#at the end i was working to complete it as fast as possible and finished it just in time
wheucto · 1 year
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laenordeservedbetter · 5 months
Thieves & Prophecies
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Words: 2.6k
Pairing: Clarisse La Rue x Fem!Reader (Daughter of Poseidon)
Synopsis: When your friends accuse Clarisse of stealing the lightning bolt, you make a choice that dooms Olympus.
Warnings: PJO EPISODE VI SPOILERS, r has anger issues, r isn't too fond of the gods, ooc!clarisse, Luke. [Let me know if I missed any.]
A/N: People say you should write to get over writer's block, so here's another Clarisse x reader. The new episode had me stressing out for Clarisse and she wasn't even there. At least we got good Percabeth scenes.
masterlist || previous work
You’re leaning against a wooden crate while Grover proceeds to explain why Clarisse is the lightning thief. The pounding of your heart was the only thing you made yourself hear, tuning out of the conversation. You couldn’t believe it. You refuse to believe it. Clarisse wouldn’t do something like that. Something’s wrong. They are wrong.
“Y/n?” Percy stands in front of you, looking apologetic. You meet his gaze, realizing that they must have finished talking. You don’t say anything, figuring that your conflicting emotions are visible to them. “I’m sorry about Clarisse. I know that you think she’s not capable of stealing the lightning bolt, but all signs lead to her.”
The glare that you send Percy makes him flinch. “She didn’t do it.” You claim. Percy opens his mouth to protest, but you weren’t done talking. “I know she didn’t. I’m sure of it.” You say the words with such conviction that Percy can’t help but feel bad for you. You scowl upon seeing his sympathetic look, shaking your head. “Don’t give me that look.”
“Y/n…” Grover interjects, moving to stand beside Percy. “I know that this is hard to hear since Clarisse is your—” Grover cut himself off, “But there’s no other half-blood Ares could possibly want to protect except his favorite daughter.” He says softly, trying to reason with you.
You were far past reason, however. Not when Clarisse is involved. You walk a few steps closer to them, your jaw clenching. They both take a step back, their backs hitting a combination of crates and cages. They weren’t used to seeing you like this. They’ve watched you protect them from monsters, but they haven’t experienced being on the receiving end of your wrath. It was not a good feeling.
“Say one more word about Clarisse being the lightning thief and I will make sure none of us get to the underworld in time for the solstice.”
Grover and Percy merely nodded, too afraid to argue.
You retreated to the corner furthest away from them; feeling more exhausted than you had been since the quest began. A part of you wanted to ensure that Percy completes his quest and that he clears his and your father’s name, another part wants nothing more than to protect Clarisse, but the emotion that overpowers both is your anger.
How could they all just sit there and come to that conclusion without thinking it through? Their accusation didn’t even have that much of a backbone to support it with. You were mad at yourself for not being able to convince them otherwise. You were mad at Ares for taking Grover’s bait and for not ratting out the real thief, which you probably shouldn’t say out loud. Though, at this point, you didn’t care because tomorrow morning, Percy and Annabeth were going to send an Iris Message to camp and there will be nothing you can do to stop Chiron, Mr. D, and the rest of the demigods from going after Clarisse. You needed to act and you needed to act fast.
As soon as Percy, Annabeth, and Grover fell asleep, you stood up and silently moved to the truck’s doors. Percy was leaning against one of the cages, his eyes peacefully shut. Sometimes, you forget that he’s still a kid. He should be enjoying his childhood, not going off fighting monsters. But unfortunately, that’s just the way life goes when you’re a half-blood, being in constant danger. Yet another reason to be mad at the gods. You shake your head, trying to ignore the pang of guilt when you think about leaving your brother. If there had been another way, you would have taken it.
You just hope Percy forgives you when all of this is over.
…Or if he survives the solstice.
You stop in your tracks, wondering if what you’re about to do is the right decision to make when Annabeth starts to stir.
It was now or never.
You continue making your way to the door, but something in the corner of your eye stops you.
The bag that Ares gave.
There was something about it that drew you in. You know you shouldn’t, but you grab the bag, opening the top zipper. There was cash, clothes, and golden drachmas, exactly what the god of war said. You had no need for cash or clothes, so you take those out. You scoop a few drachmas and place the rest on the floor, putting the coins inside the bag since it would be handier than putting it in your pockets. You sling the bag over your shoulder and bolt for the doors, the metal making a loud bang the moment you force it open. Before either one of the trio could go after you, you were already a few miles ahead – or behind, depending on which direction you’re looking from – of them.
You don’t stop running until you reach a coast. You wanted to collapse in exhaustion, but you force yourself to keep going until your feet touch the water. Sighing in relief, you close your eyes, allowing the water to give you strength. The wind was chilly tonight, darkness looming above you. The possibility of war was getting closer yet here you were, having just abandoned your brother for Clarisse.
You didn’t know what you were going to do when you reached camp. Would you try convincing Chiron that Clarisse wasn’t the culprit? Would you run away with your girlfriend? Or would you take the blame despite not having the lightning bolt yourself?
You hear a whine before you, prompting you to open your eyes. A creature with the head and front legs of a horse but with the tail of a fish appeared in front of you, tilting its head a little. Your eyebrows scrunched in confusion, “Did my dad send you?” You asked.
Yes, my lady.
Your brows scrunch even more (if that was possible) at the term. Your hand reaches out to pet the hippocampus, the creature leaning into your touch. You were still surprised that your father, Poseidon, decided to help you. He did listen to your prayers most of the time, but you thought that he wasn’t your biggest fan at the moment, seeing how you were about to go to camp and possibly ruin his reputation. You guess you were wrong. A small smile graced its way onto your face as you mumble, “Thank you, father.” You get on the hippocampus, the creature making sure you were properly seated before it started moving.
The sun had completely risen by the time you reached camp. Being on a hippocampus was by far the best mode of transportation, in your opinion. You got good sleep this time. You get off of Summer (you learned that that was her name when you were trying to make conversation), your feet landing on the shore.
“Thank you, Summer. I promise I’ll give you a snack when I see you again.” You promise, smiling softly.
Summer made a noise of approval before diving back into the water.
You look towards the woods, feeling like something was about to go wrong. “You can’t back down now.” You mumble to yourself. Clarisse needed your help. This is the reason why you came back to camp. You will your feet to move, one foot in front of the other.
This wasn’t gonna end well.
Sneaking into camp was easy. Getting past the campers was the hard part. If they saw you, they would bombard you with questions. You can already sense the kind of questions they’d ask, the things they would say. You grit your teeth in annoyance. Everyone seemed to be doing something. Though, the number of campers in the archery practice range and the dining pavilion were smaller compared to the last time you were here. Odd. You shake your head, trudging forward, trying to look for Clarisse.
“You stupid moron! I told you. I didn’t steal the lightning bolt!”
Ah, there she was.
Your heart flutters upon hearing her voice. There was no mistaking that that was her.
You see Luke get out of the armory. You could make out a figure behind him, a girl tied against one of the tables. Your expression hardens as you stare at the Hermes cabin councilor. Before he could meet your gaze, you hide behind one of the cabins.
Anger coursed through you again. Your fists clenched, leaning your head against the structure of the Zeus cabin. You wait for a minute, then another, then another, before you feel your anger subsiding. You use the back part of the cabins in order to get to the armory, rushing past groups of campers before they could spot you.
The armory was unguarded, which was a bad decision on Luke’s part. Like seriously? The armory is the best choice you can come up with to lock up the alleged thief in? There are dangerous weapons in there. If they had caught the real thief and locked them there, it would have been a bloody day. You scowl at their incompetence, but your expression morphs into one of worry when you open the door and see Clarisse.
She glances towards you, squinting her eyes from the harsh glare of the sun. “Y/n? What are you doing here?”
“I don’t have time to explain.” You march towards her and settle yourself in front of her. Her hands were tied. “Gods, what have they done to you?” You mutter, grabbing a dagger from the table above her and using it to cut the rope.
“They’re accusing me of stealing the lightning bolt, which is stupid because I didn’t do it. This must be Percy’s doing.” Clarisse grumbles, an apologetic look crossing her face after she says the last sentence. “Sorry. I know he’s your brother, but…”
“They’re wrong. I know.” You nod reassuringly. Not a second after you finish cutting the rope, Clarisse surges forward to pull you into an embrace. You laugh in surprise, pulling her closer, “Woah, there. Hi.” You close your eyes, inhaling her familiar scent. It was good to have her near you again. You let out a sigh of relief, placing your hand on her hair. “I missed you.” You say.
“I missed you too.” Clarisse replies before reluctantly pulling away. She places both of her hands on your face, as if memorizing it all over again. Her brows were scrunched as she looks at a scar that wasn’t there before you left and you found yourself wanting to ease her worries.
“It’s not as bad as it looks.”
She scowls. “You got hurt.”
“I’m okay now.” You insist. Before she asks follow-up questions, you try to state why you were here in the first place. “I tried to convince Percy, Grover, and Annabeth that you didn’t steal the lightning bolt, but they wouldn’t listen. So, I jumped out of the truck when they were sleeping. I got a few drachmas in case of emergencies. Then, I went to a beach, where a hippocampus appeared and brought me here. And now I’m realizing I didn’t think too far ahead because I don’t know what to do now. If I can’t convince Mr. D or Chiron that you’re innocent, I… We can run away. Yes, that we can do.”
“You did all of that for me?” Clarisse had an unreadable expression on her face. She looked like she wanted to kiss you, yell at you, and cry all at once.
Your brows furrow. “Of course I would. Why wouldn’t I?”
“You could’ve gotten hurt.”
“But I didn’t.”
“That was really stupid.” She says.
“I know.”
“You jeopardized the quest.”
“I know.”
“You could’ve experienced your father’s wrath.”
“I know.” A small laugh escapes you.
Clarisse shakes her head, “You’re unbelievable, you know that?”
“Yes, so I’ve been told.” You roll your eyes.
“Gods, I love you.” Clarisse mumbles.
You sport a teasing grin, “Aww, you do?”
“Shut up.” She punches your shoulder playfully.
“What are you doing?”
Your playful banter came to an end when you hear Luke enter the front door, two of the kids from the Athena cabin standing behind him. You turn, stepping forward to stand in front of Clarisse. You’ve been in similar positions in the past, except she was the one protecting you. Now, it was time to return the favor.
Both Athena kids step forward on Luke’s signal, dragging both you and Clarisse outside, where there was a cluster of campers watching you.
Great, a show. Just what you needed.
“What were you doing with the lightning thief?” Luke questions.
It took a shake of Clarisse’s head to stop you from attacking him. You settled for “accidentally” stepping on his toes instead. “Clarisse is not the lightning thief.” You state. Around you, there stood at least two dozen campers. You spot Chiron and Mr. D amidst the campers and your eyes light up. “You don’t even have proof that she stole the lightning bolt, so how can you be so sure that it’s her?”
Luke ignores your question entirely. “Just give up, Y/n. Stop protecting her. You know that she stole it. We all do.”
“She didn’t steal it!” You yell, meeting Luke’s eyes. It felt like having a staring contest with a statue.
“Yeah, well, how do you know?!” His voice raises to match yours, his cold gaze almost scaring you. Almost.
You fall silent, not having a proper answer to that. Truth was, you didn’t. You could just feel it. But making choices based on feelings isn’t a good enough reason for anyone in this camp. You turn towards Chiron for help, but he doesn’t say anything. The entirety of the Ares cabin is quiet as well. That’s when it occurs to you that if they don’t speak up, there is a zero percent chance that anyone else will.
Luke appears smug, as if he had proved his point. “Exa—”
“Because I did it.”
You shock even yourself at your words, but you do nothing to take them back. You weren’t able to see any other option left. You were surrounded. If you’d try to escape with Clarisse, you weren’t making it out of camp alive. This was your last resort.
“What?” Clarisse says beside you, her voice barely above a whisper. You force yourself not to look at her. You wouldn’t be able to stand the look of betrayal on her face. You’d rather have her hating you than have her punished for something she didn’t do.
Luke scoffs, “No, you didn’t.”
“Yes, I did.”
You don’t break eye contact with Luke as you say the words, ignoring Clarisse’s screams of protest.
For once, Luke was taken aback. He keeps shaking his head, “No, you’re lying. Just give up already. You can’t protect her anymore.”
“I stole the lightning bolt.” You say, louder this time around.
“Miss L/n, that is a serious admission.” Chiron says, his tone grave. You could see the apprehension in his eyes. “Are you sure you stole the lightning bolt?”
“She’s bluffing.” Luke announces, but he sounds unsure.
Your bag grows heavier, as if someone placed a boulder inside it while you were talking to Luke. It was too much to carry. Naturally, you removed the bag from your shoulder, setting it down on the grass. You open the backpack’s zipper, your breath hitching when you see the thing that has been weighing it down. You pull it out of the bag, hearing gasps and words of alarm from the campers.
The bolt crackled in your hand, the color mesmerizing you. You tilt your head with a sly grin, your eyes fixed on Luke.
“Do you believe me now?”
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scarvain · 2 months
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✶ dedicated — hamzahthefantastic x reader
SUMMARY: after a year of dating, you plan on celebrating with your boyfriend but things go a different way.
WARNINGS: nsfw content so MDNI!!! established relationship, reader and hamzah don't live together, miscommunication, angst, fluff, and some more idk
A/N: thank you so much for 100 followers & for all the love on my works!!! this is the longest shit i've ever written AND listen to dance for you by beyonce by the end if u can!!!
you woke up to the sound of your boyfriend's soft snores. his arms were wrapped around you, legs tangled with yours, and the sheets barely covering your bodies. 
you slowly turn to face him, not wanting to stir him awake. his mouth was slightly parted. you place a hand on his cheek, tracing his cheekbone then his jaw. 
minutes after, you place a peck on his cheek then you try your best to get out of bed as fast and quiet as possible. he stirred in his sleep a bit at the loss of your body but still he remained asleep. 
you left the kitchen and made brunch for you. 
recently, hamzah hasn't been coming over to your place and would be busy with editing and work. you both would be sleeping at different times and by morning, you'd always find his arms wrapped around you or his head tucked into your shoulder. 
you were fine with it. both of you always put your career first before everything else, wanting the best for each other and your futures.
but today — it was a very special day. 
it was your anniversary and hopefully, nothing would get ahead of it. 
as you were placing the pancakes on the cake, your bedroom door opens and reveals your boyfriend. his hair messy and eyes still half-closed. 
a smile graces your face as he comes to your view. "hi baby," you greet before returning back to cooking. 
he walks to where you were and wraps his arms around your waist, head finding its way to your shoulder. 
"so today, i was planning to meet there at 8?" you told him while you turned the stove off. he hums in response before speaking.
"i think i have to film with martin at that time... but i'm not entirely sure yet." 
you let out a sigh, untangling yourself from his arms before taking a fork and knife and placing it on his plate. "martin again?" an eyebrow was slightly cocked at him before you went over to sit on the stools by your counter. 
he didn't know what that meant but proceeded to ignore the comment and have breakfast with you. 
it was quiet for a moment, then when you finished breakfast, you quickly got ready for work and bid goodbye to your boyfriend. 
the whole day at work, you've spoken to your co-workers about having to leave earlier than usual so you could prepare for your anniversary dinner with your boyfriend.
hamzah on the other hand... 
"martin! help me please!" he shouted as gave his friend the controller. 
they were currently filming a video and playing until dawn for the upcoming week. martin did the controls while hamzah yapped his ear off until he asked about the time. 
"it's like 9, why? are you celebrating something today?" he asked, both their eyes focused on the screen. 
hamzah wasn't completely sure as to why you guys were meeting up at 8 pm today. he thought about it the whole day. 
"i don't actually know... but i have to go now." the curly-haired boy stood up from his seat, ready to leave until mandy entered the apartment, eyes immediately falling on their recurring guest. "hamzah, what the hell are you doing here?" she said as she took her shoes off. 
"isn't it you and y/n's first anniversary today?" then everything clicks. he doesn't even bother saying goodbye to the couple, immediately leaving to go to their favorite restaurant to see if you were still there. 
the worker said you had left 20 minutes ago. he mentally cursed himself.
he drove to your apartment building as fast as he could. once he arrived, he rang your doorbell and knocked on your door multiple times. you were so sure it would've gotten your neighbors worried. 
yet, you stayed. you stayed in your bedroom like how you stayed in that restaurant, waiting for him to arrive.
"y/n, i know you can hear me. i'm sorry, please open the door." his voice was muffled. 
you could still hear him knocking on your door even after 20 minutes. it seemed like he wasn't going to give up. so you get up from your bed and unlocked your door. 
when it swung open, your eyes were a bit red, sniffling softly as you faced him. guilt was running through his veins at the sight of you crying over him on your anniversary. 
"i'm sorry babe, i got caught with youtube-"
"no hamzah, it's always youtube and i see it now. i see what's more important." you cut him off. your arms were crossed and eyebrows knitted.
"i-it will always be youtube first before me right?" you choked as you said the words, tears welling up in your eyes. 
his eyes soften when tears start to fall down, reaching out to wipe them but you move away from his touch and flinch at his hand coming close to you. 
there was a pause between you two. hamzah opens his mouth to speak until he hears you sniffle. 
"i'm sorry y/n," was the only thing he could get out, feeling his heart fall to the pit of his stomach when you finally looked up at him. "i'll make it up to you i promise." his hands reached to hold yours, placing soft pecks.
you look at him blankly, trying your best to not give in and wrap your arms around him. 
"go home, hamzah." 
it's been three days since you've last seen hamzah. 
he knew you would always want space after every fight but he didn't know how much space you wanted this time. the image of you crying in front of him remained in his mind. he knew he messed up badly.
and so, the past few days, he would leave a fresh bouquet of flowers outside your apartment door and send a paid delivery of your favorite food. he also sent you good morning/night messages and would still update you on his whereabouts.
the small gestures made you miss him more. 
both your absences in your lives had left a void and made the two of you feel empty. 
you end up calling him and he tells you to come over to his place and to wear the dress he didn't get to see and that he'll be fetching you at 8.
the day went quickly and here you were, waiting outside your apartment building. 
when hamzah arrived, he immediately got out of the car and opened your door for you. 
the drive to his apartment was faster than you expected. the two of you didn't speak in the car the entire time, wanting to save everything when you were at his place. 
when he parked the car, he didn't get out of it yet. taking a deep breath then turning to look at you. the dress you wore exposed your thighs with the big slit it had on the side and it hugged you perfectly. 
it drove him insane. you could feel his eyes on you, so you looked up at him. "something wrong?" you asked teasingly, a smirk making its way to your face. 
hamzah cleared his throat before looking away from you. "nothing, let's go." you got out of the car first, not bothering to wait for your boyfriend to open it for you. 
a hand was over his mouth as he watched you sway your hips as you walked. it was like you were doing it on purpose. when you got to his apartment unit, you felt his hands making their way to where they were usually; your waist. 
his hands grazed your waist to the curve of your hips. "you're so beautiful..." he whispered, placing soft kisses on your shoulder up to your neck.
you close your eyes and let out a sigh as he continued to nip at your neck. 
he pulls you closer to his body, lips still on your neck. “hamzah…” your hands tangle in his curls, trying to push him away but he moves to kiss your lips, sucking your bottom lip. the two of you makeout aggressively to the point your teeth clash with each other. 
you were kissing each other for so long, you didn’t notice his hands sliding down to your ass and squeezing it as he pulled you closer to him. 
your hands reach for his tucked button-up shirt, trying to take it off and be even closer to him than you already are. his lips trailed down to your jaw, neck, and collarbone. 
“wanna take this to my room?” he asks you, hands caressing your neck. 
you nod and he holds your hand and takes you there but you see what he has set up on his dining table. “aw, i didn’t know you had something prepared.” you said softly as he closed the door of his bedroom. 
“yeah, wanted to make it up to you,” he said sheepishly, sitting down on his bed as he slowly took off his clothes. 
your eyes soften and you make your way towards him, slotting yourself in between his legs then sitting on his thigh. you place a hand on his cheek and pull him in for another kiss—this time it was softer and slower than the one earlier. 
you whine into the kiss when he slips his tongue in your mouth and you slightly roll your hips on his thigh. 
he reaches for the zipper of your dress, pulling it down before kissing down to your chest. you let out a soft moan as his lips started sucking and leaving open-mouthed kisses on your chest while he had his hands on your hips. 
hamzah starts pulling the sleeves of your dress down, letting you stand up first to take it off completely while he does the same. 
he lays on his bed, only in his boxers, and pulls you to sit on his lap. 
you straddle his lap, sitting down on his crouch, and his hands are on your hips once again. you were left in only your panties as the bra would be too obvious if you wore one under your dress.
he placed kisses all over your neck to your chest before taking one of your nipples in his mouth, swirling his tongue around the bud while he played with your other boob. you whine, digging your nails into his shoulders. 
he trailed kisses until he reached your underwear, looking up for permission. "just touch me hamzah, please," you moaned out, your hands in his hair, pushing him to where you needed him.
he places an open-mouthed kiss on your clothed heat, making you arch your back and tug on his curls. he then takes your underwear off before he proceeds to lap and suck your folds. his tongue swirls around while his thumb rubbed circles on your clit. 
when he started fucking you with his tongue, you kept squirming, his arms wrapped around your thighs as he tried keeping your legs wide open. "hamzah, it's too much," he continues moving his tongue in and out of you, starting to feel himself harden at the sounds you were making.
you start bucking your hips up his face until he stops. 
he begins to take his boxers off, stroking himself for a bit before lining up your entrance. he slides in slowly, watching your face contort as he stretches you open. 
you place your hands on his shoulders as leverage, staying for a while to let you adjust. he kissed you before he started moving in and out of you.
it was slow and gentle, he held one of your legs to his hips to go even deeper while your arms were wrapped around his neck and your fingers tangled in his black curls. 
he placed kisses on your neck once again, sucking at the skin by your pulse before moving down to leave more marks on your chest. 
after a few minutes, his pace started getting faster, the bed's headboard hitting the wall with every thrust he made. 
your moans started getting louder and your legs now wrapped around his torso while his arms wrapped around your body to hold you even closer.
"so tight," he groans as he removes his arms around you and pinned your hips down to the bed to fuck you harder. 
your jaw was slack as you moaned out his name loudly, you were sure his neighbors would already have an idea what you guys were doing but you couldn't care less. 
hamzah's thrusts started to get sloppier, untangling your legs from his torso and pressing his chest against yours as he slowly started to feel the knot in his abdomen. 
a few more thrusts and you come undone, your tight walls clenching around him which then made him spill inside you. 
his head falls to your shoulder, both of you trying to catch your breath. 
"i'm sorry," you hear him mumble before he slides out of you, laying beside you for a while. 
"i know i've been caught up in work and it wasn't an excuse to forget about our anniversary," he sits up a bit, pulling your body to his side so you two could cuddle.
"so, i'm sorry, i really am," you look up at him, a slight frown on his face. 
you place a hand on his cheek and smile. "i love you." he tells you, pecking the palm on your cheek before you place a kiss on his lips. 
"i love you, hamzah." the two of you stay in bed for a while, masking in the post-sex haze. 
after a while of cuddling and sharing a few kisses, you speak. 
"wanna eat what you prepared now?"
✶ taglist — @cdbabymp3 @noturbabe22 @dabuggh3 @kingvioleta @tumb1rgir1z @mfcherry LMK IF U WANNA BE ADDEDDD!!!
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myysaints · 10 months
hi i hope you’re doing okay! i wanted to know if it’s possible to request something with carlos where he had this crush on y/n who’s a famous actress or singer and is a complete mess when he gets to meet her at a grand prix
thanks if you do it and ps i love your work!!
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CARLOS SAINZ x f!singer!reader
⌗︙・ summary — your first appearance at the miami grand prix turns heads – catching the eye of one particularly enthusiastic driver in red.
genre — fluff, socmed au, fc: sabrina carpenter
notes — hi anon!! i am doing okay thank u for asking 🌷 and thank you for the ADORABLEEEEEE request!!! love the idea of carlos being this cool suave guy and just utterly melting lol. thank you for your kind words of support <3 hope i did your request justice! (also thinking of making a pt 2 hehe)
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yourusername    miami i am in u ❤️🤰
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user    literally a goddess
user    we need the album !!!!!!!
user    LMFAOOO the caption she is so unserious i love it
user    mother getting a good rest after a SMASHING world tour, deserved ✨
user    y/n going straight to miami after finishing her asia world tour is so random lol 😭😭
user1    i heard she’s going to the f1 race this weekend, maybe that’s why shes there user2    ohhh, makes sense ig. is she even a fan though? user3    dunno, but a ferrari driver liked her pic so good enough i guess 🤣
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revealmoi    UPDATE: The people anon are referring to are NOT Taylor Swift and Fernando Alonso. Lol.
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user    The way Deux had to say that the blind isn’t about TSwift and Alonso LOL
user    “Fast Times” – Y/N L/N’s newest single. “Blonde songstress” – Definitely L/N. “Spicy individual” – ?
user1    the chili emoji was so random lol user2    has to be carlos sainz, smooth operator and chili are both his nicknames user3    hmmm but anon would have specified if the spicy indiv was a driver right? i feel like that’s pretty big info to leave out
user    not carlos liking the post HELLO?????
user    no way this is about carlos and y/n, he doesn’t even follow her 😭
user4    he likes almost all her posts though user5    lmfao liking posts but not following, that’s even shadier imo 💀💀
user    idk man i’m just glad that my girl y/n is finally getting the appreciation she deserves 👑
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2023 C² Challenge | Music Challenge with Charles Leclerc and Carlos Sainz
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You knew attending a Formula 1 Grand Prix would be hectic – after all, you had just ended the Asian leg of your world tour, and Miami was always swarming with press – but you did not expect just how chaotic things would get.
“It’s great being here!” You flashed a bright smile to Martin Brundle, who was currently following you around the pitlane as apart of Sky Sports’s coverage. “Obviously, I’m here to support Ferrari, who have so kindly invited me this weekend, but I’m just really excited to feel the energy and watch the race.”
Martin nods, a sly smile creeping onto his face. “I just have to ask, out of pure curiosity, of course: Is it true that Carlos Sainz personally invited you to attend this weekend’s race?”
You laugh, casting a nervous look to your publicist, who shakes her head with a stern look. You turn back to Martin and the camera, an apologetic look on your face as you recite the statement your agency has prepared for you. “I really don’t know much, it was Ferrari’s PR team who reached out to me, after all. So, whatever the rumours say, just know I’m as clueless as you are!”
That gets a laugh out of Martin, at the very least, and you think that he’s about to leave you alone. However, unfortunately for you, you’ve just reached the Ferrari garage, and are greeted by the sight of none other than Carlos Sainz himself standing at the entrance, chatting with his engineer.
Your publicist almost immediately motions for you to step aside, but Martin is one step ahead of her as he grabs your arm, tugging you along with him as he makes a beeline towards the Spaniard.
“You know what – Why don’t we ask the man himself?” he grins deviously, steadfastly making his way into the Ferrari garage.
You stutter out weak protests, casting doubtful looks to your publicist. But she merely sighs, pinching the bridge of her nose, gesturing for you to go ahead with Martin. You shrug, following Martin into the Ferrari garage. Not that you have much of a choice – the presenter seems unshakeable as he heads towards Carlos, who has his back turned, blissfully unaware of the chaos approaching him.
“Carlos! Carlito! My man!”
The Ferrari driver grins, whipping around as Martin claps a hand on his back. “Martin! What brings you to the gara-”
As his gaze shifts from Martin to you, his voice trails off. Time seems to slow – A red heat spreads across his face, and he ducks his head down in a fit of sudden coughs. You stand by Martin’s side with a small smile, extending your hand to offer him a water bottle.
“You okay?” you ask with a teasing smile.
Carlos nods furiously, a large hand reaching out to take the water bottle from you. His fingertips brush yours as he does so, and butterflies erupt in your stomach. He blushes harder at the brief moment of contact, turning his face away from you as he gulps down the water, still spluttering.
Amidst a few weak coughs, he grits out, “Choked on my spit,” before clearing his throat, raising his head to flash you a shy smile.
Martin sends you a knowing smirk, chuckling lowly. “Come on, what happened to being the ‘Smooth Operator’, huh?”
You roll your eyes playfully, returning Carlos’s meek smile with a bright grin. “Oh, lay off him, Martin.”
Turning to Carlos now, you extend your hand with what you hope is your friendliest smile, “Nice to meet you, Carlos! I’m Y/N.”
“I know,” he blurts out, all too quickly. His cheeks flush red, and he clears his throat awkwardly. “I mean, yeah, I know... ‘Cause, well, I like your music. It’s really good.”
Martin cuts in, microphone in hand, “So, Carlos, word ‘round here is that you were the one who campaigned for Y/N to be invited. Is that true?”
Carlos rubs the back of his neck sheepishly, suddenly averting his eyes and avoiding your gaze as he smiles shyly. “I don’t know who told you that… I’ll need to have a chat with the team about adding more privacy clauses in their contracts next time.”
You giggle, and that makes his head snap towards you. “Nothing, nothing, ignore me. That was just hilarious.”
“Ignore you?!” Martin exclaims, practically shoving you towards the Ferrari driver, whose eyes have now almost doubled in size. “Oh, come on, you youngsters. Get to know each other! This isn’t the 1920s, you don’t need an old geezer like me to chaperone you all the time. Get chattin’!”
You send Carlos a teasing smile, to which he shyly returns.
“Well, Carlos,” you bump his hip playfully, “How ‘bout a tour of the garage?”
He nods, leaping up and offering you his hand, ever the gentleman. “Of course, it’d be my pleasure.”
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yourusername    newintown.jpg (#forzaferrari)
view all 2,401,829 comments
carlossainz55    That camera looks familiar…🤨
yourusername    drop the .jpg account then we’ll talk user    LOL shes so real for that
user    the forza ferrari hashtag ajdfgshdf shes a true tifosi to the core
yourusername    always! ❤️🌶
landonorris    Ayo where’d that ring come from carlossainz55?
This comment has been deleted.
landonorris    Nice meeting you Y/N!
landonorris    Friendship bracelets (and rings) are always welcome ❤️ carlossainz55    Blocking you. yourusername    reporting you. landonorris    😭😭😭 WHAT’D I DOOOOOOOO
user    the way carlos literally manifested this LMFAO
Liked by carlossainz55
user    excuse me ms l/n but WHO is that on the third slide !!!!!!
user1    carlos sainz user2    NO WAY…. user3    and another one bites the dust…
user    carlos never beating the simp allegations i fear
user    “To new friends”…. i remember…..
user    i smell a new wag in townnnnnnn !
yourusername    just friends, don’t make it weird please 🤍 user4    LOLLL GIRL YOU TELL EM
user    i know carlos was crying after seeing y/n’s just friends comment lmfao
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carlossainz55 added to their story!
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yourusername reacted with 🤭
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grandline-fics · 5 months
All That I Need
DESCRIPTION: When your presence is all they crave
WARNINGS:  Just fluff
CHARACTERS: Sabo, Sanji |Luffy,Zoro,Shanks
A/N: Hope everyone has a wonderful and happy New Year. Be safe however you celebrate.
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The role of Chief of staff to the Revolutionary Army was one Sabo would never give up. To even consider that would be laughable to him. Yes it was dangerous at times and hard work but a difference was being made and it was rewarding. However on long missions like these that took him away from you on extended periods of time his resolve did get tested. On the one hand the growing agitation of being away from you could at times make him distracted but on the other hand the anticipation of being in your presence again was a very strong motivator to get the mission finished as soon as possible.
It was a blessing in disguise that the events on Dressrosa greatly intensified for Sabo just when his need to hurry things along was reaching its limit. Reuniting with Luffy and the chance to get Ace’s devil fruit steeled his mind to keep on track enough until everything was completed. Satisfied that he had done all he needed to and that Luffy was safe he finally made the return to the Revolutionary base. When he set his feet on the island he considered home he couldn’t keep the grin off of his face, knowing that finally seeing you would be only minutes away and no longer days or weeks.
Knowing he had one more duty to conclude he ran as fast as he could to Dragon’s office, the small line of line coming from beneath the door telling him his commander was still awake. Sabo barely knocked once before entering and rattled through a condensed and hurried summary of the mission and its success in record time. Dragon was used to this by now, all too aware of the childlike giddiness that took over his second in command when every fibre in his body was being pulled to wherever you were in desperation. “Just go Sabo, but just be mindful that they’re sleeping.”
Sabo’s face fell into a heavy pout as he left the room and walked to the living quarters he shared with you. Logically he told himself that you’d both been apart for long enough that the rest of the night wouldn’t be too long of a wait by comparison. Then again logic wasn’t his priority. He needed to be with you, his whole body compelled him to be near you now. When he entered your shared bedroom he took in your peaceful sleeping form and felt his heart race just a little faster. Quickly shedding his coat, gloves and boots he climbed into the bed instead of doing his usual nighttime routine and wrapped his arms tightly around you, pulling you as humanly possible against his chest while he nuzzled his head into the crook of your neck. 
“Welcome back Chief…” he grinned at your greeting, slurred and heavy with sleep. Lightly he pressed a kiss against your shoulder as your fingers found their way into his blond hair and curled against the nape of his neck. As you felt Sabo’s body relax on top of yours as sleep finally claimed him you let your mind linger just a little longer on the edge of consciousness. As much as you wanted to go back to sleep your body needed to anchor yourself to him too, to keep him close and take in his warmth and the feel of him again for as long as possible.
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Cooking was his passion and he’d never want to do anything else. However on a day like this he did resent it just a little. With a feast to beat all other feasts needing to be made it meant he was practically a prisoner in his own kitchen with no end to the meals he had to make in sight. Damn Luffy for making such a huge declaration with very little time to prepare and after such a long battle it meant he hadn’t seen you in what felt like a lifetime. With a heavy pout he tried to make the food as quickly as possible while still ensuring it was the best quality as always. The only problem was he couldn’t stop thinking about you. 
He wanted to see your face, hear your voice and laugh, embrace the feeling of your presence that he just could never get enough of. When he first met you he fell hard and knew that what he felt for you was far different than any other passing infatuation he’d experienced. Something told him that this was real and he made sure to enjoy every day with you being on the crew. It was just a shock but a very pleasant one that you also developed feelings for him too during the adventures on the crew and not once did he ever take it for granted. 
At the sound of the door opening, Sanji turned ready to yell at Luffy to get out and wait patiently for the feast he was so desperate for only for his anger to die at the sight of you entering the room. Immediately he felt his legs carry him away from the stoves to meet you halfway, the excitement on his face unshakable and infectious as you returned the grin he had. His arms slipped around your body and pulled you close, kissing the top of your head and letting out a soft hum of contentment when your arms tightened around him. “Need any help?” You offered, looking up to smile at him. 
“Just having you here is all the help I need, love.” Sanji told you gratefully, pressing one more kiss against your temple before reluctantly pulling away to tend to the mountain of food that still needed to be made. Having the brief moment would be enough to keep him sated until he was done. His heart skipped when you followed closely behind him and tucked yourself against his side. “Everything okay?” He asked, glancing down to see you look over his food in appreciation and a content smile on your lips. 
“I’m great, I just know how Luffy’s spontaneity for this feast ruined any plans we had for today.” You told him, leaning your head against his chest. “Plus I missed you.” Sanji couldn’t help but beam at your words. He knew out of the two of you, he could seem the more invested one and sometimes clingy or overly affectionate so it was rewarding to hear you missed him just as much as he had been missing you. Overwhelmed with his rush of emotions he abandoned the food for another brief moment to lean down and kiss you deeply.  
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tadc-ragatha · 8 months
Hello I saw you were taking request! If you want may you please write a x Virus! Reader who always hacks into the code for the character’s favor during missions or simple things like wanting something
I thought it would be a interesting idea and I hope everything is going well for you, remember to eat/ rest if needed!
Circus Crew with a Virus Reader
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TW: Mentions of their unstable minds. Lmk if there are any more.
Type: Headcanons
A/N: "Reader's code got messed up during their transition to the digital world, leaving them with the ability to somewhat hack into the digital circus' code in real time." Hi! You were so polite I'm going to do your request first! Thank you for your manners! This one includes Caine, too! As of writing, only the pilot episode has come out. Spoilers. You're the first request I'm answering! Requests open as of posting.
He treats you like Bubble sometimes to be honest ("you PARASITE!"). Like, he doesn't hate the humans, but nor does he understand them. And you'd be pretty upset if your worked-on projects and activities were wiped from the code without a care. You're probably his least favourite human for this alone.
Legit, he may just consider finding an exit for you. Again, no real "hatred" per se, but he does find your antics extremely annoying. You probably have to make up some lie about the group just working real hard to fix it so he doesn't abstract himself--if that's even possible. But Jax will always ruin it anyway.
She's just like "what?" the whole time. I mean, it's bad enough being the newbie in the digital circus, but then being reminded it's really reality for her and it can become unstable? No thank you. She doesn't quite avoid you or anything, but she isn't super keen on the idea that the world could fall apart.
Still, she tries to get you to help her find the exit. Maybe if you interacted with the computer you'd be able to hack into the whole game and get everyone out of the world. Or, maybe there's something you could do in the void that would help. Anything, really.
Otherwise, you're there to get the games finished so she can go and look for a way out herself. Don't get me wrong, she's nice to you and doesn't intend to just use you, but sometimes it might come off that way. Just give her time; she's desperate.
To be honest, I don't think Ragatha would be very keen on having you around. For your abilities, of course, not your personality. I mean, she's nice to Jax of all people, so she's not going to hate you. She just doesn't like it when you end the activities so quickly.
She holds onto the activities like a lifeline. Without them, she'd be left alone with her thoughts and would pretty quickly start to decline. They're also just kind of fun sometimes, too. There's not much to do in the digital world after years of being there.
She is still a little bit envious, though. I mean, Jax gets to almost teleport (seriously was that him running he was so fast), and you get to hack the freaking system. If only she could have those abilities and maybe she's be able to find an exit. Though, that would probably drive her to abstraction.
Jax is half annoyed, half ecstatic with your abilities. On one hand, having you mess things up for everyone's convenience is a pain. It stops him from being able to complete his pranks when things suddenly change. And if you do things to stop him from being a jerk, he'll be even more annoyed and will probably make it a challenge for himself to see how many times he can successfully target you.
On the other hand, if you're his ally and will help him in his bullying, he's very happy. I hate to say it, but you'd probably mess things up around Kinger at first so he has a bit of a reality crisis and doesn't know what's real. Though, he'd get used to it after a while and it may not work since he's already seen so much.
Still, you two are partners in crime. Since you're able to do almost whatever, it's easy to get away with what you want. Caine is able to stop you, but he still can't control your mind where you're abilities come from. So, he can't shut them off. And this just leads to more and more torment for Caine and the others.
To be honest I don't know how Kinger would react. I think he might just be too out of it to even care too much. That, or he's used to it because something similar has happened before. I mean, he's been there the longest; he would've seen some weird things. Maybe someone else with similar abilities came through only to abstract.
If so, he'd warn you a lot about it. Don't get too wrapped up in your "superpowers" of sorts, or else you might start thinking of yourself too highly. And don't become power-hungry, either, lest you want to go insane. He does care about his friends, guys.
Gangle is a bit scared, I imagine. When she's lost her comedy mask, anyway. She just wants a sense of stability and comfort in the uncertain and uncharted territory of the digital world. She's also really shy around you, as with anyone. She doesn't talk to you much out of a mixture of social anxiety and also general fear.
She does feel bad for you, though, and tries to check up on you. Her and Ragatha are the most caring out of the group, and knowing that your code has been corrupted must be very stressful. The trade-off of getting cool glitch powers comes at the cost of your protection and memory. You're much more prone to headaches (which you shouldn't have) and other ailments, and Gangle's always there to try and make you feel better.
Otherwise, it'd be very nice for her if you could get Jax to stop being a jerk somehow. Maybe prank him with some weird happenings so he's too scared to do anything? Or just mess with him (whether it be making him super small and punt-able, or making him super slow). She'd feel guilty about it, but she deserves a break.
Zooble's so relieved. They hate the activities and being able to get out of them is such a relief. She has more time to do whatever the hell he wants. If you're their friend, you'll walk off and hang out together doing whatever. Honestly, around them you probably just use your powers for convenience like dragging items towards you and whatnot. Nothing like what Jax does.
Zooble will literally be like "where are they" when you're not there to fix things up. In fact, he'll take it as an excuse to leave the activity and go look for you. Though, it'll probably turn into Ragatha coming with her and inviting Gangle to come along too. Jax will follow, then Kinger probably will, and soon the whole group is going anyway. Not exactly what they wanted; they'll probably tell them to leave and take care of whatever's at hand.
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auroreliis · 8 months
Batfam would have to do research on my special interests if they want to win me over fast but also the thought of super serious Bruce and Damian watching/reading jojos bizarre adventure is really funny to me
Absolutely they would. For you, they would binge every show, play every game and read every paragraph of a book just to have something in common with you. They would all do it for different reasons, but in the end, you would have to listen to them outnerd you.
Bruce's regard for your interests is wholesome. He genuinely wants to know what makes you happy, what you do in your free time, what you could talk about for hours. In order to be able to listen to you talk for hours, he surrounds himself with your interests. You like this artist? He buys a few of their most popular albums. This game is entertaining to you? He either tries it out or watches you play it. There's this film you're excited about? He watches it with you.
Although most of your interests are different, he does actually find himself enjoying anything you enjoy. Perhaps it reminds him of you.
Dick has this one fear. He believes that no matter how persistent he is, if you aren't reciprocating his clinginess, the two of you will grow apart eventually, so he never leaves you alone, even when you beg him to. It isn't really a secret, as he makes it quite obvious, but he hopes you will one day embrace him as he embraces you. You probably get sick of him and tell him how boring he is, which shatters his heart completely.
Now he has to figure out a way to spend time with you, but he needs to make sure you are also enjoying his company, lest you hurt him with your cruelty once more, so he researches every last fact about your interests, be it an activity, a game, a book, a person, he knows everything about it. Dick doesn't want to make it obvious that he only found out this information the night prior, so he cautiously needs to start a conversation.
He most likely waits until you are occupied with your interest before walking up to you, "Hey, is that _____? Wow, I used to be obsessed with it as a kid, I'm suprised you even know it, it isn't that popular and it's quite old." He pats your head and sits down next to you, grinning as you start rambling about it to him. You are actually talking to him. It worked.
Jason is careful when sharing his interests with you. He needs to preserve his reputation as your cool older brother and usually people don't share his interests, so when he finds you reading a classic book, he seats himself nearby, waiting for you to finish reading. Once you're done, he makes sure you enjoyed the book before fanboying about it. You immediately notice how much of a nerd he is. He also recommends similar books or ones he thinks you would enjoy as well. In the end he pulls you into so many fandoms that you stop listening when he recommends books. You've already got like 40 more to read.
Tim does not have this problem. The moment he knew you existed, he educated himself and has kept up with your interests ever since. "Just in case", or ,"Just because", he said, typing a summary of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. "I might as well", he takes notes while binging One Piece. This guy is clinically insane. Fortunately for him, he can now start conversations with you very easily, since he knows everything about your interests (and everything else about you).
Side note: If you refuse to spend time with him even after he did all that for you, the following outcomes are possible:
Either you pity him and spend time with him or Dick tries and fails to guilt trip you, only to end up forcing you to spend time with poor Tim who was awake for a whole week just to impress you (Tim frantically nods along with anything Dick says).
Damian takes great pride in having things in common with you, so as soon as he notices you being fond of something, he surrounds himself with it. You have a favourite colour? He creates a few painting with specifically that colour. You like a certain animal? He will try to adopt one. Damian would, of course, never admit it to you, but he desperately wants you to notice that you two have similar interests (As in, you have an interest and he pretends to also like it just so you maybe talk to him).
If you don't talk to him, he will become more aggressive with his attempts of having you notice him, perhaps randomly coming into your room to paint, claiming that the lighting there is better. Or he asks Bruce to adopt a certain animal during dinner. His attempts are obvious to you, but he doesn't know that.
Cassandra wouldn't really need to share interests with you. She's always close to you anyway. While she does speak to you every now and then, she is perfectly comfortable with sitting in your proximity in silence. However, if you ever asked her to, she would research anything you need her to in order to rant or ramble to her. As long as she has her eyes on you, anything is fine.
Stephanie immediately goes to Tim for help, knowing that he went insane and made a bunch of summaries and notes. First, she makes fun of him, then she apologises, because he threatened to take the notes away, she then complains about how much there is to read before finishing the essays Tim wrote, giving herself about a week. Steph then talks to you as if she didn't go through all that trouble just to have a topic to talk to you about.
Dick told Barbara all about his shenanigans. She even helped him figure out what you're interested in, even researching about it herself. She isn't as intrusive as the others, instead waiting until the moment is right, not wanting to scare you away or overwhelm you. Perhaps if you're alone, she'll come up to you and start with small talk, only really mentioning your special interest if it's involved somehow. Overall, she is the least feral of the bunch (in this situation, at least).
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originalaccountname · 28 days
Uhh i just finish stormbringer and i didnt quite understood Rimlaine relationship im sorry if this comes off as annoying its just that i read some of your analysis and you explain thing very good, thanks in advance 💗
Their relationship is complicated and contradictory. Ultimately, their lack of communication (both in talking and listening) dug a hole so deep between them that they both had to die before it was fixed.
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I'm gonna attempt a timeline to break it down, so you can see what happened. This got way too long despite my best efforts so I'm putting it under a cut:
At an undisclosed time, Rimbaud, a spy/special agent working for France, goes to defeat a mad scientist and ability user, Pan. Pan had created a sort of puppet, named Black No12, who could manipulate gravity and obeyed him blindly. Rimbaud managed to cut the link between them, and Black No12 turned against and killed his creator and master.
Rimbaud took Black No12 under his wing as a fellow spy for France. He trained him and made him his partner. He gave him a name, his name from before he changed his identity to become a spy: Paul Verlaine.
Rimbaud wanted the formerly brainwashed person he found to be independent. Despite his origins, Rimbaud wanted Verlaine to feel human. He was his friend and wanted him to be happy.
Verlaine, on the other hand, was haunted by not being or feeling human. He felt lonely and isolated, and Rimbaud pushing so hard to make him feel human only rubbed salt in the wound. But he didn't tell Rimbaud any of that.
Rimbaud gave Verlaine the hat right before their operation in Japan to retrieve project Arahabaki. The hat had a special ability alloy woven into it meant to make sure no outside instructions could be used to brainwash him again. That was Rimbaud trying to guaranty Verlaine complete agency, one step closer to making him human. This was only a grim reminder of what he was to Verlaine. After the lukewarm reception of his gift, Rimbaud starts to feel permanently cold.
When they got (what they thought was) the artificial human from Project Arahabaki out of the lab, Verlaine was taken by the Bungou Stray Dogs curse of seeing yourself in other people and wanting to save them to save yourself. Verlaine told Rimbaud he was taking the child and going into hiding to raise him as a normal human being, to protect the child from the same pain he felt. Rimbaud, who hadn't realized how his dear friend suffered, still didn't understand and tried to reason with Verlaine that they couldn't possibly turn their backs to their home, and that the child would still be with them in France.
This poor communication resulted in Verlaine feeling trapped and choosing to shoot his only friend in the back. They fought and Rimbaud got the upper hand before he got surrounded by the lab's guards and desperately tried to use Arahabaki to defeat them too. This ended in the Suribachi incident and his loss of memory. Verlaine still had enough strength to stop Arahabaki/Chuuya's rampage before vanishing who knows where.
Fast forward 8 years, Fifteen happens, with Rimbaud, now permanently cold, who got some of his memories back. Rimbaud wants to know more than anything what happened to his partner and friend all those years ago, and is even willing to kill Chuuya (and Dazai) for it. As he dies, he remembers what happened that night while they were escaping, and how Verlaine chose to shoot him in the back over Chuuya. He tells Chuuya that he was probably human all along, and to live no matter what, before vanishing into thin air.
One year later, and Verlaine has found Chuuya and decided to try again to take him so they can be lonely together. He's trying to both isolate and protect Chuuya in a twisted sense of responsibility and kinship (and the power of projection). When Verlaine finally loses himself to Guivre, he manages to tell Chuuya about how he stopped Arahabaki 9 years ago in Suribachi so Chuuya could do it to him now. Chuuya understands from this that Verlaine might have felt lonely and oh so bitter about the world, that he might have hated his existence, but he had found friendship in Rimbaud and wished to save the world in his name. One person had been worth it, so he couldn't just destroy it all.
After the fight is over, Verlaine is dying from Guivre's energy having been depleted by Chuuya's efforts. As he dies, Rimbaud appears: Rimbaud has created a singularity with his own ability at the time of his death, maintaining his mind alive in his subspace by absorbing himself as his ability on loop. He's like the Old Boss was in Fifteen, just a puppet, not a human... but he's still Rimbaud. And Rimbaud wanted his friend to live and be happy.
Rimbaud apologizes for not understanding Verlaine's struggle with humanity and incidentally handling it badly. Then, he passed on his ability, now a singularity, onto Verlaine to replace Guivre as his source of life: a lot less powerful, but enough to keep him going. Rimbaud tells him he's glad Verlaine was born because he got to meet him, and disappears for good.
Verlaine realized then, way too late, that he really cared about Rimbaud. Rimbaud spent a whole year as something that wasn't human just for the chance of seeing Verlaine again and apologize to him. That got to Verlaine too. Since then, he's been hiding in the Port Mafia's basement, uncaring of the world, and mourning his friend and the friendship he passed by without knowing.
In the shortest, in-novel words possible:
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love1other · 7 months
Safe Word // Sana
Bit of smut, angst, and fluff
WC- 2,750
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“Baby, do we have to go?” Sana whines wrapping her arms around you so her front is to your back. 
“I wish we didn’t, but I need to be seen at this event and kiss ass to the up tops if I want this promotion.” 
Sana moves her head so it’s resting on your shoulder and her mouth is next to your ear.
“Are you sure we can’t just stay home?” She mumbles lips brushing your earlobe.
Sana continues, “Seeing you all dressed up is doing stuff to me,” and starts to suck on your earlobe lightly. 
“Baby I really can’t,” you say as Sana continues down to your neck with small open mouth kisses. 
You subconsciously tilt your head to give her better access, despite knowing you can't stay home
Sana is the true definition of a vixen and she knows it. On top of that, she knows how to exactly get her way even in the bedroom where you're supposed to hold all the control. 
You might be the one telling her what to do but at the end of the day, you both know who’s in control. 
But that’s pretty much all Dom/Sub relationships, well the healthy ones that is. 
The dom takes control in the bedroom, decides what happens, how it happens, and how it ends. But Sana has control over if it continues or not, control of the safeword. 
If the safeword is ever even uttered you stop immediately and make sure your sub is okay. 
Sana has never had to say it during bedroom time but she has gotten close and you felt horrible about it. 
You had had the absolute shittiest day at work, running late and getting scolded by your boss and then having hot coffee spilled over your new white blouse, then again getting yelled at by your boss because of someone else’s fuck up. 
And on top of all that you had your sexy girlfriend sending you damn near nude pics of herself all day stating that she just “wanted your opinion on some new lingerie.” 
Yeah, you were royally pissed and turned on come the end of the day. 
And you took your frustrations out on Sana. 
You probably fucked her on every item at your house that night. But you’d never let her finish. Right as you’d feel her start to clench around your fingers or she’d make that distinct moan that lets you know she’s about to come as you’re thrusting into her with her favorite strap, you’d stop, give her a few minutes to calm down and then immediately go back to it. 
Sana’s least favorite is edging and that’s all you did all night long. 
Towards the end she was a begging crying mess, you could barely understand what was coming out her mouth besides her saying please over and over. 
To be honest, you didn’t mean for it to go on so long, you were so caught up in your own head about the shitty day you had that you just kept going without thinking. 
When you finally came to you had Sana on her back, her legs spread, you between them with your strap going as hard and fast as you could with your hand massaging her clit in tune with your thrusts. 
Your other hand is next to her head holding yourself up. Sana's hand clenching your wrist, in a bruising grip as she begs for you to let her cum. 
You’ve had Sana begging before, but never like this, and you could tell just from these new pleas that you’ve gone too far. 
You could feel her clenching around the strap and her higher than normal pitch moan that let you know she was going to cum and you didn’t stop like you had been all night. You kept going and Sana had possibly one of the most earth-shattering orgasms she's ever had. 
Sana passed out right after it and at first you panicked, she’s never immediately passed out before. But you realized she had to of been exhausted after the edging you had done all night, even you were pretty beat; you cleaned her up before laying down next to her and holding her. 
When she awoke the next day you apologized profusely even calling out of work to give her all the aftercare and affection you could. 
She told you that it was okay, that she was completely okay with it. 
But you weren’t. 
You vowed to never let yourself get lost in your head like that again, that was too much for your Sana. You would have been heartbroken had you made your love safeword. 
Since that night, you’ve been more caring and soft with Sana in the bedroom, scared you’d go overboard like you did last time. 
Unbeknownst to you Sana has been a bit frustrated with the soft and caring approach you’ve had recently. 
Despite the edging being a bit too long she still enjoyed that night very much. You had never been so rough and mean to her before and gods did Sana enjoy it more than she thought she would. 
Something about the way you’d grasp her tightly, and maneuver her into the position you wanted not giving her a chance to comprehend before using her again had her getting wet just thinking about it. 
Gods she just wanted you to be rough with her like that again. Yet you’ve been the complete opposite and she doesn’t know what she could do to get you to be that way with her again. 
That is until she realized she has the perfect opportunity at this event you’ll be attending tonight. 
Sana has a 3 step plan: 
Get Y/n turned out and frustrated before going. ✓
Flirt with another for Y/n to see.
Y/n gets angry, takes Sana home, and fucks her roughly 
Step one is already complete, now on to steps 2 and 3.
The event is very classy, with everyone dressed to the nines, and fancy caterers walking around offering drinks and hors-d’oeuvres. Even a hosted bar with endless drinks. 
But despite all the fanciness, it was still boring.
Y/n tried to stay with Sana as long as she could, feeling bad for even having to come and dragging Sana along, but alas she had to go and kiss ass to her bosses boss.
Y/n leaves Sana at the bar with a soft kiss on her temple and a promise to be back soon. 
Shortly after having sat down on the bar stool and ordering a drink, a woman sits beside Sana. 
Sana can’t deny that she’s a beautiful woman. 
The woman waves down the bartender and orders herself a drink, “I’ll have a dry martini, and another of whatever the gorgeous lady next to me is having.” 
‘Ahh so not just a beautiful woman but a confident one too. Seems I found someone to help me make my Y/n angry.’ Sana thinks giving the woman a flirty smile after making sure Y/n is going to be able to see Sana, and of course she is. 
The few times they’ve gone to events like this and Y/n has had to leave Sana to talk to others, she always makes sure to position herself so she can see Sana at all times. 
Sana loves that Y/n is always looking out for her, she also especially loves it as it helps her plans tremendously.
Sana continues to openly flirt with the woman every time she sees Y/n look her way, which has been more often.
“I see you’re drinking wine, you should join me back to my place, I have an exquisite collection that I’m certain you’ll appreciate, among other things.” The woman states moving closer to Sana. 
One thing Sana learned about this woman is not only is she confident, she's also horribly arrogant, and had Sana not needed this woman to make Y/n angry she would have left long ago. 
But seems I won't have to be in this woman's presence much longer as Y/n is making her way over with clenched fists. 
Y/n is glaring at the woman as she gets close and places her arm around my waist pulling me to her. 
Gods I’m so giddy, Y/n is so angry that she’s shaking. 
“Why hello Y/n, it’s been a while hasn’t it?” 
“Come on Sana we’ve got to go,” Y/n says not paying the woman any attention. 
Sana, a bit confused about how the woman knows Y/n but still wanting to push Y/n a bit more decides to put up a bit of a fuss about leaving. 
“Aww but baby I’ve just found some good company to talk to, she’s even invited me back to hers to see her wine collection.” 
“It’s not any b-better than the wine collection we have back home,” Y/n states with a stutter causing Sana to pause. 
Y/n hasn’t stuttered since they first met, and about three months into their relationship it went away entirely. 
Is Y/n really that angry that she’s stuttering again? 
Sana confused looks up at Y/n to see her already staring at her with a look that Sana can’t decipher. 
“We’ll I’m sure this beautiful lady here can make that decision on her own don’t ya think Y/n?” The woman says reaching over and placing her hand on Sana's arm. 
“No one a-asked you, now come on Sana.” 
Sana doesn't particularly like the way this woman is saying Y/n name in such a taunting manner but seeing how angry it's making her she lets it be and has one more go at pushing her lover before leaving by not removing the woman's hand from her arm like her instincts tell her to.
“Yeah baby, her wine collection sounds like it’s a lot better than ours. I could go just for a little while to see it?” Sana asks looking at Y/n again while fluttering her eyes. Knowing this will push Y/n over the edge. 
Y/n stares at Sana with that same look in her eye, before leaning in, her lips to Sana's ear. 
Sana goes completely still. Red? Like red is how absolutely angry she is? 
Sana leans back and looks at Y/n with confusion and goes to question her but stops as she sees tears in the corner of her eyes. 
Red as in our safeword Sana realizes in horror. Has she been misreading all of Y/n’s signs? 
Oh gods the look in her eye and her shaking is not anger but fear? 
Y/n stops their staring contest and turns around to leave, her right hand grasping Sanas' left to pull her along. 
Sana goes to join but is pulled to a stop at a tug of her right arm that the woman still has a hold of. 
“Now come on honey, you’ll just be disappointed with this one, she’s horrible in bed.” The woman states with a condescending voice. 
Who does this bitch think she is talking about her Y/n like that? Sana thinks ripping her arm away from the woman. 
Before Sana can go off on this condescending bitch she’s stopped by a gentle tug on her wrist “Please Sana, let’s just go.” Whispers Y/n. 
Sana not wanting to upset Y/n more than she already has nods, grasps her hand tighter, and pulls them away from the woman, but not before throwing the bitch a glare over her shoulder. 
Y/n is still lightly trembling as they grab their coats and make it outside to their Uber, neither of them saying a word. 
Gods Sana fucked up; she’s never seen Y/n this withdrawn before. 
Just who the fuck was that woman? 
They make it home and to their bedroom and dress down from the event. 
“Baby?” Sana questions walking out of the bathroom and seeing Y/n sitting on the edge of the bed, staring at her hands. 
Y/n doesn't acknowledge her, prompting Sana to inch closer, kneel in front of Y/n and gently take her hands in her own.
“Baby look at me,” Sana pleads causing Y/n to look up with glossy eyes. 
Sana's heart breaks, she’s only seen Y/n cry once before and it was during a sad movie. But to see her now trying to hold back tears because of something Sana did makes her feel absolutely horrible. 
“I’m sor-” Y/n starts but Sana cuts her off. “You have nothing to apologize for, I’m the one who’s sorry.” 
Sana reaches up and wipes a tear that had escaped, then cups Y/n's face in both hands. “Gods I’m so sorry for how I acted and for making you cry.” 
Y/n turns her face and gives Sana’s palm a light kiss, “It’s not you honey, it’s her that made me so upset.” 
“Who is she?” Sana questions.
“She is Monica, we used to date and had a relationship a lot like ours, except she was the domme and I was the submissive, and she liked being a domme in more ways than just the bedroom.” 
Y/n continues 
“She wasn’t a good domme, very mentally and borderline physically abusive, especially in the bedroom. But I stayed as she had me believing I deserved it.” 
Sana leans up and kisses Y/n on the forehead to comfort her. 
“I- she didn’t really believe in the safeword; instead of red meaning stop it just meant slow down and her telling me I need to be a “good girl and toughen up,” but one day she- she went way too far,” Y/n sucks in a deep breath, “When I got back to mine I broke up with her, changed my number and moved two districts away” 
“She made me dislike being submissive, to trusting someone while being so raw and open for them to treat you so horribly and not let them have the one control they could rely on during those situations.” Yn shivers slightly, “It just does a number on you.”
“Tonight was the first time I’ve seen her in almost 2 years, and seeing her with you flirting, I panicked.” Y/n finishes.
“Gods baby I’m so sorry, I wasn’t actually flirting with her, I was just doing it for you to see and get angry with me.” 
Y/n looks up confused, “Why do you want me angry at you?”
“Because I like it when you’re mean and rough with me and you only seem to get that way when you’re angry.” Sana continues a bit sheepishly.
“That night a couple of weeks ago when you came home all angry and just took your frustrations out on me, despite the edging going on for a bit too long, was one of the best orgasms I've had and it was because you were being so rough.” 
Sana reaches forward and clasps Y/n hands once more. “And since that night you’ve been so caring, and it's not that I don’t like when you're caring, I just want you to be a bit rough with me too, but it's like since that night you've been scared to.” 
“I kinda have been.” 
“I didn't mean for the edging to go on for so long, I had got lost in my own head and wasn't fully paying attention to you. At the end you looked so unsatisfied and very close to using the safeword,” Y/n breaks eye contact and glances down at our hands. 
“I don't ever want to go too far and you to use the safeword, and I feel like I've failed by getting you so close to saying it that night.” 
“Oh baby, yes the edging was a bit too long for my full liking, but I trust you.”
Y/n looks up meeting Sana’s eyes.“Still?” Sana gives a gentle smile, “Always.” 
“Do you trust me?” Sana asks.
“Of course!” 
“Then trust me and let me show you how that fake domme was supposed to treat you.” 
Sana leans up on her knees and kisses Y/n softly. 
“No need for a safeword, if you say stop we stop,” Sana runs her hands up Y/n arms to her shoulders, to then rest around her neck. “Okay?” 
“Okay,” Y/n agrees while staring at Sana’s lips, which stretch into a seductive smirk. 
“Good, now get undressed for me baby girl, you've been driving me crazy all day.”
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eat-limes-bitches · 4 months
Love After War
PAIRING: Female Reader x FATWS! Bucky Barnes
SUMMARY: The mind has a way of playing tricks on you, images you thought to be real are just a figment of your past. But how to get back to the present?
WARNINGS: Angst, nightmares, PTSD, panic attack, cannon-level violence, torture, smidgen of fluff at the end
Word Count: 1239
A/N: soooooo this was supposed to be the start of my Febuwhump challenge but with the way my life is going right now I won't be able to finish all the prompts by the end of the month, BUT I will post the ones I have done, and I will keep working on some prompts as well but don't expect them to be in order at all.
Prompt: Helpless
Enjoy! <3
Divider by Rookthorne
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The first thing Bucky realized as he came to was how incredibly cold he was. A shiver wracked his body, causing him to try and pull the flimsy material covering him closer to his skin as water poured down on him. Wait- water? He looked to find the source and realized he was in a shower. The cold water turned red as it ran across his body from all the blood there. Was it his or someone else's? Bucky couldn’t tell. 
“SOLDAT.” A voice boomed from behind, causing him to flinch aggressively. He knew that voice, it was one of his handlers, and by the sound of the rapidly approaching footsteps, he wasn’t happy.
“Poydem s nami, soldat. Dok khochet tebya videt'” The voice growled and Bucky froze. 
His frazzled mind still trying to work out where he was and what was going on. His hesitance must have been seen as resistance because the next thing he knew, a rifle butt was flying towards him. 
Confused, Bucky blocked it with his arm, the clash of metal reverberated around the room causing more handlers to pour in, each one with a gun all pointing in the same direction. His pulse was starting to quicken, and every muscle in his body tensed. 
He was so focused on what was going on in front of him that he didn’t notice the guard coming up behind him with a stun baton. The guard struck, causing Bucky to fall to his knees as he hissed in pain, the electric shock causing his arm to fall limp at his side he clutched the useless appendage in his right hand as he looked on in terror as they all started moving in on him. Two of the guards grabbed him and began to drag him out of the room. He knew where they were taking him and as those rusted double doors came into view he began thrashing as wildly as he could to get away but it was no use.
They flung open the doors, his senses on hyperdrive as the blinding lights of the room burned his eyes. Noise. There was so much noise, nurses scrambling around, guards shouting, and doctors preparing for whatever horrible things they had planned for him that day. 
He tried to fight against them as they strapped him into the chair, but it was no use, he felt utterly helpless as they began tying him down. His metal arm, although useless, was cuffed in 4 different steel brackets to keep him from moving, the rest of his body bolted into place as the panels of the machine began to lower over his face and just as they were about to connect to his skin-
He sucked in a large breath bolting upright in bed and scrambling far away from where he was until he managed to situate himself in the corner of the room. His chest, slick with sweat heaved up and down as he tried to get oxygen to fill his lungs, but his heart was beating too fast for him to do anything but hyperventilate. There was a quiet sound from the other side of the room that made him realize he wasn’t alone, and he let out a whimper as their footsteps got closer, curling in on himself to appear as small as possible. 
“Bucky?” This voice was soft and full of concern, a complete contrast to the voice he heard just moments ago. This intrigued him slightly, but not enough to make him uncurl himself to see who was speaking to him. There was a sigh from the other person and the floorboards squeaked as they moved their entire weight to the floor, sitting on the ground near him.
“Bucky? It’s me, baby.” The voice cooed gently, and with the next breath he took, the familiar smell of cedar and lavender invaded his senses. He peaked his head out from behind his knees and saw Y/n sitting on the floor looking at him with concern coloring her features and sorrow clouding her eyes. She noticed the small movement and smiled gently as her eyes caught his.
“There he is. Hello, my love.” She whispered, a gentle smile decorating her face. Bucky blinked owlishly at her, still not realizing who he was looking at, but still Y/n smiled. 
Progress she thought before she started speaking again, “It’s just me, love. You are safe. We are in our bedroom, in our apartment, no one is going to hurt you.” 
This made him cock his head to the side before looking around the room. There was no one else besides the two of them. Instead of the gurneys, there was a dresser. Instead of blood-stained floors, there was a soft, grey plush carpet. Instead of that chair, there was a bed, and her. Bucky took a deep breath, finally able to fill his lungs and when he did, his body began to shake. He would shake violently for a moment before his muscles would give out and relax before contracting all over again. Y/n watched him carefully and scooted a little closer. 
“Can I sit next to you?” It was a simple question, and it might seem trivial to ask someone you were just sleeping next to if you could be in their space but it was important for Bucky to feel in control of his situation, if he was in control, he was no longer there.  Bucky looked at her and gave a small nod and Y/n moved to sit next to him, her back plastered against the wall. Although she wasn’t touching him, Bucky could feel the warmth radiation from her body, another piece of proof that he wasn’t in the basement of a bunker in the Siberian mountains. The pair sat in silence for a moment, Y/n watching Bucky, and Bucky staring straight ahead at the wall. Y/n shifted, causing Bucky's eyes to leave the spot on the wall and look at her. 
“Can I touch you?” She asked softly. Buckys hesitated for a moment, before nodding again. Y/n scootched closer to Bucky so that their bodies were pressed against each other and she reached over with a hand and ran her fingers through his shortened chestnut locks. That simple action seemed to bring new life back to Bucky and he began to uncurl, leaning into her touch. Y/n began humming a soft melody as she continued to massage Bucky’s scalp. His tremors became less and less until they were all but gone. 
After some more time passed, Bucky wasn’t sure how much, Y/n stopped and gently stood up, offering her hand to him. 
“‘C'mon love, let’s get back in bed. Your back isn’t going to thank you if I let you sleep in the corner.” 
Bucky placed his hand in hers and allowed her to lead him back to bed. Y/n folded back the covers in a more orderly fashion before sliding under the soft grey sheets, motioning for Bucky to do the same. He did so, snuggling back into Y/n’s side listening to her steady heartbeat, reassuring him that he was safe.  She began humming that soft melody again. Feeling warm and safe, his eyes grew heavy and he fell into a dreamless sleep. The last thing he remembered was the whisper of an “I love you,” in his ear.
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jinisnuggets · 1 month
ꜱᴛʀᴀʏ ᴋɪᴅꜱ (ᴏᴛ3) ꜰɪɴᴅꜱ ᴏᴜᴛ ᴛʜᴇɪʀ ꜱ/ᴏ ɪꜱ ɪɴᴊᴜʀᴇᴅ
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ᴾᵃⁱʳⁱⁿᵍˢ: ˡᵉᵉ ᵏⁿᵒʷ, ʰᵃⁿ, ˢᵉᵘⁿᵍᵐⁱⁿ ˣ ʳᵉᵃᵈᵉʳ
ᴳᵉⁿʳᵉ: ᶠˡᵘᶠᶠ, ᵃⁿᵍˢᵗʸ, ᴴᵉᵃᵈᶜᵃⁿⁿᵒⁿˢ, ˢᵐᵃᵘ
ᵂᵃʳⁿⁱⁿᵍˢ: ʰᵒˢᵖⁱᵗᵃˡ ⁱⁿʲᵘʳⁱᵉˢ, ˢʷᵉᵃʳⁱⁿᵍ, ʰᵃʳᵐ,
ˢʸⁿᵒᵖˢⁱˢ: ʸᵒᵘ ᵍᵒᵗ ᵃ ˢᵉʳⁱᵒᵘˢ ⁱⁿʲᵘʳʸ ᵃⁿᵈ ᵐᵉᵃⁿᵗ ᵗᵒ ᵏᵉᵉᵖ ⁱᵗ ˢᵉᶜʳᵉᵗ, ᵇᵘᵗ ᵈⁱᵈⁿ'ᵗ ᵉˣᵖᵉᶜᵗ ʸᵒᵘʳ ᵇᵒʸᶠʳⁱᵉⁿᵈ ᵗᵒ ᶠⁱⁿᵈ ᵒᵘᵗ ˢᵒ ᶠᵃˢᵗ
ᴬ/ⁿ: ᵗʰⁱˢ ʷᵃˢ ʳᵉqᵘᵉˢᵗᵉᵈ ᵇᵘᵗ ᴵᵗ ᵖᵒˢᵗᵉᵈ ʷʰᵉⁿ ⁱᵗ ʷᵃˢ ˢᵗⁱˡˡ ⁱⁿ ᵐʸ ᵈʳᵃᶠᵗˢ ᵃⁿᵈ ˢᵒ ᴵ ˢᵉⁿᵗ ⁱᵗ ᵗᵒ ᵗʰᵉ ᵒʳⁱᵍⁱⁿᵃˡ ᵃˢᵏᵉʳ ᴵ ᵇᵉˡⁱᵉᵛᵉ 😭 , ᴵ ʰᵒᵖᵉ ᴵᵗ'ˢ ᵃˡʳⁱᵍʰᵗ ᶠᵒʳ ᵐᵉ ᵗᵒ ᵖᵒˢᵗ ᵉᵛᵉʳʸᵗʰⁱⁿᵍ ʳⁿ.
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When he got a call from the local hospital, he was quick to assume they had the wrong number, however he still picked up in order to inform them of the mistake, and when he heard a voice on the other end start to speak, he waited for them to finish the contact information before talking.
“Hello, I wanted to inform you that you possibly have the wrong number, I don't have any health issues and neither do any of my close relatives, so I believe this is a mistake, but thank you for your hard work, it is very appreciated.”
The other end stayed silent for a moment before verifying, “This is Lee Minho, is that correct?” Minho stayed quiet for a moment before speaking, “Yes, that's me- what happened?”
After the clarification, the doctor introduced themselves and explained the situation that had him very much on edge, and hearing what actually happened didn't make it any better.
“Wait- Y/n got into a car accident..?”
“Unfortunately, but luckily it wasn't a very serious crash so they came out with few injuries, although they aren't minor, they aren't major either so they should recover in a couple of weeks to possibly months.”
By that point, Minho had been pacing around the same spot for a decent amount of time, sweat running down his forehead as he bit his thumb nail, reacting quickly and reaching out for his car keys and wallet.
“I'm on my way, please keep them safe until I get there.”
The person on the other end nodded, but for confirmation muttered a small ‘of course’ in order to assure him that you were in good hands.
He didn't have time to ask about the injuries you had, the only thing he wanted to do by that point was see you and that was really it, he didn't think to ask nor did he really care to ask at the moment of it, the question hadn't come to his head until he started driving and had already hung up, in which he found himself banging his head against the steering wheel in complete disappointment to himself, quickly speeding up the pace in order to get to his loved one faster.
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Jisung had been eating lunch in his car, he was lazy so he just stopped by some fast food restaurant and ordered a meal to go, so that's how he ended up in his car in a random parking lot, looking at all the passing cars as he ate the burrito he had ordered.
He had seen a couple of ambulances drive by but he hadn't thought much of them, it was normal to see an ambulance drive off during regular times of day so there wasn't anything suspicious about it.
He stayed in his car for a while and finished up his burrito, jamming to the music that played from his playlist. Right as he was picking up his trash he noticed his phone ringing, it was off as he wasn't the type to get calls often, so he looked at the contact and recognized the number as the local hospital's, it also had it on the contact name, he automatically assumed that maybe his parents needed to under-go some type of surgery and picked up.
“Hello, are we talking to Han Jisung at the moment?” The voice on the other line said, Jisung was scared so the only thing that came out of his mouth was a simple ‘mhm.’
“Perfect, I'm a doctor at the local Seoul Department Hospital, I have a few things to tell you about L/n Y/n.”
“Y/n!? Why are they at the hospital!?” He couldn't help but raise his voice a little, not because he was mad but because he was terrified. What was his beloved doing in a place like the hospital? From what he last knew you didn't have any mental conditions, which meant one of two things, you got injured or you just went for a check up and found some sort if emergency cause making you need surgery, which made him immediately reject the other option.
“Yes, L/n has twisted their ankle in what we can only assume was a fall, we don't have the full story yet as they've been undergoing treatment for the damaged bone.”
“That happened!?” Jisung was in disbelief, turning on his car and driving off in the way of the hospital.
“I'm on my way, please take care of Y/n for me.”
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He was cooking whenever he noticed a number calling him, being the man he is, he obviously declined the call.
He hadn't seen the number and assumed it was a spam caller, so he chose to ignore it and decline the call. It wasn't until the number called a second time that he realized this wasn't a spam caller, so he picked up and got off to hang up if anything felt off or suspicious.
“Hello, are we speaking with Kim Seungmin?” A female voice asked from the other end, Seungmin felt uneasy and took a look at the contact information, seeing that it had the name of “Local Hospital”
Seungmin’s initial and continued thought was, of course, ‘scammer’ but he let the call proceed. “Yes, this is Kim Seungmin.” he responded.
“Okay, if it's okay for me to take a few minutes of your time, I would like to talk to you about some comments regarding L/n Y/n.”
Now Seungmin's mind went to ‘blackmailer’ and he was about to hang up the call when the same female voice continued.
“So, L/n has sprained their ankle while playing a sport, and it's not serious but it will take quite a bit to recover, so we wanted to know your relationship with the patient because they've got you listed as an emergency contact.”
Seungmin stayed silent, not because he was suspicious of any activity, but because he was genuinely concerned and trying to come up with the best thing to do in this scenario.
“I'm her boyfriend, could I have a few more details on their injuries?” Seungmin questioned, leaning over to pick up his shoes and slide them on, packing a bit of the pasta that he had been preparing and picking up his car keys.
“As mentioned, they sprained their ankle while they were playing some sort of sport, the theory is that they had landed badly on their leg and the pressure caused a bone malfunction causing the result of a sprain.”
“Okay, thank you very much, I'll be on my way.”
Seungmin thanked the nurse and despite his quiet and calm demineer, he was literally screaming and panicking on the inside.
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aph-mable · 10 months
dpxdc; My Uncle is Nuts.
My Uncle Is A Nut
Written by:
Having been announced the heir and Co ceo of D.A.L.V co, Danny has gotten used to being dragged to formal events with Vlad against his will. Getting caught up in saving one of the many galas he’s forced to attend, Danny catches the eye of one Lex Luther. 
Chapter 1
Danny tries hard not to sigh for the umpteenth time as Vlad drags him towards another group of rich folks and reporters.
When his Godfather had publicly announced Danny as his heir during one of his mayoral speeches he thought he was going to die all over again from sheer embarrassment and frustration, especially when he started calling Danny out of class to work on ‘special’ projects or drag him to Gala’s like this one.  
Usually at least one member of team Phantom would come along, usually Sam since her parents often forced her to attend anyway, unfortunately this time everyone was busy.
Sure Danny could have asked, but he didn’t want to take away what little free time they had during spring break, so for now he was going to face this party on his own. After all nothing really interesting happens at these and he’s not going to end up socializing much anyways. 
At the moment Vlad had rolled him over to a group of men who were chatting away about their latest technology, a nerdy looking yet buff reporter taking notes on everything. 
Danny was only half listening to what was being said when the frootloop budged in, something about wanting to partner up with Wayne tech since DALV co was already partnered with Lex co.
He could only roll his eyes and cringe as his crazy arch nemesis wrapped an arm around the shoulders of the bald ceo who looked just as done as he felt.
Seeing Vlad finally to distracted with his deals Danny took his chance and snuck away, moving his wheelchair as fast as possible to make a break for it, away from the party and to explore the building. maybe even escape if he was lucky. 
Unfortunately as he reached one of the doors the pesky security stopped him, saying he needed to stay within the building, so he pulled out the oldest trick in his book. 
“I have to go to the bathroom, can you at least point me to it?” He even pulled out his pleading eyes to look as innocent as possible to make the security guards feel uncomfortable.
“It’s through those doors over there, just across from the kitchen… do you want-” before the guard could finish Danny was already zooming to the door and shouting, “No thanks, byye!” 
Once out of sight he at least made an effort to head towards where the bathroom was but stopped in front of the kitchen.
First double checking all sides of the hallway, he pushed himself into the kitchen in search of something to tinker with. Danny swears he will drop dead if he doesn't get some kind of technology in his hands. 
When he entered the place was completely empty of any staff. makes sense as they had set up a huge buffet in the main hall and had all the kitchen staff stand against the wall to show who cooked what, like it was some kind of grand show. 
This left Danny to ‘borrow’ a few appliances, they’re rich they can afford it!
He ends up taking a toaster, a blender, and some kind of cylinder air fryer, stuffing them all into his magic bigger-than-it-looks bag and bolting out of there as fast as his wheels could take him so as to not get caught. 
Once he re enters the gala he parks himself in the furthest corner near a window. He starts pulling out his mini tool kit and the items he took, trying his best to hide them by making them semi invisible so it just looked like he was messing with his tools as he gets to building an ecto gun. 
Danny tried to stay alert and scan the room on occasion but nothing much was happening, Vlad was still bragging to the group of men, and there were only three other kids around his age hanging out on the opposite side of the room. One looked ready to pass out while the other two stood next to the door arguing over who’s dog was best.
Danny pulled his goggles down over his eyes and rolled up his sleeves so his specialized gloves could start putting power into the ecto gun. He quickly starts to hyper focus as he tinkered with the homemade gun, his mind drifting off to play among stars that were just out of reach. 
Even with everyone talking around him it all faded to white noise, finally quiet enough he now focused his power to flow through the machinery as he twisted the screws into the right place. 
His very core sang with how peaceful it was as he finished making the home made ecto gun and set it down in his lap. 
Just as Danny turns it invisible to put it away, his chair is suddenly jerked as he’s dragged towards the now frightened guests, a group of men dressed in green and purple question marked suits threaten everyone into a corner as they start setting up strange equipment.  
Clutching his invisible weapon tightly in his lap one of the goons tries threatening him with a gun, but before Danny could react Vlad steps in front of Danny, letting out an instinctual growl to make them back off. 
The goon rolls his eyes before directing them to where he wants them to go, trying hard to not let his hands shake too badly as he thrust more people into the now overcrowded corner, keeping watchful eyes on Vlad who is seconds away from losing his temper and ripping someone's throat out.
Now most people in this situation would just listen to their captors, sit still, be quiet, all that jazz, especially with how many of the goons were now bringing in strange green canisters of gas that gave off the scent of pure fear.
Yet as Danny rams Vlad’s ankles with the wheels of his chair it's pretty clear he wasn’t like most scared civilians. For once he was siding with his godfather as he was very, very angry. Angry that they were targeting innocent people, angry that Vlad was treating him like he was helpless, angry that he had to show up to this stupid gala in the first place… He had noticed some of the other kids giving them the slip earlier, at least there’s that. 
Just as they bring in the last canister one of the goons trips and nearly brakes open the container, which got the already annoyed second incharge to yell at them. 
“For fucks sake! Be careful with those things, we don’t even know what they’ll do yet!”
The younger looking goon, who looks barely out of their teens, shrinks away as they whimper out an apology. He sets the items down as others around them either stare in frustration or sympathy. 
Yeah, no. 
 “Wow you people are pathetic.” 
The second in command turns at Danny’s outburst, taking a step forward and clenching his fists. “What the fuck did you just say?” Danny rolls his eyes before glaring at the goon “I said you’re pathetic, did you get that or do you need me to repeat myself again?”
The crowd looks on in half horror, half shock as the leader walks up to Danny, resting his hands on his arm rests and leaning down to stare at Danny threateningly. Danny leans back in his wheelchair and looks up at him with a bored expression, unphased. Vlad tries to shove his way to Danny, but is held back by several goons. Danny spares a quick glare at his godfather, he has everything under control.
“I may be a criminal, but even I don’t like kicking a kid when they’re already down.” The goon says, moving his eyes down to glance at Danny’s wheelchair and back up again, glaring into his eyes. “So I’m going to give you one last chance to take that back.”
Danny narrows his eyes at the goon as he clutchs the invisible ecto gun in his lap, it’s now or never. With near inhuman speed he quickly reaches for his bag and pretends to pull the weapon out, aiming it right at the goons temple. There’s audible gasps from the crowd as the goon stumbles away with wide eyes before gaining his footing and going right back to glaring.
“And I’m going to give you one last chance to reconsider what you’re doing with your life” Danny smirks at the goon, already reading up the lecture in his head.
“It’s 30 minutes past start time, what is taking you so-“ Danny’s smirk evolves into a full shit eating grin as the Riddler walks in to scold the goons, what perfect timing.
With the crowd distracted Danny uses his other hand to unlock his phone. With a few simple swipes, Danny has the gala on lockdown. With the main asshole inside.
Damian puts on his Robin suit with trained proficiency once they make it to the cave. Unfortunately he and Jon were the only ones able to leave on time, the rest of the family having been dragged away. Truly, this proved that he had good reason to not mingle with the crowd. It had nothing to do with the noise. Or the lights. Or the small talk.
“Who do you think it is this time?” Jon asks, an excited smile on his face. But even while being carried, Damian could see the tension in his frame, the nervous tick in his brow. His friend was worried. “I mean, they have the question mark thing going on, but they also had the gas canisters which I don't think the Riddler does that? And the gas itself kinda smelled like lavender and hazelnuts like fear gas but it was also kinda minty? And not like candy cane minty but like straight mint leaf minty? I don’t know, I only know there’s a difference cus ma tried to make mint tea that one time cus she was super sleep deprived and she read online that mint tea could improve memory or something, that stuff reeked!” Another indication of Jon’s nervousness, rambling. By the time Jon had finished his rant, they had already made it to the gala.
Once he’s put down Damian dusts himself off and turns to Jon. “It is most likely a team up, then.” He pulls out his katanas and readys himself for the fight ahead. “Once you break down the door our job is to stall long enough for the others to get out. We don’t know what the gas can do, so keeping the containers safe is our top priority.” As much as it pains him to admit, just him and Jon won’t be enough to handle it themselves. There’s too many people, and they need some of the bats to disperse around Gotham in case the riddler has set up a larger plan.
Jon smiles at him and nods, hopping from foot to foot in excitement (which he doesn’t find adorable at all). “You ready?” Damian gives a sharp nod before Jon kicks in the door.
“-I mean COME ON, people would PAY you to have a chance at your game show! You could even do your whole “riddle me this!” Thing as it’s own segment! But noOOOOooo, you wanna risk the lives of countless civilians so you can get a fucking furry to answer your stupid riddles, most of which aren’t even original! And NOW you wanna partner up with a fear junky cus why?”
“I-“ a clearly startled Riddler tries to answer before being interrupted.
“Oh yeah, cus your BUDDY, your PAL scarecrow, thought it would be so FUNNY to release an UNTESTED gas in a gala for a fucking THRILL HIGH.”
But instead of a fight they walk into.. this.
 A wheelchair bound boy with black hair and blue eyes (who he’s sure his siblings would call “adoption bait”) holding a strange silver and green gun that looked straight out of one of Damian’s sci-fi mangas, at a confused and startled Riddler. It seems the crowd used this as an opportunity, as the rest of the goons were restrained near the walls by a mix of his family, Kent, and various gala attendees, while the middle of the room was occupied by the armed boy.
“Huh?” Jon let his arms rest at his sides as his head tilted to the side in confusion (it does NOT remind him of a confused puppy, absolutely not). However before Damian could say anything, it seems the boy has finally noticed them.
“Oh, you’re here. Took you long enough.” The boy finally puts the gun down and into a bag at his side. “Have fun.” He says in a bored tone as he turns and starts pushing himself in the direction of a man with silver hair, Vlad Masters, who met him in the middle only to start fussing over him, seemingly much to the boy’s annoyance.
Finally shaking off their shock both Damian and Jon rush to detain the Riddler until the police show up, yet Damian’s curiosity keeps bringing his eyes back to Master’s and his ward. outwardly, the concern seemed genuine, but with how the boy was reacting to just being touched by Master’s… made him think otherwise. 
Even Lex Luthor was side eyeing the man instead of resuming his chatter with father or Mr. Kent, meaning something was happening and Damain was determined to find it out one way or another. 
For now though, they have their hands full because of Riddler and Scarecrow.
Domain knew he should have stayed back with Ace. 
End of chapter 1
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sarah-yyy · 2 months
what is war of faith about? is it worth a watch apart from just wang yibo(being gay?)? and where should i watch it?
you were all expecting me to do this so okay let's see how many others i can drag down this shenlai (i think this is the ship name we've settled on?? i have seen many 沈来之笔 tags on ao3 so i'm assuming that's what the chinese fandom has settled on) hole.
what: republican era communist spy drama (finance bros edition) // completed // 38 eps, roughly 40 mins each where: iqiyi (standard disclaimer that i don’t watch with subs so i don’t speak to the quality of eng subs) why: *chanting* yibo yibo yibo yibo yib- wang yang?? xiansheng???? i'll preface by saying i don't watch many republican era shows - it's really just not my thing, like even zhu yilong couldn't make me watch one and that's saying a lot, but i did finish and quite enjoy this one!! extremely strong cast on this show, and the story moved fast enough and had enough action in it that it kept my attention.
meet my boy wei ruolai:
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ruolai is from a v humble family, worked hard to put himself through night school but is having trouble stepping foot into the finance world because he has no money, no connections, no diploma (the school is holding off on issuing him one because he's from a communist-stronghold province 😪). he's working several jobs to make ends meet in shanghai when he decides to interview for a job at the central bank.
he aces his entrance test! ofc he does! ruolai is a bit of a whiz with numbers, and is very very very determined to get the job - the place could be on goddamn fire for all he cares, he'll finish his goddamn test and get this goddamn job even if it kills him.
his performance gains him the attention of shen tunan:
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xiansheng!! 😍💖💕
chief of the central bank, The Guy™ of the finance and banking industry in shanghai. extremely attractive in a suit. 100% dilf certified.
xiansheng takes a shine on ruolai, but ends up not being able to hire ruolai despite his excellence because, again, ruolai is from a communist-stronghold province, and they don't want to take any chances with him possibly having communist ties.
does that set ruolai back?? no. my boy sneaks into a party that shen tunan is holding at his mansion, and convinces shen tunan to hire him by essentially picking apart shen tunan's ~secret strategies~ that he's uncovered just by following the finance news and making smart deductions 🥺💚
shen tunan caves and personally hires ruolai as his PA, and begins mentoring him and teaching him the ways of the banking industry.
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the show is mostly about ruolai's growth in the central bank and the shift of his political beliefs, centred around the kmt and communist party's conflict in that era. the premise of the show is fairly simple - most republican era dramas move in the same direction. this one was well-written, had a solid cast, and beautifully shot.
the development of stn and wrl's relationship in this show was good! it's v shippable, if that's something that is important to you. ngl, i did stay through till the end because these two were so interesting.
we have proud teacher shen tunan who is so so proud of his boy and takes ruolai suit-shopping and tells him how special he is :
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starry-eyed disciple wei ruolai who would literally do anything for shen tunan:
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he really does mean it when he says that. he gets tortured and thrown in goddamn jail for shen tunan, and he just bears it all and doesn't let himself react in any manner that could harm shen tunan.
i started this strictly for yibo, and had no expectations that i would enjoy it, but guys...........wang yang is 🥵🔥 in this as shen tunan, and this ship just.......sails itself. what else was i supposed to do except go three hundred different levels of ahhhhhhhhh over them.
ANYWAY. strong rec. like at least 8.5/10. even if you're just in it for yibo (who is EXCELLENT in this, the whump scenes are incredible), or if you just want to ship shenlai, the payoff is strong in this.
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sockmeat · 2 months
hmm Angel Dust you say? What if his boyfriend bakes him a cake for his birthday? Or maybe give the spider boy some massages cause god knows he needs some love.
Also hihi, I hope your day is great my friend!
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𝐌𝐀𝐋𝐄 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑 -- 𝐂𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐬 (𝑯𝒂𝒛𝒃𝒊𝒏 𝑯𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒍)
(𝐰𝐜): 710
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: When Angel comes home from work, you greet him with his favorite cake
(𝐀/𝐍): Helloooo my day has been going good :) I hope yours has as well!
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠(𝐬): Reader's still a hunk, some sexual talk, felt a little crazy and wrote some scenario (don't get too excited it's like 5 paragraphs), gave angel's bedroom a table so they wouldn't sleep on the food lol
♡ Charlie had already organized a birthday celebration, but you wanted to make a more intimate celebration for Angel after that one
♡ Charlie's plan was similar to every other event she's planned, it had a lot of group activities, corny decorations, and a cake
♡ While you knew Angel would appreciate it all the same, you wanted to shower him with attention meant specifically for him, not just made for him and the general public (the hotel)
♡ So while the others buzzed around to get his party ready while he was away at work, you did your own thing
♡ The very first thing you did was pick up a custom sleep gown you got for him. You knew he'd love it because it was pink, dramatic, and had a tasteful amount of fluff on the edges of the sleeves and skirt. You also got a pair of babydoll lingerie that matched with it
♡ (^ Talking ab the one in that meme that's like "your otp" and one is a grandpa gown with a candle and the other one is an extravagant pink one but I can't find the image for the live of me)
♡ Then, you went to the local bakery and picked up Angel's favorite dessert, tiramisu, and some strawberries with chocolate dip
♡ You knew Angel would have had his fill of decoration and attention by time he got to your gifts, so you decided to let your gifts speak for themselves
♡ The celebration itself went well, just as expected
♡ Angel was pleasantly surprised with the party, he had a blast playing the games Charlie planned and getting drunk with his beloved boyfriend and friends
♡ The whole time he was hanging off you, whispering in your ears and asking what you were going to do to him later for his gift
♡ Of course, you'd just give him a kiss and tell him he'll have to wait and see. You couldn't just spoil the surprise!
♡ It kept him on his toes until the party finally ended and he practically hauled you to his room
Angel sprints up the stairs and through the hallways like a desperate man, completely forgetting about his fatigue. "Slow down!" You laugh, but he doesn't listen. No man could've possibly felt as much excitement as he was in that moment.
You're almost blown away he was going so fast, but alas, you catch Angel before he reaches his room and slow him down. He opens the door with a bated breath and coos at the display.
His bed is made as it usually is, but displayed on it is a serving of tiramisu, a plate of chocolate-dipped strawberries, and two pink articles of clothing. Fat Nuggets greets Angel with his usual enthusiasm.
"Baby," Angel whispers, letting of your hand and scooping Nuggets into his arms to look at the array of items closer. For a moment, he stares in awe. He only breaks his ogling when you wrap your arms around him. "All this for little ol' me?" He teases, bringing a hand up to your face.
"Of course," you hum. "Who else, if not my gorgeous boyfriend?" You peck his lips and hand him one of the strawberries. He bites into it with a delighted (and slightly exaggerated) moan, subtly eyeing you, though he could barely keep his eyes open. He wavered where he stood while he finished the strawberry.
Snickering, you come out from behind him, taking Nuggets out of his arms and setting him down and moving his gifts to the small table in one fell swoop. As you are, Angel scoops the tiramisu into his mouth and slides under his mountain of blankets. Almost demanding, he lifts his hoard and slaps the mattress next to him, cheeks puffed as if he was a squirrel. "I'm coming, I'm coming," you hurry yourself under and scoop your boyfriend into your arms.
Angel sighs, melting into your chest the second you make contact. "You're so good t'me," he mumbles. You smile adoringly and rub circles into his back, paying close attention to his more tense areas. It doesn't take long for Angel to fall asleep and begin snoring.
"Goodnight," you kiss his forehead.
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Can you do "Angry mommy morticica x r"?
when r flirt with marilyn and morticia had enough and decide to take r home and give her a painful punishment like 30 and they end up having comfort sex?
Hello there @batlove4ever 🙃 Thanks for the Morticia request!! I took some inspiration from @puppyboibutch , so check out their blog 💞🫰🏻 I also included a song for this Fic 😚🫶🏻 FYI this is pure. filthy. smut.
Pretty Pouty Puppy ~Morticia Addams xFem Reader xfeat. Marilyn Thornhill
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Mommy… Master List
Requests & Prompt-List
#30. “Fuck off” “What, on you?”
Warnings: NSFW, 18+!!!!, smut, possible infidelity/cheating, possessiveness, possessiveness kink, kissing, overstimulation, smutty smut, mommy kink, punishment kink, angry mommy, pet names, bondage, vibrator use, orgasm denial, masturbation, overstimulation, strap-fucking, doggystyle, praise kink, implied degrading kink, bondage kink…?, etc.
Enjoy (;
You were straddling Marilyn’s lap on her chair, your lips intertwined with hers. You were both in her classroom, after school hours. Marilyn bucked her hips up into yours, eliciting a breathy moan from your lips into the red heads. You pulled back slightly and giggled.
“You really think this will work?” You panted.
You were met with a mischievous gaze from the red head.
“Babe, you said you wanted to make Morticia jealous right?” She reminded you of your past whinings and complaints of how nothing you did seemed to rile up the raven haired goddess.
You bit your lip and nodded with a cheeky grin.
“Trust me, this will get her panties in a twist…” Marilyn chuckled, “I already texted her; all we have to do is wait for—”
Your lips smashed back into Marilyn’s before she could finish her sentence. You were one hundred percent on board with this, because Marilyn was right. You wanted to make Morticia jealous, you had tried literally everything and you were desperate.
With a swift swing, Marilyn’s door suddenly opened. Everything went so silent, you swore you could have heard a pin drop… You froze in the red heads lap. Your breath hitched. You could feel the tension in the room. You could hear her breathing right alongside yours and Marilyn’s.
“Up. Right now.” Morticia gritted out.
You scurried out of Marilyn’s lap and stood by her desk, biting your lips and blushing. Morticia stalked her way over to you.
“I have tried to be patient.” She jeered, “I watched you mess around with her, watched you flirt with her, and now I find my puppy straddling her lap…”
You gulped.
Maybe you had taken this too far…? You completely underestimated how much your antics had actually gotten to the woman…
“I… I’m… sorry…” you chocked out, blushing furiously and looking to the ground.
Morticia chuckled wickedly.
“We’re going home. Not a single word.” She seethed.
You nodded immediately.
Marilyn sent you caring look as you quickly followed Morticia out. The whole ride to your house was silent. You clenched your thighs in anticipation.
“I want you on the bed, stripped, and kneeling waiting for Mommy.” Morticia practically growled, as you pulled into the driveway.
“Yes mommy…” you whimpered.
With that, you scurried your ass up to your shared bedroom, stripping as fast as humanly possible, and kneeling on the bed in wait for Morticia. Your heart was racing and your breathing was erratic as Morticia entered the room, wearing nothing but her black garter lingerie set. You gulped. Morticia walked up you, craning over your pathetically needy excuse for a body, and grabbing your chin.
“Mommy’s angry…” Morticia growled, “And you’re gonna pay, pet…”
“Yes mommy…” you whimpered.
“Oh puppy…” Morticia wickedly purred, “you look delicious all tied up like this… and that vibrator must feel so good on that needy pussy of yours!”
You mewled and pulled against your silk ties, restraining you to all four bedposts.
“Making such pathetic sounds, such a slutty pet…” she lustfully growled.
You incoherently cried out in pleasurable pain. She’d been at this for hours… But you couldn’t get enough, your hips desperately rutting against the the toy. But she wouldn’t let you cum.
“Little bitch in heat who needs to fuck so badly, hmmmm pet…?” Morticia tauntingly growled, “Too bad Mommy’s puppy has been such a bad girl…”
You squirmed in your restrained hold, the slight pain in your wrists and ankles, pushing you to the edge even further.
“That’s why Mommy has you tied there with that pretty little vibrator…” The raven haired goddess lustfully husked.
“Please mommy please…!” You whimpered and whined, desperate for some proper friction.
“Your little whimpers and whines will make the perfect background noise while Mommy makes herself feel good…” Morticia wickedly purred.
“Oh mommy no please…!!” You mewled, “mommy I’m sorry… I’ll be good mommy please!!”
Suddenly the vibrator went up a intensity, causing you to practically keel over in pleasure. But you couldn’t come. It was becoming painfully difficult.
And then you had to watch Morticia spread out on the big lounge chair across from the bed. She stripped her knickers and spread her legs so that you could see her glistening pussy perfectly. You groaned at the sight. She then began skillfully fucking herself while drinking in the sight of your pathetic being.
“Keep being good like this and I’ll personally breed you after I finish…” Morticia lustfully purred.
“Yes mommy I’ll be so good…!! Won’t cum promise please!!” You cried out.
“Fuck Mon Amour—! That’s a good pet…!” Morticia groaned as she fucked herself to her climax, toppling over the edge with a sinful cry.
You were still tied up and the vibrator was still relentlessly working your dripping hole.
“Are you going to be good now, puppy…?” Morticia purred.
“Yes wanna cum please let me cum mommy!!” You pled.
“Oh no no…” Morticia wickedly tutted, “You don’t get to cum yet…”
You were so frustrated and you made the grave mistake of speaking out…
“Fuck off…!” You cried out.
Morticia cocked an eyebrow at your sudden disobedience.
“What, on you?” She spat back.
“Wait no no— mommy I’m sorry, I’m sorry I’ll be good…!!” You cried, pulling against your restraints even more.
When Morticia finally relented on edging you on for hours, you were in for a whole other level of her anger…
She had you on all fours in the middle of the bed with your hands bound in front of you. She was pounding into you relentlessly with her favorite, girthy strap. Her hand was deliciously wrapped in your hair, as she pulled your head back towards her with each thrust.
“Fuck GOD Mommy—!!!” You cried out.
Mascara was running down your face and your clit was so sensitive you thought you would explode if you didn’t cum.
“That’s it’s, puppy…” Morticia angrily growled, “Take Mommy’s dick like a good little pet…”
By the end of the night (more like into the early morning), Morticia had milked the upteenth orgasm from you, finally allowing you to collapse from exhaustion and overstimulation.
Morticia was quick to throw the strap to the side and open her arms for you to snuggle her form. You happily complied, nuzzing into her form.
“I’m sorry Mommy…” you whispered.
“It’s alright, baby…” she husked in your ear, “but the next time you want Mommy’s attention, all you have to do is ask…”
You nuzzled your face into the crook of her neck and nodded, causing the raven haired goddess to chuckle.
“Such a good girl…” she murmured as you drifted off.
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izanazqueen · 11 months
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bonten manjiro x fem reader
warnings: smut. cursing. physical stuff. finishing inside. fluff. angst. timeskip - bonten mikey.
an: after finally forever i am finished w the bonten mikey fic that was request from way back and now it is here in existence - hope you enjoy / are pleased with it love! 💙
bonten mikey never took it easy on your body. especially after not seeing you. tonight was possibly the worst of all. after accidentally and absent-minded you forgot to turn on your ringtone when he tried calling you suddenly after one of his bonten discussions to check in on you. bad mistake. he had busted through your front entrance with beyond intense rage when you flew out the shower -quickly covering yourself with a white linen fast when you darted through the door to see him standing in front of you in what almost resembled madman. ' manjiro- w ..wha - ' he cut you off instantly with his sweaty rough palm against your trembling face in fear unknowing of what would happen. 'what.. the fck !.. - is wrong with you?! ' he screamed as he slammed his free hand balled furiously against the wall adjacent to your body making you boil in panic. 'manjiro. please. calm down, it is ok .. - ' speaking quitely to him you tried to attempt to cradle his shaking cheeks in your hands. you knew what this was. he was scared. manjiro acted usually so calm and composed but there were few moments when you witnessed his complete and total breakdowns - his times where he just let out everything and let the anxiety win strongly against his full will. you knew damn well he was in a panic over you and couldn't be angry for his actions in that moment even if would mean having to plaster the wall the next morning. 'babe- its alright. i'm here.. i did not mean - to not to answer your calls ..i just was in the shower- nn ! -' before you knew it he was kissing your lips with love filled hypnotic passion. you were here. nothing could go wrong - not with him around. he hated leaving you sometimes even for multiple days on end when he'd have to leave the country for bonten work and other such things and the thought alone sickened his stomach. sure - he always had sanzu always posted outside your apt whenever he was out if town, much to his pink haired partners dismay- there was never a moment that he wasn't thinking about what could be going wrong whenever he stepped foot away from your presence and -at least in this moment .. right now there was not a damn thing that could take him away - from being with you -
manjiro fucking your body like like he's possessed. i mean - he is insane. he forced your hands back pinning them above your head obviously avoiding your whines and whimpers for him and pushing himself in your wet cunt before any words could form in your mind he went feral when heard you moaning from him ' unh .. babee-! 'making his way much further inside you than he should be doing making you cry out his name loudly. ' fck- me manjiro - ah! .' nothing would hold this man from bringing the devil out when he was forcing his cock over and over again until the warmth of that place he needed took over and stole him from reality. it was an abyss one you only could deliver him into - manjiro wanted it all. making you only his was the best decision he could have had ever made in his life. grabbing onto your waist he placed his mouth over your neck biting down almost as if he was in need of your sweet nectare pushing himself further into his abyss making you cum so dmn fast you swore it was the first time. ' - babe! - ah ! ' swelling around him your vagina drenched his belly and was dripping all down your own legs from whatever magic he was working your pussy into and you pleaded with him so hard not to stop - 'babyy ..! ah! .. manjiro! - ' mikey cut you off with his tender lips in a sharp embrace to your moaning mouth. 'nnngh .. unh-nghh ..' you heard him groan wildly as he began fucking you harder and harder sighing into you with his sexy voice - all the way pressed in your hair from how close he was about to orgasm and the motions rocking the bed of how he was pleasuring himself with you with such force and strength from his biceps and toned build so chaoticly when you felt yourself starting to cum all over again before the feeling of the wood snapping beneath you giving out completely with the mattress folded in half against the floor as he went on relentlessly aggressively pounding his hard cock in you in a murderous fixation, thrashing your throbbing cumming core with such fine work you did not give no cares .. at all. 'manjiro- .. ah!- fck .. yess! - ' your voice sounded so beautiful and pleasing to him and he could not stand to pull himself out when in some dream like state he gave out to your serene voice against him like a melody to his body. the sweat from your panting chest against his skin mixing into his felt like a drug and he grabbed your chin into a hungry lip lock- manjiro needed you. every last part of you. your body. your lips. your voice. your smile. your comfort. your embrace. you were his life - the perfect person for him that he could have imagined in a partner and to his surpise you offered it happily he had thought to a piece of shit like him - without question. he had to do better for you. for your future. and maybe even his own.
@izanazqueen © -all rights reserved.
please do not copy / repost my work
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