224 to tries to kill that traitor Kenobi whenever he's online.
They make it work.
one meal at a time
Cody and Obi-Wan's love story, as told through food. This is so chokefull of love...
Errr... Order 66 fuck me up. I don't get why I put so many of them there. I guess it's popular amongst writers? And I can bend my likes/dislikes when the writing is that good. Curse you, good writers!
Home, A Place You've Never Been
Cody's chip fails. Cody dreams of Tatooine. Cody gets to Tatooine. Now that he's there, he must heal and tame Ben Kenobi, whose wounds on his soul make him the kindest not-jedi. But also depressed, weary and wary as hell.
Excellent. Obi-Wan is very oblivious. Then, in the three sequels, very happy. As much as can be post-Order 66.
The Raephen's Gifts
It's happy! Cody and Obi-Wan obviously make it through Order 66 and the Empire, along with some clones and jedi, and the Republic and the Jedi Order are restored to the galaxy.
But it's all alluded to only very briefly in the background. Basicaly, now that the galaxy is at peace once more, old married couple codywan get on a week long retreat on a peacefull planet in Wild Space where they are sure they won't be bothered or called.
They sleep, eat fish and maybe meet some Force entities along the way.
Just... old codywan, with disabilities, having a week of rest and healing. Chilling. It's everything I wish for them in a post-Order 66 era.
AUs I Cannot Help But Read
AUs, as in, change the Star Wars Universe, not the events of canon.
Listen, I hate when SF is not SF. But, again, some authors are just too good and they make it work.
Vampire AU serie
Yes. Really. Don't run for the hills! It's not your Twilight Romance. Everything is the same. Obi-Wan is just of a specie called Vampire because, you know, they drink blood as part of their diet.
And since it's Star Wars: Space Racism! Yay!
This somehow makes the Clone Wars both better and worse.
Sort of Vampirism? Its not the story
I put it there because in this sort-of supernatural AU, Force users drink blood.
But really, the story is about how Cody and Obi-Wan get trapped in a lost jedi Temple, how they must join forces to make it out, and how the ensuing unshakable trust help them deal with post-Order 66.
It was great. I love lost jedi Temple fic! I could read millions of them.
Commander Cody and Star Wars’ actual Disney princess
Obi-Wan, the prince in his high tower, is not waiting for a rescue. Cody is the not-knight interested in rescuing him.
I shit you not. Magic is used instead of the Force, but everything is very recognisable and the story is great! Lot of Cody's brothers are there.
A stunning mission fic, 64 000 words long, where the Separatist experiment biological warefare on a neutral planet and the 212th get caught in the middle.
Down to less than a hundred soldiers, they must fight an entire planet for their survival. Buckle up! Clones Wars Plots! Zombies Nightmares! With sequel!
I cannot stress enough how much you need it. If you like action, this is the fic for you.
Sith Obi-Wan
Really not my kind fic. I headcanon the very bone of Obi-Wan personality as selfless. And to be Sith is rooted in selfishness.
Imcompatible in its essence. Does not work.
In this fic, it works. Sith Empire, so it explains Obi-Wan being Sith. Unexpected kind of A/B/O. Warning for Obi-Wan/212th battalion. The codywan is there and ready to do damage. Revenge ahead. Less than 6000 words, maximum impact.
Glimmerglanger strikes again. It was great.
Dark Sider Obi-Wan
Not to be confused: Obi-Wan is not a Sith there.
He is an ex-padawan who left the Order to fight a war for children against adults, then joined another war, then another war and another and another...
By the time he realised he strayed from the Light, he has cease to care about it. He is good at war and they always say if you're good at something, you should be paid for it. A galactic war may be the peak of his career, if it wasn't such a strange war. It doesn't quite make sense, and Obi-Wan's weakness is definitively curiosity.
Meanwhile, Commander Cody has it with this dark sider ruining things. He may be a fearsome separatist general, but Cody is no light weight himself. If the man is going to drop gauntlets left and right, than Cody is going to damn well one pick one himself.
Let's see who is the better fighter and strategic mastermind.
Funerary practices? Master Ti writes back. I’m not sure what you mean, Master Kenobi. Used biomass is the property of Kamino and thus is recycled into the cloning process.
So that’s how the revolution begins—with dead brothers, but not the way you might expect.
Obi-Wan is still Obi-Wan. You might as well read this as Canon Divergence. But fandom readers will always has the fear of Mary Sue, I think, so I prefered to put the fact that it's Lady Wan at the foreground.
It's great. It's so freaking great... The 212th are all a little bit in love with Obi-Wan. Cody definitively is. Obi-Wan has nightmares and decide she's done with this shit. She's going to take her clones and stage a strike. See how the Senate like that! Ha!
Lol. If anyone ever make a fanart of Lady Wan as a pinup for ship's nose art, please, please, send me the link! Warnings for cloneship in the background.
Time Travel
while the world still turns
Cody touch an artefact in a jedi Temple and is sent at various point of Obi-Wan's life. All the codywan feels. Of course, it's going to save the Universe!
Fire to ash, present to past (who knows for tomorrow?)
Obi-Wan is fifteen again, things are different, people are confused, but maybe there's something good at the end of the path
Obi-Wan is the Force chew toy and beloved son at the same time. Obi-Wan has PTSD. Qui-Gon is confused. Listen, you don't get much more than "Obi-Wan get back in his old body". That's it. That's the whole fic.
The whole thing is about landing in a different time with undealt with traumas and finally dealing. Why put it on this codywan rec list, then? Ah, I'm not gonna spoil you, now, am I? You will just have to read for yourself.
The Suns Swing East
Over and over, Obi-Wan woke up and wished he hadn't. Palpatine wouldn't stop until Obi-Wan had Fallen (...)
He couldn't save himself (...) What he hadn't realized was that didn't mean there was no way to be saved.
Time-Loop!!! Palpatine realise Obi-Wan can kick Anakin's ass and decide he is the one he wants as his apprentice. Then, with sith powers, he tries his best to break him.
Obi-Wan is at the end of his rope. He has lived through many lives, all of them horrible, all of them failures. At this point, he wished he could join the Force. Seriously. Depression. Suicide attempt. The work. But Obi-Wan isn't alone. And those who love him will save him. And the Universe along the way.
Die Sheevie, die.
A heartfelt thanks to @glimmerglanger @deniigi @nightfoliage @lttrsfrmlnrrgby @galateagalvanized @esamastation @wanderingjedihistorian @nerjetii @petrichordiam @someawkwardprose @trixree @andthepeople
(The other authors either had no tumblr handle put on their ao3 profile, or their pseudo didn't work when I tried to @ at them. I thank them anyway, and all those whose codywan fics I have loved but not put there. Thank you.)
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lilredghost · 8 months
next time they see each other, owk notices marks on vader from sidious’ most recent punishment. cue spiel about how the order could help him escape sidious and stop committing atrocities. vader mulls over it but cannot find the courage to leave the sith. interesting twist on the trope might be another jedi eventually detaining vader and bringing him in. as the council deliberates on what to do w him, owk vouches for him and they work out some system where anakin under force suppression can help out around the temple to prove his nonviolence (as he refuses to give away sidious) + maybe mandated therapy. anakin eventually ‘sees the light’ and offers info about sidious, palps gets taken down, obi-wan is so proud of his boy, obikin lives happily ever after! j my thoughts haha ty for listening
Referring to this fic snippet I posted earlier
Omg I love the way you think. I feel like Sidious's punishment keeps Vader off the battlefield for a few weeks (whether it's torture or recovery). And Obi-Wan spends the whole time quietly worrying because he hadn't been thinking in the moment about what would happen to Vader if he went back empty-handed. And Vader didn't even try to fight him, he just. Let Obi-Wan have it.
And then Vader finally shows up, but he's visibly weak. And he's clearly in no shape for it, but he's fighting Obi-Wan anyway, because he can't take another punishment like that.
This is when Obi-Wan realizes that leaving Vader to Sidious's mercy is the worst sort of unkindness. Cue powerpoint presentation to the Council about how they're morally obligated to attempt to extract and protect Vader as best as they can. He has intel. He can be tamed. Obi-Wan will take responsibility for him.
(His proposal is promptly rejected)
But the idea of someone else bringing him in is SO wild, I've never seen that before. I think it would be a cool way to eliminate some bias and also sort of make it a scenario where the Jedi just have this guy and they're like "Well fuck, we can't just kill him. What do we do with him now?" and someone else goes "We're gonna have to call Kenobi, aren't we?"
(And they do totally have to call in Obi-Wan because Vader is out here clawing and biting at anyone else who enters his cell)
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wordsandrobots · 2 months
This week I appear to be thinking about my motivation for writing.
Specifically, I should say, for writing fanfic, although there is crossover with my forays into original works. And I started by thinking about the various times I've lost motivation for various projects, because the negative is occasionally a useful way of gauging the positive.
My Fullmetal Alchemist 2003 series Life After Equivalence represents the longest-running stretch of fanfic writing I've engaged in. I started it during my second year at university, right after watching the anime for the first time. A continuation of that continuity post-Conqueror of Shambala, it started out with what in retrospect was a fairly clunky set of plot-devices, but I'm rather proud of where it went. While recognising what an excellent piece of story-telling the manga is, I've always found more to engage me in the anime's adaptation. I think Dante is a fascinatingly shallow villain and what it does with the homunculi is deliciously horrific (in the genre sense). I greatly enjoyed think about where everyone could go next, particularly the more world-weary anime!Ed, and inventing new supporting cast for them as well as bringing more manga characters into the mix (sometimes in quite twisted ways). So much so that I was writing new fics for it as recently as 2021.
The problem is, working on an idea for over a decade and a half means that you're not the same person you were when you started. I have learnt and grown a lot in that time, as a writer and in general. I gradually became increasingly at odds with the original concept for where that story was heading and as much as I tried to change direction and salvage the plot, I don't think I can. Not comfortably. The sense that what I'd started was riddled with conceptual mistakes has gotten stronger and stronger, making it very hard to pick up again. I think as an author, you have to have confidence in your ideas, to properly sell them, and with this, I've lost that.
With my most fully-formed Transformers epic, This Is How It All Began, the explanation has more to do with a gradual failure of interest in the source material. It's not that I was ever beholden to canon with that story; it was an attempt to retell things using the elements I really liked, my own personal 'G1' redux. But as the Transformers franchise has ossified around that first generation of characters to the exclusion of any real innovation, there doesn't seem much point continuing. I can't explore someone else's worlds without them engaging me and Transformers increasingly didn't.
Nor can I write from spite, when the source 'lets me down'. Untitled Alternative Episode Nine represents me grappling with where I wanted the Star Wars sequels to go. I love The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi, as a story in which characters who think they know what their role is gradually learn better as the whole thing goes careering off the rails. There was tremendous potential in their tale, and sadly I knew at the time it would likely be squandered. But I didn't realise when I started working on this fic that The Rise of Skywalker would be such a sprawling shambles, about-facing on the promise of finally pushing Star Wars beyond rigidly defined stock arcs so hard, it felt like poor comedy. Increasingly, my story became framed by repudiating that re-enclosure, by the desire to get it right.
And while I still think my version -- where the First Order rips itself to bits in a power struggle between Kylo Ren and General Hux, where the Knights of Ren are actual characters, the remaining lost Jedi students, and Rey, Finn, Po and Rose all get the chance to work towards a future free of the endless, circular struggle set by the 'main characters' of the galaxy -- is a better story than the one we got, it doesn't change anything. I'm not really fixing anything and by defining my work as *not that*, I limit my own joy in it. I'm not in conversation with something I love but rather shouting into the void, to no great end. Once again, I couldn't see the point in continuing. Especially with the ongoing Star Wars media increasingly feeling like an exercise in box-ticking, as bad as anything the old Expanded Universe ever produced for sheer pointlessness. At least the older spin-offs occasionally got super weird. Live-action cartoons do not really offer space for that, sadly.
Then there are the times my motivation has been directly killed. Chris Chibnall's tenure as show-runner on Doctor Who, abruptly ending my longest-lasting fandom for me, as another promise of widening potential was squandered on dull, miserable, derivative ideas. That one Captain Harlock fic I was having a lot of fun with until someone came along to be extremely pedantic in the comments and struck a nerve so hard, I flat-out lost all the enthusiasm I had for the idea. Bad experiences that meant continuing or going back was too hard to contemplate. This is how it goes sometimes.
So. Invert all that:
Enthusiasm for an idea -- and more importantly, confidence in it.
Positive engagement, the feeling that I have something to say and that it is worth saying about this thing.
The sense I am not fighting the source material but playing with it, spinning it out in interesting ways, making merry with the rules of the canon.
And I can't count out the benefit of having good interactions over what I write; for all I am a fundamentally compulsive writer, I delight in knowing my work can touch others, in being told that it is good and a worthwhile expenditure of my effort.
All stuff I already knew, I think. But it's sometimes worth reflecting on what pushes you to create art and this -- this all makes sense.
Now if I could just leverage these things at will, I'd be unstoppable.
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antianakin · 1 year
Do you think it’s a common thing in the fandom (especially when writing fan-works featuring the Skywalker Father-Son Duo(TM)) to give Anakin a lot of Luke’s more noble and good attributes and act like he’s been like that the whole time, and give Luke some of Anakin’s worse attributes to make Anakin seem more centrist compared canon Luke and the “old Jedi” (quotes used ironically)?
Cause as a kid I loved Anakin for many of the reasons I now realize don’t apply to him at all, and moreso apply to Luke, and it’s really getting irritating to look up cool Luke fic and realize that this has been done to ma boi. What do you think?
I gotta be honest, I don't think I read enough fics with that dynamic in it to be able to say with any degree of certainty whether that's true or not.
What I will say is that I think fic writers who like Anakin tend to smooth him out a LOT and, yes, give him traits that are more applicable to other characters in order to make him likable. And in fairness, that's exactly what TCW did as well by effectively just giving him Obi-Wan's personality and erasing some of his less likable characteristics from the films.
Because Anakin is... a difficult character in many ways. The core of him is fear, so there's a tendency to want to sympathize with him, but what gets ignored is that Anakin is 1000% a fascist by AOTC, someone who can and will let himself be filled with enough anger to commit a massacre of an entire village down to the last child, and someone who is perfectly fine with pressuring a woman into a relationship with him. None of that is necessarily fun to write and it's hard to write Anakin as a sympathetic character if those things are kept in mind. So they just get... smoothed away. He's not REALLY a fascist, he's just confused or brainwashed and one good conversation with someone can completely fix that little problem. Anakin isn't pressuring Padme, he just could tell that she was into him and he TOTALLY would back off if Padme said no. The Tuskens deserved it anyway! So on and so forth.
Luke, by contrast, is a very easy character. There's a reason he gets labeled "sunshine boy" by the fandom and his struggles with anger get sort-of... forgotten and overlooked in favor of just seeing him as this easy, likable, charming farmboy. He's sweet and honorable and passionate. He IS a lot like Anakin in many ways, and that's deliberate. Fandom has taken a turn recently towards wanting Leia to be like Anakin and Luke to be like Padme, and there's reasons to make that comparison, but Luke's similarities to Anakin are very deliberately there in the narrative for a reason. Luke has to struggle with anger and fear and be filled with righteous passion because that's exactly what Anakin struggled with and Luke's ability to overcome that in a way Anakin never could is what makes the entire story interesting and meaningful.
Luke also is one of those characters who tends to get handed the "grey Jedi" label which tends to lead to Luke choosing to look down on the Prequels Jedi and decreeing that attachments are totally fine actually and HIS Jedi aren't going to be repressed anymore blah blah blah. And this does come from fans who have fallen into the fandom osmosis hole of "the Prequels are about the Jedi's failure" and have twisted the entire Skywalker Saga around that theory, including Luke's journey. And part of that theory tends to be a lot more sympathetic towards Anakin, as well. If only the Jedi had been more understanding and less oppressive, Anakin wouldn't have fallen. So it's not shocking that fans who are writing from that perspective are going to make Anakin seem softer and more sympathetic.
So yeah, sure, it's entirely possible that some fic writers are choosing to give Anakin more of Luke's nobler characteristics in order to help smooth him out and make him easier to like, while giving Luke some of Anakin's more arrogant or dismissive traits in order to make those traits seem more "centrist." I don't think it's something that ONLY happens with Luke and Anakin, though. Like I said, TCW gave Anakin most of Obi-Wan's traits and then tossed a few of Anakin's onto Obi-Wan, as well. I think you could make an argument that we're seeing some of that happen with Ahsoka, too.
I wish I could offer you some Luke fic recs, so instead I will simply say I hope you find some good ones that feel like they're more in character!
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