#aphrodite sons
mugunghwarp · 2 years
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Idade: 25 anos.
Gênero: Feminino cis.
Qualidades: Intensa, carismática.
Defeitos: Autoritária, individualista.
Nacionalidade/Etnia: Americana/chinesa.
Temas de interesse: Todos.
Faceclaim: ngc1961 - instagrammer.
Twitter: MV98YY.
OOC: +18 ela/dela.
TW: Fotossensibilidade.
TW: Morte, violência, abuso, ausência parental, menção a tráfico.
Eun-ji havia se tornado mais uma vítima. Áquela altura, milhares, talvez até centenas de milhares de crianças eram cúmplices. As pessoas demoram a juntar as peças. Ou, pelo menos, fingem desde que as mulheres começaram a aparecer misteriosamente machucadas dentro de suas próprias casas. E quando a realidade enfim começa a vir á tona, o ciclo se repete. O número 0 daquela estatística se torna 1, e a contagem se reinicia. Ela nunca mais veria a mãe. E o monstro que a matou não era o mesmo tipo de monstro rosa e de pele tão macia quanto algodão, com o qual a mente de uma criança de oito anos podia lidar. Ele tinha um rosto humano, hálito alcoólico, e ela costumava chamá-lo de pai.
A prole exacerbada do sobrenome Kang a qual carregava poderia ser dito com perseverança para aqueles que ousassem se aproximar. Completamente alheia á realidade em que nasceu, ela fora criada para sobreviver sob o temor dos homens. Cresceu em um ambiente austero, com regras rígidas. O seu sobrenome não possuía valor algum quando mulher. Mas Yina não ficava contente quando outros recebiam o crédito por suas ações, então ela passou a fazer questão de sempre ser reconhecida. O seu temperamento oscilava conforme sua psicose. Os homens ao seu redor a humilhavam e em troca ela os assustava. Embora os alvos parecessem aleatórios e sua motivação fosse meramente criar baderna, seus atos sempre serviam para interromper brevemente algum tipo de assédio. Uma verdadeira gangue composta só por mulheres vítimas de abuso se formou, sempre á espreita, os sussurros de aviso para ficarem longe da líder ficavam cada vez mais altos. Embora, o intuito não fosse pregar somente justiça, e sim medo. É nesse cenário que se esconde um grande contrabando de drogas e desvio de dinheiro. Assim, todos passaram a conhecer os seus feitos mas não, de fato, quem os fazia.
Sua vida não era ruim. Ela poderia reclamar do fato de que havia se criado, praticamente sozinha. Mas sabia, pelos seus próprios olhos que não queria estar do outro lado, mesmo que precisasse ser quem fizesse a parte difícil. Alguns anos mais tarde ela obteve a oportunidade de encontrar o seu pai biológico, e devolver o que tinha cometido com o dobro da fúria. E essa foi a motivação para que as suas transgressões se expandissem. A sua reputação cresceu, deixando a população em dúvida se ela era uma heroína por desafiar o patriarcado, ou uma maníaca por aumentar a criminalidade. Por muito tempo se sentiu intocável até ser pega. Mas se esses quatro anos atrás das grades por furto ensinou alguma coisa a ela, foi a arte da criminalidade. Como se expressar quando o sistema considera as mulheres indignas de respeito. Ela é uma fornecedora satisfatória, fazendo uso das suas habilidades para ganhar as almas dos demônios e depois vendê-las. Obviamente, isso não incluía a sua própria alma.
Ao auge de sua própria juventude, poucos esperariam morrer. O processo de morte sempre fora um tabu para sociedade, um medo para aqueles os quais não queriam que tudo terminasse ao vazio. Yina por mais que escondesse, possuía os mesmos receios tais quais qualquer humano. A vida curta a assombrava noite após noite, era como uma ameaça a qual sabia que chegaria. É como se tudo estivesse escrito em seu destino: Ela poderia fugir, mas o destino a pegaria ao final. Ao cumprir a penalidade, trilhou o seu caminho de forma tranquila, na esperança de que esses fantasmas submergissem ao vazio. Se mudou para a cidade onde sua mãe nasceu, e escolheu a ocupação mais discreta que a vila oferecia. Mas não estava desapontada, mesmo que discretamente, o seu verdadeiro propósito se tornava cada vez mais audacioso. Afinal, os pais impõem aos filhos a vida que desejam viver, mas, no final, uma pequena parte da criança ainda é um reflexo dos pais
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ao3screenshotss · 5 months
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l-just-want-to-see · 9 days
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pjo/hoo/toa + the cycle
The Lightning Thief / Growing Sideways, Noah Kahan / Ivan the Terrible and His Son Ivan, Ilya Repin + Saturn Devouring His Son, Goya + Saturn, Rubens / The Blood of Olympus / The Family Jewels, MARINA / The Last Olympian / The Sea of Monsters / The Family Jewels / Orestes Pursued by the Furies, Bouguereau / The Hidden Oracle / Apollo and Marsyas, Manfredi / In The Blood, John Mayer / The Sea of Monsters / The Combat of Ares and Athena, Jacques Louis David / The Family Jewels / Mark of Athena / The Combat of Ares and Athena / The Lightning Thief / Family Line, Conan Gray / Cronos and Rhea, Schinkel / The Lightning Thief / The Blood of Olympus / In The Blood / The Last Olympian / Chronos and His Child, Romanelli / Desireé Dellagiacomo / The Lightning Thief / Family Line / The Fallen Angel, Alexandre Cabanel + The Last Day of Pompeii, Bryullov / The Blood of Olympus / The Outcast, Botticelli / Glass, Irony and God, Anna Carson / House of Hades / Family Line / The Last Olympian / The Lament for Icarus, Herbert Draper + Sacrifice of Iphigenia, Roman School + Minerva and Arachne, Houasse + Venus Induces Helen to Fall in Love with Paris, Kauffmann / The Last Olympian / Hadestown / The Lightning Thief / apple, Charli xcx / The Last Olympian / I Would Leave Me If I Could, Halsey / The Sea of Monsters / ? / LET YOUR DAD DIE ENERGY DRINK, Lavery and Corrigan / The Last Olympian / Eat Your Young, Hozier / The Last Olympian / Orpheus and the Bacchantes, Lazzarini / The Blood of Olympus / Susan Smith, wych elm / Orpheus and the Bacchantes / The Burning Maze / ? / The Tyrant’s Tomb / Perseus Freeing Andromeda, Veronese / Abduction of Psyche, Bouguereau + Bacchus and Ariadne, Van Loo / The Tower of Nero / The Tower of Nero / The Tower of Nero
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i know louis stans who stan him in worse less intelligent way than i do won’t even agree but ldpdl whos genuinely ass at photography is something so important to me. i choose to believe they left this piece of canon true. ldpdl is notoriously a vampire with zero talents in art. lestat is good at performing armand is good at painting and telling lies and louis? she’s just pretty leave her alone. this is how god intended it to be.
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thealtoduck · 3 months
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Camp Half-Blood x Son of Aphrodite!Reader
Warnings: The Hunters of Artemis lowkey being bullies, slut shaming kinda, verbal confrontation, OOC!Drew…
Summary: To the displeasure of Cabin 10, Camp Half-Blood gets a visit from the Hunters of Artemis…
As everything seemed about to be peaceful at Camp Half-Blood… for once in a lifetime. Then THEY showed up. ”THEY” being the Hunters of Artemis showed up. Thalia and seven other hunters.
What they were doing at camp, you had no idea, but here they were. But it was nice for you to see Thalia again, she had been a friend of yours while she was at camp.
Personally you had nothing against the Hunters for their choice to join the hunt. What you did have something against was how some of them would act and say about you, your mother and your siblings. It was starting to get on your nerves.
Thalia and three of other hunters were completely fine and respectful. Keeping things civil between you and your siblings and themselves. But then there was the other four… the ones who were whispering things, not only about your cabin but every single demigod at camp and maybe even about Mr D and Chiron too.
A couple of days in to their stay you and a couple of other Aphrodite kids went to the archery range for some extra practice. But when you got there, the four hunters were there shooting the targets.
Your group stopped behind them and Drew spoke up in as polite of a tone as she could muster ”Excuse me, we’ve booked the archery range for practicing”. The hunters turned to them, their smiles were mocking as they said ”We just finished”.
They collected their arrows from the target. And moved to the side of the range, one of them then asked ”You don’t mind if we stay and watch, do you?”. ”Do whatever you want” Drew said and turned towards the other Aphrodite kids.
”Lacy, you’re first” Drew said and Lacy stepped forward. The young girl seemed distracted as she tried to set the arrow correctly on the string. You glanced over at the four hunters seeing them whisper amongst each other.
Once she got it right and fired off the arrow she missed by quite a lot. ”Good try” Drew told her, giving her a pat on the shoulder. ”Mitchell, you’re up next” Drew stated and Mitchell took Lacy’s place.
He set the arrow, he trembled slightly as he tried to aim. ”Focus Mitchell” you tried to encourage him. Once he fired the arrow he managed to hit the target but nowhere near center. The four hunters started giggling. The Aphrodite kids tried their best to ignore them.
”Y/n, you’re turn” Drew said, her voice starting to sour as she heard the hunters starting to whisper once more. You stepped forward pulling an arrow out of your quiver, setting it on the string of your bow, as you were about to lift your bow and aim you heard some of what the hunters were whispering.
”You can tell they don’t usually do a lot of work” one with bushy black hair whispered to the other three.
”They do, but mostly on their knees, especially him” one with a short brown bob commented nodding towards you making the other three laugh lightly. You felt as angered blossomed up inside you and you snapped.
”I’m sorry” you then spoke up turning to them, the one with the brown bob and a blonde one’s eyes had widend and the two other two with black hair only glared at you.
”But do you four have something that you wanna say?” you questioned.
”We weren’t talking to you” one with sleek black hair said defensively, the others nodding smugly in agreement.
”Well it sure as Hades sounds as if you were talking about me, You wanna say it with your chest this time?” you questioned venomously, the hunters went silent.
”Something about being on my knees” you said in a mockingly helpful tone.
”Drop it, just shoot your arrow” the one with bushy black hair said dismissively as the other 3 voiced their agreement.
Without even at a glance to the target you lifted the bow shooting off the arrow, hitting right in the bull’s eye. The hunters looked in shock at the arrow you had just shot.
”What? You think you’re special cause you can shoot a bow and arrow” you questioned. ”Lucky shot” the brown haired one said.
You immediately turned back to the range and shot the bull’s eye of all the other targets too. Then turning back to the hunters who were stunned. ”You do remember our brother is Eros, right? Think we wouldn’t pick up anything from him” You stated sarcastically.
The hunters glared silently at you.
”So maybe next time you, don’t dish out something you can’t say to my face… clear?” you said in a vaugely threatening tone. The four hunters didn’t say anything they simply turned and walked off, clearly pissed as hell.
Your talk with them was enough to keep them in line for the rest of their visit. Being too scared to comment on the other Aphrodite kids whenever you were around.
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eraenaa · 8 months
Stereotypical (Demi-God AU)
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Aemond, Son of Ares x Reader, Daughter of Aphrodite Tag List
Synopsis: The daughter of Aphrodite falls for one of the sons of Ares— the second coming of their parents. 
Warnings:  Mature, 18+, Dry Humping, Semi-Public Relations, Not Proofread
Word Count: 2, 720
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It’s stereotypical, you were aware—a whole cliche. But what were you to do when you realized that you were growing attracted to one of the sons of your mother’s past paramours? It did not help that he was the strongest fighter in camp— the most mysterious and illusive Demi-God there. You watch him by the benches whilst you sit and chat with one of the daughters of the Goddess Demeter, Helaena. “You’re staring at him again,” She teased as her fingers twirled the stem of a dandelion whose buds she blew away. You rolled your eyes and shifted your gaze, denying the accusation. “Just speak to him; I’m sure he won’t be as standoffish as he seems.” Helaena hummed, but you shook your head. 
“What are you two talking about?” Aegon, the son of Dionysus, appeared, seemingly intoxicated, even though wine was banned from camp. “No— let me guess,” he quickly said. “I’m guessing… the brooding swordsman? Hm?” He asked you, and you felt color bloom on your cheeks. Were you that obvious? You groaned and tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear in frustration. “I do not understand! They… usually fall at my feet, trying to get my attention! But not him,” You complained, making Aegon and Helaena smile in amusement at the expense of your irritation. “Whatever, I’m going for a walk,” You grumbled and stood, trying hard not to let your gaze fly over to Aemond, who trained with a sword. 
You find yourself in the woods, threading closer to the lake where you often stare at your reflection in the water. You took in a deep breath and stared at your face blessed by your mother— the prettiest girl in camp, they say. You attracted all sorts of attention, good and bad, but the only attention you wanted was never bestowed upon you. He denied you of his lone gaze. “What’s a pretty girl like you doing here all alone?” You hear a voice ask. You sighed and cast your gaze upward, landing on Jacaerys, son of Hephaestus. “Hello, Jacaerys,” You say politely. 
“Do you mind if I join you?” He asked, dark eyes hopeful. “I… I’d actually prefer to be alone right now,” You reasoned. Watching his face drop. You sigh; if only Aemond were this excited to be in your presence. “Oh,” Jacaerys said, scratching the back of his neck sheepishly. “I’ll see you at dinner, Jace,” You give him a fleeting smile, and you thank the gods that he actually took the hint and left. You returned to stare at yourself, trying to define which aspect you could improve upon, highlighting them in hopes that it would catch the attention of one of the sons of the God of War. 
“What are you doing?” A different voice asked, a reflection joining yours on the surface of the water. You yelped and backed away in surprise. “Gods, Aemond,” You said as he finally cast his eye upon you. “What were you doing?” He asked once again, leading out his hand to assist you to stand. “Staring at myself,” You mumbled, feeling heat rise to your cheeks as he caught you. You hear him scoff, “Of course,” He said and let go of your hand that tingled from touching his. “Best you be reminded by the fate of Narcissus,” Aemond stated. You bit back your tongue; this is what you wanted. He was speaking to you— his attention on you, but now it came; why were you frozen as if you had gazed at Medusa? 
“Do you not have to train?” You asked Aemond as you perched yourself upon a log near the river banks. You watch him take a pebble into his fingers, skipping it on the water. “I’ve just finished,” he said and moved to take a seat next to you. You took your lower lip between your teeth as you felt your shoulders brush, the heat of him reaching you. “What do you think we’re doing here?” You suddenly ask as both of you stare off into the orange sun that reflects on the lake. “What do you mean? We’re here to train. We’re here for protection from the outside world.” Aemond stated the obvious, but you shook your head. “Train for what?” You asked, “A war.” 
“Is there one?” Your eyes locked upon his. “I… I just do not understand why I was brought here,” You confessed as you saw the confusion in his lilac orb. “They say the world of mortals was filled with danger— but mine wasn’t. I was living comfortably— I do not understand why my mother had summoned me if I am not to do anything here,” 
“The gods have a purpose in every action they make— even if we do not understand it,” You hummed at his statement. “Do you truly believe that?” Aemond looked at you with a question once more. “I just… feel like we’re pawns being played here— born to do their bidding. We make the sacrifices; they get the glory.  I just think that the minuscule scrap of recognition they throw is not at all  worth it.” You saw a smirk rising to his lips despite the seriousness you posed. “What?” Aemond shakes his head; you feel him inch his way closer to you. “My sister seems to think that you’re filled with air in that pretty little head of yours,” You blinked at his statement; should you be offended or flattered?
“And do you agree?” You ask, fearing for his statement. Aemond hummed, gazing at your face. It was the first time in your life that you felt insecure under someone’s gaze— the first time you felt fear that someone might not think you agreeable and comely. “I agree with her when she said that you were pretty… very pretty,” You bit your cheeks as his eyes flew to your blushed cheeks and then ever so quickly to your lips. “But, no, she was completely mistaken to underestimate you,” You feel your lips twitch, catching Aemond’s attention. You inch towards him, your desires swirling with your assumptions. Aemond stayed rooted where he sat; he did not lean in, nor did he pull away. When your nose brushed, you hear him take in a harsh breath. “We should head back,” he said and pulled away, leaving you confused and overly embarrassed and rejected. 
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You were so close— you took the courage to move first. It was all Aemond wanted— all that he had dreamed of. All his offerings to the gods were for this moment, which was why he was greatly disappointed and infuriated with himself when he backed away and left like a coward. It was too much— it was so much more than he could handle. Ever since you’ve arrived at camp, all he did was try and keep your attention on him. He trained day and night, purposefully choosing grounds where you would pass by. He would relish with each moment that he would feel your gaze upon him. Watching intently as he would fight and show off his skill, hoping that it would impress you. Knowing that it was how his father had caught the attention of your mother. 
Aemond’s eye would fly to you during dinner, you sitting with your brothers and sisters. There was no smile on your lips, unlike the previous nights; you sat limply and played with your food, your cheek resting on your palm as a pout formed itself on your luscious lips. What had he done? How could he subject the most beautiful girl his eye has ever seen to such a sullen state? Aemond dug his nails into his palms. You were the daughter of beauty and love, and he was the son of war and strife. He did not deserve anything so precious and delicate as you. He could only offer you ruin and struggle. The thought of bringing you conflict only fortified his decision to back away. To instead protect you from afar— to relinquish his desires to be with you, to hold you, kidding himself that gazing at you was enough. That simply looking at you had to be enough. 
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Days passed as both you and Aemond avoided each other. You, embarrassed by your wanting actions and him, controlling himself from giving in to his desires. You no longer watched as he would impressively train with the sword, and he would no longer silently trail you wherever you went. Aemond only picked specific moments to follow you and made certain that no danger would find you— even though the two of you were in the safety of camp where no danger could reach, Aemond was just simply cautious. 
You traded the lake for the beach. Walking alone on the sanded path, the moonlight shining bright atop the water. Your mind consistently loops your foolish actions, making you cringe at yourself. You called for your mother the other night, trying to find guidance or perhaps comfort, as rejection did not sit well with you. The thought of someone not falling for your charms when everyone so easily did, scared you. She ignored your offerings and pleas, leaving you to face your confusion and fears by yourself, only solidifying your beliefs that you and all the children in this camp were simply pawns by the gods. Expected to answer their call when it first rings whilst they constantly ignore yours.
You sighed heavily, staring off into the sea where your mother was born. Stepping foot into the water, you tried to connect with the woman who disrupted your peaceful, mortal life only to bring you here and ignore you. You took deep breaths, walking deeper into the water, not caring that you were still clothed as you submerged yourself in the sea. Aemond watched by the shore, battling with himself if he should follow. When you disappeared under the water, with each passing second, you did not emerge; it only put forth fear in the bravest demi-god in camp. 
Aemond shook his head and ran to the sea, diving to where you disappeared only to catch you resurface, shocked as you realized his presence had joined you. “Aemond,” You breathed out, wiping away the salt water from your eyes, the boy holding your arm, the waves pushing him closer to you. “What… what were you doing?” He asked, concern lacing his deep, silky voice. “I wanted to swim,” You reasoned, hoping that the water would clean you from embarrassment and shame. You feel his eye grow downward, looking at the clothes you fashioned. “In your night dress?” He asked, the silk fabric thin, the cool water clinging to your body. “It was a spontaneous decision,” You mumbled, your gaze shifting away from him as your cheeks heated. The both of you floating in the sea. 
“Why are you here?” you asked, realizing that he had gone in the water, fully clothed as well. You met his eye, the sapphire orb shifting around. His thin, pink lips parted as he tried to find a reason. “I… I—“ You bit your lip, as you had never seen him so flustered. The most fearsome son of Ares is at a loss for words when faced with the prettiest daughter of Aphrodite. 
Aemond stayed silent, only the crashing of waves reaching your ears. It took a while for the both of you to realize that you floated in each other’s arms— the past events of the other day returning to your mind, both making you conscious. “I’m sorry about the other day,” You whispered as you saw it best to address your actions in order for the both of you to forget it and your mind to free you from the torment of your idiotic presumption. “It was wrong for me to assume… I have misread your intentions and made you uncomfortable; I apologize.” You say sincerely. 
You hear Aemond sigh, the waves pushing your bodies closer together, his breath fanning your face, your scent invading his senses. “You did not misread anything,” He admitted. Making your brows furrow. “I… I wanted you to kiss me, wished for it for a while now.” He confessed with a small smile, trying to lighten the tense air with his rare but charming smile. “Oh,” was all you could say as you tried to comprehend his words. “Then why… “ you trailed as you had trouble wording out what had transpired in the lake. Aemond sighed, and you stilled as you felt his arms wrap around your waist, flushing your bodies together as the both of you floated. The moonlight lighted your face, illuminating his silver hair as well as your milky skin. “I got scared,” He admitted, daring to cup your cheek. Your skin was soft against his calloused palm. 
“You? Got scared? The favored son of the god of war got scared by the prospect of a kiss?” You asked in confusion, resting your hands on his shoulders. You hear him let out a small chuckle. “I was only frightened because it was you who I would be kissing,” He stated, caressing your cheek. “The most beautiful girl I was ever blessed to see… now, I hope you’d understand why I panicked,” Aemond smiled as the blush on your cheeks deepened. You set your gaze downward, staring at the water that sparkled under the silver light. Your heart stilled when you felt Aemond place a finger under your chin to raise your gaze once more, finally having the courage to place his lips against yours. 
Aemond wanted to be slow and cautious, to not frighten or pressure you to succumb to all his desires. But as a sigh left your throat when your lips finally met, all restraint he had disappeared. Pulling you impossibly closer to him, making you wrap your legs around him, letting your arms cling to him. Deepening your kiss, his tongue asked for entrance, which you were hesitant to give but relished the feeling when you did. Aemond’s chest rumbled with a sound as you accidentally nipped his lip, enjoying your mistake that only fueled his desires further. 
You pulled away from him, suddenly feeling cautious as the both of you were being so intimate in such an open space where anyone could see. You tried to speak reason, to speak caution that the both of you may be caught, but as Aemond placed his lips on your neck, kissing it and leaving his marks, you no longer had the capacity to speak. Pleasure freezing your mind at the new sensation. Aemond hummed as he heard your heavy breathing, your sweet taste mixing with the salted water as he indulged in the feel of your skin. Aemond closed his eye tightly as you, who had your legs wrapped around his torso started to move your hips. Squirming as you felt urgency for something you were yet to know consuming you. 
Aemond’s hand moved downwards from your waist to your bottom, cupping them and aiding your movements that sought for friction. You let go of a shaky breath against his lips, your eyes looking deeply at his sapphire eye that turned dark and glazed with deeper desires and restraint. “Aemond,” You whimpered, filled with anticipation of what was to come. You ground your hips further, making him utter a foul word and turn his head to the heavens. Aemond moved one hand to cup your cheek, bringing you closer to kiss your lips once more. “I… I— Aemond,” was all you could utter as you were uncertain what the sensation was building inside you. It was sharp and urgent and pleasurable— an odd mix. “Are you to come, my pretty girl? Hm?” Aemond gritted as his hips met yours. He bent his head down and placed a kiss atop your chest; his head felt light at the whimpers of his name that your mouth spewed. 
“Aemond!” You shrieked as all finally fell, your body feeling alight as you came at the sensation of riding against the boy you had desired for long. Aemond gritted out your name as he, too, came, spilling himself in his trousers. You hummed as he kissed you again, tasting him and the sea that was witness to your desires and pleasures being fed. 
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Sequel: Jealousy, Jealousy
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the-ellia-west · 16 days
Okay So was listening to Epic and like...
How the heck is Odysseus getting the Attention of SO MANY gods
Don't they have things to do?
Or are they all just like, Lazy Wednesday, let's go torture this war veteran.
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memysoulandi · 3 months
Jason Grace, so much potential...
Actually this goes for the entire lost trio. The AMOUNT of TRAUMA these three had and the potential for character development they had too is UNREAL, yet nothing was done. Let us begin my personal beliefs
-Delve into his trauma of his remaining family deciding he was the devil at age EIGHT and refusing to take him in-abandonment issues
-Have his constant feelings of invalid-ness and being the unneeded member of the seven be corrected by giving him CLOSE FRIENDS HE PIPER AND JASON NEED TO BE CLOSER AT THE VERY LEAST and conversations when he realizes he is wanted and needed
-Don't have Calypso storyline in there-he didn't need a girlfriend to solve his problems, if you have it, have it as good friends-another member of his support group
-Make him gay and have valgrace or slowburn/implied valgrace(the two of them pining then like kinda tragic as Leo dies)
-Have her lesbian storyline occur in HoO where she's a main character-it's an important storyline for her character that deserves a spotlight and time that ToA couldn't give it
-No Jiper! This relationship was toxic and founded on fake memories-if you're going to do it, do it as a part of her LGBTQIA+ journey and Jason's as well
-Don't have her demonize femininity! She can wear dresses! She can wear makeup! She can present more feminine and still be the same character and her hatred of any and all things feminine is not good representation! Make her a feminist, please! Or at least make her less against femininity as a whole.
-No kaleidoscope eyes! Give her brown eyes and also have her rediscovering her culture storyline as a part of HoO too!
-Make him a better fighter than Percy. He has been at Camp Jupiter since the age of three and spent a year with wolves before then. He has spent his entire life in a military setting training, he should be a better swordfighter than Percy 'I show up to summer camp at age 12 to 16 and only really use my sword then' Jackson.
-Give him more powers. Or Percy less. Children of the big three should be equal in potential power, not Percy being OP and the others having lightning or shadows powers some of the time. Percy needs less power and Jason, Thalia, Hazel, and Nico need more. Jason should have more power than Percy as he has had longer to train it.
-Give him a personality. His storyline in HoO should be a journey of self-discovery. He has always been another member of an army, with constant pressure on him to be the best at everything and a strong confident leader who doesn't make mistakes as a son of Jupiter. His entire life has been dictated by those around him. For the first time, he is free of that and he needs to be discovering things like how he likes to dress, his style, his sexuality, his likes and dislikes, and his personality. In my opinion he should be kinda shy with a feral edge, side effect of the wolves, who is always trying to people please. When he stops doing this, he becomes significantly happier and a greater use to the team. Plus valgrace;D.
-Also, make him despise Percy at the beginning. He worked his entire life to be an afterthought that nobody looked for when he went missing for months, while Percy was looked for by everyone after only a few days. Percy achieved everything he wanted in a matter of weeks in New Rome and he was happy and had friends and a life. Percy has everything Jason doesn't. They need to have a moment where they are locked together and Percy goes "why do you hate me" and Jason breaks down because "You have everything I want and you don't even have to try!". This would create a better relationship for them and be the turning point for Jason as Percy hears what he has to say and validates him. Also Jason personality.
-Don't kill him off and continue his self-discovery journey in ToA.
-Make him and Thalia have a closer relationship that in the months between TLH and TSoN, it is implied that they spend time together. He should feel safe with her and they needed more interactions as they are SIBLINGs, god damit.
-Make him and Reyna just friends-she wanted to look for him but couldn't 'cause Octavian(the bitch) and someone needed to be Praetor in his absence.
-Also give him history with Octavian-ex-friends or something give me drama.
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need-a-name-101 · 3 months
Thinking so much about the lost hero trio that now I think Valgrace should have been the main ship.
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ghost-bxrd · 7 months
Demigods edition!
Dick — son of Zeus or Aphrodite
Jason — son of Hades or Thanatos
Tim —son of Athena
Steph — daughter of Hermes
Duke — son of Apollo
And Bruce is a god who pretends to be human and accidentally keeps adopting demigod children, regardless of which deity he’s pissing off by doing so.
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aphrodites-son-eros · 2 months
I don't usually subscribe to the transfemme Meijack headcanon, but. It would be very funny in combination with the transmasc Chilchuck headcanon. Imagine having a kid who looks just like you and then. She still looks just like you, just 15 years back.
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mugunghwarp · 2 years
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Idade: 23 anos.
Gênero: Masculino cis.
Qualidades: Carinhoso, justo.
Defeitos: Inseguro, confrontante.
Nacionalidade/Etnia: Chinês/chinês.
Temas de interesse: Fluffy, romance, smut, violence.
Faceclaim: Hu Yetao - solista.
Twitter: MV00BB.
OOC: +18 qualquer pronome.
TW: Nenhum.
TW: Nenhum.
Mudar de Jiangyin na China pra uma ilha no meio da Coréia do sul foi, sem brincadeira, uma das coisas mais chocantes que aconteceram na vida do Bai. Choque não só cultural, de idioma, de estilo de vida – tudo, tudo. Como se ele estar entrando na adolescência já não fosse conturbado o suficiente, ele teria que ser o novo aluno na escola de novo, o novato entrando no grupo de brincadeiras da rua, o inadequado estranho que os mais velhos olhavam de um jeito desconfiado.
Ele sempre se mudou, a família pra lá e pra cá pra trabalhar nas pesquisas deles. Não sei quantos livros publicados, bem sucedidos e tudo mais – mas e o Bai? O que ele quer não conta? Aquele período quando ele tinha sete anos que eles precisaram morar nos Estados Unidos foi super legal (mas talvez ele só esteja lembrando da Disney mesmo, o resto é tudo embaralhado), agora numa ilha, no começo, não tinha muita coisa pra fazer.
Mantendo em mente que quando o Bai diz que se mudou pra vila na adolescência, ele conta isso com um ar meio melancólico, como se fosse uma memória de anos atrás e a vida agora trouxe a ele o peso da sabedoria anciã – coisa nenhuma, ele e a família deviam ter chegado em Mugunghwa no máximo cinco anos atrás.
É um tempo considerável. As coisas estão melhores agora.
O Bai não se sente mais deslocado pelo idioma, terminou a escola, e continua vivendo a vida como ele mesmo sem remorso nenhum. Um segundo choque foi quando os pais planejaram a próxima mudança e ele – aí vem o choque – decidiu ficar. Quem diria que o Bai que sonhava em se mudar dali, aos poucos, iria construir a própria vida e vínculos com as pessoas da vila.
Ele ama o trabalho no salão, pro qual ele se dedica com todo carinho, ama ter seu cantinho pequeno (que ele conseguiu com a ajuda dos pais), bagunçado, mas bem cuidado. Nem sempre é fácil, ainda tem muita gente de cabeça pequena naquele lugar, mas pra quem ficava pulando pelo mundo sem fincar a bandeirinha de casa num ponto só, agora ele finalmente construiu um lar.
Só que o que aconteceu foi uma oportunidade surgindo na China que fez ele se mudar denovo pra cidade natal, e ficou lá por pelo menos um ano. Era um emprego melhor, qeu pagava beeem melhor, mas as coisas não eram as mesmas; ele podia bancar as roupas que gostava, mudar o cabelo, ir pra Disney quase que uma vez no mês, mas faltava alguma coisa. Talvez o costume da vida mais calma na Vila, onde ele cresceu na juventude.
O fato de sua antiga vaga de emprego ainda está em aberto pareceu até um sinal.
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motherrpearl · 4 months
guys repeat after me: jason and piper are not together! piper is in a wlw relationship with a native american girl called Shel! it's literally written in the second last chapter of the sun and the star: a nico di angelo adventure
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jgracie · 5 months
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masterlist | rules
♡ dedicated to giselle @pinkdiorluvr <3 our leo/ttpd/aphrodite parallels resulted in this epic crossover... love u sm !
in which leo was tame and gentle ‘til the circus life made him mean (alternatively, the one where you teach a son of aphrodite how to love again)
pairing son of aphrodite!leo valdez x roman!reader
warnings self-loathing (happy ending tho dw), ooc / dark!leo? idk tbh but this is a deep dive into his mind lowk 😭 also this is kinda long sorry in advance LMAO
on the radio . . . who’s afraid of little old me? (taylor swift), the only exception (paramore)
an aphrodite cabin leo my beloved… read the comments under this for a bit of context :) also in this they know the ghost of the battery is venus cz it fits w the story ok
If you looked up the word ‘tragedy’ in the dictionary, Leo was convinced you’d find his whole life there. It’d take up half the book, listing every event that’s ever happened in his life from the moment his mother died in that fire, her body so charred there was nothing to bury, until present time
It would talk about how after that, social services arrived, and how his aunt had refused to take him in, calling him a diablo and shouting at the social workers to take him themselves. It would talk about how none of his other relatives wanted him. It would talk about all the foster homes he’d run from, both the okay and the ugly (because they were never good. They didn’t want him either) opting to sleep under the Houston bridge for months instead. It would talk about how Leo was completely and utterly unloveable
Years of his life being this endless cycle of misery resulted in Leo toughening up. He was no longer the sweet boy who’d sit on his mother’s lap as she worked with pieces of metal, who’d run to get her a hammer or a screwdriver before she even asked for it, his heart so full of love for her he was close to exploding. No, this was a new Leo. This Leo learnt to deal with the bullies and the streets and everything else life decided to throw at him, his skin calloused and his heart cold. Sure, he was still elvish and scrawny, but he wasn’t afraid. That alone was enough
Eventually, he befriended Piper. She was nice. For once, he was around someone who didn’t seem to mind his company. But no matter how much Piper liked him, she still liked Jason more. Leo wasn’t an idiot, he knew from the moment Piper laid eyes on the perfect blond that this was her dream guy. And he was happy for her, she was his friend after all! However, he couldn’t help but resent her feelings towards him. He found himself left out again - unloveable Leonidas Valdez, that’s who he’d always be, now that his mom was gone
Then, he discovered a whole new world of Gods and monsters and for a moment in time, Leo thought everything might finally begin to click. He never fit in with the other kids in his foster homes because he wasn’t like them, he was a demigod, of course he couldn’t fit in. For the first time since his mother’s passing, Leo became an optimist. Maybe things would turn around? He’d get to meet his second parent and they’d explain it all, possibly even reward him for his perseverance? Leo toyed around with the idea, replaying the fantasy in his head. In the end, to him, just getting a glimpse of them would be enough
He got claimed as soon as he arrived. Usually, that would be considered incredibly lucky, and Leo really tried thinking of it in that way. Annabeth had told him some campers wait years for that symbol to float over their heads, to finally be able to move out of the crowded Hermes cabin and have people they can genuinely call siblings, a place they can genuinely call home
Leo would’ve been happy if his Godly parent wasn’t her. Aphrodite. What a sick joke. How could the Goddess of love be his mother? No one loved Leo, even Piper and Jason saw him as a nuisance at times. They tried to disguise it, but Leo knew. Years of being bullied had given him excellent training in reading the emotions of others. He knew that whenever the three of them were together, they wished they could be alone. He’d almost refused to sleep in cabin 10, but his new siblings grabbed him by the arms and dragged him over, excited to meet a fellow child of their mother’s
Luckily, it didn’t take Leo very long to get a quest. He, along with Piper and Jason, left Camp Half-Blood to go find and save Hera from the cage she was trapped in. Although the quest was hard and there were many times he’d come close to death, Leo was happier away from the cabin that reminded him of everything he should be and was not. The trio came back to camp just in time and immediately started planning their journey to Jason’s home, Camp Jupiter
The days Leo was building the Argo II were some of his happiest. He had an excuse to not sleep in his cabin (the Hephaestus cabin had kindly offered him bunker 9) and he was around the one thing he truly did love - machinery. The smell of oil and clang of metal reminded him of his mother, the one person who’d truly ever loved him. Sure, Leo did occasionally find himself yearning for human interaction, but every time he felt that ache in his chest, his fingertips longing to touch another, he’d push it down and continue his work. Just because he was a son of Aphrodite, doesn’t mean he deserved love. If he did deserve love, surely, he would’ve gotten it a long time ago
Soon enough, the ship was finished and Leo, Jason, Piper and Annabeth set sail for Camp Jupiter. On the boat, he felt less pressure to fit into the constraints of the stereotypical role of a child of Aphrodite, consequently becoming more like one. Away from land, he could shed the Leo Valdez who was tough and hard as stone, becoming as fluid as the sea instead. He wasn’t anywhere near as social as the others, but this time, he didn’t lock himself up in his room. He taught Annabeth about the mechanisms of the ship and teased Piper and Jason whenever he caught them kissing
From above, Aphrodite watched and hoped the Fates were feeling kindly towards her baby boy. It broke her heart watching him lose faith in love, but she couldn’t do anything about it - not with Zeus keeping a close eye on her
“Okay, I’ll show you the ship. Come with me,” Leo told Octavian - Camp Jupiter’s joke of an Oracle. The boy annoyed him, reminding Leo too much of some of the manipulative bullies he had to learn to fight back, but he knew giving him a tour of the Argo II was essential for gaining the Romans’ trust. Surprisingly, it was going well. Octavian was quiet as he examined it all, only making a few snide remarks about the ‘obviously Greek methods’ Leo had used
Then it happened. Leo felt his mind go blank and his limbs move against his will, heading for the ballistae. He tried to stop himself, but he couldn’t. He fired on Camp Jupiter
Other than Jason, who had gotten hit by a brick and was currently passed out, everyone was fine. What wasn’t fine was the fact that the Romans were no longer on their side. The others gave him accusatory glances, even though he’d insisted didn’t mean to hurt anyone. Only Piper seemed to be on his side, but even she was a little hesitant, a little confused
You were the anomaly. Leo didn’t notice you - quiet and observant, wanting to see how this would play out - until you spoke up to defend him. You, a Roman who’d just had the only home she’s ever known destroyed, who’d just been labelled an outcast by all her friends and family thanks to him, had defended Leo
“Guys, I don’t think he meant any harm,” you said, immediately silencing the other six members of the Great Prophecy. Leo’s mouth was agape, unable to say anything as you continued, “why would he fire on Camp Jupiter on purpose?” You asked, “isn’t he a part of this eight, one of us?” Then, turning to Annabeth, you said, “isn’t he your friend? Why aren’t you defending him?” She blushed and looked down at her feet, unsure of what to say
You smiled, happy that another problem had been solved, “let’s not ruin this quest before it even starts, okay? We can’t save the world from Gaia if we don’t act as a team.”
For the first time since his mother’s death, Leo felt loved. However, he knew all too well how good things never last
Leo distanced himself from you, as well as everyone else on the ship. After that day, he’d decided to coop himself up in his room and work on upgrading the ship instead, only coming out when absolutely necessary. Meanwhile, you eagerly got to know everyone else who was part of the prophecy, intrigued about the differences between Greek and Roman demigods. The one person who you desperately wanted to know, though, was Leo
No matter how hard you tried, he always seemed to escape your clutches. You’d been worried for him ever since that first day on the ship, and after finding out he built it, you were dying to know more
“Venus only appeared when Reyna was alone, so I don’t think any men can come along,” Jason said. Yet again, you were splitting up for another quest. This time, it was seeking the ghost of the Battery, who you’d deduced was Venus, the goddess of love. Suddenly, you had an idea
“Shouldn’t Leo come along? He’s her son, isn’t he? She’d show up for him,” you said, giving the boy a kind glance, which he averted. He really didn’t want to meet his mom. She didn’t care for him, so neither did he for her. If she cared, she wouldn’t have left him to fend for himself all those years. She was no better than his Aunt Rosa
Unfortunately, everyone on the ship agreed with you. Venus would probably be more helpful if her son was there. It was settled, you and Leo would go find the ghost of the Battery
The walk was awkward. This was the first time the two of you had been together since the first day on the ship. You made small talk, asking him about the ship and Camp Half-Blood. He thanked you for that day, and when you’d given him a toothy grin, your eyes sparkling, Leo felt as if Cupid had shot an arrow right through his heart. He couldn’t breathe. He’d never been more overwhelmed with love
“Lady Venus?” You said, your voice tentative as you looked around, suddenly doubting your plan. Immediately, she appeared in front of you. She was beautiful, with curly brown locks and fiery brown eyes. Her smile was kind, making you feel a warmth spread throughout your body. Then she noticed Leo. Instantly, her fiery eyes became sad, and… were those tears?
She floated past you and towards Leo, cupping his face in her hands. He flinched, about to pull away before remembering she’s a Goddess and could easily smite him if she were in a bad mood. His eyebrows remained furrowed, the crease in his forehead only deepening when she said, “my boy, my Leo. You’ve grown so beautifully.”
You could tell Leo’s relationship with his mother was strained, despite never meeting her. He scoffed, gaining the courage to remove her soft hands from his rigid face
“I am not your Leo. I am Esperanza Valdez’s Leo. She’s dead, in case you can’t recall. She died and you did nothing to stop it, nothing to ease the pain. I will never be your Leo. I’m only here for the sake of the quest, so please just tell us what we need to do and we’ll be on our way,” with every word, you could tell Venus’ heart shattered into several tiny pieces. Never in a million years did you think you’d see a Goddess look so heartbroken
She tried to reach out for him again, but this time, Leo didn’t let her, inching closer to you instead. Sighing, Venus opted to use her words, “look, I’m really sorry. You have no idea how bad I feel. I wanted to help you, really, but Zeus–”
“It’s always Zeus with you Gods, isn’t it? No, you don’t get to tell me you feel bad. You wouldn’t have survived an hour in my childhood. Do you know how horrible it felt, being wanted by no one? Do you have any idea how much it hurt finding out your own mother, the Goddess of love, didn’t do a single thing to help, choosing to leave you feeling unlovable instead? If you really loved me, you wouldn’t have given up just because of Zeus.”
Venus was quiet after that. You looked up at the sky, afraid Jupiter would strike you with his lightning bolt at this very moment, but he didn’t. With tears in her eyes, she said what was necessary and as soon as she was done, Leo got up and began walking away. You, however, stayed. You couldn’t help but feel a little bad for the Goddess, even though Leo was in the right
“He likes you,” she said, breaking the silence, “but he thinks he’s incapable of love, and it’s all my fault, I know, but I beg of you, please save my son before it's too late.” Her hand was tightly gripping yours, and you gave her a sad smile before going to catch up with Leo
You found him crying behind a bush. He had his face in his hands and sat with his knees touching his chest as horrible, gut-wrenching sobs left his open lips, desperate for some air. Calmly, you sat next to Leo. You didn’t do anything - no stupid words, no trying to fix his issues, you knew that wasn’t what he needed. Leo just needed some love. So you wrapped an arm around him and let him let it out on your shoulder
With the grass leaving indents on your skin and the light breeze cooling your bodies, Leo opened up. He didn’t say everything, but you got the gist of it all. You also got that seeing Venus face-to-face and crying afterwards had taken a load off of his back. With every word he said, Leo’s face seemed to brighten, his curls gaining shape and his eyes becoming a warmer shade of mahogany. The realisation hit you like a truck: he looked just like his mother
As the days passed, you paired with Leo for quests more often. He was more comfortable around you than any of the other crew members, which didn’t go unnoticed by them. They were glad Leo had found someone he could let loose with. Your journey across the Mediterranean continued and your friendship blossomed and bloomed, every late night conversation proving to Leo that maybe love was something he could achieve in this lifetime after all
Despite this, he kept his distance. A part of him was scared you stayed out of pity. As a son of Aphrodite, he knew that wasn’t true - he could read people like a book, after all. But he would never forget how his life is an endless loop. Just as he’d think he was finally getting a break, the universe would greet him with the worst event he’s ever experienced. Soon enough, something awful would happen. Something that’d push you away. You should be afraid of him, an unstable boy with extreme detachment issues and a history of bad relationships. What was there to love?
Everything. To you, there was everything to love about Leo. From the way he always had a piece of scrap metal to fiddle with in case he got nervous, to the way his nose would scrunch up when he’d laugh. Leo Valdez had ripped your heart out of your body and decided to keep it, and you were okay with that
Your confession had happened after Percy and Annabeth fell into Tartarus. Everyone was absolutely gutted, of course, but no one more than Leo. He blamed himself for their descent into the deep pits of hell, and you began to see him slowly go back to the Leo he once was, the Leo he was used to being. The difference was that this time, you were there
You forced him to give you and the others some of the watch shifts he’d assigned to himself. You made sure he ate and drank water and took care of himself. You were there to pick the pieces back up again
One night, it was just you and him
“Why do you do this? Am I not a burden to you?” Leo had asked, just as you were about to leave his room. After finding him half asleep at the wheel, you dragged him to bed, tucking him in yourself and making him swear not to leave until the morning
You turned, your eyes holding a mix of fondness and hurt. Not for yourself, but for the boy who has never looked into the mirror and seen a person worthy of loving. Your voice as clear as the sky above, you said, “because I love you. You could never be a burden to me, because I want to do this.”
“Why? Why do you love me?”
Making your way over to his bed, you sat on the edge, cupping his face, just like his mother did during your first adventure together. This time, he didn’t flinch. In fact, he seemed to melt under your touch. You felt anguish in your heart at this - no matter how much Leo insisted he should be alone, he still craved another
“Because you’re you. You’re sweet and you’re loyal and most of all, you’re so deserving of love. That’s more than enough reason for me.”
As Artemis rode her moon chariot across the starry sky, you shared a tender kiss. You saw Leo for everything he was - a black dog, a broken boy, the definition of the word ‘tragedy’, and chose to love him anyway
You weren’t afraid
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Eletronic offerings for Goddess Aphrodite.
Thank you.
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mcsiggy · 2 years
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i made polls w/ who would hang out with which greek god and wanted to draw some reactions lol.
First Poll - Second Poll
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