#annoyance to lovers
bicryptide · 5 months
Rise gave us a Lesbians version of the main canon ship of the license and it has barely any content. We have failed as a fandom
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diariodeunrincondemi · 11 months
Since last night I couldn't sleep at all, I started to think about my headcanons and ships. So I'm a big Lukanette fan, like they're my OTP and endgame for me. But also I like other ships that involve both Luka and Marinette by their own.
I don't dislike the love square and indeed I think Adrienette is a beautiful teen love (yes, despite the stalking thing, but tbh when my friends and I were teens, some of them were a bit stalker, so I can't criticize Marinette), but I think Adrienette is more a teen-to-college love-like; so after Marinette and Luka break up and during their middle and high school years and first years of college, I have this headcanon about Luka and Chloe, while Marinette and Adrien are dating.
Yes, I'm pretty sure Luka wouldn't date the mean Chloe, just because she hurt some of the people he loves the most (Juleka and Marinette), but I also think that Luka is the kind of guy who doesn't judge anyone before knowing them and that he could give Chloe a chance (a Chloe that's redeeming herself). And if he witnessed how hard Chloe is trying to redeem herself, I'm pretty sure he would support her and, eventually, they would become closer, fall in love and start dating; not dating for marriage, but for several years. Also I imagine them remaining as friends after their breakup (and Chloe trying to pair off Luka and Marinette after Marinette and Adrien break up too).
So I think Luka could teach Chloe to be more open and honest with herself and Chloe could teach Luka to be a little less selfless.
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arosebyothernames · 9 months
Spent days away from this site to binge Mage and Demon Queen. You should too
It's one of those rare stories where she gets the girl and they keep having adventures as a stable couple
Highest parse I can think of for @color-les
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maluceh · 3 months
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regency au jily
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teaitis · 29 days
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capricornlevi · 4 months
"stop shoving," levi hisses, tugging the sheets very pointedly out of your grasp. you scoff, shuffling closer to the centre of the bed that's been duly marked with a border of pillows. "or you're gonna be taking the couch, i swear -- takes me long enough to get to sleep without anything else ... interfering."
*interfering?" you mock his dramatic choice of words. "ah, because of course, i decided that the best way to spend my friday night would be to sabotage our apartment's plumbing system, flooding my room and wrecking my grandmother's crocheted quilt, all so i could get the chance to disrupt your sleep cycle?"
you can't see him since your back is facing his but you can practically hear him roll his eyes. "not saying you could control the pipe bursting, obviously, but you can control yourself from shoving the pillows over to my side."
"and doesn't that prove my point about the pillows being fucking stupid?" you quip, rolling from your side to instead lay flat on your back, staring at the ceiling of Levi's room. the dark blue walls stare right back at you.
a beat passes where you think levi might be genuinely annoyed, and you hope he isn't; as stubborn as he can be, he is technically doing you a massive favour by letting you stay.
and it can't have been an easy decision, given how you both decided not to -
"so what's the proper protocol for platonically sleeping in your roommate's bed, then?" he huffs. "there's not exactly a guide for this shit, y'know."
from your peripheral vision you see him mimic your movement from before, switching from his previous spot staring at the door to take up a supine position, grabbing one of the pillows that's nestled between you and using it to prop his head up.
now you can see, to a certain extent, how the low light from his desk lamp throws shadows on his sharp yet delicate features, the glint of his grey eyes as he tries to pretend he's not glancing at you too.
"platonic," you say quietly, and because it's not a question, he doesn't answer.
you see levi adjust his shoulders, fixing the pillow so it's more comfortable, though you could have sworn he wasn't this close to you a few moments before.
well. let's see if your hunch is right.
"it's not like we haven't been in ... y'know ... similar situations," you murmur then, committing to finally addressing the elephant in the room.
levi's breath hitches in his throat so quickly you'd swear you imagined it, but you know him too well by now. you know his tells.
he's looking directly at you now, neck angled so he can meet your gaze. the hostility has melted away, replaced by something far more vulnerable.
"we said we wouldn't do it again. the whole roommate situation -" he begins half-heartedly, sounding as though he's already given up. "it's messy."
"we did say that," you muse quietly.
"we did," he repeats.
"came to a mutual decision."
he mumbles in agreement. "saves things from getting awkward."
another beat passes, heavier this time.
"can we get rid of these pillows now?"
one last moment of hesitation.
"fucking finally."
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temeyes · 5 months
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[OC] narrator: "they proceeded to have five children later in the future…"
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hercarisntyours · 24 days
"I'm better than you in everyway"
spontaneously fucking combusts????????
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rose-bookblood · 3 months
I see y'all calling "enemies to lovers" ships that are annoyances to lovers.
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starflungwaddledee · 2 months
Wait does starstruck have like a harem or something with how many people she's shipped with???
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yeah! she's ✨everyone's girlfriend!✨ no oc or canon character is safe from those big shiny eyes of hers!
i've actually always said this: that if 'dating' as we know it existed in her environment, she'd be the sort to accidentally be dating everybody. as it stands, she's just very polya and has a lot of love and clingy anxiety to give! she's small, but there's plenty of her to go around!
i feel like the tourney in particular is a bit of a scott pilgrim vs the 7 deadly exes situation. except it's just... starstruck vs the 7 knights she didn't realise she'd started dating 😂
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ready-to-obeyme · 5 months
(not) pleased to meet you
lucifer x reader
notes: gender neutral; an alternative first meeting, implied annoyance to lovers; pre-relationship; (feels slightly like crack but that's just lucifer having a hard time lol)
word count: ~1.3k
No matter how Lucifer likes to spin it years down the line, the truth is, it was annoyance at first meeting with you.
For the last few months before the beginning of the exchange program, he's been doubling down on more work (if that is even possible) trying to finalize the details. Picking you for a human representative at random was the last thing he had to do-- and Father forbid Diavolo ask him how he chose you. (He thinks the prince would get a kick out of it if Lucifer told him it was the first paper that landed on his foot after they all fell on the ground.)
Just when he thinks he can finally filch some responsibility to Mammon as your attendant when you're summoned down to the assembly room, Lucifer watches with quickly growing iritation as you insist Diavolo-- crown prince of the Devildom-- make additional accommodations before you spend the next year with the demon brothers.
"I mean," you say with growing distress, "you can't expect my family and friends to just be... okay with my sudden disappearance, right?"
It's rather unfortunate you make sense with the points you bring up; Lucifer would have rather preferred to ignore you entirely and get on with everything. The feeling must have shown on his face because when you turn to look at him, you narrow your eyes in a way that almost mirrors his own displeasure.
Truly, Lucifer thinks seethingly with a charming smile now plastered on his face, an annoyance.
You turn from him quickly when Diavolo lets out a thoughtful hum, glancing at Lucifer with an otherwise well-disguised amusement had Lucifer not seen the expression numerous times before. It normally does not bode well for him.
"I must say, you've brought up rather important details to our attention," Diavolo begins. "I must apologize on all our behalf; we utilized the other human representative as the backbone for human accommodation, but perhaps he was not the best candidate for a normal human."
Curse that black-hearted sorcerer, Lucifer thinks instinctively. (In Purgatory Hall, Solomon sneezes twice in the middle of baking fresh cookies for his new angelic roommates.)
"That's alright," you say in relief. "Glad you're so understanding. So you can send me back--"
"And Lucifer will accompany you to the human world to tie those loose ends," Diavolo tells you cheerfully, and Lucifer watches as your expression freezes (in the same manner as his, most likely).
"Uh, what-"
"We discourage hypnosis on humans for the sake of better relations, but I think we can make this the exception." Diavolo nods, counting off his fingers the long list of 'loose ends' you so kindly provided to him not a minute earlier. "Your family, your friends, your work place, and wherever else you believe a long absence will be alarming, please allow Lucifer to help you make it more palatable. I would hate for you to be jobless or homeless when you come back, of course!" He laughs, and you can only smile back weakly, knowing when it's a losing battle, to Lucifer's surprise.
You look to Lucifer again then with a mildly defeated expression, and the smile Lucifer gives you then is just a smidge more genuine as it is wry.
You follow Lucifer quietly through the portal that connects the Devildom to the human realm, only always a few steps behind. You are quick to jump in and lead the way once you are near where you were first summoned, and for the most part, the journey is oddly quiet.
Lucifer rather expected begging, or at least, more insistence on not being a part of the exchange program since you were so adamant a few hours prior. He is allowed into your home and, with reluctance, into your room as you pack some ammenities and extra clothing for your stay in the Devildom. "It's messy; don't look," you tell him, waving your hand in his line of sight. "I haven't had time to clean it and, well, I probably won't have time to now either."
"Diavolo granted us a few days to... settle your matters," Lucifer explains, glancing over at your open closet, to which you stand up and futilely attempt to block his view. "You can afford to take the time to clean up."
It's amusing to see you embarrassed of an unkempt room of all things after standing up for yourself in a room full of demons, but perhaps that was simply another human peculiarity.
"You sound like my mom," you mutter.
Lucifer glares. "What?"
"Nothing!" You sigh, shoving a set of clothes into a suitcase. "By the way, you think you can convince my work place to give me a whole year leave of absence?"
"I don't see why I would be unable to," Lucifer replies, trailing off. He watches as you take a small photo album from your drawer and place it into your suitcase pocket delicately. Your expression is wistful - a far cry from your earlier determination or previous irritation. You obviously have reasons not to leave for the Devildom, which makes him all the more curious as to why you've come willingly to say goodbye. It makes him pause before saying your name.
It's only when you turn to him quickly that he realizes it's the first time he's used it. Lucifer clears his throat before continuing, "You seem... to be reacting well to the exchange program, despite your initial hesitance."
"Oh, well." You look down at your packed suitcase. "I just thought the idea sounded... rather nice," you say, "despite how inconvenient it's been for me." You zip it up swiftly, with a finality. "Peace in all three realms-- I like that... even though the knowledge that heaven and hell actually exists is insane--"
A human believing in the dreams of a demon and giving him the benefit of the doubt. You must either be brave or foolish for going along with it-- or maybe both, Lucifer thinks, watching you clear out your desk. Perhaps he had chosen right with you, even if it was technically at random. Perhaps it was fate to bring a human that would fit right into the Devildom.
You stand up and turn to him with your luggage packed and ready, and Lucifer realizes then how quickly his annoyance turned into genuine interest. It's ridiculous to think about. Him? Invested in the fate of a human? Are all of them like you, he wonders.
"This clean enough?" You say almost teasingly, and Lucifer looks around before giving you a smirk. He's pleased to see you look down, cheeks warm and expression embarrassed because of him, before he can even respond. (Perhaps you are not so infallible...)
"I expect this level of cleanliness when you live in the House of Lamentation," he tells you with amusement. "I'll be checking ever so often, so try to keep the mess to a minimum."
"You really are the eldest brother," you say with a surprising amount of exasperated fondness. Before Lucifer can register how that makes him feel, you walk past him, saying something about having someone take care of your pet, and the moment is gone.
He watches you flit back and forth between rooms, putting your life in a neat box before you return to the Devildom with him, and briefly, he wonders if you could help him keep his brother in check rather than the other way around.
He supposes he will just have to watch over you to see what happens.
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Bruce gives progressively worse and worse interviews to farm boy Clark Kent just to troll his best friend.
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Someone: who is Ghoul to you?
Party: the reason i wake up every morning
Someone: aww thats so sweet
Ghoul, earlier that morning, banging two pots together: WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP
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daftmooncretin · 6 months
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so i watched the will ferrell nascar movie and now i cant get nascar! dean winchester out of my head (feat disgruntled sports journalist cas who does not want to be here)
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midnightwinterhawk · 9 months
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When I tell you I had an epiphany reading this and discovering that my ship-type wasn't what I thought it was..
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alenablack · 2 months
real enemies to lovers is so intriguing because it perfectly displays how fine the line between love and hate really is. hate is one perspective shift away from love and vice versa.
both love & hate are passionate feelings; and require a similar level of investment.
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