#ask me more!!!
snowysoong · 3 months
haayyy kills uou with hammers ☄️🍽🎨
☄️: headcanons about a favorite character: OH MY GOD OHMY GOD OH MY GOD OKAY OKAY OKAY lore soong my wife! HELPMEMEM ok my fav headcanon i have for him is that he never got rid of his tic he just made it so he could repress it and not show it so whenever he doesnt want people to see his tic he can just hide it ^_^ when hes feeling heavy emotions however like really mad or really sad then he cant control it and tics all over the place
🍽️: alien food/drink i would try: OH UMMMM THATS A HARD ONE i dont really remmeber any food besides klingon food which i would NOT try HELP hmmm i would try that klingon blood wine lowkey though i mean its just wine and blood right
🎨: favorite piece of star trek fanart: IHAVE SEVERAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ill put a few right here artist in order are Rachael Stott (shes on twt idk about tumblr), thespacecreature, pirpintine and a-prawn ^_^ ignore that its all lore i love my wife
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nilesandcc · 1 year
Hi! I’m new to the nanny fandom and have fallen in love with the resident enemy/idiots to lovers! Question : What do you think CC’s reaction was after Fran and Niles flew to Cali after her psychic told her max would cheat on her?
Ohhhh I have so many thoughts on this! I actually have a fic idea floating around in my head about Niles and CC’s conversation after he came into her hotel room.
Because—and we all know I love angst—I think that this is still a thorn in their relationship: Niles still remembers CC throwing herself at Max and he’s an insecure man who believes deep down that CC would prefer Max over him. I don’t think they’ve done enough work to overcome that yet.
And I think CC was a little torn: she’s mad that Niles doesn’t trust her (because in her head, she’s chosen him and Maxwell is a nonentity and it doesn’t occur to her that he doesn’t understand this) and she’s also a little touched that he so dramatically crashed their business trip because he’s scared of losing her.
But this is CC Babcock, of course, so she chooses anger. So in my head, Niles comes into her hotel room and she’s got her arms crossed, glaring at him. So Niles, sheepish and idiotic, grins and says he didn’t believe the psychic but he just wanted to see her. CC isn’t having it and asks if Niles trusts her and here’s where it kind of grinds to a halt: because he doesn’t, not fully, and this hurts both him and her.
But instead of talking about it, CC shuts down and says she wants to go to bed. She says Niles can have the couch. So then they’re both laying down, she in the bed and he on the couch, and of course they aren’t sleeping, and then Niles quietly says, “I was scared you’d choose him.”
CC, in disbelief, asks how he could think that. He asks how he couldn’t. Because she hasn’t told him yet, she’s thought it but she hasn’t said it, that she loves him. And now she’s thinking that even if she did, he wouldn’t believe her.
And even though it’s hard and she doesn’t quite find the best words to explain it, she tells him that she chose him and what she thought she felt for Max doesn’t even come close to what she feels for him. That who she was when she chased after Max wasn’t her, not really, and she’s more herself with Niles than she’s ever been in her life. That she’s thought about him more than anything else on this business trip and it’s made her negotiation skills lackluster, so thank you very much for that, Niles.
Then she glances over and sees he’s sitting up and smiling at her so adoringly, in the way she isn’t used to but already knows she can’t live without, so she tells him to come to bed and then the evening ends the way it always would because they are two horny idiots very much in love.
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sirompp · 6 months
hi. i made some images.
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feel free to take them and use for whatever you may need them for. no credit required
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i23kazu · 7 months
how i feel when someone reblogs my stuff with a really really nice tag
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sometimes I randomly think about the time a girl posted in this girls only Facebook group I’m in telling everyone how she broke up with her boyfriend and he lied saying that he lost the spare key she gave him, only to then break into her apartment when she wasn’t home and steal the cat they’d adopted while they were together, but then he denied having done this and she didn’t really have proof that he took the cat since he wouldn’t let her come into his place and look for it. And then another girl saw this post and knew her ex-boyfriend, and she was like “girl. I used to hook up with your mans back in xxxx and I still have his number. If you want, I’ll hit him up and get him to invite me back to his place and see if your cat’s there.” And the OP was like “bet.”
So this woman hit up homie dog, asked him out for drinks, went home with him, slept with him, and then woke up in the middle of the night and TOOK THE CAT. Like she had only said that she would confirm if the cat was there but then she took it upon herself to steal this woman’s cat back. Like she full on Trojan horsed this man and then hit up homegirl like “I got the goods. Where you wanna meet.” And then the two of them posted a photo of them together with the cat to the group.
And I just think women supporting women is so beautiful.
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inkskinned · 11 months
because sometimes there are invisible tests and invisible rules and you're just supposed to ... know the rule. someone you thought of as a friend asks you for book recommendations, so you give her a list of like 30 books, each with a brief blurb and why you like it. later, you find out she screenshotted the list and send it out to a group chat with the note: what an absolute freak can you believe this. you saw the responses: emojis where people are rolling over laughing. too much and obsessive and actually kind of creepy in the comments. you thought you'd been doing the right thing. she'd asked, right? an invisible rule: this is what happens when you get too excited.
you aren't supposed to laugh at your own jokes, so you don't, but then you're too serious. you're not supposed to be too loud, but then people say you're too quiet. you aren't supposed to get passionate about things, but then you're shy, boring. you aren't supposed to talk too much, but then people are mad when you're not good at replying.
you fold yourself into a prettier paper crane. since you never know what is "selfish" and what is "charity," you give yourself over, fully. you'd rather be empty and over-generous - you'd rather eat your own boundaries than have even one person believe that you're mean. since you don't know what the thing is that will make them hate you, you simply scrub yourself clean of any form of roughness. if you are perfect and smiling and funny, they can love you. if you are always there for them and never admit what's happening and never mention your past and never make them uncomfortable - you can make up for it. you can earn it.
don't fuck up. they're all testing you, always. they're tolerating you. whatever secret club happened, over a summer somewhere - during some activity you didn't get to attend - everyone else just... figured it out. like they got some kind of award or examination that allowed them to know how-to-be-normal. how to fit. and for the rest of your life, you've been playing catch-up. you've been trying to prove that - haha! you get it! that the joke they're telling, the people they are, the manual they got- yeah, you've totally read it.
if you can just divide yourself in two - the lovable one, and the one that is you - you can do this. you can walk the line. they can laugh and accept you. if you are always-balanced, never burdensome, a delight to have in class, champagne and glittering and never gawky or florescent or god-forbid cringe: you can get away with it.
you stare at your therapist, whom you can make jokes with, and who laughs at your jokes, because you are so fucking good at people-pleasing. you smile at her, and she asks you how you're doing, and you automatically say i'm good, thanks, how are you? while the answer swims somewhere in your little lizard brain:
how long have you been doing this now? mastering the art of your body and mind like you're piloting a puppet. has it worked? what do you mean that all you feel is... just exhausted. pick yourself up, the tightrope has no net. after all, you're cheating, somehow, but nobody seems to know you actually flunked the test. it's working!
aren't you happy yet?
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kelddaa · 3 months
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I was plagued by a vision
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deep-space-netwerk · 9 months
So Venus is my favorite planet in the solar system - everything about it is just so weird.
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It has this extraordinarily dense atmosphere that by all accounts shouldn't exist - Venus is close enough to the sun (and therefore hot enough) that the atmosphere should have literally evaporated away, just like Mercury's. We think Earth manages to keep its atmosphere by virtue of our magnetic field, but Venus doesn't even have that going for it. While Venus is probably volcanically active, it definitely doesn't have an internal magnetic dynamo, so whatever form of volcanism it has going on is very different from ours. And, it spins backwards! For some reason!!
But, for as many mysteries as Venus has, the United States really hasn't spent much time investigating it. The Soviet Union, on the other hand, sent no less than 16 probes to Venus between 1961 and 1984 as part of the Venera program - most of them looked like this!
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The Soviet Union had a very different approach to space than the United States. NASA missions are typically extremely risk averse, and the spacecraft we launch are generally very expensive one-offs that have only one chance to succeed or fail.
It's lead to some really amazing science, but to put it into perspective, the Mars Opportunity rover only had to survive on Mars for 90 days for the mission to be declared a complete success. That thing lasted 15 years. I love the Opportunity rover as much as any self-respecting NASA engineer, but how much extra time and money did we spend that we didn't technically "need" to for it to last 60x longer than required?
Anyway, all to say, the Soviet Union took a more incremental approach, where failures were far less devastating. The Venera 9 through 14 probes were designed to land on the surface of Venus, and survive long enough to take a picture with two cameras - not an easy task, but a fairly straightforward goal compared to NASA standards. They had…mixed results.
Venera 9 managed to take a picture with one camera, but the other one's lens cap didn't deploy.
Venera 10 also managed to take a picture with one camera, but again the other lens cap didn't deploy.
Venera 11 took no pictures - neither lens cap deployed this time.
Venera 12 also took no pictures - because again, neither lens cap deployed.
Lotta problems with lens caps.
For Venera 13 and 14, in addition to the cameras they sent a device to sample the Venusian "soil". Upon landing, the arm was supposed to swing down and analyze the surface it touched - it was a simple mechanism that couldn't be re-deployed or adjusted after the first go.
This time, both lens caps FINALLY ejected perfectly, and we were treated to these marvelous, eerie pictures of the Venus landscape:
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However, when the Venera 14 soil sampler arm deployed, instead of sampling the Venus surface, it managed to swing down and land perfectly on….an ejected lens cap.
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malinaa · 7 months
if i think about the hunger games in peeta's perspective i WILL start sobbing
#imagine you're a boy who's going to die. you're in love with the girl you've been watching from afar. you know your fate.#you just want to help her‚ but then there's the announcement and she's here in front of you‚ kissing you‚ risking her life for you and you#think‚ i could live and i could love. you think she loves you when she hands you the berries‚ when she puts them in her mouth.#then you both survive and you go back home and nothing is real anymore. you have nothing. no family. no friends. no love. just an empty#house. a drunk for a neighbor. the love of your life walking into somebody else's arms. you think‚ i survived the games. i could survive#this. and you also think‚ i should've bit down on those berries‚ should've felt the juice burst before i died.#and then the third quarter quell announcement rings in your ears and you think‚ she will live and i will die as i should have in the first#place. the girl you love kisses you on the beach and somewhere you heart stirs and your mind revolts and you savor every touch she has ever#given to you‚ in front of the cameras and off. because you are a tribute and you are always being watched and snow's presence looms and#you think‚ i know she cares. but you get taken. you get drugged. you get tortured‚ your mind altered. the girl is a mutt‚ a murderer. she's#everything you despise‚ your mind stirs. your heart revolts. you gain more awareness but cannot distinguish reality from fiction and you#have never known katniss' love. the war ends. you heal. you come home. you plant primrose for her. years down the line‚ you grow in love#more than you thought possible. but some days‚ you cannot tell fiction from reality so you ask the love of your life‚ you love me.#real or not real? and she says‚ real‚ and kisses you.#and you sigh and kiss her back and revel in this. a home. a life. a love.#lit#the hunger games#everlark#otp: real or not real?#katniss everdeen#peeta mellark#text#tais toi lys#thgpost
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batbabydamian · 5 months
*you opening the love letter* what does your damijon look like, pls pls pls pls pls pls pls, i know it would be so cute, i just know it 🙏🙏🙏
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here you go! thank you for the ask, this was a lot of fun to do! they're working on a case together ^^
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oobbbear · 6 months
I want to post this here too because I’ve seen it happen a few times
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Please understand that there are cultural differences and language differences, if you see this happening let the person clarify what they meant, that person might just not be familiar with words the western side of the internet use
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ultravioletness · 2 years
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I’ve been making gay knights (and ladies) collages on my phone at work
(Part two)
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Vanessa TOTALLY got those Tapes for the FNAF lore..
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i-can-not-art · 8 months
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I decided making tadc fanart at 11pm was a good idea
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incredubious · 8 months
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comic I did last year that I thought was too self indulgent to post ever anywhere but .... here we r...
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soyochii · 8 months
2am satosugu if you even care🙄
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