#and then led me to the Wishing Well to make my wish properly
sparrowatheart · 7 months
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A stroll through Fantasyland alongside the Mistress of All Evil
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notafunkiller · 1 year
love me like you paid me - co-written with @marvelouslizzie​
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Summary: You accompany businessman Bucky Barnes to all the events he has to attend, and you find yourself wishing he wasn’t paying you to be his date.
Pairing: businessman!Bucky Barnes x female reader
Warnings: 18+, age gap (the reader is 24, Bucky is 34), teasing, dirty talk, pet names, daddy kink, fingering, nipples play, oral sex, clit play, no condom (but they are both clean and the reader is on birth control), cursing, no mention of y/n 
Word Count: 11K
Bucky Barnes masterlist
A/N: @marvelouslizzie and I had a great time writing this story, and we really hope you will, too, while reading it.
Please, do not repost or translate without my permission!
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> I think I'll be late for a couple of minutes, I am very sorry. You can go inside, you just need to say your name.
You look at the text he sent you once again, to make sure you didn’t miss any details. The thought of going inside alone spikes up your anxiety even though you never met him before. Everything looks so fancy, and you are already feeling out of place.
So you decide to wait. It's better for appearances, anyway. You didn't properly establish the context of you being his plus-one before, and you don't want to make mistakes.
And it doesn't even take a long time. He arrives just five or six minutes later. You watch him get out of the car and look around before your eyes finally meet for the first time.
"I am so, so sorry for being late. But why are you standing here?" He says awkwardly looking at you from head to toe twice as he starts arranging his suit jacket.
“I thought it would be better if we go inside together. It wouldn't look too convincing if we came separately.”
He nods. "Smart. I'm sorry, I'm..." He pauses, unsure, and extends his hand. "You're very beautiful, thank you. I'm Bucky."
You offer him a smile while extending your hand and giving him your name. “Thank you. You’re looking very dapper yourself.”
He snorts. "Not thanks to me."
“Huh?” You raise an eyebrow in confusion.
"I meant my stylist." He explains, freeing your hand.
“Oh.” You feel awkward. You didn’t even think about that. “Yeah, but you are carrying it well.”
You see his cheeks getting red. "Thank you. Shall we go inside?"
“Yeah, of course.” You offer him your arm.
"I think I should be doing that." He does the same thing.
You feel so embarrassed for a second but take his arm anyway. “Sorry. I’m just nervous.”
“Don't be sorry." He gives the man at the entrance a smile before saying your names, and in no time, you are led to your table.
You take a look around, trying to be as subtle as possible. It’s even fancier than it seemed when you were waiting for him outside and people seem to know one another as they greet and talk to each other. You feel a faint pain in your stomach.
"You know… in case someone asks you, my three favorite things are eating my family and not using commas."
“What?” You feel so lost.
"My three favorite things are eating my family and not using commas." He repeats this expired joke he read online at some point. "You know, eating my family and eating, my family."
You suddenly snort, not expecting him to make a joke like this.
"I guess you can smile, and what a beautiful smile you have." He pauses and scrunches his nose as soon as he finishes the phrase. "I don't mean to be you know... I am not trying to...."
“You are not trying to what?” You’re still smiling because of his dad joke, totally unaware of why he’s trying to explain himself.
"To make you uncomfortable or something. I just wanted to help you feel better. I am surprised, though. Usually, models feel a little less nervous."
“Model?” You repeat, visibly confused. “I’m… I’m not a model.” Did they tell him you were a model?
"Oh, it explains the height." He lets out a deep breath.
“The height?” You can’t believe he actually said that. Like your height isn’t good enough for his standards. Probably, you aren’t good enough for his standard since you aren’t a model.
"Oh god, no." He groans. "That sounded terrible. I meant, models usually are very tall and look... different. I told them I don't want a model, but my team didn't quite listen. That’s why I said that."
“So you aren’t the one who specifically wanted a model?”
"God, no." He shakes his head. "I actually chose you." He scrunches his nose again. "That sounds even more terrible."
“I know you chose me. How do you think they found a photo of me to send you?”
Bucky snorts. "I should shut up."
“No, no. I mean…” You lower your voice a little to make sure no one hears you. “I was aware of what this is when I said yes. It’s fine.”
"I am making a fool out of myself, I am sorry."
“No, you are not. It’s actually helping me to relax because I was really worried about…” You stop yourself right before saying something stupid.
"Did I seem intimidating?"
“Yeah.” You quickly accept it because his choice of words is much nicer than what you were originally thinking. You expected him to be a pretentious asshole. Instead, he seems like he’s just as nervous as you are.
He smiles. "What would you like to drink?"
“White wine is fine.” It seems like a safe choice.
"I love wine." He smiles. "And to be honest, it’s the only thing I drink at those events. Oh, and champagne, of course."
“That also works, but I can’t have too much.”
"Want to order food before?"
“No, not because of that. I have an early work meeting tomorrow.”
"Oh, we can leave earlier." He immediately offers. "I don't stick much around usually, anyway."
“That’s not necessary, we can stay as much as you want. I’m already prepared for my meeting. I just don’t want to seem unprofessional tomorrow by looking like I have a huge hangover. I kinda need it to go well.”
"What do you do if you're not a model?" He asks with a smile, genuinely curious to find out more information.
“I am running my own bakery.”
"That sounds so awesome. Family business?"
“No. I actually started it pretty recently. Still learning how to manage a business and get clients.” You suddenly stop, feeling self-conscious. “Sorry. That must sound really silly to you.”
"Silly?" He tries to tuck back a few strands of his hair as he looks at you. "I want to know more. If you want to share of course. Maybe I can even help. I know how hard it can be, especially when you don't have experience. Do you have a partner?"
“No.” You can’t help but smile because he seems genuinely interested. “I’m doing it by myself. Or rather trying.”
"Wow, that must be exhausting and challenging. Do you have employers? How new..." he stops mid-sentence when the waiter comes. "Can you bring us some white wine, please?"
"What kind?"
You watch him as he casually orders a specific brand, then his eyes meet yours again. You realize he’s actually waiting for your answer. “I have one person that works with me.”
"Paying a salary must be hard."
“Yeah, money is kinda tight.” That’s the whole reason you accepted being his date tonight: you want to be able to pay Nicole’s salary, but you don’t say that.
"I'm sorry." He sighs. "Maybe I can help, though." He thinks about a donation or something, but he doesn't even know you or your business.
“You already are. Don’t worry about it.”
The waiter returns with the wine, asking you if you want to taste it, but Bucky gives him a polite smile after looking at you. "Thank you, but no need."
The man nods and starts pouring slowly.
When you taste the wine, you understand why he specifically asked for this one. It leaves a really gentle after-taste on your tongue.
"Do you like it?" He asks nervously as he takes a sip himself.
“Very much. Probably the best wine I have ever tasted.”
"I am so glad to hear that. But did you eat anything before coming here?”
“Ihm… No.”
"Then we should order. Excuse me," he calls the waiter again with a hand gesture.
While he is ordering food, you find the perfect moment to stare at him. He’s speaking in a way that shows he belongs here. He is kind yet commanding. You focus on his face and watch a strand fall on his forehead. He doesn’t pay any attention to it, just gently pushing it back, but you find yourself taking a deeper breath. His lips are full, his smile is gentle and his eyes are curious. That’s when you notice he is actually talking to you.
"Do you have preferences?"
You shake your head. You have no idea what preference he is talking about, but even if you did you are sure you would have no idea what to order in a place like this.
"Do you trust me with this?" 
“Yeah.” You quickly answer to cover the fact that you weren’t paying attention to his food choices. “Just no sea food, please.”
"Of course." He nods and turns his attention to the waiter again. "The same for her, please. Also a bottle of water."
It's already pretty late, and it's clear neither of you has much energy left, but you can't interrupt this conversation. You are trying to listen so you can be prepared if they ask you something.
"I agree, the market doesn't look good, but let's see if something changes once they apply the new policies," he says looking at both of you for a couple of seconds. "It's hard for new businesses, unfortunately."
You take a deep breath, knowing what he says is true and how it affects you. Still, you don’t comment on anything, just watching them.
Bucky leans in, laughing politely when the man cracks a bad joke, and you notice how a few  hair strands fall on the side of his face and forehead.
Before your mind can register what you are doing, you find yourself leaning towards him and pushing the hair back. Then you notice what you’ve just done and freeze. Your hand lingers on his hair.
He freezes too, mid-sentence, and looks at your hand, his neck getting so red in just a few seconds.
"Oh, look at that. Your girlfriend is taking good care of you." The man in front of you teases. 
“I’m sorry.” You try to retreat your hands as gracefully as possible so it won’t look suspicious. His hair is back in its place.
"Don't apologize." Bucky smiles, taking your hand into his. "She's always shy in public."
“I forgot for a second we are in public.” That’s not a lie. You really forgot your surroundings and how you were supposed to behave.
"What a beautiful girlfriend you have, Barnes."
You can feel your cheeks burning because of his words. You are not his girlfriend obviously, but will he point that out?
"She's also incredibly smart. You know, she started her own bakery a few months ago in this crazy market."
"Yes, with no help either. I'm really proud of her."
Did he just say he’s proud of you? Jesus christ…
“That doesn’t surprise me at all. You know why?” He’s directly asking you that question, and you just shake your head as in no. “Because he started his own company, probably around your age, too.”
That you didn’t know. You had no idea how he got this rich, and hearing that makes you feel more hopeful.
“I’m just saying.” The man continues. “I can see why you like her. And she’s pretty lucky because she can get the best investment advice or tips on how to run a successful business from you.”
"Oh, trust me, I am luckier." He gives you the warmest smile you've ever received.
You have no idea what to say or do. Should you act like his girlfriend? Should you just smile and nod? That would be rude, wouldn’t it? You should return the compliment. You would definitely do that if he was your boyfriend. 
“Oh, I know how lucky I am,” you say with a smile.
Bucky takes a quick look at his watch. "Alright, I think we need to go. Tomorrow is a long work day. Hope you don't mind." He shakes Michael's hand.
"It was nice to see you."
You are glad it’s finally time to leave. You were getting worried about how much longer you would have to stay here. Not because of him. Bucky seems like a perfectly nice guy, but this fancy place makes you uncomfortable. You gently smile while shaking Michael’s hand and take Bucky’s arm.
"Have a good evening. It was nice to meet you."
“It was nice meeting you too, Michael.”
"I'm sorry for that. Took too long," Bucky whispers in your ear.
“The event isn’t even over yet. We are leaving early.” He shouldn’t have to say sorry for something you agreed to do.
"Is it okay if we drive you home?" He gestures to his driver who's pulling in. You didn't even realize when he texted him.
“You don’t have to, I can take a cab.”
"At this hour?" He puffs. "Not in a thousand years. My driver can drop you off." Bucky offers instantly. It's clear he won't let this go.
“Only if it won’t be a bother…”
"Of course not." He gestures to his driver. "I want you to drop the lady off and make sure she gets inside safely, please. I'll take a cab."
“What?” You didn’t expect him to take a cab. “No, I can’t accept that.”
"Please. Also thank you for tonight, I am really grateful and I enjoyed having you here."
“Bucky…” You stop for a second, feeling hesitation over using his name. “Can I call you Bucky?”
"Of course."
“Bucky, thank you for tonight. I enjoyed it more than I expected. You are a gentleman, but I can’t take your car. I thought you meant dropping me at my place on your way home.”
"I thought..." he pauses. "You felt uncomfortable around me and that's why you refused the ride."
“No. Why would I feel uncomfortable around you?”
He smiles shyly and opens the door for you. "Alright, then let's go."
You really don’t know why he thought that and it bothers you. While you take your seat, you decide to apologize for what happened in there. Maybe that’s why he felt uneasy.
He looks absolutely confused when you actually say the words. "What?"
“I am just really sorry about what I did back there. I don’t know what came over me.”
"What did you do?”
“You know… Making you uncomfortable by fixing your hair.”
Bucky can't help but giggle softly. "Why would you apologize for that? That was very thoughtful, thanks."
His giggle catches you off guard. “I thought… I crossed a boundary.”
"No, not at all. Sorry for the boring conversations."
“It wasn’t that boring. I actually learned a couple of things.”
Bucky smiles. "Did you? Not surprised, you're a businesswoman after all."
“I try to be.” You smile back even though you are feeling kinda sad that your time with him is about to end.
"I think you have a big potential. You control your emotions very well. You are smart and know how to enjoy good wine." He gives you a playful but innocent wink as he says the last part.
“And now I know you, so I can ask for business advice.” You repeat Michael’s words very poorly.
Bucky nods. "Of course. And you know maybe I can help... with a donation."
“A donation?” You really didn’t mean to sound that offended, but you are.
He frowns. "Yeah, I really think you got potential in business and it's hard when no one helps you."
Talking about money always bothers you. Getting paid for going out with someone already feels wrong enough, but the way he walks about it makes you feel worse. 
“Can we…. not… talk about this?” Your discomfort is much more clear in your voice than you realize.
"I-Of course, sorry if I bothered you," he immediately says apologetically.
“Talking about money like this bothers me and… just to be clear, I don’t want any help.”
"I understand. I wasn't trying to intrude."
You offer him a smile, but it doesn’t reach your eyes.
"I'm really so-"
"Is this the right address?" The driver interrupts Bucky all of a sudden.
“Yeah, it is.” Your answer comes instantly.
“Thank you…” You stop for a minute realizing you don’t know his name. “I’m sorry I didn’t catch your name before.”
“Thank you, Noah.” Then you turn to Bucky. “And thank you for tonight, Bucky.”
"Thank you." You give him one more smile before opening the door. "Wait."
"Are you free on 18?"
“I… think so. Why?”
"I have a proposal for you."
As the 18th comes closer, you get more worried about what to wear. You used your fanciest dress at that event and now your options are pretty limited. You search your closet and try to think of a friend who would let you borrow a dress. That’s when you finally see that simple black dress. That might work. When you put it on, your feelings are conflicted, though. It looks good on you, but it doesn’t seem good enough. You are not completely sure about how fancy this event is. Maybe… maybe you can ask him. 
< Hey. Sorry to bother you but how fancy is this event?
> Hey, no bother. Like the one we attended.
> Why?
< I’m not sure about my dress. Is it okay if I show it to you? I don’t wanna be underdressed.
> I am sure that's impossible but of course.
You send a mirror selfie, showing your dress.
>You look very beautiful.
>The dress is absolutely amazing too, but it's a black-tie event. Would you consider me disrespectful if I sent my stylist to you?
< Thank you. 
< No, of course not. I need help. I would appreciate it.
> Gonna send Lila a message and then I'll give her your number if that's okay.
< That’s perfectly okay. Thank you and again sorry to bother you with something like this.
> You don't bother me.
> I mean it.
< I know you are busy. That’s what I meant.
> Well, I am sure you are very busy yourself.
> How is the bakery and how was the meeting?
< I’m done working for the day. So I get to worry about the dress I’m gonna wear.
< The meeting went well but I didn’t hear anything from them yet.
> I hope it was a full day.
> I mean with many clients.
> And I hope they will give you a call.
< It was a tiring day. How was yours?
> Tiring, but productive, thank you for asking.
> Lila will call you in two minutes. She's a nice person. She manages to make me look decent every time.
< You look more than decent and I don’t think it’s all her doing.
5 minutes later
< Talked to Lila. We go shopping tomorrow. Thanks again for the help.
> Don't thank me for that. My pleasure. Have a good evening.
< You too.
The next day, you meet Lila and go shopping together like you agreed. She seems like a fun person and definitely understands your style. Her suggestions are great. but the only problem is the cost When you notice the price tags, you want to leave, but she assures you that it is all taken care of. That’s when you realize Bucky Barnes is paying for this shopping trip. You feel dumb for not thinking about this while talking to him. That’s why he was guarded when he offered help. That usually restlessness creeps up on you because you don’t want his help like this, but Lila convinces you that he is the reason you need new dresses anyway. And it is true. He is dressing you so you look the part. That eases your anxiety and finally, you are able to enjoy your dress hunt. When you come back home, you are completely exhausted but ready for any event he might want to take you. 
> Hi
> How are you?
< I’m good, getting ready. How are you?
> I am good too.
> I was wondering if you mind me picking you up...
< You wanna pick me up?
> Yes. I might need your address again, though.
< Noah doesn’t remember?
< I am picking you up.
> You should say no if you don't want that.
< No, why wouldn’t I? I just didn’t think you would come without your driver for some reason.
> Do you want me to come with Noah?
> I can.
< I don’t need someone extra to feel comfortable around you, Bucky. 
< It’s up to you. Whatever you wanna do, I will be fine with it.
> Perfect 🙂
> 7:30 or 8? We should totally skip half an hour.
> So boring
< That emoji makes me feel like I did something wrong and you are being kind.
< Both are fine by me.
> See you at 8 then 😁
> Since you hate the other emoji
< Oh this one is much better.
< See you at 8. Leave your overthinking hat at home.
You quickly send him your address.
> Thank you
The evening comes even quicker than you expected. He picks you up alone and you have a great conversation on your way to the event. He gives you some pointers about it and the people you will most likely have to talk to and warns you that it’s gonna be boring. And he is right. It is even more boring than the first one. A lot of speeches and conversations with people you don’t know. You try to stay composed and play your part, trying to hide the fact that you are bored as fuck. Bucky comes to your rescue with a fun game. He makes funny comments and on-point jokes before and/or after you talk to someone. His observation skills are extraordinary. He notices stuff that you wouldn’t normally remark. Like a missing wedding ring, so he knows not the mention their spouse during their conversation. He whispers into your ear and makes you laugh the whole night. Hearing his voice that close, and feeling his breath on your neck drives you crazy. Does he know the effect he has on you? Is he doing it on purpose or is he just trying to pass the time as pleasantly as possible? You don’t know. Just like the first event, you leave a little bit early. He drives you back home, offers you a warm smile, and mentions when the next event will take place. You just nod in agreement, already looking forward to it.
> Friends or The Office?
> Also hi
< The Office. Love how intentionally awkward it is.
< Hiii back.
> How are you?
> Let me guess who you like the most
> Is he tall?
< Yeah genius, it’s Jim.
< I’m good, how are you?
> I knew you have taste.
> I am good. Now even better.
< Why better?
< Also who else could I like? He’s the only sane person in that office.
> Because I talk to you.
> So true.
He’s feeling better because he’s talking to you. God, that makes your blood rush.
< I like talking to you, too.
< Okay I have a question. What do you think of Karen?
> Karen? Don't make me be a hater while texting.
> It would never end.
> You?
< You know the word hater? I’m impressed.
< I don’t like her either. She tried too hard to make things work.
> I am 34, not 304!
> I feel offended
< It’s so easy to tease you.
> She is boring and annoying. More annoying than that douchebag.
< You mean Roy?
> Yeah
> That punching scene though
< God, that guy is a walking red flag. 
< Pam was truly blind.
> She was. Sad...
< Favorite season?
> Hard.
> Very hard.
> Maybe 4.
> Yours?
< Either 4 or 6.
> Tastee
< You are starting to sound like me 
> Well, I am older, so it's the other way around
< Sure old man. Whatever you say 
> Old but handsome, to quote you
< I can’t be held responsible for the things I say when I’m tipsy.
> Excusess
< Shh you are exposing me too much
As time passes, your conversations become friendlier. You don’t feel like this is something you have to do just to keep your business going. It feels like you two enjoy each other’s company. It feels like flirting. Yet you are not sure if that’s how he feels about all this, too. 
> Hi. Are you home?
< Yeah?
> in a few minutes you might have a delivery
< A delivery? 
< Bucky what did you buy this time?
> I can sense a tone
< Can you?
> A bratty tone.
> You'll see when it comes.
Just a few minutes later you open the door and see a huge bouquet of flowers.
< Jesus Bucky!
< These are so pretty!
< Thank youu.
> No complaining, huh?
> Glad you like them.
> I can complain if that’s what you want.
> I want you to be good and put them in a vase.
< They are already in a vase, sir.
You send a photo of the flowers in your prettiest vase.
> Great.
< I can’t stop smelling them.
> Noted
< I’ve got something to show you. Well two things because I can’t decide.
> Waiting
You send two mirror selfies in two different dresses. The first one is a black dress with a high slit on the right side. The other one is a simple pastel pink dress but the cleavage is on display a little.
< Which one should I wear for the next event?
> You think I am the right person to choose?
< I am your date, aren’t I?
> They both look great.
> Depends on what you want.
< That’s what I think too!
< And that’s why I can’t decide.
< Please help me out.
> Pink?
< Pink it is.
< Thank you.
What you didn't expect from this arrangement is how your attachment grows more and more every time you see Bucky. He makes it hard not to miss him with his smile and his jokes, the way he tries to integrate you and always asks how you feel. Truth be told, you're not even professional anymore and you catch yourself wanting to make a move on him every time he compliments you. But you can't, so you're forced to wait for him to do it. And you really hope he will.
You probably put too much faith in a rich person because when you see your notification from the banking app, you have to refrain from making a scene. You check twice just to be sure. For some reason, you are paid double the amount for this date and it’s not because he missed any previous payments. No, he just decided to pay you more the moment you started to grow closer.
When you look at him, he immediately catches something's wrong and leans in to whisper. 
"What happened?"
“I don’t wanna talk about it right now.” Because you know if you do, your whole act will be exposed.
Bucky nods and looks at the rest of the table. "We're gonna head back home now. It was really nice to see you."
His reaction surprises you. You have the whole night ahead of us and he already paid you double. Why does he want to leave already?
"Of course. Have a good evening!"
“Oh, are you really leaving this early?” Someone else asks.
"Yes. We have plans for tomorrow pretty early in the morning."
“Ah! Too bad. Still, it was nice seeing you two.”
You both nod before you make your way to the door. You absently watch him asking for both of your coats and holding the door for you.
The way he’s acting like everything is fine infuriates you more. You really hoped something was going to happen between you two. It felt like you were headed in that direction, but you are not so sure anymore. Maybe he never saw it that way. Maybe he was thinking the worst of you and he’s just paying you more for everything he considers extra. It makes you feel nauseous.
"I should have made them change the plate…  Do you have an allergic reaction?"
“Yeah, I am having an allergy reaction.” You lash out as soon as you feel safe to react. “An allergic reaction to you trying to buy everything.”
"What?" He looks at you so confused as if he didn't double paid you a moment ago.
“Tell me it’s just a mistake and you didn’t do it on purpose.”
"Do what? Pay you?"
Oh… He did it on purpose. And just like that the last hope you were hanging on vanishes. 
“Yeah, pay me double just as we were getting closer. Is that all I am to you?” 
"All you are to me?" He repeats shocked.
“Someone you can pay for whatever you want.” You don’t wait for an answer. You just keep going. “Of course, that’s all I am. What else can I be? It’s my fault for accepting this… deal. I put myself in this position. Why would you see me as someone other than a hooker.”
"Stop!" He screams back but not as loudly as you do. "What are you saying? What the actual fuck? When did I even imply that? Paying you double has nothing to do with disrespecting you! Contrary!"
“You don’t have to say it! The moment we started to get closer, you decided to pay me double. I don’t need to be Einstein to put 2 and 2 together.”
He scrunches his nose. "How about us getting closer and me wanting to help you, huh? Did that ever cross your mind? Me wanting to help you pay your debt faster, knowing the effort you make to accompany me to these," he gestures to the place behind you. "But no, of course, you didn't because you think the lowest of me. That I would believe I can buy you and your affection!" 
“Help me?” He must be joking. “When I specifically told you I don’t want help!”
"I just don't want you to struggle. Is it so bad?" His voice is soft now while he stares at you, trying to show you he's entirely honest 
“Have you ever stopped for a second and thought how getting help would make me feel? I’ll tell you. It makes me feel like a failure.”
"You're not a failure. And getting help doesn't make anything you did and do less important, especially since it's small. Please..." he sighs. "Let's continue talking in the car at least, it's freezing. You shouldn't get sick."
“Fine. I will get in, but this… this conversation is not over.” He’s right. It’s freezing and you can’t take it anymore.
He nods gratefully and opens the door for you, which you close with force.
As soon as he gets in the car and starts the engine, he turns on the ac, giving you a look. You keep taking deep breaths and avoid looking at him.
"Please... do you really think that low of me?"
"I don't know what to think anymore." You finally look back at him. "Are you gonna drive or are we gonna have this conversation here?"
"I don't want to drive you home upset. I want to talk about it..."
You stop for a second, consider your options. You can't have this conversation in a public place. "Your place or mine?"
Money is clearly not an issue for him so he probably didn't even blink to pay you double you realize as you get inside the house. You try not to look around too curiously. Your image in his eye is already as bad as it could get.
"How low do you think of me?" He repeats the same question while he starts to take off his shoes.
“I should be asking you that question.”
"You're the one who thinks I tried to buy you as a hooker."
“What were you trying to do then if not buying my affection? And don’t tell me helping!”
"To help."
“I don’t want help!” You don’t notice how loud you are. “I don’t want anyone’s help! I have to do this on my own. Is that so hard to understand?”
"Yes and no." He sighs. "I get this drive, I had it too, but I wish you could try to see... that you don't have to do this alone. But instead, you think I see you as someone buyable." 
“Imagine when you started your business and had debt, someone had the means to help you, just give you money like it’s nothing and you don’t get to pay it back. Would you accept it? Would you think it’s your success if someone helped you out like that? Just be honest and answer.”
"Fuck no." He sighs. "But you deserve the money. And you put up with the events and your business..."
“Fuck no indeed. I want to do this myself. I have to prove myself I’m not a failure like my-” You stop yourself from finishing that sentence.
"What? Like what?"
“It doesn’t matter. I just need to prove that to myself, okay?”
"How could you think you are failing when you already did so much?
“As long as this business doesn’t succeed, whatever I’ve done so far does not matter. Only the result matters.” You don’t notice you are repeating your father’s words.
"That is bullshit. You think success is based on wins only?"
“It doesn’t feel like winning when you are worried about paying the next month's salaries.”
"That's a worry that honestly doesn't stop. Or at least not for me. Success means failure and worries sometimes. Success means trying and holding on."
“I’m not here to have a conversation about what you view as success, Bucky. I’m here because I’m mad at you.”
"You're mad at me, but you think I am an awful person." He starts taking off his jacket.
“I’m mad at you because you can’t pay me double just because you want to. That’s not how real life works.” 
"Oh, really?" He smiles sarcastically. "I should totally give zero shits about you worrying about paying salaries and having student debt. Totally real-life fun stuff."
“Student debt? How do you even know about that?”
"You mentioned it."
“I don’t remember mentioning my student debt to you.”
He puffs, not breaking eye contact. "I have ears."
“You heard me mentioning my student debt and decided to pay me double?” He’s unbelievable.
“Do you have any idea how much you were paying me before?”
Bucky blushes embarrassed and strokes his beard. "No..."
“You were already paying me nearly a monthly salary. Just for going on a date with you once a week. Do you have any idea how it made me feel seeing that double payment in my account while I was hoping for…”
"Fuck, I want to say I am sorry, but I am not. I am not buying you, no matter how low you think of me. I want to help you. I thought we are already friends."
“Friends.” You give him a bitter smile. “Friends don’t pay each other.”
"Friends help each other." He is getting closer to you.
“Not without the other one asking for help.”
"You're impossible." He sighs. "You can pay me back at some point." He is so serious.
“Which point will that be?”
"Whenever you won't be worried about salaries."
“You said it yourself, that time never comes.”
"Please, doll." He closes his eyes, not even realizing what he said.
“Please what?”
"Can we just stop fighting?"
“We can if you stop paying me.”
"It's your money. You come with me every time. This event was more boring than usual... consider this a bonus for putting up with it and me." 
“I don’t want- I don’t need that.”
"Why not? It's just for now." He seems upset. "Do you want nothing to do with me anymore?"
“I don’t need money to… enjoy my evening with you. I was actually hoping for you to… you know… stop paying me soon.”
"You want to end this?" He doesn't even try to hide his disappointment. His voice starts trembling.
“I want to end the payments.”
"So no more events..."
“I didn’t say that. I said I don’t want you to pay me for that anymore.”
"Oh." Bucky thinks a little. "You want to come to meet more people?" 
“Dear god… You are so dense for a smart businessman sometimes!”
"You are calling me dumb."
“Yeah, because you are being dumb or just acting dumb, I don’t know anymore. You can call me if you want me to accompany you as your friend… or date, okay? It’s up to you now.” You reach for your stuff to leave his place.
"I just want to know why you'd find it so bad for me to pay you. Would you not pay me?"
“Don’t you really see the implication?”
"What implication? Tell me what you think."
“Would you pay me if we had sex?”
He freezes, completely taken aback. "What?"
“You heard what I said. Would you love me like you paid me, too?”
"You want to fuck me?" He asks unsure. As if he doesn’t know if he heard you right.
“Do you need things spelled out for you like this?”
"Do you mean it?"
“I have already said too much, Bucky. I think it’s better if I go.”
He grabs your hand when you turn toward the door. "I don't think you said enough."
“You want me to embarrass myself more?” He rolls his eyes. “I think I have made myself clear enough. Time for me to leave.”
"Come on." He smiles. "You didn't say anything."
You let a frustrated breath out. “Take care, Bucky.”
"Doll, please. You can't leave in the middle of a conversation like this!"
“Of course, I can leave. What else is there to talk about?”
"You asked if I'd pay you for sex."
“And I think I got my answer.”
"No, I would not pay you for sex."
“Because you didn’t even consider that option.”
He puffs, and you notice sweat drops on his neck. "Why did you even ask that? I already said I do not consider you buyable." 
He is very close now, holding both of your hands and staring into your soul.
“Because that’s how I feel every time you pay me to spend time with you.”
"God, doll. You are really fucking impossible. You think I don't want to kiss you or fuck you? I think about it all the goddamn time if I let myself, but we had an arrangement..."
“And that’s why I wanna end the arrangement.”
"Done." His answer is instant.
“So you can take me out on a normal date, maybe.”
"Yeah?" He wraps his arms around your waist, making you drop both: your coat and bag. But you don’t look down even when they hit the floor. 
“If you want…” You feel your voice suddenly getting smaller.
"May I kiss you?"
“Only if you aren’t gonna ask permission for everything.”
He snorts. "Just answer." 
“You may.”
He does, moving a hand to your chin as he immediately tries to deepen the kiss. The way he kisses you takes you by surprise. You didn’t expect him to start this kiss so strongly, but you definitely aren’t complaining. His other hand goes from your waist to your ass, grabbing it over your pants. You gasp in surprise, which interrupts the kiss.
He smiles. "Hi."
“Hi.” You try to catch your breath while he starts to kiss down your neck without warning. Your right hand trails up from his neck to his hair as you let out a low moan.
"Fuck." He starts sucking on a spot below your collarbone.
“Jesus, Bucky…” You try to sound as normal as possible. “Take a girl out to dinner first.”
"You want dinner?"
“Well, not right now.” 
"What do you want right now?" 
“Just keep doing what you were doing.”
He kisses you so sloppily, his hands going under your shirt without realizing. You wrap your hands around his neck and close the remaining distance between your bodies.
"Fuck, you taste so good."
“Maybe it’s the lipstick.” You joke and without letting him answer, you start to kiss him again, immediately using your tongue. He moans in the middle of the kiss and then opens his mouth a little further, inviting you in. Your hands go to the buttons of his shirt.
"Oh, fuck."
“Can I take this off?” You ask for permission the way he did before.
"Please." He is breathing slowly, looking at your hands
You take your time unbuttoning the shirt, testing his patience.
"Doll, please." His mouth finds your neck.
“Please what?”
“That part comes later,” You say with a suggestive tone and he snorts, leaving another kiss on your neck.
"Left you a few pretty marks." 
“Maybe I should give you some too.”
"Later." When you finally finish unbuttoning, he takes it off in a heartbeat. "Hope you won't hate me."
“For what?” He simply rips your shirt in half in response. “Bucky!” His hands grab your bra while you are still talking. “That was an expensive top!” 
"Was." He just rips off the bra, too. "Just like this was on you. Past tense.”
"Do not!" You lift your finger. "Rip off anything else!"
He bites that finger without hesitation, sucking in it further. You try to take your finger back. 
“Jesus Bucky, how am I gonna go back home now?”
"What? You want to go home?"
“I have to go home eventually, you know.”
"I have clothes, you know?" He starts to take off your belt. "Pants too." You can see he wants to get rid of them too.
“You want me to leave your house in your clothes?”
He kisses her. "What?"
You take a deep, annoyed breath. “Fine, I will worry about this later.”
"May I rip these too?"
“No. No more ripping, please.”
"Alright," he says disappointed but lets you take off your pants while he’s simply staring at your breasts.
“At least I have this to wear while going back home,” you say, swinging your underwear.
"You talk so much about leaving."
“Hmm, do I?”
"Yeah." He's obviously trying not to show he's upset, but he's failing. And this makes you happy… the fact he doesn’t want you to leave.
“Does it bother you?”
"No," he whispers and looks at his own pants. "I can just make you feel good, you know? No rush, then I'll drive you home as you want."
You reach for his pants and start to unbuckle it. “I have a mind that… keeps on worrying. I think about stuff I have to do later constantly, but there’s a way to turn it off. At least for a while.”
He tries to stop you. "I can make you feel good, drive you home and take you on a date tomorrow." 
You finally understand what he actually means. “What? No. That’s not what I want.”
"Okay. Just wanted to make sure you understand we can stop like any time."
“Oh, I know. I just don’t want to.”
"Okay." He smiles and lets his hands fall down.
“I feel like you are tiptoeing around me. Where’s that Bucky I see at these boring events every week?”
"He's here, just trying to do everything right. But I don't know what you mean by that Bucky."
"I mean that Bucky who doesn't hesitate."
"This is different though. I don't want you to think I am a douche, you know?" He sighs. "I don't want you uncomfortable."
"Your hesitation gives me anxiety. And I know you by now. You don't need to worry about that." You push his pants down and they pool around his ankles. Impatiently, he takes off his boxers himself and steps out of them.
"Alright then. Should we move to the bedroom?"
But you are too busy to finally look at him, all naked, to hear him. He looks better than you anticipated and that makes you even more eager to touch him.
He tries not to smile, but it's hard.
“Uhm… what?”
"Nothing, nothing. Keep going."
“Okay.” You move closer and start kissing him again. You grab him gently yet firmly and start moving your hand slowly, just to get him used to the feeling.
"Fuck." He moans against your lips. "Feels good."
You gently bite his lower lip while you keep moving your hand. It’s still slow, but you pay attention to grab his balls and brush against the tip, just to see his reactions
“Hmm?” You stop kissing him and look into his eyes as you decide to kneel down.
"Doll, no." He groans. "Fuck, I really dreamed about this, but let's go to bed."
“If you dreamed about it, why are you saying no?”
"Because we can do something else fun for you too."
“Oh, believe me, this is fun.” You take your tongue out, swiping it on the shaft from the bottom to the top, making him moan immediately. “Do you want me to stop?” You ask, your lower lip touching the tip. He doesn't even seem to hear you.
“Hmm…” And that’s your answer. You take the tip into your mouth, gently licking. "Oh, shit," He moans and without thinking he wraps his hand around your ponytail.
Your tongue swirls around the tip, occasionally swiping on that sensitive spot that makes him moan really loudly. "Holy fuck." He's fully playing with your hair now. "Baby, please..." He doesn't seem to know what he's begginh for though.
“Hmm?” You silently ask while your tongue keeps working on him.
"We should... stop."
You take your mouth off him for a second, just enough to ask: “Why?” Then you take him right back inside your mouth.
"I'm gonna come," he says a little embarrassed.
He might have wanted you to stop because of that, but you have no intention of doing it. You want him to feel good, so you grab the shaft, moving it up and down while you take your mouth off for a few more seconds.
“Then come.” 
Your tongue goes back to the tip, moving in sync with your hand. He can't even ask you if he should pull out because he's already coming in your mouth. You keep moving your head and hand until he finally hisses because of overstimulation.
You look at him while swallowing. “Yeah?”
"Thank you so much, I'm just... fuck me," he groans at the sight in front of him. There is something absolutely sinful about you like this. "I am just really sensitive."
“That’s normal.” You kiss his cock really gently on a spot that wouldn’t cause any discomfort. He lets go of your hair and smiles. You quickly wipe away that line of come dripping down to your chin before he helps you stand up and kisses you hard. You are already unbelievably wet, but the way he uses his tongue takes it to another level. He lifts you in his arms when you least expect and a yelp leaves your lips.
"Gonna take you to the bedroom."
“Yeah, okay.” You wrap your legs around his torso, trying to hide your excitement.
"I'm gonna eat you, okay?" He opens the door with his leg.
The way he says it sends shivers down your spine. You can feel the throbbing between your legs.
"You want to ride my face, pretty doll? Or do you want me on my knees?"
“God…” You think for a second, both options being tempting. “On your knees.”
"You want me on my knees? Want me to beg to eat your pussy?"
“Would you?”
"Beg for it?" He puffs. "For you? Of course."
“Jesus fucking Christ…”
"Just Bucky." He puts you down on the bed and kneels. You laugh a little. His nervousness is definitely fading away. He smiles and starts kissing below your knee. "Please, can I eat you, baby?"
“Oh god… I wanna hear that again.”
"I am begging. Please, allow me." He kisses all the way up.
“It’s all yours.”
He makes the most animalistic sound you've heard from his mouth before and lifts both of your legs over his shoulders.
"Gonna let me do it over and over again?"
“I might wanna do different things in between, but yes…” That makes him smile.
"Thank you." Then he finally starts licking at your entrance.
The first moan you let out sounds like you are trying to catch your breath. Bucky's fingers dig into your thighs when he properly enters you with his tongue.
“Oh god...” That feels amazing. He says nothing, trying to move his tongue around for a little while testing what you like. You instinctively move your hips a little, forcing his tongue closer to your clit.
"Fuck." You barely hear him say as he properly moves his mouth to your clit.
“Yess!” You shake with excitement. Bucky starts to flick his tongue gently on your clit, bringing his hand to your entrance. You don’t realize how you are moving your hips to create more friction. And he adds the first finger inside you without stopping his tongue motion. 
“Ahh, yes.” It sounds like you have been waiting for this forever. His free hand goes up just to squeeze and massage each breast as he adds his second finger.
“Bucky, fuck!” It feels like he’s everywhere. His flicks turn into full licks while his fingers move faster.
“I’m gonna- I’m gonna- come.” You can already feel your legs shaking. He continues the pace exactly like this and moans against your clit.
“Oh fuck. Oh fuckk. God, please- don’t stop. Please.” He doesn't stop, he couldn't even if he tried, eager to make you come.
After a few seconds, something snaps inside you and finally, you feel loose. Your whole body is shaking and you can’t get enough of the way he makes you feel. The movement of his tongue, the way his fingers move… And it doesn’t end quickly. No, he keeps going and you feel the same high over and over again until it’s too much to bear. You stop him by grabbing a handful of his hair.
“That was… incredible.” He smiles, raising his head enough for you to see how wet he is. “Jesus…” His beard is soaked. You had no idea you were that wet.
"Just Bucky." He repeats the same joke as he licks his lips.
“Your beard… it’s so wet.” You are too shocked to react to his joke.
"Wanna clean it for me?" He winks and god, he looks so charming.
“Come here.” You open your arms.
He hugs you immediately, his beard making contact directly with your breasts as he’s spreading your wetness all over them.
"Oops." He giggles. "Guess I have to clean up my mess."
You giggle, too. “You know you don’t need an excuse to suck my nipples, right?”
"What? This is not what I'm doing. I like to clean." 
And just like that, you feel Bucky's tongue all over your tits, making sure to avoid your nipples.
“Hmm… That feels good.” He bites a little the skin on your left breast, and you whine in response.
“A little.”
"Sorry, baby." He sucks a little around the bite as an apology.
"It's fine. Come here and gimme a kiss."
"No." He gets stubborn and he finally takes the first nipple into his mouth.
You grab his hair and force him away from your nipple. "You are so stubborn."
"You like pulling my hair."
"I was thinking about pulling it for a long time."
"Why didn't you?"
"Well, I touched it instead of pulling. On our first date." 
"Yes." He smiles giving you a small kiss. "Not enough."
“There’s no way I could pull your hair there, you know.”
"True. I would moan."
"You and me both." You giggle again.
"So you felt okay?"
He smiles. "More than okay?"
"You have no idea how okay that was."
"Probably not. You get to feel pleasure in ways I never will."
"Poor you. We should totally try to change that."
He snorts. "You want to suck me again? Or do you want to fuck me?"
"I want you to fuck me."
"Yeah?" He kisses your cheeks. "That's easy."
"Yeah?" Your hips move a little, rubbing against his erection. "Then what are you waiting for?"
"Gonna be right back." He tries to get up, but you stop him.
"Yep. Any preference?" 
"Yeah, none if possible."
Bucky looks at you confused. "What?” He thinks maybe you meant the flavor. “I can find one without it." 
"I meant no condom because I'm on the pill, so it's up to you."
"You sure?" You aren’t sure if he’s excited or surprised.
"Why wouldn't I be? As long as you are clean."
"Want me to bring my blood tests?"
You laugh a little because you know he means it and you couldn’t help but imagine him dutifully showing you the papers. "I will take your word for it, Mr. Barnes."
"Mr Barnes?" He repeats amused as he spreads your legs properly. "Are you gonna call me that when I come inside you, too?"
"Mr. Barnes sounds too formal for that. Gotta find something else for that moment."
He grabs and positions himself at your entrance. "I'm sure you're creative."
You push your hips impatiently. "I will find something fitting."
He enters you without waiting, but he's careful not to hurt you so he stops for a little. You throw your head back because of the way you feel with his cock inside you. A lower, nearly animalistic moan escapes your lips. 
"Oh god."
"Please move."
He kisses you gently as he finally starts to thrust slowly. You are so wet that he's moving so smoothly, dragging your walls every time he pulls back and then filling you up all over again.
"Aren't you a wet little doll?" He shifts his weight on his elbows that he places on both sides of your head.
"I’m so unbelievably wet." 
"Perfect." He buries his head into your neck and starts to move faster.
“I have been… imagining how… this would feel.”
"Did you dream about it?" He doesn’t miss the chance to ask that.
"Only once?" He tries not to sound disappointed, but he fails.
“Yeah, and I was surprised because I don’t dream about sex.”
"How?" He starts sucking harder.
“Ahh.” You moan softly. “During one of those fancy events.”
"Fuck." He lifts his head to look at you. "Did you dream of me fucking you in the closet? Or the baby changing room?"
“In a dark closet. Suddenly you are all over me.”
"Fucking you from behind? Or holding my baby?"
“You were holding me and- ahh. I was trying to- stay quiet. But- you kept fucking me- harder.” His hips move so fast now you can barely speak. 
"Did you scream?"
“I was about to, but I woke up suddenly.”
"Fuck." He groans. "The worst. Did you finish the job?"
“Yeah.” You breathe out. “I was so fucking wet.”
"Just...." He closes his eyes. "I'm imagining you using your little fingers under your panties to play with your clit- Shit."
“And it wasn’t enough.”
"No? Poor baby." He leans in to bite your bottom lip for a few seconds.
“It was frustrating.” You moan when he moves his hips a little harder. “Nowhere near… this.”
"Nothing like my cock? Like us?"
"God, can't wait to come inside you... to see you dripping."
“Shit, Bucky. You can’t just say things like that.” It makes you clench hard. You need to come. Now.
"Why not? So fucking hot." His thrusts slow down but become deeper at the same time. "Dripping down your thighs. Gonna clean that up for you and share it." He curses. "Gonna pass you my come in a kiss."
“Oh fuck.” His words, the image just pushes you over that edge. “I’m coming. Oh fuck, please don’t come. Not yet. Please.”
"Why not? Do you want me to pull out?" He teases.
“I need one more.” You say while shaking hard. “Just one more.”
"I'm right here," he whispers assuringly. “I'm inside you, not going anywhere. I dreamed about you too." He pauses to curse. "Fuck, I was fucking my bed."
“Tell me… tell me about it.” The orgasm keeps washing you in waves. Over and over again until it fades away.
"You were in my office at work. Came to talk about a gala or we were leaving from there, I don’t know. And we just... we were suddenly kissing and I was ripping off your dress. And I was simply fucking you all over the desk."
“How did it feel?”
"Not even close to this, but it was good. So good. I almost came in my sleep."
“You didn’t come?” You finally feel like your breath is going back to normal. 
"I stroked myself after I woke up and came. A lot."
“Made a big mess because of me?”
"Mhm." He brings his fingers to your lips. "And you weren't there to help me." 
“I’m here now.”
"Gonna help me this time?" His index finger plays with her bottom lip.
“Oh, I will.” You bite his finger gently. “And no mess this time. I’m here to take every drop of your come.”
"You sure you can?" He teases. "What if it's too much?"
“It’s all mine. I don’t care if it’s too much.”
"I'm all yours."
“Oh, Bucky.” You feel like you are melting. You kiss him on the lips passionately. “I’m all yours, too.”
"Yeah?" He smiles and starts thrusting faster. "Aren't you a pretty little doll? All mine, ready to take my come."
“Yours.” You repeat and that familiar pleasure starts to build up again, but you want to try something else. Something you have been imagining. “Can you… flip me over?”
"Sure," he answers a little surprised, and helps you move.
“I have been imagining how this would feel.”
"Thought you did it only once." 
“You know dreaming and imagining are different things, right?” You tease him. You can’t see his expression, but you know he made a face right after hearing your words.
"How many times did you imagine it?'
“Oh, who knows? A lot of times.”
"Tell me what did you imagine when we were like this." He squeezes your hips, so turned on to see your on all fours.
“You fucking me hard.”
"How hard?" He teases leaning in to kiss your back.
“As hard as you can.”
As soon as he starts to properly thrust inside you, a few gasps and whimpers leave his mouth. The positions opens you up in a different way. 
"God, this is... fuck me."
“Yeah, I would say- the same.” It’s hard to speak when he is pounding you like this.
"You're making such a mess on the bed, baby. Around my cock. God, so fucking wet."
“Should I apologize for the mess?” You ask cheekily because he seems so gone.
"You should." He squeezes your ass. "By making a bigger mess."
“I think- that’s- possible.”
"Yeah?" He fucks you even harder, properly using his knees and your hips. "You gonna come?" 
“Yeah! Please!”
"Please what?" 
“Please, daddy.” The words leave your lips before your mind can register them.
"Holy fuck, what did you just say?" He barely manages to keep going, just slowing down. He looks at you as if he doesn't know if he imagined something, and that's how you  realize what you said.
“Shit! I’m sorry. I’m really sorry.” You start to panic.
"Hey, baby." His voice is soft, assuring. "What are you sorry for?"
“I didn’t mean to say it out loud. I was just… thinking that.”
"God, baby." He tries to turn your head to look into your eyes by grabbing your chin and titling it up. "You think of me as your daddy?"
“Is it bad if I do?”
"Yeah, it's bad because I can come any second when you call me that." He kisses your forehead. "Be a good girl for daddy and try to come, okay?"
“God, Bucky.” You moan because of his words. You’ve imagine this, indeed, a lot of times, but hearing it? It’s something that can’t be described.
He pulls your hair. "Daddy."
“Oh, fuck.” It turns you on even more and you don’t know how that’s even possible. “Yes, daddy.”
"Did you imagine this, too?" He is leaving you breathless with the way he is pounding you, yet he still demands an answer. "Did you imagine calling me daddy while I fuck you like this?" 
“Yes.” You are so close to coming. So close that you can taste it. “I did- so many times.”
One of his hands finds your right breast and sqeezes. "Please, come for daddy. Gonna be a good girl and come?"
“Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Oh fuuckk, I’m coming!” The way your orgasm hits you makes you lose the last drop of control you had over your body. You can’t think of anything beside Bucky and how good he’s making you feel. His pace quickens for a second before he comes. He doesn't manage to warn you he's coming too, but he doesn't have to. His moan and the feeling of his come are enough.
He keeps it going until both of you finish and when you do, the only thing that you can hear is your loud breaths. Then you feel a trail of kisses all over your back.
“Oh my god,” you finally manage to speak.
"Just Bucky." He reaches your neck. "Or daddy."
You laugh. “God, you are so smug.”
"Smug?" He smiles and pokes your skin with his tongue. 
You turn around, finally fully facing him. “Yeah, daddy is real smug.” It feels so good to be able to call him that without worrying about anything else.
"Thank you."
“Who knew Bucky Barnes had a daddy kink?” You can’t help but say. 
"Not Bucky Barnes himself." He snorts.
“You just found out?”
"Yeah." He burst into laughter a bit embarrassed. He’s never thought about being called daddy before, especially not in bed, but with you? With you, it just makes sense. It feels hot.
“Oh god, I am so lucky.”
"Did you always have a daddy kink?"
“I didn’t even know I had one before meeting you.”
Bucky's smile is so big. "Fuck, I am the lucky one." He kisses you properly now, immediately trying to open your mouth by licking your bottom lip. 
“I thought I would freak you out, but look at you, fully embracing it.” 
"How could I not?"
“You liked it that much, daddy?” You wrap your arms around his neck playfully.
"God, I did. You're so hot when you say it. And the way you looked at me."
“How did I look at you?”
"Can't even explain it... I just wanna see that over and over again.”
“Well, you can.”
He scrunches his nose in the most adorable way possible. "Thank you."
“For what?”
"For everything. And for wanting me."
You frown because of that last part. “What does that even mean?” 
"Boring older man."
“Handsome older man, who I have been fantasizing about for a while.”
He giggles shily. "You make me sound like a dirty dream."
“Well, it’s because you are.”
"You are mine too."
“Lucky us.”
"You might never get rid off me." He kisses your forehead.
“I might be okay with that.”
It has been a while since you started to date Bucky. After that night, everything slowly started to fall into place. You found a great balance between your lives and your relationship, always making time for each other. You spend a lot of nights at his place. It doesn’t feel like his anymore, it feels like you are living together. Everything is so natural. 
“I just got the most unexpected call ever,” you say, still feeling fairly surprised by the job you got offered.
"What was it about?" Bucky is still in bed, surprisingly. He's usually the first the get up and go to the kitchen in the morning.
“Mrs. Moore called me to ask me if my bakery could do the catering for their next event.”
"Oh my god. That’s amazing."
“It is! But I am not sure if I can actually do it.”
Bucky frowns and immediately taps on the bed. "Come here."
You listen to him and continue talking while moving closer. “I haven’t given her the final answer yet, I acted like I need to check in to see if we are available, but the more I think about it, the more I notice how hard it would be.”
"I am gonna say something, but I don't think you'll like it."
“You will say you can help me out.”
"Yep." He gives you the biggest smile. "But it doesn't take away anything from your success or your efforts, okay? Just hear me out."
You take a deep breath. “Okay. I’m listening.” You have been warming up to the idea of him helping you. Maybe not financially, but he has been helping you. He has the best ideas and a great perspective. So you won’t say no to hearing him out.
He reaches to hold your hand. 
"Let me take care of the transport and hire the extra stuff who can serve at the party. I'll call a friend." He pauses. "Just this once, okay? You can curse me out later, bit let me help so you can get more jobs in the future. This is a great opportunity."
“How did you even know I needed help with transport?”
"Baby," Bucky giggles at your confused pouty face. "It's a first experience. You don't have employees for this and it's a big party." Then he shurgs, like it wasn’t that hard to guess.
“Transport, service staff, and extra place to store the food. These are the problems I need to solve if I wanna do this.” You list the things you need to be able to take this job.
"Is that a yes?"
“That’s an I am considering it.”
In response, he simply raises on his knees and kisses you, with his hands on your neck. "Good girl."
“I didn’t say yes yet!”
“If you assume I will say yes, it’s definitely gonna be a no.”
"No, I am very, very, very fucking horny right now."
“Just because I might say yes to your offer for help?”
Bucky blushes. "It's very hot. And I'm so hard..."
“Jesus… You really want a sugar baby, don’t you?” He must have. He loves the idea of taking care of your every need. That would explain why.
"I just like doing this for you."
“Do you like being useful or do you like spoiling?” You insist. You want him to say it.
He makes a sound from the back of his throat. "Can we just focus on you?"
“No, please… Tell me why exactly this turns you on.”
"I don't know." You see the sides of his neck getting red.
“But I wanna know.”
"Please, just..."
“Gimme an answer and I will give you one back.”
He takes a deep breath but doesn't look at you. "I just love spoiling you even though you don't let me."
You smile. “I might let you a little bit.”
"Just..." He sighs embarrassed. "Just ignore me, okay?"
“This is me… saying yes.” You spell it out for him.
"For my help?" He finally looks at you.
"Wow.” He sounds completely surprised. “This is... great." He tries to keep his emotions under control. "Then go ahead and uhm, call Moore back as I send a few messages, okay?"
“She can wait a little bit longer.” You gently grab his erection. He has gotten really excited just because you let him help you. It’s just unbelievable yet you love it. You love that he cares about you this much. “I need to take care of daddy first.”
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theoddest1 · 8 months
Let's Actually Talk About The Issues With Vivziepop
Okay, first off, hello you beautiful people! Sorry about this foreboding title, but I needed to catch y'all attention on this so I can break down the issues that I and many have with "Hazbin Hotel" and "Helluva Boss" creator, Vivienne Medrano. Now I am sure you all on here are already aware of at least a couple of the controversies that revolve around this particular creator and if you have seen my posts floating around already, some have been greeted with the problems surrounding her social media presence and just her overall as a person. I know seeing another callout on her seems very very tiring at this point, but I felt that a lot of the current callouts missed key details that were not at all addressed or properly delved on. I plan on shedding light on my issues with her and I hope you get where I am coming from when I say that she sucks.
Okay, I am starting off with Vivienne's blatant use of bully mentality, her agreeing or encouraging her fans to call people who see flaws in her works sub-humans or harass those who find issue or simply jest about her works trademark cussing and and overcrowded designs. She has had this issue for YEARS and refuses to grow up and act her age despite many telling her, even her own fans at times, that she shouldn't be acting so unprofessionally. Clearly, she doesn't care and thanks to her fanbase caring more about her feelings than her being better she feels as though she doesn't need to change or do better. This goes for her friend group as well, who defend her tremendously and act as though she is never in the wrong. Name one time a friend of hers called her out for acting childish, I'll wait.
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Now, you're probably wondering, "Wtf could they have done to warrant such a response?"
Criticism...That's all they did. (White Text is random peeps they would speak with or maybe mutuals)
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Keep in mind...they used to be a fan as well. They were also a minor at this point
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But, Viv doesn't care, this person's critical yet harmless tweets about her shows is what lead to her painting them in a horrible light and making them out to be someone who has attacked her personally and as "nasty".
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Rich coming from Viv since she is completely fine doing exactly that for "Ava's Demon". Not only does she criticize it, she takes a shot at the creator as well, but GOD FORBID others do the same towards her.
And according to someone who knew her well, it's all cause they felt creeped out by her.
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Her hatred for criticism is so prominent that Ima makes that a section of its own. But let's get back on the topic of bullying.
Vivienne has a fanbase filled to the brim with pushy and overall annoying individuals who have harassed, threatened, disrespected, and wished harm on many people, all cause someone had a negative thing to say about Vivziepop's mid af show. One of the earlier known instances is the one revolving around a MEME of all things.
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This was what started it all, and it led to both parties blocking each other and people being mad pushy and calling them an idiot and the like over their opinions. Now look, their take and you're opinion on said take is fine so long as you stay respectful and humane about it all, but don't dogpike someone all cause they think HH sucks. And while Viv can not control her fanbase, for they are not a hivemind (some of y'all act it tho, ima keep it real) she is seen here ENCOURAGING the behavior. Tell me how someone who doesn't even like your trash ass show has the sense to tell people not to harass others, someone with a smaller following, but not your grown damn near 30 year old ass?
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Oh, but people wanna act like she can handle criticism, is a sweet person, and grew from her past experiences. Fam, she was 27 in this screenshot [December 16, 2019] and has shown no change from 2013 to fucking 2024. Over a decade of the same petty ass behavior, and keep in mind, according to several of her old friends and workers, she is worse behind close doors. WORSE. She's already acting like she got no damn sense out in the open, imagine behind closed doors.
Last but not least, a glimpse into her outright blatant slander towards Dollcreep, a once good friend of hers that she even visited and spoke with frequently!
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She stated that they fetishized pedophilia yet according to the victim and friends of the victim who were once friends with Viv as well, Viv actually threatened to end their friendship if he hadn't drawn NSFW art of her character and his character having sex [Addi was 15 at the time this was drawn]
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On top of that, she liked the post, something she didn't need to do. The art also depicted things she had regularly drawn on her own. Addi being tied up forcefully, being sexualized, being harmed to some degree through bondage, etc. The claim that she forced DC to draw this out is backed up by her own art depicting similar elements. Also, if my memory serves me well, Viv and Doll were 17-18 years old [Doll was 17 Viv 18] and have a 1-year age gap. The way Viv frames things here is as if DC was way older and imposed some sort of power over DC, which sources say otherwise. If anything, Viv had a LOT of control throughout all of this drama, which deserves its own section.
I'll be making posts that talk about the different issues regarding Viv, so one post isn't too long (this one is already lengthy enough) and that you can just pick at one post targeting certain issues around this creator.
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kiddiewrites · 3 months
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First Post
Sooooo this is the first fanfic I write, the current obsession is Call of Duty. Have I ever played the game?? No. Am I gonna play the game? Yes, I've downloaded the mobile version :D. Do the characters match their game personality? Probably not, the only source I have of them are other fanfics and edits I saw on tiktok JAJAJAJA.
Angst, T.F.141 x reader, Platonic!T.F.141 x reader, HURT, bit of OOC T.F. 141, pining!reader, bit of a sad ending, drunk confessions, overheard conversations, PAAAAAAAIIIIN (maybe I’m just projecting Enlgish is my second language so please be kind xd
∞ Command me to be well ∞
“There is no sweeter innocence, than our gentle sin”
In all honesty, you weren’t supposed to be there. You should’ve been in the med bay, you should’ve been filing reports on the last mission and updating medical records.
You’ve been assigned to Task Force 141 as their base doctor, having no experience in the field you remained back in HQ until they came back from deployment. You quickly realized they didn’t fully trust you as a doctor, whether it was due to your civilian background or a misjudgement of your abilities, you never knew and frankly you didn’t want to. You tried not to be a bother, you knew their job was hard as it was, so you tried a friendlier approach, making sure to try and interact with them if even at a minimum. 
Instead, you were faced with a hard cold truth, one that you hoped had vanished with a few friendlier words in your direction… you weren’t wanted.
Time seemed to move slower as the last few minutes replayed in your mind. 
The guys were sharing a much needed drink after a rather difficult mission. Letting the façade fall down for a bit, the whiskey loosening tongues and bringing to the surface feelings that could no longer be held down.
You were walking down the hallway that led to Price’s office, a bit of a pep to your walk and a container of baked goods in one hand and the files that needed his signature on the other. You knew they’d be a bit peckish after their mission so you thought ahead and brought some pastries that you knew they liked, even though Simon always said that those were more sugar than bread. In an instant the door to the Captain's office was at reach so you balanced the files over the container. 
-She’s jus so fecking annoying, y’know ?-
You stopped right when you were about to knock on the door, hand midair. 
-I ge’ tha’ we’re suppose to get along seein tha shes the fecking doctor- 
What?  Your breathing stopped and your body shivered
-Bu’ I jus can’t seem to tolerate’ er- the voices seemed a bit muffled by the closed door but still the volume was loud enough for you to hear… Listening as you stood there frozen, wishing that you couldn’t. 
-C’mon Johnny, she can be a bi’ annoying, sure.- Ouch 
-Bu’ she does ‘er job properly and at the end o’ the day, tha’s why she’s ‘ere fo’. - 
Kyle seemed to try and reason with him but even his own voice sounded strained. 
The beating of your heart going wild with every second that passed, your eyes stinging with unshed tears. They couldn’t refer to you right? Maybe, maybe it was someone else on their mission…
-Y/N does a good job, lads.- That’s the captain’s voice… Fuck…
-I get tha’, is jus… she keeps sticking t’ us like feckin glue everywhere we go- Oh no…
The tears were freely flowing now, not wanting to believe what you were hearing, sure you weren’t the most serious person but you never thought that would be a problem, specially after everything you’ve done with and for them. 
-Maybe you’ should stop inviting ‘er everywhere with us then- 
-Is no’ like I want to, Lt.  Bu’ she jus… pops ‘ere everytime I try and talk to all o’ you .- 
“Maybe I should go… But… my legs are not moving” 
-S’ your fault for flirting wi’ er when she came roun’ the firs time- Kyle was annoyed, months of interaction helping you to recognize the tone in their voices.
-Y’kno tha’ he does tha’ to everyone.- Simon sounded so sincere that you couldn’t help to feel stupid, as if you were just a joke. Another one of the bunch… 
-Lads, c’mon… She’s jus’ doin her job- Price was tired and he could already feel a headache starting to form in the back of his head.
-She’s a nice girl, ‘sides you kno’ tha’ i couldn’ stop Laswell for saddling ‘er with us- 
That was it, you never thought that they didn’t want you. They were a bit standoff-ish in the first few weeks or so but that was because they didn't know you… right? They were a tight-knit group, it was perfectly natural to not trust an outsider with their health, right? 
They became friendlier in the last weeks, actually letting you patch them up rather than doing it themselves when you weren’t in the med bay. The first one that apparently seemed friendly to you was Johnny, making you blush with his flirtatious ways but at least making you glad that he was starting to open up a bit, Kyle and Price being a bit on the quiet side but at least no longer just completely silent while you fixed them up and Simon… well he was still not talking to you or acknowledging you.
Knowing that all of your efforts were for nothing made you feel useless, it had nothing to do with your job, you knew you were good otherwise you wouldn’t have been assigned to the 141. 
So with a deep breath and a new goal in mind,  you turned away and left files in one hand and a slightly crushed box of pastries.
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“In the madness and soil, of that sad earthly scene”
You didn’t sleep a wink since that moment, pouring yourself over the medical files that needed your approval for final submission.
You were so deep in thought, that you didn’t hear the knocks at your door, only looking up when you heard a cough to get your attention. 
There stood your captain, looking very tired and you already could see the headache seeping into his usual calm demeanor. 
The urge to offer him a tea cup or a mild remedy for his head crossed your mind, he looked really tired but after what you heard last night you just couldn’t bring yourself to do so. 
- Is there something you needed, captain?- your voice came out a little bit tired and sharper than usual, something that didn’t went unnoticed by the captain
-Yeah, kid. The reports from the last mission, do you have’ em?- He narrowed his eyes a bit at you, as if trying to figure out what happened. 
-Sure, let me get them for you- you stood up and moved to the cabinet next to your desk, there you took them off next to where the box of pastries remained intact and went ahead to give the to  the captain. 
- Here, all of the medical procedures and recent injuries are already stated. All they need is your approval so your medical history can be updated in due course- 
You handed him the files and turned to look at him, his face was a mix of confusion and slight annoyance. This side of you was new to him and he didn’t quite like it, where once you were all smiles and cheerful disposition now stood a sad look and a blank face, as if the very sunshine was taken from you. 
-Is everything all righ’, kid?- he found himself asking, you sighed loudly and headed back to your desk.
-Don’t worry about me, captain. Is just a rough patch, that’s all- You sat down and started to go over the files laid out before you.
-Alrigh’, if you need anything…- he watched you for a few seconds and then turned away and left.
A sour mood was felt across the base and from the interaction each of them had with you over the course of the week … there was definitely something wrong. 
Johnny tried flirting with you, but instead of being all giggles and blushing mess you just looked at him with a tight lip smile and continued as if he never talked to you, even when Kyle came in to your office for a quick fix up of his most recent stitches you remained completely silent, only talking to give him instructions on how to take care of his injuries and when to take his pain meds. Price’s office was a bit quieter than usual, without your usual self trying to warm up to him with an equally warm cup of tea or coffee in hand to help him through his headaches, even Simon felt the shift in your behavior, when crossing in the hallways or the break room being greeted with nothing more than a call of his rank and quickly leaving. 
The boys went into the cafeteria that same week and were surprised to see that while to the other soldiers you were still friendly and smiley, to them you were nonchalant and seemed almost way too professional. And that was upsetting everyone, so when you finished your lunch and went back to your office, files and coffee in hand they all decided that enough was enough.
You hadn't even finished entering your office when the four men burst in right behind you. You turned around with a scared look and a squeak of surprise at the sudden intrusion, the coffee almost falling from your grip and the files clutched to your chest. The boys all looked at you with a mix of annoyance and betrayal and you felt small, very very small. 
-What the hell is wrong with you?- your voice was a bit raised from the fright you were still recovering from, as you walked to your desk to leave the files and the coffee, Johnny spoke up. 
-Us? Wha’ e’ ‘ell is wrong wit you?- You turned around with a very deep frown etched into your face. 
-What are you talking about? You’re the ones that burst into my office like a pack of wild animals.- A very annoyed Johnny stepped right up until he was face to face with you. 
-Johnny calm down, mate.- Gaz’s voice was heard over Johnny’s loud breathing. 
-No, no’ until she’s told us jus’ wha’ in the living fuck is wrong- His voice was dangerously low, and it was fucking terrifying. 
-First of, back the fuck off, sargeant. I may be just a bloody fucking nuisance but i’m a doctor and I will break every bone in your body while naming them- A surprised look flashed through everyone’s faces, you’ve never talked to them like that before, and when Johnny didn’t seem to back off, you pushed with all your might and managed to make him to stumble back a bit. 
At that moment Ghost approached him and held him before he could fall, but the look he gave you, was right down murderous. A chill ran down your spine and your instincts screamed at you to run but your legs didn’t seem to work. Price at seeing the angry look on both of your faces quickly stood in front of everyone and yelled at both of you to cut it out. 
-Y/LN, you’ll apologize this instant or you’ll be subject to a reprimand for assaulting a ranking officer.- Price knew at the moment those words left his lips… he’d fucked up. 
-Excuse me?- You turned to look at him, furious. The nerve of these men…
-You think that you can burst into my office, to then demand an answer for which I do not know the fucking question to and THEN reprimand me for protecting myself against a man that got way into my personal space?- 
Your voice was raised, you were very very pissed off and the boys knew it, they knew they weren’t the best when it came to you, almost neglecting your care due to years and years of trust issues. They knew it wasn’t fair to you, but still when the only ones taking care of them were themselves, they just couldn’t trust you completely.
- I have tried SO hard to have you guys to trust me, GOD KNOWS I’VE TRIED and you won’t let me.- You felt the tears well up in the corners of your eyes and the faces of shock in the squad just made you feel worse. 
You hated yourself for crying, but the anger in you, the betrayal and the sadness were all out there now, so might as well just tell them everything. 
-I know I’m pathetic to you, I know that you think I’m… how you put it, Sergeant MacTavish?- At the mention of his name he looked up at you - “so fucking annoying”, I think was the term used.- His eyes widened, he knew exactly what you were talking about and the others seemed to remember the conversation they had a few days prior. 
-You’ eard o’r conversation?- Gaz seemed a bit angry and confused, how the hell could you have heard them if you weren’t supposed to be in the building. 
-Yes… I know it was wrong… I needed the captain’s signature on all of your files so your medical records could be updated..- The realization dawned on the captain, that’s why you were so down the next day… You heard everything. 
- But… I guess it was ultimately for the best- Your voice a whisper as you looked at them. 
-If you’re that unsatisfied with my care, I’ll ask the brass for a transfer.- The determined look on your face was like a slap in their faces, you were really going to leave them. They needed to fix this but neither of them said anything, you took a deep breath and left the office, leaving the four men standing dumbfounded in your office.
“What in the actual fuck just happened?” a thought, accompanied with the memory of utter anger and sadness in your face that will hunt the squad for the rest of their lives. 
They needed to fix it… soon. 
“Only then I am human, only then I am clean”
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SOOOOOOO this was my first piece, i'm really sorry if it’s not the best so please forgive me jajaja.
If you liked it please like and reblog, I would like to keep writing and knowing you like it will make me very happy.
Jejejeje feedback is appreciated <3
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justrikiss · 3 months
hiii i was wondering if you could do a fic where reader and dally are at bucks drinking and having fun and reader is sitting on dallys lap while he plays poker or something with some random guys and she's just so fixated on his hands. like, she's playing around with the rings on his fingers, playing with his fingers, tracing his veins, anything. and dally being his cocky self is like "you sure do like my hands, huh doll?" and she gets all shy and clingy and stuff and after awhile they eventually go up to dallys room and cuddle (sorry if this is too specific lmao😣)
handsy - dallas winston
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in which: yn just can't stop playing with dallas' fingers..and of course he notices. requested by @mattdillonwhore
a/n: no bc I ACTUALLY LOVE THIS IDEA.. i feel like dallas would def get so cocky to yn cause it's literally his nature?? also he loves to see yn get flustered or embarrassed IT'S JS SO DALLAS CODED. PLEASEE send more reqs i actually love this SO MUCH. also warning there's a lil makeout scene but nothing too crazy😋! this ff is so much shorter than my other one wtf i did not execute properly..
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being at buck's was nothing out of the ordinary for you and dally on the average night. drinks getting passed around, red neon lights filling the atmosphere, the smell of cigarettes lingering in the air, it was all a regular for you and dallas.
you sat on dallas' lap as he played poker with some other guys from the town. trying to fixate on something so you wouldn't be so bored you fell asleep, your eyes landed on to dally's hands.
something about his hands attracted you..the rings on his fingers and the veins leading up to his bicep, all of it tempted you in a way. you began to just play with his rings, turning them and examining them.
and this wasn't something new either, dallas was very used to you finding interest in his rings. hell, sometimes he'd even let you wear them. not for long though.
then your eyes trailed up to his veins, slowly running your fingers over each one of them, following the path they led up to his arms. and you did this to each one, taking what seemed like mental notes in your head about his veins. which one was bigger, which one felt best, which was your favorite, and all things related.
dallas kept an intense focus on his poker game though, his bets were important to him and he hadn't really realized what you'd occupied yourself with.
that was until he shifted his attention to you for a moment, examining how you'd play with his rings and trace his veins. finally, he spoke "didn't know my hands were that interesting. you sure do like 'em, huh doll?"
your stomach dropped and cheeks flushed as you'd heard dallas. you moved your hands back onto your lap as well. "no need to be shy, it's alright. nothin' but you gettin a little handsy, can't say i don't like it doll." dallas smirked. his cockiness was apparent to you, only making you even more flustered than before. dallas' smirk only deepened, turning into a cocky grin.
"dallll" you whined, looking down at your lap. dallas let out a laugh as he raised your chin "look at me doll." he smirked. you looked at him as he pulled you into a kiss. he only deepened the kiss as you two sat there.
"hey man, get a room!" one guy from the other side of the table yelled, causing you two to split apart. "alright alright, not my fault i just wanna show some lovin' to my broad." dallas said putting his hands up in defeat. "if you're gonna suck faces then get outta here" another guy added, throwing his poker chips onto the table "hey man watch your tone with me, alright? you probably wish this was you huh?" dallas snapped back at the guys. you knew this was your queue to intervene before things got serious as the man stood up yelling to dallas a little louder.
"dal, let's just go upstairs to your room alright? he's not worth fighting for." you said to dallas, putting your hands on his chest and pushing him back. "yeah yeah, man i hate guys like that..total jerks you know? man he's lucky you stopped me, cause if not i would've-" "enough dal." you interrupted him mid sentence, sensing that he was only starting to grow annoyed.
dallas let out a huff before he'd raised his head, as if a lightbub went off in his head. "hey, now i remember why we're even up here" he said, opening the door to his room. "someone couldn't keep her hands to herself, ain't that right? ya like my hands, doll?" his new york accent rang thick as he spoke. the flushed expression had returned to your face, looking down to your feet to avoid eye contact with dallas.
"c'mere" dallas said, sitting on his mattress. you did as he said as he pulled you into his lap, immediately kissing you. the kiss became more passionate by the moment, dallas letting his hands roam around his waist as you wrapped your hands around his neck and played with his hair.
this lasted for what seemed like forever before you'd both pulled away, nearly gasping for air.
"let's go to bed dal" you said, plopping down beside him on the mattress. "yeah, y'know maybe when you sleep you'll even dream about my hands." dallas joked as he laid beside you, wrapping his arms around you. "haha very funny..night dal." you slurred before falling asleep. "night, doll." dallas replied, drifting off just as you'd done.
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Death of Me
It was official. You were going to murder your husband. How many times had you told him to be careful. To not put himself in harms way anymore than absolutely necessary. He’d always tell you not to worry while giving you that damn smile that had you believing every word he said. And now you were rushing to the hospital for the second time in the month because of a phone call letting you know that Jethro had been hurt.
Tim met you in the hospital lobby, bypassing the check in and you both entered the elevators.
“How bad is it Tim?”
“Well he’s recovered from worse but you’ll definitely need to keep him from overdoing it for a few days.”
You gave him a look before speaking. “Yeah. And I’ll teach him to speak Mandarin while I’m at it.”
Tim led you out of the elevators and down the hall to his room but stopped you before you headed in.
“Just a heads up. Since he came out of surgery, he’s been a little out of it. I think the Morphine is really kicking his ass.”
“Hm. Well better that than me. Thanks Tim.”
You gave him a grateful hug and walked into the dim hospital room. As soon as your eyes fell on him, all anger dissipated. He was asleep, shirtless and left shoulder bandaged up. His face was relaxed and breaths steady, letting you know he was genuinely getting some good rest.
Not wanting to wake him up, you quietly brought a chair over and settled in it before gently taking his hand in yours. Of course even a morphine induced nap couldn’t keep him from his hypersensitive senses as he stirred, eyes fluttered open. He looked around the room before his sapphire blue eyes fell on you and stared a second before chucking to himself.
“What’s so funny?” you asked, amused.
“My wife is gonna kill me.”
He might not have recognized you in his state of delirium but at least he knew he had a wife. You decided to play along, not seeing the hurt.
“Oh yeah? Because you’re in the hospital for the 2nd time this month due to your over brazen behavior?” you tried hinting, wondering if it would bring back some lucidity.
“Nope. Because you’re holding my hand. And she haaates when other women touch me.”
Now it was your turn to chuckle. “Well she probably just loves you too much to share you with anyone else.”
He nodded and let go of your hand, placing it on his chest while taking a deep breath.
“Yeah. She loves me. Even when I don’t deserve it..She’s great..I wish she was here..”
Your heart broke at his melancholy words, not wanting him to think you wouldn’t show up to visit and couldn’t help but reach out to touch his arm.
“Jethro. I’m your wife.”
“Right. And I’m the king of Shri Lanka,” he joked.
There wasn’t much you could do if he wasn’t coherent enough so you settled for just sitting there next to him. After a couple of minutes he fell back asleep and you took the opportunity to take his hand in yours again.
“Y/N?” someone spoke, waking you out of your nap. You picked your head up from the side of Jethro’s bed and saw him looking at you in slight confusion.
“Hey Gunny,” you greeted lovingly, sitting up and grimacing at the stiffness.
“Have you been here the whole time? What time is it?”
“It’s around 6pm. You’ve been asleep since about this afternoon. Surgery went really well, I’m sure you’ll be up and chasing more bad guys again in the next couple weeks.”
You got up to pour him a cup of water as he went to try and lift his bad arm, wincing immediately, making you roll your eyes at his stubbornness.
“I don’t care if I have to lock you in your basement for the next week Jethro but you’re going to let your shoulder heal properly,” you threatened, handing him the water.
“A week isn’t necessary-
You shut him down with a look that rivaled his own and he sighed in defeat.
“Oh by the way, do you remember talking with me earlier?” you asked curiously.
“No. What did I say?”
You laughed at the apprehension in his voice and took his empty cup to set it on the table.
“Well you had no idea who I was. And chastised me for touching you, saying your wife wouldn’t be happy about it.”
“Mm. I’d say that gets me a point in the honorable husband category,” he stated proudly.
You laughed and nodded. “You’re absolutely right. How about I make my famous Chicken Parm for us tonight?”
“I’ve got nothing else to do,” he responded with a small smile.
“Damn right you don’t.”
You gave him a well waited kiss and thanked the universe for the moment. You don’t know what you would do without him and you hope to never find out.
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bonny-kookoo · 1 year
Hi Bonny! I adore your writing so much! 🫶🏻 I wonder how ILY Jungkook got into buying toys for YN for sexy time. Was there a discussion prior? Can you write something on it especially how he used the remote control vibrator with her? Were they at home or outside? Or just chilling? Thank you! 🙈
A/N: My all-time favorite horny-couple, thanks for requesting something for them haha
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Jungkook is like a Pokémon. He's evolving with every day, gaining experience and leveling up with every single hour he's alive- becoming more and more powerful, while staying oddly cute at the same time. If you had to compare him to one, you'd probably choose something like Dragonite, with his big round eyes and powerful body.
Maybe he'd even be the shiny version. Rare and special.
But right now, he's just so- uniquely Jungkook again, as he unboxes the white box with the distinctive writing on the front, fingers trying to find the tape holding everything shut, a pout on his lips. His glasses are sliding down a bit, hair pulled back with one of your hairties, and he's just.. almost innocent looking, sitting there at the kitchen table.
Innocent- if he wasn't unboxing a fucking sex-toy he'd bought for you online.
"Ah, there." He finally finds the tape, ripping it off before he opens the box, the toy safely tucked away in a velvet little bag he unties, to take out the hot pink object for him to inspect. "Oh, that feels nice.." He hums, fingers feeling the smooth surface while you're completely in awe, watching him just.. act as if this is the most normal thing in the world. "You mentioned it, I think, and it was on discount online-" He explains, taking out the instructions before he unlocks his phone to install the app connected to the toy.
That's the thing with Jungkook you still have to learn. Once you mention something to him- something you'd like to do, or something you want, he will almost always try to either buy that thing, do what you'd mentioned with him, or find something close to it instead, if what you wish for isn't in reach for him.
"Jungkook- those are expensive-" You say, sitting down on the kitchen table close to him, while he sets up the device, getting a bit startled when it buzzes to life for a second.
"Oh, it needs to charge first." He says, taking out the charger, that distinctive pout present yet again as he tries to understand the magnetic charging port. "We can try it out some other time when you like. The reviews were good and it wasn't as expensive as they usually are either-" He hums, as you move to sit on his lap, his arms almost instinctively wrapping around you to keep you in place.
"You always listen to me so well, Jungkookie.." You hum into his chest, leaning your head on his shoulder. "You don't have to do stuff like this to make me happy- you know that right?" You ask, and he nods, a hand on your back while the other makes sure to properly connect the charger, red LED glowing to indicate it's status.
"I know." He shrugs. "Take this as.. something for us both." He jokes, before you adjust your legs a little, accidentally sitting right on his crotch in a way that's clearly not comfortable. "Aw fuck!" He laughs, and you can't help but laugh as well.
"God Jungkook, your dick always get's in between our fluffy moments!" You complain, and he rolls his eyes, hands under your thighs adjusting you once more so you don't hurt him. "How did touching a toy make you half-hard again?" You argue, and he instantly gets defensive, scoffing at you.
"I'm not even remotely hard, what are you talking about!" He denies, and you squint your eyes at him suspiciously. "Honestly!" He says, and you lean back at that, arms crossed, shamelessly looking between his legs. You tend to forget that he's pretty.. impressive, even when he isn't hard at all. He's not just a grower, after all.
"Why not?" You suddenly say, and he's taken aback by it for a second. "After all, your princess-perfect-hot-as-fuck-girlfriend is literally on your lap right now." You accuse him, used to playing around like this-
but instead of being shy, your Pokémon-boyfriend must've evolved yet again when you weren't looking. Because he instead helps you sit on the table right in front of him, his hands tugging down your shorts and underwear, not even bothering to tug them off your ankles as he leans forwards, tongue wetting his lips.
"Well right now, she's sitting on the table." He corrects you, and you're still too stunned to speak as he spreads your legs, before he tucks your shirt underneath your bra to keep it out of the way. "Looking like a full-course meal.." he hums, before he pushes his chair back a bit to have better leverage, slowly leaning forwards, after he puts his glasses down next to you on the kitchen table.
"..and I'm feeling really hungry right now."
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urm0o0m · 7 months
"You Belong To Me"
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Synopsis: You were in a cult. A cult that was led by Geto Suguru. Although some people wanted to leave and others just lived, you were die-hard. You’d do anything this man said. If he told you to jump, you’d jump and touch the clouds. Suguru noticed this and decided to reward your “good behavior” as you were also at the age where you had to get married and bear children.
Content Warning: Cult ideations, Impact play/slapping, fingering, riding, sorta brain rot, edging, Virgin reader!, begging, praise, degradation, crying, marking 𓂃 ࣪˖ ཐིཋྀ
You suck in a deep breath of air, trying to steady your hands. You stood there, in front of these two big wooden doors dressed in a version of Oiran attire. White face make-up, extravagant hairdo and accessories and your best kimono paired with the wooden sandals that boost your height. You push open the door to see your leader, Geto sitting on the ground on top of a mat. You walk into the room, the door closing behind you. You bow your head, sitting down opposite to him.
“y/n” Suguru says and your face grows hot. “Yes My Lord?” A smirk plasters itself on his face. “So you’re at the age where it’s time for you to marry and bear children for the sake of our beliefs” You swallow and a frown makes its way onto your face before returning to a smile. You couldn’t see yourself with anyone, let alone give birth to children. “I suppose so My Lord” Geto smiles at you before saying “We will be sure to find you a suitable mate” Your face cringes at the sound of being married.
“What’s the matter y/n?” Suguru asks. “Nothing My Lord” You say, head hanging low. Geto’s hand reaches for your chin before pulling your head up, his eyes locking with yours. “Do you not wish to be married? Did you not vow to give your everything including your body when you became a part of this family? Didn’t you?” You swallow again before nodding. “Is it that you believe you are too good for any of the men here? That you-” “N-no My Lord I would never-” His hand grips your jaw. 
“Do not speak out of turn again.” You nod. “I bet you believe that your body is a temple and that it belongs to you and you only. But I hate to break it to you but your body belongs to me. Am I understood?” You nod. “Speak” “Y-yes My Lord!” Suguru rises and helps you stand as well. You stand before him and you feel your kimonos bow being loosened, the clothing falling to the ground. Geto takes his clothes off and you finally realize how goddamn sexy this man is. 
Your eyes begin trailing down his body and you finally see his hard-on. You almost begin drooling at the sight of his cock. You haven’t seen a guy's penis before but you know that his size is not average. Geto looks like his erection would split you in two if he put it in. Hell, you don’t even think it would fit. Geto grabs your hand, guiding your naked body to the futon that resides on the floor. The raven-haired male lays you down, his lips finding yours.
 As you both kiss, tongues dancing a sinful dance, his hands begin to roam your body, fingers dancing upon your skin before they reach your thighs. Your thighs finally part, allowing him to reach your core. “God y/n. Your fucking soaked” You blush, looking away. “I’m going to treat you properly. I might even make you my wife for your obedient behavior” Those words go straight to your cunt. Now you have to show off and do your best for him. You wanted to be his wife after all. 
You were the only person who you thought really deserved him. But if he didn’t feel the same and married you off to someone else, you’d do it. You’d bear your husband's children. All for the sake of your esteemed leader. Before you realize it Geto’s finger slip inside of you, causing you to moan out. His free hand covers your mouth. “You wouldn’t want anyone to hear you moan like a slut? If someone came in here and saw this you’d be ruined. You wouldn’t be married. Imagine that disappointment to your parents” 
You swallow, nodding and he smiles, his fingers curling up and pressing into your g-spot. You groan, trying to keep your noises to a minimum. You whine before feeling your back arching up. God you felt so embarrassed with how fast you were coming undone. You never even came this fast when you touched yourself but it’s just something about his touch that made you feel like you were losing your mind. Your breathing becomes shallow and your legs start to shake when Geto pulls his fingers out of you. 
“Already going to cum? I haven’t even been fingering you for ten minutes pretty girl” You whimper before saying “P-please~ Don’t t-tease me My Lord” Suguru slaps you before saying “I’ll do whatever I please. Who are you to stop me?” You groan before saying “I-I’m sorry My Lord! You just m-make me feel so good” He smiles, his fingers going back to working your g-spot. Your eyes begin to water as you try and hold in your orgasm. “You’re not allowed to cum. Not yet. I want you to hold it, baby. Just a little longer then you can cum all over my fingers”
Your legs begin to shake and your back arches. Tears slip from your eyes as Suguru’s free hand rubs against your clit. Your nails dig into his muscular forearm, leaving small marks in the shape of little crescents from your fingernails. “I-I don’t think I can hold it anymore! Please just let me cum for you!” Suguru chuckles against your neck. “Come on, beg a little more. I like it when you beg” You groan, trying to keep your composure and try not to focus on the overwhelming pleasure ripping through your body. 
You find yourself grinding against his finger and  he slips them out of your cunt again and you whine. “Didn’t I tell you to beg for it y/n?” You swallow, nodding your head. “I mean if you don’t want to cum then-” You shake your head. “N-No! Please My Lord I…” Your voice trails off. You can’t believe you were going to say something this lewd. “P-please let- let me cum for you My Lord. Let me make a mess all o-over your fingers!” Suguru laughs before slipping his pointer and middle fingers back inside of you, his thumb adding pressure to your clit.
Your eyes widen as you feel your orgasm growing closer and closer, Geto momentarily edging you making the feeling that much more intense. You groan out, trying to stifle the noise of your moans somehow. Suguru’s hot breath tickles your ear as he whispers. “Let go. Let go and cum for me my pretty obedient whore” Your back arches off of the futon and your orgasm washes over your body. 
Geto takes a moment to absorb this moment. The look on your face. God, He could look at you forever. Your tear-stained cheeks; flushed out face; chest rising and falling. Suguru slides his fingers out of your cunt, inserts his fingers into his mouth, tasting your ecstasy. Without warning, Geto pulls your shaky thighs apart without needing to use much force and he aligns himself up with your slit, causing you to panic slightly. Suguru takes notice of the panic engraved into your face.
“What’s the matter?” He inquires softly. “I-I’m not… I don’t think it’s gonna fit” You say, rather anxiously. “I’ll go slow at first, let you get used to it. Or I might not. All depends on how tight your pretty pussy is” You shudder as Suguru’s tip pokes at your hole, causing you to pull away slightly but his grip on your waist holds you in place. “Just relax Doll. As long as you keep still and let me put it in, I’ll make you feel really good. Alright?”
 You shudder as his tip pokes at your hole. Geto slowly slides the head in, causing you to immediately tighten around him. “Relax your body, Love” Suguru says, as he stops himself from moving anymore. You relax, but that doesn't make it easier for him to push inside of you. Suguru begins to grow impatient, completely bottoming out inside of you, tearing your hymen. You scream out, body convulsing as you find yourself unable to focus on anything but the pain. Geto places his hand over your mouth, muffling your screams and whimpers.
“Shh. It’s okay baby. You wouldn’t let me in so I had to” He says, his fingers stroking the side of your face. Geto’s hand then trails down your body, reaching your clit and slightly rubbing it. The mixture of pain and pleasure causes you to see stars. “S-so good~” You whimper, as your chest rises and falls rapidly. Suguru groans, trying not to pick up his pace. Although due to the tightness of your cunt, it slowly weakens his resolve.
You find your hips slightly bucking up at the feeling of his tip slipping into your cervix with each thrust, practically knocking the wind straight out of your lungs. Both the pleasure and small hints of pain that had begun to fade from the original intrusion began to fade, leaving only pleasure in its wake. You knew his cock was ruining you. Your cunt would be stretched out to fit him and only him. Your eyes momentarily roll to the back of your head and Suguru grabs your throat, forcing your eyes to assume their normal position.
His fingers grips the sides of your throat, watching as your tits bounced with each hard thrust.  Your breathing grows heavier, paired with your quivering voice as you whimper out “P-please!~ I wanna c-cum for you Sir!” Geto releases your throat, laying down and pulling you up, allowing you to ride him. This position made you feel so full. With your hands grounding you on his chest, you found your hips moving on their own, bouncing up and down, the lewd sounds from your ass hitting his thighs.
You moan, biting down on your lip as you try to keep quiet but good God. Geto’s dick was hitting all the right places. You don’t think you’d be able to cum the same way. Not after this. Your cunt begins to squeeze around him as your orgasm begins building up again. Your fingernails begin to dig into his shoulders. Suddenly, Suguru’s hands grip your ass, holding you in place and fucking up into you. Your eyes begin to water as the pleasure begins to overwhelm you. 
“Come on slut. I want one more orgasm from you” You begin to shake your head, not being able to focus on the hedonism that has clouded your mind. Truth be told you wanted another on, hoping it would be as gratifying as the last but you couldn’t seem to focus properly. Geto hips stop, leaving you frustrated and confused. “W-why’d you stop Sir? Am I n-not doing a good enough job for you?” Suguru chuckles before saying “Didn’t I tell you I want another orgasm from you? When I want something your top priority must be what I wish for. So what’s it gonna be y/n?”
You swallow before saying “I-I can try” Geto shakes his head. “No. That isn’t what I asked for. I want one and you will give me one” You nod your head before saying “Y-yes Sir” Your hips begin moving on their own, not giving him a chance to thrust up into you. Your cunt begins to squeeze around him, as you try to focus on the orgasm beginning to form between your legs. Geto groans before saying “That’s it. Now I just need you to cum for me, pretty girl.”
You nod, legs beginning to shake as the knot starts growing tighter and tighter. Your breathing begins to grow shallow as your hips begin to grind against his pelvis area, providing you with more stimulation. Suguru groans, as he tries to keep himself from moving to give you an opportunity to focus and create your own pace and to make yourself cum on his cock. “Mmm…’m gonna cum~!” You say, gradually picking up speed. “Go ahead. Take yourself there. I want to see how pretty you face looks when you cum on my cock”
You momentarily stop, pleasure taking over your body as you convulse, having your first full body orgasm. You try to lift off of his dick but Geto holds you down, refusing to let you go as his cock begins twitching inside of you. Suguru lays you on your back, slowly fucking into you as your body writhes in ecstasy.  After a couple of slow and deep thrusts, Geto finally reaches his own climax, growling in your ear, his grip on your hips sure to leave bruises in place of his hands.
Suguru slowly pulls out of you, watching your cunt grip around nothing. He sees his cum beginning to leak out of your cunt. Geto gradually slips his fingers back inside of you, pushing his cum back inside of you. “Don’t waste it whore. I was kind enough to cum inside of you. You should be grateful” You swallow, nodding as you can’t form coherent words just yet. Suguru chuckles.
“I think I might end up marrying you Doll. I might have to fuck you again some other time to make the final decision”
Word count: 2,274
Start date: February 12, 2024 3:49 PM
End date: February 23 2024 8;25 PM
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tobegiggledat · 6 months
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To Live at Her Alter
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✦pairing: Midnight x Villain!Reader
✦word count: 2.5k
✦warnings: BDSM, reader has a pussy, service sub!reader, orgasm control, body writing, oral sex, pussywarming? kinda, degradation, humiliation, suffocating/choking (non-sexual), self-harm, attempted suicide, implied enemies to lovers
✦a/n: when the ovulation hits and and
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“To live by my Mistress is to serve her with every breath.” Utterance of the mantra webs tingles across your lips, the warmth clinging to your cheeks, then your sternum and chest as it snaps beneath your skin.
“To cherish her presence with my undeserving body”, you add while displayed before the woman you worship. Your torso is a stiff perpendicular plane to your folded knees. Your walls flex subtlety around the grooves of the toy you've been ordered to warm with your cunt, making squelchy whispers in a wet plea for respite. “And to uphold her values as a vessel of her will.”
A well-manicured hand is held to your lips and as your mouth relishes the brief taste of her skin you feel fortunate to be graced with the opportunity to give it—her your praises.
What led to your current circumstances was nothing short of several strings of miraculous events. Your quirk is a much deadlier version of hers, and with less shortcomings, so why is it you submit despite the upper hand you hold?
The answer is simple. In the tides of battle, she prevailed over you like an ice cube somehow withstanding the flames of a gas fire. Even then, her victory was no stroke of luck, you’re sure of it.
She’s your superior in every way, and as her palm closed around your throat amidst her triumph, you could only gape while wrestling away your thoughts of admiration. You'll always be glad she was able to make use of someone like you.
“Delicious”, Nemuri purrs. You think she says it with a smile as your gaze remains planted beneath her, where it should always remain. “And what of my other orders, pet.” The tip of her maroon high heel burrows between your legs to slightly part them. “Show me how well you follow instructions.”
“Of course, Mistress.”
Your thighs peel like damp tape, a turbulent shiver striking your veins as the cool air mingles with the dampness clinging to your flesh. Throbbing and inflamed, your poor clit nearly seeks her touch for stimulation but your conscious mind fights against it.
“My, I do love it when you make a mess.” One of her delicate giggles makes its way into the air. “Your body's begging for release but I'm sure you can hold out for a little longer. Isn't that right?”
“As long as you wish, Mistress.”
“Good because I heard some news about you today that really soured my desire for generosity”, she says with a curtness. You're tempted to risk her scolding just to catch a brief glimpse of the expression that accompanies her words. “You've earned yourself another badge. Show me your neck.”
You slip your head upward baring your skin yet closing your eyes so as not to insult her. A faint shuffling sound comes from above you before a cool pointed tip glides along your skin, forming arches and lines that resemble letters. Your breathing fails to flow properly throughout the course of her penmanship which seems to stretch on agonizingly.
“Open”, she demands while handing you her compact mirror and your throat stings at what's written;
IDIOT, carved below your chin in bold, ragged letters with a black tattoo marker. The ink won't wash away for days but it's part of what you usually enjoy about it especially when Nemuri would graffiti your body in syrup-sweet nicknames with curly, elegant letters and silly little hearts. On those days you wish it were ingrained in your cells, but today you want to scrape at your neck until it's raw.
“What do you have to say for yourself?”
“I’m sorry for being an idiot, Miss”, your voice is watery as gulp back tears.
“You’re more than an idiot. You're lucky all the words I have for you can't fit on your neck.”
She finally sways away from the door she’s entered, discarding her hero attire each step of the way to her chambers. You clumsily crawl after her as if a hastily built table granted the ability to move, swiping at each article of clothing to toss them in their proper bin.
It takes everything in you not to shriek your next words. “What is it that you heard—”
She jerks toward you, stopping in her tracks then sighing. “I’ll get to that eventually”, she answers, wrapping ribbons of her violet strands into a sloppy bun then stepping into her garage-sized bathroom. “But first…” She gestures expectantly toward a tray of amenities on a concrete, raised slab beside her shower—a tray you organize for her daily.
“Thank you, Miss”, you reply although your gratefulness to attend to her body is tainted by the sinking horror of what awaits you once the task is complete. You begin to gnaw your bottom lip to a bleeding meaty sliver as your stomach shuffles its contents.
As she hovers idly, skin illuminating under the harsh glow of the fancy lamplights, you run the water until it reaches her desired temperature then lather a few pumps of body wash on a rag. The sweet cherry taffy aroma wafting through the damp air is so thick you salivate. Her body is already soaked and glistening by the time you’re finished savoring the candy scented soap.
“May I?”, you ask, bringing the well-coated cloth near her flesh in anticipation.
“You may.”
You begin your ministrations at her feet, slowly working your way up her legs and thoroughly massaging the slippery fluid into her pores and making sure not to miss spots.
Such a small element of routine allows your worries about your future punishment to temporarily drift away from the forefront of your mind. It's best to focus on the task at hand or else you'll only create a deeper pit for yourself, you think. Dread continues to linger in the hidden crevices of your heart yet your thoughts of it flux with the strokes of the cloth, becoming distant as you move downward and returning to your conscience as you creep near her lower lips. The sight of her alluring slit has always been grounding for you.
It's only when Nemuri huffs that you realize you’ve been sweeping along the same leg for a while.
“Someones working extra hard to make up for things”, her voice laces with the steam, a hint of mischief etching its way into her tone. “I’m sure that area’s clean enough already.”
“It's not like that, Mistress. I’m merely doing what I’m meant to.”
When you reach her sex, she dismisses you to take over the scrubbing herself as reaching the rest of her would require you to relinquish your kneeling position. Well-trained property is never to be above or beside their betters unless given explicit permission so you crawl to fetch her towel and wait outside the foggy glass doors until she finishes up.
Once she’s done drying, she paces to her closet then embellishes her body in a black, lacy babydoll dress, the ruffles parting alongside her legs as she perches on the edge of her bed in a welcoming position.
“Come, your mouth will do nicely.” She shuffles her hips to beckon you.
“Yes, Miss. Thank you, Mistress”, you eagerly whimper before slipping between her like a puzzle piece and humming more thanks into her warmth as if giving prayer to your deity before your meal.
You leave a path of suckling kisses along the expanse of her sex, making slow and appreciative work of your lips as the feel of her slick, warm folds clouds you with crazed desire. You don’t mean to be a tease but it’s hard not to take your time with the delectable display presented to you, your unworthiness makes it all the more forbidden fruit.
When her rich, addicting flavor hits your tongue, your palette seizes with delight, taking in the earthy tones that envelope your senses with the zeal of a starved beast. Dark, glossy nails prick your scalp, scraping for balance while your nose meshes with the trail of curls poking around her clenching cavern.
A sharp pain goes through the top of your head and you hiss. “No licking, dear”, she eases her nails out of your flesh. “I only want your mouth there, nothing else.”
Her request is like asking a cheetah not to pick at fresh meat. Despite your wishes to indulge the gorging your soul craves, your mouth stills the instant she orders it to.
She acts as if you aren't gathered by her knees as she scratches and scribbles in the journal on her nightstand—the contents of which you've always longed to peer into.
You cling your lips to her as if she's what is needed to pump your lungs to life. Her thighs tenderly embrace your cheeks, squeezing softly in tandem with the strokes of her pen and the brush of your breaths across her cunt. Your own hole feels neglected compared to the lavishing you thrust upon her opening.
Muffled gasps crawl up your throat as you shift to ease the tickling in your core, eyelids shuttering with intense need yet frustration.
“Look at you, so ready and willing”, Nemuri coos, taking in the view of your drooling lips and glazed-over eyes. “Are you enjoying yourself?”
You nod amidst the mindless, obedient haze that washes over you whenever you serve her, but she pinches your ear to get you to use your words. “Yes, Mistress.”
“That's too bad”, she mocks. “I'm afraid this is all you’ll get for now.” She shoves you away and you look as if you were a kicked puppy.
She merely chuckles at that, making you jolt at the vibrations of the boisterous noise before her energy resets to normal. “Enough of that, about the news I mentioned earlier…” She folds one of her knees beside her and clenches her fingers tightly around it. “The hero you and your cronies captured wasn’t at the location you gave me. Your men must’ve gotten word of your survival and made a run for it, what a hassle.”
“I’m deeply sorry for that, Mistress.” You swiftly place your head against the floor in a deep bow. “Please punish me for their transgressions. They’re foolish, but I’m even more so for ever being with them.”
The silence that instills is cold, much like the coolness of the tile pressing against your forehead.
“Your enthusiasm is enough, I’ve no need to punish you.” She pushes lightly at your shoulder with the tip of her nylon-clad foot, bringing you to raise.
“What does it mean to belong to me?” You feel a weight on your shoulder in more ways than one as her heel rests beside your neck.
“To live by my Mistress is to—” Her toes mash with your lips.
“No memorized platitudes, I want it straight…” Her foot slides to your chest. “from the heart.” She presses there harder with each word for emphasis.
“I’ll do anything for you—you know that, miss.”
“Oh, I believe it. We’re talking about me after all.” Her stockings rub along your slit and you moan, long and loud. “You'll take whatever I give you, won’t you? You're always so whiny and desperate, scrambling for scraps of my affection. I’d say it’s pathetic, but it’s even more sad it took you so long to realize this is your rightful place when you could've saved yourself the effort.” She nearly stomps on your cunt, yet hot shame fills you as you unconsciously thrust to meet her rough touch. “All villains fall to their knees for the heroes eventually.
Like a shriveled sponge, you absorb her merciless words as truth, for they are nothing less than the truth.
“You saved me”, you say sheepishly. “I’m grateful for you.”
“That I did, it’s good of you to notice.”
Your face warms with delight.
“Here’s the deal”, she continues. “In exchange for the hero’s safe return, your ex-allies want proof of your death. They're clearly out for vengeance now that their leader’s dipped to join the enemy and left them with the clean up. So what will you do?”
It's a test. She's unsure whether you'd betray her at the drop of hat. How could she not, considering the state you abandoned your old allies in?
The only way out of this is for you to die.
Your resolve hardens. You activate your quirk and a translucent bubble surrounds your head, allowing no air to enter nor exit. It’s a volatile ability. By focusing hard enough, you can create a bubble that fills with a clear gas that can stop a person from breathing. The bubble’s surface is sticky and difficult to penetrate or tear, while the gas inside it destabilizes the instant it leaves the bubble, therefore losing its effects.
You’ve casted domes as large as two story buildings, but the one you summon now exists only for you—only for your mouth, your nose and your lungs. It fits snugly around your skull, and despite the small size, your concentration wavers while maintaining it as lethargy seeps into your brain and your chest constricts with an ache for oxygen. You tumble to your back, clawing frantically at the base of the bubble with your right hand as if you weren't the cause of your own suffering.
How many seconds have passed? 10? 15?
No matter, the gas’ effects will take at least two times longer to take hold of you given your own innate immunity to it.
Your vision clouds with nonexistent shapes while your muscles feel as though they're brimming with ice. Nemuri’s figure appears over you as blotchy and shadow-like, but even in your near-death hallucinations she still exudes a presence much like a dark goddess, looming with a natural yet mesmerizing grandiosity.
A weight you recognize to be Nemuri, settles on your midriff, clasping around the sides of your waist and dampening your stomach with her bare arousal. A different touch, featherlight and fleeting, swipes down your thighs to massage the throbbing crevice between them.
It goes across your clit in abstract swirls and circles, dwindling your already weak concentration to almost nothing. Coupled with the sensitivity of your stuffed walls, it only takes a few sweeps over your nub before your arching into the feeling, limbs curling into your middle like a crumpled leaf and shivering violently.
Sharp, excruciating bliss consumes you, afflicting your nerves with raw and unfiltered sensations, but is swiftly torn away when you notice the bubble has burst.
You gasp, vacuuming every bit of surrounding air into your unoccupied lungs until you're dizzy—dizzy with nausea or satisfaction you're uncertain.
“I’m sssorryyy”, you sob. “I'll try again—”, a cough hacks its way up your throat.
Her fingers shove their way into your mouth and you taste your own fluids. “And risk losing my favorite pervert? That won’t do, I still have my uses for you.”
Teary-eyed and trembling, you meet Nemuri’s gaze despite your better judgment and remember why it was considered a privilege to look upon her.
“Thank you”, you whimper, softening at the impish curve of her full lips. “Thank you for saving me once more.”
She hums with a soft smile. “Now, for cumming without my permission…”
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(Lady Adaline AU)
*Adam woke up and started to get ready for the day, he shaved and bathed himself, he couldn’t let there be any facial hair on his, he also shaved off the body hair too, he had been born with both the parts of a man and a woman, his parents forced him to be a woman named Adaline, he hated being strictly feminine and wished he could express himself as both, he preferred having the name Adam as well, he chose that name while reading the Bible one day and was thinking of the story of Adam and Eve, he pulled on the deep purple dress that all of Princess Lilith’s ladies in waiting wore as a uniform, his friend Lute who knew his secret braided his long hair that fell to his knees and pinned it up before putting a soft gold veil over onto his head*
Adam: I wish that I could take a dagger and slice off that braid.
Lute: You know that a maiden must cherish her hair.
Adam: But I don’t feel like a typical maid, my parents shoved the identity of Adaline onto me because I can get pregnant.
Lilith: Lute, Adaline, we are leaving now.
*Lute and Adam worked for a Princess named Lilith as ladies in waiting, she was hoping to soon be a wife to a King named Lucifer, all the Princesses were called to Lucifer’s kingdom so he could choose a bridge, Lilith was an elegant woman in a dark purple gown with jewels all over it, her golden hair shined in the sunlight, but her beautiful visage hid a cruel heart, Lute and Adam walked out with Lilith, she was quite sure that she would be chosen, they got into the carriage and went to Lucifer’s castles, Lucifer sat at his throne and watched as Princesses were paraded in front of him, they were pretty, but they didn’t catch his attention until he saw a lady in waiting arriving with Lilith, this lady was tall with honey brown eyes with a light sprinkling of freckles across the nose and cheeks, a little bit of soft brown hair was peeking under the veil*
Lucifer: Anthony bring the tall lady in waiting with Princess Lilith with me, I want to talk with her.
Anthony: Of course.
*Adam was confused when Anthony told Lilith that Lucifer wanted to talk to him*
Lilith: My dear Adaline is such a good lady in waiting to me.
*Lilith grabbed Adam’s arm hard enough to leave a bruise*
Lilith: Lucifer is obviously asking to talk to you because he wants to see what kind of Queen I will make, speak kindly of me or you will be horse whipped tonight.
*Adam nodded, his bag feeling phantom pains on his back from the last time Lilith had him horse whipped*
Adam: Yes my princess.
*when in public Adam was able to disguise his voice to be more feminine, Anthony took Adam’s hand and led him to the King and Adam was struck by how handsome Lucifer was, he wished in that moment he was a princess just so he could be considered a possible candidate for the King’s hand in marriage*
Anthony: Presenting Lady Adaline, lady in waiting to Princess Lilith.
*Lucifer held out his hand to Adam and he placed the delicate hand in the King’s hand, when Lucifer kissed his hand Adam knew that he was in love*
Adam blushed and bowed respectfully to the King. He needed to make this good for Lilith or he would live Hell on Earth.
Adam: You requested to speak with me your majesty?
Lucifer: Yes I did, I noticed you from the moment you stepped out of the carriage. I was wondering if you were spoken for by another?
Adam blinked: No, your majesty I'm not.
Lucifer: Well then that settles it. I would like to take you as my bride.
Adam looked at him in shock. Was he serious? This hardly seemed like the kind of thing a King like him would hold about.
Adam: But I'm not a princess.
Lucifer: It does not matter to me. You are a beautiful woman and I would love to get to know you more and court you properly. I can give you the best life you deserve.
Adam knew that any life living outside of Lilith would be better than that. He could keep his secret for now..... Even if it meant just getting away from her and getting to know the handsome King.
Adam: I'll do it.
Lucifer: Excellent! We'll have you and your things moved into your own personal quarters here at once.
Adam knew that from that moment on his life would change forever.
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holdmymallowsweet · 1 month
What are you doing here? 02
Ominis Gaunt x f!MC Word count: 4684, properly tagged on AO3
Chapter summary: It's the start of a new school year, and Ominis hopes he and Sebastian can carry on as they used to, even if one of their trio is missing. Looking back, that thought seemed almost foolishly optimistic.
a/n: This is the first of two pre-library chapters, featuring Ominis’ thoughts and feelings and whereabouts during the first few weeks of their fifth year, while Sebastian and Mc are busy fighting trolls and sneaking into the restricted section. Enjoy!
Chapter 01 || Masterlist || Chapter 03
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Chapter 02 - Relegated
Calling her arrival at Hogwarts ‘memorable’ was almost an understatement. Disrupting the feast, led through the great hall by the headmaster himself after a rather lively argument behind half-closed doors that had the entire student body sit in nervous anticipation, it was no wonder that she seemed to be the only thing deemed worthy of discussion by anyone who was not a quidditch enthusiast.
Ominis wasn’t too bothered by it. Usually the one who’d know everything that went on within the castle’s walls and not so secretly fond of gossip, after everything that had happened at the Sallow’s during the summer, he longed for some peace and quiet. A sense of routine, while he and Sebastian would try and figure out how to go on, now that one of them was missing.
Who they were, where they’d come from and why they’d made such a spectacle of their entrance didn’t have to be his concern, not tonight at least. They’d ended up at the opposite side of the Great Hall anyways, out of mind. It wouldn’t keep him from having a decent meal, a good night’s rest, a regular day of classes tomorrow. Nothing else would either, if he could help it.
Wishful thinking.
They’d barely passed the giant hourglasses to return to their common room for the night, when Sebastian took him by the arm, years of experience letting Ominis know before he even opened his mouth that he had other plans.
“Listen, Ominis-”
Ominis groaned. “What is it now?” He was so tired.
“I think I’ll make a detour into the restricted section before bed.”
Oh for Merlin’s sake.
“On our first night back? You could at least wait a day before getting yourself into trouble again.” And wasn’t he tired as well, after the day they’d had?
“There’s something I want to check.” Sebastian paused. “For Anne. If you’re worried about me, you could come too, if you’d like.”
Ominis raised an eyebrow. It seemed like an off-handed remark, but there was something pleading in his friend’s voice, and it did make him feel guilty for how he was about to answer. But not guilty enough. “I’m sure you don’t need my help to get yourself another detention.”
“Fair enough.” And just like that, Sebastian was gone.
Ominis took a deep breath. He suddenly felt nauseous, and it had nothing to do with the food.
Was this how his fifth year at Hogwarts was going to be like? Sebastian taking every opportunity to engage in extracurricular, clandestine activities and the detentions that would undoubtedly follow, where did that leave him? He’d hoped with Anne being the way she was, that Sebastian would perhaps be a bit more reasonable, grow up a tad more.
His exploits hadn’t bothered Ominis as much last year, when his friend first started digging through forbidden books and sought out the seclusion of the Undercroft by himself, but last year he had Anne. Anne, who would rather play games with Ominis than put her nose in old, eerie tomes, who would usually take his side in their petty arguments, who would listen to him and fill the silence with cheerful chatter, in a way only she could. In that moment, more than ever before, he was suddenly very aware that she was truly gone. 
It felt as if the realisation ate a hole through his stomach..
Ominis inhaled slowly, rubbing at the crease that formed between his brows. He was so tired.
The two Slytherins had walked up to the castle from Feldcroft, as they did every year. Making the journey to London and spending the whole day on a train had always seemed ridiculous when they lived that close to Hogwarts. 
In the years prior, the three of them would have left the Sallow’s house early and made a day of it in Hogsmeade, but it wouldn’t have been the same without Anne. So they’d spent as much time with her as possible, holding on, attempting to avoid the moment they’d have to leave her behind until the last second. It had been a subdued, gloomy journey after that, not to mention exhausting, both physically and emotionally.
Ominis stood there motionless for a while, trying to collect his thoughts. He was passed by waves of chattering students, eager to return to their warm beds and catch up with their dorm mates in private. Imelda stomped past him, cursing under her breath. Obviously upset about not getting to boss around her team on the Quidditch pitch this year, she would likely try to make it everyone else’s problem as well.
He sighed, resigned to head down to the common  room alone.
“Did you hear? About the new fifth year? Why they were late to the sorting?”
He strained his ears, determined not to miss the answer, slowing down a bit to walk behind the gossiping pair of friends. Change of plans. Perhaps holding on to his old habits would do him some good after all. And perhaps there was a chance for some more light-hearted thoughts to occupy his mind. Something intriguing and perhaps funny to discuss with Sebastian when he got back.
“No, I just heard they were with Professor Fig. Did something happen then?”
“I don’t know any details about it.” The girl paused for dramatic effect. “...but they say their carriage was attacked by a dragon. Some bloke from the ministry was ripped apart right in front of them.”
Oh, you can’t be serious.
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“Nothing yet.” Ominis teased. “I hope we get to see- or at least hear one today.”
All in all, his mood had been surprisingly good this morning. Leaning against the common room windows, he’d amused himself trying to keep the new first years on the lookout for mermaids, listening to their little sounds of excitement and impatience, wondering how long he could keep them there before they caught on. 
It had been Anne’s idea last year, and the fun had lasted until the prefects told them to cut it out. Ominis knew it would never be quite the same without her, but she’d insisted he do it again, ‘in her memory’.
He’d tried hard not to think about the implications of that phrasing.
“I- I think I heard one!”
Sounds of little hands slamming against the window and excited, high pitched gasps made the corners of his mouth twitch into a sly grin.
Being back at Hogwarts and getting a good night’s sleep in his familiar bed had done wonders to rid him of the near constant feelings of unease and dread he had since Anne had been cursed.
Ominis missed her dearly, but it was a relief to be away from the now gloomy home in Feldcroft that had once been his sanctuary, from the tension stemming from Solomon’s anxiety and his constant disagreements and shouting matches with a helpless, short tempered Sebastian, periodically disturbed by Anne’s cries and moans of pain. 
In the family’s time of hardship and grief, he’d felt like an intruder.
Ominis would have liked to help, he would have done anything, anything for his closest and only friends, but in the end all he could really do was stand there and listen to the Sallows telling him that another examination had not come up with results, that another remedy they tried had failed. The best he could do was stay out of their way, trying to melt into the wall.
A week before they had to leave for school, the consensus amongst the healers was that nothing could be done except have her rest and wait to see if she got better on her own. They were told she wouldn’t return to Hogwarts. 
Sebastian had not taken it well.
Determined as he’d been to stay awake and wait for his return last night, the exhaustion of the day had caught up with Ominis, and he’d been fast asleep when Sebastian had snuck back into their dormitory. They’d made up for it in the morning, gossiping about her as much as everyone else as they’d gotten dressed. It felt normal, comforting. 
Until, after a particularly wild theory of Ominis’, Sebastian had blurted out “...wait until Anne-”
It had been an innocent mistake. Ominis hadn’t commented on it, but the carefree mood was marred by heavy clouds. But the rain hadn’t fallen, not yet, at least.
Ominis listened for the sounds of his friend, who went through his newly stolen library books in front of the fireplace, pacing back and forth and sometimes mumbling to himself. He seemed to be doing all right, for now, at least.
Even if he was no longer in the mood for conversation.
Sebastian had been picking up bits and pieces of information about the new fifth-year and her journey to Hogwarts on his way to the library, most of it probably exaggerated, some of it seemingly complete and utter nonsense. 
Regardless, most of the Slytherins thought of it as an excellent adventure, a riveting tale that would go down in Hogwarts history. Imelda thought it was brilliant of her to take away all the attention from the first years.
Ominis couldn’t help but feel sorry for the girl. He might have expected her to relish the attention if she’d been a Gryffindor or even a Slytherin, but Hufflepuffs were usually happy to quietly exist in the background and mind their own business. He could relate.
He decided to stop thinking about it. Either way, their paths likely wouldn’t ever cross, unless they’d happen to walk through a classroom door at the same time.
“What do you think mermaids look like?”
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Only, the way things progressed, thinking of her or not wasn’t his decision to make.
“What do you mean, you fought a troll?” Ominis asked, distraught. “Are you all right? Is she all right? Did you get hurt?”
“Don’t worry, Ominis, we’re fine,” Sebastian drawled, unbothered.
Sebastian hadn’t wasted any time telling him about his exploits in Hogsmeade with the new fifth-year. They were sitting by the common room fire, eating their way through an assortment of snacks Sebastian had stolen from the kitchens on his way back. Naturally, he’d been rather hungry, having missed dinner. And almost getting smashed to pieces did apparently conjure up quite the appetite.
He’d barely made it back in time for curfew, stumbling into their common room where Ominis, first annoyed, then worried, had been pacing up and down waiting for him.
“She was brilliant, you should have been there.”
Why hadn’t he been?
“Real duelling prodigy, that one,” Sebastian stated through a mouthful of food.
Yes, Ominis had gathered that much from their Defence Against the Dark Arts class earlier that day.
He frowned, his good mood from this morning long gone. He hadn’t talked to his best friend since the end of Hecat’s class, when he told a stunned and confused Ominis that he’d invited the girl who just beat him to Crossed Wands, but the Hogwarts rumour mill had done it’s best to keep him informed about their whereabouts since then.
Sallow and the new fifth-year really hit it off.
Sallow and the new fifth-year were seen going to Hogsmeade together.
Didn’t Sallow have other friends he was usually with?
No one really cared that much.
It didn't exactly feel good. And although Ominis was usually content to leave Sebastian to his own devices, after being deserted for almost the entire day, one might think an apology would be in order. 
Perhaps an inquiry about what he’d been up to- nothing, really, but it would have been polite to ask.
But it was Sebastian, and politeness was not his strong suit.
He listened to Sebastian chewing noisily, feeling his way through the stack of food until his hand landed on an apple tart. More because he wanted to keep his mouth busy than because he was hungry, and also because he’d already gotten his fingers sticky, Ominis took a small bite. If he said something now, it wouldn’t be anything nice and he wasn’t spoiling for a fight. 
“There’s more to all of this. She practically admitted it,” Sebastian said. Dreamily, intrigued.
Understandable, all things considered. Not yet alarming.
“Just wait, I’ll get to the bottom of this.”
Ominis didn’t like the sound of that at all.
Sebastian was starting to get obsessive again. Ominis knew him well enough to recognize the signs. Sebastian had been like this when he’d joined Crossed Wands, when he’d started sneaking into the restricted section, when he’d started to teach himself spells- dangerous, forbidden spells, many of which Ominis knew his friend didn’t bother telling him about anymore after he’d first voiced his concerns.
And now there’s the new fifth-year. Sebastian was going to make her his new research project, his new favourite pastime, and while it might have been good for him to have something to distract him from Anne, it made Ominis feel...
He refused to call it jealousy. He’d settle for ‘concerned’.
“Perhaps you shouldn’t.” Ominis tried to keep his tone light, but didn’t quite succeed.
“Why not?”
Ominis sighed heavily. “I’m sorry, only… I’m having a bad feeling about this.”
They were silent for a moment. Then, Ominis heard a stifled chuckle from his friend.
“When you say a bad feeling, you mean like an-“
 “Sebastian, don’t-“
“Like an ominous feeling?”
Ominis half-heartedly threw his leftover tart at him.
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Maybe it wouldn’t have been that bad if he felt like he could ever get a break from her, but she seemed to be everywhere. Except of course when she seemed to be nowhere at all, sneaking out of school at odd hours, coming back hours later carrying the faint scent of the forbidden forest, or the lake, but even then, she was always… there. In the whispers in the hallways, in rumours, slipping into every conversation he’d have with Sebastian, at some point.
In their first Herbology lesson, it was her mandrake that shattered the greenhouse windows and almost took out his eardrums, turning an already debilitating class into a headache.
While he struggled in potions, she somehow excelled at the subject and even found time to steal from Sharp's office.
Ominis had groaned internally at the whole spectacle. If Garreth Weasley could put her up to theft not five minutes after making her acquaintance, he’d rather not think about what sort of mischief she got up to with Sebastian.
Like sneaking into the restricted section of the library. The tale of Sebastian Sallow taking the fall for her spread through the school like wildfire. When Ominis had asked him why he did it, Sebastian had simply stated: “Because that’s what I do for my friends. I’ve taken the fall for you before, anytime we’ve done something bad enough that I thought it might get back to your parents.”
Ominis hadn’t known what to answer. She’d been at school not even a week, and yet she already enjoyed the same friendship privileges as himself, in Sebastian's eyes. It felt as if he’d been punched. He knew his feelings were stupid and childish, it had been absurd to assume that Sebastian would never want or need any other friends. But still, Ominis couldn’t help but wonder why he wasn’t enough. 
He wanted, needed to let these feelings out somehow, and at first he considered putting them into his letters to Anne- but Anne had enough to deal with, sitting in that dreary house in agony with no one but her uncle for company. 
Ominis thought of her every day, everytime her empty chair in their classrooms reminded him of her absence, every time he heard someone talk about flying, or taking a sneaky dip in the lake before it got too cold. All things Anne used to love, that she wouldn’t do again, perhaps not ever.
If she tried to fly a broom and was struck with a bout of pain while mid air, she’d die.
No, he wasn’t going to bother Anne with his troubles. If she needed to know that her brother was positively smitten with the new student, Sebastian could tell her himself.
As the week went on, thankfully without further incidents, Ominis became more accustomed to her presence. She was, to his surprise, a fairly decent student, learning new spells on the first or second try and performing well in class, even when the teachers put her on the spot. How she managed that, when she seemed to prioritise gallivanting through the highlands over studying, was a mystery. She was polite, outgoing and cheerful, quickly making friends and wrapping her classmates around her finger with an effortless charm not unlike Sebastian’s.
The more time passed, the less Ominis could bring himself to share the enthusiasm.
Of course he’d been somewhat curious about her too, at least at first. 
He’d even made small, tentative attempts at approaching her. Perhaps making sarcastic remarks about her duel with Sebastian and their adventures in Hogsmeade had not been the best way to do it, but her complete and utter indifference, to the point of not even replying to him, left him dumbstruck. She could have at least quipped back.
And it stung- the realisation that she didn’t recognise him. 
Which meant Sebastian hadn’t mentioned him to her, at all.
He started to seek out the solitude of the Undercroft more often, lately the only place where he felt truly free from her presence, even if every empty crate in there seemed to taunt him with memories of himself and the Sallow twins, of nights they’d spent sneaking out of the common room to laugh and play games and eat stolen food from the kitchens. 
Simpler times that he’d never thought he’d one day miss so desperately that his very soul seemed to ache.
He knew he’d be there alone now, like all the other times, though he secretly wished he’d walk in there to find Sebastian waiting for him. Ready to carry on as they used to, even if there was someone missing. At least it would be a small comfort, for both of them.
Hearing the familiar mechanical whirring of the Undercroft’s hidden entrance made him pause, and for the briefest moment it seemed he’d gotten his wish.
“Hello Sebastian.”
No. Wrong.
It wasn’t Sebastian. In an instant, he tensed up, his stomach filled with dread. Someone found the Undercroft, someone he didn’t recognise, someone who wasn’t supposed to be there. If they left without saying anything, he would never find out who they were.
“You there. I can hear you.”
Say something, anything.
“Oh, hello. Ominis, isn’t it? I believe we have Potions together. And- Herbology?”
His insides turned to ice in an instant, as he realised what was going on here.
It was her.
Of course it was her.
She tried her best to sound cheerful, but there was definitely a nervous undertone in her voice. And while it wasn’t his most pressing concern, the fact that even now she didn’t seem to remember him from any of their classes, other than those he was obviously rubbish in, did nothing to endear herself to him.
“I recognise that voice.” He said, more to himself than to her. “You’re the new fifth-year.”
He tried his best to sound calm, failing miserably as his frozen insides melted into white, hot anger.
“Did you just come from the Undercroft? How did you get in there?”
He already knew. He wasn’t asking because he needed the answer, he wanted to know if she was going to be honest about it.
“That room’s called ‘the Undercroft’? Ah. Well, I was exploring and suddenly found myself in a strange passageway-“
He had enough of her. Of both of them.
“Don’t lie to me. No one ‘stumbles’ upon that room. Sebastian told you, didn’t he? You breathe a word about this place to anyone and not even your precious Professor Fig will be able to help you. My father is friends with the Headmaster. I’m not afraid to exploit that connection if I need to.”
It was an empty threat, of course. He hadn’t spoken to his father in ages, and he wasn’t keen on being in the vile man’s debt, especially over something like this. But there was a good chance she didn’t know and if she asked around, all she would find out was that his father was indeed friends with Professor Black, and perhaps that would frighten her enough to keep her mouth shut.
“You needn’t threaten me. I’m not going to say anything about your Undercroft.” The Hufflepuff’s voice sounded more assured than before. If she was at all intimidated by him, she didn’t show it. “And Sebastian is a good friend. You shouldn’t immediately assume the worst of him.”
“I don’t need you to tell me about my oldest friend, thank you very much.” His patience was at a breaking point, and it finally seemed to dawn on her that there was no way to salvage this conversation.
“Ominis, I just meant-“
“I know what you meant. Sebastian gets himself in enough trouble. He doesn’t need your help.”
At least she had enough sense not to respond. He walked past her, giving her a much wider berth than necessary. The thought of accidentally touching her, even briefly, made him sick.
It wasn’t entirely fair to her, and a small part inside of him knew that, but at that moment, it felt as if she’d taken everything from him. His best and oldest friend, his sanctuary, his very thoughts and feelings, everything seemed to revolve around her and Ominis just wanted it to end.
Fuming, he stormed into the Undercroft. Sebastian was still there, as expected, cheerful and completely oblivious. “Hello Ominis, I-“
The atmosphere in the room shifted instantly.
“Yes? What did I do now?”
“Are you seriously pretending not to know?” Ominis snarled, anger dripping from every word like poison.
Sebastian went dead silent for a moment.
“Ominis, let me explain.”
“There’s nothing to explain. I trusted you.”
“And I trust her, I wouldn’t have taken her here if I didn’t. You know me. I promise you she won’t tell anyone else, I won’t either,” Sebastian pleaded.
“I suppose that includes me,” Ominis spat. “Would you have told me she was here if I hadn’t found out by myself?”
“I knew you wouldn’t take it well. It was wrong not to ask you before I showed her-”
Ominis snorted.
“-but I know she will keep it to herself. I can’t tell you why, not yet, but I know she’ll keep my secrets. Trust me.”
“But it’s not your secret, is it? It’s mine.” Ominis couldn’t make sense of the feelings welling up inside him anymore. He felt angry, betrayed, but most of all, hurt, and it all seemed to merge together to form a dull, throbbing ache in his head.
Yes, it was his secret. His special place, one of the few good things that came out of being a Gaunt. For him to share with the ones he loved and trusted. And even if Sebastian was right, even if she could be trusted- and he was not at all convinced that she could- it should have been his decision. 
If Sebastian had bothered to actually introduce them to each other, to include Ominis in whatever the two of them were up to, if they had gotten to know each other, on his own terms and in his own time, perhaps he might have told her himself.
But it wasn’t only the betrayal. If only he could find the right words to tell Sebastian just how abandoned he felt, tossed aside for a newer, shinier toy.
He wasn’t enough. He’d never been, for anyone. Too weak, too useless, too defective.
He couldn’t bring himself to say it. What if he said it, and Sebastian couldn’t pretend it wasn’t true?
Tears were threatening to spill out of his useless eyes, and he squeezed them shut, furiously pinching the bridge of his nose, desperately willing them to stay inside.
“Ominis?” Sebastian said, cautiously approaching him.
Ominis took a deep breath, fighting down the tears, at least for now. He leaned against one of the stone pillars.
“Anything else?” He hated how choked his voice sounded.
“What do you mean?”
“Is there anything else you told her, that I should know about? Be honest.” Ominis hoped the answer was ‘no’. And for that to be the truth.
Sebastian took a moment to answer. When he did, he spoke slowly and carefully, as if he was scared the wrong words would make Ominis’ temper flare up again. “Nothing that you’d disapprove of, I think. We talked a bit about Anne, and… you.”
Ominis raised an eyebrow. “Me?”
“I told her you’re blind and that you use your wand to get around.”
“Why, thank you. I’m sure that would have eluded her otherwise.” Ominis remarked dryly, undoubtedly getting an eye roll in return.
“I told her the Undercroft is special to you-” Sebastian went on, ignoring Ominis derisive snort.
“-and a bit about your family.”
That hit Ominis like a Graphorn, making him tense up with a sudden, poorly concealed panic. “You didn’t-”
“No, of course not. Nothing she wouldn’t have found out eventually anyway.”
The crease between his brows and the harsh line of his lips formed involuntarily as a familiar darkness crept into his mind. His thoughts must have been obvious to his long-time friend.
“I’d never tell her about anything you’d want to keep a secret,” Sebastian said.
“I wanted to keep the Undercroft a secret.”
Sebastian groaned. 
It filled Ominis with a sick sort of satisfaction. “What did you tell her then?”
“...just, well. That you’re descended from Slytherin himself, that the Gaunts care a lot about blood status. But I let her know you’re not like them.”
So she knew. Perhaps that was why she’d seemed so flustered when talking to him.
“What did she say?”
“Nothing much. I’m not sure how much she knows about these things to be honest, I mean, she’s a Hufflepuff. And I didn’t bring her down here to give her a lesson on pureblood culture,” Sebastian said, unconcerned.
“Then there was no need to tell her anything. If she didn’t know, you could have left it at that,” Ominis said, irritated.
“It’s not exactly a secret, Ominis. Everyone else knows and you’re classmates, she would have found out eventually. Wouldn’t you rather she heard it from me?”
“I’d rather she heard it from me, actually.”
Sebastian huffed, obviously amused even if he didn’t dare to laugh.
“You just said there was no need to tell her anything.”
“I… fine. Just do me a favour and keep me and my family’s secrets out of your future conversations.” Ominis said dejectedly, as the fight went out of him. He hoped this would be the end of their argument. His head was still hurting from all the shouting and he just wanted to go back to their dormitory and take a nap, forget about her and all of this for a blissful few hours.
“All right. But now that she knows about the Undercroft, is she allowed back in here? It is a good place for spellcasting and there’s more I’d like to-“
“Sebastian, please.” Ominis’ voice was little more than a whisper. He pinched the bridge of his nose again in frustration.
“Please, I know you find her intriguing, that you’re using her to distract yourself from how much you miss Anne-“
“I’m not using her, we’re friends.” Sebastian’s voice dropped, he genuinely sounded hurt.
“You know what I mean. We’re friends, Sebastian, the two of us and Anne. All I want is for things to go back to how they were before, and so do you.” It was a last effort, a genuine plea for Sebastian to let her be, before their friendship went up in flames.
“That’s not-” Sebastian broke off mid-sentence and took a deep breath. “You don’t understand.”
“No, I do not.” Ominis admitted.
He wouldn’t for a while.
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more a/n: But he will in the next chapter! …maybe. So this turned out quite a bit more angsty than intended, but I think Ominis’ anger at Mc when he finds out she’s been in the undercroft is very genuine and doesn’t just come out of nowhere, so I’ve spent a lot (and probably way too much) time thinking about how he must have felt about Sebastian and Mc’s friendship. Also I did settle on Anne having been cursed right at the start of the summer holidays. Because I’m pure evil and I like the thought of Ominis coming to Hogwarts like “at least I still have Sebastian…” only to have him snatched away by Mc. …sorry. Originally this and the third were one chapter, but the length of it got slightly out of hand and I’ve had the perfect spot to split it exactly in the middle (more or less, they’re 4k+ words each now). I hope to get the next one out a bit sooner, so you won’t have to wait that long.  I hope to see you all next time! And thanks again for every one of your sweet comments and your support, it means the world to me ❤️ And finally, as usual, this fic has no beta (unfortunately) but I do my best to make sure it’s free of spelling errors. If you find any anyway, or you notice me using words wrong, let me know (nicely) so I can fix it.
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thecorpuscorpse · 14 days
okay... it's a bit unhealthy, so if you feel uncomfortable with that, feel free to ignore!
buuut. Possesive, jealous villain?
and they're obsessed with hero? maybe they gave hero a necklace, because they want to mark their territory, but hero refuses to wear it, since to hero they are nothing but enemies. and anyway, why would they wear their enemies necklace?
Villain is frustrated, and decides to take matters into their own hands by tattooing their name on hero's body, shushing them gently when they panic.
Good evening anon!
While it has taken me a while to come back to some of my asks and requests (I have not forgotten you all), I hope to be more active now that more of my personal life has balanced out.
I was more than intrigued by this ask, so I hope you enjoy what I came up with. As someone with quite a few tattoos myself, this was a fun concept to delve into.
Readers: you read the ask (I hope), beware if that is not content you wish to read.
Enjoy <3
#7- "Your Scar To Bear"
TW: Dub-Con, drugging, kidnapping, some fighting.
"What do you expect me to do with this?" Hero asked, their fingers laced with a gold chain.
"Well, wear it," Villain replied as they sipped their wine. Hero always looked better in gold, after all, even though they insisted on silver. "You know, around your neck, like that tie of yours?"
Despite the nonchalance of Villains quip, their light demeanor was perturbed by Hero placing the chain back in the box, and setting it back on the table beside their plate of food. Villain set down their glass, feeling the need to sit up a bit more to properly take the blow of rejection as Heros brows furrowed.
"What's the matter? Is it because it's gold? I swear, just try it with that top you know I like and-"
"No, it isn't that. I... don't trust that you didn't put a tracker in this," Hero said, turning about the small, monogrammed medallion with Villains initials. "I don't need you having the upper hand?"
"Upper hand?" Villain chuckled, leaning in a bit over the table. "You don't seem to say that when I've got my upper hand around your neck while the lower-"
"Stop it," they flushed, but their voice held a stern resolve. "This is what I mean, this is getting too deep for what we are."
Villain tensed up, brows furrowing with confusion at how the mood of everything seemed to change. Just moments ago, they were laughing in the kitchen, and now things were getting too deep? They clutched their napkin in their hand as they watched Hero stand from the table, running a nervous hand through their hair.
"What do you mean."
"This was supposed to be easy!" They lamented. "Stop your plans, put you in prison for the horrible things you've done, and now.."
"Now.. What." Villain said, rather than asked.
Hero took a deep breath before bringing their hands together, clasping them tightly. All of this drama, over a necklace? Villain didn't know what to think, and their patience with how Hero danced around their point was not helping their case. Weeks, things had been fine, months had been fine. Through the broken ribs, bruised cheeks and torn ligaments somehow led to tender kisses, feather-like caresses and sweet words.
This, however, was different.
A bitter, sour taste in their mouth.
"There.. will be a day one of us defeats the other." Hero picked up their jacket from the back of the chair. "And I don't know if I could look at something like that, knowing what I did to you."
They slipped on their coat as they watched Villain with an almost cautious eye. Their grip on the napkin was almost as tight as their jaw. How did any of this make sense? Why was it now that they were making the decision for them?
"What you did to me..." They moved to take another sip of their wine. "Right, all the things that haven't happened, but everything before has been fine," Villain sardonically mused.
"But what will happen will be worse! And having that necklace.. doesn't feel right..."
"Then why the fuck are you still here?!" Their voice crashed through the quiet with the glass they held, the shards skidding across the tile.
Villain moved from their side of the table, and for once, Hero put up placating hands to slow their movement. Much to their dismay, Heros arms were twisted up behind them and wrenched so hard the pain burned in their shoulders.
"V-villain, wait! You don't understand-"
"Oh, I understand," They huffed as they wrenched the door open and pushed Hero out. "Can't stand having a reminder of me when I'm dead, but you can live just fine doing everything else until it puts you at risk."
The door shut, and the banging only lasted a moment before rapid footfalls descended down the driveway and were replaced with distant barking. The thrill of a chase, what a feeling it was to embrace while it lasted all for it to come crumbling down.
All over a necklace.
Villain fed their dogs, cleaned up the dinner the two of them made together, and brought the wine bottle into their office with them. As they sat back in their desk, looking over the spacious room lit by a small wood fireplace, they decided to continue work on their next plan. They rifled through their papers, and noticed a couple of drawings were missing from their schematics list.
Villain sighed, a small smile betraying their sulky mood.
"So that's why they wanted it so badly in here.. Damn bastard..."
Everything had been going according to plan. Villain watched from their office at headquarters as the trucks headed out from the garage like ants in a row, only to see the first explode in the distance. The gunfire could have been mistaken for fireflies on the hill. There was a faint click of the door, and the familiar sliding metal of a hammer being pulled back.
"Is this it then?" Villain asked as they watched their men die. "Is this the great defeat? Or are you going to fuck me here again and vow vengeance for another time?"
"Villain..." Hero sighed "I wish it was different, I-"
"I said," They interrupted, turning around to face Hero. Their shirt had been unbuttoned, tie loosened, and pants unbuckled and unzipped. Below, black lacy swirls curled along their skin, and delicate ribbon work held the sides of the bodice together. On the front of each strap were little bells that jingled as Villain pushed their shirt to the side. Villain sauntered up to Hero, took the barrel of their gun and kissed the end.
"Is this it, or are you going to Fuck. Me. Here. again?"
The gun was thrown down in a moment, just as Villain was against their desk. Villain couldn't help be proud at their choice in lingerie- Hero liked textures, and that much was evident with how their hands traced along the patterns and ribbons. Held in place between smooth oak and the warm body of Hero keeping them pinned, Villain returned the feverish kiss Hero attacked them with.
Hands roamed into their hair, tugging at all the spots which made them gasp.
They tugged Heros lip to make them hiss and bit along their neck to make them sigh.
The desk groaned as they did when Hero pressed their hips together, pulling Villains leg up against their hip. There was hardly a moment for Hero to keep up, and was left utterly breathless.
Just the way Villain wanted them.
Hero didn't notice amongst their sounds the gentle hum of the ventilation kicking in. They weren't paying attention to how Villain slowed their breaths. It wasn't until there was a sway in Heros stance that their kisses to Villains neck slowed. As they pulled away, their dazed eyes sharpened to clarity as they saw Villain holding a small respirator to their mouth. They winked, and used their leverage to kick Hero down to the floor.
Their legs weren't working. They were seeing two.. three... four Villains? It was hard to think, and they couldn't believe they hadn't considered it would be this simple. Villain moved off the desk, buttoning up their clothes after securing the respirator.
"My, my... stealing my sketches of the atomic phasers I was shipping off and intercepting my delivery convoy. I must say, you had good intention, but you let yourself get carried away with temptation. They were shipped out this morning, you're far too late."
Villain crouched down, and gently squished Heros face in their hand to purse their lips. "You want to have office fun, we'll have some office fun. I'll see you when you wake up~"
The dreams were unlike any that Hero had before. In the line of safety, it didn't come without it's downfalls. Sometimes, not everyone could be rescued and it lingered with Hero on more sleepless nights than not.
People falling they couldn't quite catch.
People not making it through a building fire.
They couldn't bear the idea of Villain being one of them.
And so many more caused Hero to jolt awake at night. It wasn't like therapy was an option, and so Hero held it just like they held the rest of the world together. Whatever Villain used in their sedation mist amplified these nightmarish instances tenfold until finally, they woke up.
Yet, their body did not thrash, nor were they capable of doing so with the shackles on their arms, ankles and neck. The cold sweat of their body was warmed by a fire in the room, and the burning sensation they felt from their dream lingered in more ways than just in their mind.
Their skin burned, and from what Hero could see, they were shirtless and tethered to.. oh.
Oh, no.
"Hi, darling," Villain cooed sweetly, standing up from their chair with a rag to gently dab Heros forehead with a cool rag. "Another nightmare? I promise, I only sent out a dozen men, its nothing really."
"W-whats.. whats happening?" They asked tiredly. It felt like they slept forever, but it must have only been a few hours. The sun had long since set, and there were only dim lights illuminating Villains home office.
"Oh, I can show you," Villain hummed as they unclasped the neck restraint, allowing Hero to look down and see the half-finished chest piece sprawling under his collarbones. The ink was smeared everywhere, speckles of blood splattered about randomly, and a Villain looking very proud of themselves.
"You started moving, so I let you get it out of your system. And I knew how much you wanted to use my Saint Andrews Cross, so it worked out well, I think."
"I-I need you to s-stop, why..." Hero couldn't even tell what it was before the panic started setting in.
"Shh, shh..." Villains face went from soft and pleasant, to serious and focused as they brought a hand to Heros face. A thumb traced over their lips, and pushed in to drag against the teeth. Their eyes held onto Heros, which were likely glazed from having woke up or being on the brink of tears. Either way, they still looked pretty to Villain.
The moment Villain got their head down, they locked the neck restraints, leaving Hero to pull against the restraints in protest to no avail. The air stung, and Hero could feel their racing heartbeat through every thick line of the ink in their skin.
"Why?" Villain repeated as they filled every tiny jar to the brim with ink. "You have broken and scarred my body in so many unchangeable ways, Hero." More ways than they were able to discuss, but with how long they had left on this piece, maybe they'd talk about it now.
Villain dipped their pen into the ink, and moved onto the cross to straddle Heros hips. They wiped a small amount of moisturizer in the spot they were to work on, and readied their gun, but not before leaning up to look at Hero directly.
"V-villain! Please, you need to listen to me and-"
"This will hurt, and hurt for a long time so you know how it felt. This is my revenge, this is your scar to bear, and I suggest you not move if you want this to come out good," Villain cooed before giving Hero a slow, deep kiss before pulling away. "I have plenty of time to listen."
Villain started their piece again. Although Hero was tense, they maintained as steady of a physical composure as they could. Every swipe of the machine against their skin felt akin to having skin carved into, stripped away with every bit.
Low-impact skin, like the chest and inner limbs, all have heightened sensitivity. Every graze against a healed scar either went numb, or made Hero cry out in pain. All the while, Villain maintained their steadied hand, gentle hushes escaping their lips as they worked.
"V-villain this is t-too much, I can't-"
"'This is too much', 'this is too deep'," Villain listed dully with a sigh. "All of that over shit we can't control and yet you let it get that far with me because why?" They asked rather simply, a much more content composure compared to their dinner a few weeks ago.
"I... I don't regret it, if that is what you're asking."
"It's not, but I appreciate that. Why was a necklace the deal breaker for you compared to everything else?"
There was a nearly quiet moment, only filled with the buzz of the machine and soft whimpers from Hero every so often. It was possible they were just ignoring Villain. Sooner or later, they would come to find talking over the pain is a great distraction from it.
"Because I.. I don't know what to do when things get deeper," they sobbed softly as the machine dig against their chest. "With our careers, they have a set ending. I didn't expect that out of all the people I could love, it had to be you."
There was a brief pause in Villains work, allowing Hero a moment to breath. They gave Hero a gentle smile and wished they could caress that exhausted face of theirs. it wasn't like they didn't know it, but hearing out loud was always a much more jarring experience.
"And.. taking the necklace, if it comes down to it and all I have is that to remind me I..." Heros voice hitched, either from what they could've said or the harsh buzz of the machine against their sternum. "I killed you, it wouldn't feel right."
Villain hummed with the tattoo gun, bringing the end up in light flicks for shading. Heros skin took the ink well, and despite the scars, they had a good feeling it would look even better when they were done.
"You don't think it would've been if I was giving it to you?" They retorted as they traced a finger along the inky, bloody skin. "I have been okay with you killing me in more than one occasion, yet you haven't. When will you ever?
"This will look so pretty on you, Hero. I know it hurts, but I'll make you feel so much better afterwards." Villain cooed through Heros soft sobs as the heavier shading ached more against their ribs. "This way, no matter when the time comes, you'll carry me always."
"P-please," Hero pulled against the cuffs, to which Villain had to pause with a quizzical face. "I-its.. its too big of a tattoo.."
Villain smiled, tilted their head and chuckled.
"Now, I've never heard you complain about something being 'too big'."
The hours went by agonizingly slow, and not in the metaphorical sense. By the time Villain was done with Hero, they were tatted up and teased throughout the grueling process. There was some reward for having learned their lesson.
Even if Heros legs were cuffed open, they were eager to have some relief after the ordeal upon asking, and the whines and cries in Villains office were a much different type than during the tattoo. When it was all over, Villain carefully undid the restraints, and dampened a paper towel with cold cleaning mix.
"You did perfect and you're going to love it," Villain hummed softly, pressing a kiss to Heros head before wiping the ink down carefully.
The cooling sensation overtook hero, the tension leaving their body almost immediately as a gentle hand carefully cleaned up the piece. Villain brought over a bottle of water, which Hero chugged down hurriedly, much to Villains amusement.
"Keep.. Keep doing that.." Hero breathed out, and Villain complied. With a smile, Villain ran the cool rag over the extensive piece with slow, attentive motions.
"Come on, lets get it wrapped up and something in your body before you pass out again," Villain urged, guiding Hero up from their stiff position and brought them to face the mirror.
Sprawling from one side of Heros collar to the other were great coils of a dragon that funneled down their chest and sternum, the head opening up below the pectorals. Each scale was detailed to the finest hatch mark, the tufts of fur were wispy, and the expression on the dragon looked.. powerful. it was a gorgeous tattoo, and Villain could see their amazement.
"Villain, this is... my god," they breathed. It may be a little tough to hide in the employee locker room, but they could lie.. hopefully.
"And," Villain walked up, and traced over a set of scales along the collar, and soon another set, until Hero realized the pattern spelled out Villains name. Once they saw it, they couldn't unsee it. They could almost faint now.
"I don't know what is going to happen to us, but I'll be more damned than I already am if you forget about me."
Hero looked from the tattoo to Villain, before sighing. They leaned in, and pressed a gentle kiss to their lips. "How could I ever forget about you?"
There was a smile. Maybe Hero wasn't out of the doghouse yet, but Villain did help wrap their new tattoo, and reheated the leftovers from the dinner, and thought of ideas on what they'd do had they not chosen a life of servitude and villainy. Hero would want something mundane. Without the attention or the tabloids.
Villain wanted to be an artist, but given the path that was chosen for them, their skill went designing weapons of destruction instead of creation. In a way, they did create, but it was not the kind they wished for, and did not have the desired outcome.
They went to bed that night, muttering about plans, and giggling about the future where an end never came in the quiet comfort of VIllains room. By noon the next day, the two had gathered what was stashed away in Villains safe, and both vanished without a trace or word to either governing agency.
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juvenillia · 9 months
~ not so bad ~ John 'Soap' MacTavish x fem!reader [fluff/secret santa]
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a/n: as some of you might know, @bunnyreaper did organise a secret santa, and she did so much for this lil project, and for me in general over the past weeks that I just wanted to write her a lil' thing myself. So this is my way to say thank you for everything to my favourite Sergeant. I love you🩶 (and yes I had to include myself somehow, I'm sorry)
wordcount: 1.5k
》Master Post《
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It was too noisy. Literally too cheerful. Everyone's chatting, reddened cheeks from either the alcohol or from the bitter cold outside. The door swung open many times letting breezes of said cold cool the area for mere seconds. The small place was flooded by people. Cheesy Christmas songs were blasting through the speakers and everyone in that God damn pub screamed their lyrics at the top of their lungs. Everyone except you.
You were seated in one of the separate loungings, an already empty glass sitting in front of you. You didn't want to be here, but your friend literally dragged you out of your apartment. How could you even deny her that wish? It was a pub near the local military base, a pub she frequented for the past months very often and you knew there was only one reason: A guy, who she had mentioned a few times before and was completely smitten by.
So how could you decline when she literally begged you to go with her on Christmas eve? You were too curious to catch a glimpse of the man that stole your friend’s heart. Unfortunately, this curiosity now led you to sitting on a couch in that overfilled pub, while your friend was shamelessly flirting with said man. Of course, you were a bit annoyed because she left you all on yourself, but seeing her beaming with happiness made your heart melt again. You couldn’t stay mad at her for too long.
“It's Christmas, you can't stay at home for yourself, bun! And who knows, maybe there’s a Christmas miracle going to happen.” You recall the voice from your friend Florence as she literally talked you into joining her, and for the sunshine nature she was, you gave in. It wasn't as annoying as you imagined it, at least a good amount of alcohol was already running through your veins while watching one of your closest friends having the time of her life. But you couldn't help it and wished you stayed at home. Well she tried to pull you onto the dance floor a few times, tried to invite you in their circle introducing you to Simon, tried everything to keep you entertained, but you had no interest in it. You rather stayed seated here, a glass of your favorite drink in one hand and your eyes pinned onto your friend trying to push the ongoing fling to the next level, and of course making sure this Simon guy treated her properly.
“Nae a holiday person. Eh?” A husky voice caught your attention and a man took the place across from you, a glass of whiskey in his hand which was now settled on the table. He wore one of the ugliest Christmas sweaters you’ve ever seen, but the smile on his lips made up to it.
“You could say so.” Usually you wouldn't be interested in a conversation with a random guy that dared to infiltrate your space like him, spreading his legs out beneath the table and almost bumping his feet into yours. But something about this stranger caught your interest.
“Aye, tell me lass, Scrooge or Grinch?” He raised his brows in a teasing manner while leaning his ellbow onto the table and placing his head into his huge calloused palm. You couldn't help it and star at the scar at his chin before your eyes trailed upwards to this mischievous grin, further upwards to his crystal blue eyes. They held a glimpse of coquetry but also genius interest.
You couldn't suppress a sweet smile at his question, while your hand tried to cover it in a polite manner. The man in front of you was faster. Catching your hand before you could even hide your smile. “Dinnea that, hen. Yer laugh is bonnie.” The teasing tone in his voice was replaced with a sincere and honest intention.
“Both hated humans rather than Christmas.” Your own voice held a smug tone while your eyes were pinned on his. You haven't even noticed that he scooted closer, while still keeping your hand in his. “But both are close, though.”
He pulled your hand up to place a slight kiss onto your knuckles. You could've missed it by the way you were still mesmerized by his baby blues. “Hope ‘m nae one of those then.” His thumb brushed over the spot his lips just left. “‘m John, but friends call me Johnny.”
“Olivia, but friends call me bunny.” You could've sworn that there were way too many people in here, the room temperature got way too high by now. But in reality it was just the alcohol in your system. Definitely not the hot Scotsman next to you, who's thigh was now leaned against yours. You could witness your friend leaving the pub with the behemoth of a man from the side view of your eyes, but you couldn't care less. She Was old enough to decide what's best for her, and right now you decided it was best for you to ignore it. Keeping all of your focus on the charming man.
“Mind if I call ye bonnie instead?” He leaned a bit further into the couch while he eyed you up from top to bottom, well as much as the table allowed him to. As a response you just nodded your head, not able to respond to him properly. Eventually, the heat on your cheeks wasn't from the alcohol nor from the crowded place. Maybe it was indeed because of Johnny. His hand stroked a strain of curly hair behind your ear. “Let me buy ye another drink, bonnie.” It wasn't a request as before, he was already on his way to the bar to get you the same drink as before again. So you decided to follow him through the crowd, not minding anyone that bumped into you. You just wanted to stay close to him, what he immediately noticed. One of the biggest grin you've seen him wore on his lips. “Missin’ me already lass, eh?”
“Maybe. Maybe not. Who knows.” You teased him while taking the glass out of his hands and bringing it to your lips. Maybe Florence was right, maybe it wasn't that bad to go out tonight.
“I see.” He smiled while taking some sips from his drink. He averted his eyes from your figure for a blink of an eye, catching something of his interest. If you thought his grin couldn't turn more smug, you were damn wrong. He placed the glass onto the wooden counter, and used his free hand to pull you closer to him by your waist.
You shrieked out of the sudden impact and your hands found his chest, leaning flush against the tight muscles. You could literally feel him flex beneath your touch, even through the wool of the sweater. “What the…” You couldn't even end your sentence as his other hand pointed just to the spot above your heads. Your eyes followed his index fingers to the little mistletoe above, and the realization hit you right now. His hand moved to cup your cheek while he bent himself over to close the slight gap that was left. Brushing his lips over yours just so gently and polite, it didn't feel like any of the kisses you had experienced so far.
After some time - way to short amount for your liking - you parted again, hands still staying at their previous places. “Christmas traditions…” He placed another quick peck onto the crown of your head. “Nae so bad after all, eh?” His smile grew into a big grin, something you wanted to see even more often.
You heard another familiar voice before you could even respond to Johnny. “Fuckin hell. We missed it, Si.” It was your friend who just walked back into the pub, a beefy arm slung over her shoulder while both approached you.
“Wait…What did you miss?” You blinked in confusion at your friend, who only laughed.
“Your Christmas miracle, silly bun.” She laughed while intervening her finger with his.
That was the second time you realized something tonight. It hit you like a ton of bricks and your brows furrowed. “You fuckin’ minx.” You tried to keep a scolding tone, but you couldn't suppress the happiness in your voice.
“Better say thank you.” She teased, while Simon placed his chin onto her head.
“We should leave them alone, love.” He placed a soft kiss onto her head, while closing his eyes and she nodded.
“Alright.” Johnny picked you up in one motion and threw you over his shoulder like you weighed nothing, which forced a scream out of your throat. Laughing was the only thing you were surrounded by as your cheeks completely turned red. “Yer comin’ hame with me, bonnie.”
“Treat ma girl right, Johnny!” She yelled after the Scot while he already carried you outside.
And it really shouldn't be a secret that he indeed treated you right. From this day on, it became a cheesy tradition to spend the Christmas eve in that specific pub. Johnny at your side, one of his hands always on you, while he kept bragging to Simon about something that happened on the last mission which made Florence laugh way too hard. From this day on, Christmas was not so bad anymore.
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141 notes · View notes
How about Rollo meeting Ortho in the interaction?
ROLLO ONII-SAMA ERA??????? ????? ????? ??? ?? ? ????????? ???? 👀 (Gotta love how even the most uptight characters have sort of a soft spot for Ortho…) I shared some of the ideas expressed in this interaction in this previous post, if you want to check that out!
This very long interaction is “just strangers meeting for the very first time” since the request was non-specific. I do plan on releasing more in-depth Ignihyde and Rollo interaction headcanons later, so please look forward to that!
***WARNING: there are massive spoilers for Glorious Masquerade in this interaction.***
***CONTENT WARNING: depiction of a panic attack.***
Like Fire, Hellfire.
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He was running late.
One thing had led into another, and that after-class chat with Professor Trein had spiraled into a longer-than-intended discussion on magically binding contracts. The older man was, Rollo found, poised and intellectual—a wise choice for an instructor. More than that, there was a warmness behind his austere presentation, something grandfatherly, kind, and comforting.
Rollo had been enchanted, and the time had slipped by so easily. Only when the sky was painted in hues of rose, tangerine, and gold did he realize the afternoon had bled into sunset.
He cleared his throat. "Pardon me, Mozus-sensei. It has been a very enlightening conversation, but I have other matters I must tend to."
"Of course. It was wonderful getting to speak with you one-on-one." Trein stroked the fur of a plump black and white cat nestled in his lap as he spoke. A familiar, Rollo ventured, careful to not let the disgust seep into his expression.
"Then I will see you tomorrow." He bowed, turning on his heel to exit. Just as Rollo was to cross the threshold, Trein called out to him.
He stopped, looking over his shoulder. "Yes?"
Trein rested his hand. The setting sun poured in from an unobscured window, coloring the room in the shades of a dying day. He released what was on his mind.
"I want you to know that you are able to come to me whenever you wish. If you are lost or need guidance, academic or otherwise, I would be more than happy to assist. Your circumstances being as they are…" Trein shook his head. "I worry about you, the same as I do for each and every one of my students."
Rollo found himself frowning. He let the lie upon his lips go.
"Thank you, sir. However, your concern won't be necessary. I have taken the time to properly reflect on my actions since the masquerade.”
"... Very well, I won't push further. Have a good evening."
"Yes, you as well."
Rollo stepped out into the hallway. His past still clung to him like a shroud, trailing behind him like a wedding veil. It would follow him to his very grave.
He was not lost—he was certain of where his destiny would end, and it was wreathed with the flames of vengeance.
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At this time of the day, hellish red washed over corridors devoid of students. With everything empty and painted the same shade, the campus appeared monotonous—each hall the same as the last. Hadn’t he already passed this classroom a few minutes ago? Was he seeing things, or was Night Raven College turning into a glorified maze?
It was strange—first, he had been late. Now he here he was, lost. It was unlike him to be in such circumstances. Had he stepped into a wonderland where everything was the opposite and logic was topsy-turvy?
Should I turn back and return from the way I came? He wondered whether it would save him time or waste even more.
Something flickered in the corner of his field of vision. His eyes instinctively darted to it. Whatever it was, it was blue in color, emitting a soft halo of light. It was at the end of the hall, too far away to make out any concrete details.
What is that…?
Rollo’s feet moved on their own, compelled to follow the mysterious blue glow. At first, they were set in a comfortable walk—but his pace grew brisker and brisker as he approached. Walk to jog to sprint.
He didn't know why, but he was desperate to catch up to it. Rollo was a man possessed, a moth drawn to a flame. Every bone, every muscle, every drop of blood screamed at him: you must.
The blue sharpened, coming into focus. Taking form, assuming a body. From behind, Rollo could tell it was a young boy, his feet low to the ground but not quite touching it.
An otherworldly apparition, floating.
His heart caught in his throat. His breath hitched, then stilled. Fear had seized his throat, preventing the air from escaping him.
No. No, it can't be. Impossible.
Rollo's hand shot out, expecting to meet the air, to faze though the boy in blue. But his skin met something solid, and a bolt of ice raced down his spin upon contact.
Liquid welled in his eyes. Searing.
Don’t leave me. Don’t disappear right before me. Not again.
His pulse quickened, his stomach twisting.
The breath he had been holding was released, shakily expelled like a horrible secret.
Then Rollo saw him in full. The composition of it was all wrong. He had the same wide, curious eyes—but his hair was set aflame, and the ghostly pallor of his face was framed in an odd mask. His mouth was obscured from view, and where there should have been a heart was an eerie blue fire.
His body, too, was not natural. Metal, with strange segmentations in the limbs. A low hum of electricity. Decidedly unhuman.
Rollo’s heart sank, his fragile hope shattering.
It's not him.
“Uwah!” the boy in blue cried, startled.
Of course, Rollo realized. Why wouldn’t he be caught off-guard? He had just charged at the boy and suddenly grabbed him. Rollo let his arm drop and bowed deeply.
“I apologize for the fright. I… mistook you for someone else.”
“Oh, that’s why!” The boy in blue seemed to smile reassuringly from behind his mouth visor. “Don’t worry. It’s common for humans to make optical identification errors.”
“Erm, yes.” Rollo wove his hands together. It did nothing to relax his hammering heart, his creased brows. “Do excuse me for the disruption. I’ll be on my way now.”
The boy tilted his head. Rollo shivered—it was as though the child was peering straight into his soul. Big doe eyes full of life. Warm like a little candle. It was uncanny how familiar this boy was.
Candid, pure.
It’s almost like he has returned to me.
His chest twinged, and he faltered with his departure.
“… Mister, your vital signs all read abnormal. Body temperature, pulse, respiration rate, blood pressure, even the level of perspiration.” His tone turned concerned. “Are you feeling unwell?”
“I am fine.”
He didn’t look convinced. Rollo wasn’t sure if he believed his own lie either.
“You’re not wearing a Night Raven College uniform,” the boy noted. “You must be a visitor then! Let me escort you to the nurse’s office. You will receive the care you need there.”
“I assure you, I’m not in need of their services.”
He blinked. “… Feedback acknowledged. If you refuse to go, then I can’t exactly force you to.”
The boy hovered in a circle around Rollo, extending his arms out toward him. “I can still help you get to your destination though—wherever that may be! Just let me know and I’ll calculate the most efficient route for you.”
Rollo reeled at the sight of him flying—on his feet, and without a broom! The boy spoke so strangely for his age as well as well, talking of biometrics and mathematics as easily as a child might discuss their favorite toy. But the way he stared back at him…
The eager expression, hands outstretched.
The hurt in his chest intensified, a new bloom of pain taking root in his head. An ash-covered memory was lit ablaze again.
Smoke in his lungs, singed flesh in his nose, and tears stinging his eyes. The scream of a burning child ringing in his ears.
Pain, a searing knife against his skin.
“H-Help me… HELP ME…!!”
Rollo took a trembling step back. He didn’t realize it, but he had started to shake all over, a cold sweat breaking out on his forehead. His eyes were alert, paranoid.
The air too thin to sate his screeching lungs. The world closing in, blanketed in curtains of smoke. Coals at his feet, fire rising.
“N-No, I… I…!!”
His hands flew to his head, clawing at his skin, his hair. Everything suddenly felt too uncomfortable, too hot—
Rollo felt arms being thrown around him. An encircling, kind embrace. He looked down to find the strange child hugging him tightly. Smiling softly, angelically.
“… It’ll be okay," the boy said, his voice as tender as the touch of a feather. "There, there. Everything will be okay."
The flames froze, as did the fuel that fed them. Rollo stiffened, reality seeping through to him. His body, unsure of how to react.
He slowly lowered his hands from his face, properly looked the child in the eyes. They seemed to pulsate hypnotically, projecting soothing shades: gold, amber, honey.
"I'm here for you," the boy continued. "See? I'm here.”
He was. Rollo knew his gaze, his touch. The warmth he had long since renounced, been deprived of.
“Focus on me. That’s right, just like that. Breathe slowly. Let’s do it together, okay? In, out. In, out…”
Huff, huff, huff.
Rollo was not so much as breathing as he was gulping and spitting up pockets of air. He was a dehydrated man tasting sweet water on the verge of death, then vomiting on the luxury of it.
The boy nodded understandingly in spite of his shaky efforts. “Just like that! You’re doing great.”
Huff, huff.
His body moved more on instinct than on command. Taking in air and returning it, a process set on autopilot. Each breath increasingly more stable than the last.
A warm hand rubbing the area between is shoulder blades. Wordlessly easing him through it.
“… How are you feeling now?”
Those few simple words dispelled the last of the suffocating heat. His emotions tempered, cooling, and finding ground once more. What was left was fizzling frustration and knotted confusion.
Rollo released the last of his breath.
He struggled to speak. “I... I don’t understand. Why are you…”
He pulled away, but kept his hands on Rollo's shoulders. “I detected heart palpitations and other abnormal biological fluctuations. Altogether, they indicated that you were experiencing something akin to a trauma response. You looked so sad and scared. I initiated the only protocol in my memory bank that suited the scenario."
“You…” Rollo hesitated. “You did that for a complete stranger?”
“Hehe. Did my comfort protocol work?” He gave a happy twirl midair. "I'm glad that you're feeling better, even if just a little!"
Rollo watched him in silence, guilt stirring in the pit of his stomach. When he touched his cheek, he found it slightly damp. Renegade tears that had slipped free and dribbled down.
Pathetic—after all these years, he hadn’t become any stronger at all, still crumbled when he reminiscenced. Old, aching memories forever branded into him. Memories that continued to hurt him, even to this very day.
He clutched a hand over his heart.
And yet this boy…
Protectiveness swelled up.
“You,” Rollo spoke up at last, “why are you wandering on campus grounds unsupervised? Are you not aware that this is a dangerous location for youths like yourself?”
“I’m here to pick up my big brother!” he replied, beaming proudly. “Nii-san had a big exam today, plus a club meeting. It should be over by now, so we’re going to meet up and then have a family fun night!”
“How… thrilling for you.” Rollo offered a tight-lipped smile. “My word, this elder brother of yours sounds highly irresponsible if he’s leaving a child of your age unchaperoned. It should be the older sibling’s responsibility to look out for the younger, not the other way around.”
“Huh? That’s usually how it is for us, though. Nii-san forgets to take care of himself when he’s not reminded!” He sighed, shoulders slumping. “Nii-san stays up late gaming, snacks instead of having real meals, and rarely leaves his room.”
“That’s absolutely abhorrent,” Rollo seethed, his rage returning to him. “What sort of example is he setting for you?”
Red prickled the edges of his vision. How dare that so-called brother burden this poor, sweet boy and allow him to wander around a mage-infested school? For that, Rollo would put him to the stake.
“That’s it, it’s settled! I will accompany you and ensure that you find your way home safely. Furthermore, when you reunite with your brother, I will be sure to give this man a piece of my mind.”
“Eeeeeeeh?!” Shock lit up the boy’s face. “This is the first time anyone’s ever wanted to meet nii-san so passionately!”
For all the wrong reasons, he recognized—still, there was a fragment of hope in the circumstances. Potential friendship to be found in the confrontation. He clung to that possibility.
"Well... okay, if you really want to. Nii-san might be a little more than surprised to see you, but it's a good chance to him to meet new people."
"Fufufu, that's correct. It would do him some good to become acquainted with—" A thought dawned on him. "Ah, forgive me. I forgot to ask for your name earlier. Please, may I know it?”
“Me? I’m Ortho! Ortho Shroud.”
The surname (unfortunately) conjured up a familiar face. Pale completion, cobalt lips, irises in piercing yellow, blazing blue fire for hair. A man that retreated from the light, spitting words as sharp as his jagged teeth.
Rollo grimaced. How had he not seen the resemblance sooner? Blinded by emotions, he ventured with a subtle scoff.
“What’s your name, mister?” Ortho asked, peering up at him.
"I am..." Rollo stopped himself. A swarm of unanswered questions fought for his attention, each wanting to be the first to be let out.
Shroud’s brother is no longer with us. How is it possible that he is standing here before me? What has happened to his body? Why is it metal? Surely they’re beyond normal prosthetics. He’s floating like some unorthodox apparition…
One inquiry won out in the end.
Has he told Ortho about me?
What would happen to the boy’s faith, his joy, once the introduction was uttered? The idea summoned a great deal of discomfort, twisting painfully like a knife plunged into Rollo’s guts. Guilt pooling.
He fell silent.
“… Never mind that. My identity is unimportant, for I am a mere visitor to this prestigious school. You may continue calling me ‘mister’ as you were.”
“Roger that! Let’s get going then. Nii-san’s waiting!”
Ortho flew ahead, the guiding light in a world dyed a hellish hue of red. Rollo followed at a safe distance, but never let the boy out of his sight—but he never drew too close either.
Why did you do that? Rollo rebuked himself. You've done no wrong. You have nothing to be ashamed of, no reason to feel any guilt. You are in the right. Why mask the truth?
He squeezed his eyes shut.
That night, atop the bell tower...
"Do you think your brother would have wanted this?! Idia had demanded. “Would he be happy... seeing you do this to the city—to the world—in his name...?"
I am without sin. I am righteous, Rollo told himself. A prayer, a staunch affirmation. Of my virtue, I am justly proud.
“Hurry up, mister!” Ortho called to him. The boy’s voice snapped him back, and Rollo smiled in spite of himself.
“… Of course. I am coming.”
This happiness, he knew, would not last forever. Spells always broke before the strike of midnight.
He had to relish these fleeting yet magical moments while they lasted.
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mcuamerica · 4 months
The Shadowsinger: Thirteen
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Warnings: 18+. Minors DNI. Alludes to sex, mentions of wing clipping, mention of parental death, fluff, ACOTAR series spoilers. If I forgot anything, please let me know!
Pairing: Azriel x Fem!Reader
Summary: You join the IC at the town home for Solstice, then make a decision about Windhaven.
Disclaimer: I do not own SJM’s characters or plot lines, only the ones I create for the purpose of this story. This is a work of fiction. I do not give permission to repost my work on any other platform or medium. Please be respectful.
My graphics are my own. If you wish to use them, please give credit!
Series Masterlist
Eight - Nine - Ten - Eleven - Twelve
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You laughed as you saw Cassian and Mor drunkenly try to play the piano in the sitting room. You had a glass of some very expensive and very old wine in your hand, provided by Rhys. You had exchanged gifts earlier in the day. You received a lovely pair of fighting leathers from Cassian, two full outfits (including jewelry) from Amren, and a warm cloak from Rhys. Azriel had given you a specially crafted dagger. It had swirls mimicking shadows on it, and the blade and the metal were almost pure black. Along with it, came a sheath that fit perfectly with the leathers Cassian got you. And Mor… well she got you a hideous scarf and lace gloves. You weren’t sure what to do with them, but you figured maybe you’d display them in your closet. 
Rhys was sitting next to you, a faint smile on his face. For this being the first Solstice out from Under the Mountain, you thought he would be happier. But you could see that something was missing from him. He still refused to talk to you about anything other than your training and threats the Night Court was facing. After everything you had been through, you just wished you could talk to him. Like you had Under the Mountain. But that relationship might have been gone now that Rhys had his true family to talk to. He didn’t even tell you why he hadn’t called in the bargain with Feyre. Not the real reason at least. 
Amren was in the corner, a small smirk on her face as Mor played the wrong notes of the piano and Cassian was singing incredibly off key. You looked up as Azriel came over to you, not swaying at all despite the amount of alcohol he'd ingested tonight. “Care to dance?” He asked and you giggled, taking his extended hand and got up, steadying yourself as you grabbed his bicep. 
“You better be as strong as you feel. Cause I’m not going to be standing for very long.” You joked and smiled as he winked at you, promising he’d never let you fall. You both began dancing in circles as Mor and Cass continued their horrible song. Still, you laughed with Azriel as you’d stumble into him, or as he would make a wrong turn. 
The rest of the night consisted of you all singing and dancing with each other. And finally, around when the clock struck two, Azriel led you upstairs to your bedroom. You finished your fit of giggles from tripping up the stairs and leaned against the wall next to your door. “You, my Shadowsinger, are very much the stronger of us two. By a lot.” You said, holding back a hiccup. “You’ve caught me like ten times tonight.” 
You called him your Shadowsinger. Azriel’s heart skipped a beat. “You should get some rest, (Y/N).” He said, even though a smile came to his lips. You were both way too drunk to have him tempted into your room tonight. If he was going to take you, he’d do it properly and be very sober. So he could taste and feel everything from you. 
“Hmm… alright.” You said and turned towards your door, shadows pushing it open for you. “Better hope I can get out of this dress properly.” You said, half to yourself, and half to Azriel as a tease. You might have even heard a Cauldron boil me under his breath. “Goodnight, my sweet, strong Shadowsinger. Please don’t wake me up for some stupid training tomorrow.” You said before your shadows shut the door behind you. 
The night had been perfect. You spent it in Azriel’s arms or around him, not-so-subtly flirting with him the entire time. You’re pretty sure you showed him that you liked him. And that you enjoyed his company. And if the Inner Circle didn’t know, they probably did now. 
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Rhys was agitated after Solstice. You couldn’t tell why, and honestly you were starting to get annoyed with him since he wasn’t talking to you. 
You were all having a meeting at the House, just a week after Solstice. And he snapped at Amren for suggesting that he needed allies outside of the Night Court. You could’ve sworn you saw her eyes flare with that silver power of hers. But she hid her annoyance much better than Rhys. 
You took Rhys’s arm, dragging him into one of the smaller sitting rooms. “What is your problem?” You asked, crossing your arms. “You’ve been on edge this entire week.” You said. 
He was practically panting. You’ve never seen him so worked up. He turned towards one of the open windows. He allowed the breeze inside, cooling the room instantly. “Feyre is marrying Tamlin.” He said. You detected a lot of jealousy in his tone... and scent. 
“And? They- they’re partners. It might be soon but-“ 
“She’s my mate.” 
Your eyes widened. You blinked at him for a few moments and then hummed. “Why haven’t you called in your bargain?” You asked. 
“She hates me. She’s been through so much. I don’t deserve her. I can’t bring her here when she’s marrying him.” He said. 
“Didn’t you say Tamlin was letting her waste away?” You asked and stepped towards him, resting a hand on his arm. “She might hate you, but I doubt she would if you allowed her to see past the evil High Lord act.” You said. 
“She’s marrying him… she might be miserable but she’s said yes. It’s in two weeks.” He said. 
“Do you think she has any other choice?” You asked and rose your eyebrows, looking up at Rhys. “She was a human almost three months ago. Tamlin saved her-“
“She saved herself. She’s the one who fought while Tamlin did nothing. He begged but he did nothing. He’s pathetic. And he’s letting her waste away in that manor.” He said. His wings were already out, but the longer he talked, the more darkness gathered around him. 
“Call in the bargain, Rhys. If you need me there, I will be. But you deserve to be happy. You’ve done enough suffering.” You said and squeezed his arm. “Call in the bargain.” You said again before turning to leave the room. 
“Is Azriel your mate?” He asked before you could open the door. 
You turned back towards him and frowned. “No… I haven’t had a bond snap into place. Not for anyone.” You said. 
“You certainly seem like you like him.” He said. 
“I do. He’s gorgeous. But he’s just warming up to me.” You said and smiled a bit. “And I’ve got training to focus on, I don’t need a mating bond right now.” You smiled at Rhys. “I’m here if you need me.” You said before leaving. 
You got back to the table, telling them that Rhys needed to cool off. You sat next to Mor, seeing Azriel peer at you from the corner. He was much more likely to be in the shadows than you were. While you used your shadows to hide, he used them to lurk. Not that he needed to right now. You were pretty sure he was doing it right now just so he could stare at you without being obvious. You stared right back. 
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You went back to Windhaven the next day. Your wing was completely healed, thanks to Madja and her incredible abilities. You went straight to Devlon, apologized for hitting Calder, and said from now on you (and the other females) would be training with the males. 
“No, absolutely not. The females have to do chores first and they’re behind-"
“Put them with the new recruits. They will learn the exact same way the males do. There is no reason for them to be separate other than your bias.” 
“The males will refuse to train with females.” He said. 
“Then they don’t get to train, that will be on them.” You said and crossed your arms. “I’ve talked to the females, they have no problem training with the new recruits. If the males do, then they don’t train. But the females have the same trainers.” You said.
“Is this an order from the High Lord?” He growled.  
“It’s an order from me. And just as Cassian does, I speak for the High Lord.” You said. You did talk to Rhys and Cassian about it. Even Azriel sat in on the small meeting. They agreed. As long as you could convince Devlon, they would support you on it. 
“And where is the Commander?” He asked, looking around. 
“He has more important camps to visit.” You jeered. “Today, I’ll train with the recruits. Show you and them that a female can keep up with any male at the same level.”
“You’re at the level above the new recruits.” He said. You were surprised he admitted it. 
“Then I’ll train with those males. And if I fail, the females stay training separate. If I succeed, however, they train at the same time, with the same commander.” You said firmly. 
Devlon looked out over the camp, his arms still crossed over his chest. “Fine, though if you hit another male unprovoked, you’ll get the lashings just like they do.” He said. 
“And if he hits me?” You asked, smirking as he waved you off. 
By the time lunch came around, you were panting and sweating with the drills the training commander was making you run. But you were keeping up with the other males. Some of them went ahead of you, some behind. All you had to do was show that you were just as capable of training as any of them. And you did. Albeit, you were exhausted by the end of the day. You didn’t even go back to the house, you just went to the cabin. After a quick bath, you shoveled down food and then passed out on the couch for the night. 
Azriel came the next morning to see how you were doing. Cassian and Rhys had a situation to handle at Ironcrest, and he knew you would be tired. It was before dawn and you were still on the couch, wings awkwardly wrapped around yourself as a makeshift blanket. He smiled as he saw your peaceful demeanor. He knelt down beside you, moving the hair from your face. “(Y/N)?” He whispered. 
You groaned and shifted, wincing as your wing caught on the back of the couch. You opened your eyes, blinking away the sleep. “Az?” You whispered. 
“Hey… did you sleep here all night?” He asked, sighing when you nodded. “You’re not going to be happy when you train today. You gotta sleep in your bed.” He said. 
“I was too tired to go up the stairs.” You said, tucking in your wings as you sat up. “Today, I was informed, is flying training.” You said. 
“Devlon said the females would train with the new recruits. Though I heard some of the males wouldn’t train with them. So I assigned them to chore duty instead,” you said with a smirk on your face. “See how they like chores instead of training.”
Azriel looked at you and shook his head. “You’ve done more than we’ve been able to do.” He said and smiled. “Thank you for helping with this. These females deserve to have the choice of training.” 
“This is only the first camp. My father’s camp… and Ironcrest… I don’t know how that’s going to go.” You said, shifting slightly. 
Azriel hummed and shrugged. “Prove to this camp that you’re just as good, better, than them.” He said. “Which you will be. Especially with the way you’re training.” 
“I think I need to stay here. Not just visit. I should live with them, and I need to be here.” You said, looking out the window that faced the camp. You could see the younger males and females running around doing morning chores. You even saw some of them playing together. 
“You want to live here? Full-time?” He asked, a protective light shining in his eye. It was one thing to visit and train, but to live here… He shook the thought out of his head. You could protect yourself. You were more than capable of putting any male in his place. 
“Until they continue without me nagging at them every five minutes, yes.” You said. “I’ll talk to Rhys about it, make sure he doesn’t need me in Velaris… but I think this is where I’m needed.” 
“Care if I visit?” He asked, sitting down on the small table in front of the couch. 
You smiled and leaned forward. “I would love it if you'd visit, Azriel.” You said, eyes scanning over his face. “Only if you don’t show how much you’re infatuated with me in front of the other males. Would make me seem weak.” You teased and nudged him as you got up. You stretched before going to the stairs. “You want to watch us train today?” You asked. 
“I’d love it,” he said and leaned back, smiling as he watched you walk up the stairs. 
You changed into the new fighting leathers Cassian got you and smiled as you saw Azriel waiting for you. “Can I ask you a question about the Blood Rite?” You asked. 
He frowned slightly, nodding. The thought of you participating in the Rite made his stomach churn. 
“Did you still have your shadows with you? Or did the spell take that away too?” You asked. 
“No, I didn’t have my shadows.” 
“Was it weird? Not having them with you after so long?” You asked and he shrugged. 
“A little, but I was more focused on surviving the Rite. Getting to Cass and Rhys.” He said and smiled a bit. “Why?” 
“Because I think I might have to compete,” you said, grabbing your water canteen. “If they’re supposed to take females seriously, they won’t until they see one survive the Blood Rite. If I could do it this Spring…”
“The Blood Rite is… you could die,” he said, frowning. “Are you sure?”
“If I can make the qualifier, I’ll do it.” You said and filled the canteen. “But only if you and Cassian think I would be ready for it… that’s what the whole training exercise in the mountains was, wasn’t it? To mimic the Rite? With my bound wings?” You asked. 
“Partially.” Azriel admitted. “But there’s other times your wings might be bound. And you still had all your normal strength.” He said. “If you want to participate… if they let you… it would be extremely hard.” 
“Females have competed in it before. And survived… not in hundreds of years.. but they have.” You said. “Cassian told me… but I know it’s not easy. I think it would be worth it.” You said. “And maybe other females would see they could do it too.” 
“Keep training. Make the decision once you get near to the qualifier… but doing it this Spring… I think you would need to train individually with Cass or me. They go at a slower pace. Unless you can get up each level every week.” Azriel explained. 
“I can do it.” You said firmly, turning towards him. The soft look in his eyes, the worry, told you that he believed in you. But he hoped that you wouldn’t compete. Not this year, and not anytime soon either.
Azriel didn’t want you to compete not because you couldn’t, but because he was worried about you dying. About losing you. 
“I know you can.” He answered, then opened the door. “Now let me see you train. Kick some Illyrian ass.” He said and winked at you. You laughed gently and walked out, Azriel trailing behind you. 
You walked in comfortable silence, noticing how Azriel would scowl at some of the males walking by. “You know, you normally are very good at holding your emotions back.” You said and nudged him. “This place must put you on edge just like me.”
“Illyrians can be brutal, and a lot of them used to make my mother’s life a living hell.” He said and frowned. “But luckily, she’s safe and no one mistreats her anymore. Not on my watch.” He said. 
You looked at him and gave him a small smile. Cassian told you about Azriel’s mother. How he only got to see her once a week when he was a child. And never saw her when he was training here. 
“My mother died after giving birth to my younger brother.” You said, looking forward. “My father had to make a choice between Varyn and my mother. His wings came out at an odd angle, and she was losing too much blood. Instead of having a disabled son… he allowed his wife to die.” You said and frowned as you  looked forward. “My mother was the kindest Illyrian I'd ever met. Her wings were clipped when she came of age, but never allowed my father to clip mine. She said she wouldn't, at least. After she died, he didn’t give a damn about anything.” You frowned. “When I met Sirona, she had such a similar personality to my mother. They would’ve been fast friends… I miss them both. And will never forgive my father for what he did to my mother.” 
“What about what he did to you?” He asked. 
“He’s a hateful man.” You said and let out a breath. “What he did to me was unforgivable, but… I got out. And my wings are intact. That’s because of me. I won’t hate him for it. But I hate him for a lot of other things.” 
“And yet you can still stand to be here?” He asked. 
“I have something to prove to myself. To prove that I can be better than any of these males.” You said and stopped outside of the mess hall. “Want to eat?” You asked, turning to him.
Azriel gave you a gentle smile and nodded, following you inside.
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A/N: Aww this is a cute little chapter! The next one... let's just say there may be some spice in it...
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shallyouobeyme · 1 year
Yandere!Diluc x Sagau!Reader
Summary: Running away from people out for your head you decide that maybe death is the best way out, seems like someone has a different opinion about that though…
! Minors Do Not Interact !
Tw: Attempted murder, false deity, Yandere behavior, dark content, kinda kidnapping, death of nature, I do not condone this, this is fantasy, imposter au (kinda)
Day 6 of my Yandere Writetober, tomorrows word is Drip, let me know if you have wishes
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“Nowhere left to run,” a voice called out to you as you came to a stop at what you recognized as Starsnatch Cliff, your back turned to the legion of soldiers led by the acting grand master Jean. You had been running for hours now, trying to get away from unavoidable doom. If it wasn’t Jean and her men who killed you, it would be the archon that was secretly joining the hunt, proven by the moving traces of green you saw every time you turnt and the wind that seemingly was pushing against you wherever you ran.
This was really how you’ll die, isn’t it? After you had woken up in a game you had casually enjoyed playing and figured out that you had somehow managed to look exactly like the grand deity that the game in your world conveniently forgot to mention, you had tried everything to wake up, thinking it was a dream. It wasn’t though - it was more of a nightmare.
But maybe that was better, maybe once you died in this world, you’d come back to your reality like nothing ever happened, and if not - well, at least you wouldn’t be hunted anymore so that was all you wanted at this point.
You felt the presence of the armed men and women out for your head approaching and so you turned around, the white robe you had woken up in, snapping around you in the worsening gusts of wind. They looked so differently when you had them right in front of you, when they were made out of flesh and blood and not just out of ones and zeros. Jean was even more beautiful than in the game and Amber, Lisa and Kaeya all were so stunning that you could have spent hours just gazing at them, just enjoying how pretty they were. Not that you’d ever get that chance, because you’d be slaughtered by them in a matter of seconds.
Deciding that it was impossible for you to win a fight, you just closed your eyes and held out your arms by your sides, ready to receive the killing blow. You tried to count the seconds to calm your racing heart, you felt like you could hear someone raise their blade, but there was no blow. No searing pain, no death.
Instead, you felt heat in front of you, the air turned hotter than you thought possible and for a second you believed that Amber had decided to end your life Witch-trial style by burning you, but then the heat got farther away from you and moved towards the blood thirsty crowd. Surprised, you tried to look at what was happening, but the only thing you saw before you were suddenly pushed backwards right off of the end of the cliff was what seemed to be a bird made of fire.
And then you were falling. Falling was the first sensation you felt. Then you felt someone holding you, their grip on you tight enough to hurt in any other situation. Before you could properly process that though, the sensation of falling turnt into the sensation of gliding and everything that had happened caught up to you, making you feel very dizzy. Deciding that it didn’t matter anymore anyways, you leaned your head against the stranger’s chest and before you passed out, you could have sworn you heard a deep voice mutter ‘I’ve got you now, my grace’.
When you awoke, you were comfortable and warm, cozy actually. For a few seconds you believed that you were back at home, lying in your bed, waking up from a very bad dream. That hope shattered once you opened your eyes to see a beautifully painted, renaissance-like ceiling. You swung your feet out of the bed and found you were still wearing the white robe you had woken up in, that was something at least, but the thing that surprised you more was how your feet seemed to be tinted gold, like you had walked through ankle deep gold powder, when you tried to wipe it off you found that it seemed to be completely on your skin… if you hadn’t known better you would have thought the gold was your skin.
It was only as you tried to wipe the gold on your feet away that you noticed that your hands, palm, fingers, up to your wrists, were much the same. What was happening?
You jumped out of the bed and looked around for a mirror, luckily finding a full-body one in the corner of the room. As you came to a stop in front of it, you were even more shocked. Not only the skin on your outer extremities was golden, but your hair and your eyes had become a shining gold as well. That was definitely new.
As you mustered yourself in the mirror, the room's door opened and someone stepped in. The first thing you noticed was the red head of hair, then the clothes that you had loved to look at in the game. You turned around and found yourself confirmed. No doubt, behind you was Diluc, the dark knight hero. Was he out to kill you as well? Before you had the chance to cower in fear, the man who was even more intimidating in real life, towering over you when he was standing, was kneeling at your feet, his head practically touching the floor in what seemed to be worship.
“My grace, I welcome you to this world.”
“W-What?” You stumbled over the single word as you stepped back some more, still unsure of the intention of the man.
“Be not afraid, I don’t want to hurt you, I would never hurt you, your majesty. My brethren… they were foolish, they were blinded by the false god, your markings had not yet developed with you being freshly brought into this world. Please have mercy with them once you are ready to bring judgment upon the sinners of this world-“ Diluc gave a whole speech that seemed to be rehearsed with how nervous he seemed, but something about what he said had you questioning him.
“How do you know? That I was brought here? Everyone else seemed to think I belong here,” you asked and Diluc finally looked up at you, seemingly caught by how his eyes widened,
“Well, your grace, I-I know, because, well- The imposter who is sitting on your throne, I caught them applying golden powder on their skin, I always had my doubts, they didn’t give me the feeling I have whenever I was visited with you, the same feeling I have now, but doubting the great god is a mortal sin. I knew I needed proof first, so I found an ancient tome and it had a ritual to summon the great god, for a small price I was able to have you brought here- I knew I had to, I never knew that the knights would act like that, they would be so blinded.”
You looked at him mouth agape.
“You brought me here? It’s your fault I was almost killed?”
“It isn’t like that, your grace, I swear it wasn’t supposed to happen like this,” Diluc begged, but you just shook your head.
“This-“ you motioned around you, at him, at you, at the golden skin, “-This is crazy. I’m leaving and stop calling my grace.”
Diluc tried to protest, but you were already walking out of the room, rushing down the stairs, happy that you had some idea about the layout of the winery thanks to the game. There were some of the maids working and as soon as they saw you and your golden appearance they were on their knees in devotion, but you ignored them. Arriving at the main door, you ripped it open… and were stopped in your tracks,
Where you had expected to see the winery’s grape vines was just dead land. No plants, no grass, not even an elemental slime graced what had been a beautiful piece of nature in the game.
You heard steps quickly approaching and stopping besides you and you knew it was Diluc.
“What happened?” You whispered out in confusion and a little bit of unfounded fear.
“That was the price, bringing such an extraordinary being as yourself into our undeserving world needed an exchange,” Diluc said nonchalantly, as if it was self explanatory, as if it was no bother at all.
“But the winery, the bar?”
“Oh well, it will take a while for the crops to recover but that just means I will have more time to bask in your presence, oh your grace, how amazing it is to finally have you by my side, these other sinners don’t deserve you,” Diluc’s voice sounded weirdly lovesick and you suddenly found yourself engulfed in his arms, pulling your still shocked form into him.
“I know I’m not worthy of holding your form, but I just can't help myself, your presence… it’s intoxicating to me.”
As he held you to him and pulled you back into the house, you suddenly had the horrible feeling that maybe getting killed on top of that cliff would have been the better outcome
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