#arthur had to KILL HIS FIANCE
smooth-noob · 11 months
Jonathan: mina can't go to that horrible place. you have never felt the vampire's lips upon your neck! perhaps it is better to die than to go through this trouble.
Mina: thank GOD my friends are rich
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pookietv · 3 months
online embarrassment (part two!) | arthurtv
a dedication to @casualvanilla into bullying me to write a part two :3
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being curious about arthur and his seemingly strange occupation choice, in your eyes at least, of commentating 90 day fiance, you decided that you may as well watch a little of the show, seeing if you could see what made it so interesting.
especially since you and him had been talking much more frequently, playing a couple of games of chess together most evenings, over discord calls and instagram messages
and your curiosity had definitely been quashed once you had watched as much as you could stomach of insanely dysfunctional relationships, exploitation and men going for women far too young for them.
so, with your newfound knowledge, you decided to text arthur again.
youruser: why is literally every couple on 90 day fiance either insanely malfunctioning or borderline exploitative
arthurtv: ah, i see you have exposed yourself to the world of discovery+
arthurtv: and in all honesty, that is kind of the grim premise of the show, a kind of strangely twisted curiosity makes us all watch them fall apart
youruser: grim is definitely the word for it
arthurtv: so are you doing anything tonight?
youruser: unfortunately, i have little plans that don't involve reading so many academic journals until my eyeballs fall out :(
arthurtv: i never even asked you what you study?
youruser: oh, i study politics with a focus on international law right now :)
arthurtv: no way! i studied law when i was at uni
youruser: when was that, fifteen years ago?
arthurtv: ha ha very funny i am twenty eight
arthurtv: ps, you're almost as dedicated to your uni work as you are to your outrageous bishop sacrifices
youruser: anyway, are you doing anything tonight?
arthurtv: going round to some of my friends house cause he's forcing us to rewatch the lord of the rings series
arthurtv: though that is fair enough because i have forced him to watch harry potter so many times
youruser: i've never even seen harry potter
arthurtv: WHAT
youruser: oopsie
youruser: just never got round to it
arthurtv: you need to watch it!!!!
youruser: it just doesn't seem like my kind of thing!
arthurtv: we can't be friends anymore smh
youruser: that sounds great! blocking you rn
arthurtv: shut up you
arthurtv: anyway, i had an idea, if you're down
youruser: and what would that idea be
arthurtv: i think we should meet up and play actual chess on an actual chessboard (and maybe drink a few bevs)
youruser: well, i mean, i don't even know if i should be meeting you, after all you are the Insane Chess Killer Man >:)
youruser: and if i didn't know any better, sounds like you're describing a date
arthurtv: hm that's a good point, i was looking for a new victim
youruser: are you referencing the insane chess killing or the date as the victim?
arthurtv: you can't see me but i am rolling my eyes so hard right now
youruser: okay, a truce on the serial killer jokes
arthurtv: thank god. what about tomorrow night?
youruser: drunk chess and a takeaway sounds good to me
youruser: the classiest first date
so that was that, he had texted you his address and to come round at seven so he could, in his words, destroy you in chess.
after a long day at uni and a slight worry, though you didn't know why, about meeting him, you started to get ready to go to his house.
since you were just going to his house, you settled on some flared leggings and a soft blue jumper, tying your hair into a somewhat tamed ponytail before looking in the mirror, making sure your light makeup hadn't smudged too much after a day of back to back lectures and discussion groups.
he didn't live too far from you, surprisingly, just a couple tube stops away, so you decided to walk, about twenty five minutes to his apartment, in a block of flats facing the river thames, and as you arrived at the building and pressed the button in the elevator for his floor, slightly picking at your nails with nerves.
what if it was insanely awkward in person? or what if he is a weird catfish looking for victims on chess websites? that seemed insane, right?
but your mind was working overtime as the buttons lit up and the elevator door opened, and you tried to unfurrow your eyebrows and look for his door number, finding it towards the end of the hall.
you waited a moment before knocking, bringing your hand up and timidly rapping it against the dark wood of the door.
when it swung open, and you saw that he was indeed who he said he was, or at least who he was on his instagram pictures, you smiled a little in relief.
"arthur! hi, it's nice to meet you, well, in person, you know..." you giggled a slight bit quietly as he gave you a friendly hug.
"you too! didn't know if i was just being catfished or something," he joked a little awkwardly back.
"me a catfish? i figured you would be a catfish, what would i even be catfishing you for?" you joked back, and he shrugged.
"i don't know, i don't get many pretty girls randomly texting me cause we played chess together so i wasn't sure," he said a little embarrassed, and your cheeks went slightly pink when he called you pretty.
"well, who knew that the insane chess killer had a hidden talent for flattery," i laughed slightly as he welcomed me in, shutting the door behind me.
he rolled his eyes jokingly, "hey, based on the way you insulted me with no remorse during chess games i was expecting you to be terrifying, so you can't blame me for being surprised at how easy you are on the eyes," he grinned a little, and it was your turn to roll your eyes in return.
"anyway, come in, honestly just make yourself at home... unless you're worried about losing to me on my own turf," he joked.
"i mean, i'm kind of impressed by your 'turf'," you giggled, "it's nice for a guy that exploits reality tv for views," you teased and he laughed a little as he led you to his living room, a chessboard set up on his coffee table, pillows on either side on the floor to sit on.
"hey, low blow," he mockingly warned, "i'd watch it otherwise i'll conveniently lose your queen piece," he said before quickly standing to go to his kitchen, "i have southern comfort and lemonade, if that's okay with you? it's kind of my weird speciality drink," he smiled.
"well, i suppose i'll have to try the arthurtv special then," i nodded in return, and after a few moments, he returned with two glasses, placing them at either side of the table as he sat himself down on the side of the board playing black pieces.
"so we're going straight for the intellectual torture of chess?" you grinned as you sat opposite him, "the girls must find it so charming when you sit straight at the chess board on a date, hm?" you teased in retaliation.
"oh shut up you, and prepare to lose, again," he smiled as you moved your first piece, "at least my view will be nice when i crush you,"
as the game progressed, there was joking smack-talk thrown between you and arthur, neither of you focusing too much on the game but more on the subtle flirting between each move.
"that rook sacrifice was not your best work," he laughed, but you raised your eyebrow at him as you moved another piece,
"or maybe i was setting a trap that you didn't see, hm, mr. television?"
as he captured one of your pieces in return, his fingers gently brushed against yours and you grinned, before swatting his hand jokingly, "hey, focus on the game!" you giggled out as he laughed in return and nodded.
about half way through the game, the focus had shifted slightly from both being heartset on winning to enjoying one another's company, nattering on about arthur's job and your degree.
at one particular point, you stopped, looking down at the board, tongue slightly poking out of your mouth in concentration as your brain worked as quickly as it could, trying to analyse the best move.
"what're you thinking?" he asked as he shuffled slightly closer, and you could smell his cologne, a kind of vanilla and cedarwood scent as you tried your best to ignore it.
"i'm trying to strategise, unlike some of us who rely on distracting the other to win," you teased slightly, and you could hear him chuckle a little.
"i'm plenty distracted myself, hard not to be when you look cute like that when you concentrate so hard."
you paused a little at the flirting, trying not to let your cheeks flush bright red, "stop trying to put me off my game, arthur," you playfully smiled.
once a couple more moves had been played, arthur missed what was seemingly an obvious capture he could have made, which would have put you at a disadvantage, and once you quickly realised and made sure your piece was defended, you tilted your head a little - arthur didn't often make mistakes like that.
"i completely missed that, fuck sake!" he mumbled to himself with a small smile on his face.
after a while longer of playing, and a few moves you didn't think arthur would normally make, you had him in checkmate, a grin on your face.
"looks like we're gonna have to have a rematch at some point," he looked at the board and shrugged his shoulders a little.
you narrowed your eyes at him a little with a small smile, "did you throw the game so we could have a rematch?"
"i think i may use the lawyer lingo here and announce that i refuse to answer on the basis that i may implicate myself," he laughed a little to himself.
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Letters Unsung ~ Arthur Shelby x Fiancee!Reader
Summary: Since the very beginning of the First World War, Arthur’s Fiancee managed to get an unpaid job at UK’s radio station podcast so that she may daily speak a few encouraging words for the soldiers, and in turn, to her beloved Arthur Shelby.
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“Must you really go, my darling?” Arthur heard the love of his life plead for him in such a sweet, mellow voice; If only he could, he would throw away his family, his country and everything to ever exist, just to find a safe place to hide with his darling Y/N. Alas, in a mondial war involving every country known to mankind, there was no place to hide. 
Fear and anxiety wasn’t a world in which he wanted Y/N to live in. She was too good for this dark, bleak world; Even as cannon fodder, if he could benefit the war and keep the country safe - Keep Y/N safe - he would gladly go.
“Mighty sorry, my love, but y’know better than I do that I gotta. Old enough to be in my damn prime - ‘Em muscles hadn’t built by ‘emselves, y’know? You always said I looked damn fine all naked - Well, Gov’s thinkin’ the same. Strong ‘nuff to carry a gun, strong ‘nuff to die for ‘em.” he rambled idly, lighting up a cigarette, puffing in the air, then squishing it in the ash tray. Y/N hated smoking. She always said she wouldn’t kiss him if his breath stank like tar. “Tommy ‘n’ John... They’re both so young. Can’t have ‘em go die without their old bro trying to protect ‘em.” he looked at his girl - She was trying so hard not to break down into sobs again. For the past days she’d been crying non-stop. She was unconsolable, and not even he could comfort her - Hell, he was terrified out of his mind, the thought of never seeing her again was killing him... “C’mon, doll, you’re too pretty to cry so much. Save ‘em tear for when i get back home, and you jump in my arms, and I twirl you around like the pretty angel you are.”
“B-But... Artie...” her words were stammered and hardly comprehensible; All she did was cuddle into his side and cry. If only she could water the plants with that wasted water, Polly said at some point, yet she was just as terrified for her children as Y/N was. John was barely 18, there was no way he’d make it through! “I can’t live without you. There is no life without you. I’ll die without you!” 
“Aww, darlin’...” she was so loving and genuine... What the hell was he supposed to do; He will be crying himself to sleep every night in the field, thinking that he left her all alone. “My sweet angel.” he held her tightly, stroking her hair and kissing her. “You’re my most precious treasure, Y/N. For you, I’ll do anything in my power to get back as fast as possible and wife you. We’ll have a pretty garden wedding - In Spring, with the pretty flowers - You always told me how you like ‘em pretty flowers. Heard there’s this place with a... A gazebo, next to this forest out of Birmingham; Ain’t no way Imma have you be a pretty bride in this grey shit hole of a city.”
“Promise you’ll come back to me?” Arthur gingerly took her hand and kissed her fingers.
“I promise on this ring that I gotchu that I’ll be back to keep my vows to you.”
The next morning, Y/N was robbed of a final goodbye, though it was more of a blessing in disguise than anything. Arthur spared her the despair she’d have had to endure, seeing him board that freaking train and leave the station, like lamb to the slaughter. By the time Y/N had woken up, Polly and Ada were around her. Polly had suggested the eldest Shelby brother that Y/N was too emotionally devastated and would be unable to go through that experience - Hence why she came up with the idea of placing a few sedatives in her sweet calming tea, which ensured a long and peaceful sleep.
Y/N was completely lost - Without Arthur, she had no idea what to do with her life; She couldn’t grieve and cry 24/7, that was unnatural, and her fiance wouldn’t want that of her, surely. She would have gladly enrolled as a nurse on the field, but not only did Arthur completely forbid her to do such a feat, she was also denied by the military - She was a certified doctress, she couldn’t be a combat doctor with no military training - Thus, she kept her work as a doctor in the Birmingham hospital.
Many months on end passed, and many more letters she sent, but received none. The radio was on, awaiting the war broadcast and praying that she wouldn’t hear the name of “Shelby” ever, until the war was over. Still, listening to the radio wasn’t enough. Anxiously awaiting for the police to come to her doorstep to tell her Arthur died, also, wasn’t good. Sure, she had Polly and Ada by her side, and she was always busy at work treating people, prepping for surgeries...
There had to be something she could do. Something that would benefit the people remaining in the country to defend the land... Something to sooth the soldiers facing the death door every second, awake and asleep.
And she had just the idea, the money, and the influence.
Y/N walked right through the doors of the radio station and explained to the chief her idea; Surely everyone knew how beneficial battlefield morale was for the troops - Hearing good words from home was sure to up their battle prowess tenfold. The old man himself had three sons send to France, of course he knew better than anyone how none of his wife’s letters reached them. Hell, he had no idea if either of them was still alive after four months out there.
And thus, the very first podcast was recorded, live, in the studio. Y/N’s voice was wavery and uncertain - She was awful at social interactions, hence why she clinged so much to Arthur and sought his comfort. Still, he was out there, bravely fighting to protect her - The least she could do was to speak a few words into a microphone.
“Good afternoon, brave soldiers. I am Y/N Shelby speaking, for the ‘Echoes of Hope’ broadcast.” what was she supposed to do now? The people were listening to her! “We have come up with this idea of creating a podcast to speak more directly to you - Only God knows if any of the thousands of letters sent have been received by you - So, a more direct approach had to be taken.” she took a deep breath to muster some strength. Think of Arthur and the soldiers. “I am speaking from the heart of Birmingham, sending warmth and courage across the airwaves, hoping it would reach at least one of you, brave men, fighting to protect your families and home.” she licked her lips, forcing herself to continue speaking. “Today, and tomorrow, and in every day that keeps us apart, as you brave the frontlines, know that we, back home, hold you in our thoughts and prayers.” a stray tear found itself caressing her soft cheek where one was held by Arthur’s rough hand. “And... To my beloved Artie... If you can hear me, know that each word I speak carries a piece of my heart. Stay strong, my love, for your strength is our beacon of hope in this colourless place.”
As she turned off the broadcast button, she took off the headset and stepped away from the microphone. The old man stepped in front of her and patted her hair, seeing the girl cry.
“Oh, I messed up big time! Forgive me, I completely ruined this thing... Oh, I am awful, awful at speaking to people! I-I thought that, without a person in front of me, it would be easier -- But I messed it up so badly!” the poor girl whined, though comforted by the man.
“I wouldn’t say you butchered it, love, I’d say the people out there fighting for our homeland just heard the voice of all of us, fighting our own battles yet staying strong to support and cheer on them also.” he patted her shoulders to straighten up. “Life is difficult with this poverty, yet we make meets end and figure things out so that we can welcome them back in a safe home that lack nothing. Lord knows, they will need all the comfort and support they can get, poor children... If only I wasn’t so old and a cripple, I would be out there to protect my boys.” the old man shed a tear. “Y/N, come back tomorrow at the same time and continue speaking to them. Only they know, your voice might just be their salvation.”
And thus became the routine of Y/N Shelby, every day in the evening after her hospital shift was over, she would pass by the radio station and begin speaking her heart out for the soldiers spread throughout Lord knows how many countries.
“Good evening once again to the brave men fighting for our home. It is Y/N Shelby again, and I bring you words of encouragement from the women of England.” this time, she was smiling; She looked at the old man next to her and felt enboldened to continue. “Each day we await your safe and hasteful return, and each night we whisper our hopes into the silence, hoping that our prays will protect you.” she really should write a script instead of free-styling it. “Arthur, my dearest, your courage inspires me. Remember, as you face the trials of war, that our love is your shield, and my voice is your guide back home. Please, never lose track of your path back into my arms.”
The old man smiled, moved by the girl’s words, and encouraged her to come the next day also; It was bound to create a routine for all the soldiers to listen to the prayers and words of courage and morale from the Angel of Birmingham.
“Hello, everyone - I assume you can recognise my voice by now.” she sounded much giddier than usual. “I am overjoyed to say that, after 11 months, I have finally received a letter from my beloved Artie!” she chimed, trying to keep composed. “He told me in the sweetest words how much he loves me - And how he wants us to have the prettiest wedding ever; In Spring, and filled with flowers, just how I love it.” she continued, overjoyed. “These words of love - All of Arthur’s feelings for me - I know each and every one of you feels the same for the loved ones waiting impatiently for you at home; So, for once, I will transmit your words to those waiting for you here, in Britain.” she cleared her throat. “For every mother, father, aunt and uncle, brother or sister... For grandparents, children, wives and husbands and friends also - For every living being here, in Britain, waiting for your beloved to return home, safe and sound - Just know that your letters have been received, and so have all of your love and good intentions. They are thinking of you, the very same way - So keep on hoping and praying, and know they are heard and working. Your loved ones need it.”
A whole year passed, and many more were going to follow; Emboldened by the fantastic idea of the podcast, more and more women, children and elderly decided to join the production, each of them passing along their message to those on the battlefield, read live by Y/N.
“As the war rages on, it becomes harder to find the right words. I have come to speak to you every day, for a year and a half - And I dearly hope none of you have gotten bored of my voice yet.” she chuckled softly. “I know that you, Arthur, and all the soldiers, need to hear that we believe in you. You are not forgotten, not for a moment.” she went on. “My dearest Arthur, hold on to our memories, for they are the thread that will guide you back to me. England’s women stand with you, every step of the way.” she took one letter in her hand. “But today it’s not only about you and how much I love you, Artie. From today on, I am going to read for you the letters that may have never been received by you.” she cleared her throat. “This letter is written by young Jimmy, a charming 5 year old lad who wants to write to his grandpa, Captain Andrew Brown. < Dear Grandpa Andy, mommy taught me how to write, and I wanted you to be the first to see me writing. I never met my daddy, but for me, you are my daddy. I hope you return home soon; I want to play horsie again - And you promised to teach me how to play football when I grow old. I’m a big boy now, I help mommy carry yucky veggies at home - And I eat everything from my plate. Mommy said you’ll come home faster if I study well and get good grades, so I’ll do my best! I love you, papi! > “
The old man was moved to tears; He was imagining his own grandson crying for him. A single mother, whose only support is an old man gone to war. Life truly was unfair.  In spite of that, the letters read on the podcast began rapidly to gain traction; Every person out there had something to say to someone on the battlefield.
“Today, the news brought a glimmer of hope. Arthur, your bravery has not gone unnoticed. I heard of your close call, and my heart ached with fear and relief. You  are my hero, and I send you all my love and strength. To all soldiers, know that each of you is a hero in someone’s heart. Hold fast, for victory is within sight.” she held a letter in her hand, ready to read it. “This time, we have a letter from Mr. Daniel Masters, wanting to share his wholesome words with his wife, Mrs. Angela Masters, who selflessly volunteered as a nurse on the battlefield, and was deployed in Verdun.” she began reading the letter. “ < My darling Angie, you are an angel on this earth. Not only did you volunteer to go out there, in the middle of the war, to save me, a useless cripple, from dying there, but you are saving other men with your fantastic knowledge and skills in medicine. I and my sister are working hard so that when you return, we can have the wedding of your dreams. And don’t worry about little Susie, she’s in perfect health and asking about her mommy every day. She started braiding her hair like you, saying she wants to be pretty like mommy - And what do you know, she found your stack of medicine books under the bed and began asking me to explain those long words - I have no idea what those words mean, I can’t even pronounce them. I hope you’ll come home soon, my angel. We miss you very much, and we love you endlessly. > “
Thus four years passed, day after day, with Y/N passing on the words of Britain, yearning for Her children to return home. At some point, even Ada sent a message for Freddy, reminding him of their childhood love - And Polly wanted to tell the brothers that they have to be strong and return back no matter what.
Finally, it was the fated day - The Government announced the soldiers of Birmingham arriving by train, at 3 o’clock in the afternoon. The station was a sea of anticipation and anxiety, filled to the brim, overcrowded by people of all kinds and ages. Y/N stood amidst the crowd, her heart pounding as she scanned the faces, hoping to catch a glimpse of Arthur. The air was filled with the sounds of families reuniting, joyful cries mingling with the tears of those who had waited so long for this moment.
Children clung to their mothers yelling a collective ‘Daddy’, elderly parents searched for their sons, and wives stood on tiptoes, straining to see over the throng of people. Y/N felt a mix of hope and fear, her eyes darting from one soldier to another, desperately searching for the one face she longed to see. The same uniforms everywhere, but no sign of her beloved.
As more soldiers stepped off the train, the crowd surged forward, and Y/N was jostled, her view obscured by the pressing bodies. Panic began to set in. What if Arthur wasn't on this train? What if something had happened in the final days? Her heart raced, and she felt a lump forming in her throat. She didn’t want the only keepsakes to be the letters he sent her during war; That makes for a most tragic memento.
"Artie!" she called out, her voice lost in the cacophony of the station. “Artie, angel, where are you?!” she continued shouting, but her soft voice was drowned out by the other people calling for their loved ones.
Minutes felt like hours as she stood there, her eyes scanning the thinning crowd. She felt lost, a wave of despair washing over her as the platform began to empty. Just as she was about to break down, fall on her knees and succumb to her grief, a figure appeared through the remaining haze of steam and people.
He was thinner than she remembered, his face gaunt and eyes hollowed by the horrors of war. His disheveled uniform hung loosely on his frame, and he moved with a weary slowness. But when his eyes met hers, a spark of recognition and relief lit up his face.
"Y/N." he breathed, his voice hoarse and tired.
At first, her mind blanked, and her legs became jelly, shaking like two flowers in the wind - It took Arthur smiling and calling her name again, to regain autonomy over her body. She ran to him, tears streaming down her face as she threw her arms around him. The world seemed to stop as they held each other, the pain of their long separation melting away in the warmth of their embrace. Arthur clung to her as if she were the lifeline that had pulled him through the darkest days - And just as promised, he twirled her around. Y/N, his angel, was back where she had to be - In his arms.
"You came back." she whispered, her voice choked with emotion. “You really, really came back. You’re here, in the flesh, alive and breathing, and living -- I’m not dreaming, I’m not imagining - I’m not dead, am I?” she pulled back, cupping his face and looking him in those gorgeous doe-eyes of his. So gentle and so loving. “You are real, aren’t you? You came back to me.”
"I promised you, didn't I?" he replied, a faint smile touching his lips despite the exhaustion etched into his features. “I promised I’d come back and marry you. No man would be crazy enough not to return home to an angel like you.”
They stood there for a long moment, wrapped in each other's arms, the noise and chaos of the station fading into the background. Arthur was home, and that was all that mattered. It wasn’t sure whether it was Y/N comforting Arthur after 4 years of horror experienced, or Arthur was pacifying his poor cry-baby darling; Yet one thing was sure - They were where they were supposed to be.
"I'm so proud of you." Y/N said softly, pulling back slightly to look into his eyes, before peppering him with kisses all over his face. "You made it through, Arthur. You're here. My hero. You are my hero, Artie. Our hero. You saved us."
He nodded, his gaze steady but shadowed by the memories of what he'd endured. "It's over now. No more about what happened - I don’t wanna hear about it anymore.” he shook his head, holding onto her tightly. “I am home."
As they walked away from the station, hand in hand, Y/N felt a sense of peace settling over her, yet she was still shaken - She was clinging onto her beloved like a baby koala, afraid of losing him, like an oasis mirage. They had both been through so much, but now they could face the future together. The road ahead would not be easy, but with Arthur by her side, she knew they could overcome anything.
The war had taken its toll on them, but their love had endured. The Shelby family was entirely reunited, and trying to heal from the festering wounds created by the four year massacre. Life will never be the same, but they had to learn how to live again, and adjust to a whole new world that was in constant development - A fast world that was waiting for no one, especially not for veterans and their grief.
Each member of the family was affected differently; John became rebellious, Ada was going through a desperate need for affection from Freddy, Polly became dissolute and cynical, Tommy was no longer the adventurous young man who was Y/N’s partner in crime, but a most apathetic and lethargic man, Arthur became aggressively violent and would lose his mind every time he heard a loud noise resembling guns or bombs, and Y/N had to learn how to stop her nightmares and live without worrying her husband would disappear and it would all just be a delusion.
Either way, only one thing mattered for Y/N.
Arthur was home.
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brucewaynehater101 · 3 months
okay so I think I recall an ask here about Jason and Tim who got JJ'd having to work with an alternate Good Joker and it got me thinking about those actor AUs where canon is just a live-action piece of media, specifically this post
So now I'm thinking of Actor!Joker having just left the bar after a good day of drinking, not drunk enough to not get home by himself, only to get non-lethally isekaied into DC
From his perspective, one minute he was walking home, the next he started seeing himself playing the most lucrative role in his career. Dissassociation if he had to guess. He might need therapy
Oh, the Joker he plays is trying to kill him. Self defense it is-- he killed him. well he can't fault himself for it if he never learned self defense now can he :/
Is that a camera? Oh yeah, Joker and loads of his other roles break the fourth wall, and improvisation is expected of him
He looks straight into the camera, the audience, "this is why we don't method act kids. hallucinations" he points at not-him with that final word
"but you all see me pointing at nothing, don'tcha?"
Fuck it, for added humor, the minute Batman gets on the scene & Actor!Joker lays eyes on him, he say "now I'm hallucinating my fiance's role too, what a day," and also Jason and Tim and Duke are there for maximum psychic damage
Hey maybe the three were hostages because the Joker wanted to torment the top three bats he fucked up the most on live television for all of Gotham to see only for Actor!Joker to ruin everything
But also the three seeing this go down through the screen would be funny as shit too
Actor Universe lore; Actor!Joker and Actor!Bruce met through previous roles, kicked off a friendship that became a relationship and soon to be marriage and thats how Actor!Joker met Actor!Bruce hoard of children
this would lead to much of the quote on quote Batfamily Plotline being concieved, through Actor!Joker and Actor!Batkids scheming together to make the most drama-filled superhero story they could
So Actor!Joker and Actor!Batkids would cook up the most gutwrenching ideas, building of eachothers ideas, and cheered eachother on as the Batfamily lore became more and more emotionally devastating
Actor!Bruce can testify because years later into Batman, he still cries fountains of tears when he reads the script and something awful happens to the roles his kids plays, or Bruce Wayne is a shit father
actor!joker: my love, I have propositions the directors will grovel for
actor!bruce: oh no
his kids: daddy I have a new idea for my role >:3
actor!bruce: OH NO!
I think it goes without saying that the actors and characters they play don't have the same name, but I can't be bothered to come up with any mysel lol
Yo!!! This is a wicked cool idea. I dislike Joker/Batman (unless it's the Lego Batman), but I am vibing with this one.
To add on, what if Bruce and Joker became directors specifically so they could sort of adopt their kids? They would be those actors that also direct and screenwrite their own movies.
I want to see Crystal Brown being on set (not necessarily on scene) whenever Steph is, and Bruce and Joker chatting with her when they aren't working. Arthur Brown makes plenty of jokes and pulls pranks on his daughter.
Willis and Catherine cheer on Jason (and sometimes *can't* be on set when certain scenes play out) and smother him in affection after he's done.
The Drakes have their own careers they have to pursue while Tim is filming, but they try to make it on set at least once a week and watch every premiere with Tim. They are good friends with the other parents and only allow Tim to be on set without them because they trust Bruce and Joker.
The Graysons are acrobats in real life as well. Dick wanted to pursue a career in acting instead. They support their son, and he often does performances with them.
Would Damian still be Bruce's kid? If so, I wonder what Joker and Talia's relationship is like. Talia is obviously a fierce but loving mom in this AU. She viciously protects Damian, his privacy, and his ability to stop acting at any time. Damian enjoys acting and being on set with his dad. I also hc that Talia is famous as well. Maybe a model, maybe another actor, or maybe something else. Ra's is the owner/head of a really famous entertainment business. It has branches all over the world, including America.
The Thomases take turns with who's on set with Duke. They both work as well so that a majority of the income Duke makes goes towards his savings or his own spending.
I didn't talk about Barbara or Cass or Alfred or Kate or etc., but feel free to add more!
Actor!Joker would be appalled and disgusted with Batman. Actor!Bruce was playing a role. Yes, the role was somewhat based on Bruce, but he would never harm his kids. He would rather kill than allow them to come to harm.
When Actor!Joker gets transported to that universe, his distaste for Batman is the truly jarring piece of it all. He's not obsessed like their universe's Joker. Actor!Joker shows understanding for their hatred/distance from him. He accepts their boundaries and considers their feelings (in his own very weird way). He doesn't torment. He killed the other Joker.
Just Joker's mannerisms of "whelp, what can you do?" as he murders the other Joker. He still laughs a lot, does harmless pranks, and makes a ton of jokes. Somehow, he does this while lecturing Batman on treating his kids better.
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nthspecialll · 2 months
The Lady Of The Manor
The Lady Of The Manor is a book written in red dead two by Mary-Beth and as the nerd I am I read the one chapter we have access to. Overall it is a story about the fair lady Susan Grade whose husband was murdered by the criminal David Vincent, however she falls in love with him, and in this book there are some striking similarities to the gang.
Firstly, the names, the very first thing I noticed was the fact that Susan Grade and David Vincent sound a lot like Susan Grimshaw and Dutch Van Der Linde and the fact that their personalities match as well. Susan is an independent woman who is fair but strict, David is criminal but he is charismatic and it is made quite clear in the story things are not the way that they look.
We don't know a lot about Grimshaw's past but we do know she had a fiance who died and whom she loved, I cannot say that the characters are a representation of what really happened between Dutch and Susan and her fiance, but it is Mary-Beth that Susan talks about her him with.
In the story, we are also introduced to Mr. Mellon who is a police officer, again the name matches up to Agent Milton and Mellon actually proposes an offer similar to Milton. Telling the David character that if he surrenders then maybe he could survive and not get executed, similar to Milton offering to Dutch that if he surrenders then the gang might be allowed to go.
Another interesting thing about Mellon is that while he is a police officer he is described as "the most hated and feared man in all of England" and David, a criminal who is "the most wanted man in England and France" is seen as charismatic and noble, which reflects the way Mary-Beth viewed the law as a criminal herself.
David also lets Susan know that it is actually in fact not him that Mellon wants dead but Susan due to the fact that it would rise Mellon in the hierarchy, while it does not reflect what happened with Grimshaw and Dutch, it reminded me of "it is you they want Dutch" "always is" although Susan replied "me?"
As previously mentioned, it becomes clear that the situation with the dead husband isn't as seemed, because you get hinted at the fact that the husband might have been a bad dude and that David killed him to protect Susan, this is quite similar to how Dutch kills when he sees a cause in it and that they both love to save pretty ladies in need.
Another link between David and Dutch is the very last line "David Vincent smiled and led the lady away across the rooftop of the castle, to the safety in the islands," a dream very similar to the one that Dutch fed the gang with Tahiti and the pacifics.
Now to a few smaller things I found interesting, the line "I am a thief, a murderer, a sinner and your only hope of survival, follow me" which immediately made me think of the line that Arthur spoke to Sadie int he first chapter where he tells her "we are bad men, but we aren't them."
Secondly, we have "Susan Grade, born a peasant and risen up to the lady of the manor," a line which would not reflect Grimshaw but instead Mary-beth who was a run away and a gang member for many years but in the end got a big house with beautiful decorations due to her books.
Lastly, a few lines I found interesting and found too meaningful to mean nothing but can't quite put my finger on.
"She would destoy David Vincent in order to stop loving him." I find it quite chilling especially when those two characters have so much in common with Dutch and Grimshaw.
"David Vincent, the infamous Black Knight." Black Knight? Calling someone a Black Knight means someone who "[...] is a literary stock character who masks his identity and that of his liege by not displaying heraldry," aka a person who hides their identity so that their acts are not traced back to them. Dutch was, as John said, "quite a colorful character" going directly against the Black Knight idea, however that said there were many years in which it seemed Dutch did in fact not do any crimes. Or who knows, maybe he did? With a character that is so based on a person Mary-Beth had known it seems strange to put something that is so out of line for them.
This conversation "I am sorry about your husband but it was a fair fight," "a fair fight? You shot him in the back!" "I never did but we shall come to that later." A reminder that her husband was not yet cold, meaning it happened recently, and if she is there so soon she was most likely also in the area while it happened. Did she not see what happened but assumed that David shot her husband in the back?
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the-kingshound · 9 months
I’m in my feels tonight and making little scenarios in my head so bear with me 🫶
But what if Mc had a lover during the war? Maybe a fellow soldier who they found solace in, or a medic who patched their injuries with extra care. But we can't have a happy ending oh no, their partner dies as many do during wars, and who took their life? Arthur.
And now Mc doesn't just have to mourn the loss of the person they loved but they also have to marry the man who killed them. For the rest of Mc's life, they have to look at the face of the person who slaughtered their love.
Maybe Mc imagined how their life would be when it was over and they could marry their significant other, just to be forced to marry their murderer instead.
And Arthur has no idea why his fiance looks at him with such intense burning hatred each time their eyes meet, or why they avoid him like the plague, why they turn away from any affection of his, platonic or otherwise.
The wound on their heart may heal, but the scar will always be there.
Uuuugghh the misery, the pain, the angstttt 🤭🫣
oh my god anon- OMG.
You just ended me, my heart is shattered.
I think, if that was the case, Arthur would sense it and probably give MC as much space as possible. Make sure they never have to interact too much, and if possible try to understand why. Why MC hates them.
They suspect it might be something regarding the rebellion but... if they ever learnt about MC's lover, their heart would shatter. They would feel incredibly guilty. So much so that he offers for MC to go and stay with their siblings for most of the time, so they don't have to see him.
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moosekateer13 · 2 months
Chapter 1: The Prophecy
Y/N’s Three-Story Bold Red Trim House
Romantic love is nothing but a myth. I was a product of high school sweethearts. My dad swore he’d never leave her but after the stick turned positive. He ran and never looked back. I had my mom for a wonderful 10 years but a drunk driver took her away from me at the tender age of 10.  Mom left money for me in a trust I could access once I turned 18. She also left me another thing, my dad's name and an address. One of the police officers who showed up the day of the crash drove me to his house.
Royden Lubic slammed his mansion door in my face and went about his merry way. 
I've been on my own ever since. I grew up in the foster system where I was never adopted.  People took me in for a short time but never kept me.  They claimed I was too traumatized to handle. What do you expect? I'm always going to have issues.  Who wouldn't after losing a parent at that age?
Life has never been good to me. I've only had two good things in my life, one that I only had for 3 years. I bounce my 3-year-old son on my knee thinking for a moment about his father and my late fiance Arthur Digby. He was killed in a targeted shooting while he was on his way to his job. It turns out his business was sinking, and he was past due on the payments. Arthur never was one to check things over carefully before getting into things. I had everything all ready to tell him the big news about him becoming a father but I never got the chance to.
Jude Frost Digby the son he never got to meet. He was born in the winter and shared his father’s ice-blue eyes. That's why his middle name is Frost.
Humming Hey Jude always seems to calm him down so fitting. Oh, looks like someone is getting sleepy I should put him in his bed.
Once he's all tucked in, I get back to working on my latest podcast episode for Torn Veil.
It's a podcast about divorces or almost weddings that ended/didn't happen because of strange uncovered secrets. On rare occasions, it's about people losing their loved ones in accidents.
A phone call interrupts my thoughts. It's Rosedale Ravishing Catering the cater my friend Holy hired for her wedding. We met through my podcast. Her wedding didn't happen because she caught him fooling around with her mother during her engagement party.
I have yet to meet the person she will marry now. Holy won't tell me. Even with my misgivings for love, she wanted me to help plan her wedding.  
I answer
“Yeah, I can come look at the menu. I'll be there soon. I've got to get someone to come watch my son first.” I replied. Not wanting to stay on the line for longer than I have to.
I quickly text Arthur’s mom after ending the call. So she and his dad can come to look after Jude.
Once they arrive, I quickly drive over to the catering company.
It is a gorgeous old blue ranch house that was converted into a catering company. 
I see what I presume is the owner and when he turns around. I feel like my heart just stopped. It's Jared Padalecki, my favourite. I heard rumours he had started his own catering company after Supernatural and Walker finished but I thought it wasn't true. I presumed it was just rumours.
 “Excuse me, can I help you?” Jared asked.
“Yeah, I am here to look over the menu for Holy’s wedding. I received a call earlier.” I choked out. I barely got the words out. His multi-spectrum hazel eyes scan over me. Now I'm wishing I had time to dress better. I just threw on a white tee shirt and my old brown hoodie with worn-out jeans.
He comes over close to my ear.
“Am I making you nervous darlin’. Jared murmured.
I feel a thrill down my spine and my heart skips a beat.
He steps back a bit and motions for me to follow him.
Jared is such a tease. How am I going to get through with planning this wedding?
Chapter 2:
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kiseiakhun · 9 months
Smash or Pass: Roy, Garth, Dick, Starfire, Raven, Kyle
Titans Go!
Roy: you know the answer. I know the answer. Everyone knows the answer. Smash. 100% I would smash. I would smash him like a wineglass against a hard marble floor. I would smash him like I accidentally smashed my phone screen two months ago while walking back from the grocery store. I want to ride him until my legs wobble and give out. I want to feel his weird possibly sentient soul patch drag over my thighs and give me beard burn. Idc if it's pathetic n52 garbage rat Roy. Would smash. Want to smash. It hurts me that I can't smash. Roy Harper pls come into this world so I can smash, i have dark hair, I am your type. You can dress me in a skimpy kimono and call me Cheshire if you want, idc.
Garth: SMASH. SMASH SMASH SMASH. I want him to hold me down with his big arms and (a truck barrels past honking loudly)
Dick: okay so this is hard. If he approaches me in full Richard Grayson mode I feel like I wouldn't be interested because he'd feel too much like another subby guy looking for a mommy gf to step on them. Yes, he's pretty, but I wouldn't be INTERESTED, you know? However knowing him in his entirety I know he must be a freak in bed. He would make me feel loved. Idk if that's a good thing though because one or both of us might have a breakdown mid sex because it feels Too Intimate and idk how I feel knowing he's staring down at me mid coitus comparing me to his dad. Like even if he doesn't want to fuck his dad there's some level of psychosexual obsession going on there and I Do Not Want To Get Involved. I don't have red hair though so idk if I even have a chance. Then again, dick HAS hooked up with Asians before, so maybe? I just assume everyone in the dcu has an Asian fetish because some senior editor in the new titans age definitely did. Does. They're probably still alive, it wasn't that long ago. Look at all the Asian baby mamas running around in the dcu. Does marvel has this many Asian baby mamas? Someone who knows marvel comics, tell me.
(I have just had my first coffee of the day, if things devolve into incoherence past this point, blame the ice capp. I forgot how much caffeine these things have.)
Anyway. If I want to insert myself in the psychosexual obsession between father and not-adopted son, I think I would choose Garth and Arthur. They're like. All the subtext between Bruce and Dick but for them it's not even subtext. Like Bruce only tossed dick at deaths door a couple of times, but Arthur ACTUALLY tried to kill Garth, you know? And Garth already has precedence for stealing Arthur's fiance, I think he gets off on it, I think it stokes his ego. And I definitely want to stoke Garth's ego, and also stoke other things. I want to make him happy. I'm much more invested in making Garth happy than in making dick happy because dick experiences one moment of happiness and self sabotages himself just like his dad who he insists he has no similarities to, none at all. I would say he needs therapy but he's gone to therapy and it didn't fix him. Also, Garth is less likely to cheat on me (because he never shows up and has no chance of character development)
"But kis," you say, "this is just about smashing, who cares about a lasting relationship?" This is DICK GRAYSON. You think DICK GRAYSON can do a one night stand? You think he can keep his feelings out of it? Dick of "wow Roy how can you have all these one night stands and casual fuckbuddies, I could never," fame. You think you can have a one night stand with Dick Grayson? Either I'm sleeping with him because I'm a supervillain trying to get to someone through him, looking for evidence that can link Nightwing to his every id so I can use it to blackmail Bruce into becoming my sugar daddy, or I'm the newest complication thrown between him and his current redhead of the week, depending on whether the writer ships dickbabs or dickkori. Like I think the sex WOULD be worth it but I think it would also leave me with an emotional void that I would try to fill with more casual sex, but somehow it never feels like enough. Nothing would ever fulfill me again.
Except Roy. Roy could fix me. Roy is used to fixing Dick's mistakes, what's one more to add to the mix. Fuck. I just accidentally made this Jayroy. moving on.
Starfire: SMASH. Show me how they do it on Tamaran, princess. I would sleep with her for industry connections but then she'd be so good to me I'd end up falling in love.
Raven: normal raven doesn't interest me that much but I would absolutely smash evil sexy raven. The one that got Kori pregnant that one time. The raven of "Gar Logan is here to get down and get funky" fame. I do not have a hypnokink but I WOULD let evil sexy raven mind control me just to lure Kori into her bed and disgard me once I'm no longer useful.
Kyle: unfortunately yes I would smash and yes I am ashamed about it. < Wally, probably. He's so pathetic and annoying and I am into it 😔 I wouldn't even be drawn in by his failgirl qualities. I would get drawn in by his pretentious artist schtick. He'd pull his straight man art kid moves on me and it would WORK. Yes I WILL swoon over his passion for his craft and his amateur understanding of philosophy and yes I will romanticize his messy, scattered nature as his natural artist inclination. And also I would get him some Adderall. Yes I will let him shotgun me after we sneak away from a party thrown by an acquaintance half removed form the both of us and drive him back to his apartment (because he can't drive) and make sweet love to him and hold him as he sobs about his dead girlfriend after he accidentally tells me he loves me. And after all that I still won't block his number. I'll be like 🥺 he's such a sensitive soul... and let him hit me up whenever he's back on earth. I could only do this with Kyle because he's on earth maybe 3 months out of the year so I only have intermittent exposure to his everything. If I had to see him consistently I'd get tired and ghost him within the second week. But I would still do it. I would let him pull fuckboy moves on me and it'll work ):
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tansyuduri · 4 months
Wip Snippits
tagged by @shana-rosee
So Uh I'm somhow working on a few fics. SOO UM editing one, and writing two others due partly to a prompt I got in my inbox after asking a question So er! Here's a bit from the sequel to the one I'm posting on A03 now Found a bit that doesn't have too much in the way of spoilers! So from Let Our Souls Fight Together
“I hope I make the right choices…'' Merlin began “Goddess I hope I’m wise enough to make the right choices and it's not like last time. I will make the right choices. I won’t let it be like last time”
From his position a few yards away Arthur took a step forward and then found himself Instantly just a step away from Merlins side. 
As Merlin looked at him wide eyed Arthur realized that Merlin would never make the right choices, He wasn’t capable of that. Hadn’t he proved that before from all he had told Arthur.. His choices had meant Arthur died And Gwaine, and others. And he had to protect himself and his knights this time. He had to…
“Arthur..” Merlin watched him warily and Arthur’s mind rebelled. Had he just been thinking he had to kill Merlin? the man he loved?…That didn’t make sense… Hurting Merlin made no sense, but he had to do it. For the sake of the knights, For the sake of Merlin himself. Merlin would not be able to suffer if he was dead, it was really the best thing to do for him as well.
Merlin dead…His entire being rebelled against the idea. It was unthinkable. It was horrible. He would not let that happen. But what if he had too? All the people of Albion were in danger now, and it was Merlin that could harm them. 
“You want to hurt them.” His voice sounded uncertain to his own ears.
“Arthur.” Merlin took a step forward “Arthur..” His hands were held up appeasingly” You’re being controlled by the Sidhe. They are in your mind… Arthur, listen to me!”
That didn’t make sense, the sidhe were not in his mind, he would have known, This was Merlin lying to Arthur, as he had so many times before, He couldn’t be trusted, Arthur had to do something his mind screamed was unthinkable. He had to kill Merlin before more of his words could try to twist at Arthur. He didn’t want to kill Merlin. But he had too. His hand moved toward the blade at his side.
Merlin stepped forward and caressed Arthur’s cheek with his hand. “I need you to trust me Arthur , whatever you are thinking right now is not real. You’re my dollopheaded prat of a fiance and I’m apparently your idiot. I do not agree with that title for me by the way, Now fight whatever is in your mind right now cabbage head. Fight it!” 
For the first time Arthur became aware of the presence in his head, it had been ready for begging, for pleading, for many things. It had not been ready for insults and the depths of meaning and love behind them. Now aware of it, Arthur thrust it away as hard as he could. He staggered slightly
Merlin moved to brace him. “They are not red anymore. You did it.” He looked proud of Arthur but there were other things to address besides how that look made him feel. Important things to address.
“MERLIN you idiot! why didn’t you use magic!” Arthur snapped  “I nearly had my hand on on my sword!” 
Now from the two I am just now writing one is in Gwens court post Camlann cannon verse. As you can expect NOBODY is having a good time in the begining of the fic. POV character will include Merlin, Gwen, and two suprises. One of whom we know from one episode of the show. This work is as of yet untitled.
Guinevere Pendragon woke up to crimson stained sheets and could not letting out an angished scream. The queen and ruler of camelot immediately pressed a clean part of the sheets to her mouth to stifle the sound coming from it,
There it was crushing the hopes and dreams she had been desperately clinging to. She was not pregnant with Arthur’s child. What's more she would have to marry again. Gwen was not ready to marry again. 
The queen of camelot took deep breaths to calm herself. In out. In out. She had been hoping, but perhaps it had been silly to hope. She had not gotten pregnant with a child in four years of marriage. Why would that suddenly change now? Still it would have been a comfort to find herself finally pregnant and when her courses did not come exactly on time she had allowed herself to think it. For two wonderful days she had allowed herself to daydream. Hope mingling with grief so raw it felt like there was a knife in her chest. That was over now, And she had to face the facts. Arthur was gone, She had no child to remember him by and soon enough she would have to marry and have a child who could be heir to the kingdom. She owed it to Camelot to secure the succession. She owed it to Arthur to try to keep the kingdom at peace. And it hurt. It hurt so badly.
Another deep breath and she composed herself enough to face her maidservant Once she had hoped she could find someone like Merlin had been to Arthur, well not exactly like Merlin had been to Arthur but a friend. She had tried with Sefa, she had tried with others. It never worked. Also I had a prompt about doing an AU of Servant of two masters where merlin does not get captured. I have some ideas! here is a bit of it?
Being carried caused pain. Trying to move himself caused worse pain. But as a pair of the mercenaries came into view, one aiming an arrow at Arthur's back from the rocks above, Merlin ingored that pain. He gasped in agony and used alll his willpower to ajust his body. To cover their likely target: Arthur. The world faded in and out of focus.
The Arrow pierced Merlin's back halfway though his gasped warning to Arthur. Pain. So much pain. Merlin's world became more of a haze. He could feel Arthur moving… fighting off the enemy but knew another arrow would be coming. In his last moment of lucidity he managed to make the archer fall from the rocks above with his magic. He could do nothing else. The world became a haze and stayed that way
Um! I TAG! @catsconflictscopicsandchamomile @saurix5 @247merthur @kadenemrys @poisonedfate
AND anyone in the merlin fandom who sees this and wants to join
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ericac318 · 1 year
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Time For Class
Post season one of HBO’s ‘Barry’ with the addition of an OC. Things are going well for the members of the acting class even after the tragic death of Janice. Gene played Arthur Fonzarelli in ‘Happy Days’ in this version, the only AU aspect. This is just a silly story that I wanted to write, don’t expect any crazy drama. Eventual or more quickly Gene/OC. Some moments venture to a more 'M' rating. I own nothing.
The rest of the story can be found here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/15335268/chapters/35580990
Chapter 1
Gene mourned Janice for the remainder of the summer, unsure if he’d ever find someone else to give his affections to, ever again. The conventions kept him busy, distracted, allowing him to take on the role of Arthur Fonzarelli instead of himself. It didn’t always last as long as he hoped, but it was the best thing he would have until his acting class resumed in the Fall.
Barry and Sally continued their relationship through the summer, getting engaged as the last days of August snuck by. Barry hadn’t killed since Janice (the last tie to his murders in LA that could put him away) and he was finally happy, getting ready to get back to acting class. Sally was signed by the agent at their Shakespeare show, and she was going to audition after audition. She hadn’t landed her big role yet, but it was only a matter of time, and until then acting class was her happy place.
Alyona Moore left her life on the East coast behind, her job as a dental tech and the snow, for LA. She had done some research and found out that Gene Cousineau, who played her biggest TV crush the Fonz, taught an acting class. Her goal was to find freelance work, live off her savings, and get into that class. Meeting Gene and working with him was one of her biggest dreams. Alyona read his book for the (she’d lost count) time on her plane ride to her new home.
Present Day
Alyona arrived in LA with only days to spare before Gene’s class would resume for the Fall. She found a studio loft, moved in, and found a job within two days. It always amazed her how much she could get accomplished when truly motivated. On her fourth day in the City of Angels, she drove to the location of Gene Cousineau’s acting class and parked, waiting to go in as he nerves had finally caught up with her.
Alyona took a deep breath, turned off her car’s engine, opened the door and walked up to the door, opening it in hopes to start her new future. She walked into the classroom to find a group laughing, no sign of Gene.
“Excuse me?” Alyona interrupted a blond girl in the front row, grabbing her attention.
The girl turned and looked at her, “Can I help you?” her smile brighter then any Alyona could remember seeing.
“Is this Gene Cousineau’s class? I’m hoping to join,” she replied, asking her question while sharing her intentions.
She nodded enthusiastically, “It is. I’m Sally,” she gestured to the man next to her, “And, this is my fiance Barry,” before she introduced the rest of the class leaving Alyona to share her name last.
“It’s nice to meet all of you,” she smiled, modestly, “I hope to get to work with all of you. I’m Alyona Moore,” she shared, silence taking over the room as Gene entered, standing on the stage in all his greatness.
“Welcome back,” Gene greeted his students, truly happy to be back with them, “Do we have any new faces joining us?” he asked, dramatically searching the room.
Alyona stood, “Yes sir, my name is Alyona Moore and I came here in hopes to join this elite class, if you’ll have me,” she began, smiling and trying to keep her cool in front of her first big crush.
Gene moved off the stage, straight to her, stopping mere inches away from her. “If you want to become a member of this very exclusive class then you must perform a monologue to prove your worth,” he explained, “Do you have one prepared or would you prefer waiting until the next class and just observing today?” his voice grew softer as he spoke to her, leaving the theatrics alone for the moment.
Alyona swallowed, nervously, “I have one ready,” she replied, “I can do it today. No reason to get my hopes up and wait if you hate it and kick me out,” she added, attempting light humor but knowing it was exactly how she felt.
“What do you have in store for us?” he asked, his giddiness visible as he moved to a seat in the front row near Barry and Sally.
Alyona moved to the stage before she began speaking, “I haven’t acted since high school but I performed an Anne Frank monologue then, and I’ll be doing it for you all today.”
The students sat back, waiting on her to begin.
Alyona took a deep breath before pulling a chair next to her, to play the part of Peter. Then she began, hoping her German accent was still semi acceptable.
“Look Peter, the sky,” Alyona looked up. “What a lovely, lovely day? Aren’t the clouds beautiful? You know what I do when it seems as if I couldn’t stand being cooped up for one more minute? I think myself out. I think myself out on a walk in the park where I used to with Pim. Where the jonquils and the crocus and the violets grow down the slopes. You know the most wonderful part about thinking yourself out? You can have it any way you like. You can have roses and violets and chrysanthemums all blooming at the same time? It’s funny. I used to take it all for granted. And now, I’ve gone crazy about everything to do with nature. Haven’t you?” she threw herself to her knees at the chair. “I wish you had a religion, Peter. Oh, I don’t mean you have to be Orthodox, or believe in heaven and hell and purgatory and all the things. I just mean some religion. It doesn’t matter what. Just to believe in something! When I think of all that’s out there. The trees. And flowers. And seagulls. When I think of the dearness of you, Peter. And the goodness of the people we know, all risking their lives for us every day. When I think of those good things, I’m not afraid anymore. I find myself, and God, and I… We’re not the only people who’ve had to suffer. There’ve always been people that have had to. Sometimes one race, sometimes another, and yet… I know it’s terrible, trying to have any faith when people are doing such horrible things, you know what I sometimes think? I think the world may be going through a phase, the way I was with Mother. It’ll pass, maybe not for hundreds of years, but someday I still believe, in spite of everything, that people are really good at heart. Peter, if you’d only look at it as part of a great pattern. That we’re just a little minute in the life?” she paused and looked away from the chair. “Look at us, going at each other like a couple of grownups! Look at the sky now. Isn’t it lovely?”
Alyona finished and waited for Gene’s reaction, as well as the that of the other students in the class.
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readingforsanity · 7 months
Luckiest Girl Alive | Jessica Knoll | Published 2015 | *SPOILERS*
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Her perfect life is a perfect lie.
As a teenager at the prestigious Bradley School, Ani FaNelli endured a shocking, public humiliation that left her desperate to reinvent herself. Now, with a glamorous job, expensive wardrobe, and handsome blue blood fiance, she's this close to living the perfect life she's worked so hard to achieve.
But Ani has a secret.
There's something else buried in her past that still haunts her, something private and painful that threatens to bubble to the surface and destroy everything.
With a singular voice and twists you won't see coming, Luckiest Girl Alive explores the unbearable pressure that so many women feel to have it all and introduces a heroine whose sharp edges and cutthroat ambition have been protecting a scandalous truth, and a heart that's bigger than it first appears.
The question remains: will breaking her silence destroy all that she has worked for - or, will it at long last, set Ani free?
TifAni "Ani" FaNelli has worked hard throughout teenage and adult years to reinvent herself after an incident her freshman year of college threatened to uphold it. Working as an editor for The Women's Magazine in New York City, with the rich, successful fiance who gave her the emerald sparkler that turns heads every time she shows it off, you'd think that Ani had it all. Little did we know, she was just a young woman struggling to make the outside appearance match the inside appearance.
During her freshman year at the Bradley School, a prestigious private high school on the Main Line in Pennsylvania, Ani was desperate to fit in. She made "friends" with the popular crowd, including a girl named Olivia and Hilary, along with fellow new student Liam, Peyton and Dean.
After being invited to a party at Dean's home, Ani knew that her intent would be to hook up with Liam, whom she was harboring a crush. What ended up turning into Ani getting black out drunk, and was raped by all three of the young men in varying ways. In order to keep her reputation intact, she did not share this information with anyone, but after a second incident at Olivia's home that results in Ani being invited into her English teachers apartment, innocently, the whole school becomes aware of what happened after Mr. Larson decides to go to the school administration with the accusations.
When Ani decides not to move forward with confessing what has gone down, everyone begins snickering behind her back about her promiscuous ways. But, Arthur comes to her rescue. The first person to speak to her on the first day of school, they form a friendship and bond together...but this quickly becomes Ani's downfall.
When Ben, a young boy who had gone to the school and had attempted to take his own life after a bout of bullying during the summer, and Arthur, have concocted a plan to exact their revenge against the various individuals whom were cruel to them, Ani becomes engrossed in everything that was terrible. During the shooting, Peyton and Liam are killed, and Dean is severely wounded leaving him paralyzed from the waist down. Also injured was Olivia, who became an amputee after losing her foot, and Hilary was killed in the blast of a homemade pipe bomb that was detonated. Ben killed himself, and Arthur is killed at the hands of Ani.
It is widely believed that Ani was involved in Arthur and Ben's plan to shoot up the school, and for years, she has harbored a sort of survivors guilt. She has worked hard to protray this image of herself that others can see, and she plans to use this to her advantage when she is invited to speak her piece during the filming of a documentary on the shooting.
When she is reunited with Arthur's mother, Mrs. Finnerman, it ends badly after Ani confesses that she had taken a photo of Arthur and his dad during a particularly awful fight between the two of them. Ani says that she will give it back, and elaves, where she meets with Dean, who confesses his responsibility in what happened to her all those years ago, and he is ready to move forward with his new life as an author, who is married and expecting his first child.
Ani agrees, and the two of them come to a sort of peace offering. When Ani returns to New York to finish preparing for her wedding, and to prepare to send back to the photo, the photo has gone missing from where she has kept it all these years. At first, she doesn't think about this but prior to leaving for the wedding festivities in Nantucket where Luke's family owns a summer home where the wedding will be held, she realizes that Luke had something to do with it.
It is widely known that Luke doesn't agree with Ani speaking for the documentary, instead wishing that she wouldn't speak of it at all like it never happened. But, Ani confronts him during their rehearsal dinner, and he admits that his friend did some cocaine on the photo, when the frame broke and he threw it away, along with the photo. This finally confirms to Ani that Luke isn't supportive of her, and she ends their engagement, much to the chagrin of everyone involved.
In the end, Ani has accepted a job at a different magazine for more money, and is beginning her new life once again.
There are no redeeming qualities for Ani, whatsoever. She was completely insufferable the entire book, and I have no idea how I forged through this. The only entertaining (and I put that lightly, mind you), was the scene showing the school shooting and what led to Ani becoming the person that she is today. 2 stars. I do not recommend this book whatsoever.
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warnings: brief mentions of kidnapping but in a silly goofy ace ventura way (literally no different than when he ties up burton quinn in the second movie)
turns out ace's 'big plan' was waiting until after hours, knocking laikyn out, and dragging her to some desolate garage in god-knows-where.
"who do you work for?!" ace shouted in her face, doing an impression of someone or something you hadn't the slightest idea of.
"w-who are you?!" she cried. ace wore a 'masterful disguise' as he had put it; sunglasses, a nurse's cap, latex gloves, a surgical mask, a leotard and toe socks. why he went so far as to completely dress up, you weren't sure.
"don't worry, i won't hurt you... unless i have to!" ace shrieked, causing laikyn to cry out.
"please, please don't hurt me!" she screamed. "i haven't done anything wrong... i have two beautiful babies at home!" tears began to flow.
"oh, really?" ace inquired mockingly. "the babies of... ARTHUR FIELDPOOL?!" he shouted in her face, and sobs racked the woman's body.
"no, god, of course not! everyone around the office rumored me sleeping with him for the job. i would never, ever do it! i-i'm committed to my fiance, i made mistakes in the past with older men and i would never go back to that, ever!" laikyn continued to cry. ace quickly looked in your direction. you nodded at him, silently telling him to continue.
"the person at your workplace... same position as you, just got the newest promotion, correct? doesn't it make you SICK?!" ace cackled maniacally. laikyn gazed down at the ground sorrowfully.
"i... i do admit that, i resent them for it slightly. b-but only because... i know why arthur did it. he's a sick man, and loves.. or, i suppose, loved... to toy with people's emotions. giving them that position would make them indebted to him for life, and i knew how it felt. but i also... wanted the position myself. i wanted a high position that i had worked for, that i had rightfully earned... rather than it be given away to someone else for arthur to play his mindgames." 
ace cleared his throat, the responses clearly not what he was expecting. "s-so, you... didn't kill arthur fieldpool?" laikyn cried out in terror.
"that's what this is about?! god no, i would never do such a thing! i don't even know where he lives, and my children need me home by 8:30 every night in order for them to survive! i would never sacrifice my children for such a heinous act, especially over no motive! you can ask my fiance, my children, my nanny, anyone! i wouldn't have been able to kill arthur." 
ace hummed in consideration, looking off to the side. "well, i suppose we'll have to kidnap them, too!" ace shrieked. laikyn began to sob again, before her own cries were cut off by a string of sneezes.
"n-no, please- achoo! d-don't hurt my- achoo babies, or my beloved carl! i'll achoo! do anything!" ace inspected her closer after the sneezing fit, rubbing his chin. laikyn tried her best to reel back.
"no, stay away! do you have a cat here or something?" laikyn shouted, her eyes watering. only this time not with tears of sadness.
ace whistled, pulling a face. "nooope! why do you ask?" laikyn began her fit again, cursing in between sneezes.
"b-because i'm allergic! cats and their hair are the only things that can make me break out like that!" she explained hurriedly, and ace made eye contact with you before looking back at laikyn.
"i'll, uh... just be one moment," he fake-snickered, side-stepping where laikyn was restrained to talk to you.
he began with a shouty whisper, exaggerating his hand and facial movements.
"i, uhh, don't think she took your snuffy." you snorted at the man, raising your eyebrow.
"you don't say?" you mocked, and ace forced a fake laugh at your disapproval. 
ace strode back to laikyn suddenly, dusting off his 'outfit'. "welp, that is all i needed, ma'am. have a nice day!" he sang, before knocking the woman out yet again.
you pinched the bridge of your nose, shaking your head. "seriously, ace, this feels borderline illegal!" the man strutted over to you, whipping off his sunglasses.
"trust me! i'm a... professional, remember?" he winked, before sliding the glasses back on. you simply rolled your eyes.
"so, if it's not laikyn, we're out of suspects," you groaned. ace imitated a record scratch, moving robotically.
"woah, woah, woah! slow your roll there, buckin' bronco! the loverboy! what'd he do to get erased from our list?" ace spat. you scoffed.
"oh come on, milton couldn't hurt a fly even if he wanted to. he's scrawny, scrappy, and wimpy!" you laughed, and ace shook his head in response.
"he's also obsessive, controlling, and over-protective. he yelled at arthur for you, took that black eye for you. i'd go as far as to say he... killed for you, in a literal sense?" ace quipped. you let out a psh and crossed your arms.
"whatever you say, sherlock! guess i should just have more trust in you, huh?" you teased, grabbing onto his arm like a damsel in distress. ace tensed up suddenly, and you stifled a laugh over the red creeping onto his face. "and might i add, mr. ventura, you look absolutely ravishing in this outfit?" ace pulled his arm away quickly, turning away from you.
"hey, are you gonna help me get our suspect back home or what?" you facepalmed.
"shit! how are we gonna manage that?!" you cried out. ace winked.
"i always have a plan."
turns out, the plan was dragging her back to the office and making it look as though she had passed out in a drunken stupor. the plan was... probably foolproof, and you weren't really in the mood to ask questions.
you and ace bantered back and forth on the car ride back to his apartment, and you felt your insides warm at every interaction with the man.
as you stumbled into his apartment, still laughing over some impression he had done, you looked him in the eyes sincerely, smiling for what felt like the first real time in a while.
"ace, i'm serious, thank you for everything you've done. i... it means the world to me, truly," you muttered. ace seemed taken aback by the sudden shift in mood. "um... i... i've actually been feeling a little... lonely, going to sleep without snuffy lately, so... would you like to, um... lie in bed with me?" you choked out, and the detective seemed shocked at your request himself.
"w-well... if you insist," he tried to play it smooth, but you could tell his nerves were beginning to surface as well.
as you nestled under the covers, you felt the weight shift as ace joined you. you both laid straight on your backs, looking at the ceiling together.
"hey, ace?" you finally spoke aloud, breaking the heavy silence. you could tell he turned his head to you, a nonverbal go-ahead for you to continue talking. "did you... always know you were gonna be a pet detective?"
ace chuckled, and you could hear the smile in his voice. "well, not exactly... but i've always been better with animals than humans. and i figured, hey, why the hell not, right?" he murmured.
you could feel yourself melt at how tender and soft his voice had become, and you wanted to slap yourself for becoming so easily enamored with this man's words.
"well, what about you, y/n? did you always know you wanted to be an... underpaid secretary?" ace joked, and he could swear his heart beat faster at your soft laugh.
"no, not at all, if you can believe it... i actually was going to school to be a veterinarian, but... things didn't work out. loans got to be too much, and i was already kicked out by my parents, and impending debt wasn't something i was equipped to deal with, so... i dropped out, took whatever job i could get, and... now i'm here."
ace looked over at you, admiring every feature of your face. he swore he hadn't felt like this, not ever.
"so... you're not living how you want, then?" you chuckled dryly.
"well, duh. i would give everything to finish school, and go be an actual veterinarian. the only thing i want in life, is to help animals as much as they've helped me... kids can be cruel, and people are awful... but animals have never let me down. i could never make real human friends, but... i always had some sort of pet to turn to. that's why snuffy..." you trailed off, and ace could hear the way your breath hitched talking about your lost cat.
"that's why i need her back," you whispered. the silence came again, except for the pitter-patter of paws against the floor.
a soft mrrow? sounded below you, and you instinctively reached to pick up callie. she nuzzled onto your chest, instantly falling asleep. ace laughed.
"that cat loves you," he teased, eyelids growing heavy. you smiled, lighting up the room despite its darkness.
"good thing i love you too..." you muttered sleepily, before your eyes shot wide open. you could hear ace's breathing stop completely, and you panicked.
"i meant callie, obviously!" you exclaimed softly. liar. you affirmed to yourself.
ace's spirits dropped. obviously. he thought.
"i don't know how she's gonna deal with things when you're gone," ace mused. he knew, deep down, he was just using this cat as a way to express his emotions. you didn't need to know that, though.
"i don't know, either. she brings a sense of comfort that i haven't felt for a long time," you admitted. you knew, deep down, you were just using this cat as a way to express your emotions. ace didn't need to know that, though.
ace hummed, before turning towards you.
"so, when you get snuffy back, what do you think you're gonna do?" he asked, holding his breath.
you sighed, hugging callie closer.
"i'm not sure," you admitted aloud. "i guess we'll know when we get there."
with the heavy silence of unspoken words in the air, you both drifted off to sleep.
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💘Arthur Harrow-SFW Alphabet💘
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A/N-First time using the SFW alphabet and wanted to try it with Arthur :)
Citrus Scale:🍎
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?) 
He’s very affectionate with you all the time. The way Arthur shows his affection towards his S/O is by brushing your hair, checking up on you from time to time during the day, holds you close to him, holding your hands, leaving soft kisses, and all the above. Arthur even shows it all the time, whenever the two of you are together.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
It was just by accident. The two of you met at the museum where your best friend Steven Grant worked at the gift shop. After a while, you and he got together and went out on lunch and dinner dates. Your friendship with him started to get more and more serious during your dates.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
ARTHUR LOVES CUDDLES! He loves cuddling with you in his arms, in his lap, and cuddles you from behind. All he wants to do is cuddle up with you in the bedroom.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Arthur’s a vegan and cooks amazing vegan food, using the fresh produce grown in the community. The vegan dishes taste amazing from what he cooks most of the time. He does clean too. Keeping his living area clutter free and in place. 
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
He’d be the one to do it. Arthur doesn’t want you to get hurt or worse get killed. Even if it really breaks his heart, Arthur wants to make sure that you stay far away from him as possible if something ever happens.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Arthur wants to spend his remaining life with you and you only. Wants to take time if or before he wants to marry you. It’s all about waiting before you wed with one another.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
He’s both. A very gentle and fragile human being. So don’t break this man. Arthur’s is always gentle with you only. His (Y/N). You’re his whole world when it comes to being gentle.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
He wants to hug you very badly. If you feel really shitty or your day was a disaster, Arthur will come over and wrap both arms around you. His hugs are also welcoming and warm, feeling his arms wrap against your body. He’ll usually hug you from the front or from behind.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
You thought you went deaf when Arthur said it the first time to you. The first three words leaving his lips like that. Now he says it daily over and over like a broken record. You still play that moment back in your mind after he said it the first time.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Highly jealous. If it’s a guy outside of the community and starts hitting you, he’ll summon and sick a jackal on him if anything went any further. So yeah he’s totally the jealous type.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Feather light and very soft. The most places he kisses you the most are your hair, forehead, face, lips, jawline, and neck. Especially your neck. That’s his very favorite place to put his lips upon.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
There’s children among the community members. He looks after them like if they were his own flesh and blood. Arthur does want his own girl or boy with you, but he doesn’t want to pressure you that much. You also want to have children with him too. However you see fit, both of you would work it out. 
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Morning cuddles and kisses in bed. It’s such a rare sight or treat to wake up with Arthur by your side. Wrapping his arms around you, planting kisses all over you. All he wants to do is stay in bed with you all day. You also want to do that with him too.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
You take nightly showers or bubble baths to clean yourself up before heading off to bed. Arthur also joins in with you either in the shower or bathtub to do it too. Running each other’s fingers over your bodies and through your hair. Arthur just loves running his hands through your (H/C) with shampoo. Afterwards you dry off and get dressed in your night shirt. Then both you and Arthur get into bed, snuggle up, and fall asleep in each other’s arms.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
He’s very open and takes his time slowly. Talks about his past life and being the former Avatar for Khonshu. You yourself take it all in as he unloads everything that happened to him and what he did while being under control of the God. You stay by his side through it all, as tears run down his face. You don’t blame him for what the stupid pigeon did to his body and mind. 
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Never and rarely loses his temper around you. Every little thing that happens, he keeps it to himself. Arthur doesn’t want to hurt you either. His anger would only blind him and he’ll lose you forever. 
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Arthur remembers everything about you and you remember everything about him. Every little detail you remember about each other is very sweet.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
The very first time you two met each other. Arthur’s and your favorite memory. You’ll cherish it for eternity.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Very highly protective of you. Wants to make sure that every nook and craney of the community is tightly secured so that nothing gets in.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Arthur really puts in the effort to see you smile and keeping you happy. Tries his best at giving you meaningful little things like flowers, jewelry, and books that you love to read. He really knows a lot about you and what you like and don’t like. Arthur keeps up ;).
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Putting broken shards of glass in his woven sandles. Every. Single. Time. You really hate it when he walks around with broken glass. Even the sound makes you sick, just listening to the small shards cut into his skin and feet. The worst part is cleaning the fresh wounds every time. Arthur stopped doing it, after seeing how frustrated you were getting. 
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
In your opinion he’s very handsome. Keeps up with himself and is really careful on how he looks. You love him just the way that he is.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Very incomplete. He doesn’t want to stand without you by his side every day. Worries over you when you’re not with him.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Arthur loves it when you read to him. Wants to hear your voice, reading every word from the pages of the book you’re reading from.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
It depends on what you’re into and what Arthur doesn’t like about it.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
This man is a blanket hog. Tries to hog every single one when you want to sleep. When he sees that your shivering from the cold weather, he’ll wrap you up tightly with the blankets and cuddle for warmth. The only thing he wants to hold while he sleeps is you. You’re basically his human body pillow to him.
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amaltheametalweld · 2 years
Oof today's entries were just a sucker punch! The death of the Westenra ladies was of course the worst. (Unopened by her!!!)
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The sheer terror of being pinned down by her dead mother until the servants came to help lift the body off with Lucy just knowing that she's next-(and no help is coming)-followed by the accidental drugging of the only other people in the house (she's alone with her dead mother and she KNOWS she will die!) And the only thing Lucy can think to do is stand vigil with her poor mother and make sure Arthur knows the truth of what happened by hiding a letter she knows will be found with her own body.
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Seward's entry by itself would have been a disturbing tale. Renfield escapes, only this time with the purpose of killing the doctor. He gets a knife and accesses the study coming right for Seward managing to cut him. Fortunately a right hook at the opportune moment lays Renfield out. But we're keenly aware by the change in Renfield's demeanor that Dracula was the one that really wanted our favorite insomniac out of the way (to prevent him from coming to Lucy's aid no doubt).
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The delivered 22 hours late telegram adds another layer as we know if Seward had gotten it Lucy would be safe. Instead he goes gratefully to bed after his ordeal thinking he must keep his strength up, not knowing that this miscommunication is exactly what Dracula has been waiting for!!
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And of course we can't forget Mina. She's been too busy with her new husband and her new home to spare time for her beloved friend. After what Johnathan has been through she can't leave him just yet. And now she will never have the chance to see her much loved Lucy again!! While she is wishing her such happiness the reader is met with the reality that Lucy will never get any of those beautiful moments she deserves with her family, fiance, and friends. She will lose her mother and her life before this letter can even be delivered.
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rogue-durin-16 · 3 years
Summary: Some members of the Order are reticent about letting in a Lestrange, specially after Snape's betrayal. Whilst taking Harry to the the burrow, an ambush has place. Everything points to Y/n, right?
Pairing: George Weasley x Slytherin!Lestrange!Reader
Genre: angst
George Weasley: @meph1stophelian
Permanent taglist: @elia-the-bibliophile @randomparanoid @karlthecat15722 @thebutchersdaughtersblog @amourtentiaa @just-here-to-escape-from-reality @skarlettmikaelson
Warnings: blood, injuries, death
Rogue-durin-16 masterlist
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Lestrange wasn't a good name.
It wasn't a good name in the streets, nor in close-doors, let alone amongst The Order.
That's why I couldn't wrap my head around the fact that they had accepted me— well, maybe 'accepted' was a strong word; they had let me in, reticent, weary, but still they had done it. Plus, after Snape's betrayal and Dumbledore's death, no one would think there was a vacant for a Slytherin and a Lestrange.
It wasn't until I found myself exiting the abandoned Grimauld's Place along with the rest of the volunteers to go to Privet Drive, that it dawned on me; they were short on people.
They were so short on people that the Order would have to swallow my name, my family and my House.
That didn't mean they would quiet down their opinions about me being there.
"I'm gonna say it." Fred announced, taking a spot in the living room's corner while Shacklebolt, Arthur and Lupin searched the place.
"Again?" Fleur groaned.
Fred had already spoken his mind about my presence before we reached Potter's house.
His and George's shocked looks had been on me since the very first moment I had walked into the old Black's home, which was understandable; last time they saw me I was joking about joining the death eaters.
Although the shock on their faces had been accompanied by very different emotions on each.
Fred's held reticence. During our school years, he had never liked me; I would dare to say he was scared of me, even.
George's gaze, on the other hand, held hope —maybe even excitement— which was comforting.
In our first year, I had managed to draw George's interest, and for three years he was adamant about Slytherins not being 'all that bad'.
George's friendship was the thread I was hanging on; he was the only thing stopping from taking the easy way and live up to my name.
The thread was cut after he asked his mother to bring me over during Christmas, which ended up in her forbidding him to talk to me. He, being George Weasley, ignored his mom's pleads and twin's scolding and still tried his best to stay close to me, so I did what was right and, at the end of our fifth year, I cut ties with him.
It hurt more than I would dare to admit.
After our drifting apart, I was forced to completely rely on Slytherins. And you see, Slytherins, as 11 year-old George would say, aren't all that bad, but the ones my name attracted were.
They were bad sort —the worst—, and keeping that company around after our sixth year wasn't the best record to have, but Merlin's sake, I was there, I had volunteered— people change.
"Son." His father warned Fred, well aware this wasn't the time, though he obviously wanted to side with him. "Don't start again."
"Someone has yet to tell me why is she here?"
"She has a name." I hissed, unable to stop myself.
"Which is why you shouldn't be here, Lestrange." The name rolled out of his tongue like poison. "She's not one to trust."
"Oi, she's willing to risk her life, isn't she?" George's words seemed to be meant to calm his twin's temper, though his warm eyes did land on mines with a reassuring look.
"Yeah but for whom?" I tried to stay quiet as Moody had asked me too, but Fred was making it quite difficult. "If something goes wrong—"
"Weasley!" Mad-eye's tone was dry as he bursted into the room. "Are you questioning my judgment?" Fred scoffed, but stayed quiet.
"If we're throwing in the surnames, you're gonna wanna know her mum's my auntie." Tonks spoke, folding her arms.
"But you're a Hufflepuff." He was quick to respond, giving me a disgusted look. "She's a Serpent."
"And you're still a mouthful, aren't you?!" I snapped, stepping forward, though Tonks gave me a lazy tug before I could get to Fred.
"Wanna fight, Lestrange?" He had taken a couple of steps in my direction already when George yanked his twins arm.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" He yelled, giving his brother a push. "She's here for Harry! She's helping! What else do you want?!"
"Oh my gosh, Georgie— get over your teen crush already, she's not on our team!" George's knuckles went visibly white, unlike his cheeks, which turned red.
"Are you done making a scene? The three of you." Bill questioned in a calm tone, resting against the window's bench. "I don't fancy the idea either, but we need help, Fred, so shut your mouth because we have things to do."
"Pity, I was enjoying the teen drama." Moody teased before grabbing his flask and the ones who would take the Polyjuice potion moved to stand in line.
"Y/n." George's hand brushed my hand, drawing my attention to him as we stood besides one another. "I'm glad you're here." He whispered with a side smile.
"Missed me much?" I couldn't help but grin back, bumping his arm with mine. I stole a proper look at him and thought I might as well ask before the mission. "So... Teen crush huh?" I wiggled my eyebrows at him, though I could feel my own face flushing.
I'd be lying if I said I didn't fancy George —could someone blame me?—, and the idea of those feelings not being unrequited was very appealing.
He only threw his head back and looked away, the half smile growing wider and more bashful. "We'll talk about it at the Burrow." He assured me, taking the flask with his right hand and squeezing mine with his left.
"If we don't die before that." I was joking, but fear was shaking me to the core.
"We won't." He looked at the potion disgusted and gave me a peeked at me saying, "You have to hear me embarrass myself first." And with a wink, he drank the potion and passed it to me.
Gosh, I couldn't get over the mission to hear him 'embarrass' himself.
The first five minutes were calm, despite all of us being on edge. We kept checking on each other, dreading if we lost sight of someone, that someone would banish.
The storm came when we had to dive into the dark clouds.
Funnily enough, I did think it was a literal storm before entering; oh, what I would have given for it to be a literal storm.
Black, cloaked intruders flew among us, making us divide in the pairs we had been assigned to.
Lupin started casting protegos and hexes to everyone that got too close while I tried to take down as many enemies as possible.
A couple of yelled warnings were heard when both Moody and the real Harry had entered the ambush.
"WATCH OUT!" Tonks screamed, flying past me with Ron at her tail. "REMUS!" She made a signal to her husband "ESCORT!" I got the hint; we were supposed to clear Moody's and Y/n's way so it would confuse our attackers while Tonks and Shacklebolt made sure to get Harry out of there.
"ON MY LEFT!" Lupin shouted over the chaos, changing to my right for me to be by Y/n's side.
"WE'RE FUCKED!" She yelled dropping her flight to dodge an Avada Kedavra.
"WE'LL MANAGE!" I automatically dropped my flight with hers too, which was a bad decision, since we had gotten rid of the protection provided by Lupin, Mad-eye and Bill and Fleur.
Soon enough three death eaters came flying towards us.
"STUPEFY!" another Harry with the voice of Fred passed by us, closely followed by my dad.
"GO BACK UP!" Y/n was quicker than me following my father's instructions; when I did though, I realised the little formation we had going on was gone.
Suddenly, all we could hear were screams; it felt as if someone was missing but I blamed it on everyone flying around like a chicken with its head cut off.
Tonks almost crashed against me on her way down; Ron was nowhere near me, nor Lupin.
We were outnumbered, and instead of moving forward, we were stuck in the grey clouds, trying not to die.
It took me a hot second, a crash against a death eater and a couple of hexes to get to Lupin, and even when I did, it was a hard task to keep track of him.
I had just taken out someone in my way when I caught a glimpse of something my eyes refused to believe.
Our bloody professor was trying to kill us.
I felt the need to laugh at the situation.
"GEORGE!" It was Y/n's voice snapping me out of it, although her actions shocked me even more.
Y/n casted a spell on me, pushing my broomstick to the left and consequently making me crash against Lupin and lose balance.
Then something happened, something my mind didn't quite process.
At first it felt like a slap, but the pain stung my side as if someone had sliced me with a blade.
I didn't hear my own cry, nor Lupin's desperate 'help'; I didn't feel his hands struggling to take a firm hold of me, nor my own shakily reaching to my side, searching for an injury I didn't want to find.
A second after that, everything was black.
As soon as my father and I apparated in the fields of our home, I ran into the house. For some unexplainable reason, it felt as if something wasn't right.
A couple of steps into the house were enough for that 'something' to strike me. George had been laid on the settee, barely conscious; blood was covering the side of his face, neck and left shoulder, making his hair and clothes stick to his skin.
I was left speechless at the sight, my eyes welling up while I dragged my feet towards my twin.
"Mad-Eye is dead." Bill's words, despite sounding far away, made the gears in my head turn.
Lupin was quicker than me, though, "I told you we couldn't trust a Lestrange!"
"Remus! we don't know—" Tonks tried to calm him down, just to be cut off by Bill.
"Mad-Eye and Lestrange traveled between us and" he gestured at our wounded brother, "Remus and George." His jaw twitching let me know that he was desperately trying to stay calm. "Mad-Eye is dead and my brother just lost an ear, who is it if not bloody Lestrange, Dora?"
"Bill..." Fleur held onto her fiance's arm in an attempt to ground him.
"Did you see her disapparating?" Tonks's point was logical and hopeful.
George would have sided with her.
My eyes fixed on my wounded twin again. He was as pale as a corpse now, and the absence of his ear was way more noticeable now that my mother had begun to remove the blood.
George would have sided with Tonks because he wanted to trust Y/n, and he couldn't even speak because of that same reason.
Since everyone was arguing, they missed the flash of someone apparating near the front door.
I didn't.
Before I knew it, I was running outside with my wand in hand, Lupin and Bill following me instantly when they realised what I had just seen.
"EXPELLIARMUS!" Y/n's wand flew to my hand even before I could properly see her.
My rushed march came to a halt when I was a couple of feet away from her, making Bill bump into me; she was as pale as George, maybe more.
She took a seemingly calm, deep breath before attempting to walk.
Luckily, I saw the pools of blood on her shirt and stepped to reach her before she could touch the ground.
"Oh my..." Lupin covered his mouth with both his hands and Bill stood frozen at the sight of the girl in my arms. "MOLLY!!" my old professor yelled at the top of his lungs, going as livid as me.
We shouldn't talk on impulse, I told myself, rushing into the kitchen with Y/n in my arms. A series of gasps and regretful whispers broke the silence while I laid her on the dining table.
"Y/n?" George's trembling voice was heartbreaking, and, as my dad forced him to stay on the couch, I prayed the girl in my arms would survive.
"Oh Lord..." My mother muttered, examining her. It wasn't only her shirt stained with blood; her left leg and arm were too. "Oh dear..."
"She took the blow." Lupin ran his hands through his hair, understandably stressed. After a couple of seconds, her turned to my dad and commanded, "Get him up. Quick— go get him up." His eyes stared right into my soul and I dreaded the worst, but still obeyed and helped my dad drag George to the dining table.
I heard Lupin telling Bill something about Sectumsempra, and my heart sunk.
She took the blow.
"No..." George's murmur was close to a cry, but it was enough for Y/n's eyes to snap open.
"George." tears were effortlessly streaming down her cheeks at the sight of him. "You're... A-alive..."
"Please stay" My brother fell on his knees, reaching for Y/n's bloody hand with his own. We all looked away to give them some kind of intimacy, except from my mother, who was still trying to fix the poor girl.
I heard them both whispering sweet nothings with shattered voices until only one of them died out. I looked over to Tonks, whose eyes were gleaming with tears, and then to Lupin.
I couldn't bring myself to look at George.
After a moment of intense sobbing, my dad managed to pull my twin away from the corpse, and we carried him back to the settee.
I stayed with him the night, holding his hand and assuring him it was not his fault, but I knew my words would have little effect on his state; after all, he had been in love with Y/n for years.
All those years he had spent trying to convince all of us that Y/n was a good person, that we should give her a chance; all those years begging our mother to bring her over because she wanted to see our home.
Now her body was lying on our kitchen and I knew none of us would forgive ourselves for misjudging her.
"Nervous?" A tall, redheaded kid appeared besides me; I supposed he didn't know my name by the warmth and curiosity with which his eyes stared at me.
"Aren't we all?" I replied with an anxious laugh.
He seemed to think for a moment before nodding. "Fair point, though I'll probably go into Gryffindor." He assured me with a proud smile, causing my head to cast down. "What is it?"
"Oh nothing," I shrugged, aware I would not be able to befriend that sweet boy with warm eyes. "I think I'll be sorted into Slytherin."
"Nonsense!" His intentions had been obviously to reassure me, but when he realised his response only made it worse, he added. "It'd be wicked to have a Slytherin friend, though." My eyes widened at his words; did he just— "I'm George, by the way."
"I'm Y/n."
"That's a very pretty name." Professor Mcgonagall led us into the Great Hall, and before I knew what was happening, George's hand was holding mine. "It'll be fine."
The lighting of the Castle changed once the Great Hall's doors opened; a bright, white light seemed to be coming out of it.
"Wait!" My hand gripped George's before he could leave my side. "Can you hold my hand? I-I'm scared." My voice no longer sounded like a 11 year old.
For some reason I didn't comprehend, my eyes were watery, making the view in front of me blurry.
"Don't be scared, darling." When I turned to George, I didn't see a kid; it was him, in the expensive suit I had seen him mere hours ago. "I'm here."
I just nodded and, swallowing my fear, took a step ahead, and then another one, and another, until I reached the Great Hall.
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first-of-her-nxme · 3 years
why Rhaegar ordered to kill Ned?
When did it happen?
All I can recall from the books, is the sack of King's Landing when Ned's friend, Robert Baratheon, stepped on the throne over the bodies of brutally murdered Elia Martell and the children.
Then, Robert's friend, Ned, arrived in Dorne. Rhaegar left his closest friend to guard Lyanna and their baby. Rhaegar didn't know who might show up in Dorne but he expected the danger from Robert and his crew. I suppose Arthur Dayne didn't want Lyanna's baby to be smashed against the wall. Or taken away from her by her ex-fiance's friend. So he did his best to protect her.
It's actually a funny example of how men dealt with things. No sensible talk, no explanations. At least that's what we have learned in the books so far.
Can you imagine what would have happened if women had guarded Lyanna and if women had come to search for her in Dorne? I bet they would have ended up in the Tower of Joy with a midwife and a maester, sharing their own childbirth experiences while tending to Lya and her baby.
Thanks for the ask:)
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