#are invasive
great-and-small · 3 months
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Nobody throws shade like a biologist with burning hatred for invasive plants
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fleshadept · 10 months
you guys know you can get USB connectable CD, dvd, and blu-ray players right. and you can buy external hard drives with crazy amounts of space for an amount of money that would make the average person from 2009’s head explode bc of how cheap it is. and if you do this and get ripping software such as handbrake for CDs and DVDs and makeMKV for blurays you can both own a physical copy of whatever media you want and make it accessible to yourself no matter where you are. do you guys know this
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bixels · 6 months
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huggingtentacles · 10 months
So I have this person. We never spoke. We don't know eachother.
But any day I play Elden Ring in the evening, it doesn't matter if I'm dueling or cooping or invading, I have like a 20% chance of stumbling into him.
When I'm dueling it's ALWAYS very close. I think I'm slightly better but sometimes he wins.
When I'm cooping and he invades, he makes all the smart plays. Which is mostly "don't fight huggingtentacles kill the host as fast as possible". You know. It's a smart play.
And when I'm invading it's always a breeze to co-invade with him. He never hits me unnecessarily. He always pays attention when I'm in trouble. He takes aggro really well and most importantly he knows that when fighting 2v2 you have to be sandwiching the host and the phantom and not be on the same side. Good co-invader.
We have a bit of a rivalry going on? Whenever we fight eachother it's always the most tryhard shit that you'll ever see. The kind of shit that makes Redditors disconnect in tears. All is fair game when we fight because god damn I if one of us loses the winner gets to do the "Bravo" gesture which might be genuine expression of being impressed but it's probably sarcastic.
It's always very hype to see him. I get very fired up. No matter how shitty my day is he always lights me up and forces me to play full force.
I hope he's doing alright.
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marxistgnome · 1 year
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Memes shared by kids who grew up on starships I think they should have sea scout/land scout beef with kids that grew up on Starbases
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misterradio · 4 months
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my coogie
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emptyjunior · 4 months
For international people, it's our 'Australia Day' today also known as Invasion Day, and protestors all over the country are using their protestor power not just to talk about Aboriginal Rights, as we have the last few years, but are marching for Palestine too👏
And are facing a lot of confusion and criticism from the media for 'confusing the issue' but everyone marching Knows that it's the Same issue, our oppressors are their oppressors, it's all the same fight. From the river to the sea, always was always will be
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jesterpunk · 4 months
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[ID: A digital painting in pastel colors showing a colorful crowd of different animals holding a Palestinian and Indiginous Australian flags, with text above them that reads, "From the river to the Sea, always was, always will be", with white doves flying next to the flags. A small artist's signature at the bottom reads, "jesterpunk". End ID.]
🕊️ every year in my lifetime, I've seen an ugly blue british flag printed on single use cups and ugly tshirts on January 26th, celebrating stolen land, stolen language and stolen children. this year in particular, I feel the need to make my politics clear through art, as the horrors of colonialism and genocide are mirrored internationally in Palestine. I want to be clear, you do not get to enjoy my art without knowing clearly what my politics are, and you do not get to ignore my politics as an inherent part of my art. no one is free until everyone is free 🖤💛❤️🇵🇸
[Emoji description: A white dove with a green sprig. A black heart, a yellow heart, a red heart, and the Palestinian flag. End emoji description.]
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kropotkindersurprise · 4 months
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January 25, 2024 - A day before the celebration of "Australia day" the statue of Captain Cook in St. Kilda, Australia, was sawn off at the ankles, with the words "The Colony Will Fall" painted on the statue's plinth.
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miametropolis · 14 days
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Palestinian father Fadi Al-Sharif is trying to help his family escape from Gaza.
They're raising $62,500 to evacuate 11 people. This includes Fadi's 9-month old baby, his parents, and his wife.
Today, they are almost halfway to their goal.
Let's get them all the way.
Will you help?
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agentfascinateur · 6 months
Found in Gaza...
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comfytaire · 10 months
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severely unwell. thanks mr hozier
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shifa-ameen · 2 months
🇰🇼🇮🇱“Get out now! Child killers”
Kuwait goes hard on Israel !!!
Free Palestine
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thyinum · 10 days
It's so wild to me to see under that Xiran Jay Zhao's post about the bombed ukrainian printing house comments like "I hope everyone is safe." And I get it, people are saying this out of kindness and pure consern, there's nothing wrong with it. It just shows how little coverage our war has abroad.
No, no one in Ukraine is safe. No one in that printing house was safe, in fact, 7 people died. No one in a huge hypermarket in Kharkiv on Saturday was safe, in fact, there were 18 killed and 48 injured. And all this happened in the span of only a few days.
No one is safe in territories occupied by russians because the whole family can get killed by refusing to give up their home to russian soldiers. And every time ukrainian army liberates some region, they find mass graves and torture chambers there.
No one is safe even far away from the front line and the border with russia, because missiles and drones fly all over Ukraine, and you never know when the next one will land on your house.
Hell, ukrainians aren't safe even abroad, because there's always a chance there will be some crazy russian or russian supporter who will decide to beat or kill us. And I'm not making this up.
I'm aware that I'm more safe than the people close to the front line and the border with russia or in occupied territories. I don't hear explosions every day, unlike my friend from Kharkiv. But that doesn't mean I'm completely safe. Missiles and drones fly by at least several times a week, especially at night, when I don't hear the sound of an air raid siren simply because I'm asleep. 
I am not safe.
My family is not safe.
My friends all over Ukraine are not safe.
We're not safe until russia is gone from our territories. That's why we need all that ammunition and aid. War won't magically stop if our allies stop sending us weapons; that's not how it works. We'll just be more unsafe, because russia won't stop unless it is forced to.
Here's ukrainian news sources you can follow that report daily:
United24: Instagram, YouTube, Twitter
Svidomi: Instagram, Twitter
WeAreUkraine: Instagram
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myrddin-wylt · 1 year
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I’m very tired. you probably heard that Russia destroyed the Kakhovka Dam to slow Ukraine’s counter offensive. here’s something I didn’t quite realize: since this February, the Russians operated the dam in juuuuust the right way so that as much water would build up as possible when the snow melted and spring showers started. and then they blew the whole thing up.
40,000 people may need to be evacuated. I don’t really have the energy to say anything else right now.
Hospitallers Medical Battalion: actual angels can confirm. they’re combat-zone medical services - you know how humanitarian groups like MFS and Red Cross have to pause operations due to the Russians fucking shooting at humanitarian zones? yeah, these guys don’t pause for bullets, they fucking walk into them and they bring out anyone they can.
Serhiy Prytula Charity Foundation: you can choose from a number of various fundraiser projects here, if you’re feeling particularly picky. for those of you who balk at the idea of supporting anything military just please remember that things like vehicles and drones aren’t just for military use, they’re also for evacuation and finding the wounded and they’re fucking vital.
KSE Foundation: similar to the above, KSE has multiple projects you can choose from to donate to. looking at it right now, one of the projects with the lowest amounts of money raised thus far - despite being started in April - is Seeds for Ukraine, which will help Ukraine recover from the ecological devastation Russia has been wreaking (and with Ukraine, the countries that rely on Ukraine’s grain exports that Russia keeps trying to steal).
Come Back Alive: do these guys even need the introduction? they’re Come Back Alive. I’m kissing all of them.
United24: Zelenskyy’s brain child, and the official fundraising platform of Ukraine. Mark Hamill recommends the fundraisers for drones in particular.
UAnimals: Nova Kakhovka’s zoo got... pretty much completely swept away. all zoo residents except the birds have drowned. UAnimals has tried throughout the occupation to keep the animals safe, and they’ve been reporting on the status of the zoo. I don’t really know what to say except that I hope they’re able to save the pets and strays in the towns along the river.
You can find NGOs specific to evacuation efforts in this post; please signal boost it as well. I’ve listed them but am leaving the links for the op post.
Ukrainian FireFighters Foundation
Helping To Leave
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vyscera · 11 months
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the garden i tend at work is getting overrun with snails so i thought about a world where we acquired a domesticated a "working dog" breed of hammerhead worm (they eat snails and slugs and worms) that is also. a puppy. Bred to clear vegetation of common slimy garden pests. click under readmore if u wanna see the worm theyre based off of i think theyre really cute
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