#based on the summary and other hints what do we think is happening
thebiggestfuckgiven · 3 months
How I DIDN’T Become a Villain Official Update!
Chap 1 word count: 5,198
one-sentence summary: This one guy has the absolute worst vibe.
Chap 2 word count: 5,243
one-sentence summary: Out of towner has an ongoing life crisis and gets stuck with local flaker.
Chap 3 word count: ????
one-sentence summary: Beloved Crime Lord gets his sights on out of towner, who gets an unexpected nighttime visitor~
Estimated fic length: 110k words
16 notes · View notes
Adam x Bratty!fem!reader
Reader is afab/female, explicitly used
Established relationship; you're Adam's wife
Summary: Y/n has started popping off to everyone lately, but mostly to Lute and Adam, which has caused a few scenes. Sera warned them to get their act together before she has to intervene. Adam thinks he knows just the thing to reel Y/n back in.
Explicit content under the cut!
Warnings: Adam, lots of cursing, brief Dom!Lute, mentions of guitarspear if you squint, vague mentions of Lute x reader if you squint, Dom!Adam, Brat!reader, soft!Adam, BDSM/bondage, wing kink, thigh riding, edging, orgasm denial, slight praise kink?, you get used, idk what else you want me to say, there's some fluff in the midst; Adam fucks you senselessly into submission for being a brat, idk if there's more warnings. It's over 10k, I've lost track now.
Word count: 10,792
Make Me
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(Not my gif, pulled from Google. If it's yours please lmk and I'll edit to credit!)
“The fuck you looking at, Saint Peter? Do I need to get Adam? Move,” you growl, shoving past the poor angel as you head towards the training grounds for the exterminators. Saint Peter looks after you, rubbing his wing where your own clipped his, sending a worried look after you before flying off to who knows where.
You slam open the doors, spreading your wings and launching yourself at the first exorcist you see. She is coming up to greet you, hand out for a handshake, when you grab it and fly up. Ignoring the startled scream from her, you try to keep steady as you twist, somersaulting a couple of times, and sling her towards a group of other exorcists headed right for you. They try to stop the one you sent flying at them, their wings tangling. You watch as they all plummet, hitting the ground with a harsh thud.
“Y/n!” Lute's voice has you turning to face your lieutenant. You smirk and bow your head slightly, wings twitching just the slightest as you hover and land before her.
“Lieutenant,” you grin, walking around her, wings partially folding behind you as you circle her. “To what do I owe the pleasure of your attention?” Sarcasm drips from your words. You rest your hands on your hips and watch as she turns with you, her eyes never leaving you.
“This isn't your normal behavior. What's gotten into you? Have you forgotten that we're all a team? We work together as one, and when you break that uniformity, it creates chaos,” Lute glares, voice cold as she approaches, her own wings stretching out. You know you're her subordinate, but you can't help taking the bait she's dropping. Her wings fully spread and you take the opportunity to taunt her.
“What's the matter? Don't like the fact I'm more brazen? I thought you said I needed to be more like you,” you snip, fully extending your wings as a show of defiance to her dominant display. Her eyes narrow and you both move quickly, flying towards each other. However, in your senseless agitation, you forget that Lute is your superior, in both ability and technicality. She easily gets the upper hand and wrestles you onto the ground, pinning your wings to your sides and you to the ground.
“You seem to be forgetting your place,” Lute warns, her tone sharp and hinting at something else you don't quite catch. The group of angels you sent in a heap arrive, all talking over one another to try and tell Lute what happened. She silences them with a look, not moving from atop her perch on you. “Hush! I saw what she did. Don't worry, Adam and I will be dealing with her,” she dismisses the group with a wave of her hand. Only once they're gone does she let you up, one hand gripping the base of one of your wings tightly, forcing you to back up to the side of the building as she extends her wings, making herself look bigger. You bite your tongue at the feel of her hand in your feathers, walking back until she has you pinned, your own wings shrinking and folding as best they can with a hand in the way.
“What now? You've got me alone? Why don't you just beat me and be done?” You snap, glaring at her boots. She steps into your space, forcing you to look at her. You press yourself back to the wall, irritation written on your face.
“You've got some nerve! You're lucky that you're one of the best I've trained. And you're even more lucky that Adam has a soft spot for you, otherwise I'd leave you broken on this fucking ground,” the lieutenant growls, twisting the hand she's got on your wing ever so slightly. Something crossed between a yelp and a moan escapes you as she pushes against you. “Since you think you can just barrel over anyone, you're going to be waking up extra early with me to do drills. We start tomorrow.” With that, she releases the hold on your wing, keeping hers flared behind her, before taking off. You hear her call for the ones training today. With a mocking snort, you take flight and leave the training grounds, deciding to be anywhere else but near Lute.
“Stupid Lute yelling at me. I didn't do anything. Why's she gotta take her anger out on me,” you grumble, landing back on the promenade. You know that's a lie, you're being a brat, but it's not your fault, you reason. You fold your wings, tucking them under your arms as a habit you adopted from Adam. “Fucking tell me I've gotta do early morning shit. Fuck her, she's not the boss of me,” you continue to rant to yourself, completely missing the golden winged angel. His eyes widen as he watches you storm by, none the wiser to his presence. He glowers before white wings cover his face, momentarily confusing him and turning him around.
“Whoa! Sera! I thought we agreed you wouldn't fucking sneak up on me again!” Adam says, looking up at the seraphim. She crosses her arms as she meets his eye.
“Adam, get your subordinate back in line. She is being rude to the other angels and if this behavior of hers continues, I will be forced to intervene. Saint Peter is not the first to have a complaint with Y/n and her behavior,” Sera warns, watching as Adam turns to watch you. Sure enough, you're shoving others aside, using your wings to try and create more space around you as you walk.
“Yeah yeah! I'll go get her! No need to jump down my throat, that's my job!” Adam dismisses Sera, crouching lightly as he spreads his wings. Sera grabs his wrist, stopping him.
“I'm serious, Adam. Reign Y/n back in or I will have to pull her from the extermination team and move her elsewhere. And if she doesn't calm down there, well, let's not let it get that far,” Sera releases him, turning to greet Emily who is flying up with two ice cream cones. Adam, unfortunately, loses sight of you in the time Sera is talking to him. He groans and heads to find Lute.
Lute is sparring with five exorcists at once, pointing out their flaws as she takes each one down. Adam, not particularly keen on getting a sprained wing again, waits out of the way until she notices him and dismisses them to work without her.
“Sir?” his lieutenant questions, wings folding behind her as she walks up to him.
“Have you seen Y/n? Sera's bitching ‘bout her. Something ‘bout she's being mean or some fucking shit. I wasn't really paying attention,” he admits, shrugging as they walk back out the training facility. Lute smirks at his typical behavior.
“Yeah. She came here earlier and assaulted some of the others. Sera is right though. Y/n was deliberately being disobedient,” she reluctantly agrees with the seraphim about you. To be fair, normally you'd go straight to Lute for a good, challenging spar, so to go after some of the younger and less experienced exorcists was a dick move on your part. Adam sighs and groans, glancing down at his lieutenant.
“Hey, Lute~”
“What the hell, you don't even know what I was gonna fucking ask!”
“I know you. I don't need to know what you were going to ask.” Adam just stares at her for a moment, his mask switching to a deadpan expression. It quickly switches back to his usual, cocky smirk.
“Oh yeah? If you're so smart, what was it along the lines of then, Dangertits?”
“You were thinking of having me deal with Y/n instead of you, Sir.”
“Don't say it with such confidence. Bitch,” he throws in the last word as an afterthought, realizing she pegged him pretty well. She stopped and turned to face him, brow raised in question.
“So am I wrong?”
“Shut up. No. Let's just fucking go,” he grumbles, spreading his wings and flapping twice to get into the air. Lute smirks and follows silently. She might be his subordinate, but they both know she's right more often than not.
They finally find you at the local barbecue pit, in the reserved section. Reserved for him, Lute, and you. Lute looks up at Adam, wings folding behind her as she waits for his orders. “C'mon, Dangertits,” he mutters, making his way to you. You don't bother looking up when you're sandwiched between two bodies. The familiar touching of wings against yours immediately tells you it's Adam and Lute. You flip them off and continue eating your plate of ribs.
“Umm excuse the fuck outta you, Sugartits. You have some damn nerve acting like you're so fucking high and mighty all of a sudden. The fuck's got your panties in a twist?” Adam reaches over you and takes a rib, expertly dodging the fork you try to stab him with. Lute remains quiet, eyeing you as you glare at Adam, dropping the fork.
“None of your fucking business. And get your own damn plate of ribs, asshole,” you bite out, wings shifting in annoyance. Adam grins and reaches for another rib, holding your gaze while he does so.
“Fucking make me,” he retorts, grabbing the rib you start to reach for. Your eyes narrow, wings fluffing up fully behind you.
“You fucking absolute prick. What the hell is wrong with you?! I said to leave me the fuck alone. I was eating alone just fine until you two showed up,” you yell, drawing unwanted attention and eyes towards the three of you. You let your wings lift you from between your superiors, glaring down at them. “Stop fucking following me!” You leave the duo with your half eaten plate as well as the bill, hands clenched at your sides as you fly out the doors.
Emily finds you on a cloud, well away from everyone. She flies into your vision, giving you a warm smile. You can't help but return it. No matter how mad you were, Emily always seemed to make you want to smile and try to be happy for her sake. She was like a little sister to you after all. You gesture to another cloud beside the one you're on, letting your wings fluff out in contentment. Emily accepts your silent invitation. Heaven's sun warms your wings as you sit in peaceful silence with the young seraphim. It doesn't last long though. You feel Emily's eyes on you and you know she has something she wants to say.
“Everyone's worried about you, you know. Sera's worried that you're going to fall. Adam and Lute….they're worried something is wrong. Something like you don't want to be here, in Heaven, anymore. Saint Peter also said to let you know he wants to see you when you get the chance,” the seraphim rambles, one of her hands finding yours. You allow her to link your fingers, listening to her. Yeah, you have been a little shit lately, you know that. There was only one person who could help and he was still as clueless as ever. Adam. Well, that's not true. Lute could most definitely help too, you just preferred if it were Adam.
“I promise I'm fine, Em. You can tell Sera that I'll be okay. I'm just….going through something,” you grin, swinging your joined hands. “But, for you, I'll try and not cause any more trouble.” You mean every word. You don't want to give Sera a reason to cast you out. You actually like it here in Heaven. Hell, you even like your misogynistic, egotistical, dumbass husband. Why, you don't know, but there's just something about him that draws you in and keeps you coming back for more. He'd definitely say it was because he's the Original Dick.
“Eee! I know she'll be happy to hear that! I'm gonna go tell her you're okay! Okay? Bye!” Emily lurches forward to give you a hug before racing off to find her older sister. You let out a chuckle at the young seraphim's antics. For someone at least a millennia old, she still had a childish air about her. It was refreshing, a nice change of pace from her older sister, Sera.
Your peaceful mood doesn't last too long. You remember Lute telling you that you have to be up early for extra training due to your outburst earlier. Honestly, you know you can't blame anyone but yourself, but that doesn't mean that you like it. With a defeated sigh, you make your way back to your house.
You slam the door to your home, grumbling and cursing Lute and several other angels. In your anger, you completely miss two angels in your kitchen. Adam and Lute watch you pace in your living room, wings fluttering about. They have a silent conversation before Adam's smiling and Lute is trying her best not to, shaking her head. Finally, the light from your kitchen catches your eye.
“What the hell? I can't go out without running into you and now I can't even be in my own fucking place?!” You groan, feathers floating around you as your wings puff up in your annoyance. Adam smirks, lacing his fingers and folding his hands, resting his chin on them as he watches you.
“Babes, this is our house, not just yours,” he corrects you without hesitation, watching as you shake your feathers and fold your wings. Lute watches you both, only here to act as the middleman if needed to separate a fight. You turn your back to them and head back to the couch, falling face first onto it.
“Fuck off. I'm so sick of seeing your ugly mug,” you snarl, head turned to the side so they can hear you. Adam turns to Lute, nodding to the door. She gives him a look, but he shoos her as he gets up, making his way to you.
“Adam, I don't think-”
“Lute, just go. I can fucking handle this. I think I know just the fucking thing to correct her attitude,” a grin appears on Adam's mask, a ripple running through his wings as he pushes his chair back. You fluff your wings, letting them sprawl, one hanging off the back of the couch and the other dangling on the floor. Lute doesn't offer any further complaints, just opens the door and gives him a look before shutting it behind her.
“Go away, Adam,” you huff, feeling his presence hovering over you. You crack an eye open to see his face inches from your own, mask discarded somewhere. You yelp in surprise at the proximity, your wings flapping frantically to help you pull back and away from him. His grin widens as he slowly stalks towards you, his golden wings unfurling and shaking out behind him.
“You've been rather busy the last couple weeks huh? Been fucking with me and Lute and raising hell up here. Care to enlighten me as to why?” His gold eyes narrow as you search for a way around Adam or out of reach of him and his wings. You know he will use his wings to pull you close if you get too close.
“N-no. I haven't,” you lie poorly, slowly crawling backwards on the couch, and off the far side over the arm. You both stare at each other as your feet land on the cool hardwood flooring. A subtle flutter of his wings has you turning and darting down the hall, wings helping as you try to keep out of Adam's reach, hoping to get to the bedroom before he reaches you.
“You're such a shit liar,” he snorts at you, catching up to you quickly. You don't stop to see how close he is, you don't need to. You can feel his feathers brush against yours just before they fully envelope you.
“Adam!” You squeak out as his arms wrap you in a tight hug, face burying in the crook of your neck. Trying to steel your resolve and not break from such a small interaction, you use your wings to push against his, earning a chuckle from him.
“S'matter, Babe~? Need something?” His sharp teeth nip at your neck and it takes all of your willpower to not cave and moan at the sensation. The feel of his chin stubble combined with his teeth make your knees weak. Thankfully you have wings that help keep you balanced.
“Not from you,” you manage to scoff, still trying to get out of his grip, though your attempts are more feeble with each bite to your shoulders. In the small power scuffle, Adam has managed to walk you to your bedroom, nudging the door open fully with his wing.
“Mm, don't fucking be like that. I came all the way here from work just to help you,” he growls in your ear, voice dropping as he talks. You pause in your escape attempts, a chill running up your spine and through your wings. Adam doesn't miss the shaking of your feathers at his words, gold eyes glinting in the setting light filtering in through the window. He quickly takes advantage of your lack of fight, easily hefting you into his arms bridal style, letting your wings free of his hold. You blink up at him, arms instinctively going around his neck.
“Bullshit. Your head is too far up your own ass to care about me,” you sneer at him, grabbing his collar and pulling it tight so it comes close to choking him. He grins and leans his face closer to you, nuzzling his forehead against yours.
“I'm gonna make you eat your fucking words, Babe,” he mutters. He tosses you onto the bed after breaking your hold on his collar. His wings stay spread, displaying his dominance to and over you.
You turn to him, on your knees, and spread your own wings in defiance. You grin smugly at him, crossing your arms as he makes no moves to change your mind. When he does move, you don't see him. He turns you around faster than you expect. It's easy to pin you, and when he moves to grab something from under the bed, he keeps you down with his wings. You struggle under him until you feel cold metal on your wings. A gasp escapes you as Adam moves to secure your wings so they stay flared out, the metal frame locking as he puts the spines of your wings into each arm. You try to pull away, only for the metal brace to force them to stay.
“A-Adam!” You whine, realizing what kind of hole you dug for yourself. He ignores you, making sure your wings are secure before rolling you onto your back.
“You want to show disrespect to your superiors? Don't worry, I'm going to remind you of your place,” he chuckles, moving to grab something from the nightstand.
You whimper. You know you're fucked. You pushed your luck, especially with Adam, and went overboard with your bratty attitude. But fuck if this isn't what you wanted. Adam had been ignoring you after all. He was always ‘too busy’ with work. Maybe you were jealous of the time he spent with Lute, not like you should be, you knew their relationship, but it did bug you sometimes. Especially when you're his wife. You're aware and more than ok with the swing style relationship you both share with Lute. It was something you accepted readily when you met her after a date with Adam. There was hardly ever one without the other, no matter which way you looked at it.
“You're going to be begging me to stop before I'm through with you. I'm going to make sure you don't forget where you belong for a long time,” Adam's voice brings you back to the present. You look up at him, not daring to move from where he rolled you. He's sitting beside you, hand on one of your knees, hiding something in his other hand. You prop yourself up on your elbows, meeting his gaze.
“Big talk coming from someone who's locked up my wings. What's the matter, Dickmaster? Can't put me in my place with my wings in the way?” You taunt, though there's no real bite to your words anymore. You know you're at his mercy now, but you still can't help yourself since he hasn't touched you aside from the love bites he gave you on the way to the bedroom. You watch as his hand freezes the small thumb circling on your knee. His head tilts and he pulls out a massage wand, twirling it a couple of times.
“Sounds like you need more than just this. On my knee, now!” He orders, setting the massager on the floor for now. You raise a brow at him and bat your lashes at him.
“Make. Me.”
A feral noise escapes your husband. You're dragged into his lap and stripped of your boots and pants with a snap of his fingers. His robe is also discarded from his snap, leaving him in dark jeans and a band tee shirt. Your wings try to move, but the bar keeps them locked in place. The most you're able to do is shift the feathers slightly.
Smack! Smack! Smack!
The sting from Adam's hand connecting with your ass pulls a startled yelp from you. Your body shivers and goosebumps appear on your arms and legs. You try to kick and get out of his lap, but his hold on you tightens.
“Want to try that again, Bitch?”
“Y-yes… Make me, Dickmaster.”
Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack!
You try to stifle your moan by biting your fist, not wanting to give him the satisfaction just yet. You hear him tsk and see his shadow shaking his head at you.
“Nu-uh, that's not a good little bitch. What do we say?” He teases, grabbing your free hand and clicking something around it. You recognize the feel of the metal cuffs, even if it's been a few months since they've been used. He grabs the hand you're biting, and you willingly let him pull it above your head. He holds your hand there, your other being held in place by the chain connecting the cuffs.
“Getting warmer,” he chuckles, shifting so you're sitting on his lap. “You're going to ride my thigh until you tell me, but if you cum before I say so, I'll make sure you don't get to cum for the rest of the night. Understand, Bitch?” Your heartbeat feels like it's in your ears as you nod your head, wiggling your free hand to grab his shoulder. He lets you readjust yourself, the hand holding the empty cuff taps your free hand. “Gimme.” You immediately move your hand to his, letting him fix the cuff and click it around your wrist. He moves your hands so your arms are locked around his neck, hands resting on his shoulders with the lengthy chain. His own hands roam your body, pausing at your chest to grope your breasts through your top, one continuing south to rest on your hip after he gropes your ass. “Move,” he commands.
You tense slightly before realizing what he means. You lean forward, burying your face in his neck as you begin slowly grinding on his thigh. Still feeling a bit bratty, not having your fire extinguished just yet, you gently nip at Adam's neck before biting down hard at the junction between his collarbone and neck.
You smile as best you can with your teeth clamped against his neck, sucking on the skin until you're sure it's bruising. You feel Adam's wings curl around you, radiating warmth. Your wings block his from fully enveloping you, but you feel the warmth in your wings where they touch his own. Feeling proud about your mission to mark your husband, you let go of his neck with a loud pop. Adam's hands grip your hips tightly, fingers digging into your skin as he forces you to move faster on his thigh.
“You have some damn nerve being such a brat, yanno that?” He doesn't give you time to answer. He's sucking and biting a trail of hickeys along both sides of your neck, to hell with what anyone says. Once satisfied with the number he's left on you, he lets your hips go, hands trailing up your back to your wings. Your breath hitches as his hands curl tightly into the small feathers closest to your back. “Gonna have to show you where you belong. Make you understand just what happens to a brat who doesn't behave.”
“Sounds fun,” you breathe, leaning your head on your arm to look up at him, grin on your face as your halo shifts to right itself. He tilts his head down at you, gold eyes alight with something you can't quite pinpoint.
“Always gotta have the last damn word, don't cha?” He grunts, grabbing the chain connecting the cuffs and yanking it over the back of his head, holding it above him to pull you close. He drops the chain as his hand moves to grip the back of your neck, tangling in the hair there. You open your mouth to say something else smart, but he quickly covers your mouth with his own, silencing you before you can get anything out. You try to refuse when he licks your lips in an attempt to get you to open your mouth to him. He growls and tugs the hand in your hair, earning a moan from you and giving him access. He massages your wings as you kiss, only pulling away when you gently tap his shoulder, your signal you need air.
You can't process anything. From Adam's hand in your feathers, you riding his thigh, and that kiss? You feel a bit tipsy. Wanting to keep riding the high that is Adam, you lean back in for another kiss, your hands finding their way into his hair. Sensing your keen interest, he obliges you as you pull him down for another sloppy kiss, teeth clacking and tongues dancing.
“Adam, please… Don't want to ride your thigh,” you manage to squeak out, head resting on his shoulders, hands gripping his hair tightly as you grind down on his thigh.
“What's that? You don't want to?” He repeats, letting his hand untangle from your hair and trail up and down your back. He grins, and you swear his face matches his mask. “Too bad. Brats don't get what they want,” he answers, gripping your hip to keep you moving. He rocks his leg, shifting it with you so it hits just right, causing you to squirm. You whine and try to pull away with no fire in your heart, stopped by his grip, wings, and the handcuff chain. You can feel how excited he is, but you know he'd hold off just to prove a point. With another whine, you push your forehead into his collarbone. He doesn't want me to cum but wants me to ride his thigh? Fine, I'll at least follow one rule, you think, gripping his shoulders to pick up your pace on his thigh. If he wants you to ride his thigh, fine, you can do that, but you're doing it on your terms, not his. “Whoa. Ok, Sugartits, now we're talking,” Adam murmurs above you. You try to ignore him, ignore the feel of his hands on you. You don't care about him right now. He's been so mean to you! He's been too busy for you. Fuck him! You're gonna use him. Yes, you love him, but fuck him, literally and figuratively.
So focused on your own pleasure, you don't hear Adam calling for you. You're shaking your head, ears filled with the sound of your own panting. You feel the way Adam moves his leg under you, the way your wings tug against the warming metal brace, the warmth of Adam and his wings, the way you're moving in and out of sync with Adam's leg, it makes your brain fuzzy. A whine is pulled from your lips as you feel that familiar spring coiling tightly in your stomach. When did it coil like that? Surely you're not already about to come undone? Your fingers dig into his shoulders and you bite on his shoulder as your body shakes slightly uncontrollably as you reach your orgasm. You feel a rumble from Adam's chest, his hands tightening harshly on your hips as he works you through your bliss, slowing you down as your body settles from the aftershocks of your release.
“Still disobedient, I see,” you hear his voice and give a faint nod as you release his neck. You smirk at the mark before leaning back to meet his eye, eyes half lidded in ecstasy.
“Fuck you,” you manage to grumble, using the chain against the back of his neck to pull him closer. He chuckles, denying you the kiss you desperately want, he holds you still on his lap, wings unfurling from around you both and folding to his sides. The cool air sends a shiver up your spine, the chill creeping over your bare lower half. You glare then pout at him as he laughs at your expression, hands running over your legs to bring some heat back.
“I told you already, brats don't get what they want,” he reiterates, bringing one hand down hard on your rear end, making you jump. He smiles mischievously and snaps, eyeing your now nude body on display for him, your wings still held firm in their restraint, giving him a complete view of you. You whine and rock against his leg, your first orgasm barely scratching the surface of your need. “Ah ah ah,” he chides, lifting you just enough to prevent you from achieving the friction you just tried to make. He holds you like it's effortless, and honestly, for him it probably is. Man's like eight feet tall, if not more. You whimper, leaning your forehead into his neck at the loss of all contact except where he's holding your thighs. Your hands pull together and you realize Adam is pulling the chain over his head so you aren't locking him in place.
“On your hands and knees.” You're deposited on the bed, the remaining warmth leaving you as Adam shuffles off the bed and waits for you, gold eyes glowing in the dark. You shift your weight, grumbling, until you're on your hands and knees as ordered. “You know better. Arch your back.”
The sound of buzzing piques your interest enough to listen, turning your head so your left ear is pressed to the soft sheets on the mattress. You feel your feathers ripple and a few smaller ones fall as they poof up against your will. Heat creeps up your face and you quickly bury it against the sheets with a groan. Adam's chuckle is faint, but you hear it as he shuffles around behind you. The bed dips under his weight, forcing you to shift and recover your position for any sliver of hope that he won't keep his word of denying you more orgasms.
“Aww s'matter, Babes? Embarrassed your wings are giving away how aroused you really are? Afraid I'm going to do exactly as I said?” His voice drops lower as he leans over you. You feel his scruff on the back of your neck, his breath hot as he places a few sloppy kisses there. You can't help the moan that slips, and he doesn't miss that you ball your hands into the sheets either. He shifts again and you yelp, the vibration setting not what you were expecting as he holds the massage wand to your inner thigh.
“Fuck,” you bite the sheets to try and mute yourself, still not wanting to give Adam the satisfaction of hearing your voice. He tuts, moving the massage wand closer where you want it.
“Hold this,” he mutters. He smacks your hand away and gives you a knowing look. “Not with your hands.” You roll your head to the side, pulling your shoulders closer as you shift to bring your arms back under you.
“You can't be serious, Adam!” You whine, glancing over your shoulder where he's patiently waiting for you to take the wand. His grin never wavers as you lock eyes, gold piercing through you. “Fuck, Adam, please!” You attempt to bargain, hands clawing at the bed when he shakes his head no. Your resolve is slowly breaking at his slow torture. You'd prefer his break-neck pace instead at this point. When he doesn't budge, you curse him out, eyes never leaving his own as you move your thighs together to hold the wand where he wants you to.
“Good girl,” he praises as he moves from the bed, humming to himself. You try to watch him to the best of your ability, but lose sight of him when he moves to your shared closet. You can hear him pushing clothes aside until he lets out an excited ‘aha’. You can only imagine what he found, considering that's where you kept the more sinful sex toys and equipment. The familiar feeling of leather being wrapped about your ankle startles you from your momentary bliss of the wand. You hum as you feel Adam's fingers easily pulling the restraint tight. He slips a finger between your ankle and the leather. “Too tight?” The question makes you shake your head. “Can't hear you, Angel,” he teases, looking over the curve of your ass, down your lovely arched back.
“No, not too tight,” you bite out, legs slightly numb from the high intensity of the toy he demanded you hold. You jump and let out a small yelp as his hand makes contact with your rear. You quickly squeeze your thighs back together to keep the massager from falling, knowing that would earn you more discipline. Without another word, he's moving to get the second leather brace around your other ankle. Now knowing what he's doing, you quickly answer when he asks if the second is too tight. Once you agree that you're ok and the leather is really not too tight, he nudges your knees apart, clicking a small metal rod onto both ankle braces. The wand lands on the bed with a soft thump.
“On your knees,” he orders. He grabs the wand and turns it off for the moment, setting it on the side of the bed. You push up onto your forearms before using them to propel yourself fully upright to your knees. A soft gasp escapes you as Adam wraps his hand around the front of your throat. You never felt him crawl onto the bed behind you, but you feel his warm chest and stomach pressing against your back, feel his breath against your neck. You try to swallow and calm yourself of the anticipation. He trails kisses from behind your ear down to your shoulders, his hand staying firmly around your neck, holding you against him. The cold clasp of metal doesn't startle you this time, but it does send a warmth spreading through your chest and to your core like wildfire. You feel Adam loop the leather band through the clasp, pulling the collar to rest snug against your throat. He checks once, twice, three times with his finger that the collar isn't choking you before turning you in his arms, maneuvering you so you can see him.
“Oh, uhh…kumquat!” You snicker as his grin falters at your words before returning as he throws his head back, howling with laughter. He nods, wiping a nonexistent tear away from his eye.
“Perfect. If I cross a line, you say cumquat, and I'll stop, understand?” You giggle a bit at his words, but nod along so he knows you understand. He fingers the d-ring on the collar before using it to pull you close to him. “I couldn't hear you, Pet, what was that?”
“Yessir!” You squeak, a bit baffled by the new nickname. He licks his lips, nodding and muttering something you don't quite catch. He doesn't give you an opportunity to ask what he plans to do before he kisses you roughly, forcing his tongue into your mouth. Not like you're complaining. You try to move with him, but he has you stuck with your collar, his fingers still tangled in the ring on the front. You groan against him as he presses his lips harshly to your own. He nips at your bottom lip as he pulls away, panting slightly. You notice his hair is tousled more than usual.
While you're busy staring, you don't notice him undoing your handcuffs. He rubs the indents on your wrists before bringing them to his lips, leaving small kisses. Your heartbeat quickens slightly at the sight, loving Adam's sweet tendencies, you don't even know if he's aware of them. He drops your hands and meets your gaze, his eyes narrowing at you. You shy away slightly and drop your eyes to anywhere but his face, choosing the bed by his knee to be particularly interesting as heat floods your face.
“C'mere. Lay on your back and hang your head over the edge of the bed here. You're going to be a good little bitch and suck Daddy's cock,” he croons to you, one hand cradling your cheek. Your eyes widen a bit at his bold claim, but you nod along, nipping at his hand when he pulls it away. He quirks a brow but you just shrug and do as he told you, doing your best with both your legs and wings restrained. Once situated as comfortably as you can, you tip your head back to look at the shadow looming over you. He's got the wand in his hand again and you hum, hands reaching for Adam's clothed length. He's still in his shirt and jeans, so you tug at the belt loops, looking up at him expectantly. He rolls his eyes playfully and snaps, leaving himself bare to you. You, maybe a bit too eagerly, reach out for him, grabbing the back of his thighs and tugging him towards you. You hear his laughter, but you try to tune him out, desperate to start on him in hopes that he'd return the favor with his hands or the magic wand he has.
“Can I touch you?” You ask as he stands above you. The low glow from his wings and halo give you a small glimpse of his expression, a hesitant pause as he thinks over his words.
“Yes, I'll allow you to touch me. But, if you take your hands off me, there'll be consequences,” he grants you permission. You hum with a small smile, one hand going to the back of one of his thighs while the other grips his length. You give him a couple of strokes before opening your mouth and gently tugging his thigh to urge him forward. He doesn't need you to tell him twice, and moves so his shins hit the bed while you move to make sure you can take as much of his cock as possible.
The angle is a bit awkward for you, but you make the best of your situation as you feel Adam move and hear curses ring out. You hollow your cheeks, allowing him to fit farther down your throat as he pumps his hips. You hum, swirling your tongue around him, the metal barbell on your tongue adding a cooling sensation to Adam's heat. He groans at the feeling of it, dropping above you so he's leaning on his elbows on either side of you. You reach up to mess with his feathers, your other hand moving to fondle his balls. He curses and moans as you bob your head in sync with his movements. You let your hand fall from his sack, moving it to join in his wings. You bring your knees up and dig your heels into the bed, shifting yourself closer to the edge. Your gag reflex reacts at the sudden change, your throat constricting around Adam's cock, but you force yourself to choke through it, keeping yourself from gagging again.
“Ahh-fuck!” He curses, hips stuttering before he pushes himself up, pulling out of your mouth. “Up, on your front.” You whine as you're forced to let his wings go, but quickly do as he says, mimicking your first position with your back arched. He fists your hair, pulling you back to him. You lick your lips as he watches you take him back into your mouth. He grunts at the feel of your tongue running over him before he sets a brutish pace, hand so tightly wound in your hair you feel the subtle oncoming of a headache. You reach up and rest a hand on his hip for stability, the other going back to the base of his wings. You relax your throat and jaw as best you can, tears pricking your eyes and drool dripping down your face.
You squeeze your eyes shut tight when you feel a gentle vibration at your core. Adam has the wand pressed to you on a low setting, his other hand firmly locked in your hair. He runs the toy along your folds, resting it on your clit before circling it a few times. You moan around him when you feel him up the setting, circling the toy again. You try to lean back into it, but a tug on your hair makes you stop and turn your gaze up to look at Adam. He's got his head tipped back, mouth slightly open as he pistons his hips, roughly slamming his cock down your throat. You whine as you feel the wand turn off, before hearing it hit the floor. Adam's nowhere near close, but the way you're whining around him does make his dick twitch. You lurch forward, choking slightly, as he inserts a finger into you. You try to rock back into his hand in time with his hips, earning a hum of approval from your husband. He slips in a second finger, twisting and curling them as you rock between his hand and his own rhythm. The coil from earlier winds faster now, having already had one orgasm spurs on a second more quickly. As you start to move out of sync with him, hellbent on chasing your own release again, he withdraws his hand from you. He smirks at your pathetic whine against him, sticking his fingers in his mouth, sucking on them, never letting pausing or slowing in fucking your face.
“Fuck. Taste so good, Sugartits,” he praises, watching you squirm under his gaze. You narrow your eyes at him, tugging on his feathers. His body jerks and he groans as his hips falter in their pace, before stopping. You feel his release hit the back of your throat and you swallow, running your tongue along the underside of his shaft, pulling off of him with a grin.
“Mm, right back at ya, Dickmaster,” you antagonize, sitting up on your knees to get closer to him. He growls, his smile twisting into a sneer.
“You just don't fucking learn, do you, Brat?” He yanks you to your feet by your hair, preening at the yelp he pulls from you. “That's ok. We have all fucking night and you're going to be fucking wrecked by the time I'm done with you.” You instinctively let go of his wing and hip as he pulls you into his chest, eyes holding you in place. You give him a lopsided grin as you pull your hands up to his chest, pressing your fingers into his skin.
“Of course not. It's gonna take more than a little bit to make up for ignoring me all month,” you snip back at him. He lets go of your hair and grips your cheeks between his fingers, squeezing lightly. You just smile as he holds your face close to his, his other snaking between you two to stroke his already half hard cock.
“Hmm. I'll have you in tears in a matter of minutes,” he finally replies, releasing your cheeks, and pressing a kiss to the side of your mouth. You pout slightly but quickly try to hide it from him. You might have gotten lucky for back talking so far, but you knew you were going to eventually run out of luck if you hadn't already. Adam snaps, pointing to the bed. “On your back, now.” You scrunch your nose at his odd request, unable to read his expression. It takes some maneuvering as your ankles are still in the spreader bar and your wings are still in their own spreader arms, that Adam notices how difficult of a time you're having. He taps your hip, motioning for you to stop. You do so, watching him intently as he removes the bar holding your legs apart. He steps back once he's got it undone, allowing you to move freely. You murmur a soft thank you to him, a hand on his shoulder as you lower yourself onto your back much easier now. He pulls you closer to the edge of the bed once you're settled, making you lift your head at him. He doesn't acknowledge you, simply replaces the bar and uses it to lift your legs over his head as he kneels at the foot of the bed.
Your face flushes as you realize Adam is about to eat you out, a rarity from him for sure. He flashes you a grin before kissing up your legs to your thighs. He nips and kisses your inner thigh before biting harshly. You let out a small whine, reacting to the pain by trying to yank your leg back. Of course the bar and Adam stop you from getting anywhere, and your leg twitches while you whimper, balling the sheet into your fists at your sides. Your muscle shakes, pain and ecstasy flooding you, quickly turning you into a panting mess. Adam presses a kiss to the bruise he's left, moving to your other thigh to leave a matching mark there. Your toes curl as his teeth sink into your flesh, a long whine pulled from you as your muscle tenses before relaxing under Adam's tongue.
“Adam, please! Don't tease,” you cry, reaching down to bury your fingers in his messy hair. He hums as he nips at your thigh, sucking another, smaller hickey.
“Don't tell me what to do,” he rumbles, breath tickling your leg. You can't help the small laugh that finds its way out as he hovers over your mound, staring at you intently. How can he be so calm right now, you think.
You lift your head, breath hitching as you watch as your husband slowly licks straight up your folds, never breaking eye contact. You feel your face heat up, and you drop your head back onto the bed, tugging gently on his hair. He lets out a chuckle, nuzzling your thighs before pulling you closer, arms wrapped under your thighs and on your back. He laps at you slowly, humming in contentment as you squirm under him, trying to grind down on his face. He dips his tongue inside, finally, and you arch your back, chancing a glance down at him again. His eyes are closed as he draws random patterns with his tongue. After a few minutes, he pulls back, sucking your clit into his mouth. You suck in a deep breath, letting it out slowly as he hums against you, the vibrations sending a shiver up your spine.
He wiggles one hand out from under you, snapping his fingers. The spreader bar, keeping your legs apart, disappears, and you feel his wings gently move your legs out to rest over his shoulders. You stretch one leg out, hooking the other around his neck. He presses a kiss to one of your hickeys, looking up at you. He covers your clit again, sucking harshly as he slips a finger in you, moving it slowly. A gasp leaves you, feeling your stomach tighten at the sudden intrusion. He wastes no time in adding a second finger, pumping and twisting them at just the right angle to make you squeak out his name. He slows his ministrations as he feels your pussy clench around his fingers. He picks up speed again before slowing down, repeating the cycle each time you squeeze his fingers.
“Adam, please, I'm so close,” you pant, hands loose in his hair. You gently stroke through the messy brown strands, eyes shut tight as you try to hold onto the edge of bliss.
His eyes glint with mirth and mischief. He pulls away fully, smiling softly at your cry of protest. “I know I said earlier that if you came before I told you, you wouldn't get to the rest of the night…but now, I'm thinking that was a bit harsh.” There's something in the way he says it that makes you not believe him. You don't know why, and you quirk your brow up at him in silent question, moving your stretched leg to cross the other so you lock Adam in place. He definitely just edged you, you've been on the receiving end of that trick one too many times, but something is different. He's up to something. “So, how about I let you cum,” he starts and you nod quickly, squirming to try and grind on him. He laughs and holds your hips down with practiced ease. His wings lightly trail on either side of your face, down your neck, to your hips softly. “You want to cum for me, Babe?” He asks, dipping his head to lick you teasingly. You don't answer, your brain fuzzy at what he's just offered you. When he nips at your stomach do you snap your eyes to his, nodding in response. “Can't hear you, Sweets.”
“Fuck me… God, yes! Adam, please, please, let me cum,” you beg, using your legs to pull your husband closer to where you want him. His eyes narrow, tongue delving back into your folds. He swirls his tongue, constantly changing his rhythm, licking, nipping, sucking, and lapping at you fervently. You squeeze your thighs, pulling Adam closer as a result. “Adam, please, please, please!” You beg, tears threatening to spill as you feel your stomach contract as you're brought closer and closer to your second orgasm of the night.
“That's right, Sugartits. Cum for me. Cum on Dickmaster's tongue,” Adam praises, watching you as he turns his focus back to sucking on your clit, slipping two fingers in and curling them. With a shout of his name, you feel a wave of bliss wash over you. Adam hums as he works you through your release, your legs squeezing his head with the aftershocks. Your gaze snaps down to his, eyes wide in realization. He's not had a change of heart, he's just twisting what he said before. You feel your stomach drop as he pulls back a little, giving your slightly over-stimulated clit a break. His tongue darts out, licking his chin. His smug grin tells you he's about to say something smart, like usual. “Damn, Babe, if I'd known all it would take to rile you up and make you this wet for me is to ignore you, I'd have done it sooner.” You want to hate him and his stupidly perfect face, but dammit if he isn't your idiot. You try to glare at him, but your heartbeat and panting leaves little room for anything other than flustered to show.
“Fuck you, Adam,” you manage to grumble, leaning your head back into the sheets, massaging his scalp. Honestly, you don't know which is the worse of two evils; being edged all night or being over-stimulated to the point of tears.
“In a bit, Babes,” he replies, scissoring his fingers in an attempt to bring you back to the edge. “Be a good girl and keep cuming for me.” He snaps with his free hand, watching as a sash ties your wrists together with a bow knot. You roll your eyes at him, shaking your head at his silly antics.
You've lost count how many orgasms Adam has pulled from you now. All you know is if he keeps the wand on you, you're not going to last much longer. You tug at the satin sashes holding your wrists together above your head, whining as you feel another orgasm wash over you. Your nose burns as the threat of tears forms behind your closed eyelids. “Adam,” your voice is hoarse as you call out to your husband, eyes opening to find him hovering above you, wand nowhere in sight. As a matter of fact, you don't even hear it anymore.
“Shh,” Adam cooes to you, pulling one of the loose ends of the sash, untying the bow and releasing your wrists from their binds. “Think you can do something for me? I know you've already done so much, been such a good girl,” he praises, pressing light kisses along your jaw. You whimper, not trusting yourself to speak just yet. You feel him shift above you, his wings curling around you both as he fists his cock. “Think you can take one more orgasm, Sweets?” He murmurs against your neck, rubbing the head of himself against your folds. You whine, tilting your head to give him more access.
“I-I don't know. ‘M sore,” you whisper back, letting one hand rest on his shoulder. Instinctively you intertwine your fingers with his as he moves his free hand to your own.
“Come on, just one more, Pretty Girl? One more for me?” He urges, gently squeezing your hand. When you squeeze his hand in reply, he quickly sinks down until your hips meet. You shift your hips, nearly purring with the stretch of him.
“Fuck, feel so full, so good, Dickmaster,” you return the praise, turning your head to look at your husband. His face flushes lightly and he glances away, a quiet ‘shut up’ coming from him. You smile at his reaction, moving your hand from his shoulder to his cheek, cradling it gently. He turns his head to press a soft kiss to your wrist, nuzzling your hand. “I love you, Adam, but for fuck's sake, please fucking move,” you groan, bucking your hips up into him. He chuckles at your renewed enthusiasm and pushes your intertwined hands into the mattress as he shifts his weight so he's evenly over you.
He obliges your demand, slowly pulling out before sinking fully back into you, finding a slow, methodical rhythm. You sigh in contentment as you roll your hips in time to meet his, a shudder running down your spine as he fills you over and over again. It's such a drastic change from the intensity of the last couple of hours. Adam's shift from Dominant to soft-Dominant is so fast that you swear you should have whiplash. His wings brush against your shoulders, your wings, your sides, and they're so warm! You shiver in pleasure under Adam, throwing yourself off rhythm. You feel his chest rumble with laughter as you try to match his pace again, eyes closed, brows knit in focus. You gasp when he angles just right, hitting deeper in you. You grip his hand tightly, moving the other to his shoulder again in an attempt to pull him closer.
“Shh. There's my good girl. Do you feel good? Like when I hit right there,” he emphasizes his words with a particular hard thrust, hitting your g-spot. You yelp, bucking against him as a result. “Yeah? There?” He slips his wings under you, leaning back and pulling you with him as he sits up. He takes care not to shift too much, keeping himself buried in you as he adjusts you in his lap. He gently pulls his hand out of your grasp, moving to hold your hips as he helps support you, helping rock you back and forth on him. You wrap your arms around him, burying your face in the crook of his neck while you bounce on him. You feel his hands under your thighs, lightly cupping your ass as he helps hold your weight when your legs start to give out. “Can my baby girl give me one more? Think you got one more for me?” He whispers into your hair, leaning his head against yours, bucking up into you as you still, leg muscles too abused to continue your movements. You nod against him, panting as you try to focus on the feeling of him; his smell, his warmth, his familiarity, it all invades your senses and fills you with peace.
Adam holds you steady in his lap as he starts to quicken his pace, losing his rhythm from before. He slips one hand between you both, thumb quickly finding your clit again. You shudder and cry at how sensitive you are, shaking your head against his neck, babbling nonsense. He mumbles soft reassurances in your ear, pulling you down as he thrusts up.
“C'mon, Sugar, cum for Dickmaster. Cum on the Original Dick,” he mutters, pressing a kiss to your temple, fingers digging into your skin. You whimper as Adam hits your g-spot as he talks, giving you that final push over the edge. You cling to him, legs shaking as your body tries to calm while he's still pistoning into you. You feel his other hand move back to under you, helping support you. You dig your hands into the base of his wings, gently tugging and nipping at his ear. He lets out a strangled gasp as his pace falters, getting sloppy. “Gonna fill you up, Babe. Gonna fill you so fucking full,” he growls, biting down on a bruise from earlier, eliciting a mixed cry of pain and pleasure from you. You clench around him as he pulls you down hard, hips stuttering as he groans.
It's quiet, save for the panting coming from you both as you slowly come down from your highs. Adam rubs your hips, kissing the bruises on your neck as you slump on him, hand gently brushing his feathers from where you were gripping them. His wings unfurl from around you, taking their warmth, and causing goosebumps to once again overtake your skin.
“Such a good girl,” he whispers, pressing a kiss to your lips as he lays you down, pulling out with a grunt of dismay. You chuckle softly, eyes closing when he lays your head on your pillow. You feel him messing with the collar, can hear the clasp as he undoes it, but you can't be bothered to make a move to assist him. You hear him laugh as he pulls the clasp end, the leather warming your neck as it pulls across your bare skin. You feel the bed dip as he shifts down towards the foot, repeating the motions for both ankle braces that once held the spreader bar.
When he looks back at you, he notices the gentle rise and fall of your chest, signaling you're asleep. He sighs, heading to the bathroom to clean himself and get you a warm washcloth. He steps into the bathroom and grabs the gold washcloth, turning on the tap, waiting for it to warm up. Once he's satisfied with the temperature, he lets the cloth fully soak before wringing it out and returning to you after shutting off the tap. He tries to ask you if you'd be ok with him gently cleaning you. When you don't answer, he snorts out a laugh and gently nudges your legs apart, trying to be as gentle as possible. He tosses the rag into the hamper against the wall, climbing into bed beside you. He tugs you close, slightly surprised when you roll onto his chest. He hums and cradles your head, pressing a kiss to your crown and snapping a blanket over you both.
“Goodnight, sleep well, my Angel,” he says, wings spreading wide and curling them around you.
(Oh, did you think it was done? Oh no, Sweetheart, there's more. 😘)
The sound of knocking rouses you from your slumber. You groan and nuzzle into the warmth below you, trying to ignore the sound, hoping if you don't answer, whoever it is will go away. The door opening has your eyes snapping open. You move to push yourself up, but two arms wrap around you, keeping you in place. You feel the hair on the back of your neck stand on end. With your back to the door and being trapped under Adam's arms, you won't be able to fight back. A familiar shadow pushes open the cracked door, letting out a sigh at the sight of you. Lute pinches the bridge of her nose as she steps over to the bed, prying Adam's arms off you. She glances at you without a word, eyes trailing from your neck to your back. She crawls onto the bed, fingers quickly unlocking the brace holding your wings.
A gasp escapes you, eyes squeezing shut as you are finally able to move your wings. They're stiff as can be and they kind of hurt from being forced straight for the night. Lute sighs, holding out a hand for you. You take it hesitantly, but curiosity gets the better of you. You trust her, even if you're at your most vulnerable, and nude, in front of your lieutenant. She pulls you off the bed, towards the bathroom where she quickly starts a bath, getting the water set to the perfect temperature.
“Get in,” she orders quietly, sitting on the side of the tub. You blink, tilting your head as you obey her without question, the fire of the last month extinguished with last night's much needed treatment.
“Join me?” you ask, stepping over the side and sitting in the water with her help, wings folding close to your sides. She stares at you before nodding subtly. You watch as she strips and sets her clothes on the counter, grabbing two towels, resting them on the side of the tub.
“Turn around, I'll help you preen,” she offers, stepping into the large tub, sitting behind you. You turn your back to her, head slumping forward as she deftly runs her fingers through your feathers, straightening those that are crooked or twisted. You shudder as her hands work your feathers, and you can't help the whimper that you let out as she continues preening your wings for you. If she heard you, she doesn't say, so you don't mention it, trying to focus on anything else besides the feeling of your feathers being messed with. You grip the side of the tub when you feel her hands massaging the spines of your wings. The warmth from the water and the massage help make them feel a bit better.
“Thank you.” You know you don't have to say it, but you also know it's appreciated. “And, I'm sorry. For being a brat and for taking out my frustration on the other exorcists,” you start to ramble, eyes blurry as tears threatening to fall. Lute spins you around, gently cradling your chin in her hand, forcing you to look her in the eye.
“You're good now? Not going to be trying to harm our exorcists?” When you nod in agreement, she gives you a small smile, a rare gesture she keeps reserved for those close to her. “Good. Once you're done here, meet me at the compound,” she continues, stepping out and wrapping one of the towels around herself. You deadpan.
“You mean I still gotta meet you for those morning trainings?” You whine, eyes following your superior. She sends you a wink, leaning over the side of the tub so she's at eye level.
“Absolutely. Just because you got off the hook easily with Adam, doesn't mean I'm not going to punish you too,” she chides playfully, pressing a swift peck to your lips as she slips her clothes back on. “I'll see you at the compound in twenty minutes.”
She's gone before you can protest. You drop your hands into the water, groaning as you realize just how much of a mess you've made with being a brat.
Fuck! I still have to go apologize to Saint Peter too, you sink into the water, not looking forward to your day.
Taglist: @miss-menhera @fizzy-fuzz @atttwoood
834 notes · View notes
How you cope..
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Pairings: Caregiver!Captain John Price + Caregiver!Simon 'Ghost' Riley + Caregiver!John 'Soap' McTavish + Caregiver!Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick.
Summary: The team finds out you're a Regressor. Heck. You find out you're a Regressor. You had never known there was a name for it...
Warnings: Subtle hint that Ghost regresses (Soap as a CG), Regressor!Gaz mentioned, they're in a helicopter for this one so honoury Nikolai mention :D, Not really knowing what regression is, slipping after a mission, nicknames (Soldier, little one, kiddo, sweetheart), Ghost calls Soap Johnny.
(Gender Neutral Reader)
A/N - I do fully intend to write a part 2 to this!!!
NOT Proofread
The military was an interesting place, with this came different coping mechanisms be it working out till you drop or something else it was easy to dismiss what you'd see as long as the individual was coping.
As the Captain of the taskforce Price was acutely aware of how his team coped. (Mainly so he could help if needed and in some other cases so he knew that his family team were actually coping and not just ignoring their issues. Simon trained. He trained until he couldn't anymore which was when Soap would step in and comfort him. A lot of Soaps coping came from being able to comfort Simon, he thrived at being able to help his friends. And Gaz, well Gaz regressed and Price looked after him as his Caregiver.
That was probably why after a particularly hard mission on the helicopter ride back Price instantly noticed something was wrong. You had been awufully reserved, normally you'd be chatting with the team but that wasn't the case today. Originally everyone brushed it off as you just being tired, it wasn't unbelievable. The mission had been difficult, exhausting.
After a while of your had clumsily lolling to the side, bumping the wall of the hellicopter Price decides to speak up.
"Are you feeling okay Soldier..?"
"Fine Cap'tin..." You mumbled.
That had got everyone's attention. Even when tired you never slurred your words like that. It's then that it hits Price. You were regressing. Well actually more like you were regressed. He was used to this in his team, it was a coping mechanism that he had learnt briefly about before joining the military however upon Gaz struggling Price had learnt more so he would be able to help.
Price's tone turned fatherly (as though he didn't permanently sound like a dad)
"Are you feeling small..?"
You normally always shut down when you felt like this, it was easier to just sleep it off. Although you were well aware that it didn't really work.. You shrug wordlessly.
The others had been watching this interaction take place. Soap moved from where he had been sitting with Ghost, kneeling down infront of you. There was a gentle smile plastered on his face.
"Well what do we 'ave here? Jus' a wee little one?"
"Think that might be the case Johnny" Ghost replies, his voice somewhat softer than usual, although if you had been an outsider watching you'd never have noticed the slight change in tone.
Price got up and headed to the front of the helicopter, quickly conversing with Nikolai. When he came back he addressed everyone letting them know that it wouldn't be too much longer before you'd all be back at base.
It was now Gaz's turn to speak.
"Has this happened to you before kiddo?"
You nod but don't speak.
"Okayyy, do you have any items back at base?"
You give a confused head tilt, confused on what he meant by items"
"..things like plushies, paci's, colouring books.. things like that?"
This time you gently shake your head. Ghost sighs, he understands that...
Price then speaks up again.
"Well then we'll just have to change that, now won't we Sweetheart?"
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435 notes · View notes
ajortga · 4 days
i bet on losing dogs
pairing: cairo sweet x fem reader
summary: in which cairo's obsession for mr. miller drifts you two further apart, and you can't do anything about it.
word count: 4.2k+
warnings: angsty (not proud of it) toxic cairo, mentions of sex, mentions of teacher/student relationships
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based off request!
Hey... Can I have a request?! Cairo Sweet x Fem!Reader
"I'm done waiting for you, Cairo."
Credits to: urfriendlywriter
Cairo was.. Honestly, you didn’t know how to explain to her. That’s just exactly how to describe her. She was indescribable. 
One moment in a day would you be like the teenage girl you are, in love. The beat in your heart would race, fluttering in your chest as she bit the eraser on her pencil, looking at you with eyes that made your legs feel like mush.
Then, another day you would feel hopeless. Helpless. Because the beautiful brown-eyed girl would leave you in the dust. 
She would sweep you off your feet, but never care enough to really catch you. Maybe that’s why you kept going back. To feel the thrill, to be loved for just a little moment with the girl you’ll love no matter what happens. 
But you had no cure, because she was so contagious. Addictive. She was like a drug that you couldn’t get enough of, yet there was no cure to make you stop. Cairo Sweet. It was in her name. Her genes. She was so syrupy sweet, you just couldn’t help it. You were too blinded to think properly. 
The amount of times Cairo swept your feet, you grew tired. Tired of her games, of her love that began to come off as a hoax. As much as you’d want to holler it out loud, you couldn’t say you were tired of her. Never. 
The countless moments where you were left in the dust, the rain. No seriously, the rain. 
“I’ll be there!” Cairo smiles, your grin wide. “I just need to discuss the essay for my final to Mr. Miller real quick. It should only take 8 minutes max.” The girl assures, rubbing your shoulder as you two e spend our lunch together. You lean into it. A part of you now wishes you could’ve changed it. Maybe you’d feel better not feeling the stabbing pain in your stomach.
“Okay,” you respond softly. “I can’t wait to work on that project with you! I think we’ll amaze her with our studies, then after you can spend the night and we can have ice cream!”
She laughs.
You can’t stop looking at her eyes. Syrupy sweet, not a hint of hesitance. She lifts a cigarette to her mouth, a soft smile on her face. Cairo nods, “We’ll outsmart the whole class with someone as smart as you,” she gives your nose a little boop with her finger before the bell rings.
Quickly, she packs her bags, stopping to look at you from time to time as she stuffs papers in it. Your eyes filled with expression, it comforts her to see the happiness that shines through them. It makes her smile too. 
The bell had rang, echoing through the hallways as the doors of classrooms slam open. The empty, hollow hallway is now bustling with everyone chattering and speaking to each other, giggling and laughing.
Winnie is by your side, the wavy hair girl walking with your arm linked to hers. “Cairo seems so into her final for Mr. Miller, don’t you think so?” She has the slightest accent, you slowly nod. 
“I guess so. She is a writer after all. Not to mention a talented one.” You go through the exits of Tennessee’s high school, stopping at one of the benches right at the exit. “I’m waiting here for Cairo, we’re going to finish our project, adding all the important stuff.” Winnie nods, handing you a lollipop as you take it. “Thanks.”
“See you, Y/N!”
You give her a small wave, watching her leave. 
It had been ten minutes since the bell rang, the students slowly beginning to die out. You’d call your mom once Cairo would come, you liked having conversations with her anyway. Chatters of students still quietly linger. You stand up, peeking through the gates, they’re closed.
Thirty minutes pass and a sigh escapes your lips, bored. Maybe Cairo is just having more questions to ask, like she always does. You plop the lollipop that Winnie gave you into your mouth, stuffing the wrapper in your jacket. 
It had been officially an hour and four minutes. You don’t even know why you waited this long. As if it couldn’t get any worse, rain begins to drizzle down, damping your hair. For the first time, Cairo left you out there, in the rain. You stare at your phone, gripping it so tightly that your knuckles spread to white. You try to wait for a text, anything so Cairo makes it aware that she’d be a little late, but it never comes. 
You call your mom, sniffling as you press your ear to the phone, kicking your feet across a puddle. You wipe your eyes, 
By the time your mom honks, waving you with a smile on your face, you weakly give one back, walking up to her. Wet clothes stuck to your figure, drenched and shaking. The look on her face gives it all, your mother sees through you no matter what. 
“Hi, honey. Where’s Cairo? Didn’t you say that she was going to come to ours today?”
You stiffen, throwing your soaked backpack in the backseat. Cairo didn’t even live that far. She always walks to school. “She’s busy,” you reply, turning away from her. You look out the window, sinking into your seat. “Like always.”
“But didn’t you two have that project, it’s due tomorrow, no?”
“Well she can’t make it, okay?” You mumble.
“Oh, well maybe she can come over some other time,” she leaves it at that. 
The more you think about Cairo, the more you feel sick, the lollipop disintegrated in your mouth.
You can’t help but feel the sweetness of the lollipop leave a new awful taste in your mouth. Your mouth fills with saliva, how it always does whenever you are upset. You swallow it down.
You did almost the whole project by yourself, you were up till 2AM.
So when school arrives the next day, you’re barely awake, turning it in and tired eyes completely avoiding Cairo’s gaze.
“8 minutes my ass,” you mutter while slamming the project into the turn-in basket.
From that day on, it just kept happening.
Like always, you somehow always manage to come back to Cairo. You can’t help it. To turn away those doe-like eyes makes you feel like you just murdered an innocent creature. 
Cairo Sweet. 
Sourness coats your tongue when her name rolls off of it. 
After countless stand-ups and sobbing in bed, even when you forgive her, you can sense that you two are drifting further apart. She’s been snapping at you a little more often, ignoring you sometimes, it makes you feel unloved. You don’t like it. You really don’t like it, yet you can’t stop it. 
“It’s that stupid final she’s doing, Winnie. Ever since Mr. Fucking Miller assigned to her, it’s like she hasn’t had time for anything. She only has the time when it comes to him, “ you rant, wiping your mascara stained eyes with your fingers. 
Winnie looks thoughtfully at you, a small frown tugging at her lips. She sighs, patting her thighs, “Come here, sweetheart.” 
When you crawl in between her and her comforter, she cuddles you. “Sometimes people are like that. They abandon things when they find a new thing to obsess over. Even when the things are the most important to them. It’s like they forget about what the thing did to make them feel so special and go running off to a new one because it makes them feel good.”
She strokes your hair as you sniffle into her neck. From her eyes, you looked so vulnerable. Like how you did when you first got into arguments with your parents. “I’m sure once that final is over, you two will be back into two peas in a pod. Three, including me at times,” she cracks a smile at you. 
You don’t respond, looking away, before mumbling, “Winnie, I don’t think it’s that final.”
“Cairo was writing about a prompt to answer what love was,” you look up at her, trying to make her understand. “I read some of it, and it was straight up smut, Winnie.”
You couldn’t believe it when you first read it. The way your eyebrows contorted, lips pursing into a tight line. You memorized one of the lines she wrote as you recited it out loud. “His fingers, long and ribbed, glistened with the arousal that gushed out of Alice’s heat like a riverbed-”
“Okay fuck that shit, who’s “he” exactly?”
“That’s the problem. It’s about a student-teacher relationship Winnie. The final isn’t the issue. She’s trying to convince herself that there's some connection between her and Mr. Miller.”
“That man is at least 80 years old-”
“Whatever, but if Cairo is trying to experiment how far she can go with her charms. I’m going to be proud to take the trophy for who has the most reasonable crushes.”
“You cannot be talking right now Winnie.”
“Boris is a different story! But like, for anyone else, I’m an equal opportunist. I’d fuck you.”
“I know.”
“See, reasonable crushes.”
You roll your eyes, it doesn’t really make you feel better.
Winnie thinks for a moment, it’s silent, until you almost see a lightbulb flash above her head. “Cairo loves lantern festivals. She wouldn’t miss one for the world, what about this?..”
Your knee bounces up and down, waiting in your usual spot after school for Cairo. It’s the first bench under the tree. As you see her, you’re about to wave, until you see him. 
Mr. Miller walking Cairo out of his classroom, patting her shoulder before making eye contact with you briefly. You narrow your eyes as he gives a disgustingly sweet smile to her before turning away. You flip him off, like a fire burning behind your pupils.
Tell your baby that I'm your baby.
“Y/N!” she shouts, grinning as she walks up to you. “Hey!”
“Hi, Cairo.” you greet, offering to take her books, which she thanks.
“I’m almost done with my final essay for Mr. Miller. I think he’ll be able to write my letter of rec for college in the future. Probably going have to meet with him after school on some days.”
“Sounds fine,” you plainly respond, holding her books. “By the way, I was thinking that next Saturday we could spend some time together. Maybe Winnie can come too.”
The writer hums in contentment as you keep going, “I’ve never gone to a lantern festival before, and they’re holding one next week. It’s like 2 hours away and I really wanted to go with you.”
A flutter in your chest erupts as you see your favorite brown eyes shimmer. “Yeah,” she says, “Yes, I’d love to go with you!”
After the slow ticks of the clock and marks on the calendar, getting closer to the countdown, Saturday finally comes.
You hate the way it feels so long when you’re in school, waiting for the weekend, but it dashes by when summer break arrives. You especially hate it when you’re waiting for an event, it makes the time go by even slower.
Winnie kept patting your shoulder and teasing you about it. “Probably because you’re looking a bit too forward with spending time with Cairo.” She’d say. “I mean, I love lantern festivals! But you seem so much more excited than I am.”
An oversized tee gets draped over your figure, pairing it with blue jeans as you try to look decent before dashing out the house.
Your mom drives you, in which you're happily hoping to spend the night in Cairo’s bigger car. She told you she brought blankets and stuffies and everything. When you think about it, you grin through the refreshing breeze that blows in your hair.
“You seem extra happy, Sunshine,” your mom notices, smiling at you. “Just how I love you, always so bright.”
The afternoon sun illuminates through the city as minutes and hours pass, changing into a grassy meadow. You stick your head through the window, feeling alive every time the wind hits your hair. Everytime you close your eyes, you see the picture of endless floating lanterns lighting up the night sky. 
Like a scene out of Tangled.
You have to actually turn on the radio and sing your feelings out.
“Now she's here, shining in the starlight, Now she's here, suddenly I know. If she's here, it's crystal clear, I'm where I'm meant to go”
Two hours pass by, and you hop out of your mother’s car. “I’ll stay nearby, okay? Your aunt's house is only 25 minutes away.”
You nod, kissing her cheek goodbye as the clock hits 5:45. The grassy meadow surrounds you, slightly swaying from the breeze and glowing from the setting sun. You see people setting up their tents, so you lay down a towel and send Cairo a text.
y/n: hey! i’m here, i got us a seat. can’t wait to spend the night in your car!
Birds chirp along with the chatter of people around you. It soothes your body a little as you lean back and take a nap, your mind only on the excitement that you get to spend this moment with Cairo Sweet.
You wake up from the sound of fire crackling, your eyes adjusting to the lanterns that people are preparing to let go in about an hour and thirty, when the sun will completely set. The weather is cool, breezy, sunny, and the light blue sky plastered with fluffy clouds. You head to get some floating lanterns, noticing that Cairo isn’t here yet. Maybe it’s traffic.
A nagging feeling tugs in your gut as you hear the giggles of couples decorating the lanterns together.
As you head back with three large lanterns in your hand, you check your phone. No new messages, your shoulders fall to their sides, sighing.
You immediately perk up from the call of your name, turning around and seeing Winnie, a bright smile on her face. You wave her over.
“Hi,” you say, looking at her hair that’s put down.
“Hey, cutie, what’s with the sour face?”
The silence is really all she needs as she goes, “Oh. She’s still not here? I thought I was really late.” That made you feel a little worse.
Cairo wouldn’t abandon you, sure she has canceled plans last minute thousands of times, or made you wait longer than usual, but not in the dark. Not in the dark knowing how much you looked forward to this. Your heart tugs again, your breath getting stuck in your throat.
It’s the same feeling your tiny self felt when your childhood best friend moved away, or a thousand times worse than realizing that the tooth fairy wasn’t real.
y/n: where r u? the festival is going to start soon.
Really hoping you’re not going to stand me up again, like the plenty of other times you did. You really wished you could have added that phrase.
6:30 and still no sign of her. You know you’ve cried like a little child because of her, you’ve tried to avoid her in every way possible. Yet no matter what, it always seems that the sweet girl you’ve known comes back to you moments later. 
She’s just running late. The tiny voice in your head says, to somehow calm your nerves down. Winnie squeezes your hand, urging you to decorate your lanterns together. So you force the growing lump in your throat with a painful swallow, nodding and beginning to draw flowers that somehow are Cairo’s favorite ones. “It’s going to be okay,” she softly coaxes, and you feel like crying into her arms. 
You really thought she wouldn’t do it this time. You really started to believe that she was good at heart for you. Maybe she could be. But you didn’t want to give her the chance anymore, you were officially drained.
The sunset envelopes you and Winnie in its eternal color of the sunshine, though the warm feeling is rather cold. Cold and ugly. You would’ve been used to it, but you drove 2 hours for her. You knew you could count on Winnie, but you traveled so far for Cairo to be able to spend time with her. Now it just seems like she’ll throw you away whenever Mr. Miller is around. 
She’ll talk about him almost anytime she can, it makes you feel insecure. Sometimes, you wish you could just shake her brain and tell her, “I’m right here.” You were there all along. You would be there when she needed it, but she was never there when you needed her. A moth to a flame.
Even when your heart cracks more and more, to love is to sacrifice, your broken hand is still holding on. Cairo is the only thing you’d ever know about love. 
Even when you tell yourself to get over it, to ignore her, you can’t help the way your heart turns into goo when she smiles at you. I won’t let go yet. You promise to yourself as she crashes her lips to yours, alcohol coating her tongue as you have the need for more. 
Take me, your heart sings as Cairo, drunk and wanting, tears the bottom of your blouse, the room filling with your breathy moans.
You need to let go, Your brain pounds against your forehead as you’re left in the dark of the movie theater, an empty seat next to you. A seat that was meant for your hand to hold hers.
Why do you manage to always forgive her? Believe that she’ll be “okay” this time? Why did you always let her in knowing that she would do the same thing once again?
7:30, the lanterns begin to lift off, your eyes half-lidded with unshed tears as you hold onto your floating lantern. Winnie turns to look at you, but you don’t look back, the small ember glistening against your glossy eyes. 
She was just late. She’d come. Your heart grows a little heavy.
“Hey,” she says softly, putting a reassuring hand on your shoulder, “It’s going to be okay. Cairo is just stupid, she’s been stupid ever since Miller. But I don’t want to talk about her right now, okay? Let’s spend the night together and we’ll see what to do when it’s over.”
You still avoid eye contact, can you really just feel okay if someone tells you? That’s never worked for you.
A floating lantern symbolizes the hope of the moments ahead and being able to move on. To mark the start of a new beginning. Your eyes flicker to all the children with their family, smiling happily, the couples who are cuddling together as they prepare to let go of their lanterns. Every time you saw something like that, you thought of Cairo. You wondered if she ever thought of you.
I guess fate brought me here, you tell yourself. When your favorite person turns into a memory of a lesson. Gosh, you hated when you saw quotes like that, even worse now that you understood it with each tear that poured out of your eyes.
You cling onto the lantern like it’s the most important thing of your life as you shut your eyes. You think about Cairo, your best friend, someone that you always told yourself loved you. You hope she still did. Winnie feels your head placed on your shoulder as you finally let it go. Finally let her go as it flies away with the specks of others, lighting up the night sky. It was like a reminder that she was slipping away.
Tonight, you thought it would’ve ended differently as you watch it mix in with the glow of other lanterns, other wishes, other endings.
All those times you look into these eyes, even the ones that aren’t hers, you remember that her eyes that once admired you are gone. You’re watching her watching him.
You’re standing here, waiting for something that you knew for a long time might never come. Love’s a game of heartbreak. The latest you could do is slump down to the blanket and toss your body into Winnie’s, closing your eyelids and letting yourself relax. It was cold, yet you didn't bother to ask for a blanket.
“Y/N, baby. We gotta get going.” A voice, soft and sweet coaxes you awake. You're no longer on Winnie’s shoulder, but a lap that you know all too well. You scramble off of Cairo with your eyes wide, blinking, adjusting, before letting yourself cry.
Cairo hasn’t seen you cry in almost ages. Well you’ve never cried in front of her, but knowing that she stood you up again, arriving almost 3 hours later, it tells her a lot of how much you did when she wasn’t there. 
Her eyes look at yours that are closed, sniffle, “Hey, don’t cry. Why are you crying? I’m so sorry I missed this-”
“You’re never sorry!” You hiccup, forcing your shut eyes open, “If you were in all the times past, you wouldn’t have left me here again! I had my mom drive me 2 hours just so I could picture myself wishing you were beside me!” 
When was the last time she made you feel like she actually loved you?
“It seems like you don’t need me anymore, Cairo. You find something else to obsess over and run away when I need you.”
“I do need you,” she argues, looking at you in disbelief. Yet you can see that a part of her knows that you’re right.
“Only when Mr. Miller isn’t here to make you feel good.”
“T-that’s not true!” She stammers, “You aren’t understanding what you’re saying-”
“I always want you when I'm finally fine, Cairo! That’s the problem with you! I can’t stop crawling my way back to you because my heart can’t beat without your reassurance, even if it’s just a sweet glance. But every time I’m standing here, you’re turning me away. And the only way for me to stop loving you is when I’m here, telling you how I’ve felt every single time you’ve left me in the dark for the attention of a 50 year old man that I’ve given you since the start! I’m not some toy that you need at moments- I-I needed you too.” You murmur, looking down, ashamed with the hot tears leaking out of your eyes.
It takes Cairo a moment to pull you back onto her, “I’m sorry,” she tries, her hand around your cheek. “I just.. I didn’t… He failed me on that final and I just needed to know why and I guess-”
“It’s okay,” you say, finally looking into her eyes while you put your hand away from your face. “I tried thinking that maybe it was that final for Miller, that you needed time to write something amazing for your final, like I knew you’d always do. But instead, you made your assignment obsessing over him.” 
Gosh you felt so stupid looking back at your naive self. “To see him in the hallways and talking to him while I stood there waiting for you, forgetting that I was even here in the first place.”
Cairo’s silent, eyes pleading as she tries reaching out for your hand, but you pull away. “I’m done waiting for you Cairo. Maybe you can pursue focusing on him more and don’t have to worry about focusing on me.” You bite back a shiver, your body shaking slightly.
She watches you turn away as Winnie wraps you in a blanket. Disappointment flickers in her best friend’s eyes as she helps you walk away. Cairo wishes, oh so terribly that you would turn back, to look at one more time, but you don’t.
Where I'll be looking in their eyes when they're down.
You stop for a brief moment, about to hop into Winnie’s car, before turning to her, looking down at her shoes. “I’m sorry I wasn’t enough, Cairo. I love you.”
“I love you too.”
“I’m sorry it ended like this, I never met to hurt you.” She wants to say, but bites her tongue as your body slips away from sight, Winnie starting the engine. It was too late now.
Cairo made you wait, made you see a flicker of hope in her candle and she blew it. She made you wait in the cold.
She really wrote her story on your heart. But was it ever a good one? Maybe there were some that lingered freely in your heart, but her story would’ve never lasted like you wanted.
It was rare, she almost never saw you sitting on the same first bench. There were days where she immediately ran out of Mr. Miller’s classroom to push through the students just to go to that bench, to be reminded that you weren’t there to wait anymore. There was no one to wait for her anymore. The spot was always empty.
You’ll always want her when you are finally fine, even when you’d feel like your heart healed, it never would. Because you always needed her. You can’t heal without her.
Now every time your eyes meet in the hallways, you’re the first one to tear your gaze. Maybe it was just for the best. Tear your eyes away from her pretty ones before she tears your heart apart.
You wish that one day, when you meet her when you two are older, she’ll be the person you once knew. Your Cairo Sweet. The one that didn’t leave the sickening taste on your tongue.
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ethereal-maniac · 4 days
In The Supply Closet
Non-Descript!Military!Fem!Reader x Simon‘Ghost’Riley x Johnny’Soap’MacTavish
A/N: oop my fingers slipped, my bad :3 .(Please let me know if I’ve missed any triggers!) (Very lightly proof read)
Summary: Pent up on base, you and Ghost go at it in the supply closet with an unexpected visitor at the end.
❗️CW ❗️: smut, unprotected p in v, (wrap it before you tap it), smut starts right away, off screen consent, a bit of voyeurism/exhibitionism, swearing, very slight and brief overstimulation, Soap’s a perv, reader cry’s from pleasure, Ghost and Soap have some bromance going on or somethin, though they aren’t dating reader, hints to a threesome. (Possible non con??? Idrk)
Do not copy, translate, transfer (plagiarise) or take ‘inspiration’ from my writing.
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"Fuckin' 'ell, love," Ghost groans under his breath.
"She's s' desperate f'me," he pants, his eyes squeezing shut as your wet heat holds him in a vice grip. "Y' feel tha'?" His hand moves to where the outline of his thick cock pumps into you and presses down.
"We have t- ah, be quiet," you gasp as his hand moves again to your clit to rub small tight circles, your knees buckle and your mouth falls agape at the motion.
"Tell y'r pussy tha,'" he mumbles as the wet 'shlick' sounds of his cock plunging deep into you resounds throughout the supply closet, "so fuckin' wet." Ghost's right arm moves from caging you against the wall to wrap around your waist and hold you upright.
"Could barely ge' in 'er she's so bloody tigh'," you place a sloppy kiss over his balaclava after that comment, every word further building to your premature climax, he reciprocates your kiss (as best he can through a mask) with a grunt.
"Y' gettin' close, baby?" He asks after you break apart to slam your head back against the wall and heave in breaths, "fuck yes," you cry. You can't help but let your tears fall when he hits so good, the curve of him filling you in places you didn't even know existed.
"Le' go f'me, love," he huskily moans, "'m not gonna las' much longer."
He reconnects your lips through the fabric to try and silence the lewd sounds escaping your mouths, this has got to be one of the filthiest things he's ever done.
He cums with a low groan erupting from his chest when he hears your sweet whines, utter ecstasy washing over both of you. Your spongy walls clamp up around him and flush hot, making him tumble over the edge, his straining cock shooting ropes into your sopping cunt.
No one moves for a minute, your orgasms leaving you both in a hazy glow. You continue to pulse as he twitches in you and slowly softens, holding tightly onto each other as you try to process what's just happened.
You just fucked your lieutenant. Your lieutenant just fucked you. The lieutenant who's now panting into your neck and rubbing small circles on your hip with his thumb. Wow.
A familiar click you'd heard minutes before sounds again and light floods into the supply closet.
Bristling in alarm Ghost presses against you to cover your body with his own, turning his head to get a look at the intruder while you freeze like a deer in headlights and grip his torso anxiously. The friction from his sudden movement almost makes you shake in overstimulation, his now soft cock rubbing against your insides, but you're too worried to think much about it right now. Looking wide eyed over Ghost's shoulder you see Soap.
"Well, well, well, was wonderin' where ye both disappeared to," he grins.
"Oh, 's jus' you Soap," Ghost’s form visibly relaxes causing you to be further revealed. "Though' we 'ad a problem for a moment." He exhales in relief and rubs your side in an attempt to comfort you.
"Aye, calm down there, Lt," Soap unashamedly looks you both up and down as he tries to memorise the scene in front of him.
One of his best friends in a supply closet towering over a pretty lass like you, soft breasts exposed, tousled hair, tear stained face, fluids he knows all to well dripping down your thighs and disappearing to where your cargo pants have been tugged down around mid thigh… His own cock rises to attention at the sight. Beautiful. He hopes you’re ready for round two.
356 notes · View notes
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Target Acquired Part 2 (NSFW)
Pairings: Keegan. P. Russ x Soldier! Reader
Enemies to Lovers Trope MDNI, NSFW
Summary: In a mission trying to find some important intel with Task Force 141, you are pulled into a dimly lit room, the heavy door slamming shut behind you. Sharp words exchanged, trying to assert dominance over the other, yet an unspoken connection that neither wants to admit, turns into something more intimate.
Disclaimer: MDNI!, NSFW, 18+ This story will contain curse words, war themes, and NSFW sexual themes. I know Keegan and the new game do not have anything to do with each other but for the plot and sexiness sake, no hate and enjoy reading! This is purely fictional!
Word Count: 3,888
Warnings: 18+, NSFW, sexual themes, curse words, sexual acts, blowjobs, p in v, fingering, dirty talk, female orgasm, male orgasm, slight m dom.
Part 1
Keeping your rifle close, you slowly make your way through the dark corridors of this middle of nowhere base. Laswell had said they had some intel on Makarov and needed to infiltrate this base, slowly, quietly, and surly enough Task Force 141 was the perfect fit to go.
Pacing slowly through the corridor, illuminated by only blue light, you had to keep an eye out on both sides, from your left, the windows to the inner base, to your right doors leading to IT rooms, security cameras, and most likely would contain enemies.
A sigh leaves your lips, you can’t let Laswell down, the Task Force.
It had been months since you had heard or seen Keegan. In all honestly what happened in that abandoned warehouse still finds a way to creep in your mind, especially in moments you don’t want to. Looking to your left to check if the coast is clear, a hand grabs your mouth applying pressure and pulling you in a nearby room.
You freeze when you feel a big hand over your mouth, not daring to make a sound. You keep absolutely still, not moving a muscle as your heart starts to race. Even though having years of training the initial shock and the increase of heart rate still settles deep down in your stomach. This is going to be fun you think besides yourself. How could you have not heard them creep behind you. You start evaluating what they might ask or worse getting ready for the Russian torture you were about to endure.
Keeping calm and letting your anger stay contained, you elbow your aggressor with the butt of your rifle, turning on him and aiming. Upon looking at your aggressor, seeing him groaning in pain face in his hand he winces “Fuck Y/N”.
You straighten yourself upon hearing your voice you look at his ice-coloured eyes.
What is he doing here? How did he find you? For a moment, he stares at you in shock. He was.... surprised to say the least.
"What the hell are you doing here? This is Task 141’s deal not yours?"
His face remains unmoving but there is a hint of amusement in his eyes. He leans against the wall opposite you, placing his arms behind him. "I came because I wanted to see you." He said in a quiet voice.
"Right" you reply rolling your eyes. "You have seen me now, now let me go back to work before you get us both killed"
He raises an eyebrow. "Price asked me to come." he answers your question. "Why are you so cold?..." he whispers.
If he wanted to kill you, he would have done it already. Something else is at play here. Having enough of his bullshit you make you way out of this tech room you’re in.
"Can I ask you one more question before you go?"
You turn towards him, "What is it with you and your questions?"
"I just want to know one thing..."
There's a strange intensity in his eyes as he stares at you, almost like you are the most fascinating person he's ever seen.
"Do you still think we are enemies?"
With that you remain complete quiet, completely frozen. At this point in time, were we?
Your body wants to respond so desperately. Reason creeps through your skin. He hadn’t killed you, hadn’t hurt you last time nor now, as you would have thought. If he wanted to take advantage of you last time he easily would have. Biologically, he's completely stronger than you.
But enemies.
Your mind flashed to the dreams you had about him, how hot he made you feel. How his shoulders felt underneath your nails. How his mask scratched your cheeks. A shaky breath releases past your lips, still yet to respond.
He watches, seemingly transfixed by your response. He watches you as your mind lingers on those thoughts you tried to suppress.
He could tell what you were thinking...
Finally, he speaks again. There's a strange tenderness in his voice, as if he's afraid to ask what he's about to ask but he needs to know the answer.
"Have you been thinking about me?"
"No" acting childish. "Have you?" You ask wanting to know if he genuinely had.
His eyes widen slightly in surprise. He's not used to people not being honest with him. Especially not people like you.
"Yes. A lot." He replies. "And I've been thinking how much I want to see you again."
His gaze is steady and intense, like he knows you can see the honesty in his eyes. You weren't expecting that answer. He had been thinking about you. Wait. What if this was all part of a plan. To get into your head. All the compliments. What if-. He shakes his head slightly like he somehow knows what’s going through your mind.
"I'm not lying."
The intensity in his eyes only grows, but he's trying to conceal it. He's not trying to be intimidating. He wants you to see his vulnerability.
"Is this some sort of sick joke" you reply now getting hurt, angry. Was he playing you?
He takes a small step toward you, his eyes filling with genuine emotion.
"It's not a joke, it's not a trick or game. I'm as serious as I've ever been."
His lips curl into a slight smile. "I can't stop thinking about you." His voice is laced with honesty and genuine feeling. He seems like he can't believe he is saying these words, but he can't stop.
"Why here? Now? During an OP?” you state voice rising letting frustration eat away at your skin. He got closer to you, intruding on your personal space. “Make me believe you" you say close to him, face serious. You felt like he was lying. "Next time you see me it better not be some kind of sick job or a bullet because I won’t hesitate to pull my trigger"
For a moment, he's taken aback by the boldness of your request. But he's not shocked. He steps forward again, this time closing the distance completely between you two. He stares you down, a small grin spreading across his lips.
"I promise you... when I next see you, you won't be holding a gun. Or anything else for that matter." He speaks as if you are a part of his very soul, as if you already know exactly what he means.
You look at his eyes. Captivating. You had only seen his face through the briefing never in real life. Curiosity killing you wanting to know what he looks like. Want to lift his mask up feel his skin. Sensing your eyes trying to take every detail, he can tell right away that you're curious about what he looks like beneath his mask.
He's not used to this kind of attention, especially not from someone like you. Normally, you're so bold and confident, yet here you are, studying every aspect of him as if you're drawn to him.
He's not used to this kind of vulnerability coming from someone like you.
"Can I ask you a question?"
"Mm" you respond with a whisper.
"What if you saw me again but without the mask?" He asks.
His eyes are fixed on yours and you sense the intensity of his gaze even from behind the mask. Its as if he's studying you, trying to see inside of you, hoping you'll let him.
Hesitating to lift your hand towards his face. You were so close. You touch your fingers against his cheek feeling the warmth radiating from the mask. Holding his full cheek in your palm you slowly glide your finger where his lips rest underneath the mask. Eyes getting heavy, breathing non-existent. His eyes bore into yours watching you study him.
His breath catches as your touch meets his skin. He doesn't pull away or try to stop you, on the contrary, it feels like he's allowing you to study every aspect of him.
There is a calmness in his eyes that you've never seen before. He is vulnerable at this moment, exposing his entire being to you.
A small smile spreads across his lips as your finger traces his mouth.
He doesn't blink as he looks into your eyes. He is waiting for you to make the next move.
Your hand fingers his mask underneath his shirt pulling it up slowly. He doesn’t move to stop you, but instead he takes in small inhale of air as you pull the mask up. Finally, edge of the mask in your hand. You stop and think.
You pull the mask up until it reaches his nose finally seeing his lips. Plump lips with a sharp jaw. Clean shaven and a few scars adorn his face. In a trance you touch his skin and both of you let out a breath you both have been holding but he doesn't move, even though you can see his entire body tremble. He is breathing hard, and he is enjoying this. He closes his eyes, and he lets out another deep inhale as you touch his skin. You trace your finger down his Adams apple and finally graze your thumb on his bottom lip.
As he had his eyes closed, your hand wrapped around his throat applying just the right pressure, making him release a staggered deep groan. Fuck, your eyes flutter slightly. That sounded...hot.
"Oh god... "
Your touch is electrifying, causing him to tremble all over his body. His heart is pounding in his chest, and he can barely catch his breath. The slight pressure around his throat feels good somehow. He opens his eyes and looks back at you. The moment his eyes meet yours, the entire tension is doubled.
His hand wrap around your waist wanting to pull you closer, dick straining against his pants. He wants to ravage you, but he loves the small teasing you’re providing him. He wraps his arms around you, pulling you close. Your body is pressed up against his, and he can feel your heart racing.
He can't help but stare into your eyes, enjoying the moment, enjoying the way you make him feel. His hands move up your sides gradually, moving ever closer to the waist of your uniformed pants.
As his fingers fondle the waist or your cargos, your thumb traces his bottom lip as he opens his mouth and grabs your thumb in between his teeth, slowly closing his lips around it and sucking on it. His lips are soft and warm, and you can't help but let out a small groan of pleasure. His hands are exploring your body, getting ever closer to the bottom of your jeans.
"Fuck Keegan" you whisper.
He pauses for a moment, his breath catching in his throat.
He looks into your eyes, his own now filled with such desire and need.
"Say my name again..." he whispers.
You moan his name "Keegan" small heavy breaths leaving your lips. His own meeting your neck. His body tenses slightly at the sound of your voice.
He is overwhelmed with desire, and you can feel it in every part of his frame. Every move he makes now is calculated, as if he's going slowly on purpose to not lose the feeling.
"Again..." his voice is barely audible, and you can feel his body trembling.
"Keegan" you straight up moan now. Getting lost in his voice, in your desires.
His desires.
"Again..." he whispers, his breath hot against your neck. Your body quivers and he press’ up against you even closer, feeling every inch of your body against his.
Warmth was spreading all throughout your body, as he pushed you even closer towards him, chest plates hitting, making you feel his thickness rub against your thigh. Fuck he was hard. You rubbed your thigh against him as he leaned against a cabinet that was just behind you, on the left side of the room. The heat between your bodies is so intense, it's almost unbearable. The feeling of it is driving you both wild.
His hands travel even higher, inching up your thighs. His touch is incredibly soft and tender at first then becoming more forceful. He's enjoying the teasing, letting the intensity build up slowly and not even trying to hide the fact that he is getting turned on.
Getting the courage your hand travels towards his bulge and you wrap your hand around it. He hisses at the feeling of your small hand. Grabbing your wrist, you stop shocked at what might have been an overstep. Holding your wrist he unbuttons his black cargo pants, unzipping them, eyes intensely on your face, eyes heavy lidded wanting to see how you might react. Your heart was pounding in your chest.
He freed himself from his restraint, adjusting himself now to being free. Your mouth instantly watered at the sight of how big he was. He stroked himself before placing your hand, that was still bound by his wrist, around him wrapping your fingers around his thick shaft. He released a staggered breath as you begun to stroke him. His eyes closed head dropping towards his chest.
Upon stroking your thumb felt his wetness on his tip, which you took as a sign to spread it around his head, lip between your teeth. Moaning under your ministrations you couldn’t help but look at him.
Still with his helmet on, eyes closed, panting, dick in your hand stroking him and shamelessly mask atop his face not concealing his identity well, at least the lower part of his face, as the deep soft groans leave his lips.
"That’s it baby" he whispers. "Just like that" he encourages, making you want to please him more. You couldn’t take it anymore. Eyes now full of lust, mouth thick to the brim with salvia you made you way down on your knees and kissed his head. He opened his eyes at the soft feeling of your lips against his cock.
He couldn’t believe it; his mind was playing tricks on him. He saw you kissing his cock making your way down to his base than licking your way up to this shaft. “Fuck” he whispered. If you kept teasing him like that he was about to -
"Ah" he groans eyes tightly closing upon feeling your wet, warm mouth sucking him off. "Jesus Y/N". Eyes closed you take him in deeper in your mouth wanting to feel him at the back of your throat, but he was so thick it was seeming to be difficult.
Your mouth parts, pussy clenching into nothing, clit screaming for just the right of amount of pressure. Slick now dripping down your thighs.
You continue wetting his cock with your tongue, going up and down, his hand now wrapped in your hair bun, although with how tight he’s holding it, it won’t remain a bun much longer. He angles his hips to go in deeper, but you hold him in your fist as you start to feel consumed by him, air refusing to enter your lungs.
"Take it baby. That's it. Good girl." he pushes his hips toward your face. You felt him hit your gag reflex holding your head with his hands until finally pulling away, a line of spit still hanging from your lips to his cock, eyes watery.
He pulls you up standing on your feet and quickly goes to unbutton your pants. Pushing them of your legs you hesitate, as you were both still on a mission. He reassures you that no one is going to enter, and if so, those who do see would leave as they would see what you were doing. They would think that a guard on duty just got lucky.
Turning sides, now you’re the one leaning against the metal cabinet. His lips meet the underside of your ear. "Y/N" he moans as he slightly nips your skin. "Can I touch you?" He asks hand resting on your hip, tracing your navel wanting to go down, and feel how wet you have gotten and gather it on his fingers. "Please" you whisper. "Please Keegan. I need you"
Your pleading drove him crazy, pushing himself towards you. Bare cock rubbing against your stomach. As he couldn’t tease himself enough, he asked "Where do you need me?" lips just inches away from your lips. You hesitate. Is he really going to make you tell him.
"Y/N" he whispers using his other hand to lift your face, meeting your heavy-lidded watery eyes. He looks serious. "I asked you a question. Where do you need me?".
He rubs your folds not wanting to waste anymore time away from you. He slowly pushes his finger inside you, wet and ready for him your pussy takes his finger with ease. You both moan at the intrusion. Keeping his finger there, he breathes hard against you, feeling your warmth wrapping around him.
“Fuck!” you exclaim, feeling like you’re going crazy. Never in your years have you ever felt like this. Felt warm like this or gotten wet like this. It was driving you insane.
"I need you in me. I need to feel you stretch me. I need to feel how thick you are inside of me" you confess. Upon your confession he pushes himself harder against you, your ass hitting deeper against the cabinet his fingers finally pushing on the bundle of nerves between your legs earning a moan from your lips. He feels how wet you are and nearly looses himself, his cock twitching.
Finally, his lips meet yours in a soft kiss, both mouths slightly agape, his eyebrows furrowed at your heat as he starts to move his fingers back out, then pushing them back in. He increases his pace, fingers now dripping wet and inserts another.
His fingers are thick, long, and strong not compared to your small ones, filling you up in all the right places. You grab his arm feeling the bulging muscle of his biceps. "Keegan" you moan. "You like that Y/N?" he asks as his pace continues to increase. "You like my fingers stretching you out, fingering you huh?"
"Yes" you exclaim "Good girl" he kisses you. "Getting ready to take me inside you."
You nod at that wanting to take his cock. He lifts you up on the cabinet and aligns himself to your entrance. Fuck he was thick, the sight alone with his head stroking your pussy nearly made you cum right than and there. "Ready princess?" he asks, and he moves you closer to him if that was even possible. "Yes" you say as you wrap your hands around his neck.
The initial push was electrifying. He was thick and it made you feel like you were on fire. Hot moans coming from you meet his ear, not until he grabs your face in his hand and kisses you again. He continues to push into you as his lips are against yours breathing deeply. The stretch was nothing compared to his fingers. You couldn’t help but call out to him.
"Shh, its ok" he replies. "You’re doing so good for me. You’re taking it so well." He says as he finally pushes all the way into you. You felt like you couldn’t move. He begun to pull out and push back in. Looking at you he saw his world. He wanted to savor the moment deep in his memory. How your eyebrows creased, how your lips were parted how he wanted to make you feel like this. Him. Only him.
His thrusts continued, wet sounds all over the room driving the both of you wild. "Keegan" you call to him. "Yes" he replies worried that he might have hurt you. "I’m close" you reveal to him. It was music to his ears. His thrusts continued with depth and rhythm edging you. "Cum for me. Cum for me princess. Let me feel you. That’s it" he continued to whisper for you.
A static sound was heard from the left side of your chest plate startling the both of you. It hit a second time.
"Y/N" now you hear your own name not your call sign.
" Bravo 8, you ok. Over?" You want to stop body going rigid. Fuck, it was Simon. Keegan continues to push into you. "Keegan wait".
"Bravo 8, Are you with us? Over" you hear again less patient from the radio com. Fuck it’s been a while since you replied or radioed your team. Keegan looks at you with a smirk, "Don’t worry it hasn’t even been 15 minuets. They worry for you too much".
At that Keegan thrust deep into you making your head roll back, making you forget your worries. "You’re going to make me cum, princess" he whispers in your ear. His thrusts increase in motion build up wanting finally to release.
Its Price. "Are you ok? Over."
You’re a whimpering mess around Keegan as he continues to thrust into you. He pulls slightly back, finger against his lips showing you to stay quiet. Confused your brows furrow, until you see the devilish look cast over his eyes as he grabs the button of your radio com, and he pushes into you, deep, feeling his cock hit your cervix keeping you in place. He smirks as he waits for you to reply to your captain.
You bite your lip trying to regain some composure for your voice not to give away of your activities.
This was your captain, your team. "All good Captain. Over" you say as Keegan smirks and releases the button sending your message.
Fuck that was hot. You couldn’t hold on much longer and you clench around Keegan. You moaned as he whispers in your ear "You want me to fill you up?"
Your radio com responds "Fuck, where are you?" The captain states leaving the honorifics behind.
"Fuck" this can’t be happening, not now. Not when you’re so close to cumming. Keegan's statement makes you go feral, imaging his thick cum painting your walls, dripping out of you. Keegan presses the com button,
"You’re way over than ok." He pushes deeper. "You will meet them at the south wing nearing the backdoor of the grounds”.  You repeat breathless what he says to you.
"West Wing" you reply breathlessly.
"You’re going to cum for me huh, going to get filled up with my cum in the west wing" he taunts in your ear.
"I’m coming for you. Over" Keegan laughs at your captain’s message.
"Captains’ join’ in on the fun huh." he smirks, before feeling you clench against him. "Fuck Y/N." His thrust continues, panting heavily as he grabs your hips and presses your com. "Tell him you’re doing just fine." He whispers in your ear as he fucks deeper into you, jealousy laced through his teeth.
"Cause at the moment, you are about to come around my cock" Keegan taunts as he gives one last big push, cock pulsating in you. You feel his hot warm cum hit deep inside you and he releases his load into you. You can’t help but moan with pleasure as you clench around him, your own orgasm hitting you, releasing. His hips still deep in you his heavy breathing meets yours.
"Meet you there" is heard over the comms.
"You sure you’re ok?" captains voice asks again
"Never better" you reply breathlessly.
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evanpeterswhoresblog · 5 months
Sirius Black x rockstar! f!reader
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warnings: smut, p in v, rough sex, like pretty rough guys he bites you till you bleed, underage drinking, underage smoking, a lot of smoking tbh, drunkish sex, kinda has a plot so yeah lmk if i missed anything
summary: you and your band mates decide to go out to a pub, where you end up meeting the most handsome boy you’ve ever seen.
word count: 4.2k
a/n: guys i’m so bad at these summaries holy. this is probably my favorite fic i’ve written. the flirting and the tension like omg. trust me. also, let’s pretend The Runaways are british and let’s pretend everything id accurate hahaha. enjoy ;)
“Do you think we’ll be recognized tonight?”
You turn to your bandmate, Joan, and shrug. “It’s fifty-fifty.”
“What pub are we going to again?” She asks.
“The one where they let underage people in, of course, you’re still the only one who’s twenty-one in the band you know,” you reply.
The other two members of your band, Sandy and Lita, are ahead of you, engulfed in their own conversation. You slide your hands into the pockets of your jacket and try to keep up. You’ve been in the band for a few months as the new lead singer. Their old one left to start her own band, claiming it to be more successful. Yet your band is the one that’s gotten sold-out shows, interviews on television, and pictures in magazines. Sometimes you like to think it was fate that she left, and you just so happened to be in town the night they were holding auditions. The fans surely enjoy your voice more, they make you out to be the leader even though you’re only seventeen and the newest member. You don’t mind though, and neither do your bandmates.
It’s almost ten when you arrive at the pub and thankfully no one has recognized you yet, or they have and simply haven’t said anything. There’s no one at the door to check IDs just like Sandy had said. The four of you enter fast and find a table. The music is loud, the lights are low, and people are dancing all over. You like it, a lot.
“Drinks?” Lita questions a few seconds after you sit.
“You know it!” Joan replies.
“I’ll be right back then.”
Sandy takes out a pack of cigarettes. “Care for one?”
“Obviously,” you answer, holding your hand out. She hands you one, you’re quick to light it and stick it between your lips, inhaling a deep breath of smoke. “How come the police haven’t found this place?”
Joan rolls her eyes. “They have.”
“And? Why don’t they shut it down?”
“They have people who come here, of course, sons, daughters, you know that sort of thing. It may be illegal but it’s trustworthy,” she explains. “Why do you care anyway?”
You shrug. “Just curious I suppose.”
Lita arrives back at the table, four glasses held in her arms. You take yours fast, eager to taste whatever liquor she got for you. It’s bitter, with a hint of sweetness in it. Based on the color as well, your guess is some sort of vodka mix. You drink it despite the awful aftertaste it leaves in your mouth. The cigarette between your fingers helps a bit. The four of you talk for a while and enjoy the peace of having no fans around.
“You should go to the bar y/n,” Lita says after some time. “Or well it might be too late now, but when I was there, I saw a boy your age, remarkably handsome.”
Sandy laughs. “You’re trying to send her home with someone already?”
Lita nudges the other girl with her shoulder. “No, I’m only trying to get some new song material.”
“We’ll see if there’s any potential,” you say, taking the last sip of your drink and getting up. You brush down your hair. “Do I look alright?”
“You’re always beautiful,” Joan answers, letting out a cloud of smoke.
“Wish me luck.” You chuckle before heading to the bar.
With every step you take, you feel eyes on you. Most belong to older men who shouldn’t even be paying you any mind. You’re used to the feeling of being watched, with all the fans and paparazzi that corner you before and after gigs. So, you move through the pub without a second thought about it.
In the back of your head, you curse yourself for not asking Lita what the guy looks like. For a moment you question how you’re supposed to find him, but then your curious eyes find one guy who stands out. He’s leaning on the wall, a glass in his hand and a cigarette between his lips. Based on his face, you figure he can’t be more than nineteen. And oh, how right Lita was. His hair is dark and long, almost reaching his shoulders. He’s dressed in a simple white tee shirt and baggy jeans. Despite the distance, you swear you can make out a sliver of a tattoo on his shoulder. He’s gorgeous, almost too gorgeous.
You approach him carefully, thinking of different opening lines in your head. Would it be wrong to use your fame to get him to take you home? Probably. But you’ve seen Joan do it plenty of times. She always says it’s simply a tool and that you should use it to your advantage. You’ve never done it though. Perhaps it’s your little amount of consciousness that remains that tells you it’s wrong. You don’t know and the alcohol in your system doesn’t help. So, when you reach him, you say the first thing that comes to mind.
He looks at you, the cigarette dangling between his lips. “Hello.”
“How old are you?” You ask, immediately feeling stupid for such a question.
“What are you a cop?” He chuckles.
You feel your cheeks heat up. “No uh... sorry.”
“It’s fine love, just not a very good pick-up line,” he replies. He takes his cigarette out, his eyes locked on yours. “Especially since you look like you’re sixteen.”
“Seventeen actually.” You correct him.
“Ah, well there’s something we share then.”
Something about the way he’s looking at you comforts you. There’s no recognition in his eyes at all. You can tell. To him, you are just another girl. Not the lead singer of The Runaways. Just a simple girl.
“You can try again if you’d like,” he says. You look at him, confused. “Try another pick-up line.”
You gently smile and think for a few seconds. Nothing better comes to mind.
“Come here often?”
He laughs. “Somehow I think that was worse than the first one.”
“Sorry. Usually, I’m better at this sort of thing,” you reply. You put your hands back in your pockets, suddenly feeling very hot with embarrassment.
“Don’t be sorry, it’s cute.”
There’s a moment of silence. He takes a sip of his drink; you stare at his hand. The way it looks wrapped around the glass makes your stomach fill with butterflies. You hate how much you want him to take you home. You don’t even know his name. But he’s handsome, so much so it makes you unable to think straight. You need to know more.
“Are you from around here?”
He nods. “Born and raised in London. You?”
For a split second you wonder, if he’s from London how come he doesn’t know who you are? Sure, your band isn’t on the same level of success as Queen or ACDC but you’re also not underground. You push the thought away.
“Originally from Westchester but now I’m here in London for... work,” you answer.
“Work? I thought you were seventeen.”
“Yes but, eighteen next month. I already finished school.”
He takes another drag of his cigarette. “Wish I could say the same, I still have another year left. Though, I rather enjoy school, gets me away from my dear parents.”
“Oh, where do you go?”
You notice the way he shifts his posture. “Out of the country, you wouldn’t know of it.”
“Like a boarding school?”
“I suppose you could say that.”
You look around the pub, a slight feeling of awkwardness blooming within you. You don’t know why you’re so nervous. You’ve done this before. You decide to blame it on the cheap vodka because really, you’re better than this.
“So, what’s your name then?” You ask after a few more minutes.
“Does it really matter?” He replies, catching you a bit off guard. He flicks the ash off his cigarette, his dark eyes on yours. “All of it’s the same.”
“I don’t know what you’re referring to,” you say, crossing your arms over your chest.
“Don’t play dumb love, I know this isn’t your first time. I’m sure you’ve chatted up many other lads and had them take you home.” There’s something about the tone in which he speaks that has your knees almost wobble.
“Why would you think that?”
He sighs, leaning over to a small table discards his cigarette in an ashtray, and leaves his glass. When he leans back on the wall, now with both of his hands-free, he buries them in the pockets of his baggy jeans. He looks down at you with an expression that could send your morals far out of mind. You want him, terribly. And you think he knows this.
“Besides the fact that you said you’re usually better at this, you’re also possibly the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen,” he eventually answers.
You can’t help but roll your eyes. “I highly doubt that, but nevertheless thanks for the compliment.”
“I mean it. Most girls I see still wear those long skirts and sweaters, but you, you’re dressed like you could pass as a rock star.”
Your face heats up once again. You know he’s right. With your leather jacket, flared jeans, high-heeled boots, and small tight top you know it’s clear what kind of person you are. Your makeup only adds to it, black smudged eyeliner and glitter on your eyes. It’s a toned-down version of what you wear on stage. He doesn’t need to know that though.
You give him a smile and shrug. “Rock is my favorite genre, what can I say? You sort of got that look too though, not quite as intense.”
“Not a gentleman?” He chuckles.
“No.” You laugh, shaking your head. “At least I hope not.”
“I see. You don’t fancy the good boys. Well fortunately for you, I’m a bit of a troublemaker. At least, that’s what my schoolmates and family say,” he mentions. “What’s wrong with the good boys anyway? They could treat you like a lady.”
“Too gentle, I’m not a fan of it,” you answer honestly.
He smirks, sending warmth straight to your core. “So is your intention to get me out of here and treat you... not gently?”
“My intention is simply to buy you another drink, maybe enjoy a dance or two. What happens at the end of the night is not particularly on my mind right now. I’m more focused on learning your name. Why? Is that what you’d fancy?” You counter, looking up at him through your long lashes.
It has the effect you hoped for because he stands up straight, his back finally off the wall. He offers his hand to you, and you take it softly in yours. It’s so much bigger, so much warmer. You try your hardest to kill all the thoughts of where else you’d like him to touch you with his hand.
“Sirius Black,” he introduces himself.
“Like the star?” You question without thinking.
“Yes, like the star. Now what’s your name.”
“Y/n y/l/n,” you say.
“Charmed. So, how about that drink?”
You smile. It’s going to be a good night, you know it.
The next few hours go by in a flash. You and Sirius drink more than you probably should and dance to the many different songs that play on the jut box. A few different times throughout the night you find the eyes of your bandmates, each of them giving you big smiles and thumbs up as they watch you with Sirius. At one point Joan makes a lewd hand gesture, and you barely get a chance to see Lita smack her. It’s past twelve when you find yourself outside the pub with Sirius sitting on a curb sharing a cigarette.
“I hate these bloody shoes,” you mumble as you dig your heel into the pavement. “They make my feet sore.”
“Then why do you wear them?” Sirius asks, amusement evident in his tone.
You exhale a long breath of smoke, passing the half-burnt cigarette back to him. “I dunno. Beauty is pain.”
“For some, but I’m sure even without those things you’re just as pretty. Actually, I would bet pounds on that being true,” he replies.
“I think I’m rather plain without all this. Would you think the same of me without my makeup and outfit?”
You watch him smirk. “I should think you look even prettier without all of that on. Especially the clothes.”
Your stomach fills with butterflies for the thousandth time tonight. Your shyness left hours ago when you took your first shot. So, instead of simply blushing and looking away, you stand and look down at him with your own smirk.
“Quite the charmer. How about you find come back to mine and find out for yourself?”
He takes one last drag of the cigarette before standing, flicking it to the pavement, and crushing it beneath his sneaker. You watch helplessly as he releases a cloud of smoke, his hand now held out to you.
“I’d quite like that. Lead the way.”
You don’t know how you keep your composure the whole way home, especially with Sirius’s hand handing yours the entire time. On the train, as you sit, your head on his shoulder, he rubs his thumb across your knuckles. It’s a gesture that makes you glad you aren’t standing because your legs feel like jelly. And on the walk up to your apartment, he lets go of your hand and instead places it on the small of your back. You almost fall down the stairs at the contact.
Once you’re inside you immediately take off your boots, leaving them somewhere by the front door. Your jacket follows, only it’s hung on one of your kitchen chairs. When you turn to look at Sirius you find his eyes wandering all over your apartment, examining the details you assume. His sneakers are off, his hands are in his pockets.
“You must have a special job, this place is wonderful,” he says.
“My mates help me with the money, it’s not all mine,” you reply. It’s true, they do help you earn money from performing. You step closer to him, your hands behind your back. “And it’s really not that big. One bedroom, one bathroom, and one very tiny living room combined with the kitchen. But it’s more than enough for me. Would you like the tour?”
“Of course, if the tour starts in your bedroom.”
You can’t help the blush that takes over your face. “Follow me.”
The walk is fast, with every step you feel your heart rate increase. You’ve done this a few times, but for some reason, this time feels different. Perhaps it’s because all the other guys can’t compare to Sirius’s beauty in the slightest. Or perhaps it’s because you already like him a bit more than you should for a one-nighter. You don’t know. And you don’t care to know because you’re about to reach your door.
You open the door fast, letting him in first, and closing it behind you. It’s dark, the only lights coming from outside your small window. You don’t reach for the lights though. Instead, you step closer to the boy, the sound of your breathing suddenly far too loud for your liking. His silhouette moves closer to you as well. It’s almost like there’s an invisible force pushing the two of you together, and you find yourself liking it.
He touches you first. One of his hands finds your waist, he guides you to him faster. Soon enough, you’re practically pressed against him. You can barely breathe from the proximity. You’ve never felt something this intense. You look up at him, your bottom lip between your teeth.
“Still want me to not be gentle?” He asks, his voice barely above a whisper.
“I want you to ruin me,” you say, pressing one of your hands to his chest. You’re happy to find his heart is racing just like yours. “Don’t hold back.”
Before you can even think of another thought, his lips are on yours. You kiss back instantaneously, your hand moving up into his hair. It’s soft, like you expected. He’s far from gentle with his kissing, and you’re glad. His lips move fast on yours, his teeth scraping your tongue. He bites down on your lip so hard you whimper, and the metallic taste of your blood clouds your senses.
Still, despite the pain, when he pulls back you almost whine from the loss of contact. But his hands move fast to pull your shirt up. You help him get it off, then move to his. Through the darkness, you can see the few tattoos he has on his chest and shoulder. They’re dark, they’re beautiful. You run your fingertips over them as he leans back down and connects your lips once again. You begin to guide the two of you towards your bed.
When the back of your knees hit the mattress, you allow yourself to fall back onto it. Sirius doesn’t follow you though. Instead, he stands between your legs at the foot of the bed and begins to undo the buttons of your jeans. You watch in awe, lifting your hips to help him drag them down your legs, leaving you only in your bra and panties. You sit up, your eyes on him, as you start undoing his belt.
After his jeans are on the floor he pushes you back down on the mattress, climbing over you this time. You kiss him deeply, dragging one of your hands down his warm back, and weaving the other through his hair. That warmth deep inside you has grown, consuming you entirely. You can feel the wetness between your legs, surely staining your panties. You’ve never been so turned on by a guy in your life.
He suddenly parts your kiss, his lips beginning to move down your jaw and neck. You moan, throwing your head back to give him more access. When he bites down on you, so hard you can feel a stinging from it breaking skin, you pull at his hair, sounds of pleasure escaping your swollen lips.
Eventually, after leaving many hickeys and bite marks on your neck, he pulls back entirely and flips you over onto your stomach. You smirk against the mattress as you feel him unclip your bra. To help get it off, you lift yourself on your hands, and the straps quickly fall. You throw it off without even thinking about it. You’re about to turn back but Sirius presses a hand between your shoulder blades, silently telling you to stay as you are. You don’t hesitate to comply.
You feel him move and instinctively you lift your hips in the air. He places a kiss on your back, it almost makes you shiver. Then his hands are on your hips, pulling your last piece of clothing off. You normally would feel some sense of vulnerability at this point. Completely naked with your ass in the air. But the alcohol mixed with the utter need you have for Sirius takes control. You feel him shift.
“Do you have a rubber?” The sound of his voice makes you squeeze your legs together.
“Unless you have a disease, you don’t need one. I’m on birth control,” you answer, looking over your shoulder at him.
“No diseases I swear,” he says.
“Then proceed.”
You get up properly on all fours, the anticipation killing you. When he positions his tip at your entrance, you inhale sharply. He rubs his cock through your wet folds for a few seconds, brushing against your clit ever so slightly, before thrusting inside you in one quick, hard motion. You can’t help the moan that leaves you. He’s big, stretching you in a way that’s on the brink of being painful. It’s perfect.
He fucks you hard, very hard. Each thrust hits that spot inside you that makes your legs shake. At one point, your arms give out and your face presses against the mattress. Your hands twist in the sheets, your moans muffled by the bed. Sirius doesn’t like this. He twists one of his hands in your hair and pulls you up, the pain only adding to the building of your orgasm.
“Sirius,” you gasp. “Fuck Sirius.”
He’s relentless. He fucks you through your first orgasm, not faltering for even a second. He only stops when you can’t hold yourself up anymore, pulling out and flipping you onto your back. You scratch your nails down his back as he begins to fuck you in missionary, your lips on his.
You don’t know how long passes by the time he tells you he’s close. What you do know is that your second orgasm is not far either. With tears in your eyes, you let him switch positions once again, this time you’re on top of him. Your muscles are weak and sore, but that doesn’t stop you from riding him as well as you can. Sweat covers your body, and incoherent words drip off your lips. You can barely take it anymore.
“I-I’m almost there,” you mumble.
“Me too love,” Sirius replies, his breath ragged. “Finish us both off.”
You struggle to hold yourself up, a tear rolling down your cheek. “I don’t know if I can.”
“You can, just a few more minutes,” he assures you, running one of his hands through your hair.
Much to his word, in a few minutes, he finishes. Hard. He moans your name in an indescribable tone, and his cock pulses inside you so intently, it causes your second orgasm to occur. As this happens, you lie on his chest, both of your breathing very uneven. He holds you tight against him.
Eventually, you roll off him and stare at your ceiling. You try to comprehend what just happened. Never in your life have you experienced something so intense. Most of the time when you told guys to be rough with you, they’d be turned off. But Sirius... You turn to your side to face him.
“Want a smoke?”
It’s safe to say, you don’t let him go all summer. You spend every second you can with him. Most of the time in your sheets, but a good amount doing other things. You paint his nails black, teach him how to wear eyeliner, and how to dress more like yourself. You enjoy every second you get with him.
He never does discover your fame, at least he never says so. You think he would know. Each time you go out you try your hardest to be unnoticeable and you always hide away magazines and switch the channel whenever something about your band is shown. But he never does say anything. Sometimes at night, you sing to him softly and you always laugh when he tells you that you should take it professionally.
You learn how much he hates his family, except for his little brother. You learn he loves Queen and David Bowie. You learn his favorite color is ironically black. You learn as much about him as you can and with each fact you do learn, you only fall more for him. But you never speak of it. You know the inevitable ending.
On the night before he goes back to school, the two of you lay in your bed, a thick silence between you. As usual, you pass a cigarette back and forth. Only this time, there are no words accompanying. Until he speaks.
“For once, I’m not looking forward to going back.”
You turn to your stomach and look at him. “I wish you didn’t have to go.”
“Me either,” he agrees. He holds the cigarette to you; you take it fast. “I can phone you if you want. You know, while I’m there. Or send letters.”
“Do you think that’s a good idea?” You question.
“I think I really fancy you, and I don’t want to leave on a bad note.”
You give him a weak smile and press a kiss on his bare shoulder. “Oh, Sirius.”
A few months later...
“Five minutes till show time,” an assistant tells you.
You’re sitting in your dressing room backstage. Joan, Sandy, and Lita all have their own space now. You find it funny how much The Runaways have blown up since the summer. Now, everywhere you turn you see yourself in a magazine or a news article. You can’t go anywhere without being recognized, or without the paparazzi showing up.
As you look in the mirror your mind travels back to Sirius. This happens a lot. Right before a concert, you think of him. Sometimes you wonder if maybe he’s out there listening. You haven’t heard from him since he went to school. You aren’t angry, only a bit sad. You’re mostly grateful though. He inspired most of the songs in your number-one album that got the band all the new attention.
You stand from the vanity and sigh. Tonight, your performance is being televised worldwide. Beside the door is your guitar, you pick it up as you begin your journey out to the stage. You’ve got a good lineup, even a small intermission for a happy birthday song. You hope wherever he is he hears it.
After all, it is November 3rd.
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itskattkm · 5 months
The air in my lungs
Chapter 2
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Cairo Sweet x Fem Reader
Summary: A stroke of fate changes you and leads you into the arms of Cairo Sweet. Will she be your downfall or save you?
Warnings: 18+, Grief, Injuries, Smoking, Trauma, anxiety, sexual content, student x teacher mentioned, harm, blackmailing, bad grammar
A/N: Based and inspired by Millers Girl. Mr. Miller himself isn’t really present but will be mentioned. Hope you guys enjoy.
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Cairo was meeting her friend Winnie at the grandstands by the football field. Winnie was quite the opposite of Cairo. She was defiantly the more permissive and sex addicted one of them both. They couldn’t be more different but somehow they get along pretty good. Cairos eyes were watching you in the distance talking with some other students. She assumed they were your friends.
Cairo sat down beside Winnie, still thinking about what the last words you said. “I think she likes me.” Cairo whispered, looking over at you almost like a predator. Your gaze glued on her with a serious expression. When she took another cigarette from her backpack she smirked to herself. Winnie laughed and lit up her own cigarette while following Cairos gaze “Y/N Y/L/N? How come that? You barely noticed her before”. Cairo looked back at Winnie with a smirk, and blew some smoke of the cigarette she was smoking. “She just said some flirting things, and I think I might be getting somewhere.” She said, a smug look on her face. “Oh yeah, and she called me her ‘dear.’”
Winnie had a dirty grin on her lips while watching you and your friends talking in the distance. “What ever happened to y/n this summer. It defiantly made her hot and pretty bold as i heard so far and the fact that she got your attention… damn” Winnie was really impressed of the things she had been hearing about you so far and the way you acted and looked spoke for itself.
“I don’t know what happened but everyone quite recognized that her character changed and the way she’s styling herself now” said Winnie
“I can see she got your attention now as well?” Cairo asked Winnie, now looking at her instead of you. “I should have known you would have a thing for her.” Cairo smirked. “I don’t” said Winnie strong and serious before she nudged Cairos shoulder
“She’s all yours. But I have to admit she’s got something… that’s turning me on defiantly”.
Cairo smirked, and nudged Winnie back. “Well, let’s say I may or may not be interested.” She said, and then looked at You. “I’ve noticed y/n changed too. I think she started dressing more.. I don’t know, nicer? She’s also been wearing her makeup different. So natural and her attitude has also changed as well. I wonder… if she thinks that she’ll be able to get me with all those things now?”.
“She was like you back then. So quiet… so nice. Now she’s hot and don’t seem to care at all what people think” said Winnie and made it clear that you and Cairo were indeed the same back then.
“Back then?” Cairo asked, smirking. She took another drag of her cigarette before she spoke again. She looked at you for a quick second, then back at Winnie. “Y/n back then wouldn’t have spoken to me. She’s only talking to me now because I think she wants something from me. Probably my body or something.” Cairo didn’t know how far to push these hints about you, but Winnie’s reactions were pretty positive. Winnie giggled “Yeah back then my friend.
Before we became friends, damn… you were hiding your hot body under those oversized blouses… thanks to me you wear Nice dresses and some good shorts or skirts now. I made you look fuckable”
Cairo smirked, and then turned to Winnie. She wanted to see how Winnie would react to this. “Do you think I look good in those dresses, btw?” She asked, trying to find an excuse to talk with Winnie, but still keeping an eye on you. She took another drag of her cigarette, and waited. “Sure i do otherwise I wouldn’t have forced you, bestie” said Winnie laughing and looked at you in the distance. “So what you’re going to do with her then?”.
Cairo was blushing now. She looked at you in the way you smiled. The way the slight breeze waved through your hair while wearing some tight black jeans with a slightly crooked top. Enough to show some skin but not enough to see your stomach. Cairo noticed Winnie’s look as well. She smiled slightly, and shrugged. “Who knows-” She said, teasing Winnie. “I think I’ll try to get close to her first.” Cairo didn’t want to reveal too much about her plans yet. She took another drag of her cigarette.
“Maybe you can finally lose your v card, instead writing all that good porn” said Winnie serious but had that cheeky grin on her lips. The lipgloss she was wearing reflected slightly in the sun. Cairo smirked again with a slight glist in her eyes while watching you. “Yeah, maybe I will.” She said, laughing a little at the thought. She didn’t expect Winnie to make such a bold statement. She was blushing a little bit, but made sure that she looked unbothered. She took another drag of her now empty cigarette before throwing it to the side. She then looked up at Winnie. “So..” She said, “What do you think about y/n in general?” She changed the subject, trying to find out what Winnie thinks about you a little more.
“Think what?” Asked Winnie while leaning her head back and enjoying the sun on her exposed chest. “What do you think about her?” Cairo repeated, her tone of voice still smug and slightly teasing. “I mean, do you like her? Or are you just flirting for fun? You’re giving me weird hints” She added. She smirked slightly at Winnie again, and leaned back in her seat. “Im a slut did you forget?” Said Winnie joking “I’m not interested in her. She’s indeed hot and probably fun… but she’s all yours. I want you to get laid finally”. Cairo nodded, not surprised by Winnie’s words at all. She smiled at Winnie, but then turned her attention to you, trying to figure out if she was showing any interest in you. She looked over at Winnie again, smirking still. “Well, you know I might go for her.” She said, raising an eyebrow.
Winnie sighed slightly relived and said “Go my bestie… go for the hunt. Make all that hot stuff you always write about come true”
Cairo smiled. “I’ll try to.” She said, and then looked at Winnie. She couldn’t deny her attraction to you anymore. But there was the question of whether you would accept and return the favor. “Have you and Y/N been acting like.. friends then?” She asked, smirking. She glanced over at you again for just a second. She then looked back at Winnie. Winnie shook her head “I never talked to her to be honest. But I was there when she had almost a brawl in sports class… some girl had been bullied and I don’t know why but she wanted to make sure that the bully stop. I gave her a high five after that and called her hot. That was our first and last interaction”.
Cairo smirked, glancing over at you once again. “I wonder if y/n noticed your flirting with her.” She whispered with a smile. She now couldn’t stop looking at you, who was talking with several other girls and a few boys. You were looking at Cairo every now and then, it felt somewhat awkward. “I think y/n might have taken an interest in me.” She told Winnie. “I mean, who wouldn’t? I’m beautiful.” Cairo smirked confident knowing well her worth. “That’s the right spirit” said Winnie proud and nudged Cairos shoulder.
Cairo looked back at Winnie, nodding. “Do you think I got a chance?” She asked. She looked at you again. You looked over at Cairo, then turned around again so she would see only your back. Cairo saw Winnie staring at you as well. “I mean, she does look good. It’s just..” she mumbled, thinking out loud.
“Just what?” Asked Winnie curious. “Just the fact that she’s so much older than me, you know?” Cairo said. She took another drag and put the cigarette out before looking at Winnie. “Plus, she’s so much more experienced than me. I wouldn’t know what to do.” Cairo admitted, her voice a lot more subtle and softer now. She couldn’t stand looking at you, not because she didn’t like it, but because she was now nervous and self-conscious. “Four years older is for you ‘so much’?”Winnie giggled. She then watched you one last time and said “Let me make my research about that girl. Maybe she’s not as experienced as we think”.
Cairo shrugged, then turned her attention to you. She saw you flirting with someone. Or so Cairo thought. She couldn’t tell 100%. You had your arm around the girl’s waist that was standing beside you, and was smiling like you were having the best time of your life as you leaned in to the girl’s neck. You moved your head closer to the girl before looking over at Cairo and smirking. Cairo’s smirk faded, as she watched. “So it seems like she is interested in women after all.” She mumbled to Winnie, and then looked down. Cairo slowly began to feel jealousy… and slightly annoyed by your teasing.
What Cairo didn’t knew was that you were hugging your best friend. Your other best friend Lucas then said “They are probably talking about you… they keep staring”.
You couldn’t help but chuckled about that fact.
Cairo saw you hugging the girl, and felt her heart drop a bit. She was actually interested in you, and was hoping maybe you might reciprocate it. “Oh…” Cairo mumbled, before smiling slightly. She looked over at Winnie. “I think I’m going to shoot my shot after all.” She said, a nervous smirk on her face. The feelings you made her feel made Cairo go mad almost and she hated it.
“Do that” reassured her Winnie. The lunch break was over and Cairo went to her next class. She had swimming class and she knew that you also would be there since you were classmates.
When Cairo made her way to the other end of the private school, and entered lockers room, it was filled with all girls from her class. Everyone got changed into their black tight swim suits. Her heheh were looking for you but you were nowhere. Then suddenly she heard your voice. It seems like you were arguing with the coach in her office. Coach Rey came out of her office in her usual swim suit, shorts and blue sports jacket she was blooming into her whistle, making my ears go numb for a sec before screaming “ everyone who’s already changed to the pool now!”
Since Cairo was one of those girls that were already changed she made her way through the locker room and went to the pool. She put her hair into a ponytail and looked up at the ceiling while walking along the edge of the pool.
The ceiling was made of glass so there would be enough light, in summer it was opened sometimes so it wouldn’t get stuffy in here.
Cairo was nervous before the swim class with you and she even got changed as fast as possible, as her hands were shaky somehow. She wasn’t sure what she should say to you yet. She was also trying to not stare at you when you finally arrived as yeh last one form our class. You seemed mad, and Cairo felt somewhat bad, despite not knowing what the argue with the coach was all about. As they walked to the pool and got into position on the edge of it, Cairo decided that she should start talking to you. “So, why are you mad?” She asked, sounding concerned, despite being interested.
“None of your bussines” you said a bit cold and walked towards the swimming track she had to swim in, making feel Cairo somehow caught if guard with that attitude. Cairo followed behind you and got in her place beside the track next to you quietly. She took a deep breath, and then tapped you on the shoulder. “Hey.” You looked to the side your piercing gaze meeting hers, instantly looking serious. Slowly your eyes wandered along Cairo’s swimsuit for a moment, and then Cairo herself. Your face stayed serious when you looked Cairo up and down. Cairo felt her face get a bit warm, and she tried to ignore it. Then Cairo finally spoke again. “Okay, so it’s none of my business, but why was the teacher yelling at you?”.
To Cairos surprise you answered “I didn’t wanted to attend the class” It was a pretty hard monotone way but still, you answered. You talked. Slow we went to the edge of the pool waiting for the sign of the coach to jump into the water and start swimming our tracks. Cairo still felt nervous around you, but kept her face straight, and her tone polite, even though she knew you wasn’t as nice with her right now. “So you were just skipping it?” Cairo asked, still standing on the edge of the pool, her face feeling a bit more hot. The way you looked in that suit made you even more attractive. But again, Cairo tried to ignore it. She wanted to start her approach to you by talking. She knew that the moment they jumped in the pool, it would be difficult to say anything.
While Cairo was watching you and got lost in your presence you looked into the water and felt your pulse rising. You started to get nervous.
“I got my reasons and she didn’t seem to care” you said in a low tone waiting for the whistle of the coach. Feeling anger deep in your chest.
Cairo nodded, and said nothing for a moment. She felt her pulse rising too. She knew what she wanted, and she had to get it. She didn’t have a lot of time left. You were clearly interested in her, but not the way Cairo wanted her to be. She took a breath, and then spoke again. “I really like your swimsuit.” Cairo complimented, still trying to stay polite. She hoped this would catch you off guard a little. At the same time Cairo could slap her self, why was she acting so stupid… so awkward and cringe. What happened to the hot teasing and tension?
While Cairo was struggling with how she could approach you, you were fixated at the movements of the water and didn’t heard any surrounds. You only heard your own heart beat and began to see flashbacks.
“What is it?” Cairo asked, looking at you with a more serious tone. She was starting to get a bit worried. Something was off. You were so diffrent suddenly. She also looked at you up and down, but then turned away, knowing that you would probably notice that looking too. Your swimsuit just highlighted how attractive you were, even though you wasn’t acting the way Cairo wanted.
Then the tone of the whistle brought you back and you jumped into the water. You began to dive in. Your heart pounding harder. On the edge of a panic attack. You were swimming so fast. Basically for your life. More flashbacks were in your head. You breathed unsteady and as soon as you reached the other side of the pool you held almost scared on the rail of the pool before getting out and leaving. Cairo watched you as she dove into the water. Your swimsuit highlighted how attractive you were, her body almost perfect in Cairo’s eyes the way you moved in the water. But there was something wrong with you now. You weren’t acting like you used to. You were nervous. And you were having a panic attack. Cairo’s heart was beating faster than ever before. Why did this have to happen?
Your fast movement out of the pool and out of Cairo’s sight made Cairo very afraid. She had wanted to keep talking to you. Find out what was going on, wanting to get close to you. Even tho Cairo was curious about what was going on with you, she had to keep swimming like the others. You just left the class without saying another word to the coach but she seemed to know what the problem was. Cairo could see it in the eyes of Miss Rey. The way she held her whistle and hesitated to blow in it. Watching you leave and disappear in the lockers room with a worried and frustrated expression.
Cairo continued to swim, but her heart was beating rapidly, and she felt very nervous. She really wanted to find out what the issue was with you. But she couldn’t. She had to swim, trying not to think about it. Bit your presence before, in the pool felt like torture, knowing that Cairo couldn’t do anything about it now. But at the same time, she couldn’t take her eyes off your body. The urge of lust and desire mixed with worry and curiosity. The weirdest mix Cairo had ever felt before. But she knew that what ever was going on with you, was way more important than her sexual attraction towards you.
The first ones who would managed to swim twenty tracks were always allowed to leave earlier so they could get changed and shower in peace.
Cairo swam her 20 tracks as quickly as she could, wanting to move on from you for now but not being completely able to do so. She rushed out of the pool, and quickly headed towards the locker room, hoping to find you in there. She was curious to see what was wrong, and if she might still have a chance. She looked at her watch and realized the time. She still had some time left before the next class, but she needed to find you before that. When she entered the lockers room and walked past the showers she managed to see you from behind. Already showered and almost fully clothed. Cairo saw big scars along your back before they were covered by the sweatshirt you had pulled on.
Cairo was now even more concerned. She immediately decided she had to try to talk to you again. She still looked quite attractive, even though you were now wearing full clothes and your back was covered by your sweatshirt. But Cairo tried to not care about that, she was more concerned with the visible scars. She didn’t want to invade your privacy, but couldn’t ignore that either. Cairo made a quick decision, and walked up to you from behind. “Are you okay?” She whispered, touching carefully your shoulder. You turned around and seemed slightly surprised. You readjusted your sweatshirt and got your backpack. “Yeah I’m good” you said monotone and short while closing the locker. Your hair was still slightly wet and a few water drops were falling down from her hair tips.
Cairo looked at you, and could tell this conversation would be the hardest yet, and she didn’t even know why. “Y/n, the scars on your back.” Cairo spoke slowly, trying to get your attention. “Why are they there? Are you okay?” You probably had no idea how much you actually meant to Cairo. Yes there was some sexual tension. The flirting was playful and teasing but Cairo still wanted to do anything she could to help you, because she cared. You leaned your forehead on the locker and sighed loud. When you looked back at Cairo the was so much anger in your eyes… it was like your eyes turned way much darker. “None of your bussines” she said cold with a hoarse voice before leaving the lockers room.
Cairo felt her heart break a bit. There was a wall between them, that you were putting between them. But Cairo didn’t know how to destroy that wall, and couldn’t help to feel hurt. You had been cold, and indifferent now. The fact that you had scars on your back didn’t help the issue either. But maybe you just didn’t trust Cairo. She felt ashamed, and decided that she wanted to talk to you later before they would leave for their next class. For now though, she looked down, walking slowly out of the locker room after getting showered and changed herself.
There was a fifteen minute pause before the next classes would start. Cairo was searching for Winnie while feeling slightly restless. Then finally she found Winnie in the hallways of the school, it was near the parking lot. “Hey could you already find out anything about y/n? She acted so different at swimming class and had scars all over her back…” began Cairo a bit worried. Winnie nodded. “Sorry I haven’t yet. I’ll see if I can find out anything. But whatever’s going on, I hope y/n is okay. You know I know you have thing for her, don’t you?” Winnie told Cairo, smiling widely. Cairo smiled back a bit, her eyes followed every person that passed them, hoping it would be you. She wanted to see you now. No. She needs to see you now. “Anyways… I’ll come over to your place later. I’ll tell you then everything I could find out” Said Winnie. “Yeah, that sounds great.” Cairo replied, smiling at Winnie. She was still thinking about talking to you, and she hoped that she would get to do that soon. But right now she couldn’t do anything, and had to wait. She would just have to be patient. She thought about the scars, and worried about you.
How did things change so fast in just two days? Not even… it was only one day.
The cheeky and bold kiss yesterday… and the flirting today. It was like you had wrapped Cairo around your finger without even trying. Cairo felt like a mess when she was around you. She was overwhelmed by her feelings… mostly by her sexual attraction towards you. But why did you even care that much about her now? It should have been only a flirt… some quality time to get the experience of sex instead of writing about it. So what was it? Why was Cairo so weak around you?
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buckyseddie · 1 year
out of the woods
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pairings — avenger!james (bucky) barnes x fem!human!avenger!reader
summary — in which, their relationship is a very complicated and rocky relationship that they both have to fight for. based on the song out of the woods by taylor swift!
word count — 7.7k.
warnings — lots of angst, lots of hints at winterwidow (but its not actually happening), also a lot of miscommunication, mentions of bucky's trauma, mentions of reader's past with old relationships, use of pet-names [doll, baby, babydoll, darling, sweetheart], reader calls bucky james a lot, cuddles, dancing, screaming fights, secret relationships, a lot of the avengers not being completely supportive of their relationship and being kind of judgemental, also big mentions of bucky's past and also past relationships and big hints at him kind of being a heartthrob / player / heartbreaker and like sleeping around etc., bucky's kind of an asshole, steve and natasha and wanda are probably the closest to the reader, steve's kind of hard on bucky but it's for a good reason, steve and wanda and natasha are hella overprotective of the reader, kisses, pining, jealousy, love confessions, tension!
notes — i'm back in my bucky obsession, so let's expect more!! also, this is the fastest i've EVER written a fic omg. gif and divider creds to owner!
p.s., feedback is very much encouraged and appreciated <3
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THINKING BACK ON IT, NEITHER of them could say for sure how it first started.
they just knew that finding each other was the best thing to ever happen to either of them.
"looking at it now, it all seems so simple. we were lying on your couch. i remember."
the air is quiet with a calm and comfortable silence.
"do you think anything's going to change?" [y/n] asks quietly, not daring to look up at him.
she keeps her head leaning over his shoulder, becoming incredibly comfortable, but also feeling a little nervous of what his reply will be.
it takes him a moment before he answers her, "no, and even if they do, we'll figure it out."
[y/n] sighs, trying to keep the lingering, negative worries buried, as she moves the blanket to cover the both of them.
bucky chuckles, gently moving the fuzzy blanket off of his body and over to cover her whole, shivering body. "doll, you know my body's too warm for the blanket."
[y/n] sighs dramatically, rolling her eyes. "ugh, i hate how amazing your body is."
as soon as the words leave her lips, she groans and buries her face into his chest. "oh my god."
bucky smirks down at her.
she lifts her head up and squints her eyes in clear embarrassment. "i didn't mean it like that!"
bucky gives her a pointed look.
"i didn't!" she yells defensively.
she sighs. "you know i meant like how amazing your body is in the sense of healing and how you're always warm."
bucky chuckles, shaking his head. "sweetheart, i know. i'm just kidding."
"you better be." she mumbles, moving back to lie her head back on his chest and snuggling closer to him.
"you took a polaroid of us. then discovered (then discovered) the rest of the world was black and white. but we were screaming in color. and i remember thinking."
[y/n] giggles as he kisses her cheek, just as she takes the picture.
"bucky!" she yells, turning around to shove him, after she took the polaroid out of the camera and setting it down.
"that picture is probably all blurry now!" she whines, turning back around to grab it on the side table.
she shakes it as he wraps his arms around her waist, both of them waiting to see what the picture will look like.
she giggles again as he buries his face into her neck, the scruff on his jaw tickling her.
he lifts his head up as the picture becomes much more clearer.
"huh." she murmurs, a soft smile forming on her lips as they both notice that the picture is perfect—no blurs, or anything like that.
"see? it's fine." he whispers, but since they're so close, she can hear it clearly.
she giggles as she turns around to face him, moving her hands up to his face, giggling once more at the feel of the facial hair that's grown on his face.
"fine. maybe it is." she says with playful glare.
he smiles genuinely, placing his own hands over hers, just appreciating the moment.
"are we out of the woods yet? are we out of the woods yet? are we out of the woods yet? are we out of the woods?"
with a silent gasp, [y/n] holds her breath and stands still, hiding behind the corner of the wall.
"what's going on between the two of you?" steve's voice speaks up again, judgement in his voice.
"what are you talking about?" bucky asks, trying to act dumb.
"come on, buck," steve says, giving him a pointed look. "it's clear that something's going on."
bucky shakes his head immediately, almost feeling and sounding defensive. "there's not anything going on."
[y/n]'s heart stops as she hears those words.
she wasn't expecting him to admit it, especially considering the fact that they've been keeping everything on the down low.
but, how could he sound so disgusted at the mere thought of them together?
with no more interest in hearing any more of that conversation, [y/n] angrily pushes herself away from the wall and marches up the stairs, up to her bedroom.
"are we in the clear yet? are we in the clear yet? are we in the clear yet? in the clear yet, good."
hearing her bedroom door open, [y/n] immediately turns away to hastily wipe away the tears staining her cheeks.
"doll? why are you—" bucky cuts himself off as he notices her red face and runny nose.
"are you crying?" he asks, shutting the door gently as he walks over to her.
"baby, what's wrong? talk to me." he murmurs as he sits down beside her, cupping her face gently.
[y/n] only scoffs, pulling away from him and getting up, wanting to get away from him.
"you have a lot of nerve, james!" she exclaims as she turns around, trying to ignore the sniffling sound coming from her nose.
bucky's eyebrows furrow in confusion. "sweetheart, what's going on? why are you acting like this all of a sudden?"
she scoffs again. "are you kidding me right now?"
he raises his hands up in the air, becoming frustrated.
realizing that he's probably never going to get it until she spells it out, she spits it out with disdain, "how was your talk with steve, huh? you have anything you wanna tell me?"
his eyes fill with realization.
bucky opens his mouth to say something — anything — to explain, before she can come up with too many assumptions.
she holds up her finger, trying to shut him up. "what are we even doing, james?"
he falls short at her words.
"if nothing is going on, then why are we even doing any of this?" she questions, pointing between the both of them to emphasize.
"doll, it's not like that. it's not like that at all, i swear."
he walks over to her, and for some reason, she lets him place his hands over her shoulders.
"i only said that to protect you — to protect us." he explains, sighing when she rolls her eyes at him in disbelief.
"from what, james? what could me or we need protecting from?" she exclaims, tears filling her eyes.
she can't stop the hurt feelings she feels deep in her heart from what he had said to steve.
"baby..." he trails off, hating to see her hurting from this misunderstanding.
"what? what could you possibly say that could make this better?" she exclaims again.
he sighs, shutting his eyes for a straight second. "i wanted to protect our relationship from all of the judgement and the questions!" he suddenly yells, causing her to jump in surprise.
he flinches, trying to ignore what his yelling has caused her.
"look," he says, much more softly this time. "i know this is all still very new to us. and i want to protect us and this relationship before we announce it — we need to figure out what it is before we do that."
she's quiet, tears spilling as guilt fills her for overreacting.
before she can quite apologize or defend herself, bucky can practically read her mind.
"don't worry about it. it's okay." he murmurs, wrapping his arms around her.
she sighs shakily as she whispers, "i'm sorry."
"are we out of the woods yet? are we out of the woods yet? are we out of the woods yet? are we out of the woods?"
she can't breathe.
she can't breathe at all as she sees it.
the scene playing out in front of her — in front of everyone too — makes her sick to her stomach.
she swears she hears her own heart shatter into a million different pieces.
despite the tears blinding her vision, she doesn't hesitate as she says, "excuse me, guys. i have to go." and turns around to walk back up to her room.
how could he do this to her?
flirting with her best friend? did she mean nothing to him?
as soon as she's in her room, she slams the door shut and locks it.
and with that, she slides down the door and finally lets everything out with her hands covering her face.
"are we in the clear yet? are we in the clear yet? are we in the clear yet? in the clear yet, good. (are we out of the woods?)"
she'd been avoiding bucky ever since she saw that exchange between him and natasha in the kitchen.
they'd all been drinking and even if [y/n] didn't know it, it wasn't anything more than two friends joking around with each other.
but, even though she was great at dodging and avoiding bucky, one morning, after a particularly exhausting training session with steve, he was able to find and catch her before she could quite run away from him.
she grimaces when he grabs her wrist to prevent her from going any farther away from him.
"[y/n]." he calls, his voice filled with anguish.
"what?" she whispers, trying to ignore the tears that have already spilled down to her cheeks.
she doesn't turn around. not yet.
"doll, what's going on? why won't you speak to me and why have you been avoiding me?" he asks, his voice barely even a whisper.
"did i do something wrong?" he asks again, this time his voice small.
but, [y/n] forces herself not to dwell on it.
instead, she whips around, ripping her hand out of his gentle grip and pointing a finger at his chest. "you have a lot of nerve, you know that, james?" she exclaims, finally having had enough.
everyone around them watches cautiously, before steve nods for them to follow him out of the room.
they do.
and bucky and [y/n] don't speak until the room is quiet and empty.
"what are you talking about?" he asks again, only becoming more and more confused.
she scoffs. "are you that clueless, bucky?" she asks, shaking her head.
how could he not even know what he did?
when he doesn't answer once again, she rolls her eyes, suddenly sick of this heartache that's quickly been happening for her — for the both of them. "i'm sick of this, james. if you wanted to be with nat, you should've just told me and ended this before one of us got hurt."
bucky only becomes more confused. "natasha? what the hell does she have to do with this?"
"oh my god," she mutters, only becoming more and more irritated.
"bucky, i saw you with her the other night, okay? along with everyone else."
his face fills with realization as she continues, "i don't know what you were doing. maybe... you were trying to get everyone off of our backs. or maybe you just couldn't find a way to let me down gently."
tears fill his eyes at the thought of her thinking that he doesn't want to be with her or that there's something going on between him and her best friend.
"baby, i'm not interested in natasha." he simply states, hoping that he can fix this before he causes any more damage.
[y/n]'s eyebrows knit together, creating a crease in between them, and bucky wants so badly to fix it.
"then... why were you flirting with her?" she asks meekly, not quite sure what she's supposed to believe anymore.
he chuckles, running his hands through his hair. "we were just laughing and talking — we were drunk, but nothing like what you're thinking of happened."
she stops short, her heart stopping. "so, nothing really happened?"
"nothing happened." he confirms and she deflates.
tears fill her eyes as she glances down at the floor in clear embarrassment and regret. "oh, god. i'm an idiot."
he laughs, walking over to her to cup her face in his hands. "no, you're not. you're just scared. just like me. right?"
she wordlessly nods, still emotional and embarrassed.
he simply nods and pulls her into his side, hugging her with her arms wrapped around his torso and his chin resting on the top of her head.
"looking at it now. last december. (last december). we were built to fall apart. then fall back together. (back together)."
the screaming match happening in the middle of the living room has gotten so bad that the rest of the team has gone out for dinner.
what is this about, you ask?
well, in a way the cat's out of the bag.
you see, most of the team, including tony and natasha, walked into the kitchen, catching bucky and [y/n] sharing a few stolen kisses.
they'd finally found out about their relationship. and most of them were just shocked.
but, a few others were pretty judgmental and critical about it, like tony.
and thus, leading them to the fight that's happening right now.
"i don't get what the hell you wanted me to do!" bucky yells, raising his hands up in the air.
"oh my god. you can't be serious right now!" she yells back, shaking her head at him in disbelief.
"i am! what the fuck were you expecting?! i was trying to protect us." he screams, becoming too heated, which only sets [y/n] off more.
"first of all, i wanted you to defend me! maybe defend our relationship when tony insulted me and our relationship! and secondly, you weren't protecting us! you were just protecting yourself — just like before!"
he rolls his eyes and scoffs. "why are you always turning this into something it's not?! i've been trying to protect our relationship since the beginning!"
"oh really? because it sure as hell doesn't seem like it!" she yells, her tears finally falling.
"you know what? i'm done!" she exclaims, taking a deep breath as she turns to one of the couches to grab her things.
"this was just a big mistake. and i can't fucking take it anymore." she mutters, but bucky hears it perfectly.
panic fills him, just as much as the guilt fills him.
"wait, sweetheart. don't go." he calls out, walking up to her as she starts to walk over to the door that leads to the exit.
"why?" she whips around to face him, her face red from the screaming and crying and her voice is croaky from said-screaming.
"why, james? all this has caused is pain," she mutters now, looking away from him. "we've had more pain and drama than we've had any good moments or happiness."
his face softens. "doll, that's not true. and you know it."
"look," he murmurs, grabbing her chin with his forefinger and turning her face, so that she's looking at him. "i'm sorry for the yelling. and for not defending you — i was just stressed. but, that's no excuse."
"please, just give us a chance. i promise it'll be worth it."
[y/n] sighs quietly, thinking for a moment.
after a few minutes, she can't help but agree. "okay. one more try."
he smiles, before pulling her into his arms and chest, hoping for something better for them.
[y/n], however, hugs him back with a stressed and worried glint in her eyes. is all of this pain really worth it?
"ooh, your necklace hanging from my neck. the night we couldn't forget. when we decided, we decided. to move the furniture so we could dance. baby, like we stood a chance. two paper airplanes flying, flying, flying. and i remember thinking."
bucky can't help the fond smile that forms on his lips as he admires the way his dog tags hang around his girl's neck.
even without makeup and wearing one of his henley's and her own comfy pajama pants with a messy bun, he still thought she looked absolutely jaw-droppingly beautiful.
something was shifting between them and he knew in this exact moment.
but suddenly, he's shaken out of his daze when she suddenly pushes the furniture away from the floor, along with some of the tables.
"babydoll, what are you doing with that?" he asks with a raised eyebrow, his body growing warm at the excited smile and the giggles that leave her lips.
"we're going to dance, silly!" she says, as if it's completely obvious.
"whoa, whoa," he says as she walks over to him excitedly and he lifts his hands up in the air, to motion for her to stop her actions.
"i don't dance. and also, there's no music." he tries to reason with her, but she simply rolls her eyes at him and grabs his hands and pulls him towards her in the middle of the floor.
"yeah, right. steve's told me stories about how you'd take all of your hookups dancing! and there doesn't need to be music!"
bucky chuckles, moving closer to her.
he puts his hands on her hips and hers around his neck, him unknowingly and unconsciously already starting to dance with her.
"we both know that you're more than just a hookup. so, i guess you're worth my terrible and lack of dancing." he says teasingly, waggling his eyebrows at her.
she laughs, unclasping her hands and pulling them away from his neck to cover up her flaming, blushing face and hide it from him.
he smiles, slowly pulling them away to see her face. "darling, i want to say you're gorgeous face."
she flushes even more. "it's not! you're just saying that."
his face changes into something serious. "yeah, i am just saying that because it's true."
she groans and rolls her eyes as she places her hands back around his neck.
"fine! you win," she mumbles, but she then says quickly and defensively, "just this one time!" when he smirks in victory.
and true to his word, bucky doesn't dance very gracefully.
but, considering the stories she's heard about him in the forties — back before all of that super soldier and nazi stuff happened — she chooses to believe that he only danced clumsily and silly to make her laugh.
"are we out of the woods yet? are we out of the woods yet? are we out of the woods yet? are we out of the woods?"
she tries to ignore both the concerned and judgey looks her friends keep giving her.
she'd just told natasha and wanda the truth about her relationship with bucky.
and to say they haven't been completely supportive is a big understatement — it's not that they're bad friends and could care less, it's more about the fact that bucky's been known to break hearts and they worry that their friend will be caught in the crossfire.
"what?" she asks, her voice coming out small.
"are you sure you want to do this with him?" natasha asks, raising a single brow at her in question.
wanda nods in agreement. "yeah. are you absolutely sure that you wanna get into a relationship with him?"
[y/n] scoffs in disbelief. "are you kidding me right now?" she asks, seeing the confused looks they share as they look at each other.
"we just mean that he's not exactly known as a commitment type-of-guy." wanda says hesitantly.
natasha nods. "it's true — he's broken a lot of women's hearts."
"wow," [y/n] mutters in further disbelief. "neither of you have any right to judge. we've all done things we regret! and let's not forget all of the hearts you guys broke!" she exclaims in a whisper as she suddenly gets up from her seat at the kitchen's counter table and marches up the stairs to her bedroom.
"are we in the clear yet? are we in the clear yet? are we in the clear yet? are we in the clear yet, good."
bucky knocks on the door gently.
he hears quiet sniffles and then a shaky voice say, "come in."
he tries to mentally prepare himself for what drama could be on the other side of the door — he doesn't mean this as an insult, it's just that so many people have been causing them and their new and blossoming relationship extremely complicated for them.
as he opens the door, his face falls at the upset and red face of his girlfriend's.
shutting the door softly, he walks over to her.
it's quiet as he crawls over to the other side of the bed and pulls her into his arms.
"why don't they support us?" she cries, her feelings being a little too hurt from the conversation that she had with her best friends.
he sighs, holding her tight, with his chin over her head.
"i don't know." he says, really not knowing either.
"it's going to be alright, okay?" he murmurs as she buries her face into his chest, crying even harder.
"are we out of the woods yet? are we out of the woods yet? are we out of the woods yet? are we out of the woods?"
"buck, i'm not sure this is a good idea." steve states from the couch, nodding towards [y/n], who's standing alone in the kitchen; she's numbly opening a water bottle as her eyes catch the scene of wanda and natasha talking and laughing on the far side of the kitchen.
bucky sighs, his gaze softening, before he turns back to face his best friend.
"what are you trying to tell me, steve?" he asks, giving him a tense — but pointed — stare.
"no offense, but you can't ignore the way you are with women," he briefly expains, continuing on when bucky stares at him silently, daring him to go on, "you can't commit to her, buck!" he whisper-yells, not wanting to catch anyone's attention with their conversation.
bucky scoffs, shaking his head at his best friend's judgement. aren't your friends supposed to not judge you?
"i'm sorry, bucky," he says, stepping up to stand with him. "i'm not trying to gang up on you — i'm just worried about both of you. and i don't want [y/n] to get caught in the middle of it, with her heart broken."
bucky scoffs again and walks away.
"buck!" steve calls, feeling bad for the way he approached this situation.
"no!" he yells, cutting any other words he could say off and catching the attention of everyone else.
"are we in the clear yet? are we in the clear yet? are we in the clear yet? in the clear yet, good. (are we out of the woods?)"
"hey..." [y/n] murmurs softly, walking over to the open hall that leads to the living room and kitchen.
bucky sighs, that anger still bubbling inside of him.
"it's okay, james." she murmurs softly, moving to gently touch his flesh arm and rubbing it comfortingly.
bucky groans, some of that anger dimming down a little bit.
but then, he remembers the conversation between him and steve and that anger comes right back.
he clenches his jaw, staring at the wall behind her.
she notices this again.
"hey, look at me." she murmurs softly, now cupping his face.
he sighs and looks at her this time.
"what did he say?" she asks, bringing one of her hands up and into his hair, in order to calm him even more.
he doesn't answer her.
although, he asks her a different question, "do you think that i've hurt every woman i've come into contact with?"
[y/n]'s puzzled now, her eyebrows knitting together as she tilts her head in confusion.
"what do you mean?"
"do you think i'll hurt you?" he asks, his voice wavering in unexpected emotions.
"what? james, of course not. why are you asking me this?" she asks seriously, grabbing one of his hands from across his chest to hold it carefully — the metal one.
he tries to ignore the dread and worry filling him at her holding his metal hand.
"so, you're not worried?" he asks again.
"i mean, i'm scared. but that's because of my own issues. it's not because of you — i know you would never purposely hurt me." she says truthfully, moving her other hand to cup his face, smiling softly at the ticklish feeling of the growing scruff on his jaw.
"you promise?" he asks, tears filling his eyes.
"hey," she says, stepping even closer to him and this time, placing both of her hands over his cheeks. "it's okay. i promise."
"remember when you hit the brakes too soon? twenty stitches in a hospital room. when you started crying, baby, i did too. but when the sun came up, i was looking at you."
it all happened too fast.
since [y/n] and bucky have been inseparable — especially with their friends seeing that nothing could tear them apart now — tony and steve decided to pair them up in a simple mission.
all they needed to do was go to a recently revealed hydra base and get some files.
but, the plan didn't go right. in fact, it all went terribly wrong.
[y/n] was supposed to go into one of the rooms to copy their files off of one of the computers with the thumb drive she brought with them, while bucky stood and watched guard.
but, things just went horribly wrong when something drew him away from the door of the room she was in — he thought it would only be a second, just to make sure he could be on top of any sudden attacks.
but, turns out, it was quite a few hydra soldiers trying to distract him.
and before he knew it, by the time he made it back — after finally getting the upper hand on the enemy agents and knocking them out — he came back only to see the door of the room slightly ajar and everything too quiet.
panic filled him as he walked into the room, lightly pushing the door open.
his jaw dropped when he saw another agent standing over a weak [y/n] lying on the floor, who was holding her abdomen in clear pain.
shaky gasps left her lips as she kept pushing herself further and further away from the smirking man before her.
but, before he could even take a step further to cause her even more pain, bucky didn't hesitate; he stepped closer and faster and quickly drew out his gun and knocked him out on the back of the head.
a shocked and pained groan left his mouth, before his body dropped to the ground.
and with that, he had ran over to [y/n] to help her up, panicking much more as he had finally realized what happened.
now as she lies unconscious, bucky continues to let the racing thoughts consume his entire being.
he holds her hands in his own, his chair scooted to reach her bedside and his head leant over their connected hands.
a sharp intake of breath and a pained groan draws his attention away from his intrusive thoughts.
he snaps his head up, his eyes filling with tears.
"james? what's... what's going on? what happened?" she croaks out, trying to clear her throat of the dryness.
"baby... you were shot." he murmurs, his voice wavering in worry.
"but... did we get the files?" she asks, only one thing on her mind.
he laughs. "doll, you got shot and you're more concerned about the mission?"
she shrugs. "i just don't want to disappoint anyone."
"you're not." he says honestly, holding her hands tighter.
after a few moments of silence, bucky dips his head down to take a deep breath.
"i really thought i was going to lose you, back there." he mutters, tears spilling.
"james..." she says, sitting up so that she can grab his chin and lift it up gently.
"it's okay." she whispers, wiping away the tears.
"it's not." he says, crying for the first time since she woke up.
"i know." she murmurs, smiling softly at him. "but, i'm okay."
he sighs and nods.
"remember when we couldn't take the heat? i walked out, i said 'i'm setting you free'. but the monsters turned out to be just trees. when the sun came up you were looking at me."
she couldn't believe what was happening right now — she's couldn't believe what she was hearing.
how could he do this to her? now? after everything they've been through?
"are... are you serious right now?" she asks, barely even a whisper.
tears fill her eyes over him refusing to look her in the eyes.
"tell me you're not serious!" she exclaims, suddenly standing up.
he stays silent.
"no." she says to herself, in denial and refusing to believe any of this.
he finally turns to her, his face cold and unfamiliar to her. "yes, i'm serious. i can't do this anymore."
she gapes at him, the tears filling her eyes — she's absolutely speechless.
but, when he turns around and starts to walk over to her bedroom door — to walk out — she springs into action.
"no! don't walk away — don't walk away from us!" she yells, racing over to him to grab his flesh wrist and stopping him from walking any further.
although, she knows that he can easily leave and escape her shaking hand — being a strong super soldier, and all.
he scoffs, turning to face her a cold look in his eyes — she couldn't recognize the man standing in front of her.
"i am walking away. it's for the better," he mumbles, before saying his next choice of words, clearer as ever, "we. are. done."
he walks out and as he slams the door shut, [y/n] can only cry and sob with heaving breaths as she falls to the ground — she can't believe he's done this.
maybe everyone was right about them — about him — this entire time.
"you were looking at me, oh. you were looking at me. (are we out of the woods yet?) (are we out of the woods yet?) (are we out of the woods yet?) (are we out of the woods?)"
she was miserable.
and so was he — he was just better at hiding it.
[y/n]'s quiet at game night.
everyone's crowded in the living room and the room is filled with loud chatter.
bucky's talking with steve animatedly, as if they never argued about [y/n] before.
seeing this, [y/n] ignores the blinding tears that are pricking at her eyes and turns away from everyone else.
she tries to make it through the rest of the night, but she can't.
she's abrupt as she gets up from the couch, from being smushed in between natasha and wanda.
she doesn't say anything in excuse from her actions.
instead, she starts walking down the hall to her bedroom, the tears finally falling freely.
"i remember. (are we in the clear yet?) (are we in the clear yet?) oh, i remember."
it's quiet for a moment as everyone watches the empty hall — the one that [y/n] had just walked through.
then, natasha stands up and walks over to bucky with a look of pure anger on her face.
loud gasps and yells sound in the room as the black widow slaps him hard on the face.
bucky is shocked, but also not.
steve stands up to hold natasha back. "alright, nat. calm down."
she scoffs. "why should i? he's the one that broke her heart!" she yells, still very much angry and protective over her best friend.
everyone else watches with shocked faces, except for wanda, natasha, steve, and bucky.
wanda watches in silent anger — she feels just as angry and protective, she's just more calm and quiet about it.
natasha is still just as angry as she glares at bucky.
steve is both bewildered, but not shocked at all.
and bucky? well, he's just filled with so much guilt.
"look, i know you guys will never understand," he starts, his eyes cast on the ground. "but, i did to protect her."
wanda scoffs. "to protect her? by hurting her? what the hell is wrong with you, barnes?!" she exclaims, jumping up from her seat and having just about enough of this, to just stay quiet.
he sighs. "you don't get it." he mutters, already giving up.
besides, why should he try to convince them that it's not what they think, if they're already assuming the worst of him?
"then explain it, man!" steve suddenly says, shocking everyone in the room — steve's always been in bucky's corner.
but, what can he say? [y/n]'s always been his soft spot — she's like a sister to him and he'd do just about anything to protect her, even if it's from his best friend.
"i'm trying to protect her from me!" he yells suddenly, millions of different wild emotions crossing his face.
"buck, what do you mean?" steve asks, slowly walking over to him, upon seeing the exhausted and pained look on his face.
"i'm bad for her, alright? you guys were right," he says tightly, motioning to natasha and wanda. "i am a piece of shit when it comes to committing to women. and ever since steve and i talked, i couldn't get it out of my head — i knew deep down that i was only going to hurt her and i couldn't do it anymore."
"but, don't you care about her? don't you remember those good moments with her?" steve asks quietly and gently.
"it doesn't matter. the best thing i can do for her is walk away." he says, rolling his eyes at all of their reactions.
"why are you guys fucking shocked like this? you all have been unsupportive from the very beginning!" he yells, throwing his hands up in the air.
before anyone else can say anything to convince him otherwise, he pushes past them and walks to his own bedroom.
"are we in the clear yet? are we in the clear yet? are we in the clear yet? in the clear yet, good."
weeks have gone past, but for [y/n], it felt like so much longer.
things have only gotten worse for her — the heartache of bucky walking out on her and their relationship has really taken a toll on her.
even as the red-headed ex-assassin talks to her, it all goes over her head.
natasha's voice feels muffled and far away as she feels completely haunted by the memories of bucky.
a shake to her shoulder brings her out of her daze. "[y/n]!"
"huh? what?" she asks, her voice blank.
natasha gives her a pointed look. "i'm serious. you need to talk to bucky."
she scoffs at hearing these words. "why? he's made it perfectly clear that he doesn't give a shit about me." she mutters, pushing back the tears.
the red head shakes her head. "i'm serious. i think he might be just as miserable as you are." she says, trying to persuade her best friend.
[y/n] glares at her. "why do you even care? you've been against us from the very beginning!"
natasha simply shrugs. "well, now i'm not."
[y/n] rolls her eyes. "how is that even possible?"
"because i've seen the change." she briefly explains.
[y/n] refuses to let those words change anything for her. even if her heart flutters at the thought of him changing himself or his mind.
"are we out of the woods yet? are we out of the woods yet? are we out of the woods yet? are we out of the woods?"
another party. great. another event i have to pretend like i'm not completely miserable.
[y/n] couldn't help the bitter thought in her head.
but, it seemed that things were only going to get worse.
one minute, she was talking excitedly with wanda and natasha.
and the next? she's feeling her entire body freeze up with her heart stopping as she watches something happen that she should've been expecting to happen soon enough.
how could she expect him to not move on so fast, when it was so easy for him to leave their relationship?
[y/n] gulps, trying to blink away the tears as she watches some mysterious, gorgeous woman leaning into bucky's personal space with a big smile on her face.
as if sensing her eyes on them, both of them turn to look over at her; the mystery woman with confusion and curiosity, and bucky with guilt and something else she can't decipher.
she shakes her head, walking away — away from the man that shattered her heart and her two, confused best friends.
"are we in the clear yet? (yeah). are we in the clear yet? (yeah). are we in the clear yet? in the clear yet, good."
she wishes she could actually kill herself just about right now.
how did she have the bad luck, to run into him in the kitchen? let alone with just them by themselves?
she's been able to avoid him whenever they've been surrounded by their friends, but this is the first time since their big breakup fight that they're really alone with each other.
"sweetheart—" he starts to say, but she cuts him off, holding a hand up.
—"don't worry about it. we broke up — it was messy — but i don't want to talk about it, okay? i just want to move on."
although her words come out as a lie, bucky believes it and it just about kills him.
he swallows his pride and every urge that he has that makes him want to come crawling back to her and get her back. "i just wanted to, uh, apologize for everything — i want to move on as well."
half of her was expecting that he was going to prove what natasha had said about him, but let's just say, she's extremely let down.
she fakes a smile, nodding. "right."
"yeah, exactly."
they both lie through their teeth.
"are we out of the woods yet? are we out of the woods yet? are we out of the woods yet? are we out of the woods?"
everyone watches the two as they talk quietly.
but, despite the fact that they are on talking terms, everyone can see that it's not the same.
"this is weird." sam whispers to steve, watching them with an amused look on his face.
steve sighs, frowning. "yeah. it is."
natasha turns to face them, blocking their view of bucky and [y/n]. "i thought he was going to get her back!" she whispers as she glares at them.
steve sighs, sharing a look with sam.
"well, he was," steve says, before sam finishes for him, "but then, she was talking about moving on and it really just ruined everything."
"man, she has no idea how whipped he is for her." sam mutters, steve nodding along in agreement.
wanda chimes in, frowning, "this is so painful to watch."
she nods to them, all of them quickly taking notice of how when one of them looks away from the other, they give the other a longing, sad look.
with that, wanda groans quietly, before getting up and walking away.
despite the both of them acting all content, both bucky and [y/n] are hurting deeply on the inside.
"are we in the clear yet? are we in the clear yet? are we in the clear yet? in the clear yet, good."
things had shifted recently — between [y/n] and bucky.
everyone could see it. just... not them.
things were still tense and they both were still hurting, but it was sort of bearable now.
"how do they not know? seriously!" kate murmurs, watching the pair giggling and discussing a book they have in common in disbelief.
peter — just as appalled — nods and points to kate, whole heartedly agreeing.
tony raises his eyebrows in shock. "i have no idea."
the rest of the group continues to watch confusedly as the pair become even more cute, if that's even possible.
a lot of them, like tony, yelena, clint, and some other watch in disgust, while some others watch in fondness.
"are we out of the woods yet? are we out of the woods yet? are we out of the woods yet? are we out of the woods?"
bucky watches intensely, jaw clenching and his baby blue eyes turning cold.
he shouldn't have expected them to get back to their old selves, especially after what he put her through.
but, watching pietro and [y/n] practically flirting right before his eyes, it completely shatters his heart.
he thought walking out on her to protect her was the worst thing he ever had to do.
but no. seeing her with someone else — right in front of him — that's so much worse.
"for christ's sake! barnes, go over there and get your girl!" tony complains, rolling his eyes.
bucky doesn't move his eyes off of the woman in the room.
he hears her laugh at pietro, and it kills him.
"i can't. she doesn't want me back." the words are hard to say, but he says them.
"that's a load of bullshit, barnes," natasha says, rolling her eyes when he turns to her in disbelief. "anyone with eyes here can see that she's completely in love with you."
bucky sighs, turning back to look at her again. "no. she's not."
"are we in the clear yet? are we in the clear yet? are we in the clear yet? in the clear yet, good."
things were intense between bucky and [y/n], to say the least.
especially, after natasha marched over to her and pietro and pulled her to the side, and spilled how heartbroken and longing bucky was over her.
it must've been hours after that.
she left pietro to hang out with the rest of her friends, while she spent most of her time in her dark and quiet bedroom.
no matter what she tried to do — to distract herself — she just couldn't stop thinking about him.
knowing that he thought that she was moving on — that he thought that she didn't want him back anymore — it kept her up, all night.
even when everyone was asleep, she couldn't sleep.
so, instead, she walks out of her bedroom and down to the kitchen.
taking in a deep, shaky breath, she walks over to kitchen sink, trying her best to find a cup and the knob for the sink in the darkness.
although, before she can get her water, the kitchen light flicks on, flooding the room with brightness.
she whips around, only to find herself face-to-face with bucky.
"why are you up so early, doll?" he asks, trying to ignore how her eyes linger on his bare chest.
she looks away. "couldn't sleep."
when she looks back at him, and notices that longing gaze in his pretty blue eyes, she blurts it out, "i'm still in love with you."
he stops breathing for a split second. "what?" he utters in a mere whisper.
she takes in a deep breath, hoping to god that this is the right decision. "i... i can't keep this in any longer, james," she says as she puts her cup down on the counter and walks a little closer to him.
"i've been hiding this for so long. even in the beginning of our relationship, i knew that things had changed between us — and for the better. i knew exactly what i felt for you and it killed me when you walked out on me." she tries to say, her voice breaking as she recalls their messy breakup.
"sweetheart, i'm so sorry about that. i didn't mean—" he starts to apologize, but she cuts him off with a gentle voice, —"james, it's okay. i forgive you."
"how can you? i hurt you — exactly in the way that i hoped i wouldn't, like everyone was telling all of us." he interrupts her once more, the guilt absolutely consuming him.
she laughs, taking another step closer to him.
"because... i love you. i think i have from the moment we met." she says, tears in her eyes and giving him a happy smile.
"you saved me, bucky. i never thought i would find love again, but you showed me that i can."
he gulps nervously as she finally gets as close to him as she can.
"james, i'm so in love with you i can't breathe without you. and i can't be with anyone — not pietro, no one — unless it's you." she says, laughing with happiness as she cups his face in her hands.
his face fills with an insane amount of relief and shock. "are you serious? you're not messing with me?"
she shakes her head, now wrapping her hands around his neck, while his find their way to her hips.
"it's true, james. i love you — only you." she says with so much love in her voice, leaning her forehead over his.
he laughs, feeling both relief and the biggest amount of happiness and love he's ever felt before.
"i love you too, doll," he murmurs, closing his eyes and wrapping his arms around her body to pull her closer to him. "i could never stop loving you."
she smiles. "you promise?"
he nods, before his eyes glance down at her lips, hers following quickly after him.
they're both fighting the urge to take things too fast, so fast.
but, with her missing him so badly, she lets herself lose control.
"bucky?" she whispers breathlessly.
"yeah?" he asks, his voice raspy.
"would you kiss me already?" she asks, laughing when he nods with no hesitation.
without another second wasted, he connects their lips and pours everything into that kiss — her doing the same.
maybe even after all that drama and heartache, they made it — they found their way back to each other.
bucky pulls away — far too soon. "i am never leaving you again." he promises, holding her head in his hands.
she scoffs. "you better not."
"never again." he swears, pulling her back in, to appreciate that he has her back in his life and in his arms.
she giggles in excitement as he pulls away and wraps his arms around her waist, lifting her up into the air and spinning them around.
her arms wrap around his neck as her legs lift up into the air as he continues to spin them around.
"god, i love you." bucky murmurs, moving his head to kiss the side of her head when he sets her back down.
"i love you too, james buchanan barnes." she says with brutal honesty.
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zablife · 6 months
Ordinary People
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Summary: When you meet a charming soldier in a base hospital during WWI, you become fascinated by him and quickly develop a relationship. You both agree to leave the affair in France, but what happens when fate has other plans?
Author's Note: Written for @runnning-outof-time's 4K celebration and based on a request from @kammsinn. Tysm for the amazing inspo, darl! Lyrics are from the song "Til We Meet Again."
Warnings: hint of smut, angst with a happy ending
You knew it was unethical conduct that could get you fired, but somehow you set all logic aside that final evening you entered the dark-haired soldier’s hospital room. He had invited you back at sunset with a desperate plea. “I’m leaving Boulogne tomorrow, love. Stay the night with me.” His strikingly blue eyes trained on you eagerly awaiting your reply. “Please,” he added quietly, reaching for your hand. His gaze held such hope, you caved to your own desire immediately.
Giving his hand a gentle squeeze you agreed in a hushed whisper, “Yes, I’ll come back,” you said as a small smile tugged at your lips. Something about the charm of this handsome, young soldier was enough to make you disregard the risk associated with his request.
Later that evening, with heart hammering in your chest, you slipped into his room. You bit your lip to hide your excitement when you caught sight of him. He was shirtless with a bandage covering a large portion of his left shoulder, propped up in bed reading the book you’d brought him days earlier. “Y/n,” Tommy said, looking up at you with a mixture of surprise and relief. “It’s late, I wasn’t sure you’d visit," he admitted shyly, discarding his book on the bedside table.
“Told you I would,” you reminded him gently. “I had to see my favorite patient,” you teased. He broke into a warm smile, pulling you down onto his bed with his good arm. Caressing his face with your fingertips you added softly, “Did you really think I’d let you go without a proper goodbye?”
His smile faded at the mention of your imminent separation. “I don’t want to talk about that tonight,” he confided, burying his head in the crook of your neck and placing kisses to your throat.
“Then we won’t,” you promised, stroking his hair. “I can think of other things we can do,” you whispered into the shell of his ear.
Tommy didn’t miss the hint of mischief in your voice as you scooted closer to him, running a hand down his toned chest and stomach. Though he wanted you badly, his mind was restless with thoughts of his departure. He looked at you with sadness in his cool blue eyes, a chill washing over him you’d never seen before. Even when he was in pain, the man never showed weakness or cried out. He kept so much inside himself you wondered how he could possibly be human. As you took in the sight of his long, feathery lashes you were even more certain of his otherworldly nature.
His eyes traced the features of your face slowly, drinking in the sight of you as you suggested an activity he hadn’t been expecting. “Dance with me,” you asked breathlessly.
“Wasn’t anticipating that,” he joked with a huff of a laugh. Glancing around the room, he cocked an eyebrow at you as he protested, “There’s no music, love.”
“I don’t care. I want you to hold me in the lamplight,” you confided, as you brushed the hair from his forehead. “Let’s pretend we’re far away from this hospital and this war. We’ll be ordinary people on a date somewhere lovely,” you mused, willing away the growing ache of melancholy within your chest.
Noting the pleading look in your eye, he conceded with a gentle nod of his head, “Alright.”
Extending your hand, you put on your most authoritative voice. “On your feet, soldier,” you commanded playfully. The young man shuffled himself to the side of the bed and you helped him stand, the bullet wounds in his left shoulder and back still not properly healed. You allowed him a moment to find his footing, taking the opportunity to let your hair down from the oppressively tight regulation hairstyle. 
Shaking your hair out with a toss of your head, you proclaimed, “That’s better. Now where were we?” you asked with a smile, before lacing your hands around his neck and beginning to hum. Tommy’s hands wandered across your midsection, finally coming to rest at the swell of your hips. He rubbed soothing circles over your uniform as he swayed with you. Closing his eyes, he savored the smell of your shampoo and the softness of your curls against his cheek as you began to sing softly.
Smile the while you kiss me sad adieu,
When the clouds roll by I'll come to you,
Then the skies will seem more blue,
Down in lovers lane my dearie
He hooked a finger under your chin to capture your attention, the remainder of the lyrics dying on your lips as you studied his earnest expression. “Tell me your name,” he begged. You made a rule early on that you wouldn’t exchange names. It was a necessary precaution as you felt yourself falling for him, but realizing the fleeting time between you.
Although you wanted to tell him that first night you sat by his bedside tending a fever, fearful he might die, you never did. You were glad of it when he woke, blinking at you with dazzling sapphire eyes and engaging you in conversation that left you riveted. There was an instant attraction which you teased forth with a nickname in place of his own, hoping that would thwart any foolhardy notions of this lasting beyond the time he was under your care.
“Soldier, you know I can’t do that,” you said, leaning your forehead against his. 
“Why not? It’s not against the rules to contact you after I leave,” he persisted.
You inhaled a shaky breath as you thought of an answer he would accept without malice. 
“I love you. You can’t deny that you love me too,” he urged, eyes glossy with unshed tears.
You gulped harshly at the sight of emotion from him, unsure how to proceed. Allowing your practicality to win, you hushed him as you denied his request. Swallowing the lump in your throat, you choked out, “Doesn’t matter now that you’re leaving."
“It does to me. I don’t want to lose you,” he admitted, setting his jaw sternly.
“You say that now, but when you’re back home, real life will be different. What's between us now will be like a beautiful dream, timeless and unspoiled,” you persuaded. "Don't despair, there will be others,” you said, intending to be hopeful, but falling flat in the delivery.
“Not like you,” he mumbled, a single tear cascading down his freckled cheek. 
You wiped it away with your fingertips, soon replacing your hand with your lips to leave a trail of kisses from his cheek to his jawline. Allowing your head to drift lower onto his mouth, you kissed him with fervor. It was an attempt to demonstrate your feelings physically and he reciprocated immediately, tangling a large hand in your hair. 
No more words were spoken between you as he pushed you onto his bed and undressed you as he’d wished to do many times before. It was under the light of a pale crescent moon and the soft glow of the oil lamp that he made love to you for the first and last time. 
He savored every small sensation as he seated himself inside you, recording each moan and whimper into his brain as you arched off the bed beneath him. It was the most alive he’d been in years, feeling you writhe against him. He couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to have this always. He quickly felt himself unraveling, impending orgasm suddenly crashing over him as he released into you without meaning to. 
In the moment of passion, you clung to him, wrapping your legs around his trim waist to pull him impossibly closer. He brought his lips to yours again as you too came undone, swallowing your cries so as not to be discovered by the night nurse on duty.
The last thing he remembered was collapsing beside you and tugging you toward his chest insistently. The drumming of his heartbeat against his ribs eventually subduing and your gentle breathing lulling him into a peaceful slumber. In the morning, he would wake to an empty bed and his few possessions lovingly packed by the door in anticipation of his departure. It was only then that he forced himself to accept the fact that he would never see you again.
“Why are we here, Tom?” Arthur grumbled as he downed another drink. 
“There are influential families at this party who can help us,” Tommy grimaced as he downed his whisky in one gulp.
Arthur nudged him as he noticed a woman staring from across the room. “Would she belong to one of those families?” he asked, wondering if his brother had ulterior motives.
Tommy’s eyes scanned the room until he found the lady Arthur had pointed out. The hair was different, but your smile remained the same after all these years. He would have felt the warmth of it from hundreds of miles away. 
“You alright, brother?” Arthur asked.
“M fine,” Tommy mumbled, crossing the room to the woman he’d dreamt about since he left France.
As he approached the small group where you stood, his palms began to sweat. He wasn’t sure what he might say after all this time, but soon found his mouth opening in a formal greeting nonetheless. 
You instantly beamed back at the sight of a familiar face. “Hello, soldier,” you greeted him congenially.
Tommy was taken aback at the familiar salutation you’d given him each morning back in France. Time stood still as he reached for your hand and kissed it gently. “You remembered,” he mumbled.
“I could never forget you,” you replied. It was true that you hadn’t gone a day without thinking of him in the five years since you left his bed that misty November morning. In a hushed voice you added, "There have been many times I wished to talk to you and discuss the events of the day as we used to. It was comforting to me."
Tommy looked away as he felt himself overcome with emotion, remembering how you insisted on remaining a stranger to him. “What are you playing at?” he asked, venom seeping into his voice at the thought of looking weak once more, the way he had revealed himself that last night when he begged to know your name.
You furrowed your brow in confusion at his sudden anger, stuttering in return “N-nothing. I only wanted you to know—“
But he cut you off before you could finish. “To know that I was a fool? I was to think you ever cared for me,” he asserted.
“That’s not true,” you said shaking your head fiercely and feeling your large diamond earrings collide with your neck.
Tommy’s patience was wearing thin now and he contemplated excusing himself from the party altogether until you reached for his arm. Clutching at the expensive material of his tuxedo with your fingertips, you looked into his eyes, your own brimming with tears as you confessed, “I loved you too. I’m sorry I couldn't bring myself to say it then." You shifted your weight uncomfortably as you asked, "Can we start anew?”
He softened at your touch and your admission, a feeling of vindication rushing through his blood. Placing a hand over yours he answered without thinking of his pride, “Yes, I’d like nothing more. Shall we begin with an introduction?” he asked hopefully.
You nodded as you offered the thing he'd wanted most. "Y/n Y/l/n," you replied, holding his gaze. "And you are?"
"Thomas Shelby," he said, standing a bit straighter as he introduced himself. "Now that we've gotten that out of the way, let me take you somewhere tonight. We'll start over, as you said," he eagerly began.
“It’s not that easy,” you interjected, biting your lip in concern. “I have a new life now that I can't leave at a moment's notice,” you warned him.
He dropped his hand from you instantly, head turning to look around the room as he asked, “You have someone?” 
“Yes,” you hesitantly admitted, watching his jaw clench in frustration.
Placing your hand to his cheek you calmed him with a soothing tone you’d used with wounded men in France. “It’s not like that….not what you’re thinking.”
Tommy jerked away suddenly, biting down hard on his lower lip. “Who is he?” his low voice rumbled with a hint of agression.
You sighed, knowing you had to admit it now before you lost your courage. “His name is William,” you rushed out in a single breath.
“I don’t understand why you’re telling me this,” Tommy admitted.
“It’s time you knew,” you said with a gentle nod.
“Knew what?” he pressed, looking at you with a mix of confusion and concern.
“That you have a son,” you whispered, looking at him with tears spilling past your lashes. “I wanted to tell you, but I didn’t even know your name.” You hid your face in your hand, overcome with the unburdening of your soul. You’d cried yourself to sleep so many nights wishing you hadn't foolishly insisted on keeping your identities concealed. It had been a harsh few years, relying solely on the generosity of your wealthy parents, but suffering their hurtful opinions on the matter.
“Hey, hey, it’s alright,” Tommy consoled you, cradling you into his strong arms and allowing you to cry into his lapels.
“You don’t hate me?” you sniffed, looking up at him.
“Never…I only hated being apart from you,” he confessed. “Now that I’ve found you, I’ll never let you go,” he swore, raising your chin toward him for a slow, sensual kiss that made your knees buckle.
“You mean that?” you asked with a shuddering breath.
“Of course I do. I only ask one favor first,” he said as he caressed the top of your head lightly.
“What’s that?” you asked with furrowed brow.
“Dance with me,” he said with a wide smile. “Like we did all those years ago.”
“Like ordinary people,” you added, remembering your last night swaying beneath the window of his hospital room.
“Just two ordinary people who found each other again under extraordinary circumstances,” he said, leading you onto the dance floor.
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softspaceboibrian · 1 year
Fell in Love with the Fire Long Ago || Jamie Tartt
Chapters: 1 - more to come
Pairing: Jamie Tartt x Y/N - Social Media Manager for AFC Richmond || I used she/her pronouns, but there is no actual physical description, so the pronouns can be switched with whatever anyone wants or prefers!
Summary: When Y/N received that email, she couldn't believe it. He was coming back.
Warnings: maybe some swear words. hints and mentions of sexual acts (still SFW). S1 Jamie Tartt aka a dick. a little angsty. Sam being is lovable self.
Characters: Jamie Tartt, Sam Obisanya, Isaac McAdoo, Colin Hughes, Dani Rojas, Ted Lasso, Rebecca Welton. Some others may appear as mentions.
Wc: 3800 (this works as a pilot or a prologue, to set up the story)
A/N: this story is based on this idea I had and that a few people seemed to like. hopefully you enjoy this first chapter/prologue. and if you want to read more, feel free to leave a comment. If enough people like it, I was thinking to do a taglist, so that people can stay updated. anyways, thanks for reading &lt;;3
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When you first heard the news, you couldn’t believe it. You couldn’t believe that they could do such a thing. Not to the team, not to you. That was the reason you were stomping up the stair, the clinking of your heels echoing against the walls, as you reached Rebecca’s office.
You didn’t knock, you didn’t wait for them to welcome you in. They knew you were coming. Especially after the email they had sent out. The email had been sent only to the “necessary” people that needed to be involved, and you, being the social media manager for the club, received it. It was probably a way for them to warn you to start preparing the content for the announcement. But you obviously didn’t take it well. They knew about your history, they knew how things had gone down. They had to be expecting you.
“How could you?” Your loud, clear voice, full of anger and disappointment filled the room.
“Good morning, Y/N!” Ted’s cheerful greeting made you want to scream. “To what do we owe the pleasure?” The sarcasm was obvious.
“How could you? After what he did to the team? After what he said about you?” Your tone was loud, so much so that you were sure people from downstairs could clearly hear every single one of your words. “How could you?” You choked on your last words, and as you finally met Rebecca’s gaze, you could feel the familiar sting of the tears that threatened to fall, spill, pour.
The woman sighed, getting up from her chair to make her way around the big desk. “Listen, love, he’s a great player. When Ted told me about their talk, I knew we had to get him back.” She explained, walking over to her. “We cannot let our feelings get in the way of the team’s success.”
You shook your head, taking a step back. “I never thought you would become this cynical.”
“I’m not cynical, just rational.”
“It’s all the same thing. He’s a prick. And pricks don’t change.” You were furious. “And it’s not just my feelings, but the team’s feelings. But you obviously don’t remember how he used to treat everyone.” You lingered on that last word, looking briefly at each of them, before turning around and making your way out of the office and down the stairs. “No one understands.” You whisper, your fists so tight you started to feel that burning sensation of your nails leaving marks on your palms.
Keeping your head low, trying to hide the tears streaming down your face, you made your way to the changing room. You knew you couldn’t say anything to any of the boys yet, but still, you needed some comfort. You needed Sam.
You quickly reached the locker room and knocked, waiting for them to give you a sign to let you know you could come in. And, as soon as you opened the door, you ran straight to Sam, immediately burying your face in his chest.
“Hey, Y/N/N. What is going on?” His thick Nigerian accent immediately bringing comfort to you. “Did something happen?” He asked as he tried to pull away slightly, trying to understand what was happening.
“Just… hug me… please.” You pled, the voice muffled by his jersey. And he did. He wrapped his arms around you, softly placing a kiss on top of your head, before laying his chin in the same spot. You’re immediately comforted by the warmth of your best friend’s embrace. However, you didn’t fail to notice how the familiar chatter of the changing room had started to slowly simmer down until it ultimately came to a halt. A sense of pain and anxiety washed over you at once, and your head started again to fill with the same questions you had asked Rebecca and Ted. Why? Why him? Why now? How could they?
But soon, your stream of thoughts was interrupted by Isaac’s voice. “Who do we have to kill?” You didn’t need to raise your head from Sam’s chest to know that the feeling was shared by most if not all the team’s players.
“No one. Yet.” You mumbled, sniffling. “It’s complicated.” You added as you finally pulled away from Sam, yet still remaining extremely close to him, as if his presence was the only thing keeping you sane and calm at that moment.
“When the moment comes, just call, okay?” You gave a quick nod to the team captain, accompanied by a shy smile. To any casual passer-by, the comment may have seemed sarcastic, the usual banter between friends that care about each other. But the team knew that that was not sarcastic at all and that Isaac would indeed, without a shadow of a doubt, kill someone for you.
You couldn’t exactly remember when, but somewhere down the line, the team had become your chosen family. However, you could clearly remember how that process had started.
You had started working for AFC Richmond around the same time that Ted and Coach Beard did. You didn’t care much for football or sports in general, but you had just recently graduated from university and had found this work through Keeley. You and her had met at your cousin’s going away party a few years before, when he had decided to move to Greece to become an archaeologist. You had immediately bonded over who can even remember what, and remained close friends ever since. So, when she heard that the position had just opened up, she immediately sent your CV to Rebecca, without warning you first. You found out about the job only when you received a call from a certain Mr Higgins, who told you that they had read your curriculum and found it really interesting. And so, you ended up moving to Richmond-upon-Thames and started working for the club.
It didn’t take you long to get to know the team and become friends with them. Obviously, you had your prejudices against footballers, who you thought were self-centred egomaniacs – and you weren’t completely wrong about that – but, to your surprise, most of them turned out to be great people. You quickly became very close with Sam; Roy tolerated you; Isaac and Colin were always kind to you. Even Jamie Tartt, the prick of the team, would usually drop his dickhead persona when he was with you. And that was how you two ended up together. For the first month or so, you would notice his constant flirting, but you never really gave it too much thought. You had read about him in the tabloids, and you knew how he was famous for having a different girl every week. You weren’t that oblivious, you knew he was fit. But, every time he would flirt with you, you would play along for a while, before brushing it off and going back to your business. I’m just his latest challenge, he will move on sooner or later, you thought. Until, roughly a month and a half after you had started working there: he started waiting for you outside the clubhouse, asking you if you needed a ride home. Which then turned into him asking you to grab a coffee with him one day before practice. Then it was dinners. Movie nights at his place. Stolen glances in the hallways of the clubhouse. Sneaking in the boot room to secretly make out. And sooner than you could realise, you were sleeping over at his place most of the time.
You asked him to keep things private for a while. It wasn’t that you were ashamed of him. You just needed to be sure about him. So, you kept sneaking around. Avoiding each other as much as possible, too worried that the team might just figure it out. Let me show you off, Jamie would whisper into your ear, in-between wet kisses, as he stood behind you in the kitchen in the morning, wrapping his arms around your waists. Let me take you out to a restaurant, on a proper date, he insisted. But you kept declining his offers. Not yet, baby, you would reply, as you slowly melted under his touch, I need a little more time, you said as you turned around in his arms. And the conversation would die there, with Jamie immediately picking you up and placing you on top of the kitchen counter, his lips trailing their way down your neck, your collarbone, your chest, down, down, until your vision turned hazy and you had to grip onto the marble countertop with all the strength you had in your body, too afraid you might fall off of it, as his lips met finally met your core.
You were able to keep your relationship private longer than you had expected. It was after almost 4 weeks that Nate eventually walked in on you two in the boot room. You weren’t doing anything too private, you were merely making out. But Nate being Nate, froze on his feet as he saw you two holding onto each other, too stunned to move. I was… I needed to… sorry… I didn’t…. As usual, he was too embarrassed to form a complete sentence, so he simply left the room. You two looked at each other and knew that it was only a matter of time before your secret would be out. And you were right. The secret didn’t last the entire day, and when it was time to go home after practice, you were met by a horde of football players, asking you when it had started, how long had that been going on, if you two were official, and so on.
Somehow, but still not completely unexpectedly, the news reached the press in less than a day. The next morning, as you lied in bed with Jamie’s head on your chest, you were woken up by the constant buzzing of your phone. Check this article from The Sun, said a message from your high school friend, with a link attached to it. Is it true? Asked your mother. Congratulations! read the message from your aunt from whom you hadn’t heard in ages. And the messages kept coming. Yes, it was true. You were now in a relationship. Yes, your boyfriend was a famous footballer. Yes, you knew about his fame. Still, you didn’t care. Because, when Jamie was with you, he wasn’t Jamie Tartt, star striker for AFC Richmond, but just Jamie. And you loved just Jamie. He was sweet, he was passionate, he was kind, he always made sure you were feeling well, he brought you flowers once a week, he left some coffee for you in the pot in the mornings, he always made sure you were sexually satisfied – something he was really proud of.
Sadly, you hadn’t realised that, with going public, also came the hate from his fans, who thought that you would be too distracting for their beloved favourite player, and from the girls, the actresses, the top models, the reality tv stars, who had hoped to one day end up with him and whose dream you had shattered overnight. You pulled through it, and that was also thanks to Jamie, who never missed the chance to remind you how much he loved you and cared for you.
However, two months after going public, things started to change. You couldn’t understand why if it was something that you had done or said, but he started to become distant, cold. He would invite you less and less over to his place, and when he did, it was mainly to have sex, to ‘release the tension from practice’. And whenever the team lost, the sex would be rough. He was always on his phone, texting, dming, emailing. A part of you knew it was girls he was talking to, but you couldn’t bring yourself to confront him about it, so you just said nothing and held on. He soon stopped asking you how you were, telling you how much he loved you. You tried asking him what was going on, but he would always deny everything, saying that you were imagining things, that you were just paranoid, and that everything was fine. Fine. Oh, how you came to hate that word. You asked him how he was. Fine. You asked him if he wanted to spend the night together. Fine. You asked him if he wanted to drive to the clubhouse together. Fine. Fine. Fine. Fine. You hated fine. In Jamie’s language, fine meant if you really have to, or I would rather you left me alone, or I don’t really care. You hated it. And you hated what your relationship had become. But still, something stopped you from leaving him, maybe the hope that soon things would go back to normal, that soon he would go back to being just Jamie.
But that never happened.
And things only got worse when Ted decided to take him out during a match. You knew that Ted was doing it to teach him a lesson, and he was right to want to do so. But as you watched your boyfriend leave the pitch, you knew things would only get worse. So, you stopped constantly looking for him. You stopped texting him every day. You only met when he asked you.
It was in that period that you grew closer to Sam. You could distinctly remember the day he walked into your office to ask you for a few suggestions on how to make his Instagram page more appealing. Instead walked in on you sitting on the floor, with your back against the wall and your hands in your hair. You didn’t even have the strength to pretend things were okay, so you simply looked up, black lines scarring your cheeks, and met his eyes. “Sorry, Sam, it’s… not a great moment.” You struggled to get the words out.
But Sam didn’t say anything. Instead, he closed the door behind him, made his way across the room and took a seat on the floor next to you. “Is it Jamie?” He asked with his thick Nigerian accent that you would grow to love and even find familiar. You nodded silently. “Do you want to talk about it?” You shook your head. “Do we just sit in silence?” A nod. A beat. Then your head slowly fell to the side, until it found its resting place on his shoulder.
You don’t exactly know how long you stayed there, on the floor, in silence. It could have been a few minutes or entire hours. In either case, Sam stayed there, and didn’t leave your side. He never once took out his phone to check his messages, even though you could feel it buzzing in his pocket. He only changed position once, to move his arm and wrap it around your shoulders. That was the first time you had spent that much time in silence with someone without feeling the need to fill it with superficial chatter.
From that day forward, you and Sam were inseparable. There was something about him that simply brought you comfort, a comfort that not even Jamie had been able to give you. Whenever you weren’t sleeping over at Jamie’s, he would come to pick you up and drive you to work. He would drive you home in the evenings, making sure you were all the way inside your house, before sprinting off the road to go home himself. You would start having lunch together, usually joined by some of the other guys – in all of this, most of the time Jamie was nowhere to be found. And whenever your boyfriend acted like a dick with you in front of everyone, he would speak up. Are you his boyfriend now, Sammy? Jamie would mock him, using your nickname for him. I don’t think so. She’s me girl, so I’ll talk to her how I want, a’ight? He would puff out his chest, trying to look bigger and intimidating.
That evening, after practice was over, Jamie sprinted off to who knows where or to who knows who, leaving you there, alone. And, as per usual, Sam would come to the rescue, offering you a lift home.
“Why are you still with him?” Sam asked you as he stopped in front of your house. “You deserve better, not an asshole like him.”
You shook your head. “He’s not like that when it’s just the two of us.” You would always find a way to make excuses for him.
“I don’t care how he is when he’s alone with you, Y/N! If he really loves you, he should treat you well in public as well!” You had never really heard Sam raising his voice before, and it would have been a lie if you had said that you were not intimidated. But, despite everything, you could feel the care and preoccupation in his voice. “You deserve someone that truly cares for you, and that isn’t afraid to show it!” You knew he was right. Yet, you couldn’t bring yourself to say something, to break up with him.
But you never had to.
It was maybe a week after your discussion with Sam when you showed up unannounced at his place. It was cold outside, and you were only wearing a thick jumper. You stood there, in front of his door for at least three whole minutes, before finally knocking on his door. You knocked instead of ringing the bell so that if he was already asleep, you wouldn’t wake him. But he had heard it, and less than 10 seconds later, he was opening the door.
“Y/N, what are you-” He didn’t even finish his question. He took one look at you and knew exactly what had happened. He took your hand gently in his, and immediately pulled you inside, guiding you to the living room. “Wait here a moment.” He said, making you seat on the couch, before running off in search of a blanket. “Okay, wrap yourself in this while I put the kettle on.” He opened the blanket and put it around your shoulders.
“Stay here, please.” You whispered, grabbing him by the wrist before he could move away again.
“But you’re shivering.”
“Just… please.”
As soon as he met your eyes once again, he felt his heart drop to his stomach. He had seen you in distress before, he had comforted you multiple times after your fights with Jamie. But this time he didn’t even need for you to tell him what had happened, he already knew. He took a seat next to you, fixing the blanket so that it was properly covering your entire body, before pulling you to his chest.
“He said that I was too much work.” The words left your mouth watery. “That I asked too much of him. And that, since he was going back to Man City, it was better to call it quits.” You whispered. You could feel Sam’s body tense, the air blowing through his nose. You knew he wanted to say a lot of things. He wanted to tell you that he was a dickhead, that he never realised what he had in front of him, that he had just lost the best woman he could ever find, that he was a moron, a jerk, an idiot, a fool. But he didn’t. He remained silent. And he did the best he could to comfort you. He stroke your hair and your back, he rocked you and hummed to you, until you fell asleep.
After that night, it didn’t take long for the rest of the team to find out what had happened, and how it had happened. Every single one of the boys sent you a text, saying, each in their own way, that they were sorry, that Jamie was a dick, and that they were there for you if you needed them. And you were glad to know so many people cared for you, people that up until a few months ago didn’t even know you and that you would have never expected in your life to end up being friends with. They all stopped and hugged you when they met you in the corridor for the first time after it had happened. But some of them surprised you.
You hadn’t been able to sleep for the last few nights, which was made obvious to everyone by the way you dragged your feet against the floor whenever you walked around the clubhouse, your legs too heavy for your exhausted body to properly move. You had also stopped taking care of yourself. Yes, you showered and brushed your teeth because you hated not being presentable for work. But you had stopped brushing your hair every morning and every night, like your grandmother had thought you when you were little. And you had stopped wearing make-up. Not that you would normally put on a full face every day, but you stopped using mascara because it made your eyes burn whenever you cried, and the light concealer you used under your eyes to make yourself look fresher, more awake. And now your puffy red eyes and dark circles were there, on display, for everyone to see, a reminder of how you were feeling.
That morning you had opted for a very comfortable pair of sweatpants and a warm AFC Richmond hoodie. Using supportiveness as a way to hide your depression. Smart, you thought. Sad. You were sitting in your office, alone, working on the new social media campaign, when suddenly you heard someone knock on your door. “Come in.” You said flatly. As the door opened, you looked up from your laptop, only to see Sam walk in, followed by Isaac, Colin and Dani. “How can I help you, boys?” You forced a smile on your face.
“Want to watch a movie with us tonight?” Asked Isaac, taking the lead. You looked at the quartet in front of you, unsure of what to say. “We can watch whatever sad movie you prefer, and Dani can bring some Mezcal.”
“Boys, I-” You started, but you were instantly cut off.
“Uh-uh!” The Welsh stepped forward. “We don’t want to hear any I’d rather be alone or I don’t want to be a bother bullshit, okay? We want to do this.”
“Yes, we only asked to be nice, but if you say no, we will just kidnap you and force you to do it.” Said Sam, a soft, warm smile on his face, as he leaned over your desk.
“Por favor, Y/N” Dani pled, showing you his big, brown puppy eyes.
“Fine!” You gave in. “On one condition: we order Chinese.”
They all look at each other, before bursting out laughing.
A/N: if you read all the way through, thank you ! feel free to leave a feedback/comment. i would love to know what you think about it and if you would be interested in reading more of this story. let me know if you would like to be put in a taglist for this fic! love you <3
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blessthegulag · 16 days
I Hate You
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Pairing: Alejandro Vargas x Fem!Reader
Summary: Your car suffers an accident, and you end up with no signal in the Mexican wilderness.
Warnings: Reader speaks Spanish (but is not necessarily a native speaker), Alejandro and reader hate each other, spanglish, unprotected sex, p in v, car sex, hinting at possible feelings (blink and you miss it), Alejandro and reader are very mean to each other, reader is purposefully annoying, not proofread!!
Words: 3.0k
Notes: I’ve been feral lately, so here is an Alejandro fic (I need to be locked and muzzled up). Lots of Spanglish (because I’m a Spanish queen) and possible grammatical errors bc English is not my first language. Maybe I’ll do a part 2 down the line bc this can’t end like this?
Also, the fic is heavily influenced by @XCaliper’s c.ai Alejandro Vargas chat.
Part 1 Part 2
The humming of the car filled the silence between Alejandro and you. The road was empty, dark due to the moonless night. The gentle hum of the AC refreshed your beat up face after a long mission, one that was assigned to both Coronel Vargas and you.
As always, every dreaded time that you had to work with him, it ended bad for you two.  You didn’t understand each other, your ways differed to be considered healthy. 
Still, somehow, you complimented each other perfectly when it came to work. Amidst the clash of personalities, you two found that there was no better pairing, as much as you hated it.
Today was one of those days where, apart from a successful mission, you ended up yelling at each other. That moment of peace in the car was nothing but a truce until you two reached the base. 
A slight disturbance, and hell would set loose. 
And that’s what happened. 
A pronghorn came out of nowhere, jumping into the road. 
One second, and the car spun out of control. The tires screeched, Alejandro tried maneuvering, but to no avail. 
You hit some cactuses, impromptu halting in a ditch. 
You tried breathing in, but the airbag had punched you straight in your chest. You swallowed, confused, your ears ringing from the impact. Smoke was coming out of the hood, the engine hummed one last time before finally turning off, letting in the distant sounds of the Mexican countryside. 
You stepped out of the car, coughing. The gasses on the airbag were strong, and they had already attacked your lungs before you could realize. 
Alejandro appeared from the other side of the car, more composed than you. He still was shaken, confused, but in a better position than you. 
“Pinche venado cabrón,” he spat, the rage in his voice contained by the last thread on sanity in him. “Mira lo que le hizo al carro, pinche suerte de la verga!”
Stupid fucking pronghorn! Look at what it did to the car, damn luck we have!
You looked at him, your demeanor as calm as possible, so as to not anger him further. You took in some air, your hands on your waist, thinking of what the hell would you do now.
“I’m going to call base,” you said, taking out your phone, giving him your back.
“There’s no signal here,” he said in a scolding tone. “I already tried.”
You sighed in frustration. “I’ll try either way.”
Alejandro groaned behind you, his voice merely a frustrated whisper. “Nunca hace caso… pinche terca.”
She never listens… stubborn bitch.
You took your phone, trying to contact the base. Of course, just like Alejandro said, there was no signal. You sighed, tilting your head back. 
“Maybe we could try to get to the nearest town, try to contact the base that way. Not reaching out will alarm them, it's in our best interest to try and do something…”
“It’s not worth it,” he said. “There’s wild dogs, and with Las Almas out there…”
“It’s worth a try. How else are they going to find us?”
The muscles in his jaw tensed at the question, his body fixed in place
“They are waiting for us,” he replied calmly, his voice strained, like he was restraining himself from yelling at you. “In the morning they'll go looking for us.”
“I’m not comfortable accepting defeat like this,” you said, trying to make your tone as confident as possible. “Why don’t…”
“No puedes quedarte callada un segundo, eh?” he spat, his tone harsh, frustrated. “Todo el condenado día hablando…”
You can’t shut up for a second, can you? All the damned day talking…
“I’m just trying to help here, Alejandro,” you replied, already ignited. “Always acting like everything I say is stupid.”
He groaned at the mention of his name passing through your lips, placing his hands on his hips. “Because you are all talk, but you never fucking listen.”
The way he yelled at you almost made you retreat in defeat. He looked angry, annoyed at your every move. It made you boil in anger. 
“Que nunca escucho?” you said in Spanish, scoffing at him. “I do everything you say, Alejandro. Always. You act like you have more power over me than my own superiors. In here, you are nothing but my partner, okay?”
That I never listen?
“In here,” he said, getting close up to your face. “You do as I say, ¿me escuchas? This is Mexico, hermana. No estamos en Colorado, aquí un pie en el fango, and you’re dead.”
You do as I say, you hear me? This is Mexico, sister. We’re not in Colorado, here, you step foot in the mud, and you’re dead.
You pressed your jaw shut, holding eye contact with Alejandro. He looked as bothered as you, stopping the urge of punching you in the face full force. “Don’t act like I’m clueless, Alejandro. You take every chance you get to disrespect me, and I won’t accept any of that shit.”
He was silent for a second, eyes burning in anger and a surprised smirk in his face. “You think it’s bullshit that I’m on your ass about everything? Princesa, you don’t listen, everything is always a damn argument, and act like your fuck ups are everyone else’s fault. I’m not on your ass, I’m here to fix your stupid mistakes!”
You nodded at the floor, disregarding everything he said. Then, out of nowhere, you went up to the car, and took your assault rifle. You checked for bullets, made sure that the flashlight worked. 
When you were ready, you started walking away from the car. 
You felt Alejandro’s stare on you, the second it took for him to understand what was going on giving you more time to walk away. 
“Where the hell do you think you’re going?” He said, starting to follow you.
“Somewhere where you’re not getting on my nerves.”
His footsteps were heavy and loud, his anger seeping into the ground like poison. 
“You think it’s easy for me to put up with you?” He snapped in response, more in defeat than in anger. 
“You think it’s easy to put up with you, too?” you barked, too composed for what you were feeling at that moment. “Deja de mandarme por un rato, por Dios.”
Leave me alone for a second, for God’s sake.
Those words of yours came out like a whisper, like a rhetorical plea to yourself. It was nothing but a complaint, one that you felt deep in your bones. 
Alejandro brought out the worst from you, turned you into a monster. 
“Stop!” He shouted. “This is ridiculous. Get back in the car!”
You stopped dead in your tracks, almost clashing against Alejandro. “I’m not getting in the fucking car, not with you.”
He reached out and grabbed your arm, his face seeping annoyance through every pore. “Get in the car. Now.”
You shook his hand away, narrowing your eyes. “Don’t fucking grab me like that.”
He sighed in defeat, looking at you in disappointment. “Stop being so difficult.”
You swallowed thick, looking him in the eyes. "I'm not being difficult. You are."
He stepped closer, getting in your space. “You’re infuriating.”
“I hate you,” you spat, empathizing every word, your eyes focused on him. 
Alejandro pressed his jaw shut, his eyes scanning you whole. He had never been disrespected like that, much less by a teammate; by a subordinate. 
It left him speechless. 
There was a pause, where neither of you faltered. Gaze on each other, a showcase of pride. The air between you was heavy, asphyxiating. 
You could feel the frustration radiating off him, your anger trampled by the sour sensation of heat. Your chest heaved slightly, your breath on his. 
Then, his eyes flickered to your lips for a split second, then back to your eyes. 
Before you could react, his hand shot out, cupping the back of your neck, pulling you closer. His lips clashed on yours, demanding, dominant. His body pressed against yours, making a rush of heat curse through your insides. He was kissing you like you were the air he needed to breathe, grabbing you in a way that made you feel weak at the knees. 
You were animals, tasting each other's mouths in desperation, feeling the softness of each other, that same sensation fueling the need to get closer. A low groan escaped his throat, vibrating through your body. 
Alejandro's kiss was bruising, relentless, as if he was pouring all his frustration and desire into it. The tension that had been simmering between you for so long erupted in this kiss, and there was no holding back. You nipped at his lower lip, eliciting a growl from deep within his chest, and his grip on you tightened.
The taste of him was intoxicating, a mix of anger and need that made your head spin. You felt his breath hitch as your hands went to rest on the sides of his neck, your thumbs reaching over to his jaw. 
For a moment, you felt as if you were caught in a storm. Alejandro’s kiss was raw, intense, full of hatred. 
It made you want to kiss him again. 
“Sube al carro,” he whispered against your lips. 
Step in the car.
You pulled back slightly, your eyes locked onto his. The command in his voice sent a shiver down your spine, and despite the chaos of the moment, you couldn't help but feel a thrill at his dominance. You nodded, unable to form words, your mind still reeling from the kiss.
Alejandro's eyes bore into yours, the anger and desire still blazing. He let go of you just enough to allow you to move, and you stumbled slightly as you turned towards the car. Your heart was pounding, your lips still tingling from the intensity of his kiss.
The moment you were both inside the back of the car, he was on you again, his hands pulling you towards him. He pulled you on his lap, his hands starting to undo your tactical vest, leaving you only with your shirt. 
His mouth moved to your neck, giving soft, hot kisses that had you moaning his name, running your fingers through his hair. He smelled of cologne, his natural scent battling for dominance, sending your whole body into overload. It had you grinding on him, whimpering, desperate to have him in the most intimate way possible. 
The car soon heated up, the leather of the seats becoming a sticky trap. Gasping for air, you took Alejandro’s tactical vest off, your hands feeling up his torso, the nylon of his long sleeved jacket rough against your calloused hands, making you want to take it off of him then and there. 
Alejandro placed his hands on your waist, tugging on your shirt, dragging it up your torso. It felt like an eternity, giving you goosebumps all over your body. You breathed in, trying to find his gaze. Instead, he was looking at your semi-nude torso in awe, the muscles in his jaw tensing, hands caressing the sides of your body. His touch was like fire, leaving a trace of tingly skin there where he touched, leaving you begging for more. 
You placed your hands on his chest, grinding on him, practically riding him with clothes on. He moaned, guiding your hips through his lap, the friction maddening, sweet torture that was leaving you more frustrated than before. 
His eyes finally met yours, dark, intense. He looked hungry, lost in the moment. You leaned in, capturing his lips like a feral animal, the heat burning you from the inside. In the midst of it, you felt his hands on your back, trailing to your bra. Before you could even react, he already had it in his hand, throwing it somewhere in the car. 
With a growl, Alejandro broke the kiss, his lips trailing down your neck, biting and sucking on the sensitive skin. Your head fell back, a moan escaping your lips as his mouth found one of your breasts. Feeling him like that made you melt, the car supporting your body the only thing keeping you from losing your mind. 
His tongue flicked over your nipple, eliciting a sharp intake of breath from you. He nipped at your skin, just enough to send shivers down your spine, the sensation maddening, a mix of pleasure and pain that left you craving for more. 
Then, in a swift motion, he moved you to the side, leaving you longing for his attention, mewling at the lack of contact. Alejandro found his way to your cargo pants, undoing the belt, ripping it from your body. You helped him get rid of your boots, and soon your pants flew to the front of the car. You took off his jacket, the bare skin of his torso illuminated by the little light that the stars managed to give.
Before he could get on top of you, you pressed a hand on his chest, hopping on top of him. There, you found his mouth desperately, hungry for more of him. You unzipped his pants, sliding one of your hands inside of them. Alejandro gasped, his lips on yours, giving small pecks as you explored, wrapping your hand around his cock.  
He groaned, the sound vibrating against your lips as you stroked him, your movements slow and deliberate. You could feel the heat radiating from his body, the tension coiled tight within him. His hands gripped your hips, urging you to move closer, to give him more.
You obliged, positioning yourself over him. He grabbed your thong out of the way, letting you guide his cock to your entrance. You could see the desire in his eyes, the impatience. Slowly, you lowered yourself on him, getting filled inch by inch. You saw Alejandro moan, grab your hips, helping you into his cock. Once your soaking pussy had taken him whole, you looked at him, your mouth agape, lost, deaf, the pleasure overtaking your soul.  
His hands roamed over your body, squeezing your breasts, running down your back, gripping your ass as he thrusted into you. You trembled on top of him, his thickness making you feel whole, like your life’s purpose was to get fucked like that. 
You began to move, rocking your hips against him, finding a rhythm that had you both gasping for air. Alejandro’s eyes never left yours, in awe of your moves, of the indecent sounds of your body slapping against his. His skin burned, the windows were foggy, the air hot, smelling of raw, animalistic sex. 
Every movement sent waves of pleasure through you, amplified by the hand that had slipped down to your clit, pleasuring yourself with urgency. Your breaths came in short, sharp bursts, all landing on Alejandro’s ear. His hands tightened on your ass, guiding you into his cock, each time rougher, harder. The friction, the heat, the sensation of him deep inside you, tearing you apart in the most addicting way possible was overwhelming, maddening. 
"Más fuerte," he groaned, his voice rough, primal. "No pares."
Harder. Don’t stop.
You increased your pace, your hips moving in desperate urgency, looking to break him, to leave him begging for you. From below, he started thrusting into you, meeting your movements with his own. The car seemed to close around you, making you focus on each thrust, each moan, the way in which the car shaked. 
You rode him with abandon, your body moving instinctively, lost in the rhythm, the heat, the pleasure. Your fingers were working on your clit, sending shockwaves through your body, making you moan, begging him not to stop. 
He was filling you perfectly, using you like his own personal slut, thrusting in like an animal, your free hand the only thing keeping you where you were. 
Soon, Alejandro's moans became background noise, a distant reminder of what was happening. Your body reacted before you did, squeezing his cock, spiking your heart rate through the roof. You mewled his name, lost. His thrusts became softer, longer, making you cry out. You pressed your face on the crook of his neck, moaning desperately, riding out your orgasm as best as you could. 
The waves of pleasure crashed over you, your body trembling uncontrollably. Alejandro's hands tightened on your hips, his own climax imminent. He groaned deeply, your pussy still milking him, driving him insane.
You became undone on top of him, your only purpose to pleasure him, to get used to the best of your abilities. 
Alejandro took it very seriously, his hands bruising your hips, thrusting into you relentlessly, whimpering as his orgasm approached. He found your gaze, grabbing the back of your neck, groaning, drilling into you like an animal. 
His moans came out sharp, irregular. His cock twitched inside of you, the heat of his orgasm making you grab onto him, focus on his eyes as he cummed deep inside you. 
Time stopped for a while. He was gasping for air, his eyes lost in yours, making out what had just happened. One of your hands found his chest, still beating hard, where you stabilized yourself, looking at him in the same way, clueless, in between surprised and ashamed. 
Alejandro pulled you closer, bringing  you back to reality, distracting you from your own thoughts. His hands rested on your waist, locking you in place. Your face pointed to the door, where you could almost make out the shape of what was behind the fog on the window. 
Sweat dripped from both of you, your bodies tangled, still connected. His body radiated heat off to you, his chest moving up and down against yours, his heart beating at a normal pace. 
You two were sticky, exhausted.
Silence filled the car, the cold of the night seeping in, sending shivers down your spine. 
Then, clarity set in. You realized what you had just done. 
With whom. 
It made you want to run away. But for the first time since you two met, he looked calm, non-threatening. A tamed beast. 
That, though, still didn’t take away from the disgust you felt for yourself. It didn’t excuse how much you had fucked up.
“This doesn’t change anything,” you whispered. 
He squeezed your hip, kissing your shoulder, knowing it was the last time you would accept that sort of affection from him. 
“Lo sé.”
I know.
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cherry-holmes · 4 months
Chapter 14
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Summary: Just when you think everything was over and you can live in peace with your Javi, your perfect love story seems to crumble at your feet.
Previous chapter
Pairing: Javier Peña x Female Reader
Word count: 3.6k
Warnings: ANGST AND LOTS OF CRYING😭 Mentions of physical damage. Mentions of kidnapping.
A/N: I’m sorry for this chapter, I hope you don’t hate me😭 but stay tuned for next chapters☝️🤓
You just wanted to go home, but you knew you couldn't. It wasn't safe anymore. Now you had to hide in a new apartment, guarded by police officers for only God knew how long. It made you feel more comfortable, though, but it felt awkward.
You had spent hours surrounded by agents, doctors, and many other people doing their job to help you out of that horrible situation you had been in. They asked you a lot of questions: What did they tell you? Did you know about Javi and Los Pepes? What was your relationship with Diego Ibarra? What did you see or hear about anything they could use for their investigations? The questions from the doctors were the most uncomfortable: Did they abuse you? The answer was no, fortunately, but they insisted many times as if you were hiding it.
You didn't stop asking for Javi almost every fifteen minutes. The last time you saw him was when he came back from that house and hold you between his arms and let your cried out loud on his shoulder. Then, he said he needed to go to the base and you needed to get proper medical attention. He promised he would be with you as soon as possible, and reclutantly left your side. It had been twelve hours since then.
You knew those bruises would stay for a while. They were everywhere: on your cheeks, your arms, the back of your neck, your torso, and your legs.
Looking at your reflection in the small mirror hanging on the bathroom wall, your eyes watered as flashes of what had happened crossed your mind. It had been only hours since you were rescued. You were still sensitive and scared. Uncertainty flooded as the grayest of clouds above your head. However, the thought of Javi, his protection, and company made you feel that there was hope. You were sure that both of you could make it out of this mess together. You loved him and you knew he loved you too.
As if your thoughts had summoned him, Javi's voice carried through the apartment, calling your name. You wrapped your semi-naked body with a towel before you told him you were in the room.
Javi entered the room, his eyes filled with concern as they met yours. His gaze softened as he saw you, vulnerable and marked by the ordeal.
You ran into his arms, wrapping yours around his torso, pressing your cheek against his beating heart.
"It's okay, baby, I'm here," he held you tightly, his voice a soothing balm in the midst of chaos. "I'm sorry I left you alone for so long, but I had things to fix at the base," he added, his hands brushing your hair still wet from the shower.
"Now you're here, amor, that's all that matters," you promised. Then, as if a rock had fallen on your stomach, you remembered Javi had been shot. You stepped back, your hands tracing his sides. "Javi, you've been shot... what happened?"
He took your hands between his, pressing his lips softly on your knuckles. Then he looked into your eyes.
"Get dressed, baby, we have to talk." Although his eyes tried to stay warm for you, there was something in his tone you didn't like.
He waited for you on the lone sofa in the living room, and after you changed into one of his shirts and your pajama pants, you joined him.
"Listen," he said, a hint of nervousness in his voice you couldn't help but notice. He was trying to find the right words, but he was struggling. You reached out for his broad, calloused hand to help him relax at least a little.
"You can tell me anything," you promised. "I don't care what you had with Los Pepes or what you did to get Diego out of our lives. I'm with you, Javi, no matter what."
Javier exhaled deeply, his gaze fixed on yours, appreciating the unwavering support reflected in your eyes.
"It's much more complicated than that, and I don't want you to be involved," he said, his voice steady but laced with tension.
You could see the anxiety in his eyes, causing your stomach to knot with anticipation of the worst. Something in his gaze conveyed the seriousness of the situation. It felt as if he was about to reveal he had a target on his back and someone had already pulled the trigger.
Javier took a moment, his eyes scanning the room as if searching for the right words, a sense of dread creeping over you.
Finally, he spoke, his voice measured but filled with urgency. "You remember Los Pepes, right?"
You nodded, your heart sinking at the mention of the ruthless group.
"I've been working with them for almost a year now, exchanging information, infiltrate their ranks," he explained.
The revelation hit you like a ton of bricks. Your mind raced, trying to comprehend the implications of Javier's involvement with such a notorious group.
"I didn't want to tell you or Steve, to involve you in all this," Javier continued, his voice strained with guilt. "But now that Messina knows, things have become even more complicated."
A wave of fear washed over you as you realized the magnitude of the situation.
Javier added, "I convinced Messina not to report my situation to the Embassy or the DEA. At least not for now. I'm gonna try to fix this, enough so I can avoid as much retaliation as possible. I'm preparing something."
"What is it?" You wanted to know. You knew that whatever he was planning to do would work.
Javier's eyes bore into yours, his expression a mixture of determination and concern. "I'll convince Judy Moncada to testify against the Cali Cartel in exchange for protection in the U.S.," he explained. "It's risky, and I can't guarantee what will happen, but that's my best card."
Your mind whirled with fear as you realized the dangers involved in infiltrating such a ruthless organization.
"I won't let you do this alone," you declared, your voice trembling with emotion. "We're in this together, Javi. Whatever happens, we face it together."
You expected him to relax, to soften his gaze and thank you for being supportive, but it didn't happen that way. On the contrary, he looked like he couldn't even look at you, and he was struggling to say the next.
"There's something else you must know," he began, his voice heavy with reluctance.
Your heart sank as you braced yourself for whatever revelation was to come.
"Messina is sending you back to Mexico with your family," he said, the words landing heavily in the silence of the room. "After you were kidnapped, it was decided that the DEA won't risk your life anymore."
Javier's words hung heavy in the air, the weight of their meaning pressing down on you like a suffocating blanket. The thought of leaving everything behind, of being separated from Javier and the relationship you had built together, filled you with an overwhelming sense of loss and despair.
"What?" It was all you could muster for a moment, as you stared at him with disappointment and confusion. A wave of heat ran through your body, your eyes burning with tears. "No... Javi, I won't leave you... Please, you have to talk to Messina, she can't..."
"The decision is made, I don't and I won't appeal to the contrary," he interrupted you, the firmness in his voice resolute. "You're leaving first thing tomorrow morning."
Javier's agreement with the decision felt like a betrayal, a sacrifice made for the greater good but at the cost of your relationship and your consent. Tears welled up in your eyes as you struggled to come to terms with the harsh reality of the situation. You knew deep down that Javier was right, that it was the safest option for you. But accepting it felt like surrendering to defeat, admitting that your life would never be the same again.
"You can't be fuckin' serious," you uttered, your voice trembling with disbelief and a hint of defiance.
Javier remained steadfast, his expression a mix of empathy and resolve as he absorbed your reaction. He reached out, his hand hovering uncertainly before gently cupping your cheek, his touch a fleeting reassurance in the midst of uncertainty.
"I wish there was another way, amor," he murmured, his voice tinged with regret. "But for now, this is what's best for you, for us."
"How?" You dared, but he didn't answer. "I won't leave, Javier, not without you," you insisted.
"Please, don't make this harder than it already is," he said. His voice remained tender, but you felt a burning pang of betrayal and disbelief in your chest, prompting you to move out of his reach. You could see the pain in his eyes at your rejection, but you were too blinded by hurt to care.
"I don't care if Messina fires me or locks me in here for the rest of my life, I'm not leaving you," you said firmly. Javier could see the determination in you, and he knew you wouldn't give up easily.
"You can't stay even if I change my mind, which I won't. The Colombian Embassy is canceling your visa tomorrow." Your heart ached at his words as the reality of your impending departure settled in.
"I can't believe you're getting rid of me that easily, Javier," you lamented.
"No, don't say that," he intervened, his voice filled with sorrow. "I'm not trying to get rid of you," he continued, his voice soft but resolute. "I'm trying to keep you safe. I can't bear the thought of anything else happening to you."
"But I don't want to leave you," you confessed, tears welling up in your eyes. The prospect of being separated from Javier filled you with an overwhelming sense of loss and loneliness.
Javier's expression softened, his gaze filled with love and understanding. "I don't want you to go either," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. "But I can't risk your safety anymore."
"I'm not your responsibility. Anything that happened was your fault," you said, you said, your voice quivering with sobs.
"I'm not your responsibility either, bonita," his fingers wiped your tears, holding your head with his broad and caring hands. Your heart ached at the thought that it might be the last time you'd feel his protective touch, his hands over you taking care of you as only he could.
As his words sank in, you realized the depth of his sacrifice, the pain etched into his features mirroring your own. Despite the heartache and uncertainty, you knew that Javier's decision was driven by love, a selfless act to protect the person he cherished most in the world.
Neither of you slept that night. Javier and you lay on the unfamiliar bed, your head on his chest, his arms around you holding you tight.
For moments, you cried, and he could feel your tears falling on his skin like acid. He felt guilty for the times he put your life in danger and for hurting you with his stubbornness and the stupid things he sometimes said. And now, for leaving you.
He was afraid. His heart and stomach felt like they could turn over at the mere thought of his plan not working. If he doesn't make a deal with Judy Moncada or if the American government doesn't accept his redemption, he could go to jail for treason and conspiracy with the enemy.
He didn't care of loosing his job, but he feared loosing you forever. It had to work, and then he had to catch Escobar. Once he finish his duty, he planned to made you his and never let you go again.
"I'll come back for you," he vowed, his voice trembling with emotion. "I promise."
You couldn't contain your broken sobs, your nails clenching his shirt. "I'm gonna miss you, mi amor," you promised. Your hands cupped his head, your thumbs brushing his mustache, his lips, your eyes memorizing his features and the warm brown of his gaze. He was so handsome, so right, so familiar. "Please take care of yourself, Javi," you begged, because you knew he wouldn't. "Eat well, sleep well, and protect yourself. I'll be waiting for you."
"Don't worry about me, bonita," he whispered, planting a kiss on your lips.
Your flight was announced once more, and reluctantly, you stepped back. You found Steve behind Javi, looking sad too, as he had to let his own wife go as well. Connie had left thirty minutes ago with Olivia, for their safety.
"Take care of you both," you said to him.
With a heavy heart, you turned away from Javier, trying to imprint every detail of his face in your memory. The airport terminal seemed to blur as tears clouded your vision. Steve placed a comforting hand on Javier's shoulder, silently offering his support.
As you walked towards the departure gate, you couldn't shake the feeling of emptiness gnawing at your heart. Every step away from Javier felt like a step into the unknown, leaving behind the life you had built together. The flight attendants ushered you onto the plane, but your mind remained anchored to Javier, to the home you were leaving behind, to the uncertain future that lay ahead for your relationship.
As the plane ascended into the sky, you gazed out of the window, watching the city lights fade into the distance.
Returning home felt strange, nothing like you imagined it would be. You called up your sister Silvia from the airport after landing in Monterrey. She was surprised, having no clue you were on your way back. You didn't have the chance to let anyone know—it all happened too fast, and it hurt too much.
Staying at Silvia's place for a couple of days, you spilled everything to her and your other sister Sara. The kidnapping, leaving Javier behind, and how worried sick you were about him. They cried with your story, they couldn't believe their little sister went through all that.
You kept it all from abuelo because you didn't want to stress him out. When you finally saw him, once your bruises disappeared and you made up a story about your suddenly return, you put on a brave face, hiding the turmoil inside.
And your mom? Well, you didn't tell her a thing. You couldn't deal with her judgmental comments about you and Javier, a guy you well knew she never approved of anyway.
Every day felt like a struggle without Javier around. His absence was like a missing piece of your heart. You only managed to talk to him a few times, for a few fleeting minutes, during your first two weeks back home. You always ended up crying, and he always sounded stressed and off. But you held onto the hope of seeing him again, believing that love could conquer all...
Until it didn't.
You were playing with your nieces and one of your newborn nephews when your brother-in-law arrived home with the newspaper of the day. He looked worried as he asked your sister Silvia to speak with him. You didn't understand why yet, but something inside you had a sinking feeling that something bad was about to happen.
Your sister handed you the newspaper, and as you scanned the headlines, your heart sank like a stone. The Miami Herald had posted an interview with a narco leader, Judy Moncada, confessing Javier's relationship with Los Pepes.
The words blurred together as you read, and a sickening feeling settled in the pit of your stomach. It was all over. You knew that with this revelation, Javier's future hung in the balance, and the threat of prison loomed large over him.
Tears welled up in your eyes as you realized the gravity of the situation. The life you had known, the love you had shared, everything was crumbling around you. You felt a wave of helplessness wash over you, unable to protect Javier from the consequences of his actions.
Your mind raced with a thousand thoughts, but one thing was clear: you had to find a way to help him, to support him through this nightmare. But how? The uncertainty gnawed at your insides, leaving you feeling powerless and lost.
You immediately dialed his number, but he didn't answer. So, you called Connie. She had also seen the news and told you Steve had called her to inform her that Javier had been sent to Washington. You asked her for a number, and a couple of hours later, she called back to give you the number Steve had provided.
"Peña," he answered the second time you tried to call. His tone was clear, exasperation and fatigue weighing heavily on his shoulders. He sounded curt, as if he had never spoken to you before. But he didn't know it was you.
You stayed silent for a moment, unsure how to begin. You took a deep breath, trying to gather your thoughts. "Javier, it's me," you finally said, your voice trembling with emotion. "I just saw the news... I can't believe what they're saying about you."
There was a brief pause on the other end of the line, as if Javier was processing your words. When he spoke again, his voice softened slightly. "I'm sorry you had to find out like this," he said, his tone heavy with regret. "But I can't explain everything right now."
Your heart sank at his words. "Javi, please," you pleaded, the desperation evident in your voice. "Tell me what's going on, what can I do for you? I want to help you."
There was another pause, longer this time. You could almost hear the internal struggle in his silence. Finally, he spoke, his voice weary and resigned. "I appreciate your offer, but there's nothing you can do for me," he said.
Tears welled up in your eyes as you listened to his words. You wanted to argue, to fight for him, but you knew deep down that he was right. You were powerless to help him from afar.
"Javi..." you started, but your voice trailed off, choked with emotion. "Connie told me you are in Washington. I can flight tomorrow, I want to see you..."
"That won't be necessary," he intervened.
"Please, I don't want you to be alone. We're going to figure this out. Together," you insisted, desperation started to overwhelm you.
"Listen, I'm sorry, but I don't think its a good idea," he replied dryly, punching you like a ton of bricks.
"What are you talking about?"
"I couldn't fix it," he said, his voice trailing off. The weight of his admission hung heavy in the air, leaving you reeling with shock and disbelief.
"What do you mean, you couldn't fix it?" you pressed, your voice trembling with a mixture of frustration and fear. "Javi, you can't give up like this. We can find a way through this together."
"I've made mistakes, and now I have to face the consequences," he admitted, his tone laced with regret. "But I don't want you to be dragged down with me."
Your heart ached at his words, the reality of the situation crashing down on you like a tidal wave. You wanted to reach through the phone, to hold him close and tell him that you would stand by his side no matter what. But his resolve was unwavering, his decision final.
"Javi, please," you pleaded, tears streaming down your cheeks. "Don't shut me out. Let me be there for you."
"I can't ask you to do that," he said, his voice filled with anguish. "It's not fair to you. You deserve better than this."
"But you're worth it," you insisted, your voice breaking with emotion. "You're worth every moment, every risk, every sacrifice. I love you, Javi, and I'm not giving up on us."
There was a long, agonizing silence as Javier grappled with your words, his own emotions in turmoil. Finally, he spoke, his voice barely above a whisper. "I love you too," he admitted, his voice thick with emotion. "But I'm going to jail for my mistakes. It's over, and I'm sorry."
"I can wait for you, Javi," you confessed, because it was true. You could wait for him an eternity if was necessary.
He let out a shaky breath, overwhelming for your fidelity and love he feel he didn't deserve. You were so pure and sweet and perfect for a guy like him. "I can't let you throw your life away for me. You're young and very beautiful, I can't tie you to a man who is not free. It's selfish," as he spoke, your heart heavy with sorrow and anguish.
"Don't say that, Javier... please, don't do this to me, to us," you begged, desperately trying to make him understand, but the decision was made.
"Just... take care of yourself, okay? That's all I ask."
And with that, he hung up, leaving you alone with your thoughts and a sense of helplessness that weighed heavily on your heart.
The line went silent, the weight of his words hanging in the air like a heavy shroud. You knew that Javier was trying to protect you, to shield you from the fallout of his actions. But you also you knew that this was only the beginning of a long and difficult journey.
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aynavaano · 2 months
Do I look moderate to you?
Part six of the Crosshair × you series
Rating: Explicit
Wordcount: 3k
Rex's call for your assistance on a mission, a few days ago, had stirred mixed emotions, particularly for Crosshair, who expressed reluctance about your involvement. Eventually you decide to go together but when Crosshair learns that you had a crush on Howzer before he met you he get’s really cocky and wants to fuck shit up.
After a huge chapter of hurt/comfort I wanted to grace us with peak Crosshair smut. After working through his traumas he is back to his cocky self and decides to fuck shit up. We have fingering, edging and rough unprotected sex, soft dom Crosshair, just how I like him and I hope you too.
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Rex's call for your assistance on a mission, a few days ago, had stirred mixed emotions, particularly for Crosshair, who expressed reluctance about your involvement. Since the Batchs last mission went sideways, he hasn’t left your side and has gotten very protective and vocal about his fear of loosing you. Nonetheless, you remain steadfast in your commitment to assist Rex, despite Crosshair's reservations.
"I'll be fine, Cross. Rex needs my help and I promised him," you assert, meeting his concerned gaze with reassurance. “Before we met I was perfectly safe with the team”
But Crosshair insists on at least accompanying you to ensure your safety. «Fine but I can't let you go alone. I'm coming with you," he declares, his tone tinged with worry. Despite understanding his concerns, you stand firm in your decision, affirming your trust in Rex and his team to keep you safe. But Crosshair makes it clear: You either go together or you won’t be going anywhere near a mission and eventually you give in, at least you won’t have to miss him then.
When Echo arrives to transport you to the new improvised base, everyone is happy to see him but as you say goodbye to the rest of the crew and get onboard the ship a slight tension creeps in. Just when you settle in for the journey Echo's words resound through the ship, a sense of nostalgia and regret lingering in the air. "Everyone will be so happy to have you back for a while, your skills are often missed, and your laughter made every mission so much lighter" Echo remarks, his tone tinged with sincerity. "I honestly never thought you'd leave us. We all kind of knew you joined because you had a crush on Howzer. Just Howzer probably didn't realize it until it was too late" he jokes with a hearty laugh.
Crosshair's reaction is immediate, a sharp gasp escaping his lips as he turns to you with a questioning gaze. "You never told me that," he states, his voice tinged with surprise and a hint of hurt.
Caught off guard by his reaction, you pause for a moment before responding. "I didn't think it was necessary," you admit, meeting his gaze with honesty. "Nothing happened between us, Crosshair. Howzer seemed not to be interested in me, and I was over my crush on him long before I met you," though you know that it probably wasn’t the best idea to keep this from him, just now that he is trying to learn to trust and accept the situation with Hunter.
The tension is uncomfortable, Echo's off-the-cuff revelation hanging between you and the weight of unspoken emotions adding to the unease of the moment. Despite the discomfort, you know that honesty is the only way forward. Since he recently opened up more to his emotions he has also become more vulnerable, you love that new side of him but you also know that you need to be more careful with him now.
“Okay listen, Echo is right, back on Ryloth I had set my heart on Howzer and when he offered me to come with him and join Rex’s crew, because they needed every help they could get, I gladly accepted. I wanted to spend more time with him and hoped it … ah I don’t even know what I hoped for. But he never showed any interest in me and what eventually made me stay was Rex and the others, they became friends and I was of great help. But I left all of that behind to be with you” …”Crosshair," you say softly, reaching out to gently touch his arm, "I love you. There's no reason for you to be jealous." Your words carry a sincerity that echoes through the tense atmosphere, a reassurance meant to soothe the doubts that lingered.
Echo, sensing the weight of his words, interjects with a note of apology. "I'm sorry," he says, his voice tinged with regret. "I didn't mean to drop that info on you like this, I thought you know Crosshair"
Crosshair doesn’t answer but he wraps his arm around you and pulls you close, resting his head on yours and so you spend the rest of the journey in uneasy silence. The tension is palpable, especially with Crosshair's presence beside you, however, the atmosphere shifts as the Remora finally sets down on Rex’s new makeshift base and you step off alongside Crosshair.
The welcoming committee displays a mix of surprise and joy at your arrival, but the unexpected appearance of Crosshair raises a few eyebrows. Rex is more than happy to see you and pulls you into a tender hug. "Thank you for coming in for assistance. Glad to see you both. Didn't expect you, Crosshair. Everything alright?"
Crosshair's response is blunt and tinged with arrogance. "We all know how the last visit went, Rex. I'm not taking any chances here."
You quickly step in to explain Crosshair's presence, emphasizing his concern for your safety. "Crosshair insisted on coming along. He's just looking out for me."
Rex nods, understanding but still wary. As the group makes their way to the briefing room and Rex starts to explain the mission, Crosshair's protective instincts are on full display. He shadows your every move, his presence both reassuring and stifling. He makes sure to keep you as far away from Howzer as possible and if looks could kill he would already be dead by now. When Crosshair insisted on coming with you, you already knew he wouldn’t leave your side and you didn’t mind, but to have him jealous made it worse and when Howzer makes a light-hearted but sardonic comment about leaving your "pet" at home next time, Crosshair's patience wears thin.
"Say that again" he growls, his eyes narrowing dangerously as he steps forward carefully pushing you behind him guarding you with his body, his fists clenched, ready to throw hands.
You interject quickly, placing a calming hand on Crosshair's arm. "It's okay, Cross," you say soothingly, shooting Howzer a pointed look. "We're all just a little on edge. Let's focus on the task."
Since the escape from Teth, the tension between Crosshair and Howzer had simmered down a little, but the dynamic between them remained volatile and the situation with you is pure fuel to the fire.
"You had your chance with her and you messed it up, now leave her alone." Crosshair hisses at Howzer “She’s mine now, if you like it or not.”
Howzer tries to look completely startled but he is not good at it, no one in this room would fall for that “so this is what’s it’s all about” he growls.
“How touching. Don’t think I’m a fool, I see the way you look at her, try to be close to her, try again and you will not live to see the next sunrise.” Crosshair grunts, grinding his teeth and getting ready to fistfight Howzer.
Rex, sensing the need to diffuse the situation, interrups "Moderation please. Let's keep it civil, everyone," he says, his voice firm but measured. "Believe it or not we’re all on the same team here."
Crosshair scoffs incredulously. "Do I look moderate to you?" he retorts, his tone dripping with sarcasm. "I'm not here to play nice. I'm here to make sure she’s safe" …»and I’ll do whatever is needed» he adds with a hostile glance towards Howzer while drawing you closer, one arm around your waist.
You quickly intervene, trying to diffuse the situation. "It’s okay Cross. Don’t let him get a rise out of you, let's focus on the mission, the faster we get through the sooner we’ll be back home."
Crosshair reluctantly relents, but the tension between him and Howzer remains palpable, simmering just below the surface.
As Rex tries to continue the briefing, Crosshair leans in close behind you, his voice low and husky as he whispers dirty thoughts in your ear.
"I can't wait to get you alone, love. I’m going to rip those pretty clothes off and have my way with you, remind you that only I can make you feel that way"
His words send shivers down your spine, the heat pooling between your legs as you struggle to focus on Rex's explanations.
"I’m going to make you scream my name, make you beg for more. I want you writhing beneath me, completely at my mercy."
Each whispered promise from Crosshair ignites a fierce craving within you, his desire overwhelming your senses. It’s been a while since he let his dominant side get a hold of him and you love it.
«Remind you who you belong to and fuck you absolutely senseless.»
"Cross» you whisper and shot him a sultry but warning glance, your mind already racing at the thought of what he’s going to do to you. You know this is because of Howzer, because you didn’t tell him and he feels the need to prove to you that no one loves you like he does and show everyone you’re his. It’s either this or letting him throw hands with Howzer. He might deserve it for calling Crosshair your pet but you’d much rather have Cross all over you.
"I’m going to make you scream so loud, Howzer won't even think about coming near you again." he continues and you have to hold back a chuckle, cause it’s just like you thought, you know him so damn well. You can’t help but smirk, his words sending a jolt of arousal through you, making it hard to focus on anything else. You try to pay attention to Rex, but Crosshair's naughty whispers keep drawing you in.
«I want to feel you squirming under me, clenching around my cock when I finally have mercy and let you cum."
Each word he utters fuels your desire, making you ache for the moment when you can be alone together. Rex's briefing becomes nothing but background noise as Crosshair's fantasies consume your thoughts.
As the briefing finally concludes and everyone begins to load the shuttle and make preparations for departure, you make your way to one of the cargo rooms to retrieve some gear. Crosshair follows closely behind, and as soon as he enters, he locks the door behind him.
In the dimly lit cargo room, his eyes gleam with a primal hunger as he pins you against the cold wall, his body pressed firmly against yours. His hands roam possessively over your curves, igniting a firestorm of desire within you. With a hungry growl, he captures your lips in a fierce kiss, his tongue dancing with yours taking in your taste, leaving you breathless.
He trails kisses along your neck, his fingers delving between your thighs, immediately teasing and tormenting your clit with an overwhelming precision. You gasp and moan as he plunges two fingers deep inside your dripping wetness without a warning, his touch sending shockwaves of pleasure coursing through your body, already leaving you a whimpering mess in his arms «What do you want my love?" he murmurs, his voice a low, seductive growl. "I want to hear you beg for it.."
You can barely form words as pleasure consumes you, your body aching for more. Crosshair's fingers work you mercilessly, edging you closer and closer to the brink of oblivion. "Come on," he whispers, his voice dripping with sinful promise. "I want to hear you moan louder, or I’ll edge you until you can't think straight anymore"
Your breath catches in your throat as he quickens his pace, driving you completely crazy with each stroke of his fingers. "Please," you whimper, your voice barely more than a desperate plea. "I need to cum, Crosshair. Please let me cum."
He chuckles darkly, his lips curling into a wicked smirk. "Not yet, sweetheart," he murmurs, his voice thick with desire. "If you want me to make you cum I want to hear you scream my name."
You nod desperately and with that, he intensifies his thrust, pushing you to the brink of madness, two fingers in your drenching pussy rubbing against that sweet spongy spot and his thumb deliciously circling your clit. You cling to him desperately whimpering, lost in a whirlwind of pleasure you writhe beneath his touch, as he drives you relentlessly towards the edge, satisfied that your moans are getting louder and louder. And when you finally reach the pinnacle, it's like an explosion of sensation, your body convulsing with the intensity of your orgasm. "Crosshair!" you cry out, your voice echoing off the walls as pleasure washes over you in a tidal wave, his strong arms the only thing thats holding you up.
Your lips meet his in a passionate embrace, your body still humming with the intensity of your orgasm. Crosshair holds you tight up against the wall, kissing you through the afterglow of your climax until your breath slows down and your legs support your weight again. With a content smile, you gaze up at him, feeling intoxicated by the raw pleasure he gave you. "I'm pretty sure everyone on the base heard that," you remark playfully, a loving glint in your eyes. "Hope you proved your point." you chuckle and kiss him softly.
But instead of a response, Crosshair's lips curl into a wicked grin, his eyes smoldering with unquenched desire. Without a word, he pulls you closer, his hands trailing along your body with a possessive urgency. "Oh, my love," he murmurs huskily against your ear, sending shivers down your spine. "I'm far from finished with you."
Crosshair's desire ignites into a burning intensity as he pulls you close, his hands firm and possessive and he guides you into position against the wall. He turns you around and lifts up you shirt, so your bare chest is pressed against the cold wall, the sensation of the cold steel against your nipples making you twitch. With a primal hunger in his eyes, he positions himself behind you, his thick cock throbbing with anticipation as he presses himself against your dripping wet pussy. You moan softly at the sensation, your arousal building with each passing moment.
“Will you be a good girl and take my cock?” Crosshair growls, grasping your hips firmly, his fingers digging into your flesh as he positions himself at your entrance and without warning, he thrusts into you with a forceful urgency, his sizable cock stretching you to the limit as he buries himself to the hilt. The sound of his flesh meeting yours fills the air, the rhythmic slap of skin against skin echoing off the walls as he pounds into you.
He sets a relentless pace, each powerful thrust driving you closer to the edge again, Crosshair's voice fills the room with a stream of dirty words that send shivers down your spine. "You like that, don't you?" he breathes into your ear, «when I make sure everyone knows who you belong to» his words dripping with lust and desire. Your answer is barely more than a whimper. He fucks you so damn good it’s debilitating.
With each powerful thrust, Crosshair's need consumes you both, his hips meeting yours with a fierce intensity that leaves you breathless, one hand tightly wrapped around your neck, restricting your bloodflow. «Tell me what you want, love» he whispers. You cling to the sensation, lost in a whirlwind of pleasure as he drives you towards the brink of ecstasy. "Oh Cross…, please, fi… fill me up" you moan, «I want to… feel you cum inside of me» your voice a desperate plea for more and he obliges, his movements becoming more forceful with each passing moment.
Your senses reel as Crosshair takes you to the edge and beyond, fucking you completely senseless, his relentless rhythm pushing you to the brink of oblivion, his cock now pressing against that one spot deep inside you that wipes your mind of any thoughts and leaves you a whimpering mess. With a guttural groan, you feel his cock pulsating inside you as he reaches his climax, his hot seed spilling into your depths and you cry out his name in ecstasy. The sensation of him filling you up completely sends you over the edge again, your own orgasm crashing over you in a blinding rush of pleasure. You cling to the wall panting for air, trying not to faint, Crosshairs chest against your back, his armor pressing into your sensitive skin as you ride out your orgasm.
After catching your breath, you twirl around and pull Crosshair into a passionate kiss, your lips meeting in a heated exchange of love and desire. Breaking away, you gaze into his eyes, pouring your heart out. "I love you," you whisper, your voice trembling with sincerity. "You're the only one I want, Crosshair, I’m yours."
Crosshair returns your affections with equal fervor, his lips claiming yours in a series of tender kisses. "I love you too," he murmurs against your skin, his words sending a rush of goosebumps all over your body. "and I'll do anything to keep you by my side."
With your legs still trembling from the intensity of your encounter, you walk, hand in hand with Crosshair, back to the main operations room where Rex is probably already waiting for your assistance. As you enter, you immediately notice Howzer, sending hostile glances in Crosshair's direction, ready to spit venom, his jealousy now more than evident. You know there's no way that what just happened remained concealed; the whole base must have heard you scream Crosshair’s name, just as he intended. But before Howzer can voice his objections, Rex intervenes, his annoyance visible. "Can you two just stop acting like two Targons on heat please?" he quips, his tone tinged with exasperation. «So we can finally get going.»
Crosshair smirks at Rex's remark, his satisfaction evident as he places a soft kiss on your lips. "Alright then, I'll let you work, I’ll be with Echo if you need me" he says, casting one last satisfied, superior glance in Howzer's direction before making his exit.
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thebadgerclan · 11 months
I Can See You
Pairing: Aleksander Morozova x reader
Summary: Secrecy is necessary...for now...
Based on “I Can See You” by Taylor Swift.  Italicized lyrics are taken from the song!  This song has SUCH secret romance vibes, and I thought who better to write something for it than Aleksander
You brush past me in the hallway, and you don’t think I can see ya, do ya?  And I’ve been watching you for ages, and I spent my time trying not to feel it
It was impossible not to be attracted to the General.  Almost everyone at the Little Palace had felt it at one time or another, both men and women longed for a scrap of the General’s attention, and somehow, you had caught his eye.  It was something you’d noticed, that the General’s gaze would linger on yours for just a second longer than it did with others.  You had caught him looking at you from across the room at dinner on multiple occasions, and that simple action lit a spark within you.
You had spent years pining after the General, try as you might to douse your feelings for him.  But it was useless.  He was devastatingly handsome, and behind his cold, dark exterior, you could see hints of brightness.  How you’d enter the War Room to find him reading a novel, how you’d see him out a window, walking, his face to the sun, a gentle smile on his face.
Everything had changed one day, when you’d been walking through the corridors, a folder in hand to deliver to the General.  He was walking in the opposite direction, and the world came to a stop when his hand brushed against yours.  You locked eyes with him, and he subtly nodded towards a nearby door.  It was then that he asked you to officially join his War Council, an offer that you eagerly accepted.
And we kept everything professional, but something’s changed, and it’s something I like
Something had changed, everyone could see it.  You sat at the General’s right hand, a position of honor.  He was more open with you, happier.  He even told you his name, Aleksander, and asked you to call him that when it was just the two of you.  He invited you to dine privately with him to discuss the war and strategy, and in council meetings, when  he handed you a folder or a document, his touch would linger for several seconds, and when his eyes met yours, they blazed with unspoken words.
It was during one of these private dinners that Aleksander made his move.  Instead of pulling out your chair like he’d done before, he pulled you into his arms, his hands spanning across your back.  “Tell me to stop,” he said, and you looked into his eyes, seeing adoration, attraction, and passion there.  “Y/N, tell me to stop.”  “No,” you responded, and in that moment, your fate was sealed.  Aleksander kissed you then, lips soft against yours, arms tightening around you.
Aleksander was happy to take what you gave him, his kiss wasn’t insistent, there was no intention to escalate the night beyond this.  When you pulled away, your cheeks were flushed and your eyes were wide.  “Y/N,” he sighed.  “How long I’ve wanted to do that…”  “How long?” you asked, and he chuckled.  “Far longer than I care to admit, my dear.”
They keep watchful eyes on us, so it’s best that we move fast and keep quiet
Now that you and Aleksander were…whatever you were, secrecy seemed appropriate.  If word got out that you were together immediately after your elevation to being the General's second, people would whisper that you’d only gotten the promotion because you were sleeping together.  Which hadn’t even happened yet; the last thing Aleksander wanted was to pressure you.
So you moved in secrecy.  You crept through the halls, a lantern in hand, avoiding the guards that patrolled the corridors by moonlight.  When you arrived in Aleksander’s rooms, he took the lantern from your hand and pulled you into his arms, kissing you sweetly.  “My love,” he cooed, making you smile.  “I’ve missed you.”  “I was with you all afternoon, Sasha.”  “Yes, but not truly with me,” he said with a warm smile.  “This is what I’ve wanted all day.  Just you in my arms.”
You won’t believe half the things I see inside my head.  Wait ‘til you see half the things that haven’t happened yet
Just because you hadn’t been intimate with Aleksander yet didn’t mean you didn’t have fantasies.  They were fantasies that kept you up at night, that drew your hand between your legs, that had you biting your lip to keep from moaning and waking everyone in the Little Palace.  Aleksander on top of you, Aleksander licking your cunt, Aleksander taking you from behind, you riding Aleksander, Aleksander, Aleksander, Aleksander.
But what would you do if I went to touch you now?  What would you do if they never found us out?  What would you do if we never made a sound?
The lines in your relationship were clear: behind closed doors, Aleksander was completely and irrevocably yours.  He would worship at your feet if you asked him to, he was that smitten.  But in front of others, you were a General and his second, professional to a tee, never letting the two parts of your lives cross.
But you wondered what would happen if one day during a council meeting, you reached out to take his hand.  Would he go along with it, kiss your knuckles as he loved to do?  Would he squeeze your hand before carrying on the conversation?  Or would he pull his hand back, deny you his touch until you were alone?
Would your relationship remain a secret forever?  Would you continue to sneak into Aleksander’s rooms at night and sneak back to yours before dawn?  Would you have to bite your lip and silence your cries of pleasure at night so no one would find out about the two of you?  You understood why secrecy was needed at first, but as time went on, you found yourself wanting more.
‘Cause I can see you waiting down the hall for me Seeing Aleksander waiting at the end of the corridor that led to his rooms always filled you with joy.  You sped up your steps until you were running towards him, leaping into his embrace.  Aleksander held you tightly, smiling against your hair.  “Hello, my love,” he muttered, kissing your brow.  “I have your favorite dinner waiting for us.”  You grinned, taking his offered hand and entering his rooms.  Rooms that were slowly becoming yours.
And I could see you up against a wall with me
It was the first time you had almost gotten caught.  Aleksander had caught you on your way back to your room, where you seldom slept anymore, and pressed you into the wall, kissing you soundly.  He pressed his thigh between your legs, making you gasp.  “I want you,” he breathed against your lips, but before you could respond, you heard footsteps approaching down the hallway.
Aleksander leapt away from you, straightening his kefta while you smoothed your hair and hoped you weren’t too flushed.  A young Inferni and his friends hurried past, barely noticing you and Aleksander.  When they passed, you both broke out into laughter, and Aleksander took your hand.  “I think we should go to my rooms, love,” he said, and you nodded.
I can see you in your suit and your necktie.  Passed me a note saying “meet me tonight”
He’d pressed the note into your hand at the end of the War Council meeting, and you only unfolded it when you were alone in your room.  Y/N, I could see you being my addiction, and it’s an addiction I no longer want to hide.  Come to my rooms before dinner, my love.
You did, finding Aleksander waiting anxiously in his sitting room.  “I’m done hiding us,” he said, taking your hands in his.  “I love you, and I don’t care what anyone thinks about it.  So, if you want, I want to dine with the other Grisha tonight, with you at my side.”  For months this was all you’d wanted, and you eagerly nodded.  Aleksander smiled, kissing you softly.  “We’ll see about getting your things moved to my rooms, too,” he said, linking his arm with yours as you made your way to the dining hall.
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reidsc0nverse · 1 year
A Rose by Any Other Name (Chapter Two)
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Summary: Reader accompanies Emily to a club during a case where Spencer shows her one of his many talents with the help of the one and only Derek Morgan.
Warnings: Language (not much at all)
AN: This is based on episode 4x9 (obviously) and basically goes along with the story. Also let's pretend Courtney (the bartender) wasn't the object of Spencer's attention for his magic trick. K thanks.
Series Masterlist
The other day when I walked through the doors of the BAU I was not expecting to be thrown into my job, but of course, it happened. 
I was in the technical analyst Penelope Garcia's office when all of a sudden JJ (as she now told me I can call her) went into labor. How wonderful.
I mean don't get me wrong I'm so happy for her, but I still had a good week of training that I could've used.
That was two weeks ago, so now I'm fully in my spot as Communications Liaison, and not to brag or anything.. I'm doing pretty well. 
Right now we've been working a case in Atlanta where a guy of the "Alpha Male" type would kill women that he would pick up from the local bars. The team came to the conclusion that he was getting his tips from a pick up artist that seems to be teaching his skills to other men. 
They call him "Viper" and, according to Emily, he's a real treat.
"He's a grade A asshole." she huffs walking into the room of the precinct I'm in. 
"That bad?" I ask and she slumps into the chair next to mine.
"He makes me wanna gauge my eyes out." She says, laughing, but clearly annoyed. So far while I've been on the team she and I have gotten pretty close and she's honestly one of my favorite people. 
"I'm so glad I wasn't there." I say, shaking my head. I've dealt with one too many narcissists on a personal level so if I had to listen to a guy go on for ages about how to play hard to get with a girl or blatantly insult them to get them attracted to him I'd probably lose my mind.
"Time to give the profile" Derek says as he sticks his head in the room. Emily sighs and walks out with me to the rest of the team. 
They go on giving out details to the local PD and I drone out until Spencer talks to me, or at me kind of. "I like those earrings, yeah my grandma has a lot of fake jewelry also." 
He smiles and waves it off as not serious, which I understood he was only exemplifying what our unsub does but it didn't diminish the fact that it was funny as hell. 
After the team finishes I get up and Spencer walks towards me, "Um, sorry about that. I just needed to show them what the unsub learned from Viper."
I laugh and wave him off, "No no don't apologize it's fine, it gave me a good laugh so I'm really not hurt by it."
He smiles and Hotch calls us over to where the rest of the team stands. 
They explain that we need to see about more of what the unsub may have learned back at the group discussions and they hint that Emily is gonna need to go back and talk to Viper.
"Oh. Oh god, this is really gonna suck." 
A little later, Emily comes to me after the team splits up with a cheeky look on her face and her hands behind her back.
"Y/NNNNN...." she drags.
"Oh god what do you want." I say playfully, already knowing what she's gonna say.
"You know, Derek is bringing Spencer as a wingman, so maybe you coulddd..."
"Fine fine, but if we're hitting the club I don't think my work attire is gonna cut it." I say, looking down at the blouse and black pair of pants I'm wearing. 
She shakes her head, "Ah, no worries, I have something you might fit in." She pulls out two dresses from behind her back and hands one to me.
"So you just happen to have party wear in your go bag?" I ask, looking at the black tight fit dress now in my hands.
"We go to some interesting places." She smirks and smacks my shoulder lightly, continuing, "Come on, I'll help you get ready." 
She takes my hand and we go to the PD locker room, getting changed and she gets her makeup out.
"I thought you hated this guy, now you're getting all dolled up." I tease her, she laughs and starts applying her eye makeup. 
"I take every opportunity I can get to look hot as shit with a job like this. Plus, we're still going to the club." She jokes back and after a couple minutes we're done getting ready and meet up with Derek and Spencer at the car.
"Heyy, looking good ladies." Derek says with a cocky smile and Spencer waves at me awkwardly. 
"How flattering." Emily says and then huffs, turning to me, "You better help me through dealing with this worm." 
"Of course" I say, hand on my heart and all.
Once we get to the club we decide to split up, Derek and Spencer asking girls in the club if they've seen anyone similar to our unsub, and Emily going up ahead of me while we face this nightmare of a man.
She tells me to stay back until the right time and I watch her play her game of flirting while continuing to intrigue the man. She looks back at me when he gets a little too confident and a little too close so I walk towards them, Viper's eyes following me carefully.
The conversation goes as usual, some mindless snarky remarks tossed around as he starts discussing eye contact, more specifically pupil dilation. 
"Okay fifteen seconds." Emily says in response to the eye contact that Viper has been making with me, and trying to prove a point.
"What do you see?" I ask.
"Nope, no dilation."
Viper comes quick with his response, "Ah, because you have someone else on the mind." 
Do I? Maybe. I don't know. No.
Emily eyes me teasingly and the conversation between us and Viper goes stale until he gives us just what we want for the case. He gives us that our unsub is going to go for his "queen bee," the focus on all his killing. 
Emily calls Hotch with our findings and I meet up with Derek and Spencer as they talk, or..bicker maybe.
"Come here pretty girl," Derek says to me, I comply, confused but still.
"Pretend she's someone you're showing the unsub to, use that magic." Derek says to Spencer, putting me in front of him, but he explains to me that apparently Spencer isn't having any luck giving the profile out to the girls at the club so now he's doing..magic?
I don't know how he's not having luck, he's an attractive guy. I would feel like girls would go crazy trying to talk to him but I guess not.
Spencer looks at me like he really doesn't wanna do this, but he goes with it anyway. "Don't worry I'll play along" I tell him and he seems comforted in that.
He begins by acting as though we've never met and asks me if I've seen the man in the drawing before, I nod no and he pulls out a pen.
"We have reason to believe he has a scar about right..here." He says, running the pen through the paper and moving it around, leaving no rips in the paper.
"Woah, woah. What? How did you do that?" I ask, inspecting the paper. 
He shrugs and smirks, "A magician never reveals his secrets." 
Derek laughs and pats his back, "That's what I'm talking about, pretty boy!" 
After the case ends smoothly we arrive at the BAU once again and settle everything down. I go to JJ's office which is mine temporarily and get some paperwork out of the way with Emily.
"So, don't mean to remind you of Viper, but, is there someone on your mind?" She asks teasingly.
"Oh god." I groan and put my face in my hands.
She snickers and responds, "Oh so there is!"
"Maybe." I say, dragging the word out. "But I don't know, he doesn't really know me that well."
She nods, I feel like she sees right through me.
"Seems like you and Spencer kind of had a good time earlier."
I choke on my own spit, "Um what?" I say, coughing. Covering my mouth as well as the slight pink coming onto my face.
She smiles and nods her head as a tall figure walks in the doorway. "Speak of the devil." She says and walks out, I look up and see Spencer, so now she's leaving me and him alone.
His eyebrows furrow, and I wave it off.
"Hello there, Houdini."  I say smiling up at him, he laughs and leans against the doorway.
"You know it's an easy trick, nothing up to Houdini's standard." 
I shrug. "Eh, still impressive." 
Things are quiet for a moment and there's a hint of tension in the air until he clears his throat and starts.
"You looked really nice today, by the way. Just thought I'd say." His face goes red and I smirk.
"You came all this well to compliment me?" I tease. He laughs sheepishly and shakes his head. 
"No, no. I was um, I was coming to ask you if maybe you wanted to grab a coffee or something. Maybe I could show you how I really do that trick?"
He was nervous, obviously. But that didn't help the grin on my face growing and trying to hold back the blush that's definitely growing on my face.
"I thought magicians couldn't tell anyone how they do their tricks." I reply, more calmly than I thought I would've, I mean I'm just trying to play it cool.
"I can make an exception. I'll let you know, I have your number right?"
I nod and he smiles again and sticks up an awkward thumbs up, "Cool. Well, I'll see you later." 
"Bye, Spencer" I say playfully and as we walks out to the hallway I peek out and see Derek standing by the doors that leave the office with a cheeky look. I can see the back of Spencer's head nod and Derek raise his arms, saying something but they're too far to hear. 
Guessing Derek convinced him to go for it. 
Good thing.
I'm gonna be real and say I kinda hate this chapter but I promise it gets good. ALSO TYSM ON THE SUPPORT FOR THE LAST PART IM SO GRATEFUL UGH.
taglist: @darkenwolfie @justlivinginadaydream @daddy-dotcom @itsametaphorbriansblog @rosesandlavendertea @4karaa
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