#and someone bought a baby i had for $10 LOL
hazystars · 29 days
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me when i love my plants :)
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unreleasedwrites · 9 days
hello my beloved writer <3 can I ask for a Gun oneshot in which we wear his perfume but he owns so many bottles that he don't actually remember that's his so he thinks that the scent belongs to someone else lol. the story goes after will be decided by you hehe <3 thank you <3
A Certain Scent
“just whose perfume am I smelling?”
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summary: You had just finished getting ready for your date with your boyfriend, when he suddenly questions the perfume you had on you. He thinks it’s some other guy’s until you clear it up and you two go on your date, with him still thinking that you’re upset with him for suspecting you of cheating. But you really aren’t and you two eventually cuddle together in bed to end the day.
character(s) included: Park Jonggun x fem!reader
cw: established relationship, teasing, hints of jealous gun, kissing, soft, fluff, petnames / couple names (idk what they’re even called), cuddling, like all of my works— not proofread
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unwrapped on: Sunday Midnight, June 9 2024
wrapped up on: Saturday Night, June 15 2024
published on: Saturday Night, June 15 2024 (at around 10 pm)
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“Alright, I’ve finished getting ready! How do I look?” You announced as you walked into the living of room of your shared apartment.
Your boyfriend, Gun, was stood at the wall leading to the doorway, dressed in semi formal attire for your guys’ date that evening.
“I’ve told you before that no words can describe you, didn’t I?” He replied, tilting his head to the side while his eyes were wandering across your body.
“That’s corny but then again, I asked.” You scoffed at him while walking closer and closer to where he was stood at.
He only laughed at your response and pulled you in closer for a kiss. The kiss went on for a few good seconds until you broke it since you noticed that Gun didn’t seem intent on stopping there.
“Save that for later, we haven’t even left the building yet,” you scoffed at him yet again, earning another laugh from him.
He held your hand and just as you two were about to exit the room, he froze. His grasp on your hand became tighter.
He looked over to you, “baby?” to which you replied with a hum and he added, “just whose perfume am I smelling?”
You rose an eyebrow at the sudden interrogation, “huh—? What do you mean?” You said as you tilted your head to the side, visibly confused.
“What do I mean?” He scoffed, “that perfume you’ve got on is obviously a man’s. Who were you with before I arrived?” He said, with a more demanding tone.
“Gun..” You said, “are you serious or..?” You were skeptical with his sudden change in demeanor and tone, did he seriously not realize that the perfume you’ve got on was his own?
Gun obviously heard you but didn’t respond, he only looked at you and he hasn’t looked away since.
“It’s yours, you idiot.” You audibly sighed at him.
“Wha-? No it’s not,” he replied, seemingly growing confused as well.
“Yeah, it is! Let go of my hand and I’ll prove it to you.”
“Fine,” he finally let go of your hand and you walked back to your guys’ shared bedroom, where all of your stuff including makeup, perfumes, and accessories were at.
You opened one of the drawers to your vanity, revealing an extensive collection of luxury perfumes, many of which were your boyfriend’s. You took out the one you had just used and walked back to where Gun was stood at, only for him to look even more confused.
“Does this seem familiar to you?” You opened it up and sprayed it in his face from a safe distance where he can still smell the scent.
He took a few seconds to analyze what you just sprayed, only to realize that the scent was in fact from his perfume.
“Well— Is that really mine though? I have so many bottles that I don’t know whether or not I own that. And plus.. What if some guy just left that here?”
“Gun. You bought this when we were on vacation in Japan, you even specifically told me that you like smelling your scent on me so you sprayed on me as well.”
Gun paused. He started thinking about that vacation you guys had and suddenly, that exact moment that you were telling him about started flashing in his mind. You could see his eyebrows rise slightly, signifying that he’s finally come to realize what you’re talking about.
“Fine fine. I’m sorry that I thought you were wearing some other guy’s perfume..”
You only pouted at him so he gave you a kiss on the forehead.
“If you forgive me now, I’ll kiss you on the lips instead.” He offered.
“Deal! I forgive you for basically accusing me of cheating!” You said, adding sarcasm towards the end.
He scoffed at your quick change in mood and gave you another kiss on the lips.
You returned the perfume from where you first got it and once you got back to Gun, he held your hand again but in a more gentle way. Then you two finally went on your awaited date.
“Don’t tell me…” Gun said after he took a sip of the drink he ordered at the restaurant you two were at. “You’re still upset at me?” He added.
“Hmph.” You only mumbled as you were chewing on the food that came from Gun, right after he spoon fed you the last of his food as you had just finished up with your plate.
Gun sighed, somehow seemingly amused too. He then spotted a waiter and asked for the bill, turning to you while the waiter left to fetch the bill.
“How can I make it up to you?” He asked with a smirk on his face, confident in his abilities to be fully forgiven.
“You wanna go shopping before we head back? Name any shopping mall you’d like to go and I’ll get you whatever you want there. How’s that sound, you little baby?” He added as he slipped in some teasing at the end.
“No, Gun.. You can’t just buy your way into forgiveness y’know,” you scoffed at him and you finished up what was left of your drink. He subtly pouted, his smirk faded as his confidence in getting you to forgive him went down.
The waiter arrived with the bill and without even taking the time to read through the receipt, Gun put his card in and the waiter took it away.
The waiter eventually came back with his card and you two stood up to leave, making your way back to the car.
“You sure you don’t wanna go shopping?” Gun asked as he opened the car door for you and you settled into the passenger seat.
You nodded in response and Gun shut your door, making his way to the other side and settling into the drivers seat.
You put the topic aside and chatted with him all throughout the way back to your guys’ shared apartment. And you two finally arrived back at the doorstep with Gun seemingly distracted.
“What’s on your mind, honey?” You asked Gun while he was removing his shoes and setting his coat aside.
“You, just as always.” He teased.
“Corny as hell, again, but then againnnn, I asked…” You replied and added, “no but what is it really?”
You were looking at Gun, whose coat was now removed and all of the buttons of his top were now undone— revealing his body.
But you weren’t looking at any of that , you were just maintaining eye contact and looking at him oh, so sweetly. He smiled at you genuinely, a sight that not many see right in front of them.
“M’pretty sure you’re still upset with me, and I don’t know how to fix it.” He blurted out as he successfully finished removing his top.
“You’re such a baby, I was barely upset to begin with.” You reassured him with a kiss on the cheek and left to take a shower so you could get into bed.
After your shower, you walked into your guys’ shared bedroom, only to see Gun on the bed. He’s already taken a shower as well and as per usual, he’s shirtless with some pajamas you bought him. You giggled, thinking how he’s actually wearing them and made your way onto the bed.
He put aside whatever he was just doing to cuddle you, completely sinking into you with all his weight. Which is why you had to shoo him off you to get some air. He pouted at the sudden kick out but was all happy again when you got on top of him to cuddle. You already were so exhausted, so in no time you felt like you were drifting away as your head laid in the crook of his neck.
Gun whispered, “I love you so much,” and he badly hopes that you heard him despite being seemingly asleep. Which you did, but instead of saying it back, you lifted your head and kissed him.
Then you sunk your head back into the crook of his neck, while he stroked your hair gently until you fell asleep.
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notes: ik none of my works are proofread but this one really isnt as i worked on it during unholy hours and i might’ve been half asleep while writing some parts.. 🫠
so im very sorry for any grammatical and spelling errors but I hope that it’s still understandable 😭
I swear this would’ve been done much sooner but I really wasn’t sure what to do after the like main request about the perfume 😭
Anyways, tysm to the anon who requested this!! 💗💗 I hope it’s not too bad
- With or without proper credits, please don't try to steal or claim any of my works as vour own
I genuinely appreciate opinions, feedback, likes, and reblogs
Once again, I hope this isn't too bad for a request, and l'II be doing more characters in lookism so feel free to request but please read my pinned post !!
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blissfullyecho · 1 year
more harsh truths about life that will prob hurt your feelings and get me cancelled lol
1. scripting, visualizing, using crystals, affirming, etc. all don’t work in the real world. do the work. we’re not anime characters or superheroes— using your “brain powers” while you sit there doing nothing to get what you want is a delusion. script, visualize, do whatever you wanna do but thinking that’s the secret sauce to what is gonna solve all your problems is insanity
2. no one is responsible for your triggers. getting mad at someone because they forgot to put “tw” in the title next to the LITERAL EXACT TOPIC that they’re going to discuss is your own fault that you read it. you knew what it was gonna be about. if you know you’ll be triggered, move on. getting mad at people for talking about things that they had no idea you’re having a hard time with is no one’s fault either. you’re never captive to stay somewhere. if it’s triggering, you make the decision and the choice to move on and get away.
3. attractive people have the advantage of making anything look cool. for example (and no offense because my brother loves this stuff) but if you like anime, a lot of people think it’s weird. but if you’re an attractive person that likes anime, then it becomes cool because an attractive person likes it. looks = status and anyone with status could make anything look cool and be a trend.
4. girls, it’s better not having hairy legs and armpits. sorry but someone had to say it and i’ll be that person. you’re not creating a movement, you’re not proving anything to anyone. everyone grows hair, we get it. but if your body hair makes a statement and expresses yourself, then maybe you need to develop a personality.
5. speaking of personality; some of you are too nice. the nice guy finishes last. always. they seek validation, temporary satisfaction, and it reeks desperation. being too nice makes you look weak and a target to manipulation and weirdness.
6. models, actors/actresses, singers, anyone in the public eye are MEANT to look good and MEANT to look like a fantasy/dream. these people are not meant to be role models and they didn’t sign up to be role models. they were good at their craft and all of you as regular everyday people forced them to be role models because they had a public image. these people are contracted to always look good, set trends, and stay relevant in the media. then you guys started pressing for “inclusivity” and ruined brands like victoria’s secret, hollister, abercrombie, etc. because it got your feelings hurt. those brands sell stories and fantasies. those models sold those brands. STOP TRYING TO MAKE HIGH STATUS PEOPLE INTO EVERYDAY PEOPLE. work on yourself if it bothers you. it’s show biz, baby.
7. if you want anything in life fast, then you either have to have money, good looks, or great manipulation/bribery/communication/people skills. being skilled is a good thing, but don’t expect results overnight like you would if you had money, looks, or people skills. again, this is if you want something FAST.
8. listening to subliminals is a waste of time. wanna change your subconscious mind? get your mind used to living and acting the way you wanna be. do that for 3-6 months and boom, you’re a new person. *high five*
9. it’s cool to gatekeep. why are we telling everyone our beauty secrets and where we bought our clothes? i’m not trying to have anyoneeeeee have anything i have because when people catch on to something, it becomes a trend, then it becomes basic. so no, i’m not telling you what perfume i’m wearing. “i forgot” or “it was a gift”. let me be me.
10. ladies, men want to do things for you. no, that doesn’t mean you don’t have the capability to do it yourself. stop with the equality mess because a man wanted to hold the door open for you. JUST BECAUSE A MAN OFFERS TO DO SOMETHING FOR YOU, DOES NOT MEAN YOU LACK THE MENTAL OR PHYSICAL CAPABILITY TO DO SO.
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ughgoaway · 6 months
ugly sweater party // day 10
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content warnings; nothing i think? maybeee swearing but i do not remember <33
a/n; did anyone else have ugly jumper days at school or did I just go to a weird fucking school?? anyway I hope you enjoy this fic!!! (I did not enjoy re-reading it, but when do I ever lol)
word count; 1.8k
(this fic takes place pre-relationship)
12 days masterlist
“Come on in, Jamie! Nice jumper, very ugly!” you say, smiling down at the little boy whose eyes were bright with pride. Normally calling a student's jumper ugly would end in tears and a stern conversation with your boss, but today it's the very best thing they could hear.
Last month, you were sitting in a meeting, ringing your hands together, trying to muster the confidence to suggest the idea of an ugly jumper day to fundraise for cancer research. Somehow, you pulled yourself together enough to say it out loud. You immediately cringed after you said it, prepared to be shot down. But thankfully, you were met with a chorus of support from your colleagues.
As the days passed by, you had more and more excited children coming up to you saying they found their jumpers and couldn't wait to wear them. You even went out and bought some spares, just in case someone forgets.
And so this event became your baby for the next month. You created flyers and handed them out to everyone. Putting them in backpacks and bookbags to ensure they made it home safely.
You even did some secret stalking on the mum-only Facebook page under your alias “Caroline Monroe”, and were over the moon to see mums talking about how much their little ones are enjoying the idea.
And here the day was, each new child coming in had a smile so big it looked as if their cheeks could split. Every parent is praising you for the idea and the organisation of it all, and you couldn't feel more proud. Finally, you’re fitting in and making use of the degree that caused you endless stress. 
But if you were honest, you were waiting for one student in particular. Not that you'd admit that to anyone, or even yourself, really. Every time a new head of hair came bounding in, you did a double take to see if it was the pile of curls you were hoping for.
Unlike how she was usually, Annie was pretty silent about her jumper, not even telling you if she had one or not. So, to say you were suspicious was an understatement. 
9 o'clock drew closer, and you got the sudden fear Annie wasn't in today. But just before the bell could ring, you saw 2 heads full of bouncing curls running into the school gates. And you couldn't help the splitting grin that came over your face.
“Well little miss Annie…” you begin as you bend down, “what an amazing jumper!! It is very ugly!” You scrunch your face as you say it, the words still not feeling normal on your tongue.
If only the daily mail could see him now, you are sure half the articles they pumped out would be scrapped.
Matty Healy in a matching ugly Christmas jumper to his 6-year-old daughter.
Matty catches your eyes and immediately mirrors your grin, and you can't help but snort at the sight of him. He lifts a finger mockingly and wags it at you, imploring you not to laugh. 
“And you match with your daddy!” You say with a teasing lilt to your voice. You shoot your eyes up to Matty, who is already looking down with more disdain than you thought he could muster at 9 a.m.
“Yes.. thank you, miss y/n” Matty says with a joking quality to his words and one hand on his hip, the other holding his daughter's hand. 
You break eye contact and look back to Annie, who is beaming at you, showing off her gappy smile. She giggles and nods excitedly at you before speaking.
“Thank you, miss y/n!!” she says shyly, burrowing into her dad's leg and grinning.
You make a move to stand but are quickly pulled back down by Annie, who clearly has more to say, as always.
“But do you want to know the very best part, miss y/n?” Annie asks like a spy sharing top-secret information. You play it up, nodding and looking around before leaning in. 
“My daddy MADE my jumper!!” she says with a shriek and a laugh. You immediately brighten up and look up at Matty for confirmation, knowing Annie can… exaggerate at times. 
Matty looks down at his daughter with so much love in that moment you're sure you can feel your heart grow 3 times the size. The pure adoration in his eyes neatly made you need to sit down, but you managed to stay steady on your feet.
Eventually, you gathered the strength to rise to Matty's height and make eye contact with him, and it's then you knew Annie was telling the truth.
Dark circles sat below his eyes, which were also slightly sunken but somehow remained bright. He had clearly been up late working on making these, the thought of which made you dizzy. 
Matty saw the questioning look on your face and began to explain, “My mum loves to knit, and she saw the flyer for today last time she was down. She was very insistent Annie had to have a homemade ugly jumper” he finished his sentence by stroking the top of his daughters head, curling a ringlet of her hair around his finger. 
He continued to fiddle with Annie's hair as he spoke, “I conceded it could be homemade but…” he paused slightly embarrassed of what he was about to say, “I wanted to make it for her, you know? I wanted to do something for my little girl.”
Your silence made Matty nervous, so he began to ramble in the way he does when he feels his heart in his throat, “I know, I know. What an over-the-top dad, but I just can't help myself when it comes to my little peanut.” he smiles bashfully, and Annie giggles at his nickname for her.
Oh god. Those words combined with the shy look on his face caused butterflies to erupt in your stomach, crashing against your sides in a way that almost hurt. But you shook it off, refusing to admit you could feel this way for a parent.
You were professional, and having feelings was not. So you didn't have feelings… definitely have no feelings here! Nope!
“How- how did you make it? Do you knit?” You manage to stutter out after standing in shocked silence for much longer than socially acceptable. An apprehensive look passed over Matty's face briefly, but he quickly shook it off. 
“Uhh I managed to convince Mum to teach me. so she made mine, and I just copied her and made Annie's. Same pattern, just smaller! We Facetimed and worked alongside each other. I struggled at the start, but it turns out as long as I listen to Radiohead whilst I knit, it turns out pretty good!” he grabbed his daughter and spun her around in a flourish, showing off his hard work. A roar of laughter escaped Annie as she spun, obviously entertained by her dad's endless antics.
God, this having no feelings thing is getting harder and harder. Especially when staring into his eyes as his adorable daughter's cackles filled the air. Normally brown eyes are boring but not his. His had something in them that captured your attention, some inexplicable force that dragged you deeper and deeper.
Soon, Annie was desperately asking her dad if she could go show her friends her jumper, and he agreed and bent down. He gave her a brief kiss on the temple and sent her off with a pat on her back and a wave.
Matty once again felt slightly awkward at your silence, wondering if he had said something wrong. Little did he know it was quite the opposite. 
He waved at you and began to walk away, but your brain caught up, and you shouted after him. “Matty!” You say jogging towards him and meeting in the middle of the playground.
Shit. You had forgotten about that. Quickly you decide you're just gonna ignore that and keep rambling, just as Matty would, you're sure.
“Sorry! I'm a bit groggy this morning. I haven't had my coffee yet” You try to excuse your odd behaviour, but Matty shoots you a look that says he doesn't quite believe you.
His eyes shift from yours to the coffee cup in your left hand.
“I just wanted to say that you making Annie's jumper is so thoughtful and sweet” You start to bring your hand up and briefly pause, but then think 'fuck it'. 
You put your hand on his upper arm and somehow resist the urge to squeeze and feel his arm tense.
“Really, not many parents would do something so amazing for the kids. Thank you,” you say earnestly, not moving your hand and staring at Matty intensely.
Little did you know Matty's brain was short-circuiting. Your hand on his arm was the only thing he could focus on. The warmth he felt through his jumper, the slight grip you had on him. He even got lost in staring at your nail polish, red and green for Christmas. 
He felt sick with want the second he felt your touch. Trying to focus on any words coming out of your mouth at the same time you were touching him felt like a herculean task.
He somehow managed to catch the end of what you were saying, just enough to attempt a normal human response.
He internally psyched himself up before speaking, desperate to play it off cool and natural.
“Thanks, I just love her so much.” he said earnestly, but he couldn't be sincere for too long, “and it's not like I have a real job to go to, right? I just dick around with a guitar for a few hours!” he laughs.
“Ah- its- yeah- im-” he stammered.
Well, that's not a great start, is it? He scorned his brain for not catching up to his mouth in time. However, he eventually got them back in sync. 
You smile and giggle at his comment, but you know the real sentiment behind it. You squeeze his arm one last time before removing your hand and beginning to walk away. 
Both you and Matty wave to one another before turning around and walking in opposite directions. You fought the urge to turn around to get one last look, little did you know - Matty was fighting the same urge.
Whilst you won that battle, Matty didn't. He flicked his head around briefly, just long enough to see your bright smile as you greeted another student. Just long enough to feel his heart stutter one more time.
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wjhik · 11 months
I'm So Proud Of You (Trent Alexander-Arnold)
A/N: finally some trent content
Y/N's POV:
"Trent here. I'm not available right now. Leave a message after the beep." The call goes to voicemail. I've been trying to reach Trent for the past hour. He most likely has his phone in the locker room while he's on the field. I think this is the hardest thing I've ever had to do. Going through contractions, timing them, and controlling my breathing. All while trying to grab the last of my things to take to the hospital. As my contractions get closer and closer, they're getting more painful. I really need Trent here.
"Thank you for calling Liverpool FC. This is Lilian. How can I help you?" Thank god someone picked up. I've called everyone at the club, and no one has answered. I had to resort to calling the gaffers secretary. "Hi, Lilian. This is Y/N calling, Trent's wife. Listen, I've been trying to reach anyone for the past hour, and no one has answered. If you're not too busy, could you tell him to call me- FUCK!!!" This is the most painful contraction so far, and it had to happen while I was on the phone. "Oh my- Yes, of course. Are you alright?" She says. I can hear some rustling in the background, assuring me that she was getting up. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just get Trent to call me as soon as possible. Thank you!" I say hanging up as another contraction comes in.
Trent's POV:
"So how's the missus?" Robbo asks me. "Yeah, she's alright. The pregnancy's been hard on her, but she's handling it amazingly." I tell him. "She's still pregnant?" I hear one of them say. "I swear, it's been a whole year." Another chimes in. "She is very overdue, 10 months. But the doctor says it's alright. She wants the baby out, however. She is well over done." I say, squeezing some water into my mouth. I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn around. It's Klopp's secretary. What does she want from me?
"Mr. Alexander-Arnold, your wife called. She said she's been trying to reach you and if you could call her back ASAP." She tells me. "Oh. My phone's not with me. Did she tell you what she wanted?" I ask her. Why would Y/N call her? "No, she didn't. But she did sound like she was in pain." In pain? Did she hurt herself? She's so clumsy these days. "You better go, Trent. Let us know when he's here." Robbo says, patting me on the shoulder. "When who's here?" I ask him. Why is he so excited? "Your son?!" He says, almost appalled. "What are you on about?" I ask him, slowly getting up. "Trent, are you alright?" Virg says. "Your wife's in labor!" Andy says. I didn't even think of that! "OH MY GOD!! SHE'S IN LABOR!" I say, running into the locker rooms.
Klopp's POV: (jus for fun)
"Alright, boys. Break's over. Back to work!! Where's Trent?" I ask the players. He knows better. There's still 10 minutes before training is over. Trent isn't like this. He doesn't skip practice for anything. "His missus has gone into labor." Andy tells me. Good for him! (lol this was so unnecessary)
Y/N's POV:
This fucker better get here soon. I'm dying here. I take out my phone to text him again. I see that he read the messages 10 minutes ago. Did he really leave me on read? After all those messages and calls, he leaves me on read? I so wish I wasn't pushing this guys baby out of my vagina. Fucking asshole. "AAAHHH!!" I let out a guttural scream as I bounce up and down on the exercise ball the asshole bought me. I feel my hand being taken. I pull it back in reflex. I look up to see my husband. "I'm so sorry I didn't answer your messages, love. I left as soon as I saw them. Are you alright? How far apart are the contractions?" Maybe he's not that bad. "5 minutes. And they last around 50 seconds." I tell him. "How long has it been?" He asks me, sitting next to me. "Long enough. I need to go to the hospital." I tell him. "You stay here, I'll put the thing in the car." He says, running to grab our bags.
"How much longer?" I say, holding my stomach with one hand and the other squeezing the grab handle. I have my eyes squeezed shut in pain. Trent stops the car and runs over to my side of the car. I open my eyes to realized we are stopped right in front of the hospital. Not parked. Stopped in the middle of the road. Trent opens my door and helps me out of the car.
I'm sitting in the waiting room while Trent talks to the receptionist. "My wife is in labor. Her contraction are 5 minutes apart and last a minute. It's been like that for an hour or more. Please help." The receptionist calls for a gurney and asks him to fill out some paper work. He fills out all of my details for me.
The nurses have put me into my room. Trent has somehow managed to get the best room in the hospital. They have started me on some painkillers, and I feel much better now. "Baby, can you go get the bags?" I tell him. I remember that the car is still blocking the road. "Are you sure? I don't want to leave you alone." He's so sweet. "I'm fine for now, but this is the only opportunity you're going to get. So, go!"
"One more push, love. You're doing amazing." Trent says, standing on the right of my hospital bed and allowing me to squeeze his hand with all my might. (im going to spare yall your screaming and the feeling of your vagine being ripped open) I can feel the baby's head crown and eventually come out. I'm extremely drugged up. The nurses gave me a slight break. Trent leans down and kisses my extremely sweaty forehead. He wipes the tears away from my cheeks. "I'm so proud of you. You're almost there.
I feel the stream of cheeks run down my cheek as I hear my baby cry. The nurse lightly rubs the baby clean and places him on my chest. "Hi, baby..." I say with a very high pitched voice. Trent rubs my shoulder to say 'good job'. The nurse gently takes the baby away from me to clean him up.
Our families have already visited us and have left. Trent is laying down on the couch next to my bed, scrolling through the shit cable channels. The T.V. is muted, both Trent and I too scared to wake up the baby. He's on my chest, feeding. I can't even express how special it felt to have my baby on my skin for the first time.
"Trent?" I ask him, my eyes still on my baby. "Hmm?" He says, his eyes still glued to the screen. "Take off your shirt." I tell him. He looks at me, raising his eyebrows to me and giving me that look. "I know it's been a while, but it's a bit too soon, no?" He tell me. "Not like that, Trent! You haven't held him skin-to-skin yet." I whisper yell. He knows what I meant. He takes off his shirt. I get up and with my son in my arms and I place him into my husband's arms. "Oh my god...He's so precious." Trent says, looking up at me. He stares at our son for a while while I sit on the arm of the couch. I look down at his face to see tears running down his face. My boys.
Wattpad: funkyfishfeet
DM for requests
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shuniverse · 1 year
pick me up ,,| l.f
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a/n: i’m doing these in a different font style now lol. but i wrote this on the spot because i’m just so done with life rn. i’m not going through personal internal issues, but needless to say this drabble will kinda sum things up. also this is written in lowercase on purpose, just btw
1.1k words
involves felix because he’s one of my biggest comforts next to channie.
the basic gist is of parents fighting and reader having to leave because of it, but it doesn’t explicitly show what they’re saying, so no descriptions of abusive language.
┆ ° ♡ • ➵ ✩ ◛ °
you can’t do it anymore. the constant yelling, the fighting. you wish you had enough money to leave, but seeing as you’re job only pays so much and your parents seem to want you to stay, you’re stuck.
you’re in your room, blankets tucked over your head trying to drown them out as you at least attempt sleep, but it doesn’t work. the banging, the clattering, the constant berating and degrading and just pure hatred seeming to spew out of your parents mouths is too much.
you don’t know what else to do, so you call your boyfriend, seeing as it’s your only option. you pull out your phone, the brightness of your lock screen blinding you momentarily in the dark cocoon of your blankets. once your eyes have adjusted, you unlock your phone and head right to his number.
you: lixie come get me please
lix ❤️🍪: ok honey! what’s wrong? is it happening again?
you can’t bring yourself to answer at first, tears pricking again at your already puffy eyes.
you: yes pls come get me i can’t do this anymore
he sends two thumbs up emojis, and one little heart, attempting at trying to be gentle, which he always is. felix is someone you never thought you’d have, but you’re sure as hell not letting him go.
about 10 minutes later, there’s a text on your screen.
lix ❤️🍪: I’m here baby. take your time, I’m in no rush, I love you
you smile at his text, and send just a heart emoji. he doesn’t press for more of a response.
your tugging on your converse, the ones your mom bought you. they’re dirty, but functionable. you tie the laces loosely, tugging on your (felix’s) hoodie, grab your phone and bbokari plush and leave quietly out of your room. your parents are in the kitchen, and you shrink down while they’re shouting, not even noticing you leave. you sneak out the front door, and jog the small distance to felix’s car.
as you get in, you’re greeted by felix in all his beautiful glory in the drivers seat, looking to be disheveled and anxious. as soon as he sees you and your in your seat and shut the door, he grabs you and brings you in for a comforting, yet very snug, hug, breathing shakily into your hair.
“are you okay? are you hurt?” he pulls away, inspecting your features, his face softening just a bit as he sees the hoodie and plush sticking out of the hood haphazardly. sighing and brushing your hair back, he plants a gentle kiss against your forehead.
you shake your head at his question, and rest your head on his shoulder, tears in dry streaks down your face, your eyes red still. “no, they never touch me when they get like this.” you look up at him, and hold one of his ringed hands. “thank you, lixie.”
he smiles warmly, kissing your cheek. “any time, sweetheart.” his deep, soothing voice comforts you, and you snuggle against his shoulder
“can we go now? i don’t-“
before you can finish your sentence, felix is driving off. he intertwines his fingers with yours, kissing the back of your hand. “let’s head home, yeah?”
you smile. you’ve gotten used to calling felix’s apartment your home, it’s comforting. better than your actually home, where every other night it seems like you’re woken up by yelling.
after 10 minutes of comfortable silence, you’re walking up with felix to his apartment.
you don’t even expect a “come home” text from one of your parents tonight. if they haven’t noticed you leaving, they certainly won’t notice that you’re gone.
sitting on his couch, you’re watching on of your favorite comfort movies, an old Disney movie from when you were young. snuggled up against your boyfriend, you feel a surprising buzz of your phone. you reach for it, and pull it out to see, surprisingly, a “come home. please.” not from your mom, nor your dad. no, it’s from your brother. he never texts you.
you sigh, replying with:
you: im sorry, im at felix’s. you can call your girlfriend to get you?
the question is genuine, and he replies back almost immediately.
brother boy: I’ve tried but she won’t respond. they’re getting louder. can you help me?
you: I can ask one of the boys? I know you’re close to some of them. want me to call jeongin?
brother boy: sure. that works. just anything to get my out of this shit hole
you look at felix, who’s been gazing at you with a curious look in his beautiful brown eyes. “what’s the matter, sweetheart?”
“my brother needs to leave too. can you call innie?”
he nods immediately, grabbing his phone and calling jeongin.
they’re talking, and in a little less than a minute he’s ended the call. “innie’s on his way. good thing him and your brother are friends, huh?”
you nod, a small smile on your face before you look back at your phone for a second. the screen is notification free.
you open your messages and shoot your brother a text.
you: hey, jeongin’s coming to get you. he’ll be there quick, don’t worry okay?
brother boy: okay- oh, I think I see his car on the other side of the street. I’ll climb out the window.
you: no! just go out the door, I went out the back door. they didn’t even notice, you’ll be okay.
brother boy: ok. thank you
you: no problem. have fun with jeongin
he sends a thumbs up. you look up at felix, and kiss his jaw, making him smile. “thank you for helping me, lixie.”
he nods, kissing your forehead. “the least I could do, baby.”
you yawn, and he gently rubs your shoulder before scooting down a bit to lay you both down on the couch, and he pulls a soft blanket over top of you. he snuggles bbokari in your free arm, on the open side of the couch. “let’s get some rest, yeah?”
you nod sleepily against his chest, snuggling into it.
he kisses your head. “I love you, sleep good baby.”
you mumble something, and felix giggles, before wrapping his arms around you, holding you close as you both drift off to sleep.
you wish you didn’t have to run to him every time your parents fought, but you’re glad he’s there anyways. you’re parents fighting is shoved to the back of your head as you fall asleep, but you know you’ll have to talk to them tomorrow.
but tomorrow is the last thing in your mind.
hope you guys enjoyed!
please know that if you guys are dealing with things like this, and it’s getting bad, please don’t be afraid to tell somebody. this is a serious thing. my parents aren’t exactly innocent in this department, and I hate to have to hear it, and I don’t want the same for any of my readers or any others living with their parents.
this was a way for me to express my emotions through writing, involving someone who brings me much comfort. call it a coping mechanism, if you will. I hope people who are struggling can find a happy coping mechanism as well, and I wish you all the best <3
stay safe!
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stargatebarbie · 20 days
Getting to Know You Meme
Tagged by @spurious 😊
01) Are you currently in a serious relationship? Yes! 7 years this November
02) What was your dream growing up? I wanted to be a psychologist for a long time but tbh glad I didn't end up doing that I am not suited to it
03) What talent do you wish you had? It'd be cool to have an idetic memory. Or even just like, a good one. My memory is shot lol
04) If someone bought you a drink what would it be? I could really use a proper coffee rn
05) Favorite vegetable? like good cherry tomatoes. the home grown kind. Or maybe potatoes
06) What was the last book you read? I'm currently reading Dungeon Meshi! I'm really enjoying the anime and decided to pick up the manga, just finished the first volume
07) What zodiac sign are you? Cancer 🦀
08) Any Tattoos and/or Piercings? Yeah ears stretched a little, I think they're only 1cm & septum piercing. I haven't gotten around to getting any tattoos atp, shit's expensive, but I absolutely want them
09) Worst Habit? stealing all the cups and forks in the house
10) What is your favorite sport? not to be a stereotype but I don't really do sport. ig hockey?
11) Do you have a Pessimistic or Optimistic attitude? naturally pessimistic but i really try to like. practice optimism
12) Tell me one weird fact about you. one time I was locked in a bathroom with a goat
13) Do you have any pets? Yes! A cat named Moon :)
14) Do you think clowns are cute or scary? Scary for sure. I blame my mum she hung a clown puppet in my room as a baby
15) If you could change one thing about how you look, what would it be? boy howdy would I love a breast reduction
16) What color eyes do you have? grey/blue
17) Ever been arrested? No but I have been detained for like. safety reasons oop
18) Bottle or can soda? Bottle i suppose? I don't really drink a lot of soft drink though
19) If you won $10,000 today, what would you do with it? probably fund my move out of state
20) What's your favorite place to hang out at? home tbh. or the beach when it's not too crowded or cold
21) Do you believe in ghosts? No, to almost a cartoonish degree. I saw a ghost as a child & I still don't believe in them
22) Favorite thing to do in your spare time? any of my 8 million art/crafts/creative hobbies (currently mostly crochet, tatting, & drawing) & binge watching tv
23) Do you swear a lot? Ohhhh yeah. not only am I Australian, I'm from mining country
24) Biggest pet peeve? People being willfully inconsiderate of others in public spaces. trolley parked across the isle, tiktoks with no headphones on the bus, talking on the phone at the cash register, that sort of garbage
25) In one word, how would you describe yourself? um. weird?
26) Do you believe/appreciate romance? Yeah but like. I suck at it lol
27) Favourite and least favourite food? fave: potato bake & least: sausages
28) Do you believe in God? Nope lifelong athiest
29) What makes you happy: hanging out with my cat, rotating the blorbos in the brain microwave, finishing a project (in theory), and uhhh I'm replaying totk with my gf right now that's pretty great
30) Currently listening/the last thing you listened to: listening to a country & folk playlist, folsom prison blues just came on shuffle
31) Favourite place to spend time: uh yeah home
32) Favourite lyric: truly i hate to choose favourites there are so many um. okay
I'll be the jester as long as you are my queen Make a fool out of me I wanna be the source of your laughter
33) Recommend a film: I almost never watch movies uhhh. I recently forced my gf to watch the Birdcage with me bc she'd never seen it, it's so good
34) Recommend a book: Peter Darling by Austin Chant my beloved. Also I'm reading Several People Are Typing by Calvin Kasulke rn and I'm really enjoying it if you work in an office and have slack or similar then I highly recommend especially
35) Recommend a band, a song, or album: Stick Season by Noah Kahan is just SUCH a good album
36) Recommend a TV show: Crazy Ex-Girlfriend - great for lovers of musical theatre and/or the mentally ill 😌
37) Where are you from, and do you still live there? Where have you lived? I'm from Queensland and currently live in Tasmania. I've moved back and forth between QLD and TAS a few times, and plan on moving to Melbourne eventually
38) Do you have any pets or animals in your life? How did you find/get them? The aforementioned cat, I got him from a shelter & they got him from a dumpster <333
39) What's the most unusual thing you've ever eaten? during a drinking game I once took a shot that included; soy sauce, fish sauce, Worcestershire sauce, vodka, a warhead (sour lolly), fanta, and probably some other stuff I'm not sure I was very drunk and 18 year olds should not be unsupervised with that much alcohol bc they'll invent the world's worst drinking games
40) How did you 'find' fandom? A friend of mine sat me down in front of her family computer in their bible library (not a joke, whole library of bibles & Christian religious texts) & said hey. have you heard there are people on the internet who write stories about these two guys from this one series kissing? and I was immediately hooked lol
41) Make a list of 5 things that you see without getting up. work laptop (bc I am on the clock oops), personal PC, crochet project, calcifer plush, & my cat glaring at me from my computer tower bc I wouldn't let him sit on my keyboard
42) How do you style your hair? Well it was a mullet but it's super grown out now so it's more of a shag & I mostly just chuck it in a bun or something. I desperately want to shave it but it's so cold, idk maybe I'll just make a few beanies & buzz it anyway
If you want to join in please consider yourself tagged! 💖
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auld-a · 2 years
I'm not really into Heavens Officials Blessing Fandom or well not yet, but.....
Can I get the First Years with Male!Hua Cheng!S/O?
TWST First Years x Hua Cheng!Yuu
I did my best with him, his main personality trait is just simping for Xie Lian unrelated but you are gonna love the show bro
♥️Ace Trappola♥️
why does his last name look like spaghetti
ANYWAYS I feel like at first he would jokingly try to show his dominance over you
You're an attractive guy with long hair, a mysterious eyepatch, muscles, and you're just taller than him
Every dude in school is all over you whether it's for romantic reasons, they want the clout of being your friend, or they want your exercise routine
Ace at first thinks his feelings towards you is envy since you get a lot of attention (and are crazy powerful like wtf) but after some thinking on it he realizes it's jealousy
Instead of confronting it he just pushes it way down and pretends it does not exist because he refuses to come to terms with the fact that he likes you
If say (god forbid) Xie Lian didn't exist in your original world then Hua Cheng would treat Ace like he would Xie Lian
Ace is not used to this in the slightest
You treat him like a piece of treasure, yet Ace is shoving as many pieces of gum as he can in his mouth because Deuce dared him
Both you and Ace actually have very similar attitudes, you don't do things for others unless it's for your benefit or it's for someone you know well and are fond of in some way
This makes your relationship to each other incredibly loyal and Ace appreciates that he's found someone who can see deeper than what he shows people and actively reciprocates it
You're always on Ace's side even if he's clearly in the wrong or just being stupid
You would help him fight Riddle no doubt
When (not if) Ace gets into a fight he always threatens people by saying something along the lines of "You wouldn't mind if I brought my buddy Hua Cheng right?"
Everyone scrambles
Those who don't are sent to the infirmary in 10 seconds or less
Magic and stuff works very differently in your separate worlds so I don't know how much help you would be to him when it comes to teaching but Ace likes to watch the stuff you make
His favorite is probably Blood Rain just because it seems so menacing but it does literally nothing
♠️Deuce Spade♠️
refer to Ace Trappola
JK but I can't deny I do feel like there are a couple similar traits here
The biggest one being loyalty, they're both very loyal boys but Deuce is more outwardly with it and is still willing to help others he doesn't know very well
You admire his efforts in his studies and just in everything he does overall
he may not be amazing at everything he does but he always gives it 100% and you love that about him
You're aware of his efforts to not pick fights with people so whenever you feel that may be happening you just gently put your hand on his shoulder, nudge him to the side a bit, and fight the person for him
You have no reason to keep a reputation in tact so may as well go nuts while ensuring your BF doesn't get in trouble
To Deuce this feels like the ultimate form of you showing your love
And it kind of is lol
Remember that scene where deuce thought that store bought eggs had baby chicks in them
Yeah that but you just smile at him and say nothing
Ace will have to be the one to correct him eventually
You would still somehow defend Deuce
It's still a recurring argument in the friend group
🐺Jack Howl🐺
He looks up to you like he looks up to Riddle
if you haven't read the vignette he basically respects Riddle since he puts in the hard work to get what he wants and doesn't take shortcuts
Don't know how much that personality trait applies to you but you're someone who came from a hard knock life and now you're one of the most powerful in your world (probably in their world too let's be honest)
If you thought ADeuce was loyal OH BOY you're in for a treat because this man will not leave your side unless he has to
Obviously if he thinks you may not be okay with him constantly by you're side he'll leave but if you like him as much as you like Xie Lian you'd be begging him not to
From an outsiders perspective looking in, your relationship is both somewhat hard to read but also tooth rotting sweet
Jack tries to put on a tough boy persona around everyone but is actually very sweet and loves affection, while one of the most intimidating people in school is all over him like he would die without him
This makes jacks face so red and leaves his tail constantly wagging
I feel like you'd just walk up behind him and grab his tail to spook him
This makes his ears perk up cutely
Jack is so used to being someone who's physically stronger than others so the moment you pick him up bridal style with no restraint leaves him floored
he tells you to put him down so he doesn't have to admit he likes it
You can tell by the tail though so you do it any chance you get when you're alone
He likes the butterflies that you create
They're so bright and beautiful and he has butterflies in his stomach when you make them fly around him and land on the tips of his ears or nose
🍎Epel Felmier🍎
you would bond over something very unlikely
like carving
he carves you apples, and you give him life sized statues of him in hyper realistic detail
Something about it creeps him out but in a good way
You would probably carve them in such a way that it gave him a bit more muscle
that's probably why he subconsciously likes them so much
Vil is jealous his first year managed to get such an attractive and dedicated peer before he did
he constantly asks you for tips on how to be more manly
you probably say some crap like "You're already the manliest man I know🥰"
He appreciates the self-esteem building but sometimes he would prefer if you took it a little more seriously
If he wanted to, you would probably help him get on an exercise regimen to build more muscle so he can get that ManlyTM aesthetic
Vil isn't against bettering oneself but if he finds out Epel is trying to build heavy bulk or something he would confront you
You would either tell Vil the truth but defend Epel or just lie to Vil about your plans
You defend Epel against a lot of things
Vil wants to unalive you at this point but then he'd ruin his clothes
You two are like the meme where Person A is trying to fight Person C but Person B is right behind them threatening Person C if they do
Epel thinks people are afraid of him and this gives him a confidence boost
Seeing him happy makes you happy
I don't know why but I feel like if you guys were play fighting and you just picked him up and threw him it would make him happy
He's always running up to you asking to be thrown like a kid in a pool
⚡Sebek Zigvolt⚡
This is giving me strong "I had to get a support dog for my support dog" vibes on Malleus' part
You like to bother him 24/7 and Sebek pretends like he doesn't like it and is always yelling at you while you just stand there like :)
It makes him flustered that someone is willing to not only put up with a part of him so many find annoying but embrace it too
You don't understand his obsession with Malleus but you can relate to having someone you care for so deeply you'd do anything for them
Sebek has a hard time seeing himself that way since his entire life has basically been for Malleus but he can't say he doesn't appreciate it
In the beginning of getting to know each other he thinks you're another lowly human
When you make the sky start bleeding he starts to wonder if he should've retracted that statement sooner
Knight training together?
Knight training together
He may have been training his whole life to be a knight but you have like 800+ years experience he has much to learn from you
Eventually I think he would view you as someone equivalent to Lilia which if you're not already aware is an incredibly high honor in his eyes
Which makes him all the more flustered when out of anyone you chose him to court
If he does that thing where he says something nice to you in a very loud and formal voice you would hold the exact same energy
This happens a lot
Everyone knows that when it starts they need to cover their ears for the next 5 minutes or so
I think Malleus truly does appreciate Sebek's loyalty to him but sometimes he needs a break so he's very happy that you provide that for him by keeping Sebek distracted
His eyes are so pretty please compliment them
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spurious · 22 days
Getting to Know You Meme
Tagged by @audioletter 🧡 who did hers here
01) Are you currently in a serious relationship? m a r r i e d
02) What was your dream growing up? i wanted to be a vet until i realized i would have to deal with animals in pain lol
03) What talent do you wish you had? not to steal audioletter's answer here but also drawing tbh.
04) If someone bought you a drink what would it be? one of those fancy starbucks iced lime drinks with the green coffee beans
05) Favorite vegetable? oooooh hm. broccoli?
06) What was the last book you read? poking at a reread of Catch-22
07) What zodiac sign are you? scorpio sun, gemini moon, cancer rising
08) Any Tattoos and/or Piercings? several tattoos and 2 ear piercings
09) Worst Habit? according to @audioletter, sleeping diagonally on the bed. according to Lemon, forgetting to refill her automatic feeder
10) What is your favorite sport? i like watching basketball
11) Do you have a Pessimistic or Optimistic attitude? uh. i don't really think of myself as an optimist but i think i kind of am a bit of one.
12) Tell me one weird fact about you. two of my chromosomes are stuck together
13) Do you have any pets? cat & borbs
14) Do you think clowns are cute or scary? if i had to choose one of those adjectives I'd go with scary but i'm not, like, super scared of clowns?
15) If you could change one thing about how you look, what would it be? i would give myself an ass so that i can sit on hard surfaces in greater comfort
16) What color eyes do you have? blue
17) Ever been arrested? no
18) Bottle or can soda? can
19) If you won $10,000 today, what would you do with it? we haven't left the country since before covid so. plane tickets
20) What's your favorite place to hang out at? home tbh
21) Do you believe in ghosts? not actively but like. i wouldn't be surprised if there were.
22) Favorite thing to do in your spare time? video games, crochet, watching tv, going for meandering walks
23) Do you swear a lot? i don't know what constitutes a lot? i feel like i do.
24) Biggest pet peeve? people who get on a crowded train and stand around by the doors instead of moving into the far less crowded aisles
25) In one word, how would you describe yourself? ummmmmmmm. odd
26) Do you believe/appreciate romance? yes! i'm weird at it but i like it.
27) Favourite and least favourite food? fave: probably cheese. least fave: shrimp
28) Do you believe in God? probably?
29) What makes you happy: sound of the cat purring. sitting in bed with my wife and playing our games and talking. sour candy.
30) Currently listening/the last thing you listened to: The Mountain Goats - Jenny from Thebes
31) Favourite place to spend time: i like! to be! at home!
32) Favourite lyric:
And I am this great, unstable mass of blood and foam / And no emotion that’s worth having could call my heart its home
33) Recommend a film: Clue!
34) Recommend a book: Middlesex, by Jeffrey Eugenides
35) Recommend a band, a song, or album: have you heard of the mountain goats :)
36) Recommend a TV show: Freaks and Geeks
37) Where are you from, and do you still live there? Where have you lived? I'm from metro Detroit, Michigan, and I've lived there, in Ohio for school, and then in Ibaraki, Japan, followed by Osaka where I've lived forrrrrrrr. 13 years or so?
38) Do you have any pets or animals in your life? How did you find/get them? Lemon was found after a typhoon when I lived in Ibaraki. Niles and Nesmith came from the bird store where everyone wanted the fancy baby budgies and they were being ignored for being too Standard lol
39) What's the most unusual thing you've ever eaten? WELL. If you don't know, some regions of Japan eat whale meat, and some regions of Japan use whale meat in their school lunch. So uh. One day when I worked at an elementary school I was blithely eating my school lunch only to be asked by one of the kids how I was liking the whale meat. 😐 (it's not even good)
40) How did you 'find' fandom? i actually don't totally remember? my first fic reading experience was cardcaptor sakura, and i think it was on a fansite or something rather than ff.net....and then i found my way to LJ and HP fandom.
41) Make a list of 5 things that you see without getting up. I'm at my desk at work so: rainbow glitter fountain pen, ps5 devkit, photo from our wedding, coworkers, "everything is fine" 10 of swords card from the modern witch tarot deck
42) How do you style your hair? currently a bob with bangs. i have started carrying a little comb in my handbag for this
I'm gonna tag people!
@alienfuckeronmain @sga-owns-my-soul @stargatebarbie @texasdreamer01 @acrowbyanyothername
@colonelshepparrrrd @queen-x-ishtar @hearteyesmcgarrett
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lssugaluv · 11 months
“Let’s Try.”
“My First” Masterlist: My-First Masterlink
See my masterlist here: lssugaluv’s Masterlink.
Chapter 9 link here: Ch. 9 / Welcome-Home
Writers note:
• We enter part 10 of this series. I feel like I want both to have a happy time that I want to stay away from drama. But, we need to Spice up the story somehow! Lol • Atsumu bought an apartment for y/n, I cry. Especially, to keep her close to him. I cry even more.
Contains: Fluff, kissing ;), facing rumors, more family fluff.
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“Miya-San!.. Over here!!… “Sir! Miya-San!…” was all that was being heard from the conference room. Atsumu was already fed up and just wanted to go home to see you and Benji. “People! One question at a time please.” Says a slim tall man, name Oli, who is Atsumu’s representative and manager. Oli and yourself convinced Atsumu to go ahead and speak at the conference to calm the rumors that Akira caused.
“You, with the glasses, go ahead and ask away.” Oli pointed to one of the news reporters. “What we the people want to understand Miya-San, is that where did this mysterious women come out from? And this baby?” Atsumu was already annoyed he was ready to snap. “Look, I already said, the mother of my child and I wanted to keep this a secret. I told her that I will respect her leaving and I will support her and the baby in any way I can.”
A lady suddenly blurted out, “if you already knew about this woman and your supposably son, then why did you never spoke to your future fiancé Akira about it?!” This lady was already mad, which Atsumu and Oli had to basically end the conference.
“This will conclude our press conference.” Oli then proceeds to help Atsumu leave when someone yelled, “are you sure that’s your kid?!” Atsumu stopped and turned around. Oli gently places his hand on his shoulder to calm him down and have him proceed on leaving. “Tsumu, it’s okay, ignore it and let’s go.”
“This is why us “celebrities” like to keep our life the most minimal we can. Because of nosy people like you who have no clue what really goes on in our lives. Yes that baby is 100% mine! And she is the mother of my child who I love. Akira and I didn’t work out due to differences in personality, but in no way did I cheat on her. She said that because she’s hurt which I understand. But if you want to continue with your lies, by all means.” The pretty setter turns around and leaves meanwhile everyone in the press room was going crazy.
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You hear a knock on the door and you walk to check who it is. Your heart skipped a beat on seeing Atsumu. Despite everything going on, you still feel something for him. You open the door and allow him to come in. He was totally gushing on the matching blue jean overalls you and Benji had.
You were moving in still and setting up your apartment on how you liked it. “You two look so cute” says Atsumu as he proceeds to take a picture of the two of you. You offer him to have a seat at the island and bring out two glasses of water for the two of you. Meanwhile, Benji was watching his favorite cartoon in the living room.
“How did it go?” You ask Atsumu who was waiting for you to ask him because he wanted to vent so bad. “It went alright. At the end they pissed me off tho because a random shit head said that Benji isn’t my son.” You went to grab his free hand and gently held on to it. “I’m sorry for all this commotion going on because of my decision. If I would have told you none of this wo-“ he cuts you off. “No! I’m glad you two are back. I’m glad you came back. My life was alright, yes I have a great a career, I’m blessed with money but I wasn’t happy. You’re the happiness I needed. I didn’t know I needed Benji, and you brought his happiness to my life so thank you. Don’t ever think this was a mistake.”
You felt your eyes get watery as he continued. “We will continue working as a team okay?” You gently smiled and invited him to dinner later on when he comes back from practice.
“The same exact thing.” Says Bokuto meanwhile all the volleyball men were passing his phone around. “Literally his twin.” … “it’s like if they’re triplets.” … “can’t believe this dumbass is a whole ass dad.” Says Sakusa as he made everyone laugh. “Shut up yeah?” Atsumu says as he enters the gym. “Are you going to start showing him how to play volleyball?” Says Shion all excited. “I’ll answer your questions later on when we get drinks.
All the men go to their local restaurant that they usually go too when they end practices. Atsumu told them the whole story on how you two met and how Benji came to this world. “So you’re tellin’ me, you were being silly and didn’t wrap your Willy?” Bokuto blurted out meanwhile everyone starting roaring in laughter. “In all honesty Atsumu, it makes me proud of you accepting your son and the girl. You could’ve easily rejected her and the kid, and you didn’t.” Everyone got quiet and nodded their head in agreement with Sakusa.
“When are we meeting them?!” Hinata yells out. “As soon as she’s ready. But you’ll be meeting Benji soon.” All the men continued to talk and wanted to go to a bar to continue their drinking but Atsumu had to go. “There goes the family man.”
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Benji heard the doorbell ring and ran to you to open it. “Mama! Mama! Hurry it’s papa!” The toddler was pulling your arm in a hurry to see his dad. You open the door and the toddler jumped on his dad in pure joy.
Meanwhile you were fixing the dinner plates, Benji and Atsumu were building houses with Benji’s legos. You then called them both over to wash their hands and have a seat at your small dining table. You made steaks paired with mash potatoes, gravy, and asparagus. Benji’s steak was cut into cubes. Atsumu took a first bite and was in love. “Let me put a ring on it” he says with a mouthful meanwhile you were dying a laughter. “My team wants to meet you and Benji.” You look at him a bit shock. “Are you sure you want to introduce me to them? What if they question me.” Atsumu smiles, “nah, the guys aren’t like that. They’re ready to meet their nephew and are excited to see who made me a dad. But until you’re ready , I’ll take you.”
Benji helped you pick up the table meanwhile Atsumu went to his place to quickly shower. He came back to you and you were washing the dishes. He came from behind you and hugged you from behind. He then placed his head on your shoulder. “Thank you for dinner. Thank you for having me over. I loved this quality family time.” He then proceeded to give you a small peck on the cheek meanwhile you became a blushing mess. You turn off the faucet and turn around without Atsumu breaking the hug.
Your eye contact was immense, where Atsumu can swallow you whole. He slowly reaches in and you panic and close your eyes. You feel him gently peck your lips as you felt your whole stomach knot in butterflies. You place your wet hand around his neck, showing him agreement in him kissing you. You two began to kiss, and you swore you felt like it was just you and him. No one else around, you felt like a highschool girl who’s crush finally notices her. It was a kiss that was speaking your feelings out loud. Atsumu picked you up and placed you on the kitchen island. It wasn’t until Benji came and yelled at you saying he was sleepy. You got scared and pushed Atsumu away.
“I’ll take him to bed, don’t worry.” You see him run behind his toddler and pick him up while Benji was dying in laughter. You stayed there on the counter completely shocked. He then comes back to you to say that Benji fell asleep right away. You walk him out and stop at the door. “Y/n, I want us to try. I want us to be a thing, but I know I just ended my engagement which I think I know what answer I’ll get. But I really want a relationship with you.”
You reach in and give him a kiss on the cheek. “Let’s try. But let’s take it slow. I want us to get to know each other now. Yes we went to school together, but let’s catch up on the many years we missed. Let’s grow together also as a family. Once I’m ready, ask me to be your girlfriend.”
And that is how you and Atsumu were finally back in each others lives.
• Finally! I’m so excited that Y/N is wanting to give him a chance. She’s giving love a chance as well. Even tho they’re not together yet, we all know Atsumu is going to do everything in his power to make y/n his. 🥲
• See ya soon!
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kingdeku-queentoga · 1 year
Helluva boss bad dad's club.
Okay so with the lastest ep of helluva boss, I wanted to talk about each of the dad's, maybe even give them a ranking lol.
First up - paimon
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I'll be honest, I wouldn't necessarily call him a "bad" dad BECAUSE in ep with baby Stolas, when Stolas started to cry about the force marriage, Paimon first reaction was to take Stolas to the circus because he knew Stolas had enjoyed the circus.
Secondly he had noticed that Stolas was laughing when blitzø was talking about about the horse with no legs, and instead of ignoring it he had paid cash for blitzø to be his friend.
Now sure you can get him on the force marriage but tbh that is kinda an normal thing between royalty, sometimes they work and sometimes they don't. So I can't really fault him on that.
And he did slap the back of Stolas head saying "you don't bow to them, they bow to us" which is also a normal thing in snobby rich people society, plus it was to discipline him since he was still young, but people didn't like that so fine.
Rank: 5.5 out of 10
Second dad - cash buckzo
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Tbh This scene was weird because Paimon was saying "buy him" like actually buying blitzo, while cash said "you are being bought out for the day" which made it seem like he was renting blitzo out to Paimon?? Maybe someone can help me understand what was going on with that; but for the sake of this post, I'll go with cash had sold blitzo.
Cash bad dad card comes from the fact that he had sold blitzo, HIS OWN SON, for a balled up 5 and a condom. Like wtf?
He had even manipulated blitzo into stealing from Stolas family (to be fair they're rich but that besides the point).
Rank: 7 out of 10
The worst for last - crimson
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Lmao I don't even need to talk about this dude. He is a evil mod boss, that give zero shits about anyone, even his own family. Honestly is there anything else I need to say about him!
But just to be fair, I'll go ahead and write about him.
He physically abused moxxie and his wife. Forced moxxie to merry chaz (still pissed that idiot the coolest theme music). KILLED HIS WIFE aka moxxie mom. Threatened to KILL HIS OWN SON AND HIS SON WIFE IF MOXXIE EVER TALKED BACK TO HIM. Forced moxxie to kill people at a young age.
...I can't redeem this dude lmao, he is just awful.
Rank: calling him the worst dad is letting him off easy. Him and Stella are racing on who can be crowded the most horrible person, so far Stella is still winning even after everything crimson did but he is slowly catching up.
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lucero-is-here · 1 year
Headcanons time! Émile Bardot. Requested by myself.
Anyways here’s a photo of this boy:
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1 - He really likes dogs. He thinks they are adorable. But he’s a bit scared of the bigger dogs.
2 - (angst) he’s fatherless. His dad left him when he was 6 years old.
3 - he’s scared of unexpected loud noises. He has some noise cancelling earphones and also ear plugs in his bag and pockets in case he needs them
4 - aside from dogs, he likes most animals. Bunnies are his second favourite animal. While most cats are no for him. He finds them kind of scary.
5 - he likes hugs sometimes. Not all the times…So if you wanna hug him, you should ask him first.
6 - he’s pansexual.
7 - he got flirted with before, and he became so flustered it was hilarious-
8 - his hands are really warm…But his hands are also kind of rough.
9 - He tends to bite his nails and pick at his skin sometimes, cause he gets too anxious.
10 - he has a bicycle. It’s this light blue bicycle he really really likes. He cycles to work sometimes, other times he walks.
11 - he can cook and also can’t cook. He can make easy things. Also he nearly burnt down a kitchen once.
12 - he likes listening to rock music sometimes.
13 - Enzo is always crashing Émile apartment- and things are bound to get broken sometimes- (I see Enzo and Émile as these really close friends-)
14 - Émile had a guitar. He really liked it. He bought it for himself too. And then Enzo accidentally broke it and Émile cried about it- Enzo ended up buying Émile a new guitar as apology.
15 - Émile gets pranked by Enzo sometimes. It’s always those small harmless pranks, and it always annoys Émile a lot.
16 - Émile has these really nice socks he always wears to sleep- he also has cat socks and they are adorable-
17 - he has some stuffed animals. They are usually these really small keychains…But he also has an otter plushie that he absolutely adores.
18 - he paints and draws sometimes. Usually landscapes- he doesn’t have the courage to try to draw people, since you normally have to ask people for that and he can’t- he’s too scared
19 - he likes going to the park.
20 - low-ass spice tolerance. He can’t eat anything spicy-
21 - he likes kids, but is also scared of kids- cause I gave him a baby cousin who always randomly smacks Émile (gently) pretty much everywhere. This happened so much Émile cried about it- (yeah totally not based of my actual experience with my baby cousin-).
22 - Émile likes the book “the little prince”. He watched the movie before and absolutely loves it-
23 - he has a close relationship with his mom. He really loves his mom and they call each other every weekend to check in on each other. They don’t live so far away from each other (20 minute walk to each other’s apartments), and visit one another every now and then.
24 - gets very little sleep- he pulls a lot of all nighters, but usually sleeps about 3 hours when he does sleep.
25 - gets cold easily- so he’s either always wearing his jumper or always has his jumper on hand.
26 - His hair is fluffy, and really nice to touch. When he had first met Enzo and Nadia, the both of them wouldn’t stop touching his hair after getting permission too. Émile didn’t mind that- and then Hugo also learnt of Émile having fluffy hair and joined in on this. So every now and then someone is gonna he touching Émile’s hair with Émile permission.
Might post a part 2 for these headcanons lol- anyways I might have made an OC to ship with Émile and I don’t know about it AHA- should I post about the OC?
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queenseowon · 1 year
"Colors of Bang Yongguk Tour" Fan Account - Oakland, CA (230616)
It’s been 2 days since I saw Yongguk live and he’s truly been on my mind non-stop for the last 48 hours. :’) 
>>Personal “Origin” Story<< Since B.A.P debuted and were active during my high school and college years, unfortunately I never had the money (or time) to be able to attend any of their concerts. When I saw that Yongguk was going on tour, I didn’t know what to think -- I’ve been in and out of my “kpop phase” for the last 12 years, and the only group that I consistently stanned throughout that time was BTS. All of my friends are either newer kpop fans or strictly girl group fans so I knew I’d be going to this concert alone, but ultimately I knew it wouldn’t be a big deal as I’ve gone solo to many concerts in the past. I saw the (shockingly) low price of the ticket and the venue being so nostalgic (I partied a decent amount at The New Parish pre-COVID lol) so I bought my ticket happily in May. The excitement did nothing but grow overtime.
I’ve been thinking about how many BABYz used to write fan accounts during fan signings/concerts waaay back in the day (if you were on Tumblr during 2012-2014, you’ll know what I mean). I remember being a teenager discovering kpop for the first time, having B.A.P be the first group where I started stanning since debut, learned every member’s name, kept up with releases on the daily, had Yongguk become my first “ult bias” (before I even knew what that was) and “fan’d” my heart out every comeback on Tumblr. I wanted to write a fan account to remember this concert but also hopefully share it with other long-time BABYz who are feeling nostalgic!
>>Going solo to the concert<< As (somewhat) expected, I met some amazing people in line as well as inside the venue who were also attending the concert solo! For me, I love hearing about how others got into stanning a certain musician or group as well as their favorite(s) song(s). As someone who didn’t grow up with other “kpop friends”, it felt so surreal to think that there were others like me 10+ years ago fully enjoying the same music, and having that musician tie everyone together now one decade later. Sometimes I get anxious in crowds and especially with strangers, but I did not feel that way for even a minute before, during, and after the concert. Maybe it’s a mix of the Bay Area/California and long-time BABY vibes. (Also fun sidenote: some people and I were comparing our tattoos in line and we said “Okay now it’s time for Yongguk to do a tattoo tour. Show the chest piece pls” -- So when Yongguk came out in that button-up shirt with only two buttons buttoned and his chest tattoo on full display… I need y’all to know we manifested that for everyone’s benefit. 😩🫡)
>>REACTION TO THE CONCERT & SONGS<< I’m not sure how long people were lined up for, but I arrived around 5PM (doors opened at 6PM and the concert started at 7PM) and I ended up standing to the right of the stage (Yongguk’s left) in the second/third-ish row right next to the speakers with an amazing up close view the entire night. (In hindsight, I should have remembered to bring my ear plugs because I’m not as young as I used to be and should probably take better care of my eardrums and hearing lol). Also, as I mentioned before, I knew the venue relatively well so I knew to go to the side closer to the stage rather than standing several rows back in the middle even if it meant having not as wide of a view of the stage. The person next to me and I were super excited because our angle meant we were going to be able to see the minute Yongguk appeared from off stage and onto the stage. 
Although normally I do not listen to the setlist of artists before their concerts, I hadn’t listened to Yongguk consistently in years so I did look up the setlist and made my own Spotify playlist to get myself hyped up and ready to sing along. As soon as Yongguk came out, I feel like I metaphorically blacked out for the first couple songs (GMT, Up, Race) because I did not remember those performances until I watched others’ fancams. I think I came to my senses during “Rain on Me” because that is THE twerk anthem. The sex appeal and confidence from him from the start of the concert (and especially during “Rain on Me”) was no joke. I feel like my jaw was probably embarrassingly dropped wide open for all of the first songs. There’s also something feral that awakes inside me everytime he says “you never fucking know” and the chorus of “UFO” starts then his voice DROPS a register as he starts rapping and hearing that live??? I was transported to another dimension.
When he started singing “Hikikomori” then went into “I Remember” I think it was then I realized he was doing this tour for us -- for the fans and the BABYz who have been here the whole time (or at least a very long time). As I’m writing this now and reflecting, everything he said during his ments/talks was him just continuously thanking us, telling us how much he loves us, and saying how it’s been “such a long time”. I literally could choke up thinking about it right now how he’s waited just as long as we have.
Yongguk asked the audience to put their phones down so he could make eye contact with every person. And like someone said, “when Bang Yongguk tells you to do something, you do it no questions asked.” Then he started singing “Screwed Up” while literally looking at every corner of the venue, balcony, floor, sidestage -- literally my delulu mind was convinced he was staring and flirting with me too. I lost the “IDGAF if this man notices me” war right then and there. (I have yet to find a fancam of “Screwed Up”, which is fair because he told us to put our phones down, but if anyone has a video of him literally making flirty eyes to the entire audience, PLEASE send it to me.) 
Right after “Screwed Up”, he goes into “Green” and at the end said something similar to “I wrote Green so I could sing it with all of my fans one day, so thank you for singing along with me.” and I just about sobbed. 
By “Ride or Die” and “YA” he is fully body rolling everywhere on stage, flirting with every single person in the audience, and everyone is losing their minds (including me).
Also at some point during the show he started sending so many air kisses to everyone. He also would be (seemingly) speechless in between sets and just repeated “wow… woah…” and kept showing his gummy smile 😭 The cheers were so loud inside the venue sometimes my ears were ringing just from the crowd singing and screaming so I wonder if he was in awe or wasn’t expecting that? (Even though he deserves all the love!)
Then at some point the crowd started chanting “take it off” (meaning his shirt that was truly barely hanging onto him) and he gets SHY and kept asking “Why?” -- I just don’t understand how someone can go from biting his shirt, flirting with the entire audience, body rolling nonstop on stage, to a completely genuine “I’m so shy” cute smiley lil baby. He was so cute I could barely process him going from rapping his lungs out to “uwu vibes” in the matter of seconds and the only single thought my single braincell had was “so cute so cute so cute”. Yongguk is truly the duality of mankind. (He did eventually give one more ab flash [in addition to his “tattoo sticker” promo shirt lifting] so you can find that photo floating around on social media.)
He threw water (from bottles he drank out of) into the crowd twice during “OFF” and “YAMAKAZI” and I have never been happier to be blessed with holy water. I think “OFF” is my favorite hype song in recent years so I absolutely loved hearing that live -- despite it being toward the second half of the show, his energy never stopped and the crowd’s energy also kept getting more and more hyped.
Towards the end Yongguk said, “Although tonight is the last U.S. stop for the tour, it’s not a goodbye. I promise to come back… I’ve said this all tour, but as much as you all love me, please also love yourself.” Before starting “Orange Drive”, Yongguk dedicated the song to his fans and his grandfather in heaven. Then during the encore, alongside the usual “Xie Xie” and “See You Later” he also sang “Ride or Die” one more time and did a lot of fanservice. 
His marketing worked because all the merch was soldout after the show, but I was able to snag the "tattoo sticker" sheet just like he suggested :') -- I am lowkey glad I was unable to get a meet & greet ticket because I feel like I was already internally combusting at the thought of having to meet him and take a selfie after the concert, so if it actually happened I probably would've externally exploded.
ALSO -- This man’s stamina is no joke though because he really kept going for a full 1.5 hours and jumping around on stage with minimal “ments/talking” in between songs. If this hadn’t been the last stop on his tour, I would have definitely considered attending another stop. If I had known how amazing of a performer he was and how great the energy would be to hear everything live (from him and the crowd), I would’ve balled out and gone to the LA stop the day before.
>>FUTURE?<< Yongguk promised he would release another album in the future and go on tour once again. Though none of us know when that will be, I know I will wait with anticipation for this experience to happen again (and again if he and/or other B.A.P members decide to tour). The combined elements of a small venue, love from BABYz and Yongguk, and seeing someone I feel like grew up alongside me is something that I won’t ever have the right words to describe, but can only feel. Thank you for taking the time to read my reflections and ramblings~
If you want to be mutuals, I’m on twitter @ queenseowon <3
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sixofravens-reads · 6 months
some vague reading goals for 2024:
first, an anti-goal: I won't make any goals about how many books I want to read. I want to get into more of my other hobbies in 2024 which means less reading time, so I can't have the pressure of a numerical goal that demands I spend all my free time reading or feeling bad for not reading. I will probably still use the storygraph reading challenge thing because I like using it to track what I read in the year, but the "goal" I set will be completely arbitrary.
reread a bunch of things! i love rereading but have been so laser-focused on reducing my TBR books the past couple years that I haven't done very much of it.
on that note, a few years ago I had an idea for a blog series called "nostalgia rereads" where I reread a book from my childhood/teen years and compare what I remember of it to my adult experience. I read one (1) book for that and then got distracted, but I have been buying a lot of those older books so I'd like to finally do that series.
start a reread of my Tamora Pierce books (though idk if I can finish it in one year, there are 32 of them now including anthologies, and I don't have my childhood stamina for reading a ton of one author's works at once lol)
read more nonfiction. i have a ton of really interesting books on my library list that i just haven't gotten to.
also, use the library more and buy fewer books (i have an overall goal to spend less money in general). I'd like to buy under 70 books next year (I know that still sounds like a lot, but I bought over 100 this year, so...baby steps)
keep my "books i own and haven't read" shelf to under 30 books so i don't get overwhelmed by it again (currently there's 43 books on it, most of them short, so this isn't a Huge reading goal)
read more translated books. I've got Flights by Olga Tokarczuk and There's No Such Thing as an Easy Job by Kikuko Tsumura on my shelf, and a bunch more on my library list.
stop forgetting about my comics and manga, and try and read more of them consistently instead of buying a bunch and forgetting them (hopefully not having a numerical reading goal or novel-specific goal will help with this, because I always feel like I'm "cheating" when I read comics and count them towards a numerical goal, and that's why I don't pick them up.)
on that note, read (reread?) Death Note, as I got the box set at the comic expo this year (I tried to read this series as a teenager but someone had massacred my library's copies and cut out all the pages with violence, sexy stuff, etc.)
read at least 1 Stephen King and 1 Agatha Christie novel, been meaning to get into those authors for years and somehow haven't done it yet.
start keeping notes on each book (probably on my phone) so it's easier to remember what I thought of them. at the end of the year when I make my top 10 or whatever list, I always have a hard time remembering what my true favourite books were bc I can't reference what I was thinking in the moment.
annnnd resurrect my Librarything account. I will need to do this early in the year, preferably after I finish weeding out all the books I want to get rid of. I only use Librarything to keep tabs on what books I own, what editions, etc, so reviews and such will still be on storygraph. There's a not-insignificant chance that the current housing crisis/skyrocketing rent might make me move back in with my parents for a bit, which means almost all my books will be in boxes and I'll need a digital catalog of some sort.
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beebeetheclown · 5 months
Thanks for the tag @goodtweetbadtweet 💗
Get to know me!
1. Were you named after anyone?
Kind of. My middle name consists of my grandpa’s name and my mom’s middle name
2. When was the last time you cried?
I think it was about a week ago. I was already having a bad morning but had to go to school because I had an exam. I was on my period and after the exam, I noticed I had I small dot on my pants😭 it wasn’t even noticeable but I cried and went home anyways haha.
3. Do you have kids?
No. I always tell myself I don’t want any for lots of reasons, but sometimes I do think it would be fun to dress the little babies up in clothes and then pack them cute little lunches when they go to school lol.
4. What sports do you play/have you played?
Soccer (only played it because my friend was in it and my mom bought me salted sunflower seeds)
Dance (I did dance for 10 years. Somewhat hated it somewhat loved it)
Figure skating (I didn’t do it for very long but I love to skate)
5. Do you use sarcasm?
Not a lot, usually only with my brother and sister.
6. What’s the first thing you notice about people
This is going to sound weird but I always notice their shoes first. I look down at them when I either walk passed someone or when I’m speaking to someone. Idk, shoes just tell me what they are all about.
7. What’s your eye colour?
Darkish brown
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Scary movies! I love to scare myself. I watch them even though I plug my ears and squint my eyes sometimes💀 I don’t really like the jump scare types scared, I love unsettling scenes (hereditary is one of my all time favourite scary movies… plus Alex Wolff is hot)
9. Any talents?
Band kid flex: I play three instruments
10. Where were you born?
In a small, boring city in Canada.
11. What are your hobbies?
I like to bake, play my instruments, write, and read.
12. Do you have any pets?
Yes, I have one dog, his name is Milo and he’s quite lazy now but I love him.
13. How tall are you?
I think I am 5’4, I don’t even remember
14. Favourite subject in school?
Probably English or band
15. Dream job?
It would be sooo cool to be like an interviewer and article writer but I don’t know, I think that will stay a dream haha.
I am tagging @loveandthings11 and @kndllroys if you want
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petzel · 1 year
15 questions, 15 mutuals
tagged by: @yellowjckets THANK U I LOVE UUUU!!!!
1. are you named after anyone?
nope! well, actually one of my middle names is my grandpa's name, so i'm named for my grandpa!
2. when was the last time you cried?
last night, because cam bought me a necklace at target that hit me in a very emotionally vulnerable spot. i cry just about every single day though (i am a weeper from a long line of weepers and all that)
3. do you have kids?
i do not, but cam and i desperately want them. we are currently planning for one about 5 yrs 🫣 which is frightening but also very exciting. we're crazy too, like we already have a lot of baby clothes and cam's mom is handing down her cloth diapers and stuff. all very exciting!
4. do you use sarcasm a lot?
i don't, but i am someone who struggles to understand sarcasm haha so i also struggle to use it properly.
5. what sports do you play/have you played?
i have never played sports lol. i wanted to play hockey very badly as a child (and still now), but it's expensive so i couldn't. i was told i should do track & field (specifically shotput) but i didn't want to. now i have a mild interest in dogsports, haha. i like LGRA, dock diving, rally o, and treibball.
6. what's the first thing you notice about people?
i agree with emmy about vibes, i feel like the first thing i notice is whether someone like. SEEMS nice or not.
7. what is your eye color?
like a t15/t17 on that 1998 eye color chart thing
8. scary movies or happy endings?
oh i loveee scary movies. i actually love both but horror is forever my angel
9. any special talents?
ehhh i have near limitless patience and have a decent beginner's mind? don't really think those are special talents, but hey. i can also touch my nose to my tongue i guess haha
10. where were you born?
my hometown is ann arbor, michigan. love that place forever and ever.
11. what are your hobbies?
drawing, cooking, (doing hw is not a hobby but i was in college for 4 semesters in a row and had no time for anything), dog training, photography (analog & digital), reading poetry, listening to the radio, spending time with my husband.
12. do you have pets?
yes! i have a 15 year old orange cat named buggy, and a 1 year old black and white spaniel mix named winston!
13. how tall are you?
5'4 🤫
14. favorite subject?
in grade school it was english and history, but in college, i loveee any of my classes that are actually about my major, fish & wildlife. i loved my lab last fall semester, and i'm really excited for horticulture lab this fall.
15. dream job?
mannnn who knows. i currently work at a botanical garden, which is good enough for me in the meantime! i'd like maybe some sort of labwork about birds, bc i liked working in the fish lab so much, but i also really enjoy my current staff team and i like more public facing work, so it's very up in the air rn.
TAGGING: @pepprs @centralpark1981 @romansmartini @dubwoofer @starw1sh @spelldealer @riskrov @snartled @evilsufjanstevens - all with absolutely zero pressure, i just see you all in my notifs and love you dearly be well dear mutuals
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