#any grammar wrongs in here belong to yours truly
sarafinamk · 6 months
Fallen Angel 50 Incorrect Quotes Special
The Smiling Critters Space Riders Au and the character Z belongs to @onyxonline
If you haven't checked out the Fallen Angel (Reader Insert) series, you can check out Part 1 and Part 2 here. You, the reader, will be referred to as both (Y/n) and Archangel.
Right now, I need to focus on writing my thesis paper, so I'm not sure when Part 3 will be posted. In the meantime, enjoy this crackfic as an Easter present. Some quotes will contain slight spoilers for future chapters. 😉 Enjoy.
*During a training session*
Hoppy: Fight me, you nerd ass punk!
Archangel: At least TRY to sound sophisticated when you threaten someone.
Kickin: Dost thou wish to engage in a duel, my good bITCH?!
Archangel: *Facepalms* Somehow, that was worse...
Bobby: Are you having another depressive episode?
Archangel: A depressive episode?
Archangel: I'm having a depressive series and we're just on season one.
Z: What's wrong with you?
Archangel: Off the top of my head, I'd say low self-esteem, a lack of paternal affection, and a genetic predisposition for anxiety and depression.
Crafty: How’s training going?
Archangel: Terrible. I want to stab everybody there.
Crafty: Okay, just don’t get any blood on your clothes.
Bobby: ...you shouldn’t be condoning this.
Crafty: Don’t tell me how to live my life.
Archangel: Yesterday, I overheard the Captain saying “Are you sure this is a good idea?” and Hoppy replying “Trust me,” and I have never moved from one room to another so quickly in my life.
Archangel: Helpful grammar tip: “farther” is for physical distance, “further” is for methaphorical distance, and “father” is for emotional distance!
Archangel: raises eyebrows
Dogday: Put those back down!
Archangel: Problem, I can't tell if this food is over-sauced or undercooked.
Kickin: Solution, just pop it back in the oven for another 10 minutes. There's at least a 50% chance that'll fix it, right?
Bubba: Result? Food has somehow become unpleasantly soggy and unpleasantly crunchy at the exact same time.
Hoppy: No better time than this to pull out my favorite word! Slunchy!
Picky: …put it away.
Picky: One time I went to hand (Y/n) a bowl of soup. I wanted to say “Careful, it’s hot!”, and “Here’s your soup!”, so instead I blurted out “Careful it’s soup.”
*Preparing for a mission*
Hoppy: Okay, who's turn is it to give the pep talk?
Catnap: It's (Y/n)'s turn.
Archangel: Don't die.
Kickin, wiping a tear away: Truly inspirational.
Archangel: I can't take you seriously wearing that.
Kickin: Aw, you take me seriously at all?
Archangel: Fair point.
Dogday: My level of gay has reached “sighing deeply whenever anything extremely heterosexual happens near me”.
Archangel to Bubba: How do you tell someone politely you want to hit them with a brick?
Dogday: If I say I love you, will you say it back?
Z: Yes.
Dogday: I love you.
Z: It back.
Archangel: Why is the Captain crying face-down on the floor?
*the Space Riders at Disneyland, in the teacups*
Crafty, Bobby, Bubba, and Picky: *spinning a little and talking*
Dogday, Catnap, Kickin, and Hoppy: *flying past them, spinning as fast as they can, screaming*
Hoppy: I've done a lot of dumb stuff.
Dogday: I witnessed the dumb stuff.
Catnap: I recorded the dumb stuff.
Kickin: I joined you in the dumb stuff.
Archangel: This is a bad idea.
Hoppy: Then why are you coming along?
Archangel: Someone has to get your injured ass home.
Archangel: I feel awful about killing you.
Archangel: Even though technically you never even died, so I don’t know what you’re bitching about.
Dogday: Hoppy, don’t go picking a fight with (Y/n). Don’t forget, they’re powerful, they could make life difficult for you.
Hoppy: Wow, I wonder what it'd be like to have a difficult life.
Dogday: I’m so happy both angels are getting along now.
Catnap: Uh, Z and (Y/n) are not getting along.
Dogday: They’re not trying to kill each other.
Catnap: You may have a point.
Archangel: The universe is cold and unfeeling. The only constant is chaos.
Picky: Was Kissy's place out of chocolate-chip pancakes again?
Kickin: Yeah, I find it quite emotional. In like a cool way.
Archangel: Did you just say it makes you cry in a cool way?
Archangel, proudly: I slept.
Catnap: Is that so much of a rare thing that you have to say it?
Archangel: You're a lying piece of shit!
Hoppy: Oh yeah? You're the idiot that thinks you can get away with everything you do, WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD!
Dogday: I'm leaving and I'm taking Catnap with me!
Bubba, gathering cards: Aaaaand that's enough Monopoly for today.
Poppy: It’s funny how well you and the Archangel get along. Didn’t they hate you at first?
Dogday: (Y/n) hates everybody at first. It’s their way of reaching out to people.
Bobby: lifting weights
Kickin: Wow… She's so intense!
Archangel: I wonder what drives her.
Bobby, internally: Oh I am going to be SO good at giving hugs.
*First two chapters of "Fallen Angel" summarized*
Archangel: I'm allergic to death.
Archangel: Hoppy, I don’t think I can handle any more of your tomfuckery.
Hoppy: Oh yeah? Well I can keep going until you’re all tomfuckered out!
Hoppy: (Y/n), what are you doing tomorrow?
Archangel: Having my day ruined by whatever you’re about to ask me to do.
Archangel: Someone will die.
Dogday: Of fun!
Something crashes
Hoppy: Shoot-
Bobby: running into the room in a panic WHAT FELL?!
Archangel: walking by the room calmly What died?
Archangel: Can you be serious for five minutes?
Kickin: My record is four, but I think I can do it.
Someone with a gun to Archangel's head: What happens if I pull this trigger? Heaven?
Archangel: Bold of you to assume I'll go to Heaven.
Catnap: I like to play this game called nap roulette. I take a nap and don’t set an alarm. Will it be 20 min or 4 hours? Nobody knows. It’s risky and I like it.
Z: When did you become a hero?
Archangel: Um… the moment I saved you from getting killed.
Z: You’re the last person in the galaxy I wanted to rescue me.
Archangel: Well… sucks to be you, don’t it.
Bubba: It’s just that lollipop sticks last longer than the head, even if they’re less flavorful. I’m thinking of paper sticks, because you can peel off the layers with your teeth or leave it there until they fall off naturally, but plastic sticks can be chewed on too or left sticking out like a cigarette. Paper straws can be eaten layer by layer over time though, so they have the edge.
Hoppy, bored: Can’t we just leave while he's distracted?
Archangel, genuinely interested: But what about wooden sticks?
Hoppy: I hate you.
Archangel: I am convinced the Captain and Catnap share a brain cell.
Archangel: And it's not in use very often, it seems.
Archangel: Why am I the bad guy?
Kickin: I don't know, why am I the pretty one? We all have our thing.
Archangel: We’re having a moment, aren’t we?
Z: If by 'a moment' you mean me not wanting to strangle you for the first time since we met, then I guess we are.
Kickin: Dumbest scar stories, go!
Picky: I burned my tongue once drinking tea.
Crafty: I dropped a hair dryer on my leg once and it burned.
Bubba: I have a piece of graphite in my leg for accidentally stabbing myself with a pencil in the first grade.
Bobby: I was taking a cup of noodles out of the microwave and spilled it in my hand and I got a really bad burn.
Archangel: I have emotional scars.
Dogday: What leaves a bigger memory than a passionate kiss?
Archangel: A stab wound.
Archangel: I sense hostility.
Z: Good, because I hate you.
Archangel: slams down an absolute doorstopper of a tome I checked this out weeks ago for a bit of light reading.
Hoppy: This is light?!
Archangel: What’s up with the Captain? He's been laying on the floor for like….an hour now?
Bobby: He's just a little overwhelmed.
Archangel: Why?
Catnap: Z smiled at him.
Literally anyone: Go to hell!
Archangel: Where do you think I come from?
Hoppy: Just trust me. Have I ever put you in an unsafe or uncomfortable situation?
Archangel: All the time.
Hoppy: Then you should be used to it by now.
Archangel: I’m so tired.
Bubba: Did you get to bed late?
Archangel: No.
Bubba: Did you do something strenuous?
Archangel: No.
Bubba: Then why are you tired?
Archangel: I’m alive.
Bubba: Sounds exhausting.
Archangel: Dear Diary, my teen angst bullshit has a body count.
A cult member: Didn't you die?!
Archangel: That was weeks ago. Things change.
Archangel: I’d kill someone if you asked me to.
Dogday: I’m pretty sure you’d kill someone even if I didn’t ask you to.
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satlun · 4 months
Best Mistake: John Constantine x fem!reader
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Genre: emotional hurt, fluff and angst Trigger warnings: suicide attempt, depression, possessive behavior, supernatural, violence, swear words
It is difficult to tell if the relationship between you and him is truly what you want. You fight, break up, and then make up again and again. Even on little things, you both can just bring it up and end up with fighting almost every time. It is more of a loop, you might say. Every time these things happen, it wrecks you on the inside. Until one day, you cannot stand him anymore because he is too toxic and no good. You need to leave him.
Note: this is my first time writing short fiction in English, English is not my first language so if it sounds wrong/ weird or my grammar is wrong please correct me. I really want to improve my English. So don't be shy to correct me. Plus I think it's kinda CRINGE 😭 but I tried guys so please enjoy 😂 ***It might not make sense about hell thing but it is good to just let it be like that soo please don't take it too serious and enjoy! 🥺
Credit: gifs from Pinterest (cannot find the original post :/) https://pin.it/5fjM23VUA , https://pin.it/54AXo4AMa
Los Angeles, 2005
“Could you stop and listen to me first!?” John said with a sigh of irritation as he grabs your arm firmly while you're packing your bag, ready to leave.
You don't seem to stop what you're doing. This is the last time, it must be. You believe that is for the best. “I’m leaving, John. I mean it.” You said with simple directness.
“You're not going anywhere. Not without me.” The fact that he cannot live without you. He had been alone for almost his whole life before he found you. His life was miserable before you came and fulfill him with something that had never been given. It is just hard for him to just let you go like this even he is still mad at you. He pulls you closer to him because you don't seem to stop packing your stuff. Then you lose your balance and stumble into his chest.
“Yes. Without you.” You replied without any hesitation before pushing yourself away from him. For now, you just hope that you are heartless enough to leave him like you just said. You don't want to stuck in the loop again because it hurts your heart.
“And what about me, huh? Is that what you're going to do it again? Leave me for a few days and then come crawling back to me?” That's why you really hope that your heart is strong enough to leave everything behind. Even John.
“Well, not this time. I’m going back to New York.” New York where your parents live. Maybe leaving this big city and go, go far away from here will make you forget him faster. Far from here as much as you can, to the other side of the country.
That makes him even more unimpressive. He doesn't like the way you're about to leave him and go that far. Far enough to never see you again. He looks at you intensely as he pins you abruptly against the wall behind. “Who do you belong to?” That's the pop quiz of him. Every time you both fight, he brings up this question to remind you who you belong to.
You're tired of this question because it won't make anything better. It just keeps making you annoyed. “Stop asking me this question, John. I'm tired of it, it won't make anything better!” You shouted at his face. “Don't you understand that we don't get along? I tried, John. It’s still the same. Never change...” you try to hold back your tears.
“Just answer the damn question, [y/n].” He still insisted on the same question. “I belong to no one!” You snapped him immediately. Not even in a second you took to answer him. He just looks away with difteen face without saying anything. Before he can do anything further, you push him hard making him stumble backwards. You grab your bag and lead to the door without looking back because you just can't. If you look back, you will definitely walk back to him. It was always like that.
He follows you to the door, before you can reach the knob, he already push you against the door again. Push you hard that you can feel the pain on your back, You groaned in pain. “Fuck off, John... what the fuck is wrong with you!? You are acting like a possessed man. Why? Being an exorcist makes you go insane now?” That the worst thing you have ever said to him.
He can't believe what you said. “Is that it, huh?” He raises his eyebrows as he says back to you. “Now you think I'm possessed? That I'm not in my right goddamn head?” He grabs your collar bone firmly against the door. He uses violence again, that's the part you hate the most. His voice changes in a very unpleasant tone. He is real mad. “Maybe I just want to teach you a damn lesson, and you're making it hard for me.” You look at him right into his eyes. You still remain silent. “What? Cat got your tongue now? Talk back to me. Do it!” Remaining silent makes him even more angry. He pushes you hard against the door again but this time it's just too much for you to handle because your head was slammed on the door as well. Your eyes start to flutter slightly. You almost lost your balance as you try to grab his shoulder. He also grabs your waist for you to stand straight. “You belong to me. Understand? And you're gonna stay here with me.” He demanded you. “Fuck you, John... I belong to no one...” because of the pain of your head made you say so quietly as if you just murmur. You can feel that you are about to lose your consciousness. However, his eyes still fixated on you. “Yeah? Is that so? Say it again.” says in sarcastic voice as he grabs your shoulder and pin you to see your face clearly. He is pissing you off even more, you spits on his face because you can't stand him anymore. “Wrong answer.” He said. You are about to pass out now. Your both hands are on his arms, finding something to hold yourself from falling down as you rest your head on the door like a body without a soul. “You're so goddamn infuriating.” Before he can finish the sentence, you pass out beneath him. He grabs you quickly before you fall on the ground and then carefully picks you up to a dinner table then puts you down on the table. He doesn't even move you to bed, he just lets you lay down right there.
An hour later, your consciousness is back. You slowly get up and look around the room, you are looking for him. That's your first instinct. “John?” You called out his name unintentionally. There's no sign of him. You growl in pain again because your head hurts, both of your hand touching your head. While you're trying to remember about what happened before you passed out, John comes back. He opens the door and walks towards you with something in his hand. He puts the cigarette that is on his mouth down on an ashtray next to you. “Open your mouth. Wide.” He said. You're so confused right now because your consciousness is just got back. “What? What is it?” You look at something on his palm. “Tylenol. Open your mouth.” He demanded. You don't hesitate to open your mouth widely because your head hurts so bad. John puts the medicine in your mouth and pour drinking water after. The Tylenol didn't even reach your throat yet, he grabs the back of your neck and kisses you. One of his hand reaches out to your white shirt and unbuttoned it. You are shocked so you decide to push him away, he stumbles backwards. “What is wrong with you?” You said with confusion while John wipes your saliva off his lips. “You passed out and that what you have to ask?” He said. You don't understand what he is trying to tell. “You made me wait like a goddamn dog, and that's what you ask me?” He was just worried about you so much and it made him pissed. He is the type of guy who doesn't know how to say like a normal lover when he is worried. He just use bad words to express it. “Fuck off, John. Sex has nothing to do with this. Don't even think that you can use sex to bring me back because I don't.” Because you both always use sex as the solution to fix the shit that you both made up. You end up having sex with him and all of your madness goes away like nothing ever happened. “I don't want to have sex with you right now, [y/n]. You just put me through an hour of hell, worrying about your stupid ass.” He walks closer to you with your unbuttoned shirt, showing your cleavage. “What? Then why the hell did you kiss me then? It doesn't make sense.” You said back to him because you know damn well that he just wants to use sex to solve things like he always does. “Because I couldn't help it.” He holds his gaze on you. “I couldn't think about anything other than you being okay, and it pissed me off.” He said with a serious tone. He doesn't seem to be angry anymore except worrying about you. He always knows how to make you come back to him, the way he said that is just make you weaker. You decide to stay silent and listen to him. “Damn you, I'm sick of your bullshit. I'm gonna stay with you.” He insisted. “You pissed off that I might not be okay? You're the one who slammed me and made me pass out, John.” You reminded him that because you just don't understand him even you already tried to. He leans forward and puts both of his hands down on the table aside your legs, he faces you. “You can't handle even a slap without passing out. You're the most fragile thing I've ever met.” You don't get about what he says again, what he is trying to say? "You have no idea what I feel when you pass out like that, how worried I get about you. I swear, sometimes you make me feel like I want to tie you to my goddamn bed and make sure you can't get up!" He says murmured yet quite loudly. You bite your lips because of a little confusion. He is crazy. That's the only thing you can think of right now. Tie you up? That's insane. “What the fuck- You're insane.” You talk back. "Because you're reckless and careless, you give no regard to your own safety, and you're going to die because of it." He says aggressively, looking down at you with his eyes. All you do is keep staring at him because that's just too much for you.
John takes a hard exhale, running his hand through his hair. “We always have fights. That's just how we are. But you need to understand that it's different when you're unconscious and I can't even talk to you.” You can feel the worry through his voice. You know that you are everything to him even you both are in this toxic relationship that you both made. It's like a dilemma. Sometimes, you feel like you can't move forwards but you can't move backwards either. “Don't you understand that you're everything to me? And I’ll go to hell again to keep you alive.” And that was what he brought up. He saved your life once from suicide. He went to hell to bring back your life. That day he didn't hesitate to go to hell just for you. Your tears run down your beautiful face as he said that because of the vision of you being in hell is still remaining clear. John watches your expression as sighs deeply, taking another deep breath before continuing. “And you don't care, do you? Look at us, fighting as always, you passing out on me and me waiting and worrying when you won't wake up like a dog?” He looks down on the floor and murmurs. “Why the hell do we do this to ourselves?” He is blaming ourselves that we always end up fighting even after a little argument. It's how we are , just like he said. It doesn't easy to change in you both relationship.
You're staring at him with teary eyes. You can't hold back anymore. “You know... I’m not gonna last long. You bring me back from hell, that broke the rules. Lucifer will find me and drag me down to hell again. You can't protect me forever. One day, I have to die, John...” John scowls and clenches his fists. “If that bastard Lucifer gets his hands on you again, he will regret the day he ever dared to touch you.” He snapped, his voice cold and filled with rage. “I will not let him take you. I will kill every single demon that comes for you, and I will drag you out of hell every time if you end up there. Even if I have to walk to the pits of hell to find you, I will do it." He touches your hand. “I will do it again.” Your cheeks are full of tears. John slowly wipes out gently. That's why you can't get over him. His soft side is your biggest weakness. “Fuck you! I hate you, John... and I hate myself that I always lie to you that I really hate you...” John pulls you and let you lean on his chest. It is warm as if you're sitting in front of a fireplace after a long rainy day. All you can think about is that he risked his life just to have us here, sitting and fighting each other. The fact that if he couldn't come back in time, he could die in hell as well. “Damn it! You shouldn't have saved me... you should let me die... why did you do that? I shouldn't have fallen in love with you...” that's all you can say to express what you're thinking. He isn't impressed with that.
“Don't ever say that. Don't you dare wish for something like that. I saved you just to hear you say that?” He keeps saying, trying to express things that stuck in his mind because you said as if it was so useless that he saved you. All of it just because you don't want to fall in love with him? “You think I'd ever be happy letting you die, watching you die like that? Because I'd rather tear my own heart out than watch you do that. If you didn't make it, I'd go with you. I'd let Lucifer take me just so I could be with you.” The mixed feelings that are in your heart is just too much to say anything else. You end up pull his shirt abruptly and kiss him passionately. For a moment, you break the kiss and say quietly and slowly to make it very clear to him. “Don't you dare telling me that you would let Lucifer take you so you could be with me.” You squeeze his shirt and pull closer again. “I can't stand that.” One of his hands moving to grab your hip and pull your body against his. “Well, you'll have to deal with it" He mutters "Because I would." against your lips before kissing you again. “Fuck you, John.” John lets out a low moan, his hand moving to the back of your neck. “What if I die tomorrow? What if Lucifer finds me?” You asked. “Then I'll go to hell, get you, and put a bullet in Lucifer's head myself before I drag you back to earth.” John moans softly as he gives in to your kisses. “Say it again.” You whispered “I’ll go to hell and put a bullet in Lucifer's head...” John repeated while his hand moving to the back of your head and gripping your hair as he kisses you deeply. His other hand slides down to your thigh, his touch possessive and hungry as he pulls you close to him, his body craving you completely. “Finish the sentence, John.” you demanded. “And I will drag you back to earth...” He whispers against your mouth, taking another bite of your bottom lip. “Fuck-”
Note: I recommend you to read this next click here. It's like a sequel. It's not necessary to read both because you can understand the stories without one another. So up to you!!
Note: I just found that False God by Taylor Swift has the lyric that quite relate to the story omg!! Let me show you.
“We were crazy to think. Crazy to think that this could work. Remember how I said I'd die for you?”
“And I can't talk to you when you're like this. Staring out the window like I'm not your favorite town. I'm New York City. I still do it for you, babe.”
“I know heaven's a thing. I go there when you touch me. Honey hell is when I fight with you.”
“But we can patch it up good. Make confessions and we're begging for forgiveness.”
“But we might just get away with it. Religion's in your lips. Even if it's a false god. We'd still worship.”
“Still worship this love. Even if it's a false god. Even if it's a false god. Still worship this love.”
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sleepingdeath-light · 11 months
s/o who is half hawaiian hcs ; main cast
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requested by ; yesthetrashbin (09/05/23)
fandom(s) ; black butler
fandom masterlist(s) ; hub | specific
character(s) ; baldroy, our!ciel phantomhive, finny, mey rin, sebastian michaelis, snake
outline ; “Hi! After seeing your "mixed race hc" for Black Butler, may I pls request the main cast (of your choice) with a mixed race s/o from Hawaii? (Male or gn reader pls) I'm just self projecting rn, I was born and raised in Hawaii for a very small portion of my life but since I was a military brat, I lived in many different places. Now as an adult and living back in Hawaii, I have major imposter syndrome and for a whole year I never felt like I belonged here and ppl treat me differently for acting more haole... but feel free to disregard this request! Hope you have a good day/night!”
note ; this may not be a perfect portrayal of the reader’s requested experience as i (a) am not a part of this culture and had to do a lot of research, and (b) had to try and adapt whatever i could find to the time period bb is set in — apologies if any part of this piece feels off because of this
warning(s) ; brief references to period typical racism and feeling disconnected from one’s heritage, but mostly fluff!
bard tries his best to help you reconnect with your culture and heritage — namely through food and language — but he’s far from perfect and his pronunciation might just make you wince at first (he’s trying, really, he’s just also really not good with accents)
do not let this man hear about dishes like loco moco or kālua pig because he will try and recreate it for you and it will go horribly wrong — please, please, if you must, ask sebastian to oversee everything because otherwise you will be eating some charcoal (made with a lot of love and good intentions, but still definitely charcoal)
he calls you ‘ipa’ a lot, alongside his usual rotation of pet names like ‘babe’ and ‘hun’, and his pronunciation gets better and better over time — and if you comment on that improvement then he’ll get the cutest smile on his face and mention that he has ‘the best teacher’ (between you and the books he’s been studying, of course)
he practises a lot independently in the hopes of being able to impress you and your family in the future (a habit ingrained in him from his upbringing — the need to gain approval from the relatives of whoever you’re dating before marriage), but let it be known that he is struggling his way through the syntax and grammar as best he can — but of course he’ll end up coming to you for guidance when he’s truly stuck or realises that perhaps that’s not how he should be pronouncing that word (sometimes it just feels wrong, even to a new learner)
he has punched someone out cold for being cruel to you for your heritage before and he will do it again if the need arises — he has a temper and he can use it to his advantage (sometimes, anyway)
(our!) Ciel Phantomhive
he’s highly empathetic to you feeling out of place in your culture does whatever he can to help mitigate that uncomfortable feeling for you — usually by having sebastian do something or another
he uses a great deal of his sparse free time to learn the specific dialect your family uses, either from you or alongside you depending on how much you can recall, and whilst his pronunciation is imperfect the effort is definitely there (and you’ll often find him practising his annunciation and sentence structure in the late evenings between working through the startling pile of paperwork on his desk)
more hawaiian dishes and desserts are incorporated into the manor’s menu — thanks to sebastian — based on ciel’s research and your own memories of food you grew up with (his personal favourites are lomi salmon and malasada)
if you ever wanted to wear something closer in design or pattern to what you wore back home, then he’d happily commission you some garments from nina — granted they’d probably not be perfect replications of what you grew up with, but he’d make sure that they were as close as they could reasonably be
he’s not afraid to leverage his reputation, connections, and staff in order to protect you and threaten anyone who tries to make you uncomfortable or discriminate against you due to your heritage (his peers, usually) or, conversely, your disconnect from it (other members of your community back home)
finny finds everything about your heritage and culture to be so very interesting — whether that’s the food, the celebrations, the language, the clothing, or just the island that your family hails from itself (he did grow up in a lab after all, so an environment like that is one that he’d jump at the chance to go and visit)
he’s shockingly quick at picking up the spoken side of your dialect just from hearing you speak it, but reading and writing is a very different story — but he’s so very eager to learn and he wants to be able to help you reconnect with that side of your family in his own way (trying his best to start and maintain conversations in hawaiian throughout the day with you, occasionally pausing mid word to shake his head and correct his pronunciation slightly and asking you if that was right — grinning so broadly it reaches his eyes every time you let him know that he did good)
loves all of the food you grew up eating and will happily devour it and ask for a second helping — his personal favourites are the sweeter things like haupia and kūlolo but he also enjoys the more substantial/proper foods and will just eat whatever you put in front of him
doesn’t quite understand the concept of being ‘haole’ but gets deeply upset by the way you’re treated by some of the people on your island because you happened to travel a lot growing up, which in turn makes him more protective over you and clingy (likewise he gets very emotional and affectionate after someone mistreats you back in old blighty because of your heritage, apologising for how you’re being treated and angry that people could ever be so mean to someone he loves so much)
if he had the opportunity to go visit hawaii with you then this man would be in heaven, exploring the terrain and learning about all the new native plant life (even trying new fruits like lychee, papaya and pineapples, which are far too expensive for him to even consider looking at back home) — you will definitely struggle to get him indoors during your visit and he might just sleep outdoors if you let him
Mey Rin
mey rin can definitely relate to feeling disconnected from her heritage given that her parents passed away when she was young and her only exposure to anything from her home country was the gang that treated her terribly — so the journey to reconnect with your roots would be something she’d happily support you in
she’d join you in relearning the hawaiian language whilst she learns mandarin (well beyond the cusses and insults and derogatory terms that were tossed around in the gang) — exchanging terms of endearment like ‘ipo’ and ‘xīn gān’ as you each become more familiar with your own languages and each other’s
she’s happy to try any of the foods you grew up with (especially anything involving meat), but she’s not exactly the best cook and far too clumsy to be trusted in the kitchen, so you’ll have to take on most of the actual cooking — she’s happy to help fetch ingredients, though (and she’s yet to drop anything… key word being ‘yet’ but it’s a big achievement for her)
if you ever manage to scrape enough time off to go back to your home island then poor mey will be fretting and practising her hawaiian near religiously for weeks leading up to the visit (even practising to herself when she’s working) — she wants to leave a good impression on your family, after all, and is really anxious about getting their approval
she’s not afraid to stand up for you with brits or other hawaiians who try and look down on you because of your heritage and your relationship with it — she knows what ‘haole’ means and she does not like hearing you get insulted (and, as many people could tell you, she can be very intimidating when she wants to be)
Sebastian Michaelis
sebastian is the type of partner who would go above and beyond to help you reconnect (or keep connected) with your heritage even though you’re stationed an ocean away in england
he makes sure the kitchens are stocked with the ingredients necessary to not only feed the master and his guests, but to keep the taste of home close — even memorising the steps to making the perfect lau lau, poi, or haupia (amongst many other dishes) for whenever you’re feeling homesick
being a demon he also has an excellent capacity to acquire languages and dialects without having to do the same amount of active learning that humans do, meaning that he’s more than happy and able to sit and talk with you in your native language (standard or in regional dialects like the niihau dialect) or help you relearn if if it’s something you lost or never quite picked up for one reason or another
it’s not like he randomly incorporates phrases or words from hawaiian into his daily life or work, as he has no reason to, but when the two of you are talking it’s easy for him to slip into it as a more intimate and private thing for the two of you
he makes a point to help you visit your home island and family whenever possible, even at times twisting the young master’s arm to do so — ensuring that you’re able to make any celebrations, festivals, parties, or holidays that you might have otherwise missed (whether it’s a more personal gathering like a luau, or something more communal like the merrie monarch festival)
as one could expect of him, sebastian is incredibly protective over you and intolerant of any attempt to judge or discriminate against you from either side of the debate (brits for being too non-white and your community for being ‘too haole’) and will make his disapproval known in the most aggressively polite way possible (unless he can get away with actively threatening them without repercussions for you or the young master, at which point he might just outright attack the offending party)
snake is mostly a very quiet and introverted person but that doesn’t mean he’s unsupportive of you and your want to reconnect with your heritage — in fact he offers all of the support he can (using his wages to buy books, food and materials in the same styles that you grew up with just to make things a bit easier)
he knows what it’s like to feel like you don’t quite fit in anywhere and he has extremely little patience for anyone who treats you poorly for your heritage or upbringing — using his snakes and appearance to his advantage in order to intimidate anyone who even tries (he doesn’t speak enough hawaiian to know what ‘haole’ means but based on your reaction he knows it isn’t good and he doesn’t like you being called it as a result)
he’s a big fan of a lot of hawaiian dishes and will easily clean the plate whenever something is made — but his personal favourites are ahi poke and lū’au, both of which he can happily have several servings of
he’d struggle a bit with connecting with your community if you ever managed to bring him back to your island for a visit — but that’s mostly because of his natural introversion and he’s otherwise fine with following you around, helping you prepare food, celebrating holidays with you, and so on
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slytherinqueenrose · 2 years
Total bastard |Percy Hynes White|
Pairings: Percy Hynes White x Polish!F!Reader
Warnings: bit of cursing, stereotypes about cars, mentions of Harry Potter, let me know if I missed something. It’s shitty by the way.
Additionally: Y/N - Your name, Y/L/N - your last name, Y/F/N - your friend’s name, Y/C/B - Your car brand/car of your choosing
A/N: Hello! That’s my third writing here on Tumblr and I must apologise for the grammar! I’m Polish so English is not my first language and don’t feel too comfortable using it. I’d be very grateful for any feedback about it because I truly don’t know if it’s even comfortable for you to read 😩
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You may be wondering how does working on Wednesday set look like and the only word that comes to my mind and describes it perfectly is MAGICAL.
That was my first - let me call it - serious job. I took part in few other productions as an intern mostly and I played a background character only once before getting the role of Wednesday’s cousin. Coming back to the topic - even though I have some experience in films and I know exactly how everything looks behind the scenes, the set of Wednesday was something totally different and new.
Maybe it’s because most of the cast was young and not too popular (not counting Jenna and some other actors of course). That was the first place where I felt like I belong there.
But I also met somebody who desperately tried to break my heart or so I understood it.
Let���s start with a quick introduction. My name is Y/N, I was born in 2000, in Poland which makes me different from my movie character all the way. I was kind of stressed about joining the cast mostly fearing that I won’t be accepted. I mean, they all have became really good friends and what if I they treat me as an intruder ?
The trip to Romania was excellent even though some turbulences happened during my flight. Firstly I was wondering about driving a car (which would take about 12 hours but I thought of taking some stops in Slovakia and Hungary). I love travelling to new places but I decided that buying flight tickets and rent a car while in Romania definitely will be a better option. I needed some way of transport and I truly hated the public communication.
I did as I said, I rented a car and was heading straight to the hotel. The atmosphere of Romanian forests was just wonderful. So mysterious yet so beautiful. I couldn’t get enough of looking at the surroundings and I took few stops on the way to take pictures of as many views as I could.
After an hour or maybe a little bit longer I finally arrived at the hotel. It was just a simple building, not too pretty nor ugly. Cozy actually. It’s totally fine though. I don’t feel too comfortable in luxury places.
“Shitty drivers.” I muttered while trying to park my car on a parking lot. I have to mention that I’m a pain in the arse if it comes to driving. I always stick to the rules and rarely try to break any which often makes other people go insane. I remember my very first time in the US. I rented a car with my friend and she was laughing her arse off almost every time I drove. The only text a remembered after coming back home was “we’re driving with a very sick Jaguar. Almost dead”. And to make it even funnier, I have been overtaken by a bicycle.
Minute of silence, please.
But coming back to my thoughts.
After seeing this one black BMW parked totally wrong, I got a clever idea. What to do to piss off its driver? I parked my car correctly so there was no option for whoever owned that black car, to get inside. Sorry not sorry. I left the car and took my luggage and just when I was heading to the building, someone called after me.
“What do you think you doing? I can’t get into my car, you daughter of the devil!”
I quickly turned around to see a young man opening the black vehicle with his automatic pilot.
“Fly then.” I said with a grin.
“May you move your shitty Y/C/B so I can leave the parking lot?” He added visibility furious.
“Shitty Y/C/B you say. Well, does your BMW have working indicators or they are to cause a huge explosion if you use them?” I asked and raised my brows at him.
Before you’ll start hating me for this I must explain something. Polish people truly hate BMW drivers. It’s not like we don’t buy those cars - we actually do and they are very popular. However seeing a BMW using indicators is something worth celebrating. Does not happen too often, tho. If you happen to see a BMW with working blinkers, you can be sure it’s police driving it.
I didn’t even wait for his response, expecting it to be rude, and just turned around again and that’s when I noticed a certain boy that was portraying Ajax in the show. He was laughing his arse off while leaning against the hotel entrance.
“Well done, whoever you are. Jake is a total shit and makes everyone go crazy with his behaviour.” He said while extending his hand to me which I gladly accepted. “Georgie Farmer, Ajax Petropolus, call me whatever you want.”
“Nice to meet you, Georgie. I’m Y/N Y/L/N. I’m going to portray Wednesday’s cousin, Verity.” I replied with a smile.
“You have a funny accent. You’re not American for sure, aren’t you? I didn’t mean to offend you, of course.” He added.
“Don’t worry about that. English is not my first language so I’m not a mistress of speaking it. The truth is I usually fail doing so.“
„Stop saying so. You speak very well. I like the Brit or Australian sounding. But what’s your nationality then?”
“I come from Poland. Not too far away from here actually which I’m pretty glad about. At least my flight wasn’t tiring.”
“Woah, is that the country which is famous from pierogis?” He gasped visibly amazed and just when I nodded, he grabbed my hand and pulled me after him inside the hotel. I started giggling like crazy. I was totally over the moon because someone seemed to like me and that felt incredible.
“So I suppose you’re pretty stressed now before meeting the rest of the cast but there’s no need to worry. We are all very friendly and really excited to meet new cast members. Some of us are also pretty insane like Percy for example or Oliver but I’m sure that you’re gonna feel comfortable around them.” He said with a pure excitement, opening one of the doors for me. ”I believe that Emma dreams about giving newbies a hotel tour just like Enid would but what about me being your guide today? She’s rambling too much while showing people around.” He said. Well, isn’t it like he was rambling too?
“As long as you keep smiling and being all excited.” I replied winking at him.
And honestly that was the best beginning of a new friendship in my whole life. We spent around an hour running around the building while he was trying to show me everything. And I mean totally EVERYTHING. He even showed me a secret underground room where he, Percy and Oliver meet from time to time to gossip about what had happened during their day. Boys.
“And so this is the last room of ours. We call it a freak day room because we spend most of our free period here. A lot is happening here everyday so don’t be scared seeing whatever is going on there right now.” He said less enthusiastically.
“I’m prepared to see the worst.” I replied giving him a reassuring nod. I could already hear laughter coming from there and I felt sick from fear. I’ve never used to be too confident, not even mentioning popular. I was just a plain, grey, unknown and the least liked person in my school years. I’ve never had real friends. All of my “friendships” usually come to an end after few months.
“Guys, guys, guys, attention please.” Georgie spoke while entering the room. All the laughter stoped and everyone looked at him at once. “Percy, may you please stop this ungodly singing?” He added. “So I want to introduce a new person to all of you and-“
“You met someone new and didn’t tell us sooner?”
“I’m sorry, Emma but I needed to give her a quick tour and talk a little bit. Whatever. Ladies and gentlemen, this is Y/N, Polish miracle with a funny accent.” Georgie chuckled pulling me into the room. I almost fell noticing all those glances.
“Hiya, nice to meet you!”
Let’s say that the very first day with the whole cast was just amazing. Everyone had a lot of questions, some simple, some weirder. We had a lot to discuss and considering the fact that the boys opened a champagne and then another and another, it resulted in a killer headache on the next day.
But it doesn’t matter.
Percy does.
Since the very first time we laid our eyes on each other, there was a sort of a weird tension between us. I felt pretty shy for no reason and he seemed to judge me. Or so I understood because I usually think that people are gossiping about me which never happens actually.
The thing is that he was acting different in my presence. For example this one time when he was listening to music and singing in a tent, he stopped immediately after I joined him and few other cast members. His face expression made me feel sorry for interrupting their fun time however was it my fault that I was just being curious about what was going on in there? Oh, ok. I’m a bit nosy but IT WAS OUR TENT and I had a full right to go in there.
The second time I felt bad was the Halloween day. Emma and I were simply preparing our costumes in our “freak day room” when Percy came. He just leaned on the doorframe with his arms crossed on his chest and was looking at what the both of us were doing. Then, he chuckled and raised his eyebrows.
“What?” I asked confused.
“Well, don’t get me wrong but wouldn’t it be just enough if you would have gone to the festival right after waking up? You know, all sleepy and messy.” He said with his characteristic grin. What was that supposed to mean?
“I was thinking about that actually.” I replied a bit upset forcing a small smile. Yeah.. He basically thought I was ugly. I can’t say I wasn’t though. At the age of 23 I had a lot of insecurities which may seem to be odd for many people.
“What are you planning to wear, Percy?” Emma asked.
“A beautiful smile and my fave hat. Enough to make all ladies gasp.” He chuckled and then left.
“He’s unbearable.”
That definitely was true. The way he laughed at me made me go insane every time. When I couldn’t hold the arrow properly, there he was, laughing his arse off. Same after all my bloopers. We also had a pretty heated argument scene one day and he couldn’t hold his laughter. I didn’t know what was going on. Was I truly this bad at acting? Not even mentioning the way he used to mock my accent and made me feel sorry that it was more British than American. Well, it’s not my fault! Polish schools ONLY teach British vocabulary and accent. It’s more familiar to all of us and additionally I used to grow up only having British or Irish idols. Who doesn’t remember One Direction for example? I was a number one fan and honestly I wouldn’t make it with my English without them. Before I met Percy I thought that the way I spoke didn’t matter but it clearly did. I truly started to have enough.
I can’t not mention the fact of being a Potterhead which was for some reason too funny for him. He used to walk around pointing at me with his fingers and go with “expelliarmus” or “abra cadabra” which wasn’t even a Harry Potter spell (and he knew that but wanted to see me explaining it to him and getting embarrassed). At this point I was truly frustrated.
“I’m so glad I have a bit more free time today. I was thinking about visiting the nearby shopping centre. What about you, Joy?” I said while eating lunch. That was the first day after a month of shooting when I was needless on the set. The most of my scenes have been recorded already and now it was only Jenna and her serie family time.
“I was there loads of times and I never get bored of going there. I will for sure keep you a company. I need to buy some stuff especially after Georgie ate almost all of my candy!” She laughed with pure happiness on her beautiful face.
“What are we doing today ladies?” Percy asked, putting his hands on Joy’s shoulders.
“We plan on escaping and doing some illegal stuff. Wanna join?” She replied with a smirk knowing just well that he definitely would accompany us if it really meant something illegal. He was overly confident and usually into rebelling.
“Does it mean few hours of shopping in cosmetic stuff which I ain’t understand? Then thanks.”
“We’re definitely planning on robbing a jewellery shop.” I said winking at him.
“Would be such a reward to have some new shiny necklaces, wouldn’t it? I bet it could ease your embarrassment after yesterdays fails on set. I really think you’re shitty sometimes.” He chuckled and made my heart shatter.
“Yeah. You’re right. So what about leaving soon, Joy? I think I’ll go to take my phone and car keys now.” I added not looking at him.
“I need to take a shower before we leave. Give me at least an hour, is that fine?” She asked smiling friendly.
“Sure. Take your time.”
As I said I went to my room and just sat there, looking at the wall. I’m shitty. That’s what he thought. How cool is that?
But no. It wasn’t what made me sob. Just not yet. The real reason of my future tears was much worse.
About a week later, just few days before Christmas, we all decided to have a lovely, friendly free period after work without caring about the job, without rehearsing, basically it was supposed to be just a chill out. Eating, doing nothing, maybe dancing a little, you know just a normal evening with friends. I was heading straight to our day room when I heard something what broke my heart into millions of pieces.
“What about you and your screen lover, artist?” Georgie laughed. Gossiping about me then. Fine. I just stood there behind the door to hear more and that was a mistake I wouldn’t make twice if I could turn back time.
“Y/N is… well, let’s say that I really couldn’t get more fantastic partner.” Percy scoffed, purest sarcasm in his voice. “I thought they’re going to hire a hot Latino chick for this role but then she came and I’m… huh. Can’t get over this. It’s a simple misunderstanding. You see, someone like her and someone like me. Not to mention that she’s one or two years above, isn’t she? Like a mama.”
“Oh yeah, I can totally agree, mate.” Olivier replied chuckling.
With that I didn’t even bother to listen to them anymore. I headed back to my room where I decided to call my bestie via FaceTime to let all of my negative emotions out. I sobbed hard for another half an hour and she was just there, looking at me and simply not talking. She was wonderful. She had no idea what happened but was waiting until my cries died, giving me some time before finally listening to the story and starting comforting me.
„Naprawdę nie wiem, co takiego mu zrobiłam.” („I literally have no clue what I’ve done to him to deserve it.”) I said, wiping the tears out of my face.
„Moje biedactwo. A przedstawiają go jako aniołka. Posłuchaj, siostra. Może i traktuje cię w taki a nie inny sposób, ale czemu to ma dla ciebie takie znaczenie?”
(„Poor little thing. Can’t believe he’s portrayed as such an angelic person. Listen to me, sis. He may be treating you like this but why does it actually matter to you?”) Y/F/N replied but just after that we heard my door being opened. I didn’t turn myself in the sound’s direction because I could clearly see in my phone screen who entered my room.
Percy himself.
But what the fuck did he want? I decided to stay unbothered and show no emotions at all. At last I didn’t want him to know that I was eavesdropping. Happily he does not know my mother language so it wasn’t too difficult to continue my conversation without his suspiciousness.
“Wiesz… Podłapałam małego crusha na tym dzieciaku. Nie wiem czemu. Zazwyczaj zachowuje się jakby się naćpał, ale jest dość uroczy i…”
(„You know… I might have fallen for him a bit. I know it’s ridiculous but he’s usually acting high like shit but he’s cute at the same time…”) I replied and saw a clear disbelief in my bestie’s face expression.
“On ci rujnuje samopoczucie z dnia na dzień coraz mocniej, a ty się w nim zakochujesz. Powinnaś się przebadać.”
(„Can’t believe it. He’s making your self confidence fall more and more everyday and you’re just casually falling in love. You should go and see the doctor real quick.”) She added visibly angry.
As we continued discussing this and that, I felt a movement on my bed. Percy sat cross legged behind me with a faint smile on his face which made me truly uncomfortable.
“Jak on w ogóle może tak o, wparować do twojego pokoju i gościć się w nim jak u siebie? Zwłaszcza po tym co powiedział.”
(„It’s so bold that he’s able just come to your room like nothing happened and simply feel like he’s being at his own place. Especially after what he said.”) Y/F/N said looking him straight in the eye. “Wydaje mi się, czy zaraz rzuci na mnie klątwę? Może Avada Kedavra?” (“Is he trying to hex me right now? Or maybe he’s planning on using Avada Kedavra?”)
„Możemy zmienić temat?”
(“May we stop talking about him?”) I asked with a forced smile.
But then I felt a very delicate tapping on my shoulder so I finally turned around to face Percy.
“You didn’t join us. Something’s wrong?
Yes, Percy. Yes. You happened.
“Powiedz mu co o nim myślisz i daj znać jak poszło.”
(“Tell him what you think about him and let me know how it went.”) My bestie added before ending the call.
“I don’t feel too well today so I just decided to stay here and spend some time alone.”
“Come on, sweet things, I know you’re lying.”
What did you call me?
“No idea what you’re talking about. I have a right to feel bad”.
“Something is clearly bothering you”.
How come that he was able to read my mind?
“Well maybe you wouldn’t need to worry about such a shitty thing if I was a hot Latino chick.” I retorted not daring to look him in the eyes. It took him off guard immediately.
“Wait, what?” He asked confused and then his face dropped. “Y/N, have you heard what I said down there in our day room?”
“Obviously. Look, I’m sorry that I got the role and you have to look at my Polish shitty face. I wish I looked different but I can’t. Also sorry for being shitty on set. And additionally I’m sorry for talking the way I do and I’m extremely sorry for liking what I like. I-“ I was cut.
“It’s a misunderstanding, sweet things. Let me explain, please.” He pleaded taking my hand into his and I just nodded. “I didn’t mean anything bad by saying all that stuff earlier. It might have sounded bad or so but I am very happy to have an honour of working with you. What I said about your acting was just a way to tease you. I like when you get flustered. I’m not laughing at the way you sound. I find it extremely attractive. I have a weakness for girls speaking languages and changing accents. Harry Potter is absolutely fine and I like it too. I mean, I like it a lot and even have a Dark Wand somewhere at my house. And what I said today… Sweet things, it was all positive. You see, I truly couldn’t get any better person to portray my lover. You’re just perfect doing your job. I also didn’t mean anything - I swear - anything bad talking about you and I feel like I wouldn’t be enough for you. So that’s why I told that someone like me couldn’t be with someone like you. You’re just much more mesmerising and too good to ever be mine. I’m so sorry about making you feel bad all this time.” He added with a pure sadness in his eyes.
This time I was taken aback.
“Wait, does it mean that-“
“I like you and truly wish we could start all over again. If you want of course. I get it if you don’t feel like being with someone younger.”
“You know that the age doesn’t really matter?”
“So is that a yes?”
“It doesn’t hurt to try though. But don’t you dare calling me “mama”. Like ever again.”
“Of course not. Never.”
Yeah, he was absolutely going to call me that. Seeing his little grin made me realise he’s not the one to trust at all.
To: Bestie 😈
Percy and I got together.
That might piss her off.
From: Bestie 😈
A/N: I really am going to shit myself not knowing your opinion 🥲.
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batsvnte · 8 months
𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐑𝐨𝐜𝐤. 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐝𝐞
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(▰˘◡˘▰) ❥ fluff, established relationship ^ gn!reader | after everything, you’re the only one who he comes to no matter what – ooc highly, spelling mistakes, improper grammar, not proofread, skinship, mention/description of scars, blade implied to be an rockstar/biker while mc is an mechanic
Xenos’s notes – art belongs to @/tiredceles_
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It was an harmonic music that never ceases to stop.
Your hands trace the ends of the guitar that belonged to Blade. The sharp edges that threatened to jab at anyone’s skin if he decides to swing it at them. The maroon red coloring that encased the entire body of the guitar with golden outlines of spider lilies from one end of the instrument to the next. It fits him perfectly in some sort of sense.
You held it up properly in your arms. The smooth strings that you could tell was just a few more chords away from snapping and potentially scarring his hands again. Knowing him, he never lets anyone touch his guitar, not even the ones who are his band-mates. To a stranger who knew of him, it was surprising to witness someone hold it. Towards you, it was a sign of trust in his eyes.
Callous hands found their way around your waist line. His actions were as simultaneously to his voice once he had reached you. You nearly felt your heart jump at the sudden appearance of him. Blade rested his chin ontop of your head, nearly crushing you within his grip. He meant no harm at all but you had to elbow his side to remind him of his own strength.
With his grip loosening you gingerly placed the guitar back into its case. “When did you get here?”
“Just now”
You turned yourself around to now be face to face with Blade. And in return he lowers his head to the crook of your neck. His hair cascading over his entire face to make it impossible to see his face. He took in a few deep breathes at random moments as if your scent as if it was the only thing he needed. His tour was a little delayed due to the weather which gave more time for him to get back home and back to you. His impatience was shown from the chaste kisses he would give all over your neck.
“How bad was the damage?”
Just right before he left, his motorcycle was damaged. Wrong turn led to an altercation that left the bike damaged from the rear and the parts of the middle. It truly did need a check up even before it was damaged. You had offered to fix it up for him even if will take some time. Possibly even after he returns from his tour.
“It’s not so bad. Some parts got torn off but it was fixable”
He hums softly in response. His kisses trail up to your jawline, making sure to kiss every part of your face before he was torn away from your embrace once more. Behind closed doors he wasn’t usually this affectionate from being gone from too long, but this occasion was something he couldn’t handle without your presence around. Busy schedules was something he didn’t truly like. Neither did you.
Your voice broke him out of the temporary trance. Slowly he lifts his head up to an upright position. His eyebrows furrowed slightly but softens shortly afterwards as he makes eye contact with you. The quiet atmosphere in the chaotic workshop was an thing that was near impossible to experience till the dead of night. But as long as he had you, what else is there.
You were quick to catch onto the way he was embracing you. It was as if all his worries were nowhere to be found once you were near him in any sort of way. You knew he normally wasn’t like this but you couldn’t help but indulge in your curiosity. There was a short silence amongst the both of you before he finally spoke.
“Did something happen?”
“Nothing happened,” Blade leans himself a little down to gently kiss the top of your head. “I missed you”
You gaze went over his face to at least try to get an reading on what he was feeling right now. His stoic expression that was described to be permanently stuck on his face even during performances. The way his amber eyes would occasionally stare you down no matter what you were doing from across the room.
Your eyes trailed down to the lower parts of his face. The rare times he had a smile on his face that only you can witness. The corner of his lips that was marked with an scar from an incident long ago that took place on stage. It wasn’t too big to be covering his entire lower lip/cheek, but it was noticeable if you were close enough to him. You remember the time he had gotten that scar. Back before his music got more popular.
“I missed you too”
It was an soft whisper that could barley be heard from anyone else other than him. You in return gave him a few kisses once he pulled away from you a tad bit; it was more on his cheeks, nearing the corner of his lips where the scar was.
He ignores the urges to not haul you over his shoulders and leave the workshop with no explanation to anyone else. Or to just find a more private place just so the two of you can be left alone without the worry of anyone coming in to drag you away from him. Blade took the initiative this time to kiss you fully. A proper kiss that you returned to him with no hesitation. Both caught up with each other. His embrace wasn’t harsh enough to crush your ribcage, but not loose enough for you to break away. Just enough to keep you comfortable within his arms.
It felt like forever before the kiss was broken off. You breath out a sigh that was cotent. Even if he was needy for another one, Blade pulls away to give you more room for air. You caught a glimpse of how his face was tinted with a faint red. It was endearing.
Within a few seconds you were sitting down between his legs. You back pressed up against his front. You couldn’t get the chance to say anything else. Blade grabs his guitar from the case in the process of moving, settling it within your hands.
“I don’t have time for this. There’s some people out there needin’ things”
“They can wait an hour or two”
His hands guides yours to play the chords of the guitar. His head resting onto your shoulder to get a better glimpse at you entirely. The strums of the guitar playing out very slowly that would gradually become a pace of a rhythm. If it weren’t for the close contact you would be able to guess what the song was.
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asamiontop · 2 years
“Lena, you can’t.”
Lena stopped. Her whole body went eerily still as tension coiled out of sight in her shoulders, her neck, her back. Even her ponytail seemed to tighten as the words echoed in her head, Kara’s normally gentle, indulgent voice taking on that glint of steel that Lena, until recently, had associated exclusively with a completely different person.
She whirled and took two threateningly sharp steps towards the reporter. Her pursed lips, the twitch of a perfectly manicured brow, the subtle flexing of her jaw… it landed perfectly. Lena’s expression of barely concealed ire was a blade honed to perfection, designed to make men wither before the look alone lest she unleash something far more terrifying. Kara shrank beneath it like everybody else. Maybe more.
“What do you mean, I can’t?” Lena spat.  Most people who had ever insinuated that Lena Luthor could not do something wound up finding themselves frighteningly wrong, frighteningly quickly. Kara knew that.
“It’s just—it’s dangerous.” Kara entreated, sufficiently cowed by the wrath radiating off of Lena in waves.
“I’m perfectly aware of the risks associated with the misdeeds of my own family, Supergirl,” Lena stated coolly, her voice snagging on the name that contrasted so nauseatingly with the nondescript cardigan and slacks and glasses standing in front of her. “It has never stopped me before. This time is no different. Now, if you’ll excuse me.”
She spun on the ball of one stiletto and made to stride towards the door. A hand caught her around the wrist. Warm, dry, careful, even as it caged her as unmovably as iron.
“Lena, please.”
Once more, Lena turned to face her intruder, or guest or whatever. She knew fury was alight in her eyes, knew she couldn’t hide it from the gently beseeching blue that met her. So she let it simmer and dared Kara to look, to face it directly.
“Please,” Kara repeated, just above a whisper. “I don’t want you to get hurt.”
In a most un-Luthor-like show of weakness, Lena snorted. She glared at the place where Kara’s fingertips seared like brands on her skin, setting her veins aflame with equal parts rage and longing. She had a facade of loathing to maintain, so she allowed poison to spill from her lips. “That’s rich, coming from you.”
Kara should have released her. Lena had meant for the comment to burn, to make Kara feel the touch the same way she did. But Kara merely followed her gaze, forlorn and regretful. Then she loosened her grip and shifted it with a slow, devastating slide to rest neatly around Lena’s hand. On the way, the pads of fingers traced featherlight paths of fire down the inside of her wrist, tripped over the tendons at the base of her palm, and lingered on her rapidly heightening pulse.
Mortifyingly, all Lena could do was struggle to keep breathing and control the traitorous sigh that wanted to jump from her mouth to land encouragingly against the shell of Kara’s ear. Just as she was about to succeed in wrangling her body’s inconvenient reactions, Kara mirrored the motion with her other hand, reaching for the wrist that had been free from her grasp.
Lena swallowed hard, kept her throat from whimpering and her knees from wobbling, and raised her chin defiantly.
“Lena…” Kara’s eyes were so stupidly, frustratingly earnest. All misty and clear and pointedly difficult to ignore. “I never want to see you hurt. I never wanted to hurt you. I know that I did and I know that it’s unforgivable, but that doesn’t mean you should throw yourself into danger now.”
“Like I said, Kara,” Lena pretended to struggle against the Super’s grip, a little white lie to convince herself she’d put up a fight as Kara besieged her defenses with nothing but gentleness. “I’ve been walking into danger for years now. Because of you and despite you. This is no differ—”
“It is different!” Kara’s volume rose on a cry and her fingertips tightened around Lena’s hands. The Luthor could do nothing but blink at the crystalline fire blazing back at her, the fingertips pressing desperately into her palms.
Kara turned her face away, viciously worrying her bottom lip, sucking in watery breaths and blinking so hard that those crocodile tears Lena had sworn to hate tumbled haphazardly down her cheeks. Lena’s chest shuddered painfully and she watched mutely as Kara fought to regain control after her outburst.
When she turned back, her eyes were red-rimmed and bluer, somehow. Lashes wet, her eternally light mascara just barely smudged. “It’s different, now,” Kara admitted feebly, staring at their semi-joined hands. “Everything is different.”
“Yes, well,” Lena sniffed haughtily, prepared to deliver a dark ‘who’s fault is that,’ and yet her unruly mouth changed course at the last second and she muttered instead, “things may be different between us, but the threats we have to face have not changed. Neither can we.”
She’d sounded much more placating than she’d meant to. Much kinder, as well. It was embarrassingly damning but, miracle of miracles, the kink in her armor seemed to have gotten through to the Kryptonian. Kara looked back up at her, an endearingly persistent tear dangling from her eyelashes. Lena’s fingers twitched with the urge to wipe it away and she almost snatched one of her hands out of Kara’s grip so she could smack it across the back of her own offending digits.
“I can’t,” Kara blinked mournfully and the tear dropped away. She shook her head, pitiful as Lena had ever seen her. “I can’t.”
Well. At least it was a better tune than you can’t.
“You can,” Lena urged, exceedingly gently. She lured Kara’s eyes to hers with the pretense of kindness, pinned her with an almost tender gaze for a fleeting second—a manipulation, Lena reminded herself, not an indulgence—then let her eyes harden. “You can and you will.”
With that demand she jerked her hands in the direction Kara was pulling her, an old self-defense trick, and then away. Some self-assured part of her knew the Kryptonian would release her before ever physically causing any pain. (The cognitive dissonance of that certainty with the barbs she’d thrown at Kara and the heartbreak she’d experienced by her hand was something Lena had become practiced at ignoring.)
But Kara didn’t let go. She followed Lena’s movements to minimize the forcefulness of her decision, but kept her in an iron grip. For a nanosecond, Lena experienced something akin to fear. Kara hadn’t even flinched. It had taken her more conscious effort to make sure Lena wasn’t harmed than to keep her rooted in place.
It was extra embarrassing then, that after the spike of cold dread that shot down her spine, a soft swipe of Kara’s thumbs across the back of Lena’s hands was all it took to soothe her. Even more mortifying that when Kara’s voice lowered and she declared, gravelly and rough, “I won’t,” that Lena felt the assurance somewhere distinctly inappropriate and south of her stomach. “I won’t let you go, Lena.”
Indignant, exhausted, and now decidedly late to her engagement with her villainous brother, Lena lost her patience. “And why the hell not?”
“Be-because…” Kara faltered. Her brow crinkled and her mouth opened and closed blankly and she bit her lip again, turned it vibrantly pinker. “Because it’s different no—”
“Yes, yes, Kara.” Lena’s eyes rolled. She was beginning to lose her grip on the finer points of her Luthor upbringing but what the hell, Lillian wasn’t here to see it. “We’ve established that things are ‘different’ as you say.”
Lena leaned forward into Kara’s space, glaring up at her too-blue eyes and spun gold hair and offensively perfect face. “But let me make something very clear. Nothing has changed for you.” She paused to let Kara choke on that for a second, resumed just as the Kryptonian was about to protest.
“You’ve known who I am this entire time. Known more about me than most, I might add. You knew, every time I stepped in to help Supergirl and the DEO, exactly who it was that was standing in the line of fire to save your sorry ass. And all of this time it never bothered you, not once, that I was putting myself in danger.”
Kara pursed her lips, her eyes wide and panicked, and swallowed dramatically.
“What is different,” Lena continued, willing herself to stay cold, “is that now I know who you are.” She imagined herself stabbing an accusatory finger in the center of Kara’s chest. “I know now that the person who went behind my back, who mistrusted me for no other reason than my name, who enlisted the people I cared about to betray me was also the person who once made me feel the safest I’d ever felt.”
Hm. That wasn’t supposed to have slipped out that vulnerably. Lena shouldered past it.
“I know now that the person who believed in me, who I’d grown to care for, to lo—” she halted abruptly. Evidently this was the time many of her little boxes decided to eagerly try to slam themselves open. Lena needed to get a hold of herself. She cleared her throat. “The person I loved as a dear friend, was the same one that Reign almost killed. The same one that risks her own life day in and day out for the people of this city.”
If anything, Kara only looked more confused now. Lena was, admittedly, confusing herself a little bit, letting unmoored and unresolved feelings get the best of her. She had to haul her small tirade back into control.
“Surprisingly, that was one of the most difficult parts of your little revelation,” she sneered, “realizing that someone I lo—” damnit Luthor, get a grip, “that someone important to me, had been on the brink of death so many times and I hadn’t even known. I hadn’t even been given the chance to care.”
Lena shook her head, shrugged as if that fact hadn’t gutted her repeatedly and left her in a drunken stupor for days. “What really helped me overcome that hiccup was you,” she added, sickeningly sweet. “When I realized that you, Kara, were watching me do the same without batting an eye. Without caring at all.” Lena snarled, refused to let Kara eke out her adamant refusal. “I figured, if Kara can do it, then so can I. Why should I care when she doesn’t?”
Lena chuckled darkly. “You see, Supergirl… you—as the ultimate role model for how indifferently you and I should treat one another—have absolutely no excuse to flutter in here and tell me what I can and cannot do. Nothing has changed for you.”
She made to pull her hands away once more, with measured, deliberate finality. This time, Kara allowed her to slip through her fingers. One inch, two… a few more and Lena would be free to go handle the latest crisis and then hide away in the bottom of a bottle after this soul-crushing conversation.
At the very last second, Kara latched back on. She closed her hands around Lena’s fingertips and, with barely any pressure, froze her to her spot.
“That’s not true,” Kara argued weakly. “It’s… it’s not true. I always cared Lena.”
“Well,” the young Luthor huffed, “regardless of whether or not I believe you. If you cared then and you claim to care now, still nothing has changed. Let me go.”
“No,” Kara persisted. “It’s a trap, Lena. You’re going to get hurt. Or worse, he’ll take you or, or, kill you—”
“And why do you care?!” Lena finally broke. Her voice cracked on her yell and her eyes began to burn. “You never stopped me before, never hesitated to come ask me to intervene or—”
“Because I didn’t know what it was like to lose you!” Kara snapped back and Lena’s mouth snapped shut. Kara blinked intently at her for a few moments, shocked into silence at her own admission, long enough for it to settle heavily over them both.
When she spoke again her voice was soft, broken. “I… I was awful. And selfish. And a lot of things I will regret for the rest of my life. And I told myself it was all for the best, because I was scared of losing you. There was this vague idea in my head of how horrible it would be to not… to not be a part of your life anymore.”
Lena scoffed. She’d heard this before. Kara only squeezed her fingertips entreatingly and continued.
“But then… then you found out and we fought and I… Lena, I had no idea. I had no idea how much—how much it could hurt. When Mon-El left Earth I… I was sad but I wasn’t devastated. Losing you, hurting you, broke me in a way I’ve never felt before.”
Lena tensed all over, bracing herself against the confession. Her jaw went tight, her nostrils flared, her chest shook but her heart, traitor that it was, slammed hard against her ribcage trying, against her best efforts, to get to Kara.
“I can’t begin to imagine what I would do if I lost you for good,” Kara added miserably. “I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself… or the world… if I lost you before I got the chance to… to try to fix this.” She stepped forward and looked imploringly into Lena’s eyes.
“I want to fix this, Lena. Us. Whatever it takes.” Kara’s hands grew bolder, wriggled up to fully envelop Lena’s once more. “I’ve never felt this way about another person. And maybe that’s why it took me so long to recognize it. Maybe that’s why it took losing you for me to really understand how much you mean to me.”
Shakily, Kara released one of Lena’s hands. Then, achingly slowly, she raised her fingertips—up, up, up until they hovered a breath away from Lena’s jaw. She paused, giving Lena a chance to retreat from the touch. Hopeless as she was, Lena didn’t budge.
Hopeless as she was, Lena leaned weakly into the cradle of Kara’s palm when it curled delicately around her cheek.
Kara’s thumb traced a wet arc over her cheekbone and Lena’s eyes fluttered closed. She felt the gentle, damp press of its pad at the quivering corner of her mouth. Still, she didn’t recoil. Still, all her heart screamed for was more.
Kara puffed out a breath cracked with relief and disbelief. “I love you, Lena.”
Piece by piece, Lena crumbled. The kinks in her armor became chips, became fissures and rent her into pieces. She had so much vitriol stored up to launch at Kara in response to that confession. So much hurt, turbulent and vengeful, roiling in her gut and so much anger, lack of understanding, disbelief.
But all she could muster was a defeated “damnit, Kara” and a watery sob before collapsing into the safety of the blonde’s arms. Because what’s a soul to do when it hears the siren call it’s been yearning for from the person who unwittingly brought it to life?
Kara caught Lena against her chest, shifted to ease the blow and enveloped her instantly. She cupped the back of Lena’s head, tucked her other arm around her shoulders and held as tight as she probably dared.
As she stained Kara’s cardigan dark with her breakdown, Lena became aware of a cheek pressed into her temple, tender fingers stroking her hair, and a gentle shuddering of Kara’s shoulders as the reporter, too, lost her composure.
Lena lost track of how long they stayed that way, how long it took for the feeling of imprisonment to fade beside the blinding relief she felt within Kara’s embrace. She cried and cried and wrinkled Kara’s clothes in her fists and, damn everything, felt like she’d come home.
“This doesn’t fix anything,” she hiccuped.
“I know,” Kara murmured into her hair.
“‘I love you’ doesn’t fix anything,” Lena insisted, still indignant.
“I know, I know,” Kara keened mournfully, “and I’m so sorry. I’m sorry for saying it, I’m sorry for not saying it, I’m sorry for everything, Lena. I love you so much. I want to stop hurting you. I want to put the pieces back together, however you’ll let me. Please, Lena. Please let me.”
Kara was sobbing now, begging and pleading into Lena’s hair and for all intents and purposes, on her knees for the young Luthor.
And Lena could cite Kara’s weakness, her prostrating herself at Lena’s mercy, for what she did next. She could cite it, but she’d be lying. Because it was the confession that dislodged something jagged and bleeding from Lena’s heart. Three basic, overused words that cut through all the gnarled twists and turns of her and bared the knotted, aching, nerve that held the truth of it all.
“I love you too, Kara,” Lena mumbled near inaudibly into the soft wool. Near inaudible was plenty audible for a Kryptonian.
Kara reared back, wild-eyed and stunned. She stared at Lena intently, shocked and speechless and heartbreakingly hopeful. Her mouth twitched silently around a ‘what’ of impossibility, so Lena beat her to the punch.
“I love you, too,” Lena repeated, watching the blue of Kara’s eyes illuminate with the words. She opened one of her hands and set it to rest over the thundering in Kara’s chest with a faint, blooming smile. “‘I love you’ doesn’t fix anything, but it’s a start.”
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euphorickaeya · 3 years
𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐜𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 !!
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honey’s notes: apologies for the wait!! tumblrs being a butthole and decided to delete what I already had, and me being busy (on animal crossing..and schoolwork..) I couldn’t of put this out faster ^^”
summary: you’ve got 5 of the most important characters in genshin impact, and they keep following you around and calling you, ‘your grace’! But with no choice in hand, you’re forced to home these clueless characters in your home. What’ll your friends think of this?
part one. part three.
reader uses they/them pronouns.
characters : Zhongli/Ei/Venti/Aether/Albedo x Reader.
[content warning: yandere. cult. obsession. possible swearing. typos. grammar mistakes. talks about genshin bodies. reader owns feminine clothing but reader is still gender-neutral. Talks about Venti being a borderline perv. creepy encounter with creepy guys.]
recommended song: good old-fashioned lover boy - queen.
tags!! : @weakestpoint | @nicebonescomrade @pencildrawer12 | @error1-1 | again, if you want to be added to the tag list, don’t be afraid to send me an ask or ask under this post!
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You never really thought this would be happening. Here you are, sitting with the five (5), if not most important characters of genshin impact. I mean especially the long-haired blonde who seems to turn into a puppy as soon as you give him a glance.
“Well, uhm..” you uncomfortably shifted, one hand holding a cup of water, the other being taken captive by Venti who can’t seem to leave you alone. “Uh..does anyone, want to explain why you’re here, and not in here?” You point to your phone.
They all open their mouth to explain, before backing down, seeming uncomfortable about talking to you. “Okay-“ you started, “You’re the creator of teyvat, your grace! And we came to take you home.” You could feel glares right on top of the other directed to the anemo archon who rubbed his cheek into your upper arm, looking at you. he was so mesmerized by you that he wasn’t bothered.
If looks could kill, he’d definitely be dead. “The creator?…” you spoke, your voice had a tone of confusion and curiosity. “Yes! You were brought here when you perished from protecting teyvat from some force, and we’re here to bring you back to the world you truly belong in!” Venti was digging an even deeper hole for himself, Zhongli sighed, making a mental note to punch him through a few mountains when they return.
“Uhm..yeah, no. Maybe you got the wrong person? I swear I never made Teyvat- more like it was made for me but-“ You were shushed by Ei. “well, you..you died in a war far before any nation was created, as a last resort to keep you safe, you were reincarnated to this world..” Ei explained. Zhongli nodded, agreeing with Ei’s words.
You sat looking at her with a dumbfounded expression, you absolutely cannot believe what she’s saying. “You’re messing with me, aren’t you? okay, very funny, that’s it-“ you stood up, Venti falling forward to your seat as you swiftly took your hand from his grasp, your upper arm was warm from him rubbing his face into it. He almost whined, holding his cheek who collided with the seat you used to sit in.
“We’re telling the truth, your grace! If we weren’t, why else would we be here?” Albedo spoke up, also standing from his seat, you looked at him with uncertainty, a silence slowly washing over you. Your eyes dart from each of the characters, Zhongli looked uncomfortable, staring at the cup of water you had handed to them. Ei was busy eyeing your cat, who had jumped on top of the table, curious to what’s happening.
Aether tightened his fists, also uncomfortable at the situation, Venti no longer looked at you, rubbing his cheek with his hand. A sigh left your lips, “look, I’m not this creator person you think I am,” you see them visibly deflate. “But I’m also not a cruel person, I won’t leave you guys out in the streets, if you guys really do come from gens- teyvat, then I’ll house you until you guys return, but only until then.” You pointed your finger at them, as if a parent scolding their child after eating sweets before their bedtime.
you silently hoped it won’t be long until they returned back.
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It seems as that any god out there has not heard your prayers and pleas because you have crossed, the two-hundredth-twelveth (212) day, or for short, exactly seven (7) months, on your calendar of how long five (5) of the most important characters have been living in your home.
Zhongli no longer wore his long coat, you remember after a week of them staying with you, you had gone to get them clothes, Zhongli now wears white shirts and sweatpants, in which he still does not understand why they’re called sweatpants when you don’t “sweat” in them.
You may have caught yourself looking at him once or twice, the shirts you got him basically defines his abs. You remember not being able to look at Zhongli for at least three (3) days straight, because when you did, you’d be facing his pecs.
You are thankful for Zhongli though, he helps around with cooking and cleaning, sometimes you can feel his chest against your back when you’re cooking breakfast. Or when your cleaning when he carries you on his shoulders as you clean the highest shelves in your house.
Venti is also a bit of a problem to handle, because he’s been snooping in your closet while you work. How many times have you seen him wear your clothes? He particularly loves the skirts, you had some female friends leave them behind when they’d come sleep over for and skirts weren’t your style, he thankfully took them off your hands! he loves the way they twirl and they’re easy to just put on than shorts. Of course, you had no problems until Venti found…your underwear drawer. Ah, the face you made when he pulled out your underwear and asked what it was..you beat the shit out of him the same day.
Although he does cause problems, he’s the perfect person to go to when you’re under the weather. he either hums or sings you to sleep, persuading you to take a nap, he’s disheartened at the fact of how tired you are, he beats himself up on how he hates that he doesn’t know anything about your world, so you do the work for them, as you always have when they were still stuck in your game.
Ei, well, she wears anything! She prefers oversized shirts though, you had bought her, her own oversized shirts, some styles you’d think she’d enjoy, Ei loved it and always rambles and chirps about how she’s never wore anything so comfortable! Ei’s not a very chatty person, and sometimes she can feel how awkward it is when you sit beside her, enjoying tea you brewed for both of you. She’s embarrassed that she does not know what to say and ends up showing her gratitude and her want to communicate through actions.
She links her pinky with yours as you doze off, too tired to notice that she was basically holding hands with you. She paws at your shirt whenever she sees sweets being sold on the street whenever you guys go to the grocery because she’s shy to ask you to buy her some sweets. If someone told you years ago this is how the Raiden Shogun acts around her loved ones, you would’ve never believed it, behind her tough facade, lays a gentle bunny, just wanting affection from people she loves most.
Aether wore whatever you gave him, if you gave him a clown costume, he probably would’ve worn it. Aether doesn’t care about whatever you give him, he cares about you, your safety and happiness. He swore to that ever since he became your very first vessel. He helps with little things like, taking care of Marsh, who seems to love him as much as the cat loved you, or maybe carrying many bags of grocery to bring inside the house.
He doesn’t care much for what you give to him, or what you say to him, he’s there for you, and your happiness. He strives to keep that smile on your face. You can’t help but smile whenever you come home to Aether sleeping on the couch waiting for you with your cat curled up by his stomach, if you were to be honest, he looked like a boyfriend waiting for their darling partner to come home and so they could greet them but ended up sleeping, waiting. You felt grateful that he decides to wait for you. You showed your gratitude with a kiss on his forehead.
Albedo felt very outcast from this. You bonded with the rest of the characters so easily, but yet he, he doesn’t know what to say. He has a hard time understand human emotions, and he doesn’t know how to show them. He watches you pet Venti’s head out of affection, and his blood boils. He wants head pats too. Albedo wanted to talk to you about his experiments, his discoveries and alchemy, or maybe just drawing, art in usual. He was afraid that you wouldn’t like him and what he did, even though he pursued what he lived and breathed doing in teyvat just for you, he believed that was your path for him.
He never really expected a conversation, maybe a small “good morning Albedo, how are you?” But never a conversation, not like how you and Zhongli talk about history, or you teaching Venti about how music works in your world, or maybe Ei who you keep feeding sweets to, Aether, when both of you baby your cat and give him smooches. He kept expecting and expecting until you, watched him draw.
He finished a drawing that was done a few days ago, it was you, sitting by a window, reading your favourite book. You had approached him and sat beside him, leaning in a bit, he was a little shocked, you could tell from the way his grip fell from one of the pencils you brought him a week prior. “Just wanted to see what you’re drawing albe.” You smiled at him, he felt a small warmth grow in his chest, as he tried to continue drawing.
That’s only some of the stuff that’s happened during their stay at your home. In all honesty, you were slowly growing attached, you loved how every time you came home from work, you’d see aether sleeping on the couch with your cat, Zhongli greeting you from the kitchen, Ei watching him cook, and Venti who was strumming a ukulele you had kept in your storage.
You were slowly getting fond of them and used to them in your home, you know you shouldn’t be. They could poof anytime they want and you’ll have to get used to coming home to only your cat. You realize how lonely you lived your life. A sigh leaves your lips, slapping yourself on the cheek. “stop thinking like that, [name]. Don’t get attached. It’ll only hurt you.” You tell yourself. You don’t want to, but you have to.
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“your grace, can we-“ Ei called out, reaching for you. “Ei, please we’re in public.” You pulled her to your side, looking at her hands which carried an item with a colourful packaging. Sweets, you assumed. “[name]…can we get this?” Ei corrected herself, showing you the object, she gave you puppy eyes, which you were sure she wasn’t even doing on purpose.
Both of you stared at each other in silence before you broke. A sigh left your lips as you put the item into your shopping cart. “That’s the last thing you’re getting for yourself, okay Ei?” You scolded her as she nodded, a small smile on her face.
Zhongli glanced from behind the both of you, his hands on the shopping cart, he was busy looking at snacks, that he deemed maybe healthy for you. You, Ei and Zhongli decided to spend the day going shopping, feeling too cooped up in the house. Ei clung to your arm as you guys strolled further into the snack isle, before a hand grabbed you unoccupied arm.
You stopped, looking at the man on which the hand was connected to, he was old, creepy and he smelt bad. “hey...” Your breath hitched, you stepped back, trying to free yourself from his grasp, Ei let go of your arm, pushing the creepy man away. “Don’t touch them.” Ei exclaimed, almost shielding you away. Her soft and flowery aura has now faded away, her hand in front of you to either keep him away or keep you away. It was obvious the man was drunk by the way he walked, wobbly and slurred.
“I’m not here for you..now out of the way..” The man tried to push her away, trying to get to you but being a shogun in teyvat means she’s not easily pushed around. “Ei-“ you watch the man try to push Ei around and start to slowly get violent, before you know it, you’re being dragged to the ground by the man.
It was a blur the next few seconds, the old man’s hand held your shirt in a death grip, you sat on the floor trying to get out of the drunkard’s grip, and another second, he was brought down, Zhongli toppled over him. “You stay the fuck away from them.” He growled, his fist raised as a threat as the man laid on the floor flabbergasted.
“Zhongli- no, no. Don’t.” You stood up quickly, your hand wrapping against his chest, pulling him off as security came to haul the drunk man away. Zhongli huffed, his fists still tight out of anger and annoyance. Your hand laid on his cheek, his gaze on the fading figure of the drunk man. “It’s okay, Zhongli. I’m okay.” You reassured him, his body subconsciously leaned into your palm, his hand slowly taking your wrist to keep you in place.
“let’s go home, please.”
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bestedoesmeow · 2 years
-well, heaven knows I'm miserable now             bradley bradshaw x reader
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warnings:none//includes a lot of comforting behavior,smooth roo,late night walking and talking
notes: sorry if u see any grammar mistakes,hope you have fun bestie
word count:2077
Since you don't feel like you fit in and belong at Top Gun, you are having anxiety attacks and second thoughts about becoming an aviator. However, Bradley Rooster Bradshaw,who is at his last week at Top Gun, is come to change that in a single night.
''If you ever behave that way up there, you can be sure that you won't survive long here. "(Your callsign) you are terminated from all flights this week. ''
Admiral said in a tone sending shivers down your spine.
''You are dismissed,tell Lieutenant Johnson that I'm waiting him.''
You affirmed before carrying out his instructions. You walked out of his office and gave Johnson the go-ahead to see the Admiral in his office before making your way back to your quarters while attempting to contain your tears. You had a terribly difficult week because you were constantly pushing yourself outside your comfort zone and failing.Knowing that you were the sole aviator called from a different circumstance, as opposed to the other aviators who usually violate the hard deck rules, was your limit.
''I don't know what's wrong with you, but you suddenly lost control of your plane up there, which was pretty dangerous for you and your other pals. Pull yourself together, lieutenant, or you're out of here.''
With these comments echoing in your ears, you felt despairing about the positive things the day might offer you.You've never felt more powerless, out of control, and out of your comfort zone in your life, and you've never felt more unfamiliar with your own existence, steadily losing your own confidence and trust in yourself. As you entered the quarters hallway, you heard some of your peers whistling about what had happened earlier that day. You took a deep breath, already filled with hate, anger, and despair, and hurried your pace, still attempting to fill your lungs with pure air without breaking down.
When you finally made it to your room, which was luckily silent and empty because the last thing you wanted to hear was a conversation about "the trust you have in yourself, breath exercises, and thinking clearly.'' You ripped off your uniform and hurled it as far as you could in the room, you weren't attempting to keep from crying anymore while wearing your panty shorts and hoodie, your tears were uncontrollably running down your cheeks.
"Hey (Y/N)sleepy head, we're heading to the beach, are you coming?"
You awoke to a familiar sound ringing in your ears; at first, you could only open one of your eyes to acclimate to the light.
"How many hours have I slept?" you asked, without even attempting to answer her previous question.
"I don't know, I didn't keep a timer," she admitted, shrugging her shoulders.
"Perhaps four hours from now?
"Four hours, you thought, felt like a fucking futile ten-minute nap."
"You know,' you muttered before resuming your conversation, massaging your eyes as your back rested against the headboard. "All of that happened today -
''Yes they were real (Y/N).''She said while looking at your swollen eyes and lips.
"But tomorrow is going to be so good that you won't remember any of those things, and you'll also be able to demonstrate how truly talented you are and-" 
You cut her off before she finished her statement you were plucking the sides of your nail as your lips turned down in disappointment. 
"I am terminated from all flights this week (Y/F/N) don't even bother to tell me that I am a literal failure." 
"Oh, I had no idea." 
She murmured after nearly ten seconds of waiting, reached for your hand to rub it. 
"It's fine, but I want to remain in tonight since I'm not having the best one." 
You tried to grin while glancing at her hand which was caressing the back of your hand. 
"Yes, absolutely.''She said before getting up from your bed.She took her jacket before asking you if you want her to turn the lights down.
''Yes,thank you(Y/F/N).
Instead of sleeping, your mind wandered, your pillow started to feel like it was made of iron, your eyes started to ache, and your palms started to sweat. You decided to get out of bed and take a walk around the base to get some fresh air at this point. You didn't take off your sweater and shorts before leaving the room,only put on a jacket. Corridors were silent and almost dark, and they were probably just cleaned because the scent of newly mopped floor pervaded the passage.
When you finally got out, the first thing you did was to take a long whiff of the beautiful air and gently release it. To be honest,you felt much more alive, so you didn't regret getting out of bed.As you drew closer to the beach, you noticed your pals reclining on the sand, laughing while playing charade.You didn't want to disrupt their game and you were also feeling nervous and horrible about the way you flew and the comments your instructor used against you in front of them, So you decided to keep walking, because you had skipped dinner due of your crying and sleeping session, your stomach was growling like a literal wolf. You thanked God that there were no aviators nearby to hear that unavoidably loud noise, and you didn't need another source of humiliation. You opted to get some crackers and snickers from the vending machine which was placed in the students' waiting area, your hands tucked into the pockets of your jacket you made your way to the room,climbed the stairs swiftly passed by one or two sentry lieutenants who were watching the corridors and finally entered the room which was unluckily having a group of Top Gun students who were resting on the leather couches of the room,one of them cleared his throat while you were inserting a coin in the machine.
''You did some niiiice flying up there (Y/C/S).''He said, made some of the others laugh.You took a deep breath before turning your face to him.Jake Seresin.Almost the king of the sky, callsign Hangman because he hangs you out to dry.
''I appreciate your candor Seresin.''You managed to say, not in an attempt to fight back because dear god you already were fighting with yourself non-stop and you just couldn't find that energy to bite him or anyone back about the way you fly.
''Oh,he said before coming closer to you in the room.''You don't wanna do this at all aren't you?''
''And why this bothers you so much Seresin?''You said while facing him, your eyes were looking at him tiredly but full with anger.
''Because,he said before tapping you on your shoulder.I don't think you should be here.''And gave you that million dollar smirk of his.
''And your thought changes what Bagman?''You said this time a little bit angrily not even blinking an eye.
''Maybe the way you fly huh?You are apparently the weakest link here.''
''Now you stop Seresin,you are being too much.''Another familiar sound said.You didn't really want to cry in front of anyone in that room but you felt your eyes getting wet with his last words and you didn't find the want inside you to tell him an another word, instead you threw one of your snickers at his face and left the room taking quick and deep breaths while trying to hide your urge to scream a big 'FUUUUCCCCCCKKK''.
As you drew closer to your room, your ears burning with anger and disappointment you heard someone calling your callsign behind you one or two times, at first you weren't sure if they were calling for you but after the second yell you turned your face behind to take a look at the owner of that solid voice.
Bradley''Rooster'' Bradshaw, the second best after Hangman-people were saying-was in his final week of the program and was graduating the following Monday, and there was a big question in everyone's mind whether he would win the Top Gun trophy.
And you never thought you'd be able to see him from this close.
"Oh, I'm sorry," you replied, wiping the tears from your cheeks without looking him in the eyes.
"Here you dropped this," he remarked, approaching you to hand you the snickers you just tossed at Seresin's face.
"That was a beautiful shot, though," he replied this time, beaming beneath his mustache.
"Thank you.'
You said, looking him in the eyes with your crimson eyes and a light smile on your lips.
''No,thank you or he would never you know.''He said,
"Lieutenants, you are not permitted to talk this loudly in the hallways. Go to bed or simply leave." One of the sentry lieutenants suggested stopping Rooster before the end of his sentence.
"So, you want to take a walk around, you know-"He continued as you gently descended the stairs, trying not to make too much noise.
"Ah, sure."
You sniffled your nose as you smiled at his request.
When you were finally out, the mild summer wind was all over your face. Rooster was taking slow steps on the stone path, and you kept it quiet for a long until he decided to talk.
''Well he didn't make you cry did he?''He said turning his face to you on the path to the beach, he was in one of his signature Hawaiian shirt's and his dogtag was hanging around his neck.
''No I mean everything happened today was too much for me to handle so I am just having a crisis you know.''You said watching your shoes while taking steps beside him.
"'I'm sorry, I heard what happened, but it's not important you know things like these happen, so don't be too hard on yourself." He said  before offering you a soothing, melting smile.
''You probably weren't almost about to crash navy's highly costly fighter plane.''You said while looking him in the eyes daringly to show how serious the situation was and your voice was apparently showing off your disappointment.
'Oh, he said before breaking out laughing, Wow.' But he made you feel much better about the situation by laughing or thinking it was funnier than it was disappointing, so you put on a nice smile.
"And I'm not sure, but I don't think I belong here either." You mentioned this after clearing your throat after your laughing session.You were taking unsteady steps on the beach, passing The Hard Deck and hearing laughter and music.
"And what made you think that?" You made it here, you graduated, applied, and were accepted; you are no different from me Hangman or anybody else you know; it is quite unfair for you to believe otherwise.''He said in a solid tone before reaching for your hand.
''You shouldn't let people decide or talk instead of you (Y/C/S),you are as good as them and even better if you ever decide to trust yourself.''
While looking at him, your mouth curved into a smile that you thought you'd never experience again.
''Well I sounded too fucking miserable and I am sorry about that.''You said before letting out a little laugh.You took the front pieces of your hair and tucked them behind your ears with your free hand,you squeezed Rooster's hand before looking at him with a nice smile on your lips once again.
''You are a literal hero it's no surprise that the first week girls are crushing on you so hard.''
''Ah that's not the point now honey'' he said while rolling his eyes at you.He got closer to you on the sand before holding you from your cheeks.
''Tell me you belong here now or I'll push you into the sea.''
He was forcing you to look at him while his hands were locked on your cheeks.
''Ugh what's wi-''
''Tell that you are belong at Top Gun lieutenant.''He said before putting his hands on your shoulder to shake you.
''I belong here.''You said trying not to laugh.
''I BELONG AT TOP GUN.''He repeated while trying to hide his grin.
''I belong at Top Gun.''
''I BELONG AT TOP GUN.''You managed to say before literally bursting into the best laughter of the last two weeks,Rooster wrapped his one arm around your neck and pulled you into his chest while laughing.
''Now I'll drink to that .''He said leading his steps to The Hard Deck after making you follow him.
''I'll get to choose the drink tho.''
''Mehhh,not so cool of you now.''
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mhento · 4 years
Jaehyun - Distortion
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Genre : college!au || angst, fluff, smut
Paring: Jaehyun x female!reader
Word count: 8,6k
Warning: swearing, graphic smut/ sexual themes, mentioning of alcohol
Summary: Your life drastically changed after you met the boyfriend of your friend Carly and his friends.
A/N: I post this after one or two years in my drafts. So hope you like it and remember I did not re-read this, so there may be some grammar mistakes.
Lmao I suck at descriptions. So please don’t mind my nonsense I wrote there. Hope you have fun reading this. 😊💕 @bunniglow
It was a usual day in college. You were seated in the front row of the lecture hall. There wasn't much to say about you. You were just an ordinary girl. Well you heard other people say you were a nerd but that wasn't really you. They said those things because you always sat in the front row, hadn't a lot of friends and sat in the library when you weren't at your apartment or at your workplace.
You were a barista in a cafe near your college. Most of the people who came to get a drink were students. At first you found it good because they weren't much people who had a huge age gap. But after some time it got really annoying. Most of the people who ordered were rude. They had an attitude that made you ponder how they were treated at home to be this disrespectful. Customers that weren't students were nice, sometimes too nice. You hadn't anything against talking with a customer when you had time but you definitely were against their flirting attempts. The only thing they created was uncomfortableness. So you rushed to get them out of your view which was kind of hard sometimes. Overall you didn't like your job much but it was your only source of money and they paid well, so you didn't want to complain.
The things students were thinking about you were false prejudices. You sat in the front row because you didn't want to see other students in front of you. You wanted to have the least contact with them. The front row could secure you this. You weren't afraid of others but you just simply hadn't any motivation to talk to any person about things you considered as indifferent. This was also the reason why you had barely friends. The only friend you had was a girl you met on your first day in your first semester who introduced herself as Charlotte or Charly as she wants to be called like this.You actually didn't want to talk to her at first but she was so persistent that in the end you gave in. After your first talk with her you learned that she was also your roommate. You couldn't have been happier. You had guessed you would get the worst roommate.
She definitely wasn't the best roomate. She was the reason why you spent so little time in the apartment. She had a boyfriend and whenever he came over you were out of view after you learned it the hard way. The first time you thought it would be okay to sit in your room and learn for the upcoming exams but you were proven wrong. You didn't know they both would be this loud. So you had to take your earphones in. Even with the music in full volume, you couldn't veneer their voices. So you gave up and walked out of the door. Since then you avoided being in the apartment when he was present. But he was there most of the time so you just had the library as an escape.
As you sat in the front row and draw on the cover of your block, gasped could be heard. So you lifted your head to see what made people so shocked. A male student stood in the door frame and he looked like a rich kid who gets spoiled from his parents frequently. He had a ripped blue jeans and a grey polo shirt with a denim jacket over on. His shoes were from an expensive sport label. They were black with a dark blue hashtag on the sides. He had a watch on that was way more expensive than anything that belonged to you. His hair which was dark brown was styled back. He looked through the rows and halted when he saw you. He locked eyes with you and a small smile appeared on his handsome face before he started to walk to the back row.
Charly suddenly came from behind you and sat down next to you. You didn't question her why she was sitting behind you but you were definitely confused.
"Oh my gosh Y/N. He looked at you and he even smiled. You're soooo lucky." Your friend said with excitement and a huge smile on her face.
"What? Whom are you referring to?"
"Girl are you serious?" She deadpanned. "Jung Jaehyun just looked at you. Fucking Jung Jaehyun."
"Jung who? Who is this?"
Her smile dropped and she seemed to get a little annoyed.
"Jung Jaehyun. The hot guy that smiled at you like a minute ago." When she saw that you were still a little confused she added. "You know, the guy with the expensive clothes on."
"Ohh you mean the rich kid. Ahh yeah uhm what's with him? He can look at anybody he wants to. Maybe he saw something on my face or so."
She gave you a disapproving look but before she could speak again the professor came and the lecture began.
Not even five minutes into the lecture and you were getting bored. You just wanted to sleep. But this didn't seem like a good idea when you were in front of the prof. You didn't want him to think his lecture was uninteresting so you came to the conclusion to just continue your drawing.
When it finally ended you were the first out of the hall and went straight to the cafeteria. You were starving so much because you couldn't get to eat in the morning. You set an alarm on your phone and went to sleep but you forgot to charge your phone over the night. So the battery of your phone died and with that your alarm wasn't going to give any tone. You were woken up by Charly in the morning. She was already dressed and ate something. She thought you were already gone but heard you mumbling something so she came to wake you. You were truly thankful to her. If she wasn't there, you would have been in trouble.
You were the first to arrive in the cafeteria. The lady behind the counter already knew what you were going to buy. In the time you were walking to the counter, the old lady already had your order finished.
"Y/N nice to see you again. You weren't here for quiet a time." The old lady kinda made a pouting face and that brought both of you to laugh.
"I'm sorry. I was just kinda busy. But I promise I'll be here more often in the future. And thank you for finishing it up before I even arrived." You gave her a thumbs up and as you saw the people gathering in the cafeteria you quickly said your leave and made your way to the exit.
But before you left you saw Jaehyun shortly looking at you. You didn't gave it much of a thought but it stil didn't go unnoticed.
You sat on the rooftop and waited for Charly. For the first time she said she would bring her boyfriend with her. You didn't know what to say and you were kind of nervous.
You bit in your salami sandwich and enjoyed the view. You liked the rooftop a lot. You found yourself always interested in your surrounding. You wanted to take pictures of old houses or just a street full of people in the shopping area. The look down from the roof was facinating everytime you went there. The people going to their different lectures. You could already tell who was in his first semester and who wasn't. The people in their first semesters were kind of confused where they had to go. When you thought back to the time when you were in your first semester it was the same for you. Even after half a year you didn't knew what building you had to enter. A good thing was that Charly was there for you. And it was kind of strange that she always knew where they had to go. But you didn't complain.
Loud voices brought you back to reality. Even if Charly was coming with her boyfriend, they were too many voices...too many male voices. You turned around and saw your friend with 5 guys around her.
When she saw you looking at her she greeted you. The guys stopped talking and the attention was now on you. They were all really good looking and also had expensive things on. You recognized Jaehyun among them.
The first person that talked was a really tall guy. He had black hair and his arm was around Charly's waist. So he had to be her boyfriend or other ways it would have been odd. "Hey, I'm Johnny. I'm Charly's boyfriend. Nice to finally meet you. I've heard a lot about you." He said smiling.
Charly prickled him in the side. She rolled her eyes at him and then turned back to you. "He says it like it was something bad we talked about. But dont worry, we just talked about good things." She winked at you and you couldn't contain a laugh.
"It's fine. I don't even know what you could say about me. I mean, I'm not that interesting." You said with a shrug but still with a smile plastered on your face. If Jaehyun wouldn't stand next to Johnny, you would've missed the frown on his face. It didn't last long and that made unsure. Maybe you just imagined it?
The next to speak was a guy with red hair. He wasn't as tall as Johnny but taller than you. You didn't know why but he gave you the feeling as if he was the leader of the clique. Could you say leader? But like the person that arranged most of the meetings outside the college. "I'm Taeyong. Nice to meet you." He was really polite as he gave you his hand to shake. "I mean I don't know if you already know my name but I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you too." You said with a slighty timid attitude.
You didn't know why you were shy all of a sudden. But this was your first time to speak to so many people. It made you nervous as hell. You just didn't know why this feeling came only now.
A guy with dark hair spoke next. He kind of reminded you of a bunny. A really cute bunny to that. "I'm Doyoung." He came and gave you a hug. It took you off guard and you seemed to look as surprised as you felt because Doyoung apologized as soon as he saw your face. "I'm always like this. Sorry if I made you uncomfortable." "What? No you didn't made me feel uncomfortable. I was just surprised. That's all. No need to apologize for your kindness." You briskly responded. This time you saw Jaehyun lifting an eyebrow at you. You quickly looked away from him and at ten only person you dodmt know the name of yet.
He didn't look like the other guys but still handsome. Your gut feeling was right and he introduced himself as Yuta. He came from Japan.
"Oh really you're from Japan? That's cool. I've always wanted to go there but I didn't had enough time or money to do that." You exclaimed happily.
"Hey if you ever go there just message me on Instagram and I'll give you a tour around." You nodded and smiled at this.
This caused an unhappy look on Jaehyun's face and you weren't sure anymore if you even wanted to be introduced to him. In this short time you saw him. He looked more pissed than happy. Didn't he smile at you hours ago? Why would he be like this then?
Even after a moment of silence and all eyes on Jaehyun, he hadn't said anything. Just looked at you. Which pissed you more off. As everyone could see the tension between you two, Taeyong decided to speak up. "So uhm this is Jaehyun. Well normally he isn't like this and actually the most hyper of us but today he seems off." Jaehyun shot a glare at Taeyong but still remained silent.
After uncomfortable silence you all decided to talk about useless stuff. You actually got really good along with Yuta and Doyoung. Between your conversations with them you felt your eyes always looking at Jaehyun. Even if he didn't say a word to you till now, he did seem to wake your interests. But you just shrugged it off as he didn't show any signs.
You learned a whole lot about them. They are called RSB which means 'Rich Since Birth'. Out of their pronunciation you knew they didn't like that name. A lot of people think they got to this university just because of money and that their grades are bought. They were also known as the prettiest group of friends on campus. Despite the number of people that hated them, they were a lot more that liked them. Liked them way too much. They got a lot of love confessions. Heck how old were the people who confessed? They weren't in high school anymore. They should know better. You never really understood people who confessed their love to someone who they barely knew.
You exchanged numbers with almost everyone there. Jaehyun was the only person you didn't feel to get quite along with and this wasn't how you wished it would be. He didn't even say bye to you and just disappeared from your view.
You said your goodbye to everyone else and went to your lecture. It was the first time you weren't one of the first people to arrive but one of the last. Thus there wasn't a seat available in the front row. You had to go to the middle. At first you felt uncomfortable but it got better with time. You looked around and saw Jaehyun in the front row. You probably scoffed too loud and also glared too obviously at Jaehyun as everyone was now looking at you two. He seemed to notice the unwanted attention on him and turned around to see you glaring at him. He still had this annoying look and this made you seemingly insecure as you took your back and exit the room right before the prof came.
For the rest of the day you just sat on your bed and read a book. You didn't really care about what you read and you also didn't concentrate while you read but you needed something to bring you on other thoughts. Tomorrow would be more miserable than today because you knew most of the people were going to talk about you and Jaehyun and what ifs could be between you two.
When Carly arrived she also asked you holes in your stomach. You said that you never saw him in the front row before and just on the day you couldn't sit in the front he sits there. Like he was provoking you. She responded, you thought too much into it and it probably wasn't on purpose. Moreover it was just a seat so what was the problem? And she was right. What was your problem to even begin with?
After almost a week the rumors about you didn't stop. You thought that people would have been bored after not being fed with more stuff but you were wrong. It was Jaehyun everyone was talking about. So this couldn't last just one week. It had to be longer and it annoyed you a lot. Not to your surprise Jaehyun ignored you. When he didn't ignore you he sent you glares over the room. You knew it was your fault but what could you do? The damage was wrought. The rumors were from Y/N just wanted attention from him to Y/N is pregnant with Jaehyun's child. Sometimes you laughed about their silliness but you were also shocked to what extent people thought of you. How you just were after his money or other stuff. Did people even thought before they talked?
You still held your contact with the other boys. They weren't about what you did but they found it hilarious. When you sat on the rooftop to tell them what happened they all laughed their asses off telling you, you did great. You didn't even wanted to understand what they meant with you doing great.
After like another month the rumors kind of shut down. They weren't completely eradicated but less than weeks ago.
You were on your way to the rooftop when Jaehyun wrote in the group chat you all decided to open a few weeks ago. You didn't even need to look to say what he wrote. The only thing he always wrote was that he didn't come to the rooftop.
You already heard a lot of people talking on the rooftop. You squinted your eyes as soon as you walked out of the door. The sun beamed in your face so you had to take a hand to cover your eyes. To your surprise Jaehyun was sitting there and chatting with the others.
You took out your phone and read the message he wrote in the group chat.
Today I'm coming to the roof - boy who always glares👀 (11:56am)
You felt your phone being taken away from Doyoung. Even with trying, you couldn't hold a grasp on your phone. "Ohhhh guys, do you know how Y/N saved Jaehyun in her contact list?" Everyone shoke their head and Doyoung jumped around like a hyper pony. "Doyoung, I warn you. Shut the fuck up and give me my phone back." You glared at him and the angry voice was audible. But Doyoung just shoke his head. "She saved him as boy who always glares. She even has two eyes emojis behind this."
Everyone laughed expect you and Jaehyun. You looked panicked at him and he seemed happy. He had a huge smile on his face.
You went to Doyoung and ripped your phone out of his hands. You glared at him one last time before you walked to the others and sat down.
Everyone seemed to have calmed down. So Jaehyun took the opportunity to speak first. "You all know Sicheng right? He's holding a party on Friday and he ask me if I could bring some of my friends."
"Uhhh Sicheng is holding a party? I'm definitely in." Said Yuta with a grin. He looked happier than you've seen him before. Did he had a thing for Sicheng?
You leaned in to Carly and hold a hand in front of your mouth before you whispered to her. "Who is Sicheng?"
"He's also in the clique. You just don't see him often."
"Ah Jaehyun I assume your also in for it." After Jaehyun nodded Doyoung added "So why do we all not just meet up at the party. A little fun can't damage, right?" Jaehyun looked at you and for the first time in weeks you didn't saw him glare at you or anything. He actually had a small smile on his lips which had you smiling unconscious. You weren't sure of what to say to the offer but Charly already agreed for you.
It was Friday evening and you were getting ready for the party. Charly put make up on for you.
When you were in high school you actually wanted to do stuff like this. But you gave up after months of trying. Whenever you made yourself pretty in your eyes and went to your parents they said you looked like a clown or something.
"Ok, I'm finished. You look amazing Y/N." Carly praised herself. You stood in front of a mirror. You put on a short black dress. You didn't have a lot of dresses in your wardrobe and this was the best and expensive looking, so you decided fot this one.
On the way to Sicheng's home ,where the party was on going, you kinda felt nervous again. You weren't much of a party type. Your bed was much more comfortable than a drunk people who collided with you. But Charly pleaded you the whole week to come with her. It wouldn't be fun without you. So you gave in.
When Sicheng's house was in sight you already saw a lot of drunk people in his dooryard. It wasn't even past 9pm and here you were struggling to even come to his front door because a dude had to fall in front of you and nearly spelled all of his drink on you. Thanks to Carly this didn't happen. She pulled you back a little and the red cup landed in front of your shoes. Due to smell the cup had to have vodka in it.
Finally inside it wasn't better. More drunk people could be seen. The only difference was that they also danced awfully to the music. They hadn't any rhythm to the beat but what do you expect from intoxicated students.
Suddenly a guy came to your side. He was tall and looked like someone who would spent his time with the " RSB " kids since his clothing looked just as expensive as from Jaehyun. But you couldn't deny that he still looked pretty handsome. The only thing didn't matching was that he was here. He looked too cute to even come to this party. So what was he doing here?
"Hey I'm Sicheng. I assume you're Y/N." Your eyes almost fell out from your staring. He was the person who throw the party. He looked like an introverted person and not someone with so many connections. Your prejudice was again wrong.
You felt Carly pinching your waist. Sicheng looked amused by you and you finally realized you just stared at him and not even said a single word. It would be too awkward to say anything now and to your relief Sicheng spoke again. "Well since Carly already told me about you, you don't have to introduce yourself, I guess. Do you two want to come with me to the basement? The others are already there. We play billiards. I'm not that good so I came up to look if anything is damaged." He smiled at the both of you and Carly dragged you with her to the basement.
Sicheng disappeared briefly in the kitchen and came back with three red cups. You rather didn't plan on drinking anything because you knew you hadn't the best alcohol tolerance. Nonetheless you accepted the cup amd followed both downstairs. The landing was small and it wasn't really illuminated.
The room was large. The walls were black which let the room seem smaller than he actually was. Paintings were on two walls. One was yellow with white and black mixed in it and the other showed a boy with his back looking. He sat on a stone and around him was water. It seemed like the stone was his only lifeboat. Further away in the background you could see a forest. It definitely didn't look appealing. The forest was dark green mixed with black.
Although it was the basement it had a big window. You could see the garden through the window. The garden was also large. The trees were organized after their length. There was a path between the trees that led to a shed. Other than this there was also a big pool were a lot of people were crowded around.
Back in the room was a billiard table and Yuta played against Taeyong. Taeyong was in lead. There was also a couch were Doyoung, Johnny, Carly and Sicheng sat. You didn't notice the two left your side. A table was in front of the couch and chaird were placed around the table. Even though most of the people were here, Jaehyun was missing. This made you a little disappointed. You were looking kinda forward to see him.
Your best option was to go to the others on the couch. Once you settled down Johnny suggested to play truth or dare. You weren't really in the mood for it but what exactly could go wrong. Yuta and Taeyong also gathered around the table and Doyoung placed an empty bottle in the middle of the table. The chair to your left wasn't occupied. You took the opportunity and ask where Jaehyun was. "We actually don't know. He was here a while ago and suddenly he was gone. He probably is upstairs kissing with some chick." This earned Johnny a lot of glares from the other boys and Carly kicked him. Johnny just looked questionable at the others. Sicheng whispered something into Johnny's ear and he looked apologetic at you. Now it was your turn to look confused. Taeyong opened his mouth to say something when the door opened and revealed Jaehyun. He sat down on the only chair that was left and drunk his alcohol mix. Nobody asked him where he was and instead Taeyong spun the bottle.
It stopped at Yuta and he chose dare. Doyoung dared him to call Mark and confess to him his love for Sicheng. Taeyong who sat on your right told you who Mark was. He was also part of the clique but a semester under them. They knew him since middle school. The phone ringing stopped Taeyong from speaking more. After the fifth ring Mark accepted the call. The whole thing was really funny because Mark had to be sleeping already as his answers made no sense. He wished the new couple congratulations although Yuta only talked about his love for Sicheng and not returned love.
Yuta spun the bottle and this time it stopped at Jaehyun. He chose truth. "Do you have someone who you like?" Doyoung briskly asked. Jaehyun stiffened for a moment before his eyes met yours and he seemed to get more nervous. He eventually looked back at Doyoung. "Yeah I do have someone." A lot of oohhhs could be heard and Johnny asked who it was but Jaehyun didn't spell any tea.
You felt Jaehyun's glimpse on you again but you decided to ignore it. You began to get nervous. Jaehyun spun the bottle and oh how predictably. It stopped at you. If you chose truth, you would have become a question like Jaehyun. You decided for dare which was the worse decision.
As the rounds before Doyoung talked. "I dare you to kiss the person to your left." You couldn't believe this. Why did it had to be Jaehyun? You didn't dare to look at him. Instead you looked around and nobody was really shocked about the statement expect you and Jaehyun. You slowly turned your head to your left and locked eyes with him. He seemed as nervous as you. You hesitated but you moved forward to him. You halted in front of his face. Your noses were touching, never breaking eye contact. Your heart beat a lot faster than you wanted and you were sure he could hear it from his position. As you appeared to not move forward anymore, he took the chance and placed his lips in yours. You closed your eyes. He moved slowly and you took up with his pace. He leaned back and you opened your eyes to see shocked faces of the others. You looked back at him and saw him trying to conceal a smile which brought a small smile to creep up on your face.
"Wow. I never thought you would really do this." Doyoung said as shaken as he looked. You took the first sip of your drink and it soured your throat.
You all didn't speak about this and just moved on to continue your game. After some time you excused yourself to get you a new drink. You weren't drunk but definitely a little tipsy.
You made your way out of the door and proceeded your way up the stairs. As you almost arrived upstairs a hand touched your shoulder. You turned around and saw Jaehyun behold you. His eyes were dark and it made him even more handsome. His eyes flickered between your eyes and your lips as he came closer and briefly kissed you on the lips, just to examine your expression. When you didn't move away or anything, he kissed you again. This time deeper than in the game. His lips were soft as they moved against your own. He pushed you against the wall and your hands moved upwards his torso and around his neck. The feeling of his hands on your side sending chills through your body. One of his hands moved to your back and then squeezed lightly your butt. A moan escaped your lips before you could stop it. Jaehyun grunted at this.
"Do you know how long I've waited for this? I couldn't hold it in anymore. Why do you have to wear this short dress? It looks so fucking good on you." He said pressing you more against the wall. He kissed your jaw down to your neck and sucked till purple bruises began to form. He moved to your ear and nibbled at it. This let another moan escape as you moved your head back which gave him more access to your neck. Your leg moved around his and you felt a bulge touch the space between your legs. You felt yourself getting more wet.
"Hey what do you think about getting in one of the rooms upstairs?" He said in between kisses. You stopped and looked at him. "Isn't this Sicheng's house? Can we really do it?" You asked a little nervous because the bulge was driving you crazy and you actually couldn't really wait anymore. "It's no problem. We actually kind of a share the house."
So you two went upstairs in a room that also had his walls painted in a dark color. You couldn't really make your surrounding out since you were to busy undressing and then exploring Jaehyun's body.
He led you to the bed and laid you down, so he could hover over you. He undressed you whilst you slid your fingers along his abs. When he was done he kissed you from your lips down to your stomach. Every now and then he left hickeys on your skin. You whimpered everytime he touched your inner thighs with his fingers. He stroke your inner thighs slowly upwards till he was on your core. His mouth came in contact with your ear as he whispered. "You're so wet for me babe. I love how you react to every touch I make." His voice was deep as he pinched your left breast. You whimpered again and goosebumps were making its way down your arms. You arched your back when he suddenly inserted a finger. He nibbled on your right breast and massaged the other with his hand that wasn't occupied with your lower body. After little time he inserted the next finger. You couldn't handle all of this anymore and you felt a bunch forming in your stomach. "Jaehyun...I-" you couldn't finish your sentence. Jaehyun quickened his pace with his fingers and his tongue. It didn't need much and you road of your orgasm. He maintained eye contact while he went down and licked all your juice up.
When you came down from your high, Jaehyun opened a drawer next to the bed and fetched a condom. "You okay babe? You can take more?" He asked while he looked back at you. His dark eyes showed sincerity. Instead of just answering you kissed him passionately and one hand wandered down his stomach to his cock. You wrapped your hands around it and pumped a few times. He groaned and let his head roll back. His eyes closed as he whispered sweet nothings in the air. He stopped your hand movements and slipped the condom over his cock. He positioned himself in front of your entrance and slid without a warning inside. You cried out and felt a single tear roll down your cheek. He swiped it away and kissed your cheeks. He waited till you were ready to take more of him. He began with a slow pace and from time to time he quickened it. You kissed his jaw down to his neck. You started to suck at his neck and he moaned at the feeling of your lips on his skin. "Jaehyun baby...I think I'm-" "No wait just a little bit more okay?" You nodded along. His movements became loppier and you knew he was also close. He kissed you sloppily and you moaned against his lips when you road off your next climax. Jaehyun still pumped a few times into you before he also reached his high.
He collapsed on you and you two breathed heavily. You could feel his breath on your neck. He slipped off his condom and you laid your head on his chest. He swung his arm around your middle and you two fall asleep.
You woke up from the feeling of a body that pulled you closer. The person hid his face in the crock of your neck. You heard a knock on the door. "Jaehyun I know you're in there. Wake up. The others already made breakfast." Sicheng's voice appeared behind the door. "And don't try to hide the fact that Y/N is also in there. We know what you two did last night. So hurry up and come down." Doyoung added. You were red as a tomato thanks to Doyoung's remark.
When you two arrived at the table in the kitchen, 12 eyes looked at you. You just sheepishly smiled and sat down without saying any word that could lead to a conversation you weren't willing to have. Jaehyun sst down next to you and this made you even more nervous.
"So you two lovebirds. Aren't gonna say anything important to us that might as well should be shared by now?" Johnny interrogated with a goofish smile.
"Well..uhmm..Y/N and I are together, I guess?" Jaehyun stated or more like questioned. You knew he wasn't sure if you saw it the same way he saw it. You two could just had a one night stand and there wasn't feelings on your side. But you quickly vanished his thoughts when you took his hand in yours and said proudly but also embarrassed. "Yeah. Today is our first day as a couple."
The others laughed at your awkwardness and you released a breath you didn't even know you were holding. "Finally. Ohh I thought you two wouldn't check it. I mean how dumb are you two that- oww. That hurt." Johnny pouted at his girlfriend whereas Carly glared at him. "Wait do you mean finally?" you asked confused. "Did you really never saw Jaehyun staring at you. He did it like everytime you were near us. I thought his eyeballs would fall out." Taeyong laughed as Jaehyun's ears reddened and he looked down in embarrassment.
The first day you two went to school and hold hands on the way to your class, other students gasped and it was quickly gossiped all over the campus that Jung Jaehyun was dating Y/N Y/L/N. Even now you couldn't believe how fast information were spread around the campus. It all felt surreal. Jaehyun the hot topic ever since you knew about him and you the nerd who anyone never really cared about. Now you were the center from all. Some students said negative things like you were after his money or you just wanted popularity others said you two looked really cute or simply envied you. You weren't familiar with all this attention and it definitely wasn't something you ever wanted but you had to deal with it, so it had to work somehow.
Your first date was the cutest shit ever. He took you to a romance movie and hold hands the entire time the film played. Once the movie was over you two went to the Hangang Park. You sat on a bench and talked for hours. He was such a nice gentlemen the whole day you couldn’t belive it. Sadness was visible on both of your faces when you had to say goodbye. He gave you kiss and left.
After a month Jaehyun convinced you to come with him to a party one of his friends was hosting. If you remembered right his name was Ten. He was holding a party in the top floor of his parents' hotel. You didn't knew how you should dress yourself as you didn't have such expensive clothes that all of the people on the party would have. You couldn't tell Jaehyun about your problem because you knew he would buy you a dress and that was te least you wanted him to do. You didn't knew how to pay him back.
A knock on your apartment door made you jump off the couch and walking towards it. You opened the door a gap and looked at the guest. It was a old man in a black suit. He had a white shirt under the suit and a black bowtie on. He also had thick glasses on. You looked at him expecting. What was an old man doing in front of your door? And why did he look like a chauffeur? "Hello my is Bervald. I'm here to give you this present from Mr. Jung. He is waiting in the car outside. Please dress quickly." He bowed and left the gift on the doorway. You quickly took the box and opened it. It was a salmon ruched side jumper dress and next to the dress were matching ankle boots. You quickly changed and put some makeup on. Just so much that it wouldn't look too bad. You stumbled out of your door and saw Jaehyun waiving through the window. He was sitting in a limousine and you honestly were overwhelmed by the view of your boyfriend sitting in it. Bervald opened the door for you and you gladly thanked him before entering the car.
"Hey babe." He greeted with a brief kiss on the lips. "Hey. Did you buy this dress for me? I don't know when I'll be able to pay you back." You said with an uncomfortable look. "I knew you would say this. It's okay. I bought this because I love you and I refuse to get money from you for this." He took your hand and placed his soft lips on top it. Then he smiled at you and you saw those dimples you loved so much on him. You couldn't be angry or anything with him when he was like this. So you smiled at him and nodded along.
When you arrived at the hotel you felt kinda nervous. You only knew Jaehyun at the party as he said that the others couldn't come. He took your hand in his and led you to the elevator. The elevator drove all the up to the top floor and when the doors opened you already saw what felt lika a thousand people partying. Most of them were already drunk. Jaehyun guided you through the mass of people and you were going stairs upwards to a room.
A security guard stood in front of the door. He had broad shoulders and looked serious. Jaehyun said his name and the name looked through what you assumed was a name list. After he found the name he stepped aside and you and Jaehyun could go in. The room was quieter. It played a different music than in the entrance.
A man approached you who was shorter than Jaehyun. He looked like a instance of a rich kid. Neatly, and well the look on his face that proverbial said I'm rich. But nonethelessly he looked like a really nice guy. He hugged Jaehyun. "Jaehyun, Hey. Is this your girlfriend everybody's talking about?" He then looked at you with a wide grin. "Nice to meet you. I'm Ten. With whom do I have the honor?" He stretched his hand for you to take out. You took his hand and shoke it. "I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you too."
He led you to a table with 3 other guys and 1 woman. You three sat down and Ten introduced them all to you. A man that looked as short as Ten was Taeil and he somehow sent the same vibes as Yuta. Right beside Taeil sat Mark. He was the same guy Yuta called on the party month ago. And Jungwoo was beside Mark. Mark seemed like a little boy and Jungwoo was really cute. The only other woman in the round was named Si Jin. She looked pissed off for no reason. Her attitude was rude toward you but to the others she was the nicest person altogether.
Jaehyun bend his head to you and said he would leave for a short time as Ten wants to show him something he just purchased. He kissed you on the cheek and then disappeared in another room. You were left with Si Jin.
"So you love Jaehyun?" She eyed you up and down. You couldn't feel more uncomfortable under her sight. "Yes, I do." You said more to yourself than to her. You never said those words to Jaehyun but he said it permanently to you. You disappointed yourself. Why was it like this?
“You seem more like the type of girl that is just after his money. Stay away from him.“ She said with arrogance. “I’m not after his money. And you’re not someone I obey. So don’t interfere in the relationship with Jaehyun because I don’t think you’re winning anything out of it.“ You snapped at her. She just laughed and spilled the drink she had in her hand over her dress. The others were coming back and Si Jin looked angry and sad at the same time. Ten was the first to arrive. “Si Jin what happened to you?“ “Y/N spilled the drink over me and insulted me because she thinks I’ve a thing for Jaehyun.“
Your mouth opened but nothing came out. You were shocked that she played such dirty tricks. You glanced at Jaehyun and he looked angry at you. Was he really believing her? “Y/N see what you did. Her dress is entirely transparent. How could you humiliate her like this?“ Ten yelled at you. “I wasn’t even the one who did this to begin with. Why would I do something like this. I now my limits.“ You said while feeling yourself getting angry. Your eyebrows furrowed and the displeasure of his words were truly visible on your face. “So are you blaming her? Why would she do this to herself hmm? She’s a good friend of mine and she wouldn’t do anything like this.“ Jaehyun rose his voice at you. It was the first time that he was so angry at you. Even the looks of his ignorance were better than this situation. Everyone in the room was now looking at the scenario that took place in front of them. Your heart shattered at the sight of your boyfriend. How could he have so little trust in you? You wanted to fight back at him but what would happen? He didn’t believe you indifferent of what you said. Tears showered your face but he didn’t care. “I would never do such a thing to a person and I thought you know me. But I guess I was wrong. You never trusted me in the first place. So bye Jaehyun. Have a good life.“ You mockingly said the last words before exiting the room and the hotel.
You walked all the way home. You couldn’t care less about the people that looked wary at you. You couldn’t stop thinking about the look you saw on Si Jin’s face before you left. She smiled mischievously at you. How come he didn’t notice this?
Back in your apartment Carly already waited at you. She expected you to come home smiling like an idiot or calling you and tell her you weren’t coming home. But she definitely never expected to see you crying like baby. She ran to you and gave you a heartwarming hug. “Hey, hey everything’s fine. Calm down.“ She ran his hand over your back in an attempt to soothe you. It just achieved the opposite and you were crying more and more. You missed Jaehyun and her hand on your back let you feel more miserable than you already were.
After you calmed down you told Carly the whole story. She couldn’t believe what she just heard. “You mean this bitch tricked everyone on the party? And Jaehyun didn’t took your side but instead hers? Is he this much of a dumbass?“ She was upset at Jaehyun. She suggested to wach a movie and she also brought ice cream. The two of you chatted the rest of the night away. You couldn’t stop thinking about Jaehyun but you didn’t want Carly to feel pity because she couldn’t help you.
The next day you weren’t in the condition to go to any lecture. You were heartbroken that’s for sure but you also had one of the worst headaches in your life. Thanks to your headache you throw frequently up. Besides you had to convince Carly to go to the lecture because she thought it would be better if she helped you. But you actually didn’t want to see anybody, so she gave in.
You slept most of the day away and when you woke up in the evening your headache thankfully mitigated. Carly left you a note on the kitchen counter. She went out with Johnny but she made you a soup. You just had to warm it up in the microwave. You looked at your phone for any notifications but the only persons that messaged you were Carly and Taeyong. Jaehyun didn’t wrote you nor called you. You ate the soup and answered Carly and Taeyong. After that you crawled under your blanket again and doze off to dreamland.
A slight touch on your shoulder woke you again. A part of you hoped it would be Jaehyun but it were Johnny and Carly. You looked disappointed at them and they took care of you for the rest of the day. They wanted to drag you out but you denied. So you just sat in the living room and they called the others over. Expect Jaehyun everyone was there. You played cards and you weren’t so good at it. You lost like every round but it felt not as frustated as you felt about Jaehyun. Your sadness kinds turned into frustration.
The next week you went to school like how you used to before you knew Jaehyun. Of course they had to be rumors about you. A girl came to you and said. “He finally realized what a hoe you are.“ Then she left. What the hell was wrong with those people? It wasn’t their relationship, so why did everyone want to be a part of it? When you met Jaehyun in class you ignored him. It wasn’t that hard because he did the same with you. But sometimes you would feel him glance at you. You didn’t thought much into it and just continued to listen to the prof.
Even if you were mentally exhausted, you still had to go to work. Every hour you spent there felt like torture. The customers were more rude than before since they knew about the break up. You snapped at a student one day because he said you were too bad in bed to be togehter with. Also you explained yourself to your boss she was beyond pissed. You couldn’t allow you another mistake like this. You smiled at everyone despite their nasty remarks. Your nights were spent crying in your bed. You didn’t care if Carly heard you. You just didn’t wanted this life anymore. Everybody turned their backs to her expect from her few friends she had. Although she was thankful for the friends she gained, she couldn’t help but feel sad. They were still Jaehyun’s friend and you still missed him to death.
Taeyong took you to a new opened cafe one day. He said he felt miserable for yu so he wanted to make you at least a litlle happy. You didn’t commented on this as both of you knew nothing would change your feelings right now. The cafe was rather full but it was nice decorated. There stood fresh flowers on every table and the walls were in a bright orange. It looked new but fancy. The atmosphere felt like the total opposite of the cafe your were working at. but before you could deepen your thoughts Taeyong spoke. “I ordered an Iced Americano for you. I hope you still like it.“ “Ah...yes I still like it.“ You said hesitant. You never talked with him about your favorite drink so why did he knew it? You sat with him for quiet a while before the order was finally ready.
When Taeyong wasn’t coming back with the orders you looked the cafe up for him. He was nowhere to be found. “Y/N, it’s nice to meet you again. I really missed you.“ You heard a very familiar voice saying. There he stood with the two orders in his hand. The person you missed the most out of all. Jaehyun. He had a black jeans and a loosely light blue t-shirt on. For once in the time you saw him he didn’t look like a someone who is rich. he looked like a decent human being. You couldn’t see his face because he managed to also hold a big bouquet of flowers. He hesitantly put the drinks on the table and sat the opposite from you down. The flowers were neatly placed in the middle of the table. “You know..“ he bagan “I was really dumb. I mean I knew you would never do this but I wasn’t thinking in that moment. I don’t know why I said those things to you and ...I’m really sorry. I know this isn’t enough but I couldn’t think of anything else. I just wanted to be honest to you.“ He took your hands in his “Y/N I miss you like crazy. There isn’t a night I don’t think about you and feel like crap. I know this is chliché but what I did was wrong and again I’m truly sorry.“ You could see the sincerity in his eyes but you still weren’t convinced. “If you were so sorry why didn’t you come a week ago?“ Jaehyun couldn’t look you in the eyes as he said his next words. “I was embarrassed. I thought you would hate me to death and...and I didn’t know how to approach you. You never looked at me and you were always the first out of the lecture hall. I was being cowardly and I’m sorry for this.“ A smile creeped its way to your face and you started to laugh. He looked confused at you before you answered his question that was visibly on his face written. “You’re just too cute Jaehyun. I know you’re sorry and I already forgave you but it was too funny to see your ears getting redder.“ You said inbetween laughs. He smiled at your silliness and you died internally when you saw his dimples you missed so much.
“I love you Y/N.“ He spoke up after a short pause. “I love you too, you idiot.“
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spasmsofthought · 4 years
15 years, 15 million tears (i gave it my all, he gave me nothing at all) [thor x reader]
hiiii I’ve been in my feels lately so here you go. maybe more parts to come?????
please forgive any typos or grammar mistakes! 
enjoy! xoxo 
The pageantry never seems to end, apparently, as Asgardians partake in another feast, overflowing with food and drink, for the third time this week alone. The room is glowing and decadent, reflecting the riches of the people gathered together among the tables and around the pillars in a small area of this magnificent castle. There is laughter and smiles and an overall atmosphere that would be hard to resist if it were your first time at such an event.
It is not.
The merry faces hold sway over you no longer and it is easy to fade into the background while picking at the food that has been placed in front of you by a servant half-captivated by the scene in front of her and smiling politely at those who glance your way.
A boom of laughter comes from the other side of the chamber and it is not hard to guess who it belongs to. Thor Odinson has never been known for silence and his open mouth and wide grin portray his delight as he lifts his mug of ale and drinks yet again. The Warriors Three and other varying courtiers surround him, laughing along heartily. Lady Sif gives a quirk of her lips, playing along for a moment, but otherwise remains more stoic than the rest of the group.
It can be easy to be swept away in the revelry but tonight it just leaves a bitter taste in your mouth. There is no one near you that cares enough to notice when you get up from your seat, leaving your plate half-finished, and wander slowly towards the shadowed corridors hoping for quick exit. 
“My dear,” Frigga calls in her soothing voice.
Curse Frigga and her warm heart, for she knows you cannot dismiss her and you have no desire to. She is the Queen of Asgard and your guardian while you remain here in Asgard, and the wisest of all. 
“My Queen,” you turn and curtsy as she walks towards you. You can only offer her a slight smile hoping she will let you go soon and dare not ask for you to stay. 
“Why do you leave so early into the night? Is something the matter?” There is a concern, as always, in her voice, but something else that you cannot detect hides behind it. 
“I simply weary of the night, my lady, and seek rest in my own chamber, ‘tis all.” She comes closer and captures your hands with her own warm ones. Her gaze is loving and for a moment you imagine it would be like your own mother’s if she still lived. 
“Is that all?” She reads you like the palm of her hand but you give no answer. “I will have Thor escort you back, it will be no trouble.” 
You peer over her shoulder seeing Thor cast a quick glance over to his mother, for it is not often enough he sees you together in public spaces in the presence of so many people. It is the only glance he has spared you in months. You wrench your hands out of hers and hold them up to her in a pleading gesture, “No, please, my lady. He is enjoying his company and I wish to disturb no one. I know the way back to my own room.” 
Her eyes pierce yours but she chooses to relent this time, “Very well. May rest come to you tonight.” 
Her arms come to smooth over your hair and down to your shoulders, gentle and firm at the same time. 
“Good night, my Queen.” You nod and she lets go, allowing you to escape down the corridor into a darkened hallway. You continue to your room as you always have: alone. 
+ + + 
“I request an audience with my lord Odin Allfather and King of Asgard.” You try to keep your voice from trembling and you think you do well enough. This is not going to be easy, and you think your pacing wore through your bedroom’s carpet this morning. 
The throne room has always been grand, gold glinting from Odin’s seat and the weapon in his hand. When you came here years ago, it took everything in you to not cower in sheer fear of speaking to him. Now, the weight of the situation is no less heavy, but Odin is not as intimidating as he once was. 
“Speak, child,” his voice says to you after you curtsy in front of the dais. 
It is not warm like Frigga’s or boisterous like Thor’s. What little you have heard of Loki’s hold no comparison either. It holds the weight and authority of a king who has reigned longer than you have lived. 
“I wish to depart Asgard and return home,” Frigga’s eyes catch yours for a moment and there is something in them that makes you dread this conversation even more than you already do. 
“For how long? We will organize guards to accompany you on your journey and set a feast date for when you are to return.” 
“My lord, I do not wish to return at all.” The statement hangs in the air and the words echo around the chamber. It is now that you enter into truly dangerous territory. 
“And why with so little words do you wish to leave all that has been provided for you here? Foolish child, you do not know of what you wish.” Odin has always been rough around the edges, so you expected such a reaction to your proposal. He spent much time getting exactly what he wanted. 
“I know, my lord,” You beg your voice to stay even. It is not a time to test the King of Asgard anymore than you have, “that I can no longer sit idly by, gorging at feasts and drinking to my content, as my father grows old and my older sister fades away to time--” 
“You are shortsighted in your vision,” He interrupts adamantly, dismissing your words as if they are from the mouth of a child. But you are not a child and you have not been for a very long time. 
“I would continue to be patient,” It is like a spark lights inside of you, “if the Allfather would fulfill what he promised to me and my people decades ago. We gave you our best soldiers and our smiths and you still have yet to betroth me to a prince I came here decades ago to marry.” 
“I will tell you the same words I told you when you arrived here and became our ward--” 
“If my lord will forgive me,” For all the kindness and grace that has been instilled in you, your time here has taught you to never allow yourself to be spoken over, not even by the King of Asgard, “I have no time to entertain the same empty promises and fanciful notions that brought me here to you. I am the heir to my own throne and I am of no use to my kingdom if I wait endlessly for something that you, King of Asgard, have no intention of actually granting me nor my people. If it means I leave here declaring war, so be it.”
Frigga is wary next to her husband, as she is Queen of Asgard and no longer just someone who cares for you as a mother would. She cannot defy her husband in public, especially when the Court will hear of all of this before the end of day. Odin’s lips are pressed together and it is easy to tell that he is quickly losing what patience he holds with you. But you think your threats have worked well enough for the moment.
“I will grant consideration of this request but I make no promises. My decision will be known to you in the coming days.” He waves his hand at you, a quick and effortless motion. 
“My King,” You say begrudgingly though you glare at him as you give a final curtsy. The walk to exit out of the throne room is the longest of your life. 
There is a loud knock at your chamber door two days later. The servants have pitied you with sad eyes and hidden frowns meant only for you, but otherwise you wait for news that still does not come. By the weight of the knock, you know it is Thor. There only has been one other time he has come to your door and it was for the feast thrown in your honor as you were welcomed into Asgard 15 years ago. It is funny how little the prince who was promised to marry you has seen you in the span of those years. 
He avoids you and everyone knows it. 
“What do you seek Thor?” You sigh as you see his face when the door opens. You are tired. His mouth is set in a grim line, which is unusual for him. He barges in with no care to how he may jostle you, which is usual for him. 
“I hear you are planning to leave us,” You want to roll your eyes, and behind his back you do. If he is coming here to simply confirm information he has already heard, you have better things to do with your time. “Permanently.” 
You stay stationed by your door, leaving it open. He will not be here for long. Your silence has him turning towards you. 
“You run as a coward?” He does not understand you in his foolishness, the kind that he seems to refuse to grow out of; he never has. 
“I cannot serve my people in a gilded cage waiting for you to grow up, Thor Odinson.” His facial expression startles for a second, as if he does not expect you to have a spine. 
“These promises,” He steps closer, confusion furrowing his eyebrows, “they mean so much to you that you would abandon the life that has been made for you here?” 
“I have no life here if your father does not keep his word. I leave with his permission or I leave without it. But I am not staying here sheltered like an innocent and dependent little girl.” There is some silence and you still wait by the door. 
“I do admire you,” He says. You want to scoff. This is longest conversation you two have ever had, so these words are meaningless. 
“Admiration does nothing for my people. And it helps me even less.” 
“Would you have even wanted to marry me?” He asks all the wrong questions at all the wrong times. 
“Perhaps, Thor,” you shrug as he comes again past you, barely stepping past the threshold, “if things were different and you were more willing to look beyond yourself.” 
He looks a little as if you have struck him, but you cannot find it in your heart to ask for any sort of forgiveness. He barely manages a nod to your words. 
“I think I would have liked to know you better--” 
“But you haven’t, Thor,” And you cannot help but be honest. The words are bitter as acid but they bring a relief. Too long have you bottled everything in. And it’s not like either of you are going to see each other any time soon. “And that is partly why everything is the way that it is. And it is why I must leave.” 
“I bid you good fortune, then, my lady,” He says as a farewell before he is briskly making his way down the hallway, as if he cannot get away fast enough. 
And you are alone, again, like maybe you were always meant to be. 
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harrytpotter · 4 years
A Dangerous Bet — Chapter Two.
Plot: A big change can make a person do crazy things. Take on dangerous bets. And that’s exactly what Y/N and Sirius Black did. Can a random and thoughtless occasion completely change two people’s lives?
Pairing: Sirius Black x Fem!Reader.
Warnings: Sexual content.
A/N: Here is chapter two! Wrote it into late hours again, so sorry about any grammar mistakes! Hope you guys enjoy it.
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As the week went by, Bentley and Clark weren’t exactly keeping a low profile and the entire school already knew they were having a fling. Your friends kept asking you how you were feeling, but you weren’t exactly sure. You did love Bentley during the time you were together, but part of the reason why you chose to break up with him, was because you didn’t love him like you used to. There was no spark anymore. No passion. It was just... boring.
“Guess that’s what happens when you grow apart and the feelings fade,” you thought by yourself as you were watching them kissing on a corner of the Gryffindor table at the Great Hall and realized it didn’t bother you at all.
“You’re staring,” Alice said into your year, startling you to the point you nearly dropped the mug you were holding and its entire content on yourself.
“I’m not,” you rolled your eyes annoyed.
“Yes, you were. Does it bother you? Seeing them snogging,” Marlene asked sympathetically.
Every pair of eyes belonging to your closest friends were on you, waiting for an answer. Each one studying you with persistence. Specially Sirius’.
“Do you still... love him?” He asked out of the blue, his brows furrowed and an unreadable expression on his face.
“Why do you care?” Lily cut you off, sending him a threatening glare.
“I don’t,” he shrugged with a scrunched face. “I’m just worried, Y/N is one of my best mates after all.”
There. This definitely bothered you. Hearing Sirius saying he didn’t care did a lot more damage than seeing your ex’s tongue down the throat of another girl. You were one of his best friends and yet he didn’t care?
“How can you possibly not care if your best friend still loves a wanker like that?” James asked Sirius incredulously. “I know I do!” He added, looking at you and waiting for an answer.
“How about we just stop pressuring her and leave her be? I’m sure she’s got a lot on her plate already,” Lily said with an end-of-conversation tone.
Everyone slowly stopped staring at you and started chitchatting among them. Since no one was specifically talking to you, you started to get lost in your mind and your eyes once again wandered to Hogwarts’ newest happy couple. There was a time you truly believed Bentley was your soulmate and the two of you were meant to be. You used to think you were each other’s destiny. After crushing hard on Sirius Black for about a year without any sign of reciprocity, it was Bentley who had saved you from the hopeless feeling of seeing your best friend chasing girl after girl and breaking heart after heart and never noticing you were standing right there. It was him that helped you overcome this feeling. And now here you were, finding yourself uninterested in everything related to Bentley and playing with fire by having slept with Sirius. Six days ago you had your entire life planned out and now... now everything was just a mess.
Lily discreetly elbowed your ribs and motioned in Sirius’ direction. Turning your attention to him, you realized he had been observing you quite interested, not shying away from your inquisitive stare once caught red handed. You would keep staring back if it wasn’t from a dashing brunette Ravenclaw approaching him in a very flirty manner all of a sudden, causing him to break eye contact with you.
“Hey, you lush!” She said, licking her lips teasingly at him. You had to refrain yourself from rolling your eyes at the pathetic scene.
“Hello, you fit, fit woman,” he took her hand in his and placed a kiss on her knuckles ever so gently.
“Missed you at the last Gryffindor party, you were nowhere to be found when I arrived,” she started to play with his curls as she said so, a little pout on her lips.
Sirius’ eyes flickered with a devilishly mischievousness at her words as his eyes crashed into yours and a small smile quickly creeped on his lips. You had to look away abruptly to prevent your cheeks from heating up.
“Yeah, about that... I got heavily distracted,” he answered her, his eyes still on you.
“It must have been quite a distraction huh Pad!” James tapped on his shoulder in a congratulatory way. “You disappeared until the next morning.”
“So now ‘m a distraction,” you thought at yourself, feeling your blood boil inside your veins. Sure, you didn’t expect anything from him, but you surely expected a little more respect, you being his best friend and everything.
“Oh,” the brunette gasped, clearly unpleased at the boys’ remarks.
“Don’t worry, hun! He tosses his distractions away the next morning, you’ll still have your shot,” you shrugged sarcastically, entirely focused on the pudding you were eating.
Lily and Sirius stared at you mouth-widened as you calmly finished eating your dessert, completely unlikely the others, whom had exploded into a laughter, all assuming you were joking and teasing your friend as always, oblivious to what had happened between the two of you.
“Well, excuse me,” you said casually as you stood up and grabbed your bag after finishing your lunch.
Lily hinted to follow you, but you discreetly squeezed her shoulder, letting her now you needed some time alone to cool off. You could feel Sirius’ eyes burning holes in your back as you exited the table and, a few seconds later, the Great Hall.
You only stopped walking when you reached the clock tower courtyard, which was completely empty due to lunch time. You plopped yourself down on the edge of the antique fountain surrounded by statues of eagles and rested your elbows on your knees, your head still pounding of furiousness at Sirius’ words.
“Mind if I join you?” His voice echoed from beside you.
“Piss off, Sirius. I don’t have the energy to deal with you right now,” you said whilst closing your eyes and placing your fingers in the bridge of your nose.
“Shouldn’t I be the one mad here since you basically called me a rightful prick?” He chuckled.
“Right, because it’s always all about you,” you sang annoyed and looked to the opposite side that he was standing.
Sirius sighed heavily before making his way to you, bending down until he was on your level and resting a hand on your waist and another on your chin. He then gently turned your head so you could face him.
“What’s wrong?” He asked tenderly. “Talk to me.”
“A distraction? Really? I know I said I didn’t expect anything from you but I did expect a little bit of respect, you know, since I’m your so-called best friend,” you huffed after a while.
A shadow of an unreadable emotion run through Sirius’ eyes before he looked down and shook his head in disbelief.
“That’s what James said, not me. I said I got heavily distracted, which I did, because when we were together you and that moment were all I could think about,” he said, lifting his head a little so he could look you in the eyes. “I’m sorry i misspoke and made you feel that way. I do care about you, too much to ever hurt you on purpose.”
“Damn, you really know how to fool a woman, don’t you Black?” You joked harshly.
“I mean it,” he frowned.
“Well, then learn how to use your words, you daft!” You bumped your fist into his shoulder rather strongly, causing him to lost his balance and fall on his back, pulling you with him.
You stared at each other for a second before the sound of a loud laughter echoed through the empty courtyard. After what felt like ages of a hearty laugh, you rested your face breathless in the crook of his neck. Sirius took a hand out of your waist and started caressing your hair as you laid on top of him, a hand on his cheek and the other placed on his chest.
“Does it mean I’m forgiven?” He whispered into your ear with a giggle.
You lifted your head and stared into his eyes with a smile before nodding. Sirius smiled back at you and took a strand of your hair behind your ear, resting his hand on your cheek after, caressing it with his thumb. You could feel the warmth of his breath as your faces were dangerously close, both of you starting to lean in without even realizing you were doing so. Your nose was brushing against his, lips almost locked.
However, a sudden clear of a throat ruined the moment and caused you to jump on your feet quickly, meeting Remus’ shocked eyes.
“Hi, Rem!” You greeted him before grabbing your bag recklessly and taking off completely embarrassed, not bothering to wait for an answer.
Remus watched you leave for a few seconds before offering his and to Sirius, who was still laid down on the floor.
“What was that?” The boy with warmly kind chocolate eyes asked with a scrunched face.
“We were fooling around when I fell on my back and she landed on top of me,” he shrugged before taking Remus’ hand and standing up.
“I meant the obvious tension and the almost kissing, Padfoot,” he lifted both of his brows.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, my dear friend Moony,” he wrapped his arm on his friend’s shoulder and started to lead him back into the castle.
Remus got out of Sirius’ embrace and grabbed his arm gently.
“Padfoot, she’s your best friend...” he started, concern clear in his voice. “You can’t gamble your friendship like that.”
“Do you think I’d ever do something like that to her?” He asked a little hurt. “We’re just... i don’t know.”
“Merlin, do you fancy Y/N?” He asked a little shocked. Remus had always been suspicious that Sirius had a crush on you but since he never made a move, he never paid much thought to it.
“What- No!” Sirius denied quickly with a scrunch of a face. “I’m not capable of such thing, and by such thing I mean feelings.”
“If I didn’t know you better I’d say you were lying,” Remus smirked. “About the first half of your sentence at least.”
“I’m not!” He exclaimed exasperatedly. “Besides, she deserves a lot better than me.”
Noticing a sad smile on his friend’s face, Remus squeezed his shoulder sympathetically.
“You could be a good man to her if you tried.”
“I’m too much of a fuck-up to ever commit to anyone, Moony, specially her,” he leant against the nearest rock-wall and looked at his friend with a side smirk.
“When will you start getting yourself more credit, you filthy dog?” Remus said with a grin.
“Oh, come on now, Moony! I do think I’m devilishly irresistible and a real catch already! How much more of a credit from myself do I need?” He joked, getting inside the castle and motioning for his friend to follow him.
“Oi! Y/N! Come join us!” James waved for you from the stuffed armchair he was occupying as soon as you scrambled through the round hole concealed by the Fat Lady portrait.
Remus, Sirius and Peter looked over their shoulders at the sound of your name. You could see a knowing grin plastered on Remus’ face and your cheeks started heating up as you made your way to them.
“Hello, Y/N,” Remus widened his grin once you were inside his line of sight, your cheeks already burning by now.
“Why do you look so flustered, L/N?” James asked suspiciously with a furrowed brow.
“She turned pink as soon as she saw Remus, maybe she fancies him,” Peter nodded at James.
“Or maybe she fancies someone else...” Remus teased.
Sirius were studying your face quite amused and his eyes flickered with lust at his friend’s words, his piercing look flustering you even more.
“So Moony wants to tease, huh? Well, two can play a game,” you thought to yourself, plotting quickly a little prank to pull on your friend.
“Rem... I don’t think they’re gonna buy it...” you started, a play pretend anguish frown on your face.
“What do you...” he started to ask you, clearly confused.
“OH, REMUS JOHN LUPIN! I’M READY TO LET THE WORLD KNOW WE’RE IN LOVE!” You shouted, cutting him off and grabbing the attention of all of your fellow Gryffindors that were scattered along the Common Room. And then, without a warning, you gave him an intense and long peck on the lips.
Remus turned as red as a tomato, his eyes widened in shock, whilst Sirius had tears on his eyes due to how hard he was laughing. James and Peter just stared at you with a dumbfounded look on their faces, as well as the rest of the students.
“Merlin, Moony... that was like kissing my bloody brother! Sorry but I don’t think we have the chemistry to engage on a relationship,” you said mockingly, reaching for his hand with a condescending look on your face. “But we’ll always, always be friends.”
Pulling Remus aside as soon as you were done talking, you drove him to the quieter and inhabited corner of the room, looking into his eyes.
“Please, don’t do that again! Don’t tease me in public about... well, that!”
“I wasn’t gonna tell James, you know that,” he retorted offended.
“I do, Rem, but he’s not as much of a daft as he seems, he’d realize you were holding information and his annoying self would torture you until you had to no way out but tell him what you saw!”
“Good point,” he shrugged. “‘M sorry, I won’t tease any of you about that again. Not in public at least.”
Remus grinned amused at your annoyed eye-roll, hugging you and leading you back to the fireplace with the other Marauders. He would definitely be teasing both you and Sirius for as long as he could.
Taglist: @rexorangecouny @emmalbg
180 notes · View notes
The Greatest Thing You’ll Ever Learn is to Love (A.I)
Pairing: Ashton Irwin X fem!Reader 
Request: Yes!
Summary: Ashton is trying to propose, but fate’s not putting it easily 
Warnings: Smut, oral (female recieving) unprotected sex in a stablished relationship (wrap it before you tap it, please) Language, maybe a few grammar mistakes (English is not my first language, I’m sorry)
Word Count: 5.3 k
Author’s Note: Requested by the lovely Lizza @iknowyouthinkimbulletproof 💕 is my very fisrt attempt to smut writting (I literally have no experience with this) so please be kind. Reblogs, comments and feedback are always welcomed and encouraged so please, I would love to know your opinion 😊 You can find the rest of my work HERE. Hope you like it and Happy reading  ✨🦋
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@iknowyouthinkimbulletproof​​ :  hi, i hope i'm not bugging you (wow didn't know my social anxiety shows so much) , i wanted to ask if you could write some fluffy smut with ash or mikey. maybe they just got engaged or something. lots of love - lizza
Everything was going according to plan. At least that’s what Ashton thought 5 min into the date. 
“What do you mean there is no reservation?” He asked the host, as calmly as he could. 
“I’m sorry, Mr. Irwin. But I have no reservations under your name for tonight” Said the lady, trying to avoid any conflict “I do have one for the 24th but for the next month” 
Ashton wanted to slap himself in the face. Did he really make the reservation and messed up the date?! Tonight, out of all nights, it had to be tonight. His mind was racing like the Lightning Mcqueen himself, trying to find any kind of solution for this inconvenience.He had to find a way to stick to the plan, even if the first step was already ruined. 
“Is everything okay, Ash?” A voice snapped him out of his head. 
Ashton looked at you and his eyes softened when he felt your delicate hand on his arm, he was thankful for this little comforting gesture you always do when you notice he was starting to get frustrated. He gave you a reassuring warm smile as he interlocks his fingers with yours. 
“Yeah,” Ash said, thanking the host and guiding you out of the fancy restaurant onto the busy LA streets. “I'm just an idiot who can't tell June from July appart” He sighed. 
Your mouth became a thin line as you tried to hold back the laughter. “Oh no, baby…” You said, barely holding in the giggles. Ashton rolled his eyes. 
“Okay, let it out” He said as you burst out laughing in the middle of the sidewalk. Ashton briefly stops, but you kept on walking, allowing him to pull on your hand and make you turn around until your chest hit his “Well, now you´re just being mean” He pouted as you started giggling again. 
“Aww I´m sorry, baby” You said pecking his lips “But that's what you get for always teasing me about not remembering dates” 
“Yeah, I guess I deserve that” He sighed “You're not mad?” 
“Why would I be?” You frowned confused. 
Ashton looked at the floor, his hand still intertwined with yours as he played with your fingers. He didn’t try to hide his disappointment. 
“Because! We’ve been waiting for this date for a while now and you spend a lot of time getting yourself all ready and gorgeous to go to that fancy restaurant and I just ruined by getting all wrong from the beginning and-“
“Ash!” You interrupted him, cupping his face in your hands and making him look at you “Nothing’s ruined and the date isn’t over! Maybe it was fate… think about it! I bet that restaurant didn’t even have fries and I’m seriously craving some right now” Ashton chucked “The important thing here is that I get to spend time with you, so as long as I do, I don’t care if it is in a five star restaurant with minuscule portions of overly priced food or in a McDonald’s parking lot” 
Ashton looked at you and all he could see was how your eyes crinkled with your smile. He swears that if he were to die in the next 10 seconds then he would die a happy man, because your smile would be the last thing he’d see. 
This was just a minor setback, he thought, just one piece of his plan that didn’t exactly stick to it, but he still had all night. 
“I love you” He said, smiling as he brought his lips to yours. 
“I love you too, baby” You responded, stepping back and tugging on his hand “But first, fries” 
Ashton laughed, letting you guide the way to the closest fast food restaurant. And as he felt the weight of the small velvet box on his pocket, he knew that you were right, as long as he was with you, then everything would be okay. He only hopes the rest of the night goes according to plan. 
In a matter of minutes, you and Ashton were sitting on the sidewalk in your fancy clothes eating fries and milkshakes, laughing and joking around without a single care in the world. Your head was resting on his shoulder as you both saw cars and people pass, trying to create narratives with complete strangers and laughing at the absurdity that came out of each other's mouths. 
With every passing second, Ashton was even more sure about his decision. He was looking at you while you wondered aloud about the possibility of fate and he couldn't believe his luck. It seemed like yesterday where he got the nerve to ask you out on a date, palms sweaty as he blurted out the words, holding his breath until you smiled at him and said yes. He's hoping that tonight you would do the same. 
Your words drift away in his head as he starts daydreaming about your future together. He can see you standing all in white in front of him, a house with a lot of rooms to let your friends crash whenever they needed to or to fill with toys for your children, oh he can't wait to start a family with you, knowing that that's what you want too, eventually, maybe in a few years. Or maybe not at all? You could´ve changed your mind and that would be alright by him, after all if he has you then that's all he needed. But maybe you don't want him anymore, maybe you changed your mind completely. What would you say then? Is he rushing this? You talked about this before, but you could still say no. Would you say no? You have all the right to do so. Oh God, is he ruining this by asking you? Would you break up with him? Wh-? 
Your voice pulls him out of the trance, just like it did the first time he asked you on a date. 
“Hmm?” He hums. His eyes find yours and it's easy to spot the worry in them, the anxiety of it all is consuming him, but he can't let it show. 
“Where'd you go?” You chuckled, knowing he was in a different headspace. 
“I'm right here” He said, sliding his thumb against your lip to clean a bit of ice cream that was left forgotten,  pressing his lips against yours right after. 
He knows he shouldn't overthink this instead of enjoying this moment with you. He loves you and he knows you love him, that's all that matters, that's all there is to care. You belong together and if fate wants it, then you´ll be together for all your lives and he wants nothing more. He couldn't be more grateful when he's holding you like that, kissing you like that. With you, he feels like home. You are like a dream come true. 
He pulled away after a while, giving your forehead a little kiss and staying like that. You smiled.
“Not that I'm complaining,” You said, lifting your gaze to meet his eyes “But are you okay, baby? You seem… off” 
Ashton just smiled and nodded “I´m good, love. Just thinking,”
“Penny for your thoughts?”
“Maybe later.” He chuckled, getting up from the sidewalk and offering his hand for you to the same “Now, are you ready for step two?”
“Ooh, there's more?” You teased, locking your fingers together as you walked side to side. 
“I want you to have the best night of your life, dear” Ashton said, pulling you closer. 
“I already do! Every night that I have you with me is the best night of my life” You leaned closer to whisper in his ear “Where I can have you all by myself,” You bit his earlobe quickly, wanting to tease him just enough. 
“Careful, princess” Ashton warned in a low voice “Don't want to start something you don't intend to finish. We still have a long night ahead of us ” 
“Oh, I'm counting on it” 
“Excuse me, what?!” Ashton asked the security guard of the gallery. The man just stood there and shook his head. 
“I’m sorry son, but the exhibition is closed until next week for reparations” 
“Oh no, no no no no no” Ashton murmured, tangling his fingers in his hair “fuck fuck fuck fuck” 
He was thankful that you needed to go to the bathroom, that way you didn’t see him freak out in front of a complete stranger. 
The security guard looked at Ashton like he was crazy. 
“Are you okay, son?” 
“No!” He said loudly, but quickly lowered his voice when he realized more people were staring “That exhibition belongs to one of my girlfriend’s favorite artists, they have this whole collection of couples in different stages in life and intimacy and she just loves it so much and I already plan on asking her to marry me but the restaurant didn’t have my reservation and now the gallery is closed and I’m fully panicking because I don’t know if she’s going to say yes now that I ruined again just because I didn’t ask before coming in here and-“
Ashton was interrupted when he felt two large hands grabbing him by the shoulders and shaking him slightly. 
“Calm the ef down, chief” Said the old man “You are going to have seizure if you keep rambling like that without taking a breath” Ashton closed his mouth and just stared at the man who still hasn’t let go of him “Look, you love this girl, don’t ya son?” 
“More than anything”
“You wanna marry her?”
“She loves you?” 
“She does” 
“Then why the hell are you so nervous?! If she loves you and wants to marry you then just ask her! Believe me, women don’t care about the flowers or the chocolates or all that bullshit. If you are the one for her and she’s the one for you then that’s all that truly has value” The man gave a small, kinda ‘wake the hell up’ slap to Ashton’s cheek that made him blink in disbelief “Now, don’t be an idiot, puff your chest and stop being a little scared puppy and go ask her!” 
Ashton nodded, kinda weirded out by the whole interaction but still understanding everything that man said. He thanked the man for the pep talk and walked a little too fast over where you were standing. 
You had just come out of the bathroom when you saw your boyfriend walking up to you. You noticed he was a little distressed once again. 
“Hey, Ash. Everything okay?” 
“Uhh, yes? No, yeah. What?” He mumbled, trying to wrap his head on what he should do next “Sorry, it just seems like the exhibition you wanted to see it’s closed for the week” 
“Oh no,” You said in a little disappointed tone that Ashton was quick to catch up, cursing at himself for making you sad, even though it wasn’t exactly his fault “Eh okay, that’s fine. Maybe we can just hang out on the other exhibitions” You smiled. 
“Babe, we’ve seen the other exhibitions like a million times already, don’t you think it’ll be a waste of time?” Ashton carefully asked. 
“Of course not! I love them,” You exclaimed, tugging on his hand and already walking to an isle full of portraits “And besides, time’s never wasted when you’re in good company and I so happen to have the best one there is” 
Ashton returned the smile and wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you closer to peck your cheek “I love you so darn much” he whispered in your ear “Why don’t we make this a game? You give me a list of things I have to find within the gallery, since we’ve been here before you need to make it clever so we don't end the game too soon, and I’ll do the same to you. Okay?”
Your eyes lighted up at the idea of a challenge. Both of you were very competitive and you knew this was going to be one of those times where it was all or nothing. 
“What happens if I win?” You asked.
Ashton pulled you closer, his hand dangerously placed on your lower back, slowly traveling lower and lower, making you shiver under his touch “We can do whatever you want, baby” he whispered, leaving a burning kiss on the side of your ear. 
“Mmh, whatever I want?” 
“I’ll be at your mercy, my princess” He smirked. 
You grabbed him by the neck and pulled him into a kiss “Then let’s make sure I win, then” 
You exchanged phones and opened the notes app. The goal was to find ten items, it could be people hiding in one of the pictures or portraits, sculptures or random pieces of art scattered around the gallery. To prove you have them all you had to take a picture next to it or of it. Once you finished writing the list on each other’s phones, you started your search. 
You walked alongside each other, hands laced together as you took in the different kinds of art the gallery offered, stopping from time to time when one of you spotted one item on the list, making one of you take the picture while the other rejoiced in victory. 
“Hold up!” Ashton said as you passed in front of a peculiar painting “If I remember correctly… yes!” He celebrated quietly “There’s the duck with a bow tie! That means I win” 
“This isn’t fair!” You whined after taking Ashton’s picture next to the stupid duck. He had a smug smile on his face as he held two thumbs up to the camera “I can’t find the last item! You cheated!” 
“Aww” Cooed Ashton “Someone’s being a sore loser” 
“Am not!” 
“That’s alright babe, you can win another time” Ashton chucked “What’s the last item?” 
“The lady with the diamond ring” You groaned, rolling your eyes “It’s so stupid! I’ve been here before like a thousand times and I’ve never seen a painting or anything like it with a lady with a diamond ring. Diamond tiara yes, but ring?” You scoffed, clearly frustrated “Are you sure there’s a lady like that here?”
“Well…” Ashton started, but he was soon cut off by a loud, annoying sound. 
Soon enough, droplets of water started falling down the roof. The sprinkles had been turned on, meaning there was a fire inside the gallery. 
You looked at Ashton with fear in your eyes, the same fear you saw reflected in his hazel gaze. He grabbed your hand, ready to sprint out of there in a second when someone started yelling.
“Sorry! False alarm! I fell and pressed the button sorry! There’s no fire!” A masculine voice echoed through the isles. 
Ashton was livid, once again his proposal suffered a step back. How could everything get so messed up? He had everything planned and yet none of that worked. He was always used to having at least some sense of control over things but now he just felt completely helpless. Everything was wrong, everything was-
He snapped his face towards you, eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he saw you place a hand to your mouth, cheeks turning red from trying to stifle your laughter. But as soon as your eyes met his, you lost it completely. 
Your laughter burst through the halls, crackling at the situation “You-,” You said through a fit of giggles and snorts “Your face! You-“ You gasped for air, trying to gain some composure but failing miserably “I- we’re soaked! Look!” 
Ashton gaze followed to where your finger was pointing, finally stopping at a mirrored window in front of you. The image of both of your fancy outfits completely drenched, humid strands of hair falling on your faces and your make-up completely ruined except for the waterproof eyeliner was truly a sight to behold.
Ashton’s eyes were concentrated on your reflection the entire time. Even soaking wet you were the most beautiful piece of art he’d ever seen, your laughter filling his ears as a muse’s melody. He couldn’t wait to hear it every single day of his life. 
He joined you soon enough, his giggles resonating along yours, finally accepting how ridiculous this situation was. That’s something you love about him, his laugh. You’d never get tired of it. It was so sincere and pure, you don’t know how’d you spend so much time without that laugh in your life. 
He was truly the love of your life. You knew, as soon as you saw him, that you were done for. You remember waiting patiently for him to ask you on a date, almost giving up and asking him yourself when he blurted out the words one day, thankfully. You are so in love with him it hurts, and to know that the feeling is mutual is just… the greatest thing that could ever happen to you. 
You pressed your lips against his, both of you smiling into the kiss as your hands played with the back of his neck, training the lines of the condor tattoo. His hands quickly found their way to your waist, rounding it as he lifted you off the ground and spun you around the soaked marble floor. 
Ashton broke the kiss when he put you down once again “Wanna get out of here?” He asked, smiling. 
You nodded as you let him guide you outside the building. 
The cold air of the city made you shiver as soon as you stepped foot on the streets, Ashton quickly gave you his jacket, which was a sweet gesture even though it made no difference since it was soaked as well. 
“Let’s head back home” He said, placing an arm around your shoulders. 
“Thought you had a whole night planned?” You asked, not wanting to discourage him.
“Yeah.. but that already went to the dogs. We can’t go anywhere in this state” He chuckled, making you laugh as well “And besides, someone once told me that the most important thing is that we get to spend time together. So as long as we do that, every plan is a great plan, don’t you think?” 
You hummed softly “Must be a very wise person” 
“Very much so. And beautiful. And funny. And hot as hell…”
“Wow, really?” You asked sarcastically. 
“I must meet them someday” 
Ashton laughed and pulled you closer to him. Never wanting to let you go. 
The drive home was peacefully quiet, both of you content with each other’s company, the radio filled in the silence and the traffic lights gave the atmosphere an ethereal feeling. You knew this was one of the moments where words were unnecessary, one of those moments to put away in a little box and opening it for a rainy day. It was a moment of love and peace. A true treasure. 
Once you are home, you open the door as soon as Ashton stops the car, expressing your dire need of a hot shower “Can I join?” Asked Ashton as he took the key out of the engine tab. 
“Always” You winked at him. 
He chucked, making the car keys fall from his grip “Aw shit, go ahead love. The keys are in the pocket of my jacket” 
Ashton heard you mutter an okay as he bent down to grab the car keys from the floor. Realizing a moment too late that there was something else in his pocket that night. 
Oh shit. 
“A-Ash, wha-“ you stuttered, holding a little blue velvet box in your hand. 
He rushed to you, quickly grabbing the object from your hands “Oh shit, uuh” he gulped, starting to panic “I-I, fuck. I didn’t- Oh fuck it” 
In a matter of seconds, Ashton fell on one knee. He grabbed your hand delicately as he looked into your eyes. He took a deep breath and gained the courage he was trying to master since the beginning of the evening. 
“I honestly didn’t expect to do this on the porch of our house. I had everything planned. The fancy dinner, the gallery, countless other romantic activities we could’ve done tonight… as you can see nothing went as planned. I tried so hard to find the perfect moment to say this, but there isn’t such a thing. There isn’t because I know that every moment that I get to spend with you is the perfect moment. 
Y/N, I love you. I have loved you from the moment I laid my eyes on you, and I haven’t stopped since. I find myself falling harder for you everytime you smile or you laugh, god I would give anything to make you laugh every single day of my life. You are the smartest person I know and I love hearing you talk about the topics that make you happy, wishing I could be one of them. Y/N you are… kind, you are funny, you are the most patient and resilient person I’ve ever known. Baby, you are my everything and I don’t know… I don’t want to know what I’d do without you. 
I want you with me, always and forever. I want to be yours in more ways than one. I want to cherish you and be able to call you my wife, my love, my world. Everything I have, everything I am is yours. You make me a better person and you just make me the happiest man on earth just by staying by your side.
I’m yours, Y/N. In every possible way. Will you be mine? Will you-“
“Yes.” You said breathlessly through the tears. 
“Yes! Ashton, yes! A million times, yes” 
You pulled him up from the floor and wrapped your arms around his neck, kissing him like your life depended on it. 
Ashton cupped your face in his hands and deepened the kiss, parting your lips as you both melted to one another. 
“I love you” he said, breaking the kiss to slide the ring onto your finger.
“I love you more”
He chuckled “Not possible” 
You barely make it through the door before you are kissing him again, not being able to stand even a few more seconds without being close to him. Your heart is beating faster than ever, almost bursting out of your chest as you tangled your fingers in his hair, pulling it slightly in a desperate need to have him even closer. 
“Fuck, baby” Ashton groans, cupping your ass and squeezing it as you jump and wrap your legs around his waist “You don’t know what you do to me” he said planting kisses all over your jaw, marking up a trail down your neck. 
You moaned as you felt his lips sucking your sweet spot. Ashton had you pressed against the wall, his mouth clashing with yours, feeling every inch of your bodies as you battled for dominance. You let one of your hands fall and travel to where your lower halves meet, palming his growing erection and earning a low moan from him. With your other hand, you tug on his hair and whispered in his ear “Show me” 
In an instant, Ashton dropped you to the floor and picked you up bridal style, making your way to your shared bedroom. He gently put you down on the bed and kneeled down in front of you. 
He slowly started to undo the straps on your shoes, kissing your legs from your ankles to your knees in an agonizing pace before moving to the other one. 
“So beautiful..” He said, sliding his hands up your body, removing your clothes in the process. 
“Ash..” you whined. Pulling him by the collar of his shirt and disregarding it completely, bringing your lips together. You moaned into the kiss when you felt his fingers brush through your sides, leaving a burning trail of goosebumps wherever he touched. 
“Where’d you want me, baby?” He said, kissing down your body, leaving marks wherever he could, stopping just right above your hip bone. You shivered when his fingers traced along your panties, adding pressure where you needed him most “You’re so wet, my love” He whispered as he hooked his thumbs on the side of them and pulled them off completely. His fingers running up and down your folds collecting your wetness and using them as lube “All of this for me?” 
“Yes” You breathe heavily, moaning as you feel one of his fingers slip inside you. 
“What was that, Princess?” He teased, kissing the inside of your thighs. 
“All for you, Ash. All for-“ You moaned as he inserted another finger inside your hole, setting a pace that already made you see starts “Ash… please” you begged.
“Please what, Princess?” 
“I need you” 
Ashton presses his lips to your clit, kissing and sucking it as his fingers curled up inside you. Your hand made its way to his hair, fingers locking with his curls as you tugged on them, holding him in place. 
You let out a pornographic moan when his fingers brush your g spot, bucking your hips when you felt that tight knot in your stomach, but Ashton put his arm above your hips and held you down. You whispered as you felt him groan against your sex, sending vibration all over your body. 
“You’re close, aren’t ya?” Ashton said as he quickened the pace of his fingers “I can feel you clenching around my fingers, baby. C’mon, let go. Let me hear you, baby” He attached his lips to your clit once again, sucking it hard as your orgasm hit you, moaning his name as you came down from your high. 
Ashton kneeled down on the bed, bringing his fingers to his mouth “Mmh” he moaned as he tasted your juices “Baby, you’re exquisite” 
You quickly sat up as well, smacking your lips against his. Humming into the kiss as your hands started to unbuckle his pants and lowered them down just enough to palm him through his boxers, already feeling the precum leak through the thin fabric. Ashton let out a low moan at your touch, dropping his hand to stop yours.
“Later, Princess” He said, bringing your hand to his lips, kissing it softly “I need to be inside you” 
And with that, he pressed his arm around your waist and flipped you over so you were on top of him. You quickly caught his idea as you started tugging down his pants and boxers, taking them off completely, 
“You don’t know how many times I imagined this” Ashton hissed when you speed your legs to each side of his hips, starting to grin on his cock with your bare sex, coating it with your wetness and moaning with delight “You riding me wearing this” He said, grabbing your left hand and kissing your new ring “And only this” 
Your eyes were fixed on him as you stroke his cock and lined it up with your entrance “And how was it?” You asked in a teasing tone. 
He smirked “Just like this” Ashton said, grabbing you by each side of your hips and slowly entering you until he bottomed down “Fucking fantastic” 
You moaned at the stretch, loving how every inch of him filled you up and made you feel whole. Ashton groaned when he felt your walls clench around his cock, letting you adjust to him before you started to move and setting up a pace. 
You started rocking on him, lifting your hips up and down his length as your hands flew to his chest for leverage, nails digging on his skin and leaving marks for you to trace later, a faint memory of the night that Ashton would treasure forever. Your moans grew louder and louder as you started going faster, Ashton’s name became a mantra to your lips as you started chasing your own pleasure. 
Ashton grunted and moaned praises to you, stretching his hands so he could cup your breasts in each one “So fucking right, princess” he said, squeezing your boobs while his thumbs brushed your nipples “So. Fucking. Good. And all mine” 
You moaned loudly at his actions. The feeling of him suddenly becoming too much as he lets go of your breast and grabs you by the hips once more, meeting your thrust and fucking you harder. 
“Say you’re mine” He moaned, digging his fingers into your skin, applying a pressure that will leave bruises later on. 
“Ah- a I’m yours! I’m yours” You said between your panting and your moans. Letting your upper half fall onto him, placing your arms at each side of his face as you let him take control. 
“Yeah, baby... Fuck” He groaned in your ear as he speed up the pace, feeling his release approach with yours “You’re mine. My wife. My princess. My everything.. Fuck” 
“Ashton…” You whined. 
“Come baby, come on my cock. C’mon, I’m right behind you” Ashton said, bringing his lips to yours for a messy kiss, sticking your moans as you came all over his cock. 
You felt dizzy as Ashton fucked you through your orgasm, your whole body trembling against him as he chased his own release. Ashton’s body tensed, his thrusts became sloppier as your walls clench around him, making his cock twitch inside you and filling you with his cum. 
You both sighed heavily, content in your own pleasure as you slowly started making out again. Soft kisses and touches mixed with reassuring words of love filled the room as your post orgasmic daze faded away. Ashton carefully pulled out of you and made his way to the bathroom, bringing with him a small wet cloth to clean you up, peppering kisses all over your body as he did so. 
Once he was done he laid in bed next to you, pulling you to his chest and kissing your forehead.
“You make me the happiest man on the planet” He whispered, not wanting to break the comfortable silence between the two of you “Fuck, baby. I’m so glad you said yes” 
“Was there another option?” You chuckled “Did you really think I would’ve said no?” 
“To be honest, I was a little worried you might” He laughed “It seems stupid now but I was so pissed earlier, I wanted to propose on the restaurant but then I messed up, then I thought that the gallery would’ve been a better option anyways and it ended up beign-“
“One of the best dates of my life?” You interrupted him. Ashton looked at you confused “I had fun today, Ash. I had a great time just being with you and having our own little chaos. And even if you decided to proposed at that McDonald’s I would’ve said yes regardless” You said, placing a small kiss to his lips “Though I’m still pissed about the game” 
Ashton raised his eyebrows “Oh! That reminds me,” He got out of bed and started looking through the clothes that were laying on the floor for his cellphone. Once he found it he came back up and took a picture of your hand with the engagement ring, turning to you with a shit eating grin “I win” 
“I found the lady with the diamond ring!” He said excitedly. You slapped him in the chest “Ouch!”
“So you did cheat!” 
“In my defense I was going to propose right there and there” Ashton said in as a matter of fact way “I was trying to be romantic” 
You rolled your eyes and curled up to him, placing a soft kiss to his chest. His arms wrapped around you and traveled along your back, caressing it softly as you drifted to sleep. 
“Y/N?” He whispered after a while. 
You hummed “Yes?” 
“I can’t wait to marry you” 
You smiled into his embrace “I can’t wait to marry you, either” 
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Desperate For Freedom 4
Summary: In a universe where females are not allowed to remain innocent after their 18th birthday Y/N must hide. But when her cover is blown how will the unforgiving government punish her? None other than gifting her to a God from three worlds away. The god of mischief. He is told to keep and do what he wishes with the lying girl. So that is what he will do. Chained to the inside of an air craft she is brought to him on Asgard. Where her fate will be in a liars hands.
Warnings: My usual grammar, punctuation,  and spelling mistakes, noncon themes, swearing, slight mentions of rape? PLEASE DONT READ IF YOU MAY BE TRIGGERED. 
“Engagement?” The word rattled in your head. Made you feel exposed. Far too exposed. You hadn't stuck to your original plan. You were supposed to get out as soon as you could and now you were marrying a traitorous liar. Then again your parents most likely thought the same of you, as you do Loki. You threw back the silken sheets, the cold air hitting you like a wall. 
“We cant be getting married, I don't want to marry you.” slipping into your robe you passed the far wall. 
“Oh little Y/N, I thought you were stating to understand. It doesn't matter what you want, it only matters what will make me happy.” As Loki went on about the customs of marriage in the father land you slowly started to get dizzy. Black started to close in and as soon as Loki met your eyes he knew something was wrong.
Waking up in the healing rooms was a culture shock and a half. Although you had been here before for your broken hand it still made you uneasy. The hard platform you laid on was cold and very uncomfortable. 
“Lay still.” the voice came from down by your feet, a woman stood with her hands in the air touching and moving energy around. 
You sat up ignoring her words she let her hands fall. 
“You really don't listen to anyone do you?” Her voice sounded irate but her eyes read respect. What did she respect you for you were unsure of. 
“I am my own person I don't need to listen to anyone.” As if on cue Loki walked into the room flanked by Thor and Friga. 
“Anyone hm?” Loki eyes were almost amused, almost. You had learned this little looks and glances, this one was not pleasant.
“You heard correct.” Challenging Loki was dangerous, but challenging him with others present was like paying for your passage to Valhalla. 
“We will see.” Your eye contact never broke, you refused to let him intimidate you. The healer went on about what had made you faint and how to prevent it again. Thor and Friga went on asking questions, mainly if they had to cancel the ceremony. With everyone conversing it was as if Loki and you were alone. 
“I do not wish to marry.”  As soon as the sentence left your mouth you knew the punishment was going to be the worse one yet. Loki had managed to break down most of your flippant attitude, but not all. 
“ Why not, is it because of the timing?” Meeting Frigas eyes your saw her posture was ridged. 
“I wish not to marry because it is not my decision. I wish not to marry because it has nothing to do with love but a way to control my homeland. I wish not to marry because I simply do not want to.” Thor was shocked, Loki angry, and Friga was just as composed as ever. 
“My dear child we all do things we do not want to do. This has nothing to do with control over any other realms or even to control you. It does however have everything to do with keeping you alive. If not marriage then death, the courts and Odin himself had made this decision to keep you alive. So there will be a marriage ceremony and there will eventually be love.” 
“Death?” Your blood ran colder that the ice realms.
“I assume my son had some things to explain to you, the ceremony will take place tomorrow.” With that Friga Thor and the healer had left the room. Loki hid nothing, his anger could be felt from across the room.
‘Loki I-” In a blink of an eye you were back in his chambers. 
“Why hadn't you told me about this before today?” Loki wasn't one to show emotions, although this he couldn’t hide.
“Hush pet.” He stood still looking at you straight on. He began to pace in front of the grand fireplace.
“No. No you don't get to tell me what to do anymore, if death is my only other option I choose death.” As soon as the words passed your lips you saw the anger come to the surface.
“Choosing death instead of a happy life. Tell me pet do you really wish for such an idiotic thing?”
“If it means I can finally be free then yes. If it means I will stop having to be forced to open my legs, then yes I choose death.”
“Forced? Oh my beautiful Y/N, tell me that when I part your legs you do not feel a rush. Or when I pin your arms up do you truly not feel relived that my mouth will be on your core?” Gods. Even his words make you slightly uncomfortable. 
“I don’t- I feel-.” 
“Do not lie, tell me how when I have my way with you feel nothing.” Loki was now in front of you hands holing your face. Forcing eye contact as he spoke such indecencies. 
“I- I can’t” The grin that over took his face was pure sin. Pure Loki.
“Oh I know.” His hand skated down your body and met your core. Your breath started to get heavier, his hands slowly raising your dress. 
“Tell me love do you truly not want to marry?” His hands rested on you hips under your dress. 
“I-I want to make a decision by myself for once. I fled my home and parents for a single night of freedom. Then I was named a traitor and sent to a completely different realm. I was forced to become property and told only minutes ago that I was to be married off or sentenced to death. I simply want to choose Loki. Is that so hard to understand?” The lust hadn't faded from his eyes but the anger had. Slowly you could see realization cross his features.
“My love I wasn't aware that a something as mundane as a choice had made you feel this way.” 
“That's just it Loki, you aren't aware because you have always been able to choose. I am not even allowed to choose death.” 
“I promise you after the ceremony tomorrow you can make as many choices as you like. However the marriage is not a choice you get to make. I will not let you be sentenced to an unjust death.” His hands slipped out from under your dress. Every move of his was calculated. He brought them up to cradle your face. 
“My love if you do not wish to rest in the same bed as me then I will see to it that you get your own accommodations.” His facial expression was clear and no sign of a lie, not that you would be able to tell anyways.
“I don’t think that will be necessary, I am accustomed to sleeping with another person, it would be to hard to revert back to no one at all.” It all hit you then, you were getting married tomorrow, to a soon to be king. A god of lies and one of the most powerful beings. You never could have fled even if you had help. His hands still held  your face as he brought his lips to your forehead. 
“I was going to escape Loki.” You felt his lips leave your forehead. “I was going to pretend to fall for you and then once I had your trust I was going to flee.” As tears formed in your eyes he still said nothing. In a rush you continued, this time looking at his beautiful green eyes. “I wanted nothing to do with you or this realm, I was going to hang myself from the neck if it meant freedom, Loki I’m so sorry.” As your tears flowed freely he finally spoke.
“I know my love, I can read expressions and if you are vulnerable enough your thoughts. I also know that now you feel differently. Isn’t that true?” He held you in place, forcing you to come to terms with thing you felt. 
“Yes, Loki I love you.” Your heart beat was higher than the stars. 
“Let’s make our way to bed then, we have an eventful day coming up.
“Y/N it is time to wake up you have to get ready.” Loki’s voice was soothing and sweet. In response you just moved closer to him. The warmth on his skin was soothing but the cold right under the surface felt like home. 
“Don't want to get out of bed.” The words left you in a grumbled tone. Hardly audible. In a swift motion you were uncovered and sitting at the small table. It contents were all breakfast food.
“Be good Y/N. I will see you in the great hall in five hours.” In less than 30 seconds he had left.  In a blur you were hurried around. Breakfast then a bath, your skin was rubbed raw then waxed. With one servant at your head pulling, brushing and braiding, another was going back and forth between your hands and feet. Making sure the nails were perfection and the skin soft. 
“Princess? Are you ok?” The servant at your hands stopped and smiled. Genuine concern on her features. 
“I’m scared.” Openly admitting it made the room go still. 
“It’s ok to be scared Princess, but you are marrying a good asgaurdian.”
“I’m being forced to marry the God Of Mischief.”
“Even so. If I may be so daring to say that he has been kinder and more understanding with you here.” The gentle smile she wore was comforting. 
“Are you married?” The gentle look morphed into sadness.
“No, only the staff that isn’t seen can marry, oh and I suppose the guards can take a wife too.”
“Why can’t you. Shouldn’t you be able to marry whom you please?”
“If we could marry we would.” The sadness left her face and replaced with bittersweet happiness. 
“It’s time for the dress.” They both took a hand and lead you to a large mirror in the sitting area. They slipped the dress on over your head and helped button the back. The black dress with emerald green and gold details fit you to a T.  
“This is beautiful.” 
“I should hope so Your Majesty had picked it out himself.” Until this moment you hadn't thought of your distant family. The marriage will be broadcasted, and shared throughout the realms. How will they feel about you taking the younger prince of the father realm. Your mother was supposed to arrange a marriage and your father was to pay for it. This way you at least got to meet your soon to be husband. Yes, you were forced to meet and have relations with him, but you had come to love him. Did you really love him? Or was it just an illusion he wanted you to see. 
“M’ Lady? Are you alright?” Your palms had gotten moist and your breath uneasy. ”My Princess?” The hand maidens were gone the only thing in your vision was the detailed ceiling. Of course it was just as beautifully crafted as everything else. You did not belong here. This palace was not for you. This hand sewn wedding gown should not fit you. You should be back home making a meal for your mate. Sure you would despise it, but at least you would know your role. Unlike your current situation.
“Y/N?” The smoothness of his voice was a balm on your racing and uncontrollable thoughts. You open your eyes to see his concerned ones. 
“I’m not fit to stand in the back Loki. I can’t pretend that I want to hold my tongue. If we marry I need to pave a path that I find fit.” Saying this you could already feel the pressure easing off of your chest. 
“I expect nothing less my love.” He helps you stand. 
“We need to move forward with today, we will speak as soon as we are alone.” The small amount of reassurance he gave you was enough for today. As the maids finished getting you prepped, you begin making plans. How to fix a broken realm and how to move forward as a wife. 
The vows had been said and the kiss had been just as bruising and binding as you knew it would be. Now in the streets celebrating with the townsfolk even though Odin had thought it to be demeaning to the royal status, Loki and you danced toasted and laughed throughout the night. As Loki spun you once again you heard a whisper in your head. Just as easy and natural as your own conscious. 
“I would like to bed you here in front of every soul. However I think you might appreciate what I’m about to do you in private.” You watched Loki as he held you close making sure you really did hear that. His proud smile claimed the action. 
“Lets go.” That's all you had to say for him to wrap you tighter in his arms and make green and gold sparkles around you two. When his grip loosened you were in his chambers. The same room you had shared. 
“Behave for me tonight like a good pet.” His voice vibrated through your bones. 
“What’s the fun in that?” The slight attitude in your tone made the heaviness in the room grow thicker. 
“Very well have it your way.” With a flick of his wrist you were undressed and on your knees. The slick between your legs was now noticeable. 
“What’s wrong master? You cant control me without magic?” Saying this caused the exact reaction you had wanted. Hauling you to your feet with a handful of hair he spoke with intention and a careful tone. 
“My dearest pet you will beg for my gift.” He picked you up and threw you on the mattress quickly turning you over, he lifted your hips and pulled you to the end of the bed. He yanked your head up clasping on a collar that had obvious weight. Not enough to be uncomfortable but definitely noticeable. Next was thick leather handcuffs to keep your hands behind your back. With your face in the bedding and ass in the air Loki spoke.
“Now look how good you are with just a bit of restraints.” You opened you mouth to speak but before you could get any words out once again he flipped you around and had you kneeling on the bed eye level with him.
“Be a good pet and listen to instructions.” Doing as he says his smile only increases. As does the wetness in your sweet spot. Reaching down he barely touches you. Trying to create the friction you so desperately need your hips try and grind down on his digits. 
“Use your words pet.” A loan moan exits your body,
“Please master I need it.” He gave a chuckle in return.
“You don't need anything yet pet.” Loki holds your face in his hands spitting on your face. Another moan.
“Such a mouth on you.” Pulling you head down till it was right in front of his ‘gift’. Opening your mouth for him to enter, with no hesitation he begins to fuck your face. The obscenity's leaving his mouth encouraged you take more of him at once. Humming along with his strokes to increase his pleasure. Having him use you was now the very thing that got you off, unlike in the beginning when you fought it all.
“Good pet.” Soon enough you felt his release. Swallowing down as much as you could. With his demanding actions, and filth filled  words your wetness left a mark on the bed.
“Please sir.” Looking up at him with spit and cum leaking down your chin.
“Is this you begging? You will need to be more convincing my dear.” He let you sit up on your knees on the bed so once again you were eye level. 
“Please sir I need you in me. I will behave for you. I need you Loki.” Saying his name had an effect on him like nothing before. The restraints gone within a millisecond, he had you on your back already hard. Entering you fast and not stopping. Soon enough you had your release with him following right after.
“SIR LOKI IT’S THE ALLFATHER! COME QUICKLY!” A guard had woken you both. Odin? In trouble? As Loki rushed out of the room the guard entered. You assumed to wait for you to follow. Pulling up the silk sheets you opened your mouth but no words escaped. 
“I see you had a good nights rest. Or should I say lack thereof.” His grin stretched across his face. The guard looked familiar. It couldn’t have been the same guard, that had laid with you while Loki was away. Could it? Pulling the sheets tighter around your naked skin, the guard advanced towards you.
                                                    End of Part 4
I am not sure why some of the tags didn’t work if you know these people please tag them. Please repost, comment or send in asks with things you would like to see in this series or future ones. I have final say in all requests. Don’t be shy.. repost.
Desperate for freedom taglist:
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lilydalexf · 4 years
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Old School X is a project interviewing X-Files fanfic authors who were posting fic during the original run of the show. New interviews are posted every Tuesday.
Interview with Vickie Moseley
Vickie Moseley has 252 stories at Gossamer, some of which have also made their way to AO3. She has obviously contributed a ton to the fandom over the years! I’ve recced some of my favorites of her stories here before, including Giving Thanks, Stunned, and a bunch of post-eps for particular episodes, including “Firewalker” and “Pine Bluff Variant.” Big thanks to Vickie for doing this interview.
Does it surprise you that people are still interested in reading your X-Files fanfics and others that were posted during the original run of the show (1993-2002)?
Not really. Well, actually, it has always surprised me that anyone would read my stories even during the heyday of the series, but that’s my self-consciousness talking. That people are discovering The X-Files is not at all surprising and that they are stumbling on fan fic is a natural extension and I find that wonderful. My husband and I never watched Grimm when it was on network TV and we’re currently going through that series, so it’s the streaming-on-demand-there-isn’t-anything-new-on-TV times we find ourselves.
What do you think of when you think about your X-Files fandom experience? What did you take away from it?
Friendships. I have a group of women that I’ve been friends with for over 20 years. Until this year we gathered in person every year. We are in contact on Facebook messenger all the time and a conversation will start up just out of thin air when we haven’t conversed for months! It’s been wonderful knowing these women from all parts of the country (and the world for that matter).
And strangely enough, medical research. My writing tended to focus on ‘injured Mulder’ (or Mulder Torture as we termed it) and I also liked reading that in fan fic. Two years ago this managed to help me in real life. My husband experienced a bilateral pneumothorax (both lungs collapsed spontaneously). One of my favorite stories that I have read and reread is “Short of Breath” by the incomparable dee_ayy. She did some serious research while writing that story and it’s all in that fan fiction. I’m not saying it’s the same as a medical degree, but I knew what was happening, why the doctors where performing certain procedures and it really eased my mind as we went through the whole experience. I never would have known what was going on if I hadn’t read that story so many times.
Social media didn't really exist during the show's original run. How were you most involved with the X-Files online (atxc, message board, email mailing list, etc.)?
Email was the ‘social media’ for the day. That, and newsfeeds. There were two newsfeeds in the beginning: the official FOX website had a message board, and there was one on ‘alt.tv’ which was an internet newsfeed where fans posted spoilers and discussed episodes. The alt.tv newsfeed got tired of the fan fic writers posting stories so a separate newsfeed was formed just for fan fic. EMXC, which was an AOL mailing list, was invite only and somewhat exclusive at first, but opened up to everyone. When the old OSU (Ohio State University) mailing list turned into Gossamer and Ephemeral, the fandom, and fan fic just skyrocketed.
But what you lived for the most, as a writer, was actual feedback. Emails from people all over who read your story. It was nice to get a quick ‘Hey, read this and really like it!’ but the wonderful emails, the ones you kept in folders on your inbox, were the ones that went into detail, sometimes critical, sometimes grammar related, but always showing where you could improve, or where you touched someone. Every friend I have from the fandom started as feedback, either to me or from me. I’m on AO3 and I appreciate ‘kudos’ but I really love getting comments.
What did you take away from your experience with X-Files fic or with the fandom in general?
Confidence in my writing. I learned a lot from other writers. Constructive feedback was a gift! I may never write the great American novel but I don’t think I’m afraid to give it a shot after all my years in fan fic.
What was it that got you hooked on the X-Files as a show?
They had me at ‘aliens’. I’m a sucker for UFO shows. Was front row center at Close Encounters of the Third Kind, read many of the UFO standards, still watch Ancient Aliens on History Channel. I was waiting for The X-Files based on the tiny blurb in the 1993 Fall Preview Guide from TV Guide.
What got you involved with X-Files fanfic?
I kinda got fired from a job I loved and couldn’t go back into that arena for a long time. I was so depressed I was cleaning out my kitchen cabinets. My husband ‘gave’ me the internet for my birthday just to get me out of the dumps. I went straight to ‘yahoo’ and typed in X Files. After reading all the character bios I saw a ‘hyperlink’ (yes, that’s what we called them in 1995) to something called ‘fan fiction’. It was the OSU tree directory of about 100 fan fiction stories. I was instantly hooked.
What is your relationship like now to X-Files fandom?
I still love the show and all the fans I run across. I was not happy with S8 or S9 but I did watch The Truth. I was on Haven for a while during the reboots (S10 and S11) but it wasn’t the same. I’ve got all the seasons on DVD or blu ray and both movies. When I hear from fans, I’m so happy to connect but I don’t go out and look for new stories anymore.
Were you involved with any fandoms after the X-Files? If so, what was it like compared to X-Files?
None. My heart belongs to Mulder ;)
Who are some of your favorite fictional characters? Why?
Captain Kirk, Spock, Captain Picard, Will Riker, Luke, Han, Leia, Poe, Rae, Kylo at the end. I like strong characters but it’s OK if they have flaws. I’d like to see more strong female leads in science fiction (Gammora and Nebula are favs of mine, too). I love Brea Larson’s portrayal of Captain Marvel!  
Do you ever still watch The X-Files or think about Mulder and Scully?
Sure. When the Pandemic hit we started going through the series for maybe the 20th time. It’s nice to watch them on a larger TV screen. Kim Manners was a genius with lighting and showing just enough of the ‘monster’. I suspect he will be better appreciated in the future than he was at the time he was alive.
Do you ever still read X-Files fic? Fic in another fandom?
I still go back and read my favorites from XF. I read Blood Ties by Dawn about once a year, the whole series. I go back and read the Virtual Season X seasons. We had some really good stories in those years.
Do you have any favorite X-Files fanfic stories or authors?
Too many to list! Dawn, of course. Susan Proto (I co-wrote with her), Sally Bahnsen, dee_ayy, Suzanne Bickerstaff’s Magician Series was the first (and only) fantasy I ever truly liked! I loved all my co-writers and there are plenty of writers that I wish we’d gotten around to collaborating.
What is your favorite of your own fics, X-Files and/or otherwise?
I’m proud of Out of the Cold because it’s Mulder before Scully. I’m partial to the Flight Into Egypt series because I like ‘righting’ what I thought Carter got wrong in the end.
Do you think you'll ever write another X-Files story? Or dust off and post an oldie that for whatever reason never made it online?
I keep trying! I’m working (have been working for almost a decade now) on a Flight Into Egypt story set at Christmas. Each fall I drag it out of mothballs, write a paragraph or two and get busy doing Christmas stuff. Funny, but it was easier to find time to write when I was a working mom of 6 than as a retired grandma of 3.
Do you still write fic now? Or other creative work?
I’m putting together a cookbook for my kids and grandkids of all our family recipes. It’s not just the recipes, but the stories behind them. It’s a WIP (work in progress).
Where do you get ideas for stories?
I had a book, just a cheap paperback of unexplained events—all true stories, supposedly—that I got a lot of ideas from. Or, like Carter, I would see something in the news and it would turn into a story. One time I had a dream about our Pur water filter and it turned into a fan fic.
What's the story behind your pen name?
My older sister named me because my Mom and Dad let her. I never used a pen name. That’s my real name, you can google me and find out all about me. I used to have a wiki page or so my kids told me.
Do your friends and family know about your fic and, if so, what have been their reactions?
My kids used to tell their friends that ‘Mom is famous on the internet’ as a joke. Most of my friends know. My other life is in politics and the two lives usually don’t cross but once on a campaign I was asked by a reporter if I was the ‘same’ Vickie Moseley who writes fan fiction. If I had lied, that would have been the story—that I lied about this hobby of mine. Like it was something to be ashamed of or I was ashamed of my writing. So instead of ducking the question I said ‘yeah, have you read any of my stuff?’ Fan fiction was not mentioned in the finished article.
Is there a place online (tumblr, twitter, AO3, etc.) where people can find you and/or your stories now?
I’m on AO3 but only a partial list. My website is still up thanks to Mimic.
Is there anything else you'd like to share with fans of X-Files fic?
Back when I started writing (1995) it was a sort of commune. We all loved reading fan fiction, we didn’t want the story to end with the credits. So if you wanted to read, you were encouraged to write, too, so that others had stories to read and share. It was a cooperative arrangement very much like the old Literary Societies back in the 19th Century.  I really miss that, so I hope that on some level that is still going on.
(Posted by Lilydale on November 10, 2020)
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blackevermore · 3 years
x Secrets of The Lake: The Company of Misery and Pain
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{ Chapter 5 }
Summary: Vladimir Masters’ family tree has always been tainted by secrets swept under the rug. From generation to generation there have been countless reasons the Masters’ family had seemed to keep private from the public. Even to this day, Vladimir was no exception. But what was one to do when a restless spirit from the settlement years finally breaks free from restraints and demands you answer for your ancestor’s crimes? Vladimir doesn’t know. However, Clockworks does.
Notes: We just having fun, rewriting some of the canon, new adventure new characters. I will apologize now for any grammar, spelling, weird sentence structuring in advance. My brain writes faster than my fingers and even when I go back through to reread it I still miss things. Sorry about that!
Word Count: 3063
It wasn’t that it was hard to pinpoint where things began to fall apart for the Masters family. Rather it was who was to blame when all of it happened all at once. Could it have been the people they married or was it the family itself that had the bad luck? Either way, the Masters family had a very long list of unfortunate events that seemed to flock like birds to a nest. Vlad sat at his computer scanning through the digital archives of his family. He never truly sat down and looked through all of this, when he was younger it was more like being shown a picture and being asked to guess how far apart they were in life and death. His father did it often trying to brag about how headstrong all the men in the family were.
So many names, so much trading property or what seemed like stealing others. Not that Vlad was surprised at all by that, how else do you think he got where he was in life, it was just the game of business. Not having many divorces and remarrying, now that was surprising, he would have thought the men in his family would have had the least of the draw, or he was just shamefully projecting. Of course the latter could be farther from the truth when Vlad went through two stepmothers. Both his and his first stepmother died of unknown causes which left the last one living the longest. Luckily they were both lovely and the sweetest of women, but maybe would have been better off not in the family. At last Mrs Helena was alive, he hoped.
Vlad had scrolled to the very beginning of the files which started in the mid 16th century. The family name had just been respelt to the changing Germanic language and someone named Alger had married and inherited land in southern modern Germany; he died of an infection in the mouth at 32. From there they had seven children but only two survived due to the plague. From the two, only one was a boy and he carried the family name and expanded the family east. After that was a long line of names that either was married in, inherit, how they died, and weird scribbled notes off to the side Vlad couldn’t read. As the 16th century files ended the 17th century file started and was a lot more organized than the former. Vlad could actually read what jobs the males in his family had and where they actually ended up near the end of their life. The Masters family had once again gone through a name respelling and this time they were established merchants.
As he combed through the notes and names, Vlad had this weird ‘yes’ ‘no’ feeling, so far everyone had been a ‘no’ and his gut told him he was getting closer. Closer to what? Not sure, but he followed it anyway hoping to reach the end. But when he came across blank records, he was closer to the mid  17 century. The last family was the house of Anya with three dependents, a wife named Yolan and two sons, Vladan and Luther. In the notes it said that Anya served the ruler as a travelling merchant and was paid wealthy for it; he died of poison. The family lived in the furthest part of the eastern Germanic states which meant they would have been closer to migrating towards Slavic area. But after that there was nothing but empty rows. That was 50 years missing and that didn’t sit right with Vlad. Surely there had to be something or someone during that time. With how detailed the records were so far there had to be something- anything.
Vlad scrolled down to the beginning of the 18th century and that’s where the names picked back up with Vladan being the head of the house. There was an asterisk next to Vladan's name that read ‘only surviving heir’. Vlad sighed, of course, the family had died and was only survived by a single son. He could only imagine the tragedy that could have happened to the rest of the family.
Vlad’s gut pulled as he read over the name again and the notes beside it. This man went through four wives whose names weren’t listed other than ‘wife 1… wife 2...’  and only had a daughter.
“Seems like misery was your only friend,” Vlad mumbled as he looked on and saw that the daughter took over for her father once he died of heart issues, and moved the family due to marriage. She didn’t change her name nor give up belongings and had five sons but only two of them had her last name. It seemed that it was on purpose for the lack of arguing on who got what when she died. The husband on the other hand disappeared early into their marriage, “You were truly a Wollstonecraft it seems, Miss Ursula Masters.” Sadly tragedy struck her down as well as she died of horse trampling. After Ursula the next four families had lost all the old money they once sat on due to wars and the collapsing economies. They did however maintain their pride and kept building themselves back up. By the end of the 18th century, the Masters family was in Russia and had branched off.
Vlad knotted his brows as his gut once again pulled at him as a sign of the wrong direction. Rolling his eyes tired from looking at small prints and shitty handwriting he scrolled back up to the empty space.
“So you’re from right here it seems,” Vlad rubbed his chin and groaned. “What in the world happened and how did you get here?” As Vlad tried to think of another way to figure out the gap, the phone at his desk began to ring and broke him away from his trance. Deciding that that was enough for the day, Vlad closed his laptop and picked up the phone. Vlad had been so invested in his ghostly business he nearly forgot about his human one. Vlad pulled the phone away from his ear and rolled his neck as he tried to put on his Vlad Co. facade. Vlad pulled the phone back in when he heard a question and he politely asked the woman on the other side to repeat herself.
“I asked if you will still be holding the theme banquet this coming Wednesday.” Sha! Vlad had forgotten all about the company banquet. As a boss he felt it was important to give your employees a ‘thank you’, especially if there was company corruptness being swept under the rug. So as a treat every so often Vlad would announce he would host a banquet and give everyone the day off. Vlad felt his eye twitch as he thought over whether or not he should cancel it. Wednesday was in three days and he hadn’t even told his ghostly staff about it.
As his mind thought it over the words came out by themselves, “Yes.” Yes? Yes?! He had no time to play host when he had a ghost to deal with and any other madness being thrown his way. Why in the world would he say yes?
“That’s wonderful! Sir, if you don’t mind me asking, what’s the theme?” The woman said, eagerly.
“Well I do mind, that’s my little secret. Surely you wouldn’t want to take the surprise away from yourself, now would you.” Vlad gagged as he sweetly replied and heard the woman become flustered.
“You’re right,” Of course I am . “ Well I can’t wait to see what you put together, Sir. You never cease to amaze us.”
“Hmm, yes, now if you excuse me, Miss Wright, I have some emails to look over before prepping.”
“Very well, Sir good-” Vlad didn’t wait for the woman’s goodbye and hung up, he dropped his face into his hands and held his breath as he tried to mentally organize himself.
Clockwork? Check.
Vengeful spirit out to kill him? Check.
Nearly being torn apart? Check.
Waking up three days later? Check?
Prepping for a banquet he forgot all about? Wonderful .
Vlad stood up from his desk chair and stretched his back, he needed to get out of the house for fresh air. Maybe go for a walk or if he was feeling up to it, a quick flight, then come back and start on what was being served at the banquet and what the theme was. As he walked around his desk and reached out a hand to draw the handle he heard the low rumble of bickering outside his door. He used his ghost sense to hone in on it and only shook his head in disappointment.
“Yeah well I could have been there for backup if you had let me go with you. How come he got to go with you?” Dani crossed her arms angrily and shot Danny the meanest eyes she could muster.
“I didn’t bring him along, he showed up by himself, he was supposed to be on his way to pick you up, remember.” Danny retorted as she and he rounded the corner to Vlad’s office. “Besides I told you it was dangerous and you would have only gotten hurt.”
“No way I’m like super badass!” Dani yelled.
“Language, especially in this house, Danielle.” Vlad opened the door and looked on towards the children. Dani turned away and grumbled as Danny sighed and gave a quick wave.
“Either she was gonna fly here and pester you by herself or I would at least try to stop her, as you can see I didn’t do much.” Danny motioned towards his clone and she stuck out a tongue.
“Well at least you showed up at the right time, I have news I think you will like to hear.” Vlad rubbed the bridge of his nose and gestured for Danny to come inside. Guess the walk would have to wait.
“Boy would I!” Dani stepped out in front of Danny and Vlad quickly stuck a hand out.
“Miss Masters, you have other things to do. This problem has nothing to do with you and I would much prefer it if you stop trying to be a part of it.” Vlad put on his father voice and it saw how it made Dani upset. She looked back at Danny for help only for the older teen narrowed his eyes and looked away. Vlad gave her the all knowing look of ‘you are out ruled’ and Dani stomped her foot. She had been told no so much in the last few days of wanting to help.
“I swear you two still treat me like some weak baby. I have control over myself and my powers, stop doing that!” The hurt in Dani’s voice almost made the others cave but Vlad stood by his words and shook his head.
“I know you’re not a baby, far from, but this isn’t your fight. Now run along.” Dani's face nearly turned red and she flew off through the walls to god knows where.
“Maybe it wouldn’t have hurt to let her listen,” Danny rubbed his arm, feeling very much like a villain. Vlad on the other hand deadpanned him and turned to walk into his office.
“You should know what happens to those that become too curious, they only get in trouble.” Vlad’s monotone voice irked Danny, the jab was unnecessary considering they both ended up as they were due to curiosity. Once they were seated in their respective chairs Vlad opened his laptop again. Danny watched him scroll through files before turning the computer around for him to look at. Danny had no idea how to read any of this, cocking an eyebrow he shook his head.
“Explain,” Danny said.
“As I looked through everything, I noticed that my family record suddenly stopped between the late 1650s to the 1700s.” Vlad began pointing towards the screen. “This may sound odd but I had a feeling this might be where Tayonna is from. However, it doesn’t make sense because there is no mention of coming to America. This name, Vladan, is the only surviving member of his family and he stayed in the empire and got married. He was one of the sons of the family before the gap.” Vlad turned the computer back around and stared heavily at the name trying to make something of it.
“Is there any way for you to throw money on this and figure out what happened in those 50 years?” Danny asked with a shrug, surely, Vlad had that power considering he was a billionaire. Vlad did not have that power. Vlad blinked a few times and shook his head.
“If only it was that easy, however, I have no idea where to look nor do I have time to fly out to one of the thirteen colonies and check.”
“Get an assistant to do it, you have plenty of those and I know it, Miss Kate is a really cool lady.” Danny smirked, he had the honours of meeting a few of Vlad’s assistants who sometimes had very nasty things to say about him. Which Danny promised not to repeat back and enjoyed listening to. Truly, what man has a random sweet tooth at 3am and demands a strawberry shortcake?
“I doubt any of them would wish to take a random trip at the moment.” Vlad thought over his few underhands and couldn’t think of a single one he could trust with this. They all had their pros and cons and yet Vlad found himself cancelling all of them.
“When did you become considerate of anyone but yourself?” Danny asked with a cocked brow and pressed lips. Vlad was a bit taken back by the question but knew where Danny was coming from.
“When I decided to stop playing childish games with a child. My company is not a playpen and my workers are not playmates I can throw away.” Vlad answered with a hiss on his lips and Danny mumbled a ‘whatever’ before throwing his hands up and standing to his feet.
“I still say send one of them out to Ellis Island to find something.”
“Ellis Island was built in the late 1800s not the 16oos, Daniel.” Danny opened his mouth then quickly closed it.
“I knew that… I knew that.”
“Of course,” Vlad wore his annoying amused smirk that he always gave Danny when he messed up. “But I will take your suggestion into consideration since it’s something rather than nothing.”
“That’s the spirit. Get it?” Danny shot Vlad finger guns and a wink and the man snickered and walked around his desk to head towards the door.
“Besides, it's not like we can ask Tayonna herself.” Vlad added as he opened the door and allowed Danny to head out first.
“Dude, I think the last person she wants to see is you or me.” Danny snorted. Vlad only hummed and they walked towards the stairs to bring them to the first floor. Danny B-lined his way to the kitchen and quickly found home in Vlad’s frig. Vlad joined him and made himself a cup of coffee for his midday crisis. “Besides, the last place I left her was at the bottom of the pond as I drug your lifeless body away.” Danny shoved a gogurt in his mouth and raised his eyebrows. Vlad huffed and looked over the top of his cup.
“Don’t remind me. Those are Dani’s.”
“She’ll understand, her gogurts are going towards a great cause. And I know how much Masters love donating towards “ good causes ”.” Danny wiggled his brows and ghosted another hand into the frig to pull out another snack to shove into his pocket.
“Don’t say anything to me when she finds out. I’ve seen nothing.” Vlad chuckled behind his drink and playfully turned the other way.
“Oh ha ha.” Danny finished his first snack and threw it away. He pulled out the next and started in on it, he made an about face and gave Vlad a concerned expression.
“We gotta make it up to her, she really wanted to help, but this is hella dangerous and she could get hurt. Tayonna isn’t gone, she’s still in the ghost zone and we both have to go back in there to deal with her.” Danny voicing his worries for not only Dani’s feelings but the threat she kept trying to chase made Vlad feel like a drained parent. He always thought of Danny as a distant son, more so now than before. So when he made Danielle and then rekindled a relationship with her he really did feel like a single father. The last thing he wanted at the moment was to cause another rift in their relationship. Having a happy Dani around the house made Vlad feel way less lonely.
“I know and that’s why I’ll ask her to aid me in planning the company banquet for Wednesday.” Vlad finished his drink and placed it in the dishwasher before snapping his fingers to turn it on.
“You’re seriously having a banquet while we’re in the middle of this?” Danny's expression quickly dropped and Vlad shooed him away.
“Correction, this is happening while I was planning the banquet. Ghosts seem to have no consideration for my very busy life. But the show must go on.” Danny could only facepalm as he listened to Vlad.
“You are such a fruitloop, ya know.”
“Yes, yes, I’m well aware.” Vlad chuckled and walked out of the kitchen. Danny was about to follow him until he stepped out and nearly slipped. He looked down and saw that where Vlad once stood was now a puddle of water with a few smaller puddles heading the way Vlad did. Danny’s first thought was danger and panic but the beeping sound of the dishwasher snapped him out of it. Besides, if she would have gotten in, not only would Vlad’s ghost security alert him, but his own ghost sense would have told him. Danny hadn’t felt any weird energy nor had his senses go off the whole time he was here. Danny calmed down and told himself it was just a leak in the dishwasher he would have to tell Vlad about.
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Oneshot #2: Three times someone checked out Darcy’s ass and the one time he didn’t mind it
Description: A crackfic based on this post I made a few days ago. Basically what it says in the title and it plays during the canon era. The main pairing is BillDarcy.
words: 1645
A/N: To be honest, I don’t even know what this is, I just suddenly had this idea yesterday when I originally wanted to write the little idea for a Jojo/Elmer-Oneshot I have in my head. But hey, if there are things I’m good at, it’s procrastinating and doing things wrong, so here we are. As always, it’s possible that there are mistakes regarding grammar and spelling (I checked for them but since English isn’t my first language I might have forgotten something). It would be nice if you left a comment.
I hope you enjoy,
Sincerely, me,
Darcy hated puberty. Pimples were scattered all over his face and a few days ago, his mother had helped him trying to figure out how to shave his face without cutting himself. Still, there were some leftovers of an incision on one of his cheeks.
The worst thing was that he hadn’t even had something that he could have called a ‘beard’. But he had overheard some of his classmates talking about the positive effect of having a beard – looking more mature and therefore having a better chance with the ladies they wanted to court. Darcy himself didn’t want to court a lady, yet he always wanted to look more mature so that his father might stop treating him a like little child. So, after a lot of insistence on his part, his mother had helped him with the soft hairs over his upper lip and on the sides of his face and he regretted it.
He was attending some important event, where all the influential persons in the world of newspapers were gathered. And he was there with a bright red face, full of signs of imperfections.
“Look at that fancy new suit! Darcy, puberty’s starting to grow on you.”
Startled, Darcy turned around and was promptly hugged by one of his best childhood friends, Katherine Pulitzer. “Kathy, I’m glad you could make it,” he said, quickly hugging her back.
Katherine freed herself from the embrace. “I couldn’t leave you guys alone with all these people now, could I? But back to what I said, when did your ass get this gorgeous? Or is it just the suit?”
Darcy choked on his own spit. He was always surprised by Katherine’s bluntness. A blush spread out over his whole face as he truly realised what she had said and he made an embarrassed sound. “My ass is the same as always, thank you very much. The only thing that’s changing is the constellations of pimples on my face.” He grimaced.
“Uh, how poetic. Maybe you want to write my next article, then I’ll have a lot more free time.”
“Kathy, I’m having a serious problem here.” Darcy threw a glance at the people surrounding them, making sure they were out of earshot. Then, he whispered, “How can I face Bill when my face looks like I’ve been burned by the sun, over and over again?”
Katherine was the only one who knew of his infatuation with Bill – his other childhood friend. She had also been the one who had helped him overcoming his long phase of self-hatred because he was falling in love with another boy. At first, there had been all these thoughts like: “It’s wrong. Two boys can’t love each other.” But when Katherine had told him that she as well did like people the same gender as hers, he had felt a lot better. He wasn’t the only one. He wasn’t hurting anyone. So why should he be ashamed of who he loved?
“Don’t worry, Darce. I think it looks cute. And if he doesn’t like it, you can always show him your ass.” Katherine winked.
Again, Darcy blushed. “What’s it with you and my… butt?”
Katherine just shrugged inscrutably and led him to the buffet.
When they met Bill, he didn’t mention the pimples. He also didn’t mention that Darcy’s suit was apparently too tight around his ass. He had only brought life to the butterflies in Darcy’s stomach when he had constantly readjusted Darcy’s glasses and therefore brushed his skin from time to time.
A soft breeze was caressing Darcy’s hair as he and Katherine wandered along the streets of New York, arm in arm. Katherine was going on about some vaudeville show she had to review that night, until they came across the Newsboys’ lodging house. A smile appeared on her face as they watched some kids dancing around, presumably on their way to the circulation gate. Darcy knew how she admired these kids that had nothing and still seemed to be so happy to at least have each other.
Since the kids weren’t walking really fast, Katherine and Darcy caught up with them and Darcy rolled his eyes as one of the boys started flirting with Katherine. It was always like this. Katherine was a beautiful girl and therefore, she caught the attention of many boys on the street. But only some of them mustered up the courage to actually speak to her.
Trying to suppress a sigh, Darcy let his gaze wander and couldn’t help but notice some boys passing them while the presumable leader flirted with Katherine. He blinked. Had he just imagined it or were two of the boys checking him out? He lowered his head, not daring to look back at them and not really listening to Katherine’s conversation.
He took a deep breath, fiddled with his hands and eventually glanced back at the two boys he had noticed. He nearly let out a surprised gasp as he caught one of the boys checking out his ass once again. A blush crept up his neck. The boy noticed him looking back and winked.
Darcy had never been more glad of Katherine taking control than in this moment. Oblivious to Darcy’s own problem, she grabbed his arm tighter and led him away from the newsies.
He took another deep breath. Had the boy been flirting with him? Darcy couldn’t handle people flirting with him. The only exception was Bill but that didn’t really count, considering that Bill was his lover. Which Darcy still couldn’t quite believe. He and Bill were a thing. Bill had been the one to take the first step, turning a little moment of them cuddling into a sweet, intoxicating kiss.
Darcy smiled and it didn’t take long for him to forget the incident with the newsies.
Apparently, people did have a thing for his butt. That was the conclusion Darcy came to when he was ready cleaning the printing press and went to put on his coat. Bill had already left the cellar, presumably talking with Katherine and Jack outside.
He hadn’t meant to eavesdrop but he couldn’t help but hear two voices, a few feet away, seemingly not noticing his presence.
“… yeah, but one of 'em definitely had a stick up his ass.” The heavy Brooklyn accent in this voice was obvious and Darcy suspected that the boy talking was that Spot Conlon that every single newsie seemed to either fear or respect.
“Obviously. He’s refused ta shake Jack’s hand when he’d spit on it,” the other person laughed. It was also a boy but Darcy couldn’t quite place who the voice belonged to.
Was he talking about Darcy? It would make sense, considering that Spot had talked about two people specifically and he and Bill were the odd ones out (Katherine didn’t count since she had already been involved in the strike before they had been printing the banner tonight). Suddenly, Darcy felt offended. Just because he had manners didn’t mean that he was uptight.
“But you have to admit, it’s a pretty nice ass,” the person whose voice Darcy didn’t recognize answered.
It took Darcy all strength he could muster up not to cough and make his presence known. That would be even weirder than only hearing people talk about his ass. He hurried with putting on his coat, while contemplating listening a little more. Of course he was embarrassed but he kind of wanted to know what else the boys had to say.
“You’s right, Race.” A pause. “But do ya know who also has a great ass?”
Alright, that was Darcy’s cue to leave.
+ IV.
“I can’t believe you!” Darcy exclaimed while Bill only laughed more and more. He sighed. “I shouldn’t have told you, I knew it.”
“I am sorry, I did not mean to offend you, Darce, but that’s just too funny,” Bill said, letting his fingers run over Darcy’s arm, yet not even trying to suppress his laughter. “Why did I never notice that your butt is apparently so interesting?”
“I hate you,” Darcy retorted, crossing his arms in front of his chest, all the while trying to come up with a convincing pout.
Bill stopped laughing at that but the smirk didn’t leave his face. “No, you don’t.” His voice was soft and he moved closer to his lover. “Do you want to know what makes you the most handsome in my opinion?”
Darcy threw him a sceptical glance and let his arms fall to his side again. “What is it?”
“Your nose.”
“My nose?” Darcy let out a small laugh. “Seriously?”
“Well, it is,” Bill replied and shoved him lightly. “Especially when you’re wearing your glasses.” He raised his hand and started to trace the rim of Darcy’s glasses, gently, as if he was afraid of breaking them. Darcy’s breath hitched. “Shoving your smartness in everyone’s faces.”
“Glasses don’t make people smart.” Darcy remembered the time he thought that he would seem more mature when he acted as if he indeed had a real beard. In retrospect, he nearly laughed at that.
“But they make people look smart. And smart people are very, very attractive.” To prove his former point, Bill planted a short kiss on Darcy’s nose.
Darcy smiled. Then he leaned back a bit and took off his glasses. “But what happens when I stop wearing my glasses and don’t look smart any more?” He teased.
Bill made a face like he was thinking about something real intensely. Eventually, he embraced Darcy and smirked. “Then you still got your ass to show off,” he whispered, letting his hands wander lower and lower over Darcy’s back.
For once, Darcy didn’t mind someone paying attention to his butt.
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