#but do you know that the evil cats from cat hell (which is a real place btw. called the dark forest)
cowlovely · 11 months
sometimes i think about the absolutely batshit insane things that happened in warrior cats that have somehow managed to remain largely unknown by people outside the fanbase and i start to lose it
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blueninjablade3 · 3 months
Yandere Jafar Alphabet
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Good ole’ Jaffy doesn't really show affection through physical or compliments until you've fallen for him. The only real reason you KNOW he cares is because he's made sure you've not died.
Blood: How dirty is he willing to get when it comes to you?
Blood is NEVER the first resort. It's the third option. Now the first option is to try and weed them out of your life with subtle manipulation. If that doesn't work then he will directly tell them to fuck off. No shits given. Just “Get away or I will personally behead you” type things. Then if the threat doesn't work he’ll go through with it. After framing them for treason to make it look unsuspicious. (It doesn't work)
Cruelty: how will they treat you once kidnapped will he mock you?
Yes. He will mock you relentlessly at first. However, as you slowly accept fate. (Unwillingly) He’ll treat you more and more like royalty. Just don't forget your place. Otherwise well… you can guess.
Darling: besides kidnapping you would he do anything else against your will?
Yes. A great many things actually. Hypnosis, treason against the Sultan, part of his evil plan being to marry a minor (Gross.), and maybe killing?
Exposed: How much of his heart do you bear?
You bear quite a bit of Jafar’s heart. Now, his love for power and control outweighs his obsession love for you. However, you're still 3rd in his cold, dark, and evil heart.
Fight: How would he feel if you fought back?
Jafar would be PISSED if you fought back. He treats you so well and this is how you repay him?! You're so ungrateful! Any privileges are immediately lost if you fight against him.
Game: Is this a Game to them? Would he like watching his darling try to escape?
The love part is NOT a game. However, he does enjoy watching you try to escape. He thinks of it as a twisted game of cat and mouse. However, he's displeased that you're trying to run. Is he not good enough for you?
Hell: Your worst experience with him.
Y'all remember that one scene when Jasmine confronts Jafar about Aladdin’s sentence? So imagine that just with (for the story's sake Im calling your love Gary) Gary/ Oc’s name. But he doesn't apologize he just leaves you to yourself no friends to reach out to or anything. You only have him.
Ideals: what he sees in the future with you.
He sees himself ruling the world with you by his side as his wife and queen. Maybe an heir or two just so someone who has had some relation to y'all can inherit the throne. (He is not letting Iago be the world’s Sultan)
Jealousy: does he get jealous and if he does, does he find a way to cope or will he lash out?
Oh, honey. This man is KING (He’s finally king of something!) of jealousy. Now, whether you two are in a relationship or not affects how Jafar acts. If you are? He does not cope he lashes out and gets super protective (From the minimal research I've done, Cobras are a protective breed of snake and often battle for dominance which I think transfers to Jafar's human form). But, if you two aren't in a relationship he will (begrudgingly) bite his tongue.
Kisses: How does he act around you?
It depends on the day. Some days he's a sweetheart (Those are the good days). But on bad days… he is a literal demon. Don't mess with him on those days. Just cuddle up and pretend like you're not fazed by this and listen to his rant (maybe throw in a little shit-talking the Sultan).
Love letters: how would he go about courting/approaching you?
THIS SUAVE MF. Roses, chocolate, and fancy dates IF you start liking him immediately. Now he's a lot more subtle if you see him as a friend at first. But still.
Mask: Are his truth colors different from what people think?
You saw the movie you know. But if you didn't. Yup, they are very different.
Naughty: how would he punish you?
Too many ways to count. But still. hE’Ll tEacH yoU soMe rEspEct!!!
Oppression: what rights did he take away from you:
Freedom primarily. Also when it comes to political issues your opinion doesn't matter. (It does but he makes you think he doesn't seriously take it seriously)
Regret: does he regret kidnapping you? Will he ever let you go?
Fuck no.
Sigma: what brought this side of him?
This man is by definition is a yandere. You were just unlucky enough to catch his interest and hold it.
Tears: how would he feel if you cried screamed or Isolated yourself?
If you cry or scream (Unless you're crying because it's like a book, movie, or sentimental moment) Stfu is pretty his reaction. But if you isolate yourself he's making you talk to him or Iago one way or the other.
Unique: is there anything different from a normal Yandere
He can execute his rivals and no one will bat an eye.
Vice: what can you use to escape him?
You can't escape.
Witts end: would he ever hurt you
If you force him to.
Xoanon: how much does he revere/worship you and to what extent is he willing to go to win you over
He is insane over you. He is willing to go to extreme lengths (part of his reason for wanting the lamp is so you'll fall desperately in love with him.
Yearn: How long before he snapped and kidnapped you?
He was tired of this shit after the third rival. But he could wait forever for you to fall for him.
Zenith: would he ever break you?
Does a spell/ slash genie magic count as breaking you?
Alright guys that finished this story out if you have time and enjoyed I’d enjoy it if you left a heart, rebloged or commented. Have a great day!
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dealilcats · 4 months
Have you ever thought about the fact that Macavity just sounds sick. Like, "very tall and thin", "eyes are sunken in", "coat dusted from neglect", "whiskers are uncombed", "he sways his head from side to side", "always wide awake".
Which makes sense. T.S.E. based him on Professor Moriarty, and sickness and 'uglyness' were often associated with evil in literature (think like Jekyll and Hyde), so Macavity is evil and he carries it on his body like an illness.
He has a "respectable" side, and he can be found "in a by street", "in the square", "resting, or a licking of his thumbs, or engaged in doing complicated long division sums". (The latter is, again, just a reference to Moriarty, but hilarious when applied to a cat, like the equivalent of whistling with hands behind your back).
Because all his crimes are either done for him, it seems, or carried out so efficiently, that he doesn't need to linger one moment. So that even though "the Secret service" swears up and down "it must've been Macavity", they have no real way to prove it.
When applied to Moriarty, this creates an evil mastermind:
"The greatest schemer of all time, the organizer of every devilry, the controlling brain of the underworld, a brain which might have made or marred the destiny of nations—that's the man!
But so aloof is he from general suspicion, so immune from criticism, so admirable in his management and self-effacement, that for those very words that you have uttered he could hale you to a court and emerge with your year's pension as a solatium for his wounded character."
Holmes, The Valley of Fear
"He is the Napoleon of crime, Watson. He is the organiser of half that is evil and of nearly all that is undetected in this great city..."
Holmes, "The Final Problem"
(Citations from wikipedia)
But then you remember Macavity is a cat, and so the idea that he's "broken every human law" is as preposterous as him being capable of complex equations. It's just exaggeration. There's no real consequences. Macavity does crime, he's as slimy and slippery as a snake, and he gets away with it, and it's funny because he's a damn cat, baffling the entirety of Scotland Yard.
But if we're talking song, that's an entirely different story. Demeter sings about him, and she's stricken with grief and fear, and she sounds like she's warning you to keep watching over your shoulder because you never know where you might (not) encounter him. Bombalurina seems mildly turned on, but it's not like she's paying him any compliments. They changed the line from "they say he cheats" to "I know he cheats", which along with "always wide awake" makes it sound like she's speaking from experience, and with the choreography sounds more like she's telling Demeter (but mostly the audience) not to believe whatever facade he may put up because, after all, he's a "monster of depravity".
And adding onto what I was saying earlier about sickness, with the way he's "not there" and no one can catch him, not even his footprints, he almost sounds like a ghost. Hell, apparently he has "powers of levitation". Demeter certainly looks like she's seen a ghost, like it's whispering in her ears and tormenting her with all that he's implied to have done to her.
And his costume is just as horrifying - in the 98 ver, the makeup is so over the top, the long claws, the messy fur, the sharp stripes, he looks nightmarish, and completely out of place when compared to the other cats. He matches the description to a T, he's exactly what you expected, and then some.
I guess what I'm trying to say is, the musical makes you think about the consequences of what he does. It's not a silly cat confusing the humans. It's a depravate spreading his sickness on anything he touches, who fascinates with his appearance, but still cannot hide what he really is - and the fact that he gets away with it is terrifying.
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the-owl-tree · 15 days
reading the star excerpt (link here)
i quite like the prologue. i like curlfeather taunting splashtail, i like his insecurity being exacerbated. i think it actually hammers in how young and out of his depth he is
which....sucks the rest of the books portray him as this manipulative mastermind. he's much more fun of a villain when you can see him scrambling for power (and losing it)
which makes the whole riverclan as poor victims kind of suck. icewing rightfully calls out her clanmates for being cowards for uh- *checks notes* using mothwing as target practice?? sorry we're going over the top evil i see. anyways, my point is....yeah, riverclan IS complicit in this, they DO have a choice to say no. splashtail doesn't even have enforcers like brokenstar and tigerstar did, it's literally just one guy - heck the warriors themselves are the enforcers.
fear becomes a limp excuse at this point. you guys gotta unionize or something.
i think the book is really struggling to make splashtail's NO MISS OHKO X9999 ULTRAKILL ATTACK an actual credible attack. look i get it they think he has nine lives, but the three of them could take on a teen i believe it.
i think because this arc won't acknowledge that riverclan is complicit in letting this fester, that they wanted this kind of leadership, it makes him fall flat. how much scarier would it be, more gray it would be, difficult, and so and so on if the clan rallied behind their leader because of the prior events? i get it, they're playing into the fear angle, but there NEEDS to be some more willing participants or this doesn't work.
the closest we get is this exchange but like. guys. the gathering exchange was stupid as hell.
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also, you'd think every brit was the worst dog owner in the world LMAO these boys are screaming and straining on their leash while the owners chatting away. every dog in brit is some cat mauling beast i guess.
i was so ready for repetitive "why should we do X??" let's fight about it for the next few pages that it was a fucking relief that cloverfoot was just "yep bring them in!". fucking uh flashbacks from bramblestar's leadership lmao
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the phrasing on this made me snick. "behaved so badly" makes it sound like she was kind of unruly, not plotted to overthrow her leader lmao
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i dont wanna nitpick, i am actually enjoying that the plot is moving and that things are happening but like....minor waste of a shadowclan pov. you'd think with how often they like to make references to past events, sunbeam being a shadowclan cat could absolutely come in handy in this situation (considering they once had nightheart explain shadowclan history to a shadowclan cat) but when she wonders if riverclan can ever repair itself, it really doesn't come up. idk, i guess i think she could've had a more optimistic perspective but ultimately it really isn't the biggest of deals.
Oooh the Gathering trap is actually good, ignoring how a lot of them get thrown the idiot ball a little bit to make it work. I figured it out quickly (even though this arc loves having shit happen offscreen), it's nice to see some trickery for once! only real drawback is the books once again going "what did splashstar do to riverclan??" as if he's mind controlling them. I'm gonna actually hold out on hope that this is a set up to Frostpaw realizing her Clanmates haven't been mind controlled or whatever, they're doing this because they want to, because splashstar's ideals appeal to them after everything.
it probably won't happen but i wanna hold out hope.
tentatively interested! preparing for status quo disappointment!
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thefoolishone666 · 5 months
Kickin Chicken once said
@hiwelcometothemonstersancturary gave me the go to do this, which is mistake one for them, so here is my go at giving them what they encouraged while I pray it works well. And if not...well I at least tried.
* (Refering to Bobby) She is called Captain Heartbeat cause she will squeeze love out of your heart...and blood, but mostly love.
* (After speaking pr-bt for a 2 minutes) You ever forget your first language?
* Mods, take their swimming privileges away and put them in the pool.
* I would go evil, but I am going to follow dad's steps of being good...plus I saw they went shoe shopping so...
* What do you mean I can't seduce myself!?
* (Loud thud off Camera) PERCEPÇÃO DE PROFUNDIDADE!
* Our ship has a pool, an omelet bar, tons of rooms for you to sleep in, one would say that is a cruise, to which I say, fair, but have you seen the plank, cause I am about to get you real familiar with it.
* I heard some demons were touched starved. I got more than enough buckshot to help with that.
* Bubba, reading chat: "Kickin isn't the sharpest knife in the group," Well that is rude...
Kickin: I did eat packing peanuts when I was younger to be fair.
Everyone in room:
Kickin:...Wait is this new information for you?
Everyone: YES!?
* Wonder how many people come on to see me stream thinking "Oh hey, the voice actor for Kickin does streaming," or "Hey is this the official channel for the Smiling Critters show?" And they just come in on me saying something like, "I HAVE BUILT A TO SCALE JOLLY ROGER WITH POPSICLE STICKS!"
* Hey Theo, it's you! (Gets empty bottle thrown at head) Ow.
* White is the color of evil, cause nothing exists in it! Delight taught me that!
* I would cry, but I am too dehydrated to do such a thing. (Goes to drink some water, pauses, puts water bottle back down)
* It is always funny to see people react to my complete indifference to horrible stuff.
* I needed to find a way to get a gambling addiction, so I thought space could have the answer.
* (Seeing Bubba being affected by the blue screen) Bubba, I know you always wanted to become the one thing I love, but this is ridiculous!
* I am just saying revenge is amazing, ok? Yeah, you gain a tremendous amount of regret sometimes, but it is amazing.
* Cool motive bro, still murder!
* (In response to Angel giving them food) It hasn't been that long since I started streaming, it has only been...5 hours...
* This is my favorite bird. (Holds up middle finger before pointing to self) It is the chicken.
* (Wearing VR) The future is today!...I might need it adjusted though.
* Does dying take away time away from my vacation days?
* Fursuits are getting so good you can now subject yourself to your own form of trauma to fuse into it. Brought to you by Playtime.
* I have seen the internet and honestly, have seen worse. Which is saying alot.
* (Looks at Candy Cat in his lap before looking at camera)...Help. me.
* Theo: You finally did it! Did it help when you imagined it was me you were fighting?
Kickin: Not at all...worked when it was Dogday though.
Dogday: WHAT DID I DO?
Kickin: Hell if I know. As long as it works though.
* (Playing I Expect You to Die, dies trying to do an action pose)...(Starts singing the James Bond theme notes)
* (Reacting to "Unnecessary Feelings") Bubba, I was promised a crime drama, not a reminder that no one in this house knows how to feeling well, including us!
* I would boop you, but I don't want a pirate hook this early in my character development.
* William then preceded to commit several hours of joy, on at least an entire classroom of kids to learn why death does.
* You can have one hit Hoppy...Ah não, ela tem uma cadeira!
* Don't worry, I won't hurt you, I am just going to turn into a nuke to fall on you.
* (Stares at camera while winding music box)
* Chica, you wouldn't hurt your brother, would you? Or would you want me to be you and Foxy's kid, whichever makes you more merciful on me.
* I am here to break the stereotype that parrots can only be pirates and no other reasons at all.
* (Refering to how much money he has in game) $60!? I can finally afford 1 AAA video game! (Pulls up Balan Wonderworld steam page) I am going to buy this one guys!
* Kickin, coming into Crafty's stream: You mind if I borrow a picture.
Crafty: Uh sure...Why?
Kickin, taking one of the monsters: A reminder.
Crafty: A reminder of what?
Kickin: Of who in this family is an actual threat. (Leaves without elaboration)
* Don't make fun of me, I will cry will I beat you up.
* We don't even own a game cube, I just want to find a copy of Skies of Arcadia to display.
* When you get into a certain mindset for so long, it is so jarring to have to go into a different line of think, like you just suddenly ask, "Wait I don't have to ration this sandwich for the entire year?"
* I am still surprised I recovered so well from all of that.
* What would the others do without me? Minus not having a heart attack everyday.
* Have good night everyone! I don't remember how I end these...I will make you walk the plank! No, that is not it...
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shower-phantom-ideas · 10 months
Bruh yall fam I love Danny Phantom crossovers
Like hes so easy to plop in other universes
The idea hes in Miraculous Ladybug and gets akumatized and just talks to hawkmoth. Dudes stuck with this 14-16year old kid cause the bug wont/can’t get out. Kid please im trying to work stfu. Ok yes yes my fault for trying to use you in my evil plot hut it’s 4 am and I have a big meeting in the morning. Kinda shit. That or Ladybug thinks hes an akuma when hes Phantom snd doesn’t trust shit he has to say.
Mcu? Hawkeye getting another kid. Ironman finding out parenting is easy wtf is wrong with people. Captain America finding out parenting is hard someone help him. Bucky just chillin. Thor throwin hands. Loki 🤝 Danny
Fnaf? Dudes a dope security guard and befriends all the animatronics. Or hes just a dead kid haunting the place who befriends the DCA. Who probably don’t like him at first cause hes a dirty rule breaker. But a kids a kid man.
Saiki K? Do yall think Danny could clock Saiki? 20$ says Danny head empty so Saiki thinks hes either like him or like Nenduo and avoids him either way.
RWBY? Ozpin son and defence squad. Too easy next.
Soul Eater? Hell yes fuck yes. Bruh don’t need no one and is topping the charts as worst student ever cause he aint collecting one soul. Helping those fuckers move on. Oh now hes expelled. Well you can’t expels him sir hes walking out. Next new villain cause hes saving those souls you sick fucks. Oh yea these are bad people? Well doesn’t mean they should be used to give you a fucking one up. His own soul has been used to power a country and that shit sucked. No one deserves to have their own being used like that. Wtf (souls arent the same here danny smh you are starving some poor kids probably idk I have t seen the show in ages)
Honestly idk how I would put him in SAO? He would just win?
Psych? Yea hes called in a tip and everyone is sus about him like with how they are about Shawn. So fuck it. Plays it up. Holy shit a ghost! Shawn is going thru it in here cause ghosts arent real right? Gus probably making Shawn take a break from cases cause hes clearly lacking sleep. Though didn’t Gus believe in ghosts??? Lassiter actually ends up liking the kid. Pranking Shawn is just a bonus. Karen knows.
Doctor who? Again too easy next.
DC? Adopt him adopt him adopt him adopt him. No matter which dc character is it they gonna adopt. Unless it’s Joker cause he dies on sight.
MHA? Bruh still getting adopted by someone.
Why is Danny so adoptable???
Put that fucker in warrior cats and bluestar is gonna come fukin running
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akronus-writes · 3 months
the awakening storm
on then 23rd of march, a large chunk of silver that somehow created a low, but still tangible amount of radiation, was unearthed from the sea floor by an american mining company.
Before it could be transported to mainland, the transport vessel was destroyed in a storm, which quickly made its way to america, and through every single one of the countries cities and towns, and then to mexico, and on.
By the end of the day every single town on earth had experienced the storm, and due to whatever strange radiation the silver rock the storm had seemingly absorbed carried, something strange began to occur. Random people exposed to the storm began to develop super powers, quickly dubbed "meta abilities" by scientists.
These powers were completely unexplainable by scientists, and lead to a complete global revolution, due to the sheer threat these Metas provided to both governments, and the threat governments provided to Metas.
And, as expected, superheroes and supervillains began to surface. But along with this, a jarring, and even more revolutionary group revealed themselves.
Mages. Witches and wizards, Magus, whatever you wanted to call them, they were real, and so were a few other interesting things.
these are the stories of some of the most notable heroes and villains who came out of this "awakening storm"
the arcane trio
the widely recognized "harbingers" of the arcane, the triplets Akronus, Akrosion, and Chronos, revealed the existence of the arcane in one of the rare moments they agreed on something.
all three of them are obscenely powerful masters of the arcane, all three of them are part cat, and all three of them are on entirely different sides of the fight between good and evil. Often being in weakened states within the mortal world, within which they themselves exist as heroes and villains.
the first triplet, Akronus, is regarded as "the hero" being an eldritch deity capable of summoning other eldritch beings called eldritch abominations, who they also call their siblings. Running a for-hire occult detective service, Akronus has been seen assisting many groups of heroes deal with arcane enemies and the machinations of their siblings.
the second, Akrosion, is a powerful demon lord and the ruler of hell. Wielding a crow bar and powerful fire and demon magics, they have long wreaked havoc on the mortal plane through both their demonic minions, and their own two hands.
the third, the youngest and most chaotic, is Chronos, a chronomancer who is loyal to neither side of any battle. Wielding a pair of powerful magitech guns, she randomly joins either side of the battles she finds, often tipping the balance of the fights, only to disappear moments later.
the cybernetic detective
one of the more conventionally human heroes, Hallowed the cybernetic detective gained his moniker after he lost both an arm and eye, as well as his electricity manipulating meta boyfriend Deltan, in a gang shoot out.
a skilled detective and gunslinger, wielding the technologically advanced "silver gun", almost arcane trick bullets, and powerful high-tech cybernetics, Hallowed is a beloved superhero known to help almost anyone in need, even the arcane seems to respect him, being able to call upon the occult detective Akronus when it comes to the most dire of cases.
but something many do not know about him, is that he is practically immortal, kept alive by his darkest secret. His boyfriend Deltan survived by piggybacking off of Halloweds bio-electricity, practically merging with the detective and granting him a powerful healing factor.
the bloody queen
the run away daughter of a mob boss, Aldira was caught in the storm when it passed through new york, and granted her the ability to manipulate blood.
almost horrifically powerful, Aldira is a superhero who mainly does her work in order to stop men like her father, being a masterfully powerful meta who works to dismantle criminal undergrounds across the world.
But despite this, many still fear the sheer power she has. Having lived as the pampered daughter of a crime lord up until she ran away and gained her powers, many wonder if the Bloody queen will one day change from the name of a hero, to a villain.
the embodiment of fear
a well known board game and horror aficionado, Antros was caught in the storm when it passed through new Zealand, and gained the ability to absorb, manipulate, and weaponize others fear.
Turning other peoples fear into powers and tools that mimicked the slasher villains of horror culture, Antros quickly adopted the identity of a powerful superhero in order to protect others from harm. And gained an appreciative, if not wary, round of metaphorical applause globally.
But not even globally loved heroes can be ever-confident, and Antros fears that the nature of his powers may lead him to veer onto a path much darker than the one he now walks.
The wrath of nature
When the storm passed through London, one of the many people exposed to it was more ecstatic about his change then others, probably because he spent the entire duration of it outside, tending to his plants.
A borderline cryptid, the mildly reclusive groundskeeper for the London Kew gardens. Crow woke up the next morning with a pair of crow wings, and the ability to interface with both animals and nature, and quickly decided to become a hero.
But despite the adoration of many who believe in the sanctity of nature, many wonder if the hero's love of nature and protectiveness over the natural world may one day turn into flat out eco-terrorism.
The nanite soldier
The walking proof of the American military-industrial complexes evils. Nanonbyte was a CIA agent who was completely erased from any records after being caught by the Chinese government stealing a medical nanite prototype.
After being shot in the head an dumped in the ocean, Nanobyte should have died. But luckily for him, he had hidden the nanites inside of himself. And they quickly repaired his body, and kept him alive until he drifted onto land. Even if that meant cannibalising an entire arm and taking that arms place, or both of them.
But when he did arrive on land, all he found was a complete and utter betrayal from his country, one he had been so loyal to for so long. And one he could only now see the corruption of. And so, he took up the position of mercenary, becoming a renowned killer for hire with a particular love of hurting the American government and its allies.
the betrayed eradicator
caught in the storm when it passed through a small texan town, the Hero captain oblivion became a member of a powerful team of heroes, one which gained the love of the populace.
But unbeknownst to him, everyone in that town feared and hated his powers. And during one ill-fated fight, he was knocked out and sold to a group of scientists, and quickly forgot about.
But what that ton and its heroes didn't know, was that this betrayal would awaken the true depths of Erodicates powers, allowing him to see and manipulate the darkness and hatred of humanity. Within three days both the lab he was in and the town he once served as hero were destroyed, and a strange new villain began to stalk the world on a quest of pure destruction.
the author of fear
Originally a struggling horror writer, the author Samhain was caught in the silver storm when it passed through Perth, and gained the write his horror stories into reality, and a true understanding of horror.
Becoming a psychotic serial killer who summoned monsters from his writing to kill others, and then used their deaths as inspiration for horror. Samhain became a terror throughout the world, and a legend of the horror community.
But even now, despite how many times he is seen fighting heroes, no one ever stops buying his books. Perhaps his powers are able to manipulate the public perception of him? or is there something more sinister lurking in the monsters he writes to life?
the empress of the oceans
caught in the storm when it hit the abandoned oil rig she used as a staging ground, the smuggler queen as she is called. Gained the power to manipulate the very oceans themselves, and a new found respect for the water on which she operated.
Quickly eliminating or absorbing her competition, The empress of the oceans cemented her place as the queen of smugglers and pirates, and as a powerful supervillain willing to kill for her profit.
First truly fighting a superhero when Aldira attempted to dismantle her operations in Mexico, The oceans empress is one of the most influential criminal on the planet, controlling entire nations criminal trades and warlords supplies of weapons and ammo.
@good-wizard @gobodegoblin @f4y3w00d5 @monsterfucker-research-wizard @the-thing-of-worms @mango-lord-of-poision @be-gentle-with-littluns-2
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autisticempathydaemon · 3 months
hi, i was hoping to do one of the redacted matchup thingies, they’re so fun :) I’M SO SORRY THIS IS A PAGE LONG AAAAGH
i’m just gonna lead with the miscellaneous stuff (WOW i spelled that without spell check. didn’t know i could do that.) i’m a young adult bi dude. apparently i’m quiet but snarky and people say my humor is very dry (i have a monotone voice and am Very Committed To The Bit.). i used to have really bad anger issues to the point that davey pre-character arc is more relatable than he should be (even though my parents are alive. they’re just shit). i try to dress kinda grungy? but also whatever’s cozy/comfortable and in neutral/dark colors (except red! i like red, my hair is dyed neon red) i used to have cptsd so bad i basically didn’t leave the house for two years. i think it was like agoraphobia or something? there were delusions in there too. i’m much better now though.
usually the kind of stuff i listen to is loud angry rock music (fave song is hysteria by muse) or slightly older pop music (florence and the machine, MARINA) but the last few days i’ve been on a newer pop kick and i’ve been playing “Good Luck, Babe!” by chappell roan on repeat and it makes me want to scream on a windswept seaside cliff during a storm. specifically the bit from 2:15 to ~3:10 in the song. i know it’s a banger when it makes me want to scream on a cliff or punch something.
INTP? is that an enneagram? (“you’re telling me a shrimp fried this rice?”-sounding sentence, sorry)
not really video essays but i love listening to someone summarize books i never plan to read (i like the ones by cari can read or lexi aka newlynova.)
i didn’t have an imaginary friend? i’m incredibly autistic + adhd so i was daydreaming constantly to a near maladaptive extent but i never had One Consistent Thing that i thought was real.
i have to mash my face into the pillow for a bit to decompress and then i can sleep how i normally do, sleeping on my side in a way that’s probably very bad for my shoulders. (i am an adult dude and i hold a stuffed bunny who i haven’t given a name every night to go to sleep. maybe ill name the bunny after whatever character you give me)
my name is stolen from the love interest of a YA steampunk novel (a young victorian gentleman who wears eyeliner), because his character description just fits me so well, as well as the name itself just looking cool written down
my fave audio is probably the smash bros tournament :D. it literally convinced me to buy the game lol
it’s a good thing i’m anonymous cause i just do not get the gavin or caelum hype. i’m too possessive to date an incubus/ someone who will fuck other people. and i hate children so caelum is just past my threshold for kid-esque behavior that i’m willing to deal with. i’m also really not a fan of the yanderes/evil ones. other people can go ahead and like them, they just stress me out more which is the opposite of what i want.
knives out :D. the detective movie
i would friend the HELL out of asher. i just wanna play games with the man that’s all i ask
i don’t really get food at gas stations but whenever i go to a cafe i am probably getting something strawberry related (lemonade, a smoothie, etc) and a breakfast sandwich
the playlist “songs to get obliterated by a black hole to” is my pride and joy. i fucking love space and sci fi (that’s the thing i’d ramble about too)
my guilty pleasure media is the official gender-swapped twilight (puts my head in my hands) I KNOW.
I sent an anon for matchup earlier (I mentioned a stuffed bunny) and said I didn’t know what an enneagram was and I just looked it up and did a quiz and apparently I’m type 6? Idk how accurate that is but there you go (also I’m sorry if I was trauma dumping/oversharing I was restless from being inside all day whoopsie)
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I’m a sucker for a good black cat/golden retriever sort of pairing, you know? Tack that onto you being a Type Six, and I’ve just got to pair you with Huxley!
Type Sixes are characterized by a desire for stability and security, for dependability, and who’s more reliable than Huxley? This also works with your self-described possessive nature in that Huxley would be the best partner to never trigger that nature, to never make you doubt or toe your boundaries. I also love him for you because we know Huxley canonically is a calming, relieving presence in the face of anger and conflict, which makes him even more perfect for you! (Also I think your grunge fashion sense would contrast so cutely with his casual, gym-bro style.)
Huxley would be so fun to be with! He’s no Asher, but he’d be a great gaming buddy, happy to show you all the Smash tips and tricks for when he introduces you to his family. Speaking of family, Huxley’s moms would just adore you for making their son happy. I can see him taking you to the east coast to meet them and taking you on the hiking and camping trails of his youth. It’d be a lovely time of you showing him the stars and constellations at night and maybe even him finding a cliff for you to sing Chappell Roan off of.
And I hold you every night/ And that's a feeling I wanna get used to/ But there's no man as terrified/ As the man who stands to lose you/ Oh, I hope I don't lose you
It was so fun to look for a pop-rock song that would make you want to scream or punch something, and I hope this fits the bill. The first chorus extremely hits on top of being a beautiful love song, and I think it wouldn’t be out of place on a road trip with Huxley in the driver’s seat or by a gorgeous cliffside.
Aaron and Sam are your runner-ups for a lot of similar reasons. They both also have drier senses of humor, so I think you could vibe and hold to a bit with either of them. I headcanon both of them wearing red often (Sam, a red-checked flannel and Aaron, a red polo a la his thumbnails), so you could match. I also headcanon both of them actively wanting to be child-free, so you’d be compatible in that aspect. Aaron outranks Sam just slightly because I think he’d offer more stability and security given his occupation and Unempowered status.
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
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fubardish · 2 months
Hey!! I love your work (both vore and non vore)
I have a bunch of questions if that's okay
1: Do you have any ocs you do vore with besides MobFlams?
2: Are you open for rp?
3: What are your favourite vore tropes (both safe and fatal?)
4: This is a nonsexual vore blog, right?
HeyHeeyyy!! And hell yes, les gooo
1 - Do you have any ocs you do vore with besides MobFlams?
Yes I have WAY more pred OCs up my sleeve, but I'm hyperfocusing on MobFlams all the time because... I like mobster preds :^)
Here we got my boy Kenji:
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He's angry most of the time and a horrible glutton. I often draw him in various AUs because in canon he doesn't (always) eat humans. And when he DOES eat people, it's uhh... not safe :). Probably. You've gotta be REAL good friends to do safe vore with him, tho I think he wouldn't mind some casual mouth exploring?
And then we've got my man Yaten:
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Again, his canon version actually doesn't eat humans AT ALL. In fact he hates it (which is why I sometimes do unaware with him, whoops :^) ) But because I am absolutely OBSESSED with creating AUs of my OCs, I obviously did also one with Yaten as a giant mean Seadevil merman that eats people. Safe and fatal, both works with him. But he's always mean and full of himsel >:]
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And then I've got big nice uncle Hiroki:
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He's Flams' best buddy and he's NICE. Safe vore? Absolutely yes. He can go fatal on AUs, but in canon is super friendly. Loves eating people and keeping them safe.
And then another character I love who's not mine, Andre:
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He's my friend's character, but I designed him for my buddy. I often draw him because I like him... a lot 8). Also very friendly, loves humans and will never hurt them. Safe vore. Yes absolutely :)
Man... I AM really hyper-focusing on Flams. I got so many OCs I rarely draw vore with, holy shit XD
2 - Are you open for rp?
Right now, yes. Though again I prefer multi-paragraph RPs most of the time. But either way, if you're interested shoot me a DM with what you're interested in playing and we can talk about it :>
3 - What are your favourite vore tropes (both safe and fatal?)
When it comes to safe vore, I ADORE pred that wants to keep the prey warm from the cold. Spooky teasing is also very good, I LOVE cat and mouse scenes. Always a bit of thrill makes vore real gud, I love it. However when it comes with the trope of trusting eachother despite being scared of the pred MHMM YES THAT SHIT. It feels like an extended hug, but it's a spooky scary hug. A hug that keeps you safe from the outside world <3
In fatal vore I LOVE evil preds. They're just eating because they gotta eat :). Not caring too much and happily devouring spooked little peeps. Better when it comes with foodplay. Teasing the prey that they're just food and enjoying every bit of their fear and struggle. Unaware vore is also an absolute favorite of mine. Prey getting themselves accidentally stuck in food and getting eaten. They beg to be let out but either pred doesn't hear them over eating more food or they just don't care.
My two preferences in vore are VEEEERRY different from eachother, I'm aware of that. It's horrible XD. I really like both! But it's hard to keep them both in this blog because I know not everyone is fan of fatal. But I've come to a point where I don't care too much anymore. I'm gonna tag my art accordingly so that people can avoid it.
4 - This is a nonsexual vore blog, right?
Yes, absolutely! I always see vore as something non-sexual. As much as it goes into fatal and nasty stuff, I'm always seeing it as non-sexual. However even non-sexual stuff can be NSFW (as in not safe for work, in NOT LOOKING AT IT DURING WORK, I would never look at vore during that, holy shit no) But basically yes, it's non-sexual still. But please this blog is still +18 so no minors :'). Go look at my friendly blog where I have super harmless comic lmao
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starsfic · 1 year
Stuck in the Body of a Mad King!
Summary: Red gets hit by a car and wakes up in the body of his favorite novel's villain. Yeah, you know how this goes...except for the part where he isn't alone!
Note: I...do not like the quality of this. Just as a warning.
This was not the best part of Hong Hai-er (also known as Red)’s life.
He was a broke college student. He knew that was supposed to be like a phase in every person’s life, but Red hated it. He hated turning to his parents whenever he lost a job. His parents- his father a line cook and his mother a secretary- had their own struggles. They couldn’t afford to feed an adult man- they were already stretched thin with paying for his therapy bills.
He had a passion, yes, but that wasn’t what everyone in his life wanted him to do. “He’s shown great talent in engineering,” every academic advisor said, revealing his perfect grades to his proud parents. “He’ll probably do great work in business or factory work.”
Except Red didn’t want to do business or factory work. He wanted to be an inventor, ever since he was a kid. New ideas came up every day, drawn on napkins or the margins of his notes, all ready to be invested and made.
Except Red kept getting rejected.
Both in work and in life.
Red didn’t really have any friends. He had a study group, here and there, but then days would go by and Red was soon by himself again. He couldn’t really blame them. And forget dating. Red knew he was gay, but what kind of idiot would want a scrawny guy who forgot to get his favorite red trenchcoat patched up every day?
Only one person had ever turned his eye and he wasn’t real.
Qi Xiaotian was the protagonist of Red’s favorite graphic novel series Adventures of the Successor. It was a series of graphic novels inspired by Journey to the West, with Xiaotian taking up Sun Wukong’s staff and defeating those who would threaten the peace. He was a great beauty, wonderful at both cooking and in art, and the son of the powerful Sun Wukong.
He was everything Red wasn’t.
Still, Red found himself harboring a very small, nearly nothing, crush. He had to be in hundreds of forums singing the novel’s praises and spent hours deep in the novel’s fandom. It probably wasn’t the healthiest hobby, but Red couldn’t really bring himself to care.
Especially right now.
He’d had another meeting with his advisor and had to explain, in detail, what happened to his latest attempt at a internship interview. It was humiliating to have to go through that whole thing twice.
Now Red was walking back, having pulled up his favorite chapter of Successor.
For the second quarter of the story, Qi Xiaotian was married to Demon King Red, the evil son of the Demon Bull King who agreed to stop conquering China if Xiaotian married him. Admittedly, Xiaotian falling in love with the guy was a touch out of character, something that the writer admitted in notes. But his love soon faded when he married Red and the king just…resumed his evil ways. Hell, he even had a mistress!
This chapter, however, really started Xiaotian’s journey from just being Sun Wukong’s son to being a hero in his own right. He had confronted his husband about how he had failed to keep to their agreement and, in his anger at being questioned, the king had slapped him before cruelly laughing in his face.
Red loved the sight of teary eyes filling with determination.
The next few chapters, Xiaotian would knit the king’s destruction, to the very last chapter of the arc in which he would meet his so-called husband in battle. The deadly killing blow was one of the best peices of art in the novel, but it was this chapter that was Red’s favorite.
He felt determined, staring into that eye.
Determined to succeed.
Determined to-
Red grunted as a body hit him, shaking him from his determined talk. “Sorry, Mister!” a young girl yelled over her shoulder. Long dark hair spilled around her shoulders as she chased a plump cat down the street. “Kitty, get back here!”
Red sighed as he tucked his phone back into his pocket. At least she had dragged him back to reality. At least before he walked into the road looking into his phone. That would’ve been a recipe for disaster-
Like the little girl, who had finally grabbed her cat and was busy scolding him, standing in the middle of the street. Like the car racing down the street, honking furiously. Like her apparent deafness and its apparent lack of brakes.
Like Red’s stupidity.
“KID!” He took off down the street, throwing his backpack off to sprint faster. “KID, GET OUT OF THE WAY!”
The girl looked up and he could see her eyes go wide. She didn’t move a muscle even as the cat yowled and scrabbled free of her arms.
Red shoved. The little girl screamed as she fell forward.
He felt the car slam into him, throwing him over the roof. And then suddenly the world went dark. Faintly, he heard the little girl scream “Someone call an ambulance!”
Yeah…yeah…that made sense…hopefully she was alright…
Before Red could open his eyes, he was out.
Oh, his head.
His head ached like a mallet had been taken to it. What had happened? This couldn’t be a hangover. Red had stopped drinking alcohol when his therapist suggested it was making his outbursts worse. He reached up, rubbing his eye, hoping that would relieve the pain or at least the annoyance of that weird noise at the back of his head. It didn’t.
Oh. Wait. He remembered now.
There had been a little girl and a cat. There had been a speeding car.
Was he dead? No. Red, deep down, had a feeling. He wasn’t dead. Otherwise his head wouldn’t hurt so much.
The hospital? Maybe? That would explain the weird noise. There had been other people there, he knew that. Someone would’ve called the police at least for the speeding car.
Well? Well what?
Wait, someone was speaking to him. Red just…had to open his eyes.
He opened them and blinked.
This wasn’t the hospital.
He stood in a grand room, decorated in red and gold, people all staring at him. Red blinked.
He looked forward and his heart skipped a beat. A man with dark curls tied back by a red headband stood in front of him. He wore beautiful red and orange robes, arms crossed. He looked absolutely beautiful, even with an ugly frown on his face. Red knew that face. He had spent almost three years staring at that handsome face.
This was Qi Xiaotian.
And then suddenly his first word hit. Red blinked. “...well what?”
Qi Xiaotian’s frown grew deeper. “We’re all waiting for you to say it, my king,” He spread his arms, showing off the crowd. All of them, dressed in fancy clothes, were staring at them. “Say what you really mean.” Wait, what was going on?
“I…wait, my king?”
Xiaotian scoffed. “I knew it,” He turned. “Now, if you excuse me, husband,” He began to walk. “I will be in my chambers.”
“Wait, hang on-” Red couldn’t help himself. Why wasn’t he in the hospital? What was the cosplay here? He reached out, grabbing the Xiaotian cosplayer’s shoulder. “Is this some kind of weird fever dream-?”
“What?” Xiaotian turned. Whoever this cosplayer was, they were doing a really good job- his nose scrunch as he narrowed his eyes was spot-on. He hadn’t even taken in all the animal and half-animal demons that were a part of the throng. “No, it isn’t a dream. You need to shape up-”
He tightened his grip, just a bit, taking a step closer. “Wait, hang on-”
Several gasps rolled through the room. Red yelped, yanking his hand back. He blinked as he looked down, rubbing where a red spot was beginning to form. That…had hurt. Which placed this in the category of weird cosplay thing. That still didn’t explain-
Why he didn’t have calluses.
Red turned his hand, flexing it. His hands were rough from his work, a small calluse always on his finger from holding his pen too hard. Except his hands were soft and smooth, as if he hadn’t done a day of work. And his head felt weirdly heavy. Red grabbed some hair and tugged it into view.
His heart skipped a beat.
“Uh, Red?” Xiaotian knew his name. He would freak out about that later. Right now, he was blinking at him as if he was crazy. “What’s with that look?”
“...where’s a mirror?”
“I- I need a mirror.” There was no way. Red looked around, receiving only baffled and confused looks back. There was no absolute way. “I need a mirror!”
Xiaotian gestured to the door. “You know the powder room is right down the hall-”
He didn’t see several jaws drop. Instead, Red was more focused on sprinting out of the room, feeling something swish around his legs as he sprinted down a very fancy hallway. The first door next to the turn was the room he darted into.
Thankfully, it was the powder room or whatever. It didn’t matter. Not when there was a mirror! Red slammed the door and turned to the mirror. Suddenly, the fire under his ass died down.
That was him? That man in the mirror?
Red blinked. Shakily, he rose a hand to his face. The man in the mirror did the same.
This wasn’t his face.
Instead of dark hair tied back in a ponytail, long red curls swished down.
Instead of brown eyes, amber eyes burned like embers.
Instead of his food-stained hoodie, he wore red and orange robes.
This wasn’t Hong Hai-er, major disappointment to his teachers. This was Demon King Red, terror to all of China.
The door opened and closed.
“That was quite a scene out there.”
Red turned, biting back a scream. A beautiful girl, dressed in simple yellow robes, stared at him. Her long dark curls were braided back with yellow ribbons, revealing soft cheeks and dazzling green eyes. He knew this woman just as well as he knew Demon King Red’s face.
This was Yang Yuhuan. At first just a simple maid, she had caught the king’s eye and soon became his mistress. During this arc, she was one of Qi Xiaotian’s greatest enemies, using her tears and her beauty to get the king and any foolish men to do as she wished. Red hated her on principal.
Except, now… he glanced down and felt himself pale.
He was in the king’s body. Yang didn’t know that a gay twink had taken over the body of her lover. She probably thought now was a good time for a quickie! Red stepped back, flattening himself against the wall. “Uh, hi, Yang…”
She frowned, cocking her head. “You usually call me Xīngān.”
Shit, right. But Red really didn’t want to call this woman “other half.” His body rejected the idea with a twist of his stomach. “Yeah, but, uh…” Shit shit shit how did this happen?! The body thing, not the whole being cornered by said body’s mistress. Although Red was wondering which sin got him trapped here. “I was thinking…” She took a step closer and his back started to ache from how deeply he was pressing himself into the wall. “I should really work on my relationship with my husband-”
“Who won the table tennis world championships?”
Red blinked. “What?”
Yang took a step back, crossing her arms with a grin. “You have no idea what you’re doing, do you?”
“I uh- no- what?” What was going on?
She held out a hand, only adding fuel to the fre. “Long Xiaojiao. Dimensional traveller currently stuck in the body of a whiny crybaby.” Red blinked. Wait. She was like him? He took her hand, giving it a shake. “And please tell me the championship winner, I fell off my motorcycle right before the last final was supposed to happen.”
“I don’t know.” Red finally managed. Wait, no, there was more important things going on. “What…how?! How is this possible?!” He gestured at his reflection, resisting a shudder at the sight of red hair. “I’m- We’re the villains of my favorite graphic novel! It’s just a comic!”
“Hey!” There was a firm slap on his arm. “Xiaotian’s been working very hard on this comic! Don’t insult it!”
“Xiaotian is-” Her words hit. “Wait, he’s a real person too?”
“No!” Xiaojiao pinched the bridge of her nose. “I mean, yes! I mean, I don’t think the Xiaotian here is possessed by anyone.” Nope, he seemed very in character. His hand ached from how in character he was. “I mean, Qi Xiaotian in our world. He’s my best friend.” There was another firm slap on his arm. “So don’t insult his work, capiche?”
Red wasn’t sure what to say to that. Whether it was the situation he was in or the fact that Qi Xiaotian was a real person, his brain was shorting out. Finally, he croaked out “Okay.” Xiaojiao narrowed her eyes and he added “I’m sorry.”
“That’s better.” Her smile returned, the edges a bit strained and worn. “But, yeah, I have no idea what was going on. All I remember is my motorcycle hitting a guy and me falling off.”
Red nodded. “I got hit by a car.” Xiaojiao’s eyes went wide. “I mean, I wasn’t in a car at the time but-” Her eyes got even wider and, yeah, that didn’t sound much better. “Are we dead? Every novel I’ve read with this sort of plotline has the main character dying first. Are we dead?”
“Actually, no,” Xiaojiao looked like she wanted to ask about his whole car thing, but she moved onto the next topic. She pressed a finger to her ear. “Be quiet and listen.”
Red raised a brow. “Be quiet-”
A hand slammed against his mouth. “Listen,” Xiaojiao hissed.
He shut his mouth and she pulled her hand away. Silence trickled between them, like a breath had just been taken. Red felt his eye twitch as the seconds passed with nothing. What exactly was he supposed to listen for-
There it was again. That weird noise at the back of his head.
Red raised a brow. Was that the noise he was listening for? Now that he thought about it, it sounded like…
“A heartbeat monitor?”
Xiaojiao nodded. “Yeah! I’ve been hearing it since I got here!” Her smile was now more real as she bounced on her heels. “I’m pretty sure we’re both alive-”
“So weird fever dream. Got it- OW!”
Xiaojiao pulled her pinching fingers away. “Nope. I’ve tried waking up. Pinching, jumping off a balcony, everything.” A balcony?! “I’m pretty sure this world is real but, for some reason, our brains are here while our bodies are back home.”
“So, what?” Red groaned. “Do we just wait? That sounds like a situation where our plugs get pulled.” He refused to die. Not until he finally got an invention made!
“That’s basically my guess.” Xiaojiao sighed. “We survive and wait. That’s all we really can do.”
“But I-” Red felt himself pale. He had set the story off track. That was a good thing for his survival, but after? “I changed the story! Xiaotian was supposed to start planning a rebellion when the king hit him!” Oh, great. Red let his face fall in his hands. “I just screwed up the story,” he admitted. “I don’t wanna live through the story.” He hated this king! He hated everything about this!
A hand patted his shoulder. “Yeah, I hear ya. I can’t count the number of times the king tried to corner me,” Xiajiao sighed. Her hand pulled away and there was a clap sound. “But, don’t worry! We both know what the comic is supposed to be like! We can try to keep things together until we wake up!”
Red raised his face. “That’s the solution?”
“Yes,” Xiaojiao nodded with another of thoe too-wide grins. “I mean, I know what this arc is all about.” Huh. So that theory was true. Red had dismissed this arc, despite it being his favorite, as just a shoehorned romance.
“I mean, what do you know? What’s the comic about?” She knew the author. And now that he knew that, his curiosity was boiling in his chest.
Xiaojiao sighed. “Red, the king, is based off this ex Xiaotian has,” She was smiling again, but it was too wide. “He…caught him cheating with a girl who looked like me.” Oof, ouch. “And during the following argument, he confessed he had fallen in love with me and tried asking me out right then and there, which,” She shrugged. “Dude knew I’m a lesbian. I’m not sure how he thought that was gonna work.”
“What happened?”
She shrugged again. “Last I heard, he dumped the girl to go chase some Russian chick.”
Wow. That was a lot to unpack. “So everything that happens in the arc,” Red felt sweat start to roll down the back of his neck. “All the war, the beheading, the banishment, all that…”
“That was just Xiaotian venting his feelings.” Xiaojiao sighed, crossing her arms. “Which isn’t a problem, until now.”
Right. Rebellion and beheading and banishment and all that crap.
“We can keep off dying until we’re out,” Red said, repeating the plan back. “How hard can it be?”
When Red had first proposed to him, Xiaotian had been excited.
Most of his adventures had required him to use force to bring peace. He tried talking things out first, always, but most of the time people just weren’t interested. The Lady Bone Demon was too focused on her dream of making the world free of pain, Jin and Yin were too focused on their goals of getting rich and causing chaos, hell even Macaque refused to listen for the longest time! However, Red had stopped.
He had listened.
He had given Xiaotian hope.
He probably should’ve seen the red flags waving when it came to his now-husband. Red had only stalled his military plans during their courtship, not stopped them entirely. He listened but only cared about a few things. Most of the gifts he gave Xiaotian barely related to him at all. Hell, one time they could’ve killed him, with his allergies to spider flour giving him a reaction to that spider cake! Still, Xiaotian had hoped despite everyone’s warnings. He had agree to Red’s marriage proposal.
Now look where he was.
A consort who sat next to a tyrant, unable to stop the suffering and pain. A demon who could not do his magic without eliciting scorn. A man who spent long nights in a lonely bed, listening to his husband fuck another. He hated it. If he had been a weaker man, Xiaotian was sure he wouldn’t survive.
But he stayed his hand. His father depended on him. His bestie, his loyal knight, depended on him. Hundreds of people depended on what little Xiaotian could do.
Especially now.
Red seemed…off. He had been acting off ever since their argument, yes, but this seemed even more off than usual. He had been weirdly kind and attentive, acting more like a stuttering schoolboy than the madman that he had revealed himself to be. Xiaotian debated this as he settled in his seat at the training field, spreading out his fan to hide his considering fan as the doors opened to reveal Red. He stepped onto the training field and stood, waiting at attention. There was silence as everyone waited.
Why wasn’t he taking off his shirt? Red would usually remove his shirt in a dramatic flourish, reveling in the moans and screams of the members of court who lusted over him.
“What?” Red finally spoke, looking around. “I’m ready.”
There was some mutters and some people stepped back, clearly unsure of what to say. The king was famous for his rage-filled outbursts at anyone questioning him, even if there was a good reason to do so. A few court members were even glancing at him. Xiaotian sighed, pulling the fan away from his face. “Won’t you take off your shirt, my lord?” he called.
Red blinked. “My…shirt…” He looked down and his eyes went wide. “Oh, um, yeah!” 
Instead of the usual dramatic flourish, he slowly took it off, looking around as if he couldn’t believe he was doing this. The moment it was off, he looked around again, as if he needed some kind of cue. A flash of yellow and Xiaotian glanced away from his husband’s strange behavior.
Yang Yuhuan was waving at his husband.
A burst of anger made his mouth taste sour but Xiaotian swallowed it back. He knew he didn’t have the right to complain. This marriage had been made of convenience, not love. Red had every right to take whatever mistress he chose, despite what the court said about her. Xiaotian pulled his eyes away from her, unable to resist gripping his robes. He could deal with these emotions later…
A shadow fell over him.
“Um,” Red blinked at him, still holding his shirt. “I…well…you see…” Xiaotian raised a brow and suddenly Red’s shirt was in his face. “Can you hold onto my shirt for me?”
Xiaotian blinked. “What?”
“You don’t have to, it’s just…um…” Red looked around as though looking for another cue. There was another flash of yellow and Xiaotian could see Yang facepalm. Red glanced back, at her, and the taste of anger grew even more sour in his mouth. “I guess I could give it to-”
Xiaotian grabbed at the garment, yanking it so fast that Red could only blink at him. There was a shocked breath behind him and Xiaotian felt his face heat up even worse. Oh no. He took a deep breath, trying to look like he hadn’t lost his mind. “I’ll take it.”
And the gesture attached.
“Thank you, Xiaotian,” Red smiled warmly. And then the words were spoken. The words Xiaotian had hoped for but had never gotten for months. “You look handsome today.”
And with that, Red was walking away.
Xiaotian glanced at his husband’s mistress. Yang looked weirdly happy. Her grin was wide and she was bouncing on the heels of her feet. That was weird. Normally, if Red gave Xiaotian any positive attention, Yang would be in tears. A gesture like this, symbolizing that Red wanted to lay with him tonight, would be cause for even bigger waterworks.
“Something’s up.”
A pat on his shoulder made him glance up. “I see you’ve noticed it too,” Azure Lion, advisor to the king and his father’s old friend, was frowning at his husband. “The king has been off in recent days.”
“Yes and look at Yang.” Xiaotian nodded to the maid who was beaming at Red. 
“No tears.” Yellow Tusk, another advisor and old friend of Sun Wukong, rumbled. 
There was still no tears. In the first few weeks of his marriage, he would’ve been happy. Red was giving him attention and Yang wasn’t ruining it. Now, however, dread was making his stomach twist. “I think they’re planning something.”
“What?” Azure glanced at him. “Xiaotian, my boy, I would not immediately jump to that conclusion.” Too late, he was already jumping. “Perhaps they’ve simply just quarreled and…” There was a pause. “I hear myself.”
“Yang’s reputation has only been getting worse at court.” Xiaotian heard all the gossip, after all. The only thing that kept Yang from doing anything about it was that she was just Red’s mistress and, besides that, just a maid. The former role kept her from doing any hard, unneeded work as the latter, but she still had to work. “I am the only thing keeping them from getting married.”
A deep noise rumbled through him and he didn��t even have to look up to see Azure was growling. “If they attempt to harm you, Xiaotian, I promise. Yellow Tusk and I will make sure you stay safe-”
Red’s hands lit up in fire.
And he started screaming.
Xiaotian jolted in his seat in surprise and then yelped as claws dug into his skin. “Sorry, sorry,” Azure hissed as he pulled his hand away. “I didn’t expect that.” Red was still screaming, waving his flaming hands around, looking around frantically as if he needed help. “Is this a new part of his training?”
“I have no idea,” Xiaotian admitted, looking around as warmth bloomed on his shoulder. Several other court members looked confused as well. He could already see people beginning to whisper. The warmth faded and he glanced at his shoulder. Untouched. “Thanks, Yellow Tusk-”
Eyes landed on Xiaotian. Ah, right, he was the husband. The only person who (possibly) wouldn’t get killed if he questioned the order. “Why do you need water?!” he yelled back.
Red glanced at him to his hands. “MY FUCKING HANDS ARE ON FIRE!” he yelled. “I…” Xiaotian raised a brow and realization bloomed across his face. “I…I…Um…” Yang was facepalming, looking strangely annoyed. The fire floomed out. “I WAS JUST TESTING YOU!” Red looked very pleased at himself for the excuse. “YES, JUST A TEST OF YOUR KNOWLEDGE ABOUT ME! NOW-”
“OI, YOU IDIOT!” Gasps and shrieks rang out across the field at the insult. All eyes turned to Yang, who looked very annoyed. “GET OVER HERE!” Red jumped before practically sprinting over.
That sealed it.
Something was up.
His fan returned to his position over his mouth, hiding his frown.
And Qi Xiaotian intended to get to the bottom of it.
The room that Long Xiaojiao led him into looked like the armory. Red didn’t have the time to take it in, or the brainpower to do so. Xiaojiao slammed the door shut and whirled around on him. 
“Are you fucking insane?!”
“Possibly.” Red wasn’t really sure what else to say. There was another grunt and he hissed. “Look, I forgot! How was I supposed to remember that my hands could light up in fire?!” As if on cue, warmth spread over his hands. Red looked down and managed out a scream. Xiaojiao facepalmed and his scream died in his throat. The flames died down.
“I thought you were the biggest fan,” she sighed as she pulled her hand away. “Remember? Red Son is the Demon Bull King’s son, one of the only demons to actually hurt Sun Wukong-”
“With his Samadhi fire, right.” He was so lucky that having that sealed away was part of the villain’s backstory. Red had no idea what he would’ve done if this body still had that power. “Look, I’m sorry. I’m stressed. It slipped my mind.” Red rubbed his face, still feeling the heat prickling under his skin. “I have to keep in mind all these rules and decorum for a guy I really didn’t pay much attention to unless he was with Xiaotian.”
“How do you think I’m doing?!” Xiaojiao gestured to her maid dress- a beautiful shade of yellow, making her stand out, but still a maid dress. “This girl went and made everyone think all I’m good for is laying there like a fucking-” She took a deep breath. “And sobbing my eyes out when things don’t go my way! I could be doing stuff to keep my mind off the fact that I’m waiting to wake up, but they don’t let me!”
He could practically feel the heat of anger in her face. Shame cooled down the anger in his own chest. Red hadn’t really thought of what Xiaojiao had to deal with. She always seemed fine when they met up to talk about stuff, like her bestie or his parents.It had only been a week since he had gotten stuck here and they were bonding due to a traumatic situation, but Red honestly felt like he had made a friend.
He didn’t want to ruin it already.
“I’m sorry.” He undid his ponytail and began to redo it, the familiar motion also a soothing gesture. “I should have thought of what you’re going through here. You’re in a world where your bestie hates you.” And some other girl, the one actually based off of her, was taking her place. (Neither Red nor Xiaojiao were sure why she had got stuck in Yang’s body inside of Knight Long’s body.)
Xiaojiao sighed and her shoulders went slack. “I’m sorry too.” She held out her arms. “Hugs?”
“Awkward friend hug? To deal with our feelings?” She smile, holding her arms out. Red leaned back and she stepped forward. “C’mon, you know you wanna. One little hug for your bestie.”
“I wouldn’t-” He sighed. “Fine.”
Xiaojiao grinned and wrapped her arms around him. After a pause, Red wrapped his arms around her. There was a brief but comforting squeeze before both of them went “Pat pat!” patting each other on the back. Xiaojio stepped back first, her smile a little more honest.
“Okay. Go get a shirt. They’re probably wondering what’s going on.”
Red nodded. “Yeah. Talk to you later.”
As he opened and closed the door, he heard her respond in kind. The walk through the halls was thankfully absent of anyone. Red didn’t really want to look at anyone after that humiliation.
Red shut the door with a sigh. This day could’ve gone so much better-
“What did Yang have to say?”
He nearly jumped out of his skin, whirling around. In the dim sunset light, he hadn’t seen Qi Xiaotian when he entered. His “husband” sat on a chair, dressed in a dark dressing gown, his amber eyes dimly glowing in the light. Then his question hit.
“Oh, uh, she was wondering if I was going crazy.” Kinda. Red stepped closer. “And told me to get a grip on myself.” That didn’t sound like a word the actual Yang would say, but he was tired. He sighed, starting to walk past. “I’m gonna go take a bath and-”
“What else?”
He paused. “What?”
Xiaotian stood. One shoulder of his dressing gown slid, exposing a beautiful shoulder, but he didn’t correct it. Instead, he walked over to a cabinet and opened it, revealing several bottles. A small glass was pulled down. “What else did you two talk about?” Xiaotian repeated, grabbing a clear bottle and pouring a glass of clear whatever.
This felt like a trap. “That’s it.” Red looked around. “Uh, that’s about it. That’s all. Why do you ask?”
Xiaotian threw back the glass. “You’ve been acting weird.”
“No, I haven’t-”
“See, that!” Suddenly there was a finger in his face. Red blinked, leaning back. Xiaotian didn’t seem to care, still glaring and with no explanation of how he crossed the room so fast. “You’re actually talking to me. Usually when you don’t want me to know something that I was asking, you would just walk past. I hate when you do that!” Ah…yeah. Right.
Red couldn’t do that now, however. “Well, um…” He looked around, hoping some excuse would pop up. Nothing came to mind. “Well, uh, you see…I was just talking to…”
“Is it that slut you keep fooling around with?!” At the words, Xiaotian clamped a hand over his mouth, eyes wide as if he didn’t believe what he just said. Red almost couldn’t believe it either. Both of them stared at each other, the cruel words settling between them. Xiaotian pulled his hand away. “I am…so sorry…” he said. “Despite my anger, she-”
He couldn’t do this.
Red launched forward, wrapping his arms around Xiaotian, pulling him close. His lips collided with the other man’s mouth and his entire body seemed to freeze.
His first kiss.
This…was his first kiss.
Even with all the daydreams of meeting and romancing Qi Xiaotian, never did Red actually think that his first kiss would be with him. His lips were cool, probably due to how hot his body had to run, and unmoving.
Right. He did just suddenly smooch him.
Red pulled back. Xiaotian blinked and it was unfair how pretty he was as dark lashes fanned over reddening cheeks. He swallowed back the urge to kiss him again and instead started with “I am…so sorry, I should have-” Hands rested on his shoulders. “...done something more appropriate…”
Xiaotian moved forward.
Those cool, soft lips pressed against his mouth.
Red jolted in surprise before giving into the urge to press into the kiss feeling his arms wrap around Xiaotian. It felt all too short before Xiaotian pulled away, blinking up at him.
He wasn’t sure if the world’s sparkliness was because of him or because this world was weird, but Xiaotian looked perfect. “This is the first time you’ve kissed me,” he sighed.
“Not since our wedding.” Xiaotian admitted, pushing forward and kissing him again. “Not since you’ve met Yang.” Another soft smack of lips pressed again against him before tears began to bead up in Xiaotian’s eyes. “Please don’t replace me with her.”
Red couldn’t help it. “I promise, I won’t,” He held Xiaotian close. Something niggled at his brain, something screaming about making fake promises, but he couldn’t remember what. “You’re the only one for me, Xiaotian.”
There was a little sigh and Xiaotian leaned back.
He looked like he didn’t believe him.
Still, his smile was warm as he led Red to the bed.
As he stared at the ceiling, feeling the warm and asleep Xiaotian at his side, Red could remember what was bugging him.
Sooner or later, he would leave and Demon King Red would be back. Xiaotian hadn’t had his realization about what a real bastard he was. He would do something and then suddenly Xiaotian would be dead.
Red tightened his grip on Xiaotian.
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see-arcane · 10 months
At least maybe in this world Alucard can get the ending he wants? Sure Jonathan might not be 100% human physically anymore but he’s still human, you know? And very ready to get some Alucard murdering done.
The questions to consider:
Can Jonathan's kukri do the job of putting him down permanently?
I'm sure something could be cooked up about him and the blade having potency from back home, having successfully slain the Original Dracula and carried over supernatural juice. That or some plot rule about it being further magically honed to the point where the combo of weapon and wielder make the slaying possible. There'd be a requisite ~Thou Art Not Worthy~ moment in which some villain makes a wrong assumption, snatches up the kukri and goes for the kill--only for Alucard to once again pop back up, all smiles. No Jonathan = No potency. RIPieces.
Is Jonathan allowed the narrative opportunity to slay Alucard?
Remember, Jonathan is used to biting increasingly horrifying and/or infuriating bullets for the sake of a Greater Good (up until it involves Mina, who overrules everything). The fact that Alucard is technically Dracula doesn't automatically allow him to override the Greater Good needs just because there's an innate urge to carve the bastard up.
Because Alucard is
1) Insanely overpowered to the point that he has such a puny weak point that it takes THE ENTIRE HELL-MESS OF THE SERIES to allow Millennium the one (1) window of opportunity to poison his power well and temporarily un-exist him and
2) Unfortunately very necessary for Hellsing's whole vampire hunting mission. Seras' presence at least proves they aren't in full 'all vampires are automatically evil and need slaying!!!' mentality, which helps. But even with Hellsing's forces and Seras and (for the foreseeable future) Jonathan's own cryptid strengths in the field, Alucard is THE major player on their side. If Jonathan just up and slew him, where would that leave the heroes? Or the world?*
(*Aside, it would be hilarious if Jonathan just lopped his head off, full dust dissolve, and Walter and Millennium and Anderson all simultaneously dropped dead of a mass rage aneurysm because THEY didn't get to have their special grisly shounen battle pissing match.)
It boils down to Jonathan having to extremely grudgingly play placid with Alucard's presence. Which Alucard would happily take advantage of in two directions.
First, the obvious baiting to try and wheedle fights out of him. Both when he'd wipe the floor with Jonathan and when he's juiced up enough by the plot to take him on in full.
Second, the likewise obvious wheedling about his liminal relationship with humanity and pulling a 'we're not so different' with the whole acknowledgment of God's less than sterling record when it comes to their histories, no matter how many amens are thrown around. Alucard would be bothering this dude like a cat who's found the one person in the room who wants less than nothing to do with him.
...and then.
Then would come the slaughter in the hotel.
Even if Jonathan wasn't there, he'd see the footage. He'd know Integra technically gave the order and allowed Alucard to go wild. Soldiers slaughtered over a lie they were fed. Innocent bystanders caught in needless crossfire. Bodies speared on flagpoles. For the pageantry of it. All when it's glaringly obvious that Alucard, being Alucard, could've swatted the whole problem without killing a single one of them. (Just like he never had to shoot Seras over the vampire in the little village.)
Because Jonathan Harker, the real one, not the flimsy blotted-out stand-in Alucard likely knew in his universe, is not meant to be here. He's not meant to swallow all this aggro horror bullshit and keep trucking without issue. The fact that Seras seemingly gets over it within the night (or at least successfully represses it) also has to be a blow. All that being said, I think that arc would be the absolute closest Jonathan would come to snapping and trying to put Alucard down once he was in reach.
I imagine Walter, Pip or Seras might try to stop him. (For the first time, Alucard pulls one of his guns on Pip and Walter pre-betrayal and commands Seras to stand down.)
I imagine Integra might be on the edge of 'ordering' Alucard to stop him, whatever that might entail. (Alucard communicates, verbally or otherwise, that if she makes him kill this man, there will be such swift Hell to pay that she won't have time to articulate a single syllable in time to stop him.)
I imagine there being a surprisingly close fight. And an even more grief-inducing close to said fight when, of course, Jonathan still can't kill him--if not due to ability, then due to the Needs of the Many Outweigh the Lives of Collateral Damage. It's not allowed. Alucard is almost sickeningly sincere in his condolences. (I picture him treasuring his first and only wound in centuries--a clean red scar, just above his brow, where a shovel spade once cut him in another unlife. It never goes away. He loves it.)
Time would have to pass. The big ugly climax comes along. Jonathan has to watch the bloody purging of Alucard's internal army to put down Millennium and Iscariot's forces in the midst of an already-insane slaughter of the country. Anderson happens. Walter happens. The blimp happens. And I think, for a perfectly bittersweet irony?
Jonathan saves Alucard's life.
Specifically, by using his special kukri on Schrodinger the False Child, who was meant to poison Alucard at his core.
There's something vicious in how once upon a time Jonathan was willing to get himself killed to save a stolen child from Castle Dracula's bloodsuckers, and was unable to, only to arrive at slaying a monster in the shape of a smiling young boy to protect a version of Dracula himself. Bonus points if Schrodinger gets a full ??? reaction upon realizing, oh, wait, this blade has genuinely killed him and he won't be coming back--the cat is no longer in the box, the cat is out and he is dead--before he could taint Alucard and vanish him.
Alucard is both a little huffy and over-the-moon fucking insufferable about the revelation.
For mercy's sake, we'll say that maybe killing Schrodinger had some delayed magic effect that finally FINALLY allows Jonathan to zap back home to Mina in his proper universe before he has to put up with Alucard forcing a friendship necklace on him or something.
(No, he does not want to talk about where all this blood and evil catboy gristle came from, darling. He would like a very long nap. Wake him in a few days, please.)
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someonewhogotanaccount · 11 months
List of all the badass stuff I've done
I have a reputation to lose. Although I somehow like to be a soft, sweet and cute bun.
Still. Everyone I've told about the cute-thing in real life has asked me "What the hell did you do to make them think you are cute???". That's why I'm going to prove my badassness now:
I practically taught my own mother the word "fuck" (even though she always says "fucking" instead of "fuck", which is why I always almost get a fit of laughter. She probably doesn't even know exactly what it means)
I have often skipped school. Probably eight times in my life (for example, when my cat had babies and I didn't want to leave her alone and I wanted to see the blood pouring out of her because I'm so badass)
I have gone through the "Forbidden Aisle" of my school six times (three times because I had an appointment for a conversation and three times because I just wanted to do illegal things hehehe ;)
I once had a conversation with my principal (because I wanted to discuss a presentation for a special talent project because I'm such a badass that I had to give him a presentation about my badassness since otherwise he wouldn't have been able to grasp it properly)
speaking of my principal, I had a meeting with him lately and guess what: I made him cry 💀
one of my class, who I can't stand, once asked me in the middle of class to send her my paper so she didn't have to work on it herself. I then copied the sheet and sent it to her (and thus to all her friends). They were really happy about it - until they found out that I had moved all my notes to another page beforehand, so that they only had a blank sheet (you should have seen their faces. First they were cheering loudly, and then this. But they didn't express themselves very clearly either. And they are always gossiping about me. Haha, that was fun >:)
I sing "Feliz Navidad" to my best friend every day so she and I can both suffer from this catchy tune
Have I already mentioned that I have a Killercat???
In the final: I have deceived all of you. Because, as sorry as I am, I DON'T LIKE KITKATS AT ALL!!! I love Snickers, Mars and Co. But KitKats? Nooooooo thanks but no. There are definately worse snacks, but it's also not exactly delicious.
MWUAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!! I'm really evil. And a complete badass.
(Sorry about that)
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so.... I just finished my first read through of Clementine Book Two and... spoilers below the cut, but what the hell did I just read?
I don't even know what rating I'd give this honestly?? It was certainly more enjoyable than Book One but probably not for the reasons intended..... 2/5 stars for now?? I think?
I guess my feelings about this second installment are... it feels like a very big missed opportunity.
The art style is significantly improved though the characters do still sometimes look like potatoes, but the environments? Lovely. Really makes me wish this was done in color but alas, the walking dead is allergic to color.
The story goes that Clementine, Ricca, Olivia, and their pet cat Dr Barnaby ended up crashing the plane in Canada... because if you'll recall from Book One, they all escaped in a plane after Georgia decided to be evil and murder Amos, then tried to murder everyone else.
So they're in Canada, and Clementine's leg got so infected due to lack of proper cleaning that she goes into a coma for a month... no really, she goes into a coma. But it's okay, because Ricca and Olivia manage to flag down a boat to help them. Clementine wakes up on this island, we're introduced to a whole new cast of characters, we see how the island works, all that.
I like the Island group. They're not as likable as the Ericson crew, or any of the groups from the games. But we've got:
Miss Morro: the "doctor" of the island
Emi: She saved them and brought them to the island.
John: Miss Morro's son
Amir: A kid who lost his arm because his father didn't believe him when he said a dog bit him and he was too little to fight getting it cut off. Also one of my favorites.
Shu-Fen: she's probably the most interesting of the new cast. She and her family were on vacation here on the island when the outbreak occurred, and since she's originally from Taiwan, she's slowly trying to piece together a map to see if it's possible to ever make it back home.
Ginette and Giles: elderly couple who only speak French.
Mercy: a little girl that Ginette and Giles take care of.
There's a lot more focus on emotional drama and trauma, which I don't mind, especially since we're not given any real antagonist... well, I guess the closet person to an antagonist is Miss Morro, but she's just kind of... an asshole? She's verbally and physically abusive with her son. She's petty. After Clementine and Ricca have a big fight, Miss Morro says things clearly meant to hurt Clementine, and imply that Clem's incapable of love.
Miss Morro used to be a pathologist who performed autopsies, and her whole thing is she spends all of her time in her little hut doing these autopsies on every walker the group kills, she documents everything, and then buries them. She prioritizes this over the living people of the group in a way that feels like she's trying to convince herself that she's a good person?
Honestly, I was waiting for the big reveal that she was actually doing science experiments on the walkers... but alas, that's what I mean when I say this book feels like a wasted opportunity.
But don't worry, we have more drama because guess what. No, really, take a guess at what was revealed part way through this book. Do it. Guess.
That's right, Olivia's pregnant.
Yep. Apparently she and Amos had sex in Book One, and now Olivia's pregnant.
But why, though?
Can I share my conspiracy? Imma share my conspiracy, I think Tillie's fucking with us now. I know I've said time and time again, "When you review the comic, leave Tillie out of it," but my tinfoil hat says she's getting the last laugh and honestly? .....I'm here for it, ngl. I don't have the fucks to care anymore.
Because c'mon. Another side character from Clementine's group having a baby that she'll have to help raise? If Olivia dies next book and Clem and Ricca have to raise that baby, I'm gonna laugh.
Oh my god, what if they name the baby Amos Junior...... AJ 2.0
do it, Tillie, doooo iiiiiit
what, no I'm not losing my mind shut up I am so normal about this
Anyway... Clementine even has this line of dialogue: "I've seen a baby born before, but it was so scary I blocked it out." You blocked it out??? Are we talking about Christa? or Rebecca?? If it's Rebecca, that means Clementine blocked out AJ's birth.
It's absurd, right? And Olivia is soooo uneducated about it! Clementine finds her in the lighthouse and Olivia tells her she got bit *because she felt something move inside of her*..... and then Olivia asked why it matters when she last had her period.... How the hell did she and Amos even figure out what to do, honestly.
Speaking of Amos, my hopes and dreams were crushed. He did not come back as a twist villain, he only came back as the voice of the dream sequences.
No Lee in this book, btw. Or AJ. Amos served that purpose this time and I am disappointed. I still refuse to believe he's actually dead, you gotta show me his dead body or his walker form. We still have one more book, I'm just saying. He could come back. I won't lose hope. It wouldn't be the most ridiculous thing to happen.
And I guess I should talk about Clementine and Ricca... y'know, I kept an open mind. I really did. I went into this wanting to ship it because it's pointless to go into this mad, y'know? I can't change it, there's nothing I can do about it. So I had high hopes that we would get more development on their romance and we did... it just wasn't good.
Clemricca isn't a very healthy relationship, nor is it entertaining. Clementine's fickle, Ricca's demanding. She tells Clementine that she's willing to wait for her since Clem's still hesitant about these feelings. But then they get into an argument and I just... here's the dialogue. I would show the actual pages but from what I've found, no one has actually uploaded the book yet and I don't have a means to do it myself but:
Clementine: I don't want you to think that anything is more important to me than you. Ricca: That's kind of how you made it sound. Clementine: What I meant to say was that I… I want this island to be safe for us. We can't do anything if we're dead. Ricca: What do you mean "do"? Kiss? Date? Talk about how we actually feel? The dead decide when that can happen? Clementine: … Ricca: I love you. And I'm pretty sure you love me too. But you're not making me feel loved. You're making me feel you just want to protect me or… Clementine: But I do want to protect you. It's all I ever think about. Every minute of every day. Ricca: I don't need saving, Clem. I need you to love me. And I need it to be always. It can't start and stop. Clementine: …I… Ricca, turning to leave: Oh my god, maybe this has all been in my head- Clementine: Ricca- Ricca: I get it, okay? Clementine: If I let… If I let myself… Ricca: Forget this. Clementine: You said you would wait for me! Ricca: That's not fair. You want me to wait for the impossible!? Clementine: No, I- Ricca: I'm done, Clem. Clementine: Ricca, don't go in yet, please, we can talk more- Ricca: What else is there to say?
I dunno, Ricca, what else is there to say? Because I'm speechless.
By the way, at this point they haven't even had their first kiss. They don't have that kiss until the very end of the book...... and then they have sex. I think?
Again... but why, though?
It's not explicit, nothing is shown, it's not really anything, it's just implied that it happens through dialogue and a "fade to black." I don't even know how to talk about it, and I keep questioning myself like, "IS that what's happening??" but again, it's not explicit or sexualized in any way, it just is and I don't know how I feel about it. Hopefully I can collect myself for the big review and properly discuss it because... I think I get what the story's going for with it, but I don't love that direction, y'know?
So much happens in this book that I haven't covered, like... so much happens, it's longer than Book One and there are more characters. There's a lot of bullshit, but it was honestly enjoyable for what it was until the ending... which the ending was a problem in Book One, too.
I haven't covered that big tragic ending yet, I'm saving that for my in-depth review. I don't know when that will be out, I want to read this a few more times and be thorough. If y'all have read it let me know your thoughts. I'm very interested to know what you thought of that ending, just... all of it, Chapter Seven onward.
Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go read a palate cleanser and to collect my thoughts.
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bg-brainrot · 6 months
Bg_brainrot, you might ask, you seem like a Hozier fan, what Hozier songs would fit your different Astarion x Tav series and their relationship dynamics?
To which I would answer: how dare you accurately assess my tastes and also-- great question, I have listed them out for you below!*
Rogue!Tav x Astarion
Series: Love at First Knife
Dynamic: two wet cats that share a single brain cell and fall into a sweet, understanding love that never loses its fervor
Work Song
My babe would never fret none
About what my hands and my body done
I wouldn't fall for someone I thought couldn't misbehave
But I want you to know I've had no love like your love
I, Carrion
Leave it now, I am sky-bound
If you need to, darling, lean your weight to me
Evil!Durge x Astarion
Series: A Star in the Dark
Dynamic: evil bastards make each other worse, become utterly obsessed with each other, and try to one up each other
No Plan
The harder the pain, honey, the sweeter the sun
There's no plan, there's no kingdom to come
Dinner and Diatribes
I'd suffer Hell if you'd tell me
What you'd do to me tonight
De Selby Part 2
Before the dawn has come, I'd block the sun
If you want it done
Reincarnation!Tav x Astarion
Fic: When He's All but Forgotten How to Love Again
Dynamic: a love of friction, hot and cold, hero and one who doesn't want to be saved, ultimately a love that transcends lifetimes
I'm almost me again
She's almost you
First Time
Some part of me must have died
The final time you called me 'baby'
If someone asked me at the end
I'd tell them, "Put me back in it"
PeoplePleasing!Tav x Astarion
Fic: The Consequences of Convenience
Dynamic: best friends who can't seem to time their love properly, a slow love nurtured by mutual respect
Like Real People Do
I will not ask you where you came from
I will not ask, you neither should you
Know that I would glad be
The Icarus to your certainty
I couldn't utter my love when it counted
Ah, but I'm singing like a bird about it now
*Disclaimer: Certain parts of certain songs fit better or worse for each, which is why I included lyrics of appropriate parts.
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SPOILERS FOR CHAPTER 70 PN BELOW Lets fucking go cap! ok it’s the weekend, I have my own writing block and I finally finished my fucking assignments and handed them in, I’m practically free forever!! (exams loom in the distance, i willfully ignore their shadow)
I’ve started by reading from chapter 67 just to bring myself back into the mindset (and because they are hype as all hell chapters), this is faster than starting my like 7th re-read.
I even made myself a cuppa to really settle in, the vibes are immaculate, I played Bizet Carmen while reading this time
The dichotomy of Juleka:
I don't want to hurt anyone!
Extreme violence is efficient. 
The fact that we didn’t get ladybug trying to kiss rena when she was shot by dark cupid is tragic
This time i listened to shoot to thrill by ACDC, and Burn it down by awolnation for the badass parts
Anyway finally onto Fei, that only took me two hours (i briefly wrote shit so yknow, a good time!)
Fei’s tragic backstory be upsetting frfr, Like damn brother you watched your dad die in front of you? Do you need a blanket and a hug?
The tone change from “My life ended when my dad died.” to “summer was awesome!!” made me snort horrible it’s not funny- but it kind of is-
Oh my god Juleka got a break for weeks AND WE DIDN’T GET TO SEE IT??? Tragedy. (i’m kidding, so happy that she got a break <33)
Rose thirsting over Panthera in a crop top is too funny- you just know if it was anyone else Juleka would be pouting like “damn what do they have that I don’t?” 
Oop her hands still kinda fucked, curiouser and curiouser. I wonder if she has tried to practice her secondary power. Which rq, it was SUCH bullshit that LB gets two and the cat miraculous gets one in canon, so happy you retconned it
OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OH MY GOD OK CAP I AM SO HYPE HYPE SHE GOT A MODELING INTERNSHIP?????? Like sure cause nepotism but i’ve been wanting to see Juleka try out modeling in a real environment for ages cause like thats something she is interested in yknow and i just- 
Augh, hype as hell. And an excellent reason for her to be going to Shanghai, I applaud your problem solving to fit Juleka into the show's narrative! I applaud it always, but this one was more difficult than usual methinks
I have pizza now it is 8pm
Oh my poor awkward Juleka… Gabriel wasn’t helping but this is so funny, dude you vowed to kill this girl like a month ago open your eyes
I NEED juleka’s modeling arc to be a thing. Idk how into detail you went but i’m hoping for some i’m rabid i’ve been waiting for this for like 3 years
Oh airports SUCK i feel her anxiety so much, poor thing… i forced my friend to share her location with me one time so we could stalk each other, we never turned it off its kinda funny
… why is Anarka banned from airports?? Being “a living weapon” is so vague.
Killing myself rose and juleka are so cute- and obsessed with each other- every hour is insane
I love Juleka instantly becoming a disaster on baby’s first flight
Juleka instantly being on high alert around gabriel is so real.
“Right,” Mr Agreste’s face didn’t twitch nor soften much in response, just nodded in understanding and turned back to stare forward. “The opening of this store is essential to the future of the Agreste Brand, you two. Opening it much sooner is very good news. There will be other fun times with your friends.”
Hardass, fuck off!!
Poker with literal chips made me laugh- adrien would be terrible at poker
Spiderman far from home? Nah, Panthera Noir far from home. 
“Oh that building looked fun to climb.” please Juleka unhinged parkour arc when?? Like people turn away from her and then look back and she’s up a tree. 
HELP “bye bye bag” is so real-
She’s so scary, but I wanna ask what her hair dye is. Do it. Please. I think you would factory reset Nathalie and she would answer on autopilot
Awkwardly playing chess is so real, also; yippee!! Adrien and Juleka bonding even more after the acting debacle!!
“Knights were cute. Little pony’s. Rose always wanted to move her knights cause they reminded her of unicorns.” please this is literally my strategy in chess, i just move them around and sometimes i win because i confuse people so badly
LB overthinking chess is hilarious. 
Adrien POV???
YOU CAN LEARN MANY THINGS FROM JULEKA SUCH; HOW TO BE A CAT. sorry i just had the mad idea that Adrien might find out this chapter… i would go insane if that turned out to be right
“Knowing info about me is pretty easy when your Wikipedia is super detailed” that’s fucking depressing. Adrien baby that’s a terrible way to get to know someone and not the same experience at all- 
Gaelic is a real language!! And a bitch to learn- I briefly tried with my dad and we both gave up, we’ll just stick with scots english
“Where do you disappear during akumas?” hard hitting question Adrien, ten points!
And is also making me high key suspicious about him finding out, the vibes are there
Nah, nah evil. Gabriel spend time with your son goddamnit 
The fact that she thinks she isn’t brave sometimes infuriates me, like babe i get your insecure but your brave as hell. 
Juleka ripped him to shreds hell fucking yeah.
Wait. why did she give him the king? Hawkmoth called himself a king… cue the x-files music
Who the fuck is this asshole? Fei. Kick his ass, i command thee. 
Oh curious, she has burn scars from the fire, i like this detail. 
I feel like Fei and Juleka will get along, based on the ever present rage against one guy
She is being used augh
“Your father deserves to be avanged.”
I want Cash to gtbnrvice this asshole is just using her desperation for information- 
I want Juleka to scare him into telling them, as Panthera, i think she would be quite good at that. 
Juleka is a feral beast who needs her outside time (i like how she wants to run on rooftops a lot its cute)
Excited. The prodigious?? Tell me more silly cheese guy
Ummm. i need the prodigious to show up, i can’t remember if thats what Fei has or if this is future future foreshadowing, this is exciting
New arc unlocked: freeing the Kwami from their jewelery or the curse. 
Also; yes sadistic plagg in the face of the guardians temple being destroyed, you go girl
Guardian temple? Swallowed whole? Sounds frightening. What a feast.  HA
Model Juleka yippee!
Help- adrien your advice is trash-
Ok existential conversation, yes girl let me spiral-
No sick girl Nathalie let adrien speak i want to know what he thinks of the best girlies-
Plagg wanting to take him under his wing- Juleka saying he wants to replace her with Adrien- ITS ALL COMING TOGETHER. 
Nah if you actually do have a reveal to Adrien i am going to go buckwild- cause either the vibes of the chapter got me but i think I guessed before any of the concrete foreshadowing
Ok sick girl nathalie actually has some sound advice and is being lovely to Juleka 
Yes Juleka use your strength
Get her ass Juleka, or- politely bite her arm juleka?!?
Juleka is just brawling in an alleyway- like damn sister- watch out for bruises you might not be allowed to model-
Oh god what if she took plagg during some of their scrapping- actually, that would be fine. Juleka would just go insane and fight her
Juleka; desperately grasping for something familiar and bantering with Fei
Fei: what the fuck is wrong with her?
Nicest mugger I’ve ever met real and true
Plagg stays with Juleka yippeee!!
Help their dynamic is so funny- exactly what i was wanting. 
Juleka would want to learn how to disappear even better than she already does wouldn’t she
Nah not Fei thinking “well that was fucking weird” while juleka is like “Oh that was cool” Juleka is so weirdgirl core i love her
Oh shit she stole marinettes stuff Tiki is there- 
Kick the asshole in the balls Fei, i command thee.
I am so happy Nathalie and Juleka have some sort of alliance, in my as to be written huge tragedy based on Nathalie Gabriel and Emily (which is extensively planned), I think Nathalie is more similar to Juleka as a teenager. 
Adrien and Nathalie interaction- “yes we- we did it” agyuhtvrinjfeok love her. 
Marinette blinked vacantly, standing in the back alley streets of Shanghai with a paling expression on her face and her entire inventory ghosted from her person.
HELP SHE’S SO FUNNY- i love disaster marinette please-
and thats a wrap for Fei! i started this before five and it is now ten pm- i did other things though.
this was awesome cap, I look forward to the next chapters and I shall review them tomorrow!!!!!!
I hope you enjoyed <3
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cljordan-imperium · 2 years
You have entered the domain of the all powerful AUTHOR GODDESS...AKA...Your Eccentric Southern Gothic Creole Auntie who is full of sass and isn't afraid to tell it to you straight. *blows kiss*
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48 - Female - Mother of 1 Human Kidlet & 2 Feline Goddesses - Work Full Time - Published Short Stories
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I am a female writer on the Gulf Coast of the United States, currently residing in the state of Mississippi near the amazing city of New Orleans. I have lived in both Louisiana and Mississippi and the culture of the bayou areas runs through my blood. I have one adult son, who is the light of my life, and a cat who thinks she is the goddess of it. The stories that are currently being published to Tumbler are the continuation of roleplays and solo writing that I have been writing for over 20 years; and that I decided to continue sharing with everyone. Some characters have intricate and elaborate backstories which I will unfold for you. Some are new and you will learn about as they reveal themselves to me. I hope you all enjoy.
Some call me a free spirit, I call me...me. It took me years to become comfortable in who I am, so I judge no one else. We all have our own journeys. I am here to support everyone else on theirs, so maybe they won't have to take as long to be able to love themselves. I prefer not to talk much about my disabilities because I don't want them to define me, but am also open about them when asked or to help others come to terms with their own.
I love purple and sparkles, and I'll probably die petting something I shouldn't. Being as I live on the Gulf Coast, I might also be eaten by it, and that is fine. Life is a circle and we're all part of it.
Feel free to visit my inbox and ask box. I promise I do not bite unless asked.
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GENERAL TRIGGER WARNINGS - I am going to post this here and also on appropriate stories where they happen - Also, not all of my characters are meant to be liked or sympathetic. Feel free to literally hate them and let your opinions change if the characters do, some of them WILL evolve over time.
All of my stories are FICTION and NOT REAL.
There are themes of: fantasy, evil, demons, angels, religion, blood, viscera, evisceration, gore, swearing, slavery, manipulation, ptsd, emotional manipulation, dv, sa, abuse, death, hell, torture, violence, war, fighting, anger, injury, emotional abuse, verbal abuse, physical abuse, guns, police, witchcraft, .
~may be updated later if I think of more that fit~
Please know that I have 14 Active WIPS here (not including the individual stories in The Imperium Chronicles)
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MASTER LIST - Updated 7/23
The Imperium Chronicles
Flash Fiction Friday 3.3.23
3/10/23 - Flash Fiction Friday - Celestial Bodies
April Fool's In Imperium
Meeting Jasper
Moodboards of Characters
Back To The 20's
Character Theme Song
OC Name Meaning/Reason Tag
Writing Questions Tag
Characters as Comfort Foods
Fav Character(s) to Write
Magical Objects in Imperium
WIP Drinking Game
Foretelling/Prophecy in My Writing
Government in My Stories
Types of Side Characters
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@the-andromeda-effect - In Greek Mythology Andromeda was sacrificed by her parents to save their kingdom from Poseidon's wrath after her mother offended him, but Perseus saves her from death by a Krackon and takes her to his kingdom to be his Queen. Mircea (Meer-cha) Kalavati wasn't sacrificing his wife to appease a god, or bring peace to his clan, he was doing it to start a war with another. His mistake when he hired Caliban Andros was lying to him about why he wanted her rescued, then killed to look like those who had kidnapped her had done it. Never lie to your hitman. Now, like Perseus to Andromeda, Caliban has rescued Riona Kalavati and something is drawing him to the woman. He will kill to keep her safe, and her husband is going to regret that lie for what remaining life he has left. Now as Adira Andros, she is definitely Caliban's Queen, and his "army" has rallied around her.
@battlegroundofdreams - Morpheus & Melinoe are Dream Assassins, sent into the minds of sleeping human dreamers to take out Nightmares who can kill the dreamers. They have been trained and are the best at what they do. Put together as unwilling partners, they must learn to work together to keep one another alive. As they try to navigate a tentative partnership, they also take on the responsibility of becoming mentors to Lorien and Rua, a pair of recently graduated Dream Assassins who were almost killed by one of the most powerful Nightmares that any of them have ever faced. If the pairs cannot learn to work together, it could lead to disaster for them all. They will all learn more about themselves, and each other. Once lone wolves, they will become a pack, and one that Nightmares will come to fear. However, a Dream Assassin turned Nightmare from Morpheus' past will come and threaten them all, and test his will and loyalty. His decisions will either save Melinoe's life, or damn all four of them.
@bayouwitches (Heaven & Arthur Shelby belong to @call-sign-shark)
@behindthesemasks - Melania LaVeau is a professor at LSU in Baton Rouge. She is also the grandaughter of Ambrose Meyers, one of the most powerful men in the country and the daughter of Marie LaVeau...yes THAT Marie LaVeau! Old money, going back to when the Gautier family came over from France to settle in New Orelans, there isn't much that goes on in Louisiana or Mississippi that they don't have their hands in. Meyers Worldwide, a tech conglomerate is a cover for underworld activities that will eventually come to light. What happens when someone decides to cross the most powerful, and immortal, Queen of Voodo and threaten one of her children? Will New Orleans be left standing? If you are a fan of Indiana Jones, Tomb Raider, or The LIbrarians, the story is in the same veign. All of the characters are human, but there are supernatural occurrences around them
@bendingthelaws - Colin Masterson is the Cook Count State's Attorney. He has been on a mission to take down the head of a Chicago crime conglomerate that is headed by Constantin Rakeovich. Now someone has kidnapped his intern and is sending her back to him in tiny pieces. Is it Constantin? Is it another one of the people that Colin has crossed? Now he and those he trusts are going to have to figure it out before someone else disappears or is hurt. Complicating matters is that his brother, Colton Masterson is Constantin's defense attorney. The brothers have never been close, but in this situation, things take a much darker turn. Will Colton stand by his brother or his client? And what happens when something bigger happens and puts everyone Colin cares about in the crosshairs? If you are a fan of Law & Order, or any of those types of shows, this is much in the same vein and will involve more than just the lawyers. All characters are human. There is no supernatural beings or magic. Some places are going to be fictional, but the main setting is the city of Chicago.
@devil-in-the-details-ay - When Lucifer's daughter Yara gets bored and wants to intern for the Lord of Death, Astaroth, her father agrees. After their first meeting, the Devil changes the plans once more. Deciding to make Yara someone else's problem, she is now to be Astaroth's wife. Navigating this challenge, and those who will come against them both will reveal a lot about each other, and themselves. Is the Princess really as spoiled and entitled as she seems? Is Astaroth really the iceberg incarnate that he seems? Is she even who she believes herself to be? And what happens when someone decides to try to interfere in their relationship?
Princess Adelia has been contracted to marry Prince Emery, but a revelation at her arrival at King Branoc’s Palace has the possibility of throwing this arrangement in jeopardy. Things in the Palace of Annisgwyl are not as they seem. Betrayal and deception are around every corner. Knight Drach, Princess Adelia's sworn protector must ensure that no harm befalls her, but it seems he may have some secrets of his own. Some Kings will fall, one will rise, but who & will he be alone?
@magical-mistakes-vm - Vollrath, the Master Warlock of the local Coven, encounters Mahala (Mah-HAY-lah) preparing to do a ritual on his land. Her mistakes in not being careful in preparations allowed him to find her, but it also set up events in the future that they will need the help of his best friends Baldur and Elmar to deal with. A witch that has no clue what she is and a Master Warlock who is not used to letting people close have to navigate revelations that will change both their lives, and possibly even the Coven. When his brother, Balor, an equally powerful warlock within the Coven who he has been at odds with for years, also shows up and it is clear will be needed, it just adds one more complexity to the situation. Can they all get along to keep each other safe, or will one of them fall to those who are coming against them?
@mystsoftime - As Rome burned, Pluto plucked the first soul that would become one of his Lemures to survive more than a century. In fact, that Lemure is still alive today. Enzo is considered the head of the Lemures worldwide, although he isn't really. He's just the oldest one still alive, so those younger look to him for guidance. His best friend is Dante, who was plucked under Justinian, and close to that is Trevarius who died under Hannibal. Dante and Trevarius have been a team for several centuries, mostly operating in the Midwest since the 1800's.
With Dante in Prague, Enzo received what he thought was a summons from Pluto to come to St. Louis and help the Lemure team there with a case. What he walks into is going to turn the world of not only the three men, but the female Lemure there upside down. Renata died in 1897 when a carriage accident plunged her into the Mississippi River in St. Louis. She's served with Dante and Trevarius ever since. The only problem? She's the doppelganger of Enzo's dead wife. Oh, and she and Dante are in love.
One more little hitch...the summons wasn't from Pluto...and she might NOT be a Lemure....
@nightmare-magic - Set in the future of both Magical Mistakes and Battleground of Dreams in an AU - so some spoilers and some not as nothing is set in stone for either timeline
Vollrath has never met a problem he can't magic his way out of, that is until now. With nightmares torturing his wife, Mahala, he's at a loss on what to do. Neither of his best friends, his brother, or any of their wives, are able to do anything to help either. Each night the dreams are getting worse, and even more dire, they are starting to have physical effects.
Morpheus and Melinoe are a Dream Assassin team to be reckoned with and have taken over the whole organization. After the sins of the past were revealed, Krios and Andromeda were ousted and now they run the show. A formidable team in the dream world and also in life, they have cemented their relationship in all ways.
Vollrath and Morpheus have a history. Magic and dreams shouldn't cross. There are rules, but neither Vollrath nor Morpheus obey them well. They've both stepped on each other's toes, but now to save Mahala they are going to have to work together and the only one that may be able to negotiate peace is Melinoe, if she can stand Vollrath long enough to do it...
@princess-of-thieves-id - Princess Inara is set to marry Prince Diyan the next day, a man she has never met or even set eyes on. Ever defiant, that is the last thing she is going to do. Deciding to thwart her father's plans, the Princess slips out of the castle and sets to escape. Little does she know that the Prince's family sent Arik, the Prince's best friend and a trained assassin, to watch over her, fearing more that she would be murdered by enemies rather than escape. One thing that Arik knows is that Diyan doesn't want to marry Inara either, so instead of stopping her, he helps her with a promise to keep her safe if she stays with him. They make it to the next town, which is a port and aboard a vessel that is just preparing to depart in an effort to stay one step ahead of the soldiers now searching for Inara. Unbeknownst them, they have just become stow-aways on a pirate ship. Complicating things further is that Arik and the Captain of the ship are not strangers, and when a romance develops between Inara and Arik and the Captain deciding he would like her for his own, things become even more complicated. Not to mention all three of them are being hunted by multiple kingdoms. Nothing like a quiet day on the sea, right?
@tapperhet-em - When Princess Meeri's father is deposed by his brother, he believes she was part of the coup, and disowns her as his family flees the country. Lucky for her, she is found by one of the knights she befriended in childhood and is still loyal to her, Einar, before her uncle did. A members of nobility, he and three of his friends spirit her off into hiding where they can plan to figure out who set her up, help her rebuild a life apart from royalty, and decide how to bring about justice. Can the seeming unrequited love of Einar for Meeri turn into more? Or will one of his brothers in arms, cut him off from that possibility? And how close was/is the traitor to Meeri? Sometimes safe isn't as safe as you think...and destiny, it's more than just a lofty ideal. She is a bitch sometimes, and she will find you.
@whileyouwait-dm - Sorting algorithms are a part of daily life. But, what happens when one goes wrong? For the most part, it's no big deal. However, when the one sorting souls in the afterlife goes wrong, it is a VERY BIG DEAL!
Somehow Miriana has ended up in Hell. Djall's Hell to be exact, and no one is quite sure where she's actually supposed to be! Since all of the major gods have fucked off on some "team building" thing, she's going to be there a while. So, Djall being the benevolent ruler of Hell, puts her up in his home and gives her a job..
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Support, Trigger Warning, and Separation Banners on this and all side/reblogs are work of @cafekitsune. I try to credit them as I go, but crediting here as well in case I forget.
Author Goddess Banner - @cillmequick <3
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