#because it wouldnt offer something that it failed so hard on
slocumjoe · 1 year
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Remember when someone from Bethesda (Todd probably) said that the 4-choice dialogue system was actually harder to implement and write for than the previous system, because it required 4 unique responses?
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adkawariatka · 5 months
Hi, it turns out that fanfiction is really addictive and I still cant move past any recomendations without checking it out. So I have another idea for a dcxdp crossover….
Danny is living on Gotham streets for 4 months. Its perfect hiding place becouse of its aura. Many tradic deaths and general danger on every corner creats ideal barier for all sorts of ghost hunting equipment. Danny wos relucant about Gotham at first but after few failed attempts at finding hiding space, he decided that to hell with that and he will at least try. And thank the ancients that he did because its perfect. No one pays him any attention there is too much homless out there. Even if most kids are staying at Crime Alley seeking Red hood protection. thats one of the reasons why he hestitated at coming to ghotam: vigilinates. They are dangerous, becouse of partnership with goverment…. Who according to Anti-Ecto laws considers him non-sentient and in need of contamination or more often elimination. So yes Danny wos relucant but it turned out fine….. for now. No ghost or human gosthunter found him yet so he counts it as a success. Any other city, forest, mountains or everything else he tried didn’t last longer that a month. He might not be proud of his surviving technics like stealing, laying and dumpster diving but its not like he has a choice…. He is too much alive to be accepted in to infinite relams for good which is dumb if you ask Danny becouse he is at the same time its Crown Prince. But maybe Danny is just too naive or something. He does not care. On the other hand he is too dead to be accepted by humans so he kind of floats in between never to fit properly anywhere. He is surviving, and for about a year he wos completly alone until that one day…
Danny wos sitting on the bench in his favourite park close to lovely Café that had really beatifull cupcakes with blue whipped cream. He liked to pretend that he is a customer there and just waits for his order….that wos never placed…. Well who is he kidding he is just creepy homless kid that stares at people eating sweets from across the street. Pretty pathetic IF you ask Danny but he prefers not to dwell on his mental health thank you very much. So he is staring when a group of kids takes one of the outside tables. And like a serious creep listens in to their conversation. Well its not like he can swich off his super hearing.
The boys are talking about some homework from school. Danny assumes they are classmates becouse of their maching clothes. When to their table comes another one with darker skin and black hairs. The occupants share meanigfull glances and let the newcommer sit. Danny knows that look. It does not indicates anything good. Its the expression that Dash would make whenever he wos about to do something awful to him. Then the guy with blonde hair says
- Damian why don’ t you eat with us?
And then procedes to push the plate with cookies closer to the boy
- I thought I informed you Winser that I do not eat anything made of milk or other animals products. I am vegan.
Answered Damian with monotone voice. He sat incredybly straight and wos so stiff that Danny thought that must hurt.
- But its so good. beside I offered it. wouldnt it be polite of you to at least try?
Wisner insisted. Sly grin on his lips.
- Leave him be Mike he probably has problems with digesting such hard avaible products.
Said boy to the left with massive collection of pimples on his Chin. Danny named him spotty.
- I do not have any „digestive problems” as you put it Jenkin. I simply choose not to.
- of course pardon our lack of knowledge. Its just we worry that your… original diet wos a little lacking… or maybe you ate a little too much chocholate when you where younger. Thats all
And all of the group snickers to spotty „jokes”. Danny Thinks its primitive and disgusting. Racizm is low blow specially after Damians next words:
- I do not understand
And they laught even more. Damian just sits there confused and oblivious to insults vowen in to conversation. And Danny listens and decides that he must tell that boy the truth. He cant turn blind eye to that. He may no longer be a hero but that? He can help with that. Soon bullies get bored of throwing hidden insults at Damian and go away. Damian sits at their table alone staring at the crumbs of cookies. He looks lonely. Danny standard and walks over to him. But before he reaches the table his occupant whirles to face him. His eyes are very green. Not like ectoplasm but close. They are pretty expresive. Danny can see frustration and confusion in them.
-hi there!
Geats cheerfully.
- I don’t have any cash on me right now
Its the first thing Damian says to him. Rude Danny thinks even if he does looks like a beggar with his thorn jeans and dirty jumper, but he has a mission. And he does the one thing that helps him in stressfull, akward or life treathening situations: he turns it into a joke
- Shame but I will make an exeption for you and give you my services for free
- I am not interested
Damian seems irritated now. Danny procedes to ignore him and sits at the table.
- Well as an expert in friendship I can tell you that those guys weren’t your friends. Better keep away from them
- Thats none of your business. Go away
- well maybe not but you should know what they were saying to you….
And then Danny proceded to inform Damian about the hidden insults and racizem comments. Damian tried to say something and even walk away but Danny wos presistent. When he finaly finished Damian exploded
- Leave me you insolent lowborn go find yourself another imbecyle to milk for money! Or I will stab you!
- Wow that same fancy insults there. I havent Heard lowborn yet. Anyway have a good day!
And Danny proceded to turn on his heel and walk away. He left Damian dumbfoned staring at his back. if the boy decided to do something about this then good if not then Danny at least feels like he did everything he could in this situation.
Damian wos confused. That homless lowborn wos strange. He wos not familiar with Damian nor his family. But. Damian couldnt stop thinking about what he told him. About his classmates their words and hidden meanings. Damian wos not hier to Demons head and son of Batman without a reason. He had skills, keen mind and wos curious. So he checked, he spent almost all night reading different forums and sites about bulling and racizem. He tried not Think about how much he resembled Drake in the morning. What he found wos…. Not plesant. It turned out he missed a lot of signs of his position at school. It wos unbeconing of someone of his class. He wos glad to be aware of that problem but now he did not know what to do with it. Father and Grayson expected him to make „friends” and up until yesterday he thought he fullfiled their orders thru his classmates but now he realised it wos failure. He did not want father to Discover his mistake. So now he has different problem he does not know exacly what that „friendship” wos supposed to be. Internet wos not really helpfull, there were so many diversive definitions that he wos confused about what wos true. He wos not going to admit to father or Grayson his incompetence. He will find solution himself. He has one idea that just might work. The lowborn named himself expert in friendship. Damian just has to find him and ask. He seemed willing to sell his knowledge.
Danny wos a little confused and suprised to see angry boy from two days before him. In his defense Danny did not start this conversation. It wos Damian who came to his bench across the café and demanded his services. Which wos weird in itself even before he asked about the price. But he did remember that he made a joke about services so that checks.
- look I am not…
Started Danny but Damian cut him off.
- you introduced yourself as an expert in friendship so I require your services. I will pay generously.
God now Danny wos going to be arrested for child manipulation and thieft. No that can’t happen. He already is hunted for his halfa status that’s enough.
- Listen I don’t want any money. I joked that day. I saw a kid being bullied and stepped in. Further events does not concern me.
Danny tried to leave but the kid wos presistent.
- Well your knowledge proved usefull. I want more
-kid, Damian I don’t want to get in trouble by using you or something. I am pretty sure there is some paragraph for that. Ask Google, it’s better option. And without me involved
- you think I didn’t do it already?! I am not stupid, but the information there are contradicting itself and I can’t distinguish what is true and what is not!!!!
Danny looks at Damian. He is shaking a little, and his words are colored by desperation. Ancients this is trouble… but he wos in this situation before wosnt he? A boy who does not know basic social skills in foreign dimension…alone and lost. Fuck he can’t leave Damian hanging. He can feel his fear in the air. Damn ghost abilities.
- Fine what’s your problem?
Danny has been meeting with Damian for over 2 months now. the kid wos socially awkward but quick witted and genarlly nice company. Well Danny wos alone for so long that his judgement may be clouded by he does not dwell on that. It’s nice having someone around. And Damian talks to him. He missed that. First few meeting wos a little awkward but it got better. Danny tried to be helpful,?first they talked about the school interactions, who even wos a friend. But then they got deeper, it turned out that Damian knew about social interactions little to nothing. They talked about family how it works, what it should be like. It wos ironic considering Danny neglectful parents and dangerous home. But he knew how it should look like. Jazz make sure of that when she wos alive. Then Damian started to open up about his origin. Trainings, mother and weird hierarchy. Well Danny saw a lot wilder shit in the zone. A kid from assassin cult wosnt the most shocking but still fucked up. He thinks that Damian might be even winning his little competition: „who had more screwed childhood” He thinks that his calmness helped Damian to share. Ancients he feels like Jazz…. It is not that bad. Damian brings him snacks, becouse Danny refused any money. And Danny talks to him too. Tells him about the stars, laughs about stories of Sam and Tucker Damian will never know who is he talking about so there is no harm. First time from death of everyone loved he does not feel alone.
Damian didnt plan to get close to Danny. It wosnt the plan. But he wos such good listener. Danny wos systematic in his explanation of reactions and habits that are „normal” in society. He wosnt showing horror or acted surprised when he told him about discipline in league or it’s hierarchy. He didn’t even flinch when he conveyed stories of trying to establish his position in manor by attempting to murder Drake. He listened then pointed out how different manor and league functioned and then calmly suggested that he should talk to Timothy. Just like that no screaming or anger. Now he knows why father wos so frustrated with him. According to Danny family doesn’t have strict hierarchy or rules punishable by death. It wos strange to have everything finally explained. He understands so much more. He sees that Grayson tried to explain it to him before. But as much as he is fond of the man he wos unsuccessful in his attempts. But he still has one problem… father told him to make friends. It’s a mission that he is failing right now. And if he is being honest he is not talented in this department. Not that he will admit it to anyone… well apart from Danny. When he asked him what else he should do to accomplish this mission he got quiet and fidgeted for a while and then offered
- well if you want I can be your friend
Damian stopped his walk and stared at him. Did Danny filled all the requirements? He did helped Damian not expecting anything in return which friends are supposed to do according to Danny himself, his presence wos entertaining. They understood each other. Both suspicious of their surroundings and cautious in every situation. They know about each other a lot of useless information like favourite food (Danny loved burgers), colors, hobbies or general interests.
-yes that would be acceptable
Damian saw the happy glint in Danny’s eyes and the way he relaxed. They started to walk again as if it wosnt admission of most importance.
So I may post a little follow up about how Tim reacted to Damian apology? I will see. As you can see my writing isn’t the best sorry😅. So in here Danny’s family and friends from Amity are dead and he is 16-isch Damian is fresh from the league and is obviously confused.
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the-s1lly-corner · 9 months
TADC cast comforting the reader!
i know i said i have a character limit (and technically ive already broken it for the creepypasta version of this post and similar posts in this category) buuuuuut admins personal writing gets to twist the rules a little bit/j/lh and also i dont want to make multiple posts for this prompt soooooooooo writing this while im waiting to make my silly money on a roblox tycoon yall know how it is :3 uuuuuuh might have more typos than usual simply because that wave of sleepiness is hitting but also i wanna finish my tycoon so NEVER BACK DOWN NEVER WHAT
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i think he might try too hard in trying to get you to feel better. likely overwhelms you but he doesnt have ill intent (though that doesnt change much, youre still overwhelmed) so you might have to be firm in having him reel things back to a level that works for you. i think he would ask you whats wrong, as well as get anything he thinks he would help you feel better (drinks, blankets... hell before you can process anything hes probably got you buried in loads of things)... hes got the spirit but his intensity is... well intense.. torn between him being a decent listener because on one hand i can see him being hooked on every word you say and talking over you in an attempt to find a solution right then and there.... 6/10 i love caine but i get overwhelmed/overstimulated easily
does not know what to do when someone around her it upset, much less crying... i think she would put on this really weird... awkward... forced smile to try to lessen the tension in the air (failing at it, mind you) and try to pat your back... asks if you want to talk about it... a really good listener, actually. a better listener than a comforter, her solutions are so-so, they're what you expect from someone who doesnt want to accidentally overstep but nonetheless still cares about how you feel. at least you can count on her being totally no judgement, too... lets you talk to her for as long as you need, giving a nod and affirmation that she is in fact listening 8/10
very similar to pomni in regards to being a great listener, but i think ragatha would also be a great comforter as well as solution giver! lets you come into her room, gives you one of her nicer blankets to curl under while she lets you unload onto her. if someone is being mean to you or something is frustrating you, ragatha offers to give you a hand to find a solution to make things easier for you. offers to confront the person for you, though she does vaguely urge for you to build yourself up to try to speak up for yourself in the future. of course, if you ever need anyone ragatha is going to be there for you but she would also love to see you stand up for yourself. builds you up, probably gives peps talks! 8.5/10
more often than not its going to look like hes disinterested or flat out not listening... which if it were just about anyone else that might really be the case.. buuuuuut what if you were one of his friends, or perhaps a partner? i think he would at least throw in a yeah.. which i think for how i typically write jax means something. one of those "if he didnt actually care he wouldnt be responding at all" and yeah sure its the bare minimum... i think every now and then he might just say screw it and throw his act out the window start shit talking... usually if theres someone to shit talk, you know if someone has made you upset or something... i think he would make them a target for his pranks... usually tries to play everything off as something light or unimportant but as long as its you, he is listening and he is going to at least make an attempt to do something about it... just dont bring it up 4/10 because personally it would make me feel worse shrugs
well i dont know how dad/energy having people can be comforting because my dad is emotionally distant/lh but i think he would let you come into his pillow fort... or if you dont want to be in a space so small he would let you come into his room, or he might take you out on a walk around the grounds. i think he would be more of a listener than anything else, nodding and humming to let you know hes listening. when theres pauses in your speaking he tries to offer some advice which can be pretty hit or miss. i think he would give you a hug, if you asked for one... if you want a distraction he will launch into a ramble about insects and other things! trails off to ask how youre doing every now and then, usually makes him lose his spot in the previous conversation thus starting a new one... will talk for hours 7/10 but im biased for kinger
distant but not in the way jax is, zooble just has trouble expressing some of their emotions. jax just doesnt like showing any care or vulnerability. but zooble might let you stay in their room if youre crying or otherwise outwardly distressed. might let you sink down into one of their bean bag chairs... kind of just opens up a vent session with asking if you want to talk shit, or to just get angry. i think they can deal with someone being angry and irritated than a crying person because at least then they can apply their own irritation for it and put themselves in the other persons shoes. really you two just bounce and build each other in this scenario, kind of just letting off steam that should have been released far sooner... i dont know about you guys but its refreshing 8/10
might get upset with you if youre really upset.. or maybe upset for you? i think she might be able to feel a lot for those she cares about deeply, so while it might look like shes trying to hijack the moment for herself, shes just crying FOR you.. lets you use her art supplies to make vents or to simply scribble. another big listener, i think she would try to give advice but... given that gangle herself has no spine (figuratively and literally) i think its... not the best advice... like the kind of stuff you try to affirm to yourself to get through a hard day, usually those affirmations.... dont work...but hey theres an effort! i mean at least she makes sure you feel heard and listened to, which is at least a little better than jax soooooo 5.5/10
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yeahmiknight · 2 months
Hi Dandys World Community.... Sobs as I put my creation up Dandys World Oc :( Diwali NOOO THERES A MISTAKE IN THE TEXT chat plz ignore it info below
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Text so its easier to read here 'This toon is the embodiment of every last wonderful creation made by every kid who enters the museum!' 'Diwali was created by the folks at the Gardenview Center in response to all of the drawings they received. Diwali is supposed to represent every last piece of art.' 'Now kids can be sure Dandy has seen their work, because Diwali IS their work.' Notes down here -Diwali is male [He/Him] -He is a craft similar to Goob and Scraps. What actual creature he represents is unknown. This is mainly because they wanted to make a 'blank canvas' sort of character, so the kids could imagine him as whatever they want. -If he had an ingame model, the pieces of paper that roll down his back and stick out his head would likely be the poster assets copy n pasted on the model, albeit with some added thickness to the asset. -Diwali is barely present in the show and would mainly serve as a background character to fill space. Diwali would lack lines overall and probably only be mentioned by the other toons as 'a friend they know' or something along those lines. -Aside from the Dandy piece on his neck, he would probably have the Dandys World logo on there as an alt. -Playable Diwali would possibly either be a Distraction Toon or a Support Toon. [I just got here idk the labels] -Diwalis special ability would simply be that he can toss a bunch of papers in the air. These can do one of two things depending on what playstyle you wanna go for. 1. These papers make a loud distraction noise, luring Twisteds to them similar to a failed skill check, although this noise unlike the skill check as range and cant be heard at a certain distance. 2. These papers can be used to hide Toons. It grants a few seconds of the Twisted not being able to see whoever is behind the papers due to their abundance, offering a chance of escape if you just run backwards. Diwali would also be effected by this but his grace period would probably be slower. These of course could not be spammed to avoid breezing through the game. -Twisted Diwali could possibly set up paper traps, whenever spotted Twisted Diwali will drop a piece of paper on the floor as they peruse a player. These papers, once stepped on will alert other Twisteds. Its best not to get spotted by him. He is fairly slow, you could possibly outrun him or outwalk him under certain circumstances, and he would only drop 2-3 papers when giving chase. -He has a permanent 'dead eye' or lazy eye as you would call it. It doesnt bother him. -He would lack lines overall in the game, when interacting with the other toons the most you could get out of him is just three dots. -He would possibly hard to obtain due to his ability, that way lobbys wouldnt just fill up with this guy spamming the ability to get through the game quickly. if you have any questions lmk.
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nattyluvs · 1 year
PINK ROSES - chapter 12
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felix paces around his living room, double checking every single little thing, nervous out of hid mind.
he didnt even understand, this isnt even thag serious? people came to his house as a child all the time, a few playdates, cousins, family friends, though it was never a girl, or rather, a girl he was starting to like.
he proceeded to walk towards fhe bathroom mirror to check his appearance one more time until he heard the doorbell's ringing. straightening out his shirt a little, he went to go answer the door.
standing at the door was yn, with her outfit a little more comfortable than usual, also sith a backpack strapped to her back. "looking beautiful as always" was in the back of his mind.
"hi yn..um you can put your bag anywhere, but dont take your shoes off because we're going somewhere." he said, gesturing for her to walk a little further into the house.
"oh, okay! where are we going?" she asked, setting her bag down by couch. she took another glance around the apartment-like place, tidy and clean.
"better than my dorm atleast." she thought before turning to felix while he started talking.
"ah, actually i was hoping we could bake some cookies if you dont mind. i need some ingredients though so we have to go to the store." felix spoke, voice muffled a bit due to looking through cabinets.
they walked side by side to the grocery store a few blocks away. it was a little chilly, and they probably could've gone to the campus store but its 10x more expensive.
"i didnt think it was gonna be this cold.." yn suddenly confessed, rubbing her arms a little.
felix reached into his pocket and put his hand into hers, handing her two hand warmers.
"i was going to use them when i got cold, but you need them more. it wouldnt be nice to let my guest be cold now would it?" he turned to her and smiled
"right, thank you."
they arrived shortly at the grocery sotre, scanning through the isles and grabbing all sorts of stuff, chocolate chips, sugar, flour.
about to turn into another isle, yn stopped to look at a certain isle corner.
"look they have flowers, im totally gonna buy a bouquet." she pointed out, grabbing the boquet of pink roses on the stand.
"pink roses are my favorite too, actually." felix confessed out of nowhere, making yn smile a bit. he offered to carry the roses for her as they headed into another isle.
hearing a notification from her phons, yn pulled it out of her pant pocket and starting to type.
distracted by her phone, walking and texting had her accidently bump into somebody, making her phone go flying.
hazardly she went to pick up the phone, no damage being done thankfully. she turned to the person bumped into snd gave a quick apology.
"ah, im sorry about tha-huh? taehyun?" suddenly suprised at the man stood infront of her was someone she knew.
"yn? i havent seen you in so long, how are you doing?" taehyun spoke, equally suprised to see someone familar.
their conversation peaked felixs intrest, suddenly not so interested in the types of sugar infront of him.
seeing them talk so openly and freely made him..envious. not jealous, envious. he wished him ans yn could talk so comfortably that way one day.
wait..what? felix never even stopped to wonder why they even know eachother. he was caught up in his thoughts until he heard yns voice talking to jim again.
"sorry felix, we got caught up talking abit, this is taehyun, he goes to witney high with niki, beomgyu, and them you know?" felix failed to notice the way taehyun's eyes lit up at the mention of a certain someone.
"ohh, i see nice to meet you taehyun."
"nice to meet you too felix, so, you guys go to the university across the way?"
"yup" yn responded "were just hanging out you know? wanna relax a little before a bunch of hard studying comes."
"i see, goodluck on your test, study hard."
felix nodded a little, and then started to emternally panic when taehyun leaned down to whisper something in yn's ear. he couldnt figure out what he was saying, or what yn's response was, but he decided not to make anything of it.
after a little more talking, taehyun left while yn and felix left aswell.
on the walk back, felix was entirely confused. were they dating? no, they didnt even kiss and were to awkward with eachother. and what did he even say to her? its not like he could ask, that would just be nosy.
suddenly starting to drop the silence, felix began to speak
"you know, we carry around flowers snd groceries while we walk together people will think we are married." felix's inner thoughts that should have never been said aloud was spoken.
"i hope we do."
"nothing, with how old you look people will think youre my dad."
"excuse you? i dont even look that old, youre just playing with me!"
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"are you doing anything this weekend?" yn asked, curious as to whether she could stay a bit in the morning or leave as soon as she wakes up.
"not really, i have an audition and an interview for a dance position though" felix said, taking the last batch of cookies out the oven.
"speaking of that, i have something to ask you, and i might aswell ask you since you're here."
yn turned her head, curious to what he could possibly ask related to an interview. she didnt have experience in that kind of thing.
"do..you know how to tie a tie." felix softly spoke, head looking doen in shame.
yn burst out in laughter, "thats it? you dont know how to tie a tie??"
"stop, its not funny, i just never got taught how, my mom always did it for me."
"good thing i happen to know how, put the shirt on so you dont have to put the tie on seperately."
felix nodded, walking away into his room to change into his interview outfit. slowly but surely, he walked out with some nice clothes on and the untied-tie in hand.
"why do you need to dress up for a dancer interview anyway?"
"hey, i may be applying to be a dancer, but its still like a big company, i have to make the impression." felix spoke, handing her the tie.
"makes sense"
she walked closer to where he was standing, tir in hand. she proceeded to wrap the tie under his collar, not realizing how close they were.
after the tie was finished, they both slowly looked up at eachother. felix's eyes couldnt focus on one spot. hn was unable to look away, his gaze capturing her. they stared at eachother so long she couldve counted all his freckles. they finally pulled away after awhile,
"sorry, i zoned out." "me too, dont worry about it."
"hey, i have a spare bed but theres only hardwood floor in here, ur gonna have to sleep in my room."
"no its fine! the hardwood floor isnt gonna be that bad."
"no, you might have back pain in the morning and itll be my fault, here its already set up in my room"
inside felixs room was his bed, with the set up bed on the floor next to it, yn went to the bathroom to put on some pajamas, shortly coming back to lay in the bed.
she sat there on her phone a bit, while felix was turning the lights off and locking the doors.
shortly, he came back to set the phone down on the bed, while starting to strip of his clothes.
"woah, im still in here you know."
"im only taking my shirt off i promise, i cannot sleep with one on."
she wasnt very curious until she took a little perk from her phone screen, seeing felix and his defined abs standing infront of the bed. god damn, holy shit, does this man work out for a living? he cant even carry bags of groceries??
letting those thoughts fly away for now, she put her phone to charge as felix turned the lights off.
"goodnight yn"
"goodnight, lixie"
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a/n: theyre cute i hope they break up, also sorry for any errors i didnt proofread because im embarassed
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rosewoodconch · 25 days
RWCH Readathon 2024: Day 3
Undercover Princess- Chapter 8
Right! Actually into the school year now. Lets go to classes and absolutely fail at useful communication!
I really like that the uniform can be changed to better fit the students personality. Ljke there s the tartan of the hiuse in skirts and pinafores but also the trousers
I wonder why none of the guys wear the tartan trousers?
Micky wears the shorts i guess, maybe he wears longer version of them in winter
I want a fic wear lottie actually just straight up tells them she spied on them from behind the mirror and their reaction. Someone please
Mr trigwell is such a good name for a maths teacher. And the slenderman reference is just so... 2016/2017
Connie is incredible for that.
Ellie offering to tutor lottie made me swoon so hard as a kid. Especially followed by "i can think of a few things..." GIRL LIKE WHAT? WHAT IS THE INTENDED IMPLICATION?
I am also requesting art of the rosewood cafeteria and also the ivy one from the last chapter please they look so pretty in my head i just cant art.
Shes also being so dismissive of ollie already. Why on earth wouldnt she even tell him oh my god by the way these girls think im a princess????
Raphael being so shit at lying then saying that shes a bad liar is comedic gold i love that boy
Hes an actor for gods sake. Hes doing it on purpose i swear
Lottie at this stage where shes sassy and a lil smug and faking stuff is funny and cute. Im dreading the "caus eim the maravish princess" scene because that is another level of fake entitlement.
Lola is the most iconic ever and no one should ever trust her with a secret ever. How did they make it through this series without them spilling every secret ever
Back to my barbie bullshit. Micky is Porscha coded (barbie charm school again)
Can she not just show them her id? Her passport? Something???
This scene makes me laugh so genuinely and so much its only rivaled by that one scene in I think PiP?
I love that this scene actually feels like theyre real characters. They arent just fitting whats ideal for the story they feel like theyre real and making decisions and trying (and failing) to keep secrets and stop themselves from laughing and it makes me really happy
This is the first time i think we really get to see all their personalities shine but still meld together to see how they are actually friends
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linkedin-corp · 2 months
wait i love ilaw actuslly hes so little guycore. tell us more
EEEEE HIIII . im so glad u asked abt him cuz for the past week or so ive been frothing at the mouth thinking about him and his little gaggle of freaks . tho tbh he is Not really little guy and moreso shadow the hedgehog but in sky:cotl form. its hilarious and i hate him (affectionate)
however unfortunately im one of those people who if i dont know everything there is to know about the lore of a media im super into i just start making stuff up . and sky is one of those occasions . so bare with me
so starting off explaining some sky:cotl lore for those that know absolutely nothing about it . basically . in the lore, wayyy before you (the player) exist , the world of sky was prosperous and full of life and everything was running smoothly like silk butter
but eventually a corrupt fella came around and became a dictator and ruined everything for everyone, dark dragons began to show up and basically strip everyone of their light (which turns them to stone or just straight up kills you)
so (starting to make things up from here on out bcus im not sure if its true to canon or not), when the darkness started to fall, the wasteland elder was at the frontlines of the war that ended up happening, and got sealed away like all the other elders after the war was lost but not killed completely.
ilaw was a high ranking soldier under the wasteland elder and considered them one of his greatest friends (totally not in a gay way) , and it was hard to ever find them apart
ilaw tried to protect his elder (i use the name 'tsadi' for the wasteland elder even though thats confirmed not canon, i still like that its a thing thats in the wiki and its a nice name) tsadi, but ended up failing
tsadi gave light to ilaw so he could continue going on and fighting the war (well. moreso 'run away and save yourself',) but ilaw didint want to leave tsadi behind, and ended up falling right before tsadi did
fast forward to current day (like. hundreds or thousands of years in the future, im unsure how long of time had passed between the shattering and current day in sky), a colleague of ilaw that was revived finds him and offers him light so he isnt trapped anymore
cue ilaw having a massive identity crisis about the fact he fucked up and did not keep himself safe like tsadi wanted OR keep tsadi safe , and failed his duties to keep his people safe in general
so he ends up spending mostly ALL of his time in wasteland, brooding over the fact that pretty much everything is different now and everyone he used to know is either dead or missing
bcuz of this though , he ends up meeting a moth (what people call "new players") there, after saving them from a krill (dark dragon). this of course causes said moth to become attached at his heel and they never leave after that. accidental moth adoption
it helps him heal somewhat, because for awhile he was very closed off and secluded and would only really talk to his colleague, or others that he considered close friends (which. at the time after his revival, wasnt very many)
eventually, said moth heads back to wasteland after building up the courage and makes it through. though, when she returns, they tell ilaw that they saw tsadi there in the temple. it does make him go into shock for awhile and for a bit after that he doesnt head back into the wastelands due to immense terror. 💔 aand the healing process restarts
so. lots of war trauma and gay longing and tragedy . ive cried over these idiots a few times and i love them to death .
but i do have a couple more small facts about ilaw ! or other thoughts i had written down ect ..
he finds the skykids of current day a tad bit annoying right after he gets revived but eventually softens because the hustle and bustle is comforting . something something lots of background noise so he doesnt have to think about his own problems
i also often imagine him easily beating the shit out of the krill in wasteland . but he wouldnt attempt that in current day because i doubt he trusts himself not to get fucked up again plus hes too busy thinking about tsadi
just. sits utop the crumbled forts and grumbles to himself while imagining himself beating up krill . hes literally shadow the hedgehog but in sky form . if he knew what kinning was he would kin that guy
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my-castles-crumbling · 3 months
intrusive thoughts anon!
to answer you question, well ig it really depends on how you do it. if you do it well enough, the students dont notice. like ny bsfs from my olf school, we became friends cz our chemistry teacher took the 5 students who worked the best and just slapped us together in group projects.
but ig its mainly because 1) your attention wouldnt need to be contantly diverted across a multitude of different groups 2) some kids genuinely just dont like it.
the main thing to consider is the fact that theyre middle schoolers, if the smart ones realise oh, this kid in my group knows nothing, bullying could start.
if the slightly less advanced kid realises that the smarter kid is weaker than them of sorts, they can manipulate the situation.
but most of all, its important to realise that those chidlren are still kids, and teaching is technically the teacher's job.
this is smtjng ive struggles with alot in my life, im considerably smart in the subjects which matter (eng+maths+sciences) and am usually paired/grouped with kids who genuinely know nothing at all. its not even like theyre having a hard time, like no, theyre having a hard time AND they just dont want to listen to a fellow classmate.
some chidlrens egos surpass their need to learn and often times children just dont feel comfortable speaking up.
as an example in english (i have the top grades) the teavher always groups me with the girl who, ik i shouldn't say this, but is the BIGGEST pick me, like the entire lesson shes laughing at non existent jokes from guys and flirting with the two other guys in our group, talking over me continuously like girl im trying to make you guys understand. and then one guy whos failing all his subjects and a guy who's ego is thru the roof cz practically every girl likes him.
what do i get out of the lesson? nothing. im tired and drained and the teacher is like oh wow they did the work today😃 like girl pls bsfr
but as compared to having a group of all smart learners together, they'll either do their work silently if they dont like eachother or otherwise discuss topics together and argue/debate in a way which stimulates the mind.
HOWEVERRRR at the end, i, 100%, stand by friendgrps as groups. mostly they're either a grouo of like minded people or a group of a mix. they have good communication, they joke around ehile they work, they have fun, pick up where the other lacks and overall enjoy the learning process.
but, at the end, its important to remember that ecery classroom is different, all children vary. get acquainted eith your children and eho knows maybe diverse groups work best for them!
(also the against diverse group sentiment is not only something ehich ive observed but also something that my mother reiterated when i told her. for reference shes been teaching middle schoolers for 20+ years, is a mentor at her school and has been offered the principal position)
also at the end but this reminded me, my mother once said that she prefers non diverse groups because the smart kids usuallu get done earlier and she keeps extra activities planned for them which are more challenging so theyre not sitting free and disrupting the class, however when theyre in a group, they start to get frustrated because the rest of group doesnt work the same pace as them.
kids love to be challenged, the smart kids eill have people next to them that are working in relatively the same speed and eill try to surpass the others. the medium people will also be working at somehwat the same oace and these will be the children who will usually talk and discuss to figure out answers, likewise with the academically challenged kids.
also this reminds me. usually what my friend and i do when we're put in a diverse group is just do all the work and let the others copy from us whilst telling ehat few little things to change so it doesn't look TOO copied yk.
which obviously goes against the entire point and alot of children do this, ive done this myself and have also been oart of the copying group.
middle schoolers want to do everything in a eay that takes the least effort possible
idk if this was too long or even helpful but i tried.
oh and im okay (ish) rn
No, not too long at all, and super helpful! Honestly, I love hearing opinions about this stuff, especially from students, because they're the ones doing the learning! So like...I want to know how to help!
You're right that diverse groups aren't always beneficial, and I agree that higher-level learners tend to get sort of...left out, I guess? When it comes to being challenged. I love the idea of having challenging things for them to do when they're done, I'm definitely going to use that. And you're right that teaching is the teacher's job, and I think that we forget that it's not okay to always rely on the higher level students, so thank you for reminding me <3
Also, thank you for taking the time to write all of this out. It means the world to me! I think I'm gonna print out all of these advice things and keep them in a folder on my desk...
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edelblau · 3 months
uncles celebration of life thing upcoming so ive been thinking a lot (art for family under cut) (assuming the read more function works) ->
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without getting too into it my final lengthy conversation with my uncle happened when we were both kind of drunk and it was about the ethics of crediting artists. my uncle did music for a while and was creatively inclined and so i cant say why, but he took a stance of feeling that ultimately, if a company or label owns the end product, that its natural for the names of individual artists to be lost. i disagreed.
obviously given the state of inebration i wasnt able to argue my point well and ended up just crying in frustration. he forgot it the next day. but now whenever i think of him i think of that moment, of wasting time trying to argue about something the last time id see him alive. of utterly failing to even make the point i wanted to, leaving so many regrets in that last, final moment we had.
i ended up offering to draw something in his honour because its all i can do. i have no money, and im not capable of bringing him back. he lived in a different country for most of my life; what do i even really know about him?
its not that im not grieving. i feel like im constantly swinging back and forth between extreme states of grief. it feels unreal. i was convinced when i got the news it was somehow a very inapporpriate lie, or a mistake. that maybe he was alive. he wasnt that old or that unhealthy. he had plans soon before he died to see my mom. it didnt make any sense. it still doesnt. but i feel like i dont have the right to the 'big' grief that others do. i try not to burden my family by talking about it since i wasnt close enough to him to earn that. my mom lost a brother; i lost an older uncle i didnt know that well.
so i just keep thinking of the small things. things he either didnt know or wouldnt remember. that argument, reading the christmas card he sent and not knowing he had already passed while i read it. wondering how i would explain what i meant that day if i ever saw him again, even as i know that wont come to pass. wondering if, when he died, if he even knew how his death would impact me. if he lived and died thinking i was indifferent to it all just because i could not communicate otherwise.
i dont know. its hard. im scared for the celebration of life. i feel like i could keep pretending he might be alive otherwise. im scared to see his ashes. im scared for when his house finally sells and the last of the legalities are wrapped up and the truth of the matter settles in. im scared that he died thinking i hated him over a stupid argument. im scared of the fact that there's no afterlife i believe in, and thus this is already the end.
but no matter how scared i am or how much it hurts, this is all there is. writing about how i feel and then trying to bury it all. i cant change the past and i cant see or speak to ghosts. so this is just
all there is.
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jjkpls · 3 years
the wishlist (m) - 3
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“You used it.”
> genre : smut, fluff
> pairing : jeon jungkook x reader (f)
> words : 4.2k
> content/warnings : back at it again w/ the bff2l; one sided love, lot of pining; sextoys talk and use; explicit language; masturbation (f); ambiguous infidelity; awkward oc; koo being cute but insufferable
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For about a week and a half, you simply ignore the outrageous box sitting in the centre of your living room.
If you omit to remember what’s inside, it’s just a nice-looking decoration, embellishing your messy coffee table. It’s perfectly fine sitting between the unopened mails and the takeout brochures. You see Jungkook glance at it each time he comes over but he has the decency to not mention it. You might have read a little disappointment but he didn’t share it with you, not wanting to bother you, as you rightfully assumed, and in any case, you’re just doing exactly what you said you would: not use it. 
Then comes a glorious day of resting from work for you, and miraculously it matches your two closest girl friends' schedules and they owe to come over, celebrate a belated Christmas with you. And as you’re quickly tidying up the place, the question of the box being way too present here is raised again. They will ask about it. One will surely open it before you even get to answer.
The box has to go. 
And in your room, hidden in your bedside table where you know no one will peak, it goes. 
When you wake up from the fantastic, long-awaited Christmas celebration, it’s with a terrible headache. Mary, the amateur singer, received a ridiculous karaoke mic and if karaoke is involved, so is alcohol. You didn’t know that but apparently, you can get a severe almost deadly hangover from rosé. Well. Starting this new year already learning new things, how great. 
One thing that’s unchanged for this new year, as it seems, is Jungkook's talent for psychic arts. He somehow knows you need a copious breakfast made with love and by him, and the curious hangover shot only his roommate has the secret recipe of, to cope with being alive this morning. 
“Hello, Sunshine.” Your face feels so bloated and tensed at the same time like it’s made of playdoh and some devilish kid came and punched at it then squished it hard with its chubby mean fingers.
Very unpleasant.
You know you have very little to do with a ray of sunshine at the moment. You're more alike a gremlin or something. Therefore, as a gremlin would, you groan an answer. You catch through the minuscule slits you now own for eyelids a grin from him. It’s not even vexing or upsetting. His lovely, lovely smile is always a blessing. It’s the only thing that makes you not want to head back to bed and just sleep until death ensues. The pretty, pretty thing. With the big bunny front teeth. He is the sunshine. 
“Had fun last night?” He asks, still grinning, once he’s served you and himself two good plates of pancakes. He’s sitting in front of you, in front of this delicious looking good, yet he’s ogling you with a strange insistence. When he starts eating because you take too long to formulate a response, he munches slowly, still staring, instead of stuffing his face and swallow down the whole thing like a starving man, like he usually does. 
“Yeah. They spoiled me.” You say, quietly. You’re confused. You feel uneasy like there’s something you’re not getting. You hate this feeling. Usually, this friendship is filled with inside jokes you can make up exclusively via telepathy. But here you’re missing something, it feels. Or you might just be confused by the headache and possibly somehow still a bit drunk. 
“Oh did they?” The beam is even wider. You frown, nod, decide that it’s too early and your brain too foggy to try and investigate a confusion that might just be the product of your imagination. 
It doesn’t click then. It doesn’t click the next three times he asks you again, with slightly different formulations if, really, you had fun last night. 
He departs an hour later because he has an appointment with a client, as always leaving some of himself for your guilty pleasure and the marking on your eyelids of that curious grin. That curious mischievous grin. With the crooked shape, the white teeth looking menacing like a wolve’s and the eyebrows arched in suggestion.
How come such an attractive look can be so anxiety-inducing? You’re too fidgety, too confused and concerned to focus on anything. Remnants of the conversation rolling back again and again, trying to make sense of things that probably do not necessitate further explaining. 
The whole ordeal made you so nervous, you end up after an hour of trying to go about your day and failing poorly, sitting on your sofa, lotus style, eyes closed and hands turned up to the universe (hoping It might offer you some clearance It would just drop off in your palms). The thing is meditating is hard. Making so your brain would shut the fuck up is hard as hell. And you suck at it. 
Spoiler alert, you don’t reach the state of inner peace and quiet you wished to find. Instead, you make enough silence for your noggins to be more performing and suddenly it hits. Your eyes grow ten times in size, you almost fall from your sit for the shock is violent.
The moron.
You or him, probably both. 
I did NOT use it.
I put it away because the girls were coming over but I DID NOT USE IT
He simply replies with a winking emoji and you hate him for it. 
Jeon Jungkook, ur a dick I said I wouldnt use it EVER and I won’t, have a nice day moron. 
And again, this time, you mean it. You’ve never said anything with this much conviction in these twenty-five years of living.
Why would you now? When you now have experienced what it felt to have him look at you thinking you’ve done it. It felt mortifying without even knowing why. In all the case scenarios you could have come up with, you’ve never imagined that one. You would use it, he would know about it somehow, he wouldn’t be disgusted (it wouldn’t make sense for him to be as he is the one who offered it to you but your brain and soft ego sometimes are annoying like that), he would be amused, maybe content, but he wouldn't make you feel mortified. 
Having him considering you in a sexual position should be... cool, shouldn’t it? If you really like him that much. Maybe you were confused all along and actually, you don’t, you mistook your own feelings. 
Just a quick check of a mental picture you have of him, the fond smile growing just from his pretty face with the pretty everything on it can’t be trusted because, for all you know, everyone smiles this way when they think about him. On the other hand, the swift blush invading your cheeks when you (by accident) linger on parts you really really like about him -like his thighs or the man titties he’s been growing lately- serve to remind you that yes, yes indeed you like him. 
But he’s an asshole.
No matter how much you thought about it (and you thought about it a lot even though you’re ashamed to admit it), you've never consider it to realize, you never and you still don’t believe anything non-platonic would ever happen with him. You’re just made to be friends. The best of friends but still just friends. 
Not even taking a step but simply dipping the tips of your toes in these unknown waters turns out to be terrifying and you're mad at him because he’s putting you in this situation where you feel awfully uneasy. 
It should all remain a very personal, very intimate fantasy: your attraction for him.
He cracked the wall for a second, it felt wrong and terrible but it’s done and over with now.
It’s only you and your thoughts. 
You don’t ever mention it, he doesn’t bring it back up. Soon the season of celebrations and wishes is behind you, the world starts rolling slowly, boringly so with its lots of little annoyances and distractions and you’re not even thinking about it anymore, neither is he. 
You’re stressed out. Work is being a bitch as it does. And because it sucks most of your time and patience, the only quick way to unwind you know comes to play. 
But the hassle is not worth it. Unfortunately this you always need to realize afterwards. After having searched the internet for good masturbatory content for half an hour, working yourself for two hours and then, there’s the safety wee and the freshening up before bed, to wake up the next morning feeling like shit because of course, you sacrificed hours of sleep for an unsatisfactory outcome.
It’s not worth it.
It hasn’t been for months. Even if you’re still more able to take care of yourself and pleasure yourself better than most if not all men you’ve ever been with, something is missing: a man (or maybe just a dick). 
You feel bored and empty (in both senses). Stuck because the more you need to unwind, the more you try, the less you feel better. 
It’s the snake biting its own tail. 
Until a certain pretty blue box, sleeping inside your bedside table, recalls itself to you. It feels like a century had passed since the box arrived in your life, it doesn’t seem as scary as it used to, as stressful. The fact that Jungkook hasn’t mentioned it, might even has himself forgotten about it, help immensely. 
And it is the very moment, you forget to remember about this promise you made to him and yourself, the promise that you would not use it. 
Right about now, not only stressed and annoyed by everything but also horny for no particular reason, this dildo with the box that matches your planner sounds ideal. 
And it is ideal.
Feels like exactly what you needed. The size is not ridiculously big, it’s fairly tiny actually but given you haven’t had sex in a while, it suffices to stretch you out just fine. It’s new and exciting. The texture feels really nice, smooth, slipping perfectly right between your walls. It’s rather long, slightly curved, filling you in deep and teasing the spot that you could never even dream of reaching with your short ass fingers. And in no time (and you actually regret that) you’re on cloud 9, it’s a thought of the Santa that brought this blessing of a gift in your life that sends you there. You feel satisfied, content, fulfilled from the tip of your hair to your toes, smiling like an idiot because damn, that was a good orgasm. 
Right this moment, you feel fine about using the present. About quickly having thought about him too because it’s not that much of a big deal. He won’t know about it. He doesn’t really seem to care about your sex life anymore (which is, ironically, a blessing). Therefore why should there be a problem? Why would there be?
Apparently, you’ve underestimated the crankiness of your attitude for the few weeks that passed before the phenomenal orgasm. 
Apparently, you had been the worst kind of truculent bitch there is, to a level you didn’t even know you could reach (also no one told you!), because when Jungkook meets up with you, maybe after the third or fourth times of having used your lovely new companion, he noticed something has changed. Instantly. 
“What’s going on?” He asks with a bright smile and excited shiny eyes as if he expects you to have great news to share. 
“Nothing special...” Tilting your head to the side, you drag the words out as you try to think about it for a second, wondering if there’s something that needs to be told.
“Really?” He sucks on his banana yoghurt with eyebrows frowned, staring at you as if he’s studying you. Once the thing is empty, he tosses it in a nearby bin, crosses his arms on his chest and glares. He looks like a detective about to interrogate you. He would look intimidating if it were not for his lips, sucked in to gather the last taste of his yoghurt. “You look awfully happy.”
“Do I?” It makes you smile, shrug your shoulders. It doesn’t hit just then. It should be fine. He can’t unravel something that you don’t even have knowledge of, can he? But Jungkook is a little weasel. He loves to know everything.
Especially when it’s about you. 
“You better not be seeing anyone-“ You should wonder where this is coming from, all of a sudden. Instead, you take offence, how dares he?
“What do you mean ‘I better’? I do what-“
“Without telling me? You better not.” He has that shit-eating grin, his signature brat's smile, because he knows you can’t reach over the table to smack him in the head without risking to tip over your drinks or dip your sleeve in soja sauce. 
“Anyway. Nothing's going on.” For a second, a staring contest takes place on this convenience store's terrace. You’re not sure why. He’s daring you for no reason. Until his mouth twitches, wanting to smile and it makes you laugh so he follows along. “Were you not supposed to tell me about your next appointment?” 
“Client Amy, yes!” It shouldn’t make you laugh to hear him name her like that as it’s been his trademark to mention his clients as if they were Pokémon trainers but it does.
You’ve always thought that it’s his very personal way of living this childhood fantasy of existing within the Pokémon universe. His life is full of potential trainers. Most of the time it’s just Client Enter the Name here but sometimes it’s Baker Jin -who’s not actually a baker but a salesman at his neighbourhood’s bakery-, there’s Dancer Hoseok, who’s the main dance partner of his best friend and Roommate Park Jimin. Sometimes he calls you Friend Y/N, it’s frustratingly funny. You hate that you spill at least a nose snort at each and every single one of his stupid jokes. His grin always grows ten times bigger, his eyes twinkle in a lovely way but you know that you are encouraging him. Encouraging him to be fucking annoying, like a little brother who’s just pushing unfunny jokes too far, just keep repeating them because he knows he can get a reaction. “She wants me to tattoo the dragon from Spirited Away on her arm-“
You gasp and he smiles even wider. 
“I know, right? And I was thinking- to give it flow, I would have it- like fly through cherry blossoms.” Attentively, you listen, squinting a bit when he gets technical to try and picture the project you have a hard time making up alone in your mind.
Imagination and creativity have always been his thing. He had you impregnated with it long ago because he is too passionate and too much of a sharer to allow you to keep away from all arts -because you can’t hold a pencil straight without panicking at the idea of having to draw something- which you would have gladly done if it weren't for him. He’s the gifted one. And his drawings, either on paper, screen or skin, have always been a subject of huge admiration for you. You’re a bit ashamed to admit it but you’ve never really touched to anything really artistic. You often don’t really get it. But his stuff does something to you -and not only because you adore him but actually impartially. There’s no finesse, no pertinency, no trait nor emotion you’ve acknowledged and connected to better than the ones he creates. “You know this scene where he’s struggling against the little paper thingies and he’s flying through them and they’re going everywhere, I was thinking that, replace them with cherry blossoms. And there would be little petals like everywhere around it. Sounds cool?”
“It sounds fantastic.” You say honestly. You’re impressed by every single one of his projects. Always surprised, somehow, by the pieces he ends up making. Sometimes scrolling through the Instagram page he uses as a book, where he publishes his most elaborated, most expensive pieces and while recognizing his touch, the delicacy in his traits, the peculiar curls of certain lines, the overall feel to them, there’s always this sort of paradoxical disbelief. How could this kid make these and at the same time, who else but him to have made these?
Cute nose scrunches up. 
“I’ll send you my drawings when I’m done with them.”
“Cool.” He is mimicking you. Same pose with the head nod and the leg cross. Same tone and same expression apart from the discreet light dancing in his eye. “So what’s up? You needed to talk to me about something yesterday, didn’t you?”
It takes a second for you to remember as the drastic change in your mood makes it seem the distressed text you sent him yesterday, right when you left work, was written a whole week ago. You don’t remember very well having felt so stressed and pissed off, pushed to your very limits by useless co-workers, that you felt the urgent need to rant about it all, vent your anger and frustration out to him. He was busy and didn’t answer right away. You got home, find the comfort of your sweater sitting on the warm heater and the glorious stand of your dildo and it all went away, bad mood, headache, grudges. 
Of course, it awakes a wave of shame within you. If you have been able to use it without feeling guilt nor embarrassment on your own, it’s something else to think about it in front of Jungkook. You’ve made sure not to think about this dildo in front of him ever. But here, it’s him recalling it to you without even knowing. 
Whatever, you can pretend that everything’s normal. With a barely natural cough, and the even more suspicious dismissive wave of the hand, you try to kill the conversation, “It was just my coworker getting on my nerves again, it’s whatever.”
Jungkook is watching you soundly. It’s nothing unusual for him. He’s the kind of persons that lean in when they listen to you, you never know how conscious they are of it but it’s like they really mean to make you feel important and heard. Therefore it shouldn’t worry you, he’s just doing his usual thing. 
It still makes you grow increasingly more nervous. 
It is factual that it is never “whatever”. The topic of your stupid dumb bitch of a coworker messing with you has always been a pressing subject you, every now and then, more often than you’d like, needed to ramble about to anyone willing to listen because she tended to make your life a pure living hell. The job sucks in itself but she made it a hundred times worse. And here you are, dismissing it. How suspicious. 
“When you texted me yesterday, I thought it was for something bad.” He starts, frowning and staring deep inside the empty cookie package sitting on the table. “Then I saw you earlier and I thought it was for something really good, because of your face.”
“What’s up with my face?” You try to play it cool. Play it nonchalant and oblivious. If you can’t see the aura of contentment he can visibly observe around you, surely you’ve seen the glow up your skin has encountered since you’ve started using this sex toy. Unexpected benefit of using it that wasn’t even listed on the box, the stress it’s relieved and the pleasure it’s given have just cleared your skin out. Unbelievable but true. And apparently, he noticed. 
“I don’t know. You look really... contented.”
You shrug, looking down, at the crumbs on your side of the table, praying silently that the embarrassment you feel creeping up your face doesn’t show. “I’ve been used to you looking tired and all but you look-“ Like every single once of misery has been fucked out of your system. “Lately, you look... good.” The chosen adjective makes you tilt your head. For so many reasons, you didn’t expect to hear this one and for similar reasons, you don’t understand what he means. Without having you saying aloud anything, he gets your dubious grimace and chuckles, “Rejuvenated, actually.” Even worse.
To simplify in a few words, you used to look like an old decrepit hag and now that you’ve been thoroughly fucked -by yourself technically but still- you look rejuvenated. A word literally no one ever uses in real life.
You detest that he’s probably right. And now, embarrassment is not creeping but actually moving in, with all its stuff and luggage. Hopefully though, again, it doesn’t show on your stupid youthful face. “Are my compliments making you blush?”
“You can’t make me blush, moron. And if you think those were compliments then-“ You give him big wide eyes of “well fuck” and of course he laughs at that. 
“Indeed, I can’t make you blush.” He has his serious, investigating type of expression again. You almost expect him to fetch a little notebook out of his pocket and start scribbling observations while asking you more questions. 
“What’s making you blush then?”
“I’m not blushing, it’s just hot.” His eyebrows jump in a rude disagreeing curve. You don’t get why. It can happen, to be hot outside, at the near end of Korea’s winter, while simultaneously having red and painful looking fingers on the verge of congelation desperately seeking warmth in your pockets. 
And maybe because it’s not the first time, he’s getting better at catching the signs, at drawing the lines in between the clues. Your caricatural post-orgasm happy face, your systematic defensiveness whenever the conversation is leading somehow to your sexuality, the blatant tell of shame on your cheeks when there’s nothing else ever that embarrass you in front of him. There’s only the common cause missing and quickly, ignoring completely your attempts at diverting the conversation on something else, a giant light bulb turns on on top of his head. It brings the light of understanding through his eyeballs who suddenly look extra bright. 
“You used it.” For a second, you consider packing up your things and just leave this fucking terrace along with the conversation. But you’re cold as fuck, the way home seems like too much torture to be going through alone.
Why are you like this?
Maybe there’s a vain hope that it will lead to some resolution. Some pleasant resolution. Maybe he won’t talk about it ever again if you just accept to have this conversation without showing the stubborn reluctance you’ve used each time. 
“Yes, I did. So what?” His grin is blinding. It’s one of the very very wide, very very bright ones. So wide it shows all his teeth and it doesn’t even look like the cute bunny smile anymore. It’s the predatory grin. It’s intimidating to solely focus on therefore you chose to pick the corner of his eyes and the top of his nose, all wrinkled up that have anything but intimidation to them. 
“You have no idea how happy that makes me.” You grimace. Indeed. You have no idea because you don’t even fucking understand. 
“You’re a weirdo.”
“I’m just happy you used my dildo.” You scoff and almost choke at both his phrasing and the way he so naturally says the word while you’re outside. There’s no one as dumb as you to sit outside with this weather but still, someone passing by could hear. 
Maybe there’s no deep further explanation to look for. Maybe it’s literally as simple as him getting you a present and him being happy that you found usefulness to it. Like most people. People are saddened sometimes pissed when they flop with presents. Maybe it’s that simple. 
“Don’t say it like that.” He cackles like a witch and you know, that once again he’s just messing with you, knowing exactly what to do or say to tickle your patience. 
“So I can gather it was good?” The worse of the nervous wave has passed. He asks quite nonchalantly. Perhaps it’s your ego wanting that but you hate the idea that you’d find yourself in a situation where he’s clearly more adult than you -even if on so many levels he is. If he can talk about it then you can. Try. You can try. 
“Hm. Was nice.” You kind of sound the way you do when as a teen your mom would ask you about your day and you just didn’t want to answer because of laziness, lack of interest, lack of willingness to share, but that will do. He nods, smiles with his lips tight, rather fondly. 
“How many times did you use it?”
Taking a deep breath, you mumble, shrugging faux casualness, “A few times.” More like a dozen times but he doesn’t need the details, does he? He nods again, still smiling, taking in your answer. 
“Cool.” And he’s satisfied. With the answer and the turns of events as it seems.
There you go, you did it.
You resolved the thing.
Now he can leave you alone with your fantasies and your -not his but your- dildo and there wouldn’t be any further occasion to bring it up. You might be a coward but it’s perfectly fine by you.
Sounds absolutely peachy.
If he chooses to play his part right.
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A/N: oh myyy, we’re getting somewhere arn’t we? i really hope you enjoyed this part, let me know your thoughts, scream your frustration, i’m all ears (or eyes). next update will be a double one because the first part is quite short. hoping you’re excited. i wish you a beautiful sunday and a lovely week. take care, lots of lots love.
Tag list: @infernal-alpaca​ @kaepjjangiya​ @channiespup​ @jinsonaz​ @kpopfandomftw​ @ggukkieland​ (sorry love)
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umiarumi · 3 years
fucking three houses | lorenz hellman gloucester
the whole reason i wrote this collection was because of an inside joke. "wouldnt slut shaming lorenz be funny?"
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The resounding tune of the clock striking noon echoed around the monastery, prompting you to perk up from your studies. Usually, you studied in solitude. As outgoing as your allies made you, you always held onto that ease and pleasure being alone supplied you. With how lust-induced your recent activities had been, a little peace and quiet would do you some well-deserved good.
You shut the book regarding tactics your professor had recommended you. The soft shuffles of former students leaving the library and hushed chatter reverberated around the room and halls. Of course, you were at war but there's always time to get better at what you do. You chuckled at the thought of some grizzled lady wielding a sword studying. Well, that is you after all!
Sliding the book back in its respective shelf, you hummed as you remembered Tomas. From what you gathered, the Tomas that the faculty knew was replaced. Unfortunate, but unsurprising knowing the enemies working behind the scenes.
You shifted your thoughts to your upcoming mission. Some scouting mission from the empire detected commotion in Garreg Mach. You huffed at the thought. Of course, you'd expect Edelgard to retaliate but damn, that was quick.
You shook your head, well, it was tea time! Noon meant the yard would be filled with people gossiping and sipping alike, the hobby so ingrained in them that they retained it through the war.
You walked past Seteth, nodding to him. He nodded back, cracking a soft smile. You'd rarely see that emotion! You giddily laughed as he turned the corner, pleased to see he was loosening up.
Walking down the stairs, you passed a rushing Lysithea who didn't even recognise you. You grinned, shaking your head. Always in a rush, that girl! Or, well, woman. She'd like that better.
Sauntering, you caught a glimpse of a certain purple and ginger-headed duo bickering. "Lee! Lorenz! Whatever is wrong, my dear friends?" You cheered, slinging your arms around the two. Leonie raised a brow at you, grinning, seemingly relieved at your arrival. Lorenz, on the other hand, froze up. "Although you may have connections to House Riegan, (Y/N)..." He grumbled, sighing.
"Oh chill, Lorenz!" You guffawed, shaking your head. He'd become considerably more agreeable, but God, he'll hold onto that 'treating commoners with his version of respect' ideal forever.
Leonie nodded with you. "Yeah, buddy." She pointedly looked at Lorenz, crossing her arms. "Well, apparently (Y/N), Lorenz thinks that he can't take me to tea because I'm 'unpleasant'". Hands now on her hips, she turned back to you.
You smirked. "Lovers quarrel?" You asked, shifting your weight.
"NO, DUMBASS!" "Absolutely not!"
You cackled at the yells, waving your hands in front of your face dismissively. They really did act like it!
"My bad, my bad... now, Leonie is a great dining partner! But... I doubt tea is even your thing." You offered, mockingly putting on a wise tone. She slowly nodded, realising you're right.
"Yeah! A good meal is better than tea. Thanks for seeing my point, (Y/N)." She slapped your back before, turning away. "I'll spend this time on training, can never get enough!" She waved goodbye to the two of you, although you supposed it was more to you.
Lorenz sighed, brushing his, admittedly less foul, hair out of his face. "I fail to see why you defend her." He muttered, looking to you. You raised a brow, tilting your head for that added 'what do you mean?' effect.
"Simply put, she wouldn't make a fair tea partner. She accused me of the reason being that she was a commoner, but it truly was not! I explained to her, but she seemed to have not appreciated my honesty, either." He pondered, lips pursing.
"Well, Lorenz! I think you need a lesson in manners." You bluntly asserted, placing your hands on your sides.
"Why I never-"
"Not that you don't have wonderful manners! However, your honesty can be jarring... you come off rude, man." You explained, patting his shoulder.
"So I am to lie?"
"Gah! No! Look, how about we discuss it over tea?" You suggested, exasperated. As intelligent as the dude is, his social cues with... commoners and the rest of us normal people are is abysmal!
He nodded. "A splendid notion! Shall we take this to my dorm? I feel as though the tea court will be filled by now. I also have some delectable flavours and tea sets!" He smiled, leading you away.
You yelped, catching up to him. What was the deal with guys walking briskly away from you?
"Please, take a seat." He offered, pulling out a chair for you. You mumbled thanks, sitting down.
Crossing your legs, you hummed. Was this a curse? Was this going to end up in you fucking the most pretentious man? Well, the omniscient presence watching your every move knows the answers.
As he poured the tea into your embellished cup, you admired the colour. "How pretty! And the teacup compliments it!" You whispered in awe, looking back up to Lorenz. He smiled sweetly at you, almost in the way one would at a kitten or puppy.
"I'm glad you have a knack for spotting artistic factors in the simplest things." He said, sitting down opposite you.
"However, on our way here, I thought about something."
You gulped. How was your impending lecturing being turned on you?!
"Y-yes?" You stuttered, bringing the teacup to your mouth, sipping nervously on the steaming liquid.
He eyed you, before humming.
"I doubt you're the most qualified person to teach me about manners." He said, gauging your reaction. You halted sipping on your tea.
Collecting yourself, you placed your teacup back down. "Oh? Why would that be?" You questioned, fiddling with the tablecloth.
"Well, you seem to have time engaging in certain... promiscuous activities, that isn't exactly too innocent or polite." He murmured, sipping on his tea.
Your eyes bulged, hands antsy as they moved to your face to hide your shock.
"For someone so carefree to participate in such... activities in public, you sure do seem to hold a facade of modesty." He replied, watching you sternly.
"Yeah, imagine how it feels having someone know of this!" You gritted your teeth, clenching your arms.
He raised a brow, smiling crookedly. "Certainly you wouldn't mind. Considering you would do so on holy grounds. You and Claude seemed to have not cared. I wouldn't be surprised if the whole monastery heard you."
You gasped, moving to get out of your chair. You didn't need a lecture from Lorenz.
He stood up with you, challenging your gaze.
"When I told Leonie she wasn't well-kempt enough... I suppose you aren't any better." He smirked, watching you bite your lip anxiously.
"Damnit, what do you want!? Don't tell anyone, I'll do anything!" You pleaded, taking a step forward. Lorenz grinned at this, raising a brow. He walked around the table, coming to face you directly. You looked down, refusing to meet his gaze.
"Since you're so eager to offer. Perhaps I could partake in those services Claude recommended to you?" He whispered, hand coming to tilt your chin upwards. Your face erupted in a dark heat, your heart thumping.
Don't fuck Lorenz. Don't fuck Lorenz. Don't fuck Lorenz. Don't fuck Lorenz.
You collected yourself, giving him a sly grin as your hands found themselves around his neck. "Well, if you're interested in a free trial..." You hinted, swaying your hips.
Don't fuck Lorenz. Don't fuck Lorenz. Don't fuck Lorenz. Don't fuck Lorenz.
He gulped, smiling crookedly. "You strike a hard bargain, my fair lady. I suppose I'd have to indulge." He murmured, grabbing underneath your knee and pulling your leg up to his waist.
Don't fuck Lorenz. Don't fuck Lorenz. Don't fuck Lorenz. Fuck Lorenz.
"Then, please, take whatever you'd like."
Fuck Lorenz. Fuck Lorenz. Fuck Lorenz. Fuck Lorenz. Fuck Lorenz. Fuck-
Your lips were captured by his own, as you soon felt your weight shift as your body was lifted from the ground. You wrapped your legs around him fully as you were set down on his plush bed
The kiss heated up passionately, feeling Lorenz palm you through your normal uniform. Being a Sunday, no war business was discussed and no armour was worn. He cupped your breasts.
"You're hardly pleasant, ever so brash and callous. But not to fear, I'll mould you into a fair woman. However, I'd say I prefer your unabashed promiscuousness." He hissed, stripping you of your uniform. Soon, your bra and underwear followed.
He shed his own casual uniform, for once in his life, not caring. That was proved as much as he dropped his uniform onto the mahogany floors.
You were pushed down onto the bed as you felt Lorenz slide on top of you, his already hard dick grinding against your slick cunt. You sighed, capturing his lips in a kiss once more.
His hands moved to your breasts, removing his mouth from your own only to kiss up the skin. Poking, squeezing, kissing, licking. He left no stone unturned, or in this case, no skin untouched. His apparent fixation on your breasts soon shifted to your darkened face. He simpered at his work.
"You will be good practice for the future. I suppose a whore such as yourself wouldn't oppose being treated with such behaviour." He proposed, his hands stroking up and down your sides.
"I... I'm not a whore!" You defended weakly. Yet any argument was soon washed away as he began to rub his dick up and down against your vagina.
"Oh? Ah, I see. So making love... no, I should say, carelessly fucking your former classmates one after another was just a hallucination?" He asked, the tip of his dick sliding into your walls for a split second before retreating.
"N-no, that's not what I meant!" You cried out, frustrated at the lack of stimulation.
"Ah, straight to denial, I see! You have skipped explaining and gone straight to denying your needy, sluttish behaviour." He groaned as he felt you pull him closer.
You cried out in frustration before looking away.
" F-fine! You're right that I'm a whore! I'm a whore who loves her classmate's dicks! Now please fuck me!" You moaned, exasperated.
"That's wonderful to hear."
And no sooner than he spoke did he thrust his dick right into your pussy, a silent moan escaping your open lips. He leant over you, feeling your tits press against him. Your legs rose and wrapped around his pistoning hips.
You struggled to get a full breath at the pace he was thrusting at, it sent your head spinning. You couldn't think, you could only feel as you were fucked silly by the one guy you could never like.
Yet, that distaste furthered your arousal.
"You are far from suitable for me. You.." He heaved as you clenched around him. "Naughty. You're brash, loud, unladylike... but you make a wonderful cocksleeve." He groaned into your ear, letting out soft moans.
You felt the coil in your stomach tighten at his words.
"Then... you're just like me! Sinking down... to my level just for some pussy?" You teased, slurring.
He smirked annoyedly. "Tch, I wouldn't say that in your position." He grunted out, holding you tighter as he pistoned harder.
"O-oh! I... you!" You moaned, speech cutting off as you couldn't talk. It was so fast, so hard, so good!
The two of you continued to moan and grunt, accompanied only by the sound of skin slapping. The erotic groans of the man you held such distaste for was sending you over the edge. You hated it so much that you loved it.
To the means of an end, you felt the coil snap as he groaned once more in your ear, the spasming of your walls soon causing him to cum. You felt your ravaged pussy shudder as ropes of hot cum seared your insides. As he slid out, it trailed out.
Lorenz looked down on you, smiling coyly at the sight. "Speechless and fucked silly, that's a perfect look for you."
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popi-the-fatui · 3 years
thinking about scaramouche having to deal with the fact that you dont love him. of course you wouldnt, it makes sense, why is he so upset over you? why does he care so much? he’s got everything he could ever want as a harbinger, and yet he could never have you. its just one little thing, and yet, he could never ever be happy. the idea of some worm making you happier than he can hurts him. ~ 🍠
Hello, dear Camote. Fancy seeing you here in my asks (and, as always, a pleasure). Because I now consider you a friend (even though it should be illegal for you to be an anon because you come up with the best stuff and if you have a writing blog please DM it to me or something), you have unlocked a new achievement: Scara WIP (well, a part of it)
He learnt that you were from Fontaine, but had lived for a long time in Sumeru as part of your training. You were a little younger than him and had managed to graduate from the Academy a year earlier than anticipated. In one of your research trips you had met Dottore, who had offered to help you with your research in exchange of becoming an “Honorary Fatui” as he liked to call you, helping him in the infirmary and joining in some missions as support.
“... and don’t be fooled by their healer status. I once, apparently, made a “disrespectful” joke and I still have nightmares from the punch they gave me” Scaramouche couldn’t help but snort at that. His warm, eloquent healer giving the mad man a punch? He would have paid for that. Wait, his?
“Ok, that would be all for today! You are free to go now little man” Scaramouche was quick to go. His? His?! What was he thinking? He had only met you twice and he already was feeling mushy for you just from a few exchanged words? He knew that he had some issues, that he wasn’t a people’s person and that he didn’t like being close to anyone (not that anyone wanted to be close to him either way) but was he really that vulnerable to some soft touches and kind words, enough to have a weak spot for the first person who had allowed him to feel those sweet gestures? Is he, the most feared Harbinger, the most hated person amongst the fatui, touch-starved? In his inner turmoil, he hadn’t even realized that Dottore had called him “little man”.
He also remembers how he tried to be stern with you the following weeks. Key word: tried. Because he failed miserably: his eyes would not leave you if you were both in the same room. Every other sound was immediately background sound when it was your turn to talk. He soon started rescheduling his missions so his check-ups would take turn when you were in the infirmary, only to answer your questions with a few words in fear he would sound like a pathetic fool. Because when you looked at him with those warm eyes, and when you touched him with those soft hands, and when you treated him with such gentleness and care he would never have allowed before, he was certain that he would not be able to give you a proper answer. So yeah, he would only give you a few words even if it meant that everyone noticed he treated you differently. Everything for you to stay close to him.
And that is what brings him to the present day. He no longer is wary of you nor your intentions. Well, he is. But not in the same way anymore, as he is now cautious of the power you unknowingly have over him. You see, through his life, Scaramouche has mastered the art of building walls around him. He has trust issues, and these walls allow him to be in control of the perception others have of him. Of course, life has hardened him, but not as much as he has led the people around him to believe.
But it also took you 10 seconds to find a hole through these walls and get under his skin, so Scaramouche is now afraid that those trust issues had been directed to himself.
He is also angry at the world, for a plethora of reasons not even himself can begin to count. But it only takes the sight of you for the Harbinger to have this anger dissipated, giving place to foreign feelings that made him uncomfortable at the beginning, but that now he can’t let go of.
All of this has led him to have mixed feelings regarding you: he longs and craves for you and the things you make him feel, but he also wants you three nations apart from him because, when it comes to you, he can't recognize himself anymore and that scares him.
All he knows is that he is a man in a mission, and that you will make it very hard.
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jawabear · 4 years
Hi! Can I request a Javi fic? Where the reader is a coworker and is 🥺 kindhearted, caring and always tries to get along with everyone/see the good in everyone, but some people just take her for granted and use her kindness to their advantage/abuse her kindness. I feel like Javi wouldnt do that, or would sort of do that too in the beginning, but later on appreciate her. Oh and maybe she could feel upset over the fact she doesn't feel like she's working hard enough because someone insulted her work. Some angst/fluff,maybe? And I read that you're writing many things at once, I don't mind waiting, as long as you're feeling good~
When it goes to plan (Javier Peña x Reader)
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Not my GIF
A/N: I’m so so so very sorry that this took so long Anon. But it’s here. And I hope you like it! I hope it’s what you were thinking. Enjoy. Sorry for any mistakes. Stay safe.
Genre: angst, fluff
Warnings: fem!reader, Javi questions himself a lot, Steve being Steve, Steve being a match maker, an unnamed co-worker being a bitch
Summary: Javier makes a plan of action, but second guesses himself so changes it. But plan A was the better option it turns out
It was quite the sight for Steve. To see his usually confident and cocky partner get all flustered in front of a pretty girl. It was usually the other way, the girl would fall for his charm and then fall into his bed. But not this one. She was special to Javi, she was the one girl he wanted to be with, but the one girl he couldn’t have.
The first time Steve had seen them interact, it had been a rough day, so he mistook his flustered manner to be that of frustration or exhaustion. But every interaction they shared since that revealed more and more truth.
Steve and Javier were sat at their shared desks in the centre of the room when she came walking down the steps. Javier did a double take towards her and watched her every move as she went to another woman giving her usual sweet smile as she spoke to her about something that Javi couldn’t hear.
Steve looked up from the file he was reading when the clicking from the typewriter suddenly stop. He saw that Javier’s eyes were trained on her. They held a softness in them, one he hadn’t ever seen in him before. True adoration for the young agent.
Javi’s face then turned bright red when she walked over to the two of them, his head shooting back around as he restarted in typing again.
“You need a hand with that (Y/N)?” Steve offered noticing the ever growing pile of papers in her hands.
“No, I got it” she assured with a smile as she set the pile down on there desk.
“Are they all for us?” Javier asked her as he lifted his head slightly, but he didn’t look at her. He couldn’t. So he just stared at the files.
“No. They’re already done. I was just going around collecting any people wanted me to take in. Do you guys have any?”
“Looks like you’ve got enough there (Y/N)” Javier gave her a soft smile “we can take ours up later”
“You sure?” She asked, he nodded “alright” she then lifted the pile back into her arms “see you later guys” Javi followed her with his eyes as she walked away from their desks and into Messina’s office.
He turned back to his typewriter, reading over the last few lines to remember where he was “so” Steve began “this whole waiting game is getting pretty old now”
“What are you talking about?” Javier muttered, only half paying attention to his partner.
“Oh come on Javi” Steve said as he leaned on his desk “you clearly like her”
“She’s a friend Steve”
“Yeah, only ‘cause you’re too scared to ask her out” Steve pointed out crossing his arms over his chest as he leaned back smugly in his chair “you only have to ask and I’ll do it for you”
“I’m not 12 Murphy” Javi spat “I don’t need you to ask her out for me”
“So you’ll do it yourself then?”
“That’s not what I said. I’m not asking her out”
“Why not? Come on Javi. She’s a pretty girl. I’m sure she’d say yes”
Javier had given up on trying to reason with him, so he just went to ignoring him. But Steve kept talking about how great of a couple they would be and how he should definitely ask her out. But it was like white noise in Javi’s ears as he typed away on the typewriter information that probably didn’t make any sense anymore after being interrupted so many times.
It didn’t stop there, he brought it up at any given moment. And Javi was close to loosing his temper but he remained calm and somehow managed to get through the day without punching Steve in the face...
But that night Javier couldn’t sleep. Not that this was a rare occurrence to him. He was just thinking over Steve’s words. As annoying as it was, he knew Steve was right. And that bothered him.
Because now he was stuck in a loop of hearing Steve words in his head and see images of her beautiful face. Memories of her sweet smile and laugh.
And the memory of when they first met.
He admitted a long time ago that he certainly used her sweet and kind nature to his advantage. Basically using her for things he couldn’t he bothered to do simply because he knew she would do it no questions asked.
It was always the talk of the town when a new agent was being added to the DEA team in Colombia. People would often take bets on how long they would last before they were shipped back home either by their own accord or simply because they weren’t good enough. It had happened for before. But people also chattered about if it was someone they would know, someone they used to work with back in the states.
But this time, it was a complete new, fresh out the box agent that everyone was excited to meet. Not that Javi really cared about new people.
It was a few weeks in to the new agents being placed in Colombia and Javi was yet to meet them. He had caught wind of a few bits and pieces about them. That she was a woman. And that she couldn’t be very old. And that her name was (Y/N). As well as a few other things. One notable point was that she was defiantly a people pleaser. As in, she wanted to be liked. And by the way the others spoke about her, she would do absolutely anything to get people to like her.
This is what made Javi seek to peruse her. Mainly it was down to curiosity to see if what people were saying was actually true but also, on the more selfish side, to see if he could use her in anyway.
When he first laid eyes on her, he was immediately blown away by just how beautiful she was. People had failed to mention that. Form the first moment he saw her, she was smiling. Always smiling.
Javi didn’t know whether he should approach her or wait. If she were making her rounds in trying to meet everyone then he guessed she just hadn’t got round to his side of the embassy yet. But now that he had seen her, he wanted to make himself known to her as soon as possible.
Their first meeting was actually a little on the cold side. Probably because someone had tipped her off about what Javier Peña did with pretty girls. She was suspicious of him right from the start. But that didn’t stop her from trying to get him to like her.
(Y/N) always made sure to stop by his office to check in on him, to see if he needed anything or wanted anything. To which he always had an answer. Offloading a bunch of files to her or getting her to make him a coffee of something. She always complied.
But something of a better nature got to him and he toned down his heavy requests. But her persistently kind nature started to bug him. Not because he didn’t appreciate her sweetness, but because he couldn’t understand why she continued with this act when half the agents wouldn’t even give her the time of day.
So one day, he decided to confront her about it. But he did so in the complete wrong way.
“Do you have something to prove?” He asked her instead of thanking her for the coffee she had so kindly made him.
“What?” She asked, thrown off by his question.
“Are you trying to prove yourself to someone?” He asked again. He could see her thinking over his question but she looked genuinely confused about what it was he was implying.
“I-I...no?” She answered in a less than convincing tone, she wasn’t sure if that was the right answer to give.
“Then why are you so...nice all the time?”
“Is...is being nice a problem?”
“Well no” Javi sighed “look (Y/N), you’re a nice girl and all but this act you’ve got? You should’ve waste your time in being so kind to everyone else. Don’t expect them to be nice to you back”
“I don’t...that’s not why I’m nice to everyone. I don’t expect people to return the favour. I do it because...well someone needs to lighten the mood around here. Sometime people just need a little good in their lives, especially in this job”
Since then, Javi felt himself getting closer to her and they developed a sort of friendship. But Javi being who he was fell for her. Which was what he couldn’t admit to Steve. He couldn’t admit that Steve was right no matter how right he was.
But his feelings for (Y/N) were building up too quickly. He was close to bursting. Maybe he would just have to bite the bullet and ask her out. Proving Steve was right.
The next day, Javi had spent all morning hyping himself up for the big day. The day he would ask her out. But the closer he got to the embassy the more nervous he became.
Maybe this wasn’t such a great idea after all. What if she said no? She hadn’t exactly let on that she feels more than friendship towards him. It was unlikely she would agree. But didn’t have to ask her to be his girlfriend right there and then right? He could just ask her out for a few drinks or something.
Yes. That was a better plan. Less intimidating too. Just ask her for a drink. That harmless.
In all his thinking and worrying, his feet and brought him right to the door of her office. He didn’t knock, he never did. But maybe he should’ve this time.
When he walked in, he saw her hunched over her desk looking somewhat sad and frustrated. She glanced up at him but he gaze didn’t remain there for long before she was looking back down at the paper she was writing on. Javier hadn’t ever seen her sad before. He didn’t think it was possible. She was always the one to be smiling. So now he wanted to know who or what had taken her smile from her...and from him.
“(Y/N)?” He said quietly as he closed her office door and came to take the seat opposite her “what’s wrong?”
“It’s nothing...” she mumbled as she lowered her head, trying to ignore him. He portably should’ve taken the hint that she wanted to be alone and leave. But for some reason, he couldn’t. If it were anyone else, he probably would’ve, but because it was (Y/N), he couldn’t leave her alone. Not when she looked so upset.
“It can’t be nothing if it’s stopped you smiling” he said “come on, you can tell me”
Was it something he did? He quickly raked his brain in trying to think back to if he had upset her in anyway. He didn’t think he had. But then again, Javier Peña couldn’t ever tell if what he was doing was right or wrong.
(Y/N) let out a sigh and put down her pen, rubbing her hands over her face before looking at him. “Maybe you were right...” she said.
“About what?”
“About me...Maybe I should stop being so nice to everyone...”
“What’s makes you say that (Y/N)?” Maybe it was something he did. But why would she bring that up after so long? Did he do something else?
“One of the...one of the new agents” she muttered. Javi didn’t even know there were any new agents. “Apparently I’ve made a name for myself. And she doesn’t like it. So when I tried to welcome her here, she basically told me to fuck off and drop the act so I actually do my work properly”
“What the fuck?” Javi didn’t mean to say that, but he was angry that she had been treated that way. But he knew that perhaps it wasn’t so different to what he had said to her.
“I just...I wanted everyone to be a little happier in this job. I can’t help it if I’m nice to everyone...it’s just who I am” he watched as a tear rolled down her cheek. He lifted his hand and brushed it away with his thumb. “Is it...is it wrong? Am I wrong to to that?”
“No (Y/N)” he assured her “it’s not. I can tell you that everyone here appreciates it when you talk to them. You do make their lives here that much better with you constant joy. You’re good at what you do here. Both in your work and helping people. Don’t let one person put you down. It won’t be long until she is the one in need of your help”
“I’m sorry Javi” she said pulling her head away from his hand and wiping the tears away herself “I didn’t mean to...cry..”
“It’s fine. In a weird way, it’s kind of nice. Because it means that you get to be looked after rather than you having to look after everyone else” he gave her a soft smile that she returned making his heart flutter. “That’s better”
“What is?”
“Seeing you smile again” her cheeks turned a light shade of pink at his words “I love your smile”
“I love you”
There was silence in the room.
Did that actually just happen? Did she actually just say that?
Yes. She did. It was an accident. She hadn’t meant it but it was just in the heat of the moment. She meant it, she did love him, but it was just awkward to blurt it out like she did.
“What?” Javi asked quietly. She just stared at him with wide eyes. She knew she couldn’t take it back and if she said she didn’t mean it that could be even worse.
“What?” She asked back. Good play, (Y/N). Play dumb. Because that always works.
“You...you said you love me”
“I did?”
“Yeah, you did”
“Oh god...” she whispered as she buried her face in her hands, muttering things to herself that he couldn’t make out.
“Do you?” He asked. She didn’t answer, she silenced herself but didn’t look back up at him. “I mean...I can’t say I love you. But I can say that I like you. A lot”
(Y/N) slowly lifted her head and looked at him. He showed no sign of wanting to backtrack his words unlike she did. “That was partly the reason I came here. Originally I came here to...ask you “out” as such. But...I changed it to just asking you if you’d like to get a drink with me later. But now I guess I can go with my original plan”
“S-So...you’re...asking me out?” She stuttered.
“Yeah?” He said in a questioning tone “I mean..I guess?”
She smiled gently to him and nodded “then I’m saying yes”
Javier didn’t know why he was surprised when she agreed, she had just confessed that she loved him. But still, he was overjoyed that she accepted his offer.
“So...would you like you to get a drink with me after work?” He asked.
She gave a light laugh and nodded “of course Javi”
So, despite all his worrying, things did go to plan. In a weird sort of way.
Taglist: @linkpk88 @phoenixhalliwell @lunaserenade @harrys-stan
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ganseyenthusiast · 3 years
hii i wrote a little sort-of character study for henry pre-canon about Stuff I Just Made Up about litchfield/henry broadway. its not long enough to post (yet?) but have it here
small notes: some word choices/certain traits are deliberate. aka have you ever MET an unproblematic teenager. on top of that imagine ur like 16 and ur Crime Boss mom has thrown you into racist yt kid land & made u a middle man for her Crime Dealings. wouldnt u go apeshit too i would
Henry Broadway is the new kid. He arrives halfway through the year, because his daddy and mommy didn't like each other anymore, and they wanted him nicely out of the way while they fought for an impressive fortune. You hear of him before you see him, as these things often go. A teacher calls him vivacious. Something stirs annoyedly in you. You've grown up with siblings; middle child to the extreme. You like being the odd one out. 
Not too odd, mind you, not like Gansey-Lynch-And-Now-Parrish, a three headed beast that haunts you for how bad you want it. Want what? You want something like what they have, or do you want them? Or something else? Lackeys, your mind supplies before you can reconsider. Peers, maybe. You'd settle for followers. Three is always a good number, your mother tells you. 
No, you correct yourself. Seondeok. Seondeok tells you. She's not your mother any more than you're her son.
It's an impossible task to be the only Henry in a school full of white boys with whiter teeth and even whiter nicknames. The names they use change around. You recall some of the nicer ones. Asian Henry. Henry with the hair. Henry-from-Vancouver. Chinese Henry. Henry-No-Not-Smith-The-Other-One. They all make you sour, even if they're less obtusely racist than some of the others. 
Being the only Cheng is easier. It comes with a different set of problems, yes, namely a distinct set of sounds that prepubescent boys love to fail to pronounce. But the only other Cheng is in senior year, and he'll be gone soon, and he goes by C anyways, fucking poser. So you're Cheng. 
You make it a spectacle. That's the trick to these things. You make it razzle and fucking dazzle. You hate it, you resent it, you sour with jealousy each morning. It's always something new, too, a new car, a gifted watch, the way a sophomore catches his friend's hand with unrestrained tenderness.
But. Broadway. 
You try it out. It's a mouthful. You've already shortened it in your head, a nice concise B, B for bee, B for bitch. 
You catch him in the lockers. He's preparing to leave, leaned halfway inside his bag. Ryang had been with you, but he's a fucking moth, so he'd slid away with a just-a-second you both know is a lie.
You clear your throat, but that doesn't work, his rummaging loud and absurd. You kick him. Not too hard, but enough that he makes a little sound of surprise. His voice is high pitched. That's pleasing, a sense of stupid male machismo that you will acknowledge as such but not do anything about. He's mixed enough that he looks white. Something in you curdles. He's pretty too, all brown hair and big eyes and double lids. His smile is crooked, politely terrified in the way that most kids your age are. Your name is Cheng, you tell him. Henry Cheng.
He takes your hand. His hands are soft. You bet he's never had to break his nailbeds to smithereens clawing at dirt. He tells you he's heard of you. You agree, of course he has; you're cool and hot and incredible and future president. He laughs. He asks if you two can be friends. You agree.
The rest of Aglionby designates his place on the food chain. Cheng-2, they decide, because you're the real goddamn just-Cheng and this is a shiny imposter. You're sourly pleased with it, and that makes you nicer to him, because you're nothing if not a kind king. After all. Every President should have a Cabinet. You'll build your own, even if you don't think any of the members are particularly interesting. 
It's all about the goddamn politics.
You offer him the open spot at Litchfield when he complains about the dorms. He's been a spoiled only child his entire life. He jumps at the opportunity. 
Your smile is fucking Hollywood. 
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floralkittygambler · 4 years
HuskerDust - More Toxic Than You Think [LONG]
This is the rough version of a deeper and more complex subject I want to ‘decorate’ with more ‘screencaps’.  DISCLAIMER: This is allegedly controversial and led to me getting literal death threats and an ED triggered. Ive about heard a lot of people’s shit on this so dont try it. I’m speaking from personal experiences too - experiences I really fuckin dont wanna be sharin yet they kinda validate my points. I want people to be aware of the damaging image from someone who can speak from experience without attracting dickheads or people twisting things. Again, I aint particularly comfortable sharing this so yeah- Be courteous- TW AHEAD - ALSO LONG ASS READ. DNI STANS OR ANTIS. May tag a few folks, may not.  HuskerDust is an extremely popular ship in the community however there’s glaringly obvious flaws in this one-sided relationship that both the fans and even the team fail to see. Neglecting the dangerous real world implications this ship [as well as many others] present to it’s audience - especially the more influenced of the audience, most who are children.
Angel flirts with all the male cast however one who catches his eye the most is Husk. Now I want to point out a few things [of many... obviously]; Angel is instantly starry eyed upon seeing Husk, likewise he actually started off with a ‘Hey~’ instead of something sexual. However he quickly ruins this after Husk tells him to go fuck himself [defined by: “ go fuck yourselfphrase of fuckVULGAR SLANGan exclamation expressing anger or contempt for, or rejection of, someone.” ie, he rejected instantly] by responding with an offer to allow Husk to essentially watch him masterbate. Alongside this, he cradles his face. Husk pulls away and seems to pull a face to express rage/disgust or growling imagery alongside COMPLETELY withdrawing his body away from Angel as Angel stares with goo-goo eyes. Firstly, Angel loves animals - perhaps it’s Husk appearing cute that adds to this, however Im not going to address animal imagery just yet. Secondly, Angel isn’t really portrayed to respect other’s boundaries BUT he does respect... Alastor’s. Al declines the blowjob to which Angel shrugs and doesn’t push this matter any further. With Husk, he’s pretty harshly told to piss off yet he makes quite and explicitly sexual remark, alongside invading his personal space and touching a man clearly disinterested and pulling away. From the initial rejection, it then becomes sexual harassment.  I also want to add that Husk comes with [some] perks in his feline form. And if my name didnt make it obvious, I work with and live with cats on a daily. Briefly, I have been educated in how to understand cat’s language in various individual cat as well as how to handle and work with them. Cats are often drawn towards me and Ive been successful with various types of cats. My most recent being a cat I’ve dubbed as Big - Big was abandoned quite young and has lived most his life on the streets [where I live is high in crime and drug rings, so you can imagine how strays are treated] leading to him being extremely fearful and hating people, hissing and fleeing just seeing people. I took time out last summer to finally give befriending him a shot. It’s taken just under a year of hard work and now he visits every day for his mush [wet food] and kisses, responds to his name and runs up to me in delight. Ive even taught him a phrase to signal that I dont want him or the other cat’s to fight [keeps them all safe and aids them becoming acquainted under supervision - something that’s been working surprisingly well]. I apologise in advance as this is not going to be the first instance of this sort of thing but they are relevant. Trying my best to keep it as brief.  For Husk, I will be using a mix of cat and human characteristics to break down his reactions.  In this first interaction, he turns his body away in a way to suggest caution, wariness and disinterest. In fact, much of his general body language is that of a man deeply closed off from connections - for starters, he folds his arms quick a bit which suggests lack of openness, shutting off and defensiveness *usually*. Likewise, when touched, he slightly jumps and tenses before pulling back in aggression with flattered ears - a sign cats give to display extreme hostility in a situation. It’s NEVER a good thing but then again, neither is crossing someone’s boundaries. It’s even stated that Husk hates Angel’s advances and wishes for nothing to do with him - the same dislike of sexual advances that Al dislikes in Angel. The ending as they all walk inside, Angel turns to Husk, winking and blowing a kiss his way despite the clear rejection earlier. In fact, Husk once again grows tense and is even irked by such a gesture. This won’t be the last mention of Angel totally disregarding how Husk feels - something that rubs off onto the fans AND the team themselves. And it’s... *concerning*, to phrase it lightly. Angel so far is the most persistent towards the most resistant, and in my post on RadioDust I have already established [briefly] on how Angel seems to chase unavailable men. The more unavailable, the more tempting. The one that got away, mentality. It’s not healthy. And I’m surprised so few have acknowledged this. Taking a break from what we’ve seen in the Pilot, let’s establish some facts about the pair.  Angel died in 1947 in his 30s [some posts specify 34-35], putting his birth year around 1911-12ish. Husk died in the 70s IN his 70s [again, nothing is truly specified, so for both we’ll go with 75 - the same number in his IG username] that puts birth year roughly 1900′s. Now an age gap between two adults of 11 - 12 years difference is actually reasonable and can work, depending on circumstance and whether theres a balance in power or not. But when we account for their life experiences and death ages, it’s something else entirely. Angel died young. Not only that but his mind seems more stuck in his raunchy teens than of an adult. And even THEN, he wouldnt be one to necessarily settle down [by which I mean in life, not romance]. He’s extremely emotionally stunted and his selfishness and wanting his own way come off very spoilt [when Husk is pissed off about the cat costume, Angel gets moody because he’s used to compliments AND is dressing to impress Husk. When Husk wanted the money he was rightfully owed, Angel threw a fit for ages until starting to earn it back - even though he owed Husk a drink, which I’ll be coming back to, Husk still wanted the money in the end perhaps hinting to only accepting a freebie as it’s on offer as well as Angel being overly persistent. He even dumps his pig onto Husk to look after, while theres no issue in pet sitting, Angel said Husk ‘owed’ him due to missing the show yet when HE owed Husk, he threw a fit.]. Angel’s life style is wildly chaotic in life AND death, and even though we all know he’s most likely going to be redeemed, he still lacks a lot of experiences in life. He lacks maturity.  On the other hand, Husk’s been through his own share of chaos and heartbreak. Difference is, he’s had a life time of experience. He doesn’t act immature in a childish sense. He truly behaves like a downtrodden old man. He’s had his days and would feel more secure settling down in a more peaceful environment with fun yet much needed calm. A better way to handle his need for risk. Age gaps in adults that are large [75 - 35 = 40 years!] are far less likely to work for a multitude of reasons. The main reason is the difference in life stages - that difference in mentality and experiences plays such an impacting role on compatibility. Often their goals and energies are polar opposites and their common grounds minimal. There’s also the looming concern of power dynamics. Whilst it’s usually the older figure that’s holds the power advantage, in this case it’s a little bit more complicated. I’d argue that it’s possibly Angel with the higher power. This rarely works irl but it’s POSSIBLE. Look at Hugh Heffner and his last partner before his death. I believe she was around 22. However there’s many common grounds, immediate attraction, and similar goals. Though incorrect, Heffner does give off a pimp-like vibe (he’s not but you get what I’m implying with mothlike imagery). Husk does not strike me as that type. It would definitely cheapen his character. In terms of interests, the main thing they have in common is that they like to drink. A bad habit, especially when one is an alcoholic. Both are also rather lazy except for certain circumstances [Husk will go out of his way to help HOWEVER he’s obliged to under Al, the only one he’s seen to willingly help and bond with/be seen with is Niffty. Angel is when there’s a fight, chaos, drama or any sex work]. Both are also rather snarky and vulgar. In terms of love, both suffer intimacy issues. On Husk, it’s ‘losing the ability to love a long time ago’ meaning he was likely cheated on or at least had a failed relationship. If he was ever ready for a new start, he’d definitely want something stable yet rewarding. For now, he needs a LOT of work - work he is not yet willing to put in, nor does he have a reason to. Angel doesnt want to commit because he’s extremely selfish as well as in an already abusive ‘relationship’ already. Sex work is sometimes VERY taxing on the mental health due to some of the folk you service. He’s seen the worst in many and just enjoys the pay and fuck. IF Husk was cheated on, then it’d make a lot of sense if a sex worker wouldn’t be his flavour, it would just serve as a reminder. Not only this, but Angel HIMSELF actively participates in cheating. Not with Val... but with *Travis*. BOTH know Travis is married (I’d be feckin worried if Trav didnt-) yet they still choose to cheat anyways, regardless of the pain it could cause. Angel even mocks this by sending greetings to Trav’s wife. Honestly this... Reminds me a LOT of Stolas - a main character who sexually harasses another character clearly not interested/comfortable, participates in cheating and we’re supposed to root for them (and before anyone gets offended, I do have more to say on Angel’s behalf so please be patient). Either way, it’s very toxic and concerning. Even if Husk wasn’t cheated on, I dont think many would feel exactly secure after having such a rough past with love, diving into a relationship with someone who’s openly participated in multiple affairs. And that’s no shitting on sex workers either, it’s just a point that some would feel uncomfortable with the idea of being with ANYONE (regardless of their work) having actively and KNOWINGLY took part in having an affair previously - especially multiple. Husk’s in an emotionally fragile place and needs more security. We’ve already established Husk heavily dislikes Angel’s advances. In fact, his responses to Angel are similar to his responses to... Al! His body language is VERY test and closed off to even Al, who’s most likely knew him for a very long time. If even Al gets this treatment (whilst also disrespecting his boundaries) then it’ll be the same with Angel (both force Husk into their lives and schemes, both disregard his boundaries). And he’s shown to STILL go out his way to help both however this is most likely tied to an unspoken ‘debt’ he owes Alastor. Plus he’s been mentioned behind the scenes to be a secret softie and protective grandpa type. But this animosity is very reflective of how Loona behaves and responds to Blitzo as well as how both Loona AND Husk (One being a ‘lowly servant’, the other being a literal old MAN) as pets - even the fans - just because of their forms. But this isnt the first of the disrespect they receive. Now we delve deeper Both are addicts of some kind (Husk - drinking, gambling. Angel - Drugs, possibly sex). Not a good mix at all romantically. Addicts often and unintentionally feed their addictions to each other as well as can increase likelihood of relapsing which even a recovered addict can slip back into. When times get tough (a natural occurrence) both are likely to suffer with their addictions. Interestingly, they can become addicted and dependent on one another, which is genuinely unhealthy for a mindset anyways, regardless whether addiction existed prior or not. Addiction only increases these chances. Angel likes confidence in a man (confirmed on Patreon). Yet, Husk is even confirmed  in streams to be deeply troubled and insecure. One thing he hates is his demon form, something that we’ll touch on shortly. Angel loves quality food ESPECIALLY of Italian origin whilst Husk is willing to eat the shit they give you in bars (admittedly that was painful to type as someone who grew up around pubs - either way it’s not exactly high quality or gourmet is what I’m saying). Interestingly, in some character references of Angel, it’s stated that he hates rejection. Hates. That’s a VERY strong word. This could explain but not justify why he’s persistent with Husk (similar to NiceGuys believing you’re playing ‘hard to get’ - further illuding to an immature and toxic mindset) though it interestingly doesn’t apply with Alastor. Odd.  There’s a counterpoint to symbolism in art. A very VALID counterarguement... If it suited Viv’s style. During Media Studies, Business, Design and Art, hell fucking Silent Hill! - I’ve been educated on effective symbolism as well as artistic trademarks (the most famous that most should know is Alfred Hitchcock!). Hitchcock often appeared in all his films, usually as a sidefacing silhouette, trading marking his films with his very PRESENCE. Viv’s seems to revolve around hearts. I mention this because an IG account made the point that hearts were to symbolise anyone connected with Angel’s story and love life (Valentino’s business and shades/collar, heart behind Angel’s head, Heart tattoo on Cherri’s right shoulder, hearts for Husk’s paws, eyebrow marks above natural brows, wings, and nose as well as most of the playing cards). Thing is, there’s hearts EVERYWHERE in all of Viv’s works and such symbology of Angel and hearts is weakened if it connects to the villains/abusers as well - taking away the positivity in a love symbol. Viv’s used hearts in her font, backgrounds, in characters ears, in all her series just generalised, Blitzo’s forehead, background characters, again the cards, Travis’s eyes, Millie’s right shoulder in the SAME place as Cherris. Even Vaggie had a heart tattoo on the shoulder in some christmas themed artwork (on her left). Heart’s is just something Viv seems to brand herself with. And that’s fine though I feel she could do with cutting it down slightly. One thing to early note on the cards (again, this’ll creep up later and my name should tell you why), most are heart suits and usually either a face card (J, Q, K), Joker, ace or 2s. Face cards/Jokers for more details close up (look at the signing artwork) and the rest are just easier to animate, though a little bit of a peeve to someone into their cards as well as the massive overuse of red in Hazbin overall. It’s extremely unlikely to be symbolic. If they change it to be so, then it’s... Weakened. As I’ve mentioned earlier, Silent Hill is an example of extremely clever symbolism in more darker media (more so, SH is considered a ‘hell’ of sorts and does feature religious iconography WITHOUT causing offence. A great example of how to portray this type of thing - they even mix humour in if you consider some of the sneaky references, dialogues and odd UFO/dog endings).  Discussing Viv’s art further, she drew a gift for her sister (original creator of Husk when he possessed white fur) of Angel playfully dragging a disinterested and annoyed Husk (I believe this was still around the time SpiderMoth was canon). The newish art tends to have Angel putting a holly crown on him or sitting on his knees, Husk seeming too lazy to really do anything about it. Very nonchalant. I also want to include some interesting stream arts here and later to further highlight their bond.  A fan asked Viv in a stream to draw them “actually getting along” - this wording implying that the fan is aware of Husk not enjoying Angel’s company. So Viv did, with an extra doodle of Husk being one of the ‘canadian people’ from South Park who sing “Im not your friend”. The art alone shows Husk’s absolute discomfort, even the extra thing Viv added w/o request. As they’re her characters and the fan asked for what they’d look like getting along, to show this discomfort goes to show the dynamic once planned. Husk just isnt a fan of Angel, especially when he’s being sexual and touchy. It can be great for small comedic parts, however both the team AND fans have now crossed this over to really creepy and triggering realms in their ships. It’s creepy and doesnt look good on Angel (who they actively root for) nor the gay community (more on that).
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[Yes Ive already pointed out the comedic side of this ^ but it doesnt bode well considering the other points and issues that arise] There’s also a request for drag angel flirting with drunk husk. Personally thats a lil creepy to specify one of the two being intoxicated and thus not able to truly consent. If Angel is willing to flirt with someone in that state, it doesnt mean he would fuck them, but it does feel the fan was thinking that’s the case. In all truth, I think Angel WOULD flirt with those incapable of consent purely to swindle or pickpocket. I’d like to think [and HOPE considering his own abuse by Val] that he’d never take it further. And I hope Viv, the team and the fans see how incredibly creepy that thought is. I’ll give benefit of the doubt though it is still a concern. Either way, Angel appears... Annoyed? Husk is completely turned away and seems incredibly grouchy and confused. This shows yet more rejection on his behalf as well as Angel’s response to being rejected, which highlights his immaturity towards it. Remember, he’s USED TO and EXPECTS everyone to want him (even saying this in the Pilot). Hell, there’s even a Rich Vaggie request where Viv again randomly includes Husk. This time, he’s faced towards her and relaxed, though seems unimpressed and overall disinterested in this type of behaviour. Behaviour and interests of Angel [Celeb status and rich appearance due to Val, despite getting very little of the cut and the vanity, as well as Husk just not giving a shit about this sort of peacock display]. (Also wanted to note in Viv’s #3 stream 1:50:50, Faust makes out that Husk is a ‘dirty, creepy old man’ as well as him constantly threatening violence towards Angel. I dont see him as *creepy* in this context - as it implies perversion that he blatantly lacks fortunately - though it’s very telling of how Husk feels and again shows this toxic relationship).
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/Angel’s Type: First off, daddy issues. He has them. Now let’s look at ‘daddy’. Henroin is shorter than Angel, dark fur, grumpy, old, wears only a hat and tie, big brows... Sounds familiar? Ok, look at his brother Arackniss. Similar to Henroin, dark, short, grouchy, bullied by and bullies Angel, is adverse to Angel and overall possess a bad relationship. Ok.... His main client, Travis! Short, dark fur, moody, Only wears hat and tie, drinker (shown in stream as request so take drinking with a pinch), similar face to- Is no one else seeing this trait? Angel seems to go for these shorter than him grouchier men who either want him for sex or hate his presence. Men who are like his dad and brother. All of these guys are far too similar, and we’ve got enough men in suits, bowties and sharp teeth in this show to boot as it is- The psychology of this type of attachment is rooted in a bad familial relationship alongside the subconscious desire to repair or compensate for it. Unknowningly the person will keep seeking out this sort of guy who isnt good for them to fix this internal issue. The resolution is to NOT go for these types. It’s also connected to intimacy fears, by going for those you know arent good for you/right for you/interested in you is often the manifestation of these issues. Pair them with daddy issues and it’s a disaster! There is science to back this up. Valentino is interestingly the opposite yet still toxic issues arise. Why? Because he’s going from one extreme to the other but with the same mindset. Neither of these men or types for MANY reasons are right for him. And visa versa. Seeing a pattern? ~~~~
Angel w Husk? I mentioned before that Husk hates his demon form. If you’re an old man, a gambler, some Vegas bloke and have this grouchier disposition, why the fuck would you want to look like an oversized pet? Exactly. Angel however adores his own aside from the feet. Now I find it strange how the guy we’re rooting for just so happens to like his own form which was intended for punishment. But that’s not todays post. I said earlier that Angel is heavily fixated on Husk’s appearance. Especially the feline aspects (calling him Husky and Kitty - petnames he hates that also treat him again more like a pet than a man -, dressing as a ‘sexy cat’ to appeal to him which can come off as more mockery. This is even backed up by fans who seem to think an old guy’s gonna act like some school girl anime trope?). All of this completely disregards and disrespects Husk’s feelings and perspectives. Something the fans and team take part in actively. Angel - whether you want to hear this or not - is SELFISH. When Husk ‘owed’ him for missing the show (babysitting Fat Nuggets), Husk begrudgingly fulfils this. The second Angel owed Husk for stealing drinks, Angel threw a hissy fit. The silent treatment, going to other bars and posting about it whilst complaining (again focusing on Husk being ‘cute’). Trying to cop out of it by buying Husk a smoothie (though it looked like a date, lets be real, do you REALLY have to bribe someone to date and be around you? No) and even then he still had to owe the money which was more of Husk’s concern. Yes he did in the end and more money than needed, hence the returning of the extra cash, but that is no excuse for the childish behaviour prior. He’s much too accustomed to being adored and pampered and getting his own way that he cant grasp when people arent a fan or willing to pamper him. If they make them a ship, all it does it make Angel completely into a shitty Gary-Stu that everyone loves and pities for his suffering, rather than teach him to grow, earn his redemption and confronting his own toxicity. Let me make this extremely clear: ANGEL DOES NOT DESERVE ABUSE OR RAPE. But when he starts behaving as shitty, he’s hard to root for. Remember, he’s sexually harassing all these guys, with Husk getting the brunt of it. But it’s treated as a joke for them and only taken seriously for Angel. Val abuses all of his employees. He abuses VOX and even THAT was mocked by fans and staff. It’s... It’s frankly gross.  In every interaction Husk has with Angel, his body language is closed off, tense, uncomfortable, turned away and hostile - look at the IG. He wont even allow Angel to touch him. Compare this to Niffty, who he’s fine with taking pictures with and letting her hang around and touch him. Body language is relaxed (relaxed shoulders, open body language) and he doesnt look hostile at all. What does Angel do? Always tries to get close to Husk (such as sitting as close as possible during Poker) and forces both his OWN hobbies onto Husk (ones that Husk shows a strong disinterest in) and Husk’s hobbies (Poker). It’s very FORCED and not natural. Going back to immaturity, he blames Husk and his cards for being shit at the game. They’re always bickering, insulting, fighting in the comments but fans only see this as a ‘cute couple fight’ or Husk being ‘tsundere’.Tsundere. An anime trope often used in young characters. Irl tsundere is NOT this dramatised. The tsundere you see in anime, apply that irl and you get the recipe for the most toxic, petty and immature relationship going. You get constant fights, unease, not feeling loved/appreciated, little trust - the list goes on. Plus an old bloke really isnt going to indulge in tsundere traits. It’s childish. After his history with love, I doubt he’d be up for games and messing about. For something meaningful, he’d just want open honesty. Their ‘relationship’ feels like it’s written by horny kids attempting a fanfic after being inspired by 50 shades and twilight (both show toxic relationshiiiiiips~). The worst is that these are adult writers trying to portray some realistic yet sensitive topics. This is just ill fuckin taste. Even the warnings in Helluva’s ‘Horny Demons’ leaves a bad taste when the fans are thinking Stolas is the best dad despite both parents ruining Octavia’s mental health. Despite the next day after that episode aired Stolas starts flirting with Blitzo again on IG. Despite Blitzo being clearly uncomfortable and sexually harassed and even co-herced into sex (VERY UNHEALTHY MESSAGES HERE). Viv herself has been in bad relationships so how the fuck she’s blind to this and even borderline fetishizing this sort of behaviour that everyone seems to play off as ‘Awwww cute tsundere <3 BOYFRIENDS BOYFRIENDS BOYFRIENDS’ is abhorrent. I’ll go into this more later on how this really just... It treats male sexual harassment and assault as a fucking joke- Angel’s constant unwarranted flirting is no different from the freaks on IG that send dick pics to underage kids and random women in their dms and fathom that they’re ‘nice’ and have a ‘chance’. Wanna know the creepiest? The candid photo of Husk on Angel’s wall. Something Husk seems horrified about. It’s fangirlish and teenager like at BEST, and obsessive stalker at worst. He’s NOT respecting Husk’s boundaries or feelings. That’s still up despite Husk’s reaction. He still wore the costume despite Husk’s feelings. Angel’s thinking with his dick and it’s such a fucked up message that everyone seems to support just because ‘its FICTION. Theyre in HELL.Theyre BAD people.’ Yeah? Well look at how that’s effecting and warping reality and perspective. It’s glamourising it. Fetishsizing stalking and making it cute. Yer have celebrity or boyband or whatever youre a fan of pics on your wall. NOT your crush. NOT someone who clearly isnt interested or happy with this. If someone who kept commenting on your pictures “sexy” suddenly had a picture of you on their wall, what would YOU think? How would YOU FEEL? Because myself and my own sisters have been in VERY fucking similar situations and it’s traumatic. His paw is even attempting the lens - Angel is crossing his boundaries and not getting the message that Husk doesnt want this. He’s forcing himself onto Husk. Yknow... VAL forced himself on Angel and it ended up in numerous rapes. Angel hasnt raped Husk, but if he wont take no. If he wont respect boundaries. If he only wants Husk to do what he wants but throws a fit when he owes husk - he’s picking up on Val’s bad habits more and more. How are so few - even the very team creating this - not seeing how disgusting this is? Are we only supposed to give a shit if Angels hurt? If so, the message isnt so much of how despicable Val is but how awful it is to upset Angel. Fans constantly blame Husk for being grumpy, annoyed at or rejecting Angel. Look at this real world implication. Not only that but Angel being gay just reinforces one of the worlds most disgusting and inaccurate stereotype of gay men being sexual predators and forcing men to have sex whether theyre comfortable or not. MOST gay men arent like this, and those who are its just because THEYRE shitty people (Jeffree fucking Starr, but look how people ‘stan’ his fuckin behaviour). Val is rubbing off on Angel as much as fiction has a MASSIVE impact on reality - whether we’re willing to admit it or not. Like Val, hes pushing past boundaries, he’s selfish, hes more into visuals than anything else. It’s one sided, superficial and theres no click. No connection. Be in this situation yourself and seeing this sorta shit becomes second nature to stay alive. Angel even says that most of hells residents are ‘ugly freaks’ yet finds Husk cute. It’s all LOOKS. Who else likes appearances alone? Val. I know this will trigger and upset fans, Ive been told to fucking die and have my ED triggered when I mentioned it before. But accept that all of them have flaws. Everyone irl have flaws. But there’s flaws and then theres a fuckin crime. If Husk was a woman, more people would see the flaw, but even then... Look at many romance movies - not all but many go for opposites attract (science proves this inaccurate irl), stalking, or even sexual harassments and assualts but she falls for him and they end up together. That aint love thats Stockholm with extra steps. Think you’re triggered and upset? Go through this shit - have a history with it happening - and then see some show you love and a comfort character get treated the exact same and everyone JUSTIFIES it, including the team themselves. It’s NOT cute.  Part 2 to the previous point: Both do share common interests, but it’s very unhealthy such as excessive drinking, both being addicts and being rather lazy, etc. Otherwise the common ground just isnt good. They’re opposites that really dont compliment each other. (Not a valid point here but I find it interesting how Angel loves aquariums and Husk can fly too). Viv’s writing is mediocre at best (but with glowing potential - a diamond in the rough - hence why it’s so frustrating) but Husk’s writing is the laziest. According to Viv he’s (paraphrased) “easiest to write... doesnt care about anything, almost always grumpy leading to similar reactions to everything”. His voice and alcoholism even has a lot of inspiration from Rick Sanchez. As I said with Angel in the RadioDust post, it’s almost like the addictions are seen as a joke. A running gag is fine if you can play it off well and it’s not about something so serious EVEN MORE SO when the series is about how damaging the addictions are and redemption. Why is this end goal being ignored unless it’s about Angel himself? That’s not just favouritism or bias, that’s also heavily self indulgent and a backwards ass message. Right now, Hazbin and Helluva have this ugly fixation on sex and ships. VIV has a fixation on ‘horny demons’. Her main characters are incredibly sexual bar Al (dont even say Husk, Niffty, Charlie or Vaggie or even loona and Moxxie are even on par with the focus and treatment Val, Angel, Blitz and Stolas are given). It’s very fixated and concerning. Its starting to feel like it’s about to divulge into hentai than a legit series with even a hint of the plot or a message. It reminds me of Family Guy trying to be BoJack. It’s starting to remind me of fucking Sausage Party and the final orgy. Sex and swears makes it inappropriate for kids but that doesnt make it adult or mature, and this is coming from someone who swears more than a fucking sailor whos stubbed his bare pinky toe on a fucking crate corner. Constant swears arent funny or artful in the slightest when it’s over done. It’s just... childish adult humour. We cant be expected to want to root for any of them at this rate- All A24 and other companies are seeing is big cash and easily manipulated child audiences (for easy money). They KNOW it can be better but theyd rather be lazy as they’ll profit big either way. This is going to end up like YanSim and YanDev. Amazing potential, shit writing with a leader too stubborn to accept and act on criticism, seeing it as hate. At this point, Husk isnt a deeply troubled man with vices and interests. He’s just fuck candy and romantic end goal for Angel. To compliment and complete him. Just another accessory to the Angel Show. Vivs sister who made Husk even loves Angel so it’ll only serve to further this already toxic narrative.  The ship doesnt look or feel right. There’s too much established now to see the dynamics and favouritism in the creators. Self indulgence. You cant play favourites when you do this sort of thing professionally. The audience can see it and it turns people away. Ask any nonHaz/Helluva fan what they think and it’s... Well, average.  Another thing is everyone went full hype on Frozen focusing on something other than romance as a form of love. But then go back to “Ok now everyone reenact the final scenes of Sausage Party” afterwards. Not everything is sex and romance, and it really is starting to feel Viv and the fans are focused on that like Incels focusing on ‘chad’. It’s creepy. Helping with food, telling someone self conscious on their weight that they’re not fat, not taking more money than someone owes, even helping out with a pet - that’s something that a good friend would do. In fact, Husk even laughs at the goofy Angel cutout and it being destroyed. It doesnt instantly equate to wanting to fuck. The fact that the fans and even some of the team seem borderline horny is... Completely destroying this show, it’s message and everything about it. Viv said ships were hardly the focus in her stream but look at it now. Look at what Viv focuses on now. It’s just fanservice shit. Nothing more. Self indulgence shit, look at the team making rape into a fetish or shipping themselves publicly with the characters on the public IGs. It’s like watching children run a business and it’s painful because the entire series is suffering when it could be amazing.  Friendship should be more normalised as a valuable type of relationship just as much as love or family are. I’ll also add that Husk adding after the show “Oh fuck... Is this what I missed? Shit.” is ooc like the ‘date’ (that was compensation for stolen drinks, like a tamer version of Blitzo fucking Stolas for the grimoire). It contradicts that he slept it off rather than an attempt at staying awake, as well as calling it a “god damn peepshow” implying a repulsion to the peverse tendencies. The constantly commenting, following and posting Angel related pics makes little sense either from someone who’s blatantly been sexually harassed as well as the clear repulsion of the candid pic on the wall. He outright rejected Angel. What would be realistic are the IGs focusing on learning about the characters, their lives and interests - ALL updating at realistic paces. Old men arent tech savvy usually nor care for social media that much. He’d post drinks, gambling, casinos, life with Niffty and Alastor. Heck maybe a picture of Angel captioned “When will this guy leave me the FUCK alone?”. He even only seems to tag angel, even in the pic that had Charlie and Vaggie [their shared account] or Niffty. Theres a CLEAR bias in the staff room and it’s messy. Look how most the female cast is ignored (Vaggie/Charlie, Velvet who posted a birthday gift to one of the new artists on the merch WHY? Gasu btw, Niffty, Millie only posting twice - heck even Vox and Loona sometimes get neglected. CLEAR. BIAS.) The ships focused on are 1) NOT established canon yet publicly favoured by Viv and the team (Stoliz, HuskerDust, VoxVal - that last pair havent actually got a VA either-), 2) Are TOXIC and theme around abuse or sexual harassment but it’s ‘cute because gae’ - NO. This makes gay people look really bad when they’re not. 3) HD and SL focus on one sided, stalkerish, cop out ‘tsundere’ excused ships to sugar coat the creepiness which only further fuels bigotry, 4) SL has MERCH on it now, so thats also profiting on sexual harassment imagery (again, dont give a shit they arent real - the EFFECTS are. The people who can relate ARE. The people being horridly stereotyped ARE). Thing is, the IGs originally were there to promote ADDICT which started as a fan song anyways despite everyone saying how Viv is stubborn in her ways an uninfluenced by her fans (proof says otherwise) yet shes allowed a fan song to be canon. Theres a focus on forced love for fanservice. The IGs have long outstayed their welcome. The Val account allows glamourisation of the sick shit Val does AND entinses fans to bully as they forget a REAL PERSON runs the fucking account, Val isnt even a scary villain either - hes just a big teen like everyone else - stuck in a teen drama with all this. Pimps are smart. Theyre scary. Theyre masters of manipulati- HOW DO THEY NOT DO THE RESEARCH?! Viv wanted this sense of realism and dealing with sensitive topics in one of the worst executed ways Ive ever seen- It’s toxic. It’s dangerous. These are shit messages and your fans display that when they think all criticism is ‘hAtE’ and actively bully real people w REAL EXPERIENCES. Telling them to ‘stop pls’ does fuck all because you still promote shit messages straight after. Like with Stolas to Blitz in a IG story a day after Ep 2. Classy.  Fanservice seems desperate to keep these fans (rather than market correctly... Just like YanDev) and it leads to fans feeling like they have the audacity to steer the series. Poor business with WEAK boundaries. Viv, you lost your series a long time ago. Want it back? LISTEN TO LEGIT CRITICISM. Stop surrounding yourself with yes men. Even my best fucking friend calls me out when Im out of line because a real friend will fucking take the chance of hurting your feelings if it means helping you in the long run and grow.  Mick joked about the inside of Husk’s ears matching Angels coat, that the ears are cat’s most sensitive and vulnerable parts. 1) Cats vulnerable part is their tummy - hence why you need their trust first (alternatively yer get the odd cat that has full confidence they cat hurt you a lot faster than you can tickle them - I own one), 2) Its weird that Viv doesnt know this considering how many cats she has - its important to learn the language of those you love to give them your full understanding and a great bond 3) This romanticises sexual harassment more than it already is in the media (remember, theres women out there still murdered for saying no!) as well as reinforces the stereotypes of gay men forcing non-interested men into sex (again, a very toxic and unrealistic trope - a dangerous one thats led to gays being murdered!). And the ears design is unnecessarily overly complex considering those fuckin wings he supports. If the design adds nothing to the character but aesthetic, then it can go on the chopping block. Rules for simple animation. Besides from Angel sharing the same tooth as Val (who knows if that was added after he started working for Val as branding?) you could use this argument to say Pent or Al are soulmates for Angel because of having striped suits, or sharp teeth - no, it was intended as a joke that Viv fueled to irresponsibly because it’s not the first time she’s dodged publicly addressing something (something youll NEED to get used to in a big company), and she’s publicly dodged shit after this too so Im not putting faith in her until she can act professionally as the job requires. Likewise, professionals should consider what and how they joke as they’re presenting an image of a company/business. And people WILL eat that shit up face value regardless. In her stream #2, a fan requests for art of flustered angel and smug husk to fuel their ship. at 2:10:21, she does so. She’s also done this for Baxter x Niffty and Cherri x Tom. As a professional, you really should be avoiding this sort of thing in the name of fanservice. I get it, fanservice = financial gain. But it also results in empty meaning. It’s a shell of what the passion project once was, hence why you make the ENTIRE skeleton before involving others. The team help construct the muscles, tendons and organs. The public - moreso critics and the more experienced in those fields help sew the skin. Then you bring it to life, the fans become like blood. They aid to keep it alive. Even Ash and Mick mention Husk being ‘tsundere’. Im had most my piece about it earlier, however I’ll repeat and add some extras. Tsundere is an exaggerated personality, often used in younger characters. In terms of a relationship, it’s very immature, leads to poor communication and results in a toxic love. Science can back this up as well as the lack of realism. It’s more immature minds/hearts that go to what they interpret as tsundere in hopes of the love life the media portrays. A farce. Y’know what Angel needs? Someone open, honest, open to love and comforting. He doesnt need someone rebuffing and him chasing. It’s nothing more than an immature thrill. Once the love begins, it’s burns out QUICK. It’s far from sustainable or healthy. It’s not what either really need and further show Angel’s fixation on men who subconsciously remind him of his father. It’s not healthy. Another thing is a tsundere actually IS interested but shows it in the most immature and childish means possible. Would a really old bloke actually give a shit to play those sorts of games? No. Not one coming from a place like husk has. It’s painful how lacking in research and experience these people are. Science backs up that opposites solemnly attract also. In fact, they often either repel or only get as far as friendship.  Fan and Team Mentality in Brief: Im coming out with my ultimate pet peeve: if you’re going to have one of the MAIN characters be a gambler, do your research. The only background shit is a casino, LOADS of sex references (in Pride? Really?) and drugs. It’s like someone listing what they think is adult and tabboo and naughty. It’s yikes. Cards are almost always aces, 2s or blank. MOST are heart suits (like we need MORE red - we get it, it’s hell. But it’s an immature larvae stage hell). I get 2s and aces being easier to animate, however you have Husks wings, the entire of alastor, angels arms - if youre busting the budget for the menial then bust it to the cards. Theres like ONE spade. The full house isnt a full house (here’s a display of the fans lack of education on the matter as well which serves as a sure sign that they know just as little on any of this as SpindleHorse, they think it’s a sign on him being a card cheat. A card cheat. I aint saying hes not but what I AM saying is poker professionals are some of the most observant people in the world. Especially when money’s involved they’ll ensure youve got your facts right. That wouldnt fly at ALL. But theres more~ fans think Husk spent loaaaads of time staring at angel’s face in the IG poker out of <3 Newsflash. When you play poker you read EVERYONE like a book. Every little twist and twitch of the features. Its not about love. It’s about winning. Its about money. Play enough poker and it’s instinct if you want to actually play decently. Call bluffs. Life aint a fuckin romance.) And playing Poker at a BlackJack table? In a casino? These are all common knowledge and basics if you just research. And this is coming from someone with a history of this.  The fans even believed Tipsy Bartender’s ‘Peach Princess Cocktail’ was something Spindlehorse made as a beverage form of Niffty, Angel and even Charlie because of the name. Now, Im not expecting everyone to be a fuckin boozy either, but to not even consider it’s a very real drink does show that many fans are far too young for that 18+ label.  Fanart of HD often has Husk being OOC OR being held hostage (often via webs - one even being reblogged by Viv, aint that cute!). Some even have Husk completely intoxicated, which would be rape. Im not sugarcoating it. Because too many are getting the sweet treatment and copying Viv’s ‘dont address and it disappears!’ tactic - A LOT of internet celebs do it. The ship is drawn a lot by the team in the public eye, Viv reblogs it publicly (SL, HD, alongside canon only ships, how curious-). Husk is pan yet doesnt behave as the stereotype. And Id FULLY support this with my fucking SOUL (fun fact: you cant sell a soul. Thats myth to scare people-) if it was done correctly. But the way bisexuals, lesbians, gays and aces are portrayed so stereotypically (even Pan in terms of Val’s sexomania), it’s really REALLY uncomfortly coming across as Husk being pansexual JUST to make him an ‘option’ for Angel. Hell even the hets are given a shite representation. Some art btw has husk tricked into a kiss. Cute, we’re really starting to like blurring consent aint we? Remember, Angel has celeb power in his world. In the real world, he has a following. HE has the power in the ship massively. Hell, fans JUSTIFY Angels behaviour and absolutely rip Husk a new shithole if he fuckin even so as to DARE OPPOSE ANGELS MUCH DESERVED LOVE! - sarcasm because I have to make that shit clear now. Fans dont care about Husks feelings, he wasnt even popular until this ship started to explode. Y’know what would be cool and break stereotypes? An old straight white guy actually accepting his friends sexualities. The pan thing feels really fucking gimicky and exploitive and gross based on the history of all this shit. It feels disingenuine. Representation doesnt come from it just being there. What next? Katie whips on blackface to further show shes a bigoted knobhead whos white and straight? Dont get me wrong, Katie’s an arsehole but theres other means to show this rather than ALL HETS HATE THE BIG GAE. They dont. They really dont. But hey, we’ll show a gay man sexually harass every guy and root for him! NO. Thats fucked up. It makes gays look like the predators theyre not. It’s like the fucking 50s with modern tech - is that the real identity of Vox? Fuckin maybe. WHAT THEY NEED - FUCKING FINALLY, ITS THE END IVE BEEN ON THIS SHIT FOR DAYS WHILST SICK LUCKY ME EH? CAN YER FEEEEEEEL MY TIREDNESS OF FANDOMS AND CREATORS EXCUSING SHITTY THINGS FOR CLOUT, MONEY, FAME AND OTHER DUMB SHIT? IF YOU CANT, THEN WHAT THE FUCK, AND OTHER NEWS: Right. Lets get our main shit. Compatibility between the pair is really low - lower than even the team seems to see. And yer old fart of a Hag here’s gotta use my personal suffering as an example because thats what the cool kids do, right? Their friendship compatibility is high. VERY high. But low for love. HEALTHY love. In terms of convo flow, it only has a river when insults are flying, otherwise Husk actively cuts Angel short or outright annoys him. In reality, someone like Husk would gross out Angel, but the cute cat look can turn that the fuck around - JUST the look. Fans and the team oddly think it’s cute though. Yes, I remember being negged at the bar and thinking “BOY arent my pants flooded like the fuckin planet when the ice caps are melting”. There’s no click. Theres infatuation and lust one sided based on looks. Husk isnt even remotely interested and no means delayed yes apparently. Angel as a rape VICTIM should know better than to blur consent like this. Angel isnt a rapist [for the skim reading raging stans ANGELS NOT A RAPIST, YAAAAAY!] but he sure has a shit grip on when he’s looking like Val when Val forced Angel into a kiss by not accepting rejection. It’s. CREEPY. Its fuckin weird. Husk is literally named after being a shell of his former self, I doubt random sex and forced interest is gonna make him spring to life like bastard Zeberdy from the Magic Pissin Roundabout. Honestly, sexual harassment and addictions are treated the same in this - a joke. A punchline. A gag. Sure makes me fuckin gag. Nah, the more healthier Chaggie relationship (needs work on Charlies damn part - dont let freaky taxidermy men sexually assault your life partner like that) is booooring, lets focus on sexual harassment leading to true love like all the other shitty romcoms shall we? Or sugar coat it with ‘getting to know them better <3′ like Beauty and the Beast. A story, by yours truly: My mom’s mates with this woman. Lets call her M because her name starts with an M. M is just like Angel except slightly older, overweight and disabled - so not everyones cup of tea visually (shes neither here nor there to me imo, not like I hold interest in shaggin her). Like Angel, she fuckin flirts with any ANY man around her. She’ll even touch without consent, rub allllll up and down their backs and bodies, and not leave them alone. She even did this with a few gay men. Shes not a horrible person BUT mom and I are constantly trying to stop her and get through her head how DISGUSTING this treatment is. But nothing gets the message across. Shes ALWAYS talking men and sex and has an on/off fling with this one bloke (dont worry, hes the male M, cheats and does the same as her). Everyone, even women, are uncomfortable with this. Irl it’s desperate and a HUGE repellent. Men are visibly SO uncomfortable. She does it to my father too who is - in case youd forgotten - MARRIED TO HER BEST. FUCKING. FRIEND. My father is not a man of fear (and interestingly, hes one of the real life Huskers I know!) but this woman? *insert Heavy bc why tf not* She scares him. My dad does everything in his damn power to pull away, reject, resist, avoid and cut her off. The only reason hes even nice to her at all is because mom likes her (when M isnt a gross hornbag, shes genuinely a good friend to my mother - much like angel and Cherri). My dad’s strictly banned from insulting her or telling her to fuck off from my mother BECAUSE of her nature with him. Even at her non horny times, he’s even said shes not his flavour.  I’ve had numerous accounts like this myself (ask any woman-) but the worst was the guy thinking - THINKING - that Id eventually be his whilst he played up a lot of our similarities up, seemed nice and I actually thought I had a good guy friend (put it this way, Im genuinely scared of men because of guys like this). At this time, there was a character I discovered who looks and behaves SO much like me, and shes married. My simping arse for this fictional BEAUT [Im sorry but Iris is fucking awesome] compared her romantic traits towards Olgerd as something Id do - and this was a STATUS. It wasnt even too him, tagging him, nothing. I was just spamming Iris like the Iris whore I am, and... Yep. Ill be honest and say that God only knows what else I did that made him think I was ready to rip off my clothes and shag him. My post history back then showed Im like this when I find a character I relate to. I also send hearts a lot publicly and to friends to express joy - I get NERVOUS how that’ll be taken now. He tried to pit my ex friend and I against each other for him and even cyberstalked us pretending to be a girl named Raven. My GUT told me this aint no bastard ‘Raven’. The vibes he gave me, and the fact when I kept saying no he took it as a delayed yes (He even said “Ill wait for when youre ready” not “I understand and am happy to still be friends”) gave me literal nightmares of this guy tracking me down and raping me. He’s currently dating that ex friend (I was still willing to be their friend and support them but they said it was hard to keep us separate in her lifes and she didnt want conflict, so I cut it off amicably with her and I fuckin hope he treats her right. I even sensed in my gut she’d like him and he’d like her - even that theyd be good together! But then I found she was 17 and he was 10 years older, that he was cyberstalking and pitting us against each other, that he was secretly an arrogant fuck and that he gives off red flags like her ex’s - but shes passed 18 now and I want to trust her as an adult that she can deal with this. Shes got a good family.) As a kid, Ive been fuckin groped at school in my shitty neighbourhood. One kid even harassed me wanting to know if Id started my periods yet. Hed constantly fondle girls and ‘keg’ them aka yank down their skirts or trousers in public, and 2 years later held a fucking KNIFE to my throat in a classroom with the shittiest substitute teacher, all because I stood up to him (I was not known for my bravery at school so). He was harassing my female friend who suffers from it since as well as her upbringing, bullying her and stealing her stuff. Shes TINY. She was bullied just as bad as I - who was somehow both the school ghost AND pariah somehow- - and I stepped in and told him to cut that shit out before snatching her things back. I told her to ignore the desperate prick. Thats when he took a boxcutter and held it to my throat, threatening me to keep my head down. Now my neighbourhood fucking qualifies as the British ‘hood’ but Id been lucky to avoid this. Ironically, I wondered what this situation would be like a year prior. Im convinced I can fucking foresee bad shit now and with anxiety that aint good. I froze mentally and I just said “Wooow, Im fucking scared- *friends name*, ignore him” and continued my work. I fucking mentally kicked myself for speaking but I genuinely didnt know what to do. Obviously not fucking that. He sat the full TWO HOURS at our table with this knife, jolting forward mockingly and switching who he pointed it at. The knife btw was from that very room as it was graphics and art. Teacher didnt even notice though honestly Ive had an entire class throw shit at me and call me a whore and the teacher in that class looked at me and TURNED AWAY. End of the day, I reported it to my actual graphics teacher when he returned and he told me he’d take this higher up and to get my parents. My home was only 5 minutes away but I had to walk alone when most the students were gone AND through a fucking alleyway. I always walked with my head low but that day I kept it high and tried to look brave because I genuinely thought he was waiting for me. That he was going to rape and kill me because he’s a pervert and Id just discovered a fucking violent one at that. I broke down at my door. Do you know how fuckin hard it is to look your parents who are dealing with two cancer patients and other issues in the eyes and tell them their ‘little girl’ had a knife to her through for standing up for herself? We went back, I described everything and even remember the yellow-orange handle just to get this kid punished? I even wrote an official police statement (well, the written witness account they add to their statement and evidence) and had to speak on mine and my friend’s behalf because she was that shook up. I never even used to speak for myself! He got expelled, but yknow what us jolly folk dealt with? Hearing kids and his mates mumbling about the ‘rat’ and how much of a cunt they were. Teachers and kids praise him for his art skills and even pin them on display EVERYWHERE (one - ONE - was a fucking self portrait and none of the staff seemed to find issue in that) and even an occassion where he came back into the school when he legally wasnt (trespassing). Do you know how hard it is to fucking avoid someone without raising suspicions from everyone around you in a narrow corridor? Im TALL too. I got NO support from this and felt on edge because he could easily sneak into school. I couldnt say shit because his stupid ‘spies’ were about. Just typing this is upsetting enough- I also know a rl Angel who’s like him minus the sexual harassment. She’s... I never used to like her and visa versa but we actually get along really well now, even though she can be creepy and perverse- But she wouldnt be my type either nor I with her. Often we really fuck each other off but we can also bond great. Another incident reminds me of Husk’s candid photo. Ive had people keep my photo despite me saying not to however I had someone SOMEHOW at that school one the fuck up that. There was a cut out from a magazine of a lady who looked like my DOUBLE except she was asian. Now I thought this was cool and it made me feel sorta pretty. This one girl showed everyone and the teacher, pretty much everyone was like “Oh shit that really is you, C!” and it was harmless fun at first. Until I wanted the picture. Again, this woman looked EXACTLY like me. Yet this girl refused and said she wanted to keep it and even carried it around in her pencil case. Yes it wasnt me but due to the similarities, this photo was called me (tbf the fuckin pic got more respect than I did-). This isnt the only creepy instant between me and this girl but the photo reminds me of it. And this tops people keeping photos OF me which happened in primary school. This was me but legal at that time. And asain. It was super fucking neckbeardy the way she treated this photo and stared, often stroking it and looking at me. I just hope she was only trying to scare me. Theres one final instance of a sexual assault but Im just not yet ready to be public about it. 2 here already know. Those are some of my rl experiences and more to come (unfortunately) that show these behaviours in real life. It seems - it comes across - that sexual harassment, MORE SO TOWARDS MEN, is seen as some punchline and not something legitimately horrifying or dangerous. It’s not cute. It’s fucking FAR from it.  Ive already mentioned how putting two addicts together can lead to relapsing, dependence on each other in an unhealthy way. And Ive even mentioned what Angel needs in a relationship in the RD post. Luckily for you, I’ll copy and paste it here: “ We need to think about where both are mentally. What benefits would a relationship give both? How would they be good and bad for each other? For Al, aside from his outdated views and being a fucking murderer and narcissist, he actually seems in a good mindspace for a relationship IF he opted to be in one. Angel however has a very immature mindset, likewise is in a phase of life where hes bed hopping. IF he were to be in a relationship, I’d say he needs a male equivalent of Cherri - someone with a similar mindset yet some differences, willing to have fun and in touch with their younger side, down to cuddle, open to share and receive love as well as not afraid to publicly be affectionate with him, someone who sees him as more than just for sex, someone fun, someone who’ll let him embrace his cutesy side publicly without shame - Cherri is younger so maybe someone who’s his age or slightly younger perhaps? I think Angel’s not retirement home ready to settle and needs someone on his level that can cuddle and chill as well as feels free and youthful enough to go wild with him. In one sense, he’s got a teen girl sorta mindset (dont put him with a teen though, it’s fuckin weird-). He needs someone positive and raw, someone to let him be himself as well as someone comfortable to be themselves around him. He has a habit of latching onto unobtainable men (in psychology, this is self sabotaging subconsciously): Travis the client, Val a pimp, Husk (emotionally unavailable and needs HEAVY self work - interestingly far more than Angel - plus he’s still onto his last relationship and an addict to gambling and alcohol), Pent who’s the enemy he was currently fighting (inappropriate timing), Alastor who’s not interested in another but his own needs [selfish, VERY bad for a relationship]. Subconsciously he’s self sabotaging on purpose. There’s many psychology books as well as sources online for this, if you’re interested. Either way, Angel is drawn to men either like his father [who dislike him, shun him, or are otherwise cold, abusive or just blatantly dislike or otherwise dont care about him] or anyone with money to fuel his drug addiction/’debt’ to Val. Going with any of these men isn’t a good idea. Preferably, Angel needs someone who he doesnt immediately crush and obsess over. Someone who he doesnt sexually harass or assault. Someone he can build a connection with quickly that can bud into romance (think how Chaggie started as a friendship which clicked immediately). Maybe even someone he doesn’t expect to fall for but does so anyways. It would be more realistic as Viv wants as well as more healthy. That for once he isnt sex or money craved instantly, thus doesnt sexually harass/assault and is given a proper chance to develop and grow a friendship and love. Someone who isnt an addict. Someone with an on-par mindset where they click. Someone open to love. For any chance of a good relationship, Angel needs to be with anyone BUT who we’ve already seen. There’s too much toxicity that’ll be swept under the rug and justified otherwise. Too much shit to fuel homophobes in terms of gay stereotypes. Even though Ive focused a fair bit on Angel, it’s NOT just about Angel. That’s something fans forget. Some he depends on or someone who depends on him in the long term wont last and will be very dangerous to both. Just because you suffer, you dont then deserve to be rewarded with ‘something nice’. You dont get to have everything youve ever wanted. Giving him any of these blokes [minus Val] gives him a pass. Gives him what he wants. I get Viv loves him but life doesnt work that way. True lasting growth comes from learning that. Acceptance and growth. You dont get everything you want and sometimes thats a GOOD thing. He’s not a spoilt kid who gets everything he asks for, he’s YOUR creation. If you really wanted what your creations deserve then you need to research and be realistic with it. Because hes starting to feel like a shitty Gary-Stu at this rate.” Sorry for that copypaste clusterfuck. Copy paste is not my forte lol Now Husk. Remember Big? Probably not after the info overload, but if you do GREAT. Big needed love, patience, understanding, someone who could help him, someone who understood and respected his boundaries. I spent so much damn time and now he cuddles up and exposes his tummy because I make him feel understood, loved and safe. He NEVER purred or meowed (why would he need to meow when he didnt speak to humans?) but now he does. He lives on the streets of a neighbourhood with rough folk. He used to draw blood and go rabid on my arms. But I was patient and showed him that I understood his reasons but that he was safe with me and had no need to strike out. I never pushed his boundaries let alone doing it multiple times (the rl angel I know is fucking skilled at pushing cat’s boundaries and wonders why they all huddle up to me and avoid her lol). Husk is an unavailable man. Romantic/Sexual love does NOT heal his wounds. But thats the only thought fans and the team have given on his side. He needs love to ‘fix’ him. The WORST reason to get with someone. Theyre not a project and you arent a fucking miracle worker. Treat them as an equal. He needs a good friend. JUST a friend. Like Big, he needs patience, trust, understanding, and extensive help (arguably more intense than Angel’s). He needs to love himself a bit more FIRST. Someone who respects his boundaries INSTANTLY. Someone relatable and similar, open to love not just sex and not as troubled (if they are, they need to handle it way better, healthily and overall be in a good mindspace). Viv can ship whatever the fuck tickles her fancy, but once your passion project becomes public and funded, you have set responsibilities on how to address and handle sensitive issues as well as having to accept criticism. If Husk goes sober in the name of love (ESPECIALLY with the guy not respecting his boundaries and sexually harassing him), then it’s a fucking INSULT to alcoholics.  I know a few rl Husks but there’s one that anyone who knows me enough knows the man I hold closest to my heart was an alcoholic and spitting of Husk. That’s why Husk’s character means so much to me. But there’s only 2 here who know a bit more of this man. This is something Id hoped to not share so soon, nor as messy. And Im already getting waterworks because this is FAR from easy. I guess Husk became the very thing *I* needed in order to face this. This man was my grandfather. WAS. I cant even fucking accept that. I was a fucking child. I feel stupid being so open about this over some stupid cartoon but it just shows the real life effects this has on REAL fucking people. This man was old and lonely. Always at the pubs. He taught me card games, card tricks and card magic as well as one of his own sons dealing with a gambling addiction. I feel so fucking stupid crying about this- I dont want to open up but its the only way I feel I can get people to understand my side in all of this. This man was a fucking MESS. A closed off, lonely, grumpy old bastard. He lost his love because of his alcohol addiction and never found love again. Never got over that woman. (Shes still kicking and we’re close - im keeping some things under wraps between them as its not my place). Gave up on life and love. Worked hard at his fixation on cards and puzzles, as well as crass jokes and knowledge. But he was very lazy otherwise. Bitter and angry. And you know what? He was my world. I love this man with every fiber of my being because he was the first person to love and accept me for me. He treated me as an equal and helped me grow as a person. In fact... He was only ever happy around us kids. He had hope again. Protected me. He used to hate gays and blacks and you know what? He taught HIMSELF as to why that was shitty thinking. He taught ME about differences in people and to accept it. He taught me that you dont always have to understand to accept. He taught me poker and... swears admittedly. He was a beautiful soul that was broken inside. He needed to love himself. But you know what actually fucking happened? You know what I watched as a kid? I watched as he smoked until every morning he woke throwing up phlegm just to BREATHE. I watched as sometimes the light in his eyes died and through smoke breaks and early drinking how he’d sometimes slip and show me his pain. And we’d have deep talks about it and the world and everything. How alcohol ruined his life yet he craved it. His scent. I remember arguments I wasnt supposed to overhear and growing up seeing him fucking DIE slowly in a hospital bed. The man he was ended up as a fucking husk. His skin was bloated and purple, he was half machine on how much shit he was hooked up to. How he was barely a man at all. He was dying of cancer and he fucking knew and never told us. His cancer meds gave him horrid hallucinations. And I practically spent most of my time in that hospital because TWO people had cancer. Two stunning people had fucking stupid bastard cancer. He was a fuck up. He was flawed to shit. But seeing glimpses of the real him was a fucking ethereal experience. He made me feel like a PERSON. And all we could do in the end was watch him just die. He WANTED to die and you could see it but hed only eat around us to fake fight out of his own hubris and not wanting to let us down. That year, I watched 2 of the only people who ever gave a shit about me die the most dishonourable deaths God could have gave them. Years prior I watched his son gamble EVERYTHING away - his lover, his house, his everything. Hes a moderate gambler now with a partner who never had a history of any addiction. She helps keep him in line as he helps her. But most nights I fucking dream of this shit. I cant even think about my hero because I fucking weep. I still have nightmares. Im still up thinking how I could have saved him from himself when it’s him who was the only one able to. I have to live my life with those memories and I was just a kid. Im a full woman and Im still haunted by it. Even that year is blasphemy and I fucking hate it. I want to take him in my arms, hold him and tell him he’s enough. That its ok and he can get through this. Anything that reminds me of him, I love because I know the other side. The real side. The side not tethered to vices. When I see people like that, I pray they see themselves like that too and I want to help them see it. Tell them that they can live again. It’s better than fucking decaying in a hospital bed. That when people make this sorta shit into a cute quirk it’s not. And it’s dickheads like me who have actually seen it play in the real world to REAL people they love. They arent a fucking accessory to fix for your own narrative. They arent a fuckin performing monkey. At least with Rick and Morty it’s kinda humorous and never played for some shitty toxic ship to appeal to everyone who’s never had to face that shit themselves. And Im like my old man but with more hope and no addiction. I drink and I gamble but I’ll never let myself get that low. Because I honour him but Im not as fucking saft. I wont allow it even though it’s a fucking battle. Those addictions are in the blood. My family history. Its always been so fucking normal. I’ll never knock someone for an addiction or try to preach them out of it because theres often pain fueling it, but I’d never encourage it or toxic faux cures and stupid romance promises as some bullshit MLM remedy either. I KNOW it’s fiction but I want people to see the real side. I want VIV to see the real side. Id willingly for FREE fucking sing that shit if it meant spreading a good message. Because this is fucking hell. FIXING IT: The ship’s basis is too set in stone now - too familiar to change. Best is to never let it be canon. Because you know what else it teaches? That rOmAnCe cures all. Not therapy. Not rehab. Not any REAL work. Just fuck and date it all away as if it’s that easy. It’s a mockery! I tried to be professional about this but when the media bombards this shit constantly, the has the AUDACITY to play like it’s giving a good message is salt to the wounds. A kiss with a fist. An old man dont care for the petty teen drama that Angel and Cherri (even fuckin Al) thrive on. Want this to send a good message still? Angel hates rejection and thinks everyone wants him. Have Husk reject him. Especially because no one should go out with someone whos sexually harassed them there. Been there, done that got the fuckin tshirt. Have Husk reject Angel the way Gravity Falls has Wendy reject Dipper. It helped Dipper move on and mature, and this is what Angel needs for growth and to be more humble.  Husk would be a fucking excellent mentor to Angel, a friend and protector, someone who shows him the ropes like Grunkle Stan like a grandfather figure. To not fall for his mistakes. Husk would be a better expert than any of them plus it balances the power dynamtic. It’s healthy and realistic. Touches the topic with the sensitivity it needs. Not everything needs a ship or romance. Wounds healed that way dont stay healed long. Angel seems more fitting as a son like figure, and he can play that dad like role for him. And if any of the team EVER saw this, fucking take this idea. Its YOURS. FREE. FOREVER. If we wanna play this NDA but still reblog some of the story telling arts and have some of our team indulge in it. I wont sue. Fucking TAKE IT if it means doing this shit right because Spindlehorse have beautifully triggered so many different people and their different traumas to please teenagers sexual fantasies, their own kinks and for a jolly good joke.  This is a bastard long read and Ive had to face the traumas again but if good can come from it then I’ll GLADLY dance this duet again. Stans, Antis, dont even TEMPT interaction. You arent brave sending suicide threats behind a screen, youre a coward and a waste of oxygen. I WANT Hazbin and Helluva to succeed. I want Viv and her crew to do well. Trust me, I wouldnt waste my time if I didnt give a shit. Viv is fucking gifted and its being wasted if it’s not at her full potential for the approval of a rabid army of kids and immature adults who dont know any better (stans and antis). I know she would like a good and decent fanbase. Stans and antis arent it. Tagging you folks because it’s long but yall actually helped me have the courage to open my trap to this. Screenshots are coming later though all of what Ive said is easily sourced. But this has been days, Im sick, im tired, ive been upset facing my own traumas. If any tags wanna help then by all means but otherwise. @honesthazbinarchives, @siaesnow​ (also added age still bc despite the lack of physical aging, theres also the mental aspect and experiences as well as power dynamics side to it, in case youre wondering), @noirellearts, @enchantedchocolatebars​, @galemalio​ (thank you for letting me weep like a bitch), @angel-blitz​, @critical-hazbin​, @what-the-hazbin​, @hazboobhotel​, @pineapple-critiques-stuff​, @devils-advocutie​, SORRY AGAIN FOR BEING A LIL BITCH FOLKS, I feel awkward like my teen years but yeah- fuck it Im old and imma rot soon anyways. If this experience can help then Ill be glad.
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hansolmates · 4 years
jjk; angel’s trumpet [bonus]
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summary; one second, your life is flashing before your eyes and the next, you’re transported into a world exactly like your own. but the jungkook you meet in this world isn’t a renowned singer or your former almost-lover, in fact he has no clue who you are and why you know him so well. as you work to find your way home lost and confused, you conclude that you’re either dead or in the middle of the most wicked drug trip of your life. pairing; idol!jk x reader (f), alternatively film producer!jk x reader genre/warnings; fluff, angst, supernatural, idol!au, non-idol!au, alternate universes, themes of fate, language, alcohol consumption, in this chapter–nudity boobies! w.c; 2.2k a/n; why did a week go by so stinkin’ fast? i’m not ready to let go of this couple! that being said, i wouldnt mind posting some drabble babbles about these two or four. im utterly thankful for the love and passion my readers had for this, i had so many kind readers that kept me afloat through all of. i can’t wait to see you in the next one, and i hope you enjoy this little glimpse💕
[final] [bonus] -> masterpost
“You’re not Jimin.” 
Jungkook’s eyes snap open, and he takes note of the change in air. Chalk it up to the open window or the fact that the rain’s evaporated, but he can’t help the pinch of pain in his heart as he realizes that you’re far, far gone from this world. 
And in your place, is you. Not quite you, but it’s almost scary how easy it is to regard your visage and simple conversation. 
“Jimin,” he repeats, as if he heard you wrong. “As in, Park Jimin? Tiny guy with a big ego?” 
“Yes,” you reply blandly, like it’s the most obvious thing in the world. Your eyes are sparkless, flickering between your state of nakedness and his state of nakedness. “I know I wasn’t exactly sober last night, but I distinctly remember telling him he’d be in my bed tonight,” and you regard Jungkook with a sort of pointed look, unable to decipher your situation, “but here you are. Still cupping by boob.” 
Out of reflex, he squeezes his palm. Yep, that’s yours. 
A little part of him also wants to yell to the heavens because you failed to tell him you were hooking up with Park Jimin before all of this. 
Okay technically you didn’t, but the person in front of him did. 
His heart is fresh and stinging like a hot cut on the asphalt. He watches you take in your surroundings, humming when you notice the new clothes on the rack and the way your desk has been rearranged. Jungkook is trying very hard to be patient, after all you’re a stranger and suddenly he feels like he’s the one that’s known you all his life. Oh, how the tables have turned. 
You stretch, testing out your limbs as they pop and crackle at your command. You run a hand through your strawberry-smelling hair, and Jungkook has to grip the sheets to not go by instinct and take you right then and there on this mattress. With a shameless groan of satisfaction, you flop against your bed. Jungkook tries, emphasis on try, to not watch as your breasts bounce and the way your hair flows around your pillow like the angel you are, but he’s rendered smitten. 
“Uh,” boobies boobies boobies. 
You pointedly ignore his piss-poor attempt at coherent conversation, staring up at the ceiling.  “Ho—ly shit,” you curse freely, heaving an exhausted sigh, “I feel so sore.” 
“S-sore?” Great, he found his voice. 
“Yeah, like I’ve been in a coma or something,” but you think nothing of it, summing it up as a crazy dream from alcohol poisoning. You sit up straight, reaching for your phone. It’s not on your desk, but instead you find something far more interesting. 
You reach for your Midnight Blue Citrus candle, frowning at the contents. The wax is nearly burnt to the end, the tips of the wicks charcoal black and frayed. Waving your used candle in Jungkook’s face you blame, “What the fuck, did you use all of this last night? I just bought this like, literally yesterday!” 
His face falls, “What? You’ve had that candle for forever—”
“And why the heck it is so hot in the middle of February?” 
Something dark and sad creeps up Jungkook’s stomach, and he hates to be the one to tell you. February was when it all started, and his life changed with the presence of you. Jungkook tells himself repeatedly that the woman in this room is simultaneously the person he’s loved since winter and the stranger he feels that he’s meant to love with time. Considering everything’s happening all at once understanding it is still hard, but he’ll try for you. 
It breaks his heart to see how you look lost and confused, like a child woken up from a debilitating nightmare. Your lips are bitten red and purple, trying your hardest not to show fear in front of him, a stranger. You’re frustrated as you try your hardest to shut the windows to block the incoming humidity from last night’s rain. 
He says your name, sweet and soft. “It’s almost summer,” he says, his voice calm and collected. 
“So are you telling me, that wasn’t a dream?” 
The two of you stare at each other, unmoving. He tries not to squirm under your gaze, you watch him intently, scraping at the edge of your brain for any ideas. You’re hugging yourself, arms wrapping against your breasts as if you’re trying to hold your body together in a way that alludes to any brokenness you felt over these past two months. 
Neither of you break the silence, and there’s a bang and a crash. Jungkook flinches at the tell-tale signs of the unwanted intruder, the fling of keys across your wooden table and a shrill call of your name. 
“Who’s that?” 
“Probably Hoseok,” Jungkook answers reluctantly, his thumb rubbing between his brows. 
He ignores the extra cool air against his naked bits when he throws the blankets off his lap. Ignores the way you pointedly, shamelessly check him out as he throws on his sweats and a t-shirt. To his dismay he can’t ignore the burn in his cheeks when he knows how you’re scrutinizing him like a one-night stand, trying to recollect any type of concrete thought that would seem plausible enough to explain why you woke up in bed with him. 
Throwing open your bedroom door and leaving you there, he cards a hand through his rogue bedhead to face a frantic Hoseok. 
“It’s so early,” Hoseok warbles to himself, impressed that he’s managed to cop fresh donuts and coffee at nearly 7AM. 
Jungkook sees nothing but an orange blob and Hoseok’s head, bleary and vibrating. Rubbing his eyes he says, “You just realized how early it is? Couldn’t you have stopped by a little later?” 
“No, I couldn’t!” Hoseok’s now invading Jungkook’s personal space, as if you weren’t the bridge between their threads of a relationship, as if he and Hoseok could be friends. “I woke up a few hours ago and I couldn’t go back to sleep. I felt it, Jungkook. It was like an episode of the Twilight Zone. The air shifted and I felt like I was between two parallel universes—I swear on my bad knee that I’m not going through a drug trip—and I felt the world turning and changing and it was so fuckin’ weird I had to come here as soon as Dunkin’ opened. Didn’t you feel it too?” 
“Yeah,” Jungkook exhales, not bothering to hide the disappointment. He smiles sadly, “it’s definitely not her.” 
Hoseok’s expression and excitement over the world’s converging falters, and he pulls Jungkook into a hug. They’re not particularly close and Hoseok’s smaller in size compared to Jungkook, but for those five seconds he feels comforted as he hugs him back. 
“Why don’t you go home and chill out, I don’t mind explaining things to her,” Hoseok offers, “and I’ll call you later and let you know how it went.” 
“Okay,” Jungkook replies, voice slow, “that sounds like a good idea, actually.” 
The situation is royally messed up, and he hates that he can’t blame it on anyone. Jungkook is a practical man, and he knows that he has no use when Hoseok is here with donuts and coffee. More importantly, there is no use torturing himself by letting his heart break in the presence of  you. 
“What is this, a party?” Taehyung’s bare feet smack against the hardwood, and he plops himself in the chair next to Hoseok, “did you get me coffee this time?” 
The two of them bicker good-naturedly, with Hoseok explaining a little kindness goes a long way and Taehyung muttering that kindness doesn’t happen without caffeine. Jungkook excuses himself, feeling very much out of place as he moves to your bedroom to pack his things. 
“You’re leaving?” you’re standing in the middle of your bedroom, now dressed in a long t-shirt and your hair tied clean and away from your face. You look pretty. 
“Yeah,” he says shortly, stuffing his jeans in his bag and making sure all traces of him are gone from your bedroom. “Need to sort things out,” he excuses, and while you may not buy it, he really does. He feels heartbroken, angry at the world. Maybe he could visit Yoongi today and get a demo in, put all this pent-up emotion to good use. “But Hoseok brought you breakfast, he’s a good friend, he’ll explain everything.” 
“But I don’t know Hoseok,” you mumble, picking at the hem of your band shirt. You’re pouting, stubborn. 
“But you don’t know me either,” Jungkook retorts, not unkindly, but not exactly gentle. “I wouldn’t want to overwhelm you.” 
There’s a hard rip at his zipper, putting in a little too much force as he seals away all his things into a compact backpack. Heck, he even went as far as to take back the hoodie he lent you last month, making sure the fabric is crisp and folded so he can stow it away from your curious eyes. He shoves on his denim jacket from last night, still lingering with the scents of sand and saltwater. It makes him sombre, and the selfish part of him wishes to bottle up that scent and tuck it away forever. 
“You’re wrong,” you blurt when he moves toward the door. His hand lingers over the knob, “I do know you.” 
He narrows his dark eyes, taking in your honest expression, “At Jimin’s job, maybe? I did a couple interviews in the beginning of February. Maybe we passed each other while you had lunch with him.” 
“No. You sang to me, talked to me, as much as you could up until this moment.” 
He remembers the stories you fed to him last night under the stars, shameless and full of love as you explained to him of his other self. The life where he’s a renowned singer, a Golden Boy, one of the most revered in his industry. A life he could only dream of, yet somewhere out there he’s living it in another body making that dream come true. 
Thoughts are running through his head, memories that aren’t his own. He could only imagine what you must’ve gone through, recovering in a hospital bed for two months, unable to move but actively aware of the pain and anguish. How confused you must’ve been, aching to figure out what the hell is going on, acutely aware of the voices constantly chattering about your well-being. 
One of those voices being Jeon Jungkook, who was probably taking care of you night and day. 
His head is starting to throb, and he feels like he’s five seconds away from spiraling. 
“I’d… I’d feel more comfortable around you, Jungkook,” you confess, reaching for his hand, “but if you need to, you can go,” you bite your lip, folding in on yourself once more, “if it hurts too much to be around me right now.” 
He gladly takes your hand, rubbing his thumb between your palm. The familiar sparks he feels when he holds it return, but tamps it down for the sake of your vulnerability. It’s not your fault you’re in this situation. “No… I’m just gonna go home for a bit, clear my schedule,” he gives you a little smile, and he inflates a bit when you give him one of your own. “I’ll come back for you after breakfast.”
“You promise?” 
You pull him into an unexpected hug, suddenly fearing he may never come back. 
“I always wondered what the man looked like behind the voice,” and you’re suddenly melting, feeling a sense of familiarity as you let your heart run faster than your brain when you let him hold you in his arms. He smells just like him, too. 
His embrace is tight, and his arms fit in all the little curves and spots that make you feel warm and safe. “And am I living up to your expectations?” it’s a half-joke, after all the both of you are  going simply by feeling and there’s no way in hell would he even attempt to compare himself to well, himself. 
You pull away to look at him, really look at him. Honest, clear eyes. Jungkook thinks he sees the world in your gaze. “Only if you eat a donut before you go,” you reply with a shy smile. 
At your defiant mention of food he can’t help but grin like a maniac, letting you tug him back out to sit at the counter with him and have breakfast. Like he said before, he can’t wait to fall in love all over again. 
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