#archer cartoon fic
dixons-sunshine · 2 months
Spot Of Tea | Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader
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*GIF isn't mine*
Summary: Marrying Daryl was one of the best decisions you ever made. He was no longer the hot-headed, rude hunter from the quarry who you couldn't stand. Instead, he was someone who you'd come to love above all else, someone who you bled with and shared a beautiful baby girl with. And just when you thought you couldn't love your husband more, he just had to go and have a cute little teaparty with your daughter.
Genre: Fluff
Era: Alexandria, post Saviour war, pre the building of the bridge.
Warnings: None.
Word count: 1.5k
A/n: Back at it again with another Dad!Daryl fic, and this one was inspired by @louifaith's amazing idea! This was so cute and I just had to write this. Domesticity with Daryl is my favourite genre. I hope you like this!
As always, my requests are open for any TWD requests, as well as Scud Frohmeyer requests.
The sun was just starting to set. Everyone was starting to retreat into their homes for the night and the people on guard were switching shifts with the people on night shift. You were done for the day, a successful day's work in the infirmary adding a bounce to your step as you walked up the porch stairs and into your shared home with Daryl, locking the door behind you and shedding your coat.
The house was eerily silent. Daryl had sustained an injury while on a run and had been given the week off by Rick to heal. Although your husband had initially been against the idea, one look from you had shut any protests down—being the community's nurse and his wife gave you that advantage. It was already day three and he'd been spending all of his time with Hazel, your daughter. Each night you'd come home to find him watching some old cartoons he'd found tapes of with her in the living room, all cuddled up under a big, fuzzy, comfortable blanket.
So where were they that night, and why was it so quiet?
“Daryl?” you called out after searching the first floor of your small home with no sign of the archer or your daughter. You started descending up the stairs, but stopped when you got to the top. You could hear your three year old's voice coming from her room, soon followed by Daryl's own.
You walked down the hallway and into her room, stopping in the doorway at the sight that you met; your daughter sitting down on the ground in front of her bed, surrounded by her stuffed toys with the plastic tea set Daryl had found for her in the middle, with the archer himself sitting on the opposite side of her. The big, gruff man was "drinking" from the plastic teacup, sporting a plastic tiara. Hazel was happily babbling on, and Daryl was looking at her fondly, a small smile on his face as he hummed in agreement to whatever she said.
You leaned against the doorway with an amused smile on your face, silently observing your husband dutifully playing out Hazel's storyline. They hadn't noticed your presence yet, and you jumped at the opportunity to admire the two most important people in your life.
“Do you want some more tea, Daddy?” Hazel asked, pouring the imaginary tea into the cups of the stuffed animals surrounding her.
Daryl nodded and extended the plastic cup in her direction. “Yeah, 'course I do. Ya make the best tea in the land.”
Hazel giggled and poured the imaginary tea into Daryl's cup. “There you go, Daddy.”
“Thanks, Princess Hazelnut,” Daryl thanked her, taking a sip from the plastic cup and humming in approval. “Tastes good. Wha'd ya put in this?”
“My secret recipe,” Hazel responded with a giggle, placing the plastic teapot down on the ground, picking up her own cup. “You look pretty, Daddy. Like a real princess.”
Daryl chuckled and patted at the tiara on his head. “S'the crown. S'makin' me look like royalty.”
“Yeah, the look suits you,” you voiced, finally making Hazel and Daryl aware of your presence.
Hazel dropped the plastic teacup in her hands and hastily got up, rushing over to you. “Mama!”
You crouched down to catch her in your arms, picking her up and placing sweet, soft little kisses on her face. “Hey, baby,” you greeted her, an affectionate smile on your face. “Were you and Daddy having fun?”
“'Course we were,” Daryl chipped in, slowly getting up from the floor due to the injury on his leg. He walked with a noticable limp over to you, ruffling Hazel's hair. “We always have fun. Ain't tha' righ', Hazelnut?”
Hazel giggled and buried her face into your shoulder. “Yeah. Daddy played princesses and tea parties with me.”
“Yeah. 'M Princess Dana of the Forest Kingdom. This lil' one is Princess Hazelnut of the Fairy Kingdom. We were jus' meetin' up to form an alliance to fight against the dangerous Fire Tribe, who wants to destroy the forest and all the animals in my kingdom. We need the help of Princess Hazelnut and the Fairy Warriors to defeat them once and fer all,” Daryl explained, using a deeper voice for dramatic effect.
“Well I'm sorry I interrupted your meeting. Do you want me to leave?” you asked teasingly, sending the archer a playful smile over your daughter's head.
Hazel shook her head. “No. Daddy and I will finish tomorrow.”
“Well, I've got the day off tomorrow. Would you mind if I joined you two?”
“Yay! Mama's gonna join us, Daddy!” Hazel exclaimed happily, hugging you tighter.
Daryl smiled fondly at Hazel, leaning forward to place a soft kiss on the top of her head. “Yeah, I heard tha', Hazelnut. Mama's gon' help us defeat the Fire Tribe. They will no longer hurt the animals in my kingdom.”
“Yeah! Mama's gonna help us win!”
You laughed lightly at their theatrics, shaking your head. You placed another kiss on Hazel's forehead before placing her back down on the ground. “Why don't you go wash your hands and wait for me and Daddy downstairs? If you promise to be good, there will be a surprise for you after dinner.”
“A surprise? Yay! Thank you, Mama!” Hazel exclaimed, hugging your legs tightly before bounding out of the room excitedly.
You chuckled affectionately at the little girl that brought so much light into your life. It amazed you how one small human being could fill a hole in your heart that you hadn't even realised existed before. Hazel was your pride and joy, your baby girl who you'd go to great lengths to protect, as would Daryl.
You turned back towards the archer and gave him an amused smile. “Hi.”
“Hey,” Daryl mused, stepping forward to place his hands on your hips, pulling you closer to him. “How was yer day?”
“Not as eventful as yours, I'm guessing,” you teased, laughing lightly. You gently took the tiara from his head, inspecting it. “Gotta say, though, the whole "Princess Dana" thing suits you. Never would've guessed it was you with this tiara on. You looked really pretty.”
“Stop,” Daryl said with a chuckle. “Hazel asked me to wear the tiara. It made the story more believable.”
“It sounds like a good storyline. I'm actually invested now, and I wonder how the two of you are gonna work me into the story.”
“Hazel will figure it out. She's a real creative kid. She has a big imagination,” Daryl replied, absentmindedly rubbing his thumb over your hip in a gentle caress. “She's amazin'.”
“Just like her daddy,” you responded, gazing up at your husband lovingly.
Daryl scoffed and ducked his head, but you didn't miss the way his lips twitched up into a small smile. “Nah, she got it from her mama. She's a mini ya.”
“I don't think so, but okay,” you relented, dropping the tiara on the bed before wrapping your arms around his neck. “She's perfect.”
Daryl hummed. “Jus' like her mama,” he whispered before capturing your lips with his, kissing you sweetly and lovingly.
The kiss ended all too soon for your liking, but you remembered that you had a toddler waiting for you downstairs. “We should probably get her fed and ready for bed.”
“Yeah,” Daryl agreed, taking a step back. “Wha' surprise do ya have fer Hazel?”
“Who made them?”
“Carol. She dropped them off earlier before she went back to the Kingdom,” you explained, before leaning up to whisper something in his ear. “If we get Hazel to bed early enough, I'll show you what surprise I have for you.”
Daryl Dixon loves his daughter. She is his little girl and he would do anything for her, including dressing up as a princess for tea parties. He enjoys her company and wished to be in it 24/7. He'd kill anything that tried to hurt her and he'd die protecting her.
But at that moment, Daryl wanted to get her to bed and asleep as quickly as humanly possible. As much as he loved her, he had another idea of fun that involved only you, the love of his life, a bed, and no tea sets.
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burst-of-iridescent · 3 months
atla live action thoughts: episode 6
tw: opinions
things i liked:
love the moment where roku tells aang friends can be a liability and you can see in his face that he's thinking of sozin
koh lore is interesting. funnily enough i've also written koh being the son of the mother of faces in a fic before so i see netflix has been hitting up ao3
(for legal reasons, that was a joke)
i like zhao forcing zuko to turn aang over more than him capturing aang with the yuyan archers himself like in the original. this 100% feels like something animated zhao would do and it really drives home how much of a disadvantage zuko's at. this is the dynamic i wanted to see between the two of them
lmao @ zhao wanting to get every detail of his capture of the avatar in writing, and aang blowing air at him to send him falling over himself. they pulled that right from the original and it's great
this fight (well the parts of it that i can see) is SO GOOD. pretty sure it's almost a shot for shot remake of the original and zuko and aang are working together seamlessly
oh i fucking LOVE that zuko and aang are trapped together and get to talk. zuko smiling despite himself... aang trying so earnestly to get through to him... the way zuko actually seems to be listening to him before he hears the word compassion... chef's kiss this was an INSPIRED change
"do you think we could've been friends too?"
the transitions from younger, happier zuko to older, traumatized zuko are fucking painful. the one where he looks into the mirror to see his unscarred, smiling self for just a moment before it flashes to his present reality... next time just shoot me netflix
"he will recover" "but he will never heal"
young zuko lying in bed sobbing as he's banished by his own father what if i killed myself
HIS CREW BEING THE 41st DIVISION HE LOST EVERYTHING TO PROTECT whichever writer suggested that needs a raise posthaste
"our prince" who is cutting all of these fucking onions
things i disliked/am conflicted about:
this is where the show suffers as an adaptation, because if the animation didn't exist, the agni kai would've been fine. zuko trying to dodge, having the chance to hurt ozai yet actively choosing not to out of love, being beaten up, pinned down and brutally burned as he whimpers in fear - all of that works on its own. it conveys zuko's compassion and ozai's brutality just fine, but not to the level that the cartoon does. the scene is brutal in both versions but animated zuko not even trying to fight, sobbing and begging on his knees, and being maimed anyway just hits harder than the netflix version
not sure if i saw it right but it seemed as though there were tears in ozai and azula's eyes??? i can maybe see it for this version of azula but in no world would ozai be crying over burning zuko. it feels like they're trying to make this version of ozai more complex but he was FINE as a classic villain
that being said, i do like ozai holding zuko's hand to his heart as he burns him. the symbolism of zuko trying to reach for his father's love while ozai permanently brands his cruelty on his son... ate
i don't even like roku in the animation all that much but his presence has been weirdly reduced in the show, even though he's the avatar aang is closest to. aang having to take on the burden of redeeming roku's failure is a significant part of their dynamic and i want more of that
hollywood i'm begging you to shoot night scenes that people can see because parts of the blue spirit and aang fight sequence were so dark i looked like the squinting lady meme
i really wish we'd still gotten the moment in the storm where zuko saved the helmsman. i know they kinda replaced it with the crew realizing they were only alive because of zuko's sacrifice, but they could've done both to show how much zuko still cares, even if he can't show it
how are we 3/4th of the way into the season and aang is STILL ONLY BENDING AIR
overall rating: 9/10. definitely the best of the series so far and i love how they expanded on zuko's backstory and his relationship to aang
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Tickle Fight Frenzy
Request: Hi, can you do a tickle fight with Yelena and Kate maybe there fighting over a remote and it turns into a full on tickle battle.
Hiiiii!!! can you do a tickle fic with Yelena and Kate where they're just being crazy and having a full on tickle war the entire day?!
Notes: Thank you to the anons who sent in these prompts! They were pretty similar, so I decided to combine both of them! Writing for Kate and Yelena is always fun, and I hope you guys enjoy!! :)
Word Count: 1276
Kate was happily watching TV with Lucky beside her. One of their favorite activities to do together was watch cartoons. Although it was a little childish for Kate, she loved how happy it made Lucky, and spending time with her was so valuable. The archer reached over to pet Lucky’s head, as Lucky leaned back and smiled. However, just as the show was about to continue, the TV was switched to another channel.
“My god, Kate Bishop, can’t you find some better television to watch,” Yelena sighed, flipping through the channels haphazardly. 
“Hey! Lucky and I were watching that!” Kate said, reaching to swipe the remote away from the blonde.
“You mean you were watching it?” Yelena asked with a wry smile.
“I only watch it because Lucky likes it,” Kate insisted with a small pout.
“Uh oh, is that a pout I see?” Yelena asked, enjoying every moment she got to pick on and tease Kate. 
“Shut up,” Kate said, now crossing her arms. While Yelena was distracted and bursting into manic giggles over Kate’s expression, the archer made a quick move to pull the blonde onto the couch and lose her balance.
Yelena stumbled onto the couch, remote still in her hand. Kate lunged for it, but was off by just a few centimeters. Meanwhile, Lucky had hopped off the couch, knowing that chaos was about to ensue.
The blonde made sure to hold it out of Kate’s reach, teasing her with every failed attempt. Kate was desperate, so she had to resort to one of Yelena’s few weaknesses. Kate tickled Yelena’s feet lightly, catching the widow off guard, as she let out a strangled squeal.
Yelena kicked and squirmed, demanding Kate to stop in between chokes of laughter.
“Not until you give me the remote back,” Kate said, holding Yelena’s foot tight and continuing to attack her worst spot. 
“OHOHOKAY STAHAHAHAP,” Yelena pleaded, throwing the remote at Kate. 
“Wow, Natasha was right. A little bit of tickles will make you surrender to anything,” Kate said smugly. Yelena just glared at her, planning her revenge. 
Kate went back to watching her show, as Lucky had come back now. The archer had forgotten about everything that happened earlier and forgot that the blonde was even still there. Thoroughly absorbed in her show, she didn’t see the wiggling claw coming for her exposed side. Yelena grinned with mischief, as she latched onto Kate’s side, making sure to wiggle her fingers while squeezing.
“AHHH YELEHEHENAHA,” Kate gasped, jerking away quickly to defend herself. 
“Does this tickle, Kate?” Yelena asked, grinning and knowing very well what the answer was.
“YEHEHES NOW STAHAHAP,” Kate shouted, as Lucky had to quickly escape again.
“What about this?” Yelena asked, pinning Kate and mercilessly tickling her stomach.
“Hmm, let’s see. Maybe because you tickled me earlier?” Yelena asked rhetorically.
“YOHOHOU DESEHEHERVED IHIHIT,” Kate gasped out, knowing she had to tap out soon.
“Did I?” Yelena asked, now tickling her belly button with one finger, knowing this would get Kate to surrender the same way she did.
The blonde finally got off of her, now with a smug grin of her own. 
“Now you know not to mess with me,” Yelena said, but was quickly interrupted by Lucky jumping on top of her, licking her and giving kisses all over her face. This sent the blonde into a fit of giggles, much to Kate’s adoration. Once Lucky was finally done, she got off and waited for pets.
“Kate Bishop, get your dog under control,” Yelena huffed, wiping the slobber off of her face. 
“It’s cute when you giggle,” Kate commented, much to Yelena’s annoyance. She was supposed to be a badass assassin and spy. Not a giggly little girl.
Yelena just rolled her eyes, knowing Kate was secretly annoying her on purpose.
Later, Yelena was in the kitchen, struggling to open a bag. 
“Kate Bishop, come help me open this bag,” Yelena called out.
“Aren’t you supposed to be super strong?” Kate teased, taking the bag from her. The blonde took a few steps away from her, holding her giggles back. 
Kate didn’t find anything suspicious and didn’t even notice Yelena stepping back. With easy effort, she tore the bag open, only to be met by the pungent smell of dog poop in the bag. As soon as it had opened, Yelena took off. For one, she wanted to avoid the stench. She also knew she was in trouble.
“YELENA! GET BACK HERE!” Kate shouted angrily, chasing the widow. Yelena hooted with laughter, running up the stairs and into her room. Kate caught up to her, quickly getting in before the door closed. Much like the elevator incident. 
“You’re not going anywhere,” Kate said, moving towards the blonde. 
“Neither are you,” Yelena responded, raising an eyebrow. 
Kate threw Yelena onto the bed, much to the blonde’s surprise, and began tickling her ribs. Another sweet spot.
“KAHAHATE!” Yelena screamed, grabbing a hold of Kate’s wrists. However, Kate kept wiggling her fingers between her ribs, weakening her with laughter. No matter how much she tried to push her hands away, it tickled too much. 
“What’s wrong little one? Does it tickle too much?” Kate teased, as Yelena just shook her head frantically, trying to find an escape. Kate moved her hands behind her to tickle the tops of Yelena’s knees with her nails. This sent her into a frenzy of giggles, her leg jerking away at every touch.
“KAHAHATE! ENOUGH! STOP TICKLIHIHING MEHEHEHE,” Yelena begged, twitching at the overwhelming sensations.
“Should’ve thought about that before you pranked me,” Kate tsked, clawing away at the blonde’s sides. Yelena jumped and arched her back, instinctively grabbing her hands again. 
“I didn’t even pin you and you still can’t get free,” Kate said with a laugh. Yelena knew this tactic wasn’t working, so she tried something different. She mustered all her strength to reach up, sneaking her hands into Kate’s armpits. Once she got in, she wiggled her fingers as much as she could, a futile attempt at escaping. 
“AH! NO! STAHAHAP,” Kate yelped, retracting her arms and hands immediately to protect her vulnerable tickle spots. The archer doubled over, squirming to get away from Yelena’s evil fingers. 
“Lift them up and I’ll stop tickling,” Yelena said mischievously.
“I CAHAHANT!” Kate said breathlessly, trying to roll off the bed.
Yelena grabbed her and trapped her against her. Yelena was lying on her back, Kate trapped against her, belly up. A perfect opportunity. The blonde used one arm to wrap around Kate, trapping her arms. With her free hand, she wiggled her fingers teasingly above Kate’s stomach, making sure to get as close as possible without touching her.
“YELENA! DONT! I MEAN IT!” Kate cried, sucking in her stomach to avoid the evil fingers.
“Don’t do what? I’m not even touching you,” Yelena giggled, enjoying this power.
Kate continued to squirm and laugh in anticipation, especially when Yelena would fake an aggressive tickle towards her stomach. After she was done toying with her, she took her nails over the archer’s stomach, making her burst out into loud laughter, knowing that she was stuck and couldn’t escape. 
The blonde tickled her breathless, teaching her a lesson that if she ever tickled her, she would only get it back a thousand times worse. Neither one of them truly minded though, as Kate loved when Yelena tickled her. As for Yelena, as much as she would never admit it, she enjoyed the challenge and competition of a good tickle fight. Especially with Kate.
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kinky-jelloshot · 6 months
Eternal Heatstroke - 1/? (I'm lying I totally know how many chapters there will be)
Sterling Archer, worlds greatest spy, lover, fighter, hater. He makes enemies more than he does friends. From working for his mother, to working for the CIA, he is never lacking in ability to ruin the lives of those around him. To some, it at least makes things interesting. To the CIA he is a liability. To Slater, he makes life a living hell.
Hi! I've been working on this fic on and off for several years. I will try to have a chapter updated every 1-2 months depending on what school and work allows. With the ending of the series, think of this as a fun refresh. Starting directly after season 5, in place of season 6 onwards. Happy Archer: Into the Cold day. Join me in pretending it never ended.
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aquaburst3 · 2 years
There's a lot of rumblings about people debating if TWST would work in a visual novel format. I don't think that would work out very well for the same reasons that a lot of the bigger TWST blogs mentioned. But what I think would work better for TWST instead is the Fate direction.
For those of your who don't know, the original Fate Stay Night visual novel had three separate routes featuring a different love interest for Shirou. In the "true" route, he gets together with Arturia. In Unlimited Bladeworks, it's Rin. In Heaven's Feel, it's Sakura.
While some plot beats happen no matter what (like Archer wanting to kill Shirou), the story completely changes depending on the route you are on. In Fate for example, the turning point is when he didn't use a command spell to stop Saber. However, in UWB, he did. In Heaven's Feel, he walked Sakura home, making her more interested in Shirou. Also, Fate and UBW are similar because of the similar tone and themes, but still have different outcomes depending on the choices you pick. Heaven's Feel is the darkest out of all of the routes, featuring A LOT of character death that doesn't happen in the other routes.
I think this would be a best of both worlds situation. Unlike a traditional Otome, there would character options that are allowed to be strictly platonic no matter what for those who are more averse to romance. But there's a real option for romance for those who want it. It would also be a lot easier on developers since you only have to flesh a few relationships instead of a couple dozen, and you don't have the huge headache of dealing with the butterfly effect changes for dozens of character routes.
There's a catch. For in order for this to work, they need to write an actual female character, not a blank slate. (While this would work for a male or non binary MC too, let's face it—this is Disney we're talking about, and they would never greenlight something like that for multiple LGBTQ+ couples.) Shirou has an actual character and impact on the plot. Doing this with a blank slate wouldn't work since the MC wouldn't be able to have much option to push the story and change things. Another catch is that well...you can't do this with everyone and Yana would have the make a tough choice about who you can romance. (I think the most likely would be the Overblot gang as a whole with Malleus being the "true" route, but that's just me.) Give and take, I guess.
Having said this, people do stuff like this in fanfiction form. Even with me, I have my own "Yuu" named Adriana for my fic series who is shipped with Jamil, and share another "Yuu" named Lizzie with my friend @stormkitty97 for an HP/TWST crossover we're writing who is shipped with Vil. These two are drastically different characters.
Lizzie is a half white and Japanese squib who is able to use her tiny magical core with the help of the pens and crystals like how Luz is able to use magic with the sigils in TOH. She's also a middle class girl from England, who is quiet and bookish, but is also witty, sarcastic and can be quite jealous and vindictive at times. (Or at least that's my read of her, anyways.) She understands some Japanese, but doesn't understand French.
Whereas Adriana from my own works is a rich latina (Cuban, Mexican with a dash of Sicilian for good measure) from Vancouver, Canada, who is an ambivert, who is sassy, bold, analytical, manipulative, secretive and guarded. Adriana isn't a bookworm like Lizzie, but is much more into cartoons, anime and videogames, even making a lot of pop culture references. She also likes to party while Lizzie doesn't nearly as much. Due to her status as a former popular mean girl, she has more "villain" traits than Lizzie in some aspects. Adriana knows a fair bit of French thanks to going to a French Immersion primary school when she was younger and some Spanish thanks to her mom being fluent in it. Her Japanese skills are non existent, despite having a Japanese stepfather.
Each of these series will take radically different directions compared to the other. Adriana and Lizzie are completely different people, who make different choices based on their background and personality. Adriana's has zero resistance to magic, which causes a lot of problems.
They also each get closer to a different dorm outside of Heartslabyul due to their respectful love interests. Lizzie gets closer to the Pomefiore characters, including Vil and Rook. Adriana gets closer to the Scarabia Dou and some other residents from that dorm, having more of a coworker relationship with Rook and Vil later on and only being friends with Epel.
In conclusion, I guess, read TWST canon rewrite fanfics with female "Yuus" with a pairing marked off. (You can do the same with male and non-binary Yuus as well, obviously.) You'll get pretty much the same effect that I mentioned here. One rec on the top of my head is Thorns and Ink by @thosebrookfieldgirls.
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AJ’s Weekend While Mommy was in the Slammer
Summary: Lana comes home to a mess after Archer and AJ have a fun weekend while she is in jail.
Lana made her way up the stairs towards her apartment. Archer hadn’t fucking bothered to pick her up from jail, and instead, she was being dropped off by a taxi. She took her time going up the stairs, dreading the moment she had to walk into her apartment. She was positive that Archer and AJ had made a huge mess. She got to her door and went to unlock it to discover that the greatest spy ever couldn‘t even lock a damn door. She took a deep, calming breath and went inside.
Once inside, she was assaulted by ‘Danger Zone' playing through the apartment. She turned the corner from the entryway into the living room and found pretty much exactly what she had expected. Toys were strewn around the living room, the couch cushions were upturned and stacked up like a barricade, pillows, and blankets on top and around it, a fort, they had made a fort, and the DVD menu of Top Gun was on the TV, the first minute of ‘Danger Zone’ playing on repeat. “This will take forever to clean up. And who will have to clean it up? Me. It‘s always me," she muttered to herself as she made her way further into the living room, past the fort. She tried really hard to stay angry once she saw the other side, but she could feel it fading, California was making her soft. On the other side of the barricade, Archer and AJ were both fast asleep. Archer stretched out on his side, an arm pillowing his head and the other thrown across AJ, who was laying the exact same way, except that her arm was thrown across her teddy bear. Beside them was an empty pizza box, candy wrappers and an empty bottle of booze, dammit Archer.
She took a picture of the scene in front of her before deciding to deal with them after she got cleaned up. She made her way past them towards her bedroom. Inside she found a small photo album carefully placed at the foot of her bed. The words “AJ‘s Weekend While Mommy was in the Slammer" in bright yellow at the top of the purple album. Groaning, she sat down on her bed and flipped through the book. The first group of pictures were all from the office, he must have taken her to work, there was a picture of her on a blanket in his office, surrounded by toys. There were pictures of her and the other members of the group, and some pictures of the two of them making funny faces at each other. The rest of the pictures were more varied: aquarium, zoo, ice cream, AJ’s first time watching Top Gun, and a bunch of other random pictures taken in the apartment. Archer was drinking in half of the pictures, and the pair were doing reckless things in more, but AJ was happy and safe and sound, so Lana guessed she couldn‘t object too much. She had been the one in jail though it was Archer’s fault.
After getting herself cleaned up and changed, she made her way back into living room and found that her boyfriend and daughter were still fast asleep. She found the remote, turn the TV off, and waited. It took about 45 seconds without the song before both Archer and AJ were stirring and waking up. Archer sat up first, rubbing his eyes and looking around the room, but AJ doing mostly the same thing spotted Lana first. “Mommy!" AJ cheered, running to greet her mother.
“Hey baby," Lana said pulling her daughter into a hug. “I missed you!”
“Me and Daddy fun!" AJ told her, pointing towards Archer. She didn’t seem to have missed Lana much, a fact that made her a little sad.
“Yeah, Daddy‘s fun," Archer said through a yawn, stretching his arms.
“Well, daddy forgot to pick up mommy," Lana said sweetly to AJ, but the bitterness was definitely there.
“Goddamnit,” Archer cursed. “AJ! You were supposed to remind me!”
“Don’t get Mommy!" AJ said cheerfully, earning Archer a glare from Lana.
“Don’t forget Mommy, don‘t forget,” Archer corrected, trying to give Lana a sheepish grin.
“Don’t get Mommy!” AJ cheered again.
“Either way, you shouldn’t have left that up to the two-year-old," Lana scolded him
“Not Daddy fault," AJ said defiantly, crossing her arms.
“I see Daddy taught you all sorts of fun things this weekend huh?" Lana asked, not looking at her daughter, instead of shooting daggers at Archer with her eyes.
“Danger Zone!" AJ sang dramatically, causing Archer to break into a fit of laughter. He was literally rolling on the ground laughing. “Danger Zone! Danger Zone!” She cheered again.
“Oh god. What did I get myself into?" Lana asked herself, watching as Archer had started dramatically singing the whole song, AJ doing her best to sing along.
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casadepalermo · 3 years
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@casadepalermo main
@casadecolors side
@lacasadeberlermo fic
I don’t own any of these photos. Sometimes I might edit them. If something is yours and you want it removed or given credit then just ask.
Requests & Asks are open.
Other fandoms: Harry Potter / Mike Flanagan verse / The Young Ones / Wentworth Prison / Psych / Supernatural / Star Trek (original) / & I love love love The Simpsons and anything Matt Groening / Archer / + other cartoons or anything 90s / and I will read your RPF/celeb fics too bc I love tabloids and I’m not ashamed.
*broke my laptop so my blog is best viewed on mobile
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josiebelladonna · 2 years
you know, as same-ish as my cartoon style can be, at least it’s got a human heart behind it.
they’re very “love them or hate them”, like a guy in the testament group called my cartoon rendition of that group photo “dumb” but whatever (i’ve gotten way worse comments than that, i’m not sweating it). but i can readily say that they have their fans, though.
they’re not overly hideous and i don’t half-ass them, either. no creepy, gem-like eyes and big ungodly swollen lips, or a frankenstein’s monster of “weebles wobble but they don’t fall down” with archer and south park. they feel like a person made them; a girl made them.
also: when i wrote amped and wired, it actually had a story to it. i didn’t just throw in the black comedy for the hell of it: i actually gave it some thought and chose my words with care. i didn’t throw in edgy, dark humor and commentary for the hell of it, i actually tried to make it all work. i was in tears when i wrote the “sliced wife meat” scene, i was laughing so hard - i’m laughing right now just thinking about it. i’m doing the same thing right now for dead man walking. hell, i do this with all of my multi-chapter stuff.
dead man walking, i have a kid character surrounded by dangerous objects and dangerous people. amped and wired, i had strippers who do what they can to help joey and lars. i do the same thing in xenon dreams, too, with carmen and her willingness to help greg and louie, and also daisy with alex.
i also made the humor sit. all three of those fics have quiet moments. you know, it wasn’t being pushed by the network ad infinitum in the loudest, noisiest way possible. i’m no professional, but i try to make things work. i try to make things funny with my writing, especially if it’s something serious, like in the ritual/book seven of fever when sam punched alex in the nose after he got his hair cut because she thought he was an intruder; quite the contrast after the somber seriousness of the ballad. or in dead man walking when alex threatens to bean john tempesta over the head with a milk crate because he thought he was part of the whole grand scheme of things. or really, just the whole premise of amped and wired: joey finds a corpse laying in the street but rather than taking her to the hospital, he takes her home so he can be at the strip club.
just ‘cause you’re talking outlandishly loud or having a kid character say shocking things (when it’s been done over and over already) doesn’t make it funny. why the higher-ups don’t get any of this, i’ll never know.
p.s., can we please start putting more effort into adult cartoons? to say this whole “cartoons are for kids” nonsense is aging like milk couldn’t quite cut it; kids’ cartoons actually have a lot more effort put into them than most people realize.
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bluerocketaconitum · 3 years
Pieces of my Batfam fics
These are little pieces of my Batfam WIPs that I actually like. If any of them jump out to you, I'd love to hear your thoughts! I'm trying to motivate myself to write more.
1. From my Forever Evil fix it - DickBabs
“Hey.” His voice and smile were barely there, but the sight still flooded Barbara's eyes with tears. He let her fingers trace over his cheek. “Hey yourself.”
'Where's T'mmy?”
“He's ok. He's asleep. Jason and Alfred fixed up his arm.”
He was drifting, and Barbara didn't want his eyes to close again so soon. She trailed a finger along his cheekbone where the black foundation had smeared under his mask.
“You look like a raccoon. A very good looking one, but a raccoon nonetheless.”
That got another small smile from him, but it seemed to be all he could do. His eyes slid closed.
2. From my baby DickBabs story - (heavily inspired by the characterizations of Robin and Batgirl in The Batman cartoon series)
He quickly palmed the tears away, looking at her sheepishly through damp lashes. Barbara knelt down. “What's up?”
“C'mon Dick, I know better. Something's bothering you, and it's not just your leg, nasty as it is. I'm not judging you for crying, by the way. I cried like a baby when I broke my collarbone last year, so spill.” It was a lie, but his expression opened slightly.
“It's just...” he sighed and scrubbed his eyes once more before replacing the mask. “Can't hide this from Batman.” he gestured to his leg.
“No... why would you want to?”
Dick took a shaky breath. “He's re-evaluating Robin.”
“So... you're getting a performance review? Why?”
“I got hurt. Last night. It's why I was off my game tonight. Missed a dose or two of pain meds.”
“Oh. How bad were you hurt? It's not like you've never gotten hurt on patrol before. We both have. I don't see what the big deal is.”
In retrospect, it made sense. He had been sweating and pale even before () had broken his leg.
“I got shot. It was a graze, but deep. Leslie said it hit my rib.”
“Zigged when you shoulda zagged?”
“And Bruce let you come out tonight anyway?”
“Not exactly.”
“Ah.” Barbara bit her lip, unsure what to say. Dick looked so miserable – tearful, soaking wet and shivering, one arm tucked around his wounded rib, swollen lower lip where one of the thugs had gotten a lucky hit in, leg swathed in their capes and his escrima sticks as a splint to twice its size, weighing him down. He definitely wouldn't be running or tumbling or flipping any time soon, and that was hard for someone who barely kept his feet on the ground as it was.
“When he finds out I went on patrol without him when I was supposed to be in bed, and got hurt worse, he'll ground me forever. I don't want to lose Robin, Babs. I can't. Without Robin, I'm... I'm nothing.” he whispered.
Another tear escaped under the domino mask and Barbara sat down next to him, putting an arm over his shoulders and pulling his shaking form close, sharing some body heat and wishing for at least one of their capes to keep off the chill. He was freezing and he must have been exhausted because he allowed her embrace, almost melting against her, without any wise cracks or complaints. It made Barbara's anxiety shoot up higher. Dick loved casual touches and hugs, but when he was really hurting, he tended to clam up and insist he was fine. The fact that he was practically in her lap without any protest worried her.
She slid her gauntlet from one hand and brought it to his forehead. Hot. There were beads of sweat running down his hairline and his lower lip was trembling. Barbara winced. A very recent gunshot wound, coupled with a nasty open fracture and then a dip in the filthy Gotham harbor were all contributing factors to what could easily develop into a dangerous fever.
She hugged him closer.
“Not nothing, Dick. You're special even without Robin. But let's worry about that later, ok? Right now, we're just taking a breather and making sure the bad guys are gone so we can get home.”
3. From my Dick and Tim story -
“Did you check in with Oracle?”
“No. I thought you did. You were too busy soaking up the sun, weren't you.”
Dick stretched his arms toward the sky and his spine popped luxuriously. “It just feels so good. And it'll only get better. They say Dibba is what summer feels like.”
“Yeah, well, I'm getting burnt. And they confiscated my sunscreen at the airport. Glad you're having such a good time.”
Dick reached into Tim's messenger bag and plucked his ball cap from under the flap, setting it decisively on Tim's head to give his face a modicum of shade. he shook his head sadly. “You poor little vampire. You're actually worse than Bruce and that's saying something.”
From the same story as above - for context, Dick is temporarily blind, and they've been locked in a storage room in their civilian identities.
"I think i found a way out. There's boxes stacked to the ceiling, but there's a vent..."
Dick could hear Tim rustling around and grunting as he moved and un-stacked the boxes. "I don't think they realized this was here. And..." more grunting followed by a triumphant "yes! I can fit into the vent."
"Can I fit?" Dick asked.
"No. I'll come around and unlock the door."
"Are you sure? You know I can contort -"
"No!" Tim cut him off. "Absolutely not. I hate it when you do that." Dick could hear the shudder in Tim's voice and he grinned up in his direction as he deliberately shifted his shoulders backwards and up into an impossible angle around his head.
"What, this?"
"Quit it! That's gross! I will leave your freaky, boneless ass in this room if you do that again."
4. From my Dick and Damian story -
Damian's breath caught for a moment when an arrow from one of the higher rooftops sang toward Grayson as he landed a flip, but the acrobat spun and caught the arrow before it struck him, waving it in a cocky salute at the archer who had loosed it.
Damian grinned for the first time in half a year.
(I'm kind of obsessed with the idea of the batkids ((especially Richard 'I-grew-up-with-Roy-Harper-on-my-team' Grayson)) being able to catch arrows. I think they've done it in the comics once or twice).
From the same story as above -
“Are you mad at me, lil'D?” Dick asked quietly.
In answer, Damian abruptly threw his arms around his brother, hugging him tightly. Dick returned the hug, wrapping arms around Damian's shoulders.
“I thought you were angry with me.” Damian said into his brother's shoulder. “Because I didn't hear from you. Father wouldn't say anything of import during his calls. I could not tell if you were getting better or not.”
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dixons-sunshine · 3 months
Scooby Snacks with your Whiskey | Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader
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*GIF isn't mine*
Summary: One night when you couldn't sleep, you decided to join Daryl in the guard tower and keep him company. During a game of truth or drink, Daryl unknowingly insulted your favourite childhood cartoon, which resulted in playful arguments, accidentally shattered whiskey bottles and confessions.
Genre: Fluff
Era: Prison, post season 3, pre season 4
Warnings: Swearing, alcohol, sexual innuendos but nothing major.
Word count: 3.7k
A/n: This is based off of what Daryl told Beth in s4 episode 12 right before they set the cabin on fire. He was talking about a cartoon about a talking dog, and my mind instantly went to Scooby Doo, and so this fic was born. It's not really good, since I'm still trying to get into the writing momentum, but I hope you enjoy!
Also, my requests are open for any TWD requests if y'all wanna send any!
"Hey. Would you mind some company?"
At the sound of your voice, Daryl turned around. He hummed and nodded for you to come closer, to which you complied. You stood beside him in silence, quietly observing the walkers at the fences. Unbeknownst to you, Daryl was stealing glances at you, his hands fidgeting with his crossbow string.
His heart fluttered at the sight of you, a regular thing that happened whenever he was in your general area. You looked up at him with that smile that always made butterflies fly around in his stomach and your eyes always seemed to sparkle brighter than the stars in the night sky, and although Daryl liked the quiet away from everyone, you were one of his only exceptions.
Daryl loved hearing you talk. He loved listening to you talk about your life before and although he wouldn't admit it, he was always captivated by the bedtime stories you told little Judith. The way you changed your voice to match the emotion of the part you were telling, even though Judith didn't understand anyway and would react the same regardless, was enchanting to him. He would listen to you talk for hours if he could.
And above all, he loved your caring yet badass nature. The way you would take down walkers with a skilled ease, and then in the same breath turn to him and check him for any injuries with a concerned look on your face made him feel drawn to you. You actually cared about him, in a way nobody ever had. Daryl didn't believe that anything was perfect, but you were the closest thing to perfect there was.
It also didn't help that you were absolutely breathtaking to him. From the beautiful colour of your eyes to your perfectly plump lips that he's wanted to kiss on more occasions than one. Daryl couldn't define how he felt about you because he never felt this way about anyone before, but he knew his feelings for you ran deeper than what could be described as platonic. And that fact scared him.
A soft sigh from you snapped Daryl from his thoughts. He looked over at you and noticed that you seemed to be deep in thought, a small frown on your face as you kept your eyes trailed on the ground below.
"Penny for yer thoughts?" Daryl prompted, instantly gaining your attention. Your eyes trailed over to him and his heart skipped a beat at the smile you gave him.
"Just thinking," you responded nonchalantly, shaking your head in dismissal. You pushed away from the railing you were leaning over and turned your body fully to look at Daryl.
Daryl hummed softly, his eyes trailing over you before shifting back to look at the fences. "Ya wanna talk 'bout it?" He questioned.
"It's stupid."
"Ain't stupid if it's botherin' ya," he retorted, turning his body to fully face you as well.
You sighed before shaking your head. "It's just... I'm thinking about my mom. The last thing we did before all of this was fight over something stupid and now..." You trailed off, suddenly feeling awkward under the archer's stare.
"Ya think she didn't make it?" He finished for you, giving you a knowing look.
"I know she didn't make it. She was diagnosed with cancer about two weeks before all of this started, and there aren't exactly doctors around who could've helped her," you responded, awkwardly fidgeting with your fingers.
"'M sorry to hear tha'. This world jus' ain't meant for people with sicknesses like tha'," Daryl said, and mentally kicked himself for saying that. There you were, confiding in him over something serious and that's the best he could come up with? He felt like a perfect fool.
However, instead of being angry at him, you looked at him with a small smile, much to his surprise. "Yeah," you started. "I just hope that she didn't suffer. She was a good woman."
"Were ya close?" Daryl asked, his blue eyes meeting your beautiful ones. He hoped that he wasn't prying, but he wanted to know more about you, the woman who haunted his thoughts 24/7.
You nodded. "We were."
"Ya make a lot of good memories with her?"
You laughed lightly, surprising the archer. "What is this, 20 questions?"
Daryl frowned. "What?"
"20 questions," you repeated, noting that your repetition didn't spark recognition in the archer's eyes. "It's a game you play with your friends at parties, sleepovers, you name it. You all take turns asking each other any questions you want."
"Never heard of it," Daryl said, shrugging his shoulders. He felt awkward under your intense stare, your eyes widened with surprise.
You softly gasped in surprise. Then, an idea struck you. "Wait here."
"It's my shift," he stated matter-of-factly. "Ain't goin' nowhere until dawn."
With one last look at Daryl, you climbed down from the guard tower, excitedly rushing into the cellblock and into your cell. You bent down in front of your bed and retrieved what you were looking for; a bottle of whiskey you found on a run. With a renewed excitement, you gripped the bottle tightly and headed back up to the guard tower, finding Daryl waiting patiently.
Daryl glanced at the bottle in your hand and looked at you questioningly. "Where'd ya find tha'?" He asked, watching you approach with a slight smile on his face. He could practically see your excitement, the big smile on your face infectious.
"On a run a couple of weeks ago. I've been waiting for the right moment to open it, and the right moment has now presented itself," you said, sitting cross-legged on the floor and motioning for Daryl to do the same.
"How so?" He questioned, following your lead by sitting down on the ground in front of you. He kept his eyes trailed on you, watching your every move.
"Well, I was gonna suggest we play 20 questions, but I don't wanna force you into answering a question you don't want to, so we're gonna play truth or drink instead. We ask questions back and forth, and if we don't wanna answer the question that was asked, we drink. It's as simple as that."
"And I dun' got any say in if I wanna play or not?" Daryl asked, a small, teasing smile on his face. His smile turned into something more genuine when you let out a light laugh.
"Nope!" You laughed, opening the bottle and placing it in between the two of you. "You wanna start?"
Daryl hesitated, pursing his lips. "I dun' know wha' to ask."
"Anything. There are no wrong questions," you reassured him, leaning back on the palm of your hands.
"Alrigh'," he drawled, unsure of himself. "Wha' was yer favourite movie before all of this?"
"There you go," you praised him with a smile, making Daryl duck his head as heat flushed his face. "To be honest, I don't really know. I watched a lot of movies, so I don't think I can narrow it down to one. But I have a couple of favourites. The Breakfast Club and Back to the Future are two of them."
Daryl nodded, absentmindedly chewing on his thumbnail. "Now 's yer turn, righ'?" He questioned.
"Yeah," you confirmed. After a couple of beats of silence, you voiced your question. "Who was your first kiss?"
Daryl shifted awkwardly, embarrassment filling his body. "I honestly dun' remember her name. It was some girl in a dive bar Merle used to drag me to. She was drunk and I was helpin' her to her car when she turned around and kissed me."
"How old were you?" You asked, genuinely interested. Daryl rarely talked about his past, so when he did, you ingrained every piece of what he said into your mind.
"Nah, 's my turn to ask the questions. Wait yer turn," he joked, eliciting a laugh from you.
"Touché, Dixon, touché. Ask away."
Daryl chewed on his bottom lip, a habit you noticed he unknowingly did whenever he was thinking. You found it absolutely endearing, but the more you thought about it, the more you realised that you found most things about the archer endearing. The way he fiddled with his bolts whenever he was bored, the way he flicked his hair out of his face with the shake of his head, his small smile—you could go on a rant about his smile, and you have before. Michonne happened to be the victim who was forced to listen to your lovesick rambling in the car on your way back from the same run you'd gotten the whiskey from.
Begrudgingly snapping yourself out of your thoughts, you patiently waited for Daryl to continue the game. Feeling your stare on him, he asked the first thing that popped to mind, and instantly wished he didn't.
"Who was yer first sex partner?"
A nervous laugh bubbled out of you, heat creeping up your cheeks at a rapid pace. Daryl felt his own face flush, feeling stupid for asking the question.
"Sorry. Ya dun' have to answer tha'," he apologised, his eyes darting to the floor.
"No, it's okay. Like I said, no wrong questions. Besides, if I don't answer, I have to drink," you said, trying to compose yourself. You took a deep breath. Of all the things you thought you'd be doing tonight, you didn't think you'd be discussing who your first intimate partner was with the guy you had feelings for. "My highschool boyfriend, senior year."
Daryl nodded and left it at that. He leaned back on his hands, watching you carefully. He was surprised that you'd actually answered the question, given the personal privacy boundaries he pushed. He silently promised himself that whatever personal question you asked him, he would answer.
"What's the most petty fight you've ever gotten into because of Merle?" you questioned, looking at him expectantly.
Daryl stayed quiet for a few moments, thinking hard about his answer. "It was with this one guy. He was Merle's dealer. He was a small, janky white guy. We were over at his house one day, jus' loungin' around and watchin' TV, some stupid kids show playin'. It was barely noon, we were all wasted and Merle was high. Merle decided to take a piss outta the show, and when he started, he wouldn't let up. He never could when he was high."
Daryl stopped for a moment, collecting his thoughts while your gaze remained fixated on him. You seemed genuinely interested in the story, your eyes sparkling with wonder. Your lips were slightly parted and it took everything in Daryl not to act on his urge to kiss your pretty lips.
"It turns out, the cartoon was the guy's favourite show, and he got hella pissed 'bout it. 'M pretty sure Merle didn't know it was the guy's favourite show. I mean, he never saw the guy except when he needed somethin', but tha' didn't matter. The guy punched Merle in the face, and tha's when I got into the fight. 'M on this guy and 'm punchin' him as hard as I can, but then the guy pulls a gun on me, sticks it righ' against my head and threatens to shoot me."
"Oh, god," you murmured, slightly horrified.
"Yeah," Daryl nodded, seemingly unfazed at your reaction. "Tha's when Merle pulls out his gun and points it at the guy. At this point, everyone's yellin', I'm yellin'... I thought I was gonna die tha' day."
"How'd you get out of it?" You asked, bringing your knees up to rest your head on them.
"I didn't. The guy ended up punchin' me in the gut and I puked on the floor. They both started laughin' at me and everythin' was magically over," Daryl said, shaking his head at the memory. "And to think that happened over some dumbass cartoon about a talkin' dog."
You visibly stiffened, and this caught Daryl's attention. "Wha'? Wha's wrong?"
"Talking dog..." You trailed off, your eyebrows furrowing. "Did the dog happen to be a Great Dane? And his owner was this guy in a green shirt and brown pants with messy hair?"
Daryl pursed his lips, thinking for a moment before nodding. "Yeah. There were other people, too. Two women and a guy with an ascot."
"Scooby Doo," you stated plainly, giving the archer a playful glare.
"Wha'?" He asked, confusion evident on his face.
"Scooby Doo," you repeated, waving your hand nonchalantly. "That's the cartoon you were talking about. The cartoon you called dumb."
"Yeah, 's 'cus it was. Can't believe anybody actually liked tha' crap."
"Daryl Dixon, how dare you?" You laughed, your eyes widened in surprise. "Scooby Doo is a national treasure! He was part of my childhood and now you're insulting him? I don't think we can be friends anymore."
Daryl chuckled at you, rolling his eyes at your theatrics. "From wha' I saw, the dog and his owner were cowards. Runnin' away, screamin', from fake ghosts after how many years of encounterin' them and knowin' tha' ghosts aren't real but they still think they are? It's stupid as shit, and I ain't apologising for thinkin' tha'."
"You're a disgrace!" You laughed, trying to sound angry but miserably failing. "You're telling me that, real or not, if a ghost was chasing you that you wouldn't run away?"
"Tha's righ'," he nodded, before gesturing to the walkers down at the fence. "I dun' run away from tha' shit, so I sure as hell wouldn't be runnin' away from fake ass ghosts."
"I can't believe you," you said, shaking your head in mock disappointment. "This is the worst betrayal ever. I don't think I'll ever be able to forget this. We won't be able to go back to being friends because of this. This is terrible."
"Stop," he laughed quietly, his eyes twinkling with a rare occurrence of merriment. "It ain't tha' deep. I jus' dun' like it."
"Clearly you don't like it because you have bad taste," you retorted playfully.
"Well, I like ya, so do I still have bad taste?"
Silence. It was so silent, you could hear a pin drop. Any trace of the former reverie between the two of you disappeared and was instead replaced with an invisible current of electricity between you. Your breath caught in your throat at the sudden revelation from the man, and your heart sped up in your chest. The logical part of your brain told you that he meant it platonically, that he liked you the way he liked Rick or Glenn, but the optimistic part convinced you that he didn't, that your feelings weren't one-sided. That the archer might like you too.
"Probably," you finally responded, feeling your face ablaze with the heat that spread across it.
"Nah, my taste is immaculate," he replied, looking at you carefully, closely monitoring your reactions. Daryl knew that was a risky response, and he was nervous about your reaction, but he hoped for the best.
You gulped nervously. Daryl's response made your stomach do somersaults and your heart pound at the speed of light.
"Yeah? I still think your taste is shit," you finally managed to respond, your mouth suddenly feeling dry. Sometimes you wondered if Daryl knew what effect he had on you. If he knew how many nights dreams of him plagued your mind.
Daryl's chuckle broke the tension between you, and you felt like you could breathe again.
"Whatever ya say." Daryl took the bottle from the middle and took the first swig since the game started. Your eyes drifted to the trickle of whiskey that spilt from the bottle and trickled down his lips and chin, and you had the sudden urge to lean forward and kiss the spill away.
"You don't like Scooby Doo. That automatically means that you have shitty taste," you retorted, your breathing slightly heavier than before.
You leaned forward to take the bottle from him, but he held it out of your reach. You looked at him in confusion but he simply smirked at you, getting up from his position on the ground to stand tall over you.
"Daryl," you warned, laughing as you got up as well. "It's my whiskey. Give it back."
"Nah, I think Imma hold on to it," he said playfully, holding the bottle above his head. He laughed at you when you jumped to try and grab it from his hands.
"Daryl!" You exclaimed with a laugh, trying everything to retrieve the bottle, but to no avail. "Come on, don't be so mean!"
"Ya said I had terrible taste. Well, I like this whiskey, so tha' means it must be terrible as well, since I like it, so ya probably won't like it," he responded playfully, his eyes alight with mischief.
One final jump to grab it proved to be the wrong move. You accidentally slipped when your feet hit the ground, sending you falling onto Daryl. The archer reacted swiftly, dropping the bottle to to catch you with both hands. The bottle shattered on the ground instantly while you and Daryl toppled onto the floor, the force from your fall catching him off guard. Daryl layed flat on his back with you on top of him, his hands still on your waist from when he tried to steady you before you fell.
You looked into Daryl's ocean coloured eyes and felt your heart speed up. Daryl's eyes darted to your lips for a second before going back to your eyes, but you had caught him. In a sudden burst of confidence, you lowered your face and crashed your lips onto his, catching him off guard for the second time that night.
Daryl stiffened for a moment, surprised at the unexpected action from you, but soon relaxed and slowly kissed you back. He brought one of his hands to the back of your head and drew you closer, his lips slowly moving against yours. His other hand hesitantly trailed from your waist to the small of your back, gently moving over the exposed skin from the ride up of your shirt.
The kiss ended too prematurely for your taste, but oxygen was still a necessity. You slowly pulled back, looking into his eyes with surprise and delight. Daryl looked back at you in adoration.
"Wha' was tha' fer?" He whispered breathlessly, his chest heaving slightly.
"Just because," you replied honestly, still baffled at the fact that you had just kissed Daryl, surprised that you had mustered up the courage to do so in a matter of seconds.
"Well, if ya think tha's gonna prove to me tha' my taste is shit, then yer gonna need to try somethin' different. Tha' didn't work. If anythin', it jus' proved to me tha' my taste is amazin'."
You laughed and shook your head. "You talking about me or Scooby Doo?"
Daryl started sitting up, making you slide down his stomach to sit in his lap. "Definitely ya," he responded, wrapping his arms around you.
"So, you like like me, huh, Dixon?" You teased, linking your arms around his neck.
Daryl hummed and gave you a small smirk. "Mhm," he hummed, giving you a soft peck on the lips. "Wish I'd known tha' talkin' shit 'bout some cartoon dog would make this happen. Woulda done it a lot sooner."
"Don't you ever talk shit about that dog in my presence ever again," you warned with a playful glare, eliciting a chuckle from the archer.
"Jus' to be sure, this means somethin', righ'?" He asked, his tone turning serious. A look of doubt spread across his face. "This wasn't jus' a heat of the moment thing for ya?"
You shook your head, bringing one of your hands to cup his cheek. "Did you mean it? That you like me? And I don't mean in a platonic way."
"I did," he confirmed, leaning into your touch.
"That's good," you said with a small, shy smile. "Because I like you too. Even if you have crappy taste."
Daryl's eyes filled with relief and he let out a small laugh before leaning in to kiss you again. The kiss was brief, but it was sweet and tender. When he pulled away, he brought a hand up to push your hair out of your face.
"Never thought this would happen. I thought ya dun' like me like tha'."
You leaned forward and kissed his cheek. "No more of that. I don't plan on letting you go now that I have you, Daryl Dixon. You're stuck with me."
Daryl rolled his eyes. "Oh, yeah, 'm stuck." With that, he leaned forward and pressed his lips against yours in a feverish kiss. He flipped you over so that you were on your back, making you giggle against his lips.
You were definitely thankful for Scooby Doo and that whiskey bottle right now.
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takaraphoenix · 4 years
I wanted to come in with Reggie/Ray but I was too late so 1. Reggie/Ray/whatever the fuck Julies mom is called threesome (literally it occured to me only for plot purposes of... killing the mom, sorry xD) and 2. WHY WASNT ANYONE HERE WITH MARVEL YET. Its my duty then. But I know the most popular answers so Ill try harder ones. IronHawk. IronPanther. WinterFrost. Clintasha. Pepper/Nat. CarolRhodey.
Oooh. Also. Sam/Steve. And a general do you have any steve ships question.
Thanks for playing xDDD (And I will just pack that additional Marvel one here too)
Reggie/Ray/Rose (according to the wiki): 3 (I like this ship. It’s a nice side-pairing, but nothing more.)
I appreciate the alliteration.
Listen. You guys sold me on the “Reggie doesn’t die. They are an OT3, now older!Reggie and Ray raise Julie and also this is why Julie can see the band because one of her dads was in the band” angle. You sold me.
IronHawk: 2 ( I love this ship! Actively ship it! )
I even wrote for this ship before! xD
But yeah, in virtually any other universe aside from the MCU, or a very “we take Avengers 1 and then go Tower Fic divergent” AU, I really dig this!
IronPanther: 2 ( I love this ship! Actively ship it! )
Yeees. One of my favorites, actually! Definitely makes my Top 5 Marvel ships!
WinterFrost: 4 ( I’m indifferent to this ship. )
I don’t really understand this ship. Like. I indirectly wrote it before too, because hey this is the overlapping of my two favorite Marvel ships, but only them, without the angle that made them overlap, I don’t really... understand it. That’s neither positive nor negative, it’s just confused. xD”
Clintasha: 3 (I like this ship. It’s a nice side-pairing, but nothing more.)
One of my first favorite Marvel side-pairings! The Widow and the Archer work so well together. I still think the MCU should have gone with this, honestly.
Pepper/Nat: 4 ( I’m indifferent to this ship. )
I don’t really have feelings for this. Partially because it’s been so many years since I saw that one movie where they do have interactions that I don’t have memories of it anymore. And partially because I do have go-to ships for the both of them and I’m not much of a multishipper when it comes to side-pairings; usually, when I find a ship where I can comfortably put a side character in, I stick with that. Rarely do I have 2 side-pairing level ships for one person, even more rarely are there more.
I mean, it‘s pretty wlw so I am definitely not opposed to it. I’d just have to-- rewatch that one movie where they do have interactions to have an actual opinion, I guess. xD
CarolRhodey: 3 (I like this ship. It’s a nice side-pairing, but nothing more.)
In the MCU, I am more partial to Maria/Carol because, well, actual interactions were being had here and the MCU kinda scrapped the history of Carol and Rhodey, but I still really like those two too.
Sam/Steve: 4 +  I don’t see this as a ship, it’s a brOTP/familial dynamic to me! ( I’m indifferent to this ship. )
I just... generally don’t care for MCU!Steve, the only Steve-ship I have at this point is with Peggy and I also generally am not into the “best friends turned lovers” ships. I like them as best friends. (I’m still salty with Steve and he has no shipping-privileges yet. I really need to rewatch the cartoons for Steve to regain shipping-privileges.)
send me a ship and I’ll rate it on a scale from 1 to 7!
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jewishicequeen · 4 years
   A scientific expedition makes it's way to the kingdom of Arendelle. On the ship are a bunch of scientists, including Varian, a 17 years old alchemist, and some soldiers, including Cassandra, a bodyguard sent to keep the head scientist, Doctor. St. Croix, from harm. It's the first time they leave Corona. Both are sure nothing's gonna ruin it for them. Until...
   The expedition was ambushed. The ship was attacked by pirates, four young people who calls themselves "The Big 4".
   Cassandra and Varian are not gonna go down without a fight. But how on earth are they supposed to overcome and run away from a master archer, a skillful viking, a winter spirit, a girl with magical powers and an overgrown, flamebreathing flying lizard?
Rating: General Audience
Fandoms: Rapunzel’s Tangled Adventure, ROTBTD
Ships: Cassandra/Varian, possible Jack/Elsa, possible Eugene/Rapunzel
Warnings: Some language(Will have additional warnings in the chapter discription), Violence, my questionable battle-writing skills
I felt like it’s about time I make a post about this fic here- so this is it, my Cassarian/Pirate! Big Four fic. I’m writing it solely for own enjoyment.
(Varian is 17 going on 18 in the fic, mostly for the other character’s age. He’ll turn 18 somewhere along it. I’m not gonna make a fuss about it, because I don’t believe in the magic properties of crossing the line from 17 and 11 months and three weeks to 18 and three seconds. He’s mature here, Cass is mature here, that’s what important. The fic also not gonna be very focused on their romance if it even will happen anyway, cause I suck at writing couples and I know it. It’s gonna be VERY slow-burn.)
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agent-yolk-writes · 5 years
How do you think certain servants would take it if a high school master summoned the servants in a hgw and was like “fuck it come to school with me” as a student, too? Teenage servants like Billy, Alexander, and Marie?
Ooooh, I never really thought about it like this. I’ve read a fic of a Master taking Gil to school, but it’s Gil so does it really count?
And also sorry for the long wait. I got no spoons. 
Teenage Servants being actual teenagers and go to school
Billy the Kid
Will probably be the least of the three to not have a problem with blending in the crowd, despite his distaste for the noise that comes from the hallways between classes and mess hall.
He’s a lone wolf kind of guy who’s only seen either by himself or with you. Because of this, rumors spread here and there that you’re either dating or cousins. Someone heard him call you ‘Master’ and the rumor windmill just keeps turning. Is he your butler? Is it a nickname? Is it…part of an intimate romance?!
Hats are forbidden indoors, so he has nothing to hide his face with when he hears something scandalous. It’s definitely different from the rumors back he was a living outlaw. Kids these days sure are noisy, huh?
He’s…a little less than average, academic wise. In his living days, he was too busy taking care of his mother that he didn’t have time to properly attend school. Most of your psychedelic link conversations were more about how to do a certain math problem than figuring out who the other Master in this school is and what is their servant. You actually have to focus in class so your poor Archer doesn’t go down with you. 
He doesn’t do any after school activities. Maybe he’ll wait for you in spirit form or have a smoke where the cameras can’t find him. 
There are not enough words to describe how excited Alex is to go to school with his Master. Learning in the modern era? Learning new things since his time alive? Hell yea, sign him up. He may be a King, but he’s a boy at heart. 
He’s very involved in your school’s sports as well. He prefers both versions of football and wrestling out of everything, but he will gladly fill in if the basketball team needs an extra player. You’re worried that he’ll burn up all of his mana if he exerts himself like this.
However, his involvement doesn’t just stop at sports alone. He joins the chess club, science club, book club, even the drama club! Needless to say, he loves getting involved in a lot of things. 
Along with his popularity, his grades are impressive! Probably because he already knows some of it back in his glory days, but man he couldn’t help but be excited to learn stuff. He’s a natural killer in World History. 
Maybe he’s too involved that it kinda interferes with the Holy Grail War. It feels like you’re in some kind of cartoon when your Rider has to attend Nationals at 7 but he needs to fight Saber at 8. Maybe Saber’s Master will think you summoned a famous Football player and the ball is his Noble Phantasm.
Marie Antoinette
No doubt that she’ll be the school sweetheart, much to the dismay of her master asking to keep a low profile. It’s her pretty face and her beautiful hair that makes people’s heads turn in the hallways. You had to find somewhere to eat lunch privately because everyone wanted to sit next to her.
She’s quite the sociable one. Always striking up conversations with classmates and faculty alike. Can you really say no to her? I certainly wouldn’t. 
Of course, this causes some jealousy among the student body when the two of you are always seen together. With the head turns some hisses and jeers from those wanting to be in your place. It doesn’t help that Marie likes to hold onto your hand in the hallways (she doesn’t want to get lost, she explains.)
Weirdly enough, she’s good at tennis. It also comes as no surprise that she’s a doll in the drama club as well, taking the spotlight no matter the role. It would suck if another Master from the war is among the audience and knows she’s a Servant.
Grade wise, she’s pretty good. Not bad, not great, just good. The only normal thing that applies to the Rider.
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kujojotarot · 5 years
Sabr’s Weekly Rec List #1
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I thought I’d start a weekly rec list of cool movies, shows, books, fics, blogs, and whatever else I find cool throughout the week! So here’s week 1 below the cut!
Good Hunting (from Love, Death, and Robots on Netflix - Dir. Oliver Thomas):
Duration: ~17 minutes
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A poignant and beautifully animated story about a Huli jing and a human being forced adapting to technology. The steampunk aesthetic contrasted with the initial serenity of nature demonstrate impressive skill and talent by the animators. This is a short in which every word counts and not a frame of screen-time is wasted. I won’t say much because it’s a short but it’s as touching as it is heart-wrenching. (Tws for non-graphic rape and middling gore)
Jojoquarium ( @jojoquarium​ )
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Okay this blog just sends me. I have loved marine biology and the ocean since I was a kid and with my current year long and still going strong Jojo adoration this blog was a heaven send for me. They link articles to the species so you can learn more about them, which gives you the opportunity to learn more about fascinating new creatures. And these mashups?? 👌👌I highly recommend following this blog.
Jojolion (Hirohiko Araki available on Mangadex):
Duration: 91/??? Chapters
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So I’m sure most of you are aware of this but I just really started reading this again and I don’t get why so many people dislike it. It is very different from Araki’s previous parts of Jojo but I’m loving the emphasis on mystery. It has some very cool gore in it too — I highly recommend it. I’m around 25 chapters in and so far each chapter gets better than the last. You’ll be drawn in by the mystery surrounding this town and fascinated by trying to pull all of the information and detail Araki offers together. If you haven’t gotten around to it yet I highly recommend reading it. And Josuke’s stand, Soft n Wet, is one of my favorite stands ever both conceptually and in design. (tw for gore, trypophobia)
Hazbin Hotel (Animation Pilot by Vivziepop on Youtube):
Duration: ~30 minutes
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This is a hilarious and refreshing animation pilot that breathes fresh life into the somewhat derivative scene of contemporary western animation. It has adult themes and jokes, some of them may be found slightly offensive (although it’s always aimed at the right people) so keep that in mind. But for me, as someone who is a fan of dark humor and good animation this pilot is a must. It’s cynical and pointed jabs at modern society (lol we live in a society guyz) are contrasted nicely by a sweet, optimistic (but also very human) main character. And! Lesbians! Main character lesbians!! Also Angel Dust is a personal favorite. If you like X rated cartoon villains, incredible music (oh yeah, did I mention it’s a musical?), and refreshing plot this show is for you. Think Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends meets Archer. (tw for mild gore, slightly offensive humor).
Bree Da Fool ( @breedafool​ )
Blog & Youtube Channel
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(video accompanying awesome dio art with even more awesome dio art)
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Bree has an amazing art style and a great sense of humor. You can tell by these samples alone. This blog is full of awesome Jojo stuff, original content as well as reblogs. You’ll find top tier memery as well as some good Jotakak and Gyjo content for your soul.  Another blog that I simply cannot recommend enough.
Enigma of Amigara Fault (Junji Itō available on Mangadex):
Duration: ~30 pages
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Speaking of those Jojolion wall eyes...have you read The Enigma of Amigara Fault yet? If not, you definitely should. Junji Itō is one of my favorite horror writers and in this short manga, he does an amazing job of both building suspense and dread over a short period of time and also working in some social commentary along the way. This concept has always been so unsettling to me, the idea of having a “perfect” place made just for you. Predestination and lack of will. I highly recommend this although you may need to fucking meditate or something afterwards.
Thanks for reading! I hope I helped you find some cool new content this week!
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asaseya · 5 years
Something Between Us: Chapter One
This fic takes place directly after Something about us. Kal and Roy settle into their new relationship. Kal retakes his place in the superhero community. Roy starts his own business. Jade, as always, is full of surprizes. Waning for smut.
Read on Ao3 
Chapter One
Kaldur fell asleep fifteen minutes after joining Roy on the sofa. Between the ticking of the clock on his wall, the sound of Roy’s steady breathing, and relief at being finally,blissfully, alone Kaldur didn’t really stand a chance. Although this was not how his evening was supposed to go his only regret was how the sofa’s armrest pressed into his back. Kaldur never really considered his sofa’s size and comfort level until this week. He made a mental note to find a replacement.
At some point after he nodded off Roy must have rearranged them. Kaldur lay on his back with Roy stretched out on top of him, half of the archers limbs dangled off the sofa’s edge.  With the exception of their shoes and belts they still had their clothes on. And the top two buttons on Kaldur’s shirt had been undone. How Roy managed all that without waking Kaldur was a puzzle for another time. For now Kaldur’s back would very much appreciate moving all this to his bed.
Kaldur ran his fingers through Roy’s hair, studying the swirl pattern. He hated to wake Roy up but figured he’d have a pretty good shot at replicating this position in a more comfortable space. Ducking his head he managed to kiss the top of Roy’s head. “Surely I am not that comfortable to lay on?” Kaldur asked, his voice fond.
Roy murmured something intelligible as he woke. He turned his head until he could rest his chin on Kaldur’s chest. With a sleepy grin he leaned forward and kissed Kaldur’s collarbone. “You underestimate yourself.”
Kaldur didn’t have the presence of mind to suppress his shiver. “Come on,” Kaldur ran his fingers along Roy’s cheek and Roy leaned into the touch. “Let’s get to an actual bed.”
Roy seemed to wake fully at the word bed.
And Kaldur...Kaldur was taken aback by the heat in Roy’s gaze. He was then ready to smack himself when Roy’s look turned into one of concern. Because what in Poseidon's name was his problem now? “It is silly,” Kaldur explained weakly.  “I just. I panicked?”
“Old insecurities.” Kaldur averted his eyes. After a breath he looked back down at Roy.  “ You don’t suppose that this is a sign of progress? At the very least I did not claim that nothing was wrong.”
“We just keep going in circles.” Roy shifted forward to kiss Kaldur lightly on the lips, and the slow drag of Roy’s body against his pulled a moan from Kaldur. The fire was back in Roy’s eyes. He sprung off the sofa and grabbed Jade’s gift bag off the coffee table.  ”Come on,” He said before offering Kaldur his other hand. “Time to rip the bandaid off.”
Kaldur glared at the bag. “Are you certain that is not bugged?” Kaldur’s glare hardened as Roy laughed at him. “I am serious.”
“Don’t be so suspicious.” Roy leaned down to grab Kaldur’s hand and tugged at it.
Kaldur let Roy hoist him up and off the sofa and then drag him to the bedroom. Once inside the room Roy tossed the gift bag onto the bed. Kaldur pulled Roy closer. “Do not laugh.”
Kaldur nodded. “At what I am going to say, but you know we do not have-”
Roy rolled his eyes and let go of Kaldur’s hand “I’m not letting you back out of this,” He said before tugging off his shirt.
“It is not that-” Shirtless Roy was a distraction. “It is not that I don’t want to. It is just that we have had a long day, surely we can do this later.”
“I don’t know about you but I just had a very refreshing nap.” Roy explained as he pulled his pants down. “I’m wide awake! Now strip.” Kaldur took a beat too long to follow Roy’s order causing Roy to scowl. He placed his hands on his hips and Kaldur’s eyes locked on to that location. To the cut of Roy’s abs and the trail of hair that disappeared into Roy’s boxers. Kaldur could feel his throat going dry as his mouth popped open.
“What did I say?” Roy was moving forward now, the suddenness of his movements freezing Kaldur in place. Roy grabbed Kaldur’s collar in his fist, tugging at him as if he were holding him steady for a punch. “Now you listen to me,” he started, his voice a low growl. “I have suffered these last few days because of your stupidly pretty eyes and perfect arms. I have waited patiently for us to be alone. And guess what? We’re alone!  Now I’m not sayin that you owe me this, but you owe me this.” He let go of Kaldur and stepped back enough to pull off his boxers. “So strip.”
“Your arms are nicer than mine,” Kaldur responded dumbly.
“I swear to god!”
“I am not wrong.” Kaldur said as he started to unbutton his shirt. Because he did want this, but he still had problems going after his wants. Or even admitting that he had wants. “Objectively speaking your arms are nicer.”
“Uh huh.” Roy made his way to Kaldur’s bed. He pulled the covers back before sitting down, leaving his legs spread open. They hadn’t really touched each other yet and he was already semi hard.
Kaldur bit back a whimper and averted his eyes. “And talking about suffering. Do you think it would kill you to wear more than a towel when you leave the shower? Hm?” he pulled his undershirt over his head. His eyes flicked over to Roy. Roy who was currently watching him with interest. Kaldur looked away again as Roy absently licked his lips. For what might be the millionth time in the past few days he was glad he didn’t blush easily. “And what is with the staring?”
“Something wrong with me enjoying the view? Your pants are still on.”
Roy said it just as Kaldur had unzipped his pants. The look he gave Roy earned him a cocky grin in return. Kaldur pulled his pants down and kicked them off.
Roy hummed appreciatively. “I like those on you.” He pointed to Kaldur’s boxer briefs. “You should get red ones.”
“Red? Should they have cartoon characters on them as well”
“Ha ha, get over here.” He reached out to Kaldur and Kaldur complied. Roy grabbed Kaldur’s hips once he was close enough. He rubbed his thumbs along Kaldur’s apollo’s belt and then hooked them into the elastic band of Kaldur’s underwear before pulling them down. The archer chuckled.
“That’s comforting,” Kaldur said dryly as he stepped out of his underwear.
Roy grinned up at him. “You grew a little.”
Kaldur scoffed and rolled his eyes. Other parts of him were more honest.
Roy’s smile widened. “Yeah you did. Though I guess it’s not fair to compare you to the you back then.”
“You certainly know how to put me in the mood.”
Roy let Kaldur go and scooted backwards on the bed to make room. “What? Me telling you how big your dick is isn’t turning you on?”
Kaldur laughed lightly then followed Roy onto the bed, hovering over him. “You are ridiculous. Why do I love you?”
Roy’s face softened as he reached up to cup Kaldur’s cheek. As Kaldur leaned down to kiss him Roy wrapped his arms around Kaldur’s neck to tug Kaldur on top of him. They kissed for a bit, pressing into each other as if it were possible to fuse together.
Roy pulled away first, speaking before Kaldur could object. “You love me?”
Kaldur pushed up on his elbows to look down at him. “Have I never said so?” Had he ever said so? It seemed so obvious, of course it was to Kaldur. Because for a long time these feelings were the background noise of his life. But Roy’s eyes were full of questions and even without the promise of romance Kaldur realized that he should have at least made it known to Roy that he would always be someone he treasured.
Roy shook his head. “Never directly.” his face scrunched up as he thought. “But then I’ve never said it either.” He rubbed Kaldur’s arm absently. “But I do love you. God...I should have said this before.” He gestured vaguely to himself.
Kaldur’s face lit up. “I have no complaints. If we moved at my pace I’d be trying desperately not to touch myself in the shower right now.”
“Can I say something kinda scandalous?”
“You ask as if you won’t say it anyway.”
“I totally jerked off to you the second morning here.”
A few moments passed and the silliness of it all bubbled up causing Kaldur to laugh. Roy laughed as well tears forming at the edges of his eyes. Kaldur buried his face into Roy’s neck, smiling into Roy’s skin. “That explains the laundry.”
“Damn, I thought I was pretty stealthy with that.”
Kaldur hummed a response and began kissing Roy’s neck. Roy shivered appreciatively as the kisses moved up his neck to his chin and then back to his mouth. The slow pace of their kissing did little to calm the heat rising within him. He tugged at Kaldur, maneuvering the Atlantean until he fit neatly on top of him and between his legs. He rolled his hips upwards causing Kaldur to break their kiss.
Kaldur pressed his forehead against Roy’s.“What do you want?” He whispered the question but his eyes betrayed his urgency.
Roy could feel Kal’s hardness against his stomach, the possibilities made him ache. “Way more than what we’re prepared for.” he answered honestly.
Kaldur’s eyes softened. “If we had waited-”
“Nuh uh.” Roy squeezed his legs, pressing his knees into Kaldur’s hips. He chucked at Kal’s sharp intake of breath. “I have other plans.” He grabbed the gift bag and rummaged through it, pulling out the bottle of lube. “Don’t give it that look, you’ll appreciate it in a moment.”
“Yes...your ex wife’s contribution to our sex life, Such a thoughtful gesture.”
“You know it actually was?” Roy poured a decent amount on to his hand. “I mean unless you were gonna go to the corner store and buy some? Wonder what rumors the neighborhood could generate with that?”
“Point taken. But don’t expect me to send a thank you note.”
Roy slipped his hand in between them, taking Kaldur in his firm grip. Kaldur’s eyes fluttered shut.
“What about?”
Roy shushed him. “Later.” He moved his hand slowly, dragging at the tip.
Kaldur took a shuddering breath, trying to control his responses.
“Stop that. Just let go.”
Roy sounded annoyed, Kal thought dimly, why was Roy annoyed? “Stop wh-”
Roy kissed him and it was not smooth or slow or perfect, but bruising. Needy. And when he pulled Kaldur’s lower lip between his teeth Kaldur lost it a little. Roy increased his pace and Kaldur would bury himself alive if he were aware enough to hear how wrecked his voice sounded because a hand job was not supposed to be this revolutionary. But it was. Especially when its been far too long since anyone had touched him this way and more specifically because it was Roy touching him this way.
Roy murmured encouragement. Roy called him beautiful. Kaldur disagreed with Roy’s praise, because even now a deep part of him couldn’t believe it. Roy tightened his grip, apparently as punishment because, “The fuck you mean you aren’t?” And maybe now would have been a good time for more lube because Roy’s hand, roughened by his craft, was digging into the more sensitive skin of his cock. It would hurt a man built differently, but it was just the right amount of roughness to truly permeate the dense skin Neptune blessed him with.   
Kaldur had to get away. He had to get away because he wanted to savor this. He wanted to last at least long enough share this first toppling over of pleasure alongside Roy. But when he leaned backwards Roy followed.  Roy’s other hand was kneading his ass. Roy’s mouth was on his neck and then his chest and when Roy bit down lightning flowed through him and all Kaldur could see was white.
“Thanks for the light show.”
Roy’s voice, deeper and rougher than usual, brought Kaldur back to life.
“Light?” Kaldur was still floating but he noticed, noticed the faint glow as the markings on his arms pulsed. “Sorry, I...um.”
“Sorry? No, that was, fuck Kal.” Roy closed the distance between the two of them, arranging them so that he was sitting on Kaldur’s lap. “Fuck.” He wrapped his arms around Kaldur’s neck. “The sounds you make.” He pressed in closer smearing Kaldur’s cum between them, he began to thrust involuntarily, rubbing himself against Kaldur’s stomach.
Kaldur’s head cleared enough to register his dissatisfaction. So long as Roy hadn’t cum he wouldn’t feel fully sated. He supported Roy’s lower back as he laid him back on the bed.
“What are you…”
“Returning the favor.” Kaldur said as he slid downward, fitting himself between Roy’s legs. He lifted Roy’s right leg and slung it over his shoulder. Roy bucked his hips as he watched and Kaldur didn’t resist the urge to tease him. He smiled before flattening his tongue against the base of Roy’s cock then slowly dragged his tongue along its length. Roy’s head fell back as he closed his eyes. His eyes snapped open as Kaldur swallowed him whole, hollowing out his cheeks to increase the suction.
Roy pushed at Kaldur’s head. “How...how are you so…”
Kaldur settled for a slow rhythm pulling back so that only the tip was in in mouth before pushing back down to the base. Roy grabbed at his head in vain, as he rambled a chorus of assorted swear words. When he could tell that Roy was close he pulled away, the release of suction making a deafening pop.
“You need to grow your hair out! Fuck I can’t ...No!”
Kaldur didn’t listen to Roy’s protests, instead he tugged Roy’s hips closer before going in again,  increasing his speed.
“I said….” Roy couldn’t get the words out because he could feel the back of Kaldur’s throat. He knew now that this was how he’d die. That if it were possible to suck someone’s soul from their body this was how it would be done. Roy remembered why he rarely asked/wanted for blow jobs in the years he and Kaldur weren’t together. Kaldur ruined them. He ruined them with his steady gaze and soft lips. With his lack of gag reflex and high lung capacity. He was sure Kaldur should be out of practice but no, apparently the fucker’s mouth was made for fellatio. Furthermore Kal was moaning around his cock and that...Fuck. Roy risked another glance. Gathered what strength he had to prop himself up on his elbows just to see that Kaldur’s eyes were still on him. That Kaldur’s other hand was busy stroking himself. When the hell did Kal get hard again? He wondered as he flopped back down on the bed and fell into oblivion.
Kaldur kept Roy in his mouth, swallowing down Roy’s orgsam as his second rocked through him.
“Fine, you win.” Roy croaked, his voice would even sound worse in the morning. He slung his arm over his eyes and tried to concentrate on his breathing instead of how Kaldur continued to lazily lap at him.
“I wasn’t aware that this was a contest?” Kaldur responded, a smile in his tone.
Roy moved his arm so that he could glare at Kaldur and Kaldur smiled broadly in response.
“This was your idea.” Kaldur remind him. Roy scoffed. Of course it was his idea, because he had damn good ideas! “Round two after I take a nap.”
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The Long Sleep
Summary: Lana takes AJ to see Archer for the first time after the coma.
The hospital loomed over her, like a scary fortress in one of AJ’s books. She had already been inside the fortress, she had already seen the monster inside, but AJ hadn’t. AJ hadn’t been exposed to the quiet, lifeless form of Sterling Archer. The last time she had seen her father, Archer had been bubbly and goofy, he had been blowing raspberries on her tummy, booping her nose and had been an overall goofball, ignoring Lana who had still been mad at him at the time.
    Lana glanced in the rearview mirror and saw AJ playing with the teddy bear Archer had given her for her birthday. He had bought her an exuberant amount of gifts, but this was the only one that he had actually put effort into instead of just buying the most expensive gifts off the shelf, and AJ could tell. She pressed the front paw of the bear, and Archer’s voice saying, “Danger Zone,” with his usual theatrics, rang through the car, causing AJ to burst into a fit of giggles.
    Lana and Archer had been at a low point of their relationship when he had bought the bear, and he had said that he wanted AJ to have a piece of him no matter what state his relationship with Lana was. Lana had thought it was sweet of him at the time and had fallen back into his bed that night, she was eternally grateful now that if anything happened to him, AJ would still have the bear. The giggling had died down in the back, and Lana turned around to see AJ clutching the bear to her chest, “I miss daddy,” AJ said sadly.
    “Me too baby,” Lana told her, placing a comforting hand on her knee, “Do you know what we are doing?” Lana asked her, she had tried to go over what had happened with AJ, but she had not seemed to grasp the idea.
    “Like in general or here?” AJ asked, Archer’s dumb face written all over hers.
    Lana shook her head and tried to force herself through the next part, “Here. Daddy got very injured and his body is having a hard time fixing itself. He is still okay, but he is going to be asleep until his body can fix itself.”
    “How long?” AJ asked, looking up at her mother with big hazel eyes.
    “I don’t know, baby,” Lana said truthfully, her heart hurt as AJ’s eyes filled with tears. She pulled the bear away from her chest and pressed the little paw again.
    “I love you AbbieJean, I hope you are having a badass day,” Archer's voice said. Lana had originally been furious that he had cussed in her teddy bear, to which he had argued that ass was not, in fact, a cuss word. She couldn’t find it in her to be mad at now, especially as her baby was now full on crying.
    Lana got out of the car, swinging AJ’s backpack onto her shoulder before freeing AJ from her car seat and pulling her into her arms. All of AJs limbs wrapped around Lana, the toddler crying into the crook of her neck, “It’s going to be okay baby, we just have to be brave until daddy wakes up,” she told her, stroking the toddler’s hair, trying to push away her own tears. AJ nodded into her neck, but kept crying, “We’ll be okay baby.”
       The room was like any other hospital room: quiet, bland and sterile. Malory was sitting in the chair beside the bed, not getting up to greet them, she barely nodded to acknowledge their presence. Lana sat down in the chair beside her, AJ in her lap. AJ paid little attention to Malory, her focus entirely on Archer. Lana tried to make small talk with Malory: “Any improvements? Have you gotten any sleep? Do you need food?” the usual. AJ had been antsy the whole time, squirming in Lana’s arms. She would glance between the two of them occasionally, but her attention always snapped back to Archer. After some struggling, AJ finally broke free of Lana and crawled on to the hospital bed. Lana went to stop her, but Malory put a hand up to stop her, “I don’t think she can do any more harm to him.”
    “Daddy...” AJ said quietly, barely a whisper as she looked for a sign of life. She poked him, lifted his hand just for it to fall back into place, “Daddy...daddy,” she repeated, louder each time, trying to get him to react. Lana swore she could hear her heartbreaking, Malory was outright sobbing beside her. AJ was getting upset now, she took a deep breath, scrunched up her face, and yelled, “DADDY!” at the top of her lungs. Lana felt a small smile break through the pain, she was definitely Archer’s daughter, but her baby girl was starting to sob, and that had to be her first priority.
    Lana motioned towards her and AJ crawled back into her lap, crying into her neck. Lana tried to console her, but nothing seemed to be working, even Malory was rubbing her back, trying to help. “Hey baby, do you want to show grandma what you brought daddy?” Lana asked her. She nodded slightly and Lana handed her off to Malory. She was still hiccuping but seemed to be doing better.
    “What did you bring?” Malory asked her as Lana dug through the backpack. She pulled out a framed picture and handed it to AJ.
    “Me and daddy,” AJ said showing Malory the picture. The picture had been Archer's favorite, AJ’s as well. Lana always claimed that it was an okay picture, but she loved the picture as well. The picture was of Archer holding an eighteen-month-old AJ, he was in the middle of booping her nose, and she had broken out into a fit of giggles. Lana didn’t know what deity had allowed for the picture to be taken, but between the giggling AJ and Archer’s broad smile, she was sure she had never seen Archer happier.
    “That’s nice dear,” Malory said, and Lana could hear the tears in her voice, as she looked at the picture of the pair. “What else did you bring?” AJ looked at Lana and opened and closed her hand towards Lana, asking for the next thing. Lana smiled at her and handed her the picture she had drawn for Archer. It was mostly just two sticks, one considerably shorter than the other and a bunch of colorful scribbles, but Lana was sure the message still came through.
    “Drew daddy and me,” AJ informed Malory, pointing at the tall stick as she said daddy, and the short stick when she said herself, Malory was definitely crying now. “You okay grandma?” AJ asked, reaching up to touch Malory’s face.
    “I am fine, princess,” Malory told her, forcing a smile. Lana had known her for long enough to know she was not okay. “Did you bring anything else?”
    “Yeah I brought a book,” AJ said, again motioning towards Lana. She handed her the book, and she hugged it to her. “Read it to daddy,” she told Malory, showing her the book.
    “Do you want to go ahead and read it to him?” Lana asked AJ.
    “Yes!” AJ said excitedly, nodding her head dramatically. Lana picked her up and sat her down next to Archer. AJ quickly made herself comfortable and started dramatically telling Archer her story. She was mostly rattling off nonsense, saying a few words that she remembered from the story, but it was cute nonetheless.
    “So how are you really doing?” Lana asked Malory once AJ was absorbed in the book. Malory didn’t answer the question but instead went to pour herself a glass of bourbon from the bottle on the side table. She took a few sips before downing the rest of the drink.
    “Not great,” she finally answered, staring at her son and granddaughter.
    “It’s been a rough time. I hate that AJ has to see him like this,” Lana said, watching her daughters arms wave and flail as she told Archer the most animated version of her story possible.
    “Well, at least he didn’t completely suck at everything,” Malory said pouring another drink and taking a huge swig of it and staring at the picture of Archer and AJ.
    “He has done alright with that one thing. He may be a giant shithead, but he was patient, kind and just an overall good father when it came to AJ. I swear she gets a different Archer than anybody else in the entire world did,” Lana said, willing the tears in her eyes to go away.
    “I told you it was a good idea,” Malory told her, a small smile on her face.
    “And to think, I thought you were crazy. This is the one and only time I will ever tell you, you were right,” Lana told her.
    “You know, I don’t think there is a single picture of Sterling and I, plenty of him and Woodhouse, he was there for every aspect of Sterling’s life, but I wasn’t,” Maloy said tracing a finger down the picture.
    “Well, you are here now, and at least AJ won’t be able to say the same,” Lana said putting a comforting hand on Malory’s shoulder, surprised when she didn’t shake it off. She just continued staring at the picture, probably reliving all of the moments that she had let Archer down, though that would be literally every moment. Lana looked back at her little girl and the man that she hated to admit was the love of her life. AJ was excitedly talking about princesses and astronauts, the book discarded. Lana had known that using Archers sperm without his permission had been a bitch move, but she wouldn’t change that decision for anything in the world.
Part 2 Part 3
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