#and roy is explaining why people make that assumption
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.... Roy, you're supposed to be explaining why people think Connor's gay, not why they think you're gay.
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thetarttfuldickhead · 4 months
There was this post a little while back suggesting that Beard gets kicked out by Jane and moves in with Higgins and that’s very narratively satisfying and right, given that Leslie’s the one person daring to tell Beard that his relationship with Jane isn’t, you know, great. However, I’m a Roy & Jamie girl at heart, so I couldn’t help but wonder what would happen if Beard instead moved in with his fellow fan of few words, ie one Roy Kent.
Say, for instance, that Roy and Jamie are fucking/dating/what have you and Jamie gets it into his pretty, silly head that they can somehow hide the fact from Beard. Roy tells him stop being an idiot, of course he’s going to know if he’s staying here, only way to keep it from him if you keep away until he finds another place to live, and fuck no, I’m not moving in with you, how the fuck would I explain that, and anyway your fucking headboard would give me a migraine.
Well, Jamie says mulishly, I’m not staying away.
Fine, Roy says, secretly a little relieved. So he’ll know. Big fucking deal.
And in this version of events Roy really is cool with it, because it has to come out sooner or later and he’s not ashamed and it’s not like Beard’s gonna say anything (Roy may or may not be mistaken in this assumption), and anyway, he’s Roy Kent, he does whatever the hell he wants, okay. Only Jamie doesn’t accept that, because he has this strong and somewhat misguided notion that he needs to defend Roy’s honour by not letting anyone suspect he’s fucking his player. So Jamie starts making up increasingly absurd excuses as to why he should show up at Roy’s place like having some work done at my house and Roy was concerned I’d be breathing in poisonous fumes, yeah, so he said I had to come over here and um, Coach, I think I strained my calf today, could you maybe take a look here in the bedroom ‘cause my back hurts too and I need to lay down and yeah, Beard’s eyebrows are not as psychotic as Roy’s but they certainly climb and climb and climb. Later in the evening he just glances at Roy, so, you and Jamie, huh? And Roy shrugs, unconcerned, yeah, and pours himself another cup of tea. He doesn’t tell Jamie that they’ve been made, though; it’s still kind of fun watching the muppet make a fool of himself. Besides, the idea of their encounters being particularly illicit seems to really get Jamie going, so.
Alternatively, Jamie agrees to stay away, and then proceeds to do everything in his power to set Beard up with someone else so that Beard can be happy and move in with his new friend and Jamie can go back to shagging his grumpy old boyfriend all over the house. The attempts are predictably absurd, but also oddly sweet (‘cause Jamie wants the relationship to last, right, so that Beard doesn’t come knocking on Roy’s door again anytime soon, so obviously he needs to find someone properly nice, but it’s hard for him to figure what nice means to someone as odd as Beard).
(These two scenarios work if Keeley’s part of the mix, too, btw. She can either join in Jamie’s antics because she’s a weird girl at heart, or she can be the voice of reason if a voice of reason is what gets you going.)
Or say that Roy and Jamie really are just friends (for the moment, at least) and it’s Roy that gets a little nervous about Beard realizing just how close they are. Like, he’s reluctantly cool with everyone knowing that Jaime is his favourite player (though of course he’d deny it if someone dared say it to his face) or them knowing that Roy spends stupid amounts of time torturing training Jamie, but he’s not quite comfortable having people know that they also just… hang out. That Roy cooks Jamie dinner. Leaves Phoebe with him when Roy’s busy with a coaching crisis. That they watch stupid shit on the telly together, and that Roy doesn’t complain (much) when Jamie curls up to him like a cat. That stuff’s private, all right? So he stops having Jamie over, starts brushing him off, and at first Jamie’s undeterred because if he let Roy’s grumpiness get to him he’d never not be gotten to, but Roy persists and Jamie starts to wilt, hurt and confused. In the end, Beard – wise, all-seeing Beard – fixes Roy with one long stare and notes that there’s nothing wrong with having a friend, Coach. Plenty wrong with being shit to the ones you’ve got, though, and Roy doesn’t even yell fuck he just stands there, stony like, until he jerks a short nod and stalks off to make things up to Jamie.
Anyway, the idea of Beard bearing witness to Roy and/or Jamie being particularly ridiculous about each other is very funny, to me.
(I tried to hunt down that original post because even though I didn’t want to add to it and derail OP’s poignant take with my Roy & Jamie obsession, I still want to credit them for the original idea. Couldn’t find it, however, but please give me a shout if you have a link. Aha! @coachbeards is the original galaxy brain!)
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agirlwholuvssports · 5 months
I’ve never seen Succession but I keep seeing comparisons to the Strolls, can you explain why?
(i’ve never watched a full episode of succession but bare with me since i do understand some of what’s happening)
succession is a show about a very wealthy family like the strolls. the father, logan roy, is old and family members want to run the company when he retires or even dies.
this comparison is quite weak to the strolls because from what i’ve seen, logan roy is not a good father like lawrence (he’s also got four kids where lawrence only has two). logan constantly pits his kids against each other and due to his harsh treatment, his children are assholes.
chloe and lance have very different interests while the roy children in succession have one desire and that’s to take over his company. they willingly tear each other apart for his company and to please him. it’s really messy.
that’s why the comparison doesn’t work. lance and chloe do not have similar interests or are looking to tear each other down and lawrence loves his children a lot. you can see from the way they’ve turned out (idk about both of them since they’re questionable people). but in general, they’re not openly assholes, rash, etc. sure people can say things, but those people who do say negative things about usually lance, are lance haters.
when people do meet lance, i usually hear about how he’s shy, slightly awkward and nice. positive things. unlike the media who completely paint him out as a villain. people can make assumptions about him and write articles about him but you can only know once you’ve met him.
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itsclydebitches · 1 year
Ted lasso ask: Was Isaac avoiding Colin because of internalized homophobia, or bc he was upset he never told him, or was it a bit of both? Did Isaac attack the fan bc he was offended by what he said or to 'defend colin's honor'?
Ted Lasso ask woo!
Personally, I think it's an "All of the above" situation. In one of my previous posts I remember catching a tag arguing that Isaac isn't experiencing internalized homophobia, presumably because he himself is not gay and yeah, that's an understandable push-back considering that a) he's not out in the show and b) I never bothered to explain there my own thoughts on the possibility. The tl;dr of that is, "I think you can make a case for Isaac being queer based on his relationship with Colin, his intense reaction to realizing a teammate is gay, the potentially defensive nature of the anti-gay/'I'm totally straight, bro' jokes he makes - which, remember, Colin himself participated in as a kind of cover, raising the possibility that others are doing the same - and the reminder from Beard that more people in the locker room are queer than the three the audience knows about: Colin, Trent, and Will."
But to keep things simple here, let's just settle on, "Isaac has been homophobic." Whether it's internalized as he grapples with his own sexuality or not, Isaac has exhibited homophobic behavior in the past and, of course, after Colin's outing. It's not "Your conservative uncle spewing slurs and issuing death threats" homophobic, but just because there's a range in how homophobia presents doesn't mean it's not, you know, still homophobia. So that's something Isaac needed to deal with last episode. He's spent years making comments based in homophobia ("It's a little gay, isn't it?") and making assumptions about others presumed straightness (why in the world would Colin want privacy to delete those photos?), so when he's suddenly faced with the fact that someone he cares about is gay... he needs time to process that. Trent hit the nail on the head with his "give him a minute" line because not only do people need time when their worldview suddenly shifts like that, but it's a rare and joyous case where they react to that change solely with open-minded positivity. In Isaac's case, he used avoidance and anger as shields until he could come to terms with that change, significantly with Roy's help.
When Isaac says that he's upset that Colin didn't tell him I don't think he's lying... but I also don't think that's the entire truth. If this was only about Colin's trust in him then Isaac would have led with that from the get-go: seconds after he's taken Colin's phone it's, 'You're gay? Awesome! But man, why didn't you tell me? :( ' That obviously didn't happen. Trust is undoubtedly a part of Isaac's complicated feelings, but I think that only occurred to him after he'd come to terms with Colin being gay in the first place. Isaac had to accept that change in his worldview as well as this change in his perception of Colin and then, once he was in a place of, 'Yeah, yeah, Colin is my friend and teammate, of COURSE I accept him' he's able to go, ]Wait... why didn't he tell me??' and that anger becomes the next shield. By and large, people struggle to admit to their mistakes and they really struggle to admit to something as hurtful as, 'My homophobia was so deeply ingrained that unfortunately there was a moment where I wasn't sure I could get past that.' Once Isaac DOES get past it and it becomes unthinkable to him that he would have ever rejected Colin over something like who he's attracted to... it becomes that much harder to remember/acknowledge that, for an undetermined length of time, Isaac did exactly that. Don't talk to me (ignoring direct peace offerings). Don't touch me (removing his hand from under Colin's in the team pile-up). You're an easy target for my frustrations now that I know how freakish you are (screaming at Colin during the match). Isaac's homophobia was deep enough that it made him incredibly cruel for a time, so when he grows out of that of course he's going to struggle to admit precisely how cruel he was. So he doesn't. Isaac apologizes, but it's still deflected with this not-entirely-accurate justification of, 'I was mad you never told me.' Which doesn't make Isaac a bad person, it just makes him a person, period, with flaws and contradictions and the chance to improve.
All of which I think applies to the attack on the fan. Why does Isaac lash out like that?
Because he's still overcoming all the homophobia he's learned and he sees an accusation of being gay as the ultimate insult to his team
Because he may be struggling with his sexuality himself, so an accusation directed at him is even worse. It's not just that it may touch a nerve, but that anger is the only way to protect himself here: become enraged so that everyone watching - teammates, coaches, fans, the press, the world - knows that you're DEFINITELY not gay. That's unthinkable. That's impossible. That's worthy of an attack because to brush it off would be to implicitly suggest that being gay is okay and that's just one step from admitting that maybe you ARE gay. The fact that Isaac's dialogue is centered around, "What did you call me?" is one of the reasons why I personally read him as closeted/potentially not having questioned his own sexuality yet.
Because it wasn't actually a 'You're gay' accusation but a slur hurled by someone who is (presumably) not a part of the community and therefore has no right to reclaim it.
Because even while he struggles to accept Colin, Isaac still loves Colin so yes, there's that element of defending his honor.
Because his anger is reaching a tipping point and this attack - perfectly tailored to push the very buttons he's trying and failing to ignore - is what causes it to boil over.
So Isaac is complicated (because he's a well-written character!) and thus for me it's "All of the above." Personally, I LOVE that the episode's final scene didn't have Isaac suddenly being a Perfect Ally now. Not only is he asking a ton of questions that, while understandable, would make a lot of queer people uncomfortable af, especially given that they highlight Isaac's continuing biases (Colin is a very good friend for giving him the nonjudgmental space to ask all that), but he's also unable to say "I love you." What exactly does that mean? Perhaps that Isaac's residual homophobia won't let him say that to a man, especially a man he now knows is gay. Perhaps that the toxic masculinity he's grown up around - which is intimately tied to the homophobia - won't let him say it as a man, a black man, a man in a position of authority (note that Isaac is not there when the others scream Sam's, "I love you guys so very much!"). Perhaps it means that there is an element of internalized homophobia and Isaac can't say that to any man yet, let alone one he might be attracted to. Perhaps it's, again, all of the above. It's up to interpretation, but the takeaways is that of course Isaac loves Colin - he's eager to ensure Colin knows that in his own way - but the environment he's grown up in and his own personal struggles won't let him say the words yet. That's okay. Colin recognizes that it's okay, just gently pointing out that Isaac can't say it and silently encouraging him to continue working on that, regardless of what reason - or reasons - it's difficult in the first place.
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dumpsterlmao · 2 years
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and, cut! - ruggie bucchi
summary - vil is in need of two people for a cutscene on his film. rook just so happens to know the right people that vil is searching for.
genre - fluff
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vil reads the sentence on the script that he had been assigned with. "a scene where it showcases lovers chase each other around in the coutrtyard?" he mumbles the words on the paper. he continues to read the whole script to understand the whole thing, and maybe grasp a thing or two from the details. "rook." he called over the vice housewarden.
rook had immediately appeared the second he heard his name being called. "why, now if it isn't roi du poison who has called upon my presence." he walks up towards vil. "what is it that you are in need of?" he asks him. "if by any chance, do you happen to know anyone in the campus who has a romantic liking towards each other?"
rook lets out a hum while thinking of an answer. "well, that is such not a common thing that you would encounter in the campus." rook was new to that kind of topic. "but worry not, roi du poison. as it appears that i have someone in mind who matches with what you are in search for." rook tells vil. "and whoever could those people be?" he asks rook, demanding for an answer.
he lets out a loud laugh before even answering vil's question. "once i am about to give you the answer, you will be sure left into shock." vil gives him a look where he didn't care who those people were as long as he could find the right people for the scene. "i doubt i would be. seeing as it's not surprising at all to know some kind of information." he tells rook.
"the people i suggest you look into are mosnieur dandelion and the trickster prefect, mc!" vil had now finally gotten his answer. he lets out a nod after he got what he needed. "i only require a short cutscene from those two. any people shall do." rook happily smiles at his response. "very well then! magnefique!" rook reacted. vil went back to reading the script until rook wanted to tell him something.
"might i suggest to add something onto this cutscene, you speak of?" he asks for vil's approval to let him hear about his idea even though he isn't part of the club. "i have come to a guess that you want to be involved within the two since you are so curious about their dynamics." vil makes up an assumption to him.
"oh, no! i'd never allow myself to cause a scene between them." rook shook his head. "it is because ruggie and mc have an unusual way of approaching each other. and i shall have to fix that, so everything would turn out magnefique!" he explains. vil nodded as he agreed to hear from his idea. "let me hear from you." he tells rook as he now finally began to share his idea with him.
ruggie was whistling through his mouth while making his way to the cafeteria. leona couldn't be with him at this time since he was still in his nap. he decided to go alone and fetch food for him on his way there. then he was stopped by a tall figure infront of him.
"bonjour, monsieur dandelion! what a happy coincidence to see you here around this area." ruggie gave a deadpanned look towards rook. he was unsure with why he suddenly approached him. "i don't know what you want from me rook, but do you mind making it quick? i'm dead hungry right now." he said.
"ah, it seems that you have been famished from all the tiring lessons! i apologize. i'll be quick with my explaining." ruggie nods as he lets him continue. "the cafeteria is crowded up with so many people because of a famous food brand that made it's arrival here." rook says. "well, that's expected. what's wrong with that?" ruggie wondered with confusion on his voice.
but before rook could continue with his explaining, he lets out the most dramatic sigh. "i saw the trickster mc and their monsieur fuzzball take the last stock of the food." ruggie's eyes suddenly widened. he lets out a gasp. "what?! mc said they would treat me to that food, and this is what they do?!" rook's plan had already work. he lets out a smile as he realizes it.
"i know that feeling, monsieur dandelion. having someone to not keep your promise is truly the same with the feeling of being stabbed in the heart." rook does another one of his dramatic antics once again. "they really did tricked me with their two-faced personality. hm, i'll make them regret it." ruggie was already mad at you for doing such a thing. he then makes his way to the cafeteria to approach you and grim. rook told the fellow cameramen behind him to follow so that they would record the planned scene.
you had already bought the food that you promised to give to ruggie. grim was upset that you didn't buy one for him. "so you could buy those jock guys food, but not me?" he says. you rolled your eyes to his reaction. "you have those canned tunas back at the dorm. why worry about this?" you asked grim who was still upset about the situation. then you came to see ruggie approaching you.
"hey ruggie-" he harshly grabbed the food in your hands. you were shocked that he didn't use his magic onto you. "i see where this is going, mc." you were stunned to speak as you heard that sentence. "you chose to throw your promise away? you think i'm dumb enough to forget about that? well you're wrong, mc." you didn't know what lead to ruggie acting like this. you looked at him with confusion. "ruggie, give that food back. i don't know what you're talking about, but please give it back-" he starts to yank your hand away from him as he took a step backward.
"since you lied and scammed me into thinking you'd treat me this food, i'll have to steal it from you." grim gasped at his words. "are you out of your mind?!" he yells. "i'm not. i'm just doing what's fair." he lets out a grin before laughing. you began to groan from frustration towards ruggie. "ruggie, you are seriously stressing me out here. give me that food-"
as you attempted to grab the bag of food off his hands, he began to run away in just a dash. "ARE YOU KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW?!" you stomped on your feet as you yelled. you started to chase down ruggie to clear up something with him.
"wait, i wanna go too!" you threw grim off the moment he stood in your way. "stay there with ace, deuce, and epel. you're just gonna worsen the problem even more." you told him then you started to run off to find ruggie.
you saw ruggie heading downstairs with the bag of food that was still in his hands. you began to sprint your way downstairs as well, hoping that you'd catch him in just a matter of time. "RUGGIE, GIVE IT BACK NOW!" you raised your voice so he could hear it.
"nope, you're facing the consequences." you gritted your teeth as you heard his response. ruggie made his way to the courtyard and ran to a spot where you lost track of him. "damn it!" you cursed under your breath. you ran to the spot where you clearly saw ruggie walking into. you took a pause to let out all the exhaustion from running. you fell onto your kneels as you panted.
then you heard a voice behind you. "getting tired already? too bad you have nothing to eat since i already stole it from you." of course it had to be ruggie. he lets out the most annoying laugh after. you stood up from your position as you turned to look at him with a glare on your face. "you think you're so funny for that, huh?" you asked him.
ruggie shrugged his shoulders as an answer. "that food is for you, dumbass! i planned to give it to you!" you cleared it up for him. "huhhhhh?" he couldn't process on what you had just said told him. his face started to turn red. "you mean to tell me that this other piece is for me?" he lets out the food in the bag. "YES!" you responded angrily.
"i don't know what made you think that i only bought those for myself but you are really a dumbass, i tell you ruggie." ruggie felt offended to what you said towards him. "maybe if you said so sooner, we wouldn't be dealing with all of this!" you scoffed at his words. "yeah but you kept avoiding me everytime i try to explain something." you point it out to him.
the two of you turned to look at rook the moment you both had noticed a tall shadow figure standing in between. "bravo, fantastic i must say!" rook clapped his hands loudly while walking towards you both. there were students who walked out of the area holding cameras in their hands. that lead you and ruggie both very confused.
ruggie then looks over at you as he remembered something. "oh, and i forgot to tell you that rook was behind this mess in the first place. he told me that you bought snacks for grim only and not me." he reminds you. you immediately turned to look at rook, shooting a glare at him. "what seems to be the matter, trickster mc?" rook notices the look on your face. he acted so oblivious. you and ruggie are about to plot some revengeful action against him for causing all of this.
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hood-ex · 3 years
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Do u feel that this explains some of the ways Dick is characterized in relationships?
Sure, I think there's some truth to that to some degree. I think there's also a certain expectation people have of very attractive people which could feed into that more. Assumptions such as Dick being able to sleep with a lot of people because of how attractive he is, or thinking he's too attractive to stay single.
It's almost like some people can't fathom the idea of someone as attractive as Dick being single or being in a long-term, committed relationship. So instead they turn him into a Casanova because, hey, he can't keep all that hotness to himself, right? And that's just what attractive people do, right?
It's such bullshit. Like did any of those writers ever read the arc where Dick had an absolute fit over Kory having a political marriage to Karras? I bet they didn't. I bet they didn't read the issue where Dick said to Kory, "Love should be between two people." I bet they didn't see the panel where Dick was talking to Roy and said, "I couldn't make love to someone I didn't really love."
I also wonder if, at times, DC tells the writers to appease all of Dick's shipping stans which is why we got stuff like that little revolving door in Seeley's run where Babs wanted to date Dick, Shawn did date him, and Helena had sex with him. All in the same run. Because wow drama, but also, now we've fed the dickbabs, dickshawn, and dickhelena stans. And now we make more money because, again, drama.
It's annoying because I don't know whether to be mad at the writers for possibly allocating their own desired behaviors on Dick and the women who are attracted to him or if I should be mad at the higher-ups in DC who are probably willing to sacrifice good characterization for another buck.
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natromanxoff · 3 years
Is it me or can anyone not take I’m In Love With My Car seriously? Like for some odd reason I laugh because Ik Roger locked himself in a cupboard for the song.
I think, there’s a part of us who doesn’t take it seriously, yes. For some, it’s the ‘childish' and ‘funny’ lyrics, for others it’s the meaning the lyrics might suggest and for some it’s the cupboard story. Well, I got to be honest, those lyrics might be convenient to make jokes about. But also, I believe there are many people who sees it just as another Queen song, like me. 
Let’s just think, this is not the only song of them who has ‘funny’ or ‘weird’ lyrics. If we classified their meanings as ‘normal’ and ‘weird’, I wonder how many we would have on the first category. That’s exactly why they didn’t question each other songs’ meanings when they were making and playing music then they just made all these amazing songs. People don’t find ‘I want to ride my bicycle’ as ‘awkward’ as ‘I am in love with my car’ sentence or joke about it. I mean, you might just love your car so much just as you might want to ride a bike haha. I am definitely not comparing these two and saying one is worse, in fact I do like to enjoy a song as a whole and don’t dwell on the meaning. But the social media shows that, undoubtedly “car f***er” has been something that is used a lot to define him. And that is actually not nice on many occasions.
And then, I believe the cupboard story has the biggest effect on people finding it funny. It looks like he just wanted to make his ‘funny car song’ to be on the B side so he locked himself somewhere. Firstly, I think we might say it is just a song of him that he fighted for, rather than ‘car song’. I mean, during the recordings of this album, if it was another song, he might have done the same thing. Secondly, there is this interview with Roy Thomas Baker and he says Roger locked himself in a ‘tape closet’. That doesn’t sound as bad as cupboard, I think. Here you can read a post about this, which I whole-heartedly agree with, I suggest you to read it. It’s a post about the thoughts of a great blogger here and it basically explains that maybe he had to do it for some financial issues because he hasn’t had songs on sides until then. But you know, these are all assumptions. We won’t know about the truth for sure. 
So I say, if it’s your type of song and genre, just enjoy it as another one you would - it’s all about personal preferences :) 
Send me one of these
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doctorofmagic · 4 years
Hello! I just recently found your blog and wanted to say thank you for sharing your DS comic knowledge/thoughts online. The detail you put into answering each person’s questions is awesome! I’m just beginning to delve into the comics, and your reading guide was very helpful in choosing where to start. I ordered Essential DS Vol 2 online today and I’m so excited to read the origin story! I also have some questions as a newbie (I hope these aren’t too mundane/cliche ^^’). First, I’ve heard a lot of negativity about Waid and I was wondering if you could explain why a lot of fans don’t like his characterization of Stephen? I haven’t read his work, so I can’t weigh in myself, but I’m just curious to know the reasons why he gets a lot of bad press from the fandom. Second, I’m really looking forward to reading the issues including Clea. I know she is in the TPB I ordered, but what are some other issues I should keep an eye out for? In a broader sense, what are your favorite DS runs? Happy blogging :)
Greetings and thanks for asking!
Aw, I literally can’t find proper words to express how touched I am right now with your message! Thank you SO MUCH, my heart is so warm, I can’t ;-;
Also I’m really glad you’re starting to dig into Stephen’s lore! I really hope you enjoy it! Besides, there’s no such thing as a mundane/cliche questions in here, you can absolutely ask anything, I’ll always try my best to answer it.
Let’s see... Concerning Waid... You’re absolutely correct about the criticism, mostly because I was one of the sources of said criticism myself haha. First, it’s important to establish that Waid wrote three Doctor Strange runs. The first was Strange v2, which was... good, I suppose? I have my reservations about this run because of the constant implication that people assume Stephen is a [minor] female predator and it pisses me off on levels never seen before. I love Casey but that run makes me really uncomfortable. Obviously, Stephen never shows any signs of said behavior, but the constant assumption is always there. Honestly, Waid could have chosen a different approach to their apprentice/mentor relationship. He could. He didn’t. This is a problem for me. Still, Stephen’s personality is good. He’s clumsy and goofy and funny. So I can live with that.
But the moment Waid decides to write Doctor Strange v5 is the moment I realize he doesn’t understand Stephen AT ALL. There are tons, TONS I SAY, of problems in v5. You can read my roast ramblings about the lack of continuity here, the problems regarding how Waid perceives Stephen’s personality here and how Waid literally plagiarized EIGHT different plots in v5 here. As you can see, I was a fierce critic of this run and I think I have some valid points. Thank the Vishanti Surgeon Supreme was cancelled and he moved to DC. GOOD RIDDANCE.
Honestly, the only good thing about v5 is Jesus Saiz’s art and the v5 suit. That’s all.
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About Clea... let’s see. it’s hard to tell all issues she is in because she literally spent decades with Stephen. But let’s give it a try with the essentials:
- Strange Tales #126-127; #134-136; #141; #146; #150-155;
- Doctor Strange v1 #171-183 (she doesn’t appear in all issues but she’s currently living on Earth)
- Doctor Strange v2 - Master of the Mystic Arts #1-54 (beware the Benjamin plot, don’t fall for it); #71-74
- Strange Tales v2 #1
- Marvel Comics Presents #20
- Doctor Strange - Sorcerer Supreme #1-3; #12-15; #21-24; #32-36; #38-42; #48-50; #62 (+ Annual #2; #4)
- Midnight Sons Unlimited #6
- The Order #3-6
- Doctor Strange Annual #1 (2016)
- Doctor Strange v5 #13-17 (IF you have the stomach considering I just talked trash about v5)
Also, never, EVER, read Fearless Defenders. It’s cursed.
There are a few issues missing for sure, not to mention that I didn’t add the Defenders v1 ones because they’re simply too many. I intend to make a Clea guide in the future, but the essentials are all there for now.
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Oof... Lastly...
My favorite top 5 DS runs currently are:
1 - Doctor Strange v4
2 - Doctor Strange and Doctor Doom - Triumph and Torment
3 - The Oath
4 - Into Shamballa
5 - Roy and Dann Thomas’ run in Sorcerer Supreme
I guess that’s all? Thank you for passing by and feel free to send another ask in case you want to share something or still have any doubts!
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fullmetalscullyy · 4 years
kidnapped secrets
Can write about how someone is trying to find the secrets of flame alchemy and riza is freaked out or something and hughes find out about the tattoo, just a thought that was in my head – raven on ao3
Maybe someone after flame alchemy discovered the tattoo and kidnapped riza and is trying to either restore the tattoo or get her to talk or something so the team has to rescue her but Roy's the only one who knows why and is the one who finds her/goes to extra lengths to protect the secret etc etc? - TheTeaQueen on ao3
i believe TheTeaQueen asked for this request months ago and i’m so sorry but it literally got buried in my wips. it was so similar to another request i received recently on ao3 so i’ve combined them both together. hope you enjoy! sorry for the long wait!
rated: M | words: 4522
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Riza replied coldly.
“I think you do,” the man before her smirked. His spine straightened and he walked away from her chair, coming to a stop beside a table. Riza bristled in her restraints, noting the number of wicked looking instruments that rested atop the wood. Her chest seized and panic began to well inside as her captor picked up a knife.
“Flame alchemy is one of the rarest forms of the science out there,” the man began, turning the knife over to look at the shining blade. He scrutinised it closely, using his shirt to wipe off some dirt. Then, it returned to the table. “No one in history has ever come close to obtaining its secrets, except for one man, of course.” This time he picked up an axe and ran his finger down the length of the blade. He hissed in pain and Riza watched as blood was drawn from the pad of his finger. Placing the axe back down, he wiped the digit on his trouser leg. “You, Lieutenant Hawkeye, happen to be in very close contact with this man. Colonel Mustang has often named you as his closest confidant, has he not? It would only be natural he shared where he got those secrets from, wouldn’t it?”
“Why do you think it’s the rarest form of alchemy?” she asked. It was hard, but she managed to keep the bite out of her words. It wouldn’t be wise to provoke him. “We’re work colleagues. Nothing more.”
“Ah, see,” the man argued. “That’s where you’re wrong.”
“How so?” she enquired.
If she could keep him talking that meant it would put off any blows until later. She needed to try and get as much information out of him as possible. It was obvious he was looking for the flame alchemy secrets. Even with the array on her back, it had been burned in the most important places so that no one would fully be able to understand it.
“You see, I’ve got men all over the city,” he drawled, like she was supposed to be impressed. “These men have keen eyes, however I suppose no one could hold a candle to you, The Hawk’s Eye.”
Riza shifted. She hated that nickname. It was born from murder. She wanted nothing to do with it.
Reaching behind him, the man picked up another knife. This one was shorter than the previous but curved menacingly at the end. He passed it from hand to hand, watching as the sunlight from above bounced off the steel and right into her eyes. He smirked. He was toying with her.
“However, these men aren’t blind, like you seem to think most people are.”
Riza turned guarded. Just what was he implying? Dread crawled up her spine, unwelcome.
“They have seen the Colonel frequently meeting up with someone during the night,” he revealed casually, as if he was talking about the weather outside. Riza’s stomach dropped. “Two o’clock in the morning seems an awful inconvenient time to have a house guest, doesn’t it, Lieutenant Hawkeye?”
She swallowed. “I wouldn’t know.”
He puffed air out of his nose softly. He didn’t believe her. His smirk remained.
“See, I think you would. Because these men stated this mystery guest had a striking resemblance to yourself. However,” he shrugged. “That might just be Mustang’s type. I wonder why that is though?” he grinned over at her. He brough the knife to a stop in his hands, no longer toying with it. He gripped it tightly as glee showed in his eyes.
Riza swallowed again. She was sure he could hear the motion. The sound rattled around her skull, just like his words did. They bounced off each other angrily, creating a panic.
Her captor stood. He advanced slowly, eyes never leaving her face. Instinctively, Riza leaned back in the chair. She couldn’t get far thanks to her restraints, however she still desperately wanted to put as much distance between this man and her. The end was coming, that much she knew.
The knife lifted to kiss the skin of her neck. Her captor’s face was right in hers as the blade travelled the length of her scar from the Promised Day. Riza shuddered.
“I will get those secrets from you, Lieutenant Hawkeye,” he purred. The sound made her feel sick. “Mark my words. Even if I have to remove it from your skin myself.”
Her eyes widened. How did he know it was a tattoo? Had he seen –
The glee on his face told her he knew exactly where the secrets were hidden.
“Thank you for confirming it for me. My men are bad people, but they would never stoop so low to watch you and your Colonel together. They have some form of decency, of course. It was just a lucky guess, because where else would they be, if they lay with you? If you could see them clearly, you would probably have deciphered them yourself. If you had them written down in a book, a certain Colonel wouldn’t be so protective of your body.” His gaze dropped, looking down at her legs. “Although, I can’t blame him, regardless of that fact.”
Riza’s skin crawled and bile rose in her throat. She felt violated with just one look alone.
“We did our research and I thought it was just love. That was why he cared for you so much. Turns out it was for the alchemy as well. His life’s work laid out on your skin.  Walking notebook for a man with an ego the size of a house. Why did you agree to do something like that, then follow him all those years? It must have hurt like hell.”
Riza didn’t have to give him shit, so she wouldn’t. He didn’t deserve to know her past or her reasons.
“Perhaps its more than love?” he pondered, straightening, and tapping his chin with the edge of the knife. His expression was thoughtful. “Perhaps blind devotion plays a part in it too? Has he locked you into some kind of deal? Your body, both for its secrets and the love you so obviously give him,” he grinned wickedly. “For his knowledge and power. A steep price to pay. Makes me wonder why a woman such as yourself, headstrong and more than capable to do great things, would trap yourself with the likes of him?”
This man knew nothing. Riza wouldn’t rise to his bait. That’s all he was doing. He probably got some kind of sick satisfaction out of his musings. Or loved the sound of his own voice. Both seemed likely.
“Silence huh? Maybe I hit the mark perfectly,” he snickered.
“Believe what you want,” Riza bit out. “Make your assumptions. You’re not the first.”
“Ah, ah,” he tutted. “But these assumptions are true, aren’t they? Well,” he corrected. “At least some are. I know that much. My assumptions are based on the majority of what I’ve witnessed.”
Riza glared at him.
Her captor sighed. “Not playing ball, huh?” He sounded so disappointed. “All right then. It’s no fun when people don’t play along.” Flipping the knife to his other hand, he advanced quickly.
Again, Riza reared back, but his hand on her head, gripping her hair painfully tight, kept her still. He pulled her head back, pressing the knife to her neck.
“If your throat’s cut, you won’t get very far,” he explained. “However, I think you know all about that already, don’t you?” he sneered.
There was a pinch in her neck as the blade pressed into her skin. It was the opposite side of her scar from the Promised Day.
She was panicking. Years of training meant nothing when she was transported back in time to the tunnels underneath Central. Her life fading before her eyes. Her blood flowing down a drain off to the side. Roy screaming at her…
Riza felt blood trickle down the column of her throat as flames engulfed her captor’s hideout. They were searing hot, carrying the echoes of screams along with it as the fire pushed further into the room.
She knew he’d come for her. But Riza also knew there would be consequences for her if he did.
A sharp jolt of pain in her left side had her eyes wide, eyes open in panic and fear. Riza’s breath was choked from her lungs as pain exploded in her oblique. Looking down, the knife her captor had been holding was sticking out of her body. It was removed quickly, but not before dragging through the fabric of her uniform and across a part of her back.
*          *          *
“Get in!”
Roy’s head snapped to his right, gripping the wrist at his shoulder protectively. Through the pouring rain on the dark night he spotted a car. Inside, Hughes was in the driver’s seat, his expression a picture of worry and urgency.
Altering his run, Riza stumbled beside him at the sudden change. She faltered, falling forward and she groaned.
“It’s all right,” Roy told her over the sound of the pounding rain. “It’s Hughes.”
“Hurry!” Hughes yelled.
Roy ripped open the door to the backseat and bundled Riza inside. He ducked instinctively as gunshots began to sound behind him, but Hughes had them covered. Through the open passenger’s window, he covered Roy. Giving up sitting in the passenger’s seat, Roy dived into the back beside Riza. He ended up on top of her after slamming the door closed and Hughes took off at breakneck speed.
“What the hell?” Hughes barked as he drove.
“Get us to the safehouse,” Roy replied. He was thrown onto the floor as Hughes braked suddenly then took a sharp turn to the right. His hand remained on Riza’s side to steady her.
She was in a bad way. Blood was covering Hughes’ backseat. It was seeping into the leather steadily, originating from a wound on her left side. More blood fell like raindrops from a slice on her neck, but it didn’t look deep.
He didn’t try to get back up beside her on the seat. He would only be thrown off again with Hughes’ frantic driving and may end up hurting Riza in the process.
“Riza?” Roy called to her. “Can you hear me?”
There was no answer.
“Riza?” He was desperate.
“Almost there,” Hughes called over his shoulder.
Roy reached for her hand and gripped it tightly. He wanted her to know he was there. That someone was here with her. Roy never wanted to let go.
Once stopped, Hughes was out the door in a flash and rounded the car to Riza’s head. He eased her out gently with his hands underneath her arms. He paused and apologised profusely as her eyes flew open in pain but were unfocussed. As Riza struggled in Hughes’ arms, Roy scrambled out and gripped her hand again.
“Riza? It’s Roy. We’ve got you, okay? Hughes is here too. We’re going to take you inside a safehouse. You’re all right.”
Her breathing was still hard, but her fight was waning. Her eyes were still unfocussed, but her head turned to look in Roy’s direction. He offered her a tight smile, not caring if she could see it or not.
“We’ve got you. I promise.” Roy lifted their hands and pressed a kiss to the back of hers. “I won’t let anything happen to you.”
Riza paused for a second then her body went limp. Eyes fluttering closed, she nodded once.
“Let’s get her inside,” Hughes murmured. “The rain’s coming again.”
The weather appeared to be following them because as they reached the front porch, it was hammering down once more. Roy shivered in the cold air, already soaked through from his mad dash through the rain with Riza before Hughes found them. His clothes were sodden and his hair was plastered to his face, but still dripping with moisture. He didn’t care.
“Bandages are in the kitchen,” Roy directed Hughes as he eased Riza down onto the bed. It hadn’t been made so there was just a plastic covering over the mattress, however that was probably better. The plastic made cleaning much easier.
Hughes disappeared and Roy worked on peeling away her jacket and shirt to get a closer look at her wound. His stomach turned when he saw blood oozing from a sizeable stab wound. Anger propelled through his body and he wanted to kill whoever had done this to her –
“What the hell is that?” Hughes asked from the door.
Roy whipped around to face Hughes. His friend’s eyes were on Riza’s back. Glancing back, Roy noticed her tattoo was on show.
“Bandages,” Roy hissed at him. “Now.”
Hughes didn’t need to be told again. That explanation could wait, and Roy knew it would come. It was inevitable. He had to remove her clothing in order to get a proper look at the damage that had been done. Hughes was bound to see more than he should.
Roy hated to do this to her – he knew just how much she hated that tattoo and wanted to keep it hidden – but this would stop the bleeding. He had to do it. Without Hughes finding and helping them, she’d be dead. Roy would just have to deal with the consequences later, when Riza discovered someone else knew about her tattoo.
Protecting some of her tattoo, Roy draped her ruined shirt and uniform jacket over the rest of her back. He angled the fabric so it was only the lower left side of her back showing. There were no more injuries that he could see, thankfully.
Stop the bleeding, get her awake, then ask what happened.
Roy just prayed to everything that was holy on this earth that none of those bastards discovered the tattoo. He really hoped they didn’t.
*          *          *
“Hughes, voice down. Please.”
“I just don’t get it.”
Riza was startled awake. She groaned in pain as it all came rushing back to her. Her oblique throbbed and in her neck, there was a sharp pinching pain that wouldn’t let up. It nipped at her relentlessly.
“You did that to her?” she heard Hughes accuse through her fog of pain.
“God, no!” Roy exclaimed. “How dare you!”
“Well then, explain it to me, Roy! Because you do not want to hear the assumption that is rattling around in my head right now.”
“That isn’t my story to tell,” Roy hissed.
“It is, because that tattoo on her back is on your fucking gloves.”
Riza froze.
Hughes knows.
She had to get up and tell him. She could appreciate Roy not breathing a word like she asked and like he promised, but Hughes wouldn’t rest until he got an explanation.
It took three tries, but Riza eventually managed to sit up. She had to bite her lip hard to stop from crying out. Panting, she swung her legs out of bed. With a hand clutched to her left side Riza shuffled towards the door of the bedroom. Upon opening it, she came upon their argument.
They were in a safehouse, Riza knew that much. She recognised it. In the centre of the living area, Roy and Hughes were locking horns. Hughes was facing her, eyes snapping to the new movement out the corner of his eyes. The fight fell from him as he set eyes upon Riza. He wasn’t supposed to be here, however Riza remembered Roy telling her they were in Hughes’ car while she was semi-conscious. He’d come to help, and she was grateful for that.
“Hughes,” she rasped. Her fingers gripped the wood painfully hard. She had to in order to stay upright. Any wrong shift and she’d crumple, but Hughes had to know. Roy had nothing to do with her tattoo.
“Oh, shit,” Roy exclaimed. He lunged for her, grasping her elbow, and gently but firmly removing her hand from the doorframe. He squeezed it tight. Roy’s face was one of worry and concern. “Riza?” he called to her, but she only had eyes for Hughes. “Go back to bed, please. There’s nothing to worry about right now –”
“It wasn’t Roy,” she continued, ignoring him. “The tattoo had nothing to do with him.”
Hughes swallowed, expression setting as his lips formed a hard line. Riza watched as he tried to calm himself.
“Riza, back to bed,” Roy urged.
“You have to believe me,” Riza ploughed on. “Believe him, please. He would never do something like this.”
Pain lanced in her side and she gasped, squeezing her eyes closed. Her body rolled in on itself and she gripped Roy’s hand in a vice-like pressure. Once her eyes were opened, all she could see were grey spots. They varied in size, revealing the real world back to her in brief flashes before another, darker one took its place.
“Riza?” Roy called to her. He sounded terrified.
“Wasn’t him,” she murmured as she began to fall.
Of course, strong arms caught her fall and lowered her gently to the floor.
“Don’t worry about it,” Roy begged her. “I’ll sort this,” he reassured. “I promise. Just rest.”
Was he crying?
Riza didn’t get a chance to find out because she was unconscious as Roy’s warmth encompassed her. For the first time in what felt like days, she felt comfortable and relaxed.
*          *          *
“She collapsed when standing in here.”
“Why was she standing?” Doctor Knox asked gruffly. “Should’ve been in bed,” he muttered to himself.
“I know,” Roy agreed. But he sounded defeated. Like he thought it was his fault she’d collapsed.
Maes sighed to himself as the two entered the room Hawkeye was recovering in. He knew he wouldn’t be permitted to follow, and Maes didn’t expect to be either. He doubted Roy would stop him, but he was incredibly protective of her right now, especially after he’d seen that tattoo, and Maes didn’t need to make his headache worse.
“Knox, I’d really appreciate it if –”
“I’m not going to gossip,” he interrupted, offended at the insinuation.
“No, I know, but –”
“This is off the record, Colonel.”
That ended that discussion and a part of Maes was glad.
“Thank you, Knox.”
Whatever that was on Hawkeye’s back was important and it had something to do with flame alchemy. Had she been taken for the secrets she harboured? They didn’t know yet. There had been no communication between Hawkeye and them yet. She hadn’t been conscious for long enough.
Sighing again, Maes sat on the couch. He pressed his thumb and forefinger into the bridge of his nose to try and ease the tension in his head.
It didn’t take long for Knox to finish up his treatment. Upon exiting the bedroom, he stopped and looked at Maes.
“She stays here for a week at the very least. That’s a medical order.”
“Understood,” Maes nodded.
“If she tries to leave, I will sign her off as unfit for work.”
Without another word, he left.
Roy didn’t leave the bedroom.
Maes contemplated knocking to see if everything was all right but ultimately decided against it. The house was finally silent, and it was nice.
Anger burst forth inside of him at the thought of what was on Hawkeye’s back. She’d insisted it wasn’t Roy, but it was tied to him in some way. He’d caught site of old scars too. Were they burn scars? His hand formed a fist on his knee. Maes always knew they were tied together in some way that went deeper than childhood friends.
Relaxing back into his seat, Maes let it go. Embracing the brief moment of peace after their frantic and adrenaline fuelled escape from Hawkeye’s captors, he would leave it. For now.
*          *          *
Maes was flipping through a book, too engrossed in the storyline to notice that Roy had fallen asleep on the armchair across from him. He’d barely been sleeping for the past three days. Hawkeye had yet to waken up properly after the medication Knox had ministered. She’d been awake in short bouts, but nothing substantial. Maes was incredibly worried about his friend, but Roy’s concern far surpassed his. Every time the house moved, he’d twitch and cock his ear towards Hawkeye’s room. Satisfied that he heard no movement, he would return to staring at the floor with his hands clasped in front of his face, elbow resting on his knees. Maes wasn’t sure if Roy even realised he was doing it. At night Maes would leave to go home to his family. By morning, he’d be back to find Roy sleeping uncomfortably in the same chair he was in now, but by Riza’s bedside.
It was troubling to see how much Roy was beating himself up about this, but it was also very telling. What Maes had assumed all along was in fact true. Roy Mustang was in love with Riza Hawkeye. It was obvious.
He was also too distracted to notice the door to Hawkeye’s room had opened.
“Hughes?” Riza asked.
Jumping in fright, Maes scrambled to sit up in his chair.
“Hawkeye,” he smiled, relief flooding him.
She paused, looking at Roy crammed awkwardly into the chair he was sleeping in. Hawkeye shuffled over and Maes just watched.
“He, uh, does that a lot,” Maes revealed.
Hawkeye nodded. “I know,” she admitted softly. “I noticed.”
Maes swallowed. Glancing at Hawkeye’s face, he noted the pained look on her face as she stared down at her commanding officer. Her fingers brushed hair off his face with such tenderness and care, he felt the urge to avert his eyes. He shouldn’t be privy to a moment like this.
“He shouldn’t, though,” she murmured wistfully.
Shifting uncomfortably, Maes interrupted her moment quietly. “How are you doing?”
“Sore,” she admitted. Hawkeye sighed, but it was cut off as she grimaced.
“Here, sit,” Maes offered, rising from his chair.
“Thank you.” It looked like she was regretting moving from Roy’s side, but her eyes never strayed far from his face.
“He’s all right. He’s taken it hard.”
Hawkeye nodded, pursing her lips. “I thought he might. Let’s let him sleep.”
“He loves you, Riza,” Maes revealed gently.
“I know,” she admitted in a whisper.
“You feel the same way, don’t you?” he pried.
Hawkeye met his eyes head on. “I do.”
Maes smiled at her sadly. “I thought you did.” He shook his head and sat back in the chair. “It’s some predicament to be in.”
“We made our bed,” she replied firmly. “Now we have to lie in it.”
“You’re allowed to be happy though, Riza,” he stated gently. “You were just following orders.”
“I’ve found I’m not the type,” she replied. “Not until we’ve righted our wrongs.”
Maes knew that would be her answer, but he had to try.
“Besides,” Hawkeye swallowed. “I knew I’d be used against him, or vice versa.”
“And were you this time?” Maes ventured carefully.
Riza paused, but eventually nodded. “Yes.” Her voice was hoarse. Fear spread across her face before she could reign it tightly in. “They wanted the secrets for flame alchemy.”
“You have them?”
Riza nodded. “My father tattooed them on my back to keep his work safe.”
Maes’ blood ran cold. Her father… Did that?
“And – And the scars?” Gracia often told him he was too nosy for his own good, but he had to know. He was all in now. There was no hiding it and there was no taking it back. Plus, it may serve him to know. He knew how much was at stake now when he went after the bastards that did this.
“That was him.” Hawkeye’s eyes flicked over towards Roy. Maes huffed in disapproval. “I asked him too,” she whispered. “After Ishval. I didn’t want there to be another Flame Alchemist. There couldn’t be. Not after what happened.”
Maes’ anger dissipated, fizzling out into nothing as he heard Riza’s voice wobble.
“He set me free. Roy freed me from my father’s burden.” Her breath caught and her body shuddered as she let loose a breath.
Slowly and carefully, Maes edged over and placed a hand on her shoulder. He gave it a squeeze of comfort. He couldn’t offer much more than that.
“I owe him so much. And while we can’t be together, that’s fine.” It certainly didn’t sound like it was fine. It sounded like she was struggling.
“You’re allowed to be happy sometimes, Riza,” Maes murmured. “It can help. Believe me.”
She shook her head. “It was because of us being happy that the array was found in the first place,” she replied fearfully. “Those men they – they saw us… meeting up.”
Maes’ eyes widened. His stomach tensed uncomfortably. Just what had those bastards seen?
“We can’t do it again,” Riza added. “We can’t.” She sounded so broken and helpless. “And I don’t know how to tell him.”
Maes’ heart hurt for his friends. They were well and truly stuck, and their worst fears had come true.
“You tell him the truth,” Maes replied simply. “It will hurt like hell, I know, but if you truly think it’s for the best, then that’s up to you.”
Hawkeye bit her lip, conflicted. This was an interesting side to her, Maes thought. He’d never seen Riza Hawkeye deal with matters of the heart before, and here she was, laid out before him. It was difficult to watch.
“Now you’re awake, Knox told me you’re not allowed to leave here until the end of next week.” Her gaze snapped up to his sharply. She was clearly disapproving. “If you insist on leaving, he’ll sign you off as unfit for work, and we both know that long, drawn out process isn’t worth it.”
Riza huffed, but she nodded. “All right.”
“I’ll work on the case. Roy stays here too, all right? Keep out of sight and stay hidden. I’ve been doing some digging and those men are still after you both.”
“Okay,” she agreed.
“Take care of him, okay? Don’t let him beat himself up too much.”
She snorted softly. “I don’t think I’ll be able to, even if I tried.”
“No, I wouldn’t be able to,” Maes interjected. “You, however, you will.” Hawkeye’s eyes made their way back to Maes’ and he smiled at her. Giving her shoulder one last squeeze, he stood from his seat. “He listens to you.”
Hawkeye glanced back to Roy, then nodded.
“I’ll be in touch soon,” Maes announced, shrugging on his jacket. “Remember, a week from Sunday, okay? That’s when you’re allowed to leave.”
“Thank you, Hughes.”
He smiled warmly at her. “Anytime, Riza. You know that. Give me a call if you need anything.”
Maes closed the door to the safehouse quietly behind him. With a determined and purposeful stride, he started towards his car. He had work to do. And, he wasn’t ashamed of his little white lie. Perhaps it would give the two of them some much needed time together, away from prying eyes, so that they may find some kind of peace and happiness together.
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flashfuture · 3 years
Conn admitting he doesn’t think he’s reaching out and trying to get some...tips from Dinah or even Wally. But on the flip side, Kyle is gushing to his bros about the fact Conn said he loved him like twice and it was nice. Hal is a little less than impressed but he really can’t say anything when he and Carol have slapped kisses for over thirty years, and Guy and John know that 1) Conn is legit 2) this is already starting better than some of the others. Like Conn surprises him with just his emotional responses more than any gifts, but he and Kyle do spoil each other with gifts.
Also “placated with a kiss instead,” >:( THAts pretty shitty.
Why did Kyle and Donna even...start dating? They don’t seem like...comparable as you admitted. Honestly when he and Conn start dating Kyle goes on a very lengthy “okay so nude paiting,” art history lesson and Conn is like “Kyle, I...I really don’t care nor mind?” But also likes that at least Kyle is honest with him but he doesn’t really care like it’s his job or at the very least a subject matter...Kyle having the adjustment period; in the same way Conn is making sure he doesn’t come off as cold, Kyle getting used to be in their having someone who just wants to be loved in return as a reward for his own love...which is just 💖
Kyle doesn’t need to eat but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t like nor want to eat, I mean he probably enjoys the food Conn cooks like he likes being wrong about vegetarian food lmao and Conn figured out he does like cooking for people.
Everyone knows the lovely gay couple in 2b are one of the green lanterns and the green arrow and like that’s cool with them for the most part.
Okay but a bad guy mocking Conn after he accidentally tore through a canvas with one of Kyle’s pictures on it and mockingly asks if his “boyfriend did it for him,” and Conn doesn’t say anything he just maybe...extra kicks his ass for that comment.
The only green eyes with rights are Kyle’s supernatural green ones — Conn, running on 2 hours of sleep in his, Roy, and Mia’s group chat
Hal is just floored by Kyle’s low standards but then considers he’s been dating his boss on and off for going on thirty years at this point and they’ve gotten no where. (The only on and off relationship I enjoy really. Carol and Hal are such disasters lol) 
Yess lots and lots of gifts. 
Also in the defense of Kyle’s girlfriends, he tends to drop the i love yous v early in the relationship. Jade was sort of the only one who ever talked to him about slowing down which +1 for communication I guess. But Conn and Kyle being the idiots they are would be very much in love with each other when they started dating. 
Honestly Donna was just out of her divorce and this hot new guy who used to have a crush on Wonder Girl was flirting with her and well she wanted a rebound really. Kyle again really was into Wonder Girl but Donna Troy ex-wife and mom isn’t exactly the same girl she was on the Teen Titans. Plus Alex had only passed a few months beforehand so it just it wasn’t right for either of them. 
Conn having no idea why Kyle is explaining that nude paintings aren’t inherently sexual but just nodding along cause he loves listening to Kyle talk. Lol and then Kyle is like waiting for something at the end and Conn is just like “that’s great babe.”/”but like is that okay with you?”/”for you... to do your job?”
I bet Kyle spends some time waiting for the other shoe to drop. For Conn to change his mind or pump the breaks on something. And Conn is worried he isn’t adjusting fast enough and Kyle will get bored or something. But like for these two their assumptions are always wildly off base so they’ve gotta sit down and talk to get on the same page and I love that for them. 
Conn cooking for people is something I believe he does full-heartedly. Also, Ollie always making Conn a vegetarian chili is my favorite. 
Oh yeah everyone is cool with supers in the building. Plus when villains fuck shit up Conn owns the building and lives in it so he’s gotta pay for repairs. Which means they know they won’t get tied up behind nonsense red tape where the building isn’t livable for months. 
Conn being super protective of Kyle’s things is everything to me. When he was in the Ashram he was brought up to live the Zen Buddhist lifestyle. Which means he isn’t supposed to be attached to superfluous things. (he had to throw away his comic books for example) So his shit gets wrecked oh well. But his boyfriends? No way in hell
Also Roy squinting at the text knowing full well he, Ollie, and Conn himself all have green eyes: fair enough 
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bigskydreaming · 4 years
The Regents’ Deck
Bit of a worldbuilding extra for my fic By Lost Ways....nothing you need to know to understand the fic and its all information that unfolds over the first ten chapters anyway, so no real plot spoilers here. But I do love me some worldbuilding and I know other people do too, so figured some people might like to have it laid out here.
So this is the official Regents’ Deck talked about in that fic, with the exception of the Joker card of course. I’ve filled in the official Regent titles that have been revealed thus far in the prologue, but the other bit is the part that doesn’t really come up in active discussion until certain characters like Bruce and Roy enter the picture with a more scientific approach to things.
Because while the Regents embody and represent symbolic and metaphysical forces through their magic.....they also all each represent and embody a physical force as well. And this is where the magic system of this world really comes in: the use of feathers (the link to the divine energy of Mother Sky in this world, other than the Regents themselves) to channel and manipulate various physical forces.
Of course, there’s a bit more to it than just waving a bunch of feathers around, but the feathers are always a necessary ingredient, and the core key to unlocking various powers or spells. Swan feathers create anti-gravity effects while ostrich feathers ground things, tanager feathers amplify heat while tern feathers drain it away, etc. 
Which is why a particularly ingenious archer, like say, Roy Harper, can be a total bad-ass in this world, even moreso than usual. After all, Roy was known for being the one who created most of his own weapons and trick arrows in the main DC Earth, and when you apply that ingenuity to a feather-based magic system via say, the fletchings on arrows......you get a whole lot of fun stuff, like lightning arrows and frost arrows that act like liquid nitrogen, silencer arrows and arrows that break apart the bonds holding things together.
The real trick, for those who have devoted significant parts of their lives to unlocking the secrets of their world’s magic, like Roy.....comes from when you figure out how to COMBINE certain types of feathers....and the physical forces they represent....to get combo effects. 
And that’s how you end up with an archer like Roy who has arrows that have a strange combination of feathers that don’t make sense to most other people at first glance.....but let him do things like fire arrows around corners, and arrows that pass through walls intangibly until they reach their target, or seemingly wipe something entirely out of existence.
So yeah. I had a lot of fun writing Roy in this, lol, due to this particular magic system.
And of course, the Regents are the exceptions to this, as they don’t use feathers to channel their abilities.....as they are in essence walking nuclear reactors tapped directly into the forces they represent, for as long as they’re Regent. Thus using the various magics associated with their Regency is as simple as thinking for them - BUT the flip side is that they can’t use or tap into the power of any other Regencies, even via feathers.
(There are a couple other exceptions to this magic system too, in the sense of characters who use magic that’s completely outside the system....but that’s because the planet Sky is not the only world created in this cosmos, and certain visitors from other worlds still show up, with powers/magic stemming from the worlds of their birth. For instance, Kory’s powers here are fueled by what she calls soulfire, and are tied to the goddess figure of her homeworld, and Atlanteans live beneath the sea in a giant caldera in one of the uppermost mountain ranges in the world....but originally came from another world, a water world, and thus Garth uses a totally different magic system as well.)
But anyway, this is the Regents’ Deck and the physical forces each card corresponds to, just if anyone wants to refer back to it when reading the fic.......although, just FYI, a key part of the story involves the fact that the modern day characters in the fic have some incorrect ideas about the Deck and the Regents. For instance, below is the order the Deck is usually ordered in when not shuffled for a reading.....people think this is the order the Regents are supposed to go in, to make sense with the scientific discoveries they’ve made over the centuries, and how they correspond to the various Regents.
There’s just a couple problems with this order.....as in things that break the mold/don’t make sense according to the in-universe understanding of it.
The big one is the Mockingbird.....the Mockingbird Regent pretty clearly breaks the pattern and always has, as far as anyone knows. It doesn’t seem to fit anywhere...its placed where it is, just because that’s kinda what people have decided is their best guess for it, based on the powers it bestows and unlocks via mockingbird feathers.....but the thing is, as is stated outright in her title and description itself.....the Mockingbird Regent is never as she seems....and never has been. People have had a totally incorrect understanding of her and the forces she embodies pretty much since day one....but whether or not that’s by design, and if so, by whose.....*no spoilers* 
(I will say though that the Mockingbird Regent is Stephanie Brown, and that’s not really a spoiler, so much as a reassurance that I haven’t forgotten about her - or Duke - just because I don’t have them listed as Robins in the summary).
There’s also some minor confusion/incorrect assumptions about the Raven and Ibis Regents and their roles and what they represent/embody, but that’s not hugely crucial to the story.
The other big thing though, is that a couple of characters like Roy and Bruce, have figured out through their various experiments with magic and their scientific studies of it.....there’s something else about the Deck that doesn’t make sense. Two of the cards, in their expert opinions....are missing their true opposite numbers. Something that can only be explained in their minds by the notion that there might be two cards - and thus two whole Regents - that are missing from the Deck. 
How that could possibly happen and what it means IS going to be important to the story however...and it suggests that there’s a couple more types of feathers out there with their own unique magical properties just waiting to be discovered. Or rediscovered as the case may be.
(They’re actually not quite right. There are actually THREE Regents and their corresponding cards that are missing from the Deck. I mention this only because I’m actually reeeeeally interested in seeing if anyone can figure out from this what they are - as in, what forces they’re meant to represent/which cards are missing their true opposites. I know the world so well in my own head that I just honestly have no idea how obvious or not it is, so I’m genuinely curious. I think one should be fairly obvious, but the other two, maybe not).
Anyway, so here’s the Regents’ Deck, as its currently understood in-universe, with the above-mentioned ‘mistakes’.
Sparrow - Space (reduction) Seagull - Space (propagation)   Hummingbird - Time (reduction) Crane - Time (propagation)
Magpie - Quantity (reduction) Kingfisher - Quantity (propagation) Robin - Regent of Change and New Beginnings - Entropy (reduction) Vulture - Entropy (propagation)
Eagle - Weak Nuclear Force (reduction) Shrike - Regent of Bindings & Battle - Strong Nuclear Force (propagation) Swan - Gravity (reduction) Ostrich - Gravity (propagation)
Hawk - Electromagnetism (reduction) Dove - Electromagnetism (propagation) Tern - Regent of Winter and Woes - Thermodynamics (reduction) Tanager - Thermodynamics (propagation)
Cardinal - Light (propagation) Mockingbird - Regent of Lies and Tall Tales Owl - Regent of Secrets and Silence - Sound (reduction) Canary - Regent of Speech and Song - Sound (propagation)
Crow - Regent of Death and Deception - Consciousness (reduction) Rook - Consciousness (propagation) Raven - Regent of Midnight and Mysteries - Knowledge (reduction) Ibis - Knowledge (propagation)
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iwritethat · 5 years
Jason Todd: Walking Dead
A/N: I know some of the plot points aren’t factual in the DC universe but I got creative with Jason’s character, hopefully it’s a nice read though. 🎃
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Jason’s flatmate was weird.
He was never quick to judge someone and after all of the characters he’d encountered in his life , to reach such a label so fast was saying something.
In the beginning of the arrangement the two got along swimmingly, but soon enough the dynamic became rather ambiguous. (Y/n) was a friend of Roy’s and as such couldn’t be all bad - sure, they had their peculiar introduction but once out of the way it all seemed too good to be true. Roy brought up the proposal of living with one of his old friends when Jason needed a new temporary place to stay, he’d said (Y/n) had been there through his worst and helped him with recovery -?that no one was more loyal and reliable than them.
However, it grew considerably weird with the startled scream his sharer released when seeing him in the dark, now this was perfectly normal as maybe they weren’t used to having someone around quite yet - at least that would’ve been the explanation if they weren’t 2 weeks into their deal. Not only that but (Y/n) scrambled back to their room at record speed and slammed the door behind with no justifiable means.
Strange? Yes.
Next he noticed how they had an obsession with the heating, whenever he was around it always seemed to be on even if the weather of late October miraculously didn’t call for it. It had only begun after they’d cooked breakfast together, maybe they enjoyed the heat of the oven? He’d tried giving them blankets or even his hoodies and yet it wasn’t enough to break their odd habit. Again, weird.
Luckily he wasn’t staying for long...
Your new housemate was insanely weird.
Of course you had Roy Harper to thank for that, the only time he pays uninvited visits is when he wants something, your assumptions proven correct with his hinting text message.
[Katniss: U know how much u love me...]
Although his proposition was rather enthralling, his friend needed a place to lay low for a while and with your newly rented 2 bedroom apartment, you were his first choice and thus agreed.
He brought ‘Jason’ over a few days later so you could be introduced - and upon seeing him a vast sea of varying thoughts raced across your mind.
‘He’s hot.’
‘No he’s going to live with you.’
‘Is he one of those friends?’
But then another momentarily fleeting option halted your positivity - is he one of Roy’s older friends, the ones from his rough days of addiction and before you could even register your next actions you’d already subtly voiced such concerns.
“Please don’t bring any dodgy things here, I can’t have the police sniffing around.”
“Like what?” Jason turned to you, brow raised in curiosity.
“Oh no, I don’t handle that - I have people to do it for me.” Jason calmly replied, like it was the most normal thing in the world as he took in your kitchen whilst you shot a look that roughly translated to ‘you better be joking’ to a sheepish Roy.
“But I have guns and other weapons, are they okay?” Jason once again faced you with a serious expression, genuinely asking your permission and honestly you could not deny that beautiful man.
“Yeah, I mean sure. You’re not gonna use them right?”
“Not in the apartment. Unless someone breaks in obviously.” The ravenette was confident in his statement, now checking out your living room leaving you slightly baffled.
“Obviously. So um, why do you have them, and why do you have drug runners?” Intrigue burned in your veins, you couldn’t help but strive for answers given the causal circumstances of the contrastingly deadly topics.
“He’s a Crime Lord.” Roy smugly cut in, an immediate expression of concern shot at Jason who you’d hope would deny the allegations.
“Dude, way to sell me. I run a drug ring, you can never stop crime but you can control it so that’s what I do. None of my people sell to kids so that’s a start. So, what’s our rent?” He playfully punched his partner before elaborating and oddly enough it made sense to you.
It should’ve been a warning sign, what normal person makes a first impression by telling you he has people who handle his drugs so don’t ever worry about them being in your apartment. No one.
Although that wasn’t why he was so damn weird. No, far from it. You didn’t know what he was.
One night, you’d awoken to grab some water and tiredly walked out to the kitchen only to meet Jason who possibly just showered after patrol but as it was basically pitch black you couldn’t be certain. You met his gaze - his irises illuminated green - and you instinctively screamed, stopping short as he tilted his head slightly silently asking why you’d done so. Now you thought it was a misunderstanding, a trick of the light maybe, so you stared a few seconds longer and yet they remained dazzlingly bright like fireflies. It was then that you scrambled back to your bedroom slamming the door behind you and sliding down it to the floor with your hand over your mouth, water long forgotten. Safe to say you didn’t sleep that night, demons have vibrant irises don’t they?
It was unknown whether he knew about his glowing eyes, nor could you find an appropriate time to bring it up. You’d built up the courage to do so a few days later over breakfast which you’d opted to cook together.
He hovered over the oven, yourself standing beside him admiring his work until he turned to you with spoon in hand insisting you try some. You did so, holding his wrist steady - his skin beyond freezing - he’d been right next to the oven, how could he be so cold?!
You’d approved of the taste, even if he’d dabbed some on your nose simply for amusement and straight after you switched on the heating to hopefully warm him up a bit.
You continued this procedure whenever you felt he radiated unhealthily low temperatures and occasionally Jason offhandely mentioned that the weather wasn’t cold enough for such measures but you simply shrugged with a smile. Although he would throw a blanket over you, or even offer to lend you one of his hoodies to warm you up and yet you couldn’t understand why he thought you were cold when he was icy to the touch. Ghosts were inhumanly cold...
Plus, although the white streak was quite attractive on him, it was apparently a permanent characteristic but whose hair is naturally white in only one place at such a young age? Frankenstein maybe? But wasn’t he a zombie?
Luckily he wasn’t staying for long...
Halloween was upcoming so the TV stations traditionally broadcasted relating titles and it seemed the Sixth Sense was one of them.
Jason hopped through the window, fully clad in his Red Hood armour as the film was finishing, he’d gone to get changed and by the time he’d returned another horror was beginning. He’d joined you on the sofa, resting his legs over you purely for annoyance but you found entertainment in your playful dynamic.
“Hey (Y/n), do you think yelling at a guy holding an AK-47 is a stupid way to die?” It was a random but relevant start to a story he’d intended to tell.
“Oh god you don’t want me to solve cases with you do you because I’m not ready for that man. Like I thought I might be seeing dead people but this is too much.” That particular Sixth Sense related comment surfaced after he’d brought up vigilante related drama - of which he assumed you already knew about due to your relationship with Roy.
“Okay, what is with you? You’ve been acting so weird!” He finally needed answers, the unexplained oddities becomoning too much for both parties involved to the fact Jason was compared to a horror film character.
“Me? I’m not the one with glowing irises!” You sarcastically counter after Jason’s quizzical remark.
“Glow- What?!” He shut his eyes, fingers resting on the bridge of his nose before he looked up to again with a confused glance.
“Your eyes... they glow green in the dark sometimes, didn’t you know that?” Your tone was softer now, the sincerity in it making him want to believe your claims even more.
“No I didn’t... Are you sure? I mean it could’ve been a mistake if -“ Before he could finish, you turned off the lamp beside you and held your hand mirror in front of his face, low and behold they lit up.
“Lazarus green...” His voice was much quieter, tone holding a hint of pained disappointment as he spoke with an almost frustrated expression.
“A-what green?”
“Lazarus, like the Lazarus pits. It doesn’t matter (Y/n), you don’t need to worry about any of that, it will always haunt me by the looks of things.”
“It does matter, please tell me. I’m here for you, that’s what flatmates are for isn’t it no matter how temporary we may be.”
Surprisingly, after a long period of contemplative silence he began his turbulent tale of life, death, vengeance, villains and vigilantism leaving you rather speechless. It was certainly a befitting horror film script.
“...now I’m here, but hopefully one of my safe houses will be clear soon and I’ll be out of your hair.” He finished, shifting his feet that were now entangled with yours as you sat opposite one another on the couch.
“That revival pit, do you think that’s why your eyes glow? It would explain why you’re always cold, and your physical abilities too.” With a finger to your lips you calmly thought aloud, Jason also captivated by the concept.
“I’m cold too? That’s why you insist on keeping the heating on?” Despite his jest, he withdrew himself from you at the thought of affecting you with his apparent side effects of coming back from the dead.
However you shook your head, shifting forward and placing your hand against his, of course his own towered yours in comparison and he was a contrast of bemused and skeptical with your actions. You felt his skin warm up with your touch, the result bringing a smirk to your face.
“I don’t mind it. Your skin might be cold but your heart isn’t, and besides, I can always warm you up Jason.”
“Oh can you now?” He raised a brow at your unintentional suggestive statement, cocky but flirtatious smirk dancing across his lips.
“I - that wasn’t - I was trying - you know what, I’m just glad we’ve solved our differences.” As you attempted to justify yourself, Jason only laughed much to your feigned aggravation.
“True, I’m calling Roy over tomorrow. How could he not notice?” Jason managed, his he argument raising distinct confusion.
“This is Roy we’re talking about.” Was your only reply, though you would acknowledge just how incredibly smart and tactile Roy was any day of the week much like Jason would - but being apart the Outlaws meant subjugation to a few friendly insults.
“Point taken.”
Both Roy and Kori had dropped by the next morning to discuss your recent discoveries over breakfast which was a revolutionary one for all of you in some way.
“Glowing eyes? Ah, to be fair you usually wear your mask and helmet so I don’t normally see them and it’s not like I sleep with you so how the hell would I know? As for the cold thing, we’re always outside - if anything I just envied how Lian would always stop crying around you.” Roy calmly sighed, the revelations intriguing to him also and you suspected that he knew more than he was letting on. For a start, keeping such a thing to himself if only to freak you out once he moved in.
“Oh! They say that babies can see the supernatural, like when they just stare into space and people say they can see ghosts. It might be like that.” You laughed, although your comment caused the boys to consider the possibility as it would certainly explain why Lian ceased in her crying around Jason.
“I didn’t say anything as I thought you were trying to match me.” The goddess Kori giggled, her eyes aglow in emerald for demonstration.
“Anyway, is everything set?” Jason nodded to the alien, now concerned with leaving you in peace.
“Sorry Jaybird, gonna need another few weeks before you can leave.” Roy haphazardly shrugged, looking between Jason and yourself as he gazed to you with a sympathetic expression.
“You don’t mind do you? It’s already been 6 weeks, I can -“
“Jason, it’s fine. You’re too weird not to like, but we should stock up on food if you’re staying.” With a wave of your hand you cut him off and smiled, gesturing toward the cupboards as you mentioned them.
The Outlaws were all equally grateful, and soon Roy and Kori headed out meanwhile Jason began writing a shopping list.
“I thought that everything was in order for Jason to come back today?” Kori politely inquired once the pair had left, the previous information contradicting with her current knowledge.
“Shhh, it is but they get on so well, a few more weeks and they both might finally have a place they can call home for once.” Roy carefully explained, a hopeful glint in his eyes mixed with that of sorrow considering what his two friends had gone through.
“I see, as long as our friends are happy then I shall ‘shh’.” The Tamaranean joyfully agreed, all too chipper with the plan.
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m00nslippers · 5 years
Why as a Jason Todd fan, I don’t talk about ‘punishing’ Jason.
I wrote this as a response on one of my other posts but I think it needs to be it’s own post.
I’ve been seeing a lot of ‘discourse’ about Jason fans not talking about the things Jason has done like shooting Damian (twice) and beating up Tim (twice) or railing on Bruce or Dick or whoever. They are annoyed that I and others are not calling for the pitchforks and continue to be sympathetic. I’ve seen some unreasonable people who seem to think no Jason fan will admit (at least to their satisfaction) that Jason has done bad things. Some seem to want me to admit that Jason is a bad person, which I think is unreasonable and untrue. They also think it’s unreasonable for me to hold the bat family responsible for not giving Jason adequate psychiatric care and emotional support.
So here. I’ll explain why I think the way I do.
Do I, as a Jason fan not talk about Jason’s violence that much or hold him as accountable as you apparently do? Maybe not, I don’t know, but if that’s the case then I’ll tell you why.
Jason-Antis see Jason’s violence as something he chose to do with full knowledge, presumably because he just likes hurting people or because he’s so selfish that he’s willing to hurt people to get something that benefits him and only him.
But that’s not how I see it. I see Jason’s violence as a symptom of abuse. The vast majority of the time, Jason’s violence is a reaction out of fear, to escape or prevent himself from being hurt or abused, or prevent the hurt or abuse of others.
Honestly the vast majority of time in society in general crime or abuse is a result of past abuse or other issues like poverty or the person’s needs otherwise being met. You meet the need, you treat the root, the unwanted behavior goes away.
Jason has been conditioned to violence for his entire life, by his upbringing in Crime Alley, by the abuse from his father, by Bruce training him to be Robin, by Talia training him to kill people. Jason’s entire life has taught him to use violence to meet his needs and solve his problems. It’s not his nature, it’s just  all he knows how to do. He’s like a dog who has been hit and beat and starved and thrown into dog fights. Of course he’s going to attack people the moment he thinks he needs to. Is that the fault of the dog? No, it’s the fault of the human who trained him that way. So if it’s not the dog’s fault then should it still be punished? No, it should be re-conditioned in a place where it can’t hurt anyone until it’s safe to enter society.
But Jason is not a dog, he’s a human with logic and reason and empathy, you say. Yes, but the kind of systematic abuse and conditioning that someone like Jason has undergone will literally warp your view or reality, will interfere with your ability to use reason and logic and if you are afraid or desperate enough it will overcome your ability to empathize with others too.
But Jason’s actions often seem systematic and manipulative, you say, so doesn’t that mean he’s just hurting people for selfish reasons because he wants something? Not necessarily, Jason is highly trained and clearly makes decisions in a very systematic way. He’s highly intelligent and has a lot of self control, so he channels his fear into planning and strategy, which have been taught to him by others. Most times when he’s been really violent he’s actually been trying to get away/escape capture. Other times when he’s been violent he’s been very emotionally distraught. And still other times it’s in service of his goal to kill criminals–which is born out of his fear and pain of them continuing to hurt him or others. He might seem in control, but that’s only because of his training, and his constant planning and goal in itself is mostly a response to his constant anxiety and fear. He channels it into his revenge/execution plans.
So you look at me and you say, well fine, let’s say for arguments sake all Jason’s actions all stem from his untreated mental illness. But there still needs to be a punishment because what he did was wrong.
But I’m telling you that, logically speaking, no. He actually shouldn’t be, not if your goal is to prevent the behavior–which for Jason absolutely needs to be the goal because clearly punishing him is impossible if you aren’t going to kill him since he keeps escaping prison (which is part of his point, that punishment is either impossible or doesn’t work for some criminals. He is a walking case of his own point.). Punishing him isn’t going to stop him from killing people, it’s not going to stop him from hurting people, it’s not going to stop anything it’s mostly just going to make it worse. Because nothing the bats are willing to do is worse than what he’s already been through, what he’s already built up in his head as the consequence of not killing/hurting people. At this point every criminal he sees is just the Joker and he’s terrified at the thought of him/them walking free to hurt him or hurt others.
The bats tried to punish Jason multiple times, they’ve tried fighting him, they’ve tried imprisoning him, they’ve tried yelling at him, they’ve tried ‘reasoning with him’ (he’s sick, he’s not reasonable). But none of it worked. Jason kept killing, kept ‘acting out’.
But you know what curbed Jason from killing? Roy and Kori. Once he got friends who weren’t telling him every moment ‘you’re a killer, stop killing, you’re crazy’, who were emotionally supportive, who made him feel safe–low and behold he stopped or at least significantly calmed down. That’s honestly how I know that most of his behavior is anxiety/fear based.
And sure you can say, ‘well different people wrote different things it’s just different writers writing him differently you can’t read anything into it.’ Well maybe, but I can and I am. The more I read about him the less I actually want to throw out, the more cohesive it actually feels to me in a lot of ways. And If you are going to hold Jason responsible for everything he’s been written as doing, then you have to take his New 52 change too. You can’t have the first and not the second. Either he beat up Tim and shot Damian and calmed down as soon as he got friends, or neither count because they are both writers writing him ‘out of character’ and there’s not point even bringing those things up.
So to my mind at least, talking about punishing Jason is stupid, it’s pointless, and it’s pointless talking about it. That’s honestly why as a Jason fan I don’t and why I don’t dwell on the fact he’s done “messed up things to his family.”Yeah, I identify with him but I don’t identify with his ‘need for validation’. I identify with his need for psychiatric treatment that he can’t get because his family will not treat it as the disease it is, with the care he deserves. Because that’s been me before, and it’s a reality for a lot of people in the country I live in.
And yes, asking his family to recognize his illness and bring him in, to accept him and help him even though he’s actively hurting them is a lot to ask for the average family. But the bat-family is not the average family. They are geniuses and they have all been trained in psychology and victim treatment, and they are trained physical fighters who can protect themselves against him. If anyone can handle it, it’s them. They know better, they can do better. In a world with non-shitty DC writers they probably would do better. But if we’re taking all of Jason’s shitty writing, then we are taking all of theirs too. And I don’t think they are doing as much as they are capable of.
So that’s a problem which a lot of the anti-Jason arguments that I see. They are solely focused on the bad things he’s done, and saying his fans are ignoring them. They say ‘yeah he’s traumatized, but that doesn’t excuse him hurting people’. And from my perspective that’s missing the point.
And I don’t want to call anyone out or make assumptions about anyone, but this kind of thinking, that people with mental illness and people who commit crimes are responsible for their own actions and no one else is culpable even though their action or inaction resulted in their behavior–feels like the same kind of bullshit I see everywhere in society. This person steals–let’s not address the fact that they can’t afford to eat because they aren’t paid a living wage, let’s just throw them in jail. It’s the same mentality.
Punish the symptom instead of treating the illness. It’s just laziness, in my opinion.
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iqfulfillment · 4 years
E-Commerce Done Right: Top Tips to Set Up A Successful Online Business
In earlier days, many people assumed that starting and expanding an e-commerce business is a piece of cake. The reason behind this assumption was that they believed there were only a few barriers in the market that could hinder their progress. That said, gone are those days when e-commerce was the choice of the few, now it is teeming with a plethora of businesses, each giving tough time to its competitors.
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Sure, there are numerous e-commerce success stories you come across but the actual details and facts behind the success are seldom shared. To put it simply, it requires ample dedication, persistence and, of course, money to scale a successful e-commerce business. Now, many e-commerce businesses are hiring local courier services in Dubai to keep pace with the modern world.
This article explains some of the key aspects that you need to focus on while doing e-commerce business.
Business Sense
Well, you are well aware of the fact that every successful company starts and ends with a strong business plan in mind. Similarly, e-commerce is not different at all. If you are planning to initiate a full-fledged business, you should first enlighten yourself with its crucial aspects. From building inventory and organizing taxes to adopting savvy market techniques and attaining stable ROI, it is the business strategy that will enable you to keep you afloat in a highly competitive space. You are nothing without a strong bottom line.
Competitive Pricing
While setting your pricing, first analyze the size of the market. You need to imagine the large number of products that are available in the market. Also, take into account the priorities of the customers when they make a choice. If you want to stand in this crowd, you must outdo your competitors when it comes to pricing the products and/or service you are going to offer. This statement especially holds true when you deal with first-time and new customers because this stage often makes or breaks your deal. While it may sound like a cliché, lower pricing will help you win the game in the end.
Engaging Social Media
Yet another benefit that customers relish when buying at brick-and-mortar retailers is the experience and engagement the process involves. When shopping online, customers only have the engagement offered by you at your website. That is why it is pertinent to give an out-of-the-box solution. You need to be creative when it comes to strengthening engagement via social media platforms. Some of the effective ways include special campaigns, customer contests, scavenger hunts, photo sharing, and Q&A’s.
Fast Shipping
Brick and mortar retailers are still offering some advantages to the e-commerce businesses that they simply can’t achieve without their help. Quick access to product fulfilment is one of them. When a person enters a market and purchases something, they want to carry it out with them right after they get it. Contrarily, when a person purchases from your e-commerce store, they have to wait and this waiting is very painful for them. Therefore, if you want to retain your customers, you need to acquire effective courier services. Believe me, this will surely be going to pay you off.
There is no denying the fact that e-commerce is a booming industry in the emirate and around the world. It’s expanding forward that we ever imagined. So, if your retail business hasn’t gone online yet, then it’s time to take some holistic approaches now.
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mydeardeath · 4 years
To belong with (4/8)
Whole series on tumblr (to belong series tag) or AO3
He woke up with a hell of a headache but at least he wasn't still in the alley. Lots of people would have loved to find him in this position. No, instead he was back in the manor, in his old room. Which wasn't much better. He would have preferred to be found by the outlaw. Unfortunately, Kori was in New York since Dick was here and Roy was in Asia. The only positive point was the plate of Alfred's cookies waiting for him on his bedside table with a glass of water. After swallowing it, he got up, going straight up to the cave, sure to find Bruce down there and the missing pieces of last night.
As expected, the old man was there but, more surprisingly, Dick and Damian were also present. The last was brooding in a corner, his jaw clenched and arms held against his chest. Jason turned to Dick, silently asking him what was going. But, by the look Dick gave him in return, it seemed the other didn't know much either. Then his big brother attention turned to Jason's sweets and he tried to reach for them. Jason quickly moved the plate out of his reach and went to stand beside Bruce, avoiding Dick pleading eyes. These were HIS baked goods, he wouldn't let anyone touch any of it. Focused on Dick, he hadn't noticed Bruce stealing one of his cookies and when he realized what had happened he turned an indignant look on his former mentor. Bruce didn't even spare him a glance, still bent over the computer. At least, it made Dick giggle a bit, breaking a bit of the heavy atmosphere.
Bruce suddenly turned to them apparently finished with whatever he had been doing when Jason arrived.
"Now, that you're all here we can begin. As you all know, yesterday dozens of people appeared all over Gotham through different breaches. Most of them were secured, they were all pretty disorientated and have yet to be interrogated. But, some of them have already been identified." Bruce showed a few documents on the screen. Some of the faces were familiar to him. He just couldn't remember why.
"They all have a common point. They're supposed to be dead. All presumed victims of robots attack six years ago." Jason felt Damian tense up behind him. "No bodies were ever found in the center of the attack so we can't be sure they were really here."
"Maybe the robots weren't here to kill, just to take people." Dick hypothesized.
"It's a far-fetched theory and we shouldn't rush into..." Bruce started only to be interrupted by Damian. "Tim may still be alive."
"Damian." Bruce sent his son a warning look, showing exactly what he thought of the idea.
"I think he's right." Every head turned to Jason, Bruce reproach dying in his throat. He hadn't expected Jason to side with Damian. "I thought I was just imagining things, but with what you said... I think it was really him. He was the one who knocked me out in that alley."
"Let's not make any hasty assumptions. We have to proceed with methods and not let our emotions..."
"I'm gonna get him" Damian cut him off once again, not waiting for an answer before making his way up the stairs.
"Damian !" Bruce yelled after him but his son completely ignored him.
Sometimes, Damian really wanted to hit his father in the face and demand he stops being so cold. He could see the irony here since he wasn't so fond of showing his emotions either, but this was about Tim. Bruce should be a least a bit more enthusiastic at the possibility that he was not dead as they had all thought. If there was a chance that Tim was alive and out there, he would find him and bring him home.
Damian called Barbara immediately after exiting the cave, waking her up. She started to complain at him for interrupting her well deserved sleep, saying it would better be important.
"Well, finding if Tim is really alive didn't seem to be a top priority for father. So, how important it is, depends entirely on you." Damian announced, his frustration evident in his voice.
Barbara sight but she listened when the boy explained the entire situation and what had led him to think that Tim might be back. Damian knew she most likely thought he was delusional and still hanging on flimsy hope. She didn't call him out on it and simply complied, using the eyes of every camera to look for Tim. He thanked her for at least trying because it didn't matter if she believed or not. What mattered was that she was helping him and that's all he was asking for. Plus it wouldn't be the first time one of them had come back from the dead. It wasn't impossible. Especially not in their family.
Damian started by checking every hospital and clinic for John Doe patients that had arrived last night. He had no trouble convincing the nurse to let him see with his own eyes every one of them. But, well, it wasn't hard when you were using the fact that you had lost your mate in the event of the robots attack and that you were hoping to find them back. Once again, it didn't matter if they believed that it was survivors of the attack that had reappeared or not, they all pitied him for losing his mate and didn't dare refuse him that.
Next, he went to all of Tim's old safehouses or any of the one the family had been using six years ago. He didn't get much result from it easier. The Drake mansion was also a dead end and Damian was running out of ideas.
Getting a bit desperate after checking Tim could have deemed safe, Damian decided to simply seek near Tim last known location. Fortunately, his father like to keep tabs on everything so he didn't have to call Jason to ask him where Tim had knocked him unconscious last night.
As he grew more and more frustrated as the hours ran by, Damian put on his Robin uniform despite the fact that it was still daytime and decided to pay a visit to every criminal hang out in case they were holding Tim.
He didn't get what he was looking for, but he did get to beat up some assholes and that help him feel better. Slightly.
All hope had left him by the end of the day. He had looked everywhere he could think of, in vain. There was no trace of Tim anywhere. He had called Barbara many times throughout the day, and he could hear the pity growing in her voice every time he did and she had nothing new to tell him. So he just turned off his phone to stop the constant buzzing of his father trying to contact him and went home.
He shed his clothes off on his way up to his room and plop down on the bed without bothering to take a shower. And for the second time in a day, he felt someone else's presence in the room. He hadn't thought they had anything left to discuss. He had made it pretty clear that he didn't care about supposedly being in danger and if that was really the case, he didn't need her protection. He hadn't needed her for years.
No dagger came to his throat this time. His opponent hadn't been waiting in a corner of his room this time but had been lying in his bed. In an instant, he felt their weight fell upon him and hands choking him. This was definitely not Talia.
He kicked them off him with a strong blow in the guts and send them rolling on the floor. Damian quickly got up and stood ready to fight. The intruder didn't waste any time to jump back on him, going for a nerf strike but he lacked the strength for it. His attacker seemed to have knowledge that a common thief would not have. But an assassin, especially one sent to kill him, shouldn't have been this weak. Because it made no doubt that Damian was stronger. In a matter of seconds, he had him in a headlock and was letting them struggle vainly against his hold.
He released them once they had stopped kicking. Damian went to turn the light on while the intruder was taking deep breaths, sitting on the floor. The man wasn't looking at him and most of his face was hidden behind his hair. Still, Damian could tell it was him.
"Tim" the name escaped his lips and the man raised his head towards him suddenly.
Damian fell to his knee in front of him and started to reach out to him with his hand. He stopped just before his face, not daring to touch him in fear he would disappear.
“Damian ?” Tim said softly, his voice barely more than a whisper. Damian let out a strangled laugh as his hand finally touched Tim.
“You came back.” Damian couldn't hide the wonder in his voice and he didn't care. This was Tim.
“Is this real ?” He asked Damian.
“I hope so. I missed you so much.” Damian answered honestly.
Tim apparently did too since he slammed his full body into Damian's and hung onto him as his life depended on him. Damian dared hugged him back. He could feel Tim's ribs under his fingers. The Omega had lost a lot of weight.
"Don't cry, Timothy," Damian told him, caressing his cheek.
"I'm not the only one crying here." He offered him a small smile.
"You were dead."
"I never died. One minute I was in Gotham fighting this waves of robots and the next I..." His voice broke down as his whole body started to shake.
"Shh, it's okay. I got you. You're home now." Damian soothed him.
Tim buried his face in Damian's neck, taking deep breaths of his scent. It helped him calm down and soon Tim was nodding off. He had probably been sleeping when Damian came home and their fight and talk must have wearied him out even more. Damian carried him to the bed, putting him gently under the sheets. He was ready to let the other man alone when Tim put his hand on his arm.
“Stay, please. I don't want to be alone." Tim pleaded.
"I'm not leaving you. I promise." Reassured, Tim went back to sleep, nestled against Damian.
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wheremytwinwatches · 4 years
[Where My Twin Watches]: Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Episode 8
Happy birthday, Tephi! Sorry I was gone for a bit guys, work was kicking my butt for a while there. But we’re out of holiday season, and it looks like we may actually get another full-timer on my team! Anyways, where did we leave off again? Ah. Right. The whole “Stones are Soul Gems” thing. Guh. And Ed’s off exploring an “abandoned” lab, while some psycho with a knife is attacking Al.
Episode 08: “The Fifth Laboratory” Al looks up as the rooftop psycho (captioned as [66]) completely ruins the element of surprise with a battlecry. Well, given his heavy armor and the fanged skull-helmet, guessing that subtlety isn’t one of Mr. 66’s strong suits. Al jumps back and avoids the wild swings of 66’s machetes, to which the pfffahahaha ok hold up. I’m sorry, but he’s just so… pudgy! This 66 dude is a marshmallow, perfect example of acrofatic with the rooftop leap. Anyways, Pudgy compliments Al’s speed for someone of his size. Then follows the compliment by saying a lesser fighter wouldn’t be worth the effort to cut down. Right, masked psycho. Can’t let his adorable fluffiness distract me. 66 explains that he got the name from “them” when he came to work at the lab, and that he’s going to cut Al up nice and neat. So just sit back and scream, m’kay? Yeah, good luck with that, buddy. Inside Ed’s looking at a large Transmutation Circle in an open room, with a small pillar in the center. Said TC looks rather simple compared to the ones we’ve seen so far, is that really all that’s needed to make a Stone? Well, the TC and the noticeable red stains spaced around the five points. Ed makes the same assumption I did, and another voice confirms his suspicion. Said voice is a rather refined-sounding 48, another armored dude with glowing red eyes (like the Goths?) who says he’s in charge of guarding the lab from curious brats. Bit more back-and-forth between the two before Ed makes an arm blade, 48 (nickname Pompous) notes that he’s an Alchemist and WHOA he’s right in front of Ed already. Threat estimation just went way up. Yikes, and he’s already deduced that Ed has an automail arm. Pompous is proving to be pretty good. But Ed gets a stab in and- *clank*? Oh. OH. Wait a minute. He’s hollow? Like Al? But that implies… Ok, video’s paused for a moment. Getting some seriously bad implications here. We know souls can be bound to armor, our boy Al’s liv- well, existing proof of that. And if a non-certified child performing amateur Alchemy can do that, who’s to say a bunch of immoral scientists can’t? Take a lab designed to turn death into a power source, and siphon off a couple of the condemned to make immortal, nigh-impervious to harm guards for your sick manufacturing process. And why stop at just a few guards? Build up a friggin army of the things! Who’s gonna stop you? The genocidal government? You’re either working for them or you are them! Oh Leto, this is gonna end up with our boys having to face down armies of pseudo-Als, isn’t it? Cripes. Back to the fight, really really hoping that my theory is wrong. Buuuut nope, Ed confirms that’s the sound he hears when sparring with Al. Pompous reintroduces himself as the guy numbered 48 on death row, more commonly known as Slicer. Mass murderer, y’know. Pompous doesn’t confirm that the place was used to make Philosopher’s Stones, it not being “his area”, but he does reveal his Seal in his helmet, helpfully notes that if Ed destroys it, then the fight is Ed’s. Awfully considerate, although he says that he likes a challenge now and then. And he won’t just let Ed walk away, it’d totally ruin his mass-murderer rep. On to the fight! ...Hughes, you’d better have a good reason to interrupt the fight between our Protagonist and the Soul-Bound Mass Murderer. Yes, it’s adorable how happy you are that your daughter’s about to turn 3, but there are things going on! Roy agrees with me. Stop using a military line on military time to gush over your family! Hughes finally returns to more pressing matters, namely a certain scar-faced Ishvalan. They found bodies at the destroyed bridge, but they’re all so decomposed that they can’t be identified. Hold up, regardless of the fact that he’s clearly alive still, what do you mean by bodies? As in multiple? I count nine sheets there, where did they all come from? And why decomposed? The fight wasn’t that long ago. Although there’s no concrete evidence he’s dead, lack of sightings means Command thinks that he’s dead. So it should be ok to remove the Elric Brother’s guards soon. Said unfortunate guards have just found the empty room where their charges are supposed to be. [Brosh]: “Ah! Major Armstrong’s gonna take his shirt off again and yell at us some more, isn’t he?!” While Brosh sobs, Ross takes charge and orders him to follow to the only place they could have gone. To the Fifth Laboratory! Lots of yelling and grunting as Pompous and Ed swing at each other. But there’s a shift in gears? Ooooh crud. Ed’s arm is breaking, the increase in chrome and resulting weakness means it’s not holding up as well. Sure, it won’t rust as easily, but he’ll be too dead to enjoy that. Fight’s taken a shift in Pompous’ favor, where before they were equally matched now the Soul-Armor’s just standing, blocking while barely moving and then kicking Ed away. Pompous is all sad that Ed won’t last much longer, tired and wounded as he is. Not to mention that his partner’s likely finished with Ed’s companion outside. After all, 66 is quite strong. But not as strong as Pompous, of course. Ed finds this quite funny. See, he and Al have been sparring partners for quite some time. And to this day, he’s never beaten his little brother. Cut to outside, where Pudgy is getting his skullface handed to him. Or rather, knocked clean off. No sign of his Seal, though. Pudgy offers to share his story with Al, all starting with a man named Barry. Barry appears to be a butcher, given the artwork of a guy with a cleaver surrounded by meat. Barry the Butcher did so love cutting up meat into tiny little pieces. Until one day that wasn’t enough anymore, and he took his cleaver to the streets. 23 victims later, Barry was sent to the gallows. But then some dumbass decided that such a man would do just fine as an unpaid nightguard. Anyways, that was the story of the infamous serial killer Barry the Chopper! [Al]: “Sorry, I’ve never heard of you.” Barry/Pudgy does not take Al’s lack of local history well. Nor his lack of surprise to the whole “bodiless armor” thing. And then he’s surprised when Al calmly pops his own helmet off. Really, dude? The glowing red eyes didn’t clue you in? Heh. Oh man, poor Pudgy. You have no idea who you’re messing with. Wait. Why are you laughing? Oh. You DICK. [66]: “Are you sure that you’re not a puppet created and controlled by your so-called brother? Were you ever a real person to begin with?” Nope. Nope nope nope. Shut up. You do not get to ask those questions. You do not get to imply that Al wasn’t a real boy. That his memories were created to make him easier to control. That dear sweet Granny and Winry are just playing along to manipulate a “living” weapon. I was looking forward to seeing our boys take you down, murderer. Now I’m looking forward to them doing it slowly. Leto. First Soul Gems, now the whole issue of sapience and continuation of consciousness? This show’s not pulling any punches, is it? Um, cop? You may wanna well ok he’s dead. “I kill, therefore I am. As long as I know that, it’s all I need to prove to myself that I’ve always been me.” Back inside, Pompous is saying that he’ll finish off Ed quickly to go and fight the better fighter. Alright Ed, what’s your plan? Good plan! And shame on you, Pompous. You talked a big talk, but you really fell for the old “look behind you” trick. [48]: “That was dirty!” [Ed]: “There’s no such thing as ‘dirty’ in a fight. Before he destroys the seal, Ed stops to pick up Pompous’ helmet and demands what he knows about the Philosopher’s Stone. And just leaves the main body of Pompous behind him. Really, Ed? You’ve lived with Al for how many years? Seen his head get knocked off yet he still moves just fine how many times? Shame on you. Wait, what? “Impossible?” Why? You clearly saw the seal on the neck, right? Ooooh. “Slicer” was a pair of brothers? Independent head and body? So Ed was shown a seal inside the helmet, not the one lower down on the armor proper. And now he’s really injured, Armor-Slicer’s not giving him time to transmute (point for having the seal already on some gear, rather than using your hands each time). Ouch, jab to the cut and Ed’s down. Memory of Scar? OOOOOOOHHHHHH! Ed figured out Scar’s Hand o’ Doom! Armor-Slicer done got blown in half! And then freaks Ed out by wriggling. Ha! Pompous takes the defeat in fairly-good grace, calls for Ed to deal the finishing blow. But Ed’s not going to commit murder. [48]: “With bodies like these are we really even people?” [Ed]: “I consider you people whether you have physical bodies or not… If I didn’t, that would mean I didn’t believe my own brother is a person either.” Outside Pudgy continues to prey on Al’s doubts, goes so far as to dare him to break his own Blood Seal. Obviously Al won’t do such a stupid thing, but it’s because we know that he’s alive, not because he’s “programmed” to protect it. Guh, the sooner Pudgy bites it the better. Ed continues to insist that he won’t kill another person. Which amuses Pompous? Wow. Pompous remarks that it’s ironic, saying it wasn’t until they were Soul Bound that he and his brother were treated like humans. For that kindness, he’ll tell Ed everything. Awesome, we’re getting- aw crap. I know that dress. Ladies and gentlemen. Lust is on the scene. And she does not like helmets with loose lids. And Envy, as well. This is bad, isn’t it? Al, you may wanna get in and rescue your brother sooner rather than later. Jeez, hope Soul-Bound Armors don’t feel pain. Or at least it was quick for Pompous, getting split in two like that. WELL OK THEN. Guess that answers the question “Do Soul Armors feel pain?”. Envy’s taken up the sword and is repeatedly stabbing the Armor-Slicer’s seal, ranting about how their attacking the important sacrifice could have messed up the entire plan. Finally, the armor stops moving. Ed slowly slides up the wall to get to his feet, facing down Lust and Envy and demanding to know who they are. Uh, Ed? I know that you don’t know these people, that you aren’t aware that they seem to have hurt Scar enough - you know, that guy who utterly wrecked you and Al? - to send him into hiding. And that you’re pissed off enough to ignore your own physical state. But maybe you think you could tone it down a notch? Not try to kick Envy and prepare to fight? Whelp. Ed’s arm just went kaput. Winry, as much as I respect you as a mechanic, gonna have to question the choice to go so heavy with chrome. Rust isn’t as bad as these “technical difficutlies.” And yup Envy-knee to the stomach, Ed’s down for the count. [Lust]: “Listen to me well, boy. Don’t ever forget this. Always remember that we allowed you to live.” And of course, since Ed was poking around the place, it’ll have to go. Lust orders Envy to blow it up. Hey, uh, Al? How you holding up? Aw, no. Al, please. Please don’t let Pudgy’s mindgames get to you. Don’t start thinking that what Ed was going to tell you last episode was that... Hooray, Ross and Brosh are here! Woefully ignorant of how useless bullets are against Pudgy, but still. Uh oh, building’s cracking. And Pudgy recognizes what that means, makes a speedy exit. Al cries out that Ed’s still inside. Well, it’s not like the Goths are going to let their “important sacrifice” die as they dispose of the evidence, right? Called it! Envy walks out of the dust with Ed slung over his shoulder, drops him off with Al and Ross while cheerfully saying they should take him to a hospital and keep a better eye on him. “He’s a precious resource.” And like that, he’s gone. As the lab crumbles, the prison next door is home to a bunch of yelling prisoners. And further inside, someone named Kimblee remarks that it’s lovely to hear a building exploding. Hey, it’s Smiley, from the flashback to the Ishvalan War. You know, the guy who was grinning during the genocide? Seems he’s in prison now. This is the guy that Mr. Freeze was trying to recruit in the first episode too, wasn’t it? And even as the lab crumbles, even as our characters rush to get Ed to a hospital… Al thinks about what Pudgy said. ...wait, that’s it? That’s the episode? Come on! How rude is it to leave poor Al doubting his own personhood?! Post-credits: Hughes is talking on a phone, remarking that things at Central are pretty hectic. All the senior Alchemists killed by Scar? Rumor is a certain Roy Mustang may get promoted to fill in the spaces. But getting advanced so young Roy’s bound to make enemies. He needs as many people on his side as possible. Like a wife! ...yeah, I’m with you, [Receptionist]. Hughes, please stop with the personal phone calls. [Narrator]: “Edward Elric cannot find the right words to say what he must. Meanwhile, young Alphonse is frightened by his brother’s continued silence. Where does the truth lie? This truth is waiting, hidden in the memories of a young girl. Next time, on Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood-” Episode 09 - “Created Feelings” “The heart begins to waver because if fears what the truth may bring.” Hey, looks like we get to see Winry again! Almost makes up for Alphonse having to doubt his very existence! Man, I can’t wait to see Pudgy bite it!
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