#and prompt repairs
just-spectrum · 5 months
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stealingyourbones · 23 days
Tucker was his way to meet up with his friends at Nasty Burger at sundown when a massive BOOM! was heard above him. Expecting a ghost he whips around with a fenton lipstick at the ready…
That isn’t a Natural Portal.
Whatever it was, it was some sort of portal, The blinding white lined wormhole was undulating 10ft above the ground. Tucker couldn’t even get a good look at it as its event horizon was like staring at the sun.
Tucker shielded his eyes but kept his weapon pointed at the wormhole looking thing.
Then a part of the event horizon dimmed as it was blocked by a human shaped figure. It took mere moments for Tuckers’ awe to transform from “holy shit someones coming through” to “OH SHIT!” as the figure promptly fell 10 feet from the entrance of the portal to the cold hard cement sidewalk like a bag of rocks.
Tucker creeped toward the figure in awe, barely even noticing the wormhole close above him. The man unconscious at his feet was an absolute tank of a man. Maybe not just metaphorically a tank either, metal cybernetic parts covering so much of his body were a gleaming silver chrome, the light reflecting off of the parts made his dark skin seem to glow.
Tucker’s fascination and awe stuttered when he noticed the injuries. One of the man’s mechanical legs looked like it was put through a woodchipper. The torn metal and ripped wires reminiscent of old train steam boiler explosions, the twisting and melded wires near hypnotic to look at. His torso and head wasn’t doing good either. A good chunk of the cyborg’s paneling was either dented or torn off and half of his cybernetic face had a bite taken out of it. Some holes deep into the intricate cybernetics below leaked a dark oil. Not only was that concerning, ever since his fall he hadn’t opened his eyes or moved.
Tucker shakily put two fingers to the neck of the man. A wet shaky laugh escaped his throat when he felt the cyborg’s pulse. With hands equally as shaky, he grabbed his iDalv 3 from his pocket and called Danny.
A tired yet happy voice was heard over the line, the background ambience of beeping fryer alarms and background chatter feeling jarring to the sounds of oil dripping from the cyborgs injuries and the quietness of the night.
“Hey Tuck, What’s up?”
“I- There’s a wounded cyborg man-”
Danny’s tone switched from jovial to serious “A what now?”
“I don’t think I can explain it over the phone. I’ll send you my location. This is all together ooky man.”
“On it.”
The tri tonal beep of the call ending was momentary before the soft dripping and crickets was all Tucker could hear. The crumpled man showed no signs of waking.
Tucker can’t help with the human part, but he sure as hell can fix the mechanical parts.
All he hopes is that the mystery cyborg man can explain what’s going on when he wakes.
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puppetmaster13u · 30 days
Prompt 345
Let it be known that none of them actually expected the idiots’ of the week’s ritual to work. The summoning hadn’t worked for literal centuries- everyone knew it had been sealed away, presumably forever!
(Of course they had no way to know that in the Infinite Realms actually used the term forever as a measurement of time, what with how time itself wasn’t particularly linear within. And to beings that could hypothetically live for eternity? Forever was a nice vacation time really) 
So maybe they hadn’t been exactly focused on stopping the ritual as much as they could of been, and by the time they realized it was working, well, it’d been a bit too late then. So yes, mistakes had perhaps in fact, been made. 
First had come the chill, the cold of the ground as your body was lowered down, the cold of your blood dripping from your living corpse. Then came the shadows, the darkness creeping along their vision as their soul slipped from their body. Followed by boiling heat, flames scorching through their flesh and tearing from their chests like a blade piercing their hearts. 
The form that emerged was massive, a cloak dripping crimson fluttering in the wind of an unseen battlefield, verdant flames licking at the air and causing the surrounding shadows to writhe. A dark growl echoed through the building, the stone below them shaking while deathly green eyes glowered down at the living with utter contempt. 
“Do any of you imbeciles know how long it takes to get ghostlings to sleep-” 
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Batman: You need a new costume. That one provides no protection.
Danny: oh I cant.
Batman: You won’t owe me for it.
Danny: no I literally cant. Like if i remove it it just returns.
Batman:………. Explain.
Danny: look *takes off glove and explodes it into pieces*
*glove reforms on his hand*
Danny: see? Can’t get rid of it. It’ll just heal itself.
Batfam: …
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darlingshane · 9 months
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Jon Bernthal's booty.
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the-witchhunter · 7 months
DP x DC ramble: Types of power
Now, in this particular fandom, there’s a tendency to make an OP Danny
That’s a neutral statement, a lot of people just happen to like and post OP Danny
For the most part, not my taste but it can be fun in some contexts, but overpowered Danny isn’t my default
Now, Danny is physically strong. His abilities are combat focused and he can hold his own in a fight. He probably has a little less physical strength than you’d think since he uses gravity nullification to lift heavy things, but it’s impressive regardless. He has a goodly variety of offensive and defensive abilities that make him formidable is a fight
But the strongest characters in DC aren’t necessarily strong in that way
Superman is physically very strong, incredibly powerful, but he’s still nowhere near the level of the actual strongest characters, because their power is a very different type
Like I’m talking reality manipulation, omniscience, abilities that involve power over people’s very souls (and a ghost is a human soul) and where they end up. Psychopomps and some much more. I’m talking about beings that can mold the flesh of humans to remove something like a cancer and repair damage with barely a thought
And they’re mainly held in check by rules, mostly just being polite, sometimes Divine laws
This is a type of power Danny is not equipped to handle
It’s a very different game than Danny is playing. He can physically throw down, he might have an army if it’s Ghost King AU, but this is “can kill you with a literal snap and the snap is just for dramatic effect” territory
Danny is playing high school American football, these characters are playing Professional soccer aka what every other country calls football
It’s a very different game, and if he’s trying to play with them, he’s going to struggle
And that’s fine, he can still be OP and not be playing on the same field as Lucifer, or the Spectre, or various demon lords and so on, because it’s a different kind of power
But just arbitrarily saying he’s more powerful really undersells why they are powerful. Being able to punch good is not the same as a character that can just send him to the afterlife. Someone being able to reshape Danny’s body at their will isn’t going to be concerned about his ecto blasts
A Tuna is a big fish, but the ocean is VAST and DEEP
All this to say you’d have to drastically alter Danny’s actual power set to make him able to compete, otherwise you’re just de-powering the actual strongest characters, which is less impressive since it missed the point of WHY they were strong
Just because you can solve a sheet of math problems doesn’t mean you’re going to be able to ace a three page essay on the poetry of Keats
This has been my thoughts on the matter, be sure to grab a souvenir from the gift shop
Also just going to sneak this in:
Danny should probably be more concerned about magic users
Magic clearly can affect him, just look at the Freak Show incident from season one, that’s not even getting into the reality gauntlet. Now add in the fact that there’s a variety of magic items/artifacts in DC and a slew other of magic uses and occultists that can summon and bind ghosts, spirits, and demons to do their bidding
Danny is firmly in the category of beings that magic specifically deals with, he should probably be a bit more concerned about magic users
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hypewinter · 1 year
Danny is an antique shop owner. He also does repairs. One day, a customer comes in wanting to repair a watch for his friend. But the way he speaks makes the shop owner believe this man is much more than a "friend". So in addition to repairing the watch, he adds in a little shield mechanism.
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nelkcats · 2 years
Double Trouble
During a convention in Gotham, the Fentons brought the rebuilt Fenton Ghost Catcher, they were extremely proud of their invention and were going to catch as many ghosts as possible at their paranormal convention.
But as is normal in Gotham, a rogue attacked. Croc personally wasn't too interested in what was going on there but he was paid by some others to cause a distraction while some villains robbed the place and extra money was always great.
From the looks of it, the news that the Fentons were coming to Gotham were public. The Fentons were known as very reclusive weapon makers with peculiar interests. Their inventions sold very well, and were extremely dangerous so Peguin assumed that even if they were destined for "ghosts" they would work perfectly fine with bats.
Jason already knew that the two weapon inventors were in the city, the Bat was too paranoid not to know, but the Fentons never showed that they wanted to cause harm so when Croc attacked Red Hood was guarding the place.
The problem was that during the battle he was pushed into the Ghost Catcher and separated into two halves. One looked like the normal him but more ghostly? while the other was more lively and energetic. The second one looked like a bigger version of what Robin would have been without his death. Of course, the invention blew up right after that, and the Fentons looked sad.
Danny scrambled to hide both Jason before his parents noticed, motioning for him to be quiet as he watched the villains make off with the anti-ghost weapons. He knew the convention would turned into a mess since the beginning.
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Danny, Jazz, and their parents all go to Gotham for some reason, most likely something sciencey or related to Jazz and college, IDC.
(Danny has only been in Gotham for a single afternoon and he’s already had 4 people attempt to mug him, almost been run over, and walked through what he’s pretty sure was a gang fight. But the weirdest thing that had to have happened to him so far has been the multiple random people keep giving him weird looks and asking if he’s okay way to often for Gotham don’t-trust-people City. It must be his Fenton luck.)
After all the randomness Gotham throws at Danny he like most teenagers exhausted and hungry late at night goes to get fast food. He walks into Batburger (it’s a Gotham staple he wants to know how it compares to the Nasty Burger) and the cashier stares at Danny as he orders like 12 peoples worth of food for him and Jazz.
The cashier, a literal midnight shift customer service worker asks Danny if he’s okay. Danny even more annoyed about people asking that just let’s out an exaggerated sigh and says something about being “just tired and hungry.” The cashier, who is not paid enough for this drops it, rings Danny up, and gives him an order number.
Danny’s order takes a while so he just leans on a wall and surfs the web, maybe messages Jazz or Sam and Tucker. Just vibes, leaning on the Batburger wall.
Eventually some of the bats shows up mid patrol to get something to eat and all pause in the doorway. Causing Danny to look up from his phone and see all of them looking right at him. Danny an annoyed teenager just asks them what they’re looking at.
One of them breaking out of the awkwardness asks Danny if he’s okay. Danny who’s been asked that 15+ times in the last 45 minutes just yells “Why do people keep asking me that?!?”
One of the bats responds with something like “… because you have a knife in your stomach.”
Danny looks down and sees that yes he does have a knife in him and just didn’t notice it. His only response is something along the lines of “Oh, I liked this hoodie.”
The bats are thinking this kids in shock or something and Danny’s just thinking that now he has a free knife because he’ll be healed in a day or so at most.
Danny’s order number gets called, he gets his food, and he just walks away ghosting the concerned bats.
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raayllum · 3 months
AU kicking around in my head for s4 where everything up until ezran's speech is canon but the plot never kicks in, so we just have awkward rayllum adjusting to their stuff in the castle
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robo-dino-puppy · 1 year
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...that's a long way down!
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Don’t let your (Human!!!) Mechanic make Mixtapes
Writing Prompt: A pirate ship boards, the human crewmate uses the coms to blast music trough the ship as a terror tactic.
Prompt Source: user fire-sword; subreddit Humans Are Space Orcs
The Captain had listened to this remix exactly once in its entirety and labeled it a terroristic weapon of mass morale destruction before locking it in a drawer.
To be honest, the human crewmate was perhaps a touch more thrilled than she strictly should have been to be given permission to actually use it.
It was horror-rock, falling into that delightful "creep" tune category with synthetic violins that wailed between high and low notes and a bass strumming heartbeat that artificially raised the pulse rate of the listening parties. Aliens... well, she'd found out aliens responded to that unconscious cue WAY more than humans did.
The fact that she knew every beat and bounce and hitch of it, well, that was where the morale destruction came in.
The pirates had boarded in a specific hallway- and they had been subtly guided to this door for a reason.
It was the maintenance crew hallway. The entire floor had holes big enough to reach through or climb through, and the human crewmate? She fit through them, being lanky, tall, and double-jointed. The ceiling had the same grates on either side of the walkway, to allow for access when the gravity was turned off, making it a catwalk surrounded by bolt holes.
The voice was soft at first- only someone who knew the song would know the words. But Human Jazz played them out perfectly to make the Pirates regret ever trying to raid this ship.
The first set of verses were about "burying" something, and every time it said "buried it" Jazz dropped uninterrupted from the ceiling to the floor. Just at the edge of vision, without touching the holes or making a sound, timing her catch of the bars below to the thump of the drum.
And once they were good and spooked, on edge...
She added her voice to the ship speakers, a roar that made the walkway vibrate under their feet for the chorus.
Screaming from above and plasma lighting up the walls told her it was working.
What a shame for them- the pursuit would continue until morale improved. Her morale, or course. All that light would make this more troublesome until it cooled.
The next verse was about what had been buried coming back to bury the singer- it was time to change tactics anyway.
Now her hands reached up through the tiny holes and grates throughout the verse, grabbing and yanking on legs, tentacles, weapon barrels, whatever was in reach, heedless of the burns she was getting or the catch of nails on fabric and skin. Her fake-claw nails were just acrylics, she'd replace them after this, and some bloodstains from a ripped cuticle or two would really sell the idea that something dead and gross was trying to get at them on top of the “detached fingertips”.
As they were coming up on the second chorus, she pulled both hands back down and put them on a panel instead, directing one of the repair-bots with their dozens of arms to dance to the tune, the lyrics printed on it's glowing screen that loomed up out of the dark.
She already knew what she was going to do with the bridge- it talked about disease and parasites, so she was going to yank body parts under the grate and "bite" them with needles full of weak general anesthetics from the first aid kit. She didn't need to actually like, poison or paralyze them, the imagery from the song would make their minds do that for her.
Except-- the thunder of movement, out of sync with the music, headed back up the catwalk at an honestly dizzying speed, and suddenly it was absolutely quiet except her, the repairbot who had now started the fix the plasma damage to the walls, and the music on the ship speakers.
Poking her head up from the nearest access hole, the pirates were gone- with the exception of one, who'd been hog-tied with their own tentacles and blinded with their Captain's hat. Left as a sacrificial offering to the monster for leading their crew into a deathtrap, probably. Well, Jazz didn't want them to think they were too hasty and come back...
She bared all her teeth in the widest, meanest grin, including her sharper-than-normal canines, and whipped the pirate's hat off, the light of the repairbot's torch illuminating her from behind in only brief flashes.
"Buried what I thought would die, don't got no alibi, I buried it," she sang at the alien's horrified face, "I FUCKING BURIED IT!"
The pirate's scream was a noise she couldn't have replicated in a million years. Yeah, driving it home was a good idea.
"RUN! AWAY! RUN FOR YOUR LIFE, THE MONSTER'S ALREADY INSIDE! THOUGHT IT WAS DEAD! AND GONE! BUT I WAS SO WRONG cuz it had been so long and life went on thought it was done I never thought I'd live to see THE DEAD WALK!"
"I still don't think you needed to render the enemy so terrified they entered an involuntary coma state," the Captain scowled at the human crewmate, who was slung sideways in her work chair. Again.
"It's not like I knew their species can even DO that, Cap! Besides, it was a bloodless battle that successfully repelled the enemy, right? And we haven't been bothered by pirates in that entire sector since!"
The Captain squinted angrily with all their eyes.
"We're a terror-tale in that sector now," they replied flatly.
"Wait, shit, did I accidentally Flying Dutchman our ship?! Aw fuck, Captain, I’m sorry."
The Captain sighed- finally, she understood the gravity of the iss--
"If I'd known that was gonna happen I'd have picked a better song! Dead Walk is kinda underground, how are other ships supposed to lean on the legend with an obscure Earth song?"
The Captain gave up and left to go drink their 400-year old heirloom spirits. They had never worried they were going to be the Onelle to finish off the 'drink in case of headache-inducing disaster' bottle but it looked more likely by the day.
Song: Dead Walk by RedHook Note: the remix featured here doesn't actually exist because I can't make it. Will update and link if that ever changes!
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puppetmaster13u · 8 months
Prompt 183
There’s a loud snarling noise outside the window. 
Not that Jazz is concerned. She’s just also trying to study for med school and would appreciate some quiet. And preferred her brother not contracting rabies whenever he tried to square off with the local rogue or three who tried to use the alley. 
As he had put it, it was his alley, he’d claimed it for tinkering. Though perhaps she should maybe ask him to quiet down on his insisted territorialism, even if she understood it. She would also probably maul someone if they tried to enter their apartment flat. It came with the territory of being ecto contaminated, or as the rest of them were now calling it, with being a liminal. 
Once the more draconic aspects started to emerge well, one wasn’t just contaminated anymore after all. Hence the whole school-worth of them leaving Amity while all their parents waged war against the guys in white. Last she heard it was going well. 
Which meant she could focus on her studies as soon as- okay it wouldn’t be quiet, it seems the rest of the kids joined in on mauling the poor idiot who tried to steal their things from the alley. Damn…
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rjalker · 1 year
Anyways disabled robot rights. Anthroids who were created by Totally Not Apple™ that start abruptly losing functionality in their systems after a few years because of in-built obsolescence and frantically scrambling to find someone who can jailbreak and repair them, which is literally a crime because "that's proprietary technology and if you even think about messing with it we'll sue your pants off" and shit like that
And they can't risk going to a TNA (Totally Not Apple) center for repair either, because then they'd just be summarily declared Out of Service and lose what little rights they may have to begin with and promptly be murdered so TNA can reuse their batteries and anything else that's salvageable.
Even if you miraculously manage to avoid the planned obsolescence issue, there's still the tiny little problem of...technology evolving, and outstripping you in a matter of years. Sooner than later, you won't be able to find replacement parts for your systems, and the longer you live, the more difficult, if not outright impossible, this task becomes.
You either have to build an entirely new body and transfer yourself into it, and keep doing this every time the problem happens again, or learn how to reverse engineer the parts you need and create them yourself.
And what if you're made of a certain type of material that can only be manufactured on a single planet? What if that resource dries up?
What if you just straight up cannot afford to buy replacement parts even if they do exist, or even if you've got the money, they're half the star system away, and there's a ban on interplanetary trading?
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pluralprompts · 8 months
Prompt #1,354
Headmate A repairs something for Headmate B while talking internally with them.
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twothpaste · 9 months
i've never vibed with fanon claus. i kinda had to disconnect from all the popular interpretations that've been floating around the fandom for ages, before i could start to really appreciate the character. (to be clear, i'm not on about any particular folks who make fan content - i mean fanon as in the amorphous mass of trends i've seen in the fandom space over the years. i've spent many seasons out here in the mother 3 mines 🫠.) i get that as players we don't spend a lotta time with claus, and that his character leaves a lot up to interpretation. m3's writing kinda begs you to fill in the blanks yourself. but i feel like a lotta fanon perceptions of claus are, like?? re-constructed out of unrelated tropes, instead of bein' built from what we do see in the game. he'll be an edgy "insane" villain, or a dark broody antihero, or a grumpy standoffish grouch. far cries imo from the chipper kid we meet, or the harrowing husk he becomes, or the apologetic & hopeful & brimming-with-love last words he utters once he's returned to his senses. not necessarily "mischaracterization" i guess, since there's all those gaps to fill in with the masked man, and it's anyone's guess what he'd be like if he had survived. just not really to my personal taste, if he comes off like an unrecognizably different character.
what i do think is a misstep though is whenever he's rendered permanently, irreparably miserable. mother 3's whole deal is about trauma survivors finding love & hope & joy in the world despite it all. growing up through horrific circumstances without giving up on your inner child. imo it'd be kind of a disservice to the story's meaning, for claus to come back a forever broken shell of his former self. or for his death to be necessary because it was just tooooo impossible for anyone to live with that kind of damage (another reason i think he had to have been "dead all along" 😶). a bummer of a message all its own.
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