#and that’s basically what alfie is about
boltgunkiller-archive · 5 months
some may complain but i actually think alfie was one of the best decisions for santana to sing in 6x6. it’s a little funny that they cut out the “without true love we just exist, alfie” but the rest of the song fits soo well and makes me so emotional
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wivelya · 29 days
I was talking with my friend yesterday and she talked about how Jason would probably forget to tell things - important things - to his family after having almost no contact for so long. Basically Tim (because he's nosy) and Alfred (because he's Alfred) knowing and the others discovering just because something happened. Like:
"All the Batfam together per Alfred's request. A tense dinner but Damian still hasn't tried to kill someone so it's a win.
Jason's phone rings. Everyone frowns because they all know Alfred forbid phones at the table.
J: Sorry, Alfie. I need to take this one
Then he leaves the room and, when he comes back, he's a nervous mess.
J: Hey Replacement, get the car ready. We're going to the hospital
Everyone tenses, but Tim and Alfred have an inkling on what might have happened.
T: What? But there's still two months.
J: I know, dipshit. Get the car.
They both leave, not caring about the rest of the family worrying about what the hell just happened.
Dick: what was that?
Alfred, always his collected self: It appears to me, Master Dick, that your niece decided today is a nice day to have as a birthday.
Then everyone panics because what does Alfred mean with 'niece'?"
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clockwayswrites · 10 months
Like Betta Fish Do Part 24
WC: 3102, Masterpost
Danny stared up at the towering facade of Wayne manner from its front steps.
Yep, clearly cursed.
Jason didn’t seem much more cheerful from where he stood next to Danny.
“We can still run,” Danny offered.
Jason just sighed, “No, we came through the gate so Alfred knows we’re here. If we left I’d get the eyebrow next time.”
“Ah,” Danny said with a sage nod. “The eyebrow, of course. Very scary.”
“Just you watch, once you’ve been around long enough and stop being an esteemed guest, you’ll get the eyebrow too,” Jason warned.
The warning just made Danny grin.
“What?” Jason asked, eying the smile wearily.
“You planning to keep me around long enough for me to stop being an esteemed guest?”
Jason huffed out a laugh and leaned over to brush a kiss to Danny’s temple. “You bet I am. You’d have to die to be rid of me. Oh wait…”
Danny laughed and bumped his shoulder against Jason. “Okay, well, I’ll fear the eyebrow when it gets there. First I have to get through tonight.”
“You did fine with the horde of annoying siblings.”
“Yeah, well, they got to kick my ass repeatedly in Mario Kart and Party. I don’t think that’s going to work with your dad or the guy who’s basically your grandfather.”
“Not really, Bruce is surprisingly bad at video games and Alfred would never.”
“Shame, getting beat up and getting back up is my best trait,” Danny said with a dramatic sigh.
“Just be yourself. It was enough for me,” Jason said.
Danny felt a blush crawl up his neck and cleared his throat. “Yeah, well, sap.”
Jason chuckled, pressed one more kiss to Danny’s temple, and finally took the last few steps to knock on the door. It opened almost instantly to an extremely distinguished older man in a tailed suit and white gloves.
Danny swallowed nervously.
“Master Jason, it is very good to see you tonight.”
“Hey Alfie,” Jason said. He stepped into the manor and pulled Danny in by their linked hands. “Alfred, this is my boyfriend Danny Nightingale. Danny, this is Alfred Pennyworth.”
Alfred gave a little nod. “A pleasure to meet you Master Daniel.”
Danny couldn’t help but wince at that. With the manor it brought back far too many memories that Danny didn’t want to think about. “Um, I prefer Danny, if… that’s not a problem, Mr. Pennyworth?”
“Of course not, Master Danny. But you must call me Alfred then.”
“I can do that, Alfred,” Danny said with a relieved smile. As he was handing over his coat and scarf, he picked up some noise from the stairs and tried not to turn that way.
“Remember, Bruce tonight, not Brucie or you know who,” Dick whispered in a way that Danny wasn’t supposed to hear. The benefits of death.
“Yes Dick, I think you’ve said that enough,” someone who must have been Bruce answered. At least he sounded mostly amused by his son’s harping.
As much as Danny was very aware that the Bruce Wayne was Jason’s father, it was still something to see Bruce Wayne coming down the stairs. He looked nothing like the public figure, not dressed down like he was in a dark shirt and a cozy looking cardigan.
It was almost worse because now Danny felt completely wrong footed.
“Jason,” Bruce said with a smile. “And you must be Danny.”
“Yes sir,” Danny said as he reflexively shook the offered hand.
“Just Bruce, please. That’s quite a grip you have,” Bruce said.
Danny’s blush deepened and he quickly released Bruce’s hand.
“He said he trains with a xiphos and a dory,” Damian said from the side of the room where he basically just seemed to appear.
“Greek weaponry?” Bruce asked with a raised brow. “That’s unusual.”
“My teacher’s Greek and a fan of historic weaponry,” Danny said, rubbing at the back of his neck. “I’m not very good with them though, as much as she hopes to change that. I prefer hand to hand.”
“He’s pretty good at that. We spar once a week,” Jason said. He stepped to stand beside Danny, which Danny was grateful for.
Even aware off all the eyes in the room tracking his movement, Danny couldn’t help but lean into Jason’s side. It helped ease some of his nerves when Jason instantly draped an arm around his shoulders.
“Who else are we expecting?” Jason asked.
“Just Tim and Duke, they’re upstairs,” Dick answered as he finally came forward. “Hey Danny.”
“Hi Dick,” Danny said, “and hello Damian.”
“Yes, hello,” Damian said with a sniff. “Did you bring your xiphos?”
Danny did his best to stifle a smile. “Sorry, I don’t have one at my place, you’ll have to wait until I can make a trip back to Illinois.”
“Is that where you’re from, Danny?” Bruce asked as he waved them towards a room to the left.
“Born and raised. I came from a little city called Amity Park,” Danny explained, as if Batman didn’t already know that, especially after Tim’s digging.
Jason steered them over to the the two seater sofa in the sort of sitting room only rich people had. Once they had settled in, he took Danny’s hand, rubbing his thumb across Danny’s knuckles in a grounding touch.
“Gotham must be quite the change.” Bruce took an armchair for himself while Dick nudged Damian to the other couch.
“It is, I’ve never lived somewhere so big. I won’t pretend it hasn’t been overwhelming at times, but it’s also really nice that the city has so much to offer. I’ve been enjoying living here.”
“You’re here for school if I remember correctly?”
“Aerospace engineering at Gotham U,” Danny explained. “It’s my first year, but I’ve got all my gen eds done so I’m somewhere between a sophomore and junior.”
Bruce gave a little nod and leaned back in his seat. “Are you considering a masters or doctorate?”
“I am, opportunities get so much better with one, but I’ll just have to see in two years. I’m, um, on scholarship so it will depend if I can get a stipend for grad school,” Danny said, once again reminded of how awkward it was to be on a Wayne scholarship while knowing the Waynes. (Sitting in their manor only made the feeling worse.)
“I hope that it works out for you. Wayne Enterprises has an aerospace division, you know.”
“I do,” Danny said. He really wished he could stop blushing over everything behind said to him. “It’s somewhere I’ve strongly though about applying too. If I want to stay in Gotham, it’s really my only chance too.”
Jason’s hand tightened around Danny’s for a moment.
Bruce seemed to catch it, of course he did. It made Danny very aware he was in a room with Batman. With lots of other Bats.
“Are you hoping to be able to?”
“Yeah. There’s…” Danny gave in an glanced at Jason. It wasn’t as if the others weren’t going to pick up on it anyways, so he might as well act honestly. “… a lot to stay around for, right now.”
“Well, I think you can at least be confident you’ll get an interview,” Bruce said with a chuckle.
It made Danny shake his head a little. “I mean, I’ll take that, but I don’t want a job unless I’m actually good for it. I get that networking is a real thing, but that should only get me in the door. If I get to work for WE, I want it to be because I worked hard, because I am working hard at this, and because I deserver the job.”
Bruce smiled. It was a slight thing, but for the first time that night Danny felt it was completely real. “That’s noble of you. Don’t worry, none of the family sits on hiring boards at that level.”
“Um, that’s good,” Danny said, realizing that he just basically told a family made from nepotism that he didn’t want to accept nepotism. He shot a desperate look to Jason.
The jerk just laughed at him.
“Don’t change,” Jason said before pressing another one of those soft kisses to Danny’s temple.
Danny was really starting to like them.
“Hey Danny, good to see you again,” Duke said as he came into the sitting room. It sounded honest coming from him. “Sorry I wasn’t down when you got here.”
“Hey Duke, homework?”
“So much homework,” he lamented.
“Yeah, the end of this semester is going to crush me,” Danny said. “I’ve got, like, three projects starting next week.”
“Good luck, dude,” Duke said, leaning over from where he had sat on the couch to fist bump Danny.
Danny looked up as someone cleared his throat to see Alfred in the doorway. “Master Tim is still missing?”
“You know how he is,” Bruce said.
“Indeed,” Alfred said, sounding like he wanted to sigh but was too proper to. “I shall fetch him in a moment. Dinner is served, sirs.”
“Stick a fork in me I’m done,” Danny said right before he face planted dramatically onto the couch.
“You did great,” Jason soothed, hanging up the coat that Danny had discarded mindlessly next to the door.
“Eempfatinerifatmn mone.”
“You’re going to have to stop making out with the throw pillow if you want me to understand you,” Jason said before having to duck the aforementioned throw pillow as it was thrown at his head.
“I said I just had dinner with Batman, I’m done,” Danny said as he rolled over. He blinked up at the ceiling. “Oh, we’re at your place.”
“How out of it were you on the ride?” Jason asked. He sat on the arm of the couch and brushed back some of Danny’s unruly hair.
“Dinner with Batman,” Danny reiterated seriously.
“Point taken. But really, you did great.”
Danny grumbled.
“You did. You have Damian curious about how you fight. Duke and Dick think you’re funny. You even talked shop with Tim.”
“Tim still doesn’t trust me, or Dick,” Danny pointed out.
“Tim doesn’t trust anyone,” Jason said. “And Dick likes you, he just needs time still. It was a scare for him and it hasn’t been that long. Alfred thinks you’re darling, I’m pretty sure, and Bruce smiled; real smiles.”
“I just…”
“You’re just over thinking it. Why don’t I take you to bed before you fall asleep,” Jason said. Then he realized what he had said. “That’s, I mean, just to sleep. If you’d be comfortable with that? If not I can drive you home or…”
Jason trailed off as Danny snagged his hand and kissed his knuckles gently. “Now who’s over thinking?”
Now smiling softly, Jason asked, “That a yes then?”
“As long as I can borrow a shirt to sleep in, that’s a yes.”
“You’ll be swamped,” Jason warned as he stood. He bent down and picked Danny up in one easy motion.
Danny gave a little squeak and quickly wrapped his arms around Jason’s neck. “I can live with that when I get first class service like this.”
“Lazy fish.”
“You like it.”
“I do.”
Jason stopped in surprise as he entered his office after a meeting on Monday. “Bruce?”
“Jaylad! I thought that we would go and grab lunch.”
“I, sure,” Jason said, confused despite himself. “Just give me a moment to finish up a few notes from the meeting?”
“Of course. I’ll meet you in the lobby in… five? Ten?”
“Ten,” Jason agreed, moving around to sit at his desk.
It was only his training to focus that stopped him from being distracted by the fact that Bruce wanted to get lunch. It’s not that it never happened, just that it was rare enough to be odd. For all of the Brucie persona (though that had been toned down ever since Damian showed up), Bruce was actually very busy at the company and Jason had thrown himself into the deep end of the foundation. It was hard to find time even without the rest of their lives getting in the way. And it would be a lie to say things were never awkward between them still.
Exactly ten minutes later he was meeting Bruce in the lobby.
“I was thinking that cafe down the block, the one on Polk,” Bruce said.
“Yeah, that works, they’re pretty good,” Jason agreed. He let them get out on the street before he asked, “So is this lunch for a reason?”
“Somewhat. I wanted to talk with you about last night’s dinner.”
Jason’s heart jumped a beat.
“Danny seems a very nice person,” Bruce said. Jason braced himself for the ‘but’. “And I’m glad that you felt comfortable bringing him to the manor for dinner. It means a lot to me that we’re in a place that you’re willing to do that.”
“You don’t have concerns?” Jason said, honestly shocked at how easy Bruce, the notorious over planner, was being about this.
“Of course I have concerns, Jaylad, I’m a parent. I’m concerned how you’ll do if it doesn’t work out. I’m concerned if it does. I’m concerned for you having to deal with the press, both of you. And I won’t pretend I’m not concerned about his parents, they sound one step away from being evil scientists. It makes me concerned about what Danny had to go through growing up,” Bruce said, “but none of that stops me from being happy for you that you’ve found Danny.”
“Oh,” Jason said, at a loss for any other words. He had honestly expected to have to go over the same issues and worries that Tim had again with Bruce. Maybe Timbit briefing Bruce had really worked… or maybe Jason was still too used to expecting the worst of Bruce, even when it wasn’t fair. It was a little easier these days to see where they had both messed up. “I’m happy with him, Bruce. He… everything is just brighter since I’ve known him. And I don’t want to have to hide that from you all. I mean, I did at the start because it was all new and I was still figuring it out, but… I want you to be able to know him too. He’s important to me.”
“Well, he’s welcome over at the manor whenever, barring emergencies of course,” Bruce said, alluding to the night life. “I think Alfred is determined to feed the boy after the way Danny praised the meal last night.”
Jason chuckled and held the door to the cafe open for Bruce. “Yeah, it’s easy to feel that way about Danny.”
They were seated quickly and both spent a few minutes looking over the menu. After they had ordered, Jason fiddled with his glass of water, wiping away a trail of condensation. “Hey Dad?”
Bruce looked up right away. It was rare for Jason to ever call him ‘Dad’ these days. “Yes son?”
“I’ve been thinking about going to college?”
“Okay,” Bruce said, folding his hands and giving Jason his undivided attention. “Tell me your thoughts?”
“So,” Jason said as soon as Danny picked up the phone. “You can officially consider yourself to have the stamp of approval.”
“Huh?” Danny tried to pull his thoughts away from the equation he was staring at.
“Bruce cornered me for lunch. You are formally welcome at the manor any time.”
“Oh, wow, okay. That went better than I thought,” Danny said.
“I told you you did great,” Jason said.
“I guess at least not badly,” Danny said.
“Fine,” Danny said with an exaggerated sigh. “I did great. I am amazing. I am the very best there ever was.”
“Damn right,” Jason said. “How has your day been?”
Danny flopped back onto the floor. “Ugh, project one is already eating my soul.”
“Anything I can do to help in these dark times?”
“Make sure I see the sky every now and again?” Danny joked. “And maybe… we can repeat last night?”
It was the best sleep Danny had gotten in a long time.
“Of course we can.” The noise on Jason’s end changed, and Danny had to assume he stepped into his building. “Speaking of the end of the semester, are you leaving Gotham for the break?”
Danny tried not to tense. “Maybe around the new years but I thought I’d just take it easy before. Sleep off the semester.”
“What are your plans for Christmas?”
Yeah, there it was.
“Um, really I thought I’d just hole up and watch a bunch of really bad movies like Sharknado Five.”
“They’ve made five of those things?” Jason asked. He sounded mostly horrified and a little curious.
“Six, and three spin offs.”
“Huh. Well, I know it might be, a lot, but if you want, you can come over to the manor for Christmas?”
Danny frowned down at where he was absentmindedly picking at the seam on the couch. “I don’t… really like Christmas? The whole season sorta gets to me so I would really rather just… not.”
Here it comes. Three, two, one…
“Okay,” Jason said simply. “Can I give you your present for, I don’t know, Solstice instead? Just since I already have it.”
Danny couldn’t stop the smile that spread over his face if he tried. Jason didn’t mind. He wasn’t pushing or bullying or guilt tripping about it. It was just… okay. “Yeah, Solstice sounds perfect.”
“Good. And I’ll make you something to stick in the oven for food.”
“You don’t have to,” Danny said, even as the very thought warmed him.
“I want to. Also it might butter you up to say yes.”
“Yes to what?”
“Going with me as my plus one to the Wayne New Years Eve Gala.”
“A gala?”
“Just, the press already knows about you. It might be weird if you don’t come? And I… it would be nice to have you there.” The nerves were clear in Jason’s voice.
Danny really couldn’t say no to that, could he? Besides, he could visit Jazz after New Years still. “Okay, but you have to make sure I look alright.”
“Done. You’ll be the prettiest orca there.”
Danny covered up a snort of laughter. “Isn’t it supposed to be penguin suits for tuxes? Besides, orcas aren’t even fish, they’re really big murder dolphins.”
“I could put you in a gold suit, then you’d be my goldfish.”
“Jason, no,” Danny said, trying hard not to keep from laughing.
“You’d be the talk of Gotham.”
“You mean the laughing stock.”
“I wouldn’t let them, not about my fish,” Jason said. “Can we bargain for blue? It would match your eyes.”
“Maybe, we’ll see,” Danny said. “I’ll be watching for you adding in fish references.”
“I would never!”
“You’re a liar.”
“You like it.”
“I do.”
AN: Danny has survived meeting the family! He is very sleepy, but he survived! Sorry for the people waiting for a pissed off Bruce, but that's not my Batman ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Tim's research and questioning last week did its job to let Bruce feel prepared and Bruce really does want his children happy.
And a gala on the horizon for the next part! How exciting!
I no longer tag people, but you can subscribe to the masterpost!
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genericpuff · 3 months
Genuinely I would give anything to hear your thoughts or read more critical analysis of yours on other webcomics writing (*slides you Marionetta* I like the webtoon but there are some things in the writing that I'd like to see be discussed critically more often but the fandom focuses way too much on shipping. sighs..)
Anyway, you probably have been asked this before but are there any webtoons in particular you would recommend? :D
Oh lord, you don't know how many times a week I get asks in my inbox asking for my opinions on webtoons they're reading. It's really sweet that people wanna hear me talk about other works outside of LO, but unfortunately I just don't have the time to read as much as I used to, even keeping up on LO lately is getting really difficult 😅 I'm definitely keeping a list though of works to check out!
That said, I try not to read series on the basis of criticizing them because frankly I just... don't want to spend time reading something if people are only looking for me to rag on it? 😆 Of course I know that's not the only reason, I know there's also just the element of seeing me talk extensively about other works the way that I do with LO, but it's not really something I can turn on and off like that, I have to get really into a series to want to talk about it to that extent. So it often comes down to just luck of the draw :'0
Right now the series I'm keeping up the most on (or have completed and would absolutely 100% re-read):
Alfie (18+, it's porn with plot but the plot is REALLY GOOD , I SWEAR LMAO the art is gorgeous, the characterization is IMMACULATE, and it ironically tackles the subject of purity culture way better than LO ever has lol)
Theia Mania (the creator is often in my comment section / neck of the woods, she's been working on an Abduction of Persephone retelling for a long while now and has also tackled other myth retellings in her style! I always love seeing new pages of her work in my feed :' ) <3)
Tales from Alderwood (if you like fantasy and comedy, this one's great, the plot's really starting to get interesting and it's just got this really great sense of humor about it)
The Black Parade (this one's REALLY interesting, it's a comic-stylized version of My Chemical Romance's The Black Parade, using the songs as narration and sometimes even dialogue to tell a visual story, it's really cool and the art matches beautifully with the lyrics and style of MCR!)
A Tale of Two Rulers (this is a Legend of Zelda fancomic that poses the question, "What if Zelda and Ganondorf got married to solve their political crisis?" It updates a lot slower than most of the other comics I follow but the art and writing is so worth it <3)
Dogs of Future Past (and p much all of Lynx's Undertale comics which can be found in the link, seriously, THESE are the comics you wanna read if you wanna get into Undertale fanworks, they are PEAK)
Tamberlane (this one's an anthro comic, I normally don't read anthro but this one actually gripped me by the throat, the art is gorgeous and the character arcs so far have been great!)
The Mafia Nanny (okay it's legit so funny that I'm including this one here but I've been reading it the last couple days after seeing it basically beat out LO at the top of the trending tab for a couple days, so I figured I'd give it a shot, at first I was like "great more tropey shit" but the more I read it the more it's actually started to get pretty good, I'm holding out and hoping to god it stays that way LOL it's not especially deep or anything like that, but it's really fun and cute to read and the shipping of the main character within the narrative isn't too self-absorbed which I can always appreciate, I'd honestly be 100% fine with it if it didn't turn into a romance)
City of Blank (I talk about this one a lot here, but it's one of my favorite Originals right now, the art is super polished and the writing has gotten INTENSE, go check it out if you want some fun action / sci-fi storytelling!)
Time and Time Again (a time-travelling vampire and his werewolf boyfriend get into all kinds of misadventures, what more could you ask for?)
Touch of Divinity (like the Mafia Nanny, this is one I just started reading, it's got a very interesting premise so far and I'm looking forward to seeing where it goes!)
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pacifymebby · 1 year
Peaky boys and reader who teases them all day and then gets a portion of flip flops or rough fuck.
My morning starts with me going to your profile and watching updates. And my heart blazes when I see that something has come out. You're great!! 🖤
Ohhhh lovely what a sweet little message! Im sorry i know u sent this ages ago but im only just getting round to it now!! I’m so so sorry its taken me so long. I hope you'll like these <3
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🌿 Not a forgiving man. At all. He can hold a grudge and he does not appreciate being teased... 
🌿 Especially not when he’s told you 100 times that he's busy, that he’s got a lot of work he should be focussing on, yet you still insist upon visiting him in his office, sitting yourself down on his desk so that he has no choice but to focus on you and not the work in question. 
🌿 When he asks what you’re doing and you can hear the impatience in his voice so you open your legs slowly to show him you aren’t wearing any underwear, he struggles to hold back his temper... he can’t believe you’re really messing with him right now...
🌿 He also can’t believe he’s managing to resist you right now. 
🌿 Sending you away is the last thing he wants to do but he does, his hands firm on your knees as he pushes your legs back together and refuses to show you how much he wants you. 
🌿 If this is the game you want to play and you really think you can push your luck teasing him, then he’s going to tease you back twice as hard.
🌿 He’d lure you in, bringing you so close to him, then he’s whisper something incredibly dirty in your ear. He’d tell you to go home, go to your room, undress and wait for him, he'd promise you he wouldn’t be long
🌿 “If I come home and you have so much as a sock on you’ll be in trouble and not the kind you’re hoping for angel...”
🌿 And then he’d make you wait ALL day as punishment so that you weren’t sure whether he’d forgotten about you or not. 
🌿 But trust me when he does get home you’re in for the roughest fuck of your life. He’s going to exhaust you so that you’ll know never to interrupt him and tease him again. 
🐻 Loves winding you up more than he cares to admit. In fact, the more he can tell you want him the more he wants to tease you. 
🐻 He knows you so well that he can tell just from the smallest change in your demeanour that you’re pining for him... and he will use that against you. 
🐻When he notices out the corner of his eye that you’ve dropped something on the floor on purpose so that you can bend down and give him a view to remember, he will make sure not to let you catch him looking, in fact he’ll make a show of busying himself somewhere else so that you know he really isn’t bothered by your efforts. 
🐻He can keep this up all day... if you want him, you’re going to have to straight up beg him because he will purposefully ignore all your hints and subtleties just to torture you
🐻And if you don’t give up and start begging he will basically corner you into admitting to your tricks. 
🐻 “Are you alright there poppet? You look like you want to tell me something... yeah actually, you haven’t stopped giving me those eyes all day... why don’t you come here yeah...”
🐻He’ll let you think for a moment that you’re finally going to get what you want but that isn’t how this is going to work. He’s going to tease and tease and tease. 
🐻He’d turn his chair, pull it away from his desk and towards you, “Come on then darlin, come sit here in your old mans lap, talk to me yeah... don’t just float around my office giving me them eyes... you never know, I might be able to help...eh?”
🐻He’d make you sit in his lap, make you balance with your legs either side of one of his thighs and he’d make sure to apply just enough pressure making you squirm in his lap as he spoke to you. Then he’d draw it out, he’d have his hands on your waist and hips holding you still and in place, smirking at you, knowing he’s stopping you from being able to rub yourself on his thigh. “Now then poppet, why don’t you tell me what's going on... what you looking at me with those sad little eyes for... what do you want?” 
🐻He’d be trailing his fingers over your skin, the cool metallic touch of his rings leaving goosebumps wherever they went. 
🐻 He won’t let you go until you’ve admitted to what you want, and even then, he’d just lean back in his chair and tell you to show him how badly you wanted it, he’d make you get off grinding on his thigh, or have you sit on his desk and touch yourself, the whole time all you want is for him to touch you. 
🐻 Might give you what you want if you put on a good enough show, but the chances are he’s going to make you edge yourself for a very long time before he decides you’ve earned a spoiling. 
🍂 You don’t really believe you’d get the chance to tease him?
🍂 Seriously, the first attempt at teasing him and he’s going to flip you over his desk and fuck you till your mind is blank and hazy. 
🍂 He might seem on board with at first, he might laugh when you sit in his lap and grind on him before getting up, trying to leave him with a hard on and no satisfaction... but he isn’t going to let you go and you know it. 
🍂 “where do you think you’re going darlin... get back here...”
🍂 If you don’t do as you’re told you can expect him to respond with force, getting up and following you out of his office, picking you up and slinging you over his shoulder, carrying you back and throwing you down onto his desk ready to teach you a lesson. 
🍂 “You want to play games do you darlin, you thought you’d come down here and try to tease your Arthur did you? Well love, that ain't how this is gonna work...” 
🍂 He’ll fuck you, hard fast and rough, fucking you from behind and spanking you, bending over you so that he can growl in your ear, so many degrading things. 
🍂 “Wanted to try and be a little slut did you, wanted to play at being a fucking whore well I’ll make a whore out of you yet love, I’ll make you a fucking good whore...” 
🍂 Won’t be quiet about it and will definitely use the racket you’re making to further your humiliation and punish you for misbehaving. He’ll remind you that everyone can hear you making all this noise, that everyone will know now how much of a little whore you are. 
🌼 He can’t lie, he likes it when you try and tease him, in fact he loves it when you try to tease him. He likes all the effort you go to, he thinks its cue how desperate for his attention you are. He will ignore you at first just to make you work even harder
🌼 And, he’s a bastard about it, because he loves to tease you right back. Every time you make a move and try to tease him he’ll out manoeuvre you, luring you in, making you think he’s falling for your tricks and then just when you think you’ve won hell make his move, trick you into letting out a little moan for him when he slips his fingers between your legs and catches you out, or when he drags his teeth over the sensitive place on your neck only to push you away and pretend he’s hardly noticed you at all. 
🌼 He will do it all day and what's worse, he’ll laugh at you. The more sexually frustrated you get the more he’ll tease and laugh because it’s so entertaining to him seeing you get flustered and frustrated and needy for him. 
🌼 He doesn’t know why you always fall for his tricks either, you’d think a clever girl like you would know the fifth time he tells you to come sit in his lap and tell him what you want, that you’d tell him to fuck off. That you’d know he was only going to kiss your nose and smirk like a teenager saying something like “too bad sunbeam, that ain’t gonna happen...” and yet somehow he manages to dangle just enough hope in front of you that you fall for it every time. 
🌼He’ll keep it up until you’re all teary eyed and sulky, until you genuinely look a little bit like you can’t take his teasing anymore. But before you get what you want he’ll have you on your knees beneath his desk looking up at him with wide doe eyes, telling him you’re sorry for being a tease and begging him to let you get what you want. 
🍀 He's just as impatient as Arthur and he doesn’t like playing games however, he won’t respond at all like the Shelby because a) he isn’t about to lose his temper over sex and b) he would be worried about scaring you or being too aggressive with you
🍀 Also he knows what you’re like, he understands this game you like to play and he knows that if he’s patient and bides his time then he’ll get everything he wants and more. 
🍀 He won’t really let you tease him though, at least he won’t let you frustrate him. He’ll enjoy how tactile you are with him and of course he’ll let his eyes linger on you when you walk with those swaying hips or you let the collar of your blouse slip down to reveal your shoulder. 
🍀 He’ll let you inspire that possessive nature he has when it comes to you, he’ll let you wind him up and up and up until he’s about to snap and then when he’s really riled up he’ll steal you away somewhere the two of you can be alone. 
🍀 There’ll be no words at first, just his body trapping you between him and the wall, his lips on yours his tongue pushing its way into your mouth, teeth colliding, biting your bottom lip. 
🍀 He’d be just as desperate for you as you are him and he’d definitely take control, fucking you against the wall one hand on your hip the other on your throat. 
🍀 He’d be so soft dom! about it, getting as close to you as he possibly can, holding your wrists above your head with one hand, making you look into his eyes the whole time, telling you not to close your eyes, talking you through your high with little demands and lots of praise. 
🍀 If anything he’s rewarding you for being such a little tease. 
🍀 The one thing which would potentially have him snap would be if in order to tease him you tried to flirt with another man, or you ignored Bonnie in favour of talking to other men, even if you weren’t flirting with them. That would bring out his competitive side and his jealous streak and then you’d really be in for it. He’d fuck you hard until you could hardly think anymore all the while telling you that you’re his girl, you belong to him. Asking you who you belong to, making you say it and then forcing you to quiet with his fingers or tongue in your mouth.
🍀 Overstimulates you as "punishment" he'll keep making you cum over and over, not letting youbrest, watching as your eyes roll back and your body shakes. He loves watching you loose control and exhaust yourself cumming for him and when you're sobbing and mumbling all tired and fucked out that it feels "too good" he'll talk so soft and sweet to you, "good girl, just one more baby you can take it, i know you can, just one more for me little dove,"
🐀Doesn’t like being teased by you, you’re his girl and he wants you to be obedient and respectful. 
🐀 That being said he loves it when you show him how much you want him, how desperate for his attention you are. He knows that because you’re desperate for him you will do whatever he tells you and he loves the control over you he has
🐀 So if you’re being particularly naughty that day, trying to distract him, or trying to flirt with other people in front of him to draw his attention, he will snatch your wrist and take you to the bedroom where he will command you down onto your knees, deep throat fuck you until you’ve tears running down your cheeks. 
🐀 But here's the thing, once he’s cum he’s going to coax you back up to his level, he’s going to let you think that he’s about to take pity on you and reward you for being so good for him and then
🐀 he’s going to sit down, pour himself a glass of whiskey, and have you climb into his lap, sit on his cock... when you’re expecting him to fuck you he’ll just smirk and shrug. 
🐀 “Not just now eh love, someones got to teach you to be patient,” and then he’ll have you cockwarm him indefinitely. He’ll sit there with you balanced on his cock, forcing you to feel him going soft inside you, making you squirm and holding you still so that you can’t grind against him or get any satisfaction yourself... you’ll have to sit there being very still and well behaved even when you feel him getting hard again... every now and then just as you’re beginning to settle down in his lap he’ll twitch inside you and wake you right back up again
🐀 Then finally he’ll ask you whether you’re sorry, make you promise to be a good girl from now on. He won’t let you cum though, he’ll just say something like “maybe next time sweetheart,” and then leave you on your own to teach you a lesson. 
🐀 He'd better not come back to find you trying to satisfy yourself or there will be serious trouble
☘️ Doesn’t like to be denied anything because he’s lowkey spoiled and entitled. If you try to tease him he’ll be like... “the audacity :o” and he won’t know what to do.... at first
☘️  He’ll be pretty quick to think up a way to punish you, the whole plan being to make sure you know never to try and tease him again
☘️ At first he’d straight up ignore you, at least he’d try to, he isn’t very good at hiding the way he feels and his frustration would be so clear on his face and in his demeanour. So you would know you were winning. 
☘️ Then he’s start his assault on you, subtle at first, little caresses and touches, double meanings when he whispers something dirty in your ear. 
☘️  It won’t matter whether you’re alone or in a room full of other people, his tactics will be the same
☘️  He’d slide his hand up your skirt slowly, really slowly, maybe making it a little further up every time he tried it, before dragging it away and pretending as if he hadn’t done a thing. 
☘️ He’d have you sitting beside him, opposite Tommy Shelby, forcing you to try and keep quiet when his fingers have slipped between your thighs and are stroking over the lace of your underwear.
☘️  he has so many little tricks to build you up and up and up only to deny you satisfaction every single time. Each time he tries something its more intense and yet still with no reward.
☘️  By the end of the day you don’t know what to do with yourself, you’re up and down so much you’re exhausted, your poor heart and clit cannot take much more of these acrobatics. 
☘️ He will not let you sleep, once you’re in bed together thats when his fun and your punishment really begins. He’ll keep bringing you up, taking you so close to your high only to pull away and give you nothing, leaving you begging for him to let you cum. 
☘️ He’ll edge you like that until you’re crying and begging for him to stop but like Isaiah he won’t let you cum, he’ll make you suck his dick and have you apologise for being a little tease and then afterwards he’ll ask you whether you’ve learnt your lesson. 
☘️ “Are you going to try all that nonsense again y/n or do you think you’ve learned your lesson now?”
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I SAW YOUR REQUESTS ARE OPEN! I know this is such a basic idea but I adore the idea of Alfie and his wife going to get another puppy or doggo as a sort of 'companion' for Cyril bc Y/N would definitely believe that "Cyril deserves his own companion too Alfie 🥺", I love your fics so much and thank you for the blessing of your work angel ❤️
Hi love! Thank you so so much for the very kind words! 🥰🥰🥰
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Initially Alfie wasn't really on board when it came to getting another dog, but not for the reasons you might think.
He was afraid Cyril would feel replaced by the new puppy.
Yes, he was a more caring man than he'd initially let on, but still Alfie was convinced that you fell for his whole song and dance about "no more bloody dogs an' that is final, that!" and he wouldn't have to explain.
Of course you didn't believe him, not even for a second. You knew Alfie better than anyone, but not even your reasoning could get through that tough and stubborn exterior.
Sometimes Alfie got too deep in one of his foul moods and you just had to wait it out.
He of course remained convinced that you believed his poorly constructed facade and that would be the end of that.
Unfortunately for Alfie, his wife remained something of a certified expert in dealing with his moody nature and so you devised a plan.
A plan as cunning as that husband of yours.
You already knew that with Alfie the more revealing truths of his character were the things carefully left out of the narrative and so tricking him remained the only option.
But tricking a trickster, well, that looked roughly as easy as stealing from the king of thieves.
So you took a page out of your husband's book and terrorised Ollie until he joined your little charade.
"Mrs. Solomons, I'd rather we didn't sneak around the office..." "But I am Mrs. Solomons, aren't I?" "Well, yes...?" "So what's mine is his I reckon, blah, blah, blah, 'till death do us part, all that jazz, now hold the door for me, will ya?" "Mrs. Solomons, but your husband doesn't like it!" "Cheer up Ollie, darling, I'll just be a second! Now, where does he keep the bandages?" "Mrs. Solomons, are you... Fuck! What is that?!" "That is a dog, darling, don't look so shocked... Hand me that bottle." "Mrs. Solomons, I know what dogs are and this ain't it!"
You see, the charade had to be believable.
It had to work.
So the dog had to mean something more than just a dog, you had to give it all a believable story.
As fate would have it, you overheard your neighbours gossiping about a gang holding illegal dog fights near Whitechapel.
So you recruited four biggest members of Alfie's gang and got yourself a dog.
Or two.
Or ten.
"Got" would be the term used loosely here, truth be told you stole them all and ordered the men behind the ring executed, but potato, potat-oh.
All of the poor creatures were given a good loving home, except one that looked both the scariest and the most injured.
That one you decided to keep and with Ollie's reluctant help you managed to clean up most of his wounds.
Perhaps the greatest surprise of all was Alfie's reaction.
Contrary to his usual habits he said nothing as soon as he entered the office.
He looked at you, then at the dog, then at Ollie.
You chose your best impression of a deer in the headlights for the occasion.
(Granted, Ollie got the worst of the squinting and a very menacing hum thrown in there just to let him know who's boss and that the aforementioned was very much disapproving of the impromptu gathering in his own private office, thanks very much.)
As soon as Ollie left, though, the dog was given a proper introduction and all your worries left you when you saw Alfie smile under all that beard and initial suspicion.
You figured, though, that if you were to keep your husband on your toes, you'd expect nothing less in return.
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spicyclover · 1 year
Can you do one for lando. Where he and reader has a child together. Basically dad!lando
Daddy, I want Mommy!
Summary: Lando can sometimes have a hard time not being around as much as he wants to be. 
Hope you’ll enjoy this part. Let me know in the comments section! And to support me by tipping me!
Little information, I will, for now, only post on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
Thank you, and Enjoy! :)
Lots of love, xxx Spicy Clover 
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Son (Eldest): Adam Luca Norris
Daughter (Middle): Astrid Willa Norris
Son (Youngest): Alfie Georgie Norris
After spending three years together as a happy, single couple, you finally welcome to the world your firstborn. Lando couldn’t be happier. When his gaze rested on this tiny little baby snuggled between your arms, he could barely contain his tears. His beautiful smile did not leave him during the first months of Adam’s birth. 
Lando was particularly pleased that Adam was born just at the end of the season. Because he could be there without interruption for the very first months of his life, it was really the most beautiful. Seeing Lando as a father is a whole new person and experience for you. Seeing him blossom at every little sound his son can do and be completely gaga. 
Adam was the apple of his eye for many months. When the season started again in March, Lando really thought about stopping. He didn't want to be far anymore. He tried to be as present as much as possible, but you knew Lando. So, you convinced him to pursue his dream. You did your best to be able to be present and accompanied at least to the European races. 
He asked you for a second child at the Silverstone Grand Prix in July. You indeed want your children close in distant ages, but you are not sure that your body is ready to start this adventure again immediately.
It was under his caresses that you finally accepted. You did it several times without success, but in early December, you discovered you were pregnant again. Let’s be honest; Lando was more than happy. Well, after the sex he gave you... you are pretty sure that he’s happy. He helps you the best he can during the break, but eventually, his mom comes to help with your toddler. 
Your daughter Astrid was born in July. It was the middle of the season, and Lando wasn’t there at the birth. You gave birth a few days early than expected. Well, with the stress he gave you, it was not surprising. He had crashed during the Grand Prix of Austria. You were with his mom back in England since you couldn’t travel with him to his races, and you watched him getting into the wall. Your water broke at that exact moment, and it was panic. 
For Alfie, it was a strange time. You didn’t expect to get pregnant, but you welcomed him with all the love. For sure, Alfie was the one you had must experience with. Being the last one means you don’t get all the attention, and you can be mischievous. 
Here we are a year later, having a garden party for the birthday of Alfie. Some of the drivers came with their children, so kids were everywhere. It was overwhelming. You were in the kitchen with Carmen and Heidi, talking while preparing the food. 
“So, has Lando doing?” Ask Carmen after avoiding the subject since the beginning of the afternoon. 
A few months ago, something had changed with Lando. He is so far away from his family that he doesn't live well and seriously thinks about putting his career on hold to spend more time with you. Many little things are missing that deeply saddens him. 
He sees the way the kids always turn to you when they have problems or difficulties. You’re the person they want to tuck them in at night, bathe them, feed them. He is kind of jealous, and you know it, but you don’t know what to do. You talked about it with Carmen a few weeks ago, and it ended with you having an argument with Lando about you telling everything to your best friend.
“Bad. And I don’t know what to do about that.” You say, a little defeated. “He really wants to be there for them, and they love him, but he’s not here, and it’s normal for them to turn to me when something wrong, right?”
While you are talking, Lando is outside watching the children with the other men. 
“Mom! Mom!” Calling Astrid and running home.
“What is it, sweetheart?” Ask Lando before she can enter. 
“I didn’t say, dad. I said, mom.” Respond directly, your little girl. 
“Oh, okay, I’ll go get her.” Says Lando, leaving to go inside. “What is it, sweetheart? What is it, my little boo-bear?” He asks again, taking a pitched voice to trick his daughter. 
“I said I want mom!” She growled.
“This is mom. Can’t you tell by my lovely voice?”
“Dad...” She sights looking up and having an attitude.
“Dad’s not here. Which is a shame because he’s such a handsome fellow.”
“MOM!” Screamed Astrid with all her voice. 
“What, baby? What is it?” You arrive a few seconds after hearing all the conversation.
“I hurt myself, mommy.” She poured.
“Oh baby, where did you hurt yourself?” You ask, leaning down at your tiny baby girl.
She points to a little red spot on her knee. You look at her and smile gently. 
“What do you need? Do we need an ambulance, or do we need a magic mom kiss?”
“A magic mom kiss.”
You snuggle a little but take her leg in your hand and lead her little leg to your mouth. You blow some air on it before giving it a gentle kiss. 
“Better?” You ask while putting her down. 
She nods and is ready to play again, but you stop her.
“Go give a kiss to papa. You know he can give you magic kisses too.”
“No! They’re not nice, and they’re drooling his kisses.”
“You can’t say that. Look how this makes papa sad.” You say, pointing at Lando, who makes a sad face. “You don’t want papa to be sad.”
“You give him a magic kiss.” She suggested putting her arm across a body. 
“I give him a magic kiss?”
“Yes, like you do when you’re in bed. It always makes papa feels good.”
You look at yourself with Lando, and you feel your days getting red at what your daughter just told you. You hear the laughter of the guests and the little whistling from Pierre. You take Astrid in your arms and take her to Lando.
“Give him an Eskimo kiss, then I’ll give one too.”
Your daughter thinks for a few seconds before agreeing and putting her nose up to her dad. She laughs as she feels her dad's nose rubbing against hers. She always loves Eskimo kisses. 
You let her go and turn herself to your husband. 
“So, we need a magic kiss, I hear.” You say flirting. 
“Oh shut up...” He catches your teasing lips. 
“They love you, and I love you too,” you finally say in his ear. You feel him calming down, and you smile, kissing his neck. “They’re young. One day, they won't want me, and they’ll be all over their dad. Like when they were babies, they only wanted you, and now it’s my turn.”
He laughs a bit and hugs you before joining the kids for a football game. 
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olreid · 1 year
riverdale is.. schrodinger's show? ??
lol re tags on this post i assume? this is actually alfie @hypokeimena's phrase #alfiepilled and literally just means that he does not watch the show but does watch us watch the show and so always at any time any plot point or series of events is possible because riverdale exists in a state of totipotency right up until the moment of viewing the footage to see what actually happened which again he crucially never does.
HOWEVER i have adopted this phrase into my own riverdale lexicon because i think it helps to get at something which is usually kind of difficult to articulate about riverdale's method. riverdale, more than your typical tv program, IS a show where anything can happen, and that quality has not changed or diminished over the course of its run. typically, in tv, as you build out the world and the characters, you become better able to predict what will happen next; the window of probable events grows smaller, even if only slightly. people pair off, foreclosing other relationships; they pick a career, choosing one life over other possible lives they might have lived. even shocking plot twists are operating under a set of basic rules that govern how the setting and the genre operate such that the overarching parameters of what is possible in the world don't change. but not so in riverdale! it's not committed to the sanctity of its own canon, which frees the team up to create a show that reminds me more of a collage; different narrative pieces get swapped around to see what kinds of meanings they might produce with very little preciousness about continuity or canonicity compared to other programs. different storylines are repeated by filtering them through new genres to see what emerges. season 7's premise is a perfect example of this!
the other thing about riverdale that makes it schrodinger's show to me is that it is always operating on multiple registers of reality simultaneously, so that any number of things might be happening at once depending on how you're reading it. for example, in the season 3 g&g plot, many episodes are framed by games of g&g that precisely mirror real-world events going on concurrently in town, e.g. jughead accurately describing archie's prison break as it's happening even though he's not physically there. maybe this is just an extradiegetic narrative device; maybe particular characters are omniscient or psychic in some way; maybe the game itself has powers that allow it to shape the world or the story; maybe riverdale itself only has a certain number of pre-set stories that it can tell. the list could go on. the point is that all of these are equally likely; riverdale does not privilege realism or groundedness, really the opposite, but neither does it often confirm for certain that something supernatural is happening. rather, the viewer is left to interpret for themselves; to choose between these options if they want, or perhaps instead to hold them all simultaneously. indeed, riverdale never forces you to pick, to narrow it down; in riverdale, more than any other show i've ever watched, you can have everything you want, and you can have it all at once, because there is no definitive reality, which means everything is pretty much equally (un)real. the cw is pioneering quantum television and we're here to witness it! what a time to be alive!!!
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callsigns-haze · 4 months
Pretty like a crime
Chapter 11
Pairing: Agent Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x Singlemom! Agent Y/n 'Cobra' Y/l/n
Summary: Cobra is finally back on the agency and is finally back in the job. With Kai at home she has to jumble being a mother and a agent. She's sent to her first U.C mission but never thought that she would meet a blonde, green eyed Texan...
Warning: Mentions of gun use, ptsd, mentions of death, mentions of shooting, flirting, mentions of abuse, description of dead body, death, blood, undercover work, alcohol use, smut, kissing
Prologue/ Part 1/ Part 2/Part 3/ Part 4/ Part 5/ Part 6/ Part 7/ Part 8/ Part 9/ Part 10
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"Jake calm down!" Jake was furious, fuming. If he didn't calm down at this pace he'd turn into a cartoon character with smoke coming from their nose and ears.
Kai was asleep in his room, he insisted on taking Alfie to sleep with him. Kai has fallen in love with that dog. Alfie became his new best friend. You adored it and so did Jake but with the two of them sleeping, the two of you had to tone down.
"How am I meant to calm down, Cobra! He basically threatened you," Jake was pacing up and down the room. You didn't know how to calm him down. You informed Jake about your meet and greet in the hall with Matthew and let's just say it drove your boyfriend mad.
"Jake we have bigger things in mind! There's a bloody killer, swiping us all off and you're here worried about my ex?!?" You were terrified. The whole dagger crew was nearly eliminated. Just you, Bradley, Jake and Javy. Each of the others was knocked down like a pawn in a failed match of chess.
This stops Jake and he walks over to you. He wraps his arms around your waist. His arms delicately rest on your hips as he comes closer, kissing your forehead and reassuring you, "Cobs, I'd fucking die before letting anything happen to you or Kai. You guys saved me and I'll do anything to save you." You nod and pull into his chest.
You were scared, shaking in fear was a way to put it. You didn't know what to do, you were scared for life and your friends were just out six feet underground. You pulled back, and nodded tiredly. He smiled at you, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear before relaying his delicate lips on top of yours. You hum into the kiss before you pull apart.
"Should I clean up?" You wondered, due to the two wine glasses and earlier dinner plates that were still left to be washed. He shook his head, leading you towards your son's bedroom. You stand in front of the frame as he answers. "Go, lay with Kai. I'll clean up and I still have some work. Rest, okay? The two of you are safe."
"And Alfie?"
"And Alfie."
You open the door and step in as Jake heads speeding into the kitchen to reach his phone. Have you ever seen a cartoon character run? You know, like tom, from Tom and jerry. When his legs turn into wheels due to the incredible speed he just took off at? Yep, that was the perfect way to describe Jake.
He rushes over to his phone to quickly send an email. He knew this had to be quick and fast, mixed with a good bribe and paycheck. He looks back over to the door that he sent you into. He knew if you caught him doing this you'd be fuming, absolutely ballistic.
He just emailed Justin to contact Matthew. It was a set up. If Matthew believed that he was going to meet Justin and then magically bumped into Jake's fist nothing bad would happen, right? Just a coincidence. Jake quickly went to his contact list, calling straight to Coyotes number.
'Javy, meet me at the old factory near the deck in twenty.'
After everything that happened, Matthew was out of control at the start. His father was in jail, his brother murder and a lot of more dilemma that nobody cares about or asked for. You simply never thought youd end up in this situation.
You were running through the parking lot. He was on your heels, he was chasing you and wouldn't stop. He was armed as well. You keep running as fast you could until you took the wrong turn. He came out of nowhere. You didn't see him coming. He grabbed your hair and pushed you down. The wind was knocked out of you. The words were taken out of your mouth as you lay flat on the ground and he kneeled against your chest.
"You took everything from me."
Matthew was furious, he held the gun to your head and you were sure he was about to pull the trigger from you more than instantly. He was right, you did just ruin him. But he had taken more from you. His family ruined you, you played their little good girl slave for a while too long.
"You did it first."
Jake looked over at the faint body, that was tied to the pole. The man's body, was sat down, legs wide open in a v-shape, arms tied behind his back and neck quite crushed due to choking force. Javy looked over at his friend and didn't know what to say. This was the right thing. Right? I mean it had to be.
"He's not dead properly, he's dying though." Justins voice comes from the darkness as he wears his black gloves with a knive twirling in his fingers. All three men are now standing side by side. They all stare at the still, somehow, alive man tied to the pole. They knew Iif they left it like this, it'd be obvious it was them who did this.
"So you're telling me that thing can still breathe?" Javy asks, point at Matthew's corpse like body as Jake never lifts his gaze of Matthew.
This man was the reason you have lived in fear for years. Each day of your and his marriage was another day of him mistreating you and your future son. He disgusted Jake, how could a man that was kissed by god's blessing, mistreat a woman like you.
"He used to hurt her, you know. After his brother and father, he chose drugs and chugged down with alcohol. He deserved it." Justins words were true, syllable to syllable. But did he deserve it? Nobody deserved to die by their neck getting broken against a pole. Nobody deserved to be strangled by three men on a late nights evening.
But he did hurt you. He tortured you. Used you. He hurt you all your life, in ways nobody knew before. Matthew did deserve it.
"I didn't mean this to happen." Jake was still in a trance. He's killed many men in his days but he has never, never in his full career, felt sorry about it. And now he may, scratch that, he just killed Kai's father and your old husband.
"I know. Look… You two leave. I'll finish the poor bastard off." Javy and Jake just nod and let Justin finish Matthew and take the grown man out of his misery. The two friends walk out. Javy lays his hand upon Jake's back and paths him in reassurance. This wasn't Jake's fault, Matthew threatened you and Jake along with Kai. He was the man who wasted your life.
The sound of something like an atomic drill burst their eardrums. It's like the whole world went numb. Everything went numb.
That's the sound of a machine gun.
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scorpiussage · 1 year
Peaky Blinders characters with a daughter who gets her first period
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🌕 Tommy
🌕Three words: “Full Panic Mode”
🌕Oh god, where’s Polly when you need her? 
🌕Will absolutely dump the task onto the literal first woman he happens to pass, but will still hover awkwardly in the background like the overprotective parent he is. 
🌕Does not know the first thing about dealing with periods because that’s ‘womens’ business’ and he’s not in the habit of involving himself in that sort of thing. But he will stick around to learn whatever he can so that he can help his daughter more effectively in the future. 
🌕Will also go overboard in prepping for future periods. Seriously, this man will have a full warehouse of period supplies on standby from that moment on. 
🌕If anyone in the family or outside the family tries to tease her about her period, he will pull his razor cap on them no hesitation. 
🌕If she happens to be someone who suffers from bad cramps, he will be one of those dads who has hot water bottles on hand with more on standby if needed and will stay home with his girl if she’s in too much pain to go to school. 
🌹 Alfie 
🌹If his daughter is too shy to tell him that her period started, he’ll figure it out without her saying anything. 
🌹Is incredibly kind and gentle about the whole thing, “Now see here, love, that’s normal, it is. Don’t gotta be embarrassed about it none.” 
🌹Doesn’t need to ask a woman for help because he’s been preparing for this moment since his little girl was born. He knows all the medical knowledge and has all the products she might need stored in the cabinet just waiting to be used. 
🌹Makes her lots of sweets for that time of the month for her to snack on and while is very understanding about cramps and such, will not allow her to skip school because of her period, “Can’t be having you missing your education. It’s a normal bodily function, yeah? And anyone who says otherwise can come fucking talk to me.” 
🌹One time a kid in school teased her when her period leaked through the back of her dress and Alfie went and had a lovely conversation with that boy’s parents. Funny that, they decided to suddenly leave town. 
🌞 John
🌞Not his first rodeo, that’s for sure. Man’s got kids out the wazoo so as soon as one of his daughters starts her period, he’s already reaching into the cabinet to grab the necessary supplies. 
🌞Doesn’t really talk about it beyond, “Anyone says anything, I’ll fucking cut them.” 
🌞Honestly a pretty hands off father but mostly because he knows his girls can handle themselves just fine and if they have any questions or issues they can talk to each other or Polly. 
🌞Loves to make fun of his brothers for panicking about the same sort of situation with their own daughters. 
💥 Arthur
💥Man practically faints when his little girl comes to him and tells him that her period has started. Not normally squeamish but when it comes to ladies issues, he very much is. 
💥Will be completely useless and Polly or Ada will have to intervene and help her. 
💥It’s not that he’s a bad father or anything, it’s just that he’s not prepared himself for this inevitability, especially because he’s one of those dad’s that wants his girl to stay little forever. 
💥Doesn’t know anything about anything but if you tell him what to buy, he’ll buy as much as he can and then hope that that’s enough for her to never mention it again. 
⚡️ Michael  
⚡️Will definitely be like, “Uh that’s not my department go find grandma.” 
⚡️He will also not take any extra steps or learn any new information for his daughter; that’s women’s business and he’s not interested. 
⚡️Basically his daughter is on her own with this one unless she asks Polly for help. 
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cherrylng · 1 month
Memory of Muse 2000-2004 [STYLE Series #004 - Muse (August 2010)]
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From the first visit to Japan to the 2004 Japan tour. How did Muse grow up after seeing them up close? We look back at how Matthew, Dom, and Chris were at that time, with some interesting episodes.
Conversation◎Yoshika Horita & Kaoru Abe pix Yoshika Horita
Yoshika Horita and Kaoru Abe, who had close encounters with Muse while working for Avex as their official photographer and interviewer, respectively. We asked them about their most memorable episodes, not only during their visits to Japan, but also during the many times they interacted with the members during on-site interviews. Please enjoy their memorable talks, which convey the individual personalities of the members, as well as their nostalgic memories.
[2000/First visit to Japan] Horita: I first met the three of them at ON AIR WEST. They were like three dark and friendly guys from the countryside, whispering in hushed tones about everything. They have very thick accents to begin with, so you can't hear them very well when they talk like that. Dom is the type who consciously tries to speak properly, so his English pronunciation is clear. Matthew is like a muffled machine gun and speaks very fast.
Abe: He wasn't so nervous at that time. He was being interviewed while lying on a gorgeous couch at Avex (laughs). Basically, [to them] it was like "I'm on a field trip!" and it was so pure.
Horita: At that time, they were accompanied by a manager who found them and was like a father figure.
Abe: Yes, it was like they were a local family. The show itself was very good, and they already had a certain style, but their usual behavior was not up to the level of their ability at all. Even in Tokyo, if they were to walk around Harajuku or Shibuya, they would look a bit out of place (laughs).
Horita: The way he dressed (laughs). I liked Matthew's cyber look at the time, but his shoes looked like something an old man would wear, and his denim was cut off at the hem! The uniqueness of Matthew's fashion came out at that time. But Dom is a bit of a fashionista. He was choosing what was appropriate for his height and weight. Chris doesn't care at all.
Abe: He (Matthew) talked a lot in the interview. He talked a lot about how they started the band because there was nothing to do in the countryside...... He talked a lot about things like that. But he would get bored in the middle of the interview (laughs). Then the three of them would get together again and start whispering in hushed tones. They didn't really have anything profound to say.
Horita: At that time, we even went to a music store to look at effectors.
Abe: It was their first time in Japan. 
Horita: Dom is Matthew's personal interpreter. Whenever Matthew needed something, he would call Dom and be like “Dom-Dom, Dom-Dom, you know....“ He always says “Dom-Dom” twice in succession (laughs). There was also a classmate of theirs named Tom (Kirk), and the four of them were originally best friends, but Tom went off to college and didn't play in the band. But they continued to be good friends, and eventually became like an external coordinator for Muse. You see, the world is closed, so they need that kind of existence (laughs).
Abe: Matthew is a little bit different. He is rather shy, so it would be difficult without Tom. Well, he's about as shy as I am. ...... So shy people interview each other and get interviewed by each other....... It's the worst (laughs).
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Picture: Matthew cools off with a mini fan given to him by a fan. He said, “Back then, I would have gladly used any gift from my fans.”
[2000/Summer Sonic 2000] Horita: When Matthew had blue hair. Chris got a tattoo in Japan after his son Alfie was born. I went with him to Harajuku, and we went into a store owned by a very seedy foreigner, and he got it done by a female assistant who said she had just started working there (laughs). I was like, “Oh my God, are you sure this is a good place to get a tattoo?" She showed me a font sample book, and I just put the letters exactly as they were in the book. I wrote “Alfie” as “Zaibu Ryo” (在父良/Father-in-law) in big letters at ....... But he looks so happy!
Abe: That doesn't exist, does it? (laughs)
Horita: Matthew seemed to be very interested in it. I think that's why he let Chris try it out (laughs).
Abe: I didn't do any interviews at that time. I did see Summer Sonic, though. I remember they were already playing “Plug in Baby” at that time. It was the first show of the morning, and it was on a grand scale. It was so hot that I almost collapsed, but I heard that Matthew almost collapsed too.
Horita: Speaking of Summer Sonic, Coldplay['s Chris Martin] and Matthew were talking backstage at the Osaka show. Then one of the tour managers at the time asked me to take a picture of them. I was like, “Hey, let's take a picture now!“ And I thought to myself, “Well, Coldplay is in a higher position than Muse.“ They didn't really know each other that well, but Matthew, who was shy, talked a lot. Matthew is a very cunning guy (laughs), and he will go for anyone who benefits him or interests him. He is a surprisingly calculating man (laughs). Also, maybe it has something to do with the fact that his grandmother is a medium, but he seems to have a divine power or something out of the ordinary. There is a little bit of evil spirituality in him (laughs). It's great because that kind of thing is sublimated into the music!
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Picture: At Kiyomizu-dera Temple in Kyoto, where we stopped by during the Osaka performance. These two are always a set.
[2001/London coverage] Abe: At that time, they did two days at the Brixton Academy and it was a great success. I think I went to see both days.
Horita: The first day was just the day I arrived or something, so I just went to see the show without any equipment. Matthew backstage was very funny. I think there was a tax accountant or someone in a suit there, and he was talking seriously about something like, “From now on, I'll take care of the money!“ As I said earlier, Matthew is very calculating and businessman-like. Their previous manager was someone who looked like someone from the industry, so I guess he thought he would be taken advantage of if things continued like this.
Abe: With all the money they had, they also bought a house to share among the three of them [Note: Presumably they're talking about Matt, Dom, and Tom's time of living together]. So, because of the formalities involved, we arrived very late to the hotel where the interview took place (laughs). During the interview, Matthew and Dom talked about the house all the time.
Horita: It was around this time that they suddenly became aware of themselves as members of society...... A tax accountant and a house! The next time I interviewed them in London, they had already moved to a different house (laughs).
Abe: Oh yes, it was a house with a studio. On the second day in Brixton, they had 2ManyDJs [aka Soulwax] in the afterparty, and it was Matthew's birthday party. 2ManyDJs at a live venue were still cute back then (laughs).
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Picture: Matthew is not much of a drinker, but these two are the type that drink until morning. Chris in particular is the type that is easy to get along with.
[2001/performance in Japan] Horita: This was the time when the dark side of Muse was in full bloom. They were selling out at once, they had money coming in, and they had more than enough talent, especially Matthew (laughs). The number of groupies increased to the point where I wondered, “How many groupies are there nowadays?“ (laughs).
Abe: Chris was a serious guy and never played around...he lost his wedding ring at a show in 2004 and turned blue.
Horita: Oh yes, once Chris got very drunk and lightly kissed someone. The next day he was depressed and said, “What have I done? I'll never get drunk again!“ (laughs) It was painful to watch, but he was so cute.
Abe: Yes, he was. He really cherished his wife. Did he have his fifth child this year?
Horita: Yes, yes. His wife is a very plain, ordinary person. She is very different from Matthew, who is now a celebrity (laughs). Dom is a mystery! Even if he cheats on me, I feel like I'll never find out.  On the other hand, I don't think he is clean for sure.
Abe: Come to think of it, Dom is always clean [i.e. hygienic]. Chris is always clean, too. But Matthew never takes a shower even when he is sweaty at a show. (Laughs) Even when they play until morning.
Horita: Matthew's eccentricities are many. They were staying at the Nikko Hotel at the time, and when we were in the cafe on the first floor, he came down from his room in his hotel gown and slippers. When the hotel staff was upset with him, he told them that he was “dressed in African formal wear“, and they forgave him (laughs).
Abe: He had a look on his face that said, “If I say this, they will never be angry with me.“
Horita: He was once scolded for suddenly playing the transparent grand piano displayed at Kawai Omotesando without permission (laughs).
Abe: Well, even if he did that, it still looks good, in Matthew's case.
Horita: The thing about Matthew is that he is easily drawn to things like “white pianos” and “transparent pianos.” It's simple and cute in that way.
Abe: He likes to play the piano as soon as there is one. He must think “I'm so cool!” playing it more than the guitar (laughs).
Horita: On the piano, he can play Chopin and other pieces right away, but he's not actually that good at it. But on the guitar, even though he is so good, his movements are unique.
Abe: Speaking of Matthew, he always went back to the hotel after rehearsal. Dom and Chris stayed at the venue. I don't know what it is like now.
Horita: Yes, and that sometimes caused him to come back to the venue about 10 minutes before the show started, which made the people around him nervous. I don't know what he’s doing, but I really want to go back!
Abe: Is it some kind of ritual to concentrate?
Horita: Some kind of ritual to bring down the god of live performance? After all, he is a spiritual person (laughs).
Abe: Maybe he’s preparing confetti to be taken out of his pockets during the show (laughs).
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Picture: The pass from the 2001 Brixton Academy show in London, which was attached to Abe-san's press notebook.
[2003/Reporting in London] Abe: Before [the release of] “Absolution,” we were in London again for an interview. At that time, they had a confident but calm impression. They took a long break before making the album, and all three of them had that good feeling. I would say that all three of them had grown up while still maintaining an aura of being rock stars. They also set up our own studio. It was just a renovated flat.
Horita: Yes, there were computers and office desks in one room, and a huge pile of equipment in the next room. There was a grand piano, so it was not small, but there was no table or anything like that, so it was just a place for recording as a hobby.
Abe: But he said he went there three to four times a week.
Horita: What surprised me was Matthew's new car. It was a very nice [Toyota] Solara, the kind of car that only [Japanese] yankees drive nowadays, and it was a white convertible (laughs)! It had a tachometer that looks like something you would never expect to see on a car like this (laughs).
Abe: But I was convinced. No matter how you try, only Matthew could drive a car like that!
Horita: It's the same as the idea of the white piano (laughs). Dom drove a maroon BMW or something, so he was totally normal. After the interview, they both said, “Goodbye,” and went home.
Abe: It was a bit of an inconvenient location, and we were at a loss because we couldn't get a cab. Dom said, “I'll wait with you until the car comes,” and bought us a drink at the pub next door! Really, Chris is like a good father and he is very kind.
[2004/performance in Japan] Horita: Before the Bay NK Hall show, I caught up with the guitar tech at the venue when the band members were not there, and he let me take pictures of the equipment. Matthew was just passing by and said, “You can film anything you want! There's no secrets.” When I first came to the show [back in 2000], he was very reluctant to have his effects equipment photographed, but I could see that he was gaining confidence. Matthew was wearing a weird “Matrix”-style coat and sunglasses, and there was a big fuss about “Take a picture! Take a picture!“ Matthew may be a dorky guy, but his personality and sense of aesthetics remain consistent. But that is out of tune with the world's sense of beauty (laughs).
Abe: He always likes things that are futuristic. He likes to wear a ring with a cybernetic design that was given to him by a Japanese fan. He was wearing it during the photo shoot, but I guess it wasn't fanservice, he really liked it.
[Thereafter.....] Abe: After they moved to Warner, we stopped doing interviews with this trio. They had a worldwide breakthrough and became an unreachable band.
Horita: They were five years after their debut... a country bumpkin who succeeds, falls to the dark side, and realizes who he really is... It was like the “Star Wars Trilogy” (laughs).
Abe: By making a good album, you grow as a person. That must have been how Matthew was able to make such a big leap forward.
Horita: I think Dom, Chris, and Tom were instrumental in that. If it had been just Matthew, he would have destroyed himself by not being able to use his abundant talent. Also, it was good that he didn't have any impatience like, “I want to sell [out] in America! I want to be big!“ Even though Coldplay had achieved success, they [Muse] were not in a hurry, and they worked slowly and deliberately, and finally achieved success. But he might have had a desire to play in a big venue and hypnotize everyone in the room......
Abe: Yes, he just needed a place to present his sense of aesthetics.
Horita: That hasn't changed. I haven't met him (Matthew) yet, so I can't tell you more about him. I met Chris and Tom when they came to Japan in January, and I was happy to see that they had not changed at all.
Abe: Well, I think I was very lucky to catch a glimpse of Muse, who have now become such a great band, on their way to the top, and I have really good memories of them. I would like to continue to support them from behind to see where they are headed.
Translator's Notes: This is actually one of my favourite and unique Muse interviews I encountered so far in the STYLE magazine, because it's an interview/conversation in the point of view of those who actually interviewed and photographed the band themselves and witnessed their growth over time in 5 years, and gives interesting insight of stuff that they picked up, such as:
-Matt calling for Dom's attention by going all "Dom-Dom, Dom-Dom!" and he does it twice in succession!
-Matt's sense of fashion in the past was just that... eccentric/bad enough that nobody could ignore it LOL
-Not even his choice of car was spared from Abe and Horita's low-key savage mocking LMAO
-The journalist and photographer are like "Yeah, Matthew is a weird dork, but that's what makes him so cute!" LMAO
-Matt's preference for white or transparent pianos were actually noticed since 2001.
-The true story behind Chris' first tattoo and the absolute horror by Horita at the choice of tattoo shop and being forced to pick the kanji letters that sound the closest to what 'Alfie' would be pronounced as.
-Matt actually enjoys receiving gifts from fans and would use/wear them.
-Their observation that Matt and Dom always stick together as a set. My heart...
-The imagery of the boys' first trip to Japan being like "I'm on a field trip!" to them shall live in my head rent free.
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whentommymetalfie · 9 days
When Tommy first goes to Camden Town ti meet with Alfie Solomons he didn’t plan to offer to have Alfie’s baby in exchange for them joining forces but when Tommy set eyes on Alfie he couldn’t help himself, he could sense that Alfie is the most powerful Alpha he’s ever met
or basically a rewrite of Tommy and Alfie’s first meeting and ehen Alfie says no to thrm joing forces against Sabni(?) in the war in London. Tommy offers to give Alfie his heat and have his children
"You make offers like that to everyone who refuses you a deal, hm, treacle?" Alfie looks Tommy up and down. Not for the first time since this beautiful omega with a clear death wish came into his bakery and acted like he owned it. He's already dangerously close to accepting this ludicrous deal, because he's got a soft spot for beautiful things, doesn't he?
Tommy shrugs. Cocks his head a little and looks at Alfie with those goddamn eyes he's so close to drowning in.
"Not everyone, just to the ones I think would make it worth my while."
Alfie sets his forearms on the desk. Leans in a little bit.
"Is that so? And what makes you think I'd be interested in getting involved with you like that, hm? From what I've heard, and well, judging by the way you've already gone and gotten yourself all bruised and battered, you're not precisely a safe bet when it comes to a venture like safely carrying my offsprings."
"Because, Mister Solomons, I can see that you're already thinking about how it'd feel to fuck me," Tommy says. Takes out a cigarette that he rubs over his bottom lip and doesn't miss the way Alfie's eyes follow his every movement. And when Alfie lights it for him he knows that he's already won. He blows a cloud of smoke across the desk. "As for the rest, I suppose you'll just have to try and keep me out of trouble."
And though Alfie scoffs at that, deep down, he knows he'll gladly spend the rest of his life doing exactly that.
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genericpuff · 6 months
just curious, which webtoons do you fastpass? i also recently bought that same bundle of 100 coins, i normally only fp nevermore it's weird having so many coins haha. i only bought some episodes for two other series since which is the guy upstairs and cinderella boy.
I'm gonna be honest, I'm not FP'ing a lot of series at the moment because most of the comics I read are either in the Canvas section or are non-Webtoons entirely (ex. Alfie, AwkwardZombie, Tamberlane, Tales from Alderwood, etc.) I find it's really hard to start new series from scratch and even harder when Webtoons makes it almost intentionally difficult to find the real unique and good stuff.
Currently I'm actively FastPassing City of Blank and Time & Time Again. They're both great comics and the people who make them are awesome. The former is the sci-fi action series that I've talked about numerous times on here, it's very solidly written and the art is literally anime-studio quality.
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And the latter is a fantasy romance type story starring a gay vampire and his transmasc werewolf boyfriend who travel through time and get into shenanigans together (their names are Adam and Steve, hurhur) <3 The art style is bold and dynamic and very distinct in the best way, and the creator is incredibly prolific for all the projects they've done prior to and in conjunction with TTA.
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(steve, my boy. precious baby. my sweet cheese, my good time pal <3)
That said, there are loads of Originals that I do want to actually catch up on, it's just been a matter of having the time to do it. I started Cursed Princess Club a while back and still need to continue it.
If you like Nevermore I highly recommend you check out Shiloh as well! They're both by the same artist / writer duo, from what they've stated in AMA's on reddit they basically try to keep one series active while the other is on its hiatus - so while Nevermore is on its pre-production breaks, Shiloh returns and posts new stuff, it's wild how they keep up that kind of work flow while still maintaining the quality of both comics. They're both gorgeous pieces of work with well-written plotlines that are deserving of recognition and praise.
I've also heard REALLY good things about Suitor Armor and The Greatest Estate Developer so I want to give both of those a try.
So yeah! If you're not reading any of those comics above, check 'em out!
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pacifymebby · 2 years
what about peaky blinders and a reader who isn’t afraid to answer them and behave boldly?🔥
🌿The first time you snap hes stunned, and tbh he's never not stunned by your sudden temper. The way you defy him... Hes not used to not getting his own way.
🌿Tells you all the time he has rules for a reason but he just cannot tame you... Youre a disobedient little lady and he cant get his head around you
🌿Its not that youre just plain old badly behaved either, its that youre contrary. If youre feeling like arguing you'll pick a fight over anything and youre stubborn, sometimes he thinks he more stubborn than you.
🌿Hes absolutely never hurt you, never hit you, but if you need bringing back down to earth he wont hesitate to pin you against the wall or force you down against his desk, hold you by your neck or your hair and threaten you till the cows come home.
🌿But he despairs because nothing seems to work.
🌿"Fuck your rules, fuck your threats, fuck you Tommy fuckin Shelby!" "Now you listen to me alright sweetheart, don't you fuckin swear at me eh, you dont fuckin swear at me..." "Fuck..." you narrowing your eyes, challenging him.
🌿Youre basically always asking for trouble, you get a kick out of pissing off the most dangerous man in birmingham, knowing he'll never actually do anything to hurt you.
🌿He does absolutely love watching you stand up to his brothers, or to anyone else for that matter. It might piss him off when you do it to him but he's ever so proud of you when you tell one of his brothers to "shove it" or "get fucked"
🌿He'll pretend he isnt going to let you get away with it but it will be so blatantly half hearted that his brothers will know hes enjoying their suffering and that will rub salt in the wound. "Now now love, dont be rude to my brothers, they aren't used to young ladies answering back to them..."
🌿But he does have rules and he is determined you'll learn em.
🌿"mutual respect yeah, you and me? We respect eachother don't we..." he'll make you say it, thats how he puts you in your place, "Go on say it back to me love, so i know you mean it," hes got his hand on your throat or holding your chin so youre forced to look at him. Sometimes you do as he says, sometimes you make to spit at him and he has you flipped over his shoulder in seconds.
🌿There are some things he wont put up with.
🐻Is shocked, its usually him doing the talking, usually him being clever and snarky...
🐻 But when he tells you youre not to talk to Tommy Shelby hes stunned to hear you say, "I talk to whoever i want,"
🐻 His way of dealing with you is different to Tommy's. He calls you over, gets you to come and sit in his lap and then he holds you there, trailing his hands over your body, playing with your hair, all the while giving you a little speech about why he's telling you not to speak to him.
🐻 "What you have to, no need to understand ziskeit, is that me yeah, i dont just give orders willy nilly for no reason yeah, if i ask you to do something, or tell you not to do somethin - as is the case right now - it's probably, no definitely, its definitely because its for your own good treacle, yeah thats right, for your own good..."
🐻."and you see yeah, if i tell you y/n youre not to talk to Tommy Shelby, its cause i know somethin, or maybe lots of somethins yeah, that you don't about Tommy Shelby... And maybe i, being absolutely devoted to you my little ziskeit, just want whats best for you..."
🐻"Only i get to decide whats best for me A..."
🐻 "Tsk tsk," puts his finger to your lips, looks you right in the eyes, "let me stop you right there treacle," you only get called treacle when youre in trouble and right now you're on thin fucking ice, "let me stop you right there sweetheart because i wasnt finished, no i wasnt, see the other thing you need to know right, the other thing, is that when i ask you to fucking do something, you fucking do it... Cause if you dont do it and then somethin happens to you like ohhhh i dont know, say a very bad and dangerous man with evil running through his heart like rot runs through a decomposing fuckin apple... Let's call him Tommy Shelby right? If a very bad man like Tommy Shelby ends up fuckin catchin you in his satanic, godless little web... Then well, i ain't helpin you am I? Cause well, i will have fuckin warned you... "
🐻The man can talk the fear of god into you and honestly, its the only way he can get you to behave.
🐻Because he doesnt hit women, he would never touch you or physically hurt you. And he also doesnt mean it when he says hed abandon you, hes only trying to scare you into submission because he knows he'd kill himself to save you and that would only work once.
🐻 He likes hearing you answer back and put the boys in their place, whenever any of the lads in the bakery say something innapropriate of try to tease you you put them in their place pretty quick.
🐻Alfie likes to join in then "Whats the matter lad, scared of a girl now are you? Fuckin hell kids these days, worlds gone bloody soft..."
🍂You snap at him because he snaps at you. You fuckin hate men who shout at women
🍂 So when arthur shouts at you you shout right fuckin back and shit does it scare him. He isnt expecting it for one, but more than that, hes never had a woman shout at him like that before.
🍂 You only slapped him once, and it was because he fucking deserved it. He got all up in your face barking bloody orders at you, it was after some serious peaky business had gone sour and to be honest, he was scared. Wanted to communicate just how serious the situation was...
🍂But he scared you, and again, he shouted, he was so close to your face he spat at you when he spoke, and you saw red.
🍂 So you slapped him, and it shut him up but then all hell broke loose.
🍂 He grabbed you pretty forcefully, snatched the breath from you, holding your collar in a fist. You saw the whites of his eyes, he was so angry
🍂 "That was fuckin out of order sweetheart, you dont fuckin hit people do ye? Do i do that to you do i? Have i ever fuckin laid a finger on you? Eh? Have i?"
🍂 You regretted it imediately but you were also kind of proud you did it. You werent just going to let him bully you.
🍂"What kind of a world would it be if we all went around fuckin hittin eachother all the time eh?"
🍂 "sounds a lot like the world youre already living in Arthur..." the fact youd answer him back with such a cheeky remark even now has him drop you hes so shocked.
🍂 Hes used to everyone being terrified of him, even his brothers know not to piss him off or get clever with him, but here you are at the height of his temper making comments like that, and with a smirk on your lips and all.
🍂 "Right sweetheart, im going to give you one last chance to apologise to me alright... Youve got till i say 3...one, two..."
🍂 "I aint apologising for nothin Arthur, you dont scare me..."
🍂 Its not true, he does, he terrifies you sometimes and right now when his breathings ragged and hes red in the face, yeah he terrfies you..
🍂 But you wont admit that, not ever and theres something about your brave tone and the determined defiant look in your eyes that really turns Arthur on...
🍂 So you fuck, thats how he deals with your defiance, he takes his anger out by fucking you fast and rough.
🍂 Its also the only way he'll ever get an apology out of you.
🌼 Doesnt like it, doesnt sit right with him being spoken to like that by a woman, its not right.
🌼 But does he get off on seeing you speak like that to other men? So much... Especially when its classic authority figures like the police. He also loves to hear you knock Isaiahs and Finns cocky smirks right off their faces.
🌼 He likes defending you but he doesnt half admire the fact that you dont need him too.
🌼But it does annoy him when you then tell him not to defend you. Hes your man, its his job to defend you. Especially from other men.
🌼His favourite thing about your quick temper is the way you talk to Linda... Linda likes to make plenty of snide comments about you, your class, the fact that you swear and take the lords name in vane. The fact that you're fucking a gangster out of wedlock. Shes always telling you that you live in sin and youre always telling her where to shove her bible.
🌼The number of times he hasnt been able to stop himself laughing out loud when youve snapped back at Linda. He fucking loves it, and he encourages you too, telling you how fantastic it was later when youre away from everyone.
🌼He doesnt like it when you snap at Tommy though, John is scared of his older brother, he knows Tommy wont stand for your defiance and so hes always begging you not to start anything with tommy. For the most part you oblige but every now and then when you think somethings unreasonable...
🌼John finds himself having to make excuses for you, apologising on your behalf cause you sure as hell won't do it.
🌼 Especially because usually when you snap at Tommy its because youre trying to protect John from risking his life in another Tommy scheme.
🍀 Bonnie doesnt have many rules for you and he isnt one to go ordering you about. He only asks that you look after yourself, that you dont go getting yourself into any trouble.
🍀And that you stay away from the peaky blinders, you dont interfere with him and his dads business with them
🍀And thats where you just can't oblige... Your curiosity gets the better of you for a start, you want to know who your mans getting involved with but more than that youre worried.
🍀You care about bonnie deeply and so you want to know everything about his work so that you can best learn how to protect him.
🍀If you get cheeky with him its probably over something lighthearted. Bonnie doesn't really have a temper for taking out on you, if youre arguing he tends to let you say your piece but he wont rise to it.
🍀"Am only telling you not to get involved because i love you little dove, cant have you getting hurt... Dont know what id do if anything ever happened to you... Thats why i tell you to stay away... Cause i love you," he tells you this whilst cupping your face in his palm, kissing your forehead.
🍀 And because of this you dont really argue at all. Unless youve put yourself in harms way, then he maybe has some sharp words for you, they're just a fuelled only by concern for you though. Hes a gentle soul.
🍀He does adore your witt and sharp tongue though, loves it when you give as good as you get from the other boys at the settlement, loves to hear you answer back the adult men and women too.
🍀Youre so wild and it balances his calm/gentle nature.
🍀 Its even more entertaining when hes training at the boxing gym, when his teachers being a miserable bastard, laying into Bonnie purely because hes a gypsy boy, sometimes youll snap at him in english so he can understand, but sometimes youll say it in romani so that only you and Bonnie can know what youve said.
🍀Bonnie laughing, gleeful and proud because you can be so brutal, and because youve really pissed his teacher off. When the old man demands he tell him what you said Bonnie will only occasionally translate, sometimes he'll just repeat what you said in romani again. Therell be steam practically coming out the old mans ears.
🍀One day Tommy catches what you've said and then you and Bonnie both get into trouble, you both feel like school children being reprimanded. But even tommy has a soft spot for you, he found your romani insult entertaining too.
🍀 Sometimes bonnie likes to remind you of your bad behaviour when youre havibg sex, he likes to tell you how cheeky you are, how youre gonna get yourself into trouble if youre not careful.
🍀"With who? You?" "Are you testing me little dove?"
🍀 Your temper has causes real trouble before, you talked back to a man in the garrison and he raised his hand to hit you. Bonnie cut in the second he saw what was happening.... Hes not a boy who has a temper until someone threatens you...
🍀Even if you were asking for trouble.
🐀Doesnt like that you talk back to him but does like that you talk back to other people. Its a tricky situation and he doesn't know how to deal with you
🐀It would be a shame to tame you when you bring him so much entertainment, but he also cant stand it when youre rude to him
🐀Feels like it threatens his manhood when he lets you get away with answering back or defying him
🐀So he doesnt let you get away with it, he has plenty of ways to punish you when youre bad... Most of them sexual.
🐀The problem is, hes such a cocky bastard and sometimes that just gets under your skin and rubs you up the wrong way.
🐀"dont see why i should have to take orders from you, youre no Tommy Shelby..."
🐀Saying stuff like that reallyyyyy riles him up, it wounds his ego, it pisses him off.
🐀You get yourself in trouble with him so much but you like the being in trouble, you get your kicks from watching his temper flare.
🐀Kind of likes that youre rude to him sometimes because it gives him an excuse to put you over his lap and spank you.
🐀It causes problems for him when you're rude to Michael, not so much because Michael would hurt you but because Polly wouldn't hesitate to smack you. And it has happened before.
🐀Isaiah actually found himself on your side, stepped in to stop her doing it again. When he checked you over after taking you away somewhere you could be alone, he grinned at you, congratulationed you on putting michael in his place, "he can be a right smug git sometimes, deserved what you said to him,"
🐀Mostly he likes that youre a little wild and unpredictable, the problem is so is he... So you lead eachother to take risks when you shouldnt.
🐀Loves to fuck the defiance out of you, "think you're clever do you, answer me back, breaking the rules... Think you're a clever girl huh y/n?" "Still feel fucking clever now?"
🐀Will bend you over the bed and fuck you witb your face pushed into the mattress, spanking you too until you finally say youre sorry and promise not tk disobey him again.
🐀But both of you know that you will, its like you just cant help yourself.
☘️ "No, fucking no... You don't talk to me like that y/n you just fucking dont..."
☘️He wont stand for it, he hates that you dare to challenge him. It pierces his delicate ego and it reminds him that he'll never be as authorititave as Tommy.
☘️ "Im your fuckin husband and youll show me some fucking respect..."
☘️ "What about your respect Michael? Do i get to have your respect?"
☘️ He is constantly telling you to behave yourself but he cant tame you. He knows deep down he'll never be able to and he also wonders whether hed still be attracted to you if you were meak and completely submissive. Wouldnt that bore him?
☘️Spanks you, it goes against his morals to hit a woman but once, once you really crossed a line and he raised his hand to you... He never actually hit you but the intent was there and the moment he caught himself, stopped himself, he felt terrible.
☘️ "What? You gonna hit me Michael? You gonna hit a girl? Some man you are eh..." youd spat at him, completely defiant, even with his hand raised to strike you youd been confident enough to look him dead in the eyes and continue to chastise him.
☘️ Polly kind of admires you for not taking any shit from Michael, she'd have raised her son to respect women if she had had the chance to, so shes glad you stand up for yourself. Its the only way to survive in the Shelby family.
☘️ Michael doesnt like it when you defy Tommy, when you question him and argue back in family meetings. It embarrasses him, thinks it makes it look like he cant control his wife... But he cant control his wife.
☘️ He takes his anger with you out on you during sex but honestly you love that and it just makes you want to push his buttons even more.
☘️Youve even brought it up in an argument... "Why whatre you gonna do to me Michael, if i swear at you one more time what will you do? You gonna fuck me are you? You gonna fuck your wife until she fuckin cries? Go on i double dare you..."
☘️ You end up with bruises.
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rubydubydoo122 · 2 months
Jason gets de-aged because I've seen fics of Tim or Dick being de-aged, and Bruce losing his memory, but no one has realized the potential for angst if you de-age Jason.
Something was different about Gotham. Sure the streets were relatively the same, but the buildings seemed different. Less run down. Newer. 
They passed a fire station that had an electrical board that showed any events, the weather, the time and… the date?
“Holy crow? It’s 2023? Does that mean I– does that mean I time traveled?” That would make him 21– nope, 20 because it was April. His birthday wasn’t for another 4 months. “This is so cool. Can I meet me?” Was he in college? Of course he was, there’s no way he would throw all that away. Did he get another growth spurt? He was probably cool. 
“I’m pretty sure you got de-aged, since you’re still wearing your suit. I think if it was time travel you would’ve showed up in your…” Stephanie glanced back at him like she had just realized something, but immediately shot her eyes back on the road “Robin costume.”
Wait. He wasn’t still Robin? A grown adult being Robin did seem kind of silly though. Dick had become Nightwing when he was 18. They kept calling Jason “Red Hood” . Was that what he called himself now? How in the world did he convince Bruce to let him use guns? Why did he use guns?
Steph lifted a finger to her com, “Um..quick question, who’s in the cave right now?” 
The question didn’t echo in Jason’s ear so he assumed that maybe she’d switched to a different frequency. Which was kinda rude, but also maybe polite because the reverberation is kinda annoying.
“Ok good, Oracle already filled you in. We’re coming up on the cave, Agent A, maybe you should put a sheet or something over the case.” a pause, “How am I supposed to know? I didn't know you people then.” she looked at Jason again, “He still has the white streak in his hair. If that helps?”
“I dyed… my hair?” He tried to get a glance of himself in the side mirrors and sure enough he had a streak of white near his forehead, “ Cool .”
They got to the cave, which had a lot more bat-themed vehicles than Jason remembered. No duh, it’s been like five years. 
They got out of the bike and walked further into the cave. Well, Stephanie walked, Jason waddled because his pants and boots were way too big. She turned around with her phone and took a picture with a shit eating grin. 
“What- hey! Delete that!” He reached to grab the phone but she moved it just out of reach. Screw her and her tallness.
“No can do, bitty bird. It’s not often I can get blackmail on the Big Bad Red Hood.”
She was basically a stranger and now she has a picture of him. Sure she was let into the batcave, and Bruce probably trusted her, but that doesn’t mean he was comfortable with her taking pictures of him. Jason’s eyes felt like they were burning in shame.
“Miss. Stephanie, don’t tease Master–” Alfred was cut off by a hug, 
“Alfie!” Jason couldn’t see Alfred pale in his arms. Because other than the white streak running through his hair, Jason looked almost exactly how he did before he… left. For Ethiopia. 
Alfred wrapped his arms tightly around him. Afraid that if he let go, Jason would run away and he would lose him for a second time. “...Jason.” 
Jason shifted in his arms, because hugs with Alfred were never this long, even when he was hugging Dick. Did Jason not see Alfred anymore? Nah, that could never happen. Even if Jason was angry at Bruce (which he couldn’t be for that long) he would still try to see Alfred at least once a week. But the hug felt good.
Alfred cleared his throat before letting go, “Dear god, you are practically swimming in those clothes. I’ll see if I can find something that might fit, Master Jason.”
And before Jason could thank him, Alfred was gone. 
He started walking deeper into the cave because if it really was 2023, there’d better be much cooler technology and if there wasn’t, Jason was gonna be really disappointed. 
But of course, since Jason was wearing clothes that were meant for someone who was Bruce’s size, he stepped on the leg of his pants and tripped on his boots while trying to catch himself.
“These boots are ten sizes too big.” Jason totally wasn’t whining as he kicked them off and started aggressively rolling up his pant legs, “You could probably put these pants on a giant and they’d still be a nuisance to keep up.”
There was a huff of a laugh that did not sound like Stephanie’s. “Well, you are usually kind of a giant, Jason. You probably scare more badguys than Batman.” There was a teen in pajamas offering a hand out to him, “I’m Duke.”
Jason accepted the hand, “Thanks. It’s nice to meet you, but I don’t think it’s possible to be scarier than Batman.” Who was this kid? He seemed about Jason’s age. Did he know Bruce was Batman? Was he the new Robin? 
Duke shifted from side to side, “Yeah, you’re right, I was just trying to start up a conversation.”
Alfred came back into the cave with a pile of clothes in his hands. “After you change, Master Jason, meet me in the medbay. I’m sure Master Bruce will want to run some tests.”
That meant he was about to be poked and prodded. And ever since Jason’s mom died–
No… It can’t end like this… Gotta get you out of here….I’ll save you mom…It’s locked! 
“Master Jason?” Alfred had placed a hand on Jason’s arm. 
“Thanks Alfred.” Jason took the clothes with shaky hands. That flash of– maybe a nightmare, left him feeling clammy. He could see Stephanie walking over to them and Duke was looking at him with a slight frown. They couldn’t see Jason like this, scared of what his own brain conjured up for no apparent reason. So he quickly headed towards the bathroom to take a shower, to wash away the sweat. Not the fear. 
He had… a lot of scars. Scars that he didn’t remember getting. The two most concerning being the one on his throat, and the Y shaped scar running down his torso. If Jason didn’t know any better, he would think it was a scar from an autopsy. But he was very much alive. 
Jason peeled his eyes away from the mirror and hopped into the shower. He felt like somehow, he was intruding his own privacy. And he was grateful for the turtleneck that was slightly too big because he wasn’t sure if the scars were something he wanted everyone seeing. Because the clothes he was wearing before seemed to cover them up.
Jason could hear the roar of the batmobile. Bruce . Yeah, maybe things have been kinda rough between the both of them recently, but Jason was confused, and scared, and all he wanted was his dad. 
Except by the time Jason had reached the Batmobile, it wasn’t Batman coming out of the driver's seat, it was–
“Dick?” Jason had to do a double take. His costume was a lot more muted. Less blue and more black. Also, since when did Bruce let Dick drive the batmobile? 
Two other people were coming out of the batmobile too, but before he could get a good look at them, he was engulfed in a hug. Which was weird. Really weird. Because Dick rarely hugged him. 
Dick pulled away, “I forgot how small you used to be.”
“I wasn’t going to point out how old you look, because I’m a nice person, but you look old. ” Even with the mask on, Jason could tell. Well, it was less physical, and more of a vibe. There was a different aura of maturity surrounding his older brother. He seemed to be less of a ball of rage and more… Well, calm. 
There was a mumble that came from near the batmobile.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t quite catch that.”
The kid, who was maybe the same age as Jason. He held himself in a way that screamed, I’m better than you . And he had the Robin ‘R’ on his chest. But the costume held little resemblance to the normal Robin suit. Almost all the colors and light had been stripped from the costume. It fit the vibe of Gotham, but it couldn’t be Robin. He also got a sword. A sword. “Are those my clothes?”
“I dunno. Alfred gave them to me.” Jason pulled the sleeves over his hands and crossed his arms. 
Emo Robin was looking at him funny. Jason could see the puzzle pieces clicking into place. Before the look was covered by a look of arrogance, “Tt” and he stalked off. 
Dick watched as Emo Robin went to the cave's bathroom, and then looked back to the third person. The girl who had come out of the passenger seat of the Batmobile. 
“Remembers. Recognizes.” She shrugged and locked eyes with Jason. 
She had a mask in her hands, and was wearing all black with the signature yellow bat. The way she was looking at Jason made him feel like she knew everything about him, but it didn’t feel wrong. If anything, it was kind of comforting. He offered her a little smile. 
“I am Cass. Your big sister.”
Jason felt his smile widen even more, “I’ve always wanted a sister.” 
She just ruffled his hair in response. 
Jason looked back to Dick, “um… where’s Bruce?” Maybe it wasn’t the best idea to ask the dude who was almost constantly getting into screaming matches with Bruce where he was, but Dick was driving the Batmobile, which meant they have to have made up in the past 7 years. 
“He’s just tying things up with Commissioner Gordon. So he sent us ahead.” Dick gaze was searching his face. “Do you want me to ask him to wrap up sooner?”
As tempting as that was, Jason shook his head, “Nah, he’ll come home eventually.” 
Dick opened his mouth like he was about to say something, but then shut it, “I’m gonna go change. I’ll be back.” 
That… was probably the most awkward conversation he’s had with Dick. And that was saying something, because that conversation before Dick officially passed the mantle of Robin to Jason had been pretty tense. This was tense in a different way. 
“Master Jason?”
“Oh! Right! Sorry Alfie. I’m coming.”
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notquitedeadpod · 4 months
Do you have any specific appearances in mind for Alfie, Casper and Neige? I'm so curious, even if it's just a vague idea or direction.
Hmm, yes and no. Really, the only canon way they look are their descriptions in the show. But there are some things to do with the way they look which I've given a lot of thought to which I'll kind of. Waffle about. These are not really canon things, though, and fall instead into a category of dubious canon, where bc I'm the author I can't really fully escape the implication that everything I say about these little guys has more authorial power, but also this is stuff that's not necessarily consistent or anything that would come up within the show itself.
In the beginning I wasn't really thinking much about how Cas looked beyond the fact he has a lot of very dark, curly and wavy hair, which he should probably take better care of but just doesn't have the emotional bandwidth. I don't think he'd ever cut it off, though, it's important to him. Besides his hair and the angularness of his features, he changes in my head when I picture him in my head. Pretty consistently he has kind of medium toned skin, which you get the impression would be a lot darker if he was able to be in the sun more. When he does go out in it now, he tans fast and gets an extraordinary amount of freckles. He has brown eyes and very angular features, a long nose, a sharp brow. He's tall, ish, but not massively so. He has kind of a medium build, he clearly takes care of his body, but it's all for function, not for looks. He dresses in a way that's not exactly untidy, but I think he sort of just. Puts clothes on his body rather than carefully dressing himself in outfits, if you know what I mean?
By contrast, Neige is small, below average height, and his features are sort of soft and androgynous. His hair is pale gold and very well looked after. He likes to keep it cropped in a similar style to that you see on greek statues, but he has been known to let it grow longer if that's fashionable. There's an almost cherubic softeness to him, in my head. His hair and his skin, all shades of gold, but his eyes are a very striking blue, so when his kill drive is activated and they turn red, it's very noticeable. It totally shifts the colour tone of his face from angellic/ethereal to earthen and fiery. Neige also ✨gets dressed✨ like he is going for a look pretty much whenever he's choosing clothes. Is he fashionable in the sense that he's on trend? Fuck no. But there's something bold and stylish about him, having just decided to put on whatever he thinks makes him look hottest. I think he's accutely aware of his prettiness and sees it as a potential power. He uses his clothes to accentuate that where he can. Basically, for Neige, his body is first and foremost a tool, and you ought to keep your tools in the best condition possible so they can be functionally optimised.
Because I think of the show from Alfie's perspective, his appearance is the least developed. I think he has a lot of issues with his looks, but he's not hateful of himself. He's like. An average amount of good looking. He puts time and effort into how he styles himself when he has the energy to, but there hasn't been a lot of time for that since the events of the show started, poor lamb. He has mousy brown hair which he thinks is boring, a lot of freckles.
I hope that was at least fun if not necessarily informative!!!
--- Eira xxx
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