#armor maker
dd122004dd · 1 year
Hi could I request jealous Ardeth Bay x fem reader smut?
Yours. Only Yours.
Author's Note: Hello dear reader! Thank you for the request! Unfortunately, I didn't feel like writing smut for this one, so I gave it a bit of a spicy ending. But I might or might not make anther part, just with smut in it. I hope you enjoy this, though!
P.S. Sorry for the delay, was going through some writer's block but now I'm kinda back.
Warnings: None, I don't think.
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The scorching sun was setting in the west, birthing vermillion tinged skies as it hid among the sandy dunes in the distance. As Nuit laid a dark cloak over the earth and twinkling stars shone through, making the cool night almost tranquil. Within a camp in the distance hidden among the cooling dunes were people bustling about, preparing for a grand feast. The Medjai were celebrating the vanquishment of their ancient enemy, the one from whom they’d protected humanity for millennia. It had been decided by the chiefs that the five tribes would come together to celebrate their victory against the dark one.
A large bonfire was created in the center of the camping grounds with large pots of food bubbling around in anticipation for the hungry soldiers. The women within the camps wore their finest clothes with various colors and jewels adorning their bodies. Among them was her, Amaira, the one who adored the leader of the Medjai, Ardeth Bay. Her attraction to him was not unfounded. Rising through the ranks quickly, Ardeth had become the youngest leader that the Medjai had seen in decades. Not only was he a capable leader and strategist, he was also an excellent swordsman and gunman. Many women in the camp were attracted to him for his strength and military prowess yet he paid them no heed, choosing to ignore their advances and focusing on his duties.
Amaira too was one of his admirers yet she did not trip over her words whenever she saw him, rather she had a tongue that could cut through steel, injuring anyone who dared cross her path. She engaged the young Medjai in a battle of wits every time he came across her.
The two had been at each other’s throats since the fateful day they had met each other ten years ago when he was a young trainee and she was learning the art of crafting armor for the Medjai. Her father came from a long line of armorers and they had been making armor for the Medjai for generations. Their secret practice, however had been passed down through the matriarchal line, with the sons becoming warriors for the Medjai and the daughters crafting armor to defend their beloved family. ‘The swordsman attacks and the women defend,’ was their family’s motto.
Within her tent she dressed herself, lathering the perfumed oils reserved for special occasions. Lips colored with red rouge and a slight blush adorning her cheeks, making her look youthful and flushed. She wore beautiful navy robes, embroidered with tiny beads that caught the light, shimmering like stars among the night’s sky.
Ready for the feast she emerged from her tent, looking for her friend, Maria. As she made her way towards the festivities, she finally spotted her friend amongst the crowd. She quickly made her way towards her, almost barreling into the younger woman. The women greeted each other before deciding to mingle.
As her friend and her went around the campfire, meeting new friends and talking about the guests and some of their atrocious attires she suddenly caught sight of him, Adreth Bay. The object of her desires yet the bane of her existence.  Her friend noticed her halt, turning towards the direction the woman was staring at Maria noticed a young woman talking to Ardeth, well, rather she was flirting with him. With a large smile on her face as the man in front of her let out a joyous laugh at something she said. “That’s Zaina, the daughter of Chief Akhned,” Maria said.
“How disgraceful,” Amaira scoffed, “Flirting with a man four years her senior, and in front of everyone, too.”
“Are you angry because she is flirting with a man in public, or is it because you wish you were in her place?” Her friend knowingly asked.
Scoffing at her insinuation she replied, “Never. I’d rather eat a camel’s foot than flirt with that arrogant son of a donkey.”
“You say that yet your glare speaks otherwise, dear friend,” Maria rebutted.
Amaira glared at the cozy couple, noticing them drawing closer to each other as the young woman placed a fair hand on the Medjai’s arm, giggling at something he’d said.
Having enough, Amaira stalked towards the cozy couple with a saccharine smile on her face, “Asalaim walaikum.” She greeted.
“Walaikum Al Salam.” The Chieftain’s daughter replied before Ardeth cut in, “Zaina, this is Amaira, her family makes the armor that all the Medjai wear.”
“Aah, how wonderful! I’ve heard of your family. The women in your family must be incredibly talented to have made such incredible armor,” Zaina complimented.
Pride filled her chest as she replied, “Yes, they are. I heard your father was looking for you, you might want to hurry along and see what he wants, afterall, no one should keep the chief waiting.”
Zaina looked at Ardeth, reluctant to leave, yet after a few moments she moved away from the man, bidding him farewell she went to look for her father.
Turning towards the Medjai before her Amaira glared.
“What was that for? I was talking to her.”
“Please, a blind goat could see you flirting from on top of the pyramids.”
“My, my. Jealous, are we?”
“Pssh. Jealous? Over you? I’d die before I admit that.”
“It doesn’t make it untrue, Amaira.”
“You have no proof of anything.”
“Really? I don’t have proof?”
“Then I suppose you glaring daggers into my back wasn’t enough proof? Or perhaps you looking at the poor girl like you wanted her head? Or perhaps the sweet smile you plastered on your face as you swayed your way over here? Or maybe, when you told her, her father was looking for her when you know very well that the chief hasn’t arrived to the feast yet. So tell me, little snake, what proof could you possibly desire? Or perhaps it’s not proof you desire, but me.” Ardeth breathed close to her ear, whispering the last words as he stalked forward with each word till, she was cornered against one of the tents.
“You’re delusional. I could never desire you!” Amaira stated determinedly, unable to breathe from the proximity of the warrior.
“You could never desire me? Or you could never allow yourself to desire me?” He questioned, with a grin on his face, finally glad to hold something over the fiery woman’s head, yet his happiness was short lived as he found himself being pushed to the ground. Before he had a moment to react, a weight deposited herself on his thighs, preventing him from getting up.
“Amaira! What are you doing?!” He asked, frantically.
Smirking down at the man, she replied, “You were right, Ardeth. I do desire you. I have from the moment we met. And your little display with Zamiya really pushed me over the line. What did you think would happen, hmm? That I’d cower and bow before admitting my feelings? If you really thought that, you know me far less than I thought.”
“What’re you trying to do?” He asked as she leaned closer to him, caging his body under her own.
“Showing you, how much you belong to me.” Saying this, she captured the Medjai’s lips with her own. He was stunned at first before melting into the fiery woman, surging upward as he claimed her lips. Yet she didn’t allow him to dominate the kiss, pulling him closer as their mouths clashed together. A battle as old as time among the dunes of the desert. A depiction of their relationship with each other soft at certain moments yet harsh at others.
The couple eventually separated, resting their foreheads against each other’s, slowly panting.
“‘Only I am allowed to touch you this way, to claim you for myself. You belong to me.” She stated.
“Yours. Only yours.” He vowed.
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telekineticmaniac · 1 year
"Armor vs Sewing" is a long-debated cosplay topic. While it's a core belief of mine that neither is inherently better than the other, let's explore why and if that actually true — LET'S DO A DEEP DIVE ON ARMOR AND SEWING IN REGARDS TO COSPLAY CONTESTS.
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ahollowgrave · 7 days
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-- little paladin.
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jeracosplay · 2 years
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- 𝕳𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖙𝖎𝖈𝖘 𝖈𝖗𝖆𝖛𝖊 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖈𝖑𝖊𝖆𝖓𝖘𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖋𝖎𝖗𝖊 𝖔𝖋 𝖆𝖇𝖘𝖔𝖑𝖚𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓 -
My completed Sister of Battle "mini" debuted with a base at DragonCon this year! My first armor and foam prop build - entirely self patterned and constructed. I have even more I want to add and upgrade with this, but I love this cosplay so much and can’t wait to wear her again. Keep an eye out @momocon for me!
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hcnnibal · 1 month
have a2 and thomas hate fucked? (i am so curious about a2’s dynamic with all of a1s exes/partners/wife/prostitutes in general)
a2 is very much… wife who ignores all of her husband’s affairs… most of the time
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Belated WIP Wednesday!
This WIP Wednesday, I met this knight. He kind of interfered with my project…or…maybe I interfered with his? Anyway, this is getting tense! Definitely one of those "to be continued" sort of things. Stay tuned! 👀
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d3f3n3str4t10n · 27 days
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I finished In Stars and Time last night! I didn't do everything but I don't have a desire to go back for the stuff I missed for several reasons. A: Don't wanna put Siffrin back in the loops B: Don't want to finish sidequests that are ultimately meaningless for characters and lore, and don't do much for gameplay It was a pretty interesting take on a timeloop story. (Not to spoil any of the major reveals regarding that, ofc.) For every gripe I had with the gameplay you eventually got some way to remove or mitigate it, though going through Floor 3 over and over for the Star Crest did get a bit annoying near the end.
Still, doing it that way made progression feel really nice, which is good in an RPG with 1 main area and barely any regular gear/loot lol
Some of the scenes got pretty intense, too... ;p I'll share a couple gripes I have with the story now, which of course means SPOILERS BELOW!!!
Spoiler Line | V ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
^Watch Out!^
My one gripe main gripe with the story is that the situation with Siffrin's home country never really got resolved. I don't think I'd mind that main gripe as much if the middle portion of the game didn't build it up as one of the main mysteries, on the same level as the time loops. It gave off the vibe that it's something we'd at least figure out, or learn more about the country itself, even if the problem wasn't fully resolved by the end. Maybe I could've gotten more if I went through more loops, but I didn't have the interest to do that for the gameplay, nor did I want to make Siffrin suffer longer.
... and also Siffrin's main wish at the end... it's not that it was bad but the way it was revealed felt... almost too... I don't want to say 'childish' but the tone did feel a little weird to me
the tone of the whole game varies quite a bit, which isn't always a bad thing-- in fact it's usually done very well! But this particular moment just felt like it was delivered oddly to me... I'm not sure. In any case, It's still a very good time that I highly recommend if you haven't played it yourself!
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moiiytov · 1 year
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ssv-raven · 11 months
Rambles inbound
Recently learned about the Ghost-Maker character and his sidekick experiment, Phantom-One. And damn do I ever want to contrive a situation where a vengeful Jazz that has lost everything and everyone she loves seeks out Ghost-Maker so he can teach her how to fight and take down corrupt organizations like the GIW, which leads to her becoming Phantom-Two.
Like she would definitely recognize that Minhkoa is a clinical psychopath and would just roll with it. She would never expect him to actually care for her and would tell him that once he inevitably grows tired of her that she will leave with no questions asked.
Kinda see her in this situation as being a loose Tim Drake parallel with her butting into Minhkoa's life and having no illusions that she matters to him. She is just a placeholder, an experiment for the artistic, psychopathic crime fighter and she is ok with that. She will use her intellect to aid her mentor but neither actually have any emotional connection with each other.
IDK my brain just loves the thought of her becoming Phantom-Two and the personal meaning that name would have for her. Sure, Minhkoa named his first sidekick Phantom-One and she is just the next numbered experiment for him but Phantom was Danny's name, his identity. She is not Phantom but she will carry the name when she finally returns to the United States and burns the GIW to the ground.
There is also something to be said for Ghost-Maker and Phantom-One wearing white as their dominant color. It would be lovely to have this new Phantom-Two wearing the same white that the GIW love so much as she cuts a bloody trail through their agents.
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impossible-rat-babies · 4 months
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current copium of putting hats in my glam dresser so maybe I’ll wake up w DT and they will be real
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mspencerdraws · 2 years
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Nocturnal Apothecary Ink & Watercolor My Art Find Me on Twitter Find me on Instagram  Inks, and a pic of this piece in its frame (which I painted to match) below the cut!
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trans-ruffboi · 1 year
you know it's all well and good to talk about how Anders is mistreated by the narrative, but what's really unfair treatment is that he doesn't get a single rune slot for his armor until halfway through Act 3
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phantomcomet · 9 months
Honestly, I would love a zombie movie about a group of furries. Their fur suits are thick enough to prevent bites/scratches and the heads prevent cross contamination from blood splatter. At some point the main group meets a bunch of college mascots and they have a spiderman pointing meme moment before they exchange resources and knowledge and maybe group together for a while.
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krimsonkatt · 3 days
Ascended Zenith
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Zenith Von Zerithia's ascended form in my game Chronicles Meteorfall. After discovering the truth of her mother's death and her final message to her, Zenith ascends, gaining a new appearance and access to the powerful "Empress" class. The Empress focuses on arts that deal guaranteed critical hits, buffing moves, and enemy arts. The Empress' strongest ability is it's passive art "Beast Lore." This passive art allows Zenith to learn enemy arts when attacked by them, GREATLY expanding Zenith's overall utility and move pool. However, she can only equip those enemy arts while Beast Lore is equipped.
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cuteteacakes · 1 month
*asks about an estimate for a Ferdinand Von Aegir cosplay*
*gets a price over 1000*
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theelectronicstranger · 2 months
Ultimate X-Men #4 Discussion
          If you have not read this issue, then please don’t read this discussion right now. I would highly suggest getting this issue and then reading this discussion later on.
Trigger Warning: For some talks of suicide, bullying, and self-harm.
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          Theres a lot I want to talk about regarding this issue, so I’m going to be a little bit everywhere this discussion. The first thing I want to talk about is Nico Minoru. In the last issue, we see her look at Hisako and Mei and identify them as mutants; but in this issue, we still don’t really know if she has powers or is a mutant as well:
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I’m really interested in how this Nico Minoru is different from the main universe version of Nico Minoru. I actually thought we were going to learn more about her this issue or have some confirmations on what she is, but we only get hints that she might be psychic in this universe, or her parents are psychic. I really want to know if that magnifying glass that she’s holding in that page up above is the “Staff of One” or a version of it. I also would like to know if the little girl with the bunny ears that she hangs out with is this universe’s version of Molly Hayes. I would love it if a version of the Runaways existed in this universe. I haven’t seen them since the Ranbow Rowell run a few years back, so I miss them.
          Next, I want to talk about Hisako. In this issue, we finally saw her riding a motorcycle:
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In issue 2, her mother was talking about Hisako taking motorcycle riding lessons, so we finally got to see her with one. I just really like her design in her motorcycle outfit. I think she looks so cool in it. Also, later on in the LEXICON page we actually find out that the bike she’s riding is her late father’s motorcycle, the 1980 Honda Raccoon, and the leather jacket that she’s wearing is her mother’s:
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I like the idea that while she’s going home or going anywhere that she has a piece of both her mother and her father with her. Like it’s there to protect her or just be with her if anything ever goes wrong.
          Speaking of, in this issue, we also see Hisako meet a man that seemed to be one of Tsubasa’s bullies from the basketball team. He seems to be under the influence of the Shadow King (Still not confirmed if it is the Shadow King or not. I’m just using that name for him because that’s what I’ve been using since issue 1):
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What I don’t like about this guy is that he’s blaming Tsubasa or Tsubasa’s death for all the bad things that are happening now and he’s ignoring the fact that he was complicit to bullying someone until they committed suicide. He doesn’t even think for a second that these bad things might be happening because they treated someone so poorly that that person killed themselves. Sure, this person is probably influenced by the Shadow King, but I think the Shadow King wouldn’t be influencing him as much if he didn’t have these awful and dark thoughts with him. He probably wouldn’t be under the Shadow King’s control if he had repented or at least thought that what he did was wrong in any way. In just a few panels and a few pieces of dialogue, Peach Momoko made me really hate this guy because I’ve seen so many of these bullies that don’t ever think that what they’ve done is wrong and always deflects the blame on their victims. They almost always never see that they’re in the wrong and that they were being an awful person.
I also want to talk about the last panel up top with Tsubasa’s head. That felt like such a haunting panel, specifically, for Hisako. Imagine being haunted and being disturbed by the death of a close friend of yours and you see their head detached like that. The Shadow King has been messing with Hisako since issue 1 with images of the dead Tsubasa and I just hope that Hisako doesn’t succumb to these torments. This detached head also kind of implies that Tsubasa might not have hung himself. In the issue we actually saw this bully, who is under the control of the Shadow King, show Hisako how Tsubasa “really” died:
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I’m not sure if this is the Shadow King just tormenting Hisako or if this Shadow King actually knows that this is how Tsubasa died, but either way these pages are really haunting, and makes me question more on who the Shadow King is to Tsubasa and to Hisako. Was he also a friend of Tsubasa? Or was another victim of these bullies? Also, I’m not sure if this bully was an illusion created by the Shadow King to mess with Hisako or if he was actually there because in the next page, we just see a bunch of people recording Hisako and she seems to be alone:
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I’m not really sure if the bully, Amano, was there or if it was just the Shadow King’s illusion. The only reason why I’m making a point of it is because a lot of people are recording Hisako in that last panel and if the bully was there then they might pin his suicide on Hisako because they now know that she’s a mutant. We don’t really know how mutants are perceived and treated in this universe. I feel like the Maker, when he was perverting and recreating this world in his image, would have made sure that people would look down on mutants, so I am worried about what’s going to happen with Hisako next. What I do like about this panel is that when people were taking pictures and videos of Hisako with her powers on display, that you can see Mei get really worried for her, so she rushes to her aid and fries everyone’s phones, so they don’t have any evidence of Hisako being a mutant:
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I love that Mei does this because it shows that she has Hisako’s back whenever she needs help. Furthermore, by helping Hisako, Mei effectively outs herself as being mutant as well. What I like about that is that she didn’t really think much of it; she just knew that her friend needed help so she did all she could do to help. I really like that Hisako and Mei found one another because they’ve both had a really awful year based on the last few issues and they both needed someone to be there for them. Unfortunately, even after all this work to hide that they’re mutants, somebody still got a recording of them both using their powers:
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I have no clue who this character is and why she might want to out Mei and Hisako, but I’m very interested in finding out. I honestly want to know what happens next in this book because I really want to know how mutants are seen and treated in this universe.
          I’m really loving Ultimate X-Men as you can probably tell. I think Peach Momoko has been crushing it with the art and the writing for this series. I honestly don’t know where this story is going to go and how Peach Momoko is going to show us more of mutantkind in this universe, but I am excited. However, I feel like there’s a lot going on right now because we still kind of need to figure out what the Shadow King’s motives are; how mutants are seen in this world; is there an X-Men in this world; what does the Shadow King want with Hisako; and what really happened to Tsubasa. That kind of worries me a bit but I trust Peach Momoko enough to kind of pull all these stories together.
          Thank you for reading my discussion on Ultimate X-Men #4. Sorry, it took me awhile to post this by the way. I’ve just been very busy, and this heat is kind of destroying me right now. I also try to post these discussions 2-4 weeks after the book came out so that people would have had a chance to pick the issue up. I use a lot of the pages for the comic, and I really want these discussions to encourage people to buy and support these books rather than be a substitute for them. If I have not said it enough, I do think that this title is worth buying not just for the story but for Peach Momoko’s art as well. Anyways, let me know what you guys thought about the issue and what the aftermath of people finding out that Hisako is a mutant will be? Also, the next Discussion should be about Ultimate Spider-Man #6 and that should be out at the end of the week hopefully.
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