#because you seem way more interested in brutality than honesty
elitebutterfly · 2 years
many blogs on here be like
anonymous ask: a vague two-sentence statement about feeling not so great and wanting to change with little to no context about their life or what’s causing them to feel the way they do
“level-up” “hypergamy” blogger: so what. no one cares about your feelings. literally not a single one not even your best friend not even your mom not even your dog. everyone else around you is literally out here earning ivy league degrees and 8 figures and your stupid ass is still going to therapy because you’re weak. you were born into this world alone because and you’ll go out alone because no you don’t actually have friends or family or loved ones. nothing you process in the world exists only do you and thats why all of your problems are your fault. hell yeah solipsism. you should listen to what i’m saying because i am a one size fits all and if you even marginally disagree thats a you problem bestie. step it the fuck up. hell yeah let me pin this so everyone on this hellsite knows that I’m all about tough love and all of you soft bitches are beneath me. blah blah blah mindset mindset queen mentality level up hypergamy mindset money billionaire 
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zaldritzosrose · 4 months
Can't Stay Away (Feyd-Rautha x Princess!Reader)
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Summary: Second daughter of the Emperor and you were well used to being ignored in favour of your sister. That was, until you met Feyd-Rautha, nephew to the Harkonnen Baron. A tourney of old, bringing back the traditions of champions and favours brought him to your side - but how close would he stay?
TW: Minors DNI, She/Her pronouns, afab reader, mild mentions of neglect towards reader (ignored in favour of Irulan), Feyd being a flirt, hot and heavy making out, fingering, lashings of sexual tension.
I've taken a couple of liberties with the veils the Bene Gesserit/Irulan seem to wear - making it an honour to see a Sister/Princess' face and given meaning to the paint on Feyd before the arena...because why not it's my story!
(There will be a part 2...maybe 3...I have no self control)
Words: 3508
THANK YOU to @tumblin-theworldaway for not only being patient over this but for listening to my months of related brain rot! I love you!
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Being second to the Imperial heir had not always felt like a task. As a child, you did not mind being sent off to other tasks while Irulan was coached in the ways of an Empress. Your father had you both trained in the ways of the Bene Gesserit, and as a child it made you feel incredibly important. Being at the Reverend Mother’s side, and at times the only time you were ever praised for something you had achieved.
But the older you got, the more the feeling of being ignored crept in. Men would seek out Irulan's favour, not yours. Visitors would spend hours speaking to the elder princess before speaking to you. Irulan was the interesting one. She was heir, it made sense for her to be the one they wished to gain the favour of.
Second daughter, second best. You understood it, deep down, but that did not stop the hurt it caused.
Despite this, you always accompanied your father and sister on the planetary tours, following along as the Emperor would visit all his people and be lavished with grand feasts and parties as a welcome. Every House from Arrakis to Zanovar were granted a visit from their Emperor, some were happier about it than others.
Despite the tensions on Arrakis, the word of the ‘Messiah’ reaching the Emperor’s ears and being ignored and the rumours that the Emperor had ordered the end of House Atreides, the Imperial Tours continued.
Giedi Prime was the next stop. The home of the Harkonnens. You had heard of the Harkonnens. Fearsome warriors. Terrifying. Bloodthirsty. Brutal. In all honesty, they had fascinated you for the longest time. The manipulations that led to their rise. Their bloodstained history with House Atreides. You had read as much as you had been able to find.
And their welcome? A tournament, a battle of strength and brutality to impress their Emperor. Harking back to days of old when knights would compete in feats of battle prowess to show off. Men from all the Great Houses and more came to compete, including Feyd-Rautha. The Baron's nephew did not hesitate to volunteer to represent his people in something so prestigious.
The Imperial Ship landed and you, your sister and the Emperor were quickly greeted by the Baron and his nephews. You stood to your father’s left, Irulan at his right. Feyd’s eyes stayed on you, though you had not noticed yet. Trailing from the gold and pearl veil over your face, down to the matching white lace and gold dress that both clung and flowed over your body perfectly. He glanced briefly at Irulan, her silver and chainmail contrasting you, but his eyes ultimately returned to you.
"Your Imperial Graces, may I introduce my nephews," the Baron began, gesturing first to his elder nephew and then the younger as he spoke.
"Beast-Rabban and Feyd-Rautha."
Both men bowed, following their uncle's lead. First to the Emperor, then Irulan and then you. The order of importance seemed clear, as usual. But as his head raised, Feyd met your gaze and held it. Cool blue eyes boring into yours and you could not look away.
Your father nodded his head in thanks as did Irulan, but you...
You still stared at Feyd. Something about him, the way he held your gaze. The faint smirk forming on his lips. You could not do anything but stare.
His smile widened, black painted teeth on show as he stepped forward and taking your hand in his, a gesture that shocked even you. His lips found the back of it, pressing a surprisingly gentle but lingering kiss to your skin. No one ever focused on you like this, not when you stood by Irulan. It was something you had gotten quite accustomed to.
But the rough scratch of his fingers around yours, the heat of his lips on your skin, was enough to have you blushing. Then he spoke. His voice low, sending a shiver down your spine.
"A pleasure to meet you, princess."
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The Emperor and the Baron led you, Irulan and the Baron’s nephews back inside the Harkonnen fortress. Despite trying not to, your focus always seemed to return to Feyd. The way he moved with confidence, the small glances he gave you with that smirk still on his lips.
Irulan was at your father’s side, as usual. Rabban walked beside the Baron. Which left you and Feyd behind that line. You were not purposely walking at his side, but you soon noticed that Feyd had fallen into step with you. Slowing his pace to match yours.
You kept your gaze forward, but you could feel his eyes on you. Like a predator and you were no more than prey. You knew you would be the one to break the silence before Feyd did.
“Are you looking forward to the tournament, Feyd?” You asked, glancing to the side to see him, as expected, staring at you as he walked.
Feyd hummed low in response before answering. You began to wonder how he was being so mindful of where he was going, whilst keeping his eyes on you.
“A fight is always welcome, princess. Are you excited for it?”
You did not answer immediately. No answer you gave, you felt, was ever interesting enough. Or at least, not in your past experiences. But, to your surprise, Feyd seemed genuinely interested.
“I am intrigued, to say the least. It is not often a House welcomes us with such an event.”
Feyd only nodded, before holding out his hand to stop you moving further forward. It was only then that you noticed you had reached the doors to the Harkonnen fortress. You had been so distracted by the man beside you, you had ignored your surroundings.
“After you, princess,” Feyd offered, holding out an arm to allow you to walk ahead.
You walked on, hearing Feyd’s boots against the floor behind you. Your father, sister and the Baron and his nephew were ahead of you. And your father had not looked back once to check on you, something you were well used to. But Feyd had noticed too.
His head tilted in curiosity but said nothing on the topic. He followed you inside, eyes glancing occasionally between you and your father, noticing the seemingly longing look you held. As the Baron led the Emperor and Irulan into the dining hall, you seemed to hang back, like you were waiting for permission to follow them.
When that did not come, you folded your hands before you and turned from the door.
“Are you not joining them?” Feyd asked, genuinely surprised at the situation.
Your head hung low, and you simply shook it.
“Not if I am not invited. Irulan is heir, not I,” You said simply and began walking away without a second glance.
You assumed Feyd would join his uncle and brother. But the sound of footsteps behind you told you otherwise. You did not look back as you walked, though in truth, you had no idea where you were walking to. You simply wished to be away. Feyd followed silently, only interfering when he felt the need to steer you somewhere specific.
“Princess, follow me, I have somewhere more comfortable you could wait over walking the halls?”
Feyd was not sure why, but he felt the need to be at your side. A strange draw that seemed to tug at his gut and keep him at your side. He was a man of pleasure, or so most people said. He held little care for the feelings of others.
Yet with you, he wanted to know. No, he needed to know. To know what bothered you. To know why your eyes dipped to the floor after looking at your father and sister. Why you seemed surprised from the moment he paid you attention upon your arrival. He was curious as to why you seemed to try to hide your presence at any given moment.
But he said nothing. He would not even know where to begin if he wanted to. Instead, he walked in silence, leading you to a wide balcony that looked out on to the expanse of Giedi Prime.
You took your seat and the two of you sat in a comfortable silence until you were called by one of your father’s attendants.
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You listened politely as you walked beside your sister, Irulan’s arm linked with yours this time as you followed your father and the Baron towards the arena. Irulan talked on about how the tournament would work, that you, her and some other noble ladies from the Houses would choose their own champion to fight the tournament in their name.
It reminded you of the tourneys of old. Where knights fought for princesses and ladies to win favour. You had read so many stories, fairytales of times that were now a faraway memory. The idea fascinated you as much as the Harkonnens did. You were about to ask Irulan more, when your father turned to speak. To both of you, for once.
“My daughters, you will allow the ladies from the Great Houses to choose their champions, then you will choose.”
That confused you both, but you had little choice but to agree. He was the Emperor first, your father second.
You watched warriors from each Great House and some minor Houses line up before you, Irulan and the other gathered ladies with interest. And you could not hide your smile when Feyd stepped forward and joined them.
One by one, champions were picked. Irulan chose first out of the two of you, not surprisingly choosing a Corrino soldier as her champion. There were more warriors than ladies to choose, and Feyd remained in those waiting. That surprised you. He was known for his fighting ability, so you did not understand why he had not been chosen. Which only solidified your own choice.
“Princess, your choice of champion please?” the Harkonnen announcer asked, gesturing to the men before you.
Purely for the suspense, you paused before answering. Mere seconds, allowing you to enjoy the small amount of attention focused solely on you.
“I choose Feyd-Rautha.”
Everyone looked shocked, including your father and sister. Everyone, but Feyd. His smirk wide as he stepped forward, taking your hand as he had when you arrived. Eyes locked to yours as he pressed his lips to your knuckles.
“I shall win well for you, my princess.”
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You were not sure if it was traditional, but Feyd had asked you to see him before the tournament. A guard led you silently to a round chamber, with only a black stone table in the centre, holding weapons of different kinds. You stood out so starkly against the black stone, the faint lights making the pearls on your veil shimmer ever so slightly.
Feyd was stood in the centre, and you could feel the heat in your cheeks you realised he wore only an intricately wrapped loin cloth.
“Princess, I appreciate you agreeing to come,” Feyd called as he strode to your side.
He smirked as he watched you avert your gaze from his bare chest. In his hand, he held a bowl of what looked like black paint. It was only when he tapped the stone bowl did your eyes find it. You looked back at him curiously.
“You are my champion, it would be rude not to,” you said softly, your eyes still looking at the bowl.
It was only then that you noticed there was no one else in the room. Something that seemed extremely unusual.
“Do you normally prepare for a fight alone?” you asked, eyes flitting around the room and back to him, now trained solely on his face.
Feyd chuckled, a low, gravelly sound that you found yourself wanting to hear again.
“No, usually I am surrounded by servants and guards. But I thought I would try something different today. It’s a special day after all.”
He held the bowl up, tipping it slightly to move the paint. Your eyes watched it with interest, it slowly dawning on you what it was for. You had read up on the Harkonnens and Giedi Prime before you arrived, there was more lore to research than you had anticipated. One thing, now, came to your mind.
“Am I to paint you, Feyd?”
That earned you another chuckle. Though Feyd was actually quite surprised you knew of any Harkonnen traditions.
“I thought it would be interesting, to prepare your champion for battle, hmm?” he asked, holding the bowl out to you, careful however not to get the ink black liquid on your white dress.
You nodded, confusing him when you turned away from him. But what you did next, was not what he expected. Slowly, you lifted the veil that had covered your face since your arrival. Finally revealing your full appearance to him.
And you were beautiful.
“Then I suppose it is only fair I let you look at me while I do so.”
What Feyd did not realise, was the importance of what seemed like a small gesture. Almost all those trained by the Bene Gesserit veiled themselves in some way. The Princesses most of all. But Feyd knew even now, he was being honoured by you.
“Thank you, princess.” Was all he could manage, any words he said would never be quite enough, he felt.
You returned to his side, only now looking down at the full form of him. Thick muscle covered him from shoulder and down. A body sculpted for war, it seemed. And it was now a body that would fight in your name.
Feyd held out the bowl, watching with curious eyes as you took it and moved to stand at his back. He opened his mouth to instruct you but was stopped by the cold sensation of paint on his skin. You felt him stiffen a little and continued to paint as you explained.
“I have done my research before coming here. My father always tells me it is best to know our hosts,” you said simply, as if that should be enough to explain why you so easily began painting him.
He said nothing as you finished his back, the feeling of the paint drying telling him where you had painted each square and line. It fascinated him that you had so quickly learned the symbols necessary.
But when you moved to his front, he felt a wave of anticipation run through him. Tongue flicking out to wet his lips as he waited for you to begin. He could feel the warmth of your hands more intensely now he could see you.
You started on his chest, painting the four thick lines on his pectorals first. He watched the concentration on your face, the way your teeth gently nibbled your lower lip as your made sure every stroke was perfect.
You could feel his eyes on you, but you did not dare look up. The whole situation was intimate enough, without meeting his gaze. Feyd heard the soft breath you took to prepare yourself as you moved lower, pausing only briefly before you began to paint his stomach.
“Do you really believe these help you?” you suddenly asked, as though distracting yourself from the path your fingers took over the ridges of hid abdominals.
Feyd’s jaw clenched at the gentleness of your touch, the feeling sending goosebumps over his pale skin. He did his best to concentrate on answering your question about the symbols.
“It is the belief in them that makes them important, so yes, I do.”
You hummed in response, and Feyd’s breath caught in his throat when you began to kneel as your painted nearer his hips.
The tension in the air was thick. No sounds in the room except the scrape of your fingers against the bowl and the soft puffs of your combined breathing. Feyd tried his best to concentrate solely on the paint being smeared on his skin, but having you so close had desire settling in his belly.
Soon, you were done.
“There, I hope I have done a good enough job…” Feyd smiled at the mix of hope and pride in your eyes. But when you moved to take your hand away from his skin, he grabbed it quickly. His body acting on instinct and the words leaving him before his brain could control them.
“Would I be too forward in asking for a kiss, princess. For luck?”
You were struck silent by the question, but an aching part of you began urging you to allow him one kiss. No harm could come from it, right?
Tentatively, you stepped forward after setting bowl down on a table nearby. You pressed your lips softly to his cheek, letting them linger for mere seconds. But that was not what Feyd wanted.
You had barely stepped back before his arm wrapped around your waist, pulling you flush against his body. He revelled in the small squeak of surprise that left you and he appreciated the fact you were not trying to push him away.
Your face was mere inches from his as his hand moved to cup your cheek, tilting your head up to his as he pressed him plump lips to yours. The feeling was electric the moment your lips met, your own hand gripping the back of his neck. Not caring for the paint that was now smeared down the skin there.
You pressed yourself harder against him, letting your body mould to his as he deepened the kiss. Tongue swiping against the flesh of your lip, asking for entry which you happily granted. The moment his tongue found yours, Feyd was like a man possessed. Gripping your face tighter as your tongue soon surrendered to his, tangling together in a clash of teeth.
The paint on his body, barely dried, smeared against your dress but you could not have cared less. Your only thoughts were Feyd. The feel of his arm on your waist and hand on your face. The taste of him, combined with the black paint on his teeth. You were entirely intoxicated by him.
You were not sure when he had backed you towards the table, but you did not stop him when he lifted you quickly on to it. There was something so delicious about the danger of the whole situation. While realistically, you barely knew him, you could feel your body surrendering to every kiss and touch. The very fibres of you desperate to feel more of him already.
Feyd groaned into your mouth when you made space for him to slip between your legs, your dress parting either side to accommodate the movement. His hands took purchase your thighs while yours found his shoulders. Your paint-stained fingers leaving fingerprints all over his alabaster skin.
The room felt like it had heated as his lips began to trail down your jaw and to your neck, following a path until he reached the swell of your breasts, just visible with the cut of your dress. His hands kneading the flesh of your thighs, the combination forcing breathy moans to slip from your lips.
Feyd revelled in every one of them. The dig of nails into his shoulder when he nipped at your collarbone, the soft moan when his hands found the apex of your thighs and squeezed.
“I will win for you, my princess…” he mumbled, his face buried in your neck as his fingers continued their path to your core.
And you were powerless to stop him, your body listening now solely to your base instincts. The first brush of his fingers over your underwear had your head falling back.
“Win for me, and I will reward you…” you sighed out, as his fingers slipped deftly beneath the fabric.
Feyd could barely concentrate on your promise, slipping his fingers further and further between your folds until he was buried to the knuckles. The smallest curl of the digits had you moaning his name.
“Reward me how?” he asked, already feeling your soft walls clenching around him as your release crept forward.
He could barely help himself, thrusting and curling his fingers over and over. Feeling the soft gush of your slick coating his fingers and palm with each movement.
You could hardly form words, Feyd’s fingers somehow speeding up again. You could only moan as you release surprised you, tugging Feyd by neck to kiss him as you spilled around his fingers.
He slowed his movements as you relaxed, not pulling them out until he could feel your muscles stop spasming. Your jaw went slack as you saw him reach for the bowl of paint, mixing your juices with the black liquid and painting over the now smudged symbols you had adorned him with. The smug grin on his face making your skin tingle.
You slowly came back to yourself, eyes meeting his as you finally answered.
“Win for me, and you can have any part of me you wish.”
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Dune Taglist (requested and people I know who like Dune):
@blissfulphilospher @tumblin-theworldaway @lady-phasma @anjelicawrites @aemondsbabe @alexagirlie
(if you want to be tagged in or removed from future posts, let me know!)
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cheqorb · 3 months
your mer-love fic was so good and ugh i LOVE mermaid au’s (esp with blue lock but theres BARELY any)!!
anyways u should do a pt 2 of your mer-love drabble/fic with rin, sae, kaiser and ness!! i’d love to read it if you do
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mermaid au! bllk boys with a researcher! reader
featuring. rin, sae, kaiser, ness
notes. thank-you for requesting anon! this might be absolute dogwater but hope you enjoy this…a few months after you even asked this (sorryyyy).
mer-love masterlist here !
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any interactions with RIN are short and definitely not sweet. if he isn’t being harassed by any other mers that are interested in him, he normally stays around you because you “don’t bother him as much as the others do”. quoted by rin himself; which is considerably high praise coming from the rather aloof merman.
you probably first meet him simply because he got dragged by bachira or the like, but he’s not much of a conversation starter since he just sorta glared at you the whole time. it doesn’t get much better from that point onwards either, you’d think rin believed the world was against him by the way perfectly normal, well-meaning compliments are thrown to the side as if you’re insulting him.
with time though, he’ll start growing more fond of you! how can you tell? unless you’re freakishly talented at guessing people’s real emotions, who knows.
he (kinda) gets cuter in a way? maybe it’s just you being optimistic but you could’ve sworn that he has this look of pride whenever you choose to spend time with him over the other mers. like, of course you don’t want to hang out with weaklings like them or something along those lines. it takes a while but he’s noticeably softer with you than he is with his friends — he actually calls them lukewarm, but that’s just rin for ‘friends’ you think.
“Rin, ya there?”
He stares at you with mild disbelief, which almost makes you burst into a fit of laughter. “Since i’m very clearly here next to you, I think the answer’s quite obvious.”
You nod, grinning. “Thought you’d say that but anyways,” you say whilst reaching into a bag, “I wanted to give you a present! Take it as a token of my gratitude for you chatting with me.”
He eyes the object you give him coldly, but takes it anyway with a ghost of a smile on his face. How adorable.
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SAE is someone very hard to come by, and even harder to start conversation with that don’t end in him just swimming away from you. if you thought talking to rin was like talking to a brick wall, just wait till you meet this guy.
he’s seemingly apathetic to anything and everything, incredibly blunt, and overall not a very nice guy. at least his lil brother doesn’t outright ignore you (he does call you an NPC and half baked though)! speaking of which, if you meet rin first you can definitely see the resemblance between the two. appearance is a main one, you would know those under-lashes from anywhere and now you definitely know where he gets the attitude from.
any signs of him ‘warming up’ to you are basically non existent. he’s as straightforward as ever and isn’t keen on the idea of suddenly being all over you like humans normally seem to do with the people they like.
to give credit where credit is due, he tries? even though he’s still a bit brutal with his delivery, you think he tries to avoid being so aggressive with his tone. he’s not exactly sugarcoating things, but simply not saying what’s on his mind as much as he used to. that whole spiel about if you’ve got nothing nice to say, don’t say anything, right? and besides, just him tolerating your presence should be enough for you to understand he’s trying to be nice (it really isn’t).
Sae has a talent for ruining any positive conversations with his honesty, the aftermath typically being him leaving the person or awkward silence ensues. To give credit where credit is due however, you also think he’s got a talent for somehow making people feel better.
He doesn’t sugarcoat things and while it can be harsh, it also means that compliments from him are genuine.
He listens to you rambling on about some annoying incidents at work, making the effort to nod every once in a while to remind you that he’s paying attention. “Sounds like something you can deal with yourself. There’s no reason to worry yourself about it, that’s a waste of your time.”
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amidst a certain merman’s grumbling of someone called ‘KAISER’, you gain snippets of info that paint a less-than-flattering picture of the merman. he sounds like a major jerk. yet, despite his (isagi’s) colourful descriptions shall we say, you can't help but wonder if this kaiser fellow’s supposed villainy is just an exaggeration. but then again, to evoke such hatred from the usually amiable merman, he must be quite the character.
your first encounter with him is unremarkable, only seeing him as another mermaid who decided to show their face and you as some random human.
his curiosity is piqued however when he notices how fond the other merfolk are of you, and in typical kaiser fashion he’s determined to outshine everyone else. from your perspective, he’s just a weird dude. it’s as if he expects you to be grateful for his attention, even though it’s clear that he’s the one vying for your approval.
it’d be somewhat cute if it were anybody else, you think..? on him, it’s aggravating.
and yet, the more you pull away, the more determined he seems to become to disrupt any semblance of peace you have. he appears so often that you’ve grown to actually tolerate his presence and it even amuses you sometimes if the day is particularly boring. kaiser finds you just…okay (liar). he means- you’re nothing special so don’t get ahead of yourself but like, if YOU wanted to, he wouldn’t mind being with you until nightfall.
also don’t mention the sheer disgust and almost betrayal on his face whenever he sees one of your total losers of a colleague on watch duty instead of you. even worse if they’re partnered with you.
Judging by the very obvious glare Kaiser has on his face, you would say that he’s not too pleased with the sight of you and (coworker) together. Still, he could at least try be more discreet about it. You sigh as your companion only spares you a sympathetic look.
What’s annoying is that Kaiser occasionally glances in your direction — of course, whilst still glaring daggers at (coworker). Like he wants you to do something about them tagging along.
Having enough of it, you say, “Kaiser, you’re embarrassing me over here and yourself.” He pauses for a moment before simply turning around, probably sulking over the fact that you do indeed have relationships with other people that don’t involve him. That, or he’s embarrassed he got called out.
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you’ll naturally come across NESS if you’ve already met kaiser and at first, you simply took him for the more timid type which could be the reason why he follows the former around like a lost puppy. wrong. not in the slightest.
well that’s a little harsh, but you mean that while he definitely has a bashful quality to him, he also seems to flip completely if you dare make a comment about kaiser. it’s a little scary. in spite of his dedication shall we call it, he’s actually one of the easiest mers to get along with. talk to him normally, avoid the topic of kaiser too often, spare some affection for him and he’s all over you soon enough!
just being generally nice around him is something he’ll appreciate it even if he doesn’t say it outright. poor thing is a little unfamiliar with people showing him basic human (or in this case merfolk) decency. makes you want to pat him on the head and spoil him a bit/squish him until he breaks — depending on what type of person you are, i guess.
when he gets more comfortable with you, ness is also clingy. like, really clingy. practically chasing after the other mers if they dare come within 10ft of you kind of clingy. it’s one of those rare moments where you appreciate the fact that kaiser is there since ness is still able to be reasoned if he’s there with him. sounds a little toxic at first but just set him straight and be patient with him. the end result is (hopefully) a slightly more relaxed version of him.
“…You alright, Ness?” you ask hesitantly. The merman in question is suspiciously quiet, especially after he just got into a mini spat with someone else.
Now, he looks up at you as if you’re a saint which weirds you out even more. He nods his head, before asking, “Are you worried about me?”
You’d think it was intended to be a snide comment, if it weren’t for the fact that you were dealing with Ness here. Besides, he says it so sincerely that you’d feel bad for poking fun at him. Maybe later though. “Of course.”
It seems to light up his whole world.
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merrivia · 2 years
Okay, I have read the Captive Prince trilogy and have so many thoughts...
(And if you like this, I have another essay on Auguste and Laurent here) 
I think the question of why Damen first fell for Jokaste and then Laurent, is so interesting to me. Yes, there’s the blond hair/blue eyes (and the trope of opposites attract + rarity of that colouring), but I think crucially, Damen is smarter than he looks or seems, and I think, desires a partner who can match him. Not in complete equality but in a myriad of ways that achieve a sense of balance...
With Damen’s physique and fighting prowess and his cheerfully open sexual desires (ok fine, horniness), plus his innate, black and white sense of honour and fairness, you can see how people would assume that he is...well, not that bright. He’s so rooted in his physicality himself, so drawn to simplicity too, it can be difficult to see. He’s clearly not stupid, but it is human to categorise, and just like Auguste was probably seen as brawn and Laurent as brains, so Damen probably gets shoved into that first category. But one of the first things we hear about Damen from another person is that he is smart- he has a ‘mouth on him’ as one of the handlers warns. He isn’t brutally cutting and filthy in the way Laurent is; he’s just smarter and quicker than you’d expect. That first line to Laurent- ““I speak your language better than you speak mine, sweetheart.””- amply displays how he is quick; when he ironically calls Laurent’s mood “delightful”, the next day...this is not a clumsy, dumb jock. 
Even the way Damen speaks languages and understands warfare and military strategies, shows his clear intelligence- he isn’t good with the twisty machinations of Vere because it’s completely outside of what he knows. He wasn’t educated that way. Clever Laurent, as a young teenager, wasn’t good at it. No-one, we assume, is born as a ready-made Machiavellian (though arguably, Laurent’s incredibly sharp mind that is good at puzzles etc., makes him innately good at it once he learns). You also have no need for plotting and planning and intrigue, when you get what you want, by virtue of who you are. Not only is Damen the heir, and pretty much the exemplary model of Akielon masculinity, but that gives him this shield of golden self-confidence- he walks into the room, and gains love and respect immediately; failing that, everyone at least has their head on the ground. He has been given such an outpouring of love from everyone around him, he sees the world far more simply because he has never had to see it any other way. As Nikandros says, no-one has ever refused him anything. Why would he recognise the long game of political manipulation- a game to get you what you want, when you can’t have it directly? 
Over the months of Damen’s time with Laurent, he not only starts to pick up far more quickly on Laurent’s impenetrable personality but also gets a much firmer grip on Veretian (read: the Regent’s ) political intrigue- when he does, it’s often describe in terms of a radical shift in mindset, a complete tilting of his worldview. The reason why he didn’t get it before was a lack of experience of a world so cynical and dark; why he does get it after, because he is intelligent enough to start to grasp it. This might be a good time to mention also how Laurent calls Damen arrogant in Prince’s Gambit (“You, with your barbaric attitudes, your brutish, domineering arrogance, are always right”). This is actually, finally, a bit of angry honesty from Laurent. Damen has thought of Laurent as unbearably arrogant from the start of the trilogy; here, it seems, Laurent actually thinks the same thing of him. Yes partly that arrogance could be seen as body language and the way Damen holds himself, the look in his eyes, but also it’s how he speaks. He challenges Laurent with his mind.
And Laurent challenges him back. After all, when does Damen ever feel challenged? What tests the full repertoire of his skills? No-one can beat him in the field; he’s the best and he knows it. Yet, he does derive real pleasure from Laurent’s capabiilities- as a swordsman and his horsemanship. It’s why it was important that Laurent finish the okton first- and how happy that made Damen. The rooftop chase, too- Laurent can keep up, and he’s exhilarated by it. The true challenge though, lies in Laurent’s verbal repartee and his mind. Damen actually does like to use his brain, to engage in witty banter- it’s fun. The rooftop is fun. Laurent and Damen laugh together a number of times, and Damen is having a blast. Laurent is difficult, and to Damen, where everything hitherto has been easily won, this challenge is finally giving his brain and his body what they wanted. There is a whole other post I could make on why Laurent in turn is attracted to Damen, but I’ll just put here that I think, the way he pivots Laurent towards healthy relationship dynamics, where being happy and laughing freely together is how you can be with someone, is part of it.
I think this is also why, tragically, Jokaste, despite her self-sacrifices to save Damen, was never The One for him. As beautiful and cold and clever as she is, there’s nothing mischievous or light-hearted about her- you can’t see her and Damen having a laugh together. He likes how smart she is, and her ruthlessness because that is how she radiates power and that feels like equality to Damen (something he can never get from a romantic partner, as he outranks everyone), but she isn’t fun. Not only that but, ruthless-as-a-result-of-trauma-and-for-survival, is very different from ruthless-because-I-am-purely-ambitious; Laurent as the former, does get to retain a sense of honour and compassion that Jokaste seems to lack. Mostly though, Laurent gets to be Damen’s near-equal; where they don’t quite match, they complement. Where Laurent needs incisive, perceptive honesty, he gets it through Damen’s mind not his muscles. The moment that Laurent actually tips Damen into the first throes of love is when he gets out Volo’s cap- the sheer cleverness of it, makes him feel the “first dizzy edge of a new emotion”. In the end it is a mutual intelligence that binds them together as much as physical desire. 
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dazed--xx · 6 months
🌅Someone You Loved🌅
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Summary: Now the day bleeds, Into nightfall; And you're not here, To get me through it all. I let my guard down; And then you pulled the rug…..I was getting kinda used to being someone you loved
Member: Changbin x Reader
T/W: Friend Break Up(cause romantic break ups ain't the only type that is heartbreaking), arguments, crying, heartbreak, ANGST…, swearing, yelling, sad ending, ghosting, problem avoidance, flirty behavior, mentions of one night stand, mentions of friend with benefits relationships, innuendos, brutal honesty
Word Count: 3.2K
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I'm going under and this time I fear there's no one to save me. This all or nothing really got a way of driving me crazy. I need somebody to heal, Somebody to know, Somebody to have, Somebody to hold; It's easy to say, But it's never the same…..
“You sure you don't want me to just kick his ass?” Changing questions with a frustrated groan. You sat on your bed, shaking your head as you chuckled. “For canceling a date? Bin, that's pretty irrational….” Changing sucked his teeth as he caressed your cheek softly, his thumb brushing over your bottom lip “He canceled 10 minutes before he was supposed to pick you up. You're hotter than him and he basically stood you up. Why am I more upset about this than you are?” Changing questions in disbelief. You roll your eyes, your hand wrapping around his wrist pulling his hand from your cheek. Changing takes your hand in his, and you feel your heart race at his action.
As you look into your best friend's eyes you let out a heavy sigh “Cause I didn't expect too much from him in to begin with. We were only going on this stupid date because our parents set it up in the first place. I'm not worried about it.” Changing scoffs in response “Doesn't mean you weren't excited….” you smirk at him and wink “Is that jealousy I'm hearing?” you lean into his frame so your chests are almost touching. Changbin counters by brushing his nose over yours his hand wrapping around your waist as he pulls you into him. “You wish…” He states with a wink as he pulls away from you.
You try to fight the blush that creeps in your cheeks as you lean across your bed grabbing a throw pillow and tossing it at Changbin. “Not fair! You caught me off guard!” you whine as he catches the pillow just before it hits him in the face “Hey! Weapons is cheating! And it's not my fault you're an easy target…” Changbin smirks.
“You're an ass, why do I hang out with you?”
“Because you love me.” Changbin chides as he kisses your cheek softly. He pats your shoulder as he pulls on his jacket “But I gotta go so I'll see you later, brat. Since you were stood up go to Yaris party tonight. She won't shut up about it” You nod at his words giving him a side hug before he makes his way out of your room closing the door behind him.
As soon as you're alone you hold your cheek with a shy smile. Your face grows a bright shade of scarlet as you place your hand on your chest. Your heart races as that familiar giddy feeling fills you. Changbin had been your best friend for years now and in that time you’d grown to adore and enjoy every part of his flirtatious and kind personality. He'd always known how to make you feel special and understood; it was no surprise when you realized your feelings for him, two years ago. Not wanting to ruin your friendship you opted to crush on him silently and love him from afar. But recently, he's been way more…..excited? Forward? Interested? You weren't sure but what you did know, was he seemed brighter recently. He walked with his head held higher and his eyes shined brighter, and you felt selfish hoping you were the reason for that.
For so long, Changbin had been your rock, your support system, and your laughter; you hoped eventually things would progress into something more one day. You had been with him through relationships and hobbies, the changing of the seasons, and family events. You prayed that your involvement in his lift cemented your place in his heart. If things continued to go this well, hopefully you'd confess soon.
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I guess I kinda liked the way you numbed all the pain. Now the day bleeds into nightfall, and you're not here to get me through it all. I let my guard down, and then you pulled the rug…….
The music blared through the speakers. A sea of sweaty bodies dancing and shoving each other as you danced with your friend, Yari. She gripped your hand as she pulled you away from the crowd and made her way toward the kitchen. You laugh enthusiastically as you shuffle around the sea of people making out or talking until you finally make it into the kitchen. Yari smiled brightly at two handsome guys, giving them bright smiles as she pulled them into tight hugs. One stood with an awkward smile as Yari kept her arms wrapped around his neck. His tall stature making her stand on her toes, the other guy chuckled as he shook his head. His plump lips wrapped around the rim of the red solo cup as he takes a sip of what you could only assume was beer. “Oh my god! You came!” Yari beams cheerfully. “Y/N this is Soobin…” she gestures to the guy she was currently clinging to then extends her left hand to the other guy “and that's Yeonjun” you smile at both the boys kindly.
Your interest is peaked when the one Yari introduced as Yeonjun blushes slightly as his plump lips curl into a charming smile. “Hey…” He greets his voice oozing confidence and charisma. Your cheeks heat up “H-hey…” you stammer shyly. You reach over to the fridge pulling out a bottle of beer. Your irritation grows when you feel someone shove into you from behind; a soft feminine voice calls from behind you “Binnie, be careful…” I turn around with confusion etched onto my features as I'm greeted by the sight of my best friend. I laugh in realization “You know I almost killed you right?” you joke. Changbin scoffs as he crosses his arms over his chest “You'd have to catch me first”
“Is that a challenge?”
“For someone that spends negative twenty minutes exercising all her life?” He prods his eyebrow raised when the same petite voice calls from beside Changbin. Only then did you notice the pixie-like girl who stood beside your best friend. She stood at what looked like a firm 5 foot 3, with a curvy build. Her cheeks were full and prominent. Her brown hair laid beautifully straight down her back. Her most distinguishable feature was the clear Heterochromia she had. Her left eye sat with a chocolate brown color but her right eye was a vibrant sapphire blue. She looked almost like something out of a video game. “You must be Y/N, Binnie talks about you all the time” She giggles as she extends her hand toward you cheerfully “I'm Im Ae-Ra” She introduces, you stare at her hand dumbfounded for a moment before taking hold of it and greeting her “Y-Yeah…I'm Y/N” you laugh awkwardly. “It's nice to meet you, though a little heads up would have been nice…” you grit as you glare at Changbin who mouths an apology. Ae-ra smiles brightly as she wraps her arm around Changbin’s waist. You stare at her in confusion.
Who was she?
Why is she all over Changbin?
Why is she calling him Binnie?
Your heart sinks as Changbin wraps his arm around her waist pulling her close as he kisses her cheek “So, Babe, this is my best friend, and Y/N this is my girl” Changbin introduces haphazardly as he grabs two beers out of the fridge behind you. You shuffle so that you're leaning on the counter; feeling jealousy bubble in your gut as you notice the hint of scarlet decorating Ae-ra’s cheeks.
His girl? What type of fuckboy—you think to yourself—when the hell?
You can't help the confused scowl on your expression as Changbin hands Ae-ra a beer; whispering something in her ear which makes her giggle. You felt your blood boil as the pair continued to flirt in front of you. Your attention is pulled away from the pair when you feel someone's arm resting on your back as their hand sits on the counter behind you. You look to the right following the arm only to come face-to-face with Yeonjun. Your eyes widen slightly as you notice his proximity. A blush forms in your cheeks as you take in his devilishly handsome looks. “Sorry, my phone is next to you..” He smirks, his voice is sultry as he leans in a little closer and your heart pounds in your chest. He gives you a flirty smile as he removes his hand from behind your back, revealing his phone now in his grasp “Yeonjun…” He introduces again “In case you didn't catch my name…” he explains with a seductive smirk.
“Y-Y/N…” you stammer.
“I know…” Your heart almost races out of your chest as he takes his thick bottom lip in between his teeth. “Yari’s friend, she disappeared with my friend Soobin shortly after introducing us” He states. You couldn't put your finger on it but something about the tone of his voice has you completely entranced. The pain you had felt previously slowly subsided as you continued to talk with Yeonjun. You couldn't feel how time moved as you and Yeonjun made your way toward the backyard through the sliding door in the kitchen. Your heart beat against your ribcage like a drum when you felt Yeonjun’s large hand encase your waist as a crowd shoves their way inside. Your hand rests on Yeonjun’s chest as he holds you against his tall slender frame. His blue hair cascading over his face as he glared at the crowd. Your mind filled with lustful sin filled thoughts as you stared up at him.
You sit on the patio bench beside Yeonjun, his left arm laying on the back of the couch around you as you two continue to talk about everything under the sun. You quickly established a connection with Yeonjun as you two laughed about the most recent drama you had both watched. Suddenly you heard the sound of the sliding glass door open and Changbin comes barreling out with Ae-ra’s hand firmly grasped in his. “There you are, brat.” Changbin cheers as he makes his way over to you “you ready to go? I can give you a ride I'm about to head out..” you stare at Changbin bewildered as you struggle to find words. “Aww, you're leaving?” Yeonjun whines with a pout. “I won't have a ride otherwise” you give him a sad smile. “I can bring you home” Yeonjun suggests as he lifts his left hand from behind you using it to play with your hair as he tilts his head flirtatiously. You bite your lip as you contemplate his offer.
“Y/N? You coming?” Changbin asks. “You can go ahead Ill make sure she gets home safe” Yeonjun states kindly to Changbin trying to wave him off. You nod enthusiastically “yeah Junnie will bring me home so you can go ahead.”
“Y/N, you've been drinking i don't think that's a good idea” Changbin argues as he glares at you and Yeonjun. “Bin, I had one drink way over an hour ago I'll be fine” you protest. Changbin’s face contorts to an expression you don't recognize as he goes to speak “But—Babe, she said she'll be fine. Let her have some fun, you said she's always cooped up at home” Ae-ra cuts Changbin’s protests off. You smile at Yeonjun as Changbin stammers to Ae-ra, Yeonjun takes your hand “Wanna get out of here?” you nod allowing him to lead you out of the party.
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I'm going under and this time I fear there's no one to turn to. This all or nothing way of loving got me sleeping without you. Now, I need somebody to know, Somebody to heal, Somebody to have, Just to know how it feels. It's easy to say but it's never the same; I guess I kinda liked the way you helped me escape….
It had been one week since the party.
The morning after you had woken up in Yeonjun’s bed, feeling utterly embarrassed you tried to escape unnoticed. But thanks to your graceful nature you stumble while you were putting your pants on, waking the sleeping boy in the process. “Running away from potential problems is like your superpower. You know that?” Yeonjun jokes behind tired eyes recalling one of your previous conversations you had about your feelings for Changbin. If only he knew how right he truly was…. You thought to yourself as you took a sip of your coffee. You had cut off all contact with Changbin after the night of the party. You weren't exactly sure how to handle the news, especially when you had walked out of your door that Sunday and found the pair making out on Changbin’s porch. Your heart ached with pain and jealousy. How you longed to know that feeling…..to experience that kiss. The taste of those lips.
How could he?
How could he play with your heart like that?
How could he do that to you? So suddenly?
No matter how long you thought about it; it just didn't make sense to you. Hours before the party Changbin was in your room, flirting with you like he always did then, all of a sudden, he has a girlfriend? How could you have been so stupid?
A quick succession of snaps in front of your eyes pull you out of your thoughts. “Earth to Y/N?” Yeonjun pouts “I understand that you don't actually like me…but this was supposed to be a date.” His voice is filled with whines as he lays his head on your shoulder. You roll your eyes at him “We're in the school cafeteria. If that's your idea of a date then I can see why your crush doesn't notice you” you jest as you take a bite of your pizza. Yeonjun shakes his head with an amused smile “rather have her not notice me than have her dangle some boyfriend she doesn't care about in front of me” You stick your tongue out at him “Swallow your food before you act like a child” Yeonjun scolds. You swallow the food in your mouth as you roll your eyes “yes dad”
“Anyway, so what are you saying? I'm good as a Changbin placeholder in your bed but not your heart?” Yeonjun raises his eyebrow as he grips your thigh possessively. You grasp his wrist halting his movements and placing his hand back on the table. “Behave…” You warn “And you're my friend not some placeholder for Changbin. You like someone else too don't make me feel guilty about it” Yeonjun rolls his eyes as he crosses his arms over his chest “I was joking, god. You're always so serious.” He whines as the bell rings “Want me to walk you?” he asks, you decline as you gather your stuff waving him off.
You slowly trudge your way to class when you see Changbin barreling over to you. Your heart races as he gets closer and closer making your chances for escape almost zero to none. You bite the inside of your cheek as he stands in front of you. “Where the hell were you this week?” He growls, you look away from him feeling embarrassment grow in your stomach. “I was busy, sorry” you apologize half-heartedly. Changbin’s jaw clenches at your nonchalance. “Busy?! Too busy to respond to my texts?! It takes two minutes max!” He scolds. You feel yourself growing angry at his words “Yeah, I was busy. I'll text you next time, I wanted a break” You lie. Changbin’s eyebrows raise “A break? Do you think I'm stupid? You've posted literally every day! Is it because you're dating Choi Yeonjun now? Does he not want you to talk to me?”
“I'm not dating Yeonjun. There honestly doesn't need to be a reason for me to want a break, Changbin.”
“I'm your best friend! What do you mean there doesn't have to be a reason? We've spent literally every single day together since we were in kindergarten; and now all of a sudden, you just ghosted me…for a week! And you have the nerve to say you don't need a fucking reason?!” Changbin fumes. Guilt fills your stomach.
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And I tend to close my eyes when it hurts sometimes; I fall into your arms. I'll be safe in your sound 'til I come back around. For now, the day bleeds into nightfall and you're not here to get me through it all. I let my guard down and then you pulled the rug….
You stared at him with a pitiful pout. “Bin, I'm sorry. You're right; I should explain…” you apologize. He stares you down, his arms crossed over his chest. His eyes narrowed into slits as he waits for you to explain. You sigh as you stare up at him hopefully “I-I…When…Well…” you stammer, struggling to find the words. Changbin’s anger grows more and more evident as the seconds tick on. You struggled to find an explanation that doesn't put your feelings out there. “Well?” Changbin growls “I'm getting more and more pissed the longer you just stare at me with that stupid look on your face.” You look at the ground as you bite your lip “I've been avoiding you…b-because I like you, but you have Ae-ra so, I wanted to take some time to process that…” you explain breathlessly.
Changbin sat silently for a moment, his cheeks were blushed but his disapproving scowl remained. “If you would have fucking talked to me, you'd know that me and Ae-ra are nothing serious” Your eyes light up as he continues “You'd also know that I have feelings for you” Your heart pounds in your chest as butterflies fill your stomach as he speaks “But I won't do shit about it” He comments harshly. A look of horror fills your expression “Bin—No, Y/N.” he cuts you off, his tone full of a firm determination “Instead of fucking growing up and communicating with me; you avoided me and did whatever with Yeonjun. Which is so fucking petty and childish that I want nothing to do with you” You froze, you weren't prepared for him to say that.
He had never said anything like that to you before, you weren't sure how to respond. You felt tears well up in your eyes “Bin, you can't be serious…” your voice cracks as you step toward him. He takes a step back “But I am, you're ridiculously childish and I'm so tired of dealing with it. You say you like me, if you liked me then you wouldn't have just disappeared on me like that. You would have talked to me.”
“I'm sorry, you're not being fair right now” you cry.
“Were you being fair when you just abandoned me? I don't fucking care about being fair! Tell me how you feel toward me in a week and see if I'm being fucking fair or not!” He sneers as he walks away from you in frustration. You're left to stand there stunned. You laugh at the irony as tears stream down your cheeks.
I let my guard down and then you pulled the rug………I was getting kinda used to being someone you loved.
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Taglist: @yangbbokari @havenwithleeknow
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barbarakaterina · 2 months
CodyWan Week Day 2: chasing off suitors with a stick
When Cody finished his conversation with Fox and looked around himself, there was a group of people standing around Obi-Wan, and all of them seemed tipsy, were giving him the kind of looks Cody saw on the covers of Bly’s romance novels, and left lingering touches on his arm from time to time.
Cody gritted his teeth. This, more than anything else, was why he hated galas.
He marched over with a resolute step, and rather loudly said: “Excuse me, sirs.”
All of the people seemed startled, as if woken from a trance. If only they had such an excuse.
“Oh, commander,” one of them said vaguely.
Cody ignored them and pushed his way to Obi-Wan. “Sir,” he declared, again just a bit too loud, “may I speak with you for a moment?”
“Oh, of course,” Obi-Wan replied, giving him one of those empty socialite smiles. “Please excuse me, gentlebeings,” he added to his company, and they all tittered their goodbyes as Cody fairly dragged Obi-Wan away from them.
It took some time to find a spot where they could be reasonably alone, but Cody didn’t relent until he did.
Once they had privacy, Obi-Wan slumped against the wall, his polite smile gone, and Cody scowled at him. “You’re an adult,” he said. “Fully responsible for yourself. So why do I keep finding you in these situations?”
Obi-Wan sighed. “You know I can’t offend them-”
“If they get offended when you tell them no, they deserve to be offended!”
“Perhaps, but sadly, they are rather too important to take into account what they deserve. And you know I often come off as flirtatious without meaning to-”
“Stop,” Cody said sharply. “You are not asking for it in any way, shape or form. The only single issue on your part is that you refuse to clearly communicate your lack of interest!” Cody realised his voice was rising, and forced himself to be quiet and gentle. “It worries me, Obi-Wan,” he said.
“I know, my dear.”
Cody hesitated. “Have you…spoken to your mind healer about this?”
Obi-Wan exhaled. “There are enough other things to discuss, I’m afraid, that take priority.”
Cody got that - the war had made sure of that - but still… “I’m afraid that one of these days, you will agree to sleep with one of these leeches simply because you won’t wish to offend them,” he admitted with brutal honesty.
Obi-Wan shrugged, and Cody grew even more alarmed. “Obi-Wan, you hate sex!”
“Jedi do not hate,” Obi-Wan replied. “It’s slightly uncomfortable, that’s all. I’ve certainly gone through more discomfort for missions - in fact, I do for almost all missions.”
Cody gritted his teeth. He shouldn’t project his own feelings onto Obi-Wan, he knew. <i>He</i> might feel like crawling out of his skin at the mere idea of engaging in anything sexual, but Obi-Wan’s aversion was not the same. Only…only he worried how much of it was an actual difference between them, and how much was Obi-Wan’s pathological self-sacrificing streak. “Just…promise me to discuss this in your next session?”
Obi-Wan gave him a searching look. “If you believe it’s that important, I will,” he said after a moment.
Cody exhaled in relief. Someone more qualified than him would untangle this. “Good. Now, what do you say we get out of here? Cuddle on the couch with a nice nature documentary?”
For the first time since the evening started, Obi-Wan gave a truly genuine smile. “That, my dear,” he said, “sounds like the perfect plan.”
...and a surprise "aro/ace CodyWan" to boot!
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mercillery · 2 months
NOTES: Zenon because I’m down bad for anyone who shares Zogratis blood and there’s no way I’m passing up an opportunity to write for him 😩 ALSO IM SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG ANON…I HAVE NO EXCUSES THIS TIME.
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
He might not be the most affectionate partner, and you might not see many public displays of affection from him. It's not that he doesn't love you—he absolutely does—but he's just not the type to express his feelings through physical touch. He values privacy in your relationship and prefers to keep your bond away from the public eye. He shows his love in other, more subtle ways—acts of service are his primary love language; he goes out of his way to take care of things for you, whether it's running errands or simply making sure your needs are met before you even have to ask. These gestures may seem small, but they are his way of saying, "I care about you deeply."
Quality time is also equally important to him. He cherishes the moments you spend together, even if it's just sitting in comfortable silence or sharing a meal. These moments, though quiet and understated, are where his affection truly shines through. Moreover, Zenon tries to make up for his lack of outward affection by keeping you close to him. He values your presence immensely and makes a conscious effort to have you by his side as much as possible. Whether he's on a mission, attending to his duties, or finally finding a moment to relax, he ensures that you are there with him.
Another one of the most significant ways Zenon shows his love is by protecting you from his siblings. He knows how intense and chaotic they can be. Their intense and overwhelming nature can be a lot to handle, and Zenon completely understands if you find them to be too much at times. He frequently steps in to shield you from their antics, providing a buffer so you can find some peace amidst the chaos.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Allen 2.0???
The only realistic way to forge a friendship with someone as stoic and intense as Zenon is by working for him, which means becoming one of his Dark Disciples. This is the sole path to becoming his friend, let alone his best friend. However, it’s not just about the position you hold; it’s also about the qualities you share with him. To earn Zenon's friendship, you need to demonstrate a level of determination and strength that mirrors his own. Zenon isn’t particularly picky, but if he were to choose a best friend, he’d want someone who is as resolved and strong as he is. He has no interest in a friend he constantly needs to babysit or watch over. He wants someone on his level, someone who can stand beside him as an equal. Your chances of becoming his best friend increase significantly if you share the same mindset and approach to life as he does.
As a best friend, Zenon's support would manifest more through actions than words. While he insists on having a best friend who can stand on their own and doesn't need constant supervision, he would still be a bit protective of you—just a bit. If you're strong and find yourself in a tough fight but make a minor mistake, such as miscalculating your opponent's next move, Zenon will step in without hesitation to cover for you. Additionally, Zenon would be brutally honest. He would never sugarcoat his opinions or offer false praise. His feedback can often come across as harsh, but it stems from a place of wanting to see you improve and reach your full potential. He believes in pushing you to be your best self, even if it means being critical at times. His honesty is unwavering, and while it might be tough to hear, you know that he always has your best interests at heart.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
I know I said he isn’t the most affectionate man, but that doesn’t mean he’s going to deny you cuddling him if you so desire it—as long as it remains behind closed doors. He understands that physical closeness can be important and is willing to accommodate your needs. If you want to cuddle with him when you're alone, he will absolutely let you do so. And while he might rarely ever initiate physical affection first, he does appreciate the intimacy and warmth that come from these moments. It’s in these private, quiet times that Zenon allows himself to be at ease. So, even though he’s not naturally affectionate, he’s willing to meet you halfway and share in these tender moments.
How would Zenon cuddle? Well, that's entirely up to you. He doesn't have a strong preference for how cuddling happens. To him, cuddles are cuddles, and the specifics don't really matter as long as you're both comfortable. Whether you want to rest your head on his chest, wrap your arms around him, or simply lie side by side, he’s fine with it all. Zenon is adaptable and willing to go along with whatever makes you happy. As long as the cuddling remains behind closed doors, he’s perfectly fine with any position or style you prefer. In these private moments, he’s more focused on the connection and intimacy than the mechanics.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Settle down? No, absolutely not. There's really not much to explain here; it's flat-out obvious that Zenon is a child-free man. Just look at him. He and his siblings have grand plans—plans far too important to be put on hold for the sake of raising a child. The responsibilities and ambitions they have leave no room for the demands of parenthood. Even if Zenon were to accomplish all his goals, the idea of settling down still seems unlikely. His focus and dedication to his mission are so ingrained in his identity that the thought of shifting gears to a quieter, domestic life just doesn’t fit. The drive and determination that fuel him are not easily turned off, and the notion of stepping away from his life's work to "baby a baby" seems out of character for him. In summary, the concept of settling down and starting a family is simply not on Zenon's radar. His priorities lie elsewhere, and his lifestyle and ambitions don't align with the traditional path of marriage and children.
He’s okay at cooking. Just okay.
Zenon is adept at cleaning. Even before the Dark entered the picture, he had a habit of tidying up after himself. He also doesn't waste time and approaches cleaning with the same focused determination he applies to everything else. 🧹🧽
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
If Zenon ever found himself needing to end the relationship, he would approach it with swift and direct honesty, cutting straight to the point without much preamble. His communication style in such situations would be brief and matter-of-fact, devoid of emotional flourishes or unnecessary explanations. If you cry or experience emotional distress, Zenon will still maintain his stoic demeanor. He wouldn't attempt to comfort you or offer reassurances. Instead, he expects a level of maturity and resilience, believing that individuals should handle their emotions independently—including you.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Zenon takes commitment seriously. If you've managed to become his lover, then that surely means you've broken through his stone-cold exterior, earning a place in his heart and his respect. Breaking through Zenon's walls is no easy feat. As his partner, you gained a level of respect that surpasses what he holds for his own siblings. Despite being bound by blood, Zenon isn't emotionally connected to his siblings in the same way he is with you. His relationship with them is more about shared goals and obligations, whereas with you, there's a deeper, more personal connection. Given this profound connection, Zenon takes his commitment to the relationship extremely seriously. If you ever find yourself doubting his loyalty or suspecting him of infidelity, you're mistaken—very mistaken. Zenon would never cheat on you. His dedication is unwavering, and the mere notion of betraying your trust is unfathomable to him. If such suspicions arise, you should be ready to apologize for even entertaining the idea.
Zenon feels indifferent about marriage, perhaps even a bit reluctant and hesitant. Throughout the relationship, marriage is the last thing on his mind, and he doesn't place as much importance on it as some couples might. To him, the bond and commitment you share are what truly matter, and he doesn't see the need for a formal ceremony to validate it. Marriage only becomes a topic of consideration when you bring it up. When you do, Zenon might be a bit taken aback. It's not that he opposes the idea outright, but it's something that doesn't naturally align with his priorities or view of your relationship. He struggles to understand why you feel the need to formalize your bond when, in his eyes, you are already committed to each other. He’s already yours, and he believes that the commitment you share is as strong as it can be without needing a legal or societal stamp of approval. However, if you persistently express your desire to get married and it genuinely means a lot to you, Zenon might consider it. He respects your feelings and wants to make you happy, but it would take considerable persuasion for him to fully embrace the idea.
And if your desire for marriage is strong enough and you somehow get him to marry you, then just know that it would be more out of his love and respect for you than his own inclination towards the institution of marriage.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Gentle? Listen, he’s trying. Gentleness is not something he’s too familiar with.
Physically, Zenon's gentleness is decent but leans toward the firmer side. To put it simply, he’s usually firm but with a soft touch—if that makes sense. For instance, when you’re holding hands, he ensures to keep a firm grip on your hand, but not to the extent that it hurts or feels suffocating. His touch is confident and steady, conveying his presence and strength without causing discomfort. It's up to you whether this level of firmness is something you believe he needs to work on or not. Zenon is naturally firm about everything, including his physical interactions, but with you, he consciously tries to balance it so you don't feel overwhelmed. If you appreciate a firmer touch, then this aspect of his demeanor should be perfectly fine for you. However, if you prefer a gentler approach, then you might need to guide him a bit. Gentleness is not something Zenon grew up familiar with, and it’s a concept he may struggle to fully grasp. It’s a word that might not even be in his active vocabulary. Teaching him to be more gentle will require patience and clear communication from you, and helping Zenon understand your needs and preferences is essential to fostering a more gentle touch. Show him how you’d like to be held, explain what feels comfortable and what doesn’t, and gradually he will learn. While it might take some time and effort, with your guidance, Zenon can learn to balance his firm nature with the gentleness you desire.
Emotionally, Zenon has a lot more work to do compared to his physical gentleness. Even if you're not particularly emotional or don't place a lot of importance on it, it's evident that Zenon needs significant improvement in this area. Gentleness, especially when it comes to emotions, is something he’s still unfamiliar with. As mentioned earlier in the best friend part, Zenon is straightforward and never sugarcoats his opinions, often coming off as harsh. Unfortunately, this tendency doesn’t change even while in a relationship with him. His blunt honesty and lack of emotional sensitivity can definitely be challenging to navigate. Zenon's emotional approach is rooted in his upbringing and the environment he's accustomed to, where emotional gentleness was neither valued nor practiced. This makes it difficult for him to naturally adopt a softer, more considerate demeanor when dealing with feelings. However, acknowledging this is the first step towards improvement. Patience and open communication are key if you want to help Zenon develop a more emotionally gentle side. Express your feelings and let him know how his bluntness affects you. Provide specific examples of when his words have been hurtful or lacking in sensitivity. It’s important to recognize that this will be a gradual process. Zenon’s commitment to you means he will try to adapt and grow, but it will take time and consistent effort.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Like cuddles, he doesn’t mind hugs as long as they’re in private. Again, he’s a private guy and prefers it if you keep it professional with him in public.
Even if you’re not the most physically affectionate, it’s often you hugging him rather than he himself initiating hugs.
But on the very rare occasion that he does hug you, it’s usually like I said earlier in the gentle part, he’s firm but not to the point of even slightly hurting you—just firm.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
It's very likely that you say "I love you" way before Zenon does. Even if you're not typically someone who says those three words first, chances are you'll end up being the one to initiate it. Imagine being together for years without either of you having said it yet—and when you do finally muster the courage to utter those words, don't expect immediate reciprocation from Zenon. When you tell Zenon, "I love you," his response might be something indirect like "I as well," or he might simply nod his head. Believe me, he absolutely loves you—he's just very hesitant and reluctant to say those three words back. It's not something he feels comfortable saying, as it's a level of vulnerability he's not used to expressing. Zenon will find ways to convey his feelings without actually saying the words for a while. He might use his actions to show his love or offer subtle verbal affirmations that skirt around the direct expression of "I love you." This could go on for months, possibly even close to a year, until he finally says it. When Zenon does finally say, "I love you," it's a moment worth waiting for. He won't be shy, but he'll likely say it quietly and perhaps glance away. He's just not accustomed to saying such intimate words, and it's probably the first time he's ever uttered them to anyone. Saying it to you feels incredibly intimate for him, but in a positive way. It takes him a long time to get there, but when he does, it’s a powerful testament to his feelings for you.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
It's hard to describe Zenon's jealousy in words, but I can give you an idea with percentages. When he gets jealous, it ranges from about 5% to 40%, depending on the situation. He knows without a doubt that you’re his, and he’s yours, but it still genuinely irks him to feel even a hint of jealousy. For example, if someone is hitting on you—whether it’s a man or a woman—he’ll appear out of nowhere, much like when he suddenly appeared beside Yami after Dante was defeated. In those moments, he’s visibly bothered, irked, and annoyed. Despite his confidence in your loyalty, the idea of someone attempting to flirt with you still grates on him. Zenon’s jealousy doesn’t stem from insecurity about your commitment to him; he knows you would never entertain the thought of cheating—rather, it’s the audacity of others thinking they can encroach on what he holds dear that irritates him. He takes your relationship seriously, and any perceived threat, no matter how insignificant, is enough to rouse his protective instincts. So, while he may not always express it openly, his jealousy is a clear sign of how much he values and cherishes you. His reaction, though firm and sometimes intense, is rooted in his deep-seated desire to keep you safe and ensure that others respect the bond you share.
As mentioned earlier, Zenon literally appears out of nowhere when someone is making a flirtatious attempt at you. No one even notices how he suddenly got there or where he came from. The person hitting on you is definitely in for a shock when they suddenly find Zenon’s face inches from theirs, sporting a deadpan and intensely displeased expression. Just his expression alone is enough to make the flirter immediately get the hint and back off. Zenon's presence and demeanor are so intimidating that he doesn't need to say a word to scare them away. His silent but powerful message is clear: You're off-limits. After dealing with the intruder, Zenon turns to you and calmly advises you to be more careful next time. This isn’t a warning directed at you but rather a suggestion to be aware of anyone trying to hit on you. His concern is for your comfort and safety, not a reflection of any annoyance toward you. Rest assured, Zenon’s irritation is never directed at you, no matter how many times such incidents occur. His frustration is solely aimed at the person flirting with you, making it very clear that his annoyance lies with those who fail to respect your relationship, never with you.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Like I said earlier, Zenon’s demeanor is firm but balanced, with a subtle hint of gentleness. This extends to his kisses as well. When he kisses you, it’s typically with a firm grip, with one hand holding the side of your face while his lips press against yours. His kiss is assertive yet not overwhelming, striking a balance that leaves you breathless but never suffocating.
When he kisses you, he usually aims for your lips, like most lovers do. Nothing too different or crazy here. His favorite spots to kiss are just your lips.
As for where he likes to be kissed, he doesn’t have a preferred spot. He doesn’t mind any type of kiss you give him, no matter where they are. He’s a simple guy who just likes any type of kiss you give him. And again, as long as PDA remains behind closed doors, he’s perfectly fine. 
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
To put it simply, he's awkward and doesn’t care for them. Even in the presence of the most polite or adorable child, Zenon remains indifferent. He finds children a little bit annoying and doesn't have much patience for their antics or needs. When he's around kids, Zenon maintains the same demeanor—serious and stoic. He doesn't soften his expression or adjust his behavior to accommodate their presence. You’ll never catch Zenon being even the slightest bit soft around kids. He doesn't engage in playful banter, doesn't smile more often, and certainly doesn't exhibit any nurturing tendencies. His interactions are minimal and purely functional, often limited to acknowledging their existence without any genuine interest. He just doesn't see the appeal and prefers to keep his distance. There's not much more to say—he just doesn’t like children and makes no effort to hide it.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
No matter how early you rise, you'll rarely wake up with Zenon by your side. It's an extremely rare occurrence to find him next to you in the morning, and it only happens when he has absolutely nothing important on his agenda. Zenon is the type of man who wakes up at the crack of dawn to get things done. He doesn't like to waste time and prefers to tackle his duties quickly and efficiently. This is why, by the time you wake up, Zenon is already up and gone, immersed in his responsibilities. On the rare occasions when you do wake up with Zenon still beside you, it’s a special treat. However, his dedication to his responsibilities means these mornings are unfortunately few and far between. 
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Zenon sleeps with a quietness that sometimes triggers your paranoia. There are moments when you find yourself shaking him awake just to reassure yourself that he’s still alive. It’s not uncommon for his peaceful slumber to make you wonder if something’s amiss, but don't worry; he’s simply a very quiet sleeper. However, despite this worryingly serene sleeping habit, Zenon possesses a remarkable ability to wake up at the slightest disturbance. It’s as if his ears are finely tuned even while he sleeps, instantly alerting him to the faintest of sounds. This unique combination can be surprising, considering how deeply he seems to rest. If you wake up in the middle of the night needing water or a bathroom break, attempting to move quietly won’t do much good. Zenon’s sensitivity to noise means that even the subtlest movement or sound is enough to rouse him. He awakens almost instantly, demonstrating his keen awareness even in sleep. This heightened awareness contrasts with his otherwise tranquil sleeping demeanor, providing a curious dichotomy. While his quiet sleep can lead to moments of concern for you, his responsiveness to your movements ensures that he’s always attuned to your needs, even in the dead of night.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Patience is key when it comes to getting to know Zenon on a deeper level. He is notoriously slow at opening up and revealing things about himself. It's not that he's unwilling or uninterested in sharing, but rather that he's cautious and reserved by nature.
You shouldn’t expect Zenon to start revealing personal details until at least a year into your relationship. He's not accustomed to divulging personal information to just anyone, and it takes time for him to build that level of trust and comfort with someone—even with you, his very own lover.
When he does begin to share, it's not all at once. Zenon reveals bits and pieces of himself gradually, which can be frustratingly slow if you're impatient. However, if you're patient and understanding, you'll find that he's worth the wait.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
When it comes to you, Zenon is very slow to anger. Despite his cold and reserved nature, he shows remarkable patience with you. Even though his demeanor might suggest otherwise, that doesn't mean that he easily loses his temper with you. Sure, there may be times when he might firmly scold you for a mistake, especially if it’s something that could have put you in serious danger during a fight. His firm tone is more about concern for your well-being than actual anger. The closest you’ll ever see Zenon to genuine anger with you is this firm, corrective demeanor—or just firm. However, there is one situation that could genuinely provoke his anger: betrayal. If you were to cheat on him or seriously breach his trust, it would undoubtedly stir deep emotions. In such a scenario, his usual calm and composed nature would give way to genuine anger and hurt. This kind of betrayal would cut deep, given how much trust and effort he puts into the relationship. But I think you're smart enough to not betray him—hopefully.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Zenon has a decent memory when it comes to you, focusing more on the small, meaningful details that are directly about you. He might not bother to remember every minor detail about your past, like the name of your childhood best friend, the academy you attended, or the exact number of pets you had growing up. Those things don't seem particularly significant to him. However, when it comes to the small, personal preferences and quirks that define you, Zenon pays close attention—such as remembering your favorite color and whether you prefer the heat or the cold. His selective memory highlights his focus on what truly matters to you. While he may not recall every single fact about your past, he makes an effort to remember the things that bring you joy or comfort.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
When it's just the two of you—alone. Although he may not openly show it, the immense pressure of his goals and the weight of his responsibilities seriously stress him out. His siblings, who often treat their mission with a casual, almost playful attitude, add to his frustration and make him feel isolated in his seriousness. In these moments of solitude, you become his sanctuary. Your presence alone, whether you're sitting quietly across the room or cuddling close to him, provides him with a profound sense of relief. It doesn't matter what you're doing; the simple fact that it's just you and him with no interruptions is like a breath of fresh air for him. Being alone with you gives Zenon a chance to relax and recharge in a way he can't manage when surrounded by others.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
How protective is Zenon? Well, he strikes a balance in his protectiveness toward you. If you’re his lover, he trusts that you can handle yourself without needing constant assistance or intervention. He respects your strength and independence, believing that you’re capable enough to manage most situations on your own. However, if you’re more on the weaker side, Zenon’s protectiveness does increase, but it’s never to the point of being overbearing or excessive. He’s mindful not to smother you or make you feel incapable. Instead, he takes a more practical approach, ensuring you’re prepared to defend yourself when he’s not around. To this end, Zenon dedicates time to training you, teaching you how to fight and protect yourself. He wants you to be self-sufficient and confident in your abilities. So, while Zenon isn’t overly protective, he’s attentive and supportive, ensuring you’re equipped to handle challenges independently.
When it comes to protecting you, Zenon often acts when you least expect it. For instance, imagine you’re about to trip over a rock you didn’t see, and before you even realize you’re falling, Zenon uses his bone magic to catch you before you even hit the ground. It’s a subtle but effective way of showing his care and attentiveness. In more dangerous situations, his protective instincts become even more pronounced. If an enemy is about to strike you in a blind spot, Zenon’s bone magic springs into action. He can catch the attacker’s wrist mid-air, yanking them harshly toward him. With a deadly glare, he ensures the assailant understands the gravity of their mistake before he utterly demolishes them. Zenon’s protection is both subtle and fierce, ensuring your safety in everyday mishaps and life-threatening battles alike.
Please, the last thing Zenon needs is protection. His strength and combat prowess are unmatched, making him more than capable of handling any threat that comes his way. However, if you still try to protect him nonetheless, he wouldn’t mind at all. In fact, Zenon would appreciate your efforts. He’d give you a small nod, a subtle gesture acknowledging your attempt to protect him. <3
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
He’d put a decent amount of effort into dates, anniversaries, and gifts combined. I'm not so sure about everyday tasks, though.
He understands that dates, anniversaries, and gifts are all important events, especially anniversaries. That being said, don’t worry, he does absolutely put effort into those things—he puts even more effort into anniversaries, like above and beyond type effort.
As for everyday tasks, he could definitely work on them. Zenon doesn’t think everyday tasks are too special; they are called everyday tasks for a reason—because you do them every day. Unlike dates, anniversaries, and gifts, Zenon deems everyday tasks less important. 
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Gosh, where do I start…
His stoicism, sternness, mercilessness, and a lot more. If you share his mindset and values, these traits might not pose a problem for you. However, if you have a more compassionate and empathetic heart, these habits can be difficult to accept and reconcile with. Zenon's stoicism often means he keeps his emotions tightly controlled and rarely expresses his feelings openly. His sternness can make him seem unapproachable and inflexible, while his mercilessness in battle and towards his enemies reveals a harsh and unforgiving side. These traits are deeply ingrained in Zenon—they have been shaped by his upbringing and the harsh realities he has faced throughout his life. He has always been this way, and it's unlikely that he will change these aspects of himself anytime soon, if ever. While he loves you, these habits and traits are part of who he is. They define his approach to life and the way he interacts with the world.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
He could care less about how he looks; there are more important things to be concerned about than his looks. 
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Yes, Zenon would absolutely feel incomplete without you. At first, he might be in denial, refusing to admit the void your absence creates in his life. He may even spend his entire life in this state of denial, unwilling to face the depth of his emotions. But deep down, he truly does feel incomplete without you. Losing you would remind him of the days when his friend Allen died, a period filled with sorrow. Although Zenon managed to move on from Allen’s death to some extent, he genuinely doesn't believe he could recover from your absence. Allen was a cherished friend, but you are his lover, a bond that took immense patience and effort to form. Becoming Zenon’s lover is no easy feat; it requires patience and perseverance to break through his cold exterior and earn his trust. Winning his heart is a monumental task, and he realizes just how much you’ve endured to be with him. Despite his stoic and ruthless nature, even Zenon’s heart can't bear the thought of losing your presence and love. He might not openly acknowledge these feelings, stubbornly clinging to his denial. Yet, the reality remains that without you, Zenon would feel a profound emptiness, an irreplaceable void that echoes the loss of something deeply significant in his life. Your love and presence have woven themselves into the very fabric of his being, making your absence an unbearable reality he struggles to confront. :(
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Zenon really likes poetry and classical music.
Despite his stoic exterior and single-minded focus on his missions, Zenon has a surprising appreciation for the arts, particularly classical music. In the rare moments when he has time to himself, he listens to orchestral compositions to find a sense of peace and clarity—a way to just forget about all his and his siblings grand plans for a moment.
Poetry is also another example of his appreciation for the arts. What kind of poetry, you may wonder? Well, any type! No matter what type of topic it focuses on, Zenon has a deep appreciation for every single one of them. Overall, poetry plus classical music in his alone time is like his sanctuary, second to you, of course.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
What Zenon wouldn’t like in a partner is any form of weakness, particularly physical vulnerability. While he values strength and resilience across all aspects—physical, emotional, and mental—he places a significant emphasis on physical capability. For Zenon, having a partner who is physically weak can be challenging, as he prefers someone who can handle themselves independently. While he may be willing to train and support a partner to improve their physical strength, a persistent need for protection due to physical frailty would likely frustrate him.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
As I mentioned in the night part, Zenon sleeps in absolute silence, making no sound whatsoever. It's as if he enters a state of perfect stillness and quietness, which can be unnerving at times. However, despite his deep sleep, he's incredibly alert to the smallest of sounds. It's almost uncanny how quickly he can awaken from even the faintest noise, instantly snapping from sleep to full alertness.
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notyour-valentine · 2 years
35 with Polly🦜?
Side note while making this I realized we have dodomojis now?
So happy dodo day?🦤
Actually happy dodo day rhymes with happy 1k babe.
Happy 1k babe🦤💕
Talent ~ Polly Gray & Reader (Fluff)
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[Celebration] [Celebration Masterlist] [Masterlist]
(18/21+). I do not consent to my work being translated, copied or posted elsewhere on this platform or any other.
Words: 828 words
Mrs Thorne had invited you - by now she had cultivated quite the circle of friends, rebels, poets, artists, revolutionaries.
She served good drinks, expensive food, offered discretion and a free space, so you felt more than welcome. 
It was more curiosity than anything else that brought her to accept her invitation to this event at her brother’s stately manor. 
For someone who preached communism, this was an interesting development. 
Hardly anyone, apart from their circle of friends, knew her, but as always they drew eyes. Of course they did, they were loud and dazzling and different, and in a city like Birmingham they were nothing short of curiosities. 
She preferred to watch, a glass of cold champagne in her hand as some of her male friends decided to let loose with the Charleston. 
As she sipped her drink, she could hear approaching footsteps. 
Glancing over her shoulder, she saw a woman, more mature than Mrs Thorne, but with the same shape of eyes, dark eyes, with dark curly hair. 
She was too young to be her mother, she thought, though not by much, although the similarities were uncanny. 
“Ada says you are the artist.”, she announced without false courtesies. 
“Hmm,”, she mused with a smirk, not bothering to respond to that. “A woman artist. She tells me you have a great talent with sketches and charcoal.”
That made her turn fully. 
“It is my vice of preference.”, she admitted, “much more personal for portraits than oil paintings where layers on layers are plastered on people playing pretend. I like to show people as they are, not how they want to be.”
“As they are?”, the woman asked. 
She nodded once more. 
“In their purest, simplest form.”
There was a brutality in raw honesty, but a beauty too, and the only true beauty art could capture. 
“Tell me you don’t prefer it to that.”, she demanded, nodding to the monstrosity that hung on the wall, one of many crimes against her eyes the owner of this house had committed. 
Her red painted lips curled into a smile. 
“That is my nephew.”, she explained, outing her identity. 
Elizabeth Gray, she remembered from Mrs Thorne’s stories. Aunt Polly. 
“Yes, I know.”, she admitted as she took another sip. “Quite the man, apparently. They say he has a talent winning over his business partners but not nearly as much as his business partner’s wives.”
Polly Gray snorted in dry amusement, before tilting your head. “You are not wrong.”
Then her gaze softened. 
“As they are, hm?”, she asked. “According to my niece, you are a woman of incredible talent and ability.”
“So are you.”, she replied without hesitation. 
Her eyes widened. “Oh I am not an artist.”, she argued quickly, shaking her head. 
She only shrugged. “I can count the amount of women able and capable to make decisions in a large company like yours in this country on one hand - while holding a champagne flute. Take this in the most flattering way possible, because that it is the way it is meant. You don’t seem to be the kind of woman who is in her position to simply be decorative.”
Her brow shot up. “Am I not decorative?”, she wanted to know, a sharpness in her tone that made her laugh. 
“A woman like you wouldn’t be content with being decorative.”
With that, the rage and insult Mrs Gray had felt subsided, replaced by a warm, mutual understanding. 
She waved over a waiter to replace their glasses. 
“How quickly can you do a sketch?”, she asked curiously. 
It made her sigh deeply and she drank before responding. “Five minutes if you want it to be bad, two hours if you want it reasonable, as long as I need if you want it to be good.”
Mrs Gray was unable to stop her the smirk that came to her lips, a glimmer of admiration in her eyes. 
“Honest, I see, as honest as your paintings. Or you are charging by the hour.”
Before she could respond, they heard something shattering, making both their heads turn. 
“Sorry - so sorry, everyone, sorry Tom!”, a man with a thick bushy moustache said, standing in a puddle of champagne, laced with broken glass. 
He seemed dully familiar until she remembered the family picture in the other room. Another Shelby. 
“Sorry love,”, he told a woman standing close to him, who had been caught in the crossfire of splashing liquid. 
“‘Ere, let me help!”
With that, he tugged his sleeve over his hand and tried to wipe down her dress. 
“Oh fuck me!”, Mrs Gray cursed as she saw it. “A nephew?”, she wanted to know. 
Her sigh told her all she needed to know. 
“He doesn’t have Thomas’ talent for…diplomacy.”, Polly Gray said as she watched him in his clumsy attempts at drying the woman off. “Maybe no talent, yet a character it seems.”, she argued with a soft smile that made her snort in amusement. 
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Thank you so much for requesting and participating in my celebration - I hope you liked what I wrote.
Thank you everyone for reading and as always, I hope you enjoyed and would love to hear your thoughts!
@lilyrachelcassidy @jyessaminereads @chlorrox @watercolorskyy @books-livre @quarterpastmidnight  @lilyevanswhore  @polishcrazyone  @zablife  @just-a-harmless-patato  @stevie75 @flyingjosephine-blog @runnning-outof-time @babayaga67 @butterfly-skinnylegend @cillmequick @raincoffeeandfandoms
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saveourpinks · 1 year
So I came from tiktok and just HAD to say something about this show in a platform that I use more and without my face. I already Talked to a hulu agent to bring back the show so fingers crossed that works, and I'll say what this show means to me while I listen to the song "Take the Wheel" on loop which I will explain why this song in particular
So, I first saw this show as LGBT rep rec which clearly happened with Cynthia and Lydia which LET ME TELL YOU CRUSHING ME, MERELY PLAYERS, AND ALL IN BROKE ME! But I was always interested because I love Grease. But man when I watched this show I didn't think I would love it as much I did.
I related to main four specifically Cynthia, Nancy, and Jane on various levels that made me really happy. For example for the longest time I was Cynthia, I didn't want to be a "Pink Lady", I wanted to be one of the T-Birds (that now has changed thanks to Cynthia and I'm currently searching for a Pink Ladies jacket). I was too girl to hang out with boys but too boy to hang with girls to the point I didn't have a true until second grade (She's the Nancy and Olivia to my Cynthia and Jane). And Cynthia's story with Lydia made me so happy to see it ended happily AND I HOPE TO SEE MORE
But then there's Nancy. God so much of Nancy reminded me of friends and myself. Nancy's reasoning she wanted someone to love her for her and her weirdness really touched me. I'm obsessed with anime, cartoons, and musicals so I was never quite the person that was easy to like. I'm so glad I found my best friend. There's another part of Nancy I like that was more of a Headcanon so I'll wait to see if that becomes Canon. But I don't know how often listen to "Brutal Honesty"
Now Jane. God, I hate it when I say I like the main character cause it seems so basic usually but with Jane I did feel a connection. So the same best friend was happy to listen to me scream about the songs and i sent "Take the Wheel". And her first comment after was "this is your favorite song ain't it?". The reason? Because she immediately saw me within the lyrics. All my life was labeled as the "Good girl" that should know better than to cause trouble. But the Chorus of "A shameless nerd. An ambitious girl. A Rebel on the honor roll. A teacher's pet looking for good trouble. Italian, Puerto Rican. Let me be the voice of reason". I'm even Puerto Rican.... I'm not Italian tho. But the way she wants both kinda touched me because for the longest time I wanted to uphold this image, but I knew I wanted more with more a rebellious nature. So I'm excited to see how it keeps going for her.
This is long, but this what this show means to me.
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shytastemakerthing · 10 months
hi id like to request a romantic twst matchup ^_^ i dont label my gender/sexuality and the way i present myself fluctuaes but i could consider myself as androgyne (he/she). im an afro-carib with caramel brown skin, 4a curly hair. im more on the chubby side with a round face (two moles on each side) and apple body shape. i have a bit of a resting bitch face as well.. and my voice is at most monotone amd flat.
im pretty calm and mellow most of the time.. like an observer in the background. im a soft-spoken guy. usually im relaxed and unshaken, though my motivation seems to come on a whim every other day so i may seem out of it at times. its easy to keep my composure for most things and keep my emotions in check.  i have tendencies to be passive-aggressive when provoked and im kinda stubborn but i swear that im chill and friendly.
its easy for me to pick up from setbacks. im naturally intelligent but i dont really study to keep it.. its not like i dont want because, im quite self-aware, its just the lack of motivation. im also quite clever when the time comes and people still seem surprised abt it. im also a realist and i tend to give advice rather than comfort when the time comes. when im around the people i love i seem more chatty that usual, not like super loud or outgoing but im def enjoying myself.
i also laugh at like everything even if its unfunny as hell. my humor is mostly sarcasm and satire tbh. i like trying new things for the sake of trying new things. i also like playing video games, indulging in my interests (drawing, fashion, movies, etc) or whatever seems to catch my eye. ive been wanting to get a bass guitar and grow a garden one day. im also told im quite good with babies but not toddlers. quite the pacifier. my love languages are quality time and parallel play and id like to receive acts of service and words of affirmation (or the ones i give). thanks!! ^_^
A/N: Hello and thank you so much for your request, anon! I do hope that you like your match-up! Enjoy!
Tw: None
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I match you with..........
Ruggie Bucchi
Honestly, with how crazy his life is, between doing jobs for Leona, jobs for anyone else, trying to get his schoolwork done, being like an unofficial vice housewarden for Savanaclaw, he needs someone who is as calming as yourself, After such a long day, knowing that he could easily retreat into the safety and comfort of your arms makes his hyena beyond thrilled. It's his favorite part of the day.
Ruggie loved just how real you can be about things. Too many people just beat around the bush or try to sugar coat things when there are times where you just need the brutal honesty of a situation. Seeing how he grew up, it was easy to say that he had a similar mindset. Not everything is all sunshine and rainbows. So the fact that you'll just tell him things as they are, no beating around the bush or trying to make things better, it is something that he greatly admired about you.
Look at the hyena and tell me he isn't sarcastic in some way, shape, or form. Sure, he absolutely loved himself a good laugh, oh, but he just loved your sarcasm. It always brings a snicker out of him. This means he will also get sarcastic with you and at you, or crack some jokes as well, some being better than others.
Seeing how you keep your composure is something that's always impressed him (even more so if your the Ramshackle prefect, because if he was ripped out of his world, put in a brand new one where he knew absolutely nothing, put in a dorm that was falling apart at the very foundation, he didn't think he could keep his cool the way that you do), and he certainly thinks that a lot of the students here could learn a thing or two from you.
Oh, he absolutely loves your hair! He has seen hair like yours before, but not often. Now, he is a very dedicated partner (and also got some experience with a lot of the kids that were in the village he grew up in), meaning he learned everything about your specific style of hair. How to care for it, how to style it, the whole nine yards. If you ever need someone to work with and style your hair, he's the hyena for the job (he will even do it for free....... or maybe at least for a doughnut)
Overall, Ruggie is a very dedicated partner. He may not have much, but he finds anyway that he can be able to show that he can provide for you. Just the fact that you actually looked his way and gave him a chance means more to him than you could ever possibly know.
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Following up on Jing Yuan loving wholeheartedly is a thought on how Jing Yuan uses this inherent truth:
He weaponizes it.
He doesn't use truth just as a bargaining chip/manipulation tactic, but in general, too. Honesty is a weapon for him, and I find it such an interesting, risky strategy to play around with, because yes; when faced with a battle or a war or any kind of situation where he needs the advantage, of course the art of deception is important. He's obviously a master at it.
But that's not the only situation in which he does so. I've been finding that he uses brutal honesty to great effect in his relationships, both romantic and platonic (and third secret things -- hi Luocha), because of his wholehearted way of loving others. Unabashed declarations and gestures of his affection have, in more than one interaction both on Tumblr and Discord, left the other flabbergasted, embarrassed, and otherwise right in a position where he wants them.
How else do you respond to such intense sincerity if not with your own? When a man with such a dangerous reputation, known for misleading others and subverting expectations, bares his heart so -- is it not a ridiculous notion? To strangers and acquaintances, does it not seem like yet another threat or ploy? And to those who know him more intimately, is it hard at all to resist responding in kind? To know him, and to know the sincerity underneath the sharp eyes and fangs of this war general, does not spare one from this tactic of his, and yet despite everything Jing Yuan is, it is not an act of threat.
Weaponizing the truth of his wholehearted affection is simply part of his nature, a powerful one. It's hard to not return such overwhelmingly sincere honesty, I think.
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kalena-henden · 11 months
Taemin's whole life he's been pushed to be the company's next leader with little time to think of anything else because of how busy he was with work. Living with his family allowed for constant reinforcement of those self-sacrificing expectations at home as well. His year in jail gave Taemin a reprieve from both his work and his family. That's alot of time off to reflect on his life and what he wants out of it. One of the things he kept coming back to as he worked out in jail daily is how much he enjoyed training with Hyoshim and missed spending time with her. I'm sure this is what led to him to start looking at her in a romantic light. Which in and of itself is a natural thing.
When Taemin first calls Hyoshim after he's released, she is relieved and happy to hear from him again. She seemed to like him as a person and client. However, when he wants to start spending personal time with her, she begins to show signs of discomfort. This is the disconnect. During her year away from him, Hyoshim worried about Taemin as a person but this did not lead to any romantic awaking on her end. After a few times hanging out with him out of obligation, she only felt increasingly aware of the divide between them. Taemin feels at ease with her in a way he doesn't with his colleagues or even family. You can see it in the way he interacts with her and why he's trying to share about his life with her. Unfortunately for Taemin, Hyoshim doesn't feel the same. A handsome, wealthy man paying attention to her isn't giving her dreams of becoming his Cinderella. His notice feels like a burden she wants to escape. Each interaction keeps confirming that she doesn't want a romantic relationship with him.
The problem is that Taemin has given up his autonomy in every area of his life out of filial duty, exactly like Hyoshim. He's been unable to break free, but holding onto Hyoshim feels like a lifeline. He's about to hit his boiling point. If he lets go of the idea of a romantic relationship with her, I think he actually might break because there is no valve to release the pressure building up in his life. It's why he refuses to give up on her even though he knows she's not interested. He's grasping at his last shred of hope for happiness.
What Taemin doesn't realize is Hyoshim is not the right person for him because she is repeating his mistakes in her own life. They both need someone who will give them the encouragement and support to stand up to their superiors at work and families at home to take control of their own lives. This is the only way for both of them to truly find happiness.
Taeho appears to be the right person for Hyoshim. They challenge each other, making them consider things from a new perspective. Until recently, they've done this in a combative way but moving forward I see them doing this in a more respectful way. This brutal honesty has naturally led to an ease and comfort between them that will pave the way for their romance.
While it's a little early, it appears that the reporter is a good match for Taemin. Their interactions have also been combative and brutally honest. They don't hesitate to speak their minds to each other. Her family business is powerful enough to help him wield that power to help sway his company's board members. Also, she would be no pushover for Taemin's mom to control. Instead, she would flick his mom away like the annoying bug she is, giving Taemin the freedom to do as he pleases. Right now he's bristling at her advances, the way Hyoshim is bristling at his. The looming question is will he see the light before it's too late? Before he does, I think he's going to lash out in the wrong ways that will hurt rather than help him.
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wotchergiorgia · 1 year
how do people meet? I don't know the answer - I only know that it happens and then you're fucked up. you meet people casually, randomly, only to find out a few seconds later that it wasn't random at all. it was fate - you now know it. you recognized the each other in the exact instant your eyes met for the first time. I could never forget that moment, the first impression I had of you, your messy hair, your funny smile and the way you simply sat next to me (as if God was guarding upon us and leading our souls next to one another). it was a moment, an instant, a second, and I knew it, just like I know what it feels like to have the sun shining and burning on your skin, to have the rain and then the hail falling on your head, making your hair wet. it was both a new and normal feeling, as it seemed to me that we've known the each other for ages. we just connected, in the purest and silliest and flirtiest way possible. and it was so obvious, so evident. everyone started talking about us the way people always gossip about others. but we didn't care, so much so that we almost didn't admit it - admit what was going on between us. and we opened our eyes, together, at the same time, discovering a whole new world made for us only. it was beautiful, because we were together and we forgot everything and everyone else. it firstly was slow, calm, probably terrifying, and then it became so brutally fast that we lost the count of the previous days, as if nothing existed before us and nothing was expected to exist after us. we were the beginning and the end of that little world of ours, we were the masters, the leaders and the destroyers. we perhaps were meant to be, because it was too weird for you as well as for me. I strongly and firmly believe in fate, you know it - I told you on our second date probably. I believe that nothing happens without a reason, that everyone you meet is there because of something you can't immediately explain. and I met you. you met me. we just met, our eyes did so. and I don't know how our future will look like, I don't know how long we're meant to last (though I hope forever), and probably I don't even care that much. currently, everything I'm interested in is to take care of you, to take care of me, of us; I want to believe in us, to support us and make it work out, for I know it can. I just want to nourish this, to let it grow for what it really is. I'm dedicated and I feel you're dedicated as well. I love our daily videocalls, even though they don't last that much. I love saying goodnight to you, sending you kisses and not wanting to hang up the phone. I love downloading the photos you send me, sending you audios only so that you can hear my voice. I love taking pictures for you and talking about you as much as I can. I love the little moments we're sharing on distance - like you shaving your face in the middle of the videocall last night. I love reminding us of the smallest things we shared together while we were not apart - the kind of things you said you love so much. I love reliving our first kiss, all of our hugs. I love reminding myself of the honesty we've put between us since the first day. I love recalling the evolution the two of us had in the past weeks, remembering it day by day, as if no time had passed at all.
but I'm sad sometimes, because I'd love to have a day marked on my calendar, counting down the days before our next meeting. I'd love to have you here, next to me, and just living you as we lived the each other for such a brief time. I'd love to be able to hug you whenever I can, wherever I want, to kiss you on the lips when you compliment me, when you say I'm the smartest, the prettiest, when you say I make you happy and better. because I have no logical or rational response to these and kisses say more than what I can't. I'd love to have our moments back, to come back where I actually belong - between your arms. and I'd love to show the whole world how these things can happen, especially in the most unexpected moments. because I want to prove to myself and the earth that we can make it work, that it can be the most beautiful thing we've ever experienced, we've ever seen.
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valenteal · 9 months
So I said I’m never gonna write the bsd x kotlc fic idea I came up with but I’m wavering. This AU idea has grabbed me by the throat and it won’t let me work on school. Bu t I have no idea what the plot would even be! So I’m going to brainstorm on here and post it and if anyone is interested I might get the motivation to write it, or maybe someone else will do me the favor of writing it instead.
Akutagawa Ryuunosuke and Tam Song are the same person, and by extension Gin and Linh are as well, but that’s not the point.
Akutagawa and Tam have the same key personality traits already: over protective brother, surly dramatic emo, authority issues, and silver bangs!
All you have to do is take Tam out of the elven world, drop him in Yokohama and BAM! Akutagawa!
Tam and Linh were banished and sent to Exillium when they were 11. Dazai found them living on the street when they were 14. That gives them 3 years to acclimate to the forbidden cities. And for Tam to get lung disease. I would say that he didn’t just get it from the polluted air. But that he actually breathed in like super deadly toxins after ending up somewhere really dangerous and the only reason he didn’t die is because he’s an elf, but because he didn’t get any treatment it left him with permanent damage. This is why Gin wears a mask, Ryu gets super worried and makes her wear it most of the time because overprotective.
But imagine the shock of Tam and Linh learning that humans have abilities to 😂! They would be so shocked! And then they’d realize human Abilities are better and more diverse than Elven Abilities and just be like… bro elves dumb af. Just the idea of these two universes coexisting— i cant even.
Anyway. Tam figures out how to use his shade powers in a way that seems a little more human and is less recognizable to any elves who might stumble upon them. Linh actually uses her ability as a hydro-kinetic, going out to the ocean to practice and to satisfy the part of her that needs to become one with the water sometimes. However, as Gin she pretends not to have an ability so that no one will use her for it, and so that she doesn’t loose control in a populated area.
So Tam and Linh become Ryuunosuke and Gin and live as “orphans” on the streets of Yokohama. Then every thing follows BSD canon. They find friends on the streets, grow close, those friends become a sort of found family. Then they over hear classified mafia intelligence by accident and only the Akutagawas escape with their lives. Ryuu decides to use the information to get revenge for their friends but when he arrives the people responsible are dead at Dazai’s hand. Dazai offers either enough money for them to get off the streets or for Ryuu to come work for him. And, well, he’d walked away from a life of comfort and plenty before, and he’d grown to despise normal society for how it treated people who were different, who were more powerful. He knew that the mafia offered a more honest lifestyle in which he and his sister could be respected and know exactly where they stood. Instead of the social and political world of regular society, which is full of lies and judgment and unearned authority he chose the mafia. A place of darkness and brutal honesty, where no one get power or respect without earning it.
So Ryuu and Gin both join the mafia, Gin quickly rises through the ranks, becoming an assassin commander of her own black lizard battalion. Ryuu on the other had faces unexpected struggles. He had committed to the bit, his ability was “Rashoumon” not shadow manipulation. It took him a good amount of time to perfect using his ability in ways that looked like he was controlling his coat. He ended up using shadow-flux (without any training or knowledge of what he was actually doing because he’s just that awesome!) to make his coat a powerful weapon. By seeping the shadow flux into the coat he was able to create Rashoumon for real. But Dazai doesn’t know that he’s holding back and figuring out exactly how much power he can use, instead expecting something from Akutagawa that is entirely different from what he can actually do. Dazai thinks he’s being a slow learner, that the things he’s trying to teach should come naturally to him.
That’s all I’ve got for now. My head hurts owwwwwwwwwww
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adamwatchesmovies · 2 years
Divergent (2014)
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Divergent is a post-apocalyptic adventure film populated by teenagers, meant for teenagers and conceived by teenagers - at least that's what it feels like. Even if you can get past the story’s rickety premise, you'll be constantly reminded of other, better movies you'd rather be watching.
In a post-war future, only the city of Chicago remains. Society is divided into five factions: Abnegation (humble people who are in charge of governing the society and ensuring everyone has enough to eat), Amity (farmers), Candor (judges and lawmakers, known for their brutal honesty), Dauntless (the thrill-seeking, bungee-jumping tattoo-clad police and army) and Erudite (the scientists). When it comes time for Beatrice “Tris” Prior (Shailene Woodley) to take the test that determines which faction she belongs to, the results are inconclusive. Rather than expose herself as “Divergent”, she chooses Dauntless. As she trains to meet the demanding requirements of her new “family”, she discovers a massive conspiracy to overtake the government.
On paper, the concept may not seem so unbelievable but seeing it live raises many questions. People are categorized at the age of 16 and their personalities remain static forever? And we're supposed to believe the snooty know-it-all Erudite people are the ones fixing the high-tech wall surrounding the city from impending attack (from what, exactly?) Or are the farmers also serving as plumbers and garbage men? Perhaps the factionless - shambling, miserable wretches who are alternatively pitied and hated by the rest - are the ones running gas stations and such. What I’m saying is that the five factions we see don’t seem like enough to run a city. You simply don’t believe the world this film is set in.
Moving past what would ultimately be nitpicking if the story and characters were engaging, we have Triss, a vanilla protagonist who struggles to pass the various physical and mental tests demanded by sexy instructor “Four” (Theo James). It’s by-the-books high school business with the generic bully (Miles Teller as Peter), the romantic drama and the best friend who also didn't expect to join the fun-loving faction that seems more concerned with tattoos than actual law enforcement (Zoë Kravitz as Christina). Except the stakes are higher because if Tris fails her exam, she’ll end up family-less and homeless.
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It culminates in a confrontation between Tris and a few individuals against – of course – the “smart faction” who has used mind control technology to turn the Dauntless into robots and is slaughtering every member of Abnegation. It’s one of those films where you almost wish you could see the villains win and find out what would happen next. I don’t know if the factions are supposed to be balanced in terms of numbers – I don't think so as a quarter of the new Dauntless recruits have been banished to the factionless slums after failing the leaders’ outrageous demands - but if there’s a group that’s smaller than the rest, it’s got to be the “smarter than everyone else” people. Had their plan succeeded… what was their next move? Were they just going to expect everyone else in Chicago to be ok with the wholesale slaughter of the previous politicians? Would the police have been kept under mind control forever? It’s one thing to spread rumors and shake people’s beliefs in the government, it’s another to wipe out a fifth of the human population!
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Despite the numerous problems with the story, you can see why this tale has appeal to its intended audience. The scenes of Tris using her wits to pass her exams in a way that doesn’t reveal her “out-of-the-box Divergent thinking” are interesting. Shailene Woodley is a compelling lead. Neither of these would ever make you watch Divergent over Harry Potter or the very similar Hunger Games, however. (On Blu-ray, September 7, 2018)
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deadendtracks · 2 years
This is not 100% related and I’m not the first anon who asked about Tommy/Grace, but I wonder how much of the fanon view of Grace as badass spy comes from the fact that it’s easier to pigeonhole a beautiful actress into what a trope than to actually look at the character’s upbringing/motivations/etc., and how much of the idea that Grace is boring is informed by Annabelle Wallis’s acting choices, which are not terrible but can sometimes come off a little bit stiffer than other actors on the show imo.
Yeah, definitely. And because it was a "brutal honesty" post and because her character is so sanitized in fandom, I was a bit harsh about her in my response. But absolutely it's easier to polish off the rough edges of what Grace actually says and does when she's played by a very pretty actress.
And yes, if I'm being honest, I do think that Annabelle Wallis contributes. I like her a lot in most of season 1 and 2, but she doesn't bring the depth and subtext to her character the way other actors do -- she's fine, but she's *just* fine. She doesn't give you a lot to work with as a fic writer. She was definitely best in s1 when she had some good stuff to dig into, which makes sense and I'm sympathetic to that.
In season 3 it seems clear she was very unhappy that her character was being killed off, and her acting was pretty bad for most of it. While there's not a ton of character development on the page in s3, what's on the page is more interesting than how she tended to deliver it, which was often very wooden or just off. She's not responding to her scene partner fully in many of those scenes, she's just reciting lines, and half the time the rhythm or intonation is wonky. And while I do feel for her (it must have sucked to have been written off!) it does make Grace come across pretty poorly in s3.
In comparison in s2 in her scene with Tommy at Ada's, you do get some sense of Grace's inner conflict about her husband, for example. Of course it's there in the lines and in the plot, obviously, but it's also there in the acting.
Some of my interpretation of Grace's character is from her actions and what she says, but some of it is in the acting and I'm never quite sure if that part was intentional -- the sort of surface level at which Annabelle Wallis plays her makes it seem like Grace *is* oblivious to things like the fact that she betrayed Tommy would actually have a deep impact on him. Etc. I have never seen her in anything else so I can't really judge, but I do incorporate *how* she played Grace with my understanding of Grace's character, for better or worse.
What I liked best about how she played Grace in s1 was how watchful and quiet she was. I do appreciate that, because another actress could have been too worried about being 'interesting' in a showy way, and it fit the character. I think she just doesn't bring a lot of subtext to her acting, maybe. Some actors come up with elaborate backstories for their characters that they incorporate into their performances; you get the sense she plays what was on the page. Which is fine, but sometimes I just wanted a bit more.
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