#and then one teacher who was just mean in general and constantly yelled and made the whole class feel bad for the actions of others
angelsdean · 1 year
no but seriously to the teachers that made me cry as a child. i have not forgotten you i have not forgiven you i will never let it go and you get sooo much bad energy for being mean to a child (a student !!) like. i rarely wish ill will to others but. hope u feel bad forever
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queer-little-demigod · 5 months
Hi lea!!!! Can you write about an clarisse la true x apollo!reader
Clarisse got in trouble for something (what's new tho) and got a punishment of helping out with the little demigods art class for 2 weeks (or however long) the volunteer teacher is reader. At first Clarisse did NOT wanna be there she acted like a baby for the first few days but after she got more involved and started to understand she enjoyed it (she would never admit it), she started talking to the kids more (she totally has favorites, reader has to constantly tell her dont be so obvious about her favorites 😭) it got to a point where the kids would start talking to her outside of class. Also Clarisse definitely doesn't develop a crush on reader. AT ALL. SHE DEFINITELY HATES HOW PASSIONATE SHE IS ABOUT THE KIDS AND ART AND HOW GOOD SHE IS WITH KIDS SHE DOESN'T THINK ITS CUTE AT ALL. SHE DOESNT THINK OF THAT CLASS AS ONE BIG FAMILY. I mean what???? Who said that???
Anyways when it's time for her to go reader takes some of the kids to make a goodbye sign for clarisse; clarisse takes her 100% not favorite kid on a secret mission to make an 'I'm staying' sign. Then reader and Clarisse present them at the same time and it's all cutesy!! After class, reader asks clarisse on a date via showing her a pain she drew of them on a date and hopes she gets the message!
Thank you! :)
you got an artist inside you - clarisse la rue
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summary where clarisse finds herself falling in love with a girl over paintbrushes and a punishment
fic type fluff
pairing clarisse la rue x fem!apollo!reader
word count 1.8k
warnings none
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The camp was usually sleepy, quiet, and mostly empty apart from a few stray campers training here and there. But with summer already beating down with a burning force, it was full of kids running around, training left right and center, and all-in-all just general chaos.
So with the burning heat came grumpy older campers, which meant fights.
And a fight at lunch is what led to Clarissa having to help the younger campers with art class, with the co-teacher being none other than you, Y/n L/n, counsellor of the Apollo cabin. Additionally and otherwise known as the girl Clarisse was smitten with.
"Clarisse La Rue if you don't stop whining like that right now, I am going to smack you," you grumbled in utter frustration for the fifth time that hour, when she complained to you about some kid not cutting the paper the way it was supposed to be cut.
For a child of the god of war, she was such a wuss sometimes.
"But they're not following-" she began to protest, but a smack upside the head with a roll of wrapping paper shut her up.
"They're seven year olds in a summer camp art class," you emphasised on those facts. "They're gonna do their own thing!"
This was how the first few days went. She complained, you disciplined both her and the kids. But once she got used to the whole routine of you both giving instructions and the final products having irritatingly distinct variations, she cooled down.
If this was going to be a punishment for the next two weeks, she might as well enjoy it.
The art room, as usual, was a mess. Glitter was everywhere, coloured pencils were strewn around, papers were on the floor, blackened and trampled on. The strong scent of glue made everyone a bit woozy, and there was enough shouting for supplies across the table to give even the calmest camper a sensory overload.
Clarisse sat in the danger zone where the most glitter was being thrown around and spilled, and her soft skin was already glimmering with purple and red glitter as she tried restoring order. However, instead of yelling as usual she was laughing along with the little kids.
One kid in particular, you noticed, she helped far more than the others. A Hephaestus kid named Dennis, who was the sweetest little thing with big, round glasses and bronze hearing aids that you had Charlie customise so they looked like metal elf ear tips.
You pulled Clarissa aside and scolded her with a smile, “Clar, you cannot pick favourites!”
Clarissa loved your smile with everything she had. So naturally, she was so captivated by it that she didn't hear you the first time. Nor did she register the scolding.
"Excuse me, but Dennis deserves special treatment--" She began, but you cut her off.
"No, he's just like the other kids, okay? Just make sure you don't pick favourites, please," you sighed and walked away, going back to showing the kids how to make paper butterflies.
But you're my favourite, she thought to herself. She wished she had the courage to say it out loud, admit her feelings for you, but she couldn't.
Later, as time went by, as days of standing in clouds of glitter and glue fumes began and ended, Clarisse found that she was apparently likeable. After classes, during training, during dinner, she'd have little kids pulling her sleeve to talk to her, she'd have kids randomly hugging her at odd times of the day, or giving her small artworks like a wonky bird or a odd-looking Cerebrus. It shocked the campers beyond belief.
But for you it just made your love for her grow.
One day during class, a Demeter kid named Flora started to cry because glitter went into her eye. You rushed over immediately and helped her up, holding her in your arms as you took her to the basin to clean her up.
"Shh, don't cry, baby, it's okay, I'm gonna wash it out, alright?" You said softly.
"Guys, focus on your work, Flo's fine," Clarisse said, clapping her hands to direct the staring kids back to work, her eyes fixed on you as you washed Flora's eyes with water gently, telling her that she should not to go so close to the page when blowing glitter off in the softest voice the child of war had ever heard.
You were so gentle, like the softest summer breeze which didn't make the leaves rustle, but cooled one's warming skin. You were so precious, with your soft smile and loving words. Your voice was sweet like honey, no matter who you talked to or how.
If your voice was bottled, she swore to the gods that she'd get drunk on it every night.
"You okay, champ?" She asked, gently ruffling Flora's soft brown hair as the girl sat down. "You're a strong girl, aren't you? Showed that stupid glitter it's place."
You giggled at the way she spoke, covering your mouth with your hand to hide it. It was ridiculously obvious that Clarisse thought the kids in the art class were like family, and it was genuinely so adorable.
Seeing her like this, curly hair pulled back in her red bandanna, arms splattered with paint here and there, with glitter shining off her smooth caramel skin with every movement she made into the light, lit up something inside of you. Seeing her without her usual scowl, pulling funny faces with the kids as she showed them how to draw a monster, made your heart beat twice as fast.
However, two weeks went by with heartbreaking speed, and before she knew it, she was in Chiron's office, listening to him gleefully say she was officially un-grounded.
But honestly? She didn't share his happiness.
Nor did you.
"What?! Already!?" You exclaimed that evening as you sat in your cabin at your desk, which had plans put out for what to make for the next art class.
"Yeah," she grumbled, lounging on your bed. "I hate it."
"That's rough, but it's okay, you can always hop in to volunteer,"
"What do we tell the little ones?"
"The truth?"
"You're fucking crazy if you think they'll go with it,"
"I'm out of options, Clar," you leaned back in your chair and put your hands over your eyes. "I love that class, and I love teaching art."
"I know, and as much as I hate to admit it," she sat up. "So do I."
The very next day, Clarisse rushed to Chiron and begged him to let her stay for that class. Even going to lengths that she told him how she felt for you.
"Fine," he relented. "You can stay with the class for as long as you'd like,"
She'd never run to the forges to find a kid so fast.
"Beckendorf!" She exclaimed, looking at the cabin counselor. "Hey, where's Dennis?"
The boy looked around, and his eyes landed on Dennis, who was inquisitively watching one of his half-sisters mold a few practice swords, helping occasionally with putting the swords in water.
"Dennis!" Beckendorf exclaimed, "Clarisse wants to talk to you!"
Dennis immediately ran over, grinning broadly, showing his gap-toothed smile. "Hi, Clarisse!" He said, excitedly.
"Hey there, big boy!" She smiled back, giving him a high five. "So listen, I'm going to need your insane artistic skills and your help..."
While you did help the other kids make a 'goodbye' sign for Clarisse, on the side you decided to confront your feelings.
You knew you liked her from the beginning, from when you first saw her infectious smile, from when you heard her deep laugh reverberating through the empty Apollo cabin on days where you both would plan lessons.
She held the key to your heart, she knew her way past your walls. She clearly also knew how to remain in your thoughts, subconscious and conscious, to the point where you found yourself in the art studio, canvas on an easel before you.
Thoughts of her, of feeling her coarse, battle-worn hands on your skin, of gazing into those deep brown eyes which were like the colour of the rain-kissed earth, and when she fought were like the evening sun, golden enough to put the wings of Icarus to shame, made your paintbrush move. It made your colours flow like the blood in your veins, made each stroke perfect enough to create the scene you most desired on the canvas in front of you.
You stepped back once you felt the need to express yourself flow away, gazing at the canvas. A scene it held, and what a scene indeed. The sky was cornflower blue, a cloudless day, with the sun’s rays shining down on a big oak tree. The leaves were paler as the golden light kissed the surface, casting sharp shadows on the pillowy grass.
But then there was vivid orange and red, a flash of bronze. In the foreground there sat both you and Clarisse, the latter having more detail than any part of the drawing.
Then the dreaded day came where you all had to say goodbye to her.
The little ones were devastated, not letting Clarisse go anywhere without following her around like baby ducklings, making her explain to them that she's not going away from camp, she's just not going to teach them anymore.
At the end of the final class, just as everyone unveiled the 'we'll miss you' poster, she and Dennis revealed their 'I'm Staying' poster, causing a loud, thunderous cheer to erupt from all of you.
Later, you pulled her aside to give her your canvas painting.
Nerves wracked your body, your palms began to sweat.
When was the last time you had felt this nervous? It was probably your cello recital the day you had come to camp...
"Holy shit, Y/n this looks absolutely amazing!" Clarisse exclaimed, taking the painting in her hands.
She didn't miss the detail you had given her, drawing her angelically, despite her thinking she was the opposite. It was so well done that the brush strokes weren't even visible.
Please get the message, you blockheaded, oblivious fool...you thought.
Deciding to act against your nerves, you asked her in a shaky voice, "That's a painting of us on a date...would you like to go on one with me sometime?"
Clarisse's heart stopped. Had you just asked her out on a date?
She was at a loss for words, they didn't touch her tongue, nor did they pass her lips. She stood there, speechless, gaping at you for a moment too long.
"I mean, I get it, you're probably not even a les--" you began, but a pair of gentle lips on yours silenced your words.
Sparks flew, butterflies went haywire, your brain short-circuited. You didn't know what to doo, just stood there frozen with shock. Kissing the girl you had liked for the last few months now.
Clarisse, however, was ecstatic. Her mind was a burst of colour, her body was ablaze. She felt like she had wings, and her heart was taking her up, up, up.
Once she pulled away, she winked at your blushing face and dopey grin.
"It's a date, L/n."
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hi, it's me! lea! i hope you enjoyed this long overdue oneshot <3 requests are open via dms or asks!
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batwynn · 8 months
Ok so since my last post about Palestine on this blog*, which I spent multiple days writing to try to make it as clear as possible where I stand and how I feel about both what is happening and how people are using their couch activism to do nothing but get internet points against other people on the internet, I’ve received a bunch of ‘go girl give us nothing’ kind of anons praising me for ‘not taking a stance’ or yelling at me for ‘not talking a stance’.
Which, for one. No. Just because don’t talk about everything that I do to support important causes does not mean I don’t do anything. I’m not posting my donation receipts online for your approval.
I’m also… I’m genuinely lost as to how that was the message received. I know I’m autistic af, but don’t feel like that’s what I said at all and I can’t figure out why that’s what people got from it.
This will be another long post with basically the same information as the last one, but put more bluntly. If you are still struggling to understand where I stand, I genuinely don’t know how to help you with this anymore and I’m not spending more energy hashing it out for you.
I thought I said, pretty explicitly, that I think colonizing entities and terrorism is bad. That genocide is bad. I thought it was very clear that I don’t support the murder of many thousands of people—tens of thousands of children. I included the USA in this previous statement explicitly because we are backing a genocide, yet again. (If not, you know, directly doing genocide against people ourselves.) I expressed clearly, I thought, that I did not support anyone killing innocent people, as a reminder to the ‘what-about-ers’, who like to say that people who don’t agree with a genocide ‘cheer on’ what the Hamas did to random citizens. I cant 100% say I know enough about the Hamas and their desires to tell you much more of my thoughts about that. It’s been a constant struggle with misinformation, in general, but a lot of it surrounding them and their beliefs/actions.
I thought it was also pretty clear that I am so far removed from this that I’m constantly aware that me saying anything could be based on wrong, outdated, or mistranslated info at any given point. I’m catching up as fast as I can, continuously educating myself, and voiding years of propaganda from growing up in this shitty ass country with its shitty ass education propaganda system. I mean a lifetime of messages directly from the media, our politicians, teachers, etc. to not pay attention because it’s ’not our problem’ as a country and there’s ’always a war there’ so ‘don’t care about it’ and ‘don’t react.’ Which is part of the reason why I made the original post, because I do care and I am reacting, and it does matter.
So, I guess I have to say it again, because as hard as I tried to get the message through last time, it apparently got lost somewhere.
I do not support the ongoing genocide of Palestine. I do not support the crimes against humanity that I have seen happening there. I do not support murder and terrorism. I do not support the country I am forced to live in, and its involvement in this. (USA)
I do love my Jewish and Muslim friends. I do not believe in a bigoted hatred against either religious grouping based on the actions of some people. I support the Jewish people standing up for Palestine. I do want peace. I do want healing. But I am also aware that peace and healing is something heavily owed to Palestine for many years now, and that it can’t be achieved until something massively changes in how the world and Israel treat them.
Now, if this statement is not clear enough or is said the ‘wrong way’ or isn’t ‘right’ or just isn’t what you want to hear. I’m sorry. I always struggle with communication, and I’m genuinely not good at this. I tried so hard with the last post, and I was still told that I was doing nothing and saying nothing. The only thing I can ask is that you give me the smallest amount of kindness and understanding, and assume that I am trying to communicate compassion for people suffering. Give me the benefit of the doubt, if you can, that I just fucking care about people who are being hurt.
And lastly, please keep your ‘what about’ bullshit out of my inbox. I can’t address every single thing, all the time. I can’t know every single thing, all the time. I’m aware of multiple horrific things happening in the world right now and how important it is to pay attention to them. I do share and talk about them on my side blog* that is dedicated to that kind of thing, but this one thing in particular is something people keep coming to me about in my inbox here and I’m addressing it this one last time.
*Again, my main blog here has always been mostly about my art and projects, and after years of people outright screaming at me to keep it that way and to not include any current events, political, or ‘too personal’ posts I’ve long since moved most of that over to my side blog. Many of you already follow me there or know what blog it is. I am not sharing it again because I’m tired of having personal life things I share being used to hurt me. Also, one last reminder that you can’t have it both ways. You either want to know my personal stuff and political stuff, or you don’t and only want to see my art. You don’t get both. And this will be the last time I address this here.
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subwaysurf45 · 3 years
Love You to the Moon and Back
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summary: Bucky notices you’re feeling down after a bad injury, he does his best to help.
words:  3817
warning: depressive episode, doctors, mainly fluff!
pairing: Bucky x Reader 
Bucky could tell you were getting bad again. 
And it hurt him to see you like this but it always happened after a big mission, your job was traumatizing and it took a toll on all of you. Bucky knew he had his days but he also knew when you finally let yourself slip it was really bad. 
You were a very headstrong person, you didn’t like letting people see your weaknesses or just you being hurt in general. So it sucked when you had broken your shin and witnessed a school of kids get blown up by a bomb, maybe sucked is an understatement but it was what you always said. 
You had pretended to be a teacher because there was supposed to be a hit on most teachers at a private school, so when the school blew up before everyone was out of the building- including you -it left the memories very crystal clear. There was no way of saving everyone so you saved yourself, and the feeling of selfishness had never been more apparent than right now. You were lying in bed with a cast on your left leg, your left leg was on top of the duvet while the other leg was under. 
A tank top and shorts was all you wore even though you were cold. A pillow was placed between your legs down by your shins to keep the injured one elevated, Bucky had stuck it there the last time he came in to check on you. 
Speaking of Bucky, he walked into your shared room in the compound. 
“Hey, sweetheart,” Bucky cooed as he gently opened and closed the door without making any sound, you had become hyper-aware to sound and light so a loud noise or a flash of a camera could send you into a state of hysterics. Bucky sat himself at the edge of the bed at around your midsection, you were lying in the middle and facing him. You barely said hello, all you could muster was a groan that had the same rhythm as the word hello. “How’s my girl doing?” Bucky rubbed your thigh very carefully. 
It was so obviously a rhetorical question, you were absolutely shit and he knew it. You both just stared at each other and Bucky seemed to get the message, he nodded and looked down. The room was so dark from the lights being off and the curtains being pulled you barely registered that Bucky had a plate of cheese, apple slices, and crackers. Bucky saw you turn your nose up and he knew you would, you had been like this for what felt like weeks. 
“You have your two appointments today, you wanna use the crutches or the wheelchair?” Bucky asked as he gently caressed your thigh, a little hum came after a few sections to clarify this wasn’t rhetorical. 
“I don’t know,” you mumbled into your pillow. 
“Okay…” Bucky held onto the last syllable, he glanced over to the wheelchair and crutches. “How about you have a little snack and then when you got food- and I’ll get water -you can make your choice. You also know you can switch and I’ll be glad to grab it for you, alright?” he did a few quick pats on your thigh before setting the plate down on the bedside table, he grunted as he stood up and stuck his arms slowly beneath you. All Bucky did was sit you upright to eat, you had gotten better at eating and now didn’t need motivation to eat but just a little push at the beginning to keep going after the first bite. Bucky also found if he ate a few pieces from the plate you’d be more inclined to eat the rest. 
“Thanks,” your voice was low and barely audible. 
“No need, pretty lady,” Bucky got right beside you and grabbed the plate, he placed it between you and let you choose the first piece. “So, you’re at the doctor at two and then Doc at three-ten, do you wanna nap between for a little or for a while after?” he just took a cracker and plopped it into his mouth. 
“No, no nap between, I wanna sit outside Doc’s office like before to make sure I’m not late.” You mumbled and stacked a piece of cheese on an apple slice. Doc was your therapist that was assigned to you a little while before your injury, Bucky wasn’t the only one who got nightmares and manic episodes; you probably got them more. Bucky knew he couldn’t go into your therapy meeting, he could physically go in but it went against his morals, this was your time to be alone and completely vulnerable to a human that you only see one or twice a week, he didn’t want you to sugar coat anything just because he wa sitting there. 
Bucky nodded and hummed before pulling the notebook out of the bedside table’s drawer, your combat backpack which you used for everything between missions and a picnic in the park was curled over itself in the corner of your room. Bucky picked it up and headed back to bed to let it rest there as he packed. He did this when you weren’t injured, Bucky had sadly realized your memory was a little shot from the amount of bootleg brainwashing and head injuries. You’d constantly forget about appointments or missions, or even the date. 
“Baby, I told you, your birthday is today, that’s why I got flowers.” Bucky said and pointed to the counter with the bright flowers on it. 
“No…” you rubbed the front of your head. “My birthday isn’t today, I forget the day- but it’s not today, I swear.” 
He slid in your journal that you used to write down lists and memories, you had used a guitar pick as your bookmark even though you can’t play anymore. Sometimes when you’d show up to a therapy session you’d forget what you wanted to say, it hurt him when he’d walk you there and you’d be saying the list of things under your breath with your eyes closed. Nightmare, mom, picking my nails, ankle, nightmare, sand, flowers. 
“We gotta go soon, anyways, wanna get ready for the day?” Bucky softly asked, there was no nice way of telling your loved one they needed to shower. 
“Sure,” you looked down at the plate and grabbed the last of it before getting up, the apple and cheese was just curled in the palm of your hand, as you walked over you shoved it all into your mouth because you knew you had to shower and you didn’t like soggy cheese. 
“I’ll keep packing your bag, and I’ll fill a water bottle for you.” Bucky had been your human crutch as you walked to the bathroom, you had an itch down in your cast that was bugging you. 
Tony had wanted to add tech to the shower to help you stand because putting pressure on your left leg hurt after three minutes and seven seconds- not that you were timing to see how long you could go without collapsing. You had said no to tech and just asked for a bar, Bucky even thought it would be cool but it was all up to you. 
Bucky helped you slip out of your clothes before leaving you be, he knew he would have to check on you periodically because you were too stubborn to ask for help if you had fallen or couldn’t get in the shower. You gripped onto the metal bar and helped yourself slip in, you turned the water on right away. 
You liked warm, long showers. You just let the water hit your skin as you stood in front of the shower head, the water pressure was high so you let the bullets hit your face when your eyes were closed. Your hair got wet as you stood there, you reached for the bottle of shampoo and expected it to be where it always was. The was getting into your eyes and when you squinted to see where the bottle was everything was double, as you reached for the bottle you had actually reached for the fake double and knocked the bottle off the ledge. A loud thump rang through the bathroom and it sounded like a bomb. 
There was one second of silence before you heard scrambling from outside the bathroom door, all at once you could see the door swing open by its shadow through the curtain. The curtain was pulled back so hard a couple of ringlets holding it up were ripped off. 
“Baby?” Bucky yelled before he registered you were standing upright. “What?” he breathed heavily, he was completely expecting you to be passed out on the floor with a cracked skull. 
“Shampoo bottle,” you said meekly. 
“Oh, thank god…” Bucky sighed to himself as he reached down to pick it up. “Are you hurt at all, did you fall?” He placed the bottle back on the ledge which made him reach across your naked body, on his way back his hand touched your shoulder then went to cup your cheek and move your head to look at him. 
“I’m all good, babe.” You smiled, an exhausting smile. 
“Alright, back-is-packed, finish up and I'll help you over to physio, alright?” Bucky closed the curtain to give privacy but waited for a verbal answer. 
“Perfect, thank you.” You grabbed the bottle again, your heart ached for him to be in the shower with you, it was something you did all the time before you were injured. 
“Don’t thank me, pretty lady.” Bucky reached for the door and opened it, before he could walk out, your voice quietly called his name, he could barely hear it over the water in the shower. “Yes?” he replied with the same softness. 
“Stay here with me, please.” the ‘please’ came after a beat, and extra plea. 
“Always,” Bucky sat on the toilet seat and gave the company you needed as you tried to stick your finger down your cast to itch that one spot on your leg. 
Soon enough you were sat in the physio room, Bucky was off to the side with paper work in his lap and a binder in your backpack he packed for you. You liked the moral support when you were here because you never really had the best experience with doctors, Bucky would act like he wasn’t even there. That was a good thing, he did need to be the hovering boyfriend all the time because that can get tiring for both parties. He’d look up and listen to the doctor near the end, Bucky would write down the exercises and when to do them so he could gently remind you later. 
“Alright, you’re gonna get a new cast next week,” the doctor smiled at you, when you didn’t pick up on the excitement the doctor’s smile faded. “That means three quarters done!” Bucky had looked up and smiled, even clapped a couple times. 
“Then I have to learn how to walk again,” that was an exaggeration but it didn’t feel like one. 
The doctor gave a knowing look, “why do I feel like you’re already walking without the crutches?” You didn’t say anything because it was true. 
Your leg was examined and x-rayed, Bucky held onto your necklace as you went in. Your mind faded in and out as the doctor spewed ‘doctor stuff’ at you, you just didn’t have the care to listen; but Bucky did. He’s the type of guy to take notes and research later. 
Bucky would look over and see you looking at the floor, not even paying attention. He knew he couldn't get mad at you, you both dealt with injury very similarly. But something about seeing you shut down entirely made his heart ache, he wanted to reach out and lift the corners of your lips up into a smile because they seemed like they were being weighed down, he couldn’t remember the last time you smiled and real smile. He hadn’t been going on mission to keep you company, but now he knew his most important mission.
He walked you over to your therapy session that was still in the building, your Doc would come to the Avenger tower. He’d walk you right to the door of some random debrief room and kiss you goodbye. Bucky would hold your shoulders and gently rub your arms to hype you up before going in, he gave his little speech and said the same thing after. 
“You know I love you, and I know it’s hard.” he’d then kiss your cheeks and forehead. “I’ll be right here when you’re done, don’t even sweat it, pretty lady.” He then wouldn’t leave until the door closed and he heard muffled voices. 
The tower was right in the heart of the city, everything he needed was right there and a walking distance away. He slipped on a long sleeve and his gloves, he knew you took the backpack but you also had reusable bags, he took a few and headed out into the summer heat, it wasn’t humid today which was great but it wasn’t cold either. The tote bag was slung over his shoulder, all that was in it right now as a list. 
stuffed animal 
To call Bucky a romantic would seem weird to someone who only knew of him from the news or a museum, you knew him as a total hopeless romantic. Even in the 40’s, Bucky was the type of person to keep their walls up until he really got to know and trust you. It would normally be one little thing that would allow him to truly be himself around someone, he let his guard down that day you were walking to the restaurant he made a reservation at, Bucky placed himself so that arm or hand you’d hold would be his right but when you caught on you walk around him and looped both arms around his left, metal arm. After that, he was goner. 
He’d leave little sticky notes everywhere, a blue square paper in the coffee mug that read: ‘make sure you only drink one cup!’ or another on your shampoo bottle: ‘you look great naked ;)’. Bucky knew the little things mattered to you and vice versa, he knew that grand gestures didn’t mean anything without a little kiss that came before. 
The flower shop smelt great, Bucky didn’t know much about plants but he knew which ones you’d like. He was thinking of putting one on each bedside so whenever you’re lying in bed- which was a lot -you could look at some pretty flowers. They were a nice shade of purple and the stems were not too long, Bucky bought them and put them gently in his tote bag before heading over two stores to the grocery store you always shop at.
He was envyus of your clean eating, you’d eat what you want but you’d shop at fermer’s markets and organic stores. Bucky didn’t know it made a difference. He went to the frozen section and found chocolate covered strawberries. Bucky picked up a little pack of eight and headed to the front. There were also flowers there but they didn’t look nearly as nice. All he wanted was a very simple cute card with a blank inside, they were easy to find. It was cream coloured with a little sketch of a fuzzy, brown teddy bear holding a yellow balloon. All it said in dainty cursive at the top was: “look at you go!” Bucky knew this was perfect. Near the cards were little toys and stuffed animals. He found a bear that looked eerily similar to the one on the card but without the balloon. 
As he walked into the Avenger’s tower the bag was full and he had enough time to spare to set things up. Bucky headed to the rooms and made the bed, he changed the sheets as well because he knew you liked them when they were crisp. The teddy sat right in the middle with the card next to it. Bucky had written a little note that covered the entire right side of the card. He got a bowl from the kitchen and filled it with ice, he also found that white wine you liked and stuck it on there with the strawberries just to keep them cool but not melted. 
Bucky glanced at his watch and felt almost giddy as he realized it was time to head over to the conference room, he had to work on not giving it away when he’d first see you with his wide smile. The walk to the room was quick because of how fast Bucky was walking, he turned the corners sharp and almost jogged down the hall down the meeting rooms. He only stood there for about three seconds before the door slowly opened, Doc had opened the door and helped you out. Bucky’s smile turned into complete worry when you walked out holding a tissue to your nose, your eyes were red and puffy. Bucky also noticed that your fingernails were red and bleeding, that was one habit you were currently trying to break. 
“What’s going on?” Bucky asked in quiet disbelief, his eyebrows almost touching. 
Doc gave a curt nod, “we talked about a lot of things,” her answers were always so vague. 
You sniffled and waited for Doc to leave down the hall, Bucky was still looking at you. His hands held your shoulders and gently massaged the answer out of you. 
“It was a good cry, I needed that.” you sighed from exhaustion. 
A little piece of Bucky’s heart broke, if you needed to have a good cry then you could have told him, he would’ve listened. Bucky started to go back and see where it went wrong, if he was too overbearing and if this whole afternoon he had planned was created at a very wrong time. He wanted to ask what he did wrong but what came out was different. “Well that’s good to hear, I know Doc is good at that- helping you out.” His words were true but something about the delivery made it seem uneasy. 
“I just-” you looked to the ceiling and hoped to find the words you needed written there. “I like flushing it all out to her because I won’t see her for a week and I don’t need to keep up with what I’m feeling. I always cry to you but Doc is just really good at explaining how I feel, you’re there to validate it and make me feel soothed.” You held his left hand as you both walked down the hallway. “I feel lighter, like, I feel better.”
“That’s always good, sweetheart,” Bucky made sure you were putting weight on him because you didn’t bring your crutches but you really should have. “I have a little treat for you,” He turned to face you when you both stood at his door, Bucky kept his hand on the door handle. “I know it’s been a rough few weeks but I hope you know I love you all the same, and all I see is my strong, beautiful girlfriend.” Bucky saw your confused face, as he opened the door to reveal a dim lit room with flowers, wine and a teddy your eye welled up with tears again. 
You gasped and put your hands on your chest, “for me?” your voice shook as you walked in, you peered into the ice bucket to see your favourite wine and some food as well as a card beside the ice bucket, under the teddy. Tears flowed down your face as the feeling of being overwhelmed washed over you, you could barely string a sentence together. A hand waved the gifts all away, “too much,” was all you could muster. 
“No, baby,” Bucky smiled, he walked over and pulled you into a hug. “Nothing will ever be too much for you.”
He let you cry in his chest for a very long time, you both ended up sitting on the edge of the bed as he stroked all the way up your back. His hand would bunch up your hair as he went up to your neck. His lips were right at your ear, all he whispered were sweet nothings and a calming ‘shh’ once and a while. When you had a little composure Bucky reached for the card, as you read it your lips trembled even more. A hand stayed glued to your heart as your body warmed at loving words, you could barely read it with blurry vision from the tears but it still seemed crystal clear. Your finger traced over the signature: ‘love you to the moon and back, Bucky’. And you crumbled again, your forehead hit his chest as you cried away all the pent up emotion you thought you flushed out at your therapy session. 
With all the crying you were so tired, Bucky had thrown on a movie you two could watch while enjoying your strawberries and wine. You only had two and half a cup before you were snoring on Bucky’s shoulder, he tried to nudge you a couple times but nothing worked at all. He watched the movie on his own and saved the last two strawberries for you in the morning. You didn’t even wake up at him getting up and leaving the room. When he came back he got you out of your day clothes and into something comfy. 
You woke up to the sun hitting your back, when your eyes opened they focused on the flowers and a smile graced your face. It was the first time in a long time since you smiled with your eyes, a little giggle even slipped out. 
At that sound Bucky walked out of the bathroom, “well there she is,” he smiled wide. 
“What does that mean?” you wiped the drool from the side of your mouth, “I had a nap, a really good one, too.” You seemed to be bragging. 
“A nap? Baby, it’s eight.” Bucky raised his eyebrows. 
“Ya, I fell asleep at about five so I had a three hour nap, no biggie.” You rolled on your back and stretched out, your gaze moved back to Bucky when you heard a giggle, “what?” you laughed back. 
“Eight in the morning, the next day. Your three hour nap was actually a well deserved fifteen hour hibernation.” Bucky joined you on the bed. 
“That’s why I feel so good,” you sighed, you looked over to Bucky and swatted his chest at his little smirk. “Don’t think like that.” 
“I bet I can make you feel just as good-”
You cut him off with a kiss.
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writer-akihiko · 3 years
TW First year students x fem! MC who's secretly a demon princess, who will they react to her powers when they found her in her demon form?
First Years + DemonPrincess!MC
I had fun with this prompt in general, and I hope I made some fun scenarios that you like!
Warnings: Bullying from other students and hurtful words, Epel is censored because Vil doesn't allow it
Sebek Zigvolt
He forgot to give you back your notebook from class, so he had to go in the evening
If Sebek remembered correctly, in his 'I'm A Good Boyfriend' notebook, you said you usually rested in the evening
"YN, I'm here to deliver your notebook!-"
"Go away Sebek!"
He was appalled. You've never scolded him in such a way before!
He quickly fished out his notebook, and he flipped to a page where Lilia had lectured him on what to do when you were feeling down
"Here it is…" He muttered
He barged in your door, breaking down the rickety door, "YN! I am here to comfort you!"
He almost dropped the notebook. He was surprised at you appearance, as he saw horns on your head, as well as tattoos on your skin that he's never seen before
"YN… You're…"
You sighed. "Yes Sebek, I'm a dem-"
"You're a Fae! Like me!"
Before he got too excited, you settled him down and explained your appearance
He felt ashamed of himself for his initial behaviour when you explained that you were a princess. He doesn't really mind that you're a demon, in fact, he understands you more as people of his world usually misunderstands Fae-kind
In general, he's quite amazed anytime you demonstrate your powers
He lowkey wants to see you and Waka-sama have a showdown with magic, but his heart knows it'd hurt to see you in danger
Ace Trappola
He got held back by Professor Crewel due to some argument he got in with Grim
He asked around if anyone else saw you, but much to his shock, he found you surrounded by some other students. Again
He wanted to pummel their faces in, but now looking at you, you seemed calm…
In the blink of an eye, a net of dark magic appeared underneath the students, trapping them at their ankles
Ace had his mouth open as horns and wings similar to the colour of your hair started growing from you. What freaked him out more was that the wings weren't made of feathers… They looked ripped apart and made of the same magic he couldn't identify
Upon seeing your boyfriend, you flung the students away into the Garden with your magic. Someone would find them later…
"U-Um… This…" You got embarrassed, feeling shy in your demon form
Ace then pestered you to tell him where you learnt such magic, although he might've accidentally grabbed your horns the wrong way
He listened carefully, since it caused you such discomfort when he touched your horns
He didn't think you'd be a princess…
"Wait… Does this mean you have a demon father?"
You nodded your head. "But my brother's the Demon King at the moment… Why?"
"I need to mentally prepare myself if your demon family want to kill me since I want to propose to you after graduation…"
Deuce Spade
You and Deuce were nervous, since it was a magical mana exam. It would dictate certain classes you'd be able to take next semester…
You were the last to go, and your boyfriend cheerfully waved at you as he gave a thumbs up. He must've passed the test…
You had to remind yourself to control your mana, otherwise you'd have some explaining to do
As you let the teacher examine you, you couldn't help but notice that there was some kind of barrier around the orb you were practicing with
As you removed the barrier, you realised that it was a trap by the teacher!...
You couldn't help but pour your normal amount of magic into the orb, which, put on a show around the students as they marvelled at the dark magic
"Well," Principal Crowley announced, after you were done with your examination. "You'd best be coming with me."
After a long talk with Crowley, you were surprised that Deuce and Grim were at the door, eavesdropping at your conversation
"I overheard… I was worried about you…" He admitted
Deuce however, was quite curious about your appearance, so after his and your dinner, you allowed him to see you shift into your demon form
He did ask if it hurt, to which you shook your head
He admired your wings and your bigger, claw-like hands as you felt heat in your cheeks by the way he was intensely staring at you
"Y-You're adorable…"
Even though you towered Deuce's height in your demon form, it didn't stop him from giving you your usual goodnight kiss on the forehead
Jack Howl
He always wanted to show off his skills to you, so he invited you to a practice match against the Diasomnia dorm
He was against the first years of the dorm, so you silently cheered for Jack
As you were continuously impressed by Jack's speed, you couldn't help but notice a strand of magic tagged on him…
Your magical vision traced it to one of the students on the opposite team, who was passively reciting a spell to jinx Jack's next move
There was only the seniors… So it should be fine to stop that student this once…
You were too slow, as the spell had already whizzed through the field. You could still stop it from hitting Jack!...
You felt everyone's gaze on you as you interrupted the spell. Knowing that your appearance had changed, you shied away
Some students ran away, but Jack didn't. He picked you up, horns, feathers and demonic body parts, all of it and embraced you
"Hey! Stop looking at my girlfriend like she's a monster!" He growled
The seniors quickly punished the student causing tricks on the field, but some were still weary of you
Jack put you down, kissing your forehead. "Thank you precious for saving me there."
Eventually, you had to explain to the teachers what you were
Some dorm leaders grew afraid of you, but Jack didn't care. You were still his precious girlfriend
So what if you both were seen as monsters? He thought. The big bad wolf and the terrifying demon princess could live in peace and quiet, in their own space in the forest…
Jack thinks the whole thing is cool, but he is a little jealous that your magical abilities are so much better than his. You tell him he makes up for it in his physical strength
Epel Felmier
You and Epel were taking a stroll, on the way to the field for the MagiShift club
You promised to cheer him on, and you decided it would be a cheeky way to take some photos with your Ghost Camera
You comfortably sat next to Jack as you got ready to take some photos
Unfortunately, you weren't sure of the exact details, but a student decided it was a perfect opportunity to set off a prank near you and Jack
You weren't exactly in control of your own powers, so the impact caused you to scream and lose control of your appearance
The other students screamed in turned, seeing a 'monster' transform in front of them
Epel saw the prank beforehand, but he couldn't run fast enough to get to you
He couldn't think straight, he just had to make sure you were alright. So when he overheard the students yelling at you, he threatened them
Everyone was freaking out at your changing body, since your skin had different markings, almost like carvings etched into it and a pool of dark magic flooded below you
"I-I'm sorry I-" You tried to apologise, but others constantly berated you
"She's a freak! Someone seal her away!"
Epel couldn't stop himself from whacking the student who said that on the head
The other seniors managed to calm the students down, sending them away
You briefly explained everything to Epel, repeating your apologies to him
"Don't aplogise YN. Those idiots don't understand."
Epel, in all honesty, didn't care if you were a demon princess or a human or a fairy
Whoever got in the way of your relationship on the other hand, he'd pick a fight with them even though you were the one who could easily clean the fight up
"Hey YN, don't listen to em. They don't know how cool you are. As long as I'm the one you love, I'm okay with anything."
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delu-jean · 3 years
Erwin x reader based on attack on caste, could you make reader like one of his crew worker friend tysm 💌
𝐌𝐫. 𝐒𝐦𝐢𝐭𝐡
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(Erwin x fem!/reader) -> fluff -> 1.9k
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Request: Erwin x reader based on attack on caste, could you make reader like one of his crew worker friend tysm 💌
Notes: I haven't read it, but saw a brief summary on the separate au! Since I had quite the freedom, this is a confession scenario and the reader is a teacher! Thanks for the request, and hope it's to your liking. ^^
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Erwin was the History teacher. That being said, you were the English teacher, only two rooms away from his. Levi and Hange had always known you had quite the crush on him. Hange would constantly tease you about it, and surprisingly, Levi would use it as blackmail (he used it only when you refused to buy him new cleaning supplies). That being said, your bank account was not doing the best. He had you constantly on your toes since you didn’t want Erwin knowing about how you felt...well...not yet at least. You wanted to do things when you felt it was right, although...you never knew if that time would come.
English was something you liked teaching, and since Erwin had a liking for literature (and history of course), you’d take advantage of that every now and then. You see, Erwin wouldn’t approach you, rather, you did with books and all different types of topics. Hoping that you could extend your time together. Your conversations were rather...interesting. He took his pride and joy into your talks, expressing how much he loved your variety. And you would constantly talk about how extraordinary his taste was.
Each time you brought a new book and obtained his praise, it made you blush. You couldn’t help but feel so smitten for someone like Erwin. Perfect in every aspect, your co-worker, and a very kind person in general. Though you thought that, it seemed others thought differently.
“Miss. L/n, why do you even like Mr. Smith? I mean, he’s so generic and boring in my opinion. Wouldn’t you rather go out with a guy like me?” Jean snickered as you shook your head.
“Jean, that’s none of your business. Plus, who said I had such inappropriate feelings for Mr. Smith?”
“Miss, sorry to inform you, but Jean does have a point-” you then looked at Eren in a defensive way.
“Not in that way...it’s just that, it’s obvious you like him,” Jean then followed after Eren spoke:
“Yeah, you’re constantly approaching him and well...he kind of doesn’t-”
“Shut up Jean!” Annie threw her bag at him.
“You don’t have to be such an ass. None of the girls think it’s cute”
“Shut up Annie!”
“H-hey, let’s calm down-”
“Armin, you too! Be quiet!”
“Enough. All of you in your seats right now,” you hallared and the students did as told. Though you hated to admit, those little kids did have a point. You always came after Erwin, and he, never after you. He probably saw you as a friend if anything. Just someone he could casually talk to when it came to english...nothing else. Though Hange had thought differently, if Levi didn’t say anything...your hunch was probably right. Speaking of Heichou, he surprisingly flung the door after all of the commotion.
“Oi, shut up brats.”
“Janitor Levi!” They all sat in silence since they were scared of him (given the intimidating look).
“You know what, I’m sick and tired of this. I’ve been waiting for one of you idiots to actually do something.”
“Mr. Ackerman, that’s absurd-”
“No it’s not. Let’s go, all of us now. If he rejects you, then too bad. And if he accepts you...well that’ll be disgusting but it’ll get out of my way.”
“I’m still in the middle of receding Shakspere-”
Hange would come in with her lab coat drenched in some kind of liquid. You wouldn’t question though, since it was probably something harmful. You didn’t need her to lose her job, plus, you enjoyed her company quite a lot.
“C’mon Y/n! He totally likes you-” Jean would snort, causing Eren to punch his shoulder.
“Well...as I was saying, he obviously does! Come on! Do you really want to be that one depressed English teacher who’s single till her 70’s?”
“And what if I do?” you questioned.
“ Well I know you don’t, so let’s get going!”
Hange would drag you to Erwin. The students followed, and Levi trailed behind. He made sure that most of the crowd was under control, and that he could see the deed was done himself (from afar of course). You guys looked like a kindergarten line awaiting to go outside. Jean and Eren fought here and there, but other than that, everyone else was quiet. Waiting for what was yet to come.
Hange smacked open the door and yelled
“Hange...please don’t-”
“Oh, what is it Y/n?” The philosopher was putting a book away. He looked very handsome while doing so, and Hange could tell that’s how you were thinking.
“Oh, that’s right”
Hange then pushed you into the classroom, and forced everyone away as you sat utterly speechless. She smirked, winked, and did almost every teasing gesture she could. Erwin sat fixated on you, wondering what surprise was going to be given...and ohoho, was he really in for one.
Erwin then walked closer to you and put a hand on your shoulder. You jumped a bit at the sudden motion, but tried keeping calm. Your heart raced as he then said:
“Hange, what is the matter at hand about? I have to prepare for my next class, and quite frankly, this is time consuming.”
‘Time consuming?...’ you sulked a bit disappointed.
“Okay okay, so I won’t be delivering it...but instead Y/n will!! You two have fun, and I’ll come check up on the both of you later!” she then slammed the door and he removed his hand from you.
“I’m sorry Miss. L/n, I didn’t realize it was you who had something to show me.”
“N-no, don’t be. Mr. Smith, if you’re busy I won’t bother you and will be on my way-”
“I’m not busy…” he muttered as he leaned on his desk.
“I’m sorry, what did you say?” you asked, trying to see if what you heard was right. He then approached closer, now both of you face to face (with a gap because of your height difference). He crossed his arms, and you watched as his eyes darted at yours.
He seemed to be genuine with what he said, and you could tell by the way his eyes had softened. He looked very gentle and cautious. Maybe this had to do with the fact that you were such a doubtful/uncertain person...or that he didn’t want to hurt your feelings? You weren’t sure what to conclude, and because of that, asked:
“But then, what you said to Miss. Hange-”
“I meant what I said to her. I’m too busy to deal with whatever nonsense she has to show me. Though she does show interesting things, as of right now, I really do have a class to prepare for,” you then bit your cheek, looking away as he continued.
“But, I’m never too busy for you. If you have another novel to share, I’d love to hear about it. I’ve always got time to make for you, and even if I don’t in the moment, I will try my best afterwards,” your cheeks flushed as he smiled. Such an earnest gentleman giving you such gestures, made you melt. You then watched as he grabbed your hand, making you immediately look at him.
“Haha, I was hoping that would work. Now, what is it that you wanted to tell me, Miss. L/n?”
“That I...I um...that that…” you inhaled deeply trying to think straight. It was now or never, and if he rejected you, at least you would be able to move on. Though it might’ve been awkward, at least he would’ve been honest, and you as well.
“Mr. Smith...no, I mean...Erwin Smith,” he seemed shocked as you called his name. You’ve never said it infront of him which he found quite alluring. Though he thought that, seeing his sudden change in reaction, you thought you stepped over a boundary.
“Oh, I’m sorry-”
“No no, you’re more than welcome to call me that. So continue, Y/n.”
“Oh, okay. Erwin...I, I like you. I’ve liked you for a while now and have wanted to tell you...but I was a little scared.”
“What were you scared of?”
“Well...that things would get awkward for us as co-workers-”
“Why would things get awkward?” his tone was sharp as he asked you, seeming as if you were in the middle of an interrogation.
“W-well, since you would’ve rejected me-”
“Who said I would?” he locked his gaze into yours, noticing how fearful you seemed. He then straightened himself, and then squeezed your palm. Ever so soft did the notion feel, as he then stated:
“Y/n...I like you a lot as well. From the first moment I saw you, I was dazed by your presence. You were just so...beautiful...both physically, and well...in general,” you looked at him, now feeling as if he was surprising you. Though Erwin had such a way with words, you never thought he would express them this way...especially to you.
“The way you lit up any room, how you adorably approached me with good taste in texts, and how you’ve made sure to make your students the best they can be. Those few factors made me really look up to you. You give yourself less credit than you deserve, and I hope that after hearing that...well...you try differently,” he then intertwined his hand with yours. His fingers laced tightly, as yours dangeld gently.
“But...why did you never approach me?...If you felt like this, why didn’t you do things first?”
“One being that we need to act professional during school hours. Though I felt like this, I still needed to set some boundaries being that you are also my co-worker, and fellow teacher. Two being that I wanted to see you try yourself. Though you do seem to let yourself down, watching as you approached me, and did your best when doing so...made me glad that you were pushing yourself to keep on going.”
“Also...I got to know a lot about you during our conversations...and secretly wanted to keep on enjoying them without the pressure of my feelings.”
“I see…” you then watched as he pecked your hand, it almost felt as if the motion had come out of a fairy tale, one you’d never think you’d be in. The scene in front of you had you thinking about a happily ever after, one that you would like. Though you wouldn’t know how it would end, you did however know how it would start. This just being the beginning.
“Y/n...would you like to go out to dinner with me?”
“Yes, of course...Erwin,” you’d grin to then hear a commotion swarm into the classroom.
“Oi, shut up four eyes. I got the train moving, so where’s my credit?”
“Wait, she actually went for him?-”
“Shut up horse face, no one cares about your opinion-”
“Eren you son of a-”
“Students, I know what you’ve just watched might’ve been...not shocking but rather, nice? Regardless, it’s time for you to get ready for history. Get your materials ready, and we can start.”
“Yes Mr. Smith,” they said in unison heading towards your class (to collect their materials). He then swooped you in, and planted a kiss on your forehead.
“See you later, don’t spend too much time reciting books.”
“I won’t Mr. Smith,” he then eyed for you to chuckle as his reaction.
“You are the history teacher, no?”
“Yes but...I’m Erwin to you, Erwin Smith,” he grinned as you stepped out the door.
“Alright alright, I’ll see you later...Erwin.”
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to-be-a-dreamer · 2 years
hi yes hello im here to listen to ANYTHING you have to spill about jack !! what were his hobbies when he was alive? what were his experiences in the house? how old was he? did he know about race and charlie before he died? what angsty little details can you spill about our boy
- @we-are-inevitable ✨️
OKAY! I'm going to have to leave some big details out for spoiler reasons, but I really love Jack's backstory so I am very willing to tell you as much as I can!
So! first of all, Jack was 17 when he died in November of 2017, so just keep that in mind for the time period and stuff. His early childhood was entirely in the 2000s, he grew up during the rise of internet culture, but died before a lot of current internet trends.
I think Jack in this au was definitely an artist, but he mostly did sketches. Like, he was one of those kids who had a spiral notebook from the dollar store and drew in it with a 50-cent mechanical pencil all day. And his work was genuinely really good but he had some questionable subjects that made his teachers and social worker slightly concerned.
I also think he would skateboard and play video games like every other teenage boy. He was also in the foster system between the ages of ten and sixteen. (He was placed with Medda at sixteen and officially adopted about a month before his seventeenth birthday)
His experience in the system wasn't great; he had always had "behavioral issues", as his teachers liked to say, and it only got worse after he lost his folks. When he lived with his parents it wasn't that bad because they were very patient and loving with him. They always made sure to validate his emotions and teach him how to express them in a healthy and safe way.
None of his foster families ever cared enough to help him properly, so he quickly became a textbook "troubled" kid and lived in about eight different foster homes over the course of six years.
He had a tendency to steal from convenience stores, skipped class, got into fights, smoked and drank (nothing too bad, but he was literally fifteen so anything would have been bad), and just generally mouthed off at any and all authority figures.
No one had shown any evidence that they actually cared about him in such a long time, and he'd basically given up on trying to do anything with his life. Everyone around him thought he would end up in prison by the time he was twenty, even if they didn't say it out loud. He didn't see any reason to try and prove them wrong. Not when they wouldn't care one way or the other
His longest placement, and the last one before he was placed with Medda, was about two years in a group boy's home. Their caregiver (I'll give you one guess who that was lol) didn't really give a crap about them and Jack was the oldest one there, so he ended up parenting about half a dozen children even though he was only fourteen himself.
That forced him to be more "responsible" and he had to ease up a bit on the skipping and stealing. Because as much as he hated the system, he cared about the other kids. They didn't deserve this and if no one else was going to make sure they had some semblance of a childhood, Jack would do it himself.
So Jack has always had to be more "grown-up" than other kids his age and, while he enjoys normal kid things like skateboarding and video games and watching movies and reading comic books, he's just so used to being constantly on edge.
When he came to Medda, he was tense and skittish and responded to everything with anger. He hadn't been able to be a kid since he was ten years old. She helped him a lot, and he was doing so much better and was actually starting to believe he had a chance to do something meaningful with his life.
The way he died was by no means peaceful, and there are times when he reverts back to his old habits, where he snaps or yells at Race and Charlie because for so long that was his only way of defending himself. But it's gotten easier over the past five years. Not better, just easier. And he instinctively wants to protect the two "younger" ghosts, so that's what he does.
While he lived in the house though, he was so so happy. His parents were great and he loved them so much. He still does. They weren't exactly rich, nowhere near that, but they had each other and that was more than enough for him. He had a good early childhood, and he will always be grateful for that.
I think Jack was always aware that there was something weird about the house while he lived there, but Race and Charlie didn't start really tormenting their residents until after Jack and his family moved out
It was mostly just "oh I could have sworn I left the TV remote in the basket, not on the kitchen table" or "huh the doors and cabinets keep closing on their own. That's weird, must be the wind"
Jack in this au is very much a sad art gay, that's genuinely the best way I can describe him. He's angry at a lot of things, but he can't really do anything about it now. He misses Medda but knows she must hate him for what he put her through. He loves Race and Charlie but hates how they're stuck like this with seemingly no way out. And he likes Davey. He likes Davey a lot but they can never be anything real.
Most of all he's tired. He wants to rest, but he has no idea how to do that, so he just keeps brute-forcing his way through the afterlife, trying to hold together the broken little pieces of this odd family he's been given.
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meichenxi · 3 years
Hey, could I ask you how you do shadowing? Like the different ways you do it? You mentioned in your tag that shadowing is good and I'd love to hear how you do it! I do not attempt shadowing much so I don't really know what helps, etc. ToT (my studyblr is rigelmejo)
Hellooo! Thank you for the interesting question!
Tbh I think I do it fairly basically - I don’t use any particularly fancy software, but software like Language Learning with Netflix has certainly made it easier. There’s a whole video on how to get the most of it here: [on mobile, link didn't work - How to study Chinese with Netflix! by Chinese Zero To Hero] (I’d recommend checking out all of their videos actually, they’ve done a bunch of livestreams recently and they place a lot of emphasis on shadowing + the course they are trying to sell you is…actually phenomenally good)
(Also, I have to preface this by saying that I have been very lucky in terms of pronunciation: I learnt about 80% of my current vocabulary by ear without characters or pinyin. I have been in China for eight months in total, and while I didn’t speak Chinese for all of that, I was constantly soaking in info on natural sentence intonation. I still often don’t know officially what the tone of a vocabulary item is, especially if it changes tone like 教, 为 or 相, but I don’t get yelled at so I have definitely internalised a lot of those changes. I definitely would have more trouble with this if I hadn’t had that experience - my other areas are waaaay weaker because of this though- my reading SUCKS lmao and I can literally handwrite about ten characters)
Anyway. How I shadow:
1) Quite simply by playing the line, and repeating it with all the emotion it has!! I usually use Netflix or Viki for this. I try to do it as fast as possible, and if I can’t do the whole thing, I ‘chunk’ it: if I were doing the sentence 我们还不知道他会不会来, I would start from the end with 他会不会来, then 不知道他会不会来, and then the whole sentence. Notice that this isn’t breaking it down into words or even grammatical phrases, but intonational phrases: it would be perfectly sensible to just do 会不会来 without the 他 but realistically, since this is a question, it’s likely that a strong stress will be placed on the first 会, and you wouldn’t be able to replicate that without also included the more weakly stressed syllable before.
2) I locate (intentionally or subconsciously) the main locus of stress within the sentence, and I focus on that accordingly. Tones may become less extreme if they are not stressed, and may become more exaggerated if stressed. This is always a good exercise. I accompany this with physical actions - I throw my hands down, I sigh, I groan!
3) I put away the text, and don’t look at the tones or even my computer screen - more on this below.
4) Finally, when I think I’ve got it reasonably accurate, I’ll record them speaking the line into my phone with an appropriate pause for copying and play it back to myself at various points throughout the day.
5) I then go and find other words with the same tone contour to slot in, and copy it again. After that, I find words that are slightly different tonally and pop them in too.
6) I finally do fun things like hold a conversation with myself. This can be really simple phrases imbued with some kind of emotion - 这个女子到底是谁呀?为什么不认识我?应该是新手吧。You can do this either really informally, or very formally, or both - trying to speak in the latter way is very fun! So then it’d be idk something more like: 那位姑娘是何人,来自何处?This is fun because you can really slow down your speech and sound as elegant as you like!! (this will sound stilted if you do it for modern speech, but it’s a very fun exercise)
Choosing your media!!
1) Don’t use donghuas. Seriously. The voice actors usually speak at a ridiculous pace and not with the same range of ‘normal’ intonation
2) Your Chinese is definitely good enough to recognise when anyone is quoting poetry or speaking in a paricularly sexy literary way so, uh…don’t do that. That rules dramas like Nirvana in Fire OUT.
3) Modern dramas and reality TV shows CAN be great, but they can also be quite intimidatingly quick and almost too mushy at times. I’d recommend informal speech in guzhuang dramas more, because they have professional voice actors and extensive sound editing, meaning that although it might be fast and the vocabulary harder, it’s actually much more accessible and easier to copy. You don’t want to be stuck with the awfulness of 50% failed foreigner and 50% 12 year old boy who can’t enunciate properly!!
4) CHOOSE YOUR WEAPON WISELY. I try to find characters that speak in a dramatic, whiny or childish way. This is so important! There’s literally no use copying Lan Wangji unless you want to be able to have that particular cadence and tone of voice you get reciting poetry. Childish/whiny/dramatic characters on the other hand stress some words very strongly, and rush others together - this is great for hearing what actual real speech sounds like. Whininess wins. In The Untamed, characters like Wei Wuxian (not yllz!wwx but just…regular wwx), 一问三不知 Nie Huaisang, Jin Ling, and Jingyi are all great. Also Jiggy, who is just very extra constantly and speaks much slower as well, which really helps. In SHL characters like Gu Xiang are good.
5) CHOOSE YOUR VOICE WISELY! If you are really aiming to copy them 100% (which you should try at least sometimes), you want somebody with your pitch range to sound normal. I have a sort of party trick in Chinese that because I’ve spent so much time listening to women in guzhuang dramas I can change my voice and sound like a) a scheming concubine with honeyed words, or b) the voice of the Beijing metro. My teacher found it hysterically funny. But it’s not my natural voice, and if I speak like that for too long it hurts. The women usually are too high for me, and the big burly manly men too low - so I’d recommend finding a man with a higher voice, or an older woman (like some of the female characters in Nirvana in Fire). Again, sorry that this is mostly the Untamed (I’m just most familiar with it) but the voice actors for Wei Wuxian and some of the juniors (+jiggy) has a higher voice. Likewise Chengling in Word of Honour.
On intonation in general:
- The thing is that whilst shadowing is useful it requires prior ability in a whole bunch of other skills that you can train - it relies on your ability to accurately mimic pitch, emotion and other contrasts. Training this in ANY language, including your native one, will help your ability to do this in Chinese - so I’d recommend spending a fair amount of time practicing shadowing (or speaking just after somebody whilst listening to a string of text, like monolingual simultaneous interpreting) in your native language too. Any training copying accents or mimicking other people is going to similarly help, regardless of the language.
So, with that in mind, further tips:
1) Hum / try to copy the intonation without any words. What this does is force you to pay attention to what the intonation actually is, versus what you may think it should be.
2) Don’t look at the text! Do! Not! Look! At! The! Text! If you look at the characters or pinyin you’re telling yourself ‘ok this is a third tone here’ etc, but you want to override the part of your brain that has gotten into bad habits and is supremely self-confident in how you’re pronouncing the third tone, and actually just go straight back to mimicking.
3) Don’t be afraid to do it with vocabulary that is way beyond your level. Actually, I find this can sometimes be helpful, because you don’t have a prior idea about how a particular tone pair should be useful - and you don’t know which tone you should be producing.
4) Learn vocabulary by ear - listen to a vocab podcast or even make one yourself (I often do this; I record my daily Anki and listen back to it through headphones copying throughout the day - if you’re not confident in your pronunciation you can get Google Translate to do it). Similarly, pick unknown vocabulary out of a longer segment and remember it, trying to internalise the tones instead of figuring out which tone it is.
5) Find emotional sentences, and copy them with emotion. This is SO CRUCIAL!!! We remember things when we relate to them, and when we imbue them with emotion - and it also helps in hearing exactly how an angry second tone sounds, for instance.
6) When you’re copying, look up, and imagine you are having an actual conversation. Carry yourself with conviction and poise!! Really try to whine like wwx or slime like jgy. After a couple of turns copying them, try to turn off the audio and keep delivering it in the same manner.
7) Swap individual words out. Once you have a line properly figured out, swap a word or two that has a different tone pair, and focus on delivering it with the same pattern of stress.
8) Finally, practice doing this in your native language too!! It’s a skill that we don’t use often, and it can be trained. Some people are terrible at it at first go even in their native language, but you can work on it!
About intonation in general:
1) I think a lot of pronunciation problems with people sounding unnatural or stiff ultimately come down to a fundamental misunderstanding of what intonation looks like across different languages. In English we mark it by pitch: and we are so used to the rhetoric that Chinese has ‘tone’ and not ‘intonation’ that we try and focus on blindly copying every single word textbook perfect without listening to how it actually sounds.
2) Chinese does have intonation!!! Except that, unlike English, when you stress a word, the pitch doesn’t change, but the tone contour is exaggerated - basically the only time you will ever hear a full third tone is in isolated or very exaggerated speech. If you have a Chinese friend, get them to record a sentence like the English ‘I didn’t ask her to steal his rucksack’, and put stress on the different elements of it - I didn’t ask, I didn’t ask, I didn’t ask, and so on. Notice and copy how the tones change. When shadowing, you should always be paying attention to where the stress is in the sentence: when you speak by yourself, practicing saying a sentence neutrally, and then with stress on one component, the next, and so on. If it feels unnatural, it’s because you might not have practicised like this before - it’ll get better!
Hope that’s somewhat helpful / interesting!
- 梅晨曦
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red-queen-bebe · 4 years
Karasuno Headcanons
☆How They Start Dating Someone ☆
Kageyama may seem outgoing about certain things, such as his anger toward Hinata, or his love for volleyball
But when it comes to his feelings about you?
Homeboy Shuts Down
Does NOT know how to communicate that he has positive feelings toward you
Can not look you in the eye
At all
Will glare angrily at you because his feelings about you confuse him
Honestly, he's afraid to get close to you
He knows he doesn't communicate his feelings well
He wants to tell you so many things
Like how he loves your laugh
And he just wants to pet your hair
You bump into him at the vending machine
You see him glance at you ,and then back at the vending machine
"What do you suggest?"
He whips his head toward you
He looks Angry
You look up at him thinking you've offended him when he says
"I like you?¿"
You're obviously confused
Homeboi is confused by himself
He gets his milk from the vending machine and speed walks away before you can process what he said
The next day he sees a note sitting by a box of milk on his desk
It simply says
"Hey, I like you too😊"
Honestly, it takes Tanaka awhile to notice you
Cause loverboi is still hooked on kiyoko
But once he has his sights set on you its over
You're going to know he likes you
He makes it so obvious
But your still to scared to ask him out first
So you wait
One day when you go to the gym after school to check up on him, he pounces
Quiet literally
He's all smiley
Straight up asks if you'll marry him
Telling you his eyes have never seen someone so precious
Nishinoya will think you're a new Kiyoko
Thinks he should jump in too
Also asks you to marry him
Tanaka's smile drops
Tell nishinoya to back off, that you're his s/o
Or, at least, he hopes so
That's when he seriously asks you to date him
And ofc you say yes
I'm gonna tell you straight up
Homeboi is Not, gonna confess
His pride gets in the way to much
That he doesn't actually need anyone
The biggest confession you'll get is that he doesn't find you That annoying
Take it or leave it
Occasionally will go out of his way to hang out with you without yamaguchi around
Over time you guys would just fall into the pattern of acting like a couple
People will ask when you guys started dating
You'll both look at each other
You really have no idea
It just kind of happened
Tsukki was never going to confess
Neither were you
I think you guys kind of realized you were a thing when someone else asked you out and tsukishima said no for you
After that you guys kind of just accepted what you had become
You and Hinata would meet because he crashed into you on his bike
He was going to fast, and wasn't paying enough attention
Or he was,
Paying attention to how cute you were, not realizing you were getting closer and closer
Until he hit you
Starts bowing like crazy
And apologizing
Literally tells you it was because he was admiring how attractive you were
Sees you again the next day
Makes sure not to hit you
Wonders how he never noticed you before
Gets used to talking to you every day on the way to school
You two have been late more time than you can count
Doesn't take him long to ask you to have lunch with him
He soon after realizes he Likes you likes you
He asks you out and the rest is history
You met Asahi in class
Asahi had noticed you in years past
That you were kind of like him
Didn't talk to much
A kind person in general
But what surprised him was during your third year, he saw how, outgoing,,, you had become?¿
When did that happen?
Suddenly you were talking to everyone
It seemed as though everyone knew who you were and everyone wanted to talk to you
And even though you had tons of other people to talk to, you still made sure you had time to talk to Asahi
The way you would smile at him always made him blush
He was sure it was different than how you smiled at everyone else
Nishinoya was his biggest support when Asahi confessed he wanted to ask you out
He was going to do it
He really was
One day during class, Asahi heard a scream come from down the hallway
He paled
He knew that voice
The classroom door busted open
And here comes nishinoya bounding over to Asahi ,telling him he could do it, and saying not to be nervous
He was being so loud
Which made Asahi want to melt into his desk
In fact he did, laying his head down on his desk in embarrassment
What made him raise his head, was hearing your giggle come from a few rows up
Nishinoya had given you a thumbs up
Before bolting out the door when the teacher threatened to write him up if he didn't get back to class
After class, you made your way over to Asahi, asking him what all of That was about
Scratching the side of his head, Asahi starts blushing before stuttering out how he likes you and how he admires how outgoing you've become
and the sweet thing mentions how he loves your smile
After a bit of mumbling he slips in actually asking you out
You hug him
Which calms him down
And of course you'll go out with him
It would take yammy boy a looong time to ask you out
I mean like a long ass time
You guys would probably be friends for a long time before he even developed a crush on you
But once he did it would be all he could think about
He would literally do anything for you
Constantly shows he cares by asking if you ate and making sure you drink water
Supports you in whatever you do
Would get mad at Tsukki if he was ever mean to you
Would literally bottle up his feelings for so long
Would be walking you home from school one day when he would just blurt it out because home boy was ready to explode
He loves you so much
It suprised you how loud he was
Once you realize what he said you give him a soft kiss on his cheek, and tell him you would love to be his s/o
Daichi would be so soft with you
He would be so oblivious to the fact that you like him too
Like, worse than your average person
Suga would point out all of the signs
Even then he doesn't believe it
Suga would clear a room in a heart beat just to try and get you two alone
Suga= matchmaker
Asks you out on a date
Decides to see how things go
One date leads to two
Two leads to three
Three leads to six
It's becoming unbearable for both of your guys' friends
Suga literally has to threaten him
Maybe even smack him
Who knows
On your next date, Daichi finally pops the question
Ofc you say yes
Saying you've been waiting
Which makes him blush
And you lived happily ever after
Honestly Noya would ask you out before he even develops a crush on you
Not that he's not serious
But once he has an actual crush on you, professing his love becomes a weekly thing
Will straight up yell at you from down the hall
Thinks calling you "sweet cheeks" is a compliment
Even though his attempts at flirting may be cringey at times, he has the capability of being sweet
Will literally show you off to people as though you're already dating
After awhile you just accept it
He's become apart of you're life
And you enjoy that
So the next time he asks you out
You say yes
Homeboi starts celebrating
Runs off to tell Tanaka and Asahi
But before he makes it to far he turns back to plant a kiss on your cheek
Sugawara is, romantic
But also has a sense of humor
Would wait awhile to ask you out
Waits until he's pretty positive you like him back
Doesn't want to make it awkward if you don't
(But we all know you do😉)
Wants to make asking you out perfect
But knowing you ,he knows you would appreciate something witty
Would take you out on a date
Something fun, like a theme park or an arcade
Then ,as he's dropping you off at home
Would literally pull out a ring pop
Starts blushing when you giggle
Asks if you'll be his s/o
You gladly accept
Kisses your hand after he slides the ring pop onto your finger
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thisnoodlewritesao3 · 3 years
Ok ok ok so theres a soulmate prompts and it's the most important thing your soulmate says to you is written on you and like i think it would be a great prompt for either Kyoutani or Ushijima and it be something along the lines of I love you something that people hear everyday but would mean so much more than just "I love you" coming from them
Okay, ngl, I was struggling a bit with this one. Motivation really said nope. But! Then, something happened today, and this ended up a little longer than I wanted it to. But! It is so good. So here, my lovely little anon, have my heart and soul
Thank you for sending in a request to the event my dear
The idea of having a soulmate was sweet in and of itself; actually having a soulmate was a different story of whether you could actually find them. Because in a world so big and full of people, the chance of finding them was getting so rare that it was more surprising to see a pair of soulmates than it was to see a regular couple who had chosen to be together.
It didn’t help that you only had a phrase on your wrist to go by. “That sentence will be the most important thing your soulmate will say to you,” your 6th grade teacher mused with stars in her eyes, “and your soulmate is someone who you will feel the most connected to, things will feel right, like everything has fallen into place.” At the time, you were infatuated with soulmates (maybe because they held the love that you lacked), but you’d grown to realise how small of a chance you had to find your soulmate.
I love you.
Of course you couldn’t have something normal, something easy to recognise. Now you had to second guess every single time someone told you they loved you, whether you’d felt some sort of special connection or whether it was just a friendly remark. Life was ever confusing.
You settled on the idea you had no hope to find your soulmate, that you’d have to create your own special connection with someone - that made you content - because special connections can be made with time and care.
That was why you’d loved you’d met Kyoutani Kentarou - maybe it was a bad thing that you two fueled each other’s flames but who was to stop you? No one, that would be the first problem. You’d met at a volleyball camp for young kids, your brother wanted to go so your mom made you go with him; it was like you locked eyes and were instantly drawn to each other.
As much as neither of you liked to admit it, no one could make you happier than the other. He was the spark in your step, the flame in your heart, the roar you needed to fight back. You were his calm, an ocean in a world surrounded by destruction, the bite he needed to pull back. That wasn’t to say you weren’t just as chaotic - if not more - than he was. Sure, he'd be the one to start fights, but you preferred to finish them. To push buttons beyond relief.
Neither of you had exceptional social skills, but who needs social skills when you already found the person who compliments you so well.
He may not have been the reason you played volleyball initially, but he was the reason you stayed. And, like Kyoutani, if you’re going to put your energy into something, you put 100% of your effort into it. The same way you’d put 100% into your relationship with him.
Kyoutani started your adventures together and you tagged along. When he joined Aoba Johsai, you were hot on his tail. He joined the boys VBC team, and you joined the girls. It meant you spent a little less time together, but when you were together you had so much to talk about.
So maybe things started to go wrong when you started getting closer to your team and he was at an impasse. More temperamental and on edge than ever before. And that shitty captain of his didn’t help much either, but you helped where you could - even when it didn’t seem to go anywhere.
And when he was kicked out of his club, you followed suit once again, quitting yours until he got a chance to join again. Even when you were suffering, it couldn’t have equated to what he was feeling, so you dealt with it.
“Why did you do it?” He asked, glaring off into the distance after school. You didn't know why you were waiting around, but he said he had something to do, so you joined him.
“What?” You quirked a brow up at him.
“Quit your club.” He elaborated and you shrugged.
“Where you go, I go, no matter what, Kenta.” You looked away before you could see the emotions on his face shift from his typical glare to something more. Something light and filled with adoration and confusion all at one. His hand unconsciously went to his shoulder, where the words of his soulmate lay. You weren’t even paying attention. He could have sworn his heart fluttered in that moment.
Of course, he’d always liked you in some way, that was why he let you stick around - and maybe there was a deeper connection he couldn’t explain. But there was an issue: he didn’t want things to change. Maybe he was being selfish, who cares. Not him. Definitely not him.
Things only got worse when he started to notice things about you, things he’d seen before but hadn’t really paid attention to. Like the way you swayed your head in deep concentration, or how your eyes would light up when talking about something you were passionate about. How you’d bite your lip nervously as he argued with people. Even that you’d reach out and grab his shirt just before he swung to punch. You’d stand more behind him when the volleyball came around him, like you were on edge around them, eyes constantly flickering between them and him for any signs of hostility. You didn’t seem to trust them (with the exception of Iwaizumi because he trusted Iwaizumi).
Every little thing you did drove him crazy. So what if he’d fallen for you? You didn’t need to know because things didn’t need to change.
Watching you play volleyball was like a different kind of rush - you were a Libero - every movement was calm and calculated as you dove across the court. He can only imagine how it must have felt for you. And the fact you insisted on wearing a skirt on the court drove him insane.
You must have noticed, because you brought it up. “You doing okay, Ken?” You tilt your head to the side, trying to work out the wonders in his mind. For the ninth time today, he avoids your eyes. You’re starting to feel offended, have you done something wrong? You couldn’t think of anything you’d done wrong, but maybe you just weren’t thinking hard enough.
“‘M fine.” He sighed; you looked up at him with wide doe eyes and he thought his heart might melt. Then you did the worst thing you could have done; you reached out and squeezed his hand. He tried to pull away, but you wouldn’t let him - in the end, he ended up falling over, you ended up falling with him. On top of him.
Was this heaven or hell? He’d find out later. Of course he knew you were his soulmate, but you didn’t know. You couldn’t know. He wouldn’t let you know. Because things were fine how they were. And what if he wasn’t good enough? What if he hurt you somehow? You were happy right now, weren’t you? So maybe everything would be fi-
You slapped his cheek harshly, glaring down at him. “Kyoutani Kentarou-” oh no, so you were mad “- if you don’t tell me what’s happening right now, I swear to God.” He cringed away. By trying not to hurt you, he’d hurt you - who could have predicted this would happen?
What would the consequences be if he told you how he felt? Maybe you’d be happy, or maybe you’d be mad. He’d be putting everything on the line right now. But the way you looked at him - almost darkly, some sadness, but most of all confusion and anger. It made his heart stung.
Before he could think more, his mouth worked faster than his mind, “I love you!” He almost yelled it out, he was staring directly in your eyes; he got to watch your emotions shift. It was like you went through the five stages of grief: denial (in the form of confusion), anger (your brows furrowed together and knuckles turned white), bargaining (your eyes pleaded with him to change his mind, or the words he used, or anything), depression (you pulled in on yourself, he could feel all your muscles tense), and then there was a pause, your face went blank, you were searching his eyes for something - anything - and you seemed to find it. Acceptance: you wrapped your arms around him and buried your head in the crook of his neck.
You could never be sure whether he was actually your soulmate, but something about that look in his eyes told you he meant it. No if’s, and’s or but’s. His heart was yours, and yours his. Wherever he went, you followed.
The only time you didn’t follow him was when you walked down the aisle.
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funkymbtifiction · 3 years
Can you help me find my type please?- I have been torn between Infj and infp for a little while. I had settled with Infj originally, but in hopes of not being mistyped I am also considering the possibility of me being an infp. There are certain aspects from both types that I resonate with....
You are a wonderful, creative, imaginative ISFJ. Let's look:
On a daily basis I feel as though I am constantly preparing for events or situations in hopes of having some sort of control over my environment. It’s not so much that I want to control people, but I want to know what’s going on around me constantly in order to be prepared for what’s coming next. Being prepared gives me a sense of peace because I know what is going to happen so there’s no unwanted surprises. <- strong Si
When I’m completing an assignment for one of my classes, I always evaluate my options and pick which one is best depending on the circumstance. For example, recently I had to write a paper, psychoanalyzing a character with mental illness from a movie. While there are plenty of movies with characters that have mental illness, I quickly came up with two that I had previously watched since a familiar movie would make the analysis easier for me. Then I was able to narrow it down to one based on the complexity of the characters involved in the two movies and which one had more interesting information to discuss in the paper. This thought process was done quite quickly in my head. <- Si. You chose a character you are intimately familiar with to streamline the process (this is not abstract thinking, this is a useful, practical sensory method of easily accomplishing it)
I like to know the deeper meaning of things and I constantly do that even when I’m out for a walk. For example, if I’m out on a nice sunny spring evening and so see a lovely tree with green leaves. I might start to think about how these leaves are so bright and lively, but in a few months they will change color and fall, then the tree will completely loose its leaves. However, in the end the tree always comes back to its happy state with green leaves swaying in the cool breeze. I would then relate that to the human circle of life. Humans actually don’t have much time on earth, but every stage of life we experience is just as valuable as the next l. There’s will be moments that are more positive than others but they all teach us lessons that are valuable. Once one life is gone another life begins and the process goes on and on as humans evolve through generations similar to the changing leaves of a tree through seasons. <- 100% gorgeous example of Si and Ti. Si knows what is permanent, and sees what things were, what they are, and what they are becoming, the permanence of things. What LASTS. What outlives us. What has stability. What does that tree mean to me? Who has sat under its branches? Who has leaned against it? What has sheltered beneath it in a storm? What can this teach us (Fe) about being human? What do we learn from our life experiences (Si)? A lovely, sensory abstract comparison (Si is abstract, just not abstract in the way Ni is).
When I am with a group of people, whether I know them or not I can easily get a feel for the atmosphere and adhere to what is expected of me. If they are sad I will be somber with them while trying to comfort them if I feel they need it. If they are happy I will be happy with them and try to keep them happy. If people are angry I usually start to feel anxious because I don’t react well to anger. Peoples emotions heavily influence me ever since I was little. <- Fe. My ENFJ says Fe is like being a chameleon. You have no choice but to change colors around other people, to adapt yourself to them so you can reach them on a level they can understand.
My thirst for knowledge is constant and never ending. I’m never satisfied because I know there’s more to learn. When I start researching something about a certain topic, I read article after article, watch video after video, and look at as many posts as I can pertaining to that topic solely for the sake of learning more about it. <- Si detail gathering.
Actually, there have been many times where I’ve completed assignments in a different way to what was “expected” simply because it felt for logical to me. I understood it better that way so I completed the assignment that way. Also, I enjoy helping my friends out with their homework which I usually do. When I am checking my friends work I am easily able to point of mistakes or errors in their work that they were not able to notice. <-Si and Ti. All I can say is thank God for ISFJ proof-readers, I owe them a debt of gratitude. ;)
When I’m not thinking about the future, I’m thinking about memories that I’ve made. These memories are usually triggered by a pretty scenery or an object that holds a lot of meaning to me. For example, sometimes I’ll look outside of my bedroom window when the sun sets and every time I do that, I get emotional thinking about the times I would walk down these streets as a kid and how fast time flew by. I remember how the area changed and people that I loved left to continue their lives. Then I think about how one day I won’t be looking out of this window, but out of the window of my own home looking at a different scenery and introducing new people into my life. It gets me thinking how beautiful life is and how much we take for granted. Usually after these moments I feel very appreciative for the life that I have and the wonderful people in my life. I conclude that I wouldn’t want it any other way. <- delightful SiFe. Warm, centered in what one values for oneself (the things special to me - Si), leading into low Ne thoughts about the future and what it means to be human.
Ever since I was young I felt like I understood things that other children or people did not pick up on. This usually pertained to social cues. I’ve always known how I was expected to act based on the atmosphere of the situation and how the people around me were behaving. However, it seemed that others didn’t really care as much. Children would behave however they wanted and even if they got yelled at by the teacher they would carry on the next day. I didn’t understand how they didn’t know how to behave or why they didn’t seem to care. Also, I always take into consideration the feelings of people, but I’ve noticed over the years that many people don’t care as much. In my everyday life I try to be kind to everyone I encounter. If I were to ever make someone upset or feel a negative emotions I would feel like a horrible person. However, I see other people offending each other all the time and they don’t seem to care. I don’t get how people could easily be so insensitive towards others. In addition, I have always had very good problem solving skills. When people would not understand something, I would immediately try to help them because somehow I understood it without much prior experience. I was just able to figure it out based on observations, which I didn’t see a lot of people doing as much while growing up. <- strong Fe. FJs can automatically know what is appropriate or not and adjust to a situation and become uncomfortable when others do not, because then the "rules" of social engagement are being broken, and it will make everyone uncomfortable or not know what to say or do within the situation.
I doubt I need to go on. You love to make cherished memories, the hallmark of an ISFJ. Memories are all we have, they connect us, they give the world meaning, and we build them around what holds great personal significance to ourselves, yes? ISFJ. Embrace it. Feel at home in it. Love it. :)
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pokedash55 · 4 years
Ninjobservation #2
Analyzing the Elemental Alliance as a group and uncovering the real reason the Time twins (Twims for short) were "traitors"
So I have rewatched Hands of Time for the 3rd time this past year and Me and my sister Purplefern (She has a ton of good Twims fics on Ao3 ^^) have learned a lot about the old elemental alliance (EA).
The EA were a strong clique that did not appreciate the Twim's general attitudes and personalities. Chen saw the growing discourse and manipulated both sides into turning on each other.
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[[They be judgin' (””art”” by me) ]]
To start let’s look at all the Leaders of this Alliance
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Wu back before his eventual growth with the ninja was a strict teacher. Morro ran away due to his inability to understand his problems (problems he may have caused with his teachings). He is generally harsh towards the Ninja in season 1, forcing them to train all day because they simply talked during his lesson ("Never trust a snake").
Due to being the son of the FSM he put pressure on himself to always be virtuous and leaderlike (believes he has to uphold order) and he takes this believed expectation of authority to heart. He is no nonsense, yelling at Libber (the Master of Lightning) for simply talking slightly off topic before an important battle. He has a strong sense of right and wrong, according to his own moral standards and does not waver on what he believes is in/appropriate.
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Although less righteous than Wu, joining the alliance after the war began, he has also been seen as a strict and serious teacher. Because of the growing venom in his blood I'd argue he was even more strict, less in attitude but more in general rules of law and order. We see in Rebooted that Garmadon set strict rules for himself like "no weapons" to keep his destructive side in check and we know that Young Garmadon is so sensitive to rules as he claims that even reading another's mail is a crime. He joined as a leader and most likely upheld rules not just for the alliance but for his own sake.
Ray and Maya
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We see little of them but they are both good friends- and Ray appears to be the right hand man-- of Wu They are such good friends that Ray is the one trusted with the Map to the Golden Weapons. From his tone and diction he seems very dogmatic and if he's anything like Kai, he's quick to assumptions and to attack people who he perceives as bad according to his own strict principles. He just feels like a stuffy guy. I don't have much on Maya but she's a good people person so she gets along with the others really well. Also she married Ray, so that has to say something. They both went along with the Time Blade plan.
Other Elemental observations
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 Except for Libber (Lighting), all the Masters are older than the Time twins. (Krux can fight in S7 so he's not older than 70. They are most likely mid to late twenty's during the war)
 The EA is a pre-established group (Garmadon refers to them like they are a pre-existing entity in ToE flashbacks). They were two confident and arrogent twenty year olds strolling into a pre-established clique of old honorable fighters during a war. Not the best time for bonding.
 Ice feels very much like Wu and Garmadon, considering he gave his powers to an analytical robot like Zane is saying a lot about him. He most likely does not tolerate "shenanigans", especially during a war.
They battle in a tight group
Krux and Acronix
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These two act like they don't belong in the group. During the party celebrating the end of the war they are seen standing away from the rest and are genuinely happy to be recognized by Wu for their efforts. Although retcon, the two are not seen battling with the rest of the group. They instead most likely are so powerful (and impulsive and difficult to work with) that they are sent on duo missions to protect villages (They are also not the best followers).
It's also a nice parallel to our ninja in ToE. They stuck together like a family and were disliked and excluded from the rest of the EM's. The same could be said for The Twims since they always fought together and were similarly excluded.
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Krux is a planner and a sassy dude. He’s stubborn and will tell people they are wrong to their face. The 16 personalities that matches him best is INTJ (the Architect). This analytical type hates people who are who they consider idiotic, do not participate in formalities, and are aggravated by heavy rules and restrictions made by someone else, especially someone they do not respect (which is most people).
Although we do not see him much as a young man we know that he is prone to grudges and will resort to less kind methods in sake for the means to an end. Definitely not someone Wu and Garmadon would like since they are trying to uphold order and keep a chain of command. But Krux believes in his own plans and his own chain of command. He is not good at small talk and would mostly stick with his brother during group events like meetings and parties, so in general his terrible social skills probably made him pretty unliked.
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Acronix is quick witted and heavily proud of himself. He won’t admit he is wrong and is very loud in general. This may be a side tangent but Acronix may have ADHD, which would not be understood back in the day and people would regard him as annoying or rude.
-He is shown to stand in a position that suggests hand fidgeting (A LOT)
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-Quick to anger over minuscule details
-yeah he's distractible but he's also quick to move through ideas/activities
- During their important battle back in time his attention is on the pretty fusion dragon flying around instead of listening to Kruxs plan of attack.
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-His attention shifts to the destiny's bounty and he toys with the ninja despite saying right before he couldn't stay and fight Wu cause he had to meet up with Krux.
- in general he is constantly shifting from idea to idea, oftentimes leaving his original plans completely un-finished
He could have trouble paying attention to meetings and with his bond with Krux and tendency to quick action he would choose his brother's plan and strike independently rather than following whatever Wu is doing. This leads them to fight beside each other alone instead of with the main group, making the elemental alliance think they believe to be better than them. 
In terms of Personality types he’s a hardcore ESTP (Entrepreneur). Like his brother, they are free analytical thinkers who do not respect higher authority simply because they claim to be the leaders and hate rules and regulations getting in the way of their progress. He says what's on his minds regardless of feelings and will defend his opinions despite others sensitivities. He is perceptive enough to pick up on small changes and habits but he is quick to share that knowledge (usually in a snarky remark). I doubt the alliance appreciates what he has to say when he’s blabbering about everything in such a rude tone.
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Now this all may start to look like a silly “Hands of time did nothing wrong” theory. But there is a key factor in this that not many people talk about. The previous Master of Earth (or Moe for short).
We know that Chen manipulated Moe into turning against the alliance so it was not technically his fault. Chen could’ve said that because the serpentine rose from the earth he was entitled to fight for them. Heck he could’ve been 100% hypnotized by Clouse’s dark magic (His eyes were not swirly so it was not hypnobrai like is suggested in WOTD). He is most likely some lovable dummy who was easily swayed and a kind person to apologize once the truth about Chen is revealed (considering that he’s Cole’s grandfather). Moe as a person is fine. What is sketchy is Moe being easily forgiven and allowed into the alliance despite turning on all of HUMANITY. What he did could’ve hurt way more people. He fought with the snakes and attacked innocent people and powerless soldiers (like the rice farmers) and was off scott free! The Twims only fought the elemental alliance and Wu and Garmadon at the monastery. Not nearly as destructive.
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They figured out that Chen made the alliance turn on each other after the war and forgave Moe for that, but isn't it strange that they never gave the Time Twins that same benefit of the doubt? We know from “Way of the departed” and general logic that Chen and Clouse helped tip them over the edge. Whether you believe this to be canon or not is irrelevant because if the EA knew that Chen was involved once why would they not assume he was with the time twins too? Seems like they already disliked the two and were just ready for a reason to punish them. All flashbacks we get are told from unreliable sources like Wu and Ray (who both were enthusiastically the ones planning to strip them of their powers.) Speaking of, let’s analyze this example of their “betrayal” shall we?
This is the flashback we get of them fighting against the alliance. The first time you watch it all you really know is that they are fighting against the EA, when Wu is describing their arrogance and the danger of their powers. How evil right? To attack their companions like that? But there is a lot wrong with how Wu phrases the fight and how it actually goes down.
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They have Bamboo staffs.
A weapon that is primarily defensive and not a good weapon of choice for a planned ambush or assault. They are non lethal weapons. And Acronix is said on LEGO.com to be quick to learn any weapon so someone as adaptable as he is would not intentionally bring something so weak to a fight unless he had been forced to improvise.
Always on the defensive.
Someone as tactical as Krux and skilled as Acronix would never let themselves be on the defensive like this if they had the first blow. We see that Ray has the first attack in the flashback. Although Acronix is known to jump in without thinking he has his brother who would not just go into a fight just to lose. And even if they did end up on the defensive after having the first strike Acronix has his powers. He would’ve brought both of them out of a situation if things got too hard (which he is known to do in battles HE starts). But they clearly did not start this battle.
They are surrounded.
These two guys with nothing but staffs are encircled? Krux as a planner and Acronix as a quick witted warrior would never let themsleves get into that position if it had been a battle that they had started and had been planning to win. This framing makes it feel like they are being ganged up on.
In a remote location.
The battle takes place on a gravel road no where near a major city. If they wanted to take over wouldn’t they strike somewhere more populated? And if they were attacking the EA...they would have attacked the EA directly. They were probably just walking and talking and got ambushed.
Very possible that Chen sent an “anonymous” note to the EA telling them of the Twims plans to attack. They are arrogant, have openly hated Wu’s leadership, and don’t gel with the group so of course they would take a tip like that and attack someone they don’t like. It’s possible they had ideas of taking over the EA but the world seems a bit out of their morality range until provoked.
Now that they have been attacked the two form a real plan to overthrow these fools who don’t like them and have unfairly attacked them (just like Chen had been telling them they were likely to do). They bring real weapons (swords) to an important location (the Monastery) to fight the specific people they do not like (Wu and Garmadon).
The Punishment
Ok so these powerful elemental masters are going to attack the EA. They were once allies and they are too powerful to defeat with their powers. If only there was a way to temporarily suspend their powers so they could talk this out and have an understanding of each other and perhaps uncover Master Chen's involvement-- since the Hands of Time were semi-sensible war heroes who were the sons of a previous master of time who presumably responsibly used the element without issue (and was most likely a samurai since Krux says their helmets are samurai helmets)... sigh too bad there is not such a material… oh wait.
These fools really decided that destroying an important element forever, and violently ripping it out of its users was the only option? There were generations of time elementals before them that had the element. They could throw vengestone nets at them or fight until they get knocked out and then vengestone cage them. But they don’t want to know why they betrayed the alliance. It was not because the element was too dangerous. It was not because they had to strip them of their powers (cause there are less lethal ways of doing so). They just did not give these two any mercy.
The Time twins are hard to work with and stuck together no matter what. The alliance is very strict and dogmatic which both Krux and Acronix would hate being trapped in their day to day alliance meetings and group mentality. Chen used their egos and their exclusion to his benefit to keep the fight going after he was banished and sent a letter to start up conflict with the EA. The EA did not like the Twims so they were ruthless and did not give them the same mercy they did for Moe (They also are not Elements of Creation. Wu would do anything to protect the main 4 but he’ll punish these punks). 
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fakeikemen · 4 years
The Roku/Sozin ancestry plot twist for Zuko
Like I’m sure this has been said before but the twist about Zuko being a descendant of both Roku and Sozin is actually a disservice to his character and his narrative as well? The way the narrative frames this reveal along with Iroh's dialogue, it backtracks on a lot of the story we are shown in Book 1&2 (and sometimes it even clashes with some dialogues in Book 3).
Iroh: “Because understanding the struggle between your two great-grandfathers can help you better understand the battle within yourself. Evil and good are always at war inside you, Zuko. It is your nature, your legacy. But, there is a bright side. What happened generations ago can be resolved now, by you. Because of your legacy, you alone can cleanse the sins of our family and the Fire Nation. Born in you, along with all the strife, is the power to restore balance to the world.”
1. This implies that there are equal amounts of good and evil in Zuko and his internal struggle is about choosing one of them.
The core qualities of Zuko as a character are empathy, compassion and kindness. A person who always gets upset when he sees or even thinks about other people in pain, a person who spoke out against powerful people to save lives that were being sacrificed needlessly, a person who shows mercy to people who don’t deserve it, a person who is willing to reach out a hand to save the life of the man who tried to kill him, a person who avoids fights when possible, a person who is willing to fight on behalf of a family he has known for only one night, a person who reaches out to sympathise after being yelled at— a person like this is definitely not struggling with equal parts of good and evil within them.
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Zuko does have two selves, but they can be categorised as pre-scar and post-scar.
His pre-scar version is the version who was unabashedly kind and compassionate, who spoke his mind without thinking of consequences. But his post-scar version was a cover up of the pre-scar version. It was a lie that Zuko lived everyday. He convinced himself that this was how he had to be; because this was what Ozai wanted him to be and that there was no other way.
And yet, when the situation is dire and he is depending on his instincts or when he is given a free choice, we see the pre-scar Zuko spring into action. Because that’s who he really is. It’s not a struggle between good and evil within him, it is his supressed self making an appearance when he slips up and fails to maintain his facade.
Perhaps the line that describes his internal struggle the best is this:
Zuko, imitating Iroh: Zuko, you have to look within yourself to save yourself from your other self. Only then will your true self, reveal itself.
And while this dialogue was played for laughs, it is the most accurate description of how Zuko had to reach for his suppressed self, his real self, to save himself from becoming what Ozai wanted him to be.
2. It also implies that Ozai and Ursa had equal influence on Zuko's upbringing and that he struggled to chose between what was taught to him by Ursa (good) and Ozai (evil).
The idea that Zuko has equal amounts of good and evil inside himself goes hand in hand with idea that the good and evil traits in him have been passed onto him by Ursa and Ozai's upbringings respectively which are legacies of Roku and Sozin.
I don’t need to look any further than “Zuko Alone” to know that Ozai's impact on Zuko's upbringing was slim to none. The flashbacks that we see, are dominated by Ursa's presence. Ozai hardly gets any time onscreen. And when he does, he is shown as a silhouette and when he isn’t a silhouette, we only see him smile at Azula's display of skills and frown at Zuko's attempt.
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Ozai was Zuko's father alright, but never in the ways that mattered. We know that Ozai abused Zuko. He constantly belittled him and compared him to Azula. Partially because Zuko lacked the natural talent that Azula had and partially because he lacked the ruthlessness and cruelty that Azula displayed even at her age.
Which made Zuko copy Azula's behaviour to get his father’s acceptance. But whenever Ursa noticed this, she immediately corrected Zuko and clearly told him that it was wrong.
Ozai is never shown to tell Zuko that whatever Ursa told him was wrong. Ozai personally never taught him anything (except that one time). He appreciated Azula's behaviour and encouraged her to keep it up but he just kept on expressing his disappointment in Zuko.
Ursa: Remember this, Zuko. No matter how things may seem to change, never forget who you are.
Zuko's innate kindness and compassion were protected by Ursa in the formative years when he was at his most pliable. And this is why no matter what happens, he never loses these qualities and is able to retain his real self even after he tried hard to suppress it.
3. It diminishes the extent of psychological damage and trauma caused by the scarring incident.
The one time Ozai did take it upon himself to teach something to Zuko:
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Ozai: You will learn respect, and suffering will be your teacher.
(Notice that here too Ozai's form is silhouetted against the light behind him.)
The scar is so much more than just a scar to Zuko. It is the one lesson that Ozai taught him. The scar exists because of Zuko's innate compassion. It was put on his face in an attempt to burn out his compassion. It was put there to be a constant reminder of what would happen if he dared to do something that went against what Ozai wanted from him. The scar was Ozai’s brand on his face. It took away Zuko's autonomy to make decisions for himself. It was a constant reminder that Zuko’s opinions didn’t matter.
Post-scar Zuko is Zuko's attempt at supressing his real persona to become the person Ozai wanted him to be, because he learned the hard way that he didn’t have the choice to be anyone else.
In fact, the first time Zuko makes a deliberate choice to go against what was expected of him, (letting Appa go) he succumbed to a fever. His emotional turmoil of coming to terms with the fact that he didn’t need to listen to Ozai and abide by him; a notion that he had been force feeding himself, everyday, for the last three years, manifested itself physically in the form of a fever. That was how deep the psychological damage caused by the scar was. (I hate it when people call it an angst coma.)
Saying that Zuko was struggling with equal amounts of good and evil within him, oversimplifies the complex emotional trajectory he had about coming to terms with the abuse he went through and reclaiming his autonomy and his personal opinions and beliefs, into just a choice between two aspects of his personality.
Zuko: I wanted to speak out against this horrifying plan, but I'm ashamed to say I didn't. My whole life, I struggled to gain my father's love and acceptance, but once I had it, I realized I'd lost myself getting there. I'd forgotten who I was.
4. This implies that Zuko's destiny was pre-determined.
Iroh said in the dialogue that Zuko was born with the power to restore balance in the world and that only he could do it.
Zuko, the character who has always had to struggle to gain what he wanted is suddenly told of an advantage that he had just by the virtue of birth? Kinda defeats the purpose of: "Azula was born lucky; I was lucky to be born", if you ask me.
And even more importantly, he let go of the destiny that Ozai forced on him, only to take on another predetermined destiny; a destiny that was his to fulfil by the virtue of birth, and took steps to fulfil this other destiny, instead of making a destiny of his own and paving his own path to it by making the choices that he had been denied for so long because of Ozai. Which seems weird because all the other times Iroh talks to Zuko about this topic, he always emphasises on how it’s Zuko's choice to make his own destiny:
Lake Laogai:
Zuko: I want my destiny.
Iroh: What that means is up to you.
Lake Laogai:
Zuko: I know my own destiny, Uncle!
Iroh: Is it your own destiny, or is it a destiny someone else has tried to force on you?
Zuko: Stop it, Uncle! I have to do this!
Iroh: I'm begging you, Prince Zuko! It's time for you to look inward and begin asking yourself the big questions. Who are you, and what do you want?
Crossroads of Destiny:
Iroh: Zuko, I am begging you. Look into your heart and see what it is that you truly want.
Western Air Temple:
Iroh: You know Prince Zuko, destiny is a funny thing. You never know how things are going to work out. But if you keep an open mind, and an open heart, I promise you will find your own destiny someday.
5. It indirectly implies that the good™ in Ursa and Zuko exists because they are a part of the Avatar's legacy.
Making Ursa a daughter of a nobleman (as intended originally)* would’ve served a much better purpose for the message that the episode was trying to get across: “the Fire Nation isn’t inherently evil”.
Katara: You mean, after all Roku and Sozin went through together, even after Roku showed him mercy, Sozin betrayed him like that?
Toph: It's like these people are born bad.
Aang: Roku was just as much Fire Nation as Sozin was, right? If anything, their story proves anyone's capable of great good and great evil. Everyone, even the Fire Lord and the Fire Nation have to be treated like they're worth giving a chance.
Had Ursa not been Roku’s descendant, then there would've been people other than just Roku and his descendants, who were Fire Nation and good™. (Iroh is literally the only exception.)
Moreover, Azula is just as much a part of “Roku’s legacy” as Zuko is, and yet is completely overlooked when it comes to it. She isn’t shown to be struggling with equal amounts of good and evil. She isn’t gifted at birth with the capacity to bring balance back to the world. It appears as if she had inherited only “Sozin's legacy”.
So, not only does this Roku/Sozin twist go against Zuko's fundamental characterisation, but it also partially deconstructs the narrative that had been carefully set up for him over the course of 2 seasons.
*(I have been looking relentlessly for the post where I saw two screen caps of the two different characterisations of Ursa: 1. Ursa as we see her in "Zuko Alone"; 2. Ursa as Roku's descendant. And I can't find it now otherwise I would've linked it.)
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brythebibliophile · 4 years
Always Choose You—A Spencer Reid x reader
a/n: hi! so this fic is super personal for me because I struggle with abandonment issues, feeling inadequate to my sister, and many more things mentioned throughout the fic. I originally wrote this because I wanted to vent to someone so I sort of just manifested a conversation with Spencer Reid and I just turned it into an x reader for your enjoyment. I hope you all like it and just know my messages are always open if you need to talk. have a good day! (also I don’t think I used any gender-specific pronouns for the reader except at the end spencer uses the term “girlfriend”)
word count: 2132
Something had been bugging you all day and you really needed to get it off of your chest. The only problem with that was that the thing you wanted to talk about you got yelled at for talking about every time you did.
Oh well.
You picked up your phone and dialed the only person you wanted to talk to. You heard the dial tone and took a few breaths. Here went nothing.
“Hello?” Spencer’s voice came from the other end of the call. Gosh, his voice. It was high and curious and perfect and you were crazy for it.
“Hey! Hey, Spencer, it’s me,” you said, the nerves obvious in your voice. Not necessarily a stutter, though. More like confident anxiety. “Listen, I’ve kind of had a rough day and you’re the only person in the world I want to talk to. Do you think we could meet up? We could go somewhere or I could go to your place or…?”
“Yeah, yeah for sure,” his voice was so reassuring. Not to be cliche or anything, but hearing him talk literally cleared everything else from your head.
Spencer was your best friend. You had joined the BAU about four years ago, and as soon as you got there you knew that Spencer was going to be your favorite person in the world. If you were some other girl, you would probably say that you were absolutely in love with him, but since you’re you—the commitmentphobiac who can’t even handle the accountability of the word ”crush” much less the phrase “in love”—you were just a girl with a best friend that you love platonically(but also if he asked you out you definitely would not have said no).
Anyways, you and Spencer had been best friends for about four years now. Everything was going great until your sister joined the BAU team about six months ago.
Now, you absolutely loved your sister. More than anyone except maybe Spencer, and even that was a stretch. The thing is, all your life people had CONSTANTLY compared you to her. And 99% of the time, she was better than you. She was always the better daughter, better friend, better singer, better student, better athlete...basically whatever it was you two were doing people thought that she was better than you.
And you’re generally a pretty confident person who doesn’t compare yourself to others. But you fell into the comparison trap with her. every. single. time.
Which is why it was so important for you to have Spencer.
“Cool! So, umm, your place? I can be there in ten if that’s fine?” You said, anxiety slipping into your voice again.
“Sounds perfect! See you then, y/n!” You could hear him smiling through the phone.
“See you soon, Spence! Love you.”
“I love you, too, y/n.”
So, you put on your favorite sweater, a beanie, and left your apartment.
As you walked the familiar path to Spencer’s apartment building, you contentedly breathed in the brisk air. It was mid-October(which was probably you and Spencer’s favorite time of year), and it was the perfect temperature. More on the cool side, but the nip the air gave your nose was perfectly delightful. You decided to stop and grab hot chocolates for the two of you.
A few minutes later, you were knocking on Spencer Reid’s apartment door. The pair of you had a not-so-secret secret knocking pattern so that the other would know it was you. Not only was it useful for dropping by unexpected, but it was also helpful since you were both a bit paranoid from the job. Spencer answered the door almost immediately.
“Hey! I brought hot chocolate. Also, we have to go for a walk later because the weather is perfect out,” you said as you walked in, sat on the couch, and handed him his hot chocolate.
“Wow, thank you so much. So what’s up?? What’s bugging you?”
His concern allowed delightful little butterflies to enter your belly. “Honestly, it was stupid. I don’t even know what I was thinking, you were probably busy. We don’t have to talk about it.”
“Woah, woah. Easy, girl. It wasn’t stupid at all. You’ve actually been acting weird for a while now, but I didn’t want to say anything because I was scared you would get angry with me.” He chuckled a bit.
“Honestly, Reid. I’m fine. It was stupid. Let’s just watch a movie or something.”
“Y/n,” he said faintly. “Nothing you do could ever be stupid.” You laughed a bit.
“You would be surprised, Doctor.”
There was a bit of a silence in which you both took a sip of your drinks. The warm liquid slid down your throat with a satisfying sweetness.
“Seriously, y/n/n,” he nudged you with his foot. “Talk to me. What’s up?” You gave in.
“I dunno, Reid. It’s just,” you struggled to find the correct words. “literally my entire life, I’ve been compared to my sister. She’s always just been so perfect. And you know me. I’m super confident and I hate comparing myself to others and I barely give a crap what anyone thinks of me but as soon as she opens her mouth my confidence just shatters. It’s absolutely obliterated. And I mean you know I have abandonment issues from everything when I was a kid but part of that is also due to having my best friend of literal years decide she likes my sister more than me one day and then basically ignore me for years after that and I just love my sister more than anything but she makes me feel so inadequate all the time but whenever I try to voice that to her she just tells me that I’m being crazy!”
You were starting to tear up. You looked over at Spencer to see how he was taking in your word vomit. The way he was looking at you nearly made your tears fall.
“Every friend group we’ve ever been in together, every teacher we’ve ever had, every church we’ve ever been to...she’s always the favorite.” Your voice broke a little bit. These were thoughts that had been bottled inside of you since you were eight years old or younger. No one had ever listened to you this much. You kept going.
“I guess what I’m trying to get at here is that even though I love [insert real or imaginary sister’s name] more than life, I’ve always appreciated the things in my life that were just my own. I know it’s selfish and I probably sound like I’m crazy but the BAU was kind of the one thing that I had in my life that she wasn’t a part of. And undoubtedly everyone else in the team is going to end up loving her more and honestly I’m prepared for that. I’ve made peace with it. I just-“ the tears were starting to fall. “I’m just not ready to- to lose you, Spencer Reid. You’ve been my best friend for four years and I might even love you more than I love my sister which is saying something but I just know that it’s probably inevitable for you to not love her and maybe (probably) even fall in love with her because that’s what happens to guys when they interact with my sister. I’m just not ready to lose you to her, Spence. I don’t think I can handle it.“
The tears had stopped a bit ago, but your eyes had been stubbornly focused on your feet basically the entirety of your little monologue. You risked a look up.
Spencer was staring at you with such an intensity you almost sank down into the couch. His jaw had slightly dropped and his eyes were trained on you like you were an unsub he was tracking down.
“It’s crazy, I know,” you mumbled, trying to recover the absolutely horrendous situation you just made yourself. “It’s just that I can see you doing it. Falling for her, I mean. And I just can’t- you know what, never mind. I never should have come. This was a mistake, just forget everything I just sa-“
You were cut off by something crashing into your face. It was Spencer. You just kind of sat there in shock for a second before literally melting into the kiss.
Holy crap, you thought. You closed your eyes and ran your fingers through his hair. Man, you had been wanting to do that. He tasted like cinnamon and hot chocolate and goodness and just overall everything that made you happy. He smelled like old books and his apartment. The kiss was gentle after the initial face slamming and it only lasted a few seconds, but you savored every moment of it.
“Y/n,” he whispered when you broke apart. “this is gonna be really difficult to articulate, so just bear with me here.”
He looked to you for reassurance. You nodded, probably looking like a fish out of water.
“I don’t know how anyone got it into your head that you were inferior to your sister. First of all, you two shouldn’t ever be comparable because you’re just so polar opposite. I mean she’s nice and all but you’re just so you. You’re just so smart and loud and if you have something to say you will be heard and you’re funny and dorky but you own it in a way that it doesn’t seem like you’re weird but you also have so many layers and it’s been so amazing just trying to uncover them all over the last four years. And you could never be selfish because you’re just so loving and caring and you’re just absolutely brilliant in every way. I could go on for hours listing reasons why you’re so amazing and that’s not even starting to mention how beautiful you are, like, physically. I just-” he was starting to fumble over his words. “You deserve the galaxies, y/n. You deserve so much better than everything you’ve gotten in life. I don’t understand how anyone could possibly choose anyone but you when given the choice.”
You were tearing up again at this point. “I know you’re saying all that, Spencer, but there’s no reason for me to believe it when ‘statistically‘ everyone thinks she’s better.”
He looked at you as if you had physically hurt him with this statement.
“Given the choice, I choose you. Every time. It doesn’t matter who the other option is. You’re the most important person in the world to me, and I need you to trust me on this. I know it’s difficult for you, but I need you to trust me here. Look at me.” You looked up to meet his eyes.
“I. Choose. You. Every time.”
“Promise?” You stuck up your pinky finger. He softly smiled at the gesture.
“Promise.” he said as he intertwined your pinkies. You both kissed your thumbs. You wiped a few tears from your eyes with your free hand.
“I really hope you meant all that, Spencer Reid, because if you were lying to me I have a pinky-back guarantee.” He smiled.
“There were no lies in this apartment tonight, y/l/n.”
He put his arm around you and you lay your head on his shoulder. You sat in a comfortable silence for a few minutes.
“So,” you started, the anxiety seeping into your voice again. “What does this mean for us?”
“For us?” He inquired, sounding mildly confused.
“Well, you just kissed me, genius. I don’t think that came from out of nowhere.”
Spencer started to stutter things out.
“Well, I- it- I couldn’t think of another way to calm you down and I- it- just- I don’t know? I guess it depends on if you want a romantic relationship with me..? I don’t want to wreck our friendship but if you’re open to it-?”
You smiled softly.
“Yeah, I’m open to it. I mean, you kind of just promised me to never leave my side and if you do I have a finger-off warranty that’s never expires. soooo…”
“A lifetime finger-off warranty, indeed,” he smirked. “Just to clarify, I don’t want to tie you down. I just- we could be really great if we- if we tried.” You laughed a little.
“I already said yes, Spencer. Stop trying to sell me on it and just let it be.”
“Wow. So I have like a girlfriend now?”
“Yeah, you have like a girlfriend now.”
And with that, you gave him a kiss on the cheek and you settled in to watch a movie. You felt a lot better knowing there was at least one person in the world who would always choose you.
Every time.
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good-rwbyaus · 4 years
Can we get Pyrrha's reaction to Professor Ruby?
Becoming AU:  [ Piece 1-5 ] [ P: Weiss ] [ P: Yang ] [ Piece 6 ]
logo-comics asked: What about an AU where everyone had somehow been under the mistaken assumption that Ruby was a professor at Beacon? For a laugh, Ozpin rolls with it whenever he's asked about it.
// Yes you can! Here ya go. Also, Happy Thanksgiving for those who celebrate it! Also Cardin vs Ruby. Yes. - lilac
Perspective : Pyrrha
The pairing system had picked Ruby and Cardin to fight in the sparring ring, which was a shame because she really wanted to give the guy a second beating today. However she wasn’t feeling too much loss, because she’d finally get to see how the girl who stole all the spotlight from her would perform.
Not that she was jealous or anything – well, a tiny part of her that had gotten used to the adulation might’ve been, but for the most part, she felt relieved and grateful. She wasn’t the one who had to carry the weight of people’s expectations anymore; it was Ruby who bore it instead. Despite how grateful she felt, she still wanted to fight the other girl – wanted to experience how the presumed professor-in-training fought.
Beyond their brief interaction in the Emerald Forest, she didn’t really know Ruby – the girl who’d been the center of rumors since her arrival, and it was hard to distinguish truth from lie. Maybe this spar, Ruby’s first public debut against another Hunter-in-training, would help elucidate things.
Now Cardin wasn’t a bad fighter by any means – a bad person, yes - but he knew his strengths and could leverage them well. However, her own strong points coincidentally met Cardin’s strong points perfectly; his strength and tenacity might’ve matched hers, but she had far more agility and flexibility. Combine that with subtle uses of Polarity to magnify the strength of her strikes, it was easy to turn a parry into both a disarming blow and quick surrender.  
However the strong points that served Cardin well countered Ruby’s strongest point, her speed. And the sparring ring was not suited for long range combat; it would be a tightrope walk if the younger girl wanted to employ guerilla tactics.
It’ll be interesting to see how Ruby would approach this.
“Are you sure you’re a professor?” Cardin taunted as he swung around aggressively, Ruby darting side to side to avoid his crater-creating blows. Their chase had lasted for over several minutes now, neither gaining much ground against the other.
“Are you sure you’re not an idiot? Weren’t you there when the Headmaster made the announcement?” The girl growled back at the clearly touchy subject as she fell back, creating distance and retaliating with sniper fire. The bullets pinged off Cardin’s armor for the most part, and the ones that headed for his uncovered extremities were deflected by his mace instead.
“The school’s still talking about you being one. And well I’m not impressed,” he posed with his mace on his shoulder. Several quiet cheers came from the audience. An inevitable thing honestly. Cardin was the perceived underdog in this situation, a student versus a professor-in-training. The only odd thing was that Professor Goodwitch hadn’t told the class to quiet down.
Ruby’s reply was a shot to his nether regions, one that he quickly deflected but the resulting clang still made a good portion of the class wince.
Incited, Cardin charged forward with a rage-filled yell, and their game of tag begun once again.
Ruby’s movements were always efficient and purposeful. Instead of constantly stepping back, she staggered her motion diagonally, never allowing Cardin to fully use his gathered momentum. However, the rare times she’d be forced into melee combat, they’d exchange a couple blows, never actually hitting each other, but then Ruby would always be the first to disengage, limbs trembling.
For a while, she thought the trembling was due to Cardin’s blows being heavier than what the younger girl could handle. But that wasn’t right. Ruby would never fully block a hit; she either parried a blow cleanly or avoided it entirely. If she were forced to directly block, she didn’t resist the blow’s momentum at all and allowed herself to fly away like a petal in a breeze.
It was those rare blows that made it seem like Cardin was winning, even though their Aura levels were equally low. She couldn’t help but feel like the younger girl was holding back some, though that didn’t make sense. Ruby didn’t like Cardin, especially after he messed with Jaune a couple times. Of course, Cardin didn’t do these things where Ruby could see him; Cardin was after all a bully and still afraid of the girl’s potential authority.
In any case, holding back was only if you wanted to spare the person embarrassment or if you wanted to hide your trump cards. But from the irritated look on Ruby’s face, she clearly didn’t want to do either of those. So why hasn’t the younger girl won yet? Everything was in her control, so why did she continue dragging things out?
Cardin cornered Ruby again, and it looked like they were again going to physically clash. Cardin swung for the girl’s shoulder, but Ruby had already swung to parry like everything was preplanned.
But what would happen if she….
… if she took away that control for just a moment...Pyrrha’s finger twitched.
The swinging mace suddenly acquired a slightly higher, slightly faster arc, enough to bypass the scythe that was swung to meet it. The young girl’s silver eyes rose in panic, and her feet were already pivoting and stepping back in an attempt to absorb the bl-
...That wasn’t what she intended.
The blow struck the young girl cleanly against her shoulder, her red aura flickering as though it were about to disperse. She could see Cardin’s lips open to declare his triumph, but the younger girl swiftly spun with the momentum Cardin imparted to her. The moment Cardin finished out his swing, the muzzle of Ruby’s weapon already slammed straight into his throat, silencing whatever he was going to say.
That wasn’t what caught her attention though. It was Ruby’s eyes, previously angry and colored with emotion – now calm and calculating and empty. Were they always that cold shade of silver?
She saw Ruby’s finger press against the trigger of her weapon.
There was about to be an accident.
No. What has her meddling done?!
But the gunshot she expected never occurred.
Instead, Cardin stumbled backwards onto the ground, his mace clattering by his side. Choking noises came from his figure. His hands were clutched around his throat as he struggled to breathe, eyes bulging out in pain.
Ruby meanwhile shakily stood, her entire body trembling and barely keeping herself upright using her weapon as support. She kept her head lowered as she panted, her eyes covered by her bangs. No one could see the girl’s expression.
Cardin’s fear-filled eyes said it all though. Pyrrha wasn’t the only one who knew how close he came to dying; he also saw how close Ruby had been to pulling that trigger. Cardin might’ve still had Aura in reverse, but after a blow to the throat like that, even if the subsequent sniper shot didn’t outright kill him, it likely would’ve left him hospitalized for months – if he got out all.
Professor Goodwitch’s voice broke through the sudden chatter that erupted in the classroom.
“Miss Rose’s aura is in the red zone. Mister Winchester is victorious.”
The fight haunted her. Not only did she nearly cause an accident, she led Ruby directly into a loss against someone she didn’t like. All she wanted to do was make the younger girl panic a little to see what’d she do, not directly take a mace strike with her body. For over a week, she saw the girl tentatively rub her shoulder on occasion and even wince when accidentally jostled.
Maybe that was why when the Weapons Club started, she volunteered to be Ruby’s assistant as a means to atone, and it was through this that she got to truly know the other girl. First of all, Ruby knew her stuff when it came to weapons, even more so than fighting. The girl was a genius in this area, able to figure out how a weapon generally worked within a few seconds of manipulation and then determine the areas where it needed improvement a couple more seconds after that.
Honestly, Ruby outperformed most diagnostic machines in both time and accuracy, and that expertise really cemented Ruby’s reputation as a professor despite all her vehement denials.
It also rooted the impression that Ruby, despite being bubbly and generally friendly, was a strange and weird girl. For one, she rarely remembered people’s names, but she’ll remember your weapon down to the type of metal, its style of smithing, and whatever dust options it had - oh, and the name you gave it too. Also when she thinks no one’s paying attention, she’ll talk at the weapon she’s holding as if it were alive.  
She couldn’t help but feel that Ruby was lonely at Beacon. Apart from team JNPR and RWBY, she didn’t really have anyone else. When she spoke to her team about it, Ren had put it quite nicely. The girl’s perceived position made it hard for her to have friends outside of those who already knew her well: you could certainly be friends with a teacher, but there are always something things you’ll feel more comfortable telling your peers than an authority.
And the more she interacted with her, the more she felt like Ren was correct. Ruby denied being a professor so aggressively because the girl clearly knew this reasoning deep down inside, and all Ruby wanted to do was to live a normal student life. And it was sad because if there wasn’t this rumor going around, a lot more people would be unofficially adopting an adorable younger sister to their team.
Pyrrha glanced over at Ruby, sleeping over a bunch of well-marked papers and documents: books on leadership, documents on practical marksmanship, and pamphlets on basic dust usage. A hint of drool was hanging by the corner of the girl’s lips.
“Why do you try so hard?” she couldn’t help but ask to the sleeping girl.
What made a fifteen-year old work this hard? Maybe only Ruby knew the answer to the question. 
...All that hard work that she nearly managed to completely sabotage. Guilt struck her once again – she’d been meaning to apologize, but she just didn’t know how. How could she explain it to her friend now?
‘Oh sorry Ruby. I manipulated things to make Cardin win. But I really don’t hate you at all. I just wanted to see what would happen.’ Ugh. She guiltily glanced over the sleeping girl – Pyrrha still couldn’t figure out what had gone over her.
She probably would’ve cared less if she didn’t like her – she’d still feel guilty, yes, but it’d bother her less. But now that she’d gotten to know Ruby – became close friends with the lonely girl that’s always full of bubbly energy and the occasional snarky comment – she could feel the guilt eating away at her inside.
She’ll atone. Even if she couldn’t bring herself to tell her, she’ll pay the price through her actions instead. She’ll stand by her side no matter what, because in the end Ruby was one of her best friends. She owed this much to her.
Speaking of, it was getting late, wasn’t it?
Shaking her head free of the morose thoughts, Pyrrha smirked mischievously and quickly pinched the girl’s cheek before pulling.
The younger girl immediately woke and yelped, hands flailing and sending papers askew.
They were alone now. Jaune had cut down the Ursa and in the process saved Cardin; with any luck, the bully would stop bothering Jaune about his transcripts now. 
But in the process of doing so, she revealed her Semblance to both Weiss and Ruby. And from the way Ruby stayed back, she was now going to pay the piper.
“So you did it,” Ruby said quietly, “You were the one who interfered with my fight.” The girl turned around with a betrayed expression on her face. “The Executioner didn’t move that way on its own.”
“I…I’m sorry,” Pyrrha quietly said, hand against her arm and slightly squirming against the shorter girl’s laser-like gaze, “I’m really sorry. I-“
“Do you know what could’ve happened?” the girl cut her apologies off, throwing down her arms angrily.
“I…yes.” Pyrrha nodded her head, looking straight at the ground and unable to meet Ruby’s eyes. She couldn’t help but wonder if Ruby gained that oppressive demeanor from Professor Goodwitch.
“Then why?” Ruby nearly all but screamed. It was then she knew that day had left its mental scars on the Huntress: how close Ruby came to ending the life of a fellow student, both of them knew. It was clear the girl wanted an explanation now, and she definitely deserved one. The only question was if she could accept it.
“I was stupid,” Pyrrha admitted. “I saw you were holding back. You kept the fight completely under control to the point no one in class noticed… And I wanted to see what you’d reveal once you lost that control.” She shook her head, “I never... expect all that to happen.”
“You. Just for that stupid reason.”
Ruby was right. It was a stupid reason. She kept her bowed down low, the guilt weighing her down. “Yeah, I was being stupid. I promise you it had nothing to do with you specifically. I just wanted to see how well a good fighter would adapt.”
“…I’m sorry that I put you in that position. I’m sorry that I got one of my best friends hurt,” Pyrrha sobbed, “I…”
Ruby glared at her and then shook her head. The girl turned around and started walking away, the sight leaving Pyrrha cold inside. She lowered her head once more, watching her tears fall to the ground. She’d just lost a good friend this day. She wanted to say more things, but it was clear that Ruby had nothing else to say to her. 
The younger girl didn’t want anything to do with her now.
Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap.
Pyrrha lifted her head. A crimson blur was the only thing she registered before it slammed straight into her. Immediately, she bowled over and cut a course through the dirt. Her body felt sore after the collision, and she managed to get enough of her bearings to see the younger girl that just slammed into her stand up.
Stepping to the side, Ruby crossed her arms with a frown and declared, “Okay, I’m still mad at you, but now we’re even. ” Ruby paused briefly, probably having noticed the confusion in her face, as she further explained, “We weren’t friends then, but we’re friends now…”
Pyrrha, slowly sitting up, nodded her head, “I… Yeah.” Her tone became more confident and empathetic. “Of course.”
Ruby offered a hand to her, the corners of the girl’s lips curling up slightly despite her clear intention to maintain her frown.  
“So yeah, we’re even,” the girl repeated.
Taking up the offered hand, Pyrrha felt herself being lifted up before Ruby’s grip suddenly slackened, and she fell back down on her behind with a plop.
Somewhat shocked, Pyrrha looked back up at Ruby and couldn’t help but choke at the sight – whether it was a laugh or surprise she didn’t quite know.
The younger girl was hobbled over, holding onto her now red hand and opening her mouth in silent agony.
Before she could apologize, Ruby was already speaking.
“Ow! Ow. Ow. Pyrrha, how much milk do you drink to make your shoulder so hard?” the younger girl accused.
“Uh. Sorry, Ruby. But after working with Pumpkin’s Pete’s, I don’t really drink milk anymore.”
The affronted look on Ruby’s face was priceless.
It was there that she knew that everything was going to be okay.
Everything was going to be okay.
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summoner-chan · 3 years
It's always kind of hard to identify what makes one's style different huh, but if I had to say what I most like about yours is the way you draw your complex lines without losing any readability, its most clear when you draw long flowing hair and in your OC's arm as well!
I totally get what you mean with coloring digitally, coloring is one of the main reasons I haven't done traditional art in a looong while.
From your Question Game: Sitri, Aizen
I think those haven't been asked yet?
I mean, I DO have a tendency to do complex things and make my life harder by making those lines for the hair 😂😂 but it makes me satisfied looking at them in the end so it'd a give and take situation
No doubt, what said made me realize it's one of the prominent features I have in every artwork skskksksks
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Okay but for real, I was SO confused on what you mean by my OC's arm and thinking SO SO HARD on what was so complex on my Summoner's arm until then. I realized. You were referring Darius 😂😂
Maybe my art style is overcomplicating lines or just over detailed line works skksksksk (also please excuse the cake she has in that one picture- I swear the main focus was her tattoos and the dragon which was cropped off and not her asscheeks 😂-)
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I rarely do coloured traditional artwork because they end up looking not as good as the sketch so it pains me hhhh (´;︵;`) but yeah, I really like sketching in traditional because it feels much more natural(? I have no idea but this is what I feel, like nyoom nyoom my hand go brrr- oh no I smudged a line FUCK- that sort of thing 😂)
Also time for the Housamo Ask Game!~✨✨
Note, this is going to get pretty lengthy so I apologize for that (。•́︿•̀。)
Someone who I look up to when I was younger? Hmmmmm, hard to say because I admired a LOT of people when I was younger, even if it was the most simplest of things. For example, someone being able to cook a certain dish, someone who can tackle on multiple tasks and etc etc. 😂 I was a kid that get excited at almost everything so I tend to try to do what everyone does. You're cooking? Well, I'm gonna cook too!! (A 6 year old little girl who couldn't even reached the sink yet-)
Fun fact, I started drawing because my second sister watched anime and started to draw so me being the a mazed little sister I am, I quickly followed in her footsteps. Usually siblings would bond over that kind of thing but unfortunately not for me and my sister 😂
She absolutely hated my guts that time and she hated me even more once I started to follow what she was doing. Basically calling me a impersonator/copy cat and she would throw a fit if I was drawing anywhere near her when she was drawing.
Though along the way, she eventually stopped drawing when she had reached high school while young me continued to draw anyway. At first, the reason why I wanted to draw was because that I wanted to get praises from my sisters since during my childhood, they would shoo me off and they would play only between themselves, making me having to play with my mom most of the time or just plain watch the tv the entire day.
I was constantly drawing something everyday and every moment I had the chance, simply because I wanted to get better so that my second sis would acknowledge me. This lead up to being the hobby of drawing ingrained into me, the simply hobby now fully a part of me and my childhood.
I vividly remembered where during in primary school, we were having an art test where we would have to draw a flamingo and of course since I was the quiet art kid in class, some of the popular young girls begged me to draw the flamingos for them which I then profusely refused since cheating was a bad thing. Though I'd wish that young me wouldn't have been so easily scared by the threat of them not being friends with me anymore ( ;∀;)
In the end, I ended up drawing for half of the class in secret and got scolded by the teacher for drawing for them (she said something along the lines of 'You can't help other people! They should do their own!' like Miss, why are you getting angry at me :( I was 6 + this wasn't the first time the popular girls cheated, it also happened during English test and they kept bothering me about the answers, same threat btw)
Now that I'm older, I don't have anyone specific that I look up to but I look up to anyone in general. Like, I'd admire someone who takes up their courage to do things they were scared of doing or someone who's confident in their abilities when they're usually so shy like yeah!! I admire you so much!!! It maybe insignificant but to me it might have been the most extraordinary thing!
What ticks me off but not for others? Hard question 😂
I don't get mad easily but when I do, it's just a short while before I go back to normal, the only thing you're going to witness me being angry is just not talking to you for a certain amount of time, completely avoiding you and staying in another different room 😂 then once I cool off, I'm back to being to a annoying rat skskksskks
Though, if I were to really answer this properly, I think what ticks me off the most when someone just cuts me off while I'm talking and tells me that I'm being too loud. I know that this thing would probably tick anyone off if they can't help controlling their voice volume-
I can make my voice really loud when I want it to be without even straining my throat 😂 One time, I was calling out to my fellow art members who was across the field which in turn I had to make my voice a bit louder.
This caused one of the passing group students (they're somewhat troublemakers sksksks) following suite of trying to call them (they were mocking me) and this whole shouting thing made one of the disciplinary teachers come out of her office and yelled at the group of students, telling them they were being too loud and they were causing a ruckus (ngl I was scared shitless but like internal happy dance because I didn't get scolded by her 😂 Still feel bit bad tho for them)
Eventually, the fellow art members saw and heard us from a distance and came right over, promptly saying that my voice could be hear across the field (they can also hear my voice from the 2nd floor too)
Thank you for sending an ask in!! Another thing is that, so sorry for talking too much- I tend to get carried away with these kinds of things since I'm too much of a chatterbox and open person myself-
Feel free to send in more by the way! (人*´∀`)。*゚+
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