#are you a fan of borrowers just being little people or little people with silly nonhuman traits?
sirfrogsworth · 4 months
Adventures in Cooling
The 5-star rated HVAC repair service I used kind of depressed me.
It was almost... too good?
Like, they offer 24/7 service. They have a text message system that lets you know when the tech is coming. Every tech has their own custom van that serves as a giant advertisement. The entire process is documented with a tablet computer. Every serial number and model number must be photographed. He has to follow a diagnostic checklist. And an upsell checklist. And a repair checklist. He had so many checklists that at one point he pulled a card out of his wallet to make sure he didn't forget one of the steps. He had a poorly memorized speech for every upsell. You could tell he didn't have "his" tools, but the company's tools that he borrowed.
None of this was "bad" as far as a workflow. The service was flawless and nothing was forgotten. But you could tell that every detail was micromanaged and if the tech didn't follow the procedures to the letter, he would probably get some kind of demerit.
I felt sorry for my tech. He was in his 60s and clearly had a severe chronic knee injury. He walked slower than I do. He was quite monosyllabic and difficult to make conversation with. Not unpleasant, just not great at communicating.
At one point I asked him if I was a good candidate for a heat pump and he was like, "Everyone is."
End of advice.
Oh, and the uniform.
The uniform was very silly.
Every square inch of his shirt was meant to assure people they have a qualified technician. The one sleeve listed his certifications from some Alphabet Association that certifies such things. And then the other sleeve made sure to let me know my technician was drug tested and background checked.
The entire visit I kept trying to imagine how being stoned might negatively affect HVAC repair. I mean, if he was on a little cocaine perhaps we could have wrapped things up 30 minutes sooner. Marijuana might have helped him communicate. Opioids could make his knee feel better. I don't think shrooms would have been a good idea. If he hallucinated an angry fan monster in my A/C unit that could have been really awkward.
He was a terrible salesman—but for some reason, I fell for every upsell. Actually, I sold all of the upsells to myself in my head. I got a new filter and had him install it because I worried I would forget or I would install it improperly (not really possible, you just stick it in). But for the price I paid I could have bought 6 years worth of filters.
I just wanted everything sorted. I am so stressed and do not have the bandwidth to deal with A/C troubles. So I just said "yes" to everything. But the price kept inflating as we went along and every time it inflated he required a signature on his tablet.
This repair business had been corporatized to death and it made me miss all of my dad's friends from the old days who he would ask for favors. He always "knew a guy." He would trade car repairs for discounts on things we needed around the house. And they all worked for themselves and had their own tools and their own shitty truck and they all said, "There's your problem!" with the same masculine affect.
Their uniform was a flannel shirt and jeans and I bet some of them were high as fuck.
And this elderly gentlemen with the bum knee kept checking his checklist to make sure he checked every check because he feared managerial discipline.
He got to the sales pitch for the fluorescent dye. He was like, "Do you want this? You don't have to buy it." And I started selling it to myself in my head despite his assurance it wasn't really necessary. I worried if I had a big leak and I don't discover it until the middle of July, I would regret saying no in this moment. But then I realized he hated the dye injection process. And his poor salesmanship was mostly him not wanting his hands to be fucking radioactive yellow for the rest of the day. He tried wearing gloves to avoid it, but he still ended up with yellow hands and grumbled, "I really hate this stuff." Which was one of the few unrehearsed things he said to me the entire time.
Once the checklist was complete and the house was already starting to cool, he had one final sales pitch for me. He asked that I give his company a 5-star review and to make sure I mention his name. He told me that in July all of the techs with the most 5-star reviews will have their names put in a hat. And "the boss" will give one lucky employee a free vacation.
This vacation thing sounded like such a manipulation. And I'm sure "the boss" has instructed his techs to tell this tale of the free vacation so customers will be like, "Well, shit. I don't want this poor old guy with the shitty knee to miss out on that."
And it was then I realized just how this company got so many 5-star reviews.
But the good news... my house is cold as heck.
And I keep shivering because I can't figure out the perfect setting on my thermostat. I guess I was used to the inefficiency and I will have to recalibrate.
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Happy Birthday David Dastmalchian 🎂🎉🎁🎈
To celebrate, I'm stealing borrowing from my friend's @polkadotjohnson amazing idea of making a Top 10 Loved/Hottest roles of his, with an honourable mention for both~ Here's 30 of my most adored characters of his with little snippets for each, it's a looooong read, and if anyone else wants to make their own, here's a tierlist I made for this exact purpose 💗💗💗
💘 Love of my Life - Dr Fearless
My cringefail boyfriend, I love every single headcanon I hear about him. He was so damn cute even before I fell in love, and now every time I see him I start giggling and kicking my feet lol 😚 I adore how much fun DD has with him, and honestly I’m gunna dress as a vampire for Halloween this year /)w(\ been like 20+ years but I really really wanna do it!
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🔥 Hottest Role - Whistling Marauder (Bird Box)
Mother of mercy. We rewatched the whole movie just for him, so naturally he shows up near the end and then died ;w; but that outfit, holy hell. Oh my god. I’m such a sucker for bad boys and this guy is going around forcing people to stare at this eldrich being that’ll destroy you or drive you mad. And he looks goddamn great while doing it. Gunna attach myself to the chain on his jeans. Okay I’m normal again, what a way to start off the list lmao
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❣️ Honourable Mention - Luke (Singled Out)
Douchebag. Shitty brother who’s also great if only to save his own ass. Thief. Pure idiot. Irresistible. I knew the moment I saw the clips on youtube that he would so be my type, and seeing the full pilot only proved that. Dude picked a burger over getting his sister, he would treat me so wrong half the time, but then he’d make me waffles and it’d be all better 😊
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💘 Love of my Life - The Writer (Making Love)
This one breaks my heart so much. I’ve been in a relationship like this before, and I really want to save him from his. He’s beautiful, he’s talented, his outfit is hot as hell with all the rings and bracelets and necklaces, not to mention the undone shirt buttons, he’s got the emo bangs, he is the complete package for me. The only reason he isn’t higher is because I fell for many others first. I almost never watched this one because my brain was going haywire trying to imagine what kinda scenes I’d find in something with a title like that, and sure enough my face was so red the entire time since I watched with headphones and it starts with him whispering right in my ear, like him asking, ‘Do you love me?’ nearly made me cry, I love him so much. If I could bring specifically him to life I would love the hell outta him until he stopped needing such a painful, self-destructive fake love with the Woman QwQ
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❣️ Honourable Mention - Nick (Love is an Elevator)
This one is just a silly little guy /)w(\ right from the start he’s so adorable, I would melt if anything even close to his interaction happened to me, and him just swooning and saying she was beautiful before bailing in tears is so me-coded TwT I would love to go out on a date with him!
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🔥 Hottest Role - Abra Kadabra (The Flash)
Abra was so tricky to place because I love him, but as soon as I remembered his buckle outfit from his second episode I knew he had to go under Hot. Like, again, I’m so weak. I love his attitude, I love how he just wants that applause for his showmanship, his ‘powers’ are cool as hell, and DD has the wand in his home now and I think that’s so damn cool 😊 The reveal with him wanting to bring back his alternate timeline family was so sweet I almost cried, and he definitely didn’t deserve to be killed out so instantly right after his redemption. Not even a fan/watcher of the show, but in my head I’m having Flash warn him about it since he’s from the future, so he’s fine now 😌
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💘 Love of my Life - James Lewis (Teacher)
James was also incredibly difficult to place because I love him so much ;w; The entire movie I was rooting for him, guy did nothing wrong in the face of what was going on around him, and granted he did take things too far, but… villains are hot 😳 so I won through that entire movie. And he lived! And kept getting to teach! I remember I pointed at the screen when he was putting books away cause that’s my job lol I felt truly close to him in that short moment 😂 Anyway, Arabella didn’t deserve him, like she wasn't into it from the moment they met, every single time he talked she would do this 😬 guy was going through hell and was very clearly in a bad place all around, I can’t fault him for drunkenly saying the wrong thing if it were me, even if it did really hurt me. Gunna give him a new wedding ring to put on when he gets outta prison.
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❣️ Honourable Mention - Hector (Premature)
He’s so cute!!! I may be weak for villains, but I adore his sweeter roles as well, I’m so glad I got to see him. If I moved to a new city and he was my neighbour I’d know I’d be okay, because honestly he needs to be my roommate like yesterday. A chef who’s afraid to cook because of OCD, I’m sure he’d be able to help me with my own cooking from a safe distance, and I already have some practice as my sibling has OCD and is very strict about how her food is handled, so I’ll have come full circle. I just need to make him more okay with cuddles first…
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🔥 Hottest Role - Denham (A Killer of Men)
Denham was another one that was hard to place, because that axe twirls makes me insane, but with what little screentime he gets it all evens out. Another great villain, he’s just senseless violence in a bloody wedding dress and he works it. Love the look, love the vibe, if the world ended and the whole gang was coming at me I’d be honoured if he was the one who got me (I swear I’m not that deranged lmao just thirsty)
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💘 Love of my Life - Simon Lynch (Almost Human)
Even now I feel like Simon should be higher, especially since I’ve written my fic about him as well as my deep dive. I’ve said it before but my heart really went out to him, the deep dive says way more than I can fit it here, which probably means he should be higher lol so give that (and maybe the fic too 👉👈😌) a read if you haven’t already, all my love for him went into both.
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❣️ Honourable Mention - James Harris (The Employer)
Another adorable character, the bar flashbacks had me blushing every time. We all knew it’d be him, but I’m so glad he pulled through at the end. I want this one to be happy, especially after everything he went through. Absolutely cutiepie, gunna be the one to pay for his dinner after he gets home 😊
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🔥 Hottest Role - Dwight Pollard (Gotham)
Since I go into all of his roles blind, I had no idea what to expect for this one, but from the start I was hooked. Having him be a crazed cult leader with the biggest, most feral smile and laugh ever stole my heart the things I would let this man do to me sakndskjds I liveblogged his eps to a friend of mine who’s seen Gotham and has been trying to get me to watch it for ages cause I love DC, so she was thrilled as I sat here screaming about everything leading up to his ending :’D I’ve gotten some encouragement to write him, so when I do it’s gunna be so insane I’ll have to tag the hell outta it lmao (btw making these gifs nearly killed me oh my god I need him)
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💘 Love of my Life - Joshua Whitmore (Cass)
All the pain I went through trying to get this movie was worth it because it all led to him. I love him, I adore him, I’m so incredibly glad that so many others got to see him and love him too thanks to my trials and tribulations. DD’s only artist role, I got to connect with him on a personal level not shared with the others, and my desire to make sure he’s safe and taken care of is so strong that I wrote 26k about him, they’re two of my most favourite things I’ve ever written. I’ve thrown the ending of the movie out and completely placed it with my own, which can be found in my fics, and until Hugh Schulze DMs me personally and tells me what his vision was, that’s what I’m sticking with forever. So rest easy, he’s free from New York and buyers and dealers and the street and he’s safe and happy and painting again ;w;
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❣️ Honourable Mention - Thomas Schiff (The Dark Knight)
The OG, a lot of people’s first roles of his, including mine. I remember seeing this movie in theaters when it came out so that means I saw him up there, on the big screen, and something about him stuck around in my brain until I finally realized my love QwQ Even if he isn’t as fleshed out in my mind to make the actual list, I still needed to include him in some way, I hope he got placed somewhere that wasn't Arkham after Batman stepped in.
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🔥 Hottest Role - Cam (Relaxer)
I will never watch Relaxer again. Couldn’t even do it while I was making his scenepack cause so many horrible things happen to Abbie I couldn’t take it. But Cam, oh my god, I need this man. Someday I wanna write this huge fic about the reader trying to date him, and there’s no redemption. He’s still terrible at the end. But that’s what we all love about him, how shitty he is and how the potential is there for him to make us all worse. He sucks, but in the best way, and I kinda need him to maybe bully me please 😳 (making that first gif nearly made me blackout why is he doing pushups)
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💘 Love of my Life - Bob Taylor (Prisoners)
When I started adding names to my list of men I loved, Bob wasn't even on it at first I think, despite liking him in the movie. Then I saw more with him and added him to crushes. Now I’m fully in love with him, and he breaks my heart every single day. He was hurting for so long, even when we were watching I couldn’t place the blame on him while the rest of my family were convinced just like Loki that he was the one, but no matter what I couldn’t. The second I saw his sweet smile I told them there was no way it was him, and sure enough I was right. Another character who didn’t deserve what happened to him, I’ve been slowly helping him with my headcanons, but in my personal queue I have a fic planned for him and he will have no more sad days when I do 😭 I also have a bunny plush I’d had for years, my dad bought it for me and it’s been sitting on my bed ever since, and when I’m sad I hold it and pretend Bob gave it to me, it’s honestly got me through some much needed therapy because if he could go about his day with that kind of trauma then I could be brave and call about my own mental health :’)
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❣️ Honourable Mention - Lonny Crane (The Belko Experiment)
This one’s a bit of a double whammy, cause I love him, but the switch to violence had me staring 👀 Either way, he didn’t deserve his death, but since it is a killing game type movie he was doomed from the start, at least his seemed instant 🥺 Someday I’ll write a fixit for him too, it was just too much for him back to back to back, he really didn’t deserve his final moments to have him as a villain even though I would really love to be lifted up like that aklskjdskds okay I’m normal again
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🔥 Hottest Role - Ray Watkins (The Rookie)
Have you seen this man? No really, have you seen him? The twirl, the shirt lifting on his hips, the cold but also fun villainy, the nonchalance to mask the cruelness underneath. I need him. This one is not a Want, he is a Need and I need him. I hope that he gets to come back in the future to fully wrap up his plot along with the cop’s plot, pleasepleaseplease, otherwise I will die unsatisfied.
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💘 Love of my Life - Kurt Goreshter (Ant-Man 1-2)
I believe he might’ve been the second role I’d ever seen, but only after I really got into the MCU after Endgame. I skipped Ant-Man in my original watches, since I was mostly just into the Avengers and Cap (mainly Bucky lol) in general, but when I finally did a full marathon I really enjoyed the first movie. Cannot remember my feelings for him now since it’s been about 4 years, but I do know when I went back to rewatch in March I fell the second I saw him 🥰 the hair, the accent, the outfit AGAIN, and those hand tattoos, this is another Perfect Man. My crush on him is incredibly strong, it told me that yeah I was really starting to fall for DD (at that point I’d just seen Demeter a few times, and then Oppenheimer on accident) and it officially kicked off my marathon that eventually led me to my collection I have today. 
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❣️ Honourable Mention - Lester Billings (The Boogeyman)
My family actually watched this without me way before my crush began, so when I saw he was in it I just had to finally sit down and watch it myself. Cue me hurriedly typing to my sibling when he showed up lol this man is SAD! He’s so beautiful and sad, I just wanna make a new family with him (I would be a parent for him, that’s the extent of my love) so he can be happy again. I love the backstory I made up for him way more than the original story, sorry Stephen King but you made him awful and I don’t want that one. I’m gunna save this man and he WILL smile again, that’s a Ray Guarantee.
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🔥 Hottest Role - The Vampire (Cora)
Now, to start, this one falls prey to Very Bad Writing Choices. I will not deny that. Like, even with the allegory of the whole thing (that I did not see cause I just saw a short vampire story honestly) it's very much Not Good. But that’s why I’m removing him from the short and keeping him. In fact, go read polkadotjohnson’s fics on him, they’re fantastic and I adore how she wrote him. I someday wish to do my own, because otherwise everyone who can’t look past the Very Bad Writing Choices are getting straight up robbed of this one. Those double fangs need to introduce themselves to my neck pronto, you see what I’m saying? He’s so goddamn hot, DD needs to play a very serious vampire role again so everyone can see the Vision, he wants to do it, I need to win the lottery so I can fund this movie myself, that’s my new life’s goal.
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💘 Love of my Life - Jack Delroy (Late Night With the Devil)
The first movie I saw in theaters after my crush began! My friend saw him in a tweet about it and linked me to it so I thought it was already out, but I ended up having to wait two weeks and it nearly killed me ;w; I went in completely blind, which is good cause the trailer spoils so many great shots unfortunately, and the entire time I was swooning. Like, I usually whisper to my sibling during movies if we have comments, we’re very talkative at home when we watch stuff, but this time I was just sitting there staring with hearts in my eyes without pause. I’m in love with this man, plain and simple, I’m so glad I was able to get to see it since it didn’t come to the theater closest, we had to drive an hour away and when dad joked about me paying for the tickets since I was the one who wanted to see it, I did in a heartbeat. I wanted to see it again, but it was only there a couple weeks, so by the time I was able to go it was gone and I’m still upset about it. I’d sell my soul for this man, I love writing for him so much, I’m so glad my crush on Wojchek bloomed just in time for me to see this.
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❣️ Honourable Mention - Hank (Virgin Alexander)
I avoided this one at first because the trailer was making me cringe and I was going crazy over what kinda sexy awkward role he’d have in it, but I was pleasantly surprised in the end. I think the movie is actually cute, despite some stuff still making me cringe, and Hank is literally the most perfect boyfriend. If he showed up randomly in my life I would date him in a second, hands down. He’s so shaped like a friend, I know I’d always have fun with him even when we’re not Having Fun, and that’s all you can ever ask for in a relationship 😊
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🔥 Hottest Role - Breck Montanari (Double Black)
Okay first of all I gave him that last name. Second of all, I wrote 70k about this man and I am so in love with him that I own him now. I’ve taken him from Sara Woomer, he’s mine now. He has a full past, gave him a future and a partner, there’s no way I couldn’t have fallen in love with him. Unfortunately that fic will never be shared as it’s private, but know that, again, until Sara Woomer DMs me personally and shares everything else about this world, this is my new canon for him. And the cult. And the entire area where he lives. And several of the members. And the new Double Black who was such a chill dude that I made my bff love him too. This is my secret legacy. He only lost out to my #2 because there’s no way he couldn’t be my #2.
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💘 Love of my Life - Wojchek (The Last Voyage of the Demeter)
The reason I finally learned his name QwQ I went into this movie blind, dad really wanted to see it and I love horror so I went with him, and the second I saw him I said, ‘Oh that guy! I know that guy!’ since by then I’d seen Kurt and Abner a few years earlier and vaguely remembered him. I spent the whole movie then dreading his end thanks to the opening lines, and I’m pretty sure I quietly yelled at the screen when he fell and then got got after praying he’d be okay TwT After Abner, he’s the first DD role I ever shipped with, and when my crush officially restarted I ended up writing my entire plot for him and Addy that night before bed. I love him so much, he’s my jolly sailor bold who stole my heart by crying over the thought of having to lose his home. He’ll forever own a special place in my heart because of all this, I can’t imagine anyone else taking this spot.
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🔥 Hottest Role - Murdoc (MacGyver 2016)
Murdoc was the first TV role of his I checked out after I saw as many movies as I could that interested me (mostly all the ones on Prime sans a couple, my collection was very very small by then) and the moment I saw him be mentioned I was ready to go. The Alice in Wonderland vague text, running and then getting shocked before falling two floors, showing up with that hair, I was not prepared for everything else they were about to throw at me. Murdoc is one of my most favourite characters now, he’s so much fun, I adore everything about him, I’ve only edited with him twice and written him once, but I need to do both so much more! This one is hot as fuck, he’s adorable, he loves his son, he’s got tools, he’s utterly sadistic, he’s a silly little guy. This is another Perfect Man, I cannot wait to decide on his plot with Addy because there’s too many fun possibilities I honestly might just make multiple.
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❣️ Honourable Mention - Willy Cunningham (The Domestics)
Now… you might all be thinking… why the hell is this guy a #2 honourable mention in the face of all the others… and the answer is… I’m a freak 😀 I’ll never say, but my eyes were opened to him, and my god, I will literally never be the same. I just need him and that insanely feral energy okay, lemme have this.
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💘 Love of my Life - Abner Krill (The Suicide Squad)
The love that started it all, I think I fell for him the moment he walked outta his cell and got teased. The love I feel for him goes so deep, it only compares to one other, and whenever I work on my plot for him and Addy I always get choked up. The ultimate one who didn’t deserve what he got, I actually refused to watch the movie again after he died, straight up did not watch until my marathon started, and as soon as I saw him in that cell it all came back. I instantly fell back in love with him, and thus his Addy plot has the most love put into it to make sure he’s happy and safe. I thought that maybe there’d be another to win my heart as my marathon grew, but nope he’s still there sharing it with my other #1, and seeing him can instantly bring a smile to my face no matter how I’m feeling. 
After the movie I read the trivia again and my crush on DD himself began, so it’s all thanks to him and Wojchek that I’ve met the people I know today and have created so many things in such a short time. When I hit my lowest low in years I just sat at my desk and held the funko I have of him and just cried it all out, and it honestly helped me get out of that spiral. Thanks to him I now have a Polka-Dot Man collection (still missing one figure and maybe a signed print and poster 👉👈🥰) and if I could get a plushie of him to join the ton I already have I’d buy him in a second. Maybe someday, if I have any courage, I’ll bring my funko or something to a con where DD is attending and get it signed, either him or my other #1, and I’ll cherish it forever.
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❣️ Honourable Mention - Jude (Animals)
Like all the others, I went into this movie completely blind. I didn’t know DD wrote it or its significance to him until after it was over and the credits rolled. So the entire time I was watching I was falling in love with him, he was so incredibly my type in the moments he was actually happy that it’s insane, I spent the whole movie just saying how much I would date him in better circumstances. We were sadly betting which one of them was going to die as things just got worse, me and my sibling were watching so miserably, and then we were rewarded with a happy ending despite the bittersweetness. And then the credits rolled, after me repeatedly wondering why he’d accept a role like this after knowing at least about his addiction and it all fell into place. I haven’t been able to watch again so far now that I know a lot of what happened to Jude also happened to him, it breaks my heart too much, but I still love him deep down and I hope he was also able to heal after the credits rolled.
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🔥 Hottest Role - Johnson (Reprisal)
Tied for first with Abner as the ultimate love of my life and claiming this one all to himself, Johnson is the Most Perfect Man. Literally, no other DD role can top him in my heart aside from Abner. I honestly almost skipped Reprisal entirely because the promo image on his imdb didn’t grab me (I’m such a fake fan I’m so ashamed of myself), but when I was done with everything else and wanted to see more, I downloaded it without ep9 since he wasn't in it, and started watching. What followed next was me falling so in love with the show that I spent forever trying to get that missing episode back from near dead torrents cause I needed to watch it even though he wasn't in it. Reprisal is my Roman Empire, I am constantly thinking about it and him and Matty, not just for my fic but just because I love it all so fucking much. 
Johnson himself is so fascinating, I’m incredibly in love with him and everything about him, he’s unlike any other role DD has played that there’s a complete disconnect in my mind, he’s just Johnson. He’s so goddamn hot I missed out on literally everything the first round because I was watching him so hard, Matty and Ethan were nonexistent to me and I’m madly in love with Matty now so let that sink in, and when I rewatched it immediately after with my parents it was like I was watching for the first time. I’m loving writing for him (and Matty and Ethan of course) so much that my thoughts go back to him daily, and it almost always includes me being on the verge of tears because of how insanely good this script is and how these boys bring me so much joy while also shattering my heart. 
Making the gif below no joke did make me cry like this show is my greatest weakness right now you guys don't even understand how much it and Johnson mean to me.
I need to edit more for him and them and the show in general, if I had endless money and all the confidence in the world I would truly fund this show single handedly so it can finish the way it was supposed to. I’m so mad at Hulu for giving me the greatest love(s) of my life before taking him away years before I’d ever know him, with no physical media or merch to at least collect to numb the pain. At some point I need to get some promo pics printed out as actual posters, I need this show on my wall so I can always see him.
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simping4-2manyppl · 1 year
Hi there! Can I request a Bill (2023) x yn (a fem!reader, who is also in the band and married to Bill ) fic where they react to fanfictions or edits abt them (abt Bill and yn back in the 2000s) during an Instagram live with the other members please ?
Take care 🫶🏻
Bill Kaulitz 🎤
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Bill x y/n
I feel like this one turned out bad since i rushed it 😓 so sorry about that pookie 💔 may be some spelling mistakes!
You woke up, feeling the other side of the bed empty. You groaned, getting up and rubbing your eyes. You got up and made you way to the kitchen making coffee as you saw your husband fixing up his phone, positioning it so its facing him.
"Okay guys, now that everyones in here i thought we should do something that SOOO many people have been asking us to do." Bill said, laughing.
"Oh wait! Y/n!" He said turning around, motioning for you to come over. You picked up your coffee and made your way over to him,
"yes my love?" you said sitting down next to him, sipping on your coffee as you waved at the phone.
Seeing everyone wave, you smiled and pit your coffee on the small coffee table you guys had. "Hello everyone." You said giggling, "So?" you said turning to bill.
He smiled at you, "People have been requesting us to watch some edits i think thats what theyre called and fanfiction" (get ready guys 😣) he said with a big grin on his face. You furrowed your eyebrows and looked at him, “ill send them in our group chat so we can all see them at the same time.” bill said, pressing send.
You put your head on his shoulder, looking at the video, it was one of your guys concerts from when you were younger. “Oh gosh.. we were so little!” you said, a warm smile appearing on your face. “You were about 13 years old and i was only 14” he said, chuckling. “Exactly! Super young.” You said.
The edit was you and bill singing while there were some clips of tom, gustav, and georg playing. “When georg had his long hair!” you said laughing, “i was always jealous of his luscious hair.” You said, as georg laughed. “I know, everyone was.” He said winking, “it was beautiful.” He said, causing you to all laugh.
You watched more edits as they contained small clips of interviews you guys did when you were younger or other clips that you would sometimes record or someone else. You could remember them as if they were from yesterday, you felt old as you looked at your crazy younger self. Over the years you have had crazy looks as you never got to figure yourself out, you remember borrowing either tom or bills clothes or youd buy some clothes of your own but youd always prefer everyone else’s.
It was cute, looking back at how youthful you all were and you still were pretty young but just seeing your teen self brought back some of the best memories.
The last video bill showed was an edit of your guy’s wedding, including the members as they were also apart of it.
You loved seeing memories of the day you finally married the love of your life, you felt yourself smiling super hard as you looked at bill, “this is adorable, thank you my love.” You said giving his a small and quick kiss. “I love seeing these videos of our wedding, tom looks so silly right there.” He said laughing, “hey! No i dont.” He said rolling his eyes and he clicked on a new filter.
“Tom how do you get that, i want the cool filters too.” Bill said, whining and pressing on the screen, trying to figure out on how to get the filters. You rolled your eyes and laughed, they were always being so silly and that was one of the things you loved about bill, the relationship he had with his brother, considering you never grew up that close with any of your siblings.
“Okay, whatever. Lets move on to the fan fiction.” Bill said excitedly. You grabbed your coffee and sipped on it, “you guys, i dont know how to work this but im going to try my best. Ill be reading it out loud.” He said and clicked on an app. “Alright..” he said looking focused, trying to figure the app out.
he finally found one after searching and the title read “Your living nightmare.” ( i told yall to get ready 😓) “Ooo tom this ones about you!” bill said as tom looked at him confused, “what do you mean.” He said, “someone wrote this about you tom!” he said and started reading it, and boy was it odd.
They would go into deep detail of the character and tom, it was crazy how they made up so many things, i mean tom? A gangster? He was probably one of the nicest people you knew, obviously it didn’t appear like that to most people since he would put up an act but now you were just nervous about the rest of the fanfiction.
You wondered what people wrote about you and bill. After bill got bored and really weirded out by the fanfic he chose a new one, something called “oneshots” you didnt know what they meant but apparently they were like little chapters but each one contained a different plot and story.
He read out some about gustav and georg, some about tom and himself, he would squeal nervously when it was about him, and youd just laugh. This ones about you.” Bill said smirking at you, “something called smut?” you furrowed your eyebrows and nodded, you were now extremely nervous, “okay..” you said as he started reading, into the middle of the chapter his jaw dropped as he put his phone down, “yeahhh… okay, lets stop right there.”
He said, still shocked. “What? What is it?” you said confused as to why he stopped. He leaned over and whispered in your ear, “its about you and like.. sex related things.” He said, your face immediately turning red. “Oh wow..” you said shocked, you definitely weren’t expecting this but maybe you should have, i mean ever since you were a teenager you did always get alot of attention and some boys would catcall you and tell you things so you were pretty used to it but you never expected someone to write something sexual about you.
You laughed it off and just finished your coffee as it was already cold from you leaving it as you were busy reading the fan fictions with bill. “Well.. this whole thing was definitely interesting..” you said placing your lips together, pressing them shut.
As you said your goodbyes the live ended and bill looked at you, “some of the things they wrote about you were pretty accurate you know.” He said smirking, “you do love to moan my name out loud, dont you mein schatz?” He said, caressing your cheek with his thumb. His face now inches away from yours. Your face now as red as a tomato, “i-“ you tried to say but got interrupted, “shh..” bill said, placing his lips onto yours, slowly kissing you as you felt the kiss turn hungry very quickly. “Lets go to the bedroom.” He said getting up and grabbing your hand. You grabbed his hand and squealed in excitement.
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ryker-writes · 10 months
Because I love hearing people gush about their favs: Why do you like Sebek so much?
oh boy you're in for a ride
I love Sebek so much because not only is he adorable but he's super cool! I tend to love characters that are strong but can also be silly like Sebek is a knight but he could also get wrapped up in the randomness and no-brain activities with everyone! His passion and loyalty to Malleus are very admirable and you can't convince me he wouldn't be just as passionate and loyal to his friends and partner. He's a hardworking knight who actually takes those he cares about into great consideration and looks out for them and trusts them. He won't let anyone shame or slander those he cares about and sticks to his beliefs. I also tend to love knight/general characters in most fandoms too. But Sebek is so adorable! Seeing him makes me feel happy. I would sit down and listen to him talk about Malleus all day and I would also want to tell him that I see him the same way he sees Malleus. Sure, he can be loud and blunt and has his opinions on humans but I do think that his attitude towards humans comes mainly from Briar Valley culture than anything. His loud nature is cute and I like people who can be more blunt and not dance around things. Sebek is a great protector and I love him so much like I want to give him so much affection and would love to just be by his side
I also know a lot of little facts about Sebek that I will now ramble about because they're all so cute.
Horses are scared of Sebek and he's actually scared of them too (something we have in common)! He joined the equestrian club because he thinks every knight should be able to ride a horse and he didn't look into the other clubs much! He also doesn't do well in the cold and prefers warmer climates! It's because of this that he enjoys the Botanical Garden because it's warm and he struggled with the cold in the Harveston event. Sebek also is a big reader and has borrowed books from Azul and was gifted a rare book for his birthday from Azul! He was actually a late bloomer when it comes to magic too. When he was a kid he would be in awe watching his siblings use magic and light candles! Speaking of siblings, he has an older brother and a older sister but both of them are much older than him. They used to go on family fishing trips too! Sebek admires his mom a lot for being a strong and capable fae and has mixed feelings about his father. He doesn't understand why his mom fell for a human dentist (or why his human father was living in Briar Valley in the first place), but his mom is said to have fell in love despite the disapproval of everyone around her because he was human. Sebek has also said that his father loves to give him and his siblings gifts a lot and Sebek doesn't understand it much. Sebek takes great care in his appearance and even uses hair gel to slick his hair back every morning because he wants to look his best in front of Malleus. He even wants to grow his hair out like Malleus! He even has a picture of Malleus in his room that he greets and says goodbye to every time he leaves or enters. We also hear of some cute moments about when Sebek was younger. Malleus once gave a small Sebek a cookie and he carried it around with him everywhere and treasured it but cried when it accidentally broke. He also used to be very scared on Halloween and would even wet the bed and Silver once promised him to stay awake and hold his hand the entire night. Silver fell asleep though and Sebek considers him a traitor because of it. Sebek also has a large appetite and thinks the school food is lacking and doesn't have enough protein. He likes meat and isn't much of a fan of black coffee, but still drinks black coffee because Malleus drinks it. He's also jealous of Kalim and Jamil's relationship and wishes he could've been born earlier to take care of Malleus.
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habken · 1 year
HELLO!!!11!!! OKAY, I AM VERY EXCITED FOR THIS RIGHT NOW, SO FUTURE ME APOLOGISES FOR THE CAPS LOCK BUT BRO LISTEN LISTEN LSITEN I AM CURRENTLY WRITING OUT CONCEPTS FOR A WHOLE FAN FIC FOR YOUR SCAMMERS TO LOVERS AU AND I AM A GENIUS SO Midoriya is quirkless and was in the support course yeah? Yeah, cool. SO There’s a lot of stigma in the world for quirkless individuals and Midoriya feels quite a bit of shame regarding it (no matter where he seemed to go, many people would still bully him for it) so he sort of hides it from his peers at UA. He doesn’t go Out of His Way to, but if someone thinks he has a quirk, he just rolls with it. I love writing out these little scenes between Midoriya and Monoma where Mono’s trying to figure out what kind of quirk this guy has. Is it something that enhances his senses? Something like Hatsume’s so he can see finer details better? Maybe it’s what helps him come up with support item ideas? Or maybe it’s intelligence-based like Principal Nezu? Maybe that helps him figure out all these technique enhancements for training students. So Monoma goes around trying to figure out what exactly his quirk is and how it works. Monoma goes about borrowing the quirk without letting Midoriya know so he can take an exam in class only for Nothing To Happen during it. He doesn’t feel suddenly smarter or anything so What The Hell happened. So his quirk isn’t intelligence, what is it? Monoma didn’t feel any of his senses enhance, so not that. It’s only later that he’s able to talk to Midoriya while he’s working on a support item for another student. “What the hell is your quirk??” “I don’t have one?” “What.” This isn't exactly an 'ask', I just really wanted to share this with you lmfao
Ahh that makes me so happy you’re writing a fic about my au 😭💕💕 also love that kind of concept haha, I remember reading a fic once where anytime someone would ask he’d just say a different silly power, and that’s the same vibes I think IT!deku would have! Being comfortable about being quirkless but not never missing an opportunity to mess with people <3
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i-think-too-loud · 9 months
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saw this and agree with everything, but also…reg being the exact opposite?
some silly little thoughts i need to get out of my head before they consume me
-never gets caught pranking people because he’s convinced a detention is the worst punishment in the world (knows even one mistake would give his parents enough reason to disown him, too)
-smells like lavender (bc of the hc that he needs sleeping potions to be able to sleep and not have nightmares) and coffee and maybe flowers
-hates fire and will sit as far away from it as possible even if he’s shivering soooo badly (hc that he used to love sitting in the rain and swimming before the whole cave incident and he’d come into the common room soaking wet and shivering and still refuse to sit near the fire) (evan and dorcas mother-henning him bc they’re genuinely concerned with this habit)
-his day will go absolutely horrible if he doesn’t make his bed in the morning or his schedule gets interrupted (is he on the spectrum? probably)
-he and panda (all the skittles really)smoke all of the time, r does it because he has Anxiety and it calms his nerves
-was a big fan of Poe and Dickens and all kinda of muggle authors (he’d sneak out of Grimmauld when he was little and buy books from muggle shops. he just never got caught or told anyone, unlike Sirius who was very vocal about it) (he also borrowed some from Remus or Lily at times)
-also learned about love and marriage from watching his parents and for the longest time didn’t think love actually existed and that it was only a tale for children (like the tooth fairy or something) (forgot until editing this that Cupid exists, so he probably assumed it was a story like that with the love arrows)
-i don’t know many 70’s bands but he would have LOVED lana and conan, i’m convinced. (J would be such a swiftie tell me i’m wrong)
-doesn’t smile much but when he does it’s absolutely perfect (j absolutely melts when he sees it. R knows this and will absolutely use it to his advantage)
-doesn’t doodle but he writes poetry, often in the margins of book or on scraps of paper or whatever is closest to him. sometimes he’ll just lean over to james/panda/barty/whatever love interest you hc him with and scribble a little poem on their arm or hand just so he can get it out of him (see: Non-Stop from Hamilton)
-usually only wears black or green in public (but secretly loves when he and j are in private and he gets to wear all of j’s clothes, which are so loose and colorful and the complete opposite of the ones his parents allow him to be seen in)
-doesn’t dislike mcgonagall, but hates how pushy she can be about him joining ECs or whatnot (also hc that r, who’s favorite subject was potions and would even brew in his spare time, used to help make healing potions or sleeping droughts and whatnot for Pomfrey since she was always busy and never have time) (he would never admit it to anyone where he was going everyday when he was brewing them, though) (probably also how he realized Remus was a werewolf was because he was always around the infirmary helping out) (r would have been a healer in another life. one where he wasn’t expected to harm instead.)
-wouldn’t like most muggle sports (hates the rich people ones like golf or tennis but also hates how violent hockey or football could get) but he’d like ice/figure skating and ballet, and he would LOVE music (not so much listening to it, that’s j’s thing, but playing it. the piano or the violin, maybe. something delicate and pretty and requires precision)
-gay. the gayest little guy you’ve ever seen. (he and panda/dorcas tried hooking up just once while they were Realizing and it was so embarrassingly awful they both decided never to mention it again)(also Reg and barty/remus being fWb because….well, bc i said so)
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amphiptere-art · 6 months
I might do a silly today??
Basically I want a celestial family/team/group. That isn't Tsams.
So why don't I just make one?
This might be a little based off tsams. I might use the Tsams names because they don't own them. But I kind of just want to create my own little team.
Plenty of people have done it before. This isn't the first time somebody's copied the idea of the Sun and Moon show and made a group of celestial beings having fun doing random shenanigans. The only difference is that those random shenanigans are different.
So why don't I make my own? I have plenty of Tsams characters that could be stripped of that context. Like I could have black star. I just take away his villain is back hood with Tsams, and replace it with something similar but different. As long as I get his core personality traits back by the end of it it doesn't matter.
Why do I want to do this? Well essentially why wouldn't I? I haven't watched a show in weeks. Not unless it's a smaller clip or I purposely searched out myself. And it's usually for older videos. The most context I have for the show right now is what people tell me.
Plus hell I was already doing that. Sure the cast was smaller cuz I didn't have an idea of a large cast like the Sun and Moon show or the celestial idiots. But now I do and I can do it all over again. It wouldn't be the first time to make a group of idiots doing random shit.
What the hell do you think the original arcade version of Blue Moon was? Arcade Blue Moon and everyone who was in arcade storyline was essentially a group of celestial people, living in a semi-normalized robot human world, bumbling around trying to figure out how life is. Arcade red blue black was essentially one of these groups. I just changed it to be Tsams because of my stupid mental rule that if you borrow just a little bit you have to borrow it all or go way south.
I don't have that mentality anymore. I've made so many AUs I understand I don't have to subject myself to making something so holy unique It doesn't feel like any sort of rip off. I know now that there's millions of shows around the Sun and Moon doing random shit. It isn't some unique card that the Sun and Moon show has. I can use it without feeling like I'm stealing.
So yes. I might make a group of my own. I'm not a fan of the Sun and Moon show. I'm a fan of what has come out of it. The fan of the AU's. I'm a fan of The creative characters I made. I'm a fan of everything else but it. Would it really be a surprise If I just made my own group of characters that felt like my own group of characters.
Like I said I might take some characters and transform them to be less Tsams and more my own. Blackstar is already on that list. Blue Moon was literally the personification of me removing him off of that list. I like DH Earth. She's probably going on there. Some version of my sun and moon is probably going to be put on there. I'm going full in on this idea.
I have characters that are my own and I basically just took a backstory. I can make my own backstory and still have those characters. There is nothing wrong with doing that. As long as they are distinct enough from the Sun and Moon still it's fine.
We'll call this... Arcade! As Arcade was essentially this before I stripped it of its unique place.
This is the Arcade project.
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finniestoncrane · 5 months
congrats on the milestone finnie!!! you deserve it 🖤🖤 if it’s alright, i’ll let my date decide!! i’m nonbinary and queer! i love old horror movies and anything halloween related, and i’m into goth music, fashion, and makeup. i’m short (~4ft 11 or 150cm) but often wear big stompy boots and platforms to make myself taller. i’m curvy and have back-pain inducing titties (i cup lol). i’m currently studying biology and forensics with the hope of going to medical school for forensic pathology because i want to do autopsies!!
thank you sweet bug!! i'm excited for this one, it confused me at first and then the inspiration HIT ME lmao💚🩷 🔞minors dni🔞 send a request • masterlist • kofi link • tag: finnie2k (to follow or to block)
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So, if there's anything Harley loves, it's someone who doesn't conform to anything, and the gender binary is just another thing she turns her little nose up at. So someone who is also queer, like her, and nonbinary, they just fit the Harley vibe.
Now, she is a HUGE fan of dressing up and being silly, so you know Halloween is one of her favourite times of year. Plus, for all that she's cutesie and sunshine, she's pretty dark and spooky. She'd never shy away from the adrenaline of a horror movie, and the opoprtunity to get close to you to keep you safe. Which is why she probably thinks that Haunted Houses are the perfect first date venue...
Heavy makeup looks and detailed and cool fashion are all well within her wheelhouse, and her looks can be surprisingly gothic at times. Mostly though, you could borrow each others footwear, since you're both small in size and like stomping around in boots that could literally kill a man dead.
If there's something I believe to be truth and fact about Harley is that she is 100% a tits girl, so you best believe that as rude as it might seem to be, she can't help but stare. And they're the first thing she comments on. But it's a meet-cute! "Hi, congrats on the boobs!" What a better way to introduce yourself to someone!!
Finally though, I think what would work amazingly between you both is your love of science and work in the medical field. And while Harley is a psychologist, she would be deeply interested in your studies and what she could stand to learn from forensic pathology.
Don't be surprised if a lot of people start just showing up dead alongside some roses with a little card that says "please make this go away, MWAH!"
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thebroccolination · 2 years
I'm curious about something! In your opinion, which Between Us Specials are BounPrem and which are WinTeam? You mentioned on your last post staff and SWS were very mich aware of the mix, so 🤔🤔 Curious Stephh 🤭
Oooooohohoho, this is a fun ask!
Week 1
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90% WinTeam
I'd call this one pretty solidly in character. Team moves around in his sleep a lot, Win grumbles a bit, gives Team a kiss on the cheek before he gets out of bed, and Team has an emotional meltdown because he was awake. I think Prem's just a tiiiny bit giddier than Team would be.
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70% WinTeam
I think they both borrowed a little too much from their own personalities for this one, Boun more than Prem. Like, Boun's smile and laugh when he realizes Team wants a kiss goodbye are very much his own.
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100% WinTeam
And thus, my overall favorite! Win pretends to be exasperated for three seconds, Team is a coddled baby, and Win is smitten. I'm pretty sure these are supposed to be set in the future, like Win's fourth year and Team's second, so this matches up perfectly with how they'd be down the road.
Week 2
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30% WinTeam
This is very, very BounPrem to me. Boun just seems to be having fun with the goofy setup, and Prem's reaction at the end is a little too cartoonish. (Also, If I'm remembering right, the original skit Sheep wrote had them eating actual ice cream, so it melted faster and the tone was a little more ~erotic~. The popsicle they got for this scene wasn't really melting, though, so I think it made the scene a lot goofier than it was supposed to be.)
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20% WinTeam
This one really drives home a comment Boun made about these special episodes: he found laughing as Win especially challenging because Win didn't really laugh in UWMA. He was fairly collected and calm for most of his scenes, so these lighthearted episodes where he laughs quite a bit are when Boun shines through most obviously. Like, this is just Boun being silly with Prem.
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20% WinTeam
Again, this is mostly BounPrem goofing off and being cute. I remember Thai fans were very, "lol so this is a BounPrem week," when these three aired. It was cute, it just wasn't WinTeam Cute.
Week 3
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0% WinTeam, 0% BounPrem
This was based on a short social media skit Sheep wrote in 2020. If I'm remembering correctly, Team pokes at his stomach and whines because the pool is closed during lockdown, so Win basically suggests sex as exercise instead. So it's another skit that was originally hinting at an erotic ending aaand turned goofy in the special episode. I honestly pretend this one doesn't exist. I didn't like the weight-shaming in UWMA and I liked it even less in the special episodes. But to give credit where it's due, when fans reached out to Paaty and Dao (BP's managers) about, they said they'd talked to New about it and he said they'd discuss the issue in more detail. So far, there hasn't been anything like it in BU, so it seems like they took the criticism seriously. (And considering one of their favorite sponsors is a plastic surgery clinic that specializes in weight loss, I'm impressed. Fingers crossed it lasts for the rest of BU.) Anyway, Win wouldn't weight-shame his boyfriend. NOT MY WINTEAM.
Note: Weight's a common topic in Asia, I know. When I lived in Japan, it was fairly common to get a cheerful, "You're skinnier/you got fat!" as a greeting from people I hadn't seen in a while. Still, it's one of those cultural things I don't think should be excused just because it's cultural. It just think it's universally unnecessary to comment on other people's bodies, y'know? You don't know what they're going through, it's not yours to comment on, etc. Plus I really don't like the position it puts Prem in.
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5% WinTeam
Pffft. I'm remembering how much I disliked Week 3. This week was the one that really worried me about Between Us and how they'd portray Team. Like, why would he be this averse to sex in the special episodes, which are meant to be set when they've been dating for a while…? It just gave me those old-school BL vibes where the ~bottom~ is all "nooOoOOOoOoo I'm pure and I don't like sex" and I want to stab myself in the eye.
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30% WinTeam
I think Boun channels the exasperation Win would feel, but Prem plays Team slightly too much like a caricature of Team for me. And then the whole second half is just playful Boun being playful Boun. And again, the "NOOOO NOT SEEEEX" thing.
Note: The locker room scene in BU damn near made me cry. I had almost no hope of them showing Team that enthusiastic about sex after the special episodes.
Week 4
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90% WinTeam
Team's asleep throughout the scene, so this was all up to Boun, and he did well, I think! He's a little softer on the ABC gang than I think Win would be, but otherwise I think it's solid. Also, Team reaching for Win in his sleep is my second-favorite moment in these.
Note: N'aw, first introduction of the alphabet! (Minus Art, who was cast later as A.)
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90% WinTeam
I was enormously relieved when this one aired because it actually had Team initiating sex. Yay! And the music is ridiculous, but I also really liked Prem's initial frustration/anxiety. He plays it a little too over the top, but in general this is probably my third-favorite scene.
Week 5
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0% WinTeam
This is 100% BounPrem. The feet-kicking from Boun, the teasing from Prem, etc. This is WinTeam cosplaying BounPrem.
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50% WinTeam
This is very cute, absolutely, but I don't see Win being this taken aback by a cheek kiss after they've been dating for months or possibly a year. Prem did fine though! This feels very much like Team.
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60% WinTeam
Especially when you compare this to the horror movie scene in the main series, it's very, very clear that Boun's reaction here is zero percent Win and all himself. BUT there he tells Team he'll stay until it ends felt like Win. I can't decide where I fall on Team telling Win he's cute: it feels like Prem, but it's got Team's sass, so I'll lean in Team's favor for this one.
Week 6
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50% WinTeam
This is EXTREMELY FUNNY but it's also EXTREMELY BOUNPREM. In fairness, I think Prem managed to stay mostly in character, but just look at that expression up there. That's 100% my gentle chaotic son Boun. <3
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60% WinTeam
It's a little more in-character than the last one but it's still a little caricature-y.
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BASICALLY, there's a reason why they put a "we're just fucking around, don't take this seriously" disclaimer at the start of every episode. I saw someone on here call the special episodes extended character workshops, which is genius and probably true.
Regardless of whether they'e more WinTeam or BounPrem, they're very cute and they kept us fed while we waited. <3
And it shows how much they've grown!
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oops-its-a-fanwork · 1 year
Tidbits about the lepom pokémon boys✨️
Just some little things to know about our fav legendary boys, Papyrus and Sans! You can read their home and backstory here!
The pair of brothers are both psychic types, but I'm not entirely sure about their secondary typing. For sans I'm thinking either psychic/normal or psychic/dragon, and for papyrus either psychic/fire or psychic/fighting. The size of their true forms is somewhat small for a legendary, more akin to the size of Latios and Latias: person sized! Actually these two seem to have inspired the boys’ designs in my mind: not too big, somewhat friendly but definitely not an average pokemon!
Interestingly enough, if anyone describes the boys’ human form, the description will always be focused on their personalities and some rough descriptions of their appearance at best. People remember Papyrus being tall and loud, that's for sure! And Sans is definitely a lot smaller! A laid-back dude!  Oh what did he wear yesterday? Good question!  …I don’t remember… … Skin color? Oh yeah he sure had one… Hmmm…  Anyway yesterday Sans pranked the candy store owner with a whoopee cushion??!?-
Papyrus would love to help people train their pokémon! He adores the bond between trainers and their pokémon, and thrives off of their passion and determination! People would ask him about his team when he offers though, and that just gets them a fidgety “oh would you look at the time! It sure seems evident that I am needed to help with market preparations! But perhaps we’ll spar! Next time!”. Then he does an impressive leap into an open window of a random house and he’s gone. What a guy. You can also ask him to help you prepare for beauty contests. He has a very good eye for those, and although his choices are… non-standard, they have a 80% chance of actually being really, really good.
Sans doesn't really care for or about battling, but if you ask him about beauty contests he’ll at least humor you by joining you for prep time. His suggestions are ridiculous and none of it is helpful. He does seem to be enjoying himself though, and if he’s tired enough you can use props and make-up on him to make him look silly “to match his attitude :p”. If anything, prepping with him does make you and your team far less nervous. No judge could ever give you feedback that's more outta left field or ridiculous than he and his brother can, so you can handle anything now!
Papyrus definitely still gets lovingly attacked by dog pokémon all the time. He’s a magnet for them, they love him! His reaction can be best described as “exit, pursued by bear dog”. I mean it doesn't always happen, but they do like to mess with him, so it is also often times the other way around. Don’t try and keep an important conversation with him when there's dog pokémon nearby, because you will be interrupted!
Sans will tell you what your pokémon are thinking/saying unprompted. This tends to feel like he’s doing a bit, but he’s always telling the truth, or at least a half-truth. The bit is that he’s not doing a bit. What a funny guy!
Papyrus' cooking is in an odd position here: if there's a person to supervise and give advice, Papyrus can actually make a few really tasty dishes! However if left alone he doesn't really realize the way certain appliances work, and might experiment with ingredients that only certain pokemon or humans can eat, like uncooked wheat! Or pokemon berries! Or rocks! He’s personally not the biggest fan of rocks, but he has friends who love them! Sans absolutely does not count as supervision by the way. He doesn’t care what is made as long as his bro is happy, and if the kitchen is burned down in the process he’ll probably sleep through it anyway. 
Despite him having the personality of a “dude who has a little truck he hangs out the window from to talk to u”, the only thing people actually see Sans drive are the tricycles he “borrows” from the town kids. Does he do it to entertain them or does he genuinely think they're fun? Hard to tell. The teens in town like to point at silly cars and other vehicles they see and tell each other it's his. He thinks it's hilarious and definitely plays into it.
Sans is the kind of guy who will walk you home at night if you work late shifts, and Papyrus will princess carry you if you are injured, even if it's just a scraped knee. In both cases, enjoy the view!
Most of their rare time away from any people or pokémon is spent either protecting everyone from an evil team or from agitated pokémon from the mountain. The latter tend to be ghost pokémon and pokémon living in harsh conditions, so no one really blames them for being irritable. These pokémon have been acting up far less the past few weeks though. Perhaps something happened?
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howlingday · 11 months
Hey Howling, thanks for the advice before! I know asking questions isn't how most people expect advice, but it does work since it forces us to sit down and think a little bigger.
So thanks for that.
I guess that brings another question/advice/opinion I've been meaning to ask you.
When it comes to creating content to share, whether fanfic or original, what motivates you?
Cuz' the more serious I tend to get about an idea, the more I freak out about how much of my own personal time I inevitably start devoting to it.
Which is great in one sense... cuz I get lost into my wondrous world of writing headspace...
... and short little drabbles, and silly prompts are great fun! I really do enjoy them!
But when it comes to fanfics, swimming super deep in the depths of my untethered imagination honestly scares me...
Because who knows if all my effort will be shrugged at and forgotten by the fans or other creators, when I could have been doing something original...?
Or if... when I finally do stick my head up out of the depths of any fandom...
...I'll find that back in the real world, above the surface, the tide of my life will have changed, and I'll realize how much the shore has shifted and moved on...
... alongside my loved ones who will have made new memories without me, every time I insisted on spending just a little more time diving deep, as they never had the urge to go exploring with me...
... all because I was so focused diving into the fandom of someone else's waters.
Sorry, if it got a little heavy, (and I get it if this doesn't get posted), but as someone who gets lost spending months at a time thinking up of new ideas, I wanted your insight on what makes fanfic writing worth it.
Small prompts are fun and a great way to use time, but lengthy-novels and time-consuming art?
What do you think?
Oof... Really aimed right at a very tender and sensitive weak point of mine, to be honest.
But first of all, I'm glad my advice helped you out with your thought process for building your world.
Now, I'mma be really real with you about the whole "time" thing. One of, if not the most absolute worst thought I could ever think of is "how much of my time was this really worth?" Because one thing I find myself often being during my "slumps" is a nihilist. I'll be in my groove, popping out funny ideas and neat little plot points when BAM! I ask myself "What is this all amounting to? Is this something that's going to matter in ten years? Or five years? Next year? What am I going to do in the real world?"
What helps me out of it is to, well, keep doing it. Get my idea out there and see how much people love it. Keep going at it, build yourself and your style, and learn from your prior mistakes and the mistakes of others.
As for the OTHER aspects in my life, it boils down to numerous factors, because on top of the multiple dozen drafts of asks I have saved for later, I also have my job, my stack of video games to beat and or give up on, my 3000+ YouTube Watch Later list, my MMA classes, and whatever I've got planned with my friends. I remember in college, there was a critical thinking class that said,
I see the small prompts, incorrect quotes, and spitposts as just fun little writing exercises to just get out there. Definitely play around with them if and when you can.
I hope the advice I gave helps and didn't just sound like me whining. Honestly, the best way to get good at all aspects of writing, including planning, dreaming, and actually writing is to keep doing it. And kinda let it all blend together in your life. If I see or hear something funny or inspiring or just plain awesome, I'll pop it into an incorrect quote and send it out! People love it? Great! No? Oh, well...
But always, always, always...
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dodger-chan · 2 years
Happy Halloween! Please enjoy this silly, unedited Stranger Things mini-fic as a treat.
When Wheeler the Elder tore her shirt to make a bandage Buckley let out a little giggle. Then another. It was very inappropriate, and Eddie wished she’d share with the rest of the class, because he needed something to laugh at right now.
“Sorry, I swear I’m not usually a nervous laugher, it’s just,” she giggled again and gestured at Wheeler’s attempted wound care. “He’s got more hurt than you’ve got shirt.”
Eddie snorted. A Rocky Horror reference in the middle of hell. Thank fuck for Robin Buckley and her (time)warped mind. He wondered where she had seen the movie. “Please don’t make me laugh when I’m bleeding, Robbie.” Harrington wheezed and winced. Nancy seemed to be the only one of them at a loss.
“What are you talking about?” She glared at Harrington, then Buckley, as though a stern look would provide her the context she lacks.
“It’s from a movie,” Eddie explained. “Well, kind of. Tearing a skirt to make a bandage is from the movie. What Buckley said is from the audience participation part of the film.”
“Fellow Rocky Horror nerd, huh?” Buckley asked, tentatively. It was, Eddie supposed, kind of an incriminating admission. One of those things that wasn’t exclusively queer - Harrington had gotten Buckley’s reference, after all - but it was indicative.
“Oh, absolutely. One of my favorites. I even dressed up for the anniversary showing they did in Indy last year.”
“Neat. We went to one in Chicago. We didn’t dress up, though.” Buckley grinned. “A lot of people thought Steve was going as Brad.”
“He does sort of naturally radiate ‘asshole,’ doesn’t he?” Personally, Eddie would rather picture Harrington in the tiny gold shorts of Rocky. 
“He does.” Buckley agreed.
“Fuck you both.” Harrington grumbled as Wheeler tied off the makeshift bandage.
“You know you love us, Steve.” Buckley gave him her hand and helped leverage Harrington back to a standing position. “So who did you dress up as? Was it Eddie?”
“Frank.” Harrington guessed. He looked Eddie up and down like he was picturing the corset and fishnets. Like he was appreciating the corset and fishnets. 
“It’s not easy having a good time. Even smiling makes my face ache.” Eddie quoted, and bit his knuckle suggestively. Buckley cackled and Harrington, well, Harrington was about to make Eddie reassess his belief in the existence of straight Rocky Horror fans.
“I still don't know what you're talking about.” Wheeler looked annoyed at being left out.
“It’s kind of my favorite movie.”
“Just more Rocky Horror stuff. It’s a bit hard to explain.” Robin took Nancy’s arm and started leading her down through the dark trees. “We can watch the movie when we get back. Steve will let me borrow his copy.”
“Steve has his own copy?” Eddie asked. 
“Susan Sarandon running around in her underwear?” Harrington shrugged.
“That, and Tim Curry’s, um, everything.”
“His everything, huh?”
“You two better catch up or Nance and I will leave you here.” Buckley called back to them. Eddie rolled his eyes. 
“Com-ing,” he sing-songed. Not a terrible imitation.
Under his breath Steve added, “So’s Brad.”
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fountainpenguin · 1 year
I came across your story "Flypaper" about the superhero convention (Fun read! Highly recommend!) and I was just wondering if you had any other interaction headcanons that didn't make the final draft?
Oh thank you... and oh, yes. I didn't include him because I knew no one would know who he is, but I love one special, incredibly charming boy... King Off-Putting himself... Bruno :)
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He is so very... uncomfortable to be around.
I had one line referencing Bruno and Danny in "Flypaper" but hhh... Dead Boy Duo, my beloved... I want them to be friends so bad, I want them to be sassy partners in the field, I want this with all my soul. They're brothers in spirit... Their moms have the same voice actor... Please, they would be so funny together.
I know there are oodles of fictional spy agencies in media, but I've always been a Bruno the Kid fan at heart. Ever since I first watched Danny Phantom, I've loved the idea of Globe getting in touch with Danny post-"Phantom Planet" and inviting him into the agency... Sometimes Bruno's villains canonically die instead of going to jail and I think Bruno and Danny would be a silly pair. Two "dead" (they got better!) cartoon boys goofing off and takin' names.
Specifically, Chick E. Love would have a flippin' field day burning holes in the Ghost Zone, unleashing wave after wave of ghosts into the world, and I just really want Bruno to do his "If I ever use a spy gadget the way it's intended I will die" schtick while Danny keeps dumping all the Fenton ghost-hunting gear on him...
I want the sassy boys to drive everyone up the wall. Bruno tolerated being bullied for about 5 seconds and then ruined that kid's life slkdjf. Cheerfully told Cy what he wanted to put on his tombstone. He does not mess around. I want Bruno to straight-up kill a man again and Danny to lose his mind.
Bruno is the boy who ran gleefully towards an electric fence with intent to climb it. He literally targeted HIMSELF with a missile in an attempt to win a chess game. I want the crossover joy of Danny throwing himself at everything that might kill Bruno and Bruno just Does Not Sweat It... Stupid.
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[More under the cut]
Anyway yeah I have very normal feelings about "Dead Boy Walking" as an episode. Bruno's enemies pinning him down and injecting a terminal disease in his system... Bruno stumbling around until he hallucinates his best friend giving him self-care advice... Bruno quietly sitting down and staring into the void, separating himself from the ongoing conversation, instead of engaging in his usual banter... Boy crosses Australia on borrowed time, his legs give out beneath him at the worst moment, he's still wheezing about how he's going to do everything in his power to save others, just a little kid lying on the cold floor alone while Sydney gloats that he only has minutes left to live... His enemies making out over his unmoving body... I am so normal about this episode.
I just want Bruno and Danny to be friends :) I think they would vibe with each other even though they'd both want to bonk the other on the head. I so very badly want to see the first moment Danny realizes "Oh... Oh, this guy's, like... serious. He will kill people if I take my eyes off him." sldkfj Bruno's so intense and I love him. Danny is so tired and I love him. I want to see the first moment Bruno blearily wakes up to realize Danny just saved him from a ghost's revenge attack in the middle of the night. I love the Dead Boy Duo.
I only threw one line about these two hanging out in "Flypaper," but in my heart they spent the whole convention together because they're co-workers... they are buddies, your honor.
I do not think WordGirl would like Bruno at all because he comes off as a smarmy, know-it-all creep to those who aren't familiar with his sense of humor... Kid Math should not be left alone with him because he's very impressionable and Bruno is a terrible influence slkjdf.
Here's a little deleted scene I had:
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I also had a loose draft for a scene of WordGirl and Super Why getting milkshakes with some other hero friends when Kid Math finds them again. WordGirl greets him like "Oh, how's your day going?" and Kid Math is just... very overwhelmed from his experience of interacting with two fast-paced sassy kids while he's still struggling to grasp the concept of superhero banter. Like. Bruno and Danny would destroy him. Blow his mind. There's no coming back from that.
So yeah, Bruno was definitely at the convention... I just didn't show him apart from that one-liner about him hanging out with Danny. "Flypaper" was really fun to write. I don't plan to do a crossover like this again any time soon, but the convention was a cool setting to explore and I'm glad you enjoyed! <3
One of my favorite stupid jokes in "Flypaper" is that Romeo was being a troublemaker in the daytime and WordGirl asked if he was "even allowed to do that" since he's supposed to be a "nighttime villain" in the PJ Masks lore... But tbh I watched a lot of Romeo clip compilations before this story and ?? apparently it's just a thing that Romeo regularly commits crime during the day and the PJ Masks literally hang back and wait until nightfall before they fight him?? That's SO funny to me.
(I also don't understand when the PJ Masks sleep and if anyone has the answer, please drop it in my inbox because I'd love to know but I also don't want to binge the series over this, ha ha)
I also wanted to make a joke about Alphapig being 5 years younger than the rest of the Super Readers because the amount I lost my mind when I saw that on the [unsourced] Super Why wiki was indescribable. POV: One of your friends is a princess, at least one is in college, and you're starting high school.
(I'm dying at the idea of three 10-year-olds running around Storybrook Village and there's a 5-year-old tagging along with them. The mental image of 7-year-old Whyatt taking a 3 or 4-year-old pig under his wing as his new friend... Such a good boy.)
After Tobey launched Romeo off his robot, I had WordGirl catch him, but I'd originally hoped to have Kick Buttowski catch him because I thought writing cool skateboard rescue mission would be fun. It seemed like it would just be shoving in an extra character who didn't need to be there, though, and it risked dragging down the scene with introductions and descriptions, but in my heart, Kick was at the convention too. Extreme.
I think another of my fave dumb jokes was just... WordGirl approaching the superhero panel she's supposed to speak on, she looks out into the crowd, but then she's like "Oh no the entire Paw Patrol are watching me, this is so much pressure."
Nothing to see here, just Baby Dog Squad taking notes... I still think about that randomly throughout the day and giggle. I love this 'fic.
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ilgaksu · 1 year
🎉 and 💔 for the fic writer asks?
from this series of fic writer asks
🎉 What leads you to consider a fic a success?
definitely engagement. i actually have several fics abandoned currently because of lack of engagement.
(the one that came to my mind immediately is the fic discussing hei xiazi's past as a sex worker in canon, which never did as well as i hoped, but also i had very limited hopes for the appeal of a fic about a cis and very masc man's relationship to female-oriented sex work. it is, however, entirely accurate to the actual sex work industry in the country he was operating in, as well as refusing to view sex work with anything but respect for a profession. do i sound bitter? i'm a little bit bitter.)
in my original writing career, engagement is less of a pressing issue to me because i have exchanged actual money or some other form of renumeration for labour. fic for me is less a handing over an item (because outside of a commission, you haven't paid for access to it and also then do not take any ownership of it or rights to it) and more of a form of communication with other fans. i want the influencer-capitalism shift of fan subculture into content creators and content consumers as two separate groups to die in a fire, actually. subcultures should not seek to mimic the dominant culture; modern fandom was created, as i've said before to a friend, by a group of women in a house talking about star trek, who had the audacity to treat each other as equals to each other and to men, when the world refused to view any of them as such. there is no such thing as "more equal than others" outside of animal farm, and especially not based on productivity.
having said that, i think if i was pretending that engagement isn't part of the reason i'm spending my limited time on earth writing two fictional and borrowed people, i would be being disingenuous. i am using it as a form of communication and communion with other people who love the thing i love, and the fic itself is a way of me expressing and processing my love, especially in a sociohistorical era where we are often far more distanced from who we want to be in community with. everyone wants their work and love to be acknowledged, and the use of their time, especially when it's on something that is viewed as a waste of it in the dominant culture; especially when it's viewed as silly and small, because current western culture denigrates love of the silly and small, especially a big love of something that cannot be made fully marketable. and so, it's hard to feel like a little kid at show and tell with your craft project, only to feel as if all the other kids are just walking by. it's why i'm always open to questions about characterisation and construction of fics/headcanons/theories, as well as writing craft; i just don't discuss the last one unless asked very often because i dislike seeming as though i need to provide a thesis defense for my creative practice to preface my work. like, what are you, my phd supervisor?
but to go on further, because it's my blog and i can elaborate if i want to, there are other aspects too. to follow the argument for engagement further, i sometimes get comments that echo that i have verbalised or represented an experience that felt personal to someone, and personal to the point of it feeling isolating. when i specialised in trauma studies, i focused a whole dissertation on caruth's theory of the unspeakable in trauma and looked it with a literary studies focus. caruth argues, to try and condense it quickly, that trauma is the experience of an unspeakable event, and, by that argument, we can surmise that only by articulating the trauma can someone begin to process that trauma. (i think a lot about what it means to live in a current culture that is trauma-obsessed and obsessed with making our trauma marketable for the algorithm to the total invasion of privacy, and yet deeply lacking in empathy to when trauma makes a person behave outside the bounds of what they consider acceptable, btw. but that's another topic for another day.)
so, for example, getting a comment saying that someone has felt seen and heard feels incredible to me. even if that's the only comment i get on that fic, it feels like this form of communication in a world that's starved us of that kind of communication, and that will make the real work and time that goes into writing feel worthwhile.
however, overall, i've moved away from as being as metrics-focused as i once was. when i began writing in heihua fandom, for example, i assumed, with absolute certainty, that nobody was reading, that nobody was interested in what i had to say, that nothing i was writing would be viewed with grace. and as a result, i felt free in a way i hadn't in previous fandoms where i was very publically involved; if i was writing alone, just for me, what would i write? and so now a great deal of is a fic a success for me is based in: do i read it back to myself and enjoy the process of that? does it feel like, if it wasn't written by me, and i wasn't worried about egocentricity, i would acknowledge that this fic was made entirely to my own tastes? am i having fun? did i love the process?
those are the questions i try to focus on now, and so now it's about 50/50 with that and actual external engagement, which is huge progress.
💔 Is there a fic of yours that broke your heart?
short answer: yes, there's been several, and i immediately thought of them when you asked.
longer answer in a reply that's already had a very long answer:
several fics of mine reflect claustrophobia and hopelessness i felt at that point in my personal life. i am proud of them and i am proud of myself for them, but not because i believe the purpose of pain is to make art, or that it makes personal misery worthwhile. i am proud of them because of their honesty. they break my heart in that to look at these works at the point in my life i'm at now is to feel an intense love and compassion for the version of me who wrote them. i try and avoid autobiographical readings of my work, because i think they're often used to pigeonhole marginalised creators to fit into the box of literary criticism, but i think it's important as a creator to value how you can see your own personal development outside of just skill development in your own creative work.
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OH OH APOKDHGLKGD:JLDL let me just *dies*
ok so I have like two things, actual pirates and then modern au where Blink and Mush play pirates as kids and the school play
Pirate AU-
-Blink is a silly pirate with his crew being Specs, Skittery, Dutchy, Swifty, Bumlets, and Itey (the rest of the newsies are in the town where Blink lives)
-The ship is called Killer Rose and its a nice deep brown with red aesthetic along with a few hints of gold
-Blink grew up in the town Ivory on the island called Theater (see what I'm doing there)
-Medda isn't a Queen but more of a Mayor type but she still takes care of everyone with the help of the council which consists of Bill, Darcy, Myer, Ester, Hanna, Mr. Kloppman
-The kids kinda run around and take up little jobs like working as a bartender, or innkeeper etc (I could so go on with that)
-So Blink makes a crew one day because some kids are tired of it here and Blink wanted to help people and be sort of an army in a way
-I really don't know how this will work but were gonna make it work
-Quick world budling: so it do be earth with islands but most of them are big enough to have a kingdom ya know along with having enough land to travel on foot
-The one in particular that has the evil King is called, Brookburn, and it's quite a size but the King Pulitzer (fucking try me) wants more but can never have enough
-Katherine lives there with him along with Mush
-Mush is Katherine's personal servant but she treats him as a brother unlike her dad who is so mean to him
-Katherine finds Mush in the forest one day on a walk with her old Nurse who later died
-Mush took the spot the next day and Katherine didn't treat him any different, but her dad doesn't like the idea that he is a boy, still Katherine won the fight, and there besties your honor
-ENTER KID BLINK lksdghlkkhsgdhl
-The crew needed supplies and while non of them wanted to go to Brookburn they had too so here we are
-They meet a boy named Spot who has a gang that works on the docs, Blink made sure to hide their Pirate things seeing as Pulitzer is not a fan, let alone to new people
-The crew easily lied about why there sailing and make their way to an Inn and eat some food
-The next day as there getting supplies and Blink stumbles upon Mush
-Who is also in the market buying things (as one dose)
-this sounds more like a fairytale istfg
-So they play flirt but Mush has to leave soon so Blink asks to see him again and Mush just dies and asks where he can find Blink
-That night Katherine gets all the details and tells Mush to leave early tomorrow, Mush doesn't want too seeing as if her dad found out he would die
-Either way, he goes to find Blink at the Inn, Mush ask him to follow him
-He takes him to a flower field and they talk about everything and nothing
-Blink makes Mush a flower crown and Mush makes him one but there on borrowed time
-Blink has to leave in the morning and he asks Mush to come with him but Mush doesn't want to leave Katherine and Spot and his little gang
-So ofc Blink tells Mush they can all come with him
-Mush wants to so bad but he knows what will happen if they'll all leave
-Blink sees distress on Mush's face and promises to protect him
-They hold hands on the way back to the Inn and Blink offers to walk him home but Mush isn't ready to say who he works for
-Blink tells him he'll be back and kisses him on the cheek
-Mush smiles so big it lights up the street, he runs to the stupid castle and screams on the way there while jumping and laughing but getting back into his room Pulitzer is there questioning him
-He lies and tells him he was out with Spot and met a woman, Pulitzer chuckles and tells him how could anyone love a servant like him
-An hour later Katherine comes to get him but sees him crying, explaining what happened and it was not infact the boy he went to see Katherine makes sure to get Mush extra breakfast in the morning
Part 2| Part 3| Part 4|
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septembersghost · 1 year
I hate how some people are making jokes or telling us we can't be sad or that feeling heartache listening to five albums worth of her music right now is hard and we're connecting to her art "wrong" like jfc it's been one day and this is a devastating shock we can be sad for a minute!
absolutely cannot stress enough how completely and entirely NORMAL it is for people to be sad and shaken right now, and it doesn't mean we're interacting with her music incorrectly or too invested or confused and think she's our best friend or something, none of that is true, and people dismissing it as that are the ones seemingly missing the point. when someone you care about is hurt, you hurt for them, it's human. it doesn't matter that we don't know her directly, an inherent bond is in fact formed between us and her music, and there is no getting around the fact that her music is deeply personal and autobiographical, and that a significant portion has been shaped by and written about this relationship - which also isn't a bad thing, it's beautiful! that love was so real and so transformative and such an important lifeline, and we can be grateful forever that she met joe when she did and that he helped her through those terribly dark times and that they supported and loved one another the way they did, when they did. all of that is still true. it's not undone - it was rare, it was there! (to borrow from a different tune) - and they needed it and it served them in lovely ways for as long as it could. the "these songs were about my life, now they're about yours" mentality is all well and good, but sometimes a bit impossible, and that is okay to acknowledge! the idea that you must take context away and only relate them to yourself or your blorbos is a bit silly, they're still taylor's art and diary and life (and you can and should do both!). also i'm gonna be honest here, many of us do not have a love like that to apply them to, so of course the original meaning sticks a bit. fandom acting like it's a sin right now to be thinking of her within her own music and aching for that is ridiculous. that WILL fade with time, but there hasn't been time yet! everyone's just sort of reeling and trying to process. this is collective mourning for many different aspects of things, it's in fact going to be a different bit of sadness for each person even though we're sharing it together, and that's also normal! her music being intensely personal and lyrically poignant gives us that sense of connection and empathy for what she's experienced and what she's shared, and this is the only time when we've experienced her writing about this type of love, the amount of time it's lasted (we are by extension very used to joe having been a constant! six years is a lot! there are many newer fans who've never known taylor without him being a significant factor), and tbh i could go into further detail here about why it's hitting hard and the little griefs everyone has been sorting through today. you can be grateful something happened and grieve its ending, and the ending of any potential future that might've happened, you can hurt for another person simply because you care for them and wish them the best and want them to be happy. it's not invasive when we are fully aware of the boundaries there too. it's okay for the music to sting and be difficult right now because it's about a life that no longer exists - we will all go back to it and reclaim it and feel the warmth and love in it again, we will hold onto that gratitude (i will never not be thankful that joe was in her life exactly when she needed him and helped her the way he did, that she flourished so much personally and creatively in that time, she didn't have to do that work or find that strength alone and that's a wonderful thing too). it's all about understanding those emotions and giving them space and compassion. we need to give grace to taylor and joe, to each other, and to ourselves for anything we're feeling right now.
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