#awaken inner light
aaronabke · 1 year
Breaking Chains: Discovering Your Inner Light's Strength 🌎
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chilltidetrance · 8 months
963 hz Awaken the perfect state | Manifest destiny go and allow the univ...
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a-path-by-the-moon · 3 months
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tt-vision · 4 months
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this tease was in my head for a while ⭐️
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faronmckenzie · 1 year
The fight is with your inner demons, the external triggers are an indication that they exist.
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lunacelebrateslife · 2 months
isn't to try to figure out the key to your happily ever after, nor is it to make your heart so hard that nothing can break you. The point is to learn to rise from the ashes every time you get burned, to keep going. Your character, when you hit rock bottom, reveals a lot about who you are. Don't run, embrace it. Learn to love the darkness as well as the light, because it's the darkness that teaches you the value of the light that you ring to this world in the first place.
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theshadowworker · 4 months
Befriending the shadow is really about learning to love
We let the dark out to let love in
- David Richo
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The Eleusinian Mysteries were the biggest initiation rites of Greek antiquity. The relationship between Demeter and Persephone was at the core of these rites, the understanding of the enigmatic mysteries hides in that relationship. Demeter, the greatest Cthonic deity, mother earth herself, and Persephone the soon to become Lady of the Underworld, two realms in communication, and between them blooming or vegetation, Dionysus, who either played the role of the lover or of the son of the two goddesses, the hallucinatory god opening people to visions, inner realities that meet universal ones. That was possible, the mystics to ignite their inner light and meet Dionysus, through fasting, while another "pharmaceutical" preparation for that was drinking the mysterious hallucinatory kykeon.
Can we only approach the ancient ceremonies through archaeological and philological research (most useful both) or do we also need a psychological preparation so to fathom their possible meaning? Thousands of years apart, are the needs of the human consciousness the same or similar, and to what degree? Not everyone became a mystic even in antiquity, the ancient sources on the matter, still enigmatic; speak of a total absence of fear on the behalf of the initiated after participating the Mysteries, what a hopeful promise, our days encouraging "fear culture" are the exact opposite of that.
Art: The Dweller in the Innermost, by George Frederic Watts, 1885-1886.
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free-grandmaa · 3 months
How many to reign me in
Bring me safety
Test the waters
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santmat · 3 months
The Unpublished Letters of Kirpal Singh on Meditation Practice - Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast @ Youtube and All the Podcast Sites (Apple, Spotify, etc...)
Today I begin with a reading from the mystic verses of Sat Saheb, the initiating spiritual master of Sant Dariya Sahib. Sat Saheb was one of the earlier Sant Satgurus of the Sant Mat guru lineage living a couple of generations prior to the time of Sant Tulsi Sahib of Hathras. His mystic poetry is quite beautiful and composed in the style of the Anurag Sagar and other scriptures of the earlier Kabir-Sant Dharam Das line of masters. Then I share some letters from Sant Kirpal Singh on meditation practice. Those are quite wonderful, and helpful for the satsangi seeking to improve the quality of their meditation experience. Then there's a short discourse from Baba Somanath about becoming the "form of Truth" by focusing upon the teachings of the masters. In conclusion, two satsang discourses by Sant Ram Singh: having focused attention during simran practice that purifies the mind, and, about becoming a gurumukh following the instructions and guidance of the masters instead of being held captive by the limited thoughts of the mind, thus remaining a disciple controlled by the dictates of the mind, a manmukh. "Follow Their Teachings, overcome sorrow, and not only that, you will get the joy of going within. And you will also achieve the purpose for which you have been given this life." (Baba Ram Singh)
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astridcortes · 28 days
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You don't have a soul .... YOU ARE a soul . ❤️
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ivemanifest · 7 months
Listening to that voice of inner wisdom means trusting the unfoldment even if it doesn't make sense.
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tilbageidanmark · 1 month
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(All the memes I've made so far..)
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a-path-by-the-moon · 3 months
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wayti-blog · 2 months
Don’t be discouraged by your incapacity to dispel darkness from the world. Light your little candle and step forward.
– Amma
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feminiel · 4 months
To understand the light, we must first understand the dark. It's only when it's dark that we search for the light. Wisdom and awakening of the self come from our dark side, the side of us that we didn't get to acknowledge because it has been buried in the shadow. By digging and unearthing pieces of the self that were in the dark, we can shine a light on them so they can get the clarity and recognition needed to reveal the real truth of the self that was hidden from us.
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