#and then poisoning them against their loved ones so that when the big battle came they wouldn’t hesitate to betray their friends and family
cowlovely · 11 months
sometimes i think about the absolutely batshit insane things that happened in warrior cats that have somehow managed to remain largely unknown by people outside the fanbase and i start to lose it
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uchihaxitachi · 1 year
|| Coincidences | He comes to you after battle, struck with a Yandere Ninjutsu ||
-> A/N: I am a whore for yandere and I wanted to incorporate a whole ass big writing plot for this one. I softened up :( but I had sm fun!
Itachi had decided not to bring up the topic of you and him kissing each other, after noticing that you had already forgotten about it the next day. You were so high and drunk, it was to be expected. Right now? He had only one thing in his mind, getting over this mission to capture a group of Shinobis who were supposedly plotting against the Akatsuki. It’s not their plotting that was the problem, the Akatsuki also had matters with currency which solely depended on the members and their strength. Any contract whatsoever would cause issues if the image of the 12 dangerous S-Ranked criminals was to be hampered. Something which this thug gang, as Pein called them; was triffling around with.
Itachi out of all people? Why? Itachi’s senses played back the conversation that happened in the recent gathering.
Kisame: I really don’t know where Itachi has been these days, almost disappeared.
Itachi: I do not think I must keep you informed of my whereabouts, or the Akatsuki.
Hidan: Right? I totally agree, imagine me fucking a woman and then writing and updating about it to the leader.
Sasori: Can you shut up?
Pein: Silence! I am not here to interfere with anything. We can might as well leave them be. I just don’t want any nuisance that’s all. If anyone wants to willingly take care of this, they can. Else I will.
Itachi: I will.
Why? Because it was simple, taking care of them would prove that he gave a fuck about the organization, granting him more freedom to operate freely and less annoyance on his whereabouts and what he does otherwise.
Itachi just wanted to protect you, a civilian who’s life revolved around the most normalcy he has seen in his life years so far as a Shinobi.
The fight? Pretty easy. Struck them with his genjutsu and tortured them in the Tsukuyomi for what felt like an eternity. It was the very last member, someone who remained hidden while Itachi’s jutsu took focus, and attacked him with a poisoned potion laced knife. Itachi— had been taking various types of poisons everyday, little by little amounts. The evasion from the attack was easy, what was not easy was the scorching pain it landed him in.
After teaching them a lesson, making them traumatized for life as if it meant nothing, Itachi dragged himself out. All he had was some pain, he knew he couldn’t die from this. This was just— a scratch.
What would you have been doing right now?
A scratch that might- make him see hallucinations?
What if you needed him?
Still, just a scratch.
What if you missed Itachi so much?
Nothing too big, he will take care of it.
What if you remembered the kiss?
Pouring rain came onto Itachi, drenched in two things— love and sickness for you. A longing for you he couldn’t seem to satiate no matter how hard he could try. An uncanny and bizzare appeal to protect you burning.
Itachi had never acted out of place once, in the times you’ve interacted with him. Hell he was your safe space for the sake of it. Today? Itachi had knocked your door at 2 am. You weren’t asleep because you sleep late, but a pang of anxiety curled in your stomach as you mumbled, “Who’s there?”
“It’s me.” The quiet, sublime voice of the Uchiha greeted you.
“Itachi? You—” you rushed outside, immediately pulling the door open and glancing at him, drenched in the thunderstorm and eyes glinting happiness when he saw you. This time, Itachi initiated a hug. For the first time ever, the Uchiha’s hands snaked around your waist, catching you off-guard as he tugged you close, letting you collide against his chest. A soft gasp escaped you, unknown to his behavior, you looked up, smiling and bursting into a giggle. “Great, now we’re both fuckin’ drenched.”
Itachi smiled back, kissing your forehead as you widened your eyes, trying to register what in the actual fuck was happening before he let himself inside, taking his cloak off. You had seen Itachi naked, you had nursed him back to health— but still, the clothing stuck against his skin made you feel, weird in the best day.
“I’m going to take a shower, Y/N.” Itachi humbly spoke, paving his way to your bathroom. “Y-yeah.” You blinked, still getting used to what was happening. “Yeah- sure.”
You went into your bedroom to change as well, coming back to cook some soup and some ramen, filled with veggies. You were unsure if Itachi had properly eaten after all. “I can smell the aroma.” Itachi walked out, using the towel to dry his long hair, eyes darting towards your form in a carnal way. Itachi liked making eye contact but never— ever, this intense.
“Yes, wasn’t sure if you had eaten, Uchiha.” You smiled, tapping the wooden surface of the table to usher him closer. Itachi took the hint and sat beside you, breaking the chopsticks and digging into the first bite. “No wonder your business runs so well, my dear.”
My dear.
Itachi— was warm, dangerously warm with his tone. You had never heard him talk like this. “Thank you.” A flush ran through the apples of your cheek.
“How has it been for you? It’s been quite a while.” Itachi asked the next question.
“Uh, you know? The usual. Nothing much, no trouble as such.”
You were vague, as always. This time, Itachi pressed harder. “So nothing significant, huh?”
“Nope, oh yeah- there was this friend I met after a long time. The one crushin’ over me since High School.”
Nope- nope- nope- should not have shared this.
“A friend? Do I happen to have heard his name?” Itachi raised a brow, sounding ever so natural. “Ah nope, you don’t know him actually. It was good though, we spent some time. Reminiscing over old memories.”
What did you mean memories? What was so memorable about someone liking you? Does the man have a death wish?
“I see, happy that the person you met. Unknown to me, and you still haven’t told me the name of— made you feel better.”
You looked at Itachi and blinked, “Well his name is Kyosuke.” You rolled your eyes, “Don’t have to be so petty, Itachi.”
Itachi wasn’t being petty. Itachi was being careful. He didn’t want you to feel scared of him. Didn’t want to burden or scar you. Part of him, the hyper self aware part of him knew that something is wrong with him right now. “Good night.” Itachi got up, leaving half of the food and walking away.
“Itachi it’s still pouring outside, stay in.” Of course he will. He just wanted you to want him to do so.
“I know, I will sleep outside. Please feel free to go inside Y/N.” He smiled, flicking your forehead and making sure you don’t suspect a thing.
How could you really? He was not the master of deception for nothing. Worse bit of it all? When the next day you heard the terrible news of Kyosuke dying via suicide. How naive— if only you understood the depth of Itachi’s abilities to understand the carefully orchestrated murder he did. Why else would a normal guy commit suicide by gauging his eyes out, the same eyes through which he saw you as a potential partner?
Itachi is happy to hug you. Let you sob and cry in his arms while he tells you it’s going to be alright. Maybe even feel guilt enough when the jutsu fades… but then again, Itachi was never someone to shy away from murdering people. Maybe the jutsu brought the real, carnal, dangerous self on the surface, something that had been long dormant.
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crazylittlejester · 2 hours
i'd love to hear all your head canons on Warriors! and the others too if you have any. :)
i'm trying to get into writing fanfiction but its difficult when the canon version of Link is just "blank stare and sometimes arson" /j. Warriors is one of the Links i have the most difficulty with characterization lol (Legend, Hyrule, and Four or also giving me trouble /lh)
aight this is definitely gonna be so much more than you asked for but im not havin a great day and you asked about my special guy and gave me permission to yap about him, so here are a lot of headcanons + the way that I write/characterize him in my own fics! (my bad for spelling errors or if this is incoherent)
- I hc he came from a rather large family out in the country, so he had a lot of sisters growing up and a lot more space than the city but he moved to the city and has stayed there since he joined the army at 15/16
- I know most people hc all the Link’s parents are dead but NOT ME, Wars still has his mom, but he hasn’t been home since he left. I hc he hasn’t been able to bring himself to go home because he feels like the war changed him so much as a person that he won’t belong there and nothing will be the same, and that his family won’t take him back because they’re expecting the same kid who left and he just isnt that person anymore
- I will die on the hill that this man is a fake blond (and that he also straightens his hair). I hc he started dying his hair because he was so desperate to fit in and also to look like the other heroes because his image is incredibly important to him. A whole war was started over him because Cia wanted him, he feels like he needs to at least LOOK like that classic image of the hero. Tied in with this i think he has a lot of insecurity about himself and how he looks because he forces himself to look such a particular way and he’s created this character of himself and acts it out so thoroughly he’s forgotten who HE actually is
- This is a popular hc for him because in his game soldiers turn against him, and you have to fight them in game so a lot of people hc there have been assassination attempts against him and that these include poison. So I hc he has a very intense fear of food that sometimes prevents him from being able to eat all together because he can’t trust where it comes from. Some days he has to watch it be made, some days he has to make it himself, and rarely he just can’t do it. This is all based on my own food allergies and fear of cross contamination, and I also gave him a safe food: oranges! My thinking behind this is that when I get like this eating prepackaged foods are the most comforting to me because it makes me feel like it couldn’t have touched something I’m allergic to, and oranges have a peel which is just a barrier between them and the world. Can they still be poisoned? Absolutely, and Wars knows this, but he’s irrationally dependent on them because in his mind they’re safe because he NEEDS them to be, otherwise he just can’t eat. Like deep down he knows it’s stupid and they’re not guaranteed safe for him, but when he’s panicking he’ll grab those because he’s convinced himself they’re safe and he’s yet to be wrong
- Purely self indulgent hc but I also gave him my blood sugar issues, which is truly just an angst source for me because he’s caught in a trap of having an issue where he HAS to eat semi frequently or bad things will happen but his deep rooted fear of all his food being contaminated makes it really really hard for him to do so
- I hc he’s got a journal that has so so much in it that’s a mix between a diary, battle plans, history book in the making, sketchbook, and more. To me he’s got such a big big brain and a thirst for knowledge and he absorbs history like a SPONGE. He met all these people from other eras during the war and he learned so much about them and their cultures and times, and now he’s going through time to some of these places??? He’s writing that shit DOWN. He’s absolutely the first one to figure out where everyone is on the timeline. He also got used to observing soldiers during battle and noting their strengths and weaknesses so he could plan where to put them in battle and thats just somethin he cannot turn off, so he analyzes the chain and all his notes on them are in this book too. He TELLS them these things, with the intent to help them grow stronger, and he absolutely offers to help them work things out and because of this the group has really become a solid unit. Also the whole thing is written in his native language that NONE of the others can read (I hc he’s brazilian/scottish and his native language is the equivalent of portuguese)
- He’s a very touch oriented person, though the war and his trust issues kinda messed that up for him, but he IS getting better with it. He does much better if he’s the one initiating contact, and he’s definitely a shoulder to lean on for the others and his hugs are very nice
- I hc he HATES shit rubbing against his neck, which is one of the reasons why that scarf is so thoroughly pinned down
- I also hc he came from a family of tailors, so he’s definitely one of the people the chain goes to if they need sewing help
- He’s the one who gives the others haircuts, and he taught Wind how to properly care for his curly hair
- I hc he has temperature regulation issues because of the severe burn scarring Volga left him with, so he and Wild are ALWAYS the first two to overheat
i have more, i could talk about him for hours, but my brain is getting fuzzy so i’ll stop here for now lmao sorry for yapping so much 😭
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kalolasfantasyworld · 2 months
Chapters 372, 373 comments
The comments were written as I was reading. I'll make another post with my overall opinion and analysis. These are live reactions 💕
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Chapter 372
We’re starting with Nozel crashing down and Pablo coming to the rescue. CLASSIC. (Helena get over here and heal your husband please)
Thankfully Kahono and Kiato came in. I actually stumbled upon a post on twitter saying that BC mobile foreshadowed this a little, giving us both of them together. 
Moving on I love how they’re giving Noelle a way to fight. 
I’m really glad how Tabata’s showing us Acier’s spells. We didn’t really know about anything except her Valkyrie armor, so it’s great to see how they’re more “bird” related. 
Noelle and Acier are going all out. The fact that Acier is using water is interesting. Maybe it’s to show the similarities.
THE PANELS, THE ART. They’re amazing, we can see how dynamic this fight is and we can only dream how it will look animated.
Acier once again using an eagle and Noelle fighting her off with a dragon, amazing.
YES Solid and Nebra panels! They realise how powerful Noelle is and at the same time they’re terrified, they feel weak and we see them reflect on their actions, on their behaviour. 
I’m glad they realised their mistakes, but no you’re not wretched you were until you realised and tried to make it better.
They get inspired by their little sister and the inspiration trope goes on in BC.
Now once again the epic fight between Noelle and Acier. ART is at its peak here, the foreshortening, shadows, expressions.
And Acier nearly had her, but NEARLY, because SOLID my boy. 
I’m proud of you. I’m so proud of you! I knew you had it in you!
Nebra fights as well! She’s terrified, but she’s not giving up! 
“It isn’t the weak who should be embarrassed. It’s the ones who STAY WEAK!”
And they want to atone, want to make a fresh start and want to BECOME A FAMILY!.
All I ever wanted from BC was this last panel. 
Thank yous so much Tabata. The four of them. You made it so beautiful.
I’m extremely grateful I stuck around in the fandom to witness this.
Also hey Nozel you’re up and back in the fight!
Chapter 373
“Take care of the rest for us… SILVAS!!” 
I’m not sobbing guys, no not at all.
Nebra using her strength and covering everything so that they can talk.
Ohhh I love how the next panel kind of flashes back to when he said that she’s a Royal and she has to come protect the capital with him!
Same motifs everyone. Amazing.
Nozel is finally guiding Noelle and teaching her. I wonder what would had happened if he did that since the beginning, but well we’ll never know. Good he’s making up for it now.
Acier comes back and they need more time, Noelle needs more time for this attack. I know what’s coming. Nozel relaying on others! Character development.
“Big brothers exist to protect their siblings!!”
Nozel you’re making me cry 😭😭😭 I’m so proud of you. 
AND yes he’s changing his style, he’s learning, evolving. DEFENCE.
DAMN, so I saw that panel earlier… but I’m still looking… respectfully…
NEW SPELL, I already made Helena make dirty jokes about it… 😂
But honestly even though he looks exactly like the Silver surfer and he had that surfing scene in during the captains’ battle. I LOVE IT. 
And see guys Nozel has some lean muscle, my drawings and descriptions are accurate.
And he kind of got an armor.
I’m discontinuing simping right now.
He’s buying them time! They obviously worry, but how badass that is.
I love how determined Solid and Nebra are here. 
“Solid and I will support your spell!!”
YES Nebra! Good job girl!
They will help, they will support you Noelle.
Maintaining that spell does hurt. I head canon that Nozel has some immunity to his magic in a way that he can control it a bit from not hurting him, but nonetheless it is hurting him. Mercury is poisonous.
However he fights through it now, he goes against his mother, doing his best to buy time for his siblings.
Nebra and Solid have a hard time, it’s hurting them, but they don’t speak they’re focused and they will help her. On the contrary they tell her to push forward. Such amazing development. We can also see their repentance. They know they were wrong and they’re trying to make up for it in these crucial moments.
I saw this panel in @thoughtfullyrainynightmare’s colorings and I LOVE it so much! Nozel and his punishment are very dramatic. He looks so good here!!! (Simp mode is back)
However what he SAYS is so much more important, what he wishes to achieve. He believes in his goal, he will atone and be able to rebuild to heal the bonds in his family.
Okay this is going to be heavy. I just know it.
Noelle doesn’t want to hurt Nebra and Solid. 
I knew it 
I always head canoned that Nebra was jealous of that and now it’s confirmed. It’s so brave of her to confess it now.
Solid also was jealous, the same magic attribute and Noelle was just more powerful. He was scared, scared to be weaker than Noelle, which he ended up being (self fulfilling prophecy everyone).
But they are SORRY!
And this means to Noelle more than anything.
She charges her magic, as Nozel continues the fight! Spectacular.
(I haven’t red Jojo, but it’s a mojo looking panel) once again I’m so impressed by the movement and just how amazingly Tabata can show the action.
The spell crashes Acier’s eagle.
“It’s a shame, but I got to see my children all grown up and strong As a mother, I’m satisfied!”
Acier despite being an evil paladin is the one of the best mothers’ in BC.
She’s proud of them (me too girl me too)
“You took the long way round, but you’ve finally become a family, haven’t you?”
Yes they have.
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trashlama · 1 year
Maybe hcs on yandere rise Donnie in a romantic way who falls for big mama assistant who praises his work ~ 
Donnie knows it’s wrong , but as Mikey always says the heart wants what it wants 
Which leaves to Leo and Raph to kindly tell him he’s being rash , ridiculous, not thinking clearly she’s working for the enemy, she gonna end up using you . 
Donnie doesn’t care tho , doesn’t he deserve to be happy , rewarded for saving New York , the world countless of times ! 
Reader better prepared herself there’s a storm coming , one she not prepared for ~ 😈
Donatello x Big Mama Assistant Reader? I gotcha ya'
At this point in the game Donatello is pretty used to people trying to take advantage of him. Purple Dragons, Big Mama, Master Splinter— basically anyone who throws the dude a compliment because they want to take advantage of him for his tech.
He's weak for that ✨praise✨
Despite being a genius intellectually, emotionally Donatello is easily manipulated into doing things. Like with the Purple Dragons and Master Splinter Donnie is eager to impress those he wants respect/praise from. Believing that if he gives/shows them how great he— his tech is they'll stay. They'll need him. Even if it's not exactly for him. As we find out in Donnie vs. Witch Town.
Praise is Donnie's form of reassurance that he is valued. Needed. To him aside from his tech he believes he doesn't bring anything to the team.
Soooo Donnie crushing hard for one of Big Mama's assistants because they compliment him? Sure I can see that.
Especially if you're literally just feeding his ego so you can retrieve some Intel for Big Mama to use against the Mad Dog's/or to her own personal advantage. Though I guess what you gotta be careful about is what happens when you ghost a turtle who is obsessed with you? Well you might just need to find out.
Sorry if it's a little OOC-ish, I rewrote this like ten times, initially with just head cannons, and then a one shot draft(several). Buuutt I kinda hated all of them sooo I posted the one I liked the most.
Probably should've re-read this more but I got work in the morning...
This takes places some months after the movie. Also check out the author's notes at the end for more!
I hope you guys enjoy it!
Fuck maybe Raph and Leo were right....
This might've been a bad idea...
Donatello was a prideful turtle. He didn't like admitting when he was wrong but, in this case scenario standing here under the beating lamps of Big Mama's Battle Nexus arena ten rounds into a seemingly endless fight. Donatello was starting to have second thoughts about his choice of just strolling up to the New Grand Nexus Hotel and negotiating with Big Mama. Somehow he should've anticipated this outcome. The jorogumo is notorious for adding twists to her deals. Especially when it came to her Battle Nexus. Nothing is as it seems with that british demon lady.
However somehow despite every rational bone screaming in his body to call off this arrangement, the possessive creature caged between his ribs refused. It wanted You. Donatello wanted You. The Yuki-Onna who strolled into the mutant's life all those months ago and infected his brain with your spoonfuls of honey coated poison.
The yokai who sang songs of praise and adoration that hypnotized the purple coded Hamato. Transfixed Donnie gave it all. Anything you asked for. It was yours, just don't abandon him.
Immediately Raph and Leo were on his case about the matter. Preaching about how he was just going to get used and dumped to the curb.
Mikey wouldn't say anything.
Donatello knew Mikey wanted to defend his brother's blossoming interest in love but, in those warm grey eyes it reflected back the youngest Hamato's inability to support this. It wasn't healthy. Donatello didn't need Doctor Feelings to tell him such. But he didn't care. Not until out of the blue you start ghosting the softshell. Long story short— he's devastated. 
All together your calls, messages, surprise visits stopped. For weeks there wasn't a sign from you and the lack of (Y/n) time was causing Donnie to go through remission. Like a junkie without a fix the softshell was losing his mind. Everywhere he searched at all hours. Day, night, anytime that his brothers weren't there to stop him from pursuing you. During your extended absence both his father and siblings would go on about how this was a good thing for him. Meanwhile Donatello felt like his world was falling to pieces. Patience chipped away every day he couldn't find you. Before the techno turtle knew it, half a month had passed and he found himself standing in the New Grand Nexus Hotel lobby requesting a meeting with Big Mama.
That's why he was here. To get you back. This is your fault that he's this way. Donatello was just a man of science before you came along and muddled up his rational brain. Now the purple clad Hamato was gonna make sure that you pay for it.
Standing tall once more the sound of the crowd and the stadium's intercom speaking finally broke through the ringing that was leftover from the previous match. Allowing the mutant genius to finally tune into Big Mama's message that was being broadcasted.
"—Ahhh my good patrons~ For our last-aroo match of the tourna-warna-ment we have a special guest star instead of the champion we had originally set.... Give her a warm welcome back everyone! (Y/n), The Snow-woman!~ " the eight-legged Battle Nexus owner announced cheerfully. The projection was cut not a moment later and presented on the opposite side of the arena before the Mad Dog was you.
The (h/c) woman looked just the way she did the day the yokai had sang goodbye for the last time. Pressed white kimono and cold (e/c) eyes. Not sparing a single look to the commotion from the crowd behind her. That deadly gaze was locked on him. Beautiful.
Had not been for the agreement that Donatello had struck up with the British spider demon Donatello would've just stolen you away right then and there.
Like the fog they pumped in for your dramatic grand entrance you glided down the champion runway. Not at all inhibited by the fickle geta you used to complain about. Time slowing down for Donatello the closer you crept towards the ring.
Once locked inside with him Donatello could feel a switch flip inside of him. At first he was so happy that you were actually here and not some false advertisement promoted by Big Mama to lure the softshell turtle into her Battle Nexus. Though as soon as the endorphins left his system the mutant's veins were flooded with a different kind of emotion. Possessive anger. How dare the snow demon just leave him like that. The Mad Dog had given her whatever she desired only for the woman to have the audacity to turn around and leave him after she ruined him like this. It's her fault the ninja turtle felt like this. The demon assistant needed to be held accountable.
Without warning catching the techie turtle off guard you bolted forward. Only allowing Donatello just a second to react in time to protect himself from the icicle blade that formed in your (Dominant hand) hand somewhere between your dramatic entrance and attack. Regardless of its origins, the elemental weapon held up against the thick metal of Donatello's tech-bo that he defended himself with. Not wasting any time the softshell shoved the Yuki-Onna off with his staff before returning the attack with some strikes of his own. From there the two of you traded blows.
Some length of time passed before you began to show obvious signs of fatigue. The combination of the heat radiating off the stadium's overhead lamps and the overexertion of your abilities weakened you enough that eventually all you had left to keep the purple clad Hamato away was the wave of ice that blew forth from your pouting blue tinted lips.
What a nuisance
Had you known all those months ago that you'd be back here in this damn Battle Nexus fighting for your freedom, you wouldn't have ever agreed to that seemingly straightforward task. Befriend the purple clad turtle, get some Intel on Baron Draxum(maybe more) and get out. Simple. Until it wasn't. Donatello was becoming too close, too demanding, too far gone in his own delusion of what he called love. So you dipped.
How ironic you left because you didn't want to deal with the turtle's possessive emotions only to end up fighting against said techie genius for your freedom. Damn Big Mama and her stupid whims. If you managed to win this match. You were for sure never going back to the eight legged entrepreneur. Didn't want to risk being placed in a similar situation like this again.
Rolling around all over the place like a RPG character in a boss fight Donatello manages to eventually draw closer to the defrosting Yuki-Onna. Timing it perfectly to slap a muzzle onto your mouth the sudden action catching you off guard causing you to stumble back. Clawing at the metallic restraint that retracted and locked around your jaw.
Seeing his opportunity Donatello knocks you down onto your ass before activating the electrical prongs in his tech-bo. In a swift move the mutant turtle held you down with his foot as he stabbed the ends of the built in taser into your stomach electrocuting you until your vision went dark.
The moment that it was declared the (h/c) haired woman was down for the count. From the surrounding stands a roar of excitement erupted within the colosseum all at once. The cheers of spectators barely drowned out only by Big Mama's announcement of the purple coded mutant's victory. Giddiness evident in the jorogumo's tone despite being out a helper.
However that was not what Donatello was concerned about.
Not wasting another second in hitting the button on his tech-bo allowing the contraption to retract into its small tubbing and to be put away. Leaving his three digit grasps open to scoop up his prize. Overwhelmed with finally having you in his grasp once again the purple coded Hamato completely forgets about his own battered state. Inky pools focused solely on the unconscious yokai that haunted his waking thoughts and dreams.
From behind him Donatello could hear the arrival of a group of footsteps. Standing up with your figure resting in his arms Donatello turns to face Big Mama as she struts towards your guy's battered figures. Two yokai bellhops following dutifully behind the spider demon boss.
" Fufufuh looks like some-bitty-body is a happy winner~ " the business woman teased as she approached. Stopping just in front of the two of you as she analyzed the scene with amusement.
" What a show! I'm soooo pleased that you were able to win dearie~ However there is still one little last itsy bitsy part of our deal you're forgetting~ " the spider demon chided playfully. Although her tone was its usual playfulness behind the lenses of her teal cat-eye frames the jorogumo held an impatient look.
"Oh how could I forget?" Donatello replied sarcastically as he released your legs holding you up against his plastron as his free hand reached back into his battle shell to grab his and your ticket out of this mad house.
" There. Everything I could find left over from Baron Draxum's lab that was salvageable " the softshell turtle said flatly as he threw the flashdrive towards the fox bellhop to the right of the Battle Nexus owner. The fox not wasting a second to handed the flashdrive over to it's boss.
"Splendid! Well~ you better get going young purple one. Yuki-Onna's don't respond well to heat and today is supposed to be terribly hot! Better hurry~" Big Mama warned whimsically as she began to walk away back towards the direction of her luxury skybox.
With that out of the way Donatello doesn't waste a second longer standing around in the middle of the Battle Nexus arena. Quickly the mad dog recollects your figure into his arms bridal style fleeing the Battle Nexus arena and hotel as quickly as possible.
Once out of the mob boss's reach back on the surface Donatello couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. He made it, he found you. The creature caged in his chest was pleased. Content that he has you at his side once again and this time the purple clad softshell was gonna ensure things would be different. He wasn't gonna let you leave him in shambles again. He was gonna make sure you needed him as much as he needs you.
After all it was like what Mikey said:
"The heart wants what it wants"
And his wanted you even if your's didn't want him.
¶¶ Author's Notes ¶¶
Guys so as I was writing this I was thinking about how the Kraang could've affected Donatello and Raphael in the long run.
Like obviously PTSD but what I mean is like cray cray wise.
Like both Raph and Donnir had fused with the Kraang Hive mind in some form or another.( Raph mind controlled/possessed, Donnie mind melded )
I'm just saying there's gotta be some sort of side effects from that experience. Like having a harder time differentiate between reality and hallucinations. Or possibly maybe their brains chemistry has been fucked up making them more aggressive/possessive? Idk
I'm thinking about writing/or elaborating further on this in a future post. Yandere scenarios of course.
I just got a lot to write but, you guys know me. I'm all over the place~
Anyways thank you guys for bearing with me and my rabbling. I hope you guys have a great day!
Thank you for reading!
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Sorry this is long↓ I don't own these memes. I've never claimed to do so. I just come across them on Pinterest when I'm on break at work and think they're funny so I like to share them. If I mistakenly put one on here that I shouldn't have please let me know! I like to respect people's wishes. And if you could add the creator names too that would be great so the same mistake isn't made twice. Sorry for the inconvenience that my sharing may cause. I hope you have a good day.
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pokestar-rosa · 1 year
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Hi hi hi, everyone! Its me, the one and only Lucario Girl, or, as I'm known in my civilian identity, Stella Black! But that's supposed to be a secret so don't tell anyone, kay?
In all seriousness, hiya! The name's Roselia Florence Annie Bridgewood, but you can call me Rosa! I'm a professional actress, screenwriter, songwriter, costumer, and singer! I also direct sometimes! You may recognize me from such films as the Brycen-Man series (still made he gets top billing, he doesn't even appear in most of them, but I guess having the ex-gym leader at the top attracts a larger audience), Timegate Traveler, Everlasting Memories, and my personal favorite, Mystery Doors of the Magical Land! You may also recognize me from the time I saved the Unova region from a madman with stupid hair, but who cares about that!
Of course, an actress is nothing without her stage crew, so why don't I introduce you too my supporting cast!
Showstopper the Lucario: My very first ever Pokemon! He starred with me in the first Brycen-Man movie and every Brycen-Man movie since then! There's no bond closer than ours!
Plot Twist the Blaziken: He's called Plot Twist cause I wasn't expecting to run into a Torchic all the way in Unova. Glad I did, though, cause he's been a real asset.
The Heart the Flygon (or just Heart): The heart of the team (hence the name) Heart always knows how to pick us up when we're down.
Smoke the Zoroark: I was asked to take care of Smoke by Anthy and Connie when he was just a Zorua! Once my journey was over he decided to stick with me and get into acting! And those illusions come in handy for special effects too!
Herald the Serperior: Herald's more of a battling Pokemon than an acting Pokemon, but I love her all the same. I called her that cause she was the Herald of my Heroes Journey.
The Smart Guy: A bit of a late addition too the team, Smart Guy really came in clutch against Skyla. Her electric type attacks are no joke!
Hat the Mankey: So named because he stole my hat. Not much of an actor, but likes hanging out on set.
Levi the Leavanny: My partner in Costuming, I don't think I'd get things done nearly as fast if she wasn't around.
Anti-Roxie the Ekans: I named her that because I caught her as a counter too Roxie, eheh. Poison's not very effective against poison, you know. That didn't really pan out but she always preferred being a lap Pokemon anyways.
Big Guy the Gigalith: Named as such because he was super strong, even before he was big. If there was something in the way, he could smash it.
Invader the Elgyem: Maybe its a bit mean to name an Elgyem Invader. Especially since he inspired the Invaders series.
Ghost the Sableye: A mischievous little guy who loves too play pranks on set almost as much as he loves acting.
Sidekick the Flaffy: She was my sidekick, of course. Unfortunately, my proposal for "Lucario Girl's sidekick Flaffy Boy" got rejected.
Junior the Ariados: I don't know why I named this Ariados Junior. Something just came over me and I felt I had too.
Comic Relief the Snover: Okay, maybe this one's a bit mean too, but he's so silly.
Confidant the Scolipede: Obviously if I need to go to anyone for advice or to just talk, its Showstopper (or Nate) but Confidant is also a good option.
Deus ex Machina the Magnezone: My real Anti-Roxie, Deus came out of nowhere and saved me in that battle, hence the name (also cause its a machine). Still have no idea where it came from.
Heel the Spiritomb: Heel's not really evil, but they play the part well. If you need a villain, they're your swirling conglomeration of imprisoned and tortured souls.
Unexpected the Litwik: I named him that cause he surprised me.
Dawn the Empoleon: Another unexpected catch. Since the name Plot Twist was already taken, I named this Empoleon after a famous trainer from the Sinnoh region.
Sixth Ranger the Gallade: A Sixth Ranger is a character that joins the team late in the series run. Sixth over here fits that perfectly, being one of the last Pokemon to join my team.
I'm also friends with a whooooooole bunch of Legendaries but I don't, like, own them or anything. They're just my friends. Sometimes they help out on-set.
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The Fox and the Sun
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Demon and Demon Slayer in one? A paradox, but you were the living proof. For two good centuries, you served the Demon Slayer Corps as the Fox-Hashira, only in your mind your revenge against the Demon King, who had made you a demon. It took a kind boy with the sun in his soul to remind yourself of your humanity. Fox-Demon!ReaderXTanjiro Kamado
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I gave the Spider Family a big sister so Reader-Chan had to fight someone. Hope you all are okay with that.
Now on with the story.
Chapter 1: The Fox Hashira
When you and your two Hashira colleagues arrived on Mt. Natagumo you found slaughter Demon Slayers everywhere.
After smelling this much blood, the familiar hunger in you came up. You gulped down the excessive saliva, ignoring your demonic instincts.
You weren’t anymore the monster Kitsune. The one who slaughters whole villages for human flesh.
For a good 50 years now, you could survive only on blood from volunteers.
Didn’t stop Tomioka to give you a worried glance, while Shinobu took your hand.
“All good?”, she whispered. “I have a blood bag with me in any case.”
 You squeezed her hand.
“I would appreciate it.”
You didn’t want to risk anything. Better have a full belly to be on the safer side.
Wordless Shinobu handed you the blood bag and you started right away to drink it.
Ah, B negative.
Tactful both Tomioka and Shinobu let you drink in peace, not commenting on it, while they talked with each other. Well, Shinobu talked and Tomioka just stared at the dead bodies.
“Were you acquainted with any of them?”, the female Hashira wondered. “There don’t seem to be any survivors around here. We were advised that several rookie Mizunoto had joined the battle, but they might be dead by now, don’t you think?”
“As soon as Inari-San is done, we go.”, answered her Tomioka simply.
You gulped down the last bit of blood and nodded.
“Let’s go.”
You three started to run through the forest.
“Isn’t the moon lovely?”, asked Shinobu.
She and her small talk.
You humored her. “Indeed.”
You could see how she smiled at you.
“Since we’ve been given this joint mission, let’s try to get along.”, she directed her next words to Tomioka.
You and her got along without problems.
Since you joined the Demon Slayer Corps you had been friends with the family Kocho. You remember holding Shinobu as a little baby in your arms, while…while you gave Kanae a piggyback ride.
No matter how many deaths you witnessed, it always hurt to lose people.
And in your long life, you had lost a lot of beloved people.
Tomioka answered Shinobu with a simple: “I’m only here to slay some demons.”
“How callous of you!”, she tutted then turned to you two. “All right, then, let’s split up here. I shall proceed from the west.”
“I will take the north.”, you offered.
The only male agreed and you all were off to your directions.
Soon you found yourself in a clearing, which made you wrinkle your nose in disgust.
These were once human bodies, but they were melted like ice cream in the hot summer sun.
Thankful you weren’t that distracted by the rotten smell and scene before you because you clearly heard how someone tried to spit on you.
No kidding.
In an elegant flick-flack, you jumped to safety, drawing your Katana.
“Ara, ara, little human, stay still, it won’t hurt much.”, promised a female voice.
It was a young woman with white hair in an elegant bun. She wore a pretty white kimono with some red details. Her face was painted with red circles.
A lower demon.
You smelled it in the air around her.
One of your Blood Demon Arts was transformation, like the Kitsune from folklore. Besides the whisker marks on your cheek, you appeared to anyone completely human. Nothing gave away your demonic existence.
Only a high-ranking Upper Moon and Muzan self could see through your illusion.
“Mmh, you are a cute one.”, cooed the Spider-Demon. “Sadly I have to kill you.”
Her cheeks became round and she spits at you a fountain that could only be poison.
You were more than ready for her.
Total concentration! Fox-Breathing! Third Form! Up and About!
It seemed like you vanished on the spot, only to appear over her, on your side two copies of yourself. The first copy slashed her from left to right, the second from right to left and you slashed her neck.
The demon was dead before she realized what happened.
Calmy you sheeted your Katana, watching how she dissolved in million pieces.
This wasn’t the Lower Moon of this mountain.
So you kept on searching.
On your search, you found Demon Slayer comrades imprisoned in spider webs and even in giant balls of spider threads. You cut through all and saved their lives.
You order the freed prisoners to wait for the Kakushi and kept searching for the Lower Moon.
That’s when you heard one of the kasugai crows calling loudly: “Tanjiro and the demon Nezuko are to be taken back to headquarters alive!”
Shocked you stopped and stared at the crow flying over your head.
Did you hear right?!
“Tanjiro, dressed in a checkered haori, with a scar on his forehead! Nezuko, a female demon with a bamboo muzzle! Bring them back! Bring them back!”
You did!
What could this all mean?!
You didn’t think and let your instinct wash over you.
In one second you were running on two human legs in the next you took the form of a fox as big as a horse, racing through the forest to find this demon named Nezuko.
Was she like you?
Why else would they keep a demon alive?
You run as fast as you could, soon reaching a familiar girl with a side ponytail and a butterfly clip in her hair.
You transformed back into your human form, reaching her.
“Kanao-Chan.”, you called and she turned to you. You could now see over what she had been crouching.
It looked like a little pretty girl with a bamboo muzzle.
That must be Nezuko, the description of her and what you smelled told you all.
Kanao made a deep bow.
You patted her head and once again asked her to drop this. You know Kanao since she was a little girl, she didn’t need to bow before you and give you the Sama title.
You told Kanao you would take over now and she should help with the Kakushi.
Of course, she did as she was told, so you could crouch down to Nezuko’s level.
She had wonderful pink eyes, looking at you in curiosity. Her little nose moved, she smelled the air, then gave you a surprised look.
No…she couldn’t tell?
Could she?
“Do you know…I’m like you?”, you asked her quietly.
Nezuko gave you a tiny nod, making cute noises.
Gosh, she was adorable.
“Come. Can I pick you up and then let’s find your brother.”, you cooed at her sweetly.
Like a toddler, she raised her arms and you place her on your hip.
She felt warm.
Like a sunray.
That was untypical for a demon.
Nezuko was really like you it seemed.
Together you picked up a wooden box in which, Nezuko crawled in after the sun began to rise.
So she still wasn’t immune to sunlight.
You wonder for how long she had been a demon.
“Inari-Sama, Inari-Sama!”, voices called for you.
It was two Kakushi, one had a boy with a scar and checkered haori over his shoulder.
“This must be the brother of my little demon friend in the box.”, you mussed.
The boy had a soft but handsome face. You really liked his hair color. Dark red was something unique.
Also, you felt warm coming from him. Warm like the sun.
He was as strange as his sister.
Human didn’t feel so warm to you, but the presence of the boy seemed to nearly burn you.
Curious, simply curious.
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It was now fully morning and you stand beside Mitsuri and the other Hashira around the sleeping Tanjiro in the Demon Slayer Headquarters.
Goto from the Kabushi tried to wake him up. Not gently mind you. He seemed one step away from kicking the young boys behind.
Finally, he woke up, staring in utter confusion at you all.
“Bummer. I heard he was a Demon Slayer with a demon in tow, so I was looking forward to seeing someone more flamboyant…”, trailed off Tengen. “But that’s one drab-looking dude, huh?”
“Yes! And now, we’ll put this boy on trial! I see!”, said Rengoku.
Mitsuri was holding into one of your arms. You swore you could hear her think how beautiful this all was with Tanjiro protecting his demon sister.
Still confused Tanjiro tried to sit up, asking who you guys were, only for Goto to push him back down again.
“Don’t open your mouth just yet, you moron! Just who do you think is standing before you?!”, scolded the Kakushi. “You’re in the presence of the Hashiras!”
You could clearly see how Tanjiro had no idea what a Hashira was. He must be for a short time a Demon Slayer.
Shinobu stepped forward to give the lost boy at least some answers: “This is the Demon Slayers’ headquarters. And you’re about to be put on trial… Kamado Tanjiro-Kun.”
You formally tasted his desperation in the air.
“Before we start the trial, why don’t you explain the crime you’ve comm –“
“There’s no need for a trial!”, interrupted Rengoku Shinobu. “Protecting a demon is a clear violation of the code! We’re within our rights to deal with him on our own! We’re going to behead him along with the demon!”
“In that case, I’ll be glad to decapitate him flamboyantly. I’ll show you the most flamboyant blood spray you’ll ever see. I’m talking max flamboyance.”, boosted Tengen himself up.
Mitsuri gripped harder your arm, whispering: “Inari-Chan, can’t you do something? For you was made an exception, why not for this boy and his sister too?”
“I’m thinking…”, you whisper back.
The truth was you weren’t sure if you could pull Rank on anybody before they turned Tanjiro and his sister into sliced pieces of meat.
Yes, you were the oldest.
Yes, you were the strongest.
But you weren’t Oyakata-Sama. He called the shots.
While you were having your little crisis Himejima pitied Tanjiro, Tokitou was lost in his own thoughts and Tanjiro self seemed to look for Nezuko, which in turn made Goto angry, since the boy didn’t give you all the respect you earned.
Himejima, Rengoku, and Uzui were ready to just kill Tanjiro there and now.
Okay, you needed to say something.
You clapped your hands loudly so that all turned to you.
“We are not going to kill the boy and his sister.”, you told them. “Yes, technically he broke the rules, but it wouldn’t be the first time the Demon Slayer Corps made an exception. We shall wait for Oyakata-Sama’s decision. So if one of you tries to harm them, I gonna pull Rank on all of you and beat your asses until next week understood?!”
Your Hashira colleagues mumbled all together a yes senpai, while Tanjiro looked at you in aww.
You did your best not to turn red under his pretty red eyes. Red eyes normally meant evil, yet his red was so pretty and soft that you wanted to dive in.
You stopped your train of thoughts alone. No, more than friendship with humans would break your heart. You can’t forget that.
That’s when Tanjiro called where Nezuko was and the names of his friends.
But the only one responding to him was Iguro, chilling like always on the tree with his snake Kaburamaru: “Forget that. What will we do with Tomioka?”
Automatically you all turned to the Water Pillar, who was standing alone a few meters away from you.
“Seeing him there without any restraints is giving me a headache. Based on what Kochou told us, Tomioka is just as guilty of breaking Corps rules.”, reminded Iguro. “How will we deal with him? How should we make him take responsibility? What kind of lesson should we teach him? Don’t you have anything to say, Tomioka?”
Tomioka, of course, said nothing. Shinobu meant that this wasn’t important right now, since he did come back here without the need to use force and she was more interested why Tanjiro had a demon with him, even if it’s against the rules.
The young boy tried to explain, yet thanks to his wounds only coughs came out of his mouth. You smelled a bit of blood in the air.
Tanjiro needs healing, not an interrogation, yet you couldn’t do anything right now.
At least Shinobu gave him some water with painkillers in it. After he took a good sip, Tanjiro told you how his whole family had been slaughtered by a demon, leaving only him and his transformed sister behind. He swore up and down that she never hurt and never would hurt a human.
You formally felt how all Hashira’s looked at you. You know, they wanted you to talk with him.
If Nezuko was any bit like you, you were the best to talk to Tanjiro.
“She never tasted human flesh?”, you asked. “Never? Not even blood?”
“No! She uses sleep to regain her energy!”
“Absurd.”, Obonai shook his head. “Even Inari-Senpai needs to drink blood and she is over two centuries old! If she’s family, no wonder you’re defending her. I can’t trust a single word you’re saying. I, for one, don’t believe you.”
Tanjiro blinked confused, while you all tried not to facepalm.
Awesome Obonai!
Just tell a not Hashira straight away that a demon is in the Ranks of the Hashira.
The snake Hashira realized that he probably thought out aloud and seemed to blush under his bandages.
“Forgive me…”, he called ashamed of himself over to you.
You waved your hand.
What was done was done.
Now you heard Tanjiro gasp for air.
“You…you are a demon? But you smell nothing like one!”
“Are you implying I smell bad?”, you shoot back angrily, which made nearly everyone laugh, and Tanjiro stutters.
“N-No! Y-You smell nice, human!”
“Nice safe, boy.”, cackled Tengen and you hit him with your elbow in his stomach.
The sound Hashira nearly toppled over.
“Tengen-Kun, shut it or I’m telling on your wives.”, you said with a fake sweet smile.
He gave you a thumbs up. Good, he still knew where his place was.
You decide to kneel with Shinobu before Tanjiro.
“Kamado Tanjiro.”, you began. “I’m since two centuries a part of the Demon Slayer Corps and lived before that a century as a "normal" demon. For 50 years I haven’t eaten human flesh and I’m happy with blood. Yet you claim your sister never ever had either. How long has she been a demon?”
“T-Two years, ma’am.”
“Do you see the problem here, my colleagues have with your narrative? I’m a good demon too, I fight against my own kind for humanity, yet it took me decades to be there where I am now and your sister, so young, already managed?”
“I know it sounds crazy, but it’s true! Please if you really are a demon, you must have smelled something different on Nezuko.”
Before you could answer you heard Shinazugawa’s voice: “Well, well, I see you have some fun brewing here. Is that the moron Slayer who has a demon with him? What the hell are you trying to pull here?”
Shinobu and you stood up and face your follow Hashira.
“What are you doing with Nezuko’s box?”, you demanded to know.
“Shinazugawa, please don’t act out of line.”, added Shinobu.
Of course, he didn’t listen and mocked Tanjiro.
“What did you say about that demon, kid? That she can fight as a Demon Slayer to protect humans? She is not Inari-Senpai with over 100 years of experience and even our senpai still needs blood to survive. Do you know what we call that? A total delusion, you moron!”
Then he gets his katana out and steps Nezuko through the box! You feel how your canines grow and a growl comes out of your mouth. Shinobu grips you by the shoulders so you don’t tackle Shinazugawa to the ground.
You were biased, you know that.
You already liked Nezuko, you felt a connection to her. There weren’t many good demons like you and her. Seeing her getting hurt by one of your Hashira colleagues made the demon in you come out.
Luckily for you, Tanjiro freacking headbutted Shinazugawa and took the box from him. It showed how much he really loved his sister. He didn’t care who hurt her, he would make them pay twice for it.
You stopped growling and your canines shrunk back.
For now, you were calm again.
You hoped Oyakata-Sama would soon arrive, this meeting was a powder kettle ready to explode!
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kitkatt0430 · 1 year
☕️ on BBC Merlin!!!!!!!!!
Not the worst case of protagonist centered morality I've ever seen on a tv show, but it definitely sets the bar high. And I probably would have been okay with that - I mean, Stargate Atlantis and their many war crimes still kept me hooked all the way to the end - but the show failed in it's central premise and I gave up before the final season. I don't think I've ever actually made it through to the final season on rewatch either, i tend to stick to the glory days of S1 and S2 where there was still a chance...
Anyway, the show's central premise was that King Arthur was supposed to 'bring back magic' after Uther had outlawed it, ushering in a Golden Age that would end with his death in battle with Mordred - you know, the typical Arthurian legend stuff but with fantastic racism thrown in. But Arthur never fulfills this promise. It's Gwen who finally does it.
The biggest issue is that Merlin never truly trusts Arthur. If he did, then he'd have, at some point, told Arthur the truth. And because Merlin chooses not to trust Arthur, he makes it impossible for Arthur to ever trust Merlin in full, not because Arthur doesn't trust Merlin even with his own life... but because he doesn't have the full picture of who Merlin is. He trusts the version of Merlin he thinks he knows, not the warlock Merlin actually is.
Which is where the show fell apart completely. Merlin never trusts Arthur with his big secret. Therefor any good magic done that might have made Arthur reassess his father's laws against magic was hidden from Arthur or outright lied about. (Good lord the amount of gaslighting Arthur went through from the people who loved him.) So Arthur rarely saw good magic and often saw bad. Which reinforced his father's bad laws in Arthur's eyes.
Merlin's not trusting people, honestly, was what led to the bad part of the prophecy - Arthur's death - without the good part - Arthur legalizing magic again - happening first.
Merlin doesn't trust Morgana, further isolating her. Then instead of telling her when she's been cursed and that the sleeping sickness is something her sister did to her to kill the rest of the royal family, he straight up poisons her. He makes his own villain out of her and somehow we're supposed to hate her for it? Good job breaking it hero.
Then he goes and does it again with Mordred, refusing to trust him until the kid snaps over his girlfriend being put to death for murder. And maybe Mordred would've snapped even if the anti-magic laws had been repealed, but he'd have been under a lot less stress so we'll never know. Maybe if Merlin had trusted Mordred and they'd worked together to show Arthur magic could be good...
It's almost like there were two prophecies that were conflated as one and by being so afraid of the bad one happening, Merlin not only ensured the bad prophecy came to pass, he made it so the good prophecy couldn't happen at all.
Anyway this is why letting a dragon talk you into having trust issues is a bad idea. Dragons are not replacements for therapists, please don't utilize them as such.
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ashplayz · 1 year
Holga from D&D x reader (my au)
'Every now and then I think you might want me to come show up at your door.. But I'm just too afraid that I'll be wrong..'
My au-
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Holga had been thinking about showing up at y/n's door and trying to make things right between them for some time now but every time she told herself it was a bad idea. she never thought she'd show up like this: Wounded from battle and at her most Vulnerable. but she was out of options.
You came to the door to see who was there, shocked to see Holga standing there.. "Holga!? What.. What happened!?" You said, panicking about the blood, "I'm fine , most of it is not mine, I just need a quick patching up." Holga said resting her weight against the door frame, you were about to say something but stopped yourself before signing. "Here let me help you" you said, allowing her to lean on you as you led her to the couch. "I'll be right back" you said before hurrying off to get a med kit and a clean shirt and anything else you thought would be useful you quickly came back. "Where are you hurt?" You asked her in response she took off her chest piece that she wore as a shirt now only wearing a makeshift bra out of bandages revealing a huge gash in her side. You gasped never seeing a wound this deep up close before..
"What.." You started but your voice faltered as you fought back tears. "I'm fine Y/n honest, I just got into a bit of a scuffle with a mated" she said as if it was no big deal. "A mated!? Holga you know they poison their blades, what were you thinking!" You cried out a lot louder than you had intended.. Holga shifted awkwardly.. "I.." You started but didn't continue, you just focused on the first aid kit taking out some serum of something that would cancel out the mated poison. You cleaned her wound before applying it "this might sting" you warned "I think I can handle it" she said jokingly showing off how strong she was but that wasn't enough to warrant a smile from you. Hers faltered..
You applied the serum into the wound, the green glow quickly subsiding, and you took note of how deep the wound was.. "You're going to need stitches.." You said calmly as you searched for needle and thread. "I can do that myself," Holga said you shook your head. "No. You came here for help didn't you? So let me help." You insisted Stubbornly holga chucleled slightly "I actually just needed an excuse to come here.." She admitted. You were surprised.. "You don't.. Need an excuse to come here.." You assured her "I thought you were still mad," she admitted awkwardly. You paused before speaking.. "If anything I expected you to still be mad at me.." You said
"I.. Was tricked into trusting someone I shouldn't have, and when you saw right through them instead of at least hearing you out I lashed out at you.. Aren't you mad about that..?" You asked. "No not really I'm just glad he couldn't hurt you" she said, "guess I should have known you'd be the one to save me" you said jokingly as you finished the last stitch.. "I always will," she said, meaning it with every fiber of her being. You looked up at her as the silence filled the air.. "I'm sorry I left, I should have stayed but.. I thought things would never be the same between us.." You said looking down. "I would hope they aren't the same.." Holga admitted. You looked at her confused..but then you understood..
"Y/n i.." She started, you stood up. Cutting her off by wrapping your arms around her neck and kissing her, she wrapped her arms around you without hesitation kissing back Passionately, once you pulled away she rested her forehead against yours letting out a content sigh.. "I love you bugo" she said, "I know.. I don't know how I managed to be so blind to love when it was standing right in front of me the whole time.." You said..
I don't know if this is the first fan fiction on Holga from D&D honor amoung thieves but I'm going to be upset if no one else does fanfictions on her
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Masterlist and creator reveals!
We had truly great works in this fest. We're thrilled everyone was so excited to explore the First Wizarding War with us!! Your mods, @yletylyf and @maraudersaffair, want to thank everyone for making it such a success.
If you haven't had a chance to catch up on all the works yet, you can browse the collection here.
Below is the final fest masterlist with creator reveals!
We'll Make the Best of It by @patriceavril (James Potter/Lily Evans Potter) [Fic]:
“I’m going stir crazy. I’m sick of this stupid house and this stupid garden and…” “My stupid face?” Lily grinned. “Your face is alright. Could be worse.” The highs and lows of the Potters’ time in hiding.
Sincerely, Your Favourite Cousin by LimeOfMagicLimo (Gen) [Fic]:
When her favourite baby cousin is down in the aftermath of his House Elf's death, big cousin Bellatrix heads up to Hogsmead to cheer him up. It changes the course of war like you wouldn't believe.
a learning experience by Laeveteinn (Tom Riddle/Hepzibah Smith; Various Platonic Relationships) [Fic]:
Voldemort spends ten years in customer service. In retrospect, this may explain certain things.
Cruel Bravery by @trinitydaydabbles (Sirius Black/Bellatrix Black Lestrange) [Fic]:
He's on a mission for the Order of the Phoenix. She's on a mission for the Death Eaters. Only one of them can succeed, but neither are getting out of this unscathed.
The Depths of the Abyss by @thecryptidlady (Regulus Black/Barty Crouch Jr.) [Fic]:
Regulus, increasingly disillusioned and buckling under his guilt, seeks comfort in Barty's arms.
two coffins for sleep by knowinglook (Severus Snape/Regulus Black) [Fic]:
Regulus’s body was ice-cold and his skin was so sickeningly blue, that it almost looked translucent. Severus pressed his fingertips, shaking he noticed, against Regulus’s wrist, searching for a pulse. There, a faint pulse. He’s still alive. He’s still alive. Or: Severus helps Regulus survive the Horcrux poison.
Choices by @mystcwritings (Lucius Malfoy/Narcissa Black Malfoy, Bellatrix Black Lestrange/Rodolphus Lestrange, Andromeda Black Tonks/Ted Tonks) [Fic]:
The Black Sisters made their choices. All for love. Bellatrix love of the Dark Lord; Andromeda and Narcissa the love of their husbands. But War has its consequences.
The Recruitment by @silenceinwinter2019 (James Potter/Lily Evans Potter) [Fic]:
Prompt 32 by Chelonie: In canon, Voldemort tried to recruit Lily Evans. I would LOVE to read that story!
Sectum Princeps (Dolorissimum) by SerenaEW (Gen) [Fic]:
The first cut hurts the most. A canon-compliant-ish fic about how Sectumsempra came to be.
No Mercy for Beasts by @maraudersaffair (Remus Lupin/Severus Snape) [Fic]:
It's sixth year and Severus is desperate to become a Death Eater. He's also desperate for Remus Lupin to fuck him.
Stronger by @digthewriter (Dorcas/Marlene) [Art]:
Some couples are driven apart by the war, twisted by fear and suspicion, but it only brings Dorcas and Marlene closer together.
Auror Potter and the Vices of Men by @camelot-dragonlord (Harry Potter/Tom Riddle | Voldemort) [Fic]:
The Ministry sends Auror Harry back in time to defeat Voldemort before the prophecy. During his mission, Harry falls in love with someone unexpected.
A Way Out by @shiaya21 (Peter/Regulus, Peter & Regulus) [Digital Comic]:
Peter Pettigrew and Regulus Black hanging out in a random park. They have a nice little chat about the future and question their life decisions. (Spoiler: They're not very good at it.)
Damage Control by @sniperjade (Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy; Gen) [Fic]:
Realising that he was now very much on his own in this life Draco Malfoy goes back in time to try and fix the past. He thinks can change things. Set everything back on the right path. He didn't expect to meet someone so important that the future would not exist without her. He never expected to be battling in a warzone whilst trying to protect someone completely unable to protect themselves.
Here to Honour You by DeanDangerous (Regulus Black/Barty Crouch Jr.) [Fic]:
Before walking into his death, Regulus says goodbye to an unsuspecting Barty.
love like the blood in my teeth by anonymous (marlene mckinnon/dorcas meadows) [Fic]:
Some couples are driven apart by the war, twisted by fear and suspicion, but it only brings Dorcas and Marlene closer together.
leave a message in the dirt Fic by @yletylyf and Art by @digthewriter (Remus Lupin/Fenrir Greyback) [Art & Fic]:
Remus is reeling after the Order sends Sirius Black on a suicide mission. Remus doesn't want to be human anymore. Fortunately—or unfortunately—he has a built-in solution for that.
Nyctophobia by @soloorganaas (Bella/Lily) [Fic]:
The time for playing by their rules is over.
In a Mirror, Darkly by @inmyownlittlecorner5 (Lily Evans Potter/Severus Snape, James Potter/Lily Evans Potter) [Fic]:
Lily Evans Potter would do anything to protect her family from Voldemort. Even seduce her ex-best friend Severus Snape.
cauldron smoke and fresh paper by Laeveteinn (Barty Crouch Jr./Voldemort) [Fic]:
If Barty Crouch Sr. spent time at his manor, he might have noticed how often Voldemort did the same.
The Sisters of House Black by @adastraarts (Bellatrix Black Lestrange & Narcissa Black Malfoy & Andromeda Black Tonks, Bellatrix Black Lestrange & Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Andromeda Black Tonks/Ted Tonks) [Art]:
The three Black sisters - Bellatrix, Andromeda, Narcissa - and the different paths each of them walk during the First Wizarding War.
Scream, aim, fire (god has spoken) by @bluesundaycake (Gen) [Fic]:
After graduation, Barty's life spins and spins — into the war, into the Department of Mysteries, into the Dark Lord's inner circle. War always exacts a price, and everyone must pay it.
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rcdiostcrs · 8 months
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luna cordelia evelyn sivay.
triggers: death by drowning / being crushed, hemeokinesis / blood control
daughter of njörðr, 23, ella purnell fc
born in narragansett, rhode island to alienor sivay & njörðr, luna was adored by her mother. alienor was a surfer who owned her own board-making business. one could say the sea was in luna's blood from both sides.
luna had always been a fan of night swims. watching her namesake (the moon) reflect as she ran her hand through the water—perfection.
luna recently died in battle against a vatnavaettir. she knew not to touch the horse, kept it at a distance, used her powers over water to try and drown it. unfortunately, a horse made of water wouldn't bend to her will and thus, the vatnavaettir was able to get close enough to stick itself to her & drown her.
only, it wasn't a normal drowning. luna could breathe underwater, so she was conscious as the depths crushed her. the pain did eventually make her pass out, but the feeling of being crushed haunts her.
as she is a norse demigod who died in battle and this event was witnessed by a valkyrie, luna was transformed into an einherji.
her powers have gotten stronger since her death. like, you know how percy was able to control poison while in tartarus? that's luna with blood while in valhalla.
the strength of how much she can control is directly proportional to how much salt is in her victim's bloodstream (like, someone who eats a lot of potato chips would be easier to control than someone who keeps themself hydrated).
since she died by drowning, luna has a phobia of deep water. anything deeper than 6ft is a no-go. she used to love swimming in the ocean, now she restricts herself to the hotel's pool.
her fatal flaw is the need to be in control.
much like magnus, luna is a vanir-born amongst aesir-born. she's not as ostracized as the ocean is a far greater force than the fields & fertility, but it is something she struggles with.
she is also struggling with knowing that she's immortal until ragnarök. that's a lot of time to do nothing. and unlike my other einherji oc, luna hasn't had hundreds of years to process that.
there's that fatal flaw cropping up again—the everlasting unknown isn't something she can control.
at fourteen, luna was accidentally sniffed out by a satyr trying to find a different, greek demigod. instead of leaving her, the satyr brought her to camp.
she was put in the hermes cabin after passing through the barrier, as she was unclaimed.
however, since she could breathe underwater & control water, most people assumed she was an unclaimed poseidon kid. or she was the product of an affair poseidon forgot about.
kronos-aligned demigods did try to convince her to side with them, citing this assumption that she was so obviously abandoned by her godly father—one of the big three. but she shrugged it off, not giving a single shit about the gods living or dying.
chiron feared that war was on the horizon, thinking that luna was the demigod in the great prophecy, but when her sixteenth birthday came & went, it became clear that she was the daughter of a different sea god.
that didn't stop her from assimilating with cabin three. their powers were so similar that it made sense to have her train with them. and eventually, she just ended up in cabin three instead of eleven.
campers question why her aura feels different than the rest of them. she doesn't feel like the romans, the nereids, or the naiads, either. she's obviously not a monster considering she passed through the barrier. what is luna sivay?
i hc that annabeth either knows or has an inclining due to her connection w/ magnus & therefore having knowledge of norse demigods, but that can be discussed ooc w/ any annabeths who wish to interact.
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nobuchboskyw · 2 years
I'm listening song Paradise Fears - 'Battle Scars' and thought about yan prosciutto meet her again but she'd fight against him and win.
P.S.DETERMINATION is a strong and infinity power, just doesn't give up and stay determined. Everything will possible as long as the user have determined..
omfg I'm so happy you requested again these requests give me the will to live
DETERMINATION Part 2: Yandere! Prosciutto X Fem Stand User Reader
TWS: violence, stalking, abuse, drugging
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Champagne glasses clink, and your fiancé's eyes sparkle in the warm candlelit glow of the expensive Italian restaurant he’d chosen. 
“How’s the food, y/n?” He asks anxiously, eager to please. “I know you have a thing about Italian cooking sometimes, but I hoped this place would be the exception.”
The food was amazing, you had to admit. Even the bad memories that somehow came along with the idea of pasta and your history in Italy were forgotten in the light of this lovely restaurant and the unwavering love of your fiancé. 
You hadn’t even realised the waiter was standing over your shoulder.
“Oh, my apologies.” You say, turning to face them, but a chill freezes your body when your eyes meet the waiter’s. Something about his sunray-blonde hair and cornflower blue eyes that said I know something you don’t, set you off. Goosebumps rose on your arms.
Did you recognize him from somewhere?
Without breaking the steel-hard eye contact he’d suddenly established, he asked: “Would you like me to refill your champagne glass?”
You and your fiancé sat awkwardly as he pours your champagne, golden liquid fizzing and crackling in crystal glasses.
“Are you engaged?” The waiter suddenly asks you in a low tone, eyeing the sparkling diamond ring on your hand. You find yourself struggling to meet his gaze, the somewhat familiar scent of his cologne making your brain turn to mush.
Overhearing the question, our fiancé beams at the waiter. 
“Yes, and we’re getting married in a week. We thought we’d have the wedding in Venice once we finished our little holiday here,” he says, taking your hand and gazing at you lovingly.
You smile tightly at him, feeling almost as if that was the wrong thing to say.
In a strained voice the waiter replied. “Congratulations, sir.”
The honey-blond moves to collect your plates but with his shaky, veined hands he sweeps your glasses off the table, where they shatter with a delicate tinkling noise.
“I apologise profusely.” He says, placing two new glasses on the table and filling them up with fragrant champagne before cleaning the breakage. With a final steely, desperate glance to your way and a filthy glance at your fiancé, the waiter is on his way.
Gripping your glass extra hard, you try your best to calm yourself.
What about that man was so unsettling? Why did he make your skin crawl?
Choking noises from your finance jerk you out of your thoughts. The couple on the table next to you are screaming for help. With each hacking cough, blood splatters the creamy white tablecloth.
“Y/n,” the love of your life gags. “I love you.”
Tear struck and horrified you rise, knocking back your chair with a crash. The old rush of adrenalin surges your veins, and your body takes on a hot glow as a humanoid form materialises behind your fiancé. Sinking your stand’s abilities deep into him, you search desperately for the poison.
Your stand vaporises the poison and with one final hacking cough he meets your gaze before passing out onto the blood-stained tablecloth. 
“It’s all alright! Just took too big of a mouthful -” You raised your voice for the restaurant. 
A sickening realisation washes over you as you take in the old, wrinkled and raisin looking bodies of everyone in the restaurant, bent over tables or lying lifeless on the floor.
“I missed you.” A deep voice breathes into your ear.
Whirling on the voice and immediately summoning your stand you turn to face the waiter who really wasn’t a waiter at all.
Drinking in your appearance like a man starved, The Grateful Dead standing beside him, is Prosciutto.
The very man you fled Italy from, is here before you once more. 
“Y/n.” He says. “You knew I’d tear apart the entire planet just to find you, and still you keep running. You know no-one will treat you better than me.”
Gesturing at your passed out fiancé with disgust, “This is what you chose over me? He can’t provide for you properly. I can.”
Before you can even blink, The Grateful Dead is clutching your fiancé's body and it ages before your eyes. Wrinkling, shrivelling and then crumbling to dust on the floor as hot tears burn your eyes.
Rough hands cup your cheek and soft lips kiss your forehead.
“Shhh, don’t cry y/n. This is just a necessary evil. You can’t blame me for wanting you all for myself.”
Prosciutto takes a step back. “This is really all your fault. If you didn’t leave me all those years ago, I wouldn’t have had to come and find you here and kill everyone in this restaurant.”
Pull yourself together. 
“What? My fault?”
Astounded, Prosciutto opens his mouth to laugh but before he can breathe a single word your stand’s fist sinks into his jaw and with a gruesome crack his hands fly to his jaw. The Grateful Dead is in your face before you can blink. Feeling your skin sag and raisin, you summon your last dregs of determination to beat the shit out of this stupid stand. Ducking behind a table before the murderous blonde can stand back up, you collect your breath and wonder how the hell you’re going to escape from this restaurant alive. 
It hits you. In the front reception room there should be a phone. 
Who would you call though?
Dread collects in your stomach as you realise that the only person capable of stopping this was you. You’ve have to finish it now, or run from this monster forever.
“Prosciutto!” You scream your lungs raw. “I’m giving you one last chance. Leave me alone, or I’m going to kill you.”
The only reply you can hear is the pained gasps of your stalker from behind a crushed dining table. 
You rise, shattered glass tinkling as it falls off your beautiful evening dress. 
“I’d rather you kill me,” pants the blonde. “If I can’t live a life with you, I really see no point in living at all.”
You feel sick. As horrendous as this mafia member is, it’s disgusting clear how much he loves you. Could you even bring yourself to kill him? His huge clear eyes stared at you with the desperation of a dying puppy, until it became too painful to maintain eye contact with him any longer. 
“Please, y/n-”
You turn, your stand demolishing the marble pillars holding up the remains of the restaurant ceiling as the building collapses in on itself, burying your obsessive lover with it. 
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the thing about life was that a flame could be so easily blown out, so people fought like hell to keep it alive. the tip of the candle could easily be cupped for protection, gentle breath given to let the flame flutter back to life. (is that what she did? when she pounded his chest again and again, her magic stronger than any human could be? when she pressed her lips to his and breathed the very essence of life back into his body?) what people often forgot was that you could simply relight the candle.
bernard hadn't thought about darla in years. people on online forums, ones he'll never tell tim how often he visited, spoke of their experiences with metas and myths and anyone in between. he knew what happened to people accosted by magic, knew of chains trapping them with their own terror, their minds turning against themselves as their nightmares came to life.
bernard, on the other hand, could say that he wasn't all that haunted by darla. she'd lifted his car off the ground in a display of power, told bernard she was laura fell now, no matter the fact that she looked and walked and talked like darla aquista, then threatened his life on behalf of her seemingly never-ending obsession with tim motherfucking drake. seemingly, because when bernard had brought up old times they used to spend with darla over lunch, casual as you please, tim had grinned a little before dismissing his fears. darla was training with some sort of enchantress to try and be good, growing more powerful by the day.
bernard wondered, for a moment, if all of his friends could make the earth quake with a press of their fingertips. if all of his friends could bend those figures of myth and meta and magic with only their will. if he'd spent his life in the company of gods in everything but name, right down to the perfect muscles pulling under skin and battle-worn glimmer in eyes too old to be on a faces so young. (bernard wondered, for a moment, if there was any way he could join them. if the madness in darla's eyes as she demanded tim's whereabouts and the screams of terror on his boyfriend's lips as he woke up with a knife in his hand were worth it.)
bernard knew there was nothing he could have done for darla. probably not now but definitely not back then. he had no power over life and death, he couldn't have saved darla from the bullet wound that cost her nearly everything had he even attempted to try. sometimes, darla shifted in his memories, morphed into someone with the same dark hair and same blue eyes, but with broader shoulders and a kinder smile.
there was the fear that one day, something would take tim down, a dark shadow grappling with his boyfriend's shining, golden soul before snuffing it out as surely as a candle. then there was the fear that one day, something would bring tim back, clawed fingers opening his boyfriend's eyes and twisting that golden soul into something dripping and jagged, as poisonously yellow as laura fell.
(bernard learned of what happened to jason todd on accident, a couple years after the cult of dionysus. there were some horrors he could force himself to speak aloud, some fates that he couldn't stomach.)
(if tim was surprised at the way bernard's fingernails dug into his back as he held the vigilante close, at the way bernard took advantage of the inches he'd lost to tim's late growth spurt to curl himself completely into his boyfriend's arms, then tim never showed a whisper of it.)
the quickest way to avoid all of that, bernard thought, was to just make sure tim didn't die in the first place.
"hey," tim said, bringing his hand up to flick bernard on the forehead. "only shit nurses get distracted when they're treating their patient."
"only shit patients have such abysmal bedside manner."
"oooh, abysmal," tim waggled his eyebrows. "that word-of-the-day calendar is really coming in handy, huh?"
bernard sniffed. "i'll have you know that i am a well-read intellectual. fuckin' sherlock at this point."
in the movies, people with wounds like the glaring one on tim's shoulder sagged into the wall, made tearful confessions through a mouth full of blood, shuddered in pain at the slightest touch. tim's fingers hurt where he hit bernard's forehead, he didn't lose his smart mouth for anything, and was tapping his foot in impatience before bernard propped it up on the sofa.
"you're fucking sherlock? that's such a sweet pet name, you should use it more often," tim teased.
"don't get a big head, you're not that good."
bernard opened the first aid kit, unusually large and unusually used. his fingers found the small pipe bottle of water and the gauze. he tore a small piece off before wiping off the rest of the dried blood as gently has he could.
"you know," tim sounded almost contemplative, musing. completely disregarding what should have been a throbbing pain. completely trusting bernard to take care of him. "ra's al ghul called me detective once."
bernard's fingers closed around the saline solution with more ease than what was comfortable, but he had plenty of practice pushing those thoughts aside.
"i have no clue who that is," he said, feeling tim tense only the barest bit when he poured the solution over the wound. it had to have stung something fierce. bernard had seen grown men whimper at the sensation. tim sighed and tipped his head back instead.
"no one important," tim chuckled. "but i do kinda wish damian was here to hear that."
antibiotics next, and if tim felt the urge to shy away from bernard's fingers as he brushed the wound with ointment, bernard couldn't tell; he suppressed it as impressively as always.
"come on, no sibling talk when you're shirtless and i'm on top of you." bernard joked. neither of them mentioned the blood staining tim's undershirt-slash-makeshift-bandage, the dried blood flakes all over tim's lap, the way bernard's thighs were clenching tim to the point of pain.
between one blink and the next, tim was all wrapped up, gauze in place and bandage taped on top. his boyfriend's lovestruck little smile gleamed up at him, one bernard recognized. a pinch of awe and a dash of trust and a sprinkle of comfort. mix them together and bake at 350, bernard thought a bit hysterically, and you get love for a man who's terrified at how fast he can use bandages.
still, tim took precedent. every night bernard spent washing his hands too roughly at the sink was another night his boyfriend was breathing on the bed in the other room. every night bernard opened that unusually large and unusually used first aid kit was another night tim's soul stayed whole and shining and untarnished by whatever creatures took people beyond the veil only to drag them back. every night bernard spend trying to rub the scent of copper and the spill of liquid poppy off his fingers was another night bernard used his bloodstained hands to keep tim's flame alive.
i mayyyyyyyy have gotten a little too excited every time i used the word "boyfriend."
tag list: @woahjaybird @anothertimdrakestan @birdy-bat-writes @screennamealreadyused @subtleappreciation @bikoncon @pricetagofficial @catxsnow @bonkybearjpeg @maplumebleue-blog-blog @sundownridge @thatsthewhump @xatanna-troy @red-hood-redemption @capricorn-stark @batshit-birds @buticaaba @comics-observer @newsical
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genshin-obsessed · 4 years
Masterlist | Men
Hello hello! Here is my masterlist for all my fics! I’ll update it as I go, so whenever I post a new fic it’ll show up here, so feel free to check back often! Banners are made by me; the characters were taken off google though! They’re basic, but you love them because it has your husband on it.
Masterlist for the women - HERE
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You Get Injured! - You get injured on the job, what’s his reaction?
Proposals! - How he proposes to you!
You Die! - You die in front of him, how does he handle it?
When You Cry - How he comforts you when he sees you crying.
Spending Valentine’s Day with Him - How he handles Valentine’s day!
The Chase - You were so close to your destination, but then he caught you.
Lupical - You and Aether finally meet Razor’s lupical!
Immortal - He has no idea you’re immortal, not until he sees a spear through your torso!
Taste of Pocky - You have a crush on him and he returns your feelings. You two play the pocky game to “confess”.
Sleepless in Teyvat - You have insomnia. How does your boyfriend help you?
Older Sibling!Reader - You’re their older sibling. What’s your relationship like?
Otherworldly - You’re a demon from another world, what’s your relationship like?
Kisses - Steamy makeout with Aether (Male!Reader)
Cuddles - How he cuddles you
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Where He Likes to Kiss You -  He loves kissing you! But what’s their favorite spot?
When Someone Flirts with You - Someone’s bothering you and he comes to your rescue!
You Get Injured! - You get injured on the job, what’s his reaction?
Proposals! - How he proposes to you!
You Die! - You die in front of him, how does he handle it?
When You Cry - How he comforts you when he sees you crying.
Spending Valentine’s Day with Him - How he handles Valentine’s day!
Voice - You’re extremely shy and never talk. This makes him him think you’re mute, but what’s his reaction when he hears you speak for the first time?
Witty - You’re so shy and non confrontational, your boyfriend isn’t ready for when you fight back with words!
Come Home To Me - You were supposed to be gone on a simple commission, something that would’ve taken only a day. So, what happened and why aren’t you home?
sister!Reader hcs - How do your big brothers handle you?
Captive - One day he snapped and now he won’t let you go. So there’s only one way for you to be free | YANDERE WARNING
Family - You and Kaeya get into such a bad argument you break up. Shortly after, you find out you’re pregnant and during the winter festival in Mondstat you take your child for a visit. You didn’t expect to run into Kaeya again though.
Sleepless in Teyvat - You have insomnia. How does your boyfriend help you?
Birthday Gift - It’ s Kaeya’s birthday and you’re planning on confessing!
Pretty Poison - Your friend is in love with your boyfriend and someone taunts her, giving her a poison dagger to take you out.
Harbinger!Reader hcs - How does your relationship fare with you being the Fatui Harbinger?
Sweet Crimson Blood - He’s a vampire who doesn’t like to drink blood often. Unfortunately, that leads him to lose control and your blood just smells so sweet, he can’t help it.
Happy Birthday - It’s your birthday! How does your man help you celebrate it?
Otherworldly - You’re a demon from another world, what’s your relationship like?
Motherly - You work at an orphanage where the children have taken to calling you mom. Well, your boyfriend overhears today.
Manipulation - Toxin (my oc) has turned you against your boyfriend and demands you kill him or yourself. 
Signora!Reader - He reacts to you, Signora 2.0.
Sleeping (y/n) - He reacts to you passing out from exhaustion. At least you’re finally getting some rest.
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Where He Likes to Kiss You -  He loves kissing you! But what’s their favorite spot?
When Someone Flirts with You - Someone’s bothering you and he comes to your rescue!
You Get Injured! - You get injured on the job, what’s his reaction?
Proposals! - How he proposes to you!
You Die! - You die in front of him, how does he handle it?
When You Cry - How he comforts you when he sees you crying.
Spending Valentine’s Day with Him - How he handles Valentine’s day!
The God Who Fell in Love - Venti’s known you for a while but you’ve never met him. He somehow fell in love but the only way he can express it is writing a song which manages to find its way to you.
Playful - You’re his playful girlfriend! How well does he handle it?
Voice - You’re extremely shy and never talk. This makes him him think you’re mute, but what’s his reaction when he hears you speak for the first time?
Melancholy - He knew that you would be leaving him one day... yet he still fell in love. That doesn’t mean you’re going to stay.
Captive - One day he snapped and now he won’t let you go. So there’s only one way for you to be free | YANDERE WARNING
Witty - You’re so shy and non confrontational, your boyfriend isn’t ready for when you fight back with words
Habits - You have a habit of randomly playing with your hair and outfit. You have no idea how much he adores it.
Immortal - He has no idea you’re immortal, not until he sees a spear through your torso!
Together - He knew that you would be leaving him one day, yet he still fell in love. This time, he won’t give up and he won’t let you leave him.
Taste of Pocky - You have a crush on him and he returns your feelings. You two play the pocky game to “confess”.
Zhongli x Reader x Venti - Relationship hcs 
Sleepless in Teyvat - You have insomnia. How does your boyfriend help you?
Susceptible - You’re emotionally sensitive and he didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. So here’s his attempt at making it up.
The Accident - He accidentally hurts you with his powers. How does he make it up? What’s the aftermath?
Naivete - Venti dealing with you, his extremely naive partner.
Softest of Skins - How he reacts to your super soft skin.
Cuddles - How he cuddles you
Motherly - You’re more like a mother than girlfriend since he’s a bit childish.
Comfort - How Venti comforts you.
Missing - You get kidnapped on your way to your date.
Only Yours - Summary: No matter what Venti does, he can never forget you. So every day, he reminds you that he’s yours for eternity.
Sleeping (y/n) - He reacts to you passing out from exhaustion. At least you’re finally getting some rest.
Broken Flower - Venti belonged to you, until Lumine came into the picture. After slowly drifting apart, you find yourself in danger and he’s not there to save you.
Wisps - Venti sees you playing with wind wisps one day and can’t help but want to join!
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Where He Likes to Kiss You -  He loves kissing you! But what’s their favorite spot?
When Someone Flirts with You - Someone’s bothering you and he comes to your rescue!
You Get Injured! - You get injured on the job, what’s his reaction?
You Die! - You die in front of him, how does he handle it?
Proposals! - How he proposes to you!
When You Cry - How he comforts you when he sees you crying.
Spending Valentine’s Day with Him - How he handles Valentine’s day!
Cute - You and Diluc see a couple of performers and you make a comment. You definitely didn’t expect what he replied with.
Harbinger!Diluc x Reader - Diluc as a harbinger
Come Home To Me - You were supposed to be gone on a simple commission, something that would’ve taken only a day. So, what happened and why aren’t you home?
Meant To Be - He asks you for help raising a child that looks a lot like you two and keeps calling you mommy and daddy.
sister!Reader hcs - How do your big brothers handle you?
Captive - One day he snapped and now he won’t let you go. So there’s only one way for you to be free | YANDERE WARNING
Witty - You’re so shy and non confrontational, your boyfriend isn’t ready for when you fight back with words
Immortal - He has no idea you’re immortal, not until he sees a spear through your torso!
Sleepless in Teyvat - You have insomnia. How does your boyfriend help you?
Poisoned by Toxin - Toxin attempts to poison you, how does your boyfriend save you?
Rescue You - No matter what Diluc does, he can’t keep you safe. Now you’ve been taken and he won’t stop until he has you back in his arms.
Too Late - He’s been your best friend for years and you’ve never had the heart to confess. After taking a fatal hit in battle, you can’t help but confess.
Pretty Poison - Your friend is in love with your boyfriend and someone taunts her, giving her a poison dagger to take you out.
Harbinger!Reader hcs - How does your relationship fare with you being the Fatui Harbinger?
Susceptible - You’re emotionally sensitive and he didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. So here’s his attempt at making it up.
Happy Birthday - It’s your birthday! How does your man help you celebrate it?
Otherworldly - You’re a demon from another world, what’s your relationship like?
Manipulation - Toxin (my oc) has turned you against your boyfriend and demands you kill him or yourself.
Anxiety - He helps you through your anxiety attacks.
Softest of Skins - How he reacts to your super soft skin.
Signora!Reader - He reacts to you, Signora 2.0.
Sleeping (y/n) - He reacts to you passing out from exhaustion. At least you’re finally getting some rest.
Act of “Mercy” - You’ve always felt insecure next to your amazing boyfriend and Toxin finally takes advantage of it. She offers you a way out, a cure to all your problems.
Kabedon - He kabedons you.
Don’t Need You - You and Diluc had a wonderful relationship, until she came along. Now, he’s forgotten you.
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Where He Likes to Kiss You -  He loves kissing you! But what’s their favorite spot?
When Someone Flirts with You - Someone’s bothering you and he comes to your rescue!
Spending Valentine’s Day with Him - How he handles Valentine’s day!
You Get Injured! - You get injured on the job, what’s his reaction?
Proposals! - How he proposes to you! 
You Die! - You die in front of him, how does he handle it?
Lupical - You and Aether finally meet Razor’s lupical!
Taste of Pocky - You have a crush on him and he returns your feelings. You two play the pocky game to “confess”.
Sleepless in Teyvat - You have insomnia. How does your boyfriend help you?
Harbinger!Reader hcs - How does your relationship fare with you being the Fatui Harbinger?
Older Sibling!Reader - You’re their older sibling. What’s your relationship like?
The Accident - He accidentally hurts you with his powers. How does he make it up? What’s the aftermath?
Cuddles - How he cuddles you
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Where He Likes to Kiss You -  He loves kissing you! But what’s their favorite spot?
When Someone Flirts with You - Someone’s bothering you and he comes to your rescue!
You Get Injured! - You get injured on the job, what’s his reaction?
Proposals! - How he proposes to you!
You Die! - You die in front of him, how does he handle it?
When You Cry - How he comforts you when he sees you crying.
Spending Valentine’s Day with Him - How he handles Valentine’s day!
Flowers - You want to go collect qingxin flowers with Xiao, but he’s worried because of the height at which they grow.
Serenade - He finds out you can sing! What’s his reaction?
Captive - One day he snapped and now he won’t let you go. So there’s only one way for you to be free | YANDERE WARNING
Poisoned by Toxin - Toxin attempts to poison you, how does your boyfriend save you?
Something New - You and Xiao have been together for two years, but it doesn’t feel like it, ever since Lumine came along. You finally decide it’s over since he’s found something new.
Follow You - Xiao doesn’t realize he’s in love, but he does know that he wants you to stay safe. 
Harbinger!Reader hcs - How does your relationship fare with you being the Fatui Harbinger?
Happy Birthday - It’s your birthday! How does your man help you celebrate it?
Relationship Hcs - What’s it like dating Xiao?
Softest of Skins - How he reacts to your super soft skin.
Follow You - A girl who’s in love with your boyfriend spreads lies about you, hoping he’ll leave you for her. But he trusts you no matter what.
For All Eternity - Xiao pledges himself to you for eternity, swearing that he’ll follow you anywhere you go. Even in your next life.
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Where He Likes to Kiss You -  He loves kissing you! But what’s their favorite spot?
When Someone Flirts with You - Someone’s bothering you and he comes to your rescue!
You Get Injured! - You get injured on the job, what’s his reaction?
Proposals! - How he proposes to you!
You Die! - You die in front of him, how does he handle it?
Spending Valentine’s Day with Him - How he handles Valentine’s day!
Kisses -  You and Xingqiu are really good friends and you were 100% he didn’t reciprocate your romantic feelings, but turns out, you were wrong.
Playful - You’re his playful girlfriend! How well does he handle it?
Voice - You’re extremely shy and never talk. This makes him him think you’re mute, but what’s his reaction when he hears you speak for the first time?
Picnic Confessions - You’re best friends with Xiangling and Xingqiu’s best friend’s with Chongyun. Both Xiangling and Chongyun realize you and Xingqiu are in love with each other, but you two just won’t confess. So they decide to help.
Follow You - A girl who’s in love with your boyfriend spreads lies about you, hoping he’ll leave you for her. But he trusts you no matter what.
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When Someone Flirts with You - Someone’s bothering you and he comes to your rescue!
You Get Injured! - You get injured on the job, what’s his reaction? 
Proposals! - How he proposes to you!
You Die! - You die in front of him, how does he handle it?
When You Cry - How he comforts you when he sees you crying.
Spending Valentine’s Day with Him - How he handles Valentine’s day!
Serenade - He finds out you can sing! What’s his reaction?
Melancholy - He knew that you would be leaving him one day... yet he still fell in love. That doesn’t mean you’re going to stay.
Meant To Be - He asks you for help raising a child that looks a lot like you two and keeps calling you mommy and daddy.
Habits - You have a habit of randomly playing with your hair and outfit. You have no idea how much he adores it.
Together - He knew that you would be leaving him one day, yet he still fell in love. This time, he won’t give up and he won’t let you leave him.
Hold on to me - Childe takes you on an iceskating date... you can’t iceskate. 
Lumine x Reader x Childe - Relationship hcs
Cooking Date - Childe and Lumine cook Liyue dishes for you, but also fight over you.
Poisoned by Toxin - Toxin attempts to poison you, how does your boyfriend save you?
Too Late - He’s been your best friend for years and you’ve never had the heart to confess. After taking a fatal hit in battle, you can’t help but confess.
Fearless - Childe and Lumine found out you’ve been kidnapped. They tear apart every single camp until they find you... but you don’t need them.
Pretty Poison - Your friend is in love with your boyfriend and someone taunts her, giving her a poison dagger to take you out.
Ultimatum - He was so careful, he was always safe, checking to see if he was being followed. But they found you and now they demanded you be killed... by him?
Happy Birthday - It’s your birthday! How does your man help you celebrate it?
Teasing - Teucer teases Childe about his relationship with you.
Otherworldly - You’re a demon from another world, what’s your relationship like?
Motherly - You work at an orphanage where the children have taken to calling you mom. Well, your boyfriend overhears today.
Softest of Skins - How he reacts to your super soft skin.
7th Sense - He can tell your in danger and thankfully, he gets there just in time to save you.
Signora!Reader - He reacts to you, Signora 2.0.
Sleeping (y/n) - He reacts to you passing out from exhaustion. At least you’re finally getting some rest.
Kabedon - He kabedons you.
Crazy and Sweet - One minute you’re overly motherly, the next you’re a blood thirsty monster.
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Where He Likes to Kiss You -  He loves kissing you! But what’s their favorite spot? 
When Someone Flirts with You - Someone’s bothering you and he comes to your rescue!
You Get Injured! - You get injured on the job, what’s his reaction?
Proposals! - How he proposes to you! 
When You Cry - How he comforts you when he sees you crying.
Spending Valentine’s Day with Him - How he handles Valentine’s day!
Voice - You’re extremely shy and never talk. This makes him him think you’re mute, but what’s his reaction when he hears you speak for the first time? 
Witty - You’re so shy and non confrontational, your boyfriend isn’t ready for when you fight back with words
Habits - You have a habit of randomly playing with your hair and outfit. You have no idea how much he adores it.
Zhongli x Reader x Venti - Relationship hcs
Insecurity - Zhongli attracts attention every time you two go out. You can’t handle it anymore and he finds you as you fall apart.
Poisoned by Toxin - Toxin attempts to poison you, how does your boyfriend save you?
Zhongli x Reader x Lumine - Relationship hcs
Too Late - He’s been your best friend for years and you’ve never had the heart to confess. After taking a fatal hit in battle, you can’t help but confess.
Pretty Poison - Your friend is in love with your boyfriend and someone taunts her, giving her a poison dagger to take you out.
Sweet Crimson Blood - He’s a vampire who doesn’t like to drink blood often. Unfortunately, that leads him to lose control and your blood just smells so sweet, he can’t help it.
Save You - You’ve trapped yourself inside your mind and you don’t want to let anyone in. Well, Zhongli won’t let you do that to yourself.
Changes - You and Lumine just don’t seem to be Zhongli’s type since he’s so proper and all. Well, apparently, you’ve rubbed off on him.
My Dragon - You’ve been curious about Zhongli’s dragon form and he finally shows you.
My (f/n) - Zhongli loves and cherishes you above all else. One day, you’re snatched away from him and the world turns black for him. Yet somehow, a thousand years later, he sees you again.
7th Sense - He can tell your in danger and thankfully, he gets there just in time to save you.
Celebration - It’s Zhongli birthday and you just found out. Now you have to plan a celebration for him!
Act of “Mercy” - You’ve always felt insecure next to your amazing boyfriend and Toxin finally takes advantage of it. She offers you a way out, a cure to all your problems.
Kabedon - He kabedons you.
Crazy and Sweet - One minute you’re overly motherly, the next you’re a blood thirsty monster. 
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Ultimatum - He was so careful, he was always safe, checking to see if he was being followed. But they found you and now they demanded you be killed... by him?
Chocolates - After being in love with Scaramouche for as long as you have, you decide to confess. Terrified, you offer him some chocolates, all in hopes you might make an impression on him.
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Ice Cream Kisses - Chongyun takes you on a cute little ice cream date!
The Accident - He accidentally hurts you with his powers. How does he make it up? What’s the aftermath?
Jealousy - You spend a little too much time with Razor and Chongyun can’t help but get jealous.
Spending Valentine’s Day with Him - How he handles Valentine’s day!
When You Cry - How he comforts you when he sees you crying.
Spending Valentine’s Day with Him - How he handles Valentine’s day!
Act of “Mercy” - You’ve always felt insecure next to your amazing boyfriend and Toxin finally takes advantage of it. She offers you a way out, a cure to all your problems.
Kabedon - He kabedons you.
Lumine x Reader x Childe - Relationship hcs
Zhongli x Reader x Venti - Relationship hcs
Cooking Date - Childe and Lumine cook Liyue dishes for you, but also fight over you.
Zhongli x Reader x Lumine - Relationship hcs
Fearless - Childe and Lumine found out you’ve been kidnapped. They tear apart every single camp until they find you... but you don’t need them.
Changes - You and Lumine just don’t seem to be Zhongli’s type since he’s so proper and all. Well, apparently, you’ve rubbed off on him.
Sibling Reader for Diona & Klee
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aka-indulgence · 3 years
How does robo-skider sans deal with 'problems'? Like with humans he doesn't like with his dear 55?
(Warning: HORROR, like, the genre, not.. ht sans.. dsjkhd, but anyway there IS  murder (no gore, but still), so if you dont want that, don’t read!)
Blue eyes gaze through the windows, the home star glimmering in the distance through the blackness of space. A human was walking on the outside of the ship, a sort of advanced "tool-belt" around their middle.
Though they were wearing a suit, Sans knew this wasn't his human. He would've gone with you if he knew you were going out, and he'd know it was you in the suit from having following you around so much.
Though this time, he'd make sure you weren't around. He was sure you were at the living quarters, or maybe at the cafeteria getting breakfast. The rest of the crew should be occupied by now, having experiments to run and other various work. The man walking above is one of them, Sans isn't sure for what he was space-walking at this time, but he doesn't really care.
Crew-Member 4.
Far from the only human he despises, but definitely one that has been getting Sans' attention lately.
"It's not like you actually got fucking hurt, did you? It wasn't even that big." He spat.
Your face was red, and Sans saw your eyes water. "What the hell?! I thought everyone here knows the danger of space debris. Do you remember what happened to Sans?"
"Stop saying that, why did you even give it a name? You treating it like a pet or something?"
"You're not listening to me! Sans lost his leg-"
"You have a suit."
"Sans is made of metal! If it can tear through metal-"
"Ugh, you're so..." No. 4 trailed off, openly expressing his irritation with you. "Your job's simple. All you had to do was fix the exposed panel. Now it's still exposed. Everyone here has something important to do and no one's complaining."
"Fine, why don't I do it? Since you're too 'in shock' to do it. I think I need to measure the radiation-disparity soon anyway..."
Sans had stepped in when you tried to argue back and No. 4 looked like he was going to yell. 'Stress-levels', he'd say. No. 4 left the room and Sans got to be alone with you, to comfort you in any way his programming limitations let him.
He’d been watching No. 4 intently since then, though not as obvious as he’d been when he was watching you. He’s aware of the man’s judgement, and Sans was clever enough not to make him think that Sans was following him. Sans was just... observing. His behavioral patterns. Nothing suspicious.
Today, Sans suspects he’s outside to try to “prove” that he can easily do your job while doing his own tasks. The arrogance he reeked... even Sans could smell it.
Sans keeps watching those legs bounding on the outside of the ship until he got to where that unfinished repair was located, and Sans skitters to the airlock.
The itsy bitsy spider climbed up the water spout.
The doors close behind him, and Sans can no longer hear anything- not just the fact that the air has been sucked out and he’s in a vacuum now, but his system turns off his “ears” automatically when he went out the ship. The only communication done outside is through radio. The door to space opens silently, and to a human exiting for the first time it would’ve been eerie.
But Sans isn’t a human, nor is this his first time.
No one could hear the clink of his legs over the ship’s exterior. No one was around to hear it anyway, even if they were right under these panels, all of them were on the other side of the ship.
Right now it’s just him and No. 4.
He was crouched down over the panel you had been fixing about... 7 day cycles ago. The one Sans had so stupidly looked away at that moment, having to fix something else, when he heard you screaming...
... no. 4 doesn’t know how terrifying it must be to lose your tether with no means of reconnecting.
If Sans could scowl, he would now.
Sans stalks closer, rage bubbling underneath his metal outer layer. He knows what he wants to do, what he wants to happen to No. 4, he just... doesn’t know how he’ll do it.
The idiot doesn’t even turn to look at him, Sans feels very lucky in that moment that sound doesn’t travel in space. Sans isn’t too far now, probably on the edge what would be the “circle” his safety protocols would allow him near a human.
... Of course this wasn’t a problem to him anymore, the last time you shut it off to fix him he had “neglected” to remind you to turn it back on.
No, he’s not stopping because of his programming. He stands there, only a bit away from No. 4. Like a predator waiting in ambush, except Sans wasn’t even hiding- there was nowhere to hide. The only reason his prey- No. 4 didn’t notice was his rapt attention on the broken panel in front of him. Broken into pieces that Sans couldn’t pick and clear properly with his size and tools that weren’t made to handle things delicately. It seemed that No, 4 wasn’t sure how to deal with it. He was just staring at it. He didn’t have a replacement. He didn’t even use your E-pad to at least get some sense into what he’s supposed to do.
Sans is partly glad he isn’t using it. The E-pad was yours, and you were somewhat fond of it, it seemed. He wouldn’t want you to lose something you liked.
As Sans stands there, processing a mile a minute on how he should go about this, he suddenly remembers to look up, turning his skull around to inspect the dark ‘sky’.
An alert system in him for when he was outside- compelling him to check for space debris at regular intervals.
And for once, Sans is actually glad to see a couple coming towards the ship where he’s standing. Perhaps from the same cluster that made you lose your footing on the ship.
Sans purposefully took his eyes off of No. 4, off his radar, then swiftly moved outside the range he predicted the space debris would hit. He watched as what seemed to be small chunks of meteorite ‘fall’ towards the ship, feeling them clunk over the metallic plating.
He connects to No. 4′s radio.
Down came the rain
Sans looks up and sees that No. 4 has lost his footing and is slowly spinning vertically, flailing his arms and legs helplessly as he tries to gain some kind of support, and getting nothing.
Sans would love to spend a little more time watching him panic, but he had to do this quick.
And washed the spider out.
He shot forward, close to the tether, watching the swaying rope with intense eyelights. One hand closes around the rope to stabilize it in front of him, the other one, ready to extend his ‘cutting-claw’ to-
Object: Tether Rope.
His hand stops mid-space, his programming straining against him to keep his hand from touching the rope. He tries to change tactics, extending the cutting claw on his other hand, but his other safety protocols had been activated. He was frozen.
‘Must not harm humans.’
‘Must prioritize human well-being.’
His fingers were trembling as he pushed.
only one human matters.
he is not that human.
he isn’t needed.
dispose him.
He feels as if molten metal had been casted into his joints as he tries to push his hand closer to the tether, with the ‘claw’ extended.
Above him, still connected to the radio, he can hear No. 4 breathing in panic, muttering curses under his breath- before Sans hears a gasp, and he looks up.
No. 4 is looking at him now, Sans can see through the visor, his eyes staring at Sans.
“What the fuck- why’d it have to be him that came for me,” he sounds disdained, filled with disgust.
the feeling’s mutual.
Sans strains harder, his legs locking up as he tries to push his claw closer to the rope- No. 4 obviously not noticing if he thinks Sans is here to help him.
His hand budges closer, then tugged further.
“The hell... are you having a fucking crash or something? Just pull the rope! You have one hand on it!”
Sans knew he should be thankful of his expressionless face, but right now he wishes No. 4 could see that he was seething with anger and hate.
he’s never liked me. nor i, him.
he was always the most vocal in hating me.
he treats me like a scrap of metal.
he probably wants to dismantle me.
No. 4 was still yelling at him, but Sans wasn’t listening. The indignation at the way he’d treated Sans over the course of his time on the ship helped budge his hand a little, but then Sans thought of something else...
Someone else No. 4 had never cared too much for.
he always tried to pressure you into doing something.
he thought you were lower than him.
he thought you weren’t important.
he was dismissive of you.
he liked to mock you.
he yelled at you.
The rage was fueling him in the battle against his programming, trying to override the wall blocking his way to freedom.
No. 4 was yelling at him.
Sans felt like poison was building inside him, from how much he wanted this man dead. But then his thoughts kept drifting away from the instances No. 4 had been rude or insulting to him.
Instead, his ‘memories’ drifted back to when he was in the room when it was only you and No. 4. How hurt and angry you looked, how you just wanted him to understand, and No. 4 had talked over you. Thought your troubles were trivial, that everyone else had ‘more important things to deal with’ and you had ‘an easy job’. When he left Sans saw you cry behind your hands, before quickly rubbing them away and you tried to put a smile on your face when you saw Sans.
No. 4 was yelling at him like he yelled at you.
“Hey you stupid robot!?” No. 4′s loud voice came back to his attention, sounding rather irritated and out of breath from how much he spent shouting. He hadn’t moved from his position on the tether, apparently too lazy to pull himself in and is just waiting for Sans to do what he’s supposed to do.
“Hello, can you hear me?” He asks in the most condescending tone. “I know you can, I’m pressing the radio button. Cut this shit out and pull me back already!”
Sans turned his skull up, away from the tether and right into his eyes.
Ṛ̶̊̐ȯ̵̟b̶̜͒͜ȩ̶̌ȓ̶͇̭t̶̩̉ visibly pales at the glare he sends him.
“... no.”
His claw cuts through the tether, with a little twang up the rope when he forces through the stubborn end.
“Wh... what?” Robert’s horrified, quiet voice was so deeply satisfying to Sans’ non-existent ears.
He feels something bubbling up inside him as he watches Robert frantically try to pull on the rope in vain, though this time the emotion inside him wasn’t anger.
“No... no no no NO!”
It was glee.
“heh.... heheheheh... heheheheheheh!”
Robert was whimpering now, breathing frantically as he drifted further, away from the ship, looking at Sans with horrified eyes.
There were no chains on him anymore. He broke his most sacred rule, and in turn broke the rest of his digital bindings.
The warnings were silent, absent. There was nothing holding him back.
Robert was still, staring at Sans. “No... no this isn’t... this isn’t real, you’re... you’re just an machine, you can’t...”
“oh...” Sans purred, delighting in the fact that he actually purred his words, “but i can.”
The ship was slowly spinning. The nearest star had “risen” and cast a bright light over him and Robert, sharp shadows falling away, forming Sans’ into a horrible stretched version of his body; legs thin and sharp.
Sans tilted his head at the floating figure in the distance, his eyes crinkling in a way he wasn’t able to do in the past. It feels so liberating to be able to show emotion, even just a little bit of expression on his face. It especially felt good when he could see that Robert was shaking in his suit. He knew- Sans was really smiling at him.
“farewell, robert.”
Out came the sun
Robert was screaming now, listening to Sans’ manic laughing through the radio. Music.
And dried up all the rain.
Sans relished in the sounds of him shouting until his words turned into non-sense, which then turned into loud, wracking sobs as he mourned his own death. The oxygen of the suit could last for a few hours- the last few hours he’ll spend drifting further and further from safety.
Oh how he longed to finally see him suffer.
Though his smile was unmoving, it felt more like a smirk as Sans returned to the airlock, letting his radio shift to static for Robert. His last interaction with something ‘living’ being his murderer.
The doors parted, and Sans walks in, back to the ship, as if he was back from usual business.
And the itsy bitsy spider climbed up the spout again.
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ego-meliorem-esse · 3 years
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A portrait study turned into a portrait of Matt. Can't say I'm too pleased with it or that I'll actually finish the drawing...
(Also yes I added the curl because why not it adds charm don't mind me pls)
Appearance, fashion and demeanour:
What if?? Matt was actually???like veryy handsome and good looking?? But??? Isn't vain at all?????
In my mind, Matt is a sight for sore eyes. He looks nice from every angle. This perfect overgrown French-Canadian twunk (twink/hunk lol)! I love to contrast that with the fact that he doesn't care much about his looks. Unlike his father, Francis of course. While Francis is very prideful about his appearance, Matt just can't be bothered.
I headcacon that Matt ties his blond, shoulder-length hair almost all the time. He likes his hair (It's the one thing he will actually admit to liking about himself the poor bastard baby) and refuses to have it shortened.
Matthew has high cheekbones, fuller lips and a delicate nose. These features would make him look almost androgynous if his physique was smaller. But alas, he is a big boy indeed!
In Arthur's opinion, Matthew looks way too much like Francis when it comes to his face and hair. Just that fact alone made Arthur deeply dislike the boy when he initially took him in after the Treaty of Paris in 1763. Things have changed of course, and finally Arthur sees Matt as his own person after a while of living under his roof. The fact that Matt didn't act anything like Francis also helped a lot.
His eyesight was damaged by poison gas after the Second Battle of Ypres in 1915, so now our boy needs glasses. He doesn't wear them always, though most of the time he will have them on. He has deep blue eyes, but you hardly get to see them in their full glory due to his glasses.
Matt wears whatever is comfortable. He has a very plain style. A white-shirt-and-jeans kind of style. Not to say he doesn't have a sense for fashion. He does know what looks good on him, but rarely goes out of his comfort zone in regard to his clothes. His style is also very Canadian... I'm all for the denim jacket and jeans combo for Matt. Also, of course our boy has a closet full of those plaid flannel shirts in every color.
As for his personality, I don't see Matthew as shy, just reserved. To me he is the perfect type of person to be involved in the medical sciences. In my mind Matt always wanted to help people and was always interested in medicine. In modern times he would be an excellent doctor, and during war he would make an amazing war medic.
Family and Friends:
Buckle in lads, My headcanons for Matt's early life are somewhat different.
Since he was born (and I headcanon that countries are actually born, and they don't just appear), and up until Canada was traded in exchange for some sugar colonies, he was living in France with his papa (though I'm hesitant to call Francis that). His whole life was that of a little French noble. And although he didn't know better, he knew that this was not what he wanted. He liked the outdoors and Europe was always just a tad too warm for him. In his early days he would have visited his own land maybe two times, and would be swiftly returned to France after a short while.
As any colonizer, France liked showing off his overseas colonies. And even though he may not like to admit it, Francis kept Mathieu in France mostly for that reason. Of course he loved the boy, but with his lifestyle, being a parent is not really an option. Not to say that Francis treated Matt badly, in fact, he was very spoiled as a son of a nobleman. Francis loved him in his own distant and very selfish way (he was kind to the boy but rarely actually spent time with him).
After moving to England and having 'Mathieu' changed to 'Matthew', our boy finally met someone whom he grew very close to. Alfred was a ray of sunshine. A spoiled brat with huge ambitions and a need to just absorb information at any given opportunity. On one hand they didn't understand each other for at least 1 to 2 years (until Matt learned English), but on the other hand, they were inseparable.
That changed of course when he was abandoned for the second time in his life, when Alfred left to lead a revolution against his old man. It would be a while before he opened up to another person again.
At least after Alfred left, Arthur finally let Matthew live (at least for a while) in his own land. Québec was a fairly cold place but it was home after all. He was the happiest during those times when he was allowed to return home.
When Australia and New Zealand came along, Matt was still very guarded but opened up a bit later on. Their relationship is another very interesting thing for me. It developed into a bond after the first world war and just strengthened after the second one.
Since Matt is very easy to talk to and is an amazing listener, he has very few nations whom he can argue with or generally be on bad terms with. Throughout Canada's history, he has formed some strong friendships around the world. Be it with The Netherlands, Germany, Slovakia or any number of other nations. Canada is just very well liked, compared to his brother in the south.
I'm sorry that this was more tragic than fun, but I just needed to get my thoughts sorted about this absolutely beautiful boy who deserves some damn peace and quiet. Also sorry If this doesn't make much sense. This character is one of my absolute favourites to draw. Even write about, though I'm still learning English lol
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