#barbara is the one that named her if you're curious
fishareglorious · 2 years
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POV: You are Lisa and Jean is introducing you to her 2 feet long, 200-pound childhood pet alligator snapping turtle Missus Valberry Sherbert
Extra rambles about this:
Since Jean couldn’t take care of her due to her Acting Grandmaster duties, she released her into the river south of Dawn Winery, right by the Stone Gate. For some reason there was also another male snapping turtle there, and lo and behold, several months later there’s now a clan of alligator snapping turtles all coming from Valberry Sherbert.
They’re all menaces as they’re probably invasive species, but Jean (& Co.) have named them all. 
Honorable mentions are: Varka Jr., Shelldon, Jimothy, Jimantha, Sir Bob Bobert Robertson, and Sir Englebert Fitzwallace III. 
Feel free to add more.
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hi Silver! o/ because that fanart made me wonder - would you happen to know when/where Dick's stuffed elephant plush Zitka turns up in the comics?
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Yeah, I think your instincts are right - it's a truly adorable bit of transformative fandom, but I'm 95% percent sure it's not comics canon. Barbara has canon plushies, but I don't think anyone else does.
I got kinda invested in the investigation (it's hard to prove a negative!) and I ended up typing out an entire History of Elinore/Zitka, so, uh, if you're curious, meet me below the cut for:
Where does Elinore / Zitka - the animal - appear in comics?
Did Dick ever have a stuffed elephant toy in comics?
Where does Elinore / Zitka appear in comics?
We're gonna go in chronological order!
Dick's circus elephant friend was first created for practical reasons: in Batman 436, Marv Wolfman does a big expanded flashback to Dick's circus backstory as a way to subtly show us Tim before officially introducing him (so that we can have a technically-solvable mystery-of-Tim's-identity in LPoD). In this comic, there's an elephant named Elinore who loves Dick:
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Aww. Such a cute elephant!
Batman 436 comes out in August 1989. New Titans 60 comes out a few months later, in November, and guess what? When Dick visits the circus, he is suddenly surprised by an unexpected blast from the past! It turns out that even though it's been years, Elinore still remembers him!
Here's the part where Elinore remembers Dick:
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SUCH a cute elephant. I love her.
(Guess who else still remembers Dick even though it was so long ago. Guess which other character is about to be an unexpected blast from the past. Guess which character Elinore is directly paralleling guess guess guess sorry everything is about Dick and Tim in my mind but I can focus I swear)
Four years later, in 1993, Batman: The Animated Series retells Dick's origin story. They like and keep Wolfman's elephant, but they change her name to Zitka:
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Wolfman doesn't return to the elephant beyond those two appearances, and a few years down the line, New Titans gets cancelled and Wolfman's not writing Dick anymore anyway. So the animal gets abandoned for a while, until Devin Grayson, a fan of both Wolfman and B:tAS, revives the Wolfman-era Titans team in JLA/Titans and then the ongoing series Titans 1999.
Grayson then brings back the elephant in a flashback to Dick's past in Titans 16 (Jun 2000), where she imports the B:tAS name. Sometimes I'm skeptical of TV-to-comics imports, but honestly, I endorse this one. You lose the alliteration, which is a shame, but IMO Zitka is a better elephant name than Elinore.
Here's Dick with the newly-christened Zitka in Titans 16:
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Grayson also briefly references the elephant in Gotham Knights 20 and - in a final angsty callback - in Nightwing 88 (Feb 2004), where Zitka tries futilely to comfort Dick in the midst of his trauma conga line:
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... And... honestly, I think that's it for comic appearances? The two Wolfman comics plus the three Grayson comics.
Both Wolfman and Grayson are writing multiple titles - Batman, New Titans, Titans, Gotham Knights, and Nightwing between the two of them, spanning a big chunk of Dick's post-Crisis canon - and both writers use the elephant for heartwarming moments of nostalgia, which means if you're doing a post-Crisis readthrough for Dick, Elinore/Zitka feels memorable. But I don't think she actually shows up that much.
For post-2011, I am not as well-informed - throwing this out to the dash? anyone know? - but I feel like Zitka the heartwarming symbol of Dick's heartwarming circus past is, uh, thematically very at odds with the Court of Owls evil!circus vibes, so my instinct is that this story element was almost certainly dropped in the reboot.
Did Dick ever have a stuffed elephant toy in comics?
In WFA, yes; in main comics continuity, no. Technically, I have not read every comic ever published, so I could be wrong!! But I don't think so.
Below, find my rambling reasoning on the tonal vibes of pre-Crisis, post-Crisis, and post-2011, and why this particular story element doesn't seem right to me for the first two.
Pre-Crisis (...okay, mostly the Silver Age): stuffed animal, yes or no?
tl;dr no, requires too much background knowledge on the part of the reader, plus the elephant wasn't a thing until later
Elinore doesn't get created until post-Crisis, but also just generally, pre-Crisis callbacks are more along the lines of this reference in Batman 129 (published in 1960), where, wow, Batman and Robin are hunting jewel thieves - and it turns out Robin recognized this strongman! BUT HOW?!
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The comic goes on to recap Dick's entire origin story in flashback, on the assumption that you may not know it.
(BTW, if you'd like to know more about Haly's Circus throughout the years, nightwingology has a great post here summarizing a lot of fun plotlines and characters!)
Basically: Silver Age comics are very self-consciously episodic and kid-friendly; they're not generally gonna do overly-elaborate callbacks because they don't know what comics their kid readers may have randomly picked up or remember.
By the time of post-Crisis, comic books were being written for an adult audience buying from the direct market, i.e. readers who are collecting whole runs & don't need or want Dick's origin story to be recapped to us in full every time it's referenced. That's why in post-Crisis, we get stuff like "hey, neat, this particular soda brand is getting mentioned in several different books!!" or "in order to understand this story arc, buy SIXTEEN DIFFERENT COMICS in FIVE DIFFERENT RUNS and read them ALL ACCORDING TO A NUMBERED ORDER and also you better be following the individual plotlines and recognize these five minor characters who we don't bother to introduce!! Good luck!!" But the elaborate post-Crisis plotlines - and subtler worldbuilding like a stuffed animal callback to Dick's backstory - don't make a lot of story sense UNLESS you're imagining your readers as completionist adult fans.
So IMO a stuffed animal wouldn't be a pre-Crisis thing unless it was The Episodic Story Of the Week, and I don't think a stuffed animal is action-adventure-y enough for the fast-paced storytelling of the Silver Age. (Unless it, like, came to life and tried to eat you or something.)
Post-Crisis: stuffed animals, yes or no?
tl;dr: no, Dick's a manly tough guy, he's not gonna have a stuffed animal, that'd be lame, like something Tim might do
Part of the edgy grimdark adult vibes in 80s/90s comics is that some characters who used to be kinda silly & goofy & lighthearted - like Batman and Robin - get reimagined as Serious and Angsty and Edgy in a Tough Cool Manly Brooding Way. This massively affects characterization for Bruce, Dick, and Bruce and Dick's relationship.
(I obviously love this change & love the tense Bruce-and-Dick interactions, but plenty of fans of the earlier fluffy comics really disliked the edgy retcons of Miller / Wolfman / Starlin / et al.)
The upshot is that post-Crisis is a period when you could have a recurring reference like a stuffed elephant, but you wouldn't have a stuffed elephant, not for Dick. I think a toy like that would be too cutesy / childish / effeminate to give a male character in post-Crisis, unless you were poking fun at him.
Now, you could probably let Tim have a stuffed animal, because Tim is sometimes cool but also sometimes a tryhard loser who is faking being cool and not entirely pulling it off (see e.g. the Robin comic where he practices tough-guy faces in the mirror, or the Teen Titans comic where Conner discovers his cringy Enya CD, or when he's fanboying over Connor and it's awkward, etc etc.). A stuffed animal would be deeply embarrassing, and you'd have to be careful to compensate by having Tim do something cool afterward - but Tim's character concept allows for "he's kind of a loser sometimes."
But Dick isn't!! In post-Crisis, Dick's a tough / impressive / "cool guy" character, the kind of guy anyone would want to be, even in the flashbacks where he's Robin, and even in the stories where he's more lighthearted than angsty. It'd be kinda lame for Dick to have a stuffed elephant, so he wouldn't. I feel like Dick would be more likely to poke fun at it if someone had one, like when he's making fun of Wally for liking the Hardy Boys. Dick could have a Batman action figure, at most, and if he had one he would have it ironically.
Basically: in post-Crisis, a male character hugging a stuffed elephant feels more likely to be a punchline to me, not something poignant. (Even with Tim, Tim could have an embarrassing stuffed animal, but he couldn't hug it when sad - that's too far. Maybe Booster Gold might do this. Probably he wouldn't, but spiritually, he would. Sorry Booster ilu! <3)
Instead, Dick instinctively deals with his inner turmoil like the TORTURED ACTION HERO he is: by punching things and brooding and yelling and joining the mob and sleeping on rooftops and going on obsessive secret missions and acquiring Angsty Stubble!! Just like Batman!
(Technically I don't know if Bruce ever joined the mob but you know he would.)
Anyway as you know this is my favorite continuity and I am poking fun affectionately, but uh, yeah sdfsfdsfs. No stuffed animals.
Post-2011 / Infinite Frontier / Wayne Family Adventures: stuffed animals, yes or no?
tl;dr it's in WFA! Probably not anywhere else, but it could be.
Post-2011 stuff tends to be cutesier overall, most of all in the current Infinite Frontier era. So I don't feel like this would be tonally out-of-line with IF comics. Taylor tends to go for more meme-y references rather than fanfic references, though.
So the obvious best fit is WFA, which is aiming for a rough approximation of Silver Age family-friendly vibes - wholesome, episodic plots, Teaching Good Moral Lessons For The Youth, etc. - plus lots of Easter eggs for fanfic readers and some comic references.
And look, here we are:
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Whew - that's everything I could find!
Anyway as you can probably tell, I LOVE the elephant, so this was a very entertaining rabbit hole to go down, thank you <3
#dick grayson#anyone with more info feel free to chime in & we can crowdsource <3#i do think the toy elephant is awfully cute though <3#total digression but i was thinking about it as i was writing:#i'm fascinated by the ways that the post-crisis batboys & their stories can intersect with 90s masculinity and all its issues with stoicism#and i'm pro-queering and gender-bending - 90s comics were a total boys' club so i think it's neat that transformative fandom isn't#but i do love 90s masculinity and All Its Issues too & one of the things i find compelling about the dick-tim-bruce trio#& especially dick's place in it - is the unspoken hierarchy whereby bruce is manlier than dick & dick is manlier than tim#and so dick's in the middle as this somewhat softer-character who aspires to be a harsher & more stoic & ultimate manly-man character#caught in the middle between robin & batman & what each role represents#and like. batman is both manhood & the only desirable thing to be AND ALSO it represents this immense narrowing of possibility#because so much of stereotypical masculinity is about reducing the range of emotions you're allowed to have or express#and dick is both incredibly conflicted about bruce AND wants to be just like him & by extension is conflicted about masculinity writ large#so a lot of dick's interactions with tim veer between trying on a frat-boy-ish 'I'm The Manly Guy' persona vs. giving up on it#or trying on imitations of Bruce's Batman persona but also trying to backtrack out of it bc he doesn't like how it feels etc etc#ANYWAY i think what i am trying to say is that if tim had a stuffed animal dick would be entertained & poke mild fun at him#and call him 'teddy' for the next hour or something while tim got increasingly defensive about how the teddy bear was steph's#and/or about how the teddy bear was OLD and tim doesn't even care about it and also WHATEVEr i'm above this#and to an uninformed observer this might look like bullying BUT ACTUALLY#this ritual would IN FACT be very reassuring to both of them + tim would feel WAY better afterward than if dick had ignored it#because by poking fun at him dick shows he still respects tim enough to tease him thus subtextually exorcising the threat of wimpiness#plus allowing tim to defend himself & demonstrate that he can take a joke so they've both reaffirmed their masculinity to each other#& they don't have to be scared of the teddy bear and all it represents anymore#however also afterward dick would have a brief nostalgic flashback to when he was a kid & had a teddy bear & feel weird about the memory#because he would be unable to articulate to himself that what he misses is a past when he allowed himself to be vulnerable#anyway this wouldn't actually happen in comics but it's what would happen in my soul. you know.#ask tag#zitka
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multimilfs · 2 years
Melissa Schemmenti x Fem!Reader: Stairway to Heaven
Summary: Anon requested Melissa Schemmenti + 132 -- "I didn't think it was possible to love someone this much."
List of prompts found here!
A/N: Happy ficmas everyone!! I have been working really hard to get ready for kickoff today and I hope you'll all enjoy what I have in store! Enjoy!
Special thank you to the amazing @arewecoolio for reading this over for any errors!! You're the best 💖
Full Ficmas List
Tag List: @multifandomfix @greenawayprentiss @escapetodreamworld @ghostsunderstoodmysoul
Warning(s): None
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Gary is cool. He's even funny on occasion, when he remembers the punchline. He treats Melissa like a Queen—though she deserves nothing less—and worships the ground she walks on. But you’re not convinced he’s good enough for her. 
You’re watching the two interact across the lunchroom with simmering jealousy. It’s an ugly emotion you’re not fond of feeling, but one you can’t seem to shake these days. The grip on your grading pen tightens as Melissa laughs at some joke of Gary’s. 
“Girl, you’ve got to do something about all… that.” Ava says, motioning to your expression, “Channel that anger into something productive. Like packing orders. Or sex.” 
“I’m not participating in your pyramid scheme.” You answer. 
“Oh, so you’re going to get some? Finally. It’s hard having to entertain you with my stories when I’m not getting anything back.” 
“To be fair, I never asked to hear about your sex life,” You point out. Ava shrugs and you continue, “If you tell me about Tyrone one more time I might lose it.” 
“Tyrone? He’s old news. I’m onto Jamal now, keep up.” 
“Jamal? What about his sister?” 
“She was into some weird stuff. I’m freaky too, but even I draw the line at dolls.” 
Ava shivers and you decide not to ask. It’s better for your sanity that way, though you’re morbidly curious. Ava never tells a bad story. 
Another presence joins the table as Janine sidles up, looking far too awake and positive for 9 am on a Tuesday. She smiles obliviously. 
“Dolls? I loved dolls as a kid.”
Ava scoffs, “Yeah, I bet you made them kiss each other and all that nonsense.”
“Of course I did. It was like directing my own little show!” 
“Is that where the control issues started?” You ask. 
Janine’s oblivious smile drops and she levels you with a look. It’s closer to matching Barbara’s with every day that passes, it’s almost impressive; but unless Barbara herself levels one at you, you’re going to remain unphased. 
“Don’t shame my childhood development just because you’re jealous over Melissa and the vending machine guy.” 
You turn red, “I am not jealous!” 
“Right. And I wasn’t named tastiest doomsday prepper in Philly.” Ava says, rolling her eyes. 
You and Janine lock eyes, wearing matching expressions of bewilderment. Everytime you talk to Ava you learn more about her; that isn’t always a good thing. When Janine opens her mouth, you give her a subtle shake of your head. Once the two get started it’s impossible to get them to stop. 
Unfortunately, Janine is too stubborn, and has to do things her way; she engages the Principal in a battle of wits she can’t win. You tune it out the second she starts in on how doomsday prepping is futile and the kind of neurotic spending reaction it induces only benefits the government. That isn’t a can of worms you feel like glancing inside. 
You decide to torture yourself emotionally instead. 
It should be easy to watch Melissa laugh and grin in that smug, bright-eyed way she pulls off so well, but it turns your stomach to know Gary is the cause of it. He’s nice enough—that’s the excuse you try to use everytime, to no avail—but he isn’t you. And against the slim odds of someone like Melissa ever wanting you romantically, you wish it was you. 
Does he know her favorite restaurants, her favorite soap operas? Does he know about the years Melissa dedicated to caring for her Nana? Does he know how incredibly fucking lucky he is to have Melissa Ann Schemmenti wrapped around his finger? 
The likelihood of him knowing anything important is slim-to-none. The redhead is too private to share information so soon, but the little green-eyed monster in your head prods you, asking what if he does? Your fists clench in your lap. You’ve been climbing the stairway to heaven this whole time and Gary’s probably on the highway. 
“Hey, hon,” You’re surprised from your thoughts to see the object of them in front of you, leaning on the table, smiling. 
You smile back, “Hey, Mel.” 
“What are you doing tonight?” 
Hope claws up your throat. You shove it down violently, leaning back in your chair, arms crossed over your chest. 
“Depends. Why?” 
“Gary was asking about you, he wants to meet ya. I was thinking you could bring your secret lover on a double-date tonight. You meet my guy, I meet yours.” 
You tilt your head, brows scrunching, “Secret lover?” 
“Oh come on,” Melissa rolls her eyes. She levels you with a look that says don’t give me that bullshit, “I’m not blind. You suddenly go silent on all things romance and think I wouldn’t figure out what that meant?” 
Nerves and mortification make you nod, smiling sheepishly. Your chest hurts. Of course she’d notice; after several years of friendship and teaching together, how could she not? The two of you were practically glued at the hip before Gary came along. No topic had been too much and then for you to go silent… you can see how that’d come across. You’re glad she didn’t suss out the real reason. 
“I’m not sure. Things are still pretty new…” 
“I’ll buy your drinks.” 
That makes you pause. 
Then you see how she’s looking at you. She’s leaning down into your space, grinning like she knows she's won. You can’t deny her anything, not when you know how much it’ll mean to her for you to really meet Gary as her romantic interest rather than a passing acquaintance. It’ll kill you. Watching her laugh with him will undo your feeble grip on sanity. 
It’ll kill you, but you’ll do it for her anyway. 
“When and where?” 
— — 
This is a terrible idea. 
The place Gary chose is a total dive, and not the good kind; every surface is covered in a fine layer of grime and ash, ninety percent of the men and women at the bar smoking like chimneys, and the beer you ordered tastes like if someone decided to waft alcohol in the direction of their drink. All of this you could forgive. 
What you can’t forgive is the absence of a proper pool table. 
Every table in the place is falling apart at the seams. There’s maybe two cues per table and some of the nets have holes large enough to send grown men chasing after solid and striped balls alike. 
The worst part? Melissa stands in the center of it all, smiling like none of it bothers her. You know better. Her smile is strained at the edges, her eyes slightly pained. If only she’d say the word, you’d sweep her out of here. She just maintains that strained smile when you walk up to her. 
“Where’s the secret lover I was promised?” Melissa asks. 
You smile, though your heart isn’t in it. It’d taken endless promises to get her to agree, but eventually—
“Sorry I’m late y'all. There’s a guy selling mixtapes outside and I had to hear it before I bought anything. Can’t be too careful, you know?” 
Melissa’s smile melts from her face. Her eyes bore hard into you, dark with emotion. As she looks between you and Ava—who leans against the table next to you, either totally oblivious or uncaring—her jaw tenses. 
Gary chooses that moment to speak, a jovial smile on his face, “Now I did not see this coming! I never would’ve guessed you two would be seeing each other.” 
“Neither did I.” Melissa says. 
You want to disappear into the floor. Despite the fact that Melissa is openly seeing Gary, you feel you’ve done something wrong. 
It doesn’t help that Ava drapes herself against your side. She makes deliberate, intense eye contact with Melissa, and takes a slow sip of a drink you failed to notice. The tension is thick enough to cut with a knife. You’re grateful for the absence of anything sharp. 
“What can I say, I lucked out. Anyone would be lucky to get a piece of her.” Ava says. Her tone is startlingly sincere. 
You give her a hard look. She just shrugs. 
“No drink for me?” You ask, anything to distract from the way you can’t look at Melissa. 
Ava raises a brow, “If you want something, you just gotta ask.”
“I’d kill for a gin and tonic.” 
“Got it.” 
“I’ve got it, you two sit.” Melissa interjects. 
She extracts herself from Gary and stands at the same time Ava does. On another night, you’d take Melissa's offer as the kind act it is, but tonight it feels strangely like a threat. 
The two are caught in a strange staring contest. You want to reach out and tug Ava down into her seat, but you’re frozen, wondering what the hell is going on.
“I’ll get it.” Ava says.
“She’s my friend.” Melissa crosses her arms over her chest. 
“She’s my date.” 
Melissa’s body tenses at the word. 
You’re too busy watching Ava, trying to decipher where she’s been hiding this acting talent. She had been reluctant to join your ruse and now it seems like she couldn’t be anywhere else. For a moment it feels authentic enough to make your stomach turn.
Gary cuts in before Melissa can back down, “I could use another beer if you’re going towards the bar.” 
“Sure. You got it, Gar.” 
The two walk away in tense silence. Melissa keeps looking at Ava from the corner of her eyes, while the principal pretends she isn’t there. 
It leaves you with Gary and you smile. Trying to pretend there’s no tension is easier with the women across the bar. 
“It’s good to meet you,” He says, friendly enough, “Melissa talks about you enough I feel like I already know you, but I’m glad she got you to come out tonight.” 
“Yeah. It’s good to meet you officially. Besides the occasional run-ins during lunch, I mean.” 
He nods and drinks the last swig of his beer. You take a few seconds to glance through the haze of smoke towards the bar. Melissa leans one arm on it, waiting while the bartender runs around helping out rough-looking men and women. She looks perfectly placed and yet stands out; she’s probably the most beautiful woman to ever set foot in this place. 
Ava’s chatting up a woman at the bar like Melissa isn’t even there. So much for her putting on a good act. 
Even if she’s not looking at Ava directly, you know Melissa’s listening, cataloging everything. You’ll get an earful about having self-respect when choosing partners later. 
“There’s another reason I had her ask you here tonight.” Gary says.
His face is serious. You’ve never seen the man without a smile and it unnerves you. Trying not to let that show, you raise an eyebrow. 
“I wanted to meet the woman Melissa’s in love with.” 
You blanch. 
“Gary, that’s—she’s not—“ 
A hand settles on top of yours and his smile makes an appearance. It’s kind, kinder than you deserve after all the things you’ve thought about him. 
“I knew there were three of us in this relationship when I went out with her the first time. But I’m giving you the chance to make it two again,” He says, “She’s crazy about you and I can see you feel the same way. She’s all yours.” 
You should be overjoyed. Melissa feels the same way about you, you have a shot? Instead, you feel angry. 
“You’re going to give her up just like that?” You snap. 
Gary startles you by laughing. 
“I can’t exactly give up what isn’t mine.” 
“She chose you.” 
“Sometimes people make mistakes.” When you seem unconvinced, he shakes his head, “Melissa’s a good woman, she deserves someone who makes her happy. That just happens to be you and not me. I’m not mad about it.”
You’re reeling. The room feels like it's spinning and you don’t have time to regain your focus before the women return. Ava sets down your gin and tonic with a nod. 
Melissa starts up an animated conversation with Gary, who nods along, adding in his own comments. He keeps glancing over at you when Melissa won’t. The whole thing makes your stomach turn; you have no clue what you’re doing. 
You grab Ava’s hand, flashing a strained smile at the pair, “Excuse us for a moment,” and drag the principal off to the bathrooms. 
 Once you’ve shoved Ava in the ladies room and locked the door behind you, you spin on your heel towards the other woman. 
“I know you want this to bother her, but dragging me into the bathroom for a quickie is a bit much, even by my standards.” Ava says. 
“That’s not what this is.” 
“Right, why else am I here then?” 
“When you and Melissa went to grab drinks, Gary told me Melissa’s in love with me.” 
Ava stares at you. 
“That’s it? I could have told you that months ago.” 
You blink, “What?” 
“Yeah, neither of you are subtle. You practically have it written on your billboard sized forehead.” 
Suddenly self-conscious, you reach a hand up to your forehead, before reminding yourself to focus on the task at hand. Ava knew Melissa returned your feelings the whole time. You wonder who else knows and has let you stew in jealousy for weeks. 
Melissa’s reaction to Ava makes a lot more sense. It’s almost comforting to know that you’re not the only one who has been fighting with jealousy. You feel very, very blind.
“Who else knows?” You ask. Your friend gives you a blank stare, “Seriously? Everyone knows?”
“Yes. Do me a favor though and play dumb a few more weeks? I’ve got good money on this.”
“You bet on me?”
“I bet on Melissa, actually, which is why I need you to keep quiet.”
“Ava, I’m not going to ignore this because you want to win a bet. Come on.” 
Ava rolls her eyes, “Fine, I’ll cut you in on the bet.” 
“Ava!” You glare.
“This could be your chance to support a young, black entrepreneur. It’s hard out here.” 
“Try that on Jacob.” 
She lets out an ugh and throws her hands up. You want to be upset that she’s asking you to keep quiet, to lose more valuable time with Melissa, but you can’t be; even if she did leave you oblivious for weeks. If you’re going to be upset with her, you have to be upset with everyone. 
It comes from a place of letting you make your own decisions; you know that and admire it just a little. But you were oblivious. Melissa seems like she is too, if Gary’s talk told you anything. Would they have let the two of you circle each other the whole time? 
You would be miserable if Gary—Gary, who you’d been unfair towards this whole time—hadn’t spoken up. He’s sacrificing his chances with Melissa so you can have your own. Mentally, you make a note to get the man some kind of ‘thank-you’ gift. 
Ava snaps in front of your face and you jerk back. 
“What are you going to do?” She asks. 
“Uh… talk to her?” 
“Not the energy I was looking for, but good enough. Let’s go.” 
Ava grabs your arm, not unkindly, and drags you to the door. You drag your feet. 
She doesn’t even dignify your question with a response. The bathroom door is opened and you’re nudged through it. You walk, but throw a glare over your shoulder, annoyed at her sudden silence. Ava doesn’t acknowledge it. 
Gary is the only one left at the table and you panic, eyes searching the room. The heart in your chest settles when you catch a glimpse of familiar red hair. 
Melissa’s across the bar at one of the more put together pool tables, surrounded by women in a shocking amount of leather. Her eyes are focused right on you. They move briefly to Ava, though she doesn’t seem to find anything damning. The focus of her gaze moves away when one of the other players nudges her and she leans over the table to line up a shot. 
You’re caught for a second in watching her. Her eyes narrow before she settles in to take the shot and when she pulls back the cue, she makes direct eye contact, and sinks a solid ball in one of the pockets. 
Cheers go up from the woman you assume she’s playing with. You don’t bother to look at her. Instead, you make a direct beeline for Melissa; her eyes following you every step of the way. 
“Can I talk to you?” You ask when you reach her. 
You’re well aware of the glances her fellow players are throwing in your direction, but you don’t care. Melissa seems curious, but she gives nothing else away. 
“I’m in the middle of a game, hon.” 
Laying your hand on her arm, “Please, Mel.” 
Like magic, you watch her soften. She nods and hands off her cue to the nearest person without looking. You lead the way outside, wanting away from the noise and smoke for a few minutes, if only to clear your head. 
The silence is too tense for your liking, but neither of you are doing anything to break it. You breathe deeply. You’re at a loss on what to say; how do you tell someone you’re in love with them? 
Instead of anything rational coming from your mouth, you ask, “How do you feel about Gary?” 
Melissa jerks in surprise, “That’s what you pulled me out here for?” 
“He seems to think your feelings, your heart, lie elsewhere,” You barrel forward, hoping it works in your favor, “Namely, with me.” 
Her eyes widen slightly before she schools her expression. It’s all you need to feel more secure in blindly following Gary’s word. 
“I’m not sure where he got that idea.” Melissa says. 
“But you’re not denying it.” 
“Does it matter? You seem to have things pretty easy with Ava.” 
A note of bitterness slips into her voice. You soften, recognizing the underlying jealousy you’d been feeling only this morning. 
“It matters to me,” You say, “because I’m crazy about you, Mel, and I need to know you feel the same way.” 
Melissa doesn’t bother to hide her surprise this time. You smile, but fidget under all of her attention. You want to reveal every thought and feeling to this woman in a way that’s overwhelming. She seems so shocked, you can’t help but want to assure her of how real your feelings are. 
“I didn’t think it was possible to love someone this much,” You admit. It feels odd to say it out loud, “But you make a lot of impossible things feel possible.” 
She looks at you like she’s never seen you before. It’s daunting. 
“You really mean that?” Melissa asks. 
“And what about Ava?” 
You chuckle, “I bribed her into playing the part. She’s a surprisingly good actress.” 
Melissa leans forward and kisses you. 
It isn’t the kind of kiss you expect, but it’s the kind you always daydreamed about; the soft, almost hesitant way she claims your lips, while her hands dig into your hips. You’ve never felt so awkward and so pleasant in your life. You have no idea what to do with your hands. 
The other kisses in your life never felt so strange. You wonder how much they really meant to you, if this is what a real, loving kiss feels like; unsure and yet, eager. 
Throwing your nerves out the window, you give in to all of it. You sink into the whirlwind of emotions and wrap yourself around Melissa. Her kiss grows more insistent and you match it, pulling where she pushes, moving with every forceful press of her lips. 
You’re on your last shred of oxygen when she pushes you back. Only an inch of space separates the two of you taking in furious gulps of breath, cheeks flushed pink and wearing matching smiles. It hardly feels real. 
“You’ve been holding out on me.” Melissa says. 
“Hardly. I’d have kissed you in a second if you asked.” You say sincerely. 
“Me? Why would I be the one to ask you?” 
You raise a brow, “Well, you were the one seeing someone else.” 
“I wouldn’t have gone out with him if you said something.” 
A laugh leaves your lips unbidden. Your eyes sparkle when you look up at Melissa, wondering how you managed to get so lucky. You’re not sure you’ll ever be able to answer that question. She’s wonderful and kind and beautiful and all the things you feel you don’t deserve. She’s yours anyway. 
Her eyes shine as she stares back. Wishing you could jump into her mind, you get lost in them. Then you do as she wants and capture her lips in another kiss. It’s shorter than the first and more comfortable, but the feeling of newness still lingers. 
Not for the first time, you wonder how much time you’ve lost being jealous. But you try not to dwell too much; it’s difficult when the most beautiful woman in the world is staring into your eyes. The lost time doesn’t matter when you have it now—when you have her now. 
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yanfeisty · 2 years
!Sagau! Can i request some reactions of venti, kusanali, raiden ei, zhongli, and barbara of god reader being double from skullgirls? ( she is a monster in disguise as a nun under the name agatha look up her form its cool! She is known to be more hostile and angry towards enemies, but lesser hostile to close ones she is one of the enemies, following unknown masters. I recommend learning about her in skullgirls wiki so the information are accurate OwO. Feel free to ignore or declined! Even if it took a long time i'll wait patiently :3.
Genshin hcs | Double!Reader
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 : Barbara, Ei, Venti, Yae Miko, Zhongli x Creator!Reader
𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒 : You're hard to please and you hide your true apparence from them, but some Acolytes found a way into your heart.
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 : Religious theme.
𝐀/𝐍 : Hello and thx for requesting! I'm sorry I'm not doing Kusanali yet bc I don't know about her much, so I replaced her with Yae, but I hope you'll still enjoy it and that I didn't write Double ooc TT.
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⠀‣ Barbara
. Since you're a rather stoic person, she won't push you to like her, but she won't be able to hide her joy to finally meet and serve you. She knows songs that can calm you down, would you like to hear one? She also knows the city by heart, and the best places for you. She's a bit shy and sometimes lost for words at your presence, but she's trying her best to share the joy you gave her with you.
. If you reveal your true form to her, she'll feel honored that you trust her with it, and that she's part of the people you're less hostile with and she's hopefully in your good grace. She's doesn't you as a monster, her God could never be seen as something horrible, everything about you is so pure and true. And she really doesn't want you to feel insecure about it, since others might see you as a monster and that your appearance in the sacred texts were wrong. (Even if you don't care)
. She's more curious on how does your form works, do you need to sleep, what's your alimentation, etc...Takes care even more of you in this form, you might feel alone and you'll need proper assistance, that she and only a few can provide. She'll make sure to have everything for you.
. She doesn't know anything about your "masters" but if her God follows them, that means they are her masters too! Maybe they're your creator, which means they're extremely important. She'll make sure to reference them in one of her verse, if you let her.
⠀‣ Ei
. She says she understands if you're not the most friendly type and that it's hard to win your heart, and will not try to force you to favor her, but without even realizing, she's doing the opposite. Always asking if you need something or any help, she offers gifts or sometime sends her servants, to shower you with them, aks what's your opinion about things she isn't sure what you'll think of it. She'll be glad to be part of the people you aren't hostile with, she hopes at least you consider her as tolerable.
. For her, your true form is beautiful, you take the apparence of a mortal, but as in what she considers your God's form, you represent eternity, one that is untouchable from anything and anyone, and will remain forever to rule Teyvat. And it's a privilege for her to see you like that, which she won't like to share with anyone, she's one of your most devoted follower, the rest are either enemies of your eternity or too low compared to your superiority.
. For your enemies, do you perhaps need her to end them? She'll be glad to, if you judge them to be hostile with, that means they're a threat that needs to be remove, or she'll be very happy to fight them with you at her side, she'll be your blade that'll make them regret to go against you.
. Ei frankly doesn't care about your masters, she doesn't know them and she can't see how could they be superior to you, but she'll try to talk good of their name in front of you.
⠀‣ Venti
. He'll make sure that he finds a way to your heart, one poem or song that'll make you at ease with him, and break this stoic facade of yours, he isn't the best bard in Mondstadt for nothing! He can take you under the tree that he likes, and you can talk to him about anything or even nothing if you prefer, as long as you feel that he's a good companion.
. About your other form, which makes him hide his excitement when you reveal it to him, but he can't suppress the smile plastered on his face, more for the fact that you finally trust him. But he still likes it, in fact, he ships his wisp form with you as he thinks you would look adorable together. You're still the same Creator he loves no matter the apparence you take!
. He is suspicious about your supposed masters, why do you exactly consider them as such, and what do they exactly ask you to do. He'll try to play it smooth in trying to get informations from you, but worries as if it's actually from your own will or are they manipulating you.
⠀‣ Yae Miko
. It's easy for her to enter in your good grace, she's just watching how you're behaving with others and learns from it. Maybe, that's how she sees right through you, lurking made her notice your secretive nature. Perhaps, through that unfaze mask of yours hides something more sinister that people wouldn't be ready to see.
. And she's glad that she was right, you do look like and act secretly like something that would give a heart attack to its people. But for now, only her knows and she'll happily keep it for herself, she'll reward you with her other form too. It's a truly an honor to see you like this and reveal your true self to her, don't keep any secrets from her, you can trust her and she'll be joyful to help.
. That's why you should tell her more about those secret commanders, maybe she can offer them her service, that's what she's telling you, but her real motive is more of learning about them, why do they need you, and what goals do you have for following them, but most importantly, are they a threat to you and Teyvat, a Creator can't have someone above them, maybe she should put them back in their place, and let them know who is the real superior being.
⠀‣ Zhongli
. He gives you all the time you need to warm up to him, but he is still an Acolyte, so he is pretty much always by your side. You'll naturally come to him as he is a calm and wise person, moments with him are relaxing, in opposite with your other followers overwhelming you with their praise. Zhongli will conceal the joy and the bit of pride he has when you come talk to him alone or when you need to calm down, he truly feels blessed.
. But not as much than when you show your other form, regressing to a young god overly excited by his Creator, when he sees it, which he tries to hide, because you like his calming and mature nature. If anyone has any doubts, for him it just proves your God status, as you're not a mortal, but a divine being that nobody could compare to, if someone dares to do a blasphemy and say you have the apparence or mind of a demon, he'll shut them up with a meteor if they're an enemy, or if it's a normal citizen, pity them to not recognize their Creator and instead let their own heart invaded by hatred.
. For those unknowns masters you seem to follow, like Venti, he'll try to get informations about them, but if don't let him, well, he won't push you further. As long, as they don't make you do anything that could potentially hurt you, he doesn't see a problem if you want to follow them, but you'll stay forever the superior being in his eyes.
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Eula, Lisa, Jean, and Rosaria with a serious S/O who loves cute things
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Eula's heart melted the moment she saw her oh so serious S/O's room consisting of multiple small plushies on their bed and desk.
She knew how they kept liking these sorts of things ever since they met, but she had no idea it went to this extent.
S/O almost had a heart attack seeing Eula's face.
(S/O) "Uh...I can explain-"
(Eula) "What is there to explain? Like what you like, I won't judge. I'm the last person to do so anyways."
(S/O) "You promise not to tease me?"
(Eula) "Promise. Besides, I think it's cute."
Her smile got S/O to relax, grateful she won't pay too much attention to their collection of stuffed animals.
(Eula) "...Though I swear, if you hug them instead of me when we sleep my vengeance will be enacted swiftly."
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Lisa knew something was up when she saw S/O's reaction upon seeing a kitten roam the streets of Mondstadt.
They seemed to look around nervously before playing and feeding it, making her curious.
(Lisa) "S/O are you afraid someone will see?"
Her appearance made S/O jump, which led to the kitten leaping off the ground a few inches with the sudden movement.
S/O rushed to comfort the kitten before looking sheepishly at Lisa.
(S/O) "You...don't think it's weird do you?"
Lisa looked genuinely surprised which caught them off guard.
(Lisa) "Why would I?"
(S/O) "Oh...W-Well..."
Lisa chuckled and knelt down with them, also petting the kitten.
(Lisa) "You don't have to say anything. This can be our little secret.~"
It was a painful one to keep. She wants to tell everyone how cute it was seeing them enjoying themselves.
Oh, and the kitten too.
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Jean actually gets S/O.
She's supposed to be the Acting Grand Master, professionals have standards.
So she also tries not to let anyone see her like that, at least anyone that isn't very close.
At the very beginning, both of them understood and kept their love for cute things out the public eye.
The only one knowing really being Barbara.
(Jean) "Oh, look, a tortoise!"
Both of them knelt down near the foot of the lake and watched the turtle go about its business, walking at, well, a turtle's pace.
(S/O) "You used to have one as a pet, right?"
(Jean) "Yes, although that was quite a long time ago."
(S/O) "What was it's name?"
(Jean) "It was um..." ahem "...Mr. Tortoise."
S/O chuckled, which immediately led them to waving their hand.
(S/O) "Sorry, I'm not laughing at you it's just-"
(Jean) sigh "I wasn't the greatest at naming things back then."
(S/O) "It's cute."
(Jean) "I imagine you have similar naming conventions for your pets?"
(S/O) "I had a pet worm I named Wormy..."
Now Jean was stifling back a laugh.
The two of them shared fond memories of the cute things they had, all while watching the turtle slowly enter the waters.
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Rosaria's deadpan expression really doesn't do anything to help S/O's panic.
She had walked in on S/O attending to a stuffed animal's stitching, and she didn't even flinch upon seeing it.
(Rosaria) "Sorry, did I interrupt something?"
(S/O) "W-Well, I...No, but-"
(Rosaria) "What? You afraid that I'd find it?"
(S/O) "...Yes..."
She walked over to them and looked at the plushie.
It was a small rabbit, similar to the Outrider's Baron Bunny.
(Rosaria) "It's cute."
(S/O) "What?"
(Rosaria) "Cute. I don't think it's weird, if that's what you're worried about."
(S/O) "Oh, whew...T-Thanks."
With a small hum of acknowledgement, she left to not interrupt them.
Rosaria doesn't particularly care about their secret. Hell, she enjoys cute things herself.
She isn't made of stone after all.
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superlinguo · 6 months
Barb Kelly
This time last year came the sudden, unexpected news of the death of Barbara F. Kelly's. Barb Kelly was one of my undergraduate lecturers, my principle PhD supervisor, and eventually a collaborator and friend. I have mentioned Barb in passing on the blog over the years, but now we've muddled through a year without her, I finally feel like I have some space to reflect on the fact she has been one of the most important influences the course of my life.
Barb was many things to many people. She managed to do this by being deeply curious about people, and had a devastatingly compelling ability to give you her full attention when you were talking with her. She was interesting because she was interested; her friendships, hobbies and tastes were eclectic and wide-ranging. There's a really beautiful obituary from our colleague Nick Evans that captures the story of Barb's life. This is my story of how Barb shaped me as a linguist, a researcher and a person.
I first encountered Barb when she was teaching in my final year of a Bachelor of Arts. The third year subject Language and Culture was a romp through kin terms, colour theory, names, primates, spatial systems, social intelligence, politeness, and so much more. Barb was an enthusiastic lecturer, with anecdotes, contextualisation and rich examples every week.
One week she introduced us to the topic of gesture. I was intrigued! How had I made it through a whole degree without encountering this work! (now that I write courses, I know how hard it is to find space in the curriculum for every topic worthy of attention, and gesture rarely features at all in undergraduate coursework). At the end of the lecture Barb said "this is one of my favourite topics. You're not allowed to do you're final assignment on this unless you see me first, because I don't want to read a bad assignment on this topic."
I still remember when I went to talk to her about it, and experienced the full intensity of the undivided attention of Barb Kelly for the first time. At some point, mildly bewildered by all this new reading, I wondered how we even knew that people paid attention to different types of gesture. "I always thought that would be a good topic for an honours thesis," Barb mentioned, before walking me back to something more manageable for a class paper.
[A brief time jump: The last time Barb and I caught up, it was getting to the end of the year and we were trying to avoid editing a paper. Somehow we got talking about the first time we met. Barb's main recollection was: "You were so weird." Barb thought it was very funny, but I also think that being interesting to Barb Kelly was a delightful compliment.]
A couple of weeks later, I went back and asked "could... I be the person who did that paper you mentioned?" At the very end of the final semester of my degree, I threw in my plans for a fourth year of Art History. I'm not usually one to change big plans so dramatically, but I decided that I wanted to do linguistics if I got to do the kind of linguistics Barb did. Of course, many years later when we were talking about it she laughed "I wouldn't have suggested it if I didn't want you to do it!"
That's how we got working on a small honours project to see what kinds of gestures and other movement people report that they pay attention to. It was an in-the-spirit replication of an old task Adam Kendon set up in the 1970s with a projector and silent film, but we used a computer and software that let people mark what they thought a gesture was (this became, many years later, Gawne & Kelly 2014). Just as I was finishing up data collection Barb disappeared. She had colorectal cancer and (although I didn't know this at the time) the prognosis was terrible.
At the end of that year I felt quite lost. I had finished the project, but didn't really know what to do next. I managed to get an office job for a while; it was fun to have a steady income after years of student life, but I got bored pretty quickly. I had planned a long nonsense holiday in Europe to distract myself. Barb had returned to work and I emailed her about catching up for coffee. I even fact-checked this in my email archive, and apparently I asked to "pick [her] brain about post-grad courses". It's easy to forget, with the benefit of hindsight, just how little idea I had of what I could do, what I should do or how I should go about making any of it happen. The only people I knew who had PhDs were the ones who taught me. I do remember we talked about where there was good work being done, the difference between Australian/UK and North American PhD programs and what kind of topics I might do. Barb then mentioned that she had a project she was working on and they were looking for someone do contribute by doing a PhD on evidential systems of a Tibeto-Burman language from Nepal. How was I meant to come up with a better idea than that? She promised me that her oncologist gave her at least the four years I needed to finish a PhD, because I am excessively practical and Barb had a very good sense of humour. I mailed my application to do a PhD at The University of Melbourne from a post office in Malta while on my holiday. I only mention this because it sounds very nonsense and like something form the 1930s.
[A disclaimer here: I usually strongly discourage students from staying at their undergaduate institution for graduate study. But I also point out I'm a giant hypocrite and staying at UoM to work with Barb was a good decision for me. Please take into account the survivor bias. Barb believed in me and that was more useful than anything another institution could have provided]
The week before I started my PhD with Barb, we caught up off campus with Sara, another PhD student who was about to start working with Barb. Barb used it as an opportunity to explain to us that even though a PhD would be big and demanding and important, it was also important that we didn't let it stop us living the rest of our lives, "if you need to, take a break to tour with a band or have a kid, that's important too" I was worried she was maybe expecting I had time to start a band as well as do a PhD? but it also left a lasting impression on me. She was so good at talking through the linguistic content of what I was doing, but also socialising me into the expectations of academia, while being realistic about life also happening. With Rachel Nordlinger as co-supervisor and Jill Wigglesworth as chair, they were an amazing, sometimes slightly terrifying, dream team who took their roles as supervisors, teachers and mentors seriously.
After my PhD, Barb joined me in the work with Andrea Berez-Kroker on data management. We also tinkered away on other things; including getting my honours thesis published. She helped me plan job applications, and even loaned me her office when I had video interviews. When I left Melbourne for post-docs we'd meet in different corners of the world. She was supportive and practical during many of my less optimistic moments while I was precariously employed. I enjoyed that my postdoc work allowed me to return to gesture, and spend more time doing lingcomm stuff, while still continuing to do work on evidentials and language documentation. Having Barb as a role-model mean that I normalised having a range of interests as a strength. I still spend a lost of time at a desk, but it's as far away as possible from the monotonous office job I left to come back to do a PhD.
In late 2020 Barb had a cardiac arrest. When La Trobe offered me an ongoing job in that same week, I apologised to her for texting her while she was in ICU. Obviously this is important because I'm the protagonist of my own story, even though it's a story about Barb, but I also wanted to mention it because a recurring theme in conversations over the last year has been "but, even when she technically *died* she still came back", which hasn't really helped things sink in.
I am pretty much the age Barb was when we first met. And, a couple of years into a tenured teaching/research role, I'm in a similar place professionally. And that's very much thanks to Barb. Without Barb I would not have done honours in linguistics, and I would not have come back to do a PhD. I wouldn't have been ready to face the grueling academic job market, and I wouldn't have normalised the importance of having more in life to define you than your job.
I miss talking with Barb all the time. There have been moments in the last year when I've been introducing someone to the bouba/kiki test, writing about my favourite gesture papers or talking through a problem a grad student is having with their writing, and I get to continue Barb's passion and enthusiasm. I am so grateful for the influence she has had on me as a linguist, teacher, supervisor and human, and I'm grateful I get to pass that on.
Co-authored papers This is a list of all the published papers for which we were co-authors. I'm proud that they represent a good range of our shared interests across gesture studies, language documentation, and data management. We have one more forthcoming paper, a handbook chapter on discourse in Tibeto-Burman languages, which is the other major area of shared interest that carried through my PhD work and beyond.
Gawne, Lauren, Chelsea Krajcik, Helene N. Andreassen, Andrea L. Berez-Kroeker & Barbara F. Kelly. 2019. Data Transparency and Citation in the Journal Gesture. Gesture 18(1): 83–109. https://doi.org/10.26181/5f57fddc85ebb [Superlinguo blog post]
Berez-Kroeker, A.L., L. Gawne, S. Kung, B.F. Kelly, T. Heston, G. Holton, P. Pulsifer, D. Beaver, S. Chelliah, S. Dubinsky, R. Meier, N. Thieberger, K. Rice & A. Woodbury. 2018. Reproducible Research in linguistics: A position statement on data citation and attribution in our field. Linguistics 56(1): 1-17. https://doi.org/10.1515/ling-2017-0032 [Superlinguo blog post]
Gawne, L., B.F. Kelly, A.L. Berez- Kroeker & T. Heston. 2017. Putting practice into words: The state of data and methods transparency in grammatical descriptions. Language Documentation & Conservation 11: 157-189. [OA PDF] [Superlinguo blog post]
Gawne, L. & B.F. Kelly. 2014. Revisiting ‘significant action and gesture categorisation. Australian Journal of Linguistics 34 (2): 216-233. https://doi.org/10.26181/5e4b684d8f1e9
Gawne, L., B.F. Kelly & A. Unger . 2010. Gesture categorisation and understanding speaker attention to gesture. In Y. Treis & R. De Busser (Eds), Selected papers from the 2009 conference of the Australian Linguistic Society. Melbourne: La Trobe University. [PDF]
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slothspamsstuff · 10 months
Okaaay....this is just my headcanon but but but here's a thread on each Batfam member's sexual orientation (some of them might be unpopular opinion but it's my opinion so...)
- Bruce Wayne is bi, he might have been bi-curious at one point if he is not 🥹 playboy, charming, flirtatious and rich, he's everyone's dream. And I don't think the Bat himself is in denial of his sexuality, in fact, though lowkey, he might just be casually talking about his flings to Alfred if he didn't consider feelings a scary thing.
- Please forgive me for saying this but Dick Grayson feels like a straight guy who's very comfortable with his sexuality that he doesn't mind the gay jokes and he himself would make non-homophobic queer jokes towards his friends (regardless of their sexuality).
- Jason Todd is either bi or straight, because of that Judd Winick interview and because he's giving major bi friend vibes (trust me I'm bi), who leans towards dating girls but he might have been too jaded or fearful of commitment to be in a relationship so he's still single til this day. But he might also be similar to Dick, he might be a straight guy who is constantly attracting queer friends and is ok with that. Maybe he just has a smart mouth and wants to tease or provoke other guys to the point that it seemed queer as a hetero man, like how guys irl do? I dunno, but he could either be bi or straight, he gives off both vibes to me honestly lol. I can’t decide on this one.
- Tim Drake, similar to canon storylines, bisexual, need I say more? Though I'd like to see them build Tim and Bernard more cuz Bernard is a bit too similar to Steph now, and Tim and Kon also have a very interesting dynamic so I am very conflicted. I like the fact that even though they've broken up, him and Steph are still friends. I really appreciate healthy relationships like that (i...if of course you look past the fact that he might have wanted to unalive her dad).
- Stephanie Brown feels like she could be pansexual, she's chill and she doesn't mind being in a relationship with someone of the same gender, of the opposite gender or genderfluids or trans. But to get the most accurate impression of her, I will spend my time reading Batgirls. For now, her vibes scream pansexuality to me.
- Damian Wayne is straight, but he is just not into relationships. Though I also like his dynamic with Jon, I can't see them as more than friends (but you're welcome to ship them, it's actually a cute ship but bc they're literally children so I just can't see anything more than platonic). I know the Asexual Damian trope is also very popular but to me, he seems like a straight guy who, like Jason, is not into relationships due to the nature of his worklife.
- Barbara Gordon feels like she could be straight or bi, that's up to intereptation, but for the most part to me, she seems to be straight, I mean she loves a guy named Dick so...and her interactions with BoP members seem very platonic to me. But other headcanons are also cool, please enlighten me.
- Duke Thomas is straight, he's like that one YA romance novel live action main character, an awkward teenager except he's a metahuman and also a vigilante. Yes, he's sassy and funny and nice, I know, but his vibe doesn't scream queer to me.
- Cassandra Cain is bisexual because of her interactions with Tim and Steph in the comics. She's the quiet bisexual friend/lover that everyone is comfortable with. And I love, love that about her. Yes, Cass seems to be the downright not heterosexual, hell, she might have been more into girls than guys.
- Kate Kane is 100% a lesbian, this is not a headcanon. She's so gay that nothing about her is straight, not even her name.
- Ok, weird one but I think Alfred Pennyworth might also be bisexual, he could have banged the queen as an agent in his younger years then started dating the prince a year later. Or he could be demisexual, who knows, maybe he loved someone when he was younger, then something happened and he can't find himself being in another relationship with anyone else, and also younger Bruce only had him so he didn't have time for dating.
Sorry, idk much about Harper so I can't say fo sho.
Edit: my take on Cassandra Cain before anyone comes at me with their extremist anti batcest bs again (and unless you're here for Bruce and Damian as a couple, I don't even think batcest is a word that should exist) and here. Don't go looking for dramas, be polite to other people please. Just because you don't ship it doesn't mean you should act like an asshole about it. Their interaction happened in canon and I simply stated the fact with pictures from the actual comics, I don't ship them as a couple because well, I just....don't? But it's not like I'd care or I'd be grossed out if anyone ships them because well, a ship doesn't harm anyone nor does it affect my life, but going for harassment and being aggressive about what other people like, that has nothing to do with you or your life... you're the weird one and maybe you should touch grass or get some real life friends to talk to because that's just sad.
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yukidragon · 1 year
Is there any picture of Alice’s family? It would be cool to see them or doodle an idea what they look like :0
Sadly, I haven't been able to draw for a while now due to health reasons, and it might be a while longer before I can again. (Don't worry, it's nothing serious.) A friend of mine offered to draw the oldest three King girls for me though, which is super sweet of her.
I have made picrews of some of the family members to serve as a general idea to work from when I do eventually draw them. It's what I did before drawing Alice's concept sheet too. I find picrews to a good place to consider character appearance in broad strokes.
I'll share some of those picrews with you all if you're curious about my current general ideas. Remember, their designs (and some of their names) aren't completely set in stone yet, as I still need to draw them when I can. This just helps me better get a picture in my mind of what they look like.
As a heads up, each individual picrew can be pretty limited in its options. Sometimes skin tone, eye color, hair type, etc. just won't match with the look I'm going for. These are just the picrews that come closest to what I have in mind right now.
First up is Mama King, who I'm considering naming Lycoris or Lily.
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Soft, sweet, cuddly, short of stature but big of heart, Mama King absolutely loves her family more than anything else in the world. There's nothing she won't do to protect them and what they love.
Mama King is not only a great mother, but she's also fantastic at growing plants and has won many awards over the years. This is what led to a pretty good business online selling flowers that have been made into charming jewelry and other forms of art by her creative and loving spouse.
The family home has a decent sized plot of land to allow Mama to grow as many plants as she likes. Her gardens are truly a sight to behold, and her one of a kind flowers are to die for.
As you might have guessed, Alice has gotten a few features from her mom, such as her height, curly hair, and her wonderfully soft and cuddly hugs. The coloration, however, was something she inherited from her Papa.
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I'm still trying to decide on Papa King's name, but I've got a pretty solid idea of what he looks like. Tall, slender, and pale, this proud papa stands out in a crowd, though sometimes under some shade with sunscreen and shades on if it's someplace out in the sunlight. Sadly, being albino means you're more prone to sunburns, and his eyes are more sensitive than most. The picrew can't really give what I have in mind justice, but their eyes are a mixture of pale blue and red due to the lack of pigment.
Papa King is a sensitive soul who loves creating stylish trinkets and jewelry. He struggles with conflict, so their wife is his knight in shining armor much of the time, and that's one of the reasons why they fell in love with her. He also loves their wonderful children, as well as all the cats and dogs the family own. Though quite the homebody, his life is very full with such a busy house and their creative projects, as well as running the business he owns with their wife.
The oldest child of the King family probably doesn't really need an introduction. I mean, I drew Alice and mentioned her on this tumblr plenty of times before. Still, it feels sad to leave her out, so here's a picrew of her and Jack holding hands and dressed for a date.
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Why yes I'm shameless about my OTP. Welcome to my blog. I hope you enjoy the sweet vanilla and spice.
Eventually I'll make a post with the picrews that I used to help me make Alice's concept sheet, but that's for another time. Now onto the next child in this big, happy family.
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The second oldest was named Barbara Anne, but you'd be forgiven for not knowing that, as everyone calls her Barbie, with her siblings sometimes just calling her Bar. (Alice was the one who first started using that particular nickname when they were very little and it just stuck around.)
Barbie is practically the opposite of her sweet and doting parents. She's a prickly, snarky, and sarcastic misanthrope who prefers animals and 2D characters to humans. Her personality and large stature are usually enough to ward people off. She's taken after her dad with her height and her mom with having a larger frame. Though she's a nerdy otaku, if she hits you, it's going to hurt.
Barbie isn't shy to let people know to back off and leave her alone, quick to deliver barbs and tease others mercilessly if they don't buzz off. Still, like any true tsundere, get past her prickly exterior and there's a softer side that's full of genuine love and affection waiting underneath. The only people she cares about currently are her family and the few friends she made online... and eventually a suitor who is going to need to be a good boy and heel at her command if he wants a chance of making puppies with her.
The most striking thing about Barbie is her eyes. She has central heterochromia, which means both of her eyes are a mixture of brown and blue, not unlike how Papa King's are a mixture of red and blue. She practically lives in t-shirts and sweatpants, which often are themed around anime and games she likes, or offensive snark. Her hair is always a mess, and she keeps it cropped short most of the time so that she doesn't have to bother with it.
Barbie is good with computers and isn't above a little hacking or trolling. Though she's moved out of the King house, she's doing just fine in her own apartment, making money by scamming crypto scammers and the like, among other more legitimate and actually legal jobs.
Don't tell anyone about her secret double life as a streamer with a cutesy anime waifu virtual avatar. She'll make your life hell if you do.
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Next up is Coraline. I already made a post talking about her and showing off a few of her picrews, so I'll just lightly touch on what I have in mind for her design. She's average height (making her a little taller than big sis Alice), with brown eyes, looks very sickly, and while most of her very curly hair is brown, it lacks some pigment in places. She still lives at home due to her health, and every morning Mama braids her hair up nice and neat, only for it to eventually come increasingly undone and messy by the end of the day. She favors comfortable clothes like sweaters and sweatpants.
The most signature piece of Coraline's look is her pendant. I've actually mentioned the pendant before in a previous post... or at least Alice's version of the pendant and the fact that each King child got one when they were born.
Mama King proposed to Papa with a bouquet of blue roses that she grew specially for them . Blue roses are said to be an impossible flower naturally, very rare, and growing them was her way of showing that she loved him enough to do the impossible for them. Papa preserved each one of the flowers in resin and whenever they're expecting a child, he crafts one into a custom necklace for the child, which is engraved with the baby's name and the date of their birth after they're born.
As an aside, if one of the kids ever wanted to change their name for whatever reason, Papa would be more than happy to alter the inscription to their new name.
The rest of the kids are vague as of the moment, but I know there are at least 4 more of them. They'll be fleshed out eventually over time, along with the pets and any other details about this happy family.
I hope you liked what I've got to share with you so far about the King family, and thanks for showing interest in them. I'm always happy to know that people enjoy my OCs. 💖
@channydraws @earthgirlaesthetic @sai-of-the-7-stars @cheriihoney @illary-kore @okamiliqueur
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chirpthingz · 7 months
Hello! Since you're an Ordem Paranormal fan along with qsmp I was just wondering: what is the lore behind the flower that one of Bagi's characters has? Bc I've seen ppl mention before how the flower on her mc skin is a reference to that and I was just curious
HELLO!!! The flower is a reference to a character named Barbara, who was played by Bagi in one of the ordem paranormal spin-offs, O Segredo na Ilha (the secret on the island). She is usually associated with flowers because she was a gardener, namely helping maintain the garden of a missing painter’s mansion.
Other references to OSNI will usually be associated with islands/oceans, weird paintings or specifically melted paint, or the tolling of a bell and its towers. However, I don’t believe Bagi has made any of these other references!
Now I can summarize her story (with spoilers, so tread lightly), but I’ll also leave the link for the wiki page if you want a more thorough read: https://ordemparanormal.fandom.com/wiki/B%C3%A1rbara_Lima?so=search#O_Segredo_na_Ilha
Barbara was a resident of Tipora island alongside her best friend Miguel (who was played by her partner, Matt) and was essentially the gardener of the island. She lived there her whole life with her mother, who wasn’t a great person, and generally had a peaceful life until Miguel’s 10th birthday, where he “disappeared” and his body was taken possession of by his imaginary friend/brother Milo. This deeply shook Barbara, but she kept the secret from an oblivious Milo who believed that Miguel was his missing brother.
Life continues on until the arrival of the Florence family and particularly Amelie and Oliver Florence (played by Beamon and Goularte respectively) who have come to stay in the mansion with the garden Barbara has been maintaining, which she has also never been allowed in because her mother forbid it. Their presence in the mansion, coupled with the… actions of some of the other island residents, triggers a series of paranormal events.
She and her friends (plus a man named Wanderly, played by Rakin) are thrown into the middle of all of this and have to figure out what’s going on before something terrible happens. Ultimately, a creature is summoned that kills a majority of the residents and with them Barbara, but it is ultimately defeated.
Sorry for the word vomit, but ordem paranormal has very rapidly consumed my brain and I will very happily take any chance to go insane about it! Let me know if this helps, I’ll probably see how incomprehensible it is later lmaoo.
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kakyoinryoko · 1 year
You're incredibly valid in that. I was just curious mostly in your eyes Barbara's role? She came after diluc so was it an attempt at anything guilt? Just like an accident ? And we saw Jean and diluc and kaeya react, but how would she you know? Thanks for taking the time ) !
post got long :(
re: barbara, i mostly looked to canon dynamics to figure out what could have been going on there… to me, it seems that in the gunnhildr family, frederica was the matriarch while seamus was just sort of there, and jean was the favorite child while barbara was an afterthought. i would say that it seems that their eventual divorce was due to them being very different people: frederica has exercised a frankly unhealthy level of control over jean’s life to the point that jean has grown into a woman who can’t bear to spend a second of her time on her own well-being, while seamus is described as a much more lax parent to whom barbara is very attached, and who encourages barbara to follow her own dreams and live her own life (re: being a singer). all in all the picture this paints for me is that frederica approached the idea of marrying and starting a family from the standpoint of wanting to carry on the family name and raise a knight to be proud of, while seamus simply wanted to be a father. i never really got into this in my own writing, but part of the reason frederica was so willing to immediately part with barbara almost immediately is because unfortunately barbara just isn’t the kind of child she wanted to raise.
i feel i should specify here that i am not trying to demonize frederica, i think she’s an interesting character and i’m very fond of her, but also… her style of parenting undeniably fucked up both of her kids. jean is a maladjusted workaholic, while barbara has a serious inferiority complex and is incapable of allowing herself to feel or process sadness. and on the other hand, jean barely comprehends the idea of celebrating her own birthday, while in the meantime frederica gifted barbara a special dress for her to wear during concerts in what is likely a gesture of motherly love jean couldn’t even imagine, because she’s the one who lives up to frederica’s standards, so she’s not the one who gets the gentle treatment. basically part of my goal with this has always been to fairly represent the way she’s treated her daughters without painting her as a villain by any means.
i guess this doesn’t really answer your question, but all of this is to say i think this all would still apply in pretty much the same way. i think at most what i’d add is that barbara could have been something of a way for seamus to feel he’s at least been able to raise one child the way he wants to, but really i think that could be said of her existence in canon already.
re: barbara learning the truth, i actually wanted to write something more focused on her, but i sort of lost steam, so there’s maybe a fragment or two of that leftover that stuck around. in short, i think everyone involved panics for a while like “ohhh poor sweet barbara we shouldn’t tell her yet… she’s going to be so distraught” and then they tell her whenever the whole family is next together again so they’re all there at once to soften the blow and she’s like “well….. yeah. i kind of thought so” because she, being the one closest to her father, noticed something going on when she was like 11 before anyone else in her family did.
ok. thank you for your time
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danurso · 2 years
Ice, Wind & Fire
*At the library*
Lisa: *reading a book while drinking some tea*
Diluc: *walks in*
Lisa: Oh, what a surprise. Good afternoon master Diluc, what do I owe this visit? Are you perhaps interested in a book?
Diluc: Not today lisa. I actually came for you.
Lisa: Fufufu, you flatter me master Diluc, but I'm afraid I am already taken.
Diluc: *Deadpan* I'm aware, Kaeya won't shut up about it.
Lisa: *chuckles*
Diluc: But no, I'm here because I need a potion.
Lisa: I see. What kind of potion?
Diluc: A cryo resistance one.
Lisa: A cryo resistance potion? Are you perhaps planning to explore dragonspine?
Diluc: It doesn't matter. Can you do it?
Lisa: Of course, that's a simple one.
Diluc: *hands her a pouch if mora* I'll pay in advance for the materials.
Lisa: Hmm, I believe that's a bit much for one cryo resistance potion.
Diluc: *turns around to leave* Then keep the change and use it for other potions you might need to make.
Lisa: Aren't you generous? Well, it won't take long, you can come pick up by the end of the day.
Diluc: Thank you lisa.
Lisa: You're welcome *notices something on his neck* and. . . .you might want to check those scratches.
Diluc: I'm aware of them. I was. . . .jumped by a cat.
Lisa: To jump you and leave such nasty marks, was the cat named diona? *Chuckles*
Diluc: Try not to dwell too much on that topic. I'll be back by the end of the day.
Lisa: Understood. Have a good day master Diluc.
Diluc: *leaves*
Lisa: Now, where did I put my mixer. . . . *Looking around* hmm. . . .I probably left it back on-
Eula: *walks in*
Lisa: Oh, Good afternoon Eula, what can I do for you? Interested in another novel?
Eula: I actually haven't finished the last one.
Lisa: Pity, your work really does take your time, doesn't it?
Eula: Of course it does, but it is also an important duty that I must devote myself to.
Lisa: *chuckles* You talked just like Jean now.
Eula: *crosses arms* humph, me and the acting grandmaster are nothing a like.
Lisa: Of course. . . *Notices a few faint bruises on her neck and thighs* Did you have a rough day? You could always ask Barbara to take a look at those.
Eula: T-that won't be necessary, i. . . .Just got ambushed by a group of hilichurls while I was distracted looking at my map. Those will heal soon enough.
Lisa: I see. Well, if you don't want a book, what can I do for you then?
Eula: Well. . . .i came to request a potion.
Lisa: Well, you're in luck, master Diluc came by not long ago and donated some money for me to make some potions.
Eula: he did?
Lisa: yes.
Eula: *under her breath* Bastard, I'll be sure to take my revenge for that.
Lisa: What was that?
Eula: Nothing, don't concern yourself with that.
Lisa: If you say so. Well then, what kind of potion do you need? I have potions to decrease fatigue, increase energy, relax your body and-
Eula: I would like a fire resistance potion.
Lisa: . . . . . . .
Eula: Can you do it?
Lisa: *smirks*
Eula: W-why are you giving me that look!?
Lisa: No reason really, I just find quite funny how master diluc asked for a cryo resistance potion not too long ago, and Now you're asking for a Pyro resistance one.
Eula: T-that is but a coincidence, stop looking so much into it.
Lisa: The curious marks you both have are also a coincidence?
Eula: *pink* . . . . .Could you just make the potion?
Lisa: Of course. Should I add a contraceptive potion to the request too~?
Eula: *red* That is quite enough! Such humiliation will be met with a cold revenge!
Lisa: *chuckles* Relax, I'm just kidding with you. Your potion will be ready by the end of the day.
Eula: T-thank you. Good afternoon. *Walks away*
Lisa: Are you coming to pick it up or should I just hand them to master Diluc?
Eula: *redder, slams door behind her*
Lisa: *chuckles*
Jean: *walks upstairs with a book in hand* What is going on?
Lisa: Oh nothing important, just finding out some interesting things.
Jean: Like?
Lisa: Apparently our spindrift knight and the uncrowned king of mondstadt are having a little affair.
Jean: W-why do you say that?
Lisa: Master Diluc came here to ask for a cryo resistance potion, and not long after Eula came to ask for a Fire resistance, both having quite. . . .suspicious marks.
Jean: Oh. . . .
Lisa: I know right? Oh if people heard about that.
Jean: Errr lisa?
Lisa: Yes?
Jean: I forgot to ask you earlier. Since you're brewing potions, could you make some for me?
Lisa: Of course. *Grins* What do you want? Cryo or Pyro resistance? *Chuckles*
Jean: Both, actually.
Lisa: . . . . . . . *Notices a few scratch marks and bruises on her*
Jean: *pink* . . . . . .
Lisa: . . . . . . *Massive smirk*
Jean: *red* Please have mercy, i really need the potions.
Lisa: Ask for mercy to the gods, because there's nothing on teyvat that would make me pass this opportunity.
Jean: *embarrassed sad groans*
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your-nanas-house · 2 years
That amazing night
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Pairing: Jerome Valeska X Cruella De Vil!Reader
Warnings: Smut
Words: 515
Summary: in the request
Note: sorry for the mistakes and the English.
Not many good looking girls had entered there in Arkham Asylum, besides Barbara there was no one else..or so thought the ginger who had been captured and taken to that asylum a few months ago, but luckily that day another girl had entered who according to all the men who were locked up there was definitely a pretty view.
Jerome hadn't seen her yet, but he planned to find out who she was, he was so curious, he couldn't miss her, he had also heard from Sionis that she was a quite famous person, he didn't know the name yet unfortunately but he would find out very soon.
The door of the room they were in opened wide and a good looking girl, with y/e/c eyes, h/l black and white hair, and a serious expression that communicated power and temper, walked in; Jerome was already starting to like her, he followed her with his gaze as she approached an empty table with her confident and feminine step, moving her hips slightly before sitting down comfortably opening a magazine without looking at anyone.
There was something about her that attracted and drew the ginger like a magnet, he didn't know exactly what but when he first approached her to introduce himself he found himself being even more intrigued by her and started flirting constantly. 
Jerome had managed to convince the guards to get him to switch his schedule of leaving his cell so he could see her and continue flirting, listening to her story and learning more about her.
Her name was apparently Cruella De Vil but that was just the name she called herself by, not her real name, the ginger knew this because he had managed to steal her file during a therapy session, he had found out that her name was actually Y/n Y/l/n, she was the same age as him, maybe a few years older but not that many and it wasn't a big deal, it just excited him more.
If you're wondering if the attraction was reciprocated..not really, Y/n couldn't even remember his name and found him annoying but she couldn't deny that he was definitely hot in his own way.
Maybe that was the only reason aside from the end of her patience that led her to slam the ginger against a wall one night when they were all alone, the guards had been warned to stay away from her and the ginger had managed to get to her, ending up returning a hungry kiss as he received a hand job that led to Y/n bouncing fast and hard on his cock, keeping his hands still and leaving bites and hickeys as she went harder making him cum first, rolling his eyes back grunting happily as she milked his cock with her tight warm walls.
Going on like that for most of the night, only leaving Jerome's cell early in the morning while he was deeply asleep, exhausted and happy with everything that had happened that night...that amazing night.
Taglist: @gabile18 @mrsfullbuster500 @trainer--taylor @elizamalfoyy @eovjjj @animefan3223
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yannowhatigiveup · 3 years
Day 3: Attention
Oops, I posted late. Sorry
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Marinette walked down the hall to Damian's room, the door was open but she knocked anyway. She heard a faint "Come in, Angel." and walked into the room, shutting the door behind her. There gaze landed on her boyfriend, who was at his desk. He had been there for nearly three days straight, Marinette wasn't exactly sure if he had slept. The girl went over to the bed, sitting next to Alfred the cat.
"You're still not done with that?" She asked him and Alfred got comfortable on her lap.
"Unfortunately not, mon amour." Damian replied, looking over some cctv footage. A few days ago, Tim, Bruce and Barbara, had begun a case that they needed to get finished before Christmas. But he had an unexpected mishap which forced him to visit one of the branches of Wayne Enterprises, leaving the other two to work on it. What they didn't know was that Damian was helping as well, despite Bruce saying that he shouldn't get involved.
"Does Bruce know about this?" She already knew the answer, she didn't know why she even asked.
"Father is busy with his business trip, it's best that he remain undisturbed." The teen replied quickly, Marinette frowned to herself. She understood that he just wanted to prove that he could help, but he wasn't going the right way about it. In all honestly, he was becoming like her, always staying up late to finish a project while running on five cups of coffee. Actually, he was becoming like Tim. Marinette desperately wanted him to take a break and she had tried, but every attempt was a failure.
Marinette sighed, running her fingers through Alfred's fur. Then the cat stood up, jumped off of the bed and onto Damian's desk. The cat purred and the teen looked over at the feline, scratching his head. Alfred purred and jumped onto his owner's lap, ready to take a catnap. Damian paused, smiled at his pet's actions and continued on with his work. Marinette froze, an idea forming in her mind. She looked at the time, it was just past midday.
She stood up. "I'm going to get something to drink, you want anything?"
"I'm fine, Angel." Damian replied, flicking through some of the tabs he had.
"Okay then." Marinette went over to Damian's chair and hugged him from behind. "Don't take too long on this." She kissed his cheek and he grabbed her hand before she pulled away.
"I promise I'll finish this as soon as I can." Damian vowed, bringing her hand to his lips. Marinette smiled and left the room, going downstairs. Her plan was going to work.
Damian sighed, he hadn't expected for this case to impede his time with Marinette but since he had started it, he had to finish it. He wanted to prove to his family that he could be of use for these types of things, this case would be the perfect opportunity. However, he had underestimated how complex the whole thing would be, and he knew he was so close to finishing it as well. All he needed was the drug lord's real name and he would be done. The sound of a door opening caught his attention.
"Dami?" Damian felt his body relax at the sound of his girlfriend's voice. "I need your help with something."
He swerved around in his chair, safely setting Alfred the cat down on the floor and immediately standing up away from his work. Sure, it was important, but Marinette's importance was far beyond that of some silly case. "Of course Angel, what is it?"
"I need you to do something for me." She walked passed him, standing in a different part of the room. He move to stand next to her.
"Alright..." He sounded skeptical, but he was opposed just yet. "What do you need me to do."
Instead of answering, she took a step closer, closing the small gap between them. Her hands reached up to his shoulders, he saw her get onto the tips of her toes. Her face got dangerously close to his own. Damian gulped, curious as to what she would do next, when he was violently shoved onto the bed. He blinked, eyes wide. "Wh-"
"You wouldn't rest, so I'm forcing you to." Marinette smiled at her boyfriend, climbing onto the bed to lie down next to him. She rested her head on his chest, eyes closed, wrapping her arms around him. "If your wondering, I needed you so I could get comfortable. I'm tired."
Damian looked down at her and sighed. "Of course. Rest well, my love." He placed a kiss on her forehead, shifting his position so that both of them could be comfortable. Gently, he stroked his fingers through her hair, smiling down with his love-filled gaze. She was so stubborn, just as he was, it was one of the things that brought them together in a way. But she had him in mind, something that was of great honour to him. Damian always told himself the she was way out of his league, this was just one of the many examples. Taking her hand to his lips one more time, Damian let his head rest on the pillow, allowing sleep to take over.
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redjaybathood · 3 years
Possible prompt if you're still doing those:
Reverse Robin AU member/members meeting the canon Batfam member/members.
I usually don't go to the default Damian one and instead invert the first four Robins, IE:
Stephanie Wayne, the first Spoiler, now Knight-Hawk and heiress to Wayne Inc, she and Bruce have a weirdly good relationship, though she concedes this is cos her standards were 'low' which helped give him a learning curve.
Tim Drake, briefly Spoiler before the Court of Owls killed his family& tried to make him a Talon to learn Batman's identity, went off the trails for revenge for a bit.
Jason Wayne, the third Spoiler, now Nocturn, intends to study medicine and take over Wayne Foundation one day, tiny nerd.
Dick Grayson, temporarily Spoiler for training, but actually still has Mary Grayson and usually goes by Robin, argues with Bruce a lot in a "You're not my dad" context.
Feel free to ignore this, but I enjoy dabbling in this concept, but can never think of anything to do with it beyond thought experiments.
Yeah I am really digging the reversal between Steph and Dick, and how every kid starts as Spoiler, continuing her tradition now.
I bet Tim killed the heck out of Court of Owls but at the same time, he did it in a way that can't actually be tied to him. It's a fuck you to both the Owls (who wanted him as their pet assassin; well, he's not doing any murders by his hands, thanks) and Bruce because he cannot actually prove, with evidence, that it's Tim.
Curious choice of Jason's callsign. Is it maybe because before Bruce took him in, he was adopted by Natalia Knight? She felt kinship with Jason, whose childhood on the streets was similar to hers. She took him in, and though she told him the truth about what she was doing, she never let him get involved. Unfortunately, her brother felt threatened by Jason's presence, seeing him as a sign that he wasn't the most important person for her anymore. Long story short and several murder attempts later, Natalie was stabbed and had to flee Gotham, and Bruce ended up taking Jason in. After his time as Spoiler, Jason relinquished the mantle to the next one in line, choosing a name that honoured his adoptive mother.
By the way, I think Damian should be the youngest, still. Because if he is the oldest kid, then how old is Bruce? So as Damian arrives, Dick ditches the Spoiler in favour of Robin and Damian becomes the Spoiler.
Duke became a part of Batfam during No Man's Land. He and his parents got separated during an evacuation, and he created an information hub out of deserted Clock Tower. Not knowing, initially, that it already had one resident: Batgirl. He just showed up, hooked some equipment (okay it was much complicated than that). Everyone knew that if you wanted to sell or trade information, or if you wanted to find someone, that's where to go. After the No Man's Land situation was resolved, Duke kept at it, becoming Oracle. He used the information he got to foil Riddler, Joker, and others before they even had a chance to implement their plans. Eventually, he became a target, and that's how he discovered his awesome Light-based powers and became a Signal.
Cassandra, on another hand, is the OG Batgirl. She was around since the same time, more or less, as Batman had been. Small difference: she was adopted by Jim Gordon and has a little sister Barbara who looks up to her (and will become the next Batgirl).
Oh. And in this case, Batwoman was the first vigilante in Gotham. Freshly discharged from the army, she used her training to help people in a way she could. Bruce was kinda following in his cousin footsteps, though as he didn't have an army background, he had to go on a tour to find teachers.
Sorry, that's me babbling. But I really like the concept! If you start posting it, let me know!
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valeskakingdom · 3 years
Could I request a part 3? Jerome keeps the reader as his hostage for popularity and attention. Reader is really fond of the attention she gets as well and eventually sleeps with Jerome again? In the end she sees how Galavan kills him and is really sad?
Requested by @violentvaleska
So guys, here's part 5!!
Credit gif: @jokersbabe27
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Jerome x female reader (part 5)
Warnings: mentions of violence and murder, depression
Word count: 3378
*Later that day at the charity*
"Already excited for my show, doll?" Jerome grinned through his magician costume. you hated that costume. It hid Jerome's beautiful face with a shitty beard, his hairs were under a stupid wig and a black cylinder. And that tuxedo...gosh, you hated it thought not as much as the wig or the fake beard. The worst on it was his name...'Rodolfo'. You were disgusted by that name.
No magician in that universe would ever call himself like that! It sounds so ridiculous!
"Of course! Though I already know you'll be amazing as always." You smirked pressing a kiss on his cheek "Give them the best show they've ever seen!"
"That ain't be a problem for me" Jerome grinned "Even Hundini wouldn't have seen such a great show." You giggled at his comment.
"Without further ado, please allow me to present you the Great Rodolfo!" Immediately, Jerome walked on stage, everyone was applauding - even you. You were excited for how he was acting as a magician. Of course, you knew he was doing it well anyway. Jerome was professional. He could play every role in this Earth perfectly!
"Ha! Greetings ladies and germs," Jerome walked on stage "I am indeed the Great Rodolfo! Please ogle my lovely assistant. Ohh, for my first act, I'll require a volunteer. Let me see. Duck, duck, duck, duck, duck, duck, duck, goose!" Jerome pointed at Bruce Wayne, the richest orphan in Gotham that was hated by every villain - really, everyone wanted to kill him.
"Hello, young man. Does this handsome gentleman have a name?" You heard Jerome saying after she went out to the crowd to bring him back.
"Bruce." The boy responded.
"Bruce! Well, Bruce. This won't hurt a bit." He clapped two great blades together "Is there a doctor in the house?"
Jerome sticked one of the blades in the box along with the other one. The audience gasped, them applauded him.
While watching you were astonished about Jerome's well, acting. Nobody noticed it was him. Neither Bruce nor the other guests recognized anything. Almost unbelievable for you.
"Some people say Bruce has a split personality." Jerome laughed loud while Barbara brought the little kid back to his actual place "For my next illusion, I'd like to call to the stage esteemed Deputy Major Harrison Kane."
Barbara pushed a rolling table, covered with a tarp, forward that it stood in front of Jerome. She pulled the tarp back and you could see any kind of knives laying down there. You were thinking about what was coming next. Is Jerome still playing with him or is he about to kill that guy?
Barbara bended down making the others noticed the next illusion was incoming. But a mistake happened, her mask fell down.
They're fucked!! You thought panicking. If anyone of the guests recognized them, they all would have a big problem. People would call the police, others die, the police finds you and eventually become informed about Theo, as well.
But Barbara kept being professional. Nobody made a move to start panicking or to call the police. Everything stayed normal.
"By the way, nobody is getting out here alive." At first the crowd laughed because they thought he was just joking - of course, he did not. Jerome killed the Deputy and the gunfire started. People were screaming and hiding in hope they weren't the next victim.
You flinched a little in surprise, although you might have expected it. Who would Jerome not kill expect you? He killed his mother, now the Deputy Major...it was just a matter of time to see who was his next victim.
For you, that all was pretty exciting, but also a big feeling of unpleasantness came over you. This situation reminded you of the day Jerome kidnapped you. You had flashbacks. You fear, you uncomfortableness, the nervousness, the wish to go home...everything came back - you knew best how the victims felt right now, and.
And as the last time, something told you that this situation wouldn't turn out well.
You wanted to be with Jerome right now. You just wanted to hug him, you wouldn't care whether he liked it or not, you just needed it.
But you couldn't go to him. You promised him to stay backstage to watch his marvellous show. And you knew, as everyone else knew what would happen if you broke the promise. His mood would change again and you needed to see whether it would turn out well for you or not.
You just stared at your lover. Finally he took the cylinder from his head as the wig, his black mask and the beard. Finally he presented himself again. You couldn't help but smile. You saw him being excited, being happy. He was the star in the show as he was the boss. You loved to see this: him standing there calm and managing everything while around him was pure chaos.
He was so professional you thought.
Out of nowhere, another woman was brought on stage, it was Lee Tompkins.
She was handhuffed, her gaze expressed fear and panicking.
They probably have taken her from behind as she was about to call the cops to tell what was going on.
You saw Jerome gazing at her with a smile - immediately, you hated her. You hated how you Jerome looked at her, how he smiled at her. It looked the same as every time he was smiling at you.
"Hey, darling" You felt shivers down your spine and jealousy came over you as he said that, you hated when Jerome was acting kinda flirty with other women. You always got the feeling they'd be much better than you but you also that your thoughts are wrong "I need to borrow your phone for a moment. We wanna tell Jimbo how the show's going on, don't we?"
And so he called him:
"Sorry Jimbo, it's just little old me!" He said nothing for a moment, then "Are you outside? You are, aren't you?" He cackled" Oh, goody!"
"Breathe, James. I haven't touched a hair on your girlfriend's pretty head." See for yourself. This is live television after all." You heard Jerome laughing after he responded to 'Jimbo'.
Then Jerome and Barbara tied Lee up on that big wheel pretending to shoot her head. It was all to entertain the crowd, to make them love. No one loved though - besides you. You loved their show. It entertained you and you loved to see your lover in action.
"True, but not the point. Hey, let's talk about what I want." Jerome walked down the stage closer to the camera "$47 million, a helicopter, obviously, the dry cleaning I left at Mr. Chang's be careful, the man is a crook, and mm, I don't know, a pony. Uh, you got ten minutes or I start killing people. Remember this is being broadcast to every home in Gotham, so, don't let people die. Bye!" Jerome laughed into the phone as he hung up "I think that went well." Jerome looked at you giving you a wink with a smile.
"Enough! You need to pack up your pathetic little sideshow and leave!" You suddenly heard Theo yelling from the other side of the stage. You were confused. What was he doing here? He told them to do this! Or did this still belong to the show?
"Is that right?" Jerome asked with a smirk.
"It may be presumptuous to speak for all citizens of Gotham. But we are sick of you! You're a small, vicious man with a pathetic need for attention. Enough man, for God's sake, enough!"
You were even more confused about Galavan's words. Something was in the bush. In his tower he spoke in high claims of Jerome that he was the star in the show, that he trusted Jerome most that he'll do it. What was wrong now?
"I'm curious what your leverage is here, Mr.?"
"Theo Galavan"
"Well, Mr. Theo Galavan, if you don't sit down, uh, I'm gonna shoot you. In your face."
"I know there is some human decency left in you. If you need a hostage, take me. But let these people go home! To their families, to their children." Before Theo could continue his speech, Barbara knocked him out with a some kind of pan. You giggled for yourself, almost laughed loud. It looked so stupid for you how he fell on the ground. It was like in a real blockbuster.
"Boring" Barbara stated.
"Right" Jerome cackled loudly, then he made his way to you with a big grin in his face. Automatically you grinned, too.
"How do you like the show doll?" Jerome grabbed your hands and pulled you close to him. You felt a slightly blush spreading over your cheeks as he pressed his lips against yours. His hands grabbed your cheeks softly to intense the kiss.
"I love it! It's very exciting" You grinned wrapping your arms around his neck while he wrapped his arms around your waist "But I'm much happier about you not wearing this cruel costume anymore. It covered your face, I hated it."
Jerome just chuckled about your comment and kissed your forehead.
"I have an idea," You just raised your brows looking at him in interest "Wanna be the star in my show?"
"Of course I do!" You smiled wide before he pressed his lips against yours quickly, then you both walked out. Gasps filled the room, all eyes were on you. They all knew who you were. You were the missed girl everyone was looking for. They either thought you were dead or that you were left at a lost place. But now you stood there - healthy, happy, self-confident.
"I know what you all think: That's (Y/n)! What is she doing here?! Where has she been?! I tell you all a secret: She was with me all the time." Jerome grabbed your face soft making you giggle "She's gorgeous, isn't she? Always has a pretty smile in her face."
Barbara pulled a next man up on stage positioning right in front of you and handed you a gun. Then she placed an apple on the man's bald.
"You know how to hold a gun, doll?" Jerome grinned wrapping his arms around you from behind. You felt his lips and his warm breathe touched your cheek. It was giving you chills in arousal.
"I'm not that stupid, Jerome." You made sure the gun was loaded. You positioned yourself to keep stable and pointed the gun at the apple. That was what Barbara and Tabitha have taught you over the days you were at Galavan's.
The man in front of you was shivering with wide eyes, his sweat was dripping down his forehead. His eyes expressed fear and you could see he wished you didn't kill him.
"Hold very still." Jerome growled at the man, then he covered his eyes with one hand "I can't look! Someone tell me how it turns out."
You inhaled deeply and concentrated on the apple. But as you pulled the trigger, just water came out and splashed into the old man's face. At that moment, you thought that Jerome jerked you around with tell you time the star.
Jerome just sighed in annoyance grabbing your gun and gave you a new one assuring you that he didn't know the gun was fake.
"Damn! Turn around." The man looked at you in fear and turned around. With his eyes he literally begged you not to shoot or at least to hit the apple. He was about to stop moving as you shot the apple from his head. The crowd gasps in shock and relief that the guy wasn't dead yet.
"Whoo!" Barbara cheered happily. You knew she was proud of you that you didn't blame yourself and missed the apple. You were proud of yourself, too. You shot without hesitation, not even thinking of missing the apple and accidentally shoot the guy.
Every one else kept quiet tho.
"Well, clap!" Jerome shouted kinda aggressively to the crowd - then they did it. Nervously and fast. He laughed slightly pressing a kiss on your cheek "Well done, doll."
"Thank you, Jerome." You grinned. He took the gun out of your hands and placed it on the table with the knives. Then he kept staring at them for a while, you could see he was thinking about something.
"Do you know how to use a knife? Just wondering." Jerome smiled at you.
Before you could answer though, you saw Lee kicked Barbara in the stomach making her grunt.
As Barbara looked up at Lee, you could see fury was written in her face. She was angry, mad...these words just described a very small part of her feeling. It was incredible how much hate a person could express.
You looked at Lee. You could see she didn't give a fuck about her consequences.
"Haven't been ten minutes," Jerome hissed holding Barbara's arm tight that she was unable to stab Lee "We need to buy you a watch." Soon as Jerome turned around back to you Barbara punched Lee in her face. The crowd and you all gasped in surprise. Jerome instead, just looked at you shaking his head in disappointment what made you chuckle.
"Well, I think it's time for tonight's first official victim. You all know and love. Poor rich boy...Parents murdered in an alley, and my favorite volunteer: Where is Bruce Wayne?" Jerome claimed waiting for the little boy's appearance - he didn't come though. Everyone looked around for the boy hoping he would come. They, as you, knew what would happen if he did - someone will die.
"You know, I'm an orphan, too, Bruce? I killed my parents, though." Jerome spoke to the microphone, then stepped away from it "Where are you hiding?"
"Bruce!" Jerome screamed in anger making you flinch a little - you were always surprised about his temper. It came rapidly and was gone after a few seconds "Where are you buddy?!"
"That little kid's afraid of you, Jerome." You giggled wrapping your arms around his torso kinda in hope to calm him down a little. You had no idea his temper could ride that fast. "Give that boy some time to realize how much fun he's gonna have with you."
"We don't have time, right now. We have a plan to follow." Jerome grumbled looking around for Bruce and slightly pushing you away from him. In your eyes, Jerome was  a mix of an infant and a monster or the evil itself. His impatience reminded you of a child that didn't get his will. And his eye expression expressed fury, evil and the strong wish to kill the kid. It was fascinating, and almost frightening.
"Kill his butler!"" Barbara suggested.
"Alright, last chance Bruce but it's about to get very butler-brainy out here." Jeromekept looking around. While that, some of Jerome's colleagues grabbed the butler's arms right pushing him forward to Jerome. He was an older tall man in a black tuxedo looking very concerned for the little boy - understandable.
"Brucey!" Jerome yelled looking through the crowd but the boy still didn't appear "I'm bored. Shoot the butler." Jerome turned to you with a grin, not even really paying attention to what was happening around him. He just wanted you.
"Stop!" Bruce claimed panicking and ran fast in front of the stage to his poor butler.
"Let's get this started, huh?" Jerome gasped pulling Bruce back while pointing a gun at his head "You! Check behind the curtain! Make sure no one's playing silly buggers"
One of Jerome's colleagues nodded and walked to the curtain. He moved it aside the entrance,  he got shot.
"Drop the knife!" James Gordon shouted pointing a gun at Jerome, but he just laughed and pressed the young Bruce Wayne in front of his body, a sharp blade was pressed on his throat almost cutting his thin skin.
"I don't have a clean shot!" Gordon shouted.
"Stay calm, Bruce." The butler tried to encourage the little boy after he took a gun, as well, pointing it at Jerome. He totally ignored what Gordon said. His mind was all around Bruce.
"It seems like we've got ourselves a pickle." Jerome stopped laughing but pressing a knife against Bruce's throat. "What do you say Brucey boy? Wanna boost our ratings, huh?" Jerome cackled insanely again "Smile."
"I said enough!"  All of a sudden Theo appeared behind Jerome. He looked mad, very mad. Again you got that feeling of uncomfortableness. And again you got that feeling that something bad will happen now. You saw it on his gaze. This devilish grin. Something was in the bush.
And you weren't wrong. Shortly after Jerome turned to him slowly, Theo stabbed a knife into his neck.
Everyone gasped in shock, you were the loudest though. You heart dropped, you couldn't move for the moment, your legs became weak, cat got your tongue - you weren't able to breathe normal. You felt poor as you stared at Theo's hand that pressed the knife in Jerome's throat deeper and deeper - and that all right in front of you. Your whole body shivered, you were about to throw up every minute.
Tears built up in your eyes and some even streamed down your cheeks. This couldn't be real, this mustn't be real! You couldn't loose him, not now, not again, not forever.
Things have happened not quite perfect and you were mad at him, you didn't want to be with him, you even hated him for a moment, you were afraid of him... everything. You could say for one moment he was your biggest fear in your life because you were scared he'd kill you every minute, or every time you did something wrong. But that faded, it was forgiven, your love was refreshed. It was stronger than the night you two met for the first time. Your connection was stronger than ever before - you knew you belonged together. Why else did fate decide to let you two meet again? Why else would you fall for him again? Why else did he all you his doll, his girl, his queen? That weren't just words...it was more, a lot more.
You knew Jerome couldn't show love as usual people did, but you knew he loved you. His soft side towards you, him trying to make you smile, him protecting you when Greenwood teased you or harassed you..,that was all real. He didn't act at all!
All the memories came up. His smile, how you two hold a conversation for the first time at the circus, you felt the warmth on you hand again when you remembered how he held your hand. You could feel his arms wrapping around your body, and you could hear him calling you 'doll'.
And all this was gone forever now.
"I know, I know." He pressed Jerome down to the ground "Im so sorry, Jerome. You have real talent. But now you see, the plot thickens. Enter the hero." You saw Theo grinning slightly.
You could kill him for what he has done to him - and to you. He took all your joy away, he ripped your heart in two and three it away that it shattered in thousands of pieces. He had to die in your eyes. He just deserved it. You wanted revenge. You wanted to make him feel what he has done to you. You wanted to make him feel how you felt - sad, broken, shocked.
"I was gonna be.." With his last breath and his last courage, he looked up to you still having a grin in his face. His mouth opened shortly as if he was about to say something to you, but too late.
He was dead - dead as your happiness, your joy, you will to live. Your heart felt so heavy that every beating was exhausting you, as your breathing. The world was spinning around you. You body and your psyche couldn't handle what has happened just a few seconds in front of you.
He died, your love, your everything - your Jerome. And he will never come back.
And you died - inside.
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purplerose244 · 4 years
Rewatching Trollhunters season 3 while waiting for Wizards 😍
Here we go, last season... not sure if I'm ready to rewatch this 😱
Thinking about it, so much needs to happen here! How did they put everything within 13 episodes without making it look rushed?? This show is WOW
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After this thinking that Blinky apparently is not with Jim in Wizards and is probably worried sick breaks my Trollhunters shaped heart 😭😭
Bless Anton Yelchin for his phenomenal work on this show
I love the way they handled the change between his voice and Emile Hirsch in the episode with the Gravesand. I ADORE when a change of voice actor is handled in a smart, thoughtful way 👌
Bad Coffee is one amazing episode, it hit me as a filler at first, then slowly became just another meaningful character development point. A very big one, between Steve and Coach Lawrence's bond, Mrs. Janeth viewpoint about teaching (I think her confidence got better, another reason why I believe she took position with Senor Uhl in the Krel vs Seamus situation in 3Below), Strickler still loving Barbara. Like, secondary characters get such a development it's magic 💪💪
Okay, this
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I didn't notice at first 😂 A fanfiction would be great to show the moment Steve gave it to him. Did he craft it himself? That would be even better! 💕
Reason number 138 why I can't wait to see Morgana again in Wizards: Morgana possessing Claire is kind of hilarious really, I wanna see how she is... or she was? Still not exactly sure how it will play out 🤔
Also she seems so proud of her "I have many names" 😂
Forgot to mention NotEnrique, freaking, he's got such a development since the beginning and he is so lovable!!! 💚💚💚
The parents finding out and being supportive, absolutely amazing. I genuinely can't name another show with something like this, it's usually all about staying in the dark until the very end. Barbara is an MVP in this episode, and in general 💪💪
Also I appreciate how much is evident that Jim did train a lot, like he never could have done some of the moves he is pulling this season, and sometimes he is even without amulet. Proud 😍
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And after seeing him die again I am on such a high level of not ready to see Draal again in Wizards I don't know what do to with myself, Seklos and Gaylen HELP ME 😱😱
Now that I rewatch it, in general Merlin doesn't bother me... at first. BUT, I hated how he kept dissing Blinky and Strickler 😡
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Just by this you know this woman will end up dating a deadly general 😂
I've decided to give a personal rewatch of 3Below without making a post... mostly because I rewatched it too much on my own 😅 Also I think I don't have many interesting thoughts besides KREL YOU BEAUTIFUL BABY ILY 💙💙💙
Speaking of, another thing I love about this show is that you think you know a character, then you actually see their point of view and BOOM, everything changes
We saw Krel from the Trollhunters' point of view and without shame I thought he was super annoying... now if anything happens to him in Wizards I'll kill everyone in this room and then myself 🙂
This consideration actually makes me curious about Douxie, because yes it bothers me a bit that he seems to be flirting with Claire, but I know that he will be one HECK of a character judging from @tenyai's beautiful arts 😍 So definitely looking forward to that
Mm, I noticed that In Good Hands does show similarities between Aja and Krel and Merlin: they are all very unusual, kinda sounds like they know better (more for Krel and Merlin at least) and definitely seems like they haven't been out much. Besides this kinda forshadowing that the Tarrons are not from this planet, it also makes me wonder what we will find out about Merlin since Wizards is a time travel
He is also... kind of coherent? He doesn't really lie about what he wants and what he thinks it's right. He justifies what he is sure needs to be done by the "centuries" he went through, and feels like he is above everyone. That is something very clear
This is not a justification for what he did to Jim and how he did it, this is merely what I think might be his point of view. But I do like his character a lot. And I'm looking forward to what exactly turned him into the man he is now. Maybe to see the pure heart he said to have had once?
Man the transformation scene is breathtaking. The ultimate act of Jim the best boy, everything in order to protect the one he loves 😭😭😭
Kind of hilarious that while all this mess happens, there are two extraterrestrial children running away from dictatorship and trying not to get Earth destroyed by an evil general. Poor Arcadia 😅
The story of this show is so good sometimes I forget the animation is AWESOME SAUCE 😍😍😍😍
If you're asking yes, I did cheer when Morgana was beating the crap out of Merlin, sue me 🤷‍♀️
Also I somehow imagine Blinky having this pic in an imaginary wallet
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Just showing it to everyone being like "This is my son, he is the coolest, I love him"... and he would don't lie to me 😚
It feels weird rewatching the finale of Trollhunters knowing that in two days Wizards will make this amazing story continue. I know 3Below did continue it already, but we'll see the original trio again!! Doing stuff!! STUFF!! 🤩🤩🤩
Alas, the rewatch is over. I'll forever be sorry for those who haven't watched this amazing show, because it really is wonderful 👌
So... here we go towards our final part of the trilogy, the videogame in September, and the surprises coming after. I feel like we're not at the end after all 😅
Well my friends, see you on the other side!
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