#bless u guys for putting up with me and my shenanigans
heldenherzchen · 9 months
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why is this always gotta happen to me? i should have known; i never fail to never learn from mistakes, still throwing stones. and you know you are a paradox and you contradict. the road you walk - everything that you ever did: cutting into my code. erasing everything i know. hear me out: i'm sorry, but I'm a little less than sold. i've been around, heard all the stories you said you never told. you're used to speaking in tongues to feel like you're in control. now you've got nowhere to run, now you've got nowhere to go. tell me what's mine and tell me what's yours. why i never got a say, never got a choice? — "nowhere to go" (bad omens) (thank you @safehousebooze for providing me with the prompt. i hope i did you proud. 😌💖)
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faeryarchives · 2 years
guide 101: what to do during red days with the heartslabyul boys? (fem!s/o)
(so my period cramps just killed me earlier and i thought of a mini headcanon to comfort myself ueueue i hope u guys enjoy)
every month, girls would face their worst enemy and that is menstruation. what would the boys do while the ramshackle prefect went through her red days?
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: ̗̀➛ riddle rosehearts
oh dear great sevens take the wheel, help riddle with this situation.
he knew about menstruation but because he didn't have any close female friends or relatives
the dorm leader was very confused when you started screaming bloody murder from your room
"henchman don't die! i haven't got my tuna!"
"i am going to turn you into tuna!"
"love? are you okay?" the moment he entered the dorm, he could see you lying on the couch - dressed in uniform but you look very messy from turning around so much. "riddle..." a sob escaped your lips when your eyes landed on your boyfriend holding a plastic bag of sweets as per recommended by cater and trey and another plastic containing pads that he bought from mr. sam. "i am dying from abdominal pain... don't you have class?"
"i got the headmaster's permission anyway. come on, let's get you to bed."
you were very surprised when he didn't hesitate to carry you in his arms using magic and put you back to bed
despite not being accustomed to taking care of period cramps, riddle is doing a good job in giving you hot compress, painkillers and even singing to you that even your period cramps got shy by the sound of his voice that it fade away
never let him do your porridge without supervision 😅 but if he already joined the culinary crucible event then riddle promise you that he will make the best porridge ever
"love what are you doing?"
"n-nothing! go back to your roo-"
"is that porridge? aww you didn't have too though!"
"i insist, are you feeling better now?"
"i already feel much better with you by my side."
at the end of the day, the heartslabyul gang + grim would find the two of you sleeping peacefully in your room in each other's arms.
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: ̗̀➛ trey clover
to have trey by your side during your menstruation is a blessing 🙏
i think he would be the type of boyfriend to prepare a box full of the things that will make the pain lessen during your red days - your favorite stuff toy, snacks, his hoodie and pain killers
"trey? what are you doing here?"
"i noticed on your calendar the other day that your period is right around the corner so i decided to drop these by so it might help you."
"actually, it's today. thank you trey, i love you so much."
"wait, i'll tell cater i can't make it to class today."
"what? wait no-"
yes, he did not attend classes to take care of you 🥺 knowing how it is hard to deal with the pain - trey is very patient with your mood swings and cries
cooks you your favorite soup and wrap you inside his hoodie
"do you feel any chills or throwing up? feverish?"
"you are acting like my mom ahehe i am fine thanks to your wonderful care."
if you are having a hard time to sleep the pain away - the third year would lay down next to you and gently caress your head while telling you stories about his shenanigans with riddle and cater until you fell asleep
by the time you wake up and your abdominal pain is gone - the vice dorm leader is already up with the best meal and painkillers ready
"oh you are awake, i hope you got a wonderful sleep."
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: ̗̀➛ cater diamond
having two older sisters - cater knows how to deal with these kind of situations but he is more laid back than trey and riddle
"its that time of the month? that's sucks. but i know, let's watch some of your favorite movies and chill!"
would buy you any food you want for the day but not doesn't allow you to drink carbonated or caffeinated drinks because it makes your period pain worse
recreates the funniest scene in the film with you that always makes you laugh
"hahahahaha he looks so stupid at that part!"
"ikr! it reminds me when ace tripped and then landed on deuce during the unbirthday party."
"hahahah! never let them hear that from you or you will not hear the end of it."
cater would shower you with lots of kisses and hugs 🥰
its normal for him to shower you affection but whenever you are sick or in your period it becomes tripled
"cater stop! ahihi that tickles."
"that's the point bub! come here let me tickle your period pain away!"
"stop, grim help me!"
"no you would just scream in my precious ears!"
very much used to your mood swings because it is more on the calm side than dealing with his sisters having their period at the same time + the mood swings 😭
all in all, the third year wouldn't leave your side until you feel much better - wouldn't want to leave alone his beloved suffering right
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: ̗̀➛ deuce spade
oh god. imagine deuce panic when you sent him a text that you are currently dying
never in his life he ran so fast to the ramshackle dorm with his wand in hand and he is actually still in his pajamas 😭
"(name)! (name) are you okay?!" when he got no reply, the first year immediately barged in and ran into your room only to see you curled up in a ball crying.
without any hesitation, he ran and put grim in the living room before pulling you in a tight hug. "thank goodness you are okay..."
"deuce, it hurts so much..." sobbing in his shoulder, deuce hush you down and rubbing your shoulder to calm you down.
the first year didn't know what to do so be patient with him he is trying his best 😭 he might spill a little bit of soup from here and there but his cooking is delicious!
"i never knew you could cook so well deuce!"
"t-thanks, i always help my mom and grandmother in the kitchen sometimes so i picked some of their cooking habits."
"mmm, i hope i could meet them one day, i want to tell them how much you take care of me."
his face turn very red at that moment making you tease him more.
just imagining the thought of his mother and grandmother meeting the love of his life makes his heart go doki doki ❤️
the next time you get your menstruation - he promise that he will be prepared more than ever just don't send him a text that says that you are dying 😭
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: ̗̀➛ ace trappola
ok i honestly think that ace would still act the same but the difference is that he is afraid of your outburst 😨
he already made you angry in the past during your period and let us just say it wasn't a very good experience
"did you call me over, babe?"
"aceeeee i am going to die~!"
"... you are on your period now, aren't you."
"yes." at that moment, you can see the terror in his eyes before he cleared his throat and look away. "okay okay i'll just grab some stuff in my dorm very quick."
did ace just return to the dorm with a full backpack? yes he just did its like he is going to war 😭
for the day, ace would talk to you with care
he will tease you a little bit but overall you can really feel the love that even if you jokingly snap at him - ace would just roll his eyes and pop a chocolate in your mouth
"you look like shit."
"why thank you, i got that from my girlfriend."
"you have another girlfriend?"
"are you silly? you are my one and only. now eat this chocolate while i go back to check on the soup."
he is your personal teddy bear, his warmth is un-match especially when you are the type to get chills during your period
even if ace seems like the type who will get on your nerves during your red days but trust me he knows what he is doing and lowkey show how he really care for you
"i love you even you are a little bitch"
"i love you more, go to sleep you little brat."
tell me if you guys want to have this version from different dorms ahihi 🤗 i hope you guys enjoy
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whataboutmyfries · 4 years
Forever and always
I did it!!! After months of procrastinating, I finally finished writing the Proposal AU i had promised u guys! I’m so sorry if gets terrible towards the end, I do plan on proofreading it again sometime in the future. 
I also want to that everyone on the SW discord server so so much for being absolute ANGELS and putting up with me picking their brains for so long.
For now, i would like to thank @lumosinlove​ for our beautiful boys and I hope you enjoy!!! 
Logan didn’t have the faintest idea of how these things usually went. All he knew was that he was nervous as hell and sweating like a pig. 
He’d never felt like this before. His hands were shaking as he flipped open the little velvet box for the hundredth time, making sure he still had both rings. They weren’t anything flashy, just two simple bands of silver with an engraving on the inside 
The lion, le poisson, and the earthquake
He’d spent hours at the jeweller’s, only to settle on something so embarrassingly simple that he’d almost reconsidered a thousand times in the past 20 minutes.  
No. He wanted this. He wanted this more than anything. And he wasn’t going to let his irrational fears get in the way today. 
Logan sucked in a breath, his knee bouncing uncontrollably below the table, his fingers drumming on the table. He looked in the mirror one last time, running a hand through his hair and straightening his shirt before jumping off the chair to check on the food.
The first people he’d told were Dumo and Celeste. They were like parents to him and he’d wanted their advice— and blessings— before he actually did it. Naturally, Dumo had burst into tears and told him how proud he was and Celeste had given him a hug and asked if he needed any help. 
So, that’s how Logan had ended up here, waiting in their apartment, trying his best to not pass out. 
Celeste had helped him make most of the food, but he’d insisted on making the cake himself. He’d wanted something that he’d made by himself for them. It had occurred to him that they might say no, but he’d reasoned that if they said no, at least he’d have cake. 
He smoothed out invisible wrinkles from his shirt, tugging at the rolled-up sleeves. Logan was finding it impossible to sit still, and he sighed in exasperation, yanking his phone out of his pocket to text Finn and Leo for the hundredth time—
Only to have the door open to reveal the both of them, trying to share a pair of earphones while simultaneously lugging in three shopping bags. 
Logan’s shoulders eased just a little, his mouth twitching up at the corners as he watched his boys shenanigans. 
Logan, oomph, done ogling? We could use a little help here.”
Logan grinned, walking over to Finn, prodding him in the side before taking a particularly heavy bag off his hands. 
“Ah yes, my liege, I live to serve.”
He dropped a  kiss onto Finn’s head, grabbing the bags from him, the easy banter easing some of the tension from his shoulders. 
 Leo huffed, setting down the heavy bags as he nudged the door closed with his foot. 
“Someone’s been busy,” Leo grinned, cocking an eyebrow towards the table, groaning under the weight of the food
Logan’s pulse ratcheted, the apple he was holding slipping from his fingers. He ducked, catching it just in time. 
“Oh—I, um...Yeah! I made us all dinner. Go get cleaned up. I’m hungry.” 
Finn laughed, tapping Logan’s ass on his way to the bedroom.
“Quit your grumbling tremz, I’ll be right back.”
Logan rolled his eyes, shaking his head fondly at the retreating redhead. He was quickly distracted by Leo, shrugging off his coat while kissing Logan, his hands tangling in Leo’s hair. 
Leo grinned, lifting Logan onto the kitchen counter, swallowing his choked gasp when Leo’s icy fingers slipped up his shirt. 
Leo’s stomach grumbled viciously, and Logan pulled away, dropping chaste kisses onto Leo’s mouth in between fits of laughter. 
“Nous allons obtenir un peu de nourriture dans toi mon amor” 
Leo smiled, kissing Logan one last time before he toed off his shoes, putting them away neatly, immediately making a beeline for the food. 
Logan’s eyes darted around the room, frantically checking everything for the umpteenth time, mentally checking things off. 
“Mon Cheri? What’s up? You look a little pale.” Leo frowned, putting his hand on Logans forehead
“No fever, but you’re so sweaty. Are you alright?”
Logan grinned, shrugging it off as the summer heat, pulling away from Leo with a shaky excuse to set the table.
Holy shit that was close
Logan was almost positive he was going to have a heart attack. He was watching Finn and Leo having an animated conversation, Finn leaning over occasionally to kiss Leo, ruffling his hair fondly. 
Leo was laughing at something Finn had said, his eyes crinkled at the corners and his nose all scrunched up, his laughter so bright it could light up the world, and Logan knew in that moment, that it was now or never. 
Neither of his boys noticed when he slipped the little box out of his pockets, or even when he dropped to the floor in one feline motion. 
Logan looked up at his beautiful boys, smiling and laughing in the firelight and cleared his throat, giving the velvet box in his hands a little squeeze. 
Finn and Leo turned to look at him almost immediately, Finn’s hand slapping across his mouth when he saw the silver bands in Logan’s hands Leo’s laughter trailing off into a choked gasp when he finally saw the rings. 
Logan’s mouth twitched up into a smile as green eyes met hazel and then blue. 
“Finn, Leo, the both of you are the light in my life. You are the reason I get up everyday and the reason I am here at all. I never thought I’d get to have….this. I never thought there would be anyone who could love me as I am, rough edges and all, and I am so so lucky to have not one, but two of the most brilliant men in the world by my side. I love you both to pieces and I don’t know where I would be without you. You— you are my reason mes amours. And I— I’m not good with this….romantic stuff.” Logan paused, trailing off as he struggled to get his feelings across.
Leo had a hand across his throat, tears spilling down his cheeks as he gave Logan a watery smile, “you’re doing great, mon amour.”
Logan smiled, swallowing the lump in his throat. “But I just wanted to say that I love you. I love you more than I can say and there is nothing that will ever change that. I love you so much that it hurts sometimes, but that’s okay because what’s a little pain when I get to have you. Mes amours, you are the missing pieces I was look for. I love you and I will forever love you. Marry me?”
Logan realised the tears had slipped free, he was grinning even as the moisture slipped down his cheek. 
Leo shot Finn a look, squeezing his hand under the table as he wiped away the tears. Finn beamed, leaning his head against Leo’s as they both looked to Logan as one. 
“Yes! Yes yes YES!” 
The three of them were sobbing as Logan slid the rings onto their fingers, kissing the back of their hands lovingly. They collapsed onto the floor next to him, pulling him in close. 
This was home. This was love, this was joy, this was life. This was everything.
“Logan, mon amour as much as I love you, fuck you.” 
Logan pulled away from the embrace, his mouth falling open as he gaped at Leo 
“Excuse me, what?!”
Leo laughed, swiping at the tears on his cheek as he reached behind his head to undo the clasp on the chain he wore around his neck. 
“I was going to propose to you.”
Logan shared a look with Finn as they dissolved into laughter, doubling over as they looked at the two rings swinging slightly on the necklace. 
“You said those were your grandfather’s!”
Leo shrugged sheepishly. “Well it’s not like I could’ve just told you!”
Logan giggled, tackling Leo to the floor to press kisses onto every inch of skin he could reach. 
Finn laughed, tugging Logan back to him to press a long, slow kiss to his mouth. Pulling away to see love and joy shining in those green eyes he loved.
 Logan tipped his head to the side, dropping his head into Finn’s neck as he pressed soft kisses to the warm skin.
 “Oh my god I love my life.” Leo groaned from where he sat under Logan, the latter’s thighs pressed around his waist.
 Logan smiled into Finn’s neck, trailing kisses up the redhead’s jaw to his mouth even as he reached out a hand to Leo.
 Finn groaned aloud when Logan’s mouth met his, his fingers digging into the small of his back as Leo sucked a bruise onto Logan’s neck.
 Logan gasped, turning his head to meet Leo’s lips, kissing the blonde with a bruising intensity, his body trying to say everything his mouth couldn’t. 
Finn grinned as he pulled away from where he had a left a bruise of his own next to Leo’s, grinning as bright as the sun when he kissed the tops of their heads. 
“We’re getting Married!”
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ssamie · 3 years
six. she likes someone else, idiot.
oikawa tooru x fem langa!reader
(hq x sk8 the infinity)
warnings: spelling mistakes, swearing, 2k+ words, u have langa’s blue hair sorry 
gen masterlist.            “snow” masterlist.
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"as promised, here we are" oikawa greeted her as she opened the door to reveal him and iwaizumi. "good morning " she greeted them with a bubbly smile "hey" iwaizumi nodded at her. 
"oh, you're not skating today, y/n-chan?" oikawa hummed "well, i don't want to accidentally leave you behind again" she said as she closed the door behind her. oikawa sweat dropped and nodded along "how thoughtful" he chuckled 
"here's your coffee, oikawa-san" she had a determined look on her face as she hands him the beverage in a disposable cup
"oh... yes.. my coffee" oikawa deeply inhaled a breath of air and took it from her. "thank you, y/n-chan. i didnt think you were serious about it, though" oikawa laughed as he took a sip of the coffee 
"oh, well i thought you'd be bummed if i forgot a promise" she said 
as soon as she looked away, oikawa gagged and shuddered, making iwaizumi sweat drop and look at him in concern. "dude what the hell?" iwaizumi deadpanned 
as y/n looked back at them, oikawa's dread filled expression quickly changed into one of delight as he happily chugged down the drink 
"haha, i was just amazed at this coffee!" oikawa exclaimed with a grin "and y/n-chan made it so its extra special!" 
"oh, that's great!" y/n cheered as oikawa gave her a thumbs up paired with a wink "im glad you like it" 
"yup! looking forward to the next one tomorrow" oikawa chuckled 
iwaizumi watched the whole thing go down with a look of bewilderment. he was just about done with these two and their shenanigans. "dude.." iwaizumi muttered as he watched oikawa gulp the whole thing down "why're you doing this.."
oikawa turned to him with a grin and clocked his head to the side "what do you mean, iwa-chan?" he asked "i told you, y/n-chan made it so its extra special!" oikawa said with a laugh as he threw the cup away at a random trash can
iwaizumi's eyes widened as he watched his friend jog over to the girl and happily start up a conversation 
"jesus christ.." iwaizumi sighed "i don't know if him being like this is a good thing or not.." 
now, its no secret that y/n was attractive. her features were head turning. and her eyes alone could bring a grown man to their knees. she was quite captivating, to say the least. 
so it shouldn't come as a surprise if boys and girls start flocking around her for the same purpose. 
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to have her as their girlfriend. what else? 
"hey, hasegawa-chan" a boy greeted her as she exited the classroom. "oh. hello.." she replied with a hint of confusion 
"are you free today? if you want, i would love to treat you to some snacks after school" the boy said with a nervous chuckle. "oh, thank you but.. i have club duties after school." she said "maybe some other time" 
she then walked away from the boy, absolutely clueless to the fact the she was just asked out on a date. 
from inside the room, oikawa watched the whole thing go down with a look of distaste. "hey, hey, iwa-chan!" he slapped iwaizumi's arm. "that boy just flirted with y/n-chan, look!" 
iwaizumi spared him a glance before looking back down at his comic. "i know, shittykawa." he sighed "its no big deal anyways. she declined, didn't she?" he said 
"it doesn't matter! people are trying to steal her before i could even exit the friend zone!" oikawa exclaimed "actually, im not sure if im even in the friend zone yet!" he pulled at his hair in distress 
"i told her we'd be best friends in the future but that means we're not right now, right?!" 
"you're thinking too much, shittykawa" iwaizumi sighed as he pushed him off his desk, since he was hitting his head repeatedly against the wood 
"im gonna follow her and shoo the boys away" oikawa perked up with a determined look on his face. "dont do that" iwaizumi grunted in annoyance. "and you look stupid. your forehead has a red spot now, dumbass" 
"actually, what if i ask her out before they do?" oikawa hummed thoughtfully to himself. 
"you did that already. didn't she say she has the 'boyfriend spot' reserved for someone?" iwaizumi raised a brow 
"whatever im gonna follow her" oikawa waved him off. "dont do that-- and he's gone." iwaizumi merely sighed as he watched oikawa rush out of the door 
"now.. who is that ugly guy?" oikawa muttered to himself as he watched a boy flusteredly hand y/n a letter 
"h-hasegawa-san..this is for you!" the boy exclaimed as he handed her the letter without making any eye contact. "oh.. its a letter" she muttered as she went to open it 
"no! uh- read it later when you're alone.." the boy stammered out "it's a bit embarrassing for me" he said. "oh, okay then" y/n simply nodded and put it in her pocket. "goodbye" she said as she walked away 
"right! bye, hasegawa-san!" the boy nervously waved 
oikawa sweat dropped as the boy looked at her with a lovesick grin even though she just straight up ignored him and walked off. well it's not like he has room to say anything. he's the exact same, if not, maybe even worse. 
"tch. hey" oikawa called out to the boy. 
"me..?" the boy muttered in confusion as he pointed to himself. "yeah you" oikawa raised a brow as he judgingly looked him up and down "why'd you give y/n-chan a letter?" he scowled 
"oh well i -" before the boy could finish oikawa laughed at him in a mocking way. "yeah yeah, save your voice. it's not like i'll listen to you anyways" he said with his usual charismatic smile 
"but don't do that again, okay~" oikawa cooed "y/n-chan doesn't need a boy toy like you! but maybe try with another girl!" he suggested 
he patted the boy's shoulder and waved him goodbye "good luck~" he cooed. the boy watched oikawa walk off with a look of dread and confusion. "what the hell, man?" the boy muttered 
"now, where is she-- another one?!" oikawa groaned to himself as he watched y/n receive another gift 
except this time, it was a from a girl in the first year who was shakingly handing her a bento with a cutesy note "hasegawa-senpai..! um- this is for you" the girl said as she shyly presented her the neatly wrapped lunch box 
"i made it myself, i hope you like it!" she said with a bow before hastily running off with an alarmingly red face. "..?" y/n cocked her head to the side as she waved the girl goodbye "thank you..?" she muttered 
she opened the bento slightly and gasped in awe at the food 
"no! don't be swayed by the food, y/n-chan!" oikawa silently screamed to himself "its a trick!" 
y/n then closed it and continued to walk away.
"yes! she wasn't swayed by the food. that was close" oikawa let out a sigh if relief as he placed his hand over his pounding chest. "maybe i should cook her food from now on" he muttered as he took a mental note for future use. 
"now--" before he could move another inch, he was suddenly crowded by girls that came out of nowhere. literally. 
"oikawa-senpai!" "oikawa-senpai, we made you a bento!" "oikawa-san i made you cookies, see?" "oikawa-san let's hang out!" 
"ah, hey there girls~" he cooed at them. as much as he wanted to leave them, he couldn't just ignore his fan girls. as annoying as they were, they were still his supporters after all. 
"oikawa-san, are you practicing later? can we watch?" "we'll bring you snacks during practice!" "i'll cheer for you, oikawa-senpai!" 
it had been roughly five minutes since the girls arrived. and it had also been five minutes since he's lost sight of y/n. oikawa was starting to get antsy. his sole purpose was to shoo her admirers away and yet he was being bombarded by his own. 
suddenly, the blue hue which he seemed to grow so fond of caught his eye. he turned to look at her, walking so casually while she frowns down at a piece of paper in her hands 
"y/n! -" sadly his voice was drowned out by the shouts and squeals of the girls, although the noise still got her attention 
y/n looked up to see the brunette waving at her with a girl latched onto his other arm. and being the clueless one that she is, she simply waved back with a smile before walking away 
"that might be the girl he liked.." she muttered with a hum. "he mentioned it at the park that night.." 
"ack! she wasn't jealous at all!" oikawa spluttered with a gasp 
"oikawa-san what are you talking about?" "do you like someone?" "what?! oikawa-senpai, you like someone?!" 
oikawa waved them off and hastily ran after the blue haired girl. "y/n-chan!" oikawa exclaimed as he slammed their classroom door open 
y/n, along with the rest of the class looked over to him in confusion. ".. yes?" y/n replied "ah sorry" he sent the class a peace sign before rushing over to her side 
"i was gonna ask --did  anything interesting happen just now?" he mused with a huff "did ya maybe get something from someone..?" 
oikawa, bless his heart, was trying to be as discreet as he possibly could. though it's not like he has to try since she was probably as dumb as a rock when it comes to shit like this. 
"oh.. i got a letter and a gift" she said as she shuffled through her bag for the said things 
oikawa dramatically cried in his mind as he looked away from her. "she has no shame! so she really doesn't care about my feelings!" he muttered to himself in distress 
"its this." she said 
oikawa reluctantly faced her with a furrowed brows and quivering lips, ready to throw the love letter and bento away. that is, until he actually saw what the 'letter' and 'gift' was. 
"uh what is this?" oikawa sweat dropped as he pointed to the pair of school shoes and a note from the dean. 
y/n sulked as she reluctantly started removing her converse. "i got in trouble today" she said "apparently, im not allowed to wear these" she said as she stuffed her shoes in her bag and slipped the school shoes on 
"well yeah, everyone knows that" iwaizumi sweat dropped. "then how am i gonna skate?" she faced them with exaggeratedly teary eyes as she uncomfortably moved her feet about 
"guess you're gonna have to make do with that" iwaizumi comforted her 
"is that all you got?" oikawa asked again 
"oh. i actually got a love letter and a bento. but that's about it" she casually replied 
oikawa gave her a painfilled smile and a thumbs up. "ah. i see." he grimly replied. "well.. aren't ya gonna give them a response?" oikawa asked followed by a strained laugh 
"i can't.." she mumbled with slight embarrassment 
"why not?" iwaizumi asked 
"i can't read it.." she admitted, her face gradually getting hotter and hotter from shame 
"i can't read it!" she covered her face with her hands "japanese is still hard for me! i can only understand certain parts!" 
"and i also ate the bento because i was tempted!" she confessed 
oikawa and iwaizumi sweat dropped and nodded along. "i see.." oikawa laughed 
"well it's no problem" he said. "you can choose not to respond. you're not really obligated to, anyways." 
"really? that's great!" she perked up. "i didn't know what to do anyway" she chuckled "i could only understand parts of the letter cus i wrote it for reki!" she said 
"im glad im not stuck in that pinch anymore.." she sighed in relief "im not used to people liking me.." 
iwaizumi watched as oikawa's face visibly fell at the mention of the redhead's name. his already pained smile quickly turned into a frown. 
"y/n-chan! can you come here for a sec?" one student called for her "oh sure." y/n replied before quickly making her way to them 
oikawa pouted and trudged over to his seat, plopping himself down on the chair and resting his head on the desk with a huff 
"so, what'll you do now?" iwaizumi asked as he glanced at his friend "dunno" oikawa replied 
"hey iwa-chan. am i ugly?" he asked. "i was gonna say yes but that'll be too mean at the moment. so no, shittykawa. you're not." iwaizumi replied with a sigh as he put his comic away 
"is that reki guy hotter than me?" he asked again. "i dunno, dude" iwaizumi shrugged "i mean, probably." 
"do ya think i have a chance? i mean, i always get with girls so easily!" oikawa huffed. iwaizumi rolled his eyes and hit him on the head with his fist. "wanna know why you don't got a chance, shittykawa?" he said 
"ouch -- yeah sure, enlighten me, iwa-chan" oikawa replied with a wince 
"its cus she likes someone else, idiot." 
oikawa rolled his eyes and rested his chin on his hand, watching y/n converse with another student from across the room 
"just how amazing is this reki guy anyway?" 
"I HAVE 40, 000 YEN AND A SKATEBOARD!" reki exclaimed as he slammed the money and the board down before cherry "IS THIS ENOUGH TO VISIT Y/N, CHERRY?!" he asked with an excited smile 
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"for a plane ticket!" reki replied "do ya think if i sell this skateboard i'd get at least a thousand yen?" he asked 
cherry sweat dropped and pushed the things away. "what is this for?" he asked with furrowed brows 
cherry watched the boy fuss with a smile of amusement, chuckling lightly to himself as reki starts listing down the jobs he's done for the money. "a plane ticket costs roughly 15 thousand to 30 thousand yen. with your budget now, you won't be able to afford a trip back home" cherry explained 
"whaaa?" reki groaned out "then i have to work more? but thats so boring! i haven't skated in forever for this!" he whined 
cherry patted his back as the redhead sulked. "don't worry, we'll be going with you anyways" he said "you can borrow money from the gorilla" cherry suggested with a smile 
"why not from you?" reki raised a brow. "because i don't want to." cherry replied 
reki sweat dropped but nodded anyways. he gathered the money and the skateboard before running on his way over to joe's restaurant. 
"JOE HELP!!" reki exclaimed as he slammed the restaurant doors open. "yo, what the hell?!" joe yelled back as he watched reki rush over to him and cling on his arm with a cutesy pout 
"hey hey, joe~" reki cooed "can i borrow money from you? i can right? right? great!" he exclaimed "i'll need 20 000 yen atleast!" reki said with a grin as he held his hands out expectantly 
joe spluttered as he stared down at the redhead. "hey, who said i'll give you money?" he scowled 
"cherry did!" reki exclaimed 
"kaoru.." joe muttered through gritted teeth. "that damn brat." he sighed. "whatever. i'll give ya money." he said. "it's to see y/n right? we've been planning on visiting soon anyway" 
"really?! great! can i have it now-" reki was cut off by joe's laughter. "no, no" joe cooed
"you're gonna have to work for it" he smirked as he pulled out an apron and a menu and shoved it into the redhead's arms. reki's expression morphed into one of dread as he held the apron against his body ".. am i supposed to be a waiter?" he groaned out 
"you're a smart one, aren't ya?" joe said in a teasing tone 
"but why do i have to work?" reki whined. "oh, cmon! it's for y/n, don't ya care about her?" joe taunted him 
reki sent him a glare and reluctantly put the apron on. "for y/n.. sure" he muttered with a blush of embarrassment as joe started ruffling his hair like a child
"hey, joe.." reki trailed off "if i have to work.. the shouldn't he be working too?!" he shrieked out as he pointed to miya who was quietly sitting by a booth. "hah?!" miya exclaimed "i actually have money, unlike you, you slime!" he yelled 
"how?! you're thirteen!" reki shrieked out 
"and you're seventeen but poor! shut up and take my order, slime!" miya hissed back at him 
"i hate you!" reki hissed back "im not letting you near y/n after this, just so you know" he said. miya simply rolled his eyes and huffed. "shut up, slime. i want a drink." he said 
"you shut up" reki muttered back in annoyance, but quickly wrote the order down anyways 
"haha, keep this up and you'll see y/n in no time!" joe cheered as he patted reki's back. "why can't you just give me money, dude?" reki groaned 
joe laughed and sent him a cheeky wink "gotta milk the opportunity, you know?" he mused 
"so you're just using me!!" 
ppl r asking for them to see y/n skate,, dw that's coming soon haha,, and reki and the others are also appearing soon :) 
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sorry for the spelling / grammar mistakes if there are any :<
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mego42 · 4 years
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Shamelessly stealing @foxmagpie​’s monthly rec thing without the ability to get my life together to do these on a monthly basis so, seasonal recs! So excited to see if I manage to do this again with anything remotely resembling consistency but i’ve been keeping the notes for approximately 43 years (or since ~september, whatever that means) so by god i’m gonna use them. 
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found my thrill - s_t_c_s / @sothischickshe​
Turner POV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
guys turner is SO OBSESSED with Beth and Rio
both canonically and in this fic
it’s gr9
also features a weirdly soothing and relatable cord untangling moment as a metaphor
truly disturbingly relatable turner pov tbh
relentless boomer disdain, always a plus
led to the creation of this monstrosity, not sure what kind of a monster would do that
War In My Mind - mintletters16
post-213, gorgeous character study 
guaranteed to make you feEl stUfF
I really love the like, cyclical, fractured pattern of Beth’s internal monologue, it gives the whole thing a really affecting at times dreamy, at times haunted vibe
the end twist is *chef’s kiss*
mourning bells - Ejunkiet / @ejunkiet​
Later s2 era, Rio’s at a funeral, gets drunk and calls Beth
V short, kind of…..mmm, not sweet, but almost? Idk
It’s got a wistful sort of almost/i can be quiet with you vibe that i go extremely bonkers for
delinquents - foxmagpie / @foxmagpie​
Lol are any of you actually not reading this yet?
g o d ch 8 where do i start
First off how ABSOLUTELY VERY DARE for the tragic angst that is delinquents!beth boland. This poor baby, this precious bean. MUST PROTEC
zero percent deserves dean’s clammy hands, no i have not forgotten, tattooed on my brain, will never forgive
I also love love love love LOVE the ruby/stan subplot happening
(and ruby’s mom!!!!!) (seriously though you write the best moms)
oh god and baby beth starting to have confusing feelings about rio?????? *chef’s kiss*
p sure i was just like, straight screaming the entire end of the chapter
the dugout is like, pure serotonin
I can’t even talk about the closet
tHe teNsiOn
thank you i will take eleventy billion
don't give it a hand, offer it a soul - medievalraven / @medievalraven
am a desperate heaux for any fic that features rio and mick friendship
you are all incredibly shocked i know
still would not be mad if this swerved into rio x mick fake dating but beth x rio is cool too i guess
Speaking of things i am a desperate heaux for: DIANE!!!!!!!!
and DATING ANNIE???????????? Blessed
honestly this fic is worth it purely for the assertion that mick watches queer eye
Why don't we go to Venus? - watermelonriddles / @bensonstablers​
another grief study! 
apparently i was working through some stuff in september, idk, that was like 4 years ago
considering it’s the premise of the fic, i don’t think it’s a spoiler to say this fic is canon divergent and working with the premise that rio killed beth in 302
he is uh, not coping well
extremely haunted you might say
lots of marcus and rhea which is a delight!
rhea is to good for him tbh
i said what i said
truly top notch dream (nightmare?) sequences
the conversation at the end is extremely uncalled for
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drop the game - Ejunkiet / @ejunkiet​
Am going to die mad Beth and Rio didn’t hook up in 211 but luckily this fic scratched the itch 
(temporarily, it’s a fairly permanent itch)
Bonus rec: missing scene series i wanna do bad things to you featuring 2x02 and 2x04
Viva Voce - zetuslapetus / @querenaxx​
Whoops we woke up married Vegas shenanigans!! 
So cute!!!!! So sexy!!!!! 
What more do you want?
am desperately obsessed with how beth can’t help stalking rio
feels right, feels organic
this makes me feel a lot of stuff about how they could be without their canon garbage between them
🎶 we could’ve had it aaaaaaaaaaall 🎶
you showed me colors (i can't see them with anyone else) - gild_fire / @gild-and-fire​
really into the use of color to illustrate beth’s emotional state, i feel like there’s a word for that but idk what it is
really nice job capturing beth’s inner vulnerability balanced by her outer stubbornness
am DESPERATELY into Mick playing matchmaker
more please???????
Both Sides of the Law - JoeyLee / @joeyjoeylee​
LAW SCHOOL AU! I suuuuuuper love Beth and Rio here (alt pov!! a gift!!!!) I love how initially prickly they are, I love how it’s evolving into a grudging respect, I love how INCREDIBLY AND HILARIOUSLY OBSESSED WITH EACH OTHER THEY ARE and neither one of them seems to see it
listen I know we’re all already foaming at the mouth over this one but as it’s gonna go down as one of my all time favorites it bears repeating/rereccing
cannot stress enough how masterful the use of POV is here, both voices feel completely true and distinct and I love how the alternating chapters revisit, reveal and emphasize pieces of each other
i can’t talk about this fic without hyperventilating
the slow burn is going to ACTUALLY KILL ME
rip, no regrats
Earned It - wakeupflawless / @wakeupflawless​
that’s it that’s the pitch
living for beth’s exit in the first chapter, rio and i are both incredibly into it
second chapter also features violently possessive Rio who cannot deal with anyone messing with his girl so if that’s your thing boy howdy get on it
shake, baby, shake - openhearts
according to my bookmarks this was a reread but ???????
must’ve read it in the fugue state that followed reading for a moment we were strangers which is gr9 and I believe I have recced it before. If not, horrible oversight, reccing it now
beth and Rio POV lead up to the bathroom break, beautifully done, low-key feel bad reccing it bc the end point of both chapters makes me want to throw things but it’s super worth it for the tEnsiOn. ENJOY
What the Sea Wants, the Sea Will Have - flashindie / @pynkhues​
I’m assuming all of y’all are already reading this
P I R A T E  A U
I’m sorry maybe you didn’t hear me piRaTE aU
meticulously researched, brain-meltingly vibrant, already painfully sexy slow-burning PIRATE AU
god where to start okay so first off, the world-building here straight up breaks my brain, sophie’s put in the work and it SHOWS
second, the atmosphere. i’m generally a pretty like, vague mental picture sort of reader but the sensory detail here grabs you by the throat and like, forcibly hauls you in whether your brain’s wired that way or no
and hey speaking of throats if you, like me, go a little funny about the knees at the idea of beth holding a knife to rio’s throat (he’s fine, calm down), there’s a v excellent beth-in-a-barrel moment for you
oh christ and the sexy tension
it’s gonna be a race to see which slow burn takes me out first, this or law school
Stunner - foxmagpie / @foxmagpie​
Another high school AU, this time with baby Rio absolutely head over heels for his older sister’s bff
stunner!Rio has an emotional earnestness about him that I feel like delinquents!Rio has already outgrown and it’s so SWEET I can’t get enough
Desperately cute!!!!!!
alL he waNts iS foR beTh tO bE hiS girL
also unreasonably angsty???????
A Heart's A Heavy Burden - tooshyforthis / @bathroombreaks​
Howl’s Moving Castle AU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love Howl’s!!!!!!!!!!!
perfect opp to roast Rio for being a Dramatique Heaux 
and it’s gonna be 9 chapters?????? H Y P E
author’s note boldly presumes I did not know I needed this AU when the reality is I did in fact know I needed this AU, I just wasn’t expecting anyone to deliver
so blessed
author also claims to not be team nose stud and yet it features prominently in all its magnificent glory
what is the truth dot gif
A Bit of a Stretch - septiembre / @septiembur​
SO????? CUTE?????????
would be on this list for Rio calling Beth E alone tbh
really really really really really love this Rio POV of being settled into a relationship with Beth
It manages to be sweetly domestic af while still holding the edge that makes brio brio which is a neat trick
@septiembur may be a witch
beth’s approach to getting rio to do yoga with her is hilarious and exactly right, canon-typical amounts of subtlety 
Post Break-Up Sex - femalegothic / @bethsuglywigs​
stg this was called Hit Shuffle
no matter
h O T
with a side of damn i’ve made some questionable choices in my life haven’t i introspection
(no regrats tho)
(esp not with this fic)
not the point of the fic by a long shot but i’m also extremely obsessed with Weed Eddie, so real
She drains my soul... she drains it not - niham87 / @niham87​
am a complete sucker for paranormal world building that satirizes bureaucracy 
Is that a trope? If so that’s my favorite
I did it. I’m picking a single favorite. You know what that is growth dot gif
ANYWAY i love the concept, i love the humor, i love beth instantly clicking with annie
I love her and mick’s sort of grudging professional courtesy
Love beth as a champion of environmental responsibility and all of the underworld being like …...okay??
cannot wait to see where this goes
Nine-Tenths - riosnecktattoo / @riosnecktattoo​
sometimes i think about rio putting beth’s hair in a ponytail and have to go lie down
science please explain why this rUinS mE
wait hold on i skipped ahead
opens with rio sleepily holding beth’s hand to his heart so that’s the kind of thing you’ll be dealing with
uGH theY’RE sO CUTe
idk why precisely but rio adding hair ties to his bracelet collection is my undoing every time
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Missed Call - foxmagpie / @foxmagpie​
Rio doesn’t come home from a job when he’s supposed to. Beth (and I!!!!!!!) slowly loses her mind
Truly a masterpiece of rising tension
Will literally never forgive her for calling this light angst
The first person to point out there was an author’s note at the beginning I obvs didn’t read is getting blocked
crush - foxmagpie / @foxmagpie​
Listen even though this is centered around two OCs, they are OCs FROM a (n iconic) brio fic AND Beth, Ruby and Rio all make cameos (I mean, Rio’s pretty present since he lives in Mar’s mind rent free bc they are THE SWEETEST MOST ADORABLE BEST OF FRIENDS so idk if i’d call it a cameo but whatever)
and even if it didn’t feature any official GG characters I’d still rec is bc that’s mY SON AND this fic is TOO CUTE
I have so many feelings over mar and rio growing up and not knowing how to cope with girls becoming a Thing in their life and how it affects their friendship and mar feeling left behind but (SPOILERS) at the end of the story rio starts feeling that too and it’s so poignant knowing how that’s going to continue in delinquents
while mar may be my son, i also claim elena’s #1 stan status
before you’re like meg you’re only reccing it bc it’s a bday present ask yourselves do i really strike you as the kind of person that wouldn’t be equally obnoxious about this either way?
truly cannot fathom how hard i have fallen for these OCs i don’t normally do that
@foxmagpie is definitely a witch
The Ottoman - Niham87 / @niham87​
look i will be the first to admit that i don’t go near as bonkers over the ottoman line in 308 as y’all do
(don’t get me wrong, i love it!!! I love that he laughs and i love that she’s pleased it just doesn’t hit my lose my whole mind button like idk, the dubby or the 306 convo, idk why)
BUT i v v v much love the context this delightful Rio POV pwp gives it
am also absolutely feral for 209 missing scene fic
and anything that captures the complexity of Rio’s s3 feelings for Beth and how twisted they’ve become
so this scratches a bunch of itches, is what i’m trying to say
Bet On It - zetuslapetus / @querenaxx​
That’s what my brain does when I think about Beth and Rio meeting in ch 1
am DESPERATELY OBSESSED WITH the tension between the two of them in this fic
I love how it plays with the ways they have to rely on but don’t trust each other
plus FAKE DATING and BED SHARING (fair warning hasn’t happened yet but the set up is there)
originally supposed to be 2 chapters, already up to 4, prayer circle it goes on forever
do you like drugs (tonight) - s_t_c_s / @sothischickshe​
v important focus on hydration, other fic should take note
extremely about the use of cut to and then flashback to enhance the ‘we were on drugs’ vibe
speaking of, beth and rio absolutely would take ecstasy to prove they are fun bc they are the exact kind of idiots that would peer pressure themselves
so glad beth kept her purse, got a bit stressed there for a second, clutches in that kind of circumstance are A Risk
not that i would know
really love the ongoing denial that they are remotely into each other while proceeding to demonstrate how they are in fact, extremely into each other, great vibe
rio dances
I know my brain broke too
mmmm bacon
Navigate A Broken Path - flashindie / @pynkhues​
I have a long standing tradition of getting unreasonably obsessed with side characters so i’m not like, entirely surprised by how obsessed i am with both Mick and Mary Pat but i never in a million years considered them as a ship
they fit????? so perfectly?????? It’s amazing how she developes them individually enough that i look at them together and think ah yes this makes perfect sense for both characters
and they’re such an amazing foil to Beth and Rio? 
can ships have foils? do i know what a foil is? 
hell i don’t understand
how absolutely very dare you make me care about YET ANOTHER set of gg ‘verse children
do not read this fic if you have no interest in feelings you zero percent asked for
wHA t hAPPeNED iN aLASkA?????????
A Moment’s Silence - femalegothic / @bethsuglywigs​
*makes sign of the cross*
y’all are gonna make me rediscover religion
extremely appreciate the author’s note approach to backstory top notch prioritization
listen it’s basically 3k of beth deep throating rio idk what more you need me to say about it
it is…..good stuff
bless the kinkmeme or fest whatever we’re calling it
praise - civillove / @blainesebastian​
I mean you had me at “three times rio calls beth a good girl and one time he really means it”
ephemeral rio
I left that note for myself in here in the middle of the night and haven’t the foggiest what i was thinking but i stand by it none the less
okay okay i think i know what i meant, this fic (as do all of my fav civillove brio fics) has this sort of like, liminal, in the quiet moments feel to them that makes the moments and feelings somehow feel like i’m catching a glimpse of something secret and precious???
idk i just really like it okay
Heart and Soul - riosnecktattoo / @riosnecktattoo​
oh look more unbearably sweet domestic tenderness, this time to music
thank you ma’am for my life
rio remembers beth used to play piano and gets her one and revoltingly cute shenanigans result
also hilarity
and sexiness
this fic has it all, truly
shout out to mick who sees no reason to keep rio’s feelings to himself
good girls tumblr fic - prettylittlementirosa / @hypermania​​
cheating and reccing a whole series
It’s my list and i can do what i wanna
stop crying about it, it’s four fics and they’re all AMAZING absolutely impossible to pick a fav
truly flawless characterization, next level ability to capture evocative mood, cannot get enough
three’s a crowd: who knew ballroom dancing while dean watches and grinds his teeth could be so sexy 
(trick question everything about that premise sounds A++++ and boy howdy does it live up)
feel it on the way home: rio tries to break up with beth, it goes about as well as you’d expect
(thE angSty tenSioN)
i want to play the game: [from the floor] i’m still not ready to talk about it
(rio/turner, missing scene, 10000000% a taste of what went down in that hotel room)
june after dark: pitch perfect annie pov, really really love the take that Annie is the baby whisperer, can’t fully explain why but it feels incredibly right
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adirays · 3 years
star trek discovery 3x12 liveblog
previously on star trek discovery... HERE WE GO HERE WE GO
- oh these guys again why are we doing a sudden throwback to episode 2
- osyraa is actually. really hot. im sorry this is literally all i'm gonna be talking about for the whole episode
- "piece of code that's proving hard to delete" HOLY FUCK THAT'S THE SPHERE ISN'T IT
- i want the computer to sass the fuck out of them please
- okay but i love how disco really decided to de-gender the words "emperor" and "sir"
- to literally every single person on the show: discovery has had the prettiest ready room in the entire franchise ever since the beginning of s2. please leave it alone thank you
- hold on. this scene with book's ship is literally amazing. and you're telling me that the vfx guys did this all in quarantine?? bro they're amazing holy fuck
- wait. hold on. i already feel emotionally burnt out from this episode. AND YOU'RE TELLING ME IT'S ONLY BEEN FIVE FUCKING MINUTES?
- this is going to fail isn't it. i know it is but you can't keep a bitch from hoping
- HOLD ON THEY ACTUALLY DID IT? WHAT THE FUCK? the way they were hyping it up i thought they would have discovery jump away at the last moment
- hold on jonathan frakes directed this one? it better be nice then
- when philippa left we were suddenly deprived of women in leather outfits and now we have another. discovery truly understands the wlw
- "i would never let anything happen to you, you know that" this gives way too much love interest vibes and i'm paused right now and if i hit play and they kiss i am going to throw hands
- they did not kiss fucking thank god
- okay so the disabled rep would have been good if like. maybe they weren't a fucking antagonist
- i am officially bookburn trash now ash tyler im sorry
- admiral vance. you have my respect. thank you for not being dumb *coughs in literally ever single admiral in tng era*
- keyla and joann again!! they'll kick ur ass fucker
- seriously!! fucking got stabbed!! are you fucking kidding me
- oh thank god they didn't push on with that
- i'm sorry but this looks like some showdown between the two popular kids at school
- apparently morse code is no longer a thing in the 32nd century
- "nobody seems to like it when a red light goes off so we gave it a face" this is so funny to me for some reason and how do you think the actor managed to keep a poker face for this
- this is quite the weirdest hijacking that i've seen in star trek and generally
- how the fuck did this conversation go from andorian opera to children to space pig dna
- excuse me how has vance never eaten a real apple
- they put WHAT in the replicators
- "it's pretty good for shit" this show is unreal
- i'm starting to think that osyraa is secretly controlling the lie detector holo
- "decided to go for a space walk without their ev suits" why am i laughing what the fuck
- i want to see osyraa yeet this guy out of an airlock. please.
- i can already see this guy betraying osyraa smh discovery you're getting predictable
- this show needs to stop killing people
- *sighs* and another one bites the dust. this show really really needs to stop killing people
anyways uh, this episode was such a ride
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bitch-i-migth-be · 4 years
Crash Course | Chapter 05: Priorities
Fandoms: Danny Phantom, Batman,  
Relationships: Danny Fenton & Jazz Fenton,  Danny Fenton & Jazz Fenton & Vlad Masters, Ember Mclain & Kitty, Danny Fenton & Cujo
Characters: Danny Fenton, Jazz Fenton,Cujo, Ember Mclain, Kitty, Lunch Lady, Younblood, Skulker, Johnny 13, Random ghosties mentions *boo*, Vlad Fucking Masters Everyone
Words: 6′582
Tags: BAMF Danny, Ghost zone shenanigans, Sibling bonding, Shenanigans, Swearing, Family dinners, Heteronormativity?? The fuck is that, Danny in Cosplay, Ghost King Danny, 
Summary: He swore his sister was trying to make him go into cardiac arrest - considering his halfa status that was quite the accomplishment-
But there was no other explanation to his sister’s stubbornness, and if he knew her at all there was just no talking her down from interning at goddam Arkham.
Some of you *coming here for the fights, angst and The Drama™ that a DP & DC crossover inevitably involves*: “Hey-”
Me *Trying to write fluffy shit to liberate and soothe my deranged soul from this mortal prison*: “S'up?”
This is so long compared to the other chapters. Whhy is this so loooong. UGH- It’s almost double the length of the first four chapters together? I thought it was less?  This would have been bigger if I hadn’t posted chapter 4 first? What is happening
THIS IS ON AO3, IF ANYONE WOULD PREFER TO READ THERE. LOVE COMmENTs  so if u have anything to say IwillBeReallyHappyYesThankU
CHAPTERS: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7
Phantom was currently drifting on the Ghost zone trying to hunt down his next unsuspecting victim among the ghosts.
‘Oh, how the turn tables.’ the halfa chuckled.
Jazz had kept her word and after pulling an all-nighter they had come up with some interesting options. 
Now he just needed to pull them off. 
The sound of growling at his back made him freeze on his tracks. He turned around to look at the source of the sound. 
“Oh,” Well, this certainly had not been on the plans. To stumble upon such a mighty beast this early on. He smiled. “Hi, Cujo!”
The happy barking that followed the greeting was rather endearing, normally whenever he crossed paths with the pup he would spare some time to play with him and teach him some tricks. After some months of the pup following him around and of the halfa trying to deny to anyone who would listen, especially Val, that the dog was not really his, Danny finally gave up and got him a new collar. 
The little guy was quite spoiled nowadays.
Sadly, right now he was on a timeline.
“Sorry, bud. No playtime today, I’m on a rather tight schedule.” Phantom cooed softly, reaching down to briefly scratch behind the pup’s ears. 
Cujo sat on his hind legs, paws in the air and tail wagging, effectively cutting off his path.
Not like he couldn’t try to fly around, mind you, but with a dog that could go gigamax on your ass, it was better to just talk your way out. 
Just when Danny was about to open his mouth the pup upgraded to excited wiggling on the non-existent floor of the zone.
The halfa sighed to himself. Fond smile growing without his explicit permission. 
“Cujo-” he tried, just to be interrupted again. “And there goes the whining, Oh. My. God.”
The boy covered his face with his hands, not daring to look until the sounds stopped completely. After a moment, he finally took a peek from between his fingers. 
Sad, puppy dog eyes were looking up at him, small little whine making a comeback.
Fucking shit.
He was going soft. 
“Match head.” 
The sound of the nickname momentarily dragged Ember’s full attention from the tuning of her guitar to the new arrival. 
“Baby Pop.” She took notice of the green puppy posing as a hat on the white-haired boy’s head and snorted, eyes going back to the guitar. “Blessed the eyes. You going Cruella on us now or what?” 
“Please,” The boy jested. “Like we need a remasterized skulker around here.”
“At least the woman did it for fashion.” She hummed. “You would make a horrid carpet, you are too fucking skinny.” 
“Excuse you, bitch.” Phantom shot back, irritation clear on his voice. Ember rejoiced on it. 
She faked a gasp,“ Are you saying you want Skulky to make you into a rug, baby pop? Scandalous!”
“T-that’s not-!” the halfa spluttered before Ember cut him off. 
“What do you want, cupcake? It’s not like you to venture so far into the Zone willingly unless you are looking for blood.” She questioned, carefully putting her guitar back in the case. 
The boy huffed.
“Whatever, Ashley,” he grumbled under his breath. “I think it’s time we revisited the terms of our agreement ” The boy sat by her side nonchalantly, not noticing — or outright ignoring — the sudden rise in temperature as the girl’s blue hair flared violently, a deep frown marring her face. 
Cujo did notice. But the little doggo was more distracted with the movement of the pretty light-emitting hair, and the fluffiness of the hair on his current method of transportation to register the imminent danger to his fur. 
“Revisit? You want to fucking revisit?” She growled. “I will tell you what you can fucking revisit-!”
The halfa just laughed at her reaction. Ember’s hair doubled in length. The laughter died off.
Her hand was getting dangerously close to her guitar.
Danny swallowed hard, deciding to just get on with it before Ember tried to use the instrument as a wanna-be war hammer again.
“It’s quite the contrary, my dear flaming hot,” he rushed to appease her “I want to expand on it,” he said, throwing in a sickeningly sweet smile for good measure.
He hoped it was enough to regain her attention in a more positive light. He didn’t want to explain to Jazz why his ghost form’s eyebrows were singed off. Again. He didn’t have time for more lectures. Thank you.
Luckily, If the hair-inferno reducing to a cheerfully blazing bonfire and the growing smirk taking over ember’s face was any indication he had succeeded. Cujo whined for the loss. Danny wanted to squeal for the win.
He did not. But it was a very close thing.
“Oh ho, now we are talking, baby pop.”
The window of opportunity to pull this off was very small. He had to take into account the amount of time that had passed since the last fight, the reason for the aforementioned fight, and how much of an emotional investment the objective really held for it to be a proper detonator. 
This operation required surgical precision, which meant a lot of preparation. And research.      
It was a good thing it happened so often. 
“I will be direct with you, sister,” Phantom spilled, sprawling himself on the free seat on Kitty’s right side. “your bitch boyfriend doesn’t know the jackpot he hit with you and that just ain’t gonna fly.”  
knowing where Kitty would end up after a fight with Johnny was not a problem. tracking down which bar she was going to be crashing for the aftermath was the real problem. 
Danny hadn’t even known there were bars in this place.
In the last months of his treaty with one Ember Mclain, he had learned plenty of- interesting facts about the Zone that he would prefer to forget. Not that he really had an option, Jazz had taught him early on that information on the enemy — and sometimes on friends —was a valuable asset to ensure victory. 
So he would play dumb about knowing these things. But he would not forget about them.
Couldn’t afford to forget them.
If the Ghost Writer pulled another surprise quiz on him and the answers were less than perfect the man would riot. 
The halfa stretched out a hand to take a menu and leaned his elbows against the bar-top. Cujo chose that moment to leave his position on the teen’s head to sit next to his forearm so he could peer at the menu too.   
He skipped the drinks section and went straight to the food. There was no way he was getting any alcohol. 
Don’t get him wrong. They would serve him whatever the fuck he wanted if he asked for it on the zone, but the teen had tasted it before and hated it with a passion. Fuck the peer pressure. Never again. Good for when you are sad? Bitch, just get ice cream. Maybe he should have asked Ember for Kitty’s favorite flavor and save himself the hassle. Oh well.
Too late now.
Danny chose his order but decided to risk a look at the drinks for non-alcoholic options while he waited for Cujo to paw at whatever he wanted.
Kitty, who had been spluttering and getting progressively redder since he made his entrance, was about to smack him upside the head because even if it was true the brat shouldn’t just go saying it like it was any of his goddamn business. They were in the middle of a crowded bar, these people didn’t need any more confirmation for her relationship problems. Couldn’t she keep some dignity?  
Before her hand could connect though, a pair of arms surrounded her, bringing her firmly into a backward hug against a warm chest. 
A very familiar warm chest. 
Startled, she looked up to stare into fiery green eyes.
“Cool it kitten,” Ember purred, clad in a leather jacket that was, most likely, scammed off some unfortunate soul. Still. She looked damn good. Kitty got so tongue-tied she couldn’t manage to even begin to stutter a response, let alone a protest. Danny took advantage of Ember’s intervention to finally place his first order. “Babycakes is right.” Ember continued, effectively cutting off all the air from kitty’s sails once and for all, because really, Ember was her best friend and if there was anyone who knew exactly how many times Johnny and Kitty had fought it was the blue-haired girl.
Kitty let out a defeated sigh and wiggled a little on the embrace to settle into it properly. Might as well get the best out of this- 
“Oh, they have frappes!” Phantom trilled in awe. Kitty twitched. 
If only Phantom would go away. Ugh. She couldn’t deal with males right now.
“Can’t you leave that thing alone?” Hissed Ember, who had seen the teen open the conversation with her kitty kat just to completely ignore her right after in favor of the menu. The bitch boy needed to focus, they were supposed to be on a mission here. 
“Hey! You were the one calling me skinny earlier!” Remarked the teen, only to get a raised eyebrow back from the rockstar.
“As if a single frappe is going to fix that. Give me that!” She sneered at him and snatched the laminated paper from his hands. Phantom tried to snatch it back and failed. So he resorted to pouting and tried to give her the sad puppy dog eyes. 
It wasn’t going to work with the matchstick, he knew, but it was good practice.
To pull this shit with Ember you had to be either Kitty, Youngblood, or an honest-to-god puppy. He was not risking ticking off Kitty more than he already had. Youngblood was not here — for obvious reasons—. Cujo was here and didn’t hate him, but sadly the dog wouldn’t be any help right now. 
The pup was already accepting belly rubs from the waiters and completely ignoring the world around him. 
Again: Priorities.      
So really, Danny was just doing this for the sake of being extra. 
While Ember and Danny continued with their dramatic standoff, the other girl blinked rapidly and turned her head towards Phantom.
“Oh” Kitty’s bad mood banished almost magically in favor of curiously peering at the teen’s figure. Danny fidgeted on his seat apprehensively.“I hadn’t noticed. You are really lean.” Ember snickered. Cujo — coming back from the belly rub induced coma — barked. Phantom sighed and just accepted defeat. 
“I suppose that’s somewhat better-” He grumbled under his breath.
Kitty allowed a tiny smile to escape from her lips but shook herself slightly to get back on track. “What are you two even doing here anyway?” She asked, alternating glances between them. 
“Pretty sure you already know,” Ember answered, rubbing her cheek against kitty’s green hair and sending A Look at Phantom. “Because someone is not subtle. at. all.” She ended with a hiss and a flare of her hair. Kitty winced lightly at the confirmation. Phantom rolled his eyes.
“Oh, Cry me a table, matchstick.”
Kitty knew alright. Ember made it her personal business to get involved in whatever petty fight Kitty got into, more so if it was about Johnny.  Phantom getting involved in the aftermath — and not the fight itself — was new though.“It was just another stupid fight. And- You know, his obsession-”
“Nope. That’s no excuse, Kath.” Ember cut her off. “If you can work around yours for him, then so can he.”
“You can do better.” The teenage boy agreed while Ember continued squeezing her. 
“What do you suggest then?”
Phantom and Ember exchanged a look, mirth flashing in their glowing green eyes and matching smirks growing bold, they turned to look back at Kitty. The green-haired girl gulped down her growing unease. In her experience, these two banding together was never a good thing for anyone.  
“We are here to talk to you about the Remember Initiative.”
“Such a skinny boy!”
“Hey! I’m just lean-!” Phantom let out a yelp as he ducked under yet another juice box “What’s with you people and your obsession with my weight-! Ugh! If you would just listen-! Wait. Is that apple grape?” He said the last part in a hushed rush, looking in silent awe at one of the little juice boxes she was about to throw his way.
The Lunch Lady preened.
“Boxy got them for me! 100% Juice Fruit guaranteed!” She was radiating smugness about these facts.
“Oh my gosh- Wait! NO. That’s not what I came here for!” Danny managed to shake himself out of his stupor just in time to keep evading the Lady’s attempts to shove a spoon full of food down his throat while he was distracted with the juice.  
The last time she had gotten a hold of him he had ended up feeling like one of his mom’s thanksgiving turkeys. Danny gulped. Best to just go for it and hope for the best. 
“Did you know that there are 37.2 million people living in food-insecure households?!”
The screamed question froze the lunch lady on her tracks. At the look of horror his words achieved, he decided to keep going.   
“1 in 6 American children don’t even know where their next meal is coming from.”
The lunch lady let out a horrified gasp, “Those poor children-!”
And with that, the woman exchanged her attempts at stuffing him for furious-but-mournful whisperings. She looked really constipated about this new information. Danny almost felt sad. Almost. 
“There is a way to help, you know?”
The lunch lady’s head snapped back towards the half-ghost, eyes narrowed in a glare. Not the usual I’m-going-to-choke-your-skinny-ass-in-food glare, but an I’m-paying-attention-to-your-skinny-ass glare. 
Danny refrained from openly cheering after sensing his upcoming victory. Better not chance it.  
“Have you ever heard about old San Nicolas?”
“You know,” Danny murmured, slurping noisily from one of his juice boxes as he watched from a safe distance how Johnny and Skulker got wrecked by a pair of cute-murderous-girls, “I wasn’t expecting that to work so well.”
His only response was a pair of little barks from the green puppy that was happily squirming on his lap.
The boy paused on his watch to look down at Cujo. Danny extended one of his hands towards the puppy to carefully try to swat at him. The cub rolled onto his back and trapped Danny’s upcoming fingers between his paws with a playful growl, giving little nibbles to the appendage.   
He couldn’t help the giddy giggles that escaped him. 
Those little paws were precious.
At the sound of high pitched screams Danny’s head snapped back up to continue watching the ongoing smackdown, surrendering complete possession of his hand to Cujo to do as he pleased. 
If the Initiative didn’t work out, both girls would do awesome on the wrestling circuit. Not like Ember lacked in the costume department.
Speaking of costumes, he wondered if the match stick would let him borrow her feathered hat. That thing was awesome. 
Better just ask. 
Once she was done throwing down with skulker, of course.  
He was not about to become cannon fodder. 
“Ahoy! me fellow comrades!! Your future Cap'n ’s talking!! I’m here on a recruiting mission to embark on the most perilous dangers of the Realms!! May ye, dear comrades, embark under your own risk! Arrrgh!! ”
Thanks to Youngblood’s presence the main residential area of Phantom’s keep was starting to become complete disarray. The adult ghosts were frantic for the possible kidnapping of the tiniest ghosts that was most likely going to happen. The children amongst them were cheering for the possible playtime in their future.   
The guards were starting to panic. No one had seen the kid enter, much less bring along that enormous ship of his. The little brat was not supposed to be here!
“Who the freaking hell let Young Blood get in?!” One of the guards hollered.
“It’s fine, I invited him.” Came the cheerful reply from behind the guard. “I’m expanding the lair so the kids have more space to mess around. Just don’t tell them.”
The ghost was startled at the voice but didn’t panic anymore. Instead, they started to relax. They knew that voice, but they needed to confirm-
Phantom, in full cosplay and sporting the biggest feathered pirate hat on this side of the realms, landed lightly beside the startled ghost with a little chuckle, “Just play along, man.”
“Also, pretty sure there should be a ‘Lord’ in there somewhere.”
“I-I thought you preferred to not be called that, my lord?”
Phantom winced.
“Ah- No. It’s- You know what? Never mind, I keep forgetting you guys don’t really get updates of pop culture on this side of the coin” Phantom frowned. “I really should see about getting some wifi for this place”
He continued to murmur about the updates he would need to do to the tech to make that possible. But the guard was not paying attention to his words anymore. 
They were staring speechless at the whole pirate get-up the halfa had managed to assemble. It had been mostly borrowed last minute — not that the guard knew that—. It looked really good. Especially the gold hoop earrings that kept swaying slightly alongside the fluffy white hair with every motion of Phantom’s head. 
The guard let out a dreamy sigh. 
Their Lord was so cute. 
“How is everything going?”
“Wha-?” Getting suddenly pulled out of their daydreaming 
“The preparations?” Danny hummed distractedly, diligently searching for his journal and pen among the numerous layers of clothing he had donned for the occasion. Why the fuck did this thing have so many pockets? 
“Oh,” Came the ghost’s soft exclamation, suddenly remembering the requests the owner of the keep had left the last time he had come around. Finally emerging victorious from his search, Phantom turned to look at them, raising an eyebrow at the lack of proper explanation “Oh, yes! Everything is going smoothly, and we received the last confirmations this morning, sir.”
Danny smiled at the answer, completely unaware of the effect his playful smile had on the guard and the other ghosts that had started to converge there upon seeing their ‘landlord’. “Awesome.”
That was the last one. 
Well, almost the last one.
He must admit that the shell shocked expressions on Sam and Tucker were funny the first few minutes. 
But after having to repeat himself over and over again it had gotten increasingly less funny.
“Y-you are leaving?” Tucker stuttered.
Danny sighed, “Yes, we are leaving. As in, Jazz and me.”
After gaping at him for another few seconds, Sam finally gathered herself enough to start talking again.
“what about the ghost?”
“I- um- already took care of that,“ Danny mumbled, nervously avoiding eye contact while playing with his milkshake straw. “I also cashed in some debts and asked some favors from my allies, so most will be taken care of until we come back. Either way, I will leave enough Fenton Tech for the both of you and Val. Just in case.”
“Enough tech?” Sam repeated incredulously. “That’s it? Just leave some tech and jump boat just like that?” Danny frowned but refrained from answering her until he thought it through. Sam wouldn’t accept less. 
Jump boat? That was not really the case. Jazz and he had really put some thought into this, heck even before the Internship on Loony Capital had come up — specifically, since Jazz’s breakthrough — the siblings had already been toying with ways to get some of the most persistent ghosts to back the fuck off, distract them with better and useful targets or entice them into submission. 
At first, it had been a tentative thing, something fragile that they didn’t let themselves hope for. But with Jazz’s change of course of action, it had become something more urgent. 
They had to pull it off. There were no other options.   
Danny pursed his lips, then took a deep breath to strengthen himself for what was coming. “That’s not it-”
“You are just going to dump us.” She announced like it was final in a harsh whisper. 
At least she was keeping her tone quiet.  
“No one is getting dumped, Sam,” Danny tried to reassure her in the same tone of finality, sans the harshness. “I told you. We already thought this through. I already put some plans in motion and rigged some backups and- ok. Meaby they are not good enough to be permanent but-”
“You are going to put everyone at risk just because Jazz somehow got the ridiculous idea that ‘talking it out’ is the answer” She scoffed.  
“Maybe it is. Maybe not. We won’t know until we try.”
“They are ghosts-”
“So am I.” Danny Interjected. Sam seemed to choke on her next words. 
“You are not a ghost Danny.” She had, somehow, gained a tone even more quiet and harsh than her previous one. 
“Aren’t I?” He was looking directly into her amethyst eyes. Daring her to fight him on this.
He already knew she wouldn’t. 
She had opened her mouth to rebut but closed it immediately after. She took a long breath; most likely to prepare for her next rant than to calm herself. Weighing her options. She didn’t seem willing to have that particular conversation. Not yet. Danny had counted on that. “It’s still a goddamn risk.” She finally countered, a slight sliver of defeat coloring her words.
Maybe he had been a little harsh, but he needed her to understand. “There is risk in every choice I could make. This is not different-”
“What about us?”
Ok, so she was just getting her second wind. Fucking amazing. “Sam, please-”
“We are your friends!”
“And she is my sister!” He finally snapped. 
She startled. Gazing at him speechless for a moment before standing up and storming out of her seat without a backward glance, making the people on her way part like the red sea. Leaving in her wake a bunch of curious persons staring after her and throwing shameless glances to their table. 
So much for not causing a scene in the middle of the Nasty Burger.     
The boys ignored the stares. They were already accustomed to being the focus of attention. Almost never positive, mind you. But that was what cleansings were for. 
Tucker, who had been silent for most of the back and forth, finally spoke.  
“She just needs time to cool off.”  
The Fenton boy would be lying if he said he hadn’t seen this coming. Sam had always been very opinionated and believed herself to be right most of the time. In her defense, she usually was right and knew how to go about expressing it to her friends without resorting to this kind of standoff. This just appeared to have struck a nerve.
Living with her parents and having to fight for every single choice she wanted to make had left her on a constant defense mode that the boys had learned to navigate in their years of friendship. It hadn’t been easy for anyone. But neither Danny nor Tucker were perfect. They had their quirky shit to deal with. 
The three of them stuck together and hadn’t bothered to try and expand their friend group that much over the years. Not like they had many options. But that was ok.    
Until now. 
With Danny leaving them the relative feeling of a support system was trembling at its foundation. 
She was probably scared. So was Tucker if the wobbly but sincere smile he was giving him was any indication.
Danny had to admit that when he let himself think about it he got scared too. 
They had been in the same boat for a while and parting ways was not something they had accounted for, not for the near future, at least.  
In a weird way, they still would be in the same boat even after they were apart. Struggling to learn how to function without the other there.  Sam and Tuck would have each other, they were resilient, he was sure they could cope. He would have Jazz like he always had, enough said. And they would keep going like they always did.
Tucker was right. She would come around. But-
Danny slumped on his seat, running a hand through his hair releasing a big sigh.
“Yeah, I know” He murmured looking pensively in the direction their friend had stormed off. “Doesn’t mean I have to like it.”
“So, you are not mad?” Danny asked when he finally turned around towards Tucker.
“Nah, man. Just a little squeezy about dealing with this without you. But if your sister is really going to do this she is going to need you there.” Tucker shuddered a little bit. “I have never been there personally but if the social media and forums are not lying Gotham is a goddamn beast dude.”
The halfa hummed in agreement. Not like Amity Park didn’t have its own reputation on their corner of the internet, but still.
Danny took a sip from his milkshake before doing a mental check-list and frowning, “I’m starting to feel like I’m forgetting something” he whispered.  
“Oh god, please don’t say that.”
“It’s okay,” Danny had made his best at planning, so his friends wouldn’t have to deal with the ghost in his absence. But with things like this, you never knew for sure. Not until it slapped you right across the face.“Probably just the paranoia.” ‘I hope’ he finished mentally with a weak laugh.
“Dude,” Tucker started before taking hold of his friend’s hand and squeezing it. “If you need help with anything I’m your man. just say the word.”
Tucker may not understand the full extent of the situation, but he was trying, and that meant a lot to the Fenton. He squeezed back and shot his friend a small but grateful smile. 
“It’s ok. Thanks, Tuck-” He cut himself off, being interrupted by the sudden ding of one of Tucker’s devices. 
The afro American boy ignored the sound though, in favor of putting his full attention on his friend, an action that demonstrated how serious he was with his words, but Danny was already lost in thought, staring intently at the briefly, but brightly, illuminated screen.
“Actually-” The halfa suddenly chirped, turning his full attention back to the boy across the table. Tucker just blinked back, waiting. Danny leaned forward dragging the other boy towards him so he could continue with a whisper. “You could help me with a pair of things.”
The mischievous smile Tucker was witnessing had come out of nowhere and couldn’t presage anything good, but as it was not aimed at him — necessarily — he couldn’t help but join in. 
Several cities over, some of Gotham’s more infamous residents couldn’t find an explanation to the sudden shiver that ran up their spines.
When Danny made it back home he didn’t waste time tracking his sister down. She was down in the lab, typing away on the main computer and using one of her shoulders to keep her mobile pressed against her ear.
She was in the middle of a conversation and still managing to rewrite part of the ghost portal code like a pro.
His sister sure loved multitasking. 
At the sound of the door closing behind the younger Fenton, Jazz looked up from the screen to shoot a brief smile to her brother before carrying on with her conversation. 
“Yes. That’s perfect, I will be sending the three files then-”
The boy froze on his step and blinked a pair of times. She was already talking with one of the G. A. proctors? When he left this morning he had just dumped his proposals on Jazz for a second revision. He wasn’t expecting to have them sent already.
Hmm. Well, to be fair, he had rambled at Jazz about his projects relentlessly whenever he had a chance and didn’t feel like death warmed over. 
Which weren’t many times. But once he got into a ramble it was an Olympic endeavor to shut him up. He was a Fenton. It was in their blood. Jazz did it too, even if she tried to chalk it up to healthy-and-completely-natural excitement.
So. Jazz already knew the contents pretty well, it was just a question of pulling off the presentation, which was the thing that Jazz was supposed to check over. 
His sister had given him some tips, and even if his parents were not as invested in the writing process as in the practical, the fruit loop had more than enough experience doing it and didn’t give two flying fucks over whether or not Danny wanted his knowledge.
Danny knew monologing was an essential part of a villainous experience but he had spent way too much time listening to Vlad bitch about most of his employees to last him a lifetime.
Even little Madeline couldn’t stop the loneliness that had brought the madness. Danny had put so many hopes in the fluffy thing.
Letting out a resigned sigh the boy decided to just let it go and be grateful that his sister - who had more than five Universities fighting over her-  deemed it acceptable already. 
He liked writing his ideas down, but using formal language and fudging APA was fucking exhausting.
Good fucking riddance. He thought, shaking his head slightly and sending a light sneer in the computer’s direction. As if the files on it could feel his disdain from his position on the other side of the room. 
Danny spotted some of her sister’s nail polish bottles by her side on the table and made a beeline for them and took most of the little bottles before retreating to a chair on the other side of the desk. 
He had heard some of the cheerleaders saying that the nail polish helped to keep the nails from getting all fucked up quite as easily, and it had caught his attention.
Danny had looked down at his hands and winced. Normally he didn’t pay much attention to his nails, but ever since getting on a constant string of fights he was more aware of how easily the goddamn things could break on you if you didn’t trim them properly, and it hurt like a bitch every time. It always seemed to be the tiniest things that told you to ‘fuck off’ to your face like nothing else.  
Danny guessed that it was worth the try. And if anything, putting some color on them would help hide some of the blood — and ectoplasm — that got under his fingernails. 
So he tried it out.
By this point, he was not sure if it really helped or he was just fooling himself into thinking it did work. The only sure thing was that he didn’t feel comfortable going without it anymore.
Danny liked to borrow the clear nail protector from Jazz, but most of the polish he had in his possession had been previously Sam’s. All pastels and cheery colors that her mom kept insisting on buying her because they kept being used.
“Thank you, Miss Gordon!”
If she had bothered to pay more attention to her daughter’s friends for more than sneering at them she may have noticed Danny’s pastel pink nails. But she hadn’t. And that had just ensured Danny a constant supply of pastels to cover his bloodied nails with-
“So, how did it go?”
“Uh.” The boy startled at the sudden proximity of the voice. He looked up from his nails and to his sister, who was now seated beside him. 
“The execution.” Jazz prodded, smiling at him in anticipation. It looked downright creepy, considering the words she used.
“Seriously Jazz?” He snorted. “You make it sound like I went there to dispatch murder at random.”
“Don’t be ridiculous.” His sister scoffed, watching how her brother resumed painting his nails.  “They are already dead. You couldn’t kill them any more than they already are.”
“I could certainly try.”
“Let’s just say the all-nighter paid off, and leave it at that.”
“So you had fun.” She teased. Stealing back one of the bottles of polish to finish her own nails with a second coat.  
“For the most part, but-” He stopped, struggling to find words to describe the sheer mayhem that went down in the zone-  
Jazz just hummed and gave him a little nod, still focusing on her nails. Danny relaxed. He could tell her later. When he had cooled off some more from the attack-protect mode he got into whenever he visited the zone. Remembering it all right now would just set him off again.  
“So, what do you want for dinner?” The redhead asked suddenly.
Danny blinked a pair of times, perplexed, and stole a look at the clock.“It’s a little late to be asking that, don’t you think?”
“I suppose, but I decided to wait for you and then got sidetracked with the files.” She really needed to work on her awareness of time. “Didn’t even notice the hour.”
“I don’t even remember what we have in the cupboards.”
“Maybe we could-” She didn’t manage to suggest something before she got interrupted by their mother’s voice.
“Dinner is ready!”
“They made dinner?” Danny whispered to Jazz in dread. 
“So it seems,” she responded, sharing his dread.
“Why did they make dinner? They never make dinner!”
“I mean, they do for special occasions, like-” She shuddered. “Like thanksgiving.”
This was ridiculous. Jazz and he were normally the ones cooking. Their parents spent most of their time in the lab or trying to hunt down ghosts. Today was not a holiday. They hadn’t invented anything new worth the ‘celebration’. There wasn’t a reason for them to-
“Oh! and Vlad is here~!”
Danny slammed his face against the desk with a groan.
Jazz winced at the sound. 
“Time to face the music, little bro” She closed the polish bottles and patted him carefully on the back a few times before standing up and going to the kitchen. 
“I still feel like I’m forgetting something…” Danny grumbled under his breath before following his sister upstairs.
It was the last Friday of the month and this could perfectly be one of Jazz’s many attempts to make them a functional family unit. 
Except that the Fenton girl had let said efforts slip in favor of pursuing her little brother’s scholarship. 
Oh, And the fruitloop was here. 
Vlad had weaseled into the family’s — unplanned — plans because of course, he did.
“Everything looks absolutely lovely Madeline.”
Jazz would have believed his words. If she hadn’t seen the man poke at the food on the table with the wariness of a man on the death warrant whenever mom was not looking.
The siblings had spent way too many family dinners doing the same thing whenever they couldn’t quite manage to keep the older Fentons off the kitchen. And even when they did, they didn’t lower their guard. The chance of contamination was always a latent threat to the house. 
Jazz turned her head slightly to look at her brother. The boy was, very pointedly, not poking at his food and just watched it with all the scorn he could gather. He refused to do the same things as Vlad, which didn’t mean he was crazy enough to try and eat the food on his plate.
The dinner proceeded with making some catching up, abundant science talk, teasing, scathing remarks, sighing, and finally dissolved in a three-way match between the Fenton children and one Vlad Masters to see who could dispose of the food in the most sneaky way.  
She had always wondered how the man survived with her parents for as long as he did back in their college years. She knew now.  
“Oh! And Jazzrinces finally decided on a college! The G.S.A. is backing up her research on ghosts! Isn’t that incredible?!”
Vlad smiled blandly at Jack. Skillfully suppressing the sneer the man’s cheeriness was trying to invoke to his face. He had lots of practice.
“And Danny decided to tag along to help his sister! Isn’t he such a sweet boy?” Maddie added with a cheer a little more forced than her husband’s. But still, cheer.
Now, that. That got Vlad’s attention. And he decided to take advantage of the children’s distraction to get more information and decide a proper plan of action. 
Dany was making it a point to completely ignore the three adult’s conversation. Jazz stuck to taking small sips from her glass of water. That was, until-
“Surely you’re not planning on sending them without some proper equipment, are you?” Vlad tutted. “Don’t get me started on weapons. I mean you never know for certain what will be indispensable, right?”
“That’s a wonderful idea!”
The heads of both children snapped up. 
“I mean, most of my research isn’t-” Jazz tried hastily to stop this on its tracks. 
Sadly, it was not to be.  
“Nonsense Jazz,” Her mom interrupted her, “It’s better to be prepared!”
Vlad hummed in agreement, “They won’t, after all, have anyone else to protect them from those trashy ghosts.”
Just like that, the Fenton parents started to list out loud all the things the kids would surely need for the research.  
Vlad smirked.
Danny narrowed his eyes at the pompous fucker.
Jazz resigned herself to keep sighing until the end of times.
“How are we supposed to take this with us..?” Danny whispered looking horrified at all the equipment his parents had just thrown their way
“Can’t you just put it in the thermos?”
“The ectoplasmic energies of each Item would clash horribly” Danny winced 
“You tried to…?” Jazz side-eyed him
“Yes.” He said curtly, “Wouldn’t really recommend” he continued with the air of someone haunted by the consequences of their life choices. death choices. Both were accurate, she supposed.
Jazz swallowed.
Cue in more silent horrified staring at the equipment.
“Maybe if we start with some boxes-”
“Oh my god-!”  
“I Fucking knew it!!”
A little while after, once the ghost box was gone, and the siblings had retreated to Jazz’s room for safety and the opportunity of proper evening gossip. The fruitloop came barging into the room. 
“Ok. I raided the kitchen. There is nothing edible in this house. How do you even survive.” He stated, not asked, in a deeply judgemental tone.
“Magic. Pokemon Magic.” Danny deadpanned from his place on the bed. Jazz, who was cuddled beside him, was still chewing on the dry crackers that managed to survive the onslaught of their parents, for the simple reason that the things had been in her room. 
Vlad sighed and started to massage his temples. 
“Fine. Truce. Grab your things, we are going out.” 
Jazz slightly choked on her crackers. Danny just choked on air. “What? Where-?”
“To get some proper food, of course.” The man sneered like it was completely obvious and tagging a smirk on for good riddance.
“Why would-” 
“You have directions. I have the money. Chop chop. Before your parents catch us.” With that, the millionaire turned around and left, leaving the door wide open fully expecting them to follow along. 
The siblings stared at each other for a moment before scrambling after Vlad. 
Food was more important than playing the archnemesis-game. 
For the hundred time that day:
I couldn’t help the fucking references. Danny is a dork and I am ashamed.
I headcanon Danny as someone who really likes pet names, be it because he really likes the person or because it pisses them off. Two stones a deader bird.
What do you mean The Avengers aren’t a boyband?
The siblings are firm believers of the borrowing culture. There is no shame in asking to borrow some things.
Are those Ember’s hat & earrings? Yes. Yes, they are.
Why does Danny have his ears pierced, you ask? BECAUse there is no absolute heteronormative bullshit in this household AND I MUST ADD THAT-!
-Danny & Jazz watched ‘The parent trap’ when they were small little beans and were really interested in whether or not piercing your sibling’s ears was the ultimate bonding moment.    
Jazz insisted on researching a lot more about proper sterilizing, mind you- but like the tiny feral unsupervised cupcakes they were, they decided to try it.
Jazz already had her ears pierced, SO, yeah.
It hurt like a bitch for Danny, and Jazz panicked for a week afterward about infections, but it was indeed a good bonding moment.  
If I ship Jason with some fucking therapy does that mean I can ship him with Jazz?
Ship’s name is JJ for you.
… I just gave myself YOI flashbacks.
You might want to say: ‘but author-san, those are not all the ghosts Danny deals with?’, and you are damn right they aren’t, but you must trust in Danny thousand-back-ups Fenton, my children.
(Also, where would be the fun if everyone was accounted for since now? You will see what went down later on. :p)
Don’t know if you noticed, but Jazz is not the only one that thinks Danny is a cutie patootie :v
Danny has long ago resigned himself to the being called “Lord” thing. Is better than the ‘K’ word.
The thing about the nails is something I do. I started because they looked pretty, I kept painting them because I felt they broke up more easily if I didn’t put like three coats of polish on them.
At least I don’t bite them as much anymore. :p
If there is someone on this green earth that knows about the struggles of living with Jack and Maddie Fenton, that someone is Vlad Masters.
Change my mind.
You can’t.
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sweetpea-willybee · 3 years
Four way lovelies (part 1/2)
Fandom: sanders sides
Pairings: LAMP 
description: Virgil doesn’t have the best relationship with his family. He never has. But when he meet Roman, Patton, and Logan, thing look like they might turn around. (P.S. everyone is cute, fluff happens)
Warnings: !THIS IS A TICKLE FIC (in part 2)!, bad family relationships (for those who are triggered by that), slight angst but it gets better, FLUFF✨❤️☺️🥺💅🏽😭🏳️‍🌈🤫😚😛☠️
Virgil never really had the best relationship with his family. He loved them, he really did! But...he was always in his room and his family never knew how to help/deal with him when he needed it. They just didn’t understand each other. And that’s fine. He’s fine. He doesn’t need people to live his life.
At least, that's what he thought two years ago.
~ flashback ~
“I can’t deal with you right now Virgil” , that was his mother speaking. Virgil currently sat at a small coffee table at the corner of the college roof. He had been trying to enjoy the pleasant weather and soft breeze when she called. “Look- I love you, really, but ever since your dad left and your sister moved away with her partner I just haven’t had the patience to try to put up with you. You’re never out of your room when you are at home, you always hide when I invite guests over, you never wear anything but hoodies even when it’s in the middle of a heatwave, you just never do anything like a functional human being except keep your room clean! I can’t deal with that right now, ok?!” His mother sighed heavily as if his introverted tendencies actually hurt her. Her ego maybe. “Just- just stay at the dorms this weekend, please. Or, you know what? Stay at the dorms until summer break. During the break I’ll be visiting your sister so you can have the house to yourself, I doubt she’d want you to influence her daughter to be like you.” And with that, his mother, his own mother, hung up on him after acting like he had killed someone.
Powering his phone off, he numbly bent over the table. Tears silently dripped down his cheeks and left streaks in his makeup. He didn’t know if he was sad or if he even cared, but his tears seemed to decide for him. He didn’t even care about what she thought about his behavior, it had always been that way and it always will be. But the part that really gave him a sting, was the part about his sister not wanting him to be around his niece. Angela was only 2 but was being sucked away from him like the rest of his family. Huh, figures. No one wanted to be around the guy who barely spoke and wore spooky makeup, not even his family could see past that.
A bitter sadness washed over him but before he could drown, a strong hand landed on his shoulder. Startled out of his thoughts, Virgil jumped out of his seat and whipped around to face the newcomer who’s hand didn’t let go but migrated to gently cradling his shoulder. When he faced the owner of said hand, he was almost blinded. The person -a medium height man- was decked head to toe in white and gold and bright red. His dress shirt was tight fitting but loose at the elbows and down, with small gold tassels hanging from one wrist. The man’s pants were made similarly but one difference was that a strip of bright red fabric with gold designs was tied at the top and the excess hung to his left hip. He looked like a real life Disney prince. But what made Virgil shrink into himself was not the man's attire and confident build, but his soft sympathetic expression.
“Oh- uh- I’ll leave if you need this table. Sorry about the noise.” Virgil managed to stutter out, looking towards the ground. At that, Virgil heard two more footsteps approached and looked up to find a short man with a light blue t-shirt littered with puppies and kittens and brown slacks, and a tall tense man in a dark blue polo shirt with a silver tie and black work pants that rolled up to reveal light blue and red ankle bracelets. Suddenly Virgil was very aware of his messy appearance in front of these very attractive men.
Violently, Virgil reached up to scrub his smudged eyeshadow away as he turned his back to the beautiful strangers. He scrubbed with one hand and the other fumbled for the discarded phone on the table. Eventually his hand found it but just as he was about to break for it, a hand softly snaked around his bicep and caught his attention.
It was the man in light blue, he realized, who was currently holding onto his arm and tucking Virgil’s head into the crook of his neck. Virgil’s breath caught in his throat but just as he thought to pull away, the man’s other hand found a home in his chocolate hair. Dangit, Virgil thought defeatedly as his body sagged unwillingly into the strangers warm embrace.
“Why- why are you hugging me?” Virgil hushedly questioned, worried he’d scare the other away if he spoke too loudly.
“Because we heard your conversation accidentally, and you looked like you needed a hug.” The man said simply. They stayed there for a few more seconds before the stranger in blue abruptly tore away and gasped loudly. Virgil was about to apologize for whatever he did wrong when he noticed the excited stars in the others' eyes. “We never introduced ourselves! Silly me! Anyways, my name is Patton Costly, that’s Logan Croft-” the man in dark blue nodded “and that’s Roman Pascal!” The first stranger in blinding colors beamed and waved. “What’s yours?”
Blinking at the question, Virgil dumbly let out, “huh?”
The other man - Patton- just giggled and exclaimed “your name, silly! What’s your name!”
Virgil felt his face heat up and choked out “Virgil Rayne, sorry for the distraction. You probably didn’t plan to be cheering a random stranger up for your Sunday afternoon.” He finished with a mumble.
“Nonsense! I’m always up to meet new people, plus, Roman had heard you did the scenery art for his theatre club and wanted to thank you!” Patton dismissed cheerily, his warm persona never dropping like Virgil kept expecting it to.
“Of course! I always wondered what fine artist allowed us all to be blessed with their masterpieces!” The golden man -Roman- gushed. The man in the tie still hasn’t said anything, but this was the moment he decided to interject.
“Indeed. If I may ask, what was your inspiration? The second to last piece you did seemed very similar to Claude Monet’s pieces. I’ve never met anyone who outwardly expressed an interest in him, most only mentioning their favorites and leaving it at that. I find your version of his style quite interesting, I'd like to ask about it some other time if you’d let me?”
Blinking at the tense man, Virgil barely registered what he said. It seemed he was just as nervous as Virgil felt.
“U-um, sure” Virgil hesitantly agreed.
“And, kiddo, you don’t have to talk about that phone call at all, but would you like some company? It’s never fun to be completely alone once someone close hurts you like that. We all know that by now.” Patton added softly. Virgil’s eyes widened and he turned to look at the other two, though they didn’t seem to have any objections. One nodding more enthusiastically than the other. Turning back to Patton, he searched the man's face for a lie. A trick. But al, Virgil found was honesty and soft hope. Which was different.
The only times Virgil had seen someone hope he would be around, they were more demanding than asking. But here he was, being asked whether or not he wanted to spend time with someone. Not demanded, and not ordered. Asked. He could say no if he really wanted to and they wouldn’t stop him. But…
Virgil found himself being drawn to these people. They were all so different from each other but seemed really close. Like, a family. Virgil wanted to be like that too. So he shyly ducked his head and quietly agreed.
~ end of flashback ~
That day had led to many more days of just hanging out and supporting each other. A couple days in Virgil had found out that they were all dating each other and that had stung a little. He didn’t know why, but it did. It wasn’t until he was pulled into one of their impromptu cuddle sessions did he realize, the realization coming in a life crisis and gay panic. Though, as long as they were happy, he was happy.
Years passed like that, and they became closer every passing day. At some point they all agreed to move in together, the being all the family they needed. The apartment was small but was more than enough for each of them, and they soon fell into a rhythm. Eventually, the best day in Virgil’s life came along. That day is today.
“Virgil~!!” A voice rang through the apartment. Roman’s, judging by the dramatic flourish ending his name. Virgil, who was laying on his bed, groaned knowing they would get complaints about it from their neighbors later. He resigned himself to his fate though, and pushed out of his room.
“Virgil, come here kiddo!” Ah, there was Patton. Ok, Virgil decided it was safe since Patton was there, Roman couldn’t get away with his shenanigans with patton.
“Virgil, we require your company please!” Logan? Ok, now Virgil was curious. It had to be something important if they got Logan in on it. He sped up his walk a little, getting worried. However, right as he was about to step through the doorway to the living room, there was a pop and suddenly pastel purple confetti rained down on him. A hand shot out from behind him and wrapped a cloth around his eyes, effectively cutting him off.
“Wha-” he began to exclaim before he felt strong arms sweep him off his feet and start carrying him in another direction.
“Relax stormcloud, it’s just us!” Roman’s voice said, obviously amused.
“Yeah. Okay. But why is this happening? I seem to have forgotten the “get kidnapped by the others” bit in my schedule” Virgil deadpanned, the curious tilt in his voice ruining all attempts to sound disinterested.
“It’s a surprise, blackberry!” Sounded Patton’s voice somewhere off to the side. Virgil blushed from the fond nickname but didn’t question them anymore. They walked for a little longer before he got settled onto what seemed to be the couch.
“Okay, on the count of three you can take off the blind fold!” Patton squealed excitedly.
“One” Logan counted from somewhere in front of him.
“Two~!” Roman sang from around Logan’s left.
“Three!!” Patton rushed out a few seconds early, seemingly too impatient to wait any longer. He was coming from Logan’s right.
Virgil pulled at the knot behind his head and immediately gasped at what he saw.
In front of him, Roman was on one knee with Logan and Patton mimicking him on either side. They all held a rose (Logan’s was black, Patton’s was light purple, and romans was white) up to him in an offering. Each of them wore beautiful suits (Logan’s was navy with a black tie and silver hemming, Patton’s was white with a light blue tie, and Roman’s was red with a golden tie) that fit their shapes perfectly and complemented their features. They all looked a little goofy though, considering they never wore suits (except for Logan) so Virgil couldn’t help but bite his lip so as to not laugh. Even before they spoke, Virgil started blushing and tearing up.
“Virgil, we’ve been dating for four years now. Throughout that entire time it felt like something or someone was missing. When we met you it felt like we were finally whole. At first we decided not to tell you because we didn’t know how you would feel.” Roman began, pouring his heart and soul into every word.
“We thought you might push us away, and we would go back to being half of a whole. We didn’t want to risk losing you, our lovely Virgil. Though, we recently decided that if anything was going to push you away from us, keeping this secret was going to be it.” Patton continued, a soft smile playing at his lips.
“So here we are. We know we probably haven’t done much to earn your romantic feelings, but we wanted to try. It’s perfectly ok if you say no though, we wouldn’t want to force you into something you didn’t want. But, just know that we...we love you Virgil. We are so lucky we met, so lucky we get to call you our friend. So, will you do us the honor of letting us call you our boyfrie-“ Logan never got to finish his sentence, because a moment later Virgil launched himself off of the couch and hooked his arms around all three of them, pulling them into a hug. The hug was a bit awkward and not very cushiony, but none of them would have it any differently.
Both Virgil and Roman burst into loud sobbing while Patton laughed hard and Logan wore a dazed, relieved and proud grin. They stayed there for what felt like hours, just hugging each other and never letting go. Though at some point they decided to take themselves to the couch, instead of staying laid out on the floor.
“You never answered though.” Roman murmured once they all settled into a pile on the couch. Virgil was laying on his chest with Logan seated behind him, petting Roman’s hair where it got messed up during Virgil’s attack. Patton was sitting in between Logan’s legs, letting Roman lay his head on his lap.
“Seriously? I’d think pouncing on you guys and staining your shirts with happy tears would be enough of an answer for you.” Virgil mumbled back, a teasing lilt to his voice. “Sorry about that by the way.” he added sheepishly.
“Not to worry, Virgil. The stains won’t last. Though, Roman has a point.” Logan reassured him.
Virgil didn’t know how to deny the others so aphe blushed furiously, pouted, and said “Logan, Patton, and Roman, I love you with all of my heart and would love to be your boyfriend.”
When he opened his eyes again, all of the others were staring at him wide eyed and slack jawed. Blushing darker, Virgil glanced to the side and asked “what?”
“Just never thought I could love you even more than I already do. Turns out I was very wrong.” Roman replied without missing a beat, still staring Starry-eyed. The smooth show off.
“I take it back, I love you a little less now.”
“You wound me, panic at the everywhere!”
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in-tua-deep · 5 years
any more soul crushing five hcs u have in that brilliant mind of yours?
you ask for soul crushing but i have soft ?? i mean soft but also with hurt behind them bc that’s how i roll
Five’s primary social interactions in his entire life have been with children. With his siblings, who were children. The only other socialization he has is probably with other assassins and I have some serious doubts about Five actually deigning to socialize with his fellows given the office scene sooo
what i’m leading up to is the scene rattling around in the back of my head of one of the siblings making a deal with Five and Five in all seriousness raising up his hand with one finger extended and asking for a pinkie promise because you can’t break a pinkie promise and genuinely Five hasn’t spent enough time around other adults to know how to be an adult so even though he continuously insists he isn’t a child I definitely think he has some childish mannerisms simply because socially speaking he’s still a teenager oof
so honestly Five is a paradox of being both adult and child at the same time because while he was, physically, an adult, he’s never been socialized to be an adult? We teach our kids to grow up, we model behaviors and correct them, ground them when they sneak out and reward them for good grades and listen and advise and teach them how to apologize. We grow out of old habits when the people around us stop doing them and we notice that other people our age aren’t being ‘childish’ (of course, plenty of people realize that’s bullshit and go back to enjoying ‘childish’ things as they please) but Five never had that!! The only real adult role model he ever had was Reginald! That’s it! That’s his primary example of adulthood! Honestly no wonder he’s so messed up! And that’s all he had for forty years! And then he’s around adults again and they’re all time travelling assassins holy shit this boy has never had a healthy role model in his life
look I am fully aware that Klaus has taken the role of the Dramatique Bitche of the family but there is a second drama bitch in this family and it is Five. I mean he’s Mr. “That’s one badass stapler!” or how about cheerfully waving at an people who want to kill him and teleporting before they can put a bullet in him?? Mr. “I’M THE FOUR HORSEMEN” before vomiting on Luther’s shoes? I fucking love him and if you don’t think Five very much appreciates Klaus’s dramatic flair you’re wrong look at his proud smile at Meritech if you think him and Klaus don’t get into some absolute shenanigans you are incorrect they are dangerous together and feed off of one another’s chaotic energy
Five can’t lie well. Like, I yell a lot about what a manipulative little shit he can be, but he doesn’t lie well. He’s spent too much time alone and can’t hide his emotions like I watch him at the Commission HQ and he’s so clearly not going to bend to them bless his heart. He lies by telling the truth, but only a bit of it and allowing people to lie to themselves - he only gets as far as he does in the Commission because the Handler wanted him there and she offered him things she assumed he wanted (his old body, his siblings safety) and he asked to discuss those with her because he wants her to assume he’s planning on sticking around long enough to have those discussions, if that makes sense? And maybe if he has time to plan and rehearse he’s okay but lying on the spot not so great, he usually deflects with sarcasm (”What are you doing, Five?” “well i was hoping to escape my headache but you just won’t seem to leave me alone”)
craves approval but doesn’t know who he wants that approval from?? As a child he clearly spent a lot of time both hating his father and craving his love, and he hasn’t lost that. But Reginald is dead, and Five loathes the Handler and the Commission he wouldn’t look for approval there - but he has his siblings now? And similarly to with Reginald he both craves their approval and loathes that he craves their approval which can cause him to seek them out and reject them in equal turns which,, can give his siblings (and him) emotional whiplash tbh but i mean can you imagine Five actually confronting the fact that he craves approval?? he’d rather chew off his own foot
honestly though just give me some fluffy scenes where like,, a butterfly lands on Five and he’s just like ???? ????????????? or like if a dog runs up to him and he just,, doesn’t know what to do what that and Klaus encourages him to pet it or something and Five just being dubious and Klaus leading by example and just some nice bonding experience okay
honestly them all supporting each other and being a family is all i’ve ever wanted in life like please support this feral child because he’s going to be so very lost after they stop the apocalypse,, he doesn’t know how to interact with people anymore (Meritech people, Kenny’s mum, the guy at Griddy’s, he makes them all uncomfortable or snaps at them or doesn’t pick up on their cues - he doesn’t even seem to realize that the tow truck guy was weirded out by the conversation) and just leaving him to his own devices would be,, inadvisable
all of the siblings at some point have had to just grab five and make hasty exits before he genuinely murders someone though the fact that he allows it says that he realizes that his siblings probably have a better read on the situation/have a better grasp on ‘appropriate responses’ than he does
the biggest tragedy is honestly that five is intelligent enough to understand when he’s missing things and is intelligent enough to know his weaknesses with people (which is why he recruits Klaus to help with Meritech) and while ruthless allows his siblings to pull him back when necessary (Luther getting Five to not kill that guy, you can’t convince me that if Five was convinced killing that random dude would stop the apocalypse he would let the absence of a gun stop him - he killed someone with a pencil)
i just want him to be HAPPY
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misanthropecopy · 4 years
Little Christmas Gratitude
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Seasons greetings, everyone! Firstly I like to apologize, if I struggle to get drafts done this week. Family matters and all that, you know? Anyway this post is basically me loving on my mutuals and although there are over a hundred of you guys, I’m gonna keep it pretty small because there are a few mutuals I want to spread specific positivity towards. However if I do not mention you on here and we’re still mutuals note that I still love and appreciate you. <3 With that said: On with the showering of positivity!
@lxngfxrgxtten​​, @frozenmemoriies​ and @chaosworthy​​ thank you guys so much for following this blog. You did not have to, but you did and I love you guys for it. Hopefully I will recover from my old computer being severely jacked up and get back to my other muse, one day. Because I love you guys and miss the relationships my other muse had with some of yours. Until then I hope your holidays will be blessed and awesome. ^v^
@writtenbykaichu​ tagging your multi muse, since you’ve got multiple blogs. But thank you for being mutuals with me and putting up with my trash/mistakes. You are a wonderful person who writes their muses fantastically. I loved that we talked about the Genesect movie, while you watched it. It’s fun having someone else be into gen 5 as well as others, with me. Plus Iris as well as your other muses are wonderful and I will get to the reply/starter soon, because rest assured I love the plots we have planned. 
@bubble-mcw​ Mentioning you cause your muse was the first Mew I interacted with and it’s fun to test Psyche’s reaction towards the pink fetal cat, since we were deprived of seeing such interactions in her featured movie. That being said I love your spin on M01 Mew, combining their Japanese and English portrayal I imagine would be difficult to balance out, but you do it fantastically well.
@telekinetiq​ GREEEYYY, HOW ARE YOU STILL FOLLOWING THIS MEME!?!? //SHOT But no seriously even though our muses haven’t interacted beyond crack yet and we’re still working on a plot, you were and still are a huge inspiration to me. I love your writing and would die for Stein and Myuutsuu even though Stein would probably be like “you will”, if I said such things to his face. I’m sorry you’ve had bad experiences with duplicates in the past and I hope I don’t come off as too overwhelming or clingy by spamming your IMS or notifications at times, I just... love thinking about the shenanigans these two could get into zsfkjxjkbjdjkjfg. Anyway I hope you’re feeling better for the holidays, have good ones and I am eagerly waiting for the day where Psyche officially interacts with the Big Thicc Meanie. 
@itsraiyninmuses​ Girl your Mewtwo is SO SOFT swafhjskdg, but seriously Martyr is a sweetie and you are easy to talk to. I also love your other Pokémon muses as well, and hope to interact with them one day even if Psyche is stubborn as heck.
@legendsbehold​ BWAZE YOU ARE ONE OF THE RULERS OF MULTIMUSES/BLOG-HOPPING. Seriously, I do not know how the heck you maintain so many blogs and each muse’s relationships but you do and it’s freaking incredible. You may be cursed often, but there is no denying that you got freaking SKILLS especially when it comes to handling forth-wall breaking, feral muses like JEEZE LOUISE.
@ketzerhund​ and @littleblaze​ BLUE WTH YOU’RE KILLING ME WITH YOUR WRITING. Seriously though, if I am not laughing my butt off I am sad from 01′s as well as the other units’/ your muse’s suffering. Plus there is the fact that Flicker is BABY and kills me with diabetes despite being also cursed, and yep Psyche would totally die for her at this point.
@armxnia​ GOD I love your N! He can be so collected yet so feral at times, and despite her distance, Psyche would not hesitate to protect him if she felt that he needed it. Anyway both you and N are amazing and I hope that Psyche interacts more with the tree man in the future. ^u^
@rexangelus​ Ah yes, the one Mewtwo Psyche is suspicious of the most even though he’s just attracted to her. Seriously they may not interact much, but rest assured Angelo has a habit of ruining things for Psyche and it’s fun thinking of/writing out her reaction towards it. //SHOT Anyway you have awesome muses and I hope you have a good day.
@rvalserena​ I love your take on Y/Serena! She can be sweet yet sassy and I am laughing my head off, on how she has to deal with her oblivious as HECK boyfriend. Not only that, but I she was also one of the first trainers to entice Psyche with sweets and although she won’t admit it, the legendary does appreciate her efforts.
@spooklyboos​ GHOSTY IS SO CUTE, WTH!?!? But yeah, even if Psyche finds her annoying I love how she is lowkey/sometimes high-key trying to make friends with this stubborn as HECK clone. Like Psyche’s never met anyone so determined to pet her, and I applaud Ghosty for that as well as your writing. 
So yeah, that’s my list of mutuals I want to specifically spread positivity towards. However I promise that all of you mutuals I didn’t mention are equally as important and loved by me as well. Thank you guys for putting up with this meme queen of a Bunny. Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and God bless you all! <3
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stcnedheart · 5 years
      oh boi,  where do i even start..  okokokok,  guys,  i’ve only had this blog for a month or so but  WOWIE  the people in the naruto fandom are fucking  BREATHTAKING  and  MINDBLOWING  and  KIND  and  SMASH EVERY POSSIBLE POSITIVE ADJECTIVES HERE TBH  bc i sincerely cannot put how  AMAZING  you all are into words without feeling it is not enough and i’m a damn emotional mess today.  i’m not really reaching a milestone or anything like that,  i’m doing this because i’m so overwhelmed with my love and my appreciation for you guys and i just want to get it off my chest !!         first of all,  i want to thank everyone for putting up with my shit  ( and sakura’s stupid shenanigans )  which is really  INCREDIBLE  lmao,  and again,  i cannot tell you guys  HOW MUCH I ADORE THE FUCK OUT OF EVERY SINGLE ONE OF U  and i’m ugly sobbing in the corner.  you guys have been awfully kind and friendly to me that i honestly think i don’t deserve it ???  like the fuck why are these people so nice and lovely and wonderful and welcoming of me,  and i haven’t even mentioned their  SUPERB WRITING SKILL  yet.  reading the writings or the crack shenanigans on my dash never fails to amaze me and make me smile and you all cure my depression just by being around  !!  i love you all from the bottom of my heart and if anybody does anything to you guys i would kill them and then myself !!        second of all,  the list below here is the ppl who literally steal my kokoro away  ( don’t give it back,  kEEP IT )  and leave me a dying gross mush full of nothing but  PURE AFFECTION.
@shrineduty / @rosesplash / @lonefate​ / @your shit ton of blogs:  this here,  people,  i present to you  NANA.  nana is my best pal,  like the best of best of best of best,  she is someone who understands me so well,  so  CHARMING,  so  IDK I DON’T HAVE ANY WORDS LEFT  but she is just simply so  MARVELOUS  just by being there doing random shit that i can cry you a river talking about her.  we have known each other for only a year or so ??  it already feels like ages and man..  you are the best thing in my life.   
@yamixuzu / @yxndaiime:  my god i love this person.  i love their writing,  i love their portrayal of yami naruto,  i love talking with them,  i love plotting with them and i love their  EVERYTHING !!  if i were to be completely honest,  how can i not ??  this person is literally the embodiment of the word  FANTASTIC.  they put so many effort and emotion into their writing and it makes me tear up every time,  their portrayal of yami naruto likewise is always  TOP-NOTCH  and..  and  MAN I LOVE YOU.  and the mun ?  what a fucking blessed individual,  a gift to humanity.  seriously,  if you haven’t already,  follow them.  it will be worth it i swear.
@paintedbeasts:  one of the few people that decided to open up to me and interacted with my done-with-everything sakura when i first joined the naruto fandom.  tbh i would be lying if i said the naruto fandom didn’t scare the heck out of me at first because all of you looking dead serious blogs and i’m just a dumb potato,  but this beautiful person here,  she boosts my confidence with my portrayal of sakura,  she guides me into the naruto fandom like a big sister tbh,  she introduces me to other people and helps me feel like o shit i’m really a naruto blog.  she doesn’t do much formatting with her writings,  they are actually very simple but at the same time,  very her.  it’s what makes her portrayal so lovely and smooth !  does that make sense ?  i love her and you all should too.       
@oflightningandfire / @stonefvced:  meek !!  man, this dude is awesome.  like that word doesn’t even do him justice tbh.  he is also one of the first few people that gradually helps me become more familiar with the naruto fandom,  he helps me to flesh out more of my portrayal of sakura and for that, i’m forever grateful of him.  aside from that,  listen,  his sasuke and tobirama are just freaking  AWESOME.  like,  the most awesome of awesome.  how many times have i used that word today ?  sakura is here and all heart eyes motherfucker.     
    people i really want to interact / get to know more and you know,  we really should.
@shieldedsand: u and ur dumb sand.  ily.
@koikais / @teitais:  u two are here because of the soap shitposting sghjGF.  make my day.
@bitiing:  i want to write with you sooooooooooooooooo muchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh but my brain is just dumb and i’m generally lazy...  ugly sobbing.
@explosionrelease:  ART WILL NEVER DIE.  ily.
@sunflowermade / @sunshincmade / @kageborne:  HIMAWARI IS SO CUTE ???  AND SO IS BORUTO.  sorry naruto,  aunt sakura loves them so much and would kidnap them if she could.....  don’t do it sakura.
@kyousei:  u and ur hundreds of blogs.  i love them all.
@warfierce:  we have just followed each other but ayyyyy lmao i love u.
@kopiishi / @niceguyposes:  sakura-chan is watching u both with intense eyes because how romANTIC.
@foxkage / @firestcrm / @jishiin:  i love u man.  with all of mAH KOKORO.
@ikkakusenkin:  sparkling eyes,  SENSEI.
@incantatrxce:  pls izumi-nee-san,  take care of sakura. 
@sabakv / @kabukv / @karukv:  i love the sand siblings okAY.
@ninjapath / @chuninpath / @shinobipath:  NARUTO MULTIMUSE ROCK !!!!!!!
@ofjinchuuriki​:  pls adopt sakura as ur daughter.............
                                I HOPE I DIDN’T FORGET ANYONE !!!!!!!!!!!!                                         AGAIN,  I LOVE YOU ALLLLLL  !!!!!!!!
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everythingmustgo · 5 years
do tell your stories from psych ward please?
ok I have a lot bc I was there a whole 3 months and ive been remembering things abt it cuz of the time of year
the first ward I was in was the worst like honestly. nasti. it was like living in a waiting room, the sitting room had no sofas just like kinda padded wooden chairs and there were no real activities except "arts nd crafts" which was colouring in (god dont even). also they locked ppl in their rooms sometimes which was scary.
this sounds made up but I swear this was how it happened... the first person who talked to me after I arrived nd decided to go into the sitting room came up to me and asked me "are u happy?". I was still lowkey off my face recovering from an od and didnt kno what to say so I was like .. yes?? and he looked surprised like honestly????? so I was like no?? so he asked why and I must have looked bewildered cuz he was just like u dont wanna talk about it?? ok. and left me alone
the week I was there the ward was locked so we werent allowed out but there was a garden w a big wooden chair everyone called the schizo chair lol. I played cards w this guy who was actually an angel bless him he told me he made a genre of music called space techno and it was his dream to play piano in front of an audience. he made me a card and I have it on my wall.
while I was there there was a documentary on the bbc about how poor the standard of care was at this particular unit and we all sat round and watched it 🤪 it was p unsettling but thankfully I never experienced anything like what they were saying in the documentary and I heard a lot different opinions and experiences from a lot of different patients.
the 2nd ward I was in was nicer and a bit comfier and I met a lot of nice ppl. there was a woman who screamed a lot at night who I sort of became friends but I was a bit scared of her, I remember her letting me sit in the corner w her w all these towels and blankets and a bunch of junk like a pile of rubber bands and a vase and a toast rack??? and we put flowers in plastic bottles for some reason that I cant remember but I kept it by my bed with the sunflowers my parents gave me and we shot rubber bands at eachother which made me laugh and the nurses looked confused af. she let me come into her room and gave me this gross vegan turkey and we lay on the floor w our feet on her bed and looked out the window but I accidentally upset her by saying a word that triggered her and I had to leave her room. she saw me later on and hugged me and said it wasnt my fault.
there was a man who knew everything abt 80s pop like u could say any 80s pop song and hed tell u who sang it and the year and month it came out but he didnt rly understand social boundaries so hed come and hang out while my parents were there a lot. he also wanted to wear my clothes lol
I remembered the other day that I ended up putting my notebook in the shower after I wrote some trauma related stuff which makes me laugh to think about like god what a mental bitch
I was in the last ward in a different hospital like 2 months. it was by far the nicest one lol I had my 20th birthday there and my mum got me a stevie nicks hat and I just wore it around the ward cuz I thought well they think im crazy anyway so whatevs.
I went a progressively off the shits before my birthday (thought I was gonna die before then) and got sectioned twice, wouldnt sleep just paced around my room, stopped taking my meds which once they figured out they considered forcibly injecting me w antipsychs (thankfully they went against this on account of Mad Trauma), stole a butter knife and a pin badge and hid them in my room, got put on constant observation on account of crazy bitch shenanigans etc.
I was so determined to not take my meds that one time I had to fill out some form immediately after being given my meds and I kept it in my mouth the WHOLE TIME they were waiting for me to finish it. by the time they left it had mostly dissolved anyway lol.
I made friends w a woman in the first ward who got transferred to this hospital so it was nice to have someone I knew there. I still see her sometimes, shes from my town (not gon lie half my town was in that ward) and honestly she made the whole experience kind of bearable. she was always writing and playing music for us
there was a nurse there who helped me so much and I love him to bits and miss him every day, he was rly interested in basically preventing young ppl like me from ending up in hospital, he had rly cool tattoos and was bald w a big beard but had this soft irish accent and was rly kind and gentle. I remember him telling me one of the best things he ever did was getting over the hatred of disco music and when hes anxious he puts on disco music and dances lmao. also he taught me doing fake karate when ur anxious helps a lot.
I used to get dominos 2 for Tuesdays with this guy who wore a huge white leather jacket and told me eminem was going to give him a million pounds and he was going to use it to legalise weed and cure HIV and honestly I loved him sm he was real quiet and constantly paced up and down the corridors but he was rly nice to talk to. he hugged me sometimes which was nice too but the nurses werent keen on that
one of the nicest things was that there was a little garden outside this one visiting room and a couple of times my parents brought my dog with them to come see me and I got to sit in the garden and play with him
ok I have way more but this is already so much dkrjfjkkd
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heavenbursts-blog · 6 years
do it for the likes.  pairing. matsuhana & implied iwaoi  summary. makki & mattsun just started dating, but they’re not sure how to break the news to their longtime friends iwaizumi and oikawa. so they decide to troll them (read, oikawa) instead. the results are both satisfying and entertaining. 
also can be read here
From: oinkawa To: SUPER SENTAI SEIJOU 4 Sent at 3:14pm Subject: img.jpg UMMMM HELLO ????? WHAT IS THIS INSTAGRAM ACCOUNT????
From: iwaizooms To: SUPER SENTAI SEIJOU 4 Sent at 3:14pm stop yelling shittykawa.
From: oinkawa To: SUPER SENTAI SEIJOU 4 Sent at 3:15pm im not yelling!!!!!!
From: oinkawa To: SUPER SENTAI SEIJOU 4 Sent at 3:15pm @mattsun @makki why r u not responding ??? when did you two start dating ??? HELLO ???
Hanamaki cackled, opening up his messages that were rapidly filling up with Oikawa’s frantic text messages. “This is so funny. How long do you think it’ll take before he facetimes one of us?”
Matsukawa popped a fry into his mouth, grinning. “I say… give it like… less than two seconds?”
Right on time Matsukawa’s phone went off with the Pokemon theme song blaring loud and proud in Mcdonald’s. A few customers turned around but Matsukawa wasn’t bothered. Hanamaki snickered as Matsukawa took an extra three seconds to answer his phone.
“Yeah?” Nonchalance dripped from his tone as he continued shoving fries into his mouth. “Sup?”
“Sup? Sup?! Are you serious?”
Oikawa sounds like he’s about to blow a fuse, Hanamaki mouthed.
Mattsun smirked, “Serious about what? The economy? Yeah it’s in a down spiral as we speak. How could I not be—”
“ —STOP YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN! How dare you do me so dirty like this? Imagine me, living my best life, going onto Instagram to bless my followers with an update and I see I’ve been followed by your couple insta account with Makki-chan?”
“Oh, that thing?” Hanamaki’s dying with silent laughter and Matsukawa’s voice was still dipped with uncaring tunes. Getting a rise out of Oikawa was always and would always be the highlight of his day. “Yeah. It’s a thing. I see you didn’t follow back though...hm.”
“It’s a pretty clever handle, yeah?” Hanamaki chimed in. “@Matsuhana, because it’s a play on both our names. Mattsun’s idea, spearheaded by me.”
“That’s not the point!” Oikawa rebutted as Iwaizumi mentioned in the background, yeah that is pretty clever heh.  “I refuse to follow you back after—ACK!” A volleyball came out of nowhere, connecting to the back of Oikawa’s head. Most definitely thrown by Iwaizumi. Mattsun absolutely lost it afterwards. He cackled, tears at his eyes as he pushed the phone over to Hanamaki because he really couldn’t .
“Ayo, bossman,” Hanamaki’s grin was catlike as he took the phone, holding it up against his soda cup. “What’s good? Oikawa dead?”
“We can only hope,” Iwaizumi huffed. Hanamaki heard Oikawa go “RUDE!” in the background and he chuckled. “So this account is a joke right?”
Hanamaki and Mattsun exchanged glances, “Define ‘joke’.” Hanamaki asked.
Iwaizumi narrowed his eyes, “If this is another one of your guys’s shenanigans have fun. Be safe. Don’t do anything dumb.”
“Yes dad!” the two said at the same time. Iwaizumi snorted and Oikawa pushed him aside to get into the screen.
“Tell me the truth! Are you guys dating? Are you guys fucking around?! What is the truth—”
“—Enough, Trashykawa. We’re hanging up. Bye guys,” Iwaizumi gave them a nod before signing off. Hanamaki snickered, glancing up to see Matsukawa smirking down at him, affecting evident in his eyes. Weird. He still couldn’t get used to it—the finally noticing part.
“You were right,” Hanamaki stuck out his hand and Matsukawa reached out to lace their fingers. “This was so much better than us sending an accidental sext meant for the other person plan.”
“Thanks,” Matsukawa grinned, picking up his phone to look at the photo he posted on their couples instagram. A totally not fake but they were going to act like it was fake for the lolz and the rising blood pressure of Oikawa Tooru instagram account they made on the spur of the moment. It’s main purpose for being created was so they could recreate and mock super popular couple poses.
They started dating yesterday after Hanamaki, very casually but also rather adorably, confessed to being in love with Matsukawa for years. Matsukawa, being sidelines and hit with a truck by the confession, wasted on time in pulling in Hanamaki for a much needed kiss. Because when you’re caught in your feels it’s only natural to act upon them. They didn’t know how to bring it up to Iwaizumi and Oikawa. They were second years in college now and it had been a while since all four of them got together. Sure, they texted all the time but they both felt a little...off just dropping the oh hey we finally got our heads out of our asses and are dating. What’s good?  
So Matsukawa decided that the best way was the subtle way. Make an instagram account dedicated to their couple shenanigans. Follow Oikawa. Say nothing and wait for Oikawa to rage text them in confusion. Again, they could have been upfront but when they weighed the options, this route had the utmost return favor of hilariousity.
The first post was rather iconic, if the duo had to say so themselves. They were holding hands and the picture was taken so you could only see Hanamaki’s hand holding Matsukawa’s as he was pulled down the street. Super aesthetic. Very hipster. Matsukawa even put a cheesy quote for the captain for effect: let your heart lead the way … love you.  It already had 80 likes even though it was posted a couple of hours ago. Which honestly made it ten times funnier because the comments section was filled with people asking more or less, the same questions Oikawa had. Minus all the rage.
“What picture do you wanna post next, babe?” Matsukawa gave his lover’s hand a squeeze. Even though they’ve only been dating for a day calling him babe sounded so right to his ears.
Hanamaki hummed, and then raised his eyebrows as the idea hit him. “Nudes?” another pause, his lips curling into a teasing grin. “ Tasteful nudes? So we’re safe for work.”
“Oh. Yes. Iconic. You’re a genius!” he leaned forward and Hanamaki leaned in halfway for a kiss. Not their first kiss, but their official first kiss as a couple. They pulled back, matching goofy grins on their face. Matsukawa tilted his head for another kiss when his phone buzzed.
From: iwazooms Sent at 4:30pm Congrats. Oikawa will figure it out by tomorrow. Until then I’ll play dumb :).
“I love that man,” Mattsun muttered, shaking his head as he shut his phone.
Hanamaki frowned, “Cheating on me already, babe? I thought you’d wait at least until you met that cute little air flight attendant on our second trip to Europe…”
“That’s still in the plans,” Mattsun grinned and Makki snorted.
“Love you.”
“Love ya too. Asswipe.”
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dragon-zena · 6 years
even More OC group chat shenanigans
HUGHES: Madena oh my god
ZI: jdndjdjdjjd madena you did NOT
HUGHES: I hate this Madena wh
HUGHES: “considering that I am a gay,,,” LIKE
ZI: “half of us,,,are immigrants,,,and children and grandchildren of immigrants,,,,end it” like has your best friend ever
MADENA: im sorry but like what did she expect complaining about gay people and immigrants to a nb bisexual with two parents from two different continents...like? Ok
ZI: let's debate sexuality when it's obvious that half the class are LGBT and the other half are bigots!!!
ZI: let's talk about “illegal” immigration when almost EVERYONE IN THE ROOM has a close family member that immigrated here!
MADENA: this is both the greatest and worst day of my life why did I SAY that dbdbdn
ZI: what u said was true and you should say it
MADENA: mnmerrg
ZI: mads ur literally iconic there are literally people talking about u being their hero I'm???
HUGHES: I can't believe the evil was thoroughly defeated in our third hour class today.
MADENA: theevilisdefeated.png
NARLA: Yeah?
CAMILLA: Friendly reminder that we have a game today uwu……….do u have what u need? You dint have ur knee pads last time
NARLA: Fuck, I honestly forgot my stuff. I'm probably gonna drive home and get them.
NARLA: And never say “friendly reminder” or use uwu ever again in my presence.
CAMILLA: You should let Zi bring you uwu
NARLA: Perish, you bitch. You bully. You scoundrel.
NARLA: Hey, Zi. Are you busy after school? I was hoping that I could get a ride home, today. I have to get my vball gear for tonight.
ZI: oh! Yeah! I'll be waiting in the car after school. Can i
ZI: uh
ZI: can I come watch you, tonight?
NARLA: I'm blushing so hard she asked to come watch us tonight.
CAMILLA: HELL YEA we need the support
CAMILLA: Not that we gonna lose but your biggest fan being there is gonna make u go into overdrive.........ur gonna beast out........
CAMILLA: ion know if the other team is gonna stand a chance
NARLA: Of course you can come! :)!
ZI: !!!
MADENA: we have banini...and avocaidi…
HUGHES: Perish
ZI: perish
NARLA: Perish.
MADENA: Oh worm? Permission granted?
STEPHANI: God, same.
HUGHES: What's going on in Louisiana? ):
NARLA: They keep raising the prom fee as though we're made of money. Lmao.
JUSTINE: I mean, Narla will be fine, she’s actually made of money,,, but like, not many other people will be.
ZI: im sorry im sorry I just
NARLA: I'll pay for you to go. I'll pay for any of you, if you need it. It's not like we're using it for much, at home.
CAMILLA: ,,, Narla,,, ur mom
NARLA: Irrelevant.
MADENA: godiwishthatwereme.png
CAMILLA: aight……………………..
ZI: id die for Narla but whatever
HUGHES: You're at her game, aren't u
ZI: …no
ZI: …yes
ZI: Hughes her thighs...her calves….me gay
MADENA: I heard gay what's goin on
MADENA: oh its just z nvm
ZI: thighs.mp4
ZI: look at her go!
CAMILLA: ive come from the court to tell u that you are Definitely in the wrong chat
MADENA: ho-o-oly shit
CAMILLA: i got her phone lmao y'all secrets safe w me
CAMILLA: just deleted those messages have fun in pineville bye
HUGHES: Isn't that actually a place in Louisiana
ZI: she's back on the court but yeah it is
ZI: holy shit I owe Camilla my entire life im going to the T3 Group Chat
HUGHES: real paranoia hours
HUGHES: if u up alone at 3:10 in the morning
HUGHES: hearing things, seeing things, and overthinking ur relationships
HUGHES: slam that mf like
HUGHES: this is so stupid like wow I love. feeling this way. Fave. 10 out of fuckign 10 i lobe iy
HUGHES: I need tk pee but im svared tk adn no ones up i catn
CAMILLA: oh shit
CAMILLA: ok okay im up right now, I'm here right now, I need you to take deep breaths for me
HUGHES: catn’
CAMILLA: can I call u
HUGHES: yehh
ZI: oh no
NARLA: Hughes, are you okay, now? I'm sorry that I wasn't awake when you needed someone. ):
CAMILLA: they asleep rn but I think they r ok for rn
CAMILLA: has this happened before zi
ZI: not to this extent
ZI: sometimes he does focus extensively on everything around him and it makes him anxious
NARLA: Maybe this should wait until Hughes says that we have his permission to talk about this.
HUGHES: last night was a shit show
HUGHES: my bad
MADENA: Are u ok now?
ZI: ^
HUGHES: Yeah thanks
HUGHES: Camilla made me take sleep medicine and i pretty much passed out soon after lmao
CAMILLA: Sleep > Being Awake lmao
MADENA: mood
ZI: ......everybody wants to be a cat.....
HUGHES: oh my god not again
ZI: aS quare witha horn makes u wish u werent born evertime he plays
MADENA: Oh A Rinky Tinky Tinky!
ZI: with a square in the act! u can set musci back! to the caveman days!
NARLA: Oh, a rinky tinky tinyk!
HUGHES: This is torture you’re all doing ths knowing it was my fave song to play in jazz band end me
MADENA:  👀 👀 👀
Narla: RIP...It was my fault, I wanted to watch The Aristocats.........
HUGHES: Perish, Narla Miaro.
NARLA: Fuck you, Hughes.
STEPHANI: atthepool.png
STEPHANI: shes so fuckgin beautiful shes wearng this bikini and shes like fuckign aphrodite or sme shit
JUSTINE: prety.png
NARLA: God, can you imagine if I had let the two of you pine any longer than you did?
ZI: this is so gay and cute
MADENA: Justine where do u find ur swimsuits and Steph u look gorgeous end me please
JUSTINE: blush.png
JUSTINE: shes blushing ths is so cute
JUSTINE: Also i just got them at waly worl
MADENA: bless ur photogenic souls for telling me
CAMILLA: U do it for he
NARLA: And you would do it, again.
CAMILLA: You do it for she and now u say
NARLA: You do it for he.
HUGHES: One day is all I ask
HUGHES: Sometimes I forget that the moment Euthymia left the house for college, she changed from a subtle gay to a vindictive gay.
MADENA: God my sister is so fucking iconic mom was like “i dont support that in my house” AS THOUGH I DONT EXIST IN THE BOUNDARIES OF THE HOME BUT ANYWAY Euthymia shruges and is like “im not in your house so lmao watch this” AND KISSES AGATHA RIGHT IN F R O N T OF HER hhfkrk
ZI: im lauhing
HUGHES: Shes not at her mom’s house rn she came to bring something to me for Mads and she’s sporting an undercut and a lot of lgbt pride pins AND a lot of really clever enamel pins too i envy her
HUGHES: She??? Also has??? A scar on her eyebrow???
ZI: send a pic when u get there i wanna see
EUTHYMIA: inspiring my lgacy to be vindictive gays lmao
AGATHA: im lauhfing Zi just texted me and told me that Hughes called you a vindictive gay
EUTHYMIA: im so happy that im able to be ths way
EUTHYMIA: but i want them to wait until they’re super safe until they even think about following the near vicinity of my footsteps
AGATHA: you aren’t even super safe but i get wht ur sayin
AGATHA: I love you, Euthymia Nadine.
EUTHYMIA: I love you, too, Alaris
AGATHA: oooh my last name hot
EUTHYMIA: end it
HUGHES: That freshman is going to get in a fight this afternoon
HUGHES: sorry the thought just came to me
MADENA: Hughes,,,
HUGHES: I was right,,,,,,what the fc
ZI: oh thats like when Madena said something about ancient greec andt he teacher was like “nuh uh” but when he searched it up it was true
ZI: but Madena didnt know how they got it right it just randomyl popped up in their mind
CAMILLA: Physics can suck my asshole
MADENA: *Hughes voice* oh, you haven’t heard?
CAMILLA: i die
HUGHES: I tutor in physics
MADENA: hes not gonna ask you to pay which is why u should
HUGHES: meet me in the PMs
MADENA: this is so fucking funny hey @Narla d o u need help with physics
MADENA: god i wish that were me
ZI: god i wish that were me
ZI: :0!
MADENA: O: twinsies
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inferno-loop · 7 years
Hi, are you receiving requests? If you are, can u do a version of "Intruder" but with Jungkook? Thanks
YAssS thank you for requesting this anon!!!!
Summary: Post couple fight shenanigans (lmao dank memes are NOT a good influence on me) Genre: Angst (but bless y’all, it’s a happy ending) Pairing: Jungkook x reader
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You stepped into your rented house quietly, not for any particular reason other than pure exhaustion. That, and the thoughts that were eating you up the entire walk home. Thoughts about the fight that you had had with your lover in the club while partying less than 15 minutes ago. Some place to fight, huh?
Needless to say, it was great that you lived on the ground floor, it was a lot more convenient in times like these when you were dead tired and wanted nothing more than a relaxing shower and a nap.
You put your footwear- which happened to be black matte stiletto-pumps that were his personal favourite because apparently, no one can wear these better than you- back in the shoe rack and slid out of your dress to take a bath and change into comfortable house clothes, which for you were shorts and a t-shirt that can only fit Godzilla.
It was only when you lay on your bed, replaying what had happened at the club that you felt the anger resurface.
“Jeon Jungkook, will you please listen to me?” You raised your voice because of the sheer volume of the bone-vibrating music that was playing in the club.
“NO!” Jungkook was quick to yell back as he took your hand in his and lead you out. “How many times have I told you to not take drinks from that guy? Can’t you listen to me for once?” He lowered his volume, as you stepped outside. His lowered volume, however, did not mean that he was any less frustrated. He was frowning and breathing heavily.  
You raised an eyebrow. “Jeon Jungkook. I know the guy. He won’t spike my drink.”
Jungkook sighed and rubbed his temple with his left hand while he raised his right hand until it rested on his hip. He was silent was two seconds before saying, “Why the fuck do you have to go against everything I say? Can’t you not take drinks from him if I’m asking you to?”
“But why not?” You asked him, crossing your arms. “He is the fucking bartender Jungkook. Who the fuck do I take the drinks from, if not him?”
“I DON’T KNOW!” He threw both his hands in the air. “I just don’t like the guy, not one bit.”
“Are you going to continue being unreasonable?” You said, your anger starting to get the best of you. “Are you going to be like this even though we’re meeting after so long?”
“Had I known you would be like this, I would’ve preferred not meeting you today as well Y/N.” Jungkook scoffed, crossing his arms and avoiding your gaze.
You cringed at his words before anger completely took over.
How dare he say that to me?
“Okay, I’ll go home then. I hope you have fun after ruining my night, you dick.” You said as you showed him the finger and turned around to walk back to your home.
Jungkook knew he had gone overboard.
But he couldn’t help it. He just didn’t like the guy. It could have been the way he would grin at you or the way he would flirt with you. He couldn’t even stand to think of the creepy and outright vulgar manner, in which he would look at you when you were on the dance floor. It just didn’t sit well with him.
He knew he had done the wrong thing by getting mad at you, though. It wasn’t your fault. He had said hurtful things, which he did not mean, but apologizing did not come to him naturally. So he had quietly followed you until you had safely entered your house.
Shortly after you went in, he turned around and started walking towards the main road to catch a cab. He was so lost in his thoughts about apologising to you, that he did not notice the two hooded men headed in his direction until they bumped into him.
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“Watch where you’re going, you little shit.” The shorter one spat out before turning around and going his way.
Jungkook muttered a silent apology and continued walking, feeling a little weird. He felt like he had heard the man’s voice before but he couldn’t place where. Thinking he was being paranoid, he pushed the thoughts to the back of his mind and started jogging towards main road. He continued for 10 minutes straight before he stopped dead in his tracks.
He knew where he had heard the voice before.
His eyes widened as the pieces fell together in his head and he abruptly turned around and starting sprinting back towards the direction he came from.
He knew where he had heard this voice before.
It was him.
The bartender.
And he was headed towards the direction of your house.
So there it is. Part ½ of the Jungkook x reader INTRUDER series. I’ll probably upload part 2 tomorrow or day after. Let me know how yall like this one
Much love,
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asplashofvodka · 7 years
B.A.P. Party Baby NYC 2017 Fan Account
So it’s like 80 years late buuuuutttttttt I figured I might as well write down this fan account to continue with the tradition. I’m going to put concert, hi touch, and photo together into one. Gifs and photos included, pray for your internet.
Alright, so I came into the city late the night before the concert and met my 2 friends for a relaxing night. Sadly I had to work that day so I missed some of the earlier fun. We stayed near Grand Central for a change this year. We hung out in the lounge of the hotel for a while and just joked around most of the night, a much needed precursor from what was gonna be the day from hell.
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So while we enjoyed our night for bit we actually had two of our friends lining up before us that we were planning to join a little after midnight. When we were just about to leave she actually called us and told us that security had made them all leave because it was too cold and they didn’t want anyone getting hurt or anything. It was nice because it was FREEZING that night, and if you’ve never been to Terminal 5 it’s right near an underpass and next to the water, not the best combo for camping out. 
SOOOOOO onto show day!!!!
We lined up around 6 a.m. … we gave our friends a break since they stayed out. Steph, Megan and myself were nice enough to bring hot packs for majority of the line cause everyone looked like a popsicle. After the line was split up we actually got lucky enough to be interviewed for the Fomo Daily video, thank god a lot of the awkward stuff got cut out. <_< 12+hours in line wasn’t so bad for the simple fact all of our friends were in line with us.
So fast forward to concert time.
Our view.
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Real life right here. I’ve never been this close for a concert of a group I hardcore stan. So although we were in the corner of the stage we had… an eventful, let’s say, evening.
I have to give props to the DJ B.Shoo cause he just had to go and pull out songs we weren’t expecting. I honestly can’t even remember what the song was but all of the people in my section were LIT. There was actually a staff… possibly manager standing there and he started to record the crowd. Where that video went, the world may never know. So he leaves after he records and then another Korean staff member shows up and stays by the curtain we’re in front of. Normal enough… or so we thought. 
The DJ’s set ends and the intro video starts playing. Cue all the craziness and excitement. While everyone is going insane over the video, my friend Megan and I both notice people appearing one by one behind this curtain and we start to lose our shit. Honestly, it was like, “Oh, I think I see someone behind there… oh look two more… SHIT THERE’S 5 OF THEM…6 NOW!” All while this staff member is laughing at us. 
First song was the Hurricane Remix. I’m not a huge EDM/House person so I can go along and tolerate it. Lol 
Next was BADMAN. BITCH YES. JUST YESSSSS. This remix is still hands down my favorite. I was hoping they were all gonna hit the choreography flawlessly like last time but alas Himchan. First he was too early and then completely forgot what the hell he was doing and actually slipped off stage while laughing at himself. LMFAO Jongup and Zelo still killed that choreo IDGAF!
After that was No Mercy and BANGX2. I honestly couldn’t even tell you what happened during this cause I was too hype. The only thing I remember was the long ass staring contest Daehyun and I had for NO DAMN REASON. NONE WHATS SO EVER and none of my friends noticed it, but it is in photo.
I’VE BEEN WAITING MONTHS TO HEAR FINALLY HEAR THAT’S MY JAM AND DO WHAT I FEEL LIVE. I WAS NOT DISAPPOINTED AT ALL. I FUCKING LOVE THESE SONGS. I was ready for it, my friends were ready for it but the staff member was surprised as hell at our enthusiasm. He was thoroughly amused by us.
Dancing in the Rain is always a cute song, you can’t hate it.
The dress code pick happened next. That was an interesting 5 minutes. So, Himchan is my bias, not secrets there. I was dressed for a Himchan pick is all I’m gonna say. My friends thought it would be hilarious to SCREAM AND SHOUT for him to pick me… from not only next to me but also in other spots down the front where others were standing. -_- Guys,pls. At one point they screaming so loud and pointing at me that not only was the staff member DYING AT MY SUFFERING but Youngjae and Daehyun started to look over to our area and I had to duck and hide behind people. Let’s not ever… nah no. It was a cute little segment though, I totally would’ve spilled my drink on Himchan too if I would’ve been that close too. Them feels are seriousssss.
I believe it was Jongup, Zelo, Youngja in terms of order but my feels were attacked so I can’t be sure. 
Zelo decided that the year 2017 he would return to his sweet and innocent appearance after fucking the floor last year. Thanks, bro. Appreciate it. The song is actually really cute though and I need the recorded version, get on that TS.
I have this deep deeeeppppppp LOVE HATE with Youngjae (mainly love but still) he didn’t have to come for life this way. I didn’t need it, didn’t want it, I just wanted to live peacefully that day. His solo…. I literally found the corner of the banister, rested against it, covered my mouth in amazement and didn’t move for the duration of his solo. He didn’t have to remind me why he’s bias 1.5 like that. Jesus. Also I need that studio version too.
Fermata, I Guess I Need U, and Body and Soul… Im not even gonna try and explain the level of I CANNOT reached.
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Skydive, Young Wild and Free and Wake Me Up in a row… OT6 FOR LIFE. FUCK ME UP. They killed it and us.
Now for Wake Me Up apparently we did a little much. As if we didn’t go hard enough for the other two songs, us continuously doing the choreography got us recorded during Wake Me Up… by the staff… who also turned out to be one of their managers. At first he tried to sneakily record us but I caught him and laughed and he stopped. Then he did it again and didn’t care that we saw him. Which he then scurried to the backstage area as soon as that song was over. Yeah….
So after that Zelo came back out and take us the hormone increasing dance (2014 concert goers should remember that one). No one knew what the fuck they were doing it was hilarious.Check on starts playing and all of sudden my friends and I start to notice that BAP is gradually looking more and more to our corner, which for the most part went kinda unnoticed for the other half of the show. Now I’m not gonna say they saw it, but I can say for a fact that manager posted it on his instagram that same night. (which also took me a whole week to find ) But the next bunch of songs were the fun ones Spy, Feel So Good, Be Happy and Carnival.
They did their usual goodbye talk before performing B.A.B.Y *thug tear* That was supposed to be the end, but it wouldn’t be a BAP concert without an encore. They did BANGX2 again. 
Now it’s time for the Hi-Touch and photo op shenanigans. 
They had everyone with Hi-touch go first, they turned it into a whole damn exercise circuit. Just what everyone wanted to do, climb 3 floors, come down and go back up. But anyway…  So the panic was real guys. So the order I can remember was Youngjae, Zelo, Daehyun, Jongup, Yongguk and Himchan. Literally my death in the beginning and end.
So before we get to go up to the guys the staff is doing their annoying “phones away,” “don’t give them presents,” “hurry up” speeches. I roll my eyes and continue walking to the guys. 
Youngjae is first. Lord jesus I wasn’t mentally prepared, but my makeup was still in tact. *bless you Laura Mercier powder* He is the only dude I know that is ALWAYS ready before the damn fan that’s meeting him. He was already eyeing me before I got up to him. His usual smirk followed by a cute smile after I hi fived him.
I was actually proud of myself this hi touch cause I was able to look at and actually hi five everyone this time while still mentally dying.
Next was Zelo… he’s tall as shit… why? Anyway he smiled and I high fived him and went on to the next one.
JUNG. DAEHYUN. What’s your deal, bro?! So I get to Dae, I was prepared this year to feel close as fuck to him as always. Apparently he was not and made it obvious… VERY OBVIOUS. So I get to him and look him dead in his eyes and this boy legit goes O_O and looked shocked as al holy hell. I actually tilted my head a little and giggled at him and he kinda recollected for a second, but I felt victorious for once. 
Megan 1- BAP - 3 Years
Anyway… onto Rude Boy Jongup. So he was right after Dae and ISTG I don’t know what was going on that night but he too felt the need to look at me with a squint but from under his fringe so I was confused.
Next was Gukkie! He’s so cute and friendly at hi touches. He looked so good though, thank goodness I’m not a Guk stan. That’s like instant death.
So last but not least, Kim Himchan.
We’re going to take a little mental journey to understand this. So Himchan is last but he’s not behind the table like everyone else. He’s actually at the outside corner, so if you’re walking towards him you can see him straight on not an angle. 
Ok so as I’m done hi fiving Yongguk, I turn so I can face Himchan, normal course of action right now. Would’ve been a quick go through had when I turned his hand be ready for a hi five and he would’ve been looking at my face.
Till this day this part gets me all flustered and gets my nerves going. *deep breathing*
So I turn slightly to see Himchan checking me out in the most shameless way. This man is a greaseball and I KNOW THIS. BUT NOTHING. NOTHINGGGG COULD’VE  PREPARED ME. So he’s checking me out, at least from hip/thigh area and slowly pans up to my face and then proceeds to bite his lips and smirk at me and then put his hand up for a hi five.
For reference Himchan’s face was basically this Xuimin gif. 
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Like… how does one act normal in this situation. Well if you’re me, you try to give off the most controlled shocked face and act dead inside so you don’t get arrested.
For reference
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So I high five him and proceed to high tail it the entire fuck outta there as quickly as possible. I made it to the hallway where I then had my breakdown, still couldn’t speak and explain anything then though. 
If you had photo op they made you go allll the way back up stairs and pick your groups. Two of my friends are Zelo bias so they weren’t even gonna attempt to take a pic with each other. lmfao So we found this other group of girls and I deadass went and asked any of them if they were Himchan bias and luckily no one was. Then this staff comes over and is like “Who wants to be line leader?” I was like fuck it i’ll do it. I get to be the first person to pick a spot duh! So I tell my friends to line up behind me so they can get to their biases before the other girls and they do. So we get downstairs and we’re dying all over again cause now we’re the first people they see in the line and as soon as the group thats with them leaves, Youngjae and some of them look over at us. Great,
I look Youngjae in face again, smile and casually walked and stood in between him and Himchan. My other friends got lucky and all got to stand with their bias too. *YAAASSSS* Now, I had made it a mental note to stand a little bit away from them cause I have a butt and didn’t want to bump into one of them. All I would need to haunt me forever. Despite all my attempts, I did end up bumping into someone… I don’t even wanna know who cause I’m traumatized enough from that day, lol But a girl was rushing to kneel in front of me and I scooted back just a tad and bam… leg or something. I’ve never readjusted so fast in my life. The picture was taken and I took off in a diagonal for the gift table cause we left our stuff over there. (One of the staff was not happy about it but we didn’t care) There was amusing shit that happened on the other side with my friends Daph and Megan but I can’t even begin to get that story correct. All I know is Daphne booked it for the table while I was waiting for her and had BAP in hysterics. 
Then as we were leaving we told the manager we would see him next year and ran out of there as fast as possible.
Also here’s Himchan’s face in our photo… which I conveniently compared it to the FSG face for you.
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If you find the full i’m the one in the red. 
‘twas a hell of a night.
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