#book readers deserve better
It is funny to me how Harry Potter is literally the main character, yet people tend to go like he didn't suffer that much or he wasn't "abused"; Like, how can one misunderstand the literal main character of the damn franchise?
He wasn't abused; yes okay. He absolutely did not grow up inside a cupboard; the tiny place that is mostly reserved for brooms or cleaning supply. He absolutely was not treated inferior to the other child who lived in the same house. He was totally was not treated like a "freak" or a "stain" that his family was ashamed off. He grew up inside a cupboard while there was a literal unused bed in the same house. And you want to know what that screamed to a child, a baby — who slept inside a cupboard while there being a perfectly usable room right there? You are worth nothing and we don't love you and we are ashamed of what you are.
He wasn't starved, or at least he was fed; Yeah, no. We see it from the first book. How Vernon was no food for you and in the cupboard you go — and by the looks of it, that was like his most common punishment. And then, in the second book — you practically see it happen. He was locked, inside a room with only a can of soup that he shared with Hedwig. Now, tell me what it would do to a child — to be given food through a cat flap, and fun fact? Harry got to eat less than people on war rations; in short? He was starved, yes.
He wasn't abused physically so it's not abuse; As for people's thinks abuse isn't abuse until it's physical (which is inherently wrong because abuse isn't only physically, fyi); Harry has learned to dodge Vernon and he states that, very proudly when his uncle tries to grab him. He dodges a flying pan and states that fact, again very proudly as if it is the norm; do you know how heavy pans are? And do you know what would happen when one hits you? If you want an even clearer proof; Vernon Dursley strangles Harry in Ootp. There you go. Also, in the first book, we clearly see Vernon encouraging Dudley to hit Harry. Read between the lines and actually try to understand what that signifies.
And favourite part; When he wasn't treated like a prisoner, or a freak— he was their servant. And that is very much canonical. Tending Petunia's garden during summers and drinking from the water hose in the garden because of how hot it was? Having to wake up early so he can tend the kitchen and when he wasn't doing all that he is locked away. And it is all canon.
In conclusion, Harry— not only grew up to think that he was inhumane, undeserving of love, a freak that didn't even get to have his own bed because someone like him didn't deserve it, physically harmed enough times that he dodges them out of reflex and also the Dursleys' glorified servant; that is not even taking into account what Harry went through in Hogwarts. And after all that if someone tells me; this child, right here — didn't go through much then well, maybe read the books again?
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Xoxo Social Justice Warrior Girl
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Headcanon that after Sirius left Grimmauld Place, he started writing letters to his brother, but never sent them and after Regulus died, he started to burn every new letter he wrote, hoping that his brother could read them somewhere.
someone write this and tag me bc i won’t do it to myself
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toomanythoughts4myhead's masterlist
A\N: Im planning on writting for more fanbases but for now im aimed at tbosas. I accept any asks or requests if anyone is interested, or just interacting in general. Ill try to publish more stuff soon.
The Ballad of Sonngbirds and Snakes
Coriolanus Snow x reader
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Coriolanus x district!reader (after he almost kills you in district 12, Dr gaul returns you "fixed" as a test)
modern!Coriolanus x reader (he has inherited the postion of a leader of a secret society and you are a journalist seeking a new title, poked your nose in the wrong business.)
shorts, stories, series:
Ballads never end happily and neither do we (series, based on this prompt: after he almost kills you in district 12, Dr gaul returns you "fixed" as a test)
Woven from the same thread (Coriolanus Snow hungers for control but finaly meets his match and is unable to come on top, becomes your lap dog.)
☆Backward reflection (Part 2 to Woven from the same thread, Coriolanus faces his issues and so do you, in the only ways you know. Despite everything you understand how much you need eachother,)
Sejanus Plinth x reader
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still cooking
shorts, stories, series:
One of a kind (cute wholesome pining idiots in love, running in the rain.)
PS: this is still relatively new for me but imma try my best, hope you enjoy and dont be scread to ask or request, comment like, im happy to be your humble servant. Thank you!
dont be scared to get filthy norhing can scare me at this point
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ltsokaylove · 4 months
Star Shaped Scars
A Regulus Black x reader
Comfort, fluff, a good bit of angst.
TW! Mention of abuse and description of scars. Let me know if I missed anything! Stay safe loves~
All dinner she had been awaiting her hangout with Regulus. The two usually met after dinner and talked out of sight at the astronomy tower, and she had been dying to see him since they hadn't met in private in about a week, and it had been a stressful week at that. It was the day after spring break ended, and her sixth year was only months from being over.
It always put her more on edge whenever Regulus had to go home to his parents. She hated the way he returned, colder and more distant each time. It broke her heart to see the toll his parents mistreatment took on him.
She practically inhaled her dinner before speedwalking up the numerous staircases to the astronomy tower. By the time she reaches the top she's like five minutes earlier than their usual meeting time. She stands leaning on the railing, the anticipation eating her up.
He arrives five minutes later than their usual time, appearing silently behind her. He hesitates, but she senses his presence and immediately launches herself into his arms, "Reg!".
He exhales wrapping his arms around her and making sure to not let her hit the ground. She runs her fingers through his hair clinging to him for dear life, "Are you okay?".
He just hums contentedly into her shoulder in response, as she loosens her grip so he can put her down. Her eyes look him over and scan his face of emotion, all she finds is slight happiness but hes otherwise closed off. "Come sit?"
He nods and they sit together behind the safety railings, shoulders touching. "How was your break?" he asks turning his gaze on her, his eyes travel over her face almost memorizing it.
She shrugs not looking at him, but at the sky, "It was alright, was yours...alright?"
He freezes, "A lot better than usual". His tone is final and dry.
"Oh Reg, baby," she sighs leaning into his side and taking his hand into hers. Her fingers graze over the skin of his wrist and hand and he visibly winces. She notices it out of her peripheral vision and looks down to his hand. Its covered in messy scars, most fresh. She gently raises his sleeve and he doesn't stop her he just sighs, defeated. She finds the word 'worthless' carved into his forearm just below his wrist. The only way she knows its not by his doing is the fact that its on his left forearm and that's his dominant hand, and the handwriting is too neat to have been done with his right hand.
She feels hot anger start to surge throughout her body, "Who-." her voice cracks, "Who did this to you?"
"My mother," he says bitterly but still crazily calm.
She digs through the satchel on the floor beside her, she didn't bother to take to her dorm before rushing here like her life depended on it. She almost giggles at the sight of her only band aids being my little pony but thinks better of it and continues looking for the scar ointment in her bag. She pulls it out and looks at him, "Can I patch you up?" she asks gently.
"You don't have to worry about it darling, I-"
"Please?" she says in that soft voice he can't resist. He turns his head away, she broke him.
"Alright, I'm just sorry you have to see this," his voice wavers.
"Stop apologizing for things that aren't your fault". She gently rubs the scar ointment over the word on his forearm before kissing down his arm lightly. She smiles covering the word with the my little pony band aids from her bag.
The corners of his mouth quirks up, "What are those?"
She smiles innocently at him. "Band aids".
He rolls his eyes playfully, "Well I know that, I mean-"
"Shh baby, let me love you." she kisses the palm of his hand, up to his fingertips. "I hope you know your not worthless-"
"I do-" he cuts her off, looking at her lovingly, "I promise, you make me feel so loved darling". He kisses the side of her head.
"Does it hurt at all?"
He shakes his head, "Just burns a little, but that medicine definitely made a difference, thanks my love".
She smiles leaning onto his chest as she holds his hand at her side, "Anytime, I'm just glad we're back at school".
He studies the worried look on her face, "Stop worrying," he shifts so she can lean back onto him, and pulls her in between his legs so they can stargaze comfortably.
"Look there's you're constellation-"
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nesta-is-my-queen · 2 months
A mini fanfic of what I wish Cassian would tell Nesta, post HOFAS bonus chapter.
Of all the things that could have happened Nesta did not expect a red-headed alien, with an eight-pointed star on her chest twin to the one stamped across her own heart, to completely change everything she knew about her world—about life itself. That there were other worlds out there, with powerful beings that walked between them, leaving a path of death and destruction in their wake.
She had never expected other planets full of fae, let alone humans, to be hunted and brutalized, to be turned into a source of food and entertainment for intergalactic parasites. It was for the sake of the humans that she handed over the mask. She couldn't bare the thought of them at the mercy of the Asteri, with nothing to defend themselves, so she made the choice to help the female who called herself Bryce, and loaned her what might just tip the scales in their favour.
And then Rhysand and Cassian found out. She didn't care that Rhysand was upset with her, for she could scarcely remember when the high lord was not. It was Cassian's reaction that ate at her. He was furious, even more than Rhysand was.
She remembered Ember's horrified expression when she quipped Rhysand might execute her for her alleged treason. Rhysand wouldn't, of course, if not for Feyre and Cassian. She supposed Ember didn't understand her particular brand of dark humour, and she'd had to promise her that she was safe, that there was no impending execution to be had. The silver lining to it all, however was watching Ember Quinlan, a human woman, hand Rhysand his own ass, something not even Amren had successfully done.
It had been days since she and Cassian spoke. Once again they were fighting. He was angry that she had done the unthinkable and given a trove item to a prisoner. And she was livid that he had taken Rhysand's side in all this. That Rhysand would have preferred her to kill Bryce before handing over the mask.
She had not been this enraged since she had been locked up in the House of Wind and carted off to the Illyrian mountains. She was not some simpering female to be ordered about. She understood the consequences of her actions and decided if the people of Midgard were not safe, then no one was safe. The threat of the Asteri would have eventually reared it's ugly head upon Prythian and enslaved them all. She had seen what one of them could do, in the prison, she couldn't imagine what a host of them might do if they got their hands on Bryce and ripped open a portal to their world.
When Bryce appeared she had no time to do much else but offer the mask, it was a fleeting moment, a wrinkle in time and space and then Bryce was hurtling back to her world, gone before she even had time to blink, the portal winking out with her, leaving her parents as collateral. Those days with Ember had been everything to Nesta. She was the mother she never had. Warm, loving, understanding—so unlike the one who birthed her.
During those days Ember and Randall were the only two she had the heart to interact with, other than Azriel. She and Cassian were not talking and it began to show. Ember was the one who brought it up. Said that it wasn't healthy for them to avoid eachother like this. She had Randall talk to Cassian about it as well. She supposed they were right, how many more days could she lock herself up in her room. How many more nights could she sleep alone?
That was when the knock came. And the house, the traitorous house, opened it's doors to reveal Cassian. She didn't want him to see her crying, to see her weakness. She sniffed back tears and seethed, "go away."
Cassian’s hazel eyes locked with Nesta’s, two endless pools of blue grey. Eyes he could get lost in, that could drown him in their depths. Something fractured in him as he watched a lone tear trickle down her cheek, escaping that carefully constructed mask she always wore.
Their bedroom was littered in piles of discarded books. Some half opened with cracked spines, shoved to the side ranging from smut to battle strategy. Steaming mugs of tea and trays laden with truffles and petit fours were scattered across the room. As if the house was desperate to comfort the female standing before him.
“I—I am so sorry.” He said. His voice low, cracking. It was not the only thing that cracked.
“That’s not enough.” She said, in the ghost of a whisper.
“Nesta…” Cassian said, his voice strained, as he lifted a hand towards her. She flinched, backing away.
“Please… just talk to me… tell me what to do…” he pleaded.
“I’m so tired of this. I’m so tired of everyone telling me I’m wrong, of having you—the one person—my person—doubt me," she said, swallowing deeply, as if there wasn't enough air in her lungs.
"How could you—?" she breathed, feigning her head to the side, as if trying to hide that thing inside that threatened to burst. Her eyes turned silver, not with flame, but with tears. Tears that would devour him and her. That would devour the world. Cassian would rather have been burned by that unholy fire he'd seen in her eyes. Would rather be turned to ash, a thousand times over, than see those tears falling from them.
As if sensing the onslaught, a soft, cotton napkin materialized in Nesta's hand.
“I know—I know.” He whispered as he watched red splotches spread across her face while she shuddered and heaved. The navy blue drapes unhooked themselves, sliding across the brass railing to cover the bay windows overlooking Velaris, as if to conceal the crying female from any potential onlookers flying by.
“You know what the worst part of it is—I don’t think you know what it is that you did wrong,” she faltered, wiping her tears on the cloth provided to her by the house.
“That you think I did not consider your soldiers, your brothers in arms, who might lose their lives if a war came here. I did consider it, I thought of everything. And all I could think of was about someone like my father, who wouldn’t stand a chance—"
"So I gave them a chance.” She choked out, ringing the cloth in her hands. "I gave them a chance," she repeated.
“And I took one too. But you—you couldn’t take one on me.” She faltered. As each word landed he felt those threads between them slacking. As if their very souls were unravelling.
Something inside of him felt like it was drowning, as if wave after wave were crashing down on that thing in his chest, beaten and battered. Threatening to drag him in the undertow of the storm he was facing.
“Let me make it right. Give me that chance I should have given you.” he pleaded.
“That’s not enough Cassian. It’s not enough and you know it. I refuse to be second when I put you first.” Something flickered in her eyes before quickly sputtering out. He promised himself then and there that he would never let that ember inside of her die out. That he would spend his life dedicated to kindling that fire. That he was a mere shadow that could only exist in the presence of her flame.
“I once told you I have no regrets in my life. Well I was wrong. I regret ever hurting you, ever causing you a moment of pain, ever doubting you. Not putting you first. Because I was afraid. Afraid of disappointing people. But you're the only person who matters. And I will spend whatever time I have left in this life showing you that, if you give me the chance. And if that’s not enough I will keep on trying. As long as you let me."
“Why now? What’s different? What’s changed?” Nesta narrowed her reddened eyes. “Aren’t you sick of being shackled to me?” She squared her shoulders, her eyes turning into two silver slits, giving him that "I will slay my enemies look" that nearly had him falling to his knees.
“The thought of living life without you is unbearable. Without you I am nothing. It's why I was so angry—I was thinking about you. Of losing you. It wasn't just about the last war. It was about what would happen in this one. All I could think of was you throwing your body on top of mine and nearly dying. And—." The words tumbled out of him, erratic and desperate.
"And what a world without you might look like. So I—I lost my mind." He said, his voice thick, eyes pleading.
"Nesta, being your mate is the greatest honour of my life. And I am sorry that I have ever made you feel otherwise."
The space between them waned, and the room somehow became smaller, as if the house was closing the distance between them.
Cassian slipped Nesta’s hand in his and slowly lifted it to that shattered place upon his chest. “You are my everything Nesta Archeron. You are my soul. My heart. My life.”
Clutching her hand to him, he lowered himself, until he was kneeling before her. She could feel his heart pounding, her own beating to the same chaotic tune, as if each pulse and each breath was taken together.
“I love you.” The words spilled out of him. “I have always loved you.”
Somehow he gripped her hand even tighter against his chest and she sunk her nails in. It felt as if she was holding his heart in her palm. Perhaps she truly was. And he just held her hand there, as she marked him. Five crescent shapes imprinted on him, dotted in red, from the base to the apex of his heart, her signature, her claiming.
“And I will always love you.” He breathed, his eyes wet, his face lifted up, meeting hers.
“I love you too.” She whispered, voice hoarse, as she grabbed at his chest, now pulling him towards her until there was no space left between them. Until their lips were crashing against one another, breathing the other in. And those golden threads began to weave themselves back together until they shone, forming an eight pointed star, a guiding light, their compass home.
"You're lucky that I believe in second chances." Nesta said, a slow smile breaking across her face like the sun peaking through the twilight sky. And it was all he needed before he met her smile with one of his own, before he pulled her down to him, until they were flush against eachother.
"I am lucky,” he whispered in her ear, his breath hot, mouth hungry, as he traced his lips along the curve of her neck, “the luckiest male alive.”
Second chapter is on AO3
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stellatekintsugi · 2 years
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Kit Connor for Attitude Magazine
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tangerinecherrygal · 1 year
the author had a chance to tell a really powerful story w acosf but instead she broke nesta down until she wasn’t herself anymore. She subjected her to more abuse on top of the trauma that was already affecting her and left her isolated and without much support.
ik it’s ‘not that serious bc it’s just a book’ but as someone who has really bad mh struggles, like a lot of us do, it’s a bit disheartening. her suffering is just an inconvenience to the people around her which is such a fear of so many people with psychological problems have. Like if it’s affecting you, imagine how tired we are.
worst of all she had no true happy ending. she’s been through so much and her healing is still in progress but she’s stuck with a man that doesn’t even seem to like her and surrounded by the ic that openly despise her. how is her healing supposed to continue under these conditions?
If you have a mental health struggle: you are not a burden and you deserve company that accepts you as you are and doesn’t treat your struggles like it inconveniences them. <3
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creative-hanyou-girl · 4 months
I'm only making one post tonight because I gotta be up in a few hours but WOW!!!!! What a finale episode!!!!! It was everything I loved from the book and more. Also that scene with Percy and Poseidon!? I actually got teared up. You could just SEE the pain and grief in Poseidon's eyes over the fact that he couldn't be with Percy and Sally and it was so heartbreaking!!!
Also ADORE that Poseidon saved Percy from Zeus. Not only from the bolt, but by surrendering. We all know how prideful the gods are, especially Big 3 gods, so the fact that Poseidon put Percy FIRST over his pride makes my heart melt. I always believed that as far as the Greek gods go in PJO, Poseidon was one of the better and more genuinely caring parents, and the show is just proving me right 1000%. Its also a good moment because it demonstrates to Percy that the gods aren't all black and white; they're not all terrible parents by choice. In my opinion, this moment gives Percy's motivation on fighting FOR the gods more weight and grounding. Because he sees that his dad DOES care about him. We all say Percy could've EASILY turned out like Luke, but because Percy sees that his dad does care about him, and that some gods do care about their kids, it allows him to see that not all the gods are completely terrible for the sake of being terrible. I still love his motivation in the books where he fights for the sake of his friends, but I like that the show is letting Percy see too that the gods, like humans, are multiple layered and that they have their reasons. This is not me trying to justify all the gods' actions btw, but I do think that there are SOME gods at least that aren't completely terrible for no reason like Zeus and Ares in PJO, and Poseidon protecting Percy is a great show of that and adds to Percy's decision to defend the gods instead of fighting against them, even though he and Luke are a lot alike with similar feelings of abandonment and resentment.
Also, I wonder how the TV only viewers are doing right now after Luke's betrayal. From what I heard, TV viewers loved Luke, so I can only imagine how WRECKED they must be feeling. I feel devastated, and I saw it coming as a book reader. That's how great Luke's actor was, and how great the show portrayed Luke as a older brother figure to Percy.
Overall, AMAZING final. I'll try to express more thoughts tomorrow.
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aurora-starwars · 10 months
Girls in Star Wars canonically take suppressants for their periods
…just thought that was interesting
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number-1-stalker · 2 years
Regulus has sociopathic tendancys.
Not in the way that he doesn't feel, because he does. He feels. Like he knows that he hates sirius. But he also knows he loves sirius and its all so confusing so he doesn't bother to let himself feel it.
Like how he likes his friends, and he likes barty more than he should as a friend but its a word that he just can't place so he doesn't let himself think about it. He can't.
No regulus feels. He feels pain. He's always hurt. He never stopped hurting. But he's grown numb.
And he doesn't feel like a normal person should. He can't walk up to barty and just say he loves him. He can't even walk up to narcissa and say that.
He's just numb. He blocks everything out. And sometimes, at night when the house is too quiet and he feels himself holding his breath, he forgets why this is a bad thing.
And sometimes, like when he's in that cave and drinking that poison and so ready, so willing to die and he just realises that love is the word he's looking for when it comes to barty, he thinks that maybe he'd like to be normal.
But it's okay now, right?
He's doing what normal people do, right?
Living, and then dieing.
Even though regulus knows that he wasn't really living in the first place.
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Casca deadass the wine aunt, homophobic uncle AND weed cousin in one person
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valak4lifeuwu · 3 months
Chapter 11 in the making!
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Hiii 🩷 Me, and the other two writers of our story Draught of desire got so super busy the last couple of months, so we couldn’t find the time to write. We’re so sorry in case anyone was waiting. :( 🩷 We have found time to write again, so we’re going to release Chapter 11 real soon, and start writing our next chapters! Again, if you want to become a character in our story, check my posts to know how 😺
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One of a kind
Summary: You are a rich Capitol-born, he is a boy from the districts that was forced into a fortuen. Two different world seem to colide and find solice in one another. A unique bond is formed, a breath of fresh air for both, changing your worlds. You enjoy the brightness he shines on your life.
Warnings: None (he has gone through enough), mentions of past mistreatment (nothing graphic to be fair), overdose of longing and yearning from both parties.
AN: This was so much fun to write and i will be writting more for him, he is my pookie wookie. Love him and hope this reaches all the Sejanus stans, he deserved so much more love, i just wann smooch him and keep him in my pocket.
Word count: 2.3k
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Sejanus Plinth who even after all these years of being forced to endure the company of rich snobby students and their even more classist and stuck-up parents, still hasn’t been able to or even remotely wished to befriend or in any way connect with any of these heartless animals.
Capitol!reader who is among said rich old money children. Despite everything you have grown to be kind thing, considerate and sheltered from the world’s worst issues by your parents. Ever since Sejanus got transferred to the Academy you have wanted to talk with him. The rich clique you went out with (mostly your parents ties or leeches looking for connections) discouraged any sort of show of empathy for the district boy, saying that breathing the same air as him was below any self-respecting Capitol citizen.
Capitol!reader who is not as stupid as other people make her out to be, with a surprisingly deep rooted morals, born from nurturing of empathy shown from the avoxes taking care of the penthouse you grew up in. As any other child of busy businessman, you had been handed off to the nearest nanny or avox to handle as your parents carried on with their financial legacy. The avoxes couldn’t speak but they could write and after you had managed to learn to write from a very young age, you gave been communicating with them. Your parents would have been worried to find out all the time spent playing or writing to the supposed capitol traitors if they had noticed sooner, alas they remembered they had a child when it was time for you to join the Academy and ever since then you have been forced into a social group of spoiled delinquents. You often missed the quiet and peace you had before.
Capitol!reader who manages to escape from the hold of said clique for the lunch break and finally after almost 4 months goes and sits by Sejanus.
Sejanus Plinth who gets jump scared as he sees one of the riches students in the Academy saunter over with a small smile to sit on the seat opposite of him. He had been too focused in his own head, mulling over how all the people surrounding him get the best food there is and even throw away a big chunk of it while people in the districts were dying of hunger, but the light click-clacking of heels on the marble floor snaps him out of his trance.
Sejanus Plinth who is ready to take whatever insult you decide to throw at him. It wasn’t uncommon for other students to go from passive aggressive remarks to verbal pushing and shoving, he never reacted to it. Your small smile and clam friendly eyes, the effortless way you moved with grace and no fake bravado threw him off a little. He was aware that good or semi-sensible existed in the Capitol, they usually just didn’t go near him, scared to taint their reputation. But here you were sitting with your legs crossed and with a warm smile, asking how he found the Capitol.
No demeaning tone or hidden message, no games or mockery, no looking down or judgement.
Just a simple polite question, he hadn’t had the privilege to hear that in a long while.
Sejanus Plinth who finds himself drawn to you ever since that encounter. You had stayed with him and listened as he went on and told you about all his observations on the Capitol, perhaps not all, just the ones he knew were appropriate to say to someone he barely knew. Despite that he found his voice grow louder and surer, his statements held more meaning and more personal influence.
Capitol!reader who listens completely enthralled in whatever he is speaking. No one had shared an honest opinion on the Capitol with her, all her family, friends and overall surrounding circle were too busy sucking up to the injustice that brought them more money. The closest is some fleeting notes from some avoxes as she had grown more of age, but they couldn’t share too much, they were on a thin line as it is. And here was Sejanus speaking truths she had only pondered in her head when alone.
It felt refreshing, no bravado or overcomplicated explanation, no bending of morality to further make his life better. He felt like what she had been looking for, the fresh air she hadn’t been allowed to have.
And in this moment, it seemed that they had both found what they need. A calm and sincere connection based on truths and freedom, shared ideals. Something calm and grounded, far from the tacky taste of the Capitol.
Capitol!reader who starts to feel a tingly feel anytime she sees Sejanus, its not love, she thinks, she wasn’t particularly sure, but she was so happy to talk with someone who saw her for her and not her parents bank accounts. With every week she managed to find newer and newer excusses to leave her friend group, not even caring if they believed her. She would spring the random excuse and almost dash to go find Sejanus who somehow was always near. Shed feel her smile grow and with time he returned it.
Sejanus Plinth who couldn’t believe that someone from the Capitol would spend willingly time with him, and even go as far as to ditch her friends for him. You cleared up for him how things worked in your controlled life and how most things weren’t really your choice.
The bell of the Academy rings and all students start packing their belongings, ready to put the end to another tiring day. The mass of red uniforms moves and parts like a thunderous sea and yet amidst the chaos he spots you almost immediately. Maybe it’s the serene calmness and comfort your presence brins along as you walk with a bag swung over your shoulder and uniform just barely out of place. Or that’s jus the effect you have on him.
You seem to also spot him from your position between your circle, your face immediately shifts from expressionless and deep in thought to happy despite the obvious tiredness. You slow your walking and your friends don’t notice as they continue to walk until they eventually exit and are gone from your sight. You and Sejanus meet in the middle, both walking over hastily to the other. There is little room between you, your shoulders almost press ad you head in a slow step for the exit. Sejanus fixes your collar as you walk, putting the material back to its place, never daring to look up in fear of making things too obvious.
“How was your day? Did your history test go well? You were so worried about it.” – he asks calmly with a quiet voice as he returns to his upright position still not looking at you, despite how sweaty his hands had become from the nerves.
You feel the heat radiating off of him as you walk, as his fingers linger jus ta second too long as he touched up your uniform, but don’t say anything. You simply wanted to bask in the warm feeling it brough to you. There weren’t any butterflies or nerves jittering in your stomach, but it seemed that flowers had taken root and were blooming inside your chest, making your body feel warm and at peace, excited to be near him.
“As well as it gets with professor Plextor, I swear the man truly wants to fail us. He hates children, not sure how he got the job or why.” – you reply and rub your tired eyes, feeling the hours of stressing and studying over the week catch up with you.
Sejanus notices, he notices everything about you. He lets out a small hum, an amused breath through his nose that made it crinkle up a bit. He was so pretty.
“I always knew you had it in you.”
You continue to walk in comfortable silence, soaking up the shared feeling of content that seemed to follow your pair. Sadly, everything is measured and the entrance is reached. It had started raining on top of everything and you didn’t have and umbrella, God knows it wouldn’t fit in your overpacked bag.
You both come to a halt trying to figure out what to do. You can spot the outline of the private car that drives and picks you up from school, sitting in the parking of the school amongst other expensive vehicles. Sure, with the downpour you will get soaked even from the brief ten to fifteen minutes it will take you to reach it, but you will go home and shower before you manage to get sick.
A rustling of clothes snaps your attention back to Sejanus. His academy jacket was off leaving him in the white shirt branded with the Academy initials, it hugged his broad torso and shoulder well and tempted you to feel the soft skin and muscle under.
“What are you doing?”
“Keeping us as dry as I can manage. Come closer.” – Sejanus whispers and uses the jacket as a makeshift umbrella over the both of you. With his arms raised you can clearly see how the shirt was straining with his ribcage and shoulders, smell the expensive cologne he had sported that day, something smokey and foresty, it fit him well and made your head spin just a bit.
“You are ridiculous”
You say with a smile, voice barely above a whisper, too scared to break the bubble of your own little world. Sejanus throws you a smile with that boyish charm he often doesn’t show and you both take off. Shoes splash and splat against the wet stairs and later pavement. You’ve never ran through the rain, often just waiting for an avox to come and escort you with an umbrella.
Now you were laughing like an idiot alongside Sejanus, feeling light on your feat and at peace with the world. You had never heard him laugh, not like this. With full voice and honest happiness, nothing compared to the stifled huffs of laughter you had grown to long to hear. This was your new favorite thing.
Eventually you do reach the car and both of you come to halt Infront of it, breathless from laughing and breathing in the cold air as you ran here. You are just looking at each other, grinning like idiots. His curls were stuck to his fore head, damp but not wet, his cheeks were stretched by a big smile and his eyes shone so sincerely you would believe they were jewels.
A honk from the car and the opening of the passenger side for you startles you both. You whip around to look at the avox in the front seat who was urging you on to hop in so you wouldn’t be late for the annual family gathering. As you turn back you almost hit your head on his shoulder and you almost wish you had.
He is still standing with his arms raised protecting you from the rain and you smile. You place your hand on his shoulder and lower it down to his collarbone, feeling the slight stiffness that follows in its wake. The warmth emitting from him almost makes you dip your hand under the crevice of his shirt and feel the soft skin underneath, almost. Instead, you opt to look at him and the wat his gaze his fixated on you like you are the center of his universe, like the stars and the planets go round for you.
“Thank you, Sejanus, thank you for keeping me from the rain. Take acre and don’t get sick, would be hell to go here without you.”
You reluctantly take your hand off of him, already missing how nicely it fit against him and hop into the back seat of the car. His eyes follow you and his face has become unreadable and deep in thought as you had seen many times. You wonder if you have over stepped a line, maybe your own delusions had seeped too far in reality this time. His arms drop once you are sitting inside, both waiting for the automatic door to close. The rain falls on him in all its might and gets him soaking. His hair is stuck to his face and the shirt seems to uncomfortably cling to his frame, even if it gives you a better view of his torso you are busy worrying for his health.
He never lets his gaze drop now and simply extends his hand out for you. You look at the the broad palm and long fingers for a moment before you wrap your own around it giving it a squeeze.
“Anything for you.”
He squeezes your hand and barely visible warmth creep on his face, but you blame it on the cold. He lets go of you as the door finally kicks back into action and closes. Behind the tinted window you see him and smile, waving even if your appearance is obscured. You see him wave at you even as the car goes by him and heads for your house. You sit back down on the seat normally after you are done trying to spot him from the back window.
Your hand feels warm, the ghost of his touch still living on even after the moment, forever branded in your mind. A huge grin is plastered on your face and your cheeks have grown warm and red. Your heart is beating fast and you feel like you are glowing.
This was what love feels like.
(Being friends with the avoxes pays off, they are great wingmen. You try to avoid the smile and funny looks the driver sends you.)
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themoonking · 10 months
"fourth wing is for romance readers who want to get into fantasy" is an insult to romance readers
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nesta-is-my-queen · 2 months
Do you think would Nesta write smutty fanfiction?
What are some names of fics you think she would write?
Here are a few silly ones I’ve thought of:
High lord of the smut court
Illyrian lover
Bloodshed and shadowsinging
A Valkyries guide to battlefields and bedrooms
Quick off the mark
Hated and Mated (idk why I think this is even funny lol)
The Breakfast Special 😅🙃
Ahhh these are so lame!! Come up with better ones!!
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