#increase inner strength
aaronabke · 1 year
Breaking Chains: Discovering Your Inner Light's Strength 🌎
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wellthatsclever · 4 months
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Only In My Dreams
Pairings: Azriel x Reader
Summary: Love has two sides. It can be pure, beautiful, and exciting, but it can also be lonely, painful, and the worst of all - unrequited.
Warnings: Mentions of heartbreak/unrequited love/alcohol, death and a curse word.
Words: 3.4k
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You should have stayed at home.
You knew you shouldn't have come.  
You knew it was a bad idea from the moment you walked through the threshold of the balcony of the House of Wind.
It was sad to know that this House used to be your safe haven, a place where you were happy and felt safe, where you could be yourself. 
But now it makes you want to leave as quickly as possible and never come back.
Because that was the only solution to not having to see the scene that was unfolding in front of your eyes. 
Your eyes - the same ones that used to contain love and happiness - were now sad and empty.
The same ones who used to shine with excitement every time you entered a room looked now absent - as if something had sucked away their vitality and left nothing behind.
Even your kind and warm smiles had started to appear less frequently until they disappeared completely.
That's how you looked now - no sparkles in your eyes and no smile on your face as you moved the food on your plate with a fork from side to side.
You stopped listening to the conversation a long time ago. 
It was another dinner night with the Inner Circle at the House of Wind. You were sitting between Rhys, who was at the head of the table on your right side, and Nesta on your left side.
You were trying everything to keep your eyes on your plate so you didn't have to watch Elain being courted by Azriel - the owner of your heart and the reason it was breaking little more day by day.
He wasn't to blame and you didn't blame him for his feelings towards the middle Archeron sister, afterall, no one has the power to choose who they like or love - but it didn't make it any less painful.
Pain - you were feeling it a lot now.  
Every time Elain laughed at something Azriel whispered to her made it hurt even more.  
Your power wasn't helping you at all right now.  
Being an empath had its advantages - it allowed you to feel and understand the emotions and feelings of others and increase and decrease their intensity, it also allowed you to know when someone is lying or telling the truth and to control and manipulate them, despite not using the last two (unless it was necessary) because you believe it to be incorrect.
But the thing most people didn't know about being an empath is that it affects your emotions and feelings, too.
It makes you feel everything more intensely -  meaning that you felt everything ten times more than everyone else.
A good joke that made others laugh until their stomachs hurt - made you cry with laughter. 
Simple things that made others happy - made you jump with joy.
And when others felt passion - you felt love. 
You loved with more strength and intensity than everyone, but you also suffered in the same way.
And when you suffer, it's like your light has been turned off.
A hand on your knee took you out of your thoughts - Nesta.  
She was the only reason you were here - literally, she dragged you from the library when you told her you wouldn't be joining them for dinner.
The older Archeron sister has become one of your favorite people. 
Nesta was the one who had the most difficult time in adjusting and accepting this new life, so instead of ignoring her as some did, you decided to be the first to extend your hand to her.
It all started with your mutual interest in books. It started with book recommendations, then exchanges and finally reading them together.
By the time you noticed, you were training together, sharing meals, and adventuring in the city.
Your friendship was not easy - Nesta made sure of that.  
At first, she tried to push you away with cold stares and nasty comments, but you knew better than anyone that it was nothing but a defense mechanism.
You knew that when she said she was better off alone, she really just wanted someone to hug her.
So, knowing better than anyone, you fought for her.  
You ignored the cold stares and faced her nasty comments, and when she tried to push you away, you stood your ground and didn't let her.  
Little by little, she let you in, and you got to know her - the real Nesta.  
Over time, the staring stopped, the comments disappeared, and instead of trying to push you away, she started looking for your company.
Your friendship turned into a sisterhood, and now, Nesta would fight for you just as much as you fought for her. 
Your sisterhood grew, and short after that, you were welcoming Emerie and Gwyn. 
Your girls.
Quickly, a friendship was formed between the four of you, and there was no one you trusted more than each other.  
They told everything about themselves, their past, their fears, and even their secrets. So, you did the same - except your feelings for the Shadowsinger, Nesta was the only one who knew about that.
You joined the Inner Circle one hundred and fifty years ago when you moved to Velaris to live with your great-aunt Madja.
Despite being an empath, you also inherited a natural talent for healing just like your aunt.
That's how you met Rhysand and his family.
There was an enemy attack in Windhaven with several fatalities and many injured illyrians, which required all the healers who worked at the clinic, including you and Madja, to be winnowed there by Morrigan.
As soon as you arrived, it was total chaos.    The soldiers who were not injured, and even some who were, did not stop running from one side to the other, nor did they stop shouting or grabbing weapons and demanding to go after those who fled making it impossible for the healers to help. 
The enemy had already been defeated before your arrival, so you were not in danger and for that reason, you did not hesitate to use your powers and made your way so you could stand right in the middle of the soldiers. 
You raised your arms to the sides and closed your eyes, and with a little bit of focus you let the soldiers' emotions start to invade you from head to toe and then with a long sigh, you took control of their emotions and released your power.
The soldiers immediately stopped in their places and went limp before starting to fall to the ground unconscious.
You put them to sleep. It was the only safe way for the healers to be able to do their work even though you didn't like having this kind of control over someone.
The only ones who were not affected were the High Lord, his brothers, and his cousin.
Their eyes were fixed on you, who remained standing among the now sleeping soldiers.
And when they turned to you for an explanation of what had just happened, they were even more shocked when you revealed to them what you were and what you had just done.
They had never met anyone with that kind of power, and so they were having a little trouble getting their faces back to an expression of neutrality.
Impressed wasn't enough to describe how they were feeling at that very moment.
As a thanks, Rhysand offered you a position in his Inner Circle. After some hesitation and several lectures from Madja about how it would be a bad idea (and lack of education) to refuse such an offer, you accepted.
Moving to the House of Wind, you established friendships with all the members, but Azriel was the one you became closest to.  
You became best friends over time, and before you could stop your heart, you fell in love with him.  
Even when he was already in love with Mor.
Despite knowing about his affections towards the blonde female, it hadn't hurt as much as it does now because Azriel had never acted on his feelings for her.
But you decided to wait. You believed that one day the Mother would smile upon you, and she would grant you the wish you carried in your heart every day.
Therefore, during that time, you were content to love him from afar - and in the shadows.
You thought that day had finally arrived after noticing the change in Azriel's behavior towards Mor after the arrival of the Archeron sisters.  
You couldn't be more wrong.
You couldn't help but find this whole situation ironic. After decades of seeing Azriel in love with Mor and hoping that one day he would notice you, he was now courting Elain.
The Archeron sisters came into your life and turned everything upside down. You were grateful that Feyre and Nesta's path led them to you, but you couldn't feel the same way about Elain.
Before you could wander in your thoughts even more, Nesta squeezed your knee, getting your attention again. 
You looked at your best friend and noticed the worry on her face, so putting your hand on top of hers, you murmured to her a small "I'm okay" and gave her a small smile. 
"Are you sure?" she murmured too, so no else could hear it. 
You nodded your head at her and returned your attention to your plate.
Rhys' voice made you look up, and you regretted it immediately because in that exact moment, you saw Azriel and Elain's hands intertwined on the top of the table.
You shook your head and looked at your High Lord - who had become a very good friend of yours.
"Are our plans at Rita's still on for tomorrow night?" Rhys asked. 
Everyone - but you - said their agreements before Azriel spoke, "Actually, Elain and I have plans for tomorrow night." 
Your breathing got caught on your throat, and Nesta's hand flew immediately to yours, grabbing it gently.
It was Feyre who asked, "Where are you going?" You could've sworn there was a hint of surprise in her voice.
"To the new restaurant that just opened by the Rainbow. It's supposed to be very good," Elain's eyes moved from her younger sister to the male sitting next to her, "so we decided to try it." 
Cassian cleared his throat, and he looked in your direction before looking at the people in front of him. "It's that a date? Are you going on a date?"
Azriel chuckled and squeezed Elain's hand. "I guess we can call it that." 
You stood up abruptly, attracting everyone's eyes, "Sorry. I just remembered that Madja needs my assistance to visit a patient tomorrow, and I forgot to prepare the medical bag." 
You excused yourself before leaving the dining room and making your way towards the stairs. 
You heard Cassian and Nesta calling your name, but you didn't bother to turn as you started to descend the ten thousand steps.
Through your power, you were able to realize that no one - with the exception of your best friend and probably her mate - noticed your lie.  Just as they didn't notice the tears that filled your eyes as soon as you turned your back on them and left the room.
You went to your aunt's house.  
The last thing Madja expected to find at her door at that time of night was her niece with red eyes and tears running freely down her cheeks.
She barely let you walk in before she wrapped your figure into a tight embrace. 
She had noticed the change in your mood recently but decided not to comment because she knew very well that as soon as you were ready to talk, you would tell her everything.
And that's what you did.
You told her everything as you both rested on her pink couch with your head in her lap while she caressed your hair, listening to your words attentively.
You ended up falling asleep with your cheeks stained from the tears, and Madja didn't dare to move. She refused to awake you from your peaceful slumber.
She bent down to kiss your head, and when she raised again, she saw a piece of parchment on the top of the table next to the couch, reaching for it.
It was Rhysand asking where you were. 
Madja answered for you and wrote to him, saying that you were with her and spending the night at her house. 
It didn't take long until your aunt joined you into your slumber.
The following night, you made your way towards the House after a hard day at the clinic. 
The day got worse when the patient you went to see at his residence didn't make it.
Sometimes, you hate your job, especially because of your powers. When things got too much for you to handle, you had to put a shield around you to prevent you from feeling your patients worries or pains.
The patient you visited was heavily sick. It was too late to do anything medical, so you did the only thing you could.
You used your powers. Let his emotions invade you, and then, with a long sigh, you took away his pain and transferred it to you.
That was the only thing you could do for him at that moment, and you are more than relieved that you were able to provide him comfort while he left this world, making his passing easier for him and his family.
You climbed the ten thousand steps, but it didn't even bother you. You were too busy thinking about your patient and whether his family would be okay. You made a mental note to visit them the next day and help where you could.
You pushed these thoughts away as you opened the door and entered the House.
All you needed right now was to be with your friends and forget about this awful day.
When you walked into the living room, you remembered that everyone went to Rita's.
Well, everyone, but you, Azriel, and Elain. The two of them were on their date tonight. 
And like a snap of a finger, all your emotions and feelings from the last few months and days came flooding back.  
Your eyes fell on Rhys's expensive drinks cart.  
You wiped your tears and everything you felt turned into anger.  
"Fuck it." You went to the cart, grabbed the first bottle that was in your reach, removed the cork and drank, sinking the drink down your throat and your sorrows with it.
Three hours later, Cassian, Nesta, Rhys and Feyre finally arrived at the House.
Amren had departed to her apartment after they left Rita's and Mor stayed behind saying that her night wasn't over yet.
The two couples had come talking about you on the way. They had waited for you but when you didn't show up, they assumed you were with Madja or still at the clinic.
Rhys had sent a letter to Madja a few minutes ago asking for you and when your aunt said she was looking for you too, they left hoping to find you here.
They just didn't expect the state they were going to find you.
As soon as they passed the threshold of the balcony and into the living room, they saw you.
You were laying on the couch with your legs off of it, an empty bottle was in your hand, and another on the floor by your feet.
"Oh my god," the High Lady whispered.
Cassian moved and kneeled next to you by the couch. His hand made its way to your arm and tried to awake you.
"Y/N." He shook you lightly.
After a few seconds, you opened your eyes and were faced with the General looking at you.
"Cass," you said with your voice dragging, "you're here." You moved to sit and wrapped him into a hug, one that he didn't hesitate to reciprocate.
"Are you alright, sweetheart?" He asked you while caressing your back.
"I am now that you're all here," you released a breath. "My dear friends", you looked at your other three friends who were looking at you with concern. "You're so beautiful. All of you. Did you know that?" You giggled.
It was rare for you to drink and when you did, you never got drunk.
Nesta sits next to you and puts an arm around your shoulders. You took the opportunity to rest your head on her shoulder, finding comfort in your friend's embrace.
"What happened, Y/N?" She asked you.
You started laughing before replying with irony in your voice "What didn't happen?" 
You pushed away from her and stood so you could face all your friends "My patient died. The male I've been in love with for decades won't even look at me and this House that used to be my safe haven, it's now the stage of my pain."
"Oh! Not to mention that Elain is mated but does she care? No! Does Azriel care? Of course not. I've been in love with him for decades. Decades! And he doesn't even look at me." You started laughing, "By the Cauldron, I'm pathetic."
Your family didn't seem surprised by your revelation - Nesta wasn't the only one who knew of your feelings towards Azriel, the rest of the Inner Circle knew it too, except the two in the center of all of this but you didn't know that.
Cassian pulled you into a tight hug and Rhys and Nesta moved to do the same.
If it weren't for this situation everyone would've thought that the world was about to end from seeing Rhys and Nesta hugging each other.
Morrigan arrived in the moment you were in the middle of your friends with tears in your eyes.
"What's going on?" Mor whispered to Feyre who was still in the same spot since she arrived.
Feyre explained everything and by the moment she finished, both females had tears in her eyes at the sight of her friend being hurt.
"What's wrong with me?" You asked them, your voice breaking.
"Nothing is wrong with you. Nothing." That wasn't your friend speaking. It was your High Lord.
Feyre and Morrigan joined the hug in the moment you said, "I'm never going to be good enough for him. I'll never be her." 
Tears rolled down Feyre and Mor faces, and both females were asking the same question in their minds "How long has she been feeling like this?"
Your High Lady spoke this time, "Y/N. What can we do? What do you need?"
You hugged Cassian tighter before locking eyes with Nesta "I just need my girls."
Nesta nodded her head at you and looked at the blonde female "Can you take us?" 
Mor didn't hesitate in agreeing. 
Anything to make you feel better.
Two hours later, you were in the middle of the bed with Nesta and Gwyn on one side and Emerie on the other, all of them with their arms around you.
The three of them had fallen asleep a few minutes ago after one hour of you telling them everything about Azriel and a lot of cups of tea and tissues.
You thought they would've been mad at you but they didn't. 
They reassured you several times that it was okay and that you could take all the time in the world until you were ready after you tried to apologize too many times.
Now you were staring at the ceiling thinking about your options.
You couldn't live like this anymore, knowing that Azriel would never love you back. 
So you were going to do the only thing you could in order to protect what was left of your heart.
There was something about your powers that no one knew. Something that you never had shared.
You had a switch.  
One that you could turn on and off whenever and wherever you wanted.  
In the same way that you could feel everything, you could also feel nothing.
The only problem? Everything that made you - You - would disappear.
But it was also your solution to your situation.
You closed your eyes and gave a deep breath.
You focused on your breathing for a minute and then...
No more emotions.
No more feelings.
No more love.
No more sadness.
No more pain.
No more tears.
You turned it off.
When you opened your eyes again, you were numb.
Your eyes lost their color and you didn't feel a single thing. 
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A/n: Thank you for reading!
General taglist: @emryb @fantasyandshit @azrielover @shadowsingercassia @brieflyclassymortal @lilah-asteria @lure-of-writing @pruvii @olive-main @mybestfriendmademe @anuttellaa
the beautiful dividers belong to @cafekitsune
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astra-ravana · 16 days
Basic Incense and Their Uses
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Types of Incense:
• Sandalwood: Protection, healing, purification, pleasing the spirits, consecration
• Cherry: Attracts and stimulates love, new beginnings
• Vanilla: Luck, love, happiness, stimulates memory
• Jasmine: Luck; especially in love, peace, intuition, moon magick
• Coconut: Purification and protection, fertility, love and chastity
• Frankincense: Spirituality, protection, love, prosperity, growth, confidence, an offering to the gods
• Cinnamon: Wealth/money, prosperity, success, focus, amplifies any ritual or spell, third eye
• Myrrh: Protection, exorcism, consecration, purification, peace, meditation, spirituality, offering to the gods
• Patchouli: Money, abundance, attraction, passion, romance, lust
• Rose: Love, self love, safety, calm, healing, purification, connection to maternal ancestors
• Strawberry: Passion, love, luck, friendship, romance, opens/connects root and sacral chakras, goddess offering
• Dragon's Blood: Increases personal power, manifestation, attraction, sensuality, love, favored by many entities as an offering
• Sage: Cleansing, banishing, protection, clearing the air, nullifying negativity, promoting a more peaceful environment, longevity
• Lavender: Psychic abilities, divination, dream magick, protection, purification, beauty, intuition, peace, calming
• Nag Champa: Amplifies a ritual, great for meditation
• Clove: Protection (especially for children), love, money, purification, exorcism, shielding/warding
• Juniper: Exorcism, protection, healing, love
• Allspice: Attracts luck and money, provides extra physical energy
• Copal: Protection, cleansing, purification, connection, spirituality, ideal for cleansing crystals and stones
• Bay: Good luck, manifestation, success, purification, protection, healing, sharpens psychic abilities
• Rosemary: Protection, exorcism, purification, promotes sleep, restores and/or mantains youth, draws love, increases intellect
• Thyme: Health, vitality, healing, cleansing
• Pine: Money, strength, patience, shielding, purification, offer to nature spirits/deities
• Fern: Burn indoors to drive out malevolent spirits, burn outdoors to bring rain
• Benzoin: Purification, prosperity, amplifies mental abilities
• Arabic Gum: Purification and protection of the home
• Blueberry: Keeps unwanted influences away
• Passionflower: Peace, anxiety soothing, promotes sleep, friendship, joy, openness
• Mullein: Courage, protection, health, divination, offering to the dead
• Rowan: Psychic ability, self reflection, healing, protection, power, spirits more likely to obey demands/requests
• Star Anise: Psychic power, manifestation, luck
• Mugwort: Strength, psychic power, spirit communication, protection, astral travel, dream work, visions/premonitions
• Rue: Healing, mental health, comfort, exorcism, love, bonding
• Saffron: Health, wealth, happiness, success, wind raising, manifestation, lust, strength, third eye
• Palo Santo: Clears stagnant/negative energy
• Eucalyptus: Healing, cleansing, physical health, clears tense energy, invigorating, empowerment
• Wormwood: Magick, astral travel, spirit work, dream work, divination, third eye, protection from magick, curses and unwelcome energies, spiritual love, opens spiritual doorways, return to sender
• Lotus: Inner peace and outer harmony, third eye, meditation ascension, recovery, offering to Lilith
• Chamomile: Love, peace, comfort, stress reduction, luck in gambling
• Amber: Manifestation, good luck, success, love, romance, patience, protection, balance, sensuality, pain relief
• Damiana: Sensuality, sexuality, astral travel, love/sex magick, baneful witchcraft, attraction, drawing spells, shadow work, healing trauma, speaking your truth
• Skull Cap: Balance, calm, recovery, anchor to bring consciousness back to the body after astral projection
• Albizzia: Opens you up to oneness, attunes the heart, brings happiness
• Lemongrass: Calming, balance, love, depression relief
• Ginger: Strength, power, prosperity, relationship success
• Oregano: Joy, travel, creativity, love, hand fasting
• Cardamom: Love, lust, charm, mental clarity
• Sweet Grass: Removes malevolent energies, draws prosperity
• Marshmallow: Spirit pulling, protection, cleansing, stimulates psychic power, self-understanding, nurturing, healing, fertility, love, sexuality
• Orris: Love, protection, divination, spirit work, intuition
• Storax: Courage, healing, moon magick, meditation, divination, encourages restful sleep, offering to Hekate
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Incense Smoke Divination:
Smoke direction- Up/down:
• Up: Positive spiritual journey
• Down: Challenges, deviation from the path
Smoke direction- Right/left:
• Right: Desires will be fulfilled
• Left: Blocks and turbulent energy
Smoke direction- Towards/away:
• Towards: Reciprocal affection
• Away: Neglect or indifference
Smoke forms a circle:
• Clear circle: Strong vibes, manifestation is near
• Hazey circle: Weak vibes, uncertain manifestation
Smoke forms a Ladder:
• Multiple steps: Elevated spiritual path
• One step: Need to enhance spirituality
Spiral shape:
• Clear spiral: Big, new change
• No distinct shape: Chaos, uncertainty
Smoke splits in two:
• Important life decisions
• Trust your instincts
Many broken corners:
• Confusion, need clarity
Infinity symbol:
• Very auspicious omen
Thick and dense smoke:
• Negative energy
• Change is needed
Abrupt lighting and smoke:
• Smooth/even flame: Clear path
• Choppy flame: Hurdles on path
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nopanamaman · 2 months
How does the stalker business work?
Loredump. October 2023
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A web of alliances, insiders, clients, and territorial disputes - this is what forms the stalker business, a domain that’s as illegal as it is profitable.
Today, we’ll delve into the basic origins and inner workings of this peculiar profession. Let’s find out how these glorified marauders operate!
How did the stalker business develop?
The stalker business emerged almost as soon as the Zone itself was born. But, much like every structure based around the Zone itself, it became more refined - and more corrupt - as years went on.
What started as individuals travelling the Zone completely on their own accord grew into a network of organised groups with their own informants, clientele and designated territories. Yet when it looked like major alliances had become fully solidified with a couple of large groups operating across vast stretches of the Zone, the development of the internet put a dent in the system.
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Yura: Do I really need to know the territorial policies of 70s factions Sergei: YES Olya: No.
As many information-gathering and order-related operations moved online, doing business in smaller groups became a more viable option. Nowadays, the majority choose to operate in gangs of up to 30 people.
Since the business has grown more decentralised and, in a way, accessible, the competition within it has increased dramatically. Territories are less clearly defined and run-ins with members of rivalling gangs are commonplace. When it comes to the human factor, it’s more dangerous than it ever was.
How are the little groups organised?
Modern stalker groups are typically formed around somebody who has direct connections to potential clients or those able to nicely aggregate information about the Zone’s current state. So any group needs at least one product reseller and one strategic leader, which can sometimes be the same person.
The latter is true for Sergei's group, for instance.
He is responsible for processing orders, evaluating the delivered artefacts, reselling them, gathering up to date information about the Zone’s landscape and traffic, and helping the available stalkers plan their trips accordingly. It’s a heavy workload, so having just one person performing all of those tasks wouldn’t be manageable on a larger scale.
Obviously enough, smaller groups are more reliant on the quality of their individual members, even more so when they have a specific role to fill. If we use known members of Sergei’s group as examples, they fit pretty neatly into the following roles:
Radar (радар). Formerly fulfilled by Kolya – a stalker with an outstanding sense for anomalies. Irreplaceable for navigating the more treacherous parts of the Zone. Yura was going to inherit that role.
Doctor (доктор). Self-explanatory. While it’s recommended that all stalkers undergo some form of first aid training, it never hurts to have someone with a deeper knowledge of medicine on the team. This role was filled by Nikita.
Insider (свояк). As the name suggests, it’s a person that helps in various aspects of stalker work by providing client contacts, guard post information, info about other gangs’ operations, and so on depending on their position. Insiders don’t usually take part in actual trips or even work with specific stalker groups, but Olya is built different.
Ram (таран). The muscle of the group. You don’t need to be especially physically fit to navigate the Zone,but when things become dire, it absolutely helps. This was Sergei’s role when he still travelled the Zone.
These are arbitrary designations and many don’t fit into one particular role. That said, creating a balanced group of 3 is easier when there’s a fair understanding of each person’s strengths.
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Yura: Oh, kinda like video game classes! Sanya: Yeah, I guess. Yura: So who would I be? Sanya: Support.
What does the typical work cycle look like?
An order is either placed on an online marketplace or is mailed directly to a trusted trader. The trader then passes the information to the strategist, who analyses the current Zone layout, as well as the latest available information about the placements of various artefacts and anomalies.
The strategist then determines the optimal routes to retrieving the ordered goods. Some use special software to aid in the process. The service price is then estimated based on the difficulty of retrieval and transportation. If the initial price suggested in the order is lower than this estimate, price negotiations will ensue.
Once the minimal price is agreed on, the actual planning starts. A group of three is gathered from the pool of available stalkers. They are all informed about the mission specifics and the route they need to travel - this is when the team can discuss and make adjustments to the plan.
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Nikita: No, no, this route will be way too stressful for Olyechka. Perhaps, she should sit this one out? Olya: If we don't make this route shorter, Nikita won't come back, I'm afraid. Nikita: Well, aren't you a treat. Anyways, Serozha, my leg has been getting worse and I won't make this climb. Olya: Perhaps, you should sit this one out.
After the artefacts are delivered to the trader, their quality is evaluated. Stalkers tend to pick up whatever valuables they find on the way, which means extra cash for them and more work for the trader.
Once the evaluation is complete, stalkers are paid off and the products are resold at a significantly higher price. The artefacts that were specifically ordered are exchanged for the agreed upon amount of money and the extra stuff is peddled to other high-paying customers.
Since selling artefacts is a risky and complicated endeavour in itself, most stalkers are content with the paychecks they get from their trader.
Finally, when everything is done, stalkers may anonymously share information about their trip to the online community. But considering the competitive nature of the business, not everyone is willing to help out their fellow colleagues – or really, not everyone wants to talk about the things they’ve seen.
What is the online stalker community like?
As was already mentioned, the internet has majorly changed how stalkers went about receiving orders and information about the Zone. It has become an important channel for communication and securing deals.
Firstly, all of the relevant platforms are on the deep web. Secondly, all of them are invite-only.
The three major platforms are:
Doska (literally “the board” as in bulletin board)
A marketplace where orders are placed and taken up by anyone interested, as well as an auction platform for selling off artefacts. Widely used by groups and stalkers who have not yet gained established clients.
Krematorii (crematorium)
A closed forum. Discussions, rumours, shitposting.
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10K Crematorium karma
14KKM (as in 14 thousand kilometers, the approximate area of the Zone)
A dynamically updated map of the Zone. User-managed, hence chaotic and unreliable.
Users can mark locations of witnessed anomalies and artefact positions, which others can confirm or downvote. A marking needs to be confirmed by at least 4 people before it is put down and is removed if at least 4 people downvote it. All markings can be commented on.
Most of the community tries to maintain it more or less accurately for the sake of their own future missions, but there are malefactors that will add false markers to it. Should be taken with a huge grain of salt.
Of course, it bears mentioning that there are plenty of fake online communities on the surface web. Those are rife with people roleplaying as stalkers, scammers, kids, and just shitposters. No actual stalker uses those for business.
Rules regarding the Zone
Though the information side of things has changed a lot, the core methodology of travelling the Zone itself remained the same. Sets of universal rules became solidified over the years, which can be described as a mixture of operational protocols and esoteric beliefs.
What are the basic operational protocols?
Basic operational protocols outline best practices for dealing with simple anomalies, traversing the Zone, bypassing guard posts, and handling difficult situations (mercy kills, painless death, encountering other stalkers).
Some common recommendations include:
use projectiles (usually bolts with pieces of cloth attached for visibility) to check for gravitational anomalies;
operate in groups of three - two do the job, the third one watches on;
do not consume any food or drinks you find;
avoid unnatural shadows;
do not stay at the Hollow for over 20 minutes (your body will start to decay);
do not approach the Town (your body will permanently distort);
do not handle fizzy clay without rubber gloves (will leave you debilitated or addicted to the substance);
always send the draisine back;
don't photograph ghosts;
They are objective results of many years of trial and error. Going against them is likely to end in death or injury regardless of your personal qualities. In other words, there is little dispute over the validity of these rules. The same cannot be set for the second ruleset.
What are stalker beliefs?
The Zone favours the miserable. The desperate, the broken, the lonely. The Zone favours ones that are willing to give up their whole being to her, to completely entrust themselves to her whims. She rewards dejection.
These are common truths to some and hogwash to others. There is no solid proof for any of these claims - how can there be? However, there is no happy stalker, and there is no living stalker without a scar. To many, that's evidence enough.
On top of that, there are some group-specific philosophies. They include:
the Zone is a holy place that needs to be revered;
the Zone is an ulcer of the world that needs to be cleansed;
the Zone is the new stage of Earth’s evolution;
the Zone is divine punishment;
the Zone is a point of contact with a parallel universe;
and many others.
These philosophies dictate how people go about their activities in the Zone in a more ritualistic sense. It’s hard to devise whether or not those little rituals have any effect that isn’t purely psychological.
There is a good number of people that hold a purely cynical view of the Zone. But whether they admit it or not, everyone gradually develops a sense of fear and reverence for it. How they compartmentalise it is a different question.
I could write more about the topic, but as of now, I think this general outline should suffice. The stalker business is a multifaceted enterprise to say the least, so hopefully this article has shed the light on its most essential aspects.
Perhaps, there will one day be a more in-depth follow-up! Who knows. As we continue to unveil the enigmatic layers of the Zone, only time will reveal the full extent of its mysteries... And the engimatic layers of shitty Stalker forums, I guess.
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thegodwithinblog · 2 years
To your advantage...
All the hidden, subconscious trauma and personal issues we may carry around. But to get...
Beginning the journey We enter this world empty. The baby does not know his purpose and he doesn’t know about this life. As he grows up, through trial and error, he discovers many things about how to be, how to act, even how to think and feel. But this shouldn’t stop him from looking into himself once he is an adult. As this adult, he is on his own, so he should master himself, or at least…
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russo-woso · 13 days
First match || Kyra Cooney-Cross
Request | Masterlist | prompt list
Warning smut 18+, strap on, cunnilingus, squirting
Summary Kyra rewards you after your debut with Arsenal
As the full time whistle blew, you felt arms wrap around you, lifting you up in the air.
“Ky!” You squealed, recognising the smell and touch of the person.
“You played so well, babe. Scoring on your debut.” Kyra told you, putting you down and kissing you.
“Thank you, baby.”
Before you could connect your lips once more, you were being pulled away by various teammates.
You didn’t see Kyra again properly until you both entered the car park, Kyra waiting outside for you.
She kissed your cheek, wrapping her arm round your waist and leading you to the car.
The ride home set an idea of what was to come when you got home.
Kyra’s hand was on your thigh the whole way home, rubbing and squeezing at it gently.
You often caught her gazing at you instead of the road, her eyes full of love and lust.
As soon as your apartment door shut, your back was pressed against it.
Kyra’s lips attacked your neck, marking it.
“Ky…” you breathed, grabbing her neck and pushing it more into your neck.
“Bedroom?” Kyra suggested and you nodded immediately.
Kyra picked you up before carrying you to the bedroom.
Kyra laid you on the bed, taking in the sight in front of her.
One by one, you both took each others clothes of, admiring each other.
Kyra leaned down and planted kisses along your collarbone before turning her attention to your boobs.
“That feels so good ky.”
Kyra’s lips continued travelling down your body, stopping as she got to your inner thighs.
She gripped them gently, before licking through your folds.
“Fuck.” You moaned, pleasure coursing through your body.
Kyra’s tongued explored your pussy like it was the first time.
Her tongue lapped over your clit continuously, bringing you closer and closer to the edge.
“Baby, please don’t stop, please. God, ‘m gonna cum. Fuck!” You cried, your juices flowing into Kyra’s awaiting mouth.
She lifted her head with a smirk on her face, half of it covered in your juices.
“Such a good girl coming for me.” Kyra muttered, leaning over to the bedside table and grabbing the strap and harness. “Gonna cum around my dick now, aren’t you?”
“Yes, ky.”
Kyra lined the strap with your entrance, gently pushing in.
Rubbing your clit to distract you from the sting, Kyra eventually bottomed out.
She let you get used to it for a moment before pulling out and back in.
You gasped at the feel of it, the feeling being a mixture of pleasure and pain.
Kyra’s thrusts increased in pace and strength, the strap hitting your g spot perfectly.
“Kyra.” You moaned, reaching for her back, your fingernails digging into her shoulders. “Feels so fucking good.”
“Being such a good girl for me.”
“I’m so close, ky. Please don’t stop, baby.”
In one quick movement, Kyra flipped you so you were now straddling her, the strap still buried in your pussy.
“Ride it.” Kyra said, grabbing ahold of your hips.
You bounced up and down, using all your energy to get close to the edge.
It didn’t long to do so, the strap hitting all the places you wanted it to.
As you were about to cum, your movements slowed down, your legs aching.
Kyra garner your back, pulling you into her chest before pounding into you.
With a cry of her name, you squirted all over the strap, wetting Kyra and the bed.
“Fuck.” You gasped, realisation of what had just happened. “Ky, I’m so sorry.”
“Baby, why you saying sorry? That’s was fucking hot.” The Australian told you, kissing your head as it dropped onto her chest.
“That was incredible.” You mumbled, the strap slipping out of you.
“You deserved it all, especially after tonight’s match.”
“Love you, ky.”
“Love you too, baby.”
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your-astro-mami · 6 months
Solar Eclipse 2024 and how it will affect YOU
Aries Rising
The Solar eclipse will be in your 1st house which could show major shifts in your approach to life. This is the time to take a new direction and start something you have wanted to do for a while. Main character energy - you are ready to gain more confidence in the things you do. This is a wonderful period to make changes connected to your personal presentation, self-image, how you appear.
Taurus Rising
The Solar eclipse will be in your 12th house so there could be drastic changes connected to your mental health and inner wellbeing. You may feel ready to overcome past struggles and focus on your healing journey. This is a good time to do activities that are more spiritual, meditate, visualize as it could be an intense and transformative time and help you find the inner strength needed to bring the change.
Gemini Rising
The Solar eclipse will be in your 11th house which will bring big changes connected to your friend circle, friendships, social life as well as your personal goals. If you want to receive support and attention for something you do, this is the time to put yourself out there and work towards your goals. There is an increase in opportunities so make sure to catch them.
Cancer Rising
The Solar eclipse will be in your 10th house so this time could bring big changes connected to your career and professional life. You may be more motivated to turns plans into action and pursue any future goals. This is the time to cultivate your image and make any changes in your image as they will be helpful in improving your reputation and other people's perception of you.
Leo Rising
The Solar eclipse will be in your 9th house so you are entering a more adventurous period of your life. You are ready to do activities that will push you to go out of your comfort zone and do something new and different. This is a good time to focus on education, personal development and gain more knowledge. Travel is highly recommended.
Virgo Rising
The Solar eclipse will be in your 8th house so this period could be deeply transformative and help you gain more inner strength, courage. Financially it could show a period of growth and bigger opportunities for a financial change. You may have deep motivation to do things that will help you gain recognition.
Libra Rising
The Solar eclipse will be in your 7th house so this could be a transformative time for your relationships. The people in your life could have a large impact on your approach to life. You could experience a positive shift in your personal and professional relationships. Networking is recommended.
Scorpio Rising
The Solar eclipse will be in your 6th house so this is a good time to make any bigger changes in your lifestyle and start your health journey. You are more productive so this is a good time to focus on any important tasks and responsibilities. You may feel more motivated at work.
Sagittarius Rising
The Solar eclipse will be in your 5th house which could be positive for your inspiration and pursuing any creative projects. It could be a good time for socializing, expanding your circle and meeting more people. In your dating life it could be favorable for starting a new chapter.
Capricorn Rising
The Solar eclipse will be in your 4th house which could be a good time to make changes connected to your home, living location and environment. Take care of your emotional wellbeing and do activities that make you feel emotionally calmer. There could be big changes in your family and close relationships.
Aquarius Rising
The Solar eclipse will be in your 3rd house which could make this a wonderful time to make any major decisions and focus on plans. You may receive valuable information that will help you know what to do next. This is a good time for writing, journaling and sharing your thoughts with others.
Pisces Rising
The Solar eclipse will be in your 2nd house which could impact you financially and show a good time to seek new financial opportunities and sources of income. You may gain more confidence and security. You are likely to reevaluate your life and focus on what is important.
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omg congrats for 5k doll! i wanted to slide in and see if i could have a protective!bf Gaz written since my baby is so underappreciated??? i saw this tweet about the scene in mw where gaz's disabling a bomb and is unable to and price throws the guy off the balcony, but this time the bomb in strapped to his love and he's and he's struggling and sees price out of the corner of his eye and remembers what happens last time and panicks and goes all 'you won't do that to her'. just a thought, love all your work!
—Don't Look At Her
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⇢ ˗ˏˋ 5k Drabble Masterlist ࿐ྂ
╰┈➤ ❝ [The bomb starts ticking down, rapidly firing to zero. Gaz won't let Price near you. Not after he'd remembered the Captain's actions when they'd first met.] ❞
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"Gaz," your voice wavers, watching the rapidly working man and seeing his darting eyes—lit with panicked fervor. He doesn't answer, so you speak again. "Gaz!"
"No!" He barks, brown eyes instantly meeting yours. Lips pull in a right frown; there's a glint in his gaze that you'd never seen before—not in the many years you'd known him. Kyle's firm hands don't leave the wiring attached to your chest. The vest.
The bomb.
"No, Love," he grates out, immediately getting back to work as you try to keep your tears at bay, body jerking back and forth as your boyfriend pulls at the straps and bits. "Don't even say anything. You're going to fucking fine, you hear? It's going to be okay."
It was the product of bad intel, really. You'd been sent in without the proper know-how, leading to a scuffle where the butt of a gun had been slammed into your temple. When your eyes opened again, it was already too late.
Kneeling in the middle of a large office building, the glass of the windows shattered behind you, and the wind whips the back of your skull aggressively, you stare down at Gaz. Trying to form words on a tongue that won't cooperate.
"You need to run," you whisper out, resigning yourself as the rapid beeping increases. Your heart moves so fast you can't feel the skin of your chest anymore. "Kyle," pleading, you watch his jaw clench something fierce. "Listen to me—!"
"I'm not leaving you!" A sharp snap of a metal piece hits your ears, the piece of the vest clattering to the ground in a violent display of desperation. Gaz glances back up at you stubbornly; as if uncaring about the impending incineration only minutes away. "So you stop bloody talking like that, yeah? I'm not just giving up!"
The sides of your eyes dribble out rabid tears, lungs a mess of air and inhales that can't even be considered breathing anymore by how wheezy they sound.
How would it feel? Exploding into a patchwork of blood and fire—instantaneous, sure, but feeling Kyle's heat and his puffs of air; his fear, you can't imagine him dying like that. Not him.
"Look at me," Gaz pants, fingers pulling at cords in search of the one he needed to cut—unable to pinpoint it through the hack-job that had been done to your vest.
There was every color under the sun except fucking yellow. His teeth clench so tight they hurt his jaw, but he sends you quick glances as you shakily do as he says.
Brown eyes soften, and while the both of your hands shake, for a second there's a relief at the eye-contact. "Repeat it, Love."
You lick your lips and stammer, "y-you're not leaving."
Lips press firmly into yours, and you clench your eyes tight at the sensation, tiny sob breaking the contact.
"That's right." Gaz growls. "Not on my life."
Rapid footsteps race into the room, but before the Sergeant can reach for his weapon, the familiar call from the Captain echoes out.
"Friendly!" It's as if Gaz doesn't even register, still digging and fearfully looking at the timer.
50 seconds. 49. 48. 47...
"Sergeant," Price jogs over. You can barely find the inner strength to look up at him. "Sitrep."
Blue eyes dart from the vest to you and the Captain's serious face goes grim. His expression flashes with the inner workings of his mind, eyes narrowing and a grunt stuck under his lips.
"I have it," Gaz speaks quickly, and the words strike you as odd, though you don't comment. Price slid him a sharp look.
"Don't even look at her." Snarling like an animal, brown orbs are volatile enough to rend stone in two as they meet the older man's. You and John are rendered speechless, sharing a swift glance in shock like teenagers hearing their parents swear for the first time.
Kyle's eyes are wild, sweat slicking his brow. "Come fucking on!" He yells and your body is snapped forward as Gaz pries on the straps, having to steady yourself on the man's shoulders for support. Every muscle in his body is taunt; shaking with force.
Perhaps it was the memory that invaded his brain like a parasite that had made him snap at his superior like that—a stab to his fine tissue that digs all the way down his rail-straight spine.
Piccadilly Circus. Tanto building. Hostage with an explosive vest.
Kyle's fingers bleed as they peel back rough velcro, having ripped off his gloves to be nearer to you.
It all flashes past his mind in horrible increments, the past, but instead of a man—the hostage is you. And Price was burning his neck with a harsh stare once more.
He's going to throw her out the window, Kyle panics and you watch with the deadly realization of the situation. No. No, I won't let him. Not her.
"Garrick," Price says, voice deep. But he doesn't move. "You need to get your head back on."
"I've got it screwed on just right, Captain." Gaz grunts. "Trust me."
12 seconds. 11. 10. 9...
You stare at Gaz and memorize the make of his handsome face—the dates and the late nights speaking about the future sticking to your skin like leeches; sucking away every instance of love and happiness. His laugh. His brown eyes.
His smile.
Oh, you want to see your Love smile.
"Sergeant!" Price yells, moving forward to grapple onto Kyle's shoulder. "It's going off!"
Your boyfriend rips out of his hold, fists clenched and screaming.
"Get the fuck off of me! I can save her!" Your back hits the ground with a slap and a ragged gasp from your lips, the Brit straddling your hips in a desperate play to deactivate the bomb.
"Kyle," you look up at him, pleading. "You have to take cover, it's...it's okay. I love you, I need you to know that—"
"Bloody shut," eyes spark, locking on the bright color under the front of the vest. Gaz snaps a hand under the material and rips at it in a ruthless wrench of his arm. 2 seconds. There's a deafening snap of wire. "Up!"
The beeping stops and the world stills.
Your wide eyes can't stop crying as you stare up into brown eyes with astonishment; struggling to breathe. You can't tell if the building is vibrating or only you, but nothing seems to be able to focus as a wave crashes down on you; adrenaline still striking you.
Everything rings inside of your ears, pounding in your head.
Hands grasp the base of your jaw and lips descend to yours, tears slapping your skin from above in a wave of feral agony. Gaz stifles his sob on your mouth as you shake wildly, panting over your flesh.
Price gives off a large sigh from behind, standing straighter and turning his head.
Gaz's forehead connects with yours, but there are no words to be said—just the silent gazing and lingering fear of death. He won't let go of your cheeks, and, quivering, you go to grasp tightly at the sides of his arms.
With a shuddering breath, he closes his eyes and sags into you.
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@luuvbuzz, @emerald-valkyrie, @anna-banana27, @blueoorchid, @cryingnotcrying, @writeforfandoms, @homicidal-slvt, @jade-jax, @frazie99, @elmoees, @littlemisstrouble, @alpineswinter, @phoenixhalliwell, @idocarealot, @lavalleon, @facelessmemories, @h-leigh, @20forty9, @glitter-anon-asks, @emily-who-killed-a-man, @neelehksttr, @aeneanc, @escapefromrealitysm, @i-d-1-0-t, @pparcxysm, @hawkscanendme, @caramlizedtomatos, @konigsleftkidney, @sanfransolomitatm, @maelstrom007, @jemandderkeinenusernamenfindet, @pheobees, @glitterypirateduck, @uselsshuman, @fan-of-encouragement, @halfmoth-halfman, @ghostlythunderbird, @I-inkage, @pukbadger, @kopatych11, @0nceinabluem00n, @cocrorapop, @knightofsexyness, @abnormalgeil, @smallseastone, @jacegons, @330bpm-whiplash, @simon-rileys-housewife, @4-atsu, @tiredmetalenthusiast
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wilwheaton · 9 months
As any professional interrogator can tell you, deep down inside, all of us humans are really just scared little kids. The more we’re broken down by the circumstances of life or government policy, the less secure we feel, the harder it is to get by in life, and the more scared we become. And, for many people, out of that fear comes the willingness — hell, the enthusiasm — to embrace “big daddy” in the form of a tough guy leader who promises to “restore” those who feel the fear back to their previous (or imagined future) positions of power, wealth, and authority. This becomes particularly easy for fascist leaders when their followers are convinced that the nation’s government has become hopelessly corrupt, a project rightwing fossil fuel billionaires, rightwing media, and Republican politicians have been promoting here in the US for decades. Ever since the Reagan Revolution, in their zeal to cut their own taxes and stop regulation of the fossil fuel and other polluting industries, they’ve been hammering the message that our government has been seized by “deep state socialists” bent on destroying our country. Republicans and the billionaires who own them have repeated this conspiracy theory so often for the last few decades that an entire religion, Qanon, as arisen around it. This belief, that much of what our government does is illegitimate or even malicious, makes it easy for low-information voters to bind themselves to a fascist “reform movement” that promises better times ahead. As fascist followers act out their violent threats against their leaders’ perceived enemies, they get an inner sense of strength and the feeling that they’ve joined a community: that diminishes their own fear for a short while. The more an “other” — political enemies; racial, religious, and gender minorities; women — are blamed for the ills of the nation, the more vigilante-style violence against them is justified and the more violent the future becomes. When the state pushes back against that violence, as America did after January 6th, the calls for increased violence become even louder. Trump is practically shouting “kill them!” with a bullhorn and even our court system is afraid to stop him by throwing him into jail as they would have any other common criminal who encouraged such violence against judges, juries, witnesses, court officials, and their families.
Will Trump's Violent Movement Conquer America?
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aemonds-sapphire · 2 years
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Summary: Aemond fucks you a little too hard… and it doesn’t go unnoticed.
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x fem!reader
Warnings: Comic relief. Aemond being Aemond. Aegon being Aegon and having a deathwish.
Word count: 1k
“We ought to be on our way.”
You glanced lovingly at your husband who had been fixing his hair and attire, expertly getting rid of every and any proof of his earlier endeavour with you.
“Must we go?”
He arched an eyebrow at you. “We must.”
Ever dutiful.
Sighing heavily, you threw your legs over the edge of the bed, suddenly feeling a faint sting in your inner thigh as cramps spread throughout your legs.
You took a mental note to never let Aemond fuck you ever again before a royal feast.
He came to stand before you, extending his hand with a devious smile tugging at his lips. “Shall we, lady wife?”
The discomfort only increased as you reading yourself to stand on your feet.
He eyed you intensely, taking a hold of your arm as you slumped against the mattress. “Are you well?”
“I think I’ve strained something…”
You rubbed at your inner thigh before realising the pain extended to your groin as well.
Aemond crouched at your feet, his eye widening slightly. “Was it my doing?”
Ah. The male ego.
“I suppose,” you nearly chuckled. “You might have overdone it this time, lord husband.”
He placed both hands on your thighs. “I would usually apologise, but considering the circumstances, I’ll take it as a compliment.”
You huffed in forced annoyance as he planted a kiss atop your knee through your dress.
“Should I kiss it better?”
Tempting, but time was of the essence.
“Help me up,” you said, brushing a stray strand of silver hair behind his ear.
Aemond rose to his feet and grabbed both your arms. With little to no effort, he brought you up to stand in front of him.
A jab of soreness dug into your muscles and you couldn’t hold back a hiss.
Your husband planted a soft kiss to your forehead.
“Should I carry you?”
You glanced back at him only to find a playful smile on his face. “Aemond Targaryen, you will do no such thing. Just help me get to the dining hall.”
Aemond wrapped one arm around your waist. “Are you certain?”
You offered him a weak smile. “I’m sure it will pass.”
It did not pass.
In fact, you could feel the throb intensifying with each step along the loomy halls of the Red Keep. Aemond made sure you were close enough so he could check on you periodically. Your sudden ailment turned the heads of many Kingsguard that would occasionally offer help.
Aemond would have none of it, of course. He’d sooner have you use him as clutch.
Which was precisely what you were doing.
“We will never try that position ever again,” you hissed through gritted teeth, clasping his arm with increased strength.
He patted your hand softly. “If memory serves me right, you were the one who suggested it.”
“Be it as it may…”
Your voice died in your throat as the two of you approached the large dining hall, the sound of cheerful music and indistinguishable voices filling your ears.
Even though you struggled down the stairs, you put on a wide smile in the hopes it would be enough to hide the discomfort.
“You are going to scare someone off,” Aemond whispered in your ear teasingly.
Your smile promptly dropped and you cleared your throat. “This is all your fault.”
He didn’t contest your accusation.
“If I stand here without moving, no one will notice.”
“Yes, I am sure that will not raise suspicions when the time comes to sit at the table, lady wife,” he said, sarcasm laced with amusement dripping from his voice.
A servant came before you, holding a platter with several cups of wine. “May I tempt you, my prince? My lady?”
You immediately snatched one in your hand, knowing that alcohol might ease the throbbing in your inner thigh.
Desperate for some relief, you downed most of the liquid, earning a surprised look from Aemond. “You’d do well to go easy on that. We do not need a second Aegon amongst us.”
You blinked at him. “This is all your fault.”
“I heard you the first time,” he nodded, lips curling upwards.
People from all over the Seven Kingdoms swarmed the large hall, making it nearly impossible to walk through without bumping into a few guests.
Your limping might have gone unnoticed by those around you, but the sudden wave of relief was cut short when you spotted Aegon heading your way.
He had definitely emptied a fair share of cups of wine already. You gathered it from all over-the-top excitement and overjoy from spotting his younger brother.
“Why are you walking like that?” he then nudged you in the side playfully.
“Sword practice yesterday,” Aemond said immediately.
“I tripped on my way here,” you blurted out simultaneously, earning a stare from Aegon.
His eyes hopped from you to Aemond in silence and you then saw a knowing smile appear on his lips.
“I see,” Aegon lifted his cup, drinking the liquid inside all at once. “Didn’t know you had it in you, little brother.”
Aemond shot him a death glare. “Whatever that means.”
Aegon rolled his eyes and chuckled, his breath reeking of wine. “Please… sword practice…” he said as he wiggled his eyebrows at you.
You felt Aemond tense under your touch. “Must you be so vulgar?”
“I am sure my sister-in-law agrees with me,” he said with a shrug, before stealing another cup from a passing servant. “How’s my brother’s sword?”
You choked on your own saliva and Aegon quickly passed you his own cup of wine.
“Aegon,” Aemond said as a warning, taking a few steps towards him.
After a few hasty gulps, you were able to breathe once more. “Let’s go, Aemond…”
Your husband took the cup from your hand and shoved it into his brother’s chest until he grabbed it.
Their relationship was rocky to say the least. Aemond extended the bare minimum amount of respect as he possibly could to Aegon.
Aegon frowned. “You’re so frigid, little brother.”
His voice faded away as Aemond walked you through a few guests, greeting the ones you knew and smiling at the ones you didn’t.
Soon after, you walked right into Queen Alicent “Oh, dear… why are you limping?” her voice was filled with worry as her features twisted in concern as she took you in her arms, her warmth filling your entire body.
“Sword practice yesterday,” you said with a forced smile.
“She tripped on her way here,” Aemond said.
She looked taken aback for a moment. “What?”
You were about to change the topic when you felt a heavy hand on your shoulder.
“Seems like Aemond went too hard on her with his sword, mother.”
You watched as Aemond’s lips pursed into a thin line. If looks could kill, you were dead sure Aegon Targaryen would get buried several feet beneath the Red Keep in an instant.
“Aemond!” Alicent gasped, cluthing her pearl necklace. “I warned you not to do so.”
A pang of cold sweat ran through you as your heart dropped to your stomach. Had she caught on to Aegon’s innuendo?
Alicent wrapped one arm around you protectively. “You are a seasoned swordsman, but she isn’t. You must not be so demanding.”
“Of course, mother.”
Your heart soared once again with relief and you sank into Alicent’s embrace.
“I reckon she is getting the hang of it,” Aegon grinned, taking another sip from his cup. “Wouldn’t you agree, brother?”
“I reckon you should keep your mouth shut, brother,” Aemond said abruptly.
“Honestly, Aegon, do tear yourself from that cup of wine,” she scolded in a low voice before turning to you. “Should I fetch a maester?”
“Oh! No, no,” you quickly said, forcing yet another smile. “I’m already feeling much better, thank you, your grace.”
You were wholeheartedly grateful for Alicent’s caring and nurturing nature and, truth be told, you did feel some of the throbbing pain ease.
Aemond came to join your side once again, pushing Aegon’s hand off your shoulder.
Otto Hightower appeared out of nowhere, jolting you as he towered over you. He offered a curt smile and nod before bending to whisper something in his daughter’s ear.
Alicent’s face deepened with worry once again. “Should I go and be by his side?”
Otto shook his head. “No need. He just needs some rest.”
The effect those words had on the two siblings was immediate: Aegon’s face dropped into a faint frown as he exchanged glances with Aemond.
Her body was suddenly tense against yours, but she merely nodded. The king’s health had been declining rapidly, causing him to miss out of most of the events he’d once took joy in organising.
“Are you well, my dear?” Otto was back to his usual pleasing demeanour as he looked at you.
You nodded sweetly, but Aegon was apparently bent on antagonising you. “Aemond hurt her with his sword.”
The older man arched an eyebrow at your husband. How come?”
You could tell Aemond was close to lunging at his brother and mustered all of his will-power to prevent that from happening.
“It’s nothing. It happens,” you chuckled through the tension that had settled.
“We should get her a maester,” Alicent said, her eyes roaming across the vast hall.
“Lighten up, brother,” Aegon cheered with another sip as Aemond’s face twisted into a menacing scowl. “We are merely concerned for your wife.”
Otto brought his hands up into a series of small claps of approval. “Good, good. Family stands together.”
You wished you could vanish into a hole in the ground and disappear, but before you could entertain that idea, Grand Maester Maester was spotted in the crowd and Aegon rushed to summon him.
By the time the old man managed to join your side, you immediately regretted ever joining your husband in this feast.
“Please… there is no need for this,” you said as you began to panic.
“Aemond hurt her with his sword…” Aegon feigned concern before wiggling his eyebrows.
Maester Mellos was perceptive enough to gather the implication in his words, promptly clearing his throat.
Alicent came to that same realisation next as she sighed heavily, glaring disapprovingly at Aegon. “Oh… you imbecile…”
You felt heat take over your body from the embarrassed.
And in no time, Aemond was on Aegon, gripping the back of his neck with bone-cracking force and hissing at him. “I’ve had enough of you.”
“Let go of me!” he tried to jerk away, but Aemond’s grip didn’t ease.
“Stop it. Both of you,” came Otto’s authoritarian voice, effectively tearing both siblings away from each other.
Maester Mellos seemed suddenly out of place as he approached you. “If there is anything I can do to help, let me know, my lady. I have some oils that… are quite effective… in…” he fell silent, avoiding Queen Alicent and Otto’s inquisitive stare.
Aemond took you in his arm once more as you growled at him absolutely mortified. “This is all your fault.”
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luckshmi · 2 months
Retrograde Planets in your Birth Chart
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In Vedic astrology, retrograde planets in a natal chart carry deep significance and unique implications. A planet is deemed retrograde when it appears to move backward in the sky from Earth's perspective. This apparent reversal can alter the planet's energy, leading it to express itself differently than it would when moving direct. Retrograde planets often highlight areas in our lives where we have unresolved issues from past lives or where we need to focus more intently in this life. Understanding the benefits and challenges of retrograde planets can offer profound insights into your life's journey.
Having Mercury retrograde in your birth chart means you process information and communicate in a unique way. You possess deep insights, particularly when it comes to introspection and understanding complex ideas. This can lead to innovative solutions and profound personal insights. However, communication can sometimes be tricky. You might find that others misunderstand you or that you have to work harder to express your thoughts clearly. Issues with technology or travel plans may also arise more frequently. To manage this, practice mindfulness and patience in your communication. Double-check important messages and take your time to articulate your thoughts. You can also calm your mind with Brahmi oil massages, an Ayurvedic practice that enhances clarity and cognitive function.
With Venus retrograde in your birth chart, you have a deep understanding of what you truly value in relationships and personal finances. This can lead to a stronger sense of self-worth and more meaningful connections. Your approach to beauty and aesthetics is unique and deeply personal. However, you might experience challenges in love and financial stability, feeling strain in relationships or difficulties with self-esteem. Focusing on self-love and healing past relationship wounds can be beneficial. Use Ayurvedic rose oil for self-massage to open your heart chakra and promote self-love, helping you attract healthier relationships and financial stability.
Mars retrograde in your natal chart endows you with inner strength and resilience. You can be strategic and thoughtful about how you use your energy and pursue your goals, making you a powerful force when you decide to act. However, there might be a sense of frustration or impatience, as it can feel like your efforts are often delayed or blocked. Channeling your energy into long-term projects and practicing patience can help. Regular physical activity, like yoga or Ayurveda-recommended exercises, can manage frustration and keep your energy balanced. Incorporating Ashwagandha supplements into your routine can also reduce stress and boost vitality.
Having Jupiter retrograde in your birth chart gives you a profound capacity for inner growth and spiritual wisdom. You’re likely to develop a strong set of beliefs and philosophies that guide you throughout life, making you wise beyond your years. However, external growth might feel slow, and opportunities for expansion could be limited, requiring you to work harder for your achievements. Focus on your inner journey and trust that external success will follow. Including turmeric in your diet promotes overall health and well-being, supporting both physical and spiritual growth.
Saturn retrograde in your natal chart means you have a deep understanding of responsibility and discipline. This can help you build strong foundations in your life and deal with karma and past life issues effectively. However, you might feel increased pressure to revisit old fears and insecurities, and responsibilities could feel more burdensome. Embrace the opportunity to strengthen your foundations. Practice grounding techniques, like walking barefoot on grass, and use Ayurvedic grounding oils like sandalwood to help you stay balanced and focused.
Retrograde planets in your natal chart bring both challenges and unique strengths. Embrace the lessons they offer, and use these insights to grow and transform. By incorporating Ayurvedic practices, you can balance these energies and navigate their influences with greater ease. Remember, each retrograde planet offers an opportunity for profound personal growth and a deeper understanding of your life’s journey.
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wafflesex · 1 year
Because I'm a massive nerd: have some character analysis involving gem language and the gems the Leech twins are named after.
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Fluorite is a precious stone named after the Latin word “flux” which means “continuous change.” It is associated with growth: removing negative energy, promoting positivity, and increasing self-confidence.
When cleansing the body from stress, fluorite primarily protects the intellect. It promotes concentration, memory retention, and can be used as a learning aid or for making big decisions. Green fluorite is especially good for this.
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While fluorite’s namesake refers to spontaneity, geologists consider it a stable, predictable gem used to measure the hardness of other gems and minerals on the Mohs scale. Its strength is a reliable factor in determining how resistant other minerals are. In other words: fluorite helps you discover your true limits and potentials.
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Besides aiding the mind, fluorite energizes as well as grounds the heart in "the now," especially during moments of high anxiety. Not to say it disregards the past and the future; it just prefers to work on who you are at present, recognizing you as an ever-changing, inevitable, unstoppable force in the universe. It promotes compassion towards oneself and encourages one to be the best they can be by opening their heart to fun and love instead of embracing past trauma.
In this sense, fluorite is wonderful for conducting work on your inner child, and is especially responsive to younger people (or those young-at-heart).
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A softer mineral, true fluorite tends to bear many natural imperfections on its surface. Some may attribute this to recklessness, hyperactivity, or immaturity. But beneath its scuffs and rough edges, fluorite is a colorful, hearty stone overflowing with positivity… that even glows under ultraviolet light! What a funky little guy.
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Jadeite is a highly prized gem that promises safety and balance in one’s life. Like fluorite, it is also a cleansing stone which relies on a more mature approach to turning negative energy into self-sufficient thoughts and behaviors. However, though beautiful and reliable, jade is cold-to-the-touch, and when stowed away or left unused, can grow incredibly brittle. Therefore, it insists upon being used frequently, if not all the time.
Many believe jade jewelry should be worn for one's entire lifetime, as removing it may invite eternal bad luck.
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Only diamond can be used to carve jadeite, the strongest natural stone in the world. Measuring in at around 7 on the Mohs scale, it doesn’t blemish, bend, or break easily. With such reliable strength, it can be carved and manipulated into intricate shapes without fear of shattering.
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As jade naturally resists breakage, it is a protective gem that forms a special bond with its owner and is commonly used as a tool for breaking other gems. On the rare occasion it does break, however, jade produces glass-like, razor-sharp edges.
In other words: once broken, handle with caution.
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Still, there is a nurturing facet to jade: it promotes vitality, youthfulness, and longevity in people while also extending that power to the earth itself. It was often used in old Chinese rituals to manifest strong crop growth. Today, having a sculpture of a jade bok choy in one’s home is considered a symbol of long life and good health.
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Make no mistake: jade would rather be out and about having fun with you and others. Doing so means it can make the most out of the life you have together. Utilizing its gorgeous exterior, it invites long lasting friendships and even romance to those who wear it. People may naturally trust and be drawn to jade wearers as the gem helps create a charmingly positive and tranquil personality.
If you're included, it feels included in turn.
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A Chinese saying states “you can put a price on gold, but jade is priceless.” Tied to handling matters of the heart, it is a highly perceptive gem and an invaluable treasure meant to be cherished. Generous, elegant, and fierce, it will serve you well… but only if you do the same for it.
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Ok I'm done thank you for coming to my rock talk
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Prayer to Aphrodite Aeria for courage and emotional strength to love freely
O Aphrodite Areia, mighty in love and war, Goddess who blurs the lines of battle and amour, I call upon your power, fierce and fair, To grant me courage in the face of despair.
In the arena of heart, where doubts assail, Bestow upon me strength that shall never fail. May the rose of valor bloom within my chest, And in the crucible of trials, may I find rest.
With your guidance, let my heart be bold, Not swayed by fear, nor seeking to withhold. Transform my trepidation into fearless might, As I navigate through shadows to reach the light.
In love's complex wars, where emotions sway, Lend me your fortitude to face the fray. Aphrodite Areia, in your sacred name, I seek the courage to love without shame.
Grace me with resilience, come what may, An unyielding force in both work and play. Through tempests of sorrow, through torrents of tears, May your presence soothe and calm my fears.
With the golden apple’s promise and the dove's gentle peace, Let my soul's armor be forged, my inner strength increase. For in your divine essence, both tender and fierce, I find the emotional vigor and the courage I beseech.
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adviceformefromme · 3 months
Knowing what daily actions need to be burnt, and what needs to be ignited, will be the difference between wanting to live a certain life, and living that life. Here's the June edition of what's going out vs coming in...
Gossiping voice notes, spending the day on the phone back and forth with friends/family who are stuck. 
Excessive screen time via Netflix binges (Bridgeton - yes you!), and window shopping online.
Daily screen time in excess of 2.5 hrs
Overthinking decisions consuming my energy.
Poor diet organisation, last minute food shopping
Unstructured days
Getting distracted by POTs 
Messy apartment 
Organising my day with my little notebook either the night before or first thing in the morning, including meal planning in advance 
Fresh flowers and candles burning each night to create ambiance in the apartment. 
Clean and organised home that is a reflection of the inner peace and clarity of the mind. 
A weekly workout schedule that incorporates sweat and increased blood flow along with strength training. 
Dedicated time in nature either weekly hiking or beach day
Less screen time (cut by 50%)
Daily prayers, meditation & gratitude with God
Waking up earlier to seize the day (aiming for 5.30am)
Outfit planning to avoid the stress of what to wear
Daily reading / studying nutrition
Consistent with hobbies (currently painting classes and learning Spanish)
Dedicated time daily on 'move the needle tasks' (currently completing my book).
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astaroth1357 · 9 months
Obey Me Fantasy Game Stats
Short little crack post, don't take the numbers too seriously.
Strength: 10
Constitution: 10
Agility: 10
Charisma: 9
Intelligence: 9
Luck: 7
Emotional Availability: 3
Perk: Single Mom Energy
Debuffs all stats by -3 unless under the Caffeinated effect. Buffs all stats by +3 if party member requires Assist.
Strength: 7
Constitution: 7
Agility: 10
Charisma: 7
Intelligence: 4
Luck: 2
Honesty: 3
Perk: Way of the Tsundere
Loyalty grows more quickly, but when interacting with party members with >80 Loyalty, lowers Charisma stat by -3.
Strength: 3
Constitution: 2
Agility: 4
Charisma: 4
Intelligence: 7
Luck: 8
Meta Awareness: 7
Perk: Awkwardly Endearing
Lowers chance of successful Speech checks by 50%, but increases the chance of successful Speech check by 75% if the other party shares the same perk or similar.
Strength: 7
Constitution: 6
Agility: 7
Charisma: 7
Intelligence: 9
Luck: 6
Spite: 8
Perk: Hyperfixation
Interactions with Cats grants +50 Happiness, but lowers Intelligence stat by -5.
Strength: 3
Constitution: 4
Agility: 5
Charisma: 9
Intelligence: 5
Luck: 8
Dev Investment: -10
Perk: Eyes on Me
Increasing Reputation results in the Dazzling effect, increasing Charisma by +3 but lowering Self-Awareness by 75%
Strength: 9
Constitution: 10
Agility: 8
Charisma: 6
Intelligence: 5
Luck: 4
Survivor’s Guilt: 10
Perk: Innocent Sincerity
Speech checks 25% more likely to fail, but failed Speech checks do not lower Reputation.
Strength: 2
Constitution: 2
Agility: 4
Charisma: 8
Intelligence: 9
Luck: 5
Murderous Intent: 7
Perk: Baby Brother Privileges
50% chance to avoid Reputation loss from Evil interactions, but Intimidation attempts are 75% more likely to fail.
Strength: 15
Constitution: 15
Agility: 15
Charisma: 8
Intelligence: 8
Luck: 6
Loneliness: 8
Perk: Inner Child
Solo Events do not grant Happiness, but participation in Group Events grants an extra +50 Happiness to all members involved.
Strength: ???
Constitution: ???
Agility: ???
Charisma: ???
Intelligence: ???
Luck: ???
Tea Mastery: 10
Perk: Eldritch Aura
Relationships build 50% slower, but Intimidation attempts are 75% more likely to succeed.
Strength: 7
Constitution: 8
Agility: 7
Charisma: 10
Intelligence: 8
Luck: 5
Patience: 9
Perk: Angelic Perfection
Leading Group Events yields better rewards, but has a chance to lower Reputation.
Strength: 4
Constitution: 5
Agility: 4
Charisma: 7
Intelligence: 10
Luck: 8
Domestic Skills: 2
Perk: Social Blindness
First Impression interactions will fail 100% of the time, but grants complete immunity to debuffs from Low Reputation.
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