#best inspirational christmas messages
justdontaskme · 9 months
Home for the Holidays
A/N: It's been so long! I didn't really expect to finish this in time, but had a spur of inspiration. For those who need a quick escape from the festivities. Please excuse the rustiness in my writing! Happy holidays!
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You stood at the door, waving goodbye to your parents as they drove away. Once the car was out of sight, you stepped away from the cold and closed the door. Now that they’ve gone, it was quiet in the house, too quiet for your liking. 
One thing people forget to mention about going home for the holidays after living abroad for so long was that your family still very much had their own lives here. They couldn’t always just drop whatever they were doing to hang out with you, and you didn’t want to ask that of them. 
This year, your parents had asked that everyone in your family would be able to spend all of Christmas Day together, and all of your siblings agreed. It’s been some time since everyone had the chance to celebrate the holiday altogether. 
It was always so hard to get your schedules to line up with such a big family. Each year, some of you would have Christmas Eve available, others would have Christmas Day available or vice versa. And once in a while, you have to miss the holiday altogether. 
Unlike most of your siblings, you don’t live in your hometown or at least in the same state. For the past few years, you have been living your dream in Barcelona, playing on one of the best teams in the world with your girlfriend, Alexia Putellas. 
So you flew home a few days early to spend time with the family while your girlfriend stayed home. When your parents had first proposed the idea of a full family Christmas, Alexia was up to the idea. However, as the holiday got closer, Alexia’s media presence was much requested, and after all was said and done, you knew she’d be too tired to meet you across the world. 
After your many reassurances, she agreed it would be best for her to stay in Spain with her family this year. You just never knew that when you told her to stay that you’d be spending Christmas Eve alone. 
As of now, your parents were out to some extended family’s house, which you chose to pass on since it’d be all adults and no cousins around. Two of your sisters were out at a Friendsmas party, one would be driving in much later tonight, and your older brothers weren’t coming in until tomorrow morning. 
Even though your parents and sisters urged you to join them at their respective parties, you declined, not wanting to impose or feel awkward around people you weren’t so used to. However sad it was, you’d rather be alone tonight than to have to sit and pretend around people when you were actually just extremely uncomfortable. 
Grabbing a blanket from the couch, you wrapped it around your shoulder as you walked into the kitchen looking for the food your mom said she had left for you. Spotting the home cooked meal with glee, you grabbed it and went to sit on the couch and watch a movie. 
As the title screen played, you checked your phone, upset to once again see no messages or calls from your girlfriend. 
You knew the time difference made things difficult, but Alexia had been radio silent for a long time now. The loneliness was slowly creeping up on you as you tried calling Alexia again, just for her to go straight to voicemail again.  
It was about halfway through the movie when you heard the doorbell ring. At first, you figured it was just one of your sisters coming home early from their parties or your other sister arriving early. Reluctantly, you set your dinner to the side, readjusting the blanket around you as you went to answer the door. 
“Hola,” your girlfriend standing across from you, not completely dressed for the weather if her little shivers were anything to go by. 
To say you were shocked was a huge understatement. In fact, you just stood there, not saying anything as your brain tried to process what was going on. 
“Can I come in?”
Silently, you stepped to the side, allowing her into your parent’s home. You watched, speechless, as she set her luggage to the side, immediately sighing in relief at the warmer temperature in the house. 
“What are you doing here?” you whispered, afraid if you spoke any louder, you’d wake up from this dream, and Alexia would disappear. 
“I canceled my last media appearance and hopped on a flight to come see you. I missed you,” she answered, holding her arms open for you.
Without a second thought you launched yourself into her arms, clinging onto her as you realized she was actually here. 
“You’re supposed to be in Spain,” you said, your words muffled against her jacket. 
“Christmas is your favorite holiday, and I wanted to spend it with you,” she said, leaning back far enough, one hand grabbing your chin and lifting it until your eyes locked on one another. 
You shivered a little when she leaned down to press a kiss to your lips, her cold ones pressing against your warm ones. The slight hum coming from your girlfriend had you melting in her arms. 
“Where is everyone else?” Alexia asked, stepping back slightly so she could shrug off her jacket.
“They had plans,” you explained, looking at the floor, slightly embarrassed to admit that you were here alone. Sensing this, Alexia immediately pulled you back into her arms, quietly assuring you that she was here now. “What about your mom and Alba? I thought you were spending it with them?”
“We agreed we’d celebrate when you and I get back, but they understood how much I wanted to be with you.” 
“You’re such a softy, Ale,” you teased, secretly overjoyed by her decision to hop on a last minute flight to be with you. 
“Only for you, mi amor.”
“I missed you,” you muttered into her shirt, squeezing her extra tight to express your gratitude for her last minute sacrifice. 
She left a soft kiss against the top of your head before toeing off her shoes and leading you back to the living room where you had paused the movie. 
“So what are we watching?” your girlfriend asked, “The Polar Express?”
“Well I was going to watch The Santa Claus movies, but my siblings said we had to rewatch those together so we could watch the show together.”
“There’s a show?” You nodded, scooping up your dinner and settling in on the couch as Alexia made herself comfortable next to you. You offered her some of your mom’s dinner, which she quickly opened her mouth for as you fed her a bite. 
You sat there cuddled on the couch, watching movie after movie, taking the time to explain the cultural differences of Christmas in the U.S. and Spain. 
Eventually, you saw how hard Alexia was fighting to stay awake, so without a word you shut off the TV, standing up and offering your hand to her. Gratefully, she took it and allowed you to walk her up to your childhood bedroom. 
You couldn’t even describe how good it felt to have her sleeping next to you that night. 
To no one’s surprise, you were the last one awake the next morning, with the rest of your siblings and their families finally making an appearance before you came down. Though they were surprised to find you coming down the stairs with your girlfriend following behind you. But nonetheless, they greeted her with arms wide open.
Thankfully, your family loved Alexia, so while they hadn’t expected it, they were more than happy to include her in the festivities. While the language barrier was still there, and the mistranslations were only funny to you since you were now pretty fluent in both Spanish and English, both parties did their best. Alexia got to practice her English, and your family got to learn new Spanish words. 
After making your rounds of hellos to everyone, you finally took a seat at the table, waiting for the hearty breakfast cooked entirely by your mom and your brother who came in extra early for this. 
While Alexia had a very loving and close family, she didn’t have one as big as yours. She loved to watch you messing around with your siblings, all of you bonding a lot more now in your older age than when you were kids. 
The house was filled with so much noise. Your nieces and nephews were running around the house, playing and chasing after one another. Your parents were catching up with your sister-in-laws. And you and your siblings were laughing and yelling at one another between bites of food. 
It was fun to watch as you and your sisters bickered nonstop over the most trivial things while your older brothers watched, egging the argument on with little comments here and there. Some people may consider this chaotic, but this was normal when you were all together like this. And that was how you all liked it. 
Once everyone had their fill of food, you migrated into the living room. It was even more chaotic as everyone took turns taking photos in front of the Christmas tree. Thanks to your dad’s camera and tripod, there was a photo with everyone in it. Then it broke into just parents, you and your siblings, the grandbabies, and then individual family photos. 
When it was time for you and Alexia to take your photo, you were pretty much begging your sister to allow you to take your niece into the photo. She was the newest addition to the family, joining just one month prior. This was your first time meeting her, and you had trouble putting the little angel down for more than a second. 
“Get your own!” your brother jokingly shouted, as your sister scooped the precious baby out of your arms. 
You pouted as your eyes followed the baby, your feet moving to stand next to your waiting girlfriend. 
“Maybe we will,” Ale shouted back at him, wrapping you tight in her arms. 
“Yeah!” you said, instantly brightening up and then turning to stick your tongue out at your brother. “What she said.”
The others laughed as your dad started clicking away at the camera. 
“We’re still waiting for a wedding invitation,” your baby sister said, causing the others to agree. 
“And I’m still waiting for a ring,” you told them, looking pointedly at your girlfriend, who instantly turned red at the attention as all eyes were now on her. 
“We’ll get there,” she answered vaguely. “Soon, I promise.”
As soon as the last picture was taken, everyone swarmed the tree to open presents. As tradition dictated, the grandbabies were first to open their gifts. 
There was nothing better than seeing all your nieces and nephews eyes shining bright with excitement as they all sat next to each other with presents in hand. Each new gift they opened was met with lots of thanks and instant show-and-tell. 
Eventually, all the kids opened their gifts and vacated the living room with their new toys in tow as the adults waited their turn. You and your siblings presented your gifts to your mom and dad, deciding it was best to all chip in for one large present. After that, you and your siblings exchanged presents, most of them gag gifts as you all had an unspoken competition agreement that the one that elicited the biggest laugh won. 
After your older sister won for the second time in a row, everyone dispersed to do their own things.
You were just about to go and snatch the baby again, but a hand pulled you back before you could escape. 
“Wait, mi amor. You still have one more present,” Alexia said, her other hand hiding behind her back. 
“Huh? I thought you and I agreed we’d do presents when I got back because I left your present back home,” you whined quietly, finding it unfair you weren’t able to give Alexia her gift right now.
“I can wait to open mine, but I really, really want to see you open yours,” she said, pulling the gift from behind her back, revealing a nicely sealed envelope. “Merry Christmas, mi vida.”
Carefully, you took the envelope from her, eyeing her suspiciously as you carefully opened it. 
Your eyes rose in confusion when you noticed they were plane tickets for the break just after the season finishes. The second you saw that they were tickets to Hawaii, you teared up.
Unknown to everyone else, you and Alexia had extensive talks about the future and what that entailed. Alexia always said that when she planned to propose, you would know relatively when and where, but not how. One night, you and Alexia had been lying in bed, and she told you that she would propose in Hawaii but gave you nothing else. 
She wanted you to have a heads up when it was coming, but also keep you on your toes. And this 14-day trip would do the trick because you wouldn’t know if it would happen at the beginning, middle, or end of the trip, let alone what Alexia would concoct to make it special. Yet you knew that as soon as you got back on the plane heading home, you’d have a ring on your finger and a fiancée by your side. 
“Are you serious right now?” you said, choked up with emotion, glad that everyone was scattered around the house and couldn’t see you cry. 
“So serious, mi amor,” she stepped up, cradling your face in her hands, “It’s been a long time coming, no?”
“Can’t wait,” you said, leaning forward to capture her lips in a passionate kiss that usually wouldn’t be appropriate in front of your family. But in that second, you didn’t care. You just needed her to know how much you cared for her, “I love you so much.”
“Me too,” she said, her grin mischievous and a laugh tumbling out of her mouth as you pushed away from her. “I’m kidding,” she said, pulling you back into her embrace.
“You better be,” you said, willingly falling back into her arms, but still refusing to look at her. 
“I am. Te amo mucho, mi corazón.”
You pretended to still be disinterested in her antics, but she wore you down with kisses everywhere her lips could reach. 
“I’ll forgive you this time, but only because you promised me a ring,” you teased, pecking her lips softly. 
“I can deal with that.”
“Merry Christmas, Ale. Thank you for being here,” you said, hiding your face in her neck as you started to sway with her to the Christmas music playing in the background. 
“There’s nowhere else I’d rather be.”
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gallavichthings · 2 months
A.U.gust 2024
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It's almost August again, so time for us to explore alternative universes and see all the other ways in which our boys could fall in love. 😊
For this year, each week will have a general theme, and anything that falls under that theme is allowed, as long as it's original. WIPs, updates or re-imaginings of your own previous works are also allowed (to use someone else's work as inspiration, please ask for their consent before starting).
As always, no sign-ups are needed for this event. Just make sure to mention me using @gallavichthings on the body of your post (you can hide it under a read-more or by using a reblog if you wish to). Posting here on Tumblr is mandatory, but you can host your work somewhere else and post only a link if you want to. There will, of course, be a collection on AO3 (to be announced later).
Some posting suggestions (nothing is mandatory, but it would be courteous):
Tags are to your own discretion, but I suggest tagging NSFW works or hiding them under read-mores (in case of visual posts - fics are normally not an issue).
If you post a long fic on Tumblr in its entirety, it's best to use a read-more in order not to make your post too long and take up a lot of space on people's dashboards and on the tags.
For posting multiple unrelated works on AO3, posting separate works and making them part of one series is better than making each work a chapter of one single fic. That way, you can tag it appropriately and people can more easily find the fic they actually want to read. (That doesn't apply, of course, if your fics are actually connected.)
And without further ado, the themes for each week (please note that a few examples were provided for each week, but they're just a small fraction of what can be done):
Week 1 (01/08-07/08): Seasons/ Holidays (Christmas AUs, summer vacations AUs, New Year's AUs, Halloweeen AUs...)
Week 2 (08/08-14/08): Past/Future (Pirate AUs, Cyberpunk AUs, 1950s AUs, Star Trek AUs...)
Week 3 (15/08-21/08): School/Work (High School AUs, College AUs, Office AUs, Coffee Shop AUs, Tattoo Shop AUs...)
Week 4 (22/08-28/08): Supernatural (Vampire AUs, A/B/O, Soulmate AUs, Superhero AUs...)
Week 5 (29/08-31/08): Free - since this is only half a week, these last three days will be for anything that does not fit any of the other weeks.
If you aren't able to finish your work in time to post it in the designated week, please wait to post it in the last three days. If your AU falls under more than one category, you may post in any week you prefer, according to what you judge to be the most relevant to your work.
I hope that is clear enough, but if not, send me a message and I'll be happy to explain anything further.
And if anyone is in search of some AU ideas, this post contains several AU prompts.
See you in a few weeks!
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vendetta-ari · 7 months
Your fav anon is backkkkk! Hey Love! May I request a Vox (and you can include Lucifer too) x Artist (f!) reader headcannons? As I’ve said before, take your time! ♡ ♡
anyways, here Luci + Vox x artist reader
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~ Lucifer and you always create and paint things together, he loves your creativity and he adores your art
~ You and Luci exchange ducks on special days, like valentine's day,  Christmas, and birthdays.
~ You always exchange art tips with each other,  bother being artists and your own unique ways.
~ Many times you have painted Lucifer's ducks for him when he's feeling down.
~ You two took a picture on your anniversary and you printed it out and painted it, he hangs it up on his wall and he always says its “The best thing I've ever, ever owned my dear!” he always gets all cheery and smiles when he sees it
~ You paint lucifers nails for him, last time you made a lil duck design on them
~ People can always tell when you two have been hanging out because the two of you are all giggly and smiling covered in paint
~ You painted a mural in his room, an apple using both his and your favorite colors
~ you give all your art pieces to Luci, you tried to sell one of them and the poor guy almost cried
~ he's basically drowning in your paintings and all your artwork, he doesn't mind at all though. although he is running out of space…
~ whatever he'll just expand his room to fit more of your work.
~ you have forced Lucifer to let you do makeup on him, he wasn't too happy but you laughed your ass off at his annoyance and makeup covered face
~ He cant stay mad at you for too long though, when your mad at luci you'll grab one of his ducks and paint them a different color completely and rub paint off some off his other ducks
~ when you finally calm down you repaint all for them with him though, as an apology. 
~ the two of you often take walks through the rings of hell for inspiration 
~ surprisingly, the screams of everyone being tortured is great to get those creative juices flowing
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☆ Now let's be for real here guys, Vox can't draw for shit, so him being with an artist reader is kinda cute and unique and funny
☆ But you on the other hand, “your art is beautiful! n’ it should be hung up in a museum or something like that doll, I seriously dunno how you do it”
☆ During certain shows where they need sets, props, or anything related to that, you'll be the one painting them being the first to volunteer  you totally didn't draw a dick kn one of the sets and embarrass him on live television pft- noo psh- hah why would you ever do such a thing? it must've been val!
☆ You couldn't keep your laughter when Vox drew that picture of Alastor when be was throwing his hissy fit on live television 
☆ you redraw a picture of Alastor for Vox to tear up crumble and kick around as a stress reliever 
☆ Vox realized that you drew a picture of Alastor, didn't matter what it was for you still drew him, just then he got angry again and demanded that you draw a picture of him
☆ just one more thing to stroke his ego I suppose 
☆ You and velvette are besties, she often steals you away from Vox so you two can draw up outfits
☆ and he totally doesn't ever never get mad at her because of that
☆ You often draw in a red and blue journal Vox gave you as a gift once, it was in a whim but you still love it dearly 
☆ you draw pictures of him and you together with little hearts around them, but vox doesn't need to know that
☆ but one time he did look through your journal, out of curiosity. trying to hide the blush that spread across his face, he grabbed a pen and wrote little messages on a few of your doodles "Didn't know she was that obsessed with me" he mumbled under his breath while flipping through the pages
☆ “We're gonna recreate this photo tomorrow,  meet me at my office in 4:00 dollface” -Vox
☆ when you noticed the note you almost lost your mind fangirling over this TV man
☆So you did as you were told and met him at his office, getting there a little bit early
☆ And just like that he picked you up and carried you bridal style to his chair, kissing you softly all over, with you giggling and blushing, creating your drawing perfectly.
-xoxo, Ari
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bradshawsbaby · 9 months
What Christmas Means to Me, My Love
Pairing: Bob Floyd x Wife!Reader
Summary: You're determined to make your first married Christmas the best one yet. But when you start to overextend yourself, Bob steps in to remind you what's most important.
Word Count: 10.6k
Author's Note: Whew! The relief I feel that I was able to get this story completed before Christmas Eve! This is my contribution to @lewmagoo's A Lew Magoo Christmas challenge! It was inspired by the Stevie Wonder song, "What Christmas Means To Me." I hope you all enjoy!
(Special shoutout and thanks to @luminousnotmatter and @ryebecca for listening to me ramble when I was having a total meltdown about writing this story. I'm very thankful for you both!)
Warnings: References to being stressed during the holidays and a few brief innuendos, but it's mostly just fluff, fluff, and more fluff!
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From the time he was a young boy, Bob Floyd had been cognizant of one very fascinating phenomenon—his bed never felt so comfortable or so warm as when his alarm clock was blaring in his ear, giving him a rather forceful reminder that it was time to get up and start the day. After he met you, that troubling phenomenon seemed to increase tenfold. As responsible as he was and as much as he prided himself on getting to work early each day, Bob would be lying if he said there weren’t times when he felt like chucking his alarm clock across the room and playing sick just so he could stay tucked away in bed all day, cocooned under the blankets and wrapped around your sweet warmth.
This morning, as his alarm started roaring at 7:00 on the dot, Bob let out a small grunt of protest, blindly reaching out from beneath the comforter to pound a resentful fist on the top of his alarm clock. Once it was silent, he rolled over in the bed the two of you had been sharing as husband and wife for nearly six months now and reached an arm out, fully expecting to wrap it around your soft, pajama-clad body. When he was met with emptiness instead, Bob blinked his eyes open in confusion and sat up slowly, rubbing the last vestiges of sleep from his vision as he grabbed his glasses off the nightstand and slipped them onto his nose, albeit a bit crookedly.
“Sweetheart?” Bob called out, frowning when he was met with nothing but the early morning stillness of your quaint little home.
Immediately, he flung the covers back and climbed out of bed, padding towards the bathroom to see if maybe you were in the shower and couldn’t hear him calling you over the sound of the running water. That theory was quickly disproven, however, when he found the bathroom door hanging open, lights off and no sounds of a shower in progress. But as he flicked on the lights, Bob discovered that you must have been in there not too long ago, for the mirror above the sink was still beaded with condensation and the bathmat had the imprint of damp footprints.
“Honey?” Bob called again, thinking maybe you’d stepped outside to enjoy your morning coffee on the front porch. Although why you’d be up this early—and showered already, too—on one of your days off from work was beyond him.
Walking into the kitchen, Bob immediately spotted a piece of festive note paper resting on the countertop. He recognized it instantly, the cream colored paper outlined with a ring of cheerful poinsettias. You’d been ecstatic when you’d found it at the dollar store a few weeks ago—"You never know when something like this will come in handy during the holidays, honey," were your exact words. But what stood out even more was your delicate handwriting etched across the paper in dark ink. Picking up the note, Bob adjusted his glasses and read the message you’d quickly penned on your way out the door.
Good morning, honey! I decided to head out early to try to hit some of the stores before they get too crazy. There’s a lot that I still need to pick up, so I’ll probably be gone most of the day. Also, Lorraine and I are going to run over to check out the venue for our staff holiday party and finalize the menu. Speaking of which, I also need to finalize the menu for OUR party, plus Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Text me if there’s anything you want me to get! Hopefully I won’t be home too late. I love you!!!
P.S. I almost forgot—I packed some lunch for you and left it in the fridge! And there’s a pot of coffee ready to brew. Have a great day!!!
He sighed softly as he set your note back down on the counter, running a hand through his honey brown hair, a tender smile tugging at the corners of his lips even as he silently lamented your early departure. He could hear your voice in his head as he read your words, chuckling to himself as he pictured you quickly gulping down a cup of coffee—in your favorite Christmas mug, no doubt—and shoving a piece of half-burnt toast in your mouth before running out the door.
You absolutely lived for this time of year, and all the hecticness that the season entailed.
Bob had known, almost from the very start of your relationship, how much you adored Christmas. It was one of the things, in fact, that had made it so easy for him to fall in love with you. Seeing the way you lit up like a firefly when a Christmas song came on the radio or when your favorite coffee shop started offering peppermint-flavored drinks made Bob’s heart melt in absolute love and devotion. He had never known anyone as whimsical or as full of genuine Christmas spirit as you. And your joy was infectious—Bob had never loved the holiday season so much as he did once he started celebrating it with you.
Waiting for his coffee to finish brewing, Bob couldn’t help but grin as he glanced around the kitchen at all the decorations you’d been putting up since Thanksgiving. They gave your home a warm, cozy feeling that had nothing to do with aesthetics and everything to do with the loving care with which you’d hung them.
To Bob, every day was Christmas so long as he got to spend it with you.
Which was why he sighed again as he poured a splash of cream into his coffee mug, brows furrowing above his glasses as he considered how little he’d seen you these past couple weeks.
With both of you working full-time jobs, it made sense that you couldn’t possibly spend every waking moment together. But Bob looked forward more than anything to your routine of dinner in the early evening and then hours spent lounging in each other’s arms, talking about your days or listening to music or watching a movie together. It was a habit you had gotten into even before you were married, and it was made all the sweeter by the fact that your lives were now entwined so intrinsically.
These past few weeks, however, that routine had been seriously upended by all the hustle and bustle of the holidays. Bob knew you took this time of year seriously—and he really did love how happy it made you—but it seemed like this year more than ever, your schedule was jam-packed and filled nearly to bursting.
On top of the usual shopping that needed to get done—you bought gifts for everyone, even down to your mail carrier and the barista who made your favorite coffee—there were preparations for not one, not two, but three separate parties you had volunteered to host. First up was your staff holiday party. Your colleagues knew that no one loved Christmas more than you, and so they had unanimously nominated you to spearhead the planning, which you’d graciously agreed to, with some help from your co-worker, Lorraine. Then was the party for the Daggers and their families that you had convinced Bob it would be fun to host a few days before Christmas Eve. All of your friends couldn’t stop buzzing about it, and you were going to great lengths to make sure it was perfect. As if all that wasn’t enough, you were also going to be hosting both of your families for the holidays this year, parents, siblings, nieces, nephews, and all.
“It’s our first Christmas as Mr. and Mrs. Floyd,” you’d told him one night, when he’d asked if you were really okay with all of the planning that would be involved. “I want it to be special.” Your smile when you said it warmed him from the inside out. As introverted as he could be, he’d gladly host twenty parties so long as it made you happy.
The reality, however, was that you were swamped. Every day after work, you were either running around to stores or scouring the internet for the best cyber deals or researching recipes that you wanted to try for Christmas dinner. One night, Bob had even found you making an alphabetized list of holiday games you could play at the parties.
“Are you sure you’re really okay?” Bob asked at one point, when he caught you yawning over your dinner. “I know I’ve been busy with work, but I can help more. Just tell me what you need.”
“I’m fine, silly,” you giggled, waving off his concern with a hand. “I just want everyone to have a good time.”
“They will,” he told you, resting his large, calloused hand over yours. He looked intently into your eyes, sincerity shining in the blue depths of his. “They’ll have a good time no matter what. You don’t have to make yourself sick over planning.”
You had just smiled at him and given him a kiss, but clearly you hadn’t heeded his words because now you were even using your day off to run errands, waking up even earlier than your naval aviator husband to do so.
Rinsing his empty mug out in the sink, Bob frowned as he thought of how tired you’d seemed these past few days. Your joy and your sweetness never diminished, but he could tell just from looking in your eyes how exhausted you were getting. You were overextending yourself, and he was terrified you were going to burn out before Christmas even arrived. Not being able to fully enjoy your favorite time of year would devastate you, and nothing would hurt Bob more than that.
You needed to take a day for yourself, Bob decided as he let the warm water flow over him in a quick shower. No shopping, no planning, no organizing—just a day where you actually got to enjoy all your favorite things about this season.
That idea remained buzzing around in his head as he drove to work, hanging on the periphery of his consciousness even as he spent hours flying test runs with Phoenix and the rest of the Daggers. On his lunch break, he enthusiastically hunkered down in the rec room to research some of the plans that were percolating in his mind. And by the time he drove home that evening, he was wearing a smile bright enough to rival any of the Christmas lights twinkling in your neighborhood.
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The fact that you still weren’t home when Bob unlocked the front door and carefully placed his work boots on the shoe rack only further solidified his plan. As if you could somehow read his mind, his phone buzzed suddenly with an incoming text.
Are you home? I’m so sorry I’m not back yet! I’m on my way now. I picked up some dinner from that BBQ place that you like 😋
Bob’s heart squeezed with affection as he read your words. You’d been up for nearly twelve hours at this point, and you were no doubt exhausted, but you were still always putting others ahead of yourself. He typed out a quick response as he walked into the living room to turn on the lights on the Christmas tree.
Yum! Thank you, sweetheart. Can’t wait for you to get home ♥️
About twenty minutes later, just as Bob was stepping out of your bedroom after changing into a pair of sweatpants and an old T-shirt from his time at the Naval Academy, he heard your key jiggling in the lock and hurried to meet you.
“Oh!” you gasped in surprise when your husband swung open the door before you could finish turning your key. “Hiya, honey,” you beamed, holding up the bag of take-out food you’d picked up especially for him on your drive home.
“Man, I tell you, these delivery people keep getting cuter and cuter,” Bob teased, drawing you close and taking the food out of your hands as he dropped a kiss on your lips.
“Mmm,” you giggled against his mouth, kissing him back as you felt some of the tension you’d been carrying in your shoulders slowly dissipate. “Maybe this delivery girl can join you for dinner tonight,” you winked playfully, smiling when you felt Bob’s fingers lace through yours.
“I was counting on it,” he chuckled, tugging on your hand as he turned into the house.
“Oh, just give me a couple minutes, honey,” you exclaimed, suddenly remembering you’d left your car idling in the driveway, the backseat and trunk filled to the brim with your purchases of the day. “I just want to get everything out of the car.”
“Sweetheart, it can wait,” Bob insisted, glancing longingly between you and his dinner. “Your food’s going to get cold. I’ll help you unload the car after we eat.”
You bit your lip in hesitation, but finally relented when you saw the puppy dog expression on your husband’s face. “Okay, fine, let me just go turn the car off.”
A few minutes later, you and Bob were seated side by side at your small kitchen table, your legs pressing together and your fingers brushing against one another as you nibbled on wings and scarfed down some chili mac and cheese.
“How was your day?” you asked curiously, glancing up as you took a sip of water and wiped your fingers on a napkin.
You always asked that question so sincerely, even after all this time. It made him feel so seen and loved. Smiling, he rested his hand over yours and squeezed your fingers gently.
“It was good,” he said lightly, not yet ready to divulge the plans he’d been formulating all day. “You know, same old, same old. How about yours?”
“It was great!” you chirped, beaming brightly.
Bob smiled and nodded as you told him about the gifts you’d picked up for all the nieces and nephews, the menu you and Lorraine had decided on for your staff holiday party, the grab bags gifts you’d snagged for the Dagger party, the new gingerbread recipe you’d just heard about, and a whole host of other things.
“Sorry, I’m rambling,” you murmured sheepishly after you realized you’d hardly stopped for a moment to take a breath.
“It’s okay, I love it when you ramble,” Bob grinned, kissing the corner of your mouth. “Mmm, I love it even more when you taste like barbeque,” he laughed, nudging your nose with his own.
Laughing, you wrapped your arms around his strong shoulders and kissed him tenderly. Pulling back, you rested your forehead against his with a contented sigh and gazed into his eyes. “Want to go find a movie to watch while I do the dishes?” you suggested.
Bob pulled back slightly to more fully look at you, though he kept his large hands wrapped loosely around your waist. “As much as I love the sound of that plan, I think we should call it an early night tonight, honey,” he said softly, reaching up to lightly brush your cheek with the pad of his thumb. “You look exhausted.”
You pouted slightly, but couldn’t stifle the yawn that suddenly came upon you, which made the both of you laugh. “I guess you’re right,” you admitted ruefully, resting your head on his shoulder for a moment.
“How about you get started on the dishes and I’ll unload everything from the car? Then we’ll head to bed, alright?” Bob asked, hyper aware of the drawn look around your eyes.
“Deal,” you nodded, giving him one more kiss as you jumped up to clear the table.
Thirty minutes later, the two of you were cuddled up under the covers, the warm glow from the little battery-operated lantern you kept near the window casting a cozy feel over the room.
“Do you have any plans for Saturday?” Bob asked softly, running his fingers up and down your arm gently as you lay in his embrace. Saturday was the one day that the both of you had off, and he intended to make the most of it this weekend.
You let out a soft sigh, snuggling up further against his chest. “There are a few new recipes I wanted to try for dinner on Christmas Eve and Christmas, so I figured maybe I should test them out ahead of time, just in case they end up being a disaster. Saturday seems as good a day as any to do that. Want to be my taste tester?” you grinned, eyes crinkling as you smiled over at him.
“Uh-uh,” Bob shook his head, a slightly mischievous smile pulling at the corner of his mouth.
Your eyes widened in surprise as you looked at him. “Why not? You’ve got other plans?”
“Mhm,” he nodded, his blue eyes twinkling, which you could see even in the dark of your bedroom. “I’m going to have a very full day.”
“Doing what?” you huffed jokingly, arching an eyebrow as you rolled onto your side, gazing at him curiously.
“You’ll find out,” Bob grinned, not letting the cat out of the bag just yet. “You’re coming with me.”
“What?” you asked, clearly taken aback as your eyes widened once again. “What do you mean?”
“You’ll see,” he chuckled, leaning over to give you a quick kiss.
“Bob!” you exclaimed, nudging him lightly with your foot.
“Good night, sweetheart,” he grinned, rolling over and closing his eyes. He had to bite his tongue to keep from laughing as he heard you huffing softly beside him, clearly desperate to know what he was planning. Within minutes, however, he heard the sound of your breathing soften and deepen, your eyes closing in a deep slumber.
Turning back over, Bob watched you sleep peacefully and felt his heart clench inside his chest. You were going above and beyond this Christmas, and it was clearly taking its toll, whether you wanted to admit it or not. He was glad to see you sleeping so comfortably after such a long day.
You were striving so hard to make this Christmas magical for everyone else. This weekend, Bob was going to make it magical for you and remind you what this season was really all about.
Nobody deserved it more than you.
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Saturday morning dawned bright and crisp, just as Bob had been anticipating. He’d been checking the forecast every day to make sure that nothing was going to interfere with his plans for today. The weather was better than he could have hoped for—the sun was shining bright, hardly a cloud in the sky, but the air had a nice winter chill as the temperature hovered somewhere between the high fifties and low sixties.
That was one of the only things you ever lamented about moving to San Diego—it was harder to make it feel like Christmas when it was still warm enough to wear shorts and go to the beach. But today’s weather, while certainly not cold by any stretch of the imagination, would at least give you an opportunity to wear one of those new sweaters you’d bought for yourself.
Grinning like a little kid on Christmas morning, Bob quietly tiptoed into your bedroom, where he was delighted to see that you were still fast asleep, buried so deeply under the covers that only the top of your head was poking out. Swallowing back a laugh, he sidled over to your side of the bed and carefully placed the treats he’d set out early to procure on your nightstand.
“Sweetheart,” he murmured softly, gingerly taking a seat on the edge of the bed to avoid crushing you. You stirred slightly, but didn’t open your eyes, so he bent down to drop a kiss on the crown of your head, still the only part of your body exposed to the mid-morning light. “Honey, wake up,” he tried again, his voice scarcely above a whisper.
Letting out a soft hum in response, you slowly pushed the covers back and ran a hand down your face before opening your eyes halfway, peeking up at your husband through hooded lids.
“Good morning, sunshine,” Bob chuckled, ducking his head to peck your lips tenderly.
“Mmm, good morning,” you replied, your voice still heavy with sleep as you stretched with a satisfied little groan. You were so distracted by the extremely pleasant view of your handsome husband hovering above you that it took you a moment to realize how much light was filtering in through the windows, and to catch a glimpse of the time on your alarm clock. Gasping, you bolted upright, looking at Bob with wide eyes. “Is that really the time? I thought I set an alarm!”
It was nearly 9:45am. You couldn’t remember the last time you had slept in that late. Between work and all the other things you were usually running around doing, even on your days off, your internal alarm hardly ever let you sleep that long. Not to mention the fact that you normally had an alarm set. You could have sworn you had set it last night.
Bob had the grace to look a bit sheepish as he rubbed the back of his neck, gazing at you with those big blue eyes behind the frames of his adorably gawky glasses. “You did,” he began slowly, glancing guiltily at your alarm clock and then back at you. “I shut it off.”
“Bob!” you exclaimed in astonishment, uncertain what would have possessed him to do that, especially when he knew how busy you were lately. “Why would you do that?”
“You needed the extra sleep, honey,” he said in a voice so sweet and filled with concern that you couldn’t even dream of staying mad at him. Reaching out, he took one of your hands between both of his, gently rolling the pad of his thumb over your knuckles. “You’ve been running yourself ragged these past couple weeks. I wanted you to get some real rest.”
You bit your lip, averting your gaze as you silently thought about how busy you’d been lately and how exhausted you’d been feeling. You’d had three cups of coffee at work yesterday just to make it through the day.
“I guess you’re right,” you conceded, your lips curving upward in a rueful smile. “I do feel a little bit better already. Thank you, honey,” you told him, leaning forward to give him a kiss of appreciation. That was when your eyes landed on the cup of coffee and the small red-and-white striped bag on your nightstand. “Is that for me?” you gasped in delight, looking back at your husband eagerly.
“Mhm,” Bob chuckled at your open excitement, reaching for the cup and the bag and placing them in your hands.
Your very favorite coffee shop in all of San Diego, which also happened to be the spot where you and Bob went on your second date, was a tiny little hole-in-the-wall place not far from where you worked. From the outside, it didn’t seem like much to behold, but it was one of the city’s best kept secrets. Their coffee was brewed to perfection and their baked goods were a sweettooth’s dream. But what you loved most of all was the way they went all out for the holidays. The entire cafe was decked out in garland and bows and twinkling lights, Christmas music pumped through the speakers all day long, and their menu reflected everyone’s seasonal favorites.
At this time of year, your go-to order was a large peppermint mocha with extra whipped cream and a gingerbread scone that you swore you wanted to be your last meal on this earth. Bob had gotten to the cafe just in time that morning to get a scone fresh out of the oven.
“Oh my gosh, it’s still warm,” you sighed happily, the spiced molasses melting on your tongue as soon as you popped it into your mouth. You closed your eyes in bliss, washing it down with a sip of the peppermint mocha. “Thank you, honey. This is such a sweet surprise.”
“The first of many, I hope,” Bob smiled, resting a hand on your thigh as you enjoyed your breakfast in bed. “I have lots planned for you today, Mrs. Floyd.”
“You do?” you asked, raising an eyebrow over the rim of your coffee cup.
He nodded, his smile only growing wider. “Don’t you remember what I said the other night? We’ve got a lot to do today. So as soon as you’re done enjoying your breakfast, you better hop in the shower. We don’t want to be late,” he told you, his gorgeous baby blues sparkling as he rose from the bed and started towards the door.
“Wait!” you cried,  jumping out of bed with your coffee and scone still firmly in hand. “What are we doing?” you called after him, chasing behind him in bare feet. “Bobby!”
“You’ll find out,” he laughed, turning around and resting his hands on your shoulders. “Just wear something comfortable,” was all the information he gave you.
You sighed in a purposely dramatic fashion, shooting him a playful glance. You knew from the look on his face that he wasn’t going to tell you anything else, so there was no use in trying to get the information out of him. Instead, you quickly gulped down the rest of your coffee and finished off your scone—still trying to savor every bite—before tearing off your pajamas and jumping into the shower.
An hour later, you were ready to go, dressed in a cute pair of jeans and a new red and white sweater you’d just recently purchased. The weather today finally gave you an opportunity to wear it.
“Is this alright?” you asked Bob as you stepped into the living room, holding your arms out at your sides. It was hard to know what to wear when you had no idea what you were doing.
“It’s perfect,” Bob nodded, smiling as he rose from the couch and took in your appearance. “Just like you,” he added, winking as he wrapped his arms around you and pressed a kiss to the tip of your nose.
“I could say the same thing to you,” you giggled, resting your hands on his broad chest. He was wearing a dark green crew neck sweater and dark jeans that fit his long figure exquisitely. “Now are you going to tell me where we’re going?”
Bob just shook his head, laughing out loud when you released a groan of exasperation. “Patience, my sweet wife,” he teased, taking your hand in his and leading you towards the front door. “You’ll find out soon enough.”
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You really hadn’t been sure what to anticipate when you climbed into the car with Bob. As many guesses as you tried to make to figure out what his plans were, your husband’s expression was impenetrable. He didn’t give anything away, no matter what you said.
What you hadn’t been expecting was to pull into the parking lot of Petco Park.
As soon as Bob put the car in park, you glanced over at him curiously, trying to figure out what you were doing here. Your husband wasn’t a big baseball fan. And even if he was, it was the middle of December.
“I’m guessing we’re not here for a Padres game?” you ventured with a playful smile, glancing around the crowded parking lot.
Your husband laughed, shaking his head. “Not exactly. Come on,” he told you, climbing out of the car and hurrying around to the passenger side to open your door.
Slipping your hand into his, you followed his lead as he guided you through the milling crowd towards the entrance to the baseball stadium. He seemed almost giddy as the two of you got closer and closer to the park, glancing down at you every few seconds as if to check that you were still with him. You had no idea what was awaiting you, but his excitement was infectious and you found yourself buzzing with anticipation.
You weren’t disappointed.
As soon as Bob handed over your tickets to the attendant, you were swept up in the crowd of people surging towards Gallagher Square, where you were met with a breathtaking display of Christmas beauty.
“Oh, Bobby,” you breathed out, coming to a halt as you stared, wide-eyed and in awe of the beautiful market that surrounded you.
“Do you like it?” Bob asked, a thread of nervousness in his voice as he looked at you, watching the way you were silently taking everything in.
Turning to face him, your face split into a huge grin and you threw your arms around him, peppering his cheek with kisses. “I love it! It’s so wonderful!”
It was as close to a German Christmas market as you had ever come, with vendors of all kinds set up in little wooden booths ringing the perimeter of the square. There were shopkeepers selling a whole assortment of things, from hot chocolate and gingerbread cookies to homemade candy to personalized ornaments to fine wine and jewelry. Amidst all the different stalls were small stages where performances ranging from choirs to magic shows were taking place, not to mention the life-size snow globes and the giant sleigh where guests could take pictures. And at the center of it all was a ginormous Christmas tree that had to be at least thirty feet tall.
It was magical. It made you feel like you were a little girl again, attending your town’s local Christmas fair with your family.
“I didn’t even know this existed!” you exclaimed, still holding tightly to your husband as you continued to gaze around you.
“I didn’t either,” Bob admitted, unable to stop smiling at how happy you looked. “But Phoenix and Hangman told me they took the kids here last week and had a blast, so I knew I had to get you tickets.”
“Oh, thank you, honey! This is amazing!” you beamed, wrapping your arms around him to give him an enthusiastic kiss.
Bob chuckled and blushed slightly as he adjusted his glasses with one hand, his other hand resting on your hip. “Should we walk around?”
Nodding, you took his hand and practically hauled him across the square, bouncing from stall to stall and oohing and aahing over all the various trinkets and baubles.
“Oh, honey, look! We should get this,” you cooed, holding up a sweet ornament of a hand painted Christmas tree with a little banner draped across it that read Our First Christmas as Mr. and Mrs.
It didn’t matter that you had three other ornaments with similar messages already hanging on your Christmas tree at home. Bob gladly pulled out his wallet to buy it for you, his heart fluttering at the gorgeous smile that lit up your entire face when the vendor carefully wrapped it up and handed it to you.
“Thank you, Bobby. I can’t wait to put it on the tree when we get home,” you told him, carefully slipping the wrapped ornament into your purse.
“Anything for you, honey,” Bob murmured softly, kissing your forehead. “Alright, what’s our next stop?”
You and Bob continued to wander among the stalls for the next couple hours, stopping on occasion to take a photo or grab a snack—"This is sustenance," you grinned, holding up the little brown bag of freshly glazed almonds that you’d purchased for the two of you to munch on.
At one point, as you were admiring the work of a local artist, you heard the sound of the sweetest voices imaginable. Following the music, with Bob trailing closely behind, you walked a bit further up the path before stopping in front of a small choir made up of the most angelic looking children you had ever seen. The sign in front of the platform declared that they were students from a local school for children with special needs.
“Oh, Bobby,” you whispered, tears sparkling on your lashes as they sang the most beautiful version of “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing” you had ever heard. Resting your head on your husband’s shoulder, you let the music wash over you, smiling brightly as they transitioned from one song to another.
You weren’t sure how long you stood there exactly—was it for three songs or six?—but when the children finally stopped singing, you and Bob burst into thunderous applause, prompting nearby onlookers to join in.
The pride on the children’s faces melted your heart as they shyly waved to the crowd and began making their way off the platform.
A little girl with Down syndrome, who couldn’t have been older than six or seven, suddenly broke away from the others and grabbed her mother’s hand, dragging her towards where you and your husband stood.
“Thank you for coming!” she said brightly, offering an adorable little gap-tooth smile.
“Thank you for having us!” you replied brightly, squatting down so that you were on eye level with her. “You all sounded amazing!”
To your surprise, the little girl lunged forward to wrap her arms around you in a tight hug.
“I’m sorry,” her mother exclaimed, touching her daughter’s shoulder and trying to pull her back.
“It’s alright,” you smiled, patting the little girl’s back before she let go. “No need to apologize.”
“Thank you for staying to listen for so long,” the woman said, looking between you and Bob. “The kids worked really hard on their program for today, so it was nice to have such a captive audience.”
“We were happy to do it, really,” Bob told her, smiling down at the little girl as he rested a hand on your lower back. “Christmas music is my wife’s favorite,” he told her conspiratorially.
Her eyes widened in delighted surprise. “Mine, too!”
You all laughed happily at that.
“Well, I hope you have an amazing Christmas and that Santa brings you everything you’re hoping for this year,” you told her, grinning at the way she lit up at the mention of Santa.
“Santa! Santa!” she cheered.
“That’s right,” her mother nodded, brushing her daughter’s hair back over her shoulder. “We should get going soon if we want to go see Santa. What do you say to the nice people who watched you sing?”
“Thank you!” the little girl said sweetly, giving both you and Bob another quick hug around the legs. “Merry Christmas!”
“Merry Christmas!” you and Bob replied in unison, waving to both mother and daughter as you went your separate ways, smiling from ear to ear.
“You’re going to make an amazing mother one day,” Bob told you softly, the unadulterated adoration in his eyes warming you up from the inside out.
You just smiled dreamily in response, very much looking forward to the day when you would get to see Bob Floyd become a father.
“Well I think that was a very successful trip to the Christmas Market,” your husband said a few minutes later after you circled back to the center of the square.
“I had so much fun, honey. Thank you for thinking of this,” you told him, touched by the effort he’d made to bring you here and make it such a lovely afternoon.
“Of course, sweetheart,” Bob smiled, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. He glanced down at his watch and raised his eyebrows. “Oh, but we better get going if we want to stay on schedule. Still have a lot to do.”
“Wait…what?” you questioned, startled. “There’s more?”
“I said I had a lot planned, didn’t I?” That mischievous twinkle had returned to his eyes. “You didn’t think this was it, did you?”
“Bob Floyd, what do you have up your sleeve?” you asked, crossing your arms over your chest and looking up at him with a quirked brow, trying and failing to mask the smile tugging at your lips.
“You’ll see,” was all he said, taking your hand and leading you back to the car.
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If you had been uncertain about what your husband’s plans were when you’d arrived at Petco Park, you were doubly unsure what he had in mind when he turned onto the bridge connecting San Diego to Coronado.
“Are you taking me with you to work?” you wondered with a laugh, looking out the window at the afternoon sun sparkling on the San Diego Bay. You often told Bob that you were jealous of the view he got to enjoy on his commute to and from North Island.
Bob laughed at your question, but simply shook his head in response, turning up the radio as Mariah Carey began belting “All I Want for Christmas is You.”
“Hmmm, saved by the Queen of Christmas,” you joked, nudging him playfully as he took a turn off the bridge.
“Now, honey, you know that you’re the Queen of Christmas,” Bob retorted, winking at you as he made a few more turns.
“True,” you giggled, singing along to the radio until Hotel Coronado appeared in your sights, in all its glorious grandeur. You glanced over at Bob curiously, but he didn’t say anything as he searched for a parking spot.
“The suspense is killing me, Bobby,” you lamented, clinging onto his arm once he finally did manage to park the car. “What are we doing now?”
Turning to face you, Bob was struck once again by just how deeply he loved you. There was no one else he’d drag himself all over San Diego for on his day off from work.
“We’re going ice skating,” he explained, chuckling at the shocked expression on your face.
“You mean…Skating by the Sea?!” you gasped excitedly, practically bouncing up and down in your seat. “Bobby, you got tickets?”
“Sure did,” he nodded, pulling them out of his pocket to show you.
“Oh my gosh, how?” you breathed, reaching out to touch them as if you were afraid they would disappear.
“Mav knows a guy,” Bob chuckled, shaking his head affectionately as he thought of his boss and mentor.
As Hotel Coronado’s most popular winter attraction, it was nearly impossible to get tickets to Skating by the Sea during the Christmas season, but when Bob had mentioned it at work, Maverick had promised that he would be able to procure him a couple tickets. How he managed it, Bob didn’t know, and he wasn’t sure he wanted to know either. All that mattered was that you were looking at him right now like he had hung the moon and the stars, and there was no better reward than that.
“Ready to go?” Bob asked, holding out his hand to you.
“Ready!” you cheered, placing your hand in his and holding on tight.
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It had been quite some time since you had actually been ice skating, and you were a bit rusty, especially in comparison to your midwestern husband, who had grown up ice skating on frozen ponds every winter. Still, despite your wobbly knees, you were determined to enjoy every moment of this experience.
“It’s alright, sweetheart, I’ve got you,” Bob murmured encouragingly, holding tightly to your hands as he guided you onto the ice, sticking close to the wall in case you needed extra support.
“If you had told me we were coming, I could have brushed up on my skills ahead of time,” you teased, glancing down at your white rental skates as you carefully slid one foot in front of the other.
“And ruin the surprise and the look on your face when I told you what we were doing? Never,” he grinned, gently squeezing your hands as you slowly started to become more confident and steady on your feet. “You’ve got it, honey. Try looking up at me. I won’t let go,” he promised.
Slowly, you lifted your gaze from your feet up to your husband’s midsection, and then finally up to his face, that face that you adored more than anything else on this earth.
“There you go, you’ve got it. You’re doing such a good job,” Bob praised you, his confidence unshaken as he moved backwards across the ice. It was incredibly attractive how sure of himself he was out here.
“I think I’ve got it now. Want to try letting go?” you asked with a grin, feeling a little nervous but willing to give it a shot.
Smiling proudly, Bob nodded and slowly released his grip on your hands, letting you glide independently for a few seconds. You moved forward tentatively, your hands still out at your sides so that you could grab onto him—or the wall—if needed.
“That’s it, honey! Look at you go!” your husband cheered, making you laugh as you carefully made your way over to the opposite wall, which afforded you breathtaking views of the beach and the ocean beyond.
Seconds later, Bob skated up beside you, resting with you against the wall and enjoying the same view. “Pretty beautiful, huh?” he asked, gazing down at you.
“Insanely beautiful,” you agreed, resting your hand over his and squeezing gently. “I’m so glad we’re here.”
“Me, too,” Bob nodded, lifting your hand to his lips and pressing a kiss to the back of it. “But it doesn’t matter what we’re doing. I’m just so glad to be with you.”
“Honey,” you breathed out, touched by the sweetness of his words. They actually made you well up a little bit.
“I mean it, sweetheart. It’s not the things we do that make days like this special. It’s getting to do them with you. That’s all I really wanted. I’ve missed you these past few weeks,” he confessed.
“Oh, Bobby,” you whispered, wrapping your arms around his waist and burying your face in his chest. “I’m so sorry, honey. I didn’t know you felt that way.”
Bob was quiet for a moment, just holding you close and resting his cheek atop your head.
“I love you so much, you know,” you told him, lifting your head to press a kiss to his jaw.
“I know,” he nodded, his mouth turning up in a tender smile. “I love you, too. More than anything.”
After a couple moments of comfortable silence, you took his hand and started to push away from the wall. “Come on, let’s go show everybody what an amazing skater you are,” you laughed, nearly toppling over in your eagerness. Thankfully, Bob had some of the quickest reflexes you’d ever seen and was there to catch you.
He was always there to catch you.
You and your husband spent the next hour twirling around on the ice, you trying your best not to fall and Bob trying his best to keep you from falling. By the time your legs were starting to ache in protest, the sun was just beginning to set over the beach, the sky exploding in hues of orange, pink, and red.
“Isn’t that the most gorgeous thing you’ve ever seen?” you whispered in awe, resting your cheek against your husband’s strong chest and soaking in the moment.
“A close second to you,” Bob replied, chuckling at the adorable way you got all flustered at his compliment. “C’mon, sweetheart, let’s get those skates off you.”
Stepping off the rink, Bob carefully guided you to a nearby bench and sat you down before squatting in front of you to untie your laces.
“What did I ever do to deserve you?” you asked softly, reaching out to lightly caress his flushed cheek as he ministered to you.
“I ask myself the same thing every day when I get to wake up beside you,” he said, pressing a kiss to your knee before pulling your skates off. He then rose and plopped down beside you on the bench, pulling off his own skates with ease.
After you returned your rental skates and collected your things, Bob stopped you on the pathway near the beach and looked down at you.
“I hope you’ve worked up an appetite after all this,” he told you, a knowing smile on his face. “Because we’ve got one more stop.”
“We do? Oh, Bobby! This day has already been so special. I can’t imagine how it could get any better,” you declared, wondering what more he could possibly have in store.
“Wait and see,” Bob winked, taking your hand as you began strolling off hotel property and towards where you had parked “Oh, and I’ve got a little something in the car for you to change into.”
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The last thing on earth you had been expecting when your husband handed you a small duffel bag out of the trunk of the car was to open it up and find the beautiful red dress you’d worn last Christmas—the one Bob hadn’t been able to stop gushing about or get you out of fast enough after Christmas dinner—and your favorite pair of high heels, plus the diamond studs and pendant he’d gifted you last year, the ones you only wore on very special occasions.
And yet, there you were, sitting beside your husband in the passenger seat of his car in your holiday finest, flying along the open road towards some unknown destination.
You weren’t the only one who had changed after your ice skating escapades. Bob had packed a second duffel, it seemed, for when you had returned from getting changed, he was waiting for you, no longer clad in his crew neck and jeans, but in a pair of black slacks and a dinner jacket, his crisp white shirt unbuttoned at the collar.
“For you,” he said with a wide smile, handing you a small bouquet of red and white roses—another surprise he’d been hiding in that trunk of his.
You held the sweet-smelling flowers close to your nose now as Bob made a few turns, heading in a direction that was not totally familiar to you.
“I can’t believe you did all this,” you whispered softly, a hint of emotion catching in your voice as you rested the beautiful bouquet in your lap. You couldn’t wait to put it in one of your Christmas vases when you got home and proudly display it on the coffee table in the living room.
Bob glanced over at you as he came to a red light, his blue eyes brimming with adoration as he soaked in how happy and content you looked. “You deserve it,” he told you, reaching out to rest a hand on your thigh, his fingers lightly stroking the inside of your knee. “You deserve all this and so much more. And I’m so lucky to be the man who gets to give it to you—or try anyway,” he added with a sheepish laugh.
Before the light could turn green, you leaned over and wrapped an arm around his shoulders, pulling him in for a kiss. “You succeed,” you murmured against his lips. “Every time. I’m the luckiest woman in the world.”
“I love you,” he smiled, caressing your cheek with the pad of his thumb before returning both hands to the wheel, ignoring the disgruntled driver who was honking behind him.
You giggled as you settled back in your seat with a happy sigh. “I love you, too, honey.” You paused for a moment or two, then tacked on, “Now will you tell me where we’re going?”
“Nice try,” Bob laughed, shooting you a sideways glance. “I haven’t spoiled any of my surprises today. You think I’m going to start now?”
“Oh, fine,” you replied, heaving a dramatic sigh and then grinning. “I can’t wait to find out what it is though.”
“I have a feeling you’re really going to love it,” he said, his smile warmer than the San Diego sun as he tapped his hands excitedly on the steering wheel, his own anticipation building.
“I know I will,” you nodded, lifting the bouquet of roses to your nose once more and taking a delicate sniff. “I love anything so long as I’m doing it with you.”
A few minutes later, Bob made a final turn that led the two of you up a winding, gorgeously manicured road. Leaning forward, you gazed out the window eagerly, trying to place exactly where you were. At that exact moment, a large sign came into view that read FAIRMONT GRAND DEL MAR.
Gasping in delight, you practically had your nose smushed against the glass as your husband drove past stunning gardens and twinkling fountains, all decked out with the most darling, demure decorations you had ever seen.
Fairmont Grand Del Mar was one of the most luxurious and glamorous hotels in all of Southern California, and while it was basically right in your own backyard, you had never stepped foot on its grounds before.
You suddenly found yourself very grateful that your jeans and sweater were safely tucked away in a duffel bag. Thank goodness your brilliant husband thought of everything.
“Oh my goodness, Bobby!” you squealed, covering your mouth to try to control the delighted laughter that was bubbling up inside you. But it was no use. “It’s so beautiful here!”
“It is, isn’t it?” Bob hummed in agreement, taking in the view as he slowed his pace along the property’s winding pathways. “A beautiful girl in a beautiful place. Sounds about right to me,” he added, eyes sparkling behind his glasses.
You just smiled at that, a pleasant warmth rushing to your cheeks as you tried to take in as much of the views as you could. As if the hotel grounds weren’t breathtaking enough on their own, they’d clearly gone to great lengths to turn the property into a winter wonderland for the holidays and they had more than succeeded. You loved every inch of it.
Moments later, after Bob had helped you out of the car and handed his keys off to a valet parker, he wrapped an arm around your waist and led you into the lobby of what seemed to be one of the hotel’s restaurants. It was elegantly designed, with Persian rugs and cream-colored marble walls, scrolled detailing on the ceiling, and a roaring fireplace to give the room a cozy, inviting atmosphere. It was decorated for the season with class—golden candelabras, dark red poinsettias, aromatic garland wrapped in red ribbons and bows, giant wreaths practically the size of you hanging on the walls.
It felt like a little Christmas paradise.
You were thankful for Bob’s strong hand on your back, guiding you along as you tripped over your own two feet, gazing around the room in unabashed awe.
“Don’t worry, honey,” he whispered in your ear as you approached the host stand. “I’ll make sure to take lots of pictures of you in that gorgeous dress with this perfect Christmas backdrop,” he chuckled, pressing a kiss to your temple.
“I want you in the pictures, too,” you whispered back, grinning as you squeezed his hand where it was resting on your hip. “Too bad we didn’t think to come here for our Christmas card photo,” you added, eyes crinkling in amusement.
“Next year,” Bob winked. He managed to tear his gaze away from you only when the two of you finally got to the stand and the hostess looked at you expectantly.
“Good evening,” she said in a voice that was calm, cool, and cultured. “Do you have a reservation with us tonight?”
“Yes,” Bob told her, squeezing your hip softly as he spoke. “Dinner for two. It should be under Floyd.”
The hostess checked her computer screen and smiled. “Ah, yes. We’re pleased to welcome you tonight, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd. Please, follow me,” she said, leading you through a small maze of elegantly set tables, bedecked with what appeared to be antique tablecloths, romantic candles, and subtle hints of holly and garland.
The three of you finally came to a stop at a cozy table right near a window which overlooked the gardens, a twinkling Christmas tree right in your line of vision.
“Your server will be right with you,” the hostess told you as the two of you got settled in your seats. “We hope you very much enjoy our special Christmas menu here at Fairmont Grand Del Mar,” she added with a gracious smile before turning to head back to her post.
“Thank you,” you murmured with a soft smile, maintaining every ounce of decorum you could possibly muster until the woman was out of earshot. Then you let out a delighted squeal, the same sound you used to make when opening your presents on Christmas morning as a little girl. “Bobby! This is incredible! How did you manage this?” you demanded, gaping at him in amazement. Then you giggled. “Wait, let me guess. Mav knows another guy?”
“Actually this time, it was Payback who knew a guy,” Bob laughed, reaching across the table to take your hand in his, brushing his thumb across your soft skin. “His cousin works concierge at the hotel, so he managed to pull a few strings.”
“Amazing,” you grinned, squeezing his hand lovingly. “Don’t let me forget to thank Mav and Reuben when I see them at the party.”
“Just Mav and Reuben?” he teased, pretending to be wounded.
You leaned in a little closer, lowering your voice as you told him, “Well I’m going to give you a proper thank you tonight.” Your eyes sparkled in tandem with the diamond pendant hanging around your neck.
Bob’s cheeks turned bright pink as he caught your meaning, and he reached up to tug lightly at the collar of his shirt, clearing his throat.
Winking, you leaned back with a smile. Your husband was saved from having to come up with a reply by the sudden appearance of your waiter, an older, dignified man named Antonio, who greeted you both warmly as he shared some drink recommendations.
Despite the fact that Bob hardly ever drank, he ordered the two of you a bottle of champagne that came highly recommended, which Antonio happily delivered along with a bucket of ice.
“To you, sweetheart,” Bob toasted, lifting the flute that your waiter had filled just a moment earlier. “This time of year wouldn’t be half as special if it wasn’t for you.”
“No, to you,” you smiled, raising your own champagne flute to mirror your husband’s. “Today was beyond words, and none of it would have been possible without you.”
“To us then,” he grinned, compromising as he tipped his glass towards you.
“To us,” you nodded in agreement, lightly clinking your glass against his before taking a sip. “Mmm, that’s delicious,” you murmured appreciatively, licking a drop of the champagne off your lip.
“Mhm,” Bob hummed, looking almost surprised. “I mean, not that I have much to compare to, but I’d say this is the best champagne I’ve ever had.”
“Better than at our wedding?” you joked.
“I stand corrected. This is the second best champagne I’ve ever had,” he chuckled.
You and Bob relaxed into smooth and easy conversation. Both your mothers would have scolded you for resting your elbows on the table, especially in such a fancy restaurant, but neither of you cared as you leaned in closer to one another, whispering over the candlelight as the twinkling lights outside the window illuminated your lovestruck faces. Faintly, in the distance, you could hear the soft sounds of classic Christmas tunes being played on a piano. It was the most perfect evening you could have imagined.
The food was some of the best you’d ever tasted. After much debate, you finally settled on the filet mignon with a bearnaise sauce, roasted vegetables, and what had to be the world’s creamiest mashed potatoes, while Bob selected the pork medallions with roasted garlic fingerling potatoes and a brussel sprout salad. Although really it was hard to say who had ordered what considering the way you kept picking food off each other’s plates.
By the time the sour-cherry cheesecake trifle that the two of you had ordered for the grand finale came out, you felt like you were going to burst right out of your pretty red dress. But like you always said, there was always room for dessert.
“You want to know the craziest thing?” you asked, looking up at Bob as you set your fork down on the plate resting between you and your husband. When he nodded at you, you went on, “I just realized that I didn’t think about any of my holiday planning at all today—the shopping, my work party, the parties we’re hosting, none of it. It didn’t cross my mind at all even though it’s all I’ve been thinking about these past few weeks. Isn’t that funny?”
Bob set his fork down as well and gazed at you from across the table, the corners of his mouth turning up in a small smile. “Good,” he said, reaching out to take your hand in his once more, gently playing with your wedding band. “That was my mission, and it sounds like it was a success. I wanted today to be a day where you just got to have fun and enjoy this time of year. I know how much it means to you, and I also know that it’ll be over in the blink of an eye, so we have to make the most of it while we can.”
Your heart melted at his words, and you felt the corners of your eyes pricking with happy tears. Your husband was truly the most thoughtful, selfless, caring man you had ever known. You would never know what you had ever done to get so lucky as to find him.
“Oh, Bobby,” you breathed out, mimicking his actions and lightly rolling his wedding band underneath your finger as you reached for his other hand. You were quiet for a moment, then thought of his words from earlier, the words that had been niggling the back of your mind on and off since you’d left the ice skating rink. “What you said before,” you began slowly, chewing on your bottom lip, “about missing me these past few weeks. Have I really been that busy? I’m so sorry.”
“Oh, honey, no,” Bob gasped, squeezing your hands tightly in his own. “I didn’t say that to make you feel guilty. I’ve just been worried about you, that’s all. You’re always so happy this time of year, and I know how much it means to you, so I hate to see you running yourself ragged like you have been. I guess I was starting to be afraid that you were going to burn yourself out before Christmas even got here.”
Your heart constricted at the genuine concern in his voice, at the way he was always looking out for you, even when you weren’t paying careful enough attention.
“And I have missed you,” he added softly, lifting one of your hands to his lips and pressing a tender kiss to it.
“I’ve missed you, too, honey,” you whispered, your throat clogging with emotion as you thought of the many nights you’d come home later than usual after running to the stores after work, too tired to curl up on the couch and watch a movie with your husband or just get to enjoy his company. “And you’re right—I have been running myself ragged. I can feel it. I’ve been so tired, and I feel like I don’t even have the time to enjoy all my favorite traditions.” You sighed softly, shaking your head. “I just—I just wanted everything to be perfect this year, you know?”
“It always is perfect,” Bob murmured encouragingly, gently stroking the inside of your wrist with his calloused fingertips, his movements slow and soothing.
“I know, but with it being our first married Christmas, I guess I just wanted it to be really perfect. I got it into my head that we needed to start all these new traditions and that I had to keep on top of everything at all times to make sure that it happened, but now I’m realizing that in the process of all that, I lost sight of what’s most important about celebrating our first Christmas as husband and wife—you,” you admitted, reaching up to lovingly cup his cheek in your hand.
He smiled softly at your words, turning his head slightly to press a kiss to the inside of your palm. “Sweetheart, the good news is that we have a whole lifetime of making traditions together. So long as it’s you and me, then that’s all I need,” he promised you.
You nodded, a couple stray tears spilling down your cheeks, which you wiped away with a sheepish little laugh. “You’re right. Today was a pretty good start to some Floyd Christmas traditions, I think,” you told him with a grin.
Bob reached out to thumb away the tears sparkling like diamonds on your skin. “I agree,” he smiled. “But the truth is, I don’t care what we’re doing. We could go ice skating on the beach or watch a movie on the couch. We could have a five-star dinner at the Fairmont Grand Del Mar or eat take-out on the kitchen floor.” He glanced around for a moment, just to check if anyone had heard him, his blue eyes laughing as he turned back to you. “I just want to do it with you. That’s what Christmas really means to me, sweetheart. All the other stuff, that’s icing on the cake.”
“I love you so much,” you whispered, leaning across the table and capturing his mouth with your own, the taste of sour cherries and champagne still clinging to his lips.
His fingers tangled in your hair as he cradled the back of your head and kissed you back until you were both sitting breathless in your chairs.
“You’re the love of my life,” he told you. “No matter how many traditions come and go, that’s one thing that will never change.”
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As soon as you and Bob got home that night, exhausted in the best way after a perfect day together, you both ran to change into the Christmas pajamas you’d worn last Christmas Eve, then curled up on the couch with steaming mugs of hot cocoa to watch A Charlie Brown Christmas.
“Tired?” Bob asked softly as the Peanuts crew sang “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing” while the credits rolled.
“Mmm, a little,” you nodded, lifting your head from where it had been resting on his shoulder.
“Ready to head to bed?” he yawned, pushing the blanket back and rising from the couch before turning to hold his hands out to you.
“Mhm,” you murmured, slipping your hands into your husband’s and allowing him to pull you to your feet. “But not to go to sleep just yet,” you added pointedly.
At your husband’s raised brows, you giggled softly.
“I still have to properly thank you for today,” you reminded him with a playful wink.
You had never seen him move so fast.
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That Christmas turned out to be one of the best you’d ever celebrated. Your work party went off without a hitch, the Daggers were already talking about how they needed to make a party at the Floyds’ an annual Christmas tradition, and your families loved getting to spend the holidays together as one huge unit. Every gift you’d purchased was well received and every meal you cooked was touted as the best anyone had ever eaten.
But that wasn’t what made it so special.
As you had been reminded this year, Christmas was about so much more than the planning and the presents and the parties. Those things were nice, sure, but they weren’t what made this time of year so magical.
What made this Christmas so perfect was the handsome man with blue eyes and a wide smile waiting for you beneath the mistletoe.
He was the only gift you needed, today and every day for the rest of your life.
341 notes · View notes
allwaswell16 · 1 month
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A One Direction fic rec of fics that skip over portions of time and that take place over the course of years as requested in this ask. If you enjoy the fics, please leave kudos and comments for the writers! You can find my other fic recs here. Happy reading!
- Louis / Harry -
📆 Hold You Now by solvetheminourdreams / @cursethedaylight
(M, 131k, ex-fwb) When he accompanies his best friend to a family wedding across the Atlantic, he'll be forced to reopen old wounds and face his past—one that no one wants to hash out, but may just have to.
📆 Strawberries & Cigarettes by dimpled_halo / @comebackassholes
(E, 76k, omegaverse) Two stories, eleven years, and the two boys that never stopped loving each other.
📆 7 Up by @cherrystreet
(E, 51k, friends to lovers) we follow the lives of Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson in an interview setting every seven years. They fall apart and come together, their lives and emotions recorded
📆 when we were younger by luinlote
(E, 53k, canon) In where you get to see small glimpses of Harry and Louis' life together through the years, first through the eyes of others and eventually their own, as their life keeps spinning madly around them.
📆 Dear Devoted Delicate by therogueskimo / @bravetemptation
(M, 47k, canon) A collection of moments in time that show just how worth it love is when it’s real.
📆 the love it takes, it's worth it all this time by hemakeshimstrongx / @hemakeshimstrong
(T, 46k, canon) a timestamp fic between 2010 and 2022, told using snippets of harry's house. the album imagined from bottom to top, the moments little flashbacks in film reels. it's about love, and it's about keeping that love alive despite surmounting challenges.
📆 yeah, he's a looker (but i really think it's guts that matter most) by devilinmybrain / @thedevilinmybrain
(E, 40k, Oli pov) Five times Oli was asked to do something that was outside of his job description, and the one time he didn't have to be asked.
📆 Love is the Right Place by Chelsea Frew / @chelsea-frew
(T, 33k, friends to lovers) Over the years, friendship turns to more. Just as their romance blossoms, however, Louis gets an offer which promises fame and fortune far from home.
📆 When You Know, You Know by @mission2feelike
(M, 27k, omegaverse) Louis and Harry have been friends for years, their friendship maturing easily from pups to teenagers to adults. 
📆 Anonymous Said by @alivingfire
(T, 21k, bookshop) two boys, two blogs, two years of anonymous messages, and a bookshop where it all comes together.
📆 Love in slow motion by sloganeer
(E, 17k, Posh & Becks au) A series of glimpses into the life of Harry Styles, pop star turned fashion designer; his husband, Louis Tomlinson, football legend; and their four adorable children.
📆 I Wanna Feel (Your Love) by @infinitelymint
(E, 15k, canon) Five moments in Louis and Harry’s life based on five of the biggest emotions: fear, sadness, love, anger and joy.
📆 Go Out for Adventure, Come Home for Love by myownspark / @myownsparknow
(M, 9k, 5 times) Four years of iconic moments that inspire tattoos and promises.
📆 Here We Come A-Wassailing by @lululawrence
(NR, 8k, Christmas) The year Louis was in the 8th grade, his mom decided to gather the families of their closest friends to go caroling. 
📆 Flowers of Tomorrow, Seeds of Today by @haztobegood
(G, 7k, fae/fairies) Louis is a changeling and Harry is a human and their fates are more connected than they know.
📆 Like A Neon Sign by @reminiscingintherain
(T, 7k, canon) Harry had always been perfect to Louis, through every age, through every stage, and in all the important ways, he was proud to have been able to witness the growth that Harry had experienced first-hand.
📆 Though the Seasons Change So Quickly (Keep Them Buried In My Heart) by LiveLaughLoveLarry / @loveislarryislove
(G, 6k, canon) A series of moments of Harry and Louis' relationship through the years, from the very beginning to the present, through the perspective of those around them. It's beautiful and it's brutal, it's awe-inspiring and it's awful - it is what it is.
📆 Dear Louis by callmenine
(E, 5k, famous/not famous) The one where Harry is a popstar having an existential crises and writes a song for his high school ex-boyfriend Louis after more than ten years of no contact.
- Rare Pairs -
📆 in darkness i follow you by @leighbot
(E, 6k, Zayn/Louis) four glimpses into Louis and Zayn's relationship through the years. With bonus side!Narry.
📆 like air to me by yeah_alright / @uhoh-but-yeah-alright
(M, 5k, Zayn/Louis) Five times Louis’ smoke break brings back memories of Zayn and one time it brings him back to Zayn’s doorstep.
71 notes · View notes
sweetprfct · 4 months
Permanent December
Joseph Quinn x Fem!Reader
Summary: You and Sara have been best friends for a while now and when Sara had started dating Wes, you realized he also had a best friend. Joe. But somehow, you and Joe tend not to get along all the time.
Author's Note: This was my very first Joe series I ever wrote in my old blog, and I know many of you had requested for me to re-publish it, so here it is! A note, this series was written when I was inspired by @icallhimjoey's To Have and To Scold fic series. She and I have also talked about a scene here that would be coming in the future parts, so I don't want any drama nor controversy over this again. It's old and had been resolved. Thanks and enjoy! :)
Wordcount: 3.4K
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part one - part two - part three - part four - part five - part six - part seven - part eight - part nine - part ten
It wasn’t the first time you have visited Germany. It was actually a few times now that you have visited the country, and you were so excited because you were able to see your best friend, Sara, again. You two met online and ever since then, you two were inseparable. It was hard at the beginning because you lived in California, and she lived all the way across the ocean. The time difference was a bitch too, but you two tend to always give each other time to message each other every day. 
The friendship started off slow. You two realized that you both shared the same interests in movies and then the friendship started blossoming when you two started getting to know each other more. Especially on the day when you were struggling trying to break off your toxic relationship with your ex. You had texted Sara that night, bawling your eyes out while laying on your bed. It was around midnight already in Germany, but she was always there for you. She stayed up to listen to you venting about how your ex had emotionally abused you for two years now. Sara had listened, and she had encouraged you to break it off already, but you were scared. Terrified of the reaction with what your ex might give off if you had decided to break it off. 
Eventually, you gathered up all your courage and finally cut off ties with the asshole. 
And Sara? 
She was there when you went through the post-breakup phase and started healing yourself after the toxic relationship. After a year, you even flew to Germany for the first time to finally meet her and it was so fun. Both of you went to the Christmas market that December and got tipsy with all the Glühwein that you both drank that night. Those two weeks went by so fast that you wished you could have stayed longer but unfortunately, you also had a job to attend to. So, this vacation in Germany has become a yearly thing for the last three years around your birthday. You’d fly there around December and you two would visit the Christmas market and get drunk with all the Glühwein and eat crêpes.
But Sara was just a human. 
A woman. 
She told you one night that she wanted to go out there and meet someone, but she really didn’t know how to start a conversation with someone in real life, didn’t she? Sure, she was okay having conversations on the internet but in real life? She was shy. So shy, but she could feel the loneliness creeping up on her. So, you encouraged her. The same way she was always encouraging you. The same way she wanted good things for you. Sara, after all, deserved amazing things. She deserves someone that would love her and take care of her. So you encouraged her at the beginning to maybe meet some mutual friends but that didn’t work out too well. They were all arrogant men that didn’t deserve her. So then, you encouraged her to try online dating. Initially, it wasn’t great either until she went on vacation in London. 
She hadn’t thought much about it when she was there. She didn’t realize that her location in the app had changed. She would swipe left and right and didn’t even recognize that the location had changed. She had texted you one night that a notification appeared on her screen. 
A match! 
She got another match and guess what? He lived in London. And just like from all her matches, Sara had freaked out. She didn’t know what to do, so you told her that she should go for it. A little conversation wasn’t going to hurt and so, she decided to listen to your advice. Looking back at it, you thought maybe you should have shut your mouth in the first place because the conversation went well. 
Oh, they got along really well. 
They talked for a couple days while she was in London and decided to meet up. Sara didn’t even expect the first meeting to go well.
“He was really sweet and a gentleman.” She had told you through the phone. “He understood me well, and I told him I wasn’t from London, but he said that he didn’t mind and that he wanted to get to know me better.” 
She mentioned Wesley was his name or Wes as she calls him, and you were so happy for her because she had found someone, and you only wanted nothing but love and happiness that your best friend deserved. That was until you had flown that December for your annual vacation to visit Sara, and Wes was there. You had finally met the one man that was making her joyful for a year now, and you were so ecstatic to finally meet him. 
Sara was right. He was nice and understanding, but he was also goofy and funny at the same time. It was like they both had balanced each other’s personalities out. Everything was going great until three days later when you and Sara were hanging out in her apartment, and you found Wes out on the balcony talking to his phone. 
“So, how is everything going on with you two?” You asked Sara, your eyes shifting towards Wes on the balcony and then back at her. 
“Great!” Sara smiled, her eyes were full of love and you could see it. “He visits me here a lot and sometimes, I fly to London too.”
“That’s good that the distance doesn’t come between you two.” 
“No, not really. We both understand each other, and we also have jobs to focus on anyway. I think we just learned how to balance everything out.”
Before you could continue the conversation, both of your attentions were caught to the sound of the door sliding open. You both turned around and saw Wes entered with a huge enthusiastic smile plastered on his face. He had been on that balcony for over ten minutes, and you had wondered how he wasn’t cold from the freezing winter air outside but it seemed like that phone call was important. From the way his expression was at the moment, it looked like good news came out of it. 
“Guess what?” Wes said excitedly, sitting next to Sara and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. 
Both of you stared at him, waiting for him to continue with whatever good news he was about to announce. 
“My best friend, Joe,” Wes glanced at Sara. “I convinced him to come here and join us since he was in Paris anyway for his work.” Wes then shifted his eyes towards you and smiled, “And so he could also finally meet you too.”
You heard about Joe. Sara had mentioned him. She also had mentioned that he wasn’t just any ordinary Joe because he was Joseph Quinn, the actor from Stranger Things. The Eddie Munson character that you heard everyone had been obsessing about.
As someone that worked as a production assistant in LA, you heard many things in the Hollywood industry. You sure have heard about Joe, and you really haven’t paid much attention to him. You never watched the show either and so when Joe had come to Germany to join the three of you, you didn’t expect yourself to treat him differently. 
After all, he was just another human being too. Wes had picked him up from the airport late afternoon and brought him to Sara’s apartment. As you have expected, from the pictures you have seen, he looked the same in real life. The same curly hair, big chocolate button eyes and a small shy smile that tugged on his face. He looked a bit exhausted but you figured that was from the plane ride. He wasn’t too casual either. He was wearing some nice gray trousers and a blue button up with a big fancy coat that you swore his whole outfit were designer brands along with his black shiny chelsea boots that looked a bit expensive too. 
You were nice. You were understanding at the beginning because you knew that Joe was important to Wes and Wes was important to Sara, and Sara was important to you. So you were nice. 
You were understanding. 
You were understanding when he had walked into that door and Wes had introduced him to you and all he did was give you a small smile and didn’t really say anything else. Sara had talked about him to you and how he was kind and funny. Though, that didn’t seem to be the same man that was standing in front of you that she described through texts and phone calls. 
Joe had probably stood in the doorway of her living room for about an hour without saying one word. He would chuckle or talk to Wes or Sara, but he never looked at you. But you were understanding, remember? You understood that he just came from work all the way from Paris. 
“Why don’t we all go to the Christmas market tonight?” Sara suggested that afternoon.
The Christmas market? But that was yours and Sara’s thing. 
Sure, you didn’t mind Wes being here during the only time you were able to see Sara. You didn’t mind Joe tagging along even if he seemed to be so quiet all day. But the Christmas market was a girls’ night, and you wished it had stayed that way but just like the way life was, things changed. So, you went along with it. You didn’t want to be selfish, especially if Sara was happy. You didn’t want to ruin that. You didn’t want to be the one who ruined this vacation.
The night was freezing and the market was buzzing with crowds of people. You had kept yourself next to Sara the whole time, while Joe did the same with Wes on the other side. You tried your best to have a conversation with everyone, but Joe just seemed so disinterested with you and as the night went on, it started bothering you. 
You two only just met but why did he look like he hated you already? It only bothered you even more when the four of you were walking around the market, enjoying the evening, and eating crêpes, but Joe had his eyes laser focused on his phone. His brows were all furrowed, and he looked tense. He looked like he didn’t want to be here right now, and you wondered if your presence was the reason why. 
Be nice. You reminded yourself. 
So, you offered to take the glass of Glühwein that Wes and Sara ordered to hand it to Joe, who was busy standing in the corner. His eyes were still glued to his phone and you wondered maybe if you had broken the ice, it would help him feel a bit more comfortable around you. 
“Glühwein?” You asked, handing the glass of hot wine in front of him. 
Wes and Sara were right behind you, and Joe had finally gazed up from his phone and just stared at you for a moment and then his eyes shifted to the hot glass that you were still holding in front of him. 
“Oh,” he said, his eyes looking disappointed. “I could have paid for one myself.”
“Sara paid for it.” You said, feeling a bit offended. 
Joe stared at Wes and Sara, who were standing behind you and then back at the glass before taking it and muttering a small thank you to you. 
That stung.
That hit you a little bit right on the chest. So, he only took the glass because Sara paid for it? So, if you had paid for it, he wouldn’t have taken it? That bothered you to the core. That insulted you. You didn’t know what you did for him to act like that, but you were understanding and so you tried to let it go.
You really did.
So, when Wes and Joe had distanced themselves for a moment that night because Wes was looking at some Christmas decorations that he knew his mum would love, you were occupied with Sara looking at different colorful Christmas lights. With the alcohol running in your system already, you couldn’t help but blurt out the words that you have been hiding all night to your best friend.
“Is he always like that? Joe?” You asked, looking over your shoulder where Wes and Joe were. “You know… seems disinterested with the surroundings around him?”
Sara shrugged, chuckling softly. “I think he’s just tired from work. Wes said he had been busy, but I swear. He really is nice.”
You let out a soft hum and nodded your head, believing what Sara had said because she was your best friend and you trusted her. 
But that wasn’t the case, was it? 
Because for the next three years, that behavior never stopped radiating off of him. You tried your best to really understand him and be nice, but you were starting to hold a bit of frustration inside with the way he acted around you. 
The annual Germany vacation that you took had changed for the next three years. It became a thing where Wes and Joe would also fly over and the four of you would hang out. You would all go to the city and drink. Of course, not to forget the usual Christmas market that the four of you would visit. 
There was that time where you worked on the set of a show in LA, and Joe had shown up as a guest star. You weren’t surprised at all to see him since both of you worked in the same industry. The one thing that surprised you was when he showed up on set and directly stared into your eyes and then walked away as if he didn’t know you. 
God, that pissed you off. 
Thank god, you only saw him that one day and never again until you would fly to Germany during the holiday season. 
You never told Sara nor Wes how you felt about Joe because you didn’t want to be the one who created the drama in the group. You wanted everyone to get along and so, when you had visited Germany again, you would let yourself drown in conversations with Wes and Sara. Your eyes would shift from time to time with Joe, and you would hear him chuckle or reply to Wes in a conversation. You tried your hardest to not let it bother you and let the conversation flow normally. 
That was easier. 
It was easier when Sara and Wes were around because then, you could just focus your attention on them. It was harder when Sara and Wes would go galloping to some stand at the Christmas market and check out the things that they were selling. It left you and Joe behind in an awkward silence. You didn’t blame them though. They deserved to spend time with each other but you spending time with Joe? 
Absolutely not. 
So, you busied yourself and went to check out the other stands and what they were selling. You tried your best to focus on what was in front of you, but you couldn’t help but notice how Joe had followed behind you. You understood that he didn’t want to interrupt what Wes and Sara were doing but couldn’t he just go somewhere else? Leave you alone? You studied the Christmas dolls that one of the stands were selling and saw from the corner of your eye how Joe just stood next to you. He didn’t say anything, so you just continued to check out the dolls and picked one up. 
“You like dolls?” 
You were taken aback from his sudden voice. Did Joe really just talk to you? Did he have too much Glühwein that he was probably drunk enough that he just started talking? 
You hesitated for a moment and thought maybe he was finally being nice, so you gave him a chance.
“No, my grandmother used to collect them.” You answered, setting the doll back on the table. 
“Ah,” He nodded his head and picked one up that was a little boy, wearing a Christmas outfit. It was a porcelain doll, and it almost looked too fragile to hold on to. “They look a bit creepy, don’t they?” 
You couldn’t help but let out a small chuckle, agreeing with him. “Yes, they do. I have told my grandmother the same thing.” 
“I don’t blame you. I would say the same thing.” Joe grimaced at the doll before setting it back on the table.
Were you two really having a normal conversation right now? Almost too good to be true. 
From the last three years of knowing Joe, you both never had a conversation like this. Maybe he really was drunk. Who knows… but you were just going to go along with it. If it was going to make hanging out with your friends easier this way, you were going to go along with it.
You picked up another doll that was in front of you and realized this one looked a bit more raggedy. Very old. It had a red Christmas dress, but it looked like the hair wasn’t as great as the other ones.
“That looked a bit like you.” Joe commented. 
Well, that good conversation lasted only a minute. Was he kidding? Did he really just call you old and raggedy? You certainly had enough of him. Sara and Wes might like Joe, but you were tired of his behavior. You were tired of being nice, and you definitely were tired of trying to understand him. Your expression turned bitter as you set the doll back on the table and made your way around Joe, walking away from him.
“Hey! Wait.” He called out, touching a part of your arm with his fingertips. Almost like he was scared to touch you. “I’m sorry. I was just joking.”
He was sorry? He was sorry that he called you ugly? Was he also sorry that he has hated you ever since you two met three years ago? You’ve had enough of him, and you were ready to give him a piece of your mind. You couldn’t let him keep treating you like this.
“Hey guys!” 
You were interrupted by Sara, waving at you two to come over to where they were. Your lips parted, ready to yell at him but decided to shut your mouth. You dropped a glare at him before walking over to where Sara and Wes were. You heard Joe exhale sharply before following behind you and a fake smile tugged on your face as soon as you saw how excited Sara and Wes were.
“So, Wes and I were thinking…” Sara gazed up to Wes before they both exchanged looks and turned their attention back to you and Joe. “Maybe next December, we could spend the month in London?”
In London? 
Your eyes widened at the sudden suggestion that Sara had made. She wanted to spend a month in London? The holidays? The cold winter? Well, it wasn’t like Germany wasn’t cold but still… She wanted the four of you in London? 
You pursed your lips, thinking how you were sort of hesitant about this idea. That meant coming over to where Wes was from. Where Joe was from. He was already an ass in a foreign land, how was he going to act in his own city?
“You haven’t been there yet! We could show you around.” Sara added, pulling you into a hug. “It will be so much fun.”
Maybe she had too much alcohol. Maybe she will change her mind by tomorrow. You watched as Sara started pouting her lips and gave you her puppy dog eyes. Your eyes shifted to Wes, who was just chuckling at his girlfriend. He was no help at all. 
Of course, he was enjoying this. 
You turned to glance over at Joe from behind you. He didn’t say anything, but he had a big frown on his face. You could already see how he didn’t want you to be there but the petty and revengeful part of yourself wanted to torture him more. Plus, Sara was still standing in front of you with her puppy dog eyes, begging for you to agree. 
He was going to be an asshole? Then, you will torture him more with your presence. 
“Fine.” You agreed as Sara squealed in excitement and hugged you tightly.
“Oh, this is going to be fun! You will love London.” Sara exclaimed. 
This was going to be fun, alright. 
@palomahasenteredthechat @sunvick @eddies-acousticguitar @demonsanddemogorgons @joesquinns @mmunson86 @ghostinthebackofyourhead @corrodedcoffincumslut @figmentofquinn @tlclick73 @munsonluvrr @ali-r3n @ficsbypix @capricornrisingsstuff @missonlypost @ali-in-w0nderland @amberolivia666 @lalalala-melmosworld @niallersfreckles @nanas-lasagna @emma77645 @indulgence-be-thy-name @readergf @ladamari68 @1paire2vans @d4rk4ng3l86 @paleidiot @josephquinnsfreckles @readergf @mvnsonlover
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heyidkyay · 7 months
And I'm petrified of being alone, now |
Part Fourteen
Matty Healy x reader
Summary: She’s just trying to get by, really. What with being a single parent to her four year old son whilst simultaneously trying to kick start a successful career as a radio presenter. She’s got everything she’s ever wanted though, friends close by, a mum who’s merely a phone call away, and of course her baby boy. What else is there to wish for? But then, it’s not long before her relatively normal life gets upended and turned on its head, and she’s suddenly forced to deal with situations she’s never even thought to imagine.
What happens when one mention of a certain controversial singer on her show sends a flood of unexpected challenges her way? 
Authors Note: First bit is a lil messy! BUT it's just a way of moving through time whilst letting you know what's going on. Apologising anyway, tried to make it as simple as possible! Idk how I’m really feeling about this series atm ngl, hopefully I’ll find some more inspiration soon x
> Just a reminder! We left the last update with Mouse and her mum talking about Matty:) You can look back here if you'd like!
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14:04, 26 Dec 2023
For Christmas Denise Welch reunites with..
LOOSE Women star Denise Welch had a fun-filled Christmas this year with her two sons and...
*picture: family gathering featuring Matty Healy in red beanie*
@/user1  Glasses and beanie combo>>> @/user2 He was wearing that yesterday too @/user3 I wish my family was chill enough to take a xmas pic😭
Facetime now Matty:)!! Incoming Call
Messages 4m Finnleyyy So will I be seeing my best mate this nye??
Instagram 11m Trumanblack mentioned you in a private story
TWITTER: ‘75 updates @/75updateacc Matty spotted out in Manchester!  *picture: long trench and red beanie*
Ugh! @/user1 Matty on new years! *with old friends // red beanie tucked into a jacket pocket* > Loveme @/user2 The beanie is spotted again.. >> Saidhello @/user3 @/user2 Been all over his ig stories too 👀 friends? @/user4 I'm sort of obsessed w it and the fact it's stirring up so many questions💀 ppl, @/user5 it's so nice to see him actually happy!! lemmebepartoftheband @/user6 WAITING ON THE NEXT ALBUMMMM
Trumanblack Story today
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The Sun
23:47, 31 Dec 2023
The 1975 frontman was seen out in London this evening with friends and other members of the band celebrating a...
*picture: Matty Healy all dressed up and sporting a red beanie*
@/user1  shit like this ruins people @/user2 That hat again! Was it a Christmas present? @/user3 another celeb trying at sobriety, another bullshit article @/user4 Where in London even was this?
TWITTER: ‘75 updates @/75updateacc Band's interview with Variety today, click here for the video! Will be updating later on today:) *boys all pictured: George/shades, Matty/beanie&longtee, Ross/hairdown, Adam/leatherjacket*
Messages 3m Matty:)!! Just wrapping up now, should be able to call in 10 x
Youtube 9m Recommended: The 1975 - Talks of tour? | VM Radio Uk
Instagram 21m Trumanblack just added to his story
AdelineWells sent you a direct message
23 New Notifications click to open
TWITTER: Partoftheband @/user1 Talks of tour??? Are they trying to kill me? Gotabf @/user2 The beanie!! It's back!! Milk @/user3 You reckon he's washed it? People! @/user4 He wears so much designer shit, why's he wearing a hat that looks like it was knitted by my nan??
With January, came sleet and heavy rain. Forcing us all indoors and making quick regrets over arduous New Year’s resolutions.
I had half a dozen interviews lined up in the first month alone, which was a promising start to the year but also incredibly nerve wracking. I’d spent the majority of the wavering days between Christmas and the 31st fretting over each and every detail, beyond thankful that my mum had stuck around a little longer after the festivities to help keep Teddy preoccupied.
Adi, thankfully, was stuck in the exact same boat, which meant that we could both bear the burden together. Leading to a whole lot of time being spent on the phone, making plans, or down at the studio, where Teddy could roam free. We were moving up in the world, as Matty now liked to claim, and so that meant more of our time being taken up by mundane tasks such as asking Hozier’s PA what kind of drink he preferred and avoiding a couple of Podcaster's sudden opinions on us.
Still, we were forever grateful.
Though it wasn’t just the radio show getting shafted with a shit ton of toil either, it appeared that work had Finn headed off to the States for a few gallery openings, and Matty pulled in all sorts of directions whilst the band sorted out their upcoming album.
I hadn’t heard a word of it, although the singer kept on endlessly chattering away about how much he loved the songs they were now producing, suddenly leased with a newfound life. Which always left me feeling happy, even if I did have to wait alongside the rest of the world to listen in. It was nice knowing that he was enjoying it all once more. Seeing as, music made Matty and Matty made music. And all that.
So anyway, what I’d been getting at there was that the last few weeks had been all too trying. Enough so that Matty and I had hardly seen hide nor hair of each other, and our Facetime calls had been fair and few. Which was something that didn’t just sadden me, but Teddy too it seemed, who’d come to quite like the musician and all of his odd quirks.
That fact in itself had almost sent me running, in truth.
And maybe that was silly of me, but Teddy was my everything and it killed me to see him upset over someone he barely even knew. But then again, I supposed he did know Matty in a way. Whenever Matty called, Teddy was there to tell the man about his day, whenever Matty texted he never failed to ask after Teds, whenever he sent pictures and videos of the studio and whatever else he was doing they were usually for Teddy to see. 
I didn’t think Teddy had ever attached himself to a person so quickly. Which really did surprise me. Though oddly enough, what surprised me much more was the fact that Matty had just soldiered on and stuck with it, instead of running for the hills the first chance he’d gotten, like I’d expected. 
Which was perhaps a bit of an unfair assumption on my part, but it was something I didn’t feel too guilty over- I’d made that clear to Matty the very first day the two of them had met after all.
Saying that though, I was left to eat my words as I watched that same man galavant his way around a London Zoo with a four year old plopped atop his shoulders. Doing so without complaint, and thoroughly enjoying it too.
“There! There, Matty! You see?” I heard Teddy call out in loud excitement as I trailed my way on after them, his little fingers holding onto the red beanie Matty now often favoured. Something I relentlessly teased him about but which left me feeling all warm every time I saw it.
“Oh yeah! I do now. Wow monster, how’d you even spot him over there?” Matty replied, feigning obvious awe and grinning madly when Teddy leaned over the top of his head to poke his face into view.
“I eat carrots.”
I snorted at the simple answer Teddy gave and Matty, forever charmed by my toddler’s antics, nodded around a low chuckle of his own. “I’ll make sure to buy a couple on my way home then.”
Stepping closer, I found it strange to be in a zoo so lifeless. Which probably sounded even more peculiar, but then again, it hadn’t been my idea to go ahead and rent the entire place out just so that we could have a nose around at all the wildlife without Matty getting mobbed. What a diva, hey?
“I still can’t believe you did all this.” I murmured to him once Matty had set Teddy back down on the ground, leaving my son to run on over towards one of the caged fences, calling out to the languid lions that laid beyond it.
“It’s sick.” 
That had been Matty’s only defence since having arrived and me figuring this all out, it was as endearing as it was bewildering. 
“It’s mental is what it is, you idiot.”
He glanced over at me, hands tucked up in his pockets, a smug grin now painted on his face. I crossed my arms over my chest, refusing to be charmed by him and his inane antics. 
“Admit it, you’re loving this. Not having to worry about losing the kid and actually being able to get a look in at this lot.” Matty argued, and if he were anyone else he’d be swaying back and forth in utter delight- Wilmslow’s very own Willy Wonka- but all he did was simply look back at Teddy with a prideful grin, who was now currently trying to lure a lioness in closer.
Thing is, he wasn’t wrong. And Matty was enough of a git to know it too.
I didn’t grant him a reply though and instead wandered over to drag my son away from the ever nearing lion. “Did you see, mama? She likes me!”
I had to grin and bite back my sudden hysteria, although Matty snorted from his place now back beside us. “I did see, lovely! How about we go look at the snakes though now, hey?” And with that, Teddy was eager to part from us (and thankfully the lion) , sprinting ahead in the direction of a lizard sign that stood not too far away, leaving Matty and I to trail behind.
“Where all the animals are locked behind glass, yeah?” Matty piped up after and I narrowed my eyes at him in return, refraining from giving him a right good shove.
“Shut it.”
He merely cackled and looped an arm around my shoulders.
“They should just get back together. I mean- the money alone!”
I chuckled quietly to myself, moving about the tiny kitchenette at the studio and rolling my eyes at the man propped up between a Guinness World Records book we had and the sugar tin.
“I’m not saying that they shouldn’t! I’m just saying that they won’t.” I argued back, still rifling my way through a drawer in search of a sharp enough knife. “Those are two completely different things.”
“So what?” Matty scoffed, his displeasure with the whole debate managing to seep its way through the phone. “Fucking pair of pillocks, can’t even imagine how the world would react, the industry alone!”
I smiled, all too familiar with the daily rants of one Matthew Healy. This particular tirade of his had been spurred on by a comment I’d made on today’s show, it seemed he’d been listening in.
“Oo, is there a brew going for me?”
I glanced behind me just in time to spot Adi making her way into the studio, a large duffle bag for tomorrow's shoot thrown over her left shoulder. 
“Who else?” I quipped back, grinning victoriously when I finally found the trusty blade I’d brought over from mine so many years ago now that laid between a wooden spoon and a jar opener.
“What are you even doing?” She asked me next, having already tossed the bag down onto the sofa and made her way over. She waved when she spotted Matty’s familiar face upon opening the fridge, used to his presence cropping up here and there by now, “Alright, Healy? Thought you had big meetings today.”
“We do. I’m currently hiding out in a bin.”
Adi paused to blink at the absurd reply and then shrugged, not seeing the point in questioning it any further. “And you?” She prompted me, plucking a pint of milk from the fridge and slamming it closed.
“So full of questions today, high inquisitor.” I sang, already moving to slice into the whole watermelon I’d brought on my way in, having right fancied it when I’d passed by the fruit & veg stall up on the high street. “And what do you think, Ads? Exactly what it looks like.”
“Yeah, but why?”
I just shook my head in answer and Adi seemed to take that for what it was, a blatant dismissal. Matty though, ever so sweet, must’ve felt a bit bad because I heard him pipe up again, “She’s gone and brought a whole watermelon. Paid five quid for the thing, you believe that?”
“Five quid! Did he ask if he could spit in your face too?” Adi all but exclaimed, eyes as wide as saucers as she looked over at me.
“Yes, five quid.” I stressed, having already heard enough of it from Matty, who didn’t have a leg to stand on here. “Now leave off, or I won't share.” I wielded the knife between the pair of them jokingly and Adi relented easily enough, already moving to skim a piece I’d just cut from off the counter. I cast a shrewd glance towards my phone, “And besides you can’t talk, Mr. Millionaire.”
Matty snorted.
“Is it really that much?” Adi wondered out loud, sweeping over to get a better glimpse at my screen and the man hidden within it.
I rolled my eyes and smirked, already figuring that she’d try her luck with just that thought alone. 
“Piss off, Wells.” Matty laughed, amused by the ever so sweet smile Adi had suddenly conjured up for him and the way she was now batting her lashes, “How the fuck did we go from watermelon to my networth anyway?”
I stopped slicing to taste test a chunk of watermelon and heard Matty heave a heavy sigh.
Adi, though, just moved to ask, “Did you threaten the fruit & veg man then?”
“Fucking should’ve.” I muttered, but couldn't quite bring myself to regret the wasted fiver then, not when the fruit was almost heavenly.
“Can you stop eating? I’m in a crisis you know, and fucking starving.” I heard Matty complain, his voice practically petulant.
“Actually, you’re in a bin.” I corrected, taking another chunk, “So don’t be a drama queen. If you’re hungry, order a Deliveroo or fuck off home.”
Matty was almost pouting when I slid on over to join Adi by the phone, a plate overwhelmed with watermelon now towering between us. His frown deepened. “You’re proper evil, you know that?”
I simply grinned, “You love it.”
Only Adi noticed the faint hue that bloomed across the singer’s cheeks then. Seeing as I was already rambling away once again, talking about the weekend get-together we’d planned now we all had some time to spare.
“You’re still coming, right?” I then asked Adi, who was now smirking for some reason. I raised a brow.
She merely hummed around her next slice and dipped her head at me, “Wouldn’t miss it for the world, babe.”
Matty’s eyes narrowed at that but I deemed it better to ignore whatever the two of them had going on, I found life to be much simpler that way.
It was almost gone nine and still no sign of her. 
She had texted almost half an hour ago now, saying she was headed out, but Matty still kept his phone in hand, spinning it this way and that, just in case she tried messaging again.
“You’re driving me mad with that, man.” George suddenly announced, drawing Matty’s attention back to the table at the overcrowded club they’d picked out. “Stop it.” He added, swatting at Matty’s forearm when he’d barely acknowledged him the first time round.
Matty’s brow pinched but he let the mobile go with a clatter to the tabletop, “Happy?”
George exaggerated his smile in the same sense Matty just had whilst he clasped his hands in mock prayer before him, “Incredibly.” Then he relaxed back in his chair once more, face softening as Matty’s eyes shot out across the floor for the umpteenth time, “God, you’re really fucking strung up on this one.”
“Eh?” Matty immediately asked him, his head spinning back around to spare a glance at his mate.
“Just,” George began with a slow shrug, his chin dipped against his chest now in the way that he’d leaned back making his eyes appear all the more solemn. “It’s been a while since I’ve seen you so invested, is all.”
“Invested, fuck’s that meant to mean?”
Goerge just huffed. “I don’t know, Matty. Just, you’re not usually the type to get so caught up on a girl you’re chasing.”
“I’m not chasing her. We’re mates.” Matty hastily defended and could feel the way his face had instantly scrunched up with the force of it.
He was gifted a short snort in return, “Yeah man, sure, and I can fly a shitting plane.” At Matty’s ever darkening expression, George sighed once more and moved to prop himself up on his knees, “Look yeah? I didn’t mean nothing by it, only curious. It’s weird seeing you all moody and pent up about somebody. Been a while.”
It had been a while since he’d last seen someone properly, but that didn’t suddenly mean that he and Mouse currently had anything going on. He’d been too focused on staying clean, working on the album, and trying to forget the last year and a half had ever happened. And Mouse… well, she had a kid and didn’t seem the type to take to anyone so easily. They were mates. Just, mates.
Matty must’ve been quiet a little too long though because when George spoke again his voice had softened, as had his face. It almost looked pitiful now, enough that Matty wanted to force him away from his line of sight. But he didn’t, only glanced back out towards the floor.
“Matty, mate. I really didn’t mean to piss you off, you know that. I’m just saying it how I see it.” Matty rolled his eyes but George only continued to talk, “It’s obvious that you like her, man. Whether it’s just as friends or something more. But do me a favour and just have a long think about it, yeah? She’s nice and all, but I don’t wanna see you hurt.”
Matty bit back the scoff that lodged itself in his throat, “If anything, G, it’d be me hurting her. Wouldn’t be that unexpected though, would it?”
George’s hand came to grasp his shoulder at that and with a firm but gentle grip he forced Matty to better face him, he leaned in so his voice would carry over the music, his forehead now furrowed. “You’re not a bad person, man. Not everyone’s expecting you to fuck up all the time.”
Didn’t that feel like a fucking lie.
The hand pressed further and George shook Matty a tad, wanting him to comprehend his words. Take them in. “You’re doing good, mate. Really good. And we’re proud, alright? We are. All I’m saying is, have a think about what you want. Make sure you’re happier for it, make sure… that you can deal with everything that comes along with it. Understand?”
Matty’s mouth felt a little dry as he stared up into George’s eyes, seeing the genuine care held within them. Almost immediately Matty felt his walls crumble down around him and he struggled to find the right words to respond with. They were proud. So instead, he just nodded and George’s hand clapped the back of his neck with a winning grin.
“Good. Now, go get her, yeah?”
Matty frowned at the words but before he could think to question it the table was moving to welcome in a couple of newcomers and he turned in his seat to meet the eyes of a smiling Squeaks.
“Hey you.”
“You made it!”
She grinned back at him, beamed actually, and Matty felt his eyes flicker down to her lips for a second, then down further to the lovely little dress she’d decided on. He hastily stood up to greet her, wrapping her up in a hug- something that had come more and more naturally to them in the last few weeks- and rocked slightly. “Get all dressed up for me, did you?”
Mouse pulled away with a laugh, her head thrown back a tad before her glistening eyes set themselves back on him, she squeezed his arm, “You wish.”
He did wish. But he didn’t voice that passing thought out loud, filing it away to stress about later, and instead shuffled nearer to whisper, “You do look gorgeous though.”
The skin by her ear prickled with goosebumps and Matty pulled away before he could get too caught up in what that might have meant. He graced her with a slow smile, “Drinks?”
She let go of a breath, then smiled brightly back at him with a dip of her chin, “Drinks.”
“I haven't heard a word of it!” I said, pushing my drink down onto the table. I was currently on my fifth of the night, but the guys were forever getting new rounds in and so I knew it wouldn’t take me long before I was handed another. 
“You said you didn’t like our stuff!” Matty immediately answered back, his voice a tad bit higher now.
I gaped at the claim, “I did not!”
“Yes, you fuckin’ did!”
The rest of the table was watching on in ever growing amusement, Ross’s eyes were dancing back and forth between Matty and I, whilst Adi wore a grin that could probably help power Blackpool Tower. 
“I said I loved your earlier work. I didn’t say I hated the newer stuff!” I rebuked, desperately trying to think back to that first show I’d mentioned Matty in. Had I really said that?
Matty went to speak but Hann cut in before he could, “You two are mental. All I asked was whether she’d heard anything we’d been working on.”
George snorted, managing to drag his eyes away from his fiance to smirk at the pair of us. “Remember she claimed the band looked spent.”
Matty jumped to point in George’s direction, pleased, whilst my eyes widened, “I wouldn’t!”
“You did, love.” George laughed, looking more amused than hurt which was the only thing keeping me from being physically sick. “It’s alright, no harm done.”
I fish-mouthed, but even with that having been said, Matty was still grinning victoriously. “Fucking told you.”
Wrinkling my nose, I turned to neck the rest of my drink. “Yeah, well. I do love your songs, alright?”
Matty’s brows upturned, as if he was about to deny the claim and accuse me of lying, but Adi cut in, “No it’s true, she's been listening to your shit nonstop since you two met. Like it’s grating at this point.”
“Harsh.” Ross dragged out and Adi gave him a coy smile when she went to pat his chest, “You try listening to his gob on repeat and then we’ll talk, yeah?” She retorted easily, dipping her head towards Matty, whose face scrunched up unhappily.
“Careful, Wells. Starting to sound like you might not like me.”
Adi flashed him a toothy smile, “Who claimed I ever did?”
I was quick to reach out and grab Matty’s wrist when he frowned, ready to open his mouth once more. The motion seemed to grab most, if not all, of his attention because he wavered in his stance before letting himself be pulled over.
“He’s fragile, Ads.” I chuckled to her, hand cradling the back of Matty’s head when he leaned in to press his face against my shoulder. “All the big rockstars have delicate egos.”
Adi snorted and I watched as she let Ross drape an arm over her shoulders, her hand finding his.
“Not fucking fragile.” Matty said, but the heat of it was lost in the mumble against my skin, I laughed.
“Sure, babe.” I murmured fondly, smiling when I felt the curve of his grin against my neck. I started to run my hand through his hair almost unconsciously, letting the alcohol dim the anxious worries that would typically cloud my mind. “You’re a real man.”
“A real fuckin’ man.”
I rolled my eyes with a shake of my head that must've disrupted Matty’s newfound peace because he pulled away slightly, hands falling to rest on my hips, keeping us close.
“You’re proper nice, you know?” He mumbled in contradiction to our previous argument, his head falling forward to press his forehead to mine. His eyes appeared so much darker in this light, the little space between us had me holding my breath. “So nice.”
Instantly I was reminded of one of the first conversations I’d had with Adi about Matty, he’d been nice then too. “Thanks.” I chuckled before swallowing, eyes trailing between his before I voiced the thought. “You’re nice too.”
He smiled, one of those lazy ones where his eyelids drooped and the skin around his mouth wrinkled. His stare dropped ever so slightly and my mouth parted on instinct.
Matty licked at his lower lip, teeth grazing it ever so slightly. “I’m glad I met you.”
My heart stuttered in my chest, squeezing in on itself so tightly that I thought it might just give out, before it finally let go. “I don’t think I’ve ever been told that before.”
Matty tilted his head at me causing the tip of his nose to brush against mine, I struggled to remember to keep breathing. “I’m glad I met you, Squeaks.” He repeated with an air of finality, either unaware or uncaring for the reaction it drew from me as he raised a hand to drag his thumb across my jaw.
I looked up into his eyes, unblinking. Aware that I’d never felt quite like anything this before.
“I’m glad I met you too.”
Metro News
Feb 2024 06:21
Last night it seems our local heartthrob was back out on the town again after a few weeks of silence, only this time he wasn't alone! Read more...
Facetime now Finnleyyy Incoming Call
Messages 7m Adi x Babe wake up, shits going down over on twitter!! Also (very much related) did you shag Healy last night???
Twitter 11m You now have 378 notifications
TWITTER: ‘75 updates @/75updateacc The Band spotted out in London last night with the MouseOnAMic girls! *picture: a story from Adelinewells instagram//blurred group photo*
backofmyvan @/user1 Is this real?? *picture: blurred Matty and Mouse in a dark club* Funnyface @/user2 Is that the radio host? she has a kid?? Saidhello! @/user3 I woke up to chaos. On another note, how are my matty girlies doing today?
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eternal-love · 25 days
Austin and me
“He’s changing.”
“Wife to the ‘king’. Icon to the world. Destined for more.”
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Summary: At 18 years old, she fell in love with Austin, at 20 years old, she became his wife, by 22, she was his doll. In which Cynthia’s life changed drastically after falling head over heels with a man that promised her the moon and the stars. She takes us down the memory lane of what could’ve been— the perfect marriage.
Inspired by the book: Elvis and Me by Priscilla Presley.
I do not condemn any of the portrayals I decide to do about certain people, it’s just fanfiction. And it would be divided in parts.
English isn’t my first language so I’m trying my best!
I wasn’t proud of my affair. Who is ever proud of any relationship that’s based off betrayal? And I HATED, HATED, HATED that every time I was with Callum. I thought of— him.
I didn’t want to sound vulgar. I am a grown woman. I’m sure I can say fuck, shit, etc. But sex, how can I talk freely about sex— let alone the sex in some scandalous affair?
Could I say that whenever Callum thrusted deep in me, I often thought of Austin doing so. How much I wanted to hear Austin’s voice as Callum whispered whatever dirty things he thought about as he tried to make me come for the third time.
Sex with Callum was different. It wasn’t as good as with Austin, but he was much more dominating in some ways. For most of our relationship and marriage, I was the one that had to initiate things with Austin. Like laying in bed and casually sliding my hand onto his pants, or sitting in his lap as he read scripts. With Callum, it was different. He knew what he wanted and he took it; shamelessly. Austin was a fan of more soft sex. Callum was more aggressive. Austin liked it soft core. Callum hard core. They were both two ends of the coin. Yet my heart always ached for Austin…
“M’gonna shower, baby…” Callum whispered to me after he was done. I laid on the bed and nodded. I watched him walk into mine and Austin’s bathroom.
Austin wasn’t home, he was off to some random library he found and then to his pottery classes. I grabbed my phone from the bedside table and saw that I had a message from Austin.
‘omw to pottery. gonna make u something :))’
I sighed and sent him a thumbs up before putting the phone down and rubbing my face. After his shower, Callum came out the bathroom all freshened up.
“What’s with the face?” Callum asked me as he smirked.
“Nothing. Just, texting Austin and all that.” I rolled my eyes.
“That fast? You hurt me, love. You really do.” Callum faked offense, placing his hand on his chest. I chuckled and threw one of the cushion towards him.
To be honest, I wasn’t in love. I never thought I could love two men at the same time. The problem was that I myself did not know if I loved Austin.
“He won’t change. Men like him never do.” Callum grabbed my jaw softly.
“I know.” I answered before giving him a quick peck on the cheek. He left.
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I was at home after Callum left, I had Lori running around the kitchen as I made dinner. I was making a salad.
“Mommy. Up!” Lori said, wanting to sit on the kitchen counter.
“But you better sit still, alright?” I picked her up and sat her in the countertop as I moved around.
“What… what are we making, mommy?” Lori had an advanced speech but her whiny little voice was my favorite thing about her.
“I am making a chicken salad.” I kissed Lori’s cheek. She “helped” me while holding the tomatoes in her hands.
I liked spending time with Lori, for most of the time— she was my only friend. It was sad but true. As she helped be bake things for the rest of the week, I heard the door open and close, it was Austin.
As I took Lori in my arms and walked to the foyer, I saw Austin… holding a tree?
“I can explain. I thought that we could have a little Christmas spirit. C’mon, Christmas is around the corner.” He smiled at me as he held the tree.
“Where did you even get that?” I laughed, but Lori was already kicking excitedly. Once she knew Christmas was getting closer, she knew her birthday was just around the corner.
“Uh— I kinda saw a man selling them on the street. He totally scammed me but I wanted to bring my favorite girls a surprise.”
How could he be so sweet? How dare he? After being a dick, after being a cowards and having two affairs. Why was he so sweet now? Why was he trying to change? It made me feel more guilty about my very own affair. Why was I cheating on a man that was trying to actively change? I felt like the worst wife in the world.
I needed my mother to hug me. But turns out I was the mother in this situation.
He got closer to me and kissed me, taking Lori from my arms before smiling at us. I hated his smile. I hated how charming he was. How easily it was for me to forgive his behavior and actions.
“I made you a vase.” He pointed at his tote bag.
And I would lie if I said it wasn’t the most attractive thing a man had ever done for me. Like it was a handmade vase from him. COULD HE BE ANY HOTTER?
I felt like drowning on my guilt. As if my own lie was starting to eat me whole from within me.
“Thank you.” I accepted the vase with a smile. “I don’t even know what to say. What do you say after getting gifted a vase?”
Afterwards, we had dinner. A nice family dinner. He held my hand all throughout it. And that night— it was the first night he made love to me for the first time after months.
But he was rough, almost like Callum. And my blood went cold as he whispered to me.
“Does he fuck you like I do?”
I quite literally stopped moaning, he took my breath away with his words. He smirked and looked down on me.
“I want you to stop seeing him. I want you to stop behaving like an unloved woman when you know damn well I love you.”
I felt like the worst wife in the world. Did he feel like this after I caught him cheating on me, twice? I wonder. He never looked this guilty. Maybe I was in too deep. Maybe I just— loved too much.
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Those months were crazy. I was finishing high school, exams, projects, my graduation. University, everything was chaos. I apologize again.
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daydreaming-en-pointe · 9 months
A very Spidey Christmas - 42!Miles
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Pairing: e42!Miles Morales x fem!Spider!Reader hehehe green and purple aesthetic (Hobie, 1610!Miles, and Margo are here too) (1610!Miles will be highlighted to avoid confusion)
Word count: 632
Warnings: Spider-Man kiss! Hobie and Miles walk in on reader and 42!Miles kissing, awkwardness, Hobie being a bit of a prick?, 42!Miles’ nickname is Milo :) (inspired by @kyngjaice ‘s Mylo! <3)
A/N: guys this is my first time writing for 42 miles 😭 i have no idea how to write for him i’m just bumbling along fr 😞
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“¿Cómo diablos…?” (How the hell)
You froze at the familiar voice coming from below you, embarrassment flooding the corners of your brain that weren’t occupied with finding a way out of this mess.
“Hey, Miles,” You tried to greet him by clumsily twisting around to give him a little wave. “This is actually very therapeutic. Wanna join me?”
“Look, ma, you know I love you, but this seems like a next-level dumbass move. How did you manage to get stuck tangled in tinsel on the damn ceiling?” Miles stood with his hands on his hips, eyebrows scrunched together in confusion as he craned his neck up to study the way your limbs were tangled together in the itchy silver decoration.
“It’s not just tinsel. My webs are up here too,” You chuckled awkwardly, watching Miles’ eyebrows skeptically sail up toward his hairline. “And don’t worry. This is, uh… a clever ploy to lull you into a false sense of security and get you to… show affection and loving concern. Yeah, that’s what this is. Stop looking at me like that!”
Miles held his palms up in surrender, the ghost of a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. “I assume you don’t need my help, then? I’ll leave you to… whatever you’re doing. Have fun-”
“Nonono wait, please - my arms are starting to hurt,” You gave him a pout and he sighed, already reaching into the inner pocket of his jacket. “Okay, hold still.”
You saw a flash of silver, heard a small ripping noise as the tinsel around your limbs loosened, and blinked in surprise when Miles reached out and caught the blade calmly, the tinsel falling down with it.
You half-dropped down, shooting a web and hanging upside down from the ceiling so your face hovered only inches away from his. Before he could move back, you grabbed the sides of his face, pulling him into a kiss. It barely took a few milliseconds for him to melt completely into it, you noticed with a grin.
The sound of clapping split the still, silent moment wide open. Miles pulled back, his reflexes for loud sounds from being the Prowler kicking in. You turned to glare at the intruders, softening your gaze once you saw who it was.
“Sorry, mate, did we interrupt somethin’?” Hobie, to his credit, was trying his best to squash the broad grin on his face but wasn’t making any progress. Miles - the other Miles - looked mortified, trying in vain to tug at Hobie’s arm to drag him somewhere else.
Miles mouthed I’m so sorry at you, giving up and hiding his face in his hands like he wanted to disappear into the ground. “Not so ‘eartless after all, eh Milo?”
Margo suddenly appeared with a small flash of neon purple light. “Hey, guys, have you seen Gwen? She said she’d come Christmas shopping with me but I can’t find-”
The virtual spider-girl paused to take in the scene in front of her. The moment she made eye contact with (your) Miles, some telepathic message seemed to have passed between them.
“Okay, Hobie, Miles, who’s up for some Gwen-hunting?” At Miles’ exasperated expression, Margo quickly caught herself. “Er, Christmas shopping. But we need to find Gwen first and… you know what I mean. Let’s get going, shall we?”
She shooed both of them past your Miles, practically pushing them out of the room. “Simp.” She whispered to Miles as she passed him, giving him a smug little wave. “You owe me now!”
Miles glowered in her direction, subconsciously fiddling with the end of one of his braids. “Assholes,” He mumbled grumpily under his breath, though the traces of a smile hovered over his lips.
“He says while smiling,” You teased, detaching yourself from the ceiling and dropping onto your feet.
“Should’ve just left you up there.”
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@vhstown @l0starl @tatumis-a @deritosmi @therealloopylupin2099 @hobiebrownismygod
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writingisartdarling · 9 months
I have a serious obsession with older couples, as my followers already know. This inspired me to list the MANY things that make me go all swoon when I see two people so much as look at each other...Let's just say these old couples have gotten my expectations for love so high that I'll end up being single my whole life.
So here we have...
"I love you" - otp prompts
buying the other a whole *** house for Christmas (iykyk)
using pet names
hands on the other's waist
awkward giggles after a kiss
smiling into a kiss or right after it
walking hand in hand/arm in arm
giving the other flowers when they come home from town
playing with the other's hair
"text me when you get home"
exchanging looks across the room
gentleman manners, etc. holding out a door for the other or letting the lady walk furthest from the road and walking between her and the cars
forehead kisses
bathing the other especially if they're sick
slow dancing while the other hums
having no friends other than their significant other
sitting on the other's lap
complimenting the other's looks and them blushing
fidgeting with ring(s) they've been gifted from the other
late night talks
brushing the other's hair for them
smiling when their significant other is so much as mentioned
legs touching under a table
making the other's drink or meal just like they like it
husbands doting on their wives
hugs from behind
sharing things about their day with the other
working together
searching for them in a room full of people
helping the other shave their beard
mistletoe kisses
being protective over the other
cooking together
communicating without words
reading together
making the other breakfast in bed to surprise them in the morning
having a late-night meal together
the other having cold toes and the other having to warm them up in bed
getting jealous
inside jokes
love letters/messages
not being able to take their eyes off of their significant other
braiding the other's hair
cuddles after sex
marrying one's best friend
growing old together
taking a bath/shower together
making up by making out after a fight
putting a blanket over the other when they fall asleep on the couch
having a song that always reminds them of the other
welcome home kisses
having the same last name (as in changing their last name when getting married)
helping the other undress
staying home to look after the other when they're sick
whispering sweet nothings to the other's ear
carrying an umbrella for the other when it rains
Look, the list could on and on...Perhaps that gives you an idea, though. Feel free to share your own if you made it this far. I hope you have a lovely rest of the week <3
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dharmas-spam · 3 months
In wake of recent events and allegations against Neil Gaiman, I would like to release a statement that I know no one asked for. Because I have not been doing very well as of late, and this was the cherry on the shit sundae.
I hope you all understand that, in doing so, I do not mean to take away any attention from the victims. I just have to get this off my chest and clear the air I feel is polluted at the moment.
Here's my long-winded timeline of my interaction with Gaiman's work. Underneath will be my statement on these allegations and what I will be doing moving forward.
I first got into Neil Gaiman's work in June-July of 2021, around my birthday, although I had seen some of his work unknowingly over the years.
I will never forget the first time I watched Good Omens, and I will never forget the joy it made me feel from the first few frames. I finished the show soon after. The message of the beauty in individuality and the inherent neutrality of humanity made me feel hopeful for the first time in a while.
I read the book in October 2021 and was officially hooked. I started engaging in the fandom and found a place online where I felt wholly accepted. I made fanart, read/wrote fanworks, etc.
I then expanded my Gaiman-Verse knowledge in April 2022 and began reading American Gods, Anansi Boys, Trigger Warning, etc...and found great inspiration and solace in these works as well.
On August 5th, 2022, I watched Sandman the morning it released on Netflix, beyond excited, and then bought one of the large books with the first few comics complied inside after finishing the show.
My love for The Sandman universe only grew, and I gained new outlooks on life inside the character's words and actions. Death of The Endless and Hob Gadling were two characters that helped me better understand how to truly appreciate the world around me and the time I am blessed to have in it.
I received the full collection of The Sandman comics for Christmas 2022 and nearly cried with elation. I read through them like a beast and was given more of the extended works in the series (like Death's solo comic) later that same holiday. I was also given The Ocean At The End Of The Lane, and finished it in two days flat. I loved Mrs. Hempstock and her words on humanity.
As time passed, my passion for Gaiman's literature/media didn't waver.
I started dating my partner on June 1st, 2023, and Gaiman's work was part of what helped us bond, in addition to our already-lovely chemistry.
The EVERY kiss spoiler leaked and sobbed with excitement, lol.
Good Omens S2 was set to be released a few days after my birthday. However, I was very sick on my birthday and was rather miserable.
My parents went out of their way to make me Good Omens cupcakes in secret, and it was one of my best birthdays, purely because my father put in the effort to design them, despite my never letting him watch the show (which has since been amended).
That Christmas, I was given quite a bit of Good Omens and Sandman merchandise and started growing my collection of copies of Good Omens.
On April 25th, 2024, I watched Dead Boy Detectives the day it released, having been excited for it since November 2023, and found another media in the Gaiman-Verse that I adored and saw myself in.
Flash forward to tonight, July 4th, 2024, and I am devastated.
I spent the majority of my teen years consuming Gaiman's content and engaging in the fandoms. During the time, I found true happiness and felt comfortable in my identity, and I refuse to lie and say my self-discovery was not aided by the media he created.
I know this is not about me, but about the victims, and I know the allegations have been brought to light by many shady news sources, but I must finish my piece with this:
When J.K Rowling exposed herself as a TERF, I had not realized I was queer yet, but I was still deeply disturbed for reasons unknown to me. I separated the art from the artist, as I had loved Harry Potter since I was seven, and it was a way my mother and I bonded during hard times. It also helped me get through the height of quarantine and the horrors of puberty.
When I discovered Gaiman's work and the fandoms his work's inspired, I felt relieved: here was a white cishet person who cared for minorities and who created media for minorities.
If the allegations are true (which they likely are), it turns out my hero doesn't deserve his cape.
I will do as I did with J.K Rowling, with a much heavier heart. The fans deserve the joy and inclusion Gaiman's work has created, even if he himself is vile. I will continue to consume his work indirectly and in no support to him.
I encourage everyone in the fandom to stay calm during this time.
It is okay to be angry, sad, and confused. However, it is not okay to ignore the allegations altogether or the trauma these women have experienced at the hands of Gaiman.
This fandom is a safe space for many people, and I beg that it will remain that way.
I send out much love to the women who were hurt, and I hope you both find contentment.
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goldenbuckyyy · 2 years
Summary: During the holiday season, Harry helps you realize that it’s okay to build your own family.
Pairings: Harry Styles x fem!Reader
Word count: 3.5kish
Warnings: Mentions of past childhood neglect, slight smut mentioned, angst, crying, anything else?? Let me know!!
A/N: hi!!! Merry Christmas to all of you!! I wanted to post this earlier today, but ended up spending the holidays with my family! I got this request by someone anonymous and I loved the idea!! Hopefully you all do as well. Inspired by: “Matilda” by Harry Styles.
All mistakes are my own. Please do not repost or translate my fics on any other site nor this one.
I appreciate any likes, reblogs, messages, and interactions.
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Today is the day before your birthday. 
It’s Christmas Eve. 
And you are not a fan of the holidays. 
You didn’t particularly enjoy any of them. 
Mostly because you’ve never had a chance to ever actually celebrate them. 
You’ve never had an Easter egg hunt on Easter Sunday. You’ve never popped loud fireworks on the 4th of July. You’ve never had a warm turkey dinner on Thanksgiving. You’ve never even decorated a Christmas Tree for Christmas holidays. 
You’ve never even had Christmas presents waiting for you under the tree on Christmas Morning. 
It doesn’t help the fact that your birthday is on Christmas Day. 
Every memory you had of a holiday was tainted with the background noise of your parents fighting and you crying yourself to sleep. 
One of your earliest memories was when you were eight and your godmother, Eva, gifted you a brand new pretty pink bicycle. You loved that bike from the moment you saw it. You remember the way your heart felt so full at that age and the overpowering feeling of excitement overcame you. 
You learned how to ride it with her cheering you on for your birthday, you remember laughing so loud in happiness that your belly hurt, and when you yelled for your mom to watch you… she was reading the newspaper and waved you away with her hand as she said “It’s no big deal.” 
You remember the instant dread you felt in the pit of your belly, the way your happiness was instantly stripped away from you, the way tears immediately filled your eyes which caused your vision to haze, your hands to shake, and it made you lose control of your brand new pretty bike. 
Then, you fell. You scraped your knees which turned into a bloody mess, bruising all your legs and arms, and you spent the entire time crying. Only Eva helped you. You remember hearing her scold your mother, but she didn’t care. 
The tainted memory stayed with you forever. The scar on your knees proves it. 
You never rode that bike again. 
After that, you only focused on school. You remember only focusing on your grades and your after school activities. You wanted to get the highest grades and the highest praises so you could go to the best college. You wanted to do whatever you could do to get away from your family. 
You wanted to get out of this small town in this forgettable state and move far far away from here. You didn’t care about how you did it. You just had to do it. 
Turns out.. you had a hidden talent for singing and songwriting. One hit song when you were seventeen right after graduation ended up landing you the record deal of the year. You had gotten lucky and you felt grateful every day since. 
That song and album won you three Grammys in your very first year in the spotlight. It felt overwhelming. 
Suddenly, you were being pulled in different directions. You had millions of fans. You performed sold out shows in the biggest arenas in the United States and all abroad. You were living the life you had never thought you would have ever wanted. But it made you happy. 
You were the happiest you had been in years. In your whole life, maybe. 
And you never went back home. Especially for your birthday. You didn’t enjoy celebrating it because everything about Christmas time reminded you of your horrible childhood. 
So.. yeah. You weren’t a fan of the holidays. 
And it didn’t help that your wonderful, loving, teddy bear of a boyfriend loved them. He absolutely loved Christmas time. 
He was the type to hire decorators to decorate the outside of the house and then to come inside and go the full nine yards in here, too. 
You admit.. it made you happy seeing him happy. It made your heart tug a little bit and all you wanted was for him to be happy. But this year, you were both going to celebrate in your shared New York City penthouse. 
Harry said Anne and Gemma were aching to spend the holidays up here. 
You had somehow managed to get out of the Christmas holidays the past three years. Always scheduling something so you wouldn’t be home, but Harry begged you to not plan anything this year. That he wanted to celebrate with you and finally be together for your birthday, here at home. With him. You love him and you know how much this means to him.  You want to make him happy, so you agreed. He’s your entire world. 
Harry came into your life like a bulldozer. Fast, unexpectedly, and it was life changing. He had reached out to you back in 2018 during the holiday season. 
You remember seeing “Harry Styles just sent you a Direct Message” on your notification and you about had a heart attack. Of course you knew who freaking Harry Styles was. You had basically grown up with One Direction, but with you focusing on school.. you didn’t really have time to obsess over them. But you did know them and occasionally listened to their music. 
So yeah, you knew who Harry Styles was. Young, devilishly handsome, and surprisingly single. And he was messaging you. Gushing about how much he loved your music and admired the way you carried yourself in your interviews. You had just released your second album at the age of twenty one and were about to start touring for it. He was already touring for his first solo album. (Which you loved) 
He wanted to come to one of your shows. You gave him a seat in the family and friends section and a backstage pass. 
You had been messaging back and forth since his first message a couple months back. You had spent all of your free time texting him and if your timing aligned with his time.. then you’d talk for hours on the phone. 
 It felt almost like you knew him. The connection that you felt with Harry was something you had never experienced before. And it felt crazy to you. This was all new to you and it was exciting. And a little scary. 
And finally, he was able to get away from his own tour to come see you. 
And he met you backstage after your show and immediately pulled you into his arms, praised you with his words, and the way you felt in his arms made you cry. 
It was overwhelming and pretty embarrassing. It felt safe. Harry’s embrace made you feel safe. And you don’t even remember the last time you had ever felt that way. If you had ever even felt that way before that moment. 
When Harry noticed, he immediately ordered everybody in the room to get out and the look on his face… he looked so worried. So sincere. So honest. 
It made you incredibly emotional and you profusely apologized for ruining his shirt with your tears. And he said he didn’t care about his shirt. 
That he cared about you. 
And ever since the day you met him, that’s the one main thing Harry has always made sure you feel. That you feel safe. 
It did take some time for you to open up to Harry about your childhood, but when you did.. you felt grateful. It felt good to finally talk to someone other than your therapist about everything you had gone through. He had always wondered why you never talked about your family or why he hadn’t met anyone other than Eva in the year of you guys dating. And when he finally knew, he held you and didn’t let you go for hours. 
Harry felt like home. 
Now it was the day before Christmas Eve 2021.  You and Harry were cuddling on the comfy gray couch in the living room that overlooked the NYC skyline and the Christmas tree that you had both decorated together at the beginning of December was glimmering in the darkness. All the awaiting presents under it make you smile.
Anne and Gemma had already settled into bed for the night. They stated they needed some more sleep to adjust to the time difference and you couldn’t agree more. You and Harry had decided to stay up a little longer. 
You cuddled into Harry’s chest as he held you while a Christmas movie played for you guys. You guys are watching ‘Elf’ and you admit it’s a good Christmas movie. No wonder it’s one of Harry’s favorites. 
Harry feels extremely warm underneath you and it makes you want to stay here forever. 
He’s rubbing your scalp gently with the tips of his fingers and your hand is underneath his sweater. Gently rubbing your own fingers on his almost non existent little belly. 
But his body always held into a tiny little pouch under his belly button and you secretly loved it. You played with the happy trail there and ran your fingers over his abs slowly as well. 
The atmosphere around you feels peaceful. It feels entirely calm and it’s a feeling that sinks deep into your bones. 
You just weren’t used to this over the holidays and it felt almost weird to allow yourself to enjoy this. 
Suddenly, Harry gets a slight hold of your chin and tilts your head up to meet his lips. His kiss surprises you, but you melt into him. He kisses you softly and lets his tongue slip into your mouth slightly. You smile into the kiss and hum in content when he pulls away from you. 
Meeting his eyes, “What was that for?” You whisper as you wipe his bottom lip with your thumb. 
His eyes twinkle with happiness and his arms wrap around you tightly, pulling you to sit on his lap completely, and he smiles so sweetly. 
You let your hair fall over your shoulders as you look down at him. He’s so handsome. 
“Happy birthday, my sun.” 
You intertwine your hands in his own, glancing at the clock next to you that shows it’s exactly midnight, and you smile sheepishly at Harry. You lean down and kiss him again. 
“Thank you, honey.” 
“Let’s go to bed,” Harry says with a teasing smile as he holds onto your waist with one arm, shuts off the tv with his free hand, and easily lifts you up into the air. 
“H!” You shriek with a giggle as you koala hug him to not fall down. He laughs lowly, “I’ll never drop you, sun.” 
You both giggle until you fall into the mattress in your room, locking the door in a rush, but then Harry takes his time taking you apart and letting you come undone. 
Helping you fall apart with his fingers, his tongue, and then with his cock. 
And when he has to clamp his hand over your mouth tightly to keep you from screaming out during your orgasm, he’ll do that all night long just to make you happy. 
You wake up the next morning, slowly, and to the wonderful smell of bacon in the air. 
You inhale the scent with a small smile as you stretch your limbs awake. You sit down on your bed, pulling the white comforter over your naked torso, and looking around for Harry. The floor to ceiling windows are cloudy with the Christmas chill, but it sends a wave of comfort throughout the room. 
And it’s as if he knew you were searching for him. 
Because he walks into the bedroom with a bed tray stacked with food. 
You instantly perk up with a smile, “Hi.” 
Harry leans down and kisses you, “Hi. Happy birthday, my sun.” 
You giggle and shush him. “You already wished me a happy birthday.” 
“I’m going to keep wishing my wonderful girlfriend a happy birthday all day long,” he says teasingly with a smirk as he sets down the tray in front of you. 
You adjust yourself in the bed and admire the yummy food in front of you. “Did you do all of this for me?” 
Your heart fills with warm love and your cheeks flush. 
“Mom did. She made all of your favorites.” 
Now his cheeks are flushing bright pink and you’re instantly overcome with a sense of love. 
“She made all of this for me?” You ask in shock as you look at the chocolate chip pancakes, sunny side up eyes, fresh fruit, and amazing smelling bacon. 
“Of course, sun. She loves you,” he says with a kiss to your forehead. 
“Shouldn’t we go eat with them in the dining room?” 
“Nah. You love eating in bed and today’s all about you,” he says as he starts cutting up your pancakes. 
“No buts.” 
You shut your mouth with a smile as he feeds you the pancakes and takes some for himself with a teasing grin.
“We’re only doing what you love today. That’s all.”  
And that’s how the rest of the day goes with Harry pampering you and only letting you do something if you truly want to do it. 
You felt so lucky. 
Now it’s the afternoon, you’re all gathered in the living room after eating a yummy and fulfilling dinner in your matching Christmas pajamas. Harry bought them for all of you guys and they’re grinch themed. You have to admit that seeing Harry so giddy and excited filled your heart with so much warmth and love. You truly felt so happy today. 
You all had already exchanged gifts with each other. You two had gotten Anne and Gemma a full paid trip to Paris for a little winding down when you and Harry were going to go next summer. And you had framed two of your favorite pictures of the four of you together and gifted them each one. They loved it. 
Anne had gifted you and Harry two homemade sweaters that she had knitted herself and it meant so much to you. Way more than any other money made gift. 
Gemma gifted you a homemade shirt that she had stitched a quote for your favorite show and she had made Harry a matching one as well. 
It was something cheesy, “you’re my lobster” and Harry immediately loved it. You did as well. 
You have to admit that this felt insanely weird. You and Harry always exchanged gifts, but it was never in this type of setting. With his mom and sister. 
It felt so intimate and loving. 
So intimidating that it felt scary, but this was something that you didn’t know you needed. 
“I wrote something for you,” Harry states as he gets the guitar from Gemma. It’s one of his favorites. It’s the one that was gifted to him from a friend. It’s the one with the starry design. 
“You wrote me a song?” You ask with a grin as you grip onto your hot chocolate while you adjust yourself on the couch cushion. 
“Another one?” Gemma says jokingly and Anne sushes her with a jab. 
You see Harry’s cheeks blush faintly as he sits down on a small stool he pulled out from the pantry. 
He slowly starts to make sure his cords are in key and he lets out a shaky breathe. He looks up to meet your eyes. 
“This song… is for you. Completely and utterly for you. I hope you like it, my sun.” 
There’s so much honesty in his eyes that it makes you feel completely warm and full inside. 
He slowly starts to strum his guitar. 
You were riding your bike to the sound of "It's No Big Deal"
A small gasp leaves your lips as your fingers grip into the mug. Instant tears fill your eyes as you hear the first sentence of your song. 
And you're trying to lift off the ground on those old two wheels
Harry gives you a small smile as you stare at him with a wavering expression. 
Nothing about the way that you were treated ever seemed especially alarming 'til now
Your bottom lip is quivering. 
So you tie up your hair and you smile like it's no big deal
You can feel your water line filled with tears and you slowly set your mug down on the side table. You watch Harry intently. 
You can let it go
You can throw a party full of everyone you know
And not invite your family, 'cause they never showed you love
You don't have to be sorry for leaving and growing up, mmh
You shut your eyes for a second, allowing his words fill your body, tears slowly start falling down your cheeks, and you allow yourself to feel the emotions. Allowing yourself to finally feel the emotions you’ve been keeping pilled down deep. 
You feel someone sit by you and grip your hand in theirs. You open your eyes to see Anne next to you, smiling so sweetly at you, and hold your hand tightly in her own. Her own tears filling her eyes as she holds you. Her love these past years have shown you what your own mother couldn’t.  
A mothers love. 
Matilda, you talk of the pain like it's all alright
But I know that you feel like a piece of you's dead inside
Harry gives you a small smile as his own tears fill his eyes. The childhood movie you loved to watch fills your mind as it used to help you escape. You frown at the memories and grip onto Anne’s hand harder.  
You showed me a power that is strong enough to bring sun to the darkest days
It's none of my business, but it's just been on my mind
You can let it go
You can throw a party full of everyone you know
And not invite your family, 'cause they never showed you love
You don't have to be sorry for leaving and growing up
Images of the last years rush through your mind. Everything you’ve managed to accomplish. 
You can see the world, following the seasons
Anywhere you go, you don't need a reason
'Cause they never showed you love
You don't have to be sorry for doing it on your own
Harry lets his guitar rest on the space next to him on the floor and he reaches for your hand. You grip onto his hand with your free one and he continues to sing. His beautiful angelic voice filled the entire room. His raw voice fills your ears like heaven. 
You're just in time, make your tea and your toast
His voice cracks and slow tears fall down his cheeks. 
You framed all your posters and dyed your clothes, ooh
You don't have to go
You don't have to go home
Oh, there's a long way to go
Gemma walks out of the room and into the kitchen. 
I don't believe that time will change your mind
In other words
I know they won't hurt you anymore as long as you can let them go
You can let it go
Harry kisses each one of your knuckles and holds your hand against his cheek, his smile wavering as he continues to sing. 
You can throw a party full of everyone you know
You can start a family who will always show you love
You don't have to be sorry for doing it on your own
You can let it go
You see Gemma walking into the room with a beautiful baby pink cake with colorful sprinkles all over the top and matching long candles that are glowing in the dark night. You cry even harder. 
You can throw a party full of everyone you know
You can start a family who will always show you love
You don't have to be sorry, no
Tears filled your eyes as you looked around the room. A wavering smile on your lips as you watched everyone in front of you wearing a giant smile and matching tears. 
And just for a second… it was quiet. 
There wasn’t any loud voices behind you yelling at each other. There weren’t any doors being slammed shut nor glasses being thrown to the floor or the walls. 
All you could hear was the wood crackling in the fireplace, the soft sound of the Christmas music playing on the record player, the small sniffs of the people around you trying to hold in their tears as you let your own fall freely, and you could hear your own heart silently patching itself back together. 
You sniffle as you watch Harry reach for the cake and he proceeds to move the cake at your eye level. 
His beautiful green eyes rimmed red, nose tinted pink, and he’s smiling at you. 
“Make a wish, my love.” 
Anne’s hand lets go of your own and she instead starts rubbing your back in comfort. You wrap your own hands delicately around Harry's wrists as you let the candle's warmth coat your face so lightly. 
“You’ve already made all of them come true,” you whisper as you slowly blow out the candles. 
Your only wish is to only ever feel this way for the next holidays. 
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orchideous-nox · 9 months
~☆~ Intro and Fic Masterlist ~☆~
Hi, I'm Katie!! I'm 26 and from England. I'm genderfluid and pronouns are they/them, and I'm bisexual/demisexual.
Fandoms: Marauders, Grishaverse (Shadow and Bone/Six of Crows), Doctor Who, Marvel/MCU, Star Wars, Sandman/Dead Boy Detectives, LotR/The Hobbit, Percy Jackson (and Greek Mythology in general but idk if that's a fandom, I'm just autistic) and probably more but I can't remember them right now.
If there's any Marauders fics you want to see from me or if you want to know more about the fics I've written then feel free to drop me a message! I'm always happy to talk about Marauders and any other fandoms listed above! (I only write Marauders fics though, sorry)
Completed fics are sorted by main ship and riiiight at the bottom is any upcoming fics that I'm currently not posting yet but are in the works.
I do not have a writing/posting schedule, my writing gets posted when it's done so I can't make promises of how often I update WIPs.
✨Here is my AO3 profile!✨
My fics are not to be reposted anywhere else, if you want to translate any of my fics then let me know and if you want to bind one of my fics then please ask permission first!
see how it shines // band au // E // 19/38 // 59.9k words // wolfstar with background jegulus and rosekiller
knee deep // inspired by casual by chappell roan // E // 5/5 // 55.6k words // rosekiller with background xenodora adieu, mon dieu // demon barty au // E // 3/3 // 22.3k words // rosekiller // graphic depictions of violence white light in your arms tonight // smut one-shot // E // 3.4k words // 1/1 // rosekiller wishing you the best in the worst way // muggle au // E // 7k words // 1/1 // rosekiller it's never just coffee // coffee shop au // E / 5/5 // 45.3k words // rosekiller with background pandalily blood on my shirt, rose in my hand // inspired by Teeth by 5SOS // E // 4.3k words // 1/1 // rosekiller just a little bit colder (part 2 of the save a horse, ride a cowboy series) // cowboy au // E // 18.3k words // 1/1 // rosekiller with background wolfstar what you see is not the dark // pirate au (part 2 of the come live with me and we can be pirates series) // E // 4/4 // 36k words // rosekiller // MCD
have to stop the world just to stop the feeling // muggle au // E // 7.1k words // 1/1 // wolfstar second coming in a bathroom stall // muggle au // E // 10.8k // 1/1 // wolfstar bark like you want it, baby // hogwarts smut // E // 3.6k words //1/1 // wolfstar think i need someone older (part 1 of the save a horse, ride a cowboy series) // cowboy au // E // 26k words // 4/4 // wolfstar my insides are red and yours are too (part 1 of the like a goddamn vampire duology) // vampire/hunter au // E // 5.8k words // 1/1 // wolfstar if i don't make it back from where i've gone // pirate au (part 1 of the come live with me and we can be pirates series) // E // 23.1k words // 3/3 // wolfstar with background jily take me where the music ain't too loud // college/uni au // M // 7.5k words // 1/1 // wolfstar the things i do when i picture you // inspired by Picture You by Chappell Roan // E // 3.8k words // 1/1 // wolfstar once the thrill expired // inspired by Cardigan by Taylor Swift // E // 7.7k words // 1/1 // wolfstar looking at you got me thinking christmas // christmas one-shot // E // 4.8k words // 1/1 // wolfstar freak out in a moonage daydream // sirius's birthday one-shot // T // 914 words // 1/1 // minor wolfstar Starman (part 1 of Sun, Moon and Stars) // record store au // T // 1.8k words // 1/1 // wolfstar She's Always A Woman (part 2 of Sun, Moon and Stars) // record store au // T // 2.7k words // 1/1 // wolfstar and jily
freezing while he's showering // smut one-shot // E // 3.2k words // 1/1 // jegulus got a lot of sins but you're my favourite (part 2 of the like a goddamn vampire duology) // vampire/hunter au // E // 9k words // 1/1 // jegulus
pack up the stars, turn off the moon // canon compliant // G // 858 words // 1/1 // no ship i'm still counting down all of the days // muggle au // G // 949 words // 1/1 // past pandalily
Upcoming Fics
a vow out to the dark //pirate au (part 3 of the come live with me and we can be pirates series) // E // 4 parts // wolfstar and jily unnamed rosekiller roommates // E // 1 part // strangers to lovers unnamed dorlene one-shot
If you made it all the way to the bottom then I love you < 3 be gay, do crime
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stephstars08 · 9 months
Childhood Crushes
Jack Champion x Reader
Warnings: FLUFF, Some Adult Language, Worry/Anxiety, Mention of Y/N’s ex-boyfriend, and Maybe Some Grammar Errors. (Sorry I forgot any!)
Summary: Y/N has grown up with Jack until she turned fourteen when she away with to a different state her family. Y/N is finally able to go spend Willa’s birthday with her for the first time since she moved away which also means she will be seeing Jack for the first time since she moved away. Willa believes that Y/N’s childhood crush on Jack has returned but Y/N disagrees. At least in the beginning.
Word Count: 1,532
Author’s Note: Sorry that this is so short! This story takes place during Willa’s birthday! I really got inspired to write this after seeing all the cute pictures Jack had taken with her! This will be my LAST story of 2023!! As I mentioned before after Christmas I will be going down to Disney World to spend the new year so of course I won’t be writing since I will be busy during Christmas and getting ready to go to Disney! I just want to thank you all for the amazing support you have shown on all of my stories this year! This really means the world to me so here is my Christmas gift to you all! I hope you enjoy my last story of 2023 and I can’t wait to share more stories with you all in 2024!
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Y/N’s have plane had just landed and she was in an Uber on her way to her best friend’s house. She was so excited to be with Willa since it’s Willa’s birthday and they haven’t seen each other in over a year. Also, Y/N couldn’t remember the last time she spent Willa’s birthday with her. She was also excited to see her other best friend Jack who she hasn’t seen in more than one year.
Y/N has known Willa and Jack since she was a little girl since she basically grew up with them. But when Y/N turned fourteen she moved away since her mom got promoted to a different state by her job. Y/N and Willa really stayed in touch by text messages, phone calls, and video chats. When she first moved her, and Jack also stayed in touch until he got busy with his acting career. Y/N is a bit upset that her and Jack aren’t as close as they were since she had a crush on him growing up.
Y/N always knew that Jack was going to be a big actor and she wants to tell him how proud she is of him, but she’s scared that he won’t respond. As excited, she is to see him, she can’t help but be nervous to see him after all these years.
She can’t help but wonder if that childhood crush will return when she sees him.
Willa was sitting in her living room flipping through the channels on the tv waiting for Y/N to show up. Y/N texted her letting her know that she is in an Uber and should be at her house soon. When Willa heard the doorbell ring, she tossed the remote down onto the couch and quickly got up and went to the door. She thought it was Y/N but when she opened the door, she saw that it was Jack standing there on the porch.
“Oh, it’s you.” Willa said acting all disappointed. “Well, hello to you, too.” Jack said pretending to be offended which made her playfully roll her eyes. “Get your ass in here.” Willa told him as she steps over to the side for him to walk inside.
Once Jack walked inside the house Willa closed the door. “Who are you expecting?” Jack asked her in a curious tone as he followed her over to the couch. “Y/N, she’s able to come here to celebrate my birthday with us.” Willa told him with nothing but excitement in her voice. “That’s awesome!” Jack said with a smile. “It’ll be good to see her again since I haven’t seen her in years.” Jack added.
“I’m going to go get some snacks from the kitchen. What do you want to drink?” Willa said to him. “Water is fine.” Jack answered her question. “Gotcha, I’ll be right back.” Willa said walking out of the living room and into the kitchen.
Right when Jack sat down onto the couch the doorbell rang. “I’ll get it.” Jack called out to Willa as he stood up and walked over to the door. When Jack opened the door there stood Y/N. When Y/N’s eyes met his brown eyes all of those old feelings she had for him quickly flashed through her mind. Let’s just say she wasn’t expecting to see Jack opening the door.
“Y/N?” Jack said surprised by her appearance. She has changed a lot since the last time he saw her, and she changed in a good and beautiful way. “Hey, Jack.” Y/N said with a smile. “It’s been a while.” She added. “Yeah, it has.” Jack said with a nod. “You look amazing.” Jack said still amazed by her appearance. “Oh, thank you!” Y/N said as her heart rate sped up. “You look amazing, too.” Y/N complimented back. “Thanks.” Jack said as he smiled. He brought her in for a quick hug which of course she returned.
“It’s so great to see you again.” Jack told her as his eyes locked with hers. “You too.” Y/N said staring back into his memorizing hazel eyes. They continued to stare into each other's eyes until Y/N heard Willa calling her name. “Willa!” Y/N said walking past Jack. Willa ran up to her and gave her a big hug. “I’m so happy that you’re here!” Willa said holding onto her tightly. “Me too!” Y/N said with a giggle as she returned the tight hug.
It was the next day and Y/N was getting ready with Willa in her bedroom. They are going to a pet farm with Jack and some more of their friends.
“Hey, you never told me what happened between you and that Colin guy.” Willa said as she sat on the end of her bed. “Ugh, he was a complete fucking nightmare!” Y/N said with a groan as she slipped on her pair of black Ugg boots. “Damn, he was that bad?” Willa said in surprise. “He was just so fucking annoying. All he talked about was himself and all the money his parents had.” Y/N explained to her as she rolled her eyes in annoyance that matched the tone in her voice. “Yeah, you don’t need that asshole.” Willa said which made Y/N let out a giggle. “You deserve better than him.” Willa added. “Thanks.” Y/N said grabbing her jacket.
“So, how did it feel to see Jack again?” Willa asked her in a curious tone. “It was good. It felt really good to see him again.” Y/N told her putting on her light jacket. “I’m sure it was.” Willa said as her lips curved up into a smirk. “What?” Y/N said looking at her with a confused look in her eyes. “Oh, c’mon Y/N! I know your childhood crush on Jack has returned.” Willa told her. Y/N should know that Willa can read her like a book. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Y/N said acting oblivious as she looked down at her feet. “Y/N don’t you play dumb with me!” Willa told her in a stern tone as she stood up from her bed. “I saw the way you kept looking at him yesterday.” Willa added folding her arms over her chest. “Willa, I’m telling you it’s nothing.” Y/N told her looking back up at her. “Okay, whatever you say.” Willa said and walked out of her bedroom. Y/N just rolled her eyes and followed her out of the bedroom.
After Y/N went to the pet farm she started to believe that Willa was right. She does think that her childhood crush on Jack has retuned and this time it’s not just a small crush, it’s much bigger this time since puberty hit Jack like a fucking truck.
Every time Jack would look at her or talk to her, she would feel her heartbeat speed up. When she would talk with him it felt just like it was when they were kids. It’s like nothing had changed.
Y/N and Jack took many pictures with Willa and their friends, but they mostly took pictures together with the animals. Before Y/N fell asleep that night she couldn’t help but look at all of the pictures of her and Jack took together on her phone.
It was the next night and Y/N was in Willa’s backyard with friends. They were having a mini birthday party for Willa. Y/N was sitting by the bonfire by herself. “Hey.” She heard someone say. When Y/N looked up she saw it was Jack. “Hi.” Y/N said in a soft voice. “Can I join you?” Jack asked her in curious tone. “Of course.” Y/N answered him. She watched him sit down in the chair that was next to her.
“Willa told me that you’re not going back home till after the new year.” Jack said to her which made her give him a nod. “My family and I always spend the holidays here with the rest of my family, so I’ll be staying here with Willa until they come here.” Y/N explained to him. “I’m glad to hear that since I would love to spend more time with you and catch up with you.” Jack told her. “Yeah, I’d love that, too.” Y/N agreed with him.
“Are you free tomorrow?” Jack asked her in a curious tone. Y/N gave him a nod letting him know that she is free tomorrow. “Great! I know a perfect place we can go hang out at.” Jack told her as his lips turned up into a smile. “Sounds good!” Y/N said as she smiled as well.
As they stared into each other's eyes they stared to lean in. But before their lips could touch one of their friends called Y/N’s name. “Are you going to come help me with Willa’s cake?” The friend asked her. “Yeah, I’ll meet you inside.” Y/N told the friend.
Y/N leaned over and gave Jack a soft kiss on his cheek which took him by surprise. “I’ll be right back.” Y/N told him as she stood up. As Jack watched her walk inside the house his cheeks turned a bright red.
He now knew that Willa was right. Jack’s childhood crush on Y/N has come back.
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volleypearlfan · 17 days
Jet's bi coding throughout the series
Not a lot of people seem to know this, but Jet is bi. I don't blame people for not knowing, since it was only confirmed online, not outwardly shown in the show, and there were no big news articles about it. Here's the Instagram reply from four years ago confirming it (jetpropulsion93 is me btw. Jet being very theatrical, flamboyant, and affectionate with both Sydney and Sean helped me accept the fact that I'm bi)
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Craig indirectly confirmed that Jet is bi by also confirming that technically, all Bortronians are agender, and so Jet likes "a little of both." This, too, was not really shown in the show except for "Jet Cooks Dinner," where Jet calls his parents "Parent 1 and Parent 2" and corrects himself with "Earth mom and dad," showing that Jet is trying to adapt to Earth's gendered terms.
As for Jet being bi, there are a few hints throughout the series.
Jet is best friends with both Sydney and Sean, but there are some moments where he acts like he has a crush on one or both of them. He has danced with both of them on separate occasions, casted Sydney to play his wife in the Christmas play, is touchy-feely with them (mostly Sean), and in season 2, came up with a nickname for Sean, Seanzo. Jet doesn't have nicknames for any of his other friends. Sean likes it when Jet calls him that, but not when Mindy does it in "Mindy's Bedtime." But this post isn't about Sean. Maybe one day I'll make a post about whether Sean is gay or not.
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The episode "Potatoes on Mars" is a tribute to David Bowie, and the first song, also titled "Potatoes on Mars," sounds very similar to "Life on Mars." David Bowie has made conflicting statements on his sexuality, but the general consensus is that he was bisexual
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There is also official art depicting Jet with Aladdin Sane's lightning bolt. Aladdin Sane was one of Bowie's many personas
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Heck, Jet himself is similar to one of Bowie's other personas, Ziggy Stardust
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Ziggy Stardust is described as a "bisexual rock star from another planet sent to Earth ahead of an impending apocalyptic disaster to deliver a message of hope." This sounds almost exactly like Jet:
This entire post proves Jet is bi
Jet seems to really like rock music, as plenty of his songs, including Potatoes on Mars, take inspiration from the genre
Obviously, Jet is an alien from the planet Bortron 7
The Earth is not going through the apocalypse in the series, but Jet acts as a hope-bringer to the Earthies with his optimistic outlook on life
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The episode "My Fair Jet" could be interpreted as a metaphor for coming out. In it, Jet wants to go to the DSA Open House, but Sean and Sydney are worried that he'll expose his alien identity. So, Sean and Sydney "train" Jet to act more like an Earthie. At the Open House, Sean is carried away by a weather balloon, so Jet has no choice but to use his jetpack to save him, and then he sings that "Bortronian is what [he is]"
This episode could be read as a queer person wanting to express their identity, but is forced to keep it a secret and "act more straight." I don't want to say "conversion therapy" because I think it's horrible to compare Sean and Sydney to people like that, but still. Forcing a queer person to act more straight doesn't make them stop being queer. Forcing Jet to act more like an Earthie didn't make him stop being Bortronian.
And finally, the bisexual lighting™️ There are a few scenes featuring Jet that make use of the bi flag colors. The first is in the song "There's No Planet Like My Planet" from the Back to Bortron 7 special, where he shares an intimate moment with Sean
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The second is during the beginning of the Space Camp movie, where Jet is surfing on a comet trail in space
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This is not an accident. It HAD to be on purpose, especially since this movie came out AFTER Jet was indirectly confirmed to be bi.
It's understandable that Jet being bi wasn't more explicit in the show. First, it's an educational series about space, not a romcom. Jet may have innocent puppy love crushes on Sean and Sydney, but they're too young to get into any serious relationships. Also, if it was more explicit, the show could be targeted by anti-LGBTQ Karens and Republican lawmakers. Alabama banned the Arthur episode with Mr. Ratburn's gay wedding, there was conservative Christian backlash over a brief lesbian wedding in an episode of Odd Squad, and a lawmaker in Oklahoma tried to defund the local PBS just for having lesbian parents on Work It Out Wombats
LGBTQ+ characters are increasingly more common in children's media nowadays. There are definitely still challenges, especially with accusations of "grooming" and "wokeness" but overall, there is much more positive LGBTQ+ representation these days than there was 10 years ago.
Still, Jet is a bicon
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Cornley Christmas Chaos
Event Info:
Welcome to Cornley Christmas Chaos, a prompt based Fic Challenge revolving around The Goes Wrong-universe. Chaos is not a necessary ingredient in the fics themselves, but since it’s about the Cornley Crew it felt like an appropriate event name.
Useful Links:
• 2024 Event Prompt List • 2024 Event Timeline
• Cornley Christmas Chaos - AO3 Parent Collection • Cornley Christmas Chaos 2024 - AO3 Collection • How do I add a work to a collection? If the collection does not appear in the list, please put CornleyChristmasChaos2024 in the box and your work should be added.
• Your fic(s) should be inspired by at least one of the prompts from this year’s prompt list. • The 12 Point Prompt List is open for any interpretation you wish, be it literal, metaphorical, or maybe the prompt is only mentioned in passing. It’s up to you! • The 13 Prompt, also known as The Quote Prompt, is our additional challenge. The quote provided must, in full, be included in your fic. How you choose to include it wholly up to you. • Mention which prompt(s) are included in your fics. This can be done in the summary, in the tagging, in an author’s note, or somewhere else. • Write as much or as little as you want to. Whether it be a drabble, or a 100k longfic, we all just want more fics to enjoy! • There will be no rules regarding which ratings are allowed, but please rate and tag accordingly. Especially if your fic includes heavier topics. • Please tag Cornley Christmas Chaos 2024 or mention @CornleyChristmasChaos in your tumblr posts if you wish to be reblogged.
If you have any questions or is confused by anything, please feel free to send a message or an ask, and I’ll do my best to answer.
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