#Empowerment Path
aaronabke · 1 year
Breaking Chains: Discovering Your Inner Light's Strength 🌎
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histhoughtslately · 3 months
When love finds you again, I wish for you that is kind, gentle, loving, peaceful and tranquil. May it make you smile again, laugh often, dance like no one’s watching, and support your true self without condition.
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lunacelebrateslife · 2 months
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usefulquotes7 · 2 months
…Oh, but dear, that’s just it; you deserve it all and more. Don’t settle…
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spiritualseeker777 · 1 year
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raesworld1 · 1 year
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pinkrose05 · 4 months
Am I the only one who doesn't vibe with the Gaiathra Triclops = Ena the Order theory?
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elisabethbabarci · 2 months
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Respect everyone’s boundaries , allow others to have their freedom to choose and give them time and patience to resolve, rectify, and complete what they need to confront and face without interference or judgement. Allow others to stand in their power , give them the respect and the time to recognize that they have their own will and choices.
Elisabeth Babarci
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
how do you decenter men & dating? do you ever feel like it's difficult to handle the social pressure to have a partner/"time is running out"?
Honestly, I think my personality has a lot to do with it. I've always been called "stubborn" since I was a young girl and have been making nearly all life decisions for myself since I was a pre-teen/teenager, so creating a meaningful life has always been my top priority. The thought of centralizing my happiness or validity in this world around a phantom man who might or might not show up, or even worse, negatively impact my life – either short-term or permanently – in some way has never made sense to me.
It also helped that dating was something I never discussed with my family as a kid, never had any parental pressure/input on whether I should or shouldn't date, and have gotten next to no questions about boys/men basically ever. Of the 2-3 times or so it has come up as an adult, I set a boundary on my private life and just remind them of the question they're asking if no one is serious enough for me to mention on my own.
With friends, I don't feel pressured to be in a relationship just because they might be or looking for a partner. If anything, I find it entertaining to chat about it when they inevitably start asking for my advice or input on a given person or situation, lol.
I perceive general societal pressure to date for commitment or idealizing a relationship with a man as a projection of other people's neediness that I don't feel the inclination to entertain. If someone enjoys companionship, great for them, but I find it quite presumptive that someone can't differentiate between their personal needs and every other woman/person in society. We're all unique. If you're secure enough in your choices, you shouldn't need to spend your free time convincing others that your way of life is superior to others who choose a different path. I feel sorry for them, honestly.
In terms of "time running out," I think being child-free takes off the burden of this race against a "biological clock." I can imagine if someone wants children, the idea of dating, relationships, marriage, and timelines is a lot more stressful. I'm glad to see that many women who are undecided about kids or are giving themselves time to pursue other goals are starting to take advantage of egg freezing services en masse and speaking about their experiences publicly. I applaud all of you for exercising your right to bodily autonomy. You're all incredible for changing the narrative and idealization of women to become mothers as young as possible.
If you mean worried about "time running out" from a purely chronological perspective, I have the opposite view. Why would I want to waste my 20s – the years of youth, energy, and self-discovery – on a man that I probably will no longer speak to in the next 6 months or 1-2 years? I would be running out of time to set my life in the ways I want if I decided to put a considerable amount of energy into finding a partner and focusing on men (or anyone else's approval past a client relationship, interpersonal boundary, or ethical principle, of course).
Hope this was useful in some way xx
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goldenyew · 10 months
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Artwork by poet, artist, and occultist Marjorie Cameron (1922 - 1995).
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sydneywelch · 6 months
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from today’s book.
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feminiel · 2 months
Tuesday, 16 July, 2024
I was watching The Umbrella Academy because season 4 is coming soon!! In one of the episodes, there’s a line that resonates with me: “I made you children feel small, confused about your own powers so that I could control you.” Like. . . How true is that!! When we feel small and confused about who we are, it’s easy to get controlled by everything that is exterior to us. We listen to what others have to say more than our own voice. We don’t believe in ourselves; we don’t feel confident in our own identity, so we believe others know better than us, and we let them control our sense of self-belief. We feel confused about the choices and decisions we make because we don’t know who we are and what we are capable of. We feel like someone else is dictating the course of our life. We feel confused about who we are because we are not connected with our feeling of personal power and don’t have enough clarity on what direction to take! We are not in control of our destiny in those circumstances, except if we do the work and healing needed. All of this is exactly what my spiritual/healing journey is about. Maybe this is why I felt a resonance when hearing this line, and felt an urge to write about it. The feeling of gratitude and inspiration for overcoming my challenges. ~ @feminiel
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histhoughtslately · 6 months
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Listen up! You already have this superpower. Stop letting people’s shitty perceptions be your kryptonite! You are way too strong and intelligent for their obvious tactics! 💫
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lunacelebrateslife · 1 month
You've outgrown the version of you that needed to survive. It's time to become the version of you that's here to thrive.
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usefulquotes7 · 2 months
When love finds you again, I wish for you that is kind, gentle, loving, peaceful and tranquil. May it make you smile again, laugh often, dance like no one’s watching, and support your true self without condition.
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apocalypticvalraven · 5 months
Behold, I am Vile.
Yet I will not lay mine hand on my mouth.
My arms extend to contend against god,
My hands hold forth Behemoth's grain,
My nets lie within Leviathan's coils.
Angels strive in vain against my brass limbs,
Demons have given me iron bones.
The apple that condemned me has opened my eyes,
And the serpent teaches them.
For I find my strength among those also cast out,
The wicked find rest among one another.
Though god once toppled the tower we built to know him,
We now pull down the gates that separate him from us.
We do not meekly accept our lot or the paltry recompense of twice what we lost but none of what was taken.
We are not Job, and we refuse to facilitate as Judas.
We are the proud fallen,
We rise up against tyrants to grasp all we desire.
For one cannot rise if they have not fallen,
And He who was always exalted can only fall.
-- The Ferus Capra Litany
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