dollya-robinprotector · 3 months
Yaaaaaaa new lock screen make me sleeepppyyyy
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krazybomb · 1 year
Recently on a discord server, @curlicuecal was showing various pictures from a book from the 70s about body language, and there were quite a few fun pictures that all supposedly describe different ways body language shows how people communicate:
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Including one with a cowboy for some reason regarding sexual aggression?? (there was also a "The sexually aggressive female" diagram but that actually might get this post labeled as mature so I cut that out)
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Anyhow, one in particular caught my eye- a picture about how people apparently make eye contact and how that differs in a social situation versus a business one
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And I just immediately thought that there's a gaze missing there for people who are asocial and don't like eye-contact, so I fixed that and added it on:
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fumifooms · 2 years
Ok I’m actually kinda emotionally wrecked over chapter 123. The cat was her last shred of comfort and companionship and she cut it, because she put its happiness before her own, acting selflessly, and put her trust in another human. And all of it was ripped away from her so cruelly. Her mom died so she could save that cat, but at least she saved the cat… And now everyone’s dead. She made the mistake to trust and now she’s alone.
The more we see of her the more I think we can understand why Yuko was so important to Asa.
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adipostsstuff · 12 days
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Rewatching Chapter 1 to write a fic and this just fucking hurts.
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pixiecactus · 24 days
gendry's disposition with any other person that's not arya stark of winterfell: 🤢​😡​🤮​🤬​🙄​🤢​😡​🤮​🤬​🙄​🤢​😡​🤮​🤬​🙄​🤢​😡​🤮​🤬​🙄​🤢​😡​🤮​🤬​🙄​🤢​😡​🤮​🤬​🙄​🤢​😡​🤮​🤬​🙄​🤢​😡​🤮​🤬​🙄​🤢​🤢​😡​🤮​🤬​🙄🤢​😡​🤮​🤬​🙄🤢​😡​🤮​🤬​🙄🤢​😡​🤮​🤬​🙄🤢​😡​🤮​🤬
gendry's disposition with arya stark of winterfell: 🥰​💖​😍​✨​💕​🥰​💖​😍​✨​💕​🥰​💖​😍​✨​💕​🥰​💖​😍​✨​💕​🥰​💖​😍​✨​💕​🥰​💖​😍🥰​💖​😍​✨​💕​🥰​💖​😍​✨​💕​🥰​💖​😍​✨​💕​🥰​💖​😍​✨​💕​🥰​💖​😍​✨​💕​🥰​💖​😍​✨​💕​🥰​💖​😍​✨​💕​🥰​💖​😍​✨​💕​🥰​💖​😍​✨​🥰​💖​😍​✨
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uncanny-tranny · 11 months
Something I notice is the idea with transmasculinity and transmalehood is almost this idea that we had beauty that transition has vanquished, and I honestly never related to this pretransition.
Beauty was never afforded to me as somebody who was obviously neurodivergent and traumatized and weird. I was never seen as beautiful pretransition, and I knew that. Conversations about how desirable we "used to be" never rang true for me personally because I wasn't even given the opportunity to be "beautiful." I was never going to be included in that even if I were not trans, you know? Since transition, I know I'm desirable now, even if it is not in a conventional way. It's interesting how my masculine features are now embraced because people can actually register my maleness, when before, they would never.
Desirability is often used as a tool and a weapon on trans people. The idea of not being "desirable" is a punishment. It's just weird when you're the trans person who was never desired in the first place, and you know it.
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coolnonsenseworld · 1 year
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Wingmen ✈️
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kaijuno · 3 months
Being properly medicated for ADHD made me go from an asocial bitch to a social butterfly. It literally rewired my personality. I’m more pleasant to be around now. I can tolerate children better. I can read books for the first time in over a decade. I’m even ‘less bipolar’ because my mood is more stable. A PILL DID THAT.
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posting-stuffies · 2 months
Let me say this, as an aplspec schizospec asocial who is sometimes alloace:
Aplatonic people are allowed to be alloromantic no matter what. People are allowed to only want romantic partners and no nonromantic friends. Yeah, it's said to fit the amatonormative standard, but platonormativity isn't just a concept you happen to find funny, it's real.
Aplatonicism may have started within arospec community, but it was also started as related to neurodivergence and asociality, which some dismiss and think schizoid people can't be really romantic. Which is unrealistic and manicomial.
Edit: apparently who coined aplatonic is alloace, according to people in the notes.
Additional comment: romantic love and friendship concepts vary across cultures too. Where I live acquaintances are not friends, they are just social contacts.
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so-very-small · 4 months
i’m having a rough time and i want to put a little good in the world, so if you’re reading this, try to do something nice for someone today. leave a comment on a story you reread often. reblog art from your favorite artist with some kind words. send a sweet anon to someone who needs it. and the person you do something nice for can be yourself, by the way. reblog your own art, get yourself a fun little drink, or just take a few minutes to stretch and breathe. you deserve it <3
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silvernyxchariot · 6 months
When you and Alhaitham are bound to each other, his headset and its wire will change color to your theme/favorite color, even if it's just a slightly different shade of green than its usual shade.
This is a law of nature.
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amorous-apothipl · 7 months
ngl, i don't like it when characters who are so avidly averse to typical socialization and/or friendship have the people around them make up convoluted ways to prove they arent the way they are. that they truly care deep down inside but some deep-seeded insecurity or some other bs prevents them from being authentic (read: normal).
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I sort of hate how much of a hypocrite I am for being really bad at regulating things like tone and body language and facial expression when I communicate but then also being so hypersensitive to that stuff in others
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skyward-floored · 1 month
- hero-of-the-wolf
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@hero-of-the-wolf @asocial-lobster here you go :)
(happens within hours of this fic)
Twilight heard footsteps.
He groggily opened his eyes, looking around the tiny bunk he slept in while he was on duty. The lights were off, but there was a thin crack of light coming from under the door, and Twilight’s night vision made up the difference. All he saw was the same cramped bed and desk though, and his suit hung over a chair.
The footsteps were outside in the hall he realized, getting closer, and he held back a groan. Great. He was probably about to be dragged on some late-night patrol even though he’d had the night shift last week.
Twilight began blinking the sleep out of his eyes as the door slid open, and paused, his senses picking up on a whole lot more people outside than he was expecting. That was way more than a simple patrol would merit, why—
Electricity shot through Twilight’s veins and he cried out, falling out of his bunk and onto the floor.
It was a lower charge, but it still hurt, and as Twilight convulsed with the leftover shock, he felt hands grabbing at him, and something pulling his arms behind his back.
His brain was scrambled from the abrupt awakening and subsequent shock, but he still fought against the hold, panic beginning to hit him. Something cracked him across the shoulders when he tried to fight back, and he cried out as his wrists were snapped into handcuffs.
“Wh... what...” he gasped, and saw through bleary vision his agent step forward, a hint of an apology on his face.
“Link Twilight Forester, you’re under arrest,” he said as Twilight was dragged to his feet, and Twilight stared at him in disbelief.
Under arrest? What— I haven’t done anything, I haven’t even been doing research this shift, and Legend just went on break so it couldn't be his—
Dread washed over Twilight as he thought of his brother, pieces fitting together that he didn’t like one bit.
“Why?” he finally managed to get out, and his agent sighed.
“Treason, apparently, and a long list of other things. Order went out for your whole family. Sorry Link,” he added with a shrug, and it was so casual and uncaring that determination rushed through Twilight, banishing the pain.
He snapped his head back and hit one of the guards in the face, then kicked his legs and took out the two holding his arms. His agent shouted, but Twilight jumped over his arms so his wrists were in front of him, then punched the man in the face, knocking him to the floor before he could shock him again.
Twilight bolted out of his room as one of the remaining men radioed for assistance, and he saw a handful of other supers poke their heads out of their doors as he ran by, woken by the noise. Nobody offered him any help, though he saw some sympathetic looks.
That was all right. He wouldn’t expect any of them to risk their necks for him.
Twilight kept running, ignoring the remaining shake in his legs and the ache in his shoulders, thinking through where the closest exits were. He was sure they’d already blocked off the nearest one, but if he went a bit further away...
Twilight heard a shout behind him and gritted his teeth, pushing himself faster. They wouldn’t be expecting him to go further from the exits, so if he headed for the fancy offices and slipped out there, he’d have a chance.
A small one, but a chance.
Transforming would slow him down, so Twilight kept running as a Hylian, keeping an eye out for a spot to hide. The hallways were gradually getting nicer, fancier lights and bigger windows, and Twilight grew more and more on edge. Any doors he’d tried had been locked so far, and he hadn’t found any exits, or even just a place to hide.
It was a miracle he hadn’t run into anybody yet, but it was only a matter of time. It was early yet, but morning would be coming soon, and with it an influx of people.
None of whom would be inclined to help him.
Twilight turned around a corner and slammed into something, scrambling backwards and cursing himself for focusing his senses behind him and not in front.
He’d crashed right into another super, a bodyguard if the clothes were any indication. The teenager was as surprised as he was, but almost immediately switched to a defensive position in front of his charge, his cerulean eyes blazing. Twilight saw a blonde head peep out from behind his shoulder, looking at him in fear and interest.
Twilight locked eyes with the bodyguard, unsure if he should fight or run, but the decision was made for him when the footsteps of his pursuers thumped quickly in their direction.
The guard’s eyes flicked to Twilight's cuffed wrists, then back at the hallway, and then suddenly he’d grabbed Twilight and pushed him through a door so fast Twilight barely registered it happening.
He fell to the ground with a hiss at his sore body, and heard the door shut behind him, the guard nowhere to be seen. Talking was coming from outside though, and Twilight caught his breath a little, then carefully got to his feet and pressed an ear to the door.
“—super who’s under arrest,” a familiar voice puffed, and Twilight felt some satisfaction at the stuffed note to it. It sounded like he’d broken his agent’s nose. “Did either of you see him?”
“Oh goodness yes, we did!” a feminine voice gasped, sounding the definition of terrified, “he looked half-mad! Isn’t that right, Champion?”
There was a pause where Twilight assumed the super had nodded, and he abruptly realized he recognized the name.
Champion... wait, doesn’t he guard—
“He went towards the main level, you might be able to catch him!” the woman’s voice continued, and Twilight heard some hurried footsteps and the click of a communicator.
“Thank you for the assisdance, Miss Hyrule. You should ged to safety while we deal with this. We’ll try ad flush him out,” the stuffed voice reassured, and loud footsteps pounded past the door and down the hall.
Whoever Miss Hyrule was must have replied, but Twilight didn’t hear it. He was more focused on a different tell-tale click he’d heard, and he had just enough time to shove his sleeve in his mouth to muffle his cry when electricity shot through him again.
The charge was higher this time, stabbing, shooting pain wracking through him, and Twilight bit back his scream as much as he could. He had no idea if his sleeve was even still in his mouth anymore his world was so narrowed down to pain, and when it finally stopped he was gasping for breath, tears in his eyes.
He distantly heard the door open, and the part of him in survival mode let out a snarl. Even if it came out as more of a pained whine, he wanted them to know he wasn’t going down without a fight.
A shadow loomed over him, and Twilight weakly kicked at it, frustrated when it didn’t connect. A hand grabbed his arm, and he tried to lunge away, still shaking from the most recent shock.
“Wait! We’re trying to help you, hold still!”
Twilight blinked rapidly at the voice, not expecting it to be the same accented one he’d heard outside the door, and he tried to focus his vision. Two blond heads swam into view, one closer than the other, and then gentle hands were on his wrists, messing with something.
Twilight felt his cuffs suddenly fall free, and his vision finally focused enough for him to confirm the two figures in front of him as the same that he’d run into outside.
“H... huh?” he said blearily, and the girl smiled at him, even as her guard frowned.
“Are you quite all right? I know this is probably a shock— ah,” she winced, “—bad choice of words, I’m so sorry. Anyway. Please tell me that you’re not actually a dangerous criminal and we didn’t just save someone who’s going to murder us?”
“I’m... not,” Twilight rasped, rubbing his wrists a little. They’d only been cuffed for a bit, but his hands still hurt. Probably from his efforts in trying to muffle his scream. “Why..?”
“One second,” she interrupted, and took his hand, studying his band. “I need to make sure they won’t track us in here.”
“That is my cue to remind you that this is extremely dangerous, and your father would not approve,” Champion said quietly, and the girl tossed her hair, giving Twilight a smile.
“Don’t mind him, he always says that,” she said, pulling out some small tools from her pocket.
“Because it’s almost always true.”
“May I remind you that you’re the one who pulled him in here?” the girl said casually, and Champion went quiet, and resumed his watch at the door without saying anything.
The girl went back to messing with the band on Twilight’s wrist, and a few quiet seconds ticked by, plenty of time for Twilight to wonder if he’d been knocked out and this was actually a bizarre dream. He looked over at Champion, standing silently by the door of what Twilight now realized was an empty office. His gaze was fixed firmly on the door, but he must have felt Twilight’s gaze on him, because his eyes flicked in his direction.
“Thanks,” Twilight said quietly, and Champion gave him a little nod.
Twilight closed his eyes with a sigh, feeling wrung out and confused. He was worried about his family. He was in pain and barely knew what had happened. And... now he was more or less on the run, and a politician’s daughter and her bodyguard were helping him.
Or something.
He was pretty sure he was right about the girl’s identity.
“And... there. I disabled the locator,” the girl said suddenly, tucking her tools away again. “I couldn’t do anything about the shocks right now though, I’m sorry. We’ll just have to hope they don’t keep it up.”
“Unlikely,” Champion murmured.
Twilight looked at his wrist in surprise, and gave her a grateful look. “Thank you. I... why are you doing this?”
The girl looked over at Champion, and though his expression remained the same, Twilight thought his posture softened.
“You needed help,” he said quietly. “And we could help you.”
“Yes. And it’s high time I did something other than follow my father around and give speeches nobody listens to,” the girl said, and Twilight breathed out a dizzy laugh.
“Knew I recognized you. You’re Zelda Floriana Hyrule.”
She nodded. “Yes. But you can call me Flora.”
“Flora. Ha... sure. No problem,” Twilight said with another faint laugh. He’d been right. Could this morning possibly get any stranger? “People call me Twilight. You uh... make a habit of helping random wanted supers who crash into you?”
Flora looked at Champion, and he shrugged.
“I’m making this up as we go,” she admitted, and Twilight couldn’t help his laugh. "I'll admit I've never done anything quite this extreme before."
Twilight was about to ask more questions, but then he heard his band make a noise again. Dread swamped over him, and Twilight frantically scooted back from Flora just in time for the electricity to course through him again.
It wasn’t higher then last time, but it was just as bad, and Twilight’s back arched as his world shorted out into a flash of white, a scream he couldn’t stop escaping his lips. Something quickly covered his mouth, but Twilight barely registered it, lost in the current tearing through him.
Either the shock didn’t last as long or Twilight passed out, but soon enough the electricity faded, and he was left gasping on the floor again. His cheeks felt wet, and his whole body was shaking as he dragged in heaving gasps.
Voices were swirling over him, and Twilight tried to focus past the agony searing his skin to listen to them.
“—still trying to flush him out,” Champion said, pressing his fingers to Twilight’s chin. Twilight vaguely realized he was taking his pulse, but he barely felt the touch he was shaking so hard.
“I have a couple tools in my bag that I should be able to use to shut off the shocking mechanism,” Flora said, her voice much smaller than before. “He won’t be getting out of here unless I disable that. But it’s in my father’s office here, we’ll have have to get Twilight there without being seen.”
“Easy,” Champion murmured, and carefully lifted Twilight up into a sitting position. “Can you hold your weight?”
“Y-yeah...” Twilight managed to groan, and Champion slowly helped him stand, more easily than Twilight would have guessed. Champion shifted his arms around to better hold him, and Twilight managed to catch his arm, and give it a grateful squeeze. “Th-thank you, so... m-much,” he whispered, and Champion nodded awkwardly in return.
“Just passing it on,” he said softly, and they got going without further discussion.
Twilight was having trouble focusing on much as they hurried down the halls, his entire body aching, thoughts scattered and bleary. He found his focus drifting back to what his agent had said initially, and he closed his eyes, anxiety for the rest of his family hitting almost as hard as the electricity had.
Somehow he had to warn them. Get word to them, tell them to get out, just... something.
He knew he was in no position to do that though, and even with his scattered thoughts he was well aware that by the time he could, it would... probably be too late. He had to hope that they somehow knew, and were preparing. Legend... Mom...
Two other faces joined theirs, and Twilight swallowed. He couldn't help any of them now. He couldn't even help himself.
All he could do was let two teenagers he barely knew drag him silently through the hallways.
And pray that his family was safe.
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solidwater05 · 1 year
My take on the aspec flag!
[PT: My take on the aspec flag! /End PT]
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[ID: A flag with 6 horizontal stripes, divided in four sections by a white compass rose in the middle of the flag. Each section has 3 stripes that form a gradient that gets darker towards the middle of the flag. Clockwise, the sections are in red, green, blue, and purple hues. /End ID]
The 'main' aspec flag only includes the ace and aro spectrums, and I didn't find any inclusive flag I liked, so I made my own. This flag focuses on the diversity of the a-spectrum.
None of the colors have meaning on their own. The dark purple and dark green are taken from the most used flag, just a little fun fact.
The colors are separated in different sections because the a-spectrum is vast and individuals within it can have wildly different experiences while still being under the same umbrella.
But they're also grouped in gradients, because multiple different 'colors', or individuals, can still belong in the same space and have similar experiences!
The white compass rose is a tribute to the most used flag; it still represents how different individuals feel or don't feel attraction.
However, I also kept it white because for some, white is the absence of hue or saturation, representing a lack of attraction, and for others, it's what you get when you combine every color, representing wholeness even without 'traditional' colors.
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batunatu · 2 months
born to be a fnafhs kid, grow up to be a class of 09 teenager.
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