#beta sam
rey-129-fan · 4 months
Gotham-Amity Co-op AU Part 3
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“Hola beauties, and welcome back to Fashionable History, I’m Paulina,”
“And I’m Star, and on this channel, we teach you how to be at the height of fashion, no matter what time period you find yourself in.”
“Now for our long-time viewers who missed our community posts, you might be wondering about the change in location.  Well, we are moving up in the world.  That’s right, fam, we are officially-
“College girlies!” The two shouted into the camera.
“Ah, such a big step,” ‘Star’ sighed.
“Indeed it is.  And to celebrate, let us dress up like we’re going to meet the queen of fashion herself: Marie Antoinette!”
“So you would think it would be hard to demonstrate Amity Park’s weirdness while no longer living there, but you would be wrong,” a black man said into the camera while walking down a hallway, his glasses fallen ever so slightly down his nose.  There were voices in the background progressively getting louder.  “You see, Danny’s mentor popped by this morning, and apparently, he decided that the perfect way to tutor Danny and piss off his bosses at the same time was to allow a bunch of college kids to summon a historical figure of their choosing to discuss their area of expertise.  Once a week.
“Jazz got to go first.”
The black man stopped in a doorway.  Much clearer in the background was a woman’s even voice.  “And Jazz, being the future psychologist that she is, picked the most sex-obsessed man in history.”
The camera flipped to show a young red-head sitting across an older man with a white beard in a blue three piece suit.  In the background was a younger man, his blue eyes glazed over as he sat there sipping from his mug, his head of black hair bobbing as he fought to stay awake.  Really, it wouldn’t gather a second glance, except for the tiny detail that the older man’s skin was as green as a sunburnt person’s was red.
“-indeed homosexuality is not an illness, and in fact the only link between it and mental health has been observed to be caused by familial and community reactions.”
“That is good to hear.  Indeed, many people throughout history were homosexual, and a lot of them did not show any other signs of mental illnesses.”
“It is.  However, with the recent pushes for public acceptance of those not heterosexual, many have come forward with sexual orientations beyond just hetero and homosexuality, including those that are attracted to both men and women at the same time, as well as those who experience no sexual attraction or are completely repulsed by the idea of anything sexual.”
The camera flipped back to the first man.  “She is explaining how psychology has developed in the last 100 years without trying to rip apart Freud’s work.
“This isn’t even the first time something like this has happened.  Occasionally, we’d get guest speakers that would turn out to be some famous author or pioneer in their field.  It’s how our English teacher got his copy of the Tempest signed by the original author.  I think this might be the first one that won’t end in a raid by government idiots in white, though.
“So yeah, we occasionally get to talk to dead celebrities and don’t bat an eye at it.  Amity Park is very weird.”
“Danny!  You left your cups in the sink again!”
“How can you tell it’s mine?”
“They’re glowing green and you’re the only one that drinks ectoplasm!  Now take care of them before you bring the food to life again!”
The camera pans over to a goth woman giving the camera a flat look.  On screen, there’s some text that reads: ‘When your boyfriend forgets to clean off his dishes after his mildly radioactive smoothies.’
“Urgh!” Just die you stupid, lazy skeleton!”
“How long is this attack going to be!”
“I don’t care, because when it’s finally my turn, I am going to stab the dust out of this depressed sack of bones!”
On screen was a couch, and on that couch sat 3 young adults, two women and one man.  One of the women was Valarie Gray, US National Taekwondo Silver Medalist, was jabbing her thumb down on the d-pad of her controller, lips pulled back in a snarl.  The other was Samantha Manson, more known for the TikTok channel Our Strange Lives.  The man was a muscular blond.  All three were focusing on the screen, their eyes emitting faint light and Valarie’s teeth seemed to be getting sharper.
Quietly a blond woman walked on screen, a backpack slung over her shoulder.  The woman was Star Strong from Fashionable History.
“You guys are still streaming?”
“This boss is stupid difficult and Manson and Gray are the only ones willing to play.”
“What happened to the guys?”
“Fowley, Wes, Singh all had work.  Fenton got to the first boss and then lost it because ‘Goat Mom just wanted to protect us’ before getting a call from his lil sis asking for help.  Kwan is working on a lab with a guy from his chem class, and Kyle passed out a couple hours ago.”
“Stop dodging!”
“Wanna play?”
“Can’t.  Going to the library to study for a calc exam I have coming up.  See you guys later.”
“And so, with this polaroid image, we have evidence to prove that-”
“Hey, Wes, do you have something I can use for a collage?  Oh sweet, thanks bro!”
“What?  No!  Kyle!  Get back with that! That was the proof I was going to use to prove the existence of Yetis!”
“Oh damn.  This is some nice creature work!  Danny, your friend has an incredible costume, man!”
“Thanks, Kyle!  I’ll pass it on!”
Tim paused the video right as Wesley Weston stood to chase his older brother.
The red-head’s eyes had a slight glow to them.  Tim clicked over to the other images he had gathered of the Amity Park teens, all with their eyes glowing or other signs of something inhuman.
Tim had been introduced to this group by Stephanie when she found a martial arts demonstration Gray did that involved breaking multiple boards, all several feet above her head.  Stephanie had meant it as a ‘check out his cool person doing what we’re doing,’ but Tim noticed something.  All the boards were being held by seemingly the same person- or at least people dressed very similarly.  And not in a way where they’re sitting on a ledge above Gray and are switching out the board each time she broke one.  More that there were multiple companies of the same white glove all holding a board and all floating several feet above where they should have been.  That was already a little weird, but it could’ve been some special effects or just a uniform.
No, what caught Tim’s attention was the quick glimpse of the face of one of the board holders.  It was youthful- late teens- but with paper white hair that showed no signs of bleaching.  Now these features would have been a thing to cement the mysterious person in Tim’s mind.  But it wasn’t that.
No, what got Tim to do some digging to find out about a previously unknown supposed hero from a small town that has been blacked-out by the US government, was his eyes.
His calm, glowing Lazarus green eyes.
So we finally get a taste for the shenanigans our liminals are up to. Sam, Tucker, and Danny all share a TikTok where they show off how weird the other two are and how weird their town is. Wes is trying to prove cryptids exist, which Kyle ruins. Dash has a gaming stream that most often Kwan joins in on, and Paulina and Star do dress history. Oh, and Valarie is a national taekwondo because karate has only been an event for one Olympic games, but taekwondo has been an event since 2000 and Val seems more like a kicker than a thrower. Plus, I actually took taekwondo when I was younger.
We do get another Bat showing up at the end. There is absolutely no plot, however, so who knows where this is going. Certainly not me!
I'm still looking for names (please, I need them). As for majors:
Jazz-Psych (obviously)
Kyle- Liberal Arts (I wanna put him in accounting, but Liberal Arts works for now)
Tuck- Comp Sci
Danny- Poly Sci, minor in Astronomy
Sam- Double Poly Sci and Environmental Science
Val- Criminal Justice
Dash- Undecided (both me and him)
Kwan- Pre-Med for now, though he wants to do Child Development/Education
Paulina- Fashion Marketing
Star- Sports Science
Mikey- Music
Wes- Journalism
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bitchface24-7 · 2 months
Imagine this… Dean visits Sam at Stanford behind Johns back
(fuck you john 👊😒)
When Sam got kicked out with a busted lip, a pre-packed duffle bag, and tears in his eyes, he didn’t expect Dean to follow him. He didn’t expect Dean to offer to drive him to the nearest bus-stop to get to Stanford in one piece. He didn’t expect the overwhelming hug Dean gave him before he left (No chick-flick moments, Sammy! He remembers Dean saying all the time. Dean’s a bit of a hypocrite)
He doesn’t expect to see tears watering his big brothers vision before he leaves. He doesn’t expect Dean to still be at the bus-stop as the bus rolls away; leaning against baby and waving demurely. Sam didn’t expect most things that night. But above all else;
Sam didn’t expect to find a slip of paper sneakily shoved into his hoodie pocket, it’s a phone number he doesn’t recognize.
It’s for a burner phone Dad has no idea existed.
Life at Stanford is everything Sam ever dreamed of! It’s relaxing, calming, interesting… boring.
Don’t get Sam wrong, he loves it here! He loves the atmosphere, how everyone here wants to be here. He loves the library, his classes (he doesn’t get some of his pre-requisites though. Why is he taking an art course as a pre-law student? Whatever…) and the friends he’s made here.
Brady his roommate is a bit of a slob, prefers parties over studying, and is a bit of a mischief maker. But he makes it up to Sam, he’s a surprisingly good cook. Jess became his best friend on the second day of classes. She’s the best. She’s funny, witty, outgoing, and really pretty. She’s got green eyes, freckles, and this beautiful smile (no she doesn’t look like anyone Sam knows. Shut up.)
There’s a few others but Sam isn’t as close with them. All in all, it’s been pretty good here. But, he’s still bored. He never thought he’d say this, but he misses the adrenaline of the hunts. He misses researching into unknown lore and going undercover (relatively unsuccessfully) with his brother. He misses the bickering, the inside-jokes, the snarkiness, and garbage eating habits. He misses Dean.
He’s been calling Dean quite a bit on the hidden burner number he gave him all those months ago. It’s a good substitute; but not enough. He misses Dean’s smile, his laugh, his presence, his smell. It’s especially gotten bad knowing Dad fucked off to do his own hunts, leaving Dean to fend for himself. Sam doesn’t like knowing that Dean is hunting solo, he’s not there to help if something happens.
So imagine Sam’s surprise when there’s a knock on his dorm room door. Not just any knock; it’s a secret one. One made up in the dead of night almost a decade ago now so Sam knows it’s safe. He knows who’s knocking.
It’s Dean.
Sam bolts up off his twin bed and rushes to the door. It’s a good thing Brady isn’t here; Sam’s not in the mood to explain himself. Sam whips the door open and feels the air escape his lungs in a swift blow. It’s Dean. He’s here. It’s Dean.
Dean. Dean. Dean. Dean. De—
Before his brother even has a chance to greet him, Sam throws himself into Deans arms, hunching himself so he’s smaller than usual, and shoving his face into Deans neck; rejuvenating himself on his brothers scent. It’s a mixture of leather, oil, old spice deodorant, and something distinctly Dean that has Sam sighing in content.
Dean just chuckles, which sends a shiver down Sam’s spine, “Miss me that much?” Sam can hear the smirk in Dean’s tone. Sam rolls his eyes, “Jerk.”
Instantaneously Dean replies with a small, “Bitch.” Sam drags Dean into the inside of his dorm room, thank god it’s relatively clean. Sam might’ve just offed himself if it was a pigsty when Dean came to surprise visit him.
“What’re you doing here?” Sam asks, awe and reverence clear in his tone. Dean must’ve not heard that since he grimaced a bit, anxiously fidgeting with the amulet Sam gave him all those Christmas’ ago, “What? I can’t see my baby brother?”
Sam rolls his eyes and shoots Dean bitch face number 46, “Y’know what I mean Dean. Is there a hunt of some kind or…” the implication sits heavily in the air. Did you come just to see me?
Deans jaw clenches before responding, “I just wanted to see you. Catch up a bit.” Sam can’t help but beam a broad grin towards his older brother, he can feel his dimples popping. Dean’s cheeks flushed the tiniest bit as he runs a hand through his hair.
“Well…” Sam starts, his voice cracking a bit in his flustered state. Dean quirks an eyebrow, a smug smirk growing on his pretty pink lips. Before he can tease Sam, Sam quickly continues his sentence, “I can show you around the campus. If you’d like…”
Deans smirk turns into a smile at the suggestion, “Wanna show me off to all your college buddies? Damn Sammy, didn’t know you were the possessive type.” Sam clenches his jaw and can almost physically feel his eyes darken at the suggestion, “Well… we are cut from the same cloth Dean.”
Dean just stares a bit at Sam before briefly licking his lips and looking away, “Alright! Take me on a tour Sasquatch.” Sam rolls his eyes and drags Dean out of his room. He’s gonna take him on the best goddamn tour this school has ever seen!
Deans missed Sam. He’s missed all his snooty looks and snarky one liners. He’s missed his smile and his laugh. He’s missed his whiny tone whenever Dean embarrasses him (forever his little brother) so seeing Sam now is like whiplash of the severest degree.
Sam grew up. Sam got hot.
Dean knows he shouldn’t be thinking about his 18 year old brother that way. It’s wrong. It’s filthy. Sam probably knows about Deans fucked up thoughts and that’s why he left. But… Sam was ecstatic to see Dean. Running up and hugging him like he was 8 years old again.
Sam may act like a kid; but he sure as shit doesn’t look like one. He’s tall, taller than Dean now. He’s filled out. No longer tall like a pole and as thin as one too; no Sammy’s packed on quite a bit of muscle. His face has lost any baby-fat that was once on it. All high cheekbones, a sharp jawline, pretty nose, plump pink lips, and fox-like eyes. Dean feels like a creep checking out his brother but… fuck Sammy’s gorgeous.
He’s the best goddamn view in this whole campus.
Dean is barely paying attention to what Sam is saying, he feels a bit bad. It’s almost like he’s in Charlie Brown. He doesn’t hear any of the words Sam is saying, he’s just appreciating Sam and his prettiness.
It’s isn’t until Sam mentions the cafeteria does he get Deans full attention.
“Cafeteria?” Dean questions, a small sparkle in his eye. He drove about 3 hours to get here, he’s fucking starving. Sammy laughs boisterously, swinging an arm around to land on Deans shoulders as he tucks him close to his side. It’s shouldn’t get Dean hot under the collar. It does.
“Yup. All the goodies, like a smaller version of the food courts you see at the mall. There’s some food options, multiple coffee options, It’s pretty sweet. It’s all sponsored by the university. And since I got in on a full-ride scholarship; it’s essentially all free. For me at least.”
Dean feels like he’s drooling. Thank god for Sammy and his massive brain! Before Dean can even question where this glorious cafeteria is, Sam’s dragging him. Deans been allowing Sam to do that a lot recently, huh?
They eventually get to the cafeteria and get all their food. Dean obviously gets a burger loaded with all the good stuff, fries, and a massive fountain drink. Sam gets a salad, a coffee, and reluctantly adds a small thing of fries and grilled chicken to his order; Dean’s nagging of “real food” finally won.
Sam just gives the cashier at the kiosk his student ID badge, she scans it, and they’re free to sit in the cafeteria. Dean almost feels famous.
Dean was expecting to pig out with his brother. He wasn’t expecting to pig out with Sam’s friends.
Sam almost chokes on a mouthful of salad when he sees Brady and Jess casually walking over to where Sam and Dean are sitting to eat with them. Before he can say anything, Jess breaks the silence for them.
“Hey, I’m Jess! This is Brady. Who’re you?” She sweetly asks Dean. Dean just raises he eyebrows and swallows a bite of his burger. “I’m Dean. I came to visit Sammy.”
“Sammy?” Brady questions, a small laugh in his tone, “Sam nearly ripped my face off when I called him that once.” Jess nudges Brady in the ribs and he bends over slightly in pain.
Dean purses his lips and smugly looks over to Sam who’s flushed as red as a strawberry. He’s picking at his salad now and mutters, “Only Dean can call me that.” Jess giggles and ushers Brady to sit down, they sit a bit away from the two pretty men to ensure there’s enough room on the table for all their stuff.
“So Dean,” Jess starts before taking a sip of her iced coffee, “How long have you known Sam?”
Dean just quirks an eyebrow at her. Did Sam not tell them about him? Fine. If he’s embarrassed by Dean, Dean’s gonna embarrass Sam right back! Dean looks over to Sam who looks like he wants to be anywhere else but here.
“His whole life. I’ve known him since he was a baby and I was four. I’ve been by his side for every milestone.”
Jess beams a grin at the two of them and lightly claps her hands together, “That’s so sweet! You got any baby pics of Sam?” Dean smirks at her mischievous grin as Sam groans and slides down his seat, hands covering his face. Brady just laughs and continues to eat.
“Sorry sweetheart, they’re in my other jacket.” Dean jokes as he eats a fry. Jess over-dramatically sighs, “Damn it. Maybe next time?” She jokes. Dean just smiles and nods his head once. Dean likes Jess.
Sam shoots both of them bitch face number 5 before continuing to eat. Every once in a while Jess and Brady shoot each other a look; as if silently communicating. Dean doesn’t really care that much, he’s with Sam. That’s all that matters.
Jess has never, in the year her and Sam have been at Stanford, seen this look on Sam’s face before. He’s all doe-eyed and blushy towards the handsome man that introduced himself as Dean. She’s never seen such a star-struck expression on her friend before. It’s nauseatingly cute.
Sam’s got phenomenal taste.
Jess just continues to watch the two of them as she wonders to herself, “How long have these two been dating?”
Judging by the shared looks, inside jokes, dopey expressions, and an unmeasurable amount of love thrown by the two of them. Jess wouldn’t be surprised if they’re childhood sweethearts.
It’s only when Dean loudly laughs at a joke Sam said do the pieces click together.
“Hold on. You’re phone guy!” Jess exclaims excitedly. Dean just looks over to Jess, Brady stops eating, and Sam looks like he wants to kill himself.
“Phone guy?” Dean gruffly questions, looking over to Sam for some clarification but just gets met with a horrified face.
Jess continues on, ignoring Sam’s pleading look, “You’re the guy Sam spends hours talking on the phone with. You’ve got a personalized ringtone and everything so he never misses one of your calls. It’s kinda cute actually.”
Dean just smiles and says, “Is that so?” Sam really looks like he wants to throw himself off a cliff.
Before anymore teasing can occur, Sam picks up both his and Deans garbage, tossing it out as quickly as he can before dragging Dean away from his two friends with a burning face.
All he can hear is Jess’ and Brady’s laughter as he scampers away with his brother. “It was nice meeting you Dean!” Jess yells, a broad grin on her pretty face as she waves the two men goodbye. “You too Jess!” Dean yells back just as loudly.
Sam is going to kill himself.
Brady looks at Jess and says one sentence, “They’re totally fucking.”
Without missing a beat, Jess replies “ Oh a million percent. I recommend you don’t go back to your dorm for the next few hours.”
Brady sighs and continues to eat, “Definitely.”
Back at Sam’s dorm is a cacophony of laughter from Dean and pleading from Sam.
“Dean please shut up. It’s not that funny!” Sam whines. Dean just laughs even harder, “Phone guy? Are you kidding me?! This is the best day ever!”
Sam eventually gets fed up at the laughter and tackles his brother to his twin sized bed. Wrestling him to get him to shut up. Although Dean is shorter than Sam now, he’s still stronger; eventually pinning Sam down beneath him.
The two just pant heavily as the tension grows thicker and thicker as the seconds pass on. Eventually, Dean breaks the silence.
“Why haven’t you mentioned me to any of your friends?” Sam gulps at the dark look Dean throws his way. What does he even say in response to that?
Because they���ll know how much of a freak I am?
I love you too much for it to just be considered brotherly.
I’m scared.
Sam just gapes like a fish for a few seconds before demurely looking off to the side, his eyes filled with tears, “You’ll think I’m a freak.”
At that proclamation, Dean rears back a bit and immediately tries to get that solemn expression off his baby brothers face, “No I wouldn’t.” At Sam’s shake of his head, Dean firmly repeats his statement, “I wouldn’t.”
Sam bites his lip, debating if he should tell the truth. Dean always knows when Sam lies so… what’s the point? Time to ruin the best thing Sam’s ever had in his life.
“I love you.” Sam quietly stated. The room is so quiet you can hear a pin drop.
“I love you too?” Dean says. Of course he loves him. It’s Sammy.
Sam rolls his eyes at his brothers obliviousness and shoots him a look, “No Dean. I love you.”
Deans eyebrows furrow before his eyes widen and his mouth drops open a bit. He can’t mean. No. No way. No way does his Sammy love him the same way Dean does. Sammy is pure. He’s perfect. He isn’t fucked up like Dean is.
As Dean sits in Sam’s lap in astonishment, Sam feels his eyes water. This was a mistake, he shouldn’t have said anything. As Sam moves to push Dean off, he gets the surprise of a lifetime.
Dean kisses him.
Full on gives Sam one of the most passionate kisses he’s ever experienced.
When the two eventually pull away from one another, they connect foreheads and pant together. Sam looks desperately at Dean. Don’t get my hopes up. Not here. Not now.
Dean eventually fulfills every wish and dream Sam’s had since he was 14 years old. He says the damming words back.
“I love you too.” Before kissing Sam again.
Sam didn’t expect much of anything when his Dad kicked him out and he went to Stanford. He especially didn’t expect this.
But Sam couldn’t be happier.
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marvelousbelladonna · 6 months
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Taliesin as Sir Dante Terrapin
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Sam as Pango Small
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Liam as Xarlo Grandall
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Travis as Kexon Peros
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Laura as Sweetpea Betabean
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Ashley as Oppy Betabean
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Marisha as Bunnie
The Menagerie
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g-xix · 4 months
why tf are my past-fixations all so close together
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I feel so much like strange embarrassment at this like, wdym my absolute pride and joy and favourite person in the whole wide world when I was like 12 is just a few people away from my current obsessions and people i write fanfics about rn?????
i rmbr when I used to SCOUR the Internet in 2019 for Lazarbeam and Sidemen content when I evolved from watching Click crew and Lazarbeam to KSI and the Sidemen...
And then the Quackity and KSI on the DSMP vid making me go into the minecraft, mcyt, dsmp era (embarrassingly.)
Which also introduced me to Jschlatt who i had an UNGODLY love for (and i fear that him being less than 5 feet from Chunkz is manifesting him back into my life)
And AJ AND QUACKITY LITR RIGHT NEXT TO EACH OTHER? I think i might shatter into a billion pieces if i see them do smth together. Every molecule within me is already vibrating at a million miles a moment seeing them in the same vicinity.
I like compartmentalising my life into eras (2021 is dreamsmp, characterised by Quackity n Tommyinnit n Schlatt n blahblahblah, 2023/4 is Beta squad, 2019 to now (apart from 2021) being Sidemen)...
And seeing all of these eras mishmash together within the same MrBeast-organised picture just has me feeling so weird
Might be the first MrBeast vid i have to watch ngl
(j whilst tagging i feel the need to say more: even like Andrea n Alexandra Botez is giving me 2021 flashbacks to seeing Raj's love or hosts back when Minx was big and unproblematic and celebrated too - and this is the first time in over a year I've seen Ludwig, and I used to watch the mogul mail litr DAILY - even about shit i didnt' gaf about...Idk i cant begin to explain it - maybe the weirdness of seeing all these ppl is also bc half are from America where the content style is sm more different to British YouTube which I mainly watch........ But like, tell me that literally seeing POKIMANE, NIKO OMILANA, MOIST CRITIKAL/PENGUINZ0/CHARLIE, SAM & COLBY, QUACKITY, AND LAZARBEAM within the same 20M² MAKES SENSE. IT DOESN'T.)
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h-didanart · 3 months
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It was quiet.
And empty.
Very empty.
Way too empty.
He didn’t like the emptiness.
For starters he probably should be in way more pain than he is right now. And then there was the whole fire and sin theme missing from this place, making it a lot boringer than he was expecting.
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So he was confused, to that he’ll admit. He hadn’t even seen whatever-the-hell-that-was coming! It was just- poof! Dead. Probably. More than likely.
Hell, that half an hour had just been those idiots debating on who gets to kill him, of course he’s dead! It would’ve been so funny to see the crazed moon fail at whether-the-hell he was doing. Or been an awesome way to die, who knows, it’s not like he can go back and ask that guy to shoot him with magic again.
Whatever, he was bored. Very bored.
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Checking his limbs, all of them there. Could he move? Yes he could.
For an afterlife of eternal torment this didn’t seem much like torment. He just got to live in some white void or whatever. Oh maybe that was the torment, being bored in death, creative if anticlimactic.
And then a sound.
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Imminent danger, a threat, newcomer, invader, something— he turned around towards the sound, fully ready to fight.
And then he froze.
Because that face— that wasn’t— he— holy shit
Holy shit
He didn’t like the pile of feelings dumped on him. He didn’t like it at all. It was like a rock bashed into his chest, but the rock was on fire and also weighed as much as an anvil.
He… he… knew those eyes. Better than the back of his hand. And that hat, those clothes, the godforsaken fluff surrounding that face. He didn’t register the damages, but they were extensive he’s broken in the ground, Monty reaches for his neck— they were so extensive. But the eyes hadn’t changed.
He hadn’t changed.
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His brother…
His brother.
He stood there. It was all moving so fast, but also slow, there were a billion thoughts in his head. He could feel warmth building up on his face.
His brother looked at him, then down to himself. Oh. He was missing a leg. Never had he thought he’d feel disgust at seeing an injury. Clearly he had to be the one to get closer. And so he took a step forward. And another.
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And then he was running.
He knew there was a smile on his face, he didn’t care. He knew the feelings were building up, he also didn’t care. All he wanted was to get to him.
And he did. The twins collided, he lifted his other up and spun a few times.
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It had been so long. So goddamn long.
He remembers the last hug they had, the last interaction they had, his last view of him the screen is wound back he dares not look back— it had been an eternity. Agonizing eternity. He didn’t think he could’ve taken it had it lasted longer.
He missed him.
So fucking much.
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He didn’t care that he was crying. He didn’t care that he was sobbing, wailing even.
To hell with self consciousness.
To hell with humiliation.
To hell with this place.
To hell with revenge.
To hell with the world.
To hell with blood.
None of that mattered in the now.
His world was finally complete again.
And he will never lose him again.
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little-pondhead · 1 year
[inspired roughly by this post. My brain snails started going nuts so I thought it'd be easier to post this separately :)]
It was a lovely day in Gotham. Well, as lovely as it could be. The sun was up, peeking through the overhead cloud cover and making the buildings gleam in the rare sunlight. The air was fresher than usual, and faucets ran clear of strange and unusual toxins.
Somewhere in the Upper East Side, in a little neighborhood tucked away from the rest of the city, marched around the new boss of the area. She was a young girl, just barely in high school. But despite it being the middle of a work day, she wandered around her chosen streets, content to do whatever she wanted. Above her, a pair of siblings watched on and discussed the unique situation.
"So let me get this straight: that fourteen-year-old goth girl is a crime boss?"
Mia smiled at Leon, her older brother, and his dumbfounded expression as they rested on her balcony. "She's fifteen, actually. Her birthday just passed. We all got together and threw a block party for her!"
"You know how insane that sounds, right?" Leon turned to her, a bit miffed that she dared to say those words to his face. "She's a kid. Why do you all listen to her?"
Mia shrugged and sipped her beer. "She does good work. Holds her own pretty well, and the kid has connections. Good ones, too. That can be the difference between life and death in Gotham."
Leon rubbed his forehead in frustration. "I just don't get it. How did she end up in this line of work? Do child labor laws even apply here?? Why aren't the Bats doing anything?"
"Don't think about it too much, dipshit." Mia crushed her now-empty beer can in her hand and tucked it into a paper garbage bag hanging off of a hook on the balcony rail. A familiar set of green arrows was printed on the side.
"And now you're recycling?!" Leon realized. "When did you start doing that, Mia??"
The woman shrugged and got up, stretching. "Probably around the time Brambles absolutely reamed out Mrs. Zalinski for littering at the park."
"Wait, who's Brambles?" Leon scrambled upright and followed his sister inside.
Mia laughed. "Brambles is our fifteen-year-old crime boss!"
"I can't believe you got a cool name right off the bat," Danny grumbled, flopping onto Sam's bed face-first. Sam smirked and shoved him off with her foot. Danny just squawked and let himself ragdoll to the ground.
"It's your fault for not having a better gimmick." She said to his prone body. "Besides, it could've been worse."
"I think Inviso-Bill is the worst possible nickname for anyone." Danny groaned. "But you got something cool immediately. Who even thought up 'Brambles'? That's such a unique name!"
"Well the kids call you Grim; that's pretty cool."
Danny flopped over, twisting himself much farther than any human was supposed to just so he could glare at her face. "They only call me that cause one of the is obsessed with Harry Potter." He grumbled, pouting.
Sam just rolled her eyes and went back to sorting through piles of papers scattered all across her duvet. Since moving to Gotham several months ago, Sam had taken it upon herself to turn the experience into something useful rather than just moping all the time, as she originally wanted to. That 'something useful' had landed her as the newest crime boss in Gotham, with about a third of the Upper East Side as her current territory.
So many problems had popped up in the last year, and the group had decided that taking it on alone would never work. The GIW had been trying to close Amity's borders, Danny's parents had a scientific breakthrough, tensions in the Realms were high, etc. There was a lot on their plate! Sam's solution was to create a foothold in Gotham City. She would lay the foundations for Jazz to work in Arkham and forge a safer environment for the residents of Amity Park to sneak off to if the GIW went too far. She was essentially weaving a cushion for everyone to fall back on.
Danny, using the power of duplication, was splitting his focus between foiling his parent's plans and resolving issues with his rouges to create a united front. He was the main distraction, and Sam's own heavy hitter when she needed help establishing dominance.
Tucker planned to gather intel with the help of Technus and Jazz. They were trying to gather as much evidence as possible so they'd be in the clear when the whistle blew. The GIW would crash and burn, legally speaking. They were the bugs of the operation, spreading themselves thin and hoarding information like it was candy.
Dani was their wild card, their jester. She was keeping the JLD's attention focused solely on her and all the supernatural hijinks she was stirring up. When the time was right, she'd point them in the direction needed and let them loose. After winding them up so much, the hope was that the Justice League Dark would descend upon the GIW like hellfire.
But those were their future plans. Right now, Sam was in possession of specific files from Arkham Asylum and the GCPD. She was looking for anything to give her an edge in the upcoming meeting with a few other crime bosses. Some annual thing they host to renew Goonion contracts, see who's still alive, and examine how much the territory lines have changed. Stuff like that. Red Hood was supposed to be there, and she knew she needed an ironclad defense against him and his nosy colony of Bats.
Danny untwisted himself all of a sudden, making a weird face. "Sorry, got to go." He apologized. "Vlad just showed up to my house."
Sam waved him off. "Go, I'll be fine for today. Just be on time for the meeting on Friday. And I want you, not a double."
"You got it!" Danny did finger guns at her and promptly melted into a pile of green goo. Right on her bedroom floor!
Sam sighed and got up to throw a towel over the puddle. The ectoplasm would evaporate eventually, returning to the original Danny little by little. But for now, this would keep anyone from asking about it until it was all gone.
Sometimes she really hated living in student dorms. People always felt the need to burst into her room for no reason.
Who even made dorm rooms for high schoolers in the first place??
Jason couldn't help but stare at the new recruit.
Well, 'new recruit' wasn't exactly accurate. 'Potential to be the most headache-inducing supervillain' was more like it. Standing at a solid 5'10" with platform boots, Brambles, the newest crime lord who had taken over half of the Upper East Side in under four months, was almost tall enough to look him in the eye straight on. Which she tried to do anyways, tilting her chin up oh-so-slightly (in that stupid way aristocrats do when they want to look down at you) and glaring at him with open hostility.
Brambles was young, way too young to be in this line of business. At the start of the annual underground crime meeting (yes, they couldn't come up with a better name), she had announced that she was fifteen, went by she/her, and would snap the dick off of anyone who looked at her funny. Most everyone laughed at her, thinking it was an empty threat. Brambles proved it wasn't by sucker-punching a younger lieutenant who tried to get handsy with her five minutes into the meeting.
When the lieutenant's boss protested and threatened a gang war, Brambles had snapped her fingers and summoned what could only be a fucking pit demon from the depths of hell to threaten the man back. The creature looked like a teenager, just like Brambles, at first. But it was...off. The longer you looked, the worse it got.
It wore a draping black cloak that covered most of its body, with the ends turning to mist when it reached the floor. It had a pale, young face and white hair. Its eyes glowed just like Brambles', except they were a toxic green that made Jason's heart skip a beat in fear. The creature was snarling, with a fucking muzzle on it to keep its sharp teeth away from wandering fingers.
With a nod from Brambles, the creature bounded forward and knocked the guy to the floor, its arm elbow-deep into the guy's chest. The dude looked terrified, and a little sick "Would you rather lose a lieutenant or your life?" She had snarled, sounding almost a bit demonic herself. The other boss had backed down without another word, writing off his subordinate as dead and gone.
Instead of killing the guy, however, Brambles simply banished her little guard dog to a corner of the warehouse to play with its new toy in peace.
"Is she allowed to do that?" Someone whispered.
"They weren't unionized, so the Goonion won't say anything." Another answered.
It was the most awkward meeting in the history of the criminal underworld. No one even died since they were all focused on the newcomer.
Jason could feel a headache forming as the meeting came to an end. Brambles was still sitting in her chair. The creature had grown bored of its toy and was leaning against her, sprawled out lazily and barely flicking an ear at the onlookers in acknowledgment. A few people were idling around her, mostly women, trying to talk some big game and get on the kid's good side. Brambles was humoring them, taking tight control of the conversation when they got too prying.
Jason sighed. He knew he'd have to go over and have a talk with the kid, even if it was just for Bruce's files. He hauled himself upwards and stalked over. "Pardon me, ladies and gents, but I'm going to borrow the kiddo here for a moment."
The creature hissed at him, tensed at his approach. Brambles kept a tight grip on the back of its muzzle, keeping it grounded. The other criminals scattered like flies. They were the only two (three?) left in the warehouse within minutes.
Bramble rose to glare at him. "What." She spat. "If you're here to convince me not to get involved with anything, I will set Grim on your ass after lighting it on fire."
The creature, Grim, growled in agreement. The sound echoed strangely like he was hearing it from underwater.
"Relax, I'm not here to do any of that." Jason raised his hands in surrender, immediately abandoning that possible line of thought. "I'm just here to talk business. You're young, and while you don't want to admit it, inexperienced."
"Stop the fancy words, Red Hood." Brambles' eyes glowed again, and she released her hold on Grim's muzzle. "If you want to make a deal, say it to my face. If you're here to dig for information, either ask me or hit the road. I prefer honesty over flower talk, so tell me what you want before I take over your area, too."
Jason bristled. His vision was tinted green as he snapped, "What the fuck is your problem, kid?! I just wanted to make sure you were safe and not being forced to do this. I was even going to offer my support and protection if it was too much! I know you aren't going to stop, but that doesn't mean I want a kid to die just because they got into something they shouldn't and they think their fancy guard dog will always be there to protect them!"
Brambles' eyes stopped glowing, and her stare softened a bit. Grim went deadly still, just floating there, staring at Jason. His heart beat like crazy in his chest. What was he saying? It was all true, but he could've been nicer about it. Dick would've found a way to be nicer.
-krrrk- "Ibis, reporting in. I think you can trust him, guys. Even if he's a Bat, his connections and experience would be useful in our plans. Ibis out." -krrrk-
Jason flinched from the sudden noise, looking around to find the source. It sounded like it had come from everywhere, even inside his own helmet. Brambles immediately switched out her hostile look for an annoyed one, tapping an earpiece he hadn't noticed before.
"Ibis, you really have to stop opening up our comm lines to the public." She snapped, but there was no real heat to it. "And I thought I told you to stop eavesdropping!"
-krrrk- "Sorry, can't help it. I'm everywhere now! You shouldn't have given me this power." -krrrk-
Grim hissed.
-krrrk- "Don't hiss at me, young man! You were the one who suggested this!" -krrrk-
"I'm sorry, time out!" Jason made a T with his hands. The green from his vision had completely disappeared now. "What the FUCK is going on now?"
Brambles sighed, rubbing her temples. "You know what? Fine. We'll trust you. My name is Sam. Nice to meet you, Jason Todd."
Jason stepped back, immediately reaching for his gun. Grim darted forward and promptly flew through him, stealing all his weapons in one go. "I'm Danny!" Grim-Danny?-chirped in a human voice, giving him a shit-eating smile. "Sorry for the act, Mr. Hood. And sorry about the name drop, I'm the one that told them."
-krrrk- "I'm Tucker! There are more of us, but they're busy. I have literally so many questions for you, Mr. Hood." -krrrk-
"Now that introductions are over-Danny don't eat his smoke bombs, you're not gonna look like Dorathea-we'd like your help."
Jason squinted at them. "You understand this is all suspicious as fuck, right? And how did a pit demon find out who I am?"
-krrrk- "Yeah, we know. But lives are on the line here, and I think you'd really be a help!" -krrrk-
Brambles-Sam-sighed and pulled out a flash drive. "I was going to use this as leverage, but I guess it'll have to be useful in other ways." She tossed it to Jason, who numbly caught it. "Look over it if you want. If you don't, then just burn it. Do not try to plug it into the Batcomputer. Don't try to send it to the Batcomputer, either. A virus will target that specific IP address as soon as it makes contact. Any other computer is fine."
"Look it over, and we can go from there," Danny added, spinning in midair while chomping on one of Jason's knives. (His good one, too!) "And I'm not a pit demon, but I am dead. That's how I knew about you. Whatever brought you back to life gave the Realms a real headache for a while. It wasn't hard to look you up in the records."
"This is so much information. Lives are on the line? And two, three kids are dealing with it? By becoming crime bosses?"
-krrrk- "Technically, Sam's the only crime boss here. And that was kind of an accident. She was supposed to create a safe foothold in Gotham in case we needed to evacuate our town. But we all got cool nicknames out of it! And you're the only adult we've told this stuff to!" -krrrk-
"I'm what?"
"The only adult." Sam's unwavering gaze seemed to pierce his soul. "There are quite literally no other adults that can help, Red Hood. None that we trust, not really. Any adult intervention needs to be planned carefully so it doesn't backfire on us. We're trusting you here, Jason. Not only are you like us, which technically puts you in danger too, but you have power and connections to support a whole town of people the government wants to eradicate."
Jason looked at the little green flash drive in his hand. He didn't want to ask. "And this...?"
"A fruit basket," Sam said simply. "Originally, it was supposed to be blackmail. But instead, this is a present to show our goodwill and faith. To show you our skills. That drive contains information on other gangs, upcoming rogue attacks, chemical breakdowns of Joker Venom and Fear Gas, unfinished antidote formulas, etc. Tucker and his team scoured the underbelly of Gotham and gathered dirt on every single prominent figurehead. Including Bruce Wayne, should you choose to use it."
"I would never-"
"But you've thought about it." Danny cut in and scratched his neck. Jason's hands shook. "It's not a bad thing. It's just the nature of the dead. Wanting to right the wrongs left over from their time with the living. Even if you walk and breathe now, that doesn't mean desire disappears."
"The point is, we need help. Even if I'm loathe to admit it." Sam rolled her eyes, and suddenly, Jason didn't see a potential supervillain in the making. He saw a teenager trying her best, shouldering the responsibility of hundreds of people, both in Gotham and her hometown. Danny looked the same, no matter how other-worldly he was. What battles were they facing? Why weren't there any adults to turn to? What kind of lives were they leading if they immediately trusted a known crime lord with their lives upon the first meeting?
"I'll think about it." Jason finally said. Danny trilled in excitement, and some tension bled out of Sam's shoulders. "If the situation is bad enough, however, I'm calling in someone else for help."
Danny shrugged. "As long as it ain't Batman! I don't think he'll appreciate us smuggling a town of liminals into his city."
Sam poked Danny's shoulder, prompting him to look at her. "Let's go, before you break his brain with more info-dumping. Bye Red Hood!"
"Uh, yeah. Goodbye!" Jason stuttered. He watched the two kids walk towards the exit door, before shimmering out of sight before they even touched the handle.
What the fuck.
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jinjeriffic · 6 months
DCxDP Prophecy Universe Part 8
Part 7
Damian was torn between investigating the disturbance and continuing his surveillance of Daniel and his companions. On the one hand, civilians might be in danger. On the other hand, he was here on a mission. The decision was made for him when Foley and Manson came running out of Pineapple Republic and headed towards the sounds of commotion. No sign of Daniel though.
A musical chime sounded as the mall’s PA system turned on.
“Attention customers!” came a cheerful female voice, “We regret to inform you that a ghost attack is currently in progress! Please head to the nearest emergency exit. Thank you for shopping at Amity Park Mall! Please come again!”
Another musical chime marked the end of the announcement and an alarm started wailing.
And everyone thinks Gotham is bad. Amity Parkers are demented.
Damian dropped what he was holding and ducked out of the store into the crowd of people hurrying towards the exits. A few people gave him odd looks as he headed in the opposite direction of the evacuation but nobody tried to stop him. They probably wanted to be as far away from the carnage as possible. At least they were somewhat sensible in that regard.
The crowd around him thinned out fast and it didn’t take him long to spot Foley and Manson crouched behind the counter of a now abandoned juice bar. Foley was fiddling with something in his backpack while Manson was keeping lookout. Luckily their attention was focused in the other direction so Damian snuck as close as he dared and ducked behind some decorative plants to avoid being seen. He surreptitiously pulled out his phone to record whatever was going to happen.
The screaming had stopped but the repeated sound of glass shattering came from inside what appeared to be a high-end jewelry store. He could see movement behind the cracked safety glass and heard muffled voices though he couldn’t discern the words. Suddenly, the glass pane buckled outwards before being torn from its moorings entirely, crashing to the ground. What appeared to be a large reinforced safe skidded along the tile floor, leaving cracks in its wake before coming to a stop. A red energy blast came roaring out the now empty window frame, burning a melted hole in the glass of a store on the opposite side.
“The hard way it is then!” shouted a voice Damian recognized.
Green flashes lit up the inside of the jewelry store and moments later a black and white form came hurtling out.
He wasn’t wearing a cloak or messenger bag this time and the strange staff he had used to open the portal was also missing. His body was haloed by a faint glow, giving him an ethereal appearance. The black parts of his armored jumpsuit seemed to suck in the light to an unnatural degree, while the white accents as well as his hair seemed to shine like moonlight. He came to a halt in midair, and his outstretched hands glowed green as a barrier appeared in front of him, just in time to block another red blast.
“Look, if I wanted a tan I’d go to the spa!”
A second figure came flying out of the store at high speed, aiming straight for Phantom. He dodged and weaved as his opponent struck at him with… a battleaxe?
“And I don’t need a haircut either, geez!”
Phantom retaliated with a glowing fist to the face of his opponent, who crashed to the ground leaving a small crater in the floor. With the creature momentarily disoriented, Damian could finally get a good look at it. It had the same glowing aura as Phantom, but its skin was dark green. It was smaller than the average human but much bulkier. If Damian had to guess he’d estimate its height to be about four feet. It had large pointed ears, beady red eyes and a long, pencil-like nose. Its hands and feet were bare, but tipped with vicious looking claws. It was wearing a mish mash of leather and metal armor pieces and what appeared to be several pounds of stolen jewelry.
Two more creatures of similar appearance emerged from the wreckage of the store, one carrying a wooden staff with a large red jewel set in the top, and the other a crossbow and a large sack. The red jewel glowed ominously and fired another blast towards Phantom, who stretched and twisted his body in an unnatural way to avoid it.
“Are those goblins? Seriously?!”
“Curse you universe!”
Foley and Manson’s outburst drew the attention of the third creature and they had to duck down as a crossbow bolt embedded itself in the juice bar inches from them.
“Man, we’ll never hear the end of this!”
“Just shut up and get the thermos ready. I’ll cover you,” Manson snapped as she attached something metal to her wrist.
Meanwhile, Phantom had launched himself at the second creature - goblin? - and was trying to wrestle the staff away from it. The creature snarled and Phantom head butted it in the nose, and followed up with a kick to the inside of its knee. The goblin fell back, dazed as Phantom wrenched the staff out of its grasp. He turned sharply, just in time to block the axe blow aimed at his back as the first creature lunged at him. The axe bit deeply into the wood of the staff.
“Have you considered a career in lumberjacking? Then maybe you wouldn’t have to steal your bling!” Phantom taunted as he shoved his opponent back. When he blocked the next blow, the staff broke in two under the force. He cast the now useless pieces aside.
“Maybe you could find a nice lady who appreciates your firewood chopping skills?”
The next swing came horizontally, and Phantom bent backwards to avoid it.
“Or maybe a nice dude, I ain’t judging!”
Just then, Manson popped up from behind cover and used some kind of wrist mounted laser to shoot the axe goblin in the side. The creature howled in pain and dropped its weapon to clutch at the smoldering wound. Seizing the opportunity Phantom dashed forward and delivered a devastating uppercut. He grabbed his enemy as it began to slump, and hurled it through the air towards the juice bar.
“Heads up, Tuck!”
Foley popped up and aimed a strange cylinder towards the fight. A bright light erupted from the device as the creature was sucked inside. One down two to go.
The crossbow wielder took advantage of now having a clear shot at Phantom, and the teen just barely managed to duck as a bolt whizzed past his ear and embedded itself in the wall.
“I’ll pass on the acupuncture, thanks!”
Not giving his foe time to reload, Phantom blasted it with a green energy bolt as he flew towards it. With seemingly no better options, the goblin grunted as it swung the heavy sack as an improvised weapon. The blow connected, sending Phantom tumbling back with a cry. At the same time the sack split open, spilling a cascade of rings, necklaces and other precious items across the floor. Phantom hit the ground on his back, but rolled to his feet quickly, picking up the discarded battleaxe as he went.
“I have an axe to grind with you!” he cried with a feral grin, as he hurled the weapon at his opponent with all his might. The goblin squawked and dodged, still fumbling to reload. Phantom was faster though and slammed into it with glowing fists, sending the creature tumbling through the air. In another flash of bright light, Foley sucked up the second goblin too.
Unfortunately, the third creature had not been idle. While everyone was distracted, it had picked up the discarded head of the broken staff and had started an ominous chant in a strange language. Apparently breaking the shaft hadn’t rendered it useless after all and the gemstone was pulsing with an angry red light.
“Oh no, you don’t!” Phantom snarled and sent out a wave of ice spears in front of himself as he flew at the goblin. One of the icicles hit the gem and it felt as if time slowed for a moment as the latter splintered with an audible crack. Suddenly, an explosion of red energy erupted from the gem, sending both combatants hurtling in opposite directions. The goblin hit the wall with a thud, and the unconscious creature was quickly sucked into Foley’s device.
Phantom landed on the thoroughly ruined floor, sprawled amid the various trinkets the ghostly thieves had pilfered.
“I hate it when they insist on going out with a bang,” he groaned, clutching at his head and sitting up.
“Police, freeze!”
“It’s Phantom, get him!”
Oh joy, law enforcement has arrived. Too late, as usual.
“Aw come on, really?!” Phantom yelped, then scrambled away as the newly arrived policemen started shooting at him with some kind of laser blaster, the bolts of light reminiscent of what Manson had dished out earlier.
“Screw you guys, I’m going home!” Phantom shouted as he turned see-through and dove through the floor.
“Suspect is headed for the basement, we’re in pursuit!” one of the officers yelled into his walkie-talkie as they all ran off, presumably in the direction of the nearest staircase. Why they thought chasing someone who could apparently density shift was going to accomplish anything was beyond Damian. It looked like small town America didn’t recruit the best and brightest as law enforcement officers either.
Damian pocketed his phone and hurried away from the scene of the crime. The last thing he wanted was to be interrogated about what he had seen. Besides, he was eager to see where his wayward brother would resurface.
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gwynfahr · 11 months
Huh, can we talk about the fact Jordan Li has a fucking guitar in their room ? Imagine them playing soft melodies for you to fall asleep to, damn I'm whipped. If they're playing this thing, I might turn into someone I'm not on regular days.
Look !
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^ It's just here.
Litteraly kicking my feet and twirling my hair at the thought of their fingers pinching the cords, their focused face so serious and hot, my head's all dizzy.
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jayjay-thejet-plane · 3 months
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Sam Winchester, the Boy King of Hell
close up below
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clairenatural · 2 years
in case you missed it yesterday jarpad threatened to fight someone on Twitter bc they called him a beta
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bleedingectoplasm · 2 years
Glowstick Danny
It's been a few days since Danny's accident, and, for the most part, he feels fine. Sure, yeah, he can see how to some other person the accident may have been horrifying or disturbing or something, but for Danny it seemed like just another day in the life of a kid with ghost obsessed parents.
The ghost powers are a little bit weird, but honestly, having superpowers has been pretty fun. Sam and Tucker have been coming over for sleepovers every night since the accident to mess around with his new abilities, throwing wads of paper through Danny's intangible chest and drawing on invisible skin with pen.
It's during one such sleepover that Danny, Sam, and Tucker are hunched over playing Doomed, having gotten tired of watching Danny walk upside-down on the ceiling while tossing a ball back and forth with Tucker. It's approaching one in the morning, and Danny has been sitting in the same position for far too long. His back is starting to ache and he feels like his bones are fusing together, so he reaches his arms above his head with a yawn and leans backwards as far as his chair will allow.
As he stretches, his spine lets out a series of small pops. Danny lets out a sigh of satisfaction as the tension in his body eases slightly.
"Dude, that was a nice one," Tucker remarks, leaning backwards to stretch his back as well.
Sam screws up her face in disgust. "Guys, you know I hate the sound of cracking joints, knock it off."
Danny throws her a shit-eating grin, and without breaking eye contact, he quickly presses down on the fingers of his left hand with the heel of his right, releasing a satisfying snapping sound from each of his knuckles. He braces himself for a punch to the shoulder from Sam, but it never comes. Instead of the trademark gross out expression he was expecting to see on Sam's face, her eyes are widened in wonderment.
"Dude," she whispers, "do that again."
"Uh, what?"
Tucker nudges Danny in the side. "Crack your knuckles again."
"Um...okay?" Slowly, cautiously, Danny moves to pop the joints on his right hand. This time, instead of smugly staring at Sam's face, he looks at his own hands. With the slightest amount of pressure, his knuckles release a small sound. This sound is accompanied by a faint green glow surrounding the knuckle, emanating around the joint before slowly fading, like a light shining through his skin. It seems his body has learned bioluminescence, but only in small doses.
"Woah," Danny murmurs.
"Do it again!" Sam encourages him.
He is more than happy to oblige. He walks over to the floor length mirror in his room, Sam and Tucker at his heels. He places his hand along his jaw and twists his neck. Once again, his joints crack, and each vertebrae in his neck is outlined in an unearthly green light.
"Dude!" Tucker exclaims. "That is so sick!"
"How does that work?" Sam muses. "I mean, I guess that cracking joints is bubbles popping in the fluid that lubricates your joints, and we know that your blood is some sort of weird ectoplasm blood hybrid now. Maybe all of your bodily fluid has a little bit of ectoplasm in it? And the light is from bubbles popping in the ectoplasm?"
Sam turns to look at her best friends, only to see that they are both staring intensely at Danny's hands. Danny is flexing his fingers with a sort of reverence.
"Tuck," Danny says as he locks eyes with his friend, "are you thinking what I'm thinking?"
"Absolutely," Tucker says with a nod.
In unison, they both shout at the top of their lungs: "HUMAN GLOWSTICK!"
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rey-129-fan · 4 months
Gotham-Amity Co-op AU
Part 1 | Next
Wow, okay, people seem to really like this. Awesome! Whelp, here's part 2!
“Alright, order.  Order.”
“Yeah, I’ll take a Triple Nasty with cheese, extra mustard and pickles.” Laughs rang out at Dash’s remark as everyone settled in to their seats.  Sam, who stood at the front of the room by a blackboard, just gave the quarterback a flat look while Danny and Tucker snickered at the teacher’s desk.  The group was meeting in an empty classroom at Casper since most were still Casper students, at least for another couple of months until graduation.  Jazz and Kyle, both of whom were attending school in Gotham, were dropping in to visit and attend the meeting.
“We are now beginning the first meeting for the Green Amity Co-o-”
“Oh, we are not calling it that!” Paulina cried out.  Sam’s eye twitched and started to glow slightly as those around the Latina nodded in agreement.
Jazz quickly stepped in.  “While naming something Green in a city that has a known meta Eco-terrorist might not be a good idea, we can discuss names later.  For now, let’s focus on more important matters for the co-op.”
“Right,” Sam sighed, releasing the tension in her shoulders.  “So has everyone had a chance to look over the info and pictures Jazz and Kyle were able to gather?”  Getting various conformations, the goth nodded. “Does anyone have any objections on using the building as a Gotham based co-op?”
“Not really.”
“None from me.”
“Okay, so we’ll put down an offer to buy the building,” Sam nodded before shuffling around some papers in her hands.  “Next on the agenda is rent.”
“Won’t we own the building?  Why would we need to pay rent?” Dash asked.  Kwan nodded while several others in the group just dropped their heads.
“Because we need to pay for things like utilities and taxes,” Valarie shot back, arms crossed as she stared down her former friend group.
“Not to mention that we should collect some money for potential repairs that will be needed in the future,” Wes added, nodding.  Dash turned and glared at both of them.
“As Val and Wes said, we may own the building, but we still need to gather money to pay for things like water, electricity, internet.  Things needed to make the building usable,” Jazz explained in a less condescending tone, mullifying the blond.
“So we need to figure out how much each utility is and split it between everyone, with a little extra on top to make a fund for repairs?” Danny clarified.
“That is a start, but some people will use more of some things than others.”
“Well, we can always start with it and adjust as we get a better idea of how much it costs and who uses up what amount,” Star said as she stood up and walked over to the board.  She picked up a piece of chalk and began writing down numbers.  “Do we know how much we have to pay for property tax?  From what I could find on the internet, the average cost of utilities in Gotham is about $118 a month, give or take.”
“That lines up with what I saw too, though that doesn’t include internet or phone plans,” Val nodded.
“Well, our phone plans aren’t likely to change, so we don’t need to worry about that.  Most internet plans start about $40 a month,” Tucker added.  Star nodded and added the 40.
“As for property taxes, given the building’s estimated amount, it would be about $15,900 a year, which is paid quarterly.”
Star continued writing.  “So 15,900 a year is 1325 a month.  We currently have 11 people, so that’d be 120.45 per person per month just in taxes.”
“So utilities plus internet and taxes would put us at about $242 a month.”
“Don’t forget insurance and repairs.  Gotham isn’t the safest place, what with all the supervillains,” Danny added.
“Never mind random ghosts dropping in just to fight Fenton.  We’re probably going to have to repair the place more often than the average,” Kwan nodded.
“Hey!  Don’t pin the property damage from ghost fights on me!  It’s mostly the GIW doing that!”
“We know, Danny, but you can’t deny that there are going to be at least a few ghosts that will come just to fight, and the GIW are likely to follow them.”  Danny crossed his arms and grumbled, but conceded.
“We should just double the amount we have for now.  That way we can cover the basics and have enough to cover anything that could come up, while most can afford it with a part-time job,” Tucker suggested.
“It’s a start,” Jazz agreed.
“And if we need to adjust it, we can always discuss it again,”Mikey pointed out.
“Alright, so all in favor of starting rent at $485 a month, raise your hand.” Sam counted the hands in the air.  Eleven.  “Very well.  Up Next: rules.”
“Oh come on!  We’re no longer kids and are going to college!  Why would you wanna create rules?!” Dash protested.
“Just because we’re adults now doesn’t mean that there aren’t still rules we have to follow,” Jazz responded.  “Pretty much any place you could live would have quiet hours and cleanliness requirements.  Plus I’m pretty sure there are places or things that you wouldn’t want others to mess with.” More grumbling was heard but no more protests.  “Now, from what I’ve observed and read on the internet, in general quiet hours are generally between 10-11 pm to about 8 am during the week, with it rolling back an hour on the weekends.  I don’t need it to be that strict, but I would like to have some quiet by the time I’m going to sleep.”
“What exactly do quiet hours entail?  Is it like a curfew?” Mikey asked, pushing up his glasses and looking at the two actual college students.
“Nah man, they’re just the hours you have to be quiet for.  Ya can do whatever ya want, so long as yer not disturbing anyone or keeping them up.  Just don’t do anything that’ll get the cops or Bats on ya, and yer good,” Kyle explained.
“So what should these quiet hours be?  Not going to lie, but midnight seems like a good start, especially if you have early morning classes,” Wes spoke up.
“Midnight is good for me.”
“Aw, but what if we want to have a party!”
“Well, if you start at 8, that gives you four hours,” Sam explained, raising her eyebrow.
“A 4 hour party seems to be enough, especially since not all of us would want to have a crazy party outside our door all night,” Val stated, glaring at Dash and Paulina.
“It seems common consensus is quiet by midnight.  What about when they end?”
“Well, most of us will likely have classes starting by 9.  Including travel time and getting ready, we’re likely to be up around 8 or so.  That’d give us 8 hours of quiet to study and fall asleep.”
“So midnight to 8 am for quiet hours?  Any objections?” None were made.
The meeting continued on in much the same way, with only a few protests to some rules, mostly related to shared chores and the creation of a chore schedule.  But these protests were quickly silenced by a glare from Valarie that slowly glowed a slight red the more protests were made.
“Alright, I think we’ve covered everything we set out for today’s meeting,” Jazz said, tapping some papers against the desk she sat at.  She took over the meeting as Sam grew more annoyed.  The goth was now sitting between Danny and Tucker, who were both offering small touches of comfort.  “Remember, if you have any questions, share them in the discord server.  And if you have any suggestions for a name, please feel free to send them to Wes, who will compile them into a poll so we can vote on them in a week.  Now, would anyone like to add anything else?”
A few mutters and shakes were the answer.
“Very well, that concludes this meeting.  Hope everyone has a good summer, and when we next meet, hopefully, it should be in our new building.”
Did I seriously just write 1363 more words of set up? Yes, yes I did. I have no regrets. We should be in Gotham starting next chapter and get up to the shenanigans then.
Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers out there! I started writing this while I was baking a pie for my own mother.
I am going back and forth on whether Phantom Planet is canon or not, but either way, all of Amity Park knows about Danny in this, but not the outside world, and especially not the GIW. While I do read a lot of bad parent Maddie and Jack, I much prefer to have them as good parents that love and accept both Danny and his little clone/cousin/sister.
Sorry guys, but Bruce is not adopting either Phantom.
Again, feel free to leave suggestions for names for the Co-op, as well as for this little AU itself. Also, suggestions for shenanigans and powers our liminal teens might have outside just glowing eyes.
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bitchface24-7 · 1 month
I’ve written time and time again about Sam being the pursuer. Now it’s Dean’s turn.
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Dean who was taught at the ripe old age of 4 to, “keep Sammy safe.” “Look after Sammy.”
“Sammy is your number one priority.”
These are rules Dean hasn’t questioned that his father gave him. Never. Not once. Other rules and orders, there was always a niggle at the back of his mind; questioning his fathers leadership.
But never about Sammy.
Dean always took care of Sam to the best of his abilities, even if that meant he himself went hungry, or didn’t finish his own homework. Sam became number one in Dean’s life.
“Mine. Mine. Mine.” Just constantly echoed in Dean’s head. Sammy is his priority, his responsibility, his little brother. His in all the ways that matters.
So when Sam starts going through puberty and finally starts paying attention to others rather than school, researching, and hunting; does Dean step in.
Dean admits it’s probably wrong, if not creepy what he’s doing; but it’s for Sammy’s own good. No one in this world can love Sammy as much as Dean does. Understand what he needs and what to give him.
Dean will always be Sam’s first. His first friend, first love, and first heartbreak. But Dean will always be there to pick up the pieces of Sam’s broken heart.
Sammy is His. Dad said so. His heart said so. His soul said so.
So as Sam grows and starts giving his own signals back to Dean, foxy eyes, pouty lips, and his own brand of jealousy when Dean flirts with girls, does Dean completely dive into the deep end and give Sam every whim and desire he asks for. No matter how filthy.
They’ve ruined each other.
They wouldn’t want it any other way.
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marvelousbelladonna · 6 months
Pango’s got a little crush on Bunnie and I mean, who wouldn’t
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jen-with-a-pen · 11 months
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⊹–SUMMARY–⊹ Inexperienced and still freshly-traumatized by his first heartbreak, Steve Rogers decides to finally move away for college after taking two gap years to work, save, and help his Ma around the house. It’ll be good for him. Away from his ex. Away from his hometown. He's excited to finally chase his dreams and begin again as a promising fine arts student at Richards College. Well, almost. Thanks to a generous scholarship spanning the next four years of his life, Steve is required to participate in on-campus Greek life. It’s simple: join a frat. They shouldn't be too intimidating. At least they're not as bad as they are in the movies, right? Right..?
⊹–PAIRINGS–⊹ Art Student!Frat Brother!Steve Rogers x Film Student!Sorority Sister!F!Reader
⊹–WARNINGS–⊹ more to be added as series progresses frat bros being frat bros, sorority sisters being sorority sisters, manipulation, coercion, blackmail, fluff, angst, whump, explicit forced s3xual acts, slow burn, dissociation, nud1ty, dubcon (bordering noncon), forced drvgging, mentions of kidnapping, emotional damage, Steve's just trying his best, Bucky and Sam are major frat bros, Tony and Clint are somewhere I swear The warnings listed here are not exhaustive but generally encapsulate the series as a whole and do not represent every single chapter. Please be mindful and read the chapter warnings!
Read this fic on AO3!
The Richards College Playlist
Steve's Playlist
any art featured in the series title header and story-specific dividers was found on pinterest and is used in good faith. all credit goes to the original artists, as i could not find accurate credit for any. collage done by me
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Spam liking my works will result in an automatic block!
–⊹– One: Saturday, currently.
–⊹– Two: Last Monday.
–⊹– Three: Last Tuesday.
–⊹– Four: Last Wednesday.
–⊹– Five: Last Thursday.
–⊹– Six: Saturday, still.
–⊹– Seven: Last Friday.
–⊹– Eight: Saturday, again.
–⊹– Nine: Saturday, again.
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cult-of-the-eye · 5 months
Sam having an accent could mean a couple of things:
He went to an English medium school in Pakistan and then moved to England for uni
He frequently moves between England and pakistan for reasons unknown
He moved to England when he was a child and then after the Magnus incident his parents moved him back to pakistan and so he came back to England for uni
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