#anti self dx dni
systemblr · 5 days
“you’re faking did, you’re self diagnosed!” ok well if you just go to a doctor unless your disorder presents extremely overtly it’s likely going to take years of work and likely a couple misdiagnoses before you even get a diagnosis let alone get access to the help you need (especially considering we’re only a teenager)
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pensarecool2 · 1 year
How do anti self diagnosis bitches expect getting a formal diagnosis works? Do they think you just go to a doctor and they magically can tell what you have just by looking at you? Like, if you aren’t at least suspicious of what you have - how are you gonna know to go talk to a doctor about it???
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bkaleidoscopec · 1 year
"how do u know ur a system if you cant remember your trauma and havent gotten formal testing?"
idk bro the people screaming over eachother during math trying to remember what the correct formula was should be a clue for one
and i swear its like none of the academic ppl that are meant to be in charge of that like its just the most random people who dont even have access to calculators
once we get back to school... it's gonna be a nightmare we have so many more sys members now
- the host
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entropy-sea-system · 1 year
Shoutout to people who have fp's, people who hyperfixate on people, or have special interests in people, exception persons, chosen persons, etc. !!
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i lovewhen my mom just. comes up to me and tells me what she thinks i have. like one time we were just sitting on the couch and she was like. yknow you probably have like... autism. and i just was too shocked to respond. and then yesterday we were driving home and she just went Yeah i know your old therapist said you have ptsd but actually it's more likely c-ptsd. and everytime she says something like that it's so confusing but i wouldnt trade it for the world
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lilac-set · 11 months
I’ve never read about this before so I’m curious if anyone relates to my experience and if anyone knows of it having an actual name
Basically I categorize my dissociation into two types, either would result in me staring off into space for hours on end, with difficulty with to no conscious thought, difficulty with to no speech or responsiveness in general, they would look the exact same from the outside and feel comparable from the inside, but “bad” dissociation is something I experience either during active trauma or when the brain *thinks* there’s active trauma (like a flashback but subconscious), and when the episode ends I “wake up” exhausted and confused. Or there’s “good” dissociation, which I only experience when I feel safe (and it’s sometimes possible to redirect “bad” into “good”), and again, limited conscious functioning, but I can just kinda feel my brain processing and organizing trauma in the background, and I “wake up” feeling more well rested than I do with actual sleep. I guess it could also be comparable to, like, some sort of meditation, except that it’s involuntary. Anyone else experience this?
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You do not know how long I've been waiting to speak up about this as someone who lives under the USA's hEAlthcare system and under someone who doesn't take mental health seriously and as a result isn't able to even speak to a cheap online therapist, let alone get a professional medical diagnosis for anything, physical or mental and has no choice but to do extensive research and stupid online assessments
Still not gonna self-dx with any dissociative disorders, though
Also, I'm looking over this and noticing I spelled environment wrong in the comic :|
[ID: A two panel, poorly drawn black and white comic.
The first panel has a person wagging their finger dismissively with a stern expression on their face. The person says, "You shouldn't self-diagnose, it's bad! Go get an official diagnosis by a professional!"
The second and last panel has a person leaning on something, presumably the bottom border of the comic, as their hand is in the air and they have an annoyed, sarcastic expression on their face. They say, "Why, yes, because yea, everyone who self-diagnoses is in a position to see a medical expert..! They clearly have the finances for it! They're clearly in an enviro[n]ment that isn't ablest or anything!"
End ID.]
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Finally gonna get official confirmation that I'm on the spectrum!! I can get accommodations! Honestly I'm mainly looking forward to my family finally listening to me about my struggles and not just going "No, you can talk, you aren't autistic"
Like. Girl, I have read the DSM info on autism spectrum disorder upwards of 5 times and I fit all of the criteria for my age group. I get you think that autistic people are incapable of achieving anything or being happy, but Jesus christ
I sound really pissed off here but I'm actually so so happy I've known that something wasn't normal since I was 9 and now I finally know what's "wrong" with me.
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I think that I might be a system as I (or we I am trying to figure it out) am showing some major signs of it. Do you have any tips or suggestions on more research or things like that? In my country I have to pay money I don't have for a diagnosis and I was wondering if you have an opinion on self diagnosing DID.
Hey! I very much believe in self dx, though like you said there needs to be research done. And I mean a lot of research because this isn’t something to take lightly yk?
I personally had no idea about ourselves until a friend noticed the signs and asked me some questions (“do you have people in ur head?” “Have really bad memory?” Etc) and I laughed it off like yea I do, what about it?? And he was like 😀… maybe look into DID… And that led us here over the course of like almost two years worth of research and self tracking. (Plus we had a therapist briefly)
Now, I can’t diagnose you and I’m not a professional, but I do get that it’s hard to get a diagnosis. My biggest tip for you is to start tracking everything and anything you experience so you can see what it leads to and how exactly that could help lead to a certain diagnosis maybe, whether that be in ur notes, a Doc, a notebook, whatever.
For us we have all three but our journal is mostly to document our day and serves a well enough example of how little we remember the day and we write down what we know.
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An example of something we tracked lol, usually whoever’s fronting if they remember or if something notable happened, they write it down.
Try to stay away from system spaces since it can and will influence you and make you probably misinterpret some of your symptoms. Other than that, it’s all up to you since I know nothing about what you experience and what could be going on.
Hope this helped :)
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nightfallsystem · 2 years
autistic people who dont stim
autistic people who stim publicly
autistic people who stim a lot
auitstic people who arent "seen as autistic"*
autistic people who arent diagnosed
autistic people who self diagnose
autistic people who got diagnosed as an adult
autistic people who cant get a diagnosis
autistic people who do not want to be diagnosed
autistic people who dont get special interests or hyperfixations
autistic people who are proud of their autism
autistic people who are very social
autistic people who are not social
autistic people who can make eye contact
autistic people who cannot make eye contact
autistic people who view their autism as a good thing
autistic people who are "cringey"
autistic people who use autigenders/neurogenders
autistic people who talk a lot about their autism
And lots more! all autistic people are valid!
( anti self dx, transautistic/supporters, pro-cringe culture, anti-xenogenders/anti-neurogenders DNI please, your comments will be deleted. )
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borderline-culture-is · 7 months
Blog introduction post
Who is this blog for?
This blog is for anyone with BPD and/or BPD traits. Other cluster B disorder havers and those without who want to learn are also welcome, although submissions are preferred to be BPD focused and sent by pwBPD and/or BPD traits.
Why this blog?
I'm not sure what happened to the other BPD culture is blog, but it was either nerfed or deleted, and I haven't seen any sign of return or a new blog, so I decided to make one. If the original account owner didn't want a creation of another one, please tell me!!!
DNI/BYF [do not interact] [before you follow]
Anti-recovery peeps
General DNI criteria
Cluster b abuse believers
We accept self-diagnosis.
You can vent, but we may not always know how to respond. We are a person, too.
We will also try to tag triggers accordingly.
Sending asks
Start every ask with "BPD culture is," "BPD traits culture is," "questioning/suspected BPD culture is," or something along those lines.
Extra info under cut
About the mod 🌕🥃
Hello, we're the moonshine collective. Bodily 16 y/o, collectively he/they, traumgenic system. We have BPD and NPD, among other things. Our main blog is @deepmilkshakepeach. If you want to visit it, it also has a masterlist of alters and their sign-offs and blogs.
About the other mod
Hello! I'm mod ghost. I'm in my 20's. I volunteered to help moderate because this is a heavy undertaking. I don't interact with the other mods much, I'm just here to help lighten the load. I have BPD, C-PTSD and a bit of depwession. My personal blog is private because I split a lot there and I prefer to keep it in my own little corner of the internet.
Take care everyone!
info posts
FP definition
Splitting definition
BPD and BP
BPD and autism
our experience determining BPD self dx
supporting a pwBPD
Misc posts :]!
#bpd culture is - asks and submission posts
#bpd questions - questions about BPD
#bpd information
#bpd positivity
#not bpd culture
Blog boosts
@narcissisticpdcultureis @hpdcultureis @pluralcultureis @aspd-bpd-culture @ppd-culture-is @cluster-b-culture-is @host-culture-is
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olderthannetfic · 3 months
I agree that DNIs are best used as a boundary warning / "excuse" to block (not that you need an excuse to block someone, but you know).
Are minors physically capable of pressing a "follow" or "reblog" or "like" button on an account with "🔞 NSFW so minors DNI" in bio? Are antis capable of following someone with "antis not welcome i hate you" in bio? Yes they are, in the same way anyone is physically capable of touching the "do not touch" display in a museum or anyone is physically capable of cheating in a class with a zero tolerance for cheating warning on the syllabus. But once you do it, you have a "reason" to get expelled from the situation now. (yes i know none of these things are on the same level lmao dont worry)
Even then, the group being asked to "not interact" will likely have a miserable experience on the account if they DO interact, so what even is the point? if a terf follows someone who says terfs don't follow, the terf has no right to be shocked when the person starts posting pro-trans stuff. . .if someone hates otherkin and follows someone with an "anti-kins don't interact", and gets upset when that person posts about their kintypes, they only have themselves to blame. . .it almost has troll energy when you get to a certain point? A common thing I see in younger groups on fan twitter (not using younger as an insult nor even as anything to mean "ha cringe teenagers", it's just a genuine observation that this is most common in ~-25 people) is "DNI if you hate my fave (characters/shows/ships/etc)s." If I follow you despite hating your fave shows because I like another fandom you're in, I don't exactly have the right to get annoyed when you post about them. What I do have the right to do is mute the words or unfollow, or realize, "hmm, yeah, maybe that silly DNI i rolled my eyes at initially is there for my own benefit as well as OP's."
I think the only time DNI is a sorta weird thing to expect to be obeyed, is when your post "breaches containment" so to speak. "If you're anti self diagnose, don't follow my mental health blog"? Valid. "Anti self diagnose, don't interact" banner on your posts you post to that blog? A little bit cringe, but overall can still be an out for "I'll block you if I notice you're reblogging my posts and you hold this opinion." "Anti self dx don't follow" warning that's deep in your carrd, that is deep in your links page, that is deep in your blog's pinned profile? Yeah, I'm not gonna check for that just in order to reblog your funny mental health meme that you made. (I'm now realizing this is a bad metaphor as I'm not actually anti self diagnoses so I'd be able to interact with this guy i just made up, but whatever.)
I would like people to phrase them as "I will block if" and not "DNI".
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sorrowful-figure · 1 month
Welcome to our blog!
We’re the Tributary System, a truamagenic (questioning mixed origin) fictive heavy system of 70+! We’re endogenic, tulpagenic, willogenic, and other origin safe! We’re autistic, physically disabled, heavily traumatized, and have NPD, we may post vents here, or content that may have heavy themes, they will be properly tagged!
Some interests we have are..
Bungou Stray Dogs(both Manga, and Anime), Minecraft, psychology, cooking, Splatoon, Omori, and more!!
Do not interact if you are..
Fatphobic, Homophobic, Transphobic, Xenophobic, Anti-self dx, Anti-neopronouns, Anti-Xenogender, believe in Narc Abuse (you are allowed to interact if you’re asking and respectful), anti-endo, victim blame, TERF’s, I will add as needed
Our ‘thin ice’
You’re on thin ice if..
You think anyone with a personality disorder is inherently bad, proship, radqueer, thirteen and under, 25 and over, I will add as needed
Extra about us!
You can dm us at any time!! We dont bite ^_^, we have Simply Plural, Discord, and Twitter, you’re allowed to ask for these, too! Please if we accidentally overstep boundaries we probably don’t realize, try to talk to us about it and remind us before assuming we did it on purpose! Overall we’re friendly, and happy to meet new people right now!!
Userboxes under the cut ^_^ also logs for anyone who signs off here !
-Figure/❤️‍🩹 [He/Fog/Mist]
-Dazzy/📕 [He/It/Paw]
-Sharkie/🦈 [Fin/Paw/Sea/Dove/Gill/Shine]
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entropy-sea-system · 1 year
BPD Grumpy Bear
Reformatting this post from a previous post I made!
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I've watched only the recent care bears(unlock the magic) and I found it relateable that Grumpy had moments where he snapped at people he cared about or had his anger be more intense than he found manageable. As someone who has experienced similar things as a trauma response and still sometimes needs to be left alone when really angry so I don't inadvertantly hurt people, I related that to being similar to an aspect of my bpd.
more under the cut!
And grumpy's anger gets represented as a thundercloud due to his belly badge power which sometimes functions as an indicator of emotion. I sort of relate to not exactly knowing how you feel until it becomes visible or obvious, due to my alexithymia. Also he has one arc where because he was working on something that was important to him(Rain, Rain, Go Away), he didn't realise until later that he was frustrated and taking it out on others, which he then apologises for.
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He also appears to split on another character whos kind of like his friend/kid(?), (basically a young whiffle who joined the group and gravitated towards Grumpy) alternating between getting along with her and feeling very positive about her and then having times where due to frustration he wants to be left alone or gets upset at her(If it's Broke, Fix It).
He also shows similar emotions about the other characters he's close to and has a few taking accountability for the effects of his anger and doing his best to manage it type of arcs I suppose(Rain, Rain, Go Away and Sorry not Sorry). The latter episode also shows him to have difficulties with apologies which I relate to though thats due my aspd and npd rather than bpd.
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Also its not very noticeable but he has this thing where he feels the need to be alone usually due to being introvertedish or needing to work on something or due to intense emotions, but at the same time misses others when alone and seems to have doubts about himself. Sort of makes me think of the emptiness and possibly abandonment issues associated w bpd.
And in one episode he is shown to be likely the most suspicious of newcomers out of the care bears(Things That Go Plunk), and this suspicion towards others is something I relate to my bpd and trauma, more so the latter, as a hypervigilance type of thing.
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In one episode where his anger-formed thundercloud causes rain (Rain, Rain, Go Away) , the whiffles in the meadow where it rained(which as a result became messy and muddy and the plants got washed away), including Dibble(the one whos joined the care bears group), are upset at him.
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As a result, he thinks the best solution is pretending to always be happy and not prone to anger or frustration, basically the opposite of his usual personality, to the extent that his sense of self is eclipsed by his need to avoid anger. Its even physically shown by him sticking a sticky note with a smiley face on it over his belly badge and asking to be called Mr. Happyface.
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This I felt reminded me of bpd masking and having an unstable/variable sense of self. The storyline that results felt kind of iffy in that the other care bears try to make him angry so that it rains in an arid field in addition to telling him to be and accept himself. It felt like they were just trying to get him to make the raincloud at some points.
But at the end of the episode he also learns that its best to be himself and accept his emotions rather than pretend to be someone he's not which I feel can be similar to someone realising they're pwbpd and not feeling like they have to mask their bpd traits all the time. I guess I personally have been masking less since I realised Im pwbpd but also prefer to be left alone when some of the traits like intense anger show up due to that not always being safe for me to show around others.
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I will also definitely be making an addition here of the IDW comics arc he has because that felt very much like I related to it as someone with BPD. However when I made the initial post, I had not read the IDW utm comics (and in fact may not even have made my way through the entirety of season 1 at that time)
Okay, so, remember how Grumpy's cloud powers get more rain and storm like when he's frustrated or angry(and more unpredictable due to being in the silver lining)? I noticed a detail here in the comics where he's lifting cans with a cloud (as far as I remember he does not lift things with his clouds other than perhaps the entire cloudseeker, in the show) and as his mood changes the cloud turns gray and rainy.
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(for reference he starts off pretty burnt out already from fixing things in this issue. He just really needs a break.)
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There is a plot point here where Bluster, Robbie, and the bad crowd are messing with these mirrors that are supposed to show one's ideal self to make the mirrors show their worst self. They dress up as the worst possible selves of Grumpy, Cheer, Goodluck, and Funshine (as they are the ones who enter the 'funhouse' with the messed up mirrors).
Each bear has an arc where they overcome the negative perceptions of their worst reflection. Grumpy's 'reflection' shows up the earliest and he did not look at the normal mirrors which show ones ideal self first like the others did.
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Cheer, Goodluck, and Funshine all see past the illusion but realise Grumpy's still in the maze. At this point Cheer goes in to find him.
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I do very much connect this to having an unstable sense of self (which I experience due to my bpd and other neurodivergences). It also really shows how much he cares for his invention (The Cloudseeker) and Dibble. (Also side note huh. They can get oil from rainbowson mountains??? Interesting. )
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At this point, Cheer reassures Grumpy that the crew knows he's not turned to the bad crowd like Bluster and Robbie try to convince them (and him) he is. She also reminds him that they know he cares and I think it's really cool how her leadership skills are shown in this arc!
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And at this point Grumpy breaks through the illusion with the help of Cheer. I find it to be a similar arc to Rain, Rain, Go Away in the acceptance of having grumpiness as an emotion though this is also Grumpy realising he matters to the people he cares about. And I think its nice that this arc is portrayed.
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At the end, Cheer also gives him this piece of glass from the funhouse for his souvenir hat to remind him of his true self, and that was another way Cheer's leadership skills and ability to reassure others was displayed.
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Finally, the arc ends with Grumpy seeing his ideal self in the nearby mirrors. I feel the comics mostly spoke for themselves thus I don't have all that much to add on here.
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Blog intro
System intro |
`𓏲 ࣪₊♡`--------------------------------------------`𓏲 ࣪₊♡`
ᴄᴀʟʟ ᴍᴇ ᴀᴍᴀʏᴀ
: ̗̀➛ I am a minor. I don’t want to give specifics for safety reasons, but my range is 14-16.
: ̗̀➛ Ask to Dm
`𓏲 ࣪₊♡`--------------------------------------------`𓏲 ࣪₊♡`
ɢᴇɴᴅᴇʀ & ꜱᴇxᴜᴀʟɪᴛʏ
: ̗̀➛ I am panromantic, because of this this blog has no sexual content.
: ̗̀➛ I use Any/All pronouns. And when I say Any/Alll, I mean ANY/ALL. Literally go crazy and use any neopronouns you want because they are so cool.
`𓏲 ࣪₊♡`--------------------------------------------`𓏲 ࣪₊♡`
ʏᴇꜱ ᴀɴᴅ ɴᴏ’ꜱ
: ̗̀➛ Interact if/this is a safe space for: Yandere blogs, obsessive blogs, systems, witchcraft practitioners, all races religions sexualities, genders, etc. SFW blogs, agere, petre, all mental health, obsessive blogs.
: ̗̀➛ DNI if: General DNI, zoophiles, proshippers (sorry I don't want people who write r*pe about 6 year olds on my blog), NSFW blogs, rude bitches, support what Israel is doing, radqueer, transID (like transplural like bitch be so fr), anti-recovery, anti-self DX (from what I've seen y'all are actually so fucking rude).
: ̗̀➛ Be aware of: This blog will post triggering topics, and all triggering topics will be listed. You know what blog you are on, be cautious. We are endo neutral because we genuinely don't give a crap about that stuff. We used to be anti-endo sooo ignore that.
`𓏲 ࣪₊♡`--------------------------------------------`𓏲 ࣪₊♡`
ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ᴍᴇ
: ̗̀➛ System of 120+, witchcraft practitioner, mixed BIPOC, queer, grunge/gothic style, questioning Yandere
: ̗̀➛ Likes: Writing reading paranormal stuff witchcraft horror nature baking cooking card games anything ocean related theatre food in general rain fashion candy lovecore grunge Y2k him obviously letters poetry
: ̗̀➛ boundaries: No flirting asks please, I already love someone! Reblogs and notes are okay! Adults, please be mindful I am a minor! This blog is fully SFW and adults and minors are allowed as long as it is!
Yandere MBti: RAHL
`𓏲 ࣪₊♡`--------------------------------------------`𓏲 ࣪₊♡`
ɴᴏᴡ ᴛʜᴇ ʏᴀɴᴅᴇʀᴇ ꜱᴛᴜꜰꜰ
: ̗̀➛ I’ll post my love letters, journal entries, etc if yall want inspiration!
: ̗̀➛ I DO NOT CONDONE ANY ACTIONS POSTED ON THIS BLOG. I would never act on these actions, this blog is a coping mechanism.
: ̗̀➛ I will refer to my darling as Him, love, darling, etc. I will not be posting names.
`𓏲 ࣪₊♡`--------------------------------------------`𓏲 ࣪₊♡`
ᴡʜᴀᴛ’ꜱ ᴛʜɪꜱ ʙʟᴏɢ ꜰᴏʀ?
: ̗̀➛ It’s a coping mechanism for me to talk about my obsessive feelings and thoughts.
: ̗̀➛ To help others. Y’all want me to read over your love letters before sending them out? Bet! Gift ideas? Bet! Journal entry ideas? Gotcha! Wanna talk to me about your crush/partner? Go ahead, just please do it in asks/notes rather than DMs! I’m here to help y'all as well as myself!
: ̗̀➛ To talk about my crush because I’m scared everyone else is annoyed with me when I talk about him.
: ̗̀➛ To post about system stuff, positivity, love, poetry, etc.
`𓏲 ࣪₊♡`--------------------------------------------`𓏲 ࣪₊♡`
ꜱᴘᴇᴄɪᴀʟ ꜰᴀɪʀɪᴇꜱ
: ̗̀➛ Anons: None yet!
: ̗̀➛ Tags:
・ 。゚ ᴀᴍᴀʏᴀ ꜱᴘᴇᴀᴋꜱ☽☆: For all my posts here on now
・ 。゚ᴀᴍᴀʏᴀ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇꜱ ✒️💌: For all things writing related (quotes, letters, etc).
・ 。゚ᴀᴍᴀʏᴀ ʟᴏᴠᴇꜱ 💕❣️: When talking about my crush, will also be used a lot
・ 。゚ᴀᴍᴀʏᴀ ʀᴇʙʟᴏɢꜱ 📼📔: Reblogs
・ 。゚ᴀᴍᴀʏᴀ ᴠᴇɴᴛꜱ 🔒🧷: Ventings
・ 。゚ᴀᴍᴀʏᴀ ʀᴇᴠɪᴇᴡꜱ 📝🕶️: Where I review others’ works with their consent, you can use this tag if you want me to review any love letters or anything and I’ll use this tag when I make my response!
`𓏲 ࣪₊♡`--------------------------------------------`𓏲 ࣪₊♡`
ᴛʜᴀᴛ’ꜱ ɪᴛ, ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀɴ ᴀᴍᴀᴢɪɴɢ ᴅᴀʏ ʏᴏᴜ ʙᴇᴀᴜᴛɪꜰᴜʟ ᴛᴜʟɪᴘꜱ! /ᴘ
@lovinglyobsessed = vent account
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sirenium · 11 months
Hey, if you're an adult who identifies with xenogenders, please know that you're not being immature or childish. It's not childish to feel like your gender is better represented by a constellation, feels more like an abandoned house, and sounds like that one specific song you've been listening to. It's not immature to see your gender as a dinosaur, or a neon radioactive cat.
The 'hey that person who's catgender is 15 years old and neurodivergent!' argument, while made with the intention of legitimizing xenogenders, doesn't do justice to ALL xenic experiences. I know multiple xenic adults. Hell, I knew someone who was, like, 26 at the time I was in contact with them. You're never too old to identify with one, two, or THOUSANDS of xenogenders. Please remember that.
-a xenic adult
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[Banner ID: DNI system/queer exclusionists, TERFs/SWERFs, truscum/transmeds, anti recovery for harmful paraphilia, anti otherkin, anti self dx, pro cringe culture, pro-lifers, anti xenogender. A more detailed DNI is in my pinned post. End ID]
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