rxttenfish · 10 months
polly x faith for the ship meme i say, perfectly aware that i am the founder of polly x faith
Shipping meme.
i just think!!! theyre neat!!! and i know canon is definitely sliding towards the "just friends with benefits" more than them ever actually having romantic feelings with each other, but i feel like their personalities mesh well enough together that i just WANT it to go the traditional route of so many fwb stories where they do catch feelings for each other.
i think faith's more laid back attitude compliments well with polly's high energy one, in a way that becomes very clear that faith is still engaging with polly from where she's coming from, while faith provides enough confidence to know what she likes and doesn't like and won't be goaded into something by polly. there's definitely a degree of faith not having a bunch of high expectations for polly to live up to, and for polly being able to bring a little bit of excitement for faith in a way that isn't too overly challenging or pushing her into where she's uncomfortable.
faith having other people who she's close to also helps here, i think, because polly is so non-confrontational with problems and issues that faith can fully take the initiative to get polly to talk about them without just having to deal with them on her own. there's a sort of back and forth here, i think, where faith is someplace calmer and more structured for polly without penning her in, and faith has someone who doesn't come with expectations or responsibilities for her, things for her to take onto herself, things which are closer to her work for the coven.
there's also something to be said about the coven here, in that polly is still mischievous and chaotic, but not bad-natured in doing so and doesn't want to create problems out of it. she's not so much of a problem to be solved or a problem-maker, not in the case of what the coven's usually dealt with, and she's, ironically, one of the most down-to-earth of the ROs when it comes to it, having fairly recently been human and still dealing with that. she has more knowledge of human things and human standards, which witches very much still are, and something which i feel like faith can appreciate.
there's still an aspect of needing to reign in polly's more destructive nature and the collateral damage she can leave behind, but i feel like more than anyone else, faith would be very good at doing so and at making sure polly doesn't overstep, which is always vital. at the same time, polly also provides an outlet for faith, someplace where she can explore safely and set aside her responsibilities. the work-life balance is one of the things that immediately comes to my mind, but in a simpler way, i think it's just being able to more easily switch between serious and lighthearted that makes these two work and balance each other out, providing things which would be neglected without overindulging one or the other.
likewise as with our work, i think polly would KILL IT as a mad scientist's assistant in sexy little fishnets. she would be SUCH a good igor, faith. please let her be igor. she has SO many costumes prepared solely for this occasion.
(faith, of course, welcomes the comic relief of someone who can make her laugh and smile without undermining the actual issues at heart, and who whole-heartedly supports her in her studies. and also crimes. love crimes. love necromantic crimes.)
basically just get you a girl who is willing to literally bend and break the laws of nature itself digging up your own grave and bringing you back from the dead
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clannfearrunt · 2 years
hope i'm not overstepping or anything, but i just wanted to say the one thing i've always really appreciated about your splatoon art is that you don't unsanitize dedf1sh. you show them pre-sanitization, of course, but you never undo that once they're out of the metro. they just have to figure out how to live with it, and that means quite a lot to me. i hope you have a good day!
Aw, thanks! Yeah idk, it's kinda just... Yeah I want to see Ded in a better place and having a good life post-sanitization. But you don't need to "cure" them for that? Idk it never really even occurred to me to unsanitize them. I don't think a full sanitization is something that can be undone. It's never going to go away completely, just one of those things where you can find ways to manage it better, whether that's through medical care, help from loved ones, etc...
I dunno how to articulate it, but I'm glad to hear it resonates with you.
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tianhai03 · 2 years
my take is that the sparda family braincell skipped a generation. it's eva's obviously bc i sincerely doubt sparda "i'm gonna give my twin sons swords before they've even hit double digits. this will in no way backfire" has a single thought in his head
Yeah no there's no way sparda had the braincells ABDHSJDJD it definitely all came from eva
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sinxerlyri · 10 months
If you want something, get it. And if in the process it destroys you, let it. At least you are living in the destruction of your desires, not regrets.
_ Raconteur's Muse
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nostalgia-tblr · 7 months
I feel like the "put Minor X/Y in the additional tags to avoid relationship tag clutter with side-pairings" isn't a great solution for a number of reasons, even though I am doing my best to switch to that when tagging.
How minor is minor? If it's not in the story as such but it's important for the character's motivations, for instance? I feel like a lot of people will interpret this as "the pairing is mentioned in passing" but between that and "this is the main pairing" lies many many options.
Nobody's going to filter for this sort of tag which will put people off using it, and while I am told this The Correct Way To Tag it's not common enough that people will know to filter it out.
Some people just don't read Additional Tags. This is their mistake/problem but since the purpose of this method of tagging pairings is only to help people avoid them (see above re nobody using this to find fics) it's more likely I'll get offended OTPers this way.
No but really what are we counting as minor? This is worth repeating.
My limited experience with this method has found that it's trickier for me to check my own Works to see how often I've written this or that pairing. AO3 filtering is AND not OR, so I can't bring up "X/Y, or any time I've put X/Y in Additional Tags in case there's not enough of it in the story to satisfy anyone looking for that pairing and only that pairing." This is a minor me-problem but it still puts me off a bit.
I don't have a better option though, so whatever I suppose🤷‍♀️It largely comes down to the issue of "am I tagging for people to find or for people to exclude?" that exists in theory for every tag but is mostly only a problem/dilemma when it comes to pairings.
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theseventhveil1945 · 4 months
finished dead until dark and idk when eric got popular but i can see why. bill and sam are both creeps fr while eric is just there to be sexy and send her flowers shaped like pussy as she's laid up in the hospital
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newwwwusername · 1 year
Heartbreak High (Netflix Reboot) - Ant/Spider - Mental Health Awareness Month Prompt 8 : Antisocial Personality Disorder
Prompt : Write a fic in which a character has Antisocial Personality Disorder (canon or not canon). THE CHARACTER CANNOT BE A SERIAL KILLER OR OTHER TYPE OF CRIMINAL! This is a negative connection with the disorder which is not what we're trying to do here. Headcanon : Spider has ASPD Author's note : The author does not have ASPD. I have very low empathy Autism so I understand the lack of empathy to an extent, but I know that doesn't equate to actually having the disorder. I hope this does not come across as insensitive or inaccurate- Please let me know if there is something off here because I always strive to educate myself. With that said, I hope this is passable <3
Spencer had been avoiding Anthony, and Anthony didn't know why. They'd been as close as ever just the previous week. What had happened?
It wasn't out of the ordinary for Spencer to do stuff like this, to be clear. He did this often with new people when he was still getting a read on them, manipulating the situation, testing them before he got close enough for them to realize what was so different about his brain. But Anthony wasn't a new person. They'd known each other for years... Why was this happening?
thebigant : spider pls stop ignoring me bro
There were about a million texts like that. It was a wall of blue message bubbles on Anthony's end and white on Spencer's. He knew that Spencer was ignoring him too, because all of the messages were marked as read.
Spencer stood a few feet from his bed, just staring blankly at his phone, which was open on his bed. He saw the typing bubble show up again and groaned in annoyance because this whole thing was so frustrating.
Anthony was always such a weird case for him because he didn't view him with the same apathy that he viewed everyone and everything else in the world. He actually cared about Anthony, to an extent, and recently that care had traveled to something a bit more serious and he didn't know how to deal with it because he never thought he'd have to.
He'd accepted long ago that he wasn't a people person. Why did Anthony make him feel this way?
A full week passed without them speaking when, eventually, Spencer figured he should break the silence.
whitespider : hi
thebigant : dude wtf y were u ignorng me for like a week hello??
thebigant : *ignoring
whitespider : idk
thebigant : i call bullshit
thebigant : is this like an aspd thing?
thebigant : u know its ok but u gotta like communicate bro i cant just be confused and wonderng y ur ignoring me for days on end
whitespider : right sorry whatever
thebigant : so y'd u vanish?
whitespider : ...
thebigant : SPIDER
whitespider : i think i like you
whitespider : like genuinely
whitespider : and not just in the friend way
thebigant : shit
Do not repost on other sites! If you want to participate in this month's challenge, there are 15 mental illness prompts that you can find here
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aspd-culture · 2 years
(2/?) can you elaborate on what you mean about behavioral issues with social/moral codes and authority? could you give broad/general/specific examples? im having difficulty conceptualizing it (aside from legal; the meaning is obvious and not something i personally have an issue with because im a coward and dont want to risk getting caught for things that arent like normie stuff like drugs or pirating stuff lmao) and i want a frame of reference for my own behavior. (sorry. for another question again)
Social code: Anything to do with being polite, basically social norms such as no lying, talking bad about someone, etc. If you were thought of as rude (or would have been if you were caught), you violated social code.
Moral code: cheating (spouses, partners, tests, homework, etc), taking advantage of people, manipulating people/situations, being “selfish” or “ruthless”, etc. If you’d be called an asshole for it, you violated moral code.
Authority: talking back, acting superior to people “in charge” (even when you genuinely are superior), doing things in a different way than you’re instructed to do them (even if it’s more efficient), going “behind their back” or “over their head”, not following chain of command, pointing out the mistakes of those “in charge” (especially publicly, they hate that!), ignoring verbal rules because they “aren’t enforceable because they aren’t written rules”, etc. If you’d be called insubordinate for it, you violated rules of authority.
No need to apologize, I am game for questions!
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mechaffeine · 9 months
I had forgotten that the general understanding of “antisocial” has been completely watered down in popular culture to just mean “i don’t like talking to people” instead of being understood as an actual real disorder
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chargoeson · 10 months
my only reason for this new character to do what she does is: why the fuck not??
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darkenaz-art · 11 months
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🇬🇧 • Because of his traumatised past, he is a very antisocial character and is rude to keep others away.
"I'm Renald. Deserter and ex-sex slave from a female-centric elven society... I hate women. And men too. I love killing, and blood. Its spurting sound, its sticky feel, its smell, its taste... I would spill yours too, especially if you keep up the fucking questioning... Like right now."
Patreon I Discord
🇭🇺 • Traumatizált múltja miatt ő egy elég antiszociális karakter és mindenkivel bunkó, hogy távol tartson másokat.
"Renald vagyok. Szökött harcos, avagy ex-szexrabszolga egy nőközpontú elf társadalomból… Gyűlölöm a nőket. És a férfiakat is. Imádok ölni, szeretem a vért. A spriccelésének hangját, a ragacsos tapintását, az illatát, az ízét… A tiédet is szívesen kiontanám, főleg, ha nem hagyod abba ezt a kib@szott kérdezősködést… Mondjuk most rögtön."
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eunchancorner · 2 years
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sinxerlyri · 8 months
People with their expectations and assumptions will be the death of them.
_ Raconteur's Muse
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sing-me-under · 1 month
I am so very willing to suspend my disbelief when it comes to fanfics, especially for the Batfam… but y’all, I can’t when people are like “what if [event] happened like this!” and then include characters who hadn’t been introduced at that point in the timeline without any further explanation.
Like. It’s not a problem to merge events together, especially for the sake of condensing a timeline. But it’s so jarring to start off a concept based in one event and then just smash it together with other events without any regard for the context. This happens a lot with Batfam by people who only have like surface level knowledge of scenes that other people post without ever looking up the issues those scenes are from.
I think the most egregious example is the Red Hood Attacks Titans Tower. Like holy FUCK I can’t with that. It’s fine if it’s handled well, but sometimes I open up a fic, and I just cannot with it. Like, you’re missing SO MANY key details and they’re not even acknowledged! I can stand reading the ones where the author does have an understanding of the context but just didn’t find it as interesting. Me too! Tim’s injuries are quite underwhelming! But like I can tell when an author is just regurgitating the trope, and it’s so jarring.
I mean, again, it’s not really a problem. Most of that intended audience probably doesn’t know the actual events either and just know the bare bones skeleton of the trope anyway, so it’s fine. It’s just not for me. I just can’t suspend my disbelief enough for it.
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authorjacobfloyd · 6 months
Christy Aldridge is a well-known cover artist in the indie horror community; her designs can be seen on the covers of many independently published extreme horror books. She is also a very talented author whose writing is a true gem in the industry. I came to know Christy late in 2022 through authors sharing her cover designs. Being quite impressed with them, I inquired about her rates. We became…
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mylittleredgirl · 2 years
okay tumblr’s exclusion from the twitter social media ban list is hilarious but genuinely we do not belong on there. if a real human person asks “where can i find you on social media” and your choice is a swift death or revealing your tumblr, most of us would simply expire. half of y’all change urls every week like you’re in witness protection. just imagine for one second attaching your wholeass government name to your latest two am clownposting and tell me that didn’t send a cold chill down your spine. the only place i ever want to see the words “connect with me on tumblr!” is on the ao3 profile of an author i’m actively stalking. anyone in the world can follow me except anyone i personally know. antisocial media.
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