#and likes to pretend 'innocence' so his beloved would be quick to trust him. he wouldnt hurt a fly :)
malkaviian · 2 years
now that i've developed maverick a bit more, i have to think about how he was before the whole incident with zachary.
#as i said his brain did a complete change to deal with everything that happened; including killing zachary#after having his dead body in his house for hours he started to connect the dots of the situation he was in for months. he couldnt believe#it truly was zachary; the cheerful; perfect student everyone loved; who stalked him to the point he was terrified for his life#and that made him stop going to college because he was too scared to leave his house. but at the same he was scared to stay in his house#since his stalker knew where he lived; and they could just attack at any moment. man he wasnt even that close to zachary#he doesnt understand what happened for him to get that obsessed over him. but it was over. he killed him after he tried to murder him first#so that was it. but before he started to freak out over the possibility of going to prison for murdering someone#he just... changed. he turned into a totally different person; with his old personality completely dying and... well#replacing it with no actual personality besides someone obsessive who adapts to whatever his current beloved likes the most#and likes to pretend 'innocence' so his beloved would be quick to trust him. he wouldnt hurt a fly :)#and while the whole stalking was happening he turned into an anxious mess who would break down very easily and was generally very fragile#so... before that; i think he was probably trusting of people; maybe a bit too trusting. he was very shy#which made it difficult to make friends; but tried his best to be social and do it anyway. so it turned into trusting people easily#and anything slightly weird was assumed to be his mind playing tricks... which is why probably he didnt notice sooner who his stalker was#i mean; zachary was great at pretending; but he did started to get more 'protective' when the stalking started; when they werent that close#but it must have been because he was worried like the rest of their classmates! and after all he was the definition of a perfect person.#it would make sense for someone as good and caring as him to feel the need to protect a sort-of-friend; right? nothing bad; really.#he would also try his best to help someone if they were in that horrible situation anyway#i imagine he also had a slightly low self-esteem; but not to the worrying point. mostly because of his own shyness#alongside friendships; he didnt really that much luck with love in the past. but tried to stay positive and think he would find someone#and yeah; he was someone who tried to see the bright side of things; in a healthy amount. but that didnt really worked while being stalked#if someone left him gifts on his desk in college; that would be one thing. he may as well thought it was sweet in a 'secret admirer' way#but this person literally started to leave gifts on the door of his fucking house; when he never told anyone on college where he lived#and he was already out of touch with the few friends he had in high school + they were no longer his friends. so yeah#even he couldnt ignore that wasnt good or sweet; it was a real problem regardless of how much he couldve liked the gifts in another context#let alone when the goddamn love letters started. he could receive multiple in a day; he even got 15 in a single day#it couldnt be justified at all; and it made his already growing fear even worse.#so basically: he was a person who tried his best to do better; but someone had to ruin it. thanks; zachary /j#oc talk
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Lila Rossi: I’d Say She’s a Good Villain, but Then I’d Be Lying (300 Follower Special)
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Deception and cunning are easily two of the most important traits an antagonist could have. It shows that even if they don't have the strength to overcome obstacles, their wit is more than enough. This kind of trait is why characters like Lex Luthor, David Xanatos, and Princess Azula are so beloved, simply because of how intelligent they can be as villains and pose a real threat to the heroes.
It's clear that the Miraculous Ladybug writers want Lila to be seen as this, but the writing seriously fails to back that claim up.
Easily one of the most controversial characters in Miraculous Ladybug is Lila, mainly for the writing surrounding her. But there was a time where she was actually more of an ambiguous character, mainly for the lack of screentime she had until Season 3. But unfortunately, the more appearances she's had have painted a very poor portrait of an antagonist.
Lila's Tragic and Sympathetic Motivation for Hating Ladybug
Lila's first appearance was at the tail end of Season 1, “Volpina”. She was a new transfer student from Italy, and quickly made friends with a lot of her classmates for the lies she told, including being friends with Ladybug (which Alya blindly believed without doing any research like any excellent journalist). But because of how close she was getting to Adrien, Marinette, in a rare act of selfishness, transforms into Ladybug just to chew out Lila for lying about knowing her, humiliating her in front of Adrien. And this is the only motivation we get for what Lila does afterwards.
I'm not saying that it's wrong for Lila to get upset at Ladybug for doing this, and I like the moment of weakness Marinette has, but this is literally the only explanation we get for Lila deciding to side with Hawkmoth, a literal terrorist. As much as I hated the way the arc turned out, I could still understand Chloe siding with Hawkmoth, as it was clear that Hawkmoth was manipulating her and taking advantage of her ego. Lila? Ladybug's mean to her one time, and that inspires her to conspire with a complete stranger who brainwashes people to attack the city, which endangers innocent people and causes God knows how much in collateral damage if not for Miraculous Ladybug fixing everything.
I just don't get how a single negative interaction with someone is enough to conspire with a literal supervillain. Even in Season 3, when Marinette and Lila truly became enemies, it was because she risked exposing all the lies she told, which could damage her reputation. Sure, it's petty, but it makes sense for Lila to want to keep up the illusion. If she was simply an antagonist to Marinette in her civilian life like Chloe was before “Miracle Queen” , I'd be fine with that, but the writers clearly want her to be seen as on the same level of evil as Hawkmoth. I'll get into why that doesn't work later on.
Why Lila is an Excellent Liar
In my Master Fu analysis, I had pointed out that despite all the flaws he had, the narrative insisted on portraying him as an incredibly wise mentor. The same problem applies for Lila as well. We're supposed to see Lila as an expert manipulator and liar, but her lies are insultingly obvious. She always claims to be friends with celebrities and does all these awesome things, and in an age where we can have almost any question answered thanks to the internet, nobody ever stops to question her.
It's even more frustrating when you hear Lila talk about saving Jagged Stone's cat, when Jagged Stone is established to be very fond of Marinette (evidentially more than his own daughter), and nobody ever points that out. I think if Lila's lies were more stories about her travels around the world than outright lies about real people, it could have worked. It'd still be hard to believe, but it's something.
But this is a problem with writing shows aimed at children. As much as we hate writers who need to spell out things to kids, sometimes, they just don't understand some of the media they consume. Seriously, I never got this joke in SpongeBob as a kid, and I can't believe Nickelodeon actually approved this.
So the dilemma when writing a show with children in mind is finding that sweet spot between assuming your audience can figure it out, but not being too vague in your details. It's even harder when you need to find a way to convey the fact that someone is lying without being too obvious. Unfortunately, the show clearly fails to do that
Okay, this is going to sound like an incredibly weird thing to cite, and I only know about it because I used to know someone who was a huge fan of the franchise, but the movie Monster High: Friday Night Frights does a better job of subtly explaining to the audience that a character is lying. Please, just hear me out.
The movie follows the main characters competing in their high school's roller derby for the season after everyone on the usual team gets injured, and the championship match is against another school whose team tends to cheat to win matches. How they manage to do this without getting caught is anyone's guess. While the main characters are practicing, their coach, Clawd, notices a spy for the enemy team taking video of them to study their moves. In response, he calls over one of the athletes, Operetta, to chew her out for her showboating attitude. In reality, he's alerting her to the spy. Only using facial expressions, he clues her, and by extension, the audience, in on the fact that they know what the opposing team is trying to do.
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This soon leads to Operetta pretending to tell the enemy team about their secret plan for the championship match, which was really an attempt to outsmart them to gain the advantage in the final stretch. The brilliance of this is how the audience is informed of this with no dialogue, and there's no scene afterwards spelling it out for those who don't get it. It manages to convey deception without being too obvious that Clawd and Operetta are being deceitful.
I think if there were more subtle hints to show the audience Lila was lying, she would be seen in a better light. As it is, Lila's lies are just pathetic, and it's ridiculous that everyone believes her. Which leads me to...
Lila, the Master Manipulator
I once read a Star Trek: Voyager fanfic that poked fun at the series by claiming that the reason a lot of the dumber episodes like “Threshold” and “Twisted” happened was because one of the crew members was an alien who unintentionally produced mood altering pheromones, with Captain Janeway actually realizing they were all high because of said pheromones, while two of the unaffected crew members were wondering what the hell they were doing before they found out the cause. Why do I bring this up? Sometimes, it feels like Lila is an unintentional parallel to the alien in that story.
Like so many characters, it's clear the show desperately wants the audience to view Lila in a certain way, but her actions do very little to actually back up that claim. When she's not using lies to tell stories about so many famous people she knows like her uncle who works for Nintendo, Lila is using strategies to manipulate everyone that are so obviously deceptive, the Thermians could pick up on them. Everyone and their mother knows how ridiculous a lot of what Lila does in episodes like “Chameleon” and “Ladybug” are, and I've talked about them before, so I'll try to be quick.
First off, as someone who had access to accommodations through high school and has had assistance in college so far, there is no way in hell that Ms. Bustier should take Lila's tinnitus at face value in “Chameleon”. If a student has a disability that could interfere with the education process, physical or developmental, not only does the school have to evaluate their performance, and determine if they're eligible for an Individualized Education Program, or IEP, but her teachers would have to be notified in the first place. As her primary educator, Ms. Bustier would be part of the team to oversee Lila's IEP and determine what accommodations she needs to help her learn better with her tinnitus and arthritis. But because the writers don't know what Google is, they just ignore it,  assume that Lila can just say she has a disability, and have everyone believe it. Even when Eric Cartman pretended to be disabled to compete in the Special Olympics, he put in more effort to look the part, even if he looked like a caricature.
Then there's the fact that that in “Chameleon”, everyone just believes Lila when she says Marinette stole her grandmother's necklace when not only is said necklace from the Agreste line of jewelry, but Alya, who is Rena Rouge, can't pick up on the fact that it's a fake. All she does to justify these lies is come up with a sob story about how nobody believes her, yet nobody ever tries to defend Marinette except Alya one time, and it was after she got expelled.
Or what about in “Oni-Chan”, where Lila thinks having Kagami kill Ladybug while claiming she'll back away from Adrien is a good idea? Let's say Oni-Chan does kill Ladybug or at least take away her Miraculous, what then? We know Lila wouldn't go through with this promise, and as soon as Kagami sees her harassing Adrien, she'll be ripe for akumatization again. Overall, not a great plan.
And yet somehow, this last example is what made her worthy enough to become one of Hawkmoth's most trusted agents. I'm just going to say it: Lila is not a good fit for the power of illusion. Whenever she's Volpina or Chameleon, she always goes out of her way to make a big show instead of being subtle with her deceptions. “Chameleon” is the worst offender, as even though Lila gets the power to shapeshift into someone else, instead of being discreet and cornering people into kissing them and gaining their appearance, she just runs around to get Ladybug's attention instead of being subtle. Even Felix had the bright idea to pretend to be Adrien to catch Ladybug off guard. How do you lose to something that happened in “Felix”?
Despite all of these screw-ups, we're still supposed to see her as this master of deception worthy of allying with Hawkmoth in both his supervillain and civilian form, when really, she's a terrible liar on the schoolyard and on the battlefield.
Why Lila is an Important Character
In the grand scheme of things, Lila just isn't as important of a character that the show loves to parade her around as. She's nothing more than a plot device used to raise the stakes in an episode, given how much reality seems to bend over just to accommodate for her lies. Even when the show alludes to her being part of bigger things, like her deal with Adrien, or her rivalry with Marinette, they don't even go anywhere.
She just feels pointless when you remember Astruc's brilliant idea to force Chloe into being the final Akuma for the season while Lila isn't even mentioned once. She only really makes appearances whenever the writers feel like it, which is why it’s hard to take her seriously. Why should I take this character seriously as a threat if the writers refuse to take her seriously as a threat? Why build Lila up as a big threat and not give her a major role in the finale? Why even include her in the show in the first place when you could show Chloe being more manipulative to fill in the plots Lila plays a big part in?
As of the time I am writing this analysis, four episodes of Season 4 have aired, three of them have been about lies or deception, and Lila hasn't been mentioned at all. It honestly seems like she won't appear unless the writers need a easy way to drive up the conflict, so they can justify it by saying that Lila's “superpower” of lying is more powerful than the common sense of everyone else.
I'm sorry this post was shorter than the last one, but compared to Master Fu, there's not that much to say about Lila that I haven't already said. Even the show barely gives her any attention, so it's hard for me to really find a lot to talk about.
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mrsalwayswrite · 3 years
Mine (Hvitserk x reader)
So this is my (first) contribution to @ofmanderley​ 300 followers celebration challenge! Congrats again! I’m so excited for you and thankful for the brilliant work you do.
I chose a gif set for my prompt that you can find here. Go check it out!
Warnings: none, this is pure cavity-inducing fluff. 
Words: 1300
Tag List: @youbloodymadgenius​
(Note- this gif is not mine. It is apart of the gif set that I chose so all the credit goes to @ofmanderley​)
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  The noon-day sun peered down between the thick clouds, creating pockets of light to shine through and warm the cold ground. Snow did not yet lay on the ground but the chill in the air fogged up one's breath in the early morning. 
 Mind swirling with thoughts of finalized preparations for winter, Hvitserk trekked towards the Great Hall. An intuitive feeling had him glance over towards the marketplace as he passed it…. only for his movement to abruptly cease. After a moment, he changed direction, strolling over to lean against a wooden post, half-hidden by the stall selling exotic spices. 
 The seller turned around soundlessly to look at him with a confused expression, probably wondering why one of the princes of Kattegat hid behind his stall. Hvitserk raised a finger and placed it over his smiling lips. The foreign man gave a single nod and turned back to the marketplace, calling out to those walking by in his thick accent. 
 Hvitserk's gaze returned back to what caught his eyes initially. 
 Further down the marketplace, an elderly woman spoke animatedly to you from her stand. You gently touched the fabric she sold, making some comment that had both you and the elderly woman smiling. Passing her a coin, you chose one of the muted fabrics and slipped it into the basket hanging off your arm. With a final smile at the seller, you glided away, moving along the bustling marketplace. 
 No matter how many times Hvitserk's eyes feasted on you, it was never enough. Whenever you were around, he struggled to focus on anything other than you. His brothers teased him mercilessly about it but he did not care. You were worth it. 
 Especially now. 
 As you turned sideways to wave at someone calling your name, your belly bump became visible. Only within the past week had it suddenly appeared. It was as if your future child was trying to peek out at the world around them from behind your thick fur cloak already. Your bump constantly pushed aside the cloak no matter how many times you tried to cover it, revealing the life growing within your body. 
 Pushing off the post, Hvitserk stalked closer to you. He nodded to the few people who called out greetings but refused to let his pursuit be thwarted. Right now, you were his prey and he had every intention to catch you without hindrance. 
 Your leisurely amble slowed as you stopped at a different stand, admiring the furs laid out. 
 Sneaking up behind you, he wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you back against his chest. "Hello, wife." He murmured into your ear. 
 You stiffened initially, but once he greeted you, your body melted into his embrace. "Hello, husband."
 "And how are my two favorite people?"
 "Good." You tipped your head to place a quick peck to his lips. "We missed you this morning. When did you leave?"
 He hummed then stole another quick kiss before answering. "Early. You looked so peaceful; I didn't want to disturb you."
 "Mmmm…. your child kept me up most of the night kicking."
 Chuckling, he reached a hand down to touch your protruding belly. "Soon, my little Valkyrie, soon we will get to meet you. Now though, you need to give your mother peace."
 With a nod at the seller, he turned you away from the stand. Holding hands, the two of you strolled through the marketplace. 
 "You still think it's a girl?" You asked, shifting the small basket in your other hand. 
 "I do."
 "For how much she moves. She clearly has her mother's restless, fighting spirit." He answered as if it was obvious.
 You laughed, drawing more than one set of eyes towards you at the beauty of the sound. Not that Hvitserk could blame them, you were always beautiful but when you laughed, Freyja herself must be jealous of your radiance. 
 "What does that say about me now? I feel like all I want to do is lay around in bed." You asked with such an adorable pout, he was half tempted to bite that lower lip right here without a care of onlookers. 
 "It means, my love, that you are putting energy into a different kind of fight. Besides with how much work it took to charm you into becoming my wife…." he lowered his head, whispering into your ear in a husky tone, "....I would prefer if you never left our bed."
 You giggled, letting him steal another kiss as you continued to walk beside your beloved husband. "Well you might get your wish with how this child wears me out already. Are you not headed to meet with your brothers at this time?"
 "I was, but I think I prefer to walk back home with you."
 "That's sweet of you." 
 "Yes, you rest when we get back. Lay down and I'll give you a massage."
 "Allowing you to massage me was what got me pregnant in the first place." 
 He smirked shamelessly. "It can't hurt to practice for our next child."
 "If…." You pointed a finger at his smug face. "....if we have more children."
 Snaking an arm around your waist, he dragged you into a desolate side alley. Though you pretended to protest, you willingly followed him. Standing there alone, he pulled you in, arms around your waist. Your arms automatically raised to lay around his neck, an action almost instinctive by now. Though this time, your belly bump certainly kept more space between you than either of you wanted. 
 That silly smirk still on his face, he looked down at you almost arrogantly. "Oh, I'm certain it's fated for us to have more."
 "And why is that?" You stared up at him amused.
 "You can't keep your hands off me."
 Cocking your head to the side, he watched you attempt to suppress a smile. "That's not quite how I remember it."
 He leaned in closer, mouth hovering just over yours, though his brown eyes remained focused on you. "Do I need to remind you? The claw marks down my back from last night are proof enough of that."
 Gods, the way you bit your lower lip so innocently was enough to drive him wild, then when you peered up at him through your lashes, he was a goner every time. 
 "It's the fighting spirit you like so much." You teased back, tugging lightly on the ends of his braids. 
 "I do. Though if you didn't fight against my attention so much when I was chasing you, I would have appreciated it." 
 "You liked the challenge."
 "Mmmm." He hummed in agreement. You had made him work for your affections, your time, your respect. Something no other woman had made him do. It was during that relentless pursuit that he realized you were the woman he wanted for his wife, not just another lover; but someone to always fall asleep beside, to love and cherish wholeheartedly, to trust with every part of his soul.
 He pressed a soft, tender kiss to your lips. "And now you're mine. Before the gods, you are mine. Forever, my love."
 The smile that you gave him was so full of fondness and joy, it was blinding in its simple beauty. This time you lifted up on your toes to kiss him, a tender parting of lips and slow tangle of tongues. 
 When your mouths finally separated, he dropped to his knees right there in the dirt. He placed his hands on your belly, eyes intent on where his child grew. "And you, my little Valkyrie. I hope you are as strong and beautiful as your mother. For there is nothing in this world as precious to me as she is."
 He looked up and met your eyes, seeing tears swimming in them. Rising back to his feet, he cupped your cheeks, gazing into your face with absolute devotion and loyalty. Though he had known many women, there were none like you and he knew with all the same certainty as the daily rising and setting of the sun, there would never be another woman like you. His life. His love. And soon, the mother of his little Valkyrie. 
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flowerwrites06 · 4 years
break my mind’s eye VII — jjk
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Plot: Jungkook thinks marriage is the only way to seal a deal.
Pairing(s): Druglord!Jungkook x Fashion Designer!OC (Name: Belle)
Rating: G | PG | M | R 18+
Type: Drabble | Oneshot | Two Parter | Series
Parts: Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV | Part V | Part VI | Part VII | Part VIII | Part IX | Part X | Special 
Word Count: 7k+
Genre: Mafia | Angst/Smut/Fluff
Tags & Warnings (for entire series): drug dealing, marriage through trickery, explicit smut, drug use, dubious consent, prostitution, miscarriage, lots of manipulation, impregnation through manipulation 
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‘It’s a sad day indeed as the most eligible bachelor in the city is now officially married! The ceremony took place in a garden like-setting on the grounds of the old Jeon manor where we could see the cherry blossoms falling on Kim Belle’s veil.
The couple absolutely glowed in the afternoon light and Jungkook couldn’t keep his eyes off his new bride. While this relationship came as a surprise to everyone, many sources speculate that the two had been liaising for years in secret. Leave it the Jeon family to be as extravagant yet discreet as possible.
As per the family’s tradition, they will be staying in the manor for two nights before going back to their shared home.
Belle’s dress had been a little underwhelming to some of us until we got word that her waistline is encrusted with approximately 96 5 carat diamonds, the whole dress designed and created by Madame Saito, her mentor and one of the leading designers of our country. So appearances are quite deceiving as we’re looking at an easily $20, 000 wedding dress adorned by the new heiress.
The whole ceremony moved as smoothly as the falling flowers. Definitely a step up from the previous few articles written for Kim Belle in poor taste. The new Mrs. Jeon takes the award for being the most elegantly majestic bride of the year.’
“Sorry, sir?” Yoongi asked to make sure he heard Jungkook ask him to come over to his office for a private meeting. There were two ways this could go. Either a bullet in his head or a bullet he has to put in someone else’s head. Namjoon told him a lot of stories of how newer members of any mafia made you kill someone at least once to test true loyalty. Because really one could die to save themselves from any more misery but living their entire life responsible for a murder was a whole other story.
Jungkooks’ expression did not falter in the slightest, still in his proper wedding attire with a light tint on his lips from Belle’s lipstick. “It’s only going to be a few minutes.” He walked past him having every expectation of being followed.
Yoongi did not hesitate to continue walking along the large regal hallway before turning right into a dark rustic office. A much older man already situated himself on the couch while two guards stood on each side of a figure resting on his knees in front of the table.
The usual bright and luxurious light in the rest of the mansion unfortunately did not reach this room. Scent of tobacco mixed in with expensive cologne and sweat swirling in a dark room adorned with deep brown furniture. This was a place of purely business. Despite the pretty lavenders on Jungkooks’ breast pockets matching the flowers in Belle’s hair.
“Park Jeongsu…he was found in midst of exchanging letters to the mayor.” The older male spoke in a gruff tone possibly from the smoke infecting his throat.
“Thank you, uncle.” Jungkook stared down at the wooden box lined in purple velvet. “Do you see that? That’s what you called loyalty.” Fingers traced the outline of some diagram on the top that Yoongi could quite catch but it shone in gold. “Chul has been mingling with the likes of our own gang…” He scoffed with a smile. “Clever.”
Yoongis’ heart seemed quickly tumble down into a tight cage situated somewhere deep in an endless abyss. There was more sources for the mayor. Just how many rats did they have in this place? The man understandably was given minimal information so it was easy for him to stay unknowing and a little confused.
“I despise disloyal people, Jeongsu. I really do.” He attempted to give the trembling male an apologetic look but anyone could sense there was no sincerity. “Especially on one of most joyous occasions of my life, I expected all my soldiers to stay by my side. To protect me as I have tried to protect you and your families. I’ve always tried to be a gracious leader.” Jungkook shrugged. “If it were my father, your own balls would be stuffed down your throat until you choke to death.”
The mere description and Yoongi saw the male on his knees breathing heavily, the cloth around his mouth inflating at every breath.
“Of course today I can’t get my hands dirty.” He moved both hands away from the box. “I need to be gracious and generous today in honor of my new beloved wife.” Jungkook leaned on the edge of the table by his hands. “Thankfully my uncle was nice enough to question you while I was gone…” He gestured towards his blood soaked shirt and swollen eye. “So if you’ve come this far to me, that means you’re of no use.”
The words barely settled into the room but muffled protesting began from the vulnerable target. Even if the cloth wasn’t hindering his clarity, Jungkook and his uncle probably would not have had any remorse to step away. This wasn’t a family or business of mercy.
Flickering open the wooden box, Jungkook in his most casual aura picked up the shining silver object. Each bullet placed inside with heartwarming care before the older mans’ voice slithered through the intimate moment.
“Jungkook…” His uncle warned with a stern tone, smoke riddling the air around him. “It’s bad luck to execute someone on your wedding day.”
“I know.” He muttered without sparing him a sideways glance. Once everything had been prepared, Jungkook walked around the table and stood in front of the traitor. The gun handed out in Yoongis’ direction.
All eyes were on the male now and he never felt more uncomfortable in his entire life. He had been stuck in a trunk before so that was saying something. Eyes flickered from the older man to Jungkook to the male who clearly had been on his side. Of course refusing to do so would end with both their lives taken and then this whole operation would combust back into nothingness.
You’ve shot guns before. Not at innocent people.
No one was truly innocent. At least that was sentiment he plastered in his mind hiding away all the warnings and alarms from his conscience. Padding closer to where Jungkook stood, his heart raced faster at every step swallowing down any protest struggling to push through.
The thrashing faded away into a meek sob as Yoongi faced the man. Much to his discontent, the lack of lines on his face and the broken brightness in his eyes showed that he was but a boy. Possibly a tad younger than Jungkook himself or his age. Either way his mind now haunted itself with the prospect of killing a near child for the sake of his operation. Was it worth to take a life for this?
He was not the only one risking things however. This boy was one of many who were already victims of Jungkooks’ rule, at least Yoongi knew the one kneeling before him had fought for a cause.
Clicking back the safety, Yoongi tightened his jaw ignoring the tears streaming down their cheek and the giant eyes staring back at him.
For a few seconds the younger male calmed himself to an almost peaceful breathing state. It was brief and hard to truly notice but Yoongi saw the little nod he gave him. Reassuring the older male that this needed to be done. One life to protect the many.
In a rush of adrenaline Yoongi pulled the trigger. It wasn’t as loud as the guns he received in the precinct. Perfect for quick and quiet executions especially during these occasions. For a moment he could pretend that nothing even happened. Though blood leaking from the hole made on the others’ forehead spoke a truer story.
To the side he dropped, light thud echoing in the room before nothing but silence plunged comfortably.
“The den in Gongneung needs to be put under heavy security. I remember him one of the boys who was patrolling there.” Jungkook nodded towards the unmoving figure before fixated his gaze on the two guards who immediately bowed in response. “And I want a private meeting with the person who brought him in as a tribute.” He finally turned to Yoongi, expression softening a little at how frozen the man was. Carefully he patted him on the back. “You did well, Yoongi. I know being a medical apprentice, this isn’t exactly your line of work but I need to see whether it’s safe to have you around.” A small smile played on his lips. “I suppose I can always trust Belle’s judgement.”
Yoongi forced him to meet the younger male’s gaze, an awkward smile flickered but quickly faded away as he dumbly watched Jungkook take the gun away from him and put it on the table gently.
The boy lay limp on the dark wood slowly being painted with blood, deepening its hue into a deep wine glistening in the lowlight. Definitely not a sight supposed to be seen on an auspicious day.
Jungkook watched the blood ooze across the room and merely stood over it to move closer to the door. “Clean this up. No more tasks until I get to the mansion.” He ordered simply. “Yoongi…”
His attention flicked back to reality in a rush of cold air before following Jungkook along like a confused puppy.
As the bright light almost burned his eyes, Yoongi pretended that he just woke up from a really bad dream and nothing ever happened. He learned how to do that very quickly in his career especially after he shot his first person in the field. Not the healthiest way to cope but his pay did not actually cover for therapy.
Jungkook dug his hands into his pockets looking out the window. A bright, perfect day to be married after so long of hearing one proposal after the other. It was finally done. Eyes flickered towards the raven haired male who finally caught up to stand next to him. “Unfortunately I have to ask you another favor as well, Yoongi.”
“Does it involve me killing anyone? Can I have a five minute break first?”
The younger male chuckled before shaking his head. “No…it’s—it’s a little more delicate than that.”
Yoongis’ brows furrowed, all of his attention now dissipated into what he was going to say. Though he hated to admit he had a small idea of who it involved.
Jungkook stammered before glancing around the hallway and sighing. “It’s about the wedding night…”
The first thing she took off was her heavy earrings as they were led into one of the private rooms to change into more comfortable clothing. Apparently Boyoung wanted to have a small word with the two of them before they went off to bed. Her limbs felt like they were going to pop out of their sockets with how exhausted she was. Who knew just wearing a heavy dress and walking around would take so much out of you.
Belle understand on a whole new level just how models felt having to create such a strong demeanor that even pain could not pass across their features. Hours spent on chatting people up and others admiring the now famous waistline on her dress. The girl loved the dress more because of the fact Saito made it just for her made her happy enough.
Jungkooks’ hand permanently set on the small of her back. The man had disappeared for a while during the party but from the way his face tensed when he walked back here, she knew it had to do with work.
The guide opened a door for them and they were led into a room similar to the one Belle dressed up in for the ceremony.
Giving a kind smile to the guide, she walked and placed her earrings on the small table next to the bathroom. For the moment the couple had finally stood on their lonesome with no one to disturb them.
The young lord took the opportunity to pounce at his new bride and take her lips into his.
Her veil toppled off her head from the force and Belle couldn’t help but giggle a little into the kiss. “Not now.” She whispered.
“A few minutes.” Jungkook breathed out pulling her veil off gently before pressing a few more pecks on her soft lips. Whatever strain tightened up his nerves significantly loosened being around his only source for relaxation.
Belle hummed in protest, pressing against his chest to have him pause. “Your aunt is going to be here in a few minutes. We need to be decent.”
Jungkook merely smirked and gave her another peck just at the moment the door opened.
Boyoung gave her nephew a cheeky smile as he backed shyly before closing the door behind them.
“What did you want to talk about?” Belle asked with a sweet smile gracing her lips.
The older woman let out a sigh but still kept a decent smile gracing her features. She looked over at Jungkook who hung his head for a moment. “Dear…” Her tone rung grim and serious. A rare sound coming from a lady who always looked extremely happy every day. Once again the usual habit of holding Belle’s hands when she spoke of something. “The Jeon family has been around for many generations. Possibly longer than the city itself.” Boyoung chuckled lightly. “So with that age and prestige, there comes…a few traditions that lived on for our family’s continual survival.”
Belle nodded, trying to search her expression with the hope that was just some simple task she had to undertake. Maybe eating more fruits or balancing stuff on her head. Except the other womans’ voice sounded far too serious for something like that. Eyes flickered over to Jungkook who had his arms folded over his chest and his expression softened.
“Family members must be married at 21…” Boyoung repeated the tradition the couple already fulfilled. “They also need to carry on the line of the Jeon family.” Her grip tightened on her hands. “Do you have any conditions that may prevent you from having a baby?”
She stammered lightly. “No—I don’t think so.”
Boyoung nodded before giving her a smile except it wasn’t as bright more consoling.
“Why are we talking about babies now?” Belle smiled nervously.
She glanced over at Jungkook for a moment who tightened his jaw, seemingly unable to look Belle straight in the eye. “You understand the world we live in, dear. At some point, you both will need to dedicate yourself to your own lives just like Jungkooks’ parents did. Which is why we make a point to marry and have children in their brisk days.”
Belle’s lips parted for a moment, sensing where this now dreaded conversation was headed. “When—when do you want us to have children?”
Boyoung took a deep breath as the younger female had the urge to yank her hands away. “There is a ceremony on the wedding night for every Jeon wedding. I’ve done it, Jungkooks’ mother has done it and many of our ancestors. You are to—lay with one another that will give you a child.” She spoke carefully. “Because of a few incidents in the past, there is a strict rule that this ceremony must have two witnesses. Preferably people that the couple trusts not to fib or lie about the consummation.”
Her whole body felt like it burst into flames but no one noticed or cared. A little voice inside her screamed out so loud, Belle was worried she might actually mimic the volume right there and then. She really thought this conversation would not happen until a few years after the wedding, maybe when her heart wore down to the subject. How much more of her naivety was going to be shredded to waste before she realized these people did not care who they hurt. Especially when it came to their ideals.
“I know it’s a lot to take in, dear but—we must prepare tonight.” She caressed her cheek.
Belle could almost feel a slight sting on her skin at the seemingly affectionate movement. Blood curdling screams still echoed through her insides but on the outside, she nodded as any captive trying to live would do. Just nod and hope it ends quick.
Boyoung immediately smiled using the minor response as a reassurance boost before grinning at Jungkook. “I will see you both bright and early tomorrow.” She announced walking out of the door.
The couple now standing in a pit of thick silence.
“You knew about this.” Belle whispered, eyes growing glossier by the second as they stood face to face with one another. “Is that the part you conveniently forgot? The part where I’m supposed to make children for you tonight too.” She winced while Jungkook was trying conjure up words that would be most appropriate to reassure her.
Unfortunately the way their family worked and the way society worked were so far off from each other that even he felt helpless against it. “Belle, we’ve been doing it without protection this whole time. What’s going to be so different now?”
“They want me to be impregnated!” She shouted making the male hurriedly glance over at the door worried someone might be listening in. “With witnesses…” She whispered under her trembling breath.
“Baby, calm down.” He raised his hands to cup her cheeks, give her some form of comfort that he could while still making Boyoung and the rest of his family happy.
Belle roughly pushed him away, her bracelet tinkling and tugging at the fabric of his shirt when she moved back. “No that’s why you chose me, isn’t it?” Voice shook down to her very core as she yanked away from Jungkook attempting to hold her hand. “You wouldn’t feel bad if I was in display as opposed to someone you actually cared about.”
The lord paused in his tracks for a moment feeling his heart clench at the dark thought swirling in his wifes’ head. “I don’t want to do this just as much as you, B.” His words faded more into a mutter trying to keep the conversation private because he knew with all his soul that there was one person pressing their ear against the door. Thankfully most of these doors in the mansion were decently sound-proof. “You think I want people to see us like that?” He grabbed her by the cheeks now forcing to keep her close, noses just brushing against each other. “This is my family. You should know more than anyone that we can do everything for family.”
“Don’t do that.” She shook her head, breathing out a small sob and attempting to pull away from him again but his hands were firm to keep her still. “Don’t do that, this is not the same. It’s a baby—”
“I know.” He whispered, her pulse pounding against his palm making his stomach drop. “I do care about you. I care about you a lot…”
“No you don’t—” Belle hated that she was not just feeling anger pump through her veins but fear. Genuine fear. The permanency of what they were about to do could terrify anyone but at least normal people had the chance to say no or turn back.
“I do.”
She took a deep breath gently pushed his hands away. “If you did care about me…we wouldn’t be married. And I wouldn’t be preparing to be bred like an animal.” Swallowing down the painful lump in her throat despite the tears already trailing down her cheeks. People cried at weddings after all but rarely for this reason.
Before Jungkook could say another word Belle rushed away into the bathroom, slamming the door so hard it almost made even him jump.
No. No no no no no no no no no this was wrong. Of all the fucking things Yoongi witnessed in his entire life, this made him nauseous even thinking about it.
Witnessing impregnation. That’s what they called it, the men quietly smoking at the open area near the bedroom it was going to happen. The excited bastards looked to be about the age when it was acceptable in their time to behave in this manner, chin sagging down to their toes.
So along with mass selling drugs, the Jeon family loved impregnating their women in front of other people. How unsurprisingly disappointing.
The worst part was that Yoongi had a feeling Belle wasn’t a long-time girlfriend of Jungkook. He wasn’t even sure if the two were a real couple. But a child is fucking real. This wasn’t a fantasy game anymore for status, this was solidifying a future that the woman probably didn’t even want.
Silence plunged into the room when from the corner of his eye a lavender adorned figure stepped in next to Jungkooks’ aunt.
His plump lips curled up into a smile at the older female, bowing down before a grim expression flashed across his face and Yoongi immediately knew why he was here.
Jimin looked around at the people in the room and his heart dropped seeing the chortling men at the corner. He prayed to the high heavens none of them were going to be in the booth observing this horrendous ceremony. Instead his eyes flickered to the man he hoped was Yoongi. “Witness?” He asked briefly. Much to his somewhat relaxation, Yoongi nodded.
“This your first time?” One of the older man asked the two males.
They both agreed shortly and the older man laughed.
“Oh it’s better than it sounds. In all my experiences, they both loved it. Sometimes it’s a sweet affair.” He smiled.
“And other times?” Yoongi asked daringly.
Unfortunately the men shifted uncomfortably, the slightly younger ones cleared their throats while the older ones looked more grim than normal.
“Virgins are the worst to endure.” The oldest one there spoke up, shaking and sitting on the chair. “Crying…blood…those are the ones you need to worry for the most.”
“We haven’t had a virgin in a long time though.” A more springy man spoke up. “A few of us suggested that the mating ceremony should not be mixed in with losing one’s virginity. Not much fun for the to-be mother or father.”
Yoongi swallowed down thickly, their casual tone about this whole mess making him even more nauseous.
The conversation was immediately paused when Boyoung padded back into the room. “It’s time now, boys. Into the booth.” She muttered almost under her breath gesturing towards to the gap on the left of the entrance.
Taking calculated steps one after the other, Yoongi simply followed the lavender adorned male through the small opening into a tiny booth. Their shoulders brushing against each other as they observed the beautiful designed window, vectors formulating the letter ‘J’ mixed with butterflies and flowers.
However through the window was something far less pleasant.
Silence diseased the large room. Belle was left to hear her own hurdling thoughts just to stay sane. From the corner of her eye she noticed the shifting through the open window with a designed barrier to create some kind of class to this horrid tradition.
His hand pushed her chin so her gaze could be fixated on him. “It’s just you and me, okay?” Jungkook whispered. “Just us.”
Like a brainwashing scheme where Belle was stuck in a river between a bank of fantasy and a bank of reality. They were not alone. She could feel the familiar eyes burning right into core. But what was so new about pretending? She pretended this to a point where her entire life was now dedicated to the man before giving no chance of another life.
If Jungkook couldn’t get out this then how could she ever think the same? It wasn’t like she could run away either, there was no one around to help her. No one to stop this.
Hand gently cupped her cheek before leaning in for an initiating kiss, light warmth spreading through her. His lips became so familiar for comfort nowadays that Belle lost a little of her conscious sense for her own peace of mind.
However this was not meant to be an act of love or even attraction. She was reminded of this when Jungkook pushed the fabric of her dress up without warning. “I’m sorry.” He whispered in her ear. No this was a responsibility. A chore to get done on a to-do list curated for the young lord.
Made to lie on her back, Belle’s vision grew blurry feeling her legs being spread apart with the utmost care but hardly any of the warmth she usually remembered. Then there came the burn through her entrance as he pushed in. A trembling breath passed through her lips struggling to keep composure in such a vulnerable position.
Walls ached the deeper he moved in, his one hand gripping at the sheets until his hips stilled once she was completely full with his already throbbing cock.
Her gaze flickered up to the cherry blossom paintings on the ceiling, pretending a cool spring breeze touching her face and the sound of water flowing. This isn’t real. For a second Belle forced herself to drown into a pool of fantasy. This wasn’t real. The pain faded minutes ago and so did her sense of consciousness.
She wasn’t here, arms pinned down by strong hands and hot breath cascading down her neck. No it was back at the boutique. Belle spending hours sewing her favourite daffodil yellow dress with a tall cup of iced coffee and her hair in a comfortable bun.
Her head was pulled back into reality when Jungkook pressed a kiss on her lips and it all poured back into her. Legs aching from the spread, her heat a little numb from the friction while no sound passed her lips except for light heaving.
Yoongi struggled to control his heavy breathing as the scene took place before him. The man felt like a prisoner witnessing his inmate being beaten. He just had to watch cruel reality play out it’s painful dance. Having the stomach for it was not his biggest issue. Except he knew Belle was not here out of unconditional love for Jungkook. He promised himself to always help people in need but truly aiding someone to freedom required a hefty journey in the process.
Right at this moment however that sentiment seemed like empty words.
This was not Belle’s world. The idea itself was what caused a pit in his already upset stomach. She didn’t grow up in this life nor did she choose it. It was never supposed to a part of her but now she had to deal with evil test of fate.
Jungkook intertwined his fingers with her loose ones, pressing reassuring pecks on her jawline as his hips snapped against hers. Sneaking a free hand between her legs he rubbed onto her clit hoping to give her some kind of pleasure while his own orgasm rolled to the edge.
A light tickle shot through her but stopped midway when she could feel him reaching his release. The way his face contorted and his thrusts grew desperate but sloppy.
This isn’t real. Fingers fisted at the sheets. This isn’t real. A light groan uttered under his breath. This isn’t real. More tears burning and gathering at her overflowing eyes.
This is real.
The man stilled as his release burst through his veins.
Her body lay compliant as she felt herself being filled up to the brim. Belle sucked onto her bottom lip, closing her eyes almost trying to turn back time somehow.
Jungkook hesitantly leaned in and tried to press a kiss on her cheek.
“Get off me.” She whispered. “Please.”
The male paused feeling a burning behind his eyes when she still tried to be kind despite what he did. Pulling out of her gently, Jungkook got off the bed with a shaky sigh curling his hands into fists when he couldn’t comfort her. How could he? He was the reason she needed comfort in the first place. Swallowing the lump in his throat, Jungkook turned away to the bathroom.
Yoongi didn’t realize he had been gripping onto the grill of the window the whole time, until he felt something wet on his palms. When he pulled away it felt like taking a splinter out tiny little bleeding holes interrupting the lines.
His ears pricked up at the trembling sigh the other let out.
When he looked over at him, his cheeks were already stained with tears while a few more flooded at the brim watching Belle slowly shift to the middle of the bed. “I have—” The male whispered before swallowing down painfully. “I have to go to work after this.”
The both of them helplessly watched the girl shake and force herself to sob quietly as she fixed her dress.
“Please…go see if she’s okay. If you can.” The pleading look in Jimin’s eyes mimicked the ache in his exhausted heart. They both knew Belle didn’t deserve this mess. They both witnessed her kindness and now saw her pain.
Yoongi nodded even though it was clear there was nothing any of them could do for her right now. Not at this moment. God if he could just tell him right there and then that he was trying his best to help her out of here.
But when he saw the way Belle curled into herself and tried to take to deep breaths while tears were still streaming down her face.
He knew he had to do a whole fucking more than his best.
Two nights later.
Sun felt warm on her skin, shoes crunched against the pavement as she relished in the murmurs and cheers of the market. How long had it been since the woman had just walked through this corner of wonders? All the high fashion shows, sleek garments and elegant wear were almost nothing compared to the raw simplicity of the red cotton or hand crafted jade jewelry. Belle remembered how she used to create necklaces out of flowers and little stones giving it to Taehyung as a gift because he was the only one who would accept it.
No matter how high she went in this pillar of success, this still brought a warmth in her heart without fail.
Wandering eyes paused on one clothing stall in particular. Padding closer, she saw the smallest pair of yellow shoes shining in the sunny day just at the edge of the display. A smile tugged at her lips when she noticed tiny daisy details embroidered onto it. Carefully the woman picked the pair up almost worried that it might fall apart because they looked so delicate and innocent.
“You have child?” The lady at the stall smiled at her kindly as she waved herself with a fan to waft away the heat.
Belle smiled, relishing the soft fabric under her fingers pads almost acting as a therapeutic substance. “Not yet.” She chuckled softly. “How much is this?”
The lady boxed the shoes up carefully before handing it to her with a bracelet for free. When Belle tried to refuse, she waved it off with that same sweet smile. “It’s for good fortune.”
With slight reluctance the girl thanked her again and moved onto the other stalls. As her eyes wandered, she stopped at the sight of a familiar figure walking out of the market area towards a pay phone. Forehead knitted and curiosity peeking, Belle moved to the more crowded areas so she could see what was happening without being caught. Sneaking around was not the most elegant behavior but at this point, the girl lost all care of what was proper and improper.
Pausing behind the payphone Belle hugged the bag to her chest finally catching Yoongis’ voice speak into the call.
“Jeon family is more traditional than you think, man. They had witnesses to watch the consummation.” Anger was clear in his tone especially in the way it rasped a little more when he tried to lower his volume. “Jungkook handpicked the damn witnesses, what kind of fucked up family is this?”
Belle felt a strange air of relief hearing someone else say those words other than her screaming it over and over again in her mind. Despite the urge to thank him for reassuring her sanity, she stood still to listen when he spoke up again.
“Jungkook is adding extra security to the Gongneung den, all his strongest supplies are there. He knows there’s rats in his empire so we need to get this done before he finds a way to hide all of it again.” His voice was much lower than before.
The woman still caught all the words that were needed however. Heart pounded against her ribcages padding closer to the payphone until the worry of Yoongi seeing her did not resonate anymore.
Yoongi gave a few more words of encouragement to Namjoon before doing his checks again and the sound around him numbed. He saw a familiar reddened and teary gaze fixated on him. For a moment he wanted to believe that she just arrived not hearing a word of their conversation but he knew better than to be so naïve.
Before he could think up a strategy, Belle rushed over to the male in a huff and stood merely a breath away from him with her back pressed slightly against the phone. There was a flash of anger on her face before it faded into something that made Yoongi wish the anger could come back again so he could endure it better.
“You’re a police officer?” Bottom lip trembled and her already exhausted eyes flooded with heavy tears. “And you just watched that happen?” Belle knew why Yoongi couldn’t just burst into the room and stop the event just like she couldn’t stop Jungkook or Boyoung from going on with tradition. But the sensible side of her lost its way that night and now the girl found it far too difficult to find it.
“If I could, I would’ve shot all of them right there and then.” He murmured feeling his stomach drop at the way her voice couldn’t keep any of its usual composure anymore. “I want you to get out of this. I really do. But we need to—we need to work together if this is ever going to stop.” His words dialed down to a whisper now that their faces were merely a breath apart. It took a few minutes for him to realize that his hand was caressing her cheek, sloppily wiping away the tear that flowed down to his thumb.
How long had it been since she wanted to hear someone say those words? Someone that could help her get out of this. A part of her would have agreed in seconds, for the first time falling into another’s arms and feeling like she did not have to do anything. But the tiny yellow shoes in the bag grew heavy on her. “Yoongi—” Belle breathed out staring down at her purchase, hands shaking.
Confused eyes flickered down to follow her gaze and immediately saw the miniscule box inside the bag. “What’s wrong?” He opted to search her expression now. “Belle?” Some side of his mind tried to shout that his hand should be back in his pocket. If anyone saw the two standing this way then they would both be in trouble and none of this would be worth it. But she felt so warm and broken that he was afraid they both would fall apart if he moved even the slightest away.
Belle stammered trying to form the words somehow before sniffling. “I’m pregnant.” She sobbed lightly.
The news lingered heavily in the air between them and Yoongi felt like the wall of his mind close into this one thing. All of the things—all of these goals now stripped down to these two words that he prayed would not be true. He knew it might be possibility. He saw the whole thing happen with his own two eyes but for some reason a more naïve part of him—whatever was left of it—wanted to believe they had time. Yoongi took a deep breath before shaking his head. “It’s okay…we’ll figure it out.” He made her meet his gaze. “We’ll figure it out, I promise.”
She closed her eyes, nodding while her tears seemed to take their own freedom down her face. “Okay.” Words came out in a whisper.
The older male couldn’t help but mimic her nodding for a moment, slowly moving his hand away and hoping no one in the town recognized them. “Do you need a ride home?”
Quickly the girl shook her head feeling an ache in her belly calling the place ‘home’. It would be their child’s home. She would have to accept that someday. “Can we—” She glanced over at the bustling market. “Can we walk through the market for a little bit?” A sad smile tugged at her lips though her eyes glinted with desperation to capture any sense of false joy that came across the path.
Yoongi swallowed a small, unexpected lump in his throat before glancing at the market. “Yeah…of course.”
Maybe a few more minutes of blinded excitement could redeem that little piece of sanity.
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Magic Marinette
Marinette is Zatanna's older cousin and can practice magic herself. Her magic is different however. For most low level spells she simply has to think of what the spell is intended for. For a harder spell she needs to chant much like Zatanna.
Marinette practices at home with her Uncle Zatara occasionally visiting with Zatanna. Magic comes naturally to Marinette, she likes to claim that it just flows in and out of her.
Marinette is 13 (Zatanna is only 6) when she becomes Ladybug, her magic and Tikki's combining flawlessly. The two are a magical power house, so much so that Marinette has to lock her aura down so that she'll only appear as a low level mage. Zatara is proud of his niece for becoming a hero, although he isn't exactly pleased, he knows better than to mess with the Kwami.
He is there for her every step of the way only a call away. When Marinette's friends turn against her and she ends up with only four left  he and Zatanna are there to comfort her. When her parents start feeding into the lies he is incredibly angry. Especially when he sees the broken look on his beloved nieces face. Zatara is quick to suggest he take complete custody over Marinette, her parents agree and sign away their rights.
Zatara helps Marinette pack her things and moves her into an apartment in Paris. Until Marinette is 18 he'll be spending the majority of his time in Paris with her. Zatanna grows up beside Marinette looking up to her as a big sister. Marinette lives up to that roll always spoiling Zatanna. 
When Marinette becomes Guardian Zatara helps her navigate how to deal with her new responsibilities. A few weeks later when she shows up hand in hand with a blonde boy, he recognizes him immediately. After a quick shovel talk Adrien is practically adopted into the family. His and Marinette's relationship blossomed beautifully. 
Zatara has Marinette transferred out of her current class and Adrien follows her. The two are barely separate from each other, but when they are their former classmates take advantage of it. Marinette is constantly watching her back when she is alone. Especially when Bustier's class fails to make all their fundraising goals, Marinette can feel them glaring at her.
The class takes turns finding ways to bully Marinette. Alya posts embarrassing pictures of her, Rose tells everyone stories of her trying to get Adrien's attention calling her terrible names. Alix and Nathaniel kick her out of the Art Club. Kim and Alix push her around in the halls and so on. With Lila acting as the innocent bystander.
The class becomes more and more toxic towards themselves and others. This results in the entire school avoiding them, they however blame Marinette for everything. Even though she hasn't thought of them except for when they're bullying her.
Marinette is pissed when Bunnyx comes back from the future and takes the Bunny Miraculous from her. She immediately gives it to her younger self. Now Ladybug and Chat Noir have to work around an untrained liability.
When Marinette is 18 Zatanna is 11.
During their final year Adrien proposes to Marinette after asking Zatara's permission. Marinette agrees to marry him amd the wedding is set for the summer after they graduate.
The wedding never comes. After they graduate they face off with Hawkmoth and Mayura in one final battle. They had defeated Mayura and Chat was about to take Hawkmoth's Miraculous when Bunnyx showed up. She uses Burrow and endes up knocking Chat into an unknown part of time. Everything is silent as Ladybug stares at the space her partner had been in waiting for him to show up. When no one arrives a heartbreaking scream tears through her. All of Paris watches their last hero break down crying, with a burst of rage she defeats Hawkmoth unmasking him. Then charges Bunnyx using her magic to take her down.
Kcol reh ni ecalp htiw ton a elgnis hctiwt!!
Lock her in place with not a single twitch!!
Bunnyx is frozen as Ladybug rips her Miraculous away de-transforming her. She glares at her through her tears, before telling her that she was never meant to be a hero.
Ladybug then leaves with all the Miraculous except for Plagg.
Marinette de-transforms in her room, tears falling as she stares despondently at the ground. Before she utters a simple incantation releasing Alix from where she was frozen.
Cogam sesaeler eht eno I evah dnuob.
Magic releases the one I have bound.
Marinette remains there only moving when Zatanna comes in and sits on her lap. Marinette sniffles hugging her tightly, crying while Zatanna comforts her, crying softly as well.
The next day they are visited by an elderly old man with a kind smile. He introduces himself as Alfred Pennyworth. A mischievous smile crosses his face as he makes eye contact with Marinette.
Alfred-I didn't always go by that though. The love of my life used to call me kitty.
Alfred simply smiled sadly nodding before telling her that she cannot go get him.
Alfred- I was sent back so long ago. When you never came I began to make a life for myself. I joined MI-16 and was adopted into a family. Became a butler and was loyal to the Wayne family. I had a son in all but blood, his name is Bruce. It's funny Bugaboo, he has the same black hair and blue eyes as you. Some nights I would pretend that he was our child. Marinette I love you but my life as Alfred Pennyworth cannot be removed from history. This is why I am asking you to move on, find love again.
Marinette sobs softly into his shoulder telling him that she'll do her best. Alfred smiles before pulling out a familiar ring placing it in her hand. Before telling Plagg that he better keep his Princess safe. Marinette giggles softly kissing him on his cheek.
Marinette- Keep in touch please Adrien, I can't live without you at least in my life.
Alfred nods kissing Marinette's hands gently before bidding all three of them goodbye.
Marinette continues on with her life but she doesn't fall in love again. She knows in her heart thay the only one for her was Adrien. Marinette becomes a famous fashion designer by day and Mari by night. She begins training Zatanna along with Zatara. Helping stop bag guys with  simple spells. When Zatanna is 15 she encourages Zatara to let her hang out with the Young Justice team and be a part of it. She happily spies through a seeing glass to see their first meeting. Marinette giggles when her cousin takes an instant liking to the young boy wonder. She smiles softly at the picture of the boy knowing that he was Alfred's honorary grandson.
A few weeks later Marinette is working to reunite the dimensions. When they make it back she is heartbroken to see her cousin with the Helmet of Fate. Zatara immediately tries to convince him to take him instead but Marinette stops him.
Marinette- Release my cousin and take me instead Nabu.
Nabu-No, you barely show any signs of magic.
Marinette huffs before chanting a reversal incantation on the spell she put in place all those years ago. Her aura fills the area allowing everyone to feel her magic.
Marinette-If you release her you can have me. I just need to do a few things first.
Nabu- Very well.
He released Zatanna, Zatara is quick to hug her before turning to Marinette angry demanding to know why she did that with tears in his eyes. Marinette smiled softly before kissing his cheeks softly then kissing Zatanna's. She summons a pen and paper with an envelope writing out a letter to Alfred. She sealed the envelope before turning to Robin.
Marinette- Please deliver this to Agent A for me little birdie. Tell him Ladybug said it was important.
She pats his head gently before smiling softly at Batman.
Marinette- He thinks of you as his son, but he'll never admit it because he doesn't want to take your father's place. Trust me though, a child can have more than one father. 
She said glancing down at Robin when she said it. She turned away from them looking down at her cousin once again.
Marinette- Zatanna, my dearest cousin. I will be departing soon and with that I need to name the next Guardian. Will you uphold and protect the Kwami to the best of your ability?
As she is speaking, Marinette holds out her hands the Miraculous box and Gilmore appears in them. Zatanna chokes back a sob before nodding.
Zatanna- Ib accept.
Marinette passed her the box smiling gently as Tikki flew out of her coat pocket.
Marinette- This is goodbye Tikki, we made a good team didn't we?
Tikki- We were the best Marinette. 
Tikki and Marinette smile gently, a few tears slipping past as Tikki kissed Marinette's forehead gently.
Marinette- Zatanna, I hear by name you the new holder of the Ladybug Miraculous. Treat her well and she shall bring you everlasting luck.
Marinette unclips her earring, clipping them into Zatanna's ears gently.
Marinette-You will make a fine Ladybug.
Zatanna- I'll be nothing like you.
Marinette- No, you'll be better.
She kissed her forehead gently before turning to Zatara as he pulled her into a tight hug. She sniffled softly hugging back just as tightly. She released him, pushing herself away and closer to Nabu.
Marinette- Please dont blame yourselves. I made this decision not you. Goodbye, I love you.
Marinette turned allowing the helmet to close around her, becoming Doctor Fate.
Upon returning to the Watchtower, Alfred arrived wearing a mask of his own before walking over to his two charges. Robin held the letter out to him shifting nervously.
Robin- Ladybug said it was important.
Alfred's eyes widen as he takes the letter opening it.
Adrien, I'm sorry but I was never able to move on from you. You were and always will by my true love. I'm afraid this is my goodbye, please don't do anything stupid love. You're not as young as you were when we were together. You've raised a good son, I wish I could have been by you the entire time. I love you Adrien. -Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
Alfred turned to Zatanna and Zatara as a tear fell. They nodded solemnly soon more tears joined them as he stood there silently. A few moments went by before Alfred dabbed his face gently singing quietly to himself.
Alfred- Miraculous, simply the best, up to the test when things go wrong, Miraculous the luckiest….Im Chat Noir. At night I rule, my ring is charged with energy, my claws are out just watch and see.
Alfred's shoulders shook as he thought of all their time together. He took a deep breath before turning back to Zatanna. 
Alfred- In every letter she wrote she was always so proud of you. She always told me that you were going to be great one day, even better than her. My princess will always be proud of you, take it from your almost cousin.
Zatanna sniffled before snorting and hugging Alfred.
Zatanna-God you got so old and sappy Adrien.
Alfred-Its Alfred now and that's what happens when you get thrown back in time and aged.
He turned to Batman and Robin with a sad smile on his face.
Alfred-I think it's time you both hear of my life before MI-16.
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stxvercgersslut · 4 years
Meeting Unexpectedly
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Description: Trying to sneak you boyfriend into your bedroom was one thing, but expecting you father to be at all happy with it when he found out was a whole other thing.
Warnings: Language, make out, Angry Ransom
A/n: this is a third part of Promises but it is in no way a continuation in the plot of the first two parts. I have no idea how many parts this entire series will be as I’m kinda just taking it one at a time and if I have ideas then I put them down instantly. So who knows maybe this will be a forever on going series. And if you’re wondering yes, yes it is Jake Wyler that y/n is dating 😂 I really couldn’t resist 😂
“Y/n, babe, are you sure that this is safe?” Your boyfriend, Jake voiced as he paced back and forth across your bedroom floor. He’d already been there for almost 20 minuets yet he was still panicking over the tiniest of details. Who knew Jake Wyler could be such a baby when it came to your father, Ransom Drysdale?
The two of you had been dating for over two months now. The only reason you had really met Jake and had so much in common was because his mother just so happened to be your private tutor. Hired by none other than your father, Ransom Drysdale, who just so happened to be the one your boyfriend was terrified of.
If you’d have known that then maybe you would have never actually invited him over in the first place. No scratch that, you definitely still would have brought him since Jake pacing and panicking was 100% becoming your favourite and thing in the world. Causing it to almost land you in a fit of giggles on your bed. Of course you’d attempted to hold back your laughter but no matter how hard you tried it only came bubbling back to the surface much stronger then before. Due to that very issue, it had only been a matter of time before the giggled got the best of you and you were doubling over in fits of laughter.
Noticing this Jake whined, he fucking whined to show his disapproval with your actions. Could he not have growled? At least then he wouldn’t have fuled your enjoyment. “Y/nnnnnnnn” he whined, drawing out the last letter of your name to make it sound even whiner.
“Whattttttttt?” You responded, repeating his technique of drawing out that last words. Practically mimicking his comment.
“Your father is thee Ransom Drysdale!” He yelled, pretty much terrified of him.
“Yeah I know he’s my father after all...” you replied, clearly not in the mood since all you really brought Jake up here for was a quick make out session and some cuddles before he’d have to escape out the window so Ransom wouldn’t notice him.
“Stop laughing y/n! I really like you but I also really like my head attached to my body” He panicked, causing you to instantly stop your hysterics and look towards him with as much sincerity as physically possible, yet you just couldn’t stop yourself from laughing just a tiny bit more.
After a little while longer you finally managed to calm your short breaths from laughing, slowly standing up as you pulled him towards you before cupping his cheeks in your hands. That little pout on his face getting slightly wider as he looked into your eyes “I can’t help it baby! You look so adorable freaking out. It’s cute. But you seriously have nothing to worry about. My dad won’t find out. You just have to be gone on an hour so just relax okay?” You explained softly as you ran your fingers of your right hand through his hair whilst the other caressed his cheek gently.
Finally Jake calmed down, leaning into your touch as his own hands made their way to your waist somehow fully calm at this point as he leaned down and captured your lips. Kissing you with a lot more passion than before just enjoying the moment until he finally pulled away to speak. “Okay okay. I’ll stop worrying but I’m trusting you” he groaned before pulling you back into yet another kiss. It wasn’t long before the both of you were on your bed, Jake on top of you as the two of you were making out. Clearly this was all Jake needed in order to calm down and you were happy enough to fulfill that.
“That Fucking Walt!” Ransom groaned to himself as he stretched his arms out infront of him, cracking his neck ever so slightly before finally pulling himself from his car.
Being at his family’s home for the last couple of hours had seemed to do much more harm to Ransoms mood then it had good. Then again he had always despised the rest of his family, never truly getting along with them due to the fact that they were all truly dicks. But today? Well today had been all kinds of stressful. For some unknown reason Linda had decided that today of all days was the perfect time to force Ransom and the rest of the Drysdales and Thrombys into one room so that they could ‘catch up’. Although it wasn’t exactly a catch up, it was more just argument after argument. However, this particular argument had been worse than the others.
Ransom had always been good at keeping you out of conversations, always making excuses as to why he was always busy at home when he didn’t have a job. However, today he hadn’t been so quick at hiding his phone as Jacob had noticed the incoming call appearing on his phone with the words ‘Y/n’s Tutor’ in a large font appearing alongside it. At first the former playboy had attempted to play it off as some kinky nickname for some girl he’d fucked,but that hadn’t seemed to work well due to the words on his phone.
He’d fucked up. So he came clean. Explaining very viciously and rudely that you were his daughter. Of course that hadn’t gone down to well, in fact the family had resulted into just insulting and threading each other as well as Ransom. Clearly pretending to be hurt by his decision to keep them in the dark about you. But he saw through that facade, they weren’t brilliant liars none of them were. What had pissed Ransom off the most though was Walts last words.
“you should bring your daughter here some time to meet us. Don’t we deserve the right to meet her?”
The fact that Walt had even suggested that in the first place had caused Ransoms blood to boil to the point where his fists clenched. He’d kept you out of their lives for a reason and now they wanted to be in your life? Hell no, he wouldn’t ever allow that. Yet everyone seemed to agree it was only ‘fair’ that he did that. But why should he bring you into this part of his life? You didn’t deserve that yet he was forced to take you there next Saturday....he may have hated his family but god did that have a brilliantly twisted way of manipulating people into doing exactly what they wanted. Not that Ransom was manipulated, he just couldn’t force himself to listen to his parents yelling at him and calling him a failure anymore. So he went along with it. Oh he was aware you’d hate it but what other choice did he have? Exactly he didn’t.
With one more grumble the former playboy pulled himself away from his beloved Beemer, running his hand across his newly shaven face before finally walking over to the front door and letting himself in. He was an hour early but it wasn’t exactly like he cared, especially since he knew you would probably just be up in your room watching tv or studying. Or at least he thought that’s what you were doing.
Little did he know that you were actually practically making with your boyfriend of 2 months. Yeah you shouldn’t have continued kissing him but you were happy with him clearly.
“Y/n!” Your father called from the front door, taking a quick scan from where he was standing to see if he could see you. Which of course he hadn’t, so like any other parent he just assumed that you were upstairs catching up with homework.
However, the ever so slight sound of the words ‘Jake window now!’ seemed to concern Ransom. Surely he’d heard it wrong right? He didn’t want to believe it. Did you have someone over without his permission?
Assuming he’d heard wrong, the male shook his head. Wandering into the kitchen to get get himself a light snack before dinner. But, as soon as he heard that same words repeated again he was up the stairs in a flash.
What he saw when he swung your bedroom door open had his blood boiling even more than it had been before. You, his (up until now) innocent 16 year old daughter, making out with your tutors son. This had to be a dream right?
“Y/n what the fuck were you thinking?!” He growled, not exactly giving a shit about the fact that he was most likely spooking you. Of course you hadn’t exactly expected him to react the way that he had but you couldn’t blame him.
“Dad I c—“ you began before being cut off.
“No! We’ll talk about this later!” He explained before turning back to Jake “now you get the fuck out!”
“Dad no! He’s not leaving!” You spoke angrily as you looked towards Jake, practically begging him not to leave.
Oh he was mad now, that much was clear from his face. “You don’t get a say in this!” He growled once again before turning back towards Jake “you get the fuck out of my house now before I drag you out!” And with that Jake had zoomed out of the room, racing down the stairs and practically throwing himself out of the door. Yeah he wasn’t coming back.
“D—“ you began but before you could Ransom interjected.
“I’ll talk to you later! Now do some studying or something and don’t come downstairs for a couple hours. I don’t wanna see you right now!” He once again growled raising his voice before turning on his heel and leaving.
Yeah you were in for it.
Tag list: @chuckbass-love @star-spangled-steve @stargazingfangirl18 @navybrat817 @jtargaryen18 @et-lesailes @dwights-new-plague @harrysthiccthighss
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Time Does Not Heal (find a new hobby)
Ozpin might be a fiend, a monster, a mad man. He is not a bad father. ------------------------
It was repulsive, how Salem continued to pretend to be the hero. 
Only the two of them were alive to remember the argument that had started it all. Ozma, the second one, the reincarnated one, had told Salem about his mission given to him by the God of Creation, of uniting humanity. About the relics that would summon the Gods back to Earth, about how they would destroy humanity if they were divided. 
About how Ozma didn’t want the Gods to return at all.
The Gods had taken nothing from humanity that they would miss. What was missing? Magic? Magic had only allowed humans to make more atrocities than they did now. Humanity was divided even before the Gods left; Ozpin still remembered the war between his people and the Nome King, the Sacking of Emerald City, the Battle of the Poppy Fields. He had faced a million and one tragedies created by man and man alone and the so-called Gods had done nothing. 
Salem hadn’t seen it that way. Even after all their travels together, turning the first humans against the Gods, years of isolation, she was still the girl in the tower. The girl who was raised alone, innocent to everything in the world. She had no idea what humanity was truly like, she didn’t know how foolish it was to try to bring the Gods back. 
But Salem… wanted to die. Even with Ozma back, she’d spent so much time alone that it was second nature to seek death. 
When Ozma had bundled up their children in an escape, she had found them. She took it as a betrayal and destroyed everything they had shared, had loved. But Salem couldn’t kill him.
No, instead she had thrown him into the Grimm pits in hope that they would rob him of immortality. 
Blistering hate surged through Ozpin at the memory. She had been foolish; instead of robbing him of his life everlasting, the pit had corrupted him. He had evolved to a higher plain of being, into a beast that wanted nothing more than to torture Salem for all eterenty. And he couldn’t torture her if she wasn’t alive.
Ozma sent armies against her. First the Grimm, who he controlled ever since his corruption. Then his Maidens, the souls of his first four followers granted magic and the ability to transfer their power after death. Admittedly, their transfer was far too close to his own and too random for his Maidens to always be on his side - sometimes Salem got to them first and claimed she had made the Maidens, taking credit for his work - but they were usually easy enough to convince. After all, what mortal doesn’t want to stop a woman from destroying Remnant? 
Unfortunately, Salem is a good liar. She had convinced her allies that he wanted to see humanity suffer for eternity - which wasn’t too far off the mark, actually - and that he needed to be defeated. Bold of her to assume he could be defeated, but every silver-eyed warrior on her side believed he could. The silver-eyes were firmly in Salem’s pocket; they were her most beloved and trusted allies, so Oz destroyed them. 
Which was why Ozpin was on this small island named Patch in Vale. All but one silver-eyed warrior had been murdered by his subordinates, assassins and bounty-hunters that he paid handsomely for each head delivered. He had decided to kill the last one himself: Summer Rose, a persistent thorn in his side. It felt only fitting to prune such a rose himself. 
Ozpin approached the home that contained his target. With him came an early-morning storm, to darken the sky and set the mood. One of his Nevermores had spied on the woman for the past few days, reporting that she lived there with her family. Evidence of a child was all over the lawn - toys thrown about, a bicycle leaning against the house, a swing set visible from around the back. He frowned. He hadn’t wanted to get a child involved. It wouldn’t stop him, but he didn’t want one involved. 
Hiding himself from all eyes with his magic, Ozpin infiltrated the house, the early morning darkness covering his entry. He left the backdoor wide open. The inside, a kitchen, was as messy as the yard, with more toys, and a flash of an old memory - a playroom in a castle, little hands pulling on his robes, Daddy, Daddy! - steals his attention for a moment. He shakes his head. There was no time for old ghosts now. 
The kitchen led to a living room and Ozpin stepped around a medley of toys and weapon on the floor. On the couch snored a man with dark hair; Qrow Branwen, if he remembered correctly. The twin brother of one of Summer Rose’s partners. Another person who wouldn’t leave the house alive. 
The stairs creaked under his weight. No sign of movement, no sign of anyone awake. The bedroom he was looking for was at the end of the hall- He paused. Ozpin could just barely hear it, even with his Grimm-enhanced hearing. The smallest whimper of a baby about to wail. 
Automatically, Ozpin entered a room that wasn’t the master bedroom, throwing up a quick silencing spell so the rest of the house couldn’t hear him. It was a nursery, with a crib by the windows - a safety hazard, Ozpin thought idly as he approached. The whimpering belonged to a little baby, no more than six months old. It was clearly the child of Summer Rose; the infant looked just like its mother, down to the same, detestable eyes. 
Well, that explained why Summer Rose had stayed still long enough for Ozpin to track down her residence. 
His invisibility dropping, Ozpin picked up the baby. It stared up at him with watery, silver eyes and Ozpin cradled them against his chest, hiding his face lest he scare it. His fall in the Grimm pits left him pale and scarred with black veins that reappeared with each reincarnation. He swayed to soothe the child back to sleep, humming under his breath. 
Ozpin wanted to move on, but his memories wouldn’t let him. 
Ozma scooped up his youngest daughter, cradling her to his chest. The toddler babbled about anything and everything, and Ozma kept nodding along as he took Dorthey back to her room. “You need to go back to sleep now, Princess.” He and her mother were gods; of course their children would be princesses. 
Dorthey pouted, but didn’t argue. “Kiss?” she asked.
Ozma smiled. “Of course,” he said and kissed her forehead.
“Toto kiss too?” She offered him her stuffed dog and laughed as he kissed Toto too, her silver eyes glittering. 
Silver eyes. Like his daughters’. 
Salem always used their daughters’ eyes as a weapon against him, he realized as he held one of the silver-eyed warriors. 
The child didn’t feel like a warrior. She was fat and squishy, like all babies should be at her age. She wasn’t a weapon against him, not yet anyway. But she would be one. He might be able to avoid her silver gaze for now, but sooner or later…
Still, he found himself reluctant to waste the child.
Their sniffling stopped and looked up at him, no trace of fear in his eyes. Distantly, he recognized the sound of someone getting up and walking down the hall, but ignored it. 
He had come here to kill Summer Rose, but found himself suddenly reluctant. Not out of any sympathy for the woman, but because he would have to kill her child as well, permanently eradicating his daughter’s eyes from the planet. He held the child closer to his chest. He’d killed many silver-eyed warriors, but never a child… 
Oz had raised children before; a few of his medley of souls had children before he assimilated into them, though he never raised a child once Oz fully incorporated himself into his consciousness. It had been several lives since he’d even held a child. 
The baby cooed softly, reaching a little hand up to touch Ozpin’s face. They looked like a copy of Summer Rose, with red highlights in their black hair. They were dressed in a red onesie too; a ruby-red rose, ripe to be plucked. 
Such a sweet baby, he mused as he prodded one chubby cheek. Too sweet to be his enemy one day, too sweet to die with their family. 
It was their eyes that made his decision for him. Kind eyes without a trase of fear, just trust. Like his little Dorthey.
Well, it wasn’t like he was below a little kidnapping. 
Ozpin placed a hand over the baby’s head and whispered a spell in their ear. The child went limp in his arms, sinking into sleep. They were young enough not to need a memory spell, thankfully; Ozpin didn’t know if he’d be able to case one anyway with his limited magic. 
He’d have to redecorate his castle, he realized as giddiness rose in him. There weren’t any rooms suitable for a nursery. It must be close to his own quarters too, so he could look after them. He could try to make a nanny-Grimm, for when he was too busy? But Grimm were instinctual creatures; even if he ordered them all not to harm the child - which he definitely would - there was a chance for error. Besides, he didn’t want to lose a valuable creature if their silver eyes activated. 
Maybe he could have Watts create a robot nanny? Hazel could babysit while he got it done…
The door behind him slammed open. “Ruby!!” Ozpin stood calmly as Qrow Branwen and his sister, Raven Branwen, rushed into the room. 
So, his new daughter’s name was Ruby. A pretty name. It suited her. 
It took the Branwens a second to comprehend what was in front of them. He was sure it was rather shocking to them, being slaves to Salem’s whim, seeing their worst enemy not only in their house, but holding one of their children. His heart truly went out to them. 
But, they were between him and the exit…
Raven’s face twisted with fury, drawing her katana. “Put her down,” she snarled. 
Ozpin cocked an eyebrow. “No.” If anything, she should be grateful that he never set Ruby down. If it wasn’t for her, everyone in the house would be dead by now.
The twins didn’t seem to like that answer. They readied their weapons, with both Raven and Qrow about to-
Raven and Qrow…
Raven and Crow…
Ozpin smirked and a wave of magic erupted from his body and slammed into the Branwens. Lightning flashed through the window as the two collapsed, coughing desperately. Raven’s face was a mix of pain and hatred as her bones crunched and grinded against each other.  
Qrow Branwen collapsed to his knees, holding his throat. “What- What did you do-!?” He spat out a mass of feathers.
Ozpin smiled. “I thought it funny for you two to… resemble your name-sakes a tad more.” They couldn’t stop their screams as their bodies contorted grotesquely, though Raven certainly tried to keep silent. Within minutes, the Branwen twins had been transformed into birds, a raven and a crow, he thought with sick delight. 
Raven tried to dive-bomb him, screeching, but she was easily avoided. Ozpin tsked as he swatted the bird away and cuddled the sleeping Ruby closer to his chest. He ran his fingers through her fine hair. “Come now, dear. Let’s go home.”
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The Wildcard
“Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak.” ― Sun Tzu
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Name: Gray William Thelman
Nicknames: None
Faceclaim: Nicholas D’Agosto
Age: 15
Gender: Transmasculine
Sexuality: Homosexual Homoromantic
Height: 5′8″
Weight: 126lbs
Birthday: October 31st
Sign: Scorpio
Occupation: Unemployed, Artist, Black Market Dealer
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Not much is known about how they came to be a team, but the pair work together so seamlessly that it spells trouble for anyone that gets in their way. Grazzle is Gray’s familiar and confidant, and takes direct (and indirect) cues from his master. He has a tendency to bully the animals/familiars of those that Gray is unhappy with, or animals that get too close to Greer. 
Gray is one of Michael and Pete’s sons. His twin is Greer, and his half-siblings from Pete are Ringer, Brandy, and Hennessey. He has many half-siblings by Michael.
Gray loves his twin brother, and almost nobody else. He respects his father enough to listen to him and take direction from him, and will at least try to listen to his mother.
While he does his best to put on the face that he is absolutely the sweetest boy and be a backstabbing bitch, whenever Greer is overtly upset, he gets more than a little unhinged.
He got his taste in art from Michael, and has done his best to take his father’s cue and has tried his hand at it. His pieces are rough and raw, for the most part, as he flip-flops from feeling nothing to feeling everything. 
He will help Michael where he can with his rituals, regardless of if it’s carrying someone to the basement or actually torturing the person. Or both.
Gray is very close with the Lithuanian Goddess of Death, Giltinė, and has made quite a few deals with her. For the most part, he seeks her out for counsel, but due to her he has a higher threshold for tolerating poison. He has been taught how to lick the poison from corpses, much like the Goddess he prescribes to.
Gray is typically not very fond of most animals and living people, though he makes exceptions for Grazzle, Greer, and their parents. He is not overly fond of people that he cannot control with threats of violence or guilt, Michael being the only one that he will even consider listening to in most cases.
Typically, Gray is much sneakier with his obsession with Greer, with the level of Unhinged that he shows to people. However, whenever Greer is upset by someone, Gray typically has it out for them. It’s hard for him to hide how much of an absolute bastard he is when Greer is really upset.
Grazzlegritch and Gray both are very good at pretending that they are absolutely innocent little angels so much of the time that there actually are people who don’t see through it. However, that might not be the case since he appeared the night Greer almost committed suicide, and he’s been on the rampage since he arrived. He has been known to pretend to be innocent until the person’s back is turned, and then he will attack.
He has helped his father with his rituals, either with hunting, the actual torture, or both. He enjoys being able to hurt others, and Pete chalks it up to Gray’s psychopathy.
Gray is commonly passively homicidal, up until someone has upset Greer too much. He is actively homicidal even in public when his Beloved is depressed more than usual
Headcanons Masterlist
Hum It You Will Remember Some Of It But If You Solve It You Will Remember All Of It (Gray Thelman)
Did I Ask You To Trust Me At All? (Gray Musings)
Don't Even Try To Take This Weapon From Me (Gray Aesthetic)
My Mother He Told Me "Don't Get In Trouble" My Father He Told Me He Knew I Would (Gray Closet)
You Can't Hear The Noise Inside My Head (Gray Headcanons)
Thanks Bastards! You Made Me What I Am (Gray Journal Entries)
You're Purring So Sweetly Whenever You Greet Me Then Without Warning You're Vicious And Clawing (Grazzlegritch)
@southxparkxafterxdark​ - Michael - Everybody Wants Me To Be Their Angel (Gray and Michael - SouthxParkxAfterxDark)
@southxparkxafterxdark​ - Henrietta - They Left Me In The Dust Again It Seems To Have Become A Trend (Gray and Henrietta - SouthxParkxAfterxDark)
@southxparkxafterxdark​ - Ague -The Best Thing About Our Future Is Knowing That I'm Gonna Die (Gray and Ague - SouthxParkxAfterxDark)
@southxparkxafterxdark​ - Ric - I’m Pure Pure Love (Gray and Ric - SouthxParkxAfterxDark)
@southxparkxafterxdark​ - Asher - Everyone's Got A Secret What's Yours? What's Yours? Don't Be Shy I'll Never Repeat It (Gray and Asher - SouthxParkxAfterxDark)
@southxparkxafterxdark​ - Harley - It’s Hard To Be A Man When There’s A Gun In Your Hand (Gray and Harley - SouthxParkxAfterxDark)
@southxparkxafterxdark​ - Reagan - Pretty Women Silhouetted Stay Within You (Gray and Reagan  - SouthxParkxAfterxDark)
@southxparkxafterxdark​​ - Afton - Death Becomes Us (Gray and Afton - SouthxParkxAfterxDark)
@throughxthexmist​ - Stan - Don’t Ask Your Questions To The Walls (Gray and Stan - ThroughxThexMist)
@throughxthexmist​ - Hennessey - It's Getting Faster Moving Faster Now It's Getting Out Of Hand (Gray and Hennessey - ThroughxThexMist)
Here - Pete - I've Got The Spirit But Lost The Feeling (Gray and Pete)
Here - Greer - There’s No One That Can Take That Away From Me And You (Gray and Greer)
Here - Brandy - She Put That Bottle To Her Head And Pulled The Trigger (Gray and Brandy)
Here - Lily - Could These Sensations Make Me Feel The Pleasures Of A Normal Man? (Gray and Lily)
Here - Greer - I Was Meant To Be Yours We Were Meant To Be One (Gray x Greer)
#Hum It You Will Remember Some Of It But If You Solve It You Will Remember All Of It (Gray Thelman)#Did I Ask You To Trust Me At All? (Gray Musings)#Don't Even Try To Take This Weapon From Me (Gray Aesthetic)#My Mother He Told Me Don't Get In Trouble My Father He Told Me He Knew I Would (Gray Closet)#You Can't Hear The Noise Inside My Head (Gray Headcanons)#Thanks Bastards! You Made Me What I Am (Gray Journal Entries)#You're Purring So Sweetly Whenever You Greet Me Then Without Warning You're Vicious And Clawing (Grazzlegritch)#Everybody Wants Me To Be Their Angel (Gray and Michael - SouthxParkxAfterxDark)#They Left Me In The Dust Again It Seems To Have Become A Trend (Gray and Henrietta - SouthxParkxAfterxDark)#The Best Thing About Our Future Is Knowing That I'm Gonna Die (Gray and Ague - SouthxParkxAfterxDark)#I’m Pure Pure Love (Gray and Ric - SouthxParkxAfterxDark)#Everyone's Got A Secret What's Yours? What's Yours? Don't Be Shy I'll Never Repeat It (Gray and Asher - SouthxParkxAfterxDark)#It’s Hard To Be A Man When There’s A Gun In Your Hand (Gray and Harley - SouthxParkxAfterxDark)#Pretty Women Silhouetted Stay Within You (Gray and Reagan  - SouthxParkxAfterxDark)#Death Becomes Us (Gray and Afton - SouthxParkxAfterxDark)#Don’t Ask Your Questions To The Walls (Gray and Stan - ThroughxThexMist)#It's Getting Faster Moving Faster Now It's Getting Out Of Hand (Gray and Hennessey - ThroughxThexMist)#I've Got The Spirit But Lost The Feeling (Gray and Pete)#All Is Forgiven Baby! (Gray and Greer)#She Put That Bottle To Her Head And Pulled The Trigger (Gray and Brandy)#Could These Sensations Make Me Feel The Pleasures Of A Normal Man? (Gray and Lily)#I Was Meant To Be Yours We Were Meant To Be One (Gray x Greer)#cw psychopathy#cw murder#cw death#cw witchcraft#cw demonic possession#cw sociopathy#cw mental health#cw suicide attempt
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lonelyandlovelorn · 5 years
A/N: Short and sweet story about our beloved God of Mischief.
Genre: fluff
Warning: one very smol swear
Word count: 1300
Pairing: Loki Laufeyson x fem reader
Summary: The Avengers watch your interactions with Loki with growing confusion. 
On a team full of super people with super trust issues, you somehow managed to be an anomaly. While you weren’t blindly trusting, you were often open with your affections, even to those you didn’t know well. The first time you hugged your teammates or even just casually touched them, none of them knew how to react. Finally, they all began to grow comfortable with your way of expressing affection and none of them could find any harm in it. Eventually, they all seemed to consider you like something of an innocent little sister. They all felt very protective towards you, and though they knew you could take care of yourself, they were always ready to defend you.
When Thor brought Loki back to Earth, explaining that it hadn’t been his fault, what he had done last time, and finally convincing the team to give him a chance, many of them worried about you. They knew that you were quick to trust, and since you had not been around for New York, they feared that you would trust this man they deemed a monster much too quickly. Thankfully, you didn’t seem to interact with him too much when he first moved in. Many of them had experienced his wrath when he was disturbed. He had even made a reporter run away in fear simply by glaring at her for being too close. He wasn’t what anyone would consider warm and inviting.
Then, about 3 weeks after he moved in, the strangest thing happened. Loki was sitting in the common room, quietly reading while a few other Avengers sat at the table not too far away. None of them paid him much attention until you walked into the room. They all watched in fear and fascination as you walked directly towards Loki, leaning over the back of the couch to talk to him. While he didn’t smile at your presence, he also made no hostile motion towards you either, and the Avengers were floored. Some of their jaws dropped when you reached a hand down to brush his arm before turning and leaving. They had watched it all unfold with bated breath, fearing that the god may lash out at you, but he simply spoke to you before returning to his book when you turned and left. None of them overheard what was said but they all felt it must have been something crazy for him to act like that towards you. 
Within an hour, everyone on the team had heard about the mysterious interaction between you two. You were blissfully oblivious, and Loki didn’t care to pay attention, but all other members were talking about it. Thor thought his brother had been replaced. Natasha thought he was trying to play you. Tony was sure that he was trying to pretend he was good so they would trust him. Even with all of these theories, none of them actually knew what was going on, so they simply kept watch, waiting for a new development.
Nat and Steve were the only ones present for the next time it happened. They were walking down the hallway with you, discussing a mission, when Loki passed in the opposite direction. Once your group passed him, you turned to the others to let them know you would catch up before walking towards Loki. They stared after you as you approached him. He seemed to be paying little attention to the world around him when you grabbed his hand to stop him. He startled for a moment before looking calmly at you. No backlash, no glare, nothing. You smiled as you spoke to him for a moment before squeezing his hand and beginning to walk away from him. Realizing that you would know they were watching you, Steve and Nat quickly walked out of sight so you wouldn’t notice them. They were both reeling at that interaction, before immediately deciding to let the rest of the team know. 
From that point, the team watched you both like a reality TV show, while you and Loki seemed none the wiser. At dinner, you sat next to Loki, brushing your hand over his to get his attention and ask for things out of your reach. He simply handed you what you needed without complaint or reaction. That was the first time that nearly all of your teammates saw an interaction like this, and they only grew more confused. 
Scheduled movie nights rarely saw the appearance of the God of Mischief, so none of the Avengers were prepared to see him dragged into the room by you pulling his hand. To all the rest of the team, he looked like he didn’t care, but Thor could see a fondness in his eyes as he looked at you. Good brother that he was, he didn’t let anyone in on that secret. You tugged Loki towards a two-seat couch and plopped down on it before pulling him down beside you. Loki went without complaint and without moving away to put more space between you. Most of the team spent movie night staring as inconspicuously as possible at the pair and missed the entire film. 
The final straw came when Loki was once again reading a book on the couch. When you entered the room, your teammates watched, prepared for you to lean over the back of the couch again. What none of them expected was for you to slide onto the couch next to Loki, laying down, stretching out, and setting your head in his lap. This time, Natasha would swear a soft smile graced his lips as he looked down at you. Without speaking, you grabbed his hand that was resting on his leg and began fiddling with it. Loki did nothing to stop you, simply continuing to read as before. Eventually, you fell asleep holding onto his hand with your head nestled into his thigh. When the sound of your soft breathing could be heard, they were sure that Loki would at least take his hand back, but instead, he threaded his fingers through yours and left it in your grip. 
The Avengers held a meeting to talk about this strange occurrence. This time, Tony wasn’t so sure that Loki was pretending. Natasha didn’t know that he was truly trying to trick you. Thor was absolutely sure of what was going on, though maybe wasn’t convinced that his brother hadn’t been replaced. After arguing about what the heck was happening, they finally decided they needed to confront you about it. 
That night at dinner, you sat next to Loki as usual. Your casual touches were not lacking as you brushed his arm to talk to him or leaned in to speak softly, resting on his shoulder. Eventually, Tony had had enough and spoke up for the group. “What’s going on with you two?” You both turned your head in his direction, noting the eyes looking towards you. Tony was unnerved when you both raised a questioning eyebrow at him in unison. “Loki doesn’t glare at you or yell or anything when you touch him. Hell, Nat said he smiled at you. So what is going on?”
You glanced towards Loki before turning back to Tony. “I don’t annoy him.” To anyone else, that wouldn’t have sounded like something truly heartwarming, but the smile on your face would make someone believe he had said he loved you. 
The Avengers would be lying if they said they didn’t notice the way his eyes softened as he looked at you. It was a small detail, but they decided maybe there was nothing devious behind Loki’s actions at all. 
And if, a month later, they saw Loki press a kiss to your cheek as you were waiting for the elevator together, they would simply see it for what it was. Something pure and innocent blossoming between two people who deserved a chance at love.
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honeyhenry · 4 years
Dearly Beloved
the request: Nikki& Dom and y/n’s parents reactions on her and Tom’s wedding day? thank you 💕
A/N: Thank you for requesting! This is my first ever request – I hope I do it justice! It was meant to be a blurb but I’ve hit 1.5k!!
Warnings: one swear word, nothing else unless you hate fond memories and fluff lmao
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It was a beautifully serene moment for all those stood waiting in the building on the warm summer’s day. For some, it was a chance to see a close friend or family member join together with their loved one in marriage, becoming husband and wife. For a select few, however, today was the day that their sweet young child was getting married. It’s every parents dream for their little boy or girl to find someone who could only attempt to love them even half as much as they have since they were born. They now had to trust this other person to hold their sweet baby’s heart, and let them go off on their own adventure, called ‘life’, together.
The crowd came to a soft hush, with some guests craning over to see when you would be making your entrance. Every second ticking on painstakingly slowly, while the best man was doing his best to comfort the groom as he attempted to restrain himself from looking over his shoulder.
The music starts, a tuneful organ piece that reverberates within Tom’s insides. You smile from the other end of the room, knowing that today really is about to be the happiest day of your life. Clutching your father’s arm, you begin to walk.
All eyes are on you. Tom has turned around now to watch you walk towards him. He is smiling so proudly and excitedly, like a little kid on Christmas morning, and you’re the angel on top of the tree. His angel, in a matter of moments. He knows that he is one lucky bastard. All eyes stay fixed on you for a few moments, some quietly gasping and marvelling at you, until one pair turns away to look back at Tom.
While your mother could not take her eyes off of you despite seeing you in your dress earlier that day, Tom’s mother turns back to her eldest boy standing at the front of the room in a crisp tux, watching him fall in love with you all over again. Clutching her husband’s hand, she was overjoyed that her son had found someone he loved with his whole heart – he deserved nothing less. She’d had such a good feeling about you from the start, becoming close with you in no time, treating you like one of her own. The day Tom sat his parents down and told them he was going to propose to you, they were both overjoyed, elated that you were going to officially be a part of the family forever.
Nikki remembers the first time she realised her son was in love, even though the two of you had just been on a few dates by that point. Tom had come home for dinner one Sunday afternoon, acting coy but shining with happiness as he helped out in the kitchen. It was quite unlike him to not be outside messing around with the rest of the family, and so as he was innocently set the table, she had shut the door and demanded that she knew what he was hiding. A “Nothing, I swear Mum!” tainted with a grin and then a chuckle, had obviously meant something, and before everyone sat to eat only ten minutes later, Tom had told her about the wonderful girl he’d met; that things were “going slow, but mum, i really really like her. it’s only been a month but..well, when did you know with Dad?”
That’s all the confirmation she had needed. As a firm believer in “when you know, you know”, she had listened to her son’s rambling thoughts, wanting to be sure that the relationship was genuine and healthy. “Of course I don’t want to get caught out, but i swear i can see us being together for ages” he had mentioned at one point, and well, that’s when Nikki knew that she had to meet you, to find out who exactly was making her son a lovestruck fool.
And now here was her boy, forever that lovestruck fool, getting married.
Dom looks down at his wife and smiles, following her line of sight to where Tom stands beaming. He gives her hand a squeeze, knowing how happy his family are right at this moment. He’s got a good speech as part of his toast for later on, but for now he wants to take this all in. Watch his firstborn, with crinkled eyes and a bright smile, marry his love. His rambunctious, rebellious boy who made him a father. Tom was growing up far too fast for his liking. Sure, he had left home, and travelled the world independently, working hard and creating great opportunities for himself, but to start his own life with you, as a husband and one day a father? Well, Dom just wonders where his sweet 3 year old who ate strawberry jam straight from the jar, went?
Your own mother is trying so hard not to cry, after all, her makeup is expensive and she doesn’t want to ruin the photos later on. (Spoiler: she ends up crying at the reception but that may have been slightly wine-induced.) Her sweet baby marrying a handsome, caring, and funny man that she couldn’t have picked better for you if she’d tried. She knows the hardships you’ve faced while together, but knows that it’s due to those times that the two of you have grown closer, and become even more committed to each other. She was so happy, yet a little apprehensive at first when you’d told her about Tom. How you truly thought the world of him. She wanted to make sure that this “superstar actor guy” wasn’t messing you around.
Realising that Tom absolutely adored and cared for you, that he made you laugh until you cried, and that already he could envision growing old with you? Well, that did melt her initial apprehension. She loves the love he has for you, and even after 5 years, he’s yet to be in her doghouse. Although he was cutting it close – literally – when he had arrived at your parents house for dinner, with a buzzcut. Your mother has never been as speechless in her life, and she’s possibly the most grateful person out of everyone that today his hair is swept back neatly, a few curls kindly framing his face.
She wants her grandchildren to have Tom’s hair.
And your father, oh how he holds you close, knowing that as soon as you get to the end of the aisle, that he’ll be letting you go, placing your hand in Tom’s and knowing that he won’t be the only man in your life anymore. That after this ceremony, you’ll be hand in hand with another man – a mere boy – who is going to be looking after you for the rest of your days. He remembers so clearly, that quiet May afternoon when Tom had come to the house to ask for his and your mother’s blessing. He had been calm and focused on what he wanted to say, open to any and all questions, praying that the answer would be ‘yes’. Your father had pretended to consider it thoughtfully, earning a dig in the ribs from your mother, before he shook Tom’s hand, laughing and putting the younger man’s mind at ease. It hadn’t just been a “yes” – it had been an “of course, welcome to the family, son.”
He knew that Tom would do his best every single day to make you feel adored and important, that he would strive to encourage and celebrate you; it came so naturally to him. He was worthy of you, even though deep down, your father will always believe that no one will ever be good enough for his little girl. And yet here he is, walking you down the aisle, smiling at you and turning to each friendly face he recognises in the congregation, giving a knowing nod to your soon-to-be father- and mother-in-law. He’s going to fight tooth and nail with Dom over who gets the best grandparent name – when the time comes of course. No rush, as you’ll always be a baby to your father.
You reach the end of the aisle, smiling through the veil as you can see Tom’s sweet face, his eyes glassy and he swallows quickly before cracking a huge grin. You hug your father, squeeze his hand, and let him go.
“Look after her” he whispers between you and Tom.
“Of course”, is Tom’s quick and meaningful response, his brown eyes sincere and full of promise.
Your fiancé lifts your veil, smiling as he places it down gently, getting his first proper glimpse of you. He grins, and the sight is enough to make you giggle slightly.
“You look so beautiful” he whispers in awe, with such heartfelt candor.
Your mother clutches your father’s hand as he watches on proudly. Nikki and Dom watch fondly too, as Tom takes your hand, holding it firmly but gently as if nothing in the world could ever get him to let go. The two couples know all too well of the little whispers, faint blushes, and nervous, happy smiles. They’ve experienced that themselves many moons ago, and now it’s yours and Tom’s turn.
“Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today…”
any feedback is greatly appreciated, thank you for reading!
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anonwriter27 · 4 years
Trust in Me Ch11
I've received a message asking if I had anyone in mind when writing the characters of  Y/N's family, if anyone would like to know my somewhat 'fancast' let me know! :)
Since that first kiss, Loki was in a daze. He was certain she must be an enchantress of some kind. 
 One kiss wasn’t enough for him, he found himself craving the soft feel of those plump lips against his. He loved the fact he could taste sweet pastries on her lips; he was bewitched by the way her breath hitched when he stole an unexpected kiss or two; he adored the way she melted into his warm embrace.
 It was her touch too.
 The slightest press of her fingertips along his jaw or the delicate way her fingers combed through his hair, left a fire in their wake. It wasn’t an unpleasant heat; it didn’t scorch him or leave him burnt. It was the kind of warmth that spread slowly, like sitting by a fire after bracing the cold winter winds. Y/N thawed him of an ice that had spread over him these many years.
 He expected this thrill to wear slightly after a few weeks. Loki had had romantic attachments before; on Asgard it was common for he and Thor to have various ladies accompany them to the many feasts Odin hosted. But his interest in these women would always fade quickly.
 This didn’t seem to be the case with Y/N, it had been two weeks since their first kiss and he yearned for more.
 The more he learnt about her, the more fascinated he became. He wondered if this was due to the weeks of getting to know each other. Both Loki and Y/N had been wounded in the past by the carelessness of others; perhaps understanding each other’s boundaries had built them a foundation of sorts to develop their relationship into something more.
 That was how Loki liked to rationalise it, because as enamoured with Y/N as Loki was, he would never admit to being head over heels.
 This would be how he explained his current actions, trapping Y/N’s body with his own in a supply closet, trailing sweet kisses down her neck.
 “We are both needed in the meeting room.” Y/N said, trying to sound serious through her laughter.
 Y/N had never experienced romantic feelings or feelings of want, but after their first kiss it hit her in a matter of seconds. She had always thought Loki handsome, but this new side of their relationship made him utterly irresistible. She could not deny him the kisses he craved, nor would she want to.
 “They requested our presence at two o’clock, we have three minutes.” Loki’s voice was muffled as he kept pressing kisses to her neck.
 “It will take us a minute to walk there.” Y/N reasoned.
 Loki hummed, “Then we shall have two minutes of bliss.”
 Y/N couldn’t help but laugh, she didn’t want to leave their cocoon of happiness any more than he did. However, Loki and Y/N had agreed not to let anyone know of this new development for the time being. Loki was still trying to find his bearings at the tower, and while he didn’t care too much what the avengers thought of him, he didn’t think stealing the innocence of Stark’s beloved niece would hold him in good standing.
 “It’s never just two minutes Loki.” She mockingly admonished.
 He gave her that laugh, one that promised mischief. “Can you blame me my dear? I can hardly get you all to myself these days.”
 Loki was right. Every time they had been close to a moment alone, they were interrupted. If it wasn’t Vision reminding them dinner was ready, it was Thor asking Loki to go training with him. The worst one had been an intimate exchange in Y/N’s room. A heated debate over the greatest of Shakespeare’s plays ended in Loki crawling on top of Y/N and kissing her without abandon. He would have kissed her long into the night had the voice of Peter Parker not sounded through the door asking Y/N if she wanted to watch a movie.
 They both longed for these stolen moments together.
 “Perhaps we need to schedule time together.” Y/N joked, though the idea wasn’t ridiculous.
 “Oh?” Loki smirked. “Are you asking me out on a… what is it you Midgardians call it?”
 “A date?” Y/N asked.
 “Yes. Are you asking me out on a date?” Loki teased.
 Y/N blushed scarlet. She had been much more confident with Loki over their time spent together, but little things such as this would make her doubt herself.
 Loki sensed her hesitation, “Before your nerves talk you out of it…” He began, reaching up to tuck a loose strand of hair behind her ear, “You should know, I would say yes.”
 She looked into those green eyes, finding only honesty there. “You would?” She said meekly.
 He smiled warmly, “I would.”
 She took a deep breath, “Would you like to… you know?”
 Loki wouldn’t make it that easy, “You’re going to have to say the words dear, I wish to be wooed.”
 Y/N rolled her eyes, “Loki… will you go on a date?” She asked then added, “With me?”
 With that happy smile, the one he reserved for her, he answered, “Of course.”
 She leant up on her tippy toes, lips hovering just a touch away from his. As Loki was about to seal their lips together, she pulled back slightly.
 “We’re five minutes late.” And with a quick kiss to the lips, she slid from his embrace and snuck out the closet.
 Loki sighed, “Temptress.” He muttered, before following her.
   Sitting across from Loki during the monthly meeting was hard. He sat across the table from her, their eyes occasionally meeting, only to be forced to look away as to not arouse suspicion.
 It was the way he looked at her that made it so difficult.
It was not that his eyes promised more secret meetings, nor did they suggest anything lewd. He simply looked at her with appreciation, like he was happy to look at her, he was happy she was there. There were very few times in Y/N’s life where she felt safe under someone’s gaze.
 When Tony would watch her, he would do so as a concerned uncle. When the rest of the team looked at her, they did so to protect her, to make sure she was comfortable and safe. But when Loki gazed at her, she felt wanted; not just wanted in presence, but also as a woman. For so long she had felt like a broken little bird, a fledgling not quite ready to fly; but with Loki she soared.
 Once the meeting was over Y/N excused herself to prepare the food for dinner. Loki patiently waited to join her.
 It was Bucky’s turn to help, which is how he found himself helping Y/N peel carrots in her apartment’s kitchen. Y/N had never been out on a date before let alone plan one, and according to Steve, Bucky was very popular with the young ladies back in their day. So, she decided to confide in her friend.
 “Hey Bucky?” She spoke quietly.
 “Yeah?” He asked.
 She continued, “You’ve dated right?”
 Bucky paused mid peel, “Not for a while. Why?”
 Y/N took a deep breath, “I was wondering…if you were planning a date with someone, your first date…where would go?”
 Bucky tried very hard not to smile. He was aware that Loki and Y/N had grown closer after the incident at the carnival, and he had his suspicions that the pair were romantically involved. In fact, he, Peter and Sam had made a bet as to when the two would become a couple. Although he wanted to know more, he decided to let it be. Loki and Y/N were private people, he didn’t want to pry, but he did want to help.
 “I think the best way to a person’s heart is through their belly. You can’t beat good food and good conversation.” Bucky offered.
 Y/N pondered this, “Somewhere fancy?”
 Bucky shook his head, “Somewhere comfortable, you don’t want to feel overwhelmed before the date starts.”
 Y/N nodded thoughtfully. She wondered where she could go where she would feel safe. She didn’t want to plan a date in the tower; it was too crowded and not at all romantic. Would she dare risk leaving though?
 Bucky finished up his side of the prepping and was about to leave when he suddenly had a thought.
 “You know, the bakery around the corner from here has a café. The tables are on a patio with ivy going up the windows and those little lights hanging from the beams. They play classical music too, it’s like you’re eating a croissant in heaven or something.” He laughed
 Y/N looked at him confused.
 He continued, “If I were going on a first date, and I happened to know that my date had a sweet tooth, I’d probably take them there.”
 Y/N smiled, “Thank you Bucky.”
 He sent her a quick wink and left, secretly hoping their date goes well.
   After pretending to listen to one of his brother’s many stories, Loki decided enough time had passed for him to go and join Y/N. When he returned to their shared apartment, he was surprised not to find her cooking in the kitchen.
 He decided to have a quick shower and freshen up before meeting his companion for a few more minutes of paradise.
 Once dressed after his shower, Loki heard a light knock at his bedroom door.
 He was pleasantly surprised to find who stood behind it. There was Y/N, and she looked beautiful. She wore a black turtleneck matched with a burgundy tartan skirt. Her ankle boots were laced up and she held her long black coat in her arms.
 Unbeknownst to Loki, Y/N had been stood there for twenty minutes. She hah been struggling to calm her breathing and relax; so, she quietly paced outside his door and tried not to think about all the things that could go wrong. People could yell and hurl abuse at her, their stares could make Loki uncomfortable. She shook these thoughts away and repeated in her head ‘Loki will be there, I’ll be okay.’ That thought alone gave her the courage to go through with this.
 Loki leant against the door frame with his arms crossed and grinned mischievously, “To what do I owe this pleasure.”
 Y/N smiled nervously, “I’m taking you out…on a date.”
 Loki’s eyes softened, “And you are here to escort me?”
 She smiled, “Well you said you wanted to be wooed.” She teased.
 He laughed, “Indeed I did. Shall we go to the library?” Loki asked.
 “No umm…I’m taking you out-out. On a proper date, like people do…in the movies.” She explained.
 Loki looked at her hesitantly and she feared she had done something wrong.
 Loki noticed her nervousness and explained, “Y/N you don’t have to do that. I know I teased but I don’t want you to be uncomfortable…”
 “I won’t be.” She interrupted, “This is something I want to do.”
 The certainty in her voice almost assured Loki, but it was the determination in her eyes that had convinced him.
 He grabbed his coat of the hook by the door and held out his arm for her.
 “Shall we?”
     When they entered the little pastry shop, Y/N was relieved to see that only two other tables were occupied, one by someone typing furiously on their laptop, the other by an old man sneaking treats to his dog under the table.
 An elderly lady, with her hair combed back in a neat bun, wearing a flour covered apron, came to greet them.
 “Hello Loki, not with you’re charming soldier friend?” She asked.
 “Not today Margaret, I’m joined by much more delightful company today.” He spoke.
 Margaret gave Y/N a warm smile, “Very pretty company too.” She said and winked at Loki. “Follow me, I’ve got the perfect table for you.”
 They followed the kind old lady who escorted them to a small table in a secluded part of the café. It was a little booth, allowing them to sit close together. She handed them two menu’s and left them to peruse.
 Loki noticed Y/N supressing a smile, “What is it?”
 “She knows you.”  Her words laced in a teasing tone.
 Loki cleared his throat and blushed slightly, “Well me and Bucky tend to visit once or twice a week.”
 Y/N looked up from the menu surprised, “You guys have a hang out?”
 Loki rolled his eyes good naturedly, “Are you mocking me dear?”
 Y/N placed her hand in his, “Not at all.” She assured, “I like that you and Bucky are friends and you’ve got this place. It makes me happy to see you so comfortable.”
 Loki was touched by her words; he was moved by the joy he saw in her eyes, an emotion placed there just because he felt comfortable. She was an incredibly kind-hearted person.
 “Enough about me, how are you feeling? Are you sure you’re okay with this?” Loki asked.
 Y/N nodded, “No one is staring or whispering behind their hands. I like it here, it’s peaceful.”
 Loki smiled in relief, “If Margaret can be so kind to a disgraced God and ex-assassin, you have nothing to worry about my dear.”
 Y/N seemed assured by that, “She does seem quite fond of you.”
 “Probably due to the announcement when I arrived.” Loki added.
 Y/N was confused, “Announcement?”
 “When I arrived at the tower?” Loki hadn’t realised she was unaware of the statement made, “To explain mine and Bucky’s ‘joining the team,’ Miss Potts made a public announcement explaining that we were under mind control when our devastating crimes were committed.”
 “Oh.” Y/N hadn’t realised that these procedures had taken place, though come to think of it, people hadn’t shown too much animosity towards Loki and Bucky.
 “I knew about the mind control.” She admitted. “I didn’t know about the announcements though.”
 Loki nodded and slowly began to look sheepish, “So you know about…” he trailed off.
 Y/N nodded, “I didn’t think it appropriate to ask. But if you ever felt you were ready to talk about it…I’ve been told I’m a good listener.”
 Loki smiled at her words, “I may just take you up on that. But tonight, I would rather enjoy getting to know my date.”
 She dazzled him with that smile again, and any lingering bad thought was chased away.
 They ordered hot chocolates and too many pastries to count. They talked and laughed without a care in the world. Y/N was too happy to worry if anyone was angered by her presence; being able to hold Loki’s hand and sit so close to him without interruption was enough to make her feel safe.
 Eventually their night had to come to an end, they got a doggy bag for their pastries and held hands as they walked the quiet route back to the tower.
     “Maybe she went for a walk?” Bucky offered.
 “Are you sure she’s not in the library?” Sam asked.
 “Maybe she’s doing paperwork in the lab.” Bruce tried to sound reassuring.
 Tony was pacing back and forth in the large meeting room. Tony hadn’t seen Y/N in hours; he had checked every corner of the tower, interrogated Peter about her whereabouts, he even had Happy roaming the streets.
 “Tony please sit down. This is Y/N we’re talking about; she won’t have gone far.” Pepper tried to reason.
 Tony sighed, “You know how scared she gets, what if someone yells at her or worse? She’s all alone…”
 Thor walked in and interrupted, “Has anyone seen my brother?”
 Everyone in the tower froze, except Bucky who was trying very hard not to spill the beans. Just as Tony was about to put a bounty on the trickster’s head, Y/N and Loki walked in with bags of pastries in their hands.
 “Where have you…” Tony got ready to scold, but the look of pure happiness on his niece’s face made him pause.
 “I went outside Uncle Tony!” She exclaimed happily. “No one yelled at me either. We brought back pastries too!”
 She was a ball of energy; she spoke so quickly. Tony didn’t know how to react; how could he be angry when she smiled at him like that? Tony wondered when she had last looked so carefree.
 His face softened and he smiled down at her, “That’s great Y/N.”
 She smiled up at him, “I’ll go warm the pastries up.” She said, then practically skipped to the communal kitchen.
 Tony looked at Loki, “Pastries?”
 Loki couldn’t tell them it was a date, so he just shrugged and said, “She really wanted a chocolate danish.”
 With that Loki left to help Y/N in the kitchen, leaving the avengers dumbfounded.
 In the back of the room, Sam was handing a twenty-dollar bill over to Bucky.
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luckyjak · 5 years
Why I Don’t Ship Widojest: A Master Post
An anon sent me an ask about this topic, and I debated for quite a bit about how to answer it. Then I decided the best way was to do a long post like this. I put a lot of thought into why I don’t like it, and I thought to share it.
A few things: 1) I am not telling you not to ship it. The goal of this is not to say “Don’t ship Widojest! It is a bad ship and you are a bad person for shipping it!” That is not my goal, okay? The internet and fandom in particular is meant for fun, and if you enjoy Widojest then more power to you! Don’t let me or anyone else stop your fun! Lord knows I have shipped significantly more problematic things. All I ask is that you tag shit more but that’s beside the point.
2) I am not particularly interested in argument. You are not likely to change my mind. I am not trying to be hostile, but if you know reading this is going to piss you off, then don’t read it. A question was asked of me, and so I thought to share my opinion. Unfortunately for everyone involved I am a high school English teacher, and so I cannot think about anything without completely overthinking it.
About my shipping preferences: generally, I like all the ships! I was particularly fond of Widomauk before Molly died, and I now I really enjoy Shadowgast, but I also like Fjorclay, Fjester, Beaujester, Beauyasha, Widofjord, Clayleb, Lavorclay, and, as the only person on earth, Yasha/Caleb. Hell, if Astrid gets a good redemption arc? Caleb/Astrid or even Caleb/Astrid/Edowulf. Any of those ships could become canon and I’d be tickled pink! You can even throw Nott into the mix, even though I mostly ship her with her husband. Nott/Fjord? Delightful. Nott/Caleb? Weird flex but why not? Nott/Jester? Absolutely! They are the best detectives!
I just don’t like Widojest and I don’t want it to be canon, and here’s why:
Doyalist Reasons First:
1) Laura and Liam played twins for years, still act like siblings even though they aren’t related by blood, and it squicks me to think of them together romantically.
Laura and Liam are fantastic actors. If they were hired to play a romantic couple, I have no doubt in my mind they could knock it out of the park.
But why on earth would they want to pretend to be a romantic couple, in a game they both play for fun? 
It would be weird. I play D&D with several guys I consider my brothers, and I can’t imagine pretending to romance either of them in d&d for that same reason. It would be weird. 
Maybe it wouldn’t be weird for Liam and Laura. Maybe they are more dedicated to their RP, and they’d be able to push that aside for the sake of fictional romance. But for me, that would be the last thing I’d want to play, and I suppose I project that onto Laura/Liam.
2) A lot of “evidence” for the ship is the way Liam looks at Laura.
To which I say...did you watch Vox Machina?
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That’s how Liam looks at Laura all the time. He’s the president of her fanclub. He’s her twinsie. He always looks at her with hearteyes. I have a hard time seeing that as “evidence” for him having feelings for her when...that’s just what his face looks like.
Now, for Watsion reasons:
3) It has all the benefits for Caleb, and none for Jester
Seriously. What does Jester get out of a relationship with Caleb?
Don’t say someone who understands her, because Caleb certainly doesn’t. In fact, the only person who routinely “gets” Jester is Beau. (see: their conversation on the ship.)
Lots of people accuse Widojest as being a Manic Pixie Dream Girl ship because...let’s be realistic, it has all the makings of one. Tortured, broody man meets young, innocent girl who teaches him to enjoy life once again? Wikipedia’s definition is “[girl with] eccentric personality quirks and are unabashedly girlish. They invariably serve as the romantic interest for a (most often brooding or depressed) male protagonist.” Guys, that is textbook Manic Pixie Dream Girl! It gets even worse because Jester’s character is a healer! You want her to heal him? That is squicky!
And yeah, I trust Liam and Laura to be more nuanced than that, but do you know who I absolutely do not trust to be more nuanced?
The fandom. The fandom that is already producing mass amounts of Manic Pixie Dream Girl fanfic. And as that’s where I spend a lot of my free time...egads. I do not want that.
The few Widojest fics I have read (which, admittedly, are not a lot, because again, I don’t like the ship. The few I have read have been tagged as gen and then come to find out, weren’t.) have the distinct problem of woobie-fying Caleb so that Jester can take care of him, and gosh, I do not want that to become a trend. 
4) Age Gap
Yes, thirteen years is not that major of an age gap. Yes, Fjord/Jester also have a large age gap.
However, there is a world of difference between “20 year old girl displays romantic interest in a 30 year old man, who decides he likes her back after getting to know her for months” vs “33 year old man decides to pursue a 20 year old woman after they danced one time when he was drunk and held hands and she showed general concern for his well-being.” One is decidedly more creepy.
(And would Jester be the one to pursue a relationship with Caleb? I almost think she’d have to, but again, why would Jester ever pursue Caleb when Fjord/Beau are right there.)
(Also, side note that I thought about making it’s own point but then decided it was petty: if Jester’s type is Fjord--tall, broad-shouldered, dark haired, muscled, then Caleb--skinny, red-head, shorter than Fjord--decidedly isn’t her type.
You know who is tall, dark, and handsome though? Beau.) 
And do not say Jester is mature for her age, because she absolutely isn’t! In fact, the whole point of her character is that she’s not mature, she’s very immature and childish on account of her being locked away and being incredibly sheltered most of her life! 
Also not a good excuse: Caleb spent 11 years in the asylum and therefore he’s only mentally in his 20s. Uh, no he’s not. He was in an asylum: he was not brain dead. He lived those years. He might’ve been crazy, but he was alive then. Nothing Liam’s done suggests that Caleb is mentally in his 20′s.
5) What would they even talk about?
This is probably actually the one that bothers me the most out of all these reasons, but uh....what would Caleb and Jester talk about, if they were in a relationship together?
They could talk about books? But Jester only ever reads terrible romance and smut. We saw when she tried to pay attention to the dunamancy lessons that she struggles to be interested in that academic stuff that is Caleb’s bread and butter. They could talk about their childhoods? That will go over well. Jester was locked away from society and Caleb straight up murdered his beloved parents. If they manage to avoid that, I’m sure they could fight again over income, what with Jester being a rich kid and Caleb being a poor farm boy. Pranking? Caleb enjoys a good prank now and again, but I can only imagine he’d tolerate getting banned from so many libraries.
They are a cat and a dog, literally. Caleb is an introvert and his idea of a good time is a quiet night at home with a good book. Jester’s idea of a good time is a party with lots of people! Yet I’m supposed to believe they’d have a happy and fulfilling relationship? Don’t get me wrong, many introverts and extroverts do get married in real life, but like...I have a hard time seeing this one working out. How many dicks do you think Jester draws in his spellbooks--which are expensive and time-consuming and require precise work--before that becomes a point of contention? 
6) He doesn’t trust her enough to tell her his secrets
Hey quick poll! Who in the Mighty Nein doesn’t know that Caleb murdered his parents?
Fjord. Caduceus. And look, Jester.
I have a hard time buying that he sees her romantically when he can’t even tell her one of the biggest things about him. And he’s known her for months at this point.
If I liked a guy, and I found out he had this big secret, and he had told Beau but not me this secret? I would think he didn’t trust me.
I suppose you could argue that he’s trying to protect her. But then that just goes back into the whole “he doesn’t trust her” argument. He even had the opportunity to and he didn’t during their whole hand-holding thing a few episodes ago!
7) What does their ending look like? 
Listen, my ideal ending for Caleb at the moment is “maybe after ten years of friendship he lets Essek tenderly hold his hand for just a moment but no longer” but that’s just me. I see a lot of people who seem to think Caleb’s going to settle down and marry Jester and they are going to have kids, and I just--
Caleb? Having children? Caleb, who murdered his parents and has severe PTSD surrounding that? Caleb, who was abused by his mentor daily for many years? You want to give that Caleb children??? Children who he would constantly worry may grow up to kill him, like he did his own parents, or worse, that he’d do something to accidentally hurt them in a fit of madness?
I could see Caleb maybe adopting a kid if one was forced onto him, but I cannot see him going “ah yes we should procreate!” 
Jester, meanwhile, needs like approximately fifteen kids ten years from now, I think. She’d love them. She’d just adopt an orphanage and let the kids run wild and be the best at playing games with them.
Also, character arcs are important. Because Caleb’s ideal ending is stability and Jester’s is exploration.
Caleb, traumatized child soldier who has spent the past 15 years in an asylum and also fighting for his life, and before that spent time traveling between the Zemni Fields, Ikithon’s home in the country, and the Empire’s Capitol, who then escaped the asylum and spent all of his time running, trying to avoid being caught by Ikithon. The best ending for Caleb is to find peace; peace that involves not having to move around anymore, and having a home again, something he hasn’t had in almost twenty years. Maybe that home is a tower in Nicodranas. Maybe it’s a house in Xhoras with six other people. Maybe it’s a quiet bookstore in Zadash, or a little cabin in the Zemni Fields. A garden/graveyard in the woods. Either way, it doesn’t involve a lot of travel from place to place.
Meanwhile, Jester, who was trapped in exactly one place for her entire life, deserves a chance to explore the world. Even when the Mighty Nein disband, I can’t see Jester being happy to just go back to Nicodranas and stay there for the rest of her life. She may settle down eventually, but uhhh, not for several decades, I don’t think. Part of why my two big ships for her are Fjord and Beau: Fjord wants to be a sailor again, I think, which involves travelling the world, so I could see Jester going out with him. Beau, likewise, is an Expositor whose job is to seek out corruption, which again, means travelling, which Jester would be happy to do with her. Hell, the three of them could go together, sailing and punching evil for all of time! It would be great!
(Also: her god is called the TRAVELER why would you want her to settle down and be a mom??? What part of her story makes you think she needs to stay in one place?)
I apologize if this post offends anyone. I’ve just been thinking about it for a while, and while Widojest as a ship has surged in popularity, I suppose I wanted to make a counterpoint about my feelings towards the ship. This isn’t meant as an attack on anyone, again, and please, if you like the ship then don’t look at this as a reason to stop liking it! Fandom is for fun! Keep liking what you like!
And I can’t promise I’m always going to feel this way about the ship--hell, the VOD of Thursday’s episode may come out on Monday, and I may watch it and be converted myself. Who knows! I didn’t like Vax/Keyleth at first either, but it grew on me and now it’s one of my favorites from Vox Machina.
(ALTHOUGH Mr. O’brien I swear to God if you romance Jester while flirting with Essek in a direct parallel to Keyleth/Vax/Gilmore I’m going to fly to LA just to punch you.)
Part of me wonders too if it just comes down to character interpretation, if there is something about their characters that is clicking for some people but isn’t for me. Admittedly, I love Caleb and Jester’s friendship, and I see them more as growing like siblings that romantically, but I’ve been wrong before and who knows, I may be wrong again. But if it is a character interpretation, I just wonder what they are seeing about the characters that squicks me but appeals to them.
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tulipanthousa · 5 years
silver in our lungs
Virgil definitely didn’t expect “Operation Pester Logan Into Proper Self-Care” to go like... this.
He’s definitely not complaining.
Pairing: background LAMP, analogical focus
Word count: 2496
Warnings: its smut (with feelings but like, thats what it is) gentle dom virgil, sub logan, teensy bit of food kink which is mostly just an extension of laoft-logan’s canon oral fixation
Notes: part of my Love and Other Fairytales verse, which you can find over on my main (@tulipscomeinallsortsofcolors) and most of which is sfw. i’ll be 100% honest I wasn’t expecting the first pair-off smut for laoft to be analogical At All but uhhhhh guess what
these weren’t quite prompts but a couple people asked if i was gonna do Virgil POV and someone asked about D/s stuff for laoft analogical and i kind got possessed
thanks to @trivia-goddess, my lovely beta whom i adore
the title is from “Spectrum” by Florence + the Machine
Logan was hiding.
Logan did that a lot, and it never got less irritating.
Especially when he’d come back from his first year away at school armed with the knowledge that he had enough plant in him to subsist on air and sunlight, a fact that constantly drove Virgil, Patton, and Roman absolutely insane.
So now they frequently played Virgil’s least favorite version of hide and seek. Logan, hiding away somewhere to do his summer online class (which Virgil fervently thanked Dot Sanders in his head for letting him only take one), pretending that living on water and sitting-in-front-of-windows was acceptable – and literally everyone else trying to track him down and bully him into actually taking care of himself.
Virgil let out a sigh.
Well. If he wasn’t going to do it, Virgil was.
Even when he was trying to be unpredictable, Logan’s thought processes were easy to follow. He probably thought Virgil’s room was the last place Virgil would look – too obvious.
But Logan liked quiet, and he liked familiar – when Virgil opened the door slowly to keep silent, Logan was barely visible around the side of the chair at Virgil’s desk, chewing on a pen.
Virgil shut the door just as silently. He moved to the little cupboard Patton kept snacks in for when he wasn’t feeling up to going after Virgil for food. Logan was so absorbed in whatever he was doing he didn’t notice.
Virgil retrieved a little plastic container of what looked like blackberries – or possibly mulberries. Virgil wasn’t a plant person.
He popped one in his mouth.
Blackberry, then. He crossed the room, setting the container on the bedside table.
And then he went after Logan, who let out a startled “Hey!” when Virgil plucked the pen out of his grip and unceremoniously scooped him up out of the chair.
“Get your book,” he said.
“Virgil, what the hell!”
“If you don’t get it now, it stays over here,” said Virgil flatly.
Logan scowled, leaning over and grabbing the book off the desk.
Virgil carried him over to the bed, sitting up against the headboard and positioning a still-frowning Logan in his lap. Picking a blackberry out of the dish, Virgil held it out in front of Logan’s mouth.
“Are you kidding?” said Logan acidly.
“When was the last time you ate?” said Virgil, pointed.
“I had breakfast,” said Logan, too quickly.
“I didn’t ask what meal, I asked for the time,” said Virgil, “And honestly now I’m even more sure you’re staying here. You can keep studying, but you are going to be eating the fruit, Logan,”
The last time Virgil had referred to the expression Logan was wearing as a pout, Logan hadn’t spoken to him for an hour. Virgil decided to keep it to himself this time.
Logan huffed, opening his mouth, and Virgil plopped the berry in just quick enough to avoid the petulant click of Logan’s teeth.
“Whiner,” said Virgil.
“That’s hilariously ironic, coming from you,” said Virgil, and when Logan when to fire back Virgil cut him off with a second blackberry. Logan gave another huff, turned to the book in his lap, and started pointedly ignoring Virgil except for the perfunctory opening and closing of his jaw.
They spent a minute or two like that, Logan reading and Virgil absently placing the berries in his mouth. It was almost meditative, the turn-and-pluck and the brief wait for Logan to cooperate, Virgil popping the fruit in. Repetitive enough to be soothing, important enough to be interesting.
And then it got a whole different kind of interesting.
Logan’s mouth closed around the berry a little faster this time, and Virgil resisted the urge to look smug. He knew Logan had to be hungry, that Seelie trick of his wasn’t nearly enough-
Virgil pulled his hand away, and just as he did there was low, nearly inaudible sound.
Virgil didn’t react, but only barely. He turned to grab another blackberry from the bowl, but watched Logan out of the corner of his eye.
Flushed, though not quite the red Virgil really liked. He was still looking at the book, but Virgil would bet quite a few things he wasn’t actually reading it, from the way his eyes were glazed and his pupils were a little wide. But Logan’s expression was as serene as ever.
Well… if it was a game he wanted…
Virgil schooled his face into something neutral, turned back and held the fruit near Logan’s mouth again.
Logan opened his lips, and Virgil pressed it to his tongue, and didn’t take his hand away.
A pause, and Logan’s eyes jumped up from the book to Virgil’s face.
“What?” said Virgil, feigning innocence.
Logan’s blush burned brighter, his gaze skittering away. Hesitantly, he let his mouth close, his lips wrapping around Virgil’s fingers. Just as slow, Virgil pulled back, until only his index and middle fingers were pressing down on Logan’s tongue as he swallowed. Barely dragging them across Logan’s bottom lip, he took his hand back.
There was nothing subtle about it this time; Logan’s lips chased Virgil’s fingers as he pulled away, and Virgil couldn’t have stopped himself from grinning even if he wanted to.
“Good?” he teased.
Dragging his other hand up Logan’s back, Virgil cradled the nape of his neck and Logan shivered.
“Answer me,” said Virgil gently.
“Y-yes,” said Logan, “It… it was good,”
“I’m glad,” said Virgil.
Virgil wasn’t expecting that to be something that made Logan produce a faint, breathy noise and jerk his eyes away again, but he certainly wasn’t complaining.
“Are you done?” said Virgil.
Logan looked baffled, and… maybe a little hurt, actually, and Virgil wondered why for a moment before he realized he’d been very vague.
“With your book?” he elaborated.
Logan relaxed, and then immediately tried to pretend he hadn’t, because he was a very silly Spring.
“For the moment,” he said.
He moved to shut it, but Virgil was faster, plucking it out of Logan’s grip and setting it out of the way on the bedside table.
“Virgil,” said Logan. He sounded like he might be trying for admonishing; Virgil wasn’t convinced.
He plucked another blackberry out of the dish.
And there was that red – one of Logan’s hands clutched at Virgil’s hoodie, the other white-knuckling the blanket.
“You’re so pretty,” said Virgil, almost on accident.
Logan shivered.
“Virgil,” he repeated, already breathless, and Virgil might end up ruining the game if Logan kept looking at him like that.
“Open,” he repeated firmly.
Another press, and the slow drag across Logan’s lip made his eyelids flutter this time. He was all red now, sunlight-warm in Virgil’s arms and pressing up against him. Virgil soothed the back of his neck.
“You looked flushed,” he said sweetly, pressing a slow kiss to the swell of Logan’s cheek. “You should take your shirt off,”
Logan gave the barest eye-roll and a short huff of laughter, but he didn’t hesitate to start fumbling for his buttons.
Virgil followed along. Another kiss to his cheek for the first button, light and chaste. Lower for the second, barely open-mouthed for the third, until when Logan’s shaking hands undid the last one and yanked off the shirt Virgil was sucking a dark bruise onto his chest.
“Please,” said Logan, squirming in Virgil’s lap. Virgil smiled into his skin.
“Please what?”
“Vir-gil,” he whined.
Virgil laid a kiss on the bruise, sitting up.
“You know the rules,” he spoke into Logan’s neck, “You need to ask for the things you want, beloved,”
Logan squirmed a little again, running his thumb across the hem of the hoodie. His tongue darted out to wet his lip, and Virgil barely restrained himself from pressing Logan back into the bed and suckling that tongue into his mouth.
“May I have another, please?” said Logan, quiet and slightly winded.
Pressing a slow kiss to the hinge of Logan’s jaw, Virgil hummed a little when Logan let out a short, pitched moan and arched his back.
“Of course,” Virgil rumbled.
Virgil pressed against Logan’s tongue harder this time, so the fruit burst before Logan closed his mouth. Eyelids fluttering, Logan gasped, his nails scraping at Virgil’s chest through his clothes. The juice stained Virgil’s fingers, and when he took his hand away he smeared it across Logan’s lips.
Virgil had meant to leave it. It was always lovely to make Logan a little messy (or a lot, for that matter) because Virgil knew the list of people who got to see him like that was very short. It was heady, taking him apart and seeing his blissed-out expression while they did it.
But the blackberry juice was purple, Virgil’s color, and Logan was already leaning towards Virgil again, his eyes lidded, and his expression so sweet and open and trusting – Virgil’s beautiful, perfect Seelie, and Virgil couldn’t have stopped himself from kissing him any more than he could have lied about wanting to.
Surging forward, Virgil licked into the wet warmth of Logan’s mouth, the taste of sweet blackberries and florid jasmine blooming on his tongue. Gasping, Logan clutched at Virgil’s shoulders, and then let out a sigh of contentment when Virgil pressed him back into the sheets.
“Please, please keep touching me,” Logan pleaded into his mouth.
Wrapping his hand around Logan’s thigh, Virgil rolled his hips forward.
Logan keened, rutting against him, and Virgil’s voice came out in a startling low growl.
“So good,” he murmured into Logan’s ear, punctuating it with a sharp nip to his earlobe that made Logan’s hips stutter.
“So good for me, asking for what you want, tell me-”
“More,” Logan panted, “Please, more, please, Virgil-”
“More what?” Virgil teased, “Harder? Faster? Do you want to make you cum like this, just grinding on my thigh?”
Logan made a choked off noise.
“Maybe I’ll do that,” said Virgil, licking a stripe up the column of Logan’s neck. “Maybe I’ll watch you come undone just like this, is that what you want?”
Logan swallowed, clinging to Virgil’s shoulders like he was trying to anchor himself.
“Please touch my cock,” He blurted, “I want- I want your hand on me-”
Virgil cut off the end of his sentence with a short, rough kiss before leaning back just enough to get at the buttons of Logan’s pants.
It was more difficult than it ought to be – mostly because Logan couldn’t seem to hold still. When Virgil had him stripped, he sat back on his heels, running one of his hands up the outside of Logan’s hip and trailing his fingers up the sensitive inner skin of the other thigh.
Logan suddenly lurched up, and when Virgil looked back at his face it was almost dizzying. His cheeks blooming with color and his skin dewy with sweat, his irises a razor-thin ring of silver around huge night-black pupils, Logan was so beautiful that for a moment Virgil thought he would melt right there, done in by the loveliest spring thaw that ever graced the earth. He doubted he’d even have complained.
Lacing his fingers with Virgil’s at his hip, Logan tugged gently.
“Up here?” he said quietly, “I- I want to kiss you, please,”
Virgil moved so quickly Logan must not have seen him, because he looked a little startled as Virgil hovered over him.
Virgil kissed the corner of his mouth.
“Of course,” he said. If his voice was a little thicker than it had been, Logan didn’t say anything.
Logan sighed into the kiss, his breath like warm May air in Virgil’s lungs. Wrapping his hand around Logan’s straining cock, Virgil ran his thumb across the head, gathering the beading precum there and starting slow, firm strokes.
The kiss stayed soft. Virgil swallowed every gasp, drank every sigh, until Logan was only panting against Virgil’s lips, open-mouthed and tasting of sunbeams and fading blackberry as Virgil sent him over the edge with a twist of his wrist.
Logan’s mouth fell open in a soundless oh, his back arching and his hands clutching so tight at Virgil’s shoulders that Virgil could feel the little half-moons Logan’s nails were leaving behind even through his shirt and hoodie.
Sometimes Logan liked for Virgil to overdo it a little, but he didn’t seem to be in the mood. Whimpering, he pushed at Virgil’s hand until he stilled.
Trailed his hand through the cum painting Logan’s stomach, Virgil smiled when Logan wrinkled his nose a little.
“I’m messy,” he muttered at Virgil tipped to the side and reached for the bedside drawer.
“You love it,” Virgil said simply. Logan huffed.
As soon as Virgil turned back to him, with one of the soft cloths they kept close for just such occasions, Logan tried to press up against him. Virgil gave him a little peck.
“Be patient,” he said, “You hate when it dries,”
Logan hesitated, but then he stilled.
Virgil cleaned him up, and by the time he was done Logan was looking slightly more coherent.
Smiling a little, Logan nodded, tucking himself into Virgil’s side.
“I would...”
He trailed off, and Virgil waited for a few moments before kissing him on the forehead.
“Would what?” he prompted.
“I would… like to go again,” said Logan, eye focused firmly on Virgil’s neckline, “If you give me a minute,”
“No rush,” said Virgil, shrugging.
“But you didn’t...”
Virgil reached up and titled Logan’s head back, kissing him a little slower.
Another kiss.
Logan frowned, a little petulant. Virgil rolled his eyes a little.
“Some of us are patient,” he said teasingly.
He flicked one of Logan’s faintly shimmering locks of hair.
“And maybe I just want to watch my pretty Seelie glow for a little while,”
Logan sputtered.
“Oh my- Virgil,”
“What?” Virgil replied, “You’re gorgeous and shining and I could look at you for hours,”
Logan whined, hiding his face against Virgil’s throat. He was already squirming again, though only barely. Virgil grinned into his hair.
“So no, I have no complaints,” he said, kissing the top of Logan’s head.
Logan blew out a breath, leaning back again, but keeping his eyes trained on Virgil’s collar. His eyebrows were furrowed, like he was thinking something over.
“What?” Virgil prompted.
Logan fiddled with one of the strings of the hoodie.
He cleared his throat.
“You did take very good care of me,” he said quietly, “Thank you,”
Virgil froze, all his breath leaving him at once.
Logan looked a little startled, and even more so when Virgil sat up suddenly and started pulling his hoodie off.
“What did I-”
“Put this on,” said Virgil, draping it across Logan’s naked chest.
“Um,” said Logan, sitting up as well. “Why?”
Leaning over, Virgil pressed his mouth against Logan’s ear, relishing the way Logan leaned into it, his breath already shaky again.
“Because I’m going to fuck you while you wear it,” he purred.
Logan shuddered, smiling against Virgil’s jaw.
“Please do,”
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theworkofxanderking · 5 years
The Originals: Bad Blood (Alternative Season 5)
Episode 10 – Previously on The Originals (Season Finale)
Warnings: I do not own the original content to “The Originals”, “The Vampire Diaries” or “Legacies” or any of the characters from the television shows.
15 plus, displays of Violence, Gore, Torture, M/M, F/M, F/F.
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Rebekah stood outside of the compound in New Orleans having just arrived after a two year imprisonment in a ghost town eager to return to her family but resistant due to the fact she was six months pregnant give or take, she judged her pregnancy on how she looked but due to the fact she was both dead and had been for a thousand years she had never been pregnant before so wasn’t exactly the best judge.
After standing for what seemed like forever just when she was about to walk into the compound Marcel vamp sped in front of her leaving them both shocked to see each other especially because no-one knew she was no longer in the ghost town or that she had miraculously found herself pregnant.
“Well that’s definitely new,” Marcel said while shocked to see his former love pregnant struggling to get his head around the idea. “How is this even possible?”
“As it turns out no magic means I’m not only mortal but highly fertile.” Rebekah replied while holding her stomach. “Trust me when I say I have no bloody clue how all this is possible. I was hoping Klaus could get Hope to do some spell and if that didn’t work well then, I’d go see Freya. Freya her baby must be…”
“Babies she had twins which she called Elijah and Nik believe it or not I guess Kol wouldn’t have been too happy about that baby news.” Marcel replied. “Klaus isn’t here last time I checked he was in Mystic Falls trying to convince Caroline’s twins to help break you out.”
“Well needless to say his efforts were bloody useless.” Rebekah responded with a sigh.
“So, am I allowed to ask who’s the dad? I mean if the baby has a dad?” Marcel quizzed her.
“No, you bloody well can’t!” Rebekah snapped. “Please tell me Hayley’s still running things around here.”
“It’s more of a team effort but I’ll allow that little remark considering your bound to be pissed off right now.” Marcel replied. “How about I take you to her and catch you up along the way.”
“Thank you,” Rebekah said with a sigh. “Wait why isn’t she inside?”
Hayley and Elijah: Previously on The Originals
Hayley Marshall’s life had grown even busier over the last two years finding most of her time being spent in the bayou with the wolves although most of them had moved into the city the bayou was still their home and so the werewolves would run freely in the bayou whenever they felt the need and held any meeting werewolf related there.
Hayley tried to be there for Hope as much as possible managing to attend all parent/teacher meetings at Salvatore Boarding School as well as taking every opportunity to have her daughter home in New Orleans but she could only do so much and found herself missing a certain sweet sixteenth in the process which made her feel guilty even though the sixteenth party wasn’t even Hope’s.
Elijah Mikaelson had finally got the girl but found their relationship difficult with Hayley’s schedule being so busy he was the Mikaelson representative at faction meetings but considering he was the only Mikaelson who resided with New Orleans permanently and the city was rather peaceful because of it.
Although at times he struggled to adjust to Hayley’s busy life he never resented it or her in fact he was proud of the queen she had become and decided it was time to be his queen’s king.
“Okay why have you taken me out to the middle of nowhere?” asked a blindfolded Hayley after being vamp sped outside the gates of the newly rebuilt Mikaelson home from season one before taking her blind fold off to be left confused. “I didn’t know anyone was working on rebuilding this place.”
“It’s where the first chapter in our story began and it’s where I’d like to turn to the next chapter.” Elijah told her before kneeling and revealing a beautiful diamond ring in an equally exquisite ring box. “You have your kingdom and now I want you to have your home. I want us to live here happily and I want us to live here as husband and wife.”
“Elijah, yes, of course, yes.” Hayley cheered before Elijah picked her up in his arms and kissed her passionately.
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“Okay now it makes sense where your driving me too now.” Rebekah said to Marcel with a sigh while continuing to hold on to her pregnant stomach as she sat in the passenger seat of Marcel’s car as Marcel was behind the wheel driving them to Hayley and Elijah’s home. “So is she officially a Mikaelson now or did they think of waiting for their beloved sister before I missed yet another wedding.”
“They married the next day something small and simple which I guess was perfect for them.” Marcel laughed.
“If Klaus still has some daggers lying about, I swear I will not be held responsible for my actions.” Rebekah snapped. “Anyone else get hitched while I was gone? Clearly I’ve not been as missed as I should’ve been.”
Freya and Keelin: Previously on The Originals
Freya Mikaelson and Keelin Malraux woke up in bed together in their home in Mystic Falls like they had done many times over the last two years both ecstatic to see each other’s faces like they were every morning for the last two years.
“You’re looking especially beautiful this morning future Mrs Mikaelson.” Freya said to her fiancé with an innocent smile.
“I’m fairly certain when an engagement is put on hiatus the correct term for me is potential Mrs Mikaelson.” Keelin replied with a sarcastic tone. “Although as excuses go waiting for your sister to break out of a mysterious vanishing ghost town is pretty up there.”
“I told you I just don’t feel right getting married without her it’s bad enough she couldn’t make Davina and Kol’s weddings are kind of a big deal to her.” Freya replied with a laugh before pulling in her fiancé for a kiss only to hear the babies beginning to cry in the other room.
“My money’s on Nik.” Keelin guessed.
“I’ll take Elijah you take Nik.” Freya smiled.
Freya and Keelin pulled themselves out of bed just like they had done many times over the last two years and made their way into their twin boys’ rooms ready to see out another day of non-marital parents to twin firstborn Mikaelson witches bliss or as close to it as one could get with the next generation of Mikaelson brothers ready to create all kinds of chaos.
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“Well at least one sibling thought about me when it came to wedding planning although I must admit young baby versions of Niklaus, and Elijah truly terrify me.” Rebekah said to Marcel as his car pulled up to the gates of Hayley and Elijah’s home.
“There is one particular Mikaelson who should probably be notified now about your unexpected return.” Marcel revealed to her. “The one whose spent the last two years doing nothing but looking for you.”
Klaus and Caroline: Previously on The Originals
Klaus Mikaelson awoke to find himself in a cage within the dungeon underneath the Salvatore Boarding School only to stand up and see Sebastian stood in the cage next to him.
“I’m guessing you’re another one of these witches catches.” Sebastian said to him.
“Yeah unlike you I don’t intend on staying very long.” Klaus replied before marching towards the cage door only to stop when Caroline Forbes vamp sped in front of the gate.
“Really Klaus? You come all the way here pretending to want to see Davina and Hope when really you wanted my girls for some crazy ass spell and didn’t even think to run it past me.” Caroline snapped at him. “I thought we were passed playing tricks on each other.”
“In my defense Caroline you were always better with the tricks than me.” Klaus replied with a smirk always glad to see Caroline even if she was holding him prisoner. “I lost counts of the times you played beautiful distraction to me but trust me I’d happily be distracted by you any time.”
“You can’t just show up here flirt with me, scheme against me and flirt with me some more I’m not that girl anymore.” Caroline snapped.
“I sense some romantic troubles between use.” Sebastian smirked only to be told to “shut up” in unison by both Caroline and Klaus.
“I’m sorry I wanted to speak to my daughter before asking you and trust me when I say Caroline, I wouldn’t have done anything without your permission.” Klaus said sincerely making Caroline smile at him.
“Well you don’t have my permission,” She replied while unlocking the door. “But I do happen to know a heretic who also once belonged to the Gemini Coven in fact I was planning to seek her out myself if you fancy coming along for the journey?”
“You and I alone together.” Klaus said with a sinister smirk while walking out of his cage. “Are you sure you can trust yourself?”
“I’m sure I’ll manage just fine.” Caroline laughed.
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“I wish those two would just get together already their will they won’t they thing they’ve got going on feels like it’s been going longer than my existence as an original.” Rebekah said as Marcel opened her door and she got out of the car.
“Speaking of which are you still immortal?” Marcel asked her as they began walking down the driveway.
“Yes, I’m still a vampire now just a pregnant one which normally would be much weirder but thankfully my family have a Tribrid and twins to contend with.” Rebekah revealed to him before Elijah vamp sped over to them until he was standing in front of his sister.
“Rebekah,” Elijah said instantly hugging his sister before feeling the bump and backing away. “What on earth happened to you?”
“It’s called pregnancy Elijah!” Rebekah snapped at her brother. “Now why the hell couldn’t you and Hayley wait for your darling sister to be free from Hell Town before getting hitched?”
“In his defense it was my idea for a simple and quick wedding.” Hayley said after vamp speeding over to be next to her husband and in front of her sister-in-law. “I thought a lavish wedding would hardly be fitting without you there planning it.”
“See now that’s an answer I can get around.” Rebekah smirked before hugging Hayley. “You were my sister long before you married my brother and if you ever choose to leave the tight laced know it all you will remain my sister, Always and Forever.”
“You too,” Hayley replied before looking down at Rebekah’s bump with shock. “You’re going to need to tell me how the hell that happened.”
“Yes, all in good time,” Rebekah replied with an eye roll. “Now where’s Hope?”
Hope and Josie: Previously on The Originals
Josie Saltzman found herself looking in the mirror while wearing a beautiful red ball gown with her brown hair tied back in a beautiful yet simple style as she prepared for her sweet sixteenth birthday party before she heard a knock at the door only to turn around and see Hope Mikaelson once again standing in her doorway.
“Lizzie’s going to be super pissed because she looks nowhere near as good as you do in that dress.” Hope said to Josie while in awe of her beauty.
“You know Lizzie’s currently convincing my dad and mum as we speak to release that vampire in our dungeon just so she can have a date for her birthday.” Josie revealed to Hope.
“I don’t Caroline’s going to let Lizzie use my dad as her date considering their previous history.” Hope joked as she walked into the room.
“Oh no I meant the other guy,” Josie sighed. “It’s been a long sixteenth.”
“I knew what you meant Josie.” Hope said while moving closer towards Josie making Josie nervous as she drew closer. “Happy birthday Josie!”
Hope pulled Josie in for a passionate kiss as Josie kissed her back the two of them sharing a moment together that they had both been wanting for too long and now that moment had finally come.
“Was that my birthday present?” Josie asked her.
“I love you,” Hope laughed “always have always were I guess I was just as chicken as you.”
“I love you too!” Josie replied before kissing Hope again.
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“So, Hope got herself Caroline’s daughter before her own father could get Caroline.” Rebekah smirked while placing herself on the couch in Hayley and Elijah’s living room while Marcel, Hayley and Elijah stood above her. “I can’t wait to rub it in my brother’s face speaking of which where is he currently?”
“Last I heard Klaus and Caroline were in Croatia,” Hayley answered before looking at Marcel and Elijah hoping for them to speak only to realize it was up to her. “Okay Rebekah you’re going to need to tell us how the hell you got pregnant.”
“I slept with a Malus witch when mortal and now I’m knocked up with his baby!” Rebekah snapped. “Before anyone even dares judge me, I’d look at your own previous bedfellows first and don’t get me started on any birth control lectures considering I’m bloody dead.”
“Klaus said you were locked in there with Nathaniel and his father,” Elijah said cautious to ask while Marcel and Hayley stayed in silence. “So, is the baby Nathaniel’s child or sibling?”
“Sibling of course I’m hardly going to sleep with one of my oldest friends.” Rebekah responded to Klaus.
“But his father is fair game.” Hayley joked much to Rebekah’s fury.
“Just like marrying the brother of your daughter’s father.” Rebekah replied with a cheeky smirk.
“Or sleeping with your brother’s adoptive son.” Hayley said back with a sly smile of her own.
“Fair play Hayley Marshall-Mikaelson.” Rebekah smirked. “Now what the bloody hell happened to Bonnie Bennet in my absence is she still cheating death and bossing the New Orleans witches about.”
Bonnie and Henrik: Previously on The Originals
Henrik woke up on the cold hard ground of Lafayette Cemetery only to find a smug looking Bonnie hovering above him. He quickly rose to his feet as a large group of witches appeared from behind tombs chanting in Croatian as he noticed he was tripped in a devil’s trap judging by the markings on the ground around him in a circle.
“I recognize you we’ve met before, haven’t we?” He asked Bonnie.
“Yeah your sister Rebekah and I help you escape the ancestral plane.” Bonnie revealed. “And now I’m going to help you become somewhat less of a monster.”
“What the hell are you talking about?” Henrik quizzed, confused by Bonnie’s words.
“Apparently Nathaniel was planning on turning you into an original and it just so happens I’m down for that idea.” Bonnie revealed.
“You want to make me even more powerful,” Henrik laughed at her. “Because killing you all is going to be easy as it is especially now Nathaniel isn’t trying to stop me but please go ahead and make me even more powerful.”
“Actually, the spell’s been altered to use the Malus inside you as the source of magic for the spell,” Bonnie admitted as she raised her hand and magically made Henrik fall to his knees. “I’m going to use up all your Malus to turn you into an original and as for the magic you get from your mother well that kind of magic becomes dormant when you’re turned into a vampire.”
“You cunning little bitch,” Henrik snapped at her as Bonnie joined the other witches chanting in Croatian causing Henrik to let out a series of screams before passing out.
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Marcel walked out of Hayley and Elijah’s home and onto the porch when suddenly a heavily pregnant Rebekah vamp sped from out of the door and in Marcel’s path, so she was standing in front of him.
“You never told me what you’ve been up to over the last two years,” She told him while looking down at Marcel’s left hand smiling after noticing his wedding ring. “Judging by that it’s quite the story.”
“Rebekah…” Marcel replied reluctantly.
“I’m literally standing in front of you pregnant with another man’s child I think you can tell me about your wife, and I won’t get bloody jealous.” Rebekah responded. “My love for you was an epic sordid affair but when it ended it did end. I still love you Marcellus but not in the way I used to so please tell me all about yet another wedding where nobody waiting for me.”
“I don’t have a wife, but I do have a husband and it’s Josh.” Marcel admitted.
“Well good for him,” Rebekah said with a sincere smile “I was beginning to think he’d never find another man. In fact, there was a time I didn’t even think he’d survive the month after being turned clearly he’s come a long way.”
“Thanks Rebekah it means a lot that you’re happy for me.” Marcel told her. “I’m happy for you if anyone was born to be a mother it was you, I don’t care how messed it is that your pregnant I’m just delighted you get to be a mother.”
“Thank you, Marcel,” Rebekah said softly clearly touched by Marcel’s words. “So how did Josh romance you down the altar.
“Actually, it was me who romanced him down the altar.” Marcel laughed.
Marcel and Josh: Previously on The Originals
Josh was busy putting chairs up on tables as he cleaned up his bar Rousseau's in New Orleans before Marcel vamp sped into the room grabbing him instantly and pushing him against the counter as the pair began passionately kissing.
“Okay we really need to stop soon before a certain original ex of yours finds out and I’m a goner,” Josh said nervously as Marcel began kissing his neck. “I mean it we should really put an end to this if not for my own survival.”
“Are you wanting this to end?” Marcel asked looking hurt at the idea of their romance coming to an end.
“Well no not really but if we don’t stop now, I’m either going to wind up dead or heartbroken and I’d rather be neither.” Josh admitted.
“Heartbroken, are you admitting feelings for me Josh?” Marcel quizzed with a sinister smile.
“I’m admitting nothing except my need to stay alive.” He said while pushing himself off Marcel.
“I’d never allow anything to happen to you Josh.” Marcel told him as he pulled him back into his arms. “This may have started out as fun, but it’s become so much more.”
“What are you saying?” Josh asked, hopeful of the answer.
“I’m saying I’m in love with you Josh can’t you read between the lines.” Marcel laughed before kissing Josh once more.
“Don’t just say that to win me over.” Josh sighed.
“Josh you have been my best friend long before you were my lover,” Marcel declared to him while placing his hand on Josh’s cheek and looking at the man with pure adoration in his eyes. “I can’t imagine my life without you and I never want to when I say I love you it’s because I love you with all my heart not because I want to get into your pants although that’s definitely a bonus.”
“Who knew you were the romantic,” Josh laughed before kissing Marcel. “I love you too.”
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“That sounds very sweet I swear I just got toothache from listening to that bloody story, but you missed the part when you got married.” Rebekah replied to Marcel as she and Marcel walk down the driveway heading away from Elijah and Hayley’s home. “I’m guessing that was the proposal of sorts.”
“Actually, that wasn’t one of my proposals it took me about six before Josh was sure I was serious.” Marcel admitted. “He wanted to make sure I’d never hurt him usually that could put a guy off but it just made me love him more to know he wanted me to be fully ready for him before he would say yes.”
“It figures you always did like some good old-fashioned rejection well played Josh.” Rebekah joked. “So, when did the wedding take place?”
“Not long after the sixth proposal,” Marcel smiled. “He had the whole day planned.”
“Oh, bloody hell,” Rebekah shouted as she felt a sharp pain in her stomach. “No this can’t be bloody right!”
“What’s wrong?” asked a worried Marcel.
“This bloody thing that has possessed my womb seems to be wanting to come out now.” Rebekah revealed.
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hecohansen31 · 5 years
Michael loves his witch girlfriend, she loves his Boy Wonder, but some people are a bit jealous, of the relationship, but also because they want Michael, the Alpha. So of course these witches and warlocks try to break the couple, making rumors, saying Michael is too good for her, pretending she is cheating and using him because he is the future Supreme... Will their love survive all this ?
(A/N): Hello, sweetie!
I honestly enjoyed a lot writing this ask and I honestly hope you will like it too.
Please send me more asks (anon or not…) I LITERALLY LOVE THEM|
WARNINGS: Mentions of Suicide and Blood (under the cut) (PLEASE IF THIS THING TRIGGERS YOU AVOID THE READING OF THIS) (Also I personally don’t have anything against Mallory, Cordelia or Mrs Mead, but it was all done for the plot of this drabble, so please don’t think I am an horrible person!)
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-We can play “Romeo And Juliet” all we want, but it doesn’t change the truth- (Y/N)’s harsh words were framed by her tears, moving down her face, flushed from rage and sadness, the nostalgy for better times made her almost seem a longing saint, in the throes of martyrdom, meanwhile Michael just looked at her dumbfounded -… we can’t go on like this, we will just hurt ourselves more than we should-.
-But… we love each other- Michael grabbed her hand, trying to grip onto it, but she just retracted it, as if his hand offended her.
-What good is it to love each other, just to be unable to trust the other and make them feel awful? -.
It had all started the previous month, when rumors of Michael cheating had started spreading: their relationships had been proved by his decision for a quick break-up and she still remembered how he had smiled to any girl that came on his way, during that time.
At that time, she hadn’t thought nothing of it, trying her best to remember the way Michael’s eyes only sparkled for her as she passed in front of him, smirking gently at her cute antics, clearly smitten with her and whoever had spread those cheating rumors, was only jealous of what they had .
But then not only the rumors had started spreading further, no matter how much Madison hissed to the rumors-spreaders, meanwhile Zoe kept her in check and Mallory just gifted her with her calming presence, cuddled closer to a very not useful Coco, but slowly she had started discovering some pretty confusing signs.
Firstly, she had once heard about Michael “tutoring” the girls, which somehow meant that he was supposedly cheating on her with, but then one day she had discovered something even stranger.
She had been a bit confused by all those rumors, and she hadn’t been able to relax in Michael’s arms and he had noticed it, immediately asking her what was wrong, just getting a very mumbled answer.
There he had decided not to push further, since many times it happened that his sweet girlfriend just didn’t want to talk.
He gave her space, suggesting that they sat down for a movie and that she changed herself in his clothes, since they were much more comfortable, more specifically his elegant and crisp shirts she went to grab, meanwhile he set down the blanket fort and chose the movie.
But when she moved to get a shirt, a used one so it would have his perfume, she found one with a lipstick stain on it.
The cheapest way somebody could discover a cheating scandal, and if she knew something about Michael: he wasn’t cheap.
And he wouldn’t cheat on her.
But she thought he wouldn’t have broken up with her and it had happened, so…
She chose to avoid doing anything more, included talking about it with Michael.
She was scared of what it would mean to confront him about it: it would make the threat more possible, with a 50 % chance of it being true, alongside showing Michael that she didn’t trust him.
So, she worked on her own, assembling the help of her best friends, and although she found nothing with Zoe and Madison, suddenly Mallory came at her with a recording of a conversation between Michael and a girl, although there wasn’t much talking.
In the meanwhile, Hawthorne boys had started getting cocky with Michael, at first teasing him with vulgar suggestions about his girlfriends, and he hadn’t thought too much about it, since they did it with all the boys with a girlfriend; kind of a passage rite.
But slowly the suggestions had become more suggestive and detailed, and slowly Michael had started discovering that his “friends” knew things he only knew about his sweetheart.
The mole under her hair, on her neck, the little way she giggled if you tickled the right spot on her belly and the way she moaned, softly and shyly, immediately blushing.
He knew that because once they had been too taken in the throes of passion his hands had been pushed in her panties and he had started, almost in an enchantment, teasing her, feeling her moans onto his lips, meanwhile she begged for more…
And suddenly those sweet “mewls” were horribly distorted by his friends’ imitations:
“Lewis, please please… more…”.
“Karl, don’t stop…”.
“You don’t have to be so gentle, Jean…”.
It had gotten so bad that he had started being unable to focus on anything and his beloved’s face seemed unknown to him.
The fact that slowly she had started closing in herself more and more, hiding and shielding him from so much knowledge that he had started thinking that maybe his friends were speaking that truth.
And that made him angry.
With himself and her.
He had then decided to stay a bit with the Satanists, mostly to tell it all to Mrs Mead’s suggestions, which had been unkind:
“She is just a girl, you’ll find more, sweetie, more much better”.
Still he loved (Y/N) so so much, and it only added to the hurt he felt, meanwhile all the Satanists encouraged him to let go of that angelic girl, in order for him to gain his own powerful role as their leader, a bit backed up by the warlocks, reclaiming their Alpha.
Berthold had once mumbled that he had gotten soft since that girl had entered his dream: he longed to be good and sweet with her, a great and powerful feral animal, meant to prey on smaller ones was now sleeping with the same animal he should have hunted.
“You two aren’t just meant to be together” and the more they went on with this, the more they were left separated, the more doubts and lies spread, poisoning their souls till this epic showdown.
-It doesn’t have to be this way, (Y/N)…- tears shone also in his eyes and although he knew she was damnably right, they just couldn’t keep on hating and ruining the other, he just couldn’t let her go, as he couldn’t let go of the Sun, in his life -… we can try-.
-I don’t want to try, anymore- she replied, her voice deeply flawed, almost disappearing in high and low tones, and tears stopped flowing, she tried to have some kind of calm, definitely scared and regretting each words -…it is just stupid and I can’t be hurt anymore-.
And before he could do anything else, she ran away, for the first time, since they had met, after he had promised he would never be doing this.
And it destroyed him even more than all the doubts he had had on her.
He could live with doubts, not without her.
Mallory had wanted to comfort her friend, feeling highly guilty of what she had done to her.
The rumors, the lipstick on Michael’s shirt and the fake recording, she had enchanted each thing to make it seem as if he had been cheating on her, on Cordelia’s orders.
The headmistress had started seeing negatively the way Michael Langdon and (Y/N) behaved together, mostly after a war was happening between the witches and the warlocks was happening; she couldn’t have such a promising student be swayed by the temptation of darkest magic, which Langdon promised.
And Mallory worried for her innocent friend, it was easy for her to categorize Michael as “a bad influence” after he had hurt her with the “break up” thing.
She couldn’t forgive them and immediately she had agreed to try to break them apart, roughly.
She had done each thing for the safety of her best friend.
So, when she found her, laying in a pool of her own blood, her wrists sliced, she honestly was surprised, each emotion destroying her in her deepest, and immediately she knelt in the pool of blood, cradling in her arms, a weightless and unmoving body, which stained her black nightgown of red blood.
She tried to mutter a “vitalum vitalis” and heal each wrist but she could cure the wounds but not the unhealthy pale completion of her friend, shining in the moonlight.
Tissues were roughly exposed everywhere, and signs of her broken heart were evident in her room, where Michael’s gifts were pushed against the cold tile of the pavement, as her body, discarded without any more care.
Mallory cradled her closer, begging for her friend to come back to her and to life, but her silent pleas where interrupted by somebody opening discreetly the door, revealing Michael, his face was confused and quickly became shocked, when he saw blood.
Too much blood.
He joined Mallory on the ground and immediately he had her in his arms, his sobbing seemed sincere and his tears shone next to the blood, mixing with it, meanwhile he mumbled soft words as if she was just a restless child, unable to sleep.
“Wake up, (Y/N) sweetie” he sighed, meanwhile his voice became more hysteric “… wake up, love of mine”.
And strangely Mallory understood even in death that they truly loved each other, seeing that Romeo had found his Juliet… too late.
Michael wasn’t the only waiting on the threshold, Cordelia had joined them, watching the scene with an open mouth and suddenly from Michael’s chest hysterical laughs were emitted, and Mallory found it an all too sick noise, the one that would taint your most horrible nightmares.
But his laughs weren’t alone, female ones joined his, and Mallory thought it was an all too sick game, if she was hearing (Y/N)’s laughs.
And then she saw (Y/N) raise in Michael’s arms, the blood around her recollecting himself into the spilled vase on her bedside table, where it became again water, and it was all revealed for what it was.
For what Mallory and the warlocks’ work had been: a dirty trick.
She had discovered it when Madison had heard the recording again with her, pointing out the mechanic sound of the recording, clearly discovering that it had been faked, polishing with her magic, meanwhile Zoe had discovered that Berthold was putting better grades to anybody who would disrespect (Y/N) and put the seed of doubt into Michael’s head.
They had both referred the entire things to the lovers and after they had confronted the situation, communicating perfectly, they had set out a plan, inspired by the most famous lovers in the books: “Romeo and Juliet”.
“I can’t believe that I am seriously playing Juliet, I haven’ heard of this play since third grade!” had joked “Juliet”, meanwhile they rehearsed the scene, helped by Zoe and Madison who had the purpose of calling out both Mallory and Cordelia, meanwhile the warlocks would hear nothing but the rumors of it.
“If I profane with my unworthiest hand. This holy shrine, the gentle fine is this: my lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand. To smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss” had replied Michael, before leaning in for a kiss; since they had come back from their little time apart, they had been even more attached to each other.
“You had me at the ‘profane’“ she giggled, meanwhile moving closer to nuzzle their nose closer, softness shining through them and contrasting with their dark plans.
… which had worked, from the looks on Cordelia and Mallory’s faces.
-This was… just a …- Cordelia almost chocked into her last sentence -… a game? A joke? -.
-No, it was a lesson to teach you all not to mess with our feelings- replied (Y/N), her gaze strongly frozen on Mallory who lowered her eyes, immediately feeling even more guilty.
-You can’t just do this, (Y/N)- Cordelia’s face was distorted in a rageful expression -… it will come a time where you will have to make a choose and no amount of childish jokes will save you from the damnation of the wrong choice-.
-… but for now, I just want to spend time with my love- she replied, and her words was final, which Cordelia understood quickly, her rageful expression leaving the room, meanwhile Mallory stayed in, but soon she was on her feet, sobbing pathetically and looking at her friend in the eyes, searching them.
-I am so… horribly sorry…- she tried, but her friend just shut her mouth with a harsh glare.
-You thought what was best without me, without telling me anything, but just obeying orders, that is not what a friend do-.
And although she felt emotionally exhausted, and she didn’t want to hurt her friend the same way she had hurt her, but she needed the message to be clear and out loud and Mallory just nodded before running away crying.
Michael hugged her close and shielded her body a bit more before they both fell asleep, entangled close.
Nobody would break them apart, that night.
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xcayde6 · 6 years
All I want for Dawning is you
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pairing: Cayde-6 (Destiny) x female reader rating: explicit warnings: Cayde baking cookies, probably sex in the snow... who knows ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) find out under the [read more] I guess. n/a: sorry robofuckers, this was queued for last week while I was on hiatus, but it got flagged because of the gif and disappeared out of my queue smh. take this as late Caydemas present and Destcember entry. hope you like it anyway. — Cayde hates The Dawning and you’re trying to get him into the mood with cookies, ramen and a snowball fight at the Cosmodrome... 
First snowflakes cover The Last City in a white and soft blanket. The seductive smell of cinnamon and freshly baked cookies is lingering in the cold air, while guardians celebrate The Dawning with silly dances, petting holographic chickens and giving each other presents. It seems like a perfect Dawning, but one important thing is missing. Actually someone very important is missing. Cayde. His back is turned towards me and he's leaning over some maps scattered all over his workdesk. The cold wind howling through the Hangar makes his familiar and battered hunter cloak float slightly. Perfect opportunity to attempt a cuddle stealth attack and throw my arms around the exo from behind. „Happy Dawning, Caydie.” I hear a deep chuckle roar through his torso, as he almost instantly turns around, making me think he had been waiting for me especially. I'm engulfed in a pair of strong arms and the familiar scent of old leather and gunpowder lingering on his armor after countless battles. His smell is hard to describe, but still I can't resist taking a deep breath of him in. It's truly infatuating. He holds me tight for a moment, before letting go and stepping back to have a look at me. „Hey beautiful.”, he greets me softly, his aqua blue optics looking me up and down. Of course I didn't dress up warmly because of the heavy snowstorm going on outside. No. I'm wearing nothing but boots and a sexy Santa dress including hat. Just for him. For Cayde. I'm his present and it's so worth humiliating myself in public, or getting a pneumonia. Another chuckle escapes Cayde's throat, the orange lights in the back of his throat are flickering. „You look... ridiculous.”, he scoffs, pinching the fuzzy bobble of my Santa hat with his finger, but I know damn well that it's his loving way of showing affection. Still I play along and push him away from me, lift my dress up slightly and turn around slowly. „Your eyes say something different, my vanguard...”, I whisper seductively, looking over my shoulder and winking at him as he surveys me. His eyebrow plates shift, giving him a amused look, before he grabs a fistful of my dress and pulls me back to his body. Somehow possessive, but I'm not gonna complain about it.„I mean it. Ridiculous.”, he repeats in a mocked tone, smiling broadly at me now. I feel a bit uncomfortable under his gaze undressing me, but damn, I loved it when this exo was sassy. „But, but... I wear this for you...”, I whimper, turning away from him, starting to act out the most dramatic fake crying in the history of fake cries. „You hate it. I wanted to look pretty for our date.”, I sob, pretending to rub my eyes. „No, no, no... sweetie. You look stunning. I just hate Chr-”, I hear him awkwardly stutter behind my back, but I quickly turn around and laugh at his dumb but overall adorable helpless face. „Ha! Got you! Awww, you should see your stupid face!” I press a sweet kiss on his cold metal chin and take his hand in mine. ”Now come on, we're late for The Dawning market at the Bazaar, Grumpy.”, I sąy and pull him with me out of his beloved Hangar. Cayde follows me more or less unwillingly and sighs, squeezing my hand. „I swear, if I hear Last Christmas one more time I'm gonna blow something up.”, he mutters under his breath and I can't help but smirk at him. „Can't lie, I would love to see that.” He chuckles, the orange lights behind his mouth-plates outlining a smirk back at me. „A girl after my own heart.”, he praises, taking off his cloak and gently putting it around my bare back and shoulders. “You must be freezing. Worst case scenario, you'll get a cold. But maybe you'll only get a pneumonia.”, he jokes. “I think I see the benefits of being an exo, Cayde.” The awkwardness between us diminished slightly on the way to the Bazaar. I had known this man ever since he came to The Last City, seen him almost everyday when he wasn't on missions or busy with his vanguard duties - spending our free time together, going to the ramen shop, playing cards or just talking about whatever was going on in our heads. But now, his cloak was around my shoulders and we’re holding hands. We're having a date. A real date. This was different and he seems like a virtual stranger, but yet of course I still trust him. Just one look into his warm and glowing aqua blue optics is enough to push away my indecision completely. We reach the Bazaar and I'm pleasantly surprised. Snowflakes are dancing in the cold air and everything was beautifully decorated with lanterns and candles, giving the place a warm and cozy touch. I'm probably standing too long and awkwardly around just staring, because Cayde waves his hand in front of my face with a chuckle. “Still with me? Ramen time?”, he asks, already pulling me towards the ramen shop, but I hold him back. “Yes, get us a nice place to sit, I just need to get something real quick.”, I explain, giving him a little kiss on his cold metal chin and hurrying over to aunt Eva Levante. She was surrounded by dozens of guardians, buying last minute cookie ingredients and recipes, like their many and endless lives depended on it. I awkwardly shove my small body through all kinds of strong hunters, titans and warlocks to my aunt and greet the old lady with a quick kiss on the cheek, before grabbing a heart shaped box laying around next to the beautiful big blue handmade oven. Aunt Eva helped me baking these cookies for Cayde last night, since I'm the worst cook and baker in the whole wide universe, but thanks to her they actually turned out delicious, even though some of the ingredients we used sound gross as hell. I mean, Vex milk? Cabail oil? Taken butter? Ew. I don't mean to overreact, but if Cayde didn't like these cookies, I would never bake again. This really means much to me. He means much to me. Damn, I was really head over heels in love with this exo... I give auntie Eva another quick goodbye kiss, squeeze myself back through the mob of guardians and take a deep breath before walking over to the ramen shop where Cayde is waiting for me, or most likely causing trouble again. I was just gone for like one minute? “Come on, my man! I'm having a date with a beautiful girl for the first time in 100 years. I'll give you glimmer or one of my stashes if you give us your seat, come on!”, he's bothering a old man just trying to enjoy his ramen. “Caaayde.”, I hiss, pulling him away and giving him a forced sweet smile. “What are you doing? Why are you blackmailing this poor old man?”, I ask confused, before slapping his chest armor. “There's only one stool left and I was asking very politely if he could give it to us.”, he responds innocently, giving me his puppy eyes. It never fails me how expressive exos could look if they wanted to, especially this adorable fool. I shake my head and sigh, slapping his chest again. “Just let me sit on your lap, drama queen.”, I suggest. Cayde hops on the free stool and makes himself comfortable, spreading his legs wide, before patting his thigh, inviting me to take a seat. “Please make yourself comfortable. Best seat in the universe, I swear.”, he says, winking at me. What a sight he is. I hesitate for a second, asking myself what I've gotten myself into, but I can't resist and sink down on his thigh. Cayde's gloved hands grip my hips, pulling me halfway into his lap. Oh my, I was in his lap. Suggesting this solution was probably the best idea I've ever had. “Comfy huh? Amazing.”, he purrs into my ear. A shiver goes down my spine and my heart is hammering so hard, I'm afraid he could hear of feel it. Like it wasn't enough that the wink he'd given me just seconds ago already left me mildly out of my breath. How am I supposed to play it cool? Our date didn't even start yet and he was too overwhelming. “Cayde.” I take another deep breath and pull out the heart shaped box I've successfully managed to hide behind my back. “I made you something.” Cayde's optics dip to the little box in my hands and his eyebrow plates shift in surprise. “You made me something?”, he asks in disbelief, gently taking the box out of my hands, curiously studying his gift before opening it. A smile forms his mouth plates when my cookies are revealed in all it's beauty. “All this for me? No one ever made me something... Thank you, beautiful.” Cayde slightly leans over to me and softly pokes his cold lips on my cheek. “You're welcome. I hope I won't poison you.”, I give back with a smile, causing him to chuckle. “I've had worse deaths. It's more likely that I'm gonna poison you, cause...”, he pulls out a little bag out of his pants and hands it to me. “I've made you something too.”, he adds, and I could swear that he bows his head in shame a little. “What have you done now, silly?”, I ask amused, opening the little red paper bag and what I see makes my heart jump in excitement. To my amazement, he baked for me too! Cayde-6, yes, Cayde, the vanguard baked something for me! My eyes wander between his ashamed face and his cookies and when I take a closer look, these were totally burnt black and badly covered up in frosting and scrawly drawn smilies and hearts. I can't help myself and burst into laughter, throwing my arms around his neck. “You're so cute.”, I giggle, pressing my lips on his cold cheekbone, before I dug my face into his neck, breathing in the fierce leather of his armor. We feed each other with our presents and I'm having a hard time to not burst into laughter again. Cayde's baking attempts taste like nothing but pure soot covered in sugar and are so hard that I'm afraid that I'm gonna break my teeth or my jaw. Still I pretend that his cookies are the best thing I've ever eaten, because it's the cutest and nicest thing someone has ever done for me and I didn't want to hurt his feelings somehow. Gratefully we accept our bowl ramen and I'm really relieved that I don't have to continue to eat Cayde's burnt cookies, as mean as it sounds. We always shared a bowl together, it was one of our rituals by now, since I couldn't finish a whole potion on my own. It was nice. I curl my cold hands around the steaming hot bowl and take one slow sip of the stock with a sigh. It was spicy and mild, just the way I liked it. I smile in pleasure as the warm liquid starts to thaw me from the inside. It was still cold out here, although I was wearing Cayde's cloak and sitting on his lap. “You still like your ramen that way?”, he asks, twirling the noodles around his chopsticks. “It's lovely, Cayde...” I lean back and start to relax a little, while we continue feeding each other ramen and a sense of the familiar starts to come over me, warming me even more. He's oddly silent and I decide to prod a little. “So... No offence but I can't imagine you made the cookies yourself?”, I ask with a little grin, gesturing to his beautiful burnt cookies laying in my lap. Cayde looks away from me for a moment and scratches his head. “I … um... had  help.”, he confesses slowly, probably thankful that exos couldn't blush. “Zavala and Ikora.”, he adds and I can't help but laugh at his obvious embarrassment that the other vanguards helped him with the cookies. I admit, it probably wasn't the manliest thing to do, but it was quite endearing that he did this only for me. I giggle and edge closer to him, cup his chin in my hand and wipe away the grease of the ramen running down his mouth. His optics take a little and quick peek at my décolleté and that's enough to make me blush. Cayde's thumb gently tucks hair out of my face, behind my ear. The used and raw leather of his glove makes me gasp softly, as his thumb slips to my lips and he slowly leans in to me. His bright optics turn to dim slits and I can feel his hot breath tickling my lips, but somehow I panic when his face is close enough that his horn pokes my forehead - and so I panic. I press a quick kiss on his horn and pull down the hoodie over his face, before I jump off his lap. “Let's go play in the snow!”, I suggest, trying to change the awkward mood slightly. Cayde pulls back his hoodie and empties the bowl of ramen with a loud burp. What a man. “I know a nice place where we can play.”, he gives back, with a twinkle in his optics.
*** “Just like old times, huh?”, Cayde asks as we jump out of his ship right into the thick snow. “The Cosmodrome!”, I gasp in surprise and my eyes wander over the abandoned winter wonderland. The cold here literally takes my breath away. It had been so warm inside Cayde's ship, that I've totally forgotten about the weather outside and the fact that snow was actually cold, especially when you're just wearing a dress and boots. I guess this is what I get for dressing up sexy for Cayde and rejecting his attempts to kiss me. Good one, Karma. “Our own playground.”, he comments, wrapping his arms around my waist from behind and resting his chin on top of my head as we take in the view with mixed feelings. It's not our first visit, we've actually been here a few times before. I knew that he woke up here as guardian and many people died here in The Golden Age. All the rusty and left cars never fail to give me chills. The Cosmodrome was truly tragic. And beautiful. Tragically beautiful. “Are you alright, sweetheart?”, Cayde asks after a while, his voice sounds somehow concerned and his arms pull me in closer to his body. I turn around to face him and he looks down on me. I can feel his breath on my face, the heat of his body pressed on mine. I notice that I'm able to kiss him when I would be standing on my toes, but I'm too nervous. Cayde is my best friend, my crush. But still he somehow manages to make me feel so small and intimidated in the blink of an eye. An image of his warm hands wandering under my dress flashes my mind and I shiver, both with the cold and a little with anticipation, wondering what had gotten into me. I literally shake of the thought and smile at him. “I'm just freezing. Let's warm up. Snowball fight?” His optics move rapidly over my face and he takes a confident pose, crossing his arms. “You know I'm gonna kick your butt, right?”, he gives back, one of his optics winking at me. In my defense, I pull out my tongue at him in return. “Challenge accepted, old man.” I hear the sounds of Cayde's boots crunching in the snow and he tentatively takes my hand in his. I look up into his bright blue optics and he doesn't hesitate to pull me closer toward the Cosmodrome. Holding his hand seems like the most natural thing in the world, but this time it feels electric. Exciting. My hand feels so small in his big gloved hand. So small, but lost and found. Another imagine of those big gloved hands exploring every inch of my body flashes my mind. His strong arms holding his weight above me follows and I quickly push it away. Somehow shocked by the raw animal lust that seems to take over my sanity and reason. We walk past the rusty cars and I don't even notice how I squeeze his hand until he squeezes back softly. Suddenly I nearly slip and fall when I step on a piece of ice and cling to his hand. Cayde quickly grabs my waist until I regain my balance and watches me with amusement, as I squeal and struggle for his grip on the slippery ice. Gratefully I mouth a “thanks”, trying my best to keep walking without further incidents, when he all of a sudden let's go of my hand and runs away from me. “I'm gonna own you!”, he calls, turning to a car and grabbing a fistful of snow from the covered surface. I narrow my eyes and pull my tongue at him, quickly running away in the different direction where the snow was thicker and more cars afforded me cover and good places to hide. Failing to concentrate on my strategy to actually own him, I can't help but laugh at the tension between us. It's just the two of us. Cayde and me. All alone at the Cosmodrome. A snowball whizzed by my head, luckily missing me. It's followed by a shout of triumph from Cayde. Seems like he didn't mean to treat me like a queen anymore, so fine with me! I start to run into another direction, bend down to collect snow, trying to make it as difficult as possible for him to hit me. While running I scoop up some snow and throw it in his direction. Hit or miss. I laugh out loud, ducking for cover behind a car as he throws another quick snowball at me. His aim was terribly good, after all he was a hunter, but it harmlessly lands in the snow beside me. I take the chance and bend again, scoop up a handful of snow and shape it into a tight ball, before taking careful aim and throwing it full force at his chest. He's a distance away from me, but my snowball hits his body, exploding in a puff of snowflakes and leaving a white mark on his armor. Cayde narrows his optics at me and throws another snowball back. I quickly hide behind a tree, somehow avoiding most of it, but screaming with delight at our little war here. I'm already out of breath, not only from the cold, but also from running and screaming my lungs out. Chucking another snowball at him, Cayde is starting to run full tilt at me with a new snowball in his hand, shrugging off my pathetic attempt like it's nothing. Squealing I run away from him as quickly as my feet carry me over the snow, but his snowball hits me at the back of my neck though, making me shiver and squeal even more. I feel a frisson of excitement as I run, like I'm being pursued and I'm his prey. I duck behind a car to recover, bending over, hands on my knees to catch my breath for a second. I'm breathing really heavily by now and have snow halfway up my dress, feeling the melting cold dripping down my back. The sound of Cayde's boots crunching in the snow brings me back to reality and I, slightly recovered, pick up a handful of snow and warily glance around the car. Suddenly something hits my face hard and cold. My vision is getting blurry into a white stain. “Ouch! Cayde, you hit me!” “I hit you in a friendly way!” “In the face?” I wipe away the snow out of my eyes to try and see how close he was to me, when he straight ahead tackles me deep into the soft, powdery snow, safely catching our bodies. Cayde piles his full weight on me and a startled woah escapes his mouth. He's lying on top of me, his kneepads are pressed between my legs and his horn is gently poking my forehead. I expect him to get off me any second, but to my surprise, he doesn't move at all. His bright blue optics are looking deeply into my eyes, as his rapid breath is misting in the cold December air. Suddenly, I don't see the carefree manchild I used to hang out with before. This Cayde was a grown and strong man who had pinned me down in the snow. I was already out of breath but the nearness of him took the rest of it away. “You won, Cayde. Get off me.”, I surrender so half-heartedly that it makes him chuckle. “No. I'm not done with you yet, babe.”, he whispers and carefully leans down, gently covering my mouth with his own. His metallic lip-plates are as cold as ice, but as our heartbeats speed up, our lips start to thaw slightly. We deepen the kiss and my tongue explores the insides of his mouth, all hot and hard. Sadly my tongue can't find another tongue in his mouth to dance with, but it gladly continues exploring. I moan as we kiss, clasping his neck and pushing myself closer to him, so desperate to be nearer to his skin. My entire body is pulsing with my heartbeat and I can feel him pressing into me, arousing me even more. I moan his name and let him know that I want him as well. Cayde shifts up onto his elbows, letting some of the stored warm air between us escape into the cold air. There's an electric sensation as his gloved hand brushes the inside of my thighs. I can't help but gasp and arch my back when his hand wanders up to my panties. There's a steely glint in his optics as he smiles down to me and it once again never fails to amaze me how expressive exos could look. This was a different side of Cayde-6 that I've never seen before and it excites me... I need more of him. I want more of him. A sudden coldness strucks my thighs, when his gloved hands pull up my skirt over my hips very slightly. His optics seem to scan every inch of my exposed skin and save it as jpeg, before he unzips his pants. The sound of his zipper, a sound I've heard many times before in my life, startles me again and I push myself up onto my elbows. He quickly kisses me and his optics glow somehow earnestly at me. “Trust me. I got you.”, he whispers softly and continues to kiss me as he pushes me slowly back down into the snow. His hand slips back between our bodies again. I feel my panties being pushed aside and replaced with something hard and warm as he thrusts down into me with no forewarning. A jolt of electricity flows through me as I realize that Cayde actually intends to take me, right here, right now, at the Cosmodrome. “Cayde... fuck!”, I blurt out amazed and overwhelmed at the same time, arching my back and digging my nails into his shoulders. I can feel him sinking deeper into me with a grunt. “Yeah, fuck. That's exactly what we're going to do right now...Fuck.”, he groans back, burying his cold faceplate in the bend of my neck. I shiver at the sensation, as he thrusts up in me for the second time. My muscles stretch around him and I can feel every inch of his smooth and warm hardness as he moves inside of me. The snow allows no sound of anything else but my gasps, his moans and the rustle of my dress and his armor rubbing together. I move against him and clench my thighs around his waist, allowing him to sink deeper. It was a little tricky with the tiny gap in clothing that we allowed, but I can hear his breath accelerate as I pull him further into me. We start to move in a faster rhythm, every push in a soft grunt from him and every pull out a small moan from me. Cayde fits me so well, so perfectly, it's like our two bodies seem to melt together into one. I can feel every hair on my body stiffening and standing up as he moves in and out of me, causing an electric sensation over my entire body as his worn and dirty armor rubs against my new dress and lacey panties. Cayde's grunting by now, moving his hot lip-plates over mine and breathing into my mouth. His optics are shut and his body is visibly jerking and shaking a little, like he was trying to hold himself back. I grab his hoodie and pull him close to my face. “You feel so good, Cayde... Don't hold yourself back anymore. Let go.”, I whisper in his ear, before pressing a kiss on his horn. Cayde obeys and increases his speed and the strength of his thrusts. My muscles start to tremble, a light vibration from within that I've never felt with a man inside me before. Not that I had much experience, especially not with exos, but it didn't happen to me often that I ended up with my crush in the middle of nowhere in the snow where he fucked my brains out. After all it was someone special. It was Cayde. My Cayde. Not quite sure what's happening to me, but aware that pleasure and release must lie at the other end of it, I start to twist and struggle beneath his body pinning me down. “Caydie... I... just keep moving. Don't stop.”, I encourage the handsome robot, even though my brain can’t form a proper sentence anymore. Only a series of moans escape my mouth and I use my fingers to dig deeper into his shoulder and arms. My sharp nails leave half moons in the dark leather of his armor and Cayde speeds up, frenziedly like an animal. A surge of heat and inevitable slowness overcomes me and I lose my breath, as pure pleasure hits me like a wave and all of my muscles clench around Cayde. I can't tell if I make any sort of noise at all, or if I was hearable across the whole Cosmodrome. All I can concentrate on is Cayde inside and on top of me. Filling and surrounding me. My orgasm probably pushes him over the edge as well, because he suddenly comes too. His metallic features contorts and he growls loudly, as his body is getting stiff. He doesn’t give up yet and keeps thrusting into me a couple more times, before he empties himself inside me and collapses on top of me, still careful that his horn doesn't hit my face or head. Our heavy panting unites. “I hate to say this but... this Dawning is not so bad....”, he confesses with a tired smirk forming his lip-plates. I want more of Cayde. Want to rip off his armor, stroke my hands up and down his constructed body, dig my nails into his shoulders, scratch over the surface of his back and leave silver lines in the metallic blue paintwork, but mostly... I wanted to do that to him inside at home.
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