#and the raven cycle had to make it there because it's all that's been in my head since i re-read it in July/August (also highly recommend
shayberri789 · 4 months
Thinking of my "blue Sargent aglionby student" au where blue Cross dresses and attends Aglionby again
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megumi-fm · 4 months
#okay random story time i don't know why im narrating this or how i even stumbled upon this memory rn#but i generally do sad vents in the tags and for a change this is a funny one#so back in highschool (i say highschool but i mean junior college) i used to visit this park near my house a lot#i was an sg kid back then and the thing about parks there is that they're kinda beach-parks and they have the best cycling/running tracks#they're also really massive parks so i used to go often. sometimes bicycling. other times walking. yeah. the park was like my sanctuary#anyway. there are quite a few bike rental areas in the park and there was a cute lil shop next to this one particular rental place#and they sold like biscuits and water and icecreams and stuff and i went there a lot#and on one particular day i went there and there was this guy around my age part timing at that shop#now again this might be culture specific bc i dont see it in india but part timing in uni/pre-uni is pretty common is sg#a lot of shops and restaurants employ teenagers to twenty something ppl for part time jobs... anyway im just adding context#point is that i had walked to the park with my mum that day and she told me to go buy a couple icecreams so i went to the shop#and i saw this guy around my age and like. not to be a simp but this dude was so pretty?#like he saw someone had come to the counter so he looked up and shot a smile and i thought i got slapped by sunlight#i could spend the next several lines going on about his pretty tan skin and his glowing raven eyes but this is pathetic enough so ill stop#anyway he saw me and smiled really wide (customer service smile- i thought to myself) and i smiled back and asked for icecreams or whatever#and then this guy started getting chatty right. so he was all 'you come here (to the park) often right? ive seen you with your bike a lot'#see now. the problem with me is that i always think im bothering people. this poor dude was attempting to make conversation#and i was replying with one word answers#and i wasn't even realizing that he didnt want that. bc he kept asking more questions and i. kept. shutting them down.#then when he gave me the icecream he was all 'are you here alone? icecream alone is no fun... i could keep you company if you want..?'#which. he was being really cute about right. but because im so fucking dense i was all 'oh no i came with my mom actually'#and he went 'aw man' in this really cute but faux sad way which i didnt understand at the time and i left and then#after three full fucking days. i realized this man was tryna hit on me?#and then i went to the park like a week later and he was gone. poof. i even thought of asking the uncle in charge of that place#then i got too embarrassed and chickened out#yeah so turns out my neurodivergence neutralizes any sort of rizz that comes my way#i could've been chilling with a cute boyf rn but no😩 this is my destiny#megumi in the tags
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jackleopard · 1 year
book asks: 1. 4. 13. 15. 16. 21. 26. 30.
omg thank you! 1. do u prefer a standalone or a series?
hmmm this is hard bc I love standalones but I also think there's nothing more fun than being consumed by a series and like getting inmersed in a world and caring so much about it that you just want to keep reading stuff about it, so I think I'm going with series
4. a book which had a tv adaptation that was better than the book itself?
oh I'm so mad at myself rn because just the other day I remember I thought "ugh this movie/tv show is so much better than the book" and now I can't remember which one was it and it's going to drive me insane. Since I can't remember that perfect answer I had thought of, I'll answer with Gossip Girl. I don't know if it's actually better than the books and it's probably less of an adaptation and more of a loose inspiration but I never cared for the gossip girl books whereas I really like the show (in all it's terrible-ness, it's just fun sometimes)
13. ur fav author (if u have any)?
Fredrick Backman!!!! I love love love his writing and the stories he writes. He's not my one and only favourite author but he is certainly the one that comes to mind when I'm asked this.
15. an underrated book?
These Violent Delights by Micah Nemerever!!!! I get that it's not for everyone but I need more people to read it
16. the book that made u fall in love with reading?
very cliche answer but the harry potter series. I've always been a person who loves reading, at least according to my parents (I basically like taught myself to read and then I wouldn't stop reading anything I could find) but if I have to pinpoint one moment when I like actively started reading books all the time it was after I read the harry potter series when I was like 10 or 11.
21. hardcovers or paperbacks?
paperbacks, thouigh it's not that strong of a preference
26. ur fav quote from a book:
I can't pick one single quote so I just chose one randomly from my little quotes notebook: "Hannah sings along, her right arm flinging out to gesticulate wildly and her wispy hair flaring around her face. She's the most beautiful when she's this relentless kind of happy. Maybe that's when everyone is their most beautiful, especially to those who love them" (from A Million Junes by Emily Henry)
30. give any 3 book recs to ur followers! Brother by David Chariandy
Things my son needs to know about the world by Fredrick Backman
The Raven Cycle series by Maggie Stiefvater
ask game (book edition)
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The most effective thing about Ever After High is that every student has their own personal struggle that adds another element to just how life-ruining the destiny system is.
Apple is so terrified of what will happen to her if she doesn’t follow her destiny, that she is willing to compromise everyone else’s happiness to make sure it happens. This disregard for other people is only encouraged by the influential adults in her life.
Ashlynn has to be a servant to an abusive family and live knowing that the ultimate end to her supposedly happy ending is dying to set the stage for her daughters traumatic backstory, starting the whole cycle over again with no chance for any of them to escape.
Blondie feels so pressured to fit in to a deeply classist/monarchist society and ashamed of her parentage that she constantly presents a fake version of herself to everyone she knows, even her best friends.
Briar has to spend her whole life waiting for the moment her destiny comes and she falls asleep for a century. She knows that when she’s woken up, she will be forced to marry a boy dozens of years younger than her who she’s never met and live knowing that everyone she ever loved is dead and gone, the very things that she watched cause her mother’s emotional breakdown.
Cedar’s father was so afraid of watching her repeat his mistakes that he overcorrected, making it impossible for her to ever learn lessons for herself. She is also forced to share incredibly personal details with anyone who asks her questions, and can’t be trusted by her friends with any of their secrets, and it’s all because of her father’s past trauma.
Cerise has to hide who she truly is and never gets to see her family together and happy despite the fact that her parents have potentially the most healthy and mutually beneficial marriage in the whole franchise.
Daring was groomed from birth for a destiny that ends up not actually being his at all, leaving him aimless, feeling as though he has no purpose and has wasted his entire life.
Darling is forbidden by patriarchy and destiny to become a knight, the only thing she really wants, and at which she would be better than both of her brothers. She has to hide who she is and what she loves from everyone she knows
Dexter lived his whole life never knowing what his destiny would be but also knowing that whatever it was he’d have to commit to it forever the moment he discovered it at Legacy Day.
Duchess has spent her whole life knowing that the story she’s commited to living out ends in tragedy for her, and then had to watch the very people she’s been jealous of for years because of their seemingly happy endings give up those endings, while Duchess, loyal and rule following Duchess, is still stuck with her tragedy.
Faybelle tries so hard to commit to what she sees at her destiny that she’s never had a real friend in her life. Even still, no one recognizes her for all that effort and all she’s given up to be a suitable villain. Everyone is more afraid of Raven, who doesn’t even want to be evil.
Hunter has to constantly go against his moral compass to fulfill his destined role as a Huntsman and to try and make his father proud of him.
Kitty has been taught over and over again to value her Mother’s approval over all else, even at the expense of her friends. Her destiny is to create mischief, but how much more mischief can a dissolving world take before it’s too much?
Lizzie finds it almost impossible to express love or care for anyone else due to her mothers excessive conditioning that’s nearly akin to brainwashing. The saddest thing might be that her mother is actually, in her own way, trying her best to prepare Lizzie for a world that will only ever see her one way—as a villain. Now she lives in Ever After, princess to a kingdom that might not even exist for much longer, having given up everything for a destiny that may soon be impossible.
Maddie is a refugee forced from her home into a world she barely understands at a tender age. But she cannot express any angst or negative feelings about this circumstance, because to do so would go against her character. She lives in a world obsessed with destiny and stories while not even knowing if she’ll ever be able to return home and live out her story.
Raven is judged by almost everyone around her for her mothers crimes, many of which were required of her by destiny in the first place. She is nearly forced to commit to becoming a tyrannical megalomaniac (and almost falls into it herself, several times) who would be sentenced to lifelong punishment and torture for committing acts that weren’t even her idea in the first place, and the one punishing her would have been the very girl who begged so often for her to stop being so difficult and just follow her destiny.
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milunalupin · 3 months
first off congratulations on 100 followers ily
and can i request a remus blurb that's centered around like hopeless pining? maybe something like helpless stares and longing sighs?
Love your works
tulip my love so sorry for the wait and thank you so much for this request !! love you MUAH
— can't keep my eyes off you
remus lupin x reader ★ 1.5k words
Luck was almost never on Remus Lupin's side. He was a disgusting, ravenous werewolf for one. His scars were off putting, puffed skin stretching all over his face and body. He wasn't born into a wealthy family, and he wasn't promised a successful future.
But Remus did well in school, he'll give himself that at least. Maybe not top of the class, but enough to feel good about it. And he had the most incredible friends, always supporting him during his 'time of the month', and constantly trying to set him up with girls they thought were his type. They never were.
Finding love was never really his priority anyways, his mind focused on school and keeping his beastly secret. Aside from that, he never believed that someone would be able to fall in love with a poor, ugly half-blood with cycle issues. Unfortunately, the world decided the throw the most perfect girl his way at the start of third year.
Remus was caught in such a daze from your confidence walking up to the sorting hat and your almost familiar blinding grin once your house was announced that he didn't catch your name at first. He forced his eyes away and straightened his posture as you begun walking towards the red and gold embellished table.
"Who is that?"
"Seriously Moons? That's Y/N, I told you guys she was starting this year."
So why did you have to be his best friend's sister?
You were just like James in the sense that you were unbelievably kind, and the definition of loyal. He's surprised you weren't sorted in Hufflepuff with how hard-working and honest you were. But then again, it made sense for you to be in Gryffindor with your brother, you were one of the bravest people he knew, taking risks and always standing up for yourself and others.
Even though you were his best friend's sister, he really didn't get to see you much when you first started at Hogwarts. Unless you counted his shy glances during study sessions, or tipsy stares over Friday night butterbeers. The two of you didn't have any classes together, because that would mean the world was being good to Remus Lupin.
He doesn't really know when he first started to feel differently about you, but remembers feeling touched when you had begun purchasing his favorite tea. It wasn't just any tea; it was the exact same healing peppermint tea that he would drink around the full moon. How did you even notice that? You would even go as far as to bring it to his room in a warm mug, with a little too much sugar in it. But he would never bring it up to you as you could do no wrong in his eyes.
Fortunately while the other boys were trying to figure out if you knew his secret, he was grinning to himself behind closed maroon curtains. The boys cared about him, obviously. They had even been talking about becoming animagi to help him during his transformations. But to be seen by you, understood on another level that only you knew, caused a herd of hippogriffs to fly around in his stomach.
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Finally, the winter holidays arrive and James had invited everyone to your house for Christmas. This was your favorite time of the year; James and your father were decorating the outside of the house while Sirius and yourself took care of the inside. The two of you always liked staying indoors to gossip while inhaling taste testing Euphemia's cooking to make sure it was up to standard.
"What are you hoping to unwrap this year Y/N, Remus perhaps?"
Your eyes widened and you turned to hit the cheeky Gryffindor in the chest, cheeks blazing with embarrassment. "Sirius! My mother is right there!"
He barked out another laugh when he saw your mother's shoulders shaking lightly with her own laughter. Your least favorite Marauder slung an arm around your shoulders and led you back out to the living to finish setting up for your friends.
The party had started the moment Remus and Peter arrived with arms full of presents. The gobstones were pulled out almost immediately, and everyone had a steaming mug of hot chocolate with whipped cream and toppings. Euphemia made sure to put in exactly ten marshmallows in James and yours because if you had one more than him he would undoubtedly throw a fit.
The spiked eggnog and mulled wine came out later in the night, the group sitting in a circle next to the tree to pass presents around. The typical Quidditch gear and gag gifts were opened. Peter had taken out his camera to take a picture of you and James when you had opened your matching red and gold sweaters, "Potter" written in a sparkly font. Your gleeful smiles and infectious laughter were immortalized with a flash of a camera, the photo being displayed on the mantle straight away.
The twinkling lights hung around room reflected in your eyes, a warmth creeping into Remus' chest as he averted his gaze. Luckily all eyes were on Peter as he unwrapped a pair of knitted socks from you, striped with Gryffindor colors and his initials sewed on the side. The tall boy smiled fondly as his friend tried on his gift, with you clapping adorably in response to them fitting perfectly.
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With the sun having set hours ago, the Potter house was now littered with scraps of colorful paper, candy wrappers, and board games were strewn about. The Potters and Peter had gone up to their rooms for the night, leaving Remus and Sirius to clean up at living room. Before following your brother and Pete, you walked over to the werewolf and poked his arm to get his attention (as if his attention wasn't always on you anyways).
"Hey Rem, I just wanted to let you know that I left your present in your room, in case you didn't want to open it in front of everyone," you smiled shyly, nodding awkwardly before shuffling towards the stairs, "Merry Christmas."
He wants to blame the mulled wine for his flushed face and racing heart, but he knew that nothing could be as intoxicating as you.
"Y'know Moony, your obsession might be a little less creepy if you just asked Little Potter out."
The wizard chess pieces dropped from the brunette's hands, looking up at his friend who had a shit-eating grin on his face. Remus huffed and quickly put the game pieces back in place, shaking his head. "I'm not obsessed with her, Sirius."
"Oh it's Sirius now! Struck a nerve, have I?"
Sirius had been staying with the Potters for a few years now, and it had become hard not to notice your behavior around his sandy-haired friend. He was no stranger to the way you would fix your hair around Remus, or put on your favorite outfits when you knew he was coming over. Also, you and Sirius had late night gossip sessions after James fell asleep. That was probably it.
"Pads, stop. It's not like that, and she wouldn't even like me back anyways. I'm just like you or Peter, just one of her brother's friends."
"Oh Moony," Sirius sighed dramatically, " Moony, Moony, Moony. You poor, oblivious boy."
Sirius had gone up to his room soon after, leaving Remus in the living room by himself to reflect on his feelings towards you. But how humiliating it would be if he confessed to you and you said no. He could never face you ever again, probably have to stop being friends with James at the very least to avoid any further embarrassment. Alright, he's thinking about this way too much. Remus head upstairs to his room, ready to fall asleep to hopefully dream of a life where you would look at him the way he looked at you.
On top of his pillow sat a small gift box wrapped so beautifully it couldn't have been from anyone else but you. Rough hands pulled away the delicate ribbon you had tied around the box, opening the lid to find a handmade teacup, his name painted carefully on the side. Next to the teacup laid a few bars of his favorite chocolate, a new book, and a bag of his favorite tea. His chest tightened with a new but very obvious feeling.
A knock on the door pulled him out of his daydream, the dark wood opening to reveal your lovely self smiling up at him. His mouth went dry as you stared at him with those big chocolate eyes that made him feel that just for moment you could look past every flaw and see him a man you could be with.
"Y/N-" he cleared his throat when it cracked embarrassingly, a deep blush dusting his scarred cheeks, "Thank you for the gift Y/N, I love it, really." I love you.
You nodded and pointed up the the top of the doorway, Remus lifting his head to see a sparkling spring of mistletoe.
Perhaps Remus Lupin could be lucky.
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lucygxybaird · 19 days
billy finds out you're carrying his baby tw: pregnancy
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As soon as you open your eyes in the morning, it feels like your stomach hits the back of your throat. 
You slap a hand over your mouth as you roll out of bed — you’re barely aware of the cold floorboards against the soles of your bare feet as you race into the kitchen, only making it to the sink with moments to spare. When you’re heaving up nothing but acid, you spit, pumping the water spout to rinse the sink clean. You fill a glass with water and rinse your mouth out, too. 
Then you sink to the floor and start to cry. 
What are you going to do?
For the first time, you’re thankful that Billy has been gone the past few weeks, on a long job with Mr. Tunstall and the Regulators. When you first started feeling sick, as selfish as it may have been, you only longed for his arms around you and the familiar sound of his deep, husky voice, soothing you as he read aloud. You kept waking up morning after morning, sick as a dog, only to find yourself ravenous as the day wore on. Even as the cycle repeated with each sunrise, you tried to pretend it was just some strange bug. 
You can’t do that anymore. Especially not when you know Billy is coming home tomorrow. 
“Oh my God,” you whisper, putting a hand over your stomach. 
All you want to do is keep crying, but you have to think. You drag yourself to your feet and sit at the kitchen table, drying your eyes with the sleeve of your nightgown. The first question on your mind is how you’re going to tell Billy. After everything he’s been through, he’s finally found stability and peace with Tunstall. Now you’re going to yank the rug out from under his feet.
The thought makes you want to weep all over again, but you swallow hard and push the tears back. Instead, you get up and make yourself some tea, to settle your stomach and give you something to do. You stoke the fire in the belly of the stove, set water on to boil, and move to grab a mug from the cabinet standing nearby. 
Each action grounds you, giving you one simple goal after another: steep the leaves when the water is done, add a little honey, sit down again. Cool it with a little funnel of air from your pursed lips. Sip. Sip. Sip. 
There’s no question in your mind that Billy is going to stand by you. You only worry that he’ll feel obligated, because it’s the right thing. For a while now, you’ve been hoping that…that he’s been thinking of — of asking you a certain question. You have no doubt about what you’d say, if he asked. 
Or, at least, you hadn’t had a doubt. 
You don’t want him to propose to you out of a sense of duty, because of the little life you carry inside you. You want him to propose because the idea of calling you his wife — Mrs. Bonney — makes him feel like he’s donned a suit of armor, like nothing can hurt him now because he has you. He has you in a way that can be seen, understood, appreciated. The ring on your finger, matching the one on his, will tell everyone at a glance that the two of you belong together. 
Now the only thing it will say (at least to anyone who can do a bit of quick math) is that he married you because he’s a good man whose mother raised him right. 
You’re so buried in the misery and mire of your thoughts that when a hand — so gentle, yet so broad and strong, that you really should realize who it is — lands on your shoulder, you shriek and jump badly enough to send your teacup flying. 
You jump to your feet in an instant, spinning around, and without thinking, your hands go to your stomach as if you can protect the innocent spark within. It takes you a few shuddering breaths to realize that it’s Billy standing in front of you, looking just as shocked as you feel. “You’re early,” you blurt out, staring at him like you’ve never seen him before.
And then you burst into tears again. 
“Hey, hey, hey…” Billy is reaching for you at once, pulling you into his arms. You bury your face against his chest, clinging to him, and he cradles the back of your head in his large palm. “Baby, I’m sorry for scarin’ you, I just thought I’d surprise you…”
You shake your head, though you can’t bring yourself to look up at him, so you just end up rubbing your tear-stained cheeks against his shirt. “No, it…I mean, you did scare me half to death, but…”
When you dare to peek up at him, he’s looking down at you with his forehead wrinkled, concern written all over his features. He manages to cup your jaw, tilting your face up so he can look at you properly. “But? Sweetheart, what’s the matter? You’re white as a ghost.”
You sniffle. “I thought I had more time.”
“More time for what?”
Another sniffle. “More time to…to figure out how to tell you…”
You swallow hard, trying not to start sobbing anew. Billy presses his lips together, the lines in his forehead deepening. “Did…did I do somethin’ wrong?” he asks, his voice soft, almost…small. “I — is what you’re tryin’ to say…are you tryin’ to figure out how to tell me you wanna call it quits?”
The idea is so far from anything you’ve ever considered that you just stare at him for a second, like he’s speaking some foreign language you can’t even begin to grasp. “No,” you finally manage to say, and you press your hand against his where it’s still cradling your face. “Oh, Billy, no, of course not, no. I love you. I don’t ever wanna be without you.” 
The air rushes out of him in a gust of relief, and he smiles. You haven’t even realized how tense he became until you feel him relax in your arms. “Okay,” he says. “Okay, good, cause I really don’t ever wanna be without you, either.” 
His smile dims a little as he remembers that there’s still something bothering you, and badly. “So…so what is it, darlin’? What’s goin’ on with you?”
You bite your lip. “I…I don’t know how to tell you.”
“You can tell me anything,” he says. “Just say it. Whatever it is, just tell me. No frills, no fuss, just…let it out.” 
“It’s not that easy.”
He shakes your head. “It is with me,” he says. “It is with us. Nothin’ you ever, ever say is gonna make me love you any less, or make me wanna go away. You’re everything to me.” 
A small sob bubbles over your lips. “I’m…I’m…” 
You watch the color drain from his face, and his arms tighten around you. “Are you sick?” 
At once, you feel a pang of guilt. You know how much illness terrifies him, not for himself but when it comes to someone he loves. 
“No, no, I’m…” You close your eyes, take a deep breath, and will the words out of your mouth. “Billy, I’m pregnant.” 
You only open your eyes again when the words are out of your mouth, and you look up to see Billy with the biggest, most radiant grin you’ve ever seen on his face. You don’t think he even smiled like this when Mr. Tunstall told him he was a free man, without the stain of outlaw on his name. 
“Honey, are you sure?” he says. “You’re sure, you’re sure?”
“Yes,” you mutter.
Billy frames your face between his hands, and kisses you — once, twice, three times, and then he goes on to kiss you so many times that you actually lose count. You sway in his arms, so dizzy from the rush of affection that you can barely stand up straight. He wraps you up in a firm embrace, arms anchoring around your waist. Billy rests his forehead against yours, and you think you hear him sniffle. 
“A baby,” he murmurs against your lips, and kisses you yet again. “My baby. I never thought I…”
He trails off, and he’s silent for so long that you reach up to weave your fingers into the curls that brush against his collar, giving a gentle tug so that he has to lift his head. “You never thought, what?” 
He smiles softly. “Well, truth be told, I never thought I’d live to see the day.” 
Billy looks at you for a moment, and his smile spreads over his face again, shining like a shaft of sunlight breaking through the clouds. “You’re sure, you’re sure?” 
For the first time since you had to face the facts, you find yourself smiling. It’s impossible to keep yourself from doing so, when Billy is looking at you like this, practically overflowing with emotion.“Yes, I’m sure.” 
At once, so suddenly you give another shriek of surprise, Billy scoops you up into his arms. You can’t stop yourself from giggling, clinging to him as he carried you over to the bed. “Billy, what are you doing?”
“There’s broken china on the floor!” You’ve forgotten about the tea cup. “I wouldn’t want you walkin’ around in your bare feet anyway, but especially now…”
You giggle again. “I can clean that up myself.” 
“Oh, no, you won’t,” he says, depositing you gently on the bed. “You’re hardly gonna lift a finger for the next nine months if I can help it.” 
You lay back against the pillows, watching him bustle around, cleaning up the mess and even making you a fresh cup. When he brings it to you, you tug on his arm, wordlessly insisting he gets into bed beside you; he obeys at once, putting his arm around you and drawing you against his chest. You melt into his arms, nuzzling against a gap in his shirt, where you can catch an enticing waft of the musk rising from his skin. 
“I hope they look like you,” he murmurs, brushing his lips against the crown of your hair. “The most beautiful girl in the world is gonna make the most beautiful babies, I know that much.” He pauses, as though considering something. “Except, I guess, I hope they have my eyes. My mom always told me I had her eyes.” 
You smile, kissing the hollow at the base of his throat. “I hope they have your eyes, too. I’d be happy if they looked exactly like you.” 
Billy chuckles, shaking his head. “Mm-mm. Just a little bit of me. This one will have my eyes, the next one my curly hair, and then—” 
You can’t help but giggle. “You’ve thought about this, huh?” 
“O’course I have,” he says. “I spend a lotta time on my own when I’m away from you, baby, and I’m doin’ some hard work while I’m gone, with long, long days. Thinkin’ about you and our future together gets me through it.”
You bury your face against his chest and hold him tighter, but he knows what you mean. He kises the top of your head. 
After a few minutes of quiet, he says, “Baby, can I ask you something?”
You sit up at his tone, sliding your eyes to his. You reach for the mug of tea to give you something to do with your hands, to hide your face in the steam still curling from the surface. “Of course.”
“Why…?” He trails off, his brow furrowing. “Why were you so scared to tell me?” 
You start, gulping too much of your tea as you do, wincing when the hot liquid burns your tongue and your throat. “I...” You cough. “I just…you’ve worked so hard and been through so much, Billy, and now you’ve made this new life for yourself. I didn’t…I didn’t want to ruin it.” 
His eyebrows draw further together. “Ruin it? You couldn’t ruin anything. The best reason I have for goin’ straight is you — I want a life with you. Knowin’ that you’re havin’ my baby just makes it better.” 
Now, to your surprise, he’s the one who looks nervous. “I, um…I actually got you something,” he adds. “A while ago. I — I was waitin’ until I got back from this job to give it to you, cause this one paid a lot, and I wanted…” 
He clears his throat, unfolding himself from the bed and crossing the room to the dresser, where he pulls open the top drawer, where he keeps his shirts. You watch him rummage around, reaching deep into the belly of the drawer, before withdrawing his arm and turning back to you.
“I wanted — well, I thought — I had an idea I was gonna do this in a more romantic way,” he babbles, and you feel a warmth creeping over your face, flushing over your neck and making your stomach flip. 
“Listen — please, listen.” Billy comes back to the bed, taking up your left hand while clutching a small box in the other. “I love you. Every day, I — I can hardly believe that you’re mine, and now…” He smiles helplessly. “I can’t believe the two of you are mine. You and…” 
His voice catches, and you feel your own throat tighten. “You and this sweet little thing,” he says. He puts the little box down on the bedspread to put his hand over your stomach, splaying his fingers out as if to hold as much of you as possible. “I don’t know how it is that I can love someone I’ve never even met, someone I didn’t even know existed this mornin’, but I do.” 
Billy shifts on the bed, putting his head in your lap. “If your mama will let me,” he says, addressing your belly, “I’d like to ask her to marry me. What do you think?”
You laugh, though you can feel tears — of an entirely different kind than the one you’ve shed already today — pricking at the corners of your eyes. “They think you need to ask me properly.”
He grins, sitting up and snatching the ring box of the bed. “I love you,” he says again. “You make me happier than I ever thought I could be be, more…more at peace. If there’s Heaven waitin’ for us, it can’t compare to the way I feel when I’m with you. An’ I — I hope I can make you at least half as happy.”
“More than half,” you whisper, and he just smiles at you. 
He pries the lid of the little box open, holding it out to you. “Darlin’, love of my life, mother of my child, would you marry me?” 
You press your hands to your face, as if to contain the smile that threatens to spill its borders like a river at flood. “Of course, of course, I will.”
Offering Billy your hand, you giggle like a little girl as he slides the ring into place. “Oh, here,” he says, fishing a piece of paper from the confines of the ring box. “A receipt with the date, so you know I bought this weeks ago. I wanna marry you for you. This baby is the next chapter of our family, not the first sentence.” 
You peek at the receipt, and indeed, it’s from nearly a month ago, before Billy went on this last job. You crawl into his lap, wrapping your arms around his neck. “Look at you,” you tease. “Practically a married man, with a baby on the way. How respectable.” 
He grins back at you. “I know,” he says. “Who woulda thought it?”
You smile, kissing the tip of his nose. “I would.” 
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can i be honest? im a fan of azul but his dream felt like it lacked impact. there were some very interesting moments and its better than the prediction that he would already be rich and own the world
like really? azul becomes a famous athlete and bullies others, then he takes over night raven? i feel like his struggles with his own identity and food could have been further explored and he is based off of ursula, which should extend to vanessa, right? it was the perfect reason to give him a total makeover and show that he has to be comfortable in his own skin before anything else, even if his other ness was what made him a target of bullying in the first place
your thoughts and worries on book 7 post has affected my perspective and i cant help but feel like something is missing 🥲 maybe all the budget went into Jade and Floyd?
[Referencing this post!]
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As I’ve previously expressed, I have a lot of my own complicated feelings about the direction book 7 is taking, specifically with how the OB boys’ dream segments are presented and resolved. Azul’s dream is no different; it felt very contrived due to the formula TWST insists on running with in every new installment. It’s becoming even more apparent with each update, and it is really grating on me.
But!! Before I get to what I believe are shortcomings with Azul’s dream, let’s review what Anon has to say.
I feel like, no matter what, there will always be people claiming that the OB boys’ dreams are “missed opportunities”. This is simply because these characters have much more deep and complex issues than the rest of the cast, so we will naturally scrutinize them more. TWST is basically only able to go with one angle when they tackle the dream, leaving the other threads unexplored. This will surely annoy or disappoint people who wish that TWST would have addressed a different issue instead, or perhaps something closer to their personal interpretation of the events. In Azul’s case, I feel like some people (particularly in the west, not so much in the east) see Azul’s weight concerns or relationship with food as a prominent part of his character, so they wish that book 7 part 10 had looked into that more. However, that was never a big focus in canon, so it follows that TWST would want to dedicate its time and resources to the most pressing thing (which would be more centered on Azul’s general self-confidence, greed, and how those tie into his sense of identity). At the same time, they probably wanted to avoid a lens that is too broad. Having the focus be on Azul’s “otherness” or being an octopus might veer too heavily into something way beyond the scope of the ~10 parts of the story he has to himself.
We also need to consider that these dreams are meant to be shallow interpretations of what the dreamer desires (according to Idia). Only the OB boys get to go more in depth due to bring dragged down into deeper layers of their dreams. Azul wants to be accepted by his peers and is insecure about his lack of athleticism (as one reason why he was bullied was due to not being able to swim as fast as other merchildren). So of course the surface level of his dream makes him a star athlete beloved by all. The whole “his plan succeeds, he steals everyone’s magic, he takes over NRC” thing happens in the second layer of his dream, which, like all previous OB boys, is a dark display of what would have happened had they not been stopped. And finally, Azul being a bully is nothing new—we saw this behavior back in book 3 as well. He became the very thing he despised back when he was a victim, and now he continues to perpetuate that cycle of bullying in an effort to affirm confidence in his “cool” new identity. I think the dream was very intentional in trying to entice him with the promises of power and acceptance. That, in turn, shows us that the desire to be a successful businessman (the thing many of us thought would be his dream) actually hinges on Azul’s longing to be accepted. His struggle with his identity and how it depends on how others perceive him was portrayed. I’m just not sure if the idea was executed in the best way, since it sounds like the message may have gotten muddled along the way and it definitely requires some reading between the lines.
I noticed that you cited my original post where I detailed my concerns about book 7 and how that has influenced your own thoughts 💦 I hope that it just… informed or supplemented your opinions rather than suddenly altered them to be more “in line” with my own. I never want to be the kind of person who claims their interpretations are the “most correct” I’m not Riddle’s mom, okay?? 😭
About Jade and Floyd’s dreams, I feel like those are less heavily critiqued because they, by virtue of not being an OB boy, have fewer stakes and are predominantly there to be silly. It’s like contrasting Epel wanting to be big and buff to Vil literally murdering Neige; there is just no comparison. Even then, I wouldn’t necessarily say Floyd’s and Jade’s parts received “all the budget”… They seemed like pretty basic storylines to me, perhaps dressed up slightly better thanks to the new undersea assets and bioluminescence reveal.
My issues with Azul’s dream segment is how… ham-fisted several elements were. All of it, for the sake of sticking to the pattern already established earlier. It feels so unnatural and stilted because you just KNOW it’s written this way to fit the template 😔 For example:
Why did Jade become SO dumb when they were trying to figure out where Azul had moved the contracts? He’s supposed to be much smarter than how he is presented here. Wouldn’t his immediate thought be to check Azul’s room? But NO, Jade can’t come to that conclusion on his own because we need a contrived reason for each student to use their UM before the ending :/ so Jade has to waste time using his UM to get the truth out of his dream!self.
Jade and Floyd sitting around and going “………….” while they watch Azul make an ass of himself was such a time waster. Clearly you have enough brains to know what would trigger him, so why are you not acting on it???? Oh yeah, because we need to show more cool stuff in this dream like La Grotta!
Azul literally turns to the camera and tells his OB self, “Unlike you, I’ve changed.” It’s way too on the nose with what it’s trying to communicate. It breaks immersion and makes it so obvious the characters are outright stating their character development to make sure we all “get it”.
What was the purpose of Azul using his UM to get the mermobs to sign a contract to give all their power to him???💀 Bro can just say “excuse me, I forgot something back at the Coral Rush field” and they’d probably let him pass. But again, Azul isn’t allowed to do that because he MUST use his UM before the ending. Because Azul’s UM requires that another person willingly agree and sign a contract, his mandatory UM use before the grand finale feels particularly forced.
How many times do I need to listen to Idia/Ortho or other characters warn us about how we can’t have too many people dream hopping or else bugs might happen or Malleus might notice… It���s almost like the devs realize how long this is being dragged out for so they have to remind us every so often.
Not only that, but we get such poorly constructed explanations to keep characters behind while a new character goes with the main group. Why don’t you just leave them all behind once they’re awake then?? Oh yeah, because we NEED to drag along the current student into the next dream so everyone gets a cameo. It’s so inorganic how the characters are chosen to stay behind, Jamil just conveniently volunteers himself while we also listen to another spiel from Silver and Sebek about how their training makes them more stable than the twins to keep dream hopping.
I would actually consider Azul’s dream… serviceable? Like it isn’t fantastic or anything but for what it is, it works. It’s cohesive enough. But god, did I dislike how rigid it was… Nothing happens because it’s natural, it happens because the script demands it happens. To quote another post:
If anyone has played the first Ace Attorney game, this feels a LOT like that part in case 2 where Phoenix is too dumb to check the back of a receipt until Mia literally tells him to. The [characters have] to actively be made stupider because the scenario calls for it, and that really rubs me the wrong way.
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astvrook · 1 year
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much has been speculated about "sloman", whose uniqueness lies in his emergence from the sewers of south korea. known as lee heeseung, during his school years, he faced bullying because of his poor eyesight and dependence on glasses. his extreme shyness also made him the target of cruel teasing and aggression that often left him injured.
he possessed introspection and anxiety about his surroundings, revealing disturbing signs of violent instincts. yet, over time, the constant belittling undermined his self-esteem, despite his submissive nature.
once heeseung met you, his vibrant life became monotonous, losing interest in social activities and group events, along with the appearance of unfounded rumours of criminal behaviour swiftly circulating around campus. he was once arrested for assaulting a former classmate and in a cycle of obsession that drove him to extremes. through charitable acts and sexual encounters, however, he sought an escape from psychological overwhelm. because, although exhausted, heeseung gave himself body and soul, with his obsessive thoughts weaving a dangerous web, and the burning desire drove him to act violently.
when they began a relationship, heeseung always looked completely exhausted, with the scratches on his back telling the story of unbridled passion the night before, and "obsessed bitch! i'd attack anyone and gouge their eyes out for you." he told you, as desire enveloped him and he moved with fervour, exploring every corner of your body with deep movements.
his breathtaking, heart-stopping kisses remained etched in your memory with astonishing clarity. being honest with yourself, you never did not enjoy the exquisite sensation of his soft tongue delicately exploring your mouth, and heeseung, for his part, felt truly alive when you were near. your presence was vital in his life, as essential as the skin that covered him.
you personified, for him, the idea of an inner danger.
it was in late 2019 when officials discovered an alarming scene in his basement: nine bodies devoured by ravenous maggots. and ironically, each individual present had had some sort of interaction with you. for example, one of them was a young man who rudely interrupted heeseung once to ask for your phone number.
that's when you realised that lee heeseung saw each individual as a potential threat.
happily, through numerous investigations to unravel the motives behind sloman's crimes, none of them managed to effectively delve into the killer's malevolent inclinations. you alone knew that you were his source of inspiration, his muse, and never mentioned it.
and now, years have passed since what happened, and as you slowly regain consciousness, you become aware of the cruel grip of the chair beneath you. while your eyes grow accustomed to the darkness, a grisly scene reveals itself to you: a once pristine wall was now stained by a dense, clotted mass of blood, surely witness to a heinous crime from the distant past.
you attempt to inspect the abandoned chamber and spot some barely visible traces of blood, which makes your skin crawl. even the sound of laughter in the gloomy atmosphere was a clear sign of trouble, because you recognised it.
it's lee heeseung's distinctive laugh.
your pulse quickens and a wave of panic sweeps over you with unfathomable intensity.
"all individuals, no matter how repulsive, deserve a dignified representation and a final feast to bring solace. my choice would be an exquisite feast, to be shared with you… my loved one (y/n)".
our eyes fall on heeseung, and though you don't initially recognise him, a flood of memories sweeps over you with force. his appearance remains as striking as ever, but since you last saw him, he has undergone a remarkable physical transformation. he's grown in stature and gained muscle mass, which is reflected in the greater definition and prominence of his muscles, and you also sense an additional level of maturity in his appearance, now with a seriousness he didn't show before. moreover, he demonstrates a new talent: his remarkable artistic skills in using unconventional materials, such as paraffin wax, to recreate his famous clown make-up.
being near him, a wave of negative emotions sweeps over you, sending shivers down your spine at the mere sight of his presence. meanwhile, heeseung's words echo in your mind. he leans in for a kiss and the simulated blood that gushes from the wounds near his eyes stains your face. as a result, bit by bit, your thoughts become confused.
his relentless, passionate kisses saturate your mind, leaving little room for anything else, and the touch of his hand on the inside of your thigh sends an electric shock through your entire being, confronting you with a harsh reality.
"your striking beauty and the fear you provoke within me lead me to act undesirably, (y/n)".
just then, an intense anxiety causes a piercing tingling and pain throughout your body, bringing you to the brink of a fiery explosión. and heeseung feels an intense fury bubbling up inside him, making his hands throb, just as the burning desire to wield his knife and pierce hearts burns in him, as powerful as the instinct to breathe.
at the same time, a burning anger buzzes in his ears, burning his chest and clouding his vision with a red haze. "absence plunged me into madness, but now that you're back and I feel whole again, (y/n)." knees bent, heeseung's soft kisses dance over the contours of your legs.
feeling his thumb brush against your pelvis, an instant tightness in your stomach overwhelms you. scorching heat spreads through your being and descends in a wave that tightens your muscles, as the pounding of your heart and the trembling of your legs intensify as you watch his lips roam over your body. in seconds, you gasp as you feel the touch of his tongue on your exposed skin, unleashing a roar in your throat and awakening an unbridled passion in heeseung that spreads.
with passion, heeseung caresses your silky legs with his hands and lifts them to rest on his strong shoulders. In spite of the immense pleasure that almost consumes you, find the strength to resist and not succumb completely as suddenly you begin to feel self-conscious with two men standing out behind you, unable to ignore when open your eyes.
looking recognisable, you find it curious how the simple use of similar cosmetics can make people appear more attractive. then, in a moment, you can clearly distinguish them.
both jay and jake are watching you calmly and attentively. and you realise that all three of them were present in this specific place: the triad of failures.
"honey, see… this tradition of having dinner together as a family of three is something so… special." heeseung elaborates as he feels the tension, and you inwardly curse.
because there was no place safe enough to hide from heeseung indefinitely.
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synergysilhouette · 3 months
Things I'd want for an an "Ever After High" reboot
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As much love as "Monster High" has gotten--and as much attention as it's gotten, thanks to 2 reboots--I think it's time for a reboot of Ever After High, for the lore/show if nothing else (and yes, I know it was all for the dolls). And note: I say "reboot" instead of "revival" because the show had a gaping flaw with it, and I'll include it in one of the things I'd like to see in a Gen 2 of EAH:
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More nuance--The BIGGEST issue with the show was how biased it was when it was trying to see itself as a complex story. The Royals were written as selfish, hypocritical, and vain when discussing the future and their legacies, and it made being a Royal unlikable, which was probably done by the writers to make us sympathize with the Rebels more, not to mention the fact that Raven was always kind and level-headed, making Apple come off much more disingenuous. It wasn't even a "the Rebels are slightly more right"; the Rebels were written as 100% right and the Royals weren't "good" people until they came around to the way the Royals thought. I'd enjoy them embracing the Royals' positive side (which have been shown when not involving the RvR debate), as well as highlighting the fact that following tradition isn't always a bad thing, and that those who followed their destiny didn't have to follow it to the letter, but were allowed to make changes here and there (ie Apple marrying a prince; it didn't have to be Daring). As such, destinies are vague, giving you a beginning and end while omitting the in-between parts. And given this change to what is considered a Royal, there are no in-between groups like Roybels.
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2. Don't forget the guys--Part of what made EAH an engaging "girly" show for me was the fact that they still had significant male characters (usually it's like a 10-1 ratio; here it feels like 5-1), all of whom have unique designs and appearances. I'm pretty sure this wouldn't be an issue, but I still wanna point it out.
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3. Headmaster Grimm is more altruistic and wise--I swear, "Wish" has ruined me forever. I'm on a Magnifico kick. Headmaster Grimm, while still lying to the students and kinda misleading them, doesn't do so just because of the flimsy "This is how things are done"; he's more of a lawful neutral/true neutral character, where he understood after years of seeing people try to change their destinies it either comes true anyway or ends up getting their own Happily Ever After, but it does more damage than good for everyone else. As such, he understands the fact that good cannot exist without evil, and vice-versa, explaining his own motivations for manipulating events at EAH, with the proposed destinies being what he believes to be the worst-possible scenarios. (Plus the evil headmaster at school is so cliche to me at this point. It feels very juvenile.)
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4. More lore in the show--Albeit, less confusing. I don't remember the show exactly, and I didn't get into the novelizations, but I do recall that the books fleshed out the Legacy Day ceremony a bit more, citing that the current students at EAH were descendants (rather than children) of fairy tale characters, and embracing your destiny was something done for generations--with one disturbing detail being that Ashlynn's mother would eventually die and her father would marry one of her stepsisters, making the new stepmother's daughters Ashlynn's new stepsisters who would make her enslaved. AND EVERYONE KNEW THIS. This circles back to #1 by making being a Royal less terrible. Put emphasis on following your destiny and the history of the world, but I'd prefer to avoid the "we do this every generation" thing; the characters are still descendants of fairy tale characters, but it hasn't been a wash, dry, repeat cycle; it only happens when the descendants' circumstances start to match up precisely with their ancestor's, and it's believing that by following their destiny, they preserve the balance of good and evil. Not to mention, most of the other students don't get to accept or deny their destiny; they're just regular people in that respect, while the special descendants (let's say that Maddie, Raven, and Apple are only a small handful of people who have Legacy Day this school year) get to see what their futures hold. Not to mention it'd be fun to see more of the characters' lives outside of the school, ie Briar's relationship with her younger brothers and the fact that her mom is always tired and her dad (who needs a name; can we avoid nameless characters here?) is always slaying monsters.
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5. More emphasis on fairy godparents (and magical characters in general)--I'll always question why Cupid coming to EAH didn't reinvent her as a fairy godmother or something similar. In any case, I like the idea of fairy godparents and their children being one the only major characters in fairy tales who's destiny was flexible and no one had any qualms about it; they were above good or evil (though they typically chose good), and had a business where people would pay for their services, powered by their wish and conviction. Grimm being a fairy godfather would also make sense for his grey mentality in the series. Plus I feel like we don't have enough magical characters, with Cerise, Farrah, and Raven being the few that come to mind.
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6. It's not just about Raven--Something I liked about "Monster High" was that while Frankie started off as the main character (before she sadly became underrated), many other characters got the spotlight outside of her. Given that the EAH webseries was story-driven, they gave Raven the spotlight. But I'd like to focus on other characters who may be dealing wit the consequences of following/rejecting their destiny, as well as more people fighting with their "inborn" morality issues, similar to Raven fighting her evil urges.
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sadtonight · 2 years
"He's like, a family member to me or something!"
Summary: over the course of your impromptu stay at Night Raven College, you gained two new important figures in your life: a boyfriend and a cat look-alike monster. In fact you grown on Grim and he on you so closely that now he actively "gets in the way" of your daily life, according to your boyfriend that is;
Characters: dorm leaders;
Warnings: none, reader is gender neutral, established romantic relationships, grown up characters;
Side notes: thank you for the wait, don't have motivation to do just about anything! Kalim's and Leona's part is kinda sad, damn, I'm sorry. I'm projecting on Leona like crazy- (I don't kin him but we are painfully similar 😔)
— you being accompanied by Grim back in Night Raven College wasn't something unusual to Riddle. The feline had been reserved a special seat beside you at the Unbirthday parties (the chair with a stack of pillows) and was expected to wear special Heartslabyul bow around his neck and to follow the rules of the dorm;
— so when Grim moved in with you and Riddle, the later considered it to be a given for Grim to adhere to already established order. However, in spite of your boyfriend becoming laxer about the rules the monster still argued with the red haired more times than you could count, unlike Riddle who have been compiling lists of rules the weasel had violated ever since first setting foot into your shared house in the Queendom of Roses;
— amends were made each time, though one perpetual cycle of breaking a single rule drove Riddle straight into madness: Grim regularly ate the desserts meant for you in secret. The desserts your boyfriend ordered Trey to make FOR YOU to eat together. It was a tradition in your little family to hold afternoon mini tea partiers just like in Heartslabyul, in the yard surrounded by colourful roses, if the weather was appropriate, or in the house in the main room;
— eating delicious sweet treats, drinking tea and chatting about nothing in particular with you, his partner with whom he felt he could let loose and indulge in his hidden childish side, was like a dream come true, the pastime bringing him genuine delight. Riddle loved having your hand wrapped around his as you visited Trey's family bakery and choose what to feast on at today's party. Riddle loved setting up the table and brewing tea along with you, pulling our the china the two of you adored. And of course he loved the main process, during which your boyfriend couldn't prevent himself from beaming due to sheer elation;
— but none of those positive emotions would take place if Riddle upon opening the dessert box with your treat finds pastry leftovers. "GRIMMM!! Come here right this INSTANT and face the repercussions for your offence!!" were spine-chilling words you knew would make the cat monster dash into your arms instead of Riddle's. Your boyfriend would insist on putting his signature heart-shaped collar on the perpetrator, while you would do your best to master the most doe-eyed face and plead him to settle on letting Grim go with a warning;
— Riddle's hand's were tied: no matter how much the male protested, you would squeeze the grey feline to your body and pat Riddle's head to calm him down. If Grim was not to be punished, it was who who had to be. And the penalty was to be feed Riddle's dessert by him personally and to spend more time with your boyfriend today! You wouldn't dare to disobey Queen's orders, isn't that right?
— two cats living under the same roof rarely led to anything productive. Their relationship, if you could call it that way, hasn't been all sunshine and rainbows since Night Raven, although you did become an unwilling mediator, but the two would always try to make you pick a side;
— usually it was Leona who got the short end of the stick because he was a stronger magician and, well, stronger in physical and in mental senses too. It didn't mean that your boyfriend wouldn't take any opportunities to put a sassy monster, who celebrated his victory way to openly and loudly, and consequently you, back into place;
— for instance, if Grim managed to convince you to go out on the cloudy evening instead of lazing around on the couch with warm blankets for the rest of the day just like your boyfriend suggested, the beastman would straight up hide all the umbrellas in the house while you were getting ready to go out;
— as a result, both of you came back from the walk dripping wet, Grim accusing Leona of the sabotage. Meanwhile the male would shift on the couch making some space for you, smugly adding: "That's what ya get for not listening to me. Hah, it's better if you crawled here under the covers now unless you want to get sick. If that happens, you are all by yourself";
— another reoccurring practice happened in the morning. At last, no one was there to shake Leona out of the bed, so he opted for cuddling with you until he got bored or grew extremely hungry. Unlike him though, famished Grim couldn't just sleep on his grumbling stomach and needed you to order food or cook him a huge breakfast. In both cases it meant you were forced to get up, which Leona couldn't allow to happen;
— before the cat monster could make his moves, the male would swiftly take the feline and put him on the other side of the bed, away from you, and slam his free arm on top of Grim. This way, the cat was trapped, pinned to the mattress. The monster would try to wriggle free to no avail and scream for help, but Leona's arm basically got him in a chokehold, so poor creature couldn't make any loud noises to stir you awake;
— your boyfriend desperately wanted to have your attention and care solely for himself. Of course he felt jealous of that stupid weasel monster, obviously he wouldn't admit it out loud, whom you spoilt a tad bit more. But Grim meant a lot for you, and you always reassured your lover of deep infatuation you held for him, so the male tried to tolerate Grim for your sake. Leona hugged your body closer to his chest with his other hand which wasn't pinning annoying monster down. What he wouldn't do for you to not give up on him...
— oh this man right here could solve any "problematic situations" involving Grim through talking alone. And by "talking" Azul usually meant solving troubles by using contracts, bribery, blackmail, implicit threats etcetera, something he considerably improved upon after graduating from Night Raven College;
— thankfully, learning from past experience wasn't grey monster's forte, thus allowing octomer to constantly play same tricks again and again. Though he had to be creative about his convincing since if he didn't succeed in persuading Grim, the feline would tell on him to you and that would lead to unnecessary confrontation which only damages your blooming relationship!
— that's how your boyfriend would frame it: Grim wanted to create a divide between you two so you would break up with him and become lonely and lost, with no-one to confide in, with no benevolent soul to turn to, no shoulder to dry your tears on... All those theatrics happening because you ordered a take out, with the monster's preferences in mind which he voiced beforehand, and forgot to ask your boyfriend if he wanted something other than what he would usually order;
— neverless, the most hearted arguments between Grim and Azul happened on weekends or on the days when Azul was free of work. The male retained his interest in board games, requesting his fellow former club mate Idia to send new noteworthy board games if any appeared. The game night were established, and in concept it sounded entertaining if not for the weasel who couldn't stand playing logical games all the time;
— octomer never ever wanted to drabble in the whims of the lady luck and enjoyed winning "fair and square", even with the use of witty remarks that setted Grim off. Thankfully, Azul was your boyfriend so whenever you lost he would instruct you to do harmless romantic gestures, like to kiss him one hundred times or spend the rest of the day sitting on his lap but the monster wasn't nearly as fortunate as you: Grim had do to the dishes for a week or clean the bathroom spotless;
— the frustration Grim had after losing to Azul several times per session, knowing well what kind of things Azul would assign him do, agitatined monster would drag you away to do something way more fun. Your boyfriend, in theory, could play along and lose on purpose for Grim's sake, but there was no point in doing so when he could get easy wins: "Grim, if you wish to be victorious so badly, you should practice more instead of wasting your time on complaining. But I feel rather gracious tonight, so I could teach you a few tricks, however it would come with a price tag";
— they both played dirty: Grim would use his natural cute animal charm to woo you and Azul would get handsy and try to sweet talk his way not only into your heart but also into your mind. Gosh, you just wanted to have a normal board games session for once.
— unlike a good portion of individuals you have meet during your time in the magical college, Kalim was among those who treated Grim nicely from the get go despite a rocky first meeting. When the question of you moving in with Kalim raised, your boyfriend immediately wondered if Grim was going to live with the two of you, hoping to hear affirmative response;
— your grey fur companion was more than satisfied with local delicacies, and since the feline could summon food with a swing of his shaped tail, there was no shortage of silver plates and golden trays scattered around the premise you lived on;
— one tiny problem did make Grim's fur stand upwards: Kalim's pets. He acquainted the weasel with colourful and diverse bunch, consisting of non venomous snakes and pythons, a few elephants, over a thousand of exotic birds and parrots, little monkeys, camels and many more animals. With some, Grim got along fine, but with other he couldn't even stand being near, like with alligators who jokingly warned the monster not to come close when they yawn;
— Kalim was worried sick about Grim not fitting in and liking new home, although the male masked it by being overly indulgent. You had to grab your boyfriend's hand and lead him to secluded, unoccupied room or area to talk it out. Your boyfriend insisted on handling everything on his own just fine, yet his wavery smile couldn't fool you;
— "I'm not making everything worse am I? It doesn't look like Grim is unhappy but..." the male lost his trail of thought as you gently combed through his a bit overgrown white hair, his head not being tied by anything and laying on your lap. You knew Grim for quite a long time and could read him like an open book, so you were up most truthful when you reassured Kalim: the gray cat monster was very happy living here;
— with time your boyfriend also learnt to read Grim and successfully pamper the creature. Everyone in the house could see how close they came to be, often causing mischief that you had to witness or take care of. It was amusing when they took turns talking your ear off telling you about what sort of things they did today. Naturally, you didn't pass opportunities to join in with them, laughter and tears doubling in quantity as a result;
— at the end of the day, Kalim would lie on the huge king-size bed, surrounded by warmth radiating from you and Grim, thanking whatever entity for giving him a chance to meet you, his priceless partner, and fun, little, cat-looking companion Grim;
— constant squabbling... No matter if on those long or short occasions when Vil was able to be home for a week or no more than ten minutes, they always, ironically enough, fought like a cat and dog;
— to give some credit to your boyfriend, he did try to treat Grim like a person. But to an extent, the monster was resembling a feline animal not in a visual way alone, but also in his behaviour. Probably the loudest argument thus far was when beautiful male made a mistake of condescendingly offering to call to a vet clinic when monster became as sick as a dog, after eating an entire box of spoilt tuna Vil had hidden from Grim long ago so the latter wouldn't eat it in one go;
— prior queasy, dead looking Grim who was flatten out on your thigh was immediately replaced by an enraged fiend who threatened to burn Vil to crisp for making fun of his crippled state. You had to beg your boyfriend to cook up a potion for stomach relief, which he actually made in advance, but pretended to be unassuming and struck up a deal which was to spend a several days holiday alone with you whereas Grim would stay at home;
— the struggle for attention wasn't the only challenge, Vil additionally was forced to lead continus and draining war with cat fur. He had approximately 3 different lint rollers in every bag he carried with him, not to mention the whole house being dry and wet cleaned, vacuumed and dusted every two days by you, maids or Vil personally;
— no matter how many times your boyfriend brushed Grim's fur with a cat brush, while holding poor creature in a steel death grip, that peaky fur found it's way on his clothes: "Grim, if you won't groom yourself more like a proper cat is supposed to, I swear not even our precious darling here would save you from the shaver!";
— needless to say, the weasel sleep in your arms every time after those words, in fears of Vil finally acting upon his threats, and letting out a sigh of relief when he woke up to finding himself still in his grey coat;
— there were positive moments in their lives as well. It was a rare but incredibly satisfying to stumble upon your boyfriend sitting on the sofa reading a book while patting napping feline beside him. Or when Grim boasted out loud about managing to flawlessly replicate Vil's yoga training, the latter putting his hand on the mouth to hide his striking, proud smile;
— Vil actually invited Grim to parties and formal gathering too, though he wasn't allowed to talk a lot. You were grateful to see your monster companion with a glint in his eyes eating expensive food and taking in glorious sights, and in turn your boyfriend was admiring your beautiful gladness you subconscious expressed;
— kitty-cat~~ Truly, it was a love from the first sight. No no no, not with you, but with your adorable, grey feline friend you spend time with! Hey...Idia loves you too, if he didn't, you wouldn't be living with him and Ortho in the same house in the first place;
— anyways, Grim was put off by your boyfriend in general, and also by the love towards the weasel, since he would rather not be treated like a cat, unless it was you. Don't forget the fact that Idia had tendency to make weird faces and noises, so when the feline was toeing between dream land and reality, he would sometimes be spooked by tall lanky figure standing before the bed and giggling like crazy in the dark after clearing raid in an online game;
— Idia couldn't tell for sure if he was envious of how close you were with Grim or how nice you were to the monster. Like, now he could relate to main characters who got pissed off when the mascots received tons of affection from their love interests in anime and visual novels. "Not faaair, if I had been a cute cat like Grim I would be getting stacks of kisses 24/7~..." Idia would lament under his breath, thinking you couldn't hear him, when he saw how you babied the cat;
— however, flame haired male would be lying if he didn't find you playing or just spending time with the monster adorable. Idia would shamelessly a with his toothy grin take pictures of you sleeping on your shared bed with Grim nested to your body, the thoughts in his head revolving around "stocking up his moe folder with more pics of you and Grimmy";
— Idia totally is that person who loves cat's but they are not that fond of him. Poor man would buy the tastiest tuna found on the internet and yet the instant Grim was finished with food he would leave from the male's lap. That was your que to wear cat ears, which belonged to Idia for some reason, and plop on your boyfriend's lap instead. W-well, your company wasn't all that bad too... Please don't mind the pink hair tips;
— even though Grim considered Idia to be strange and in turn Idia endlessly pined for cat's affection, they were chill with each other. One thing that bothered not only you but Ortho was that they both ate junk food in large unhealthy amount every day and holled in the house with curtains closed shut. Seriously, even you couldn't spend this much time watching films and playing video games!
— their relationship was akin to the swings: Malleus at times found Grim amusing and at other times...annoying, dare he say. In the same manner once Grim found out the identity of "Horton", he was against of you dating literally "the scariest guy ever" but along the way he kind of grew to admire Malleus, but the monster was still wary of the fae who frequently summoned lightning bolts when he was disgruntled;
— you often playfully fought with Grim and got bite marks and scratches on your body and especially arms from the feline. Initially, Malleus mistook your antics for something more sinister and would almost waterboard the cat if you didn't decide to check out the bathroom. When the situation was cleared up your boyfriend showed genuine remorse, sincerely apologizing to the monster, whom you were drying up with a towel, but Grim never really forgot about the incident;
— although your boyfriend was still pleased with how skittish the grey monster was, because he could scare him easily and in this way take out revenge for stealing your time that you were supposed to spend with the briar prince. The weasel could run up to you and show you something on the phone, making you laugh, while Malleus would get an awkward chuckle when he tried to tell a joke. His pride was hurt and day was ruined...
— with this much knowledge stored in one person, the dragon fae had lots and lots of stories to share which he had read from the books or heard directly from Lilia. You loved listening to those, handling them like a bed time stories, though you never got to hear the endings due to Malleus using low, lulling, a bit murmurous voice, soothing you to fall asleep in the process;
— Grim on the other hand was thrilled to discover new interesting individuals of Twisted Wonderland. When the male's tale came to a halt, the monster immediately demanded to get the ending. Malleus only softly patted Grim's head and kissed your forehead, talking to you but words directed at Grim: "Please, be patient. I wish for your friend, and my lover in the same time, to hear how this legend ends. I can't help but wonder what sort of reaction it would spark?" he said mysteriously and layed back down on the bed, cradling your body, green eyes ominously twinkling in the dark, sending chill down Grim's spine and as if telling him to go to sleep already.
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Round 4 - Catholic Character Tournament
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Propaganda below ⬇️
I'm pretty sure you've already got plenty of submissions for her so I'll just say she was raised in what is basically a cult (technically a nunnery but let's be real) dedicated to keeping the body of the thing that will kill God behind the rock. One of their prayers is actually "I pray the rock is never rolled away". Harrow is extremely devout as penance for her earlier heretical actions in the tomb as a child (spoiler!) so the Catholic guilt really comes through
imagine being a catholic nun and you meet god, but it turns out he’s a twitch streamer from new zealand who became god because everything got a little bit out of hand. and just before you met him you gave yourself a diy grief-fuelled lobotomy with the help of your best frenemy. imagine how insane you’d be. now multiply that insanity by nine. that’s the fictional love of my life right there.
she meets god. she’s not inspired
she’s number one practitioner of space Catholicism. The locked tomb is chock full of Christian (catholic) imagery themes metaphors etc. just look at her she’s got a bone rosary
They're Catholicism with extra bones. Everyone is a nun. They have what is basically a rosary made from knuckle bones. They technically worship the same God as everyone else, but they're waaaay more focused on The Body in the Tomb (Mary) and we get a moment where we find out that while everyone else prays the equivilent of The Lords Prayer, they're doing the equivilent of Hail Mary. And they paint their faces with skulls.
She thinks leaving dry bread in a drawer is taking care of someone. She's in love with a 10,000 year old corpse (the same one they worship). She spent ALL NIGHT digging with her bare hands to make sure a field had bones every 5 feet so she could fight her girlfriend - I mean, greatest enemy. Spoiler territory: She's been puppeting her parents corpses since she was 8 years old. Instead of grieving her dead girlfriend, she gives herself a lobotomy. She makes soup with bone in it so she can use the bone IN THEIR STOMACH to try and kill them.
The author is/was Catholic and the entire series had heavy Catholic overtones. https://www.tor.com/2020/08/19/gideon-the-ninth-young-pope-and-the-new-pope-are-building-a-queer-catholic-speculative-fiction-canon/ A good breakdown of how it's Catholic
Anti-propaganda (spoilers)
I love the Locked Tomb series but Harrowhark has daddy issues with God, had a childhood crush on God's cryogenic partner, and is in love with God's daughter, not to mention that she's essentially a bone-bender. The religion on her home planet exists in a way that is technically against the will of the canon in-universe God, even. All of this to say, Harrowhark is heretical at minimum if not an outright witch. Terrible Catholic. Burn her.
Ronan Lynch
Uhh fun fact he saw the devil flash his father once, and that's one of the reasons he goes to church on Sundays <3
context for this scene from book 2: ronan is in church with his older brother declan, younger brother matthew, and ghost friend noah "Joseph Kavinsky isn’t someone I want you being around,” Declan added. “Don’t snort. I’m serious.” Ronan merely invested a look with as much contempt as he could muster. A lady reached over the top of Noah to pat Matthew’s head fondly before continuing down the aisle. She didn’t seem to care that he was fifteen, which was all right, because he didn’t, either. Both Ronan and Declan observed this interaction with the pleased expressions of parents watching their prodigy at work. Declan repeated, “Like, actually dangerous.” Sometimes, Declan seemed to think that being a year older gave him special knowledge of the seedier side of Henrietta. What he meant was, did Ronan know that Kavinsky was a cokehead. In his ear, Noah whispered, “Is crack the same thing as speed?” Ronan didn’t answer. He didn’t think it was a very church-appropriate conversation. “I know you think you’re a punk,” Declan said. “But you aren’t nearly as bad ass as you think you are.” “Oh, go to hell,” Ronan snapped, just as the altar boys broached the rear doors. “Guys,” Matthew pleaded. “Be holy.”
Gay Catholic streetracing farmer. Consumed by catholic guilt NOT because of the gay thing but because he can Create things in a way he thinks should be only God's business. Will literally roll up to mass on sunday morning still drunk and bloody.
THIS GOTH KID IS LITERALLY GOD. This is a god trapped in the body of a Catholic teen and if he ever stopped feeling Catholic guilt he’d end the world!!. How is your confession every week that you creating a whole new being? Babygirl the God is coming from inside the house
eldritch entity from beyond the mortal plane wants to be a Real Human Boy, becomes a real (ish!) human (ish!) boy, goes to mass every sunday
Gay boy got his crush an apartment above his church so he could have his two favorite things in one place
gay. I'm not caught up the the series but I went through the tag when the latest book came out and I remember seeing a quote that said he worried if his boyfriend would make it to heaven when he dies because of his agnostic tendencies.
Kid is like a dream warlock who creates psychic horrors and never goes to confession because why would he? and he’s gay
There are no words
basically ronan's powers are inherited from his dead father niall and it means he can bring anything from a dream into real life. so he's got this whole crisis about whether he is a living piece of blasphemy because men are not meant to have the powers of gods or whether he literally is god. which is not acceptable to him for a number of reasons but mostly because he hates himself. his love interest's name is adam and adam lives in a small apartment above a church which the book says focuses the objects of his worship neatly into one building. I love them both dearly. also, this entire page makes me feel like I'm going insane. Ronan Lynch believed in heaven and hell. Once, he’d seen the devil. It had been a low, late morning at the Barns when the sun had burned off the mist and then burned off the chill and then burned the edges off the ground until everything shimmered with heat. It never got hot in those protected fields, but that morning, the air sweated with it. Ronan had never seen cattle pant before. All of the cows heaved and stuck their tongues out as they frothed with the heat. His mother sent Ronan to put them in the shade of the cattle barn. Ronan had gone to the searing metal gate, and as he did, he’d glimpsed his father, already in the barn. Four yards away from him had stood a red man. He was not truly red, but the burned orange of a fire ant. And he was not truly a man, because of the horns and the hooves. Ronan remembered the alienness of the creature, how real it had been. Every costume in the world had gotten it wrong; every drawing in every comic book. They’d all forgotten that the devil was an animal. Looking at the red man, Ronan had been struck by the intricacy of the body, how many miraculous pieces moved smoothly in harmony, no different than his own. Niall Lynch had had a gun in hand — the Lynches had an enormous number of guns of all sizes — and just as Ronan had opened the gate, his father had shot the thing about thirteen times in the head. With a shake of its horns, the unharmed devil had presented its genitalia to Niall Lynch before bounding off. It was an image that had yet to leave Ronan. And so Ronan became a reverse evangelist. The truth burst and grew inside him, and it was laid upon him to share it with no one. No one was meant to see hell before they get there. No one should have to live with the devil. So many homilies on faith were ruined once you no longer required it for belief.
Our boy CHOOSES not to receive the Eucharist because he doesn’t believe he is worthy. The spiritual insight, the devotion, the fact that this teenager is worried he may have a mortal sin weighing on his soul…this boy isn’t just going through the motions, he’s putting work into this.
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jigujellee · 2 years
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EMERGENCY CONTACT -> you’re only supposed to call when you want each other, but what happens when she calls you because she needs you? (part 1: lead the way)
jennie x reader smut, fluff, angst - a triple threat >:) word count: 2.7k warnings: swearing, slight stalking moment
a/n: helloooo! happy new year again to everyone :D i know some of you have been waiting for this to drop, so i hope you enjoy it! as usual, it's not proofread so i'm sorry for any mistakes you may come across while reading. i'm also sorry if this is rusty, i've had writer's block for so long and it's only starting to get a little bit better,, but anw i love you all and remember to take care of yourselves!
the sound of wet kisses and quiet whimpers are the only things heard within the walls of jennie’s bedroom.
“fuck y/n, just like that” jennie moans as her hands get tangled in your hair, trying to push you even closer to her dripping wet core. you lap your tongue along the length of her slit causing the raven haired girl to arch her back.
“oh god! i’m so close baby, please don’t stop”
after reaching her orgasm and allowing her to return the favour, the two of you lay together in her bed trying to catch your breaths before jennie starts to giggle.
“what’s so funny miss kim?”
“nothing, it’s just that i’ll always be amazed by the way you fuck me y/n”
you turn over to face her and pull her closer to you, smiling as you two fall asleep together.
you don’t recall explicitly stating the terms and conditions of your “relationship”, for lack of a better word. after the first night you and jennie hooked up, she began calling you up in the late hours of the night saying she needed to “destress from work”, obviously meaning she needed the stress fucked out of her. you eventually started to do the same once midterm season was slowly approaching, and that’s how this whole thing started really. to an outsider, this was a simple friends with benefits situation but you didn’t really call like calling it that. to be quite honest, you didn’t know what to call this; you’re just satisfied with it.
but you felt a change and you didn’t like where it was going.
the last few times you’ve slept with jennie went as they usually do - you two meet up, have dinner, take a stroll somewhere and then eagerly rush to one of your places to have sex. then in the morning, whoever wakes up first makes breakfast (you’ve been to each other’s places enough times to know where everything is) and then one of you leaves until the cycle continues again. it was almost a routine at this point, so you start to question when you notice jennie trying to break it.
your suspicions started when you woke up to her staring at you. not so much in a creepy manner, but more so like she was adoring you as you slept. when your eyes open and they meet hers, a smile slowly grows as her somewhat hoarse voice (from all the screaming yk) manages to let out a soft “good morning.” you look into her eyes momentarily, noticing a glint of something that wasn’t there before but you ignore it. “morning,” you say as you get up and make way for the bathroom, not looking back to notice a sulking jennie.
then you noticed how she snuggles into your neck and places a soft kiss just below your jawline, whispering a “thank you” before drifting off to sleep. jennie has only recently been thanking you for having sex with her, and with you being the slight overthinker that you are, you believe that her “thank you” may have a slightly different meaning; something that she knows she doesn't want to admit yet.
today, you noticed how she begged to stay even after breakfast.
“what’s the rush? i don’t have work today and you don’t have classes”
“come on, we always do this jen, you know time’s up after breakfast”
“well, i wanna change it up today. why don’t we go do something fun?”
“take me on a date,” she casually says, causing you to nearly choke on your almost finished coffee.
“a date? why?”
“it’s just a way for us to bond”
“is bonding in bed not enough?”
“oh come on y/n, it’s just a fun little date”
you sigh in defeat, watching as your opponent hops off the couch in glee to get dressed, but not before planting a kiss on your cheek.
“thank you,” she says, almost lovingly. you say nothing in return and just proceed to your room to get ready for this “date.”
“how much longer?” you yell from outside the dressing room. unfortunately for you, the term “date” to jennie just meant going shopping with her.
“someone’s eager to see me,” the girl smirks as she pulls the curtain back to reveal her in a simple yet elegant black dress.
“help me zip up please?” jennie’s back is towards you and you can’t help but stare hungrily at the bare skin. as you grab the zipper, you slowly pull it up to close the dress but your intrusive thoughts came over you and you begin leaving soft kisses on her back before you could zip it up completely. jennie sighs at the feeling of your lips on her skin. as you move up closer to her neck, you feel her arm wrap around the back of your neck. nibbling softly on the lobe of her ear, you whisper, “why don’t i just unzip this dress and take you right here, right now?” but as much as she wanted it, jennie stops your movements and turns to face you.
“i want a day without sex, y/n”
“huh? why, did you get your period or something?”
“no, i just want to enjoy this day without having to end it with sex like we always do”
your suspicions began to rise again. though you meet up with her every so often for your little fuck buddy system, you two rarely saw each other outside of that simply because of school and work. so for her to be asking for a day to just be with you without the sex makes you wonder why? and for what reason?
still, you decide to go along with it and see where it takes you. you leave the store without the black dress and start walking around the mall by jennie’s side. your left hand was in your pant pocket while you let your right hand swing in the air. when you feel jennie brush her hand against yours, you don’t move your hand for a moment to see if she tries to hold it. and you were right; she slowly tries to interlock your hands together, but you move your hand away and offer to carry her bags instead. this continued for the rest of your time at the mall together, her movements varying from trying to hold your hand or link arms with you, or even trying to snuggle up against you when you bumped into a classmate of yours. anything she tried to initiate, you would shut it down immediately.
on the way to your car, it was silent. you felt something brewing in the air and it didn’t feel good. so as you drive her home, you attempt to lighten the mood.
“damn miss kim, you have so many bags in the back, i can barely see in my rear view mirror”
dead silence.
“i honestly thought you were gonna buy the whole mall back there,” you quickly glance at her to find her staring out the window.
“alright, what’s wrong jennie? why the silent treatment?”
“is sex the only thing you want from me?” she asked, annoyed but her gaze never leaves the window.
“what are you talking about?”
“i know you know. i’m not stupid and neither are you. but is this really all you want out of this? out of us?”
“what ‘us’ are you talking about jen? this is just those things where we casually fuck”
“oh, so it really is just that. i’m just someone you call when you’re horny, that’s it”
“don’t act like you didn't start it!” you raise your voice slightly.
“that’s what it was before i fell in love with you! did you really think that we could pull this off without one of us catching feelings?”
“you seemed like the type, so yes i did”
“what the fuck is that supposed to mean?”
you pull into the driveway of jennie’s house and shut the engine off. you unbuckle your seatbelt and try to leave the car to go help with her bags, but jennie grabs you by the arm to keep you in your seat.
“i’m gonna ask you again y/n, is sex the only thing you want from me?”
you look at her in the eyes and you watch the tears form in them. this setup was dangerous from the start, but you really tried to keep things casual with her.
“yes. this was supposed to be just sex, and you fucked it up for us”
before you could even say anything else, she unbuckles her own seatbelt and gets out of your car without forgetting to slam the door. she grabs her bags from the trunk and also closes it with a slam. you didn’t even bother to help because you knew she’d reject it, and there was nothing you could do but watch as she angrily marches toward the entrance of her house that you used to be welcome in, until now.
the internet says it takes roughly 21 days to break a habit. for some people, it could be more and for some, it could be less. but for you and jennie, the routine you two shared managed to be broken in just one second with one sentence.
it’s 3:14am, you can’t sleep and you know you’ll wake up with dark circles under your eyes. still, you lay in bed and stare blankly at the ceiling as you wonder what the fuck was wrong with you.
thinking back to when you two first hooked up, there were no rules or terms and conditions to your situation with jennie. nothing was put in place, no one said that you couldn’t fall in love with each other, so why did you penalize her for it? you had no clue. maybe you were just a natural asshole. or were you just scared?
you can’t deny the fact that there were times you entertained the idea of being in a relationship with jennie. but yes, it did scare you - jennie is a well-known model and has an image to uphold, so what would the public think if they found out you, a broke college student, would be dating her? you’ve imagined the kind of comments you’d get from netizens and you wondered what kind of questions paparazzi would throw towards jennie: “jennie! is it true? are you dating an average college student?” “is it because you feel bad?” “do you pity the girl?” “does she want you for the money?”
it haunts you. you couldn’t bear the thought of being the reason jennie’s image gets ruined.
to try and soothe your brain, you pick up your phone to play some lofi music in hopes to fall asleep. your thumb hovers over a song before seeing a name flash on the top of the screen.
miss kim &lt;3 is calling
you let it ring a couple of times before answering,
“y/n, hi i’m so sorry but um,” her voice is shaky, as if she was about to cry or if she was scared. you didn’t like either of those options.
“y/n i think i’m being followed. can you please come get me?”
“send your location, i’ll be there as soon as i can”
seeing that she was only a 10 minute walk away, you sprint to where she is and you find her standing in front of a light post in the park. as you approach her, you notice a figure standing near a bench, and a light suddenly illuminates from what looks like his phone; it seems as if he was checking it as if he wasn’t following jennie just now. he definitely noticed your presence but he waits to see if you’d leave her alone.
you whisper to jennie, “are you alright? did he hurt you?”
“i’m okay, he didn’t touch me. but if you didn’t come, i don’t know what he could’ve done. is he still there?”
your eyes glance up and you see the man still standing in the same spot, still looking at his phone.
“yeah, but i have an idea. i just hope it’ll work”
you wait for a moment and you watch his eyes come up from his phone, glances at you and jennie, and then turns to look in the opposite direction. you take this chance to quickly hide into a bush behind you, and you slowly crawl towards the man near the bench. when you’re close enough, you rustle the bushes to get his attention and you watch him get startled by the sudden movement. to add on, you start barking and growling like a dog which made you feel stupid, but it was convincing enough to make him run the opposite way from jennie.
she walks towards you, or the bush rather, and calls for you - “he’s gone now, you can come out now little guy”
“little guy my ass," you say as you dust yourself off of any dirt. "but i honestly didn’t think that would work. do you really think it was convincing?”
“yup, you were a real bitch back there y/n”
jennie giggles, “but really, thank you. i’m sorry you were the one i called, i just didn’t know who else would come at this time and you’re the first person in my emergency contacts.”
you say nothing. you simply stare at her, admiring her features that make her who she is. you’re glad you’re her emergency contact. not her manager, not her friends, not even her family; it’s you.
you reach out your hand, "why don't you stay the night? and you can stay as long as you need to”
jennie sits at the dinner table, watching as you prepare breakfast for the two of you. you insisted she just sit back and relax after what happened last night.
“i’m fine y/n, i could’ve helped you cook”
“it’s alright, you must be tired and hungry”
you place down her plate that was filled with two pancakes, two sunny side up eggs, bacon, and fresh fruit on the side. you set yours down and take a seat, excited to dig in after hearing your stomach growl.
it’s silent for the most part. you don’t want to bring up last night’s events, and you figured jennie must’ve wanted some peace and quiet.
“so y/n..”
well, so much for peace and quiet. you looked up at her in response.
“can we talk? about us?”
“actually yes, we should”
jennie clenches her knife and fork, bracing herself for the worst that could happen.
“jen, i gotta be honest with you. i was just scared of falling in love with you. you know, you have this image you need to maintain and i just didn’t want to be the reason it gets tarnished. i refused to fall in love because i didn’t want any of us to get hurt in the long run”
she says nothing and just pokes at a blueberry, rolling it around the plate.
“however,” you pause slightly for dramatic effect.
“i realized that it was stupid of me to stop myself from falling. and it was also stupid of me to pretend that you weren’t falling. and i realized that i really love the idea of being your emergency contact”
jennie still says quiet, but now she manages to look at you with hope in her eyes.
“basically what i’m saying is that i want to give us a try. not just for the sex, not just this whole thing we got going on, i want the real deal with you. i know for a fact i won’t be perfect, we definitely won't be perfect. but for you i’m willing to try. because it’s you jen; i choose you.”
a gummy smile makes its way on jennie’s face, the events of the night long forgotten. at last, she feels seen and loved by you, the only person she’s ever wanted to feel loved by and the only person she’s willing to risk her image for.
“alright ash ketchum, let me help you with the dishes”
“damn, way to ruin a moment miss kim” you joke, as you follow your soon-to-be girlfriend to the sink.
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squash1 · 2 years
i’ve been seeing people saying they wish the gangsey had just stayed together at the end of the trk. and yes i love them together always. but also i think the beautiful thing about trc is that it captures the finite nature of being a teenager. that stage of life where your friends are more your family than your family is because you’ve grown into yourself even if you’re not grown up yet. the gangsey will always be preserved in time but had to go their separate ways and do the work of fully growing up. the dreamer trilogy deals so well with how we reckon with stages of life ending and how lonely that process is, whether you’re the one leaving or the one being left. in particular we see ronan being around new people that don’t know his old life, making inside jokes where the person inside that joke isn’t there anymore, feeling like his friends are too busy for him now. reckoning with the true end of childhood is the necessary next step in life and that requires people to move on from what there teenage years were built around. at the end of the day, the raven cycle is all about accepting that we deserve to live full & long lives just for us. that we get to continue on past our expectations.
it’s bittersweet. but it’s necessary.
&they’ll always come back to each other
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divinesyn · 7 months
Giselle scenario based on this song: https://youtu.be/GZZluy6EXkQ?si=4OXU-DA7Kq94kaOr
hi hi! the song comes off as super chill so i decided to go with a more fluffy vibe for this one hopefully it's okay 🥺
brief: based on this song pairing: idol!reader x giselle genre: fluff with minor [useless] plot oops
AN: Sorry for the delay, been chipping away at this super slowly because of work! Didn't have much time to proof read so things might not make sense and I haven't written in AGES. Hope you enjoy :(
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Promotion periods were always considered a double-edged sword in your mind. A relentless cycle of obligations that you would have to keep up with, as a single misstep could easily break the equilibrium between your mental and physical demands. The constant glare of cameras and clamor of fans wrings you out eventually, but that was the reality of it all.
Thankfully, it wasn't you who was enduring it for the time being.
Your group had just concluded a final run of promotions two weeks ago and the reprieve was more than welcomed amongst you and your members alike. If anything it was just a few minor broadcasts and public apperances to maintain some extra momentum but those were spaced well apart where they wouldn't be cumbersome and resting was guaranteed. The only issue that you saw was, well, on your laptop screen right now.
A smile graces your lips at the sight of now raven-black hair, eyes locked on Aeri as you watch her position herself on stage amongst her members. Reflective stage paneling and idly looping graphics on the main screen bounce light across her features as you watch her eyes dart around in nervousness, but that easily fades as soon as the instrumental starts.
It seems that your lucky streak with promotion periods has ended, seeing as Aeri and your schedules have just narrowly missed each other for this month. Given your time was spent between a stage and at the company practice rooms, the time you and Aeri have spent together was essentially non-existent aside from the occasional video call and coffee meet. Even then those times are cut short by practices accompanied by rushed I love you's and don't forget to eat as the screen goes black. You stare longingly as she performs, making sure to send a you did amazing today text with an attached photo of your laptop screen, lips quirking down at the mismatched messages you two have sent from the past month.
As their performance ends, you wait patiently throughout the night before finally receiving a reply.
aeri: Thank you baby, miss you so much &lt;3 aeri: Maybe we can meet up soon? Even if its a quick one? :(
To say the least, soon never really came.
The world seemed intent on keeping you two apart and the more you checked in on Aeri you could see her resolve chipping away. Even keeping yourself occupied was starting to become a challenge in itself and you find yourself checking your phone more often than you'd like as you sought out Aeri's attention. Despite all the posts she made on her social media you couldn't help but be more selfish in wanting to see her for yourself, something that isn't shared with her fans.
y/n: The choreo for my upcoming special clip with Haerin has been killing me TT
y/n: You guys finish with promotions soon right? Can finally see you soon
[Seen 37m ago]
Idly sitting on the polished floor of your company practice room, you gather up your belongings with a sigh as you ignore the slight aches in your body. Pressing your body against the door, the glass frame opens to a startled figure.
Equally startled your eyes track upward to a familiar face. One that you haven't seen in far too long.
'Hey y/n'
Her voice sounds worn and the slightly concealed darkness under her eyes is a testimony to just how exhausted she is, but you can't refrain from the gradual welling of excitement in your body as you immediately wrap your arms around her. Taking note of the plastic bag she held in one of her hands, you tip-toed slightly to press your lips against hers.
'Missed you' Your lips parted slightly for you to mumble 'What are you doing here? Don't you have a schedule tomorrow?'
The nylon of her windbreaker rustles as she shakes her head with a grin, forehead pressing against yours briefly as she pulls away, her free hand resting lightly against your forearm.
'Ning and I have tomorrow free actually.' She gestures to herself with a flick of her hair 'So now I'm here.'
You couldn't help but chuckle though it fades as your lips quirk into a frown and Aeri is quick to notice the change.
'Is something wrong y/n?'
With a pout you meet her gaze 'Figured it would be better if you rested though, you look so tired'
Your hand reaches up to her cheek and she presses herself against it gently with a hum.
'Missed you too much to do that. Wanted to see you.' Her hand shakes the plastic bag with what you assumed to be food, mouth forming a lopsided grin. 'So how about dinner?'
You could always trust that the riverside was going to be busy regardless of the time but it was ambient enough for you two to pass through without being recognized, though the masks you two wore were just an extra precaution. Having been weeks on end without seeing Aeri you clung to her, arms looped as you braced the bite of the night air.
Exhausted and seemingly on edge for the past week Aeri found herself shedding the weight of expectations, her burdens melting away with each passing moment as you two meandered to a secluded spot to eat. In fact, it was her members who suggested that she go visit most likely tired of watching Aeri slouching around lovesick.
Masks strung around your jaws you ate in comfortable silence, littered with conversations about how their comeback was going and Aeri's plans of visiting her parents once they finished.
'You're free to come along as well you know. Mum loves having you around and I know you like bullying me with Dad...' Aeri chuckles, her breath fading into the darkness. 'Or we can hang out with the girls. Jimin said she wanted to go to those markets you mentioned a while ago.'
'Anything is oh-'
Aeri's thumb swipes at a drop of sauce from the corner of your lips before returning it to her mouth with a quirked brow.
'Oh?' She grins 'Continue baby'
You roll your eyes with an exasperated sigh.
'As I was saying,' You pause, teasingly glaring 'Anything is fine with you.'
'Three weeks away and as sweet as ever.'
Not even a beat passes as your lips meet hers, the warmth between the two of you transferring between the exchange. Surprised, Aeri quickly softened at the contact having realized that amidst the chaos of stardom, it was these stolen moments of intimacy that truly mattered. These nights of pure calm, far from the glare of the spotlight made her press into the kiss more in the hopes of savouring every second. You feel her reluctance as you pull away with a smile, heart overwhelmingly warm and full.
'For you? Always.'
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Hi, Raven! I just wanted to ask if it's very pressuring to be seen as like this type of fandom authority/big figure in the twst fandom? Which you're not, and I'm aware of it but I can't help but think and notice that a lot of people generally view you and your blog in that manner. I hope that hasn't soured your enjoyment in the fandom btw if it is the case, it can be daunting to be kind of upheld to a standard and responsibility you didn't ask for. But I hope you're still having fun and enjoying yourself because that's what fandom really is about at its core. Hope you have a good day!! 💖
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Well 💦 it’s stressful, yes. but only when I’m made cognizant of that. Typically I don’t think of myself as being in that position, but I’m reminded of it when I receive the occasional ask that opens or closes their question/comment with really intense praise.
Thankfully, I have the luxury of being selective about which asks I reply to, but sometimes it can be as simple as skimming an ask that brings about a churning dread or cognitive dissonance in my stomach. I take a lot of time to formulate what I hope are thoughtful responses in part because I feel like I have some degree of responsibility for those who seem to place so much stock in what I say… It makes me anxious about all the potential ways it could go wrong. Unclear wording/tone misconstruing the intended message, people weaponizing my posts to justify their own takes, arguments breaking out, etc. Then that leads into worries about not deserving this position (ayy, love imposter syndrome/j) and it becomes a cycle that’s hard to break.
If people want to view me as some higher authority or big figure, then there’s only so much I can do to stop them. I can tell others all I want that I don’t like being put on such a high pedestal all I like, but it would do very little to change their mindsets. The best I can hope for is reminding them of where my boundaries lie when people start to act too attached to me. Like, you definitely should not be soliciting free favors, seeking validation, asking for life advice, and/or traumadumping to me, a complete internet stranger. (These have all happened before.) Remember, me being friendly ≠ being friends with me.
I’ve never been someone who reacts well to parasocialism or celebrity culture (something which I highlight in this post). I like to compartmentalize, separate reality from fandom, keep to myself and my own lane, be a private person… so it’s unnerving for me to suddenly be the recipient of parasocial behaviors. Again, I must stress that parasocialism is, in of itself, NOT a bad thing. It can, however, quickly snowball into emotional dependency or a falsified sense of intimacy. That’s why I keep stressing—especially recently—that I have to draw the line and make my boundaries clear.
Now, that isn’t to say that all of my parasocial experiences have been negative ones. Far from it! I’ve had the honor of meeting and getting to know many cool individuals through my activity in this fandom. (If you’re reading this, you know who you are 🫵) I’ve been able to participate in numerous group projects and activities alongside those people. I’ve gotten fan art and interesting asks from so many Twsties that are just as excited about my OC or new story content as I am. I’ve received kind words when I really needed them or when I least expected it. I will forever be grateful for that ^^ and I’d still say that the majority of my time in the TWST fandom has been chill and fun.
In my experience, I’ve seen both the highs and lows of fandom as the result of parasocialism. I of course evaluate them on a case-by-case basis, but what I want to point out is that I do not want overfamiliarity or people overstepping, especially if I have never spoken with you one-on-one off-Anon before 💦 I think that’s reasonable for me to request.
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ghostlychief · 2 years
Hi, your articles about Simon ghost are interesting. Can I also make a request, please? How does he react to a reader with a big dog? The dog is very protective and affectionate towards the reader. and the dog's eyes are different colors. I will send you a photo of the dog.
HELLO!! First of all, thank you for reading my Ghost fics, that means so much <3 Secondly, i love this request because one, i love dogs, and TWOOO i love big big dogs. I hope you enjoy what i threw together, and take care <3
That Makes Two of Us
Pairing: Simon "Ghost" Riley x reader (can read as fem, gn, or male really)
wc: 900+
warnings: none
A/N: I apologize for any grammar/spelling mistakes lol pls forgive me
You can’t remember a time when you didn’t have a dog. Growing up, you were always surrounded by dogs, and had one by the time you were age five. Later, in your early teenage years, your family got another one. Needless to say, it wasn’t a surprise when you bought a dog of your own, after you graduated and got a full-time job.
When you saw your new puppy for the first time, she was already perfect in your eyes. She had mismatched eyes- one blue and one brown. Her fur was as dark as a raven’s feather, and shiny too. You decided to name her Daphne, after a character from one of your favorite TV shows.
You could already tell she was going to be a big dog, just by the size of her paws when she was a puppy. And your assumption was right, because she turned out to be about 65 pounds, paws almost as big as your palm.
You guys became two peas in a pod, and you trained her well. She was smart, loyal and very affectionate with you. It’s all you ever could have wanted in a dog, a companion.
While Daphne was lovey and affectionate towards you, her loyalty showed when she met strangers. She was mostly weary with men she didn’t know. Sure, your dad and close guy friends were no issue for her, she trusted them and therefore she trusted them around you.
However, newer men she didn’t recognize the scent of, or strangers on the sidewalk (strange men), she immediately became alert, ready to do anything for you, anything to protect you. This personality trait of hers was always difficult when in came to dating. Because more often than not, your fling with a guy didn’t last long. It was a cycle of introducing Daphne to a new man, which took her some time to getting used to, to that man completely disappearing from your life, all for it to start again.
It wasn’t until you met Simon aka “Ghost” for things to level out, be “steady” so to say. You and Simon have been dating for about three and a half months at this point. You both went on countless dinner dates, occasionally got drinks, and enjoyed the city where you both lived. All which required him not to see Daphne, or meet her, nonetheless. Sure, you showed him pictures of your baby, and babbled on about her when you guys hung out, but he hasn’t had the pleasure of meeting her.
You decided that after the fourth failed fling/thing with a guy, you would wait until you were seeing a guy for about 4-5 months until you introduced them to your dog. Not wanting to continue to confuse her, by having her meet strangers, and people that wouldn’t be in your life for a long time.
With Simon though, you guys instantly hit it off. He was a little bit quirky, with a dry sense of humor that matched your sarcasm. He was fun to be around and brought out a side of you, you haven’t seen in quite a long time. You were happy, and you trusted him. You only wished that Daphne would trust him as much, because deep-deep down in the pits of your heart, you were starting to fall in love with Simon.
It was after you guys went to dinner one night, that you brought Simon over to your place for the first time. You were a little bit nervous. One, because you were bringing home a devastatingly handsome and tall man, and two, because you weren’t sure how Daphne would react.
You quietly unlocked your door and ushered Simon inside. After you turned on the lights, you could hear Daphne’s paws patter on your floor, signaling to you that she woke up, and was coming to greet you. Though, when she saw Simon standing next to you, she instantly stopped in her tracks, and quirked her head to the side, her ears perked. Not expecting a guest to be with you.
She immediately started barking, her low, powerful bark resonating off the walls of your home.
“I take it she doesn’t like strangers?” Simon remains next to you, but doesn’t show any signs that he’s afraid of your giant black dog barking four feet away from him.
“Well…she’s a little protective of me.” You turn to look at Simon, with a sheepish smile on your pretty face.
“That makes two of us, then.” You try not to let Simon’s deep voice and confession get to you too much, but it’s hard and you find your cheeks warming.
You just laugh at his statement, and make your ways towards Daphne, to try and console her. Once you’ve got her calmed down, you usher Simon over.
“Ok, just approach her on the side, but don’t turn towards her, keep your body perpendicular to hers. And stick your hand out for her to sniff. This will let her know that you’re no threat.”
He does just that, and effortlessly, which you’re not surprised about. You’re certain he’s often around military trained dogs due to his job.
Daphne reluctantly sniffs Simon’s hand, but you can tell he won her over because she starts to lick him, and then lets him pet her on the head. Her tail starts to wag vigorously, and now her barks are lighter, more playful as she greets your new friend.
With a smirk coating his lips, Simon asks her, “See, I’m not too bad, am I?”
Hope you enjoyed!
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