#been going through it as usual but seeing them always makes me :]]] really cant thank you enough
surreal-duck · 1 year
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thank you so much for 1k! thanks a lot to everyone who’ve stuck w me all this time and hi to everyone new o/ it really means a whole bunch to me!!
gonna be opening doodle requests for a while! no promises i can get to all of them but i’ll try what i can o9
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kelstey · 8 months
i waited
theodore nott x reader
warnings : none
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❃゜・。. ・°゜✼ ゜°・ . 。・゜❃
theo kissed your forehead, both you bodies sticky and sweaty from the moments prior. you smiled to yourself as his muscular arms made their way around you.
"i don't think i'll ever get over how beautiful you are," theo ran his fingers through yourhair.
"thank you, theo," you turned your head and kissed his lips.
your happiness was quickly replaced by a sudden wave of what felt like guilt and shame.
the two of you had always been close, sharing kisses, looks, even touching when no oneelse would be looking. that part killed you.
no one knew. not even pansy and luna. given, luna may not be accepted by a large majority of slytherins but you couldn't help but love her, she was amazing and understood you in a way no one else did.
that's how private the two of you had decided- well improvised on. you wanted to show him off. you wanted to kiss him before class, hold hands when sat next to each other, dance in front of everyone, everything.
but he didn't want that. he liked the privacy. but you were never sure if that was really a cover for simply using you.
but you let him.
"i should get going, i'm going out with luna to the three broomsticks," you moved out of theo's arms and started picking up the clothes that were discarded all over the room after theo ripped them off of you.
"tell her i said hi," theo said, another thing that you liked about him. he liked luna. but he was partially stupid as you couldn't tell luna that he said hi, she would ask questions as to why he would even do that.
"i think you forgot we are a secret," you put your tights on.
"fuck, yeah. well- have fun then," theo waved and you hurried out, still attempting to tie your tie.
you felt the tears coming. you couldn't help it. you felt idiotic to allow theo to walk all over you. you promised yourself you would never let a man take you for a fool, but no. here you are, years later, being taken as a fool by a man you were in love with.
obviously he didn't know, he couldn't. it would ruin everything.
the two of you agreed to strictly have just sex. just sex. just stupid fucking amazing sex. he was a natural at it, he knew how to make you cum in minutes. he had you wrapped around his finger.
you typically wouldn't let anyone see or touch you, but theo? he could do anything and you would let him. it also felt like a weird bonding experience.
sex is intimate, of course. it's the closest two souls can get to each other. and you were convinced that the countless amount of times you did it in a day with him made some sort of connection.
you wiped your tears away as you entered the three broomsticks and saw luna sat alone in your usual corner. "luna!"
"you're here!" she exclaimed and got up out of her seat to hug you.
"of course, you know i love our chats here," you smiled and the two of you sat down.
"are you okay?" she asked as she observed the mascara which was evidently smudged under your eyes.
you had to tell her. you had to tell someone. there's no one you would rather tell than her. "luna, please, pinky promise me you won't ever tell a soul."
she nodded, "your secret is safe with me. you know that."
you looked around the place, only noticing two other tables of people who seemed to be in their own little worlds. "okay, me and theo have been hooking up. like friends with benefits style, but i'm in love with him. i cant keep doing this. it hurts, luna. i want to love him and kiss him around our friends but i can't."
luna sat and listened to you ramble on, a few tears shedding in the process. "that's horrible. but you must know, no man, especially one who you aren't even dating, should ever make you feel this way. the right one will make you cry only tears of happiness and pleasure, if you know what i mean."
her comment made you laugh, this was why you loved her. "thanks lu. sorry about that rant, i haven't told anyone and so feel special you're first to hear about this fucked up situation."
"i'm glad you can trust me, but i think i may have an idea," luna sat upright. "how about you stop meeting him so often? maybe start seeing him once a day; then once every few days. if you want to take it a step further you could even start hanging out with another boy more."
"luna you're a fucking genius," you reached over and hugged her.
"you know i always have the best ideas," she giggled.
just then the door opened and luna's eyes focused behind you, as your back was turned to the door.
"who is it?" you asked as you noticed her smile had dropped.
"don't turn around if you don't want to cry," she said and you immediately turned your head 180°.
"no fucking way," your jaw dropped as you saw theo walk in with cho. "is he fucking shitting me right now? luna tell me i'm dreaming. tell me."
"i'm sorry, babe. do you want to go somewhere else?" she asked.
"yes it is best we go. i don't think i'll be able to hold back a fucking fist in both their stupid faces," you both got up.
and as for your amazing luck, they both spotted you and luna. theo called out your name and walked over to you. "hey, what's up?" he asked with a stupid smile on his face as if he didn't know what he was doing.
"hey theo," luna gave a small wave and he smiled at her.
"we were just leaving," you said and took luna's hand and the two of you walked out. you heard theo say something but you were too distracted by the ringing in your ears.
"it's okay, it's okay," luna engulfed you into a very big, very needed hug.
"why would he do that? i literally told him i was going to be here with you?" you cried into her arms.
"he's a boy, they don't think with their brains, only their dicks."
it had been a few days since the incident and you still had not spoke to theo. you were going out of your way to ignore him, not caring if it hurt you more than him.
you would spot theo in the halls, once he noticed you, you had already turned around and walked the complete opposite way before he even got a chance to call out your name.
it hurt too much. it didn't help that after those first couple of days, he eventually stopped trying to get your attention. instead he was being all handsy with cho.
it killed you, hardly being able to speak or react. it also hurt that you had to distance yourself from the other slytherins who noticed the lack of your presence.
but it wasn't all too bad, instead of hanging with them you and luna started hanging out more. she would check up on you constantly, making sure to cheer you up to avoid you thinking about him.
she knew you were deeply upset about it. she allowed you to grieve, cry and let all of it out. she herself had never experienced this type of hurt, but she was almost grateful as she saw how badly it impacted you.
aside from not speaking to theo, you kept your head up high. you still went to class, still did your work, still sat at the slytherin table for meals. everyone noticed the tension between the two of you.
no one asked, or at least in front of your face. they decided it was better to keep quiet and try keep things as normal as could be.
amongst those few days of hurting, you started growing closer with mattheo. he was also there for you, he wasn't sure exactly what happened with theo but he knew it was hurting you and so he decided to be there for you.
he also had to admit that it was also due to the fact that he fancied you. you began sitting next to him at meals, class, even sometimes being spotted after classes walking together.
this didn't go unnoticed by theo, of course. he wanted to punch mattheo in his face. mattheo was one of theo's closest friends and to see him get close with you, it also hurt him.
it was a stupid, stupid situation. the two of you pretending to move on while both your feelings grew stronger- though a large majority of it was anger due to the fact you were not communicating.
or at least verbally communicating. whenever you looked up, no matter where you were, his eyes were the first ones to meet yours.
it was ridiculous, really. you couldn't seem to get away from him, he seemed to stalk you as if you were prey. he couldn't get you out of his mind.
you looked over at the clock, 2:56am. great. you couldn't seem to sleep for some reason and it was starting to annoy you. you quietly got out of bed, slipping on a random hoodie on the floor and your slippers before leaving your dorm. you knew that after 12am, no teachers or prefects would be on lookout so you didn't have to worry too much about getting caught.
you made your way up to the astronomy tower, your favourite spot to go when you were unable to sleep. you reached into your pj short pockets and retrieved the joint that you rolled earlier.
you got the lighter out and attempted to light it. of course it had to be out of fluid. you were just away to get up when you noticed theo standing behind you.
"you spooky bitch! why the fuck would you stand there like that, holy fuck bro. you better be glad i'm a teenager and not an old woman cause you would've gave me a heart attack," you scolded him as you raised a hand over your heart to relieve yourself of the pure distress he just put you through.
"calm down, darling. here's a lighter," he passed you his stainless steel lighter. the same one you carved both of your initials into. you were surprised he used it.
"you don't get to do that," you looked up at him, feeling anger flowing through your veins. theo looked at you, he seemed confused but also like he knew what was happening.
"you don't get to have cuddle me, kiss me, make love to me, everything a couple would do, and then fucking show up to a place where you knew i was at with another stupid fucking girl! do you know how long i've waited for you? years theo, fucking years! i thought it was best to keep waiting, hoping for the day that you would admit you loved me back, but you didn't. but i still waited, theo, i fucking waited. i would never do this if it was anyone else," you felt tears threatening to spill and a lump in your throat.
theo remained quiet, he looked down at his hands and played with the silver rings which decorated his stupidly pretty hands. you waited for him to say something, anything. but he didn't. once again, but were you surprised.
"have your stupid lighter back. i never should've carved our initials in it thinking we could've been something," you shoved the silver lighter into his hands before walking off.
❃゜・。. ・°゜✼ ゜°・ . 。・゜❃
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wolfiesmoon · 9 days
When you suddenly cry in front of them :(
Riddle, Vil, Kalim, Malleus x gn!reader (riddle's and vil's are explicitly post overblot tho it's not super important)
i'm back to entering tartarus every day (school started again) so i thought i might as well distract myself with some hot twst guys :)
i havent been very active i know, i just cant get myself to do anything at all these days 😞i am so so sorry for making a kinda lazy short collection of blurbs but i need to get back into my writing groove somehow
(as a sidenote, i'm worried some of these might be ooc? i sincerely apologise if they are :( )
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RIDDLE honestly doesn't know what to do with himself. He never really got the comfort he needed whenever he cried as a child so he had no idea how to comfort you now. He scolds himself internally for not immediately acting and just kind of freezing up beside you so he panics and tries to recall of all the times he saw someone else comforting others in order to end the extremely awkward tension as quickly as possible. He pats your back somewhat rigidly and says "There, there." In an all too awkward manner. You're caught off guard so hard by the sheer akwardness of Riddle's comfort technique that you burst out laughing, troubling Riddle even further. "W...Why are you laughing now?" The dumbfounded expression on his face is the perfect medicine for forgetting your troubles just now. Riddle unintentionally just cheered you up. After the incident, he seemingly becomes less strict with you and starts asking about how you're doing umprompted, which always pleasantly surprises you. Sometimes, Trey even shows up at Ramshackle dorm, holding a tart of your favourite flavour and saying he got orders from Riddle to deliver it to you.
VIL drops his usual strict nature for a bit. Of all people, he would be the one who could tell you were constantly acting strong and unbothered by everything going on around you. He thought of it equal parts admirable as he did foolish. Such intense emotion is not something to keep bottled up inside you and you made him realise that. His expression is surprisingly soft as he places one arm on your back, gently stroking it. He talks you through your feelings with a big sense of maturity and care and you're suprised by just how much he cares for you and your feelings. You don't exactly get that same impression when he's scolding you for not sitting straight or not wearing your uniform properly... regardless, you're very thankful for his words, even the harsher ones about needing to tell someone about things like this. "Tell me, if you must. I will always listen." After the incident, nothing much changes, really. Atleast from the perspective of others. He still gets on your case for not wearing your uniform properly, but he also asks about how you're doing when he gets the chance and does not accept simply "fine" or "okay" for an answer. You simply must elaborate why that is.
KALIM enters big brother mode. He's comforted crying siblings for various reasons before so what makes you any different? He gives you a tight hug, gently rubbing your back and trying to cheer you up with comforting phrases. He'd also try making jokes you to cheer you up and the puns are so bad you might as well start laughing. He didn't even start asking what's wrong but instead waited for you to tell him yourself. He surprised you with how mature (or perhaps just experienced) he is when it comes to crying people. You feel much better even only after a few minutes and you ask Kalim how you can thank him for hearing you out. "Seeing you smile again is reward enough!" He replies and you feel like crying again (but this time not from sadness or stress). After that incident, he always personally invites you to Scarabia parties, hoping they might inject a little joy in your life and keep your mind off things. If you're not a fan of parties, he takes you on carpet rides around the dorm instead.
MALLEUS is shocked into silence. You were smiling at him as sweetly as you always do just a moment ago... He knows how to comfort someone in theory, but now that he has to put it into practice, it feels like he's forgotten everything. He needs to show you that you can rely on him when it comes to your comfort, and that includes crying around him. This might just be one of the most heartbreaking sights he's ever had the displeasure of witnessing. He vows to himself that he never wishes to see you cry again (unless it's at your wedding) and would do anything to prevent it. He wordlessly pulls you into a secure hug, worried that if he does anything else, you might start crying even more. You hug him back and just sob in his arms, thankful for his warm embrace. "It will all be okay, child of man. I'm here, after all." And somehow, you can't help but trust those words with every fiber of your being. After the incident, Malleus ends up confessing what happened to Lilia and Lilia goes into one of those "Oh, how my baby has grown..." rants. But he also does say that Malleus should start inviting you to new places to keep your mind off things and help you let loose. So he does just that, with an added sprinkle of gargoyle-hunting and gargoyle facts. You're now very well educated about gargoyles lol.
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pursuitseternal · 11 months
“Bites in the Night:” a series of Astarion x Reader drabbles from the days on the road…
Part 1: “Go back to sleep, darling…”
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Astarion x Fem!Reader | M | 1.4K of Romance
Summary: you’ve been fed on before, but you cannot deny how much you are the one who now hungers for it…
CW: consensual biting, blood kink, flirtation, a bit… angsty? First kiss
No more bites in the night, he had promised. True to his word, Astarion always waited for your invitation now. Just a little offer thrown his way with increasing frequency. You can feed on me tonight.
You can’t help it, how addicting it is, waking with just that little ache in your body, watching the way he smiles at you, knowingly, as you sit and eat whatever breakfast your other companions had thrown together. It makes a pool of heat settle in your belly, as if you are the one now full to bursting and yet not sated. As if you are the one cursed with eternal hunger.
He always fights so beautifully those days after he drinks of your blood, almost dancing as he pounces and stalks and rips out throats like the true predator he is. You can almost feel it after, however, the expenditure of the limited power you grant him each time he feeds.
Soon, those ashen pools would settle beneath his eyes again, his movements slowing the longer into the day you journey.
The same happens today, that lethargy visible as the sun begins to set. So tonight, as you make camp, you find a reason to hesitate by Astarion’s tent. He is busy setting up the colored canvas of his structure. You see his hands are shaking as he bends down to tie and fasten the tether to the stake in the ground.
“I’m… gathering firewood,” you stop shy of his crouching body.
His head snaps as he looks up at you, brows furrowed in confusion. “And?” he snips. Perhaps the efforts he expended today took a greater toll on him that the grey in his skin even tells you. He sneers, clearly exasperated and annoyed. “I’m busy if you’re asking for my commonly-sought-for and usually riveting company.”
“No,” you force a easy laugh. “No I’m capable on my own, thank you.”
That earns another, deeper furrow of his brows, his fist clutching around the handle of his hammer now. “Then what do you want?” he purrs.
“You… didn’t happen to notice if there was anything that looked promising on the way here?”
Standing slowly, his face quirks into that familiar smirk, those brows now canting as he looks down at you. Crimson eyes flicker over your face, finally resting on the lingering marks of his fangs from last night. “Oh, I never stray my gaze far from the most promising things, but as for firewood? No.” He cocks his head, eyes heavy lidded as he scans your whole form now. “No, I was perhaps too… distracted to search my surroundings for something so mundane.”
You shrug. “Nevermind then,” you toss casually, ignoring the way your heart is rapping against your ribs.
“I… don’t think you wish me to nevermind,” he comments with equal indifference. Even as he slides one step into your path. “What did you really wish to say, darling?”
The words bubble from your throat before you can make them seem dispassionate. “You can feed on me tonight.”
His smirk tweaks just a hint higher. “I was hoping you would offer, darling…” He leans back, as if he is out of your way. “See you tonight, even if you won’t see me, my sweet.” You push past him, your hand accidentally brushing past his own arm, the chill of his body sending a little shiver through your frame. “Good luck,” he purrs as you enter into the brush and trees at the edge of camp.
Your evening passes with little event. Your pulse never slows, even as you lay in your bedroll, the soft crackle of fire unsuccessful at lulling you into any sleep deeper than a soft breathing with sweat-covered thoughts that grip your mind and body. Not dreams. No, you lay on your side in semi-consciousness, facing towards the dying embers of the fire. That’s how you hear the almost imperceptible tread of a foot in the dirt.
It’s slight, just a soft rustle and a gentle scuttle in the dirt beside you. But then you feel his breath, cold on your neck. Easily mistaken for a night breeze, except you have waited to feel it all night.
For a man who drips with sex, his very voice meant to make you tremble with need, he does not creep too close. His hand rests on your shoulder with uncertainty. The other gently sweeps back the stray strands of your hair from your neck.
His touch is reserved, hesitant, only brushing your body where necessary. Beneath that shell of seduction, you feel the self-doubt, the nerves worn to a shred from 200 years of abuse. And for as much as you long to turn and wrap your arms around him and his suffering soul, you fight the urge. You shut your eyes tighter, counting the second of your every inhale and exhale to make them sound sleepy.
Then comes his bite. That delicious puncture of your skin that hurts for a second, quickly tenderly cared for with soft laps of his tongue as he drinks from you. You try not to twitch, try not to lean your body against him as he crouches. He must think himself so stealthy, and you wouldn’t want to take that from your rogue.
All too soon he withdraws, but you feel the mass of his body lingering. You can almost hear his head twist as he observes you. “Go back to sleep, darling,” he whispers. “I hope it was as good for you as it was for me…”
“How…?” you begin, shifting in your bed to look up at him. His hair luminous in the starlight, his skin as pale as the moon.
That smirk only widens, a trickle of your blood runs from the elevated corner of his lips. “Please,” he gives a little chuckle, bending down to whisper right into the curves of your ear, “two-hundred years, and I know the dance of a sleeping heart… and the beat of one who just can’t get enough of me being so near them.”
You turn your head, looking right into those crimson eyes, now glowing a bit with his renewed strength.
“Next time you wish to do this again awake, you have but to ask, darling…” his lips purse as he finishes his words. But you notice that ripple of hesitation again. “I’m eager for any and all your suggestions, my dear.”
Now you hesitate, your eyes flicker between the way his long, dexterous fingers rest on his bent knee to the way his lips still are stained with your blood. You breathe, “Will you…” You swallow, unable to get the last words from your dry throat.
“Yes?” he encourages you, his voice barely more than a rasp.
“Will you… kiss me?” You feel your stomach drop in horror at your boldness.
But your daring earns you a smile that flashes his brilliant white teeth at you. “I thought you would never ask, darling…” he purrs, lowering his mouth once more. It is quick, well, quicker than you would like. His lips press softly on yours, the coppery taste of your blood touching your tongue. He begins to withdraw, but you aren’t done, your heart races again. Your hand flies into his silver hair, holding gently at the base of his neck, trying to hang on for one more moment. You feel his muscles soften, relaxing as he feels your want. That you invite him closer. His own hand moves similarly, tenderly lifting your chin, his lips beginning to move almost imperceptibly between yours.
You taste yourself more on his mouth, the slow languorous way he works into yours, sharing that flavor bit by bit.
Until he pulls back. You let him. Careful not to push, or tug him. Not to break his trust, for as much as he begs you for yours.
“So much for no more bites in the night,” he laughs quietly. “I… do like that, you know. It is ever so much more fun when you are awake.”
You say nothing. No coherent words can form on your tongue or in your mind. So instead you nod, you smile, your hand trying to grab the twisted blanket to fit back around you.
But his pale hands reach for it first. “Go back to sleep, darling,” he repeats, quieter than before as he pulls the woolen wrap to cover your body.
You feel sleep tugging you under at last, the soft throb of your neck almost as sweet as the ghost of his kiss on your lips.
And as you close your eyes, you breathe, almost feeling that powerful, glowing gaze watching you from his tent. Watching over you until the light of dawn.
My other Astarion x Reader fics:
“The Rogue You Were:” part 1–Welcome me (NSFW)
“The Rogue You Were:” part 2-Cleanse me (NSFW)
“Just A Drop:” drabble as he turns Tav
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t3ag3rs · 6 months
g e n s o - 0 5.
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"the thirds ones wrong.. it should be will not well.."
you sighed out answering present mics question. "thats correct!" he continued to ramble on about grammar and english. 
you put your head down and closed your eyes wishing class would go by faster. 
then the bell rang, dismissing you all to go to lunch.
"y/n! come sit with us!" said mina, pulling your arm. you laughed and walked along with her, kirishima, and two other boys. "sup beautiful im denki kamanari and thats hanta sero, nice to finally meet you" said the yellow haired boy grinning.
you waved, "nice to meet you two as well!" kirishima groaned, "im so hungry..! i cant wait to some of the yummy food!" sero laughed as he patted his stomach, "hes like a baby!" 
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
you sat down between mina and kirishima, chatting with them as they ate. god im so hungry.... but i cant risk gaining any fat right now... im at the healthiest ive been.. i cant gain anything!
you looked down at your fingers and fiddled with them. "hey y/n, why arent you eating anything?" asked kirishima curiously, you looked at him and quickly blurted an excuse, "o-oh! i had a heavy breakfast right before i left so im still stuffed!" you chuckled to deflect any second thoughts from them.
mina nodded, "ohhhh i get that.. well make sure to eat at home kay?" you nod smiling at her, of course i will..
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
finally it was time for the class you were waiting for. "i am here!! coming through the door like a hero!" announced all might as he made a dramatic entrance into the class. you couldnt help but let out a wide smile at him.
the whole class started talking amongst themselves at how they were amazed he was teaching them. you knew bakugou was jumping inside at the sight of his favorite hero, but didnt wanna seem like he was a fanboy. 
 "today we will be focused on battle!" you looked to see bakugou grinning, "but in order to do that you guys have to look good!" suddenly boxes of all of your hero costumes came out of the wall.
oh my gosh is that really my coustume??? you thought excitedly, smiling widely. "change and meet me at training ground beta!" all might instructed.
 you went into the girls locker room and started changing, "i cant wait to see how my costume looks on me!" exclaimed mina, as she put on her costume. you laugh in agreement and start putting on yours. 
 "ill see you out there y/n! dont take to long!" she said as she ran out giddily. you finish putting on your costume and look at yourself in the mirror, you smiled as you saw how it accentuated your muscle and curves well, before running out to the rest of the students.
you walked out while smiling, "OH MT GOD Y/N YOU JUST RAISED THE HEAT OVER HERE! YOU LOOK SO HOT!" screamed mina, getting everyone's attention. you blush and thank her for the compliment while adjusting the thigh harnesses. 
you look over to see bakugou in his hero costume and take notice of how much his body had changed. he had definitely grown more muscular and even though you wouldnt admit it, he looked good.
you held your breath as you made eye contact with him. he widened his eyes a bit before looking the other way. "honestly though.. your costume looks so good!" mina praised, " o-oh! thanks..! honestly it isnt really something i usually wear.. the skin tight crop top, and i always usually try to stay away from pants that are somewhat tight around my thighs and butt.. "
 "no way! they show off the body you got blessed with! besides the cargos accentuate your muscular thighs! i think your whole costume looks good on you!" she smiles, you blush and bow your head thanking her.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
you listened closely as all might explained what you all would be doing today. you felt someone glaring at you and turned to look at them, only to meet a pair of vermillion eyes. you narrowed your eyes and stared back until he turned away, haha! i win asswipe!
you walked up to all might to draw your lot and see who you got paired with. letting out a low curse your paper read 'katsuki bakugou'. god you must really hate me huh..? out of all the people here this guy??
sulking internally you walked toward bakugou and stood by him silently. "all right lets see who the villian and hero will be!" all might reached into the box and pulled out your team and dekus team. "just great.." you mutter realizing you and bakugou were the villians and had to go up against deku. knowing bakugou he would target deku to try and beat him up. 
you and bakugou started heading on inside, "young y/n, young bakugou the key to this exercise is to embody villainy- think like how they would and act upon it, make sure to communicate and work together." you nod, youll only be able to communicate if someone doesnt target deku.
you follow behind bakugou into the room with the fake weapon. you walk toward it and look around to check your surroundings "hey." you turn and look at bakugou, "do you really think deku has a quirk..?" you bite your lip, "well.. we both saw what he did during the physical tests, so yes i do think he has a quirk" you respond looking at bakugou.
you noticed him tense up, "look.. just because he has a quirk now dont go targeting him whenever you can, we both have to communicate if you wanna win this- which im sure you do. so please just try and calm your temper okay?" you add, he stands still and you sigh. "whatever.. its not like youll listen anyways... ill guard the weapon, knowing them uraraka will probably try and come up here, once i deal with her ill help you with izuku"
"all right! lets begin the indoor combat training!" says all might over the loud speaker, "be careful" you tell bakugou before he walks away. you purse your lips knowing he wouldnt hold back on deku, but right now you had to worry about uraraka.
you smirk as you come up with a plan and go to hide behind a pillar near the entrance. suddenly, you hear a huge explosion, "here we go again.." 
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
"bakugou take it easy on the explosions.. i dont think this building can handle too many" you say through the ear piece, "shut up and defend the weapon genso!" he replies. you roll your eyes, this bitch... 
you suddenly hear footsteps and ready yourself quietly, "theres the weapon! wait... wheres y/n..?" she says as she steps through apprehensively. you smirk and let your wind propel yourself forward, manipulating the earth under uraraka you made it wrap around her body, making sure to bound her arms down knowing if she touched you she could make you float. "right here!" you say as you wrap your tape around her, successfully capturing her.
she looked at you with a blank look still processing what just happened, "wait what??" she says questioningly, "sorry to get you out so early, but i really dont trust leaving bakugou with izu" you say before hearing another couple of explosions. 
"bakugou! where are you?" you ask through the earpiece only to get no reply, just great..! no reply from the asswipe!
you run out and touch the floor closing your eyes, you saw the floorplan of the building in your mind letting the earth draw it out for you. you felt a huge surge of motion coming from a specific side of the building and ran to the location as quick as you could.
suddenly all might came over the speaker again, "use that power again bakugou and ill disqualify your team! you need to be aware of your surroundings and strive to make the least amount of damage to it as possible!" 
oh my god theyre gonna kill each other...!  you closed your eyes and pushed your legs faster trying to get there quicker. you heard another couple of explosions and widened your eyes.
 you werent gonna make it in time. 
stopping, you placed your hand on the ground again and found where they were in your mind. deciding to test your quirk, you focused on the spot and found the wall closest to the area. maybe.. just maybe.. i can manipulate the earth and get myself there by moving through the walls..
you focused all your power on the walls and let yourself fall into the earth, the next thing you knew you were in the same room as the two. they were standing in front of each other, izuku was screaming at bakugou and your gut told you to move in between the two. the next thing you knew your feet were moving, and you were hit by both their quirks. 
you let out a loud yelp of pain and fell to the ground. you heard another thump and saw izuku fall to the ground, wincing you crawled your way to him and wrapped the capture tape around him before you passed out. 
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
you blinked your eyes as you familiarized yourself with light and winced as you tried to move. "there, there, take it easy... your bodys pretty beaten up... taking those two powerful blows wasnt very smart of you to do.." explained recovery girl, you let out a sheepish smile, "i couldnt just stand there and let them kill each other.. ive known both since childhood and bakugou isnt one to hold back when it comes to izuku.." you explained.
"hows izuku..?" you ask curiously, "hes already back in class, i still need to heal a couple other of his injuries but he has no energy in his body left for today.." you nod, "can i go back go class..?" she nods, "yes, but make sure you come back tomorrow.. i bandaged the blow on your stomach, but it still needs a bit of healing.. keep the cast on your arm on till tomorrow" she explains before letting you go.
you limp slightly as you walk back to class, gosh itll be so embarrassing walking into the class knowing they saw me pass out- yet again..
opening the door you walked into the class, only to be bombarded by kirishima, mina, and a couple of other students. "oh my gosh y/n you were so kick-ass!" exclaimed mina as she threw her hands around you, "be careful mina! shes still a bit injured!" reminded kirishima, you smiled before waving it off, "im fine.. im just glad everyones okay..!" "that move you pulled where you moved yourself through the earth was awesome!" praised uraraka.
"wait.. wheres izu..?" you question as you couldnt find him in the room, "hes talking to bakugou.." sighs out uraraka, you widen your eyes and run to find the two outside.
gasping for air your finally reach the two, "thank goodness i found you izu..!" you say tiredly, "my gosh y/n... are you okay?" you smile before nodding, "im fine, nothing too major..! im glad your fine though..!" you pause and turn to bakugou, "look bakugou.. as much as i understand your frustrated, you had no right to try and kill izuku in a practice match!" you sighed as you looked down.
"we used to be good friends.. just because of certain values we had we stop being friends.. whatever happens this year- i promise you two this, im not sticking up for either of you. you guys can either die fighting each other because of your massive egos, or learn how to grow up and act like mature people." you grit before turning and limping away.
you knew in your heart that you still valued the friendship you had with them, but you werent going to let bakugou continue and treat deku like shit just to fulfill his ego.
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previous parts: pt. 0 0 / pt. 0 1 / pt. 02 / pt. 03 / pt. 04 next parts: pt. 06 / pt. 07 / pt. 08 / pt. 09 / pt. 10 / pt. 11 / pt. 12 / pt. 13 / pt. 14 / pt. 15
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planetyandere · 2 years
Yandere Naga Izuku Midoriya
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Imagine Izuku taking care of a injured mate
"Ah what are you doing!" Your mate rushed to where you were attempting to stand.
"Izuku please I'm already mostly recovered you don't have to-" you didn't get to finish your sentence as you were wrapped in a strong coil.
"Izuku!" You huffed in frustration as you were once again laid in your nest of blankets.
You went to protest again but he gave you a stern look. Well as stern as he could get.
"I told you you need to rest until you're 100 percent better! What if you fall and hurt yourself even more?!"
You crossed your arms, sick of being treated like glass and not being able to do anything for that past 2 weeks.
"But I'm going crazy Izuku! I'm already not allowed to leave the cave and now you're not letting me leave the nest, it's not fair!" You knew you were being brattier than usual but you couldn't help it this time. You threw yourself back and rolled away from his touch.
Izuku was now distressed. He hated when you were upset with him. And even more so when you rejected his touch.
"But I'm just trying to keep you safe, please don't be upset... How about I bring you back some of those berries you like?!"
You remained silent knowing he would hate that too.
"Well what about...oh I know! How about a new blanket for our nest??" He suggested hopeful that would satisfy you.
His heart broke when your next words were a mumbled, "Just leave me alone already, aren't I miserable enough..."
He hated you being sad he really did. But there were just some things he couldn't allow you to do for your own safety. After all you were a human. Humans were always hunted by Nagas for mates and if he didn't keep you hidden away, another might attack.
That was how his parents were and that's how he had to be with you. But he never expected when he took you that you would be so unhappy. Especially when he loved you so much.
"Would....do you...do you want me to take you outside?"
You jumped up at this, eyeing him for any hint of joking. But all you found in his eyes were concern and worry. But still you couldn't believe what he just said.
"D-don't tease me...I know you're lying.." he had never let you outside since you arrived, claiming that your scent would draw out predators and that it was safer for you hidden away.
"I'm not I promise, and although I don't like the idea...I'll take you out for a little while ok?"
"R-really?" You could have cried, scratch that you already could feel the corners of your eyes burning. How long had it been since you'd seen the sky, and not through the cracks in the high cave ceilings.
"If it'll make you happy yes, but just this once ok! There are so many dangerous creatures I cant risk them knowing you're here".
Quickly you nodded, not really hearing anything he was saying, just hyper at thought of finally getting a taste of the freedom you missed.
Gently Izuku wrapped his tail around you lifting you Into his arms. You held on tightly, no matter how much time had passed you still weren't used to being held like that.
Slowly he slithered toward the cave entrance hidden by large vines and leaves.
"You might want to close your eyes sweetheart" and he was right, soon the light felt piercing sharp. You squinted as your eyes slowly adjusted. It had been a long time since you'd seen such direct light after all.
When you were finally able to open them more you gasped at the view.
Izuku took you to the edge of the cliff where for miles all you could see was a ocean of lush forest. It nearly brought tears to your eyes. Had long had it been since you saw a view like this?
"Huh? Wait why are you crying?! Are you in pain?! I knew we shouldn't have moved you around so much-" you surprised him by placing a kiss on his cheek.
He immediately blushed at the voluntary display of affection.
"Thank you Izuku" you leaned against his body as you gazed across the beautiful land. So close yet so far to someone like you. You knew escape was impossible, so you learned after a while that it was better to please your captor rather than upset him. He'd be more willing to bend every now and then after all. And seeing how he broke one of his firmest rules for you today, you realized you might have more power over him than you thought...
A.n, lemme know what you guys thought! This is a new blog for me:) I'm also taking requests! More info to come💕
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malk1ns · 10 months
"Sidgeno taking in a rookie" prompter here - that was delightful, thank you soooooo much!!!!! :D :D if you would like to write anything more in that mini-verse, may I request a) how does Mack handle it when Sid goes into heat? does they politely kick him out of the house for a few days? or does he have to listen to them bone all day? or b) Sid teasing Geno about how the baby obviously has a massive crush on him or c) maybe Mack does walk in on them at some point? all I'm saying is it baffles me how little fandom makes of the potential hilarity/awkwardness of "oh no we can't move till the knot goes down". But no pressure as you've already given us such a gift!!!
thank YOU for an incredible prompt!!! i feel like maybe we could put these in some form of chronological order....
c) mack walks in on them
Sid and Geno are usually pretty discreet. It's not their fault that Mack's going through dynamics puberty, after all—the dynamics counselor with the team said he'd have elevated sensitivity to scents and pheromones for at least a year, but it will eventually settle. Mack can't blame Sid and Geno for not realizing just how sensitive he is—they keep it to their bedroom, and Sid's got pheromone neutralizers plugged into an outlet in every room. Mack's learning to deal with it, doing his best to get to his room and shut the door when Sid starts looking at Geno like that.
Sometimes, though, they're not careful.
As soon as Mack walks into the house, he groans—it reeks, Sid's little air fresheners doing absolutely nothing to dispel the cloud of horny alpha and seductive omega permeating the entire entryway. He'd been at the mall with Brayden, poking around for Christmas presents for his parents—he was gone for ages, haven't they done anything else this whole afternoon?
Sighing, he hangs his coat on the rack and takes off his shoes, remembering just in time to not just kick them off into the wall—one time catching Sid cleaning off the scuff marks was more than enough guilt for a lifetime. He thinks vaguely about getting a snack, but figures that distracting himself with some television until they're done is the better choice. He's felt even more attuned to Sid and Geno's scents recently, and there's an itch under his skin that he's trying not to worry about too much.
The living room isn't empty.
"Oh god," Mack yelps, freezing in the doorway. "Oh no."
"Fuck," Sid gasps, grabbing at Geno's shoulders to stop himself from tipping back onto the floor.
One of the couches in the living room, the one Geno always claims during movie night and coaxes Sid into cuddling with him on, is angled so that it's half-facing the door into the room. Mack has an unimpeded, perfect view of the way Geno's slouched against the back cushions, arms akimbo, staring up at Sid with heavy-lidded eyes as Sid rides him.
"Oh my god," Sid says frantically, leaning forward and grabbing for a blanket. He and Geno both hiss in discomfort, and Mack cant help it, he looks down at where Geno's dick is—fuck, he's knotted Sid already, and Mack can see where it's stretching Sid wide.
He snaps his eyes away, but Geno catches him looking, and Mack just knows what he must smell like right now, knows there's no way Geno misses his reaction.
Sid's muttering frantically to himself as he drapes the blanket around his naked body, as if that's going to help at all. "Mack, I'm so sorry, just—" he starts.
Mack flees. It's the only sane decision.
Maybe if he opens every window in his bedroom and sticks his head under ice-cold water in the shower, he can shock this boner away and hopefully purge the entire incident from his mind.
b) sid teases geno about mack's crush
"Oh god," Sid groans, tucking his face into Geno's neck. They'd been so careful until today.
It's been an adjustment, having Mack in the house. Of course it was the best choice—the only choice, really—to have their draft prize who also happened to be an omega live somewhere he'd be taken care of properly, with someone who understood—that didn't make it any easier to get used to.
There had been a lot of close calls at first, when Sid was halfway to sliding to his knees in the kitchen when Geno looked at him a certain way before realizing that Mack was just one room away setting the table, or Geno was about to push Sid's thighs apart on the couch when Mack shuffled in with a bowl of popcorn. They'd gotten used to it, though, making sure to get up to their bedroom before starting anything—Sid even set up a bunch of scent-neutralizers, he remembers what it was like at that age.
All that hard work, totally undone because Sid's a week and a half out from his heat and starting to get horny at the drop of a hat, and Geno got too worked up to remember to chivvy them up the stairs.
Mack looked mortified. Poor kid. And of course Sid's been knotted in Geno's lap for the last half-hour, with no signs of it going down any time soon.
Sid can feel Geno chuckle under him, and he can't help but relax, letting his body go heavy against Geno's. Geno slips his hands under the blanket and rubs them soothingly over Sid's back. "He ok," Geno rumbles, pressing a kiss to Sid's forehead. "He's adult, not like he doesn't know. He's have a computer, internet." One hand slides down Sid's back to tease at his hole, where Geno's knot is stretching him, and Sid shivers.
"He's barely an adult, he's practically a baby," he mumbles into Geno's skin, trying to keep focused on the conversation instead of melting at Geno's touch like his instincts want him to. "And even if he's watching porn, that's not the same as walking in on us. I'd be traumatized if I ever saw Mario like this."
Geno laughs outright at that. "No, you see Mario do this, you run up to room and get off," he teases.
He's not wrong. Sid bites down on his neck a little anyway. "Who's to say Mack's not doing the same?" he asks, arching his back a little and pressing against Geno's finger. He should probably go get his levels checked tomorrow, his heat might be early this month. "He's got the world's biggest crush on you, and now he's seen you in action. Probably made his day."
"Sid!" Geno sounds shocked, and Sid grins. Geno talks a big game, but he's a prude at heart, and Sid loves scandalizing him a little bit. "You don't say this, he's kid, like, he's not think—"
"Oh, he absolutely does," Sid says. "I'm surprised you haven't noticed. He's no good at suppressing how he's feeling, and he's got it bad for you. Not that I can blame him."
"Oh, you like too?" Geno says, sounding smug. Sid wants to keep talking, try to figure out with Geno how they should address this with Mack, but Geno's sliding his finger into him, and the pressure is sparking stars in his vision, and they can talk about it later.
a) how does mack handle sid going into heat?
Mack avoids Sid and Geno as much as he can for the next few days.
'As much as he can' isn't all that much, considering they live together and carpool to work most days, and Mack's mom would yell at him if he took the meals Sid made and ate in his bedroom. So he's still around them a ton, but he keeps quiet when possible, and after Sid tries to coax him into conversation the first day, they let him be.
The problem is, the itchiness under Mack's skin hasn't gone away. If anything, it's gotten worse, and Owen's been acting weird around him too, lurking near him in the locker room and looming behind him on the ice when the guys start roughhousing with him.
Mack's heat isn't due until the All-Star break. Rookies always have their heats suppressed until they have a decent amount of time off, they can do it safely now, and it's easier—he has a few months to get used to playing in the show full-time without having to add in a heat on top of it, and he's got ten full days to take advantage of the facilities and recover when he's done before he's back to game play.
But Mack had two heats before the Penguins medical team got him on his shots. He knows what it feels like when he's getting close. It feels like this.
Watching Geno fuck Sid on the couch only made it worse.
Geno's been watching him too. Mack can feel the weight of his attention, the way he's keeping watch in the room. It keeps Mack up at night, intrusive thoughts about what he'd do if he were a little less nervous and Geno was a little more single.
He's moping in his bedroom after dinner five days after The Incident when someone knocks on his door.
Mack considers ignoring it, pretending he had his headphones in, but the manners his mom drilled into his skull won't let him, so he reluctantly gets off his bed and slumps to the door, cracking it open and hoping Sid will accept a brush-off if he smiles big enough.
It's not Sid. Geno pushes his way into Mack's room, barely glancing around before sitting at Mack's desk and staring at him pointedly until Mack sits back down on his bed.
"Um," Mack says, darting a glance at his nightstand and breathing a quiet sigh of relief when the drawer is shut. "What's up?"
Geno purses his lips. "I'm not talk about...before," he says, grimacing a little. Mack watches in surprise as his face turns a dull red. "It's fine, we don't talk about. But, I need to come say to you, it's heat soon for Sid, and I think maybe for you too, after."
Mack swallows. Shit. "I'm not due until break," he says weakly. "They're giving me the—"
"Shots, yes, I know this," Geno says impatiently, waving a hand in dismissal. "Shots not perfect, like, for Sid they not work at all my rookie year. And for you, I think because you're with Sid so much, it's making like...link, maybe. I don't know, it's for doctors, but I can smell. You talk to Dharmesh?"
Mack cannot imagine addressing the stern team physician by his first name. "Not...yet," he says haltingly. "I was hoping maybe it would go away."
Geno sighs. "Podrostki," he mutters. "No, it's not work that way. Look, I think for Sid's heat you're go stay with Jake, maybe, if it's okay. Not good for you, to be here when he's...I think maybe it's worse for you."
Mack thinks back to how being in heat felt, the way he needed so much, and flushes, imagining that same want creeping up on him when he's locked away in his room, listening to Geno give Sid everything he wants down the hall. No, he can't be here for that. "Is Jake okay with that?" is what he says, ducking his head so he doesn't have to meet Geno's too-knowing gaze. What they're dancing around is that Geno knows how Mack feels, maybe has known the whole time, and that it's not just Sid's heat that's accelerating Mack's own.
Mack wonders if it's too late to ask to be sent back to juniors.
"Jake offers," Geno says. "He say, maybe it's good for you to be with betas for a while, especially then—it's hard for the guys, even the ones who know Sid for years, and you're new."
Mack takes a breath. Being around someone who isn't involved in the drama surrounding dynamics sounds like a breath of fresh air, even if Mack's going to be going through all this for himself soon. Maybe a break is exactly what he needs.
"Yeah, okay," he says. "If they're alright with it, that's probably a good idea. I'll go whenever you guys think I need to."
Geno nods and gets to his feet. "It's maybe another few days," he says, pausing before he leaves and clapping a hand on Mack's shoulder. "You good kid. It gets easier, Sid says."
The next morning, Sid's practically in Geno's lap at breakfast, and when Mack walks into the kitchen Sid growls at him, territory-marking in a way that Mack's only read about. Geno looks half-drunk on the flood of pheromones, pulling Sid in close and licking over his bond bite.
Mack runs up to his room and shoves as many clothes as he can manage into his travel bag, hoping that the Guentzels are ready for company sooner than anticipated.
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cdroloisms · 8 months
Sixteenth Day Event Prompt:
Dream sneaks into Pogtopia to see Wilbur
woo! managed to finish this in time. kinda unedited and kinda a mess but i've missed writing these guys; i'm deeefinitely in need of more practice to get c!wilbur's voice down, but hopefully this can be the start of me writing some more fic set earlier in the timeline, LMAO.
thanks @elmhat for the awesome event!! been epic to see people's submissions and i cant wait to see this continue. ur awesome <3
c!dream meets up with c!wilbur to tell him about a change to their plans | 2.3k words
<Dream> be there in 5 
The communicator in Wilbur’s hand casts a pale glow onto the palm of his hand, the only light he has to guide him as he paces the length of the hollowed-out room; it’s dark, zombies groaning somewhere outside, the dead singing their songs, shuffling through underbrush in the belly of the forest that surrounds Pogtopia. The air is musty in their little dugout, a claustrophobic awning of stone carved into the side of a hill, well-shadowed even during the day, the darkness swallowing the wan light of the comm in his hands now. He can barely see the floor underneath him as he walks, shuffling steps forward and back, ten paces each. He presses his hand against the wall, turning to the entrance and standing still. 
Phil always had a whole thing about light, Wilbur having grown up on lectures about light levels and spawn-proofing and the dangers of leaving cavities unlit while mining, had grilled him on different ways of keeping a room from becoming a death trap. Carpets, half-slabs, glass. How many times had he been warned of the danger presented by surprise creepers and dark corners? 
Phil had never been much of a fan of explosions. 
The main server is mostly well-lit, but the secrecy demanded by revolution effort means that the forest surrounding Pogtopia gets much darker. Not that he’s in the main ravine at the minute–with the amount of people coming and going as of late, Dream had wanted their meeting to be in a slightly more discreet location, and Wilbur had agreed. It was easy enough to slip away with Technoblade once again off to do his own thing and Tommy having run off to find Tubbo, and Wilbur had managed to arrive to the room sufficiently early before sunset to prevent himself from getting ambushed by mobs. 
He slips his hand into his coat pocket. Chekov’s gun is smooth and cold against the palm of his hand, polished wood and metal. He smooths the pads of his fingers down the barrel, over the trigger. He leaves it, pulling out a half-empty pack of cigarettes instead. His lighter provides a clearer view of the room, still empty. Dream is late. 
Dream is usually late, then again–it’s expected, really, with the way he runs around the server, always busy, always chasing down those plans of his, smart man that he is. Dream likes his secrets, his mystery, mask and armor all made to keep his cards close to his chest–Wilbur can hardly fault him for it, god no. Dream has what he wants, just as they all do, all of them tripping over themselves in their ambition, crabs in a bucket, the pledges to help the revolution coming from each one that jumps off of Schlatt’s sinking ship. He breathes in deep, smoke coating his lungs with tar. 
Light throws itself into the room from the entrance, rippling wildly as the fire on the end of Dream’s torch burns, casting wild shadows over his mask as he squeezes himself inside. Despite his armor, he has an uncanny knack for moving silently, cloak and hood pulled low over his head so that only the edge of the painted smile is visible. The torch is raised higher, moved left and right as Dream surveys the contents of the room around them. Wilbur smiles and tips his head towards him in greeting. 
“Dream, my man. How good to see you again.” 
“Wilbur…” Dream’s voice trails off. His head turns from one side to the other, making another anxious sweep of the room before refocusing on Wilbur, his hand moving to pull his hood down and then run his hand through his hair, having been pressed flat by the heavy fabric. The blank face of his mask stares back at Wilbur, tilting to the side like a confused dog as he shakes out his shoulders. “We…need to talk.” 
“Well? I’m all ears.” He gestures at himself, leaning against the wall of the room. Dream turns to look over his shoulder again. His armor glimmers, the light of the runes on their surface made more obvious in the dark. He bounces on the balls of his feet, reaches up once again to tug his fingers through his hair.
“It’s important.” No shit, Wilbur almost says, because for all that Dream might think that his mask hides everything he’s thinking, he’s never quite been as guarded with his body language as he might hope; the anxiety rolling off of every jerky movement is enough to set Wilbur’s teeth on edge as it is, never mind the long silences and hesitation, but he’s not stupid enough to think that that would get him anything resembling an answer. Instead, he raises an eyebrow, smiles wider, and spits out another curling thread of smoke.
“You’re an important man. I should hope so.” 
Dream pauses at that. His head does that tilt-thing again. “...alright.” 
“So? What is it? Do tell.” Has Dream decided to go against him? Perhaps. His enthusiasm with regards to their plan is more unpredictable than Wilbur had expected, sometimes perfectly willing, sometimes hesitant to agree to much of anything. But he had agreed, nonetheless, had provided the TNT that Wilbur has set sprawling underneath Manberg’s main stage; cold feet, now, would be rather unprecedented. Still, it’s Dream–very little can be discounted when Dream is in the picture, Wilbur knows. He places his hands in his pockets, thumbs hooked over the edge, pistol brushing against his fingertips. “I hate to push, but the suspense is killing me.” 
Dream takes another second, then reaches behind his head. Wilbur straightens where he’s standing, suddenly curious, as he removes his mask. 
He’s seen Dream without it only a few times–all able to be counted on one hand, this one included. The light of the torch illuminates his face from the chin up, cast shadows highlighting the contours of his skull, the contours of his cheeks, light catching under his brows. His features are delicate in a way that still surprises him, a smattering of freckles over the nose of his bridge made visible as he raises the torch higher. Dream’s eyes are a little wide, a little bloodshot. He bites his bottom lip, blinking twice in quick succession, eyes darting over the walls and then back to Wilbur’s face. 
“Schlatt called me. For a meeting earlier.” 
“He knows about the TNT.” 
Wilbur blinks. “Well, fuck.” 
“Look–Wilbur, look.” Dream makes a little move with his hands, shaking them out by the wrists. “It’s not–it’s not the end of. This, okay? But, he knows. I didn’t tell him. I don’t know how he found out, I don’t know if someone told him, I haven’t told anyone, but–he knows. We can still work with this.” 
“Schlatt knows?” He searches Dream’s face. He seems earnest, but god knows, but what would he have to gain from lying about this, anyway? Who else could’ve told him–Tommy? Tommy might not tell Schlatt directly, but Tommy has never been good with secrets, letting anyone and everyone in on everything with an apparent inability to control his own tongue–
“--but it’s, fine. The TNT is still there, the room is still intact. I checked some of the wiring and it doesn’t look like it’s been tampered with. Wilbur, are you listening to me?” 
Wilbur waves him off. “I’m listening. Just keep going.” 
“I don’t think we need to change anything with the TNT. Like, Schlatt’s just one guy. And his gear is shit. If he messes with the TNT, then we’ll–we’ll figure something out, but you know, I don’t even think he even, like, knows where it all is.” 
“Well, it’s kind of everywhere, so–” 
“–which is my point. It’s too deep, he’s still sitting on top of a bomb. There’s nothing–there’s nothing he can do.” Dream crosses his arms in front of his chest, still worrying his lip between his teeth. “I just thought you should know.” 
Schlatt knows. Schlatt knows–Wilbur paces against the wall of their room, ten paces forward and ten paces back. He crushes his cigarette underneath his boot, nails digging into his palm. 
“Well, Dream? Is that all?” 
Dream’s expression twists. His brows pinch together, lips pressed against each other and curling into a slight grimace, his expression giving too much away after spending so much time masked. 
“There’s…one more thing.” 
Wilbur scoffs. “Just spit it out, you prick.” 
Dream doesn’t even react to the insult, shoulders hunching up as he begins speaking. “Look…it’s just. My plans have…changed.” 
What? “I thought you just said that they didn’t?” 
“Our plans are the same. It’s just–Schlatt made me, an offer.” Dream shifts from foot to foot. He swallows, throat working, his eyes still bright and wide, pupils dilated with a thin circle of green around. Wilbur stares at him. He almost looks… “He’s got something. Important. He asked me to…join him, kind of, and he’d–give it to me.” 
“It’s not–look, Wilbur. Wilbur.” Dream raises his hands, palms out, a placating motion. “It’s not what you think, but I–I had to.” 
“You had to join Manberg.” 
“I’m not joining Manberg!” Dream runs his hand through his hair, eyes flashing. Wilbur is suddenly very aware of the axe on his back, the heavy plates of netherite armor. Eret, the button, it was never meant to be. “Why would I join Manberg, what–”
“So what’s this? What’s this then, Dream?” 
“Because from where I’m standing, I have to say, it looks a lot like you’re betraying me.” 
“I am not–”
“That’s just like you. That’s just like you, isn’t it? Good ol’ Dream, mister 1000 IQ, outsmarting everyone–well-played, man, well-played! I really must congratulate you!” 
“Wilbur, can you just–”
“So what is this meeting then, Dream? Gotten cold feet, now that you’ve been discovered? You’re his little lackey now, is that it, his little lap dog–you’re gonna start another war? Put down another revolution, lead us all out to slaughter like last time, good for you, you motherfucker, is that the point of this farce? You’re here to kill me?” 
“Wilbur, can you just listen to me!” 
Dream’s voice is raised. Wilbur draws himself up to full height, Dream’s head craning up slightly as he crosses the room in front of him in two long strides. 
“I’m not. Joining Manberg.” Dream’s arms are crossed tightly in front of him, scowling slightly. It’s an expression not all that much unlike Tommy’s teenage petulance, a set jaw, eyes narrowed under furrowed brows. “There’s just–a peace treaty, right? I can’t just violate that. And now Schlatt knows. He’s asking for me to give him–gear.” 
“Gear, like what.” 
“Armor. Weapons, shields. Support in the incoming fight. You know, he’d already been paying Punz, the rest of the people in my country are already going to fight with him. And, whatever.” 
Wilbur rocks back on his heels. His skin itches, feeling antsy, so he goes back to pacing. “And?” 
“I meant what I said, earlier. This doesn’t change anything. The TNT is still there, we can still blow it up. It…doesn’t matter who wins the, the battle and stuff.” 
Wilbur sets his shoulders, turning back to look Dream in the eye. “Really. It doesn’t matter.” 
“It doesn’t! It doesn’t matter. We have an agreement, that’s still like–a thing.” Dream’s hands close into fists, then open again. “I don’t like this, okay? I don’t like Schlatt–” Wilbur scoffs, “--and I don’t exactly want to work with him. But I have to. I swear, I really have to.” 
“Because, what. The treaty?” 
Dream shakes his head, expression still all twisted up like he’s eaten something sour. “He’s got. A book.”
Wilbur laughs outright at that. “A book.” 
“It’s–Wilbur, I swear. It’s important. I’ll, I might–I’ll–” Dream makes a frustrated sound, teeth clenched. “I have to get it.” 
“So you’re going to work for Schlatt.” Fuck it. Wilbur pulls out another cigarette, lighting it as he speaks. “You’re going to be the emperor’s little guard dog.” 
“No, no, it makes sense. It’d be too boring for you otherwise, wouldn’t it? Not enough chaos, with everyone joining the rebellion.” He gestures with the cigarette, Dream’s eyes caught on it as it moves. “You want us all to fucking destroy ourselves, keep everyone weak, Manberg, Pogtopia–you don’t need to explain yourself, man, you’re a smart guy! Even out the playing field, join whatever team has the fewest players, keep yourself above it all. Bravo, really. Bravo.” 
Dream’s jaw works, but he stays silent. Wilbur smiles at him and breathes in a long drag of smoke. 
“Well, Dream. I very much appreciate our meeting together today, really. Really! This has been…enlightening. Is that all? Or do you have any other important information to tell me.” 
“...I’ll come around in a few days to tell the others. About, switching sides and whatever. And–the TNT is still going off, alright? No matter what.” 
Wilbur rolls his eyes. “Obviously.” 
Dream stares him down, Wilbur meeting his eyes evenly. He breaks eye contact first, looking down at the floor and tossing several stacks of TNT onto the ground between them. -
“Thank you, Dream. Until next time then.” 
Dream stares at him, blinks, his eyes wide and green, before he turns away. The torch disappears into his inventory as he walks to the exit of the room, silhouetted in the doorway as he presses the mask back over his face. Wilbur reaches into his pocket, draws out Chekhov’s gun, holds his arm straight in front of him, fingers wrapped around the pistol as Dream works at the straps behind his head. He keeps it held there, pointed at Dream’s back until the man slips into the night, the blurry reflection of the lit end of his cigarette vaguely visible in the dull metal. 
He’s not sure how long it is before a twinge to his arm makes him slip the unloaded gun back into his pocket. He sighs. He needs to start making his way back; after all, he still needs to think of a birthday present. 
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cinnamon-girl-writes · 3 months
HIIII ITS ME AGAIN THE ONE WHO REQUESTED MITSUYA FIC ( HEAVEN SENT) I REALLY LIKEDDD IT BAEEE CAN I REALLY HAVE SOMETHING LIKE THAT AGAIN? like s/o still managing the company but she is has higher status (bc they are 18) AND PLSSS CAN U INCLUDE TOMAN TOO? like their reaction to girlboss woman who everyone listens IM SORRY BUT THIS SCENARIO IS SO FUNNN u can make it as a fic like they are with toman and s/o orders someone to do their job THANKKKK U SO MHCH BAEE
HIIIIIIIII OMG IM LITERALLY SO FLATTERED. I CANT BELIEVE YOU LIKED IT 💕💕💕 mini rant: honestly i'm so glad people are still interacting with the tokyo rev fandom like this. i feel like all the content i've seen for it recently is just pure smut, and these characters are teenagers for most of the series !! or it's all for the newer characters and people forget about the old favs </3 so SEND ME ALL YOUR TOKYOREV ASKS!!!! if anyone cares my personal favs are mitsuya, chifuyu, baji, and Shinichiro :))
heaven struck . . . mitsuya x reader, pt 2
mini series, fluff, cringe warning?, no spoilers, this is set a little while after part 1 so they're more comfortable with eachother now
by @cinnamon-girl-writes
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work today had been busier than usual. since you were a college student now, it meant you got to work full days of the week at your dad's company. however, it also meant long days of dealing with less-than-knowledgable colleages who got on your nerves all too often.
luckily, the clock was just striking 12:30, making it time for you to take your lunch break. you had packed leftovers that your mom made last night, but you weren't looking forward to them that much. but it saved money and time, so that was your lunch plan for today.
as you went down the elevator to the employee break room (it wasn't as nice and spacious as your office, but it was a chance to get out and socialize) you went to check your messages. one popped up from your boyfriend, mitsuya.
taka <3 12:23 pm:
-> about to take your lunch break?
you sent him a quick text back telling him that you were just heading downstairs. on your way, you needed to make a pit stop at the reception desk to drop of some important documents to the receptionist, liza. she was a nice girl, a few years older than you, who had started working at the company a few months ago.
as you entered the main lobby a smile crept onto your face as you noticed three familiar faces: your boyfriend, takashi; his best friend, draken; and their leader, mikey. the latter was snacking on what seemed to be a dorayaki and tapping on the glass of the fish tank. you quickly dropped the files off with a quick word to liza before sneaking up behind takashi, who was turned the other direction. you wrapped your arms around his neck from behind, pulling him down to your height.
"may i help you, sir?" you say with a giggle into his ear. you let him go enough for him to turn around and see you, which quickly has him pulling you into a tight embrace.
"i missed you so much today . . . oh, and i brought you lunch."
loosening his hold on you, he held out a bag. you looked inside to see it was from your favorite cafe down the street. you thanked him by pressing a kiss to his cheek.
a cough comes from draken's direction. "uh, can we get going soon? we have a toman meeting tonight."
mitsuya ran his hand through your hair on more time before turning back to his friends. "you guys go ahead. i'm gonna spend the rest of the day with y/n, if that's okay with you guys."
draken grumbled, and you heard something under his breath like, "i never get to skip meetings for emma..."
mikey grinned, finishing off the last bite of his snack. "i know i can always count on you, so you can have the day off, mitsuya. besides, me and ken-chan need to go by the dorayaki stand before it closes!"
with that, you said your goodbyes and the pair was off. that left you with your boyfriend for the rest of your lunch break.
"so, wanna come see my office?" you asked. you intertwined your fingers with his. after giving you another peck on the cheek, the two of you made your way up the elevator and down the hallway.
"wow, you have your own room all to yourself? impressive," mitsuya remarked. you blushed at his words. you were proud of your accomplishments, but it felt good to have someone you cared about so much acknowledge them.
"so, this is my desk and my computer where i do most of my work," you said, giving mitsuya a mini-tour. "then over here i have a cabinet with some files and notes . . . and i have a nice view of the city."
mitsuya strolled around the room, taking everything in.
"i love it," he chimed. "it's very you."
you smile at his compliment before he speaks again.
"eat, please. you need the energy for the rest of your day."
the next thirty minutes went on peacefully, you finishing your food and mitsuya observing the rest of your office. you had a little fish tank in the corner, and he watched as the orange and white goldfish glided around the aquarium.
as you went to see how much time you have left for lunch, you were interrupted by a knock at your door. opening it, you see your colleage, andrew.
"hi, can i . . . help you?" you asked. it was strange for one of your coworkers to come directly to your office, especially at this time of day.
"yeah, just letting you know i'm heading out. bye!" he said, walking away as he spoke.
"early? did you finish those reports i need?" you asked.
"no, but i'll finish them tomorrow morning, i promise." he continued, still walking away.
"excuse me! you can't just leave important and confidential work unfinished and open on your computer. you need to finish that before you leave." you responded.
he sighed, loosening his tie before trudging back to his cubicle. "oh, okay . . . "
closing the door, you sighed, running your hands over your face. sudddenly, you hear a chuckle from behind you. it's your boyfriend mitsuya, of course-- you would recognize that laugh anywhere.
you dropped your hands to your lap, smiling slightly. "what's so funny, huh?"
mitsuya looked up at you. "i just didn't know my girlfriend was such a badass, that's all. the way you handled that was amazing."
you laughed shyly, mitsuya taking your hands. "well, it's not always easy," you muse. "but it pays well."
grinning, your boyfriend leans up to press a kiss first to your cheek, then to your lips. "and you look amazing doing it, baby."
i don't really like it :((( but i hope it fits what you wanted 🤍
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i dont think regular people can grasp how isolating it is to be that person who is always single in a society and environment where people are always dating, and dating is so culturally relevant. all my friends have had longterm/serious relationships and even when theyre single they are usually seeing someone. im seeing someone maybe 2 months a year on average but im „true single“ most of the time and dont really get into relationships at all. and its always been this way.
and with age and thanks to getting more into feminism i know that my selfworth and value as a person does not rely on dating. in fact most relationships i see are dysfunctional or with men i would not want to be with (im saying men because they are usually the problem, but also because most men are just unattractive on top). and i think that promoting to women that being single is okay and good actually is really important. that you can very much be happy without a relationship.
nonetheless there is of course the human need for affection, a longing for romantic/sexual companionship (i know some people dont have that and it doesnt make them less human but i think its normal human desire that cant be unconditioned, and i dont even think that should be the goal). and you can barely protect yourself from sociocultural messaging which is additionally enforcing it. even if you rationally know that there is nothing wrong with being single, especially as a woman its difficult to shake this feeling of being a failure. always seeing your friends go through the motions while you remain the same. etc
anyways im really vulnerable right now if any insane women want to take advantage of me…
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ghostlyvoidshark · 1 year
hi shark hiii!!! how about something with the reader taking care of shane(stardew valley) or really any character you might prefer. no pressure, just have fun!! :>
Hi friend hiiii!!! Thank you so much for the request! Im happy you could be the first to ask <3 as a Shane lover i appreciate the choice XD I wrote it, edited it, rewrote it then hoped it was good enough. it’s just a short little story but again i hope its a decent start!
not proof read we die like lazy rats.
tw: awkward comfort for depression, talk of depression, Shane stuff
A quiet autumn day. The trees have even painted an array of reds and yellows, the air crisp and fulfilling. You had woken up early on this day, fixing your breakfast and a nice drink to get you started. you put on your work clothes and greeted your pet with a loving pat, opening up the door to greet the rising sun. That first breath of the fresh air sent a pleasant wave through your system, waking you up from what lingering grogginess there was. The chickens just began to crow inside their coop, greeting the morning like you. And so, stepping onto then off the porch, you started your day.
It took you till about mid-day for you to take a break. You liked to get all the important things done first and then move on to the less pressing tasks like running errands and cleaning up around the farm. You started with running errands first to give yourself a small break from the same surroundings, and to have a chance to greet everyone. Almost everyone likes to be out around now.
You headed off to Marnie’s first, saying goodbye for now to your chickens and telling them to behave as you passed them on your way. It didn’t take you long, nothing you could forage catching your eye on the way. Marnie had greeted you with a warm smile when you walked in the door. “Good morning, dear. How are you this afternoon?” She set her book down to give you her full attention. She was sitting in a chair behind the counter. “I’m doing good, how have y’all been?” You returned the smile, walking up to the counter after wiping your shoes on the mat. “I’ve been good and so has Jas, but I cant say the same for Shane.” Your smile fell at that. “Oh dear, Is he okay? Can I do anything to help?” You wanted to do what you could for your friend, already used to running errands for others. Marnie smiled and shook her head with a chuckle. “You’re always caring for others. You’re a good kid, you know that?” You gave her a confused look before hufffing a small laugh and smiling. “Uh, thank you. I take that as hopefully not bad?” She nodded her head, “Yes, he’s just been very exhausted lately. He hasn’t been feeling very well so I fussed at him till he took a break from work for a day.” She threw a warning look towards the hall that led to his room, as if to make sure he really got the message. “I see, well - would you mind if I go see him? I just want to check up on him..” You fiddled nervously with the hem of your clothing. “Of course I don't mind. I’m sure he’d be glad to see you.” She nodded, picking up her book again. “Thank you.” you headed down the hall.
You knocked softly on the door, hoping it was loud enough to be heard without bothering him. There was some grumbling from the other side before a muffled “yeah?” You perked up and leaned towards the door. “Hey, it's me. Can I come in?” There was shuffling and quiet noises you couldn’t pick out before another confirmation. You opened the door carefully and stepped inside. His room was as messy as usual, he understandably struggled with his cleaning habits. You stepped around the things strewn across the floor and made your way over to his bed where you stood over him who looked up at you with misty eyes. “Hey..” You started softly. “Hey…” he replied hoarsely. his voice sounded like it’d break any minute - likely from crying, knowing him.
“I heard you weren’t feeling well so I wanted to visit you. I was worried you had been pushing yourself too hard and gotten sick.” You smiled at him, your brows slightly knit together with worry in a way that made an expression that tugged on his heart strings to make him feel guilty. “That’s not far from the truth, honestly.” He looked away from you and towards the ceiling. “At least,I know that's what you would tell me if I explained myself.”he huffed. “At least you’re becoming self aware.” You chuckle. He rolled his eyes at that. “But I'm glad you were convinced to take a break. Even if you just hold yourself away in a dark room again. Whatever you need to do to feel better.”you reached a hand out, silently asking if you could rest a hand on his arm. He shot you a glance before looking away, not moving to avoid it. So you rest your hand on his arm and gently rub your thumb across the fabric of his jacket. “Do you want to talk about it?”
He thought for a moment, thinking over all that he felt and how he could possibly explain it. He let out a sigh and continued to stare at the ceiling. He started, “I'm so overwhelmed..” He looked off to the side. “I’m feeling so much but am so … so empty. I try so hard to do the bare minimum each day I’m tired of having to do so much and get so little done just to get worse again.” He did his best to explain. You nod along with a Solemn expression, taking his words in carefully. " I've just been feeling awful.." He finally looked towards you, he felt a little calmer when looking at you. "The past few days have just seemed to be going in a downward slope. I thought ... I was getting better but It's like I hit an invisible wall and I’m sliding backwards as soon as I have hope that I'm going to make it somewhere. What did I do wrong?” He sounded so tired and hopeless. As if he had exhausted every method to get out of his situation. When it was apparent he was done you spoke up. “What can I do for you? Like do you want me to just be here and listen or try to help solve the problem? I’m not the best at it but I can try encouragement.” He thought for a moment, a little surprised by your forward news but not really bothered since he had begun to get used to you a little while ago. “I mean … if you feel like it; some encouragement couldn’t hurt..” He shrugged tiredly.”
You took a pause to choose your words carefully, not wanting to give him some spiel he’s likely heard too many times. You wanted to say something genuine and helpful. “Okay, what im going to say is going to be cheezy but give me a chance, okay?” He gave you a hesitant look but nodded. “Just because you're on a downward slide doesn't mean you aren't making progress." he sighed, looking away dramatically. “Yes, yes, I know - how dare i go for a cliche, but like I said - give me a moment to explain.” You pat his shoulder and he looked back at you with a deadpan stare - just so you knew he didn’t approve of this tactic. Unbothered, you continued, "Whether you're up or you're down you're still moving forward. You're not sliding backwards, time just doesn't work that way. You're always learning, always trying, always adding one more day to your victory board. You're not failing, just making progress.you don’t have to do something amazing or supposedly ‘worthwhile’ to say you’re doing good.You don’t have to prove yourself worthy of continuing or being here." You smiled down at him. He had a thoughtful scowl.
Taking that as a sign to continue, you did. "I was told once that depression is like that optical illusion of the triangular stairs. It’s s .. it’s not going to completely go away, you're going to have down days - you're just going to be more prepared for them and able to bounce back better. Like little kids do. One moment you're like 'this is the most horrible thing' and then come back from it just as quickly because you're prepared and have the tools for it. And, hopefully, you'll have the proper stuff you need to fix whatever imbalance you have. Like medication." He didn’t respond during your pause. He felt a bit better that they were being honest with him - being realistic about the future. But one thing bothered him. "I don't want any medicine." He grumbled. "Medicine doesn't make you weak." You snapped at him. Startled, he loo,ed at you bewildered expression. You had never been so quick to genuinely snap at him. "Medicine is a tool not an easy fix. Is a mountain climber weak for having a safety rope? Or a firefighter for having a suit or ax? It's not a quick fix, you're still going to have to put in effort. It just makes the job less of a hassle. And sometimes you can't do anything about your situation because chemicals are messing with you and you need medicine to fight it. Think of it as your sword and shield, you’re still going to have to learn how to wield them - but they make your fight easier to do than if you were bare handed." You took a moment to catch your breath from how much emotion you put into the rant. “Besides… I know you and I know you are not weak. You’re still fighting, aren’t you?”
He looked up at you for a long moment, searching your face for something. Once he got what he was looking for he looked at the ceiling again, unable to hold eye contact without crumbling. But against his wishes his eyes misted over anyways. he felt his throat tighten and his breathing shake. ‘You’re not weak’ echoed in his head. “Thank you.” he muttered. “I know it can't be easy to be my friend. To put up with my low moods.” he voiced his thoughts but you just shook your head with a smile. “It’s not a burden. You’re not a burden to me. I am here because I want to be by your side. Through this and anything else.”
He took in a sharp breath of air and looked at you with a struck, pained look of surprise. Finally, the tears began to stream down his face and he let the dam inside him fall. He put a hand over his mouth to muffle his cries. You carefully sat yourself on the edge of his bed and reached out to him. When he didn’t pull away you held him in a gentle embrace, guiding him ever so carefully to lean against you as you rubbed soothing circles into his shoulder.
“Can you please stay with me?” He choked out through muffled sobs.
“Of course.” you replied
“What about your farm?”
“You’re more important than some chores, but if it makes you rest easy everything is done,”
“thank you..”
“like I said, il’ll be by your side through this.”
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pixlpxie · 1 month
Hi Pixie!
I'd like to thank you for your openness about sexual things, needs and fantasies, as it greatly helped me accept my own sexual side.
I've always had quite high libido, I get aroused easily and I've always been really into porn, my friends also know me to be "the pervy friend" just based on my humour and general horniness, but even though it's something I can laugh at, I still often feel shame at myself and at the feelings I have.
The feeling that I shouldn't be having these thoughts, that I am somehow flawed and disgusting, that there's something wrong with me because I am so "feral", it just wouldn't leave me alone and it was something I was extremely embarrassed by and I feared that people would find me to be some deranged sexual lunatic.
I went through sexual abuse in my childhood, and accepting that side of me has always been really hard, but you've helped me a lot - to realise that such things are normal and there's nothing shameful about them. That this is all perfectly natural, that it doesn't make me disgusting or wrong or tainted to have sexual needs, that I am allowed to explore kinks and take pleasure from fantasies.
So for that, thank you so much.
I'm sorry for the long message and oversharing, but it always goes through my mind when I see the anon hate you get, people calling you disgusting and such and how effortlessly you shoot them down and laugh at them, absolutely unapologetic.
I wish all those people realised that it's extremely important to have spaces where you can comfortably share these feelings and thoughts, that it should be normalised to talk about sex and sexual needs and that the taboo of it isn't right, especially when it comes to female pleasure. Purity culture isn't cute and women are also people with needs.
Spaces like this help people realise that they aren't wrong or broken for their natural instincts, whether they've been brought up in religious circles or went through abuse, what you're doing on your platform is important to many who thought they were alone in these feelings and feared to talk about it, because they were afraid they would be called weird and disgusting for having a functional body that demands certain things that are natural and healthy.
Thank you very much <3
Ok let me go cry real quick and ill be back 😮‍💨
I had to read this a few times because i usually cant see what i do here as something that could help people so reading this was so valuable, truly it means the world to me. First of all I'm so sorry for what happened to you, you didn't deserve any of that and I hope you are doing well know 🥺💓 you will do even better 🥹🫶🏻
Having a high libido, different sexual desires and needs are totally normal but even to this day it's treated like a taboo like you said. And trust me i know how it feels like to be that pervy friend, it's exactly like the way you described. Almost in every social group im the one who's too much, too freaky, or too 'different'. My friends are so fun and you can always talk abt pervy stuff with them sure but at the end of the day I am always the weird one because usually i know or say stuff that get them a little horrified. Its all fun and games till it starts to get to you, I had to sit down and think why I am the way I am many times because like you said, something must have been wrong with me. Because why would I enjoy things that my friends don't?
Turns out everything's fine and you shouldn't really bother knowing why. It's okay, it's normal, in fact it's healthy. So the hate I get seems so childish to me and honestly it's fun atp. Sex and kinks are natural, they're human. Everyone will enjoy different things, some will like it more plain and simple while some will like more kinky things. You're not disgusting for enjoying things that the majority don't. Sexuality is fluid and endless, you will keep exploring it throughout your entire life and be as fierce as you can while doing it🫶🏻
Like I said, I am usually unable to comprehend the effect my blog has on people but reading your ask and other similar ones make me feel so many emotions. I never thought my blog would be a safe space for you guys 🥹 Please know that you are always welcome on this blog, we can talk about anything you want and I'll always try my best to help you. And please don't ever be sorry for 'oversharing' or writing 'long' asks bc trust me it's not oversharing or long for me. I love being here with you guys and I hope you know that you mean so much to me🥹😭💓
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kitty-thinks-stuff · 5 months
uhh little vent ig bc i feel like crap :P ‼️tw-emetophobia, mental health talk, homophobia, hatecrimes‼️
im going through a bad mental health low right now and it fucking suckkks. sometimes i forget that i have kinda shitty mental health until i go through a bad episode and this rn is a bad episode
im tired *all* the time, mentally and physically. i cant find joy in my usual interests, like genshin and hsr, which sucks bc i usually go to them for comfort?
when i play them i feel bored, or almost annoyed? like its just extra work. its fucking awful tbh, going to something you're usually excited for and just feeling. terrible
i also feel nauseous whenever im anxious, and usually im pretty used to it but its happened a lot today and i fucking hate it. and i feel anxious about EVERYTHING, bc im not. normal dude. being neurodivergent in the real world is fucking hard.
i have to mask all the time, i can only act the way that i do on the internet, or with my closeclose friends. basically all the people at my work are straight cis neurotypical people and its worse than i thought it would be. dont get me wrong, theyre great! but its so hard having to be a completely different person.
this guy asked me for my number today, this very cute, very funny guy. and i gave it to him! it was nice, i was flattered. but i know its never gonna go anywhere. im never gonna have this relationship, bc i dont feel love and attraction like a normal fucking person, and i dont feel comfortable around straight cis neurotypical people.
he didnt do anything wrong. none of them did. but i cant be myself around them, any of them, and its just exhausting.
i want to have relationships, i want to have a partner, i want to have friends. but its hard to make friends when you're constantly worried about getting fucking hatecrimed.
im always worried about getting called weird. i only feel safe on the internet, on my tumblr, where i can be myself and not feel like im gonna fucking vomit everytime i talk to someone.
i get so anxious talking to new people. and i hate it. i cant just. be like everyone else. i see all these nt people making tons of friends, and i just cant
ever since i started my job its been slammed into my face that im weird. ive been inside for so long (homeschool since about a year ago) that i forgot that not everyone is like my circle on the internet.
im not just "funny and silly" outside. im just weird. and its such a scary wake up call that i actually do have to be worried about who i talk to. what i do. what i say.
because what will happen if i slip up and mention being neurodivergent? being queer? not being cis?
im sure ill get used to it someday. i know it wont be bad forever. but fucking hell dude. im glad to get out of the house and to be making money but shit. its so hard being the weird kid again. its so much like highschool its awful.
anyways. im sure ill be fine. its been kinda icky for a while but today it really hit.
i love u guys :) ur really super fucking awesome, thank you for letting me be myself.
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bish-plz-haha · 9 months
Just Pretend (a kagehina fanfic)
Just a little snippit of something I wrote a while ago and posted on AO3. If you wanna, you can read it here. (I also knew next to nothing about the ending so... OC's galore and OOC characters! That's my style. Lmao)
"Hey, Kageyama! What's up?" Hinata answered cheerfully. Kageyama could hear that stupid smile of his through the phone.
"Can I ask you a favour?" Kageyama cautiously asked. A pause on the other end of the phone made his heart pound in his chest. Kageyama wasn't sure why he was so nervous, but he was. And this was his last resort. He nervously waited for the reply that seemed to take forever to come.
"Sure!" Hinata finally said after a moment. Kageyama let out a breath and tried to figure out how to word his question but eventually gave up and just decided to go for it.
"Will you go on a date with me? Not like a real date or anything but like, my teammates invited me to this group date thing and I tried looking for a date but I cant fine someone and it's tomorrow and for some reason I thought it'd be a good idea to ask you. I understand-"
"-if you say no. It's a stupid request anyway. Actually, you're probably going to say no anyway, so please just forget I ask-"
"Kageyama." Hinata tried again, his voice stern. It rattled Kageyama. This time, Kageyama paused and waited. "Don't just assume things for me. If you need a date that badly, I'd be happy to go." Hinata heard Kageyama sigh in what he assumed was relief. Or maybe Kageyama was just catching his breath. Hinata couldn't really be sure, but Kageyama definitely sounded calmer.
"Thanks, Hinata. I owe you one." Hinata couldn't help but giggle.
"Okay, what's the dress code and where and when do you want me to meet you?"
They sorted out the details and chatted a bit longer. Hinata had told Kageyama all about the team he was now playing with.
"You should see this one guy. He plays number 17 on our team. He's a wing spiker like me, but he's an actual giant! Last time we measured, he was one hundred and ninety eight centimetres!" Kageyama listened as Hinata rambled on about his teammates and his fans. He told Kageyama how, when he was in Europe for a vacation, he was recognised by a university student.
"So how have things been? I haven't really talked to you in over a year, Kageyama. You really gotta keep up with us more." Hinata asked as he finished rambling. Kageyama heard a voice in the background. "Oh, by the way, Suga and Daichi say hello."
Kageyama couldn't help but grin at their names. He remembered their days together fondly. Sugawara and Daichi followed them all through their high school career. They were always up in the stands, cheering Kageyama and Hinata on, along with the others, of course. Kageyama owed so much to Sugawara and Daichi as they reshaped him into a team player. They taught him how to fight alongside his teammates instead of with them. After middle school, Kageyama had an intense fear of teamwork. He would've rather done everything himself than rely on others. But Sugawara and Daichi really taught him the value of trusting in your teammates to have your back.
"Tell them I said hello back. I haven't seen them in a long time." Kageyama said sadly as he heard Hinata tell them what he had said. "But yeah. Um, I've been good. A lot of training. I've been running a lot in the mornings before practice. And when we practice, I usually work on my receives and spikes. They say that I should hone my setting skills more than anything but I'd like to be better at things that dont come as naturally - though we also got a lot of practice of that in high school." Kageyama chuckled at the memories of Coach Ukai making them do flying laps. And the training camps with tokyo powerhouse schools were no better.
"That's great, Kageyama! I just usually wait for practice to do my running. My coach, Hiragi Tamojikato, is very strict on everything we do. From our diets to how we train. He watches us and gives us meal guides and everything! It's a pain, but I'm glad for it."
Kageyama loved hearing about Hinata's life as a professional volleyball player. They had a match-up once before after they were recruited to their now-teams. But Kageyama liked to keep up with his best friend. Though, as Hinata had previously stated, Kageyama failed to do that in the past year as he had been super busy with travelling and training and playing matches. But he kept up with Hinata through articles and interviews from Hinata's current team.
"Ya know, maybe we could get the old team back together some time. Asahi works in Sendai. And Yamaguchi and Tsuki are together in Hiroshima - though I'm not sure what they're doing there." Hinata giggled. One thing Kageyama noticed through his conversation with Hinata was that the orange haired boy wasn't using that stupid grammar he used to. The words of 'fwah!' and 'bwam!'. He kinda missed it but knew that as they grew older, Hinata probably grew out of his adolescent speech. Well, Kageyama figured it was that, or he just didn't want to embarrass himself in front of professional players.
"Kageyama? Are you listening?" Hinata questioned from the other end of the phone. Kageyama hummed. "I said that I have to go now but I'll meet you at your apartment around four thirty okay?" Kageyama hummed again and smiled, saying his goodbye to his best friend and hanging up the phone. Kageyama laid back on his bed, the plush mattress combined with the soft duvet allowed his body to sink into it. Kageyama stared up at the ceiling, grinning to himself as he thought of what the next day would bring, completely in the moment and forgetting that Hinata was only coming over to be his pretend date.
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andromeddog · 7 months
hihi i love ur artwork. i was wondering ur opinion on this: is it considered cheating for an artist to trace what they’re going to draw? ex, someone wants to draw george luz and uses a picture of him to trace and then later on touch up details without the picture? thank you!
hi thanks for the ask! short answer is yes i think is a totally normal and good way to learn and become familiar with proportions/likenesses 👍 it’s all good with me babey. longer answer under da cut
but the longer answer. first of all calling tracing “cheating” is such bullshit because it’s been used as a method for artists for literal centuries so idk what their beef is with it. that being said i do think it should be used kind of carefully bc it can develop into a habit of relying too much on the reference and not bettering your own skills.
and maybe this is just me but also it depends on where the reference is coming from- if you’re making your own ref i say go ahead and go nuts with it. i have so many embarrassing pics of myself that ive traced to get the pose down lol. for me ive always had a hard time with feet and use my own shoes regularly to help get an angle/shape right! using like screenshots of a show or something you found online is a little trickier… idk maybe because you didn’t specifically make it? something about that sticks in my head and makes me more hesitant about leaning too heavily on it. but still i’d never say that tracing a screenshot constitutes as “cheating”
i will gladly admit i straight up do trace outside sources when i am confused about proportions or REALLY INSANE about getting likeness done but i do really try to only use it very sparingly if its not a reference i specifically made. and that’s really only in the very beginning stages of a drawing- i’ll make a loose sketch based on the ref, then refine it into a tighter sketch and THEN use the reference to adjust proportions if they are particularly off (or to see if i am off), and then im usually done with the tracing. then i usually have another refining layer and THEN i do finished lineart. i really want to improve my observation skills and knowledge of anatomy/clothing/likeness so trying to work through it without relying on tracing is my goal!
but hey thats just MY process. no one is over your shoulder telling you what you can and cannot do. even i cant tell you what the correct process is! i just think you should use the tools available to you but dont let them interfere with refining your technical skills 👍
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georges-chambers · 3 months
Get to know me game
I was tagged by @jirving thank you am <3
'Do you make your bed?' - Yes (It is Made, how well its made isn't the concern)
'What's your job?' - Currently unemployed
'If you could go back to school, would you?' Technically currently still finishing high-school. Generally no, but depending on why/the school, maybe.
'Can you parallel park?' - Cant drive yet (but that will change this summer so we will see)
'Do you think aliens are real?' - Generally, yes, but also I don't think human-alien contact would ever be made.
'Can you drive a manual car?' - See above
'Guilty pleasure?' - Yes. Not only is pleasure guilty for me, most things are, in some way. But if I had to pick a thing I'm less guilty about : Omegaverse fics. I'm in it for the worldbuilding, though. The porn is. Variable. Usually not great. But sometimes. Every so often. The worldbuilding will have so much thought put in and it will be incredible.
'Tattoos?' - yes, in theory, but Of What.....
'Favorite color?' - Various faded/dark blues
'Favorite type of music?' - Very hard to say. It always depends on the context for me, but generally I like fast-paced songs, but there are A Lot of exceptions. 'Vintage' too, but specifically early recording in general to lesser popular 1960s, anything where static itself Feels like part of the music, because I enjoy that.
'Do you like puzzles?' - So many, yes.
'Any phobias?' - Uncontrollable fear of dogs, usually larger dogs, but not like. On a sight basis. More whenever they're physically close to me. Chimpanzees too but in a less actual phobia-like way.
'Childhood sport?' - I really enjoyed swimming whenever I was around a pool or sea.
'Do you talk to yourself?' - No. I used to, but family members who also talk to themselves, for whatever reason, made fun of and/or were annoyed by Me, Specifically, talking to myself. I now don't trust any of them (for unrelated reasons) enough that I'd ever want to talk to myself anywhere they could hear anyways.
'Tea or coffee?' - Tea always.
'What was the first thing you wanted to be when you grew up?' - I've never really had solid answers to this, but probably an artist since my mother started doing art around when I was born.
'What movies do you adore?' - Just realized the immediate movies I thought of were funny together especially: Childhood comfort movies like The Land Before Time movie series (don't remember all of it, but I really liked the first and some more I think), certain Pokemon movies, Watership Down, and horror(?) movies like The Lighthouse (kinda), Jordan Peele directed movies, Angel's Egg (have been meaning to watch more like that). I've also been sifting through the filmographies of Classic Doctor Who actors. Some of these films are just. Not Good <3 but they were There.
Tagging: @erythriina, @zaegreus, and @cemeterything but no pressure of course
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