#bro I'm tired as fuck right now T-T
straightdazed412 · 10 months
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Hhmmm...a typical highschool bully, a psychotic vampire, and a possessed Russian with trauma...
Yup! The perfect poly couple! (⁠ㆁ⁠ω⁠ㆁ⁠)
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blackbirdi · 6 months
Game Night (Not a Good Idea)
Brief Description: Things heard during Wayne family game night.
Point of View: 3rd Person
Word Count: 1334
Character: Batfam x platonic!Reader
Every Sunday Bruce tries to get all his kids (whether adopted or not) back to the manor for supper and a game night. And while some of the time the games are fun and a bonding moment for everyone, most of the time it's a battleground.
Things said playing: Super Smash Bros
A very pissed off Timothy Drake: DAMIAN! I AM ON YOUR TEAM; STOP PUSHING ME OFF!
A frustrated Stephanie Brown: DODGE IT! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?
Y/n L/n: *Playing the game for the first time in years* I don't know the controls...
Jason Todd throwing his controller against the wall after his team lost for the seventh time in a row: THIS IS BULLSHIT!
Things said playing: Twister
A defeated before the game even begins Duke Thomas: No. Straight up, no. We all know Dick's going to win; what's the point in even playing?
A very flexible and cocky Dick Grayson: What do you mean you can't reach the green circle? It's literally so easy!
Jason: *His eye twitching* Kill yourself.
A tired of the complaining, Bruce Wayne: Dick, you're not playing this round.
Dick, heartbroken: What? Why?
The rest of the Batkids: *Cheering*
Things said playing: Jenga
Damian Wayne, who just knocked the tower over: DRAKE BUMPED INTO ME! HE MADE ME KNOCK IT OVER JUST SO I WOULD LOSE!
Tim, who is sitting over ten feet from him: What? No, I didn't.
Damian: YES, YOU DID!
A very confused and slightly disappointed Barbara Gordon: Why did you choose that one?
Y/n, who chose the most difficult one to remove: *Practically in tears* I DON'T KNOW!
Anyone after knocking the tower over: I fucking hate this game.
Things said playing: Among Us
*While they're waiting in the lobby (the game hasn't even begun)*
Tim: It's Damian.
Damian: Fuck you.
Bruce, after being the first killed for the fifth time in a row: Do you hate me that much?
Steph (a crewmate): *Walking past Bruce's body and not reporting it* Yes.
Babs (a crewmate), who people are now suspecting: You're not supposed to give any hints that you got killed, Bruce.
*Y/n and Cass being revealed as the imposters*
The Batfamily after being positive that Y/n and Cass were the only ones who weren't the imposters (other than those murdered): WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU WERE THE IMPOSTER?
Y/n and Cass: *Cackling*
Things said playing: Charades
Jason, after they ran out of time and didn't guess it: *Looking at the card* What you acted out was not fucking Ratatouille.
Damian, who was very much not doing anything to hint towards Ratatouille: YES, IT WAS!
Babs after picking up the most complicated things possible to act out: What the fuck is this?
Bruce: I burned the zombie card by the way.
Jason, Tim, Steph, Damian, and Y/n: *Groaning in disappointment*
Things said playing: Just Dance
Cass: *Doing everything perfectly*
Everyone else: How the fuck are you doing that?
Cass: *Giggling* What are you doing?
Y/n: I don't fucking know.
Duke: I am the epitome of a graceful dancer, Tim. *Proceeds to trip over the coffee table and land flat on his face*
Things said playing: Any game involving riddles
Any of the Batkids: I CALL DUKE/STEPH!
Bruce: *Reading a riddle that was writing in Shakespearean (ye old English)*
All of the Batkids: w h a t
Duke/Steph: I'm telling you, it's *correct answer*
Jason: No, it's not. It's *very much the wrong answer*
Duke/Steph, feeling petty: Fine, we'll go with *Jason's answer*
Bruce: It's *the answer Duke/Steph originally had*
Duke/Steph: *Waiting for Jason to admit they were right*
Jason, who refuses to take the blame: Jeez, you're terrible at this game.
Things said playing: Spoons
(if you don't know what Spoons is, search it up because I don't know how to describe it, but it is the most fun game ever and you're missing out.)
Y/n: *Holding onto the spoon like her life depends on it* YOU CAN'T GRAB IT FROM ME! IT'S ALREADY IN MY HAND!
Steph: *Clawing at Y/n's hand* GIVE IT HERE!
Dick: *Cradling his hand* I think Jason broke my hand.
Jason, with the most "I don't give a shit" voice ever: Damn. That sucks.
All the Batkids at one point: *Quite literally throwing themselves across the table to grab the last spoon*
Bruce: *Tired Dad SighTM*
Things said playing: Monopoly
Jason, who owns all but one railroad: I swear to God, Tim, if you land on the last railroad and buy it...
Tim, lands on the last rail road: *Buys it*
Jason: *Lunges across the table to strangle him*
Y/n, after buying Park Place a while ago: *Lands on Boardwalk* You bitches are about to be financially murdered.
*After red hotels have been added to over half the board, and there are at least two green houses on every spot*
Duke: Can I just stay in jail?
Things said playing: Uno
Cass: Uno!
Steph: *Places Pick Up 4 card*
Tim: *Places Pick Up 4 card*
Y/n: *Places Pick Up 4 card*
Jason: *Places Pick Up 4 card*
Duke: *Places Pick Up 4 card*
Dick: *Places Pick Up 4 card*
Damian: *Places Pick Up 4 card*
Babs: Sorry, Cass *Places Pick Up 4 card*
Cass, trying not to fucking snap: You guys fucking suck.
(I'm sobbing. She's picking up 28 cards. NOOO, CASS)
*It's down to just Tim and Damian; the others have all gotten rid of their cards*
Tim, after being skipped for the fifth time in a row: *Near tears* HOW MANY FUCKING SKIP CARDS DO YOU HAVE?
Damian: *Placing another one down* Yes.
*Whenever someone wins*
The rest of the Batkids: *Starts a fist fight*
*Cue Uno getting banned from being played at a Game Night.*
Things said playing: Mario Kart
Babs, throwing a green shell: *Bounces off the wall and hits her instead of the person ahead of her* I'm going to kill someone.
Dick: *Picks Rainbow Road*
The rest of the Batkids: Fuck you.
Cass, before they start playing: Oh, I suck at this game.
Cass: *Wins over half the races*
Y/n: Yup.
Y/n: That's why I did it.
Steph: *Getting pissed that she got 2nd*
Bruce: *Trying to console her* It's fine, Steph. It's just a game.
Bruce: *Too scared to play with his kids because of how angry he's been seeing them getting* No.
Steph: That's what I fucking thought.
Y/n, after being hit by Jason's red shell for the third time in a row: *Throwing the controller at Jason* I'M DONE! I'M FUCKING DONE!
Jason: *Cackles*
Tim: *Looking at someone else's screen and not realizing it* I am so good at this.
*His character is actually continuously hitting a wall*
Duke: *Gets a blue shell* It's over for you, Cass!
Damian: *Uses Thunderbolt, thus getting rid of Duke's blue shell before he can use it*
*Duke, trying to stop himself from attacking Damian*
Damian: *About to get first place* And victory is–
Duke: *Blue shells him* That's what you get, you little bastard.
*Damian proceeds to literally bite Duke*
*Bruce, trying to ban Mario Kart from Game Night*
All the Batkids: BOO! I'm not coming back if you do.
*Mario Kart has not been banned*
Bonus! (Involves only Babs, Dick, Jason, Steph, Cass, Tim, and Y/n)
Things said playing: Cards Against Humanity
Y/n, holding the prompt for this round: *Looking at the responses the rest gave her* You all are fucking terrible human beings.
Babs: It's a damn game, Y/n. No one actually meant it.
Dick: Hey! My card was not that bad!
Cass: Come on, it's funny!
Jason: Yes.
Steph: Thank you.
Tim: You're one to talk.
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fredwkong · 1 year
Ugh! One of the football coaches at uni just told me to personally tutor some of their players and they all have different majors! I have a life too, you know!
I'm so tired of being an angry little nerd all the time. I just want to take a break from uni and become a big, dumb jock for a while. No thoughts, brain empty, balls churning kind of guy.
I’m not sure if this is meant to be a vacation booking or a wish, but there’s a genie who’s raring to come and give you what you want, so that’s what you’re getting.
“I wish I was a dumb jock.”
The genie who appears before you looks like an alpha jock, wearing a cutoff tank top, basketball shorts, and a snapback cap. He grins at you and says, “Absolutely, bro. Love creating another dumb bro.”
He snaps his finger, and your button up shirt transforms into a white T-shirt printed with the words “FUCK ME BIG.” Your skinny nerd body is absolutely swimming in it. With a dumb guffaw, the genie vanishes.
Right on cue, the first football bro knocks on the door of your dorm room for your tutoring session. Without waiting for your response, he opens the door and walks in. “Hey bro, you gotta help me pass Chem—“ he trails off, his dumb brain catching up as he reads your shirt. A lustful look rushes over his face. “We can do that, too,” he growls, and rips off your cargo pants.
As he cums in your bony ass, you feel like all your knowledge of chemistry drains out into his dick, while at the same time you feel your whole body inflate a bit with muscle and fat. The bro puts his cock away in his pants. “Whoa, dude, I feel ready for that Chem midterm now, huhu,” he chuckles.
As he leaves, the next football bro walks in, complaining about his algebra quiz. Before you can protest, he reads your shirt.
By the end of the day, the whole football team has dropped a thick jock load in your new jiggly muscle butt. Every bit of knowledge you had has been drained out, and you sit on your bed, jiggling your fat pecs in your shirt and feeling the cum drool out of your asshole.
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Another wish fulfilled.
Got a wish you need twisted? Send an ask! Remember to say “I wish” so the genie hears exactly what you’re wishing for.
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thestraymage · 2 months
Hello, my name is Alex and before I start speaking my mind about the Natlan (&Sumeru) situation, I want you to know that I'm a white Italian and for that my opinion on racism will always be less important that POC opinions. Also, I'm aware that my anger is nothing compared to the anger and suffering of the minorities that are being misrepresented, but if I don't talk then I would be complicit in the racism that's spreading online.
I'm angry because I'm seeing white people talking about "forcing diversity" and removing "representation" from white people (geez, that's cringe bro). I've also seen really racist offences on every app I'm in.
To all these people: fuck you. We are the most privileged and represented group on this motherfucking planet, everything is about us.
Also, it's not forced diversity, they are using non-white cultures but refuse to properly represent them. This is cultural appropriation.
We stole everything from these cultures: their lands, their freedoms and now we still steal from them. And then we have the audacity to ignore their existence, because god forbid something is not for white people.
You are all quick to complain if there's a black protagonist in a game about Japan, even if he is an historical figure, because the reality is that you are racist, plain and simple. And if you think you are not, you probably can't understand your privilege and the fact that every one of us has been raised in a racist society, and we should listen and learn from others experiences. But noooo, you're all complaining because...what? Why does melanin bother you so much? Get over yourselves. You are trying to silence people, the same thing that we have done to them for hundreds of years. They are tired and they are fucking right to feel like this.
Also, saying that entire countries (Japan, China) are racist is generalising and, considering what's happening with racisms in a lot of weastern countries, we should stop infantilizing another country and start seeing how our governments are enforcing racist behaviours.
My personal story is different, but I know for a fact that if someone creates something with an all POC cast, you will be screaming and having a tantrum because you hate not being the center of attention. Why do I know that? Because it happened in my community with queer creators, where straight people complain if there's an all queer cast. Privileged people H A T E when something is not about them.
To all of the beautiful people who are fighting for their right to be represented correctly: you are incredible, strong and you deserve respect. And I'm deeply sorry for what you're going through.
(Sorry if my English isn't perfect)
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thecountesstribe · 3 months
Babies we got our asses kicked today huh??!
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I knew it was coming, I knew but that doesn't make it hurt less. As a matter of fact it hurts worse because I loved book Rhaenys and sure they changed and butchered her character somewhat in the show but that was Grandma and I loved her. I need Vhagar and Aemond dead bro. I'm not even playing I'm wishing for their downfall so hard right now. Rhaenys Targaryen was one of the greatest women in Westeros to ever live and stamp that. I'm not ready for the reactions of her family when they find out about her death. Baela, Rhaena, Jace, Corlys, Rhaenyra and the others just recently lost Luke and to lose her so soon after. I'll be sick. Her relationship with Meleys was so special to me. Meleys looking back at her for the first time during the episode and then taking her last look at her for the final time, I was in tears. I'll never get over this hurt. Her face when she realized that she wasn't going back home with Meleys and the fall 💔💔💔. I am not okay, I'm not okay. Rest in peace to them both.
Sunfyre I'm sorry you had that halfwit who barely knows his mother tongue for a rider even though that little nudge you gave him was actually super duper cute. Another one of my babies. Y'all don't think they rewrote the story to kill off Sunfyre because in the trailer for episode 5, Sunfyre wasn't shown.
Aemond I hate you! Living up to that kinslayer moniker. So we intentionally see him burn both his brother (honestly fuckin deserved and about time) and his dragon. Wonder how this is gonna play out, they better not give Aemond Baela's story arc. I'm so fuckin serious. That's it. I wanna fight.
Rhaenyra coming home to a tongue lashing was so satisfying. Jacaerys was fed up y'hear me. He was done. Her telling him about the song of fire and ice just like Vizzy T did for her warmed me a little.
Criston Cole shut the fuck up challenge. It happened years ago, it's time to let that hurt go. They let that old man read him for filth and spit on him just for me.
Alicent being potentially pregnant and having to take medieval plan b or is it medieval abortion medication is so funny to me. I wonder how crybaby Cole would take the news of her potentially getting rid of the child? It's gonna be a mess.
Jacaerys was angry this entire episode and I don't blame him. Why in a room full of adults with battle experience/tactics for the war to come does he and Baela have to act like the adults. On top of that his queen, the one who they're fighting for is just taking unnecessary stupid risks and not thinking like a leader. I'd be irritated asf too. The black council aside from a selected few are just a bunch of bickering childish idiots. Both him and Baela were tired. Baela and him stepping up and leading the council was so good. They literally fed us what could've been had they had a chance to rule. Westeros was robbed. Baela proving she's just as worthy as Jace is just *chefs kiss. One thing I could say about my boy is that he knows Baela could hold her own, she's proved it but he will never ever under any circumstances let anybody feel that they could dismiss her or disrespect her. Him letting that one goof know it's because of her they have actual information on some of the greens army and acknowledging her contributions, yeah they would've been both sat the throne. Ain't nothing like she's just a queen's consort with no power. They would've been co rulers fr. Him comforting her publicly when they brought up Daemon in front of the council no less, like he doesn't play about her. That's the kinda guy you want to be locked in for life with. Rhaenys looking on in the background was a parallel to the first time they held hands during the funeral and she came up to them and she peeped the same thing she peeped then. I know she knew that Baela was in great hands. 😭😭😭 Never beating the best couple in Westeros allegations.
They black council talking about Daemon probably having an orgy LMAOO, he's getting fucked alright. That man has not had one moment of peace since he stepped foot in spooky town and it's what he deserves. Laena being beautiful and haunting his ass, period boo and baby Rhaenyra wearing older Rhaenyra's clothes and the crown that was too big for her tiny head (symbolizing it was/is a burden) and tormenting him. Yeah I'm gonna have that on repeat.
Rhaenys already knowing Adam and Alyn are Corlys children before flying to her death and her informing him and that sweet scene with Alyn, I think she learned her lesson after the whole debacle with Laenor and his boys. That's growth. Wish we could've had more of that development on screen but what can we do.
It was honestly a solid episode. I'm exhausted this was probably a review too long and if you stuck around till the end thanks for reading my thoughts ❤️. Sunfyre, Meleys and Rhaenys didn't deserve that. Sending hugs.
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huffle-dork · 6 months
Swap Across the CrystalVerse Chapter 13: The Facility
Read Swapboys | Crystal’s AUs| JSEFacility
Read SITCV | SATCV Masterpost | AO3 Link
The sun is slowly rising, blue overtaking the orange. J1 is unbothered by their long walk along the side of the road, but H and C seem to be lagging behind a bit. There's nothing around except for fields and poles of telephone and power lines. 
Alt isn't fairing much better than H and C, he's so tired. He's not sure how many days they've been jumping through so far but... he's starting to feel the exhaustion in his muscles, especially now that he has to walk. He rubs at his eyes and stumbles a bit as he shakes out his head.
C squints down the road. "Hey... is that... a car?" 
The others all look. 
"That's our fucking van!" H shouts. 
Alt blinks up and then laughs, "Ha... what are the odds?" 
"Well... we were heading down here because J3 said they just went straight this way," H says. "So... really high, actually."
"... touche-" Alt grumbles. "Guess I didn't expect them to be driving our way-"
J1 laughs. "I guess we wait here for them to come to us." He glances at the others. "Looks like you guys need it." 
The van approaches quickly--and then stops suddenly, perhaps a bit too suddenly. 
"Sorry!" M says in the driver's cabin to the rest of the van's occupants.
Bro was closing his eyes just for a second so the sudden stop jolts him up and onto his side with a big 'oof'! 
Jackie catches himself on the dashboard before he hits his head on it. "Ooohh my god-" He mumbles then gives M a shaky smile. "Uh! good stop! Just- not so much pressure, you know?"
"Thanks for the encouragement, even if you don't believe it," M says. "Now... that's your friend?" He looks out the window at Alt and the others. "Huh. Not what I expected. Then again, I don't know what I was expecting." 
Jackie snickers, "Yeah- he's a bit unassuming isn't he? He's a great lad though."
J3 gets off the floor and walks over to the back of the van, throwing the doors open. He waves at the group.
Bro pushes himself up and then joins J3 at the back of the van. He grins wide, "Alt!" 
Alt smiles and waves back, "Hey! Glad you all are okay~" 
Nice to see you in person, A-L-T, J3 says, smiling. 
Alt nods with a smile, "You too J3. Oh! If you want- my friend has a sign he does for my name." He shows J3 A, then lightning is sign and smiles sheepishly. "Just in case you dont wanna,..spell it out all the time." 
M opens up the driver's side door and hops out. He's holding Lia the llama in one hand. He stares at C, J1, and H. They all stare back. "So... hi again." 
J1 gives a little wave. 
"Ah... nice to... see you," H says awkwardly. 
"Yeah." C nods. Then... he looks at Bro. His brows furrow. "Wait a--wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a--are you guys seeing this?"
"Ah there it is-" Bro grins. He hops out of the car and waves, "Hi you all, I'm Chase!" 
"Chase...?" C repeats. "Chase... Chase." He nods slowly, and gives Bro a smile. "Nice to meet you." 
Bro smiles more and nods, "Yeah and you're... C, I'm guessing?" Calling his other him by just a letter feels so wrong but... if that's what they wanna be called... 
Jackie steps out of the van and looks between all the guys staring at each other. Oof... awkward. He doesn't like the tension in the air. Still, he lightly nudges M with a head tilt. He... must wanna say something to the rest of them, right?
M blinks at Jackie like he doesn't know what he's asking of him. 
"Um..." J1 clears his throat. "M, I'm sorry if we... made you think... We didn't want to hurt you. I-I mean... w-we were all... in there, too. We don't want to go back, but... we want to get J out of there. So he... doesn't get hurt anymore, you know?" 
"...okay," M says quietly. "I'm sorry I took the van." 
H sighs. "It is fine. Just... don't do it again, please?" 
"Yeah. I-I'm not a good driver, anyway."
Jackie smiles as the others seem to make up and he claps his hands together, "Yay! Everyone is friends again!" 
"Friends? I, um..." M stutters wordlessly for a bit. 
J3 laughs silently and nudges him. 
"Yeah. I think--yeah." 
Alt looks at everyone and then hums in thought. "...did you guys see any signs of Mag around here when you guys fell?" He asks his friends. 
Bro shakes his head, "Haven't seen hide or tail of him... i dunno if that's a good or bad thing though."
"Hmm..." H hums. "Well, you all know the most about your universe traveling thing. Is there a pattern for where people will be? A limit to how far they can appear? If not, I suppose J3 could see if we run into him at any point in the next week."
Alt knits his eyebrows together, "If... he didn't appear by any of you... then he must be by the... parallel me... or maybe J?" As Alt processes this thought he slowly starts to pale. "Wait... that means-" 
"...didn't you guys say that... J was in the Facility?" Bro asks quietly. 
The group goes silent. They exchange uneasy glances. 
"Y... yeah..." C whispers. "He got... left behind..." 
"And A is still there, too," H adds. "So... if your person is appearing by either of them..." 
Expressionless, M turns, walks into the back of the van, and closes the doors.
Bro cringes slightly as the door closes. "...so... that's not good." 
"I dunno- maybe we can just leave him there!" Jackie announces. 
"Jackie!" Bro gasps. 
"We can't just leave him there!" Alt emphasizes. 
"Why not? He only causes us trouble. Now he can be locked up somewhere. Sounds like a win to me?" Jackie mumbles.
"Jesus christ, dude!" C says, going pale. "I mean--yeah, he took our van, and yeah, we had a fight, but that doesn't mean we can just leave him there!" 
"No no no, he's talking about Magnificent, not M," H says. 
"I mean--i-it's not so bad in there," J1 says slowly. 
J3 shakes his head. I appreciate your optimism, but it wasn't 'not so bad' for all of us. 
"I don't think anyone deserves to be stuck in there," H says. "If Magnificent really causes this much trouble, he should be in a prison, but that is not a prison. It is worse." 
Jackie pouts but then slowly his expression softens. He sighs, "No... you're right... we... we can't leave him. I... I'm sorry I just-" 
Bro comes over and pats his shoulder, "...I know bro... seeing all this must be really hard for you. You only really heard stuff from us before." 
"Yeah I... it's... different... seeing it all. He... He's not... not Marvin anymore. But... he also is? I... I dunno it's..." Jackie squeezes his eyes shut. 
"... I hate him too Jackie... I hate that he hurts us but... I.. I can't leave anyone in danger like that... not even Mag." Bro says quietly, giving his friend a side hug.
"Not to mention... A is still there," C says. "He... might be running around free. A-and I wouldn't wish that on anyone."
Alt feels his stomach drop, "...A is really bad, isn't he?" He ask quietly. 
"A has, um... done some stuff..." C says slowly. 
"Personally, I think that it is less good to think about A1010 as a person, and more as a force of nature," H says. 
J3 just shudders. 
"Guys... you aren't making Alt feel good about maybe being him in another world," J1 says carefully. 
Alt does look a lot more pale, hugging himself slightly. 
"O-oh shit, um. Right." C shakes his head. "I'm sorry, Alt. I know you're not like A." 
Alt nods weakly to C but he doesn't look excited to meet A.
J3 takes a deep breath. Well... if we're heading back there, we need to talk to M about that. I mean... see if he wants to help... 
"Judging by his reaction, I don't think he does," H says. But we should still talk to him about it.
Bro gives Jackie a final hug and then looks at the van, "... I could try talking to him? It sounds like we could use all the help we can get..."
H nods. "To be honest... M is quite powerful. J1 told Alt about his abilities, but... just saying it is very different from seeing it. We might really need him." 
I'll come with you, J3 says. I've been able to talk with him before. 
"Heh... the rest of us should probably stay back," J1 admits. "I mean... we did just get over the fight."
Bro smiles, "Okay J3, I can follow your lead."
J3 nods back at him. He turns and walks over to the van doors, opening it up just enough for him and Bro to walk in. 
M is sitting up against the van wall. Lia the llama and Ella the elephant are beside him, and he clutches Seth the seal in his arms. He's breathing heavily, and the white light in his eyes has increased, almost hiding his irises. The space feels a bit warmer than it was before. 
M? J3 asks. 
"I-I'm not going back," M gasps. "I'm not going back, I'm not going back, I'm not going back—!"
Bro holds up his hands and talks in a gentle voice, "M? Just... try to breathe for us, okay? Focus on breathing..." 
M nods. He tries to slow down, inhaling and exhaling shakily. 
J3 sits down next to him. We can talk more when you're ready, he says. 
M nods again. Inhale... exhale... inhale... exhale. He squeezes Seth tighter, then after a moment, when he seems calmer, he makes a 'go ahead' gesture, asking the other two to talk first.
Bro gives him a sympathetic smile. Then, he lets it fall as he say quietly, "I know... its a lot to ask.. to go back there for a stranger. But, forget about Mag for a second. Don't you want to help get J back? Isn't he your friend?"
I didn't know him that well, actually, M says, signing instead of speaking. We were on different floors. And I wasn't allowed to interact with anyone. I only knew J3 because they couldn't stop him from walking through time. 
J3 sighs. That's true. But you know that J is a good person, right? C and H love him. And he's innocent. He doesn't deserve to stay there. 
M shakes his head. I know. I know. But when I think of going back, I feel all shaky inside.
"That's a natural reaction..." Bro comments gently, "It's okay to be scared. Especially of a place like this... but... here's what I'm thinking. The others say you're powerful and I can believe it. Wouldn't it feel so good to go back to the place that hurt you and tear it down?"
M's eyes widen. He stares at Bro like he hadn't considered that. They said that about me? he asks. 
Well, you are, J3 says. The first time I met you, you destroyed a room full of filing cabinets. 
M laughs a little. "I-I did do that, you're right." He tilts his head. "They... they'll have ways to take care of us, you know that, right?" 
But we'll be taking them by surprise, J3 says. Instead of the other way around. He pauses. And I won't let anyone get hurt. 
"Don't put that all on you," M whispers. He nods slowly. "Alright. Alright. I-I think... I think if we can prepare... I can... do it."
Bro smiles wide, "And hey! I doubt they have ways of stopping me and Alt! We're pretty powerful too~! We'll catch them all off guard! And we'll keep you safe, promise." He holds out his pinky finger for Marvin, grinning. "We can pinky swear it, even."
M gives him a small smile. “You don’t need to do that. I-I’m not a kid. But I, uh, appreciate the gesture. I… hope they won’t have a way to get you. Maybe having extra people will help. So… alright. Let’s go.” 
J3 sighs. Thank you, M. 
Bro blinks and looks embarrassed as he puts his hand back. "Ah... right- sorry. But, yeah, thank you M."
“You’re welcome, I guess.” M smiles a bit. “Let’s go tell the others. W-we should come up with a plan.” 
J3 nods. Let’s do that. He gets up. M does too, still holding Seth, and they leave the van.
Bro hops back out and smiles at the group. “We got M on board!” 
Alt smiles slightly. “Hey… that’s great. Glad to have ya, M.” 
M nods, squeezing Seth a little bit. 
“So… what now- how do we get to this facility place?” Jackie asks.
C sighs. "We drive. I-I think we're all very aware of where the facility is. It's, uh, kind of in the middle of nowhere. So we'll have to do some off-roading." 
"If we can scrape the paint off the van, we can blend in," H says. "The company's logo is beneath that. We could drive right up." 
"Assuming they, uh... forgot we stole a van of theirs," J1 says delicately.
Alt thinks and then sheepishly raises his hand. “…I could glitch us there- since you guys know where it is.” 
“Mmmm maybe- but if we leave from there they’ll need a way back out. So… we should probably make sure they have their van.” Jackie says. 
“…oh. Yeah I can’t… glitch a van.” Alt says, hiding a bit in his mask.
M's eyes widen. "Glitch?" 
"He can teleport around!" J1 says excitedly. "It's really cool!" 
Alt looks to M and then glitches back and forth to show him before smiling shyly. “Glitch- it’s… pretty handy.” 
M inhales. Then he grins. "That's so cool! I can do something like that." He holds out Seth, and the plushie abruptly disappears. It's then replaced by Elly. "Not with things that are alive, though."
Alt’s eyes widen and then he grins too. “Oh!! That’s really cool!” 
"Uh… Well... if we drive there, then Alt can, uh, glitch us inside once it comes in view." M says. 
"Of course!" H gasps. "I mean--we should not speak for you capabilities, Alt, but it would help." 
"We'd still have to drive a while to get there," C says. "So... you can rest during that time period, gather your energy."
Alt nods to H and C, “I can do it with all of us. …resting will help I think. We’ve been going kinda non-stop for a bit.” 
“Yeah.. a nap sounds kinda good right now.” Jackie laughs. 
“On the way there then, we can think of a strategy… and you guys can fill us in on what we’re dealing with.” Bro says. 
C nods. "It's going to take a couple hours... if not the whole day. So that's a perfect amount of time for you to nap. I can drive." 
"He's much better than me, I promise," M says to Jackie. 
Jackie exhales. “Okay good- if you need a break at all I can help too!” 
No time to waste, then, J3 says. Let's go. The others nod and start filing into the van. 
"Who gets the passenger seat?" J1 asks.
Bro looks around and then shrugs. “Whoever wants to hang out with C the most, I guess! Or doesn’t want to join the nap pile.” 
"I'll sit up with him, then!" J1 says, laughing. 
"What? Oh, bro." C looks touched. 
"C'mon, I'll keep you in high spirits." 
Alt glitches into the van and hunches down in a corner. Bro snorts out a quiet laugh then goes to join him. Alt hesitates for a second before shifting to lean up against him. Jackie grins and pushes over to sit next to Bro and then makes a big show of stretching and laying on his leg. Bro shoves him slightly with a laugh.
H settles down at the back near the doors, facing forward as he mumbling something about how he can't stand going backwards. M sits down where he'd been before, holding his plushies nearby. J3 takes up a spot in the corner. 
Feel free to use any of our sleep supplies if you need it, J3 says. 
Jackie grins and grabs a pillow, putting it under his head and taking up Bro’s lap. “Ahhh! Cozy!” 
“You’re such a little bitch.” Bro laughs. 
Alt reaches over to grab a blanket and huddles closer to Bro, already closing his eyes. He dreads going to this place but… it’s coming either way. Might as well rest and get prepared.
"Alright, here we go," C says. The van starts up and drives away. 
It becomes increasingly clear that this facility is not a safe space. There are no windows or doors out, only stairs and elevators (all of which are inoperable.) And there are creatures wandering the halls. Some of them are harmless, like the gecko with a third eye, but some of them look more dangerous, like the bird made entirely of metal with a razor-sharp beak. All the red lighting gives this space a hellish look. And... there are cameras everywhere.
Magnificent warily walks down the hall- trying to find some indication of a way out. He warily eyes the creatures- wondering if it’d be worth it to drain their power. But- he’s still pretty full despite the last world. Plus… he’s wary of the effects after dealing with that cat.
As he turns a corner, he finally notices a door that's open, not sealed shut by A's control over the facility. It's a regular door that... looks like an office of some kind? And inside is... a voice.
Magnificent is almost too desperate to not proceed with caution- wanting to run straight into the room. But he tries to breathe and slowly and quietly approaches the door to listen.
There's a slight violet light coming from the inside, too, a faint glow that shifts in hue. The muttering is a female voice, repeating the same thing over and over. "Can't let go... can't let go... can't let go..."
And... there's a power signature coming from the room. Something that's similar to his own black magic, but slightly off.
Magnificent’s curiosity is hard to ignore again, especially as he feels a power so similar to his own. He carefully makes his way inside.
There's a woman lying on the ground inside, staring up at the ceiling. She's wearing a gray jumpsuit. In her hand is clutched a crystal ball with purple light swirling around the inside. Her eyes are also slightly glowing purple. And she keeps muttering that over and over.
Magnificent tilts his head curiously. Then he teleports so he’s next to her and kneels down to her level. “…what power is this?” He mutters, trying to get a better look.
There's a sticker on the side of the crystal ball, with writing on it. "C3010 L-Agressive." 
Maybe... maybe he should touch it...
For a second, Mag hesitates. But then he scoffs. Maybe this orb is aggressive to a mortal- but he’s a higher being. He can probably best whatever this is. And he’s… just so curious. The power this thing could hold… he reaches out to grab it.
The moment he touches it, he understands. This--this orb is a well of power! Everything he ever wanted could be his with this crystal sphere in his hand. He should take it with him. He should take it with him and never let go--but this woman is holding onto it tightly. How dare she. This is his, he can't let it go!
Magnificent feels the power overwhelming him- yes… yes! He could use this to escape- to beat that creature! To best everyone in his way! But- this woman…! He growls ferally and tries to yank the orb out of the woman’s grasp.
She tightens her grip, dazed violet eyes briefly focusing on him.
Magnificent growls and digs his claws into her hands, trying to pry her off. “Let go!”
Even though his claws draw blood, she just keeps holding onto it. Maybe--he just needs--some more force! 
Mag tugs more, and then lashes out, grabbing her wrist- trying to see if he can snap this woman’s hand off the orb. He needs it! It’s his! He attempts to break her wrist.
And-- Snap. 
The woman flinches slightly, and lets go. But she keeps staring blankly at the ceiling.
Magnificent grins triumphantly and grabs the orb, holding it protectively in his hands. His eyes flare purple. He giggles dazedly, so glad that he’s won. It’s his! He can do so much with it…! 
And then, out of nowhere, the sound of static. A1010 fizzles into view right in front of Mag, once again wearing J0702's appearance, grinning with a smile too wide.
Magnificent startles back and holds the orb to his chest and curls up around it, hissing at A. “Y-You! Get away!”
A laughs. "Oh, I really didn't expect you to fall for it. I mean, you're at least smart about magic." He leans closer. "So... what's that crystal ball so important?"
Magnificent bares his teeth, “What’s that supposed to mean?!” He backs up a bit more and holds the orb tighter. “It has power- power I can use to defeat you! A-And to get me out of this dreadful place!” He teleports to his feet and holds the orb in his hands, trying to see if he can siphon any power from it to use. “Here- I’ll show you!”
"You look ridiculous," A says, and lunges forward, swiping with his knife. The blade slices through the crystal, dividing it into two parts that are roughly one-quarter and three-quarters in size. 
Magnificent tries to scramble back but the orb is cut- and… what? 
As the smaller part falls to the ground, the violet light from the orb disappears, and Mag hears a faint scream in the back of his mind. 
...wait, why is he holding onto this?
Mag blinks in sudden confusion and looks down at the orb. He quickly drops it and tries to back up some more, dread settling thick in his stomach. He… he got controlled by that thing! Him! That- shouldn’t be possible. He has a stronger will power than that.
"Oh, did someone just have their confidence shaken?" A says teasingly, tossing the knife back and forth between his hands. There's a tag on it, actually, reading K1010.
“Shut up.” Magnificent tries to spit but it comes out hollow. “…what do you want me with anyways? You want to just mess with me?”
"I like seeing how people work," A states plainly, grin widening further. "I liked chaos once. But after they brought me here, they taught me how to examine things. Though they don't know they did that." He giggles. "So, yes, I just want to mess with you."
“I refuse to be just some- plaything for your amusement!” Mag snarls, building up black magic fire in his hand and then lashing out to try to burn him.
A glitches out of the way, reappearing behind him. "Fine, then!" he laughs. "Try to escape! Try to reach the surface! I'd love to see if you can break through that barrier they've set up."
Magnificent whips around and tries to lash out again. But he stops himself and just glares at A. He bares his teeth. “Fine. I will! This place can’t hold me!” He quickly teleports away- focusing on just getting away from A.
It's not too hard to teleport around the facility. Magnificent goes up to the next floor, and then the one above that. The higher he gets, the less destroyed the facility looks, with intact walls that don't have cables and wires everywhere. And the more creatures there are wandering around. How are they all surviving here? 
Magnificent appears in a hallway that ends in an upwards staircase. Right by the stairs are a couple of creatures. A bright blue snake, unusually long and thin, and some sort of combination between a stingray and a cat, with the head and front legs of a cat but the lower half of a stingray.
Magnificent stops to catch his breath and shake off some of the static from so many jumps. He then sees the creatures and makes a face. “…they have… the most peculiar creatures here…” He tries to approach the stairs and the creatures.
The catray seems to be making biscuits on a discarded bit of cloth--a white coat?--but the snake responds to Mag. It raises its head, hisses, and slithers towards the stairs. It starts floating a couple inches over the ground, using this ability to climb the steps--until, suddenly, it stops, suddenly jerking back as though it hit a wall.
Magnificent watches this with fascination. He gingerly tries to step around the snake and catray… thing- and see if he can find this barrier…
It's about five steps up the staircase. Just, suddenly, a completely invisible wall. There's no sign that it exists... though, farther up the staircase, there are small round disks pasted onto the wall, metallic and with three blue lights in the center forming a triangle. 
Magnificent narrows his eyes in determination and places his hands on the wall- and tries to pump it full of his magic. Surely a world like this wouldn’t be prepared for that?
Purple light ripples across its surface, revealing its shape. For a moment, it seems like the wall softens--and then the disks on the wall start letting out an annoying high-pitched beeping. The blue lights turn red, and a force pushes Magnificent back.
Magnificent shouts out and skids back against the floor. He growls and narrows his eyes at the disks. He has to get rid of those… he most likely can’t teleport past this wall. That’s why he stopped here… maybe… he can find someone on the other side? He does not want A to gloat though so he tries to see if he can get an even bigger concentration of magic and then rushes at the wall.
The wall bends slightly with the force. The beeping increases, becoming louder in volume. And then small bolts of lightning zap out from the disks towards the wall, hitting Magnificent.
Magnificent screeches and flies back, curling up as he’s shocked. Fucking- damnit! He bites back a frustrated angry yell and just tries to let the pain pass. There… has to be some way…! Maybe… if lightning could pass through the wall then… he gets back up and tries to shoot a bolt of purple lighting at one of the disks.
The lightning bounces back at him.
Mag cries out and tries to duck. Okay… not his greatest idea. Fucking! He yells in rage and frustration and starts stomping around, spitting out curses in Gaelic.
The catray gets up and flies away as he starts stomping around, but the snake hisses again, baring its fangs. 
"I'm almost disappointed that you didn't make it through." A appears leaning against the wall nearby. The blood from his slit throat is spilling out over his chest, absolutely covering it. "I thought surely someone from another world would make it. But I guess not. We're stuck with each other, Marvin." He grins. "Or you're stuck with me." 
And then he disappears again.
Magnificent freezes and flinches back as A appears. He yells in rage as he says his name but then he just… disappears. Mag staggers back and then ends up sliding down to the floor. He… can’t be trapped here… he can’t be. …no one was going to free him from this. For all he knows- the others from his world were more than happy to let him rot in here. He leans back and stares at the door, trying to think of something… anything.
"Hey. Hey." They'd been driving for a few hours when J1 knocks on the half-open window connecting the cabin to the rest of the van. "Anyone who's taking a nap, wake up." 
"We're getting McDonald's," Chase says. "Tell us what you want if you want anything. Also pass me the cash."
Alt and Jackie had been dozing off pretty much the whole time. Bro tried to stay awake for a while but soon found himself falling asleep too. 
The swaps stir at the knock, Alt and Bro blinking up at the sound of food while Jackie grumbles and curls up towards Chase’s stomach. 
Bro chuckles. He digs into his bag and finds his wallet, handing over some money. “Fucking sick- uhhh I want two Big Macs and some fries- Jackie what do you want?” Jackie mumbles something against Chase. “…okay two mcchickens forJackie and a Coke.” 
“I want a 20 piece- and fries, and a sprite please.” Alt says quietly, blinking sleep out of his eyes. 
“Oh! And a coffee for me! please!” Bro adds.
"Oh thanks!" C says, taking Bro's money. 
"I want what Alt's getting," M says. 
"You got that last time, do you not want to try something new?" H asks. 
"Why? I know I like this." 
H chuckles. "I want to try the crispy one this time. And also a coffee." 
The fish one and fries with a coke, J3 says. 
"Fish fillet and fries with a coke for J3," J1 repeats. "I'll get the quarter pounder with cheese and a coffee. Unless they have shakes available, then I want a strawberry one. What're you getting, C?" 
"Big Mac and fries and drink, I'll keep it simple," C says. 
H sighs. "You know, I know, in my brain, that fast food is not healthy, I have read that so much. But it tastes so good." 
"Oh yeah, totally," J1 agrees. "So much better than back there." 
Bro chuckles, “Sometimes you just need some unhealthy food! It’s like- good for the soul… or something.” 
Alt snorts out a laugh and rolls his eyes.
"You heard that guys, we all have to heal our souls by getting McDonald's," C says. 
They pull through the drive thru and C starts ordering. 
"We do need to consider buying food stores, though," H muses. "We cannot live off fast places forever." 
"Yeah, especially since you and M are so picky," J1 says. 
"I am not picky, I just... feel like I can't eat some foods." 
"I will admit I'm picky," M says quietly. "It took them a while to find something I would like."
Bro snickers, “Alt was really picky when we were growing up. Not so much now.” 
“Yeahhh living on the streets will change that for ya.” Alt snorts. “…fast food is good sometimes- I think I prefer good cooked meals though. ..or pizza.” 
“We eat so much fucking pizza,” Bro laughs.
The van pulls up to the window and C starts taking stuff from the window. "Pass those out to everyone," he says to J1. 
"Yep. Come up here, guys." J1 hands some of the bags through the interior window to the back of the van.
Bro reaches out to grab the bags, much to Jackie’s displeasure as he’s moved and forced to sit up. 
Bro chuckles and hands him his stuff and starts handing out everyone else’s food.
"We should get pizza some time," J1 says. "It always looks so good in pictures." 
Pictures don't always live up to expectations, J3 says. 
“You’ve never had pizza?!” Bro gasps. “We should buy you all a pizza!!” 
Alt laughs, “…I’d be inclined to agree with J3 but- pizza is that good. Even just plain pepperoni.”
"I'd still want to try it," M says. "Even if it doesn't meet expectations." 
"Oh, but you will not get a hamburger?" H says teasingly. 
"No, I don't like beef stuff, they tried that." 
“I mean… we’ve probably had pizza before, we just don’t remember,” C says. “Hang on, lemme find somewhere to park do I can eat too.” 
The van parks in the lot of a strip mall and everyone digs in. 
“After this, we’re not gonna see other buildings for a while,” H says. “We will be going off road. It will be bumpy.”
“At least we got some decent sleep before that then,” Alt laughs between bites. 
Jackie grumbles and Bro pats his head.
“Back on pizza though- maybe getting some would help your memory! I mean- I think Dr. j told us that smell sometimes really helps with memory.” Bro says between bites. 
Alt nods, “Or music- music helps too.” 
“Yes but I’d like to think a decent pineapple and ham pizza would just bring everything back.” Bro laughs.
“Music, huh?” M mutters. “I wish I managed to get my music player when leaving but I had to prioritize.” 
“Maybe you can get it once we reach there,” J1 says. 
“I don’t think we should go any deeper in there than necessary,” M says in between bites of nuggets. 
We should tell you guys about the layout, J3 says. Most of it is underground. The top is just stuff for the staff. 
“How many floors is it again?” C wonders. “Below ground… seven?” 
“That sounds right,” M says.
“Damn- that’s a big facility.” Jackie comments, digging into his second sandwhich. 
Bro hums, “Maybe if we’re lucky- mag will be on one of the top floors.” 
“He’s probably desperate to get out of there…” Alt speaks up quietly, “…he talked to me once like he… he was a victim of Sclera. Like I was… if this is a place like there then… he probably wants out.” 
“Also cuz of that- A guy probably.” Jackie adds.
"I wonder if they got A back into containment," C muses. 
"Wait... SCLERA?" J1 asks. "What's that?" 
"It is the white part of your eye," H says. "Or, green, for J. The tissue that protects your eye and maintains shape." 
"How the hell do you know that?" M asks. 
"Not sure."
“It’s also that… but Well for us- it’s a company that studies magic and then uses it to make… invasive machines. They… study abnormal people like.. like lab rats.” Alt mumbles quietly, gripping at his wrist.
The group goes quiet. 
"Oh. Okay, so it's just like this company," C says. "I mean... I don't think you could call us magic. That sort of implies... that it's more... mystical? But we are different. And... they did study us." 
"Light way of putting it," H mutters. "Every time I met C it was because I needed to heal him." 
Ambrel, J3 spells out. That's what the company is called here.
Alt shudders and goes to hold his arms, curling up his legs to his chest- his food forgotten. “Studying is also a mild way of putting it. They… they tortured me… d-didn’t see me as human. I was only there for a few days I think but… it felt so familiar and I don’t know why and n-now we’re going to a place just like it-“ Alt breathes heavily- starting to panic. 
Bro is quick to scoop Alt up and try to calm him down. “It’s okay Alt… it’s okay…! It’s not Sclera- nothing is gonna happen to you here… you’re gonna be okay…”
C stares at Alt. "I... I get it." He absentmindedly traces a long scar on his arm. "It was... the same for me. For all of us. Just... in different ways." 
J1 turns around, staring through the window, wanting to go back there but not sure if his support would be welcome. "We're all feeling that," he says quietly. "We don't want to go back there. But we have to. We can't leave anyone else there." 
Alt looks back towards C and J1 with red-rimmed eyes. “…I guess… we all got to be… brave together.” 
Bro smiles gently, “That’s the spirit. None of you have to do this alone.”
"Remember to breathe," M says quietly. "We're not going to stay there long." He hesitates. "Do you... want something to hold? Lia's a bit delicate, but..."
Alt looks to M and starts to slow down his breathing but he blinks at him and then smiles, “um… I-if you don’t… mind? I… I think that would h-help…”
M nods. “Sure. Here, I think Seth is good to squeeze. And sometimes you need to squeeze something.” He passes the seal to Alt. 
If it gets too much, you can wait outside, J3 offers. Do you have a phone? We don’t, but if two of you do, we can communicate.
Alt takes Seth and holds him tight in his arms, closing his eyes for a second to breathe. He looks up to J3 in time to see his signs and he shakes his head. “No… I… I need to be there to glitch you all. I… I’ve handled scarier things before… I.. I didn’t have it as bad as I’m sure you guys did.” He says with a sad smile. He squeezes Seth a bit more. 
Bro frowns and hugs him a bit closer to him. 
J3 nods slowly. Alright. If you’re sure. But remember, just because others might have had it worse doesn’t mean it wasn’t bad for you. 
Alt hesitates at J3's words then nods, burrowing more against Bro's side. 
“It’s gonna be okay…” Bro reassures everyone, “We’re a fierce team! I’m sure it’ll be a quick mission! Get in- fuck some shit up! Find mag and j and then get the hell out of there!”
J1 quickly shoves the last of his burger into his mouth. “Alright… we should tell these guys what to expect.” 
“I mean, it depends on if the facility stayed how it was after the escape, or if the company fixed it back to how it was before,” C reasons. 
“Before, it was very cold and there were cameras everywhere,” M says. “And groups of guards. And alarms. There’s only one elevator from the surface to the lower levels.” 
“After, a lot of the subjects broke free,” H says. “Animal subjects, I mean. Us and J and A were the only ones like humans. Many of them destroyed parts of the levels. And if things have continued, I do not think there are many people down there anymore. And then there is A1010. I found its file once. It can shapeshift, cause hallucinations, hypnotize people, and control electronics.” 
“And there’s his knife,” C adds. “That can cut through anything. Literally. Except for J’s optic cord, for some reason.”
The swaps listen with wide eyes. Until- "Wait IT TRIED TO CUT OUT HIS EYE???" Jackie screeches. 
Alt looks paler and squeezes Seth more as he hears what A can do.
“It’s not as bad as it sounds!” C says quickly. “J’s eye can pop out of his head on its own! And it’s also, uh, alive? Has a mind of its own? Look, it’s one of the weirdest things in that place, but you can get used to it. J calls the eye Sam. He used to call it A, because they called it J0702-A, but we all decided that would get confusing.”
Jackie does not look comforted by this. "What the fuckkkk?" 
"Okay so uh- avoid the knife A has- got it." Bro says quickly. "Anything else we should know?" 
“Not off the top of my head,” H says slowly. 
“What about your guy?” M asks. “What can he do?”
“Hypnotism usually-“ Bro says, squeezing Alt’s shoulder. “He also has like black magic and uses a lot of fire. But usually he tries to make people listen to him and do whatever he says. Mess with your mind.”
M blinks. “And… that guy’s me?” he whispers sadly. 
“In another universe, it doesn’t count,” J1 says stubbornly. 
“Right…” M still looks a bit unsettled. 
Bro nods to J1’s words, “It doesn’t count. Just like how A isn’t Alt, Mag isn’t you, M.”
“Okay, so basically don’t touch anything, don’t go near any animals, watch out for guards, and always be on your guard mentally,” C sums up. “That’s fine. We can do that. We’ll have numbers on our side.” His optimism is somehow both forced and genuine.
Jackie snorts out a laugh, “Is that all? …yeah- we can do that. Sure we can. I’m not gonna let some- creepy fucking building get the best of us!” 
Alt hugs Seth a bit more- wanting to give him back to Marvin but… having something to hold right now is nice. Like… he can almost imagine its Glitches.
“Alright!” C takes a sip from his drink. “Let’s just maintain this confidence for the next couple hours until we get there, then!”
 He puts the van into gear again and starts driving.
11 notes · View notes
realityescapee01 · 2 years
Finding Rest
Steo | Stiles x Theo
Another day. Another night. Another mission done. Another negotiation with a supernatural done.
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Words that Stiles repeated. Again. In his head. He let out a deep sigh. He is tired. Things took a down turn for him. He is waiting for the FBI internship result. And he is currently stuck in Beacon Hills. Scott-less too.
Meaning, he has to look after the puppy pack and the town. Basically, take on the alpha role.
"Stiles?" Liam tapped his shoulders. "Are you o-okay?"
"I'm fine, Liam." Stiles replied, exhaustion obvious in his voice.
"I'm sorry, Stiles. I'm incompetent."
"No, Liam. You're still so young. Don't be so hard on yourself."
"Scott left you to me, I should be the one protecting you. I'm the werewolf here. But I know nothing about these things. Negotiations and investigations. I just get angry easy and-"
"Liam. It's fine. Just... drive me home."
Stiles looked out Liam's car window. Liam is right, he is tired. After everything. Almost dying, multiple times, being possessed by a fox spirit, being taken by the Hunt, and being kind of kicked out of the pack for defending himself.
Stiles is tired.
When he got back from FBI he wanted to take a break from everything. But Scott was away to college. And he knew, he had to be the big bro to Liam and the others.
No problem on that. But he is just human. Mason helps a lot in the side of thinking. But of course, it's still not perfect. Stiles had to revise. Stiles wanted to have someone to run this puppy pack with.
Someone who is as smart as him. As cunning and won't get easily fooled by these supernatural beings, and human hunters. And whatever else is out there they might have not encountered yet.
Someone he knows he could have a long night sleep one day, and wake up to Beacon hills and puppy pack still alive and did not implode over night.
And then he heard whistling. From his window.
Stiles jumped from his bed and reached for his bat.
The whistling turned into scoffing. "Come on, Stiles. That's not really gonna help you."
"T-Theo?" Stiles lowered his bat. And he didn't notice until the end hit the floor. And that was so strange for him.
This is Theo. Theo Raeken who fooled the pack. Who fooled him. And successfully framed him against Scott.
He should be raising and swinging his bat around but he didn't. He set it down and felt... relaxed?
"Your one and only." Theo began entering the room through the window.
What the heck are you doing here?!?
Is what Stiles wanted to ask. But this came out instead...
"Where have you been?"
Theo took his bloody jacket off. "With Peter."
Get out.
Is what Stiles should've said, but instead...
"What happened?" Stiles asked as he looked at Theo's bloody side.
"Some kind of grudge." Theo shrugged his shoulders. "Stiles, baby, could you get me a wet towel? For the blood."
Baby?!? Fuck you! Get out!
Is what Stiles wanted to reply with but instead...
Stiles let go of his bat and stepped out of the room to get the said towel. Walked back in the room, towards Theo and placed the towel over the bloody mess on Theo's toned side.
Theo looked at him in surprise. Stiles was also surprised of himself for doing that. Upon realizing, Stiles cleared his throat and threw the towel on Theo's face.
"I hope that Peter grudge won't bring anything or anyone here to Beacon Hills." Stiles crossed his arms.
"Oh, it won't. No one was left alive." Theo tidied up the towel on Stiles' desk and started rummaging through Stiles' shirt drawers.
"W-What are you doing?!?"
"Looking for a shirt." Theo took out a black one and put it on. "Unless you want me shirtless." Theo has that smirk and that glint in his eyes.
Stiles looked Theo over from head to toe. Sure, being shirtless is better but seeing Theo squeezed into his rather small black shirt, stretching it on a the right places ain't so bad too.
So strange. Seeing Theo from a different perspective now. What perspective? Stiles isn't so sure. He knows Theo is good-looking and fit. But he looks specially good-looking and fit now that he looks at him without suspicion.
Beautiful eyes. Perfect face. Broad shoulders. Nice chest and arms. And that narrow waist. And he smells good too.
'H-Huh?!?' Stiles wondered how is he smelling Theo when the chimera is way over there at his drawer-
Stiles let out a little yelp when he felt those nice chest press against him.
"You're tired, aren't you?" Theo said, pressing his lip on Stiles' forehead. Hands on Stiles' waist.
Stiles closed his eyes and just felt so strange. His shoulders slumped and freed of tension. His whole body relaxed and a tired sigh escaped his lips.
"Y-Yeah." Stiles just leaned in to Theo's embrace.
Theo cooed and guided them back to bed. Stiles should be wary and defensive but he isn't. He let himself lie down with Theo.
Theo had time and time again told him he likes him. He wants him. But Stiles wasn't entertaining the idea... but right now... right now he is finding the rest he had been needing for a long time now in Theo.
Maybe because he knows the chimera accepts him for everything he is. His nerdy geeky, snarky brains of the pack. And even his unexpectedly dark, can-kill-a-man side.
"You can take a rest now, Stiles." Theo rubbed his back.
Theo knows Stiles is exhausted, Corey keeps him updated, also the reason why he pushed his little money-making task with Peter to be done faster.
"Theo?" Stiles was rubbing Theo's chest. He loves the feeling of those muscles beneath his palms.
"Don't... leave again."
"Oh, that depends." Theo was playful, he knows he could because Stiles is sleepy now.
"Depends on what?"
"I won't leave again if I'm your boyfriend."
"Come on! Not now." Stiles buried his face closer to Theo's chest.
Theo laughed a little. At least the answer isn't a straight out 'No.'
"You know I'm serious, Stiles, right?"
"I know... Let's talk about it tomorrow."
Theo smiled. He's glad that Stiles finds rest in him.
"Okay. Tomorrow then, Stiles." Theo said as he gave Stiles a kiss on the top of his head.
-+-+-+ ( complete ) +-+-+-
a/n: Hi! sorry for the long break. Been busy with two jobs and too tired to write after. But I'm getting back to it and to my unfinished stories. Hope to see you again on my stories. 👍
also maybe I ached to write this rest story. I was tired. 😅
thank you. more on my master list here
I also have an AO3 account
Like the gifs used here? See source under them. Reblog, do not repost. Thank you all gif creators here ♥️
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sirgawainofgalifrey · 2 years
Full disclosure idk that much about Shattered Glass but I think that a good SG AU of a MagsMegs relationship (either romantic or platonic) would basically be the plot of Les Mis.
SG Megatron seems like he's got that Jean Valjean (tired old man oh whoops I accidentally became a father figure to these eighty random children and if I don't help literally every old woman I see on the side of the street I'm literally the most horrible person alive) energy.
And SG Magnus is basically Javert. (Well, regular Magnus is Basically Javert, but SG Mags seems like he's got the more, There is no such thing as mercy and you filthy peasants decepticons are predisposed towards being filthy criminals and I will personally and happily crack down on you with no restraint the second you take a step out of line, side of Javert.)
Just think:
Megatron escaping prison or the mines or something and starting to become his regular self, but then he meets someone (like the mistress of flame or something idk) and their like, no, you csn still be redeemed (but my fr ie n d, you left so e a r l y!). And he has all of Valjean's Moral Existential Crises while he's in hiding.
And Magnus is like, that damned con, no one escapes my clutches, I'm gonna track him down n o M A T T E R W H A T!
And I really like the idea of them getting along when Megatron is Mssr Madeline under a false identity or something, and Mags being like, you know, he's not that bad actually, Respect.
And then Megs chooses to reveal himself to save someone and goes on the run.
And Magnus looses his shit. And now he's like, that aBSOLUTE BASTARD ILL KILL HIM FOR THIS.
(I'm totally picturing Phillip Quast as the voice of Mags))
Idk who Cosette or Fantine would be in this scenario. Maybe Cosette would be like, Soundwave.
(I think that might work for SG Soundwave.)
And Starscream would be Marius!
And Eponine would be like, Shockwave, maybe (there's a whole lot of stuff about SkW being secretly in love with SS)
And then eventually the whole Revolution thing happens, though I guess Megs would be the leader of it as well, way more involved than JVJ actually was.
And the Decepticons would be the Les Amis!
And Rumble would be Gavroche!
Oh no
And then Mags goes undercover in the revolution as Minimus, but then he gets caught and EVERYONE wants to kill him but Megs is like, no, I'll do it myself, and then secretly let's him go.
And everything goes horribly and Megs rescues Starscream as well cause he's like, ugh, gotta make my child happy.
And Mags confronts him like, hands up you bastard...wait, why are you helping the street rat....wait, why are you coming with me willingly.
And Megs is like, naw, I forgive you. You're not that bad.
(There's nothing that I blame you for. You've done you're duty nothing more....)
(I'm crying)
And Magnus goes into an existential crisis because 1) decepticons and all criminals are supposed to be self serving irredeemable bastards and 2) no one's ever shown him kindness in his entire life (maybe not since his bro??)
And he still can't deal with this right now and throws himself off a fucking bridge
And Megatron dies because he's a sad, tired old man and his child don't need him no more and he's done all the good he can
And the whole ending and everything is still just as sad except now it's worse.
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kart0 · 6 months
Venting about me being stupid tw ed and suicide thoughts
I feel like I should start this by saying I've been actually pretty well lately ! I am drawing again, I lost weight which was something I really wanted, I think I made new friends, and I've been growing a lot on social media - I love the attention btw
So what do I have to complain now ? Dani doesn't this get tiring ? Uhhh yes but it's my blog so FUCK YOU
Anyways, it's exam season and there's a lot of things to do. And I have to mention I am illiterate I do not read nor am good at writing. I guess it has to do with my anxiety, I have a lot of thoughts. A LOT. That keep playing 24/7, so it's kinda hard to write something coherent.
So, I have this class, ceramic class, and I am terrible at it. Like. Super bad. Everything I do looks so bad it's literally disgusting to look at. Ok so we had this essay to do and I did, proudly, and I finish it on time which made me so happy. And I thought I did pretty well in fact !
Hm. Thought. We got our grade today and I got such a bad grade. Like. Not even half of the grade. And now I can't stop crying and feeling so stupid specially because ! Basically everyone in my class uses Chatgpt and gets away with it. And I swore, on my life, that I would never, NEVER, use AI to do my work. To do nothing, really. I have an ego the size of the universe, and I am extremely proud. It's my dignity on risk. What would my parents think of me ? What would I think of myself ???? I would never do that. Instead I keep writing everything on my own, with references of course. I used to think I'd rather get a low grade instead of using chat fucking gpt.
Well, now that I actually got a low grade I am really really upset, and regretful. Why did I have to be so proud and stupidly arrogant with my abilities. I know I FUCKING KNOW I can't write for shit. I keep thinking about how I should've used AI.
And I feel so shitty I skipped dinner tonight. Because I feel like I should starve and die. I do not deserve food. All I have to feel right now is fucking pain, and be miserable. Because I am failing this class. And I know, rationally speaking, this is super dumb. It's just a class and it's just one essay y'know. And I need to eat. Cuz honestly I'm pretty hungry.
But I keep thinking about what I did, and how I could've done so much better. I feel like such a fool.
Such a fucking fool.
And now my thoughts are spiraling, how I should either dropout of college (again btw) or kill myself ! Damn bro. Chill for a second.
And I have been eating less. Too less in fact. That's how I've been able to lose weight. So eating even less each time feels like a sickly accomplishment somehow. And I keep weighing myself everyday, morning and night. Sometimes 10 times a day. And all I want is for the number to get lower. It's so sick I should stop but I don't know how. And I feel so embarrassed and ashamed, I haven't told anyone about this.
I need to lose more weight, I NEED to lose more weight. Keeps on replay, and I work even harder to not eat. It's a game of being unworthy of basic human needs. I am starving myself to death. I know that.
And now I am punishing myself by not eating anything at all because of a fucking essay. Why do I keep doing this. What am I even trying to achieve with this. I keep feeling sick and nauseated and it's so bad and I keep taking pills for headaches and I just feel so... stupid
But I need to see me getting skinnier. I feel proud. And there was a time when this happened before too, when I was 18-19. I was so skinny back then and I did not eat.
And now it's happening again and I can't remember how I stopped the first time.
I don't want to feel sick all the time. I don't want to keep looking at the scale. I don't want to think I have to deserve food.
I don't want to die.
But I want this to be over. So much. And I know it's not the end of the fucking world but why, why does it feel like this all the time. Why can't I be normal, and have normal thoughts, and behave normally, and just be fucking ok for once.
I was doing so well... How did I end up like this again.
When will this ever stop ?
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mocacheezy · 2 years
Moca watches: TF Earthspark
🚗 🚗 🚗 🚗 🚗 🚗 🚗 🚗 🚗 🚗 🚗 🚗 🚗 🚗 🚗
(ep. 11 -14)
Ep. 11 - Hashtag: Oops
Hashtag pointing out that the barn is the only spot that has WiFi before running after Twitch made me chuckle. Nice to see the problems from the first first episode with Robby remains the same XD
I love the way the root mode changes, she looks so pretty!
NIGHTSHADE SWEETIE 😭 They did great they are so awesome just *screams*
The size difference between big sis Twitch, big bro Thrash and the other Terrans is just so cute and cool. Twitch is barely the size of Hashtag's torso 😭
I also expected Dot to freak out more over the altmode.
Also WHAT THE FUCK?!?! IS THAT STARSCREAM?! IS IT SOUNDWAVE?!?! Do these G.H.O.S.T. bitches not keep track over who got detained?!
I am just really fucking confused like WHAT IS THIS?!?!????
Ep. 12 - Outtakes
The amount of second hand embarrasment. Camera footage is hell and I stand by that.
Also Jawbreaker is... So cute and so dense and just wants a straightforward answer
Still tho he didn't have to insult Bee like that (even if he didn't mean to). His social skills will require some work
I appreciate Hashtag's enhusiasm but the second hand embarrasment for Jawbreaker is killing me
Also I am p sure that camera is either getting broken by Megs, or Elita and he will escort these two back home.
Also Optimus avoiding cleaning duty is just hilarious and I love it
Were it not for the fact it would make him sad I would die for Jawbreaker.
Elita-1 had workout routines that are too intense for Optimus. I fucking love this.
"When I feel it in my spark you'll be the first to know"
I swear this show gieves me the warm fuzzies, like there really isn't a need to choose something right away. It's just such a nice message
Ep. 13 - Missed Connection
Nightshade is a mad scientist in making
Very different interaction than what I expected but honestly? I like it. I'm all here for Dad 2.0 Wheeljack and Science Uncle Tarantulas
I also really adore the way Tarantulas is animated. His mouthpiece especially, and just movement in general is so cool
I ALSO adored the fact that I was waiting for a betrayal but there was none!
There was no "You foolish protoform I used you for my gain!". Nope, this spider is just tired and wants to live a different life. And he enjoys Nightshade's company and wants to protect them.
And he does end up protecting all of them!
Again, I did not expect this at all, but I enjoyed it immensly
Ep. 14 - Security Protocols
Twitch is so, so worried it breaks my heart
Breakdown and Bee were buddies
Also the two of them are like bros, like siblings and BREAKDOWN DID-
And the reaction of the Malto family is just heartbreaking
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bouqetofmemes · 2 years
Bro wtf
Spoilers here
"What happened?!" Y/n asked, running down the stairs and barely tripping "Where is lord Barrymore?" You all then heard a pounding on the door of the manor After it was opened, a villager came inside, breathless and looked shocked "The demon hound. The great hound is here!" Said the villager "No!" "The hound?" You all put on your coats and ran as fast as you all could to where the rest of the villagers were They were chanting the song that the old lady sang when you guys first got there "What's happening?" Sebastian asked, disturbed  "Snap out of it! What are you all doing?" Bardroy asked a woman Lighting struck and there he was, lord Barrymore, murdered Sebastian went to go investigate The villagers were asking for forgiveness and Angela passed out
Your mind was spinning, lord Barrymore dead? You all had solid evidence that he made up the demons hound, was it actually real? But he made up the demon hound to keep control, he used it to his advantage! Was he telling the truth and lies? Was he telling the truth or not? Was the demon hound real but not kill anybody and only lord Barrymore? You were shaking, it was all so confusing!  You were so confused, you didn’t notice that the itchiness on your face was pain as you scratched it harshly 
You all went back inside to try and process what was happening 
"Well, this was unfortunate, master, mistress. To think, all this happening after the case was closed. I'm sure you two are a bit annoyed." "Are you quite finished?" "Where is Angela?" "We left her resting up in her bed for now. She seems tired yes she does." "It's to pitiful to watch, the poor bird." "This village isolated itself completely from the rest of society out of fear of the demon hound's curse." "He was covered in bite wounds. Maybe the villagers are right. Maybe it really was the demon hound." "Maybe he's upset at being blamed for lord Henry's misdeeds." "Yes, maybe. For now there's only one thing we know. It wasn't human." "The hound, then."
You were waiting in bed for Ciel to get finished putting on his nightwear when Sebastian asked a question "Is something the matter?" "It's about what you said earlier-"
Ah, yes, those words that Sebastian let out, it scared you, and made you confirm most of your suspicions, suddenly, you got an idea
"Ciel, Sebastian, you know those stories about werewolves right?" Y/n asked sitting up and crawling over to the end of the bed "Yes, why?" "So, what if the demon hound could disguise as a human and be in the village during the day, then at night, it turns into a demon hound and punish the people who broke the rules?" "I guess you could be right. But there is a slim chance of that. I deem it to be a fairytale that’s all.”
"Come on, let's go, you need sleep." Ciel said, pushing you to the bed
It was the next morning, you were eating your breakfast with Ciel, mey Rin and finnian came in and complained about Angela being gone, the servants went out looking for Angela while Sebastian stay with you two.
"You know, I'm quite interested. What color is your blood?" "At any rate, it looks as if we do need to hurry now." Ciel said, drinking from his teacup  "Go out there and put on a good show from me and N/n, am I clear?" "Perfectly, my young lord."
"Come, this is no time to be playing with a puppy, Y/n wants to get things done and over with."  "Master, mistress!" "Certainly, I shall finish it off at once." The demon hound came back up but then started sniffing the air "It's smells irresistible doesn't it dog? This is what you want, right? Inukko, the treat no dog can refuse." "Dog treats?" The servants asked The dog happily jumped towards Sebastian for the treats "Look out, Sebastian!" Mey-Rin warned "There is only one way to properly train a bad dog. You must teach the creature to obey your every commend using rewards and punishments." "Firstly reward!" Sebastian jumped up in the air to bite the dogs nose, making the dog happy The servants took a couple of guesses of what Sebastian was doing "And now... punish!" Sebastian jumped up in the air once again and kicked the dog in the nose, sending him flying Sebastian was giving the dog rewards and punishments left and right "Well I suppose I did ask him to put on a good show." "And finally, a hug!" Sebastian ran up to the dog with wide opened arms and started levitating with the dog, then letting the dog go letting it hit the ground
You and Ciel walked up to the hole that Sebastian had created and told him to come up "Yes sir." You all heard rumbling and Ciel grabbed your wrist to pull you away from the water coming out of the hole
Sebastian came out of the water, talking about how it was a resort of the queen, a luxury need for the central attraction so Sebastian made the hot spring  You were just standing there, wondering how his skin tissues were doing Wait, HE HAS A NAKED MAN IN HIS ARMS, WHO IS THAT? "If I couldn't find a hot spring or two for my master and mistress, well then what kind of butler would I be? The idea simply unthinkable." The naked man started licking Sebastian's face happily, making Mey-Rin bleed and blush "Pluto!" Angela yelled, running for the man and the man running in an.. animalistic way?
"I'm sorry for the confusion, this is Pluto. I found him last month. I've always been a big dog lover, and he was so adorable I absolutely had to take him in." "Adorable?" The two servants asked each other "He does kind of have a bad habit of turning human when he gets excited." Bardroy lost his rocks and started yelling while Sebastian asked Angela a question "I beg you sir, please take him with you. I know it's an imposition, but would you bring him to live at the Phantomhive manor?" Bardroy called the man a monster, resulting in you hitting his arm "He needs a firm hand. I think if Sebastian were there to train him, he would become a good dog." "No, thank you. I'm a butler, not one hell of a dog trainer." "Why not? I'm sure Y/n would like to play with him in his dog form when I'm busy" "Master, is this an order?" Sebastian asked, glaring at Ciel  "It is I think I'll find it amusing in several ways."
"... rate, our work here is done." "I seem to recall you were forced to eat your words earlier. Would you like to say it again now that it's true?" "Why don't you do it for us?" "This case is now officially closed." Sebastian said proudly 
You and Ciel were now bathing in a hot spring, relaxing after the long day. "Excellent, this is just perfect." "Allow me, sir. Traditional hot springs service. You see my lord, this is how the Japanese enjoy hot springs." Sebastian drifted a try with cookies and tea towards you and Ciel, Ciel grabbing his tea cup first and you grabbing the cookies "It is a nice addition." Ciel and Sebastian were talking about worries when Pluto came inside of the water and started swimming like a dog and howling 
"Nice and snug, don't ever forget me, dear Pluto." Angela kissed the dog on the cheek before Bardroy started yelling to Pluto about putting clothes on
After everyone said their goodbye's you all went back home
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ritual-misery · 9 months
15-12-2023 🌋
i am soooo fucking tired of being in the closet. holy fucking shit. this is insane. i've literally been taking HRT for a year and 2 months and i'm still girlmoding because my fucking dad still lives with me and he has no clue that i'm a dude. like... my voice is deep, i'm growing facial hair, and my whole body is changing and this man looks right at me and says "girl". HELLO... and like i can't do anything about it. sometimes i have this crazy idea of coming out to him but that would be a disaster. that would end my parents' marriage faster than anything else to be honest. but for now i'm stuck. like first thing i'm doing when i'm 100% out? legal name change. i'm making it official. i'm tired of all these documents and stuff for my university having my deadname. AND I CAN'T CHANGE IT. i can put in a preferred name but like say i graduate and i'm still in the closet (unlikely but let's just say), what name will they put on my diploma? it's just gonna be a whole mess. i want to join clubs and teams but like i feel like there's this huge red flag when i'm giving them one name and my file says another. and my ID card is the worst cause not only is it my deadname, it's this old ass pic of me and i look like i'm five years old 💀💀💀💀 so dysphoria inducing lowkey. it's so fucking annoying. it feels like i'm so close to actually starting life; name change, top surgery, fully, truly out to everyone i know. but because of my dad it's this fucking game of tightrope where i'm half in half out and it's so embarrassing honestly because everyone SUSPECTS something is up but i still have to pretend i'm female. like everyone thinks i'm a lesbian. i don't even like women. help
like the other day i went to a birthday party and was chatting with some guy and he gendered me as male, but he got corrected because i'm still female to everyone there but my mom. so he got flustered or whatever but i'm like NO DUDE U WERE RIGHT 🫠 and he was apologetic but like... he was right. when i say everyone thinks i'm a guy i'm deadass. my passing rate is like 98% atp. but somehow my dad just doesn't see anything. or maybe he doesn't WANT to see it. either way it's fucking frustrating and to be honest i am reaching a breaking point. i can't live like this any longer. i am on T and i am very grateful because i have already made it further than many will, but this shit is driving me insane. i hate being deadnamed and i hate having to sit there and pretend i'm a girl when i'm not. i hate not being able to plan stuff for my top surgery and living with this chest that's killing me and just this overall discomfort. of course T is helping but i just really want top surgery already, i wanted it by next year and it's not looking like it'll happen and it makes me feel distraught. and this legal name shit is just making me feel like a freak of nature bro, i just want to live like a cis person, just have a normal life already. but i still have so much transition to go and it's discouraging. i'm tired of pretending i'm a girl :( i'm not. i hate being introduced as "daughter" when it's clear to everyone that i look like a cis guy and that disconnect begins. it's embarrassing for people to think i'm some really butch lesbian. no hate towards them but like it's just not who i am. and now so many people just think i'm a girl. but i'm not
i wish i was out and i could tell everyone that i'm trans and if they don't like it they can fuck off. if my dad wasn't in the picture i would've done that from the jump. or even if he was supportive. but he never will be cause he's a hypocritical bible-thumper evangelist who loves to go on about god but will act horrible towards me and my whole family. he already is uncomfortable with gay people and he'll surely be uncomfortable with me being a man. one time we went to a hardware store, and a worker gendered me male multiple times (i never corrected her), and after i left the store to go to work (we were there all day for a home reno thing), my mom told me how he firmly corrected the worker, then told my mom how he couldn't believe "she could sit there and listen to that happen". he is firmly set on me being female, and he's a headstrong dumbass. i could tell him how transition has helped me, how i was suicidal before but now i want to live, and he wouldn't give a shit. he finds out i'm doing hormones behind his back, i'm dead. and he'll be angrier at my mom for endorsing it. we're both screwed. he's got guns in the house. i'm toast if that shit comes out ngl
so now i have to sit here and wait for my mom to divorce him (she plans to, but she's been saying that for like a year and nothing's happened yet) but who knows when that'll happen. it's frustrating me and leading me to a lot of resentment for my dad. cause like... he is quite literally the ONLY person that is standing in the way of the rest of my transition kickstarting. i've thought of having top surgery behind his back, it's that bad. but that would be even worse than the hormones in terms of reaction. so what can i do? nothing. it pains me a lot. this is the first time i realized how much pain it causes me. i wish i could be myself, truly. cause right now i guess i'm in a position where i sorta can? but i can't be 100%. and it sucks ass. like dude i really, really want top surgery fuckkkk it's crazy. and the legal name change too, all my ID changing, getting a male gender marker. but it seems so far away. i guess i wouldn't really know what his true reaction would be unless i told him? but that is a can of worms that once spilt, can never be unspilt. there will be a before and an after, and idk what that after will look like. i wish i could see into the future but there's no such thing. there's only the now; and the future is one with it. they happen simultaneously
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" Bro! You're talkin' to a guy who deals with that shit on the fuckin' weekly. I can still get as pissed off as the next motherfucker and go all eye-for-an-eye on somebody. But getting stabbed, shot at, set on fire, run over, and so on as much as I have gets tiring. If I manage t' make it to my 50s and my body doesn't look like a mangled mess, either I'm lucky as all hell or just built different. "
For as much complaining as the Boss may be doing right now, he very much still has that dog in him. That will never change. You can attack him with practically everything you've got. But if this son of a bitch is still breathing, then brother, you are SURELY fucked.
" If you wanna test that then by all means. I'm sure it's gonna be real humiliating getting your ass whopped by a guy with a fucked up leg. Hahahaha! " Well at least his sense of humor is back.
@enjomo // Continued from here
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gioelline · 2 years
Aye! aye!
Teach me how to dougie (aye!)
They be like smooth (what?)
Can you teach me how to dougie?
You know why?
Cause all da bitches love me (aye)
All I need is a beat that's super bumpin'
And for you, you, you to back it up and dougie!
Put your arms out front, lean side to side
They gonna be on you when they see you hit dat dougie right?
Ain't nobody fuckin' with my bro from Morningside
He go by Bubba and he hit dat dance like thunder
I ain't from Dallas but I D-town boogie
I show my moves off now everybody tryna do me
I leave da functions and all the ladies tryna screw me
Now you just do you and I'm a do me (all day)
Niggas love to hate so they try to shoot me
Bitches be stuck to me I think they tryna glue me
I make the party shine bright when it start to gloomin'
This beat was bubblegum so I had to chew it
Teach me how to dougie
T-teach me how to dougie
Teach me how to dougie
T-teach me how to dougie
All my bitches love me
All my, all my bitches love me
All my bitches love me
You ain't fuckin' with my dougie!
Teach me how to dougie
T-teach me how to dougie
Teach me how to dougie
T-teach me how to dougie
All my bitches love me
All my, all my bitches love me
All my bitches love me
You ain't fuckin' with my dougie!
The name is Young!
For them dudes who don't know me
I know I'm from the west but I can teach you how to dougie!
I step up in da club and all these bitches bug me
Only nigga dancin', none of them know me
I hear this crowd screamin' like "aye! Get it Brody!"
So I'm on my shoulders and I take it real low
They like "how he do that? " he can dougie on the floor
And when dat nigga stop they like "dougie some more!"
I'm like a nigga kinda tired so, and I pass it to the bro
M-bone, show these cats how to do dat down south dance
Dat we learned a lil' too fast and bought it to the hood
And got da whole crew ass
Teach me how to dougie
T-teach me how to dougie
Teach me how to dougie
T-teach me how to dougie
All my bitches love me
All my, all my bitches love me
All my bitches love me
You ain't fuckin' with my dougie!
Teach me how to dougie
T-teach me how to dougie
Teach me how to dougie
T-teach me how to dougie
All my bitches love me
All my, all my bitches love me
All my bitches love me
You ain't fuckin' with my dougie!
Back of the party I don't really like to boogie
I'm just tryna get bent and meet a thick red bone
(Mmm) She do her dougie and all 'dem bitches hatin'
But I'm bout to escape with a bitch and head home (fuck it)
She got her friends so it's a two man and
I wanna run it even if her legs long
She like you hubby, I think she love me but
I change the subject and I do my dougie
'Cause I don't give a fuck, blow trees, get money
Me, Smooth, Heff in the back with some playboy bunnies
We gon' make 'em do da dougie in the middle of the bed
And when I asked for some head this bitch looked at me funny (die!)
Bitch you can't tell me nothin'
Starr made the beat and I just took it out the oven
I just hit the dougie when everybody clubbin'
And I hate skinny jeans cause da burner keep rubbin!
Teach me how to dougie
T-teach me how to dougie
Teach me how to dougie
T-teach me how to dougie
All my bitches love me
All my, all my bitches love me
All my bitches love me
You ain't fuckin' with my dougie!
Teach me how to dougie
T-teach me how to dougie
Teach me how to dougie
T-teach me how to dougie
All my bitches love me
All my, all my bitches love me
All my bitches love me
You ain't fuckin' with my dougie!
All my bitches love me
All my, all my bitches love me
All my bitches love me
All my, all my bitches love me
All my bitches love me
All my, all my bitches love me
All my bitches love me
You ain't fuckin' with my dougie!
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host-club · 5 years
Me, throwing away every mirror in my home :
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can you please please write a lazy morning smut w cal where he’s tired and needy and it’s cute 😭😭
I shall give this a good ol' try!!!
SLOPPY KISSES Warnings: smut(duh lol!), oral(m receiving), begging, unprotected sex, swearing Word Count: 1,099 Summary: You and Cal finally have a day off together. Away from work, stress, and most importantly, THE BOYS. You haven't had sex in weeks and Cal's a liiiiitle desperate.
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All night, you had been tossing and turning waiting for Calum to come home. He had texted you a few hours ago, telling you that he was coming home late, again. The album was almost done and he had been staying in the studio late with the boys. You looked at the time on your phone and saw that it said 1:30AM. You finally gave up and decided to let your mind drift off to sleep.
You felt a weight on Calum's side of the bed, so you turned over to greet your sleepy boyfriend.
"Cal? What time is it?" You said half awake.
"5 o'clock..." You could tell that he was also half awake.
"Woah! What? Why are you coming in so late?"
"It's done. Babe, it's finally fucking done!" You shot up from your position in the bed and jumped into his arms, straddling him.
"You're joking!" He shook his head. He pulled you in tighter and kissed you with all the passion he could. You and Calum hadn't fucked in weeks because of the album and his schedule. He laid you down in front of him on the bed and started unbuttoning his pants. "Cal it's 5 in the morning and you haven't slept. Can't this wait until tomorrow? You finally have a day off!"
"No fuck that! I haven't tasted you in weeks." His words sent a chill down your spine. "Please babe. Let me fuck you. I need to feel you around my cock baby." And with that, you couldn't take it anymore. You wanted to feel him inside you. You needed to feel him touch you in the places you've been craving for what felt like forever.
"Fuck. Fine! But lay down. I think we should celebrate." You got up from the bed and pushed Calum by the chest so he was laying down. "I'm sure you've been feeling stressed and you deserve some help."
"Y/N..." He moaned and you hadn't even touched him yet. Calum needed your touch.
When suddenly, his phone rang. Aggravated, Calum groaned and looked at who the hell could be calling him at this hour. It was Luke.
"Dude!" Lukes voice rang through the phone.
"What?" Calum's tone had an edge. It was partly because he was exhausted, but also because his sweats were practically ripping at the seams with how hard he was. You wanted to tease him a bit, so you slipped your fingers into the hem of his boxers and teasingly pulled his sweats and boxers down in one motion. Calum's hard cock sprung back, hitting his stomach, precum already dripping from his tip.
"You disappeared! We wanted to get breakfast and celebrate." you heard Luke say, way too excited to be getting food this early in the morning. You looked up at Calum and he looked down at you. The sight of you inches from his throbbing cock made his eyes roll back. You took his shaft into your hand and licked the precum off, feeling him shudder under you.
"Mate, please. I'm way t-too tired to g-go out r-right now," he stuttered as you teased.
"Cal, no! C'mon! You can rest tomorrow!" Luke persisted. Calum looked at you again and you shook your head. You wrapped your fingers around him and began pumping him slowly. A quiet moan escaped his lips.
"Go fuck yourself mate" Cal said.
"No bro wai-"
"Good night, Luke" and he hung up the phone. You went back to stroking him, focusing a little too much on the part that drives him wild. "Oh my God, baby. Please! Please don't tease me anymore," he begged. You didn't want to give in too quickly, so you took his tip into your mouth, sucking and licking around his head. You felt him twitch, so you took his entire length into your mouth. "Fuck Y/N!" Cal took you by the hair and slowly thrusted into your mouth, hitting the back of your throat and making you gag. "Yes baby. Take it! Fuck you look so pretty around my cock." He took himself out of your mouth and sat up. "If you keep sucking me off like that, I might just cum in your mouth and I don't want that just yet."
You both strip yourselves of all your clothing and you laid down in the middle of the bed. Calum lined himself up with your dripping center and rubbed his tip on your cunt, collecting your juices. He spread your legs further and thrusted his full length into you. Giving you a second to adjust to his size because it's been a while since you've felt him inside you.
"Oh my God, Calum!" you screamed. He started moving slowly, allowing you to get used to the familiar feeling. The pain was quickly replaced with pure pleasure. "Babe, you can fuck me now. Please!"
"As you wish," he agreed. He thrusted into deeply, finding a comfortable rhythm that quickly sent you over the edge. You felt your orgasm rising and you know you wouldn't be able to last. Calum continued to thrust into you lazily. Lazily, but still hard and hitting that spot that only he could find. Calum could feel you squeeze around him and he could tell that you were close. His fingers found their way to your clit, rubbling little circles around it as you moaned in ecstasy. He continued to fuck you just like that, thrusting deeply and rubbing your clit, until his thrusts became sloppy and losing rhythm. He was about to cum too.
"Fuck Y/N! We aren't gonna last much longer," he moaned.
"That's okay," you said between moans, "Cum for me Cal! I wanna feel your cum inside me, baby." You came hard all over his cock and Calum followed shortly after. He continued to pump into you slowly, riding out your orgasm.
He laid beside you, giving you sloppy kisses along your neck and shoulder. You looked at the time and realized it was just after 6AM, the sun peaking through the dark curtains of your room. You both were utterly exhausted and full of euphoria.
"Holy shit! It's late. I think we should go to bed," you said quietly, your eyes already closed. Calum pulled you closer into his bare chest.
"Mhmm... you're gonna need your rest. We're fucking all day tomorrow." A giggle escaped your lips as Cal kissed your forehead gently. "I love you, so much Y/N"
"I love you more," you whispered. "Good night, Cal"
You shared a kiss and you both drifted off to sleep.
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