#beginner brewing
lunasapphire · 3 months
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My collection of Scott Cunningham works I have read so far:) - more coming soon! Just bought six books of his
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junipaca · 4 months
thinking very hard about my type of game. i am very rpg piled like one expects cause im a pokemon fanatic but i love. puzzles in my rpgs. good puzzles. engagement and customization in battlework. i used to obsess over fossil fighters. repetitive actions that can come up with various rewards. roguelikes are cool, i played hades before and adore hollow knight (but currently on hiatus cause bee knight kicks my ass every time). a good story is always the core to me in general though. <---- (thinking of trying to make games for funsies)
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pnwitch-of-west17 · 8 months
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bowl-of-shortness · 2 years
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Finished my first amigurumi bee!
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worlddominatincrea · 2 years
Minka and Pinky by WorldDominatinCrea
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magickkate · 6 months
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Good Evening! 🌙✨ Are you ready to infuse a dash of magic into your daily culinary adventures? Welcome to the whimsical world of Kitchen Witchery—a delightful blend of spell work, herbalism, and culinary enchantment! 🌿🧙‍♀️✨
🍲 Basic Ingredients for Your Magical Pantry:
Herbs: Rosemary for protection, basil for love, and mint for healing. Experiment with your favorites!
Spices: Cinnamon for prosperity, ginger for energy, and nutmeg for luck. Let your taste buds guide your magical choices!
Crystals: Place a few on your kitchen windowsill for added energy. Clear quartz, amethyst, and rose quartz are popular choices.
🌈 Setting Up Your Kitchen Altar:
Choose a Sacred Space: Designate a corner of your kitchen for magical workings. A windowsill, shelf, or small table works wonders!
Magical Tools: Incorporate a cauldron, candles, and small bowls for herbs and crystals. Personalize it with items close to your heart.
🕯️ Candle Magic in the Kitchen:
Color Magic: Choose candle colors aligning with your intentions. Green for abundance, white for purification, and red for passion.
Enchant While Cooking: Stir your intentions into soups, sauces, and stews. Feel the magic in every motion!
🍵 Brewing Magical Teas:
Create Tea Blends: Mix herbs like chamomile, lavender, and mint for relaxation or energy. Sip with intention and let the magic steep into your soul.
🌕 Harvesting Moon Energies:
Full Moon Feasts: Plan magical meals during the full moon for amplifying energy. Charge crystals and herbs under the moonlight for added potency.
📚 Witchy Wisdom:
Start a Grimoire: Record your magical experiences, recipes, and discoveries. It’s your personal book of kitchen enchantments!
Experiment & Trust Intuition: There are no strict rules in kitchen witchery. Trust your instincts, and let your intuition guide your magical creations.
🌻 Infusing Love into Every Bite:
Cook Mindfully: Turn cooking into a meditation. Infuse your dishes with gratitude, love, and positive energy.
Share the Magic: Share your enchanted meals with loved ones. The joy of kitchen witchery multiplies when shared!
🌿 Nature’s Bounty:
Grow Your Own: Cultivate a small herb garden or keep potted plants in your kitchen. Nothing beats the magic of using homegrown herbs!
Remember, dear beginner kitchen witch, your journey is as unique as the flavors you create. Embrace the magic in simplicity, trust your instincts, and let the cauldron of your heart stir up spells of nourishment and enchantment! 🌈🌟💖 ✨🌿🔮
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itaipava · 5 months
— domestic mornings with f1 boys.
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waking up around the same time. sleepily tugging and poking at each other until one relents and turns over to switch the alarm off. him talking about how you both have so many things to do and should get up soon, but holding you tighter and refusing to let go. doing your own morning routines at your own pace. exchanging playful grins and teasing words when you pass by each other. music playing in the background. random little duets or dance-offs in the living room before going “okay, stop, we don’t have time.” occasionally bickering when he blasts loud his favorite songs, disturbing the peaceful morning. always remembering to give each other ‘have a good day’ kiss and saying ‘i love you’.
actually waking up early but spending about an hour in bed, being lazy together. very playful and light-hearted mornings. lightly kicking or pushing each other and accusing the other of stealing the covers or taking up all the space. ruffling each other’s hair to mess it up even more. changing cuddling positions every minute. watching tiktok or youtube videos while leaning against his chest. fighting about who showers first so that the other gets extra minutes of time to be lazy on bed; eventually deciding to settle it like adults — by playing rock-paper-scissors.
waking up to the smell of breakfast that he’s making. making your way into the kitchen and giving him a back hug while he cooks. ending up having a short nap against his back. him intentionally leaning his head backwards to lightly bump your head with the back of his head when he knows you’ve fallen asleep. small talks in the kitchen while listening to jazz. eating breakfast together; him giving you more from his plate when you seem like you’re enjoying the food. more chitchat about your day ahead. the kitchen and the little breakfast nook being your bonding place in the morning; afterwards, doing your own things, the atmosphere soft, peaceful, and filled with blissful quietness.
him setting the alarm on vibration mode so as not to disturb your sleep. him pressing a soft kiss on your forehead or shoulder before beginnning to move away, and you gently reaching for his hand, still half asleep, before letting him go. sending each other texts even though you’re in the same house/apartment. him coming back into the room with a cup of freshly-brewed coffee for you. reminding each other things throughout the morning: “did you take your vitamins?” “don’t forget it’s going to rain later!” “i put the extra charger in your bag.”
him waking up earlier and making sure to adjust the covers over you so that you’re warm. waking up to the sound of him returning home from a jog or gym. him greeting you with a ‘good morning, baby’ and a quick kiss on top of your head. taking a shower together. having really good talks in the shower while rubbing each other’s backs with lather and getting carried away before realizing that you’re going to be late, so now you’re hurriedly rinsing yourselves. him offering you a towel first and instinctively holding your hand so that you don’t slip while getting out of the shower. quick but lingering little nose rubs before leaving the house, already looking forward to coming home to each other.
taking turns to snooze the blaring alarm at least six times before even considering waking up. him reaching out to cuddle you closer, telling himself it’s just for five more minutes, but dozing off again as soon as he’s comfortable with you in his arms. soft, languid kisses on each other’s bodies. sleepy ‘i love you’s.’ offering suggestions when you’re having trouble picking outfits. helping each other with zippers and buttons while dressing.
being naturally in sync in the morning. waking up together to the sound of the alarm set for you both. him giving you a one-handed neck massage when you sit side-by-side on the bed, while also trying to shake his own sleepiness away. making the bed together and both plopping on the freshly-made bed for one last brief morning cuddle and kiss before really getting up. brushing teeth together and making funny faces at each other in the mirror. then proceeding to bicker about whose turn it is to do the dishes or laundry for the day.
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breelandwalker · 2 years
General Advice for Beginner Witches
A brief masterpost of some of my advice posts for beginner witches and the episodes of my podcast dealing with the same. (There is UPG here, particularly where marked, as I base a good deal of my advice on my own experience and observations of other witches.)
Hex Positive Podcast Episodes
Hex Positive, Ep. 04 - Advice for Beginner Witches (July 2020)
Hex Positive, Eps. 6-7 - Come In For A Spell 1 & 2 (Sept 2020)
Hex Positive, Ep. 12 - Witching From The Broom Closet (Jan 2021)
Hex Positive, Ep. 24 - Warding A Witchy Home (Dec 2021)
Hex Positive, Ep. 27 - When Inspo Takes A Holiday (March 2022)
General Tips & Advice
I Feel Like I Might Be A Witch...But I Don't Know
I Have Mental Health Issues - Can I Still Be A Witch?
Can I Still Be A Witch And Use Magic If I Take Medication?
How Do I Teach Myself To Believe In Magic?
How Does Magic Work? (upg ahoy)
Will I Be Possessed Or Haunted If I Try Witchcraft?
What Are Some Things I Can Do To Get Started?
How Can I Start My Practice If I Don't Have Tools Or Books?
How Do I Organize My Study Materials?
How Do I Contact A Deity?
How Do I Worship My Deity If I Can't Have An Altar?
Tips On Working With Deities And Spirits (here be upg)
My Intuitive Spark Feels Low - How Do I Get It Back?
I'm In A Slump - How Do I Get Out Of It?
I've Reached A Stopping Point - What Do I Do Next?
My Candle Is Flickering - Does It Mean Something Bad?
How Do I Make A Magic Circle For Spellcasting?
What Happens If I Get Interrupted While Casting A Spell?
Do I Need To Maintain Positive Vibes For My Spells To Work?
What Should I Do If I REALLY Want To Hex Someone?
How Do I Know / What Do I Do If I've Been Hexed?
How Do I Become More Skilled And More Powerful?
How Do I Know When I'm Ready For The Next Step In My Practice?
Additional Tips For Developing Your Practice
Witchcraft Exercise - Quantifying Your Craft
Witchcraft Exercise - Dig Through The Ditches
Witchcraft Exercise - The Book of Lessons
Witchcraft Exercise - Home Brews
Tips on How to Visualize and Construct Basic Wards
Practicing Your Warding Technique
Cleansing Before Warding / Warding A Shared Space
Refreshing / Patching Existing Wards
Non-Appropriative Herbs for Smoke-Cleansing
Smokeless Cleansing / Other Methods
Recommended Reading & Book Suggestions
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the-inkstained-witch · 6 months
I think for a lot of witches who aren't in covens, the desire to be in a coven is really just the desire to have real-life friends who practice.
(I'm speaking as a witch who is not and has never been in a coven, and currently has no desire to be.)
I absolutely see the value of covens, and I have some thoughts about the use of covens in community building, social justice witchcraft and mutual aid brewing (no pun intended), but I think a lot of people seek out a coven when what they really want are people to share their practice with who can give knowledge and resources in return.
I'm lucky to have half-a-dozen friends interested in witchcraft in my local community, and having them around gives me so much motivation to practice more and more often. even when I've actually practiced with only one or two of them, we're constantly giving each other resources that helped us and extra materials we no longer need. the impulse from beginner witches especially, I've found, comes from wanting specific personal guidance from a witch they perceive as more experienced. The best way to form these personal connections, in my experience, is to have friends who are friends first, fellow witches second.
in all honesty I don't know what I'm trying to say with this other than:
go seek out people with similar interests as you in witchy spaces, go seek out witchy people in spaces related to your other interests, and be there to help your friends who are interested in practicing. it can be unbelievably valuable to your practice and your interpersonal life.
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yourdarkcherry · 5 months
Seducing Rafe Cameron || Ch.2
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Summary: You were blessed with an easy life since you were born, but it’s all threatened when your dad’s business fails and you find yourself with no prospects and no education and so your only solution is to marry rich. Who’s a better candidate than the older brother of your ex-best friend from high school? So you do everything in your power to seduce Rafe Cameron, not knowing he’s the root to all your problems.
Warnings: toxic relationship, spoiled reader, sexist elements, dark content, blackcoded reader, pregnancy, physical and emotional abuse, manipulation, gaslighting, death threats, eventual smut.
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Divider by: @/cafekitsune
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Rafe didn’t give you any instructions on where to meet him for Wheezie’s driving lesson, or when it’s supposed to happen. So you spend most of your afternoon and evening glancing outside the window by the foyer. 
If your mom notices your glances, then she doesn’t speak. 
It’s when you’re preparing your dad’s usual evening coffee that you hear knocks on the door, your heart starts accelerating at the prospect of Rafe and Wheezie being behind that door. You almost want to run to the door, but you pretend to be all calm and collected as you’re pouring the freshly brewed coffee in your dad’s favorite mug. 
“Rafe, and Louisa, it’s nice seeing you,” you catch your father’s greeting from your spot in the kitchen, your heart feels light. 
You decide to take a moment to compose yourself before joining the gathering in the foyer. As you walk toward the doorway, you overhear Rafe responding to your father's greeting with polite pleasantries, you could also hear Wheezie laughing here and there, also answering some questions.
Before you exit, you stare at your reflection one last time in the mirror by the corridor, when you like what you see you smile and join them.
Your eyes catch Rafe’s blue irises first, “Hey there,” he greets, and you reciprocate with a smile of your own.
“Hi, Rafe, and Wheezie,” you say, tilting your head to stare at her, and directing your attention to his younger sister. Wheezie's eyes light up, and she gives you a sweet grin, “I just hope you’re ready for some driving action, because we have a whole plan ahead of us,” walking outside your home, Rafe followed her and you followed suit. 
You stare between her and Rafe with a curious stare, but still thrilled at the prospect of spending some time with them both. 
“I was born ready,” you answer, making Wheezie laugh as she heads to the driver’s seat in her tiny red mini cooper. 
Truth to be said, after your massive drama with Sarah you avoided her family naturally too. Not because you didn’t like them, but every time you saw them you’d just be reminded of the pain you went through. So it still felt strange that despite you having those pent up thoughts about them, and distancing yourself that they still thought positively of you, you couldn’t help but feel guilt-ridden. 
Before you could reach for the door handle for the backseats, Rafe was quicker and opened the door for you instead. You smiled at him, tucking your hair behind your ear as you thanked him clearly, “Thanks, Rafe.” 
“You’re welcome,” he responded, watching you get in and then he shut the door before he rounded the car to claim the passenger seat. 
“Is this your car?” you asked Wheezie who was busy checking her mirrors, she let out an affirming hum, “it is, Rafe managed to convince dad to buy me my first car before getting my license so I’m more prone to be careful while driving,” she answered, and Rafe affirmed as he took his seat, “I was right, you’re much more careful driving in your car than anyone else’s, how many times did you crash my car?” he glanced at you when you laughed.
Wheezie exhaled dramatically, “accidents like this are supposed to happen, I’m a beginner!”
“So, what’s on today’s agenda?” you asked, buckling in yourself in the middle seat of the seats in the back.
Wheezie already started driving as she answered, “Rafe thinks it’s better to practice in real streets than in the practice driving range, and I was thinking that we should stop at the Milkshake Palace and then head to the beach, and then we could stop at the mall and I could flaunt to you my amazing parking skills.”
You giggled, “I will only be impressed if you manage to parallel park,” 
“Hey, you’re asking for the impossible, let’s just hope she even manages to get out of Figure 8 safely,” Rafe commented, glancing at you several times and then stopping when Wheezie took her right hand off the steering wheel to swat him. 
“He’s exaggerating, and don’t be an ass, Rafe. Or I will be banning you to the backseats and making (Y/N) teach me how to drive.” Wheezie replied with a playful glare, you raised your hands defensively, “I really don’t think you should ask me, I’m not the best at that, I only recently learned how to parallel park.”
Rafe and Wheezie both laughed at your words. As the car smoothly navigated through the familiar streets, you couldn't help but appreciate the pleasant atmosphere that only continued to flourish between you three.
You have missed Wheezie, and Rafe too. You didn’t interact much with the latter because of his tense relationship with Sarah back then, and now too, but you were just fine with him. You couldn’t help but wonder how your current life would be if Sarah was still in it, if she’d never slept with your boyfriend in high school.
Well, for starters she would be the one teaching Wheezie how to drive, she’d be the one to accompany you in midsummers and to make you laugh, and she’d be the one you would tell about your father’s failing business and she’d allow you to cry about it as much as you wanted without complaining once.
While the prospect of a romantic relationship with Rafe would be out of question because you’ve always been so loyal to Sarah, you couldn’t help but be a little thankful that the friendship ended way before your father’s bankruptcy. 
“Right, I haven’t heard much of you (Y/N), what are you doing lately?” Wheezie asked, lowering the volume of the music. 
“Not much, if I’m honest, I have been dabbling in pilates classes and some photography classes too, and I’m learning how to cook, but other than that I’m just shopping at the mall.” You answered honestly, even though the last part you haven’t done since you’ve learned of the regress of your dad’s business.
Wheezie hummed, then you could see her widening smile from the reflection of the rear-view mirror, and you just knew in your core that Wheezie was going to ask a very personal question. But how bad could it be? Nothing could be horrible, and your only secret you had to protect would be your family’s bankruptcy. 
“So, any lucky secret man?” you laughed at her question, and as much as you wanted to look at Rafe to observe his reaction, you couldn’t not when you felt his intense stare at you. Despite him being in the front seat, he looked way too much at you, and tilted his head a lot to the back. 
You couldn’t calm your thrilled heart, he had to be at least interested in you if he kept looking at you like this, you hoped this would at least be the case. 
“Nope, why, you got one?” you wondered, now glancing at Rafe when he looked away. 
His expression was unreadable, and the smile on his lips was tense. You hoped it was jealousy, or something that meant he had to be interested in you even for a little bit. 
He didn’t have to be so interested in you to ask you to marry him, you just had to be around and he had to think that you fit the perfect stereotype of the typical housewife in Figure 8. You would say you were like the rest of them, you knew a lot of rich housewives that were like you in their youth. 
They too had useless certificates, you already got yours in hospitality and never looked back at it since you graduated. You only had one just to say you got some form of education so you were smart but not too smart to scare rich men away. 
“I don’t, the boys I like don’t like me and the boys I don’t like don’t like me either,” she said, letting out a sigh and finally pulling up to the phosphorescent sign of the Milkshake Palace. 
“All Highschool boys are stupid and immature, I’m sure you’ll find your person after graduation.” You reassured, and she hummed thoughtfully, then you scooted to the edge of your seat, resting your head on the shoulder of Rafe’s seat, “what about you? Any lucky secret girl we don’t know about?”
He seemed stunned as he looked at you, surprised at your proximity, then his gaze dropped just slightly and you didn’t have to be a psychic to know he definitely stared at your cleavage. 
“Uhm, no, no one.” he continued to look at you even when you backed to your seat. 
The atmosphere shifted slightly after your question. Rafe’s eyes lingered on you for a moment longer before he faced the front, as Wheezie steered the car into a parking spot. She failed to park correctly a few times, but that didn’t drown her excitement when you all exited the car and walked to the building.
“It’s been so long since I came here, I think the last time I came to this branch I was still in high school.” you commented, analyzing the slight changes in the building, and liking how the neon lights looked against the night sky. 
“Really? Rafe and I come here at least three times a week,” Wheezie said.
You looked at the blond, “I think you were the one that showed me this spot back in highschool,” you recalled.
“I did?” he asked, and you nodded, “yeah, I remember you drove us and Sarah to the mall but you were so angry that the mall didn’t have a Milkshake Palace branch at the mall, so you took us here instead after you picked us up.”
Wheezie laughed, as Rafe stared at you with faux confusion, “no way, I don’t remember me being that angry about something so trivial,” you nudged him with your elbow, “well, I remember and I will never let you live it down, ever.”
Rafe chuckled, a genuine smile breaking through the tension that lingered from your earlier question. As you entered the Milkshake Palace, the nostalgic atmosphere mixed with the sweet aroma of milkshakes filled the air and slapped you harshly in your cheek, all you could think of was you and Sarah entering this place, arms linked and laughing. 
You purposely kicked out these thoughts, and paid attention to the siblings ahead of you. The three of you found a cozy booth towards the back, surrounded by neon signs and the low hum of conversations. 
Wheezie slid first inside the booth, you sat next to her and Rafe opposite you. Rafe handed you the menu, despite the two knowing exactly what they’re going to order. You shrugged your shoulders and pushed it back to him, “Why don’t you choose for me? I want to know the hype you make about this place.”
Rafe raised an eyebrow, a playful smirk forming on his lips. “You’re putting your milkshake fate in my hands? Bold move.”
You nodded with a grin, “Absolutely. I trust you, Rafe. Impress me with your milkshake selection skills.” Wheezie chimed in, her eyes sparkling with amusement, “I have to see this, Rafe. Make it unforgettable.”
Rafe pretended to ponder for a moment, scanning the menu with exaggerated seriousness. Then he nodded and stood up, “Alright, brace yourselves. I’m going to introduce you to the best Milkshake Palace masterpieces.”
You couldn’t help but laugh, then you hid your laugh behind your palm as you and Wheezie stared at each other when Rafe walked away. 
“Look at him, he looks so serious, all because we entrusted him to select some silly milkshakes for us.” Wheezie comments in a slightly loud whisper, making you laugh harder and hold onto her shoulder to stabilize yourself. 
She smiles at you when your laughter dies, “I’m so happy we get to hang out again like back then,” she comments, and the guilt you felt earlier returns horribly. Especially with how genuine she looks. 
“I’m happy too, I missed hanging out with you.” You respond sincerely. 
Wheezie’s eyes softened, and she nudged you gently, “I understand you and Sarah had a big fight, she didn’t tell me lots of details but she told me she wronged you months after everything.” 
“It was just some stupid high school drama, I’m completely over it now. But how is she? Do you speak to her?” you asked.
You didn’t know much about the Camerons after your falling out with Sarah, but you knew that after high school she started seeing a man from The Cut for years secretly, apparently he used to work for her father, and around last year she started living with him when Ward found out.
“I haven’t talked to her in months, dad is still really upset. Once she tried to visit with that man and he kicked her out, and since then he forbade all of us from talking to her.” She answered, looking at her intertwined fingers.
“I’m sorry to hear that, Wheezie. I had no idea things had gotten so complicated for Sarah,” you replied, genuine sympathy in your voice. Then you reached to hold her intertwined hands, and squeezed them gently, “It must’ve been tough for you dealing with all this mess, but I want you to know that I’m here for you,” 
She smiled appreciatively, and you knew she wouldn’t take your last offer seriously and would think you were simply being polite, but you were stubborn. “Seriously, I will be there for you, if you need anything just call me and I will be there.” You said, for her sake, as you missed Wheezie and wanted to be there for her like an older sister and you knew Ward would never allow her to contact Sarah ever. 
You took her phone, and dialed your phone number and when you felt your phone vibrate in your purse you ended the call, “Here, you have my number so if you need anything at any time, you know what to do.” 
Her smile widened, and her stare at you turned slightly wet, so you didn’t hesitate to wrap an arm over her shoulder to bring her in a sideways hug, “I know I have already said it, but I’m really glad we reconnected again.” She said with a quivering voice, and quickly wiping away her tears under her glasses. 
The harsh pang of guilt comes again to attack you, and you think back to how you behaved back then.
Did you really have to distance yourself from Wheezie who you have alway thought of as your younger sister, all because of Sarah? Did you even have to stop being friends with Sarah? Surely even after everything and all this time, you still miss her a lot and you think of her a lot.
You’re not angry that she slept with your ex-boyfriend, you're just angry that she didn’t care enough about you to not do it, or to hide it all this time. 
When Wheezie completely wipes her tears away, Rafe returns, and distributes three very different looking milkshakes to each of you. 
“I just guessed what you two would like,” Rafe said, handing you a pink milkshake. You thanked him, and took it and popped the lid with the straw. 
“I just hope it doesn’t have mint chocolate,” Wheezie muttered, taking her light colored milkshake from him, and doing the same exact thing as you. She comments when she takes her first sip, “It’s actually good, I didn’t expect you to have good taste honestly.” 
“What were you two talking about?” Rafe questioned, noting Wheezie’s red eyes and nose. She stiffened next to you, and you didn’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure out the subject of Sarah was a pretty sensitive topic for Rafe. So, you shrugged your shoulders and lied, “just girl talk.” 
She nodded, looking at you with a sheepish smile, “we were just talking about a suitable time for a girl’s day.”
Rafe raised an eyebrow, studying the both of you suspiciously, not buying your lie whatsoever, but he decided not to press further. Instead, he grabbed a seat, placing himself across from you two, and took a sip of his own milkshake.
“Girl’s day, huh? Sounds like fun,” he remarked, shooting a glance your way. You simply nodded in agreement. Wheezie, who’s eager to steer the conversation away from the sensitive territory, said, “we could go to the movies, or oh oh! We could go shopping! I need new clothes for school anyways.”
You matched her eagerness with a thrilled smile of your own, “Absolutely, and we could get our nails done!” you displayed your fingers to her and wiggled them playfully. She nodded as her smile widened, “oh okay okay, what time suits you?”
“I’m available the whole day the day after tomorrow, is it okay with you?” You suggested. 
She nodded excitedly with a big smile on her face, you mirrored it and giggled when she started pre-planning your activities.
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Your conversation smoothed easily the whole drive to the beach, and even at the beach where you played a messy game of chasing each other, and even going as far as splashing each other—to be frank you didn’t start it, but joined it in revenge as the duo ganged up on you.
When Wheezie parked her car at Tannyhill, she quickly gasped when her eyes fell on the clock at her dashboard. 
“I completely forgot Claire is sleeping over!” she yelled, then she held your hand and squeezed it, “I’m sorry but my friend is coming over in like five minutes, and I didn’t prepare anything!” you laughed, shook your head as you reassured her, “don’t worry, you go first,” 
She hugged you goodbye quickly, and then dashed with a hasty wave into her house. 
You turned to face Rafe, stunned to find him already staring at you. With a small smile he said, “let me walk you home.”
You agreed with a nod and walked alongside him towards your home. It was already dark when they picked you up, and when you arrived at Tannyhill it was three hours after. There is still an appropriate time for a debriefing session with your mother if you wish while you help her with dinner. 
“Thanks for tonight. It was unexpected but fun,” you expressed, looking up at him with sincere appreciation in your eyes. 
He shook his head, “You’re always welcome, you’re like…” he trailed off and you hoped to all the power in this universe that he wouldn’t say you’re like a sister to him. 
“The best person to have around,” he said, you had to physically restrain yourself from sighing in relief. 
“I’m just glad Wheezie has someone to look up to after…you know…” Sarah’s name flashed inside your head at his insinuation. “She needs an older sister figure, someone to guide her and to be there for her. I try to be there for her but it’s just not the same,” You nodded in agreement at his words.
“You’re right,” you said, knowing just how much men loved being told they’re right, and partially because he was actually right in his judgment. “Especially at her age, I didn’t have anyone so I made some stupid mistakes I knew I wouldn’t make if I had an older sister’s guidance.”
Rafe tilted his head to you with surprise, narrowed his gaze and commented, “You didn’t make any stupid mistakes,” then he quickly added in an exaggerated whisper, “at least ones that I knew of.” 
You laughed, “first thank you for saying that, but trust me, I have had my fair share of stupid mistakes too.”
“Like what?” he demanded, you avoided his stare as his smile widened. You hoped you at least looked cute enough for him to keep you around. 
“Now why would I tell you about my stupid mistakes?” you said with a faux scandalized stare, hand on your chest. 
“Can’t you just tell me because I want to know?” he responds.
You smirked playfully, enjoying the banter. “Well, let’s just say my teenage years were full of questionable fashion choices and a series of not-so-impressive crushes. Nothing too fun, unfortunately for you.”
Rafe chuckled, “Fashion choices, huh? Now I'm curious.”
“Maybe one day, I'll show you some embarrassing photos,” you teased, making a mental note to keep those hidden forever.
You could see your house getting closer and closer, and just like the years after your falling out with Sarah you cursed that your house was relatively close to hers. Only this time you cursed that fact, because if it was further than you’d get to speak to Rafe more.
At that wish you could almost hear your mother tutting and telling you that a woman needed to keep her mystery for a man to keep having an interest in her. You wanted Rafe to be interested in you, and so after cursing that fact you thanked it in your head. 
He had to have interest, even if it was mild then it was good because most rich married men in your social circle didn’t have that much of an interest in their wives. 
As you approached your house, the atmosphere lightened, and Rafe’s eyes held a warmth that didn’t go unnoticed and set a swarm of butterflies in your core. You had to kick out that feeling. You shouldn’t harbor a crush for Rafe, or god forbid fall in love with him.
All for the possibility that he might lose interest completely, and ice you out if you weren’t his cup of tea and thought some other girl was more of a wife material than you. It happened before, you’ve seen it before and you knew you might be a victim of such a scenario as well. 
If he did that, then you wanted it to be easy for you to move on and seduce some other unsuspecting rich man. Perhaps his friend Kelce, you heard he will inherit his father’s country club. Or perhaps Topper, maybe he’s over Sarah and you were just speaking way too soon. He is such a Mama’s boy though, and while that was not good in general you could still wow his mother to pair him with you.
Cynthia was hard to please, but you were determined. 
As you looked over your family’s property. Your determination to keep all of it intact grew stronger. You would do the impossible to keep all of it, and ensure that your parents never have to step foot at The Cut.
“So, am I going to see you tomorrow morning?” he asked, you couldn’t miss the hopeful glint he had in his ocean blue eyes. Were they always that blue? You wondered.
Grinning, you answered, “I don’t know, I guess you have to ask my alarm.” He laughed at your response, before he could speak you added, “I might, I have pilates at ten, and I have to run a few errands after so I have to be in a productive mentality to get everything done.”
“Then you’re going to be finished at twelve?” he asks. 
You’re confused at his question, but you nod your head nonetheless. 
He nodded with a thoughtful expression, “Great. How about we grab lunch after your errands?”
Your heart fluttered as if spring blossomed at the pits of your heart, tickling your insides and pulling at heartstrings you thought had died after everything. “Sure, that sounds good.”
As you reached your doorstep, you turned to face him. “Thanks again for tonight, Rafe. It was really fun.”
He smiled, his eyes holding a warmth that lingered. “Anytime. I'll see you tomorrow morning, and hopefully for lunch too.” 
You twisted the door knob, pushed it and looked back at him to find him waiting for you to get inside. 
You thought gentlemen like this died, but it seemed as the perfect example spawned before your eyes with blond hair and gorgeous baby blues. Clearing your throat as you waved shyly, “good night.”
He waved back, a stretching smile on his lips. When you shut the door, you quickly went to the window and looked secretly behind the curtain at him. He eyed your house for a bit, a smirk on his face then he looked down at his fingers and finally retreated towards Tannyhill. 
There was a subtle shift in your system, an unspoken feeling you didn’t want to name afraid it shall gain power and become resilient. 
For heaven’s sake, you wanted to seduce Rafe and have him like you and not the other way around. You didn’t want to get your heart broken, you weren’t doing this for fun, you were doing it out of a pure need of survival.
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thecupidwitch · 1 month
Hi ! I hope you're feeling well and taking care 🫶🏻💜! I wanted to ask, do you have any tips/suggestions for beginner eclectic witch's? I want to get into witchcraft, but there's so much in the practice, it gets overwhelming for me (I have ADHD). Any tips/suggestions? I'd really appreciate it 💜🫂? Blessed be <3
You don't need to learn everything in one sitting, witchcraft takes time to learn and even the most advanced practitioner still don't know everything. What you need to do is learn about all the basics of magick. This includes:
What magick is and how it works
Correspondences of herbs, colors, oils, days and moon phases
Energy work
Grounding and centring
Shadow work
Protecting and cleansing yourself (you need to learn how to protect and cleanse before you do any other spell)
Also trust your inttuition above everything else. Always.
books recommendations
The Complete Book of Incense, Oils & Brews by Scott Cunningham
The Element Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells by Judika Illes
Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs by Scott Cunningham
The Sorcerer's Secrets by Jason Miller
The Green Witch by Arin Murphy-Hiscock
The Art of Mysticism by Gabriyell Sarom ( step by step guide on how to do meditation, breathing exercises, mindfulness and becoming attuned to energy)
Encyclopedia of Witchcraft by Judika Illes
Sigil Magic for Writers, Artists and Other Creatives by T. Thorn Coyle
Some youtubers:
Ivy The Occultist
Mystic At The Crossroads
The Witch Of Wonderlust
Temperance Alden
Willow Grace Astrology (if you are into astrology give her a listen)
Sorry i don't have any tips to help you learn with adhd but if anyone have any advice to give please to anon please do :)
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enchantedwitchling · 11 months
Working with Herbs: Herbal Magic for Beginners
In the gentle embrace of nature, lies a treasure trove of potent magic waiting to be unlocked—herbs. Whether you're new to the world of witchcraft or looking to deepen your connection with nature's gifts, herbal magic is a beautiful and accessible way to infuse your craft with natural energies.
In this blog post, I'm excited to share what I have learnt so far about herbal magic and how I incorporate these amazing plants into my practice and everyday life.
1.Understanding the Magic of Herbs 🌿🔮
Every herb possesses unique properties and energies that can enhance our intentions and spellwork. From lavender's calming influence to rosemary's protection, getting to know these herbal allies is the first step in crafting powerful magic.
2.Creating Herbal Infusions and Teas ☕🌱
Herbal infusions and teas are delightful ways to work with herbs. As we steep them in hot water, we release their essence, creating brews that can be used for healing, meditation, or simply as a comforting ritual.
3.Herbal Baths and Cleansing Rituals 🛀🌸
Immerse yourself in the soothing magic of herbal baths to cleanse and rejuvenate your spirit. Choose herbs that resonate with your intentions, and let their energies wash away any negativity, leaving you refreshed and ready for new beginnings.
4.Spell Bags and Sachets 🔮🌿
Spell bags and sachets are portable bundles of herbal magic that can be carried with you wherever you go. Fill them with specific herbs that align with your desires and intentions to keep their energies close at hand.
5.Incorporating Herbs in Candle Magick 🕯️🌱
Infuse your candle magick with the essence of herbs by anointing candles with herbal oils or dressing them with crushed herbs. As the candle burns, it releases the herbal energies into the universe, manifesting your intentions.
Working with herbs opens a gateway to a world of natural energies and ancient wisdom. As we cultivate our relationship with these botanical wonders, we find ourselves becoming more attuned to the rhythms of nature and the mysteries of the universe.
So, let's embark on this herbal journey together, where the fragrance of rosemary, the delicate petals of chamomile, and the wisdom of lavender guide us toward the art of herbal magic.
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So, you know how I said I was making 30 subclasses for Subclasseptember? I lied. This one's a class, actually.
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Subclasseptember Day 30: Choice
The Wildheart - Homebrew Class
The Wildheart is intended to fulfill a similar niche to Barbarian, but with its own flavor and a much more complex structure to provide the satisfying crunch that martials tend to otherwise lack.
Details under the cut.
This was a project that I'd been working on for a while over the last year. A complex martial, with similar build variety to the Warlock while not sacrificing the strengths of martial-oriented design. This was intended to contrast a simplistic mage whose build and combat choices would rival the elegance of a Champion Fighter. There's no reason that martials have to be the beginner's class and mages have to be the only choice for any actual variety in and out of combat.
The latter ended up being absorbed into the Swordmage, but the former ended up shelved - until now.
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Subclasseptember has been a fun time, but I'm going to once again take a step back from brewing. Can't blame anyone else for not going all the way; it's definitely not an easy task. Wouldn't be called a challenge if it was.
Subclasseptember 2023 Compendium and DNDBeyond Links to come soon. Sadly, DNDBeyond still doesn't support homebrew classes.
Normally I'd make a funny quip here or something? But right now, all I can say is thank you everyone for your support. I intend to continue with these passion projects as long as I can. Albeit at a bit of a slower pace.
If you like what you see, I've got a ko-fi if you want to commission more of my stuff? It's in the pinned post on my page.
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fakesimp · 1 year
Twisted Passion
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Warning !
Nsfw ; Yandere! Eki ; Dark Sorcerer! Hikarino ; Mentions of blood, murder ; Not proper confession ; Established Poly Relationship
A/n !
Glad to see everyone enjoyed the first part, fufu~ reblogs and comments are always appreciated ! Don't worry, I didn't forget about uploading the second part fufu~
Part I <- ||
"You're done?" Hikarino asked as he roll up the scroll and approached you, "Yes, thank you for the meal" you thanked him, he nodded, you can see how his eyes soften a bit as he look at you. "Okay, you're free to do anything you want in this room, just don't get out of your room if you don't want any trouble" he grabbed the plate and put the table away, "I'll get going, I'll come back again at 9 pm"
With that you're left all alone, you get out from your bed and walked around the room, examining the room, the dressing table, this room, is minimalistic. Not too much things to see, but kind of comfortable to be in.
As you're looking around, you didn't notice the bookshelves, your eyes twinkled as you approached it and took out a book. Gently holding the book and looked at the title, 'The Sorcerer and The Demon' it said. You gently opened the book and started reading.
. . .
Meanwhile, at the other room, or should I say, Eki's room. Hikarino was confused on where did his partner gone to, only to find him casually just walked into his own bedroom like nothing happened.
"Where were you?" Hikarino asked as he watch the red head sat down on the chair and fiddled with his knife, "Visiting, a certain someone." He said, and let out a low chuckle. "Who?" "Oh don't you want to know" Hikarino sighed and just accepted the answer, doesn't even bother to force out the answer out of the red head "They're in their rooms now, they've ate." He said as he sat down on the couch and crossed his arms.
"Okay good to know, then there shouldn't be anything that will hold me back from doing my job." Eki said as he turn and look over at the green-purple haired male, "You're staying behind, right?" Hikarino nodded and look out at the window. "Just make sure you didn't leave any traces behind." He said earning a chuckle from the red head, "Who do you think I am? I am not some beginner, or some shit. I'll be back soon, make sure they're not escaping, dear sorcerer." Eki let out a small laugh as he left the room.
Hikarino looked over at the left open door, he sighed and walked out from Eki's room and closed the door behind him. "Better finish those people off before they decided to come here and take them away from us." Hikarino went to his room and stared at his brewing table.
Scrolls scattered messily both on the floor and the table, he took a deep sigh as he snap his fingers and cleaned up the mess, "To think we're going this far for them." He sighed once more before letting out a small laugh. "Well, that's that I guess. Good luck with your mission, Eki."
. . .
"Quit being such a hassle, and let me finish this off quick, I already miss my little bunny" He said as he stabbed off the person below him, he stood up and wipe the blood of his cheek. Looking behind him to see multiple dead people, on the ground.
He let out a sigh, and then he growled. "Fuck sake." He ran a hand through his bangs and brushed them back, "Hey, you little floating papers, I know Hikarino sent one of you with me" he spoke out and stood in silence for a moment. Looking around, waiting.
He sighed, "Fine, What does he call you again. Little shikigamis? Yeah, Help me will you." And then one of the paper slipped out of his robe. Floating in front of his face, by the movements they seemed annoyed. "What are you waiting for? Do what you have to do" he said as he look down on the dead bodies, "If not I'll just rip you to half, I don't mind that too." With that the shikigami frantically fly around the dead bodies and drop a spark of fire.
With that they're burnt down to ashes.
"Good, then let's head back." Eki left the place while a smirk are plastered on his face, who did he kill you wonder? Someone who caused you trouble.
That is all I can say.
. . .
You heard a knock coming from your door, you were reading, and is distracted because of the knock, you put a bookmark on the current page and put the book away to open the door, to be greeted by Hikarino who' seems to talk to, ...the small floating paper on his palm. He was whispering something, but you couldn't make out what he said.
"meht tectorp" he look up at you and let the paper float towards you, "Don't worry, It's just for your protection" Hikarino said and stood still outside the door for a moment. "Were you.. doing something?" He asked, making you blink at him and the floating magic paper that's floating near you. "Oh, uhm yeah, I was, reading" you replied, "Ah I see, then I'll lea-" "Ah Hikarino and little bunny having a cute conversation without me?" "... Welcome back"
You peeked out your door to only got horrified by the appearance of the red head, bloody from head to toe. "You," Hikarino sighed, "You're going to paint the floor red, it's already hard enough to clean your mess at the scene, and you're making another mess here?" Hikarino complained, only earning a shrug from the red head. "What were you two talking about?" Eki approached you two, and goodness he reeks of blood, the smell of iron pierced into your nostrils.
"I was giving them a shikigami, just in case." Hikarino explained as he took a step away from Eki, you can tell he's disgusted but he didn't say anything. "Oh, I see. Well then, double protection is fine too" the red head said before looking towards you, smirking. "Or you can just burn that paper and let me, protect you personally" "Cease the thought, it's better this way"
You're now witnessing the two arguing again in front of you, somehow, no matter how fucked up Eki is, how mysterious Hikarino is. You manage to find peace between these two, "...I, don't know what you guys want from me... Why did you guys bring me here for.. but, Thank you.." you have successfully gained their attention, earning a chuckle from the red head. "Your welcome, you're lucky I like you, if not you're already one with earth, meeting God even." He stared at you, smiling sinisterly.
But what distracted you was that 3 words, 'I like you ' is that, a confession? Or just a statement? "You... Like me?" You repeated the 3 words, making both male silent. Eki blankly stared at you, "What? Does me liking you made you feel weird?" He asked. "... Perhaps, developing such feelings for someone like you is odd." Hikarino spat out from your left side, "Come again? It is also odd for you to do these things towards someone, you never acted like this before" Eki retorted.
You stood in between them, watching them arguing again. You didn't realize but a smile slowly creep up to your lips, "..Thank you, for.. protecting me" you thanked them once again, Hikarino glances at you, he then sighed softly before gently placing his hand on top of your head. Not saying anything but you know by his gesture, he' saying your welcome.
"Clean yourself up Eki, you reek of blood." Hikarino said as you felt a gentle pull on your clothes, you peek over to see the small paper, called 'shikigami' pulled your clothes, "It's late, you should rest, I'll wake you up in the morning to eat breakfast" with that, Hikarino closed the door, and you definitely saw him smiling softly at you as he closes it.
Soon after you heard grumbling coming from behind the door, and footsteps going further away from your door.
You sighed and walk up to your bed, sat down before slowly laying down on it, looking up at the ceiling, then at the shikigami who's floating beside you, "Do you.. understand me?" The paper nod, you stared at the paper fascinated, you smiled. "Thank you for giving me a company" you thanked the paper and slowly drifting off to sleep.
. . .
"How interesting.. hahah"
. . .
You were gently shaken up, slowly opening your eyes to see a familiar green eyes looking down at you. "Good morning, I hope you slept well" he greeted as he took a step away from you, letting you gather up your thoughts and energy. "Breakfast is currently being prepared, I believe as soon as we arrive they're ready to be feasted on" Hikarino extended his hand towards you, waiting for you to take his hand.
You stared at his hand for a moment before putting yours on his, then both of you walked into the dining room together, Eki was there already waiting for you both. "Good morning little bunny, did you sleep well?" He asked, you nod. "Good, take a seat, we're going to eat." He said and then the three of you had breakfast together, after you're done, Eki spoke,
"Well, do you have plans today?" He asked you, you look up at him and frowned for a moment, "No, not really, I, well probably just spend my day reading" You replied as you glance at Hikarino before looking back at the red head,
"Hm, well then, how about we go on a spree-"
"Absolutely not, they're staying with me"
You watched them both arguing again, you could only smile at the argument, but you're just glad to be here now. Even though you're here just for a few days, ...or maybe even longer? You don't even know how long you've passed out after Eki bought you here.
But the bond you felt between these two, seems, different and, warm. Perhaps maybe you can rely on these two more.
"You're coming/staying with me right?"
©fakesimp . 2023
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A/n !
There we go ! Not really that heart clenching and stuff but, at least it's a good ending ey? Fufu~
" ... "
"Ah, hello" Hikarino greeted,
"I hope you don't mind—... Hm? Why are you so surprised? Is my visit really that surprising?" He frowned, "Huh? Again? ...? Ah, Let me guess" he smiled slightly, "You are the one that Eki visited when i asked, that's why he doesn't want to tell me about it."
"Well, Don't worry, nothing bad will happen, this will only stay between you, and me. Don't tell Eki, and the others. They definitely won't like it."
|| Sequel ->
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bowl-of-shortness · 2 years
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Square one for my crochet pillow is done, clocking in at 67 rows, 67 chains across for each row, and clocking in at a total of 4,489 stitches
A new record for me. Probably child’s play to an experienced crocheter but hey I’m proud
I did all that in the span of what was 5 ish days
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vonev · 1 year
The Strings Of Webs (and the ones you’ve woven)
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Miguel O’Hara x reader
Chapter 1: The Beginning Of Something New (and something unknown)
Words: 3.7k
Warnings: Graphic depictions of violence, angst, hurt/comfort.
Summary: So—just imagine, one day you’re sitting in your home, enjoying your day off of the usual stressful work you had, only for a mysterious asshole to appear and snatch you away from your home, your safe space. 
Not only that, but he decided to put you in his sick version of a jail and start demeaning your entire existence in front of other strangers that, for some reason, are replicas of each other. Something something Spider-men and the Spider Society, the entire safety and security of the multiverse on your hands, and that you were the cause of everyone’s downfall.
 Yeah, that’s your life now.
Part I Part II 
“—be wary of glitches around you, contact your local hospital immediately if you or your family encounter symptoms or signs of glitching—“
“—whoever decided we should allow kids to have free lunches in school doesn’t realize that the school needs to be fed too! This is why—“
“—and I said, boom! Spider-man, I caught you red-handed!”
“Spider-man spotted running around the city terrorizing civilians with whipped cream, but witnesses said it was a hoax by some random troll—“
“—on tonight’s news of Daily Bugle, Spider-man has been found dead—“
You halted.
The notion of mindlessly clicking next on the different channels paused when you heard the key words, ‘Spider-man’ and ‘found dead’.
To say you were shocked was an understatement of the century, Spider-man out of all the people in the entire universe was declared deceased should not simply gloss over everyone’s mind.
Your jaw hung open, the words still dancing in your mind like lovers on a weekend honeymoon trip, holding onto each other yet under the surface, something else was brewing.
You wanted to seek out Spider-man, so how are you supposed to, now, if he is dead?
You gritted your teeth out of pure frustration, you had hoped you’d catch him in his act of swinging around your part of the city, just being the friendly neighborhood Spider-man as he always usually does.
You are desperate for an answer to a question, nervously biting down on the skin around your nail as you stood up and paced around your living room for a solution.
Bring him back from the dead? No.
Frankenstein him and pray he would have a sliver of his memory left? No.
Pray? No, God never answers, anyway.
You scratched the itchy spot where the spider bit you earlier, pondering over the chances of you being able to summon his spirit through a summoning ritual in the book called ‘Satanism for beginners: dummies edition’ you found at a random thrift shop earlier.
You weren’t in a rush per se, but then again, Spider-man not being alive meant you would never be able to satiate your raging curiosity.
You shrugged, and mourned for Spider-man in your special little way: making yourself a bomb ass dinner and popping a brand new champagne bottle in his honor, as a salute to his service and him as a whole.
After all, Spider-man would’ve wanted this. You doubt he would want people to gather around and shed tears on his grave rather than share happy encounters together with each other in his memories.
You were only assuming, but he did seem like a sweet kid from the handful of run-ins you had with him.
Letting out a deep sigh, you let your feet carry you to your kitchen, rummaging through the fridge in search of the barely expired package of steak shoved into the far back. You inspected the meat sitting inside the packaging, noting how it was starting to turn a grey-greenish hue. You debated on even cooking it and risking your health, but your stomach grumbled the moment you did and you decided against the better of it and made the meal anyway.
You let the well-seasoned steak sit in the pan with melted butter and rosemary, casually basking it in melted butter once in a while with a spoon with the garlic clove sitting on the side, your other hand holding a glass of champagne from the bottle you popped, taking leisure sips in-between your cooking.
Despite its flaws, the smell of the steak was heavenly.
You give yourself a pat on the back and proceed to nicely decorate your plate with the cut-up steak, bringing it to the living room along with the bottle of champagne for more of it later.
“—Spider-man’s identity has been revealed upon his death—“
On the screen, it showed a picture of a promising, rather young looking man, with messy blonde streaks of hair adorning his face and a nice smile with a glint of joy in his eyes.
He looked like he could’ve been anyone’s kid, and that thought saddened you. You decided to switch to Netflix and brought the blanket over your lap as you leisurely browse the catalogue for what seemed like eternity, your steak slowly going cold.
“Holy fuck, nothing at all.”
You settled for watching a 4-hour video essay on YouTube instead, slowly munching your steak away and huddled up in your comfy blanket.
As if the universe had it out for you, a bright orange glow suddenly took over your tiny apartment space in mere seconds, you snapped your head toward the source and immediately shot an arm up to cover your eyes, the lights were borderline blinding. You tried to sneak glances toward what could’ve caused the commotion, and your heart almost popped out of your chest at the sight of a random portal-looking hole in the middle of your apartment.
And out came the hole was possibly one of the biggest men you’ve seen, standing at a staggering 6 '8 stature you would think he had been an otherworldly entity. You could’ve sworn you saw him tore through the fabric of space and time with what seemed to be blades built into his elbow.
And his suit…
He looked like a Spider-man, with the obvious spider symbol embedded into the front of his skin-tight suit. He was a tall wall of pure muscles, looking nothing like the Spider-man your city has grown to know and love, but how could he be Spider-man—
—if Spider-man is dead?  
You looked into his gaze, a fit of pure rage, disdain and disgust could be felt from where you assumed would be his eyes. After all, they say eyes are the windows to one’s soul. His gaze held onto yours as he slowly approached where you sat, you felt a shiver down your spine that spoke to your soul. And it wasn’t as though he had a face to gauge his emotions by—his posture and the big, intimidating steps he took said it all.
This was terrifying, he was terrifying.
Your breath hitched once he got close enough to see the hair standing at the back of your neck like a frightened cat.
Was it hot in here, or was it just you? Or maybe him?
You had no clue, but you could feel yourself starting to sweat as though you had just run a marathon, and your senses were on high alert with how close the man was to you, your flight or fight alarm blaring like a thousand horns in your head.
He was not good news.
But you couldn’t move.
You felt yourself frozen up, and you wish you had been better at responding because you could’ve, and are probably about to be murdered. You took a gulp of breath, suddenly the feeling of your saliva going down your throat felt more vivid than ever in the small confined space of you and him.
You could see the way he scrunched up his nose with the moving wrinkles of his mask, pulling back from staring you down.
He diverted his attention to the watch on his wrist, fiddling with it before a hologram appeared in mid-air like some sort of Sci-Fi freak show, and a small lady appeared on the screen.
“What is it you want now, Miguel?” She groaned, seemingly annoyed at his advance of calling her out to do whatever he wanted at the time.
“Don’t give me that attitude, Lyla, pull out the files from yesterday,” he wasted no time biting back at her, almost as though he would start a fight with her right then and there if he wanted to.
From where you sat, with your legs tightly close to your chest and your blanket now on the floor, you still held dear to the plate of steak you were enjoying half a minute ago before everything conspired, your grip like a super-glue on the fork you held. You noted the rather adorable appearance of the girl, Lyla, was it?
She had a full body fur coat on with what you were certain was a pair of large, heart shaped glasses sitting on her tiny nose bridge.
“Nuh-uh,” she quipped, staring at her nails like she was bored of what Miguel had to say.
“I swear to God—“
“Good luck with that, Miguel.”
You found it comical how they went back and forth with each other, you couldn’t tell if Miguel was joining in on the fun or he had been genuinely annoyed—and for all you know (and for what you couldn’t) he seemed to lean in on the latter. To be fair, he didn’t strike you as the type to bring fun into the party with what he had shown so far.
“Lyla, could you please show me the files from yesterday,” he paused for a few seconds, as if the next words out of his mouth hurt him physically to say out loud, “with a cherry on top.”
Lyla seemed satisfied with that, you could hear her giggle. “Already on it,” and swiped her hand across the air as multiple screens appeared, some with more content than the others, but amongst all the mumbo-jumbo of information you saw one thing that struck curiosity further into you—
—it was a profile of your face, and from what you saw, you looked absolutely amazing in the picture.
You let out a sigh of relief, at least they had the decency to pick a nice picture of you.
At least when you die, you’ll die looking pretty.
Miguel snapped his head to you when he heard your sigh, the pretend-eyes on his mask narrowed to a dangerous slit.
“Don’t think you’re getting away with this, criminal.”
You don’t know what you were supposed to feel with the way he bit his words at you, hissing, almost. But you felt quite offended—and you had a backbone unlike anyone else that would’ve been in your situation.
“You—you did not just threaten me,” You fought his gaze with the determination and anger in yours, and for a flash of a second, you saw the way his eyes widened—almost as though he was surprised you would rebut him. “You come into my home, ruin my nice dinner, and now you act like I just annihilated your entire family!”
You had placed your dinner and glass of champagne onto the IKEA coffee table in front of you, choosing to cross your arms over your chest as you scoffed in his direction, staring him down (or up?) like a disappointed parent at a teacher-parent meeting conference.
His lips pulled back in a snarl, and if he hadn’t had any ounce of self-restraint; he would’ve been pouncing on you with force you never even knew were possible. But to him, you only sound like a child whining about not getting their favorite toy—which greatly amused him, considering what you have done.
“Funny coming from someone who terrorized multiple dimensions,” he scoffed, inching his face closer to yours by towering his massive figure over you, an act of intimidation meant to catch you off-guard and make you fear him.
But what he didn't know was that you worked at Starbucks—so nothing, and you mean nothing could scare you like the ladies did when they’re on their fifth run of Starbucks of the day, irritated from their job and demanding custom drinks that made you cry on your lunch break. You merely glanced at him, your face stoic and devoid of any signs of fear.
“Listen here, big guy,” you jabbed a finger at his chest, caught off guard by how unexpectedly soft the fabric of his suit was—you could vividly feel the tensed muscles beneath them. “You don’t get to strut into my home via some strange portal and tell me what I did wrong, and for your information, you sound like a massive idiot going on about your ‘multidimensional threat’ bullcrap.”
By the end of your rant, he had already concluded that you were going to be a pain in his ass; and for that, he reached his arm out to grab the wrist you pointed at him with, squeezing it, serving as a silent threat.
The kind that wouldn’t end well if you don’t listen.
And to his dismay, you showed no signs of discomfort, only an increased amount of annoyance he could spot in your eyes as you tried to snatch your wrist away from his steel grip but ultimately failed.
“Listen here, cariño,” he said, sarcasm dripping off of him like honey. “You don’t get to dictate who’s in control after all that you’ve done,” his hold on your wrist now tightened tenfold, and he relished in the discomfort he could see when your face contorted, hearing your hiss of pain.
“Dickhead,” you grumbled underneath your breath, the frustration, annoyance and anger boiling in the pit of your stomach at the sight of him—you held back your tongue from hurling more insults his way. And to your dismay, he caught what slipped between your lips, his face getting closer than ever and you could feel the fan of his breath on the tip of your nose.
“Wanna repeat that?”
“I said—“ you prepared yourself for an attack, a foot to his abdomen would do it, just one quick move and he would be out of your hair as you flee from the perpetrator. “Fucking,” …anytime now—
In an instant, your foot connected with his abdomen, and you kicked. The next few seconds were a blur—his eyes widening at the feeling of your foot on his torso and the actual impact it had. You were frightened at the way he was pushed off of you and into the wall behind him, the strength of your kick causing the wall to give in from the sudden pressure. You could’ve sworn you saw the massive dent in the walls when he slid down—but you wasted zero milliseconds pondering any thoughts you may have.
As he slowly gathered his senses, you were already out of the apartment, bolting.
The adrenaline started to kick in as you practically ran for your life like you’ve never had before—that was because you didn’t have to until now.
You didn’t have to turn around to hear how Miguel had busted through your apartment window, the way the ground shook (or was it just you?) as you felt the weight of his limbs and how they carried him fast.
He was approaching.
And God, for once in your life did you wish you dead.
You would figure out how to explain to your landlord about the broken window and crumbled walls later—for now, survive.
But somehow, you outran him—choosing to swerve your way past the innocent bystanders in a zigzag manner as you yelled ‘sorry’ and ‘forgive me’, if you had learn anything from watching animal documentaries, it was to escape predators by confusing it thus your zigzag marathon.
You were frantically praying to something out there that your strategy was working, because if you paid attention, you would feel the way he was borderline breathing down your neck, toying with you. Your heartbeat thumped in your ears, edging the thin thread of going deaf with how loud it was.
The people you rushed past all collectively gasped and ogled, some even cheered, and you could just tell he was on your tail.
That’s no good.
Your eyes noted the sight of an entry to an alleyway, it was your only chance to survive his borderline murderous attempt at capturing you as you skillfully took a swift turn into the alleyway, your back immediately met the wall as you tried to calm your haggard breaths—you did not want to be spotted by him.
A flash of blue and red rushed past the corridor where you hid, and after a few seconds of no signs of activity of him being near you—you let out a small sigh, one that you had been holding on to dear life.
If you had known any better, you would’ve spotted the sight of his feet above you at the top of the building, crouched as he watched your every move—the way your body suggested your relaxed state and how you strut deeper into the alleyway; big mistake, in his humble opinion.
With the thought in mind that you had effectively avoided Miguel, you slowly caught your breath, your chest heaving as you wiped away the huge amount of sweat that gathered on your forehead. You started chuckling, in your adrenaline high, you weren’t able to hear the way Miguel stealthily fell on a balcony closer to you, how he dropped behind you without as much as a ‘thud’ coming from his soft landing.
To you, you just had the chase of your life—and to your utter surprise, you managed to swerve off a man of a stature and agility like his; it was enough to warren yourself a pat on the back as you felt a smile tug at your lips.
“Having fun?”
Shit. Shit. Double shit.
You were a goner.
Your senses were off the charts now, tingling like a spider crawling all over the back of your neck, sending a shockwave of shivers down your spine. You could smell him, that or your senses were starting to betray you. For a flash of a second what felt like claws tugged at your ankle, causing you to tumble over onto your stomach as you let out a loud yelp in pain.
He had caught up to you, to your unfortunate self, evident by the weight of his foot pressed against the small of your back, applying an immense amount of pressure that caused you to cry out in pain.
“Fucking—how?!” You shouted, your throat hoarse from all the yelling and screaming activities you had been conducting, your high slowly wearing off as your mind instantly jumped into a new stage of emotions you’ve never truly felt before: the utter fear that sent chills down your very core, the burning fire running amok in your nerves, and the loud banging headache you felt when you were knocked down.
“You let your guards down,” Miguel found utmost amusement in the way you squirm underneath his foot, your arms struggling to catch a hold onto something, anything. To him, it was just an ordinary chase on the daily he would frequently experience, running off of the high that it gave him as he bent over to look into your gaze; filled with so much hatred and disdain—and all for him.
It excited him, almost.
But to you, having led the most normal life ever of an average person, being chased by a multidimensional superhero who could traverse the universe within a flick of his wrist was never part of your scheduled programs. And at this moment, you had no idea what to believe in anymore.
The universe was playing a cruel joke on you, and they are laughing.
You caught his gaze and could note the way his pretend-eyes glistened with a bundle of emotions: rage, annoyance, a murderous intent, and excitement. All seething and hissing underneath that stupid mask of his. If he was honest to himself, the situation was the most fun he had in a while.
“Next time,” as he got closer to you, his voice turned into a mere whisper, “Try not breathing so hard, cariño.”
With what you would assume was your death approaching in the figure of a bear for a man—his mask dissipated within an instance in pixels, his face now bare to you as he only got closer and closer, your eyes blown wide open with fear and the pace of your breathing picking back up into a brutal pace as anxiety swelled in your chest.
He had lifted his foot off of your back only to engulf you in his pair of strong, tree trunks for arms. You watched the way his jaw hung open, the light bounced off his fangs, the glint almost blinding you as you merely laid there, spent and mentally exhausted in his arms.
This was it.
This was how you would die.
In a game of predator and prey—and you were the prey that thought they got away.
And for the last few seconds of what you assumed to be the end of your life—you struggled against his hold, yet no attempts of yours were successful at feigning him off of you. He had the audacity to chuckle at your effort, like they meant nothing to him.
Because they didn’t.
To him, you were just an average, unfortunate prey becoming the meal he would treat himself to every night as a reward for his hard work having slaughtered you for his satiations; that being hunger and self-fulfillment.
And because he eyed you like one.
It was hard to miss the red glow in his iris, dominating the ring with his pupils blown out, looking like a crazed man with an addiction—and he had found his drug.
“Relax, you’re only making it harder for yourself.”
He brushed aside your hair, exposing the vulnerable spot of your neck—you could feel the way the tip of his fangs teased the bare skin on the back of where your neck and shoulder connected in a junction, taking his sweet time as his fingers traced up the sides of your arms, you could feel the bruises starting to blossom on your skin in response to his iron-like grip.
And before you knew it, he sunk his fangs into you, breaking your skin as you could only struggle even more so in his hold in pathetic attempts at escaping.
It burnt.
Oh God it burnt so fucking bad.
If you had thought your nerves were on fire before, they were quite literally bathing in a pool of lava by now. The venom has slowly integrated itself into your blood flow, inviting itself in like that annoying neighbor’s kid you never liked barging into your home.
You felt downright violated.
But you were helpless.
And for what felt like the last moment of your life, you could only sob, feeling the bubble of tears bursting and swimming down your reddened yet ghastly-looking cheeks like fish in the ocean. Consciousness slowly started to seep away like grasping at sands—little by little, they would be gone. Your vision gradually declined on you every second.
And along was what little dignity you had left as you slumped in Miguel’s arms, lifeless.
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