#anyway here's hoping to more frequent updates
nolita-fairytale · 2 months
something will happen | chef luca x fem!reader | chapter one
summary: you and luca embark on another a big new adventure together: one of second dreams and second chances. the long-awaited sequel to 'burn your life down.' titled inspired by something will happen - berlioz.
warnings: fluff, light angst, grief, death, second person pov, swearing, danish inaccuracies, off-canon connection to the storyline of the bear.
word count: 1.9k
a/n: it's really happening! i can't promise i'll be updating frequently, but season 3 got me inspired and i've really missed this world. this feels more like an intro than a chapter but here we are anyway. all italicized scenes are a part of the same conversation. i just wanted to play with something new so i hope it makes sense. lmk if you'd like to be tagged.
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masterlist | chapter two
Late Spring
“Well? What do you think?” Luca asks you, the anticipation in the silence between the two of you palpable. 
“I don’t know!” you practically exclaim, all giddy at the mere idea of it. You chew on your lower lip as you wait for him to say something next. 
“I’m just saying. It’s not a half-bad idea and ehm… well, I’ve been thinking about it. A lot, actually,” he reasons with a shrug. He sends a loving glance your way because you look so damn cute wrapped in your twin-sized duvet that makes up one half of the bed you share. 
“For how long?” you ask, cautiously. 
“Dunno,” Luca shrugs. “Ever since Marcus mentioned it, I suppose.” 
He’s almost too casual about this—as if he hasn’t been stuck on the idea for the last month or so since his friend had returned to the States.
This is most certainly not a lazy Saturday morning with breakfast in bed kind of conversation. 
This is a paperwork and really nice pens kind of conversation
A big step.
Huge, even. 
You’ve already agreed to live with the man. 
And now this?
“Luca…” you struggle to get out on an exhale. “I just. It’s not that I don’t want to. I just-.” You pause, collecting your thoughts as you shake off all your nerves before choosing to pivot.
“What if we just-.” you begin again, taking a breath as you brace yourself to jump over this specific cliff. “Total fantasy. No limitations, no logistics, then sure. Okay. We could talk about it.” 
“Alright,” Luca accepts with a nod, a glimmer of mischief in his eyes like he knows he’s got you right where he wants you. He sits up straight, pushing himself off of where he leans against the headboard, shifting so that he’s closer to you. The smile that spreads across his lips begins to grow as repeats your words back to you. “Then, my love, total fantasy. No limitations. No logistics. What’s the dream?” 
The dream was only supposed to be this—one where you’d begin living with your very sexy and very sweet pastry chef of a boyfriend—and yet, months later, as you move your things into Luca’s Vesterbro flat, your thoughts are consumed by ‘what ifs.’ 
What if you did it? 
What if you opened the restaurant of your shared dreams? 
What if your dreams came true with the love of your life by your side? 
Opening Kokuore had been different. It was your first step towards your next chapter, one where you had moved to Copenhagen in search of a new beginning. But this would be… a proclamation: that you were here to stay, that you and Luca could be something permanent, that you could be more than just romantic partners. 
Proof of a life well-lived and a life well-loved. 
Kokuore had been your dream, your first, your baby. Sure, there’d been talk of expansion—maybe a bigger space, or something along the lines of that—but you hadn’t thought too deeply about a second. 
You hadn’t thought about what would come next. 
And then he did. 
“Need any help, love?” Luca offers, watching you scoop two stacked boxes up into your arms, ready to be hauled into the bedroom. 
“Nope!” you heave with a sigh. “Not with these. But if you could grab the other three I’ll meet you in the closet, babe.”
He smirks, calling after you with a: 
“And what do you suppose we should do there?” 
You chuckle in response, your voice sounding further away as you shout back, “Let’s just unpack a few of my clothes, love, before we start taking them off.” 
“Then, my love, total fantasy. No limitations. No logistics. What’s the dream?” 
You sigh, like you too haven’t been thinking about it since Marcus brought it up in the first place. 
“Okay, I’m not ready yet,” you preface, cautiously. “But. If we were, hypothetically speaking, talking about opening a restaurant together… I kinda love the idea of a brunch spot.” “Like Marcus said.” “Exactly.” 
“Slash bakery.” “Right.” 
“Hypothetically speaking.” “Of course.” 
For a moment, your mind gets away from you, running wild with the fantasy that’s beginning to unfold before your eyes.
“I think I really like the idea of it being a bakery during the weekdays when we’re open,” you admit, an excitement beginning to bubble underneath the surface of all your reasons why you shouldn’t. “Maybe we do Wednesday, Thursday all grab-and-go sort of breakfast stuff in addition to the bakery.”
“Kind of like a NY-style bodega,” Luca adds, building on your idea. “You know. With a little extra finesse.”
“Yes! Then… Friday, maybe, we pivot to full breakfast/brunch till the end of Saturday,” you reply, building off what Luca’s just said. 
“Think Wednesday – Saturday service would work?” he asks curiously, knowing that most places are closed on Sundays in Copenhagen.
“We could try it out. Extend our hours to Sunday down the line IF it feels right,” you reason with enough ease to worry you a little. You begin to back pedal, your mind flooded with doubt. “But-, I don’t know, honey. Don’t you think Copenhagen has enough bakeries?” 
“Not ours! Copenhagen doesn’t have ours yet,” Luca protests, as soon he begins to recognize what’s going on in your head. His excitement and passion alone might convince you to do this as he sits up on his knees, his body language expressing just how fully IN he is on this idea. 
His face changes—he’s only just a little more serious this time—his tone light and voice gentle as he warns you with a: 
“And I’m not letting you talk to yourself out of this.” He crosses his arms over his chest almost as if it’s a challenge. “So tell me more about this bakery-slash-brunch spot you’ve got in mind.” 
“Luca Davies! I don’t know where you get off thinking you can sweet talk me into this,” you scold him teasingly. 
He’s even faster to reply. 
“Oh I think I can.”
And this time, you know it’s a challenge. 
“Fine,” you concede to him, meeting him right in the middle of his challenge. “But I don’t want this to be all about my ideas. Besides, aren’t you the one who’s been thinking about it for months now?” 
Over fresh ink that’s barely had a chance to dry, you and Mathilde clink glasses in celebration of the very big step you’ve just taken together. The contract had barely been drawn up before she charged into now-your Vesterbro home, opened a bottle of Veuve Clicquot, ready to sign on the dotted line.
A promotion, chef du cuisine, and a bigger percentage in ownership of Kokuore—a piece of your heart—now shared between the woman who helped you create your masterpiece. 
“I can’t believe we’re really fucking doing this!” Mathilde practically squeals, bursting at the seams with excitement as she rests her arms against your kitchen island. The two of you sit side by side on twin bar stools, facing each other to the best of the chair’s swivel-ability. 
“I know. It’s unreal and yet it feels like the right thing, yeah?” you agree, half in shock. Shifting gears, your back to business as you continue with an explanation of the ownership plan that you’ve thought long and hard about. “It’s important to me to stay involved, but most of my focus will go towards the new space for at least the next year. We’ll have weekly check-ins and Mathilde, I want you to at least consider some kind of ownership eventually in the hospitality group should we go in that direction.”
“I forgot you went to business school. It’s very sexy,” she teases, but the prospect of a hospitality group feels even more exciting.  
There’s a feeling of familiarity between you and your friend as you begin to break down some of the nitty gritty details of the contract. With Luca out for a jog, it reminds you of the days when it was just you, her, and Jesper, exploring your shared wildest dreams. The nostalgia wells in your chest as you take another sip from your champagne flute. 
You were really doing this and you’re so lucky you get to do it with your favorite people. 
Well, with your favorite people again. 
Who would’ve thought that moving to Copenhagen would bring you this grand of an adventure?
“Fine,” Luca agrees, knowing that the way he looks at you only stokes the flames you feel for him. He’s got plenty of ideas, spent maybe too much time thinking about breakfast menus and laminated pastry doughs folded with all kinds of experimental ingredients. He hasn’t felt this creative in… well… since he met you. 
“I love the idea of breakfast/brunch. And I’m already feeling really inspired by the prospect of getting to create a menu with you, darling,” Luca begins, ready to build off of your previous idea. “I guess my first question is… who will lead it?” 
He’s not expecting the elated, “You, silly!” that escapes your lips without hesitation. 
It’s not that he has doubts about himself, but you are the one with the business degree. You’re also the one that’s opened a restaurant before, so he'd be more than happy to let you take reins. 
“Not that I’m going to totally love being on opposite schedules but…” you continue, this hypothetical conversation feeling less and less hypothetical. “...maybe I turn Kokuore over to Mathilde… spend a little more time developing this next concept with you. But. Without question, my love, I think you should lead it.” 
It’s his turn to be surprised, your unwavering belief in him felt so deeply it practically takes his breath away. The only response he can get out is: 
“I love you.” 
“I love you,” you giggle in response. 
“I guess my question for you,” you shift cautiously, as it begins to dawn on you that this is something you just might want as much as he does. “...is… is this something you want to do? I mean, I know it’s going to be a really big pivot from fine dining and-.” 
“God yes!” Luca exclaims, relieved at the thought. “I’ve been dying to get away from the fine dining stuff. I-. It’ll be an adjustment, sure. But yes. Yes, it’s what I want.” 
You nod as you process, listening to the conviction in your lover’s voice. 
He wants this. He really wants this.
And he’s so sure. 
You let out a sigh of relief as you realize you don’t have to have to suppress the feeling any longer.
“Fuck it!” you declare, as if you’re inhaling for the first time. “Fuck ‘hypothetical.’ We should totally do this, babe.” 
“Yeah?” “Abso-fucking-lutely.” 
A beat. 
“So…” Luca trails off, the wave of excitement beginning to wash over him. 
“What do we call it?” 
The baritone in his voice catches your attention, and as you look at him, you can practically see it all. In Luca you’ve found your second chapter, your second great love, and now your second restaurant. The word falls out of your mouth as if it were destiny: 
“Seconds. I think… we should call it Seconds.” 
“I love it,” he grins back at you.
And now, you’re just as certain about a second restaurant, because you get to do it with him. Luca chuckles, catching your gaze once more, almost as if he’s about to say ‘I told you so,’ as he utters a cheeky: 
“Well, love. Looks like we gotta call Marcus and let him know he’s about to own 10% of a restaurant.”
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thankskenpenders · 9 months
Happy new year, everyone! Welcome to 2024, the year that will mark the 10th anniversary of Thanks Ken Penders. I'd like to go over my plans for the blog for this year.
First of all: in the very near future, I'll have a post with my thoughts on Sonic Dream Team, and I'm sure I'll write one last Sonic Prime review once the final episodes drop on the 11th. I've also been sitting on an unfinished piece about the Sonic LEGO sets. I wanted this to be longer and more detailed piece that not only reviewed the sets but also went into the weird disconnect between homogenized image of Sonic the Brand and the actual fiction it's based off of, but it'll probably end up getting cut down a lot just so I can put something out. Let's just say I did a fun little thing with one of the sets.
Second: yes, I would like to return to regular TKP updates this year. As I've said many times, I wanted to do this in 2023, but I've been suffering from creative burnout after finishing SLARPG and have generally been unable to focus on any of my creative goals this past year. I'm hoping that this year will be better and I'll be able to get back into the swing of covering Archie Sonic issues. Even doing one issue every week or so would be vastly preferable to continuing the hiatus. I'm still only halfway done!! But aside from burnout, my other main hurdle is that I need to reread my own archive to refresh myself on all these things after nearly three years away. This will take some time.
The thing is, though, this year I'll have an extra incentive to go back through my previous writing and brush up on all things Archie Sonic. Because you see...
I've decided that I want to make a video essay about Penders. The comics, the copyright battle, The Lara-Su Chronicles, everything.
The why
I've thought about doing this before, but I never committed to the idea. I was too busy with gamedev, or I thought it'd end up being too long, or I figured that there were already enough videos on the subject, or I just lacked confidence in my ability to put together a video essay. So I told myself it wasn't meant to be, and let the multiple YouTubers who have cited me as a source on their own Penders videos fill that void.
Recently, though, a few things have happened that have convinced me it might be time. For one, YouTube video essays/media retrospectives/etc. are just getting longer and longer. When Quinton Reviews is out here doing 21 hours of videos on Sam & Cat, a subpar Nick sitcom that only lasted one season, I don't feel so crazy for wanting to make a video about several hundred comic books and two lawsuits that'd be at least an hour or two long lmao. Admittedly, I've also been self-conscious about doing a long video essay like this as a trans woman who has yet to do any vocal training. But these days I feel like I see a lot more transfem YouTubers who have done little to no vocal training, and that's given me more confidence on that front.
But the big one was Hbomberguy's recent plagiarism video. As I sat there watching it, I kept thinking about the time I found a CBR article that was just a crude 800 word summary of my two previous articles on Penders, published by a CBR writer who's put out over 4000 articles since 2019. If I've already been plagiarized before, and my writing is so frequently passed around as a go-to source on Archie Sonic drama, then I wouldn't be shocked if there were YouTubers out there straight up just plagiarizing me. I don't watch other peoples' videos on Archie Sonic, so I'd never know! So if people are just gonna paraphrase me when covering these topics anyway, why not take matters into my own hands and make what I would consider to be the definitive video on the subject? If hacks like James Somerton and iilluminaughtii can churn out these shitty video essays and people will still watch them, surely it can't be that impossible to make my own, right? (And also, uh, Hbomb literally told me I should make the video lol. If you're reading this, thanks for the encouragement.)
The what, how, and when
So here's the plan.
Part of this video essay will be an adaptation of my Medium article on the recurring themes of Ken's Archie Sonic run, with its content touched up and expanded upon. There were a few things I skimmed over in the article because I didn't want it to get too long, but again, people are out here watching ten hour videos about bad Nickelodeon sitcoms now. I can get away with elaborating a little more. I can add a few paragraphs talking about the Chaos Knuckles arc, or throw in a little more historical context I've discovered in the years since.
After covering the comics, the back half(-ish?) of the video will be dedicated to the copyright battles and their ensuing controversies, trying to give an accurate picture of what actually went down, the sheer scale of how bad Archie fucked up, and what our takeaways should be. This will have some similarities to my New York Magazine article on the subject, but I'll be rewriting it from scratch. I REALLY had to keep things short for that article because I was already way over the expected word count, and my tone was a little more straight-laced than normal because I was trying to keep things Professional. I can riff more and insert more of my own opinions this time, like I normally would.
I'll inevitably have to touch on some of Ken's Bad Tweets when discussing things that have happened after the lawsuits, but I don't want the video to just devolve into a list of times people got mad at him on Twitter, so I'm gonna try to keep that to a minimum in favor of focusing on his actual work. Things like the Scourge the Speed Demon incident and his continued statements on certain characters' copyright statuses probably warrant mentioning, though. And finally, assuming that the book really does come out this summer, I would like the grand finale of the video to be about those first couple chapters of The Lara-Su Chronicles.
I don't currently know when this video will get done, but it'll probably be in the back half of the year, especially with me waiting for the book to either drop or get delayed yet again. But I've actually already started writing a bit of the script, and will keep chipping away at it for a while.
So, uh, yeah, look forward to that? Wish me luck?
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vurelly · 5 months
Hi! I got sent over here by Bamsara to ask your opinions on a good starter/durable drawing tablet! Honestly probably woulda come over here anyways ‘cause I follow you both!
yEAAAAAAAAAAS I got so many starter tablets under my belt. (Note, these are all pen tablets, not DISPLAY tablets so if you'd like any info on those I'd be happy to help!)
I personally started with a Wacom Intuos (kept it for about 12 years before I threw it), and honestly there's a lot of positives and negatives with it. On the upside, it is ASTOUNDINGLY durable, it's a great size for transportation, and Wacom is a well-known and otherwise trustworthy brand. On the downside, Wacom has been notorious for not updating drivers on older products, the pen pressure leaves a lot to be desired, and Wacom's pricing is usually on the upper end.
A good follow-up for a similar price is the Huion HS610 series, it's also one of my personal favorites. It's got quite a larger capture area than the Intuos, they're extremely lightweight, the drivers update frequently (even for out of date models), the pen pressure is utterly divine, and the amount of accessories included makes up for the slightly steeper price. On the downside, because of it's larger size, it is a bit more difficult to travel with, but if you draw primarily from home it's a very good fit.
And if neither of these brands do it for you, the XP-Pen's 01 V2 might be a good fit (and on sale for $47.99 right now!). While I haven't personally owned this one, it was one I did quite a bit of research on when looking for a replacement when my Intuos started giving me trouble a while back. The Deco series comes in multiple sizes, colors, and wired/wireless settings (look for the series on the website, I've only linked the 01 V2), they come with multiple accessories and adapters for both PC and mobile phone use, the pen pressure has been relatively well reviewed, and the price beats out both Wacom and Huion. Unfortunately, because I haven't personally owned this one I can't speak on the drawbacks of the tablet, but from what I see they're a well reviewed brand overall.
Hope this helps!
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theblueseassoul · 8 months
It’s been a long day.
I might make a part two.
Song listened to while writing: “What the water gave me - Florence + The Machine”
Zayne x Reader
Love and deep space fan fiction
Talk of mental health.
No use of Y/n. Gender neutral reader. Read in the second person. Established relationship.
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This past week has been hell. And the most annoying part is that you have absolutely no idea why. This happened once in a while, but it hadn’t happened in so long so you thought you’d be able to escape it for a while longer. Instead, here you sat curled up in your work chair, arms around your legs and gazing out of the window nearby once more. At least it had a nice view of the city, you thought, as you watched time pass. You sighed softly, closing your eyes for a moment. Not even a few moments later, you heard someone call out your name. You winced, hoping if you hid your head in your arms they wouldn’t see you, but you knew that isn’t how it worked. They called your name again.
When you looked up, you found Alexander. Alexander was your co-worker, and often took your kindness for granted. You worked hard, everyone knew that, you even took on missions that you weren’t even required to do. You loved your job. This was something you’d dreamed of for… you don’t know how long. So of course you put everything you had into it, you were protecting people by doing your job. It was worth it. However, Alexander made you hate it just for a moment. a brief moment but a moment nonetheless. He grinned, brown hair annoyingly messy as was his uniform. “Are you done with that assignment I asked you to help me with?” He asked, leaning against your desk.
You raised a brow slightly but offered your politest smile. You could have done better on a better day, however this was not one of them, so that was the best he would get. “I did. I saw you had a lot of errors though. You missed a lot of dangerous-“ as you pulled it up to show him what had gone wrong, he waved his hand and cut you off.
“It’s whatever. No one actually reads them.” Alexander’s tone was dismissive, not even glancing at the highlighted sections. You looked at the title of the document and resisted the urge to roll your eyes. It was a complete overview of one of the sectors of the city getting more wanderers by the day, and metaflux’s. You knew people read them because you were people. These were given out to hunters for assignments to know what to expect. They were updated frequently and needed to be as accurate as possible for both hunter and civilian safety. You looked back at him.
“Yes, we do.” You stated, losing the patience you had to smile. “It’s actually vital for us hunters and the civilians who might come across these areas. You know that right? That lives depend on these reports?”
He scoffed, mumbling dismissive none sense and waving his hand in the air once more before saying “thanks for finishing it anyways. See you tomorrow yeah?” As he turned his back, you rolled your eyes and put your head face in your hands, mocking him under your breath.
“See you tomorrow! Whatever.” You murmured and once you knew he was out of the room, groaned in annoyance as you leaned back into your chair. “No one reads it anyways.” You mocked again, shaking your head. “Come on. It’s like you forgot the…” you went on into a nonsensical ramble and continued, until you noticed your phone buzzing next to your mouse. You sat up, picking up your phone and reading the caller ID. It read ‘snowy seal.’ It was Zayne, your doctor, and your boyfriend who didn’t call out of the blue often. You raised a brow and picked up, and he spoke almost immediately.
“There you are.” He hummed into the speaker, and as you started to question him, he continued “I texted you when my shift ended. Usually you’re done by now, are you working over time? You know you shouldn’t.” He warned you. You smiled softly. You knew he was lecturing you again, but it made you feel all warm inside knowing he cared so much. He was stern about it, but he was always that way. It was part of his charm.
“No, I was just..” you sighed, blowing a raspberry as you stood up. You turned off your computer with one hand while you held the phone up to your ear with the other “A co worker wanted to speak with me. Did you need something?” You asked, putting your jacket on your fore arm and picking up your back. He paused for a moment, the sound of a car rushing by before he started talking again.
“I’m waiting outside. Hurry, let’s go home.” Zayne said, and you swore you could hear the soft grin through the phone. Once you had everything and said goodbye to everyone, you left, and it only took a few steps before you heard your boyfriend’s cool voice calling your name. You smiled in almost relief, and wrapped your arms around him immediately. He hugged you back, one arm firmly around your waist and the other against your back holding you close to him.
At home, after you’d gotten changed and showered, you decided to do the dishes. They were piling up anyways. So you rolled your sleeves up, and started to empty the dishwasher. Usually, this task came easily to you. Of course you had your moments when motivation wasn’t at its peak, but if you forced yourself to do it, you would find yourself more content by the end of it. It was the same with a lot of house hold chores. You didn’t mind doing them, it was your house, of course you should take care of it. But it was just.. hard sometimes. You felt like a child because of it, how emotional you got over small things. Bouts of depression, Zayne called it. When it was hard to do anything at all. You forced your way through it though, with the help of your trusty doctor.
While you put the dishes away, you had dropped a plastic cup. You clicked your tongue softly in annoyance, “god..” you murmured and picked it up, rolling your eyes at yourself before putting it in its cabinet. Then, after a while, you dropped a spatula after letting go too early. This too made your patience wane. You felt the pricking feeling in the back of your eyes when you got frustrated, and got even more frustrated. You sighed and placed the spatula in its drawer, muttering “stay.” Before closing it. The last straw was when you were putting away pans, when they all fell out of the cabinet because they wouldn’t fit. At this point you weren’t sure if you wanted to scream or cry. The clashing and clanging was more than enough to wince, and you had to step back for a moment and try not to absolutely break down then and there. You flexed your hands, taking a deep breath. “This is ridiculous to get upset about.” You told yourself. You headed to the fridge for a drink, and on the way.. you ended up ramming your side into the island corner.
Zayne had walked into the kitchen then. Just as you simply gave up, sliding against the island and to the floor, covering your face. He heard you muttering to yourself about something stupid, being annoyed, and such. He knew how you got. You must’ve had a hard day, he thought. Or week. Or month. And so he carefully knelt down beside you, hand on your arm. “Honey.” He called, softly, in a tone he only ever used with you to calm you. Usually you felt special. Right now you were just filled with conflicting emotions you didn’t really know what to do or how to respond.
“Not even something to get upset about. Just dishes.” You groaned to yourself as you pulled your head up from your hands. Zayne carefully pulled you up to your feet, and walked you into your bedroom, rubbing your shoulder the whole time. He listened to your nonesense words, talking about how “I don’t even know why they all fell out.” Or “I’m so clumsy today. What is wrong with me.” Sometimes it wasn’t words, just noises sort of mushed together. He understood anyways.
Zayne sat you down on the bed, and crawled in beside you. He pulled the comforter over the both of you and opened an arm towards you, offering a hug if you wanted it. You leaned into him almost immediately, and his arm wrapped around you tightly, to keep you firmly against his side. He was silent for a while. He usually waited for you to start talking about what bothered you, because he didn’t want you to talk about it if you didn’t feel up to it. You did this time, but you didn’t even know what the issue was. That was what made it so frustrating. He rubbed his thumb against your arm, and asked softly “rough day?”
You sniffed. “I don’t know.” You shook your head, and he nodded slightly, to let you know he was listening. You continued, “I did what I usually do. I fought wanderers. Did reports. Alexander, he handed me an unfinished report and asked if I could do it because he had so much to do and I said yes.”
“The man who never finishes on time?”
“Yeah.” You nodded to Zayne’s question. “So I did. I found some stuff wrong so I corrected them and told him about it and he said..” you rolled your eyes, your lips pulling into a frown “no one ever reads them so why doesn’t it matter.” You threw a hand up slightly. “Like he doesn’t know that it’s actually crucial. Like what it a civilian wandered there and got hurt because we didn’t keep them from it because the report said there wasn’t any danger but there was. Someone could die. It’s our job to protect these people, you know?” You dropped your hand helplessly and shuffled closer to Zayne. “But that isn’t even what made me upset. It was dropping dishes.” You scoffed.
He hummed softly as he listened to you, leaning his head against yours as you curled into him further. When you stopped your ramble, he pressed a soft kiss to the top of your head before he spoke “it sounds like you’re just overwhelmed. It happens, it’s alright.” Zayne said, rocking you back and forth slightly with him. His words were always carefully chosen, you could tell by the slow way he spoke and the pauses between his sentences. It was a nice grounder though. “You’ve been working very hard lately. I’m proud of you, you know.” This was just above a whisper, just for your ears. He rested his chin against your head again.
“You should take a day off.” Zayne suddenly suggested. You looked up at him, puzzled. He glanced at you and chuckled softly and continued to explain “you deserve it. You haven’t taken a day off in.. ages. If you do, I’ll stay here and take care of you. You can come into the office with me as well, if you want.” He said, squeezing your shoulders gently. You debated it, tilting your head into him and looking down at your hands laying in your lap.
“Mm.” You hummed softly in thought. You debated it, wondering if it was a good idea. You have been working hard lately, it wouldn’t hurt to have a day off. Just one. With Zayne, no less. He was usually drowning with work, it would be nice to have a just the two of you day. You nodded “I’d like that.” You finally said, looking up at him.
He smiled softly, a smile he only gave you. Warm, and filled with so much love it made your heart melt every time you saw it. “Good.” He kissed your forehead, and then your nose bridge, the tip of your nose, and then two firm ones against your cheeks, kissing away the trails the tears from before had left. “Let’s get you to bed early then. I’ll make dinner, after you’ll take your medicine, and tomorrow we will have lots of staying home to do.” He said, happily. You nodded, a warm smile spreading over your lips to match his.
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syoddeye · 9 months
the meeting
ceo!price x reader / ~3k words
Folks seemed to like the first installment of this maybe-series, so I cooked up a second part in between drafts of the next chapter of For the Record (shameless plug). Not sure if this will be a whole thing or a series of vignettes. Enjoy!
CW: red flags everywhere, power imbalance, alcohol (mentioned)
You lay low after the company Christmas party and losing the drama wager to Jordan. Heads down, nose to the grindstone, and so forth. You never found the courage to respond to Mr. Price's direct message over the holidays. The shock from receiving a response at all kept you up at night. The message was supposed to get lost in his notifications, buried beneath the hundreds of messages he supposedly got a day. And he had not only replied, he insinuated he wanted to grab drinks. You checked it a hundred times.
johnprice - invisible Hi, Mr. Price. I was wondering what you want for Christmas? > World peace. > I'd settle for a drink, though.
You could be reading into it. Flattering yourself. Profile photos were required on the chat app to help put faces to names, so he could have recognized you as the punch girl from the open bar. Most likely, he was making a joke and humoring an underling.
Whatever the reason, his simple reply plagues you well into the new year.
The first quarter is always hectic for The 141 Group. New regulations go into effect, and projects and initiatives kick off, setting the year's foundation. Since your boss Kyle is VP of Finance, it's even busier for him with budget meeting check-ins, payroll reports, and financial policy updates. And if his life is busy, your life is busy because his success is your success.
"Need you to bump everything I have today after three to tomorrow," He murmurs when you collect a stack of documents to copy.
"This is the second time you'll have pushed the meeting with technology directors," You remind him, but make a note anyway. "They'll complain to Mr. MacTavish."
Kyle glances up. "Let them. He's clearing his schedule this afternoon, too."
"Big man's bringing the C-Suite and a few of us lucky VPs in for a meeting."
A practiced EA, you keep the instant surge of dread from reaching your face. It isn't strange for Kyle, though technically a subordinate to the CFO, to attend such meetings. Mr. Price frequently pulls him into special projects. You simply hoped to avoid the 'big man' for as long as possible. On the bright side, when Kyle never reprimanded you for flippantly messaging the CEO upon return from holiday, you assumed Mr. Price never said anything. Hopefully, he forgot about your message altogether. 
"Need me for notes?" You ask, hovering in the doorway to his office.
"Please. Something tells me it'll be tense." Interesting.
With a nod, you tuck the folder under an arm and pat the doorframe. "Got it. Lunch'll be here soon. I ordered Indian and Thai. Whatever you don't want, I'll eat."
"You're a lifesaver."
"I know."
Conference Room Bravo isn't the biggest meeting space in the building, but everybody knows it's Mr. Price's preference. With an unobstructed view of the water and natural light, you like it, too. Especially since the small group of assistants who attend the more critical meetings sits on a long bench built into an alcove in the wall with a good view of the windows.
You and five other EAs ensure every seat at the main table is set with the appropriate accoutrements. Tea and coffee are on standby. With a three-hour window allocated, everyone will need a spot of caffeine at some point. Fifteen minutes before the scheduled start, you chat and make personal preparations.
"Did MacTavish seem stressed about this?" You ask Jordan as she takes the seat next to you.
She shakes her head. "No. You know him, though. It takes a bit to work him up."
"What about Laswell?" You lean forward and look down the bench at Oliver, the Chief Information Officer's right hand.
The younger man looks up from his laptop. "Same as Mr. MacTavish, kind of. Hard to tell, but she didn't take a smoke break, so…"
The conversation drifts to weekend plans until Lucy, the newest EA to Mr. Shepherd, pipes up.
"Isn't it strange Mr. Price doesn't have a permanent assistant?"
It's a fair question for a new person. Since you started at The 141 Group, the desk outside Mr. Price's office has functioned as a revolving door. Guiltily, you stopped trying to learn their names about ten temps in, and since then, it's a coin flip if anyone's there at all. The general rule is if you have something to deliver to Mr. Price, you leave it on the empty desk. 
"Nah, nobody's good enough," Jordan answers. "MacTavish once told me Price is a workaholic with impossibly high standards. Not a good combination for an assistant."
Oliver agrees. "Laswell said as much, too. Apparently, at his place, he has a whole recreation of his office and gets right back to work when he gets home. And, his only staff are the bodyguards."
You would feel sad about that if Mr. Price wasn't a gazillionaire. An older man, hunching over a computer, completely alone in his home…when he could certainly afford staff and delegate.
Still, if he kept himself so busy, it made the fact he responded to your DM quite interesting.
The conversation dies when the attendees trickle in.
Kyle arrives with Mr. MacTavish, the latter of whom flashes a grin at Jordan and you. Close behind is the hulking mountain of a CSO, Mr. Riley, who, as usual, wears a black surgical mask. (The rumors around that accessory are practically 141 Group lore.) Other members of the C-Suite file in and Mr. Price arrives last, followed by his guards who post up at the door. He shuts the door behind him, the click silencing the room.
Your eyes glue themselves to the computer in your lap. Jordan elbows you a little, obviously enjoying the lingering effects of her wager.
As Mr. Price sits down, you finally steal a glance. He's wearing the hell out of a charcoal suit with a blue tie that makes his eyes pop, even across the room. His expression is stern, borderline grim, and thankfully, like everybody else at the main table, doesn't even glance in your direction. He's straight to the point. "Thank you all for making time in your schedules on short notice. Let's get started, shall we?"
An hour and a half in, Price calls for a break. As the most senior EA on the bench, you lovingly pass on refreshment duty to Lucy and Desmond, the most junior. You follow Kyle to the hall.
"Need anything?" You ask when you're a reasonable distance down from the conference room.
"Do you think you can clean up the notes and send them to me by nine tonight?"
Your brows raise. Rarely does the man ask you to work late. He usually doesn't need to, as you pride yourself on efficiency. "Of course. I'll make a physical copy, too. What's your read on it, by the way?"
Kyle gives a tired smile. "You aren't paying attention, are you."
"I take down everything I hear to ensure you have impeccable notes. Listening gets in the way of that," You offer a grin, then glance down at his tie. Crooked. You fix it without thinking and chat more about his schedule tomorrow. A few people pass by in the hallway to use the restroom or stretch their legs, but you don't pay them mind.
"Mr. Garrick?" You both turn to see Jordan's head sticking out of the door. "They're resuming."
Kyle sighs quietly and starts back toward the conference room. You follow.
Settling back into your seat on the bench, you feel eyes on you, but when you look around, there's nothing. Weird.
The meeting concludes on the dot at six. The attendees leave first, as do the rest of the assistants when you volunteer to clean up. Jordan waves goodbye when Mr. MacTavish departs alongside Mr. Riley. You sigh in relief when Price walks out with Shepherd and Laswell, leaving you and Kyle. Your boss swipes through his phone as you collect the trash and dishes, leaving everything for janitorial.
"Do you need a ride?" Kyle asks when you collect your laptop. "I'm heading your way."
"No, I think I'll finish the notes here, wait for rush hour to die down."
Kyle walks out with you and frowns. "If you stay past eight, please text. I'll have a car come back for you."
You suppress the urge to roll your eyes. Kyle is merely protective. "I'll take the train or call a rideshare myself."
He pushes the matter when you return to your corner of the executive floor, but you don't give in. You plan to stop for food on the way home and aren't keen to make his driver wait. When he finally leaves, you find yourself alone on the floor. Most folks leave at five, so everyone else cleared out when the meeting ended at six.
You clean, format, and summarize the meeting notes in an hour and a half. Due to Kyle's earlier comment, you make an effort to read into business. As far as you can tell, it's another big new project with lots of money on the table. The name of a new contractor company for extra hands mildly raises your interest. The usual choice, Chimera Company, must be busy. Other than that, everything's a slog to read. You trust that if something's important and need-to-know, Kyle will explain.
You email Kyle the notes a few minutes shy of eight and send them to the printer. Languidly stretching as you go, you walk to the copy room. At this hour, most overhead lights are on a timer and won't turn back on until morning to conserve energy. So, it's natural your eyes flick to Mr. Price's office at the end of the long hallway. There's a sliver of light beneath the door, beckoning like a golden gate. Turning into the darkened copy room, picturing Mr. Price at his desk distracts enough you don't realize you're not alone until a low, growling curse cuts through the silence.
Hunching over the copier is none other than Mr. Price himself. The low light glints off a silver watch band, encouraging the eye to a pair of thick forearms exposed by rolled shirt sleeves. You get a whole second of the uninterrupted sight before he notices.
A silent alarm goes off, and you're hopeful the lack of light saves you: Please don't recognize me. Please don't recognize me. Please–
Mr. Price does not move, and his focus returns to the copier. "Didn't realize anyone else worked this late."
You're unsure if you're supposed to respond, but you need those notes. "I usually don't. I was finishing up…Is there–Is there something I can help with?"
He answers when you tiptoe closer. "Everything's coming out with streaks," He grumbles, fiddling with random panel doors that open into the machine's guts.
This is not your first battle with the cursed thing. "I can fix that."
"Can you, now." Price mutters, barely audible.
You swallow. You might be several pay levels lower, but you aren't a pushover. "Mr. Price, please let me try." 
Again, he delays, but after an exasperated sigh, he concedes and slams a panel door shut.
After he steps back, you examine the failed jobs resting on the tray, then address the angry, blinking digital display. A few screens and taps later, you trigger the self-cleaning process and the machine whirs to life.
"All fixed?" Price asks, reminding you he's but a few steps behind you.
"We'll see," You move a short distance away, afraid if you stand any closer, it'll be enough for him to remember who you are and your dumb message. "It's self-cleaning. It will take two, three minutes, then produce a test print."
Price hums in acknowledgment, and then the glow of his phone screen illuminates his profile. You glance out of your periphery, almost relieved to see the steely expression on his face. Seems he really is a workaholic, taking advantage of any spare moment.
You lean against the supply cabinets and cross your feet at the ankles. You left your phone at your desk, so you settle for watching the copier hopefully fix itself.
Then, to your utter horror, Price says your name.
You look up without thinking.
"Thought I recognized you." He holds up his phone, and there you are, your profile picture in the workplace chat app.
You are going to murder Jordan. But first, you need to apologize.
"Mr. Price, I am so–"
Price cuts you off. "You're Kyle Garrick's assistant, yeah?"
Relief washes over you. Your message is forgotten. Definitely. All you are is an assistant. "Yes, sir."
With a hum, he pockets his phone, then steps forward to better see you. A hand plants itself on the counter, mere centimeters away. "You were at the meeting earlier." 
"Yes, sir."
"Would explain the swift fix," He muses, and his gaze drags down you in a more than perfunctory look before meeting yours once more. "Normally, I'd use the copier in my office, but it's due for maintenance. Seems this one is, too." 
He has his own copier? It would explain why I've never seen him in here, making his own copies since he apparently hates help.
"Guess so," You lick your lower lip, stomach flipping with nerves with how close Price stands. Between the proximity and the near darkness, it's all you can do to keep your imagination in check.
A cheerful beeping from the copier saves you. Price lingers a moment more, then returns to the printing tray as the machine spits out a test page. 
Price chuckles, which you take to mean the issue is fixed. He restarts the delayed jobs. "Well done, love."
"It's nothing," You say quietly, rooted to where you lean. 
A minute passes, and Price collects the first completed stack of papers. His brow furrows. "Think these are yours."
You finally push off the cabinets and venture closer, reaching for the notes. Only, he does not hand them over.
"Forgot Gaz prefers hard copies," Price murmurs. 
"This is the kind of work I wish I had received from my past assistants."
If it was not the CEO speaking, you would be the defender of the voiceless, the fired employees of 141 past. If the man's gone through as many assistants as you think he has, he's the problem.
"You like working for Garrick?"
It feels like a trick question. From the outside, it appears he and Kyle like each other. For all of Price's talks on 'openness' and 'camaraderie,' he has his favorites, and your boss is one of them. Though that could be an act, and Price is actually looking for some kind of blemish on Kyle's record. Either way, you can be honest because you genuinely like Kyle.
"Mr. Garrick is a joy to work with." Anxiety flushes half of the English language and all creativity out of your brain.
Price huffs in amusement. "A joy to work with," He repeats. "That's all? You appeared quite friendly during the break."
The comment gives you pause, and you shove back through the day's events. The meeting, the break – was it because you simply straightened Kyle's tie? It's a harmless gesture, you think. No one's ever batted an eye before. You can't help but feel a little affronted. "That's because we are friends, sir. Kind of happens when you work for someone for nearly five years."
Price lifts the notes in a placating manner, then out to you. "No harm meant. It's nice to see, is all. I understand we struggle with retention."
An understatement for him. Your imaginary hackles lower. "We work well together."
Price smiles. "Clearly. And five years, eh? Should get something for that, I think."
Inwardly, you cringe. The last thing you need is another branded mug, t-shirt, or keychain. "That isn't necessary, sir."
"Nonsense. We've got to reward loyalty."
You stiffly nod, figuring it's worthless to protest. It makes sense why he's in charge. He's a steamroller when it comes to what he wants.
"Do you have somewhere to be? Someone waiting for you?"
In this context, a darkened office, alone with a man with the power to make or break your career, it's a borderline sinister question. At least, it should be, yet instead, all you feel is a brief thrill.
"No, sir."
"Then, how about that drink?"
Oh, god. "'That drink'?" You ask dumbly. You know exactly what he means.
He chuckles and sets his gaze on you again. It's heavy, somehow both a blanket around the shoulders and a cinder block to the chest.
"While you are a capable woman, I doubt achievin' world peace is within your power. But a drink? Think you can fit me into your schedule this evening?"
You will kill Jordan for the bet. Then Kyle will kill you for losing it. But do you really have a choice?
"Yes, sir."
"Please, after hours, call me John."
Mr. Price's–John's bodyguards do not seem fazed when you meet them at the elevators. You watch John whisper something into the taller one's ear on the ride down, and the man hails a cab. Meanwhile, John ushers you out to a waiting town car, and the shorter guard takes the passenger seat. 
When he takes the seat beside you, shuts the door, and drapes a big arm over the back of the seats, you think to fake an illness. A forgotten appointment. Something. Then he gives you another grin, a note of triumph in it, and the thoughts of escape vanish.
Your salary affords you nice things like hardcover books, daily coffees, and frequent takeaway. And until ten seconds ago, you could count stylish yet comfortable office attire among said things. Yet, walking through the awning-covered entrance to an unmarked bar, you lose that delusion quickly. The bar's host lights up at the sight of Mr. Price, then openly examines you and the pencil skirt you thought was expensive.
"Welcome back, Mr. Price. Your usual table, I presume? Is this lovely creature your date?" 
"Yes, and yes."
A firm, warm hand at the small of your back flexes. It's a silent suggestion: do not correct him. You don't.
A cocktail later, that same hand lands on your knee beneath the table. 
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dedalvs · 3 months
ive done a lot of translating to high valyrian in my day and id like to think im pretty good at it sometimes (the way ive spent literal hours researching how just one piece of grammar works to change a noun to an adverb or something is maybe insane)
anyway all that to say i usually know what to look for and how to apply it, but i am struggling with this new bit im trying to translate. “i disdain all glittering gold.”
ive replaced disdain with hate cause there doesnt seem to be a word for disdain in valyrian and hate is the closest approximation. same with glittering — replaced that with shine, and had to manually transform that to an adjective (jehikagon -> jehikere? dunno if its right)
so what i have now is “nyke buqan unir jehikere aeksion”
(im not as concerned with getting the word order right as i am with the rest of the grammar)
ive learned from a previous answer “nyke” is potentially (probably) unnecessary here, so that leaves it as “buqan unir jehikere aeksion,” but the unir there in the middle kinda makes it feel off and im not sure if maybe that also needs to be part of a compound word like valar or how to make it one if so because idk what part of valar is all and what part is men and how to fit aeksion into that equation.
i lost track of what my question was originally meant to be but i guess im wondering if im on the right track and if theres some guidance you may have to get me all the way there.
thank you for your time 🙏
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Uhhhhhh... Not to be that dude, but...maybe be more concerned with that...?
I'm not sure if you know about this site, but my wiki is exhaustively updated with respect to High Valyrian, specifically. There's a team of people that work on High Valyrian and it's massive. For example, you could go to the entry for jehikagon and see that jehikere is wrong: it should be jehikare. And, of course, it has to agree with āeksion (note the long ā), so it should be jehikarior. To get the sense of repetitiveness (with "glittering"), you might add ā- to the front, so ājehikarior.
Now for "all", why not use the collective? This is how you get "All men must die", so it should work for "I distain all glittering gold". That would be āeksior. Of course, it would need to be in the accusative, so altogether it would be ājehikarior āeksȳndi. By adding the repetitive you kind of get the aliteration, too, since they both begin with ā.
Finally you have "disdain", for which buqagon serves. Aside from sound a little more posh, the difference between "disdain" and "hate" in English seems to be one of duration. The words "disdain" and "loathe" seem to emphasize that this is a character trait rather than a reaction. If you disdain something, you've given it some thought, have experience with it, and may use this as a way of describing or characterizing yourself. You can do this with "hate" as well, but it's a much more common word, and so can be used in other more basic ways, whereas "disdain" and "loathe" tend to only have specalized uses. To try to approximate this, you could use the frequentative with buqagon to imply a lengthy duration. That would give you jobuqan "I disdain". In fact, you could even use the aorist if you really wanted to imply that it was a description of yourself, i.e. jobuqin.
Now that you have the pieces, though, I really hate to say it, but the words must be in the right order. I mean, you can change the order of the noun and adjective, if you'd like, but you simply cannot put the verb first and think you've created a Valyrian sentence. It's not just "kind of" wrong: it's completely wrong. It'd be like suggesting "I him saw" is close enough in English because the forms are correct. It's not. It's wrong. This is not a minor part of the grammar you can ignore. High Valyrian is aggressively verb-final. The verb must be at the end.
All in all, that gives you:
Ājehikarior āeksȳndi jobuqin.
Hope that helps!
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asvterias · 4 months
𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟥: 𝖮𝗎𝗋 𝖥𝖺𝗍𝖺𝗅 𝖥𝗅𝖺𝗐𝗌
the cast // series masterlist
chap. 1 || chap. 2 || chap. 3 || chap. 4 || chap. 5 || chap. 6 || chap. 7 || chap. 8
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Main Characters Deaths, Just An Overall Sad Chapter & Angsty Ending
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word count: 4.5k+
tag list: @s0r0ws @starvviss @kjisbae17 @lov3rgiiirl @starless-nightz @random-girls-loves
author’s note: anyways, i hope you liked this chapter! please don’t be a silent reader and interact within the chapter. also, i hoped you cried immensely because that was the ideal intention of this chapter; to make it as depressing as it could possibly get (for now 😉)
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🌊 🐚 ✘ 🔥🗡️
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Everyone’s huddled up in the car with your parents in the front seats and the children in the back. You hated the middle seat so you told Grover to get comfortable there, for the greater good, and you sat on the left side, right behind your mother.
Right now, Grover is updating you and Percy about everything demigod-related.
“My job has been to guide you to this moment. It’s always an emotional rollercoaster for young demigods, so providing a support system is really–“
“Who are you?” Percy interrupts him.
Grover stared blankly at your brother, “I’m Grover. I’m your best friend and–“
“What are you?” The blonde recorrects.
“That is a very good question,” You chirped up, “I would like to revisit my previous question.”
“No, Y/N, let it go!”
“I’m asking the important questions here!”
“Irrelevant questions!”
“To answer your question, Y/N, no, I was born like this,”
“You sure? You know parents tend to lie a lot too,”
“I’m fully aware of adult tendencies to lie frequently, but I was born like this. I’m serious.”
He removes his tam, revealing two small goat horns. “I’m a satyr, and I’m your protector, both of you.”
“You’re our protector?” Your brother asked rhetorically.
“If I hadn’t gotten you kicked out of school, you’d never have survived the night. And what’s chasing us now would have found you there easily.”
“Oh, because that’s so comforting to hear.” You cross your arms.
Percy turns his head to the car window and Grover looks dejected at the action.
“I’m sorry.” Grover breathes out, sincerity laced in his tone, “Usually, I can sense danger coming a mile away, but this time…Well none of us saw Dodds’ coming.
“So you knew about that…creature?” You inquired, gaining Percy’s attention back onto his friend.
“That thing that Dodds turned into, you saw it happen? Why didn’t you say anything?”
“I saw some of it.”
“What part did you see? Where she flung me across the sky or when she attacked Percy?”
“Well, yes and no. The Mist kept her hidden even from us until it was too late.”
“I think I have a concussion from that,” You wince at the memory, holding the back of your head. “Besides, what the hell is Mist?!”
“The Mist is a veil that hides the magical world from the human world. My legs, Dodds’ wings, Even Dodds’ absence, but it isn’t supposed to hide things from me. That never happens. Something more powerful is at work here.”
“Maybe we’re the power sources.” You shrugged.
“Yeah, right,” Percy scoffs.
“The sooner we get you two to camp, the better off you’re–“
“Camp?! Who’s going to camp?!” You backtracked.
With a baffled expression, Grover turned to your parents, completely unimpressed by their timing, “You told them about camp, right?”
“We were getting there!” Your parents shouted simultaneously at Grover.
Grover nods his head, leaning back into the seat.
“Camp is a sanctuary for half-bloods. A safe space where you can learn who you are and what the world is like on the other side of the Mist.”
“Wait, hold up this an actual summer camp with mosquitoes and other dangerous animals lurking in the woods?!” You deadpanned. “Nah, you can keep that, I’m not going.”
“You don’t have a choice.” Your mom states.
“Uh, it’s not far, actually, just a little way past the bend up there.” Grover directs your mother.
“Mom, what else haven’t we talked about?” Your mother, Sally stayed quiet, anxiously glimpsing at her son. “What else haven’t you told us?”
“There are more secrets?!”
“Oh, there’s more like you wouldn’t believe, sweetie.” Jessica grins.
“Jess, that’s not helping whatsoever!” Sally exclaims.
“Sorry, it just slipped out of my mouth.”
“And you wonder why Y/N is a mini you.”
A flash of blinding light appears from mid-sky and disposes of a creature, which instantly starts running on all fours, chasing after the speeding car.
“Is that the Minotaur?!”
“Holy shit!” You and your mom said simultaneously in bewilderment.
“Once the attacks start, they never let up. Okay? Dodds was just the beginning.”
“Then who’s the freaking ending?! Because I’m ready to slain as many monsters as necessary.”
“He is next. He- he is brutal, he is relentless–“
“He’s still wearing underpants.”
“Out of all things, you could have noticed, Percy, you chose that?! Us trying not to die should be your main priority, not if the Minotaur is playing goddamn dress up!”
Percy and Grover kept their eyes on the large bulky monster.
“It’s gone!” Percy shouts, astonished.
“Gone?! Gone where?! I hoped it vanished back to wherever it came from!”
“Like it’s ever that easy!”
Then, the Minotaur’s loud footsteps and rough grunts halted and it almost calmed everyone’s racing heart rates.
“I think it’s gone for good now.”
Until it reappeared, now gaining up on the speeding car, The Minotaur ran up closer to the car front, beside Sally’s car door, aiming for severe damage.
“You just had to say something, didn’t you?!”
“How was I supposed to know that would happen?!”
“Because you jinxed us!”
“Don’t blame me because I’m stating the obvious!”
“I will push you out of this car!”
“Do it! I dare you!”
“Little Blondie, don’t tempt me with a good time!”
“Who are you calling Little?!”
“Someone who hasn’t had their growth spurt yet.”
“Hey, I’m still developing!” Percy gasps.
“Yeah, just very, very slowly.”
“Can we sacrifice Y/N to The Minotaur?”
“Oh please, you don’t have the balls to do it anyways,” You scoffed, “Besides, you need me. I’m always saving your dumbass, you can’t get rid of me!”
“Stop! Nobody is going to push anyone out of this car!”
“He started it–“
“No, I didn’t you, liar–“
“That’s it! Don’t make me come back there! I don’t care who started it, just know that it's ending!”
“Is there any more insight you’d like to add, Grover?” Sally calmly questions, acting like her children and wife didn’t have a screaming match a few seconds ago. Your family was truly a chaotic mess whenever they wanted, dismissing the matter as if impending death wasn’t lingering over their shoulders.
“Yes, I do.”
“Then, go right ahead,”
“The Mythomagic cards were training. Everything has been training for what’s still ahead of you.”
“What’s ahead of us?!”
“I’m actually 24,” Grover confesses quickly, causing two heads to turn in unexpectancy.
You and Percy shared the same shocked expression, “Wait? What?”
“Hold on, please.”
The Minotaur roars loudly.
“Moonlight…listen to me.” your mom looks at you through the mirror as your gaze hesitantly meets hers. “You and Percy are forbidden children, monsters are going to attack you every day, this camp can protect you both.”
“Why can’t you and Sally come with us then?” you bargained with her, tears forming in your eyes. You couldn’t imagine, much less experience your life without your mother and Sally. The same women who nurtured you since you were babies and taught you everything you knew. You refused to give up on them, everything they did was to protect and love you, and now it was your turn.
Sally starts to talk, eyes stuck on the road, “We humans are not allowed there. Only demigods like you two.”
“But we don’t wanna leave you two.” Percy persisted.
“You’re our moms.”
“You’re gonna have to, that Minotaur isn’t gonna stop until he kills both of you.”
All of a sudden, a collision hit the car with enough brute force to send the car off the road and everything went black. It was all so quick, the collision, the swiveling of the car and landing on the side of the road, far from bypassers to rescue.
The rain pattering against the car turned into a heavy rainpour as everyone in the car, hanging upside down with the seat belt anchoring them, remained still, all unconscious.
After a while, the dulling pain in your head sharply woke you up, being the first to recover from the crash. Holding your head in pain as you slowly opened your eyes, feeling the blood trickle from your head, surveying your surroundings as you saw Percy and Grover still unconscious. Quickly unbuckling your seatbelt, you got out of your seat, repeating the same action to your younger brothers.
One by one, you carefully got everyone from the car as they began to wake up. A growl from the distance urges you to move faster as you help your other mother, Sally, get out of the damaged car.
Sally, Percy, and Grover were recovering, standing on their feet, checking for any injuries and your mom was the last one who needed rescuing.
“Mom…” you shake her but her body is motionless as the tears well up in your eyes.
You felt Sally’s arm pushing you back, sending you into Percy’s and Grover’s embrace as you nervously observed.
“Come on, come on, Jess…” Sally murmurs, kneeling down, searching for a pulse. “You gotta survive, we have children together, we can’t lose you right now.”
“Is she okay?” Percy chirps up, deciding to speak for you.
You found everything incomprehensible around you, your senses became deafening and a high-pitched ringing in your head matched the loud heart beating in your chest.
When Sally stayed silent, it only worsened your anxiety, “Mom, is she okay?!” Percy speaks again, adding some base in his voice yet his tone slightly wavers.
“She has a fading pulse…” Sally whispers, sparing a sad glance at you and quickly turning back to Jessica, “It’s decreasing rapidly,”
Dropping to the muddy slippery ground on your knees, tears quickly filling the brim of your eyes, threatening to fall as you moved closer to her.
“Mommy…” you cradle her face into your chest, saddened by her face, eyes closed as blood trickles down her forehead.
“We can revive her, right!” Your voice cracks, whipping your head to Sally, “Tell me we can revive her!”
“Y/N…” Sally sighs deeply, trying to contain her tears. You turn around, looking down at your mother, resting on your lap, body motionless yet her face looks peaceful.
“No! We- I can save her. We can do heart-to-heart compressions,” you shake your head, starting to do heart-to-heart compressions. “Why isn’t she waking up? Mommy, this isn’t funny anymore now, you have to wake up and help us. Please I can’t do this without you, I can’t do this whole new demigod thing without you.” your voice was dry, as you leaned down, blowing air into her mouth, hoping for a miracle to occur.
You didn’t truly believe in miracles, but for your mother, you’d start believing it. Right now, you would do whatever it took to bring her back even if it meant wishing on the impossible.
“We didn’t do plenty of things yet, I wanted you and Sally to meet my first girlfriend, attend my graduation, be there when I move out and eventually get married, and get grandkids from Percy because we both know I’m not going through that torture.”
Your senses became intensely heightened, catching onto Grover’s whisper to Sally, ignoring him as you spoke up.
“I refuse to leave her alone, she isn’t dead, just having some problems waking up and getting a pulse back.” You were in extreme denial, “Come on, mum, you focus on her face, giving her air and I’ll do her chest,” you beckoned Sally forward.
“Sweetheart…she’s already….gone.”
“She’s my mom and Percy’s mom, your wife. She wasn’t supposed to die this early. If all you’re gonna do is stand there and be useless, don’t bother talking to me.” It wasn’t intentional to snap at your other mother, but your emotions were driving you crazy and brazen.
“You’re the sun to my moon, Mommy, I can’t shine when you’re not there with me. Y-you promised me, you pinky promised that we were all going to survive, but you lied. Why did you lie to me?” You sobbed. Despite being physically exhausted, you weren’t giving up on trying to revive your mom, she would have never given up on you so you would stop trying until you had something, anything; a pulse, a gasp, her eyes shooting up. “Remember…” You weakly asked, holding onto the moon-shaped necklace on your neck, staring at your mom’s sun-shaped necklace.
The sky crackled with slight thunder as the rain poured down heavier. Finally understanding the meaning of your nickname, you sobbed desperately until the broken cracks of your voice gave out.
There was no sunshine without her moonlight, always them being in a pair, nothing without the other. Sadly, you lost your sunshine, darkening your moonlight to its deepest depths, harvesting it into something vengeful and heartless. Something that even scared you to a certain extent, like this was another new side flourishing because of the horrible circumstances.
You rested your mom on the ground, ignoring the cold rainpour.
“She’s gone…” Sally cries, grabbing your arm and pushing you into her body for a hug. You cried into the hug, tightening your grip as your wails echoed throughout the forest. Maybe this was all a nightmare, where you’d wake up and relax in reality. This was the time that your mom needed to wake you up and reassure you that she was right there, staying with you and protecting you.
Your chest clenched against your rib cage, devastation wracked throughout your entire body as the tears relentlessly spilled out.
“But she- she can’t be gone!” You hiccup, eyes glossing over with fresh tears, feeling another arm snuggle around your side.
“I know, sweetheart. I’m so sorry,” she caressed your face.
“What kind of demigod I am, if I was blessed with all these supernatural powers, can’t even save my Mom from death? What kind of daughter am I to just stand by and watch her own mother die? I don’t want this demigod life anymore, please take it all away if it means my mother is coming back, to me, to home. I’m so fucking tired and I just wanna go home! Home is wherever the four of us are!”
“Don’t you ever say that again, you did everything you could, your perseverance is one of your strongest qualities that Jessica adored very much. She wouldn’t want you to doubt yourself like this nor would I,” Sally reassures you, resting a thumb on your cheek, “Our beautiful daughter, she’s so proud of you, I want you to know that.”
Your eyes were puffy and red from tears as you listened to your mother’s words of encouragement and reassurance.
Much to your dismay, another loud roar broke the semi-family grievance, reminding them of the harsh reality.
“We have to go now!” Grover hastily urges.
“I’m not leaving my mom here like this,” you point to her still figure on the ground.
“We won’t, I promise you, sweetie. I’ll give her a proper burial, but right now we have to go!” Her tone was urgent as she quickly scanned the dark forest with the illumination from the car light.
You hurriedly rushed towards your mother’s still figure on the muddy ground, leaning down.
“Goodbye, Mom,” you whisper hoarsely, kissing her forehead for the last time. You stared down at her neck, gazing at the sunlight necklace she wore yanked it off, and shoved the meaningful jewelry into your back pocket. Your heart broke again, realizing she can’t respond, despite being in extreme denial.
Percy struggled to plant you on your feet as Sally walked over to Grover.
“Grover, I am entrusting you to protect my children, my only son and only daughter.”
“Don’t worry, Mrs. Jackson, Percy, and Y/N will be totally safe at camp–“
“Swear it.” She commands.
“What’s happening?”
“Swear it, Grover! Keep my children safe from anyone or anything that comes for them, that wants to harm them, that looks at them in the wrong way. Do you understand me?”
“I swear!” Grover persists, with determination and sincerity in his voice.
Sally nods at the boy, venturing over to you and Percy.
“I gotta go now,”
“Go? What do you mean go? Y/N stop her from going on this suicide mission,” He stares at you, waiting for a response. The first time you didn’t respond to your brother’s words caught him off guard, knowing you’ll always be his first defender.
The boy winces seeing your shaken body and red puffy eyes. It didn’t take a genius to know that you were still traumatized from witnessing your mom’s death. Seeing this sad broken-hearted face of yours, devastated Percy beyond any words to ease the pain. All those times, you’d reassured and defended him countless times, and yet he was speechless about how to comfort you right now. He felt like such a horrible brother to you.
“Your sister isn’t in charge, I am and what I say goes!”
“This is no buts! You’re gonna be brave now. Remember what I taught you, remember the stories I told you. Especially the stories, they will tell–“
“No way! Mom, I’m not leaving you, not like how we left Mother stranded and alone to die.”
“Perseus!” She snapped, tired of his persistent attempts, cupping his face, “Listen to me! You…are not broken. You are singular. You’re a miracle and you are my son. Hold fast, brave the storm.”
“And Y/N,” She caresses your face, her saddened expression increasing at your blank eyes, “You are not neglected in this family, you’re just as important. You are one of a kind, my beautiful baby girl. You are my daughter and I don’t ever want you to forget that.”
Those words melted in your heart and words rambled from you without hesitation, the guilt of everything came crashing down.
“I’m so sorry, mother, for not being able to protect any of us. I failed at what I was best at.”
“You’re a kid, be a kid, stop worrying if you’re not going to save everyone. That’s too much of a heavy burden on yourself, it’s not good for your mentality. Live life, get a girlfriend and don’t force yourself to grow up too fast because you'll regret it. Let me tell you something unfair; you can’t save everyone all the time. I love you two so much,”
“We love you too.”
Just like that, The Minotaur had the worst timing of moments erupting with a loud search roar.
“We need to move!”
“Give me your coat.”
“Why?” Percy asks but removes his coat anyway, “What are you gonna do?”
“He smells half-blood, that’s what he’s tracking, yeah?”
“That’s right.”
Sally grabs the coat from her blonde son, “So if he smells you in two directions at once, maybe I can confuse him, buy us both a little time to get away.”
“Mom, please don’t…we can’t afford to lose another parent on the same night.” Percy pleads, stepping forward, gesturing to you, “Y/N is one of the strongest people I know, and a few hours into this demigod madness, she’s broken, possibly going to recover from trauma at the camp where we’re supposed to rediscover our true potential for a man who wasn’t even here our whole lives.” He whispers, a string of desperation in his voice, “You can’t do this to us…please don’t do this to us. You’re all we have left.”
“Hey! It’ll be okay.” She reassures the blonde boy with a weak smile, “Y/N bounces back, she always does. For the first time, she needs you more than you need her right now, so be her anchor for right now, and don’t ever let go.”
Another yell echoes throughout the forest and trees falling down a few feet away meant the Minotaur was getting unbelievably closer. Your heart raced in your chest, once you saw the bulky overgrown monster, standing on its hind feet, intimidating everyone who bore witness.
Sally wastes no time, giving Percy a forehead kiss and then moving over to repeat the same action with you.
“Go now!” She shoves you away into Percy’s and Grover’s arms, now facing the Minotaur as the trio escapes into the rainy forest night.
Her plan for using Percy’s coat as bait to seemingly distract him and draw him away from the two demigods was successfully executed.
After maintaining some far distance from your mother, Sally, and the Minotaur, the trio still kept on running, nobody turning back. Until a loud roar reverberated across the forest broke your concentration on getting to safety and intensified your worries for your mother. You stopped running, turning around as your heart hammered inside your chest, the adrenaline pumping.
Despite being miles away, you and Percy viewed the fight, flinching when the monster knocked your mother down with its horns.
The Minotaur held in its hand, lifting up something in the air…someone more life-like…that’s someone who was your mother, Sally! You gasped and shoved at the revelation, wondering about your mother’s fate and you continued to watch the heartbreaking scene. Your body wasn’t acting upon cooperation with your mind, telling you to run away before it gets you next or attempting to save your mother. Having already lost one parent was devastating as it is, and losing your other parent would cause a lifetime of trauma for you.
Your heart clenched in fear as Sally struggles to escape from his grasp.
You felt Percy’s scared face hide into the fabric of your cotton shirt, clenching onto the shirt as he squeezed his eyes as tightly as possible.
For the last time, your mother, Sally looked over at you, stretching out a hand, guiding you out to safety, content you’ll be fine. Just like that, she closed her eyes, slowly disintegrating into gold ashes. Huh, that was weird. Humans don’t shrivel up and fade into ashes like that. That definitely was magic.
It was quiet, the rain pattering over you was now a background noise as you struggled to process the incident.
You gulped down the harsh lump in your throat. “It’s…mother’s gone, too…” You informed Percy, tone hoarse as he slowly pulled away from your body.
He looked ahead again, seeing nothing, Sally wasn’t there and the Minotaur was staring into nothing, seemingly distracted.
“Where did she go? What happened to her?”
“…She disappeared into gold ashes.” You whispered slowly, trying to comprehend your mother’s demise in your mind. Once again, your vision becomes blurry and the tears start to form at the loss of yet another parent. “It looked so unrealistic,”
After that Percy began to speak, but your focus wasn’t even directed on him, but rather at that charging furious Minotaur, hungry for more blood.
The pain and suffering became a dangerous mix of anger and hatred directed at the Minotaur.
Grover’s statements fall on deaf ears, partially drowned out by the heavy rainfall. “Y/N and Percy come on, we’re almost there.” you glance at your blonde brother who holds the same on his face.
‘So what happens when the protector is unable to protect? Do they give up instant hope and cower in shame? Or do they fight back, willingly seeking a second chance to redeem themselves? Whether you make a change or just be a bystander like others? This time the answer to that is simple, mourn your losses later and avenge them now. For all you can do right now is fight on the battlefield, because this is no place to cry and admit defeat.
No, you refused to give up hope and you weren’t going down without a fight. This monster had already taken your worlds away, so you had nobody else to lose.
Grabbing the pen from your pocket, holding it out, and witnessing it transform into a golden sword at will. The fight with the Minotaur was brutal and intense, alongside the heavy downpour of rain that attempted to slow down the intensity of this fight. Despite double-teaming the monster, he resisted surrender, determined to win and kill you both. Surprisingly, you gained the agility to climb onto his back while Percy distracted him.
Somehow, you gained the ultimate advantage with the lighting sword in your hand and stabbed the monster in its eye, ignoring his roar of pain. If anything, its pain only further encouraged you to continue.
Too full of adrenaline, you grab his two horns, gripping them and pulling them out with your utmost strength. A new sudden strength you just obtained. Gasping in shock was quickly outlived when your sword slipped out of your hand and dropped onto the muddy ground, disappearing from your eyesight. Stumbling onto his feet, inflicted by the pain, you groaned, gripping the monster by his rough skin as he attempted to shake you off.
“Percy the sword!” You yelled at him. Your brother throws the sword upwards as you catch the weapon.
You stab the monster in the neck, wincing at his loud screeches, but continue to stab his neck. Once the monster was deemed weak enough, you sliced the sword right through his neck, seizing the opportunity of successfully killing it. To be certain of killing that wretched monster, you deactached its horn from its head with your uppermost strength, then using it to pierce its own eye, another terrifying wail leaves its mouth.
This was all this stupid monster’s fault. If it hadn’t chased after you or slammed itself into the car, your mom would be alive. If it didn’t have such a bloodthirst for demigods, Sally, your mother would still be alive. Alive. Alive. Alive. You just wished your moms were alive, to see you mature into such a courageous daughter to avenge their deaths.
Soon enough, the monster staggered on its feet and its body began to disintegrate into black dust before your eyes.
“Y/N!” The voice becomes disoriented as you stumble on the ground, two arms catching you as you faint, everything fading away into a black abyss.
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“Is she okay?”
“Did she do it alone?”
“Is the blonde boy, okay too?
“How is that possible?”
“I don’t know.”
“Yeah, he’s okay.”
Grasping onto your fading eyesight, there were four shadowy figures above you, all their voices sounded childish except the girl’s voice which sounded very mature.
“They must be the ones.”
“Hush, Annabeth.”
“They’re waking. Everyone give them some space, please.”
Obeying the command, the four unknown kids gave the siblings some space, revealing a half-man with the…bottom of a horse. Okay, it’s finally official, you’ve completely lost it!
“Welcome to camp, Percy Jackson and Y/N Matthews. We’ve been expecting you two.”
Oh my god! Who are these people?! What in the absolute fuck is going on?! This demigod shit is not cut out for me.
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© asvterias, 2024. please do not copy, repost, or translate any of my works onto any other platforms without my permission.
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iiseult · 3 months
𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒯𝒽𝓇𝑒𝑒: 𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒮𝒶𝓅𝓅𝒽𝒾𝓇𝑒 𝑜𝒻 𝒥𝑒𝓇𝓊𝓈𝒶𝓁𝑒𝓂
CWs →  fluff, angst, suggestive content, historical inaccuracies, slow burn, she/her pronouns, AFAB reader, eventual smut (once reader and baldwin are both over 18), leprosy, time-period accurate sexism, one-sided pining
Wordcount: 3.1k
Note: I asked if you guys preferred to have more frequent updates with shorter chapters or slower updates with longer chapters, and the three people that responded wanted more frequent updates so here we are. Please reblog if you enjoy because the second chapter didn’t do very well and I don’t want this series to die off before it even begins! EL OH EL!!
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The issue of an heir, or the lack thereof, had been solidly squared away by Baldwin within three months of your marriage, so that you never had to speak a word on the matter. He told his mother that despite “frequent attempts” on both your parts, you could not be made with child on account of his inadequate health. Of course no such attempts were ever made, but that knowledge was something that stayed solely between the two of you. By that point everybody in the royal court had suspected as much anyway, and with the news of his leprosy having recently been confirmed, it was accepted with very little noise. Nobody spoke to you of it, likely afraid to broach the topic, except for Baldwin’s mother, who offered you her sympathies and prayers, which you publicly accepted and privately rejected. Though she had finally relented in her feelings of ill will toward you, they had apparently been replaced with feelings of nothingness, so you continued to resent her until her death the following year. 
Meantime, you concerned yourself with adjusting to life as a queen and worked on becoming familiar with the kingdom, and Baldwin left you very much alone. He was a positively mysterious figure, seemingly doing his utmost to stay out of your way and to avoid contact with you altogether. Occasionally you did see him haunting the corridors of the castle like a faceless apparition in his colorless robes and hidden expression, but he never spoke to you, so in turn you did not speak to him. For the most part it did not bother you, but you sometimes childishly wished for his company, though it likely wasn’t his direct company you were wishing for but rather the company of any such equal. However you did miss the fluttery feeling he used to be able to stir in your breast with his charming words and noble actions. Somewhat successfully, you pushed those immature notions away and hoped they wouldn’t return. 
Despite your loneliness, you were constantly surrounded by Matilda and Amelia, the latter whom you’d come to rather like and regard as something of a sister. And if she was the sister, Matilda was the mother. 
Matilda perpetually accompanied you on your explorations of the city, helping you navigate the narrow alleyways and bustling streets and showing you which unsavory characteristics were the surefire marks of a swindler. That you favored the market streets above all else was immediately evident to her, so teaching you to spot dishonest merchants and avoid giving them your business was one of her top priorities. Most of your time in the city was, in fact, spent shopping. You admired the handmade wares being peddled at every corner and ignored the incessant voices imploring you to come this way or go that way so they could sell you something. It was all very amusing and enticing to you. 
Each time you requested it you were allotted certain amounts of money from the king to spend at your whim, collected and delivered to you by various servants, and he was more generous than anyone ever expected. With this allowance, you were able to purchase rolls of richly-colored fabrics to be made into dresses, endless supplies of ink and parchment, pottery covered in artwork so detailed it could have only been done by a single paintbrush hair, any number of books that appealed to you, and numerous tapestries hand-woven with shining threads that depicted biblical scenes or mythical creatures, such as unicorns or dragons. These you hung in your own bedchamber. But perhaps the most magnificent of all your purchases was the very first one you ever made, which occurred during your second week. You had emptied your coin purse for it, quite literally turned it upside down on the merchant’s stand, gold coins rolling here and there for him to chase after. Matilda strongly disapproved and urged you not to make the purchase because she thought the piece too fanciful and mature for such a young lady, but you silenced her with an icy glance and there was henceforth no more talk of the subject. 
It was a sapphire ring. The band was thick and gold, adorned by intricate flowing patterns, and the stone was inlaid securely between four strong prongs. For a second you figured it could become a family heirloom and be passed down onto your children, but then you remembered that the prospect of you ever having children was unlikely at best and a small twinge of disappointment tugged at your heart. So you decided it would be best to get as much enjoyment out of the thing as possible and from then on you wore it proudly everywhere and on every occasion, regardless of Matilda’s disapproving glances. 
The people of Jerusalem found their new queen just as mysterious and elusive as they had once found their king. Seeing a member of their royal family out in public had become an oddity over the years of Baldwin’s reign, and yet you were there at least twice a week, speaking in some romantic foreign tongue to your servants. Many of your subjects spoke only Arabic or Greek and could not recognize your French when they heard it. But the thing most contributing to the air of mysteriousness surrounding you actually had nothing to do with you personally; it was more so the fact that nobody ever expected the king to marry. Your indisputable beauty only contributed to the confusion. There had been rumors about Baldwin’s illness for years now, and the fact that his face was always covered by a mask led most everyone to believe that he must have suffered some hideous facial disfigurement as a result. This begged the question, how could such a beautiful young woman willingly marry such a horrifying person? 
Baldwin took his meals in his bedchamber and also conducted all business out of it. To you he was evasive and sightings of him were rare, limited to perhaps once a month. In the first four weeks after the wedding night, you saw him twice, maybe thrice. 
You had been in the chapel, kneeling at the altar and praying with your head bent and a cloth covering it, when he silently slipped into the room completely unbeknownst to you and took up prayer only a few feet away. After a moment you looked up and saw him with a start, having expected to see someone there, but not expecting to see him. His head was bowed, and his blond tresses fell over his face, hiding it from you, but you could still see his lips moving silently in prayer. When he was finished he quickly crossed himself and turned to fix his gaze on you, apparently having decided to go maskless that day. You stared, chest rising and falling heavily as you tried to recover from the shock with a hand clasped over your heart, willing it to stop its wild thumping. His blue eyes twinkled in amusement as your cheeks flushed and you felt a little anger at him for being entertained by you, but if he noticed this, he didn’t show it. He gazed at you for a time, eyes remaining kind but impassible, before he evidently decided he’d had enough and stood, walking out of the chapel without a single word ever passing between the two of you. 
Again you saw him one afternoon after returning from the city with Matilda. You had purchased the last remaining volume of a book whose other parts were already in the library, and seeked to put it in its rightful place on the shelf. Baldwin had been in the library playing chess with Raymond at the time, as he had been for the better part of the day, and he muttered something to the man softly when you walked in and hastily curtseyed to them. His eyes followed you across the room to where you stopped in front of a towering bookshelf. You let your head drop back against your shoulders and sighed, seeing that you would have to somehow reach the very top shelf. You’d have to find the ladder, or else find a servant who would replace the book for you. As you turned around, he appeared right behind you, blue eyes twinkling in that same mild-mannered way and holding his gloved hands out. 
Without speaking he seemed to say “allow me”, and it was so bewitching that you complied immediately without a thought, dropping the heavy volume into his outstretched hands. You watched, enchanted, in silence as he reached up to the top shelf, straining even at his impressive height, and slid the leather-bound volume into place. Again you curtseyed and bowed your head in thanks, peering up at him through your lashes. He continued smiling and only nodded once before retreating to his chess game, so you followed suit and returned to Matilda’s side. 
A strange anxiousness had seemed to overcome you, and you spent the rest of the day lying on your fainting couch drinking wine and trying to keep your mind from conjuring up images of him. How had he known which books the volume belonged with? How could he know? But by the time night fell and Matilda was gathering you against her chest to help walk you to bed, your regular spirited countenance had returned, and the period of brooding had reached its end. 
There was one other time in that first month you thought you might have seen him, but for all you knew, it could have been a trick of the candlelight. 
After a particularly heavy dinner of lamb, bread, and pudding, you had been dragging yourself wearily to bed when out of the corner of your eye, you saw something white and fluttering behind you. You turned to see what or whom it was, but of course it was gone by then, vanished into thin air. You hadn’t dared peer around the corner, deciding it was better not to know. But the fluttering white thing had almost certainly been his robe, and that notion didn’t leave your mind for the rest of the night, nor did it really ever. It was something you always remembered and often thought of for no particular reason. 
In the second month you saw him even less frequently, only catching a few glimpses here and there, and the instances seemed more spaced apart. He was seldom alone, but even if he had been you doubted you’d have the courage to speak to him, and God only knows what you’d speak of. Perhaps some interesting tidbit of news from the city or some morsel of gossip, as it were. However the opportunity never presented itself. 
In the third month you saw him but once, on the eve of your fifteenth birthday. He had been returning from the city on his white horse with a retinue of servants, many more than would be necessary for any other royal figure, but perhaps they were worried he’d have a spell of illness.
You had been awaiting his return by the window of the East tower with your embroidery for hours, hoping to discover something interesting about his little trip. Earlier in the day you’d heard a few of your maids murmuring about the king’s sudden decision to visit the city for the first time in almost a year. They wondered what the occasion was and then so did you. As he rode past the great stone wall surrounding the castle and disappeared into the stables beyond your line of sight, you concluded that there was truly nothing remarkable to see and that all your waiting had been in vain, so you promptly went to bed. 
On the morning of your fifteenth birthday you awoke to see a package of brown parchment on your bedside table, bound with a shining silken bow of royal blue. The color was a gift in and of itself, for you very well knew how costly blue dye was. A tingle of excitement ran through your veins as you lifted the package onto your lap, carefully pulling the bow loose and setting it aside for later; it would make a lovely accessory. Then, holding your breath, you slid your fingers along the seam of the parchment and unfolded it to reveal an unremarkable wooden box, smooth and cool to the touch. But inside the box, to your utter shock and speechlessness, was a treasure unlike any other you’d ever laid eyes upon. 
It was a necklace, made of heavy, sparkling chains of gold, and set in the middle of the large circular pendant was a perfect sapphire. It was cut expertly and you could see your own awestricken reflection, tinted blue in tiny identical rooms on each flat face. The gemstone was heavy and you understood the need for such a substantial chain as you hung it around your neck, barely able to tear your eyes away from it to read the note that was placed underneath it in the box. 
“To match your ring,” it simply said. 
Though there was no signature, you knew who it was from. Only a king could afford such a thing. And the deep blue color of the jewel was so familiar to you, it must have been the exact same shade as the one in your ring. You held up the ring next to the necklace, which was resting on your bosom, and looked in the mirror for comparison, and sure enough they were identical in color, though the stone in the ring was much smaller. It was only the size of a thumbnail whereas the necklace’s stone was an honest to god rock, a bit smaller than your palm. 
While you stared at yourself in the sapphire’s glassy surface, you came to realize two things; one, you didn’t have any idea when Baldwin’s birthday was, and two, both gemstones were very similar in color to that of the eyes of your husband. You thought perhaps that was what drew you to the ring in the first place, that familiar feeling you got when looking at that color. 
Later in the morning when Amelia dressed you, you showed her the necklace and her pupils widened so much that you could no longer see the gray of her irises. She carefully placed it around your throat, adding the finishing touch to your appearance. Then you asked her when Baldwin’s birthday was. 
“September 16th, Your Majesty. It was a few months before your wedding. He does not celebrate, or at least he hasn’t for very many years. But the parties used to be ever so wonderful…” she trailed off, no doubt reminiscing on the great royal get-togethers of her youth. 
Again something clicked in your mind which you found a bit surprising. Though Baldwin had only seen you a handful of times since the wedding and up close only twice, he had apparently noticed your ring and managed to commit to memory nearly its exact shade of blue. You further realized that he had gone out of the palace the day prior for the purpose of procuring this gift. How did he know your birthday, you wondered. 
You stared down at your ring, which was glinting ceaselessly against your finger as if it was trying to tell you something. Sapphires, you thought, September. And then it made sense. The stone of September was, in fact, a sapphire. That was Baldwin’s stone. The stone of loyalty and honesty. And the two sapphires you now possessed, both bought with his money, would certainly become heirlooms. Perhaps you would have them pass them onto Baldwin’s young nephew upon your death, for it would be too much a shame to bury them with you and keep them from sparkling in the light of the sun the way they were meant to. 
You wanted to thank him but you just didn’t know how. 
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Baldwin had become something of a private investigator, as it were, and his focus was you. He wanted to keep his distance because he was afraid of upsetting you, so he tried to revert to his original plan of leaving you completely to your own devices and not interfering, but it soon proved impossible for him. Like a fool he had gotten his hopes up, just to have them come crashing down around him on his wedding night. He thought you could have been the perfect person to rule side-by-side with even if you did have a lot to learn. He thought you could have loved him even if it ended up being true that he could not provide you with an heir. He thought that you could have loved him, and that was his mistake, but he had already fallen in love with you.
He could not keep away from you but he could not be with you, so he compromised and went near you only when you did not know. It was not invasive, however, and he never wanted to breach your privacy. It was just little things. He would lurk in corridors he knew you would walk through in hopes of catching snatches of conversations between you and one of your servants. He had Amelia collect pieces of personal information about you and report back to him, which was undoubtedly how he found out your birthday. 
One day he followed you into the chapel and made like he was praying so he could sit next to you, if only for a moment. The warmth that spread in his breast in those few moments of closeness with you was enough to sustain him for a few more weeks. 
Even more painful than his raw leprous skin was the pain of seeing you smiling and conversing with people who were not him, to see you dressing in fine gowns and jewelry and going to dinner with people who were not him. To not be with you was the most painful thing he knew. For the woman he felt such tender things for to not even know the half of it. So with every month that passed he withdrew more, knowing that every time he left his chambers he risked running into you.
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Quietly he opened your bedroom door, knowing you had to be sleeping at such a late hour, and you were. The pale light of the moon made your face look almost mask-like in sleep. Your delicate eyelashes were pressed to your cheeks, those cheeks he wished so badly to kiss. The desire to be near you, he thought as he gently placed the brown parchment package on your bedside table, was one day going to kill him.
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leeyanyanyaaan · 10 months
Sett x Craft Store Owner!Reader
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28 / 11 / 2023
hiya!! welcome to part two of my heartsteel x reader "creatively charmed" series!!! again, i know that name needs workshopping LMAO. i actually wrote sett's part around the same time as i did w kayn's and that's how i came up w the idea to make it a whole series w all of the characters :D unfortunately, i have to go on hiatus so there wont be any updates for a while :( nonetheless i hope you enjoy ^^
It all started when Sett's mom asked him to run an errand for her and grab some yarn from her usual craft store
That happened to be run by your family. 
As you can probably expect, love and skill of the arts and crafts run in the family. For one of your parents, it was needlework and fashion, for your other parent, it was the more practical hands-on crafting; as their child that grew up learning them all, you were a jack of all trades.
Anyways, Sett happily obliged, heading to your store to buy what she needed, but realized upon entering that he had no clue what he was supposed to look for, despite the list giving him the specific yarns she was looking for
Your parents were temporarily out of town, so it was only you manning the store. When you notice his presence, you welcome him. Sett lights up and approaches you for assistance, which you gladly do
Once he got what he needed the two of you make your way to the cash register. You decide to start a conversation by complimenting his beanie and the craftsmanship of it
Sett grins and proudly declares that his mom made it for him, his ears twitching from underneath
Your eyes widen in realization, and ask him whether his mom was the regular vastayan customer you were thinking of, to which he visibly gets excited about and eagerly confirms. You smile, thinking how cute the buff man's love for his mother is, and continue talking about how you enjoy seeing her as a regular customer in the store
This conversation lasts for quite a while until Sett's mom calls him asking about his shopping, reminding him that he was still in the middle of an errand. He sheepishly tells her that he'll be right over with everything she asked for
When the call ends, you hand him his mom's reusable totebag that held all the purchases as he thanks you for your help. Before he runs out the store, he tells you his name and asks for yours, which of course you were happy to tell :)
From here on out, expect Sett's visits to be more frequent. He asked his mom to call him if she ever needed anything more from the craft store… and then eventually, just asked to do any errand for her in general. He wasn't subtle about wanting a reason to see you, but I mean hey, he does something to help his mom and gets to talk to you at the same time? A definite win-win for him
Also, yes, his mom did figure out about his crush on you. She hasn't outright said that she does, but she does subtly tease Sett from time to time, reminding him to be on his best behavior/remember to be a gentleman or fixes up his appearance before leaving the house. Since she knows you as the owner's wonderful and hardworking child, she already has a good impression of you and quietly approves
Once he finally builds up the courage to ask you out, also expect for it to come with a heartfelt handmade craft of his for you <3 eg. oragami bouquet, crocheted article of clothing etc.
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killualoverr · 2 months
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₊ ☆ ‧₊˚ → ann, makoto, futaba, and haru general relationship headcanons!
cw: fluff, slightest bit of angst if you squint
note: ahhjflslksdfglds i accidentally deleted this ask :( but anyways i was so excited when i saw this since it's my first request, i hope you enjoy ( ≧ᗜ≦)!!
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- big on physical touch and words of affirmation.
- lots of cuddles, kisses, spooning, etc if you let her. she loves that type of intimacy.
- she doesn’t mind pda! if you’re okay with it, she would be pretty affectionate.
- would kiss you on the cheek as a greeting
- if you aren’t a fan of physical touch she'll be minimal with it or just stop all together.
- loves showing you off!!! a big part of her social media page would be her and you. if you don’t like being posted, she would have an album/folder full of pictures of you.
- if anyone says anything even remotely bad about you trust and believe she’s hitting that block button in the blink of an eye.
- appreciates any type of compliments, but compliments beyond her looks make her so insanely happy considering her looks are mostly what she’s usually noticed by.
- she absolutely loves to shower you in compliments too. makes her smile when she sees you get all shy
- if you post yourself on social media expect her to be flooding your comments hyping you up 😭
- absolutely loves doing your makeup/skincare and dressing you up!!!
- ryuji is TIRED of hearing her talk about you. someone save this boy
- “red? speaking of red, y/n-“ “ann. 🙁”
- dates with her consist of going out to dessert places, harajuku, the park, and going to the underground mall.
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- makoto is very inexperienced with romance. at the start of your relationship she would pretty much leave most decisions up to you.
- after a bit of time of you guys being together and experimenting with things she learns what she likes and dislikes and sets boundaries about those things. she becomes a lot more comfortable in the relationship after that.
- not a very big fan of pda. she would rather being affectionate like that in a more private setting.
- she’s very easy to fluster! an unexpected hug or kiss and her brain short circuits. 😭😭
- her main love languages are words of affirmation and acts of service.
- makoto tends to overthink so ressurance would play a significant role in your relationship.
- she prefers to show affection in ways like checking up on you and such.
- you’re thirsty? she’s already getting out her water bottle. it’s hot and your hair is bothering you? she should have a hair tie somewhere…
- and so on. anything you need, she’s got it, and if she doesn’t, it’s her top priority to help you out somehow.
- your wellbeing is always on her mind
- she tends to keep to herself a lot, but she tries her best to be vulnerable around you.
- sae doesn’t mind you guys. probably just some playful teasing here and there.
- study dates are very frequent!! she likes them a lot because it allows her to spend time with you and also get things done.
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- like makoto, futaba would also be very inexperienced with romance.
- her love languages are physical touch and quality time.
- being in the same room as you whether you’re watching a movie, on your phone, or just sitting in bed doing whatever in complete silence together, means a lot to her.
- if you guys ever go out she very often (if not always) is holding your hand. it makes her less anxious and brings her a sense of comfort.
- “excuse me, she asked for no pickles.” while futaba frantically nods behind you
- she’s a HUGE yapper; she could go on and on talking about a new volume of a manga she’s into, the newest episode of a show she likes, the most recent updates for a game she enjoys playing, etc.
- if you were also interested in the same things as her you guys would nerd out together.
- loves listening to you talk about things you like just as much as she enjoys ranting about her interests.
- would love having matching profile pictures of her favorite ships with you
- she’s the type to send you those slideshow videos that say “us?”
- most dates with her consist of just hanging out at each others houses playing a video game, watching shows together, things of that nature. if you were to do something outdoors you’d most likely be either at akihabara or asakusa.
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- omg haru is such a sweetheart of a friend and even more as a your s/o.
- i can easily imagine her being affectionate in private. while she's a bit shy to initiate things at first she slowly gets more comfortable with it later on.
- that being said, she’d be a bit hesitant with pda due to her publicity
- a bit of all but i think her main love languages are quality time and gift giving.
- i feel like she’s big on gift giving because she's rich?? idk, she loves giving you stuff that reminds her of you or something that catches your eye while you guys are out together.
- she would give you flowers she grew herself too
- cuddling is a frequent activity in your relationship! adores playing your hair when you two cuddle, gently running her fingers through and complimenting it
- she’s an amazing listener! not only does she like listening to you talk about anything and everything, she also just enjoys hearing the sound of your voice.
- absolutely refuses to let you pay for anything 😭
- her favorite dates with you are anything involving gardening. if you're inexperienced she is more than happy to coach you and teach you anything and everything you need to know. haru would be open to pretty much anything though, she’s just happy she gets to spend time with you.
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junhui-png · 5 months
Starring: love ˙✧˖📷 ⋆。 ˚ PT. 2
actor!jeonghan x fem!reader
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Summary: You always had trouble finding love, but that never bothered you as you like to be independent. You had opened a cafe on Main Street all by yourself and things were going great without a boyfriend so you simply thought “Who needs a boyfriend anyways?”? But that changed once you had met the man of everyone’s dreams, Yoon Jeonghan.
Notes: hope y'all enjoy part 2 and also for such a late post I honestly just got really lazy and never felt like writing so my apologizes. I'll update this series once a week! (mainly on Thursdays)
Warnings: Cursing, Reader is an academic weapon, Nicknames (Doll, princess, gorgeous), please LMK if there's more!
wc: 1.6K
The weeks went by faster than you had realized. Jeonghan still stopped by your cafe between his breaks and he's supposedly grown a liking towards you, at least that's what Sohee says. As the closing time of your cafe neared, you heard the bell from the entrance ring, and with no surprise, it was Yoon Jeonghan walking through the door. His outfit was quite different than the ones the stylists would normally put him in. He was wearing a white button-down, which where tucked into his pair of black dress pants and a black tie to bring the outfit all together. "What can I get you" Jeonghan looked up at the menu as if he hadn't already memorized all of it because of how frequently he visited "Just 2 iced americano". "Two?" you thought to yourself but you just nodded and got to work on the man's drinks. "Hey, Jeonghan?" Your voice so quiet you could barely hear it, but Jeonghan had heard you "Yes?" Jeonghan got up from where he had previously been seated and walked towards the pick-up section "You don't really like iced Americano's, right?" You ask, curiosity getting the better of you. Jeonghan lets out a sigh and begins to look around the cafe, as if he were avoiding your eyes "Yeah, just felt like a change today" He shrugs, finally bringing his eyes to meet you but you immediately look away. You didn't dare ask the second question that you had. "Who was the second one for?". "Alright, here you go" You bring yourself back from your thoughts and place Jeonghan's drinks on the table. You give Jeonghan a quick smile before turning your back towards him and beginning to clean up and get ready for closing "Hey Y/N?" Jeonghan's angelic voice sends chills down your spine. You turn around to face Jeonghan who has one of the iced americanos in his hand and the other still on the table "Go on a date with me." silence. "Are you joking?" Is what came out of your mouth, though you didn't intend it to. "Did you want it to be?" Jeonghan says in a teasing manner, slightly raising his right eyebrow. Silence engulfs the two of you as you're at a loss of words. Did you want it to be a joke?. "No.." you finally get out and Jeonghan seems quite satisfied with your response because a devious smirk appears on his lips. "Ok then, Tomorrow at 6 ?" you can only nod in response as you feared that if you were to open your mouth you would fuck everything up. Jeonghan chuckles a bit realizing you had completely shut down "Wear something nice, ok?" Jeonghan pushes one of the iced americanos towards you before taking his and walking out, leaving you completely stunned. You aren't left in the dark for long as you get a text from Sohee.
"What took you so long, I was about to leave you here." Sohee nags once you finally finished cleaning and locked up for the day "Sorry, some last minute stuff" You shrug but Sohee always knows when something's up "I saw Jeonghan leave the cafe just now~" Sohee giggles, grabbing a hold of you arm. You already knew where this was going "What's up with you too" Sohee drags you from side to side as if he were trying to shake something out of you "Did he ask you out?" You didn't even get to respond when Sohee gasped loudly, shaking you vigorously. "I FUCKING KNEW IT, I LITERALLY TOLD YOU HE WANTED YOU!" Sohee jumps up and down, still holding onto your arm. "I didn't even say anything!" You try and defend yourself but Sohee shuts you down almost immediately "You suck at hiding your facial expressions" Sohee giggles, which you roll your eyes at in response "Fuck you." You scoff, finally pulling yourself away from the boy.
The next day had arrived and you were beyond nervous. You decided to wear a black tube top dress that stopped just above your knees, a black shoulder bag, a simple silver necklace with a singular diamond pendant at the center, and a pair of black heels. You finish your makeup and rush out your apartment door, making your way towards your cafe. As you approach your cafe, you see a black BMW parked right in front of the cafe. The closer you got, the tenser you became but the second you saw Jeonghan, all of it disappeared. "Hello beautiful," He says teasingly but he truly meant it. You looked absolutely stunning to him and he simply wanted to just stare at you for hours on end. "Hi," You lower your head sheepishly, your face getting hot. Jeonghan opens his car door, taking your hand as he helps you enter his car. You somehow completely forgot that this man was a celebrity, an extremely rich and famous one at that. Jeonghan begins to drive and there is silence between the two of you, not awkward silence but more comfortable silence, or at least that's what Jeonghan thought. You, on the other hand, was a whole other story. Now that it's kinda dawned on you that you're going on a date with a celebrity, you start to second-guess basically your entire existence, well that's what it felt like. You felt underdressed compared to Jeonghan, who was wearing a silk-like white shirt tucked into a pair of black dress pants with his pretty black hair pulled up in a half up half down type hairstyle (what he wore to that Saint Laurent event). Though the outfit was quite simple, the way it looked on Jeonghan made it look exquisite and expensive, which it probably was. "You look stressed," Jeonghan says breaking the silence "Do I?" You finally look up from your lap and at Jeonghan whose eyes are on the road "Yeah, don't be though" You scoff at his response and only then does he take his eyes off the road to look at you "I'm going out with a fucking celebrity, what do you mean 'don't be'" You say in a sarcastic tone and Jeonghan smirks at your snarky response "Tonight, Don't think of me as a celebrity, just think of me as Jeonghan, just another human on this planet" You liked the thought of that. Just Jeonghan. "Welp, we're here" Jeonghan gets out of the car and opens the car door for you before handing his car keys to the valet attendant and walking you into a fancy Italian restaurant. You're both seated at a table in the corner and are given menus before the two of you are finally left alone. "So.." Jeonghan begins "When'd you open your cafe?" He asks "Back when I was about 19?" You shrug, Jeonghans eyebrows shoot up in surprise "Dam you were young then" Jeonghan remarks, leaning back in his seat. "What about school and shit?" he asks. "Honestly," you respond "I was pretty smart in high school and throughout college, so It wasn't something I was worried about, I managed." Jeonghan lets out a playful sigh "Wish I had that struggle" he quips, a slight smirk on his face. "Oh come on, you couldn't have been that dumb" You reassure him "Nah I was, the lowest of my class actually" He chuckles "Was too caught up with training and friends and stuff to really care about studying and my grades, you know" with a hint of sarcasm you respond "Actually not really" teasing him a bit and the man seems to enjoy it as he lets out a laugh.
The two of you order your food and continue to chat, even after finishing your food, the two of you sit for an extra hour simply just talking. "We should probably leave" You suggest and Jeonghan nods, getting up from his seat and you follow. "Thanks for tonight Jeonghan," You say once you enter the car "I really enjoyed myself" You beamed "Don't mention it doll, I enjoyed myself as well" The nickname caught you off guard and very visibly too because Jeonghan seems to smirk taking a look at your flustered expression. Once you finally reach the outside of your apartment, Jeonghan helps you out of his car "Wait hold on" Jeonghan stops you from going up the stairs of your apartment complex. He runs towards his car and opens the back door of his car, picking up a grey zip-up hoodie from the back seat and brings it towards you. "Here" he takes both of your hands and places the zip-up hoodie in them "What's this for?" You scoff "It's cold these days," He says "And I just wanted to, thought you would look good in it" His voice is teasing, though you would find it annoying if it was someone else (Sohee) you didn't mind because it was Jeonghan. After a further examination of the hoodie, you realize it wasn't necessarily plain. It had a little blue and red flower on the front side of it with the wording "KENZO PARIS" on it. "Thanks, Jeonghan, I didn't get you anything though" You sulk a bit, wishing you would have known he would have gotten you something "I don't need any gifts from you, you're my gift for tonight," He says, the return of his signature teasing tone is evident "You're too much" You laugh, pushing his shoulder just a bit. "Maybe" He shrugs, a stupid smile on his face. He walks you up to your apartment till you are both at your doorstep "Lemme see your phone" Jeonghan puts his hand in front of you and you immediately hand it to him unlock, all survival instincts being left behind. After a few seconds, Jeonghan hands you back your phone, now with his contact saved "Text me, ok?" He says and you nod "Goodnight princess" He smiles "Night Jeonghan" You smile back before shutting the door behind you, officially ending your first date with Jeonghan.
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claymoresword · 1 year
I Choose Her | Chapter 15
Hermione Granger x Slytherin Fem!Reader
Summary: You are the daughter of two known death eaters from one of the oldest and richest families in the wizarding world. Are you truly prepared to give up everything you know for Hermione Granger?
Pairing: Hermione x Reader
Wordcount: 4.3k
Warnings: character death, mentions of animal abuse, y/n and hermione are so protective of each other it's sick
Note: Hello! wow this one took forever, I feel bad that I'm always apologizing for delayed updates but oh well here we are :/ this one is more to move the plot forward and I wanted to follow canon in a way that would make sense for this story
anyway, as always thank you so much for the continued support and an even bigger thanks for your patience! crossing my fingers that updates will be more frequent from here on out. that's it, i hope you enjoy this one!
Taglist: @gvrsto @aweidlich @xxsekhmet @arielj @poppyflower-22 @scarleigh1989 @smut-religiously777 @cocoyeehaw @blackbirdv98 @arcturusseer @iamcapitalgbicorn8287 @lonewalker17 @karasonromanoff @httphayn @bigbadsofty07 @cherryflavoredcoke @dumpsapphic @idontwannabehereatm @js-a-writer @baylegend6 @puta1
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Hermione stands over you as you hold out the thick strand of hair, pinched in between your fingers.
Harry and Ron stare at it with bated breaths, the air in between the four of you is still; anticipating.
You didn't have to consider for too long to know it belonged to your mother. You had nearly mistaken it for your own, if it weren't for the grayish undertones, only fully visible when illuminated.
It seems every time you saw your mother, her hair would be a shade lighter. As time did its duty, as the years passed, the older each of you got, the less you resembled the other.
You don't see your mother when you look in the mirror, not anymore.
"Are you sure that's hers?" Ron asks as you rise from your crouching position.
The painful lump in your throat prevents you from answering him.
You swallow thickly.
"I'm sure." You finally say.
Silence once again, as Ron reaches out to carefully pick out the strand, retrieving it from your grip, he drops it into the flask he held in his other hand with even more precision.
The only noise that fills the air is a faint sizzle, as the polyjuice potion consumes its final ingredient.
You feel Hermione move to your side, her fingers curl around your bicep, her other hand firmly intertwines with yours.
"Are you certain we'll be allowed into Bellatrix's vault?" Harry asks, he looks at you expectantly and you grace him with an assured nod.
"I've seen my mother retrieve things for her dozens of times, it'll work." You claim, but Harry's immediate skepticism doesn't evade you, and honestly, you can't hold it against him.
Your plan is far from foolproof. Like many times before the four of you are simply hoping to get by on pure chance and luck.
"How do we know what it is, when we get in her vault? I mean, a Horcrux could be anything." Ron asks, a question you were all wondering.
"I'll know." Harry quips plainly.
You glance at Hermione to shoot her a look before returning your attention back to Harry.
"It's hard to explain but– I'll just know." He adds, and none of you wish to push on the subject further.
You watched as Hermione lifted the flask filled with polyjuice to her lips, but then she pauses. Her shoulders rise as she takes a deep breath, as if preparing herself.
"Wait–" You interject, rising from the bed, in three large strides you are standing before your girlfriend.
"Let me drink it." You then place a hand over Hermione's, but she pries it off lightly.
"No, I'll do it." She counters, and you don't attempt to mask your disapproval.
"You can't drink it." Hermione reiterates.
"When we get to Gringotts, it'll appear more believable with you by my side, you know it." She adds, and you hate that Hermione is right.
You sigh.
"Darling, it's too dangerous." You breath out, your hand travels up her forearm, eventually tenderly cupping her face.
Hermione instinctively shuts her eyes at the sensation, she leans into your touch, her muscles no longer tense, her body visibly reacts to your warmth.
"We're all in danger." She finally claims, once your eyes meet again.
"This is the only way. There's another Horcrux hidden in her vault, we just have to find it." Hermione states assuredly but it does nothing to convince you of the plan.
You remain staring at your girlfriend, Hermione always had a way of making your heart feel like it could just implode within your chest.
You are overcome with love, care, and longing, all of these feelings encapsulated in the sheer dread of what's to come, of what might happen.
Hermione finds no trouble in returning your gaze.
This wordless exchange lasts for several seconds until Hermione decides to take advantage of your unmoving state. She leans in, passionately capturing your lips with her own.
Your hands quickly shift to rest on her waist, you then feel Hermione's hand move to the back of your head, pulling you closer.
You are taken aback as she opens her mouth wider, deepening the kiss, soon enough her tongue makes contact with your own.
You have no air left in your lungs, but the last thing you wish to do is pull away.
Hermione lets out a light hum as she presses her body up against yours; her eagerness causes your entire body to tremble, you worry your legs might give out at any moment.
The kiss ends as abruptly as it began.
A sharp gasp leaves Hermione's lips as she takes a step back, as if it proved a real struggle for her to cease the kiss.
Soon a sense of euphoria overcomes your entire being, even if it is fleeting, you feel at peace and it translates into a boyish grin across your face.
Hermione notices, and she has to bite her bottom lip to hide a smile herself.
She places a lingering hand over your chest before shoving you away playfully.
"Go on, wait outside. I'll meet you there." Hermione orders, and you know better than to protest.
You continued to pace back and forth, the usually maddening feeling of sand repeatedly filling your shoes does nothing to distract you.
Trepidation rapidly materializes within you the longer you waited for your girlfriend.
By taking the Polyjuice and assuming your mother's identity, Hermione is putting herself in immense danger, and you are expected to stand by and simply witness it, again.
"It'll be fine." You hear Harry's voice, but you don't acknowledge him.
You can't feel anything beyond the incessant pounding in your head; you possessed barely any strength at all, you mustered just enough to stomach this.
Soon enough, Hermione emerges from the hut and the sight you are met with is unsettling.
The woman standing before you appears to resemble your mother. Wearing the clothes your mother would wear, there was no trace of Hermione, beyond her voice.
Harry and Ron fail to speak alongside your silence. Hermione looks between the three of you impatiently.
"So, how do I look?" She asks, and you can't help but grimace.
"Disturbing." You quip.
Then you had no choice but to look away.
"Come on, let's just get this over with." You release an exasperated breath and Harry emerges next to you with Griphook.
"Griphook you give that to Hermione to hold onto, alright?" The man states, but it mainly sounded like a warning.
The Goblin lets out a subtle gripe as he hesitates, before eventually sheathing the steel into your girlfriend's bag.
"You get us into Bellatrix's vault, and the sword is yours." Harry reassures.
Ron finally takes out his wand so he may alter his own appearance, with a single wave, his hair is inches longer. The beard that appears on his face ages him, and makes him nearly unrecognizable.
"Now remember the plan, I'll be under the cloak with Griphook. Y/n and Hermione you'll try to convince the Goblin to let you through. Ron, you stand back in case anything happens." Harry runs through the plan once more and this time you don't suppress a scoff.
Hermione grabs your arm, wordlessly asking for you to stand down.
"This is a terrible plan." You say it anyway, and Harry doesn't retaliate, instead he nods in agreement.
"I know. But it's still the best one we've got."
You had to remind yourself to breathe as you walked through the doors of Gringotts.
Although certain the anxiety you are feeling at this moment is incomparable to the terror Hermione must be experiencing.
You had to battle every instinct urging you to reach out and hold your girlfriend's hand.
Ron trails closely behind the two of you, Harry and Griphook somewhere close by, hidden by the cloak of invisibility.
You brace yourselves once you get to the podium, a moment passes, but the Goblin on duty fails to acknowledge your presence entirely.
Hermione takes it upon herself to clear her throat.
Still, nothing.
She glances at you for help, and you nod, urging her to speak.
"I wish to enter." Your girlfriend states curtly, her best attempt to appear menacing.
In any other instance you would find it a little humorous, but right now, Hermione's poor imitation only makes you wince.
The Goblin fails to acknowledge either of you still, your patience rapidly thinning out.
"My mother has been sent to clear out Madam Lestrange's vault. I am certain you understand why you mustn't delay us." You say and the creature finally looks up.
His entire demeanor shifts, but it only helped to annoy you further.
"Madam, forgive me I did not realize it was you." Bogrod says, feigned cordiality.
"Of course you may enter.. but first, do you mind presenting your wand?" He adds and there is a pause.
You can sense Hermione's panic, but she tries her best to maintain a composed front.
She folds her arms over her chest.
"I hardly think that's necessary." Hermione states.
"I'm afraid I must insist." The Goblin's grin falters, and you realized you had to quickly step in
"Why?" You say, instinctively stepping forward, partially shielding Hermione with your body.
"New policy, I'm afraid." Bogrod explains, but before you can argue your case, the creature's expression shifts.
Your eyes catch the waft of green smoke seeping into the Goblin's nostrils.
You manage a quick glimpse of what looked like the tip of a wand being retracted, it disappears seemingly into thin air.
Y/n quickly realizes that Harry has sensibly, stepped in before things got ugly.
In an instant, the Goblin changes his tune.
"Very well, Madam, if you will follow me." He says with a dopey smile.
You hear Hermione let out a sigh of relief, you can't help but do the same.
The ride through the dungeons was nothing close to pleasant. The cart transporting you zoomed at an unfathomable speed, the abrupt turns and twists would have made you nauseous, if you weren't feeling sick already.
Hermione continues clutching your hand in hers, tighter than usual, your grip is similar in turn.
Finally, the cart halts, and before you know it, the six of you are free falling dozens of feet.
You reach for your wand in your pocket but Hermione beats you to it.
"Arresto Momentum!" She exclaims, and your bodies hang mid air, inches from the ground. Soon the spell wears off, the six of you fall onto the cold, wet, stone, front first.
"Thank you, Hermione." Harry says, as he helps himself off the ground.
You quickly do the same, rushing over to help your girlfriend up.
Hermione gladly takes your hand, when your eyes meet, you notice her appearance, she is back to her usual self.
The Polyjuice potion had entirely worn off but Bogrod, still under the Imperius curse, is unable to do anything about it.
"Come on, this way." Griphook shouts, he leads the four of you to the vaults.
He navigates the dark cavern with ease, as you try to get your eyes to adjust, a piercing screech fills the air, and it causes both you and Hermione to glance at each other.
You warily follow Griphooks lead, but the sight you're met with when the six of you turn the corner makes your breath catch in your throat.
"That's a Ukrainian Ironbelly–" Ron points out, awe and disbelief you shared.
Then Griphook picks up an object you quickly deduced to be a certain type of bell. As he shakes it, the dragon's screeching intensifies, it flails around as if trying to escape the noise.
It was only then you noticed the thick metal chains around its neck and legs.
"It's been trained to expect pain when it hears this sound." The creature claims and Hermione releases you so she may step forward, following his lead.
She speaks once she is in earshot of the Goblin.
"That's barbaric." Your girlfriend says, a certain tenor to her voice, you knew her well enough to recognize that she was truly indignant.
The dragon's screeching continues as the four of you slip past it.
It only retreats to cowers silently in the corner once the noises from the bell stops.
The vault is now in sight, as the group approaches you can't help but notice that Bogrod has disappeared.
You glance out at where you spotted the Goblin last and sure enough. He was standing in front of the dragon, simply staring at it; the curse has evidently impaired his judgment and all sense of danger.
"Wait– what do we do with him?" You gesture to Bogrod.
Although before anyone can respond, the Ukrainian Ironbelly takes a large step forward, then from its mouth, comes flames, big and blistering enough to turn the entire space scorching hot in an instant.
The once Goblin was now burnt to nothing but ash.
Hermione, Y/n and the boys only manage to stare in utter shock.
"That's unfortunate." Ron finally quips.
"Come on, we don't have much time." Griphook warns, he advances forward and the four of you follow.
As you arrive at the vault, it appears familiar to you, but only distantly.
It was not the vault Snape led you to a few months ago but it appears almost identical.
"Is this where you got the sword?" Hermione asks in a hushed tone, and you quickly shake your head.
"No, the key Snape gave me led to a different vault." You explain, but your girlfriend doesn't say anything, expecting your response.
As the five of you enter Bellatrix's vault, it is worse than you expected.
It is filled with random trinkets, some valuable, some not.
The three of you sport a defeated expression, but Harry was not going to give up so easily.
He steps forward.
"It's in here, I can sense it." He states.
You observe silently as The Chosen One approaches a particular cup, amidst an array of objects that look nearly identical to it.
Soon enough he reaches for it.
Harry holds out the cup, nothing is said, but there is an energy that reverberates through the air.
It's unmistakable. He has a Horcrux in hand.
"Pass me the sword." He extends his arm and Hermione scrambles through her bag, eventually retrieving the steel.
She passes it to Harry, he grips the pommel, but doesn't get the chance to do much else as a noise captures your attention.
Ron knocks over a goblet by accident, instead of breaking as it touches the ground, it only multiplies.
As the duplicate makes contact with another object it does the same thing. Soon objects are spawning at a rapid rate, filling up the already limited vacant space by your feet.
"What's happening?" Hermione exclaims over the loud noise, you instinctively step to her side as she nearly loses her balance.
"It's an enchantment, everything you touch will multiply." The Goblin explains, you aren't given much chance to come up with an escape plan as the objects quickly engulf all five of you.
For what felt like eternity, you fought to keep your head above.
You spot Hermione and Ron doing the same, but you can't see Harry anymore.
Amidst the chaos, somehow, Griphook gets a hold of the Horcrux.
Then, Harry finally emerges from the sea of gold and silver. He frantically looks around, in search of the object, but his attention shifts to the Goblin as he proudly holds up the Horcrux.
"We had a deal, Griphook!" Harry bellows, and the creature only grins, malicious, irritating.
"The cup for the sword!" He strikes up the bargain, and you curse under your breath.
It is getting increasingly difficult to stay afloat, and you watched as Hermione and Ron struggled the same.
Harry begrudgingly hands over the sword, the Goblin then returns the Horcrux back to him.
"I said I'd get you in, I never said anything about getting you out." Griphook quips, he holds his hand up against the door, unlocking it.
Soon the objects begin spilling out of the vault after him but the four of you continue to struggle to make your way to the exit.
If only you could retrieve your wand, you could stop the Goblin from going any further.
"Hermione, can you reach your wand?" You shout, and the struggle in your girlfriend's face is evident.
"I'm trying!" She replies.
After moments of struggle, the four of you miraculously manage to make your way out, but it was too late.
The Goblin is nowhere to be seen.
"Griphook!" Harry calls out in anger, he doesn't expect a reply, and he doesn't receive one.
His voice echoes through the dungeons, and it only works to disturb the dragon ahead.
It lets out another deafening screech.
You approach slowly, in search of the object that you know will subdue the beast, but you can't find it anywhere and you know for certain Griphook is the reason for it.
"The bell- it's gone." You don't try to conceal your distress.
"That foul creature– how are we supposed to get out of here?" Ron curses and you begin looking around for some type of solution, an idea to come to you.
You take an experimental step forward; careful, quiet.
You consider that perhaps, if you moved slowly, the dragon won't react.
However, your theory was quickly proven incorrect as the beast storms towards you within the confines of its chains, soon opening its mouth.
You were only inches away from getting charred alive before Hermione harshly grabbed your arm, yanking you to her side.
The pins you up against the pillar, out of the dragon's sight.
Ron and Harry stood a few paces away, their backs also against the wall.
"What on earth was your plan there?" Hermione hisses, and you are staggered for a moment.
You've never seen her so furious with you.
"I just thought if I moved quietly–" You start, but then another loud noise pierces the atmosphere.
Clearly, your stunt only exacerbated the dragon's already agitated state.
The sounds that follow suggest that the formidable beast was now fighting to be released from its restraints.
"Don't you ever try something like that again–" Hermione warns, her hand still gripping your collar.
You nod apologetically, suddenly you almost feel like a child being reprimanded.
Your girlfriend finally loosens her grip on your shirt.
The beast's actions begin to get larger and louder, in its outrage it clamours at the stone walls, chipping large pieces off.
"What a joke– did we go through all of that just to die in here?" Ron quips.
"We can't apparate.." Your girlfriend mumbles to herself, mentally debating an escape plan.
"Hermione?" Harry asks, it sounds closer to a desperate plea.
You were all stumped, only hoping that the mostly brilliant mind out of the four of you will manage to think of a plan to escape.
Hermione finally looks up at you, and by the look on her face you can tell whatever it might be; she's figured something out.
"I've got an idea, but it's mad." She admits, with a raised voice and truth be told you hated the sound of that.
Harry and Ron stare at her expectantly and you only grow more nervous by the second.
Hermione turns to y/n, you don't speak a word to her but it is not required as she already senses your anxiety, she places a firm hand on your chest right above your heart, you were certain she can feel it pounding against her palm.
"Just trust me." She reassures, too swiftly for your liking, as she completes her sentence she retreats.
You can only anticipate her next move, and it is not one you'd ever expect, in fact it nearly sends you into an early grave.
You watched as Hermione leaped off the balcony, landing on the dragon's back.
"Hermione!" You exclaim.
She struggles to get a grip of the beast for a moment, you are stunned when the dragon stills, it doesn't try to force Hermione off it's back.
"Come on!" Your girlfriend shouts, and you were first to mirror her earlier action. With a single large leap you manage to grab onto the dragon's horns, you pull yourself up, situating yourself behind Hermione.
The dragon reacts the same, but it is too fixated on the chains wrapped around its neck to care.
Soon enough Harry and Ron manage to climb on as well.
There is a point of eery stillness as the dragon seemingly appears too tired to continue fighting.
"Now what?" Harry poses a good question, and you take it upon yourself to fish out your wand.
"Relashio!" In one swift move, you fling the spell, aiming for the dragon's tail.
The beast reacts violently, in the process, the spell breaks the chains tethering it to the ground, finally freeing the beast from its restraints.
"Defodio!" Your girlfriend exclaims as she holds out her own wand, and soon enough, the dragon takes flight, bursting through the ceiling.
In an instant, Gringotts Bank is reduced to fragments of wood, glass and stone as the dragon flees the building, taking the four of you with it.
You have been on dragonback for what felt like hours, however an uncanny feeling of serenity, fills you as the beast flew through the air, past villages and hillsides.
As you approach the vast water, the dragon begins to fly lower; it appears the beast aims to halt its tiresome journey through the city soon.
"We're dropping!" Harry exclaims, panic begins to set in amongst the four of you once again.
"I say we jump!" Ron suggests, but you aren't particularly fond of the idea.
"What?" You bark.
"When?" Hermione chimes in.
"Now!" Harry responds as he lets go, you watched as he falls into the freezing water below.
He is quickly followed by Ron and Hermione, and you let out a groan as you release your grip on the dragon.
"Damn you, Weasley!" You exclaim as you freefall into the lake.
As your body touches the water, it immediately feels like hundreds of blistering hot knives are incessantly puncturing your skin.
It is almost unbearable, but then your head rises to the surface and pure instinct kicks in. The four of you, with some difficulty, eventually manage to swim to shore.
Hermione grabs your hand to help you up, in your weakened state you barely manage to climb the cliff.
Harry storms ahead, seemingly unaffected, no doubt driven by pure adrenaline.
"He knows." He blurts out.
"You know who." Harry explains, and Hermione lets go of your hand to catch up to the dark haired man.
"He knows we broke into Gringotts, he knows what we took, and he knows we're hunting Horcruxes." He admits.
"How is it you know?" You ask, jogging slightly to catch up, Ron following closely behind.
"You let him in?" Hermione asks, her tone dissaproving.
"Harry you can't do that–" She says but her bestfriend interrupts.
"Hermione, I can't always help it! Or maybe I can, I don't know." He retaliates.
"Never mind that, what happened?" You interject.
The four of you halt as you get to the top of the cliff.
"Well, he's angry– and scared too." Harry starts, he holds out his hands as Hermione retrieves her bottle of Essence Of Dittany from her bag.
She places a few drops on his palms, doing the same on yours, and then Ron's.
You rub your hands together as Harry continues speaking.
"He knows if we can find and destroy all the Horcruxes, we'll be able to kill him. I reckon he'll do anything to stop that happening." Harry finishes and you scowl at the thought.
Soon, the boys begin stripping so they may change into dry clothes.
Hermione instead retrieves a large blanket from her bag, she drapes it over you, before pulling you close to her body so she may share your warmth.
"There's more– one of them's at Hogwarts." Harry explains.
"What?" Ron says in disbelief and his friend only nods.
"You saw it?" Your girlfriend asks, skeptical.
Harry nods again.
"I saw the castle, and Rowena Ravenclaw. It must have something to do with her, we have to go there now." The Chosen One states, assuredly.
"What? We can't do that, we've got to plan, we've got to figure it out." Hermione counters.
"Hermione when have any of our plans ever actually worked?" Harry recounts, his gaze shifting between y/n, Hermione and Ron.
"We plan, we go there, all hell breaks lose." The dark haired man states, and neither of you have an argument, he was stating the plain truth.
"He's right– just one problem." Ron starts.
"Snape's headmaster now, we can't just walk through the front door."
Then there's a pause.
You can feel Hermione shivering against you, you swiftly wrap an arm around her, an attempt to keep her as close as possible.
"Well, then we'll go to Hogsmeade. To Honeydukes– take the secret passage." Harry offers a solution, and you nod in agreement.
"I think– there's something wrong with him–" He adds, and the three of you wait for Harry to explain.
"In the past, I've always been able to follow his thoughts– now everything just sort of feels disconnected." The dark haired man says, he adjusts the glasses on his face.
"Maybe it's the Horcruxes? Maybe he's growing weaker, maybe he's dying?" Ron suggests but Harry was quick to shake his head.
"No, it's more like he's wounded. If anything he feels more dangerous." Harry states plainly, and now you are shivering for an entirely different reason.
Hermione glances at you, as you exhange a look, you can't help but acknowledge that all too familiar sense of impotence as it looms over all of you.
The uncertainty and impending doom; it feels as though the more Horcruxes you uncover, the more uncertain the end seems.
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hoonfication · 2 years
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IN WHICH ! xiao, your boyfriend for three years suddenly breaks up with you through text and then leaves the country leaving you with no explanation at all
three years had passed and here you are, you tell yourself you're over him and you're way more happy without him until you've heard that he's back oh that's fine you guys aren't even gonna see each other anyway wrong.
seems like he's going to attend the same college as you and well you're just in luck turns out he's also your roommate
or in other words. . . maybe its a sign that you guys should restart again, who knows maybe two times a ch✶rm . . .
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— ❝ I don't even think that you care like I do ❞ ✦ a XIAO x gender neutral reader smau !
— WARNINGS ✶ swearing, cheating (?), mentions of alcohol, & kys jokes
— ♪ currently playing ❝ Let You Break My Heart Again ❞ ♫
꒰ ✿ means written parts ꒱
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✿ 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗳𝗶𝗹𝗲𝘀 — 𝗳𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗱 𝗴𝗿𝗼𝘂𝗽 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘆𝗲𝗮𝗿 / “𝘁𝗵𝗲𝘆 𝗱𝗼𝗻’𝘁 𝗯𝗶𝘁𝗲” 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝘆 𝗱𝗼. / 𝗲𝘅𝘁𝗿𝗮𝘀
— ❝ heaven knows I've tried ❞
✿ 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗹𝗼𝗴𝘂𝗲
𝟬𝟭 h h he’s back!?
𝟬𝟮 what if this was my last straw (✿)
𝟬𝟯 I moved on, leave me alone!
𝟬𝟰 rumors are everywhere
𝟬𝟱 new lover
𝟬𝟲 not bothered tbh
𝟬𝟳 happy for him ig (✿)
𝟬𝟴 dorm life era
𝟬𝟵 oh my god pls be fr (✿)
𝟭𝟬 i will kms
— ❝ one day, I will stop falling in love with you ❞
𝟭𝟭 moving in (✿)
𝟭𝟮 tension is in the air
𝟭𝟯 you wouldn’t mind, right? (✿)
𝟭𝟰 so awks
𝟭𝟱 thirdwheel (✿)
𝟭𝟲 no i am NOT jealous
𝟭𝟳 jaw on the floor (✿)
𝟭𝟴 unexpected trio (✿)
𝟭𝟵 project over
𝟮𝟬 let’s go out as in a date (✿)
𝟮𝟭 are we abt to kiss rn
𝟮𝟮 just the two of us (✿)
𝟮𝟯 oh. (✿)
— ❝ some day, someone will like me like I like you ❞
𝟮𝟰 fucked up (✿)
𝟮𝟱 mission; avoid him at all cost
𝟮𝟲 let me come over pls
𝟮𝟳 drinks and feelings (✿)
𝟮𝟴 false hope
𝟮𝟵 we need to talk
𝟯𝟬 im sorry (✿)
𝟯𝟭 no more hoes
— ❝ then of course I'll let you break my heart again ❞
𝟯𝟮 stop lying (✿)
𝟯𝟯 cheaters can’t complain
𝟯𝟰 apocalypse (✿)
𝟯𝟱 let’s talk this out please (✿)
𝟯𝟲 I’ll think about it
𝟯𝟳 truth unfold (✿)
— ❝ some day, one day I will stop falling in love with you ❞
𝟯𝟴 is he flirting (✿)
𝟯𝟵 he wants u
𝟰𝟬 date night (✿)
𝟰𝟭 mixed signals (✿)
𝟰𝟮 he moved OUT?? (✿)
— ❝ until I do, I'll be thinking of you ❞
𝟰𝟯 he's leaving AGAIN
𝟰𝟰 give it
𝟰𝟱 oh em gee ganyu
𝟰𝟲 why r u like this (✿)
𝟰𝟳 ok u guys can stop kissing now.. (✿)
𝟰𝟴 let you break my heart again.
𝟱𝟬 happy ever after or not 😈 (✿)
what if the reader ended up w/ ALBEDO instead?
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✶ english is not my first language so pls don’t be so hard on me
✶ I’ll try to update frequently :D
✶ I’ll add you in the taglist! just ask! 🫶
✶ and here for the playlist of the smau created by the wonderful jellyfish anon
# TAGLIST — ✶ @thefandomcrow @sakiimeo @swivy123 @zappybatz @motherscrustytoenailclippings @chsyug @erisan01 @lylovw @scarletttcroww @retiredmommylover @sukunasrealgf @onmywaytoteyvat @mjtalksaboutanything @chronicfic @otomegame-oneshots @yukisluv @urdads @yuminako @etaerealboy @xxblackroses623xx @starringyau @dexocore @grvngexiao @tamikahoshiko @xoyumiqls @mechanicalbeat1 @ixromzi @lemo-nadde @moon-z0ne @articmaskeddemon @luvrzan @cayl33n @cupiro @lxkeeeee @rin-nyrasti-writes @nambii @livelaughlovekuni @quackimilktea @maxineshearts @yelleloww @chalksdreams @plinkuro @fangygf
[ bold means I can’t tag you ! ]
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© hoonfication 2023, please do not copy, steal, and translate
752 notes · View notes
the great war
Theodore Nott xfem!reader
part of the midnights collection
December 31st, 1998
Dear Diary,
So much has happened, I don’t know where to start.
The past month has been eventful, to say the least. As far as the Horcrux hunt goes, the boys managed to destroy two of them, almost one month ago, and Hermione thinks they’ll be going to Hogwarts by the end of January. 
Hogwarts has been shut down, unofficially; classes have stopped and the only ones staying there are the teachers and the students who have nowhere else to go. Professor Lupin said that most of the muggleborns have fled the country with their families.
I worry about the boys going back there, especially now, it isn’t safe with Snape as Headmaster and the Carrows there. They shouldn’t be going there alone.
The attacks against muggleborns and muggles, are more frequent now than ever. There is a station on the radio, spreading news and updating the supporters of the Order.
From what we’ve been hearing, things aren’t going as well as we’d like them to. Moody says that, even if we destroy the Horcruxes and kill Voldemort, there will still be so many Death Eaters and werewolves left and they will try to continue his work.
Not to mention, the politicians who secretly support him. It just feels like no matter what we do, they will still keep appearing. So how will it ever end? 
You feel panic creeping up on you again, and you stop for a moment, laying your head on top of your desk, hoping that if you shut your eyes, you will forget everything for just a few seconds. But you don’t. Instead you decide to focus on something else and you continue writing.
Andromeda Black has been visiting us, her husband is also fighting and her daughter moved in with us. And, in case it wasn't clear, she is Dracos aunt. I think she wants to fix their relationship, Narcissa and Andromeda were close growing up and from the way she talks about her sister I can tell how much she misses her.
Draco is the only person tying her to her sister- and her old family. I am sure she is proud of him. Proud of all of them.
We, have also grown closer to them, it is ridiculous to think how every time I’d stumble across Pansy Parkinson at school, I would feel anxious over the things she would say to me, but now- now we laugh together almost every night.
We all sit together and talk about school and our past, but only about the good stuff. Pansy makes fun of Theo and Draco, and how difficult they were back at school. How Draco would constantly talk about Harry when they sat in their common room. 
She remembers how one time, Blaise invented a drinking game, where every time that Draco would mention Harry, they would take a shot of whatever alcohol they had. She woke up with a pounding headache the next morning next to Theo who looked sick and Blaise who had gone to the bathroom at least three times.
And worst of all, Draco was sober and kept on blabbering about quidditch and how unfair it was that “undisciplined-Potter” won almost at every game.
Pansy told us the other day that even if things go terribly and we all die, at least she made girl-friends and didn’t end up alone with a whiny Draco and a moody Theo- her words not mine.
Theo and I have also grown close this past month. After the last time I wrote you, he visited me in my room and asked if he could sleep here. I let him in and turned the rug by my bed into a mat. Anyway, he slept there that night, and the next one and everynight after that.
He says he doesn’t get nightmares anymore, he feels safe now; and he can fall sleep easier. And to be honest, I have also been sleeping better, ever since that night. It isn’t only easier for me to fall asleep, but when I wake up I feel safe, and I can calm down faster than when I am on my own. 
I didn’t realize how much I craved to be near someone until Theo started sleeping here, how easier it gets when you have someone by your side. 
He usually knocks on my door a few minutes before midnight, we lay in our beds and talk until one of us falls asleep. 
He is kind and funny, and if it weren’t for the War I could fall we could be more than housemates-who-can’t-sleep-by-themselves and-need-eachother. But, we could die at any moment and living in a fantasy will not help me; and neither will getting my hopes up over nothing. 
We spent Christmas morning together, we woke up very early, and those who were not on a mission were still asleep. He made us spiked-hot chocolate, and we exchanged Christmas stories, until the others woke up.
That morning he told me about his childhood and how he would spend Christmas with the Malfoys, because his father didn’t want him around.
He asked me about my childhood and I told him about visits at the Burrow, and that one year when I spent Christmas at Hogwarts; raiding the kitchen with the students who were also there; and then listening to Hagrid’s stories at night.
Last week, I think the day after Boxing Day, I heard him talking in his sleep. Usually, he is the one to wake me up, whenever I have a nightmare, but that day the opposite happened. 
He was thrashing in his sleep and mumbling words that I can’t remember, he told me once that he dreams of Blaises death. I woke him up and
You raise your head and look outside your window as you recall that night. 
You were on your knees next to him, desperately trying to wake him up. Tears were dropping on his cheek and he kept grunting as if he was in physical pain; you shook his shoulder hard enough that he woke with a deep sigh.
The look on his face haunts you to this day, it is something you never want to see again. You lightly grabbed his face and whispered “It was only a dream.”, but he didn’t seem to believe you. He looked at you in silence, and grabbed your wrist, willing you to stay there with him and not move.
After a few minutes, he let you go and whispered “I am sorry.”, you could have just gone back to your bed, he was fine, he had snapped out of it. But you felt something tugging at your chest, and you just couldn’t let go.
You grabbed your blanket from your bed and draped it over you, as you laid down at his makeshift bed. He was nervous at first, at how different this was, from your usual sleeping situation, but after a few seconds he laid next to you and guided you to rest your head on his shoulder, while he kept you close with his arms.
You slept in each others arms that night, but when the morning came you woke up alone with only his scent there to hug you.
You never spoke about that night, and you still pretend it never happened…
In a few hours it will be new years day. 1999. I feel numb, it almost doesn’t feel real. Time is moving and the world is changing, every day, but I feel stuck. I am stuck inside this house and in this war that no-one asked for.
I keep losing people and I can’t see how that is ever going to change. I just hope, wish, that the War ends this year, and the new millennia doesn’t start with violence and death. Is it selfish to also wish that I make it out alive, without losing anyone else that I love?
You hear a knock on your door and quickly hide your diary. “Come in.”, you say and the door opens to reveal Theo in his usual sweatshirt, holding his pillow with an apologetic smile.
It is the same look he has every night, he told you once that he feels awful for burdening you like this, and as he tried to leave your room you stopped him “I want you here, it helps me too.”, you explained and he laid back down.
“Hi.” You say softly and move to your bed. 
You both lay down, you on your bed and he in his; but you are both on your sides, facing eachother.
“Theo?”, you softly ask and he replies with a “mm”
“Do you think it will end?”
“The war or the world?”, he asks yawning
“Yes.” , he replies softly
“Which one?”
“Both.”, he says as he rests his head on his head and looks up at you “I just don’t know, which of the two, we’ll get to experience.”
“What will you do, if you survive the war?”, you ask, wanting to change the subject before a full blown existential crisis hits you, minutes before the new year.
“It depends.”, he says seriously 
“On what?”
“In your scenario, will you also have survived the war?”
“I hope so.”, you say with a laugh
“Well then, there is this house that I used to visit, with my parents, when my mother was still alive”, he quickly tells you “It is in the countryside and the healers said that it would be good for her health, to live away from the city.” 
“I would go there, and you should come with me.” He says and earns a surprised look form you
“You can see the stars from there, very clearly, because it is so far away from the city lights”, he begins describing in a way that tells you that, this house and perhaps the memories he has from there are significant to him.
“And it is by the coast, so you can sit by the beach and forget about anything that troubles you. And it has a huge library, with so many books, you would love it there.”, he finishes, and you can tell by his movements and the way his eyes stare into yours, that he is getting tired as each minute passes. 
“Mmm sounds nice.”, you reply slowly
“What about you?”, he asks then
“Hm, if I survive this war and you are still alive I’ll make you take me to that house, because now I am curious to see it.”, you say smiling, earning a smile back from him “You don’t go there anymore?” 
“No, my father couldn’t visit it; after my mother passed, it reminded him of her.”
“Do you remember her? Your mom?”, you wonder
“No, not really. I remember she was kind and quiet. Maybe it is better she died, I don’t think she would’ve survived this war.”, he says now with a hint of nostalgia in his words
“You never talk about your parents.”, he points out, not in an accusing manner, but curious.
“Yeah, I- miss them, too much. I- it hurts talking about them.”, you say and it is true.
Whenever you think of your parents questions are shot at you; Are they okay? Are they safe? Will I ever see them again? It is easier to try and forget about them; for now, until it is safe for them to be with you again.
“It is almost midnight.”, Theo says, snapping you out of your thoughts
“It is almost new year.”, you exclaim “Come here, for the countdown.”, you ask craving the feel of someone near you.
He lays on your bed, facing you still, and instinctively he grabs your hands in his as he looks at you; opening himself to you, letting his emotions and thoughts show. Letting you see them.
“Will you really take me to your lake house if we make it out alive?”, you ask half-jokingly
“It’s a beach house. And yes.”, he replies seriously 
“Then I will stay alive for that.”, you promise him. You will stay alive because the world is worth saving, you will stay alive because he gives you hope and something to look forward.
You will stay alive for yourself and the people you love, but also for him. The sound of fireworks snap you out of your thoughts.
The New Year has officially come. And the person you are spending this moment with is Theodore Nott, how could anyone ever prepare you for this moment?
What could they say to convince you that someday, you would lay in your bed with Theodore Nott, exchanging happy new year wishes and laying bare your souls to eachother. Exposing every dark thought and worry, opening your hands to receive the other persons concerns and fears.
“Happy new year.”, he tells you
“Happy new year.”, you wish back and look at his face more clearly now. You notice his eyes and how easily you can lose yourself in them, and you stare at his lips as if they are the medicine to cure your symptoms. Bring you back to life.
“Theo.”, you say; barely whispering 
“Yes.”, he replies in the same tone, now looking at you like he can read your thoughts. His eyes scan your face, expectantly, wanting. As if he is starved.
His look is enough for you to lean in and whisper to him, when your lips are a breath away “For good luck. For the New Year”
And with that you close the gap between you two. He slowly closes his eyes and grabs the back of your head carefully with his free hand, pulling you closer to him. You place your hand on his shoulder, resting your body on him.
The way his lips kiss yours feels like a drug. This alone, is worth fighting for. To be able to kiss him, like this. And it is solely because when you kiss eachother, it feels as if a weight is lifted off your chest, as if his hands help you carry the stone to top of the mountain.
Normally, you would blame yourself for being weak; you should be able to handle things by yourself, you shouldn’t need others to survive, that is what your mind would normally tell you, and yes normally you would agree. But there is nothing normal about this life you are currently living.
So you keep kissing him and when his mouth travels south to your neck, causing you to let out a small sigh you don’t stop him.
“For good luck.” he repeats as he takes off your shirt and kisses your skin.
“For good luck.” you repeat as you pepper kisses along his jaw and neck, while he tugs at your hips to remove the rest of your clothing.
And, later when you lay together with your clothes discarded on the floor, with his arms around you; holding you impossibly close to him and his breath fanning rhythmically in your ear, tickling you softly, you try to convince yourself that it was in fact just for good luck.
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A/N: feedback and criticism are appreciated and needed ⭐️🤍 This will be continued this has been poorly proofread so, I am deeply sorry for the mistakes 🫣
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cjsoleil · 4 months
Straight from the Tortured Poets Department (Bang Chan x Reader)
Summary: It’s 1964 and Chan is well aware of his place in the world, and it is not with some upper class girl who’s way out of his league. That doesn’t stop either of them from falling in love.
Authors note: Sorry I haven’t updated for so long, I hope that this will make up for it. This is part one of a two part story. No warnings for this one, but part two will have smut. Anyways, get ready for some poetry, Taylor Swift references and overuse of the word babydoll. (Unrelated but Ateez Golden Hour is so so so amazing, I’m obsessed)
Update: here is part two
“Rich folk.” The man comments as he walks around the rich part of town. Looking around at the pillers of houses and multiple cars in the driveway, he whistles, “With a fence around every tree.” He kicks the metal bars around a tree lightly, the sound startling a few birds. He doesn’t end up in this neighborhood that often, but sometimes he zones out during his walks and finds himself here. That, or he is too busy running away from an angry shopkeeper or a policeman to focus on where he is going. He’s about to turn around to make his way back to town as he’s not welcomed by the upper class, but a little something catches his eye first. ‘I guess I can take a detour.’
Laying with her back on the soft grass of her backyard, Y/N takes in the warmth of the sun. Much more pleasant than the blinding white light of the hospital. After a long year, she finally got to come back to her home after exam season. It’s the very first beginning of May and she will not have to go back to school until September. She is happy to be back home, she lives in a more upscale neighborhood and is oftentimes left by her lonesome as her parents work all day. It doesn’t bother her. Her neighbors, Jongho and Seungmin, pay her visits frequently. They’re sweet and younger than her by some years. She answered all their questions about school, how long she would be back and whatever else they wanted to know.
The light breeze makes the wind chimes let out a lovely tune and she sighs. Nothing could ruin the serenity that she has built for herself.
Well, maybe it would be if she noticed that she was being watched. The metal fence surrounding the backyard is small, only reaching Chan’s hip. He admires the girl, viewing her as Persephone in her garden. It nearly feels criminal for him to even look at her. For a moment, he considers speaking to her but forces himself to take a step back instead. It nearly hurts him physically. Looking at her house, he sighs before leaving the neighborhood he is unwelcomed in. He’ll have to leave properly meeting her up to the cosmos.
Taking a nice walk is one of Y/N’s favourite ways to pass the time. She will walk to town and visit the bakery, florist and the pet store. The girl has always wanted a dog and oftentimes leaves food and water dishes out for the strays. Unfortunately, not many people are as caring as her. Hearing a crashing sound coming from the alley she is walking past, Y/N peers over and sees a few men her age throwing rocks and trash at a dog.
“Excuse me!” She announces herself with a steady voice. Once the men face her though, her sudden bravery disappears, “Um.. please don’t do such things…” her voice trails off and she shrinks into herself as their gazes become predatory. At least the dog ran off at this point.
“Well, aren’t you pretty broad?” One guy steps forward into her personal space, “I can tell we will have a good time.”
While Y/N can be stupid, she is smart enough to not stay around to figure out what he means. Within two seconds she is running down the street. Dreadfully, she can hear footsteps close behind. After running long enough to feel the burn in her legs, she reached a dead end in some alley. With nowhere else to turn, Y/N presses her back to the brick wall trapping her. Heart racing, she stares wide eyed as the men creep closer to her.
“Now, that’s no way to treat a lady.” The man closest to Y/N turns around, and is instantly punched by the new person to appear. Y/N watches the stranger as he beats the three men that chased her. She is not used to seeing much violence, but the way the stranger moves reminds her of a dance. Almost organized although chaotic. And he’s so handsome. His jawline is sharp and his biceps bulge in the confinement of his leather jacket. His clothes are dirty and his onyx hair is messy, but she finds it adds to her attraction to him. Oh, god forbid her father learns about her thoughts. After a few minutes, the stranger allows the bloody men to retreat, watching with a threatening gaze as they leave. When he faces the girl, it’s like the flame has been doused, as he looks softly at her.
“You alright, babydoll?” Ignoring the blush that comes from the nickname, Y/N nods. “I-yes. Yes I am, thank you. Are you?” Stepping closer to him, she notices his knuckles are bleeding. Without a second thought she grabs his hand and examines it, “You’re bleeding.”
“It’s nothing.”
“No it’s not. You’re bleeding because of me. Allow me to take care of you.” Guilt overcomes Y/N. Even with the knowledge that he must have been a number of fights to be able to handle himself so well.
“Doll, it’s fine. I can’t feel a thing.”
“I insist.” She is firm on her stance and starts to walk out of the alleyway, “Come along now.” And like a loyal dog, the man follows. She leads them to a little store that Chan has never stepped foot into, which is a good thing. He would hate to be recognized by a shopkeeper and be called a criminal in front of a girl he will soon be going out with. It’s weird, Chan has never felt an instant pull like this towards anything. Such a strong feeling of need. He felt it the first time he saw her and it only becomes more intense with every word she says.
When she’s buying the bandages, he is bashful. Keeping his head down as the girl thanks the cashier. Afterwards, she leads him to a empty bench nearby. All while Chan ensures that he is along the outside of the sidewalk.
“So what’s your name?” Y/N asks as she starts to wrap his right hand. He completely forgot he never introduced himself.
“I’m Y/N.” She finishes bandaging his hand but doesn’t bother wrapping up the other one since it was barely bleeding. Chan flexes his right hand, “You did this really well.”
“I would hope so. I'm a nursing student.” Y/N laughs, “I’m here on my break for a few months, but I go to school towns away.” She lets go of him and Chan hums a melodic sound. “So you’re smart aren’t you?” He smiles, crossing his arms, “Too smart to be wasting time with a guy like me.”
“What is that supposed to mean?” Chan simply shakes his head with a smile, standing up and offering his arm to the girl. Y/N grasps the crook of his elbow and he leads them out to the sidewalk.
“Nothing.” The man looks up at the sky. It's only mid afternoon and bright outside. He’s surprised Y/N nearly got attacked in daylight, “Just- if I were to ask you to waste your day with me, would you say yes?” She smiles, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear.
“As a matter of fact, I would. But what would we do?” Chan stands up, wearing a handsome grin on his face.
“Go on a little adventure. You in?” He holds out his hand to her and it only takes a second for Y/N to take it.
They end up wandering through a park, Y/N admiring the flowers as Chan admires her. Y/N has gotten a closer look at Chan and noticed that his clothes are stained and he has a few light scars on his hands and a faded one on his neck. She wonders how many fights Chan has got in, he doesn’t seem like a very violent person. Even when he was beating up those men. Chan is older than Y/N by a few years, him being twenty five and her twenty. He does many odd job, but works as a bartender. Chan refrained from telling her he makes shit from it since he lives above the bar for next to nothing.
“So Chan, is there any reason you asked me to spend the day with you?” She’s holding onto Chan’s arm with one of her hands, unconsciously rubbing her fingertips on the creases of his leather jacket.
“There is.” The man leads them towards a water fountain and they sit down on the edge, “I wander and strain to hear the movement of the stars above our encounter and what if you are to be my fate..” Chan finishes the verse with a smile, “The Encounter by Vladimir Nabokov.” Y/N is left in a state of bewilderment from Chan’s words.
“I did not take you as the type to know, well, any poetry.” Letting out an awkward laugh, Y/N looks down at her Mary Jane’s. Chan isn’t offended, he is rough around the edges and appears much more feral than he is.
“I always have. The poem was written for Nabokov’s wife hours after he met her.” He lifts Y/N’s head up with a gentle hold on her chin, “Maybe you are to be my fate. I think so. ” Y/N doesn’t notice that he said that as if he’s seen her before today.
“Why is that?” The girl smiles softly and Chan pulls away from her, dipping his hand in the fountain.
“I am heaven strucked.” He said the words so quietly, Y/N didn’t even hear them. And before Y/N can question him more, Chan lifts his unbandaged hand and flicks water on her. He laughs when he sees her flinch.
“Rude.” Forming a cup with her hands, she scoops up some water and quickly pours it on Chan’s head. To retaliate, Chan splashes her and Y/N shouts slightly as she stands, grabbing the attention of a few others at the park. The man pays them no mind as gets up.
“Let’s get outta here doll. I think I saw a candy shop nearby.”
And that continues throughout the week. Y/N will run into Chan while she is out and about and they will go do something together. Chan walks her home since her parents are out of town for a month. Not that Y/N is ashamed of Chan being her friend, but her parents are rather protective. Especially when it comes to boys. It explains why she has never been on a date before. Chan found it funny when she told him that.
“Isn’t that what we’re doing babydoll?”
“No, we have to be a couple to be dating.” He leaned closer to her at that moment, the corner of his lips curved up in a smirk, “And what would I have to do to make that happen?” After watching her struggle for a few moments, he placed a quick kiss on her cheek.
“You’d have to meet my parents.” Y/N finally answered and Chan’s smile had faltered. Y/N didn’t know that it was because Chan believed that he would not be approved of.
“Hello Channie.” Y/N greets the man with a grin on her face, resting her hand on the doorframe of the front door.
“Hey pretty girl.” Chan reaches out and twirls a stray lock of hair around his finger, “I like your hair up. You should style it like this more.” Y/N makes sure to remember that.
“What are you doing here?”
“We’re going to that old movie you mentioned yesterday.”
“Old yeller? You’ll really go with me.” He shrugs.
“ As long as you’re happy, doll.” Y/N blushes. He has to stop saying things like that before she completely burns up. She looks past Chan’s shoulder and sees a car. A white thunderbird.
“I borrowed it from a friend.” It was easy to convince Changbin to lend him the car. He simply explained he needed it for a pretty dame.“Ah okay.” She steps out, closing and locking the door behind her, “I will enjoying seeing you cry.” “I’m not going to cry.” Chan opens the passenger door for her.
“You are.”
“Told you.” “Shut up.” Y/N grins and leans across the console, wiping Chan’s tears. “How are you fine?” Y/N shrugs.
“I read the book, so I was prepared. Don’t worry, I was much more of a wreck than you are now.” She tries to place a firm kiss on his cheek but he moves his head, so she ends up kissing the corner of his lips. After pulling away she bashfully looks out the window and avoids eye contact.
“I’d love to have a dog.” Chan says out of nowhere, “As long as I didn’t have to kill ‘em like in the movie.” He shivers at the thought, “I have a name picked out and everything.”
“Oh really, what is it?”
“Berry.” He fakes an offended expression when Y/N laughs, “ What? It works for a boy or girl.”“No, it’s cute.” The next movie of the night starts but neither of them care to pay attention, “So a dog named Berry. What else do you see in your future?”
“You.” His answer is instant, and Y/N’s face turns red. The air in the thunderbird becomes thicker and she just noticed how close Chan really is to her.
“Yeah.” He hesitates for a moment, but leans closer to her. Eyes closed, Y/N feels Chan’s lips barely brush against hers. Her mouth parts and just as Chan is about to kiss her, a scream makes both of them jump. It’s only one of the characters on the screen but the moment is already ruined.
“Hey I’m- I’m gonna go grab a soda. Be right back.”
“Wait.” He shoved a five dollar bill in her hands. Much more than enough
“Thank you.” She quickly gets out of the car. Groaning, he rests his head on the steering wheel. It’s not like him to be so down bad for someone, but he’s starting to feel like he might as well just die if he doesn’t have the girl.
Y/N actually did want something to drink so it’s not like she was lying. She got a coke for Chan too. Hopefully the rest of the night won’t be awkward. Just as she is about to leave, she hears someone call her name.
“Y/N? That you?” Turning around, she sees San, a boy she went to go to high school with.
“San!” She exclaims, giving him a hug the best she can with her hands occupied, “Lovely seeing you, how’s school?”
“Going good. You?”
“It’s just fine.” He looks down at the two cups in her hands.
“Now, who are you here with?” Y/N has always admired how straight forward he is.
“My friend.”
“Who, someone from school?”
“No no.” San suddenly smirks, making her confused, “Why are you-“
“Hello baby.”
Arms wrapped around Y/N’s waist, she feels herself being pulled against a man’s chest. Blood rushes to her face and San doesn’t have to speak for her to know he’s teasing her. She’s so embarrassed she barely registers Chan taking one of the cup’s from her hand.
“Hey man.” San greets, a knowing glint in his eye, “Miss.Y/N here was just telling me about you. Choi San.”
“Chan.” He sounds pleasant, but Y/N can feel the tension in the older man’s chest, “How do you know my girl?”
My girl. The words echo in Y/N’s ears. Her heart flutters at the meer thought of being Chan’s.
“We- we went to school together.” Y/N says softly as Chan rubs his thumb just above the waist line of her skirt.
“It’s cool Chan.” San smiles, “I’m not into your lady like that. Just friends. I’ll see you around Y/N, let’s catch up sometime.”
“Of course.” San walks away and Chan holds Y/N’s free hand with his own.
“Let’s go.” He starts to lead her outside.
“Were you nervous around San?” Y/N asks him, earning a confused glance from Chan, “You were all tensed up.” Shaking his head, he grins.“No. Not that.” Y/N thinks about it for another second, before she grins. “You were jealous weren’t you?” He laughs, “What, you were getting ready to beat the man?”
“Only if he touched you again.” Y/N tsks as the get inside the car.
“We’re old friends. Besides, you shouldn’t be so quick to pick a fight.” She grabs Chan’s hand and lifts it while resting her elbow on the middle console, “Look at these scars. That’s all fighting is gonna get you. You’re gonna break something.”
“Isn’t that why I have you, Nurse Y/N? To fix me?” She sighs, putting down their arms.
“I will try my best too.” Chan reaches over and cups the nape of her neck.
“You’ve been doing pretty good so far.” He doesn’t elaborate on how she makes him want to better himself. Become someone worthy of her time.
If Y/N heard his thoughts, she would be quick to deny. Chan does not have to change in any way.
When the movie ends, Chan drives Y/N back to her house. He walks her to the door, but the girl doesn’t make a move to go inside. She faces Chan and grabs one of his hands.
“So.” She starts, face heating up, “Am I your girl?” Chan seems confused fora second, before he lets out a small laugh.
“Yeah babydoll.” Placing his hands on her waist, he pulls her closer to him, “As long as I’m your man.” Instead of answering with words, Y/N takes a tiny step forward. Hands on Chan’s shoulders, she leans up on her tiptoes.
“What about your parents?” Chan whispers, glancing at the house they’re infront of, “I thought you wanted me to meet them first.”
“I don’t care anymore.” Wrapping her arms around his neck, Y/N sighs, “I only want you, my dear.” The endearment makes Chan lose all sense of self control he had. He kisses her softly at first, to give her the feel of it. Odds are he’s her first kiss. The thought makes his hold on her waist tighten, as if she will fly away if he doesn’t.
Tilting his head, he deepens their kiss, running his tongue over her lower lip. Y/N could swear he moaned a bit. When Chan pulls away, Y/N sees that his face is flushed and he smiles shyly. Cute. Y/N steps away from the man and quickly unlocks the front door. Stepping inside, she turns to the other.
“Goodnight Chan.”
“Night doll.”
“Sorry this isn’t so fancy.” Chan apologizes to Y/N as she looks around the diner. As much as he would love to bring her to a nicer place, he simply can’t afford to.
“Oh it’s charming.” The diner is small and quaint. Very colourful too. The booth they sit at is baby blue and the stools at the front are bright red. The large windows give them a view outside. Specifically of a couple birds hopping around and looking for crumbs, “Just like you.” Getting Chan flustered is one of her favourite hobbies Y/N decided, much to Chan’s dismay. He lifts up the menu to cover his face, making her laugh.
Y/N takes a forkful off her cake, chocolate of course, and holds it across the table up to Chan’s lips. He instantly opens his mouth and takes the bite of the desert. It would normally be a little sweet for his tastes, but he has a newfound fondness for sweet things.
“Are you sure you don’t want anything else?” He swallows and shakes his head.
“All good here.” He looks past Y/N’s shoulder, “Wait one sec.” Chan gets up and Y/N watches as he makes his way to the jukebox at the back wall. He flips through the records until he finally decides on one. Can’t help falling in love with you plays throughout the diner.
When he is infront of Y/N, he dramatically bows with one arm at his back, the other wrapped around his front.
“May I have this dance, Y/N?” She has to conceal a laugh at how serious he sounds. He barely ever uses her name, preferring to go for a nickname ever since they first met.
“Here?” Y/N looks around. The diner is mostly empty, but she still finds it embarrassing to do such things in public. When Chan urges her by holding out his hand, she takes the last bite of her cake before accepting it. Chan pulls her up and puts her hand on his shoulder, his own going to her waist. Their free hands are held up and linked. Chan starts to lead her into a dance.
“My my Channie, where did you learn to dance?”
“I picked up a few things throughout the years.” He spins her and when he brings Y/N back to him, she rests her head against his shoulder.
“Are you moving back here when you’re done school?” Chan asks after a few quiet moments. Y/N lifts her head and looks at him.
“I don’t really have any other choice.” Their swaying slowly now, not acknowledging the song change, “Everything is here. My house, my family, you.” She says the last word quietly. Chan pulls her closer to his chest and lets go of her hand to hold her waist.
“I’d follow you anywhere.” Y/N laughs at how outrageous he is.
“This is our first date.”
“First of many.” Chan rebutted and Y/N would be lying if she protested.
“You’re such a romantic, Chan dear.”
“I can be even more romantic.” He gestures to the door, “Let’s get out of here.”
Chan leads her to a somewhat small hill and holds her hand as they start walking up it. Once they get to the top, they sit down on the grass under a cherry blossom tree.
“I’ve been looking for a job.” Chan breaks the silence, leaning his head back against the trunk of the tree, bark slightly digging into his scalp.
“I thought you already had one.”
“I need a better one.” He sighs, “The one I have pays shi-“ He stops himself, “Now that I have you, it’s not enough anymore. It barely was to start with.” Y/N hums.
“I’m happy for you.” She thinks of his words for another second, confusion growing, “What do you mean ‘now that I have you’?”
“You’re mine, are you not?”
“You know that’s not what I mean.” Chan lifts his head and looks at her properly.
“Babydoll, as of now it’s my job to take care of you. Provide for you. I don’t want your life to be less than you deserve just because you chose to be with me-“
“Hold it.” Y/N slaps her hand against Chan’s mouth, “If you think I’ll be any less happy with you, you're truly mistaken. Money has nothing to do with that.” She moves her hand and Chan stares at her for a second, before he grins a boyish smile.
“Still. I don’t want to be jumping people for twenty bucks just so I can take you on a date.”
“You rob people?” It shouldn’t be surprising, but Chan’s personality doesn’t come off as someone who looks to fight. Chan looks amused though.
“I’m not a great person, doll.” Y/N thinks for a moment, not really minding if Chan steals or robs. It’s what some people have to do.
“Tell me every terrible thing you ever did and let me love you anyways.” Upon hearing the quote, Chan smiles. He leans over and kisses her cheek before wrapping his arm around her. “That would take too long.” Y/N leans her head down on his shoulder, “Besides, I’m leaving all that behind me.” Become as amazing as you are. He doesn’t say the words, but lets the thought linger. Chan would change himself a hundred times over to be what Y/N should have.
“Speaking of leaving…” Y/N starts, tugging at the bottom of Chan’s jacket, “I’m leaving town at the end of summer. You’ll- you’ll wait for me, won’t you?”
Chan doesn’t answer. He lifts Y/N’s head up and cups her face, bringing his head down to kiss her. It’s not nearly as soft as the first time, making both of them lose their breath.
“We already established you’re mine.” He whispers between kisses, “I’m yours.” He kisses her neck, making Y/N shiver from the unfamiliar contact, “I’d wait for years if I needed to. You’re my fate, remember?” Another kiss on her neck.
“Yeah.” A large hand is placed on her thigh as Chan starts to nip at her neck, free hand tangling into her hair. Suddenly, the chirping of nightingales and the sounds of crickets disappears and all there is, is Chan.
It’s not until his hand rides a little higher, does Y/N come back to reality. She flinches and grabs Chan’s hand, making him pull away. Before she can talk, Chan starts apologizing.
“I’m sorry.” “No it’s-“ “It’s not okay. It’s unacceptable. I’m sorry.” Silence fills the air around them for a few moments. Chan didn’t mean to get carried away. Y/N just makes him a little out of control, though that gives no excuse.
“I can help you. Look for a job, I mean.” Chan’s happy for any break of their awkward silence.
“Yeah. If that’s what you want.”
“Thanks babydoll.”
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soft-mafia · 10 months
Buzzsaw [Buggy x Reader]
Part 1: Introductions, Troublesome Girl
warnings: fem reader, oc insert, slow burn, age gap mention(reader is 20), blood/injury, reference to violence and murder, set before the events of One Piece, not completely proof read
a/n: I decided to go through with the idea of making my own series since I’ve been inspired by all of the fics others have made! I hope you guys like this loollll I’ll try to make sure to update as frequently as possible. Also there’s this part where Y/n introduces herself with her last name first, I only did that because in OP a lot of the characters do that too. Tbh I don’t think I’ll continue this if you guys don’t like it😭so please feel free to send in any opinions or critiques!! (This fic is about anime/manga Buggy btw)
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“What do we think, boys?” Buggy asked as his men kneeled down next to the unconscious body of a woman. She was still breathing, but was bleeding out slowly. Her clothes were drenched in blood, more noticeable on her white coat.
“She’s loosing a lot of blood. Should we take her back to the ship?” One of his crew members asked.
Buggy squinted, rubbing his stubbled chin for a moment as he looked up in thought, “Hmmm..” he looked back down at the woman.
“Oh what the hell, I am feeling a bit generous today.” Buggy said before kneeling down to gently pick her up. She was light, extremely light, he knew that she had to get medical attention fast before she died.
“What the hell was she even doing out here anyway?” Cabaji questioned, “This island is desolate, there’s no town here and judging by her clothes it doesn’t look like she’s apart of a tribe of some sort.”
“It is a bit peculiar. We can ask her questions once she gets fixed up.. well erm, if she doesn’t die on us, that is.” Buggy looked down at the girl in his arms. [H/c] hair fell over her face, her lips slightly parted, there was blood dripping down her face from a head wound. Buggy held her firmly in his arms, carrying her back to the ship.
When she awoke, her head was pounding. The smell of musk and sea air filled her nose and made her cringe upon consciousness.
Faint sounds of seagulls could be heard from outside. She sat up and looked around; she was in a dingy make-shift nurses office, but all of her wounds were perfectly bandaged and wrapped up.
She swung her legs over the side of the cot, then looked around some more until she caught the glimpse of a window. Where the hell am I? She stood and made her way towards the glass to look out at her surroundings; there wasn’t any land. “Shit..” she mumbled under her breath before stomping out of the room, wanting to get a better look at where the hell she was.
When she stepped out of the room she was met with a long corridor of other doors, but at the end of it was a bright tunnel of light that she followed. It led her to the main deck, she looked up, holding an arm over her eyes to block out the morning sun. The girl was met with a Jolly Roger with a big red dot where the nose should be. What the hell?
She ran over to the edge of the ship, putting her hands on the railing as she looked down at the sea, she saw her reflection in the water far below, her face was clean, and a huge bandage was placed on the right side of her hairline, where her injury once was. The girl looked out to the sea for a while longer, a small wave of relief fell over her, until she remembered what happened.
She stood there for a moment, her breathing shaky as it all played out in her mind once again, her hair blowing through the wind.
“Look who finally woke up! Sorry toots but we had to toss that coat of yours, there’s no way you’d be able to get all that blood out of it anyway.” A deep chuckle emerged from behind her, followed by creaking footsteps against the deck. The girl turned around to face the voice in both shock and surprise. She looked like a ghost at snuck up on her, making the man put his hands up innocently, “Sorry, sorry! Didn’t mean to sneak up on you.”
The man was tall, broad shoulders and an even broader torso; he practically casted a shadow upon her, making her feel slightly intimidated. The most noticeable feature about him though was right in the center of his face.
At first glance she thought it was fake, but the texture of it, and the fact that his nostrils molded into it made her eyes widen slightly.
“You should be thanking me, my crew found you basically half dead, if it wasn’t for us you’d probably be eaten by the crabs.” The man said, his voice was hoarse but deep, and has a menacing undertone. She looked into his eyes, a deep ocean green, his brow bone casted a shadow over them that just added to his chiseled features. Rough looking stubble painted his jaw.
She felt a warm feeling in her chest, she stood there in awe, not even realizing he was speaking.
“Hm?” The man grunted, confused by her lack of response.. she looked like a stunned possum, “Are you listening to me?!” He growled, “Stop staring at me like that and show some appreciation!! It’s rare for me to be so generous, especially to brats like you.”
“Oh- uh.. are you a pirate?” The girl finally spoke, slowly taking her arms off of the railing and turning her body towards him. The way she moved interested him, soft movements, but careful and wary, like a cat.
“I’m not just any pirate.” The man chuckled and crossed his arms, the sleeves of his red striped t-shirt squeezing against those muscular arms, “I’m Captain Buggy!” He said with a grin, surely this girl knew who he was. He was the most feared, flashy pirate around!
She just stared at him again, with those same big bug eyes. “Eh-.. Captain Buggy the pirate clown!” He frowned at her, narrowing his eyes a bit, “The flashiest, most feared pirate captain in all of the East Blue?!”
“I don’t-.. I don’t really follow pirate stuff.” She replied, making him grumble and press his palm to his forehead for a moment before looking down at her again, “Well remember the name because I’m the reason why you’re still alive! What the hell even happened to you anyway? What causes a little girl like yourself to just.. wind up on a desolate island, half dead?”
Buggy raised a brow as he noticed her demeanor change, she looked to the side nervously, suddenly becoming scared again before she whispered, “Buzzsaw.”
This made the clown’s eyes widen, “What?”
“I was.. kidnapped by Buzzsaw. Me and my friends.”
“Buzzsaw?! The serial torturer that not even the marines mess with?!” Buggy felt a cold chill run down his spine, “It’s rare for someone to survive a run in with him.. he’s gonna be coming after you y’know?”
“He killed all of them.” The girl said, looking back out at sea. Buggy was really starting to regret his decision of saving this girl.. “Your friends?” His voice cracked. What the hell was I thinking?! That maniac is going to come back looking for this girl and I don’t think I’m strong enough to take down someone like him!! Buggy panicked in his mind.
“When I escaped he- didn’t try to fight back. He just let me leave.” She whispered again, not actually speaking to Buggy, but she was trying to make sense of it all. Why did he let me leave?
“Yeah yeah that’s nice. Uh, where do you live exactly?” Buggy laughed nervously, clasping his hands together, “Just tell me, I’ll tell the navigator and you’ll be back home in no time to mommy and daddy!” He grinned, breaking a sweat.
“I can’t go back home.” She turned back towards him, “I have nothing left— I don’t have parents, and now that all of my friends are dead I have nothing.” Tears pooled in her waterline, making Buggy’s heart clench.
Don’t look at me with those eyes..!!
“Well um.. you can’t stay here.” Buggy swallowed, “Sorry kid, but I can’t have you here. You being here just put a huge target on my ship!”
“But you can protect me, can’t you? Like you said, you’re the most feared pirate ever. There’s no way Buzzsaw would come after me if I’m with you.”
Buggy cursed himself for trying to impress this girl moments ago.. Damn it!! Why did I say that!! “Umm. Yes, but.. as a captain I have the duty to keep my crew safe!!” He stood up straight, hands on his hips, “Sure, I can fend off that guy without a problem.. but my crew aren’t the sharpest tools in the toolbox y’know.”
“Then let me join your crew or something! Is there an application I can fill out?” The girl looked up at him again, stepping closer to him, a desperate plead in her voice. “Eh- err.. fine! Fine! You can be on cabin girl duty or whatever..” I need to get rid of this girl!!
“Cabin girl?! Isn’t that for kids?! I’m an adult!!”
“You’re so ungrateful!! You know I can just throw you overboard right?!” Buggy snarled, “You’re lucky I’m even letting you join my crew!”
Buggy and the girl glared at each other for a moment before she huffed and turned away, crossing her arms. “What’s your name, anyway?” Buggy grumbled out, looking her body up and down, Hmm. Not too bad.
“Y/n.” She replied, “L/n Y/n.”
“Do you know anything about being a pirate, Y/n?” Buggy asked her with a smirk. After a few days she’ll be begging to go back home, she looks so weak! She wouldn’t last a day on this crew, that’s a perfect way to get that Buzzsaw off my tail! “Not really. But you can teach me right?” Y/n looked up at him, still glaring, but her voice was soft with a hint of hopefulness. Buggy hummed and put a hand on his chin, “I suppose I could..” Just for now.. until she starts crying to be let off the ship.
Buggy then stepped beside of Y/n, wrapping an arm around her shoulder and holding her firmly to his side with a laugh, “Well here, let me give you a tour of the ship! And a run down of what you’ll be doing for me.”
Y/n couldn’t help but blush. He was so strong, and the way he held her.. she chewed on her bottom lip and looked down at the deck as he led her off, rambling about pirate stuff, but she wasn’t listening. Y/n’s mind began to wander as well, what was she going to do now? Was she going to spend the rest of her life as a pirate, hiding behind this captain for the rest of her life? She couldn’t get the blood curdling screams out of her head, the sound of her friends choking on their own blood, the haunting images of their mangled corpses.
“Are you listening?” Buggy interrupted Y/n’s train of thought. She blinked for a moment, then looked back up at him, “Huh?” She then looked at her surroundings. They were in the lower deck, crates stacked upon crates, some unopened, some not.
“Your first task is simple, take stock of every thing, make sure things are in the right boxes.. shouldn’t be too hard, right?” Buggy gave Y/n a firm pat on the back which nearly knocked her over. “What?! But there’s like a million boxes in here!! And I’m still injured!”
“Well in that case it looks like you’re gonna have a lot of work to do then, huh?” Buggy laughed before stepping out of the room, closing the door behind him and leaving Y/n to her own devices. That should do it! Surely she won’t be able to finish all of that so easily without a slip up.. and once she makes a mistake I can just kick her off at the next town without feeling like an asshole! Perfect!
The next day, Buggy walked down to the storage room, Cabaji and Mohji in tow behind him with a huge smirk on his face— but when he got there.. Y/n was asleep on top of one of the crates, everything looked clean and orderly. He then bent down to pick something up off the floor, “What’s this?” He grunted, squinting and looking at it as his eyes adjusted to the dark.
It was a clipboard, Y/n had written down each labeled box along with its components, “No way! No way she did this all by herself!! It’s impossible!!”
Buggy’s grumbling was interrupted by a scream from Mohji, then a loud thud as he fell to the floor.
“DON’T TOUCH ME!” Y/n shouted as she jolted awake. “I didn’t mean to wake you up!! I swear!!” The beast tamer scrambled to his feet, then brushed off dust from his chest.
Buggy stormed over to Y/n, “You- you did all of this?!” He pointed at the clip board.
Y/n rubbed her eyes, then took it from him, “Oh yeah, I did. I organized everything and took stock just like you asked.. how long was I asleep?”
Buggy grumbled and looked down at his wrist, “No idea..”
Y/n furrowed her brows, sitting up on her knees while watching Buggy as he checked his bare wrist as if he was wearing a watch, “What are you looking at?”
Buggy snorted softly when he realized what he was doing, he then jerked his fist down and then growled at Y/n, “That’s none of your concern!!!” He snapped before turning away, his coat swishing behind him flashily as he stomped out of the storage room.
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