#at some point in a video he was mining as you do in minecraft and there was this random statue of a sad angel that got closer to him
lyxchen · 8 months
You know it's always a weird feeling but also very satisfying when after not knowing for so long you finally get the answer to a tiny question you've had for years
#okay so let me explain#or more like give an example#when i was like 12 or 13 i was really into german minecraft youtubers#and i watched this one guy specifically a Lot#and he always had a series going on that had a little storyline with some plot every episode#and i think he had some mods that made references to famous shows or movies or something like that#anyways#at some point in a video he was mining as you do in minecraft and there was this random statue of a sad angel that got closer to him#whenever he didn't look at it#and i didn't know what that was but it creeped me the fuck out#(i recently rewatched that series which is why i remember this)#and now#Now i'm watching doctor who#and get to the episode about the weeping angels#and just#something clicks and now it all makes sense#like i really do not know why that was in his minecraft episode the series had Nothing to do with doctor who and those angels were also#very irrelevant to the plot of the series#but now i know What That Was#and idk i just think that's funny#how after Years of not knowing something i accidentally get the right information i need to answer that specific question#also i've had this situation before where in 5th grade i was walking around in my school and a classmate i didn't really know was crying and#talking to someone and i was wondering what was going on and why she was crying#and then years later in 9th grade i become friends with that classmate who was crying and at some point she tells me the story of what#happened that day#and i had completely forgotten about that but when she told me the story i just remembered and was like 'oh yea i was wonder what happened'#so yeah#i like moments like that a lot actually#lea's random thoughts
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Silly light headcanons because I really need them
I've been going through a very tough time and today I really need some fluff to distract myself. I hope you enjoy.
BEN teaches the older creeps that are bad with electronics how to play video games. They have creep family game nights, and the older creeps usually don't participate because they aren't as good, so BEN has been taking them aside and teaching them how to play so they can feel more confident in participating too. He never laughs or judges them for their skills, and he reminds them that the others would be happy if they participated too.
There's a game of tag that has been going on in the mansion for several years. They keep switching who the one person that's It is, but to the point that people will forget who is It. Jeff was once It for seven months, to the point nobody could remember, and he tagged Toby in the middle of dinner which caused absolute chaos. They can choose to tag someone immediately, or hold onto it and wait for a moment of surprise, but you can't tag someone who was just It on the same day, and you can't tag people when they're asleep or working. Everyone in the mansion has been It at least probably 10 times, but they keep it going because it's so amusing. Tim is currently It, and he's been It for three months. He wants to get Slender, but Slender knows this and has been careful to avoid physical contact with Tim. Tim is a patient man. He will win this.
When someone can't fall asleep due to nightmares or bad memories haunting them, they're allowed to go to Slender, and he'll play piano for them. He'll sit with them, and play whatever song they'd like so long as he knows it or can see the sheet music for it. Sometimes they'll sit there for hours, the creep leaning sleepily against Slender as he plays for them. He'll even make a delicious warm drink for them first if they request it or he feels they could benefit from it. Slender doesn't mind missing out on his own sleep, as he likes to put the residents first and foremost. When they're calmed down and drowsy enough he'll walk them back to their room, give them a hug and a pat on the head, and send them off to bed. He'll always stay awake a little while longer in case they come back to him.
Sally has started sneaking people candy. Lately, she's been using her allowance money on others, as she feels it's one of the few ways she can help out. If someone has been very down lately, she'll ask someone to run her into town, and she'll go to her favorite candy store and pick out the creep's favorite candy if she knows it, and a few things she thinks they'd like. Once home, she'll grab some stickers from her collection, and put the stickers and the candy in the creeps room for them to find later. She does this purely to try and give them a little something to brighten their days and doesn't need anything in return, although the creeps that receive these little gifts always return the favor and get something for Sally to repay her. Her gifts have often made a few of them quite emotional, and it makes them all feel quite special.
There is a shared mansion Minecraft world. They have a rule that you can't destroy things someone else builds which everyone respects, and it's become common for people to play together. Sometimes it's the whole mansion, sometimes it's just a group of them, but they all have a lot of fun exploring the world together. BEN has built the most and often volunteers to build cool houses for everyone. Jeff helps people with mining the most and if someone asks him to get a certain amount of things for them he's happy to do it. Toby and Sally are making a zoo together, collecting a bunch of animals, and making beautiful and nice places for the animals to live in. Some of the creeps play more than others, but they try at least once a month for everyone to play together, in the same room or on a call, and it always devolves into happy chaos as everyone plays in their own special ways.
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onyourowndaisymae · 1 year
hi!!!!!! can i request the minecraft post u did for the dateables but for the brothers? i love ur writing sm it's so cute <3333
obey me brothers playing minecraft with you
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thank you so much for the love <33 this was actually a lot of fun to write because all of these men are so very ridiculous. cheers to my first ever request!
[dateables version]
content warnings: language, bullying the villagers, killing the animals, you know how minecraft is
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prompt: you've somehow convinced these guys to play minecraft, a human world game, one night, just the two of you. but how exactly does that experience go?
{established relationship, obey me x reader with the brothers}
oh. oh peepaw.
you really have to coax this man into playing with you. he's perfect at everything, all the time-- to engage in activity like this one, in front of you of all people, wounds his ego more than he'd like to admit. he doesn't want you to see him be bad at something. what if you no longer respect him? what if his inability to comprehend the little block people's actions are enough to ruin your love for him? he's genuinely distressed about this (not that he'd let it show), but you seem interested, so he reluctantly agrees.
two key things are necessary when playing minecraft with lucifer: patience and teamwork.
leaving him to do any task alone is daunting. the perfectionism paralyzes him a bit in these moments. take him with you! collect wood together, mine in the same mineshaft, hunt monsters together-- all of it starts to ease his mind when you work together. he starts to focus not on his pride but his love for you and spending quality time by your side.
as time progresses, he does eventually get a grip in the controls and mechanics-- well, as much as you can expect a dinosaur like him to understand. you still do a lot of tasks together in-game, but it's more of camaraderie thing by that point. he just likes being by your side, okay? don't make him say it, or you'll be hunting monsters by yourself bestie.
lucifer is also a really big fan of the soundtrack. it's so simple yet well-composed, a stark different to that garish video game music levi listens to. please play with the sound up and let him enjoy the sound of the rain intermingling with the music; his relaxed face is very cute.
what's that? you wanna play minecraft with the great mammon? of course you do! he's gonna be the best player you've ever seen, just ya wait-- what's that? no, he's never touched the game before, but he knows he'll be fantastic. watch and learn, baybee, cuz the great mammon is here to show up and show out.
what he lacks in skill, he makes up several times over in enthusiasm. this is important, because he absolutely lacks skill.
mammon is a dangerous combination of unobservant and overenthusiastic, leading to every stupid situation you can think of. he thinks he sees an important resource, so he leaves for juuust a second... boom. he's lost. he somehow manages to attract lava in every. single. cave. at this point, you have to ban him from carrying anything important.
one thing he is good at is monster hunting. he's made it his mission from day 1 to protect you, whether it be real life or in a video game. he'll face a monster-- enderman, creeper, sneaky skeleton, you name it-- without an ounce of fear if it means you'll live another in-game day (some might call this excessive, but you just call it cute).
like everything with mammon, sometimes his instinct to protect you goes overboard. he tries to ban you from entering the mines and going outside at night because what if a monster gets you, human?? fortunately for you, he never figured out how to run in-game, so just sprint past him and carry on.
on a completely unrelated note-- this greedy motherfucker (said with SO much affection) hordes all the treasures in-game like a dragon. his goal is to build you two a mansion of diamond and gold. this is very cute if you once again ignore the fact that he keeps FALLLING IN LAVA with all his vauables. y'all are never getting anywhere in this game.
levi is, hands down, the best person to play minecraft with. you don't have to teach him a thing-- in fact, he's probably the one that brought it up to you!
he's very pleased that you'd indulge in one of his hobbies like this, regardless of whether you actually play video games or not. just the thought of you there, sitting next to him, hanging out with him because you want to be around a shut-in otaku like him... the thought gives him butterflies.
... y'all can't actually share a house by the way. he gets too flustered. make a joke about putting your minecraft beds together and he's blushing. it does not matter how long you've been together, his reaction will always be the same.
he's one of the only ones that you can progress through the game with. bashful levi is amazing in the mines. he's got a system down pat that'll help you guys find your way back to the entry point, where he's set up a base camp with chests and resources so you won't have to resurface until you're done. smart, right?
y'all actually go to the nether and the end. he's very quick to pick up the game's mechanics and use his luck to to help you guys progress. every victory is shared; what's the fun of winning if you're not winning together?
levi will play with you basically any time you ask. he loves when you refer to it as "our minecraft world". better yet, praise him for all his hard work in making your world and watch him melt. he's just a sucker for your love, and the fact that he's actually good at this activity makes him all the more happy to do it with you.
satan doesn't really know much about this game that you're describing, but he's willing to play it with you if you're really that interested. he's always ready to learn more about things from the human world; when you tell him this is one of the most popular games up on earth, he wants to try it at least once.
satan is not the best in general at video games, but he's quick-witted and resourceful, so the two of you get by just fine. the problem mostly lies in the fact that satan's audacity gets you into trouble sometimes. there is no little voice in his head telling him not to do something potentially dangerous and stupid, especially if there's some reward to gain on the other side. he is fully convinced he can take on an iron golem with a stone sword and no armor, just you watch--
be carefully with letting him run around freely. there's lots of ways to die in this game, and each failure pokes at the embers of wrath below his cool exterior.
this intelligent lil guy figures out redstone pretty damn quick. he'll use this knowledge to create lots of little creations meant to make your camp better. whether or not this actually helps is an entirely different story... but look! a gate! aren't you so proud of him? (please praise him, he needs it so bad)
and you wouldn't be playing with satan if all progress didn't come to a stop the moment he spots an ocelot. when you tell him you can befriend them, he's overjoyed. look at how cute they are! one ocelot turns into two, then three, then four... suddenly there's a small army of ocelots in your house that he's caring for. y'all better make room in your joint minecraft bed or satan will feel like a bad cat dad. he's so ridiculous and i love him
this man plays minecraft with his priorities straight-- he spends way too long creating a cute character skin to play with, then builds a cute house and decorates it to the nines, then focuses on finding himself the cutest armor and weapons... all before doing literally anything productive, btw.
do not expect asmodeus to be much help. he's mostly there for moral support. he cannot do things "for survival" like gathering food and resources or building a starter home. everything must be perfect, or it doesn't get done. asmo did not craft himself a bed until he was able to dye the wool pink and have a cute pink bed. he cannot bring himself to live in an ugly house, so you either need to help him or listen to him whine about getting rained on or attacked by monsters until he's done.
this is not to imply that playing with asmo is not fun!!
asmo is not a monster hunter, a miner, or any good at gathering resources. however, his experience with makeup makes him insanely creative. while you might not have a house for several days, the end result even gives barbatos' house a run for its money. his decor is always very cute and clean, soft even in the blocky 2D world. he'll make your whole base camp aesthetically pleasing if you let him (please let him-- his smile is worth it).
asmo often finds himself a damsel in distress. he'll fall in holes and get very confused, scream when he gets attacked, and generally need you to protect him at every turn. succeed, though, and he'll hail you as one of the most amazing people he's ever met. the game will be discarded as he throws his arms around you, kissing you all over the face and showering you in praises, all for saving his house from a stray creeper.
oh, and he'll definitely put your beds next to each other and smirk at you. what did you expect from the avatar of lust? cornball
sweet, beloved baby beel. he's ready and willing to play with you whenever. if you want to make some actual progress, prepare lots of snacks and set a cozy atmosphere to keep him full and content. playing with the avatar of gluttony does require a little prep in that regard.
this (metaphorical) angel really has a hard time killing any of the livestock. he apologizes aloud anytime he has to slay one and explains to the poor creature why he's killing them. sorry, little sheep guy, but you two need to make beds. the cows make him feel especially bad because they remind him of belphie.
he's really big on making sure you guys have a secure, safe home to hide away in. sometimes, things get really overwhelming in the game, so he wants you to have a space where you feel safe and protected enough to calm down. this bunker is definitely a bit ugly, but we can't win them all.
play with him long enough and all the food will start looking really tasty to him. that bread looks a little too real, doesn't it, mc? and that cake is so life-like... redirect him to his snack horde, stat.
he also wants to do all of your tasks together. when he's there with you, he can make sure you're safe or offer you help when your struggling to complete a task on your own. he want to make sure you're having fun! let him help you, please, it makes him feel loved. he likes spending time with you.
definitely doesn't get the "putting your minecraft beds together" joke. you can either explain the to him and watch him blush, or let him live with the assumption that it's for extra cuddle room.
you've got to coax belphie into playing with you for a few days, because honestly? that sounds like a lot of work. not only does he have to participate, but he's also got to learn, too? he's already yawning just talking about it all.
he'll eventually snuggle in with his back against your chest and your arms clumsily holding the controller in front of him. he doesn't particularly care that this position makes gaming difficult for you, not when you're cuddling him like this. it's really a win-win situation in his eyes: he'll play the little block game if you shower him in unconditional affection any time he wants. what a deal! his youngest child energy really shows in times like these.
belphie is heartless when it comes to raiding villages and collecting resources. what's that? you feel bad? they're not real, mc. they don't have feelings. they don't care that you're stealing from them. if it really makes you feel bad he'll stop, but he will complain about how much easier things could have been if you'd just robbed a village or two.
somehow, some way, he's also super lucky?? he'll stumble upon rare resources with little to no effort and snicker about how you're still scrambling for supplies. don't worry, he'll share. only if you beg, though. go on. he wants to hear it. maybe, maybe he'll be willing to give you the diamonds he found if you convince him. (what a fucking menace!)
he will, eventually, fall asleep while playing. the music is too soft and your arms around him are too warm for him to not drift off. that's okay. carefully take the controller away from him, save the game, shut down the system, and settle in for the night. he'll cuddle closer in his sleep, unconsciously touched by the gesture, and drag you into dreamland with him.
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lowkeyrobin · 3 months
hello! can i please request hcs with quackity about being in a long distance relationship with him?
yes omg!! thanks for the request! ; I tried, I tried not that great
QUACKITY ; long distance relationship
summary ; you and quackity are online daters /j
warnings ; language
genre ; fluff
word count ; 686
y/s/n = your ship name
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you met at Twitch Rivals
you're both content creators which is obviously how you met
you guys bonded over shared interactions and the games you'd both lost
you got along so great that you exchanged information and decided you should stream together sometime
a couple weeks later you were invited to a jackbox stream with him, fundy, tommy, tubbo, bbh, and niki
shit went crazy
"Y/u/n, is there anything you'd like me to call you before we start? Like nickname or just y/u/n?" Niki asks
You graciously answer her, letting her know your name and proffered pronouns. Tommy makes a little, very lighthearted joke before pointing out someone in chat already making you and Niki and you and Alex ship names.
"Oh God, they've got us" You chuckle. "They're both mine, chat"
"AYO? SINCE WHEN?" Alex shouts
Niki giggles, covering her mouth.
"Since now" You shrug
you decided to try dating during the second north carolina meetup
you both had some fuzzy feelings about each other and mutually agreed on 'well hey, we like each other, why not try it out?'
being near the beach and with all your friends made it like a dream
but after two weeks, you had to go home
but you left your relationship untitled for now
Streaming together continued as per usual. So did long talks and phone calls, and hours spent playing video games (mostly Minecraft) together.
the next trip was to LA to visit Alex this time
you guys had your first kiss on his balcony overlooking the city
the way he giggled after omg
during that trip, you established your relationship and started to go on every day dates and stuff
but then you had to go home again
Honestly, both of you didn't really think about what to do with your relationship once you went home. You were taking it all in while you had it and weren't thinking about the very true reality of it all.
you thought talking was constant? it is now
sometimes both of you will just stay up late and rant about what you like about each other and corny shit
youre the one to softlaunch the relationship to fans
you probably guessed the password to his twitter/instagram and changed his bio to "y/u/n's bf 💯💯"
he didnt even know until people were flooding his dms and people on tik tok were talking about it
hed already said he was okay with telling people as long as you were tho
sends you pictures of flower bouquets once a week with some thought out, very loving paragraph or poem
he constantly complains about not being able to kiss or cuddle you
"y/n/n why are you so far away!?"
"i told you id be able to pay for you to live with me"
sends you good morning/goodnight texts and talks about what you'd be doing that day if you were together
cheesy little man
always spamming you w pics of Tiger
will religiously send you memes and blow up your phone if you're busy or ignoring him
yk the relationship is srs when even your qsmp characters are in love
the lore.
half of its heartbreaking angst and the other half is literally your bucket lists/daydreams of the future of your relationship
hes so down bad for you
will do anything to make you smile or make you flustered
will make the most suggestive jokes in front of friends, stay silent for a second or two and yell "im joking, im joking!"
orders you doordash/uber eats when you're doing subathons or generally long streams
will always join through vc/greenscreen when youre doing cooking streams
you'll do greenscreen dates (like the fiances stream) once a month and gossip over takeout LMAO
genuinely asks his fanartists to make ship art of you two because he loves seeing all the ideas and cute shit
they always draw you with one of his beanies or hats on, the occasional necklace
you reblog tumblr y/s/n fanart 24/7/365
karaoke streams are a must
you guys rank those "songs that all white people love" videos and rate the songs
dare or hot wing streams when youre literally anywhere but near each other>>
also playing just dance using vc and stream green screen>>>
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storiesforallfandoms · 9 months
fluffy haired gamer boy ~ ranboo
word count: 2056
request?: yes!
“Oooo i saw you said you might write for Ranboo. I was wondering if I could request something. I've been having a rough few days and kinda just want some comfort fluff involving him if you could. You don't have to if you dont want to”
description: in which they’re a popular twitch streamer and their fans like to make jokes about their fellow gamer boyfriend
pairing: ranboo x gender neutral!reader
warnings: swearing, absolutely no plot other than fluff
masterlist (one, two, three)
(i just wanna note i started writing this before ranboo came out as nb and using he/they pronouns, for the sake of consistency and for the title i came up with beforehand i am using he/him pronouns and referring to him as “boyfriend”)
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Behind every popular Twitch streamer is their fluffy haired, gamer boyfriend who brings just a sense of wholesomeness to every stream they are a part of.
I laughed at this once when it was brought up by a friend of mine as we were streaming one night.
“Not me!” I said, because I was an idiot and thought I was special. Because, at this point in time, I didn’t even have any plans on getting in a relationship. Even if I did, I wasn’t going to be public with my relationship. I was so sure that if I were to date someone, they wouldn’t be famous in the same way I was and I wouldn’t want to ruin their privacy by putting them out there for my hundreds of thousands of followers to see and harass and never leave alone.
Boy, was I ever wrong.
I met Ranboo for the first time after being invited to join the Dream SMP. I wasn’t much of a Minecraft fan and had no idea about the whole “SMP” stuff that had gotten so big on Twitch, but I decided to give it a try. Even if it was just one time to say that I did it. And I had become online friends with a few of the Dream SMP members, so I felt comfortable being brought into this world for the first time.
I don’t know what it was about him, but I was drawn to Ranboo almost immediately. I could barley form a sentence whenever I was talking to him. Every time he laughed, my heart would do a flip in my chest. As much as I wasn’t into Minecraft, I started putting up with playing it more just so I could spend time with him.
The day he messaged me asking if I wanted to call, just the two of us, no streaming and no video games, I almost jumped for joy. Quite literally.
And then, when he did call, he managed to make me feel so many emotions all at once.
“Hey,” I said when I answered his Discord call. “What’s up?”
“Hey,” he responded. Even with just the one word, I could tell something was going on.
“Is everything alright?”
“Yeah! Yeah, everything is fine. I just...” He took a deep breath. This seriousness was starting to worry me. “I really like you, (Y/N). I’ve been enjoying getting to talk to you when we’re gaming together, but I want to have more than that. Like...more than friendship, even. And I know that’s a lot to ask when this is our first time talking outside of streaming, but I needed to tell you.”
I was silent for just a moment, before I started to laugh. I didn’t mean to, it just happened. I think I was just so shocked by his confession that I had no idea how else to react.
“Ouch,” I heard him mutter to himself.
“No!” I said, finally regaining myself. “I’m sorry, I promise I’m not laughing at you. It’s just...I feel the same way about you. I have since we met, actually.”
We both laughed together upon realizing our similar situations.
That was the start of our relationship. We kept it a secret from our audiences for the first few months. It wasn’t hard when we lived in different states, so we weren’t physically together, and we didn’t act much different when we were playing together than we had before we started dating. The cat was let out of the bag when Ranboo came to surprise me at home, not realizing i was mid-stream when he did. We thought we could get around it by me ending the stream before anyone could see him, but unfortunately we didn’t take into account that my viewers would hear him. But, our fans were ecstatic with excitement when we finally confirmed we were together, and we were slightly relieved to not have to hide anymore.
But, with the fans finding out came the usual teasing from them. Someone found the clip of me and my friend talking about how I’ll never have a fluffy hair gamer boyfriend and started circulating it on Twitter. It became a running joke in my fandom. I couldn’t escape the damn clip.
Especially when I was streaming with Ranboo.
One night while we were streaming, my chat was just constantly filled with the quote I had said from the video.
“I’m going to shut off my chat at this rate,” I commented, only half joking.
“Why? What are they saying?” Ranboo asked.
“They’ve taken an old clip from one of my streams and made it the fandom joke. My entire chat is just them quoting the clip. It’s only, like, five seconds long, but at this rate it’s the longest five seconds of my life.”
There was no response to this. We were playing a game together, and it took me a moment to realize his character wasn’t moving either.
“What are you doing?” I asked.
“Nothing,” he responded.
“Okay, sure, I totally believe that.”
He was silent again. A quick glance to my chat gave me the answer: he was trying to find the clip on Twitter.
“Do not look up the clip!” I said, although I knew I was powerless at this point. He was in a completely different state, already in the process of looking for it on Twitter. I had no way of stopping him unless I was somehow able to get to his house hours away within a matter of seconds.
“Your viewers are so mean, they’re tagging me in tweets that include the clip,” he said, a light laugh in his voice.
I groaned and rolled my eyes.
Seconds of silence passed as Ranboo watched the video. I heard him chuckle slightly, then chuckle again as I assumed the video re-started.
“Is this what they keep quoting?” he asked.
“The part where I say I won’t be getting a fluffy hair gamer boyfriend? Yeah, that’s what my chat is full of right now.”
Well, actually, at that moment my chat was full of my viewers either apologizing over the fact that he had now seen the video, or laughing about the fact that he had. Twitch chats are the worst, let me tell you.
“How long ago was this before we met?”
I shrugged. “I don’t know. I didn’t even remember saying it until someone tweeted the clip at me, like, the week after we announced we were dating.”
“Someone in my chat says it was a few weeks beforehand.”
“Y’all keep track of this?!” I asked my chat in disbelief. “How do you guys know that?!”
“The date on the VOD, I’d assume.”
“Okay, but still. You guys are scary.”
I managed to get the attention back to the game, mainly because we had forgotten to pause and Ranboo’s character was getting killed. I veered away from the topic of the video and tried to keep Ranboo distracted with the game. My chat, however, was a lost cause. They were still reveling in the fact that he had finally seen the clip. It seemed that this was going to be the new thing for my viewers to spam and meme me with.
When we finished playing, Ranboo said he was going to stay streaming for a bit because he was set to play with someone else. I could feel my eyes starting to burn from the strain of looking at my computer for so long (one of, if not the biggest downsides to being a streamer) so I decided to call it a night.
“I’ll call you when I’m finished streaming?” Ranboo asked.
“Yeah! I’ll be up for another while,” I responded.
The chat filled with messages about how cute we were - both positive ones and playful disgust ones.
We ended our Discord call and I said goodbye to my chat before shutting down my stream. I rubbed my tired eyes, trying to get some moisture back into them to help with the strained feeling, before getting up from my desk.
After streaming for a long time, I tried to stay away from screens for at least an hour. This included watching anything on my TV. So I decided to make something to eat, playing some music in the background so it wasn’t so quiet in my apartment. Once I finished eating, I went to get a quick shower, and then pulled on my pajamas and got into bed to start reading. I was starting to nod off when my phone started playing the tone for a Discord call. I placed my book on my nightstand and rolled over onto my side to answer it.
“You’re done playing already?” I asked.
“It was just a few rounds of Life,” he responded. “They wanted to play something else, but I wanted to call you before you went to bed.”
“Awe,” I teased.
He laughed. “Yeah, yeah. I’m cute. I know.”
I chuckled. I shifted under the covers to settle into my bed more. I had a feeling I was going to fall asleep during the call, which usually happened. I knew Ranboo would just hang up once he realized I was asleep.
“So,” he said, “you weren’t planning to have a gamer boyfriend, huh?”
I groaned and rolled my eyes, which made him laugh. “God, I hate that clip. It was funny at first, but now everyone spams me with it as if it’s the funniest shit they’ve ever seen. Like, I get it! I ended up with the exact thing I said I wasn’t going to have!”
“It’s just so ironic. Especially that you said it weeks before we met.”
I rolled onto my back and covered my face with my hands. “I had no intentions of dating when I said it. I’ve never really had a serious relationship, and I wasn’t about to have a public one with another streamer. Twitch relationships are full of all sorts of drama. Except for Ludwig and QT, but he’s a YouTube streamer now so it doesn’t count.”
“For the record, I also wasn’t planning to be in a relationship. I especially didn’t expect to meet someone through Minecraft of all games.”
I chuckled. “Really? Are you telling me Minecraft isn’t the ideal dating site?”
“No, I prefer Club Penguin. I used to get so many bitches on there.”
We laughed together. I looked up at the ceiling and felt my eyes beginning to droop. I wouldn’t have long till I was completely passed out, but I didn’t want to end the phone call just yet. I know I was streaming with him for hours beforehand, but there was a difference between talking to Ranboo while we were streaming and talking to him personally. I didn’t want to end our personal time just yet, even though my body was screaming at me that it was time for sleep.
“I’m glad you didn’t completely close your mind to the idea of - what did they call me? A fluffy haired gamer boyfriend,” he said.
I chuckled. “Yeah, that’s the term exactly.”
“What does that even mean? Why is it so specific of a distinction?”
“Well, think of some of the people you’ve played with. Like...I don’t know...Karl. He’s a wholesome gamer boy with hair that’s considered fluffy. It’s, like, a whole genre of gamer men who aren’t toxic. That’s usually the type of person that other streamers end up with. It’s like the whole golden retreiver-black cat best friend dynamic I told you about once.”
“I still don’t understand how I’m a golden retriever.”
“You don’t have to understand, you just are.”
“Anyways,” he said, “as I was saying. I’m glad that you didn’t close your mind to the idea of a fluffy hair gamer boyfriend. Otherwise I wouldn’t have stood a chance. So, I guess there is some positives to stereotypes and whatnot.”
I sleepily smiled to myself. “I guess there’s not.”
“You sound like you’re falling asleep.”
I had lost the fight in keeping my eyes open. I was just barely registering anything Ranboo was saying to me. I tried to say something back, but it just came out as incoherent mumbling. I heard him chuckle and wish me a goodnight before I let the sleep take me over.
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try-set-me-on-fire · 11 months
@eowon @rogerzsteven @devirnis and @thewolvesof1998 all tagged me in temptation Tuesday! Let's see do I have any new temptations...
Well this fic is me giving into temptation instead of writing like any of the longer more pressing fic ideas I have going ahshsh
This scene popped into my mind and I feel like I should find someplace to put it. Maybe it could go in proposal fic?
“Dad?”  Buck’s head does a little swivel around the room at Christopher’s voice. “Think he’s in the backyard, kid.”  “No-“ Chris frowns a little, coming close enough to tug on Buck’s sleeve. “I mean… Dad. Buck, Dad.” Buck blinks, once and then several times very rapidly. This morning Eddie had told him Christopher wanted to try something, smiling a mischievous little smile as he’d given him the mysterious heads up, but Buck hadn’t expected this. He swallows and tries to play it cool even as tears are forming in his eyes. “Oh- uh- Yeah?” “Can I go play Minecraft? Dennis and Leah said they were going to be online.” Chris’ face is so open and innocent, like he maybe just forgot its chore day in the Diaz house and last Buck checked he hadn’t even really started on his room yet. “Please, Dad?”  Buck’s still watery eyes narrow. “You’re a little bit evil,” he says, pointing at him. Chris just keeps smiling serenely like he’s never even heard of the concept of weaseling out of responsibilities, never even thought about emotionally bribing his poor old Buck. “Dad?" Biiiig eyes. "Can I?”  “… No?” It comes out warbly and high pitched and completely unsure.  "No to what?" Eddie comes down the hallway, wiping dirty hands on his old worn chore day jeans.  "Nothing," Chris says, innocently, beginning to giggle. He full on cackles as Buck loops an arm around him and gives him a gentle noogie. "You gremlin," Buck grins, holding the kid as he squirms. He looks up at Eddie, who's smiling down at the two of them so fondly. Dad? Buck mouths, feeling once again the sort of freefall swoop he gets in his stomach whenever he finds a new way the Diaz family have seamlessly fit him into their lives. Eddie does a little head tilt nod, smile even warmer. Then his eyebrows scrunch up and he points to Chris. What did he do? Buck shakes his head with an eye roll that does nothing to dim how happy he's sure he looks. "You gotta clean your room, child o' mine, video games later."  "Fine," Chris says, voice still laced with laughter. Buck loosens his hold to let him go get on with it, but pulls him into something more like a hug before he does. "Hey," he says, overwhelmed for a moment by how big this kid has grown. He'd been so small, a million years ago in a school parking lot after an earthquake. "I love you so much." Buck feels Chris' smile where he presses it into Buck's shoulder. "Love you too, Dad."
And then I guess every current wip is kind of tempting me from every other one... I should list 'em out and find some writing game to reblog to make you guys bully me into working on them.
Tagging @rewritetheending @bigfootsmom @burins @anxieteandbiscuits @shortsighted-owl @iinryer
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atl0sss · 8 months
I was on Twitter yesterday, and I saw someone talking about #qBBH wanting the old #qForever back. Unfortunately, this qForever no longer exists. I really hope that people inside the island start to notice who our president is now. It's sad to see, but q!Forever died when he saw Richas's shirt on the bed.
He was literally driven crazy. Honestly q!Forever started to die during the election arc. With all the distrust they began to place upon him, seeing his best friends moving away from him, seeing Richas moving away from him after he became president. Everyone was leaving, and then his son was literally gone. He spent hours and hours waiting for him to come back. When q!Forever needed someone to actually ask if he was okay, the only ones who did were q!Tubbo (Because he didn't have an egg to look for) and q!Pac (Because they are family.)
And man, watching him freak out was really something Intense, you know? He started looking madly for Pomme and Dapper, clinging to the hope that they were still there, that he still had something to protect, but, he hadn't. And the only thing that kept this man sane was having something to protect. Q!Forever has always been like this. That's why he built the N.I.N.H.O. and it was for this same reason that when he invaded pomme's room to look for her and the "voices" started to complain, he said "There's no reason to protect N.I.N.H.O. anymore, the eggs are gone." And everything he did over the months, all the paranoia and overprotection towards Richas were in vain. The promise which he did for Chayene and Talulah in the last night was useless . He began to slowly succumb to madness. He knew that q!Aypierre was lying to him. And the only thing on his mind was to kill him. He hid in Richas's room and begged q!PAC to appear. And told him that.
I decided to subtitle this conversation, because it's really interesting. Q! forever tells Pac everything he's feeling at the moment, this was the last time he spoke openly about his feelings. He talks about the 2000 mines, about the voices in his head He talks about wanting to kill q!Pierre when he realizes he's lying. It's hard to control his impulses now that he no longer has Richas. Unlike q!Cell, q!F never went to therapy, lol. The voices in his head are out of control, searching for something.that makes them feel relief. When you meet q! Forever long enough, you realize that these laughs he makes aren't his normal laughs. He's always laughing and smiling, but this here My friends, it is a demonstration of a mad man.
(Tumblr won't let me upload more than one video, so I'll leave the link to my Twitter post here, so you can see the entire conversation: https://twitter.com/Atl0sss_/status/1709774361408741873?t=bhD9XtHh0a29yCqREP5KfQ&s=19 )
This was one of the few moments where he said things without any filter. About the desire for death and revenge that he has, without caring if it was correct to direct that towards q!Ayp. He just wanted Take out the anger. So he has these daydreams, and talks about it with q!PAC, Because he's the only one who Q!F knows will listen. And he listens, and plays with q!F, makes jokes and deals with the matter calmly, which makes the president calm down.
But unfortunately that wasn't enough. After that, q!Ever is alone again, he isolates himself in the presidential room. And he waits. (It's very interesting how cc!Forever leaves the character positioned, so that we can see the days passing inside Minecraft. )
and days pass, and he waits. He doesn't sleep, he stays awake, just talking to the "voices" and waiting. At some point, he starts listening to the clock, over and over again. He tries to blow up the clock in the room, but it's not enough. The clock is inside his head.
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This man literally went crazy from waiting so long. Do you understand this?
And he says this, which was definitely one of the things that marked me the most in this whole arc of the disappearance of the eggs:
"Everything that has moved my character so far, What made us do things, and His entire universe revolves around the son he loves so much, circles around Richardlyson. I won't be able to ignore the fact that Richarlyson disappeared to play with capybaras, or anything. [...]"
Anyway. This man will then meet with the cucurucho. They talk, Q!Forever threatens to blow up the entire island, tells Cucurucho to try to kill him, tries to blow up the federation office and finds the live promising to blow up the entire island the other day. And then he builds a TNT plane to blow up the island, and chases Cucurucho with a chainsaw (both things are canon) What do I mean by all this? I want to say that, since the moment that Richarlyson disappeared, that q!Forever no longer exists. The man who Built N.I.N.H.O, the man who was close to q!Bad, started dying during the elections and ended his life when his son left. But, in the end, was he ever real? That man existed because of Richas. That personality was completely shaped so that Richarlyson would be safe.
His paranoia, his way of relating to other islanders, his candidacy and presidency, everything was ALWAYS for Richas. Who is he without his son? If the eggs die, what will happen to q!Forever? Q!Forever president and QForever island are the same person. But, Q!Forever without Richas and!Forever with Richas are completely different people. Whether he is president or not. He had power once and continues to insist on being honest. But without Richas, how long will he maintain this pose? How long will he accept being disrespected if he has nothing left to protect? He is trying to protect the people, without anyone better for the inhabitants, but they are not Richas. And at some point, he will give up.
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dyke-pollinator · 11 months
(this ask is a get-out-of-jail-free card to infodump about osrs)
OSRS is by far the best mmo as far as I'm concerned. You can do literally anything in it. It's so simple. Its just a little medieval fantasy point and click RNG simulator. But that simplicity is what makes it so addicting.
You can literally just do whatever the fuck you want on it. The game doesnt hold your hand at all, and while I can see how that would be overwhelming for new folks getting into the game, its an aspect that keeps me coming back.
It's kind of a single player mmo. Like sure there's content to do with other folks, and it can be social at times, but like your account is yours. Everything takes such a long fucking time in that game, especially if you're playing as any type of Ironman account, that the game feels more personal.
Like I don't play nearly as much as some folks that I know and I still have nearly 5000 hours of in game time on a single account and its not even in the late game yet.
Like sure these stats are pretty decent for an iron, but I haven't even started going most of the end game content like Raids, CG, Nightmare, ect.
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No only that but I legitimately that the osrs content creators are some of the absolute best gaming content on Youtube. By far. It is insane what some of these people do with the game, all because of how much of a sandbox it is.
Even if you know nothing about osrs or Runescape in general, I would HIGHLY recommend checking our SoupRS on Youtube and watch his Gielinor Games series. All of them. Start with the first season, and watch them all if you like it. Its like a survivor style game with challenges, voting, bannings, and testimonies, all through the lens of osrs.
Settled is one of the funniest motherfuckers on Youtube and has multiple videos about region locked accounts that are still easy to understand for folks who have never played the game.
Jeporite has a NorthernUIM series that leaves me in hysterics every video.
J1mmy is one of those content creators that turns everything he touches into something good. I cannot praise all of his videos enough, including the ones he makes that arent related to osrs. However, his osrs F2P series is one of my favorites.
Hannanie is a trans woman content creator that just makes some of the most off the wall insane videos I've ever seen. Seriously, she made a fucking 21 part series about cutting fucking trees in this game and managed to make every installment a banger. Hannanie is a treasure and everyone should know her content.
Imo the only gaming content on YT that comes even close to osrs is probably Minecraft, but that is mostly because you can do so much modding that the content stays fresh.
Also look at my silly little pets:
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I promise you I spooned the shit out of every single one of them.
Rock Golem at 89 mining, Groot at 86 farming, TWO fucking rex pets before 140kc, 42kc thermy.
Plus with the RuneLite client, you can make your in game interaction as customizable as you want. My whole client is fucking Miku themed lmao. The community has made so many amazing plug ins for this game including a full HD client with dynamic lighting effects, increased GPU distance rendering, ect.
OSRS is a great fucking game and you should definitely be playing it. I will take full responsibility for the thousands of hours that you lose to it. I could go on but this post is already a lot longer than I was expecting it to be.
As an aside: Ironman does something to you. Why do I have 117k Light Orbs in my bank? Idfk might need em. 20k gold tiaras? Just in case. 10k snake skin? You never know when something might pop up. Hoard Everything.
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aquaquadrant · 2 months
Hello! I've been told to ask you this =D
What do you think about Jimmy as a minecraft player, what is he?
It's for a project =3
ooh a project, how fun :0
i should preface this by saying i’m not the BEST person to give this opinion, cuz despite how much i write jimmy, i uh… don’t actually watch his pov? i haven’t seen any of empires (except the hermit’s crossover in s2), i don’t watch his streams, and i don’t watch the one-off vids he posts on his channel. most of my knowledge of jimmy comes from his appearances in other pov’s life series episodes and how ppl portray him in fandom.
howEVER, that said, i’m curious how my interpretation would line up with other ppl’s. i view minecraft players as generally fitting into a few broad categories- tho there can def be overlap between them or a jack-of-all-trades situation. and this prob applies more to people who actually play minecraft professionally (ie. ‘play video games for a living’) than the casual player (such as myself hagshdha).
builders: have a creative eye and practiced skill in building to the point where they can, generally speaking, throw down a decent build on the fly (things that require a lot of planning/detail work often drafted in creative mode first). have good understanding of achieving a certain shape and color with their block placements. may or may not include terraforming ability. generally drawn to the game’s building aspect and spend a lot of time/care making things look good.
redstoners: have an adequate amount of base knowledge for how most redstone components work and interact with each other, tho they may occasionally still use tutorials or take inspiration from others (can only reinvent the wheel so many times). usually capable of making simple redstone machines/contraptions on the fly. generally drawn to the game by the possibility of farms and automation. some take it to extreme game-breaking lengths (doc).
competitors: have highly-trained skill in areas such as PVP, parkour, and/or any other multiplayer server type minigame. think hypixel and MCC. this isn’t to say they don’t have their own solo worlds for building or other projects, or don’t participate in smps, but their main draw to the game initially was competitive multiplayer and it features heavily on their channels. to me, speed-runners/challenge-seekers are a subcategory of this.
explorer: this type doesn’t actually show up often in popular mcyt bc it’s a largely solitary- and in some ppl’s opinion, boring- experience. but these are the players that spend hours in their solo worlds just traveling around, mining out massive caves, or doing any other kind of repetitive grindy work as a manner of relaxation. some ppl really enjoy this aspect of minecraft and it’s a major draw for them. special mention for kurtjmac, a mcyter who’s spent 13 years and counting just walking to the farlands in an old version of the game (tho he does other things on his channel as well).
and now for what category i think jimmy fits best in (which again, doesn’t mean he can’t build or do other things). i don’t have a good name for it rn so i’m just gonna call it ‘the sillies’ (affectionate).
sillies: above all else, they’re here to have fun. most, if not all, of their content is on multiplayer worlds (both public servers and private smps), and on these worlds they are extremely social, making a concentrated effort to interact with others even if not legitimately roleplaying. high amounts of pranks and hijinks abound, as well as ‘committing to the bit.’ lots of videos feature them doing some kind of funny little challenge, game, or mod with their friends. again, that doesn’t mean they can’t engage w the other aspects of the game or be skilled in those categories, but generally, it’s not their main objective and not how they spend most of their time.
that’s what i’ve got! obviously u could split all of these into many subcategories, and your average player is gonna be fairly well-balanced. but for our pro cubitos, i think this is a nice way to categorizing things (and it at least makes sense in my mind).
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aeronics · 1 year
dead poets minecraft headcanons
neil probably helps todd out with the farming and collecting stuff, but if charlie isn't threatening someones dog then he goes on adventures across the map with him, has a little collection of cats with their own little houses, also builds random little things for todd and makes todd go on boat trips with him
"todd..." "yeah neil?" "...we're lost :(" "I TOLD YOU TO TAKE A MAP WHY DI-"
todd does the farming and collecting food, he really likes the bees and has a little greenhouse area, LOVES swimming with the dolphins
charlie lives in dirt houses, threatens to blow everyones houses up for fun but only stopped after todd shouted at him because he threatened to blow up the beach area neil made for todd one time and it made neil rlly sad, has 1 (one) thing that he's attached to and its his brown and white horse named mayonneighs, doesnt use peoples doors just knocks 2 blocks out of random walls to get through, found a woodland mansion and has claimed it as his own
meeks and pitts explore the nether together and go on mining trips, they both make potions together and tell the rest of the poets theyre 'doing drugs', theyre working on an underground rail system for transport between the cool stuff they find
meeks is SO good at redstone, he makes little noteblock songs for him and pitts and he makes hidden traps that have caught cameron and charlie way too many times, pitts hides so he can screen record and he now has a 5 minute compilation video of cameron and charlie falling into traps, he accidentally caught neil once and had to run from todd wielding a trident
pitts has a colony of pandas, doesnt really 'play' the game just really really likes exploring, exclusively eats cookies
"why dont you just eat porkchops you get so much more-" "stop hating and let me eat my cookies in peace"
cameron is really good at building but he plays for 4 hours straight then doesnt touch the game for weeks so the poets only really have a few good buildings in their world, somehow has a minecraft skin that looks exactly like him but swears he didnt make it, has a pet fish that hes rlly attached to and it probably falls victim to charlie at some point, cameron didnt speak to him for days afterwards
"cameron you havent spoken to me in days whats your problem?" "..." "...are you mad that i killed your fi-" "NO IM NOT MAD THAT YOU KILLED RICHARD JUNIOR, ALRIGHT?"
knox doesnt really play much either but he loves doing pixel art and making random rollercoasters that run through peoples houses per charlies request, they both zoom past people in minecarts laughing their asses off
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waveridden · 3 months
okay I'll bite. what's the deal with the life series. what's the lore. what's your favorite thing about it. I wanna understand the Posts
huge win for the me community let's go. okay. idk your minecraft knowledge level so i am going to explain as though it's zero bc mine was basically zero when i started watching.
so. the life series (also known as 3rd life, bc that's the first season) is a minecraft survival multiplayer series, which essentially means it's a server where you can die. in fact, it is a death game! everyone on the server has three lives; if you die three times, you're out of the series. your goal is to be the last one standing. additionally, when you're down to your last life, you are expected and honor-bound to engage in pvp and ruin your alliances. your goal is Murder.
there are five seasons out right now with different gimmicks, each one has the same core cast with some changes - essentially it's a bunch of friends who will take any excuse to kill each other, but with increasingly weird and complex political factions and interpersonal dynamics. people are out here swearing fealty. there are betrayals. there are team banners. there's a season where they build a complex net of paths in the sky and drop tnt on one another.
it's one of those things where there is some lore/plot and you can take it as seriously or not-seriously as you want! yay! i for one love to go the "let's take this to its logical horrifying conclusion" route but some people are here for the sillies and that's good too. the fanart game is insane, people are making renaissance paintings and stuff.
anyways, this explanation is a mess, so i will go on to reccing povs, because there are ~15 people in each season and they're all posting videos and that can get overwhelming! there's not really a "right" order but when i started, @charaznablescanontoyota gave me the excellent advice of "start with the winner of each season and then whenever you're curious about something watch that next" - if you like that route and don't mind knowing who wins,
er4df444444444444 sorry that's my cat. he's been watching along with me. he has a lot of opinions.
anyways here's the list of winners, the wiki is a pretty good reference to have on hand. HOWEVER. i will also add that everyone has a different style! some people edit things very short, some people do long videos, some people are builders and some are very into the roleplay - i bounced pretty hard off the first pov i watched but switching to someone else worked for me, so in a way having so many options is great bc it means you can shop around, so to speak.
and i will close this out with a few of my personal favorite seasons! just for funsies.
inthelittlewood 3rd life (s1) - probably my personal fave. in which an early game alliance becomes an intensely charged king/knight relationship that they both take WAY too seriously (honorific)
smallishbeans last life (s2) - have you ever wanted to watch someone do a very, very bad job at murdering a lot of people?
pearlescentmoon double life (s3) - in a season where everyone has canonical soulmates, pearl ends up the odd woman out because her soulmate doesn't want to be with her. it is an insane and compelling character arc
ldshadowlady secret life (s5) - diversity win! this woman is so so bad at "what if minecraft were taskmaster"
and as a side note i tend to prefer the tightly edited stuff, so if you know that you Do Not prefer that, i would point you towards ethoslab secret life or grian 3rd life! or tbh still towards pearl double life.
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bokutosmochi · 2 years
kozume kenma x fem!reader
sugar level: 0.6k allergen warning/s: fingering, orgasm denial regulars: @hanayanetwork​
bon appetit!​
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you've never played minecraft before, or maybe you just lied about it so you'd get the chance to sit on your boyfriend's lap. regardless, you were enjoying yourself, cutting down trees to get wood, crafting those blocks of wood to planks, building yourself a cute cozy, albeit plain and simple house, and getting meat to eat from the cows, pigs, and chickens you came across. the music was calming as well, and if that wasn't good enough, kenma has shrugged to playing a multiplayer game and just had you settle on his lap as he guided you through your adventure, occasionally guiding you whenever you made a mistake, and giving you valuable tips.
but after a few minutes, he started to get bored. he told you to go and explore caves, go out to mine for iron and gold and diamonds, but you told him you didn't have enough torches to go through with that. instead, you were on your land, planting wheat and herding animals.
to say kenma was bored out of his mind would be an understatement because while he enjoyed your presence, because really, he did, it did not do anything to ease the boredom he felt and he's sure that if you were the one watching someone break dirt block after dirt block after dirt block only to make a farm, you would agree.
he wanted, no, needed some form of entertainment and since you did not want to help him with that, he decided to take it in his own hands.
his hands roamed your thighs innocently as he did so many times before while watching tv or playing video games and you smiled at the familiarity of it all. the warmth felt like home. if a siren were to try and charm you, then it would sing a song that would make you feel like this because it is something that will draw you in every single time. you are sure of that fact.
but before long, they were at your inner thighs, drawing circles on the plush flesh. you could feel his smirk on your shoulder as he continues to hum along to you tending to your farm, planting wheat seed, after wheat seed. the sensation made you shiver in his lap, something he felt.
his fingers flicked your tiny skirt up and pushed your panties to the side, sighing in relief when his digits met your dripping pussy. he slid two of them up and down your slit, then wordlessly pushed his long, slender index finger in up to the knuckle making you mewl and throw your head on his shoulder. it rubbed at your spongy flesh in all the right ways, while his thumb stimulated your clitoris. your eyes rolled to the back of your head at the things he was doing, but then, it all stopped suddenly. fingers were pulled out of your cunt and thumb no longer brushing along your bundle of nerves.
from above you, kenma tsk-ed. "kitten, just keep on playing, okay?" he instructed you, only putting his hand to work when you grasped the mouse once again with steel determination, breathing heavily and beads of sweat on your forehead.
at this point, kenma's denied you so many orgasms you found yourself half-laying on top of his desk, panting to yourself, absolutely braindead for him. you have no idea how you were still able to defend yourself against the zombies and creepers in the game, your only guess is that it was simply muscle memory.
kenma was smiling at the image of you on his lap: breathing erratic, tongue out with drool slipping out of the corner of your mouth, and legs wide open for him.
he could feel your wetness on his lap and though he is a man of patience, he does not know how much he still has in him to not push off his old red nekoma sweatpants and drag you to sit on his dick.
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theminecraftbee · 2 years
technoblade is what got me back into minecraft. like, at all. for a little bit, i’d been trying to play again, but it had been for a summer camp i was teaching for kids, and then i put it down again. i hadn’t thought about the fact there would still be minecraft youtubers out there at that point. it had been years. and it would be years again until i was first recommended manhunt videos, because i was into speedruns at the time, and the algorithm liked those videos. but those aren’t what got me back into minecraft. no, those alone wouldn’t have been enough; they would have gone on the shelf in my brain of other idle videos to watch while i was doing other things.
but see, then i was recommended the potato war.
the potato war is some of the best content on youtube, man. all of technoblade’s stuff is fantastic, and i’ll be watching it all again and again when i need a laugh. taking over the world as the antarctic empire is another personal favorite of mine, if you want another recommendation, as is that last mcm where they all just logged out and played hypixel games after the event broke. but the potato wars... those are peak minecraft youtube content, and peak youtube content in general. the humor is on point. each successive video only escalates further. he’s consistently so funny - for someone people liked to call awkward and monotone, i’ve barely known any other creator who was so charismatic, all the time. he sucked me in. i subscribed. a few days later, i was recommended a stream titled "preparing for the festival”. i had no idea what was happening. i was hooked.
the next day, i watched the red festival live. what an introduction, right?
there was no going back after that. i watched technoblade insistently. at the time, i had no idea how to use twitch, so technoblade was my main window into streaming. chat intimidated me too much. i was scared of talking to people because i thought it would be “cringe”, watching this kid thing like minecraft. i was an adult with a stable job (and a friend group known for kicking people out who they considered “bad” in some way, which in hindsight wasn’t great for me, but that’s an entirely different story). still, i needed to get my creative energy out somehow. i hadn’t written anything i actually finished in probably two years. my last attempts to write something i could finish ended poorly, in pieces i couldn’t even bring myself to like much anymore. but i’d always loved writing. i’d always wanted to do more of it. even if i couldn’t get anything out... would it hurt, to try to write something for this thing i had fallen in love with?
yeah, so black box was the first completed work i had written in two years. and then i waded into a community where i found friends who were kinder to me than the ones i’d had before, who i wasn’t afraid would hate me for slights i didn’t know i had committed. and i found this thing i loved, and i managed to write again, to be creative again, and i found it because of technoblade. he pulled me back in here. he made me find people again, he helped me get a community that made me happy instead of stressing out, and he helped me laugh. he helped me laugh a lot. nothing quite does it like a techno video.
i don’t know if he knows how many people he did that for. a lot, i think, judging by my dash, and by twitter, and by everything else. he touched so, so many people, so many people he never even spoke to. i think maybe he knew. i hope he did.
i wouldn’t be as happy as i am without technoblade. i wouldn’t be creative again, i wouldn’t be writing again, i wouldn’t be me as much without him. maybe this is a little sappy, or maybe it’s a little self-centered. i don’t know. i just want to say that i maintain that, at heart, i’m a technoblade main. and i always will be.
live on, technoblade. make more people laugh in the years to come.
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nyaagolor · 1 year
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Very silly chart about the sv characters and weed
Protagonist: your mileage may vary but mine only befriended Koraidon because she was high as shit and thought it was a really big wingull
Nemona: She took those anti-drug PSAs to heart. Not only does she think marijuana will kill you and has never smoked before, but if she saw someone else smoking she would put out their joint and give them a stern lecture. She's still student council president at the end of the day and she will NOT tolerate la hierba diabla
Penny: Being a stoner transfemme catgirl furry is basically a prerequisite to being a cybersecurity expert at this point. This woman has DEFINITELY played Minecraft while high out of her mind
Arven: He is completely unfamiliar with weed outside this one weird brownie recipe he saw online once, but good lord he needs some. Get this man an edible immediately he needs a nap and a release from the cruelty of existence
Sada and Turo: Got the idea for the time machine while high, this is a hill I will die on
Jacq: He has enough cortisol in his bloodstream at this very moment to kill a small mammal, I think he needs something to chill him out. He's so air-headed that it probably won't affect his outward behaviors anyway
Miriam: Medical marijuana was getting popular so she got curious and tried it, telling absolutely no one. She hated the cotton-mouth feeling, so she hasn't touched it since, and says she's never tried it when people ask
Dendra: She's an athlete and they drug-test so she couldn't try it even if she wanted to (and trust me, she wants to)
Saguaro: He was never interested in it because it smells bad >n<. Try as he might to hide it, he's a bit sensitive and didn't want to be around something so stinky
Salvatore: He was in the poke-netherlands once on a study abroad trip and rolled the worst blunt of all time. He was so thoroughly humiliated that he didn't even end up smoking and was asked to leave. The memory still haunts him. He doesn't like to talk about it
Tyme: Smoked a few times when she was a teenager and hanging out with Ryme-- ironically in their youth, it was Tyme who was the rebel! She hasn't done it in a few decades though, it's not really her thing anymore
Raifort: She'll try anything once, but didn't like the feeling of being so sluggish and tired so she didn't do it again
Clavell: You know that video with Clavell as Dwight? "Clavell finding marijuana is more dangerous than most people smoking it"? Exactly that
Katy: Smells too bad for her to even think about trying it. Also she's petty and too many people asked her if she can bake weed brownies, so she avoids it on principle now
Brassius: He's a grass gym leader, what do you think. Also I hc he has a chronic illness so he takes it medically to help with the pain. His studio smells downright rancid
Iono: Got high on a since deleted stream. She ended up staring directly into the camera for like three hours and falling asleep drooling, which was so embarrassing that she erased all records of the stream from existence and swore never to touch it again
Kofu: This is a man who looks like he would make MEAN cannabutter. He just has the vibes
Ryme: Smokes sometimes at parties and other social events, but not all that frequently. Grandma's still got it, plus it helps calm her down before a seance
Tulip: Tried it once after being offered it at an afterparty, but didn't like how it made her feel. She likes to be at the top of her game At All Times and this was not the way to do it
Grusha: Takes it medically for his chronic pain, but that's about it. Wouldn't use it otherwise
Rika: Just look at her.
Larry: Tried it one (1) time and didn't like it. Prefers regular cigarettes
Poppy: She's four.
Hassel: He ran away from home to be a musician he definitely had a stoner phase. Also he's besties / husbands with Brassius, so he's more than familiar with weed. I think because he's a schoolteacher and works with kids he doesn't do it much anymore though
Geeta: I'm honestly not sure how she fits into this, only that she's on the Nightmare Blunt Rotation of every Paldean
Giacomo: He can pretend all he likes but he's still a student council president at heart, he is mortified by the very concept of smoking weed. Someone offered him a joint at a rave and he lectured them for a half hour on the importance of caring for your body. He may look like a stoner but do not be fooled
Mela: Acts tough but she's kinda scared of the prospect of smoking weed. Don't tell anyone though
Atticus: He heard about this ancient Johtoian technique of ninja relaxation and tried to hotbox his room once. This resulted in an academy-wide fire scare because he set off every smoke alarm in his hall. The director was less than thrilled about this. Rumor has it the smell from Atticus' homemade herb and weed blend still sticks to the walls
Ortega: His opinion on weed is irrelevant because no one in their right mind is going to deal weed to a 14 year old nepo-baby in a pastel pink suit
Eri: Actually shockingly responsible and healthy at the end of the day-- illicit substances aren't part of her workout routine. Will probably give you a look of disapproval if she sees you smoking, but ultimately that's your business
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barkrry · 2 years
minecraft beds | harry styles
harry styles x streamer!yn in which you’re a twitch streamer with a following of a couple hundred viewers, and harry (your boyfriend) wants to make a youtube video with you Twitch was your usual domain for creating content, but you also never shied away from creating a YouTube video. Especially when Harry was away and you had a bit more free time. But this had actually been his suggestion.
You were set up at your usual desktop, rubbing your lips together as she glanced over at him at his own desk space. Harry wasn’t a gamer, other than the occasional few games of FIFA on the Xbox - especially if he was chatting to any of the boys. But he knew it was a big outlet for you, helping you through some of your darkest moments.
He was fiddling with the brand new webcam that you had gotten set up above his monitor, a slight crease in his brow.
“We don’t have to do this, H,” you reminded him gently, biting down on your lip as you watched him.
“It was my idea, Sun,” he reminded you in return, blowing you a soft kiss with the warmest smile.
Come the end of recording, you were rolling your eyes at him playfully as you turned off his recording equipment. He had a smug smirk on his face though, tugging you to sit down on his lap as he pressed a soft kiss to your cheek.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered against your skin, as he was rubbing your side. And you couldn’t stay mad at him for long, as you knew both your and his fans would love the content.
The video started on your minecraft character, in its usual skin in a brand new world with your webcam placed in the upper left corner. You were giggling as you spam crouched in your usual greeting.
“Hey, guys! Solaris here and today we’re gonna be doing something a little different-” you paused as sounds of a pig being hurt were being heard. “I’m gonna regret this!” You declared, when the laugh of your boyfriend joined the noises. Changing your point of view in the game, you were now looking at Harry’s character who was punching a pig. “Harry!” You complained, running up and punching him once.
“He looked at me funny!” He declared, as the video switched to his point of view with his own webcam in the upper right. “Hi, lovie,” he smiled happily, as he lovingly punched you in the game.
“Hi, H,” you returned the smile, giggling as you were jumping happily in the game. “Would you like to play minecraft with me?”
“Of course, m’love,” he had the warmest smile on his face throughout the entire video.
It didn’t take you long to find somewhere to build a house, which you quickly set to work on building. Harry was hunting for food, when he let out a yell of surprise. And in the distance from your point of view, you heard an explosion.
“Baby, are you okay?” You panicked, as you were rushing off to find him.
“‘M fine, green thing exploded, took away m’hearts!”
“Y’still got mine,” you reminded him, and the camera definitely picked up on the shy blush on his cheeks.
Getting back to the base, Harry took a wander around as he complimented the vision and style. Before he was laughing loudly, when he saw the bedroom set up.
“Y’didn’t even ask me!”
“Ask you what, baby?” You asked him, as you followed him into the bedroom of your base.
“If we can put our beds together!” He laughed, as he was breaking one of the beds and placing it against a different wall. You gasped, eyes widening as you looked around the two desks to look at him. “What?”
“I didn’t realise you wanted to break up, Harry Styles,” you pointed out to him, as you were hitting his character playfully.
“Y’just snore, so much,” he replied, teasingly as he was laughing.
“Never playing minecraft with you again,” you pouted, shaking your head as you were walking away from him.
What you weren’t expecting however was for Harry to take out his iron sword that you had stolen from a village and gifted to him as a present, and start hitting you with it. Your character dying before you even had the chance to react.
“Harry!” You complained loudly, staring at your death screen, hovering over the respawn button.
“Oh! You had a green thing,” he said, as he was picking up all your items, completely ignoring you. “An emerald… I want one!”
“Harry, you killed me!”
“Sun, baby,” he tried to reason, but you were pressing the respawn button and you weren’t inside the room. Eyes widening as you looked over at the real him, panic beginning to set in. “Baby, I’m sor-!”
There’s a sudden cut, and both face cams were on the screen in their own corners, and the two in-game characters were standing together. Harry was looking a little sheepish, as he licked his lips nervously.
“Minecraft, the game where you can create absolutely anything. But apparently, also destroy your relationship,” you started saying, with a small pout on your lips.
“But most importantly, the game where you can put your minecraft beds together, and have green things explode and steal your hearts,” Harry added, laughing.
“I’ve been Solaris, he’s been Harry. Stream Harry’s House on everything, and we shall see you next time!”
And the video played its usual end card.
Inherfeels: the cutest couple- BUT HARRY DONT KILL MY WIFE
Harrysdimple: oooohmygosh hes so in love with her SMITTEN???
1D4eva: ok his minecraft skin being the fine line outfit??? HOT
S0lar1sfan: ohhhhh harrys gonna be sleeping on the sofa!
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Hello friends and fans!! I finally have some updates for ya’ll!
I’ve been working on this project alone for months, specifically since the day Pixelberry announced they will no longer continue forward with Immortal Desires. I was so crushed and saw so many other players and fans feel the same way. So, I decided to start messing around with making my own fan sequel after seeing @itlivesproject @thedistantshoresproject and @nightboundthesecond doing so well and seeing amazing products. I’m going to school for a BA in Game Art and Design, and my minor is Creative Writing, and I thought this would be a good go for my first video game. And I couldn’t be more excited to see things falling into place! I now have a writer onboard! Meet Mir! @timetravesty​ Hey everyone, I’m Mir and I’ll be helping out with the Immortal Desires 2 project! I’m a writer here on tumblr (couple of months till I hit the 1 year mark😯) and am really excited to be a part of this amazing project with everyone, but more importantly, helping deliver an amazing story to a series that ended too soon! Since we might know each other for a bit, some fun facts about me 🤔I’ve wanted a dog since I was around 6. I probably listen to my Spotify account 20/24 hours in the day.My favorite video games to play are animal crossing, stardew, undertale, Minecraft, and I was pretty into Haven recently, which I highly recommend 😌My favorite ghibli movie (since I had a marathon recently) is spirited away.I’m very excited for the future of this project and please look forward to future updates! 😗Nice to meet you all!
We’re still slowly moving, but, Mir and I have started expanding upon the plot points I’ve had planned for a while. We’re confident we’re going to be able to work well together to deliver a wonderful, full story for all of you.
And I couldn’t forget Ally! @fuckyeahilovemarcolinfan​
I’ve been a long-time fan and player of Choices; I started playing in December of 2016, but I started getting into the fandom somewhere around the end of 2018, and started on an IG that I created way back in 2014. I didn’t really intend to make my IG account about Choices, but I wanted to connect with people who have the same interests as me, and to share my ideas and opinions about the book releases. A very dear friend of mine started teaching me how to collect assets at some point in time, and I’ve been kind of considered a Spoiler Queen ever since then lol. I focused on posting premium scenes because I want everyone to see those scenes since not everyone can afford them. I started making edits way back in October 2019 because I really wanted people to distinguish me. All in all, I’m very fortunate that my best bud showed me how to access these assets.
Ally has been wonderful in helping me acquire assets and just being super supportive and so helpful. She is so enthusiastic about this project and has been just giving the best vibes!
Now that you’ve met the team, time for some awaited updates for ya’ll! First, lets start with the preview!!.
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So, to state the obvious, this is everyone in their formal wear! I have also given all of the side characters formal wear, but I felt like these are what the people are screaming for! And of course, we have our lil Sethy-poo included in here too and he got a makeover! If you would be so kind to click play at the video at the top because it’s featuring a rough draft of the title song. It’s my own lil creation, however, I’m recruiting folks from my local music scene to not only help out with this project, but to help support their bands and their projects!
Super bummed that the quality of these dropped because of the formatting, but I have included all three of the new expressions I’ve created: playful, shy, and disgusted. All of the main and primary characters have these faces! I have also gotten all of the female MC sprite sheets done, most of the female clothes, and all of the hair; I’m so excited to give you guys that update in the future!! From here, Mir and I will be working on a very rough draft of the story. I will continue working on assets for the MC since almost all of the primary/main characters are done. 
The next update will likely be a few weeks from now; I’m not sure what I’ll have for ya’ll quite yet, but please stay tuned and ask any and all questions. Thank you all for the overwhelming amount of support and love; it’s greatly appreciate between me and the team.
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